• Tour guides reunited with ‘puppies of the sea’ • Fears for future of community pharmacies • Locals hard at work making 3D face shields COVID 19 • Kiwis urged not to be complacent in Level 3 • US accuses China of virus numbers cover-up PAGES 2-13, 15, 22-24 • Long road to recover for global tourism

THANK YOU FIREFIGHTERS: Gisborne firefighters (from left) Shane Vermeulen, Leon Kahn, Peter Clark, Dave Covell, Carl Shaw, Tim Lister and Bernie Bull ready to respond on International Firefighters’ Day being marked worldwide. Fire and Emergency NZ area fire commander Charlie Turei has taken this fitting opportunity to thank all the region’s fire personnel for the way they have handled the Covid-19 crisis. STORY ON PAGE 2 Picture by Paul Rickard

‘SUPPORT LOCAL’ Need to rally around businesses as a community

by Andrew Ashton “We strongly encourage everyone to the coming winter,” Hospitality NZ East HOW WE CAN HELP shop locally now more than ever; that is Coast regional manager Alan Sciascia GISBORNE District Council must “act what we can all do in Level 3 . . . support said. now” to ensure the future of the central local. “With all having been closed through Gisborne Chamber business district. “It is inevitable some retail businesses April and much reduced trade since early That is the plea from Gisborne will not survive in the coming months February and March, most hospitality of Commerce’s Chamber of Commerce in the wake of the and we will see more empty shopfronts. businesses have missed a significant recommendations — Covid-19 lockdown. Hopefully, some will return in time. amount of business they usually depend Some city businesses have already “GDC needs to act now to the extent on to generate profits to carry them folded for good, and with the prospect of that it can. It needs to give a rates through the winter. • Shop locally now even more empty shops and cafes, help holiday for six months so long as it is “It’s going to be tough.” is needed, says Chamber president Paul passed on to the retailer. Also, make Mr Sciascia said further support more than ever Naske. parking free immediately to encourage as was required for hospitality businesses “Firstly, let’s hope Level 3 only lasts the much shopping in town as possible. (especially small and medium businesses) • District council needs suggested two weeks and we can quickly “Discussing and modifying the Spatial adversely affected by Covid-19 and unable get to Level 2 and beyond,” he said. Plan is very important but is going to operate during levels 3 and 4. to give rates holiday “But this is not just a business problem. take way too long for the immediate needs “The hospitality industry is — for most for six months This is a wider community problem and of those retailers trying to get back on councils — the heart of the community, that is how we need to respond. their feet.” offering our communities social and • Make parking free in “The SME (Small and Medium The situation is also concerning for city economic wellbeing, employing hundreds Enterprise) businesses in our community centre cafes and restaurants. of thousands of New Zealanders. the CBD immediately are incredibly important and we as a “Early indications are that nationally community need to rally around them. we may see a third of businesses not last CONTINUED ON PAGE 3

GISBORNE RUATORIA WAIROA Local News ...... 1-5 Business ...... 10 Puzzles...... 16 Television ...... 19 Births & Deaths ...4 Opinion ...... 11 Classifieds ...... 17 Sport ...... 20-24 9 771170 043005 TOMORROW National ...... 6-9, 15 World...... 12-14 Racing ...... 18 Weather ...... 23 > 2 NEWS The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 ‘PUPPIES’ OF THE SEA Guides, rays reunited after lockdown ends by Kim Parkinson and many have been named. “They’re like puppies. They love attention and WITH lockdown over and the relaxing of rules like to play,” she says. in Level 3, Dive Tatapouri guides Joey and Nina “Tara is the biggest, weighing about Kwak were delighted to reacquaint themselves 200 kilograms, and her favourite game is to try with the stars of the company’s stingray to push us over. experience. “Hine, an eagle ray, is the oldest and she After four weeks of being cooped up in is attracted to pacemakers which put out an lockdown the siblings were itching to get back electric current. If someone has a pacemaker into the ocean to have some contact with the she will want to interact with them.” rays they have become familiar with through Pancake is Nina’s favourite. the tours they run. “She’s the one I have the closest connection “I think my boss knew we were missing the with. She’s very cheeky and enjoys chasing job and the rays and because we were in the me around, but she is very calm and loves new same bubble she asked us to come out and people.” start getting the place cleaned up,” Joey says. Nina and Joey are looking forward to Dive “I think she really wanted to give us the Tatapouri being open again when the country chance to see the rays again.” moves to Level 2. They are keen to get back “It was lots of fun and really great to get out to work but are expecting it to be a lot quieter in the water with them,” said Nina. without international tourists. Joey has worked for Dive Tatapouri for two One thing they have noted and appreciate is years — taking groups of up to 50 people at a that lockdown has shown the stingrays are not time out to feed the rays off Tatapouri. dependent on the tours for food but come on to “They get to know us. The same ones will the reef for interaction and attention. come in but it’s random which ones turn up on Dive Tatapouri is owned and operated by a day. The big round ones are the short tails Dean and Chris Savage. It includes reef tours WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?: Dive Tatapouri guide Joey Kwak gets and there are not as many of them. The smaller where people can interact with the natural a cuddle stingray-style from one of the stars of the ocean tour eagle rays are a little bit more shy.” inhabitants of Tatapouri bay. operation. Joey and sister Nina were able to return to work after Nina, who has been a guide at Dive Tatapouri This includes the short-tail stingray, eagle ray lockdown ended but the business remains closed to the public. for four years, says they all have personalities and yellowtail kingfish. Picture supplied Valuable insights from phone call operation

OPERATION Manaaki has concluded, Kerry Worsnop, Shannon Dowsing, in to call by in person to make sure many was reassurance. These are testing with 7145 Tairawhiti people over 65 Meredith Akuhata-Brown, Pat Seymour everything was fine, which it was.” times for everyone, and particularly if years old receiving a telephone call to and Josh Wharehinga. Ms Walsh said while she was confident you are over-65 and alone. check on their wellbeing in the four-and- Ms Walsh said the initial aim was to the vast majority of over 65s received a “Sometimes our calls gave people the a-half weeks of Covid-19 lockdown. ensure the elder people of Te Tairawhiti phone call, “please make contact with the courage to check on their neighbour over The operation was a joint initiative felt safe, included and connected during ECC if you know someone who didn’t and the fence or reach out for help.” put in place by Gisborne District Council the Covid-19 pandemic we will follow up”. Ms Walsh said an added bonus chief executive Nedine Thatcher Swann “But it provided so much more and The list of names was provided by the was that the callers found it a hugely and Ministry of Social Development those being called were so appreciative,” Ministry of Social Development. rewarding exercise. regional commissioner Annie Aranui. she said. “The callers tried individual numbers Ms Thatcher Swann said she was The council’s cultural manager “Our community is resilient and three times over several days before proud of her council team who had Pene Walsh led the project with the while many didn’t need any assistance, passing some on for a direct visit — in quickly stepped in to assist. support of the Civil Defence Emergency reassurance was important to them some cases by police. She also praised Annie Aranui and Coordination Centre. and knowing they could get help if they “We are in the process of calling back her team at MSD, along with the other Seventy people from the council, Fire needed it. people who indicated they would like a organisations who supported the council and Emergency NZ and i-Site were “Seventy-two percent of those called follow-up call.” with the operation. involved in making the calls, including were OK, with 6.7 percent requiring some Ms Walsh said insights gained during “This is something that embodies all Mayor Rehette Stoltz, Ms Thatcher form of assistance. the operation would be invaluable for the that is good about Tairawhiti and taking Swann, senior staff and director, and “In a handful of cases when the phone region’s recovery plan. care of everyone with such aroha (love). councillors Debbie Gregory, Larry Foster, remained unanswered, police stepped “We found one of the biggest things for “I could not be prouder.”

Firefighters worldwide recognised Get your by Murray Robertson for the organisation and we have had to adjust a “probable” cases of Covid-19. Gisborne Herald whole bunch of our firefighting protocols to meet “Thankfully they all turned out to be negative. TODAY is International Firefighters Day and the lockdown requirements.” None of them were in Tairawhiti.” home-delivered area fire commander Charlie Turei has taken Gisborne’s professional firefighters have Mr Turei said the fire and emergency incident the opportunity to thank all the region’s fire operated in four separate bubbles throughout the rates around the region had dropped off personnel for the way they have handled the Covid-19 emergency, with no contact between the considerably since the emergency started. Covid-19 crisis. bubbles in between shifts. “The number of calls has fallen by more than The day recognises the work firefighters do “We’ve managed to do this well — meeting 30 percent since it started. around the globe. the needs of our community and keeping our “I feel that’s down to people being home in “It recognises men and women, volunteers, firefighters safe.” their bubbles, watching out for one another and rural and career firefighters — everyone,” Mr Turei “It’s been hard. Our staff have had to really monitoring safety in their own homes. said. “I’d like to thank all our regional people for focus on health and safety, social distancing “Today also recognises the many firefighters their dedicated service to the community and to and hygiene to maintain those standards right who have gone before. Those who have passed Fire and Emergency NZ, especially during the through Alert Level 4 and now 3.” away, and those who have retired from the past five to six weeks. Over the past five to six weeks, 40 firefighters service “The pandemic response has been a big one throughout New Zealand were tested as “Today we remember their service, too.” To nd out more call 869 0620 The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 NEWS 3 Pharmacies ‘in danger’, call for Govt help by Wynsley Wrigley The pharmacies had incurred costs such as be gone. some medications and not pick up the long-term implementing safety precautions for staff and The Gisborne pharmacist supported Mr preventative medication. GISBORNE pharmacies say their sector has customers while retail and prescription sales had Gaudin’s call for the abolition of the $5 That could result in the patient ending up in been hit hard by the impact of Covid-19 and fallen significantly since the lockdown began, Mr co-payment (or prescription charge). hospital at a much greater cost to the health the Ministry of Health needs to address the Gaudin told MPs. “It created equity and access issues especially system. industry’s financial sustainability. One Gisborne pharmacist has told the Herald in areas of high deprivation such as Tairawhiti An inadequately funded primary health sector Speaking on behalf of his colleagues, his retail sales had declined by more than 40 and even more so during the Covid-19 pandemic was a case of shortsightedness by the Ministry pharmacist Sean Shivnan said Gisborne percent. where people had reduced income or had lost of Health and district health boards, he said. pharmacies were very collegial and had agreed Pharmacies and GPs were in danger of losing their jobs,” he said Mr Shivnan said he supported the call to the industry needed support at a time when the their jobs. “The Government, especially this Government, abolish the $5 prescription charge. Abolition community needed pharmacies “more than ever”. “I’ve never seen that before.” needs to remove it. It has to go.” would mean prescriptions would no longer Mr Shivnan said Pharmacy Guild of New Mr Gaudin said pharmacies had suffered from The public needed to know the $5 fee was a remain uncollected because of any financial Zealand chief executive Andrew Gaudin was years of neglect from suppression of prices government fee, not a pharmacy fee. burden. correct when he told the cross-party Epidemic paid for pharmacy services by health boards. If Pharmacies collected it for the Government. Medications were being dispensed monthly Response Committee that existing financial community pharmacies were forced to close, a Often drugs were not picked up, usually for rather than three-monthly during the lockdown to difficulties had been amplified by Covid-19. vital piece of the primary healthcare sector will financial reasons or customers would pick up reduce pressure on the supply chain.

SHOWING SUPPORT: Senior No rates project manager Lennon Wiltshire was the designated driver on Friday to collect the rise plea lunch order for his colleagues at FROM PAGE 1 CPS (Civic Project Solutions) Gisborne, from Frank and “We acknowledge that draft annual plans have Albie’s in Gladstone been developed well before Covid-19. However, Road. as these are unprecedented times unprecedented action is required.” That action should mean no rates increases. Picture by Liam “It is alarming that some councils across the Clayton country are considering proceeding with large rate increases, some in excess of 10 percent. “In the current climate, we strongly urge all councils to consider no increases for the next 12 months at a minimum.” The council should also consider rates remissions or rebate options for businesses adversely affected, including delaying rate instalments and waiving late payment fees. These should be time-bound — we suggest up to six months. “In addition, we encourage and support the establishment of a local and central government Covid-19 response team, working alongside industries to address key topics that councils are challenged with, from finance and recovery Remember bricks and mortar, locals urged and community wellbeing to governance and coordination — all forming and shaping decision-making of councils over the coming TRUST Tairawhiti Gisborne City Centre be encouraged to make the CBD “part of well. We need to keep the shopfronts of some weeks and months.” Vibrancy manager Lana Davy says it is your play option” and an “extension of your of the big boys for the safety of employment in GDC chief financial officer Pauline Foreman important people keep visiting the CBD, backyard”. our region. They will still survive online when said retailers facing hardship and unable to pay especially once alert levels are reduced further. “Shop local doesn’t mean just shop locally many others won’t, without that face-to-face their rates could apply for rates postponement “It is also really important as we move owned and operated, its definition is to shopping experience. for up to six months. through the levels and people start venturing support businesses in your region by going “I think the most important message is, “Under this arrangement they will not be out again that we invite them back into our into the bricks and mortar (store) and not just shop locally owned and operated when you charged late penalties but the council’s cost on central business district. We plan to entice shop online. can and when our city centre is open again interest will be applied for the postponement them with promotions and campaigns. “Covid-19 has somewhat confused what for you Tairawhiti. Shop CBD to keep our city period. “Shop local for the CBD is to shop in the ‘shop local’ is. People are wanting to shop centre alive and thriving. “Retailers will need to apply and meet the CBD, to grow the visitation to the area and get locally owned and operated. I support this “Take that walk downtown instead of conditions of the application. our community to come together when it is 100 percent and I think it has triggered some scrolling online. Take in some of that person- “There are some other options for payment again safe to do so. thinking as to where you are spending your to-person customer service that we missed so plans to make rates more manageable during “Using the CBD as that gathering point money, which is so important for a smaller city much during isolation. this time.” makes it a place where people want to live, like ours. “The beauty of boutique retail experiences At this stage, no decision had been made work and play. “But it is also important to understand and is right there in our CBD. Keep them alive for around free parking in the CBD. In lower Covid-19 levels people would see the bigger picture around employment as generations to come.”

Tolaga car thefts frustrate Although the offi ce is physically closed you can THIEVES stole one vehicle and tried to take The stolen stationwagon was recovered at a still contact my offi ce. Stay home, Save lives. two others in Tolaga Bay on Friday night and house in the township on Saturday afternoon. the owner of two of the vehicles has pointed the The Monkhouse Street resident said police, finger at some of the town’s youth. like the wider community, appeared frustrated, Offi ce hours The Monkhouse Street resident has said because it seemed that the young teenagers thieves took a stationwagon from a woman’s likely involved feel they have impunity given their property in the street that night. age. Monday-Friday 9.00am-4pm “She lives right across the road from the “This is the latest in a ongoing series of police station,” the resident said. behaviour/incidents like this,” he said. “I live nearby and someone tried to get two of “It has been shared with me that three or my vehicles started, obviously to steal them, the so weeks ago an elderly local was in their own same night.” home with a friend, when they saw his boat being He said the ignition barrels were smashed out towed away in broad daylight. in both vehicles, but the thieves could not get “A horse float went missing recently and many them going. community members here have suffered across “The word on the street is that it’s local youth the last months with house break-ins, mountain who did it, which is a real shame if that’s the bike thefts and so on.” case. He said the Tolaga Bay community made an “We’ve helped out some of the township’s effort last year to tackle it. at-risk young people when the rest of the “We had a community curfew enacted and a community was pretty dark on them. community patrol was started. “It’s really sad that those kids have bitten the “However, a few months later that’s fallen off, hands that feed them.” especially with the Covid-19 restrictions, so it’s a Police were informed about the incidents, and sad issue with local youth playing up, and facing they have an inquiry under way. difficulties in their own lives.” 29459-02 4 NEWS The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 FAMILY NOTICES Perfect conditions Deaths LARDELLI, Henare for maize harvest Kingi. — Passed away suddenly, at home, Sunday evening 3rd by Murray Robertson mid-June. May 2020, aged 85 “Currently, weather years. Adored husband THE region’s grain maize conditions are ideal for both of Gwen, and father and harvesters were between 40 grain dry-down and harvest.” father-in-law of Loni and just over 50 percent of Glencore Grain regional and Juliet, Karin (dec), and Julianne and Bruce. the way through their season manager Dave Corrin said Darda to his grand- by the end of last week as they were about 40 percent of children Jason and they enjoy perfect harvest the way through their pick. Malia, Jeremy and conditions. “Our yields are above Renata, Anna and Ipu, Corson Grain procurement average and the quality is Jono and Aprille, manager Richard Hyland said very good. Moeawa, Hawaiki and the season had been excellent ”So far it has been a perfect Matiu, Peta and Teina, so far. season harvest-wise with the and David. Also his “We are well ahead of good weather conditions, and great-grandchildren schedule and just over half that’s also allowed croppers Sam, Noelani, Maia, way through our harvest.” to do spring ground work Eli, Sebby, Xavier, “Yields are well above now, discing and harrowing Asher, Isaac, Oscar, average and the maize quality harvested paddocks. Arlow, Eia, Tai, Kobi, Remi and Willow. is good.” “It brings the whole season A private family Corsons has been forward for spring, which is service was held today. harvesting at all three of its really good.” A memorial service will growing locations — Tolaga Glencore Grain will harvest be held at a later date. Bay, Gisborne and Wairoa. 8000 to 9000 tonnes of maize - Evans Funeral “We’re looking at a season this season. Services Ltd FDANZ tonnage of around 20,000 The company has been www.evansfuneral.co.nz tonnes and we should be harvesting around Gisborne finished harvest by about and Wairoa.

IN GOOD HANDS: Despite the country being at Alert Level 3 to prevent the JNL’s Matawhero spread of Covid-19, first-time mum Sophie McElhone felt safe visiting De Lautour Medical for baby Albert’s three-month immunisation. Nurse Naomi Gordon says parents and caregivers should ring their general practice if their mill back running baby is due for a vaccine. Picture supplied Keeping up to date at full capacity with children’s jabs THE 350 employees of Juken New “We are strictly following the New Zealand are back at work after the Zealand Government’s requirements forestry and wood processing company to prevent the spread of Covid-19 by FIRST-time mum Sophie McElhone was appointment. put safety practices in place to reopen in making changes to how our workplaces relieved as her son Albert received his three- “It’s important babies and young children Level 3 Covid-19 restrictions. are set up, used and sanitised.” month immunisations on time and safely at are immunised on time and every time JNL’s East Coast forests general While JNL staff who could work from her general practice. they are due. So if any of our patients are manager Dylan Foster said with around home would continue to do so, staff who While baby Albert snoozed in his mum’s wondering if their baby is due, they should 250 staff working full-time for JNL in the must come on to the work site would be arms, Sophie said she was adamant she call us.” forests, plus around 100 staff in the mills, inducted into new ways of doing things, would get him vaccinated as per the Hauora Tairawhiti immunisation there were a lot of local families who said Mr Keiunji. childhood immunisation schedule. coordinator Janine Brown said general relied on the company to operate. The mill has five employees over “Getting my son vaccinated was always a practices were safe places to be during “JNL has worked closely with local 70 and there were specific plans for contractors to ensure the new health and them and those with underlying health priority. He’s had his six-week shots and in the Alert Level 3 lockdown. If babies and safety standards are met, and following conditions. April he was due for his three-month ones,” children were due for a vaccination they site visits on Tuesday, I am impressed The company was also offering options she said. should ring their doctor’s practice and find with the commitment workers had given for mental health support and financial “I wouldn’t forgive myself if he got sick out what to do next. to following these standards.” advice to anyone struggling, he said. from a preventable illness. I still wanted “Families can feel safe taking their infants Mr Foster said Juken’s East Coast mill “We fully appreciate the need to take to bring him in, despite the Covid-19 alert and children back into general practice for at Matawhero was back at full capacity. these extra steps. The measures we take levels.” their childhood immunisations.” The mill’s general manager Kazuhiro at JNL are about keeping us all safe, Hauroa Tairawhiti hopes Ms McElhone’s “Even though we have been in lockdown, Keiunji said he was relieved to have including our families/whanau, friends experience will provide an example for once we as a nation start circulating again everyone back at work and ready to meet and the wider community. others, not to delay immunising children. there are still other diseases out there customer needs. “Normal life may be some months away Albert was immunised by nurse Naomi including pertussis (whooping cough), “Ahead of everyone coming back to yet but we are grateful to get back to Gordon at De Lautour Medical in Kaiti. rotavirus (stomach virus), measles and work at the mill, we made adjustments work. Ms Gordon said immunisation clinics were mumps that we need to be mindful of, to the work environment and processes “Our JNL team is ready to once again held at specific times of the day, helping particularly going into winter.” to protect our team members’ health and meet the needs of our customers,” Mr ensure patients were kept safe and separate In Tairawhiti, GP surgeries are using safety, which is always paramount. Keiunji said. from each other. telephone and video consultations to help When Ms McElhone arrived at the practice maintain everyone’s safety. Any patient she phoned to say she was in her car. Ms face-to-face visits are carefully managed Gordon escorted mum and baby through a by practice staff to keep everyone at a safe No parties crashed by side door at the medical centre, and into a distance. sanitised treatment room. People who call their general practice with “We’re taking all the extra precautions respiratory symptoms are being directed to necessary to keep patients and ourselves visit the War Memorial Theatre Community police over weekend safe,” Ms Gordon said. Assessment Centre, thereby helping reduce Ms Gordon wore a face mask during the the spread of other illnesses. POLICE were not called on to take any There was a vehicle crash on Tyndall Covid-19 enforcement action over the Road on Sunday. weekend but three people were educated “One vehicle was involved. It left the in the importance of social distancing road and hit a power pole. Alert neighbour saves the day under Alert Level 3. “There were no serious injuries and the “It was a busy weekend as far as driver has been summonsed for careless FIREFIGHTERS were called about a positive pressure ventilation gear,” a people making the most of the beach and driving,” police said. pot on a stove incident on Saturday and senior firefighter said. walkways in the fine weather, but social Across the whole Eastern police district fortunately a neighbour heard smoke “It was lucky the neighbour heard the distancing was good for the most part (Hawke’s Bay/Gisborne-East Coast) in alarms going in time to stop it becoming smoke alarms and took immediate action and the Level 3 restrictions were adhered the 24 hours to 6pm Saturday night there a serious fire. by calling 111. to,” police said this morning. were 14 breach warnings issued, seven Fire and Emergency NZ sent crews to “As it was, there was no fire damage to “Businesses continue to operate well prosecutions and one youth referral. the Gladstone Road house near Gisborne the kitchen area,” he said. under Level 3 and many food outlet and Counties Manukau was the police Girls’ High School at about 2pm. There was no one home at the time the other retail shops were busy, but their district with the highest rate of breaches “We got inside and took the pot of food started to overcook. Level 3 systems appear to be working — 88 warnings, 24 prosecutions and 10 food that had overheated off the stove, “Again, it’s a reminder to keep looking well.” youth referrals in that same period. and then ventilated the house with our while you are cooking.” The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 NEWS 5

