Senate Journal

Second Regular Session of the Fifty-seventh Legislature of the State of Oklahoma First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020


January 21, 2020

Governor J. Kevin Stitt State Capitol Building 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Dear Governor Stitt:

I wanted to inform you that effective Jan 31, I will be resigning from my office from the State Senate. It has been a great honor to represent the good people from District 28, and I will cherish my time serving in the Legislature. I have learned so much during my time serving the great State of Oklahoma. I appreciate the opportunity of working with you and all of our colleagues.

This decision does not come lightly, but after serving my country in the US Marines for six years and eight years in elective office, I believe it is the right time and opportunity to enter back into the business world.

I will be named Senior Account Manager for the Motorola Solutions Corp. and will be in charge of its Oklahoma operation. Motorola Solutions provides critical-mission technologies utilized by our first-responders, ensuring public safety across Oklahoma and the country. My experience in public office but also as a Marine makes it a great fit and an opportunity to continue improving our communities.

Furthermore, I believe no one can understand more than you about how much time is sacrificed, and with three young children at home, these are decisions that weigh on us all.

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My time serving under leadership has provided great insight into how we can reform and make Oklahoma a better place, and I wish you the best sailing in all your endeavors. More importantly, thank you for your service to the State of Oklahoma and your family’s service to the State as well.

Thank you, /s/ Senator Jason N. Smalley

Pursuant to Article V, Section 26, of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma, the Senate of the Second Session of the Fifty-seventh Legislature assembled in its Chamber at 12:00 noon.

The President of the Senate, Lieutenant Governor , called the Senate to Order.

The invocation was offered by Pastor David Adair, Frontline Church, Oklahoma City, the guest of President Pro Tempore Treat.

Roll Call:

Present: Allen, Bergstrom, Bice, Boggs, Boren, Bullard, Coleman, Dahm, Daniels, David, Dossett, Dugger, Floyd, Hall, Haste, Hicks, Howard, Ikley-Freeman, Jech, Kidd, Kirt, Leewright, Matthews, McCortney, Montgomery, Murdock, Newhouse, Paxton, Pederson, Pemberton, Pugh, Quinn, Rader, Rosino, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Silk, Simpson, Standridge, Stanislawski, Stanley, Thompson, Treat, Weaver and Young.—46.

Excused: Brooks.—1.

Vacancy: District 28.—1.

President Pinnell declared a quorum present.


Senator Standridge introduced his daughter, Harper, to the Senate.


Senator David moved that the Rules of the Senate of the First Regular Session of the Fifty-seventh Legislature be adopted as the Rules for the Second Regular Session, which motion was declared adopted.

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The Senate Rules for the Fifty-seventh Legislature read as follows:




RULE 5-1. LEGISLATIVE CONDUCT ...... 9 RULE 5-2. DECORUM ...... 10 RULE 5-3. SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT ...... 10 RULE 5-4. LOBBYISTS...... 10 RULE 5-5. CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICAL STANDARDS ...... 10 RULE 6: LEGISLATION ...... 11 Chapter 1: General Provisions ...... 11 RULE 6-1. LEGISLATION ...... 11 RULE 6-2. INTRODUCTION...... 12 RULE 6-3. FORM ...... 12 RULE 6-4. RESTRICTIONS ...... 12 RULE 6-5. AUTHORS AND COAUTHORS ...... 12 RULE 6-6. DISTRIBUTION OF LEGISLATION...... 13 RULE 6-7. FINAL ACTION ...... 13 RULE 6-8. FINANCIAL IMPACT VERIFICATION ...... 13 RULE 6-9. NAMING OF STATE ASSETS...... 14 Chapter 2: Legislation Requests and Filing ...... 14 RULE 6-20. RIGHTS TO PROPOSE LEGISLATION ...... 14 RULE 6-21. SHELL BILLS PROHIBITED ...... 14 RULE 6-22. DEADLINES FOR BILLS ...... 14 RULE 6-23. COMMITTEE AUTHORSHIP OF BILLS...... 17 RULE 6-24. PENDING LEGISLATION AT ADJOURNMENT OF FIRST REGULAR SESSION ...... 17 RULE 7: COMMITTEES AND COMMITTEE PROCEDURE ...... 18 RULE 7-1. TYPES AND NUMBER ...... 18 RULE 7-2. MEMBERSHIP ...... 18 RULE 7-3. DUTIES OF THE RULES COMMITTEE ...... 19 RULE 7-4. DUTIES OF LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES ...... 19 RULE 7-5. DUTIES OF SELECT COMMITTEES ...... 19 RULE 7-6. AUTHORITY OF COMMITTEES ...... 19 RULE 7-7. PROCEDURES ...... 19 RULE 7-8. CONFERENCE COMMITTEES ...... 22 RULE 7-9. WITHDRAWAL FROM COMMITTEE ...... 22 RULE 8: FLOOR PROCEDURES ...... 23 Chapter 1: Galleries, Rights And Privileges ...... 23 RULE 8-1. PRESIDING OFFICER'S AUTHORITY ...... 23 RULE 8-2. TIME AND PLACE OF DAILY SESSIONS ...... 23 RULE 8-3. GALLERIES AND HALLWAYS ...... 24 RULE 8-4. QUORUM ...... 25 RULE 8-5. ORDER OF BUSINESS ...... 25 RULE 8-6. INTRODUCTIONS ...... 25 RULE 8-7. PRIVILEGES OF THE FLOOR ...... 25 Chapter 2: Legislative Procedure ...... 26 RULE 8-20. FIRST READING ...... 26 RULE 8-21. SECOND READING ...... 26 RULE 8-22. GENERAL ORDER...... 26 RULE 8-23. AMENDMENTS ...... 27 RULE 8-24. ADVANCEMENT ...... 29 RULE 8-25. THIRD READING...... 29 First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020 5

RULE 8-26. HOUSE AMENDMENTS ...... 29 RULE 8-27. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORTS ...... 29 RULE 8-28. FOURTH READING ...... 29 Chapter 3: Debate and Voting ...... 29 RULE 8-30. DEBATE ...... 29 RULE 8-31. MANNER OF VOTING ...... 30 RULE 8-32. RECONSIDERATION OF VOTES ...... 31 Chapter 4: Executive Nominations ...... 32 RULE 8-40. REFERRAL OF EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS ...... 32 RULE 8-41. REJECTION ...... 32 RULE 8-42. COMMITTEE REPORTS ON EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS ...... 32 Chapter 5: Committee of the Whole ...... 33 RULE 8-50. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ...... 33 RULE 8-51. REPORTS ...... 33 Chapter 6: Vetoes and Other Legislative Actions ...... 33 RULE 8-60. OVERRIDES OF VETOES ...... 33 RULE 8-61. OTHER COMMITTEE REPORTS ...... 33 RULE 8-62. CORRECTIONS TO LEGISLATION ...... 33 RULE 9: MOTIONS ...... 34 RULE 9-1. ORDER OF PRIORITY ...... 35 RULE 9-2. DEBATE ...... 35 RULE 9-3. MOTIONS TO TABLE ...... 35 RULE 9-4. PRECEDENCE ...... 35 RULE 9-5. PRIORITY OF MOTIONS NOT ENUMERATED ...... 36 RULE 9-6. WRITTEN MOTIONS OR OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS ...... 36 RULE 9-7. SUBSTITUTE MOTIONS...... 36 RULE 9-8. VOTE REQUIRED ...... 36 RULE 9-9. MOTIONS TO ADJOURN...... 36 RULE 9-10. QUORUM CALL ...... 36 RULE 9-11. CALL OF THE SENATE ...... 36 RULE 9-12. PERSONAL PRIVILEGE ...... 37 RULE 9-13. MOTION TO LIMIT DEBATE ...... 37 RULE 9-14. SUBSTITUTE RULING MOTIONS ...... 37 RULE 10: EXECUTIVE SESSIONS ...... 37 RULE 10-1. PROCEDURE AND PRIVILEGE...... 37 RULE 11: SPECIAL SESSIONS ...... 37 RULE 11-1. SPECIAL SESSIONS...... 37


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RULE 1-1. AUTHORITY AND APPLICATION. The Oklahoma State Senate hereby adopts these rules pursuant to the authority of Section 30 of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution. Upon adoption by a majority of the members of the Senate unless and until amended, the following rules shall be the rules for the conduct of business by the Senate.

RULE 1-2. PURPOSE. The purpose of the rules is to provide the members of the Senate with uniform, easily understood procedures for the conduct of business.

RULE 1-3. INTERPRETATION. When the Senate is in daily session, interpretation of the rules shall be made by the President Pro Tempore or by an elected member of the Senate designated by the President Pro Tempore as Presiding Officer pursuant to Rule 2-4; when a committee is meeting, interpretation of the rules shall be made by the Chair, or in the Chair's absence the Vice-Chair, of the committee; and at all other times interpretation of the rules shall be made by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. Such interpretations shall be final unless an appeal of a ruling is made successfully pursuant to Rule 9-14.

RULE 1-4. AMENDMENT. Any Senate Rule may be amended upon two-thirds vote of the members of the Senate.

RULE 1-5. SUSPENSION. Except as provided in subsection D C of Rule 8-30 or subsection F of Rule 8-32, any Senate Rule may be suspended upon two-thirds vote of the members of the Senate.

RULE 1-6. MASON’S MANUAL. For matters not specifically covered under the Senate Rules, the person making an interpretation of the Rules pursuant to the provisions of Rule 1-3 may apply the provisions of Mason’s Manual of Legislative Procedure.


RULE 2-1. OFFICERS. Officers of the Senate shall be:

The President, who shall be the Lieutenant Governor of the State of Oklahoma;

The President Pro Tempore, who shall be the Presiding Officer of the Senate;

Such other officers as may be designated by the Majority and Minority caucuses; provided, the Majority Caucus shall designate one officer who shall serve as acting President Pro Tempore in the event that the President Pro Tempore vacates the office on a temporary basis. If the President Pro Tempore shall vacate the office on a permanent basis, the officer so designated by the Majority Caucus shall serve as acting President Pro Tempore until such time as the Senate shall elect a new President Pro Tempore;

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The Secretary, who shall not be a member of the Senate; and

The Sergeant at Arms, who shall not be a member of the Senate. The Sergeant shall serve at the pleasure of the Senate and shall be appointed to his or her office by the Secretary of the Senate.

RULE 2-2. ELECTION. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 28 of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution, the President Pro Tempore shall be elected by a majority of the members of the Senate when the Senate convenes on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January of each odd-numbered year. The Secretary of the Senate shall be elected by a majority of the members following the election of the President Pro Tempore.

RULE 2-3. TERMS. The terms of all member officers of the Senate shall begin on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January of each odd-numbered year and such officers shall hold office until their successors are chosen or conclusion of their term of office in the Senate, whichever is earlier; provided, however, that the designee of the Majority Caucus for the office of President Pro Tempore and the designee of the Minority Caucus for the office of Minority Floor Leader shall assume the duties of and have the full authority of their respective offices on the fifteenth day following the General Election.


A. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER. The President Pro Tempore shall be the chief executive officer of the Senate and shall prescribe all policies not otherwise provided by law or by the rules.

B. PRESIDING OFFICER. The President Pro Tempore shall serve as Presiding Officer of the Senate during its daily sessions but may in writing designate other members of the Senate to serve as Presiding Officers at such times as the President Pro Tempore deems appropriate. Wherever the title “Presiding Officer” appears in the rules it shall mean the President Pro Tempore or an elected member of the Senate designated by the President Pro Tempore as Presiding Officer.

B. C. REFERRAL TO COMMITTEES. The President Pro Tempore may refer any matter concerning exercise of the Senate's discretionary powers and duties under Section 30 of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution to a standing committee or select committee, as the President Pro Tempore deems appropriate.

C. D. LEADERSHIP STAFF. The President Pro Tempore shall be entitled to employ a leadership staff, one of whom shall be designated as the “Chief of Staff.” Leadership staff shall serve at the discretion of, for such compensation pursuant to law as may be determined by, and perform such duties as prescribed by, the President Pro Tempore.

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D. E. MANDATORY AUDIT. The President Pro Tempore shall cause an audit of the Senate's expenditures to be made at least once each fiscal year.

E. F. PHYSICAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. The President Pro Tempore shall be responsible for the physical property of the Senate and for that portion of the Capitol assigned to the Senate.

F. G. SENATE LOUNGE AND ANTEROOMS. The President Pro Tempore may prescribe policies restricting the use of the Senate lounge and any rooms adjoining the lounge or the Senate chamber.

H. SAFETY AND SECURITY. The President Pro Tempore is hereby authorized to take such actions as he or she may deem necessary to ensure the safety and security of the members and staff of the Senate and the public.

RULE 2-5. DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY OF THE SENATE. The President Pro Tempore shall determine the duties to be performed for the Senate by the Secretary of the Senate. The Secretary of the Senate shall ensure all official records of the proceedings of the Senate and its committees shall be open for public inspection during regular office hours.


RULE 3-1. MEMBERSHIP OF THE SENATE. Pursuant to Section 9A of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution, the Senate shall maintain forty-eight Senate districts.

RULE 3-2. JUDGING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF ITS MEMBERS; DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS. Pursuant to the authority granted by Section 30 of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution, all the Senate shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of its own members, may punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. All questions and disputes on the elections, returns and qualifications of a person elected to the Office of Senator shall be the final jurisdiction of the Senate. A sitting member of the Senate contesting the election, returns and qualifications of a Senator or person certified by the State Election Board to serve as a Senator shall file the challenge with the Secretary of the Senate. The Senate shall dispose of all challenges or contests in an expeditious manner.

RULE 3-3. ATTENDANCE. A member of the Senate not present during the roll call of Senators shall only be marked as present if the Senator casts a vote in committee or otherwise informs the Secretary of the Senate he or she is present in person in the Senate Chamber. A member of the Senate who is absent from a daily session shall be shown as "excused."

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RULE 3-4. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS. Each member of the Senate shall be entitled to designate an executive assistant. Executive assistants shall serve at the discretion of, and perform such duties as prescribed by, the individual member of the Senate for whom employed, subject to such policies as may be established by the President Pro Tempore.


RULE 4-1. CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER. The President Pro Tempore shall designate a Chief Operating Officer to be responsible for duties not assigned to the Secretary of the Senate.

A. 1. The Chief Operating Officer, under direction of the President Pro Tempore, shall be authorized to perform routine repairs, maintenance and upkeep on that property and facilities entrusted to the Senate for upkeep and maintenance.

B. 2. The Chief Operating Officer, under direction of the President Pro Tempore, may issue credentials to representatives of the news media and may limit access to the Press Gallery to those members of the news media holding such credentials.

RULE 4-2. COMPTROLLER. The Senate shall have an employee acting as Comptroller who shall report to the Chief Operating Officer. The Comptroller shall be responsible for the issuance of all warrants and vouchers and the maintenance of an accurate account of expenditures by the Senate.

RULE 4-3. SERVICE STAFF. As authorized in Section 271 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes, which prescribes the Senate as the sole judge of the number, duties and compensation of its employees, the Chief Operating Officer, subject to the review and supervision of the President Pro Tempore, shall be authorized to employ service staff. Service staff shall be employed according to policies established by the President Pro Tempore and shall receive such compensation pursuant to law as may be determined by, and perform such duties as prescribed by, the President Pro Tempore.


RULE 5-1. LEGISLATIVE CONDUCT. Every Senator shall conduct himself or herself to justify the confidence placed in him or her by the people and, by personal example and admonition to colleagues, shall maintain the integrity and responsibility of his or her office.

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RULE 5-2. DECORUM. The decorum of members of the Senate and employees of the Senate during the daily sessions of the Senate shall be determined by the Rules of the Senate and shall be enforced by the Presiding Officer.

RULE 5-3. SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT. The use of Senate supplies and equipment is restricted to official Senate business. Questions of compliance shall be resolved by the President Pro Tempore or, at the discretion of the President Pro Tempore, the Rules Committee.

RULE 5-4. LOBBYISTS. All lobbying activities in the Senate shall be governed and regulated by law and by the Rules of the Senate.


1. A. A coat, tie and slacks or trousers shall be worn by male members and appropriate professional attire shall be worn by female members of the Senate and other persons granted privileges of the floor in the chamber during sessions of the Senate On the floor during session, appropriate business professional attire, including a suit jacket/blazer, shall be worn by all members of the Senate and other persons granted privileges of the floor, unless otherwise authorized by the President Pro Tempore or Majority Floor Leader. Male members shall wear a tie. Jeans are not considered appropriate business professional attire.

2. B. Complaints pertaining to employees should be made to the proper authority rather than to the individual. Under no circumstances should complaints pertaining to employees be made on the floor of the Senate, in committee meetings or in other public forums.

3. C. On the floor during session and in committee, members should endeavor to be congenial and complimentary. Members should avoid personal attacks and dealing in personalities. During public occasions away from the Capitol, members should endeavor to keep personalities out of their discussions and deal with programs, not personalities.

4. D. The consumption of alcohol is forbidden in the chamber, and any member who is in the chamber in an intoxicated state will be removed by security personnel.

5. E. It is beneath the dignity of the Senate for members to consume food products in the chamber. Beverages may be consumed from cups of a solid color, and no larger than twenty ounces in size. Cups may reflect the seal of the state of Oklahoma but shall not include a logo.

6. F. It is beneath the dignity of the Senate for a member to sit upon a desk, or to place his or her feet upon a desk in the chamber.

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7. G. While a Senator is speaking, no Senator should enter into any disturbing private conversation or pass between the speaking Senator and the Presiding Officer. Profane, obscene, or indecent language is discouraged in the Senate and in all standing or special committees of the Senate. The use of cellular telephones, pagers or other audible electronic devices during formal Senate proceedings, either on the floor of the Senate or in committee, is discouraged. No Senator shall record or broadcast, or allow any other person to record or broadcast, any Senate floor proceedings without the express approval of the President Pro Tempore or Majority Floor Leader.

8. H. A Senator shall address other members with the title "Senator" when addressing one another during formal Senate proceedings either on the floor of the Senate or in committee.

9. I. No member shall be permitted to vote on any question unless said member is physically present on the floor of the Senate at the time the vote is taken.

10. J. The President Pro Tempore or the Majority Floor Leader shall designate those Senate employees who shall be granted privileges of the floor during any session of the Senate, said employees to be limited to those whose work requires their presence. Any member desiring to bring a guest to the floor of the Senate shall first notify the Majority Floor Leader. No such guest shall enter the chamber until privileges of the floor have been granted pursuant to Rule 8-7.

11. K. No person other than a member of the Senate shall cause materials to be distributed on each desk in the Senate chamber without first having obtained approval by the Majority Floor Leader. The sponsoring Senator will be identified. Any material so distributed shall be considered a public record from the time of such distribution.

12. L. Any member who feels that the standards of the Senate are being violated by either a member of the Senate or the staff should seek redress by submitting a complaint to the President Pro Tempore concerning the violation.


Chapter 1: General Provisions

RULE 6-1. LEGISLATION. Legislation to be considered by the Senate shall be limited to Senate Bills, Senate Joint Resolutions, Senate Concurrent Resolutions, Senate Resolutions, House Bills, House Joint Resolutions and House Concurrent Resolutions.

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RULE 6-2. INTRODUCTION. Except as may be limited by Rule 6-22, Senate Bills, Senate Joint Resolutions, Senate Concurrent Resolutions and Senate Resolutions may be introduced at any time beginning on the fifteenth day of November of each even-numbered year and ending at the time of sine die adjournment of the Second Session during the following even-numbered year. Legislation may be introduced by presentation to the Secretary of the Senate, together with as many copies as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Senate. Each Senate Bill or Resolution shall be assigned a number by the Secretary of the Senate. House Bills, House Joint Resolutions and House Concurrent Resolutions may be introduced upon receipt of a message from the House of Representatives advising passage and engrossment of the measure.

RULE 6-3. FORM. No legislation shall be introduced in the Senate, except for House Bills, House Joint Resolutions and House Concurrent Resolutions, unless that legislation shall include a Title and an Enacting or Resolving Clause.

RULE 6-4. RESTRICTIONS. Senate Concurrent Resolutions, Senate Resolutions and House Concurrent Resolutions shall be considered only for the following purposes:

A. 1. Memorializing Congress, the President of the United States, or an executive agency of the federal government;

B. 2. Communicating with another entity of state government, or a subdivision thereof;

C. 3. Expressing legislative intent;

D. 4. Expressing policies of the Senate; and

E. 5. Such other purposes specifically approved by the President Pro Tempore.

RULE 6-5. AUTHORS AND COAUTHORS. After introduction in the Senate of any bill or resolution, no Senator or Representative shall be shown or removed as author or coauthor on the face of the bill or resolution unless the Senator or Representative shall submit a written or electronic request to be so shown to the Secretary of the Senate or person designated by the Secretary of the Senate. The change in authorship shall be shown on the face of the next official version of the bill or resolution; provided, however, a printed substitute for or an electronic version of a bill or resolution may show in parentheses, and the electronic voting machine may display immediately, any author or coauthor changes that have been submitted.

While a Senate Bill, Senate Joint Resolution or Senate Concurrent Resolution is within the physical control of the Senate, the principal Senate author of the bill or resolution shall have full and complete discretion in determining who the principal House author of the bill or resolution shall be.

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RULE 6-6. DISTRIBUTION OF LEGISLATION. No legislation or amendment shall be considered by the Senate unless a copy has been distributed to the desks of all members of the Senate, or has been made available to all members electronically, on a legislative day previous to consideration of the legislation.

RULE 6-7. FINAL ACTION. If final action is such as to defeat an amendment, a bill or a resolution, no other amendment, bill or resolution having the same effect and covering the same specific or substantially similar subject matter shall be considered by the Senate during either session of the current Legislature, unless otherwise approved by the President Pro Tempore. Action constituting “final action” includes:

1. Failure of the motion “Do Pass” or “Do Pass as Amended” on a vote in a committee;

2. If a vote is taken on Third Reading or Fourth Reading and the measure fails to receive the required number of votes for passage, and a. no notice is served to reconsider the vote, b. a motion to reconsider the vote fails to prevail or expires, or c. a motion to table the motion to reconsider prevails; or

3. In the case of an amendment, if the amendment fails to receive the required number of votes for adoption or if a motion to table prevails.


A. No amendment, bill or resolution which creates or expands a requirement for insurance coverage provided to state employees by a state agency shall be considered by the Senate or any committee thereof unless such amendment, bill or resolution is accompanied by documentation of the fiscal impact of the proposal on the policyholders and the state agency. The President Pro Tempore shall prescribe procedures for such documentation to be obtained from the Office of Management and Enterprise Services or the Oklahoma Health Care Authority, as applicable.

The Chair of a committee to which a bill or resolution subject to the provisions of this subsection is assigned may request the Majority Floor Leader to suspend the provisions of paragraph 4 or 6 of subsection A or paragraph 4 or 6 of subsection B of Rule 6-22; provided, any such suspension shall not suspend or affect any of the remaining dates set forth in Rule 6-22.

B. No amendment, bill or resolution which creates a direct fiscal impact on state tax revenues shall be considered by the Senate or any committee thereof unless such amendment, bill or resolution is accompanied by documentation of the fiscal impact of such

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amendment, bill or resolution. The President Pro Tempore shall prescribe procedures for such documentation to be obtained from the Oklahoma Tax Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 118 of Title 68 of the Oklahoma Statutes, or from another source as designated by the President Pro Tempore.

C. No amendment, bill or resolution affecting a retirement system, as such term is defined in the Oklahoma Pension Legislation Actuarial Analysis Act, shall be considered by the Senate or any committee thereof unless such amendment, bill or resolution has been submitted to the legislative actuary as provided in the Act, at the direction of the chair of the committee to which such legislation is referred.

RULE 6-9. NAMING OF STATE ASSETS. No amendment, bill or resolution shall be considered by the Senate or any committee thereof which names, dedicates or otherwise memorializes any highway, bridge, state asset or facility unless the persons proposed to be so honored shall have been deceased not less than three (3) years prior to consideration. The prohibition in this rule shall not apply to the naming of highways and bridges on the state highway system designed to honor members of the United States Armed Forces, members of law enforcement or firefighters fallen in the performance of their duties. The prohibition in this rule shall also not apply to the naming of highways and bridges on the state highway system designed to honor Medal of Honor recipients both living and deceased. Every amendment, bill and resolution for the dedication of any highway, bridge, other state asset or facility must specifically state the accomplishments upon which the proposal is based. Chapter 2: Legislation Requests and Filing

RULE 6-20. RIGHTS TO PROPOSE LEGISLATION. A Senator shall have the right to introduce legislation at any time without regard to any deadlines which have been placed by rule. Bills filed after the deadlines prescribed in Rule 6-22 must be subject to a change in authorship, however, as outlined in Rule 6-23.

RULE 6-21. SHELL BILLS PROHIBITED. No bill (also known as a “shell bill”) shall be filed which fails to effectuate a substantive change in policy.


A. During the First Regular Session of the 56th 57th Oklahoma Legislature, the Senate shall adhere to the following legislative procedure schedule:

1. The First Regular Session of the 56th 57th Oklahoma Legislature shall convene at twelve noon on January 3, 2017 January 8, 2019, for the purpose only of performing the duties set forth in Section 5 of Article VI of the Oklahoma Constitution and organizing pursuant to the provisions of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution, and shall recess no later than five p.m. on that same day until February 6, 2017 February 4, 2019, beginning at twelve noon.

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2. December 9, 2016 December 7, 2018, shall be the final date for requesting the drafting of bills or joint resolutions in the Senate for introduction for consideration during the First Regular Session.

3. January 19, 2017 January 17, 2019, shall be the final date for introduction of bills and joint resolutions in the Senate for consideration on the floor of the Senate during the First Regular Session. Bills and joint resolutions subsequently introduced if reported from committee, shall not be placed on the Calendar for consideration in the Senate until the first legislative day of the Second Regular Session, except as otherwise provided for in Rule 6-23.

4. March 2, 2017 February 28, 2019, shall be the final legislative day for reporting Senate bills and Senate joint resolutions from committee in the Senate. Bills and joint resolutions subsequently reported from committee shall not be placed on the Calendar for consideration in the Senate until the first legislative day of the Second Regular Session, except as otherwise provided for in Rule 6-23.

5. March 23, 2017 March 14, 2019, shall be the final legislative day for third reading and final passage of a Senate bill or Senate joint resolution in the Senate.

6. April 13, 2017 April 11, 2019, shall be the final legislative day for reporting House bills and House joint resolutions from committee in the Senate. Bills and joint resolutions subsequently reported from Committee shall not be placed on the Calendar for consideration in the Senate until the first legislative day of the Second Regular Session, except as otherwise provided for in Rule 6-23.

7. April 27, 2017 April 25, 2019, shall be the final legislative day for third reading and final passage of a House bill or a House joint resolution in the Senate.

8. The First Regular Session shall adjourn sine die not later than five p.m. on May 26, 2017 May 31, 2019.

9. Upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership of the Senate, a bill or joint resolution can be exempt from all deadline dates in the Senate.

B. During the Second Regular Session of the 56th 57th Oklahoma Legislature, the Senate shall adhere to the following legislative procedure schedule:

1. December 8, 2017 December 13, 2019, shall be the final date for requesting the drafting of bills or joint resolutions in the Senate for introduction for consideration during the Second Regular Session.

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2. January 18, 2018 January 16, 2020, shall be the final date for introduction of bills and joint resolutions in the Senate for consideration on the floor of the Senate during the Second Regular Session.

3. The Second Regular Session of the 56th 57th Oklahoma Legislature shall convene at twelve o'clock noon on February 5, 2018 February 3, 2020.

4. March 1, 2018 February 27, 2020, shall be the final legislative day for reporting Senate bills and Senate joint resolutions from committee in the Senate, except as otherwise provided for in Rule 6-23.

5. March 22, 2018 March 12, 2020, shall be the final legislative day for third reading and final passage of a Senate bill or a Senate joint resolution in the Senate.

6. April 12, 2018 April 9, 2020, shall be the final legislative day for reporting a House bill or a House joint resolution from committee in the Senate, except as otherwise provided for in Rule 6-23.

7. April 26, 2018 April 23, 2020, shall be the final legislative day for third reading and final passage of a House bill or a House joint resolution in the Senate.

8. The Second Regular Session shall adjourn sine die not later than five p.m. on May 25, 2018 May 29, 2020.

9. Upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership of the Senate, a bill or joint resolution can be exempt from all deadline dates in the Senate.

C. This rule shall be inapplicable to any:

1. Joint resolution introduced for the purpose of disapproving or approving agency rules pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act as set forth in Section 250 et seq. of Title 75 of the Oklahoma Statutes, or for the purpose of disapproving or approving standards adopted by the State Board of Education as set forth in Section 11-103.6a-1 of Title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes;

2. Bill introduced for the purposes of incorporation and merging different versions of a statute amended in more than one measure at the same or different sessions of the Legislature as set forth in Section 23.1 of Title 75 of the Oklahoma Statutes;

3. Bill or joint resolution introduced for the purpose of approving, disapproving, repealing or modifying rules of the Ethics Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 3 of Article XXIX of the Oklahoma Constitution;

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4. Bill or joint resolution which proposes a special or local law and for which notice of intended introduction is published in a newspaper for four consecutive weeks pursuant to the provisions of Section 32 of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution;

5. Bill or joint resolution authored by the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the House Appropriations and Budget Committee which affects the receipt, expenditure or budgeting of state funds or funds under the control of an entity created by state law;

6. Bill or joint resolution authored by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives which is deemed by them to be necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; or

7. Bill or joint resolution authored by committee(s) pursuant to Rule 6-23.

D. Paragraph 2 3 of subsection A and paragraph 2 of subsection B of this rule shall be inapplicable to any bill or joint resolution which contains an “RB” number pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Pension Legislation Actuarial Analysis Act. Such measures shall be submitted to the legislative actuary not later than the date specified in such paragraphs, and may be introduced not later than the first Monday in February following such submission.


A. A member who introduces legislation after the deadlines established in Rule 6- 22 may file the legislation and upon assignment by the Majority Floor Leader to committee may ask the committee Chair to allow for the measure to be heard as a measure authored by the committee. Upon majority vote of the committee, the authorship of the measure shall be transferred to the committee from the individual Senator and the deadlines established in Rule 6-22 shall not be applicable. In the event a measure is dually assigned, each committee must agree to assume authorship for the deadlines to not apply.

B. Measures authored by committee shall be exempt from the House author requirements found in subsection G of Rule 7-7. A measure authored by a committee may be heard on General Order and passed on Third Reading without a House author. No individual members, including the original author, may co-author a measure so introduced.


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A. Any bill or joint resolution pending in the Senate at the final adjournment of the First Regular Session of the 56th 57th Oklahoma Legislature shall carry over to the Second Regular Session with the same status as if there had been no adjournment. Bills and joint resolutions pending in a Conference Committee at such time shall not carry over to the Second Regular Session of the 56th 57th Oklahoma Legislature.

B. Simple and concurrent resolutions pending in the Senate at the final adjournment of the First Regular Session of the 56th 57th Oklahoma Legislature shall not carry over for consideration during the Second Regular Session.


RULE 7-1. TYPES AND NUMBER. There shall be two types of Senate committees established by the President Pro Tempore: standing committees and select committees. The President Pro Tempore shall appoint the Chair and Vice-Chair of each standing committee and of each select committee.

The President Pro Tempore may establish, and appoint the members of, as many ad hoc subcommittees of each standing committee as the President Pro Tempore deems appropriate. There shall be as many select committees as are created by the President Pro Tempore.

RULE 7-2. MEMBERSHIP. Membership on standing committees and on select committees shall be subject to the following:

A. 1. The President Pro Tempore shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Senate, the Majority Caucus members and the Chair and Vice-Chair of each standing committee.

B. 2. The Minority Leader shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Senate, the Minority Caucus members of each standing committee, other than a Minority Caucus member who is appointed as a Chair or Vice-Chair of a committee by the President Pro Tempore.

C. 3. Membership of standing committees shall be approved by a majority vote of members of the Senate. In the event of a vacancy or extended absence of a member of the Senate, a replacement member may be appointed by the President Pro Tempore or the Minority Leader, as appropriate. Any such appointment shall be approved by a majority vote of members of the Senate.

D. 4. The President Pro Tempore shall appoint all members of select committees.

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E. 5. The President Pro Tempore and Majority Floor Leader shall each be ex-officio and voting members of all standing and select Senate committees.

RULE 7-3. DUTIES OF THE RULES COMMITTEE. The Rules Committee shall determine any policies of the Senate submitted to it by the President Pro Tempore.

RULE 7-4. DUTIES OF LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES. Each legislative committee shall be responsible for the formulation of legislative programs and determination of non- legislative matters within the jurisdiction prescribed by the President Pro Tempore; shall inquire into the administration and execution of all laws and administrative rules within the same jurisdiction; shall consider such proposals as may be submitted to the committee by the President Pro Tempore; and shall be responsible for the continuing codification of all laws within the prescribed jurisdiction.

RULE 7-5. DUTIES OF SELECT COMMITTEES. Select committees shall be responsible for such duties as are prescribed at the time of their formation. No select committee shall be formed without its duties being expressly stated at the time of its formation. If a select committee is appointed for the purpose of conducting an investigation, the Senator requesting the investigation shall not serve as Chair of the committee.

RULE 7-6. AUTHORITY OF COMMITTEES. Any Senate committee is authorized to issue process, compel attendance of witnesses, and to administer oaths to any person appearing before the committee. Any Senate committee which considers legislation is empowered to consolidate bills or resolutions, to develop committee substitutes for such bills or resolutions, to amend such bills or resolutions and to develop a committee bill or resolution irrespective of any other legislation.

RULE 7-7. PROCEDURES. The following procedures shall be observed by all legislative committees of the Senate:

A. MEETING NOTICES. Subject to such exceptions as are provided hereinafter, committees of the Senate shall comply with provisions of the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act. A copy of all notices required by said Act shall be provided to the Chief Operating Officer, who shall designate the appropriate place for such notices to be posted. The Chief Operating Officer shall cause to be posted one such notice on the bulletin board of the Senate located in a place in the Capitol accessible to the public and on the Senate web site and shall take such other actions as may be deemed appropriate to provide adequate notice to the public.

B. MEETING TIMES. The Chair of a committee shall schedule meetings of the committee. Meetings at a time other than the regularly scheduled meeting time of a committee shall not conflict with any regularly scheduled meeting of any other committee, except with the consent of the President Pro Tempore.

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C. AGENDA. The agenda for any meeting of a committee shall be set by the Chair and shall include the date, time and place of the meeting. A copy of the agenda shall be provided to members of the committee and to authors of legislation to be considered by the committee at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting unless otherwise approved by the President Pro Tempore. An agenda for a meeting scheduled to meet prior to or during the first three days of session may reflect a measure for which assignment to the committee is anticipated, and the committee may act upon the measure; provided, if the measure is not assigned to the committee during the first three days of session, any committee action on the measure taken prior to or during those days shall be of no force or effect.

D. QUORUM. A quorum shall be present when any committee votes on any matter. Any member of a committee may request a quorum call at any time the committee is meeting. A number equal to a majority of the appointed members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.

E. PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair, or in the Chair's absence the Vice-Chair, of the committee, or a designee, shall preside at meetings of the committee. No person shall address the committee unless first recognized for that purpose.

F. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS. When considering legislation or conducting other business, committees shall observe the following procedures:

1. When a legislative measure is taken up for consideration, the Senate author shall be recognized for explanation of the measure.

2. Upon prior approval given by the Chair of the committee and subject to time restraints established by the Chair, any testimony from non-members of the committee in favor and/or opposed to the measure may be given. Upon completion of the testimony, each member of the committee may put questions to those testifying before the committee. No testimony shall be given unless questions are made available to the members of the committee.

3. The Senate author shall be given the opportunity to answer questions put by members of the committee.

4. The Senate author or any member of the committee shall be provided the opportunity for presentation of amendments to the legislation. Amendments to any bill or resolution under consideration by a committee or subcommittee shall be germane to the subject of the introduced bill or resolution. Any amendment must be seconded to receive further consideration. Provided, the Senate author or any member of the committee offering a committee substitute must submit the proposed committee substitute in writing or electronically to the Chair no later than noon on

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the legislative day before the meeting of the committee. The Chair may, at his or her discretion, waive the deadline set forth in this rule. When a committee substitute is submitted, the Chair may approve the substitute to be heard by the committee and the committee substitute shall be considered a public record from the time of such approval.

5. Amendments and motions may be adopted by a voice vote; provided, however, that the Senate author, or any member of the committee, may require a roll call vote.

6. Amendments shall be considered in the order they appear in the legislation, or in the order they are presented to the clerk of the committee; provided, an amendment to restore the title or enacting clause shall be considered after disposition of all other amendments. The Chair or other member presiding shall resolve any conflict resulting from claimed priority of presentation.

7. If an amendment to strike the title or enacting clause is approved by the committee, the emergency clause, if any, shall also be stricken.

8. The author of an amendment shall explain the amendment and be afforded the opportunity to answer questions about the amendment put by members of the committee or the author of the legislation.

9. Any member may be recognized for debate or comment on the proposed legislation or amendments thereto. Debate may be limited at the discretion of the Chair or other member presiding, provided that equal time must be given to both proponent and opponent sides of debate.

10. The legislation may be laid on the table at the request of the author or at his or her discretion without a vote of the committee to do so. The legislation may be brought back up later in the same or subsequent meetings of the committee provided it is listed on the agenda in compliance with this rule. If the legislation is brought up at a subsequent meeting, consideration of the legislation will recommence with explanation of the measure.

11. The vote on a recommendation by the committee to the Senate concerning a legislative measure shall be by recorded roll call and shall require a majority vote of the members of the committee present and voting, which shall not be less than a quorum, for passage. The only permitted recommendations to the Senate on a legislative measure are “DO PASS” or “DO PASS, AS AMENDED”. During any roll call, only a Senator present in the committee room may vote, and every Senator present shall vote. The chair shall request every Senator in the committee room

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who is a member of the committee and who has not voted to vote. If any Senator so requested fails to vote, other than as provided in Section 24 of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution, the chair shall, upon declaring the roll, order that said Senator be shown as voting "NO" on the question. Said "NO" vote shall be included in the determination of the passage or failure of the question.. If a Senator is present but not voting as provided in Section 24 of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution, the Senator shall so inform the chair. In such event, the Senator shall be deemed to be present but not voting, and that Senator's vote shall not be included in the determination of the passage or failure of the question. A tie vote in a committee on the motion of “DO PASS” or “DO PASS, AS AMENDED” shall result in failure of the motion. All committee votes reflecting the votes of each member present and voting on the motion of “DO PASS” or “DO PASS, AS AMENDED”, and a notation of any member not voting as provided in Section 24 of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution, shall be entered in the Journal.

G. LEGISLATION REQUIREMENTS. Except for legislation containing appropriations, all legislation originating in the Senate which is considered by a Senate committee shall contain an Enacting or Resolving Clause, and a House author at the discretion of the Chair.

H. SUBCOMMITTEEES. The Chair may assign to any subcommittee any legislation, proposal or inquiry; provided, however, no subcommittee shall be permitted to report directly to the Senate, but rather shall report to the parent committee.

I. DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS. No person shall cause materials to be distributed at any committee meeting without first having obtained approval of the Chair. The person causing the materials to be distributed shall be identified in writing on the face of such materials. Any document or other material distributed to all members of a committee of the Senate during a meeting which is open to the public shall be considered a public record from the time of such distribution.

RULE 7-8. CONFERENCE COMMITTEES. The President Pro Tempore shall appoint members of the Senate to serve on conference committees with members of the House of Representatives at such times and in such numbers as the President Pro Tempore deems appropriate.

RULE 7-9. WITHDRAWAL FROM COMMITTEE. Any bill or resolution may be withdrawn from any committee of the Senate upon a two-thirds vote of the members of the Senate. Any bill or resolution so withdrawn shall be on General Order. The provisions of this rule shall not prevent a bill or resolution from being reassigned from one committee to another, from being assigned directly to the calendar, or from being double-assigned as provided in Rule 8-21.

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RULE 8: FLOOR PROCEDURES Chapter 1: Galleries, Rights and Privileges


A. The Presiding Officer shall maintain order in the Senate. No Senator or other person shall be permitted to address the Senate without first having been recognized by the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer may require a Senator to disclose the purpose of a request for recognition prior to acting upon such request. The Presiding Officer shall immediately recognize the Majority Floor Leader at his or her request notwithstanding the previous request of any other Senator, but otherwise may exercise discretion in granting recognition when more than one Senator seeks recognition.

B. If any Senator or other person permitted to address the Senate, in speaking or otherwise, in the opinion of the Presiding Officer transgresses the rules of the Senate, the Presiding Officer shall, either on his or her own motion or at the request of any other Senator, call him or her to order; and when a Senator shall be called to order he or she shall take his or her seat, and may not proceed without leave of the Senate, which, if granted, shall be upon motion that he or she be allowed to proceed in order, which motion shall be determined without debate. Any Senator directed by the Presiding Officer to take his or her seat, and any Senator requesting the Presiding Officer to require a Senator to take his or her seat, may offer a substitute ruling as provided in Rule 9-14.


A. On the first Tuesday following the first Monday in January of each odd numbered year, the Senate shall convene in its chamber on the fourth floor of the Capitol at twelve o'clock noon for the purposes only of performing the duties as required by Section 5 of Article VI of the Oklahoma Constitution and organizing pursuant to the provisions of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution and shall recess not later than five o'clock p.m. of that same day until the following first Monday in February of the same year, beginning at twelve o'clock noon.

B. On the first Monday in February of each year, the Senate shall convene in its chamber on the fourth floor of the Capitol at twelve o'clock noon. Thereafter, the Senate shall meet in daily sessions as necessary in the chamber until sine die adjournment. The time of each daily session shall be announced on the preceding legislative day; provided, however, that in the event no such announcement is made, the Senate shall convene at 1:30 p.m.

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C. The Senate may convene in a location other than its chamber, as designated by the President Pro Tempore and upon informing the Governor and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in the event that the President Pro Tempore determines that an unsafe condition or construction in the State Capitol, a natural disaster or national security emergency prevents the Senate from meeting in its chamber.

RULE 8-3. GALLERIES AND HALLWAYS. The following provisions shall apply with respect to use of and conduct in the Senate gallery and other public areas of the Capitol under the control of the Senate:

1. The President Pro Tempore or a designee is empowered to assign seats in the galleries of the Senate and is empowered to order the galleries and hallways of the Senate cleared to preserve order or to ensure the safety of the members of the Senate. ;

2. Firearms and weapons are allowed on the Senate floor, in the gallery, or in any Senate area with permission of the Secretary of the Senate. Conduct in the galleries of the Senate shall conform to the following: ;

1. 3. No food, or drink, signs, placards, noisemakers, flash cameras or any other item which might cause distraction or disturb the decorum of the Senate shall be allowed in the galleries;

4. No signs shall be allowed in the gallery or committee rooms. No displays which might cause distraction or disturb the decorum of the Senate shall be allowed in the gallery or committee rooms;

5. No cameras or other recording equipment which might cause distraction or disturb the decorum of the Senate shall be allowed in the gallery;

2. Applause shall not be permitted 6. Audible expressions of approval or disapproval or other outbursts in the gallery or committee rooms shall not be permitted.

3. 7. Articles carried by visitors may be required to be checked at the door to the galleries or committee rooms by a Senate employee; and

4. 8. Visitors in the galleries, committee rooms and other areas of the Capitol under the control of the Senate shall be required to conduct themselves with dignity and in an orderly fashion.

Whenever a violation of the provisions of this section occurs, it shall be the duty of the Presiding Officer to enforce order on his or her own initiative and without any point of order being made by a Senator.

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RULE 8-4. QUORUM. No business of the Senate shall be conducted without a quorum of its members being in attendance, other than a motion to adjourn, adjourn to a time certain, or operate under call of the Senate pursuant to Rule 9-11, made by the President Pro Tempore or a member designated by the President Pro Tempore. A majority of the members elected to the Senate shall constitute a quorum.

RULE 8-5. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The Order of Business for each daily session of the Senate shall be determined by the Majority Floor Leader and shall include:

Prayer Executive Nominations General Order Third Reading House Amendments to Senate Bills and Resolutions Conference Committee Reports Fourth Reading Committee Reports Second Reading First Reading Communications Other Business

No business shall be considered by the Senate during the daily session unless it has been approved by the Majority Floor Leader or the President Pro Tempore or unless it is otherwise specifically allowed under the Senate rules.

RULE 8-6. INTRODUCTIONS. No persons shall be introduced individually in the galleries, except that a member of the Senate may introduce family members. It shall also be permissible to introduce officials from other states and countries or other persons approved in advance by the Majority Floor Leader.


A. No person shall be permitted in the Senate chamber or the lobbies at the front or rear of the chamber during the daily sessions of the Senate except:

1. Members, the Secretary of the Senate and former members of the Senate;

2. Employees of the Senate designated by the President Pro Tempore;

3. Members of the House of Representatives;

4. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor and former Governors and former Lieutenant Governors;

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5. Spouses, children and grandchildren of members of the Senate; and

6. Any person who is permitted on the floor by a majority vote of those present.

B. Provided, however, that the above privileges shall exclude any person registered as a lobbyist as provided by law.

C. All persons permitted in the Senate chamber during the daily sessions of the Senate shall conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of Rule 5-5.

D. No person other than those specified in this rule shall be permitted in the Senate Lounge, unless accompanied by a member of the Senate.

E. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A of this rule, the Majority Floor Leader may prohibit any person other than a member of the Senate from entering the Senate chamber or the lobbies at the front or rear of the chamber during the daily sessions of the Senate. Chapter 2: Legislative Procedure

RULE 8-20. FIRST READING. A bill or resolution shall be considered introduced upon First Reading and shall automatically be advanced to Second Reading.

RULE 8-21. SECOND READING. The Second Reading of a bill or resolution shall occur the next legislative day following the First Reading. Upon or after Second Reading of a bill or resolution, the same shall be assigned for committee consideration or assigned directly to the calendar. All bills carrying appropriations which are referred to any committee other than the Appropriations Committee shall, immediately upon a report by the committee to which referred, be referred to the Appropriations Committee. Any bill or resolution which is determined to affect the receipt, expenditure or budgeting of state funds or funds under the control of an entity created by state law may be double-assigned to a committee other than the Appropriations Committee or the Finance Committee and then to the Appropriations Committee or Finance Committee.



1. All bills and resolutions reported by a committee of the Senate or referred directly to the calendar shall be placed on General Order.

2. When a committee report is filed, the clerk shall indicate on the face of the report the date and time the report was filed.

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3. A bill or resolution reported from committee shall be placed on General Order at the beginning of the second legislative day following the legislative day that a committee report is filed.

4. Bills and resolutions referred directly to the calendar shall be placed on General Order at the beginning of the legislative day following the day of such referral.

5. A list of bills and resolutions on General Order, including a copy of the text of such bills and resolutions and the date such bills and resolutions were placed on General Order, shall be published electronically and made available each legislative day to all members of the Senate.

6. To allow opportunity for amendment under Rule 8-23, no bill may be heard until it has been on General Order for a period of at least one (1) legislative day.

7. No bill or joint resolution shall be considered on the Senate floor without a House author.

B. ORDER OF CONSIDERATION OF LEGISLATION. The Majority Floor Leader, or a designee, shall determine the order in which legislation is considered by the Senate. Nothing in this section nor these rules shall be construed as to guarantee a right to a hearing on any legislation.

C. CONSIDERATION OF MEASURES ON GENERAL ORDER. On General Order, the following procedure shall be observed:

1. Explanation of the bill or resolution by the Senate author;

2. Questions;

3. Consideration of amendments; and

4. Advancement from General Order to Engrossment and Third Reading.


A. Amendments to bills or resolutions shall be in writing and shall be considered only if submitted at least one (1) legislative day prior to consideration on General Order.

B. The Senate shall not consider any proposed amendment not germane to the subject of the bill or resolution. A secondary amendment must be germane to both the primary amendment and the measure which it purports to amend.

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C. If an amendment to strike the title or enacting clause is approved, the emergency clause, if any, shall also be stricken. If an amendment to restore the title or enacting clause is approved, the emergency clause, if any, shall also be restored unless otherwise directed by the author of the amendment.

D. If any amendment to a bill or resolution is filed as provided in this subsection, a copy of the text of such amendment shall be provided or made available electronically to each member of the Senate.

E. The provisions of subsection A of this rule shall not apply to an amendment offered by the author of a bill or resolution:

1. To strike the title or enacting or resolving clause; or

2. For any other purpose, subject to the approval of the Majority Floor Leader.

F. 1. Amendments shall be considered in the order in which they are submitted unless otherwise directed by the Majority Floor Leader; provided, a floor substitute offered by the author of the measure shall be considered first, and an amendment to restore a title or enacting or resolving clause shall be considered after disposition of all other amendments. If a floor substitute is adopted, the Secretary of the Senate shall conform previously submitted amendments to the measure to the floor substitute, if practicable.

2. Once an amendment is read, it shall be explained by its author, who may then answer questions concerning the amendment. If the author of the amendment is not in attendance at the time an amendment is read, the amendment shall be considered withdrawn unless another member of the Senate coauthors the amendment and provides an explanation.

3. An amendment shall be considered a public record from the time it is placed upon the clerk’s desk.

G. After the final vote on third reading of any bill or joint resolution, no amendment to the measure shall be considered, by unanimous consent or otherwise, unless the final vote and advancement of the measure are properly reconsidered according to the Senate Rules.

H. For any bill which has been recommended to the full Senate by a Senate committee with a stricken title or enacting clause, the title or enacting clause shall not be restored as part of any other amendment, but an amendment to restore the title or enacting clause may be considered separately.

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RULE 8-24. ADVANCEMENT. Once a motion to advance has been adopted, the bill or resolution shall be considered engrossed and on Third Reading.

RULE 8-25. THIRD READING. Upon Third Reading of a bill or resolution, the Senate shall not consider amendments, but shall debate passage of the bill or resolution and then vote upon passage.

RULE 8-26. HOUSE AMENDMENTS. Upon receipt of House amendments to Senate bills or resolutions, the Senate author shall make a motion either to accept the amendments, in which case a successful vote on the motion shall automatically advance the bill to Fourth Reading and final passage, or to reject the amendments and request a conference with the House.


A. Any Conference Committee Report shall be considered by the Senate only when a majority of the Senate conferees and a majority of the House conferees have signed the report and only when the report is limited to matters germane to the bill or resolution.

If the Senate adopts a Conference Committee Report, the bill or resolution shall be before the Senate for Fourth Reading and final passage. If the Senate rejects a Conference Committee Report or a motion to adopt the report fails, the bill or resolution shall be returned to the conference committee. Upon a report by the Senate conferees that the conferees cannot agree, the bill or resolution reverts to its former status of consideration of House Amendments to Senate bills or resolutions.

B. The conference committee report proposed by the Senate author of a measure considered by the General Conference Committee on Appropriations may not be amended during the committee meeting at which the measure is considered.

RULE 8-28. FOURTH READING. Upon Fourth Reading of a bill or resolution, debate shall be in order on final passage of the bill or resolution, after which the vote shall occur on final passage. After final passage of a bill or resolution, it shall be signed by the Presiding Officer in open session. Chapter 3: Debate and Voting


A. When a Senator desires to speak, he or she shall rise and address the Presiding Officer, and shall not proceed until recognized, and the Presiding Officer shall recognize the Senator who shall first address the Presiding Officer. No Senator shall interrupt another

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Senator in debate without his or her consent, and to obtain such consent shall first address the Presiding Officer, and no Senator shall speak more than twice upon any one question in debate on the same legislative day without leave of the Senate, which shall be determined without debate.

B. No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.

C. Whenever demonstrations of approval or disapproval are indulged in by the occupants of the galleries, it shall be the duty of the Presiding Officer to enforce order on his or her own initiative and without any point of order being made by a Senator.

