Editore: Edizioni Turbo Srl - Corso della Resistenza, 23 - 20821 Meda (MB) - Tel. +39 0362 600463/4 Fax. +39.0362.600616 - Stampa: Ingraph - Seregno (MB) - Poste Italiane Spa Sped. in Abbonamento Postale DL 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27.02.2004, n.46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI - In caso di mancato recapito inviare al CMP di Milano Roserio per la restituzione al mittente previo pagamento resi. food italian buyer’s •guide edizioni the YEAR 8-N°6/7•AUGUST/SEPTEMBER2020 MANAGING DIRECTOR:ANGELOFRIGERIO In partnershipwith

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In partnership with YEAR 8 - N° 6/7 • AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2020 • MANAGING DIRECTOR: ANGELO FRIGERIO italianthe

foodmagazine buyer’s • guide Editore: Edizioni Turbo Srl - Corso della Resistenza, 23 - 20821 Meda (MB) - Tel. +39 0362 600463/4 Fax. +39.0362.600616 - Stampa: Ingraph - Seregno (MB) - Poste Italiane Spa Sped. in Abbonamento Postale DL 353/2003 (conv. in L. 27.02.2004, n.46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI - In caso di mancato recapito inviare al CMP di Milano Roserio per la restituzione al mittente previo pagamento resi.

DELI MEATS IN PREVIEW AT Parmacotto CIBUS FORUM waves the Italian www.cibusforum.it f lag high 2020-2021 FALL/WINTER COLLECTION

Top product quality, animal welfare and food safety. The historic company from Parma keeps on growing. Also in the US market. Tasty, page 10 THE INTERVIEW Meat tax? Glamorous Yes, no, maybe Italian Food. To penalize intensive farming. And to support the ecological transition of companies. Animal rights and sustainability. With some contradictions. Interview with MEP Eleonora Evi. What else? page 11 Experience the ‘allure’ of Italian creativity DAIRY and great tradition. Embrace the season ahead with new arrivals and returning Caseif icio Longo: favourites from the most innovative food a Piedmont story companies. Get inspired by flavorsome cheeses, mouthwatering deli meats, inviting lasting 70 years sweets and savory treats.Discover more than Passion, territory, authenticity. These words 200 new Italian must-haves on supermarket perfectly depict the dairy company, shelves for fall & winter 2020-2021. specialized since 1950 in the manufacturing of tomini, ricotta and other typical products. Now ready to take over global markets. from page 13 to page 51 page 12

www.tespi.net The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide EDITORIAL by Angelo Frigerio, managing director Victory, victory at all costs!

The global economic crisis we are going through is different situations depending on the sector. With the most severe since World War II. The situation is manufacturers of pasta, sweets, beverage and ba- even worse than the one experienced with the 2008 kery products that, in many cases, even increased financial crisis, whose effects are still felt today turnover, export and production. Other producers - in many countries. The collapse in domestic con- namely cheese makers and deli meat manufacturers sumption and the slowdown in international trade is - have instead faced more problems both in the do- severely impacting our companies. And the support mestic market and, and above all, in global markets. to exports, today as never before, plays a funda- According to estimates by ITA (Italian Trade mental role. Agency) and Prometeia, in 2020 overall Italian ex- Exports represent, for , a third of the gross ports will suffer a decline of 12% compared to the domestic product (GDP). And in 2019, as depicted previous year, to start growing again, according by the 2019-2020 edition of the ITA-Prometeia Re- to forecasts, in 2021 (+7.4%) and 2022 (+5.2%). port, they enjoyed good health by registering, at Hence, it will take two years to return to the export end of the year, a 2.3% growth rate, at 476 billion levels of 2019. And consequently the Italian agri- euros. A milestone achieved despite a complicated food industry needs to work hard to hit the 50 billion international situation, characterized by the trade euro target within two years. Yet, there are still so war between the US and China, the uncertainties of many uncertainties that the task of making reliable Brexit and the additional duties imposed by the US predictions become really hard. This is confirmed Administration on a long list of goods imported from by WTO forecasts about the impact of the Covid-19 Europe, as a result of the Boeing-Airbus dispute. pandemic on world merchandise trade, expected to In 2020, however, the music has changed. In the plummet by between 12 and 35% in 2020. first five months of the year exports fell by 16%. A “These days, I have been thinking about the old decrease that, nevertheless, did not affect all sec- speeches of Churchill - it is our darkest hour but we tors. If the automotive and textile industries dropped will make it,” Italian prime minister Giuseppe Conte by -34.5% and -28% respectively, the pharmaceu- said, on the past 9th March, when all eyes were set tical industry registered a 16% growth rate, while on Italy, that was struggling with the Covid-19 ‘tsu- exports of the food and beverage industry rose by nami’. Thinking about the days and months ahead, 4.3%. The latter, which by 2020 aimed to reach 50 the goal, to quote Winston Churchill again, is just billion euros in export turnover, experienced very one: “Victory, victory at all costs!”.

Vittoria, vittoria a ogni costo! La crisi economica mondia- raggiunto nonostante la tur- seconda dei comparti. Con le euro. Le incognite, tuttavia, le che stiamo attraversando è bolenta congiuntura interna- aziende produttrici di pasta, restano molte. Rendendo par- la più grave che sia vista dal zionale, caratterizzata dalla dolci, panificati e bevande ticolarmente arduo il compito Dopoguerra. La situazione disputa commerciale tra Usa che in molti casi hanno ad- di fare previsioni attendibili. è persino peggiore di quella e Cina, dalle incertezze della dirittura aumentato fatturato, Lo conferma l’ampiezza della vissuta con la crisi finanzia- Brexit e dai dazi imposti dalla quota export e produzione. forchetta con cui il Wto stima ria del 2008, che fa ancora Casa Bianca a una lunga lista Altri settori, come quello dei il crollo degli scambi interna- sentire i suoi effetti su molte di beni importati dall’Europa, e dei formaggi, hanno zionali: compresa in un range economie mondiali. Il crollo come conseguenza della di- invece riscontrato più proble- che va dal -12% al -35%. dei consumi domestici e il sputa Boeing-Airbus. matiche sia nel mercato do- “In questi giorni ho ripen- rallentamento degli scambi Nel 2020, però, la musica è mestico sia, e soprattutto, in sato ad alcune vecchie lettu- internazionali stanno met- cambiata. Dati alla mano, nei quelli mondiali. re, a Winston Churchill. Que- tendo a dura prova le nostre primi cinque mesi dell’anno Ice e Prometeia calcolano sta è la nostra ‘ora più buia’, aziende. E il sostegno alle le esportazioni sono calate che, nel 2020, il nostro ex- ma ce la faremo”, diceva il esportazioni, oggi come non del 16%. Una flessione che port complessivo subirà un 9 marzo scorso il presidente mai, assume un ruolo deter- però non ha interessato tutti calo del 12% rispetto all’an- del Consiglio italiano, Giusep- minante. i comparti. Se automotive e no precedente, per tornare a pe Conte, quando gli occhi di L’export rappresenta, per tessile hanno fatto registra- crescere, secondo le previ- tutto il mondo erano puntati l’Italia, un terzo del prodot- re, rispettivamente, -34,5 e sioni, nel 2021 (+7,4%) e nel sull’Italia, già alle prese con to interno lordo. Nel 2019, -28%, il mondo della farma- 2022 (+5,2%). In pratica, ser- lo ‘tsunami’ Coronavirus. come evidenzia l’edizione ceutica è cresciuto del 16% e viranno due anni per tornare Pensando a quello che ci 2019-2020 del Rapporto l’industria alimentare e delle ai livelli di export del 2019. aspetta nei prossimi mesi, Ice-Prometeia, l’export ita- bevande del 4,3%. Quest’ul- E di conseguenza l’industria l’obiettivo, per citare ancora liano godeva di ottima salu- tima, che entro il 2020 punta- agroalimentare italiana ha una volta Winston Churchill, te. Registrando, a fine anno, va a raggiungere i 50 miliardi molto da fare per ripartire può essere riassunto in una una crescita del 2,3%, a 476 di euro di fatturato, ha vissu- e centrare, entro due anni, sola parola: “Vittoria, vittoria miliardi di euro. Un traguardo to situazioni molto diverse a l’obiettivo dei 50 miliardi di a ogni costo!”.

4 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 NEWS

ISM 2021: INTEREST ON THE RISE THE PARLIAMENT CHINA-EU, AN AGREEMENT FOR THE MUTUAL RECOGNITION Cina-Ue, accordo per il reciproco riconoscimento OF CYPRUS SAYS ‘NO’ TO THE CETA di 100 Dop e Igp, incluso il Gorgonzola FOR THE ORGANIC SECTOR OF 100 PGI AND PDO PRODUCTS, INCLUDING GORGONZOLA Dopo oltre due anni di lavoro e un lungo negoziato, l’U- The 2021 edition of the international trade fair for sweets and snacks will The Parliament of Cyprus has voted against the ratification of the Ceta, the nione Europea e la Cina hanno firmato uno storico accordo welcome new exhibitors from the organic sector. Organic food has been on Canada-European Union free trade agreement signed in October 2016 and en- After two years of long negotiations, the European Union and China signed an historic agreement providing for the mutual recognition of 100 Pdo and Pgi products. Yet, the che prevede il reciproco riconoscimento di 100 prodotti Dop the rise for many years and is now part of consumers’ everyday habits. The tered into force provisionally in 2017, before the final ratification of the Europe- e Igp. Prima che l’accordo commerciale diventi ufficiale bi- Coronavirus pandemic has contributed to the sector’s growth as well. In fact, an Member States. According to the MPs, the free trade system set by the Ceta commercial agreement will be effective only when the place and date for the signing will be set and the Eu Parliament will have given its final consent. “Finally, we made another sognerà però attendere la data e il luogo per la firma tra data from the market research institute Gfk show that during the first three will further strengthen multinational groups’ competitiveness at the expense of Bruxelles e Pechino e il successivo consenso definitivo del months of the pandemic the organic sector outgrew the food sector on the small producers of different key sectors for the domestic economy, from agri- crucial step forward towards the protection of Pgi and Pdo products in the world and in developing and fast growing markets such as Chi- Parlamento Ue. “Finalmente un altro passo importante ver- whole. Especially the snacks segment boomed, as consumers try to reconcile food to services. The agreement has been ratified by 15 Countries so far, inclu- so la tutela delle indicazioni geografiche nel mondo e nei an exacting work life with health. According to a report on the Global Organic ding Spain, Austria, Sweden and Portugal. In Italy, the ratification procedure was na”, commented Antonio Auricchio, newly-elected president of the Consortium for the protection of mercati emergenti e in rapida espansione come la Cina”, Snacks Market published by Kbv Research, the global organic snacks market suspended in 2017 due to many objections. In Cyprus, some exponents of the commenta Antonio Auricchio, neopresidente del Consorzio will be worth 23,7 billion dollars within 2025, growing at a Cagr equal to government expressed their willingness to negotiate some clauses of the agre- the Gorgonzola Cheese, which is included in the list of 26 Pdo and Pgi Italian food products and per la Tutela del Formaggio Gorgonzola Dop, anch’esso in- 14,09% during the period considered. ement to safeguard typical national products in order not to stop the ratification serito nella lista dei 26 alimenti e bevande Dop e Igp italiani procedure at a European level. beverages that will be protected on the Chinese market. Also 100 Chinese products – such as the che saranno tutelate sul mercato cinese. Nel registro Ue Ism 2021: cresce l’interesse entreranno anche 100 prodotti cinesi, come il riso Panjin, Il Parlamento di Cipro Panjin rice, different fine teas and Goji berries - per il segmento del bio diverse varietà pregiate di tè e le bacche di Goji. L’edizione 2021 del salone internazionale del dolciario e degli snack dice no al Ceta will be comprised in the Eu register. vedrà la presenza di nuovi espositori internazionali di prodotti biolo- Il Parlamento di Cipro ha votato contro la ratifica del Ceta, il trattato gici. Il bio è in fase ascendente già da qualche anno ed è ormai en- commerciale di libero scambio stipulato fra Unione europea e Canada trato da tempo a far parte della quotidianità dei consumatori. Anche nell’ottobre del 2016 ed entrato in vigore nel 2017 in forma provviso- la pandemia da Coronavirus ha contribuito alla crescita del segmento. ria, in attesa della ratifica degli Stati membri dell’Ue. Secondo i parla- Infatti, secondo i dati dell’istituto di ricerche di mercato GfK, nei primi mentari, il sistema di libero scambio istituito con il Ceta rafforzerebbe WRM GROUP SAVES KIPRE tre mesi dell’emergenza la domanda di prodotti alimentari biologici ha la competitività dei gruppi multinazionali a scapito dei piccoli produt- (BRANDS PRINCIPE AND KINGS) fatto segnare una crescita decisamente superiore a quella del settore tori in diversi settori chiave dell’economia nazionale, dall’agroalimen- Wrm Group invested 40 million euros to relaunch Kipre Group. alimentare nel suo complesso. È soprattutto il segmento degli snack a tare ai servizi. Finora, è stato ratificato da 15 governi, fra cui Spagna, The company from Luxembourg founded by Raffaele Mincione registrare un boom, in quanto i consumatori tentano di conciliare una Austria, Svezia e Portogallo. In Italia l’avvio dell’iter di ratifica era stato saves from a complicated situation the Italian company specia- vita lavorativa impegnativa con la salute. Secondo un report sul Global sospeso nel 2017 a seguito di una vasta opposizione. Nel caso di Cipro, lised in producing branded Principe and Kings. The agre- Organic Snacks Market pubblicato da Kbv Research, entro il 2025 il alcuni esponenti del governo hanno dichiarato di voler negoziare alcu- ement states that Wrm Group purchases 100% of Kipre through mercato mondiale degli snack biologici dovrebbe fruttare 23,7 miliardi ne clausole dell’accordo a tutela dei prodotti tipici nazionali, in modo the Athena Capital fund. Walter Bellantonio, director of Isa and di dollari, con una crescita pari a 14,09% Cagr nel periodo in oggetto. da non bloccare il processo di ratifica a livello europeo. former managing director of Cirio, Del Monte Italia and Centrale del Latte di Roma, will lead the group. So, the Dukcevich family leaves the stage. They founded and led Kipre Group for many ye- ars, until December 2018, when the family announced its crisis ITALIAN EXHIBITION GROUP TAKES OVER HBG EVENTS Italian Exhibition Group acquisisce Hbg Events in a press release published on the newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. e si rafforza negli Emirati arabi Thus, Raffaele Mincione widens its interests in the food chain AND GETS STRONGER IN THE EMIRATES Italian Exhibition Group, società che gestisce Fiere di Rimini e Vicen- after the acquisition of 49% of the retail chain Auchan through Italian Exhibition Group, the company managing Fiere di Rimini and Vicenza, gets za, si rafforza negli Emirati Arabi Uniti grazie all’acquisizione di Hbg the newco Bdc. The remaining 51% instead belongs to Conad. stronger in the United Arab Emirates by taking over Hbg Events, that has organized Events, che dal 2016 organizza diverse manifestazioni, tra cui il ‘Du- different events, including the ‘Dubai Muscl Show’ and the ‘Dubai Active’, since 2016. bai Muscl Show’ e il ‘Dubai Active’. L’accordo vincolante per l’acquisto The binding agreement for the sale and purchase of the entire share capital of the dell’intero capitale della società ha un valore di 900mila euro. Hbg company is worth 900 thousand euros. Hbg Events closed 2019 with a turnover of Events ha chiuso il 2019 con un fatturato di 6,1 milioni di dirham, pari 6.1 million dirham, equal to 1.5 million euros. a 1,5 milioni di euro. italianthe PROSCIUTTIFICIO SAN MICHELE AND PARMA IS magazine foodbuyer’s • guide INVEST 13.5 MILLION EUROS ON INNOVATION

