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Christines Blog (Archive Blogs 8)

Friday 31st Oct ober 2008

There has been another addition to the website. Marked Documents its a selection of the evidence, information and letters I have collated since the campaign started.

Including letters from Cow & Gate baby food company. Also a letter from Brakes who supplied school meals and hospital catering during the 1980s and 1990s.

At present some of the documents in my and the teams possession are too sensitive to our investigations to expose. However our research and quest for the truth is ongoing and eventually all evidence, interviews and correspondence will be open to public scrutiny.

I am presenting filming and interviewing officials that worked in MAFF during the height of BSE and high level civil servants. Their information and eye witness accounts made me angry and cry for nearly two days...... my sons death and all victims of vCJD was so avoidable.

Wednesday 29t h Oct ober 2008

Below is a letter I received from BRAKES who supplied school meals during the 1980s and 1990s and still provide meals to schools and hospitals. I asked Brakes if they ever used MRM mechanically recovered meat in their school meal products. Below is their reply where they state 'Brakes now do not allow its use (MRM) in our own brand products'.

FROM THIS I WOULD ASSUME AT ONE TIME THEY DID USE MRM IN THEIR OWN BRAND PRODUCTS. Note the letter has been written and signed by Adrian Whitehead their Group Legal Director and the tone asking me why I needed to know this information is rather strong.

I wrote my letter as a concerned mum who wanted to know just what went into her sons school meals all those years ago.

I have since written to Brakes again requesting they supply me with the names of the ready meals, and products they supplied to schools across the UK during the 1980s and 1990s that contained MRM I have never received a reply to my request.

PDFmyURL.com PDFmyURL.com BRAKES were based not far from Ashford in Kent, where there was a cluster of cases of vCJD.

Tuesday 28t h Oct ober 2008

Two members of the same family have died of vCJD in Spain. The Mother and son died within months of each other and had never visited the UK. It would appear that they must have eaten or ingested the same infectious bovine material virtually at the same time to die within such a short period of each other. They were both MM genotype.

Apparently the area in Spain where they lived many people eat calves and cows brains as a delicacy, and there have been an outbreak of BSE in cattle in the area. As Andrews mum it opens up a whole new set of questions how many family members of victims of VCJD may be incubating or carrying the disease?

Below is a section of the statement released by Professor Bob Will from the CJD Surveillance Team. For years every expert has told families whose loved ones have died of vCJD. 'There has never been a case of more than one in any family and it wont happen.' I was told this only a few months ago by senior members of the Prion Clinic in London.

Once again these false reassurances when there are so many unknowns about the prions that cause vCJD do nothing but make the 'experts' look as if they are 'spouting a government policy of false reassurances'. I have asked on many occasions to become a guinea pig offering my blood and tissue for research purposes but have been refused. I am fifty one years of age and would not be afraid to find out I am incubating or carrying vCJD, in fact if that was the case I would welcome the media and cameras to witness my life and decline. I would also then know first hand what my beloved son had gone through. Every family member who I have talked to who has asked for their blood to be tested to find out their genotype has been refused.

I believe the government are very concerned about the medical and litigation issues that may arise if family members were tested and

PDFmyURL.com found to be carrying or incubating vCJD. Also with Professor Collinge stating that ' one in a thousand of the UK population may be carrying vCJD' There could be many thousands of angry people also pursuing the culprits and criminals named and shamed on this website.

Jesus de Pedro Cuesta of the Spanish CJD Registry today confirmed that there have been two cases of vCJD in one family in Spain. This is the first time in any country that two cases of vCJD have been identified in one family.

Professor Bob Will of the National CJD Surveillance Unit in Edinburgh today issued the following STATEMENT ON A VARIANT CJD FAMILY CLUSTER:

Three cases of pathologically confirmed variant CJD have been identified in Spain in recent years, including a man in his early 40s who died earlier this year. The clinical illness in this individual was typical of variant CJD, including the appearances on the MRI brain scan.

A few months ago his mother, who was in her 60s, developed a rapidly progressive neurological illness and died about 5 months from the onset of this illness. An MRI brain scan showed appearances suggestive of variant CJD and preliminary results from post- mortem examination suggest that the suspected diagnosis of variant CJD is correct. Further results, which may confirm this diagnosis, should be available within a few days.

Since 1994 there have been 167 cases of variant CJD in the UK, 23 cases in France and 15 cases in other countries, excluding Spain . The occurrence of variant CJD in more than one member of the same family has not been seen before and it has been the general view that family members of variant CJD cases are not themselves at greater risk of developing this condition. This raises the question as to why two cases of variant CJD have now been found in a family in Spain.

There is no evidence of a genetic form of CJD in these Spanish cases and preliminary investigation has not shown any risk of CJD through medical or surgical treatment. There is no evidence of any risk of transmission of CJD through direct personal contact. The mother and son lived in an area of Spain in which BSE has been found and it is possible that direct consumption of material with high levels of BSE infection may have been the source of the infection. In the UK and other countries it is believed that processed bovine tissues were the most likely source of BSE infection and it is possible that different forms of exposure to BSE infection may explain the occurrence of variant CJD in two family members in Spain and not elsewhere.

This, however, is uncertain and public health policies in relation to variant CJD may have to be reviewed in the light of these two cases in Spain.

SEAC 101st meeting on Wednesday 15th October 2008 AGENDA

Monday 27t h Oct ober 2008

Below is an extract from a feature about vCJD by Journalist Alison Pearson. She is interviewing Professor Bob Will of the Edinburgh Surveillance Unit whose role is to find lifestyle links between victims of vCJD and research into transmission routes and causes. This feature appeared in the late 1990s and the patient Dr Will is referring to is the youngest victim so far Zoe Jefferies who was diagnosed with vCJD at just 12 years old.

Many scientists including Dr Stephen Dealler believe that young victims of vCJD were infected when they were babies. Zoe died aged 14 years old on 18th June 2001. Due to incubation periods of ten years plus Zoe was probably infected when she was an infant during the time she ate baby food/formula and received her childhood vaccinations (see What's To Blame? - Baby Food & Vaccines) . Alison Pearson takes up the story as she is being shown around the labs in Edinburgh:

PDFmyURL.com ‘Dr Will offers me a tour of the laboratories. As we are getting up to go, I broach something that has been bothering me. Does he think the victims will get any younger?

'Well, we now have a 12- year- old.'

A 12- year- old?

'That's what I said.' He looks almost ashamed.

Girl or boy?

'I can't say.'

But if the incubation period is at least 10 years, then the child was barely eating solid food when it contracted the infection. 'I'm not saying anything,' the neurologist says wearily. 'You've got small children of your own, Allison. You do the maths.'

Sat urday 25t h Oct ober 2008 "HAEMOPHILIA SOCIETY CONDEMNS GOVERNMENT ADVISORS’ CALL TO DENY AT RISK PATIENTS RIGHT TO vCJD TEST" http://www.haemophilia.org.uk/UserFiles/PRESS%20RELEASE%20vCJD%20test.pdf

Friday 24 t h Oct ober 2008

Alongside this blog is a photo taken at the SaBTO meeting in central London on Tuesday 21st October Photo left to right Christine, Andrew March Haemophiliac who has received over 101 phials of blood products from donors who went on to die from vCJD, Eve and Peter Buckland who lost their beloved son Mark to vCJD after an infected blood transfusion.

I attended the first public meeting of SaBTO the Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs. It’s a non departmental public body with an independent Chair its members selected by the Appointments Commission for their specific areas of expertise. In other words independent ...but still funded by Government and Whitehall. The Advisory Committee are to make recommendations to the government regarding 'VARIANT CJD AND BLOOD' Their remit states ‘This includes the most appropriate ways to ensure the safety of blood, cells, tissues, and organs for transfusion/transplantation’ ALL OF THE ABOVE MEDICAL PROCEEDURES HAVE RESULTED IN PEOPLE AQUIRING AND DYING OF VCJD.

SaBTOs statement continues’ We provide advice on microbiological safety of gametes and stem cells and considers both risk assessment and risk management options for Minister and UK Health Departments to consider’ IF THERE IS NO RISK WHY HAVE A COMMITTEE DISCUSSING THE RISKS AND RISK MANAGEMENT?

21st October 2008 New Kings Beam House, London SE1 2pm- 4pm - These are my notes from the meeting, I also filmed and took PDFmyURL.com photographs at the venue.

The meeting was packed with experts, scientists, Canadian company Amorfix represented by CEO Dr George Adams who have devised a blood test for vCJD. Another firm that have invented a filter for blood to exclude the rogue prions from blood transfusions and many worried medics who asked questions ranging from 'is sperm and egg donation another area of risk?’ And 'how many people could be infected with vcjd'.

Some of the questions were answered but many were unanswerable or were not sufficiently addressed to alleviate my fears and those attending the meeting.

Marc Turner Professor of Cellular Therapy, University of Edinburgh said during his presentation on 'Current safety measures and futures options'.

' We don’t know how long people may be infectious; many members of the UK population may remain sub clinical (symptom free). Data we do have is the potential level of infection in man could produce 10 infectious doses (per ml). With the potential of 6,000 infectious doses per 450ml of blood products'.


'Professor Marc Turner added ' The numbers of people at risk are clear with two million blood transfusions a year ...this poses a significant risk and is a great concern to SaBTO,

Models were presented titled 'self sustaining epidemic'? in which people could continue to re infect others by blood transfusions and blood products. Rather like BSE being recycled back into the food chain.