D. No Senator shall introduce to or bring to the attention of the Senate during its sessions any occupant in the galleries of the Senate other than those allowed pursuant to Rule 8-6. No motion to suspend this rule shall be in order, nor may the Presiding Officer entertain any request to suspend it by unanimous consent.

E. D. If any Senator, in speaking or otherwise, in the opinion of the Presiding Officer transgresses the rules of the Senate, the Presiding Officer shall, either on his or her own motion or at the request of any other Senator, call him or her to order; and when a Senator shall be called to order he or she shall take his or her seat, and may not proceed without leave of the Senate, which, if granted, shall be upon motion that he or she be allowed to proceed in order, which motion shall be determined without debate. Any Senator directed by the Presiding Officer to take his or her seat, and any Senator requesting the Presiding Officer to require a Senator to take his or her seat, may offer a substitute ruling as provided in Rule 9-14.

RULE 8-31. MANNER OF VOTING. All votes of the Senate shall be by voice vote, division or roll call vote subject to the following:

A. The voting machine shall be used to record the vote whenever a roll call vote is taken on any question. The machine shall also be used to determine the presence or absence of a quorum. In the event the machine is not operating properly, all roll call votes and determinations of quorums may be taken by calling the roll. The voting machine shall be under the control of the Presiding Officer and shall be operated by a clerk designated by the Presiding Officer.

B. During any roll call, only a Senator present on the Senate floor may vote, and every Senator present shall vote. During a roll call, the Presiding Officer shall request every Senator in the chamber who has not voted to vote. If any Senator so requested fails

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to vote, the Presiding Officer shall, upon declaring the roll, order that said Senator be shown as voting "NO" on the question. Said order shall be printed in the Journal directly following the printing of the results of the roll call as reflected by the voting machine, and said "NO" vote shall be included in the determination of the passage or failure of the question. In all other cases, a Senator who fails to vote shall be shown as "excused" in the Journal, except as provided in Section 24 of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution.

C. On any question for which a roll call vote is not required, a roll call vote shall be in order only if requested before the question is put. Once the question has been put and a voice vote taken, the Presiding Officer shall state the side that appears to the Presiding Officer to have prevailed, and any member then may request a division, but shall not be entitled to request a roll call vote. The declaration of the vote by the Presiding Officer shall be final.

D. No Senator shall be permitted to vote or change a vote after the result has been announced by the Presiding Officer.

E. If a member's voting machine is inoperative, the member shall rise and advise the Presiding Officer of the malfunction; and the Senator will be permitted to verbally vote on the question; and the vote will then be recorded by the clerk.

F. When a division is called for, those voting in the affirmative shall rise at their seats and remain standing until counted; then those voting in the negative shall rise and stand until they are counted, whereupon the Presiding Officer shall declare the result.

RULE 8-32. RECONSIDERATION OF VOTES. The final vote on Third Reading or Fourth Reading of any bill or joint resolution or on the emergency clause or special election feature or other special feature of any bill or joint resolution may be reconsidered only if a member of the Senate serves notice before any other business is considered by the Senate. Once such notice is served, the following procedures shall be observed:

A. 1. In anticipation of the closing days of a regular session or a deadline for third reading and final passage of a measure in the Senate, a majority of the members of the Senate may vote that all motions to reconsider made thereafter shall be disposed of on the same day such notice is served, or disposed of immediately on the last Friday in May, or an earlier day set for sine die adjournment pursuant to the provisions of Rule 9-9 no later than the day of such deadline or the day set for sine die adjournment.

B. 2. Except as heretofore provided, the member serving notice for reconsideration shall not be permitted to make the motion to reconsider on the day notice is served, but shall have the exclusive right to make such a motion on the day notice is served and the next two succeeding legislative days; provided, that on the third succeeding legislative day, any member of the Senate shall have the right to make such a motion. If no such motion is made on the third succeeding legislative day, then no reconsideration shall be permitted.

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C. 3. If the Senate refuses to reconsider or if, upon reconsideration, affirms the first decision, no further consideration shall be in order.

D. 4. For adoption, a motion to reconsider the final vote on a bill or resolution or on the emergency clause or special election feature or other special feature must be approved by a majority of the members of the Senate.

E. 5. A motion to reconsider any other action by the Senate must be made by a Senator who voted on the prevailing side before any other business is considered by the Senate and shall be disposed of on the same day it is lodged. The motion to reconsider shall be decided by a majority of those voting on the question.

F. 6. It shall not be in order for the Senate, by suspension of the Rules or by any other means, to reconsider in the Second Regular Session of a Legislature the vote by which any bill or joint resolution was defeated in the First Regular Session. Chapter 4: Executive Nominations

RULE 8-40. REFERRAL OF EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS. When Executive Nominations shall be made by the Governor or other appointing authority to the Senate, said nominations shall be referred for consideration to the standing committee which has in its jurisdiction the entity to which the nomination relates. Nominations shall be made by the Governor or other appointing authority to the Senate no later than May 1 of any year in order to be considered by the full Senate that year.

RULE 8-41. REJECTION. No person whose nomination has been rejected by the Senate shall be eligible to be later confirmed by the Senate during the same session for appointment to the same position. If an executive nomination is not approved during the regular session in which it is submitted, it shall be deemed rejected. If an interim executive nomination is not approved during the first regular session following its submission it shall be deemed rejected. The President Pro Tempore shall notify the appointing authority of the rejection of an executive nomination by the Senate, and shall likewise notify the chief executive of the entity to which the nomination relates.

RULE 8-42. COMMITTEE REPORTS ON EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS. Committee reports on Executive Nominations may be combined by the Majority Floor Leader for consideration by the Senate. At the request of any member, however, a nominee shall be separated from the combined report and considered individually by the Senate. A majority vote of the members of the Senate shall be required for adoption of a combined report.

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Chapter 5: Committee of the Whole

RULE 8-50. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. Without prior notice, the Senate may, by motion approved by a majority of the members of the Senate, declare itself a Committee of the Whole, at which time the President Pro Tempore or a member designated by the President Pro Tempore shall chair the Committee of the Whole. Rules applicable to other Senate committees shall be applied to the Committee of the Whole, except those rules relating to notice.

RULE 8-51. REPORTS. Once the Committee of the Whole has reported a bill or resolution “DO PASS“ or “DO PASS, AS AMENDED“, to the Senate, that bill or resolution shall be considered on Third Reading and shall be voted upon without consideration of amendments or debate. Chapter 6: Vetoes and Other Legislative Actions

RULE 8-60. OVERRIDES OF VETOES. When a bill or resolution is returned to the Senate because of veto by the Governor, a motion that the vetoed legislation become law the Governor’s objections notwithstanding shall be in order at any time.

RULE 8-61. OTHER COMMITTEE REPORTS. Committee reports on matters other than legislation or Executive Nominations shall be filed with the Secretary of the Senate and explained by the Chair of the committee making the report, whereupon the Senate may consider any action called for in the report.


A. The Title of a bill or resolution shall be made to conform to the text, unless the same has been ordered stricken. A stricken title shall be shown in brackets. The ballot title of a bill or resolution proposing a state question shall be made to conform to the text. The Enacting Clause shall be a part of every bill unless the same shall have been ordered stricken. A stricken Enacting Clause shall be shown by striking through the words of the Enacting Clause. If the title or enacting clause has been stricken, the emergency clause, if any, shall also be stricken as provided in Rules 7-7 and 8-23.

B. The Senate Service Staff is authorized to correct misspelled words, incorrect citations, typographical errors, repeated words and other similar errors when engrossing or enrolling Senate bills or joint resolutions, or Senate amendments to engrossed House bills or joint resolutions and when preparing committee reports and floor versions of Senate bills or joint resolutions.

34 Senate Journal

C. When engrossing or enrolling Senate bills or joint resolutions, or Senate amendments to engrossed House bills or joint resolutions and when preparing committee reports and floor versions of Senate bills or joint resolutions, the Senate Service Staff is authorized to:

1. Remove sections from a bill or joint resolution labeled as amendatory sections but which consist entirely of existing law and contain no amendments to the existing law;

2. Incorporate amendments to sections of law in the bill or joint resolution which are contained in measures enacted previously during the same legislative session and amending the same sections of law and repeal such previous versions of the section at issue if, in the opinion of a staff attorney designated by the Chief Operating Officer, the incorporation of such amendments and repeal of the previous version would clearly not conflict with the amendments contained in the measure at issue;

3. Modify sections of such measures which provide for a measure to become effective on July 1 or a date earlier than ninety days after the date of expected sine die adjournment to read to reflect an effective date of ninety days after the date of sine die adjournment, or to delete such sections, if the emergency clause has failed to receive the required number of votes for passage;

4. Delete sections of such measures which provide for a measure to become effective on a date prior to such engrossment or enrollment; and

5. Include a designation of the subject of an act as provided in Section 452.9 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes.

D. The Secretary of the Senate shall, at the direction of the President Pro Tempore and with the approval of the Senate author, have the authority to :

1. Correct nonsubstantive errors in the language of any bill or resolution at the time the same is engrossed or enrolled; and

2. Submit a corrected engrossed or enrolled version of legislation in the event that a version does not accurately reflect the actions of the Senate or a committee thereof.

A detailed record of all such corrections shall be maintained by the Secretary and printed in the Journal.


First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020 35

RULE 9-1. ORDER OF PRIORITY. Motions shall be considered in the following order of priority:

A. 1. To adjourn to a time certain. B. 2. To adjourn. C. 3. Substitute ruling motion. D. 4. To recess. E. 5. To operate under Call of the Senate. F. 6. To limit debate. G. 7. To advance a measure. H. 8. To accept or reject House amendments. I. 9. To adopt a Conference Committee Report. J. 10. To accept or reject a report of the Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget. K. 11. To suspend the rules. L. 12. To commit to a committee or conference committee without instructions. M. 13. To commit to a committee or conference committee with instructions. N. 14. To amend.

RULE 9-2. DEBATE. Debate shall be in order on all motions, except the following:

A. 1. To adjourn to a time certain. B. 2. To adjourn. C. 3. To recess. D. 4. To operate under Call of the Senate. E. 5. To limit debate. F. 6. To advance. G. 7. To commit to a committee without instructions. H. 8. To table. I. 9. To suspend the rules.

RULE 9-3. MOTIONS TO TABLE. Motions to table shall be in order for all motions except the following:

A. 1. To adjourn to a time certain. B. 2. To adjourn. C. 3. To recess. D. 4. To operate under Call of the Senate. E. 5. To limit debate. F. 6. To advance.

RULE 9-4. PRECEDENCE. Motions to table shall take precedence over the original motion. If successful, a motion to table shall constitute a final disposition of the original motion.

36 Senate Journal

RULE 9-5. PRIORITY OF MOTIONS NOT ENUMERATED. Except for those motions otherwise enumerated by priority, all motions shall have equal priority and shall be considered in the order made, or in the order placed on the clerk's desk.

RULE 9-6. WRITTEN MOTIONS OR OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS. The Presiding Officer may require any motion, point of order, substitute ruling, or other item of business to be in writing and placed upon the clerk's desk.

RULE 9-7. SUBSTITUTE MOTIONS. Only one substitute motion for a motion of equal priority shall be considered. Successful passage of a substitute motion shall be considered both adoption of the substitute motion in lieu of the original as well as the passage of the substitute motion. If the substitute motion fails, the original motion shall be disposed of before another motion of the same priority can be considered.

RULE 9-8. VOTE REQUIRED. Unless otherwise provided, a motion shall be declared adopted if it is approved by a majority of the members present and voting thereon.


A. ADJOURNMENT. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order except when the motion shall have been the last voted on and no business is transacted thereafter.

B. AFTER ADOPTION OF MOTION TO ADJOURN. Once a motion to adjourn when the desk is clear has been adopted, no motion shall be considered from the floor of the Senate, whether by unanimous consent or otherwise.

C. SINE DIE ADJOURNMENT. The date and time of sine die adjournment of the Senate shall be fixed by motion or resolution; provided, that once the date and time of such sine die adjournment has arrived, no further business shall be conducted by the Senate, and the Presiding Officer shall declare the Senate adjourned sine die.

RULE 9-10. QUORUM CALL. Any member of the Senate may, at any time, request the Presiding Officer to suggest the absence of a quorum. Upon such request, the Presiding Officer shall determine whether a quorum is present and no further business shall be conducted until it is determined that a quorum is present.

RULE 9-11. CALL OF THE SENATE. The Senate may, by majority vote of the members present, operate under Call of the Senate, in which case the President Pro Tempore is empowered to compel the attendance of all members of the Senate and is empowered to confine the members of the Senate to the chamber.

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020 37

RULE 9-12. PERSONAL PRIVILEGE. Personal privilege shall be granted to a member of the Senate only to permit such member to respond to a public attack on the rights, integrity or reputation of a member of the Senate, or upon the Senate collectively or any committee or employee of the Senate. Remarks made by a member of the Senate who is granted personal privilege shall be confined to such a response.

RULE 9-13. MOTION TO LIMIT DEBATE. When a question subject to debate is before the Senate, a motion to limit the time for debate shall be in order, even if debate already has begun. The motion shall fix the time limits to be allowed for and against the motion, provided that in no case shall the total debate allotted to each side be less than one- half hour. If such motion is successful, the Presiding Officer shall cause the time limits to be enforced and shall divide the time equally for each side of the question. If the motion is once rejected on a question being debated, it can only be adopted with the approval of two- thirds of those voting.

RULE 9-14. SUBSTITUTE RULING MOTIONS. If a Senator disagrees with a ruling on a motion or point of order, he or she may make a motion the Senate adopt a substitute ruling in the following manner:

A. 1. Before other business is transacted by the Senate or by the committee, a member of the Senate or the committee may appeal the ruling by offering a substitute ruling.

B. 2. Once a motion to adopt a substitute ruling is made, no other business shall be transacted until the motion is disposed of by the Senate or by the committee.

C. 3. A motion to adopt a substitute ruling shall be subject to all other Senate Rules pertaining to motions.

Rule 10: Executive Sessions

RULE 10-1. PROCEDURE AND PRIVILEGE. On a motion made and carried that the Senate go into executive session, the Presiding Officer shall direct all persons, except Senators, the Secretary of the Senate, and personnel as authorized by the Senate, to withdraw. The vote of a majority of the Senators voting shall be required on a motion for executive session. During an executive session, the doors shall remain closed and every Senator and officer shall keep confidential all proceedings and matters enjoined by order of the Senate.

Rule 11: Special Sessions


38 Senate Journal

A. Unless amended by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Senate, these rules shall be in effect for any special session of the 56th 57th Oklahoma Legislature; provided:

1. Bills , bills and resolutions reported from committee or referred directly to the calendar shall be placed on General Order immediately upon such report or referral and amendments to such bills and resolutions shall be filed no later than 4:30 p.m. on the day of such report or referral; and

2. All motions to reconsider shall be disposed of on the same day that notice of such motion is served.

B. The selection of officers, the membership of the standing committees and the mileage allowances most recently approved in regular session shall be in effect for any special session.


Senator David announced members of the Senate Republican Caucus designated to serve in the leadership for the Second Regular Session of the Fifty-seventh Legislature are as follows:

Greg Treat, Edmond ...... President Pro Tempore , Porter ...... Majority Floor Leader Lonnie Paxton, Tuttle ...... Assistant Majority Floor Leader Frank Simpson, Ardmore ...... Assistant Majority Floor Leader Roger Thompson, Okemah ...... Appropriations Committee Chair , Norman ...... Majority Whip , Bartlesville ...... Assistant Majority Whip , Felt ...... Assistant Majority Whip Marty Quinn, Claremore ...... Assistant Majority Whip Dave Rader, Tulsa ...... Republican Caucus Chair Greg McCortney, Ada ...... Republican Caucus Vice Chair , Kingfisher ...... Rural Caucus Chair

Senator Floyd announced members of the Senate Democratic Caucus designated to serve in the leadership for the Second Regular Session of the Fifty-seventh Legislature are as follows:

Kay Floyd, Oklahoma City ...... Democratic Leader Kevin Matthews, Tulsa ...... Democratic Caucus Chair J.J. Dossett, Sperry ...... Assistant Democratic Floor Leader Michael Brooks, Oklahoma City ...... Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Allison Ikley-Freeman, Tulsa ...... Democratic Whip

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020 39


Senator David moved that the Standing Committees and the Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget and the members thereof appointed for the Second Regular Session of the Fifty-seventh Legislature, as distributed, be approved, which motion was declared adopted.

The Standing Committees and Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget and their membership are as follows:


Second Regular Session Fifty-Seventh Oklahoma Legislature

President Pro Tempore Treat and Senator David are Ex-Officio Voting Members of all Senate committees.


Murdock, Chair Pederson, Vice Chair

Allen Hall Boren Howard Bullard Kidd Dossett Leewright Dugger Pemberton


Thompson, Chair Rader, Vice Chair

Bice Matthews Brooks Montgomery Daniels Pemberton Dossett Pugh Dugger Rosino

40 Senate Journal

Floyd Scott Hall Shaw Ikley-Freeman Simpson Jech Stanislawski Kidd


Leewright, Chair Stanislawski, Vice Chair

Bergstrom Pugh Bice Shaw Brooks Silk McCortney Young Newhouse


Stanislawski, Chair Newhouse, Vice Chair

Bullard Pederson Dossett Pemberton Dugger Quinn Haste Scott Hicks Shaw Ikley-Freeman Stanley Kidd


Allen, Chair Paxton, Vice Chair

Boren Murdock Bullard Quinn Daniels Rader Jech Standridge Matthews Weaver

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020 41


Bice, Chair Hall, Vice Chair

Floyd Rosino Kirt Simpson Montgomery Thompson Rader


Dahm, Chair Dugger, Vice Chair

Coleman Pederson Floyd Scott Hall Sharp Howard Young Montgomery


McCortney, Chair Rosino, Vice Chair

Coleman Scott Daniels Silk Hicks Simpson Ikley-Freeman Standridge Pugh Young


Daniels, Chair Jech, Vice Chair

Boren Leewright Brooks Murdock Dahm Paxton Floyd Sharp Howard Weaver

42 Senate Journal


Shaw, Chair Paxton, Vice Chair

Bergstrom Jech Bice Matthews Boggs Newhouse Brooks Rader Dahm Weaver


Quinn, Chair Sharp, Vice Chair

Brooks Montgomery Haste Stanislawski Matthews Stanley


Jech, Chair Allen, Vice Chair

Daniels Paxton Ikley-Freeman Simpson Kirt Stanislawski McCortney Thompson


Standridge, Chair Bergstrom, Vice Chair

Allen McCortney Boggs Matthews Coleman Pugh Hicks Silk

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020 43


Simpson, Chair Boggs, Vice Chair

Dossett Pemberton Haste Rosino Kidd Stanley Kirt


President Pro Tempore Treat, Senator David, Senator Thompson and Senator Rader are Ex-Officio Voting Members of all Appropriations Subcommittees.


Pemberton, Chair Kidd, Vice Chair

Bergstrom Silk Boren Stanley Sharp


Stanislawski, Chair Montgomery, Vice Chair

Allen Matthews Bice Quinn


Simpson, Chair Rosino, Vice Chair

44 Senate Journal

Coleman Kirt Haste McCortney Howard Rader Ikley-Freeman Standridge


Jech, Chair Shaw, Vice Chair

Boggs Murdock Bullard Pederson Dossett


Pugh, Chair Daniels, Vice Chair

Hall Weaver Paxton Young


Dugger, Chair Scott, Vice Chair

Dahm Leewright Hicks Newhouse


The members of the Senate appointed to serve on the Senate Committee on Appropriations shall also be the members of the Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget, pursuant to the provisions of Joint Rule 4.1(b). President Pro Tempore Treat and Senator David are Ex-Officio Voting Members.

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020 45


Senator David moved adoption of the following report on mileage allowance prepared by the Office of the Senate Administrator, which motion was declared adopted.

Total Miles Amount Senator Hometown Round Trip Round Trip

Allen, Mark Spiro 360 $207.00 Bergstrom, Micheal Big Cabin 314 $180.55 Bice, Stephanie Edmond 30 $17.25 Boggs, Larry Red Oak 364 $209.30 Boren, Mary Norman 46 $26.45 Brooks, Michael Oklahoma City 0 None Requested Bullard, David Durant 316 $181.70 Coleman, Bill Ponca City 212 $121.90 Dahm, Nathan Broken Arrow 224 $128.80 Daniels, Julie Bartlesville 242 $139.15 David, Kim Porter 292 $167.90 Dossett, J.J. Sperry 230 $132.25 Dugger, Tom Stillwater 124 $71.30 Floyd, Kay Oklahoma City 4 $2.30 Hall, Chuck Perry 126 $72.45 Haste, John Broken Arrow 244 $140.30 Hicks, Carri Oklahoma City 24 $13.80 Howard, Brent Headrick 282 $162.15 Ikley-Freeman, Allison Tulsa 210 $120.75 Jech, Darcy Kingfisher 98 $56.35 Kidd, Chris Ringling 236 $135.70 Kirt, Julia Oklahoma City 8 $4.60 Leewright, James Bristow 168 $96.60 McCortney, Greg Ada 186 $106.95 Matthews, Kevin Tulsa 212 $121.90 Montgomery, John Lawton 188 $108.10 Murdock, Casey Felt 700 $402.50 Newhouse, William Broken Arrow 218 $125.35 Paxton, Lonnie Tuttle 72 $41.40 Pederson, Roland Burlington 334 $192.05 Pemberton, Dewayne Muskogee 282 $162.15 Pugh, Adam Edmond 32 $18.40 Quinn, Marty Claremore 270 $155.25 Rader, Dave Tulsa 216 $124.20

46 Senate Journal

Rosino, Paul Oklahoma City 0 None Requested Scott, Paul Duncan 164 $94.30 Sharp, Ron Shawnee 92 $52.90 Shaw, Wayne Grove 392 $225.40 Silk, Joseph Watson 466 $267.95 Simpson, Frank Ardmore 188 $108.10 Smalley, Jason Stroud 110 $63.25 Standridge, Rob Norman 44 $25.30 Stanislawski, Gary Tulsa 212 $121.90 Stanley, Brenda Oklahoma City 24 $13.80 Thompson, Roger Okemah 146 $83.95 Treat, Greg Edmond 0 None Requested Weaver, Darrell Moore 0 None Requested Young, George Oklahoma City 22 $12.65


Senator David moved that each Senator be allotted $1,500 from Senate funds for expenses relating to official state business, including but not limited to postage, electronic communications equipment or its usage, office equipment and supplies and printing. Such amount is hereby authorized for expenses incurred from January 1, 2020, through November 18, 2020. If a member of the Senate incurs such expenses paid for by the Senate in excess of these amounts during such period, the member shall reimburse the Senate in full for such excess amount no later than December 1, 2020, which motion was declared adopted.


Advising the Honorable Senate that the House of Representatives is ready to convene in Joint Session.

Senator David moved that the Senate meet with the House in Joint Session and that when the clerk’s desk is clear, the Senate stand adjourned to convene Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 1:30 p.m., which motion prevailed

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020 47


The following were introduced and read the first time:

SB 1081  By Dahm. An Act relating to state preemption of extreme risk protection orders; creating the Anti- Red Flag Act; preempting field of legislation relating to extreme risk protection orders; nullifying any federal rule, statute or executive order relating to extreme risk protection orders; creating a felony for conviction of an individual attempting to enforce certain orders; providing definition; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1082  By Smalley. An Act relating to health insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 6060.2, which relates to treatment of diabetes; requiring health insurers to cap co-payments for insulin at certain cost; authorizing insurers to reduce co-payments beyond cap; authorizing Insurance Commissioner to enforce cap on co-payments; authorizing Commissioner to promulgate rules; and providing an effective date.

SB 1083  By Sharp. An Act relating to crime and punishment; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 850, which relates to malicious intimidation or harassment; modifying certain offense; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1084  By Sharp. An Act relating to law enforcement training; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 245, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311), which relates to the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training; modifying certain requirements for notification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1085  By Howard. An Act relating to ad valorem taxes; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 339, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 25, O.S.L. 2019 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 339), which relates to powers of county commissioners; authorizing enactment of requirements related to payment of delinquent taxes; 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 3105 and 3113, which relate to delinquent taxes and the sale of property; providing applicability of specified language; subject to certain circumstance, establishing specified requirement; subject to certain circumstance, modifying amount of payment required by owner for redemption of property subject to tax resale; and providing an effective date.

SB 1086  By Smalley. An Act relating to concurrent enrollment; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 628.13, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 236, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 628.13),

48 Senate Journal

which relates to concurrent enrollment participation; removing language subjecting certain participation to availability of funds; directing the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to submit certain revenue estimate by certain date; directing the Legislature to provide adequate funding for concurrent enrollment tuition waivers for certain students beginning with certain fiscal year; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1087  By Smalley. An Act relating to career-readiness assessments; amending Section 1, Chapter 419, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 14-135), which relates to administration of career-readiness assessments and assessment-based credentials; requiring certain assessments to be administered at least once to certain students beginning in certain school year; removing language allowing administration of assessments; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1088  By Sharp. An Act relating to texting and driving; amending Section 2, Chapter 248, O.S.L. 2015, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 186, O.S.L. 2016 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 11-901d), which relates to text messaging; modifying inclusions; providing exception; deleting certain definitions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1089  By Dahm and Quinn. An Act relating to highway designations; designating the President Donald J. Trump Highway; requiring certain markers; providing for payment of signage; providing for codification; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1090  By Dahm. An Act relating to income tax; creating tax credit for fees required to complete certain firearms training and safety course and to apply for or renew certain firearms permit; setting limit on certain credit allowed; requiring documentation as determined by the Oklahoma Tax Commission; specifying that credit is not refundable; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1091  By Smalley. An Act relating to higher education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 628.13, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 236, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 628.13), which relates to concurrent enrollment; requiring that college credit earned through certain courses be transferable to certain institutions; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1092  By Smalley. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 2605, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 289, O.S.L. 2017 (70 O.S. Supp.

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020 49

2019, Section 2605), which relates to student agreements; modifying income qualification eligibility for certain students beginning in certain school years; and providing an effective date.

SB 1093  By Howard. An Act relating to workers’ compensation; amending Section 31, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 60, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019 (85A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 31), which relates to the Multiple Injury Trust Fund; deleting requirement for annual transfer of certain funds; updating statutory references; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1094  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1359, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 317, O.S.L. 2016 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1359), which relates to manufacturing exemptions; eliminating exemption for tangible personal property to be used in certain new or expanding manufacturing facility; and providing an effective date.

SB 1095  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 1501, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 321, O.S.L. 2016 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1501), which relates to purchasing; modifying certain limitation on purchases that may be made without following certain bidding procedures; and providing an effective date.

SB 1096  By Dossett. An Act relating to teachers; directing school districts to provide certain notification if a student is in a class taught by teachers with certain certificates; providing for method of notification; providing for timing of notification; providing for contents of notification; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1097  By Dossett. An Act relating to virtual education; providing definition; requiring students that wish to pursue full-time virtual education to enroll in certain program offered by certain resident district beginning in certain school year if certain criteria are met; allowing certain students to continue to attend certain virtual charter school if they are enrolled prior to certain school year; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1098  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to school boards; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Sections 5-113 and 5-113.1, as amended by Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 65, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5- 113), which relate to prohibition of certain relationships between board members and certain employees; making prohibition applicable to certain board members and certain employees of charter schools; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

50 Senate Journal

SB 1099  By Sharp. An Act relating to charter school sponsors; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3-134, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 170, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-134), which relates to charter school sponsorship applications; requiring a charter school sponsor to review at least annually certain items; requiring a sponsor to monitor compliance with certain written contract; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1100  By Sharp. An Act relating to the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board; amending Section 5, Chapter 367, O.S.L. 2012, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 272, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-145.3), which relates to the powers and duties of the Board; requiring the Board to review at least annually certain items; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1101  By Dahm. An Act relating to the Oklahoma National Guard; establishing the “Defend the Guard Act”; defining terms; requiring an official declaration of war or an action to call forth the state militia by the United States Congress before members of the Oklahoma National Guard may be released from state control to participate in active duty combat; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1102  By Standridge. An Act relating to deferred prosecution programs; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 305.1, which relates to guidelines and factors considered; clarifying language; authorizing use of deferred prosecution programs for persons accused of certain offenses; establishing requirements for participation in deferred prosecution programs for certain offenses; requiring payment of certain fees; and providing an effective date.

SB 1103  By Standridge. An Act relating to domestic abuse by strangulation; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 644, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 200, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 644), which relates to assault and battery; modifying certain sentences and fine; and providing an effective date.

SB 1104  By Standridge. An Act relating to crime and punishment; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 13.1, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 290, O.S.L. 2015 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 13.1), which relates to required service of minimum percentage of sentence; modifying inclusions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1105  By Standridge. An Act relating to crime and punishment; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 13.1, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 290, O.S.L. 2015 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 13.1), which

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020 51

relates to required service of minimum percentage of sentence; modifying inclusions; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 644, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 200, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 644), which relates to assault, assault and battery and domestic abuse; modifying certain offense; modifying certain penalty; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 571, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 152, O.S.L. 2019 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 571), which relates to definitions; modifying inclusions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1106  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to motor vehicle registration; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1112, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 325, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1112), which relates to application for registration; permitting registrant to add emergency contact information to application for specified purpose; and providing an effective date.

SB 1107  By Standridge. An Act relating to crime and punishment; providing for a definition of victimless crime; providing for a definition of a victim; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1108  By Dossett. An Act relating to school expenditures; defining instructional expenditure; requiring the reporting or publishing of certain categories; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1109  By Dahm. An Act relating to income tax; creating tax credit for qualified fees required to obtain and renew certain license or certification; defining term and construing meaning; establishing certain requirements for taxpayer claiming the credit; specifying that credit is not refundable; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1110  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to The Governmental Tort Claims Act; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Section 152, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 233, O.S.L. 2018 (51 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 152), which relates to definitions; modifying definition; conforming language; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1111  By Dossett. An Act relating to school athletic associations; amending Section 3, Chapter 327, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 27-103), which relates to written policies of school athletic associations; requiring school athletic associations to have certain written policy regarding the location of state championship games or contests; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

52 Senate Journal

SB 1112  By Sharp. An Act relating to the Department of Transportation; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Section 302.2, which relates to the Department of Transportation Tribal Advisory Board; modifying appointment authority of certain board members; and providing an effective date.

SB 1113  By Bullard. An Act relating to income tax; creating income tax credit for certain employers; defining terms; providing for specified amount of credit for employer for verified blood donation by employees under certain conditions; providing that credit is nonrefundable; authorizing rulemaking by Oklahoma Tax Commission; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1114  By Bullard. An Act relating to law enforcement training; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.12, which relates to law enforcement youth camps; modifying allowable programs; authorizing certain rule making; and providing an effective date.

SB 1115  By Sharp. An Act relating to teacher certification; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-187, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 50, O.S.L. 2017 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-187), which relates to competency examinations for teacher certification; allowing an employing school district board of education to renew an emergency or provisional certificate if certain criteria are met; allowing an employing school district board of education that renews certain certificate to maintain certain pay level; providing for notification of the State Board of Education; providing for no limits on certain renewal; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1116  By Standridge. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1356, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 413, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1356), which relates to exemptions; exempting certain sales to organization involved in specified philanthropic program; and providing an effective date.

SB 1117  By Montgomery. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Chiropractic Practice Act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 161.4, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 156, O.S.L. 2016 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 161.4), which relates to the Board of Chiropractic Examiners; extending sunset date; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1118  By Shaw. An Act relating to capitol buildings; providing for display of the national motto in the visitor center area of the State Capitol Building; authorizing certain entities to provide legal defense; providing certain construction; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1119  By Bullard. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Department of Commerce; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 5003.8, which relates to annual report; directing certain additional report be published annually; naming report the Future of Industry and Labor(FOIL) Report; providing purpose and content of report; mandating interactive map of certain data on websites; directing collaboration and contribution by certain agencies; providing date for reports to be published; and providing an effective date.

SB 1120  By Pemberton. An Act relating to schools; creating a task force to study and make recommendations regarding a requirement for high school students to complete certain application prior to graduation; providing expiration date; providing for membership; providing for naming of co-chairs; requiring appointments by certain date; requiring organizational meeting by certain date; specifying quorum; providing for frequency of meetings; subjecting meetings to the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act; prohibiting compensation or travel reimbursement for members; providing for staff support; requiring submission of certain report by certain date; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1121  By Standridge. An Act relating to textbooks; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-104, which relates to delivery of bids to the State Textbook Committee; directing the Committee to give preference to books produced in this state; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1122  By Dossett. An Act relating to student transfers; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 8-103.2, which relates to eligibility of student transfers in extramural competitions; updating statutory reference; providing certain exception to certain students who previously attended a charter school and participated in the charter school’s competitions; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1123  By Bullard. An Act relating to students; directing the parent or legal guardian of a student to disclose to a school upon enrollment or transfer whether the student has received or is receiving certain mental health services; providing definition; requiring designated school personnel to hold certain meeting within certain time period to determine whether accommodations are needed; requiring certain disclosure to comply with certain acts; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1124  By Bullard. An Act relating to motor vehicle registration; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1113, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2018 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1113),

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which relates to requirements for registration documents; clarifying applicability of certain requirement for purposes of conformity; repealing Section 3, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2018 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1112.3), which relates to requirements for registration documents; repealing certain requirement to maintain specified documents in possession or in vehicle; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1125  By Pugh. An Act relating to teacher certification; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-190, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-190), which relates to qualifications for certification; modifying qualifications to issue a certificate to teach to a person with a valid out-of-state certificate; updating references; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1126  By Pugh. An Act relating to teacher compensation; amending Section 3, Chapter 394, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 10, 2nd Extraordinary Session, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 18-114.14), which relates to the minimum salary schedule; requiring a teacher with certain out-of-state or out-of-country teaching experience to be given credit for all years for the purposes of salary increments beginning with certain school year; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1127  By Standridge. An Act relating to teachers; providing short title; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6- 204.1, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 394, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6- 204.1), which relates to definitions under the Education Leadership Oklahoma Act; updating references; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-204.2, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 394, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-204.2), which relates to National Board certification; updating references; directing the State Board of Education to provide an annual bonus to teachers who meet certain criteria beginning with certain school year; establishing the amount of bonus to be provided during certain school year; directing the State Board of Education to determine the amount of annual bonus to be provided during certain school years if certain criteria are met; prohibiting a school or school district from being liable for certain payments; prohibiting the amount of certain bonus from being included in certain calculation; allowing certain teachers to receive certain bonus in addition to certain salary increment; directing the State Board of Education to promulgate certain rules; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1128  By Simpson. An Act relating to teacher certification; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-187, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 50, O.S.L. 2017 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-187),

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which relates to competency examinations for teacher certification; allowing the State Board of Education to grant exceptions to the certification examinations for certain teacher candidates who are deaf; providing definition; providing criteria for exceptions; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for applicable teaching environments; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1129  By Coleman. An Act relating to special license plates; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.5, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1135.5), which relates to special license plates; updating statutory reference; creating the Oklahoma Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary License Plate and providing for expenditures thereof; providing for design consultation; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1130  By Allen. An Act relating to sales and use tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1355, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 356, O.S.L. 2017 and 1404, as amended by Section 5, Chapter 356, O.S.L. 2017(68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1355 and 1404), which relate to the sale of a motor vehicle; modifying the basis upon which gross receipts are calculated for the purposes of sales tax and purchase price is calculated for the purposes of use tax; and providing an effective date.

SB 1131  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to special license plates; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.5, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1135.5), which relates to special license plates; updating statutory reference; creating the Oklahoma Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary License Plate and providing for expenditures thereof; providing for design consultation; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1132  By Rader. An Act relating to special license plates; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.5, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1135.5), which relates to special license plates; creating the University of Kansas License Plate and providing for expenditures thereof; providing for design consultation; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1133  By Sharp. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 24-100.3, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 311, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 24-100.3), which relates to definitions under the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act; adding definition; modifying definitions; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 24-100.4, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 277, O.S.L. 2016 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 24-100.4), which relates to the control and discipline of a child; requiring certain policy to be updated annually;

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modifying who can report incidents of bullying; providing immunity from a cause of action for certain individuals making certain reports of bullying; requiring certain investigation to be completed within certain time period; requiring notification of the parents or legal guardians of certain students within certain time period of receiving a report of bullying; requiring certain policy to contain a requirement for notifying the parents or legal guardians of a student who appears in distress; requiring certain policy to contain a statement prohibiting retaliation against certain school employees; requiring a district board of education to hold certain public hearing prior to adoption of certain policy and any modifications to certain policy; providing for notice of hearing; requiring submission of certain policy to the State Board of Education; requiring a superintendent to submit certain report to a district board of education at least annually; requiring a district board of education to provide certain policy and explanation to employees and newly hired employees; requiring the State Board of Education to submit certain report to certain committee chairs; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1134  By Simpson. An Act relating to veterans; amending 72 O.S. 2011, Section 63.2, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 262, O.S.L. 2014 (72 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 63.2), which relates to the Oklahoma Veterans Commission; modifying membership criteria of Commission; and providing an effective date.

SB 1135  By Simpson. An Act relating to state purchasing procedures; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.3A, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 472, O.S.L. 2019 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.3A), which relates to The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; modifying exempt agencies; establishing certain purchasing practice as an individual purchasing entity; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1136  By Simpson. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 3007, as last amended by Section 119, Chapter 15, O.S.L. 2013 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3007), which relates to the State Use Committee; providing exemption for the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs; and providing an effective date.

SB 1137  By Sharp. An Act relating to Attorney General; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 18b, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 444, O.S.L. 2019 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 18b), which relates to duties of Attorney General; requiring issuance of Attorney General opinions within specified time period; and providing an effective date.

SB 1138  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to the Employment Security Administration Fund; making appropriation; specifying source; specifying programs and amount of appropriation; requiring expenditure by certain date; requiring certain federal standards; requiring compliance with Social Security Act; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1139  By Simpson. An Act relating to militia; amending 44 O.S. 2011, Section 235, which relates to the creation of the 45th Infantry Division Museum; modifying name of museum; updating statutory language; amending 44 O.S. 2011, Section 235.1, as amended by Section 156, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (44 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 235.1), which relates to the 45th Infantry Division Museum Fund; modifying reference to museum name; updating statutory language; amending 44 O.S. 2011, Section 235.2, as amended by Section 157, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (44 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 235.2), which relates to the acceptance of gifts to the 45th Infantry Division Museum Fund; modifying reference to museum name; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1140  By Simpson. An Act relating to public finance; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.32, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 331, O.S.L. 2019 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.32), which relates to security risk assessments; providing exception for certain state agency division; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1141  By Standridge. An Act relating to The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.45k, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 30, O.S.L. 2019 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.45k), which relates to the State Travel Office, eliminating certain exceptions relating to air travel for state employees; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 500.4, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 166, O.S.L. 2016 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 500.4), which relates to the State Travel Reimbursement Act; providing certain method for calculating distance; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1142  By Standridge. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 24-100.4, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 277, O.S.L. 2016 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 24-100.4), which relates to the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act; requiring school district boards of education to establish a procedure for initiating certain investigation within one day of receiving certain report; requiring establishment of a procedure for notifying certain parents and legal guardians; requiring notification to include certain statement; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1143  By Rader. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 339, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 396, O.S.L. 2019 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 339), which relates to county commissioners; providing for presentation of employee performance recognition awards under certain circumstances; authorizing use of certain funds for such presentation; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1144  By Paxton. An Act relating to income tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2368.17, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 51, O.S.L. 2015 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2368.17), which relates to income tax refund checkoffs; reauthorizing checkoff for certain Y.M.C.A. Youth and Government program beginning for specified tax year; and providing an effective date.

SB 1145  By Thompson. An Act relating to memorial highway designations; designating the Trooper J.C. Magar Memorial Highway; requiring certain markers; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1146  By Standridge. An Act relating to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-204, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 207, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-204), which relates to Schedule I; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2- 210, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 390, O.S.L. 2017 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-210), which relates to Schedule IV; modifying inclusions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1147  By Dugger. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Accountancy Act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 15.2, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 327, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 15.2), which relates to the Oklahoma Accountancy Board; extending sunset date; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1148  By Thompson. An Act relating to state automobiles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 156, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 380, O.S.L. 2014 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 156), which relates to purchase of passenger automobiles with public funds; modifying inclusions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1149  By Dugger. An Act relating to income tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2385.16, which relates to income tax refunds; eliminating prohibition against release of certain information by Oklahoma Tax Commission for specified purpose; updating statutory language; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1150  By Dugger. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1357, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 241, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1357), which relates to sales tax exemption; exempting sales of specified higher education textbooks; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1151  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 12-417, as amended by Section 7, Chapter 207, O.S.L. 2012 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 12-417), which relates to required safety belts; modifying requirements; providing for certain admissibility; and providing an effective date.

SB 1152  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to sales and use tax; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 54001, 54002, 54003, 54004 and 54005, which relate to the Oklahoma Research and Development Incentives Act; repealing sales and use tax exemption for qualified purchases by qualified purchasers; and providing an effective date.

SB 1153  By Sharp. An Act relating to school expenditures; prohibiting certain schools from using certain funds to market, advertise or promote certain programs and services to recruit students for enrollment; exempting from such prohibition the use of certain funds for certain purposes; requiring schools that violate the prohibition to remit certain amount to the State Board of Education; creating a misdemeanor for certain violation; providing penalties; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1154  By Sharp. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Open Records Act; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Section 24A.5, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 202, O.S.L. 2017 (51 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 24A.5), which relates to inspection of records; imposing time limitation on certain requests; authorizing extension of time limitation upon certain notice; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1155  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to income tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2355, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 195, O.S.L. 2014 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2355), which relates to computation of income tax; updating references and deleting obsolete language; modifying dollar amount of specified bracket for certain tax years; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1156  By Hicks. An Act relating to public health and safety; defining terms; prohibiting the sale, lease or offer for sale or lease of crib bumper pads; prohibiting the use or possession of crib bumper pads in certain locations; directing the State Department of Health to give certain notice; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1157  By Rosino. An Act relating to aircraft excise tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 6005, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 347, O.S.L. 2015 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6005), which relates to apportionment of tax revenue; deleting obsolete language; modifying apportionment; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1158  By Smalley. An Act relating to health insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 6060.2, which relates to treatment of diabetes; requiring health insurers to cap co-payments for insulin at certain cost; authorizing insurers to reduce co-payments beyond cap; authorizing Insurance Commissioner to enforce cap on co-payments; authorizing Commissioner to promulgate rules; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1159  By Thompson. An Act relating to cities and towns; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 17-105, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 82, O.S.L. 2017 (11 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 17-105), which relates to municipal finances; deleting requirement for annual audit; providing requirement for biennial audit; providing requirement for biennial audit to be conducted in odd-numbered years; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 17-105.1, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 45, O.S.L. 2018 (11 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 17-105.1), which relates to filing requirements; eliminating requirement for filing of annual audit; providing requirement for filing of biennial audit; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 17-113, which relates to publication of city financial statements; deleting requirement for publication of annual audit statements; providing requirement for publication of biennial audit statements; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1160  By Smalley. An Act relating to the State Department of Health; requiring that portions of certain appropriated funds be used for certain purposes; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1161  By Young. An Act relating to income tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.43, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 341, O.S.L. 2016 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2357.43), which relates to the state earned income tax credit; making credit refundable; and providing an effective date.

SB 1162  By Sharp. An Act relating to motorcycle profiling; defining term; requiring local law enforcement agencies to adopt policy, review training and address issues pertaining to motorcycle profiling; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1163  By Allen. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Archeological Survey; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 241, which relates to supervision; correcting format; changing supervising entity to Office of the Secretary of Energy and Environment; amending 27A O.S. 2011, Section 1-2- 101, which relates to Secretary of Environment; adding duty; and providing an effective date.

SB 1164  By Jech. An Act relating to contraband cellular phones inside prison facilities; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 510, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 279, O.S.L. 2018 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 510), which relates to the Director’s powers and duties; requiring certain annual report; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1165  By Young. An Act relating to labor; amending 40 O.S. 2011, Section 197.2, which relates to the Oklahoma Minimum Wage Act; increasing minimum wage amount; and providing an effective date.

SB 1166  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Cosmetology and Barbering Act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 199.1, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 62, O.S.L. 2018, 199.3, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 62, O.S.L. 2018, 199.6, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 260, O.S.L. 2014, 199.10, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 265, O.S.L. 2016, and 199.14, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 62, O.S.L. 2018 (59, O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 199.1, 199.3, 199.6, 199.10 and 199.14), which relate to definitions, powers of the board, unlawful acts, renewal of licenses and license fees; modifying and adding definitions; deleting hair braiding and cosmetician from board authority to regulate; deleting hours of training for certain technicians; deleting certain licenses and fees; and providing an effective date.

SB 1167  By Smalley. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission; amending 40 O.S. 2011, Section 4-508, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 251, O.S.L. 2019 (40 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 4-508), which relates to release of confidential information; authorizing certain entities to receive certain information for certain purpose; and providing an effective date.

SB 1168  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to teachers; directing the State Department of Education in certain coordination to establish a microcredential program for certain subject areas; directing the creation of certain working group to determine how certain microcredential may be used; allowing courses offered as part of certain program to be provided in person, online or in certain blended format; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1169  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 21-101, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 276, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 21-101), which relates to definitions related to the Board; modifying and adding definitions; amending Section 4, Chapter 276, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 21-102.1), which relates to powers and duties of the Board; adding the power to approve or disapprove certain corrective action plans; allowing the Board to fix certain minimum standards for certain surety bond or certificate of deposit; allowing the Board to require certain applicant or school to report certain correspondence; allowing the Board to require suspension of certain enrollments if certain plan is not adhered to; directing the Board to develop and present certain optional training; allowing the Board to conduct certain site visits and to invoice certain fee for site visits; directing the Board to collect certain data required by certain agencies or organizations; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 21-108, which relates to revocation of a license; authorizing the Board to require a school to take certain actions if certain corrective action plan fails; updating statutory references; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1170  By Smalley. An Act relating to board of education elections; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 13A- 103, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 9, O.S.L. 2018 (26 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 13A- 103), which relates to dates of board of education elections; directing members to be seated at the first meeting following the April election date; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5- 119, which relates to the election of board of education officers; directing such election to take place at certain meeting; updating statutory reference; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1171  By Young. An Act relating to health insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 6060.2, which relates to treatment of diabetes; requiring health insurers to cap copayments for insulin at certain cost; authorizing insurers to reduce copayments beyond cap; authorizing Insurance Commissioner to enforce cap on copayments; authorizing Commissioner to promulgate rules; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1172  By Thompson. An Act relating to the State Board of Corrections; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 502, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 259, O.S.L. 2016 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 502), which relates to definitions; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 505, which relates to the Department of Corrections; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 507, which relates to the powers and duties of the Director; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 508, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 267, O.S.L. 2012 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 508), which relates to divisions and deputy directors; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 508.1, which relates to the

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legal division; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 508.3, which relates to the construction division; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 510, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 279, O.S.L. 2018 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 510), which relates to the Director’s specific powers and duties; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Sections 525, 528, 543 and 545, which relate to offices and residences for wardens, duties of employees, work release centers and employment of inmates; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 549, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 265, O.S.L. 2014 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 549), which relates to the powers and duties of the Board of Corrections; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 549.1, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 197, O.S.L. 2018 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 549.1), which relates to purchase of prison industries goods and services; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 561, as amended by Section 255, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 561), which relates to private prison contractors; modifying statutory references; modifying entities; updating statutory language; repealing 57 O.S. 2011, Section 503, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 3, O.S.L. 2019 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 503), which relates to the creation of the State Board of Corrections; repealing 57 O.S. 2011, Section 504, which relates to the powers and duties of the board; repealing 57 O.S. 2011, Section 550, which relates to designation of persons to act on behalf of the Board; and providing an effective date.

SB 1173  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to student discipline; amending Section 8, Chapter 7, 1st Extraordinary Session, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 135, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-149.7), which relates to assault or attempted physical bodily injury on school employees; requiring school districts to consider using certain restorative practices in lieu of certain suspension; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 24-101.3, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 90, O.S.L. 2016 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 24-101.3), which relates to out-of-school suspension; requiring certain policy to facilitate the re-engagement of certain students; requiring school districts to consider using certain restorative practices in lieu of certain suspension; providing examples of restorative practices; requiring restorative practices to be considered first for certain actions; requiring restorative practices to be accessible; removing outdated reference; updating reference; allowing rather than requiring that a student be suspended for certain action; requiring school districts to create certain threat assessment team; providing for membership; allowing the team to use certain screening tool and consider certain records; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1174  By Pugh. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1356, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 413, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1356), which relates to sales tax exemptions; providing exemption for sales to certain museums; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1175  By Rader. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1359, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 317, O.S.L. 2016 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1359), which relates to manufacturing exemptions; eliminating exemption for tangible personal property to be used in certain new or expanding manufacturing facility; and providing an effective date.

SB 1176  By Matthews. An Act relating to public libraries; amending 65 O.S. 2011, Section 160, which relates to employee retirement; authorizing the city-county library commission to offer certain retirement for employees; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1177  By Sharp. An Act relating to occupations and professions; amending Section 1, Chapter 363, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 4000.1), which relates to initial determination of whether criminal conviction is a license disqualifier; construing certain exception; and providing an effective date.

SB 1178  By Sharp. An Act relating to child abuse; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-2-101, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 415, O.S.L. 2019 (10A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-2-101), which relates to reporting of child abuse; directing local authorities to certain referrals; and providing an effective date.

SB 1179  By Hall. An Act relating to sales and use tax; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 54001, 54002, 54003, 54004 and 54005, which relate to the Oklahoma Research and Development Incentives Act; repealing sales and use tax exemption for qualified purchases by qualified purchasers; and providing an effective date.

SB 1180  By Allen. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1357, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 241, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1357), which relates to taxation of the sale of motor vehicles; providing exclusion from dollar limit on exempt sales for certain disabled veterans; and providing an effective date.

SB 1181  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to private education; amending Section 2, Chapter 276, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 21-101.1), which relates to entities that are exempt from licensing by the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools; adding certain exempted entities; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1182  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to private education; amending Section 4, Chapter 276, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 21-102.1), which relates to powers and duties of the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools; providing for minimum standards for maintenance of student academic records or transcripts and certain continuing education or attendance certificates; updating statutory references; amending Section 9, Chapter 276, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 21-105.2), which relates to retention of certain records before school closure; requiring a school, seminar or workshop to designate certain official to maintain certain academic records, transcripts or certificates in certain manner; requiring a licensee to submit certain documentation as part of a renewal application; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1183  By Matthews. An Act relating to libraries; amending 65 O.S. 2011, Section 157, which relates to city- county library budgets; directing certain city-county library income to be deposited into certain account with certain bank; removing language restricting use of certain revolving fund; amending 65 O.S. 2011, Section 158, which relates to powers and duties of city- county library commissions; removing language requiring certain property transactions to occur only after certain authorization; allowing the commission to borrow on certain credit for certain time period; allowing the commission to do certain other necessary or desirable things; amending 65 O.S. 2011, Section 159, which relates to library contracts; removing language requiring certain approval to enter into certain contract; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1184  By Young. An Act relating to legislation; requiring preparation of racial impact statement for certain legislation; specifying procedures for filing racial impact statement; directing certain agencies to prepare racial impact statements; specifying contents of statements; requiring filing of racial impact statement before a bill may receive a floor hearing; defining term; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1185  By Simpson. An Act relating to soldiers and sailors; amending 72 O.S. 2011, Section 7, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 86, O.S.L. 2014 (72 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 7), which relates to free admission to state-owned or state-operated parks and museums; deleting requirement for certain documentation; providing for free admission for a vehicle; requiring certain registration; establishing documentation requirement for museum entry; modifying requirements for appropriate documentation; providing for additional means of documentation; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1186  By Simpson. An Act relating to militia; amending 44 O.S. 2011, Section 26, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 268, O.S.L. 2016 (44 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 26), which relates to the duties of the Adjutant General; authorizing the expenditure of appropriated and nonappropriated funds to enhance recruiting and retention efforts; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1187  By Thompson. An Act relating to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-302, as last amended by Section 17, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-302), which relates to registration requirements; modifying required documentation; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1188  By Standridge. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 1116, 1132, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 337, O.S.L. 2012 and 1135.1, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 26, O.S.L. 2016, (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1132 and 1135.1), which relate to issuance of license plates; after specified date, authorizing single registration period when physically disabled license plate and standard license plate are issued; requiring certain rulemaking by Oklahoma Tax Commission; after specified date, providing for single fee, registration period and plate issue for physically disabled license plate; requiring surrender of standard issue plate under specified circumstances; construing provision with respect to apportionment; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1189  By Young. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; prohibiting sentences of life imprisonment without parole and certain mandatory minimum sentences for juveniles; directing court to consider mitigating circumstances; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1190  By Pugh. An Act relating to income tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2358, as last amended by Section 5, Chapter 201, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2358), which relates to adjustments to income; establishing deduction for contributions to specified accounts established pursuant to certain program; setting maximum annual deduction for specified taxpayers; providing for carryforward of amounts not deducted; setting time period during which specified deduction may be taken; prohibiting certain treatment of single contribution; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1191  By Smalley. An Act relating to board of education elections; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 13A- 109, as amended by Section 7, Chapter 380, O.S.L. 2015 (26 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 13A-109), which relates to resolutions calling for elections; removing language requiring the board of education of a school district and the board of education of a technology center school district to issue certain news release; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1192  By Standridge. An Act relating to roads and bridges; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Section 1316, which relates to control of access; modifying the number of days required for certain notification of appointment; making certain report available electronically; and providing an effective date.