FAMILY EFFORT: Right, Maarten van den Heuvel and his son Jasper hard at work on the 3D face shields. Above, putting the Gisborne-made shields to good use is Emergency Department nurse Mellissa Jones. Pictures supplied Collective shield enterprise Phone call between friends sets off 3D printing initiative

GISBORNE families have been helping make the 3D printed frames similar to machines for the next print.” goes to Alert Level 2. those on our front-line 24/7, all while in what staff were already accustomed to Maarten contacted friends, dentist Steve says the work has been isolation. and easier to disinfect.” Nitish Surathu and Dustan Dowsing, rewarding. The Covid-19 lockdown has been busier That led to Steve looking for potential who both had printers, and who happily “It feels good to know you are doing than ever for this hard-working crew. designs online while Rex discussed the joined the group. your bit to help the Since April 18, the group have been options with his manager Scott Saunders. “Securing printing front-line staff in the producing 3D printed face shield frames Steve then enlisted friend and student material was the next issue This is a typical community.” at home. Matthew James, who also had a 3D we encountered. There’s Gisborne‘ example Other Gisborne-East They are making close to 50 a day at printer at home. a nationwide shortage of Coast people with 3D peak production and have made about “We set out and started printing two the plastic filament the of connections and printers have been taking 700 frames so far. prototypes. Matthew made one small frames are made from. a close community part in the national EIT Tairawhiti computing and change to the nose bridge design. Both We contacted so many working together, all campaign called Shields technology lecturer Steve Main was prototypes were well received by the suppliers, but the supply Up, where headband style contacted by friend Rex Richards, who hospital. was nearly exhausted. started by a casual frames are being created in works in logistics for Hauora Tairawhiti. “When we discussed volume, they said Matthew had a contact phone call from Rex their homes for front-line Tasked with supplying personal they would take as many as we could who had rolls in stock in to Steve at EIT workers. protective equipment for Gisborne’s produce. the South Island, enough Hauora Tairawhiti chief front-line health staff, and anticipating “It was evident we needed more to keep the group in —Craig ’Green financial officer Craig a potential shortage, Rex went looking printers.” supplies for now. Green said it was a great locally for alternatives. Steve contacted another friend and “Nitish and his son story of organisations “It was becoming increasingly difficult avid 3D printer user/owner Maarten Neeraj have been using Amber Dental’s working together for their communities. for them to get hold of the volume van den Heuvel, who gladly offered his 3D resin dental printer and have donated “Hauora Tairawhiti has supported EIT required to supply the hospital and services with help from his son Jeroen over $1000 worth of flexible resin to with decommissioned computer hardware community health staff,” said Steve. (14). make frames for the hospital.” and now they have been able to support “Rex knew I worked with 3D printers Two of Steve’s children, Aaron (15) and EIT Tairawhiti campus director Jan us in our time of need. and, in particular, they were looking for a Amy (12) have also been helping. Mogford and campus manager Waata “This is a typical Gisborne example visor frame that used no elastic and had “Our printers are going 24 hours a day. Shepherd contacted Steve to see how of connections and a close community a nose bridge. We are up all hours of the night removing EIT could help and offered to donate any working together, all started by a casual “Fulfilling this requirement would frames, finishing them and readying our consumables required until the district phone call from Rex to Steve at EIT.” Rebate up for impounded vehicles

The New Zealand Transport Agency has moved for towage operators and storage providers to to encourage the removal of impounded vehicles collect these vehicles from some distance away, from the side of state highways. store and then dispose of them. It aims to make New Zealand’s roads safer and “While operators can recoup some costs by improve the national vehicle fleet in the process. obtaining ownership of the vehicle and selling The move, which took effect on Friday, it, or by deregistering and scrapping it, they are May 1, increases the rebate for tow operators frequently out of pocket when the vehicle has low and storage providers from $102.40 to $253 resale value,” the spokesman said. for vehicles that have been placed in storage The increased rebate aims to support the work following impoundment by New Zealand Police of tow operators who make the impoundment and the owner having failed to claim the vehicle. regime work. On average, around 2800 rebates are paid each “The increased rebate also has the potential year. to help remove more unsafe and abandoned “But because the rebate has remained at vehicles from New Zealand’s vehicle fleet when $102.40 since 2002, storage providers are often vehicles are deregistered and scrapped. Vehicles unable to recoup their costs for collecting the that aren’t claimed are often of low value and vehicle, storing it and selling it if the owner have 1-or-2-star safety ratings.” avoided payment of the fees for towage and Police can impound vehicles in response storage by not claiming it,” an NZTA spokesman to specific offences such as driving while said. disqualified, street racing, or repeat drink-driving. “This created a problem in rural areas in “There is a direct safety benefit to other road particular, as it has not been financially viable users if these offences are prevented.” 32000-02 6 NATIONAL NEWS The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 Level 2 move: do not blow it If Kiwis play fast and loose in Level 3 they risk delaying next step towards normality by Amelia Wade, NZ Herald health guidelines. its chains rise to levels higher “Those decisions will be made than those before the pandemic. AUCKLAND — What will be and announced in the very near Restaurant Brands said some and will not be allowed at Alert future.” KFC stores were eaten out of Level 2 will be decided today A key issue will be domestic stock because while the outlets but Kiwis will not be told the travel, with the tourism industry were ready, the supply chain specifics until later in the week. saying that waiting until alert wasn’t prepared for the massive Among the most critical issues level 1 would put hundreds of spike in demand. being determined is how far to thousands of jobs at risk. Due to the number of open up domestic travel. Tourism Industry Aotearoa transactions since last Tuesday, However, after reports of Kiwis said businesses needed to start Paymark’s payment processing getting complacent, health chief taking domestic winter bookings system crashed and was down warned that as soon as possible. Robertson multiple times last week. unless people stuck to Alert Level said the Government would look Meanwhile, a Nelson woman 3 rules, a move down could be at how to ensure travel was safe with Covid-19 who flew from the delayed. and didn’t become a vector for Cook Islands five weeks ago is There were just two new cases further infection. a “tenuous” link to the Pacific of Covid-19 announced yesterday, “We do know that travel nation which has declared itself both household contacts of an has been an issue in terms of free of the coronavirus. The employee at the St Margaret’s transmission of the virus, and woman, in her 30s, flew from the Hospital & Rest Home in so we have to make decisions Cook Islands on flight NZ5957 Auckland. There were no new that uphold our public health on March 26 but last week was deaths and 85 percent of the total guidelines. But we absolutely confirmed as a case. Cook Islands 1487 confirmed and probable understand that for domestic Secretary of Health Dr Aumea cases have now recovered. tourism, particularly, that’s the Herman said as the woman Dr Bloomfield said the latest NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR COMPLACENCY: Health chief Dr lifeline for the tourism industry.” departed five weeks before numbers were encouraging but Ashley Bloomfield has said that the latest Covid-19 case numbers The high-level advice on the being diagnosed, she was well should not be taken for granted. are encouraging but should not be taken for granted. File picture Covid-19 website says in Level outside the recognised 14-day Reports of complacent 2, businesses and public spaces incubation period. “I will be behaviour at the weekend were no excuse for ignorance: “We’re possible.” can open with 1m distancing contacting public health officials not good enough and it could now nearly a week into Level 3, The caution came as Cabinet but all non-essential domestic in New Zealand to investigate ultimately slow a move to Alert and while there could be some was set to decide what could and travel should be avoided. Only any evidence for a link to the Level 2, he said. excuses early on, everyone should could not happen, in detail, under gatherings of up to 100 indoors Cook Islands, although based on Since the introduction of Alert now be more familiar with the Alert Level 2. and 500 outdoors are permitted current information, I consider Level 3, police have received rules, both around increased On Friday, Finance Minister with records of attendees and the link tenuous.” 1200 reports of mass gatherings retail activity and our own social said the again only if they can physically The Cook Islands declared breaching the rules — more than interactions. Government was spending “a distance. itself Covid-free on April 16 half in the 24 hours from 6pm on “Continuing to be vigilant will lot of time” getting exact clarity Meanwhile, the company that after testing 10 percent of its Friday. be key in supporting a move on balancing as much economic owns KFC, Pizza Hut and Carl’s population, every test returning a Dr Bloomfield said there was down to Level 2 as soon as activity as possible with public Jnr has seen sales at some of negative result. A few letting side ‘Spike in racism during pandemic’ down over Level 3 by Eleisha Foon, RNZ According to the Human was also proposing a survey for Rights Commission, traditionally, Chinese/Asian to collect data of breaches: Ardern WELLINGTON — As New Chinese/Asians do not normally experiences of racism during the Zealand makes strong progress in report complaints due to cultural crisis in response to the dearth WELLINGTON — Prime Minister Jacinda eliminating Covid-19, there are also barriers, which was highlighted as of evidence. A survey would also Ardern says a few people are letting the vast calls to “flatten the racism curve”. particularly concerning. capture other racism toward Maori majority of the population down with breaches of The Human Rights Commission Foon said before the lockdown and Pacific people. social-distancing rules over the weekend. says there has been a sharp rise “there was a big spike in racism. It He said as the lockdown levels During the first weekend at Level 3, there were in racism in the middle of the is disappointing and we must also dropped — there may well be 685 reports of breaches in the 24 hours from 6pm pandemic. flatten the curve of racism too”. an increase again in racism and on Friday. Enforcement action was taken against Since the end of March, it has The Human Rights Commission was concerned about school and 112 people. received more than 250 complaints noted complaints of racial workplace bullying related to Acting Assistant Commissioner Scott Fraser relating to Covid-19 and 82 were harassment were happening online Covid-19. said most were because of social gatherings, and race-related. via social media, and through “I’m pre-empting that when our warned that attending parties could waste all the Race Relations Commissioner indifferent treatment for customers Race Relations Commissioner Asian kids go back to school there sacrifices made over the past five weeks. Meng Foon said there was a of Asian descent in supermarkets. Meng Foon will be an unnecessary blame “I certainly don’t want to see our team of 5 particular rise in bullying and He said people should not game. We have been actively million punished for the behaviour of a few,” harassment of people from Chinese tolerate the ill-treatment of others associating with the Government Ardern told Morning Report. and Asian descent. and encouraged people to record to Racism. and schools, keeping them “This is about getting out of the heavy The proportion of race-related and report any racism to the Foon had also been in touch informed.” restrictions we have at the moment and we complaints to the Humans Rights Human Rights Commission. with school advisory boards to The commission has made are more likely to do that if we abide by the Commission include: In response to battling racism, encourage awareness around it easier to report racism and guidelines and restrictions we have in place.” ■ 30 percent Chinese/Asian; the commission is advocating for their anti-racism campaign and to discrimination. Ardern said there had also been a “blip” at the ■ 28 percent Muslims; anti-racism government leadership “keep spreading the message of ■ Report racism by going online, start of the Level 4 lockdown with breaches as ■ 14 percent Indians; and continuing to push forward a kindness”. calling 0800 496 877 or emailing people worked to understand the expectations. ■ 5 percent Maori and Pasifika. prevention campaign, Give Nothing The Human Rights Commission [email protected]. “So I do expect that, but again, we are willing to act.” — RNZ Cabinet approves fast-tracking of shovel-ready projects

