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The Crescent - April 16, 1940

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Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "The Crescent - April 16, 1940" (1940). "The Crescent" Student Newspaper. 421.

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Museum at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in "The Crescent" Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 51 NEWBERG, OREGON, APRIL 16, 1940 NUMBER 12 Scholarship Winner Plans Drama Is May Day Feature Future Schooling HILLSBORO WINNER Sophomores Wed OF PLAY CONTEST Shakespeare Robert Sieloff, winner of one of the eight scholarships given by At Home Ceremony The third annual High School Drama Chosen the Haverford College, Philadel­ Play Contest was held at Pacific phia, Pa., is already making prep­ Mary Edith Thomas and Verlyn College last Saturday afternoon, "Pyramus and Thisbe," from aration for his final year of Thornsberry were married April with six high schools competing. Shakespear's "Midsummer schooling. Night's Dream," has been chosen 13 at the home of Verlyn's uncle, The plays were open to the pub­ "I was very happy to receive lic, and quite a few students and as the May Day play to be given Mr. McNelly, at Wapato, Wash. the scholarship although it puts townspeople attended. Friday, May 3, at 8:15 in Wood- a big responsibility on a person," The bride wore a simple gown The trophy cup, awarded to the Mar ball. Sieloff stated. "I was surprised of navy blue crepe with white best all around performance, went The hilarious skit is a famous to get it too, because it is gen­ collars and cuffs and carried a to Hillsboro High for their ex­ performance for such festivities erally given to someone who is a bouquet of flowers. cellent presentation of the Harli- as it portrays a group of peasants Quaker." He went on to say that Mr. and Mrs. Thornsberry ar­ quinade, "The Wonder Hat." In­ who give a play In tribute to the he was looking forward to the rived in Newberg Sunday evening dividual awards for the best act­ queen. Their play has been de­ winter sports. Studying the peo­ and will reside on North Main St. ing ability shown were presented scribed as "a tedious, brief scene ple and change of environment The two will remain in school to Anna Laura Barnes of Newberg of young Pyramus and his love, will be interesting, he thinks. the rest of the term and they who starred in "We Live Again" Thisbe; very tragical mirth," and Haverford is a Friends •school cordially invited their friends to and Dick Heebner of West Linn it will conclude the May Day for men only, with an enrollment visit them. who played the title role in "The ceremonies. of about 385 undergraduate stu­ Singapore Spider." Mark Chapman plays Thesus, dents and a select number of In addition to those resognized Dale Smith is Philostrate and Wil­ about 15 graduate men. Of the above were several other very well liam stein is Peter Quince, the 15, the eight scholtrship members Kirby Page Talk done plays including "One Fine carpenter who portrays the pro­ live together in Graduate House Day," presented by Dayton High logue of the play. Galen Miller where each member has his own Given by Prexy School; "Honor," the play given is the peasant, Bottom, the weav­ room^ the dining hall being a by Colton High School, and the er who enacts the role of Pyram­ joint one. As a chapel speech Tuesday, Tigard High School presentation us before the queen. Flute, the Bob, who states that he is look­ April 9, President Pennington give of "Be Home by Midnight." bollows-mender, *fs. George Bales, ing forward to being in a very whb, drssed as a maiden, carries an interesting account of two of Taken as a whole the plays large town, has not decided wheth­ the lines of Thisbe. Hiel Heald is the talks given by Kirby Page on' showed some very gqpd dramatic er he will leave in the early sum­ Sunday and Monday at a Peace S"noht the Tinkej? who has the role (Continued on page tour) mer or the early fall just before Conference in which several or­ of the wall in,the hilarious peas­ the opening of school. When ganizations participated. The first ant tragedy. Starveling, the tai­ asked how he would travel, he subject Mr. Page spoke on was lor, is William Thomas who, in grinned and said, "Hitch-hike." "Youth in a World of Turmoil." Tennis Ladder appropriate costume, takes over He has already begun to map In his address he pointed out the role of the moon, with Kermit out his schedule for next year and that we could not endure another Formed by Boys Daywalt acting as Snug, the join­ (Continued on page three) world war without the destruc­ er, whom the peasants chose to act as the lion. tion of civilization. He also raised Because of the failure of Old the question, "What is the matter Sol to shine forth in all his glory, Neophytes Earn with the world?" the enthusiasm for tennis is just beginning to rise. Pacific plans Journalist Is The second was, "Should Amer­ to challenge six different colleges, Membership