SB 1193  By Standridge. An Act relating to roads and bridges; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Section 315, which relates to the expenses of audits; directing certain audits be filed with certain agencies; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1194  By Standridge. An Act relating to turnpikes; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Section 1720, which relates to annual reports; making certain report available to the Legislature; and providing an effective date.

SB 1195  By Coleman. An Act relating to Court-appointed special advocates; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-8-102, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 75, O.S.L. 2019 (10A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-8-102), which relates to training and criminal history search; removing requirement for payment of certain fee by Oklahoma Court-Appointed Special Advocate Association; and providing an effective date.

SB 1196  By Thompson. An Act relating to municipal finances; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 17-107, which relates to failure to file audit report; modifying deadline for filing of audit report; deleting requirement for remittance of withheld funds to county highway fund; establishing requirement for remittance of funds to the Special Investigative Unit Auditing Fund of the State Auditor’s Office; and providing an effective date.

SB 1197  By Standridge. An Act relating to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-402, as last amended by Section 3, State Question No. 780, Initiative Petition No. 404 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-402), which relates to penalties for prohibited acts; making certain possession a felony; providing for penalties; and providing an effective date.

SB 1198  By Standridge. An Act relating to schools; requiring each school district board of education to coordinate with certain emergency medical services provider to develop certain plan prior to the beginning of certain school year; requiring plans to be reviewed and updated annually and placed on file with certain school district and certain emergency medical services provider; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1199  By Weaver. An Act relating to the Security of Communications Act; amending 13 O.S. 2011, Section 176.7, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 28, O.S.L. 2015 (13 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 176.7), which relates to court orders; adding offenses eligible for orders authorizing interception of certain communications; and providing an effective date.

SB 1200  By Thompson. An Act relating to law enforcement training; consolidating the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training and the Department of Public Safety; authorizing certain authority; transferring certain personnel, funds, records, encumbrances, equipment and other items; providing requirements pertaining to transfer of employees; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 14-111.1, which relates to retention of penalty assessments; amending Section 1, Chapter 355, O.S.L. 2019 (11 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 22-139), which relates to designating personnel for security guard training; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 34- 101.1, which relates to certification of police officers; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 34- 102, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 232, O.S.L. 2013 (11 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34- 102), which relates to chief of police powers and duties; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 50-134, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 132, O.S.L. 2017 (11 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 50-134), which relates to operation of the State Board; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 215.29, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 368, O.S.L. 2014 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 215.29), which relates to district attorney carry of firearms; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 215.35A, which relates to district attorney investigators; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 339, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 396, O.S.L. 2019 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 339), which relates to general powers of commissioners; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 510, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 258, O.S.L. 2017 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 510), which relates to qualifications for county sheriffs; amending Section 1, Chapter 267, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 368, O.S.L. 2014 (20 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 129), which relates to judicial firearms permits; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Section 1313.2, as last amended by Section 6, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2018 (20 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1313.2), which relates to definitions; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 99, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 249, O.S.L. 2013 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 99), which relates to peace officers; amending 21, O.S. 2011, Section 99a, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 347, O.S.L. 2016 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 99a), which relates to the authority of peace officers; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1283, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 1, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1283), which relates to convicted felons and delinquents; amending 21 O.S. 2011 Section 1289.8, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 75 O.S.L. 2018 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1289.8), which relates to carrying weapon; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.16, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 266, O.S.L. 2017 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1289.16), which relates to felony pointing firearms; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.23, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 406, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1289.23), which relates to

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concealed firearm for off-duty police officer; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.29, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 368, O.S.L. 2014 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1289.29), which relates to United States Attorney carrying of firearms; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.12, as last amended by Section 7, Chapter 406, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.12), which relates to procedure for application; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.14, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 207, O.S.L. 2015 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.14), which relates to safety and training course; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.15, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 298, O.S.L. 2017 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.15), which relates to persons exempt from training course; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.24, as last amended by Section 13, Chapter 1, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.24), which relates to immunity; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 1325, which relates to unclaimed property in sheriff’s office; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 1105.3, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 2, O.S.L. 2018 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1105.3), which relates to the Pretrial Release Act; amending 27A O.S. 2011, Section 2-3-501, which relates to inspecting and investigating conditions of natural resources; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 172.1, which relates to qualifications for enforcement officers; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 2-108, which relates to powers and duties of the commissioner; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 2-300, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 383, O.S.L. 2015 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-300), which relates to definitions; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-206.1, which relates to driver improvement or defensive driving course; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 759 as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 125, O.S.L. 2015 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 759), which relates to Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence; amending Section 2, Chapter 237, O.S.L. 2018 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 11-801e), which relates to speeding violations; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.2, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1135.2), which relates to special license plates; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 510, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 279, O.S.L. 2018 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 510), which relates to powers and duties of the director of penal institutions; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 563.2, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 268, O.S.L. 2015 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 563.2), which relates to private prison facilities for inmates; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 589, which relates to registered offenders prohibited from certain employment; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 161.6, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 213, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 161.6), which relates to powers of Board; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.15A, which relates to Board investigators; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 512, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 492, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 512), which relates to salary of investigators; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 626, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 83, O.S.L. 2014 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 626), which relates to Board of Osteopathic Examiners; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 698.5a, which relates to authority and duties; amending Section 2, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.1), which relates to definitions; amending Section 3, Chapter 407, O.S.L.

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2013, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 373, O.S.L. 2014 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.2), which relates to bail enforcement license requirement; amending Section 8, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.7), which relates to enforcement of act; amending Section 9, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.8), which relates to psychological evaluation; amending Section 10, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 48, Chapter 363, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.9), which relates to qualifications; amending Section 11, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 246, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.10), which relates to application; amending Section 12, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 49, Chapter 363, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.11), which relates to denial, revocation and disciplinary action; amending Section 14, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 8, Chapter 373, O.S.L. 2014 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.13), which relates to restrictions on bail enforcers; amending Section 15, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 246, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.14), which relates to disclosure of application information; amending Section 16, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.15), which relates to identification requirement; amending Section 17, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 10, Chapter 373, O.S.L. 2014 ( 59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.16), which relates to identifying markings on clothing and vehicles; amending Section 18, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.17), which relates to bail enforcement training schools; amending Section 19, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.18), which relates to firearm training; amending Section 20, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.19), which relates to jail access; amending Section 21, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1350.20), which relates to Bail Enforcement Revolving Fund; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1453, which relates to definitions; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.2A, as amended by Section 28, Chapter 407, O.S.L. 2013 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1750.2A), which relates to noncompliance with Oklahoma Security Guard and Private Investigator Act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.3, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 136, O.S.L. 2014 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1750.3), which relates to Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training Powers and Duties; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.2, which relates to definitions; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.3A, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 246, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1750.3A), which relates to psychological evaluation of applicants; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.4, which relates to license requirement; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.4a, which relates to license required; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.5, as last amended by Section 57, Chapter 363, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019 ,Section 1750.5), which relates to licenses authorized; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.6, as last amended by Section 5, Chapter 246, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1750.6), which relates to application for license; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.8, as amended by Section 7, Chapter 246, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1750.8), which relates to prohibited

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acts; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.9, which relates to carrying of identification cards; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.10A, which relates to firearm training; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.10B, which relates to private security training schools; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1750.11, which relates to penalties for violations; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-106, which relates to powers and duties of the State Commissioner of Health; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-227.9, which relates to Child Abuse Training and Coordination Council; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-110, as amended by Section 46, Chapter 259, O.S.L. 2012 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-110), which relates to attorneys; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-142, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 199, O.S.L. 2017 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5-142), which relates to national criminal history record check; amending Section 3, Chapter 310, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5-149.2), which relates to handgun licenses for school personnel; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 245, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311), which relates to the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.2, which relates to powers and duties and responsibilities under Polygraph Examiners Act; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.3, as amended by Section 628, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.3), which relates to Council on Law Enforcement Training; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.4, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 339, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.4), which relates to continuing law enforcement training; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.5, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 339, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.5), which relates to law enforcement certification; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.6, as amended by Section 629, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.6), which relates to C.L.E.E.T. Training Center Revolving Fund; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.7, as amended by Section 630, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.7), which relates to the Peace Officer Revolving Fund; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.8, as amended by Section 631, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.8), which relates to the CLEET Cafeteria Revolving Fund; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.9, which relates to the petty cash fund; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.10, which relates to the purchase of passenger automobiles for training purposes; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.11, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 139, O.S.L. 2016 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.11), which relates to Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.12, which relates to law enforcement youth camps; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.13, as amended by Section 632, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.13), which relates to the CLEET Private Security Revolving Fund; amending Section 2, Chapter 315, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 368, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.14) which relates to firearms for Attorney General; amending Section 3, Chapter 376, O.S.L. 2016, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 320, O.S.L. 2017 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.15), which relates to assessment for meals; amending Section 1, Chapter 168, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S.

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Supp. 2019, Section 3311.16), which relates to authority to conduct academies; amending Section 1, Chapter 254, O.S.L. 2018, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 20, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.17), which relates to technology center schools; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 18c, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 80, O.S.L. 2019 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 18c), which relates to employment of attorneys; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 51.1, which relates to the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security; amending Section 2, Chapter 46, O.S.L. 2019 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 151.3), which relates to unidentified persons; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 324.4, which relates to the State Fire Marshal; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 324.5, which relates to State Fire Marshal agents; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 360.17, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 48, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 360.17), which relates to jurisdiction of campus police officers; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 902, as last amended by Section 20, Chapter 297, O.S.L. 2016 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 902), which relates to definitions; amending Section 6, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019 (85A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6), which relates to fraud; modifying statutory references; providing for recodification; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1201  By McCortney. An Act relating to health information; requiring health care entities to utilize statewide health information exchange; defining term; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1202  By Pemberton. An Act relating to the Sex Offenders Registration Act; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 582, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 220, O.S.L. 2019 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 582), which relates to persons and crimes to which act applies; modifying requirement registration; requiring certain investigation; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1203  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to school funding; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3-142, as last amended by Section 6, Chapter 170, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-142), which relates to charter school funding; removing language providing for calculation of State Aid for a charter school sponsored by a school district board of education; directing the student membership and attendance of a charter school be considered separate from that of its sponsor; removing language providing for a charter school to receive its State Aid from its sponsoring school district; removing references to different types of charter school sponsors authorized to retain certain fee; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 10-103.1, which relates to calculation of the legal average daily attendance; directing the legal average daily attendance for the purpose of certain distributions to not include the average daily attendance of charter school students; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1204  By Smalley. An Act relating to income tax; amending Section 1, Chapter 483, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2357.405), which relates to income tax credit for qualifying software or cybersecurity employees; modifying definition; eliminating specific authority for participation in certain program and related requirement; updating statutory references; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1205  By Bullard. An Act relating to schools; amending Section 1, Chapter 181, O.S.L. 2017, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 49, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1210.508-4), which relates to Individual Career and Academic Plans; allowing an individualized plan to be developed starting as early as the sixth grade; updating statutory references; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1206  By Haste. An Act relating to cities and towns; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 35-201, which relates to street improvement; clarifying terms relating to the selling or leasing of publicly owned utilities; and providing an effective date.

SB 1207  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Limited Liability Company Act; amending 18 O.S. 2011, Sections 2001, 2054, 2054.1 and 2054.2, as amended by Sections 37, 51, 52 and 53, Chapter 323, O.S.L. 2017 (18 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 2001, 2054, 2054.1 and 2054.2), which relate to definitions, agreement of merger of consolidation and conversion; modifying definitions; modifying requirements for approval of certain mergers or conversions; modifying certain filing requirements; conforming language; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1208  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to mental health; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 5-207, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 296, O.S.L. 2012 (43A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5-207), which relates to emergency detention; providing for assessment via telemedicine; requiring peace officer to provide certain transport pursuant to certain determination by licensed mental health professional; and providing an effective date.

SB 1209  By Haste. An Act relating to insurance premium taxes; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 1115, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 271, O.S.L. 2017 (36 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1115), which relates to surplus lines coverage; creating exemption for certain policies; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1210  By Allen. An Act relating to school attendance; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 10-105, which relates to neglect or refusal to compel a child to attend school; providing for certain student to be considered in attendance if he or she completes certain activities or engages in certain curriculum or programs; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1211  By Dossett. An Act relating to business and commerce; defining terms; applying provisions of act to certain call centers; requiring call centers to notify Insurance Department of plans to terminate or relocate; establishing civil penalty for violation of act; authorizing Attorney General to bring suit to enforce penalty; requiring Insurance Department to maintain list of certain businesses for certain length of time; requiring Department to distribute list to certain entities; establishing terms for removal of entity from list; requiring certain call center employees to disclose certain information; requiring all state agency call center services to be in state; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1212  By Matthews. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1356, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 413, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1356), which relates to sales tax exemptions; exempting sales to city-county libraries; and providing an effective date.

SB 1213  By Allen. An Act relating to excise tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2103, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 316, O.S.L. 2012 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2103), which relates to taxation on the sale of motor vehicles; adding types of vehicles for which excise tax payment is in lieu of all sales and use taxes; and providing an effective date.

SB 1214  By Hicks. An Act relating to motor vehicle safety; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 11-1112, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 376, O.S.L. 2017 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 11- 1112), which relates to child passenger restraint systems; requiring certain restraints; establishing certain fine and cost; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1215  By Coleman. An Act relating to alcoholic beverages; amending Section 108, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2016 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5-105), which relates to gross receipts tax on certain sale of beer, wine and mixed beverage; specifying procedure for listing tax on sales receipt; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1216  By Standridge. An Act relating to motor license agents; requiring Oklahoma Tax Commission to establish Digital Safety Deposit Box program for motor license agent system; making participation voluntary for motor license agency; authorizing contract for specified services between motor license agency and certain vendor or vendors; making participation of certain taxpayer voluntary; requiring Tax Commission to promulgate rules and specifying certain content thereof; clarifying status of specified service and motor license agent authority to set fee; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1217  By Stanley. An Act relating to emergency child placement; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-7- 115, which relates to criminal records check; defining term; conforming language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1218  By Coleman. An Act relating to special license plates; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.5, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1135.5), which relates to special license plates; allowing for personalization of certain license plates; creating the Bison License Plate and providing for expenditures thereof; providing for design consultation; updating statutory reference; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1219  By McCortney. An Act relating to the state Medicaid program; directing the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to initiate certain requests for proposals; requiring pilot program to commence by certain date; specifying components of pilot program; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1220  By Thompson. An Act relating to judicial compensation; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Sections 3.2 and 3.3, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 278, O.S.L. 2019 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3.3), which relate to the Board on Judicial Compensation and changes in judicial compensation; requiring approval of Legislature for change in judicial compensation; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1221  By Standridge. An Act relating to controlled dangerous substances; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2- 309, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 255, O.S.L. 2018 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-309), which relates to prescriptions; adding exception; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1222  By Thompson. An Act relating to drug courts; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 471.1, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 222, O.S.L. 2016, and 471.6, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 393,

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O.S.L. 2016 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 471.1 and 471.6), which relate to authorization of drug court programs and final eligibility hearing; requiring oversight of drug court programs by Administrative Office of the Courts; establishing drug court funds; stating purpose of certain fund; making funds nonfiscal; stating source of revenue; establishing procedures for expenditure of certain funds; directing deposit of certain costs and fees; clarifying language; updating statutory references; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1223  By Dossett. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1356, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 413, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1356), which relates to sales tax exemption; modifying exemption for specified entity; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1224  By Thompson. An Act relating to the State Board of Education; directing the Board to solicit proposals for certain pilot projects contingent upon certain funds; providing criteria for proposals; directing the Board to consider proposals in certain cooperation; directing the Board in conjunction with certain departments to determine certain criteria and establish a process to consider proposals; directing consideration of proposals on a statewide competitive basis; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1225  By Allen. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 142.6, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 148, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 142.6), which relates to notice of proposed demolition, explosion or excavation; limiting extent of proposed work in notification; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1226  By Allen. An Act relating to the Department of Environmental Quality; amending 27A O.S. 2011, Sections 2-3-106 and 2-3-107, which relate to the Pollution Prevention Program; updating statutory references; modifying definition of pollution prevention; clarifying entity to which program applies; adding certain exception to program information that shall not be made available to Department of Environmental Quality; and providing an effective date.

SB 1227  By Haste. An Act relating to telemedicine; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-2702, which relates to the statewide telemedicine network; directing the State Department of Health to enter into certain agreement; updating statutory term; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1228  By Standridge. An Act relating to medical marijuana; amending Section 1, State Question No. 788, Initiative Petition No. 412, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 312, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 420), which relates to medical marijuana patient licenses; broadening eligibility for discounted application fee; providing for expedited application review; establishing fees; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1229  By Boren. An Act relating to the Corporation Commission; applying act to certain entities; requiring Corporation Commission to coordinate with certain entities to promulgate rules; instructing certain electricity providers to separate certain charges on customer bills; requiring certain information to be on customer bills; requiring retail rate schedules to contain certain information about subsidies; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1230  By Standridge. An Act relating to the practice of radiologic technology; creating the Radiologic Technologist Licensure Act; providing short title; defining terms; setting forth certain licensure provisions related to the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision; providing for licensure and supervision of certain individuals; directing promulgation of rules defining scope of practice; permitting the use of certain guidelines; establishing the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision as the final authority in certain matters; providing for the issuance of certain permits; stating requirements for licensure; prohibiting certain activities by certain persons; directing promulgation of rules regarding qualifications of radiologic technologists; creating Radiologic Technologist Advisory Committee; providing for membership, function, terms of office, vacancies, removal from office, meetings, quorum and travel expenses of Committee; setting forth certain requirements of Board related to licensure and administrative action; authorizing Board to employ certain personnel and establish certain fees and procedures; providing for examination of applicants; allowing certain individuals to continue to practice under certain conditions; providing for licensure by endorsement; providing professional designations; requiring presentation of license upon request; setting forth licensure renewal provisions; providing for collection, deposit and expense of certain monies; providing for administrative action for certain offenses; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1231  By Young. An Act relating to senior citizens; creating the Oklahoma Elderly Care Improvement Act of 2020; providing short title; directing the Department of Human Services to convene certain working group; providing for membership; requiring certain reports; providing for staff support; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1232  By Daniels. An Act relating to oil and gas; amending 52 O.S. 2011, Sections 570.10, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 6, O.S.L. 2018 and 570.11 (52 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 570.10), which relate to payment of proceeds from sale of oil and gas and division orders; modifying time period in which proceeds and royalty proceeds shall be paid; modifying method of calculation for certain interest on proceeds; establishing division order as condition precedent for payment of proceeds; expanding information required in division order; authorizing certain persons to withhold payment of proceeds if division order is not complete for specified time period; and providing an effective date.

SB 1233  By Allen. An Act relating to public health and safety; prohibiting certain use of title and offer of services except by certain individuals; directing promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1234  By Stanley. An Act relating to alcohol and drug abuse services; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 3-415, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 310, O.S.L. 2018 (43A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-415), which relates to exemptions; adding certain exemption; and providing an effective date.

SB 1235  By Rader. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Community Economic Development Pooled Finance Act; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 891.3, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 260, O.S.L. 2019 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 891.3), which relates to definitions; modifying definitions; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1236  By Young. An Act relating to corrections; authorizing the Department of Corrections to establish certain pilot program; stating functions of pilot program; stating length of participation in pilot program; prohibiting certain inmates from participating in pilot program; authorizing the promulgation of policies; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1237  By Daniels. An Act relating to duties of Workers’ Compensation Commission; amending Section 31, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 60, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019 (85A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 31), which relates to the Multiple Injury Trust Fund; removing requirement for Commission administration of Fund; removing authority for allocation of certain funds for administration; updating statutory references; repealing Section 24, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013 (85A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 24), which relates to biennial administration report; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1238  By Young. An Act relating to maternal mortality; defining terms; requiring certain reporting and documentation on death certificate under certain circumstances; requiring the State Department of Health to maintain and publish certain data; authorizing use of certain death certificate form; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1239  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 5060.21, as amended by Section 1037, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5060.21), which relates to the Seed- Capital Revolving Fund; requiring fund management to include production of annual report and specifying certain contents; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1240  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Local Development and Enterprise Zone Incentive Leverage Act; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Sections 842, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 215, O.S.L. 2019 and 847 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 842), which relate to program administration; modifying required content of specified rules promulgated by Oklahoma Department of Commerce; deleting obsolete reference; requiring certain information be included in specified Oklahoma Tax Commission report; and providing an effective date.

SB 1241  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to oil and gas; designating certain circumstances that constitute a taking of property rights; providing exceptions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1242  By Standridge. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority; designating spaceport territory as the Official State of Oklahoma Electrification of Air Transport Testing and Experimenting Facility; allowing for application process with certain entity for use of certain testing facility; allowing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1243  By Coleman. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1357, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2017 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1357), which relates to exemptions; exempting certain core charges paid when trading-in automobile parts; requiring exemption to be administered as a refund and establishing related procedure; authorizing Oklahoma Tax Commission to prescribe form; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1244  By McCortney. An Act relating to the Supplemental Hospital Payment Program; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 3241.3, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 56, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3241.3), which relates to hospital fee assessment; modifying date upon which program terminates; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1245  By Rader. An Act relating to medical marijuana; amending Section 6, State Question No. 788, Initiative Petition No. 412, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 509, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 425), which relates to discrimination against a medical marijuana license holder; broadening certain restriction on location of a retail marijuana establishment; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1246  By Pederson. An Act relating to medical marijuana; amending Section 14, Chapter 11, O.S.L. 2019, as amended by Section 6, Chapter 509 O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 427.14), which relates to medical marijuana business license; providing certain exemption; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1247  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to income tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2358, as last amended by Section 5, Chapter 201, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2358), which relates to adjustments to income; excluding certain gambling losses from limit on allowable itemized deductions after specified date; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1248  By Standridge. An Act relating to medical marijuana; amending Section 2, State Question No. 788, Initiative Petition No. 412 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 421), which relates to medical marijuana dispensary license; authorizing licensed pharmacy to apply for dispensary license and operate as dispensary upon certain federal action; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1249  By Standridge. An Act relating to the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 2-111, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 139, O.S.L. 2017 (43A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-111), which relates to the real property trust; directing certain use of land under certain conditions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1250  By Standridge. An Act relating to public health and safety; defining term; requiring certain products to contain certain label; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1251  By Rader. An Act relating to home care; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1962, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 77, O.S.L. 2017 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-1962), which relates to home care agency license; modifying applicability of act; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1252  By Hicks. An Act relating to early childhood programs; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-114, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 4, O.S.L. 2016 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-114), which relates to enrollment in early childhood programs; directing children enrolled in certain early education programs to attend, subject to certain provisions for absences; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1253  By Haste. An Act relating to education; creating the Health Education Act; providing short title; providing purpose of the act; providing for promulgation of rules; requiring health education to be taught in the public schools; directing the State Department of Education to develop certain micro-credential and professional development programs for certain teachers by certain school year; directing school districts to provide instruction on health education subject matter standards by certain school year; requiring teachers of certain stand-alone courses to be certified in certain subject; authorizing the State Department of Education to issue certain provisional certificate to certain individuals; directing the State Textbook Committee to include a review of certain instructional materials in its review and adoption cycle; directing school districts to consult with certain committee to implement certain act; creating the Health Education Revolving Fund; specifying sources of fund; providing for expenditures; providing purpose of fund; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 11- 103.6, as last amended by Section 44, Chapter 25, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 11-103.6), which relates to curricular standards for instruction; requiring all students to receive certain instruction; providing subject matter standards for health and physical education; requiring students to complete the requirements for health education in order to graduate; updating references from foreign language to world language; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 24-100a, which relates to the Health and Fit Kids Act of 2004; directing the Healthy and Fit School Advisory Committee to make recommendations regarding implementation of certain act; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1254  By Sharp. An Act relating to property and casualty insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 1250.6, which relates to receipt of claims; requiring insurer to disclose insurance limit to certain persons within specified timeframe; applying Oklahoma Discovery Code to disclosure after filing of lawsuit; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1255  By Stanley. An Act relating to state parks; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 2220, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 243, O.S.L. 2017 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2220), which relates to collection of reasonable rates and fees; providing exception to fees and licenses for families with foster children; modifying requirement for posting of fees, licenses and other charges; authorizing promulgation of rules; and providing an effective date.

SB 1256  By Matthews. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Crime Victims Compensation Act; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 142.3, which relates to definitions; providing definition; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 142.9, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 18, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 142.9), which relates to limiting compensation; stating certain factors for consideration; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 142.10, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 58, O.S.L. 2016 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 142.10), which relates to award of compensation; modifying language; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1257  By Allen. An Act relating to medical marijuana; amending Section 21, Chapter 11, O.S.L. 2019, as amended by Section 10, Chapter 477, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 427.21), which relates to advertising restrictions; prohibiting advertising on billboards; defining term; and providing an effective date.

SB 1258  By Matthews. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Historical Society; making an appropriation; stating purpose; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1259  By Matthews. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry; making an appropriation; requiring transfer to Oklahoma State University/Tulsa and Langston University-Tulsa; stating purpose; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1260  By Matthews. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Historical Society; making appropriations; stating purposes; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1261  By Matthews. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry; making an appropriation; requiring transfer to the Urban Gardens Grant Revolving Fund; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1262  By Thompson. An Act relating to bond defeasance; requiring funding of a certain escrow account in an amount sufficient for defeasance of specified bonds within stated time period; authorizing employment of certain professionals to defease bonds; specifying source of funds necessary to defease bonds; prohibiting certain entity from disbursing certain proceeds for purposes other than funding escrow account; prohibiting issuance of additional obligations; creating the Obligation Defeasance Revolving Fund; requiring transfer of certain amount of funds to specified account for purposes of defeasing certain bonds; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1263  By Pugh. An Act relating to regional transportation authorities; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Sections 152, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 233, O.S.L. 2018, 154 and 155, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 273, O.S.L. 2016 (51 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 152 and 155), which relate to the Governmental Tort Claims Act; modifying definition; specifying liability for certain entities; modifying certain exemption from liability; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1264  By Dahm. An Act relating to traffic offense quotas; prohibiting certain entities from making certain plans based on certain number or type of traffic citations or certain amount of money collected from certain traffic citations; prohibiting certain entities from requiring or suggesting that there are certain expectations relating to such citations; providing that certain provisions do not prohibit municipalities from obtaining certain budgetary information or estimates; stating certain violations are grounds for removal from office or from a person's position; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1265  By Sharp. An Act relating to law enforcement certification records; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 245, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311), which relates to the duties of the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training; modifying allowable access; and providing an effective date.

SB 1266  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 14-109, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 317, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 14-109), which relates to gross weight of load; modifying certain distinction; modifying certain gross weight limit on certain highways; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1267  By Young. An Act relating to entrepreneurial development; requesting allocation of funds by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education; stating benefits of supporting entrepreneurial economy within the state; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1268  By Daniels. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Pleading Code; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 2004, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 305, O.S.L. 2017 (12 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2004), which relates to process; requiring dismissal of certain actions within certain time period; requiring mailing of certain order; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1269  By Rader. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board; directing the Board to develop a comprehensive state flood plan; establishing requirements of plan; instructing Board to send plan to certain persons; creating the State Flood Resiliency Revolving Fund; establishing terms of fund; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1270  By Bullard. An Act relating to the Red River Boundary Commission; re-creating Commission; stating members of Commission; specifying members will serve without compensation; authorizing members to designate a representative; specifying reimbursement methods; providing for selection of chairperson; requiring meeting; prescribing scope of Commission; requiring report; specifying deadline for report; providing for termination of Commission; providing certain exemption from Oklahoma Sunset Law; authorizing Governor to request commission from the State of Texas; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1271  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to meat consumers; creating the Oklahoma Meat Consumer Protection Act; amending Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 180, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 316 and 317), which relate to definitions and misleading or deceptive practices; removing definitions; modifying definitions; removing prohibited acts while selling meat; modifying prohibited acts while selling meat; providing for recodification; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1272  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to the Combined Pesticide Law; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Sections 3-81, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 280, O.S.L. 2014, and 3-82, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 239, O.S.L. 2017 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 3-81 and 3-82), which relate to definitions and licensure, permit and certification categories and requirements; modifying definition; adding pesticide registration exemption; and providing an effective date.

SB 1273  By Standridge. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Healthcare Authority; requiring the Authority to conduct certain study; requiring submission of certain report; defining term; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1274  By Hall. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Fuel Alcohol Act; repealing 2 O.S. 2011, Sections 11- 20 through 11-27, which relate to the short title, permit requirement, fees and rules, application for permit, revocation of permit, list of registered alcohol producers, violations, penalties, rules and inspections; and providing an effective date.

SB 1275  By Thompson. An Act relating to medical marijuana; amending Section 7, State Question No. 788, Initiative Petition No. 412 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 426), which relates to tax on retail medical marijuana; providing that sales are subject to certain taxes; providing for deposit of proceeds; providing for apportionment and remittance; amending Section 5, Chapter 11, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 427.5), which relates to the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority Revolving Fund; removing certain revenue source; removing certain duty of the State Department of Health; modifying purpose of fund; creating the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Tax Fund; clarifying direction of monies; stating purposes; clarifying language; updating statutory reference; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1276  By Thompson. An Act relating to the Physician Manpower Training Commission; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 625.14, which relates to cost-sharing programs for internship and residency physician training; increasing percentage of funds to be used for certain training; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 697.2, as amended by Section 6, Chapter 286, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 697.2), which relates to cost-sharing programs for internship and residency physician training; increasing percentage of funds to be used for certain training; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 697.3, which relates to membership of the Commission; modifying membership; updating statutory term; clarifying language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1277  By Rader. An Act relating to controlled dangerous substances; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2- 309D, as last amended by Section 18, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-309D), which relates to the central repository; authorizing members of the Opioid Overdose Fatality Review Board to access central repository for certain purpose; modifying agency inclusions; modifying certain restriction on refill prescriptions; amending Section 5, Chapter 175, O.S.L. 2018, as last amended by Section 19, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-309I), which relates to prescription limits and rules for opioid drugs; modifying applicability of section; defining term; clarifying language; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-309D, as last amended by Section 38, Chapter 25, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-309D), which relates to the central repository; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1278  By Rader. An Act relating to controlled dangerous substances; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2- 309, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 255, O.S.L. 2018 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-309), which relates to prescriptions; adding exception; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1279  By Kirt. An Act relating to mental health; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 2-307, which relates to trust for mentally incompetent or poor person; updating term; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1280  By Kirt. An Act relating to economic incentives; amending Section 1, Chapter 190, O.S.L. 2015 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 46A), which relates to enactment of economic incentives; expanding requirements for, and application of, certain provision after specified date; adding definition; and providing an effective date.

SB 1281  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to the Rural Economic Action Plan of 1996; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Sections 2003, 2004 and 2006, which relate to distribution of monies, expenditures and creation of a fund; modifying distribution of accounts and subaccounts; modifying statutory reference; removing distributions contingent on certain amount of appropriation; clarifying statutory language; requiring creation and distribution of a financial model; requiring compilation and submission of report; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1282  By Kirt. An Act relating to voter registration; amending Section 1, Chapter 87, O.S.L. 2015, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 203, O.S.L. 2017 (26 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 4- 109.4), which relates to electronic submission of voter registration application; requiring establishment of certain website by specified date; and providing an effective date.

SB 1283  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to school district elections; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 13A-110, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 356, O.S.L. 2016 (26 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 13A- 110), which relates to vacancies; requiring placement of appointees to certain vacancies on ballot for next succeeding election; and providing an effective date.

SB 1284  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to the Oklahoma State Finance Act; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.11, as amended by Section 341, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.11), which relates to the duties and functions of the Division of Central Accounting and Reporting; eliminating and modifying certain responsibilities; amending 62 O.S. 2011,

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Section 34.57, which relates to agency clearing accounts; modifying conditions under which certain disbursements may be made; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.58, as amended by Section 384, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.58), which relates to information on income, disbursements and transfers; deleting certain prohibition; providing for the suspension of activity from certain accounts upon notice; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.64, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 442, O.S.L. 2019 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.64), which relates to the payment of claims or payrolls; updating terminology; modifying authority to certify certain claims; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.65, as amended by Section 388, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.65), which relates to payment of vendor invoices; providing for method for proper accounting of payment; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 212A, as amended by Section 843, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 212A), which relates to the State Auditor and Inspector; requiring audits of certain units based upon certain standards; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1285  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to the Office of Management and Enterprise Services; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.11.2, as amended by Section 7, Chapter 358, O.S.L. 2013 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.11.2), which relates to the Oklahoma State Government 2.0 Initiative; deleting requirement for establishment of open technology standards; deleting requirement for establishment of certain schedule; deleting requirement for establishment of certain application process; deleting requirement that state agencies, boards and commissions comply with certain provisions; deleting requirement for promulgation of performance information metrics; deleting definitions; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.11.7, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 204, O.S.L. 2019 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.11.7), which relates to performance reporting metrics; modifying method by which reports shall be published; eliminating requirement for the Oklahoma Healthcare Authority to authorize telework pilot program; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.11.9, as last amended by Section 9, Chapter 358, O.S.L. 2013 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.11.9), which relates to the Oklahoma State Government Business Licensing One-Stop Program; deleting requirement to offer real-time licensing and permitting services; deleting requirement for transfer of certain assets and personnel; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.24.1, as last amended by Section 15, Chapter 358, O.S.L. 2013 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.24.1), which relates to portal system for license application; modifying statutory reference; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.27, as last amended by Section 17, Chapter 358, O.S.L. 2013 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.27), which relates to the State Government Technology Applications Review Board; clarifying language relating to portal systems; modifying statutory reference; deleting exemption; deleting requirement for oversight and implementation of certain plan; deleting requirement for approval of certain plan; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 35.8, as last amended by Section 24, Chapter 358, O.S.L. 2013 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 35.8), which relates to security standards; deleting requirement for approval of certain security protocols; amending 74 O.S. 2011,

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Section 61.7, as renumbered by Section 17, Chapter 209, O.S.L. 2013, and as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 128, O.S.L. 2015 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 908), which relates to the Oklahoma State Government Asset Reduction and Cost Savings Program; deleting requirement that certain information be made available on website; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.11.1, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 384, O.S.L. 2017 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.11.1), which relates to the Chief Information Officer; deleting requirement for issuance of report on certain plan; deleting requirement for oversight of certain plan; and providing an effective date.

SB 1286  By Young. An Act relating to state government; creating the Oklahoma Commission on Race and Equality; providing for membership, appointment, terms, removal, vacancies and reimbursement; providing for meetings and officers; providing for staff and meeting space; providing for powers and duties; establishing revolving fund; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1287  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to special license plates; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.2, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1135.2), which relates to special license plates; creating the Veterans of Foreign Wars License Plate; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.5, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1135.5), which relates to special license plates; modifying requirements for the Oklahoma Veterans of Foreign Wars License Plate; updating statutory reference; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1288  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to income tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.104, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 7, 2nd Extraordinary Session, O.S.L. 2018 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2357.104), which relates to tax credits for railroad reconstruction or replacement expenditures; deleting obsolete language; limiting transferability of credit to specified time period; limiting carry forward of unused credits to specified time period; authorizing refund of certain credits under specified circumstances and setting amount of refund; specifying entities to whom credit may be refunded and related procedures; exempting certain refund amounts from income tax; authorizing allocation of refund under certain circumstances and limiting amount; defining term; providing exception to certain reduction in value of credits; conforming language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1289  By McCortney. An Act relating to mining; amending Section 1, Chapter 349, O.S.L. 2019 (27A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-6-111), Section 2, Chapter 349, O.S.L. 2019 (45 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 950), and Section 3, Chapter 349, O.S.L. 2019, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 503, O.S.L. 2019 (82 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1020.9C), which relate to moratorium on permitting of discharge to water from sensitive sole source groundwater basins; modifying conditions of subject mine to qualify for moratorium; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1290  By Weaver. An Act relating to medical care providers; providing for the Medical Care Provider Protection Act; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 650.4, which relates to assault and battery upon medical care providers; modifying penalty; modifying definition; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 650.5, which relates to aggravated assault and battery upon medical care providers; modifying penalty; providing for certain signage; providing for certain reporting; providing for noncodification; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1291  By Standridge. An Act relating to outdoor advertising; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Section 1273, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 350, O.S.L. 2016 (69 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1273), which relates to definitions; modifying certain agreements for the relocation of certain outdoor advertising signs; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1292  By Boren. An Act relating to memorial bridge designations; designating the Tommy Wayne Hailey Memorial Bridge; requiring certain markers; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1293  By Standridge. An Act relating to transportation; amending Section 1, Chapter 143, O.S.L. 2019 (69 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 322), which relates to the Office of Mobility and Public Transit; modifying completion date for certain transit policy plan; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1294  By Coleman. An Act relating to special license plates; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.2, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1135.2), which relates to special license plates; creating the Veterans of Foreign Wars License Plate; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.5, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1135.5), which relates to special license plates; modifying requirements for the Oklahoma Veterans of Foreign Wars License Plate; updating statutory reference; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1295  By Paxton. An Act relating to the Department of Corrections; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 37, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 247, O.S.L. 2019 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 37), which relates to correctional facilities; modifying certain required documentation; and providing an effective date.

SB 1296  By Paxton. An Act relating to the Smoking in Public Places and Indoor Workplaces Act; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1247, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 477, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1247), which relates to penalties for smoking in certain public areas; providing certain definition; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1297  By Paxton. An Act relating to court fines and costs; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 205.2, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 280, O.S.L. 2015 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 205.2), which relates to claims against income tax refunds; clarifying authority of courts to collect certain fines and costs through tax warrant intercept; and providing an effective date.

SB 1298  By Coleman. An Act relating to offenders; directing development of a comprehensive reentry program; creating a certificate of rehabilitation; allowing certain judicial consideration; requiring certain notification; stating certain application requirements; requiring certain database; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1299  By Montgomery. An Act relating to schools; providing definition; directing the State Department of Education beginning in certain school year to designate a school district site or certain charter school site as a Purple Star School; providing eligibility criteria; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1300  By Montgomery. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 2603, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 289, O.S.L. 2017 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2603), which relates to eligibility for the program; providing eligibility to participate for students who were in the permanent custody of the Department of Human Services upon entering certain grade or reaching certain age and upon graduation; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 2605, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 289, O.S.L. 2017 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2605), which relates to student agreements; allowing certain students who meet certain eligibility criteria to participate in the program until they reach certain age; requiring certain students to execute certain agreements beginning with certain school year; directing the Oklahoma State Regents of Higher Education to coordinate with the Department of Human Services to provide certain assistance; requiring certain agreement to include certain provision; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1301  By Montgomery. An Act relating to landlord breach of rental agreement; amending 41 O.S. 2011, Section 121, which relates to deductions from rent for repairs; increasing amount of deduction permissible under certain circumstances; updating statutory references; making language gender neutral; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1302  By Pederson. An Act relating to wind energy facilities; amending Section 2, Chapter 92, O.S.L. 2015, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 310, O.S.L. 2019 (17 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 160.20), which relates to setback requirements; providing definition; adding certain private- use airports to setback requirement for wind energy facilities; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1303  By Pederson. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 12-417, as amended by Section 7, Chapter 207, O.S.L. 2012 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 12-417), which relates to required safety belts; modifying requirements; providing for certain admissibility; and providing an effective date.

SB 1304  By Pederson. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-114, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 4, O.S.L. 2016 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-114), which relates to free attendance of public schools; directing school district boards of education to determine whether to require certain tuition fee for certain students to attend; requiring notification of the State Board of Education; making certain credit on nonresident tuition fee applicable to certain school districts; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1305  By Montgomery. An Act relating to the Ad Valorem Reimbursement Fund; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 193, as amended by Section 457, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 193), which relates to the distribution of funds; adding category of exemption for which reimbursement may be claimed and creating qualification; clarifying language; modifying priority for payment of claims; and providing an effective date.

SB 1306  By Montgomery. An Act relating to income tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.43, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 341, O.S.L. 2016 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2357.43), which relates to the earned income tax credit; updating language; modifying computation of credit during specified time periods; providing for refund of excess credit at specified amounts during certain time periods; and providing an effective date.

SB 1307  By Pemberton. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 24-100a, which relates to the Healthy and Fit Kids Act of 2004; removing language allowing schools to combine certain committees; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 24-100.3, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 311, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 24-100.3), which relates to the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act; modifying certain definition; updating statutory reference; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1308  By Paxton. An Act relating to motor license agents; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1140, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 195, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1140), which relates to qualifications; modifying conditions under which motor license agent may be removed by the Oklahoma Tax Commission; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1309  By Montgomery. An Act relating to information technology; establishing exemption from payment for certain information technology projects unless hours are verifiable by automatic billing verification software; providing requirements for such automatic billing verification software; requiring that software be procured from independent entity; providing for limit on transfer of data by contractor; providing exemptions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1310  By Montgomery. An Act relating to cities and towns; amending Section 2, Chapter 326, O.S.L. 2014, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 52, O.S.L. 2017 (11 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 22-110.1), which relates to municipalities prohibited from requiring registration of real property; authorizing municipalities to collect certain information relating to public nuisances, dilapidated properties, or unlawful conduct; authorizing municipalities to assess certain penalty; allowing for establishment of certain rules and regulations; and providing an effective date.

SB 1311  By Pederson. An Act relating to cemeteries; providing for method of burial space reversion; providing certain guidelines for notification process; providing certain remedy for certain claims; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1312  By Pederson. An Act relating to ad valorem taxes; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2913, which relates to payment of taxes; modifying payment amount authorized for payment of taxes in installments; and providing an effective date.

SB 1313  By Pemberton. An Act relating to charter schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3-132, as last amended by Section 29, Chapter 42, O.S.L. 2017 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-132), which relates to charter school sponsorship; clarifying criteria for the State Board of Education to sponsor certain charter school; requiring the State Department of Education to make certain determination and recommendation prior to the State Board of Education sponsoring a charter school; directing the Board to provide certain opportunity to be heard prior to sponsoring a charter school; requiring demonstration of certain support to come from within certain geographical boundaries; requiring an applicant to adhere to certain requirements; updating statutory reference; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3-134, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 170, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-134), which relates to charter school applications; modifying time period for the Board to hear certain appeal; allowing the chair of the Board to appoint a hearing officer to assume certain responsibilities; allowing such appointment within certain time frame of receipt of an appeal; providing appeal process procedures and requirements for certain charter school sponsorship appeals; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1314  By Paxton. An Act relating to motor vehicle storage rates; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 953.2, which relates to fees and charges for storage of towed vehicles; modifying inclusions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1315  By Paxton. An Act relating to the Department of Environmental Quality; making an appropriation; stating purpose; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1316  By Paxton. An Act relating to counties and county officers; authorizing an online bidding process; providing requirements of the online bidding process; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1317  By Sharp. An Act relating to students; creating the State Tribal Education Data Partnership Act Between Tribes and the State of Oklahoma; providing short title; directing the State Department of Education to require school districts to submit certain additional data elements for certain students; requiring compliance with certain act; providing for promulgation of rules; amending Section 1, Chapter 356, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 33, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-168), which relates to the Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act of 2013; modifying certain definition; updating statutory references; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1318  By Haste. An Act relating to victims impact panel programs; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 991a, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2018 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 991a), which relates to sentencing powers of court; removing authority of Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Commissioner to grant certain exemption; and providing an effective date.

SB 1319  By Paxton. An Act relating to motor vehicle registration; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1132A, which relates to renewals through online system; modifying procedure used in online renewal system; mandating date by which certain modification is complete; and providing an effective date.

SB 1320  By Simpson. An Act relating to students; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 8-103.1, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 285, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 8-103.1), which relates

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to the transfer of students not residing in a district; directing a student to be considered a resident of a district if his or her parent or legal guardian is on certain active duty and subject to certain transfer; directing a school district to accept certain application by electronic means; requiring a parent or legal guardian to provide certain proof within certain time period; providing for addresses to be used as certain proof; providing definitions; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1321  By Daniels. An Act relating to vital statistics; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-301, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 37, O.S.L. 2015 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-301), which relates to definitions; adding definition; and providing an effective date.

SB 1322  By Smalley. An Act relating to income tax credits; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.104, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 7, 2nd Extraordinary Session, O.S.L. 2018 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2357.104), which relates to credits for railroad reconstruction or replacement expenditures; limiting time period during which credits may be claimed; increasing individual limit on amount of credit during specified time period; eliminating specified taxpayer election and related prohibition; modifying definition; deleting obsolete language; eliminating percentage reduction in credit; increasing annual cap on total credits allowed for specified time period; and providing an effective date.

SB 1323  By Sharp. An Act relating to rural electric cooperatives; amending 18 O.S. 2011 Section 437.7, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 96, O.S.L. 2016 (18 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 437.7), which relates to meetings of rural electric cooperatives; removing quorum requirement for rural electric cooperative meetings; modifying authorized types of voting; and providing an effective date.

SB 1324  By Dahm. An Act relating to driver licenses; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 2-112, which relates to authority to grant or refuse applications; allowing certain time frame for investigation; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-106, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 302, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-106), which relates to application for license; modifying certain requirements; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1325  By Simpson. An Act relating to statewide virtual charter schools; amending Section 5, Chapter 367, O.S.L. 2012, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 272, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-145.3), which relates to powers and duties of the Statewide Virtual Charter

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School Board; directing a student to be eligible to enroll in a statewide virtual charter school if his or her parent or legal guardian is on certain active duty and subject to certain transfer; directing a statewide virtual charter school to accept certain application by electronic means; requiring a parent or legal guardian to provide certain proof within certain time period; providing for addresses to be used as certain proof; providing definitions; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1326  By Daniels. An Act relating to workers’ compensation; amending Sections 2, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019, 3 and 5, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Sections 2 and 3, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019 (85A O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 2, 3 and 5), which relate to definitions, applicability and exclusive liability; modifying definition; clarifying applicability of act; clarifying exception to exclusive remedy; and providing an effective date.

SB 1327  By Simpson. An Act relating to soldiers and sailors; requiring the Department of Veterans Affairs to evaluate the Union Soldiers Home; requiring determination of measures and funds necessary to meet United States Department of Veterans Affairs standards; requiring submission of findings to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the House; authorizing the Department to seek assistance from the Adjutant General and state agencies; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1328  By Simpson. An Act relating to the Office of Management and Enterprise Services; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 78, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 124, O.S.L. 2018 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 78), which relates to the Fleet Management Division; providing exception for the Military Department of the State of Oklahoma; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 78a, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 124, O.S.L. 2018 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 78a), which relates to application of agencies intending to purchase motor vehicles; deleting certain reporting requirement for the Military Department of the State of Oklahoma; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 78b, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 124, O.S.L. 2018 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 78b), which relates to notification of vehicle disposal; providing exception for the Military Department of the State of Oklahoma; and providing an effective date.

SB 1329  By Montgomery. An Act relating to the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974; amending Section 3, Chapter 472, O.S.L. 2019 (61 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 103.8), which relates to location of company headquarters; establishing that reporting requirements apply to certain agencies; deleting requirement that reporting obligations shall apply to contracts awarded to out-of- state companies; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1330  By Montgomery. An Act relating to cities and towns; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 21-103, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 124, O.S.L. 2015 (11 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 21-103), which relates to annexation; prohibiting annexation of territory or property upon which certain permanent structures have been built; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1331  By Simpson. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 5051.1, which relates to liens; specifying superiority of certain liens; and providing an effective date.

SB 1332  By Allen. An Act relating to oversize and overweight vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 14-103G, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 239, O.S.L. 2014 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 14-103G), which relates to oversize or overweight load vehicle permits; allowing certain oversize vehicles to travel on certain highways; and providing an effective date.

SB 1333  By Montgomery. An Act relating to the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; amending 41 O.S. 2011, Section 121, which relates to landlord’s breach of rental agreement; authorizing tenant to take certain corrective action upon noncompliance of landlord with rental agreement; requiring certain notice; authorizing deduction from rent payment under certain circumstances; capping amount of permissible deduction; updating statutory references; making language gender neutral; and providing an effective date.

SB 1334  By Paxton. An Act relating to oil and gas; amending 52 O.S. 2011, Section 86.2, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 124, O.S.L. 2016 (52 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 86.2), which relates to waste in production of oil; requiring certain notice for onsite waste disposal; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1335  By Simpson. An Act relating to the State Department of Health; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 840-5.5, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 365, O.S.L. 2019 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 840-5.5), which relates to unclassified service positions and personnel; modifying included positions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1336  By Hicks. An Act relating to higher education; prohibiting institutions within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education from inquiring about certain criminal history during

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certain application or admissions process; providing exceptions for inquiries related to certain crimes or attempted crimes; requiring an institution to provide notification of certain admission denial; providing for appeal; allowing an institution to make inquiries of certain criminal history for certain purposes after a student has been accepted; allowing an institution to make certain inquiries when obtaining certain secondary information; requiring an institution that makes such inquires to give certain consideration; allowing an institution that offers a teacher preparation program to make certain inquiries; providing for counseling to be offered; prohibiting an institution from denying admission to or continuation of certain program based solely on certain criminal history; providing for counseling to be offered; allowing certain institutions to consider certain criminal history if it is part of certain application designed by certain national application services; allowing promulgation of rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1337  By Stanley. An Act relating to teachers; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6-101, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 323, O.S.L. 2016 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-101), which relates to teacher contracts; requiring that a teacher whose certificate has been suspended to remain employed while certain proceedings are pending; allowing suspension of certain teacher; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1338  By Montgomery. An Act relating to alternative teacher certification; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 6- 122.3, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 165, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-122.3), which relates to the criteria for alternative teacher certification; requiring the State Department of Education to reimburse certain applicants upon successful completion of certain courses; allowing certain public school districts to develop certain professional development courses; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1339  By Montgomery. An Act relating to student debt; directing the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, the State Department of Career and Technology Education and the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools to prepare certain report; providing for contents of report; requiring information in report to be aggregated; requiring compliance with certain act; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1340  By Montgomery. An Act relating to student data; amending Section 1, Chapter 356, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 33, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-168), which relates to the Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act of 2013; modifying certain definition; allowing school districts to submit certain tribal affiliation data beginning in certain school year; requiring school districts to submit certain tribal affiliation data beginning in certain school year; updating statutory references; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1341  By McCortney. An Act relating to pharmacy; providing definitions; allowing a pharmacist to substitute certain interchangeable product for certain prescribed product if certain conditions are met; requiring a pharmacist or designee to make entry of certain product provided within certain time frame; providing for method of certain communication; providing for notice to certain prescriber; providing exemption for certain communication; directing the State Board of Pharmacy to maintain certain link on its website; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1342  By Standridge. An Act relating to controlled dangerous substances; prohibiting drug wholesaler from preventing certain purchase of drugs by licensed pharmacy; defining term; directing promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1343  By Standridge. An Act relating to home care; authorizing the State Commissioner of Health to promulgate certain rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1344  By Hicks. An Act relating to the state Medicaid program; requiring the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to submit certain waiver; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1345  By Simpson. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-556, as amended by Section 55, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2013 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-556), which relates to breast and cervical cancer; modifying time period of certain report; modifying criteria; updating statutory references and language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1346  By Hicks. An Act relating to syringe access programs; defining term; authorizing certain entities to establish syringe access program; specifying objectives of program; specifying services; prohibiting certain use of federal funds; providing for promulgation of rules; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-101, as last amended by Section 16, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-101), which relates to controlled dangerous substances; modifying definition; clarifying language; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1347  By Simpson. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending Section 1, Chapter 46, O.S.L. 2015 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 7301), which relates to diabetes prevention reporting; modifying time period of certain report; modifying required information; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1348  By Smalley. An Act relating to sexually transmitted infections; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1- 515, which relates to testing for pregnant women; broadening certain testing requirements; and providing an effective date.