WELLINGTON — Cabinet has input in to whether projects proceed expected to be passed in June. plan to keep New recover from the damage approved the fast tracking of large and instead hand this power to small “We are acting quickly to get the Zealanders in jobs. We caused by the Covid-19 shovel-ready projects, largely panels of experts, chaired by an economy moving again and our people have already signalled pandemic,” he said. bypassing the Resource Management Environment Court judge. working. Part 2 of the RMA will still be major projects as part National said the Act (RMA). Parker said the sorts of projects applied. Projects are being advanced of the $12 billion New proposed RMA reforms Yesterday morning’s announcement that would benefit from quicker in time, but environmental safeguards Zealand Upgrade project. should be made from Environment Minister David consenting included roading, walking remain,” Parker said. Parker said ideas from permanent. Parker came as the Government and cycling, rail, housing, sediment “The consenting and approval district and regional Spokesperson for RMA continued to identify projects which removal, new wetland construction, processes that are used in normal councils, as well as reform, Judith Collins, could begin sooner with a large flood management works, and projects circumstances don’t provide the speed NGOs and the private said the RMA was past injection of public money. to prevent landfill erosion. and certainty we need now in response sector, would be among its use-by date and the The aim is to boost the economy as Parker said projects that include to the economic fallout from Covid-19. those considered. fast-tracking should be it enters a sharp downturn brought on transport, environmental benefits and The new processes will get projects “Job-rich projects David Parker extended beyond the two by the Covid-19 pandemic. housing would be prioritised under started sooner and people into jobs like core infrastructure, years. She said National The new act, due to be passed in the plan. faster. housing and environmental restoration needed to see the detail of the latest June, would take away the ability of He said the changes were approved “Investment in infrastructure is are crucial to the Government’s plan changes, but generally speaking, it the public and councils to have an last week and new legislation was central to the Government’s economic to stimulate the economy and help us would support them. — RNZ The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 NATIONAL NEWS 7 BRIEFS Cops acted lawfully during What is happening with lockdown: Police Commissioner WELLINGTON — Police Commissioner says he is confident police acted lawfully in enforcing the Level 4 lockdown. Behrouz Boochani: Nats Emails leaked to from Deputy Police Commissioner Mike Clement to by Jane Patterson, RNZ changed as a result of me other top officers share a Crown Law opinion knowing”. warning police they had little to no power to “It was an operational enforce the lockdown, and officers should be WELLINGTON — The decision, though, made by operating as though the country were at level 1. National Party is calling Immigration New Zealand, as Coster told Morning Report police were for the Government to be you would expect for a visa “conservative” in how they enforced the lockdown more upfront about what decision.” early on while they got clarity around their is happening with Behrouz When asked about powers. Boochani, a Kurdish refugee statements Boochani had But he says he’s confident police acted lawfully and author who arrived here made about maybe staying in how they enforced the restrictions. — RNZ last November and may now on past his visa Ardern said See earlier story on page 8 be seeking asylum. at that time it was “totally Boochani arrived in hypothetical”. More wet weather on the way Christchurch after being “He has the legal ability WELLINGTON — Parts of the North Island were granted a visitor visa to to be here for a month. It in for rain and thunderstorms today, with the attend a literary festival and demonstrates, I think, that centre of the island expected to bear the brunt. it is understood he is still in the system where he’s been Overnight, Fire and Emergency had 16 reports New Zealand. identified already as a refugee of trees down and minor flooding in Auckland, the He had spent more than - he has travel documents and Bay of Plenty, Northland and Waikato. six years in an Australian he’s had the ability to apply MetService meteorologist Daniel Corrigan said detention centre on Manus and legally be here in New Island; there he wrote his Auckland was hit by a heavy but brief period of BELIEVED TO STILL BE IN NZ: Behrouz Boochani, a Kurdish Zealand for the purposes of book, No Friend But the rain just before midnight last night, and the Bay refugee and author, arrived in New Zealand last November and speaking at a conference,” Mountains, on his phone, of Plenty had particularly heavy rain overnight. may be seeking asylum. . picture Ardern told reporters. He said Auckland would get more heavy which won two major literary “He also, of course, is in the showers this morning, and Taranaki, Waitomo, prizes in Australia. Smith said Boochani indicated Ardern told Morning Report process of gaining approval to and possibly Kapiti Coast, were expected to get Boochani had indicated then he had “no intention of today that by law she was be able to reside in the United thunderstorms. he would consider seeking leaving New Zealand” once his not able to comment on a States. Anything beyond The West Coast of the South Island was also asylum here but under New visitor visa expired. individual’s legal status or that really is, you know, in for rain and thunderstorms which would ease Zealand law ministers and There was no justification applications. speculative.” overnight due to an unstable northerly flow. officials cannot discuss any for using a visitor visa to get “Generally of course we Asylum claims in New MetService warns that heavy rain could cause details of individual claims, or to New Zealand in order to have an expectation that Zealand were dealt with streams and rivers to rise rapidly and driving even confirm if an application then seek asylum, Smith said. people, when they are in New “totally independently of conditions may be hazardous. — RNZ has been made. “He had been accepted for Zealand, they are here legally politicians”, she said. Under immigration law asylum in the US, so it’s not and Immigration takes action In a statement, Lees- GP warns of flu jab shortage someone seeking asylum like a normal case of someone if they are not.” Galloway said he could neither WELLINGTON — There will be a shortage of can be granted a temporary claiming asylum when they “confirm nor deny whether the flu vaccine next week if practices do not get visa so they can live and get in the country that has Immigration New Zealand has more stock, says the chair of the NZ Medical work in New Zealand while nowhere else to go — quite There was no received any claim for asylum” Association. their application is being clearly he did.” under the section of the There are conflicting accounts about the state of considered, a process that can There was a “bad odour” justification for using Immigration Act that “requires New Zealand’s supply of the flu vaccine. take several months. around the whole application a visitor visa to get to us to keep all refugee and The Government says there is sufficient stock, National’s immigration process, Smith said, “but New Zealand in order protection claims confidential”. but a leaked e-mail from the Ministry of Health spokesperson, Stuart Smith, what’s happened since we “Asylum claims are very suggests there is an overall gap in supply. said National is questioning don’t know and we won’t know to then seek asylum, sensitive in nature and are Chair of the NZ Medical Association and GP Dr whether Boochani truly possibly at all. Stuart Smith said. often made because the Kate Baddock told Morning Report practices were intended to leave New Zealand “His legal status once he’s individual has a fear of not able to get any more stock until after May 11 after a month, as he would here is quite tightly defined persecution in their country or when a new shipment was expected to come in. have been required to state on and that may be a difficult otherwise fear returning there. “We know there is going to be a gap in supply, his visitor visa application. situation but this man got Back in November Ardern “As such, it is important the question is whether demand therefore When applying for a visa, into New Zealand when he said she would have preferred that the existence of any claim exceeds what is currently available . . . we don’t people had to show they were quite clearly stated he was Immigration Minister Iain is kept confidential to protect know what the demand will be like next week.” a “genuine tourist or visitor”, considering not leaving the Lees-Galloway to have given the individual while their She expects most practices to have between said Smith, and state their country ... the wrong way to her a “heads up” about claim is being assessed.” one and four days of supply on hand currently. intention to leave. go about filling out your visa Boochani’s arrival, adding Boochani has not responded “The distribution up until now, since the Ministry In an interview with the form.” “it is still a matter that, to a request for comment from has been controlling distribution, it has in fact ABC before he arrived here, Prime Minister Jacinda ultimately, would not have RNZ. been reasonable and we have had adequate supplies coming through each day.” If the demand exceeds this week’s stock, it will be a shortfall, she said. Many more people Over a month before being contacted by tracing team were seeking vaccinations than they may have in previous years. “I would ask all those not in high-risk groups when they ring their GP to see WELLINGTON — Four-and-a-half told them I’d been on a regional The results came back negative, like I was told to do, and they said whether they can get a vaccine, ensure that there weeks after a woman came into flight with international people and but she was told there were lots it’s too late.” are adequate supplies.” — RNZ contact with a confirmed Covid-19 was refused.” of false negatives, so she was a She said the whole situation Marist pupils, staff to be tested case, she was finally contacted by She got so sick she contemplated probable case of Covid-19. “reeks of incompetence”. the Ministry of Health’s tracing team. going to the hospital, but instead The woman was asked to go back “I must admit, my reaction was to AUCKLAND — All students and staff at She took a regional flight looked through old media releases and get re-tested a week later, but just laugh at the tracing officer, not Auckland’s Marist College are being urged to get on March 17 and 10 days later and found a flight from the March 17 when she did, her symptoms were in a nasty way, but I just laughed. tested for Covid-19. developed symptoms of the listed as one which had a confirmed clearing up and she was denied. “I couldn’t believe it, that’s four- Ninety-four people connected with the school respiratory virus. Covid-19 case on it. During this time, and-a-half weeks have tested positive for the coronavirus making it The woman, who RNZ agreed The man had flown in from she was allowed later, you’ve got to the country’s second largest cluster. not to name, said the virus was like Barcelona before travelling into a medical The woman said be kidding me.” Students and staff are this week being given nothing she had ever felt before. regionally. centre, despite The Ministry vouchers that will enable them to get tested. the virus was like “My lungs started burning. She found a story where the her protests as nothing she had of Health said While it’s voluntary, school principal Raechelle “I didn’t get the normal flu ’s Medical she was still in a statement it Taulu encourages everyone to get tested, symptoms (at first) — I had that a Officer of Health said they would be showing Covid-19 ever felt before. was difficult to regardless of whether or not they’re symptomatic. little bit later on, but it was just my contacting the close contacts from symptoms. comment on this She said it’ll provide reassurance to the school lungs have never been affected in the international flight. The staff at the specific case. community as they move to reopen. that way. “I didn’t actually pick up (on that) centre said the “What we can While only half of the 94 cases in the Marist “The burning then started to at the time, they will only contact negative test result meant she could say is our case definition for contact cluster were directly associated with the college, become painful, with coughing and trace the international flights. come in. tracing people on an aircraft is it was important that the wider school community it felt like a weight on my chest “And they hadn’t even bothered Four and a half weeks after the those sitting within two seats in all is given the opportunity to be tested, the every day that I had the virus and to ring up the regional flight regional flight where she came into directions. Auckland DHB said. extra, extra weight got put on there, members who he’d been in contact contact with a man with Covid-19, “Other people on the flight Auckland Regional Public Health Service it was just a little bit harder to with the same day. the Ministry of Health’s contact would have been considered casual Director Dr William Rainger said there was a low breathe,” she said. “And I thought that that was tracing team called her up. contacts,” the statement said. likelihood of new cases being detected, but it was When she developed a fever, she pretty poor.” “They advised me that I’d been in “We acknowledge that it would important to take every precaution. rang Healthline but was refused At this stage it had been over contact with a Covid-19 sufferer on have been too late for her to be “This round of testing will help give students, testing because she was thought two weeks since she was on the March 17. tested once the contact tracing team parents and school staff reassurance and inform to have had no contact with a flight and still no contact from the “This was over a month later and contacted her, the passenger would planning for the re-opening of the College. When confirmed case and the tracing team Ministry of Health or tracing teams. advised me to go and get tested and have been able to identify whether that moment arrives, the College can be confident had not made contact to suggest She was able to get tested after ring the health line. any of her close contacts had that there is no higher risk of a student or staff otherwise. proving she was on a flight with a “I thought it was a bit late now. become unwell and they could have member being infectious at Marist College than at “I tried again a second time and confirmed case. “I rang up the Healthline dutifully, got tested.” — RNZ any other school in New Zealand.” — RNZ 8 NATIONAL NEWS The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 Number of Transmission Gully foreign hits another delay students Completion date uncertain for billion-dollar project falls sharply by John Gerritson, RNZ by Charlotte Cook, RNZ WELLINGTON — Immigration New Zealand figures show the number of foreign students WELLINGTON — Work in the country has fallen sharply in the past on Wellington’s billion dollar six weeks. Transmission Gully project In late April, there were 51,580 people with has been drastically curtailed a valid study visa in New Zealand, 8768 or as the completion date is 14.5 percent fewer than the 60,348 who were delayed again. in the country in mid-March. Many of the roading sub- A further 9272 people with valid New contractors are no longer Zealand study visas were overseas, down employed and the opening is from 15,855 in mid-March. being extended into 2021. The changes were due to factors including The Transport Agency had the expiry of some study visas at the confirmed it was trying to end of March and some people with valid negotiate a new completion visas returning to their home countries on date with the joint venture repatriation flights. consortium building the four- The figures showed universities had 17,570 lane highway. students in-country, polytechnics 9308 and It blamed the Covid-19 schools 10,506 — about half the number of lockdown for the latest delay students those sectors enrolled in 2018 when putting this year’s November the total number of foreign students in all deadline on hold. sectors reached 110,790. “Waka Kotahi NZ Transport In late April, there were 13,101 students Agency is committed to from China in the country, 12,226 from India seeing the Transmission and 2788 from South Korea. The US was the Gully project completed as only country with fewer students with valid quickly as possible,” it said in study visas in New Zealand, 870, than out of a statement. New Zealand, 1064. “It is clear that the Level The figures indicated the extent of the 4 lockdown and Level 3 DELAYED AGAIN: Wellington’s billion-dollar Transmission Gully construction project. downturn facing the $5 billion foreign student restrictions will have an RNZ by Rebekah Parsons-King industry this year. impact on the completion Despite the low numbers, universities said date which will likely extend years.” was finalised, many people Bishop said they needed they were still receiving inquiries and even into 2021.” Subcontractors working and bits of equipment were clarity from the Government. enrolments from foreign students for next The agency confirmed there on the 27 kilometre route unable to be utilised. Nick Leggett said NZTA year. were 182 staff currently have told RNZ the project National’s transport had left lots of questions Lincoln University vice-chancellor Bruce working on the project, which would shut down for the spokesperson Chris Bishop unanswered, and their silence McKenzie said feedback from students, usually had a team of more winter months, and best case said the extended delay could was telling. especially those in China, indicated that New than 700. scenario, they could be back not just be because of the “There has been an Zealand was extremely well-regarded because It said about 80 key people on the job in September. Covid-19 lockdown. air of secrecy around of its success in containing the Covid-19 were still overseas because of “You have got to wonder the Transmission Gully outbreak. “I can assure you, international Covid-19. what on earth is going on construction from the students are still very interested in coming to “A significant portion of here, where a month’s worth beginning, and for those of us New Zealand,” he said. the site engineering and Road Transport Forum’s of lockdown, where quite who have followed it and been “New Zealand is viewed as perhaps the supervision team and some of chief executive Nick rightly no construction watching on the periphery, safest country in the world to come to right the operations personnel are Leggett said he could work could take place, has this is no surprise, the lack of now.” still (in lockdown) overseas, essentially meant a potential clarity and the seeming lack Mr McKenzie said it was important to including slope stabilisation not understand why five one-to-two year delay on of wanting to give a specific reopen the country to foreign students, but it crew members and paver weeks of tools down critical infrastructure for answer about the completion was also important to keep the country safe operators, and are unable to would delay the project Wellington and New Zealand. dates, budgets and the work from Covid-19. return to site with current “It just doesn’t make a lot on the project.” “It is important to get international numbers border restrictions.” by over a year. of sense. Previously, the Transport back up. Lincoln at one stage just before Road Transport Forum’s “Obviously people would Agency had said the the borders were closed, we were 48 percent chief executive Nick Leggett expect a construction halt consortium could be fined up international students, so it’s hurt us.” said he could not understand One said he had been while the country was in to $16,000 for every day over Mr McKenzie said the university had why five weeks of tools down told he could remove his lockdown, but I think it the completion deadline. an accommodation building that housed would delay the project by equipment from the site speaks to wider issues about The agency would not administration offices and could easily be over a year. completely as there was a the way the project has been confirm if the new deal would repurposed for quarantining. “It was originally supposed possibility the project may carried out,” he said. include penalties. He said it would be difficult to start to be the end of this year. It’s fall over altogether and have Bishop said contractors The joint venture partners, accepting foreign students in the middle of a worry that just four or five to go back out to tender. were disheartened and they CPB and HEB, both declined the year through a quarantine system, but it weeks of a Covid-19-imposed The Transport Agency said did not believe they would be to comment, stating they might be possible to accept students from a halt to work could push the it was working on a new back on the job, or delivering were prohibited by their small number of countries. project out for months or even delivery plan but until it the new road anytime soon. contract to do so. checkpoints gone by Level 2 — police by Dan Satherley, Newshub. masks and without self-isolating”. as National Party leader Simon moving down to Level 2.” under the Health Act in early April. Police later said the roadblocks Bridges and ACT’s David Seymour, However, there have been questions Even now, experts have reportedly NORTHLAND — Police say they had no legal power to stop anyone, the checkpoints have reportedly had about whether police even have the queried whether the orders are lawful. are hoping to reduce the number iwi but rather than shut them down right support from local councils. legal power to enforce lockdown “Whether that was because the checkpoints in Northland to zero by away, police took a softer approach Even so, Police Commissioner restrictions, including breaking up lockdown was based on the wrong the time the country lifts to pandemic and decided to work with the Andrew Coster says their days are mass gatherings and stopping people legislation or because the drafting Level 2. volunteers. numbered. from non-essential travel. of the initial section 70 notice was A group calling itself the Te Tai “Some of these isolated There were between 30 and 50 Thousands have been charged with inadequate, incompetence, in the Tokerau Border Control has been communities didn’t have access to during Level 4, he told The AM Show breaching lockdown restrictions, and Beehive or at the Ministry of Health, trying to stop people breaking immediate medical services. The this morning, and only seven now nearly 700 gatherings reported in just has put frontline police officers on guidelines against travel outside local issues that they discussed were under Level 3. “The seven that are 24 hours this past weekend. shaky legal ground,” Seymour said areas and keep outsiders out of the about the low immunity levels of left have a police presence, and that NZME reports a Crown Law opinion today. region. their people, of their elderly, and of police presence means they are not in shared with top police officials “There are now serious questions Former MP Hone Harawira set up their pakeke [adults],” Deputy Police any way unlawful. suggests they had “little or no power” about whether police officers the group in March after claiming Commissioner Wally Haumaha told “We are continuing to work with to enforce lockdown restrictions exceeded their legal authority in backpackers and tourists were “rolling RNZ. those communities to reduce them before Director-General of Health carrying out checkpoints, arrests and into Pak’nSave without protective face Despite criticism from MPs, such down to zero at the point we are Ashley Bloomfield issued orders shutting down businesses.” The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 NATIONAL NEWS 9 ‘We are living history’ Nelson locals record life during a pandemic by Tracy Neal, RNZ

NELSON — Some of Nelson-Tasman will recall the Covid-19 lockdown as a month of basking in the golden autumn sun. Others will recall being ill in hospital with the virus, the discomfort of the twizzle-stick test up each nostril, the agony of being forced apart from family members or the abject fear of losing a job or a business. The effects of the global pandemic on Nelson-Tasman are to be documented for future generations in a collaboration between the Nelson Provincial Museum and Nelson Public Libraries. The Nelson Provincial Museum was founded in 1841 as the Literary and Scientific Institution of Nelson. Chief executive Lucinda Blackley- Jimson said the global reach of Covid-19 was likely to be a defining moment in the history of the 21st century. “We are living history. This is one of the moments that the people who come after us will look back and see how we did, and how we experienced life. “We want to create a record that will tell our descendants about this time, which is a really extraordinary experience and one I’m sure we hope won’t be repeated quickly.” Ms Blackley-Jimson said while Nelson EFFECTS OF PANDEMIC BEING DOCUMENTED: The Nelson Provincial Museum (above) contacted a cross-section of people had so far not been badly affected by for inclusion on the record. Picture supplied by The Nelson Provincial Museum the virus, it would remain a watershed moment of life before and after for the region. frontline workers such as medical The library’s community programmes “But these personal stories may also “There will be life before and there personnel, supermarket workers, truck co-ordinator, Rosamund Feeney, said become fascinating insights for people will be life afterwards: travel before drivers, first responders and rest- one of its hidden strengths was how it to look back on, and can, in a museum this lockdown happened and travel home carers, along with small business incited the telling of oral histories. context, be simply invaluable for future afterwards. owners, iwi representatives, diarists, Sectors of the community have generations.” “Things are going to be changing historians, photographers and artists. been approached for forms of poetry, Ms Blackley-Jimson said planning the so much and in ways we can’t Ms Blackley-Jimson said they also art, journals, oral histories, video, project began when lockdown started, really envisage — it will be really wanted to hear from people observing photographs, objects and crafts which but it had just been launched. unpredictable.” lockdown at home with their families or were some of the ways to capture “We had to make sure we gave it Stories collected will be added to local alone, and also the homeless and what personal experiences of the country’s enough thought; that we were going to records of the 1918 influenza pandemic, their experiences had been like. united efforts against the virus. come up with something that was really the world wars and natural disasters in “We’re inviting people to comment Ms Blackley-Jimson said some people robust and worthwhile.” the region, such as the 1929 Murchison from their own particular perspectives.” were already recording their thoughts She said museums were facing earthquake and the 2019 Pigeon Valley ‘Personal stories . . . simply and feelings. a wider challenge of how best to wildfires. invaluable for future generations’ “This can be helpful in processing represent huge societal changes in their The museum had already identified The library has introduced a Life in what is happening to them personally, collections. and contacted a cross-section of people the Bubble campaign to connect with with their whanau and with the wider “In this case, the stories are going to for inclusion in the record, including members of the general public. world. be the most important thing.” Homeless being housed more quickly in lockdown