THE ITALIAN FOOD MAGAZINE Prosciuttificio San Michele and Parma Is invest 13.5 million euro to expand and innovate their Managing director: ANGELO FRIGERIO activity of production and processing of cold cuts, as well as of sauces and other food products. Edited by: Edizioni Turbo Srl - Palazzo di Vetro The investment follows an agreement between the companies, the ministry of Economic deve- Corso della Resistenza, 23 - 20821 - Meda (MB) Tel. +39 0362 600463/4/5/9 lopment, the regional administration of Emilia-Romagna and Invitalia. It provides for co-financing Wrm Group salva Kipre (marchi Principe e Kings) Fax. +39 0362 600616 - e-mail: [email protected] from the Region (on a possible public contribution of over 5 million) equal to 404,600 euros 40 milioni di euro: questo l’investimento di Wrm Group Anno 8 - numero 6/7 - agosto/settembre 2020 (3% of the total investment). Prosciuttificio San Michele will expand and innovate its production per il rilancio del gruppo Kipre. La società lussemburghe- plants in Lesignano de’ Bagni (Pr) and Traversetolo (Pr) to meet the growing market demand and se fondata da Raffaele Mincione salva così da una situa- Periodico bimestrale - Registrazione al Tribunale di Milano n. 38 increase its offer. While Parma Is will renew two buildings in Traversetolo to support two already zione complessa l’azienda italiana attiva nella produzione del 25 febbraio 2015 - Stampa: Ingraph - Seregno (MB) existing production lines. di prosciutti con i marchi Principe e Kings. Con l’accordo, Poste Italiane Spa - Sped. in Abbonamento Postale DL 353/2003 Wrm Group acquista il 100% di Kipre attraverso il fondo (conv. in L. 27.02.2004, n.46) art. 1, comma 1, LO/MI Prosciuttificio San Michele e Parma Is: 13,5 milioni per innovare Athena Capital. A guidare il gruppo sarà Walter Bellanto- Prosciuttificio San Michele e Parma Is investono 13,5 milioni di euro per ampliare e innovare nio, già direttore di Isa ed ex amministratore delegato di Una copia 1,00 euro - Abbonamento annuo 20,00 euro l’attività di produzione e lavorazione dei salumi, ma anche di prodotti di gastronomia e salse. Cirio, Del Monte Italia e Centrale del Latte di Roma. Esce L’editore garantisce la massima riservatezza L’investimento è il risultato di un accordo di programma tra le aziende, il ministero dello Sviluppo dei dati personali in suo possesso. Tali dati di scena dunque la famiglia Dukcevich, che aveva fondato saranno utilizzati per la gestione degli abbonamenti economico, la Regione Emilia-Romagna e Invitalia. E prevede un cofinanziamento (su un possibi- e diretto per anni il Gruppo Kipre. Fino a dicembre 2018, e per l’invio di informazioni commerciali. le contributo pubblico di oltre 5 milioni) della Regione per 404.600 euro (il 3% dell’investimento quando, con un comunicato stampa al quotidiano Il Sole In base all’Art. 13 della Legge n° 196/2003, totale). Per Prosciuttificio San Michele, previsto l’ampliamento e l’innovazione degli stabilimenti 24 ore, la famiglia aveva annunciato la crisi. Raffaele Min- i dati potranno essere rettificati o cancellati di Lesignano de’ Bagni (Pr) e di Traversetolo (Pr) per far fronte alla crescente domanda del mer- cione allarga così i suoi interessi nella filiera alimentare in qualsiasi momento scrivendo a: Edizioni Turbo S.r.l. cato e ampliare l’offerta. Parma Is, invece, si occuperà di recuperare e riqualificare due immobili dopo l’acquisizione della catena Auchan, in cui la sua Bdc Responsabile dati: Angelo Frigerio di Traversetolo per sostenere le linee di produzione già avviate all’interno dell’azienda. ha acquisito il 49%. Il 51% è invece appannaggio di Co- Corso della Resistenza, 23 - 20821 Meda (MB) nad.

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The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 DELI MEATS www.parmacotto.com THE INTERVIEW

Parmacotto waves Meat tax? the Italian f lag high Yes, no, maybe Top product quality, animal welfare and food safety. To penalize intensive farming. And to support the ecological transition of companies. The historic company from Parma keeps on growing. Also in the US market. Animal rights and sustainability. With some contradictions. Interview with MEP Eleonora Evi.

Wellbeing and care for healthy nutrition and life- (source: Inran), and the ‘Linea Zero’ (Zero Line), Eleonora Evi is holding her second term, in Brus- Eleonora Evi brief, we need to create a system that can penalize style through a renewed portfolio of premium-qua- where the company’s attention for animal welfa- sels, as a member of the Environment, Public He- those who carry on a polluting and harmful bree- lity products. A constant safety guarantee, thanks to re is at its best: hence, the meat used come from alth and Food Safety Committee. But she is also a ding, and reward the virtuous. a careful selection of raw materials and strict pro- farms in which, from birth, no antibiotics are used. member of the Committee on Petitions and a sub- Hence, not a generalized tax on meat, but a duction controls. But also digitalization at all levels, stitute member in the Committee on Industry, Re- system that punishes intensive farming. in order to make the internal organization more and US market: Parmacotto LLC is born search and Energy. We talked with her about animal Exactly. It is about undertaking an ecological more efficient and to keep up with demanding and In 2019 Parmacotto announced the acquisition of rights, sustainability and meat taxation. In a debate transition, which is necessary. As displayed by the technologically empowered consumers. These are Cibo Italia, a company that sells Italian deli meats concerning intensive farming and the economic and European Commission itself, with the Farm to Fork Parmacotto’s core values and strengths. A com- in the US market to both large-scale retailers and social costs of the transition to a more sustainable Strategy and the Biodiversity Strategy, both laun- pany that, in recent years, has managed to meet deli shops, which led to the creation of Parmacotto farming system. ched in recent months. the needs of ‘new’, modern consumers thanks to LLC. This was the first operation in the company’s However, livestock companies across Italy a careful selection of raw materials and a mini- development and internationalization plan based Do you call yourself as an animal rights cam- and Europe employ thousands of people… mum use of flavorings in recipes, to enhance their on a high-quality product offer, on a strong brand, paigner? We must find a way of conciliating these factors. quality focusing on free-from products with a high and on the values and strength of ‘made in Italy’ Yes, I call myself an animal rights campaigner. Today’s subsidies to intensive farming could be organoleptic properties. food excellences. Parmacotto’s goal is indeed the I have always been attentive to themes related to used to reward more sustainable farming methods. creation of a network of companies that, joined by animal welfare, and I haven’t been eating meat Attempts have already been made with the CAP, but Product launches the values of quality and reliability, can provide a since I was 17. I’m not an extremist, however. My with poor results, in my opinion. We need to think Among the latest product innovations presented complete product offer and create strong synergies husband, for instance, eats meat. Not too much, of more courageous solutions. by Parmacotto we find ‘Azzurro’: a premium coo- based on the quality of raw materials and manufac- and of quality. This is the right way to follow, in my For instance? ked with 25% less salt than market average turing know-how. opinion. And this is the reason why I insist so much The proposal made by the Tapp-Coalition. The on the transition toward sustainable farming. Dutch non-profit foundation suggested an indiscri- What does it mean, for you, to be an animal minate increase in the price of meat. A point on rights campaigner? which I disagree. However, they made a clever pro- WHO WE ARE It means to care about the life of other living posal: to use the proceeds to make prices cheaper beings, seeking a balance between human beings, With a consolidated turnover of 90 for other product categories - such as vegetables - animals and nature on earth. To me all animals, million euro in 2019, Parmacotto and to support the ecological transition of farmers. both cattle and wildlife, have the right to live a di- produces and sells high quality deli One problem is that sustainability leads to hi- gnified life. In 40 years, we have lost over 70% of meats to both large-scale retailers gher prices. And this is going to severely affect wildlife globally. A worrying fact, since connected and deli shops. Besides cooked ham people’s buying power, especially for the poorer to human activities. - the company’s core business - households. Parmacotto offers a wide and varied A curiosity, does it mean that you are also True. Hence, the proposal by the Tapp-Coalition product range: from traditional cured against abortion? also provided for economic support to protect those No. I think this is a different issue. and cooked deli meats to ready- segments of the population. This remains a matter to-eat meats. In 2019, Parmacotto Isn’t a child’s life at stake? of concern that needs to be managed carefully. There is also at stake the right of a woman, and acquired Cibo Italia, a company that Tassa sulla carne? Sì, no, forse Also consider that some virtuous companies of both parents, to decide whether or not to have a sells Italian deli meats in the US have been working in this direction for years. As child. I believe this is a more intimate and personal Penalizzare l’allevamento intensivo e inquinante. E they have found it very hard to communicate the market, which led to the creation of sostenere la transizione ecologica e le aziende ‘virtuo- issue, where certain choices are dictated by many Parmacotto LLC. se’. Animalismo e sostenibilità. Intervista all’Europarla- values of sustainability - and related costs - to factors. Personally, I am in favor of this practice: an mentare Eleonora Evi. final consumers. achievement obtained over time and that must be This is a big problem, yet some consumers are protected. glad to spend a little more for a product that is The question remains: who protects the child lity. And in today’s system, small farmers are also really healthy and environmentally-friendly. I'll give in the womb of the mother? But let’s move on. the most disadvantaged. you an example from the steel, cement and che- The protection of animals’ life, and in this case What do you mean, exactly? mical industry, where attempts to assess the envi- of human beings, can be subjected by some va- According to Eurostat data, between 2005 and ronmental impact of production are underway. One riables? 2013 an increasing number of large livestock com- possibility is a custom duty on extra-European pro- Yes, let’s say it so. panies were operating in Europe. These few, yet ducts; another one is a ‘community tax’, where VAT Is the introduction of a tax on meat necessary, giant companies are located in some EU countries: is calculated according to the amount of carbon in your opinion? Holland, Denmark, Belgium, but also Germany and emitted for producing that good. Thus, consumer There has been a lot of controversy on this is- France. And they are the main recipients of the sub- will know that the product with the highest VAT co- sue, but also a lot of curiosity. I talked about that sidies provided by the Common Agricultural Policy mes from China and is produced without following with the German Environment Minister in the Eu- (CAP). A worrying trend, that makes me think. environmental criteria. We are in a delicate, com- ropean Parliament. In the past weeks, she talked Which could be a solution? plex historical moment, but in my opinion the direc- Parmacotto tiene alta la bandiera del made in Italy about ‘giving meat a fair price’, considering animal We could start by removing subsidies to these tion to take is clear. welfare and paying breeders’ work fairly, to put a companies, which are real ‘meat factories’, paying It is about finding a healthy balance among Qualità premium, benessere animale, elevata sicurezza alimentare. La storica azienda parmense – 90 milioni di euro no attention to environment, animal welfare and di fatturato nel 2019 - continua a crescere, grazie anche a una scrupolosa selezione delle materie prime e all’attenzione stop to the current system of maximizing produc- environment, animal and consumers’ protec- riservata alle nuove esigenze dei consumatori. Valorizzazione del made in Italy e sinergie tra imprese guidano i piani di tion to have low prices, at the expense of quality. health. The price of food should reflect the envi- tion. It costs a lot to be vegan, and not everyone sviluppo e internazionalizzazione. Con la prima acquisizione, nel 2019, sul mercato a Stelle e Strisce. Nevertheless, I think that a ‘general’ tax on meat ronmental cost of its production, yet without un- can afford it! wouldn’t really address the problem of sustainabi- dermining the purchasing power of households. In That’s true.

10 11 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 N. 6/7 - August/September 2020

www.caseificiolongo.it IN PREVIEW AT DAIRY CIBUS FORUM www.cibusforum.it 2020-2021 Caseif icio Longo: a Piedmont FALL/WINTER story lasting 70 years COLLECTION Passion, territory, authenticity. These words perfectly depict the dairy company, specialized since 1950 in the manufacturing of tomini, ricotta and other typical products. Now ready to take over global markets. Tasty, Glamorous HIGHLIGHTS DATE OF FOUNDATION: 1950 Italian Food. LOCATION: BOSCONERO, TURIN, NORTHERN PIEDMONT

PRODUCTION PLANTS: ALBA AND RIVAROLO CANAVESE (TURIN) What else? LITERS OF MILK DAILY PROCESSED: 150,000 Experience the ‘allure’ of Italian creativity Love for tradition and for true tastes. Ca- 1950 - 2020: a TV campaign seificio Longo’s passion for the ancient dairy to celebrate the anniversary Una storia piemontese che dura da 70 anni and great tradition. Embrace the season ahead with new arrivals recipes of its territory - yet with a modern Caseificio Longo celebrates this year its Amore per la tradizione e per i sapori genuini: quella di Caseificio Longo è una passio- ne per l’arte casearia che riprende le ricette più antiche del proprio territorio, rivisitando- and innovative twist - has been passed down 70th anniversary, after a long history star- and returning favourites from the most innovative food companies. from father to son for generations. Just like ted in 1950. Together with the company, le in chiave moderna. Con l’utilizzo di ingredienti naturali, oltre a cura e dedizione nella the use of natural ingredients, and the care one of its most representative products, produzione, anche grazie ai segreti tramandati di padre in figlio, da generazioni. and attention paid to production techniques. whose recipe has remained unchanged Get inspired by flavorsome cheeses, mouthwatering deli meats, since 1950, will be celebrated too: Tomino A history of tradition and territory del Boscaiolo. For the occasion, it will be It was the early ‘50s when Antonio Longo advertised in television commercials on inviting sweets and savory treats. founded his own company together with his the company’s 70 years, through a story of wife Franca. In the small laboratory, only one family and taste, with a series of animated Discover more than 200 new Italian must-haves cheese was produced: Tomino del Canavese, characters that have become testimonials hand-made with the milk collected in the ne- of the brand. arby farms, just like it happens today. “The TV and multi-channel campaign on supermarket shelves for fall & winter 2020-2021. This passion and skills were soon handed is already providing us with excellent re- down to their sons - Maurizio, Dario, and Sil- sults. Our aim is to continue on this path vana - and Caseificio Longo’s product range with new TV commercials in the coming soon expanded to include, alongside ‘Tomino months”, the company explained. “Giallo by Federica Bartesaghi a Rotolo’, the new ‘Paglierina’ and ‘Tomino Zafferano (a very popular Italian recipe del Boscaiolo’, paving the way for the che- website, ed.) is also taking an interest in eses ‘to cook’. Longo’s products and especially in Tomi- “One of the most important goals set by no del Boscaiolo, Tomino a Rotolo and the the Longo family since the very beginning is delicious Crema del Piemonte with sugge- to bring new life to ancient tastes of the Pied- stions for recipes created by some of the mont tradition, through the old recipes of rare most popular Italian food bloggers.” cheeses,” said the company. “This is, in our TOMINO DEL BOSCAIOLO opinion, the right way to stay connected to Exports 100% Piedmont milk, tradition and authenticity: these are the ingredients our land: generate prosperity and wellbeing As of today, the cheeses produced by that make Tomino del Boscaiolo a cheese able to capture the very by enhancing our most precious heritage in Caseificio Longo are distributed in Ger- essence of a territory. With a uniform, smooth and compact straw-yellow cheese making.” many, France, and the United Kingdom. paste, Tomino del Boscaiolo has a unique appearance characterized by Caseificio Longo keeps on growing, and But the goal is to further increase the the signs of aging on the rind. Made with high quality, locally sourced in 2010, the Alba production facility was company’s global business. First of all, by milk only, it is sold in different packs: 2-pieces, 4-pieces ‘ready to oven’ created, where ‘Robiola d’Alba’ is produ- entering new strategic markets, namely and 1 kg for food service. The cheese is available also in the ‘mignon’ ced. Today, the company’s product range is Switzerland and Austria. Through impor- size, in a 15-pieces pack, as well as in the versions with and made of four lines: the ‘seasoned’, including tant partnerships with many importers, . fresh Tomino and Tomino del Boscaiolo; the the company is able to guarantee a con- ‘fresh’, like Tomino a Rotolo; the ‘specialties’, tinuous and reliable supply. Features that THE LACTOSE-FREE RANGE like fresh Tomino in oil; and the ‘lactose-free’ make Caseificio Longo the ideal partner Caseificio Longo has launched a new lactose-free, highly digestible product cheese. In 1950, the company used to daily both for Ho.re.ca operators and groce- range, with less than 0.1% of lactose content. The range includes Tomino collect and process 200 liters of milk. Today, ry retailers. Due to their versatility and del Boscaiolo, Tomino a Rotolo and Luna Primosale, a fresh cheese with more than 150,000 liters of milk, collected in freshness, Caseificio Longo’s cheeses are soft paste, available in tray. 70 Piedmont farms, are processed every day. perfect ingredient for countless recipes.

12 13 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION


COLUSSI - MISURA FIOR DI LOTO TERRE DI PUGLIA TARTUFLANGHE SARCHIO FIORE DI PUGLIA www.misura.it www.fiordiloto.it www.terredipuglia.it www.tartuflanghe.com www.sarchio.com www.fioredipuglia.com

Natura Ricca Misura Biocroc Panquadrotti Truffle Snacks Bread Mix Sarchio Minigriss crunchy snacks

Product description Product description Product description Product description Product description Product description A range of crunchy savoury snacks in The two most popular flavors of Biocroc Terre di Puglia presents the new Pan- Crispy and crunchy, ideal as appetizer. Organic, gluten-free, naturally lactose- Baked goods (not fried) made with the single-portion packs, full of fibre, free triangles (corn and maize and legumes) quadrotti bakery snack line. A tasty cri- Three different recipes made with high free and high in fiber, the Bread Mix highest quality ‘km. 0’ raw materials, of from artificial colours and preservatives are now available in a multipack version. spy square ‘crostini’ made with Tarallo quality ingredients: Piedmont hazelnut Sarchio is versatile and easy-to-use. It 100% of Italian or Apulian origin. Avai- and with a unique, distinctive colour: Packaging details base mixture, perfect as a snack and PGI; Corn; Cashews and finely Truffle allows to prepare and bake at home: lable in three different flavors: Senator Green Snack with mixed grains and 120 gr (6 sachets x 20 gr). to accompany appetizers. Panquadrotti Juice. focaccia, soft or flat pizzas, bread and Cappelli, Tomato and origan, Multigrain. sunflower seeds; Purple Snack with are dressed in a lively and modern pack Shelf life rolls of various kinds gluten-free, but Shelf life legumes and pumpkin seeds; Yellow that recalls of Italy. Two tastes available: 9 months. as good as traditional ones. Made from 365 days. Snack with oats, pumpkin and sunflo- Classic; Tomato & olives. Packaging details corn starch, rice flour and buckwheat, Packaging details wer seeds. Shelf life 50 gr, packed in a shelf ready display this mix guarantees perfect dough for 300 gr in cartene bag. Packaging details 12 months. box (7 pcs per carton). every bakery. International certifications 100% biodegradable and compostable Packaging details International certifications Shelf life Brc, Ifs, Gluten free, Qualità Puglia, Or- 224 gr single-portion bags. The rene- 200 gr. Brc, Ifs, ‘Eccellenza Artigiana’. 12 months. ganic certified (Ccpb), Vegan, Register of wable raw materials of this pack de- International certifications Packaging details Italian Excellence. rive from cellulose and corn. It can be Brc, Ifs, Organic, VeganOk. 500 gr pack ‘I Love my Planet’ totally recycled in the organic waste collection recyclable in paper. and industrially processed to produce International certifications compost. Organic, gluten free. Shelf life 10 months.

