Vicar of Redland Church

Page 4 Page 5 Page 8 Page 15 Page 16 Page 18 Page 20 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Message from Viv Message from Introduction Life at Redland Our New Incumbent Role Description Person Specification , the Parish and the Vicarage Services Finances Team Staff Parish Summary PCC Commitment Parish Contacts CONTENTS

Diocese of Bristol Application Pack for a Vicar of Redland Page 3 FROM THE BISHOP

August 2019 Thank you for showing an interest in the role of Vicar of Redland Parish Church. A great deal of prayer, thought and planning has gone into the preparation of this information pack. It provides an outline of the role, the skills and experience that we are looking for. This is an exciting time to join in the work of this parish and of this Diocese, with both entering fresh seasons of mission and ministry. We are focused on living out our vision of ‘Creating connections’ – with God, each other, and our communities across Bristol, Swindon, South Gloucestershire and North Wiltshire. There is a real energy to reconnect with our communities and reignite our calling to be a Church for this and future generations. Our vision, strategic plan, and the priorities of making disciples, growing leaders and engaging younger generations, is our response to what we sense God is calling us to be and do and can be explored further at creatingconnections. Thank you for taking the time to consider this opportunity. If this is a role that energises you we would very much like to hear from you and look forward to receiving your application. If you would like an informal discussion about the role, please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of the contacts listed at the end of this pack. Please submit your application on the attached application form and ensure you have also read our Applicant Guidance Notes. Yours in Christ,

Rt Revd

Page 4 Thank you for considering the post of incumbent of Redland. We are an of Redland. We the post of incumbent Thank you for considering for God the Father and Jesus looking to deepen our love evangelical church in the world. Kingdom for building God’s as the foundation and enriched by a gifted years, we have been blessed Over the last 20 are now seeking a We and a wide range of ministries. pastoral incumbent to Redland who will listen to where we are,leader with a clear sense of calling through change into the future. love us as we are and guide us of our new have seen significant change in recent years: the opening We worship, people coming to Redland fromhalls now used for some of our in the proportion of young people and families.other churches and a decline our work with recognise the need to build our confidence in evangelism, We to revisit some of our ministries. young people and families and INTRODUCTION

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FAMILY OUR CHURCH OUR CHURCH OUR IMMEDIATE OUR IMMEDIATE NEIGHBOURHOOD our neighbourhood BRISTOL . We seek to be transformed by the renewing of . We THE WORLD Our desire as a church is to be wholeheartedly focused on God, to know Our desire as a church is to be hearts and minds as the foundation for our him in a way that transforms our , to all people in ministries: to our church family Bristol; and to the world that end, we are seeking a new To for God. our minds to love and live better who faithfully servant-hearted and decisive leader, who is an effective, Vicar it to everyday life, and who will encourage us preaches the Bible and applies in our everyday lives. Redland has a long to share the Gospel with courage and worship are essentially evangelical, evangelical tradition and its teaching Christian experience of differing but church members have a diverse explore how all can are blessed with this diversity and seek to traditions. We love and serve the Lord better. come to know, recognise our need to tackle more openly and honestly challenging We more confident in walking with the theological issues, and to become Holy Spirit.