by Eva Corlett, RNZ (DCM) and the DHB are head-to-toe in protective gear — there to give flu jabs WELLINGTON — Could the and check in on the motel’s newest lockdown signal an end to rough guests. sleeping? Former rough sleepers and One of those guests, Lofty, was community housing groups think it sleeping in a carport in Wellington could. before the lockdown. “I had nothing. It The Ministry for Housing and Urban was just me, myself and I.” Development said 1114 people had He moved into the motel a week or been housed in 876 motel units since two into lockdown. The last time he the alert levels were announced and on had a roof over his head was “ages April 26, the Government announced ago”, and it was a big change. another $100 million to be spent on “I wake up fresh, get up have a homelessness. shower, a wash, a sleep — it makes the One of the new accommodation whole difference.” sites is Halswell Lodge in central He said the lockdown made the Wellington — a block of 30 or so motel housing process faster “by a long units tucked into the base of Mount way”. Victoria. “If it wasn’t for this, I’d still be out The motel to house rough sleepers there.” was booked under urgency for Groups working with the homeless emergency accommodation when the community say there are almost no 10 years, said having a bit of security support for 50 of them. With local and central Government Level 4 lockdown began. rough sleepers left on Wellington and gave people the chance to set some “They are in their housing and support, the Wellington City Mission Reuben, who RNZ interviewed Auckland’s streets. goals and reach out to whanau. they have kept their housing, they set up accommodation in central before the lockdown and was sleeping Auckland’s Lifewise peer outreach He said it was emotional and are thankful. With familiar faces in Wellington. in a school, moved in there. worker, Raymond Paul, said there were overwhelming how many people were the facility with them, they don’t feel The self-contained units, Te Paapori He yelled out from the balcony, people who had been sleeping rough now seeking support from Lifewise. alone,” he said. is housing 37 men, who had been where he and a few other men were for 15 to 20 years now in housing. Since the lockdown, Lifewise Wellington City Missioner staying at the Wellington Night Shelter. chatting, that he was doing well. “They are liking having a warm shower, has supported up to 70 people into Murray Edridge said nearly every The country was now uniquely In the carpark below, workers from a soft bed and a bit of security.” emergency accommodation and is streetie in Wellington was now in placed to end rough sleeping, Mr Te Aro Health, Downtown City Mission Paul, a former streetie himself for now providing ongoing, wraparound accommodation. Edridge said. 10 BUSINESS The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 How much is really ‘up BRIEFS Westpac predicts $211m hit WELLINGTON — Cash earnings at Westpac New Zealand have taken a big hit after the bank increased its impairment charge to $211 million and running’ at Level 3? as it prepares to weather the storm from the Covid-19.The New Zealand division of the ASX- WELLINGTON — Since Tuesday’s introduced. listed bank reported cash earnings excluding lowering of Covid-19 Alert Level from The Government says 75 Infometrics estimates that under Alert notable items of $295m for the six months 4 to 3, some of New Zealand’s largest Level 3, 74 percent of workers could be to March 31, down 47 percent on the prior industries have been allowed back to percent‘ of the economy is on the job and gross domestic product corresponding half in 2019. Last week Westpac work. operating again but we doubt could be “up to 82 percent” of what it was Group — the Australian parent — announced a Cafes and takeaways have begun that. before Covid-19. A$2.2 billion impairment charge of which A$1.6b operating (in a limited way), construction But Infometrics senior economist Brad was related to Covid-19 impacts for the six sites have restarted and logs have begun ’ — Olsen said this represented something months to March 31. At the time Westpac Group arriving at ports around the country, for like a “speed limit” above which the chief executive Peter King said the world was the first time in more than a month. economy could not travel under the going through a once-in-a-lifetime health and Exactly how much is happening in the the economy is operating again but we current restrictions, and the actual economic crisis and the bank was committed economy may become clearer over time, doubt that,” he said. employment and output was likely to be to assisting as many customers as possible to but a combination of the many thousands “Tourism, hospitality and retail have lower. bridge the shutdown period. — NZ Herald of businesses which are still unable to been shut down for six weeks. The longer Some workplaces would not yet be operate and restrictions on those which this goes on, the more jobs will be lost”. operational, some building sites would Buffett sells airline shares can, means it will be far below capacity. To build its scenarios, Treasury have stopped altogether and while some OMAHA — Billionaire investor Warren Buffett As he mulled options for providing conducted high-level analysis of how cafes were open, they would be doing says his company Berkshire Hathaway has sold commercial rent relief, Justice Minister much work could be done at home and significantly less trade than usual. all of its shares in the four largest US airlines. Andrew Little declared on Wednesday how much activity was permitted under “The capacity to get stuff moving Speaking at the annual shareholders’ meeting, that “75 percent of the economy is up and different alert levels. is there, but the ability is much more Mr Buffett said “the world has changed” because running again”. Even by the standards of forecasting constrained,” Olsen said. of the coronavirus. He then said he had been While hundreds of thousands of people this is a difficult task; Treasury was Economies adapt to different wrong to invest in the airline industry. The could — in theory — return to work making estimates before the Government conditions; activity last week might be conglomerate had an 11 percent stake in Delta last week for the first time since March, had finalised what was permitted at different from what it would get to if New Air Lines, 10 percent of American Airlines, 10 the statement is likely to represent Alert Level 3. Zealand was to stay at Alert Level 3 for percent of Southwest Airlines, and 9 percent of something of a best-case scenario, Treasury acknowledged this. “Clearly, the next few months. United Airlines, according to its annual report and unlikely to be met in reality. the margin of error surrounding these Workplaces would adjust, while company filings. The firm began investing in the At the very least it is Little’s estimates is large.” workers would feel more pressure to be four airlines in 2016, after avoiding the aviation interpretation of a different assumption, While estimates vary widely, at work as the focus went from a health industry for years. — BBC which even its creators have little economists seemed to see 75 percent crisis to a jobs crisis. As schools and early confidence in. capacity at more of an upper limit to childhood education centres reopened, Little’s office confirmed the claim was activity under the current conditions, only a small percentage of children were drawn from Treasury documents released rather than the actual level. back. earlier in April which estimated how “It’s an optimal scenario, it’s a Toplis said this reflected a confusing Maori business much of a hit the economy would take theoretical scenario, but we’re probably message. On the one hand we should under a range of scenarios, defined by not quite there yet,” Stephen Toplis, head isolate our bubbles to limit spread (with different periods at different alert levels. of research at BNZ, said. the advice to keep children home from models poised Under Alert Level 4, Treasury assumed “Even if all 75 percent of those people school) while at the same time, it was New Zealand’s economic output would be were working, it’s highly likely that okay for children to return to school. to help rebuild 40 percent below “normal”, while at Level productivity will have taken a dent “People are doing what they are told, 3 it would be 25 percent down (Little because of the difficulties imposed on but people are also scared,” Toplis said. then took the reverse to be true, that 75 the operations through things like social Over time, if case numbers and death the economy percent was up and running). distancing . . . and the like,” Toplis said. rates from Covid-19 stayed low, the Opposition leader Simon Bridges While it was possible the economy may attitude of both workers and employers ROTORUA — A Maori business leader yesterday poured cold water on the be operating at 75 percent capacity, Toplis was likely to change, amid expectations says Maori business models are showing the figure. said it could be down by a third compared that many businesses will fail and resilience needed to help rebuild the economy “The Government says 75 percent of with before Covid-19 restrictions were unemployment will surge. — NZ Herald following the Covid-19 pandemic. Te Taumata chairman Chris Karamea Insley is also the chief executive of Te Arawa Fisheries and sits on a number of businesses’ boards across the country. So far, the Hoping to retain national fleet government has spent more than $10 billion on the wage subsidy scheme to help keep people in jobs. Karamea Insley is seeing how well the low- Corporate Cabs doing fraction of normal business at Level 3 debt borrowing model many Maori businesses follow is holding up during the lockdown. by Andrea Fox, NZ Herald “Universally across the board we haven’t had to lay off staff anywhere near (the rate) AUCKLAND —Top-end car- BEEFING UP: Pakeha businesses have — because we’ve got ride operator Corporate Cabs Corporate Cabs this cushion in the balance.” lost 95 percent of its business is retaining its In the coming months, Karamea Insley to Covid-19 but says it is 300 operators said the government will be pressured by the confident enough about its throughout the business community to return the economy future to retain its 300 owner- country. According to what it was like before Covid-19. But he drivers and invest in new to Chairman Laurie believes the current model isn’t sustainable. technology. Margrain about “The business models promoted widely Chairman Laurie Margrain 70 percent of the through New Zealand and the rest of the world said about 70 percent of the company’s pre- are basically driven by short-termism and company’s pre-virus business virus business was driving to create personal profit for individuals.” was airport transfers. airport transfers. Karamea Insley understands economic wealth The 7000-vehicle New Picture supplied via is important — but business needs to be driven Zealand taxi sector is among NZ Herald by people — and looking after people. He the hardest hit casualties of wants Maori business leaders at the table when the pandemic response. At it comes to helping to rebuild the economy and least one company, electric and he’s already met with government ministers. hybrid vehicle operator Green “We’re saying taihoa (wait) — we need to Cabs, has halted trading, percent owned by Auckland’s with large, luxury late- themselves as executive make haste but now we have opportunity to do according to its website. Murray and Robyn Bolton, is model sedans and luxury transport. something far better and far more enduring mai Margrain said the return to downsizing its Manukau Rd Volkswagen vans. All drivers He believed the cab sector rano (for a long time). a Alert Level 3 meant business operating centre from 40 staff are uniformed and qualified in would experience reduced “Maori businesses have proven resilient people were starting to travel to about 20. first aid. passenger volumes for some through the Covid-19 pandemic, he said domestically and require cabs Margrain said with the Margrain said customers time but for companies because they have less debt and use their but Corporate Cabs was still investment in new technology, were executives, MPs and targeting “the more discerning profits to run their operations. He predicts only doing 5-10 percent of its a smaller infrastructure was people from all walks of life customer” and making sure companies who borrow a lot of money to normal volumes. required. The pandemic had who wanted a guaranteed their requirements were met survive won’t be able to survive. “But we will survive it and accelerated the company’s safe, hygienic and comfortable there was definitely a good “We’re going to see a lot of them go we will come out of it better recent $500,000 investment in service. For this they paid a future. bankrupt because they can’t meet their with a vastly enhanced app improved technology, he said. premium of about 10 percent None of Corporate Cabs mortgage repayments to the bank.” Karamea and booking technology. We Corporate Cabs revenue on fares. A high number of vehicles are electric because, Insley said most Maori businesses are believe we will have a demand was around $20 million a year customers were women. Margrain said, no appropriate prepared to take a long-term approach — for all the owner-operators we before the pandemic. The company’s business vehicles were available to something he doesn’t see in mainstream have.” Its 300 self-employed model was unique in the cab meet the company’s customer business. “They’re lucky If they’ve got However, the 25-year-old drivers operate in Auckland, industry on its scale, Margrain requirements, but a move to a business plan for two years — Maori company, mostly owned by Wellington, Dunedin, believed, though some very electric or hybrid vehicles was organisations right now honestly have a Bolton Equities, which is 99 Christchurch and Queenstown small operators promoted on the agenda. thousand-year plan.” — RNZ The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 OPINION 11 EDITORIAL Focus is on successful recovery Reeferendum in WHAT’S ON IN COUNCIL navigate through these trying times. rail (in a support role). These projects have had a THIS WEEK There is hardship and the council’s Emergency long gestation. Funding is the handbrake and any Covid-19 times by Andy Cranston Co-ordination Centre continues to assist with assistance is going to be hugely impactful to our the provision of welfare support parcels. We also ability to undertake these projects. They are all The Covid-19 pandemic may have JACK Tame regularly Skypes have the rates remissions for hardship. Now is important for different but relevant reasons. an indirect effect on the cannabis his 93-year-old grandmother. On not the time to be whakama (embarrassed). If the We don’t know how the Government is going to reform referendum being held his last chat she berated him need is there, council wants to hear about it. react and prioritise. Staff have worked very hard alongside the election in September. that he was not “Zooming” her. A crucial element of our recovery will be based and put forward strong cases. There is no priority On Friday Justice Minister Andrew She felt she was missing out. around two important pieces of work — the TEAP or favouritism put forward on our part, and the Little released final details of the Such is the impact in this current environment. (Tairawhiti Economic Action Plan) and the Spatial outcome will have an element of luck. Notice has proposed legislation that will include Daily Zoom usage has gone from Plan. Both of these planning documents are been given that decisions around this funding a phased approach to making the 10 million to almost 300 million — not all future-focused. These are relatively fresh plans will be made this month, so it’s fingers crossed. drug legal — meaning only dried or businesses are in downturn. but we will be meeting on Thursday to revisit the While some sectors are picking up we fresh cannabis and cannabis seed Zoom is the current reality of council business. Spatial Plan, to determine if there are appropriate are acutely aware of the extreme difficulty It’s not totally transferable as best practice but it changes to reflect the current reality. other sectors are under and the high level of would be approved for production allows business continuation. “Unmute your mic,” We are in limbo at the moment awaiting the uncertainty which must be keeping many awake and sale at first — and a number of is the phrase most used, and facial distortion and outcome of our applications to Government at night. Through no fault of their own, the CBD provisions intended to reduce harm counting nose hairs can be distracting, but life for shovel-ready projects. We were fortunate to businesses are perhaps the most exposed. As from legalising cannabis. can go on. have made progress on many projects, to have a community there will never be a more crucial A Cannabis Regulatory Authority It’s a very important time to stay informed. them sitting within guidelines. It is currently time to shop local and support local businesses. that will be formed as part of the The talk is very much about what successful an unknown as to which way the funding will We have entered a time where every dollar is legislation might later recommend recovery will look like. The focus is on planning fall. The inbox is overflowing. Our projects going to count and maintaining those dollars edible products, but gummy bears and strategising how any inevitable pain can be put forward are Olympic pool redevelopment, regionally will be a survival tool we need to are definitely off the agenda. Any avoided or minimised. wastewater treatment plant upgrade, 1000-year recognise and support. products that were found to appeal While we are destined for hard times, the walkway bridge, the three waters healthy homes I was saddened to hear of the passing of feedback is that we are grateful to be Kiwis and project, Waipaoa River flood control, managed ex-councillor Atareta Poananga. Her time was to children and young people grateful to be of Te Tairawhiti. But there is going aquifer recharge, Tairawhiti wharves restoration, too short. She was a true wahine toa and will be would be banned, and so would to be pain and we will all need each other to township upgrades and the Turanga to Wairoa missed. advertising. As has been widely signalled LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, ONLINE COMMENTS before, sales to people under 20 would be banned and offences Further studies in line relating to this part of the legislation would carry hefty fines (although the Pak’nSave my No.1 shop fine for the underage person would I would like to thank the are to wait before moving up. with feasibility report be comparatively light and possibly owner and staff at Pak’nSave The checkout operators Re: Clarity on rail required, May project unless they are leading it. waived if they agree to a drug Gisborne. sanitising the counters before 2 letter. The recommendation in the BERL treatment or education programme). From the lovely lady at the you move into place. Further engineering work and report to relocate the freight loading The levels of THC, the main front entrance where for once The clear perspex walls freight studies have been done yard away from the Gisborne psychoactive compound in cannabis, it was good to be an old girl, to between the customer and following the release of BERL’s Railway Station is being considered all the staff who are willing to operators, still smiling. Turanga ki Wairoa Rail Feasibility as an integral part of this rail would be limited and the actual level help when needed. All you people are much Report in December. This work reinstatement project. This may would have to be shown on labels. To the very good waiting appreciated by the elderly and has provided confidence in the require some land acquisition. The amount a person can spots and spacing lines located it makes Pak’nSave my No.1 figures noted in the BERL report The comments reported in purchase is limited to 14 grams of around the shop and at the shop. of up to $30 million for repair and Saturday’s Gisborne Herald from dried product from licensed outlets. checkout, showing where you J. COATES reinstatement of the rail line and KiwiRail’s CEO Greg Miller are Cannabis would only be able to be have taken the place of a business disappointing given that KiwiRail consumed on private properties or case study. was a member of the steering group at a licensed venue. Staying in As recommended in the BERL guiding the development of the One interesting provision is that Wrong word report, the key to achieving this BERL report. Re: Bruce Holm’s letter on is that the work be done by local/ His estimates seem extreme. It is individuals can grow up to two Saturday. regional contractors external to understood that following the basic plants, with a maximum of four Does Bruce need to go to EGL bubble KiwiRail. repair and reinstatement of the rail plants per household — a provision Specsavers? He wrote in the Re: EGL management pay cuts. Hawke’s Bay Regional Council line a further $5m to $7m would be that would be almost impossible to last paragraph of his letter, Clearly the upper echelons of and Gisborne District Council have required in additional bridge, tunnel police. re stepping up and doing the Eastland Group have taken the expressed their strong support and track works, and there would The legislation seems to be decent thing: “if the chairman PM’s advice to stay in a bubble for this project in writing to key also need to be contingency funding intended to allay the fears that could locate his spine . . .” very seriously as they appear to Ministers and Crown Infrastructure for slips in the future. Mr Miller may many people have about some of He must have hit the wrong be oblivious to what is actually Partners, and GDC has requested be anticipating (exaggerating even) the unintended consequences of computer keys, I am sure he happening out in the big wide world. that this project be approved and extra costs which would not be meant testicles. I work for a large multinational funded. However, it is not necessary necessary to get the line running, cannabis legalisation. company. As a result of the effects No recent polls are available but that the council lead this project, but could be considered as future FRANK MURPHY on business of the Covid-19 which is for reinstatement of a improvements. indications have been that this will pandemic, our NZ CEO has taken Crown-owned asset, and the council GILLIAN WARD be a close referendum. a 50 percent pay cut, all GMs 30 would not receive funding for the Gisborne Rail Action Group Recent studies have shown the percent, and all other employees a use of both cannabis and alcohol Their benefit 20 percent pay cut. by young people was falling. As with Re: Who actually pays for it? May For Mr Todd to say that taking a alcohol, restricting sales to people 1 letter. pay cut would be mere symbolism Time to support roadblocks Tautoko Mayor Stoltz’s call services, is surely one means. 20 or over would be difficult to I think the GDC spokeswoman suggests that he wouldn’t know has got it wrong re the traffic what symbolism was if he fell for Level 2 for Tairawhiti in a However, like security, enforce but heavy fines for sales to management for McDonald’s over it. I can assure him that he regional bubble, but we need it needs to be monitored. youth will be a deterrent. reopening. McDonald’s were has simply reinforced an already to protect that — perhaps by So about time to support Most public attention is firmly the ones to benefit from traffic existing image of EGL being an adopting the Liquor Licensing “roadblocks” and ensure and understandably focused on management around the reopening organisation completely out of Local Alcohol Policy model of our regional security under the pandemic for now, with major of their restaurant — they should touch with local reality. “one-way”, ie no one in and if Level 2-2.5 to boost our local decisions such as when to reduce pay the bill. you leave then you can’t come economy. alert levels pending. This means KEITH WATTS MICHAEL ARNABOLDI back in, except for essential GUY BAKER that with the referendum due in only four months, the time to focus [email protected] on a debate and provide reliable ■ The maximum length for letters is 350 words. information is limited. The virus may ■ Anyone can write a column, 600 words maximum, but a photo is required. have a sting in the tail that nobody ■ Always include full name and contact details. could have foreseen. ■ If you use a nom de plume, there is a higher bar for acceptability. ■ Letters may be edited for clarity, length or legal reasons. 12 WORLD The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 Russia reports Severity of virus ‘covered-up’ by China biggest daily WASHINGTON — US officials export restrictions and obfuscating and spread. But he added, “Remember, China believe China covered-up the extent of delaying provision of its trade data,” the has a history of infecting the world, rise in cases the coronavirus outbreak — and how analysis states. and they have a history of running contagious the disease is — to stock up The report also said China held substandard laboratories.” MOSCOW — Russia has recorded 10,633 new on medical supplies needed to respond to off informing the World Health “These are not the first times that we coronavirus infections in the past 24 hours, the it, intelligence documents show. Organisation that the coronavirus “was have had a world exposed to viruses as highest daily rise since the outbreak began in the Chinese leaders “intentionally a contagion” for much of January so it a result of failures in a Chinese lab,” country. concealed the severity” of the pandemic could order medical supplies from abroad Pompeo said. The increase brings Russia’s total number from the world in early January, — and that its imports of face masks The secretary of state appeared to of coronavirus cases to 134,686, the seventh according to a four-page Department of and surgical gowns and gloves increased be referring to previous outbreaks of highest tally in the world. Homeland Security intelligence report sharply. respiratory viruses, like SARS, which But Russia’s mortality rate remains low in dated May 1 and obtained by The started in China. His remark may be comparison to other countries, such as the US, Associated Press. The revelation comes seen as offensive in China. Still, Pompeo Italy and Spain. as the Trump administration intensified Pompeo said he had no reason repeated the same assertion virtually Yesterday, a further 58 coronavirus-related its criticism of China, with Secretary of to believe that the virus was word for word, hours later, via a tweet on deaths were announced, bringing the total to State Mike Pompeo saying on Sunday Sunday afternoon. 1280 in Russia. that the country was responsible for deliberately spread. Speaking on Sunday on Fox News Moscow has been hit particularly hard by the the spread of disease and must be held Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” virus, leaving its healthcare system struggling to accountable. Senate Ted Cruz, R-Texas, echoed that cope. The sharper rhetoric coincides with Those conclusions are based on the 95 sentiment, saying he believes China “is Moscow’s mayor Sergei Sobyanin cautioned administration critics saying the percent probability that China’s changes the most significant geopolitical threat to against complacency, saying the capital was not Government’s response to the virus in imports and export behaviour were the United States for the next century.” past the peak of its coronavirus epidemic. was slow and inadequate. President not within normal range, according to “The communist government in China The mayor said around 2 percent of residents Donald Trump’s political opponents have the report. bears enormous responsibility, enormous in the city — around 250,000 people — had tested accused him of lashing out at China, Trump has speculated that China direct culpability for this pandemic. We positive for coronavirus. On Sunday, Moscow’s a geopolitical foe but critical US trade could have unleashed the coronavirus know they covered it up,” Cruz said. total number of cases jumped by 5948 to a total partner, in an attempt to deflect criticism due to some kind of horrible “mistake”. “Had they behaved responsibly and sent of 68,606. at home. His intelligence agencies say they are in health professionals and quarantined A strict lockdown has been imposed in Not classified but marked “for official still examining a notion put forward those infected, there’s a real possibility Moscow, where its 12 million residents have been use only,” the analysis states that, by the president and aides that the this could have been a regional outbreak, ordered to stay at home with few exceptions. while downplaying the severity of the pandemic may have resulted from an and not a global pandemic. And the Russian President Vladimir Putin has said coronavirus, China increased imports accident at a Chinese lab. hundreds of thousands of deaths situation remains “very serious”, warning and decreased exports of medical Speaking on Sunday on ABC’s “This worldwide are in a very real sense the Russians to brace for a “gruelling phase of the supplies. It attempted to cover up Week,” Pompeo said he had no reason to direct responsibility of the communist pandemic” in the weeks ahead. — BBC doing so by “denying that there were believe that the virus was deliberately Chinese government’s lies.” — AP Second wave may hit hard Migrants in

ROME — While millions of people took search of advantage of easing coronavirus lockdowns to enjoy spring weather, some of the world’s most populous countries reported work ‘forced worrisome new peaks in infections on Sunday, including India, which saw its biggest single-day jump yet. into river’ Second in population only to China, India KABUL — Afghanistan is reported more than 2600 new infections. investigating reports that Afghan In Russia, new cases exceeded 10,000 for migrants drowned after being tortured the first time. The confirmed death toll and pushed into a river by Iranian in Britain climbed near that of Italy, the border guards. epicentre of Europe’s outbreak, even though The migrants were caught trying to the UK population is younger than Italy’s enter Iran illegally from the western and Britain had more time to prepare Herat province on Friday, according to before the pandemic hit. local media. The United States continues to see tens The migrants were beaten and forced of thousands of new infections each day, to jump into a river by Iranian border with more than 1400 new deaths reported guards, the reports said. Some of them on Saturday. are said to have died. Health experts warn that a second wave Iran has dismissed the allegation. of infections could hit unless testing is A foreign ministry spokesman said expanded dramatically once the lockdowns the incident took place on Afghan are relaxed. MURAL TRIBUTE: Street artist Lionel Stanhope recently painted this mural in the territory, not Iranian, and security But pressure to reopen keeps building Waterloo area of London to thank the NHS superheroes. Health experts have warned guards denied any involvement. after the weeks-long shutdown of that a second wave could hit hard if people do not adhere to self-isolation and social- The number involved in the incident businesses worldwide plunged the global distancing rules. AP picture is unconfirmed but officials said dozens economy into its deepest slump since the of migrants crossed the border, and at 1930s and wiped out millions of jobs. daily — twice as many as Italy or Spain personally, because if they go home least seven people died with more still China, which reported only two new — it is unclear how the country can safely and infect their grandmother or their missing. A search party has been sent cases, saw a surge in visitors to newly loosen the restrictions. grandfather . . . they will feel guilty for the to retrieve the bodies of migrants from reopened tourist spots after domestic travel The 55-year-old PM, who spent three rest of their lives,” she said. the river. restrictions were loosened ahead of a five- nights in intensive care while being treated If restrictions are lifted too soon, the The Afghan Human Rights day holiday that runs through to Tuesday. for Covid-19, told The Sun newspaper that virus could come back in “small waves in Commission (AHRC) said local officials Nearly 1.7 million people visited he knew his doctors were preparing for the various places around the country,” said told it “Iranian security forces arrested Beijing parks on the first two days of the worst. Dr. Tom Inglesby, director of the Centre a number of Afghan migrants seeking holiday, and Shanghai’s main tourist spots Another potentially troubling sign for Health Security of the Johns Hopkins work who wanted to enter Iran”. welcomed more than 1 million visitors, emerged in Afghanistan’s capital city of Bloomberg School of Public Health. Shir Agha, a migrant who witnessed according to Chinese media. Many spots Kabul, where a third of the 500 people Indian air force helicopters showered the incident, told Reuters the Iranian limited daily visitors to 30 percent of selected in random testing came up positive flower petals on hospitals in several guards “warned us that if we do not capacity. for the virus. cities to thank doctors, nurses and police throw ourselves into the water, we will On the eve of Italy’s first steps toward In the US, New Jersey reopened state at the forefront of the battle against the be shot”. easing restrictions, the Health Ministry parks, though several had to turn people pandemic. Another Afghan migrant, Shah Wali, reported 174 Covid-19 deaths in the away after reaching a 50 percent limit in The country’s number of confirmed cases alleged that the Iranian guards “beat us, 24-hour period ending on Sunday evening their parking lots. Margie Roebuck and her neared 40,000 as the population of 1.3 then made us do hard work”. — the lowest day-to-day number since the husband were among the first on the sand billion marked the 40th day of a nationwide “They then took us by minibus near national lockdown began on March 10. at Island Beach State Park. lockdown. The official death toll reached to the river, and when we got there, they Parks and public gardens are set to reopen “Forty-six days in the house was enough,” 1323. threw us into the river,” he added. today. she said. The virus has infected 3.4 million people About three million Afghans live In Spain, many ventured outside for the Speaking on Fox News Sunday, White and killed more than 244,000 worldwide, in Iran, including refugees and wage first time since the country’s lockdown House coronavirus coordinator Deborah including more than 66,000 dead in the labourers. Hundreds of Afghans cross began on March 14, but social-distancing Birx expressed concern about protests United States, according to a count by into Iran every day to find work. rules remained in place. by armed and mostly maskless crowds Johns Hopkins University. There was a mass exodus of In Britain, Prime Minister Boris Johnson demanding an end to stay-at-home orders All the numbers are considered to be migrants returning to Afghanistan after is under pressure to reveal how the country and a full reboot of the economy. President undercounts due to testing issues, the the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, which will lift its lockdown. The restrictions are Donald Trump has encouraged people to problems of counting deaths in a pandemic has recorded almost 100,000 cases of due to last through to Thursday, but with “liberate” their states. and deliberate concealment by some the disease to date. — BBC hundreds of deaths still being reported “It’s devastatingly worrisome to me governments. — AP The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 WORLD 13 Man arrested for camping on Disney island Eight killed in foiled ORLANDO — Florida deputies ‘invasion by sea’ arrested a man who had been living out his quarantine on a CARACAS — Venezuelan Venezuelan allegations shuttered Disney World island, officials said they foiled of backing for military telling authorities it felt like a an early morning attempt plots against the socialist “tropical paradise.” by a group of armed government. Orange County Sheriff’s “mercenaries” to invade the “Those who assume deputies found Richard McGuire country in a beach landing they can attack the on Disney’s Discovery Island on on speedboats on Sunday, institutional framework Thursday. He said he had been killing eight attackers and in Venezuela will have to there since Monday or Tuesday arresting two more. assume the consequences and had planned to camp there Socialist party chief of their action,” said for a week, according to an arrest Diosdado Cabello said that Cabello, adding that one report. two of the attackers were of the detained claimed The 42-year-old said he didn’t interrogated by authorities. to be an agent of the hear numerous deputies searching Cabello said it was carried US Drug Enforcement the private island for him on foot, A security representative for agency to press charges. out by neighbouring Administration. by boat and by air because he was Disney said she saw McGuire Previously called Treasure Colombia with United Authorities said they asleep in a building. He told the using a company boat on Island, Discovery Island had been States backing in a plot found Peruvian documents, deputy he didn’t know it was a Thursday, noting that the area had the site of a zoological park before to overthrow President high-calibre weapons, restricted area, despite there being several “no trespassing” signs and the island was closed to the public Nicolás Maduro. satellite phones, uniforms numerous “no trespassing” signs. two closed gates. She asked the in 1999. — AP Both countries have and helmets adorned with repeatedly denied earlier the US flag. — AP The long road to recovery Battered global tourism industry makes reopening plans

