• What is the content of the agreement? • Why did Poland prefer the Bayraktar TB2 drone? • What are the possible implications of the agreement?

The agreement between and Poland regarding stations and ground data terminals. Turkey will also the sale of Bayraktar TB2 UAVs reflects more than a provide training and the technology transfer for the mere arms transfer transaction and is likely to gen- service and maintenance of the systems. The Bayrak- erate important implications. Signed during Polish tar TB2 is a medium-altitude, long-endurance, tac- President Andrzej Duda’s three-day visit to Turkey, tical , which has endurance the agreement made Poland the first NATO and EU of 27 hours and can fly up to 27,000 ft.1 It entered member country to purchase a Turkish drone. The the (TAF) inventory in 2014 successful operations conducted by Turkish drones and was armed next year; the Bayraktar TB2 is cur- in the recent conflicts in Syria, , and Azerbai- rently used operationally by the TAF, the Gendar- jan proved the combat effectiveness of the systems, merie General Command, the General Directorate which formed the essential rationale behind Poland’s of Security, and the National Intelligence Organiza- purchase. While the drones will enhance Polish na- tion. According to , a total of 180 TB2s are tional defense capabilities, they will also contribute currently in the service of Turkey, , , to the sustainability of the Turkish indigenous de- and .2 The Bayraktar TB2 can carry 4 fense industry. Furthermore, the sale is also prom- MAM-L and MAM-C missiles, which are produced ising in terms of enhanced interoperability within by Roketsan. These precision-guided munitions are NATO due to the possible diffusion of Turkish op- designed for air-to-ground missions and are used by erational experience and drone doctrine to the Polish UAVs, among other air platforms. The munitions Armed Forces. have semi-active laser seekers and warheads effective against armored units, including the tandem war- THE CONTENT OF THE AGREEMENT

According to the deal, Poland is set to receive 24 1. “Bayraktar TB2,” Baykar, Bayraktar TB2 drones produced by Baykar Makina 2. “The Bayraktar Tb2 UAVs Will Fly In The Skies Of The European and smart micro munitions MAM-L and MAM-C Union!” Baykar, May 24, 2021, The-Bayraktar-Tb2-UAVs-Will-Fly-In-The-Skies-Of-The-European- produced by Roketsan along with ground control Union.html

RIFAT ÖNCEL Rıfat Öncel is a PhD student at the Department of International Relations of the Middle East Technical University. His main research interests include defense policy, the armed forces, and emerging military technologies.. PERSPECTIVE

head designed to penetrate through reactive armor fense industry production capacity have ensured that technology.3 Turkey emerged as a reliable arms exporter country. Beginning in 2018, Bayraktar TB2 drones were sold WHY DID POLAND PREFER THE TB2 DRONE? to Qatar, Ukraine, Libya, and Azerbaijan with timely There are some underlying factors that facilitated the deliveries. Currently, the drones have become opera- deal. First and most important, the Bayraktar TB2 is tional in all of these countries. On the other hand, a combat-proven UAV. In Syria, Libya, and Nagorno- political willingness to export also plays an important Karabakh, it became increasingly evident that Turkish role in finding new markets for Turkish defense prod- drones decisively influenced the course and outcome of ucts. This is boosted by military cooperation agree- the conflicts. The transformation of the traditional roles ments, which have become a new form of partnership of drones in these conflicts shifted perceptions on drone between governments. warfare and elicited new trends regarding drone pro- curement and counter-drone systems. Until recently, POSSIBLE IMPLICATIONS the primary roles attributed to drones were intelligence Major weapon procurements often create long-term gathering, reconnaissance, and aerial surveillance, along military relationships between the supplier and recipi- with limited military operations such as targeted kill- ent states which have the potential to deepen military ings or surgical strikes against terrorist leaders. Howev- cooperation and may lead to a spillover effect for co- er, the conflicts in Syria, Libya, and Nagorno-Karabakh operative endeavors in other sectors. Turkey and Po- demonstrated that when drones are successfully inte- land share NATO membership status and Poland is grated into the concept of operations and supported also a member of the EU, with which Turkey enjoys by electronic warfare capabilities and trained person- decades-old cooperation despite fluctuating relations. nel, they are also considerably effective weapons for Accompanied by Poland’s strategic geographic loca- ground attacks in contested zones. Along with ISTAR tion at NATO’s eastern flank against the emerging (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, Recon- instabilities that have surfaced after Russia’s illegal an- naissance) missions, Turkish drones proved capable of nexation of Crimea in 2014, the agreement stands to conducting a series of successful offensive operations generate important geopolitical implications. ranging from the suppression of enemy air defenses to First, the deal will boost ally capabilities within the destruction of armored enemy units. NATO by providing cost-effective ISTAR capabilities Second, Turkish defense products have emerged and deterrence, while increasing alliance solidarity and as cost-effective weapon platforms in the international cohesion. The training, technical support, and the pos- market in recent years, and the Bayraktar TB2 is no sible diffusion of Turkish operational experience to Po- exception. Regarding the cost-effectiveness of Turkish land will increase the interoperability between the two drones, President of Defence Industries Ismail Demir countries’ armed forces and will boost Polish warfighting stated that "if a system from any other country had the capabilities. The significance of operational experience same capability as ours, its (price) would be double.”4 in the course and outcome of the conflicts was demon- Third, political willingness to export and adequate de- strated in Azerbaijan army’s combat performance against Armenia during the Nagorno-Karabagh War last year as 3. “Mam-C Smart Micro Munition,” Roketsan, https://www.roketsan. Turkey did not only provide drones but also shared its; “MAM-L Smart Mi- concept of operations. Consequently, technology alone cro Munition,” Roketsan, l-smart-micro-munition/ cannot be a game-changing force - with the exception 4. “High-Profile Successes to Make Turkey Premier Exporter of UAVs,” perhaps of nuclear weapons - unless successfully utilized Daily Sabah, March 19, 2021, fense/high-profile-successes-to-make-turkey-premier-exporter-of-uavs by the military genius in a Clausewitzian sense.