SB 1349  By Smalley. An Act relating to the State Department of Health; amending Section 44, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 11, O.S.L. 2015 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-103a.1), which relates to Public Health Advisory Councils; updating statutory term; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1350  By Simpson. An Act relating to public finance; defining terms; requiring certain state agencies to report certain information; requiring the Office of Management and Enterprise Services to submit certain report; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1351  By Montgomery. An Act relating to the Oklahoma State Employees Benefits Act; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1374, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 26, O.S.L. 2018 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1374), which relates to vision plans; authorizing Office of Management and Enterprise Services to renew certain vision plan contracts for one year periods; specifying certain information that may be required to renew; and providing an effective date.

SB 1352  By Boggs. An Act relating to higher education; requiring certain colleges to offer a course in the U.S. Constitution; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1353  By Pugh. An Act relating to law enforcement training; providing certain deadline for crisis intervention training; providing for certain requirement; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.4, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 339, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.4), which relates to continuing law enforcement training; requiring certain training; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.5, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 339, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.5), which relates to law enforcement certification; requiring certain training; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1354  By Boggs. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 12-201, which relates to proper display of lamps; modifying certain distance; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1355  By McCortney. An Act relating to payroll deductions; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.70, as amended by Section 393, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.70), which relates to voluntary deductions; removing requirements for making payroll deductions for certain insurance premiums; and providing an effective date.

SB 1356  By McCortney. An Act relating to health insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 1219.5, which relates to modification of existing coverage; prohibiting certain changes to policy coverage and limits; providing certain exception; and providing an effective date.

SB 1357  By Hicks. An Act relating to teacher pay; establishing minimum salary schedule for teachers; defining fringe benefits, specifying certain recognition of college degrees; requiring the State Board of Education to accept certain teaching experience; limiting teaching credit for certain service and experience; allowing school district to offer more credit; directing the Board to recognize certain experiences; prohibiting application of minimum salary schedule to certain retired teachers; repealing Section 3, Chapter 394, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 10, 2nd Extraordinary Session, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S. Supp. 2018, Section 18-114.14), which relates to a minimum salary schedule; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1358  By Kirt. An Act relating to state government; directing certain agencies who contract with certain entities to require an annual report to be submitted to the agency; stating contents of the report; and providing an effective date.

SB 1359  By Howard. An Act relating to judicial authorization for anatomical gift; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-3-102, which relates to medical care and treatment of child in protective custody; authorizing court to order procurement of anatomical gifts under certain circumstances; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Sections 2200.8A, 2200.9A and 2200.10A, which relate to the Oklahoma Uniform Anatomical Gift Act; providing exceptions; conforming language; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1360  By Sharp. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.2, as last amended by Section 27, Chapter 358, O.S.L. 2013 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.2), which relates to definitions; modifying definition for limited purpose; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1361  By Bice. An Act relating to militia; amending 44 O.S. 2011, Section 26, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 268, O.S.L. 2016 (44 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 26), which relates to the duties of the Adjutant General; authorizing the expenditure of appropriated and nonappropriated funds to enhance recruiting and retention efforts; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1362  By Rader. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Local Development and Enterprise Zone Incentive Leverage Act; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 842, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 215, O.S.L. 2019 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 842), which relates to eligibility for state local enterprise and government matching payments; eliminating prohibition against state local government matching payments for specified types of projects; and providing an effective date.

SB 1363  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to the State Public Common School Building Equalization Fund; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3-104, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 271, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-104), which relates to powers and duties of the State Board of Education; updating statutory language; removing language providing for administration of the State Public Common School Building Equalization Fund; directing the Board to administer the fund; providing for deposits into fund; providing for use of fund; providing definitions; providing for awarding of grants to school districts; allowing grants to be prorated; providing for disposal of property or building if a charter school’s application for sponsorship renewal is denied, a charter contract is terminated or a charter school ceases to operate; allowing the Board to approve expenditure of certain remaining funds for certain purposes; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1364  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to the State Public Common School Building Equalization Fund; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3-104, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 271, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-104), which relates to powers and duties of the State Board of Education; removing language providing for administration of the State Public Common School Building Equalization Fund; updating statutory language; directing the Board to administer the fund; providing for deposits into fund; providing for use of fund; providing definitions; directing the Board to solicit proposals for one-time capital expenditure grants and multi-year facility grants; providing for use of grants; providing criteria and priority consideration for awarding of grants; providing for calculation of multi- year facility grant amounts; providing for calculation of one-time capital expenditure grants; prohibiting certain grants from exceeding certain amount; allowing the Board to prorate grants; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1365  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to school funding; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3-142, as last amended by Section 6, Chapter 170, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-142), which relates to calculating State Aid for charter schools; directing the State Board of Education to deduct certain percentage from the allocation to certain statewide virtual charter schools for deposit into certain fund; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1366  By Coleman. An Act relating to district attorneys; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 215.22, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 22, O.S.L. 2017 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 215.22), which relates to destruction and reproduction of records; modifying requirements for destruction of certain records; and providing an effective date.

SB 1367  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to student discipline; amending Section 8, Chapter 7, 1st Extraordinary Session, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 135, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-149.7), which relates to assault or attempted physical bodily injury on school employees; allowing rather than requiring certain students in certain grades who commit certain violations to be suspended from school; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1368  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to sex education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 11-105.1, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 133, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 11-105.1), which relates to approval of curriculum and materials for sex education; requiring certain curriculum and materials to be approved for medical accuracy by the State Department of Health; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1369  By Allen. An Act relating to state highways; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Section 1101, which relates to letting construction contracts; removing certain mileage restriction for certain construction project bids; and providing an effective date.

SB 1370  By McCortney. An Act relating to the state Medicaid program; stating purpose of act; creating the I/T/U Shared Savings Program; providing that certain services may be subject to certain reimbursement; providing for certain distribution and deposit of savings; prohibiting certain use of fund; requiring certain actions and distributions to be conducted in accordance with certain federal guidance; specifying criteria of care coordination agreements; providing for promulgation of rules and execution of contracts in accordance with certain requirements;

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requiring the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to seek certain federal approval; providing for termination of the I/T/U Shared Savings Program under certain conditions; creating the I/T/U Shared Savings Revolving Fund; specifying purpose of fund and revenue sources; requiring submission of certain annual report; specifying criteria of report; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1371  By Kirt. An Act relating to the Ethics Commission; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 4258, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 440, O.S.L. 2019 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 4258), which relates to the Ethics Commission Fund; removing limitation on deposits to Fund; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1372  By Coleman. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Open Records Act; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Section 24A.8, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 370, O.S.L. 2015 (51 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 24A.8), which relates to disclosure of law enforcement records; clarifying requirements for providing certain records available through discovery; construing provisions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1373  By Haste. An Act relating to holidays; designating the fourteenth day of each August as “V-J Day”; authorizing the issuance of a proclamation by the Governor calling for certain observation and commemoration; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1374  By Floyd. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Crime Victims Compensation Act; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 142.6, which relates to the powers of the Crime Victims Compensation Board; modifying allowable access to certain documents; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 142.10, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 58, O.S.L. 2016 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 142.10), which relates to the award of compensation; allowing certain consideration; providing allowable criteria; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1375  By David. An Act relating to workers’ compensation; amending Sections 50, as amended by Section 20, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019, and 56, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013 (85A O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 50 and 56), which relate to medical treatment and certified workplace medical plans; adding chiropractic services to allowable medical treatment; authorizing selection of chiropractors to provide certain services; conforming language; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1376  By Bice. An Act relating to motor license agents; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 7-602, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 74, O.S.L. 2017 and 1141.1, as amended by Section 4,

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Chapter 158, O.S.L. 2012 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 7-602 and 1141.1), which relate to verification of financial responsibility; eliminating authority for fee by motor license agent for certain online transaction where financial responsibility is verified; and providing an effective date.

SB 1377  By Haste. An Act relating to schools; amending Section 1, Chapter 333, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 24-100.7), which relates to suicide awareness and drug abuse policies; requiring rather than allowing a school district board of education to adopt certain policy; requiring the policy to be developed in certain consultation and address certain procedures; requiring rather than allowing a board of education to provide certain training; requiring rather than allowing a board of education to provide certain training and curriculum beginning in certain school year; requiring certain training program to be developed in certain collaboration; and providing an effective date.

SB 1378  By Kirt. An Act relating to change of name; repealing 12 O.S. 2011, Section 1633, which relates to notice requirements; and providing an effective date.

SB 1379  By Simpson. An Act relating to higher education; amending Section 1, Chapter 290, O.S.L. 2012, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 141, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3247), which relates to in-state status for dependents of military personnel; modifying eligibility for in-state status for certain students; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1380  By David. An Act relating to pretrial release; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Sections 1105.3, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 2, O.S.L. 2018 and 1108.1 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1105.3), which relate to pretrial release programs and own recognizance bonds; prohibiting eligibility for certain pretrial release programs for certain offenses; providing exception to eligibility for own recognizance bonds; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1381  By Boren. An Act relating to student assessments; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.508, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 479, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1210.508), which relates to the statewide system of student assessments; prohibiting school districts from using school counselors as building test coordinators to administer certain assessments beginning in certain school year; directing the State Board of Education to promulgate certain rules; directing the Board to ensure certain vendor includes certain compensation for certain test coordinators; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1382  By McCortney. An Act relating to voter registration; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 4-120, which relates to cancellation of registrations; modifying requirements for cancellation of voter registrations; requiring certain notice; establishing time limitation to present certain evidence; updating statutory reference; authorizing state membership in multistate voter list maintenance organizations; authorizing expenditure of funds for certain dues and fees; allowing certain data to be provided to certain organizations; requiring secure transmission of certain data; authorizing certain voter registration notification procedures; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1383  By Young. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Historical Society; making an appropriation; stating purpose; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1384  By Dahm and Quinn. An Act relating to special license plates; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.5, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1135.5), which relates to special license plates; creating the Make America Great Again License Plate and providing for expenditures thereof; creating the Keep America Great License Plate and providing for expenditures thereof; providing for design consultation; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1385  By Daniels. An Act relating to informant testimony; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 2510, which relates to identity of informant; conforming language; establishing exception to certain privilege; updating statutory language; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 2002, which relates to disclosure of evidence; requiring state to disclose information related to certain informants within specified time period; requiring compilation and maintenance of certain records; directing accessibility of certain records; defining term; and providing an effective date.

SB 1386  By Howard. An Act relating to confidentiality of court records; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 472, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 180, O.S.L. 2014 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 472), which relates to mental health courts; establishing confidentiality requirements for cases assigned to mental health court programs; and providing an effective date.

SB 1387  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Community Economic Development Pooled Finance Act; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Sections 891.12 and Section 4, Chapter 260, O.S.L. 2019 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 891.17), which relate to withholding tax and duties; requiring certain businesses to repay withholding tax under specified circumstances; directing establishment of rules for reporting data; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1388  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1358, which relates to agricultural sales tax exemptions; exempting the sale of bee products sold by certain beekeepers; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1389  By Hicks. An Act relating to statutory terms; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 411, which relates to the Department of Human Services; updating term; and providing an effective date.

SB 1390  By Stanley. An Act relating to the Department of Human Services; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 162, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 30, O.S.L. 2018 (56 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 162), which relates to duties and powers of the Director of Human Services; requiring employee background checks to include a fingerprint-based national criminal history record check; and providing an effective date.

SB 1391  By Coleman. An Act relating to controlled dangerous substances; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2- 312, which relates to prescriptive authority; broadening prescriptive authority of certain Advanced Practice Registered Nurses; updating professional terms; deleting obsolete reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1392  By Coleman. An Act relating to assisted living centers; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-890.8, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 248, O.S.L. 2013 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-890.8), which relates to the plan of accommodation for certain disabled residents; modifying criteria for prescription of an antipsychotic drug for residents; requiring reassessments; listing requirements; requiring documentation; and providing an effective date.

SB 1393  By Floyd. An Act relating to chiropractic; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 161.7, as last amended by Section 8, Chapter 363, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 161.7), which relates to application for original license by examination; modifying application fee; eliminating examination fee; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 161.9, as last amended by Section 5, Chapter 213, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 161.9), which relates to application for original license by relocation of practice; modifying application fee; broadening entities who may administer examination; and providing an effective date.

SB 1394  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to controlled dangerous substances; amending Section 5, Chapter 175, O.S.L. 2018, as last amended by Section 19, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-309I), which relates to prescription limits and rules for opioid drugs; modifying certain requirement of chronic pain prescriptions; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1395  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to health services for minors; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2602, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 305, O.S.L. 2016 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2602), which relates to right of self-consent under certain conditions; broadening minors who may consent to health services; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1396  By Stanley. An Act relating to teacher retirement; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 17-116.10, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 270, O.S.L. 2017 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 17- 116.10), which relates to postretirement employment; removing earnings limitations for certain retired members.

SB 1397  By Standridge. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education; creating revolving fund; providing that the fund shall not be subject to fiscal year limitations; describing sources of funding; providing that all monies accruing to the credit of the fund are appropriated and may be budgeted and expended by the Department; requiring certain procedures for expenditures from the fund; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1398  By Dahm. An Act relating to weapons; authorizing persons to enter the State Capitol building with a handgun; providing construing provision; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1399  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to students; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.284, as last amended by Section 79, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1210.284), which relates to vision screening of students; directing the State Department of Education rather than the State Department of Health to maintain certain registry; directing the State Department of Health to make certain recommendations to the State Department of Education; removing certain requirements for the recommendations; directing the State Department of Education rather than the State Department of Health to establish and maintain certain registry and standards; removing language regarding the approval of certain applicants; removing language providing for the State Board of Health to promulgate certain rules; removing language providing for contents of certain report; removing language requiring certain report; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1400  By Dahm. An Act relating to firearms; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.2, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 63, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.2), which relates

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to definitions; modifying definitions; providing definition; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.4, as amended by Section 25, Chapter 259, O.S.L. 2012 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.4), which relates to unlawful carry; clarifying who can lawfully carry; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.6, as amended by Section 27, Chapter 259, O.S.L. 2012 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.6), which relates to prohibited ammunition; clarifying language; removing certain administrative fine; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.7, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 1, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.7), which relates to construing authority of license; clarifying language; updating statutory references; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.8, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 406, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.8), which relates to possession of license required; modifying language; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.26, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 298, O.S.L. 2017 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.26), which relates to reciprocal agreement authority; modifying language; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.2, which relates to legislative findings for Firearms Act; clarifying findings; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.25, as amended by Section 43, Chapter 259, O.S.L. 2012 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.25), which relates to legislative intent; modifying language; updating statutory references; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1272, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 1, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1272), which relates to unlawful carry; modifying certain language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1401  By Dahm. An Act relating to firearms; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1277, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 235, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1277), which relates to unlawful carry in certain places; modifying allowable locations where carry cannot be prohibited; requiring certain designation; allowing certain carry; and providing an effective date.

SB 1402  By Thompson. An Act relating to fees; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Sections 991a and 991c, as last amended by Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 453, O.S.L. 2019 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 991a and 991c), which relate to the sentencing powers of the court and deferred sentences; eliminating certain supervision fees; repealing 22 O.S. 2011, Section 991d, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 453, O.S.L. 2019 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 991d), which relates to supervision fees; and providing an effective date.

SB 1403  By Hall. An Act relating to the County Road Improvement Act; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Section 687.1, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 193, O.S.L. 2013 (69 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 687.1), which relates to circuit engineering districts; deleting requirement for independent audit; providing for operational audits by the State Auditor and Inspector; authorizing promulgation of rules; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1404  By Dahm. An Act relating to attorneys; amending 5 O.S. 2001, Section 18, which relates to inactive status; making payment of certain dues voluntary; removing certain fee requirements; making language gender neutral; and providing an effective date.

SB 1405  By Dahm. An Act relating to appointment powers; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 2, which relates to the power of the Governor; authorizing Governor to appoint or replace certain persons; providing exception; authorizing President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives to appoint or replace certain persons; providing exception; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1406  By Pugh. An Act relating to teacher compensation; authorizing the State Board of Education to provide salary bonuses to certain teachers; providing definitions; directing Board to promulgate rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1407  By Dahm. An Act relating to state government; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 9.25, which relates to the Governor's Advisory Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities and the Governor's Advisory Committee to the Office of Disability Concerns; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 9.26, which relates to the Governor's Advisory Committee to the Office of Disability Concerns; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 9.28, 9.29, 9.30, 9.31, 9.32 and 9.35, which relate to the Governor's Advisory Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities; and providing an effective date.

SB 1408  By Daniels. An Act relating to sentencing proceedings; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 929, which relates to remand for vacation of sentence; modifying eligibility requirements for jury resentencing; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1409  By Thompson. An Act relating to fines and fees; creating the Justice Reform Revolving Fund; providing for certain transfer of funds; directing certain funds be deposited; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 991a, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2018 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 991a), which relates to sentencing powers of the Court; eliminating certain fee; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 11-1117, which relates to penalties related to all-terrain vehicles; modifying collection distribution of certain fine; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1125, which relates to penalty for failure to register; elimination certain penalty; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 2217, which relates to prohibitions at state parks; modifying collection distribution of certain fine; repealing Section 2, Chapter 179, O.S.L.

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2012 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 339.7), which relates to community service program assessment; repealing 47 O.S. 2011, Section 11-403.1, which relates to additional fee for failure to yield right of way; repealing 47 O.S. 2011, Section 40-123, as amended by Section 175, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 40-123), which relates to the Motorcycle Safety and Education Program Revolving Fund; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 4235 and 4236, as amended by Section 522, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 4236), which relates to violation by parents and the Boating Safety Act; repealing 70 O.S. 2011, Section 18-118.1, as amended by Section 609, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 18-118.1), which relates to the School Investigative Audit Revolving Fund; providing for codification; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1410  By Dahm. An Act relating to poor persons; repealing Section 3, Chapter 344, O.S.L. 2012, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2014 (56 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 162.1b), which relates to Department of Human Services Citizens Advisory Panels; and providing an effective date.

SB 1411  By Thompson. An Act relating to fees; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 1355.14, which relates to payment of costs of representation; directing certain deposit of fees; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1412  By Dahm. An Act relating to public health and safety; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-237, which relates to the Interagency Coordinating Council for Coordination of Efforts for Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases; and providing an effective date.

SB 1413  By Dahm. An Act relating to public health and safety; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1923.1, as amended by Section 52, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2013 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1- 1923.1), which relates to the Residents and Family State Council; and providing an effective date.

SB 1414  By Dahm. An Act relating to environment and natural resources; repealing Sections 1, 3 and 4, Chapter 353, O.S.L. 2013 (27A O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 2250, 2251 and 2252), which relate to the Emergency Drought Relief Fund; and providing an effective date.

SB 1415  By Dahm. An Act relating to the Corporation Commission, repealing Section 3, Chapter 247, O.S.L. 2012, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 232, O.S.L. 2014 (17 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 802.3), which relates to the Oklahoma Energy Initiative Board; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1416  By Dahm. An Act relating to agriculture; repealing 2 O.S. 2011, Section 7-10, which relates to the Southern Dairy Compact; and providing an effective date.

SB 1417  By Dahm. An Act relating to workers’ compensation; repealing Section 164, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 41, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019 (85A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 121), which relates to the Advisory Council on Workers’ Compensation; and providing an effective date.

SB 1418  By Dahm. An Act relating to workers’ compensation; repealing Section 17, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013 (85A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 17), which relates to the Physician Advisory Committee; and providing an effective date.

SB 1419  By Dahm. An Act relating to public finance; repealing 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.27, as last amended by Section 17, Chapter 358, O.S.L. 2013 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.27), which relates to the State Government Technology Applications Review Board; and providing an effective date.

SB 1420  By Dahm. An Act relating to state government; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 5010.3, which relates to the Office for Minority and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises; and providing an effective date.

SB 1421  By Dahm. An Act relating to schools; repealing 70 O.S. 2011, Sections 4801, 4802, 4803, 4804, 4805, 4806, 4807, 4808, 4809 and 4810, which relate to the Oklahoma Center for Rural Development Act; and providing an effective date.

SB 1422  By Thompson. An Act relating to The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.2, as last amended by Section 27, Chapter 358, O.S.L. 2013 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.2), which relates to definitions; modifying certain definitions; deleting certain definitions; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.3, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 6, O.S.L. 2015 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.3), which relates to the Purchasing Division of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services; modifying authority; establishing certain prohibition; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.3A, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 472, O.S.L. 2019 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.3A), which relates to exempted entities; providing exemption for certain interagency agreements; providing exemption for certain transaction; establishing procedures for emergency acquisitions;

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providing definitions; requiring certain information to be provided in a timely fashion; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.5, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 359, O.S.L. 2014 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.5), which relates to the powers and duties of the State Purchasing Director; providing certain exemption; requiring certain agency determination; modifying authority; updating statutory language; establishing fair and reasonable acquisition threshold amount; establishing requirement for certain training; authorizing certain forms of contracting with certain entities; authorizing testing of procurement innovations; authorizing research of cost savings; requiring development of standardized contract forms; deleting requirement for development of electronic payment system; deleting certain authorities and responsibilities; modifying minimum amount for applicable contracts; deleting requirement for certain verification; providing exemption for certain purchase types; authorizing use of state laboratories for certain testing; amending Section 1, Chapter 264, O.S.L. 2013 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.5.1), which relates to the Oklahoma Privatization Act; deleting name of act; modifying requirement for establishment of certain repository; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.5a, which relates to the state purchase card; establishing fleet card and state purchase card as only authorized card programs for state agencies; establishing reporting and accessibility requirements; establishing parameters for use; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.6, which relates to grade and quality of merchandise delivered; requiring that procuring agencies determine grade and quality for acquisitions; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.7, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 244, O.S.L. 2013 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.7), which relates to competitive bid procedures; requiring initiation of certain requisition for all acquisitions; modifying maximum amount of certain applicable acquisitions; providing for rules and regulations; prohibiting certain practice; providing penalty; providing exceptions; deleting certain requirements; providing for evaluation of bids; providing for applicability of certain federal laws; providing for applicability of court order; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.12, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 71, O.S.L. 2017 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.12), which relates to nonconflicting procedures; deleting certain non-conflicting contracts and acquisitions; adding certain nonconflicting contracts and acquisitions; making certain audits optional; stating procedures for certain deposits; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.12b, as amended by Section 747, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.12b), which relates to lease, charter or use of contract for aircraft; deleting requirement for implementation of certain guidelines; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.17A, which relates to reciprocal bid preference; modifying requirement for distribution of certain information; 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.22, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 255, O.S.L. 2014 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.22), which relates to notarized sworn statements; modifying requirement for certain sworn statement; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.33, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 244, O.S.L. 2013 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.33), which relates to the Registration of State Vendors Revolving Fund; specifying fund purpose; deleting certain requirement; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.33A, as last amended by Section 753, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.33A), which relates to the Contract Management Revolving Fund; modifying

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use of certain fund; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.39, as amended by Section 755, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.39), which relates to the development and promulgation of internal purchasing procedures; deleting requirement for report of certain findings; modifying certain prohibition; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.41, which relates to contracts for professional services; modifying requirement for evaluation of performance; modifying certain filing requirement; deleting certain requirements regarding contract renewal; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.42, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 252, O.S.L. 2019 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.42), which relates to contract limitations; providing prohibition against certain contracts; establishing that certain sole source contracts are allowed at any time; deleting allowance for certain contracts; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.43, as amended by Section 756, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.43), which relates to the report of acquisitions exceeding fifty thousand dollars; modifying reporting requirements; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.44B, which relates to payment for contracted products and services; providing process for acquisitions that require full or partial payment prior to deliverability; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.44C, which relates to unlawful contracts; updating statutory language; amending Section 1, Chapter 179, O.S.L. 2015 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.44E), which relates to the Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Act; deleting name of act; modifying certain preference; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.45j, as amended by Section 763, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.45j), which relates to requisition by product or service for sole source contract; providing exception for sole source contracts; modifying contract form; deleting certain penalty; deleting certain grounds for approval or denial; establishing certification requirements; deleting certain reporting requirements; deleting requirement for maintenance of certain data; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.45q, which relates to the Oklahoma Online Bidding Act; deleting definitions; modifying definitions; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.45r, as amended by Section 766, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.45r), which relates to online bidding process provisions; modifying requirements for online bidding process; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.58A, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 244, O.S.L. 2014 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.58A), which relates to the comprehensive professional risk management program; authorizing the risk management administrator to declare certain emergency; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.62, as amended by Section 385, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.62), which relates to encumbrance requirements for payments from state funds; modifying authority to allow agencies to make acquisitions without competitive bid procedures or compliance with certain program; providing process for emergency acquisitions; establishing requirements for emergency acquisitions; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.4, as amended by Section 736, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.4), which relates to requisitions; repealing Section 1, Chapter 29, O.S.L. 2019 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.5b), which relates to the Oklahoma Film and Music Division purchase card use; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.7a, which relates to bidder requirements; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.7e, as amended by Section 741, Chapter

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304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.7e), which relates to the Office of Management and Enterprise Services wiki; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.7g, which relates to the “State Government Conferences Web-based Transparency pilot program”; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.8, as amended by Section 742, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.8), which relates to testing; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.9B, as amended by Section 743, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.9B), which relates to purchase from surplus property program; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.9D, as amended by Section 744, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.9D), which relates to coordination of computer contract purchases; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.9G, which relates to qualifications for contract provider employees; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.10, which relates to records open for public inspection; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.11, which relates to publication of rules; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.12a, as amended by Section 746, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.12a), which relates to insurance purchaser requirements; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.12c, which relates to purchases from funds exempt from Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.13, as amended by Section 748, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.13), which relates to the accepting or giving of gifts; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.14, which relates to federal laws to govern; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.15, which relates to penalties; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.19, which relates to analyzing and evaluating of goods and services; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.33B, as amended by Section 754, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.33B), which relates to the state purchase card; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.44, which relates to certain prohibited contracts; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.44A, which relates to certain court orders; repealing 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.44D, as amended by Section 757, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.44D), which relates to preference for Oklahoma tree products; repealing Section 2, Chapter 219, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 255, O.S.L. 2014 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.45j.1), which relates to geographic preference for vendors; providing for codification; providing for recodification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1423  By McCortney. An Act relating to tobacco and vapor products; amending 37 O.S. 2011, Section 600.4, as renumbered by Section 28, Chapter 404, O.S.L. 2013, and as amended by Section 5, Chapter 162, O.S.L. 2014 (10A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-8-224), which relates to purchase, receipt or possession of tobacco or vapor products by minors; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 1241 and 1242, as amended by Sections 1 and 2, Chapter 162, O.S.L. 2014 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1241 and 1242), which relate to furnishing of tobacco or vapor products to minors; amending 37 O.S. 2011, Sections 600.2, 600.3, 600.5, 600.6, 600.7, 600.8, 600.10A, 600.11 and 600.13, as amended by Sections 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 13, Chapter 162, O.S.L. 2014, and as renumbered by Sections 171, 172, 173, 174, 175,

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176, 179, 180 and 184, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2016 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1-229.12, 1-229.13, 1-229.15, 1-229.16, 1-229.17, 1-229.18, 1-229.21, 1-229.22 and 1-229.26), which relate to prevention of youth access to tobacco or vapor products; amending Section 6, Chapter 369, O.S.L. 2017 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-1530), which relates to development of strategies to prevent tobacco use by minors; increasing legal age limits related to purchase, receipt, possession, furnishing, sale or distribution of tobacco or vapor products; conforming provisions related to employees, proof of age, signage, employee notification, vending machines, display of tobacco or vapor products, the Alcoholic Beverage Laws Enforcement Commission and tobacco use prevention strategies; broadening strategies to include vapor products; updating statutory reference; clarifying language; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1424  By Hall. An Act relating to prisons and reformatories; granting wage increase to personnel of Department of Corrections in certain job classifications; providing for certain reduction; providing limitations; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1425  By Daniels. An Act relating to court fines and costs; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 983, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 128, O.S.L. 2018 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 983), which relates to failure to pay fines, costs, fees or assessments; modifying requirements for payment of fines, costs, fees or assessments; requiring district attorney to provide itemized list of certain costs to a defendant prior to sentencing; requiring certain statements by defendant for plea agreements; requiring certain hearing; authorizing court to order installment payments; authorizing request for payment plan, modification or reduction in payments; authorizing collection of certain costs as judgment in civil action; prohibiting incarceration for default; providing exception; requiring consideration of certain factors; requiring notice and hearing before certain sentence conversion; establishing procedures for certain hearing; authorizing court to take certain actions for defendant unable to pay amount owed; prohibiting imposition of costs and fees under certain circumstances; authorizing incarceration for willful nonpayment; establishing requirements for certain incarceration; authorizing court clerk to take certain collection actions; establishing certain allocation formula; and providing an effective date.

SB 1426  By Bice. An Act relating to memorial highways and bridges; amending Section 12, Chapter 372, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 61, O.S.L. 2015 (69 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1600.1), which relates to criteria for highway and bridge dedications; allowing for certain exception to certain time period for highway and bridge dedication criteria; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1427  By Montgomery. An Act relating to landlord and tenant; amending 41 O.S. 2011, Sections 111, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 115, O.S.L. 2019, and 113 (41 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 111), which relate to termination of tenancy and rental agreements; authorizing early termination of tenancy under certain circumstances; providing for liability for certain economic loss; prohibiting certain provision in rental agreement; prohibiting denial of tenancy under certain circumstances; updating statutory references; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1428  By Brooks. An Act relating to memorial bridge designations; designating the Medal of Honor Recipient Sergeant John R. Crews Memorial Bridge; requiring certain markers; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1429  By Stanley. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Accountancy Act; creating the Oklahoma Accountancy Board Revolving Fund; providing for deposits and expenditures; requiring certain percentage be paid to the General Revenue Fund; stating purpose of revolving fund; allowing for transfer of certain funds for certain program; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 15.7, 15.14B and 15.24, which relate to disbursement of monies, acts subject to penalties and penalties; deleting language; updating references; modifying language; authorizing a student scholarship and grant program for certain purpose; stating eligibility requirements; directing promulgation of rules, forms, fee and procedures by Board; authorizing the Board to set amount of awards, application fees and additional criteria for the program; limiting funding for program to collection of administrative fines; directing Board to determine program funding annually; providing for transfer of monies from revolving fund to certain account; stating administrator of certain account; providing for expenditures; making certain funding subject to availability of certain funds; prohibiting transfer or expenditure of certain funds without Board approval; providing for repayments and reimbursements of certain funds; directing deposit; providing certain exemption for certain percentage to be paid to General Revenue Fund; requiring certain report; directing certain distribution of report; stating content of report; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1430  By Dahm. An Act relating to implementing blockchain technology; directing the planning of a new financial institution to be a state-chartered institution; naming the State Banking Department and Oklahoma Department of Commerce to coordinate requirements for certain institution; requiring use of blockchain technology; setting standards for certain institution; providing for certain integration into banking and financial regulations; providing exception for certain regulations; stating purpose of new institution for blockchain innovators; committing Oklahoma to partner in certain technologies; directing certain report by certain date; directing distribution of report; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1431  By Dahm. An Act relating to state agencies with oversight of occupational licenses; directing promulgation of procedures and rules to allow certain compensation to an injured individual resulting from a licensee’s violation of the licensing act; making certain administrative fines available to injured individual as restitution; allowing oversight agency to determine amount of restitution available from certain fines collected; prohibiting restitution from unrelated fines collected; construing right to cause of action in court of competent jurisdiction; exempting certain professional agencies complying with spirit of the act; directing rule promulgation by certain date; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1432  By David. An Act relating to Grand River Dam Authority; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Sections 866 and 870, as last amended by Sections 8 and 11, Chapter 507, O.S.L. 2019 (82 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 866 and 870), which relate to operations of the district; moving the domicile of the district; conforming language; making language gender neutral; updating statutory language; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1433  By David. An Act relating to the Grand River Dam Authority; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 870, as last amended by Section 11, Chapter 507, O.S.L. 2019 (82 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 870), which relates to the operations of the district; increasing amount of bond authorized for issuance by district; providing for annual adjustment of the bond amount pursuant to the Consumer Price Index; and providing an effective date.

SB 1434  By Dossett. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Personnel Act; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 840- 2.20, as amended by Section 879, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 840-2.20), which relates to promulgation of rules regarding leave; providing entitlement to sick leave with pay to state employees who are veterans with service-connected disabilities; establishing requirements for eligibility; establishing certain rules for use; authorizing promulgation of rules; providing entitlement to sick leave with pay for state employees who serve as members of the National Guard or military reserve force and sustain a service- connected disability; establishing requirements for eligibility; establishing certain rules for use; authorizing promulgation of rules; and providing an effective date.

SB 1435  By Paxton. An Act relating to oil and gas; amending Section 2, Chapter 201, O.S.L. 2012 (52 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 902), which relates to oil and gas statutes and governmental orders; requiring operators to take certain reasonable protective actions after receiving certain notice of hydraulic fracturing operations; providing examples of such actions; updating references; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1436  By Rosino. An Act relating to teacher certification; amending Section 1, Chapter 336, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 120, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-122.7), which relates to certification in the area of mild-moderate or severe-profound disabilities; allowing the State Board of Education to issue a provisional certificate in the area of comprehensive special education; amending Section 2, Chapter 336, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 120, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-122.8), which relates to the issuance of certain standard certificates in the area of mild-moderate or severe-profound disabilities; allowing the State Board of Education to issue a standard certificate in the area of comprehensive special education; amending Section 3, Chapter 120, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-122.9), which relates to alternative certification in the areas of mild-moderate or severe-profound disabilities; allowing the State Board of Education to issue an alternative certificate in the area of comprehensive special education; providing for the State Board of Education to issue a certain provisional certificate in the area of severe-profound disabilities; establishing criteria; providing for the issuance of a standard certificate in the area of severe-profound disabilities; establishing criteria; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 13-110, which relates to pay for certain teachers of special education; providing for teachers with certain certification who meet certain criteria to be paid certain percentage above certain prevailing wage; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1437  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to ad valorem tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 2835, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 263, O.S.L. 2015, 2836, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 276, O.S.L. 2012 and 2838 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 2835 and 2836), which relate to listing and assessment of property for ad valorem taxation purposes; requiring Oklahoma Tax Commission to develop certain form for specified use; providing exception to specific requirement; exempting specified personal property from requirement to list and defining related term; providing exception from certain penalty; providing exception for certain entities from requirement to list certain property; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1438  By Dossett. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1357, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2017 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1357), which relates to sales tax exemptions; increasing dollar limit on exempt purchases by certain surviving spouses of disabled veterans; and providing an effective date.

SB 1439  By Paxton. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Brine Development Act; amending 17 O.S. 2011, Section 518, which relates to evidence of financial ability to drill and operate; increasing dollar amount of financial instrument required to drill and operate certain wells and units; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1440  By Simpson. An Act relating to veteran’s sales tax exemptions; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 205, as last amended by Section 37, Chapter 210, O.S.L. 2016 and 1357, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2017 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 205 and 1357), which relate to information for determining eligibility; deleting obsolete language; authorizing disclosure of specified information by Oklahoma Tax Commission to Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs related to certain eligibility; modifying provisions related to eligibility for sales tax exemption during specified time period; specifying contents of rules related to sales tax exemption for veterans; and amending Section 1, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2017, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 124, O.S.L. 2019 (72 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 421), which relates to registry of veterans; requiring additional verification of veteran service disability status under certain circumstance; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1441  By David. An Act relating to crime and punishment; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1731, as amended by Section 15, Chapter 116, O.S.L. 2018 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1731), which relates to larceny; providing for certain offense and punishment; and providing an effective date.

SB 1442  By Thompson. An Act relating to rebates; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 3623, as amended by Section 2, 3624 and 3625, as last amended by Sections 3 and 4, Chapter 313, O.S.L. 2019

(68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 3623, 3624 and 3625), which relate to the Compete with Canada Act; modifying definition by authorizing Oklahoma Film and Music Office to set additional requirements for certain productions; providing for flexible film expenditure rebate amounts no greater than a specified amount after a certain date; modifying limit on total rebate payments in a single fiscal year; eliminating exception to limit on rebate claims; limiting payments to availability of funds subject to specified exceptions; modifying amount apportioned by Oklahoma Tax Commission to pay rebates; updating statutory references; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1443  By McCortney. An Act relating to pharmacists; requiring an insurer to provide payment or reimbursement to a pharmacist in certain circumstances; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1444  By Paxton. An Act relating to tobacco products; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 401, which relates to definitions; updating language; modifying definition; defining terms; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1445  By Smalley. An Act relating to teacher retirement; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 17-116.10, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 270, O.S.L. 2017 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 17- 116.10), which relates to postretirement employment; authorizing certain retired members to return to employment in specified districts during certain time period with no earning limitations.

SB 1446  By Paxton. An Act relating to gross production tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1004, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 266, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1004), which relates to apportionment; updating references; modifying certain apportionment of revenue for specified time period; specifying amount to be apportioned; establishing formula for apportionment based on specified factors; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1447  By Boren. An Act relating to circulation of petition; creating the Access to Petition Act; providing short title; prohibiting denial of access to certain public areas for specified purposes; establishing conditions for certain access; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1448  By David. An Act relating to sealing of records; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 18, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 459, O.S.L. 2019 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 18), which relates to expungement of records; modifying requirements for certain categories of eligibility for expungement; requiring issuance of order of expungement after pardon; requiring delivery of order to certain entities; requiring filing of certain document with Secretary of State; providing for public access of certain document for specified time period; authorizing use of sealed record for specified purposes; prohibiting requirement for disclosure of certain information; prohibiting denial of application under certain circumstances; authorizing petition for unsealing of certain records; providing for notice and hearing; authorizing order to unseal records under certain circumstances; providing exceptions to applicability; construing provisions; updating statutory reference; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1449  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to higher education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3219.1, which relates to special fees; allowing a student who enrolls in an institution within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education to opt out of certain fees; providing description of certain fees; allowing students to opt out of certain fees on certain form; requiring certain form to be made available during certain time periods; requiring a student’s identification card to indicate certain opt out; prohibiting certain students from accessing certain services; providing definitions; providing for promulgation of rules; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1450  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to work zone safety; defining term; authorizing the promulgation of certain rules and procedures; requiring the promulgation of certain rules and procedures; providing certain rule requirements; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1451  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to transportation; defining term; directing Department of Transportation to promulgate certain rules and procedures; requiring contracts be available in electronic form; requiring paperless system allow electronic signatures; requiring engineered plans be available in certain electronic form; requiring certain digital inspection process; providing certain process parameters; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1452  By Haste. An Act relating to size, weight and load; creating a program within the Department of Public Safety to expedite certain oversize loads; establishing certain criteria for inclusion in the program; setting certain date for the promulgation of rules for the program; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1453  By Haste. An Act relating to higher education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 4665, which relates to nonduplication of courses offered by certain community college; allowing certain institutions of higher education to duplicate certain concurrent enrollment courses offered by certain community college to school districts located in municipalities with certain population beginning in certain academic year; directing certain duplicated courses to be phased in over a three-year period; directing priority status for certain courses; allowing an institution of higher education to enter into certain memorandum of understanding to create certain pathway; prohibiting certain courses from being deleted unless certain approval is given; providing for promulgation of rules; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1454  By Howard. An Act relating to trusts; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 83, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 58, O.S.L. 2019 (12 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 83), which relates to conserving monies obtained for or on behalf of persons under eighteen years of age; authorizing use of trust instrument for deposit of certain recovered monies; and providing an effective date.

SB 1455  By Pugh. An Act relating to schools; directing the State Department of Education, in certain consultation and contingent on certain funding, to establish a program for receiving certain reports of potential self-harm, potential harm and criminal acts; directing the Department to

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issue a request for proposals for a hotline to receive certain reports via certain methods; requiring the hotline to have certain availability; providing requirements for certain program; directing the Department, in certain consultation, to ensure certain training is provided to program personnel; requiring a report to be maintained as certain record for certain time period; directing the Department to publish certain information on its website; requiring the Department to publish certain report; providing contents of report; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1456  By Pugh. An Act relating to corrections; amending Section 3, Chapter 388, O.S.L. 2017 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 530.5), which relates to inmate rehabilitation case plans; requiring certain compliance; requiring annual review; disallowing credits for noncompliance; and providing an effective date.

SB 1457  By Boggs. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1357, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 241, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1357), which relates to exemptions; exempting sales of specified food and food ingredients; limiting applicability; defining term; and providing an effective date.

SB 1458  By Boren. An Act relating to county assessor records; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2827, which relates to retention of books and records; requiring Oklahoma Tax Commission to adopt specified rule relating to retention of certain records; and providing an effective date.

SB 1459  By Dahm. An Act relating to immigration policies; defining terms; prohibiting certain governing bodies from enacting or adopting sanctuary policies; stating ineligibility for certain funds under certain conditions; providing certain procedures for determining violation of the act; authorizing the Legislature to make certain request; providing method of determining eligibility; requiring law enforcement officers to receive copy of law; prohibiting state agencies from enacting or adopting certain policies; prohibiting certain investigations from qualifying for certain exemptions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1460  By Standridge. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 1103, 1105, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 133, O.S.L. 2016, 1107, as last amended by Section 21, Chapter 210, O.S.L. 2016 and 1110, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 224, O.S.L. 2015 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1105, 1107 and 1110),

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which relate to certificates of title; expressing intent that certificates of title be held by secured party under specified circumstance; modifying provisions related to holder of certificate of title after certain date; requiring new certificate of title to be issued by Oklahoma Tax Commission or motor license agent to secured party under specified circumstance; requiring licensed dealer to deliver a reassigned certificate of title to a secured party under specified circumstance; requiring a certificate of title to be returned to secured party rather than debtor; requiring certificates of title to reflect secured party lienholder; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1461  By Standridge. An Act relating to income tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.301, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 30, O.S.L. 2014 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2357.301), which relates to income tax credits; modifying definitions related to credits for aerospace sector; and providing an effective date.

SB 1462  By David. An Act relating to crime and punishment; amending Section 1, Chapter 262, O.S.L. 2016 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1040.13b), which relates to nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images; modifying offense; providing penalty; limiting certain authority; amending Section 1, Chapter 219, O.S.L. 2016 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 234), which relates to discretion to charge as misdemeanor; modifying inclusions; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 582, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 220, O.S.L. 2019 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 582), which relates to the applicability of the Sex Offenders Registration Act; modifying inclusions; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1463  By Pugh. An Act relating to prisons; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 510, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 279, O.S.L. 2018 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 510), which relates to powers and duties of the director; requiring certain plan prior to release; and providing an effective date.

SB 1464  By David. An Act relating to impaired driving; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-205, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 400, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-205), which relates to mandatory revocation of driving privilege; modifying inclusions; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-205.1, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 400, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-205.1), which relates to period of revocations; modifying qualifiers; disallowing certain concurrent revocation; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6- 211, as amended by Section 5, Chapter 400, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6- 211), which relates to the right of appeal to district court; requiring certain notice; providing for certain bond; providing for certain forfeiture of bond; directing eligible persons be

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restored driving privileges; directing court when certain order sustained; providing for an appealable order or judgment; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-212.3, as last amended by Section 8, Chapter 400, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-212.3), which relates to ignition interlock device; providing certain time modifications; amending Section 9, Chapter 400, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-212.5), which relates to the Impaired Driver Accountability Program; requiring certain restricted license; providing for certain withdrawal; allowing certain program extension; directing deposits to the Department of Public Safety’s Restricted Revolving Fund; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 752, as last amended by Section 13, Chapter 400, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 752), which relates to administration of tests; modifying qualified persons; modifying allowable testing elements; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 759, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 125, O.S.L. 2015 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 759), which relates to the Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence; modifying certain collection method; providing definition; updating statutory references; repealing Section 1, Chapter 400, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-212.6), which relates to notice of IDAP to persons subject to license revocation; and providing an effective date.

SB 1465  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to rental property; establishing a rental property registry in the Oklahoma Tax Commission for certain purpose; limiting scope of property registration; mandating properties to be registered; setting four or more properties as minimum number of properties required to register; stating content of registration information; authorizing registration fee; setting maximum amount of fee; directing promulgation of forms and fees; exempting registry from Open Records Act; making certain information confidential; prohibiting release by other persons receiving information; stating person authorized to access registry information; providing authority for the Oklahoma Tax Commission to establish certain registry for certain purposes; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1466  By Daniels. An Act relating to higher education; creating the Student and Administration Equality Act; providing short title; providing definitions; providing a right to representation to students enrolled in certain institutions of higher education during certain disciplinary proceedings; providing for type of participation; clarifying application of certain rules and evidence; allowing questioning of certain students prior to certain proceeding; requiring institutions to advise certain students of certain rights; providing for contents of notice; clarifying that certain students do not have a right to representation; providing a right to representation to certain student organizations during certain disciplinary proceedings; requiring an institution to provide certain hearing; requiring an institution to provide certain opportunity to cross-examine; applying certain right to representation until the conclusion

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of certain appellate process; providing certain construction; requiring an institution to provide access to certain evidence; requiring an institution to ensure certain proceedings are free from certain conflicts of interest; clarifying obligation of certain institutions to provide certain equivalent rights; clarifying use of temporary suspension; creating a cause of action; requiring awarding of damages, court costs and fees; providing time limitation on causes of action; clarifying application of act; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1467  By Quinn. An Act relating to higher education; creating the Student and Administration Equality Act; providing short title; providing definitions; providing a right to representation to students enrolled in certain institutions of higher education during certain disciplinary proceedings; providing for type of participation; clarifying application of certain rules and evidence; allowing questioning of certain students prior to certain proceeding; requiring institutions to advise certain students of certain rights; clarifying that certain students do not have a right to representation; providing a right to representation to certain student organizations during certain disciplinary proceedings; applying certain right to representation until the conclusion of certain appellate process; providing certain construction; requiring an institution to provide access to certain evidence; requiring an institution to ensure certain proceedings are free from certain conflicts of interest; clarifying obligation of certain institutions to provide certain equivalent rights; clarification use of temporary suspension; creating a cause of action; allowing awarding of damages, court costs and fees; providing time limitation on causes of action; clarifying application of act; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1468  By Dahm. An Act relating to the Music Therapy Practice Act; repealing Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, as amended by Section 40, Chapter 363, O.S.L. 2019, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, as amended by Section 41, Chapter 363, O.S.L. 2019, and 13, Chapter 202, O.S.L. 2016 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 889, 889.1, 889.2, 889.3, 889.4, 889.5, 889.6, 889.7, 889.8, 889.9, 889.10, 889.11 and 889.12), which relate to the Music Therapy Practice Act; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1469  By Quinn. An Act relating to medical marijuana; amending Sections 2, 3 and 4, State Question No. 788, Initiative Petition No. 412 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 421, 422 and 423), which relate to certain licenses; requiring proof of liability insurance and worker compensation coverage as condition for licensure; setting liability amount; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1470  By Dahm. An Act relating to cities and towns; repealing 11 O.S. 2011, Section 22-104, which relates to the rights of municipalities to engage in certain businesses and enterprises; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1471  By Quinn. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission; directing periodic audit by the State Auditor and Inspector; setting intervals for audit; directing payment of audit from certain fund; providing for audit report distribution to certain persons by certain date; requiring certain compliance; and providing an effective date.

SB 1472  By Quinn. An Act relating to student transfers; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 8-101.2, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 363, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 8-101.2), which relates to transfers from resident school districts; removing language regarding the approval of a transfer by a receiving district; allowing a transfer at any point unless the number of transfers exceeds certain capacity; providing for the measure of capacity; requiring certain capacity to be published on the State Department of Education’s website; providing for selection of students through certain lottery if certain capacity is insufficient; removing language regarding a student whose residence changes after a transfer; removing outdated language; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 8-103, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 184, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 8-103), which relates to transfer procedures; removing language regarding the timeline for the transfer procedures; requiring certain statement to be filed monthly; removing language regarding approval of transfers; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 8-103.1, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 285, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 8-103.1), which relates to criteria for certain transfers; prohibiting a school district from refusing a transfer unless certain capacity is exceeded; requiring certain capacity to be published on the State Department of Education’s website; providing for selection of students through certain lottery if certain capacity is insufficient; removing language directing school district boards of education to adopt certain transfer policy; modifying provisions relating to the transfer of students who are the dependent children of certain military members; requiring certain dependent children be admitted to a school district regardless of certain capacity; removing certain qualification for certain transfer; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1473  By Dahm. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 20i, which relates to state contracts for legal representation by private attorneys; requiring that list of attorneys and certain information be made available to the public; prohibiting contingency- fee contract without prior approval by the Attorney General; providing requirements for approval; listing possible factors for consideration by the Attorney General; requiring written statement by the Attorney General if contract is approved; requiring private attorney to retain certain documents for specified time; authorizing the Attorney General to request documents; providing requirements that apply to the contracts; providing fee schedule; defining term; providing that certain records are subject to the Oklahoma Open Records Act; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1474  By Dahm. An Act relating to officers; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Sections 51, 55, 91 and 94, which relate to removal from office; modifying officers and other positions subject to impeachment; modifying officers and other positions subject to removal from office by other method; modifying requirements for certain notice to Attorney General; and providing an effective date.