SIX months ago, the global tourism industry Gary Thulander, managing director of Chatham was celebrating a record year for travel. Now, it’s Bars Inn, a 106-year-old resort on Cape Cod, decimated and facing a recovery that could take said the resort is planning many changes when years. it reopens this summer, including checking in Tourism Economics, a data and consulting firm, guests via cellphones, letting them opt out of predicts global travel demand won’t resume its room service and lengthening dining hours so normal pace until 2023. fewer guests will be eating at the same time. When tourists do finally return, they will face The road to recovery will be long and hard for a changed landscape that incorporates social- the tourism industry. The United Nations World distancing and other measures to calm residual Tourism Organisation predicts global tourist fears over Covid-19, the disease that has so far arrivals — or visits from tourists who come to killed more than 244,000 people worldwide and their destinations and stay at least one night — infected millions more. will fall 30 percent this year from the record 1.5 “It takes time to shake fear from the hearts billion in 2019. Airlines have grounded nearly of people, not to mention the economy,” said two-thirds of their planes as passengers vanish. Mahmoud Hadhoud, founder of Egypt Knight Cruise ships are docked; some won’t sail again Tours, who doesn’t expect foreign tourists to start until November. trickling back into Egypt until September. In some places, governments are stepping Last week, Hilton, Marriott and Airbnb all in to help the sector. Serge Cachan, president announced enhanced cleaning procedures of the Astotel hotel chain in Paris, closed his worldwide to ease travellers’ minds. In Egypt, 17 properties in March and expects to lose 70 Hadhoud is removing cruises and hot air balloon percent of his business this year. But the French rides from his packages and replacing them with Government will help the chain get through it, he LONG WAY TO GO: The battered global tourism industry is facing unprecedented tours of Egypt’s vast western deserts, where said. The Government is paying around 80 percent uncertainty in the wake of Covid-19. AP picture travellers can keep their distance from one of furloughed hotel workers’ salaries. another. Many destinations anticipate travellers’ At Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida, behaviour will change in the wake of the Spain, because in the last 10 years, the tourism bartenders wearing masks. multiple teams are working on scenarios, virus. Pornthip Hirunkate, vice president of boom has been in quantity but not in quality,” Others say they need reassurance from science including putting more space between riders on the Association of Thai Travel Agents, thinks Fuentes said. He hopes tourism there picks back — not just tourist sites — before they travel. roller coasters, said John Sprouls, the resort’s more people will come in small groups or seek up by mid-August. Others remain optimistic. Dedy Sulistiyanto, the chief administrative officer, at a recent virtual personalised tours. But not everyone is comfortable with reopening. owner of a tour and adventure provider in Bali, event for tourism officials. Ander Fuentes, who works as a tour guide in Marco Michielli, who owns the 67-room San Marco Indonesia, has been promoting his business on Wynn Resorts CEO Matt Maddox said his Spain’s Granada province, thinks travellers will Hotel in Bibione, a beach resort east of Venice, social media while it’s closed. He has received so company may sanitise dice between users, put shift away from crowded beaches to the quieter Italy, said many hoteliers worry their businesses many positive responses that he thinks tourism fewer seats at blackjack tables and idle slot interior mountains. will be ruined if the virus spreads on their will resume quickly when restrictions are lifted. machines between players at its casinos in Las “It could be an opportunity to develop a new properties. Some would rather reopen next year Most of his clients are domestic tourists from

Vegas, Boston and Macau. kind of tourism, which is going to be good for than serve guests this summer with desk staff and Indonesia. — AP ‘

32139-01 14 WORLD The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 GLOBAL BRIEFS No surgery for Kim Jong Un UNINTENTIONAL FIRE: North and South SEOUL — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un Korean troops exchanged fire along the did not undergo surgery or any other medical border, the South’s military said, blaming procedure, a South Korean official said yesterday, North Korean soldiers for targeting a amid speculation about his health that continues guard post. US Secretary of State, Mike to linger even after he reappeared publicly in Pompeo, said he firmly believed the recent days. exchange was accidental. AP picture North Korea had said on Saturday that Kim attended the completion of a fertiliser factory near Pyongyang on Friday, in his first public appearance in about 20 days. While North Korean video showing a smiling Kim moving around, cutting a red ribbon and smoking, quelled intense rumours that he might be gravely ill or even have died, some media outlets and observers still raised questions about his health, citing moments when his walking looked a bit stiff at the factory. A senior South Korean presidential official told Rare exchange of fire reporters on Sunday that the Government had determined that Kim did not have surgery or any other procedure, according to the presidential Blue House. South Korea has a spotty record in confirming Shots fired by North Korea ‘accidental’ developments in North Korea, one of the world’s most secretive countries. But when rumours SEOUL — North and South Korean guard post inside the border zone. South citing department rules. about Kim’s health surfaced in recent weeks, the troops exchanged fire along their tense Korea responded with a total of 20 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo South Korean government steadfastly dismissed border on Sunday, the South’s military rounds of warning shots on two occasions also said it was believed that North them as baseless and maintained there were no said, the first such incident since the before issuing a warning broadcast, it Korea’s firing was not intentional. unusual activities in the North. rivals took unprecedented steps to lower said. “We think those are accidental,” North Korea hasn’t explained Kim’s absence, front-line animosities in late 2018. South Korea suffered no casualties, Pompeo said on ABC’s “This Week.” including why he missed the April 15 Violent confrontations have the military said. Defence officials said “South Koreans did return fire. So far commemoration of the birthday anniversary of his occasionally occurred along the border, it is also unlikely that North Korea had as we can tell, there was no loss of life on late grandfather and North Korea’s founder, Kim the world’s most heavily fortified. While any casualties, since the South Korean either side.” Il Sung. Sunday’s incident is a reminder of warning shots were fired at uninhabited Farming activities around the North It is the North’s most important state persistent tensions, it didn’t cause any North Korean territory. Korean area where the firing occurred anniversary, and Kim hadn’t skipped the event known casualties on either side and is The North’s official Korean Central continued throughout Sunday and North since taking power in late 2011 upon his father unlikely to escalate, observers said. News Agency, or KCNA, did not Korea’s military didn’t display any other Kim Jong Il’s death. — AP The Joint Chiefs of Staff in Seoul said immediately report about the incident. suspicious activities after the gunfire, the in a statement that North Korean troops A preliminary South Korean analysis South Korean defence official said. He GoT actor breaks record fired several bullets at a South Korean showed that North Korea’s firing was said there was thick fog in the area at ICELAND — Game of Thrones actor Hafthor probably not a calculated provocation, the time of the incident. Bjornsson has set a world deadlifting record by although Seoul will continue examining Later on Sunday, South Korea sent a lifting 501kg. whether there was any motivation for the message to North Korea to try to avoid Bjornsson, who portrayed Ser Gregor “The action, a South Korean defence official an escalation, but the North did not Mountain” Clegane in the HBO series, broke the said. immediately reply, according to South record at his gym in his native Iceland. He spoke on condition of anonymity, Korea’s military. — AP The strongman lifted the barbell for two seconds, before dropping the weights and roaring in delight. The event was streamed by sports broadcaster ESPN and filmed for Bjornsson’s YouTube channel. GISBORNE’S ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES Bjornsson, who is 2.05m tall (6ft 9in), previously won the World’s Strongest Man competition in During the lockdown period some Gisborne 2018. Speaking in a “behind-the-scenes” video posted business are still operating including on YouTube, Bjornsson said: “I’m extremely proud, you know. I’m extremely happy. An important message from “It’s great — there’s nothing better than proving Three Rivers Medical people wrong. So many people didn’t believe in Police, Fire & Emergency, Health Providers, Pharmacies, Supermarkets, Dairies and Service Stations New Zealand is currently at Alert Level 3. me . . . so many people that said, ‘501kg is never In response, Three Rivers Medical has going to go up’. . . But I also had a lot of support.” switched to mainly using telephone Kerbside rubbish and recycling collections, Gizzy Bus Services He added: “I feel healthy, I feel good. I’m just consultations. We may in time use absolutely speechless, even though I’m talking a The below businesses are available, but please do not visit the lot now. But I’m excited, super excited — this is video consultations as well. huge for me.” business premises – please make contact via phone or email irst The record was previously held by Eddie Hall, a You can ring and book your • Gillies Electrical • Gisborne Ofice • Forbes Appliances British man who in 2016 became the first man to appointments as usual, and then a GP • Michael Low Plumbing Products Depot • Water 2U Limited lift 500kg. — BBC or nurse will call you back at the agreed • Laser Electrical & • Gisborne Financial • Bone Dry Firewood Plumbing Gisborne Services Supplies Ltd time. • Steve Wolter Plumbing • CSL Security • Gisborne Auto Electrics Netanyahu’s future in court • M.E. Jukes water tanker • Gas and Gear • C & G Plumbing Ltd JERUSALEM — With the fate of Prime Minister Please do not come to the clinic • Farm Vets • Eastland Insurance • Electrinet Ltd Benjamin Netanyahu on the line, Israel’s Supreme unless you are asked to. • Vet Ent Services • Live Creative • CareVets • Commercial Vehicle • Eastland Mobility Court began discussions on Sunday on the • Eastland Vets Testing Ltd • Eastland Auto Electrical question of whether the embattled leader can Normal weekday and weekend charges • Pit Stop • Business Applications Ltd • Power Farming form a new government while facing criminal will apply for consultations and • Self-service laundries • Total Parts and Service Ltd • Goodyear Auto Service indictments. prescriptions. Please note our revised • AON NZ Insurance • Driving Miss Daisy Centre The court’s decision, expected later this week, • Emerre & Hathaway • Hallrite Plumbing and • Cooks Couriers opening hours are 9am-1pm and Insurance Gasitting Ltd • Wally’s Glass is shaping up as a watershed moment in Israeli 2pm-6pm every day Monday to Sunday. • Carl Horn Drainage • Mac’s Firewood • Simpson Automotive history. • Terry Taylor Drainage Ltd • The Tyre General • East Coast Pest and A ruling preventing Netanyahu from returning Please also note childhood and • Wayne’s Waste • PGG Wrightsons & Fruit Property for another term would almost certainly trigger • Hansen & Tomlinson Fed Supplies • Food Cartel inluenza vaccines can go ahead an unprecedented fourth consecutive election in • Lock & Alarm • Eastland Generation • Teal Motor Lodge just over a year and draw angry, perhaps violent, but only by calling the clinic for an • Evans Funeral Services • Eastland Port • Total Fleet Solutions Ltd appointment. • Gisborne Taxis • Eastland Group • East Outdoors Work and reactions from Netanyahu’s supporters accusing • Eastland Network • Gisborne Airport Leisure the court of inappropriate political meddling. • The Gisborne Herald • Ocean Beach Motor • Teesdale Orchard A ruling in favour will be seen by critics Our staff and telephone system are • Think Water Lodge as further weakening the country’s fragile under pressure with the increase • Larsen Sawmilling • DB Judd Holdings Water Tanker democratic institutions and a victory for a prime in volume of queries and telephone minister bent on escaping prosecution. consultations. If your business should be added to this list “The High Court of Justice is facing its most please phone The Gisborne Herald on 021 708 799 important verdict ever,” former Prime Minister We appreciate your patience during this Ehud Barak, a staunch critic of Netanyahu’s, time. Thank you for helping us unite wrote in the Haaretz daily. against COVID-19. Business Applications are available for servicing of Eftpos & oice “The High Court can make its name for equipment for essential businesses. Call 868 6096 24 HOURS generations in one moment’s brave decision,” he 75 Customhouse St wrote. Phone (06) 867 7411 The court challenge comes in the wake of Afterhours call Healthline 0800 611 116 Netanyahu’s agreement last month to form an

www.3rivers.co.nz 29483-07 “emergency” government with his rival, Benny Gantz. — AP 31957-03 The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 NATIONAL NEWS 15 Support for elderly still needed by Sarah Robson, RNZ the answer for older people, who A lot of her work focuses on often lacked digital-literacy skills and supporting older people with chronic WELLINGTON — Some vulnerable did not have access to a computer, health problems living alone, so they older people will still need help smartphone and the internet. can continue to live independently in with basic tasks like getting their District health boards did provide the community. grocery shopping done, even after help for housebound older people, but Even under normal circumstances, the pandemic is over, community others did not meet that threshold for Ms Booth said getting the grocery organisations say. support, Mr Lamb said. shopping done and eating well was The country’s Covid-19 lockdown For that group, there needed to be a pretty tenuous proposition for this has put a spotlight on the struggle better organised community-based group of people — and Covid-19 had many isolated older people face. support. brought that into sharp focus. And over the past few weeks New During the lockdown, Age Concern Many of them are unable to cook a Zealanders have been urged to check Auckland had an “army of volunteers” decent meal, and are reliant on Meals in on their neighbours to make sure helping older people to get their on Wheels, dietary supplements and they have everything they need. shopping, medicines and other the assistance of homecare support Volunteer-led initiatives have also essentials. workers. popped up to help deliver food and “We could take the shopping order Ms Booth said her organisation was groceries. over the phone, the volunteer would able to ramp up its community pantry But isolation and barriers to go to the supermarket when they were to get food to people in need, and supermarket access existed well doing their own shopping and also buy social workers went out and bought before Covid-19, and more help is for the older person. heat-and-eat meals. needed for the elderly — regardless of “They would drop off the older However, there needed to be a the pandemic, organisations working person’s things at their doorstep, walk well-organised, sustainable and safe with older people say. away, phone up to say ‘I’ve delivered it service to help older people get their Age Concern Auckland chief for you’,” Mr Lamb said. grocery shopping done if they were executive Kevin Lamb said they Payments were made via a bank unable to get to the supermarket have proactively called their 10,000 transfer or with cash left in an themselves, she said. members to check in and see if they envelope at the door. “Technological solutions just don’t have everything they need. Lamb said in the coming months work for older people who haven’t kept While a lot of them were supported there needed to be more thought given up with the times,” Ms Booth said. by family and friends, he said there to how older people could continue to Face-to-face support was especially was a large number of older people be supported, beyond Covid-19. important for older people who were who did not have that help and were “What we’re really hoping is, when isolated or did not have family or living quite isolated lives. For them life we all come out of this . . . we don’t friends to help them. wasn’t much different under lockdown. forget that significant minority of older That might mean someone with “It shouldn’t have to be like that, people,” he said. a laptop going to someone’s home it really isn’t right they have to “For a lot of those people, they’re to help them through the process of experience this, but that is the reality. going to be potentially left behind and setting up a regular online grocery And for a lot of them, they can’t go out we must not forget them — they still shop. and do basic things, like shopping.” need help, they still need support, and Ms Booth said she hoped local There could be a number of reasons they are still vulnerable if they don’t communities — and older people for that, including mobility and health get that help and support.” themselves — would rally together to issues, and a lack of confidence, Mr Wesley Community Action elder come up with longer-term solutions to Lamb said. care team manager Claire Booth help the elderly and vulnerable people Online options were not always agreed. beyond Covid-19.

Junior7x7 7x7 SudokuA crossword for beginners A crossword for beginners CH DY Fill in the puzzle so each 3x2 square SN VE and each line and column SP SE contains the numbers 1-6 GR OO ED OO. SH KY SPOOKY BUILDAWORD 123 BL ZE Use the coloured letters to make two five-letter words P on the snake's back. S 023 AcrossACROSS We have given the first S letter of the red word 4.2. TheseIf someone animals is notare keptat school, as pets they (4) G B and the green word. 4. Aare clock ____ tells (6) the ___ (4) 5. See the _____ if you have toothache H 5. Dairy product eaten as a snack A (7) © The Puzzle Company 6. ‘Keep(7) to the left’ is a ___ of the road (4) C 8.7. OppositeBlack and ofwhite beginning mixed together (6) Down makes ___ (4) How many words of three or more letters can you make from these blocks? You may use each 1. A country’s warships (4) letter only once. Plurals are OK but no words 2.DOWN Ways or techniques (7) starting with a capital letter are allowed. There is 3.1. ASomething sour-tasting seen liquid in usedthe night for pickling sky (4) at least one word that uses all ive letters. 6. Whereonions (7)a cake is baked (4) 2. 100 years is a ____ (7) Good 9 Very Good 10 Excellent 12+ 7. Clothing worn by ancient Greeks (4) Solution 122: hoot, HOOTS, host, hot, hots, 3. A wild plant with prickly leaves (7) shoo, SHOOT, shot, soot, SOOTH, too. MAGIC SQUARE Enter numbers so that every row, column and corner-to-corner diagonal adds up to 30

SUDOKU MAZE GEESE, BLEND. 4 Absent, 5 Yoghurt, 8 Ending. 5 Yoghurt, 4 Absent, BUILD A WORD ash, asp, cap, caps, cash, chap, CHAPS, hap, haps, has, pash, sac, sap, spa : 1 Navy, 2 Methods, 3 Star, 6 Oven, 7 Toga. 6 Oven, 3 Star, 2 Methods, : 1 Navy, MAGIC SQUARE Across: Across: Down 23 7X7 SNAKES & LADDERS SHOOED, GROOVE, CHOOSE, SNOOZE, SPOOKY, BLOODY. 16 The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 Brain training - keeping your mind active SIMON SHUKER’S CODE-CRACKER WORDFIT C Each number in the grid represents a diferent letter of the alphabet. Can you find all the words into the grid? E Enter the letter or letters given in the control grid into the main grid, We’ve given one to get you star ted. L then use your knowledge of words to work out which letters should go in the missing squares. As you get the letters, ill in other squares with 3 LETTERS TAG ALLOY L the same number in the main grid and control grid. ADD TRY ASPIC O Check letters of the A to Z list at the bottom as you identify them. AIL USE BOSOM ALE WOE BOSSY ALP BROWS AND 4 LETTERS CARTS ARE ACRE CELLO ARK AHEM CHIME ASH AIRY CRANE ATE ALSO CREDO BUS ARTY CURBS CRY CEDE EVENT EBB COIL FLAKE EGO ELSE GAILY EKE EMIR HARSH GYM GLIB HENNA HER HERD IGLOO KID LOAM INSET LET LOGO KINDS NET LOST LLAMA OAF MULE LOSER SPURN OXYGEN PIGIRON OAR OWLS MOIST SUITE STRATA RACCOON OPT PALE OUSTS SYNOD TOMATO TORRENT ORE RIOT PRIOR TACTS UPDATED ROC TASK PSALM TEDDY 7 LETTERS SHE WILE REGAL TREAD CONNIVE 8 LETTERS SLY SERGE EARSHOT CLASSIER SOH 5 LETTERS SHRUG 6 LETTERS GESTURE CLUBROOM SON ABUTS SITAR EXEMPT IMAGINE ANACROSSANACROSS DOUBLE CROSS Solve theReveal anagrams, a completed then itcrossword the by deleting one of the two letters in each square No.010 words into the crossword grid. CHOCH SEAE J N I Q O R & B & LYRICAL 9=6 Z A D G E H Y G & K & MY TYRES 9 EQUALS 6 9 EQUALS 6 E & A & & U & I & R & How good is your memory? NUNS ERRU & I & & O & O & O & Name the song and the singer or band RSS LONGR SIPA C U & P I V S Y R 60s WR CLAYPITC O N G & M Z R A G E When I left my home and family I was no EELSC SUS & C & & T & I & & M more than a boy SE R & L & & S & E & & I 70s SLOW LEY BN I H K A M & C D I T B You check out guitar George, he knows all the Anacross is a two-part puzzle. W D E E L & G L E M S chords REM 80s First solve the anagrams below, then D & & R & & & D & & A DOUBLE-CROSS ANACROSS010