Second, the deal further strengthened the idea separatist group Polisario Front.6 In October of last that Turkish drones could be the perfect counter-in- year, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić publicly strument to Russian air and missile defense systems. stated that his country was “considering” purchasing It is no surprise that after Ukraine, Poland decided Bayraktar TB2 drones.7 to purchase Bayraktar TB2 drones. Perceiving Russia There is also an increasing expectation that Tur- as a great and imminent threat, the procurement of key’s other NATO allies will purchase the products. Turkish drones provides cost-effective and combat- This would further contribute to the interoperability proven capabilities with relatively quick delivery pe- in the alliance while addressing to some extent the gap riods. Deepening defense relations and the sales of in air force inventories. One of the primary reasons drones to countries such as Ukraine and Poland also behind the popularity of drones is the desire to com- contribute to Turkey’s national security. Along with pensate for the weaknesses in air force capabilities as enhancing NATO’s eastern flank capabilities, the drones are much cheaper to purchase and to operate deployment of Turkish drones in friendly countries than fighter aircraft. Today, more than 100 countries neighboring Russia can be considered as a balanc- have drones in their inventory and more countries are ing act towards Moscow. Against Russia’s multidi- seeking to purchase advanced versions. Similarly, sev- mensional pressures on Turkey ranging from conflict eral countries are investing in their national defense zones to commercial and tourism relations, the sales industries and launching joint cooperative initiatives of Turkish drones reflect Turkey’s willingness to coun- to avoid falling behind in the technological arms race. ter that pressure. Turkey’s latest decision to return to On the other hand, alarmed by China’s rapidly increas- the Baltic Air-Policing mission is another step in that ing share in the drone market, the U.S. has sought direction. Soon, Turkey will deploy F-16 aircraft and ways to loosen the restrictions on drone exports for approximately 80 personnel to Malbork Military Air some time. Hence, it is likely that the growing interest Base in Poland to support NATO’s Baltic Air-Polic- in drones will maintain its pace in the coming period ing. This is the first Turkish participation in the mis- and that Turkey will continue to be one of the leading sion after a deployment to Lithuania in 2006. The players in the market. air-policing mission in the Baltic functions as a deter- rence against the threats that emanate from NATO’s CONCLUSION eastern flank and contributes to the cohesion and The deal between Turkey and Poland will contrib- solidarity within the alliance.5 ute to the Polish national defense and strengthen the Third, the deal between Turkey and Poland will Turkish defense industry. Furthermore, the deal has likely facilitate the exports of Turkish drones to other the potential to become a catalyst for future drone customers. Previously, several states showed interest exports to Turkey’s other NATO allies. The delivery in the products. For instance, last year, Tunisia inked of Turkish drones and the diffusion of the concept of a deal to purchase ANKA-S, an armed drone manu- operations could significantly increase the interoper- factured by Turkish Aerospace Industries while recent ability within the North Atlantic Alliance. Still, there media reports argued that would be the are serious challenges against further cooperation next customer for Bayraktar TB2s. The media reports within NATO. Particularly, the outstanding disputes stated that Morocco desires to purchase 13 drones in order to increase its capabilities against the militant 6. Elis Gjevori, “Report: Morocco Set to Acquire Turkish Made Bayraktar Drones,” TRT World, April 19, 2021, zine/report-morocco-set-to-acquire-turkish-made-bayraktar-drones-46038 5. “NATO Allies Continue Enduring Air Policing Mission in Baltic 7. Hamdi Firat Buyuk, “Serbia Considers Buying Turkish Armed Drones,” Region,” Allied Air Command, April 26, 2021, Balkan Insight, October 6, 2020, chive/2021/ESP_ITA_TUR-BAP_eAP serbia-considers-buying-turkish-armed-drones/ 3 PERSPECTIVE

between Greece and Turkey in the Eastern Mediterra- the adequate technical capacity, the technological nean could spoil cooperation opportunities due to the know-how, and the significance of the unmanned insistent Greek pressure on EU member states. While platforms in future warfare. Emerging military tech- this policy has failed to achieve the Greek objectives nologies and particularly the military applications to this day, it still influences the decision-making pro- of artificial intelligence further indicate that robotic cess and ensuing policies. systems will increasingly play a greater role in the Lastly, the deal further underlined the fact future operational environment. While the air force that unmanned aerial vehicle systems will likely to dimension is leading the technological leap in the be one of the main drivers of the Turkish national sector, unmanned land and naval platforms are also defense industry. For years, an essential objective of becoming more and more visible in recent years. the Turkish defense industry has been to become a Thus, current success and future expectations dem- leading producer country of a specific critical weap- onstrate that it can be expected for Turkey to contin- on platform. The current course suggests that un- ue investments in the unmanned platforms not only manned aerial vehicles fit this objective because of in the air forces but also in land and naval services. | [email protected] | @setavakfi