SB 1475  By Quinn. An Act relating to higher education; directing the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to develop certain model policy; requiring the policy to be adopted by the governing board of regents of certain institutions; providing for components of model policy; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1476  By Quinn. An Act relating to student transfers; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 8-101.2, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 363, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 8-101.2), which relates to student transfers from the residential school district; requiring certain transfers to be granted if certain application is filed by certain date; removing language related to the approval of transfers by a receiving district; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 8-103, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 184, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 8- 103), which relates to transfer procedures; removing language related to the denial of transfers; updating statutory reference; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 8-103.1, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 285, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 8-103.1), which relates to the transfer of students not living in a district; removing language related to denial of certain transfers; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 8-113, which relates to the transfer of students whose parent or legal guardian is a teacher; removing language regarding approval of certain transfer; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1477  By Dahm. An Act relating to state government; creating the Oklahoma Sovereignty Act; establishing findings of the Legislature; establishing that the federal government does not have authority to take action in violation of the United States Constitution; establishing the Joint Committee on Federal Action; providing definitions; providing for membership and appointing authority; establishing duties of the committee; providing process for evaluating federal action; establishing procedures for declaration of unconstitutional federal action; requiring transmission of declaration; establishing that federal action declared unconstitutional shall have no legal effect; prohibiting expenditure of certain resources; authorizing the Attorney General to take certain actions; providing definitions; providing for original jurisdiction of a proceeding; providing for declaratory relief; providing certain direction to courts; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1478  By Daniels. An Act relating to pawnbrokers; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1502, which relates to definitions; modifying and adding definitions; prohibiting purchasing and pawn transaction on gift card; construing issuing and accepting gift cards for payment; prohibiting purchasing and pawn transactions under certain conditions; stating conditions; allowing return of certain property under certain return policy; construing new property for sale; stating certain inferences that property is stolen; stating certain conditions for suspected stolen property; requiring written record as proof of verification that property is not stolen; exempting certain property from stolen inference; stating methods to verify stolen property; making certain vehicles presumed to be stolen; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1479  By Paxton. An Act relating to roads and highways; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Section 1213, which relates to obstructing or damaging roads; authorizing certain authority to remove certain obstructions from roadways; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1480  By Dahm. An Act relating to school employees; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 509.2, as amended by Section 24, Chapter 124, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 509.2), which relates to recognition of employee organizations; providing certain exception for certain employees; updating statutory language; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 509.9, which relates to the prohibition against discrimination of certain employees; adding certain statutory reference; making language gender neutral; authorizing school employees the ability to independently negotiate with an employer; providing definition; prohibiting greater or lesser rights or privileges or greater or lesser duties or obligations from being granted to employees who independently negotiate; prohibiting provisions of certain agreements from imposing certain representation on employees who independently negotiate; prohibiting more than one exclusive representative for certain bargaining unit; prohibiting certain agreements from imposing any wages or conditions of employment on certain employees; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1481  By Dossett. An Act relating to memorial highway designations; designating the OHP Captain Larry Jackson Memorial Highway; requiring certain markers; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1482  By Dahm. An Act relating to special license plates; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.5, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1135.5),

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which relates to special license plates; creating the Oklahoma American Legion Boys State License Plate and providing for expenditures thereof; providing for design consultation; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1483  By Pugh. An Act relating to special license plates; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.5, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2018, Section 1135.5), which relates to special license plates; creating the Edmond Public Schools Foundation License Plate and providing for expenditures thereof; providing for design consultation; updating statutory reference; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1484  By Scott. An Act relating to the Massage Therapy Practice Act; transferring powers, duties and funds from the State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering to the Board of Chiropractic Examiners; setting date of transfer; transferring all funds, property, personnel and records on certain date; directing OMES to coordinate the transfer of unexpended funds and outstanding obligations; providing for license transfer and validity; directing the Board of Chiropractic Examiners to administer the Massage Therapy Practice Act on and after certain date; providing a grace period for certain persons to be licensed during certain dates; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1485  By McCortney. An Act relating to medical-legal partnerships; defining terms; requiring collaboration between the State Department of Health and certain entities to develop standards and guidelines for certain programs; providing entities eligible to operate certain programs; requiring compliance with certain standards and guidelines; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1486  By Dahm. An Act relating to asset forfeiture; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-503, as amended by Section 5, Chapter 154, O.S.L. 2014 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-503), which relates to property subject to forfeiture; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-503A, which relates to drug manufacture vehicle; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-504, which relates to seizure of property; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-505, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 25, O.S.L. 2017 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-505), which relates to summary forfeiture of certain substances; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-506, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 225, O.S.L. 2016 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-506), which relates to seizure of property; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-507, which relates to itemization and submission for destruction; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-508, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 284, O.S.L. 2014 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-508), which relates to disposition of seized property; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1487  By Howard. An Act relating to local government website information; amending Section 2, Chapter 62, O.S.L. 2017 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 896.1), which relates to content of notice on local government websites; modifying time period for posting certain information on website; making posting of information permissive rather than mandatory; authorizing use of links to publish certain information; authorizing use of specified method for making information accessible under certain circumstances; authorizing the posting of certain information in specified manner and place instead of creating website for certain purpose; authorizing removal of information at certain time; stating application of certain provision; and providing an effective date.

SB 1488  By Standridge. An Act relating to court fines and costs; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 983, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 128, O.S.L. 2018 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 983), which relates to failure to pay fines, costs, fees or assessments; modifying requirements for payment of fines, costs, fees or assessments; requiring district attorney to provide itemized list of certain costs to a defendant prior to sentencing; requiring certain statements by defendant for plea agreements; requiring certain hearing; authorizing court to order installment payments; authorizing request for payment plan, modification or reduction in payments; authorizing collection of certain costs as judgment in civil action; prohibiting incarceration for default; providing exception; requiring consideration of certain factors; requiring notice and hearing before certain sentence conversion; establishing procedures for certain hearing; authorizing court to take certain actions for defendant unable to pay amount owed; prohibiting imposition of costs and fees under certain circumstances; authorizing incarceration for willful nonpayment; establishing requirements for certain incarceration; authorizing court clerk to take certain collection actions; establishing certain allocation formula; and providing an effective date.

SB 1489  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to crime and punishment; providing for certain unlawful actions; providing definitions; providing for penalties; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1490  By Dahm. An Act relating to firearms; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.24, as last amended by Section 8, Chapter 1, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1289.24), which relates to the Oklahoma Firearms Act of 1971; clarifying preemption provision and certain mandate; modifying requirements for persons filing civil actions; providing for reasonable expenses under certain circumstances; defining terms; and providing an effective date.

SB 1491  By Daniels. An Act relating to disclosure of personal information; creating the Personal Privacy Protection Act; providing short title; defining terms; prohibiting certain agencies from

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disclosure or requiring disclosure of certain information; providing certain exemption; establishing exceptions to prohibited disclosure; authorizing civil action for certain violation; specifying permissible damages; authorizing award of costs and attorney fees; creating misdemeanor offense; providing punishment; and providing for codification.

SB 1492  By Floyd. An Act relating to crime and punishment; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 644, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 200, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 644), which relates to domestic abuse; modifying punishments; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1493  By Haste. An Act relating to the state Medicaid program; amending 56 O.S. 2011, Section 1010.1, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 136, O.S.L. 2017 (56 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1010.1), which relates to the Oklahoma Medicaid Program Reform Act of 2003; requiring the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to convene certain working group; requiring submission of certain report; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1494  By Matthews. An Act relating to controlled dangerous substances; amending Section 5, Chapter 175, O.S.L. 2018, as last amended by Section 19, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-309I), which relates to prescription limits and rules for opioid drugs; adding certain exception; and providing an effective date.

SB 1495  By Simpson. An Act relating to cities and towns; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 22-111, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 136, O.S.L. 2012 (11 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 22-111), and 11 O.S. 2011, Section 22-112, which relate to general powers of municipalities; establishing conditions under which certain property may not be resold at annual tax resale; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1496  By Floyd. An Act relating to violent crimes; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 571, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 152, O.S.L. 2019 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 571), which relates to definitions; modifying inclusions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1497  By Boren. An Act relating to income tax refund donations; authorizing donation from income tax refund to Checkoff for Oklahoma Fund; specifying type of donations; providing for distribution of donated amounts; creating Checkoff for Oklahoma Revolving Fund for the Support of the Oklahoma General Revenue Fund and providing for deposit of monies

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thereto; providing for distribution and expenditures from Fund; requiring Oklahoma Tax Commission to develop and offer specified program for use by taxpayers; providing certain benefits for taxpayers under specified circumstance; requiring Tax Commission to prepare specified annual report and hold meeting for specified purpose; providing procedures for refund under specified circumstances; authorizing Tax Commission to adopt rules; repealing Section 1, Chapter 144, O.S.L. 2016 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2368.29), which relates to income tax refund checkoff for General Revenue Fund; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1498  By Rader. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1356, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 413, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1356), which relates to exemptions; providing exemption for sales of tickets to fundraising event for specified organization providing certain services; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1499  By Kirt. An Act relating to legislative ethics training; requiring certain amount of training for legislators; requiring reporting to and enforcement by the Speaker of the House of Representative and the President Pro Tem of the Senate; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1500  By Silk. An Act relating to taxation of motor vehicle sales; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Sections 1355, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 356, O.S.L. 2017, 1361, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 356, O.S.L. 2017, 1402, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 356, O.S.L. 2017, 1404, as amended by Section 5, Chapter 356, O.S.L. 2017 and 2106, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 356, O.S.L. 2017 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1355, 1361, 1402, 1404 and 2106), which relate to application of tax and related exemptions; limiting time period during which specified sales and use tax levies apply; limiting time period during which certain procedures apply; providing exception to certain exclusion from in lieu nature of tax; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1501  By Dahm. An Act relating to public finance; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.42, as amended by Section 372, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.42), which relates to agency budgets; requiring certain budgets to include federal funds information; and providing an effective date.

SB 1502  By Standridge. An Act relating to pharmacy; amending Section 12, Chapter 230, O.S.L. 2015 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 353.18A), which relates to pharmacy technicians; limiting duties of supportive personnel; establishing certain pharmacy technician-to-pharmacist ratios; providing certain exemptions and limitation to exemptions; requiring certain training and licensure; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1503  By Dugger. An Act relating to the Incentive Evaluation Commission; amending Section 3, Chapter 182, O.S.L. 2015 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 7003), which relates to Commissioners; modifying terms of certain Commissioners; modifying date upon which terms begin; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1504  By Dahm. An Act relating to income tax; creating tax credit for fees paid by a corporation on behalf of specified school personnel for participation in certain security program; limiting amount of credit; requiring documentation as determined by the Oklahoma Tax Commission; limiting manner in which credit may be used to reduce tax liability; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1505  By Montgomery. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Residential Landlord and Tenant Act; amending 41 O.S. 2011, Section 103, which relates to application of act; providing for certain agreements to be electronically transmitted; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1506  By Simpson. An Act relating to the State Department of Health; authorizing the Office of Management and Enterprise Services to transfer certain funds at request of the State Commissioner of Health; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1507  By Bice. An Act relating to the Self-insurance Guaranty Fund; amending Section 98, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 164, O.S.L. 2019 (85A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 98), which relates to funds to be transferred to Self-insurance Guaranty Fund; removing certain Tax Commission notification requirement; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1508  By Simpson. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority; directing the Oklahoma Health Care Authority Board to promulgate certain rules; directing the Authority to implement certain policies and procedures; prohibiting certain reimbursement caps; defining term; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1509  By Dugger. An Act relating to the Incentive Evaluation Act; amending Sections 3, 4 and 5, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 154, O.S.L. 2017, Chapter 184, O.S.L. 2015 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 7003, 7004 and 7005), which relate to Incentive Evaluation Commission;

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modifying specified terms of Commissioners; modifying frequency of, and procedures related to, evaluation of incentives; specifying certain content for scope of services issued by the Commission; providing exception to certain requirement; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1510  By Smalley. An Act relating to physical therapy; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 887.17, as last amended by Section 46, Chapter 475, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 887.17), which relates to referrals; extending time period of certain authorization; updating and clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1511  By Dossett. An Act relating to home care; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1962, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 77, O.S.L. 2017 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-1962), which relates to home care agency license; modifying applicability of act; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1512  By Standridge. An Act relating to controlled dangerous substances; amending Section 5, Chapter 175, O.S.L. 2018, as last amended by Section 19, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-309I), which relates to prescription limits and rules for opioid drugs; providing certain protections; providing certain construction; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1513  By Sharp. An Act relating to apportionment; amending Sections 107 and 109, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2016 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 5-104 and 5-106), which relate to alcoholic beverage tax apportionment; modifying apportionments; creating Oklahoma Cost of Living Adjustment Revenue Revolving Fund; providing for use of funds; requiring legislative appropriation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 302-5, which relates to cigarette tax apportionment; modifying apportionment; 68 O.S. 2011, Section 402-3, as amended by Section 5, Chapter 8, 2nd Extraordinary Session, O.S.L. 2018 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 402-3), which relates to tobacco products tax; modifying apportionment; amending Section 7, State Question No. 788, Initiative Petition No. 412 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 426), which relates to apportionment of tax on medical marijuana; modifying apportionment; updating statutory references; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1514  By Silk. An Act relating to vaccines; prohibiting certain vaccines; directing promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1515  By Silk. An Act relating to freedom of conscience; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-728c, which relates to employer discrimination; expanding circumstances under which certain discrimination is prohibited; and providing an effective date.

SB 1516  By Treat. An Act relating to the Board of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 2-103, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 4, O.S.L. 2019 (43A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-103), which relates to Board meetings; decreasing number of members necessary for quorum; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1517  By Smalley. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 5030.1, which relates to the Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Board; modifying certain provisions related to appointments; providing for quorum; excluding vacancies from calculation of Board membership for certain purpose; providing for approval of action items; updating terms; and providing an effective date.

SB 1518  By Smalley. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 5052, which relates to hearings; authorizing designee of Administrator of the Authority to perform certain duties; and providing an effective date.

SB 1519  By Quinn. An Act relating to medical marijuana; amending Section 6, State Question No. 788, Initiative Petition No. 412, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 509, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 425), which relates to discrimination against a medical marijuana license holder; modifying authority of municipalities to restrict or prohibit certain actions related to medical marijuana; authorizing counties to restrict or prohibit certain actions related to medical marijuana; providing for certain elections; specifying how election is to be called; specifying election dates; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1520  By Quinn. An Act relating to medical marijuana; amending Sections 2, 3 and 4, State Question No. 788, Initiative Petition No. 412 and Section 14, Chapter 11, O.S.L. 2019, as amended by Section 9, Chapter 477, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 421, 422, 423 and 427.14), which relate to medical marijuana businesses; increasing certain fee amounts; clarifying language; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1521  By Quinn. An Act relating to prescription drugs; creating the Oklahoma Prescription Drug Cost Transparency Act; defining terms; requiring drug manufacturers to submit certain reports annually; requiring Insurance Commissioner to develop website for prescription drug prices; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1522  By Silk. An Act relating to licenses; amending 29 O.S. 2011, Section 4-114, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 112, O.S.L. 2014 (29 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 4-114), which relates to lifetime hunting and fishing licenses; adding a veteran lifetime combination hunting and fishing license; establishing fee; providing exclusion; and providing an effective date.

SB 1523  By Silk. An Act relating to hunting; allowing the use of feed blocks in public hunting areas; defining term; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1524  By Scott. An Act relating to the Home Bakery Act of 2013; amending Section 3, Chapter 40, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 85, O.S.L. 2017, and as renumbered by Section 5, Chapter 85, O.S.L. 2017 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5-4.3), which relates to sales of prepared food; allowing for sale of prepared food at restaurants; and providing an effective date.

SB 1525  By Pugh. An Act relating to the practice of osteopathic medicine; specifying certain authority of the State Board of Osteopathic Examiners; specifying certain qualifications of applicants; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1526  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to the Combined Pesticide Law; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Section 3-82, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 239, O.S.L. 2017 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-82), which relates to licensing requirements; requiring minimum liability insurance against property damage for certain commercial applicators; and providing an effective date.

SB 1527  By Howard. An Act relating to the Combined Pesticide Law; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Sections 3-81 and 3-85, as amended by Sections 1 and 3, Chapter 280, O.S.L. 2014 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 3-81 and 3-85), which relate to definitions, enforcement and rules and standards; modifying and adding definitions; authorizing the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry to promulgate rules pertaining to heat as a method of pest control; restricting use of heat as a method of pest control to commercial applicators; authorizing use of heat as a method of pest control in certain structures; requiring certain actions and procedures before and during the use of heat treatments; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1528  By Paxton. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Industrial Hemp Program; amending Section 3, Chapter 64, O.S.L. 2018, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 478, O.S.L. 2019 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-403), which relates to licensee authorization; amending certain licensee authorizations; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1529  By David. An Act relating to the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 50, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 370, O.S.L. 2012 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 50), which relates to the Tobacco Settlement Fund; modifying certain apportionment; and providing conditional effective date.

SB 1530  By McCortney. An Act relating to the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 50, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 370, O.S.L. 2012 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 50), which relates to the Tobacco Settlement Fund; clarifying language; deleting certain reference; modify and creating certain apportionments; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 2302, which relates to the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Act; modifying certain apportionment; authorizing certain expenditures; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 2303, which relates to the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund principal; modifying the definition of the trust fund principal to include trust fund earnings; directing the Legislature to appropriate certain monies for certain purposes; directing certain agencies to provide assistance to the Legislature; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 2309, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 98, O.S.L. 2015 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2309), which relates to the powers and duties of the Board of Directors of the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund; authorizing expenditure of trust fund principal for certain purposes; modifying certain reference; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 2310, as amended by Section 470, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2310), which relates to budgeting for the Board of Directors of the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust Fund; modifying the contents of the notice to be provided by the Board of Investors; requiring certain expenses to be paid from the principal of the trust fund; modifying source to cash reserves required to be set aside; requiring earnings to be deposited in the trust fund; directing the Board of Investors to make certain calculation; providing for codification; and providing conditional effective date.

SB 1531  By Bullard. An Act relating to schools; directing the State Board of Career and Technology Education to establish certain pilot program to provide certain grants; providing eligibility for grants; providing for grant applications to be made to certain board on certain form; providing for review, approval and disapproval of applications; requiring school districts with certain average daily memberships to be included in pilot program; directing the State Board of Career and Technology Education, subject to availability of funds, to allocate certain amount of funds for the pilot program; requiring pilot program grant recipients to submit certain report; providing for contents of report; directing the State Board of Education to determine if certain programs are eligible for certain academic credit; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1532  By Bullard. An Act relating to schools; amending Section 2, Chapter 244, O.S.L. 2016 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1210.528-1), which relates to the Apprenticeships, Internships and Mentorships (AIM) Act of 2016; allowing students in a certain grade who have reached a certain age to participate in certain programs; allowing the governing body of a school to obtain liability insurance coverage for certain students; establishing guidelines for coverage; prohibiting the governing body of a school from charging for certain coverage; providing certain construction; directing the State Board of Education to determine eligibility for certain academic credit; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1533  By Bullard. An Act relating to schools; requiring public school districts to designate an industry day for certain students beginning with certain school year; providing for certain collaboration to provide certain information to certain students; allowing a school district’s industry day to include certain information; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1534  By Bullard. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 2605, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 289, O.S.L. 2017 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2605), which relates to student agreements for the program; expanding the grade level of students to be apprised of the program; expanding the grade level and age of students who may enter into student agreements; expanding the grade level and age of students subject to certain financial qualifications beginning in certain school years; updating statutory references; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1535  By Bullard. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 2605, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 289, O.S.L. 2017 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2605), which relates to student agreements for the program; directing the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to include certain form; allowing a school counselor or teacher to witness certain agreement; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 205, as last amended by Section 37, Chapter 210, O.S.L. 2016 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 205), which relates to confidentiality of Oklahoma Tax Commission records; allowing disclosure of certain information to the State Regents; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1536  By Bullard. An Act relating to school accountability; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.545, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 59, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1210.545), which relates to annual accountability reports; directing no more than a certain percentage of an overview grade to be given to chronic absenteeism; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1537  By Bullard. An Act relating to school population; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 10-103.1, which relates to calculation of school population; directing that the school population of a district be the legal average daily membership; providing for calculation; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1538  By Bullard. An Act relating to student transfers; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 8-103, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 184, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 8-103), which relates to applications and procedures for transfers; prohibiting a resident district from denying an application to transfer to certain statewide virtual charter school if the resident district does not offer certain equivalent program; directing the transfer of certain students to be subject to certain provisions beginning in certain school year; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1539  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to textbooks; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 11-103.6b, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 257, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 11-103.6b), which relates to social studies curriculum; updating reference from the State Textbook Committee to the State Board of Education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-102, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 75, O.S.L. 2016 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 16-102), which relates to meetings of the State Textbook Committee; removing language requiring the Committee to meet by certain date; directing the State Department of Education to establish certain review process for textbooks and other instructional materials; requiring that certain process be conducted online; providing for the review of certain subjects beginning in certain school year; providing elements of review process; directing the State Department of Education to post online and provide certain local committees certain list of textbooks and other instructional materials; providing certain construction; requiring a public school district to meet certain criteria prior to purchasing textbooks or other instructional materials that have not undergone certain review; allowing the State Board of Education rather than the State Textbook Committee to suspend certain selection process; removing certain definition; updating references; removing language allowing boards of education to petition for inclusion of certain textbooks on certain list; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-103, which relates to bids for textbooks; updating reference from the State Textbook Committee to the State Board of Education; removing language requiring certain display of certain textbooks; directing certain textbooks and materials under certain review to be available online; providing for reasonable safeguards; allowing the State Board of Education to reject any and all bids; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-106, which relates to contracts with publishers; directing the State Department of Education to support certain cost efficiencies by providing for certain bulk purchasing through state contracts; updating references from the State Textbook Committee to the State Board of Education; allowing school districts to

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purchase textbooks and other materials through certain methods; directing the Department to provide certain central depository; removing language regarding certain contract changes; updating statutory language; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-107, which relates to revised and late editions; updating references from the State Textbook Committee to the State Board of Education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-108, which relates to surety bonds; updating statutory references; updating references from the State Textbook Committee to the State Board of Education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-111, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 488, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 16- 111),which relates to local textbook committees; updating references from the State Textbook Committee to the State Board of Education; providing statutory reference; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-113, which relates to the cost of textbooks; removing language directing the State Board of Education to provide certain office space and supplies for the State Textbook Committee; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-114a, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 253, O.S.L. 2016 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 16-114a), which relates to textbook allocations and adjustments; allowing use of funds on certain instructional materials; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-114.1, which relates to allocation of funds to purchase textbooks; updating statutory reference; allowing use of funds on certain instructional materials; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-115, which relates to contracts for textbooks; providing statutory references; requiring certain instructional materials to be kept in certain depository; updating statutory language; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-118, which relates to rules for issuance of textbooks; providing for adoption of rules relating to issuance of other instructional materials; removing language allowing the State Textbook Committee to adopt certain rules; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-119, which relates to sample textbooks; updating references from the State Textbook Committee to the State Board of Education; providing for samples of certain instructional materials; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-121, which relates to providing textbooks free of cost; requiring certain instructional materials to be furnished free of cost to certain school children; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16- 122, which relates to bribes; removing reference to the State Textbook Committee; adding reference to instructional materials; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-123, which relates to soliciting or receiving bribes; removing reference to the State Textbook Committee; adding reference to instructional materials; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 16-124, which relates to certain violations; updating statutory reference; removing reference to the State Textbook Committee; repealing 70 O.S. 2011, Sections 16-101, 16-101.1, 16-102.1, 16- 104, 16-109, 16-110, 16-111.1, 16-117 and 16-120, which relate to the State Textbook Committee; and providing a conditional effective date.

SB 1540  By Pugh. An Act relating to cosmetology; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 199.1, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 62, O.S.L. 2018 and 199.6, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 260, O.S.L. 2014 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 199.1 and 199.6), which relate to the Oklahoma Cosmetology and Barbering Act; modifying certain definition; adding certain defined terms; adding certain exception to application of the Oklahoma Cosmetology and Barbering Act; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1541  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to statewide virtual charter schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3- 104, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 271, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-104), which relates to powers and duties of the State Board of Education; updating reference from the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board to the Oklahoma Commission for Digital Learning; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3-142, as last amended by Section 6, Chapter 170, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-142), which relates to calculation of funding; updating reference to the Oklahoma Commission for Digital Learning; amending Section 3, Chapter 367, O.S.L. 2012, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 212, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-145.1), which relates to creation of the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board; changing the name of the Board to the Oklahoma Commission for Digital Learning; updating references; increasing membership of Commission; modifying initial terms of certain appointments; modifying length of subsequent appointment terms; removing language directing the State Department of Education to provide office space; amending Section 4, Chapter 367, O.S.L. 2012 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-145.2), which relates to meetings; updating references; amending Section 5, Chapter 367, O.S.L. 2012, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 272, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-145.3), which relates to powers and duties of the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board; updating references to the Oklahoma Commission for Digital Learning; directing the Commission to develop certain online learning platform with alignment to certain subject matter standards; directing the Commission to develop certain content with certain emphasis; exempting the Commission from the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act for certain purpose; removing language providing for appeal of certain decisions; directing appeals to be conducted pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act; amending Section 6, Chapter 367, O.S.L. 2012, as amended by Section 6, Chapter 212, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-145.4), which relates to promulgation of rules; updating reference to the Oklahoma Commission for Digital Learning; amending Section 7, Chapter 367, O.S.L. 2012, as amended by Section 7, Chapter 212, O.S.L. 2013 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-145.5), which relates to residency requirements for full-time virtual education; updating references to the Oklahoma Commission for Digital Learning; amending Section 1, Chapter 108, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 277, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-145.6), which relates to nonresident students in full-time virtual education; requiring certain district and virtual education provider to submit certain data to the Oklahoma Commission for Digital Learning; amending Section 1, Chapter 225, O.S.L. 2015 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-145.7), which relates to the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board Revolving Fund; renaming the fund the Oklahoma Commission for Digital Learning Revolving Fund; updating references; amending Section 1, Chapter 247, O.S.L. 2017 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-145.8), which relates to virtual charter school attendance policy; updating references to the Oklahoma Commission for Digital Learning; updating statutory references; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1542  By Treat. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Accountancy Act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 15.14, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 327, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 15.14), which relates to registration of certificates and licenses; adding a method of reinstatement of certificate or license; providing for certain fee; and providing an effective date.

SB 1543  By McCortney. An Act relating to administrative rule review; amending 75 O.S. 2011, Sections 303, as amended by Section 50, Chapter 227, O.S.L. 2013 and 308, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 357, O.S.L. 2013 (75 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 303 and 308), which relate to adoption and review of administrative rules; clarifying type of legal authority to be included in certain notice; adding notarized document to be included in certain notice; specifying contents of document; stating certain result for noncompliance; modifying certain date for legislative review; updating statutory references; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1544  By Leewright. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.7, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 244, O.S.L. 2013 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.7), which relates to competitive bid procedures; providing exception for contractual agreements entered into between the Oklahoma Department of Commerce and certain third-party consultants; and providing an effective date.

SB 1545  By Bice. An Act relating to sales tax refunds; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 227, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 358, O.S.L. 2016 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 227), which relates to claims for refunds; providing specified exception to authorization for refund of taxes paid erroneously; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1361.2, which relates to procedure for claiming specified sales tax exemption for certain disabled veterans; specifying conditions under which certain refund may be claimed and establishing related requirement; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1546  By Leewright. An Act relating to sales and use tax; authorizing specified deduction from sales tax due for seller or vendor; prohibiting deduction under specified circumstances and providing exception thereto; limiting dollar amount of deduction; defining term; authorizing specified deduction from use tax due for seller or vendor; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1547  By Leewright. An Act relating to tax administration; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 227, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 358, O.S.L. 2016 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 227), which

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relates to statute of limitations for claiming certain refunds; eliminating specific statute of limitations for claiming sales and use tax refunds; clarifying application of certain time limit; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1548  By Leewright. An Act relating to Commissioners of the Land Office; amending 64 O.S. 2011, Section 1013, as last amended by Section 6, Chapter 71, O.S.L. 2016 (64 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1013), which relates to investment of funds; modifying cap on percentage of assets which may be invested in real property; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1549  By Bice. An Act relating to motor license agents; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1140, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 195, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1140), which relates to motor license agencies; making requirement to establish additional agencies in certain locations permissive; and providing an effective date.

SB 1550  By Bice. An Act relating to tax administration; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 253, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 273, O.S.L. 2014 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 253), which relates to liability for payment of taxes; adding unpaid mixed beverage gross receipts tax to those taxes for which certain individuals may be personally liable; and providing an effective date.

SB 1551  By Leewright. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Capitol Improvement Authority; amending 73 O.S. 2011, Section 168.10, which relates to the authority to acquire real property; providing authority to improve property held by the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1552  By Standridge. An Act relating to turnpikes; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 11-801, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 55, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 11-801), which relates to speed limits; modifying maximum speed limits for certain sections of turnpikes; providing for exceptions to certain maximum speed limits; updating statutory reference; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1553  By Weaver. An Act relating to Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems; defining term; allowing for registry of state government unmanned aircraft systems; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1554  By Thompson. An Act relating to appropriations; creating the Municipal Audit Accountability Revolving Fund; stating purpose; requiring certain budget procedures; allowing for certain fund distribution request process to certain agency; making an appropriation to the Municipal Audit Accountability Revolving Fund; stating purpose; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1555  By Leewright. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 2239, which relates to exemptions from The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; establishing exemptions for the purchase of certain merchandise for resale; establishing exemptions for the purchase of certain materials, supplies and services for facilities and programs; establishing exemption for compensation of media production professionals; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1556  By Newhouse. An Act relating to health insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 1219, which relates to defective claims; modifying appeal process for claims or partial claims; requiring insurer to provide specific reason for denial and instructions for appeal; authorizing certain persons to submit written appeal after denial; requiring insurer to provide certain response to appeal and contact information of appeal department; establishing time period for insurer response; and providing an effective date.

SB 1557  By Leewright. An Act relating to public buildings and public works; amending 61 O.S. 2011, Section 204, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 302, O.S.L. 2013 (61 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 204), which relates to the Public Facilities Act; authorizing licensed architects and engineers employed by certain state agencies to develop and issue solicitations; updating statutory language; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1558  By Standridge. An Act relating to health insurance; requiring health benefit plan provider to publish certain information annually or as required by the Insurance Commissioner to require more frequent publishing; prohibiting certain contracts from preventing plan provider or healthcare provider from publishing certain information; making certain agreement void and unenforceable; authorizing Commissioner to promulgate rules; defining terms; authorizing Commissioner to revoke certain license or impose payment of fine; directing certain fine to be deposited in State Insurance Commissioner Revolving Fund; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1559  By Hall. An Act relating to revenue and taxation, amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2862, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 51, O.S.L. 2016 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2862), which

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relates to county boards of equalization; modifying certain instruction requirements; establishing requirement for annual training course; modifying amount of compensation for board members of certain counties; establishing requirement to attend board meetings; providing penalty for failure to attend board meetings; providing penalty for failure to complete instruction; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 3006, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 300, O.S.L. 2012 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3006), which relates to county excise boards; modifying period during which certain instruction must be completed; providing penalty for failure to complete instruction; establishing requirement to attend board meetings; providing penalty for failure to attend board meetings; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1560  By Rosino. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1357, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2017 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1357), which relates to sales tax exemptions; limiting time period for use of specified exemptions related to aircraft maintenance and manufacturing facilities; and providing an effective date.

SB 1561  By Hall. An Act relating to the Information Technology Consolidation and Coordination Act; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 35.3, as last amended by Section 20, Chapter 358, O.S.L. 2013 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 35.3), which relates to definitions; modifying definition; providing exemption for the Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1562  By Bice. An Act relating to documentary stamp tax revenue apportionment; amending Sections 5, 6 and 7, Chapter 260, O.S.L. 2018 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 2947.1, 2947.2 and 2947.3), which relate to the County Government Education-Technical Revolving Fund; authorizing direct apportionment of revenue to specified entities by changing nature of specified fund; modifying start date for certain apportionments; conforming references; eliminating requirement for specified reserve account; updating reference; requiring Oklahoma Tax Commission to distribute certain revenue under specified circumstances; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 3204, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 260, O.S.L. 2018 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3204), which relates to documentary stamp tax; conforming language; modifying start date for certain apportionment; specifying statutory authority; providing for transfer of specified funds; providing for noncodification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1563  By Hall. An Act relating to ad valorem tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2808, which relates to definition of property types; construing terms to exclude specified company types; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1564  By Hall. An Act relating to public buildings and public works; amending 61 O.S. 2011, Section 212, as amended by Section 330, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (61 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 212), which relates to performance-based efficiency contracts; modifying maximum length of certain financing contracts; providing method for calculating cost savings attributable to performance-based efficiency contracts; and providing an effective date.

SB 1565  By Weaver. An Act relating to law enforcement; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 99, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 249, O.S.L. 2013 and 99a, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 347, O.S.L. 2016 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 99 and 99a), which relate to the definition and authority of peace officers; amending definition; prohibiting agency rule from preventing peace officer enforcement of certain laws; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1566  By Shaw. An Act relating to earned discharge credits; directing certain discharge credits for certain compliance be given; prohibiting certain offenses from eligibility for discharge credits; requiring written policies and procedures; requiring maintenance of records and notification; directing the creation of rules for supervision and management of probation providers; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1567  By Dahm. An Act relating to campus carry of firearms; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1277, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 235, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1277), which relates to unlawful carry in certain places; modifying allowable carry; removing requirement for certain written consent; allowing certain concealed carry; prohibiting certain denial; allowing certain prohibition; providing definition; providing for certain immunity; providing construing provisions; allowing certain redress; prohibiting certain responsibility for loss or damage of firearms or accessories; and providing an effective date.

SB 1568  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to corrections; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 37, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 247, O.S.L. 2019 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 37), which relates to facilities reaching maximum capacity; requiring certain penalty payment; and providing an effective date.

SB 1569  By Shaw. An Act relating to human trafficking; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 748.2, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 167, O.S.L. 2018 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 748.2), which relates to guidelines for treatment of human trafficking victims; providing certain assessment form; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.5, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 339, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.5), which relates to law enforcement certification; requiring certain training; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1570  By Dahm. An Act relating to firearms; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1280.1, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 310, O.S.L. 2015 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1280.1), which relates to possession of firearm on school property; modifying allowable possession; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1571  By Hall. An Act relating to commercial driver education training; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 805, which relates to license fees; modifying terms; modifying fee; and providing an effective date.

SB 1572  By Hall. An Act relating to income tax refunds; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 205.2, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 280, O.S.L. 2015 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 205.2), which relates to claims by specified entities against income tax refunds; expanding definition; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1573  By Rosino. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 78, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 124, O.S.L. 2018 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 78), which relates to the Fleet Management Division of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services; establishing certain exception for the Military Department; and providing an effective date.

SB 1574  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to county pensions; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Sections 954, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 380, O.S.L. 2019, 957-1, and 960 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 954), which relate to maximum contributions, contribution limits and payment of certain employer contributions from court funds; authorizing a one-time lump sum contribution in certain circumstances; modifying amount county and court fund may pay into county retirement system; modifying limit of certain total contribution; deleting obsolete language; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1575  By David. An Act relating to health insurance; creating the Oklahoma Right to Shop Act; defining terms; requiring certain health insurers to establish certain incentivization program; establishing terms of program; requiring notice of program; classifying certain payment as nonadministrative for certain purposes; requiring certain filing with Insurance Commissioner; exempting certain insurance plans from act; requiring certain health insurers to establish mechanism on website for program information; establishing terms and

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information provided by mechanism; authorizing insurers to contract with third-party vendors; allowing for services exempted from program requirements; requiring certain notification to insured; requiring insurer to allow and apply payment for out-of-network providers or facilities in certain conditions; establishing terms of certain out-of-network care and payment; requiring insurer to provide certain online form; establishing payment rates; requiring notification of certain payment information to insured; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1576  By Murdock. An Act relating to health insurance; requiring Insurance Department to investigate price of prescription insulin drugs; requiring Department to gather relevant information; authorizing Attorney General to issue civil investigative demands to certain entities; exempting trade secrets from demand; requiring Department to issue report of findings and present findings to certain persons; requiring report to include certain information; defining term; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 6060.2, which relates to treatment of diabetes; requiring health insurers to cap copayments for insulin at certain cost; authorizing insurers to reduce copayments beyond cap; authorizing Insurance Commissioner to enforce cap on copayments; authorizing Commissioner to promulgate rules; updating statutory reference; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1577  By McCortney. An Act relating to oil and gas; amending Section 2, Chapter 201, O.S.L. 2012 (52 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 902), which relates to construction of oil and gas contracts and statutes; requiring certain well operators to prevent pollution and certain adverse impact; requiring operator to take certain actions if pollution or adverse impact occur; updating statutory references; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1578  By Hall. An Act relating to tax credits; amending Section 1, Chapter 421, O.S.L. 2014, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 190, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2357.403), which relates to the Oklahoma Affordable Housing Act; increasing cap on total credits allocated during an allocation year; and providing an effective date.

SB 1579  By Bullard. An Act relating to health insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 6055, which relates to compensation of practitioners; requiring insurer failing to pay assigned benefits claim to pay certain costs; authorizing Insurance Commissioner to impose civil fine for certain violation; requiring fine be deposited in Insurance Commissioner Revolving Fund; construing provision; providing statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1580  By Weaver. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 12-227, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 187, O.S.L. 2016 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 12-227),

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which relates to special restrictions on lamps; providing exception to certain lamp restrictions; authorizing use of flashing lights on road-service vehicles; specifying requirements for use of lights; defining term; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1581  By Hall. An Act relating to the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Administration Act; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1354.32, which relates to taxing jurisdiction boundaries; making certain procedures by sellers and certified service providers mandatory; and providing an effective date.

SB 1582  By Shaw. An Act relating to motorcycles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 12-609, which relates to required equipment; modifying certain requirements; and providing an effective date.

SB 1583  By Weaver. An Act relating to community sentencing; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 988.22, as amended by Section 9, Chapter 128, O.S.L. 2018 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 988.22), which relates to completion of community sentence; modifying certain entity to file completion statement; and providing an effective date.

SB 1584  By Leewright. An Act relating to wreckers and towing services; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 956, which relates to financial interest of officers; modifying allowable financial interest; and providing an effective date.

SB 1585  By Weaver. An Act relating to unused medication; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-309F, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 340, O.S.L. 2013 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-309F), which relates to the central repository; prohibiting certain regulation; prohibiting certain tax, fee or assessment; allowing certain funding; and providing an effective date.

SB 1586  By Hall. An Act relating to ad valorem taxes; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2835, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 263, O.S.L. 2015 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2835), which relates to listing and assessment of property; providing exception to voluntary procedure; requiring notice of certain improvements to real property by taxpayer within specified time period; specifying exclusions; establishing penalty for noncompliance; requiring county assessor to provide specified information to taxpayers; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1587  By Shaw. An Act relating to larceny; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1731, as amended by Section 15, Chapter 116, O.S.L. 2018 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1731), which relates to punishment for recidivists; modifying certain time element; and providing an effective date.

SB 1588  By Rosino. An Act relating to state government; establishing volunteer administrative leave for state employees; defining term; establishing eligibility requirements; requiring agencies to provide formal request process; establishing that certain organizations shall be ineligible; establishing process by which leave may be taken; establishing accountability provisions; establishing disciplinary procedures; establishing criteria for denial of requests for leave; stating that the Legislature may discontinue program; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1589  By Shaw. An Act relating to driver licenses; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-121, which relates to extension of driver licenses; modifying qualifying persons for extensions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1590  By Shaw. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 12-417, as amended by Section 7, Chapter 207, O.S.L. 2012 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 12-417), which relates to required safety belts; modifying requirements; providing for certain admissibility; and providing an effective date.

SB 1591  By Weaver. An Act relating to the OSBI Combined DNA Index System; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Section 1313.2, as last amended by Section 6, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2018 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1313.2), which relates to court definitions; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 991a, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2018 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 991a), which relates to sentencing powers of the courts; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 150.27a, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 374, O.S.L. 2019 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 150.27a), which relates to OSBI Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) Database; modifying qualifying scheduled substances; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1592  By Leewright. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Energy Independence Act; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 460.5, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 359, O.S.L. 2019 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 460.5), which relates to application of act; expanding applicability of act; authorizing counties to collect certain fees and hire third-party services; authorizing counties to determine which improvements qualify for financing; authorizing county treasurers to remit and collect certain monies; assigning certain costs to private lenders; and providing for an effective date.

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SB 1593  By Shaw. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Scrap Metal Dealers Act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1423, as renumbered by Section 5, Chapter 18, O.S.L. 2014, and as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 23 O.S.L. 2018 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 11-92), which relates to records of data; modifying data scrap metal dealers are required to record; requiring all copper material or copper wire be purchased by check; and providing an effective date.

SB 1594  By Shaw. An Act relating to the Grand River Dam Authority; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Section 874.2, which relates to licenses for real property encroachment; modifying properties eligible for licenses to encroach; capping amount for license; and providing an effective date.

SB 1595  By Treat. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1364, which relates to permits; modifying duration of certain permit required to do business and related renewal period; updating statutory references; modifying duration of permit for additional place of business; modifying expiration date of permits; and providing an effective date.

SB 1596  By Leewright. An Act relating to energy; creating the Energy Infrastructure Improvement Act; creating the Energy Infrastructure Revolving Fund; establishing terms of fund; providing for noncodification; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1597  By Shaw. An Act relating to toxicology testing laboratories; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 759, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 125, O.S.L. 2015 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 759), which relates to Board of Tests for Alcohol and Drug Influence; modifying entities; and providing an effective date.

SB 1598  By Rosino. An Act relating to health insurance; requiring health benefit plans to cover autoimmune encephalopathy panel; defining term; exempting coverage from certain health plan requirements; authorizing Insurance Commission to promulgate rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1599  By Scott. An Act relating to crime and punishment; providing for definition; providing for certain offense; providing for certain penalty; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1600  By Standridge. An Act relating to income tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2358, as last amended by Section 5, Chapter 201, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2358), which relates to adjustment to income; modifying treatment of income or losses from gambling for purposes of determining taxable income; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1601  By Paxton. An Act relating to the Insurance Business Transfer Act; amending Section 3, Chapter 232, O.S.L. 2018, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 381, O.S.L. 2019 (36 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1683), Section 5, Chapter 232, O.S.L. 2018 (36 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1685), and Section 8, Chapter 232, O.S.L. 2018, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 381, O.S.L. 2019 (36 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1688), which relate to definitions, notice by applicant, and fees; amending definitions; modifying persons Insurance Commissioner is required to notify in certain circumstances; clarifying timeline for required fee; and providing an effective date.

SB 1602  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to law enforcement unification; creating the Oklahoma Public Safety Unification Act of 2020; creating the Oklahoma Public Safety Agency; stating the divisions of the Agency; providing for appointment of a Director of the Oklahoma Public Safety Agency; providing for authority of the Director; providing for certain confirmation; providing for certain removal; providing for qualifications; directing affirmation of certain agency positions; stating powers, duties and responsibilities of the Director; providing for Investigative Oversight Commission; providing for membership of Commission; providing for certain investigation oversight; providing for the Oklahoma Public Safety Agency Revolving Fund; providing for noncodification; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1603  By Shaw. An Act relating to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 150.21, which relates to the legal division; modifying allowable appearances; and providing an effective date.

SB 1604  By Newhouse. An Act relating to wrecker and towing services; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 953.1, which relates to maximum fees and charges; modifying allowable charges; and providing an effective date.

SB 1605  By Bullard. An Act relating to firearm preemption; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.24, as last amended by Section 8, Chapter 1, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1289.24), which relates to state preemption regulation; modifying inclusions; allowing certain action; allowing certain expenses; providing definition; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1606  By Bullard. An Act relating to transportation for mental health services by law enforcement; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 1-110, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 374, O.S.L. 2016 (43A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-110), which relates to law enforcement transportation for mental health services; providing for use of telemedicine; providing definitions; amending certain responsibility for transport; authorizing certain agreements; and providing an effective date.

SB 1607  By Bullard. An Act relating to controlled dangerous substances; amending 25 O.S. 2011, Section 307, as last amended by Section 57, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019 (25 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 307), which relates to executive sessions; modifying entities that may hold executive sessions; providing for powers and duties; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for adherence to the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act; requiring certain annual report; providing for membership; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1608  By Rader. An Act relating to animal cruelty; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1688, which relates to animals in transit; modifying penalties; and providing an effective date.

SB 1609  By Shaw. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections; repealing 57 O.S. 2011, Section 508, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 267, O.S.L. 2012 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 508), which relates to divisions, deputy directors and qualifications of deputy directors; and providing an effective date.

SB 1610  By Shaw. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Self Defense Act; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.2, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 63, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.2), which relates to definitions; modifying included definitions; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.5, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 406, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.5), which relates to term of license and renewal; modifying certain procedure; updating statutory language; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.12, as last amended by Section 7, Chapter 406, O.S.L 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.12), which relates to procedure for application; modifying certain requirements; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1290.18, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 200, O.S.L. 2015 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1290.18), which relates to application form contents; modifying required documents; and providing an effective date.

SB 1611  By Floyd. An Act relating to boards of education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-117, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 149, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5-117), which relates to powers and duties of boards of education; directing a nonprofit organization that is leasing certain property to be given the right of first refusal to purchase the property; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1612  By Shaw. An Act relating to community sentencing expenditures; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 557.2, as amended by Section 254, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 557.2), which relates to the Oklahoma Community Sentencing Revolving Fund; creating an exemption from certain requirements and laws; updating statutory language; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 85.3A, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 472, O.S.L. 2019 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85.3A), which relates to exempted entities; modifying inclusions; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1613  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 1501, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 321, O.S.L. 2016 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1501), which relates to county purchasing agents; establishing that counties may lease or lease-purchase road machinery equipment from the state contract; and providing an effective date.

SB 1614  By Shaw. An Act relating to Oklahoma Highway Patrol; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 2-105, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 282, O.S.L. 2017 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2- 105), which relates to qualifications; modifying allowable service for qualifications; modifying allowable hours of service; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1615  By Jech. An Act relating to the Corporation Commission; creating the Task Force on Injection Well Stability; specifying membership of task force; establishing terms of meetings; prohibiting reimbursement for certain expenses; requiring the Commission to provide support staff; authorizing task force to issue reports and recommendations; establishing sunset date for task force; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1616  By Brooks. An Act relating to property and casualty insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 1250.6, which relates to receipt of claims; requiring insurer to disclose insurance limit to certain persons within specified timeframe; applying Oklahoma Discovery Code to disclosure after filing of lawsuit; and providing an effective date.

SB 1617  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to teacher compensation; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 13-110, which relates to compensation for qualified teachers of special education; amending certain percentage rate; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1618  By Brooks. An Act relating to motor vehicle records; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-117, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 47, O.S.L. 2018 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-117), which relates to records kept by the Department of Public Safety; modifying allowable records; and providing an effective date.

SB 1619  By Jech. An Act relating to sales and use tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1355, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 356, O.S.L. 2017 and 1404, as amended by Section 5, Chapter 356, O.S.L. 2017 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1355 and 1404), which relate to the sale of a motor vehicle; modifying the basis upon which gross receipts are calculated for the purposes of sales tax and purchase price is calculated for the purposes of use tax; and providing an effective date.

SB 1620  By Standridge. An Act relating to prescription drugs; creating the Oklahoma Patient Right to Know Act; defining terms; authorizing persons to request certain information on certain prescribed form; providing timeline for providing certain information; establishing fine for failure to provide certain information; instructing Insurance Department to place fine in certain fund; authorizing Insurance Department to promulgate rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1621  By Brooks. An Act relating to professions and occupations; creating the Real Estate Owner’s Rights Act; making certain matter of statewide concern; establishing certain rights of property owners; granting right for construction and repairs; requiring certain permits and inspections; construing requirement to hire licensed persons under certain condition; construing obligations under homeowner association agreement and covenants; authorizing certain assistance to property owner without licensure; amending 59 O.S. 2019, Sections 1017 and 1692, which relate to plumbing and electrical licensures; providing exception to licensures of certain property owners; providing an exception to mechanical licensure; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1622  By Dugger. An Act relating to income tax; creating tax credits for contractors performing Aging-in- Place residential remodeling; setting amount of credit; defining terms; requiring specified third party verification; limiting certain use of credit; imposing limitation on total credits used to offset tax liability; providing for annual adjustment; prescribing formula; providing for treatment of credits in excess of annual limit; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1623  By Daniels. An Act relating to motor vehicle registration; amending Section 2, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2018 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1112.2), which relates to transferability of license

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plates; providing exception to certain requirement to return license plate; establishing status of certain license plate under specified circumstances; authorizing issuance of certain temporary license plate under specified circumstances and subject to the promulgation of rules by the Oklahoma Tax Commission; and providing an effective date.

SB 1624  By Kidd. An Act relating to counties and county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 1415, which relates to the County Budget Act; modifying period during which a taxpayer may file protests against a county budget; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1625  By Kidd. An Act relating to court records; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Section 1005, which relates to destruction of court records; modifying time periods for destruction of records of certain cases; and providing an effective date.

SB 1626  By Daniels. An Act relating to judicial vacancies; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Section 30.17, which relates to Court of Civil Appeals vacancies; modifying procedure for filling vacancy of certain office; removing role of Judicial Nominating Commission in filling certain vacancy; requiring Senate confirmation of certain appointees; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Section 10, which relates to vacancies in state offices; modifying appointment procedures for vacancies of certain judicial offices; removing role of Judicial Nominating Commission in filling certain vacancies; requiring Senate confirmation of certain appointees; updating statutory language; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1627  By Sharp. An Act relating to limited liability companies; amending 18 O.S. 2011, Section 2002, which relates to purposes for formation; prohibiting formation of nonprofit limited liability companies; providing exception; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1628  By Daniels. An Act relating to the Employment Security Act of 1980; amending 40 O.S. 2019, Section 1-210, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 342, O.S.L. 2019 (40 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-210), which relates to definitions; modifying language; amending 40 O.S. 2019, Section 1-217, which relates to unemployed; reformatting language; changing certain loss of work requirement; amending 40 O.S. 2011, Section 2-203, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 251, O.S.L. 2019 (40 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-203), which relates to claims; changing certain filing systems; amending 40 O.S. 2011, Section 2-209, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 14, O.S.L. 2018 (40 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-209), which relates to nonprofit employees; excepting certain educational services; amending 40

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O.S. 2011, Section 2-406, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 220, O.S.L. 2014 (40 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-406), which relates to discharge for misconduct; correcting spelling; amending Section 1, Chapter 338, O.S.L. 2016 (40 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-422), which relates to seasonal workers; clarifying work during base period; providing procedure for overpayment in certain amounts; allowing certain account balances be brought to zero; amending 40 O.S. 2011, Section 3-307, which relates to deposit of monies; authorizing Commission to set certain deadline by rule; providing for unemployment tax accounts of certain amount; allowing certain accounts be brought to zero; amending 40 O.S. 2011, Section 4-508, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 251, O.S.L. 2019 (40 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 4-508), which relates to information to be kept confidential; removing certain organization; amending 40 O.S. 2011, Section 5-107, which relates to wrongful disclosure of information; adding certain employees; updating statutory reference; repealing Section 2, Chapter 220, O.S.L. 2014 (40 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-406.2), which relates to case review and annual report; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1629  By David. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Alcoholic Beverage Control Act; amending Section 3, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2016, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 420, O.S.L. 2019 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-103), which relates to definitions; modifying definition; adding definition for small farm producer; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1630  By Dahm. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1357, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2017 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1357), which relates to exemptions; providing exemption for certain storm shelters; and providing effective date.

SB 1631  By Dahm. An Act relating to income tax; creating tax credit for donations to Oklahoma School Security Revolving Fund; setting amount of credit; setting limit on total credits allowed in a tax year; limiting ability to use credit to reduce tax liability to specified amount; providing for codification; and providing for conditional effective date.

SB 1632  By Dahm. An Act relating to higher education; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3218.14, which relates to tuition and fee recommendations; prohibiting the tuition and fee rates from exceeding the rates approved in certain academic year; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1633  By Dahm. An Act relating to school security; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 51.2b, which relates to the Oklahoma School Security Grant Program; directing grants provided after

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certain date to be used for certain things; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 51.2c, as amended by Section 702, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 51.2c), which relates to the Oklahoma School Security Revolving Fund; updating statutory reference; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1634  By Brooks. An Act relating to informant testimony; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 2510, which relates to identity of informant; conforming language; establishing exception to certain privilege; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 2002, which relates to discovery disclosures; requiring the state to make certain disclosures; and providing an effective date.

SB 1635  By Brooks. An Act relating to depositions; authorizing a court to order the deposition of a witness; establishing requirements for certain order; authorizing court to prescribe terms and conditions; permitting the deposition of a witness to be read in evidence under certain circumstances; and providing an effective date.

SB 1636  By Daniels. An Act relating to damage awards; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 10-103, which relates to accidents involving damage to vehicle; updating statutory language; removing availability of certain civil damage award; providing exceptions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1637  By Brooks. An Act relating to informant database; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 2510, which relates to identity of informant; updating statutory language; providing exemption; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 18b, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 444, O.S.L. 2019 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 18b), which relates to Duties of Attorney General; requiring the Attorney General to develop, maintain and administer an informant database; requiring law enforcement entities to provide certain information to Attorney General; defining term; creating exception to certain confidential requirements; authorizing access; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1638  By Paxton. An Act relating to the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974; amending 61 O.S. 2011, Section 103, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 405, O.S.L. 2019 (61 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 103), which relates to competitive bidding; modifying the threshold for public construction contracts that must be bid in accordance with provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding Act for municipalities; and providing an effective date.