I stood in front of the assembled experts and worried medics and spoke about Andrew showing photos that were taken of him on his death bed. I voiced my concerns challenging Professor Turner and the experts gathered at the venue ' If a definitive blood test was available in which all blood and blood donations could be tested for vCJD. Wouldn’t that compromise the Government as it would expose just how many people in the UK population are carrying or incubating vCJD?'

Professor Turner looked non- plussed and no one answered though there were many uncomfortable, wry smiles and a lot of arm folding ( as well as a qualified broadcast journalist I am also a qualified BACP Counsellor and lectured in body language).

I also asked Professor Turner 'when could a test be available?' Professor Turner replied 'POSSIBLY FIVE YEARS, I know it must seem as if we have been saying five years for a long time....but it will be about five years'.

Yet in a article in the Daily Mail that morning it stated 'blood test for CJD may be available in 18months' As part of this article John Forsythe Chairman of SaBTO who was at the meeting told the Mail the risk to ' donated blood or tissue that carry the agent that causes vCJD had already led to measures to minimize the risk'.

Yet Professor Turner stated during the meeting in London 'Leucodepletion helps and animal studies have shown that it can reduce infection by 42 per cent in white cells. Its helpful but not sufficient in itself to reduce infectivity' (Leucodepletion was introduced in 1999, this is the method Health Ministers quote when challenged about the safety of UK blood supplies, but these are blind reassurances because the incubation for people developing vCJD can be decades its is still unknown how effective Leucodepletion is in removing infectivity).

PDFmyURL.com One of those people who could talk about the risk that blood and blood products pose to the UK population is Andrew March. Between 1995 and 1996 he was given blood products donated by donors who went on to die from vCJD. Thirty four year old Andy March is now considered ' at risk' of developing vCJD and has been placed onto the ' AT RISK' register by the Health Protection Agency. Andy a Haemophiliac was given over 101 phials of factor 8 which were sourced from blood donors who had died of vCJD.


These 4,000 innocent people and children are another batch of victims who do not enter the statistics, these are another group belonging to the UK population whose lives have been devastated by the greed and lies of the men and women named and shamed on this website.

Thursday 23rd Oct ober 2008

Below is a link to a letter from Leeds NHS Executive headquarters to all NHS Trust Medical Directors and NHS Chief Executives Health Authority Chief Executives written on February 1998 advising doctors not to tell Haemophiliac patients why their plasma products have been recalled. Donors who had supplied the blood products had gone on to develop and die of vCJD. The letter and its contents was kept from patients who had received the 'risky' blood products and states 'there is no need to inform patients'. It wasn’t until September 2000 when this letter was leaked to campaigner Carol Grayson who informed the media, that GPs were forced to write to their patients asking them if they wished to be informed of their exposure to vCJD.

For ten years from July 1987 and July 1999 around 101 batches of BPLs Factor V111 and PFCs Z8 were gradually released to over 4,000 patients in the UK. A third of these were children most of these recipients were persons with haemophilia or bleeding disorders. The 101 batches were supplied by blood donated by individuals who had died of vCJD.


There are 2 million blood transfusions in the UK every year. http://www.slowlyslowlycatchymonkey.com/NHS_Executive_Letter_6_Feb_1998.pdf

Monday 20t h Oct ober 2008

Below is information and regulations declared by the American Red Cross regarding the exclusion of UK blood donations. Followed by the Canadian Governments policy on exclusion of UK blood donations.

In- Depth Discussion of Variant Creutzfeld- Jacob Disease and Blood Donation

In some parts of the world, cattle can get an infectious, fatal brain disease called Mad Cow Disease. In these same locations, humans

PDFmyURL.com have started to get a new disease called variant Creutzfeld- Jacob Disease (vCJD) which is also a fatal brain disease. Scientists believe that vCJD is Mad Cow Disease that has somehow transferred to humans, possibly through the food chain.

There is now evidence from a small number of case reports involving patients and laboratory animal studies that vCJD can be transmitted through transfusion. There is no test for vCJD in humans that could be used to screen blood donors and to protect the blood supply. This means that blood programs must take special precautions to keep vCJD out of the blood supply by avoiding collections from those who have been where this disease is found.

At this time, the American Red Cross donor eligibility rules related to vCJD are as follows:

You are not eligible to donate if: From January 1, 1980, through December 31, 1996, you spent (visited or lived) a cumulative time of 3 months or more, in the United Kingdom (UK), or

From January 1, 1980, to present, you had a blood transfusion in any country(ies) in the (UK). The UK includes any of the countries listed below.

Channel Islands


Falkland Islands


Isle of Man

Northern Ireland



You were a member of the of the U.S. military, a civilian military employee, or a dependent of a member of the U.S. military who spent a total time of 6 months on or associated with a military base in any of the following areas during the specified time frames

From 1980 through 1990 - Belgium, the Netherlands (Holland), or Germany

From 1980 through 1996 - Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Italy or Greece.

You spent (visited or lived) a cumulative time of 5 years or more from January 1, 1980, to present, in any combination of country(ies) in Europe, including

in the UK from 1980 through 1996 as listed in above

on or associated with military bases as described above, and

in other countries in Europe as listed below:

PDFmyURL.com Albania


Montenegro (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)







Czech Republic





Slovak Republic (Slovakia)





Ireland (Republic of)


Kosovo (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)




PDFmyURL.com Netherlands (Holland)


Serbia (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)





Yugoslavia (Federal Republic includes Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia)

Below is the Canadian governments policy on Blood donations.

Donor Exclusion to Address Theoretical Risk of Transmission of variant Creutzfeldt- Jakob Disease (vCJD) through the Blood Supply



The purpose of this Directive is to advise all licenced Canadian blood establishments to take further measures to reduce the theoretical risks of transmission of vCJD through the blood supply. This is to be accomplished by excluding from donating blood, all persons who:

have spent a cumulative period of time of 3 months or more in the United Kingdom(UK) consisting of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, the Channel Islands between the years 1980 to 1996; or

have spent a cumulative period of time of 3 months or more in France between the years 1980 to 1996; or

have spent a cumulative period of time of 5 years or more in countries of Western Europe(WE) consisting of Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Republic of Ireland, Portugal, Denmark, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein between the years 1980 and ongoing; or

have received a transfusion of whole blood or blood components in the UK between the years 1980 and ongoing.

The period of time of three months or more spent in the UK or France is not based on a combination of time in either country. The period spent in the above noted WE countries considers either the time spent individually in each country or any combination of time spent in the various countries so that cumulatively, the residence period requiring deferral amounts to 5 years or more.


Variant Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease (vCJD), first described in 1996, is a "new" disease, linked with the outbreak of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle.

While there have been no cases of vCJD attributable to the use of human blood or plasma derivatives to date, lack of experience with

PDFmyURL.com this condition and the causative agent, together with limited knowledge available on certain biological effects associated with this infection (e.g. the lack of information on the concentration and infectivity of the vCJD prion in blood), do not allow for conclusion that it can not occur. In addition, a report that BSE in sheep can be transmitted within that species through blood transfusion, suggests that theoretically, vCJD may have the potential to spread through human blood or blood derivatives. Scientific knowledge of the Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) has been hampered by the long incubation period of the known TSE infectious agents (e.g. vCJD and BSE) and the lack of diagnostic pr ocedures available for early detection. Consequently, Health Canada (HC) wishes to mitigate the risks of potential human to human transmission of vCJD with policies on blood donor deferral for persons who have spent time in the UK, or France or WE.

In considering this potential risk and measures to deal with it, the principle has been adopted that one must seek to apply measures which will reduce the targeted risk without jeopardizing the safety of the blood system in other ways. Using this rationale, Health Canada issued Directives on August 17, 1999 and August 20, 2000 requiring the exclusion from blood donation of all persons who had spent time amounting cumulatively, to a period of 6 months or more in the UK or France between the years 1980 to 1996, inclusive. Based on recent scientific knowledge available since the issuance of the 1999 and 2000 Directives, Health Canada, in consultation with stakeholders including Canadian Blood Services(CBS) and Héma- Québec(HQ), is directing industry to tighten the blood donor deferral for the UK and France to 3 months or more and to add a deferral based on 5 years or more spent in the above- noted countries of WE.

This new Directive is based on recent scientific knowledge available since the issuance of the 1999 and 2000 Directives and the following new information:

The total number of cases of vCJD is increasing, with a cumulative total that reached 110 in August, 2001, with 106 in the UK, France reporting 3 cases20and one case in the Republic of Ireland;

The number of observed BSE cases is increasing steadily in West European countries once thought to be free of the disease;

Brain tissue from BSE- infected primates, injected intravenously into other primates, has been shown to transmit disease;

Recent research has shown experimental sheep- to- sheep transmission of the BSE agent by blood transfusion.

Recent surveys conducted by CBS and HQ indicate that reducing the deferral period to three months or more for either France or the UK and the addition, of a deferral based on 5 years or more time spent in the above- noted countries of WE, will not jeopardize the blood supply. Health Canada's Population and Public Health Branch has carried out a number of modeling studies to estimate the theoretical risk of acquiring vCJD for those persons who have spent time in the UK. Similar modeling studies have been done to estimate vCJD risk for persons spending time in France and the above noted countries of WE. These risks are not identical and consequently, HC would not require a deferral based on a combination of time in the UK with time spent in France; or a combination of times spent between the above- noted WE countries and either the UK or France. However, WE deferral does allow for a combination of times spent among the above- noted WE countries.