Friday ican Citizens Take Up Arms with two teams of singles and Against Hitler?" In the speech one of doubles. Chapel Speaker Prom Wednesday to Friday, he named a number of things we So far 10 men have turned out April 3 and 5, the neophytes of have against Hitlerisra and also for tennis. A ladder has been Exiled from Germany in 193 6, the Gold "P" club of Pacific pointed out reasons why we should made. Tate is number one man, Dr. Martin Hall, a free-lance jour­ College were initiated by the regu­ not take up arms against Hitler. with Bales, Smith and Ashwill nalist, spoke on the subject, lar members. following, respectively. "What Price Peace for Europe," The victims for this year's in­ The L'Ami went to the printers The first match will be with in chapel Thursday, April 4. itiation were Arnold Booth, Kenny today. Plans are that it will be Cascade College on its courts Fri­ In his talk, Dr. Hall answered Booth, Bill Hayes, Bill Rarick, out by May 15. day, April 19. the question, "How was it possible Dean Tate, Clyde Hadlock, Wil­ that in the heart of Europe, ­ liam Stein, Jean Chase, Ed Beese, ler should come to power?" He Jim Kyle and Jim Spirup. described the conditions of Ger­ To gain their membership the Vacations So Soon—Yes many several years back, with neophytes had to observe the fol­ •- its unemployment and poverty. lowing rules: Six more weeks of school and tile summer. Seven million people were out of 1. Carry the books of the Gold then—vacation! Here are some Seniors who will be teaching work and these conditions lasted "P" members and bow to them. of the things Pacific College stu­ next fall will attend school this for years. Hitler promised bet­ 2. Have an egg to which all dents are planning to do this summer. Dorothy Lichtenthaler, ter times. members had signed their names. summer. newly enrolled freshman student, Hitler could only keep power 3. Bring a bucket and paddle. Arnold and Kenneth Booth are is also planning to go to summer through true dictatorship, so he 4. Wear their trousers backward going to return to Alaska as soon school at Corvallis. abolished all parties but his own, and inside out on Wednesday and as school Is out. Melvin Ashwill If you see a far away look in according to Dr. Hall. He also use no shoe laces. is planning to accompany them Elinita Marclock's eyes, you will started a philosophy, a type of 5. Wear a burlap undershirt and will work in Alaska for the know that she is getting anxious religion, that the German people on Thursday. summer. to see the folks at home. As aro a superior race, the only true 6. Wear women's hats and When asked what she was going soon as school Is out sho will re­ race. Hitler also did this to over­ make-up on Friday. to do this summer, Helen Robert­ turn to her home in Idaho where come the resistance of the people Except for some mishaps such son said that she wants to re­ she will work during her vaca­ toward the present war. Hitler as breaking an egg, the neophytes cuperate from the hard work of tion. (Continued on page three> weathered their initiation and publishing the annual and school, Numerous students have not de­ came to the climax at Friday's paiper. She also would like to cided what tlicy will do this sum­ chapel period. earn some money during vacation mer, but almost unanimously they MR. SANDERS WILL Here they put on a very orig­ so she can come back to Pacific say that they are hoping lo earn SPEAK OVER RADIO inal program that put the mem­ college again next year and edit some money so that they may re The regular broadcast of Pacific bers of the Gold "P" club on the more school papers. turn to college next year. And College over KOAC will be Wed­ spot. A Kangaroo Court was held Alice Gulley and Janet Fhipps whatever they will be doing, they nesday, April 17, from 8:30 to in which the members w.ete called. a,cn hnth Innkiiifr finrurard tn en­ J»PT£>« th»t fcliOU UtiJJ to-lm fcirvrn Parker Hardware Jimmy Tattler's General Hardware Column Sporting Goods and Paint 701 First Street

Published bi-weekly during the college year by the Student This is Jimmy Tattler coming Body of Pacific College, Newberg, Oregon. to you from Pacific College where spring has definitely hit the cam­ Dr. Homer Hester Entered as second-class matter at the Postoffice at pus in the form of candid camera­ Newberg, Oregon men hanging from trees and sec­ DENTIST Terms—50c a year ond story windows. One of said maniacs evidently got his just de­ Second door West of City Hall EDITOR — HELEN ROBERTSON serts the other day just before Business Manager David Michener he made a disheveled exit from Advertising Manager Kermit Daywalt the L'Ami room with lipstick on CASH Faculty Advisor Miss Kendall the side of his face.