WINTER WARM: Te Wharau School students are cosy in much-welcomed jackets accessed through the KidsCan scheme. Principal Steve Berezowski says a year ago there were as many as 120 kids away and one of the reasons was because of the cold. This year there were notably less and he put that down to the jackets and free school lunches. Proudly wearing their jackets are, back row (from left): Cleo Brenchley, Kylie Brightwell, Lillian Brunt and Cordai Wiperi. Front: Jimmi Wilson, Nevaeh Taukamo, Chanel Kinder, Tilly McKinteer and Naiyma Tuwairua-Brown. STORY ON PAGE 3 Picture by Liam Clayton

Vape shop accepts early exit from lease

by Jack Marshall They told him vaping was a problem in their Closed schools and a nearby vape store would only A VAPE store set up near three Gisborne exacerbate the problem. schools has closed before its doors opened for Following that meeting Mr Winkler offered business. Discount T an early exit from its six-year lease National vape retailer and the company accepted. Discount T was to open a store “I’m not the landlord that on the corner of Stanley and Common sense says, ‘you have a lease and Gladstone roads in the former has‘ prevailed and you’re stuck with it’,” he said. before office of Labour MP Kiri Allan. Mr Winkler said he was in a The location is diagonally reinforced a shared difficult position because he saw across the road from Gisborne sense of community and the arguments from a health Girls’ High and just down the responsibility beyond our perspective and the schools. road from Gisborne Boys’ High “From personal experience while Te Kura Kaupapa Maori schools... ’ I’ve had three really good o Horouta Wananga is on — Boys’ High principal friends give up smoking nearby Desmond Road. Andrew Turner through vaping and from a store It is understood thousands health point of view, it’s far of dollars were spent on fitting better than smoking. out the shop and from the outside, the store “My thoughts were that with vaping there looked ready to open. are plenty of regulations and age limits to stop After a story in The Gisborne Herald (June 4) underage people from buying the vapes. about opposition to the store — in particular its “But there are also issues with students vaping location — building owner Georg Winkler met at school so I can see there’s a problem there, with principals to hear about issues they have too.” opens with vaping. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3

GISBORNE RUATORIA WAIROA Local News ...... 1-5 Business ...... 11 Racing ...... 17-18 Television ...... 23 Births & Deaths ...4 Opinion ...... 12 Literature ...... 19 Sport ...... 24-28 9 771170 043005 TOMORROW National .... 6-10, 16 World...... 13-15 Classifieds ...... 22 Weather ...... 27 > 2 NEWS The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 Aurora show ‘a triumph’ by Jack Marshall

STUDENTS from schools around Tairawhiti donned costumes and busted out the marimbas for a special performance of the story of Whirikoka. Around 300 people turned up at Lawson Field Theatre to support the Aurora students and learn about Tairawhiti history. Makaraka School teacher Michelle Hall has been the drama specialist for Aurora for the last three years and was impressed with this year’s students. Aurora is a specialist education provider that works with talented students from 17 primary schools in the Tairawhiti region. “They’ve done a really good job. I’m really impressed with all of them,” Mrs Hall said. The students broke into groups and wrote sections of the script in two days, then Mrs Hall joined the sections together. After less than a week of rehearsals, the students brought the story to the stage. Mrs Hall said the students were constantly giving her ideas — where they could stand, move and when the music should play. “They drive the learning rather than me saying, ‘this is my idea and you’re going to do what I say.’ If I just gave them a script that I’d purchased from somewhere, I don’t think they would be able to put this together.” The story of Whirikoka came from kaumatua Charlie Pera, who gifted it to Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa, the organisation that represents the interest of Rongowhakata, Ngai Tamanuhiri and Te Aitanga a Mahaki. Runanga education manager Albie Gibson said it was a legend for future generations to learn from. WROTE, DIRECTED, STARRED: “Charlie asked if we could turn this into Aurora students wrote, helped direct a storybook for our schools because it has and starred in the Whirikoka play at some amazing aspects to it, teaching the next Lawson Field Theatre. generation about the ancestor Whirikoka.” Pictures by Liam Clayton In May, the students visited a pa restored by Marcus Lloyd above the Waipaoa River at here, and we got to learn how to play all the Whatatutu to see first-hand where the Whirikoka songs on the marimba and xylophone. legend took place. All the students spoken to said they Many of the students in the play had never wanted to continue acting. acted or played an instrument before. Aurora executive director Sunny Bush said Celia Willoughby was one of three actors who the play was an exciting and heartwarming played the taniwha. Her favourite part of the play opportunity to highlight the Aurora children’s was trying something different. brilliant talents to parents, whanau and the “It’s a new experience. I’ve never done it before. local community. Malia Cousins said learning to play an “We are all extremely proud of our instrument was a highlight. magnificent Aurora performers. The “Not many of us knew how to play instruments showcase was a triumph.” HAPPY MAORI NEW YEAR!

by Roger Handford such as Elsdon Best, many Maori, this time of year. especially those on the East Coast, Depending on the weather and a TODAY is the first time New awaited the sighting of the New clear sky, Matariki can just be seen Zealand officially marks the Maori Moon after the star cluster known now, however, the New Moon does not New Year, known as the time of as Matariki could be seen just before occur until July 10. Matariki. sunrise. Usually the crescent sliver can be The date was announced earlier in Known as the Pleiades by the seen two days after the astronomical the year by Prime Minister Jacinda ancient Greeks in the Northern timing of a New Moon — this year Ardern and the official celebration Hemisphere, here in the Southern on the 12th — in the fading glow of period lasts until July 11. Hemisphere, Matariki rises before sunset in the west. As recorded by early ethnographers the Sun low on the eastern horizon at This year, the New Moon joins with Mars and Venus in the evening sky for MATARIKI: This is a projected view of the Matariki star cluster in the evening a conjunction that would have been sky on July 12 from the astronomy/planetarium software SkySafari 6 Pro. noted as a sign by the learned men Astrophoto by Stephen Chadwick (tohunga) of the Maori. LOOKING AHEAD Get your FOCUS ON THE LAND Gisborne Herald • More pictures and comment from a successful East home-delivered Coast Angus Bull Week that netted $4.2 million for the black cattle alone including the nation’s top average and top price for the year. In the beginning • Prices and comment from the weekly sheep sale today at Matawhero, with 3000 head on offer. TOMORROW TOMORROW The Gisborne Herald, 64 Gladstone Road, P.O. Box 1143, Gisborne • Phone (06) 869 0600 • Fax (Editorial) (06) 869 0643 (Advertising) (06) 869 0644 Editor: Jeremy Muir • Chief Reporter: Andrew Ashton • Circulation: Cara Haines • Sports: Jack Malcolm/John Gillies To fi nd out more call 869 0620 e-mail: [email protected][email protected][email protected] • web site: www.gisborneherald.co.nz The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 NEWS 3 KidsCan’s generosity warms bodies and hearts at Te Wharau

FROM PAGE 1 “There will be a big brother/sister staying by Jack Marshall home because they can’t afford the bus. The little brother/sister might stay home, MORE students at Te Wharau School are too.” beating the winter cold and making it to Ms Donaldson says the support Te the classroom, thanks to warm clothes and Wharau gets from KidsCan is “amazing.” healthy food provided by KidsCan. “We’re really lucky because we’ve been “This time last year we would have in the KidsCan scheme for a number of had 110 or 120 kids away with a day like years so we can access jackets and shoes.” today,” principal Steve Berezowski said on Te Wharau is in line to get new softshell NOT OPEN FOR BUSINESS: Wednesday in reference to the wet weather jackets for all its children, which she says The frontage of a controversially-located vape store on outside. will make a huge difference. Stanley Road suggested it was set to open, however, after talking to principals from It was the coldest day of the year, with Having the support ensures school is nearby schools, the landlord offered the store owners an early exit from their lease and snow falling on the Wharerata hills. a safe place for children where they are they accepted. Picture by Rebecca Grunwell “We would’ve had a huge amount more warm, dry and fed.“Everyone loves these away in the past if we didn’t have the jackets. It’s a real positive.” jackets and the lunches. I saw a lot of kids KidsCan chief executive Julie Chapman today arriving with their KidsCan jackets says teachers around New Zealand see Schools happy with decision and there were a lot more wearing shoes children in shoes patched with cardboard, than there would have been in the past. tape and staples. Socks have become “a “That’s the sort of benefit we see from luxury” for some. FROM PAGE 1 “We are very happy with this decision having support from KidsCan.” “Winter is the toughest time of year for a and we appreciate Georg’s response in this Instead of 120, there were only 70 child living in poverty. Many live in freezing The Herald posted the story on its matter,” Girls’ High principal Jan Kumar students away from school, and of those, homes where hot food and warm clothes Facebook page. Many commenters were said. only 11 were unjustified. are scarce. outraged but others saw the store as a “This is a great outcome for our “It’s my role in life to get those numbers “That puts extra pressure on schools and legitimate business. students,” down,” deputy principal Sharelle Donaldson early childhood centres because children “Vapes are an R18 product. It’s no Boys’ High principal Andrew Turner said, can’t function if they are cold or hungry.” different to the two dairies right by Girls’ agreed. Mr Berezowski said reasons for students KidsCan is expanding its programmes High that sell cigarettes,” one commenter “Common sense has prevailed and missing school were numerous. but struggling to keep up with demand. said. reinforced a shared sense of community “There will be a number that are sick. “We need help to reach those children Mr Winkler said he was disappointed and responsibility beyond our schools for Then, with the rain and the cold, there will on our waitlist who are in desperate need the company did not provide a comment future generations.” be some (parents/guardians) that don’t of support.” for The Herald’s first article and he felt he Mayor Rehette Stoltz was also pleased want their kids outside in that weather and Ms Chapman says education is their became the spokesperson for Discount T at the result. they can’t drive them to school. pathway out of poverty, so it is vital they when he was only the landlord. “It is great when we as a community “For some families it is because their car make it to school. “Vaping can be a way for people to get come together to work as a team to protect is out of petrol or not working.” “We want every Kiwi kid to feel full, warm over smoking so I was really disappointed our children. Due to Ministry of Education regulations, and happy this winter.” Discount T didn’t speak for themselves,” “We received huge support from free bus rides are only for high school Donating $30 a month keeps a child Mr Winkler said. community members, concerned parents, students who live more than 4.8km from warm and dry this winter. Go to www. The principals of Gisborne Girls’ High our business community, as well as from their school. kidscan.org.nz and Boys’ High were pleased with the turn the schools, and I want to thank everyone of events. for their input. Ka mau te wehi.” $1M FRAUD FALLOUT ‘We have had to hire lawyers and fight tooth and nail, right to the last cent’

GISBORNE couple Tony and Jenny File Mr Peach and Ann Hollis were also them into thinking she was a trustworthy Tony File Roofing and put into her secret hold little hope of ever recovering any named as respondents in the Files’ civil employee — even a friend. bank account. money from a woman who stole nearly claim. They relied on her for three months as “She took her daughters to that show $1 million from them while employed as Ann Hollis settled for an undisclosed Mr File’s brother suffered terminal cancer. while she was awaiting the court case. their part-time office administrator. sum, believed to be less than $100,000. She attended his funeral, having “And then she put a lovely little post Katarina Cherie Hollis, 40, was jailed The court heard nothing from either already embezzled $63,000 of the on Facebook saying, ‘hope everyone else last February for three years and nine Mr Peach or Katarina Hollis. The court’s company’s funds. is having fun in Gisborne’, with a picture months after admitting she made 391 decision in respect of them was based on She stood by as the business faltered of them in a VIP lounge with the other fraudulent transactions over three and formal proof. due to her continued offending and motorbike riders. a half years, ultimately transferring It was known that during the offending watched the Files struggle to pay their “How can a person be that grotesque?” $969,513 from Tony File Roofing Limited’s period, Hollis paid a total of $14,585.50 staff and creditors negotiating with banks Mr File said his whole family were accounts to her own. from her accounts into Mr Peach’s to extend their overdrafts and selling upset they had trusted this woman and The Files recently won a civil lawsuit account. assets, including land on which they her partner. entitling them to pursue repayment However, the Files’ counsel conceded planned to build their retirement home. “But you just have to carry on.” from Hollis despite her declaring herself only $7500 of that could be traced to Mr File, 66, yesterday told The Mrs File said they firmly believed Mr bankrupt in June last year. the Files. The court ruled the Files Gisborne Herald he did not anticipate Peach and Hollis were paying mortgage At her sentencing, Hollis told the were entitled to claim that amount plus getting one cent out of Hollis. payments to Ann Hollis, not rent. court she had no means to repay any of interest. If Mr Peach and Ann Hollis repaid any “We were told on many occasions by what she stole — a claim Judge Warren It also ruled they could claim the full of the money it would still mean he and Peach, while he was working for us, that Cathcart said “staggered” him. amount Hollis stole plus interest from his wife had received less than 10 percent it was their house and he was paying There seemed no reason for the her. of what was taken from them. mortgage payments to Ann Hollis because offending other than “insatiable greed” In December, the Files were granted Mr File said he and his wife, 63, had to they had been bankrupt and were unable and a desire by Hollis to be seen as leave to continue proceedings against her fight hard for what they were awarded to get a loan. someone she was not, Judge Cathcart despite her declaration of bankruptcy. through the civil proceedings. “So Ann Hollis had taken a loan out for said. Hollis was employed by Tony File “We have had to hire lawyers, and fight them. Now they deny it was their house The Files told the court Hollis had not Roofing in 2015. She worked 20 hours tooth and nail, right to the last cent. and say they have been paying rent. apologised and seemed content to “do the a week and was paid $500 to $600. Her “It’s gut-wrenching that anyone could “They turned it around when the crap time” rather than repay them. offending was discovered in August of do something that severe to another hit the fan, saying it was an investment They believed much of their money 2019 by an accountant doing the annual human being. No one has voluntarily property and belonged to Ann Hollis. went on improvements to a property, bookwork. given any money back.” “So why did Hollis build a salon and which Hollis told the court was rented During her tenure the Files were Mr File remembers when Hollis bought a garage with our money if the property by her and partner Jason Peach (the preparing to retire. They planned to sell tickets to a motorbike show in . wasn’t theirs? company’s contract manager). the business to Hollis and Mr Peach. She bought them after she had pleaded “Same goes for all the landscaping and But the property is in Hollis’ mother They have since sold it to Edwards and guilty and was awaiting the case to come decks that were built. Ann Marie Hollis’s name and the Files Hardy Roofing Ltd, for whom Mr File now to court, he said. “We saw the mortgage payments on say the couple were making mortgage works as a consultant. “We proved that she bought those Peach’s bank statement, which said payments on it. The Files told the court Hollis duped tickets from money she had stolen from mortgage.” 4 NEWS The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021


ORMOND, Alexander ‘Very good’ sale for new Thomas (Alec). – Passed away peacefully, in his own bed, on Wilencote studmaster Sunday 27 June 2021, and our hearts broke. by Murray Peter and Susie, who the district. Loving husband of Robertson earlier this year, with “It’s been a wonderful his sweetheart Pepi his wife Megan, took week and the success (Anne). Much loved THE bull sales in over the operation of of it says so much Dad of Dudley and the region ended with the stud. about the quality of Norma, Debra and Maehe, Donna and a near sell-out sale at “It was a very East Coast cattle, of all Byron, Barney and Wilencote Herefords good sale for us, very breeds.” Tania, Megan and Mick. at Ngatapa yesterday successful,” Matt said. Sale details: Poututu Adored Papa of Anton, afternoon when 20 of “It’s certainly looking Station $15,000, $10,000; Ruby, Hannah and Bella, their young bulls went very positive for the Mangatoitoi Station Whetu and Thomas, to new homes. future of the stud and $15,500, $13,000; Ascot Alec, Steven, Bayley Their bulls sold in we’ve got a good lineup Station $7500, $10,000, and Patricia, Logan the stud’s on-farm sale of bulls coming through $4500; Sunworth Ltd and Charlie, Bella and realised an average of for next year. $15,000; Farmabull Trust Sophie. Loving Papa to $9500. “Hopefully there $9000, $4500, $4500; his mokomoko, Alexis, The top priced animal will be a better season Gisborne Paddock Karter and Kohi, Kodi sold for $16,000, and weather-wise heading Account $6000, $4500; and Wolf, Chase and eight others also went into the pre-sale period.” Waitangi Terrace Station Qorah. We know you for five figures. His father Peter said $10,000; DV Maxwell P/ LOOKING AHEAD: Wilencote Herefords at Ngatapa got 20 of their R2 are now reunited and bulls away yesterday for a solid $9500 average. The sale marked the in the arms of family. It was the first sale in his opening remarks ship $16,000; Te Ruanui Sleep easy until we meet for new Wilencote that it had been an $6500 $4500; JB Byrne changeover of operation with Matt Humphries, son of Peter and Susie, again. studmaster Matt extremely exciting week P/ship $8000; Papuni now running the stud, with his wife Megan. Father and son are pictured. Alec’s funeral service Humphreys, the son of for the cattle industry in Station $9000, $12,500. Picture by Paul Rickard was held today, Friday 2 July at 11am, followed by his final ride to rest beside his much missed Relief at success for Mokairau Herefords moko Anton at Mahia Beach Urupa. Pickering Funeral by Murray Robertson BETTER AVERAGE: Mokairau Services Herefords at Whangara Funeral Directors MOKAIRAU Herefords at Whangara achieved a top price of Wairoa FDANZ lifted their average in their sale on-farm $10,000 in their on farm sale www.pickeringfd.co.nz yesterday when 23 rising two-year-old yesterday morning. Lot 6 sold bulls changed hands for an average of for $10,000 to Poututu Station. $7391. The sale opened with an $8000 Prices ranged from $4500 to three of purchase for Lot 1. the line-up going for $10,000 each. Picture by Paul Rickard “They were a nice line of cattle and bit further forward (developed) than we’ve seen in the past,” auctioneer Neville Clark said in his pre-auction remarks. The sale drew a good size, near- capacity bench of would-be buyers and supporters. Chopper “It was a neat and tidy sale that ticked along nicely,” Mr Clark said, “It was a healthy sale with the cattle “Last year 14 of our bulls sold to supported us.” Farming Ltd $8500, $8000; picks up representing pretty good value for what properties that are no longer farmed, so Sale details: EJ Gordon PGG Wrightson $6000, $4500; Paroa was on offer.” basically half our catalogue. Livestock $8000, $7000; St Leger Station $7500; DW Roberts $7500; chopper Studmaster Peter Reeves said it was a They were happy with the result and $10,000, $9000; Fernside Station Riverflat Family Trust $4500; Raroa good result for the Reeves family. that it was a better sale and average than $7500,$5500,$6000,$6000; Poututu Station after “I cannot express my relief now that last year, he said. Station $10,000; R Langlands Livestock $8000, $6000; Timperlea Downs $8000; mishap we’ve got a result. “Our thanks to all those who have $9000; Treble B Trust $7000; Te Aroha Te Runanga o Turanganui a Kiwa $6500. with chainsaw Powerful performances THE Tairawhiti Rescue Helicopter flew a Ruatoria man to Gisborne Evolution’s latest deserves the heat of an audience Hospital on Wednesday morning after he had been REVIEW by Mark Peters father and that Laura will not find character she has a particularly the 2015 East Coast Shakespeare injured with a a husband. She wants the best for challenging part to play. Sometimes festival Krutz wanted the audience chainsaw while THIS is a memory play, narrator/ her children but smothers them referred to as crippled and peculiar, to feel “‘that’s strange and not quite cutting firewood. character Tom Wingfield tells with that want. Laura’s childhood illness has left right’ because they will remember The chopper crew the audience at the beginning of A faded Southern belle, Amanda her with a limp, and she has a that”. Jim is not that character were called out at Tennessee Williams’ powerfully recalls the halcyon days of mental fragility that isolates her but the pain of the micro-second around 10.40 that poignant work, The Glass gentleman callers and craves a from the outside world. Fawcett of happiness he brings to Laura morning. Menagerie. It is also a play gentleman to call on Laura in the brings out Laura’s sweetness, is powerful. Krutz’s character “He was treated driven by language in the way hope her future will be secured by hyper-sensitivity and vulnerability. is confident, even patronising, initially by a St Shakespeare, Samuel Beckett marriage. She is comfortable in the apartment but flawed, and he plays Jim’s John ambulance and William Faulkner’s writing is Working through a brush alone with her mother, brother ambiguous part with apparent ease. crew from Ruatoria language-driven. with laryngitis Boyce not only and the world she has created in As Stevens recently said, this is a and then by our Cast as Tom in Evolution Theatre championed the tenet “the show her collection of glass figurines. play that stabs you in the heart and paramedic, and then Company’s, Dinna Myers-directed must go on” but the strain in her But Fawcett does not overtly play keeps stabbing. Metaphorically, of he was flown to production, Andrew Stevens seems voice on opening night underlined out the “peculiarity” of Laura’s course. Myers’ production does that, hospital,” a chopper to effortlessly plumb the rhythms of the flawed matriarch’s desperate mental state until she talks with and writers particularly will love spokesman said. the language and its Southern lilt hope for success and happiness the workmate Tom brings home, this play, and Evolution Theatre’s “The man, aged in a rich, sometimes deliberately for her children. While Boyce as instructed by his mother. In professionally paced production. in his late 20s, had supercilious, tone. brings gut-wrenching pathos to that moment, her confusion is But at last night’s opening night suffered a moderate Tom, like the young Tennessee her character’s relationship with powerfully clear. performance something was injury to the lower Williams, is an aspiring writer Laura, the brother/sister connection Tyler Krutz returns to the stage missing. part of one of his who supports his former socialite between Stevens’ and Fawcett’s as Tom’s workmate and gentleman You. legs.” mother Amanda and sister Laura characters is a strong undercurrent. caller Jim, and brings with him The Glass Menagerie is an The accident (Scarlett Fawcett), whose lameness The sibling comedy in subtly his distinctive stage presence. intimate play that pushes through happened at and mental fragility means she mimicking Amanda as she retells Like Tom, Jim has ambitions and the fourth wall, that imaginary a house in the lives in her own little world within one of her well-worn golden-days with an eye on future America partition between stage and Ruatoria area. the claustrophobic apartment. stories plays against the wrench to is studying electronics and audience, and these actors need, in He was treated Amanda, played with overbearing come. Tom is a devoted brother but public speaking as part of a self- such an intimate theatre space, the in the Emergency but tragic eloquence by Elizabeth is burning to follow his ambition. improvement programme. heat of an audience to feed their Department at the Boyce, fears Tom will become a Because Fawcett has to A confident actor, Krutz is well fine performances. hospital. drunkard like his long-absent internalise much of Laura’s cast for the role. As Iachimo in Be that audience. The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 NEWS 5 DISTRICT COURT NEWS DrainWise work credited for KRISTIAN Haami Nepe-Mikara, 27, to appear. forest worker, pleaded guilty to assault on The charges arose out of an incident a person in a family relationship and four in Whakatane when Young, then 18, sewer valves staying closed charges of wilful damage — some of the approached a man for a cigarette. The man charges arising from incidents in Hamilton. gave him a credit card with which to go The case was transferred to the Family and purchase some. by Alice Angeloni stormwater in the wastewater and flow electronic monitoring Harm Intervention Court where it will In an affidavit, Young told the court it network can cause sewage devices that greatly helped identify be called on September 28. Mikara was crossed his mind the card might have been GISBORNE’S sewer valves were overflows into the rivers and sea. problematic issues and resolve the further remanded on bail. stolen but he used it anyway going within close to opening but didn’t during The council launched the Turenne Street sewer problems. an hour to two service stations and buying heavy rain that fell in Tairawhiti and DrainWise programme in 2016 to However towels, fat and wet A MAN charged with obscene exposing cigarettes valued at $262. caused flooding on reduce wastewater overflows on to wipes were still a problem, Mr West himself in public and theft (under $500) The judge accepted counsel Holly the East Coast. properties and into the city’s rivers. said. was further remanded on bail to appear Tunstall’s submissions the offending Gisborne District Over the past two years, the team “We have seen up to again on August 19. was low end and Young was genuinely Council 4 Waters had helped fix more than 400 low 450-millimetre diameter sewer infrastructure and broken gully traps and removed mains being partially or fully The adjournment was to enable newly- remorseful. manager Neville about 50 household roof downpipes blocked. assigned counsel Heather Vaughn the Young, still a teenager, was yet to West credits the going directly into the sewer. “The 3 P’s (paper, pee, poo) is opportunity to apply for her client, Gabrielle decide on his career path but had not DrainWise team for Stormwater improvements on still a very important message but Collier, to be discharged without conviction. been sitting idle, the judge said. He had the work done to reduce sewage private properties minimised or it’s only part of the problem. The charges were previously transferred embarked on a number of polytechnic overflows into the rivers and sea. eliminated surface flooding that “We need the community to on guilty pleas from Palmerston North to courses in Ruatoria and gained certificates “We had 120mm over the two ended up going down low and play their part on this journey of Gisborne. in agriculture, forestry, and carpentry. days and previously this might have broken gully traps. overflow reduction. Collier exposed himself to a woman he He was now also considering pursuing a required us to open our overflow The team upgraded 17 of the “People can help by not using approached early one morning while she career in carving or tattooing. valves,” Mr West said of the rain most critical sewer pump stations the sewer as a rubbish bin, was in her vehicle. She dropped her jacket, It was evident Young had enormous event on June 19 and 20. with modern adaptive cutter pumps. repairing their gully traps and which he picked up (the theft charge). It potential. Convictions for these matters “Although we were close at “This includes the Wainui and managing stormwater on properties was later recovered. could impact his future prospects. As points, we’re pleased we didn’t Childers Rd sewer pump stations so it doesn’t go into the sewer per the legal test, the consequences of need to. where we have noted a 20-fold system — especially downpipes Judge Turitea Bolstad granted an conviction would be out of all proportion to “It’s been a long road but the improvement, 2000 percent, in the going directly into gully traps.” application for a discharge without the gravity of the offending, the judge said. network is certainly performing a lot stations’ ability not to block and fail The council could provide advice conviction to Tuhou Young, 19, who She ordered Young to make reparation better these days.” at critical high-flow times. and help residents work through pleaded guilty to receiving, two counts of for the cigarettes, which he said he had During heavy rain, too much They installed additional level any issues, Mr West said. using a document, and a charge of failing since smoked.