Diocese of Bristol Application Pack for a Vicar of Redland Parish Church Page 6 Level of commitment – small core of people doing lots – sustainability Is growth in the congregation real or masked by other factors? Resourcing internal focus – cost to external ministries Finance – retiring high-earners has already resulted in, and is likely to continue to mean, a reduction in income Low spiritual return on some activities Balance between words and deeds Ability and opportunity to show vulnerability No collective or vocalised vision or No collective or strategy Intentional discipleship people doing most of the few Too work Lack of 20-40 age group despite significant numbers in parish Corporate prayer and discernment Good at getting people into the and building, not at sharing gospel getting them into the Kingdom Knowing the needs of the parish Building meaningful relationships with one another THREATS • • • • • • • WEAKNESSES • • • • • • • • Communication • Connect with and influence Redland and the City Leadership growth – what does this mean? Rooting LICC discipleship training Creating shop window in the halls the offer – who are we, what’s Expand community use and connectedness risks given the abundance of Take resources People want to make a difference – People want to make a difference need compelling vision PCC organised, decisive, PCC organised, collaborative team Strong staff Willingness to change Strong contribution from ordained and training members of church Large footfall using facilities Strong education work and link with schools fellowship, initial Hospitality, welcome Good at organising events Wide charitable support Wide choice of house or small groups Very gifted and skilled gifted Very congregation • • • • • • OPPORTUNITIES • • • • • • • • • • • • Preaching STRENGTHS • The following SWOT analysis gives a snapshot of the church, based on based church, of the a snapshot gives analysis SWOT following The process. consultation others during our and from the congregation feedback some of more detail on seek to give of this profile pages The succeeding features. these key

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In particular, we desire to grow our In particular, work with young families. halls, In 2018 we remodelled our 10am service moving it to the church March 2019 making it more accessible to children and young families. In it far more we introduced S-Zone, a new monthly Family Service, making service centred on young people, providing a more structured parallel and we want to be recognise we are on a journey, in church. We courageous where we discern the need for change. ChristianityIn 2017/8, in partnership with the London Institute for Contemporary whole lifeand local churches, many in the congregation actively explored throughoutdiscipleship, helping people to see how they can be effective now need the leadership capacity andthe week wherever they are. We commitment to embed this in the life of the church. In recent years, we have seen an increase in In recent years, we have seen generation, many membership amongst the retired from other local of whom have joined Redland give in time, experience, churches, who have much to that we have are concerned We money and ministry. at church, and that we have also had fewer young people responding are teenagers. We no service that currently attracts sociological and cultural factors, to these changes and to wider focus on, and what to leave to others. attempting to discern what to to be relevant to as many in our long for our worship and outreach We change in our community as possible, but we know that this needs a step have many connections in vision and sustained leadership from the top. We but we need to develop these into meaningful relationships the community, that enable others to encounter God. IN OUR CHURCH FAMILY IN OUR CHURCH and preaching teaching Worship, aim to combine Our church services worship the application with of the Bible our to transform our lives and develop the use both relationship with Jesus. We of styles, church and the halls, in a variety in years. for youth, family and those later LIFE AT LIFE AT REDLAND

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deepen our faith so we can better deepen our faith so we can better understand, feel and live out the greatest commandment be people who pray intentionally, and listen to the Spirit be a place of welcome and refuge where the love of God is self- evident to others be and make disciples build deep and supportive relationships draw others closer to God in bring good news to the needy Bristol and beyond in the Bible and prayer. meeting every week and others and others week every meeting an This is more infrequently. really ministry we are area of develop, recognising keen to groups of small the importance and supporting for equipping disciples. going? Where are we if we are to make recognise that We we need to be a real difference, and intentional. more prayerful aspire to: We • • • • • • • Our desire is to become more disciples, but we know that effective to do this we need to know and love the Lord more deeply. are seeking a leader who can We listen to us, love us and then lead us, working with other clergy and lay leaders to build on existing foundations, and help us to drive forward a clearly articulated vision, inspiring every member of the congregation with a sense of see our new vicar as purpose. We having an opportunity to shape a rooting everything diverse ministry,

Since this finished, Since this finished, In Autumn 2018, we ran The Bible The Bible ran 2018, we Autumn In on a over two months Course This brought evening. Sunday together generations different following this church and across the a monthly evening we introduced – following the service – “Inspire” food, teaching and same pattern of discussion. regular informal, we have had no evening service contemporary address this. and we need to Trinity Redland has a close link with College and we have a cohort of 5 or 6 students on placement who throughout the academic year are supervised by the incumbent. have also been recognised We as a training parish, with a series of successful curacies and we have supported several in the congregation to become Licensed Lay Ministers. An important feature of how Redland of lay operates is the full involvement leaders in many activities, including services, prayer and community supports This extends and activities. the leadership of the church and not only enables the gifts in the congregation but allows our vicar to focus on leadership. have an extensive network of We home groups and small groups some within the church family,