A theoretical risk reduction of 72% is achieved under the 1999 and 2000 Directives. With the implementation of the current Directive, there is expected to be an additional 16- 18% reduction of the theoretical risk for an estimated overall risk reduction value of 88- 90%. A blood donor loss of around 3% or less is estimated under the current Directive.


This Directive applies to all Canadian blood establishments that are licensed to fabricate blood and blood components for transfusion or for further manufacture. Products affected by the Directive include all blood components for transfusion with the exception of: PDFmyURL.com autologous donations, peripheral blood stem cells collected for autologous transplants, rare blood types and products derived from USA- sourced plasma.


Blood establishments are required to submit a Licence Amendment Submission to the Blood and Tissues Division of the Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate (BGTD) for review.

An attachment must be included which indicates both the impacts that this measure will have on the donor base and plans to mitigate any such effects. Operators are also encouraged to develop materials to be used in explaining these deferral actions to affected donors in order to foster an appropriate understanding of these precautionary actions.

Regarding the withdrawal of prior donations by deferred donors, Health Canada, will require that all available components collected from these deferred donors, that have not been transfused or pooled for further manufacture, be retrieved.


The exclusion is to be introduced as soon as operationally feasible, but not later than three months from the date of this Directive.


Blood operators will be required to report semi- annually on the impact of this policy on their donor bases and the supply of blood.

On an ongoing basis, Health Canada may update its guidance in response to new scientific knowledge. If other cases of vCJD are confirmed in a specific country, a risk assessment will be carried out to determine specifically what deferral measures will be required.

The Directive, with a list of supporting references on the Background science, will be posted on an HC website.

Questions concerning the " Donor Exclusion to Address Theoretical Risk of Transmission of variant CJD through the Blood Supply" should be directed to:

Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate Blood and Tissues Division 3rd Floor LCDC Building #6 Postal Locator 0603C Tunney's Pasture Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0L2 7. REFERENCES

Scientific references used in the development of the Directive's "Background" Section:

Monthly statistics on the United Kingdom's CJD cases http://www.doh.gov.uk/cjd/stats/aug01.htm

and EUROCJD and NEUROCJD: The European and Allied Countries Collaborative Study Group of CJD(EUROCJD) plus the Extended European Collab orative Study Group of CJD(NEUROCJD) http://www.eurocjd.ed.ac.uk/

Monthly statistics on the cases of BSE determined through testing in the European countries. Monthly BSE testing - Cumulative table from January to May 2001 http://europa.eu.int/comm/food/fs

PDFmyURL.com /bse/testing/bse_test06_en.pdf - BSE testing - May 2001

and Office International des Epizooties - Number of reported cases of BSE worldwide http://www.oie.int/eng /info/en_esbmonde.htm

Corinne Ida Lasmézas et al. PNAS, March 27, 2001, vol.98(7),4142- 4147 "Adaptation of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy agent to primates and comparison with Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease: Implications for human health" http://www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.041490898

Houston F, Foster J.D., Chong A, et al. Transmission of BSE by blood transfusion in sheep. Lancet 2000; 356:999- 1000

The modelling studies carried out by Health Canada's Population and Public Health Branch to estimate the theoretical risk of acquiring vCJD under the conditions of the Directive can be found on the Health Canada website with URL: http://www.hc- sc.gc.ca/sab- ccs/sep2000_BSE_vCJD_slide11_e.html

Sunday 19t h Oct ober 2008

With this blog is a photo of Andrew and Christine on his 24th birthday. My son could just about blow his candles out on his birthday cake, was unable to walk and couldn’t remember how old he was, he has just weeks to live.

Below is an excerpt from data presented by the USA Gov National Centre for Infectious Diseases (Feb 2001) it was supported by contributions from the same Ray Bradley (see profile whose to blame?) who kept life threatening documentation/evidence re BSE and its dangers to human health confidential from the UK public. Bradley covered up information and in a memo dated 1986 decided to ignore the warnings of at least three top pathologists regarding BSE and its implications to human health and put the export trade before lives. Throughout BSE Bradley was well rewarded for putting the Beef industry before the British publics lives. He was consigned to many areas and departments within the UK government during the 1980s and 1990s which oversaw BSE and its implications to health. Bradley became a well paid and sought after BSE Consultant who could be relied upon to support government policy. If Ray Bradley had acted morally, correctly and appropriately when he was presented with three top scientists findings in 1985, then hundreds of lives lost due to vCJD would have been prevented and 'one in a thousand of the UK population would not be at risk of carrying vCJD' Members of the population that may be carrying vCJD could remain symptom free but could well infect other people through donated blood, cells, tissues, organs or other surgical procedures.

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy and Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: Background, Evolution, and Current Concerns

Paul Brown,* Robert G. Will,† Raymond Bradley,‡ David M. Asher,§ and Linda Detwiler¶ *National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA; †National Creutzfeldt- Jakob Disease Surveillance Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, Scotland; ‡Central Veterinary Laboratory, New Haw, Addlestone, UK; Centre for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland, USA; ¶Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Robbinsville, New Jersey, USA.

PDFmyURL.com Recent and Future Policy Decisions

Several governments have implemented policies to minimize the risk for human- to- human disease transmission through blood donations from apparently healthy persons who may be in the incubation phase of vCJD. In the UK, where whole blood or blood products from some persons who later died of vCJD have been administered to others, all plasma is imported and all blood from UK donors is filtered to eliminate leukocytes, which are the most likely carriers of infectivity in blood (38- 40). In the United States, a blood donor policy excludes donations from anyone who has lived in or visit ed the UK for a cumulative period of 6 months or more during 1980 to 1996. The 6- month period was based on the fact that >80% of total US person- years in the UK would be excluded and that the 2%- 3% deficit of blood donors resulting from the deferral could be absorbed by the blood banking industry without undue shortages. Several countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Japan, and Germany) have since applied these criteria and formulated similar policies.

Because of the possibility of widespread infection in the UK, concern extends beyond blood and organ donors to the safe us e of medical and surgical instruments, particularly those used in neurosurgery and ophthalmic surgery. In the absence of a screening test, a zero- risk policy is untenable because it would require termination of the national organ donor program. A compromise might be the temporary deferral of organ donors–or perhaps only corneal donors–younger than 30 or 40 years of age. However, this measure might so diminish (and panic) the donor population as to be inadvisable. Similar considerations apply to invasive medical and surgical procedures: sound medical practice cannot be suspended on a basis of the theoretical risk for vCJD, and it would be unethical to deny needed procedures to persons suspected of having CJD. Under the circumstances, disposable instruments should be used whenever possible.

Thursday 16t h Oct ober 2008

Jean Shaoul in the article 'Mad Cows disease the meat industry is out of control' The Ecologist 1997 wrote: 'the possiblity of maternal transmission in humans is not even discussed and results of tests carried out on the placenta removed from a vCJD victim have not been released' There are at least three children who have been born to victims of vCJD as their young mothers lay dying. One of these youngsters a female now aged 9 is severely brain damaged. The other children appear well but their families are fearful for the future. To my knowledge no paper has ever been published about the removed placenta......

Tuesday 14 t h Oct ober 2008

Here is a letter I received from Nutrica who own Cow and Gate, after I requested information about MRM in their baby food products during the 1980s and 1990s. The UK government knew of these practices in the baby food industry, condoned and encouraged the use of cheap MRM in commercially prepared baby food.

PDFmyURL.com PDFmyURL.com As you can see Nutricia state that 'mechanical separation was used to obtain the meat for our jar foods' 1983- 1988...

'When mechanically recovering meat from a carcass of a cow its a messy process in which cross contamination can take place’ (Professor Collinge University College London May 2008). 'Close on to a million BSE infected cows went into the human food chain' (Dr Stephen Dealler Microbiologist Lancaster University June 2008).

I have written again to Nutricia asking which specific baby food dishes contained MRM, mechanically separated meat.

Apparently there appears to be no records kept of individual recipes that contained MRM, mechanically separated meat.

AS LATE AS 2000 COW AND GATE BABY FOOD MANUFACTURERS WERE TELLING THE MEDIA AND THE UK PUBLIC THAT 'we have never extracted meat from potentially infectious areas of beef cattle' ....yet the process of mechanically separating meat is one that is almost impossible not to cross contaminate.....

Sat urday 11t h Oct ober 2008

The dangers of recycling cows waste to their own species was always a concern and was 'Widely known' writes Jean Shaoul in the Ecologist 1997. Shaoul continues ....' with the backing of crooked scientific evidence and non research the ever more concentrated monopolised beef industry has been able to lie and deny for years the truth about what has become a 'catastrophe for the international food chain'.

Shaoul continues ' For ten years the Tory government repeatedly denied any danger to humans from BSE .Their sole concern was to protect the beef industry. The real extent and significance of the BSE epidemic was played down'.

The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution in1979 voiced their concerns regarding the recycling of cattle waste into animal feed, declaring 'THE MAJOR PROBLEM ENCOUNTERED IN THIS RECYCLING PROCESS IS THE RISK OF TRANSMITTING DISEASE BEARING PATHOGENS TO STOCK AND HENCE TO HUMANS'. This like countless other warnings were concealed, ignored or blocked.