If this technology works the way we‘ think it will . . . not only will we Cannabis testing be able to revolutionise our own cultivation practices, Rua will be well placed to develop and market world- class agritech for the global cannabis industry ’ ‘game-changer’ —Rua Bioscience CEO Rob Mitchell

A TWO-YEAR joint research programme could pave the way for Gisborne-based medicinal cannabis company Rua Bioscience into the agritech sector. Rua Bioscience and the University of Waikato have announced what they describe as a potential game-changing joint project investigating the application of hyperspectral technology to the cultivation and assessment of medicinal cannabis. Commentators expect the cannabis testing industry to be worth NZ$2.5 billion by 2025, Rua Bioscience said in a HYPERSPECTRAL: Near Infrared (NIR) statement. false image of Rua Bioscience cannabis “Current analytical methods present buds and leaves, demonstrating the significant challenges for commercial spectral reflectance technology in action. cannabis growers. Testing requires the Picture supplied destruction of some product, is expensive and the turn-around of results means cannabis value chain. delays in decision-making.” “If this technology works the way Researchers at Rua Bioscience and we think it will, as suggested by the the University of Waikato hope real-time pilot study, not only will we be able monitoring using hyperspectral imaging to revolutionise our own cultivation will change all that, with the potential to practices, Rua will be well-placed to transform the way the global medicinal develop and market world-class agritech cannabis industry qualifies, assesses and for the global cannabis industry. INSPECTING: A Callaghan Innovation scientist works with hyperspectral technology. manages its crops. “This will take time, but we expect it Rua hopes to develop a mobile version of this technology for use in the field in real- Hyperspectral technology involves to enhance Rua’s competitive position time without destroying any product. Picture supplied imaging that collects and processes and contribute to future revenue information from across the visible and opportunities.” support the instant analysis of key growth remotely identify plant pests, diseases and near-infrared spectrum. The ultimate aim of the technology is factors, including lighting, humidity and optimal harvest times across an entire Screening methods using hyperspectral to support the cultivation of consistently nutrient levels. cannabis crop in real-time.” imaging are increasingly used in precision high-quality crops. The partnership follows work led by University of Waikato research and agriculture to determine optimal harvest Rua Bioscience chief research officer Dr University of Waikato Associate Professor enterprise director Dr Simon Lovatt says timings, detect pests and diseases and the Jessika Nowak says growers of medicinal Dr Melanie Ooi, Unitec Institute of New Zealand has a strong reputation for chemical profile of living plants. cannabis often encounter variations in the Technology senior lecturer Wayne Holmes agritech globally and there is exciting However, due to tight legal restrictions quality of cannabinoid production. and Rua Bioscience. potential for this project. on cannabis cultivation, little work has “In a tightly controlled and regulated A collaborative study showed the “With support of the university’s been done to test the technology on pharmaceutical environment, variations technology could successfully identify commercialisation arm WaikatoLink, we cannabis crops, the company said. are unacceptable,” she said. structural features of the cannabis plant. have brought together some outstanding “The two-year proof-of-concept project “Testing is therefore critical and needs The pilot study determined the Kiwi researchers, each with extensive aims to develop and prototype an to be extensive, but there is currently technology could further support the expertise in agritech, to advance this automated, near-infrared imaging system no cost-effective, commercially-viable assessment of compounds produced from project. It’s exciting to work with Dr that will enable the on-site assessment technology that instantly assesses the medicinal cannabis flower. Nowak and Rua Bioscience to develop this of individual cannabis plants in real-time consistency of an entire crop. Dr Ooi believes applying this technology ground-breaking technology.” without destroying any product.” “We expect an advanced sensor system to cannabis would be a New Zealand Rua’s research team have programmed Rua Bioscience chief executive Rob like this to improve crop quality and first and could be a game-changer for the the project for the next two years. Dr Mitchell says it is encouraging to advance consistency and support agile, real-time industry. Ooi’s research is partly supported by the a project so well aligned with the plant management decision-making.” “It is a world-leading initiative. To our University of Waikato and the Rutherford company’s intellectual property strategy, Dr Nowak hopes such a tool will enable knowledge, no other group has looked at Discovery Fellowship. which focuses on identifying long-term growers to target specific parts of the using hyperspectral imaging technology The project has also received funding opportunities right across the medicinal cannabis plant, such as the flower, and to measure quality growth factors or from Unitec. 6 NATIONAL NEWS The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 US slams New Zealand for not Shadbolt indicates resignation question at council was a prank combatting human trafficking INVERCARGILL — Invercargill another three or four terms”. Mayor Sir Tim Shadbolt is Council chief executive Clare WASHINGTON — The US has on such penalties will not be on “serious and sustained” suggesting his question about an Hadley was present at the June 21 hit out at New Zealand, officially made until later this year. initiatives to combat trafficking, early retirement was a joke, but a meeting but said she did not wish to downgrading us for our weak “It’s a global crisis, it’s an including a decrease in councillor present at the meeting comment on the matter. prison sentences for child sex enormous source of human investigations and prosecutions says no-one was laughing. “That’s a question you’d want to traffickers and lack of prosecution suffering,” Blinken said, citing of perpetrators, and severe At a June 21 risk and assurance ask the other councillors who were for labour trafficking. estimates that almost 25 million understaffing at its only committee meeting, Sir Tim asked at the meeting. I’m involved in the The Biden administration people, many of them women and authority directly charged with what would happen if he were administration of the meeting, not yesterday designated 17 countries children, are victims. “This crime dealing with the matter. to resign — a question which is whether it’s interesting, tedious, or as not doing enough to combat is an affront to human rights. It’s The report cited US treaty ally understood to have come against anything else,” Hadley said. human trafficking and warned an affront to human dignity.” New Zealand for not initiating the flow of conversation. Most councillors contacted them of potential US sanctions. Newcomers to the Tier 3 any prosecutions for labour The mayor has since taken about the question and subsequent The administration also called category are Malaysia and trafficking and weak prison to social media to say he asked social media post either could out several US allies and friends, Guinea-Bissau, both of which sentences for child sex traffickers the question during a “tedious” not be reached or did not wish to including Israel, New Zealand, had been on a watchlist for a that “significantly weakened committee meeting and enjoyed comment. Norway, Portugal and Turkey, for downgrade for three years and deterrence, undercut efforts to seeing the reactions of those “To me it’s Tim’s rhetoric, and backsliding in their efforts. were ineligible to avoid the hold traffickers accountable, and present. he’s indulged to say what he wants, The designations came in designation because they had did not adequately address the “It was amusing to break the but really I’m not that interested,” Cr the State Department’s annual failed to take steps to improve nature of the crime”. tedium and watch the looks of Ian Pottinger said. “Trafficking in Persons” report, their anti-human trafficking The report criticised NATO ally unadulterated joy on certain But a leading local government which cited the coronavirus efforts. Norway for not prosecuting any faces. Sorry Councillor Mayoral specialist said the mayor’s pandemic as a cause for a surge They join Afghanistan, Algeria, human trafficking cases during contenders — I am not going comments fed the flames over in human slavery between 2020 Burma, China, Comoros, Cuba, the reporting period and charging anywhere!” he said in a Facebook speculation about the mayor’s and 2021. Eritrea, Iran, Nicaragua, North people suspected of the crime post. ability to fulfil his expected role. The report covering 188 Korea, Russia, South Sudan, with lesser offences. But one councillor, who did not Massey University senior lecturer nations and territories said the Syria, Turkmenistan and Fellow NATO member Portugal wish to be named, said there was Dr Andy Asquith said Sir Tim had outbreak had put millions more Venezuela in the worst offender was hit for failing to improve no glee at Sir Tim’s statement, more contributed “a hell of a lot” to people at risk for exploitation category. Most of those countries victim identification and lacking shock at what had been asked. Invercargill but needed to know and distracted some governments are already subject to US legal safeguards to protect It is understood the question was when to call time. “ from efforts to stem human sanctions for other reasons. trafficking victims. And, in the answered with a response around In the event of an early trafficking. The report classified Meanwhile, six valued US first such criticism of a NATO the protocol of a by-election. resignation, two options were the 17 mostly authoritarian partners and friends — Cyprus, ally, Turkey was specifically Now in his ninth term as mayor of available to the council. nations as “Tier 3” for failing to Israel, New Zealand, Norway, cited for providing “operational, Invercargill, pressure has mounted If a mayor resigned within a year meet minimal standards to stop Portugal and Switzerland — were equipment, and financial support” on Sir Tim in the past year on the of the next election, the council what Secretary of State Antony downgraded from the top Tier 1 to an armed militia in Syria that back of a damning independent could appoint an acting mayor in Blinken called an “inhumane category to Tier 2. That means recruits child soldiers. Turkey review, driver licence suspension their place. cycle of discrimination and they don’t meet international and 14 other nations, including and ongoing issues with councillors If the resignation occurred injustices”. standards for fighting trafficking Afghanistan and Pakistan, were and staff. outside that window, a by-election The designation means that but are making significant hit with the same designation, Sir Tim has maintained he is still must be held. The next round of without a presidential waiver efforts to do so. No penalties are which can result in the loss of US the best person for the job, saying local body elections is set for those countries could lose some attached to a Tier 2 designation. military training assistance. last month he could “probably do October 8 next year. — NZ Herald US assistance, although decisions Israel was cited for backsliding — Agencies via NZ Herald Next steps for Maori co-governance unveiled

AUCKLAND — Maori self- some aspects, such as a separate Maori aspirations and debate our future. determination will be “something that Parliament, they were not ruling anything “It will be something that brings us brings us together as a country”, Maori out. together as a country. Development Minister Willie Jackson says “It is about the opportunity to have a “The Declaration was never meant to as he unveils the next steps for Aotearoa korero.” divide us. It is not a tool for separatism. It to realise its international obligations to New Zealand signed up to the is not something to be afraid of. “ HOPES FOR MAORI: Maori Development indigenous peoples. Declaration in 2010 through then- Cabinet had signed off a two-step Minister Willie Jackson says Maori self- Speaking at his marae in Tamaki Maori Affairs Minister and Maori Party process, beginning with targeted determination to ‘bring us together’ as he Makaurau, Nga Whare Waatea, Jackson co-leader Pita Sharples, under a National- engagement over the next few months revealed the next steps to meeting UN announced by the end of 2022 the led government. with key iwi and significant Maori Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Government would have signed off on a Jackson said today’s announcement was organisations on how they wish to be People. File picture plan to implement the United Nations continuing that cross-partisan work. involved. part of it.” Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous “It’s appropriate we’re at my marae, a This will be followed by wide public National leader Judith Collins said Peoples (UNDRIP) — the first in the cultural focal point for South Auckland consultation with New Zealanders on a questions of constitution were not simply world to have done so. Maori, to discuss a Declaration plan. draft Declaration plan, with consultation to be had between Maori and the Crown. It comes after a heated few months in “For over 30 years Nga Whare Waatea next year with the aim to have it signed “New Zealand is not made up of just Parliament after opposition parties leaked Marae has been a place for the local off at the end of 2022. Pakeha and Maori. We are multi-cultural Government-commissioned document community to come together to plan for “The time is right to develop a plan and all of us have a stake in this country. He Puapua, produced in 2019 to advise the future.” that measures our progress in advocating “I challenge Minister Jackson to extend how New Zealand could realise its He spoke of the kura, radio station, for Maori in real and meaningful ways,” his consultation on these matters to all commitments under the Declaration. Whanau Ora, Youth programmes, Jackson said. New Zealanders so this can be something It included a roadmap to 2040 by which domestic violence programmes, restorative “This must reflect New Zealand and it’s all New Zealanders contribute to. By time it envisages various co-governance justice, Marae justice, food bank — all on an important conversation for us to all making this a matter for Maori alone, he and Maori-run arrangements to address the marae grounds “where we exercise have together as a nation. is fostering more division.” the huge inequities currently facing self-determination”, Jackson said. New Zealand is one of 148 countries Jackson defended speaking to Maori Maori. “However, I know for many people who that support the Declaration. Canada first, given it was about indigenous rights These include a separate Maori have never been to a marae like this, who recently backed the Declaration with in the first place. Parliament or upper house, health and may not be Maori — coming here can be legislation and will have a plan in place He said it was “disappointing” National justice systems, further return of Maori scary. within two years. was attacking the process given it had assets including foreshore and seabed, “But I can assure you — once you walk Globally there is increased momentum signed New Zealand up originally. He and recognition of cultural rights and through the gates you will be welcomed, to improve outcomes for indigenous denied the Government had kept the equity. you become part of what we have here peoples in areas such as health, education, process quiet deliberately. It was not Government policy, but and you will see, like many visitors before and housing, Jackson said. “Doing nothing might have been an National and Act labelled its Maori- you, see that we have so much in common “This Government is focused on option not to get criticism from the focused initiatives as “separatist” and and share a belief in making Aotearoa the improving the wellbeing of Maori right, but doing nothing for us is not a accused the Government of a hidden best country for all our children and our communities, addressing inequity issues principled way to go. agenda. whanau to belong to. for Maori and fulfilling our obligations “It is not binding, and a lot of the work Jackson said this was not the case, “Like Nga Whare Waatea, the under Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and this is one has already been done. But it is important rather the report was “a collection of Declaration can be a bit scary when you part of that mahi,” Jackson said. New Zealand is at the forefront of this, ideas, suggestions aspirations and hopes first look through its gates. Act Party leader David Seymour said we are often used as an example around for Maori — something to add to our “But once we talk about it together, the consultations should take place with the world in terms of race relations and discussions”. wananga, and even argue back and all New Zealanders immediately, rather indigenous rights. Speaking to reporters after the forth about it — it will become a place than just Maori. “We have work to do, but the indigenous announcement Jackson said while the where talking about self-determination is “If there’s to be a constitutional experience and the partnership here is Government had made clear its views on welcomed, a place where we can share our conversation, everybody deserves to be something to be proud of.” — NZ Herald The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 NATIONAL NEWS 7 ‘We could have been clearer’ Govt concedes vaccine timeline issues by Derek Cheng, NZ Herald issue. more money at Pfizer: “That would Many people over 65 have also have been unethical, trying to WELLINGTON — Covid-19 been frustrated at being unable to effectively bribe our way to get Response Minister Chris Hipkins get vaccinated, while more than more earlier. It’s just not the way says the Government has done 50,000 people in Group 4 have we operate as a Government.” all it can to get as many Pfizer been able to get their first jabs. New Zealand has purchase vaccine doses as soon as possible Hipkins said the Government deals for three other vaccines — but throwing more money at could have also made it clear to — Janssen, AstraZeneca and the pharmaceutical giant to jump those in Group 3 most of them Novavax — and if shipments of the queue would be “unethical”. wouldn’t get vaccinated until the them had arrived with Medsafe In an exclusive interview with second half of the year. approval already granted, more The New Zealand Herald, Hipkins “We certainly could have been jabs could have made their way also conceded that many 65s clearer right from the beginning into more arms by now. and over thought they would get that it is going to be a three- or But none of those three was vaccinated closer to May, and four-month process.” planned to be delivered by now, A CLOSER LOOK: Many people over 65 have been frustrated expectations could have been He has repeatedly explained Medsafe approval for all of them at being unable to get vaccinated. Covid-19 Response Minister better managed. the pace of the rollout as being is still pending, and Hipkins said Chris Hipkins is so nervous about Pfizer shipments that he And he revealed he wasn’t entirely dependent on Pfizer there is no evidence the approval tracks incoming flights and sometimes watches the cargo being actually joking when he said for the timing and quantity of process would have been any unloaded on a livestream. NZ Herald picture on Wednesday that he was so shipments. faster if the Government hadn’t nervous about Pfizer vaccine Asked if throwing more cash decided to put all its eggs in the shipments that he monitored at Pfizer could have seen more Pfizer basket. live flight-tracker sites — and supplies arrive in New Zealand “I don’t regret making the Pfizer even livestreams as supplies are earlier, Hipkins referenced decision. If you look at all of the unloaded. the National Government’s experiences of other vaccines “We had a livestream video controversial $10 million deal — around the world, Pfizer is by far footage of it being unloaded from criticised as a bribe — with Saudi shaping up to be the best option the plane. Not every shipment, just businessman Hmood Al Ali Al for us. But it is challenging. We’ve the big ones,” he said yesterday. Khalaf. had this supply constraint.” “It was underwhelming. The “It would be unethical, at best. On Wednesday we had about video footage came in, and I was We’re not talking Saudi sheep 150,000 doses of the vaccine like ‘is that it?’ It was just a couple here. We paid a fair market price around the country, enough to of chillybins.” The Government for the vaccines — and we are continue at the current pace of has been under pressure over its doing our bit through (global about 130,000 weekly doses and vaccine rollout, with our per capita equity scheme) Covax to make still have one day’s supply in jabs rate placing New Zealand at sure that we’re not acting in a way reserve before the next shipment 122nd in the world. that’s unethical in terms of global arrives on Tuesday. Text messages for Group 3 jab supply of vaccines.” “We’ve got the modelling bookings have also been received He said if Pfizer had offered absolutely right in that we’re by people who think they don’t more doses earlier, he would have literally down to the very last day,” qualify for an earlier vaccine — certainly accepted them even Hipkins said. and Hipkins said he was trying to though NZ is free of community “As long as the (next shipment) get a gauge on the extent of the transmission. But to just throw arrives on time, we’ll be okay.” Student nurses intake stalls

AUCKLAND — The number of people studying nursing hit a near-decade low last year, prompting calls for the Government to get serious about health. It comes at a time when the industry says having locally-trained nurses is more important than ever, as Covid-19 prevents overseas workers from entering the country. Newstalk ZB has revealed exclusive Infometrics analysis which shows the intake of those predominantly studying nursing has stagnated, with the New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) saying it’s time for action from the top. Health Minister Andrew Little admitted it had been difficult to put a proper plan in place but said the new health agency Health NZ would help address the issue. Student nurses have told NZME they believe the low rates of people studying is partly due to understaffing and poor pay that leads to burnout. NZNO acting professional services manager Kate Weston said she was concerned that mounting pressure on the sector could be keeping people away from entering the profession. “We’re in a crisis situation. We have a real NEED TO ‘REVERSE TREND’: The health industry problem, we have high vacancies, and aren’t able to says having locally-trained nurses is more important backfill those,” she said. than ever. Picture supplied “Our borders are not as open, there’s a huge reliance on internationally qualified staff in “The difficulty has been, we’ve got 20 DHBs, we’ve Comfy Bed Headboard Aotearoa, and to grow our own (workforce) should got 20 different employers... none have really taken absolutely be a priority.” the lead on the future pipeline of nursing talent,” he Ministry of Education data shows in 2011, some said. Now $289 14,600 people were studying nursing at a New “We’ve seen a steady-as-she-goes response to Zealand tertiary institution. nursing intake. I think we’ve struggled to get a That figure grew over the first half of the decade – comprehensive plan together.” Who can beat that? reaching 15,700 in 2015. Infometrics Senior Economist Brad Olsen said the But since then, the numbers have dipped to just stagnating numbers may lead to problems down the over 15,000 nursing students last year. track. Elegant addition to any freestanding bed Greens health spokesperson Elizabeth Kerekere “The level of people going into nursing is said this was not good enough and backed the concerning and disappointing at the moment, and Now $289 - Was $499 Save over $200 nurses’ union. it’s a trend . . . we’re going to need to reverse.” “It feels like complacency and if we don’t get the National said the nursing sector can increase Come and support your local, students, it’s fine because we’re going to bring them intake, but New Zealand is going backwards if NZ owned and operated store: from overseas,” she said. people head offshore faster than we train them. Furniture Zone Gisborne “I don’t think that’s a reality anymore. We have to Associate health spokesperson Simon Watts said 18 Gladstone Road, Gisborne face the world we’re actually in.” the health workforce is “leaking like a sieve.” Store Manager: Lisa Boniface • Phone: 06 868 4920 But Little said the Government was not “We don’t have enough nurses in this country — complacent, and maintained Health NZ will bring our most vulnerable are paying the price.” Offer ends 11th of July or while stock lasts. some more pressure to bear. — NZ Herald Image may vary from stock in stores. 40756-01 8 NATIONAL NEWS The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 Freedom to camp by the toilets? Bill would restrict non self-contained camping to being within 200m of loos by Michael Neilson, NZ Herald values.” Labour Party MP Tangi Utikere’s WELLINGTON — Freedom campers Local Government (Pecuniary Interests will only be allowed within 200 metres Register) Amendment Bill was also of toilets if a member’s bill drawn in pulled from the ballot. Parliament passes. It would require local authorities The proposed law change was designed to maintain and publish “a register of to make it easier to crack down on some pecuniary and other specified interests of the poor behaviour from freedom for members of local authorities, such campers and make the rules more as directorships, business interests, consistent. employment, or property”. West Coast-based National Party list It would also require members of MP Maureen Pugh’s Freedom Camping local authorities to disclose gifts and (Infringement Offences and Other payments they receive. Such declarations Matters) Amendment Bill was one of four were currently inconsistent across local Members’ Bills pulled from the ballot authorities. yesterday. It is designed to “improve transparency Pugh said the bill was in light of New and strengthen public trust and Zealand’s “unprecedented tourism boom” confidence in decision-making of local pre-Covid -19, which she expected to authorities”. pick up again once borders were fully Given Labour’s parliamentary majority reopened. and that the party’s members’ bills need “Restrictions would include confining to be approved by caucus before they are freedom camping which isn’t self- submitted, the bill is likely to pass. contained to within 200m of toilet LAW CHANGE SOUGHT: Freedom campers seen on Whanganui’s Anzac Parade. MP Act’s Rural Affairs spokesman Mark facilities, empowering more Government Maureen Pugh’s bill to bring freedom campers closer to toilets was designed to make Cameron had his Resource Management organisations to limit freedom camping it easier to crack down on some of the poor behaviour from freedom campers and (Regional Responsibility for Certain on land they control and provide stronger make the rules more consistent. NZ Herald picture Agricultural Matters) Amendment Bill enforcement of fines for rule-breakers. drawn, which would allow regional “New Zealand is primarily a touring international concern. “New Zealand was unable to join this councils to set environmental standards destination, and freedom camping is one “This is a revival of a Government Bill effort, as we do not have the same legal in each region rather than the of the many ways that people choose to introduced by the National government mechanisms, which are also expected to Government. experience our country. But there are a in 2017, left on the Order Paper by come before the Australian Parliament “In recent years farmers have been lot more people freedom camping than Labour for three years before being this year. hammered by regulations put in place there used to be and this has created dropped in 2020,” Brownlee said. “New Zealand has always had a strong by Government that don’t take into some issues.” “Legislation of this kind, also known as independent foreign policy outside of account the diverse landscapes across the National’s Foreign Affairs spokesman Magnitsky-style regimes, exist in Canada, forums like the United Nations, which country,” he said. Gerry Brownlee also had his Autonomous the United Kingdom, the United States will always be subject to veto powers. “Regional councils are best positioned Sanctions Bill drawn, which would allow and the European Union, and were used “We should have the ability to stand to understand local conditions, this a New Zealand government to impose in a co-ordinated effort earlier this year with like-minded nations and impose will allow direct relationship with sanctions on foreign individuals, entities to sanction those involved in the Uyghur sanctions on actors involved in situations stakeholders farmers and industry and or regimes responsible for situations of abuses. contrary to international law and our their regulators.” Treat for chocolate lovers WELLINGTON — Wellington’s beloved foodie 2013. laneway on Eva and Leeds St will be transformed General manager Matt Williams was relieved into all things chocolate this weekend. the festival could go ahead. “The last New Zealand’s first craft chocolate week has been tense. Like all other festival, Chocstock, is going ahead Wellingtonians, we’ve been hoping after the region moved back to we avoid a Covid-19 outbreak for Covid-19 Alert Level 1 this week. the health and wellbeing of our People will be able to try city. everything from chocolate “So heading back to Level cocktails, beer made with cocoa 1 is a relief on many levels, nibs, to chocolate calzone and let alone for all the hospitality specially created desserts. businesses that have been on a Featured chocolate makers knife-edge.” include Baron Hasselfhoff’s, The Chocolate Bar founder Luke Lucid Chocolatier, Ocho, Foundry Owen Smith said he was excited Chocolate, Shirl & Moss, Raglan about the opportunity for people to learn Chocolate and Flint Chocolate. more about the craft of chocolate. Nestled in the heart of Eva St, the Wellington “Some of the best award-winning bars will be Chocolate factory has been handcrafting some of on offer this weekend; it will be a true chocolate 38377-07 New Zealand’s finest small-batch chocolate since lovers’ paradise.” — NZ Herald


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www.gizzywaste.co.nz [email protected] 06-867-3606 027-434-0924 The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 NATIONAL NEWS 9 Care home shut amid allegations 1.3L 29g by Anna Leask, NZ Herald under 14 — claim they were subjected to violence by the same man. per 100km per km — At least three The complaints were made to OT by fuel economy† CO₂ emissions† young people claim to have been violently either parents, guardians or advocates for assaulted by the same Oranga Tamariki the young people. staffer at a Christchurch care and The New Zealand Herald has learned protection residence this year, The New one of the youths was taken from Te Zealand Herald can reveal. Oranga on Wednesday night by his And police were called on Wednesday parents. night after the parents of one of the Police are now investigating that as an alleged victims “abducted” him from OT alleged abduction. care, worried about his welfare. OT refused repeatedly to respond to Features include: The head of under-fire Oranga Tamariki specific inquiries from The New Zealand • Parallel Hybrid System announced the Christchurch care and Herald about the alleged abuse and • 6-speed Dual-Clutch Transmission protection residence at the centre of abduction. • Maximum power 104 kW @ 5,700 rpm** violent child abuse allegations will close A spokeswoman said the press as soon as possible. conference was the only time the agency • Maximum torque 265 Nm @ 4,000 rpm** The agency has repeatedly refused to would speak on the matters at hand. • 16” alloy wheels comment on the situation because The “This is now an ongoing investigation • Lane Keep Assist & Lane Follow Assist New Zealand Herald would not put the therefore we will be making no further MATARIKI: SAVE• Driv er THEAttention Alert DATE questions to acting chief executive Sir comment until investigations are • Smart Cruise Control with Stop & Go Wira Gardiner at a specific time. complete,” she said. • 7 airbags They also say they cannot speak further Sir Wira agreed at the press conference WELLINGTON — The Government has Some• Rea iwir Cross name Traffic this timeAlert of year Puanga, due to ongoing investigations within OT that the action in the video “appeared to released the dates for the Matariki public after a bright star that is above and to the and by police. be excessive force”. holiday for the next 30 years. right• of LED the B i-FunctionMatariki constellation. Projection Headlights On Monday media “My first knowledge Making Matariki a public holiday was one of “Matauranga• Front & Rear Maori Parking has Sensors been at the heart of outlet Newsroom of it was the video,” Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s pre-election decision• Dua makingl Zone Climate on the Control new public holiday,” published footage of a Three young males in he said. “I have asked promises with the first date announced at Henare• Leat said.her Interior Trim youth in the agency’s OT care claim they were investigators ‘How is it Waitangi this year as June 24, 2022. “The• Driv Matarikier’s Power Advisory Memory Group, Adjustable recognised Seat custody being violently that we didn’t know’? The calendar date for the Matariki public experts• 7” inTFT Te LCD Ao SupervisionMaori and theCluster matauranga restrained by staff. subjected to violence “Is it that our reporting holiday would shift each year to align with the associated with Matariki and the Maramataka, • Smart Key with Engine Start / Stop Button The CCTV footage from by the same man. system is broken? How is maramataka (Maori lunar calendar) and be set have led this process, providing advice and Kia.co.nz the Te Oranga residence it that we have to rely on according to the positioning of the stars and engaging• 1,300 with kg Towing communities Capacity across (braked)*** Aotearoa.” in Christchurch was moon for a Friday each year. Announcing• LED Daytime the Running holiday Lights dates2021 for the next someone leaking CCTV MRPKia.co.nz leaked to the media by a staffer-turned- footage to the public?” Minister Peeni Henare said Matariki was a three• decades10.25” touchscreen would give display communities and whistleblower who spoke out about He said Te Oranga would be shut down uniquely New Zealand public holiday and the businesses• 2021Satellite certainty, navigation Henare said. MRPKia.co.nz what they felt were illegal constraints as soon as possible. first that recognised Te Ao Maori. The• Wir dateseless — smartphone chargerPREMIUM 1.6L PLUG-IN HYBRID +ORC* constituting assault. A plan to close it and two other care Matariki is the Maori name for the2021 Pleiades •฀2022฀—฀June฀24฀• 8-speaker JBL premium sound system 1.3L 29g Features include: per 100km per km MRP † † The video shows a boy aged around 13 and protection residences across New and refers to a cluster of stars that rises in •฀2023฀—฀July฀14฀• PREMIUMApple CarPlay 1.6LTM andPLUG-IN Android HYBRID AutoTM fuel economy CO₂ emissions • P+ORC*arallel Hybrid System being tackled, held on the ground by three Zealand and replace them with smaller midwinter, marking the start of the Maori New •฀2024฀—฀June฀28฀ • 6-speed Dual-Clutch Transmission 1.3L 29g Features include: • Maximum power 104 kW @ 5,700 rpm** per 100km per km staff members, his face pushed into a wall and more focused facilities was already in Year. •฀2025฀—฀June฀20 • Maximum torque 265 Nm @ 4,000 rpm** PREMIUM 1.6L PLUG-IN HYBRID fuel economy† CO₂ emissions† • Parallel+ORC* Hybrid System • 16” alloy wheels and arms twisted behind his back. train but would now be expedited. • 6-speed Dual-Clutch Transmission • Lane Keep Assist & Lane Follow Assist 1.3L 29g Features include: • Maximum power 104 kW @ 5,700 rpm** Another boy of a similar age is shown in per 100km per km Kia.co.nz • Driver Attention Alert “Given that we are in a crisis situation • Maximum torque 265 Nm @ 4,000 rpm** † † • Parallel Hybrid System fuel economy CO₂ emissions • Smart Cruise Control with Stop & Go • 16” alloy wheels a video being placed into a headlock and I intend to accelerate the process,” he said. Features include: • 6-speed Dual-Clutch Transmission • 7 airbags • Lane Keep Assist & Lane Follow Assist • Maximum power 104 kW @ 5,700 rpm** also thrown to the ground. Te Oranga houses up to 10 young 2021 • Parallel Hybrid System • Rear Cross Traffic Alert • Driver Attention Alert • Maximum torque 265 Nm @ 4,000 rpm** • 6-speed Dual-Clutch Transmission • LED Bi-Function Projection Headlights MRP • Smart Cruise Control with Stop & Go After the leak it was revealed these people and has a staff of 60. • 16” alloy wheels 1.3L1.3L 29g 29g • Maximum power 104 kW @ 5,700 rpm** • Front & Rear Parking Sensors • 7 airbags • Lane Keep Assist & Lane Follow Assist restraints are used about 200 times a There are two other similar residences per 100kmper 100km per km per km • Maximum torque 265 Nm @ 4,000 rpm** • Dual Zone Climate Control • Rear Cross Traffic Alert fuel economy† †CO₂ emissions† † • Driver Attention Alert fuel economy CO₂ emissions • 16” alloy wheels • Leather Interior Trim • LED Bi-Function Projection Headlights year, and over the past four years there in Wellington and Dunedin with roughly • Smart Cruise Control with Stop & Go • Lane Keep Assist & Lane Follow Assist • Driver’s Power Memory Adjustable Seat • Front & Rear Parking Sensors • 7 airbags +ORC* have been 12 injuries, including one 100 children placed there each year. More PREMIUM 1.6L PLUG-IN HYBRID • Driver Attention Alert • 7” TFT LCD Supervision Cluster • Dual Zone Climate Control • Rear Cross Traffic Alert • Smart Cruise Control with Stop & Go • Smart Key with Engine Start / Stop Button serious. than two thirds are Maori. • Leather Interior Trim 1.3L 29g • 7 airbags Features include: • LED Bi-Function Projection Headlights • 1,300 kg Towing Capacity (braked)*** MRP • Driver’s Power Memory Adjustable Seat Following the leak, and after Children’s per 100km per km • Front & Rear Parking Sensors They differ from Youth Justice facilities, Ask• about Rear Cross Traffic Alert • LED Daytime Running Lights † † • 7” TFT LCD Supervision Cluster fuel economy CO₂ emissions • Parallel Hybrid System• Dual Zone Climate Control • LED Bi-Function Projection Headlights • 10.25” touchscreen display • Smart Key with Engine Start / Stop Button Minister Kelvin Davis labelled the and children are not there for criminal • Leather Interior Trim Kia fi• nanceFront & Rear Parking• Sensors 6-speed Dual-Clutch Transmission • Satellite navigation • 1,300 kg Towing Capacity (braked)*** • Driver’s Power Memory Adjustable Seat incident “totally unacceptable”, OT offending. • Dual Zone Climate •Control + Maximum ORC power 104 kW @ 5,700 rpm** • Wireless smartphone charger $62,990 • LED Daytime Running Lights options • 7” TFT LCD Supervision Cluster FROM ONLY • Leather Interior Trim• Maximum torque 265 Nm @ 4,000 rpm** • 8-speaker JBL premium sound system launched an investigation to determine if • 10.25” touchscreen display “As the spokesperson of the children, I • Smart Key with Engine Start / Stop Button • Driver’s Power Memory Adjustable Seat • Apple CarPlayTM and Android AutoTM and our • 16” alloy wheels • Satellite navigation the practices were widespread. expect a higher duty of care to look after • 7” TFT LCD Supervision Cluster • 1,300 kg Towing Capacity (braked)*** • Wireless smartphone charger • LED Daytime Running Lights • Smart Key with Engine• Lane Start Keep/ Stop AssistButton & Lane (ORFollow UP TO 100,000KMS) Assist The matter was referred to police at the them,” Sir Wira said. guaranteed • 8-speaker JBL premium sound system • 1,300 kg Towing Capacity• Driver (braked)*** Attention Alert• 10.25” touchscreen display +ORC *MRP is the Maximum Retail Price. **Maximum power and torque figures show combined petrol and electric. ***Towing should only be• done Apple in HEV CarPlay mode. TM and Android AutoTM same time. “If we don’t look after them I will be future•†Fuel LED consumptionvalue Daytime figures Running shown are Lights from standard European Design Rules •tests S EC715/2007atellite navigation(includes ECE R101) and are stated for the purpose of $23,990 comparison. Actual results achieved• Smartwill differ according Cruise to operating Control conditions with and driving Stop style. & The Go Kia 5 year warranty programme runs for 5 years •or 10.up to25” 100,000km touchscreen (whichever isdisplay reached first). All other on road costs (ORC)• are W additional.ireless Warra smartphonenty, Service Plan charger and Roadside Assist terms and A “number” of staff have already holding people to account. conditions apply, see(OR Kia.co.nz UP TO 100,000KMS) •for full 7 details. airbags • Satellite navigation • 8-speaker JBL premium sound system been stood down as a result of the “I want to know what happened, why it *MRP is the Maximum Retail Price. **Maximum power and torque• figuresWireless show combined smartphone petrol• and Rear chargerelectr ic. ***TowingCross should Traffic only be doneAlert in• HEV Apple mode. CarPlayTM and Android AutoTM †Fuel consumption figures shown are from standard European Design Rules tests EC715/2007 (includes ECE R101) and are stated for the purpose of comparison. Actual results achieved will differ according to operating• 8-s conditionspeaker and JBL driving premium style.• The LED Kiasound 5 Bi-Functionyear warrantysystem programme Projection runs for 5 years Headlights investigation. happened . . . which is why I initiated the or up to 100,000km (whichever is reached first). All other on road costs (ORC) are additional. Warranty, Service Plan and Roadside Assist terms and conditions apply, see Kia.co.nz(OR for UP fullTO 100,000KMS) details. • Apple CarPlayTM and Android AutoTM • Front & Rear Parking Sensors At a press conference yesterday, Sir investigation.” *MRP is the Maximum Retail Price. **Maximum power and torque figures show combined petrol and electric. ***Towing should only be done in HEV mode. †Fuel consumption figures shown are from standard European Design Rules tests EC715/2007 (includes ECE R101) and are stated for the purpose of• Dual Zone Climate Control Wira said he “wasn’t aware” or “aware of He urged anyone with concerns to comparison. Actual results achieved will differ according to operating conditions and driving style. The Kia 5 year warranty programme runs for 5 years or up to 100,000km (whichever is reached first). All other on road costs (ORC) are additional. Warranty, Service Plan and Roadside Assist terms and • Leather Interior Trim conditions apply, see Kia.co.nz for full details. the extent” of the alleged violence until he come forward, assuring OT staff their • Driver’s Power Memory Adjustable Seat saw the footage on Monday. jobs would be safe if they lifted the lid on • 7” TFT LCD Supervision Cluster But The New Zealand Herald abuse. • Parallel Hybrid System • 6-speed Dual-Clutch Transmission • Smart Key with Engine Start / Stop Button understands at least three formal “People can ring me in the middle of • Maximum power 104 kW @ 5.700 rpm • 16” alloy wheels • Smart Cruise Control with Stop• 1,300 & Go kg Towing Capacity (braked)*** • LED Daytime Running Lights complaints have been made this year the night … these children are the most • Leather Interior Trim • LED Daytime Running Lights • 10.25” touchscreen display • Satellite • 10.25” touchscreen display alone to OT about the same staffer. TM TM vulnerable and therefore they need a navigation • 8-speaker JBL premium sound system • Apple CarPlay and Android Auto• Satellite navigation Three young males in care — all higher duty of care.” • Wireless smartphone charger • 8-speaker JBL premium sound system • Apple CarPlayTM and Android AutoTM