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Redland is an attractive area within two miles area within two is an attractive Redland with every a vibrant city of Bristol, of the centre REDLAND AND OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD OUR AND REDLAND amenity including excellent schools, colleges and schools, including excellent amenity universities, theatres and concert halls, and sports concert halls, theatres and universities, facilities. The parish has a population of about 1,800 and is in the a population of about 1,800 and The parish has 20% of least deprived in the country. It has a low parishes in the country. 20% of least deprived proportion of black, Asian and other ethnic minorities. 41% of Asian and other ethnic proportion of black, inhabitants say they are Christian, 2% Muslim and 1% other religions. they are Christian, 2% Muslim inhabitants say 16% are under the age of 18, 33% between 18 and 29, 42% between 30 and 18 and 29, 42% between 30 the age of 18, 33% between 16% are under 65. 65, and 9% over and many of our congregation live The Parish is very small geographically, to Redland. of areas, some very different outside the parish in a variety Georgian are blessed at Redland in having a beautiful Grade I Listed We eco-friendly hall complex around an Chapel and a modern 21st century Since the halls opened in 2016, we attractive Green next to the vicarage. in the halls whilst continuing to use the have increasingly held our services more traditional services. Alive, our evening service, and church for Word all types of environment for our worship This gives us the ability to offer community. services and outreach to the local provide a warm and welcoming environment We with our weekly for parents and children, starting in our halls and through sessions, both Toddler outreach in our local park. run our own For nearly 30 years, we have preschool, Lantern, which provides a nurturing Christian environment for 2-4-year olds. Having morning sessions for many years, we offered have recently responded to changing needs more and have extended hours and age range. Lantern now operates involved successfully as an enterprise, with several congregation members integrated as volunteers, but there is more to do to make it more closely with ministry. teaching groups on Sunday mornings to grow young disciples, and offer We fortnightly clubs, J-Zone, Two on a Sunday evening for years 9-13. CYFA The Zone for years 7-9, are run by committed volunteers, for years 3-6, and Attendance is variable, and we overseen by the youth and families worker. of young are aware of the need to adapt our youth provision to the needs draws holiday club our ‘Chat-A-Box’ people. For one week every summer, faith and 150 young people from across Bristol to learn about the Christian have fun.

Diocese of Bristol Application Pack for a Vicar of Redland Parish Church Page 10 The church building, geographically The church building, within the on a ‘green space’ well cared for over has been city, recently an the years and more has active churchyard work group renovated and maintained the recently started have garden. We opening the church and garden to the public regularly on Sunday afternoons which has been well received. The PCC approved a Sustainability Policy recently and is currently working to make it effective, including registering as an are planning a EcoChurch. We Creationtide season, with a sermon feast series, visiting speakers and a designed to engage people in the sustainability of food. This all highlights ways in which we seek to connect with our community. know that relationships We friends, neighbours with family, and colleagues are essential in spreading the good news. Although as a Church we work well we as individuals organisationally, need to be equipped and inspired to develop meaningful relationships that enable us to share God’s love in all areas of our lives.

We have let rooms in the new the new in let rooms have We Barnabas Building, The hall, two for over to the Community we have a broad Already years. and activities: choirs range of dance, birthday bands, maths and receptions. We parties and wedding recently and recruited a caretaker halls The busier. the halls are getting for ministry to provide opportunities started them. We’ve those who use Pot café around a regular Coffee hours, and we Lantern Preschool know we need to use the building more visually to say who we are and what we stand for. had For many years, Redland has people, a significant ministry to older particularly to those who face loneliness and isolation. Midweek Community meets weekly: members and meet for communion and lunch choose from a range of activities. August, we organise a Holiday In at Home, a three-day opportunity for activities, an outing and companionship. have an active cricket club We with regular training and matches with local churches and other There are two men’s organisations. book clubs which meet in local pubs also run classes every month. We for those preparing for baptism, confirmation and marriage, and we Alpha courses in have run several recent years. Our Redland Education Centre works with local schools and brings 1,000 children into Redland for the Christmas and Easter trails. See the next section for more detail.