The Governments only interest was making money lots of it at the expense of human health and lives. Shaoul discusses the lowering of temperatures to save money when processing the vile mix of animal waste that went into cattle feed and states ' The renderers kept temperatures at a level insufficient to kill even humble bacteria never mind heat resistant prions' This lethal cheap animal feed and the lowering of temperatures in the PDFmyURL.com bacteria never mind heat resistant prions' This lethal cheap animal feed and the lowering of temperatures in the rendering business all condoned and endorsed by the government allowed the British Agriculture business to compete in the world markets. The UK dominated the world market in compound feeds and other agrochemicals as we could produce it cheaper than anyone else....the cost of that cheap feed was the destruction of Andrews life and future.

The moneymaking machine that was the rendering and beef industry made huge profits for wealthy landowners and shareholders creating vast wealth for many Tory suporters throughout the UK. This greed and huge amounts of cash was the reason that when BSE emerged it was repeatedly ignored and covered up to 'minimise disruption in the beef industry' Jean Shaoul.

The government served the interests of the agriculture industry, policy and of course the shareholders and exporters that were making the huge financial gains. This ongoing greed and corruption cost innocent members of the British publics lives dying horrifically of vCJD. As Shaoul states ' Every step the government took to avoid the impending disaster was designed to avoid the issue and dilute the justifiable fears of the public'.

Monday 6t h Oct ober 2008

The public meeting below was brought to my attention by a well wisher and supporter of the campaign, I find it amazing that families of victims of vCJD were not informed.

I will be attending the meeting on behalf of Andrew and the British public. If any of you are in London that day please come along I would be happy to meet with you all. 'vCJD and blood' is an issue that affects every member of the UK public.

Blood cannot be tested for vCJD which means any blood given to a patient during a procedure in the UK could be infected with vCJD. As soon as Andrew was diagnosed I was asked 'has Andrew ever donated blood?' My son was never a blood donor.

However there have been many victims who have died of vCJD because they have been given blood infected with vCJD. I speak often to a mother Eve whose son M a gifted academic was given an infected blood transfusion during an operation, several years later he died of vCJD. Eve was not aware of the public meeting either.

During a post- mortem a blood donor who had died of unrelated causes was found to be carrying vCJD, This blood donor had donated blood for most of their life.

With 'one in a thousand of the UK population probably carrying vCJD' a high proportion of blood donors will be carrying or incubating vCJD. Because of this no one who has lived in this country since 1980 can give blood abroad. NO OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD WILL ACCEPT BLOOD DONATED BY A UK RESIDENT WHO HAS LIVED HERE SINCE 1980. I have had hundreds of emails from concerned ex pats who have emigrated, live or work overseas who were devastated to find out they are unable to donate blood in their adopted country. They also know this means they are seen as 'a risk, and at risk' of developing vCJD.

This is the lethal ticking time bomb that the men and women named and shamed on this website have given to the UK population. I recently asked a leading expert when the overseas ban might be lifted she said 'Never probably in my lifetime because the incubation period of developing vCJD can be many decades' Another scientist said to me 'IF A PERSON INGESTED INFECTED BSE BEEF PRODUCTS IN 1985 THEY MAY NOT BECOME ILL WITH VCJD UNTIL AT LEAST 2015'

During those crucial years of incubating/carrying vCJD those members of the British public could infect hundreds of people through their blood and tissues.

Invitation to the 1st Public Meeting of SaBTO PDFmyURL.com (Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs)

Tuesday 21st October 2008, 2pm- 4pm

New King’s Beam House, London SE1

The Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues, and Organs (SaBTO) is a Non- Departmental Public Body, with an independent Chair and members selected by the Appointments Commission for their specific areas of expertise. SaBTO provides independent advice to the UK Government and the Devolved Administrations on the most appropriate ways to ensure the safety of blood, cells, tissues, and organs for transfusion/transplantation. SaBTO also provides advice on the microbiological safety of gametes and stem cells, and considers both risk assessment and risk management options for Ministers and UK Health Departments to consider. At their inaugural meeting, SaBTO decided that a public meeting should be held every year, focusing on a particular issue within the committee’s remit. It has been decided that this year’s meeting will focus on issues surrounding variant CJD and blood.

Further detailed information about SaBTO and its remit can be found at www.advisorybodies.doh.gov.uk/acsbto/index.htm

Provisional programme: “Variant CJD and blood”

2pm Chair’s welcome and introduction to SaBTO (John Forsythe)

2.10pm Introduction to variant CJD and blood, followed by questions (Hester Ward)

2.35pm Current safety measures and future options, followed by questions (Marc Turner)

3pm Third presentation (TBC) followed by questions

3.25pm Open forum

3.55pm Chair’s conclusions

4pm Close

It is intended for the audience to reflect a wide range of stakeholders and interest groups. Should the event be oversubscribed, there will be a limit of one delegate per organisation. If you are interested in attending. please e- mail [email protected] or telephone 020 7972 4750 The panel will be made up of four SaBTO members, although it is anticipated that all committee members will be present.

Mr John Forsythe is the chair of SaBTO. He is a Consultant Transplant Surgeon at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and has been President and Secretary of the British Transplantation Society. He is also a Clinical Director of Transplant/GI/Renal Services at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and is a Reader at the University of Edinburgh. He is Specialty Advisor to the Chief Medical Officer of Scotland, Chairman of the Scottish Transplant Group (Advisory Group to the Scottish Minister of Health), and a Non- executive Board Member for both NHS Quality Improvement Scotland and NHS Blood and Transplant.

SaBTO CJD expert Dr Hester Ward is a Consultant in Public Health and Epidemiology and a Reader, University of Edinburgh. She is Director of the National CJD Surveillance Unit in Edinburgh and a consultant with Health Protection Scotland. Dr Ward is Member of the National CJD Incidents Panel, the Standing Advisory Committee of Transfusion Transmissible Infections Working Group on CJD, the Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee Epidemiology Sub- Group and a Lothian Local Research Ethics Committee.

PDFmyURL.com SaBTO haematologist Professor Marc Turner is a Professor of Cellular Therapy, University of Edinburgh and Associate Director, Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine. He is also a Consultant Haematologist with the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service and NHS Lothian and Clinical Director of the Edinburgh Blood Transfusion Centre and Aberdeen Blood Transfusion Centre, as well as, Lead Clinical Director of the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service.

Mr Elwyn Nicol, BA (Hons), MA, received a heart transplant in 2004, and is the SaBTO patient representative. He is a Senior Development Manager for South East England Development Agency, responsible for delivering major regeneration projects in Medway and Kent Thameside. Prior to this he was Founder and Managing Director of a development company, Connaught Commercial Developments PLC and has been a director of Stock Exchange Listed public companies. He is member of the Rochester Riverside Project Board and the Chatham World Heritage Site Steering Group.

Sunday 5t h Oct ober 2008

On Saturday November 22nd I am presenting a two hour free seminar 'Justice for Andy' in Portsmouth.

The presentation will include background to vCJD, symptoms and diagnosis, what and whose to blame? BBC1 documentary Who Killed my son? my ongoing investigations, question and answer session and open discussion.

The seminar is taking place at Fratton Community Centre, Trafalgar Place, Fratton, Portsmouth, Hampshire, from 1:30- 3:30pm if you would like to attend please email using the link at the top of the page, as places are strictly limited.

I am also giving a talk to students at South Downs College, Purbrook, Waterlooville, Hampshire which was Andrews old college. It is part of their ThinkTank college cross debating society on Monday 1st December 2008 at 3:15pm.

I will keep you posted of my other talks across the region and UK.

Wednesday 1st Oct ober 2007

I have been spending time with Emma as she settles into her halls at University. I actually had four days without working which is the first long break I have had for 2 years. It was good to relax and recharge the batteries.

I am now putting together a half day seminar and a 1 hour talk to be presented to concerned professionals and members of the public regionally and nationally. I will keep you posted on these events....

Friday 26t h Sept ember 2008

Below is just one of the of hundreds of emails and letters I have received regarding the ticking health 'timebomb' that is the legacy of BSE. The men and women who hold the smoking gun that killed my Andrew also hold the smoking gun that 'one in a thousand of the UK population may be carrying vCJD' Professor John Collinge (World Expert, University College London).

The photo with this blog is of Andrew August 2007 being held up by his friends by this stage he couldnt walk, dress or feed himself and weighed less than 8 PDFmyURL.com stone.....the horrific reality of vCJD.

Less than four months earlier Andrew had been producing live programmes for TalkSPORT national radio in central London.

Hello Christine, well done on the campaign - I recently tried to become a blood donor, I hadn't given blood since before my children were born (aged 14 and 11), so I went through all the questions with the staff and they told me that, since I may have had a blood transfusion during an operation for an ectopic pregnancy 15 years ago, they could not take my blood. The explanation was that I could have been given infected blood and be incubating vCJD. I went away feeling doomed.

I received a nice leaflet explaining the same thing, and saying that the Blood Transfusion Service would keep me on their records in case they found a better way of screening blood and could accept mine.

I still feel stunned. I stopped eating beef as soon as the first outbreak of Mad Cow Disease became know, and only recently have started eating it again. My children haven't eaten burgers etc until recently. But still I may be a ticking bomb.