ITALPIZZA LA PIZZA +1 MONVISO GROUP PUGLIA SAPORI VALLE FIORITA VALLEDORO GRISSIN BON TENTAZIONI PUGLIESI www.italpizza.it/en www.lapizzapiuuno.it www.monvisogroup.it www.pugliasapori.com www.vallefiorita.it www.valledorospa.It www.grissinbon.it www.tentazionipugliesi.it

Rusticalta Focaccia Grissini Rustici Puglia la Merenda Focaccia alla Pala Risibisi Minifagolosi breadstiskc Taralli with emmer flour with cherry tomatoes and flax seeds

Product description Rusticalta is the new range of pizzas Product description Product description Product description that comes with a completely innovative Breadsticks with semi-whole wheat ‘Puglia la merenda’ is the new combo Extruded rice snacks. Two versions Product description Product description format: the oval-shape, the decided ta- Product description flour, raw and enriched by extra virgin snack, designed for the little consumers. available: Risibisi ‘3 Rices’ and Risibisi Mini Fagolosi salted breadsticks. Classic Typical Apulian bakery product with em- ste, rough, but accessible to all. It is the A line of focaccias packaged at a fi- olive oil, twisted, friable and tasty. 100% Each cardboard box contains a single Product description ‘Teff & Rice’ taste. mer flour and flax seeds. Source of pro- first ‘rustic’ product perfect to be sha- xed weight which, without the use of vegetable, lactose free, palm oil free. portion of 40 gr of EVO oil Puglia Sapori Baked in the stone oven at high tem- Shelf life Shelf life tein, iron, Omega 3, rich in fiber, with ex- red. Rusticalta is a premium pizza with any preservatives, can offer a level of Shelf life Tarallini, a 125 ml Il Giardino dei Sapo- perature. The Focaccia is handmade 8 months. 210 days. tra virgin olive oil, without added yeasts. high and soft dough, wholegrain spelt quality which meets the consumer’s 12 months. ri peach smoothie (95% fruit) and a fun by presenting the characteristic finger Packaging details Packaging details Shelf life flour, stuffed with 100% Italian rustic expectations not just for immediate Packaging details collectible Trulli Tales eraser. marks on the surface. Before baking it Doypack, 80 gr. 165 gr packet, 11 portions x 15 gr. 12 months. tomato puree. Elements that make it an consumption, but also in a deferred mo- 200 gr. Shelf life is covered with extra virgin olive oil. The International certifications International certifications Packaging details extremely distinctive product in the fro- ment. To be stored out of the fridge. 12 months. dough is prepared with sourdough and Brc, Ifs. Ifs, Brc, Organic. 200 gr, packed with paper bag and tag. zen pizzas category. Over 24-hour rise Shelf life International certifications micro-filtered sea water to make the International certifications time, hand-stretched, hand-topped, co- 15 days. Brc, Ifs, FSSC22000, Bioagricert certifi- product light, crisp and highly digestible. Brc, Ifs, Icea Bio. oked in real wood fired ovens, Rusticalta Packaging details cation for organic products. Shelf life is available in three different recipes: Packaged in a modified atmosphere in 60 days. margherita, bacon, mushrooms. paper-like flow pack wrappers. Packaging details Shelf life International certifications Pack of 1 piece of 250 gr. Packaged in 12 months. Iso 9001, Iso 22000, Iso 22005, Ifs. modified atmosphere with flow pack Packaging details and label, it is available both in the am- 430 gr, box. bient and chilled versions. International certifications International certifications Brc Food, Ohsas 18001, Iso 22000, Ifs. Brc, Ifs, Organic, Fda. follow

14 15 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION


ADI APICOLTURA A.D.R. ALCE NERO SEBASTE M.G. BISCOTTERIA VENEZIANA CALLIPO GELATERIA THE JELLY BEAN FACTORY DAL COLLE www.adiapicoltura.it www.sassellese.it www.alcenero.com www.sebaste.it www.biscotteriaveneziana.it www.gelateriacallipo.com www.casadeldolce.com www.dalcolle.com

Chestnut Honey Giftboxes Biscuits with oat and Sweet truffle Traditional Bussolà Cuore Tenero Jelly Beans Cup Croissant Eccellenza buckwheat Villa Boschi

Product description Product description Product description The most renowned cookie of Burano Single portion hazelnut ice cream with Tasty jelly beans in 36 satisfying fla- Island (Venice), created with few and gianduja hazelnut chocolate filling, de- vours. Product description Product description Product description Product description simple quality ingredients. corated with cocoa powder. Packaging details Chestnut honey is obtained from the The company’s giftboxes are provided Alce Nero organic biscuits with oat and Sweet truffles with the unmistakable Shelf life Packaging details 200 gr. flowers of the same plant and is gene- in a coloured-holidays tin with window buckwheat are produced following the twist wrapping: an elegant dress for a 12 months. 80 gr cup. Shelf life rally harvested between late June and and red and golden details, in a smart brand’s core values which aim at fully unique product, produced by Sebaste Product description Packaging details Shelf life 24 months. mid-July. It is particularly known for its package. Tins are customized with ele- respecting the land, its fruitfulness and family since 1885. Italian hazelnuts in A handmade puff pastry croissant deco- 500 gr or 1 kg box with 10/12 packages. 36 months. anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial gant labels, allowing to enrich them as the people who work it. The biscuits are paste and whole, chocolate, cacao and rated with sugar grains. International certifications properties. It is typical of temperate gift packages. The range includes: soft made with only few ingredients, they sugar mixed together by hand in a soft, Packaging details Ifs. areas and is mainly produced between Amaretti mix flavours (180 gr); soft are free from flavourings and without delicate chocolate praline. Gluten free. 250 gr, flexo HD and customized tray. 300 and 1,200 meters above sea level. Amaretti candy wrapped (180 gr); soft butter and eggs. They are rich in fibers Shelf life Shelf life It has dark and decisive shades, tending Amaretti (200 gr); soft Amaretti with and produced with 100% Italian cereals 12 months. 6 months. almost to black. As for Acacia honey, the chocolate strips (220 gr); Canestrellini grown according to organic farming re- Packaging details International certifications large fructose component compared to plain/cocoa (180 gr); Baci of Sassello quirements. Bag 180 gr and bulk 1 kg. Brc, Ifs, Certiquality. follow glucose gives it great liquidity making it white (200 gr). Packaging International certifications rarely crystallized. Shelf life 250 gr paper bag. Brc, Ifs, fda. Shelf life From 6 to 11 months. Shelf life 3 years from production. International certifications 10 months. Packaging details UTZ certified, RSPO certified sustainable Glass jar. palm oil. International certifications Organic certification.

FIORENTINI ALIMENTARI IL FORNAIO DEL CASALE GALUP GHIOTT FIRENZE www.fiorentinialimentari.it www.gecchele.com www.galup.it www.ghiott.it

Mini rice crispbread Leavened pastry (‘treccia’) Panettone with ingredients Almond Ghiottini coated with dark chocolate with cream and chocolate certified from Italian supply chips chain

Product description The ‘Panettone di Filiera’ enhances the Product description Product description Product description quality of raw materials: everything is A combination of the lightness and Leavened pastry with cream and choco- Ghiottini are the company’s signature clear and can be seen right from the crunchiness of the company’s rice cri- late chips. product: almond cantuccini whose reci- packaging, in order to ensure tran- spbreads with the deliciousness of dark Shelf life pe has not changed since 1953. From sparency and traceability. Milk, butter, chocolate. Perfect as a healthy, tasty 135 days. this year, they grow even closer to the eggs, hazelnuts, flour, sugar and butter and gluten-free snack. Packaging details Italian territory, as they are now made are certified ingredients of the Italian Shelf life 300 gr, paper tray and transparent foil. with only 100% Italian almonds. supply chain, produced and prepared 12 months from production. International certifications Shelf life by a network of suppliers who respect Packaging details Ifs higher level. 15 months. the strictest specifications. The glaze 80 gr, squared bottom pack. Packaging details is made with PGI Piedmont hazelnuts; International certifications From 200 gr to 1000 gr. Bags and boxes. cherries and candied oranges enrich the VeganOk. International certifications dough. Ifs higher level, Brc (score A). Shelf life 6 months. Packaging details 1 kilo in box. International certifications Iso 22005.

16 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION


I MASINI ICAM CIOCCOLATO CONDORELLI - I.D.B. IDB – LA TORINESE DI COSTA DOLCIARIA MONARDO DOLCIARIA ACQUAVIVA DOLCIFICIO VENETO www.tipicodisardegna.com www.icamcioccolato.it INDUSTRIA DOLCIARIA www.latorinese.com www.dicosta.it www.dolciariamonardo.com www.dolciariaacquaviva.com www.dolcificioveneto.it BELPASSO Savoiardone di Sardegna Vanini Blue Rose www.condorelli.it Panettone Torino fc - Magico Albero (Magic Tree) I Ripieni Cornetto Caruso Brittle bar peanuts, for tiramisù Panettone with Piedmont cranberries and puffed rise Torroncini hazelnut PGI icing

Product description 30 years after its first launch, in Octo- Product description Product description Product description Shelf life ber 2020 Icam relaunches Blue Rose, Product description Lithographed embossed tin with touch Delicate and tasty shortbread pastries Made with Italian natural wheat yeast 8 months. the iconic praline that was immedia- system that turn on led lights and mu- filled with apricot jam, apple jam and and covered with a light sugar glaze, the Packaging details Product description Classic Milanese short Panettone with tely successful in the 90s for its simple Product description sic. With delicious milk chocolate prali- hazelnut cream. Caruso Line guarantees a super flaky 80 gr flow pack. The new Savoiardone di Sardegna is exclusive Piedmont hazelnut PGI icing, and unmistakable taste. Born under the Soft assorted nougat sweets covered nes inside. Packaging details dough and a natural aroma. International certifications presented in a new format: the 230 gr mother yeast, raisins and candied fruits. ICAM brand, Blue Rose is now welco- with vanilla, dark chocolate, orange, Packaging details 130 gr - 11 pieces for cardboard. Shelf life Iso 9001:2015 pack. From tradition and innovation it Packaging details med in the great Vanini family with an lemon, milk chocolate, coffee, gianduia 100 gr, 12 pieces per carton. Shelf life 12 months. is made with a new recipe designed for 750 gr and 100 gr in carton box; 750 gr elegant and refined look. A tasty praline flavoured coatings. Shelf life 14 months. Packaging details tiramisù, with 30% of less fat, 100% hand-wrapped. wrapped in finest milk chocolate and Shelf life 14 months. International certifications Also available in the 70 g format. 55 pcs Italian ingredients, made only with free- Shelf life filled with toasted hazelnut cream and 15 months. International certifications Ifs, Brc, Kosher. in each box. range fresh eggs shelled by the com- 240 days. crunchy gluten free cereals. Gluten free, Packaging details Ifs, Brc. International certifications pany. GMOs free, Fair trade. 200 gr, rigid folding paper box. Ifs, Brc, Rspo certified sustaineble palm Shelf life Shelf life International certifications oil. follow 5 months. 16 months. Brc, Ifs. Packaging details Packaging details 230 gr pack. Available in gift box format (255 gr) and International certifications self-consumption bag (120 gr). Ifs, Haccp, Halal, Fda.

LA PERLA DI TORINO LA SUISSA LAGO GROUP MAJANI 1796 www.laperladitorino.it/en www.vialetto.it www.lagogroup.it www.majani.it

Fondente Macaé Vialetto Sugar free Poker wafer Cioccolata Scorza

Product description Product description Product description Product description Chocolate truffle with Bahia Cocoa and Vialetto, the chocolate brand established The first Italian sugar free wafer (means 60% extra dark chocolate with crum- Piedmont hazelnuts. Grand Cru de Ter- in 1893, offers a range of selected pro- sugar content less than 0.5 gr per 100 bly structure. Cioccolata Scorza, called roir Macaé cocoa comes from the south- ducts made with sophisticated recipes gr), available in 2 flavours: hazelnut and ‘Scorza’ because of the wrinkled and east of Brazil, growing in generous soil, that satisfy all tastes. The shape and cocoa. irregular shape similar to a tree bark, breathing the full-scented coastal area packaging have an original, premium Shelf life was born in 1832 and is the first solid humid climate. An exceptional quality look, giving the range a unique, exclu- 18 months. chocolate to be produced in Italy. Today cocoa which gives life to a unique dark sive appeal. Each product is associated Packaging details the new technologies faithfully can re- chocolate truffle. Gluten free, dairy free, with a member of the Vialetto family, 180 gr cardboard box, containing 4 sin- produce the ancient manufacturing sy- vegan friendly. who inspired its recipe. The range inclu- gle wrapped portion of 45 gr. stem used by Majani Chocolatiers for Shelf life des bars, chocolates and a line for spe- International certifications generations. 12 months. cial occasions. Ifs, Halal, Kosher. Shelf life Packaging details Packaging details 30 months. Loose product (3 and 6 kg), clear bag Boxes and bags in Fsc certified paper. Packaging details (200 gr), Clear box (75 and 150 gr). Gift box (76 - 150 - 250 - 500 gr), flowpack (4,9 - 12 - 25 gr).

18 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION


NUTKAO PASTICCERIA QUADRIFOGLIO PROBIOS SERRA INDUSTRIA HDI HOLDING DOLCIARIA HERBAMELLE MILANO MANGINI PAOLO LAZZARONI & FIGLI www.nutkao.com www.pasticceriaquadrifoglio.com www.probios.it DOLCIARIA ITALIANA - SORINI www.herbamelle.it www.manginicaramelle.eu www.augusta1945.it www.serradolciaria.it www.sorini.it Cocoa and Hazelnut Italian Pastry 80 gr Biscuits Cocoa & Nuts Amarena and mint Fabbri Bye Bye Lemon and Ginger Panettone Augusta Classic Organic Spread Sugar free candies Biscuits Crunchy Brownies

Product description Product description Product description Product description Product description Product description Nutkao Organic is made from raw ma- The new range ‘Italian Pastry 80 gr’ by Simple and crumbly, Probios’ Cocoa & Product description Candies filled with Fabbri’s amarena Ginger candy filled with lemon marma- Classic panettone with candied fruit and terials sourced only from controlled, tra- Pasticceria Quadrifoglio offers handma- Nuts Biscuits are completely sugar free, Product description and mint. lade and candied ginger. sultanas. Sugar-free candies with a full taste and Milk chocolate filled with milk cream ceable and certified organic suppliers. de quality desserts for the chilled sec- with the only addition of organic erythri- no ‘artificial’ aftertaste. The fruity note, Shelf life Shelf life Shelf life Nutkao Organic brings out the best in tor. Italian traditional recipes made with tol, a natural substance extracted from and cocoa brownies with crunchy bi- 36 months. 3 years. 8 months from production date. derived from the best natural aromas, scuits. the organoleptic qualities of organic high quality ingredients and with a law corn. Ideal for all those who follow a is immediately intense and is reinforced Packaging details Packaging details Packaging details cocoa butter, a blend of the best fruits processing method. Pastries 80 gr are low sugar diet, they are produced with Shelf life 75 gr bag. 2.5 gr, packaged in sealed bags made 1 kg in round metal tin (245x160). at a later time by the spicy one of gin- 18 months. obtained with maximum respect for the perfect as a sweet breakfast, a yummy sunflower oil and without palm oil. With ger. Three flavors, including a new and in Pet. International certifications environment and eco-sustainability. snack, or a pleasant after dinner. ‘Torta 100% organic nuts, they are without Packaging details International certifications Brc (grade A). surprising ‘mango’ and a very balanced 200 gr, net weight 7.05 oz. Shelf life della Nonna’ and ‘Pastiera Napoletana’ milk and eggs, also suitable for those ‘lemon and propolis’. Ifs, Haccp. 18 months. are ready, many other recipes will come. who choose a vegan diet. Packaging details follow Packaging details Shelf life Packaging details Average weight/pieces: 80 gr. Display 350 gr jar (10 units tray). 365 days (frozen), 30 days (defrosted). Available in a 200 gr packet. tray of 12 standing bags. International certifications Packaging details Shelf life Organic, Kosher. 80 gr Carboard mold in a flow pack, car- 730 days (2 years). board case.