Diocese of Bristol Application Pack for a Vicar of Redland Parish Church Page 11 REDLAND IN BRISTOL Bristol is one of the most culturally and economically diverse cities in the UK. While it is an attractive and relatively affluent city, there are many homeless in Bristol, and the economic divide between north and south of the city has worsened. There is an increasing mix of nationalities, with many asylum seekers. The City Council’s priorities are homelessness, food poverty and mental health. The Church increasingly supports organisations and individuals working in the City.


Projects that the Church supports, both financially and with volunteers, include: • the Churches Winter Night Shelter project providing temporary shelter for rough sleepers and the homeless in Bristol; • the Wild Goose Café, serving hot food and offering a listening ear to homeless and vulnerable people in our city, and • The Soup Run throughout one month each year.

Page 12 Many in the congregation are involved in projects across the city, including: • Upper Reaches – a prayer barge, moored in the new business district of the city • Changing Tunes – we host in our halls this musical and mentoring ministry to prisoners • Christians against Poverty – one of our church members has run courses on financial capability

We partner with two local churches – Easton Christian Family Centre and St Stephen’s in Southmead, where there are projects for parents and families. Our Operations Director is working with them, a number of our congregation are school governors in our partners’ local schools, and we are linked to the first Kids Matter course for parents in Southmead. We founded and continue to support the Redland Education Centre, a resource which provides primary and secondary religious education in local schools. REC has connections with 30 schools across Bristol, including nearby School, built only 10 years ago. The church congregation assists with the hosting of two “trails” annually – Christmas Through The Keyhole, and Easter Explored – for over a thousand local school children. Our REC team created these highly interactive experiences, and the award-winning material has now been published nationally and is used widely by other churches. The team is currently made up of three part time qualified teachers who spend most of the year delivering bespoke lessons and trails to cover specific school requests. Over the past 12 months, REC has provided a first- hand experience of 21st century Christianity to over 4,000 pupils. And the coming year will see a drive in GCSE sessions tackling challenging Christian themes such as sin, salvation, prayer & worship and mission & evangelism. Its rapid growth has prompted a review of its structure and governance, so that we can be confident it will be fit for purpose going forward. Bristol’s current Mayor, Marvin Rees, is working hard to address issues of social inequality in the city, and there is a wealth of opportunities for Christians to get involved and make a difference. Our congregation includes many individuals who are passionate about serving God in our city, and we as a church want to play our part in helping to address ‘lostness’, loneliness, homelessness, poverty, hunger, conflict, addiction, displacement and inequality. We are looking for a leader who can discern how we might do this and inspire our members.

Page 13

Redland has had a long involvement in cross-cultural mission. A number A mission. a long involvement in cross-cultural Redland has had and former members of the congregation are current of members of The Bible AIM and OMF, in mission, including organisations engaged Society. Africa and Hong Rwanda, South Tanzania, in Kenya, support partners We are engaged in community in the UK, where our partners Kong as well as enabling teams from Redland to work and school work. Our vision includes REDLAND REDLAND THE AND WORLD Tanzania. Africa and Thailand, South in other parts of the world, including been involved in such projects, recently Over 100 church members have to work alongside Tanzania leaders visited when 12 young people and 3 and last year a group of three renewed the charity Go Make a Difference, based in Dodoma, Tanganyika of Central contacts by visiting the Diocese gap year for bursaries to those in their offer Every year we Tanzania. frequent visits from our international have We missionary service overseas. of the congregation have visited them in partners, and many members their countries. regularly from all parts of the world. We At Redland we host many people visitors and helping them with language hold a conversation café, welcoming also hosted church. We number who attend join us in A and practical issues. members of Redland might support destitute a meeting to discuss how more with Bristol Hospitality Network, which asylum seekers in Bristol, linking operates from Easton Christian Family Centre.