Good luck and keep fighting

Ann G (Suffolk)

Tuesday 23rd Sept ember 2008

Below is an extract from the BSE Inquiry in which Stephen Crampton highlights the culture of intimidation, cover up and lies which allowed BSE lethal material free reign into the human food chain. It shows the total disregard the MAFF the government and its officials had for human health and life.....political policy, the money making machine that was the beef industry had to be protected at all costs....which cost my son at least 50 years of life.

The BSE Inquiry / Statement No 244A

Mr Stephen Crampton (scheduled to give evidence Wednesday 28th October 1998) Supplementary Statement to BSE Inquiry on Statement of Suzi Leather Stephen Crampton Consumers in Europe Group 1. I have read Suzi Leather’s written submission to the Inquiry with great interest. 2. What she says about the attitude of Ministers brings to mind the meeting that we had with Lord Strathclyde, the then Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Consumer Affairs, DTI, on 12 May 1994. The meeting was held at our request to discuss the agenda items for the EU Consumer Affairs Council of Ministers of 17 May PDFmyURL.com 1994. 3. At the end of our meeting, the Minister asked us about our current work. I mentioned two new CEG publications: our consumer policy statement, to be sent to all UK candidates in the European Parliament elections of June 1994, and Meat and Medicine: human health, safety and animal pharmaceuticals (a copy of which was included in our evidence to the Inquiry) and which covered BSE. 4. At this point the Minister, who had hitherto shown only polite interest in our views on the agenda items, become quite aggressive and told us forcefully ‘to be very, very careful’ on what we said on the subject of BSE as it was a very important issue for the UK. We were left in no doubt that any criticisms of the safety of UK beef would be deeply unwelcome. 5. The Minister’s strictures made no difference to the Group’s views, not least as Meat and Medicine had already gone to press. But they are indicative of the general climate of Ministerial intimidation, extending beyond MAFF, towards those who sought to criticise government statements and politics on BSE. 6. This incident sticks in my mind because it is the only occasion on which any Consumer Minister has ever, before or since, tried to push CEG towards any particular line, on any policy issue. NAME: Stephen Crampton DATE:

Monday 22nd Sept ember 2008

A world expert who is presently involved in treatments for cancer and MS told me ' People who have had growth hormone treatment and blood transfusions from BSE infected material have gone onto develop and die from vCJD. Of the 168 other vCJD victims so far, its not unlikely that some of those were infected due to vaccines'. She added:

'Vaccines during the 1980s contained serum from BSE INFECTED BOVINE fetuses and we know that BSE is transmitted from cow to calf in the womb. Also stocks of vaccines are stored and kept for years in GPs surgeries, hospitals and clinics they are manufactured to have many years life expectancy in case of emergencies.' This scientist, highly qualified microbiologist also told me ' Many of us scientists were made to sign the official secrets act which was used not as a security precaution but to silence us into not being able to talk to the public and press about what we were finding out about BSE and its lethal implications to human health'

Alongside this blog is a photo of Andrew that was taken the night after one of his childhood immunisations.

Friday 19t h Sept ember 2008

Throughout his office as Deputy and then Minister of Agriculture (MAFF) (1985- 1993) John Gummer was at the centre of major policy decisions regarding the safety of British beef. Despite the warnings and evidence of many independent and reputable scientists he insisted that 'British beef ' was safe for human consumption. Who can forget Gummer trying (and failing) to get his four year old daughter Cordelia to eat a beef burger as the worlds press looked on. Yet in his witness statement to the BSE Inquiry he admitted that his statements regarding the 'safety' of British beef products were untrue....Gummer said

PDFmyURL.com 'We could not say there was no risk to man, and it would not have been possible to do so. Nevertheless given the advice from Southwood (report) that the risk was remote and the protective measure that had been put in place. I was still happy to say that beef was 'safe'

So on the one hand Gummer steadfastly assured a worried british public that 'British beef was safe' whilst at the same time knowing he could never say there was no 'RISK' to man. One of the most hyped protective measures was the SBO ban (specified bovine offal ban) which was forced into being by the death of a cat from BSE (due to eating cat food which contained SBO. The pet industry banned it from their animal food and MAFF was embarrassed into putting the SBO ban in place for the human food chain). The SBO ban was never effective and like all BSE precautions re human health merely paid lip service to keep a worried public quiet. Richard Packer Permanent Secretary at MAFF has said in his book The Politics of BSE ' There were significant financial incentives to circumvent the controls.' continuing ' The Order (SBO) was in some respects unenforceable while little attempt was made to enforce it'. Packer also admits he was not adverse to 'subterfuge' whilst working at MAFF in support of whoever' his master was at the time', in other words he lied on a regular basis to protect ministers and government policy.

Gummer mentions the Southwood report and how he had followed its advice, Packer has admitted that 'it was appreciated by all that Southwood had had to work with very little data and that his views were as a result necessarily tentative at the time of the report' The Southwood Committee was overseen by civil sevants employed by MAFF and Southwood was supplied with the same selective research that MAFF, Gummer and the government churned out to reflect government policy. Gummer in reality was agreeing to information that his ministry and the government had supplied to the Southwood.Committee. As many scientists in MAFF have told me SCIENCE WAS MADE TO FIT THE POLICY AND THE RISKS WERE NOT COMMUNICATED.

Gummer also knew that the SBO precaution was unenforceable and therefore endorsed for many years the use of BSE infectious material to be processed into institutional food including school dinners. Gummer and Packer manipulated scientific data and evidence. World experts have told me that BSE infectious material was still in the food chain until 1997. Gummer and Packer also knew that BSE was transmissible and posed a lethal threat to human health.

At the conclusion of the BSE Inquiry Jeremy Vine on a BBC Newsnight special asked Lord Phillips 'Should anyone be punished for what happened?'

Lord Phillips replied: "I dont believe people should be punished no".

The civil servants, ministers and officials called to give evidence at the BSE Inquiry knew their freedom and livelihoods were safe. My sons death sentence had already been signed. During the second of our confrontations John Gummer said to me that 'the phillips inquiry exonerated me' and told me that he had moved on from BSE and suggested I should do so too, this was just 14 weeks after my son Andrew had died.due to the avoidable vCJD.

Lord Phillips was promoted twice whilst chairing the BSE Inquiry.

I visit my 24 year old son Andrews grave every week and sit most days in his empty bedroom surrounded by his designer clothes and belongings which I hold and cuddle..whilst Gummer. and co...enjoy their freedom, lives,families health and ongoing careers.

Thursday 18t h Sept ember 2008

PDFmyURL.com More high profile people are joining the campaign here are just a few names who have pledged their wholehearted support to Justice for Andy.

* John Bird - Editor and Founder The Big Issue

* Max Clifford - PR Guru to the stars

* Ian Reddington - Actor ('Tricky Dicky' Eastenders and 'Vernon' in )

* Ruth Carney - Theatre Director Yorkshire Playhouse.

These men and women have taken Andrew and my fight for justice to their hearts and have agreed to lend their good names, professional status and support to the the campaign.

As well as giving talks to Universities across the UK, I am also going to be visiting and talking about my fight for justice to many other large organisations. I keep you posted....

Tuesday 16t h Sept ember 2008

For the next few days I am being a mum to Emma as she gets ready to go up to University. I am spending time with my only daughter as she takes the next step in life towards her chosen career. We have talked about her hopes and dreams, her fears and sorrow sitting together into the dark hours of the night talking, talking, talking.

I am so proud of my beautiful daughter who retains her passion for life, new experiences and curiosity about everything and everybody. She has packed so much stuff I am not quite sure how its all going to fit into her very tiny room but am aware this is the equivalent of the comfort blanket or cuddly toy she had as a child.

As my raven haired daughter walks away from my care and arms into her new life at university there will be a mixture of pride, love and sadness at watching my little girl leave home. With every leaving there is always a beginning of some kind and I wish my Emma the very best in life always.

Thursday 11t h Sept ember 2008

Here is an email from Jo who lost her sister to vCJD, I am in contact with most of the families who have lost a loved one through vCJD the support and information they are supplying has been a significant help to the progress of the campaign. Below Josephine’s message is the poem Emma chose to be read at Andrews funeral, four days before Christmas 2007.

Hello Christine,

I just watched the Meridian Programme via the link you provided on your web site and wanted to say I admire you so much for your fight for Justice for Andy, your lovely handsome son, and how much our family appreciates your efforts in trying to uncover the truth about this horrific disease and how it destroys young lives and their families.

My heart went out to you when I saw you release the balloons at the time of Andy's birth, as someone who has lost PDFmyURL.com her sister to this manmade plague I want to remember our Kate on her birthday rather than what she was like on the day she died, but it is so very hard to wipe those images from ones mind.

I want you to know that our family supports you in everything you do and if there is anything we can do to help just ask.

I wish you and you daughter all the love and strength in the world.

You are an amazing lady, it's just so sad that the world has to find out how amazing you are on the back of such devastating grief.

I am so sorry for the loss of your precious, precious son.

Much love,


I am not t here

Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the thousand glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush, I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there. I did not die.

Tuesday 9t h Sept ember 2008

It has been brought to my attention by Mike (a supporter of the campaign) that the BBC1 documentary for insideout South about Andrews last days and my fight for justice...has been taken down from YouTube and the account suspended...I am looking into this as we speak....with the BBC1 documentary shelved from being shown nationwide, the Korean documentary postponed and now YouTube suspending the BBC1 documentary videos it seems everyone wants to silence Andrew and myself. The establishment will not win and will never silence me on behalf of my beloved son. I keep you posted ....