C & & N No.010 & & & L&& HOW TO PLAY work out how to fit the words into W Your bottom lip’s near dragging on the ground Fill in the nine blank Solve the anagrams, then it the 90s wordsthe grid into above. the crossword grid. O L B N T & P E U E S squares to make six words, A N A R M & O A P P R I got an old coat for a pillow/And the Earth threeH across E and threeJ N I Q O R & B & Z A D G CHOCE HSEAY G & K & was last night’s bed down. More than one N & & I & T & & H & N 00s solutionE may &be possible.A & &MY TYRESU & I & R & S & & U & K & & N & R Beyonce can you handle this?/I don’t think MissingU letters& I & NUNS & OERR& O & O & G L E C B M & W E F A you can handle this R A C U &LONG P SIPI V S Y R E J L V E N & S O A K 10s A A C EC E GO R T NU G & M Z R A G E CLAYPIT & U & E & O & & N & S You open the door/ Wearing nothing but a C & C & & T & I & & M & I & A & E & & E & V R & L & EELS& SUSS & E & & I smile down to the loor & E & L A L S T J R Y I 6/4H K A MSLOW& LEYC D I T B & B & H O B F G E I S D E E L & G L E M S W No.10 Word reference: C.O.D. 1999 ON THE FARM LAUNCH STAB WORDSEARCH D & & R & & & WORDWHEELD & & A DOUBLE-CROSS 5x5 C & & N & & & L&& I N S O L W Reveal a completed COWS LOCATE Can you find all 806 Insert the missing LETTUCEWRSKLDSOZ JK Fill in the missing letter K RAOTR F D A O L B N T & P E U E S crossword by deletingletters one to make of these words A N A R M & O to Amake anP eight-letterP R R E PALETTE C in the grid? FERT I L I SERPOPCNHGK word which can read of the two letters in teneach words — fiveF P PRSE D H N & & I & T & & H & N E D across the grid andO GL I STEN CUL T I VATORUS I& HY& IU VSH& K & either& clockwiseN & or R divided square. anticlockwise five down. More S GRTOA T E S D W STR I CT SPOT BARLEY SPREADERZHNFWTOEPFG L E C B M & W E F A than one solution VN BULLS E J L V E N & S O A K Solutionmay 09 be possible. I I E L U FHTRA I LERRJ SNHNGRR Previous solution ?O L I PS CRAYON CARROTS & U & E & O & ASTOUNDS & N & S SRE CATTLE U I ECOWYHULLGEESEOU& I & A & E & & E & V CLAMP RJEERZSTOLERPQTTU& E & L A L I S PREVIOUST J R SOLUTIONSY CORN & B & H O B F G E I S P Z S L PO I QUPNOA SWA T T Double Cross WordFit Wordsearch CROP No.10 Word reference: C.O.D. 1999 LAUNCH STAB HOSTS BEGAT WI DER TRUEBECQAT I I E I NANE CULTIVATOR AMV J DGPBDSSZEMDBSM I N S O L OPT I C AGAPE ARENA CUDNU I LNNTCMNC I VAQ LEECH ROMP S VENDS ECPHLWASJHZEPE I NFM DAIRY Reveal a completed COWS LOCATE ERA EKE BETTY SUP S I LAGEOFARMVLPSLMC FN I AXUEV I I KWS I RONS EWES crossword by deleting one K R R F D A SALAMI SLASH BEES TBSSPRAYERRUMLZEJA PALETTE C PEDDLER YOU R I TLGQI DWTXA I NNT I I FARM F P P E D H MAST RARE DREAD EIPILNSELECSOSIGIL of the two letters in each PKL I DUV I IMLS I UMTEA O GL I STEN OB I QU I P DOM I NA T E FERTILISER UMJMSFYKJALRDOPSTR CENSURE CAUST I C MP I OT I SMRAKNML POTE divided square. S G A T E S FIELD HAC I ENDA PERM ELK IBOGMIAINIFHOILGID RYAKPCCWHUOEAUWASR STR I CT SPOT AMEER PLEA ANTS NRMBNGDDOLA I I NYNC I FRUIT I I E L U GYM PENNANT J PUL I EOLENN I DYA I NR CASE AREAS VIEWER ELEGEOCATT LEYGEEEO Solution 09 L I PS CRAYON EEENEZOXWCNA I USO I R GATE ALE KNEAD GEM EYE GEESE CEGGDKVTCRNVEHWRRT SENSE EL I TE BLARE CTAD I E I URMUVPSLUVE ASSET5x5 TROOP V ENOM LIVID TRNNYBQESESLUPMI UG HARVESTER STRUT EDGES EPEES Y I UJ LOACOHXEQXNVNU LPDDAYDA I RYPWEOUFS L I TRE EFKEPSHACC IWENWOEL HEDGE LEARN UKSHEPSFANABEK I RRA HOPS I EAJPTRNOPOTATOESY I NFERNOVK I I RCVPYKR OGL ED LAMBS HPXPJ TECLAMBSQRAKE WE EDS LEEKS Anacross WRAPPED 9=6 LETTUCE POTATOES SPRAYER TURNIPS Lyrical H G R E LUS MOWER RAKE SPREADER VEGETABLES 60s: Wild Thing, The Troggs I MAG I NE BAS I C 70s: Hotel California, Eagles S I V P ONIONS RAMS SPROUTS WHEAT ADUL T 80s: Money for Nothing, Dire Straits PANCAKE PADDOCK SCYTHE STORE 90s: Jeremy, Pearl Jam E S T S FLAKE PASTURE SHEEP TRACTOR 00s: When You Were Young, The Killers PLOUGH SILAGE TRAILER 10s: Payphone, Maroon 5 RETREAT ELY 17 CLASSIFIEDS The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020

Work Wanted PROPERTY

CHIMNEYS and fires cleaned, checked and Real Estate repaired. Eastland Homecare Services. WANTING lifestyle Call Matt on 06 868 property or section, pre- 3461, 0210 415 604. ferably 1ha-10ha. Will ELECTRICIAN. All consider anything up to Thinking someone in your works certified. 10% 30 mins from town. Ph: off hourly rate. Paul, 027 9607 483. 0226 783 024. neighbourhood might need help? HOUSE plans drawn, alterations, extensions. Wanted to Rent Ph 0273 618 863. STORAGE/warehouse MESSY GARDEN?? space wanted. Approx "Let us do it for you." 100sqm. Clean new Ph 027 659 2915. product, cardboard wrapped furniture. N & J Fencing – Rural Shared space con- bookings available, sidered. Please Phone new/repair lines, Yard Rose 021 816 039. builds/replace & horti- CORONA CARE cultural work. Ph 027 960 7483. Fruit and Are you self-isolating? TREE removals, tree Produce trimming, greenwaste removed, 027 466 8201. TEESDALE ORCHARD I can help! HOME & LEISURE OPEN now. Apples, Pacific Rose, Pacific Queen, Red & Golden My name is: Firewood Delicious, Fuji, Pink Lady & Ballarat 3 cubic metres of dry Cookers. Pears, kanuka, $420. Ph 862 Packhams & Comice. I live locally at: 2606. Tomatoes, pumpkins, pea hay, & much more. Back Ormond Rd, open A cubic metre of dry, 7 days, eftpos available. shed stored macro, My phone number is: gum, kanuka mix $130. Ph 862 2606.

BUY now. 2m3 Pine If you are self-isolating due to COVID-19 I can help with: $120, 4m3 $220, 6m3 $320, 8m3 $430, 12m3 $640, short logs unsplit Picking up shopping Posting Mail 20m3 $250. Mac’s Wood. Ph 862 8876. A friendly Phone Call Urgent Supplies MANUKA GOLD You can sell anything WOODSTOCK 2yrs by advertising dry. 027 455 3722. Classifieds 869 0601 Please call or text the number provided to receive Corona Care MANUKA, Old Man Business Covid-19 virus is highly contagious. We have taken every precaution to ensure these Pine, Macrocarpa. 869 0616 www.thefirewoodguy. letters are handled with sanitisation for your health and safety nz or ph Len, 021 053 5157. Public Notices CORONA CARE Are you self-isolating? Rongowhakaata Iwi Trust hereby gives notice that the gates at the Browns Beach entry to Te Wherowhero will be locked from 8.00am on Tues 5 May 2020 due to I can help! concerns arising from people’s lack of adherence to Alert Level 3 travel restrictions and public gathering rules at Te Wherowhero. My name is: We apologise for any inconvenience this may pose for persons who have legitimate and Alert Level 3 compliant reasons for I live locally at: visiting Te Wherowhero - walking access for these persons is still permissible. The Trust has made this decision on the My phone number is: basis of discussions with our Ngai Tamanuhiri whanaunga on the concerns they have about added health and safety risks to the Muriwai community by If you are self-isolating due to COVID-19 I can help with: persons accessing Muriwai via Te Wherowhero. Picking up shopping Posting Mail Stakeholder groups who are involved in various conservation and protection activities at Te Wherowhero have also A friendly Phone Call Urgent Supplies been advised. The gates will remain locked for the next three months and reviewed at that stage. Please call or text the number provided to receive Corona Care All enquiries can be directed to Soraya Covid-19 virus is highly contagious. We have taken every precaution to ensure these Pohatu, Taiao Kaimahi of Rongowhakaata letters are handled with sanitisation for your health and safety Iwi Trust on phone - (021) 184 2251. 18 RACING The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020

Christchurch greys at Addington Wednesday Jetbet 9 TAB Doubles 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 Trebles 1-2-3, 4-5-6 Quaddies 1-2-3-4, 3-4-5-6 Place6 1-6 Selections 5 1 Mikil 17.66 Bruce Dann 5 Christchurch Casino Sprint 1.08 8 21 Tabby 17.62 Sharon Hindson 3 52252 Mulberry Rock 17.48 Ken Cassidy 6 24517 Homebush Fairy 17.85 John McInerney EMERGENCIES: 4 58312 Homebush Showoff 17.72 John McInerney Race 1: MOANY MALONEY, GOLDSTAR PERRIE, COLD AFFAIR $1450, C1, 295m Race 2: MIKIL, BILLY RAY, GHOST MODE 7 36648 Opal Hunter 17.49 John McInerney 9 27444 Yanira Bale 17.33 Craig Roberts 5 41477 Impressive Gift nwtd John McInerney Race 3: RIPSLINGER ROXY, HENDRIX BALE, MULBERRY BRIT 8 8484s Batty Who 17.73 Mitchell & Smith 1 25441 Sea Spray Ash 18.04 Barry Freeman 10 66537 Smash Gator 17.39 Malcolm Grant 6 32121 Mitcham Magic 17.31 John McInerney 2 s2562 Little Secret nwtd Lisa Waretini Race 4: HOMEBUSH BARCLAY, MITCHAM SAM, JINGILI JILL EMERGENCIES: 7 41663 Max Volume nwtd Ashley Bradshaw 3 27433 Lakota Micco nwtd Heather Cairns 8 Garrard’s Horse & Hound Sprint 2.00 Race 5: MEATLOAF, MITCHAM RYDER, SEA SPRAY ASH 9 37247 Ohoka Lacey 17.47 Lisa Waretini 8 52331 Stylish Stepper 17.32 Malcolm Grant Race 6: TIKAO JACKIE, SAVAGE KNIGHT, MITCHAM ROB 4 81648 Goldstar Jay Jay 17.24 S & B Evans $1450, C1, 295m EMERGENCIES: 10 55628 Go Great nwtd Robin Wales 5 433F2 Meatloaf 17.85 Sharon Hindson Race 7: MITCHAM NIKORIMA, TABBY, GOTCHA PIXIE 1 43252 Crushington 17.51 John McInerney 9 83883 Goldstar Power 17.49 S & B Evans 6 43356 Homebush Ariana 17.59 John McInerney Race 8: BLACK STOCKINGS, CRUSHINGTON, GRACIE LEE 3 Kaisa Earthworks Ph 0272073323 Dash 12.33 2 3475s Know Tactics 17.61 Garry Cleeve 10 6881s Know Angel 17.96 Garry Cleeve Race 9: CHICAGO HEAD, LAKOTA WICHAPI, MR MUPPET 7 71647 Sass ‘Em Up 17.31 Corey Steele $1450, C1, 295m 3 83742 Horse Range Gold 17.71 Malcolm Grant Race 10: STYLISH STEPPER, HOMEBUSH SHOWOFF, 8 66724 Mitcham Ryder 17.79 John McInerney 11 Steve Anngow Drapes & Blinds Dash 2.51 EMERGENCIES: 4 21485 Black Stockings nwtd Ashley Bradshaw MULBERRY ROCK 1 66462 Afridi nwtd Corey Steele 5 85254 Goldstar Shiloah 17.40 S & B Evans $1450, C1, 295m Race 11: SEFTON DOUBLE, KNOCKA KNOW HOW, BLAZING BANJO 9 85366 Yi Feng 17.28 John McInerney 2 72486 Mulberry Brit 17.43 Ken Cassidy 6 88223 Gracie Lee 17.30 John McInerney 1 21223 Knocka Know How 17.31 Garry Cleeve Race 12: HOMEBUSH GAMBLER, CASH NO STASH, OPAWA JAWS 10 66537 Smash Gator 17.39 Malcolm Grant 3 51778 Khatia 17.50 John McInerney 7 64334 Andrea Said 18.14 J M McCook 2 57443 Lakota Scout nwtd Heather Cairns 4 63527 Goldstar Hurley 17.47 Lisa Waretini 6 Clarkson’s Sign Studio Dash 1.25 8 42746 Denuto 17.52 Ray Adcock 3 32586 Dyna Trevor 17.42 Howard Anderton 5 21122 Ripslinger Roxy nwtd Ashley Bradshaw $1450, C1, 295m EMERGENCIES: 4 52753 Blazing Banjo nwtd John McInerney 6 67223 Homebush Bede nwtd John McInerney 9 68634 Jinja Cream Fizz 17.27 Allan Joyce 5 12s Gary nwtd Daniel Lane 1 85525 Goldstar McQueen 17.58 S & B Evans 1 The Fitz Sports Bar Sprint 12.00 7 13241 Hendrix Bale 17.35 Craig Roberts 10 68618 Miss Cowdrey nwtd John McInerney 6 434s7 Barrel Runner 17.72 Ashley Bradshaw 2 24125 Mitcham Rob nwtd John McInerney $1450, C1, 295m 8 54865 Reign Of Fire 17.36 John McInerney 7 6117s Sefton Double 17.59 Robin Wales 3 5888s Homebush Hotshot 17.46 John McInerney 9 Kolorful Kanvas Sprint 2.20 8 86625 Big Tiny nwtd John McInerney 1 42376 Homebush Fudge 17.44 John McInerney EMERGENCIES: 4 s5344 Maybe Right 17.59 J M McCook $1450, C1, 295m EMERGENCIES: 2 11 Moany Maloney 17.53 Ashley Bradshaw 9 47s44 Know Burden 17.48 Garry Cleeve 5 35777 Tikao Jackie 17.63 Mitchell & Smith 3 53278 Jinja Twinkle 17.55 Allan Joyce 10 74565 Goldstar Beau 17.71 S & B Evans 6 55715 Savage Knight 17.46 Heather Cairns 1 36541 Lakota Wichapi 17.59 Heather Cairns 9 83883 Goldstar Power 17.49 S & B Evans 4 54455 Miss Honey 17.35 Robin Wales 2 66426 Homebush Maycee nwtd John McInerney 10 73684 Cosmic Marty 17.65 John McInerney 4 I Pave Concrete Sprint 12.50 7 s4612 So Flossy 17.25 Bruce Dann 5 42343 Cold Affair 17.37 Lisa Waretini 8 64531 Carlos 17.28 Robin Wales 3 373s1 Mr Muppet 17.18 Robin Wales 12 Beach Cafe & Wine Bar Sprint 3.10 6 84787 Sozin’s Assassin 17.57 John McInerney $1450, C1, 295m EMERGENCIES: 4 88448 Chicago Head 17.40 John McInerney 7 28751 Goldstar Perrie 17.44 S & B Evans 9 68643 Mulberry Will 17.71 Ken Cassidy 5 24461 Mulberry Sox 17.38 Ken Cassidy $1450, C1, 295m 1 7344s Sefton Jill nwtd Robin Wales 8 6s787 Boss Cobra nwtd J & D Fahey 10 64466 Sozin’s Symphony 17.58 John McInerney 6 47668 Mega Dream nwtd Ray Adcock 1 51561 Opawa Jaws nwtd Robin Wales 2 14316 Nassor 17.31 Bruce Dann EMERGENCIES: 7 62232 Lethal Lettie nwtd Ashley Bradshaw 2 62222 Cash No Stash 17.85 S & B Evans 3 35653 Mitcham Sam nwtd John McInerney 9 1478 Bold Bidder 17.35 M & P Binnie 7 Active Electrical Christchurch Dash 1.42 8 52878 Mitcham Manering nwtd John McInerney 3 62264 Know Farewell 17.66 Garry Cleeve 4 56221 Homebush Barclay nwtd John McInerney 10 73684 Cosmic Marty 17.65 John McInerney $1450, C1, 295m EMERGENCIES: 4 64545 Mulberry Minx 17.34 Ken Cassidy 5 45363 Hustle Ace nwtd Norman Wanhalla 9 55456 Goldstar Montana 17.47 S & B Evans 1 56175 Mitcham Nikorima nwtd John McInerney 5 86337 Nippa Enough 17.70 John McInerney 2 A2c Asphalt 2 Concrete Ph 0800222583 Dash 12.16 6 264s4 Jingili Jill 17.42 Mitchell & Smith 10 6881s Know Angel 17.96 Garry Cleeve 2 33178 Homebush Jozie nwtd John McInerney 6 65424 Goldstar Liberty 17.32 J M McCook $1450, C1, 295m 7 41 Leonard Bale 17.09 Craig Roberts 3 64623 Know Approval 17.28 Garry Cleeve 10 Amber Cleaning Services Dash 2.35 7 43458 Bashful Buffy 17.17 John McInerney 1 55356 Goldstar Galaxie 17.40 S & B Evans 8 42385 Goldstar Halsey 17.41 S & B Evans 4 13774 Gotcha Pixie 17.55 J M Lane 8 52144 Homebush Gambler nwtd John McInerney $1450, C1, 295m 2 34732 Billy Ray nwtd Norman Wanhalla EMERGENCIES: 5 33735 Father Leo nwtd John McInerney EMERGENCIES: 3 32221 Ghost Mode 17.51 Hart & Taylor 9 68643 Mulberry Will 17.71 Ken Cassidy 6 54835 Goldstar Rebel 17.81 S & B Evans 1 71434 Justin Lincoln 17.46 S & B Evans 9 517s7 Ascott nwtd Corey Steele 4 32562 Shanly Star 17.15 John McInerney 10 64466 Sozin’s Symphony 17.58 John McInerney 7 41846 Tonkawa 17.42 Mitchell & Smith 2 56534 Pooran’s Jadeja 17.74 J M McCook 10 74565 Goldstar Beau 17.71 S & B Evans