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Call 06 868 1456 Email [email protected] 40739 01 10 NATIONAL NEWS The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 New Interislander Searching for support ships to double by Nick Truebridge, RNZ accommodation provided by Auckland Emergency passenger capacity AUCKLAND — For most Management. Earlier, that New Zealanders in their 70s, number was over 100 people. WELLINGTON — KiwiRail has signed off homelessness is not something That pales in comparison on a $551 million contract for two new inter- that crosses their mind. to those asking for financial island ferries. But one Papatoetoe woman support — 397 applications The new, more environmentally friendly is facing exactly that, with have gone to MSD’s Civil ships will replace its ageing fleet and triple her uninhabitable tornado-hit Defence Fund, with another 32 the current rail freight capacity — but the rental now up for sale, and her to the $260,000 Mayoral Relief decision is receiving backlash. possessions in storage. Fund. The ships will be sailing our seas by 2025. Meanwhile, another Carla Makiha’s house on “It has been 23 years since we built our homeless resident says Freyberg Avenue is a write-off. last ship and our vessels are ageing, 27 and there is still not enough With the help of others, 29 years, by the time our new ships arrive in support for locals struggling she has made alternative 2025,” said KiwiRail CEO Greg Miller. to navigate the insurance arrangements to emergency KiwiRail’s new contract with Korea’s system, as well as Auckland housing. Hyundai Mipo Dockyard will double Council and Ministry of Social But some have not been passenger numbers and boost freight and Development (MSD) relief STARTING OVER: There’s still a long way to go to recover so lucky, instead being vehicle capacity. funds. from the devastating tornado that ripped through Papatoetoe pulled away from family into “The size of these vessels is significantly Faapio Sagaga, 72, used last month. Picture supplied Auckland’s CBD. different. That gives us the ability to move to live on Hayward Road “Keep our families in South more rail. Our rail deck will grow from 24 in Papatoetoe but is now So the owner has decided to house there, but I’m sorry to Auckland, I’ve said it so many wagons to 40 wagons,” Miller explains. effectively homeless. sell up. say kids, I don’t particularly times,” she said. But the rail investment doesn’t sit well “We’ll start a new life,” she Sagaga is at peace with the like it down there. I love it “You’ve ripped away homes, with the Road Transport Forum. said. decision. It makes sense, she here.” you’ve ripped away identity “We’ve got real concerns about the move “It’s a new beginning says, but now the hunt is on So, at 72, Sagaga’s flat is from some of our families and to rail,” says CEO Nick Leggett. altogether for me.” for a new roof to sleep under. trashed, her belongings are now you’re going to stick them The project includes two new ferries and Faapio, or Fab — for “I’m bunking with my son in storage and she is bunking in the city, taking children terminal upgrades at a cost of $1.4 billion Fabulous — as she likes to and his family across the road down with family. away from their safety net.” — something taxpayers will foot the bill for be called, lived in a modest and people have been offering “It’s not the end of the As for help for people $435 million of. flat at the rear of a section me a spare bed in their house. world, it could be worse. The navigating the system — “This is undoubtedly a costly mistake. on Hayward Road until that “Especially my church, people have been absolutely whether it be insurance, We’re going back to 19th century rail fateful day on June 19. because my minister came first wonderful,” she said. mayoral funds and figuring technology,” Leggett says. “It was this big, huge to my aid and my family and “The Sikh community, the what you are and aren’t The Government is confident it is the lightning and then ‘bang’, and then my neighbours.” neighbours that come with eligible for — Makiha said that right move, saying increasing rail space will the window shattered on to my Sagaga says one option is food to offer assistance and has been another nightmare encourage more freight on to trains and bed,” she said. a move to the cold climate of clear all the mess that was for many in her community. reduce emissions. “And the lounge too, the Canterbury. here. “It’s beyond me that in this But Leggett says the figures don’t add up. windows were broken.” Safe to say though, she is “It’s going to be a long, long day and age there is not a “There has been a 17 percent reduction in The flat was her home for not convinced. Papatoetoe is way to recover. It’s like the playbook,” she said. freight moved by rail in New Zealand in the nearly seven years, but the home. This is where she wants earthquakes, the floods.” “One entity says one thing past few years,” he says. main house at the front of the to be. But many in Papatoetoe and another entity says However, KiwiRail argues its customers section has been red-stickered, “I have family in Ashburton are far from cheery — 51 another and they don’t work want more rail capacity to help them meet with its roof partially torn off. and the kids have got me a people remain in temporary together.” demand. — Newshub Leave a lasting legacy Wife guilty of manslaughter AUCKLAND — A jury has found Malia temporary moment of Li guilty of the manslaughter of her forgetfulness. husband Lanitola Epenisa, who was found “He was not being fused to a recliner chair with sores all rushed to hospital Support the over his body. when it was clear that The mother-of-two has been on trial at he needed life-saving Eastwoodhill the High Court in Auckland for almost treatment,” Crown five weeks. prosecutor Jasper Arboretum Epenisa died from the blood infection Rhodes said. Endowment Fund sepsis, after two strokes ate away at his But her defence ability to walk and speak coherently lawyer Mark Ryan and he developed pressure sores from claims Epenisa’s sores Malia Li immobility. developed quickly, and He was found dead by emergency staff there was nothing Li could do for the in a Mangere home, drenched in urine in “very, very sick” man. a room with a bag of soiled clothes and a Li claimed her husband did not want nest of mice. healthcare workers to care for him, and Li was charged with manslaughter for he would yell and scream at her. DONATE NOW failing to provide her husband — deemed Friends and family spoke of how and JN Williams a vulnerable adult — with the appropriate Epenisa was often found alone without Memorial Trust medical care, hygiene, food and water food or water, and the room where he between January and October 2016. spent his final days had a stench so will match your The Crown claims Li’s care was “grossly strong that visitors could not breathe. donation to negligent” and not a mild lapse or — NZ Herald Eastwoodhill’s fund – dollar for dollar

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36615-07 40291-05 The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 BUSINESS 11 Documents reveal Government U-turn on Rio Tinto smelter subsidy by Phil Pennington, RNZ of New Zealand Aluminium Smelters “Negotiations with the smelter’s with the smelter’s owner”. (NZAS), with an offer of a payment to owners were around exploring ways to Government ministers declined RNZ’s WELLINGTON — The Government begin the very next month, in January lower electricity costs to the smelter request for an interview. offered to pay millions of dollars to Rio this year. in return for a firm commitment to Robertson had laid out five conditions Tinto just months after promising in the “To achieve a managed exit for the maintain current employment at the site, for Rio Tinto to get the payment, mostly election campaign it would not give a smelter and in consideration of our agreeing to work on remediation plans as around site remediation. The key one direct subsidy. respective interests, the New Zealand well as working with the Government to was that the company had to commit to The offer has been revealed in 25 pages government will provide a Transmission transition the region’s economy.” excavating the huge smelter landfill. of letters released to RNZ under the OIA, Transition payment to NZAS of (blanked Robertson’s spokesperson said the That would be very expensive. between the mining multinational and out),” it said. Government “was seeking certain Rio Tinto has not committed to that. ministers over a deal to keep the Tiwai “This payment would start from commitments from Rio Tinto in return for “We have not yet determined the Point smelter from closing early. January 2021 until December 2024.” a proposed payment”. appropriate action to take with respect Rio Tinto was urgently seeking a deal Labour and National have repeatedly “It didn’t go anywhere.” to the landfill,” the smelter told RNZ on to deliver a big cut in its $60 million-a- said they would never repeat a $30m The payment offer set a deadline to Thursday. year power lines — or transmission — direct subsidy paid in 2013 by the hear back from Rio Tinto of just three Robertson would not say what the charges. National government to keep the smelter days later, December 18. Transmission Transition payment was While campaigning in Southland ahead open. The offer reflected how a change in worth. of the 2020 election Prime Minister RNZ asked Finance Minister Grant transmission pricing in future would “That information remains Jacinda Ardern said: “We have said we do Robertson how the December 2020 have benefited the smelter, Robertson confidential.” not believe we should be giving a direct payment offer was different and how it said. He has previously put that benefit It has previously been reported government subsidy to Rio Tinto, so that’s was not also a direct subsidy. at $10m a year. Rio Tinto wanted a deal to cut its not what we will be doing.” In a statement, he said the The payment offer “did not progress transmission charges by about $30m. Three months later, the Government Government had not gone back on what into how it would work in detail. No final Robertson’s spokesperson said the wrote to Rio Tinto, which owns 80 percent Ardern promised in the campaign. payment or structure was ever agreed transmission deal is now “off the table”. Climate change confusion Demand up Lawyers take legal action against Commission for retirement by Hamish Rutherford, NZ Herald village units WELLINGTON — A group of AUCKLAND — A shortage of retirement village lawyers is suing the Climate Change units is looming as the industry struggles to Commission, alleging its advice to keep up with demand, particularly in Auckland. the Government on carbon reductions And a possible overhaul of the sector’s rules contains substantial mathematical is also making operators wary. errors. A report by global real estate investment On Thursday, Lawyers for Climate firm JLL indicates 422 retirement villages were Action NZ, an incorporated group offering a total of 36,500 units, but development which says it represents more than 300 forecasts are falling short of demand. lawyers, filed proceedings in the High JLL NZ managing director Todd Lauchlan said Court arguing the commission’s advice there had been strong growth recently but the does not comply with the legislation and industry was struggling to keep up with demand understates the necessary reductions in and was being overshadowed by a review of the greenhouse gases. sector’s regulatory framework. It will seek orders that the “It is important that calls for a regulatory commission acted unlawfully and review of retirement villages do not delay should reconsider its advice on New the delivery of new units, as the benefit of a Zealand’s contributions to global delivered pipeline will be felt beyond this sector climate goals and targets in the early OBLIGATIONS: The Climate Change Commission is being sued by a group of the housing continuum,” he said. emissions budgets. of lawyers who allege there are mathematical errors in the proposed carbon Retirement Commissioner Jane Wrightson James Shaw, the Minister for Climate reduction plan. NZ Herald picture recently called for an overhaul of the rules Change, is named in the application as governing the sector, which Lauchlan said was the second respondent. climate goals. pointing to “what we believe to be an holding up investment decisions. The Climate Change Commission But the challenge from LCANZI important error” in the analysis. It estimated the number of retirement village declined to comment on the action. claims the report contains “a logical “The Climate Change Commission’s units had risen by 67 percent to more than “We have received a copy of the and mathematical error” because it advice looks ambitious on first glance. 36,000 units, in the nine years since it had been proceedings from Lawyers for Climate applied carbon reduction targets from However, when you dig into the detail, keeping track, accommodating about 47,000 Action today, and we will be taking the 2010 levels (the starting point for the it fails to adequately address the residents. time to review them,” chairman Dr Rod Paris targets) to New Zealand’s gross scale and urgency of the task and is “This tells us that one in every seven New Carr said in a statement. emissions, rather than its net emissions. inconsistent with the legislation and Zealand residents over the age of 75 is choosing “As this is a matter that will be Whereas the commission calculated international agreements it is meant to the lifestyle offered by a retirement village,” he before the court, the Commission has no that New Zealand’s net emissions from address,” Cooper, the society’s president, said. further statement to make at this time.” 2021-2030 should be no more than said in a statement. “If we project forward 12 years to 2033, based In June, the commission submitted 568 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide “The Commission set a target for on this same level of demand, we see the need its final advice to the Government, equivalent, LCANZI says using its 2030 net carbon dioxide emissions to accommodate a further 34,000 residents, warning New Zealand was not on methodology the limit would be a net by applying the specified percentage which will require an additional 26,000 retirement target to meet its obligations to the emissions limit of 484Mt. reductions to our 2010 gross carbon village dwellings to be built.” Paris climate agreement (which aimed According to LCANZI the alleged dioxide emissions. The result implies There are currently 211 villages in the to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees) error has already been pointed out to that our net carbon dioxide emissions development pipeline, including the expansion of and laid out what might be required to the commission after the submission of can increase between 2010 and 2030 124 existing villages and 87 new developments, do so. its draft advice. A statement released which is nonsensical.” promising just under 21,500 new units. The report spelled out the need on Friday says Statistics New Zealand Every-Palmer said the purpose of the He said half of the developments would to reduce herd sizes, import fewer uses the methodology it suggests. judicial review “is to ensure that the be done by the industry’s ‘Big Six’: Ryman, petroleum vehicles and plant trees to Jenny Cooper QC and James Every- commission has clear guidance on what Metlifecare, Summerset, Oceania, Bupa, and get the country on a path to meet 2050 Palmer QC wrote to Shaw on June 17 is required”. Arvida. — RNZ

posed to a largely unvaccinated population. The gaining 2c or 4.08 percent to 51c. It has put on SHAREMARKET YESTERDAY airport is expecting a recovery in international 20 percent since June 22 when it was priced at passengers early next year, and its full-year 40c, and it has risen 108 percent over the past WELLINGTON — The New Zealand hasn’t helped,” Smith said. “The New Zealand earnings guidance is unchanged with a loss of 12 months. sharemarket had a late burst of trading to etch market is more reliant on the borders re-opening $35m-$55m. Meridian had its corporate credit rating of out another promising gain — with blue chip as we don’t have the (growth) resource stocks Smith said Auckland airport’s comments BBB+/Stable/A-2 reaffirmed by S&P Global stock Auckland International Airport calling for like in . were fairly positive, all things considered. It Ratings, and its share price slipped 0.005c to the vaccine roll-out to be speeded up. “The latest US non-farm payroll figures will be was a brave call to say passenger numbers and $5.325. The S&P/NZX 50 Index traded in a very narrow keenly watched.” business will pick up in 2022. “The airport was The $3 billion takeover of Tilt Renewables, range before pushing forward in the last half Over the past 12 months to the end of one of the first companies to raise capital at the at $8.10 a share, by Powering Australian hour and closing at the day’s high of 12,683.63, June, New Zealand’s leading index has risen start of the pandemic with a view of battening Renewables has been approved by the Overseas up 29.02 points or 0.23 percent. 11.5 percent compared with the Australian All down the hatches until the end of the year.” Investment Office and Australian Foreign There were 81 gainers and 56 decliners, Ordinaries Index which has had its best year Retirement village operators Ryman Investment Review Board. Tilt’s share price was with a solid 60.57 million shares worth $219.70 since 1987 with a 45 percent rise. Healthcare picked up 12c to $13.25; Summerset flat at $8.03. million changing hands. The main highlight was a trading update Group Holdings gained 12c to $13.53; and Westpac Banking Corporation has completed Greg Smith, head of research with Fat from Auckland International Airport, which Arvida increased 4c or 1.96 percent to $2.08. the sale of its general insurance and services Prophets, said there was a shortage of was down 5c to $7.22. Air New Zealand was up Spark gained a further 3c to $4.83. Spark, a businesses to Allianz for $725m. Westpac’s corporate news, and the market was in a holding 2c to $1.57. Auckland Airport told the market strong dividend stock, has crept over $4.80 after share price fell 32c to $27.50. TruScreen Group pattern. that passenger confidence was dented by the sitting at $4.425 on May 19. Another quiet riser increased 0.005c or 7.69 percent to 7c. “The pause in the transtasman travel bubble recent Covid outbreaks in Australia and the risk has been carpet maker Cavalier Corporation, — NZ Herald 12 OPINION The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 EDITORIAL Agree, melias are special Votes for fair, moral rates Re: Fine melia already gone! small moons, and attract many Game on for ‘three I share Grant’s sorrow for the birds and nesting homes. On many Hats off to the councillors their pockets and pay to have loss of those seven street trees. occasions I have seen native birds, who opposed the adoption of my septic tank cleaned out or waters’ proposal As a last-century contractor, before tui and kereru, among branches and the Long-Term Plan — you pay for a load of water for my arborist was the popular term for foliage of melia trees. are legends! household water tank when it all tree-workers, many of the trees I must admit, though, some of my The Mayor can talk about hasn’t rained for a while. The Government clearly knows balancing urban against rural Kerry, you will get my vote its “three waters” reform proposal I worked on were melia — mostly customers gave good reasons for pruning, thankfully, and most in far ridding them of melia trees I have services, which is fine, but at the next election, and a big is up against significant opposition there is a line where being shout out also to the other out in local authority land, where it more peaceful settings than these. cut down. Also, I read somewhere They have much more going that introduced melia azedarach was charged for a non-supplied four councillors who are voting wants the country’s 67 councils to for them than the fragrant spring, and is a weed in our country. service is a step too far. I very for fair and moral rates. hand ownership and management including welcome summer shade, But like Grant, I’m a nature lover much doubt that any city of drinking water, wastewater and and deciduous in winter for light. and think melia trees are very ratepayers would put hands in ADRIANA MATHER stormwater infrastructure to four The trees bear yellow berries special. regional water services agencies. (containing seeds) like hanging BOB HUGHES Whether the $3.5 million Another calculation . . . advertising campaign launched this week alongside its long-signalled Re: Query over Govt’s costings, portfolios including numerous July 1 letter. others held, vs ex-City Councillor = proposal will help in that regard is A weighty subject . . . All things considered Craig, Oops, no contest. moot — it has been criticised as Nanaia Mahuta’s pass rate in maths As a politician, there is one smearing councils by implying that Re: Who are the deniers? transgender women is only June 30 column. minimally reduced when appear to be higher than yours. necessary trait she shares with you; their water assets are broken and, Clive says: “Perhaps testosterone is suppressed Let’s see — Government Cabinet a thick skin. without reform, will continue to be a separate class for as per current sporting Minister with 2x high-profile PATRICK ROPITINI mismanaged. Local Government transgender athletes . . . But guidelines for transgender Minister Nanaia Mahuta, who is that would set a precedent athletes.” LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, ONLINE COMMENTS driving the plan to radically overhaul Olympic officials might MARTIN HANSON the country’s three waters system, rather not consider . . .” Nelson says it is to help ratepayers There is already a One class of citizenship understand the benefits. We can precedent: the Paralympics. Hi Martin, yes, it is something read into this that the Government Aimee says: “Essentially, to take into account but there Re: Significant names replaced. subordinate to those designated I respect Joe Naden’s point as “the people of this land”, as is going over the heads of councils she is a woman.” are more studies than just that Yet (almost?) every cell in one. What I’ve gathered from the of view on the antecedents of that would see a second class of to their ratepayers, who ultimately that body has a genetic code research is that there shouldn’t significant place names, particularly citizenship rights for the majority of have the most to win or lose from that is measurably male. be a universal threshold and those significant to Maori. But no Kiwis of other ethnicities. reform versus the status quo. Perhaps the “experts that each sport should assess matter the rights and wrongs of how We do not have to look far in the A lot of information was released involved” have other individuals within each code — we all arrived at this point, we are a world to see that different levels this week, but strangely not a reasonings for their decision. also looking at fairness, safety multi-racial, multi-ethnic and multi- of citizenship do not work, even in “support package for councils” that and inclusivity. There is no simple religious society. countries with similar ethnicities, Mahuta has said will be announced WILL DOBBIE answer, it’s not black and white. Many of the fast-expanding racial with outbreaks of violence and even in coming weeks. Naturally councils and religious groups formed by genocide being common. are also very keen to understand Well actually Will, there is AIMEE MILNE contemporary immigration will soon Yes, the heritage of Maori needs proportionally exceed both Maori to be valued and treasured, but I how the Government arrived at its biological evidence of the incongruence transgender people From a 2020 BMJ British and those of British and European doubt that any ethnicity which is a figures showing vast savings for feel because their brain indicates Journal of Sports Medicine stock previously referred to as minority should wield a power of ratepayers three decades from now they are one gender and their report — “Conclusion: In “colonialist Pakeha”. Even now we veto over the naming of our country if the reforms are implemented. body another. Besides, the DNA transwomen, hormone see signs that the new Kiwi citizens — unless supported by a general In today’s NZ Herald, its former doesn’t matter once they have therapy rapidly reduces Hgb are not prepared to see their own referendum. economics editor Brian Fallow says been on hormones long enough to levels seen in cisgender groups and ethnicities being DENNIS PENNEFATHER a key objective of the reform is and body composition changes to women. In contrast, to separate the provision of water that of cis gendered people. Same hormone therapy decreases services from councils not only fat to muscle ratio. We are talking strength, LBM (lean body Lifting less than minimum about weight lifting after all. Train mass) and muscle area, operationally but financially, given Re: Another look at cray Note that L. Casey’s three their funding constraints — with the muscles, get similar results. yet values remain above that observed in cisgender limits? June 30 letter. legal crays would be under consolidated, specialist entities AIMEE MILNE women, even after 36 CPUE (Catch per unit of 0.45kg per pot lift, at which better placed to undertake the months. These findings effort) from 2010/11 to 2019-20 point — if this was the CPUE estimated $120 billion-$185bn of An article by Emma suggest that strength are: 1.14, 1.54, 1.88, 1.69, 1.47, result — the Minister must investment required over the next N. Hilton and Tommy R. may be well preserved in 1.23, 1.16, 1.27, 0.85 and the close the fishery to all sectors. 30 years “to remedy the effects of Lundberg in the December transwomen during the last one 0.70. These are called decades of underinvestment, cope 8 issue of the Journal of first three years of hormone “arithmetic” figures. ALAIN JORION with population growth and raise Sports Medicine should therapy.” standards of water quality and lay the issue to rest. In BOB HUGHES service to what citizens of a first “Transgender Women in the . . . of the spoken word! world country should expect”. Female Category of Sport: Oh good, it’s time for Perspectives on Testosterone everyone’s favourite game show, Languages have a tendency to mixed up”, authored by a member Fallow explains that there would Suppression and “Which minority is Clive going to mutate over the years, sometimes of The Gisborne Herald staff who be two layers to the governance Performance Advantage” marginalise today?” due to the adoption or invention of has clearly misinterpreted the structure of the new entities; they present evidence that I would have liked to respond new words and sometimes due to abbreviation ’ve (have) for the word councils and mana whenua would trans athletes have an to this, but Clive played his mishearing, misunderstanding or “of”. I’ve noticed since coming to each provide half of probably advantage over biological master card at the end saying mispronunciation. I remember, as a NZ that this error, which grates 12 members of a regional women. that what he says is reality, and kid, reading the word “misled” and every time I hear (or see) it, is They say: “Here, we report denying it denies the truth. I think for a long time pronouncing it as commonplace. representative group, which would “mizzled”. I could’ve, might’ve, maybe specify strategic and performance that current evidence shows that’s the equivalent of asking the biological advantage, your mother “why not?” and the Contrariwise, pronunciation should’ve gritted my teeth and said expectations and also appoint and errors may only become obvious nothing, but by turning a blind eye monitor the entity’s board. most notably in terms of reply being “because I said so”. muscle mass and strength, That’s how facts are created. Well when the words are written down. I’d’ve helped perpetuate this abuse “The inclusion of mana whenua conferred by male puberty played Clive. Just a few days ago I read on . . . of the spoken word. in the structure is not only about and thus enjoyed by most OWEN Facebook, “The poster would of the vexed issue of Maori rights and got the old and current groups PETER WOODING interests in freshwater. It should also ensure a stronger voice for [email protected] environmental stewardship and ■ The maximum length for letters is 350 words. intergenerational equity than local- ■ Anyone can write a column, 600 words maximum, but a photo is required. body politicians can be trusted to ■ Always include full name and contact details. provide.” ■ If you use a nom de plume, there is a higher bar for acceptability. ■ Letters may be edited for clarity, length or legal reasons. The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 WORLD 13 WORLD BRIEFS US-Canada heatwave Fiji struggles with Covid-19: 431 new cases, two deaths SUVA — A new daily record number of Covid cases was announced in Fiji yesterday. The Permanent Secretary for Health, James ‘unprecedented, dire’ Fong, confirmed there had been 431 cases and two deaths related to Covid-19 — in the space of just 24 hours. LYTTON — Hundreds of As of yesterday, there had been 24 deaths deaths in Canada, as well as due to Covid-19 in Fiji, with 22 of these deaths in the US states of Oregon occurring during the outbreak that began in and Washington, may have April of this year. been caused by the historic A full breakdown of the locations of interest heatwave that baked the has been published online, on the Ministry of Pacific Northwest and Health’s Covid-19 dashboard. shattered all-time temperature There had been 4779 cases since outbreak records. first started in April 2021. — RNZ The unprecedented heatwave has triggered a large spike Critics slam Diana statue in sudden deaths, as well as LONDON — Prince William and Prince Harry wildfires in Canada. reunited on Thursday (local time) to unveil a This week’s heatwave was new statue of their beloved mother, Diana, on caused by what meteorologists what would have been her 60th birthday. described as a dome of high However, the long-awaited memorial to pressure over the Northwest the People’s Princess has left critics and and worsened by human- commentators more than a little disappointed. caused climate change, which Princes William and Harry originally is making such extreme commissioned the statue from sculptor Ian weather events more likely and Rank-Broadley back in 2017. more intense. It shows Diana posing with three unnamed An excessive heat warning children in a nod to her humanitarian remained in effect for parts work, and according to a statement from of the interior Northwest and Kensington Palace, the statue is meant to western Canada on Thursday. evoke “warmth, elegance, and energy”. The death toll in Oregon However, for Telegraph art critic, Alastair alone reached at least 70, with HUNDREDS BELIEVED TO HAVE DIED IN HEATWAVE: Salem Fire Department paramedics Sookie, the statue evoked none of those the number in Multnomah and employees of Falck Northwest ambulances respond to a heat-exposure call in Salem, things. County, which encompasses Oregon. AP picture And he criticised the statue for looking too Portland, at 50. “masculine”. British Columbia’s chief evening, local time, Lytton’s most homes and buildings in California, where the flames “Its visual language (classical bronze coroner, Lisa Lapointe, said 250 inhabitants were told by Lytton had been destroyed had forced many communities statuary) feels hopelessly archaic, given her office had received reports the mayor, Jan Polderman, and some residents were to evacuate there as well. that it’s meant to be a symbol of modern of at least 486 “sudden and to evacuate to the nearby unaccounted for. The scene was ominously womanhood. Frankly, I’m not even sure the unexpected deaths” since community of Boston Bar as Prime Minister Justin reminiscent of last year’s face is a convincing likeness.” Saturday. Lapointe placed flames tore through the village. Trudeau told a press California wildfire season, Writing for the Guardian, Jonathan Jones the blame squarely on the “It’s dire — the whole town conference: “Our thoughts which scorched more than echoed his criticism, calling the statue heatwave, and warned that the is on fire,” Polderman told CBC are with people who have lost 17,000 square kilometres — “archaic” and even “nauseating”. figure was only provisional and News. loved ones”, and warned that it the most in recorded history. “A larger than life Diana, who stands in an would likely rise in the coming “It took, like, a whole 15 was a reminder of the need to “It is very hot and dry,” said awkward, stiff, lifeless pose and has a face days. minutes from the first sign of address climate change.” Suzi Johnson, a Shasta-Trinity that’s more manly than I remember . . . it’s a Meanwhile, roughly 1000 smoke to, all of a sudden, there Meanwhile, back in the National Forest spokeswoman mawkish image that shamelessly plays up to residents had to flee their being fire everywhere.” US, hundreds of firefighters for the Salt Fire, which broke the most mawkish aspects of Diana worship.” small Canadian mountain The province’s public safety worked on Thursday in high out on Wednesday and quickly — The New Zealand Herald village as wildfires raged. minister, Mike Farnworth, said heat to beat back wildfires grew to more than 10 square At 6pm on Wednesday on Thursday afternoon that in the forests of far Northern kilometres. — Agencies See the statue for yourself on page 15 Trump Organisation, CFO indicted on tax-fraud charges

