A Utility to Unassociate File Types in Windows 7 and Vista © Ramesh Srinivasan | General | 5th September 2007

Here is a utility that helps you unassociate a file type quickly in your or Windows 7 computer without the need to edit the registry manually. Windows 7 & Vista do not provide a GUI option to unassociate file types, thus the need arises for such a tool below. Unassociate file types in Windows 7 & Windows Vista  Download unassoc.zip and save to Desktop  Extract the contents to a folder and run the file unassoc.exe  Select the file type from the list  Click Remove file association (User)

The user-specific association for the chosen file type is now removed from the registry. The system will now use the global file association settings.

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Command Description

Remove file Removes the user-specific association (via the Open With dialog) for the chosen association (User) file type. Note that this button will remain dimmed if there is no user-specific association for the file type.

Delete file type Deletes the file type completely from the registry. Both the user-specific and global associations for the chosen file type is removed.

Refresh list Refreshes the list box contents. Related Posts  Wallpaper Changer PowerToy does not work under Limited User Accounts  Unable to Open .DOC Attachments from Windows Mail or Windows Live Mail  PreviewConfig tool registers file types for the Preview Pane in Windows 7/Vista  How Optimize the Windows Registry Regularly Using NTREGOPT With Task Scheduler  RegASSASSIN Resets ACL Permissions and Deletes Stubborn Registry Keys Easily How To Clean Shorcut Virus

18 April 2011 at 1:16 am Leave a comment

Shorcut virus is very famous virus from indonesia, this virus could make change the folder and file become .ink and our file will be can not to open and disappear. Actualy this virus is not really dangerous for us, cause there is a two ways how to clean or delete that virus from our windows . First way you must read below here, there is 8 steps what we must to do: 1. Turn off „System Restore‟ during the cleaning process. 2. Disconnect your computer from the network. 3. Deactivate the virus by using “Ice Sword”. After it program has been already installed into your computer, choose the file which look a like ” Viasual Basic Project” icon then click “Terminate Process”. You can download that tools from http://www.icesword.en.softonic.com/ 4. Clean the registry that already created by virus in this way: -. Click the menu [Start] -. Click [Run] -. Type REGEDIT.exe, Then click [OK] button -. At the Registry Editor, follow the key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] -. Then delete the key which is have data file [C:\Document and Settings\%user%]. 5. Disable autoplay/ Windows. Copy script below here at the Notepad then save it file REPAIR.INF, then you right click on that file and click INSTALL. [Version] Signature=”$Chicago$” Provider=Vaksincom [DefaultInstall] AddReg=UnhookRegKey DelReg=del [UnhookRegKey] HKLM, Software\CLASSES\batfile\shell\open\command,,,”””%1″” %*” HKLM, Software\CLASSES\comfile\shell\open\command,,,”””%1″” %*” HKLM, Software\CLASSES\exefile\shell\open\command,,,”””%1″” %*” HKLM, Software\CLASSES\piffile\shell\open\command,,,”””%1″” %*” HKLM, Software\CLASSES\regfile\shell\open\command,,,”regedit.exe “%1″” HKLM, Software\CLASSES\scrfile\shell\open\command,,,”””%1″” %*” HKCU, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer, NoDriveTypeAutoRun,0x000000ff,255 HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer, NoDriveTypeAutoRun,0x000000ff,255 6. Delete parent file and duplicate file that created by virus include in your flashdisk. To making fast searching process you can use Search. Before you do searching, will be better if you show the hidden file in the Folder Options. Be carefull to delete the parent file and duplicate file from the virus. The parent file have look like this: -. Icon „Microsoft Visual Basic Project‟. -. Size the File is 128 KB (for the other variant maybe will be different size). -. File extension „.EXE‟ or „.SCR‟. -. Type file „Application‟ or „Screen Saver‟. next delete the duplicate file shortcut which is look like this: >. Icon Folder or icon >. Extension .LNK >. Type File „Shortcut‟ >. Size the file 1 KB Delete the file wich is have extension .DLL (e.g ert.dll) and Autorun.inf in your flashdisk or shared folder for a while to avoid the virus activating again, delete the parent file that have the extension .EXE or .SCR first then delete the shortcut file (.LNK) 7. Show the hidden file that was made by virus. To make it fast you should download the UnHide file and Folder Tools inhttp://www.flashshare.com/bfu/download.html. After get installed choose the directory [C:\Documents and settings] and your flashdisk. At the menu [Attributes] make empty the options then click button [Change Attributes]. 8. Install the security patch „ Shell shortcut handling remote code execution vulnerability-MS10- 046′. Please to download the security patch athttp://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS10-046.mspx Like ussual, to make optimal cleaning and prevent reinfection, you should install and scan at the first with updated antivirus. If still can not detect this kind of virus you must make sure your antivirus update. Then the second way to delete VIRUS SHORTCUT: The shortcut virus seems look like this : First that you should know, after get infection to the computer, it will make parent file database.mdb in My Documents. Then the second is that virus will be make Autorun.inf file in every disk drive also your folder without the exception. The third is the virus will be create Thumb.db file ( look carefully if this file without s letter, the original thumbnail chache is have the letter s (e.g Thumbs.db) in every folder. To hook the victims, the virus will create Microsoft.ink file and New Harry Potter and …ink in every folder to execute it and directly that virus will be activated. Like the others, they will be make the duplicate file in every folder but this time not anymore with .EXE extension but with .INK extension or you can call it Shorcut extension. At the task manager there is services process wscript.exe still running. At the normally condition, there is no process like this. So the second ways to delete that virus shortcut is: 1. Turn off the System Restore. I always turn off the System Restore after windows installation process to back up and imaging system. I prefer to use third party like acronis or Norton Ghost (2010) Full Serial Crack. 2. End virus wscript.exe process (C:\WINDOWS\System32\wscript.exe) You can use Process Explorer or misc. tool at HijackThis. You should have HijackThis 2.0.2 3. Delete the virus database.mdb file in My Documents 4. Delete the duplicate virus. In process delete file. You can use Search feature from windows. “at more advanced options” make sure you check options Search system folders and Search hidden files and folders Search file autorun.inf size 8 KB Search file Thumb.db size 8 KB Search file ekstensi .lnk.lnk size 1 KB Then delete all the file founded. To make easy searching process also deleting founded file. maybe you should use UTool, a freeware that allowed to download for free. This software automatically find and deleting the file we wanted. 5. Delete the registry Autorun that created by virus by using HijackThis. Look for at the HKCU\..\Run part which is related with database.mdb file regedit_run Here is my suggestions to you to prevent or make your computer more safe. Here is we can do: 1. After Windows Instalation process over, Turn off the System Restore 2. Install third party software like Tweak UI or Magic Tweak to disable Autorun and prevent from activating .ink file themselves. Maybe at the Windows XP Professional version, to deactivate process can be easily to do. But for Windows Xp Home version you will need this software. This will help us so much cause we can making mistake everytime although we has been make disable activating the file for all drive also removable disk (flashdisk). 3. After all instalation process over, back up your image system by using Acronis True Image or Norton Ghost, So if the next time we got problem with our computer, you just restore the image file. 4. If needed, you should install deep freeze if your computer more than 1 user. So your setting won‟t be changed. 5. Update info: if your removable disk got infection by shortcut virus. The icon drive will be change to icon folder. If you see this icon, use the explorer and open the removabledisk ( don‟t double click from My Computer) then delete Autorun file and the others manually by pressing shift + Del. Mostly the local virus could be prevent with disable Autorun at the windows or Magictweak has been activate and also disable .INF at the Magictweak. That is all the suggestion from me. This is seems that you can use your computer more safe than the last. Also say goodbye to the Shortcut Virus. Goodluck