Whanganui greys at Hatrick Wednesday Jetbet 3 TAB D. 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 T. 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 7-8-9, 10-11-12 Q. 2-3-4-5, 9-10-11-12 PL6 7-12 Selections 2 Mike O’Sullivan Master Painter 12.25 EMERGENCIES: 6 13475 Idol Patches 17.71 Marcie Flipp 3 52534 Barbarossa Boy 17.74 Brian Goldsack 9 77451 Paris End 17.66 Lisa Cole 7 12575 Bigtime Stella 17.42 Lisa Cole 4 13624 Zipping Luther nwtd J & D Bell Race 1: SIDELINE SALLY, DERRY BLUES, FRECKLE $1450, C1, 305m Race 2: WEBBER COME, SEDGEBROOK COMET, 10 24124 My Pablo 17.92 Nathan Udy 8 25835 Bigtime Tank nwtd Lisa Cole 5 15111 Big Time Fairy nwtd Lisa Cole 1 34261 Sedgebrook Comet 17.80 Fred Kite EMERGENCIES: BIG TIME AMBER 5 Wanganui Toyota C4/c5 1.17 6 17112 Big Time Kevin 17.58 Lisa Cole Race 3: BIG TIME BRIE, BIG TIME HARLEY, BIG TIME SPOT 2 64225 Paradox Prince 18.43 Bill Hodgson 9 46666 Bigtime Bret nwtd Lisa Cole 7 24341 Big League Diva 17.70 G & S Fredrickson Race 4: NOVA WILLOW, ALLEGRO FERN, FREE THINKER 3 s2124 Webber Come 18.09 John McInerney $2860, C4/5, 305m 10 73787 Big Time Tina 17.63 Lisa Cole 8 74771 Token Vikkers 17.75 Nathan Udy Race 5: MELITA VELLA, ARTICULATOR, BIG TIME JONIE 4 35232 Mother’s Touch 17.89 J & D Bell 1 23268 Big Time Ocean 17.94 Lisa Cole EMERGENCIES: Race 6: YARN SISTER, DAPPER RAPPER, BIG TIME ODETTE 5 65623 Waterloo Pink 17.90 Wendy Kite 8 First Security 2.08 2 41815 Articulator 17.79 Bill Hodgson 9 2736s Bigtime Luna 17.78 S J Phillips Race 7: ALLEGRO WILL, BIGTIME CUTIE, BIGTIME STELLA $2035, C3, 305m 6 46523 Bigtime Maci 17.67 Susie Kite 3 62418 Bigtime Lizzy 17.61 Lisa Cole Race 8: TUFF TEMPTRESS, BIG TIME TRAE, VIKING ASH 10 5488s Big Time Nash 17.87 Lisa Cole 7 12318 Big Time Amber nwtd Lisa Cole 4 21128 Big Time Jonie 17.52 Lisa Cole 1 87431 So Severe 17.71 Carol Morris Race 9: TROJAN HOARSE, SIR DUGGIE, IRISH ROGUE 8 3s134 Yasawa Lights nwtd Angela Turnwald 5 35111 Melita Vella nwtd Lisa Cole 2 34752 Bigtime Banjo 17.52 Lisa Cole 11 Adept Accountants C4/c5 3.01 Race 10: BIG TIME KEVIN, BIG TIME FAIRY, ZIPPING LUTHER EMERGENCIES: 6 26312 Big Time Pluto 17.53 Lisa Cole 3 26463 Big Time Lebron 17.62 Lisa Cole Race 11: SUB TWENTY THREE, BIG TIME MAPLE, $2860, C4/5, 305m 9 37243 Always Dizzy 18.07 John McInerney 7 84174 Opawa Flash 17.71 Nathan Udy 4 75128 Shamrock Green 17.85 Brian Goldsack CHEESE AND CHALK 10 55353 Goldstar Auburn nwtd Sue Gommans 1 84321 Big Time Maple 18.21 Lisa Cole Race 12: BIG TIME MAC, ZARA DAIKEN, ALLEGRO KYLE 8 61163 Bigtime Emjay 17.50 G & S Fredrickson 5 44116 Big Time Trae nwtd Lisa Cole 3 Palamountain’s Scientific Nutrition 12.43 EMERGENCIES: 6 83411 Tuff Temptress 17.78 Bernie Mitchell 2 22156 Cheese And Chalk 17.60 Lisa Cole 9 14386 Bigtime Bremner 17.48 Lisa Cole 7 33154 Viking Ash 17.79 Nathan Udy 3 12418 Bigtime Leo 17.75 Peter Clark $2390, C4, 305m 10 64682 Big Time Seth nwtd Lisa Cole 8 31612 Double What 17.93 J & D Bell 4 62117 Doomsday 17.64 K B Benson 1 22571 Mr. Postman 17.71 Nathan Udy EMERGENCIES: 5 41171 Sub Twenty Three 17.63 Lisa Cole 2 24734 Cheeseball nwtd Lisa Cole 6 Red Snapper Seafoods, Christchurch 1.35 9 6F437 Bigtime Daisy 17.87 Lisa Cole 6 26814 Big Time Vegas nwtd Lisa Cole 3 44136 Tuff Knight 18.30 Bernie Mitchell $2035, C3, 305m 10 16826 Bigtime On Track 17.68 Fred Kite 7 18337 Big Time Frosty 17.57 Lisa Cole 4 11132 Big Time Brie nwtd Lisa Cole 1 11116 Dapper Rapper 17.88 Brian Marsh 9 Accell “Leading The Way In Canine Therapy” C4/c5 2.25 8 35433 Big Time Gwyn 17.59 Lisa Cole 5 12452 Allegro Lexxi 17.63 Lisa Cole 2 73588 Dynamite Danger 17.69 G & S Fredrickson EMERGENCIES: $2860, C4/5, 305m 6 37564 Big Time Spot 18.19 Lisa Cole 3 51624 Big Time Odette nwtd Lisa Cole 9 34838 Trophy Trophy 17.41 Angela Turnwald 7 57363 Bigtime Leads 17.95 Lisa Cole 4 82413 Giraffe Club 17.70 Lisa Cole 1 81246 Bigtime Archie nwtd Lisa Cole 10 37636 Billy’s Churn 17.95 Glen Hodgson 1 CPF Insurance 12.08 8 16114 Big Time Harley nwtd Lisa Cole 5 11451 Yarn Sister 17.80 Carol Morris 2 24152 Hip Hop Rapper 17.49 Brian Marsh EMERGENCIES: $1365, C0, 305m 6 73355 Arthur’s Crown 17.76 Richard Waite 3 51511 Trojan Hoarse 17.28 Lisa Cole 12 Laser Plumbing 3.21 9 51785 Big Time Elsa nwtd Lisa Cole 7 11852 Allegro Curtis 17.54 Lisa Cole 4 51P71 Irish Rogue nwtd Lisa Cole $1685, C2, 305m 1 32267 Derry Blues nwtd Peter Clark 10 24672 Big Time Jackson nwtd Lisa Cole 8 66815 Zara Zara 17.75 Marcie Flipp 5 243F7 Toca Madera nwtd Angela Turnwald 2 3358s Idol Andy nwtd Marcie Flipp EMERGENCIES: 6 33165 Sir Duggie 17.18 Lisa Cole 1 21212 Allegro Kyle 17.76 Lisa Cole 4 Kernow Construction 1.00 2 78751 Homebush Maxi 17.89 John McInerney 3 7325F Sideline Sally nwtd John McInerney 9 86855 Chilli Ragnar 17.84 Nathan Udy 7 38172 Bigtime Ziggy 17.63 Lisa Cole $1685, C2, 305m 3 21253 Nippa-A-Spot 17.82 John McInerney 4 37757 Freckle nwtd John McInerney 10 77536 Big Time Dynasty nwtd Lisa Cole 8 22421 Funky Facts 18.17 G & S Fredrickson EMERGENCIES: 4 72341 Zara Daiken 17.93 Nathan Udy 5 67766 Telltale Signs nwtd Melissa Olden 1 56314 Lucy Lingers 18.02 John McInerney 7 Guthrie Bowron Wanganui 1.51 9 21328 Bigtime Pearl 17.64 Lisa Cole 5 36433 Bigtime Puma 17.77 Lisa Cole 6 57878 Big Time Goldie nwtd Wendy Kite 2 58232 Summer Glee 17.66 John McInerney 3 55213 Choice Sister 18.01 Carol Morris $2390, C4, 305m 10 65275 Bigtime Bee 17.52 Lisa Cole 6 81132 Big Time Harper nwtd Peter Clark 7 27875 Alfie Daman nwtd Peter Clark 4 11421 Allegro Fern 17.77 Lisa Cole 1 3333F Criminal Justice 17.89 Melissa Olden 7 72114 Big Time Mac nwtd Lisa Cole 8 5455s That’s Frank nwtd John McInerney 10 Aon Insurance 2.41 5 12611 Allegro Ella 17.73 Lisa Cole 2 21211 Allegro Will 17.36 Lisa Cole 8 24622 Life Is Good 17.92 Melissa Olden $2035, C3, 305m EMERGENCIES: 6 25111 Nova Willow nwtd Lisa Cole 3 75422 Big Time Chance 17.58 Lisa Cole EMERGENCIES: 9 45886 Ahuroa Whizz nwtd Robert Murray 7 21312 Free Thinker 17.84 Melissa Olden 4 21346 Bigtime Cutie 17.74 Lisa Cole 1 73568 Funzalo 17.61 Bill Hodgson 9 68361 I’ll Be Loyal 18.05 Bill Hodgson 10 66687 Homebush Brave nwtd John McInerne 8 26262 Homebush Jennia 17.92 John McInerney 5 6147F Bees And Birds 17.68 Lisa Cole 2 82686 Bigtime Sheer 17.58 Lisa Cole 10 F7831 Belmonts 17.71 Lisa Cole

NSW races at Hawkesbury Wednesday Jetbet 11 TAB doubles 4-5, 7-8 Trebles 3-4-5, 6-7-8 Quaddie 1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-8 Selections J Pracey-Holmes 7 0 Courtingrock h (1) 55 79 Ms W Costin B Ryan (a1.5) 7 56415 Bullet Storm bh (6) 58 97 T Wolfgram Race 1: LANU MOANA, SOUL PURPOSE, LISITSA 3 s8462 Crown Affair (7) 58 90 K Jennings 8 850 Mandalong Beyond h (5) 55 87 10 s329s Lunar Tramp (3) 55 87 Ms K O’Hara 8 s3161 Estroverto dw (4) 58 98 A Layt 4 s4377 Broadlea (3) 57 82 S Guymer S Guymer 9 s1303 Nowyunomi tw (7) 58 97 B Loy Race 2: AMORETTI, SRINI, EYEKNOW 6 Kurmond Social Handicap 5.15 Race 3: SAVASPUR, PERFECT IMPRESSION, DIVINE ELEVEN 5 82273 Dame Margot (1) 57 88 T Wolfgram 9 264s5 Southern Queen (4) 55 90 B Mc Dougall 10 75110 Segrill dw (9) 58 98 Ms K O’Hara 6 22325 Lanu Moana b (5) 57 100 C Lever $31,500, Class 2, 1800m 11 30640 Belle De Vega (3) 57.5 100 B Mc Dougall Race 4: RALPH’S FOLLY, THRIVE IN THE HOME, PIA SOFIA 4 JR Corporate Accountants 3.55 Race 5: TEMPLE RUN, BIG SUZIE, TEXAS FOREVER 7 25 Lisitsa (4) 56 89 Ms K O’Hara 1 841s7 Invasion Day (10) 60.5 92 K Jennings 12 7261 High Academy (12) 57 96 C Lever Race 6: ELABORATE, READATHON, APICIUS $31,500, Maiden SW, 1100m 8 6423 Soul Purpose (8) 56 94 B Mc Dougall 2 8s043 Fast Train c (6) 58.5 99 A Layt 13 7s402 Silent Agenda dh (11) 56.5 92 Race 7: SHUHOOD, ALAM MO NA, ESTROVERTO 1 835s8 Halevi (4) 59 88 B Mc Dougall 3 s7525 Elaborate wb (3) 58 100 J Ford 14 s5417 Hulme dwhn (13) 56 96 B Griffiths (a2) Race 8: BLUEANT, STOCKMAN, MONEY MAGIC 2 All Comfort Air-Conditioning 2.35 2 Invictus Felix h (1) 59 83 C Lever 4 5s231 Moon Panther (4) 58 96 B Lerena $31,500, Maiden, 1300m 8 Hawkebsury Sport & Spine 6.40 3 4s679 Missile Magic (6) 59 96 A Layt 5 510s1 Apicius (7) 56.5 100 Ms W Costin $31,500, Class 1, 1400m 1 Eyeknow (4) 59 88 K Jennings 4 Noble Albert (7) 59 83 Ms W Costin 6 s9070 Seel The Deel w (12) 56 96 C Lever 2 9s36 Amoretti (9) 58 96 C Lever 5 Ralph’s Folly (3) 59 83 J Ford 7 s5126 Readathon (2) 55 98 T Wolfgram 1 321 Blueant d (1) 59 98 B Loy 3 59s4 Srini (3) 57 100 J Ford 6 8s Sky Meteor h (5) 59 83 Ms K Nisbet 8 12243 War Deck b (8) 55 96 B Mc Dougall 2 s931s Prince Of Arragon (17) 59 89 4 9s9 Mopar h (6) 56.5 80 T Wolfgram 7 0s0s6 Sombre Prize h (2) 59 86 R Brewer 9 s9085 Spooky Wooky tw (14) 55 90 B Mc Dougall 5 70s06 Camp David h (5) 55 87 A Layt 8 42242 Thrive In The Home h (8) 59 100 Ms K O’Hara 3 622s1 Stockman (2) 59 96 C Lever 6 s4247 Candy Pants h (7) 55 97 B Mc Dougall B Griffiths (a2) 10 83142 Vaquero (11) 55 92 B Griffiths (a2) 4 122s Money Magic d (7) 58.5 89 T Wolfgram 7 57379 Debrief h (8) 55 88 B Griffiths (a2) 9 Pia Sofia (9) 57 84 S Guymer 11 76797 Toroso tw (5) 55 97 Ms K Nisbet 5 82329 Buzz tw (6) 57.5 100 Ms W Costin 8 088s5 One Step h (2) 55 94 S Guymer 10 s5076 Songsheet (10) 57 95 Ms K O’Hara 12 66576 Blast (13) 55 94 S Guymer 6 — Dummy Run SCRATCHED 9 242s2 Polished Penny (1) 55 97 13 56421 Hamish The Swift h (1) 55 91 7 22221 Dreaming Of Gold w (3) 57 99 J Pracey-Holmes 5 Tates Hotel Windsor Hcp 4.35 B Ryan (a1.5) K Jennings $31,500, Class 2, 1100m 14 64052 Confident Lad (9) 55 91 Ms J Taylor 8 52s05 Wicked Wench t (5) 57 99 J Ford 3 Pimp Your Pets Handicap 3.15 9 318s8 Bacinblac w (4) 56.5 94 B Griffiths (a2) 1 s33s5 Invincible Lad (9) 60 94 A Layt 7 Greater Western Sydney Horse Parks 5.55 $31,500, Maiden, 1500m 2 s9s02 Shadow Bridge w (6) 59 98 K Jennings 10 26s05 Magnificently (16) 56.5 94 A Layt $31,500, Benchmark 64, 1600m 1 24s52 Divine Eleven (9) 59 92 K Jennings 3 3118s Crimlet d (10) 58.5 92 B Mc Dougall 11 7s636 Cappamore w (10) 56 95 Ms J Taylor 2 8s322 Perfect Impression b (8) 59 94 4 7s185 Texas Forever td (8) 58.5 94 C Lever 1 0679s Our Gravano dwn (5) 63 93 J Ford 12 217s0 Graceful Zarifa dh (9) 55 86 Ms K Nisbet T Wolfgram 5 213s6 Temple Run d (2) 56.5 92 T Wolfgram 2 s800s Fuji Fury dw (2) 62.5 96 B Ryan (a1.5) 13 1535s Mowanjum (15) 55 88 1 Nash Family Logistics 1.55 3 338s2 Savaspur (2) 59 96 J Ford 6 0s119 Vox Pop w (5) 56.5 100 S Guymer 3 1412s Alam Mo Na wb (8) 60.5 92 S Guymer 14 9s13 Grace Bay wh (11) 55 92 SCRATCHED 15 2839s Prince Camelot (14) 55 89 B Ryan (a1.5) $31,500, Maiden SW, 1800m 4 3422s Viren (3) 59 85 B Loy 7 1487s Big Suzie d (4) 55.5 96 J Ford 4 — Apicius 5 4 Oconee (6) 58 100 C Lever 8 84288 Invincible Kiss (7) 55 90 B Griffiths (a2) 5 4s007 Test Of War tw (14) 59 94 16 s9769 Hidden Ace h (8) 55 87 S Guymer 1 3s356 Talent Award (6) 59 83 A Layt 6 33495 Benoni (7) 55 93 A Layt 9 53s39 Lord Zoulander dw (1) 55 93 6 s2861 Shuhood (10) 58.5 98 K Jennings EMERGENCY: 2 46s88 Whisky Magic h (2) 59 79 17 8057s Maglev h (13) 55 81 Ms K Nisbet

Legend: T – Won at track. C – Won at this distance on this course. D – Won at this distance on another course. M – Won in slow or heavy going. B – Beaten favourite at last start. H – Trained on track. N – Won at night. S – Spell of three months. F – Fell. P – Pulled up. L – Lost rider. TV – Featured on Trackside TV. The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 TELEVISION 19 MONDAY—TUESDAY’S TELEVISION GUIDE