SB 1639  By Leewright. An Act relating to income tax; defining terms; creating tax credit for employment of a qualified apprentice during certain time period; setting amount of credit; limiting certain

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use of credit; prohibiting use of credit to reduce tax liability to specified extent; imposing limitation on total credits used to offset tax liability; providing for annual adjustment; prescribing formula; providing for treatment of credits in excess of annual limit; establishing basis for credit pursuant to specified requirement; authorizing the Governor’s Council on Workforce and Economic Development to adopt rules to implement and administer credit in cooperation with certain agencies; requiring Council to produce annual report and specifying contents and distribution; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1640  By Brooks. An Act relating to criminal discovery; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Sections 258 and 2002, which relate to preliminary examinations and proceedings and time for discovery; modifying conditions for hearing termination; removing certain discretion; providing certain exception; removing certain discretion; authorizing request for certain records; allowing for inspection of records upon mutual agreement; requiring production of certain records; fixing time for production of records; allowing for certain motion; mandating certain order be issued upon specified finding; authorizing subpoena duces tecum for specified purpose; authorizing attorney to issue and sign subpoena duces tecum; providing certain notice; and providing an effective date.

SB 1641  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to intergovernmental relations; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 482, which relates to powers and duties of the Advisory Committee on Intergovernmental Relations; clarifying certain power; adding certain power to direct certain resolution; updating statutory reference and language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1642  By Montgomery. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Producer Licensing Act; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 1435.15, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 294, O.S.L. 2019 (36 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1435.15), which relates to appointment of producer as agent of insurer; modifying procedure and timeline for certain required notice; and providing an effective date.

SB 1643  By Leewright. An Act relating to tax administration; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 217, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 28, O.S.L. 2016 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 217), which relates to computation of interest on certain unpaid taxes; modifying rate on deficient and refunded amounts; deleting obsolete language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1644  By Matthews. An Act relating to sealing of records; requiring issuance of order of expungement after pardon; requiring delivery of order to certain entities; requiring filing of certain document

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with Secretary of State; providing for public access of certain document for specified time period; authorizing use of sealed record for specified purposes; prohibiting requirement for disclosure of certain information; prohibiting denial of application under certain circumstances; authorizing petition for unsealing of certain records; providing for notice and hearing; authorizing order to unseal records under certain circumstances; providing exceptions to applicability; construing provisions; updating statutory reference; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1645  By Montgomery. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 1116, 1132, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 337, O.S.L. 2012, 1135.1, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 26, O.S.L. 2016, 1135.2, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019, 1135.3, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019, 1135.4, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 69, O.S.L. 2018, 1135.5, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019, 1135.6, 1135.7, as amended by Section 5, Chapter 69, O.S.L. 2018 and 1141.1, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 158, O.S.L. 2012 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1132, 1135.1, 1135.2, 1135.3, 1135.4, 1135.5, 1135.7 and 1141.1), which relate to issuance of special or personalized license plates; requiring combination of registration periods after specified date and related rulemaking by Oklahoma Tax Commission; requiring single remittance of specified fees and single registration period for specified special or personalized license plates after specified date and related rulemaking by Oklahoma Tax Commission; construing provision with respect to apportionment; deleting obsolete language and providing for motor license agent fee when single fee is remitted for registration and special or personalized license plate; modifying reference; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1646  By Daniels. An Act relating to health insurance; prohibiting certain healthcare entities from reporting certain debt to credit bureaus; providing exception to prohibition; specifying what is included in total cost of healthcare services; requiring certain information on billing documents; establishing violation of act as grounds for dismissal of and affirmative defense to certain legal proceedings; defining term; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1647  By Brooks. An Act relating to indigent defense; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 138.5, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 194, O.S.L. 2018 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 138.5), which relates to duties of the office of the county indigent defender; creating rebuttable presumption for determination of indigency; establishing requirements for certain presumption; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 1355A, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 194, O.S.L. 2018 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1355A), which relates to application for representation by the Oklahoma Indigent Defense System; creating rebuttable presumption for determination of indigency; establishing requirements for certain presumption; clarifying statutory language; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1648  By Montgomery. An Act relating to the Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 150.1, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 29, O.S.L. 2017 (43 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 150.1), which relates to definitions; modifying definition; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1649  By Daniels. An Act relating to electricians; amending 59 O.S 2011, Sections 1682, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 17, O.S.L. 2018, 1685, 1686, 1688 and 1689, as amended by Section 23, Chapter 313, O.S.L. 2015 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1682 and 1689), which relates to the Electrical License Act; adding definitions; authorizing the Construction Industries Board to issue certain license and certification; stating qualifications for certification; stating fee for licensure; requiring hours of continuing education; modifying investigation powers of the Board; providing for supervisory authority for certain electricians; updating statutory reference; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1650  By Rosino. An Act relating to motor vehicles; creating the Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing Program Act; defining terms; requiring assumption of liability for certain losses or injuries; providing for actions resulting in nonliability; providing for minimum compulsory insurance coverage; stating certain parties charged with maintaining insurance coverage; requiring certain primary insurance coverage; requiring program assume certain primary liability; providing for indemnification; requiring certain coverage and duty to defend; providing exceptions; requiring certain nondependence on other insurers; disallowing certain limits to liability and contracting; allowing for certain indemnification; providing for certain notice; making certain exclusions; allowing for certain insurance policy exclusions; requiring collection and verification of certain records; requiring retention of records; exempting owner from vicarious liability; providing for right to seek contribution; requiring certain insurable interest; providing for certain nonliability; allowing program to maintain certain policy coverages; requiring certain disclosures; stating certain requirements of car sharing program agreement; requiring certain recordkeeping; stating certain party responsibilities and requirements; stating certain requirements of programs and owners; requiring verification of safety recalls; providing for certain nonuse of car; requiring certain notice; specifying no affect to certain taxability; providing for timeliness of certain notice or disclosure; stating certain requirements of certain agreement; providing for certain valid forms of acceptance; specifying period acceptance is valid; making certain notice exemptions; requiring certain agreement; allowing for certain injunction; requiring certain reasonable applications; stating certain provider duties; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 8-101, which relates to owners of for-rent vehicles financial responsibility; providing for nonapplicability to peer-to-peer vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 8-102, which relates to owner of for-rent vehicle liability; providing for nonapplicability to peer-to-peer vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011,

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Section 8-103, which relates to renting a motor vehicle to another; providing for nonapplicability to peer-to-peer vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 11-902b, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 74, O.S.L. 2014 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 11-902b), which relates to the forfeiture of a motor vehicle; providing for nonapplicability to peer-to- peer vehicles; amending Section 3, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2018 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1112.3), which relates to documentation required in possession or in vehicle; requiring copy of peer-to-peer car sharing program agreement be in possession; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1120.1, which relates to entry into International Registration Plan or other compacts; providing for nonapplicability to peer-to-peer vehicles; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2105, as last amended by Section 11, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2017 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2105), which relates to exemptions; providing for nonapplicability to peer-to- peer vehicles; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2110, as amended by Section 5, Chapter 316, O.S.L. 2012 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2110), which relates to rental tax; providing for certain tax on peer-to-peer car sharing program agreements; providing for collection of tax; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1651  By Daniels. An Act relating to the Supreme Court; requiring maintenance and publication of certain calendar; specifying information to be included on certain calendar; requiring publication of list of certain cases; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1652  By Bice. An Act relating to Oklahoma Local Development and Enterprise Zone Incentive Leverage Act Incentive Act; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 845, which relates to incentive payment fund; converting fund to special account; eliminating fund name; conforming language; eliminating certain limit on liability for payments; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1653  By Coleman. An Act relating to alcoholic beverages; creating craft distiller licenses, craft distiller self-distribution licenses, craft distiller spirit lounge licenses and spirit lounge self- distribution licenses; providing for authority pursuant to the licenses; defining terms; establishing annual license fees; providing for codification; and providing a conditional effective date.

SB 1654  By Leewright. An Act relating to alcoholic beverages; amending Section 22, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2016, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 35, O.S.L. 2019 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-110), which relates to mixed beverage license; authorizing hotels to sell beer and wine on-premises and off-premises; repealing Section 22, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2016, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 424, O.S.L. 2019 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-110), which relates to mixed beverage licenses; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1655  By Rosino. An Act relating to roofing contractors; prohibiting waiving insurance deductible as advertisement or inducement for sale; requiring certain notice; providing penalty; construing imposition of certain fine; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1656  By Quinn. An Act relating to telephone payments; stating minimum period for certain payments; setting calculation of minimum period; prohibiting late charge assessment within minimum period; exempting certain payment and statement methods from minimum period; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1657  By Jech. An Act relating to pardon and parole procedures; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 332.7, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 117, O.S.L. 2018 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 332.7), which relates to persons eligible for consideration for parole; requiring denial reason recorded; requiring certain remediation recommendation; disallowing waiver of parole; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 350, which relates to deduction of sentence time spent on parole; modifying allowable revocation; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 516, which relates to parole violators; modifying allowable conditions; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1658  By Bice. An Act relating to coin-operated devices; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1501, which relates to definitions; modifying definition to exclude certain devices; and providing an effective date.

SB 1659  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to spirit distillers; amending Section 15, Chapter 366 O.S.L. 2016 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-103), which relates to distiller licenses; expanding authority of license; providing for samples at trade shows and festivals; authorizing sale and consumption on-premises and off-premises; authorizing sales and purchases of beer; updating statutory references; allowing self-distribution of spirits; stating authority of self- distribution license; setting maximum gallons of spirits sold in tasting rooms for self- distribution license; requiring sales to certain licensees on certain price basis; requiring certain mode of transportation; construing unconstitutional provisions on direct sales; setting distiller self-distribution license fee; amending Section 13, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2016, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 420, O.S.L. 2018 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-101), which relates to license fees; setting distiller self-distribution license fee; updating statutory references; providing for codification; and making act conditional upon vote of people on a constitutional amendment authorizing the sale of spirits to consumers.

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SB 1660  By Haste. An Act relating to mental health diversion by law enforcement; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 3-428, which relates to intoxicated persons in public places; modifying language; modifying allowable facilities; allowing certain program establishment; directing certain authorization; and providing an effective date.

SB 1661  By Kidd. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1761.1, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 40, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1761.1), which relates to penalties for dumping of trash on public or private property; requiring certain identification; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 1334, which relates to rewards and claims for reporting littering upon highways; modifying certain responsibility; allowing assessment; setting limit on allowable assessment; providing certain discretion; and providing an effective date.

SB 1662  By Dahm. An Act relating to local bond elections; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 16-112, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 380, O.S.L. 2015 (11 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 16-112), which relates to municipal special elections; modifying date when certain special elections may be conducted; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 15-102, which relates to education bond elections; specifying date on which certain elections may be conducted; updating statutory language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1663  By Hall. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission; directing certain review and evaluation of unemployment compensation and employer contribution rates; directing development of method to tie certain benefits and rates to certain economic conditions; providing for recommendations for determining the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund minimum balance and for employer rebates under certain conditions; requiring certain report by certain date; providing for noncodification; and directing report distribution.

SB 1664  By Jech. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 15-112, which relates to physical disability placards; modifying placard type; removing certain reapplication procedure; and providing an effective date.

SB 1665  By Rosino. An Act relating to Firefighters Pension and Retirement System; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 49-111, as amended by Section 8, Chapter 364, O.S.L. 2012 (11 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 49-111), which relates to temporary sickness or disability; correcting improper statutory title reference due to repeal of Title 85; and updating statutory language.

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SB 1666  By Dahm. An Act relating to virtual currency; defining terms; making virtual currency exempt from state security laws under certain conditions; stating conditions for exemption; setting criteria for meeting certain requirement; directing the Secretary of State to develop and implement a filing system for certain notices; authorizing virtual currency as payment to any state agency and its political subdivisions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1667  By Dahm. An Act relating to cryptocurrency; authorizing cryptocurrency to be used for purchases and payments under certain conditions; requiring certain contract; providing for regulations; exempting banks and certain companies and firms; defining terms; requiring token issuers to be money transmitters; stating what cryptocurrency is not; directing the Oklahoma Department of Commerce to promulgate rules; directing certain consideration for rules; authorizing governmental agencies and marketplace sellers to accept cryptocurrency on certain date and under certain condition; stating time for exchange into currency; allowing agencies to incorporate certain payments into payment system technology; construing validity of certain contracts; making certain income subject to state income tax; requiring certain license; providing for money laundering under certain condition; construing financial investment authority; requiring method to determine monetary value, negotiability and whether cryptocurrency is redeemable in currency; directing the Oklahoma Department of Commerce to promulgate certain rules, applications and procedures for certain purposes; requiring license to engage in transmission of virtual currency; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1668  By Rosino. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Sections 50-101, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 346, O.S.L. 2016 (11 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 50-101) and 50-116.1, which relate to definitions and sickness or temporary disability; modifying definition of paid base salary; correcting improper statutory title reference due to repeal of Title 85 provisions; and updating statutory language.

SB 1669  By Dahm. An Act relating to financial technology; making legislative findings; creating the financial technology sandbox for the testing of financial products and services in Oklahoma; authorizing limited waivers of statutes and rules under certain conditions; establishing standards and procedures for sandbox applications, operations and supervision; authorizing reciprocity agreements with other regulators; requiring criminal history background checks; creating an account; requiring a consumer protection bond; specifying standards for the suspension and revocation of sandbox authorization; authorizing rules and orders; providing for codification; and providing for effective dates.

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SB 1670  By Bice. An Act relating to film expenditure rebates; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 3624, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 313, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3624), which relates to the Oklahoma Film Enhancement Rebate Program; clarifying certain payments; limiting liability for payments to balance of specified fund; updating statutory reference; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1671  By Newhouse. An Act relating to the regulation of residential building design elements; prohibiting county and municipal regulation of certain design elements of residential buildings; stating limitation of regulations; defining terms; providing exceptions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1672  By Kidd. An Act relating to motor vehicles; permitting use of certain emergency lights on volunteer firefighter vehicles; authorizing local fire chief to determine use of lights; mandating transport of signed authorization; requiring certain visibility of lights; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 12-227, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 187, O.S.L. 2016 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 12-227), which relates to special restrictions on lamps and illuminating devices; adding an exception to certain prohibited act; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1673  By Murdock. An Act relating to the transportation of firearms; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1272, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 1, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1272), which relates to unlawful carry; allowing certain transport; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.7, as last amended by Section 5, Chapter 1, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1289.7), which relates to firearms in vehicles; clarifying language; removing certain license allowances; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.13A, as last amended by Section 7, Chapter 1, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1289.13A), which relates to improper transportation of firearms; clarifying language; repealing 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1289.13, as last amended by Section 6, Chapter 1, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1289.13), which relates to transporting a loaded firearm; and providing an effective date.

SB 1674  By Murdock. An Act relating to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-402, as last amended by Section 3, State Question No. 780, Initiative Petition No. 404 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-402), which relates to penalties; providing for felony offense; allowing for certain participation; creating certain felony offense; providing for certain sentencing; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1675  By Dossett. An Act relating to tobacco; prohibiting the sale or gift of flavored tobacco products used for vaping on certain date; defining terms; setting penalty; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1676  By Dossett. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1000.21, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 223, O.S.L. 2014 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1000.21), increasing the membership of the Commission; adding certain members; providing for initial appointment within certain time; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1677  By Dahm. An Act relating to children; repealing 10 O.S. 2011, Sections 361, 362, and 363, which relate to the Santa Claus Commission; and providing an effective date.

SB 1678  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to occupational regulations; establishing the state policy for the regulation of occupations; defining terms; specifying criteria for government regulation to increase opportunities, promote competition, encourage innovation, and protect consumers; establishing canons of statutory interpretation; directing certain sunset review by certain staff; establishing presumptions and means to rebut certain presumptions; setting certain guidelines for staff on certain recommendations; directing certain report and findings; authorizing certain comments on administrative rulemaking; requiring certain rules be adopted by Legislature for certain purpose; construing limitations; setting date for certain review of occupational licenses; mandating certain percentage of licenses be reviewed; establishing review criteria; directing sunset reports begin by certain date; construing staff involvement in occupational licensing and reviews; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1679  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to occupational regulation; providing short title; creating the “Interstate-Mobility and Universal-Recognition Occupational Licensing Act; defining terms; adding provisions for occupational licenses or government certification by recognition for qualified applicants from other states; setting certain criteria; providing recognition of work experience; authorizing recognition of private certifications; providing for jurisprudential examination; requiring certain written decision within certain time; allowing certain appeals; directing compliance with certain laws; exempting supreme court occupations; stating and construing certain license limitations; setting certain application costs; stating certain preemption; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1680  By David. An Act relating to workers’ compensation death benefits; amending Sections 32 and 47, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Sections 61 and 19, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019 (85A O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 32 and 47), which relate to permanent total disability awards and beneficiaries; establishing exception for death benefit awards to surviving spouses of law enforcement officers or firefighters; and providing an effective date.

SB 1681  By Leewright. An Act relating to alcoholic beverages; amending Section 81, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2018, as amended by Section 16, Chapter 364, O.S.L. 2017 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-111), which relates to termination of distribution agreements; setting certain annual barrel criteria for distribution agreements; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1682  By Leewright. An Act relating to licensed lenders; stating certain preemption; proscribing certain activities by certain entities; prohibiting certain disincentives for certain lenders; authorizing certain ordinances; providing right to civil action for certain violations; providing certain grandfather provision for certain businesses; construing certain provisions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1683  By Leewright. An Act relating to state parks; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 2217, which relates to access to state parks; prohibiting occupying a reserved campsite; prohibiting entering a state park where an entry fee is required; providing an exception for certain park entry passholders; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1684  By Leewright. An Act relating to regulation of residential building design elements; prohibiting county and municipal regulation of residential building design elements; providing certain exceptions to regulation of building design elements; defining terms; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1685  By Rader. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 2095.3, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 320, O.S.L. 2015 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2095.3), which relates to exemptions; making certain charitable entities exempt under certain federal provisions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1686  By Howard. An Act relating to adoption proceedings; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Section 7505-3.1, which relates to contents of petition; removing requirement for annual report of certain information by the Administrative Office of the Courts; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1687  By Paxton. An Act relating to Standards for Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Act; amending 40 O.S. 2011, Section 552, as last amended by Section 24, Chapter 11, O.S.L. 2019 (40 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 552), which relate to definitions; modifying definition; including certain volunteers; and providing an effective date.

SB 1688  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to aircraft; creating the Oklahoma Droneport Project Pilot Program; providing for certain objectives for certain pilot program; creating Oklahoma Droneport Project Revolving Fund; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1689  By Shaw. An Act relating to pawnbrokers; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1502, which relates to definitions; modifying and adding definitions; prohibiting sale of new items; providing exception for certain items; updating statutory reference; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1690  By Haste. An Act relating to special license plates; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.2, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1135.2), which relates to special license plates; creating the Veterans of the United States Armed Forces License Plate; requiring certain documentation for issuing certain license plate; and providing an effective date.

SB 1691  By Shaw. An Act relating to pawnbrokers; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1502, which relates to definitions; modifying and adding definitions; prohibiting pawn transaction for gift card, as pledged goods; and providing an effective date.

SB 1692  By Quinn. An Act relating to liability insurance; creating the Act Concerning Interpretation of Oklahoma Insurance Laws; specifying that the Restatement of the Law, Liability Insurance by certain entity is not law or public policy of this state under certain circumstances; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1693  By Standridge. An Act relating to workforce development; creating the Oklahoma Workforce and Economic Development Act; providing short title; creating a division in the Department of Labor; naming division the Oklahoma Office of Workforce Development; setting sunset law date; stating purpose; prohibiting certain state appropriations for the division; defining terms; providing powers, duties and responsibilities; authorizing certain contracts requiring certain reports; allowing investigations; providing for interagency cooperation; directing

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promulgation of rules; authorizing skill development fund and expenditures by rule; allowing service fees for certain technical support contracts; requiring post-employment plan for certain participants; stating plan requirements; directing electronic tracking of provider performance; requiring financial literacy programs and materials; providing for certain donations be reported publicly; authorizing job retention and reemployment assistance; providing certain services for military personnel and their spouses; requiring services by court order; authorizing transportation assistance; making transportation subject to funding; directing the Department of Labor to develop special need-based formulas for the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996; authorizing the Department of Labor to develop and fund child-care subsidy programs; requiring the Department of Human Services to evaluate childcare subsidy programs developed and funded by the Department of Labor; setting childcare evaluation criteria; requiring the Department of Labor to compile certain childcare subsidy data for certain purpose; stating data to be compiled; requiring the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission to provide certain data for certain purpose; requiring the Department of Labor to report on effectiveness of childcare subsidy programs by certain date annually; requiring certain TANF recipient reports; directing an electronic system for verification of childcare services; directing certain public information campaign for STEM workforce; creating an advisory committee; naming members, duties and terms of office; naming workforce programs consolidated in the Department of Labor; providing exception; including Carl Perkins program funds and certain rehabilitation funds; authorizing delegation of certain funds; providing for certain training; directing review of recommendation by the Governor’s Council of Workforce and Economic development; directing certain board development and training; stating components of board training; requiring review of certain plans and recommendations; requiring training before delivery of certain services; requiring certain plan of sanctions; directing plan set time to address sanctions; setting percentage of funding for training; providing exception under federal law; setting date to distribute federal block grants; setting administration percentage of funding; providing for federal funding formulas; setting local allocation of funding; providing exception for noncertified boards; directing collaboration with local boards on funding; establishing guidelines on funding; requiring integration of administration with career development centers on certain services; defining term; ensuring performance measure remain; mandating agency staff resources be used; mandating agency staff funds become block grant fund when state employee leaves employment; directing information support; stating information to be provided; authorizing collection of wage information for certain purpose; providing for confidentiality on certain information; authorizing use of certain information by certain entities; authorizing evaluation for continuing a program based on date; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 5003.10d, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 188, O.S.L. 2015 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5003.10d), which relates to the Governor’s Council for Workforce and Economic Development; modifying reference; providing for coordination of certain activities; amending Section 1, Chapter 138, O.S.L. 2018 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5003.10e),

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which relates to the Work-based Learning Program; setting sunset provision; making program contingent upon federal grant funds; directing assistance from the Department of Labor; recodifying 74 O.S. 2011, Section 5003.10d, as last amended by Section 25 of this act (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5003.10d), which relates to the Governor’s Council for Workforce and Economic Development; recodifying Section 1, Chapter 138, O.S.L. 2018, as amended by Section 26 of this act (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5003.10e), which relates to the Work-based Learning Program; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1694  By Quinn. An Act relating to mandated health insurance coverage; amending Section 1, Chapter 92, O.S.L. 2016 (36 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6011), which relates to mandated health insurance coverage; creating the Oklahoma Health Insurance Mandate Legislation Actuarial Analysis Act; defining terms; creating and providing for appointments of Mandate Review Commission; requiring certain bills be sent to Legislative Actuary; establishing procedure for introduction of mandate bills; establishing procedure for consideration of mandate bills in committee; requiring certain bills be subject to full actuarial investigation; requiring Legislative Actuary to complete investigation on certain bills by certain date; requiring assessment of certain bills by Mandate Review Commission; establishing terms for Commission to consider in assessment; requiring actuarial investigation documents to be attached to certain documents; establishing procedure for amending mandate bills; establishing procedure for consideration of mandate bills in Legislature after investigation; requiring certain documents be attached to certain enrolled bills; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 452.15, which relates to Legislative Actuary duties; modifying purpose of hiring Actuary; adding required experience for certain hiring; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1695  By Leewright. An Act relating to Uniform Consumer Credit Code; amending 14A O.S. 2011, Sections 1-106, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 178, O.S.L. 2019 and 3-109 (14A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-106), which relate to change in dollar amounts and definitions; adding references; amending 14A O.S. 2011, Section 3-508A, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 89, O.S.L. 2015 (14A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-508A), which relates to finance rate for supervised loans; changing loan principal amounts; permitting a loan closing fee; setting closing fee amount; and providing an effective date.

SB 1696  By Quinn. An Act relating to health insurance; creating the Surprise Billing Protection for Oklahomans Act; defining terms; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1697  By Bice. An Act relating to Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1107.2, which relates to requirements upon transfer of a vehicle; modifying age of vehicles exempt from certain odometer disclosure statement; and providing an effective date.

SB 1698  By Brooks. An Act relating to higher education; prohibiting institutions within The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education from inquiring about certain criminal history during certain application or admissions process; providing exceptions for inquiries related to certain crimes or attempted crimes; requiring an institution to provide notification of certain admission denial; providing for appeal; allowing an institution to make inquiries of certain criminal history for certain purposes after a student has been accepted; allowing an institution to make certain inquiries when obtaining certain secondary information; requiring an institution that makes such inquires to give certain consideration; allowing an institution that offers a teacher preparation program to make certain inquiries; providing for counseling to be offered; prohibiting an institution from denying admission to or continuation of certain program based solely on certain criminal history; providing for counseling to be offered; allowing certain institutions to consider certain criminal history if it is part of certain application designed by certain national application services; allowing promulgation of rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1699  By Quinn. An Act relating to travel insurance; amending Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10, Chapter 159, O.S.L. 2018 (36 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 6711, 6712, 6713, 6714, 6716, 6717 and 6718), which relate to application of the act, definitions, limited lines travel insurance producer license, premium taxes, application of Unfair Trade Practices Act, qualifications for travel administrators and individual or group policies allowed; stating purpose of act; modifying applicability of act; modifying definitions; authorizing persons with certain lines of authority to sell travel insurance; specifying that insurance producers are not required to be appointed to sell travel insurance; defining terms; requiring disclosure of certain information for pre-existing condition exclusions; modifying terms of certain refund of travel protection plan; establishing unfair trade practice; declaring certain requirement for purchasing trip or travel package not an unfair trade practice; modifying requirements for travel insurance administrator; clarifying exemption from Insurance Adjusters Licensing Act for travel administrator; establishing insurer as responsible for certain acts of travel administrator; requiring travel insurance be filed as certain line of insurance; providing exception for filing as certain line of insurance; establishing terms of eligibility and underwriting standards for travel insurance; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1700  By Floyd. An Act relating to victim notification; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 142A-2, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 438, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 142A-2), which relates to victims rights; requiring reasonable and timely notice; requiring notification to victim of certain motion and proceedings; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1701  By Brooks. An Act relating to public employees; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 1316.2, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 419, O.S.L. 2014 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1316.2), which relates to continuance of health and dental insurance benefits; authorizing certain retired members to annually opt-in or opt-out of specified benefits; and providing an effective date.

SB 1702  By Brooks. An Act relating to unemployment benefits; amending 40 O.S. 2011, Section 2-406, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 220, O.S.L. 2014 (40 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-406), which relates to discharge for misconduct; deleting language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1703  By Smalley. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1356, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 413, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1356), which relates to exemptions; modifying exemption for sales to certain subdivisions of the state by adding University Hospitals Trust; expanding exemption for specified transfers to or by University Hospitals Trust by including certain nonprofit entities; and providing an effective date.

SB 1704  By Brooks. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1356, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 413, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1356), which relates to exemptions; providing exemption for sales to organization of women veterans; and providing an effective date.

SB 1705  By Smalley. An Act relating to student assessments; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.508, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 479, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1210.508), which relates to the statewide student assessment system; directing each school district to select certain assessment or assessments from certain list beginning in certain school year; providing for selection of an official state assessment or assessments; providing for notification by certain date of preferred assessment or assessments; providing for use of certain assessment or assessments if notification is not provided; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1706  By Murdock. An Act relating to ad valorem taxes; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2802, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 266, O.S.L. 2018 and 2875, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 142, O.S.L. 2015 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 2802 and 2875), which relate to assessment of value for ad valorem tax purposes; modifying and adding definitions; modifying the content of certain required schedules provided to aid in assessment; and providing an effective date.

SB 1707  By Hall. An Act relating to nonstock corporations; amending 18 O.S. 2011, Section 1097, as amended by Section 26, Chapter 88, O.S.L. 2019 (18 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1097), which relates to dissolution procedure; requiring notice of dissolution to Attorney General from certain corporations; prohibiting transfer of certain assets prior to certain notice or written consent; requiring list of transfer or conveyance of certain assets to Attorney General; and providing an effective date.

SB 1708  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to occupational regulations; establishing a process to review criminal records to reduce offenders’ disqualifications from state occupational recognition; defining terms; establishing certain fundamental right; limiting review of criminal records; prohibiting automatic bar based on criminal record; consideration of certain convictions; excluding certain information from certain records review; permitting certain circumstances be reviewed; providing rule of lenity; permitting certain hearing under Administrative Procedures Act; providing certain totality of circumstances test; allowing appeals; authorizing certain petition prior to meeting certain qualifications; setting petition contents, determination, decision, binding effects, alternative decision, reapplication, appeal and costs; requiring certain reporting; construing private certifications; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1709  By Pugh. An Act relating to the Information Technology Consolidation and Coordination Act; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 35.7, as amended by Section 416, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 35.7), which relates to exemptions and extensions; providing exemption for certain state agencies if certain condition is met; and providing an effective date.

SB 1710  By Smalley. An Act relating to health insurance; requiring health benefit plans to provide coverage for functional repair or restoration of craniofacial disorders; specifying that coverage shall not include cosmetic surgery or other certain treatment; defining health benefit plan; providing that benefit shall be subject to certain plan terms; requiring Insurance Department to promulgate rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1711  By Brooks. An Act relating to guardianship; creating the Oklahoma Standby Guardianship Act; providing short title; defining terms; authorizing written designation; providing inclusions; requiring certain conditions; conferring certain authority; providing certain notice; mandating findings; authorizing appointment of guardian ad litem; specifying petition inclusions; allowing for revocation of guardianship; permitting refusal; rescinding guardianship; permitting review; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1712  By Pederson. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Industrial Hemp Program; amending Section 3, Chapter 64, O.S.L. 2018, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 478, O.S.L. 2019 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-403), which relates to licensee authorization; amending certain licensee authorizations; and providing an effective date.

SB 1713  By David. An Act relating to regulation of residential building design elements; prohibiting county and municipal regulation of residential building design elements; providing certain exceptions to regulation of building design elements; defining terms; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1714  By Pugh. An Act relating to homemade food products; amending Sections 1, 2, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 85, O.S.L. 2017, 3, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 85, O.S.L. 2017, 4, 5 and 6, Chapter 40, O.S.L. 2013, as renumbered by Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6, Chapter 85, O.S.L. 2017 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 5-4.1, 5-4.2, 5-4.3, 5-4.4, 5-4.5 and 5-4.6), which relate to the Home Bakery Act of 2013; renaming act; removing definitions; adding definitions; removing authority of the Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry to promulgate rules; modifying exemptions from licensing and regulations; removing authority of the Department to request certain verification; modifying labeling requirements; stating act shall not be construed to impede investigation by state agencies under certain circumstances; clarifying statutory reference; amending Section 2, Chapter 20, O.S.L. 2013 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-1331), which relates to beekeepers; providing exception; modifying requirements for exemption; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1715  By Pugh. An Act relating to income tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2357.301, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 30, O.S.L. 2014 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2357.301), which relates to income tax credits; modifying definition by omitting certain degree requirement; adding definition authorizing certain instructor pilot to qualify for credit; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1716  By Dahm. An Act relating to school employee organizations; prohibiting certain existing organizations from continuing to represent certain employees; requiring a school district board of education to direct certain election to certify the existing organization; directing the board of education to determine how the election shall be conducted; authorizing the board of education to establish a fee schedule to fund the election; providing for decertification of an organization if it fails to receive a sufficient number of votes; providing for continuation of certain terms of certain contract if an organization is decertified; allowing school district employees to certify a new employee organization under certain circumstances; requiring elections to be held during certain time frame; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1717  By Weaver. An Act relating to the Oklahoma 9-1-1 Management Authority; amending Section 4, Chapter 324, O.S.L. 2016 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2864), which relates to powers and duties of the Authority; modifying training program standards; clarifying language; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1718  By Montgomery. An Act relating to health insurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Sections 6060.10, 6060.11, 6060.12, and 6060.13, which relate to definitions, benefits required for mental illness, exempted plans, and analysis and report by Insurance Commissioner; modifying definitions; adding definitions; modifying mandated coverage; prohibiting an insurer from imposing more stringent treatment limitations on mental health conditions and substance use disorders than comparable benefits; prohibiting certain treatment limitations; stating exception; requiring all health plans to meet certain requirements; requiring insurers to submit annual report; providing required information for report; requiring Insurance Commissioner to implement and enforce certain law; requiring Commissioner to publicize certain required reports; requiring Commissioner to identify and publicize insurers failing to submit certain report; authorizing the Commissioner to promulgate rules; conforming language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1719  By Scott. An Act relating to annexation and detachment; providing that municipalities utilizing strip annexation on a road shall be required to maintain roadway; providing that such roads must become city streets; preventing municipalities from receiving revenue obtaining from annexation of roadways without adjacent territory; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1720  By Brooks. An Act relating to child support; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 118F, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 87, O.S.L. 2018 (43 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 118F), which relates to medical support order for health care coverage; requiring medical billing for child to both parents under certain circumstances; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1721  By Bullard. An Act relating to abortion; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-730, which relates to definitions; modifying definitions; creating the Unborn Person Equality Act; providing short title; providing legislative findings; providing certain interpretation and construction of the laws of this state; providing definition; providing certain protection; specifying applicability of act; prohibiting certain monitoring; providing certain construction; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1722  By Hicks. An Act relating to prescription drugs; providing for codification; defining terms; requiring drug manufacturer to notify Insurance Department of price increase of certain drug; requiring drug manufacturer to notify Department in writing within certain time period of introduction of new drug in certain circumstances; requiring manufacturer to report certain data in writing to Department within certain time period; requiring pharmacy benefit managers to report certain data to Department within certain time period; applying certain protections to information reported under act; requiring drug distributor to report certain data to Department within certain time period; requiring certain insurers to annually report certain data on prescription drugs; requiring registration of certain entities with Department; requiring entities to pay annual assessment to implement act; specifying costs included in assessment; specifying minimum amount for assessment; providing terms for collection of assessment; requiring reporting entity to certify certain information; providing civil penalty for violation of act; authorizing the Department to audit certain data at Department expense; authorizing Department to require submission of corrective action plan in event of violation; authorizing Department to hold public hearings and subpoena certain entities; requiring Department to develop and publish certain data on website; declaring certain data confidential; authorizing Department to share certain data with Attorney General; and providing an effective date.

SB 1723  By Kirt. An Act relating to Rules of the Ethics Commission; amending Rule 3.16 of the Rules of the Ethics Commission (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Ch. 62, App. I), which relates to financial disclosure statements; adding certain persons subject to financial disclosure; and providing an effective date.

SB 1724  By Dahm. An Act relating to school employee payroll deductions; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-139, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 193, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5-139), which relates to payroll deductions for professional organizations; subjecting certain payroll deductions and political contributions to certain provisions; prohibiting certain deductions from exceeding one year without reauthorization; requiring authorization for professional organization dues and political contributions to be on certain

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form containing certain statement; requiring certain authorization to include certain information; requiring a school district to confirm certain authorization; directing certain authorizations agreed to before certain date to be invalid and void; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1725  By Smalley. An Act relating to alcoholic beverages; amending Section 89, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2016, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 431, O.S.L. 2019 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-119), which relates to business interests and acts prohibited for manufacturers; providing certain exception; and providing an effective date.

SB 1726  By Hall. An Act relating to naturopathic medicine; defining terms; establishing Naturopathic Medicine Committee; providing for membership, terms, reimbursement policy and powers and duties of Committee; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1727  By Howard. An Act relating to memorial bridge designations; designating the Medal of Honor Recipient Sergeant James Amos Callins Memorial Bridge; requiring certain markers; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1728  By Bullard. An Act relating to abortion; creating the Unborn Person Wrongful Death Act; providing short title; amending 12 O.S. 2011, Section 1053, which relates to wrongful death actions; modifying requirements for award of certain damages; defining term; modifying persons with standing to bring certain actions; construing provisions; providing exceptions; prohibiting certain waiver of liability; modifying statutory language; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-730, which relates to definitions; modifying definitions; providing for noncodification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1729  By Kidd. An Act relating to purchasing; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Sections 1501, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 321, O.S.L. 2016 and 1505, as last amended by Section 14, Chapter 25, O.S.L. 2019 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1501 and 1505), which relate to the duties of county purchasing agents and procedures for county government operations; modifying certain exception from bidding procedures; modifying authorization to purchase from next lowest bidder; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1730  By Dugger. An Act relating to delinquent ad valorem taxes; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 3131, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 156, O.S.L. 2014 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3131), which relates to property sold at tax resale; limiting the scope of certain claims on property sold to county board of commissioners; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1731  By Rosino. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Section 601.1, which relates to membership; increasing membership of Commission; directing Governor to appoint member; clarifying term limitation for certain members; requiring membership terms to coincide with fiscal year; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Section 601.5, which relates to powers and duties of Director; removing duty of Director to receive Commission advice and approval in hiring staff; amending Section 1, Chapter 231, O.S.L. 2018 (10 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 601.14), which relates to Children’s Endowment Fund of Oklahoma; modifying purpose of Children’s Endowment Fund of Oklahoma; requiring Commission to promulgate rules for specified purpose; authorizing program referrals to State Auditor; allowing certain percentage of funds to be used; limiting expenditures of Children’s Endowment Fund of Oklahoma; amending 10 O.S. 2011, Section 1116.2, which relates to postadjudication review boards; increasing term length for postadjudication review board members; and providing an effective date.

SB 1732  By Kidd. An Act relating to county officers; amending 19 O.S. 2011, Section 339, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 396, O.S.L. 2019 (19 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 339), which relates to the general powers of commissioners; authorizing the board to issue veteran identification and expend funds on veteran programs; and providing an effective date.

SB 1733  By Weaver. An Act relating to the Security of Communications Act; amending 13 O.S. 2011, Section 176.2, which relates to definitions; modifying definition of judge of competent jurisdiction; and providing an effective date.

SB 1734  By Standridge. An Act relating to controlled dangerous substances; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2- 101, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 91, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-101), which relates to definitions; modifying definition; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1735  By Howard. An Act relating to the Combined Pesticide Law; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Section 3-85, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 280, O.S.L. 2014 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3-85), which relates to enforcement and rules and standards; authorizing the use of termite bait systems as a preconstruction treatment; and providing an effective date.

SB 1736  By Scott. An Act relating to oil and gas; declaring legislative findings; prohibiting issuance of certain oil and gas permits until setback requirements are met; requiring the Corporation Commission to promulgate rules for setback requirements; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1737  By Dugger. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry; making an appropriation; requiring a transfer; requiring establishment of a fee; requiring submission of a portion of fee revenue to the General Revenue Fund until certain conditions are met; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1738  By Daniels. An Act relating to judicial districts; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Sections 1, 2 and 33, as amended by Sections 1, 2 and 3, Chapter 154, O.S.L. 2019 (20 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1, 2 and 33), which relate to the Supreme Court and Court of Criminal Appeals; modifying effective date for certain boundaries; updating statutory language; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1739  By Leewright. An Act relating to long-term care facilities; amending Sections 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, Chapter 204, O.S.L. 2013 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1-1953.1, 1-1953.2, 1-1953.3, 1-1953.5 and 1-1953.6), which relate to electronic monitoring in long-term care facilities; broadening certain provisions to apply to assisted living centers and continuum of care facilities; updating statutory references; renumbering Sections 1, 2, 3, as amended by Sections 1, 2 and 3 of this act, 4, 5, 6, as amended by Sections 4 and 5 of this act and 7, Chapter 204, O.S.L. 2013 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1-1953.1, 1-1953.2, 1-1953.3, 1-1953.4, 1- 1953.5, 1-1953.6 and 1-1953.7), which relate to electronic monitoring in long-term care facilities; providing for recodification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1740  By Murdock. An Act relating to size weight and load of motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 14-109.2, which relates to weighing vehicles delivering agricultural commodities; exempting vehicles delivering agricultural commodities from weigh stations and ports of entry; and providing an effective date.

SB 1741  By Montgomery. An Act relating to business entities; amending 18 O.S. 2011, Section 1012, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 323, O.S.L. 2017 (18 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1012), which relates to the Oklahoma General Corporation Act; authorizing electronic transmission of certain notice; clarifying procedures for certain consent effective on future date; establishing procedures for certain document form, signature and delivery; authorizing certain electronic transactions; providing exceptions; clarifying applicability of provisions; amending 18 O.S. 2011, Sections 1032, 1033, as amended by Section 7, Chapter 323, O.S.L. 2017, 1038, Section 9, Chapter 323, O.S.L. 2017, 1064, as amended by Section 14, Chapter 323, O.S.L. 2017, 1069, 1073, as amended by Section 19, Chapter 323, O.S.L. 2017, 1075.2, as amended by Section 14, Chapter 88, O.S.L. 2019, 1081, as amended by Section 22, Chapter

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323, O.S.L. 2017, 1082, as amended by Section 23, Chapter 323, O.S.L. 2017, Section 24, Chapter 323, O.S.L. 2017, 1090.3, as amended by Section 25, Chapter 323, O.S.L. 2017, and 1091, as amended by Section 26, Chapter 323, O.S.L. 2017 (18 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1033, 1055.1, 1064, 1073, 1075.2, 1081, 1082, 1083.1, 1090.3 and 1091), which relate to the Oklahoma General Corporation Act; authorizing electronic transmission of certain notice; modifying procedures for issuance of capital stock; establishing minimum amount of consideration for issuance of shares; authorizing stock price to be fixed by certain formula; conforming language; modifying requirements for certain ratification vote; modifying definitions; requiring corporation to prepare list of certain shareholders within specified time period; defining term; specifying functions of certain ledger; expanding methods of delivery of consents given by electronic transmission; modifying definition; clarifying usage of certain terms; conforming language; adding information required for inclusion in certain agreements; permitting mergers and consolidations under certain circumstances; clarifying effective date of amendments to certificates of incorporation; conforming appraisal rights to certain mergers; amending 18 O.S. 2011, Sections 2010, 2016, 2054.1, as amended by Section 52, Chapter 323, O.S.L. 2017, 2054.2, as amended by Section 53, Chapter 323, O.S.L. 2017 (18 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 2054.1 and 2054.2), which relate to the Oklahoma Limited Liability Company Act; clarifying entities that may act as registered agents; authorizing delegation of certain manager duties; authorizing conversion of certain entities; creating the Oklahoma Public Benefit Limited Liability Company Act; providing short title; defining terms; establishing requirements and procedures for formation and operation of public benefit limited liability companies; establishing rights and duties of managers and members of certain companies; requiring reporting of certain activities; authorizing derivative lawsuit to enforce certain requirements; clarifying applicability of provisions; construing provisions; amending 54 O.S. 2011, Section 500-114A, which relates to the Uniform Limited Partnership Act; clarifying entities that may act as registered agents; updating statutory references; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1742  By David. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board; amending 82 O.S. 2011, Sections 105.1, 1020.1, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 261, O.S.L. 2018, 1020.8, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 411, O.S.L. 2019 and 1085.12 (82 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1020.1 and 1020.8), which relate to stream water use definitions, groundwater use definitions, groundwater permit application hearings, and Executive Director duties; amending definitions; specifying required information for protests of certain permit; modifying requirements for protests to be given a hearing; applying Administrative Procedures Act and certain rules to hearing; establishing timeline for issuance of certain unprotested permits; expanding powers of Executive Director; making language gender neutral; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1743  By Howard. An Act relating to successor trustees; authorizing successor trustee to file certain affidavit with county clerk; specifying information required in certain affidavit; establishing publication requirements for certain affidavit; establishing mailing requirements for certain affidavit; barring claims not timely presented; providing exception; construing provisions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1744  By Murdock. An Act relating to livestock; requiring the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry to create the Livestock Offender Registry; authorizing the promulgation of rules; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 1716, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 89, O.S.L. 2016 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1716), which relates to the larceny of livestock or implements of husbandry; requiring registry of certain persons in the Livestock Offender Registry; requiring submission of certain records to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1745  By Montgomery. An Act relating to income tax; creating tax credit for donations to a charitable business start-up entity; setting amount of credit; limiting individual credit allowed; defining term; limiting total credits allowed annually and requiring allocation by Oklahoma Tax Commission; providing for refundability; requiring entities to provide certain information and notice; requiring Tax Commission to make specified determination under certain condition; providing for application of certain disallowed credit to subsequent year; requiring Tax Commission to publish certain information annually; requiring certain entity to submit, and Tax Commission to approve or disapprove, certain application; requiring Tax Commission to promulgate certain rules in consultation with Oklahoma Department of Commerce; and providing for codification; providing effective date.

SB 1746  By Murdock. An Act relating to nuisance wildlife; amending 29 O.S. 2011, Sections 4-135 and 5- 203.1, which relate to permits to control nuisance or damage by wildlife and headlighting; authorizing the control of coyote at night with permit; authorizing the taking of coyote at night with the use of light; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1747  By Murdock. An Act relating to the Agriculture Enhancement and Diversification Program; amending 2 O.S. 2011, Sections 5-3.2 and 5-3.4, as last amended by Sections 1 and 3, Chapter 123, O.S.L. 2015 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 5-3.2 and 5-3.4), which relate to the purpose and categories of the program, and grants and loan criteria; removing purpose; modifying and removing categories; removing authorization for matching funds; removing and modifying preferences and exclusions; requiring nondisclosure pursuant to the Oklahoma Open Records Act; removing authorization for executive sessions by the Board under certain circumstances; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1748  By Smalley. An Act relating to hospitals; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-701, which relates to definitions; adding certain definition; establishing certain requirements for hospitals; providing for certain determination, evaluation and consideration by the State Department of Health; providing certain criteria; providing exception; providing certain calculation methodology; providing for certain surveys; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-704, which relates to licensure; requiring certain review by the State Commissioner of Health; providing certain criteria; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-706, which relates to licensure; establishing certain requirements for hospitals with an emergency department; providing certain procedures for renewal, non-renewal, surrender and revocation of license; specifying certain criteria for issuance; updating statutory language; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1749  By Hall. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Scrap Metal Dealers Act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 1422, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 230, O.S.L. 2013, and as renumbered by Section 4, Chapter 18, O.S.L. 2014, 1423, as renumbered by Section 5, Chapter 18, O.S.L. 2014, and as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 23, O.S.L. 2018, 1424, as renumbered by Section 6, Chapter 18, O.S.L. 2014, and 1425, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 230, O.S.L. 2013, and as renumbered by Section 7, Chapter 18, O.S.L. 2014 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 11-91, 11-92, 11-93 and 11-94), which relate to definitions, records of data, prohibited items and penalties; adding definitions; modifying definitions; modifying content requirements of certain scrap metal dealer records; requiring certain records be held for certain period; eliminating requirement that scrap metal with certain labels be held separate; eliminating prohibition against certain copper sales and purchase; clarifying term; modifying declaration of ownership form contents; modifying procedure for scrap metal dealer purchase of a vehicle; removing exception for the purchase or sale of aluminum beverage cans; expanding types of accepted proof of ownership; prohibiting purchase of regulated metals not delivered in or on a motor vehicle; expanding list of items regulated by the Oklahoma Scrap Metal Dealers Act; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1750  By Quinn. An Act relating to liens on personal property; requiring registration for persons preparing certain notices; establishing annual fee; providing exception; requiring inclusion of certain information on notices; establishing monetary penalty for violation; requiring promulgation of rules by the Department of Public Safety; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1751  By Smalley. An Act relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 353.1a, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 106, O.S.L. 2018 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019,

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Section 353.1a), which relates to prescribing authority; providing for collaborative practice arrangement for Clinical Nurse Specialists; providing exception to collaborative practice arrangement; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-312, which relates to controlled dangerous substances; modifying prescribing authority of Clinical Nurse Specialist; updating terms; and providing an effective date.

SB 1752  By Leewright. An Act relating to viticulture and enology; amending Section 132, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2016 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5-129), which relates to the Oklahoma Viticulture and Enology Center Development Revolving Fund; modifying purposes of the fund; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1753  By Leewright. An Act relating to real estate developments; amending 60 O.S. 2011, Section 857, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 274, O.S.L. 2018 (60 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 857), which relates to copies of recorded covenants and restrictions; imposing time requirement for provision of certain information; and providing an effective date.

SB 1754  By Hall. An Act relating to special license plates; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1135.5, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1135.5), which relates to special license plates; creating the Guthrie Street Kings License Plate and providing for expenditures thereof; providing for design consultation; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1755  By Allen. An Act relating to animal feeding operations; creating the Oklahoma Industrial Poultry Operations Act; providing definition; requiring ventilation system for industrial poultry operations; limiting amount of facilities within certain area; requiring setback; stating this act shall not preclude other statutes; requiring the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry to promulgate rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1756  By Murdock. An Act relating to memorial bridge designations; designating the Bud Martin Memorial Bridge; requiring certain markers; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1757  By Murdock. An Act relating to memorial highway designations; designating the William Charles “Charley” Coen Memorial Highway; requiring certain markers; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1758  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to medical marijuana; amending Section 7, State Question No. 788, Initiative Petition No. 412 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 426), which relates to tax on retail medical marijuana; specifying certain use of funds; clarifying language; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1759  By Murdock. An Act relating to commercial driver licenses; amending Section 1, Chapter 123, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 230.17), which relates to hazardous materials endorsement exemptions; clarifying certain license holder residence status; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1760  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to vaccines; requiring health care provider to provide certain information; requiring health care provider to offer alternative vaccine to certain patients; directing promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1761  By Newhouse. An Act relating to mental health; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 1-103, as last amended by Section 29, Chapter 475, O.S.L. 2019 (43A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-103), which relates to definitions; modifying certain definition; and providing an effective date.

SB 1762  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to vaccines; requiring health care provider to offer certain vaccines individually upon request; directing promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1763  By Newhouse. An Act relating to controlled dangerous substances; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2- 309D, as last amended by Section 18, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-309D), which relates to the central repository; modifying accessibility of central repository for specified purpose; and providing an effective date.

SB 1764  By Rosino. An Act relating to emergency response systems; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1- 2503, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 93, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-2503), which relates to definitions; eliminating geographical restrictions on stretcher vans; and providing an effective date.

SB 1765  By Dossett. An Act relating to the home food production; amending Sections 1, 2, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 85, O.S.L. 2017, 3, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 85, O.S.L. 2017, 4, 5 and 6, Chapter 40, O.S.L. 2013, as renumbered by Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6, Chapter 85,

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O.S.L. 2017 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 5-4.1, 5-4.2, 5-4.3, 5-4.4, 5-4.5, and 5-4.6), which relate to the Home Bakery Act of 2013; renaming act; adding and modifying definitions; modifying methods of selling food; providing requirements for sale of certain frozen foods; clarifying statutory language; providing requirements for sale of prepared foods through the Internet or mail order; requiring approved or tested recipes for the sale of certain prepared foods; requiring label for the sale of certain prepared foods; requiring the creation and maintenance of records; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1766  By Brooks. An Act relating to driver licenses; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-106, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 302, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-106), which relates to application for license; allowing certain proofs of identity; prohibiting certain requirement; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1767  By Newhouse. An Act relating to prevention and control of disease; authorizing the State Department of Health to establish statewide syndromic surveillance system for certain purpose; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1768  By Smalley. An Act relating to county boards of health; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-202, which relates to powers and duties; modifying allowable agreements; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-205, which relates to contracts for public health services; allowing certain agreement between counties; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-208, which relates to funds for operation; allowing certain combination of resources; and providing an effective date.