NEW YORK — Former US pay senior executives off the was released without bail, small, face serious collateral President Donald Trump’s books by way of lucrative fringe leaving the courthouse without consequences,” said Daniel company and its long-time benefits and other means. comment. Horwitz, a white-collar defence finance chief were charged Weisselberg alone was In a statement, Trump attorney. on Thursday (local time) in accused of defrauding the condemned the case as a “Companies in the financial what prosecutors called a federal government, state “political Witch Hunt by the services industry are reluctant “sweeping and audacious” and city out of more than Radical Left Democrats”. to do business with them. tax-fraud scheme in which US$900,000 in unpaid taxes Weisselberg’s lawyers said he “Their access to capital is the executive collected more and undeserved tax refunds. would “fight these charges.” limited or cut off.” than US$1.7 million in off-the- The most serious charge The case is being led by Weisselberg came under books compensation, including against Weisselberg, grand Manhattan District Attorney scrutiny in part because of apartment rent, car payments larceny, carries five to 15 years Cyrus Vance Jr and New York questions about his son’s use of and school tuition. in prison. Attorney General Letitia James, a Trump apartment at little or Trump himself was not The tax-fraud charges against both Democrats. Donald J. Trump no cost. charged with any wrongdoing, the company are punishable Vance has been investigating Weisselberg’s son, Barry — but prosecutors noted he had by a fine of double the amount a wide range of matters former president manages his who managed a Trump-operated signed some of the cheques at of unpaid taxes or $250,000 — involving Trump and the many ventures, including his ice rink in Central Park, paid the centre of the case. whichever is larger. Trump Organisation, such as investments in office towers, no reported rent while living And one top prosecutor said The 73-year-old Weisselberg hush-money payments made hotels and golf courses, his in a Trump-owned apartment the 15-year has intimate to women on Trump’s behalf many marketing deals and his in 2018, and he was charged scheme was knowledge of and whether the company TV pursuits. just US$1000 per month — far “orchestrated Trump himself was the Trump had falsified the value of its Trump’s sons Donald Jr and below typical Manhattan prices by the not charged with Organisation’s properties to obtain loans or Eric had been in charge of day- — while living in a Trump most senior financial reduce its tax bills. to-day operations since their apartment from 2005 to 2012, executives” any wrongdoing, but dealings from The news came as Trump had father took over the office of the indictment said. at the Trump prosecutors noted he nearly five been somewhat more seriously president. Allen Weisselberg himself, an Organisation. had signed some of the decades at the discussing a possible comeback In addition to the Trump intensely-private man who lived It is the first company. run for president in 2024. Organisation facing fines, the for years in a modest home on criminal case cheques at the centre of The charges He had ramped up his public criminal case could make it Long Island, continued to claim to come out the case. against him appearances recently, including more difficult for the business residency there despite living of New York could enable holding his first rallies since to secure bank loans or strike in a company-paid Manhattan authorities’ prosecutors leaving the White House. deals — a hit that would come apartment, prosecutors said. two-year to pressure In announcing the grand jury at a particularly bad time, with By doing so, Weisselberg investigation into the former him to cooperate with the indictment, Carey Dunne, the the company already reeling concealed that he was a New president’s business dealings. investigation and tell them top prosecutor in the district from lost business because of York City resident, and he According to the indictment, what he knows. attorney’s office, said: “Politics the pandemic and the backlash avoided paying hundreds of from 2005 through until this Both Weisselberg and lawyers has no role in the jury chamber, over the January 6 attack on thousands in federal, state year, the Trump Organisation for the Trump Organisation and I can assure you it had no the Capitol. and city income taxes while and Chief Financial Officer pleaded not guilty. role here”. “Companies that are being collecting about US$133,000 Allen Weisselberg cheated tax Weisselberg was ordered to The Trump Organisation is indicted, whether they are in refunds to which he was not authorities by conspiring to surrender his passport and the entity through which the private or public, big or entitled, prosecutors said. — AP 14 WORLD The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 COMMUNIST PARTY CENTENARY Xi Jinping warns ‘China will not be bullied’ as nation marks 100 years of Communist Party rule

BEIJING — Chinese President Xi Jinping warned on Thursday (local time) that anyone who tried to bully China “will face broken heads and bloodshed”, in a defiant speech that elicited loud cheers from the carefully-chosen crowd at a celebration marking 100 years of the founding of the ruling Communist Party. Using unusually-forceful language, Xi appeared to be hitting back at the US and other nations that have criticised China’s rising power in trade and technology, as well as its military expansion and human rights record. In his hour-long speech, They have accused the Xi also said the nation must Communist Party of abusing stick to its one-party rule, its power at home, including emphasising the communists’ detaining more than 1 million role in lifting China to global Uyghurs and other mainly prominence. Muslim minorities for “political The rally — which featured re-education” in the northwest a military flyover and people CELEBRATING COMMUNISM: Above, attendees wave Chinese flags during a ceremony at Tiananmen region of Xinjiang, and for waving Chinese flags and Square to mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Chinese Communist Party in Beijing. imprisoning or intimidating into singing patriotic songs — in Above right, China’s President Xi Jinping. Pictures via AP silence those it sees as potential some ways recalled the mass opponents in Tibet and Hong events held by Mao Zedong, Xi, who heads the party and force to bully, oppress or enslave the references to bashing heads Kong. As part of a continuing communist China’s founding is thought to be considering us, and anyone who attempts and bloodshed — were left out of crackdown on anti-government leader. a third term starting from to do so will face broken heads state media’s English translation protests, police in Hong Kong Xi even wore a grey, buttoned- next year, received the biggest and bloodshed in front of the of the quote. sealed off Victoria Park on up suit like the ones favoured by applause when he said the party iron Great Wall of the 1.4 billion Xi declared that China had Thursday. Mao and spoke from the same had restored China’s dignity Chinese people,” said Xi, who restored order in Hong Kong The issue of Taiwan is also a balcony at the top of Tiananmen after decades of subjugation to has eliminated limits on his time following anti-government major source of tension. While Gate, where the revolutionary Western powers and Japan in in office, prompting speculation protests in 2019 and reiterated Taiwan sees itself as a sovereign leader declared the start of the 19th and 20th centuries, that he could rule for life, just as the Communist Party’s state, Beijing views the island as communist rule. and that China had turned itself Mao did. determination to bring self- a breakaway province. More than 70,000 people into the world’s second-largest The strong language appeared governing Taiwan under its Relations between the US and attended the celebrations on economy in recent decades. to be aimed at revving up and control. Both policies have been China have worsened in recent Thursday, according to China’s “The Chinese people will playing to a domestic audience. widely criticised by Western times over trade, espionage and official Xinhua News Agency. absolutely not allow any foreign The strongest elements of it — democracies. the pandemic. — AP

38102-05 The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 WORLD 15 Comet believed to be largest ever spotted

PHILADELPHIA — A Because Oort Cloud comet believed to be the objects tend to spend largest ever spotted has their time far away from been discovered by a pair Earth, Dr Bernstein said of US astronomers and is researchers were not heading towards the sun. usually able to learn much Comet Bernardinelli- about the Oort Cloud. Bernstein, named after “But (Oort Cloud objects) the astronomers who are quite interesting discovered it, is estimated because they are relics from to measure at least 100km the early days of the Solar long and is about 1000 System, and this is kind AP picture times the mass of most of our chance to get some comets. more information about That makes this comet what those things are made arguably the largest comet of, and as it evaporates, we Princess Diana’s discovered in modern times. AT LEAST 100KM LONG: This illustration shows the can try to find out what For comparison, the distant Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein as it might look in kinds of molecules and asteroid that slammed the outer Solar System. Picture supplied by NOIRLab/ things are inside it. Maybe statue unveiled into Earth 66 million NSF/AURA/J da Silva we’ll learn something about years ago and wiped out comets that the closer-in the dinosaurs was only then we call it a comet,” expected to get to the sun ones — the smaller ones — LONDON — Princes children, which Kensington estimated to be 10km Dr Bernstein told RNZ is about the distance of can’t tell us.” William and Harry have put Palace said represented “the across. yesterday. Saturn, which will be in However, despite its their differences aside to universality and generational Astronomers Pedro It has to have a tail — a 2031. size, the comet would not unveil a statue to their late impact” of her work. Bernardinelli and Gary cloud of gas and dust called Last month, it was be visible to the naked mother, Princess Diana, “Today, on what would Bernstein from the a ‘coma’ — to be identified estimated to be at the eye. “Even though it’s very on what would have been have been our mother’s 60th University of Pennsylvania as a comet, otherwise it distance of Uranus from big, it’s also further away her 60th birthday, saying birthday, we remember her discovered the comet, would be an asteroid. the sun. than most comets. But it’ll they hoped it would be a love, strength and character which is a relic from the The Dark Energy Survey “We discovered this be visible for decades in lasting memorial to her life — qualities that made her Oort Cloud — a bunch of first spotted the object in guy as it was coming to telescopes,” he said. and legacy. The brothers, a force for good around the leftovers kicked out of the 2014, and for four years, us at about the distance “Say if it came within two whose feud has been the world, changing countless Solar System by Jupiter images collected of it did of Neptune, but it spends or three times the Earth’s subject of intense media lives for the better,” the about 4 billion years ago not show any tail. However, most of its life a thousand distance to the sun, then scrutiny, looked relaxed as brothers said in a statement. or so. fresh images of the object times further away than it would potentially be one they revealed the statue they “Every day, we wish she “Once in a while, one of showed it had grown a that,” Dr Bernstein said. of the most spectacular commissioned in honour of was still with us, and our them gets knocked towards coma in the past three “The last time it came naked-eye comets ever Diana in the Sunken Garden hope is that this statue will us and when it gets close years, officially making it a through our neighbourhood seen. But, unfortunately, of Kensington Palace. be seen forever as a symbol to us, it starts to evaporate comet. here was more than three that won’t happen.” The bronze statue depicts of her life and her legacy.” and grows a tail . . . and The closest the comet is million years ago.” — RNZ Diana surrounded by three — Reuters story via RNZ MID-WINTER CHRISTMAS DEAL$

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BLACK BULL LIQUOR GISBORNE ASK ABOUT LOYALTY CARD 349 GLADSTONE ROAD, GISBORNE BENEFITS & GIFT VOUCHERS 06 863 1085 40670-01 16 NATIONAL NEWS The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 ‘Notoriously slow’ Police vetting puts childcare centres under pressure by Rachel Maher and Jayden and do my own police vet. hundreds of processed Holmes, NZ Herald That suggests there is a lot of applications that she has never double handling, choking up even used. AUCKLAND — Childcare and slowing down the vetting She says she is fortunate centres say they are at risk system.” to have a high-staff retention of being understaffed and All adults who have access rate, otherwise, she predicts she unable to properly look after to children at early learning would often be under-staffed. kids because of the police’s centres by law must go through Liss Osorio from Conscious “notoriously slow” vetting for a police check. Police also say Kids, a holistic, nature-based workers. that the vetting results cannot holiday programme, says they Some Auckland providers be shared around childcare submit for police vetting “well GRAPPLING WITH DELAYS: Sheree Thompson director of Vintage are waiting for up to six weeks providers as they cannot before they need it” to ensure Kids Kindergarten at the Epsom centre Auckland. Childcare centres for checks and Children’s guarantee the integrity of the they are not left understaffed are at risk of staff shortage due to “unreliable” police vetting. Picture Commissioner Andrew Becroft information like others. supplied has passed on concerns to if it is Police police over a vetting backlog passed in an Police Vetting Services estimate approximately 650,000 requests of care to them, and should for childcare centres and school insecure way. that vetting each year from around 13,000 police vet any adults working holiday programmes. Auckland process approximately checks approved agencies. Education is around children, irrespective of Sheree Thompson, director of school 650,000 requests each year should be the second-highest industry by legal requirements”. Auckland’s Vintage Kids, said holiday from around 13,000 approved completed in volume after immigration. He also had heard concerns the wait means the sector faces programme 20 working Close to 206,000 vetting from childcare centres and being understaffed if they need operators agencies. Education is the days. requests were received in the programmes. relief workers. And that means are also second-highest industry by However, period January-April 2021, “We’ve contacted police to pass centres may not be able to grappling volume after immigration. data on which is the highest ever on our concerns about reports provide the required standard with vetting the police’s received in that four-month time of a backlog in vetting requests of care when looking after delays. website period. and have been reassured that children. One shows that After it was revealed last June the vetting of adults working “While I absolutely provider spoken to by the New only two-thirds of applications that a cameraman who worked with children is their priority.” understand the need for vetting Zealand Herald, who would only are returned in this timeframe on a popular New Zealand Auckland Council’s head of staff, it is hugely problematic be interviewed on the condition while 99.2 percent of all checks children television show was active recreation Dave Stewart when there is an urgent need for of anonymity, said police vetting are completed within 27 working a convicted paedophile, police said the organisation had waited support staff.” had been “notoriously slow” for days. More than a quarter of all vetting in childcare has been longer than the suggested She says that part of this some time. requests are returned within scrutinised thoroughly. 20 days for some vetting of issue is that police vetting Jess Singh, owner of the Little five working days, police say. Becroft says that although workers. checks from previous employers, Scientists holiday programme, A police spokesperson police vetting is not a “magic “Our standards for how we regardless of how recent they says she puts job applicants said that vetting processing bullet”, it is one way that we can operate our services are very are, cannot be transferred to through police vetting even timeframes can fluctuate keep our children safe. high and that includes the another workplace. before they’re interviewed. throughout the year, based on “It’s our view that all safety and security of children. “If a reliever comes to me “Because the process is factors such as the time of year, organisations who work with Any improvement in the directly with their own police not reliable, most times I am the complexity of the request, children and young people — timeliness of processing police vet paperwork that another putting in requests six weeks in and whether the request meets including holiday programmes, vetting forms would have a centre has requested on their advance”. the criteria for automation. sporting, and cultural and hugely positive impact on our behalf . . . I still need to go Singh also said she has Police Vetting Services process religious groups — have a duty recruitment efficiency.” No Deposit Available . . . Selection


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Graham Mullacrane Gisborne Motors Ltd 0800 131 561 or 027 807 2064 ford.co.nz 75 Grey Street I GISBORNE I P 867 6759 I gisbornemotors.co.nz [email protected] 39071-13 The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 RACING 17

Whangarei races at Ruakaka Saturday Jetbet 2 TAB Doubles 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 Trebles 2-3-4, 6-7-8 Quaddies 1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-8 Place6 3-8 Selections 9 66 Eupolia (2) 55.5 46 K Asano (a) 11 — Connemara SCRATCHED 3 45333 Money Trail (4) 60 80 7 Mountfield Quarry 3.44 Race 1: ONE POWER, EXPRESS DESIRE, TAVIROCK 10 Every Show (4) 55.5 45 J Fawcett 12 647s0 Shelob (4) 56.5 49 E McCall (a3) 4 27236 New York Jazz (6) 60 80 C Grylls 11 True North (11) 55.5 45 T Thornton 13 7666 Straightshooterdeb (9) 56.5 46 5 32134 Stand Tall (2) 60 80 A Goindasamy (a1) $27,500, Benchmark 74, 1200m Race 2: SACRED COMMAND, SILVERDALE CHIEF, T Abel (a4) 6 73302 Hezthewonforus (5) 58 76 M McNab 1 s1072 Eva James (5) 59.5 77 T Newman (a2) LIVE FOR YOUR LOVE 2 White Cliffs Timber 12.44 14 Resqued (6) 56.5 45 J Fawcett 7 446s0 Acutus (1) 57 74 E McCall (a3) 2 0s363 Gigolo George (6) 59 72 T Moseley Race 3: MACH SCHNELL, HIT THE ROAD JACK, CANDYFLIP $22,500, Benchmark 65, 1200m EMERGENCIES: 8 0s363 Gigolo George (9) 56 72 3 38008 Breezon (3) 58.5 71 S Spratt Race 4: FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS, DREAM QUEEN, 15 — Cinnamon Star SCRATCHED 9 21349 Belt Road (3) 54 67 K Asano (a) 4 01862 Divine Dive (7) 58 70 K Asano (a) 1 30303 Our Wonderland (2) 59 63 R Elliot ROCONONO 16 07 Happy Mac (8) 58.5 45 5 s1247 Fighting Fire (10) 56.5 67 2 23s14 Silverdale Chief (6) 59 63 C Grylls 10 6000s William Tell (8) 54 55 Race 5: IRISH GIRL, HEZTHEWONFORUS, MONEY TRAIL 17 060s9 Istina (7) 56.5 45 6 0570s Nice Fandango (11) 56.5 67 C Grylls 3 0s236 Live For Your Love (3) 58 61 M McNab 18 67s90 C’est Une Star (5) 56.5 45 6 Tanalised Mile 3.09 7 11 Paradigm Shift (2) 56.5 67 M McNab Race 6: RIVER RUN, EXCITONIC, LAPEL 4 2100s Sacred Command (7) 58 61 L Innes Race 7: EVA JAMES, MANCHU, PARADIGM SHIFT $22,500, Benchmark 65, 1600m 8 18708 The Dom (8) 56.5 67 T Abel (a4) 5 359s7 Nitrate (8) 57.5 60 T Newman (a2) 4 21/8 Northland Breeders Stks 1.59 9 47s43 Manchu (12) 55.5 69 A Goindasamy (a1) Race 8: FINAL SUGGESTION, MAKZABEEL, SUPER GEE 6 52445 Tiny Terror (10) 57 59 T Thornton 1 s4142 Excitonic (10) 60 65 $22,500, 2yo SW+P, 1100m 10 31s70 Alice Tinker (1) 54.5 67 D Danis 7 s10s0 Rapid Recall (1) 56 61 A Calder 2 0s205 River Run (3) 60 65 M McNab 11 1390s Lookseasy (4) 54.5 67 J Fawcett 8 s30s9 Joey’s Gift (5) 55.5 60 S Spratt 1 1250s Follow Your Dreams (5) 58.5 67 3 2420s Coruba Jak (19) 59.5 64 A Calder 12 90157 Sweet Hunter (9) 54.5 67 (a3) 9 7s08s New Dawn (4) 55.5 60 T Newman (a2) 4 4s206 Playsameanpinball (14) 59 63 A Goindasamy (a1) 2 — Burgundy Dancer SCRATCHED L Satherley 8 Northbeam Timber Beams And Posts 4.24 10 7s509 Imaready (9) 54.5 58 K Asano (a) 3 Field Of Gold (4) 56 47 M McNab 5 s1643 Lapel (20) 58.5 62 R Elliot $27,500, Benchmark 74, 2100m 4 Roconono (8) 56 47 L Innes 6 20s21 The Bounder (11) 58.5 62 3 Dunstan Accumulator 1.19 1 3s293 Zelenski (3) 60.5 75 5 Tsunami Sam (6) 56 47 J Fawcett 7 710s0 Rusavy (17) 58 61 C Barnes 2 50s04 Final Suggestion (5) 59.5 73 J Fawcett $10,000, Maiden, 1600m 6 Chase ‘n’ Gold (1) 56 45 A Calder 8 1062 Igottadoitmyway (4) 57 63 S Spratt 7 Prince Lia (12) 56 45 S Spratt 3 6s761 Makzabeel (1) 57 68 L Innes 1 32025 Cleverconversation (14) 58.5 54 9 83427 Laurant (16) 57 63 A Goindasamy (a1) 8 Van Diesel (10) 56 45 T Moseley 4 s5021 La Casa (2) 56.5 67 R Elliot L Satherley 10 61 Selva Verde (5) 57 63 T Newman (a2) 1 17/7 ITM/GIB Whangarei Gold Cup 12.09 9 12s Dream Queen (2) 55.5 64 T Thornton 5 20539 Peerless Warrior (7) 56.5 67 2 42423 Hit The Road Jack (3) 58.5 54 11 86s21 Kool Power (12) 56.5 62 V Colgan 10 0662 Game Night (7) 54 52 Brandon May T Newman (a2) $10,000, 3yo Maiden, 1200m K Asano (a) 12 33817 Pipsqueak Rose (1) 56 61 K Asano (a) 11 684 Quartz Queen (3) 54 50 C Grylls 6 50s01 Kaareraway (13) 56 70 L Satherley 3 2642 Mach Schnell (1) 58.5 53 L Innes 13 31887 Sympathique (15) 56 61 J Fawcett 1 2 One Power (3) 57.5 52 C Grylls 12 Bella Luce (11) 54 45 A Goindasamy (a1) 7 25202 Super Gee (12) 55.5 65 2 All About You (7) 57.5 47 S Spratt 4 24029 Jojakk (10) 58.5 52 T Thornton 14 81956 Speed Of Light (2) 55.5 60 D Danis A Goindasamy (a1) SCRATCHED EMERGENCY: EMERGENCIES: 3 Tavirock (6) 57.5 47 L Innes 5 — Flavius 13 Gato Montes (9) 54 45 8 4s058 Queen Constantine (6) 55 68 C Grylls 4 2 Express Desire (10) 55.5 52 6 0s Maitland (12) 58.5 46 A Goindasamy (a1) 15 42508 Cate Blanco (7) 55.5 60 S McKay 9 17257 Barbara (8) 54.5 67 S Spratt T Newman (a2) 7 062 Candyflip (2) 56.5 52 M McNab 5 Northpine Waipu Cup 2.34 16 5s354 Quality Prevails (13) 54.5 58 10 s9600 Tunzagutz (4) 54 59 T Thornton 5 63s Castle Of Love (9) 55.5 51 V Colgan 8 05028 Rising Steps (13) 56.5 51 17 0s69s Spelterini (9) 54.5 58 11 s0406 Aspiring (11) 54 58 6 3s8 Darci’s Flight (1) 55.5 50 M McNab T Newman (a2) $32,500, Open Handicap, 1400m 18 98s90 Raggedy Doll (6) 54.5 58 12 88074 Hugh Glass (14) 54 57 E McCall (a3) 7 Kate Velour (5) 55.5 47 A Calder 9 07350 Annalone (15) 56.5 50 S McKay 1 90260 Monaco (10) 62 84 J Fawcett 19 75960 Savappiel (8) 54 55 13 s0258 Ludus (9) 54 57 8 Lady Mak (8) 55.5 47 (a3) 10 0s004 Apatchee Power (11) 56.5 50 T Moseley 2 s2401 Irish Girl (7) 61 86 T Newman (a2) 20 3090s Single Moment (18) 54 55 14 02960 Incy Wincy Spider (10) 54 52

Hawkes Bay races at Hastings Saturday Jetbet 4 TAB D. 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 T. 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 8-9-10 Q. 2-3-4-5, 7-8-9-10 PL6 5-10 Selections 2 Three Wise Birds Hurdle 11.24 6 98632 Casaquinman (1) 57.5 77 L Allpress 7 AHD Hawke’s Bay 2.09 3 06121 Raced Evens (10) 59.5 77 Race 1: MASTER PAINTON, KAHARAU, PHELAN FOXY 7 s4745 Conor O’Ceirin (5) 56 74 M K Hudson Callum Jones (a3) $10,000, Maiden Hurdle, 2500m 8 0s109 Tonadillas (3) 54.5 71 D Hirini $50,000, Open Steeple, 4800m 4 40s13 Seaaprince (5) 59.5 73 L Allpress Race 2: MOKELE MBEMBE, HE’S RIC, ZAC BROWN 1 42973 He’s Ric (8) 68 57 D M Parker (2) 1 s4322 It’s A Wonder (5) 69.5 93 S Phelan 5 s5534 Rock Island Line (8) 58 70 J Riddell Race 3: THE COSSACK, BAK DA MASTER, SENASSY 2 25705 Zac Brown (11) 68 57 J Seivwright (1) 5 Birchleigh Polo Club 12.59 2 53s35 Shamal (6) 69 92 B Lammas 6 13126 Ucalledit (9) 58 70 S O’Malley (a2) Race 4: PRINCESS RIHANNA, SPEEDY MEADY, TAVIS COURT 3 84994 Mokele Mbembe (7) 68 55 H McNeill $32,500, Open Handicap, 2100m 3 1s114 Mesmerize (7) 66.5 87 S Fannin 7 765s2 Cross Roads (4) 57.5 69 L Hemi Race 5: BIG MIKE, COLLINSTREET, DIVINE DUKE 4 s0P3P Notabadrooster (3) 65 71 8 3623s Aricina (3) 57 72 H Schofer (a1) 4 5s657 Swift (6) 68 52 1 12043 Big Mike (3) 62 97 E Nicholas (a4) Race 6: SHACKELTONS EDGE, PIERIAN SPRING, 5 s3364 Mr Enthusiastic (1) 65 70 E Farr 9 250s1 Durham Lad (6) 57 68 D Hirini 5 4 Al’s Red Zed (2) 68 50 S Phelan 2 51496 Major Tom (4) 58.5 90 J Riddell LOCALLY SAUCED 6 Ps97P That’s How It Goes (4) 65 65 D M Parker 10 07132 Bubble Gum (7) 56 70 T Taiaroa (a2) 6 000s0 Amazing Az (1) 68 50 R Cole (2) 3 97s44 Charlie Horse (11) 56 85 Race 7: MESMERIZE, IT’S A WONDER, SHAMAL 7 s6554 Yardarm (2) 65 52 S O’Malley (a) 11 s3118 Platinum Star (2) 54.5 67 7 067s0 Matovani (5) 68 50 M Roustoby (2) Ashvin Mudhoo (a3) Ashvin Mudhoo (a3) Race 8: MATT CAIN, TANGO LOVE, MISS DIXIE 8 98858 My Tommy (9) 68 50 L Douglas (3) 4 0s413 Collinstreet (2) 56 85 H Schofer (a1) 8 Willis Legal 2.44 12 00s60 Sybarite (12) 54 57 S J Macnab Race 9: PABLO ESK, UCALLEDIT, CROSS ROADS 9 s00s8 Shockova (3) 68 50 B Lammas 5 07360 My Gift (8) 54 78 L Allpress Race 10: GERDA, PRINCESS ANI, ESTEFANIA 10 s6626 Black Eyed Sue (10) 66 50 E Farr 6 s9011 Divine Duke (7) 54 77 T Yanagida (a1) $22,500, Benchmark 65, 1100m 10 Thank You Hbri Stewards 3.54 11 4s950 Optimum Sweet (4) 66 50 N Downs (2) 7 560s0 Master Fin (1) 54 76 T Taiaroa (a2) 1 0s420 Matt Cain (7) 59 63 T Taiaroa (a2) $22,500, Benchmark 65, 1400m 3 Te Whangai Romneys Hawke’s Bay 11.54 8 09211 Akela Belle (9) 54 74 L Hemi 2 23s14 Silverdale Chief (11) 59 63 1 83242 Dedoje (11) 59.5 64 L Hemi 9 s7602 Suliman (6) 54 71 3 40s71 Patch Prince (13) 58.5 62 2 315 Black Forest (15) 59 63 S J Macnab $50,000, Open Hurdle, 3100m 10 03645 Yossarian (12) 54 64 S J Macnab Y Kumagai (a4) 3 6103s El Coolio (10) 59 63 C Dell 11 s0130 Prince Leo (5) 54 63 L Kauri (a4) 4 81070 Roc Cha (4) 58 65 Callum Jones (a3) 1 s8497 Tallyho Twinkletoe (2) 71 98 S Fannin 4 1s Le Grazie (19) 59 63 Callum Jones (a3) 12 0s563 Stormy Habit (10) 54 56 M K Hudson 5 9331 Hot Shockolate (9) 56.5 62 2 1s312 The Cossack (1) 66 88 S Phelan 5 09s91 Haka Boogie (7) 58.5 62 S O’Malley (a2) H Schofer (a1) 3 45264 Tommyra (4) 65.5 87 R Cole 6 50802 Up ‘n’ Gone (1) 58.5 62 L Allpress 6 Just A Swagger/Perry Mason 1.34 6 838s4 Glamour (10) 56 61 Ashvin Mudhoo (a3) 7 5s040 Chillax ‘n’ Chase (2) 58 61 4 s7F46 No Change (3) 65 83 H McNeill $10,000, Maiden Steeple, 4000m 7 s6140 Miss Dixie (6) 56 61 L Allpress Ashvin Mudhoo (a3) 5 29126 Bak Da Master (7) 65 82 M Roustoby 8 s0059 World Tour (5) 55.5 56 L Hemi 8 17468 The Lost Boys (16) 58 61 H Schofer (a1) 1 PFs73 Crackthegoodstuff (7) 68 59 1 Hawke’s Bay Hunt Hurdle 10.54 6 s0862 Senassy (5) 65 78 D M Parker 9 00s65 Showshanelle (1) 55 59 S J Macnab 9 554s4 Gerda (8) 57.5 64 J Riddell J Seivwright (1) 7 3s546 Ali Baba (6) 65 73 J Seivwright 10 355s2 Rusty O’Ceirin (3) 54.5 54 M K Hudson 10 s40s2 Princess Ani (12) 57.5 64 F Lazet (a4) $10,000, Maiden Hurdle, 2500m 2 65272 Pierian Spring (9) 68 59 E Farr 11 6s075 This Lady Rocks (8) 54 57 11 42s31 Bahia Emerald (9) 57 63 1 2 Captains Run (8) 68 59 3 85L30 Locally Sauced (5) 68 57 R Cole (2) 4 Alexander Construction 12.24 C L O’Beirne (a2) 12 s4038 Threadtheneedle (13) 56.5 62 2 0s634 Phelan Foxy (5) 68 57 J Seivwright (1) 4 38s53 Argyll (2) 68 50 S Phelan $32,500, Open Handicap, 1200m 12 86398 Gurtlyn (2) 54 56 T Yanagida (a1) 13 69s52 Estefania (4) 56 61 3 s0078 Kaharau (6) 68 52 E Farr 5 P46s9 Blanco Bay (3) 68 50 B Lammas EMERGENCY: 14 64962 Tango Love (18) 55.5 60 4 50s90 Argentiere (4) 68 50 M Roustoby (2) 1 69831 Princess Rihanna (2) 62 90 6 59s66 Father Dom (6) 68 50 S Fannin 13 64962 Tango Love (12) 55.5 60 EMERGENCIES: 5 0s000 Franklin (2) 68 50 S Phelan Y Kumagai (a4) 7 s000P La Jungles (10) 68 50 G Walsh 15 s1066 Slim (3) 57.5 60 6 00s00 Lizzed (9) 68 50 H McNeill 2 15708 Torre Del Greco (8) 62 90 T Taiaroa (a2) 8 4s846 Shackeltons Edge (1) 68 50 H McNeill 9 Taradale Club 3.19 16 — Trosettee SCRATCHED 7 03604 Master Painton (10) 68 50 R Cole (2) 3 8s313 Tavis Court (7) 61.5 85 C L O’Beirne (a2) 9 6579P Wicklow (4) 68 50 S O’Malley (a3) 17 00503 Surprize Me (5) 55 59 $27,500, Benchmark 74, 1400m 8 779s0 Remarx (1) 68 50 S O’Malley (a3) 4 57s41 Spring Tide (6) 59.5 81 S J Macnab 10 s40P4 Mrs Twinkletoes (11) 66 55 18 s9904 She’s Apples (17) 54 57 9 74454 Zenntari (3) 68 50 D M Parker (2) 5 50s69 Speedy Meady (4) 58.5 79 D M Parker (2) 1 72533 Equinox (1) 61 76 19 057s0 Marbuzet (6) 55 55 10 s896P Jakki Sparrow (7) 66 50 G Walsh Callum Jones (a3) 11 s787P Oxymoron (8) 66 50 2 40421 Pablo Esk (11) 61 76 F Lazet (a4) 20 00s65 Showshanelle (14) 55 59