SOCADO TONITTO 1939 VERGANI VICENZI www.socado.com www.tonitto.com www.panettonevergani.com www.vicenzi.it

Come Mi Vuoi Il Sorbetto Zelig Panettone Season Geetings: 5 o'clock tea time

Product description Prepared according to the classical Ita- lian recipe with a selection of fruit traced Product description and controlled along the entire supply Product description Product description From Socado’s passion and experience chain. Slowly creamed, soft and velve- Naturally leavened product, low form, Matilde Vicenzi has created an as- comes ‘Come Mi Vuoi’, the spreadable ty consistency, rich and natural taste of with sultanas and candied orange peel. sortment of special and delicate pastri- cream with no added sugars and made fruit. It doesn’t contain preservatives and Obtained with natural yeast produced es in an elegant and classy tin, to enjoy with 100% fine Italian hazelnuts. The GMOs. Vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free and with the sourdough system, using the at home or as the ideal gift. A special cream’s delicate sweetness enhances fat-free. Available flavors: Blueberries & procedure commonly considered typi- selection of cookies that enhances the the deliciousness of the hazelnuts and Blackberries, Mango Alphonso & Passion cal of Milanese Panettone. The product different flavors and satisfies all tastes, cocoa together with an high fiber con- fruit, Forest Fruits with selected berries, highlights the typical exterior cuts and a tribute to the Italian Fine Pastry tradi- tent. Raspberry, Lemon, Tangerine; Lime & has a golden brown crust with different tion with a woman’s touch. Shelf life Ginger, Blood Orange & Ginger, Strawber- shades. Inside the product presents Shelf life 15 months. ry & Pomegranate. the typical alveoral structure. The color 12 months. Packaging details Shelf life of the dough is an intense yellow. The Packaging details 330 gr 36 months. aroma is characteristic and the flavor is 375 gr tin. International certifications Packaging details sweet. International certifications Utz. Innovative R- PET tub: recyclable and Shelf life Iso 9001, Kosher, Brc, Ifs. recycled. Weight: 500 ml/310 gr transpa- 270 days. rent jar. Packaging details Certifications 100 gr cardboard box. Brc higher level, Ifs. International certifications Brc, Ifs.

20 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION


AGRIFORM BOTALLA ARRIGONI BATTISTA CASTELLI GROUP www.agriform.it www.botallaformaggi.com www.arrigoniformaggi.it www.castelligroup.com

Grana Padano PDO 'Oro del Asiago Stagionato PDO Grana Padano PDO Botalla Formaggi 200 gr line Cucchia Lyo Spoonable Gorgonzola PDO Take Away Line Castelli ‘Le Bontà della Tempo' 'Quota 1000' Tradizione’ Parmigiano Reggiano 24 months

Product description It took two years for the company to find the perfect recipe for these new mem- Product description Product description Product description bers of the Botalla family: Formaggio ai The company presents the packaging re- Agriform decided to update the image 'Quota 1000' is the exclusive brand of fiori (with flowes); Formaggio al pepe Product description Product description Product description styling of its ‘Oro del Tempo’ range: an accu- and packaging of its products focusing Grana Padano PDO over 16 months by colorato (with colored pepper); Formag- Gorgonzola PDO packed in a 200 gr Arrigoni Battista’s Spoonable Gorgon- Arrigoni Battista has invented its own rate selection of excellent cheeses aged until on three simple guidelines: simplici- Agriform, produced by selected dairies of gio al peperoncino (with chili pepper); tray covered with an illustrated cardbo- zola PDO, declared as ‘Best Italian Soft take-away line including eight kinds of they reach their best organoleptic balance. ty, originality, and uniqueness. As an the Lessinia Dolomite Mountains, located Formaggio alla curcuma (with tumeric); ard and sold with a portion of freeze- Cheese’ at International Cheese Awards cheese already portioned, packed and The new packages feature the faces of Agri- example, Asiago Stagionato PDO 180 gr at about 1,000 meters of height. Produ- Formaggio alle erbe (with herbs); For- dried fruit or vegetables. Five special 2019 in Nantwich, is produced in a new delivered to buyers ready-to-use. A new Product description form’s cheesemakers and contain their is now presented with a new, modern, ced with local milk, it is manufactured maggio allo zenzero (with ginger); For- matching to be mixed with Gorgonzola pack: a fixed weight tray (200 gr) cove- way to help industry professionals, who Castelli ‘Le Bontà della Tradizione’ Par- knowledge and their art. The company is ho- thermoformed packaging. with expert hands following rituals that maggio biellese (from Biella). Despite PDO: strawberries, raspberries, onions, red with an illustrated cardboard. It is can take advantage of several strong migiano Reggiano combines the old tra- nored to introduce Angelo, cheesemaker for Packaging details have been handed down for generations. Botalla’s love for experimenting, all of its peppers or asparagus. Cucchia Lyo is lactose-free and eco-friendly, because points: food safety ensured; a longer dition in cheese making in accordance over thirty years at Bassano del Grappa, and Available in 180 gr wedges with flexible, Biodiversity of the Lessinia pastures, with cheeses respect traditions and the best perfect as an aperitif or as an ingredient its packaging is entirely recyclable. shelf life; the opportunity to insert a QR with the PDO production standards to its grated Grana Padano PDO Oro del Tempo. vacuum thermoformed packaging or ri- 137 different species of flowers, is the of tastes. 100% cow’s milk coming from in first meals. Shelf life Code with information and recipes. Arri- the goodness of Parmigiano Reggiano Aged for at least 20 months, its extraordina- gid thermoformed packaging with MAP. secret ingredient for top quality milk. the company’s breeding and the slow Shelf life 18 days. goni Battista’s Take away line includes: matured for 24 months. Available in a rily rich, intense and fragrant flavor is pro- Shelf life Shelf life aging on pinewood boards of the Botal- 15 days. Packaging details Taleggio PDO, Gorgonzola PDO, Spo- 100% recyclable packaging. tected by the new re-sealable bags. 180 days for flexible vacuum thermofor- 12 months. la cellars give these cheeses a unique Packaging details Fixed weight 200 gr tray covered with onable Gorgonzola PDO, Lucifero blue Shelf life Shelf life med packaging, 120 days for rigid ther- Packaging details scent and aroma. 200 gr tray covered with cardboard. cardboard. cheese, Stracchino, Primosale, Quartiro- 120 days. 120 days. moformed packaging with MAP. Available in a 200 gr fix weight format, Shelf life lo PDO and the particular fresh cheese Packaging details Packaging details International certifications with paper wrapped, vacuum packaging. 30 days. ‘Capriccio’. Wedge of 200 gr in thermophormed tray. 100 gr re-sealable bag with MAP. Ifs higher level, Uni En Iso 9001:2015, Nr. 12 units/case. Packaging details Shelf life International certifications International certifications Fssc 22000. International certifications 200 gr, 12 pcs/carton. 18 days. Ifs, Brc, ISO9001. Ifs higher level, Uni En Iso 9001:2015, Fssc Ifs higher level, Uni En Iso 9001:2015, International certifications Packaging details 22000. Fssc 22000. Ifs. Take away tray.

ARMONIE ALIMENTARI BRIMI - CENTRO LATTE CASEIFICIO PALAZZO CASEIFICIO SOCIALE MANCIANO CASEIFICIO PREZIOSA www.armoniealimentari.com www.perledilatte.it BRESSANONE www.caseificiopalazzo.com www.caseificiomanciano.it www.mozzarelladiseriate.it www.brimi.it Butter ‘Armonie, Buon latte Parmigiano Reggiano PDO cheese Mozzarella Fiordilatte Pecorino Toscano PDO Spia Della Maremma Fior di Latte Tradizionale Ricottina in Vaschetta non mente’ ‘63 Essenze dei Prati Stabili’ Brimi mozzarella Armonia Rosso Petti di Manciano Product description This Pecorino cheese is a tribute to Mancia- no village, which is called ‘Spia della Ma- remma’ (spy of Maremma), because it rises up on a hill where it dominates the whole Maremma area. A tribute to the cheesema- kers that, with care and knowledge, have been transforming the milk of Maremma Product description hills pastures into masterpieces. In order Product description Product description Product description Product description Product description Product description Pecorino Toscano PDO Rosso Petti di Man- to keep alive the tradition and the connec- Spoon paste cheese with spherical sha- This ricottina is still produced in the tra- The secret of the creaminess of Armo- ‘63 Essenze dei Prati Stabili’ Parmigiano Reg- Tender and juicy, Brimi mozzarella Ar- Mozzarella Fiordilatte Boccone produ- ciano was born from the will of creating a tion to the territory, the rind has been tre- pe. External appearance with smooth ditional way, by whey surfacing and with nie’s butter is hidden in the selection of giano PDO cheese is peculiar from the very monia contains 40% less salt and fat ced in the traditional way processing soft paste sheep-milk cheese linked to the ated with extra virgin olive oil, so that the skin. Inside it has elastic consistency the addition of cow's milk, individually the milk and in the know-how of the tra- beginning of its supply chain, that is from the than the average of similar products on milk collected from farmers of the Mur- Tuscan region. For the external treatment, seasoning could remind the scents and the and white color, typical scent of milk. It packaged by hand. Fresh, tender textu- ditions. ‘Buon latte non mente’ could be feeding of the cows on the lawns of Bibbiano. the market. Brimi mozzarella Armonia is gia area with whey starter culture. the company decided to use double con- taste of the cheese as it was in the past. is made with 100% selected milk from re, delicate and light lactic flavor, white translated into ‘good milk doesn’t lie’: it 63 is the number of different types of grass made with 100% pure South Tyrolean Shelf life centrate of 100% Tuscan tomato paste The paste is white, crumbly and compact Lombardy. Also available in other for- color and 100% milk from Lombardy. is the statement of the company’s be- (hence the word ‘essences’) that sponta- GMO-free milk from the small and un- 15 days. and Tuscan PGI extra virgin olive oil. The with a slightly sour taste; flavors and scents mats. Shelf life liefs: good products can only be obtai- neously grow per each square meter on the spoiled South Tyrolean mountain farms, Packaging details minimum ageing period is 20 days, yet it are enhanced by the maturing process. Shelf life 15 days. ned from the selection of good and ge- stable meadow (‘prati stabili’). The meadows where the Brimi members-farmers raise A 450 gr mozzarella ball in an elegant is usually consumed once reached a 40- Anyway, its ‘gentle’ taste characterizes 20 days. Packaging details nuine ingredients. are exclusively maintained through mowing the cattle with care and attention in a pp sachet 60 days maturing. It has a white-colored Tuscan Pecorino cheese, and sets it apart Packaging details 250 gr, packed in ‘fuscelle’ in a PET tray Shelf life and irrigation, without planting any seed. The- few units. International certifications paste, compact and melting in the mouth. from other sheep-milk cheeses. 125 gr, packed in a thermo-sealed pla- closed by sealed plastic film. 110 days. se 63 types of grass constitute a balanced diet Packaging details Brc, Ifs. The scent is typical of fresh milk with but- Shelf life stic film with a protective liquid. International certifications for the cows, which allows them to produce a 100 gr ball and 3 x 100 gr ball. ter notes and a light acid which is cha- 210 days. International certifications IT 03/348 CE. high quality of milk, that gives the ‘63 Essenze International certifications racteristic of young pecorino cheese. Packaging IT 03/348 CE. dei Prati Stabili’ Parmigiano Reggiano cheese Iso 9001, Iso 14001, Iso 18001, Bio, Shelf life details its unique nutritional properties and flavours. Brc, Ifs, no GMOs, Kosher, Halal. 210 days. About 2,200 Kg. Shelf life Packaging details Whole wheel. 270 days. About Kg 2,500. Whole wheel. International Packaging details International certifications certifications Wheel and portions, wrapped in paper. Brc, Ifs. Brc, Ifs. follow

22 23 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION


GRUPPO FORMAGGI FATTORIE FIANDINO IN PIEMONTE DEL TRENTINO - www.fattoriefiandino.it TRENTINGRANA LINE www.trentingrana.it Burro 1889 - Erbì Gran Kinara Classic and Salted Grated Trentingrana

Product description Product description Product description Product description Only mountain milk, salt and rennet. This Produced with centrifuged creams that A semi-aged soft cheese from the Kinara Gran Kinara, produced with 100% milk is Trentingrana: a completely natural PDO are left to rest for 72 hours, it is widely cheese range produced with real vege- from Piedmont, is a hard cheese with cheese, produced by the Cooperative dai- used by chefs and pastry chefs, as well table rennet from Cynara cardunculus, long maturation that soaks in Sicilian ries of the province of Trento, in Northern as ice cream makers. Made with centri- lactose free and without preservatives. salt brine from 10 to 15 days and then Italy, exclusively with milk from cows bred fuged cream from 100% Piedmont milk, It is enriched with a special selection of slowly ages for more than 12 months. in this mountain region. They are fed with and Trapani sea salt from the Culcasi Italian aromatic herbs: tyme, oregano, Produced with the ‘Kinara Method’, and fresh grass, hay and no GMOs feed, without salt mines (only for the salted butter). lavender, thistle and savory. A second therefore with the use of the flowers of the use of any silage. The balance between Shelf life curdling conceals the herbs, which re- the Cynara cardunculus plant that turns sweet and savory makes this cheese suita- 120 days. lease their intense floral flavours when into ‘real vegetable rennet’, it is a cheese ble for all palates. Ready to use, thanks to the Packaging details the cheese is cut. lactose free and without preservatives. practical freshness-preserving package, it 100 gr - 200 gr - 500 gr - 5 kg and 25 Shelf life Shelf life keeps the organoleptic properties intact. For kg. 60 days. 300 days. its production only whole wheels are used. Packaging details Packaging details Shelf life Weight of the wheel approx. 2,5 Kg. Weight of the wheel approx. 38 Kg. Un- 100 days. der vacuum: 1/8 of the wheel (4,5 Kg), 1 Packaging details Kg, 500 gr, 250 gr. Grated: 90 gr, 1 Kg. 100 gr, packaged in a protective atmosphere sachet.

GILDO FORMAGGI LUIGI GUFFANTI FORMAGGI 1876 www.gildoformaggi.it www.guffantiformaggi.com

Deliziola di Capra Stracktufo Caciobomber Cheesella

Product description Product description Product description Product description Blue goat cheese produced with whole Stracktufo is a seasoned cheese with Seasoned cheese with cooked and soft The company’s new product for 2020 is pasteurized goat milk. The seasoning truffle, with characteristic quadrangular pasta, with a delicate flavor, of raw or- a cheese that can boast a 200-year long takes place in high-humidity caves at form. The crust is thin, wrinkled pink in ganic cow's milk. Produced on the hills history, no re-discovered by Guffanti. 5/6 C°. The product is considered ready color with some flowering of bluish-grey of Como, on the border with Switzerland. Made from the combination of Mozza- to be sold after at least 90 days of se- mold. The dough is smooth, compact, It has a cylindrical shape with washed rella, made with buffalo’s milk, and the asoning. The consistency of the pulp is the flavour is sweet, with a touch of aci- rind, white paste, going on with aging, cow’s milk stringy pasta of Caciocavallo, compact and tending to soft. The taste dity the aroma is characteristic of truffle. straw yellow color. The taste is delicate, it has a straw-colored paste, light and is melting, sapid but not spicy. The full Shelf life with herbaceous notes, more and more uneven due to the various pastes con- and typical flavor of goat’s milk com- 60 days. decisive, going on with the seasoning. tained, straw-yellow skin. Taste is lactic, bines with the one of the moulds, thus Packaging details Shelf life persistent and with buttery notes. creating a delicate and attractive scent. Whole form 2 kg. 90 days. Shelf life Shelf life Packaging details 60 days. 60 days. 3 kg, single wheel. Packaging details Packaging details International certifications 0,600 - 0,700 kg, single pack. Whole Form (12 kg); 1/2 form (6 kg): 1/4 Fssc 22000. International certifications form (3 kg); 1/8 plastic bowl (portion Fssc 22000. 250 g).