SB 1769  By Brooks. An Act relating to crimes and punishments; amending Section 141, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2016, as amended by Section 5, Chapter 113, O.S.L. 2018 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-101), which relates to penalties for prohibited acts; modifying penalties; amending Section 160, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2016 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-120), which relates to furnishing alcoholic beverage to persons under 21 years of age; requiring certain program participation for violation; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 991a, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 453, O.S.L. 2019 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 991a), which relates to the sentencing powers of the court; modifying inclusions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1770  By Newhouse. An Act relating to mental health; amending 43A O.S. 2011, Section 1-109.1, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 155, O.S.L. 2013 (43A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-109.1), which relates to treatment advocates; increasing number of allowed treatment advocates;

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specifying certain right of patient; modifying certain form; requiring form to be accepted by all treatment facilities and providers; requiring form to be made available on website of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; and providing an effective date.

SB 1771  By Brooks. An Act relating to prisons and reformatories; amending 57 O.S. 2011, Section 138, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 360, O.S.L. 2015 (57 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 138), which relates to eligibility for earned credits; modifying inclusions; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1772  By Kidd. An Act relating to hospitals; allowing certain hospitals to receive certain exemption under specific conditions; allowing certain hospitals to contain emergency department; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1773  By Brooks. An Act relating to child abuse; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 843.5, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 284, O.S.L. 2019 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 843.5), which relates to penalties for child abuse; modifying certain qualifier; providing definition; and providing an effective date.

SB 1774  By Boren. An Act relating to health departments; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-206, which relates to functions of health departments; requiring health departments to make available birth control; requiring certain hours of operation; and providing an effective date.

SB 1775  By Treat. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority; consolidating the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority as a division within the Oklahoma Department of Transportation; authorizing certain authority; transferring certain personnel, funds, records, encumbrances, equipment and other items; providing requirements pertaining to transfer of employees; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Sections 1703, 1704, 1705, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 282, O.S.L. 2013, 1705.2, 1706, 1707, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 50, O.S.L. 2018, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1711 (69 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1705 and 1707), which relate to the creation of the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, definitions, authority, restaurants and dump stations, grade separations, acquisition of lands, condemnation proceedings, turnpike revenue bonds, securing bonds by trust agreement, tolls and use of revenues; providing for creation consolidation; modifying statutory reference; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1776  By Allen. An Act relating to animal feeding operations; mandating compliance with National Environmental Policy Act of 1969; providing citation; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1777  By Brooks. An Act relating to DNA testing; amending Section 5, Chapter 317, O.S.L. 2013 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1373.4), which relates to hearing; defining term; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1778  By Scott. An Act relating to schools; amending Section 1, Chapter 286, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-194.3), which relates to resources addressing mental health needs of students; directing the State Department of Education, subject to funding, to make certain video available to school districts; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1779  By Treat. An Act relating to absentee ballots; defining term; prohibiting absentee ballot harvesting in certain elections; providing exceptions; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Sections 14- 105, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 200, O.S.L. 2013, 14-106, 14-107, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 457, O.S.L. 2019, 14-108, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 237, O.S.L. 2016, Section 1, Chapter 26, O.S.L. 2012, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 333, O.S.L. 2015, 14-110.1, as last amended by Section 5, Chapter 200, O.S.L. 2013, 14-111.1, 14-112.1, 14-113.2, 14-115, 14-115.1 and 14-118.1, as amended by Section 9, Chapter 200, O.S.L. 2013 (26 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 14-105, 14-107, 14-108, 14-108.1, 14-110.1 and 14-118.1), which relate to absentee voting; prohibiting application for or transmission of an absentee ballot for another person; prohibiting completion of application for another person; providing exception; clarifying language; adding required information to be included in certain notice; requiring certain accompanying items with absentee ballot; modifying requirements for return of absentee ballot; modifying delivery methods; modifying definitions; conforming language; requiring investigation of certain violations; modifying exception to certain notification requirements; modifying requirements for service as certain agent; requiring certain notice; modifying requirements for completion of certain ballot; authorizing certain assistance by absentee voting board members; establishing violations for certain coercion; adding requirements for certain agent; modifying requirements for establishment of voter incapacity; modifying format; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Sections 14-137 and 14-140, which relate to the Uniform Military and Overseas Voters Act; modifying definition; modifying assignment of location for voting; establishing felony offense; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 16-106, which relates to bribes to influence votes; modifying elements of certain offense; establishing misdemeanor offense; clarifying language; making language gender neutral; updating statutory language; providing for recodification; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1780  By Treat. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 840-1.7, which relates to the Oklahoma Merit Protection Commission; establishing sunset date; making language gender neutral; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1781  By Scott. An Act relating to child placement; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-4-204, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 37, O.S.L. 2019 (10A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-4-204), which relates to placement preferences; excusing placement with certain relative; providing presumption for best interest of the child; and providing an effective date.

SB 1782  By Howard. An Act relating to public trusts; amending 60 O.S. 2011, Sections 176, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 405, O.S.L. 2019, 180 and 180.1, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 83, O.S.L. 2017 (60 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 176 and 180.1), which relate to bond approval, termination of trust and annual audits; modifying threshold for approval of certain waiver; modifying approval requirement for termination of certain trusts; modifying public trusts required to perform certain audit; establishing exemption from certain audit requirements; updating statutory references; repealing 60 O.S. 2011, Section 178.2, which relates to filing of official statement, prospectus or offering document; and providing an effective date.

SB 1783  By Paxton. An Act relating to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-101, as last amended by Section 16, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-101), which relates to definitions; modifying definition; and providing an effective date.

SB 1784  By Murdock. An Act relating to the Security of Communications Act; amending 13 O.S. 2011, Section 176.7, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 28, O.S.L. 2015 (13 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 176.7), which relates to court orders; adding offenses eligible for orders authorizing interception of certain communications; and providing an effective date.

SB 1785  By Hall. An Act relating to farmers markets; creating the Oklahoma Farmers Market and Farmers Hub Act; defining terms; allowing certain persons to register a farmers market with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry; creating requirements for persons registering a farmers market with the Department; identifying products authorized for sale at registered farmers markets; allowing certain persons to register a farmers hub with the Department; creating requirements for persons registering a farmers hub with the Department; authorizing the Department to promulgate rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1786  By Dahm. An Act relating to abortion; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 509, as last amended by Section 6, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 509), which relates to unprofessional conduct of medical doctor; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 637, as amended by Section 12, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 637), which relates to unprofessional conduct of doctor of osteopathy; broadening certain definitions to include certain acts; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-731, which relates to abortion; prohibiting issuance or renewal of physician license for certain acts; requiring State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision and State Board of Osteopathic Examiners to revoke licenses for certain acts; providing certain exceptions; directing promulgation of rules; and providing an effective date.

SB 1787  By Kidd. An Act relating to Oklahoma Veterinary Practice Act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 698.2, 698.17, 698.21, 698.22, 698.25 and 698.26, which relate to definitions, emergency care, certified veterinary technician, examinations, revocation of registration and unauthorized practices; modifying definitions; deleting language; changing veterinary technician to veterinary nurse; stating terms of certain program; prohibiting use of certain term unless qualified; changing veterinary assistant qualifications; adding program of veterinary nursing for examination eligibility; updating statutory references; deleting statutory language; amending 76 O.S. 2011, Section 32, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 77, O.S.L. 2012 (76 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 32), which relates to Volunteer Professional Services Immunity Act; modifying language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1788  By Murdock. An Act relating to Oklahoma Veterinary Practice Act; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 698.2, 698.17, 698.21, 698.22, 698.25 and 698.26, which relate to definitions, emergency care, certified veterinary technician, examinations, revocation of registration and unauthorized practices; modifying definitions; deleting language; changing veterinary technician to veterinary nurse; stating terms of certain program; prohibiting use of certain term unless qualified; changing veterinary assistant qualifications; adding program of veterinary nursing for examination eligibility; updating statutory references; deleting statutory language; amending 76 O.S. 2011, Section 32, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 77, O.S.L. 2012 (76 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 32), which relates to Volunteer Professional Services Immunity Act; modifying language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1789  By Daniels. An Act relating to the Court of Civil Appeals; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Section 30.1, which relates to jurisdiction and certiorari; modifying authority for review of certain decisions; directing assignment of certain appeals; providing exception; limiting certain discretion; construing provisions; prohibiting recall of certain assigned cases; granting certain rights to parties; providing for certain waiver; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1790  By Leewright. An Act relating to income tax; expressing legislative intent; defining terms; creating specified tax deduction for equity investment in qualified business; setting limit on amount of deduction which may be claimed; authorizing unused deduction to be carried forward for specified number of years; providing procedures and requirements for eligibility determination of a business by Oklahoma Department of Commerce; requiring Department of Commerce to make determination; requiring certain business to sign specified agreement; requiring signed agreement to be attached to certain tax return; providing for confidentiality of certain information; requiring Department of Commerce to promulgate rules; establishing maximum annual deductions; authorizing excess under specified circumstances and dictating certain action; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1791  By Boren. An Act relating to the sale of food products; creating the Farmers Market and Cooperative Act; defining terms; authorizing the sale of certain foods at farmers markets and cooperatives; authorizing selling of certain foods with third-party agents; requiring certain foods comply with the Home Bakery Act of 2013; amending Section 2, Chapter 40, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 85, O.S.L. 2017, and as renumbered by Section 4, Chapter 85, O.S.L. 2017 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5-4.2), which relates to the Home Bakery Act of 2013; adding and modifying definitions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1792  By Montgomery. An Act relating to financial technology; creating Oklahoma Financial Technology Access and Improvement Act; defining terms; creating regulatory sandbox program within Oklahoma Department of Commerce; establishing duties and authority of Department in administering program; enumerating information to be included in application form prescribed by Department; authorizing application fee; requiring application for each product or service; authoring Department to seek additional information; prescribing time period for application consideration and authorizing extension under specified conditions; requiring specified consultation by Department in consideration of application and authorizing consideration of, and attributing certain weight to, specified factors; authorizing denial of application and requiring written description; establishing time limit for testing of product or service if application is approved; enumerating requirements for product or service tested; clarifying authority of participant to act in certain capacity; providing status of participant with respect to certain state regulatory powers and authorizing certain determination; requiring notice by Department with respect to application of certain regulatory powers; prohibiting immunity for criminal offenses as participant; authorizing Department to terminate participation and requiring written notice; requiring participant to provide specified items of notice to consumer in certain forms; authorizing Department to require additional disclosures to consumer; setting timeframe and procedures for

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terminating participation in regulatory sandbox; requiring participant to continue certain activity under specified circumstances; authorizing participant to request extension and establishing related procedures; authorizing Department to grant extension for specified time period; requiring participant to retain certain records, documents and data; requiring certain participant reporting under specified circumstance; authorizing Department to require certain records and to compel participant to make records available; providing conditions for participant removal from program; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1793  By Dahm. An Act relating to mobile food vendors; creating the Mobile Food Vendor Act; defining terms; requiring persons who operate as mobile food vendors to obtain a license; prohibiting political subdivisions from restricting certain vendors; requiring the State Department of Health to prepare and make available a license application; authorizing the Department to require certain information; authorizing the Department to require certain information by individuals under oath; requiring applicants to abide by requests for information; providing conditions for denial of license; requiring the Department or a political subdivision to conduct an inspection; stating purpose of inspection; authorizing the Department to establish a fee; requiring the Department to issue a license under certain conditions; prohibiting transfer of license; providing exception to invalidation of license; providing for renewal of license; requiring the Department to submit notice of expiration; making it a crime to knowingly provide false information; requiring the Department to create and make available a guide; requiring mobile food vendors to follow all laws not in conflict with this act; providing locations to operate mobile food trucks; requiring certain operational standards; requiring display of license and certification; authorizing the Department to promulgate rules that adhere to certain restrictions; requiring mobile food vendors to follow laws and regulations regarding food handling and safety; requiring possession of a state-recognized food safety certification; requiring the Department to classify mobile food vendors; requiring inspections at a frequency based on classifications; requiring the Department to establish and maintain a database; authorizing the Department to collaborate with political subdivisions for inspections; requiring inspections certificates based on a letter grade format; requiring notification of inspection; authorizing mobile food vendors to request the Department to obtain an administrative warrant; requiring the Department to calculate average inspection costs; stating limit on fees for inspection; authorizing reimbursement of inspection fees under certain circumstances; authorizing political subdivisions to regulate certain aspects of operations; prohibiting political subdivisions from regulating certain aspects of operations; authorizing the Department and political subdivisions to investigate under certain circumstances; providing for license denial, revocation and suspension; providing for penalties; authorizing persons to request an administrative hearing; providing statutory reference; requiring the Department to provide decision at the conclusion of hearing; prohibiting certain persons from operating as mobile food vendors; authorizing persons to appeal hearing decision; providing preemption of

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political subdivisions; stating the act shall not be construed to compel political subdivisions to take certain actions; 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1118, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 505, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-1118),which relates to food establishment licenses; adding exemption; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1794  By Thompson. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Captive Insurance Company Act; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Section 6470.19, as last amended by Section 21, Chapter 298, O.S.L. 2015 (36 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6470.19), which relates to captive insurance tax rates; requiring the Insurance Commissioner to report and disburse certain monies; establishing schedule for allocation of monies; and providing an effective date.

SB 1795  By Dahm. An Act relating to alcohol licenses; amending Section 58, Chapter 366 O.S.L. 2016, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 424, O.S.L. 2019 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2- 146), which relates to grounds to deny licenses; modifying language; decreasing certain residency requirement; and providing an effective date.

SB 1796  By Boren. An Act relating to higher education; providing definition; prohibiting certain institution, its faculty, staff or employees from taking certain actions due to a student’s pregnancy; requiring an institution, its faculty, staff or employees to make reasonable accommodations for pregnant students; providing for reasonable accommodations; providing for certain leave of absence to prepare for and take certain examinations; providing for certain leave of absence extension; requiring an enrolled student who takes certain leave of absence to return to certain program after certain period of time; providing exemption; allowing certain student to maintain certain residency during pregnancy and leave of absence; directing certain consideration; directing certain office to investigate complaints and facilitate forwarding of certain complaints; requiring institutions to have certain written policies and procedures; requiring a copy of policies and procedures to be made available to faculty, staff, employees and students; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1797  By Jech. An Act relating to public finance; authorizing the Oklahoma Capitol Improvement Authority to issue obligations in certain net amount to provide funding for the reconstruction or replacement of the Department of Environmental Quality employee parking garage; directing deposit of certain funds; directing use of funds for specified purpose as identified; providing for debt retirement payments; directing how title is to be held and when it is to be transferred; authorizing capitalization of certain interest for a specified period of time; stating legislative intent; authorizing payment of certain fees and

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costs by certain entity; providing methods for issuance of obligations; authorizing hiring certain professionals for certain purposes; providing for sale of obligations by certain methods; limiting maturity of obligations; providing for use of certain interest earnings; exempting certain obligations, transfers and interest from taxation; providing for investment and oversight; requiring compliance with certain statutory provisions; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1798  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to sexual crimes; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 886, which relates to crimes against nature; removing element of certain offense; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 152, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 134, O.S.L. 2017 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 152), which relates to statute of limitations; increasing statute of limitation for certain offenses; and providing an effective date.

SB 1799  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to homemade food products; amending Sections 1, 2, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 85, O.S.L. 2017, 3, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 85, O.S.L. 2017, 4, 5 and 6, Chapter 40, O.S.L. 2013, as renumbered by Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6, Chapter 85, O.S.L. 2017 (2 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 5-4.1, 5-4.2, 5-4.3, 5-4.4, 5-4.5 and 5-4.6), which relate to the Home Bakery Act of 2013; renaming act; removing definitions; adding definitions; removing authority of the Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry to promulgate rules; modifying exemptions from licensing and regulations; removing authority of the Department to request certain verification; modifying labeling requirements; stating act shall not be construed to impede investigation by state agencies under certain circumstances; clarifying statutory reference; amending Section 2, Chapter 20, O.S.L. 2013 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-1331), which relates to beekeepers; providing exception; modifying requirements for exemption; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1800  By Bice. An Act relating to income tax; creating income tax credit for donations to vision research institutes; limiting amount of credit; providing formula for adjustment of credit percentage under specified circumstance; defining term; limiting use of credit to reduce tax liability; authorizing Oklahoma Tax Commission to prescribe forms; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1801  By Daniels. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act; amending 25 O.S. 2011, Sections 304, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 81, O.S.L. 2019 and 307, as last amended by Section 57, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019 (25 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 304 and 307), which relate to definitions and executive sessions; adding Judicial Nominating Commission to definition of public body; establishing purposes for permissible executive sessions; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1802  By Smalley. An Act relating to court records; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Sections 1005 and 1008, which relate to destruction of court records and depositions; modifying time periods for destruction of records of certain cases; modifying requirements for storage of certain records; modifying time periods for destruction of depositions from certain cases; and providing an effective date.

SB 1803  By Haste. An Act relating to the State Department of Education; providing for use of the Imagination Library Revolving Fund to develop the Oklahoma Imagination Library Program; directing the State Department of Education to perform certain duties; allowing the establishment of certain advisory committee; authorizing the State Department of Education to retain certain percentage of fund for certain administrative and operating expenses; requiring submission of certain annual report; providing for contents of report; creating the Imagination Library Revolving Fund; specifying sources of fund; providing for expenditures; providing purpose of fund; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1804  By Brooks. An Act relating to criminal procedure; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 181, which relates to delay in taking before magistrate; specifying allowable time period for initial appearance for certain offenses; providing exception; and providing an effective date.

SB 1805  By Dugger. An Act relating to private education; amending Section 4, Chapter 276, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 21-102.1), which relates to powers and duties of the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools; providing for applications for sustained licenses; requiring the Board to develop and present certain training, conduct certain site visits, invoice certain travel fees and require submission of certain data; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 21-106, as amended by Section 10, Chapter 276, O.S.L. 2014 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 21-106), which relates to license expiration and renewal; providing criteria for certain sustained license; establishing fees for review of certain catalog or catalog addendums; establishing fee for certain review of certain documentation; allowing certain fee payment to be applied as a credit against certain subsequent fee; establishing fees for certain training, review of certain enrollment agreements and site visits; directing certain base fees to increase by certain percentage in certain fiscal years; prohibiting a site fee from being charged under certain circumstances; updating statutory references; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1806  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to school counselors; directing the State Board of Education, subject to funding, to allocate a certain amount to award competitive grants to school districts to pay

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in part or in whole the salary of a school counselor, licensed professional counselor or licensed clinical social worker; directing the State Board of Education to establish certain criteria and a process for considering grant proposals; requiring certain percentage of certain counselor’s or social worker’s time be spent on certain activities; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1807  By Floyd. An Act relating to expungement of records; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Sections 18, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 459, O.S.L. 2019, 19, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 348, O.S.L. 2016, and 991c, as last amended by Section 4, Chapter 459, O.S.L. 2019 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 18, 19 and 991c), which relate to eligibility for expungement, sealing of records and deferred sentences; modifying categories of persons eligible to file motion for expungement; modifying procedures for petition to seal records; authorizing court to order expungement of certain complaint or police reports; modifying procedures for expungement of records upon completion of deferred sentence; and providing an effective date.

SB 1808  By Jech. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 1116, 1132, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 337, O.S.L. 2012, 1135.1, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 26, O.S.L. 2016, 1135.2, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019, 1135.3, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019, 1135.4, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 69, O.S.L. 2018, 1135.5, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 434, O.S.L. 2019, 1135.6, 1135.7, as amended by Section 5, Chapter 69, O.S.L. 2018 and 1141.1, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 158, O.S.L. 2012 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 1132, 1135.1, 1135.2, 1135.3, 1135.4, 1135.5, 1135.7 and 1141.1), which relate to issuance of special or personalized license plates; requiring combination of registration periods after specified date and related rulemaking by Oklahoma Tax Commission; requiring single remittance of specified fees and single registration period for specified special or personalized license plates after specified date and related rulemaking by Oklahoma Tax Commission; construing provision with respect to apportionment; deleting obsolete language and providing for motor license agent fee when single fee is remitted for registration and special or personalized license plate; modifying reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1809  By Rosino. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Guardianship and Conservatorship Act; amending 30 O.S. 2011, Sections 1-111, as amended by Section 28, Chapter 475, O.S.L. 2019 and 3-111 (30 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-111), which relate to definitions and court order appointing guardian; modifying definitions; requiring court to make certain determinations; authorizing dismissal of action under certain circumstances; requiring court order to include specified finding; establishing requirements for certain guardianships; making gender neutral; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1810  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to sales tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 1357, as last amended by Section 10, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2017 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1357), which relates to exemptions; exempting specified food and food ingredients from a portion of the state sales tax levy; providing for application of exemption; and providing an effective date.

SB 1811  By Brooks. An Act relating to sentence modification; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 982a, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 128, O.S.L. 2018 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 982a), which relates to judicial review; removing prohibition for imposition of deferred sentence under certain circumstances; authorizing court to modify certain sentences without district attorney approval; and providing an effective date.

SB 1812  By Daniels. An Act relating to the Judiciary; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Section 1402, which relates to disqualification of appellate judges; modifying procedures for assignment of Justices or Judges in substitution of recused or disqualified Justices or Judges; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1813  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to public safety radio networks; amending Section 1, Chapter 123, O.S.L. 2016 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 35.6.2), which relates to the Land Mobile Radio Public Safety Interoperability Cooperative; requiring certain compliance; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1814  By Dahm. An Act relating to homemade food; creating the Oklahoma Food Freedom Act; providing definitions; exempting certain homemade food products from state licensure, permitting, inspection, packaging and labeling requirements; providing for transactions; prohibiting the sale of meat products with exceptions; prohibiting sale of food to commercial food establishments; authorizing the sale of products in certain retail spaces under certain conditions; requiring producer to provide information to the consumer; stating the act shall not be construed to impede certain investigations, change requirements for livestock brand or animal health inspections or preclude state agency assistance at the request of the producer; stating the act shall not be construed to prohibit other food sales in compliance with statutes; authorizing the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry to promulgate rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1815  By Howard. An Act relating to trusts; creating the Oklahoma Decanting Act; providing short title; defining terms; establishing requirements for distributions by a trustee with full discretion;

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authorizing grant of power of appointment; establishing requirements for distributions by a trustee with limited discretion; defining terms; stating powers of special-needs fiduciary under certain circumstances; requiring notice to beneficiaries before certain distributions; establishing requirements for certain notice; providing exceptions to certain notice requirement; specifying required contents of certain notice; requiring written instrument for certain distributions; clarifying certain reference; clarifying status of certain settlor; establishing procedures for court-ordered distributions; providing for distributions from trustees with divided discretion; providing for distribution of subsequently discovered assets; construing provisions; authorizing certain distributions regardless of need; clarifying that provisions create no duty; prohibiting certain distributions; providing exceptions; prohibiting certain distributions resulting in reduced tax benefits; establishing requirements for certain compensation; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1816  By Scott. An Act relating to income tax compliance; repealing 68 O.S. 2011, Section 238.1, which relates to nonrenewal of license for certain taxpayer who is noncompliant; and providing an effective date.

SB 1817  By Sharp. An Act relating to apportionment; amending Sections 107 and 109, Chapter 366, O.S.L. 2016 (37A O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 5-104 and 5-106), which relate to alcoholic beverage tax apportionment; modifying apportionments; creating Oklahoma Cost of Living Adjustment Revenue Revolving Fund; providing for use of funds; requiring legislative appropriation; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 302-5, which relates to cigarette tax apportionment; modifying apportionment; 68 O.S. 2011, Section 402-3, as amended by Section 5, Chapter 8, 2nd Extraordinary Session, O.S.L. 2018 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 402-3), which relates to tobacco products tax; modifying apportionment; amending Section 7, State Question No. 788, Initiative Petition No. 412 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 426), which relates to apportionment of tax on medical marijuana; modifying apportionment; updating statutory references; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1818  By Daniels. An Act relating to workers’ compensation; amending Section 2, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019, Section 3, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019, Section 5, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019, Section 46, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2019, as amended by Section 18, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019 and Section 80, Chapter 208, O.S.L. 2013, as amended by Section 30, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019 (85A O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 2, 3, 5, 46 and 80), which relate to definitions, applicability, exclusive liability, permanent partial disability schedule and review of compensation judgments;

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modifying definitions; modifying injury for which provisions apply; conforming language; modifying certain exception to exclusive remedy; increasing maximum weekly limit for certain disability awards; modifying requirements for application for change of condition; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1819  By Dahm. An Act relating to health services for minors; prohibiting certain medical treatment for minors; providing penalty; defining term; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1820  By David. An Act relating to legal representation; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 20i, which relates to contracting for legal representation; clarifying types of entities authorized for contracting; requiring certain identification and fee schedule; allowing certain fee exception; specifying certain fee limitations; adding certain requirements for certain Attorney General notification; specifying requirements for contracts of legal representation by an agency or official of executive branch; specifying requirements for certain contracts exceeding certain cost; requiring submission of certain proposed contract to the Legislative Oversight Committee under certain circumstances; specifying informational requirements of proposal; requiring certain report be issued within certain time frame; authorizing recommended changes to proposed contract; requiring an agency or official to submit certain information for settlement agreements; authorizing certain Committee to approve or deny; authorizing certain recommendations; requiring certain work expense statement be provided to Attorney General; requiring the Attorney General to submit certain report annually; providing contents of report; and providing an effective date.

SB 1821  By Allen. An Act relating to the Department of Environmental Quality; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1158, which relates to individual sewage disposal systems; authorizing the Department to promulgate rules regarding the use of percolation tests during soil profile descriptions to determine certain design for subsurface sewage disposal systems; and providing an effective date.

SB 1822  By Allen. An Act relating to the Department of Environmental Quality; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1158, which relates to individual sewage disposal systems; authorizing the Department to promulgate rules regarding the use of Oklahoma Mesonet data during soil profile descriptions to determine certain design for subsurface sewage disposal systems; and providing an effective date.

SB 1823  By Stanley. An Act relating to midwifery; creating Shepherd’s Law; providing short title; defining terms; providing exceptions to act; authorizing State Commissioner of Health to adopt and

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promulgate certain rules; providing certain powers and duties of the Commissioner; creating the Advisory Committee on Midwifery; providing for membership, terms, vacancies, officers, meetings and quorum; requiring Committee to meet under the Oklahoma Open Meeting Act; authorizing Committee to advise the Commissioner on certain matters pertaining to midwifery; authorizing Committee to review and make certain recommendations to the Commissioner; authorizing the Committee to assist and advise the Commissioner in certain hearings; authorizing the Commissioner to establish qualifications for certain licensure; prohibiting certain practice of midwifery and certain representation without certain licensure; providing for application for licensure and certain fee; requiring documentary evidence of certain requirements; providing for issuance and term of initial license; establishing certain prohibited acts or practices; prohibiting certain representations and advertisements relating to the practice of midwifery; prohibiting certain use of title; providing for certain violation and administrative fine; requiring licensed and unlicensed midwives to provide certain oral and written informed choice and disclosure statements; providing for form and information to be included in such statements; providing for length and language requirements of certain parts of such statements; requiring disclosure for reporting certain complaints; requiring licensed midwives to encourage certain medical care and call for certain assistance in certain situation; providing certain immunity; providing for certain roster, information to be contained in roster and distribution of roster; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1824  By McCortney. An Act relating to health insurance; creating the Oklahoma Right to Shop Act; defining terms; requiring Office of Management and Enterprise Services offered health benefit plans to establish certain program; requiring certain filing with Insurance Commissioner; requiring certain notice to employees; construing provision; requiring Commissioner to review filing for compliance; requiring notice of certain information; authorizing Commissioner to promulgate rules; requiring OMES to establish website and phone number for certain purpose; requiring certain information to be available to employees; construing provision; requiring OMES to allow employee to obtain certain out-of-network services; requiring employee to demonstrate certain application of payments; and requiring carrier to provide certain form; specifying that certain payments are not administrative expense; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1825  By Treat. An Act relating to presidential electors; amending 26 O.S. 2011, Section 10-101, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 214, O.S.L. 2017 (26 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 10-101), which relates to nomination and certification of presidential electors; establishing exception to timeline for certain certification; authorizing provisional certification under certain circumstances; establishing requirements for provisional certification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1826  By Rosino. An Act relating to aircraft; creating the Oklahoma Air Service Development Grant Pilot Program; providing for legislative findings; providing certain definitions; providing for certain grant service for certain air service development; providing for certain grant application process; creating Oklahoma Air Service Development Grant Pilot Program Revolving Fund; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1827  By Weaver. An Act relating to law enforcement pension; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Sections 2-305, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 44, O.S.L. 2018 and 2-310.2 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-305), which relate to retirement pay and inability to perform duties; modifying retirement provisions for members retiring due to service related disability; providing limit for retirement pay for certain persons; providing certification of specified salaries; providing guarantee of benefit amount for certain retired persons; authorizing Board of Trustees to promulgate rules; and updating statutory references.

SB 1828  By Standridge. An Act relating to driver licenses; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 6-110, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 395, O.S.L. 2019 (47 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 6-110), which relates to the examination of applicants; modifying certain entities to be approved as designated license examiners; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1829  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to reinsurance; amending 36 O.S. 2011, Sections 5122 and 5124, as amended by Sections 1 and 4, Chapter 298, O.S.L. 2016 (36 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 5122 and 5124), which relate to requirements for allowance of credit and rules and regulations; authorizing credit for reinsurance when reinsurance is ceded to certain assuming insurers; establishing requirements of assuming insurers; requiring assuming insurer certain financial assets; requiring assuming insurer to provide certain notification; requiring assuming insurer to submit to certain jurisdiction and to pay all final judgments; requiring reinsurance agreements to contain certain security provision; requiring assuming insurer to agree to certain terms; requiring assuming insurer to provide any document requested by Commissioner; requiring the assuming insurer to make certain payments; requiring certain entity to confirm certain information reported to reciprocal jurisdiction; construing clause; requiring Commissioner to create and publish list of reciprocal jurisdiction; establishing terms of list of reciprocal jurisdiction; requiring Commissioner to create and publish list of certain assuming insurers; establishing terms of revoking eligibility from list; limiting credit for reinsurance available under this act; authorizing ceding insurer to obtain certain legal order; updating statutory language; adding exception to regulation for certain insurers; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1830  By Stanley. An Act relating to professions and occupations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 144, as last amended by Section 6, Chapter 363, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 144), which relates to the practice of podiatry; modifying requirements for examination; providing for expiration of temporary license; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 2059, as last amended by Section 68, Chapter 363, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2059), which relates to licensed perfusionists; providing for temporary license; and providing an effective date.

SB 1831  By Daniels. An Act relating to the Administrative Director of the Courts; amending 20 O.S. 2011, Section 16.11, which relates to annual reports; requiring submission of annual report to Legislature; specifying information required for inclusion in certain reports; requiring submission of copies of certain written and electronic communications; establishing certification requirements for certain reports; updating statutory language; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1832  By Leewright. An Act relating to parenting coordinators; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Section 120.6, which relates to qualifications; requiring certain training for attorneys serving as parenting coordinators; and providing an effective date.

SB 1833  By Smalley. An Act relating to medical care; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 3102A, which relates to experimental treatments, tests or drugs; authorizing parent or legal guardian to provide informed consent for incapacitated minor; modifying certain condition; providing for experimental treatment, test or drug without informed consent under certain conditions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1834  By Rosino. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Children’s Code; amending 10A O.S. 2011, Section 1-6-102, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 256, O.S.L. 2014 (10A O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-6-102), which relates to confidential records; adding exception to certain disclosure requirements; and providing an effective date.

SB 1835  By Floyd. An Act relating to licensed behavioral practitioners; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1948, as amended by Section 40, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2013 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1948), which relates to continuing education; modifying certifying entity; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1836  By Daniels. An Act relating to civil procedure; establishing requirements for standing to maintain a cause of action; prohibiting cause of action for general public grievance; placing burden to show standing on person asserting cause of action; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1837  By Rader. An Act relating to professions and occupations; creating the Audiology and Speech- Language Pathology Interstate Compact; providing purpose; defining terms; providing for state participation in the Compact; providing for Compact privileges; directing state to recognize the practice of audiology or speech-language pathology through telehealth; providing authority for adverse action; providing for joint investigations; establishing the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Compact Commission; providing for membership, voting and meetings; providing powers and duties of the Commission; providing for an Executive Committee; providing for qualified immunity, defense, and indemnification; requiring the Commission to develop a database; requiring notice to all member states of any adverse action; providing for confidentiality of information; directing the Commission to promulgate rules; providing for notice of proposed rulemaking; providing for oversight, dispute resolution and enforcement; providing for date of implementation of the Interstate Commission for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology practice and associated rules, withdrawal and amendment; providing for construction and severability; providing for binding effect of Compact and other laws; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1838  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to sealing of records; requiring issuance of order of expungement after pardon; requiring delivery of order to certain entities; requiring filing of certain document with Secretary of State; providing for public access of certain document for specified time period; authorizing use of sealed record for specified purposes; prohibiting requirement for disclosure of certain information; prohibiting denial of application under certain circumstances; authorizing petition for unsealing of certain records; providing for notice and hearing; authorizing order to unseal records under certain circumstances; providing exceptions to applicability; construing provisions; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1839  By Montgomery. An Act relating to cosmetic procedures; creating the Oklahoma Cosmetic Procedures Licensing Act; defining terms; requiring license or certificate to perform certain acts; providing limitations; providing exception to licensure or certification; providing for laser hair removal certification; directing State Commissioner of Health to promulgate rules; providing requirements for certain certificates for laser hair removal; providing for

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permanent cosmetic coloring and cosmetic tattooing licensure; directing Commissioner to promulgate rules; providing certain requirements; prohibiting operation of facility without license; requiring separate licensure for each facility; providing exceptions; providing for expiration of licenses and certificates; requiring certain disclosures; requiring posting of warning sign; providing requirement for facility operator compliance; prohibiting false or misleading material or advertisements; providing for administrative fine and suspension, revocation or denial of license; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 842.3, which relates to body piercing and tattooing; providing exception for licenses or certificates issued under the Oklahoma Cosmetic Procedures Licensing Act; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-101, as last amended by Section 16, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-101), which relates to the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Act; modifying definition; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1840  By Treat. An Act relating to grant funds; establishing requirement for certain state agencies, boards and commissions to obtain approval of a Cabinet Secretary prior to applying for grants of certain amount; requiring Cabinet Secretaries to communicate details of approved grant requests to the Secretary of Budget; providing certain exceptions; establishing requirement for certain agencies, boards and commissions to obtain approval of a Cabinet Secretaries prior to applying for federal government grants or assistance of certain amount; providing exception for certain federal grants; defining term; establishing that the Secretary of Budget shall be the single point of contact for coordination and review of any proposed federal assistance or direct federal development; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1841  By McCortney. An Act relating to health care facilities; defining terms; imposing certain requirements on laboratory testing centers and imaging centers related to pricing; requiring the State Department of Health to compile, publish and update certain information on website; requiring physicians to provide certain information to patient; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1842  By Hall. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority; amending 25 O.S. 2011, Section 307, as last amended by Section 57, Chapter 476, O.S.L. 2019 (25 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 307), which relates to the Open Meetings Act; authorizing Authority to hold executive sessions for specified purposes; amending 51 O.S. 2011, Section 24A.28, as last amended by Section 9, Chapter 163, O.S.L. 2019 (51 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 24A.28), which relates to the Oklahoma Open Records Act; authorizing Authority to keep certain records confidential; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 35.3, as last amended by Section 20, Chapter 358, O.S.L. 2013 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 35.3), which relates to the Information Technology Consolidation and Coordination Act; modifying definition; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1843  By Hall. An Act relating to the Opioid Overdose Fatality Review Board; amending Section 3, Chapter 252, O.S.L. 2018 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-1002), which relates to composition of Board; modifying composition; and providing an effective date.

SB 1844  By Pederson. An Act relating to physician assistants; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 519.2, 519.6 and 519.11, as amended by Sections 1, 3 and 5, Chapter 163, O.S.L. 2015 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 519.2, 519.6 and 519.11), which relate to physician assistants; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 519.7, which relates to temporary license; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 519.8, as amended by Section 7, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 519.8), which relates to construction of act; providing for collaborative practice; modifying and deleting definitions; removing and modifying certain requirements of physician assistant; eliminating certain fee; providing that physician assistant is considered primary care provider under certain condition; authorizing physician assistant to bill insurance and receive payment; requiring certain identification; prohibiting certain requirements; authorizing provision of certain emergency care; providing certain liability protection; updating statutory reference; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1845  By Weaver. An Act relating to emergency telephone services; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2802, which relates to the Oklahoma Emergency Telephone Act; deleting certain definition; providing certain definition; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2805, which relates to preparation and implementation of system; modifying authority for preparation of system plans; authorizing consultation with state agencies; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2806, which relates to technical and operational standards; modifying authority for establishing technical and operational standards; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2807, which relates to submission of final plan to public telephone utilities; modifying requirement for filing copy of certain plan; amending Section 4, Chapter 324, O.S.L. 2016 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2864), which relates to the powers and duties of the Oklahoma 9-1-1 Management Authority; updating statutory language; requiring development of training program and standards by certain date; establishing program requirements; amending Section 8, Chapter 324, O.S.L. 2016 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2868), which relates to use of funds; updating statutory language; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2818.4, which relates to presumption of providers’ obligation to participate in 9-1-1 service; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2820, which relates to notification of use of 9-1-1 number for non-emergency calls; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1846  By Bullard. An Act relating to state agencies; prohibiting state agency employees from representing the agency in lobbying the Legislature; prohibiting use of public or agency funds for certain advertising; authorizing utilization of state employee by Legislature for limited purpose; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1847  By Dahm. An Act relating to health care facilities; requiring certain signage; requiring the State Department of Health to create certain sign; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1848  By Smalley. An Act relating to the practice of nursing; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 567.3a, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 281, O.S.L. 2017 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 567.3a), which relates to definitions used in the Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act; modifying authority of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists to administer anesthesia and controlled substances; specifying certain liability protections; requiring certain registration and approval; defining term; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1849  By Dahm. An Act relating to the State Department of Health; directing the Department to convene certain working group; providing for membership; stating purpose; requiring certain reporting; directing the Department to provide staff assistance; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1850  By Dahm. An Act relating to the State Department of Health; requiring Department to create and maintain certain reporting and tracking system for specified purpose; requiring Department to publish certain annual report; specifying that act is subject to restrictions under state or federal law; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1851  By Standridge. An Act relating to the Department of Human Services; providing for removal of certain individuals from certain waiting list; providing for return to waiting list; providing certain construction; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1852  By McCortney. An Act relating to the ADvantage Waiver Program; directing transfer of employees, powers, duties, monies and contractual rights related to the ADvantage Waiver Program from the Department of Human Services to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority on certain date; directing the Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services to coordinate certain transfer; directing transfer of certain administrative rules from the Director of the Department of Human Services to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority Board; directing promulgation of rules; authorizing the Authority to enter into certain agreements; specifying entity to administer the ADvantage Waiver Program; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1853  By Rosino. An Act relating to child support; amending 43 O.S. 2011, Sections 118A, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 289, O.S.L. 2016, 118B, 118G and 118I, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 289, O.S.L. 2016 (43 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 118A and 118I), which relate to definitions, computation of gross income, actual annualized child care expenses and modification; modifying definitions; modifying requirements for computation of gross income; establishing guidelines for computation of income for incarcerated parent; requiring use of certain schedule for determination of child care costs under certain circumstances; adding grounds for modification of child support orders; modifying effective dates for child support modification orders; requiring modification of certain child support orders by operation of law; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1854  By Dahm. An Act relating to immunizations; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.191, which relates to required immunization tests; requiring the State Department of Education and school districts to provide certain information and links or forms; updating statutory term; and providing an effective date.

SB 1855  By Dahm. An Act relating to schools; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1-116.2, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 474, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-116.2), which relates to application of medication to students; prohibiting certain vaccination without prior written authorization; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1856  By Scott. An Act relating to memorial bridge designations; designating the SSGT Cecil Wellman Memorial Bridge; requiring certain markers; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1857  By Hall. An Act relating to medical records; amending 76 O.S. 2011, Section 19, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 100, O.S.L. 2015 (76 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 19), which relates to access to medical records; authorizing access to certain billing information; modifying fee structure for access to medical records by certain entities; and providing an effective date.

SB 1858  By Dahm. An Act relating to immunizations; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 1210.192, which relates to exemptions; prohibiting denial of personal exemption in certain circumstances; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

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SB 1859  By Scott. An Act relating to abortion; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 509, as last amended by Section 6, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 and 637, as amended by Section 12, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 509 and 637), which relate to unprofessional conduct of medical doctor and unprofessional conduct of doctor of osteopathy; broadening certain definitions to include certain acts; amending Section 4, Chapter 159, O.S.L. 2012 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-745.14), which relates to fetal heartbeat; reducing time period for certain requirements; deleting procedural provisions related to detection of fetal heartbeat; prohibiting abortion under certain circumstances; broadening provisions to include fetal or embryonic brain waves; providing certain construction; prohibiting issuance or renewal of physician license for certain acts; requiring State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision and State Board of Osteopathic Examiners to revoke licenses for certain acts; modifying certain construction; and providing an effective date.

SB 1860  By Standridge. An Act relating to the state Medicaid program; directing the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to initiate certain requests for proposals; requiring pilot program to commence by certain date; specifying components of pilot program; providing certain requirements for accountable care organization; providing for promulgation of rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1861  By Daniels. An Act relating to the Judicial Nominating Commission; modifying appointing authority for certain commissioners; specifying requirements for certain commissioners; providing for filling of certain vacancies; terminating certain terms; directing certain appointments; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1862  By Kirt. An Act relating to the practice of dentistry; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.19, as last amended by Section 6, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2015 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 328.19), which relates to acts constituting practice of dentistry; modifying certain list of acts; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.21, as last amended by Section 3, Chapter 397, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 328.21), which relates to application for license; broadening accepted examinations; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.23a, as amended by Section 10, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2015 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 328.23a), which relates to special volunteer license; modifying certain requirement; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.25, as last amended by Section 11, Chapter 363, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 328.25), which relates to oral maxillofacial surgery assistant permits; modifying certain continuing education requirements; updating statutory reference; amending Section 19, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2015 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 328.31b), which relates to patient record keeping requirements; modifying certain records

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requirement; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.32, as last amended by Section 7, Chapter 397, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 328.32), which relates to grounds for penalties; modifying certain grounds; adding reference; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.33, as last amended by Section 5, Chapter 113, O.S.L. 2016 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 328.33), which relates to disciplinary action; adding certain violations; providing for certain disciplinary actions and procedures; providing certain exclusion; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.36a, which relates to laboratory prescriptions; modifying time period of certain requirement; allowing certain referrals; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.41, as last amended by Section 9, Chapter 397, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 328.41), which relates to continuing education requirements; modifying requirements; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.48, which relates to annual statements of receipts and expenditures; updating term; providing for certain electronic transmission; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Section 328.29, which relates to unlawful practices for dental hygienists; repealing 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 328.32 and 328.41, as last amended by Sections 3 and 4, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 328.32 and 328.41), which relate to dentistry; and providing an effective date.

SB 1863  By Smalley. An Act relating to the State Commissioner of Health; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-106, which relates to powers and duties; removing qualifications of the Commissioner; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1864  By Dahm. An Act relating to eminent domain; amending 27 O.S. 2011, Sections 5 and 17, which relate to local governments and resale of surplus property; conforming language; defining terms; prohibiting taking of private property unless for certain uses and with compensation; placing burden of proof on condemning authority; granting certain rights to private property owners; requiring court to strictly construe certain provisions; prohibiting expand of eminent domain powers absent statutory authority; providing exception; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1865  By Smalley. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Health Care Authority; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 5009.2, which relates to the Advisory Committee on Medical Care for Public Assistance Recipients; modifying membership; limiting duration of appointments; specifying duration of chair and vice-chair terms; and providing an effective date.

SB 1866 – By Daniels. An Act relating to the Uniform Athlete Agents Act; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 821.92, which relates to student-athlete’s right to cancel; authorizing certain actions of parent or guardian under certain circumstances; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1867  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Healthcare Authority; requiring the Authority to conduct certain study; requiring submission of certain report; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1868  By David. An Act relating to health insurance; creating the Oklahoma Out-of-Network and Surprise Billing Act; defining terms; authorizing the Attorney General to bring a civil action against certain entities’ for certain billing practices; requiring health benefit plan to ensure certain rates for emergency service from out-of-network provider and provide payment directly and in certain timeframe; requiring health benefit plan to ensure certain rates for emergency service at out-of-network facility and provide payment directly and in certain timeframe; requiring health benefit plan to ensure certain rates for non-emergency service by out-of-network provider at in-network facility and provide payment directly and in certain timeframe; requiring health benefit plan to ensure certain rates for non-emergency service by out-of-network provider at out-of-network facility and provide payment directly and in certain timeframe; construing provision; requiring insurer to provide written notice of explanation of benefits for an out-of-network provider or facility; requiring insurer to provide explanation of benefits on average amount paid for certain elective service upon request; providing definition for geozip; establishing terms for utilizing geozip in certain billing practices; authorizing out-of-network provider or facility to request arbitration with insurer or administrator for certain claims in certain circumstances; construing provision; requiring participation in arbitration; establishing timeline for arbitration on Insurance Department website in certain circumstances; requiring party requesting arbitration to provide certain notice; requiring parties in arbitration to participate in teleconference; requiring certain entity to arrange teleconference; requiring Insurance Commissioner to promulgate certain rules; establishing issues arbitrator may address; prohibiting lawsuit until conclusion of arbitration; establishing that arbitration is not subject to Civil Procedure Code; establishing timeline and terms of selecting and terminating an arbitrator; establishing procedures for arbitration; requiring timeframe and establishing terms of arbitration decision; providing that the decision of the arbitrator is final; establishing terms for appeal of decision; requiring party losing appeal to pay certain fees; providing for confidentiality of certain information; establishing acts of bad faith participation in arbitration; authorizing certain penalty for bad faith act in arbitration; requiring Insurance Commissioner and Oklahoma Medical Board to establish rules related to investigation certain complaints; requiring Commissioner to maintain certain information in records; prohibiting use of personally identifiable information; requiring Department to conduct study on certain healthcare billing practices and arbitration; requiring Department to submit report to certain persons; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1869  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to workplace violence prevention; directing certain promulgation of rules; providing for creation of certain plan; directing provision of certain plan upon request; requiring annual update; directing certain inclusion; providing for certain training; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1870  By Smalley. An Act relating to the Commissioner of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; repealing 43A O.S. 2011, Section 2-201, which relates to qualifications; and providing an effective date.

SB 1871  By Montgomery. An Act relating to controlled dangerous substances; creating the Oklahoma Syringe and Needle Exchange Act; authorizing entities to operate program; providing program requirements; requiring entities to report to the State Department of Health; requiring the Department to report to the Legislature; directing the Department to promulgate rules; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-101.1, which relates to drug paraphernalia; providing exception in determination of what constitutes drug paraphernalia; updating statutory reference; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1872  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to mental health and substance abuse services; providing for certain consent by certain minors; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1873  By Stanley. An Act relating to behavior analysts; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 1928, which relates to licensing; modifying and adding definitions; deleting requirement for certain finding; removing certain application criteria; updating certain standards; removing certain exemption; providing for limited practice of supervisees; prohibiting provision of services under certain condition; updating terms; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1874  By Rosino. An Act relating to emergency response systems; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1- 2503, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 93, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-2503), which relates to definitions; adding definitions; repealing 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1- 2503, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 246, O.S.L. 2016 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1- 2503), which relates to emergency response systems; and providing an effective date.

SB 1875  By Rader. An Act relating to oil and gas; creating the Oil and Gas Water Recycling and Reuse Act; defining terms; declaring Legislative findings; specifying ownership and responsibility of oil and gas produced water and waste in certain circumstances; providing that certain persons are not liable in tort for certain actions; authorizing liability in certain litigation; authorizing disposal of produced water and waste with certain permitting; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1876  By Scott. An Act relating to health insurance; requiring pharmacy benefit manager to publish certain information annually or as required by the Insurance Commissioner; specifying information to be included in the report; providing certain exemption to required publishing; making certain agreement void and unenforceable; authorizing Commissioner to promulgate rules; defining terms; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1877  By David. An Act relating to public buildings; defining terms; requiring appropriate authority of covered public buildings to ensure availability of lactation room and provide certain break time; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1878  By David. An Act relating to the State Department of Health; amending Section 44, Chapter 229, O.S.L. 2013, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 11, O.S.L. 2015 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-103a.1), which relates to Public Health Advisory Councils; updating statutory term; clarifying language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1879  By Treat. An Act relating to state government; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 840-5.1A, as amended by Section 913, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 840- 5.1A), which relates to unclassified service; establishing that the payment of severance benefits requires written authorization of the agency director for certain unclassified employees; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1880  By Dahm. An Act relating to natural healing arts; defining terms; stating legislative intent; providing certain allowances without license or certification; prohibiting false representation; providing for certain compliance; requiring certain disclosure; requiring certain acknowledgment; providing penalties; requiring certain education prior to imposition of penalties; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1881  By Hicks. An Act relating to prescription drugs; defining terms; requiring Insurance Department to compile list of drugs essential for treating diabetes and those with certain price increases; requiring drug manufacturer to submit certain financial information to Insurance Department; requiring manufacturer to submit information on price increases to Department; requiring pharmacy benefit managers to submit certain financial information to Department; providing exception for certain health plans to application of act;

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authorizing certain plans to require benefit managers to comply with act; requiring Department to produce certain report; requiring Department to create and maintain a website with certain information required by act; establishing certain terms of website; authorizing the Department to promulgate rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1882  By Daniels. An Act relating to administrative rule procedure; amending 75 O.S. 2011, Section 303, as amended by Section 50, Chapter 227, O.S.L. 2013 and 308, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 357, O.S.L. 2013 (75 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 303 and 308), which relate to adoption procedure and legislative review; providing reference to certain exception; creating expedited rule repeal process; providing procedures for agencies for certain request; specifying criteria for qualification; requiring certain notice; allowing for comment period; providing for certain hearings and votes; prohibiting certain agency requests by certain date; modifying certain date for legislative rule review; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1883  By Brooks. An Act relating to sentencing; amending 22 O.S. 2011, Section 996.1, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 157, O.S.L. 2018 (22 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 996.1), which relates to Delayed Sentencing Program for Young Adults; modifying definition; providing an effective date.

SB 1884  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to state highways; stating history and origin of the Historic Jefferson Highway Route; creating the Historic Jefferson Highway Route; providing for costs associated with signage; requiring markers contingent on funding; providing for noncodification; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1885  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to aircraft; amending Section 1, Chapter 313, O.S.L. 2016 (3 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 322), which relates to critical infrastructure facilities; adding certain facilities to certain critical infrastructure facilities list; and providing an effective date.