New South Wales races at Rosehill Saturday Jetbet 11 TAB doubles 1-2, 5-6, 9-10 Trebles 4-5-6, 8-9-10 Quaddie 3-4-5-6, 7-8-9-10 Place6 5-10 Selections 8 21s7s Melik db (17) 56.5 84 T Berry 8 32373 Yardstick dw (12) 57 94 N Rawiller 6 7650s Morton’s Fork tw (9) 58 85 Ms K O’Hara 9 Elite Sand & Soil Handicap 5.50 Race 1: SIR DAVY, TYCOONIST, THE EMPIRE 9 s3603 King’s Trust dw (18) 56 89 9 1 Ibaraki dwh (13) 56.5 93 J Ford 7 2s511 Oscar Zulu tcwh (11) 56 98 K Mc Evoy J Van Overmeire (a1.5) 10 19s42 Ready To Soar dwh (14) 56 95 8 8s223 Canasta twb (3) 56 97 J Parr $130,000, 3yo & up Benchmark 78, 1800m Race 2: HELLENISM, PRIVATE AGENT, I AM CAPITAN 10 4177s Warrah Flash td (7) 56 89 J Collett T Schiller (a3) 9 242s1 Cisco Bay dwhn (6) 56 100 T Berry 1 6s062 Berdibek dw (13) 66 92 K Mc Evoy Race 3: NO COMPROMISE, APPROACH DISCREET, 11 317s6 Deploys Alone wn (3) 55.5 93 R Bayliss 11 287s1 Isalute (1) 56 95 K S Latham 10 6s608 Intuition w (8) 55.5 86 2 0s224 Maserartie Bay w (1) 60 100 K S Latham KAAPFEVER 12 515s2 Moetta dw (15) 55 97 Ms R King 12 12513 Miss Jay Fox dw (15) 55.5 93 Ms R King J Van Overmeire (a1.5) 3 21945 Welsh Legend twhn (9) 59.5 95 J Collett Race 4: JOVIALITY, KINLOCH, IBARAKI 13 34s21 Very Sharp w (4) 54.5 99 G Buckley 13 112s1 Distillate cdw (6) 55 97 Ms L Day (a2) 11 31544 Ruby Tuesday dw (2) 52 92 Ms R King 4 — Cinquedea SCRATCHED 14 41s11 Knight Driver dw (6) 54 95 K Mc Evoy 14 21926 Embeller dw (8) 54 92 A Adkins Race 5: OUR BELLAGIO MISS, WANDER, KAWAIKINI 5 54s39 Criminal Code h (3) 59.5 99 T Berry EMERGENCIES: EMERGENCY: 7 Quayclean Handicap 4.35 Race 6: CANASTA, NEW ARRANGEMENT, OSCAR ZULU 6 122s5 Harpo Marx tw (7) 59.5 97 Ms R King Race 7: LA CHEVALEE, KAPTIVE, PAPAL WARRIOR 15 33s11 Lady River dw (13) 54 94 J Ford 15 52s11 Marcassin w (3) 55 97 $130,000, 3 & 4yo Benchmark 72, 1500m 16 9s001 Belitsa wn (9) 54 86 7 89422 Lackeen b (14) 59.5 97 T Clark Race 8: MOLLYCODDLE, VITESSE, SMART IMAGE 17 8859s Denmiss w (14) 54 86 5 Midway Handicap 3.20 1 59s67 Badoosh tw (3) 62 92 J Collett 8 6056s Master Shuhood w (16) 59 90 Race 9: LACKEEN, WICKLOW, WELSH LEGEND 2 68511 Nyami twh (8) 62 99 T Berry Ms K O’Hara 18 16s2s Private Agent wb (12) 54.5 91 $100,000, 3yo & up Benchmark 72, 1100m Race 10: STEEL DIAMOND, MISS EINSTEIN, KATALIN 3 200s0 Navy Cross w (1) 60.5 90 N Rawiller 9 94s76 Accountability cwh (10) 58.5 95 3 The Agency Real Estate Hcp 2.10 1 1516s Kosciusko wn (6) 62 93 P Scorse (a3) 4 6s223 La Chevalee w (14) 59.5 95 N Rawiller 2 4511s Catapult w (4) 61.5 90 K Mc Evoy Ms L Day (a2) $130,000, 3yo & up Benchmark 78, 2400m 10 11544 Steely wh (6) 58.5 100 J Parr 3 35075 Switched cdw (7) 60.5 99 5 s7221 Papal Warrior twh (6) 59.5 93 K Mc Evoy 11 44256 Relucent wn (4) 56.5 95 J Ford 1 s4338 Approach Discreet cw (10) 61.5 96 Ms E Hennessy (a3) 6 22751 O’Mudgee w (11) 59 97 J Parr 12 82s00 Shuffle Up h (8) 56.5 94 J Van Overmeire (a1.5) 4 98s00 McCormack dw (15) 60.5 88 7 8Ps96 Bring The Ransom w (7) 58 93 T Clark J Van Overmeire (a1.5) 1 Cleanaway Handicap 1.00 2 33311 No Compromise tdwh (8) 60 100 T Berry Ms L Day (a2) 8 6s435 Bethencourt wb (2) 57 96 J Ford 13 3s111 Wicklow cwh (11) 55.5 100 B Avdulla $130,000, 2 & 3yo Benchmark 72, 1300m 3 77s00 Rider In The Snow w (3) 60 85 J Collett 5 01803 Buckin’ Beauty dwn (14) 59 90 9 212s8 McGeehan wn (15) 56.5 91 Ms K O’Hara 4 0s408 Desert Path cdwh (12) 59.5 90 N Rawiller T Schiller (a3) 10 80221 Wild Chap w (13) 56.5 100 T Schiller (a3) 14 30206 Champagne Vega w (5) 54 97 A Adkins 1 s5232 Tycoonist cbhn (2) 60 94 T Berry EMERGENCIES: 2 — Rustic Steel SCRATCHED 5 67622 Kaapfever dw (1) 59.5 94 R Bayliss 6 411s7 Mr Polar wb (18) 58.5 90 11 9s603 Key w (4) 56 90 K S Latham 6 10141 Brown Thomas dw (14) 58.5 98 J Van Overmeire (a1.5) 12 218s4 Kaptive whn (10) 56 94 B Avdulla 15 41945 Roseirro tw (12) 52 97 T Schiller (a3) 3 0s311 The Empire dw (8) 59 100 B Avdulla Ms R King 7 9158s Wander dwn (12) 58.5 92 J Ford 13 82137 Titanium Power wb (9) 55.5 96 R Bayliss 16 68511 Nyami cwh (15) 59 100 4 s1219 Sir Davy d (4) 58 99 J Parr 7 39604 Spencer tw (9) 58 93 J Parr 8 1546L Just Field dw (17) 58 95 J Parr 14 134s5 The Guru dw (12) 55.5 90 A Adkins 5 31627 Sahra w (9) 57 98 T Schiller (a3) 8 68205 Sound Of Cannons (7) 54.5 90 B Avdulla 9 137s4 Our Bellagio Miss dw (10) 57.5 100 15 8s052 Buba wh (5) 54 93 J Innes Jnr 10 XXXX Handicap 6.30 6 8s030 Rock My Wand tw (5) 56.5 94 A Adkins 9 2222D Admit It w (6) 54 99 T Schiller (a3) T Berry $130,000, 3yo & up F&M Benchmark 78, 7 4s500 Selburose whn (7) 56.5 92 K Mc Evoy 10 7s041 Sepulchre w (2) 54 88 10 11s71 Go For Gold dw (5) 57.5 97 J Collett 8 ACY Securities Handicap 5.15 8 726s6 Bazooka dwh (6) 56 92 K S Latham 1400m Ms E Hennessy (a3) 11 s5s61 Rifles w (8) 57 94 K S Latham $130,000, 3yo & up Benchmark 78, 1300m 9 6s381 Yangarra Rose w (10) 55 95 R Bayliss 11 s5884 Sir Aglovale wh (13) 54 90 K Mc Evoy 12 352s0 Sedition tdwn (2) 56.5 90 Ms K O’Hara 1 661s4 Invinciano d (14) 60 94 B Avdulla 10 31 Zariya w (1) 54 94 T Clark 12 3s411 Kitzbuhel dw (5) 53 95 J Ford 13 543s5 Piping Roller w (9) 56 91 C Lever 1 1s07s Cognac wh (7) 59.5 89 2 s1731 Cafe Royal dw (4) 59.5 100 11 35s1 Honeycreeper w (3) 52 95 Ms R King 13 20805 Poulton Le Sands w (11) 53 90 14 1215s Nicci’s Song wb (1) 54 92 G Buckley J Van Overmeire (a1.5) T Schiller (a3) Ms L Day (a2) EMERGENCIES: 2 6s852 Smart Image twn (4) 58.5 94 T Clark 3 52054 Saigon dwh (12) 59.5 94 T Berry 2 TAB Highway Handicap 1.35 14 27377 Chief Kidder w (4) 52 88 A Adkins 15 232s8 Kawaikini dw (11) 54 91 Ms R King 3 s609s Chains Of Honour bh (11) 58 78 4 — Vitesse SCRATCHED $100,000, 3yo & up Class 3, 1100m 16 s1255 Pearl Roan dw (13) 54 96 R Bayliss 5 50s15 Katalin dwb (11) 59 98 K Mc Evoy 4 Ranvet Handicap 2.45 17 40423 Colonel d (3) 54.5 95 4 s3319 Zell dh (8) 58 92 T Schiller (a3) 6 — La Chevalee SCRATCHED 1 6223s I Am Capitan db (10) 61.5 85 5 55108 Stellar Pauline w (10) 57.5 93 A Adkins 18 7s642 Bigger Than Thorn w (16) 55 92 7 25660 Lucicello twh (15) 58.5 93 T Clark T Schiller (a3) $130,000, 3yo Benchmark 72, 1100m 6 s2481 Vitesse tdwh (1) 57.5 90 N Rawiller 8 1s431 Expat twn (7) 58 100 J Parr 2 s106s Absolute Trust dw (5) 59.5 93 J Parr 1 1511s Vreneli wn (5) 61.5 94 6 Lynette Lamphee Memorial 3.55 7 49s90 He’s A Hotshot c (13) 57 91 Ms R King 3 33s27 Hellenism d (1) 58 100 T Clark 8 21047 Epic Dan dw (6) 56.5 91 K S Latham 9 349s2 Steel Diamond cwh (9) 58 100 N Rawiller J Van Overmeire (a1.5) SCRATCHED 4 90s03 Anethole (11) 58 99 B Avdulla 2 0s00s Joviality dwh (11) 60.5 93 T Berry $130,000, 3yo & up Benchmark 88, 1500m 9 — Papal Warrior SCRATCHED 10 — Bring The Ransom 5 8928s Safe Landing w (8) 58 83 A Adkins 3 42191 Magic Ruler cw (10) 58.5 97 J Collett 1 s0522 Grand Piano cw (4) 60.5 96 N Rawiller 10 — Steel Diamond SCRATCHED 11 13444 Exotic Ruby (6) 57 96 J Collett 6 2121s If You Think So tw (16) 57.5 86 4 32214 Fastconi dwbh (2) 57.5 94 B Avdulla 2 512s0 Flambeur w (1) 59.5 75 J Ford 11 s2237 Taksu w (3) 56 92 J Collett 12 30s92 Miss Einstein w (10) 57 96 Ms R King Ms K O’Hara 5 s0s21 Kinloch w (9) 57.5 100 K Mc Evoy 3 — Kirwan’s Lane SCRATCHED 12 60s37 Starla dhn (12) 55.5 93 T Berry 13 — Ruby Tuesday SCRATCHED 7 6s845 Dreaming For More d (2) 57 92 6 32326 The Big Easy w (7) 57.5 100 T Clark 4 0s488 Military Zone (5) 59.5 93 T Schiller (a3) 13 — St Covet’s Spirit SCRATCHED 14 s6742 St Covet’s Spirit b (2) 57 99 Ms L Day (a2) 7 5s252 Sixgun dw (4) 57 95 J Parr 5 223s1 New Arrangement wh (7) 59 93 T Clark 14 1s107 Mollycoddle w (2) 54.5 93 K Mc Evoy 15 2334s My Demetra dwb (13) 54 90 A Adkins 18 RACING The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021

Victoria races at Flemington Saturday Jetbet 12 TAB doubles 1-2, 4-5, 8-9 Trebles 3-4-5, 7-8-9 Quaddie 2-3-4-5, 6-7-8-9 Place6 4-9 Selections 6 Regulus h (5) 57 88 Ms J Kah 9 57233 Smokin’ Pierro w (4) 54 90 C Williams 11 8s213 Double Chance dwh (9) 54 93 Ms J Kah 8 Furphy All Vic. Sprint Series Final 6.05 Race 1: MENNEA, REGULUS, THE ART OF FLYING 7 0s03 Power Crunch (11) 56 88 J Benbow 10 03325 Vividredsky w (5) 54 89 Dean Holland 12 63592 Countess Tessa (10) 54 88 P Moloney 8 3 Miss Cheviots (3) 55 89 H Coffey 11 28s89 Pissaro n (1) 54 83 M Poy $160,000, Listed, 1200m Race 2: RELIABLE DUDE, VISUALISING, VIBRANT GLIDER 9 2 Stalking h (2) 55 93 D Oliver 6 Seppelt Wines Winter C’ship Final 4.55 1 12s3s Isaurian dwh (8) 59 95 D Oliver Race 3: GRAND PROMENADE, CHASKA, VIVIDREDSKY 10 Wolf Rein (7) 55 87 P Moloney 4 Kennedy Taj Rossi Series Final 3.35 $160,000, Listed, 1600m 2 346s1 Romancer tcdw (11) 58 93 L Neindorf (a) Race 4: CARDIGAN QUEEN, FORBIDDEN CITY, ROYALZEL 11 0s23 Jagar h (4) 54.5 100 D Lane $160,000, 2yo Listed, 1600m 3 337s3 William Thomas dw (3) 56.5 96 M Dee Race 5: AIDENSFIELD, STAR OF UMA, DOUBLE CHANCE 1 6570s Buckhurst dw (8) 60 91 B Melham 4 277s5 Banquo th (10) 56 96 D Lane Race 6: BUCKHURST, DICE ROLL, KIRWAN’S LANE 2 TAB Silver Bowl Series Final 2.25 1 8151 Royalzel w (3) 59 100 C Williams 2 0s111 Dice Roll tdwh (6) 55.5 97 F W Kersley 5 5s541 The Astrologist tdwhn (7) 55 97 D Thornton 2 1 Celestial Fury tw (6) 58 96 C Newitt 3 5s233 Odeon tdwh (2) 55.5 93 Ms J Kah 6 25815 Albumin dw (2) 54.5 100 M Poy Race 7: UNIQUE ARTIST, REUBER, MURRUMBIDGEE RIVER $150,000, 3yo Quality, 1600m Race 8: THE ASTROLOGIST, ALBUMIN, HALVORSEN 3 11 Messignadi w (7) 56.5 95 H Coffey 4 38913 Mongolian Marshal cdw (3) 54.5 90 7 70298 Halvorsen tcdn (12) 54.5 93 C Williams 1 43422 Rathlin (4) 60 96 L Currie 4 81 Aktolgali dw (12) 56 92 J Hill B Prebble Race 9: BARBIE’S FOX, ZIMOWY, LINDHOUT 8 51532 Hi Stranger wn (13) 54 96 D Yendall 2 12031 Reliable Dude dwh (8) 57.5 97 D Lane 5 2221 Cardigan Queen (2) 56 97 M Zahra 5 37s75 Salsamor tw (10) 54.5 87 C Newitt 9 50s11 Midships dwn (6) 54 97 3 s1544 Seb Song dwn (7) 57.5 100 Ms J Kah 6 6 Bon Vivant h (11) 55 96 D Oliver 6 000s6 Furrion tw (4) 54 94 D Bates 10 406s8 Chicago Cub cdwh (1) 54 89 F W Kersley 4 12s33 Vibrant Glider dw (1) 57 96 J Mott 7 533 Catskill (8) 54.5 90 B Prebble 7 33446 Galaxy Raider tcw (5) 54 89 M Dee 11 s4519 Rock Prophet tw (9) 54 97 C Newitt 5 3116 Next Step Berrima dw (3) 56.5 98 8 9 Turn It Up Tommy h (13) 54.5 90 8 8s221 Adelaide Ace td (9) 54 97 D Yendall 12 s4390 Irish Songs dw (4) 54 92 W Price (a) M Zahra P Moloney 9 40531 Biometric dwh (7) 54 93 H Coffey 13 21s82 Lowanna Magic d (5) 54 94 D Bates 6 3132 Bengal Bandit w (10) 55 97 P Moloney 9 713 Pretty Little Lass (5) 54 96 D Lane 10 6s413 Kirwan’s Lane dwb (1) 54 100 C Williams 7 4211 Merle The Pearl dwn (12) 55 98 D Oliver 10 42 Whatafox (1) 54 97 M Dee 9 TCL Leilani Series Final 6.35 8 22216 Fac (5) 54.5 96 D Yendall 11 8s24 Forbidden City (10) 54 99 Ms J Kah 7 G.H. Mumm Mahogany Chall Final 5.30 $150,000, 4yo & up Mares Quality, 1400m 9 0s213 Points All Round (11) 54.5 91 C Williams 12 574s3 Tatsuro b (9) 54 92 D Yendall $160,000, 3yo Quality, 2500m 1 26s48 Why Choose Her w (13) 60 98 D Bates 10 s2630 Seiners Express wb (9) 54.5 96 H Coffey 13 604 Celtic Glory (4) 54 93 W Price (a) 1 32226 Reuber (4) 58.5 97 C Newitt 2 5s507 Strome dw (4) 59 92 L Currie 11 2s215 Visualising wn (6) 54.5 94 M Dee 2 06124 Literati w (2) 57.5 95 D Thornton 3 26231 Don’ttelltheboss cwn (15) 57.5 99 12 16s66 Baglioni (2) 54 100 M Poy 5 MSS Security Rivette Final 4.15 3 28861 Token Spirit w (3) 56.5 99 Ms J Kah Ms A Kelly (a) 4 0s915 Chassis tw (12) 56 95 D Thornton $150,000, 3yo Fillies Quality, 1400m 4 7s811 Unique Artist tw (11) 56.5 98 M Dee 3 Lexus B Paterson Series Final 3.00 5 09s59 Parmie dwh (2) 56 97 D Lane 1 0s5s7 Aidensfield wh (1) 60 98 J Mott 5 38181 Don Arcangelo w (8) 56 95 C Williams $150,000, 3yo & up Quality, 2600m 6 400s3 Barbie’s Fox w (10) 55.5 93 Ms J Kah 1 Sofitel Next Generation Final 1.50 2 3s221 Star Of Uma dw (12) 58.5 96 M Zahra 6 s0105 Cakewalk Baby tw (5) 55.5 100 M Poy 7 7s398 Kiss And Cry dwn (5) 54.5 93 M Dee 1 s9254 Haky cw (10) 60 93 D Bates 3 57541 Divine Diosa dwh (8) 58 100 D Lane 7 1 Murrumbidgee River (6) 55.5 96 $150,000, 2yo Quality, 1200m 8 217s0 Metronome dwn (8) 54.5 87 M Poy 2 22121 Grand Promenade t (2) 59 98 Ms J Kah 4 11180 Electric Belle (7) 58 88 W Price (a) M Zahra 9 s5761 Leale dw (1) 54 100 F W Kersley 1 1 Mennea dw (1) 58 93 M Zahra 3 10364 Runaway twh (6) 59 84 D Oliver 5 s2151 Foxy Frida cw (3) 58 98 C Williams 8 19993 Eco Warrior whn (9) 54.5 98 D Lane 10 36s13 Galgani dw (7) 54 95 C Williams 2 237s3 The Art Of Flying b (8) 58 96 B Melham 4 1s111 Not Usual Glorious w (9) 54 99 C Newitt 6 57187 Sensationalisation dw (2) 58 92 D Oliver 9 61077 Oh So Far n (12) 54 95 F W Kersley 11 18662 Stravain w (6) 54 90 Dean Holland 3 8s21 Cardinal Gem d (10) 57.5 93 M Dee 5 5s383 Master Chum w (3) 54 100 D Lane 7 1351 Comica wn (6) 57.5 93 L Currie 10 9s303 Hopkins (10) 54 92 B Prebble 12 s7311 Zimowy wn (14) 54 91 D Yendall 4 46s3 I Am War (9) 57.5 88 N Punch 6 14531 Chaska (7) 54 91 M Dee 8 47711 So Far Away dw (11) 57.5 90 B Melham 11 4s531 Trust But Verify (1) 54 94 W Price (a) 13 s2442 Lindhout (11) 54 95 C Newitt 5 Eamonn’s Memory (6) 57 86 7 s4071 Royal Crown dw (8) 54 91 D Thornton 9 72340 A Pinch Of Luck d (4) 56 91 D Thornton 12 64463 Mr Pocket (7) 54 89 Dean Holland 14 339s5 Brimm dw (9) 54 88 W Price (a) F W Kersley 8 93702 Tolemac w (11) 54 90 W Price (a) 10 51745 Wegobam h (5) 55.5 90 Dean Holland 13 50336 Yesugei (13) 54 89 D Bates 15 2s245 Make Mine Hennessy n (3) 54 90 P Moloney

Queensland races at Sunshine Coast Saturday Jetbet 14 TAB doubles 1-2, 4-5, 8-9 Trebles 3-4-5, 7-8-9 Quaddie 2-3-4-5, 6-7-8-9 Place6 4-9 Selections 3 460s3 London Banker (13) 59 92 J Orman 4 Martin Collins Aust. Hcp 4.47 3 9s048 Magic Conqueror dw (9) 57 90 4 11270 Coventina Bay dw (18) 55.5 98 Race 1: WARP SPEED, I COULD DO BETTER, CINQUEDEA 4 160s7 Kali dw (8) 58.5 91 J Huxtable (a1.5) L V Cassidy Ms S Collett $75,000, Open, 1000m 4 10s40 Not An Option (15) 57 93 M Cahill 5 04750 All Too Huiying w (15) 54.5 93 Race 2: EAST ASIA, LONDON BANKER, LOVE EXPRESS 5 654s6 Love Express th (2) 58.5 92 R Maloney 6 898s0 Baanone w (1) 58 97 J Byrne 1 27s47 Just Orm cw (9) 59 89 R Maloney 5 11118 Cracker Essgee w (6) 57 90 L Tarrant S Tomlinson (a) Race 3: SEQUESAY, CARRIBEAN KING, YOU’LL BE MIST 7 10602 Shijin dw (15) 58 95 Ms M Wishart (a3) 2 0s00s Tato Key dh (10) 58 79 J Orman 6 6s949 Entry (12) 57 87 6 21211 Charleise dw (17) 54 98 J Byrne Race 4: TOTALLY CHARMED, BOLD STYLE, GEE TEE TEE 8 650s5 Green Jacket cw (9) 57.5 92 B Thompson 3 070s6 Jami Lady cdwbn (4) 55.5 90 M R Du Plessis 7 192s1 Desert Lord dwh (14) 54 99 Race 5: DUSTY TYCOON, SUPERARE, GOLDSBOROUGH 8 5s064 King Of Hastings wn (10) 54 96 9 15531 Spirit Esprit tcdwh (10) 57.5 98 J Guthmann-Chester 7 s1123 Mob Buster twh (8) 57 94 J Orman Race 6: DZSENIFER, PALAISIPAN, OUR PLAYBOY 4 41663 I’ve Gotta Nel cdw (2) 54 94 8 s1116 Without Thinking tcwh (10) 57 88 M R Du Plessis B Stewart 9 99s71 Snitch tdw (8) 54 99 B Thompson Race 7: STOCKMAN, WU GOK, MIRAGE DANCER 10 1411s Steinbrenner twn (5) 57 88 B El-Issa Ms M Wishart (a3) M Hellyer Race 8: DESERT LORD, NICCANOVA, BOOMSARA 5 0s317 Gee Tee Tee twn (11) 54 100 B Thompson 9 12132 Tamilaide wb (13) 57 90 B Stewart 10 9s726 Boomsara dw (7) 54 93 B El-Issa 11 23051 East Asia w (7) 56.5 100 L R Dittman 11 11s49 Hail Manhattan twn (6) 54 96 Race 9: L’COSMO, JETSKI, COLPO DI TAMBURO 12 4s113 Explosive Quality twb (4) 56.5 96 6 2s11s Totally Charmed tcdwn (6) 54 86 10 27s80 Better Lad th (2) 57 86 L R Dittman Ms S Thornton 11 122s3 Dzsenifer th (5) 55 96 J Byrne Ron Stewart M Cahill 12 80s17 Profit td (4) 54 100 L V Cassidy 7 s07s4 Jardin Rouge tdw (5) 54 88 L V Cassidy 12 23164 Glitter Strip w (1) 55 97 B Thompson 13 30s09 Luna Mia d (16) 56 97 13 26s40 Hilo w (9) 54 98 8 65454 Bold Style cdwbh (7) 54 91 J Byrne 13 2s974 The Actuary dw (4) 55 91 Ms S Thornton 14 1517s Cabochon Lil tc (12) 55.5 85 L V Cassidy 14 66s80 Mr Bellagio tcdwhn (11) 54 91 9 178s4 Bring It Home Pop tcdwh (1) 54 88 14 1111 Palaisipan (3) 55 95 J Huxtable (a) 15 4721s Quotant twn (14) 55 82 S Tomlinson (a3) Ms M Wishart (a) L Tarrant 15 30211 Meg dw (11) 55 90 S T Collett 16 257s9 Federal Agent tcwhn (6) 54 92 L Tarrant 15 020s9 Prometheus tdw (19) 54 90 M Cahill 10 50s52 Weboughtazou tcwh (3) 54 88 M Cahill 16 42669 Gunmetal Girl (14) 55 88 Ron Stewart 16 22s88 Splendoronthegrass dwh (16) 54 96 EMERGENCY: 11 46s13 He Can Star cdw (8) 54 89 B El-Issa 1 Reed Racing Handicap 2.53 17 95s24 Buckle Up Baby dw (3) 54 92 7 Allchin Air Con. Caloundra Cup 6.40 Ms S Thornton 5 Access Insulation SC Hcp 5.23 17 41857 Barefoot dw (12) 54 92 L Tarrant $75,000, Class 6, 1600m 3 Bruce McLachlan Classic 4.07 $175,000, Listed, 2400m 18 198s4 Regal Stage dw (1) 54 96 M Mc Gillivray 1 21422 Indispensable dw (13) 58 95 $75,000, 3yo, 1000m EMERGENCIES: $75,000, 2yo, 1000m 1 30882 Mirage Dancer d (3) 61 88 J Byrne B Thompson 1 6s131 Goldsborough cwh (12) 59 100 2 83046 Wu Gok dw (4) 58 97 L R Dittman 19 23051 East Asia w (13) 54 92 2 9s446 Cinquedea dw (2) 57 93 M Cahill 1 9s180 Miss Hipstar dw (7) 59.5 97 B Thompson 3 54221 Happy Go Plucky w (8) 55.5 91 20 30s09 Luna Mia d (3) 54 92 3 s0321 Prospectus dw (9) 56.5 94 L R Dittman Ms M Wishart (a3) 2 s7131 Superare tcwhn (9) 59 96 B Stewart Ms S Thornton 4 8s695 Bold Assassin tcdh (3) 56 89 B El-Issa 9 Sky Racing Prov Sprinters Srs Final 7.50 2 310s1 You’ll Be Mist cwhn (16) 58.5 93 R Fradd 3 2879s Mishani Miss cdw (10) 57.5 100 4 64231 Stockman w (10) 55.5 100 R Maloney 5 3s491 Fort Wayne tcwhn (7) 55.5 97 3 11s1 Sequesay wn (14) 57.5 91 L Tarrant S Tomlinson (a3) 5 40143 Flash Aah tw (6) 54 97 Ms M Wishart (a) $105,000, Benchmark 80, 1200m Ms S Thornton 4 1s19 Carribean King cwhn (11) 57 92 SCRATCHED SCRATCHED 6 13661 I Could Do Better w (10) 55 92 J Byrne 4 12121 Aleysa’s Dream dw (14) 56 91 B El-Issa 6 — Parry Sound 1 — Jardin Rouge 7 9s472 So Dapper tcwh (1) 55 97 M Hellyer L V Cassidy 5 2016s Boom Spender dw (1) 55 90 J Byrne 7 12427 Humbolt Current dw (5) 54 91 2 s1535 Fuji Flyer dw (1) 58 94 8 18s21 Warp Speed cw (11) 54.5 100 R Fradd 5 231s Habib n (6) 57 86 B Stewart 6 2156s Dusty Tycoon c (6) 55 91 R Fradd Ron Stewart 3 s2983 Colpo Di Tamburo dn (10) 57.5 88 J Orman 9 75674 Great Powers tcdwn (6) 54 93 L Tarrant 6 35s1 Sacca cwh (13) 57 88 J Orman 7 118s2 Incerto cwhn (8) 54 94 M Mc Gillivray 8 88108 Victory Eight twhn (11) 54 91 L V Cassidy 4 560s7 Plenty cdwhn (11) 57.5 89 B Stewart 10 44s00 One For Betty tdwh (8) 54 86 7 2380s Mishani Scandal d (4) 56.5 81 8 31s22 Allmylife h (3) 54 85 9 62504 Cellarmaid w (1) 54 88 B Thompson 5 2564P Westlink w (8) 57.5 91 J Huxtable (a) M R Du Plessis S Tomlinson (a3) 9 230s6 Boombrasstic h (4) 54 85 L Tarrant 10 08079 Picka Plum th (7) 54 85 R Fradd 6 32s22 Dreamreacher cdw (6) 57 100 11 — Spirit Esprit SCRATCHED 8 s4304 Berdini’s Girl c (15) 55.5 100 10 s1533 Keeta cwh (11) 54 91 M Cahill 11 60330 Lady Solerno tw (2) 54 81 Ms S Thornton 12 9s372 Whispered dw (4) 54 92 J Huxtable (a1.5) 11 431s2 Rich Lister (13) 54 86 Ms S Thornton S Tomlinson (a) 7 7s285 Bogey Man tdwn (7) 56.5 94 M Hellyer 13 — Quotant SCRATCHED 9 10s36 True Moonlight (2) 55.5 85 12 21s53 Sacred Zim b (2) 54 89 M R Du Plessis 8 92s01 L’cosmo cwh (16) 56.5 96 R Maloney 9 33s23 Jetski cdn (3) 56 97 B Thompson 14 90206 Aquajak twh (12) 54 90 10 1670s Mishani Delight (9) 55 85 Ms S Collett 13 716s9 Phantom Spirit cwh (7) 54 81 M Hellyer 8 TAB Glasshouse Handicap 7.15 14 1324s Bold And Lucy h (5) 54 84 Ron Stewart $175,000, Listed, 1400m 10 216s3 Rebel Rock tw (13) 56 91 M Mc Gillivray 2 SC Business Solutions 3.28 11 03s Avolonte h (3) 54 78 B El-Issa 11 82541 Derulo dw (9) 55 92 B El-Issa 12 s4413 Clairvue Lady dh (1) 54 86 B Thompson 6 Winx Guineas 5.58 1 2s100 Niccanova tdw (20) 60.5 97 J Orman 12 34212 Spending My Time tdb (4) 55 91 R Fradd $75,000, Benchmark 75, 1400m 13 346s6 Hamlet Von Snitzel bh (10) 54 83 2 1s818 Emerald Kingdom tcdw (5) 59 96 13 31114 Renouf tcdwh (12) 54 96 J Byrne 1 25470 Fabulonh tcdwn (11) 59.5 86 14 Mama Rocks (8) 54 88 $175,000, 3yo Group 3, 1600m R Fradd 14 4s250 Nicconita dw (15) 54 94 M R Du Plessis 2 18s19 Ready To Humble w (17) 59.5 95 15 4 Mystic Aroma (5) 54 91 M R Du Plessis 1 41414 Tumbler Ridge dw (16) 57 92 R Maloney 3 846s6 Scallopini tcdw (2) 57 96 15 48347 Perfect Aim cdw (5) 54 92 Ms S Collett Ms S Thornton 16 6s Yes We’re Ready (12) 54 82 M Hellyer 2 8s675 Our Playboy w (7) 57 100 R Fradd J Guthmann-Chester 16 828s0 Lady Brahmos tcdwhn (14) 54 88