How to remove the .ink virus file? Very recently i came across a strange language virus file, 961495.ink, it has made my internet speed so slow ,its location is C:\WINDOWS\system32\5EEA0D, it is also present in my Startup. i delete it many time but it comes back after some time ., how to get rid of it , help.

Follow this instructions to Remove Virus in you Computer. Restart You Computer Safe Mode with Networking

1. Log out and reboot your machine.

2. When the machine starts the reboot sequence, press the F8 key repeatedly.

3. Select Safe Mode with Networking from the resulting menu.

4. Login. If the malware has changed your password, try logging in as Administrator. By default, Administrator has no password.

5. The machine will continue booting, but the Windows desktop will look different.

Then in The Safe With Networking .Download by using Rkill press herehttp://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t…

Download and Scan By Using Malwarebytes‟ Anti-Malwarehttp://download.cnet.com/Malwarebytes-An…

Download and Scan By Using Super Anti-Spyware Press herehttp://www.superantispyware.com/

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Download and Scan By using Remove Fake Antivirus 1.64 press here http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/Re… After Finish Scan and Remove all Virus,Restart you Computer to be Normal.

Then Download and Scan again By using Norman Malware Cleaner Press herehttp://www.norman.com/support/support_to… This is to make sure you Virus, Malware, Trojan, Worm, Rogue Fake Anti-Virus, Hijack Web Browser, Pop up Advertisements, Rootkit and Spyware it is not on you Computer Forever. Please give me the feedback and Rate Me