Hi Christine:

Not sure if you knew but when I went back to YouTube to locate your 3 videos called "Who Killed My Son?", they had been removed and the account suspended. I was searching for them to post to my website.

Just thought you would want to know. PDFmyURL.com Just thought you would want to know.


Sunday 7t h Sept ember 2008

Below is the link to one of several Korean newspapers and websites which are following the decision that MBC special 'My lost boy' has been postponed.

I spent weeks with the MBC team filming throughout the UK and supplied footage I had filmed of Andrew at home during his final weeks surrounded by his family and friends. This was not an easy decision for me as Andrews mother to make but, I believed and still believe that by highlighting the horror of vCJD it will be a catalyst for change and accountability. My son asked me on his death bed to FIND OUT WHO DID THIS TO ME MUM AND EXPOSE THEM....and by allowing the MBC Television team into my home and my heart I am hoping this will be another step towards that goal.

I am still hopeful that my producer Chang a man of tremendous professionalism and integrity will be able to broadcast the two hour documentary across Korea which shows Andrews last days, the torment of vCJD and my continuing fight for justice here in the UK. I am also aware that the Korean people and supporters here in the UK and globally are helping me towards that goal too...thank you all on behalf of my son Andrew. ht t p://english.hani.co.kr/art i/english_edit ion/e_nat ional/307332.ht ml

Sat urday 6t h Sept ember 2008

Just one of the many emails of support that the campaign receives every hour.....keep them coming....as it gives me light in my darkest hours ....Chrisitne x

Hi Christine,

You most certainly have my support in your fight for justice, its the same old story in this country that money and profit are worth more than life. It is an immoral and a very sad story that people in the top positions in this country are allowed to get away with this kind of thing, we are the people that put these politicians in the positions they are in and we as the people should be able to get them out and make them accountable for their actions

Best of luck with your campaign.

A well wisher, Leslie

Friday 5t h Sept ember 2008

PDFmyURL.com Check out the new page for Margaret Thatcher in which her daughter Carol describes the former Prime Minister as "having a memory like a website".

03/09/08 Margaret That cher - Page 2 (new)

Christine was interviewed on ITV Meridian (broadcast on 02/09/08) - please click on the following link to watch again: the footage shows Christine releasing balloons in Andrew's memory, the exact time he was born 12:50 lunchtime (gmt) on 2nd September 1983. She is interviewed about the campaign and her vow to continue to pursue the men and women responsible for killing Andrew. www.it vlocal.com/meridian/news/?void=230284

Wednesday 3rd Sept ember 2008

I have received a letter from 10 Downing Street in which Gordon Brown offers his condolences and assures me he will give the campaign his attention and get back to me as soon as possible.

As one bereaved parent to another he recognises the terrible loneliness that comes from burying a beloved child. I am hoping that the next communication I receive from the Prime Minister will be to pledge his and the governments wholehearted support for the campaign and my quest for public and legal accountability.

Finally in 2008 its time for those men and women I have exposed on this website who were at the heart of the BSE scandal to finally pay their dues. In the 21st century those men and women I hold responsible for Andrews avoidable death will find they are running out of places to hide, people to manipulate and their power is fading.

Truth and a mother's love will prevail......

Tuesday 2nd Sept ember 2008

Today would have been Andrews 25th birthday he was born in Portsmouth at 1250 lunchtime September 2nd 1983...a healthy eight pound baby with a shock of black hair and violet eyes.He was so strong within days he could raise his head as he lay in his hospital cot. I was the proudest mum you would ever see and couldnt stop smiling for weeks. Thank you Andrew for bringing such love into my life. you will always be my number one son.

I miss my Andrew so much... as I release four balloons from family and friends in his memory, I will think of my handsome talented and gentle young son, the joy, laughter and happiness he gave me in his too short life. I will also repeat my vow to him and continue with the campaign and to be his voice in my search for the truth and justice.

Monday 1st Sept ember 2008

Below is a letter I sent to Prime Minister Gordon Brown asking him and his Government to back the campaign and my fight for justice. I appealed to Gordon Brown not only as leader of the Government and Labour party but as a father who has also lost a child. I am hoping he shows the integrity, morality, and bravery needed to help me get those men and women I name and shame on the website

PDFmyURL.com finally publicly and legally accountable for the man made disease vCJD and for for their deliberate money fulled actions that destroyed my Andrews life and future.

Christine Lord - 26th August 2008

Dear Gordon,

Please find enclosed correspondence which I have sent to Conservative MP Paul Beresford and a copy to David Cameron.

My son Andrew died of vCJD on 16th December 2007, as his mum and a freelance journalist I have since made it my quest to get justice for my only son. We are both parents who have lost a child so I know that my feelings of grief losing my son at just aged 24 to the avoidable vCJD will have resonance with your own grief too. No parent should ever have to bury their children or go through their clothes in their empty bedroom and pack up their short lives into boxes like I am doing at the moment.

When Andrew lay dying he asked me to FIND OUT WHO DID THIS TO ME AND EXPOSE THEM MUM, I promised him I would do this and produced a BBC1 documentary called Who Killed My Son? (DVD enclosed) and a website www.justiceforandy.com which so far has had over 6 million hits and tens of thousands of letters of ongoing help and support. I have two PR firms one Max Clifford who have offered their services for free, a clutch of lawyers and my journalist colleagues all working on the campaign for no payment.

An EDM 2024 was tabled in the house before recess and many of the campaign supporters urged their MPS to sign and pledge their support. One of these was Mrs Dorothy A**** who asked Paul Beresford to sign she was so shocked at his reply saying that EDMs were graffiti that she forwarded his letter to me, I have since been in communication with Beresford and have received a very distressing and dismissive reply. I understand that some MPs do not sign EDMs (though many in the Labour party have pledged their wholehearted support) but am heartbroken that the destruction of my son’s life has such little value placed on his death and dying by a Conservative MP in 2008. The same Conservative party in the 1980s and 1990s whose deliberate political and financially driven decisions allowed BSE to flourish in the human food chain again and again. Knowing that BSE was lethal to human health, check out my blog on the website where I post regular updates regarding my ongoing investigations. My son paid the ultimate price of those money driven decisions at least fifty years of love and life.

As Prime Minister and a father who has also lost a child I am asking you and your party to back Andrews campaign for justice and to help me gain public and legal accountability for his avoidable death. As an investigative reporter I am uncovering new evidence daily. I have millions of supporters for the campaign who will be exercising their votes in the next election. I would ask you to write to the BBC asking for the documentary to be shown nationwide (originally broadcast South) and to help me raise the profile of the campaign. With the need now in 2008 to achieve personal and public accountability for the avoidable deaths of nearly 200 victims of vCJD.

PDFmyURL.com With ONE IN A THOUSAND OF THE UK POPULATION POSSIBLY CARRYING VCJD Professor Collinge UCL May 2008. The legacy the Conservative Government has left the UK public is a lethal ticking health time bomb. My son was producing live programmes for the BBC and talkSPORT in March 2007 by December he was blind, deaf, quadriplegic, unable to swallow smile or even recognise his mother, because he ate or ingested beef products the Conservative government had endorsed was safe when they knew it was lethal (this I can and will prove).

Please Gordon as a parent will you and your party stand beside me as I fight for justice for my son and victims of vCJD. I have many plans for pushing the campaign forward in the coming months so it would be great to know that you and your members are supporting a mother campaign for justice during the most difficult time of her life whilst grieving for her beautiful boy.

With so many of the UK population carrying vCJD who knows whose loved ones life, future and family will be destroyed next?

Yours sincerely

Christine Lord encs.

Friday 29t h August 2008

Here is an edited version of just some of the many impassioned and apprehensive emails I have received from Chang my producer in Korea. The reason I have edited some of his emails are due to the sensitivity of some of the content as I do not wish to put Chang and his production team in any more danger.

Hi, Christine

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to understand the weird and hectic situation around me and my film.

I will wait with my chin up and prepare to broadcast it, letting Korean people know the truth of vCJD and your lost boy, Andrew.

Best wishes,


Thursday 28t h August 2008

A few days ago I received communication and a letter that the InsideOut documentary I had produced about Andrews plight and my fight for justice would not be shown PDFmyURL.com nationwide on BBC1.

I like to thank you all for the thousands of letters, emails and phone calls that you made to Jay Hunt Controller of BBC1 urging her to show the programme across the UK. I am perplexed after such a huge audience response and with such a high quality programme this decision was made. The website launched at the same as the first broadcast crashed for a few hours as so many people were trying to log on and also the feedback from you the British public has and continues to be amazing. The programme was viewed by top level producers and executives at the BBC whose feedback was very positive regarding a nationwide broadcast.

Other professionals who are not connected to me and did not know Andrew have watched the programme. They are equally perplexed and disturbed that such a high quality, editorially relevant production ideal for BBC1 is not being shown across the UK.

With the documentary in Korea on hold and my programme here FOR THE MOMENT put to one side....its has increased my determination not to be silenced and to speak even louder and clearer on behalf of my beloved son. The government ministers and officials to blame for Andrews death want me to be silenced but I will never stop pursuing the truth.

With many other areas of the campaign developing and formulating as I type this ...I like to let you all know that ....John Gummer and Co have not heard the last of me or my Andrew....WE WILL BE THEIR NEMESIS...