24 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION


LATTEBUSCHE LATTERIA SOCIALE LATTERIA SOCIALE LA CONTADINA MARIO COSTA BEPPINO OCCELLI www.lattebusche.com MANTOVA - LSM GROUP VALTELLINA www.caseificiocooplacontadina.com www.mariocostagorgonzola.it www.occelli.it www.lsmgroup.it/en/ www.latteriavaltellina.it Organic Mountain Milk Organic Yogurt Mozzarella di Bufala Capretta Blu by spoon Costa by spoon Bianco di Langa al Tartufo Grated Grana Padano Robiola Valtellina Campana PDO d’estate

Product description Product description Product description Product description Organic yogurt made exclusively from Product description Product description Capretta Blu by spoon is a creamy goat’s Costa by spoon is a creamy PDO sweet Cheese with vegetal rennet, made with organic mountain milk collected from The Grana Padano grated range produced Robiola Valtellina is a soft cheese pro- Product description blue cheese, stripped of the rind and packa- gorgonzola, stripped of the rind and packa- Italian cow's and goat's milk, enriched Product description the Lattebusche Cooperative members’ by LSM Group is wide and includes seve- duced by skilled cheesemakers in the Buffalo Mozzarella PDO made from fresh ged in 200 gr portions. Fixed weight to be ged in 200 gr portions. Fixed weight to be with truffles flakes. Organic whole mountain milk, collected farms located in the area of the Dolomi- ral formats, from smaller bags (100 to 500 Postalesio dairy, in the province of Son- buffalo’s milk. placed in the ‘take away’ compartment. placed in the ‘take away’ compartment. Shelf life exclusively from the Lattebusche Coo- te Mountains, in the Province of Bellu- gr), to larger (1, 2, 5 kg), specific for retail drio. A creamy, soft cheese made with Shelf life Shelf life Shelf life 120 days. perative members’ farms located in the no, and organic fruit. It contains neither and catering services. One of the most fresh whole milk collected on the farms 34 days. 22 days. 22 days. Packaging details area of the Dolomite Mountains, in the preservatives nor food colorings and the successful products is the fresh grated of the Latteria Sociale Valtellina’s bree- Packaging details Packaging details Packaging details Whole shape (7 kg), half shape (3,5 kg), Province of Belluno. only added sugars are those of the fru- Grana Padano 100 g, in the Doypack alu- ding members. It has a harmonious, 250 gr in a bag. 200 gr portion, fixed weight in PS-PE tray 200 gr portion, fixed weight in PS-PE tray quarter of shape (1,8 kg). Shelf life it. It is available in four flavors: Natural, minium resealable bag. A captivating and slightly acidic and sapid taste and an International certifications with lid. with lid. 15 days. Red Fruits, Blueberry and Vanilla. functional packaging, recently renewed, absolutely characteristic smell, delica- Ifs, Brc, Organic, Ohsas, Iso 9001:2015, International certifications International certifications Packaging details Shelf life that preserves the flavour and the quality te if consumed young, which becomes Fda. Brc, Ifs, Fssc, Iso 22000:2008. Brc, Ifs, Fssc, Iso 22000:2008. follow 1 lt carton packaging made from rene- 55 days. of the product, but also easy to store and intense as the seasoning proceeds. The wable sources. The paperboard used Packaging details ready to use in the kitchen. rind is edible and adds a touch of rusti- comes from Fsc certified sources, the 2 x 125 gr tubs in plastic, aluminium Shelf life city to the clean and enveloping taste of cap and the protective layers are of ve- lids, paperboard wrapping made from 90 days. the cheese. getable origin. 100% recycled fibers. Packaging details Packaging details International certifications International certifications 100 gr doypack aluminium resealable bag. About 300 gr, wrapped. Fssc 22000, Iso 14001:15, Organic, Iso Fssc 22000, Iso 14001:15, Organic, Iso International certifications Shelf life 22000:2005, Iso 22000:2008. 22000:2005, Iso 22000:2008. Brs, Ifs, Haccp, Icea, Halal, Kosher. 40 days.


Bacio al Pepe Golosello Speck Dolomitenkönig SKYR

Product description Product description Mila's Dolomitenkönig comes with a Mila's SKYR is a milk-based specialty new look and an even more intense fla- produced following an Icelandic recipe Product description Product description vor. 100% South Tyrolean mountain milk which can be enjoyed like a yogurt. Pro- ‘Kiss’ (bacio) is the dairy’s most fancy This ready-to-cook tomino is cut in hal- and passion for dairy tradition come to- duced with 100% hay milk from South and charming cheese. Creamy inside, ves and stuffed with the dairy’s sprea- gether in a cheese with a harmonious Tyrolean mountains and selected ingre- with pepper and grated cheeses outside. dable cheese and rocket and then wrap- taste. The aroma of walnuts is combined dients, it is rich in protein and contains Ideal to be enjoyed during a meal, it fin- ped in speck. Ready in few minutes. with the pleasant sweetness of the light 0% fat. Plain SKYR is very versatile in ds in the small size one of its strengths. Shelf life notes of honey. The smooth texture and the kitchen to prepare sweet or savory Shelf life 30 days. large perforations remain the Dolomi- recipes. SKYR is available in a variety of 30 days. Packaging details tenkönig’s characteristic. Its South Tyro- different flavors such as blackberry, ra- Packaging details Tray with 2 pieces (240 gr). lean origins are now also reflected on spberry, vanilla, coffee, mango passion Tray with 1 piece or box with 9 pieces. International certifications the label showing the Catinaccio massif. fruit, apricots, and strawberry. International certifications Brc, Ifs, Iso 22000, Iso 22005, Iso 9001, Packaging details Packaging details Brc, Ifs, Iso 22000, Iso 22005, Iso 9001, Bio. Entire loaf (9-10 kg), half loaf, portion. 150 gr, K3 cup with 3 separately dispo- Bio. sable components (cardboard, plastic and aluminium), up to 30% less plastic than traditional cup.

26 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION


F.LLI OIOLI LATTERIE VICENTINE www.oioli.it www.latterievicentine.it

Gorgonzola PDO Gorgonzola PDO Gorgonzola PDO Fresh Asiago PDO cubes ‘Arianna Piccante’ (spicy) ‘Dolce Arianna Oro’ (sweet) ‘Premium Oioli’

Product description Fresh Asiago PDO cubes is a new pro- duct from Latterie Vicentine. A cheese offered in the portioned version, prac- Product description Product description Product description tical and easy to use in the kitchen for Gorgonzola is a raw white pulp cheese Gorgonzola is a raw white pulp cheese Gorgonzola Premium is a new brand of various recipes. It is a semi-cooked che- veined by green streaks (erborination). veined by green streaks (erborination). the F.lli Oioli company. For this brand, the ese, produced using pasteurized whole In the variety known as ‘spicy’ the taste In the variety known as ‘sweet’ the taste cheese is predominantly clear, with few milk, collected exclusively from the and flavors are more intense. and flavor are more delicate. veins, the consistency is soft and cre- farms located in the area that is speci- Shelf life Shelf life amy and, compared to other varieties, fied by the production regulation. Soft, 60 days from packaging. 60 days from packaging. the sweet, delicate taste prevails over white, slightly straw-colored paste. The Packaging Packaging the flavorful component of the mold. taste is delicate, sweet, slightly acidic, Half cheese, about 6 Kg, packed with Half cheese, about 6 Kg, packed with Shelf life never bitter. The aromas are reminiscent aluminum and pergamin paper. aluminum and pergamin paper. 60 days from packaging. of yoghurt and butter due to the short International certifications International certifications Packaging aging. Brc, Ifs, Uni En Iso 9001, Uni En Iso Brc, Ifs, Uni En Iso 9001, Uni En Iso Half cheese, about 6 Kg, packed with Packaging 22000. 22000. aluminum and pergamin paper. 2 packs of 250 gr, packed in plastic tray International certifications with heat sealing in MAP. Brc, Ifs, Uni En Iso 9001, Uni En Iso Expiration times 22000. 60 days.

PARMAREGGIO VALGRANA www.parmareggio.it www.valgrana.com

Parmigiano Reggiano Sliced Parmigiano Reggiano Parmigiano Reggiano Piemontino Cheeses - Classic And Smoked Parmareggio Ricotta Cheese Parmareggio Robiolino Cheese Fresh Grated

Product description Product description Product description Product description Parmareggio Sliced Cheeses combine Ricotta Parmareggio is a soft cheese Robiolino Parmareggio is a soft cheese Hard cheese characterized by a slow ri- the taste and naturalness of Parmigiano that combines freshness and creami- that combines freshness and creami- pening cooked pasta. It is produced du- Reggiano with the softness, flavour and ness with the taste and naturalness of ness with the taste and naturalness of ring the whole year and it can be used practicality of sliced cheese. Available in Parmigiano Reggiano. The exclusive Parmigiano Reggiano. Great to spread both as a table cheese and as grated the Classic and Smoked versions, Par- recipe has a creamy structure and a on bread or used as a tasty ingredient cheese. It can be sold in whole wheels, mareggio Sliced Cheeses are not only delicate flavour, in perfect balance with for the preparation of savoury pies and portioned or grated. tasty and soft but versatile and practical the taste of Parmigiano Reggiano and first courses, combined with one course Shelf life for cold dishes, burgers and as ingre- ricotta milk. The exclusive recipe has a meals and creative side dishes. 120 days. dients for hot dishes. creamy structure and a delicate flavour, Packaging details Packaging details Packaging details in perfect balance with the taste of Par- Individually wrapped in aluminium foil Packed in modified atmosphere into 120 gr stay-fresh tray. migiano Reggiano and ricotta milk. Ideal and paper and packaged in a practical bags of 100 gr. Shelf life for cooking, Parmareggio Ricotta can tray with two 60 gr Robiolino. International certifications 70 days (best before). also be enjoyed directly from the tray. Shelf life Iso 22000, Iso 9001. Packaging details 60 days (best before). 220 gr tray. Shelf life 35 days (best before). follow

28 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION


CONSORZIO PARMIGIANO REGGIANO SORÌ ITALIA www.parmigianoreggiano.com www.soritalia.com

Parmigiano Reggiano PDO Parmigiano Reggiano Parmigiano Reggiano Mozzarella di Bufala 40 months Kosher PDO Mountain Product PDO Campana PDO

Product description Product description Product description Product description Traditional production, spring water, no Crumbly, extremely soluble and with a Kosher-certified Parmigiano Reggiano Parmigiano Reggiano certified ‘Mountain preservatives. strong personality, 40-months Parmigiano is produced at all steps of production in Product’ is immediately recognizable Shelf life Reggiano is increasingly more sought after accordance with kashrut. The produc- thanks to its intense straw color due to 30 days. by consumers and used by chefs worldwi- tion phases are overseen by a rabbi and hays, meadows and essences present in Packaging details de. However, the cheese can only reveal its checked by the Ok Kosher Certification, the mountains. On the olfactory exami- 100 gr and 125 gr in pillow bag full complexity and organoleptic features one of the most accredited and recogni- nation, aromas of fresh fruit, spices and (flowpack). when tasted on its own - from spicy notes sed kosher certification agencies in the meat broth are appreciable, while on the International certifications like nutmeg and pepper, to nuts and meat world. palate the perfect balance between the Ifs Higher Level, Brc A+, Iso, Halal, Se- stock. With the 40-months aged Premium Shelf life five flavors emerges (acid, salty, sweet, dex. project the Consortium has introduced a Vacuum sealed: 6 months. bitter and umami) accompanied by good specific quality selection to protect con- Packaging details granularity and solubility. sumers and incentives, including financial Whole wheels (about 40 kg) and its frac- Shelf life ones, for the dairies joining the project. tions. Vacuum sealed: 6 months. Shelf life International certifications Packaging details Vacuum sealed: 6 months. Ok Kosher. Whole wheels (about 40 kg) and its frac- Packaging details tions. Whole wheels (about 40 kg) and its frac- tions.

COOPERLAT PEZZETTA www.trevalli.cooperlat.it www.pezzetta.it

Trevalli Bontà del Parco Trevalli Bontà del Parco Cacio & Pepe Latteria di Grotta Bocconcini di Mozzarella Burratina Fiordilatte

Product description Product description Fresh stretched-curd cheese made with Fresh stretched-curd cheese in the form Product description Product description 100% Italian milk. The colour is white of a sack, filled with a mix of soft frayed Prepared for first courses and obtained Thanks to the aging in a 1700’s tuff and the surface is smooth. The product stretched curd and cream, made with by mixing Pecorino Romano PDO, cream cave, the Latteria di Grotta cheese has has a soft consistency, with a slightly 100% Italian milk. The colour is white and pepper. The result is a compact dark a unique intensity of perfume and fla- fibrous external part and a softer and and the surface is smooth except for yellow colour, without crust and with a vor. Produced in Friuli with raw milk, delicate internal part. The taste is fresh the closure at the top. The product has spicy note. Perfect with pasta or risotto. aged for 6-7 months in maturing cells and milky with a pleasant slightly sour a soft consistency, with a slightly fibrous Shelf life at controlled temperature and moisture, note. The smell recalls the fresh milk. external part and a smooth and creamy 3 months. the cheese is refined in a cave located Shelf life internal part. The taste is sweet and ple- Packaging details in a hilly area of Tuscany, where it stays 30 days. asantly sapid, with an enjoyable light 150 gr. for 3-4 months. The result is a cheese Packaging details sour note. The smell is delicate and re- characterized by a compact and slightly 200 gr (50 gr x 4) drained net weight - calls fresh cream, fresh milk and butter. crumby texture, with scents of under- cup (PP) with lid. Shelf life growth. It has a straw covered rind, used International certifications 21 days. in the cave to keep the cheese dry from Ifs, Iso 9001-2015. Packaging details moisture. 125 gr drained net weight - bucket (PP) Shelf life with lid. 6 months. International certifications Packaging details Ifs, Iso 9001-2015. Medium weight 6,50 Kg. follow

30 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION

deli meats

SALUMIFICIO F.LLI COATI SALUMI BOSCHI FRATELLI TERRE DUCALI www.salumificiocoati.it www.boschifratelli.com www.terreducali.it

High Quality Cooked Ham – Salami Milano – Felino Salame PGI crudo ‘Mise En Place’ ‘Scalda E Gusta’ (Warm and Taste) Slow Cooking Slow Seasoning Product description Product description A brand new line of characteristic Italian cold cuts, which was created to give a lot of A brand new line of microwavable trays, of which Pulled is the most tasty no- flavor and a touch of elegance to the table during festivity. The tradional velty. From Porchetta di Ariccia to Spalla di S. Secondo, a line of products whose cold products are enhanced by a dish-shaped tray ideal to ‘decorate’ the Christmas table: cuts can be tasted warm in rich and tasty recipes. Pul- the slices of the traditional cured meats and other delicious specialties are laid one led pork: this Amercan speciality is finally available in its by one by hand in a exclusively beautiful black plate that enhances the aroma, colour 100% Italian version. These tender strips of meat made and softness of the slices. The 100% Italian cold cuts line in- out from pork coppa and cooked slowly at low tempe- cludes: Pancetta with black pepper, Culatta Emilia, Cooked ratures, are particularly tender and juicy. Thanks to the Ham with truffel, Char-grilled ham. microwavable tray, they can be served warm directly to Packaging details table. Product description Product description Product description Product description New round and black tray in a protective atmosphere. Packaging details Made with the best legs from selected Salami produced with slow seasoning, The Felino Salame PGI is a Parma excel- Large-sized cured ham made only with Medium weight/size: 90 gr each. New microwavable tray in a protective atmosphere. Me- farms that protect the welfare of the to enhance the aromas and flavors and lence made with 100% Italian meat and the best, selected meat. Slowly and na- Shelf life dium weight/size: 130 grams for pulled pork. pigs. The meat is cooked at low tem- enhance the natural taste of the meat. aged for at least 30 days. Made without turally seasoned in Pratopiano mountain. Expiring dates last usually from 25 to 75 days, depen- Shelf life peratures for over 25 hours: in this way The Slow Seasoning line also includes fermentation starter and without added Nitrites and nitrates free, it is also gluten ding on the kind of product. 25 days. the meat naturally becomes softer and ‘Salami Ungherese’. sugar, Felino Salame PGI is gluten and and lactose free. tastier, keeping its nutritional characte- Shelf life lactose free. Shelf life ristics intact. Gluten-free, without milk 120 days at production. Shelf life 150 days. derivatives and with a reduced rate of Packaging details 120 days. Packaging details GUALERZI Presal salt. The Slow Cooking line also Under vacuum or in bulk. Average Packaging details 7,2 kg, vacuum packed. www.arcagualerzi.it included 'Turkey Breast'. weight: 5 kg. Wrapping label, 0,9 kg. International certifications Shelf life International certifications International certifications Brc, Ifs. Organic Strolghino 120 days at production. Brc, Ifs. Brc, Ifs. Product description Packaging details Strolghino is a salami obtained with lean trimmings Aluminum vacuum pack. Average of culatello from pigs from organic farms. The meat weight: 9 kg. is ground and stuffed into a thin casing. The name International certifications derives from ‘strolghe’, which in the lower Parma Brc, Ifs. area indicated the soothsayers. According to tradi- tion, the strolghino hung alongside the other cured SALUMIFICIO FRATELLI BERETTA BORTOLOTTI SALUMI meats served to predict the seasoning times of the www.fratelliberetta.com www.salumibortolotti.it other cured meats. Its small size makes it a quick and easy to use product, soft and with an intense Linea Benessere Le Nostre Eccellenze Pre-cooked pork Cotechino Pre-cooked pork shank aroma. and yellow flour and Ticinensis beer Packaging details 200 gr. Confezionamento Peeled vacuumpacked. Shelf life 70 days.