SB 1886  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission; amending 3 O.S. 2011, Section 85, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2018 (3 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 85), which relates to powers and duties of the Commission; adding certain duties regarding the regulation of certain unmanned aerial systems; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1887  By Ikley-Freeman. An Act relating to health insurance; requiring Insurance Department to conduct feasibility study on covering certain screenings; defining terms; requiring submission of report on study findings; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1888  By Allen. An Act relating to transportation; defining term; directing Department of Transportation to promulgate certain rules and procedures; requiring contracts be available in electronic form; requiring paperless system allow electronic signatures; requiring engineered plans be available in certain electronic form; requiring certain digital inspection process; providing certain process parameters; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1889  By Scott. An Act relating to law enforcement training; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 3311.5, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 339, O.S.L. 2019 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 3311.5), which relates to required curriculum; modifying inclusions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1890  By Montgomery. An Act relating to public finance; creating the Oklahoma Sooner Choice Trust Act; declaring purpose of act; defining terms; creating the Board of the Oklahoma Sooner Choice Trust Program; establishing members and terms; specifying duties of the Board; requiring Board to prepare certain investment policy statement; requiring public hearing for investment policy; authorizing the State Treasurer to invest certain monies; requiring Treasurer to file certain reports; authorizing the Board to establish certain investment options; requiring Board to set a default investment option, which may be modified; requiring certain monies to be allocated to individual program accounts; relieving state of certain liability; requiring Board to provide certain information; requiring Board to establish and maintain website; establishing timeline for registration for program; requiring disclosure of certain information; authorizing employees to opt out of program; requiring employers to provide certain notification; establishing terms of operation for program; establishing liability under this act; prohibiting employers from acting as fiduciary over program; prohibiting employer from certain acts; construing provision; requiring Board to submit certain reports; requiring Treasury to make certain reports public; establishing penalties for violation of act; requiring Treasury to provide certain notice of penalty by mail; establishing terms for protest against proposed penalty; establishing terms for refund of penalty in certain circumstances; establishing penalty as tax liability of certain persons; classifying certain information as confidential; authorizing Treasury to charge Board for certain costs; establishing date of operation for penalties; authorizing Board to promulgate

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rules with Treasury; creating the Oklahoma Sooner Choice Trust Program Fund; establishing terms of fund; establishing the Oklahoma Sooner Choice Trust Administrative Fund; establishing terms of fund; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1891  By Pugh. An Act relating to occupations and professions; creating the Universal Occupational Licensing Recognition Act; providing short title; providing for recognition of certain occupational licenses and certifications for certain persons; providing criteria for issuing certain licenses; recognizing disqualifying criminal history for certain licensure or certifications; allowing state-to-state reciprocal agreements; prohibiting licensure under certain conditions; permitting examination for licensure; requiring Oklahoma licensing laws and jurisdiction to apply to reciprocal licenses; excepting certain provisions for reciprocal licensure; stating fingerprint clearance and interstate compact requirements; recognizing certain out-of-state work experience for certain purpose; recognizing certain private certification for certain purpose; requiring periodic review of all licenses; stating minimum review period; stating criteria for review; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1892  By Rader. An Act relating to income tax; defining terms; establishing tax credit for certain individuals who conduct a preceptorship rotation; providing amount of and basis for credit; providing limitations on credits allowed; requiring certification with specified agency; requiring certifications by specified agency; establishing requirements for individuals claiming credit; establishing certain requirements related to the Physician Manpower Training Commission; requiring evaluation by Incentive Evaluation Commission; amending 70 O.S. 2011, Section 697.5, which relates to the Physician Manpower Training Commission; modifying duties; updating statutory language; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1893  By Bice. An Act relating to infant mortality; requiring certain individuals to conduct certain investigation and fill out certain form; requiring the State Department of Health to retain copy of certain form for specified purpose; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1894  By Daniels. An Act relating to Oil and Gas; amending 52 O.S. 2011, Section 87.9, as amended by Section 6, Chapter 372, O.S.L. 2017 (52 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 87.9), which relates to horizontal well unitization; modifying certain size of well unit; modifying method for obtaining certain consent; amending 52 O.S. 2011, Section 287.5, which relates to ratification or approval of unitization plan; modifying method of obtaining certain consent for unitization; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1895  By Standridge. An Act relating to motor vehicles; amending 47 O.S. 2011, Section 1-107.1, which relates to definitions; amending certain commercial motor vehicle definition; and providing an effective date.

SB 1896  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to unmanned aerial systems; creating the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Development Act of 2020; amending 3 O.S. 2011, Section 82, which relates to definitions; adding certain definitions; allowing for certain agency to develop certain test for operating an unmanned aerial system; requiring the completion of certain test before operation of certain unmanned aerial systems; allowing for certain exception to the completion of certain test; allowing for certain permit process to operate certain unmanned aerial systems; allowing for the promulgation of rules for certain permit process; prohibiting flight of certain unmanned aerial systems near certain correctional facilities; providing for exception to certain flight distance requirements; requiring certain agency to develop guidelines for posting certain flight distance notices; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1897  By McCortney. An Act relating to hospitals; requiring hospitals to compile certain list; requiring the State Department of Health to develop certain lists and publish certain information; authorizing the Department to implement certain requirement; requiring hospitals to provide certain lists upon request; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1898  By Bice. An Act relating to the public finance; amending 62 O.S. 2011, Section 34.11.1, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 384, O.S.L. 2017 (62 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 34.11.1), which relates to the Chief Information Officer; modifying certain duties; eliminating statutory eligibility requirements; and providing an effective date.

SB 1899  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to mobile food vendors; creating the Mobile Food Vendor Act; defining terms; requiring persons who operate as mobile food vendors to obtain a license; prohibiting political subdivisions from restricting certain vendors; requiring the State Department of Health to prepare and make available a license application; authorizing the Department to require certain information; authorizing the Department to require certain information by individuals under oath; requiring applicants to abide by requests for information; providing conditions for denial of license; requiring the Department or a political subdivision to conduct an inspection; stating purpose of inspection; authorizing the Department to establish a fee; requiring the Department to issue a license under certain

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conditions; prohibiting transfer of license; providing exception to invalidation of license; providing for renewal of license; requiring the Department to submit notice of expiration; making it a crime to knowingly provide false information; requiring the Department to create and make available a guide; requiring mobile food vendors to follow all laws not in conflict with this act; providing locations to operate mobile food trucks; requiring certain operational standards; requiring display of license and certification; authorizing the Department to promulgate rules that adhere to certain restrictions; requiring mobile food vendors to follow laws and regulations regarding food handling and safety; requiring possession of a state-recognized food safety certification; requiring the Department to classify mobile food vendors; requiring inspections at a frequency based on classifications; requiring the Department to establish and maintain a database; authorizing the Department to collaborate with political subdivisions for inspections; requiring inspections certificates based on a letter grade format; requiring notification of inspection; authorizing mobile food vendors to request the Department to obtain an administrative warrant; requiring the Department to calculate average inspection costs; stating limit on fees for inspection; authorizing reimbursement of inspection fees under certain circumstances; authorizing political subdivisions to regulate certain aspects of operations; prohibiting political subdivisions from regulating certain aspects of operations; authorizing the Department and political subdivisions to investigate under certain circumstances; providing for license denial, revocation and suspension; providing for penalties; authorizing persons to request an administrative hearing; providing statutory reference; requiring the Department to provide decision at the conclusion of hearing; prohibiting certain persons from operating as mobile food vendors; authorizing persons to appeal hearing decision; providing preemption of political subdivisions; stating the act shall not be construed to compel political subdivisions to take certain actions; 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-1118, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 505, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-1118),which relates to food establishment licenses; adding exemption; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1900  By Montgomery. An Act relating to pensions; authorizing pension boards to authorize cost of living benefit allowance increase every two years in certain circumstances; requiring pension to have certain funded level to receive adjustment; providing cap on benefits; authorizing boards to adjust certain cap on benefits in certain circumstances; authorizing board to increase required employee or employer contribution rate in certain circumstances for certain time period; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1901  By Scott. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Employee Insurance and Benefits Act; requiring Oklahoma Employees Insurance and Benefits Board to collaborate with Oklahoma Health Care Authority for certain purpose by certain date; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1902  By Allen. An Act relating to gaming activities; amending 3A O.S. 2011, Section 403, which relates to powers and duties of the ABLE Commission; adding certain power for regulation plan; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Sections 981 and 982, which relate to definitions and commercial gambling in the Oklahoma Charity Games Act; modifying certain term; providing certain exception for enforcement of penalty; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1903  By Floyd. An Act relating to domestic violence; amending 21 O.S. 2011, Section 142A-3, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 196, O.S.L. 2014 (21 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 142A-3), which relates to lethality assessment; providing certain referral protocol questions; and providing an effective date.

SB 1904  By Montgomery. An Act relating to the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; amending 11 O.S. 2011, Section 50-111.3, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 346, O.S.L. 2019 (11 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 50-111.3), which relates to deferred option plans; authorizing non- member officers to participate in deferred option plan in certain circumstances; providing timeline for participation; requiring non-participating municipalities to determine certain contribution amount; and requiring Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement Board to promulgate rules;

SB 1905  By Weaver. An Act relating to public health and safety; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 1-210, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 143, O.S.L. 2018 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 1-210), which relates to city-county board of health; modifying certain population requirements; authorizing creation of city-county board of health in certain counties; updating statutory language; and providing an effective date.

SB 1906  By Allen. An Act relating to income tax; amending 68 O.S. 2011, Section 2358, as last amended by Section 5, Chapter 201, O.S.L. 2019 (68 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2358), which relates to adjustment to income; modifying treatment of income or losses from gambling for purposes of determining taxable income; updating statutory reference; and providing an effective date.

SB 1907  By Pugh. An Act relating to the state Medicaid program; requiring the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to submit certain waiver; providing allowable expense; providing for reduction and termination of benefit; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1908  By Paxton. An Act relating to rural hospitals; creating the Oklahoma Small Hospital Survival Act; stating purpose of act and legislative findings; defining terms; providing for minimum guaranteed reimbursement rates; prohibiting denial of certain payment after prior authorization; declaring certain contracts as open records and posted on Insurance Commissioner website for certain purpose; requiring Commissioner to publish and maintain certain data; establishing terms and requirements of contract between insurers and certain hospitals; prohibiting encouraging patients toward certain healthcare providers in certain circumstances; declaring certain contract terms void; prohibiting insurer from excluding certain hospitals from network; providing exception; prohibiting insurer from making certain payments; prohibiting contracting entities from including certain terms in contract with insurers; authorizing amendments to healthcare contracts in certain circumstances and subject to certain terms; requiring insurer to provide certain notice of contract to providers; establishing terms for contract renegotiation; prohibiting certain entity from entering into contract with certain terms; prohibiting insurers from requiring certain physician to have admitting privileges at certain hospital; requiring Insurance Commissioner to enforce act; requiring Commissioner to promulgate rules; establishing Commissioner as arbitrator in certain circumstances; prohibiting certain persons from working in the Insurance Commission for certain time period; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1909  By Dahm. An Act relating to medical marijuana; amending Section 4, Chapter 509, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 426.1), which relates to medical marijuana regulations; prohibiting the State Department of Health from sharing certain information with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation; clarifying language; updating statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1910  By Bergstrom. An Act relating to waterways; amending 69 O.S. 2011, Section 4018, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 126, O.S.L. 2014 (69 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 4018), which relates to the Oklahoma Waterways Advisory Board; modifying certain duties of certain board; and providing an effective date.

SB 1911  By Montgomery. An Act relating to state employees; amending Section 5, Chapter 375, O.S.L. 2014, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 267, O.S.L. 2016 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 935.5), which relates to employer match; providing employer matching amount for employees electing to contribute certain amount to qualified Roth contribution program; authorizing qualified employees to contribute certain amount to qualified Roth contribution program; updating statutory reference; creating the Oklahoma State Employees Roth Savings Plan Fund; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1912  By Standridge. An Act relating to prescription drugs; directing the State Department of Health in certain consultation to design a wholesale prescription drug importation program that complies with certain requirements; establishing requirements for the program; directing the Secretary of Health and Mental Health to submit certain proposed design to certain committees by certain date; directing the Department to consult with the Office of the Attorney General to identify potential industry behavior; directing the State Department of Health to submit certain formal request to certify certain program by certain date; directing the Department to seek appropriate federal approvals, waivers, exemptions or agreements; prohibiting the Department from implementing certain program until the Oklahoma Legislature enacts certain legislation; directing the Department to begin implementation of the program upon certain enactment and certification and approval; requiring the agency to perform certain functions as part of the implementation process; requiring the Department to provide certain committees certain report by certain date annually; providing for contents of report; providing for codification; providing an effective date; and declaring an emergency.

SB 1913  By Dahm. An Act relating to the state Medicaid program; requiring the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to submit certain waiver; providing allowable expense; providing for reduction and termination of benefit; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

SB 1914  By Newhouse. An Act relating to medical marijuana; amending Section 1, State Question No. 788, Initiative Petition No. 412, as last amended by Section 2, Chapter 312, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 420), which relates to medical marijuana patient license; limiting physicians who may sign application of a minor; and providing an effective date.

SB 1915  By David. An Act relating to physician assistants; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Sections 519.2, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 163, O.S.L. 2015, 519.6, as amended by Section 3, Chapter 163, O.S.L. 2015, 519.7, 519.8, as amended by Section 7, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 and 519.11, as amended by Section 5, Chapter 163, O.S.L. 2015 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Sections 519.2, 519.6, 519.8 and 519.11), which relate to physician assistants, temporary license and construction of act; providing for collaborative practice; modifying, adding and deleting definitions; removing and modifying certain requirements of physician assistant; eliminating certain fee; providing that physician assistant is considered primary care provider under certain condition; authorizing physician assistant to bill insurance and receive payment; requiring certain identification; prohibiting certain requirements; authorizing provision of certain emergency care; providing certain liability protection; clarifying language; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1916  By Shaw. An Act relating to the emergency management; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 51.1, which relates to the Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security; consolidating agencies; modifying responsible entities; providing for certain expenditures; modifying statutory references; eliminating certain designation; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 51.1a, as amended by Section 700, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 51.1a), which relates to public safety communication planning; modifying statutory references; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 51.2, as amended by Section 701, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 51.2), which relates to the Oklahoma Homeland Security Revolving Fund; modifying statutory references; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Sections 51.2a, 51.2b and 51.3, which relate to emergency preparedness grants and the Oklahoma School Security Grant Program Act; modifying statutory references; amending 74 O.S. 2011, Section 51.2c, as amended by Section 702, Chapter 304, O.S.L. 2012 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 51.c), which relates to the Oklahoma School Security Revolving Fund; modifying statutory references; amending Section 1, Chapter 54, O.S.L. 2013 (74 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 51.2d), which relates to the Oklahoma School Security Institute; modifying statutory references; and providing an effective date.

SB 1917  By Smalley. An Act relating to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 353.1, as last amended by Section 1, Chapter 106, O.S.L. 2018 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 353.1), which relates to definitions used in the Oklahoma Pharmacy Act; modifying and adding definitions; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 353.1a, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 106, O.S.L. 2018 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 353.1a), which relates to prescriptive authority of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses; modifying prescriptive authority of certain Certified Nurse Practitioners; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 567.3a, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 281, O.S.L. 2017 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 567.3a), which relates to definitions used in the Oklahoma Nursing Practice Act; modifying and adding definitions; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 567.4a, as last amended by Section 8, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 567.4a), which relates to prescriptive authority; directing the Oklahoma Board of Nursing to promulgate certain rules; providing for independent prescriptive authority of Certified Nurse Practitioners; providing application criteria; specifying duration of authority; authorizing supervision by Certified Nurse Practitioner with independent prescriptive authority; providing for application approval, reapplication, fees and prescriptive authority revocation; providing for prescriptive authority recognition by endorsement; requiring certain malpractice insurance; amending 59 O.S. 2011, Section 567.5a, as amended by Section 2, Chapter 228, O.S.L. 2013 (59 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 567.5a), which relates to Advanced Practice Registered Nurse license; amending 63 O.S. 2011, Section 2-312, which relates to controlled dangerous substances; authorizing Certified Nurse Practitioners to prescribe and administer certain controlled dangerous substances; updating statutory reference; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1918  By Standridge. An Act relating to controlled dangerous substances; amending Section 5, Chapter 175, O.S.L. 2018, as last amended by Section 19, Chapter 428, O.S.L. 2019 (63 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 2-309I), which relates to prescription limits and rules for opioid drugs; providing certain liability protections; and providing an effective date.

SB 1919  By Stanislawski. An Act relating to insurance; creating the Insurance Data Security Act; defining terms; requiring licensed insurers to develop and maintain a comprehensive information security program based on certain factors; providing objectives of security program; requiring licensee to conduct certain assessment of risk factors and ensure sufficiency of safeguarding data policies and procedures; requiring use of data from assessment to determine design of information security program and necessary security measures; requiring licensee to be updated on cybersecurity threats and provide employees with certain training on threats; requiring board of directors or executive management of licensee to develop and maintain information security program and provide certain report to management; requiring licensee to select third-party service provider to protect information system and certain information; requiring licensee to monitor and adjust information security program; requiring licensee to create an incident response to cybersecurity threat plan; establishing requirements for plan; requiring certain insurers to submit certification of compliance with certain requirements; requiring Insurance Department to maintain certifications and certain documents for inspection; requiring certain persons to conduct investigation after cybersecurity threat; establishing terms of investigation; requiring remedial actions be taken after investigation; requiring records on investigation be kept for certain time period; requiring licensees to notify Insurance Commissioner after cybersecurity threat in certain circumstances in certain form; establishing requirements of notification; requiring licensee to comply with Security Breach Notification Act; requiring licensee to notify certain persons after notifying Commissioner; requiring application of certain requirements after cybersecurity event to information system maintained by third-party provider; construing provision; requiring assuming insurers to provide notice of cybersecurity event to ceding insurers in certain timeframe; requiring ceding insurers to notify certain persons; requiring licensee to notify certain persons who accessed licensee’s services in certain manner about cybersecurity event; providing exception; authorizing Commissioner to examine and investigate licensees; authorizing Commissioner to enforce provisions of act; declaring certain documents and materials kept pursuant to this act as confidential and not subject to certain legal actions; authorizing Commissioner to use documents and materials in certain legal actions; prohibiting certain persons from being compelled to testify concerning the documents and materials; authorizing the Commissioner to receive and share certain documents with certain persons; authorizing Commissioner to enter into certain agreements; construing clause; classifying certain documents as confidential; providing exceptions to applicability of act; authorizing certain penalty for violation of act; authorizing Commissioner to promulgate rules; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.

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SB 1920  By Standridge. An Act relating to energy; 70 O.S. 2011, Section 5-131.2, as amended by Section 4, Chapter 296, O.S.L. 2018 (70 O.S. Supp. 2019, Section 5-131.2), which relates to energy conservation contracts; authorizing districts to enter into contracts with entities meeting certain conditions; and providing an effective date.

SJR 23  By Bergstrom. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 1 of Article III of the Oklahoma Constitution; clarifying certain voting requirement; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

SJR 24  By Stanislawski. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 6 of Article 13 of the Oklahoma Constitution; removing authorization for the Governor to appoint a committee to prepare certain textbook lists; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

SJR 25  By Floyd. A Joint Resolution ratifying the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States on equal rights; directing distribution.

SJR 26  By Standridge. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 21 of Article V of the Oklahoma Constitution, which relates to the Board on Legislative Compensation; establishing a requirement for compensation increases for members of the Legislature; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

SJR 27  By David. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 40 of Article X of the Oklahoma Constitution; modifying the amounts of certain deposits; specifying purpose of appropriation; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

SJR 28  By McCortney. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 40 of Article X of the Oklahoma Constitution; modifying certain definition; deleting requirement for certain deposit; modifying percentage of certain payments to be deposited; specifying funds into which certain deposits shall be made; specifying purposes for which appropriations shall be made; requiring certain earnings to be deposited into the trust fund; authorizing and prohibiting certain expenditures; specifying amount that may be expended; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

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SJR 29  By Bullard. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection proposed amendments to Sections 2, 3 and 5 of Article 11 of the Oklahoma Constitution, which relate to the permanent school fund; providing for what constitutes the principal of the permanent school fund; removing language prohibiting the fund from being diminished; providing method for calculating the amount of annual distributions; directing the frequency of certain distributions, the percentage of distributions and certain definition to be provided for by law; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

SJR 30  By Newhouse. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 23 of Article X of the Oklahoma Constitution; increasing maximum amount deposited into Constitutional Reserve Fund; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

SJR 31  By Newhouse. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection the question of calling a Constitutional Convention which shall be authorized to propose alterations, revisions or amendments to the Oklahoma Constitution or to propose a new Constitution; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

SJR 32  By Floyd. A Joint Resolution relating to an Article V Convention for proposing amendments to the United States Constitution and a gathering of the states in preparation for an Article V Convention; authorizing a delegation of commissioners from this state to attend and participate in gatherings of the states; stating purpose; providing for selection and composition of the delegation; providing that the delegation shall be bound by the rules established for the gathering of states; providing that the delegation to the convention of states shall also serve as commissioners to the Article V Convention for proposing amendments to the United States Constitution when called; providing for selection of alternates; prohibiting commissioners to the Article V Convention from voting for unauthorized amendments; providing for replacement of commissioners who violate the prohibition; providing for voting; requiring the taking of an oath; establishing an Article V Convention Committee; providing composition and duties; requiring commissioner to adhere to certain principles; providing termination date; and directing filing and distribution.

SJR 33  By Coleman. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 2 of Article XXVIII-A of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; providing that certain restrictions on manufacturers of alcoholic beverages shall not apply to small distillers; providing that the term "small distiller" shall be defined by law; updating statutory reference; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

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SJR 34  By Ikley-Freeman. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 2 of Article 28A of the Oklahoma Constitution; allowing persons making spirits to sell and distribute those spirits the same as winemakers; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

SJR 35  By Bullard. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection the repeal of Section 2 of Article VII-B of the Oklahoma Constitution, which relates to judicial officer retention elections; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

SJR 36  By Montgomery. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection proposed amendments to Sections 15 and 23 of Article X of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma; requiring the State Treasurer to invest monies placed in the Constitutional Reserve Fund and specifying the manner of investment; increasing the cap on the amount of funds deposited into the Constitutional Reserve Fund; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

SJR 37  By Newhouse. A Joint Resolution directing the State Auditor and Inspector to conduct an audit of all state parks; identifying first state park to be audited; directing distribution.

SJR 38  By Dahm. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 4 of Article XXVIII-A of the Oklahoma Constitution; removing residency requirement for retail spirits license and wine and spirits wholesaler license; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

SJR 39  By Bullard. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to Section 4 of Article VII-B of the Oklahoma Constitution; modifying selection process for vacancies in judicial office; requiring that certain information remains confidential; requiring certain merit ranking; requiring Senate confirmation; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

SJR 40  By Daniels. A Joint Resolution directing the Secretary of State to refer to the people for their approval or rejection a proposed amendment to the Oklahoma Constitution by adding a new Section 13 to Article XXIII; prohibiting limitation for certain economic loss; modifying

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recovery limitation on certain noneconomic damages; establishing exceptions to limitation on certain recovery; requiring certain findings of fact or general verdict; establishing procedures for entering of certain judgment; prohibiting certain jury instruction; defining terms; providing for applicability to certain actions; providing ballot title; and directing filing.

SJR 41  By Standridge. A Joint Resolution making two separate applications to the United States Congress to call a convention of the states under Article V of the United States Constitution for the purpose of proposing amendments to the United States Constitution related to balancing the federal budget, imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government, limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government and limiting the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress; providing for construction of applications; directing transmission; and specifying that applications constitute continuing application.

SCR 6  By Dahm. A Concurrent Resolution supporting congressional approval of the United States- Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA); and directing distribution.

SCR 7  By Dahm. A Concurrent Resolution declaring 2020 as the “Year of the Bible” in Oklahoma; recognizing the unique contribution the Bible has made in shaping the United States; acknowledging that biblical teachings inspired concepts contained in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States; recognizing that many presidents paid tribute to the influence of the Bible; and stating that a renewal of knowledge and faith in God through scripture can strengthen the state.


The following measures were authored/coauthored:

SB 447 - Coauthored by Representative Ford SB 580 - Remove as author Senator Bice; authored by Senator Montgomery SB 659 - Coauthored by Representative Pae (principal House author) SB 801 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Rosino SB 871 - Coauthored by Representative Gann SB 1020 - Remove as author Senator Murdock; authored by Senator Scott Coauthored by Senator Murdock SB 1081 - Coauthored by Senator Bullard SB 1082 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Hicks

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SB 1087 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator David SB 1123 - Coauthored by Representative Randleman (principal House author) SB 1127 - Coauthored by Senator Stanley SB 1128 - Coauthored by Representative McCall (principal House author) SB 1134 - Coauthored by Representative Hardin (Tommy) (principal House author) SB 1143 - Coauthored by Representative Dills (principal House author) SB 1158 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Coleman Coauthored by Senator Hicks SB 1160 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Haste SB 1162 - Coauthored by Representative Kannady (principal House author) SB 1167 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Pemberton SB 1170 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Dugger SB 1191 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Dugger SB 1199 - Coauthored by Senator Murdock SB 1204 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Bice SB 1228 - Coauthored by Representative Fetgatter (principal House author) SB 1233 - Coauthored by Representative Wright (principal House author) SB 1245 - Coauthored by Representative Bush (principal House author) SB 1251 - Coauthored by Representative Dills (principal House author) SB 1269 - Coauthored by Representative Sims (principal House author) SB 1277 - Coauthored by Representative Echols (principal House author) SB 1278 - Coauthored by Representative Echols (principal House author) SB 1299 - Coauthored by Representative Pae (principal House author) SB 1300 - Coauthored by Representative Lawson (principal House author) SB 1305 - Coauthored by Representative Caldwell (Trey) (principal House author) Coauthored by Representative Pae SB 1315 - Coauthored by Representative Boles (principal House author) SB 1322 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Thompson SB 1327 - Coauthored by Representative Hardin (Tommy) (principal House author) SB 1328 - Coauthored by Representative Hardin (Tommy) (principal House author) SB 1329 - Coauthored by Representative Strom (principal House author) SB 1338 - Coauthored by Representative Pae (principal House author) SB 1339 - Coauthored by Representative Provenzano (principal House author) SB 1348 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Simpson SB 1349 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Kidd SB 1350 - Remove as author Senator Simpson; authored by Senator Haste Coauthored by Senator Simpson SB 1379 - Coauthored by Representative Hardin (Tommy) (principal House author) SB 1407 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) SB 1410 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author)

228 Senate Journal

SB 1412 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) SB 1413 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) SB 1415 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) SB 1416 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) SB 1417 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) SB 1418 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) SB 1419 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) SB 1420 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) SB 1421 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) SB 1423 - Coauthored by Representative Wallace (principal House author) SB 1425 - Coauthored by Senator Standridge SB 1427 - Coauthored by Representative Miller (principal House author) SB 1445 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Stanley SB 1462 - Coauthored by Senator Dossett SB 1491 - Coauthored by Senator Bergstrom SB 1517 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator McCortney Remove as author Senator McCortney; authored by Senator Coleman SB 1518 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator McCortney Remove as author Senator McCortney; authored by Senator Coleman SB 1625 - Coauthored by Representative Osburn (principal House author) SB 1645 - Coauthored by Representative Pae (principal House author) SB 1648 - Coauthored by Representative Roberts (Dustin) (principal House author) SB 1661 - Coauthored by Representative West (Kevin) (principal House author) SB 1677 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) SB 1703 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Thompson SB 1705 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Kidd SB 1714 - Coauthored by Senator Bergstrom SB 1715 - Coauthored by Senator Bergstrom SB 1718 - Coauthored by Senator Haste SB 1721 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) Coauthored by Senator Boggs Coauthored by Representative Olsen SB 1722 - Coauthored by Representative McEntire (principal House author) SB 1728 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) Coauthored by Senator Boggs Coauthored by Representative Olsen SB 1734 - Coauthored by Representative Fetgatter (principal House author) SB 1741 - Coauthored by Representative Kannady (principal House author) SB 1748 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Kidd SB 1751 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Dahm SB 1768 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Kidd

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020 229

SB 1772 - Coauthored by Representative Caldwell (Trey) (principal House author) SB 1802 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Kidd Coauthored by Representative Osburn (principal House author) SB 1820 - Coauthored by Senator Montgomery Coauthored by Senator Bergstrom SB 1833 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Stanley SB 1837 - Coauthored by Representative West (Josh) (principal House author) SB 1839 - Coauthored by Representative Pae (principal House author) SB 1845 - Coauthored by Representative Tadlock (principal House author) SB 1848 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Rosino SB 1863 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Murdock SB 1865 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator McCortney Remove as author Senator McCortney; authored by Senator Coleman SB 1870 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Murdock SB 1871 - Coauthored by Representative Pae (principal House author) SB 1881 - Coauthored by Representative McEntire (principal House author) SB 1891 - Coauthored by Senator Bergstrom SB 1905 - Coauthored by Representative McBride (principal House author) SB 1917 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Dahm SCR 7 - Coauthored by Senator Bullard SJR 5 - Coauthored by Senator Bullard SJR 13 - Coauthored by Representative Gann (principal House author) SJR 16 - Coauthored by Representative Gann Coauthored by Senator Boggs Coauthored by Senator Murdock HB 2271 - Remove as author Senator Smalley; authored by Senator Weaver

Pursuant to the David motion, the Senate adjourned at 12:30 p.m., to meet Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 1:30 p.m.



The First Joint Session of the Second Regular Session of the Fifty-seventh Legislature was called to order by the President of the Senate, Lieutenant Governor Matt Pinnell.

Senator David moved that the attendance roll call of the Senate be considered the attendance roll call of the Senate in Joint Session, which motion was declared adopted.

230 Senate Journal

Representative Echols moved that the attendance roll call of the House of Representatives be considered the attendance roll call of the House in Joint Session, which motion was declared adopted.

President Pinnell declared quorums of the Senate and House present and Joint Session duly assembled.

The invocation was offered by Pastor Joel Harder of the Oklahoma Capitol Commission.

Posting of the Colors was presented by the Air Force Junior ROTC of Choctaw High School in Choctaw, Oklahoma.

Senator David moved that the President and Speaker appoint a committee of members from the Senate and House of Representatives, respectively, as a Joint Committee to notify Governor Kevin Stitt that the First Joint Session of the Second Regular Session of the Fifty- seventh Legislature is now in Joint Session and ready to receive him and hear his message, which motion was declared adopted.

President Pinnell appointed for the Senate the following: Senators Stanislawski, Stanley, and Matthews.

Speaker McCall appointed for the House of Representatives the following: Representatives Moore, Ortega, Sanders, Wright, Nollan, Tammy West, Crosswhite-Hader, and Ranson.

President Pinnell recognized Sergeant at Arms, Bob Craig, who announced the arrival of the Honorable Kevin Stitt, Governor of the State of Oklahoma.

Governor Stitt was escorted to the Speaker’s rostrum by the Joint Committee and presented to the Joint Session by President Pinnell where he delivered his message.

Message of Governor Kevin Stitt

Mr. Speaker, Mr. President Pro Temp, Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell, members of my cabinet, Madam Chief Justice, members of the 57th Legislature, my best friend – the First Lady Sarah Stitt, my children, my parents, and my fellow Oklahomans…

It is a great honor to stand before you to today, and I thank my heavenly Father for allowing me to be in this position of service to Oklahoma.

Let me get right to the point. The state of our state is growing in strength, stability, and new opportunity for generations to come.

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020 231

We are moving in the direction we all want to go: Top Ten in the Nation.

And we are getting there because of the hard work of Oklahoma’s entrepreneurs, because of the dedication of teachers in the classroom, because of the generous givers and compassion coming from Oklahoma’s non-profits, because of the community involvement of churches, and because of those in this room, and across our state agencies, who are making the tough, selfless decisions for the future of our great state.

I want to take a moment to highlight a few of those individuals, who are my special guests in the Chamber today:

First Lieutenant E.J. Johnson, Technical Sergeant Rebecca Imwalle, and Staff Sergeant Joy Mahan. These proud Guardsmen represent the hundreds of Oklahoma’s finest called to duty during record flooding in the State this past May.

Under the leadership of Major General Michael Thompson, they walked levies, filled sandbags, performed rescues, and conducted countless other tasks day after day.

Engineers in the Oklahoma National Guard also partnered with ODOT to build a temporary road that provided evacuees in Braggs a way out of their flooded community.

In addition to their duties within the State, the Oklahoma National Guard is also fulfilling their federal mission. More than 400 Oklahoma Guardsmen are currently fighting overseas on behalf of our state and nation at this very moment. I ask that every Oklahoman keep these brave men and women in your thoughts and prayers.

Also in the Chamber with us today is Dr. Tomas Diaz de la Rubia, the University of Oklahoma’s new head of research. I am committed to partnering with our state institutions in recruiting the best talent in the nation to Oklahoma. We will compete, and we will win.

This past year, the University of Oklahoma not only won its 13th Big 12 Football Championship, it also won the talent of one of the best researchers in the nation.

Dr. Tomas is an internationally renowned researcher who is bringing his impressive background at Purdue University, and with companies, such as Deloitte, to play a key role in identifying innovative opportunities that will elevate OU’s research reputation to Top Ten in the country. Thank you for choosing the best state in the nation to move to and make an impact.

Today, we also recognize an Oklahoma son from Tuttle - CEO of Paycom, Chad Richison. Chad founded his company, Paycom, right here in Oklahoma City in 1998, and through his vision and leadership, Paycom now serves as one of the largest employers in our great state.

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Just this past month, Chad hit an incredible milestone when Paycom was added to the S&P 500 list.

Thank you, Chad, for reminding us that the American dream is still alive, and Oklahoma is the best place in the nation to accomplish it.

To all my guests, thank you for being here today.

We all know that Oklahoma’s economy, and quite frankly our state budget, is built on the backs of the hardworking men and women in the oil and natural gas industry.

When I delivered this address last year, 60 percent more drilling rigs were operating in Oklahoma than exists today.

Our first budget together was blessed by a thriving industry. Now, we must look at the realities of a changing and evolving market that is becoming more efficient and less influenced by international volatility.

As a result, our State’s general revenue fund is estimated to be down almost one percent versus fiscal year 2020, and our total spending authority is very close to the same amount.

But we have nothing to fear. We will remain vigilant in recognizing our needs, planning for our future, and shedding waste where operations are outdated or redundant.

In fact, the greatest challenge before us today is not Oklahoma’s economy. There are two reasons why:

First: The fiscal discipline displayed by many of you in this room last year has allowed the State to garner its largest savings account in Oklahoma’s history at $1 billion.

As a result, Moody’s Investor Service changed Oklahoma’s outlook from “stable” to “positive” in October. Their decision reflects an expectation that Oklahoma will maintain “strong fiscal management” and “a commitment to increasing reserves.”

Let’s follow through on that commitment.

Senator has filed legislation that would give Oklahomans a voice this year on increasing the Constitutional cap on our State’s Rainy Day fund to 30%. Let’s get it to a vote of the people!

And while we wait on this vote, I am also asking for elected leaders to join me, again, in setting aside $100 million in additional funds as part of the Fiscal Year 2021 budget.

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Thanks to our strong pension plans, low bond debt and progress in savings, Oklahoma is ranked as the fifth most solvent state in America. Let’s take this to #1.

By saving in the good times, we are demonstrating our commitment to protect the taxpayer, the job creator, and the citizen who depends on core services.

Second: Oklahoma’s economy is more diverse than ever before.

When the City of El Reno faced the closure of a major facility, Oklahoma’s Department of Commerce quickly went into action.

We deployed two career fairs, and more than 350 Oklahomans were offered employment with companies in aerospace, finance, manufacturing, healthcare and more.

This was possible because Oklahoma’s economy remains on good footing.

Our unemployment rate remains below the national average. Oklahoma’s household income has risen by nearly 4% in 2019.

And sixty companies moved to our state or made significant expansions in Oklahoma this past year, with more than $2.9 billion in new capital investments announced.

One of our strongest industries this year was tourism, led by the vision of our own Lt. Governor Matt Pinnell – Imagine That!

In 2019, Oklahoma’s tourism website achieved a #1 ranking in web traffic. We beat states like California and Colorado.

And tourism will continue to grow. This year, we are welcoming the largest movie production in state history with Killers of the Flower Moon.

You gave us the tools last year to bolster our recruiting efforts, and the Lt. Governor was an exceptional partner in landing this deal for Oklahoma. Once again, beating states like Texas and New Mexico.

The film production’s presence is expected to inject tens of millions into our economy. Thousands of Oklahomans will be hired as local talent and through contracts for lodging, transportation, hardware, food and more.

Oklahomans, our economy is competitive. And in this administration, we will keep it that way!

The greatest challenge before us today is government bureaucracy.

234 Senate Journal

In my first year of public service and as the chief executive, I have found government too big and too broken.

The state of Oklahoma spends roughly $20 billion annually. The Legislature has a strong handle on the 40% managed through the appropriations process.

Then, we – working together – provide oversight of the 60% that goes directly to state agencies from apportionments, fines, fees, and federal funding.

Last year, we delivered the greatest transparency to the State’s budget by publishing Oklahoma’s checkbook online.

With the new system, we are providing user-friendly access to recent spending data.

In partnership with my office and Oklahoma Treasurer Randy McDaniel, we took Oklahoma’s 47th ranking to 7th place in online budget transparency.

And we will continue to fine tune how citizen interact with it in order to compete for first place in transparency.

Most importantly, the Legislature delivered the strongest accountability in state history when you sent to my desk legislation to reform five of our state’s largest agencies.

This action strengthened our budgeting oversight.

Time and time again, state agencies would ask you for more money as the solution.

But I’m here to tell you it’s not all about funding. It’s about focus. It’s about leadership.

Your reforms have allowed me to go recruit the best talent, to break down silos between agencies, and to deliver the Legislature with budgets that are results-oriented.

When good policy meets the right leadership, anything is possible!

Just look at what transpired in 2019 between two key agencies.

When I came into office, I was told that a change in our prison system wasn’t possible without an immediate injection of $1 billion dollars.

I was told the Pardon and Parole Board could not take on an increase in casework without more employees and more funding.

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I was told that it would be logistically impossible to accomplish a large commutation docket to give low-level, non-violent offenders a second chance.

What did we do? You passed better policy, and we changed leadership in both agencies.

As a result:

Pardon and Parole Board consolidated its investigators with Department of Corrections.

This streamlined the case work all while increasing it by 118% over 2018. They did this without a single dollar more.

The Department of Corrections launched its first-ever re-entry fairs across 28 facilities for individuals that were part of the HB 1269 commutation docket.

The idea originated from the First Lady, and it will become a permanent practice at the agency moving forward.

The number of Oklahomans in our state prisons declined by 7.6% from 2018. As a result, the number of those incarcerated is the lowest level since 2009. This is reducing the strain on our prison facilities and giving us the opportunity to reimagine the future of housing inmates.

And in conjunction, the Department of Corrections withdrew its year after year request for more than $1 billion in additional funding and submitted a FY’21 request that addresses the critical needs of tomorrow.

It is now time to complete this successful consolidation effort.

I am calling for the Legislature to protect the Constitutional mandate for Pardon and Parole Board appointments yet pass legislation that absorbs the remainder of the operations with Corrections.

Collaboration is already taking place, thanks to the leadership of Director Scott Crow and Director Steve Bickley. It is time we make this official in law to prevent future bureaucracy from creeping back in.

When government is working and is unified under one vision, we can change the lives of Oklahomans for the better.

236 Senate Journal

Here in the Chamber with us today is Tara. Tara is a mother of four children who was serving a 10-year sentence due to a relapse with a drug addiction.

Prior to her release, Tara met Chris Linder from Center for Employment Opportunities at the transition fair.

When she was commuted under the HB 1269 docket, Tara was immediately connected to sober housing at Exodus, began working a temporary job for CEO, and within a month of release was hired for a full-time position by a local Tulsa company where she is finding stability and opportunity again.

Tara, we believe in you. The State and our community partners want to help you keep a tight hold of the hope and future you and your family deserve.

Friends, agency consolidation must not stop there.

Sec. Tim Gatz has done an exceptional job leading both the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority.

Sec. Gatz is beginning the process of combining all back office and common functions into one shared service entity for both agencies.

We will maintain separate general management for unique functions, while streamlining operations that are duplicative in nature so we can deliver the highest quality of transportation possible.

We will operate with one, unifying vision for infrastructure as we continue to move towards Top Ten status. Thank you, Sec. Gatz, for your leadership.

When Oklahoma is in crisis, it is most often our Office of Emergency Management (OEM) that is at the center of restoring us back to normal.

OEM has the ability to call upon whatever resource it needs to help Oklahoma’s communities prevent, respond, or recover from a major crisis.

Homeland Security is a key part of that effort, proving valuable coordination to support our first responders.

By merging these two agencies, we will bolster response capabilities, streamline coordination, and leverage existing resources for stronger prevention programs.

As we prepare to recognize the 25th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing in April, we must continue to set the standard for our nation in how to respond to and manage crisis when tested by tragedy.

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Oklahomans deserve it and this merger will help us achieve that goal.

Thank you to OEM Director Mark Gower and Homeland Security Director Kim Carter who are committed to working with the Legislature to get this done right.

Some will cry that consolidation is disruptive. Let me be clear – it will-be for political insiders and those that find comfort in big bureaucracy.

But it is what we need to do to improve decision-making, deliver better accountability, and target dollars directly towards helping our citizens instead of paying for administrative bloat.

Oklahoma has the 20th highest land mass among states, the 28th largest population, and yet, we have the 9th most state agencies out of all 50 states. This is unacceptable.

There is no value to having more agencies than other states; it has not solved our Bottom Ten rankings in critical categories.

As we reduce bureaucracy, we must also provide necessary relief and enhanced opportunities for our dedicated public employees.

President Pro Tem and Representative Mike Osburn have already filed legislation to begin the conversation again on civil service reform.

It is time we get this done in 2020!

The state’s current civil service program is broken.

High quality employees are forced into a system that doesn’t maximize their professional growth and potential.

Agency leaders have their hands tied in who they can hire and promote due to outdated restrictions.

Today, I am calling for reform that requires all new hires in state government, moving forward, to be unclassified.

I am requesting language that allows agency directors discretion to offer bonuses, within the confines of their budgets, for employees to receive a promotion out of their restricted classified positions.

Through this attrition model, I am casting a vision for the majority of the State’s work force to be unclassified in the next five years.

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As part of civil service reform, I am calling for a 3-person panel in the Human Capital Management Department to maintain whistle blower protections and to provide due process to state employees who have serious grievances, whether these employees are classified or not.

Let’s make the state’s largest employer a place where we can hire the best; where we reward good performers; and where we are building a training ground for an exceptional workforce that can transition beyond public service if they so choose.

With a long-term focus on agency reform, we will lay a new, stronger foundation for the State of Oklahoma. Any policy that the Legislature sends to my desk to further this effort will be signed. This is how we will actually get the tax-dollar directly back to the citizen - through better services.

One of the most significant areas where we need reform is health care.

I just returned from Washington, D.C., where I stood with the Trump administration to announce that the State of Oklahoma will be pursuing new flexibilities through the Healthy Adult Opportunity.

With these new flexibilities, Oklahoma will begin the process in the coming weeks to rollout SoonerCare 2.0.

Under this reformed Medicaid program, we will seek to close the gap of those uninsured in Oklahoma.

We will deliver much-needed accountability in the Medicaid system to focus on rewarding health outcomes and stronger performance in care.

With HAO flexibility, we will deliver personal responsibility to new enrollees under SoonerCare 2.0.

We will seek to establish moderate premiums and work requirements.

We will encourage able-bodied adults to transition towards a path of maintaining private insurance and pursuing educational or employment opportunities that advances their full personal potential.

With HAO flexibility, we will seek to establish programs that enhance accessibility of health care in rural Oklahoma.

And we will seek to expand targeted treatment for opioid addiction and substance abuse.

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But I can’t do this without you.

Oklahoma is currently positioned to be the first in the nation to be granted the Trump administration’s waiver to achieve unprecedented flexibility and accountability in delivering Medicaid to adults.

No one who is currently eligible will lose coverage; actually, more than 180,000 Oklahomans would gain coverage under SoonerCare 2.0.

State Auditor Cindy Byrd is in the middle of auditing our Medicaid rolls, a request I filed last year. Her auditors expect to be done this spring, which will allow us to address abuse in the system and ensure that the reformed SoonerCare 2.0 will truly help those who need it the most.

But Washington needs to see support from the Oklahoma State Legislature to feel confident that this plan is on solid financial standing.

Today, I call on the House and the Senate to send to my desk legislation to give certainty that the Oklahoma Health Care Authority can use the full 4% of the SHOPP assessment to fund SoonerCare 2.0, while protecting reimbursements.

We must also reform TSET. Let’s protect the current corpus yet reallocate future funds towards improving the delivery of rural healthcare.

Help me keep Oklahoma #1 in competing for this new opportunity through the Trump administration.

Any other effort to enact a clean expansion of Medicaid, to include putting it in the State’s Constitution, will create significant restrictions.

With straight Medicaid Expansion, Oklahoma will be left with the same ineffective and unaccountable program that has failed to bring us out of Bottom Ten rankings.

The time is now to innovate, to focus on outcomes, and to make Oklahoma a national leader in the delivery of healthcare.

To make this sustainable, we must also move forward on significant reforms in the operations of our state health and human services agencies.

Did you know that Oklahoma has 10 different state agencies passing money through the Medicaid program in Oklahoma?

And 18 state entities that license health care facilities and providers?

240 Senate Journal

You cannot convince me that operating that many bureaucracies is an efficient way of doing business. And it has to change.

This is why I am calling for the Legislature to begin the process of creating one central health care agency.

Let’s partner together to fully integrate, by the year 2022, the functions of the State Department of Health, the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA), the Department of Mental Health, and others, as well as all of the state’s licensing boards that deal with health.

In addition, Oklahoma can no longer afford to be so far behind other states with regards to using and protecting health data.

Within the next couple months, we will select a vendor to establish a statewide Health Information Exchange (HIE).

This effort has been a long-time in the making and with the right leadership in place, more progress has been made in 10 months than in the last 10 years. Thank you OHCA Director Kevin Corbett and Secretary Jerome Loughridge.

A functional HIE will protect Oklahomans’ health records while ensuring these records are portable and accessible at all times, and I appreciate Senator Greg McCortney’s legislation that will enhance and protect the hard work underway in our agencies.

And this is just the beginning of health reform in Oklahoma.

Many of you in the Legislature are spearheading legislation that will help to create a better healthcare system across the board, to include legislation that will create pricing transparency for medical bills, and Representative Marcus McEntire’s legislation to put an end to surprise billing practices.

Thank you. Let’s continue to work together and push the envelope on improving health care delivery and outcomes for all 4 million Oklahomans.

In this administration, we will continue to focus on becoming Top Ten in education.

It is why the Legislature put more funding into the funding formula this school year, bringing the total taxpayer investment in common education to the largest in state history.

We will protect it. But we must also reform it by taking a hard look at our state’s funding formula.

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We should allow voters to unlock more local dollars. With reform, we must also address any mechanisms that are preventing tax dollars from getting directly to today’s classroom.

The path to Oklahoma’s future prosperity will be achieved by promoting the profession of teaching and focusing on students’ advancements and opportunities.

This is why the Legislature rallied last year to give our teachers a second year of much- deserved pay raises. I am glad to report that not only did districts give pay raises of at least $1,220 last year, but some went beyond, like Owasso Public Schools, where now a first- year teacher can expect a beginning compensation of $42,000.

It is why this Legislature continues to build a competitive and solvent Teacher Retirement System, by investing more than $300 million annually above the $750 million that taxpayers support through employee and employer contributions.

Our dedication will continue so that teachers know that when they retire, their pensions will be funded.

But more state revenue is not the answer alone.

We must also continue to recruit the best teachers and confront our teacher shortage. I support legislation that would direct the State Board of Education to issue a teaching certificate to anyone who holds a valid out-of-state teaching certification, with no other requirements except a criminal history record check.

This year, we must get across the finish line proven solutions to enhance learning opportunities for students.

Now is the time to raise the cap on the Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship to $30 million, to allow Oklahomans to be rewarded for investing their funds directly to our students and schools

In the Chamber, as my special guests, are Ms. Alegra Williams and her sixth- and eighth-grade sons, Chaves and Sincere.

Ms. Williams’ sons were struggling in school, making all C’s and D’s until she had the opportunity to enroll them in Crossover Preparatory Academy, a private all-boys school in north Tulsa.

Crossover prep was started as a key initiative to restore their community through education for young men. Crossover Prep is a tuition-free school because they believe that a child’s access to a quality education shouldn’t be dependent on their parent’s ability to afford it.

242 Senate Journal

In the boys’ first semester at Crossover, Chaves jumped three reading grade levels, and Sincere jumped two-and-a-half reading levels.

Chaves and Sincere, will you stand? And will everyone join me and their mom in applauding their hard work this year?

Chaves and Sincere were able to get the help they needed because of the Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship Act.

Increasing the tax credit cap will provide additional incentives for donors, resulting in more public-school grants and private-school scholarships.

Thank you to Senator Dave Rader and Representative Jon Echols for leading the charge.

Let’s work together to make sure all students at all schools have access to an innovative, enriching curriculum, regardless of ZIP code.

Because we believe in all students and helping them succeed, I am also launching a program this year called Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG).

JAG is a state-based national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who have serious barriers to graduation and employment.

In more than three decades of operation, JAG has delivered consistent, compelling results – helping more than one million young people stay in school through graduation, pursue postsecondary education and secure quality entry-level jobs leading to career advancement opportunities.

While we are on the topic of education, let me take a brief moment to address one critical matter.

In 2019, 1.3% of the common education funding came from the State’s exclusivity fees on Class III games on tribal casinos. These dollars, which are first deposited to the Oklahoma Education Reform Revolving Fund, equal roughly $130 million compared to public education’s total funding of $9.7 billion, as sourced by the 2019 School District Revenue Report.

The Model Gaming Compacts have been a success, greater than anyone predicted.

Unfortunately, we have an expired Model Gaming Compact, a compact in which notable tribes have previously called “dated” and “unsuitable” for current and future business.

First Legislative Day, Monday, February 3, 2020 243

After 5 offers from the State for all stakeholders to come together to modernize the Model Gaming Compact, three tribes instead sued the State on New Year’s Eve.

While we wait for the federal court’s decision, I am calling for the Legislature to join me in protecting public education. I am asking for legislation that will allow the remaining cash balance from 2019 and funds from the Revenue Stabilization Fund to be leveraged, if needed, to compensate for any temporary pause in Class III gaming fees.

As Governor, I remain supportive of the sovereignty of the State of Oklahoma and our right – and your duty as the Legislature – to oversee all industries operating in the State.

I also remain confident the State and Oklahoma’s tribes can hammer out a compromise that is a win-win for all four million Oklahomans, and we can accomplish this without putting public education in the crosshairs.

As I said last year, and it bears repeating, we need more taxpayers, not more taxes.

Everything we do has a dotted line back to growing our economy.

It is why my budget calls for the funding of the Closing Fund by another $3 million, as well as a $200 million financing plan with a majority prioritized towards rural roads and high-volume interchanges.

Oklahoma has moved from 49th to 13th in bridge conditions within 15 years, and while we work towards Top Ten in this critical category, we are going to start moving the needle on our ranking of super-two roads and pavement quality.

Oklahoma is the crossroads of America, and our roads are key to attracting future job creators whether it is to Altus, Enid, Broken Bow or in the heart of Tulsa.

Today, I am also filing an executive order to address Oklahoma’s excessive red tape.

Oklahoma’s administrative code is double the size of the state of Kansas and 20 percent more than Missouri and New Mexico.

My executive order will call for the first-ever comprehensive review of the State’s administrative code and will instruct agencies to remove two regulations for every new one created.

The intent is to reduce red tape by 25% in the next three years, providing relief to Oklahoma’s job creators and farmers and ranchers while also strengthening our recruitment efforts to diversify and grow Oklahoma’s economy.

244 Senate Journal

We must also continue our progress on occupational licensing reform.

Speaker Charles McCall and Senator made it a priority last year to reduce barriers to work for military families.

And Senator Julie Daniels and Rep. Zach Taylor passed meaningful second-chance legislation to expand occupational licensing opportunity for those who have previously encountered the justice system.

This year, let’s get universal licensing recognition across the finish line too. We can continue to make progress on economic prosperity when we remove unnecessary and antiquated barriers to entry.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Oklahoma is competing. Oklahoma is winning. Oklahoma is undergoing the Turnaround that voters demanded.

It may not be comfortable at times. It demands hard decisions and boldness. It requires long-term planning and commitment to one vision.

But we are making inroads that will last for generations… that will make us stronger… more prosperous… Top Ten.

There is no place I would rather be than Oklahoma.

There is no better team than the ones elected in this room.

There is no better time in our State’s history than now. Let’s do this together.

God bless you. And God bless the great State of Oklahoma.

Upon motion of Representative Echols, the Joint Session was ordered dissolved at the hour of 1:30 p.m.