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all ages and backgrounds; for developing our work with children, who has a heart and a vision and young adults, and can balance that young people, young families congregation, and vision with the needs of the wider the prayer life of the Church. who is able to lead and develop of the Bible and who can communicate its truth effectively to people of its truth effectively of the Bible and who can communicate who is an effective, servant-hearted and decisive leader, able to engage able and decisive leader, servant-hearted who is an effective, implement a clear vision who will shape and with strategic discussions for the church; the Gospel and skilled in encouraging who is passionate about sharing and equipping others to do so; is rooted in the authority and reliability whose life and teaching ministry • • will be excited are looking forward to the arrival of a new incumbent who We realise that they have much more to learn to lead a church whose members are praying directing. We to listen to God’s about discipleship and are ready their own for a man or woman who will welcome the opportunity to bring with us. insights in leading us and in travelling on this journey together Bringing together what we are seeking in all the areas of our ministry, our the areas of our ministry, what we are seeking in all Bringing together incumbent... prayer is for an • • • OUR NEW INCUMBENT OUR

Diocese of Bristol Application Pack for a Vicar of Redland Parish Church Page 15 Vicar Church Redland Parish Bristol City ROLE DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION ROLE Lead on the development and delivery of a diverse programme of worship that Lead on the development and delivery of a diverse programme vision and congregation. Provide oversight of service leadership, reflects the church’s preaching and music by other members of the team. LEADING WORSHIP TEAM LEADERSHIP AND MINISTRY DEVELOPMENT AND MINISTRY TEAM LEADERSHIP to use and grow their Develop and lead the leadership team, including new personnel, line management is in gifts in ministry and mission. Ensure support, leadership and those in Lantern Preschool and the Redland Education including place for all staff, and act as training Centre. Encourage, develop and supervise licensed ministry incumbent for curates. LEADERSHIP IN MISSION go into the world as servants of God and our Equipping the congregation to with the support of the congregation in developing neighbours. Lead the church the world, focusing relationships with organisations and partners in the UK and homeless and youth particularly in Bristol on citywide initiatives and schools, the and outreach. Encourage encouraging members to be involved in support ministry, action on social justice and care for the planet. GENERAL lay members and volunteers alongside a team of staff, Leading, sharing and serving work closely with partner To and set free to serve God. to create a community inspired to develop vision and mission, engaging with churches and others in the Diocese closely with our Operations Director and his and Priorities. Working Diocesan Vision and facilities management is worthy of His calling. team to ensure our administration officers, to ensure that safeguarding with others, especially the parish’s Working young people and vulnerable adults can all be safe Redland is a place where children, and flourish. RESPONSIBILITIES Role Title Name of Benefice Archdeaconry ROLE PURPOSE ROLE