—Confess, NAP'S GROCERY This Issue's Reporters Doug, what happened? The "ex­ Kenneth Booth, Helen Robertson, Maynard Macy, Doris Man­ clusive" party given Friday night GROCERIES, MEATS ning, Douglas Cowley, Galen Miller, Elenita Mardock, Abigail seemed to have most entertaining Miller, Wanda Needles, William Hayes, David Michener, plans. We even heard our "butch­ and FOUNTAIN SERVICE and Jim Spirup er boy" Chapman had discovered something at Newberg High School. Your tattling reporter Boy Scouts WE WERE WRONG got the shock of his life the other day when he saw "Poker Face" OF We are the misinformed group of journalists who de­ Heald in what looked like a re­ cided that a gossip column wasn't a good policy—so we took hearsal of Romeo and Juliet with it out and. were greeted by death. In the eyes of three- Betty Joan. The news has finally America fourths of the entire student body the Crescent had acquired leaked out—Howard Harrison has one thing—rigor mortis. In true journalism, gossip is not been accused and convicted of the best idea, but for P. C. it is the desire of the students "two-timing," and with the evan­ to have it. Of course we are small enough to make gossip gelist's daughter, too! Well, that's H. S. Barnes interesting and large enough to keep some of it news. So all for this time. Between an­ SHOE REPAIR we admit we were wrong. You want it and here it is. Watch swering fan mail and dodging bullets and daggers, I've been 508% First St. Newberg, Ore. for Jimmy Tattler. He's the anonymous gentleman who kept rather busy this week but I writes the spicy column you'll find on this page. He's a promise a scoop next time.—Per­ dangerous man. haps a feature on Arnold Booth's love life would be enlightening. the type and cuts of pictures. I've heard enough about It lately. Wallace's Through With the pages set up, Jack (we Newberg's Variety Store only know the first names of the Since 1911 The Presses staff) runs off the paper in time "Where a little money goes for us to hasten to school and Girls' Dormitory a long way" Very few people from each stu­ make the deadline. dent body have the opportunity to At the Graphic, Luke tears News edit the Crescent. Therefore, most down the paper, and Douglas Cow­ Watches—Jewelry—Clocks of you don't know of the trials, ley, who also works there, melts Expert Watch and Pen Repairing joys and martyrdom of an editor. the type in preparation for the AT For the next few minutes I in­ next job. vite you to seat yourself in an Now the fun begins! We lay F. E. Rollins imaginary swivel chair before the the papers on the bannister, and All Work Guaranteed editor's desk and play the trying they are "Gone With the Wind." role of "chief." Two minutes later, the horde de­ Ah, here we are? four days be­ scends. fore the paper is to come out (the "You spelled my name wrong!" S. M. Calkins & Son time editors usually begin to wor­ "Who put my name in Jimmy ry about the publication). Our Tattler?" REAL ESTATE BROKERS first job, and one of the easiest, "My name is Hayes, not Hays." 47 Years In Newberg Is to make up the news list. We "That's a rotten story!" rack our brains, trying without "Hey, that article turned in results, to think of something was wrong. It's all a mistake!" happening which will give us a "—By the way, why weren't Zef f F. Sears half a column or more. After you in class yesterday?" Dear Cousin: Fine Watch Adjusting we have chewed off approximately Melvin Ashwill Once more our dear freshmen and Repairing 25 linear feet of fingernails, we in the boys' dorm are broken up. Headquarters for Archery Tackle decide to post the list with all It seems as though the freshmen 708 First St. Newberg, Ore. of the "regular reporters." just can't take it. Galen Miller playing "slide Kelly slide," sprain­ Back at the office, we sit down Boys' Dormitory ed his ankle and Clyde Hadlock and think up a topic for some tried to catch the bayy with his editorials. Then we write them, Frink's Book Store News mouth. using great care in our grammar, Kodak Service—Stationery and begin to harry the reporters The only thing wrong with the girls is that they all have a bad School Supplies and Gifts who, two days after the list was HI Rats: case of spring fever, but love at 701 First Street posted, find out that they have I am still poking my head a story to write—surprise! last has caught up with one of around the dorm as usual, al­ the sophomore girls. Now there Now that the small part of the though Harold Hewitt, Clyde Had- is another room unoccupied. job is done, we work on the ad­ lock and "P. C." nearly caught Everyone is running around Cecil F. Hinshaw vertising manager who has all this me in the basement of the dorm. with some sort of magazine try­ time been sailing along in a rosy INSURANCE It has been an eventful week ing to kill poor, defenseless, little bliss of forgetfulness. When he around the old dorm. We received flies. Life — Fire — Auto is finally jarred into the realiza­ a postcard from our dear gover­ I got the shock of my life when 103 S. Washington St. tion of the imminence of the dead­ nor who is down Mexico way. He I started out to the canyon for line (?), we turn In the two or addressed it to all us Fiends at my daily bath the other morning. three articles which the "faithful the dorm, but told us to tell all That's an early hour for a date