Product description Product description Prosciutto di Parma PDO ‘ Ecopack Line’ Benessere by Beretta is the line of cold cuts A journey among the great classics, designed especially for those who want to like San Daniele and Parma hams, but take care of themselves. Six functional pro- also among the new, fascinating revela- Product description Product description ducts that guarantee: less fat content, the tions, such as our Carpegna and Tosca- Carton box containing 1 vacuum-packed Carton box containing 1 vacuum-packed presence of iodised salt, a source of both no hams. 4 PDOs distinguished by their pre-cooked pork Cotechino and 1 bag of pre-cooked pork shank and 1 bottle of fibre and protein. These products are also characteristics of taste and fragrance, yellow flour. Ticinensis beer. lactose, gluten and sodium glutamate free. making them unique and unmistakable Proposed in a specific display box con- Proposed in a specific display box con- Packaging details to the palate. taining 64 pieces. taining 64 pieces. Tray packaged in a protective environment. Packaging details Shelf life Shelf life Product description Weight: 50 g for Prosciutto Crudo (dry-cu- Tray packaged in a protective envi- Best before 550 days from the packa- Best before 550 days from the packa- Gualerzi PDO Parma ham is obtained from the processing of the red ham), Salame Milano (Salami Milano), ronment. Weight: 85 gr for Prosciutto ging date. ging date. whole pork leg. It does not contain additives or preservatives. The Bresaola (dry-cured topside beef); 60 g for: di Carpegna (Carpegna Ham); 90 gr for Packaging details Packaging details high quality of the product and the delicacy of its taste depend Prosciutto AQ (high-quality cooked ham), Prosciutto Toscano (Toscano Ham), Pro- Cotechino 500 gr vacuum; yellow flour Shank 650 gr vacuum; Ticinensis Beer both on the choice of the best raw materials from pigs born, bred Mortadella con Prosciutto (Cooked Deli sciutto di Parma and Prosciutto San Da- 450 gr plastic bag. 330 gr bottle. and slaughtered in Italy, and on processing that respects the tra- Meat with Ham), Tacchino al Forno (oven- niele (Dry-cured ham made from legs of International certifications International certifications dition and production regulations of the Parma Ham Consortium. baked turkey). the finest Italian-bred pigs). Brc, Ifs. Brc, Ifs. The product is sliced into a large slice for greater respect for the Shelf life Shelf life traditional cut. Upon delivery: 55 days for Prosciutto Crudo, Upon delivery: 45 days for Prosciutto Packaging details Salame Milano, Bresaola; 30 days for Mor- Toscano, Prosciutto di Parma, Prosciutto 80 gr FSC certified paper tray and recyclable in paper trash. tadella con Prosciutto; 23 days for Prosciut- San Daniele, Prosciutto di Carpegna. Shelf life to AQ, Tacchino al Forno. 60 days. follow

32 33 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION

deli meats

AZZOCCHI ROBERTO LA BADIA FELSINEO SALUMIFICIO ALBINO F.LLI BRUNO MAGRÌ SALUMI SPINA www.porchettazzocchi.it www.valtiberino.com www.felsineo.com CHIESA www.fratellibruno.it www.magrifood.it www.spinasalumi.it www.albinochiesa.it Tronchetto di Porchetta di Culatta Emilia Prosciutto Toscano PDO Mortadella La Sciccosa Abruzzo Soppressata Salami Chicken Fillet Antibiotic Free in sugna sweet Ariccia PGI ‘FDAI’ Lardo with Genoa basil PDO and spicy Product description The production of Prosciutto Toscano PDO is regulated by the production di- sciplinary, which establishes its funda- mental characteristics: production area, origin, morphological characteristics and weight of the fresh thighs, the al- lowed ingredients, the processing me- Product description Product description thod, the chemical and physical values ‘La Sciccosa’ becomes the FDAI branded Product description Product description Typical product from the Molise region that the the product must have matured mortadella of 100% Italian supply chain. Typical Abruzzo salami, produced with Made exclusively with national fresh made of a dough of selected meat of: pork at the time of fire branding, which will The brand ‘Firmato dagli agricoltori ita- Product description choice fresh Italian pork, finely ground, chicken breast antibiotic free tied by shoulder, ham and bacon. Once it was Product description Product description recognize it in all respects as a PDO pro- liani (FDAI)’ (‘Signed by Italian farmers’) Lardo made with high bacon seasoned stuffed in synthetic casing and put un- hand, cooked and gently smoked with used as a way of conservation, to naturally Unlike the whole roast pig, the trunk of The Culatta Emilia is a raw cured char- duct. Seasoned for at least 12 months, promotes projects in Italy and worldwide enriched with dried basil PDO, the best der the press for a few days to create natural beech wood. It doesn’t contain prevent any alteration to the taste of the pork weighs less because it comes from cuterie obtained from the same fine the ham is savory but not salty, it has the in the Italian agri-food supply chain, ai- know flavour from Liguria. the characteristic flattened shape. Aged any allergens. Gluten free. sausage for long periods of time. Further- the processing of the central park of cut of ‘culatello’, that is the muscle of typical flavor and aromas of the Tuscan med at guaranteeing the consumers with Shelf life for 40 days. Gluten and lactose free. Shelf life more, it is used to add taste replacing oil. pork, made of loin and belly. Selection the pork leg without the femur and the tradition. the complete product traceability and 120 days. Shelf life 150 days. Packaging details and processing techniques are the same bow. The Culatta Emilia is complete with Packaging details with the respect of the ethical values, in Packaging details 180 days from packing date. Packaging details External stiff bowl, semi-rigid plastic wrap. used for the realization of the whole ro- external rind. Raw material of Italian ori- Average weight: ham with support of farmers and breeders. Vacuum-packed. Packaging details Varying weight: about 2 Kg. Aluminium Vacuum packed. Gross weight: 300 gr; net ast pork. The nutritional value and fat gin. The scent is distinctive and delicate, bone: from 8 to 11 kg; Shelf life International certifications About 360 gr, vacuum packed. vacuum packed. weight: 140 gr. content remain also unchanged, as well with pleasant hints of seasoned, full and de-boned ham: from 6-5 60 days on delivery for whole sizes and Ifs. International certifications International certifications Shelf life as storage systems. seasoned salami. The taste is sweet, de- to 8.8 kg. 20 days for the tray. Haccp. Ifs. 10 months. follow Shel life licate. Shelf life Packaging details Bulk: 8 days from the date of manufac- Packaging details Ham with bone: Deli counter: 7 kg, 12 kg, 14 kg and ‘Ca- ture. Vacuum: 60 days from date of ma- Whole (6 kg, also vacuum-packed), half 12 months; de- vazzina’ 800 gr. Free service: 375 gr, 750 nufacture (unopened). (3 kg, vacuum packed), or sliced and pa- boned vacuum- gr and 100 gr tray. The new tray is also Packaging details cked in MAP trays (100 gr). packed ham: 6 made with 82% FSC paper and with a Primary packaging in paper or vacuum. Shelf life months. strong reduction of the plastic content. Secondary packaging: cardboard, 1 pie- Whole: 360 days. Under vacuum: 180 International certifications ce per carton. days from packaging. Sliced: 60 days. Brc, Ifs.

FUMAGALLI SALUMIFICIO GOLFERA www.fumagallisalumi.it VAL RENDENA www.golfera.it www.salumificiovalrendena.it Cooked ham Prosciutto di Parma PDO Bresì – ‘Tutto il gusto della Organic Carne Salada leggerezza’ ‘Qualità Trentino’

Product description Product description Product description Made with premium thighs of heavy Ita- Authentic Italian cured ham made by Product description Light and tasty, Bresì ‘Tutto il gusto della lian pigs which are expertly boned and organic pork legs, coming from Italian The Carne Salada ‘Qualità Trentino’ of leggerezza’ (Taste the lightness) is made trimmed then seasoned following Fu- heavy pigs. Firstly the legs are salted Salumificio Val Rendena is produced at only from selected Italian beef. With a magalli’s traditional recipe. The product and then they rest and slowly mature the feet of the Adamello - Presanella good nutritional balance, rich in protein, is placed in special aluminium chestnut- for a minimum of 12 months, in tempe- mountain group and the Brenta Dolo- low fat content (max 3%) and easy dige- shaped moulds and cooked in a steam rature controlled rooms located in the mites. The ancient Trentino method of stibility, Bresì is the perfect cured meat oven. It is then quickly cooled, removed company’s Parma factory. At the end preserving beef in salt during the cold for the health-conscious modern diet. from the mould, packed in a hygienical- of curing, an inspector from the Parma season is the origin of the name ‘carne Made with iodized sea salt, gluten free ly controlled environment then pasteu- Ham Consortium assesses the quality of salada’. The lean, fresh top rounds of and without milk and derivatives. Avai- rised. When sliced, the product has a each leg and brands it with the Parma Italian beef are dry-salted with a mixtu- lable in a practical take-away package. pink-hazelnut uniform colour, a delicate Ducal Crown. Finally the hams are bo- re of salt, spices and mountain herbs. Shelf life aroma and the typical flavour of cooked ned, sliced and packed under protective Afterwards they rest in brine for another 90 days from packaging. meat. atmosphere. 15 days. High and constant quality of the Packaging details Shelf life Shelf life selected meat, maximum care in salting 75 gr fixed weight, MAP tray. Minimum remaining shelf life at delive- Minimum remaining shelf life at delive- and processing. These attentions are International certifications ry: 21 days. ry: 42 days. found in the delicate yet tasteful pro- Brc, Ifs. Packaging details Packaging details duct, the pleasant aftertaste, the tender- 100 gr. 70 gr. ness, the low salt content.

34 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION

deli meats

IBIS SALUMI - LENTI LIMONTA PROSCIUTTI MARTELLI GROUP ITALIA ALIMENTARI www.lenti.it www.dolcevalleprosciutti.com www.martelli.com/en/homepage/ www.ibis-salumi.com/export Lenti&Lode Gran Cuore Prosciutto di Parma ‘Qui Ti Voglio’ antibiotic-free Culatta di Busseto Ibis Italian High Quality Cooked Dolcevalle 18 months PDO range Ham s/o piatto

Product description The prestigious award-winning Culatta, left to cure in cellars, the same in which Product description Product description Product description culatello matures. The boneless centre Lenti&Lode Gran Cuore is a high quali- The secret of ‘Prosciutto Dolcevalle’ is a Martelli has entirely eliminated the use of the leg is taken, without stem and ty cooked ham from 100% Italian pork combination of two ingredients: skilled of antibiotics from birth for all its Italian without fiocco. Processing is extremely legs, manually boned and flavored with artisans select meats and processing pigs in the ‘Qui Ti Voglio’ supply chain, natural, it is not bagged, one side is co- a decoction of fine spices and aromatic methods that respect the tradition of ‘Pro- made of high quality cooked ham and vered by the rind, while the lean part is herbs extracted directly on the farm, then sciutto di Parma’. The delicate salting and raw ham. The company’s 100% Italian covered with grass to maintain softness slowly cooked with direct steam for a seasoning in traditional cellars humidity pigs are bred according to such high during the curing time. The Culatta is whole day. It is gluten-free, without milk and controlled temperature give to the conditions of welfare and safety that then netted and cured in natural cellars and derivatives, without glutamate, wi- product the sweetness and aroma that di- they do not need antibiotics at any stage for at least 14 months. thout polyphosphates and without GMO stinguish it. Total absence of preservatives of their life. Shelf life ingredients. (nitrates and nitrites), gluten and other any Shelf life 150 days. Shelf life potential allergen. No GMOs. 30 days (cooked ham), 60 days (raw Packaging details 180 days. Shelf life ham). 5 kg for the whole product, packed in Packaging details Without bone: 180 days. Packaging details net and branded box. 2,5 kg for the half, 8,5-9,5 kg, vacuum packed in sack poly- Packaging details 100 gr MAP tray. vacuum packed. laminates, followed by pasteurization. Weight: 9 kg, transparent vacuum. 2 pie- International certifications International certifications ces for a box. Ifs Higher Level, Brc AA, Bio, Aic, Halal Brc, Ifs. International certifications Italia, Uni En Iso 22000:2018. Brc, Ifs.

FILIERA MADEO MENDELSPECK www.madeofood.it - www.tasteofmadeo.it www.mendelspeck.com

Black Blossom Prosciutto Crudo of Black Truffle filet Pancetta Famiglia Larcher pig hand cut

Product description Product description Product description Product description New line of black pig cured meats in Black Pig Ham hand cut is packaged in The very lean pork fillet meat is proces- A new product from the Famiglia Lar- take-away trays, prepared by hand like an innovative and elegant 100% recycla- sed with salt, pepper and natural spices. cher gourmet line. This special bacon is petals. A very high quality range compo- ble packaging. It is characterized by the The flavour of the truffle is deep but at made exclusively with Italian pork and is sed by: Prosciutto crudo, Prosciutto cot- raw material of the supply chain, 100% the same time delicate. Like other types aged for at least three months. It is par- to, Salami, Spicy Soppressata, Capocol- pure black pig and on the organoleptic of products, the fillet can be enjoyed ticularly thick, which makes it perfect to lo, Fior di lardo, Pancetta, obtained from characteristics: rich in Omega 3, oleic alone, with bread or as an appetizer. be sliced and eaten raw as a cold cut. pigs born, raised and processed in Italy acid, without preservatives. Available in Shelf life However, its spiced and delicate taste by the National Chain of native Madeo different sizes and weights, once ope- 150 days. also makes it the ideal ingredient for black pigs. Bred outdoors in animal wel- ned it can be served directly on the table Packaging details typical Italian dishes. fare and without the use of antibiotics without the use of additional dishes or 300 gr vacuum packed. Shelf life from birth. cutting boards. International certifications 150 days. Shelf life Shelf life Ifs. Packaging details 60-90 days. 180 days. Whole about 4,30 kg; half about 2,15 Packaging details Packaging details kg; quarter about 1,00 kg. MAP preformed tray, weight: 80-100 gr. Paper disk vacuum packaged, weight: 50- International certifications International certifications 80 gr. Ifs. Brc (Grade A), Ifs (Higher level), Animal International certifications welfare certification by Kiwa, Ambiental Brc (Grade A), Ifs (Higher level), Animal certification Iso 14001, Supply chain welfare certification by Kiwa, Ambiental certification Iso 22005. certification Iso 14001, Supply chain certification Iso 22005. follow

36 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION

deli meats

PARMACOTTO RECLA SALUMIFICIO SANT’ORSO SALUMIFICIO VECCHI TANARA GIANCARLO www.parmacotto.com www.recla.it www.salumisantorso.it www.salumificiovecchi.it www.tanaragiancarlo.it

Il Cotto di Parma Wellbeing Salumi Recla Speck Alto Adige PGI Recla Speck - Julienne Pancetta Affumicata Cruda Pork Shank gourmet line Prosciutto di Parma – ‘linea - Stick (Raw smoked bacon) Salute cura e natura con Omega 3’ Product Description The company’s bacon is produced with a fresh and lean bacon cut, which is then salted and slightly smoked, with spices and Product description Product description natural flavors. Af- The ‘Cotto di Parma’ is a high quality co- The range includes: ‘Azzurro’ - high quality ter a slow natural oked ham made with 100% Italian meat. cooked ham with less than 25% of so- seasoning, the re- Product description Product description The product can boast a short list of in- dium compared with the market average; sult is a tasty and Pre-cooked pork shanks. Recipes with Parma Ham obtained from pigs fed with gredients compared with the market ‘Roasted turkey breast’ - few ingredients, Product description Product description slightly humid pro- beer, balsamic dressing, curry, classic special vegetable seeds rich in Omega average. Natural flavourings, 50 nitrites 100% Italian meat, whole breast. ‘Chicken For three generations, the Recla family Recla Julienne of Speck (70 gr) are thin duct. roast. 3. Complete traceability from the origin added compared to law limits, sliced breast’ - few ingredients, 100% Italian has been producing the traditional Alto sticks of speck. They are perfect as a Packaging details Shelf life of the pig to the finished product and re- and placed using high levels of manual meat, whole breast. ‘Cured ham preserva- Adige Speck PGI: a ham, lightly smoked flavory topping on salads, soups or any Sliced in transpa- 12 months. spect for animal wellbeing. production. tive free’ - nitrates free and nitrites free; over beech wood and dry-cured for 6 other light dishes. Due to the high level rent bags: 35, 70, 100 or 250 gr. Packaging details Packaging details Shelf life ‘Bresaola’ - bresaola with less than 25% months. Speck is a specialty of the area of protein and the low level of fats, it’s Shelf life 600 gr, slow steam cooking, vacuum pa- Available with bone (about 10 kg), de- 21 days. of sodium compare with the market ave- of origin of the Recla family: a quiet pla- perfect for everybody who follows a ba- 70 days. cked in aluminum. boned and vacuum-packed (about 8 kg), Packaging details rage. ce in the middle of the Italian Alps, whe- lanced diet. International certifications or sliced and packed in MAP (110 gr tray). 100 gr, MAP packaging. Shelf life re the air is fresh, dry and pure. Perfect Shelf life Ifs, Brc, PGI Zampone and Cotechino, Shelf life International certifications Azzurro (26 days), Roasted turkey breast conditions for the care and of 60 days. Gluten Free, Organic (CCPB). 180 days. follow Brc, Ifs. (21 days), Chicken breast (21 days), Cured speck. Speck Alto Adige Pgi Recla Sticks Packaging details ham preservative free (50 days), Bresaola is speck cut into small sticks. They are 70 gr (2 x 35 gr). (35 days). perfect as snacks as speck can be eaten Packaging details without heating. 70 or 100 gr, MAP packaging. Shelf life International certifications 60 days. Brc, Ifs. Packaging details 70 gr (2 x 35 gr).