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SELF-DISCIPLINE, SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINE AND OWN DEVELOPMENT AND OWN DISCIPLINE SPIRITUAL SELF-DISCIPLINE, development, participating Attend continuously to personal, spiritual and professional Professional in Ministerial Development Review and appropriate Continuing of life that allows Development. Maintain professional boundaries. Follow a pattern alongside the demands of the personal, family and spiritual aspects of life to flourish ministry. MINISTERING IN A WIDER CONTEXT A MINISTERING IN including Deanery Chapter and Diocese and Deanery, Play a full part in the life of the at Deanery Synod. ADMINISTRATION AND PARISH ORGANISATION AND PARISH ADMINISTRATION to and subgroups, staff collaboratively with the and the PCC, its Work resources. Play an of the parish’s organisation and godly stewardship ensure effective and organisation of the parish, affirming national, appropriate part in the administration legal requirements. Ensure good communication diocesan and parish policies and diocese and national messages from the deanery, within the parish and relay key church. PASTORAL CARE PASTORAL that so transformed in mind and heart to create a community that is with others Work needs and outside. Identify pastoral is self-evident to those within the love of Jesus and skills to respond to and meet those needs in and develop appropriate structures for baptism, confirmation and marriage. the parish. Lead in preparation ENCOURAGING DISCIPLESHIP ENCOURAGING content style and faith, adapting to develop Kingdom of God’s the good news Preach ministry and teaching a preaching Maintain and purposes. occasions for different on with others life. Work all aspects of faith with the Christian which connects and personal Bible study and prayer, faith, encourage regular learning that develops group ministry will vision for small – developing the church’s strengthen discipleship and time to give generously in money, Challenge the congregation be crucial for this. world. with the problems of the wider prayerfully and practically talents and engage .. but most importantly to lead us to know and love God, each other and ourselves .. but most importantly to lead us to know and love God, each in a way that enables us to better build his Kingdom.

Diocese of Bristol Application Pack for a Vicar of Redland Parish Church Page 17 Articulate and able to communicate in a wide range of settings Ability to handle conflict effectively Ability to sustain healthy relationships Efficient and organised Diligent and persistent Recognises, respects and enforces boundaries Good working knowledge of IT A developed and maintained prayerful spiritual life developed and maintained A Humility and integrity church life, and encouraging of contributions from all people in Welcoming leadership, ministry and worship to others Personal discipleship that is inspiring Personable and approachable Collaborative and consultative confidentiality Discreet and able to maintain Exhibits self-awareness and confidence feedback Learns from experience and constructive An ordained priest within the Church of , or a Church in within the , An ordained priest it recognises it, or a Church whose orders communion with of Initial Ministerial Education Satisfactory completion Status (post- Panel as Incumbent selection or Candidates’ Designated at 2009) or Stipendiary Ministry SKILLS • • • • • • • PERSONAL QUALITIES • • • • • • • • • • Resilient QUALIFICATIONS • • • PERSON SPECIFICATION PERSON

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Open to change and challenge Open to change and challenge account Ability to delegate and hold to as part of a team Ability to engage and enjoy working of a significant team of ordained and Leadership and management ministry setting in an all member lay people / staff, Ability to take risks responsibly the experience spiritual lives and learning from Enriching others’ management of in effective staff with the PCC and senior Working budgets and projects (including estates) AND PUBLIC ISSUES IN COMMUNITY LIFE ENGAGEMENT Engagement and partnership with community leaders or Enabling partnership and engagement with local schools (primary Church of England and/or community) secondary, DEVELOPMENT & OWN KNOWLEDGE Understanding of team dynamics coach, work consultant and/or spiritual director Willingness to have a mentor, Developing a greater awareness of the role of the Holy Spirit in Developing a greater awareness ministry enabling our individual and corporate AND STRUCTURES OF RESOURCES MANAGEMENT with Encouraging and teaching stewardship and generosity in line Biblical principles Experience of contributing to and helping to implement vision and Experience of contributing to strategy OF OTHERS FORMATION Working with and/or developing ministry to children/youth/young developing ministry to children/youth/young with and/or Working families OTHERS OF LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT PROVEN EXPERIENCE AND COMPETENCIES AND COMPETENCIES EXPERIENCE PROVEN (D) (E) or Desirable Essential WORK MINISTRY AND BACKGROUND to the Bible, clearly that is challenging and true Strong teaching for today setting out application of theological members who hold a range with church Working is sensitive to their needs convictions and and significantly of reaching the unchurched Proven experience and discipleship growing a church through conversion