South Australia races at Murray Bridge Saturday Jetbet 15 TAB doubles 1-2, 4-5, 8-9 Trebles 3-4-5, 7-8-9 Quaddie 2-3-4-5, 6-7-8-9 Place6 4-9 Selections 2 Adelaide Event Catering Plate 2.36 8 40s35 Ultimate Victory tw (3) 56 98 D Tourneur 5 44s2s Rock Harbour twb (3) 60 93 3 24s67 Hasta La Fiorente tdw (13) 60.5 93 Race 1: MACONNI, GIFTED MISS, NONAME LANE 9 s615s Muffla (4) 56 88 Ms S Metcalfe Ms K Crowther J Toeroek $102,250, 2yo SW+P, 1200m 10 26s16 Chico Fiestro (10) 56 91 J Maund 6 2243s Harpuna (9) 59 95 R Hurdle 4 41307 Upswing wn (8) 60.5 93 S Cahill Race 2: BRAZEN BOY, STAR ESPRESSO, 1 12 They Call Me Alvin tb (5) 56 97 J Potter 11 15 Montign w (2) 56 92 Ms A Jordsjo 7 s267s Just Kappy dw (7) 59 89 J Potter 5 97124 Dr Dee Dee tw (3) 60 96 Ms M Julius (a3) THEY CALL ME ALVIN 2 s9631 Brazen Boy tw (6) 56 100 Ms K Crowther 12 2s231 Spinola Bay tw (1) 55 93 Ms C Jones 8 634s9 Wotuwant d (11) 58 94 P Gatt 6 30675 Classy Joe w (14) 59 91 J Maund Race 3: LEFT HAND MAN, PINDARIC, STREET TOUGH 3 Prince Jofra (10) 56 85 Ms S Logan (a2) 9 4554s Delusions d (4) 57.5 94 Ms J Eaton 7 22144 Irish Butterfly n (10) 59 94 M Aitken Race 4: ZOUSHINE, QUIETLY DISCREET, STRUCK BY 4 3 Jaazeb (11) 56 95 J Holder 5 Bremerton Wines Handicap 4.26 10 61540 Jungle Sensation dwn (14) 57 100 8 41220 Exalted Beast tdb (2) 58 96 R Hurdle Race 5: LOBSTER NOODLES, EXALTED FIRE, 5 122s Roxy Blue (9) 54 94 T Pannell $40,250, Benchmark 60, 1600m J Holder 9 55341 Toff Choice w (16) 58 98 Ms J Eaton 6 2 Belle Of Yorkes (7) 54 87 K H Zechner 10 9s866 Mahis Angel wn (17) 57.5 90 SHE’S A KARAKA 1 — Cashin’ Chex SCRATCHED 11 5122s Smart Alick cw (2) 57 93 Ms S Metcalfe Race 6: DELUSIONS, HE’S A BALTER, RAVEN’S BLAZE 7 Skellig Lass (1) 54 87 Ms S Metcalfe 12 47s10 Skara Brae cw (1) 56 100 Ms C Jones L King (a1.5) 2 65041 Exalted Fire cdw (8) 61 97 11 14s36 Love ‘n’ Peace w (7) 57 96 B Vorster Race 7: BATTLE BLITZ, VANCITY GEM, MELODY MAN 8 23 Hibbity Dibbity (8) 54 90 Ms J Eaton 13 76s7s Bellarine Beauty (13) 55.5 84 9 0 Journey In Time (4) 54 76 Ms C Lions J B Opperman (a2) 12 41903 Stan The Caddy (6) 56.5 92 Race 8: LOVE ‘N’ PEACE, STAN THE CADDY, 3 295s0 Mr Epic dw (10) 60.5 78 M Aitken C Rawiller (a3) 10 Star Espresso (2) 54 88 D Tourneur 14 40613 Justa Jillaroo d (12) 55.5 92 Ms C Lions Ms K Crowther IRISH BUTTERFLY 11 s4553 Witness Greatness (3) 54 87 B Vorster 4 48752 Wild Colonial Boy wb (16) 60.5 94 13 31212 Crypto Currency tw (12) 56 94 T Pannell Race 9: BLERIOT, LICCIARDI, CELTIC REBEL J Holder 7 Happy 16th Birthday Jazz 5.41 14 98097 Lord Gododdin dw (4) 56 83 3 Beyond Ink Handicap 3.11 5 11s66 Allacciato cd (15) 59.5 100 Ms S Logan (a2) C Rawiller (a3) $44,750, Benchmark 64, 1400m $54,750, Benchmark 78, 1200m 15 31721 Celtic Valour cw (15) 55 91 D Tourneur 6 0s031 Lobster Noodles dw (11) 59 96 1 41s40 Just Folk dw (9) 63.5 95 Ms M Julius (a3) 16 28777 Flow Meter w (1) 54 88 Ms S Metcalfe 1 451s2 Street Tough wn (4) 61.5 100 L King (a1.5) 2 32021 Greetings Ned w (4) 61.5 90 EMERGENCY: J B Opperman (a2) 7 30467 Singleton Park (5) 59 99 J Toeroek J B Opperman (a2) 17 6s806 Seminoles w (11) 54 85 Ms A Jordsjo 2 s4409 Sky Punch tw (1) 61 92 C Rawiller (a3) 8 4s471 Turn Table w (17) 59 95 P Gatt 3 76s69 Santelmo Fuego w (3) 60.5 86 9 s2074 She’s A Karaka w (12) 58.5 98 3 s6532 Left Hand Man n (3) 60 92 K H Zechner Ms S Logan (a2) 9 Bleasdale Wines Handicap 6.55 4 200s0 Flying Award (9) 57.5 79 L King (a1.5) Ms K Crowther 4 51s1s Sebonna dw (1) 60.5 85 L King (a1.5) $40,250, Benchmark 60, 1200m 5 1s11s Pindaric cdw (10) 57.5 91 Ms J Eaton 10 08s74 Sky Hero w (7) 58.5 96 T Pannell 5 6740s Constanzia dw (8) 60 86 C Rawiller (a3) 6 7s080 Kabini d (11) 57 86 D Tourneur 11 29152 Free Of Sin w (13) 58 97 D Tourneur 1 66919 Stryke In Style dw (7) 63 94 6 886s0 All Hard Wood dw (14) 59.5 73 J Maund 7 50179 Aiguilette dw (8) 56.5 92 Ms S Metcalfe 12 35182 Canidae w (14) 57.5 96 Ms S Logan (a2) C Rawiller (a3) 8 68115 Just Chipping Away dw (2) 55.5 93 13 74653 Arthuras (2) 57 100 Ms C Jones 7 1s889 Cannot Be Serios cwn (6) 59.5 83 2 1s022 Munster db (13) 61.5 92 Ms J Eaton Ms K Crowther 14 2s750 Sowpods (1) 55 96 J Maund Ms J Eaton 3 16s64 Oxley Jack wn (6) 61.5 92 M Aitken 15 58623 Harbouring d (3) 54.5 95 Ms E Boyd 8 162s3 Motell (16) 59.5 91 K H Zechner 4 — Beeokay SCRATCHED 9 22417 La Richesse twb (7) 55.5 97 T Pannell SCRATCHED 10 35s07 Miss Jane dw (5) 54.5 91 B Vorster 16 31260 Holy Sangria d (6) 54 95 Ms S Metcalfe 9 — Short Stories 5 19s8s Celtic Rebel (11) 60 92 B Vorster 1 Lake Breeze Wines Plate 2.01 11 21040 Exalted Maxine w (6) 54 89 EMERGENCIES: 10 210s0 Adatto (13) 58.5 82 Ms E Boyd 6 36403 Harbour Express dw (1) 60 92 S Cahill $40,250, 3yo & up Maiden SW, 1000m Ms S Logan (a2) 17 56222 Big Darryl db (4) 59.5 100 Ms J Eaton 11 02141 Ye Hella cdw (7) 58.5 94 R Hurdle 7 16474 Written In History dw (12) 59.5 97 18 22827 Bronski w (9) 59.5 91 12 214s2 Melody Man tw (10) 58 100 T Pannell Ms M Julius (a3) 1 9s3 Em Bryan (3) 58 77 L King (a1.5) 4 Dutton’s Easy To Do Bus. With Plate 3.46 13 98s00 Vancity Gem (11) 56 86 B Vorster 8 7316s Al Badr w (10) 59 88 J Maund 2 2232s Noname Lane (10) 58 80 T Pannell 6 Kimbolton Wines Handicap 5.06 14 610s3 Battle Blitz (12) 55.5 91 J Holder 9 s2261 Lomax dw (14) 59 92 J Potter 3 0s Quandoquandoquando (1) 58 66 $102,250, 3yo SW+P, 1200m 10 731s1 Bon Pegasus dw (4) 58.5 98 $44,750, Benchmark 64, 1000m 15 59453 Marina w (15) 55 85 Ms A Jordsjo Ms E Boyd 1 1115s Struck By td (12) 59.5 99 P Gatt 16 s1452 Miss Mosh dw (5) 54.5 86 Ms C Jones J B Opperman (a2) 4 352 Yowza (8) 58 96 J Toeroek 2 42650 Yule My Hero (6) 58 94 C Rawiller (a3) 1 61s06 Raven’s Blaze dw (10) 61.5 98 11 46324 Equal Balance wb (15) 58.5 92 5 8s She’s Estelle (6) 56 70 Ms C Jones 3 0118s Zoushine b (8) 57.5 97 B Vorster Ms M Julius (a3) 8 Gipsie Jack Wines Hcp 6.16 Ms C Lions 6 33677 The Trance Factor (7) 56 71 Ms J Eaton 4 s4510 Quietly Discreet dn (11) 56 100 2 33014 He’s A Balter twb (5) 61 96 T Pannell 12 1494s Licciardi db (5) 58.5 100 L King (a1.5) $54,750, Benchmark 72, 1800m 7 6056s Gifted Miss (4) 55.5 83 Ms S Metcalfe Ms K Crowther 3 6172s Damascus Moment (6) 60.5 93 13 21s41 Bleriot cw (2) 57.5 100 T Pannell 8 32 Maconni (2) 55.5 100 D Tourneur 5 87171 Rialtor (7) 56 92 Ms S Logan (a2) Ms S Logan (a2) 1 1s030 Peloton w (9) 62 92 C Rawiller (a3) 14 10s Tahnee Tradition d (8) 57.5 92 J Holder 9 Samurai Sun (9) 55.5 77 Ms K Crowther 6 s1778 Kerioth w (5) 56 95 T Pannell 4 0198s Winning Red d (8) 60.5 91 2 8s611 Jaguary w (5) 61.5 100 15 13560 Lope De Wolf d (9) 56.5 92 J Toeroek 10 0s3 Yeah Yeah Nah (5) 55.5 89 J Potter 7 419s Yuri Royale (9) 56 90 J Toeroek J B Opperman (a2) J B Opperman (a2) 16 4s665 Circus Dancer (3) 56 92 Ms C Jones

Legend: T – Won at track. C – Won at this distance on this course. D – Won at this distance on another course. M – Won in slow or heavy going. B – Beaten favourite at last start. H – Trained on track. N – Won at night. S – Spell of three months. F – Fell. P – Pulled up. L – Lost rider. TV – Featured on Trackside TV. The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 LITERATURE 19 SUN-SOAKED Bold, poignant debut novel FAMILY DRAMA THE OTHER BLACK GIRL representation in the notes telling her to by Zakiya Dalila Harris workplace. leave the company. MALIBU RISING published by Bloomsbury As someone who Nella immediately has felt obliged to fit suspects Hazel. by Taylor Jenkins ongratulations are in order into the white mould Suddenly the other Reid for debut novelist Zakiya during her time at Black girl in the office published by Dalila Harris. Wagner, Hazel is a may not be her friend Cornerstone Her first book The Other breath of fresh air. but her foe. Publishing BlackC Girl , is one of the most Hazel encourages Dalila Harris’ book aylor Jenkins highly-anticipated novels of the Nella to speak up peels back the curtain Reid is not season, if not the year, and it lives when she recognises on recent efforts of afraid to up to the hype. a troubling depiction corporate America Tchallenge An intriguing mash-up of of race in a popular to embrace diversity, herself with her mystery, thriller, sci-fi and social novelist’s writing. but also shows the writing. commentary, The Other Black But, as much of an weaknesses behind In 2015’s Maybe Girl is set inside Wagner Books, a ally as Hazel claims its intentions. It’s a in Another Life, she publishing company where Nella to be, she says one sharp, surprising, wrote about two Rogers is an editorial assistant and thing to Nella but original work by an parallel universes, the only Black girl in the office. does another. She author with a long documenting the That is, until she spots a new quickly wins friends future ahead of her. resulting path of a hire named Hazel-May McCall, who and opportunities at work, leaving The Other Black Girl is also in character’s choice is also Black. Nella feels instantly Nella feeling more alienated than development as a series at Hulu in alternating hopeful that Hazel will be a much- ever. with Dalila Harris on board to chapters. needed friend and comrade who At the same time, Nella begins co-write and executive produce. In 2018’s The will shoulder some of the Black receiving anonymous, threatening — Alicia Rancilio, AP Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, she created an ageing movie star, Evelyn Hugo, who after rising to fame during the days of the Carlile shows rugged resilience old studio system and famously married seven times, wants to finally tell her story, mysteriously choosing an up-and-coming BROKEN HORSES journalist to be the conduit. win multiple Grammys and produce country a big impact. And in 2019’s Daisy Jones & The Six she revisited the by Brandi Carlile icon Tanya Tucker’s last album. After spending years laying herself bare formation and abrupt breakup of a 1970’s rock band, with its published by Crown Thirty-nine may seem a little young to in her songs, she lets down yet another wall members, loved ones and friends sharing their version of rmed with a cowboy hat bedazzled write a memoir, but in Carlile’s opinion in the pages of Broken Horses. events in first-person. by her mother, a homemade vest no one is too young, too old or too For longtime listeners, Carlile gives In her new book, Malibu Rising, Reid takes us to the and a turquoise bolo uninteresting to write their own context and colour to her songs and career beaches of Malibu in 1983. Atie made by her great- story. highlights. From the note she feared she We meet the famed Riva siblings, the (neglected) children grandfather, Brandi Carlile It’s clear that through writing wouldn’t hit at the 2019 Grammys to the of crooner Mick Riva. Born and raised in the area, they are all gave her first solo performance the full arc of her story, not story behind Turpentine, lyrics and moments water babies who love to surf. at the Northwest Grand Ole only does the reader get to are given fresh meaning. The eldest is Nina, who has gone pro, and is also a famous Opry Show at eight or nine. The better know the Americana There will always be two sides to Carlile model. She has assumed the matriarch role to her three deal was sealed. singer, but she begins to better — the side that’s seen on stage and the side siblings, Jay, Hud and Kit, after the death of their mother. “The applause at the end understand herself. that enjoys nothing more than to go fishing. Every year, Nina throws an end-of-summer bash that is a was the nail in the coffin of any “I think that because of In Broken Horses readers meet both and who’s who of Hollywood, where anything can happen (and other path I might have gone the way I grew up, poor and walk away feeling like they know the real often does.) down in life,” writes Carlile. failing in school, because I was Carlile. Malibu Rising takes you inside the Riva family for the final “I never wanted to leave that the only gay person in such She’s a woman who can write a killer party at the property where relationships are formed, ended, stage.” a small town, because I was song and who built her firstborn’s nursery. rekindled and major life choices are made. At the end of the In Carlile’s memoir Broken often nervous, humiliated and She’s someone who’s always been anxious, night, the house literally goes up in flames. Horses, she shares the story turned away from church, I had but was brave enough to perform Joni On her social media, Reid has documented that she dived of how a “shy and quiet but an unresolved hurt deep within Mitchell’s “Blue” in its entirety with Mitchell into the surf culture and history of Malibu for the book with its very clever kid” who grew up me that I wasn’t paying too in the audience. laid back, easy-living sun-soaked vibe. in a “run-down single-wide (up to 5.5m) much attention to,” she writes. Her resilience has seen her through her After a year where most people stayed home, it’s a great mobile home up on top of a mountain” She’s perceptive, vulnerable, humble, fair share of hardship because she knows, in time to escape to the beach, even if only through Reid’s in Washington went on to become close funny and above all else, a good storyteller. the end, she’ll have the last laugh. writing. — Alicia Rancilio, AP friends with her childhood hero Elton John, She knows how to use a few words to make — Ragan Clark, AP Born from a hunger for more indigenous stories

THE PORANGI BOY — to look at the cover, and say, ‘oh that’s That’s what fuelled her desire to write by Shilo Kino me’.” stories that maintain the integrity of published by Huia Protagonist Niko finds himself manawhenua and are not diluted by the navigating his way through bullying, agenda of mainstream media. he Porangi Boy — it’s a title racism, and questions of identity. The plot “When we tell our stories, there are that, in the past, may not have revolves around the Government’s plan layers to our storytelling. We know it even made it to a shelf at any to build a prison in Ngawha, a true event because we have lived it.” Tbook store, let alone become a that took place in 2005. Although this is her first novel, Kino, a finalist in two categories at the 2021 New However, The Porangi Boy, published journalist, is no stranger to writing and Zealand Book Awards for Children and by Huia, is not about what happened in has been published in The Guardian, Young Adults. A harsh truth, but one that Ngawha. The Spinoff, North & South and Canvas debut author Shilo Kino acknowledges “It’s the universal idea of indigenous magazine — all while making a plethora and embraces. people fighting for land and their of viral short documentary-style stories “This book wouldn’t have been a sovereignty.” as a reporter for The New Zealand Herald success at all if it came out 10 years ago,” In many ways, The Porangi Boy is and Maori current affairs show Marae. she says. “If you look at the cover, there’s a reflection of Kino’s own upbringing, The Porangi Boy was published in July a picture of a Maori boy and a Maori from childhood memories to the actual 2020, and since then, Kino has taken a word in the title. Back in the day, this characters within the plot. step back from journalism, in order to would have put the audience off, and it “Koro in the story is based on my dad embark on her te reo journey, studying wouldn’t have sold at all.” and then the aunty is based on an aunty full time at Te Wananga Takiura o Nga A finalist for the Best First Book and I know too.” Kura Kaupapa Maori o Aotearoa, which Young Adult Fiction awards, 31-year- Having grown up in the small she says has influenced her desire to old Kino from Whangarei humbly Northland town of Waipu, Kino says she write more stories about cultural identity attributes the success of her novel not was disconnected from her culture. and belonging. to the strength of her writing but rather Being one of just four Maori families “I feel like identity is always changing. to New Zealand’s gradual acceptance of in her town, she says her family rarely Even learning te reo Maori this year, my Maori narratives and “hunger” for more acknowledged their Maoritanga — the identity is changing now and I’ve become indigenous stories. language wasn’t spoken and marae more confident with who I am.” “I’ve had a lot of Pakeha grandmothers visits were solemn. She admits that for Although Kino has dabbled in writing to me saying that they love the most part, the majority of what she various forms of storytelling, there is it,’’ she says. “And that’s cool, but to be learned about her people was that shown prison 13 years prior. no ambiguity regarding her preferred honest — I didn’t write it for Pakeha or in the media “and it was pretty much “She showed me two stories, one from method of spreading to the world, the adults or anyone like that. I wrote it for always in a negative way.” the media and one from the people of the things that matter to her the most. Maori and Maori kids because we don’t In 2018 Kino was contacted by actual area this was happening in — and “I just want to be a full-time writer. have enough stories that represent us. I Toi Maihi, a lead protester to the there was a massive contrast between the Just write books for a living,” she says. want kids to see themselves in this book Government’s plan to build the Ngawha two.” — Mare Haimona-Riki, NZ Herald 20 The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 EASY FINANCE HUGE SALE OPEN NO On Now 7 T.A.P DEPOSIT www.enterprisegisborne.co.nz DAYS NO DEPOSIT – NO DEPOSIT – NO DEPOSIT – NO DEPOSIT – NO DEPOSIT – NO DEPOSIT – NO DEPOSIT – NO DEPOSIT NO DEPOSIT – 2016 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE 2016 MAZDA PREMACY 5 door, fuel effi cient Roomy, 2 litre auto, motoring, only 24,000kms, 7 seater, late model auto WAS $12,985 WAS $11,990