This is the letter I sent to George Dixon Scheduler BBC1

Dear George,

With reference to your letter regarding your decision on behalf of BBC1 not to repeat the InsideOut South’s documentary.

I am rather perplexed that you believed the premise of the programme was purely investigative as it was clearly an emotional journey highlighting uniquely a blow by blow account of living and dying of vCJD, whilst touching on a mother who happens to be a journalist search for the truth. The aim of the documentary was to inform, shock and to be a platform in which viewers would pose their own questions and demand answers. With 6 million hits on the website www.justiceforandy.com launched the same time as broadcast it shows the level of public interest and concern regarding government cover-up and lies during BSE.

The programme was always meant to be accessible, hard-hitting, relevant and incisive but never a purely investigative piece but as a film that would touch hearts and also initially raises more questions than answers as the viewers follow Andrew and then my quest for the truth.

The documentary was a taster for my further revelations and exposures. As a journalist as well as Andrews mum it is a unique combination that no other programme has ever attempted regarding vCJD.

Many new facts and information has come my way as a direct result of the documentary and website. Andrew dying at just 24 of vCJD was avoidable and so a national issue. From the tens of thousands of emails of support I continue to receive from UK wide licence payers demanding a repeat nationwide I am perturbed that your viewers are not also a consideration in the equation.

PDFmyURL.com The programme was and is a developing part of a much bigger story, my continuing investigations, campaign and the evidence I am gathering. In the next few months alone there is a two hour international documentary for MBC to be broadcast prime time a forthcoming book, play and film script, nationwide debates/events and the continued collaboration of information, skills and evidence which I am currently working on with senior journalists undercover.

I was hoping the BBC would be brave enough to repeat the programme as Andrews avoidable death and dying is a national issue…..the next victim could be your family member, no one knows where vCJD will strike next. Andrew use to work at TVC with Annie on Test the Nation and March last year was still producing live radio in London. By December he was blind, deaf, quadriplegic unable to recognise his family. Because he ate or ingested beef products government in the 1980s and 1990s had endorsed as safe when they knew it was lethal.

After the summer recess questions are being asked in Parliament and the Lords are becoming involved, Paddy Ashdown’s nephew died of vCJD so you see it touches all aspects of society.

The EDM 2024 about Andrew, vCJD and the campaign which was tabled in Parliament before recess celebrates the BBC1 documentary and Mps and their constituents back a repeat, so it seems rather strange that an editorial decision can not be influenced by so many licence payers requests or that such a high quality and editorial relevant documentary does not deserve a repeat.

No doubt we will have further communication and I take on board your comments that vCJD and mad cows disease has been widely covered on TV and radio in the past. But this is the first time that a victims mum has launched such a campaign, confronted John Gummer on two occasions and has gathered millions of peoples support whilst collating as a journalist, firm and new evidence that ministers and officials lied throughout BSE.

My goal is public and legal accountability and with the evidence I have gathered that is looking very likely. I have two PR firms including Max Clifford who have offered their names and services for free, a clutch of Lawyers, Scientists and of course my journalist friends and colleagues all working on the campaign for no payment .

A repeat of Inside Out South would have been great for BBC ratings I am sure as the campaign continues to grow you may well wish to reconsider your decision.

Yours sincerely,

Christine Lord

Cc. Jay Hunt

Tuesday 26t h August 2008

Here is a recent email from Chang the producer of the MBC documentary My Lost Boy about Andrew and my quest to get the men and women responsible for his death publicly and legally accountable. It seems the conspiracy of silence, cover up and lies extends internationally as well....when there is huge profits to be made in the beef industry whatever country you reside in....the moneymaking machine that is the beef industry is paramount.....profit always before lives and human health.

I am aware that the men and women named and shamed on this website are using their PDFmyURL.com influence in the UK and beyond to block the campaign and my efforts to put my findings into the media and public arena. I am rattling cages upsetting some of the most powerful people in the establishment who have a lot to hide and also a lot to lose. Whilst there is breath in my body I will continue to be my sons truthful voice from the grave.

The situation in Korea is dire, journalists have been imprisoned because of speaking out about BSE, many are being intimidated and frightened. Its more subtle but s similar tale here. Chang’s private email was blocked to me and he has had to contact me via another address, many Korean websites that carried the link www.justiceforandy.com have had it removed by the Korean government.

Whatever your faith or belief (I feel we are all brothers and sisters of one global family) join me in my support and prayers for Chang and his team who are risking their careers, livelihoods and more by broadcasting the programme highlighting Andrews terrible death and dying and my fight for justice here in the UK.

Dear Christine,

Really sorry to let you know the bad news broadcasting my film is postponed again after the preview and discussion among the director and the chief producers of our department.

The exact decision is that 'we don't give up the broadcasting the film, but we will decide the exact date to air.

I'm totally upset and frustrated...I heard there was an attempt to move me from the documentary team to another program, however I will try to do my best to protect my film and to air the film for the sake of me and you, especially Andrew.

Later, hope sending you good news...



Friday 22nd August 2008

At least t hree children have been born t o vCJD vict ims as t heir mot hers lay dying. All these young children are victims in their own right. Yet the grandmother of one child severely brain damaged is fighting for the funds to care for her grandchild long term. All the children’s names and identities are protected to keep them safe but its also a double edge sword as it prevents families from talking.

The more I investigate the scandal of vCJD the more victims I am uncovering, families who have lost loved ones from vCJD due to corneal grafts told by the Edinburgh Surveillance Unit not to make accusations or a fuss and intimidated. People who have died of vCJD due to growth hormone treatment, blood transfusions the list goes on.....

No one who has lived in the UK from 1980 can give blood abroad. As it cannot be tested for vCJD this is the time bomb and legacy that the men and women named and shamed on this website have given to the British public in 2008. Who knows how many more people will die of vCJD through blood transfusions, operations or like my Andrew because they ate or ingested beef products in baby food, school meals or childhood immunisations.

The list of culprits named on this site are all financially sound, careers intact many knighted and honoured and they have gained so

PDFmyURL.com The list of culprits named on this site are all financially sound, careers intact many knighted and honoured and they have gained so much status because they looked the other way, lied and allowed BSE into the food chain for over 12 years. They always put shareholders profit and their careers above human life and health. My Andrew and all the victims of vCJD have paid the ultimate price because of those men and women’s deliberate and immoral decisions.

Tuesday 19t h August 2008

Just one of the lovely messages of support from you the British public....thank you all for continuing to stand beside me in the fight for justice!

I live in west midlands, so the documentary that you were in was not shown here, but I watched it on the iplayer on BBC.

Often i sit at home and watch many documentaries similar to yours, or read many articles on news website that affect me inside, as i am emotional and proud of that. However, watching your documentary i must say i shared tears with you. It touched me so deeply, and would imagine it will have done so to everyone who has seen it; and how the previous minister could be so blunt is unbelievable.

At the end of the documentary you seemed like it was a tough challenge and one that was proving to life up to being tough; i wanted you to know that Andrew would be so proud of you right now, as a mum, no- one could have anyone better, although i haven't known Andrew, or yourself, but this is obvious.

I am glad that people out there have mothers like you to care and look after them, not only have you done this, you have fought, you are fighting and you are still loving. I'm sure his memory is going to remain in your heart forever, a place in which it should be.

I hope that this e- mail has simply reminded you that Andrew is up there, back to the fresh young lad that he was.

Well Done, Stay Strong.

Anthony (18) (Birmingham)

Monday 18t h August 2008

I have been interviewing Scientists including microbiologists, chemists, and biologists who were researching, studying and examining BSE, cattle and TSEs during the 1980s and 1990s.

One Scientist said to me: “I wouldn’t allow my children t o have school dinners because I knew what was in t hem and t he risk t hey posed“.

Another: “I and my f amily adjust ed our f ood int ake as t he research I was conduct ing proved t hat BSE was let hal t o humans. Many of my colleagues became veggies and of course t his was government f unded research so t hey knew about t his f rom t he earliest st ages“.

Sat urday 16t h August 2008

PDFmyURL.com Please keep sending me your replies from MPs regarding their support for justice for Andy. I will then highlight a selection of good, bad and indifferent on the blog.

Mike Hancock my MP who tabled the EDM Early Day Motion and is planning a debate in Parliament said in a recent radio interview: “This is something that no mother wants to go through. The loss of her son at such a young age must have been devastating for Christine. She has shown tremendous courage to produce her documentary and establish her website. I am pleased to have been able to highlight her work and back my constituents fight for justice“.

He continued: “I was shocked when I looked into this to see how many more deaths there have been from vCJD compared to other countries. These are 167 unnecessary death. If the Government and meat producer had acted in a different way. I am sure that they could have been avoided“. (since that interview another young man just 20 has died of vCJD).

I have also had a very contrite letter from Humfrey Malins Conservative MP for Woking who I challenged over his wording that EDMs were parliamentary graffiti. He has now apologised and pledged his wholehearted support.

He wrote: “I will take up the issue directly with a Minister requiring a Ministerial reply to me. The next thing I can do is speak to the Parliamentary whips in both parties urging them to find time for the subject to be raised on the floor of the house“.

As a father of two children in their twenties...... I will hold Humfrey Malins to his word and look forward to his support in the days, weeks and months ahead as the campaign and my fight for the truth moves ever forward.