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LOCATION aviation history, Bristol is a city of 400,000 people, famed for its maritime and which earned it for the acres of parkland and its approach to sustainability and has European Green Capital status. It lies 120 miles west of London excellent transport links. Bristol has created its own distinctive cultural identity – festivals, stunning cityscapes and awe- gastronomy of every flavour, Natural History inspiring street art, the home of the BBC’s and a thriving Animation, Aardman Unit, music scene. Bristol has two universities (UoB and UWE) and 20,000 students, is compact enough to get to act as a centre of and yet big enough around quickly, of England. excellence and resources for the South-West AND THE VICARAGE AND BRISTOL, THE PARISH BRISTOL,

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650 acres of public open space. There is a mixture of Victorian and 20th and 20th is a mixture of Victorian There open space. 650 acres of public While occupancy. both family and houses in multiple century housing, that many of our neighbours affluent we are conscious Redland is relatively in the country. are some of the most deprived within a few miles was rated outstanding by is Redland Green School which Within the parish Park, St Johns, (Westbury are five nearby primary schools Ofsted and there all of which are highly rated. Road, Cotham Gardens), Henleaze, Bishop and at schools at Bristol also has Church of England both secondary schools, and the Cathedral School, Primary School. HISTORY City of Bristol was a large mediaeval parish The area north and west of the When John and Martha Cossins retired from centred on Westbury-on-Trym. they built a Georgian house and a private London business life in the 1730s, highest part of their estate. chapel, opened in 1743, on the clearly intended their chapel to be a centre Built for 180 people, the Cossins with land Trust the of worship for Redland and endowed at Redland and Westbury-on-Trym. to maintain the building and ministry maintenance the support to funding significant provide to continues Trust The of the Chapel. was sold, and three houses and a In 1954, the original Georgian Vicarage five-bedroomed Church Hall were built on the gardens. One became a new which was refurbished in 2017, and complies with the Diocesan Vicarage, The Church Hall opened in 1957 was standard. extended in the 1960s and 1990s. In September 2016 the redeveloped halls were opened which feature a flexible space that can accommodate 280 people, for community activities and worship. Redland is within two miles of the city centre, adjacent to the Downs - to the Downs centre, adjacent of the city is within two miles Redland

Diocese of Bristol Application Pack for a Vicar of Redland Parish Church Page 21 SERVICES

Our services have the following pattern: First Sunday morning of the month 10am S-Zone: informal service in the halls including breakfast, ball games, craft activities and teaching time 10am Holy Communion – a more traditional service in church

Other Sunday mornings 10am Morning Worship in the church hall (with crèche & activities for children aged 3-13)

Sunday evenings 6.30pm Word Alive – a service of worship and preaching in church

Holy Communion 1st Sunday of the month 10am in church 3rd Sunday of the month 10am in the church hall 4th Sunday of the month Word Alive at 6.30pm

Page 22 The Church has had a strong record of break even and surpluses. Although record of break even and surpluses. The Church has had a strong a substantial loss even in 2018, it suffered the Church budgeted to break This is at least in part of around 10%. largely as a result of a fall in giving congregation, because of the increasing number of retirements within the presented the position Treasurer The resulting in a reduced capacity to give. We AGM and a sermon series and giving call was completed in May. to the is forthcoming; are currently waiting to hear whether additional Parish Giving and underway, in the meantime, a thorough review of budgets for 2019 is plans for 2020 are being assembled early. and fitting out. The re:new project cost over £2.55m including all furnishing had borrowed At the end of 2016 after the opening of the halls, the church substantially £684,000 to finish the work, and this balance has been falling this is owed to – at the end of June 2019 it was £363,000. Roughly half of Diocese and members of the congregation, with the balance owed to the the church has cash reserves of £200,000 Aid. Separately, Methodist Chapel including sums held in the bank account for cash flow purposes. Here is a summary of our unrestricted income and expenditure in 2018: of our unrestricted income Here is a summary FINANCES