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NOTICE BOARD Meetings Work Wanted Work Wanted Situations HOME & LEISURE Readers FARMING Vacant Bargains Entertainment OHINEWAIAPU ASAP Tree Work. MESSY GARDEN?? Firewood Livestock MARAE Removal, chipping & MAKARAKA 2X stunning yellow stump grinding. Ph "Let us do it for you." ANNUAL GENERAL Ph 027 659 2915. SCHOOL velvet two seater 0274 485 188. couches with gold legs, MEETING 2020-21 CLASSROOM MANUKA GOLD ODEON 5 HOUSE plans drawn, WANT a fence built, used once for staging, Saturday 10th July fixed or altered. Also TEACHER WOODSTOCK 2yrs 135cm w x 79cm h x Phone 867 3339 2021, 10am alterations, extensions. dry. Pine Gold, kiln Ph 0273 618 863. section clearing. Ph Fulltime, Permanent 75cm d, $600ea or MATAWHERO A QUIET PLACE: PART Venue - Ohinewaiapu Graeme 021 659 672. dried, 027 455 3722. $1100 for both. Ph 027 CATTLE SALE II (M) An exciting opportunity Marae, RANGITUKIA has become available to 772 4810. Tuesday, 6th July FRI, SAT, SUN 8.40pm PINE, 2nd grade split 2021, 11am CRUELLA (PG) FRI, SAT, AGENDA join our outstanding wood, 4m3, $120. Ph GUITAR, 6 string SUN 11.10am, 3.30pm school and supportive 862 8876. 80cm. good cond $40; Approx 1010 Cattle DREAM HORSE (PG) 1. Karakia timatanga Public Notices Situations community. comprising: FRI, SAT, SUN 10.50am, 2. Apologies Vacant carpenters apron, as 6.15pm 3. Previous AGM Are you an experienced For Sale new $40; girls and boys 53 MA Cows VIC ESCAPE ROOM: Minutes 2019 NOTICE teacher keen to be cycle + helmets, 18 10/11 (Cap Stk) TOURNAMENT OF 4. Matters Arising PURSUANT TO SCHOOL Caretaker involved in all aspects speed, suit 12-15 yrs 129 MA Cows VIC CHAMPIONS (M) FRI, SECTION 114 position in Ruatoria, of our well-resourced MUTTONBIRDS. Ph $150 both; bird cage, 23 MA Cows SAT, SUN 11am, 1pm, 5. Chairman’s Report 6. Financial Statements OF THE LAND $21.78 per hour plus school? At the heart of 868 4095. white, excell cond $30; 20 MT Cows 3.45pm, 6pm, 8.40pm TRANSFER ACT heavily subsidised 3 our teaching and stroller pram 3 wheeler 12 R3yr Hfrs VIC FAST & FURIOUS 9 (M) 7. Election of Officers - Trustee Chairman 2017 bdrm house, Contact learning is an active, Fruit and vgc $35; Vision 10/11 (Cap Stk) FRI, SAT, SUN 10.50am, 13 Hfrs & Calves at 12.50pm, 3pm, 5.45pm, - Secretary An application Ngata Memorial authentic learning Produce skateboard, ideal 10-20 8pm - Treasurer under Section College on 06 864 8164 environment where yrs $60. Ph 863 0010. Foot IN THE HEIGHTS (PG) 8. General Business 114 of the Land akonga develop trans- 500 R2yr Strs FRI, SAT, SUN 2.15pm, 9. Karakia Transfer Act 2017 ferable skills for life. TEESDALE ORCHARD POOL table, balls, 3 180 R2yr Hfrs 5.25pm whakamutunga has been received We seek an energetic cues, very good cond, 60 R1yr Strs SPIRIT UNTAMED (TBC) APPLES, tree-ripened $300 ono. Ph 021 073 55 R1yr Hfrs for the removal of classroom teacher with Pacific Rose, Pink FRI, SAT, SUN 10.50am, M. Kahukaka Public Notices 1556. Several lines of 4.10pm an easement. The an interest in Structured Lady, Fuji, Sturmer and THE CONGURING: THE applicant claims Literacy, Learner Ballarat Cookers. quality home bred Agency and an SINGLE mattress & hill country cattle. DEVIL MADE ME DO IT the easement EASTLAND Winter Nelis pears. base with headboard, (R16) FRI, SAT, SUN is extinguished TRUCKWASH integrated local Orange squash, & much Enquiries to: 1.10pm, 8.40pm Having a curriculum to join our sheets, duvet, pillows, by reason of the more. Back Ormond etc, $100 the lot. Jamie Hayward THE HITMAN’S WIFE’S circumstances set Will be CLOSED for team. garage sale routine maintenance Rd, open 7 days, Eftpos Sewing cabinet with 027 434 7586 BODYGUARD (M) out below. Chris Hurlstone FRI, SAT, SUN 1.45pm, from 6am, Sunday 4th This is a wonderful available. drawers, cupboard & 6.10pm, 8.20pm Saturday? If no objections July and will Re-open opportunity and there extension top $40. 027 598 6542 BOOK ONLINE NOW! Deadline to have been received midday, may be Leadership Standard lamp with 2 Upcoming Sales: WWW.ODEONGISBORNE.CO.NZ Readers advertise is 2pm before 30 July 2021, Tuesday 6th July. opportunities for a flexible arms, $50. Ph BELL ROAD Times may vary the register will be suitable applicant. Bargains 868 9675. AUCTION subject to late changes Thursday. updated to record Please contact Saturday, 10th July the easement as 027 327 5610 for Please email your CV stream, with and enquiries to: MANROBE, excell SODA 2021, 10am Entertainment redundant. further Information cond, 3 drawers, instuction book $40; Est GR Hayden Swann, Kawasaki ukelle 54cm Application We regret any Principal. removable shelves for MACGREGOR Number: inconvenience this storage in hanging $25; curtains, variety in CLEARING SALE AUDITIONS 12109423.1 may cause principal@makaraka. space, $100 ono. Ph pairs $20 pair; ceramic 94 Browns Rd, school.nz 022 139 9151. pots for plants 6"x4" $3 Waerenga-a-Hika Applicant: Thomas ADVERTISEMENT each; coffee table, vinyl Saturday, 17th July MUSICAL THEATRE GISBORNE Matthew Willock OF APPLICATION Closes 4pm, Friday 16th July. Situations top 90cm x 40cm gc 2021, 11am Purcell, 20 Tukura FOR PUTTING Vacant $30; motor cycle tan ANNIE - The Musical Road, Inner Kaiti, COMPANY INTO boots size 12, knee high Gisborne 4010 LIQUIDATION zip up $85; Assortment Focus On On Stage WMT, 5-13 Nov Circumstances: This document notifies SHOP front position at tools and box $100. Ph The right of way is you that - ’Pasty’s’tile shop. We 863 0010. The Land Pre-audition get-together extinguished because need a confident, 101 Innes St an event specified in 1. On 5 May 2021 an reliable and well STUNNING cream Farming news application for 2-3pm, Sun 4 July Easement Certificate presented person to coloured velvet chair and local profi les. Auditions Fri 9 and Sat 10 July (EC) 87999 occurred putting CENTRAL Public Notices work mornings. Please with gold legs, used and brought it to an RETAIL HOLD- email your CV to once for staging, 82cm Wednesdays and Info - musicaltheatregisborne.nz end. Clause 3(a) INGS LIMITED helenaconnon@gmail. w x 79cm h x 75cm d, Saturdays in your or contact Heather, 021 0225 2579 of EC 87999 states into liquidation was MATANGAREKA 3B com $300. Ph 027 772 4810. Gisborne Herald that the right of way filed in the High FORESTRY Gisborne District Council shall be appurtenant Court at Gisborne. CUTTING RIGHTS Situations Vacant to the benefited Its reference number Buy and Sell land so long only as is (CIV-2021- Description. Walter Max Willis 416-8). The applica- and Agnes Willis (or tion is to be heard by Matangareka 3B Trust their executors or the High Court at is offering the cutting administrators) are Gisborne on Friday, rights approximately Notice of Intention to the registered owners 16 July 2021 at 550 hectares of Mature of the benefited land. 9.30am. Forest. Grant a Lease The ownership of 2. A person, other than Key Features DRIVER WANTED FOR PART OF THE TOKOMARU BAY the benefited landthe defendant PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC company, who wants Approximately 550Ha We are seeking a reliable and motivated RECREATION RESERVE was transferred on 4.12.1978 under to appear on the of P radiata containing person to join our Circulation team on a Under Section 51(1) (a) of the Reserves Transfer 129212.2, hearing of the various age classes. part-time basis as a newspaper delivery Act 1977, Gisborne District Council which had the effectapplication must file * 1986 120 Ha driver. of the right of way an appearance not * 1987 162 ha proposes to enter into a lease agreement later than the second to Robert Mark Muller – trading as no longer being in * 1988 51 Ha This role entails delivering newspapers force. working day before Tokomaru Bay Holiday Park and * 1989 17 Ha over a prescribed route to retailers, that day. * 1990 148 Ha businesses and/or subscribers. Fish Shop for part of the Tokomaru Easement: A right 3. The statement of of way over part Lot * 1991 52 Ha Bay Recreation Reserve (described claim and the * Moderate to steep You will need to be a self-motivated and 2 DP 5318 coloured verifying affidavit legally as Section 20 block IV Tuatini blue on DP 5318 in Hauler country. reliable team player, with good Maori township) for the purposes of a may be inspected at * 20km good lead in communication skills and have a strong Record of Title (RT) the registry of the campground. The lease proposal is for a GS2B/194 owned road access through work ethic. You will need a valid, clean term of 5 years. Court or at the adjoining Forest. by Thomas Matthew Plaintiff’s address for New Zealand full Class 1 driver’s license Willock Purcell for * 268km to Mt More information about the agreement service. and be able to drive a manual vehicle. the benefit of Lot Maunganui Port. is available on our website or customer 4. The Plaintiff is the * 202km to Kawerau. This is a physical role so moderate fitness 1 DP 5318 in RT Commissioner of is required. services. GS2B/195 owned * 247km to Gisborne. Inland Revenue, * 254km to Rotorua. Any submission or objection to the by Alva Moira whose address for No experience is necessary as full Langford and David granting of the lease should be lodged service is Inland Formal expressions of training will be given. The role requires Gibson Langford Revenue, Legal interest are being with Council no later than 4pm 31 July created by Easement someone who can work flexible hours, Stand Out 2021. Services, 21 Home sought from Friday the Monday to Saturday on a rostered basis. Certificate 87999 Straight, (PO Box 2nd of July and closing Give your registered on 29 432) Hamilton, date will be Thursday Please send a letter of application and a advertisement April 1968. the 8th of July 2021, Telephone (07) 959 copy of your CV to: a boost with a Dated at the 0463. (Enquiries to: expressions of interest Christchurch officeU. Pretorius on must be formally The Gisborne Herald HIGHLIGHTER www.gdc.govt.nz of Toitū Te Whenuatelephone (09) 984 lodged in writing or by email to. PO Box 1143, Gisborne 4040 Land Information 1419). The Plaintiff’s Attn: Cara Haines For only $9.00 extra 15 Fitzherbert Street New Zealand this solicitor is T. Allen Waenga PO Box 747 Gisborne 4040 2nd day of July 2021 Saunders, whose Email: (incl GST) email: ajwaenga@ [email protected] PHONE 06 867 2049 Audrey Wong address is as noted yahoo.co.nz ph 869 0601 FREEPHONE 0800 653 800 for Registrar- above. Postal address: Applications close 5pm, Tuesday 13 July EMAIL [email protected] General of Land Dated this 30th day of 25 Ford Street 2021. June 2021 Opotiki 3122 The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 TELEVISION 23 FRIDAY—SATURDAY’S TELEVISION GUIDE

TVNZ 1 © TVNZ 2021TVNZ 2 © TVNZ 2021 THREE PRIME MAORI TV 5pm The Chase 3 0 5pm The Simpsons 3 0 5pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 5pm Everybody Loves 5pm Pipi Ma 3 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 A monkey holds Bart 6pm Newshub Live At 6pm Raymond PG 3 0 5.05 Takoha 3 hostage leaving Marge to 7pm Seven Sharp 0 7pm The Project 5.30 Prime News 5.15 He Paki Taonga I A 7.30 The Repair Shop PG 0 figure out how to get her 6pm Rugby Club 3 son back. 7.30 M Hanna Maui 8.30 6.30 Storage Wars PG 0 Celebrity Best Home 5.30 The Big Bang Theory 3 0 M 3 0 2011 Action. 5.20 Tamariki Haka 3 0 7pm Cook 6pm Neighbours PG 0 The Crowd Goes Wild 5.30 Kid’s Kai Kart 3 0 A 16-year-old raised by 7.30 Pawn Stars PG 0 The Repair Shop The remaining 6.30 Home And Away PG 5.40 Potae Pai 3 7pm Shortland Street PG 0 her father to be a cold- Rick checks out a 1956 7.30pm on TVNZ 1 celebrities must prepare 5.50 Mahi Pai 3 their ultimate Sunday Louis grapples with hearted killing machine Buick; a Neil Diamond 6pm Paia 3 roast, banana bread uncertainty; Jack must learn how to be a jacket is brought into the makes an unexpected 6.10 Huritua 3 and a classic French girl. Saoirse Ronan, Cate shop. connection; Maeve is 6.20 Kia Mau 3 dessert. Blanchett, Eric Bana. 8pm Border Security: harshly accused. 6.30 Artefact 3 9.45 Schitt’s Creek M 0 7.30 N Wipeout PG 0 9.30 Newshub Late Australia’s Front 0 7.30 Pacific Island Food David and Patrick hope Contestants must 10pm L : Line PGC complete four rounds 8.30 NCIS: New Orleans Revolution to draw customers to Wimbledon 0 of challenging obstacle MVSC 0 When a Molotov 8.30 M Obsessed MLC 2009 Rose Apothecary by Day Five. Coverage from hosting an open mic courses in a bid to win cocktail is hurled into Drama. A successful asset Have You Been Paying Attention? cash. the grass courts of Pride’s bar, evidence manager, happy in his night; Johnny and Stevie 8.30 Have You Been Paying 8.30pm on TVNZ 2 Wimbledon in London. leads him to his start rebranding the Attention? M 0 career and marriage, hotel. 9.30 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does SATURDAY old nemesis, Sasha has his idyllic life 10.45 1 News Tonight 0 Countdown ML 0 2am Infomercials Brousard. threatened by an office 11.15 Coroner 16LC 0 10.30 The Farmer Wants A 6am Charles Stanley 3 9.30 Raw PGV temp who turns out to Wife M 3 0 Following the death of 6.30 Infomercials 10.30 The Late Show With be a stalker. Idris Elba, SATURDAY Stephen Colbert PG a co-worker, Jenny and 9.30 Newshub Nation Beyoncé Knowles. 1am Wellington Paranormal PG 11.30 Rugby League: NRL (DLY) McAvoy discover clues 3 0 10.30 Darren Robertson’s 10.40 Hari With The Maori Warriors v Dragons. that lead them to a 1.25 Shortland Street PG 3 0 Charcoal Kitchen 3 Sidesteps PG 3 serial killer. SATURDAY 1.50 Infomercials Darren explores the art 11.10 Closedown Hanna SATURDAY 2.50 2 Overnight 1.30 Infomercials 7.30pm on Three of teppanyaki. SATURDAY 12.05 The Red Line MV 3 0 4.15 The Middle PG 3 0 3.30 Closedown L 6.30 Waiata Mai 3 The journeys of three 4.40 Neighbours PG 3 0 11.05 Taste Of Australia With 3.50 Football: UEFA RNZ NATIONAL 5.05 Brain Busters 3 0 3 0 6.40 Kia Mau 3 families begin to Hayden Quinn Euro Quarter-final: 5pm Checkpoint With Lisa 6am The Adventures Of 3 11.35 Married At First Sight Switzerland v Spain. 6.50 Huritua Owen. News and current affairs converge after a tragedy. Paddington 0 3 0 6am Nella The Princess 7am Haati Paati 3 programme. 1am Te Karere 3 6.10 The Wiggles’ World 3 0 NZ PG 3 0 3 6.30 Trending Now Highlighting 1.25 Infomercials 6.20 Tinpo 3 0 One couple must Knight 7.10 Tamariki Haka 3 0 the RNZ stories people are 6am Te Karere 3 6.30 Esme And Roy 0 6.25 The Powerpuff Girls 7.20 Mahi Pai 3 decide whether they will 3 0 sharing online. 6.30 Country Calendar 3 0 6.50 Love Monster 0 6.50 The Loud House 7.30 He Rourou 3 recommit or walk away. 3 0 7.06 Nights With Bryan Crump. An Englishman with 7.05 Scooby Doo! Guess 7.15 The Thundermans 7.40 Paia 3 Who 0 1.05 Before And After 3 0 Entertainment and information. a dream creates an 7.40 Justice League PG 7.50 Polyfest 3 7.30 Beyblade Burst Surge 0 1.35 F Australian Ninja 10pm News At Ten A roundup of organic co-op of farms 8.30 Batman: The Animated 8.20 Te Nutube 3 today’s news and sport. 7.50 Transformers Warrior 3 0 Series PGVC 3 0 producing eggs, greens, Cyberverse 0 8.30 Pukana 3 10.15 Lately With Karyn Hay. Two teams take on the 9am Danny Phantom PGV 3 0 meat and milk. 8.15 Star Wars Rebels 3 0 9.30 Korero Mai 3 11.04 The Mixtape 10am SmackDown MVC 3 7am Fishing And 8.40 Pokemon Journeys: The Power Tower, aiming to Noon Sidewalk Karaoke 3 SATURDAY Series 0 11am Raw PGV 3 12.04 All Night Programme Adventure 3 0 win $100,000. 1pm Haka At Home 3 9am Monkie Kid 0 Noon Whose Line Is It 6.08 Storytime The adventure continues 3.25 Rescue My 3 9.10 Power Rangers Ninja Anyway? PGC 0 2pm Tangaroa With Pio 7.08 Country Life as the boys try to tick off Renovation 0 Steel PG 3 0 1pm Pawn Stars PGC 3 3pm Waka Ama 8.10 Saturday Morning With Kim the remaining challenge 3 0 Host John DeSilvia and Hill. 9.35 The Simpsons 2pm Rugby League: NRL (RPL) Championships 3 species. 10am Fresh PG his team are fixing an 4pm Soul Sessions 12.12 Music 101 With Charlotte 7.30 Infomercials 10.30 The Amazing Race Roosters v Storm. Ryan. improperly pitched roof. 4pm 4.30 Fresh 8.30 Religious Programming Australia PG 3 0 Judge Judy PG 5pm The World At Five 3.55 Restoration Man PG 3 0 5pm Mighty Machines 3 0 5pm The Hui 9am Roads Less Travelled 0 11.50 MasterChef Australia PG 5.10 Focus On Politics Omnibus PG 3 0 5pm Bondi Vet PG 0 5.30 Prime News 5.30 Te Waipounamu 3 5.30 Tagata O Te Moana 9.30 Tagata Pasifika 10am Dinner Date 3 0 PAY TV David Potts chooses CHOICE three women to date 5.30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC SKY SPORT 1 SKY 5 MOVIES PREMIERE DISCOVERY based on the menus he 5pm GrassRoots Rugby 5pm Storage Wars PGL 6.45 Don’t Let Go 16VLSC 2019 5.40 Outback Opal Hunters PGL 6.30 Salvage Hunters Best most likes the look of, 6pm Ranfurly Shield (HLS) 5.30 Pawn Stars PG Thriller. David Oyelowo, Buys PGC 6.35 Aussie Salvage Squad PG before choosing to see Hawke’s Bay v North 6pm Trucking Hell M Storm Reid. 7.30 Grand Designs 7.30 Outback Opal Hunters PGL one of them again. Otago. 7pm Border Security M 8.30 The King Of Staten 8.30 The Restoration 8.30 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 11am Cash Trapped 0 6.30 British And Irish 7.30 Hawaii Five-0 MV Island 16LC 2020 Comedy. Workshop 9.30 Demolition Down Noon F The Great British Lions v Japan Brave The Five-0 allow a talk An unemployed man 9.30 Escape To The Chateau: Under PG Sewing Bee 0 Blossoms (HLS) show host and her in his mid-20s has his DIY 0 6.45 All Black’s crew to follow them for world upended when his 10.30 Mysteries At The 1.05 The Living Room 10.30 Salvage Hunters Best Throwback (RPL) All the day. However, the mother starts dating a Museum PGC 2pm The Apprentice Buys PGC 3 0 Blacks v Pasifika. investigation takes a loudmouth firefighter. 11.25 Naked And Afraid MVL Aotearoa PG 11.30 Mysteries At The 3pm Happy Campers: The 9pm All Black’s dangerous turn when Pete Davidson, Marisa SATURDAY Museum PGC Throwback (RPL) All they run into Wo Fat. Tomei. Caravan Park PG 0 12.15 How It’s Made PG SATURDAY Blacks v Tonga. 8.30 World’s Wildest 10.49 Inherit The Viper 16LC 4pm How To Lose Weight 12.30 Rick Stein’s Road To 12.40 How Do They Do It? PG 0 11pm Rugby Heaven Weather PGC 2019 Drama. Josh Hartnett, Well Mexico 1.05 Mysteries At The 5pm The Chase 3 0 SATURDAY 9.30 Rooster And Butch PGC Margarita Levieva. 1.30 Best Cake Wins 12am First XV Rugby Revision 10.30 Criminal Minds: Beyond SATURDAY Museum PGC 2am Culinary Genius 12.30 GrassRoots Rugby Borders 16VS 12.12 Little Women 2019 Drama. 1.55 Gold Rush PG BRAVO 3am Great Blue Wild 1.30 British And Irish 11.30 Ax Men ML Saoirse Ronan, Emma 2.45 Naked And Afraid MVL 5.30 Shark Tank PG 4am The Restoration Lions v Japan Brave SATURDAY Watson. 3.35 Moonshiners: Master 6.30 Celebrity Ghost Stories PG Workshop Blossoms (HLS) 12.30 Wheel Of Fortune 2.24 Lucky Day 16VLSC 2019 M Distiller MLC 7.30 When Harry Met 5am Mysteries At The 1.55 L Currie Cup 1am Jeopardy! Action. Luke Bracey, 3 0 4.25 Alaskan Bush People PG Sally M 1989 Romantic Museum PGC Pumas v Griquas. 1.25 Border Security MC Nina Dobrev. Comedy. 6am Flour Power 4am French Top 14 1.50 Rooster And Butch PGC 4am Official Secrets 16VLSC 5.15 Outback Opal Hunters PGL 3 9.35 An Unexpected Killer 16 6.30 Dogs With Extraordinary Highlights Show 2.40 World’s Wildest 2019 Drama. Keira 6.05 How It’s Made PG 3 10.35 Snapped M Jobs 4.30 The Breakdown Weather PGC Knightley, Matthew 6.30 How It’s Made PG 11.30 Accident, Suicide Or 7.30 Great Blue Wild 5.30 Rugby Nation 3.30 Trucking Hell M Goode. 6.55 Aussie Gold Hunters PG Murder? 16 3 8.30 Mysteries At The 6am Rugby Heaven 4.20 Criminal Minds: Beyond 5.48 Don’t Let Go 16VLSC 2019 7.45 Outback Opal Hunters PG SATURDAY Museum PGC 7am Ranfurly Shield (RPL) Borders 16VS Thriller. 8.35 Outback Opal Hunters PG 12.20 Infomercials 9.30 Escape To The Chateau: Hawke’s Bay v North 5.10 Hawaii Five-0 MV 7.28 Down 16VLSC 2018 Horror. 9.25 Outback Opal Hunters PG 10am Judge Jerry 3 DIY Otago. 6am The Hunters Club MVLC 8.48 Arthur And Merlin: 10.20 Outback Opal Hunters PG 10.30 Hollywood Medium With 10.30 Rick Stein’s Road To 8am French Top 14 Season 7am Truck Night In Knights Of Camelot 16 Tyler Henry PG 3 Mexico Review America PGL 2020 Action. 11.15 Outback Opal Hunters PG 11.30 Hollywood Medium With 11.30 Salvage Hunters Best 9am GrassRoots Rugby 8am Outback Truckers PGL 10.16 A Beautiful Day In The 12.10 Bering Sea Gold PG Tyler Henry PG 3 Buys 10am Rugby Club 8.55 Addicted To Fishing MVLC Neighbourhood 1.05 Deadliest Catch PG 12.30 50 Ways To Kill Your 12.30 Grand Designs 10.30 Currie Cup (RPL) 9.20 Ocean Predators PG PGVL 2019 Drama. 2pm Aussie Salvage Squad PG 3 Mum PG 1.30 The Restoration Pumas v Griquas. 10.10 A1: Highway Patrol MVLC 12.01 Overcomer PGV 2019 Drama. 2.55 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 1.30 50 Ways To Kill Your Workshop 12.30 The Breakdown 11am NXT PGV 1.56 We Summon The 3.50 Nasa’s Unexplained Mum PG 3 2.30 Forged In Fire PGC 1.30 First XV Rugby (HLS) Noon SmackDown MVC Darkness Files PG 2.30 Love It Or List It 3 3.30 Meet The Orang-utans 2pm L First XV Rugby 2.05 Pawn Stars PG 16VLSC 2019 Horror. 3.35 Love It Or List It 3 4pm Kai Safari King’s College v St 3.05 Ax Men ML 3.24 Radioactive 4.45 Nasa’s Unexplained 4.35 Celebrity Ghost Stories 4.30 Choccywoccydoodah Kentigern College. 4.05 A1: Highway Patrol MVLC M 2019 Biography. Files PG PG 3 Starstruck 4pm L Maori All Blacks v 5.05 Truck Night In 5.10 Thank You For Your 5.40 Nasa’s Unexplained 5.30 Undercover Boss PG 3 5.30 Antiques Roadshow Samoa America PGL Service 16VLSC 2017 Drama. Files PG KEY 0 3 Closed captions; Repeat; (HLS) Highlights; (RPL) Replay; (DLY) Delayed; 16 Approved for persons 16 years or over; 18 Approved for persons 18 years or over; 2Jul21 Compiled by C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG Parental guidance recommended for younger viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. 24 SPORT The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 Storm to rest Roosters still in the show: Robinson RUGBY LEAGUE by Scott Bailey, AAP they need to stand up and fill that void. “You’ve got to learn quickly when you’re not before minor premiership SYDNEY— Trent Robinson won’t cop claims expecting those guys not to be there. RUGBY LEAGUE by Scott Bailey, AAP team for six months,” Bellamy said. that the NRL is a two-horse race, adamant “If you want to mix it with the top few “But having said that before we have his Sydney Roosters can still challenge front- teams, if you want to get into the top four you SYDNEY — Melbourne won’t go probably made some mistakes by going runners Melbourne and Penrith. better adapt quickly. We just haven’t done that all out in pursuit of the NRL’s minor for the minor premiership where it might Thursday night’s 46-0 flogging from enough but we will.” premiership, despite a titanic battle impact what we do in the finals. Melbourne left the injury-ravaged Roosters’ Melbourne coach Craig Bellamy also insists looming against Penrith in the run to the “So we certainly don’t do that any more. record against top-four teams at 0-5, struggling the grand final combatants aren’t a foregone finals. “We’ll keep an eye on where we are and to keep pace with the leaders. conclusion. Storm coach Craig Bellamy has made where it’s ideal to be and how we can get The heavy loss also came after they Parramatta beat Melbourne earlier this year, no secret of the fact of how highly he rates there.” were beaten 38-12 by Penrith before the but the other top-four side in South Sydney the minor premiership, having lifted the Melbourne made a point of resting bye weekend, making for an 84-12 scoreline have had 50 put on them by both Penrith and JJ Giltinan Shield four times since 2011. players in the lead-up to last year’s finals, against them. the Storm in 2021. The Storm and Panthers appear set to running out a near reserve grade side But Roosters coach Robinson insists all Manly loom as the other realistic threat, with be runaway leaders at the top of the table, against St George Illawarra in the last hope is not lost, after a season where Jake Tom Trbojevic’s form having shot them into with every possibility they could be four round. Friend, Brett Morris and Boyd Cordner were all some form of contention. points clear of the pack by the end of the They have again endured a rough year medically retired and Luke Keary ruled out for Melbourne, meanwhile, jumped into weekend. with a month and a half spent away due the season. premiership favouritism earlier in the week But Bellamy is the first to admit he to Covid-19, and will manage players into “We’ve been well beaten in the last two above Penrith, and on Thursday became the hasComing erred to ain finish the (6) past by going too hard the finals. games by the top two teams and rightly so,” first team to score 40 points in 10 games in after top spot, which realistically has very Players will be given a week off during Robinson said. one season. littleA sign advantage of fire (5) over coming second in the the next bye round, while fullback Ryan “But the game’s not over. They (Melbourne They are also averaging a mammoth 36.5 finals. Papenhuyzen is expected to return after it and Penrith) are the top two teams at the points a game, the most of any team in the “Sometimes you can win a grand final against Newcastle. moment, obviously. NRL era. and be the best team for a month, but you “Obviously part of that is resting “They’re doing it in a canter, both of them, “I’ve been around too long to be saying that win a minor premiership you are the best players. I thought we did that really but there’s nine games for us to go and you it’s a two-horse race at this time of the year,” well last year and have for a few years just believe in where you can get to.” Bellamy said. JUNIOR CROSSWORD SOLUTIONS actually,” Bellamy said. One of the competition’s heavyweights for “A lot of things are going to happen Previous solution “We probably made a few mistakes five the past decade, the Roosters’ wretched injury between now and the end of the year until Across: 1. Backbone, 7. Extra, 8. Exist, 9. Answer, 10. Belt, 12. or six years ago. run has made life harder. finals time. Rust, 14. Squash, 17. Night, 18. Acorn, 19. Stampede. “We’ve been through those different “It’s quieter than what it normally is but “Some things are going to help some teams Down: 1. Bites, 2. Chased, 3. Beer, 4. Noise, 5. Repairing, 6. experiences and I think we know how to that’s on us,” Robinson said. and some things are going to hinder some Stitching, 11. Square, 13. Sight, 15. Alone, 16. Stem. handle most of them now hopefully.” “We’ve got enough senior players there . . . teams.” THE LAST WORD IN ASTROLOGY Saturday, July 3, 2021 SUDOKU CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Olivia Munn, 41; Andrea Barber, 45; Tom Cruise, 59; Montel Williams, 65. Happy Birthday: A positive attitude will help you get through uncertainty. Look at your options SUDOKU is a logic puzzle made and make changes that won't break the bank but will make you feel secure in up of 81 squares on a 9x9 grid. your environment. A lifestyle change may be scary, but in the end, the benefits To solve the puzzle, each row, will outweigh any negatives you encounter along the way. Trust in your ability to do what's best for you. Your numbers are 5, 13, 24, 28, 33, 37, 42. column and 3x3 grid within the ARIES (March 21-April 19): larger grid must end up containing Plan to have fun and achieve something that makes you feel good about who each number from 1 to 9, and you are and what you do. Fitness and enjoying the company of someone who each number can only appear shares your sentiments or passions will encourage you to be responsible for once in a row, column or box. your happiness. 3 stars A sudoku grid has a single TAURUS (April 20-May 20): unique solution, which can be Someone will have a hidden agenda. Don't take anything for granted or let anyone speak for you. A change someone makes isn't worth the fight; take the reached without using guesswork. path that suits you best, regardless of what others do. 3 stars SOLUTION IN NEXT PUBLICATION. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Confusion will set in if you believe everything you hear. Take the initiative to research and discover information firsthand. An invite to share something special with someone you love will contribute to personal stability. Romance is on the rise. 4 stars CANCER (June 21-July 22): DOUBLE CROSSWORD No 11,332 Stay out of an emotional scuffle with someone who doesn't see things your way. Put energy into a creative outlet that boosts your ego and makes you feel CRYPTIC CLUES good about your accomplishments. Broaden your horizons and your circle of friends. 2 stars ACROSS DOWN LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Find an alternative way to get past uncertainty and confusion. Your usual 1. A poor sportsman who 1. Consequence of sources will be misleading. It's up to you to find the path that will encourage runs well (6) reforming Ulster (6) happiness and success. Dedicate your time to positive personal change and 4. Book intended for the 2. Unlucky flier (4,2,3,4) new beginnings. 5 stars VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): lower classes (6) 3. Ron is involved in golf 9. A cause for Be careful what you wish for; there will be underlying factors to uncover and clubs (5) consider before bringing about change that will disrupt your livelihood or concern (7,6) 5. Understand that lies are lifestyle. Protect your security, keep life simple and distance yourself from 10. Regards a paternal imprudent people. 5 stars admonition (5,2) wrong (7) LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): 11. Sluggish inter- 6. Numbers are employed Temptation to spend on things you don't need will take over. Put a budget in by him (13) place before you go out the door. A joint venture may tempt you, but it's likely changing (5) to cause problems between you and your partner. Look inward and focus on 12. Has a pronounced 7. I tarry perhaps, and self-improvement. 3 stars impediment (5) discover a curiosity (6) SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 14. Edna’s about to provide 8. Employing a rousing Change will excite you, but the work involved will deter you from following a seat for a chairman (5) through. You can spend your life dreaming about the way you want things to finale (5) be, or you can pour your energy into making things happen. 3 stars 18. Some of the larger 13. Hobby of father’s era (7) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): swallows (5) 15. Its contents will be Refrain from letting others influence you. If you want to live life your way, it's 19. Admit that you take in up to you to make changes that ensure happiness. Dedicate time and money cracked (3-3) stolen goods? (7) to reaching your goal, and success will follow. Romance is in the stars. 3 stars 21. Perform a self-effacing 16. Put on something CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Share your feelings, and find out where you stand. Getting the go-ahead to put action (6,7) saucy? (5) SOLUTIONS TO your plans in motion will alleviate opposition. Honesty is the best policy if you Quick Crossword answers 22. Turned to authorship in 17. Venerate an American want to avoid a costly lesson. Home improvements will lead to peace of mind. PUZZLE 11,331 patriot (6) 5 stars also fit the large grid captivity (6) QUICK 23. Anyone in it is out (6) 20. News broadcaster (5) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): ACROSS: 1 Disconsolate; Concern about a friend, relative or lover will lead to a lifestyle change. You'll 7 Creel; 8 Glued; 9 Rue; develop an intelligent suggestion that requires work on your part to get others 10 Veritable; 11 Cattle; 12 Detest; QUICK CLUES to see things your way. Don't give up on someone who needs guidance. 2 15 Erroneous; 17 Out; 18 Lance; stars 19 Brave; 21 Fearlessness. ACROSS DOWN PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): DOWN: 1 Distractedly; 2 Owe; 1. Damsel (6) 1. Accident (6) Be honest with yourself, and you will recognize what direction to head in. 3 Sultry; 4 Lightness; 5 Thumb; 6 Adventitious; 7 Chest; 4. Speak first to (6) 2. Truly (2,5,2,4) Think for yourself, and walk away from people and situations detrimental 10 Volunteer; 13 Evoke; 3. White heron (5) to your health, wealth and emotional well-being. Turn your home into your 9. Over-plentiful (13) comfort zone. 3 stars 14 Foible; 16 Range; 20 Ass. 5. Wink at (7) CRYPTIC 10. Flier (7) Birthday Baby: ACROSS: 1 Starting post; 11. Angry (5) 6. Extensively You are relentless, unique and enthusiastic. You are possessive and caring. 7 Vowed; 8 Sharp; 9 Lip; (2,1,5,5) 12. Precipitous (5) 10 Distemper; 11 Arrest; 7. Giggle (6) 12 Agrees; 15 Carpenter; 17 Son; 14. Balance (5) 18 React; 19 Toddy; 8. Miscarry (5) 21 Imprecations. 18. Error in tact (5) 13. Timeless (7) DOWN: 1 Settle a score; 2 Tow; 19. Standard (7) 15. Appalled (6) STAR RATINGS 3 Nudist; 4 Passenger; 5 Stamp; 21. Repeatedly (5,3,5) FIVE STARS: Nothing can stop you now. Go for the gold. 6 Opera singers; 7 Viper; 16. Perfume (5) FOUR STARS: You can pretty much do as you please. It’s a good time to start new projects. 10 Dissenter; 13 Essay; 14 Static; 22. Gossip (6) 17. Insufficient (6) THREE STARS: If you focus your efforts, you will reach your goals. 16 Realm; 20 Dot. TWO STARS: You can accomplish a lot, but don’t rely on others for help. 23. Cure (6) 20. Knowing (5) ONE STAR: It’s best to avoid conflicts. Work behind the scenes or read a good book. The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 SPORT 25 United rounding final bend Thistle without a game after opponents default FOOTBALL by John Gillies will likely be on the bench. PACIFIC PREMIERSHIP New Plymouth Rangers have defaulted “After a good performance last week, THE finish line is in sight, and all their Central Federation League match against we can’t walk out and think these guys P W D L F A GD Pts Gisborne United have to do is get there Gisborne Thistle. The game was scheduled are going to be easy,” Venema said. Gisborne United 11 10 1 0 36 7 29 31 without stumbling. for midday on Sunday, but yesterday Rangers On May 8, United beat Taradale 2-0 at Maycenvale 12 10 0 2 40 17 23 30 That’s easy to say, but football has informed Central Football that they could not Harry Barker Reserve. Napier City Rov 12 8 1 3 30 17 13 25 a habit of keeping people grounded by get enough players to make the trip. Thistle will “We played poorly and beat them here,” Port Hill United 11 6 0 5 22 17 5 18 tripping them up when they least expect it. be credited with a 3-0 win. Venema said. Taradale 11 5 0 6 20 22 -2 15 Heavy Equipment Services Gisborne “But if we go down there thinking we’ll Napier Marist 12 2 2 8 12 37 -25 8 United lead football’s Pacific Premiership “I told them, ‘I don’t care how we win, Havelock NW 12 1 1 10 20 40 -20 4 walk over them, we could get tipped up. West Rangers 11 1 1 9 18 41 -23 4 by one point. just get the job done.’ It’s the first time I’ll be telling the boys that.” Second are Hastings club Maycenvale, I’ve said that, and they played really well.” He said Royston thought the ankle Adams). the only side with a realistic chance of He said the team would probably line injury he suffered against Napier last United striker Josh Adams leads the overhauling United. up the same as they started last week. Saturday would be all right by tomorrow. premiership golden boot competition, At 3pm tomorrow in Hawke’s Bay, That would mean Seth Piper in goal, However, if it wasn’t good enough for with 14 goals. Gisborne United play Taradale, a team Adam Simpson and Malcolm Marfell him to play, United had the players to Tomorrow Maycenvale have a home with a points total less than half the size at rightback and leftback respectively, cover the gap without major disruption. game against Napier Marist Reserves, of United’s. But Taradale have always Mal Scammell and Kieran Higham as Taradale sit in fifth place in the eight- which they should win. The week after, been dangerous on their own pitch. centrebacks, James Bristow and skipper team league, having won five games and they come to Gisborne to play United United player-coach Kieran Venema Dane Thompson in holding midfield roles, lost six, scoring 20 goals and conceding at Harry Barker Reserve. It will be says his message will be simple. Corey Adams as the link with the attack, 22. Their leading scorers are Matt Single, Maycenvale’s last league game, but “I just pretty much want the boys to and from right to left along the front Sam with six (the same as United’s Josh United have one more the following week, play the way they did last week (against Royston, Josh Adams and Josh Harris. Harris and Royston), and Stephen Flude, against Western Rangers. Napier City Rovers Reserves),” he said. Venema, himself, and Corey Boocock with four (the same as United’s Corey First things first, though . . . Taradale. Gisborne Boys’ High on a mission New Plymouth BHS to defend their turf at The Gully