Friday 15t h August 2008

I am so proud of my beautiful daughter Emma who despite having to watch her big brother suffer for months and then die so painfully, she still managed to study and take her A level exams.

Imagine how proud I feel today to find that she achieved A in History, B in English and B in Media. My daughter is like her mum when the going gets tough the tough get going and to ease her pain she threw herself into working hard for her exams. As she said to me “I have to live life fully and do all the things that Andrew can no longer do“

Well done Emma your big brother Andrew would be so proud of you too!

Monday 11t h August 2008

Just to let you know that the documentary I made for BBC1 called "who killed my son?" can now also be watched on YouTube, so even more people will be aware of vCJD and the campaign. PDFmyURL.com I like to thank the Scientists, PR firms, lawyers, researchers and other members of the public who have come forward and offered information and their services for free. Justice for Andy is gaining momentum and I am hoping that the MBC documentary will be shown in Korea at the end of this month, I keep you posted. Chang my producer is still busy editing "my lost son" which I know will be a wonderful tribute to my Andrew.

The photo is of me being filmed for the programme with Phil the cameraman working out the shots whilst the producer Chang reads through his notes.

I have been interviewing several important sources during the last week and have been busy collating another piece of the puzzle.

I have also managed to work on other projects a couple of articles for a newspaper and a story for radio.

Emma awaits her A level results next week whatever she has achieved I am so proud of my beautiful daughter and how despite her pain she just "gets on with it."

Sunday 10t h August 2008

As Andrews mum I have spoken to many family members who have lost their loved one due to vCJD.

Over the weeks and months I have sat, talked and listened to mums, dads, sisters, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, colleagues, friends, children the list of victims of vCJD is endless.

Many families members of victims have been unable to work again, some only part time, careers have been destroyed, houses lost as have relationships and marriages. Living and trying to make a life with your devastated family after vCJD is a Herculean task.

All families suffer continuing trauma as loosing a loved one due to vCJD the most horrific disease is compounded by the fact that the people responsible for our loved ones deaths go unpunished in anyway. The culprits have never been made accountable, legally or publicly. It is well established in psychology that: "DAMAGE SUFFERED BY VICTIMS OF (psychological) TRAUMA IS LIABLE TO BE INTENSIFIED IF THEY ALSO FIND THEIR EXPERIENCES ARE DENIED. ABOVE ALL BY THE PERSON WHO CAUSED THE HURT." The Sunday Times June 2008.

PDFmyURL.com From my own personal experience it was one of the most difficult confrontations of my life the two occasions I challenged and faced John Gummer.

My feelings of despair made a million times worse by John Gummers indifferent, condescending , cold and callous attitude. Throughout the hour of so I have interviewed him it felt like not only had my sons life meant nothing to him and the establishment but also there was a deliberate sense of self congratulatory behaviour coupled with a self satisfaction that he and the others had got away with killing Andrew scot free.

As our second meeting came to a close John Gummer left me in his plush four storey offices in central london as he was whisked away in his private car to a "dinner appointment." Whilst I made my way back home in the pouring rain to Waterloo station and Andrews empty bedroom in our home in Southsea.

Sat urday 9t h August 2008

The BSE Inquiry cost over £30million and took nearly 3 years to complete. During his deliberations regarding the roles and key decisions the leading players had made throughout the scandal, the Chair of the Inquiry Nicholas Phillips was promoted twice. At the end of 1998 he was elevated to the House of Lords and in April 2000 he was appointed Master of the Rolls making him the second most senior judge in England and Wales.

As Andrews mum I am disturbed and appalled that Nicholas Phillips took those promotions whilst he was chairing the BSE Inquiry, surely it would have been more appropriate to refuse any advancement during and after the Inquiry?

The Phillips Inquiry was a "white wash" the culprits whose deliberate decisions have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of victims of vCJD, were told off like naughty school boys and those ministers and officials who lied and covered up the fact that BSE was lethal to humans left the Inquiry unscathed and with careers intact.

Every time one of these men and women I have named and shamed on the website are challenged by the media or myself they trot out the Phillips Inquiry and the fact that it appears to have exonerated them from all blame and responsibility.

Roy Hattersley wrote in the Guardian October 2000 regarding the Phillips Inquiry conclusions into BSE and the ministers and officials at the centre of the scandal....

"The lie was collective" adding "its been a bad one (week) for publicly accountable government"

Thursday 7t h August 2008

Below are the names of the MPs who didn’t hesitate and signed the EDM before the summer recess of parliament.

We will be tabling another EDM in the same vein in October after Parliaments summer break, so their will be another chance for your MP to sign and pledge their support for the campaign.

Many other MPs have replied to your letters which you have kindly scanned and forwarded on to me. I will be highlighting these on the PDFmyURL.com blog over the coming weeks.


Hancock, Mike

Anderson, Janet

Battle, John

Bottomley, Peter

Corbyn, Jeremy

Dean, Janet

Francis, Hywel

Hoyle, Lindsay

Jones, Lynne

Meale, Alan

Simpson, Alan

Wareing, Robert N

Cryer, Ann

Drew, David

Harvey, Nick

Illsley, Eric

Leech, John

O'Hara, Edward

Stunell, Andrew

Davies, Dai

Etherington, Bill PDFmyURL.com Hopkins, Kelvin

Jenkins, Brian

McDonnell, John

Pope, Greg

Vis, Rudi

That this House notes the 167 confirmed cases of variant Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease (vCJD) in the UK, including three through blood transfusion, compared with three in total in the USA; congratulates and welcomes the work of Christine Lord, following the tragic death of her son Andy from vCJD at the age of 24, in establishing a website, www.justiceforandy.com, and producing a BBC South documentary Who Killed My Son which can be watched on www.justiceforandy.com; asks the BBC to screen the documentary nationwide; notes the death from vCJD of another six young people living within 25 miles of Portsmouth; further asks the Government to commission further research to establish common factors, such as school catering, among vCJD victims in South Hampshire as well as elsewhere in the country; further notes the written answer from the Minister of State for Health on 11th March 2008, giving a vCJD sub- clinical prevalence estimate of up to 1 in 1,400 of the population; and further asks that the Government completes its evaluation of screening for prions in blood supply and other possible measures to protect the blood supply as soon as possible, in light of the conclusions reported in the 15th annual report of the National Creutzfeldt- Jakob Disease Surveillance Unit that blood transfusion is beyond reasonable doubt a possible transmission route for vCJD.

Monday 4 t h August 2008

Here is a photo of Andrew and I taken on Southsea beach last summer. Andrew insisted on standing for the photo with his mum and I am holding him up whilst he leans on his wheelchair behind him. Looking back I can see how much my son had changed how much weight he had lost and also how much even in early summer his brain had been damaged.

I am smiling as I always tried to be up and cheerful around my son but behind the glasses my eyes were and are black circled through lack of sleep and pain. This is the reality of vCJD...it robs victims of their futures and in doing so creates victims of their families and friends who have to live in the shadow of vCJD for the rest of their lives.

Friday 1st August 2008

Many of you have wrote to your MPs asking for them to pledge their alliance to the EDM Early Day Motion backing justice for Andy and research into vCJD. So imagine how I felt when a supporter of the campaign sent me a copy of a letter he received from his MP Humfrey Malins Conservative Woking who said: PDFmyURL.com Dear Ray,

"I rarely sign EDMs: t hey are of t en described as "parliament ary graf f it i" and I t heref ore only t end t o sign EDMs where my st at us as an expert will be recognised."

This arrogant, dismissive and patronizing attitude was exactly the same behaviour that put my poor Andrew into an early grave. I am disgusted that a MP in office in 2008 compares my 24 year old sons life and terrible dying as graffiti The little value Humfrey Malins puts on parliamentary procedures and in the same context victims of vCJD as Andrews mum and a journalist is appalling. The fact that this MP writes to a constituent in this manner on House of Commons headed paper highlights an attitude that many in government still maintain regarding the BSE scandal and its man made agent vCJD.

Here is another letter sent to Steve a great supporter of justice for Andy from Douglas Hogg (who is named and shamed on the website):

"Happily gloomy assessment s of t he numbers likely t o be af f ect ed (vcjd) have proved unduly pessimist ic and I very much hope t hat we will f ind t he number of deat hs is limit ed but a f ew hundred"


"One in a thousand of the UK population may be carrying vCJD". Professor Collinge (May 2008)

Too often when I have been in discussions, debates and confrontations there is an almost self congratulatory tone from the ministers and officials named and shame on the website...as if their behaviour and decisions are excusable because "only a few hundred (so far) have died." Nowhere else in the public arena would these men and women get away with killing my son and all the other victims of vCJD and then publicly be able to congratulate themselves on "only a few hundred deaths."

...... AND THE WORD HAPPILY...... I am so angry but weep again that my beautiful boys life and death is valued by public servants voted into power by the British public .....so little.....

DOUGLAS HOGG IS now Viscount Hailsham...... recently I talked to a mum who nursed her 22 year old daughter with vCJD for over a year - (unable to work since) this broken hearted mum was about to be evicted from her council house.....


"One in a thousand of the UK population could be carrying vCJD." (Professor John Collinge,March 2008)

To wat ch t he document ary please use t his link

www..co.uk/mediaselector/check/england/realmedia/insideout/south/insideout? size=16x9&bgc=C0C0C0&nbram=1&bbram=1&nbwm=1&bbwm=1 Site Map