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Associate Vicar* Minister Ordained Local Licensed Lay Minister September 2019)* Leader (from Youth (3 days) Children and Families Worker September 2019) Lantern Preschool Leader* (from (3 days)* Teacher Redland Education Centre Lead time)* (part Redland Education Centre Teacher time)* (part Redland Education Centre Teacher Operations Director* Administrator & Events Manager (part time)* Church Administrator & Events Coordinator Assistant (part time)* Book-keeper (1 day)* Caretaker (2 days)* Academic at Sarum College and Theologian of . Culture Programme Manager at the Bible Society. Principally involved with youth and families Principally involved with youth Brittany Gunn Principally involved in operations Mark Stuckey are paid by the PCC. who *The asterisk indicates those members of staff members without an asterisk are volunteers. Other staff Other licensed colleagues with permission to officiate James Steven Principally involved in ministry, worship and pastoral care worship and pastoral in ministry, Principally involved Steven Faux Truscott Steve Clare Nichols Clare Haynes Becky Meacham Lodge Lydia Ali Long Jess Wilson Rhiannon Greet Rosie Evans Horsfield Wendy Duncan Hamilton Luke Walton STAFF TEAM AT TEAM AT STAFF AUGUST 2019

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1 Associate Vicar, 1 OLM, 1 LLM Associate Vicar, 1 186 (adults) 39 (under 16’s) 1,800 256 (2018) The Church, the Lydia Building and the Barnabas Building Building and the Barnabas The Church, the Lydia the plans that we have acknowledged require attention. Churchyard: 1 (Closed) Parish population: weekly attendance: Average PCC COMMITMENT our prospective priest in carrying out are committed to working with We People employed by PCC or with whom the PCC has a work by PCC or with whom the People employed agreement: 11 Buildings: Electoral roll: Parish Share given: £160,000 by the PCC Resolutions passed: No resolution has been passed under the 1993 measure The Church Pastoral Aid Society, CPAS Aid Society, Patron: The Church Pastoral 2 Churchwardens: licensed ministers: Authorised and PARISH SUMMARY PARISH

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THE DIOCESE THE DIOCESE OF BRISTOL The Diocese of Bristol is the Church of England across Bristol, South The Diocese of Bristol is the and Swindon. There are 20,000 people worshipping Glos, North Wilts led by hundreds of clergy serving regularly in more than 200 churches, children and young people Around 20,000 within seven . while chaplains serve in institutions attend our 71 Church schools, across our region. with God, each Our diocesan identity and vision of “Creating connections – parishes and other and our communities”, helps shape the work of ministers, leaders schools. Our priorities as a diocese are making disciples, growing and engaging younger generations. the Bishop of Bristol who oversees the Diocese. Faull is Rt Revd Vivienne Rt Revd Dr is the Suffragan Bishop of Swindon, working closely Bishop Rt Revd Dr Lee Rayfield is the Suffragan of Malmesbury and of Bristol, the Diocesan Secretary with the and Diocesan Support Services. vision and The Diocesan Support Services exist to support our identity, and made priorities. Based at the Diocesan Office to the north of Bristol and up of 50 employees and volunteers, we serve ministers, parishes schools by expressing vision, strengthening relationships, empowering training, offer people, maximizing resources and developing structures. We advice in a range of areas, highlight and share best practice consultancy, aspects of the life of the Diocese. across the Diocese and manage different Come and join a strong and committed team.

Diocese of Bristol Application Pack for a Vicar of Redland Parish Church Page 26 PARISH CONTACTS

If you would like to have an informal conversation about the post, you may contact the Churchwardens:

Victor Tettmar t 07860 215667 e [email protected]

Lizzie White t 07941 205047 e [email protected]

Diocesan Office, First Floor, Hillside House, 1500 Parkway North, Stoke Gifford, Bristol BS34 8YU 0117 906 0100 | The Bristol Diocesan Board of Finance Limited | Reg. in England: Charity 248502, Company 156243