RUGBY by Ben O’Brien-Leaf “We’re ready for them and our coaches trust us to remember what we have to THEY’RE up for it. do. I’m honoured to be playing Gisborne The Ryan Tapsell-coached Gisborne again, for the third time in my first-15 Boys’ High School first 15, who have career.” yet to win a game this season, left home Gisborne BHS second-15 coach Mark on a mission yesterday. They play New Jefferson’s team is positive about their Plymouth BHS at their famous Gully 9.30am assignment at McNaught Field. ground tomorrow at 11am. “We’re a young team for the most part, GBHS could have beaten Feilding and a good bunch,” Jefferson said. Agricultural High School (a 17-10 loss) “What we need to do against New at Whitmore Park in Napier on May 7, Plymouth is defend better. We conceded Wellington powerhouse Scots College (a 66 points against Hastings because we 22-21 loss) at Porirua Park on May 15 got too tight on the inside. They went and Napier BHS (a 27-20 loss) at the around us. We’ve worked to correct that Rectory on June 12. this week.” Their four Super 8 losses — to GBHS second-15 captain and second- Palmerston North BHS, Napier, Rotorua five Xavier Henare-Brown said: “Execute and Hastings — this season cut deep. our structure — that’s what I want our While the traditional fixtures that boys to do.” Gisborne play throughout the season are The first-15 match is to be controlled of equal importance, since 1997 the Super by Taranaki premier referee Mitch Young, 8 has been the competitive yardstick. with assistant referees Tim Biesiek (AR1) And while New Plymouth have not and Steve Scott (AR2) on The Gully at won at Gisborne’s Rectory in 13 attempts 11am, while Biesiek has the second-15 since 1970, the GBHS record — in the engagement from 9.30am at McNaught Super 8 era — of five wins and six losses Field. at The Gully since the visitors’ 28-17 triumph in 1999 says (on balance) that, GBHS first 15: Zeke Collier, Paul Tovio, history-wise — rather than form-wise — CAPTAIN’S RUN: Gisborne Boys’ High School prop and captain Nathaniel Hauiti makes Nathaniel Hauiti (c), Matiu Anderson, Max Briant Gisborne could swing it at NPBHS. ground against Kelston Boys’ High School in April this year. He leads Boys’ High in the (v), Dylan Bronlund, Ben Phelps, Nik Patumaka, Gisborne Boys’ High won the last clash game against New Plymouth BHS in Taranaki tomorrow. File picture by Paul Rickard Kyran Russell, Israel Fox, Izaiah Fox, Joshua with New Plymouth 18-17 at the Rectory Whyte, Hayze Nepia, Siope Fakahokotau, Carlos on September 12, 2020, having lost 27-5 Gisborne’s five changes to the starting knows is what this GBHS team might Hihi. R: Reweti Ropiha, Charlie Mathias, Matariki at The Gully on June 29, 2019. 15 in Hastings Boys’ High’s 65-0 win at do with a good supply of lineout ball. If Kaa, Uetaha Wanoa, Karlos Howe, Silas Brown, Tomorrow the temperature is Akina last Saturday are as follows: Zeke the lineout works well in Game 5, such Puna Hihi, Silas Brown. expected to be 13 degrees with a mild Collier is in for Hayze Nepia at loosehead questions might be answered. NPBHS first 15: Patrick Howlett, Ropata sou’easterly breeze prevailing; the Gully prop, Matiu Anderson comes in for Under second-year head coach Ricky Taylor, Jacob Hart, Beau Pari, Riley Thompson, turf is always firm and the ground’s five Uetaha Wanoa at lock, Israel Fox replaces Tito, NPBHS pushed four-time defending Peter Te Kahu, Reeve Nelley, Che Potaka (c), Topia terraces create an amphitheatrical feel Karlos Howe at first five-eighth. Nepia Super 8 champions Hamilton BHS hard Barrowcliffe (v), Cullum Tito, Lachlan Guthrie, unique in world schools rugby. — with a view to beefing up Gisborne’s at home in Game 1. Hamilton won 36-29, Samuela Vakadula, Kyson Broughton, Zak Head coach Tapsell wants his people to midfield defence — is in for Paraina but New Plymouth bounced back from McDonald, Liam Day. R: Harry Theodore, Logan be focused: “Our boys need to be dialled Davies at centre, with Siope Fakahokotau that loss nine days later to beat Tauranga Mitchell, Tyler Houpapa, Jack Goodall, Tana in for 70 minutes, play unselfishly — play taking Taimana Teneti’s spot on the right Boys’ College 13-5 at The Gully. Barrowcliffe, Jayden Anaha, Jacob Berquist. for each other. They have to implement wing. Last weekend, the slick Palmerston GBHS second 15: Tupuhi Gardner, Reweti the game-plan.” Both Nepia and Paul Tovio, who started North BHS crew, who beat Gisborne Ropiha, Levi Cameron, Daniel Tamanui, Reuben GBHS captain and tighthead prop at hooker in Round 4, hit the hosts like 30-10 at the Rectory on June 29, defeated Whatiri, Kerry Hohepa, Braith Ingram, Charlie Nathaniel Hauiti leads a side whose toil a hammer around the fringes of the NPBHS 10-3 in Palmerston North. Mathias, Kauri Christie, Te-Reimana Gray, Kaia and sweat, matched to the successful ruck early on last week. The former’s Loosehead prop Patrick Howlett, Gate, Xavier Henare-Brown (c), Silas Brown, execution of their policy and aim of redeployment from No.1 to No.13 is No.8 and first-year captain Che Potaka, Dante Kirkpatrick, Hawaiiki Tu Nepe. R: Jahn playing the best rugby they are capable nonetheless a gutsy vote of confidence. halfback-now-fullback Liam Day and left- Niwa-Karakia, Nathaniel Niwa-Karakia, Ratu of, would produce a win to savour. GBHS were on the defensive for much wing-now-second-five Samuela Vakadula Nairoiroi, Noah Torrance-Cribb, Oshae Waihi, Hauiti said: “We’ve been going over of their last outing, but in holding the are survivors from the NPBHS starting Kaiao Tangira, Jayerion Te Ahu, Cohen Loffler. everything, from speed to the ruck home team scoreless for the first 19 15 at the Rectory a year ago. NPBHS second 15: Blake Irvine, Arwin offensively and defensively to simple minutes of the match, Hauiti’s outfit New Plymouth captain Potaka has Leautuafi, Tyler Houpapa, Kavi Patel, Sean things like ball placement, just to keep proved that they could — and would — gone at it with GBHS rugby teams since O’Sullivan, Joel Turnbull (v), Tom Doyle (c), Kiwa the boys on top of everything.” tackle. the Colquhoun Invitational Tournament Rupapera-Maeke, Siri Rova, Tana Barrowcliffe, Last year, Gisborne won two of seven Gisborne’s scrum was good value at of 2017 and scored the first try of last Zed Stewart-Cranson, Xavier Mattock, Oliver Cole, Super 8 games and were placed sixth. Akina. In the age of Sideline.Live, a year’s first-15 match, 13 minutes in. Ben McAlistair, Jacob Berquist. R: Athyn Neil, Zac New Plymouth won five and came third team’s work-ons as well as strengths are “Playing against Gisborne is exciting,” Kauvadra, Karlos Rupapera-Maeke, Kace Ormsby, in the competition. seen by all who look but what no one he said. Raymond Rimene, Carlos Newman. 26 SPORT The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 Thompson, Tomljanovic strong at Wimbledon TENNIS by Ian Chadband and Glenn wins.” Cullen Nishikori, who reached the last eight at Wimbledon on his last two visits, looked LONDON — Australian tennis strangely out of sorts and rarely landed has enjoyed another red-letter day at a blow in the first two-and-a-half sets Wimbledon with against the world No.78. heading a brilliant parade of five singles But Thompson eventually regained victors 24 hours after four had been in the the dominance after the Japanese came winner’s circle. powering back in the third set. Thompson, who took six years to Duckworth made it to the third round register his first Wimbledon victory, of a for the first time in his needed just one more day to land his 12-year professional career after a win second on Thursday, and what a win it over former All England Club semifinalist was over Japan’s Kei Nishikori, who only Sam Querrey 7-5 6-7 (7-4) 6-3 6-2. loses to the best at SW19. Duckworth was also outstanding, The Sydneysider stunned the former keeping Querry on his toes with plenty US Open finalist 7-5 6-4 5-7 6-3, joining of well-placed slice and drop shots and compatriot and Nick breaking his huge delivery five times. Kyrgios in the third round. Duckworth will next play Lorenzo Ajla Tomljanovic, following the lead of Sonego, the man who beat world No.1 Ash Barty, also progressed to in the Eastbourne final, while Thompson the last-32, leaving Thompson to declare: will fancy his chances against world No.79 “The future looks bright. I don’t think Ilya Ivashka. there’s too much going wrong with the POWER PLAY: Jordan Thompson is all focus as he returns to Japan’s Kei Nishikori Meanwhile, qualifier Marc Polmans’ Aussies.” during the men’s singles second-round match on Day 4 at Wimbledon. Both Wimbledon run came to an end in his The victory for Tomljanovic also came Thompson and Tomljanovic put in solid performances yesterday. AP picture fifth match, going down to rising Chilean with a bit of help from Italy in the shape Cristian Garin. of her boyfriend Matteo Berrettini, up,” smiled Tomljanovic. and Rafael Nadal. Relative inexperience on grass failed who she credited with giving her some Thompson, a good mover and sharp “Things can change quickly. Walked to prove a big enough obstacle for world inspiration after being fed a ‘bagel’ set by volleyer, had strangely struggled at in yesterday, never won a match at No.20 Garin who had just a little too Frenchwoman Alize Cornet. Wimbledon, losing at the first hurdle Wimbledon, today in the third round much quality in a tight second-round Berrettini, one of the favourites for the every year since 2016. playing one of the better matches I’ve encounter 7-6 (7-3) 6-2 2-6 7-6 (7-5). men’s title who’d earlier won his match, But after his epic five-set first-round played in my career,” Thompson said. Compatriot fell to local hope turned up to give her a bit of support at win over 12th seed Casper Ruud, he “A hell of an achievement, definitely. Cameron Norrie 6-3 6-1 6-2, the second courtside following that second set and turned it on once more against Nishikori, Nishikori is one of the best in the world. time he has lost to a Briton on the famed she went on to record a 6-4 0-6 6-3 win. who traditionally only gets beaten here by I served and returned very well, played No.1 Court after defeat by Kyle Edmund “It definitely helped when he turned the likes of Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic good grass-court tennis. It’s in my top 10 three years ago. — AAP Kyrgios serves masterclass Tough matches ahead at the ‘Y’ NETBALL by Murray Robertson well enough to stop their flow of the ball. TENNIS potentially dangerous challenge from “There will be some good match-ups Italian Gianluca Mager 7-6 (9-7) 6-4 6-4. A BATTLE royal looms in the match through the court and I am expecting a LONDON — The extraordinary It was a victory which came with plenty of the round in premier grade netball close, competitive game. show is rolling on with of laughs and smiles - from both the tomorrow in the Gisborne YMCA when “Both teams will work together on smiles and a serving masterclass as the player and his adoring fan club on Court teams ranked three and four on the attack and defence,” Beale said. Australian “holidaymaker”enjoyed his No.3 - as well as an obscenity, for which points table go head to head. The 9am match between YMP and second Wimbledon win in two days. Kyrgios was instantly forgiven as he The Pak’nSave Tapuae should see YMP Kyrgios, who reckoned he was suffering apologised profusely. encounter between regain the top spot on physically from his draining first round He even appeared to discover a new Whangara Old Girls There will be some the table on their own. win over on Wednesday, coach as he enjoyed great rapport with a and F45 High School “YMP have been didn’t show it as he returned 24 hours fan sitting at courtside who was doling Old Girls at 10.30am good‘ match-ups playing well,” Beale later to blow away a spirited and out advice. — AAP should draw a big crowd through the court and I said. to the ‘Y’. am expecting a close, Tapuae have recorded YMP Sunshine two wins and a bonus Brewery and Claydens competitive game. point loss since they Waikohu 1 share top —Sherrill’ Beale moved into the premier spot on the points table grade and sit fifth on on 20, then Whangara the table. 15, HSOG 13, Horouta “Both teams like to Gold 10-, Tapuae 9, Girls High 6 and move the ball at speed and work together Claydens Waikohu 3, on 3 points. on attack and defence. “It was a close win to Whangara last “YMP have been extra slick this round time they played High School Old Girls,” so Tapuae will need to bring their top said netball commentator Sherrill Beale. game for the full hour if they want to “Both those teams like to move the ball stop YMP’s flow. at speed, but also know their opposition “I do expect another competitive game.” Waituhi work hard for win HOCKEY by Murray Robertson said. “The Green Machine just snuck home last WAITUHI got the weekend hockey round off to week against Ngatapa, and the Girls High team a solid start last night with a 3-0 victory over Te can push them too.” Aowera on the Hain Farming turf at Harry Barker It will be YMP and Ngatapa on the turf from Reserve, but TA made them work hard for it. 2pm Saturday. The result was back-to-back wins for Waituhi “That’s the biggest test of the round for the in the women’s B grade competition. Ngatapa team. “Te Aowera made a real game of it to their “YMP have been playing beautiful hockey and credit,” said hockey commentator Tony Scragg. will be tough to contain,” he said. Friday night hockey tonight features GMC The men get to use the turf next at 3.30pm Kowhai against Paikea at 6pm, then Lytton with YMP B in action against Waituhi. Old Boys Masters take on Gisborne Boys High “That should be an all-the-way win for School in the 7.30pm game. Waituhi. “Paikea would go in as red hot favourites “They need the maximum points to stay in tonight. touch with YMP A and the Fruits, so no doubt “Kowhai’s defence will have to be really on they will go out strong.” song to keep them out,” Scragg said. The final match at 5pm will definitely be a He felt the men’s game tonight should see case of saving the best till last. Boys’ High bounce back from their loss last The game between YMP A and Lytton Old week. Boys NZ Fruits will be the game of the weekend. “If the students can play like they did in the “That’s certainly fair comment,” Scragg said. first half last week against the Fruits, then they “Both those teams have been playing should win it. constructive and effective hockey, and head to “However, the old heads in the Masters will head they should produce a really entertaining provide them with a challenge.” game. At 12.30pm Saturday GMC Green play Amber “The pressure will be on the Fruits to pick up Dental Gisborne Girls High School. the maximum points.” “That should be a good close tussle,” Scragg The Gisborne Herald • Friday, July 2, 2021 SPORT 27 Warriors’ controversial pick with a dark past RUGBY LEAGUE

BRISBANE — The Warriors have made yet another move on the NRL’s player carousel, signing controversial prop Matt Lodge from the Broncos with immediate effect. The 26-year-old joins the Warriors on a two-and-a-half-year deal, after having been linked with a move to the club at different times over the past couple of seasons. The Broncos will reportedly contribute close to $1 million of his wage over the next two and half seasons, a deal that includes a player option in 2023. “Matt will add more experience and real size to further boost our front-row resources,” Warriors head coach Nathan Brown said. “We like what he has to offer us as a big body in the middle of the park with his ability to play big minutes and his impressive work rate. He’ll be a great addition to our squad.” After injury limited him to just six appearances last year, Lodge, whose partner is the daughter of Warriors recruitment manager Peter O’Sullivan, has played 12 games this year and has been a strong player in a dismal season for the Brisbane club, averaging 12 runs, 129 metres and 25 tackles a game. He also has 41 tackle breaks and ON THE LINE: Mark Cavendish wears the best sprinter’s green as he crosses the finish line, taking the sixth 26 offloads. stage of the Tour. The stage was 160.6km, starting in Tours and finishing in Chateauroux. AP picture However, Lodge has a dark past, with his prior misdeeds including a violent home invasion in New York in 2015. On October 16, 2015, Lodge followed and harassed a German Cavendish close to Tour record tourist, telling her “This is the night you’re going to die”, as she rang Joseph Cartright’s doorbell seeking refuge. When the local resident let her in, Lodge forced his way into the house, while Cartright’s wife CYCLING Cavendish finished off his teammates’ work in the and nine-year-old son ran to hide in a bathroom. final straight of the sixth stage after being led out by Lodge punched a hole in the bathroom door before he was CHATEAUROUX — Mark Cavendish’s stunning Michael Morkov. arrested at gunpoint. The family said their son was traumatised by Tour de France comeback has continued after the The 36-year-old Briton beat Belgian Jasper the incident, and Lodge was sacked by the Wests Tigers, his team at Briton claimed his second victory in this year’s race Philipsen and France’s Nacer Bouhanni who finished the time. with a perfectly executed sprint. second and third. Lodge spent two weeks in jail, pleaded guilty to a reckless assault The Deceuninck-Quick Step rider now has 32 stage It was Cavendish’s third victory on Chateauroux, charge and was ordered by a US civil court to pay over $1 million in wins on the Tour and is two short of the all-time where he won his first Tour stage in 2008 and just damages. record of Belgian great Eddy Merck as he takes part like 13 years ago, he held his helmet in apparent After starting his NRL career with the Tigers, the former Junior in the world’s greatest race for the first time since disbelief when he crossed the line on Thursday. Kangaroo has made 65 appearances for the Broncos since 2018. 2018. — AAP — NZ Herald

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2 Jul, 2021 MIDNIGHT TONIGHT GISBORNE TIDE MOVEMENT M E WEATHER FOR TOMORROW T Saturday Sunday R Jul 3 Jul 4 SE S am 369noon 369pm am 369noon 369pm Tauranga 3 15 Hicks Bay 3 0.5 14 Te Puke 35 22

2 11 Whakatane 15 0 14 Ruatoria 00 15 Opotiki H 1:03am 1:30pm H 1:52am 2:24pm Hicks Bay L 7:19am 7:38pm Hicks Bay L 8:10am 8:32pm Rotorua Te Puia Springs 13 1.5 H 12:50am 1:17pm H 1:39am 2:11pm Waipiro Bay L 6:54am 7:13pm Waipiro Bay L 7:45am 8:07pm Tokomaru Bay NOON TOMORROW H 12:38am 1:05pm H 1:27am 1:59pm 35 high low Tolaga Bay L 6:42am 7:01pm Tolaga Bay L 7:33am 7:55pm H L H 12:28am 12:53pm H 1:16am 1:45pm Matawai Gisborne L 6:43am 7:02pm Gisborne L 7:32am 7:54pm H 12:11am 12:36pm H 1:00am 1:26pm Tolaga Bay Fronts 2 Te Karaka Wairoa L 6:26am 6:49pm Wairoa L 7:14am 7:40pm SUN-MOON-MAORI FISHING GUIDE warm OceanFun Publishing www.ofu.co.nz Maori fi shing guide by Bill Hohepa© Rise 7:26 am Rise 7:26 am cold Set 4:58 pm Set 4:59 pm 14 Gisborne Rise 12:49 am Rise 1:48 am 5 stationary Set 12:39 pm Set 1:03 pm 38 2 Best at Best at Bad Bad 1.5 occluded 6:48 am 7:29 am 7:08 pm 7:49 pm 13 Wairoa NZ SITUATION NZ TOMORROW GISBORNE READINGS© OceanFun PublishingWORLD www ofu co nzTOMORROW Maori fishing guide by Bill Hohepa A broad high lies over Auckland fi ne 14 Taken at the Airport, for the 24 hours Adelaide showers 7 13 Aotearoa New Zealand Hamilton fi ne 13 to 9am, Friday 2 Jul 2021 Amsterdam showers 13 22 on Saturday and Sunday. Tauranga fi ne 15 SUNSHINE hours Bangkok fine 27 37 On Thursday, 1 Jul 4.2 Beijing thunder 21 28 A northerly flow develops Rotorua fi ne 13 WIND km/h To date for July 4.2 Berlin cloudy 14 24 over the country on Monday Taupo fi ne 11 less than 30 Average for July 136.0 Brisbane rain 15 20 as the high slowly drifts Napier fi ne 14 1 New Plymouth fi ne 13 To date this year – Buenos Aires cloudy 5 16 Napier 30 to 59 east. Late Monday a front 14 Palmerston North fi ne 13 To date last year 1187.4 Cairo fine 23 41 approaches the far south showers 5 11 60 or more Wellington fi ne 12 WIND km/h Hastings associated with a low in the Cape Town fine 12 17 13 Christchurch fi ne 10 Max gust on Thu 1 Jul S 39 SWELL m source: Tasman. The low affects the Delhi drizzle 31 40 © Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2021 e.g. S 1m 1 SwellMap.co.nz Queenstown fi ne 8 RAINFALL mm Frankfurt cloudy 14 25 South Island on Tuesday. Dunedin fi ne 11 24 hours to 9am, Fri 2 Jul 0.3 GISBORNE CITY Geneva cloudy 15 25 TODAY IN HISTORY To date for July 2.9 Hong Kong fine 29 33 TOMORROWmorning min 7 SUNDAYmorning min 6 MONDAY morning min 3 Average for July 118.0 London showers 14 22 Mostly cloudy. max 14 Cloudy periods max 14 Fine. max 15 1962 – Seas of unusual violence To date this year 474.6 Los Angeles fine 18 29 Chance of a with a few Northerlies pounded the Hawke’s Bay shoreline. The To date last year 464.2 Melbourne showers 5 12 shower or two. early showers. developing. “battering-ram rollers” drove seven ships EVAPOTRANSPIRATION mm Moscow rain 16 22 Southeasterlies. SE dying out. from the Port of Napier. The waves were Daily average for past week 0.8 New York showers 18 24 Paris thunder 17 24 GISBORNE REGION so high that frequently only the masts TEMPERATURE °C TUESDAY were visible from the shore. Marine Perth fine 6 21 Maximum 13.8 Singapore thunder 24 33 Mostly cloudy. Cloudy periods with Fine. Fine. Parade was battered and kelp was found Minimum 6.6 Isolated showers. a few early showers. Northerlies developing. Northerlies. Stockholm fine 13 26 tangled in the tennis court netting, while Grass minimum 2.7 Suva showers 20 29 Southeasterlies. Southeasterlies dying out. the courts were littered with sea shells. BAROMETRIC PRESSURE Sydney fine 9 19 For the latest weather info including Weather Warnings visit At 9am 2 Jul (hPa) 1039.3 Tokyo drizzle 21 28 metservice.com At 9am 2 Jul (inches) 30.69 Toronto fine 16 26 CYCLING INSIDETENNIS Rugby league ..... 24 Football, rugby .. 25 Netball, hockey .. 26 SPORT Cycling, league .. 27 Friday, July 2, 2021 Australians advance at Cavendish wins another stage Wimbledon 26 of Tour de France PAGE 27PAGE

HARD TO STOP: Waikohu midfield back Jacob Leaf makes a strong run against Ngatapa in a Poverty Bay club rugby round-robin game at Te Karaka last Saturday. The teams meet again in one of two semifinals at Rugby Park tomorrow. Picture by Paul Rickard Down to the nitty-gritty Top four teams in competition’s knockout stage RUGBY by Jack Malcolm make too many changes to combinations,” He said OBM had been working on “There’s a buzz in the air for semifinals he said. solidifying their defensive line, to shut football. It’s been positive and exciting.” AFTER eight gruelling games of Having a bye last weekend was a down the YMP outside backs. The team had several players sick regular-season premier rugby, teams “blessing”. Team members were able to “Their backs are on another level,” with the flu this week, and Hickey said have it all to play for this weekend as the take care of niggling injuries ahead of the Pirihi said. they would assess their readiness to play competition enters the knockout stages. semifinals. “I think the key is to work as one, tomorrow morning. Both games are at Rugby Park “Everyone’s healed up now,” Skudder working together on defence. tomorrow. YMP face OBM at 1pm and said. “We’ve got to be really clinical. If we IT’S all to play for Pirates and Tapuae Waikohu take on Ngatapa at 3pm. “They needed a rest. We were bruised make any mistakes, their forwards will in Senior One rugby this weekend, with GT Shearing Waikohu and East Coast and battered after that Ngatapa game.” snap them up and they’ll run away with both teams on equal points going into Farm Vets YMP have been the two He expects OBM to try to dominate in it. the last weekend of the regular season. competition front-runners this year, but the forwards, but he believes his players “We’ve just got to stay in the fight and With no semifinals, Wairoa Athletic Larsawn Ngatapa and Enterprise OBM have what it takes to work together and compete with them.” have already booked their finals berth have been hot on their heels. come out victors. Pirihi said he needed his two captains, for next weekend. they sit on 37 points As the season has progressed, the skill “It’s not going to be a one-man show.” hooker Rikki Terekia and fullback with a dominant record of seven wins, gap between teams has steadily shrunk, OBM coach Clint Pirihi said his squad Scott McKinley, to step up and lead by one loss and a draw. with some exciting rugby being played were unaffected by injury going into this example. Tapuae and Pirates are both on 28 throughout the second round of the Civil weekend. Despite only playing together Ngatapa coach Stephen Hickey said his competition points after both teams lost Project Solutions club competition. twice this season, his preferred prop duo team needed to respond to the passion of a point for using unregistered players. YMP co-coach Colin Skudder says all of Lance Dickson and Jamie Barnett Waikohu with their own. Tapuae have their nose in front, with the teams are coming into the semifinals would start again this weekend. “We’ve just got to try to match their the only thing separating the two teams on equal footing. Last Saturday, they made a statement guys — match their passion and mindset.” being a four-point differential. His squad will be the same as for the with their scrummaging, and it will be He said the team’s performances and Pirates play away against Wairoa game against Ngatapa two weeks ago. interesting to see how the front row fare energy had been steadily lifting over the Athletic this weekend, while Tupuae will “We’re trying to stay consistent and not against a bigger forward pack. past month. host Waikohu.