PROSCIUTTIFICIO ROBUSTELLINI SALUMIFICIO SORRENTINO PROLONGO www.robustellini.com www.salumisorrentino.com www.prolongo.it Prosciutto Fiocco Guanciale Sorrentino Truffle Salami Prosciutto San Daniele PDO di Valtellina Product description Product description The fresh meat comes from the inter- Prolongo San Daniele Ham PDO is made nal slaughter and the anatomical part is with meat from pigs reared in Italy and processed fresh, without any tempera- sea salt only. Maturing takes place ture changes. The trimming and clea- exclusively in the Friuli Venezia Giulia ning of the fresh part are done by expert region, in the hilly area around the town butchers and the product is massaged of San Daniele. During the productive and mixed with natural spices: it stays Product description process each ham hangs in a spacious, for a week to absorb the tastes and aro- well-aired room and it’s aged for at least The company’s truffle salami is totally mas that will give it the unmistakable handmade, as it is stuffed into natural 13 months. Product description flavor. The aromatization with natural gut. It is made with an average mincing Shelf life Selected raw materials, Valtellina tradi- black pepper (or chili pepper depending of selected lean meat and has a sweet Bone-in Prosciutto: once opened, one tion and pure air of the Central Alps are on the case) is made strictly by hand, to taste and an irresistible aroma. With real month and a half in the refrigerator. De- the three secrets of ‘Fiocco di Valtellina’ ensure uniformity on the surface of the flakes of black summer truffle (Tuber boned and vacuum packaged Prosciut- cured ham. Produced with the leanest product. Guanciale is later dried for few aestivum). Produced initially for a few to: up to six months in the refrigerator. pork legs selection, the salting is done days before been moved to maturing kg per week, the Sorrentino Truffle Sala- Packaging details by hand with a spices-and-salt ancient cells for at least 45 days. mi has become a flagship product in the Whole Prosciutto San Daniele with bone: recipe and the slow curing process in Shelf life company’s catalogue, in Italy as well as about 11 kg; de-boned: about 7 kg. A premises with a perfect microclimate. 6 months. abroad. Product ‘Gold Award’ at Merano cut in half de-boned San Daniele ham: Shelf life Packaging Wine Festival. about 3 kg. A piece of de-boned San Da- 150 days. details Shelf life niele ham: about 2kg. Packaging details Weight: 1,5 kg. 6 months. Under vacuum. Weight: whole (about 3.6 Pack type: Packaging details Kg), ready cut (about 3.5 Kg), half (about whole. Weight: 200 gr. Pack type: whole. 1.8 Kg), quarter (about 0.9 Kg). International International certifications International certifications certifications Brc, Ifs. Ifs. Brc, Ifs.

38 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION

deli meats

SALUMI VIDA SALUMIFICIO TOSCANO SALUMIFICIO SAN MICHELE SAN VINCENZO VECCHIO VARZI www.salumivida.it PIACENTI www.san-michele.it/it/ www.sanvincenzosalumi.it/it/ www.vecchiovarzi.it www.piacenti.com follow ‘Brace’ roasted high-quality Dry Cured Ham with Truffle - Salsiccia Stagionata Curva Black Garlic Salami cooked ham ‘Buone Così’ - ready in 2 ‘Gourmet’ Line Piccante minutes Product description Obtained from selected fresh pork legs from which the shank is completely removed, having the right equilibrium between lean and fat, duly trimmed to obtain a high yield when cut. The legs are softened and infused thanks to a natural brine of spices and Product description Product description aromatic plants, whose recipe Four different types of Salsiccia (Tradi- The Gourmet line, of which the dry cu- Product description dates back to 1976. The ham is tional, Hot Chili, with Fennel, with Pro- red ham with truffle is part, represents Product with an intense taste obtained Product description then moulded out by hand and vola Cheese) made from the freshest a strong innovation in the company’s from shoulder, bacon and lean cuts of In Black Garlic Salami, produced subjected to two cooking pha- of Tuscan meat only, without any of the range of sliced raw hams. The Ham is medium-ground ham and mixed with exclusively with Voghiera Garlic ses: the first is the slow steaming common additions, such as water or produced in Italy, aged minimum 10 salt, natural flavors and spices including PDO, the intense aroma of garlic made to keep the fragrance and preservatives: preservation is obtained months, and is then flavored with the the excellent Calabrian chilli. becomes softer and more deli- organoleptic qualities of the fresh by antioxidants naturally contained in most refined and delicate essences. The The dough, after resting in the cold cate thanks to the long natural product; the second is to roast chard and carrot extracts. They are free line consists of several different flavors room, is stuffed into the specific natu- fermentation. The balsamic notes the ham on the embers to confer of gluten, glutamate and garlic, ‘ready in (pepper and lemon, truffle, asparagus, ral casing and placed in the appropriate of black garlic and its licorice af- its special flavour and the typical 2 minutes’ when cooked. basil, black pepper, rosemary), which drying cells before and after seasoning. tertaste give an unexpected depth external browning. The particular Packaging details enrich San Michele’s dry cured ham The product is aged for about 18-25 and a full flavor to the Varzi Sala- shape makes it easier to use on the cutting Vacuum packed; size: 300 gr; shelf life: through different and new taste expe- days. mi, making it even more elegant. table, greatly improving the yield. 90 days. riences. Packaging details Shelf life Shelf life International certifications Shelf life Average weight: about 350 gr. Fixed 90 days from the moment of va- 150 days. Brc, Ifs, Iso 22005. Available for US mar- 90 days at production. weight 250-300 gr. Packed in MAP or cuuming. 45 days guaranteed Packaging details ket. Packaging details vacuum-packed. from delivery. 8,5-9,2 Kg, vacuum-sealed. 90 gr sliced tray for take away. Shelf life Packaging details International certifications International certifications 100 days from packaging (MAP), 150 Vacuum ‘salametto’ with box, 180 FSSC 22000. Brc, Ifs. days from packaging (under vacuum). gr.

SALUMIFICIO NERINO PROSCIUTTIFICIO SALUMIFICIO SOSIO Bonarda Salami MEZZALUNA WOLF SAURIS www.labresaoladebaita.it www.salumificiomezzaluna.it www.wolfsauris.it Bresaola De ‘Baita’ - Air Seasoned Wagyu Carpaccio Doppio Gusto Lonzino con Prosciutto di Sauris PGI Dried Cured Beef lardo Product description The seasoned Wagyu Carpaccio is pro- duced from the loin of the precious cattle breed named Wagyu. The tasteful elegan- ce of this meat has an ancient history and lies in respecting the traditional methods Product description for cattle rearing, which are still followed The ‘Salame alla Bonarda’ Vec- meticulously. The distinctive feature of chio Varzi was created bringing to the Wagyu meat is the ability to store fat light an ancient peasant tradition: between the muscle fibres: they are unsa- once the seasoning is complete, turated fats and source of omega 3 and 6. Product description Product description Products description the salami is put for about three The unmistakable marbling of Wagyu meat days in Bonarda wine. This way, Selected and trimmed fresh pork loins Prosciutto di Sauris PGI is made accor- For the production of Bresaola De ‘Bai- is indicative of a delicately sweet taste, its with their rind, taking advantage of all ding to a truly original tradition of an ta’ only the best meats are selected and the salami enriches its aromatic tenderness and its excellent nutrition pro- flavor with vinous and fruity notes the exquisite features of the Italian pork ancient people who were geographically worked with salt, some spices and a lot perties. It is a gourmet product dedicated to back lard, which gives a sweet flavor isolated, and who handed down throu- of care by master craftsmen, with all the and acquires a lively dark purple food service. Free from gluten, lactose and color. and softness to the seasoned product. gh the ages the flavour of this simple, advantages and privileges of the fine air GMOs. Product with natural processing without yet extremely mouth-watering product. of the mountains. Genuine flavour and Shelf life Shelf life Whole: 150 days - 50 days gua- preservatives, winner of the first natio- It is tender and delicate with surprising smooth clean taste. Free from gluten, 90 days from packing date. nal prize of the excellent salami ‘Tradi- finesse, thanks to its unique mild and lactose and GMOs. ranteed from delivery. Under va- Packaging details cuum: 90 days - 45 days guaran- tional Loin’ with pepper and salt, held characteristic light beechwood smoked Shelf life Vacuum-packaging. every year in Tuscany and promoted by flavour. 90 days from packing date. teed from delivery. the association of cooks from Alta Etru- Shelf life Packaging details Packaging details ria. 90 days. Vacuum-packaging. Whole 700 gr, vacuum piece 350 Packaging details Packaging details gr, vacuum ‘salametto’ with box Vacuum-packed slice: 2-2,5 Kg. Weight: 9,5 -10,5 kg Pack type: no va- 180 gr. Shelf life cuum-packed and vacuum-packed. 120 days from packaging date. International certifications Ifs.

40 41 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION

pasta, rice & cereals

PASTIFICIO ALFIERI PASTIFICIO BARADELLO CASCINA ALBERONA AZIENDA AGRICOLA www.pastificioalfieri.it www.pastificiobaradello.it www.cascinaalberona.com MARINONE ROBERTO www.cascinaboscofornasara.it Egg Tajarin with white Alba ‘Riccioli’ Italian Organic Carnaroli Classico Rice truffle Durum Wheat Carnaroli Classico Bio Product description Carnaroli Classico is a Superfino rice, very well known for its large, tapered and resi- stant grain that makes it perfect for risot- to recipes. The one produced by Azienda Agricola Marinone Roberto is an original Carnaroli, a delicate plant grown in or- ganic rice fields rich in biodiversity, sur- rounded by plants and hedges; it grows Product description naturally, without the use of any type of Product description Carnaroli Classico rice is ideal for risot- fertilizer, herbicide or fungicide, not even 100% Italian organic durum wheat pa- tos, timballi, rice with sauce. It does not those allowed in organic agriculture. The Product description sta. The bronze die process gives the shake and the grain does not disintegra- company uses conical stones that rid the Typical product from Piedmont. Taja- pasta its typical coarse and porous te. Cultivated especially in Lomellina, it is grain from the pericarp in a completely rin are obtained from a mixture of fine handmade look. The static drying at low considered by many gourmets the ‘prince natural and mechanical way. A very deli- semolina and eggs from hens raised on temperature can last for up to 24 hours rice’ of the kitchen: its fame derives from cate and artisanal process that prevents the ground without the addition of water and it preserves the colour, frangrance the exceptional compactness of large and overheating and cracks in the grains. and colouring. The cold rolling and the and flavour of the wheat. This product elongated grains with a small central part, Shelf life slow drying allow to preserve the high won the bronze medal at the ‘Internatio- the high amylose content close to 24% of 2 years. protein content and an excellent resi- nal Taste Award 2020’. total starch, the excellent balance betwe- Packaging details stance during cooking, preserving all Shelf life en good liquid absorption capacity and low 1 kg, packed in the organoleptic properties. 3 years from production date. starch loss. ‘Classic’ means that the rice is MAP. Shelf life Packaging details 100% Carnaroli, without cuts or mixtures International 35 months. 500 gr, fully recyclable packaging as it with similar varieties. certifications Packaging details allows to separate the two materials of Shelf life Organic. 250 gr box. which it is made: paper and plastic. 24 months from the date of packaging. International certifications International certifications Packaging details Ifs, Iso 22000. Organic. 0,5 kg - 1 kg - 2 kg - 4 kg - 5 kg.

COLUSSI - AGNESI FRATELLI DE CECCO www.agnesi.it www.dececco.it

Agnesi pasta Range ‘I Grandi’ (The Big Gluten Free pasta 7 cereals Pasta Ones)

Product description Product description Product description In the market of semolina pasta, the con- The De Cecco Gluten Free pasta range - One of the innovations in recent years Product description sumption requests for thicker cuts are incre- natural source of proteins, fibers and iron is the multi cereals pasta, an alternative Agnesi pasta is made with 100% Ita- asing. The ideal for new recipes and gastro- - includes: De Cecco Gluten Free Pasta to the classic durum wheat pasta, that lian durum wheat only, combining all nomic creations. To catch these new needs, with cereals only; Gluten Free pasta with is aimed at those looking for the right the specific characteristics of the sin- the company has strengthened its own offer red lentils; and Gluten Free pasta with combination of taste and well-being. To gle wheat varieties. The company has with the range ‘I Grandi’ (The Big Ones) De peas. The first is is prepared according to catch this important consumption trend, increased the thickness of the pasta to Cecco: these cuts are consistent, rough, te- an exclusive recipe, made from cereals the company has developed a range of 7 improve its resistance to the cooking nacious, and excellently keep their firmness only, naturally gluten free such as rice, cereal pasta cuts with unique characteri- process and guarantee a flavour in line during cooking. 9 pasta cuts available: Spa- yellow corn, sorghum and teff without stics. Durum wheat semolina, whole meal with the Italian tradition. The traditional ghettoni grandi n. 414, Spaghettoni quadrati any starch added. Gluten Free pasta with spelt flour, whole meal barley flour, whole bronze die extraction process endows n. 413,Spaghettoni n. 412, Linguine grandi red lentils and peas, instead, is an exclu- meal rye flour, oat flour, whole meal corn pasta with the perfect level of roughness n. 407, Bucatini grandi n. 16, Pennoni riga- sive recipe made thanks to the selection flour, whole meal millet flour for a recipe for retaining all kinds of sauces. ti n. 39, Pennoni lisci n. 38, Fusilli grandi n. and mixing of different and naturally glu- rich of taste and natural source of fibers, Packaging details 334, Orecchiette grandi n. 190. ten free ingredients, that gives richness proteins, and phosphorus. 500 gr Shelf life of flavors, taste and consistency. Shelf life Shelf life 3 years. Shelf life 24 months. 36 months. Packaging details 24 months. Packaging details 500 gr, 100% recyclable plastic box. Packaging details Boxes with size between 250 and 400 gr. Boxes with size between 250 and 400 gr. follow

42 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION

pasta, rice & cereals

DE MATTEIS PASTIFICIO FABIANELLI FIBERPASTA PASTIFICIO ATTILIO AGROALIMENTARE www.pastatoscana.it www.fiberpasta.it MASTROMAURO GRANORO www.pastarmando.it www.granoro.it Pasta Toscana Organic PastaPro Armando’s Organic Whole Granoro Dedicato - Wheat pasta Wholemeal Penne Birigate

Product description Product description Pemium pasta, bronze die, organic du- PastaPro is a premium high protein and Product description rum wheat semolina, water, 100% Tu- high fiber pasta (included inulin fiber), Product description A range made with pure organic who- scan ingredients, traceability through mainly designed for athletes and sport 100% Apulian wholemeal pasta. le wheat, with added oat fiber. Il Grano QR code. people and to help weight control. It is Shelf life Integrale Bio di Armando (Armando’s Shelf life an innovative low carb pasta that com- 36 months from production date. Organic Whole Wheat) is a special pasta 3 years. bines high quality vegetable protein Packaging details with a firm texture that brings back the Packaging details sources (pea protein isolate and wheat 500 gr, cellophane film. ancient flavors. The added oat provides 500 gr. Inner cellophane, external paper, protein) with durum whole wheat semo- International certifications a fiber content of 10 gr/100 gr and an recyclable as paper. lina in order to create a perfect balanced Icea (Organic), ISO 14001:2004, Emas, unmistakable flavor. International certifications meal with excellent amino acid profile Brc, Iso 22000:2005, Kosher, Halal, Packaging details Eac, Kosher, Halal, Brc, Iso, Organic and pleasant taste. Shapes available: Ohsas 18001 (Occupational Health and 500 gr pack. Packaging made of FSC (Ccpb). Penne and Fusilli. Safety Assessment Series), SA 8000 certified paper, fully recyclable with pa- Shelf life (Social Accountability), Aeo. per waste. 3 years. Shelf life Packaging details 36 months. 250 gr carton box. International certifications VeganOK.