staff" has obligingly spent a few the Senoritas hello for him. but there were Alice and Clyde Safeway Stores moments of their valuable time Our contribution to the base­ on. strolling along. He said they wer COMPLETE—NEW ball team has been decreased by going out to look for lilies but In the meantime, the telephone two with the injury of Galen Mil­ I am a little doubtful as to that has been kept in continuous use MODERN FOOD MARKET ler's ankle In Tuesday's practice, explanation of their walks. because of numerous calls from and the fracturing of Clyde Had- There are so many things I the local printing office demand­ lock's jaw in Wednesday's prac­ would like to tell you but I will ing "Copy! Copy! We want more tice. These injuries are not seri­ have to wait until next time I copy!" And we have a class. ous. Palmer's Garage write. The quere smelling stuff Down at the Graphic office, we Speaking of , I noticed that Mr. Jones is putting on the REPAIRS - GAS - OIL turn our small pile of material that Dick Binford was helping to bricks is nauseating to me and over to Fred, the linotype oper­ clear off the field with a wheel­ so I think I'll stroll back into 1st and Washington ator, and begin to write the re­ barrow and a shovel. the canyon. Maybe I'll meet maining four-fifths of the paper. I saw a funny sight in Dick's Brother Rat down there. When the proofs come out, hot room the other night. I think it Your cousin, off the press, we read proof and was Mr. Atrops in a white pair Dr. Timberlake The Dorm Mouse make any corrections. After the of slacks. They were too short DENTIST May Pole Dance TREFIAN LAYS PLANS Journalist Is Drinks, FOR FUTURE MEETINGS Chapel Speaker Plans Progressing The Trefian Literary Society Hamburgers held its regular meeting in the ^Continued from page one) The winding of the May Pole dorm parlors Wednesday after­ this year is to be something new noon, April 3. fought the church and this has and Milk Shakes and different. Instead of the tra­ Questionnaires giving ideas for caused antagonism among the ditional formals, the dancers are future meetings were passed out people. Served With A Smile to wear peasant costumes in bright to the members, and they in turn "There is only one hope for They bring health, wealth and shades of orchid, yellow, pink and were asked to check their prefer­ peace; that is, if the German peo­ green. The theme of the dance •rigor to any "chile." ences. ple start to fight to overthrow being, that country peasants have The initiate, Lenabelle Conklin, their own government and estab­ come to pay homage to the queen was asked to entertain the mem­ lish a democratic nation," stated WHERE? by the winding of the maypole. bers by singing a song, telling Dr. Hall. "If they do not, war Those participating in the her idea of Leap Year, and doing will continue. AT sprightly dance are Hazel Mary various other stunts. Houser, Mary Lou Hoskins, Lena- Dr. Hall mentioned the lack of belle Conklin, Helen Robertson, a democratic constitution in Ger­ Corinne Rickert, Betty Kramien, many. "It is no{ enough to have Elenita Mardock, Margueriate Bar­ Complete Program a good constitution in Germany. RAY'S ney, Wanda Needles, Fern Nixon, If you do not have people willing Katharine Williams, Howard Har­ Listed for May Day to fight for it, then of what good rison, Eugene Rogers, Jean Chase, is a constitution?" Peerless Bakery George Gwinn, George Bales, Ar- A colorful, 100 per cent stu­ The speaker is definitely not ney Booth, Bill Thomas, Jim dent-participated program is prom­ in favor of the United States (Formerly Perfection) Spirup and Ed Beese. ised for Friday, May 3, when entering the present European 706 First St. Paul Haight Pacific college will present its war. He feels it is our duty to biennial observation of May day. keep democracy safe, and then Her majesty for the full day of we will be strong to help recon­ Y.W.C.A. Holds celebration is Miss Irene Swanson struct the European nations after Delicious Chocolates and Cardinal, nearest male ap­ the war. 15c to 39c First Meeting proach to royalty on that occa­ Dr. Hall studied in Marburg, AX sion, is Irvin Atrops. Munich and Berlin, receiving his The first meeting under the Opening event will be a May Ph.D. in Berlin. He was forced CLARKE'S leadership of the new Y. W. C. A. breakfast at the college to be to leave Germany because he was president, Josephine Haldy, was served between 7:00 and 9:00 not in agreement with the govern­ a 12 o'clock luncheon held in o'clock. At 10 o'clock tennis ment. He worked in Paris for ALWAYS A GOOD MEAL the Y. W. room Wednesday, April matches between P. C. and an a year, coming to the United at- the 3. unnamed opponent have been ar­ States in 193 7. Both he and his Following the luncheon, short ranged to amuse her majesty and wife were exiled from Germany. committee meetings were called the court. At 10:15 a parade, He is now national organizer for STAGE DEPOT by the new committee chairmen. which will include floats by vari­ the German-American League for Serve