PASTIFICIO IL MULINO ITINERI - LEGÙ LUCIANA MOSCONI DI GRAGNANO www.legu.it www.lucianamosconi.it www.ilmulinodigragnano.it Ùnica - Spirulina, Millet And Legù - Organic Gigli ‘La Pasta Fresca’ - Ravioloni Il Mulino di Gragnano Bio 4 Legù Legumes Fusilli with Ricotta and Spinach Filling

Product description Product description Product description The PGI designation assigned to Pastifi- A healthy, hand-made gluten free pasta: Not just pasta, but a complete meal cio Il Mulino di Gragnano requires very a balanced mix of steamed cereal and (2/3 portions) ready in 2-3 minutes. It strict production standards in order pro- steamed legumes, ready in 5 minutes is made of Italian steamed legumes Product description vide a product of controlled and certified (4 portions). A 100% natural product, (chickpeas, yellow lentils), without addi- These fresh Ravioloni - now available in territorial excellence. Slow drying at low source of vegetable proteins and fibre tives. A natural source of high vegetable the refrigerated supermarket counters temperatures gives pasta the well known content, low in carb and with no addi- protein and fibre content, produced and - belong to the ‘La Pasta Fresca’ Line straw-color and helps preserving taste tives. dried at low temperature. Gluten free. by Luciana Mosconi. A rough, hard and and nutritional values of the raw material. Shelf life Shelf life ‘marchigiana’ dough made with 100% The drying varies according to the formats 2 years. 2 years. Italian grade A fresh eggs, 100% Italian and takes place at a temperature between Packaging details Packaging details first-extraction durum wheat semolina 38 and 40°C for a period between 24 and 240 gr plastic bag with recycled paper 50 gr (120 gr after cooking). Printed and a gourmet filling: ricotta cheese 60 hours. After drying, pasta is brought tag. with water colour and paper kraft + PP from the Colfiorito plateau, fresh spi- back to room temperature and stabilized. (recycle). nach and Parmigiano Reggiano matured It is then packaged exclusively by hand. International certifications for 22-24 months. Without the addition Packaging details Organic. of glutamate, breadcrumbs, artificial fla- 500 gr eco-sustainable bag, since the vorings and preservatives. packaging is entirely bio-compostable and Average weight/size 100% recyclable with paper. 250 gr. Shelf life Shelf life 3 years. 55-60 days. follow

44 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION

pasta, rice & cereals

MARCOZZI MASTER MY COOKING BOX NONNO NANNI COREX FARMO RISO PASSIU STRAMPELLI www.vivienprosalus.it www.mammaemma.it www.mycookingbox.it www.nonnonanni.it www.corexitaly.com www.farmo.com www.risopassiu.it www.pastificiostrampelli.it

5 grains Tagliatelle ‘Vivien Mamma Emma Extra Eataly’s Tomatoes Spaghetto Nonno Nanni Potato Gnocchi ‘Squaretti’ Square Rigatoni Fusilloni - Lentil and ‘Gioiello’ Black rice Spaghetti, Bucatini and Pro Salus’ Chickpea Mezze Maniche

Product description Gnocchi made with real fresh potatoes, Product description Product description Product description selected by hand and steamed with the Product description Product description The new ‘Squaretti’ square pasta range ‘Gioiello' black rice owes its original colour Durum wheat pasta, 100% Italian wheat, Product description peel. Passed one by one on the grater. Pasta, tomatoes, extra vergin olive oil, Smooth and soft, Nonno Nanni Potato offers an appealing and tasty reinter- to anthocyanins, precious antioxidants. It bronze drawn, slow drying process. Spa- Multigrain tagliatelle of the ‘Vivien Pro Made with free-range, antibiotic free basil, with no onion or garlic: the per- Gnocchi are made with prime quality pretation of the most famous traditional Product description is a versatile whole grain rice, highly ap- ghetti and Bucatin have the typical ‘u- Salus’ line are made with spelt, barley, eggs, vegetable fibers and with a redu- fect recipe, healthy and nutritious, made ingredients and cold-prepared to retain pasta shapes. Characterized by a rough Organic and gluten free pasta. preciated for being rich in starch. It is per- shaped’ cut. Strampelli company is the rye, saragolla wheat and oat. High in ced salt content, are a source of fibers with few highly selected ingredients. Si- their authentic Nonno Nanni aroma and texture, that holds the sauces better, Shelf life fect to prepare meat, seafood, vegetable only pasta makers in Amatrice, worlwide fibers, B-group vitamins and mineral and low in fat. Without preservatives. gned by the Eataly executive chef Enrico flavour. Ready in just 2 minutes, they are and by a perfect chewiness. 30 months. or cheese dishes. It is highly recommen- known for 'Pasta Amatriciana'. salts, including the magnesium, they are Black packaging to emphasize the Pre- Panero, the Spaghetto al Pomodoro is ideal for a simple, quick lunch tasted on Shelf life Packaging details ded as a side-dish but also in desserts. Shelf life also a source of essential fatty acids, mium positioning, without front window. available to be enjoyed in every Eataly their own with a little melted butter and 36 months. 250 gr/8.8 oz, paper box. Shelf life 28 months. Omega 3 and Omega 6. A quick meal The range includes: Potato Gnocchi, Po- restaurant all over the world and to- grated cheese, or combined with more Packaging details International certifications 2 years. Packaging details with no cholesterol and a low glycemic tato Gnocchi with pumpkin, and Potato day, thanks to My Cooking Box, even at elaborate, creative sauces. 500 gr (24 packs x carton), polypropyle- Usda Organic, Gfco, Kosher Star K, Non Packaging details Net weight 500 gr bag. index. gnocchi with ricotta and spinach. home. Inside the box there’s everything Packaging details ne film. GMO Project. 500 gr, cardboard box. follow Shelf life Packaging details needed to perfectly cook this iconic Ita- Flowpack with 500 gr recyclable plastic 28 months. 400 gr, neutral bag inside black cardbo- lian recipe. It includes: Spaghetti di Gra- inner tray for the take away and a clear Packaging details ard case. gnano PGI, whole red tomatoes in juice, flowpack in 2x1000 gr portions for the Net weight 250 gr, 100% recyclable Shelf life extra virgin olive oil, Italian sea salt fla- deli counter. case. 60 days. kes, fine salt. International certifications International certifications International Certifications Packaging details Brc, Ifs. Uni En Iso 9001, Brc grade A, Ifs level A, Fssc 22000, Ifs, Brc, Icea. 1398,80 gr. Fda Approved + Fsma.

PAGANI INDUSTRIE ALIMENTARI PASTA PAISANELLA PASTIFICIO DI AMANTE www.tortellinipagani.com www.paisanella.it www.diamantepastalovers.it

Potato Gnocchi Tagliatelle Scialatielli della Costiera Tagliatelle al nero di Voghiera Amalfitana ‘di Amante pasta lovers’ - Linea Gourmet

Product description Product description Product description Product description Pagani Gnocchi contain 80% of mashed Innovation conbines with taste in the At the beginning of the Twentieth century, The combination of traditional pasta made potatoes, against 70% of most of the new Pagani Tagliatelle. Their particularly they were called ‘scialati’: milk and parsley with 100% Italian durum wheat semolina competitors: in fact, a higher content of rough and porous pastry keeps the sau- were added to the mixture of water and with Voghiera PDO black garlic (1%). The fer- potatoes processed directly on the farm ce at its best, enhancing their taste, and flour that the Amalfitan housewives prepa- mentation process responsible for its black is used in the production process, which the 6 eggs per kg of semolina (against red on Sundays. The ‘Scialatielli’, in fact, colour transforms its intense and pungent also makes these Gnocchi more ‘yel- the 4 usually used) are an evident gua- take their name from the Campanian dia- aroma into a softer, more delicate flavour, low’. The special processing of the hot rantee of quality and authenticity. lect ‘scialare’ which means “to abound”. making it easier to digest. Combined with dough allows the Gnocchi to be softer Shelf life Paisanella called them Scialatielli for the durum wheat semolina, Voghiera PDO black and more consistent, not to stick to each 24 months. No refrigeration required. first time, from an idea of the founder, Nino garlic is flavoursome and tasty, with umami, other and to have an excellent cooking Packaging details Di Nicola, offering them from the late 80s. balsamic, fermented acid and sugary notes. yield. 250 gr tray. Later they were presented in different fla- Its delicate taste, combined with great versa- Shelf life International certifications vors: in addition to those of durum wheat tility, makes it ideal for creative and refined 12 months. No refrigeration required. Ifs, Brc. semolina, they were created with lemon, cuisine. Packaging details orange and lemon, basil, parsley and, the Packaging details 500 gr tray. last born, with sea water. 350 gr pack. Trasparent bag inserted in a International certifications Shelf life cardboard box with corner window and Ifs, Brc. 2 years. freshness-saving closure. Packaging details Shelf life 500 gr. 24 months.

46 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION

pasta, rice & cereals

PEDON SCOIATTOLO LA TUA SGAMBARO www.pedon.it PASTA FRESCA www.sgambaro.it www.scoiattolopastafresca.it/en More Than Rice I Pronti Pedon Sgambaro Yellow Label Granpanzerotti with Crab Meat and Prawns

Product description Product description More Than Rice is an extraordinary rice All the benefits of grains and pulses, made from pulses that is sold in three ready to eat. A family of innovative pro- different varieties: Lentils, chickpeas ducts that satisfies all palates. 3 cate- Product description and peas; Peas and lentils; and Chickpe- gories for any meal of the day: pulses, Granpanzerotti with crab meat and as and lentils. Convenient and quick to grains, mixes of grains and pulses. They prawns are ideal for those who love so- prepare, being ready to eat after just 9 are the perfect balance between con- phisticated and creamy ravioli. The filling minutes in boiling water, these products venience and quality. Steamed natural- is a surprise and the pasta, made with are great also for kids. More Than Rice ly without additives or preservatives to only Italian durum wheat semolina and are no GMO, without allergens, Kosher maintain all the nutritional properties of 23% free-range Italian eggs, is enhanced Product description certified and available also organic. a healthy and genuine product. Prepared by being drawn through bronze plates 100% Italian durum wheat, certified, va- Shelf life with Italian extra-virgin olive oil, they are which give the pasta a very special con- riety Marco Aurelio, bronze die, slow dri- 24 months. perfect for hot or cold recipes. sistency. ed. Shapes available: Spaghettoni n.12; Packaging details Shelf life Shelf life Mezzi Rigatoni n.64; Label Filini n.35. Cardboard box 300 gr. 18 months. 77 days. Shelf life International certifications Packaging details Packaging details 3 years. 100% vegan, gluten free, kosher. Packaged in a handy microwaveable 200 gr. Tray 70% recycled plastic + back Packaging details doypack (250 gr). label 100% recycled paper. 500 gr in paper bag. International certifications International certifications Ifs higher level, Brca+, Iso 9001, Bio/ Ifs, Brc, Kosher (Halal is coming). Usda Organics, Vegan.


48 The Italian Food Magazine - Buyer's Guide N. 6/7 - August/September 2020 2020-2021 FALL / WINTER COLLECTION


CENTRO CARNE CENTRO CARNI EAT MEAT MARTINI ALIMENTARE VALLE SPLUGA www.centrocarne.com COMPANY www.eatmeat.it www.martinialimentare.com www.vallespluga.it www.centrocarnicompany.com/it Fettine Finissime Marchigiana Tartàre bovino Marchigiana Maxi Burger Marchigiana www.youandmeat.com/theburger/ BurgEat Pulled Pork - CookEat Arrosticì Spatchcock coquelet with herbs (cooked) You&Meat - The Burger

Product description Product description Product description Product description Tender and tasty, they belong to the new Tender pork meat slowly cooked at low Made with light rabbit meat or savoury Seasoned and spiced with a mix based on gourmet line by Eat Meat. Fresh ground temperature and vacuum-packed. Rea- pork, these tradition-inspired arrosticini salt, oregano and rosemary, this frozen pro- Product description Product description Product description beef burger, made with guaranteed-origin dy in 2 minutes in a traditional oven or (meat skewers) just need to be warmed- duct has been already cooked at 90%, only The Eye of round of scottona Marchigia- 160 gr of product composed only by va- 200 gr of excellent raw material, the high quality meat. A vegetarian version microwave. The CookEat precooked line up in a pan or in the oven to be enjoyed. to be completed in the oven at 210°C for 25 na PGI is the raw material at the base luable cuts of bovine breed Marchigina Marchigiana scottona is a perfect com- Product description with spinach and cheese is also available. also includes Ribs and Tomahawk. A typical product of the Abruzzo region. minutes. Also available in the spicy version. of this precious product. This cut is ‘PGI White beef of the Central Appenni- bination of territiory, tradition and taste. Packaging Packaging details Packaging details Shelf life subjected to a scrupulous processing in ne’. The product that comes out has a Prepared only with selected cuts of beef A gourmet burger made with beef sirloin (70%) and beef tenderloin (30%). Tasty 150 gr (but also customized). Vacuum- 500 gr (variable weight), vacuum-pa- Weight: pork 400 gr, rabbit meat 210 gr. 18 months. order to obtain the finest slices chosen, tasty and intense flavor. that thanks to the particular marbling packed (bipack). cked. Top seal. Packaging details suitable to eat both raw as carpaccio, Shelf life makes its grain tasty and succulent. and user-friendly, this product is ideal for preparing a delicious dish in short Shelf life Shelf life Shelf life Product weight: 520-540 gr. Cardboard box both cooked with a drizzle of olive oil 10 days. Shelf life 25 days. 60 gdays. 15 days. (7 pieces\box). Box weight: about 3,7 kg. and lemon. Packaging details 15 days. time. Gluten free. Shelf life 160 gr, vacuum-packed product in skin. Packaging details Shelf life 8 days. Type of support: PET laminated tray with 200 gr, vacuum-packed product in skin. 21 days. GLORIOSO Packaging details multilayer film for packaging. Transpa- Type of support: PET laminated tray with Packaging details www.glorioso.it 100 gr, packed in modified atmosphere rent color support. multilayer film for packaging. Transpa- 150 gr, in skin pack. (MAP) in food tray b6-30 draining black International certifications rent color support. (tray in extruded expanded polystyrene Ifs. International certifications Hamburger with Pistachio laminated with multilayer film gas bar- Ifs. Product description rier). Tender burgers of beef and pig with a delicate cover of pistachio flour. International certifications Gluten free. Ifs. Shelf life 22 days from the date of production in intact package. Packaging details FIORANI&C. LENTI - RUGGER 200 gr each pack, 8 packs in a carton. Packed in www.fioraniec.com www.lenti.it skin. The smart packaging, through a Qr-code, shows a cooking mini-guide. International certifications Sliced Veal Liver Hamburger di Scottona 2 Beef Tartare Fiorani Lenti - Season&Taste Ifs, Brc, Fssc 22000. Premium Godurioso Fiorani Pork Rolls Product description Tasty and delicious pork rolls filled with cooked ham and cheese bre- aded with bread crumbs and a sweetly spicy marination. Shelf life 22 days from the date of production in intact package. Product description Packaging details A collection of Lenti's best cold cuts pro- 350 gr each pack, 8 packs in a carton. Packed in posed with special dressings expressly skin. The smart packaging, through a Qr-code, Product description Product description Product description chosen to enhance the taste of each shows a cooking mini-guide. Veal liver belongs to the category of the Simplicity and 100% taste: this is the Fiorani’s tartare is made with first quali- product. Perfect for a lunch break out International certifications fifth quarter, or offal. Fiorani, who has a recipe of Scottona Hamburger Premium. ty raw meat and can be enjoyed in total of home, or an easy to prepare second Ifs, Brc, Fssc 22000. four generation experience in this indu- Fiorani presents a new product starting safety thanks to the controlled produc- dish. The products and sauces are glu- stry, prepares offals in practical vacuum from the finest meat of the Italian ga- tion chain and the controls made on ten-free, lactose free, without glutamate packed in skin packs that ensure its stronomic tradition, the Scottona meat. each product sample. Fiorani’s tartare and GMOs free. Pre-cooked Beef Cut conservation in total safety for several Scottona is a young female bovine from is delicious, versatile and ready to be Shelf life Product description days. Veal liver is an Italian specialty, which excellent meats are obtained, re- served with a few simple ingredients: a Vitel Tonné: 32 days; Bresaola Carpac- Tender and juicy cut of pre-cooked beef sirloin to be renewed in the rich in proteins, vitamins A and B, mine- nowned for their flavor and tenderness. few drops of oil and a pinch of salt. It cio: 60 days. microwave directly in its sealed package. ral salts and nutrients. Used to prepare The Godurioso Hamburger is flavored is proposed in five variants: beef, veal, Packaging details Shelf life one of the most delicious dishes of the with a delicate mix of aromas that em- tasty, chianina and scottona. Tartare is Vitel Tonné: total weight 120 gr, cold cut 30 days from the date of production in intact package. : liver ‘alla Veneta’. Gluten phasize its voluptuous taste. Gluten free. lean and has a high protein content. It is weight 60 gr, dressing weight 60 ml. Packaging details free. Shelf life packaged in two practical divisible sin- Bresaola Carpaccio: total weight 110 gr, 350 gr each pack, 8 packs in a carton. Packed in Shelf life 10 days. gle portions. Gluten free. cold cut weight 100 gr, dressing weight skin. The smart packaging, through a Qr-code, 9 days. Packaging details Shelf life 10 ml. Packed in clear trays in protective shows a cooking mini-guide. Packaging details 180 gr, packed in MAP. 14 days. atmosphere (MAP). International certifications About 0,300 gr (variable weight), vacu- Packaging details International certifications Ifs, Brc, Fssc 22000. um packed in skin. 210 gr, vacuum-packed in skin. Brc, Ifs. end

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