TVNZ 1 © TVNZ 2020TVNZ 2 © TVNZ 2020 THREE PRIME MAORI TV 5pm The Chase 3 0 5.10 The Simpsons 3 0 5pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 5pm Frasier 3 0 5pm Waiata Mai A quiz show where Homer forms a border- 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 5.30 Prime News 5.10 Te Mana Kuratahi 3 contestants must stay patrol group when 7pm The Project 6pm Pawn Stars 3 5.40 Tamariki unemployed workers 3 one step ahead of The 7.30 Grand Designs New 6.30 Isolation Nation 5.50 E Kori from Ogdenville come to 5.55 Chaser. Zealand PG 3 0 7pm The Crowd Goes Wild 3 Pipi Ma Springfield. 6pm ZooMoo 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 5.35 Home And Away 0 8.30 The Rookie M 0 7.30 Aussie Pickers 0 6.10 Te Nutube The latest news, sport, 6.05 The Big Bang Theory 3 0 Nolan is given some 8.30 M White House Bradley Walsh and Son: Breaking 0 6.20 Darwin + Newts 3 Dad, 7.30pm on TVNZ 1 and weather. 6.30 Neighbours important news, and Down MVL 3 0 2013 Action. 7pm Seven Sharp 0 7pm Shortland Street PG 0 6.30 Te Ao: Maori News invites Grace over for a While on a tour of the 3 Stories of the day from Dawn faces facts; Cece 7pm Whanau Living home-cooked meal in White House with his 7.30 F around New Zealand. chooses family over Timoti’s Travels his newly remodelled daughter, a policeman 8pm Te Ao With Moana 7.30 Bradley Walsh And Son: funds; Shereez has her heart broken again. kitchen; each unit must must protect her and the 8.30 The Hunting Ground 16CL Breaking Dad 0 7.30 The Amazing Race follow up on dormant president from armed, 10.25 #whiuatepatai ML The father-and-son road- 0 Australia PG cases, with the aim of paramilitary invaders. 10.55 Nga Pari Karangaranga trip continues to Texas, The decision whether finding new leads. Channing Tatum, Jamie O Te Motu 3 where they do everything to spend the day doing 11.25 Te Ao: Maori News 3 laundry by hand or 9.25 Rebuilding Paradise Foxx. bigger, from driving tanks 11.40 Rebuilding Paradise with Paul Henry sorting through different With Paul Henry 11.15 The Late Show With Closedown to experiencing space TUESDAY 9.25pm on Three travel in a centrifuge. species of fish could cost Paul Henry hosts a live Stephen Colbert PG $250,000. 6.30 Paia 8pm 0 show aimed at finding TUESDAY Dog Squad 8.35 F Booze Patrol PG 0 6.40 Pukoro Palmerston North Delta Series following the work out where we are as a 12.15 Love Island UK 16LS 7.10 He Rourou 3 team Sam and Zinny of police who deal with nation as we come out 1.15 Closedown 7.20 E Kori 3 have their work cut out problems caused by of lockdown, and what 6am Ben 10: Ultimate 7.25 E Ki E Ki for them as a fleeing alcohol. possibilities lie ahead. Alien 3 0 7.30 Mahi Pai 0 driver keeps on running; 9.30 Grey’s Anatomy PG 9.55 NewsHub Late 6.50 Endangered Species 3 7.40 Tamariki Haka there are sad goodbyes After Meredith 10.25 The Hui 3 0 0 7.50 Huritua inadvertently stirs up and new beginnings for 3 0 3 0 8am Polyfest Kapa Haka 3 negative press for 11pm NewsHub Nation 7.15 Trulli Tales White House Down Corrections drug dog Grey Sloan, she must An in-depth weekly 7.30 Atomic Puppet 3 0 8.30 My Country Song 8.30pm on Prime Radar. make things right with current-affairs show. 7.40 Teenage Mutant Ninja 9am Pete And Pio 0 3 8.30 One Lane Bridge 16L her former colleagues, TUESDAY Turtles 3 0 9.30 Opaki Ariki makes bad choices threatening her 10am The First Voice 3 RNZ NATIONAL 12.05 Infomercials 8.05 The Thundermans 3 0 5pm Checkpoint in an attempt to escape community-service hours. 10.30 On The Ladder 3 6am The AM Show 8.30 The Moe Show 3 0 News and current affairs 10.25 Two And A Half Men PG 3 11am Nga Tangata Taumata his demons; locals 3 0 programme. 0 9am The Café 9am Game Shakers Rau 3 deal out some vigilante 3 0 6.30 Trending Now 10.50 Mom PGC 10am Infomercials 9.30 Portrait Artist Of The Noon justice. F 3 Funny Whare: Programme highlighting the RNZ 0 11.15 The Undateables 11.25 Millionaire Hot Seat 3 0 Year 3 0 Gamesnight PG 3 9.25 Q+A With Jack Tame 0 stories people are sharing online. 12.20 Face The Truth PG 10.30 The Chase Australia 3 12.30 F Game Of Bros PG 3 7.06 Nights With Bryan Crump. Local political-affairs TUESDAY 12.45 Dr Phil PG 0 1pm F Nga Pari 8.30 Windows On The World programme. 12.10 The Resident M 3 0 International public-radio features 10.30 Seven Sharp 0 12.55 Cougar Town PG 3 Robin has set a deadline 11.30 Everybody Loves Karangaranga O Te 3 and documentaries. Stories of the day from 1.15 Shortland Street PG 3 0 for her husband to get Raymond 3 0 Motu 10pm News At Ten 1.40 Infomercials help with his mental Noon Inside Windsor 1.30 Ako 3 around New Zealand. A roundup of today’s news and 2.45 Scandal M 3 3 0 2pm Toku Reo 3 11pm Murder Calls Australia disorder, or he may be Castle PGR sport. M 3 0 Exploration of the 3.30 Desperate Housewives MV out on the streets. 1pm American Pickers 3pm Nga Kapa Haka Kura 3 0 3 TUESDAY 1993 murder of Gabriel 1.45 The House That £100K 2pm Celebrity Antiques Road Tuarua 4.15 The Fresh Prince Of Bel 3.30 Playlist 12.04 The All Night Programme ‘Gabe’ Meyer, one of Built Trip 3 6am Morning Report Air 3 4pm Swagger Far North Queensland’s 3 0 0 9.06 Nine To Noon With Kathryn 4.40 Emmerdale PG 2.55 Restoration Man PG 3pm Wheel Of Fortune 4.30 Pukana 3 most cold-blooded 3 0 Ryan. 5.05 Neighbours 3.55 Chris Humfrey’s Animal 3.30 Jeopardy 5pm Paia 5.30 Infomercials 3 10.45 The Reading cases. Instinct 4pm A Place In The Sun: 5.10 Pukoro 11.50 Reverie PG 3 0 6.30 Rescue Bots Academy 0 3 Noon Midday Report 4.30 NewsHub Live At Winter Sun 5.40 He Rourou 3 1.06 Afternoons A stolen implant is sold 6.40 MyaGo 3 0 0 4:30pm 5pm Frasier 3 0 5.50 E Kori 3 4.06 The Panel to a man who cannot 6.50 Bluey 7am The Jungle Bunch To The 5pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 5.30 Prime News 5.55 E Ki E Ki 5pm Checkpoint leave his home, but is Rescue! 0 planning a robbery. 7.25 Ben 10 3 CHOICE PAY TV TUESDAY 7.50 Unikitty! 3 0 5pm Rachel Allen: All Things 12.40 3 0 8.15 Moon And Me 3 0 SKY 5 MOVIES PREMIERE DISCOVERY Emmerdale PG Sweet 1.05 3 8.35 Mission Force One 0 5pm Wheel Of Fortune PG 5.30 Family 16LC 2018 Drama. 5.40 Aussie Salvage 5.30 Mysteries At The Museum 1.30 Infomercials 9am Infomercials 5.30 Hardcore Pawn PG Taylor Schilling, Kate Squad PG The Storm is 3 10am Neighbours 3 0 6.30 Salvage Hunters McKinnon. Coming. 5.35 Te Karere 3 0 6pm Storage Wars PG 10.25 Mike And Molly PGS 7.30 World’s Most Luxurious 6.55 An Actor Prepares MC 6.35 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 6am Breakfast 11.10 PG 3 0 7pm Border Security: Army Wives 2017 Comedy. Jeremy Irons, 7.30 Top Gear PG 9am The Ellen DeGeneres Noon Selling Houses 8.30 The Ganges With Sue Australia’s Frontline M Show 0 Australia 0 Perkins 7.30 Hawaii Five-0 MV Jack Huston. 8.30 Richard Hammond’s Big Ellen is joined by late- 1.05 Judge Rinder PGR 3 9.30 WWII Great Escapes: The 8.30 Demolition NZ M 8.30 Hellboy 2019 16VL 2019 9.25 Jay Leno’s Garage PG night talk-show host 2pm Cougar Town PGS 3 0 9pm The Loggers PG Action. While investigating Cars of the Sports 3 0 Freedom Trails Jimmy Kimmel. 2.25 Home And Away 9.30 A1: Highway Patrol MVLC a disturbance in the Stars. 2.55 Shortland Street PG 3 0 10.30 Salvage Hunters 10.15 10am Tipping Point 3 0 10.30 SVU MV English countryside, Car Crash Global 3.25 Get Clever 0 11.30 Mysteries At The Museum Hellboy discovers a Caught On Camera PG 11am Cash Trapped 0 11.15 Storage Wars PG 3.50 Get Arty resurrected sorceress 11.05 What On Earth? PG Noon 1 News At Midday 0 0 TUESDAY 4.15 Holly Hobbie TUESDAY bent on avenging a past 12.30 Emmerdale PG 0 3 0 12.30 Hugh’s Three Good Things Hitler’s Lost Gold. 4.40 Friends 12.05 Parking Wars PGL betrayal. David Harbour, 11.55 How It’s Made PG It is Pete’s 33rd 5.10 The Simpsons 3 0 1am Rachel Allen: All Things 12.55 Wheel Of Fortune PG Milla Jovovich. TUESDAY birthday; Tracy visits 5.35 Home And Away 0 Sweet 1.20 Jeopardy! 10.35 Mid90s 16VLSC 2018 Comedy. the hospital to see 12.20 How Do They Do It? PG 1.30 Best Cake Wins 1.40 Border Security: Sunny Suljic, Katherine 12.45 how Kerry is doing; is Naked And Afraid M BRAVO 2am Ozzy And Jack’s World Australia’s Frontline M Waterson. 1.35 Gold Rush PG Graham playing hard to 5.10 Judge Jerry Detour PGC 2.05 A1: Highway Patrol MVLC TUESDAY 2.25 Moonshiners M get? 3 5.35 Hoarders 2.50 Demolition NZ M 12am An Interview With 3.15 Alaska: The Last 1pm Coronation Street 3 0 3am World’s Most Luxurious 6.30 Love It Or List It 3.15 The Loggers PG God PG 2018 Drama. Frontier PG Ali tries to convince Ryan 4am Hope For Wildlife 7.30 Snapped M 3.40 SVU MV David Strathairn, 4.05 Expedition Unknown PG he is clean; Alya learns 5am Mysteries At The Museum 8.30 The DNA Of Murder M 4.25 Hardcore Pawn PG Brenton Thwaites. 4.55 Naked And Afraid M the truth; James must 6am Orang-utan Jungle School With Paul Holes. 4.50 Hawaii Five-0 MV 1.35 Chronicles Mysteries: 5.45 Gold Rush PG make a decision; Nina 7am Hugh’s Three Good Things 9.30 A Lie To Die For M 5.35 The Simpsons PG Vines That Bind 6.35 Fast N’ Loud PG feels pushed out. 10.30 Snapped PG 3 7.30 Rachel Allen: All Things 6am Jeopardy! PG 2019 Drama. 7.30 What On Earth? PG 2pm The Ellen DeGeneres 11.20 Killer Couples M 3 Sweet 3am Swimming With Men ML 8.20 Top Gear Show 3 0 6.25 Wheel Of Fortune PG TUESDAY 8am Hope For Wildlife 2018 Comedy. 9.10 Richard Hammond’s Ellen is joined by late- 6.45 The Simpsons PG 9am Best Cake Wins 4.35 Family 16LC 2018 Drama. Big PG night talk-show host 12.10 Infomercials 7.10 Parking Wars PGL 10am Hollywood Medium With 9.30 Hugh’s Wild West 8am Border Security: 6am An Actor Prepares MC 10am How It’s Made PG Jimmy Kimmel. 2017 Comedy. 10.25 How Do They Do It? PG Tyler Henry 3 10.30 Mysteries At The Museum Australia’s Frontline M 3pm Tipping Point 3 7.35 Hellboy 2019 16VL 2019 10.50 Expedition Unknown PG 10.55 Snapped PG 3 8.25 Storage Wars PG 4pm Te Karere 0 11.30 Salvage Hunters Action. 11.40 Aussie Salvage 11.50 The Kelly Clarkson Show 9.15 Hardcore Pawn PG 4.30 Highway Cops 3 0 12.30 The Ganges With Sue 9.40 Mid90s 16VLSC 2018 Comedy. Squad PG 12.50 A driver downing beers The Real Housewives Of Perkins 9.40 Hawaii Five-0 MV 11.05 An Interview With 12.30 Web Of Lies PG Beverly Hills M 3 10.25 SVU MV on a South Island road- 1.30 WWII Great Escapes: The God PG 2018 Drama. 1.20 Blood Relatives M 1.45 Below Deck PG 3 11.10 Parking Wars PGL trip; legless locals on Freedom Trails 12.40 Swimming With Men 2.10 Top Gear the streets of Motueka; 2.45 Keeping Up With The Noon Raw Live MVC 2.30 World’s Most Luxurious ML 2018 Comedy. 3pm Alaska: The Last honeymooners who Kardashians PG 3 3.05 Parking Wars PGL 2.15 Family 16LC 2018 Drama. Frontier PG 3.30 cannot keep their eyes, 3.45 Wahlburgers 3 Big Cat Country 4pm The Simpsons PG 3.40 Juliet, Naked 3.50 Gold Rush PG or their car, on the road 4.15 Dance Moms 3 4.30 Jamie’s 30-Minute Meals 4.30 Jeopardy! ML 2018 Comedy. 4.45 Fast N’ Loud PG in Canterbury. 5.10 Judge Jerry 5pm Choccywoccydoodah 5pm Wheel Of Fortune PG 5.20 Hotel Artemis 5.40 Aussie Salvage 5pm The Chase 3 0 5.35 Hoarders 3 5.30 Mysteries At The Museum 5.30 Hardcore Pawn PG 16VL 2018 Thriller. Squad PG KEY 0 3 (HLS) (RPL) (DLY) 16 18 Closed captions; Repeat; Highlights; Replay; Delayed; Approved for persons 16 years or over; Approved for persons 18 years or over; 4May20 Compiled by C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG Parental guidance recommended for younger viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. 20 SPORT The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 McLaughlin has second virtual victory in series MOTORSPORT by Jenna Fryer, AP Then Oliver Askew and Pato O’Ward crashed, cars were sailing airborne and McLaughlin slid through CHARLOTTE, North Carolina — Scott McLaughlin the carnage to give Team Penske drivers their fourth was supposed to leave Australia for Indianapolis this win in the six-race series. McLaughlin and Pagenaud month to make his IndyCar debut on the road course have won twice, and Norris and Sage Karam were at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. the other winners of this series created for content With sports on hold because of the coronavirus while IndyCar is on hold. pandemic, the two-time V8 SuperCars champion saw Conor Daly finished second and was followed by his IndyCar plans postponed. JUMBO CROSSWORD SOLUTION 1435 Santino Ferrucci, who figured there would be a lot of ACROSS: 1 4 14 15 16 McLaughlin instead settled for a virtual victory angry drivers after the 175-mile race. Block, Come down to earth, Droop, Extra, on Saturday on the oval at Indianapolis Motor “So many people are going to be salty over that,” Dermatitis, 17 Drive, 19 New, 20 Prudent, 21 Islanders, 22 Rising, 25 Speedway — his second win of IndyCar’s iRacing Ferrucci said. Sightseer, 27 Tiered, 28 Biting, 33 Proficient, 35 Ebb, 36 Moscow, 37 Scum, six-race series — after a wild finish in which most “It’s a video game. Let’s try to have some fun.” 39 41 42 43 44 45 50 of the leaders crashed as they rushed toward the Daly, who has earned new fame through the Ape, Macabre, Picnic, Sharpened, Cadet, Deceased, chequered flag. iRacing series for his colourful commentary on his Po, 51 Farewell, 55 Tango, 58 Racehorse, 59 Origin, 60 Sultana, 61 End, 63 “Unbelievable,” McLaughlin said. in-race stream, again delivered with one-liners and a Exit, 64 Thorax, 65 Let, 66 Knighthood, 68 Theory, 69 Campus, 71 “I was just hoping there was going to be a wreck humorous post-race speech. Sorcerers, 76 Chilly, 77 Stammered, 79 Affront, 81 Tar, 84 Aroma, 85 at the end. I thought we were going to be third, and “Quite a day on the internet today,” Daly said. then the three wrecked and we won.” “It was an electric factory of a race. It was hilarious Incredible, 86 Opium, 87 Creel, 88 Stick to one's guns, 89 Adder. PuzzleThe Company McLaughlin celebrated in the seat of his simulator at the same time, I think we were involved in three DOWN: 2 Luxury, 3 Cured, 5 Open, 6 En masse, 7 Outlay, 8 Noted, 9 © in Australia with a glass of cold milk, a nod to the accidents.” Observe, 10 Aide, 11 Trivia, 12 Young, 13 Upswing, 14 Deficit, 18 On the traditional victory celebration at the Indianapolis 500. He then walked viewers through his set-up from 23 24 26 27 29 30 He declined to pour it over his head while sitting in his Indianapolis home. cards, Ashes, Persist, Inflate, Tobacco, Incense, Grease, his expensive rig. “I am sitting on one of four kitchen table chairs 31 Jeans, 32 Sonata, 34 Twin, 36 Mends, 38 Medal, 40 Apse, 45 Dirge, 46 Formula One driver Lando Norris, winner of last that is from downstairs. There is a mattress behind Cocaine, 47 Ache, 48 Earthy, 49 Index, 50 Poodles, 52 Rough draft, 53 week’s IndyCar virtual race, was headed for what me, there’s not really much room for a simulator. My 54 55 56 57 62 67 68 appeared a 1-2-3 podium sweep for the Arrow pedals are currently being supported by a box with Watcher, London, Tear gas, Ditty, Link, Circa, Arrival, McLaren SP entries on the final lap. But Norris ran a big, full thing of batteries on top of it because that Tactics, 70 Patriot, 72 Opening, 73 Almost, 74 Delete, 75 Endure, 76 Cruel, into the back of Simon Pagenaud, a two-time iRacing provided some extra weight and stability. So yeah,

78 Macho, 80 Rapid, 82 Talc, 83 Plan. CROSSWORDJUMBO Copyright winner and the defending Indy 500 champion, to take pretty technological set-up here in the Conor Daly himself out of contention. Tech Centre.” THE LAST WORD IN ASTROLOGY Tuesday, May 5, 2020

SUDOKU CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Adele, 32; Henry Cavill, 36; Danielle Fishel, 39; Tina Yothers, 47. Happy Birthday: How you pitch in and help will make a difference that will inluence your SUDOKU is a logic puzzle made reputation and ability to advance. Reach out and do whatever it takes to up of 81 squares on a 9x9 grid. support and encourage those who share your beliefs and values. Don't let To solve the puzzle, each row, uncertainty stand between you and being a part of the solution. You'll gain column and 3x3 grid within the acclaim for your actions. Personal gain is within reach. Your numbers are 7, larger grid must end up containing 16, 22, 27, 31, 35, 43. each number from 1 to 9, and ARIES (March 21-April 19): each number can only appear Speak openly, share your feelings and be demonstrative about what you want to do. Good intentions, coupled with high energy, discipline and devotion, will once in a row, column or box. help you achieve what you set out to do. Romance is on the rise. 3 stars A sudoku grid has a single TAURUS (April 20-May 20): unique solution, which can be Observation will help you make a better decision. Don't trust someone to reached without using guesswork. contribute while under pressure. Look for alternatives, and consider doing your own thing. An option that will help you change your direction is favored. SOlUTiOn in nexT pUblicATiOn. 3 stars GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Work hard, play hard and be proud of what you achieve. Personal gain is within reach if you step up and take over. Offer suggestions, but don't take on someone's responsibilities. A makeover or updating your image will lift your spirits. 5 stars CANCER (June 21-July 22): Try something new or unfamiliar. The experience you gain will help you make changes that will improve your life. Don't let your emotions stand between you and what you deserve. Being forward-thinking will be required. Physical activity will lead to better health. 2 stars LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The opposition you face or the changes others are making will leave you questioning whether you are doing the right thing. Take a moment to consider the consequences and how your decisions will affect others. Personal gain is apparent. 4 stars VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Learn from experience. Information is power, and talking to an expert will point you in the right direction. Branch out, and you'll discover you have more to offer than you realize. Take physical action, and do the best job possible. 3 stars LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Making recommendations and physically taking over and doing the work yourself are not the same. How much you accomplish and the rewards and results you receive will be directly linked to what's tangible. 3 stars SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You'll face issues you should have addressed in the past. Don't linger over something that is standing in the way of your progress. Make the necessary changes, and keep moving forward. Anger and revenge are wastes of time. 3 stars SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Adventure, excitement and participation will encourage new beginnings. Don't let anyone interfere in your personal life or stop you from doing things you enjoy. You are in charge of your happiness, so follow your heart, and proceed with conidence. 4 stars CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The changes you make at home should be well-thought-out and executed personally. Don't leave sensitive matters in someone else's hands. Don't let emotions iniltrate your professional action. Stick to the script, and inish what you start. 2 stars AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Use your skills to put your ideas in motion. A change at home will be good for the soul and encourage you to plan for the future. Turn a talent you have into a lucrative sideline. Romance is encouraged. 5 stars PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Make an effort to use your skills uniquely. Keep up with the times, and adjust to whatever is trending. A responsible attitude, coupled with a desire to make your life better, will bring about positive change. 3 stars Birthday Baby: You are stubborn, proactive and reliable. You are competitive and commanding.

STAR RATINGS FIVE STARS: Nothing can stop you now. Go for the gold. FOUR STARS: You can pretty much do as you please. It’s a good time to start new projects. THREE STARS: If you focus your efforts, you will reach your goals. TWO STARS: You can accomplish a lot, but don’t rely on others for help. ONE STAR: It’s best to avoid conflicts. Work behind the scenes or read a good book. The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 SPORT 21 Documentaries serve sport well by Paul Newberry, AP sports columnist SPORTS and cinema have an uneasy alliance. For every Raging Bull, numerous flicks get it wrong when they try to recapture a memorable event or famous athlete. Seriously, how does the compelling life of Babe Ruth produce not one, but two of the greatest stinkers in the history of film- making (The Babe Ruth Story AND The Babe)? There’s another format that serves the genre far better. The documentary. No wonder three of the past four Academy Awards in this category went to sports-related films. With that in mind, here are 10 documentaries that everyone should see (and 10 others that are definitely worth a look) — 10. STEVE McQUEEN: THE MAN & LE MANS (2015) McQueen was at the height of his career (and an actual racer) when he decided to make the ultimate racing film centred on the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Too bad he didn’t have a script. The King of Cool was never quite the same after his hubris-fuelled making of Le Mans. ALSO WORTH WATCHING — Pumping Iron (1977) An entertaining look at professional bodybuilding propelled Arnold Schwarzenegger to movie stardom. 9. NO NO: A DOCKUMENTARY (2014) Dock Ellis was a Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher who wore curlers on the field and always spoke his mind. The title refers to the 1970 no-hitter that Ellis claims to have thrown under the influence of LSD, but the TITLE REGAINED: In this October 1974 file photo, challenger Muhammad Ali watches as defending world champion George story of this baseball iconoclast runs far Foreman goes to the canvas in the eighth round of their WBA/WBC championship match in Kinshasa, Zaire. The 1996 film When deeper. We Were Kings is a documentary of the bout known as the Rumble In The Jungle, between Ali and Foreman. The fight was a ALSO WORTH WATCHING — Hank cultural milestone that ran far deeper than boxing. AP picture Aaron: Chasing The Dream (1995) This chronicling of the Hammer’s life The first of several Academy Award related film to claim the Academy Award for brutal honesty and self-reflection. as he overcomes racism on the way to winners for best documentary on our list. best picture. 1. HOOP DREAMS (1994) breaking baseball’s most revered record ALSO WORTH WATCHING — The Two 3. ICARUS (2017) The undisputed king of all sports was nominated for an Academy Award. Escobars (2010) You never know what you might find. documentaries, this film wasn’t even 8. MURDERBALL (2005) Perhaps the best entry in ESPN’s Filmmaker and cycling enthusiast Bryan nominated for an Oscar — an Academy If there’s any doubt that Paralympic acclaimed 30 for 30 documentary series Fogel wanted to explore ways to get away Award flub that ranks right up there athletes approach their craft with just looks at drug kingpins fuelling the rise of with doping. He wound up uncovering with Citizen Kane. Five years of filming as much skill, determination and even Colombian football leading up to the 1994 a major international scandal — the produced an unforgettable portrait of two pettiness as their able-bodied counterparts, World Cup. Russian doping scheme at the 2014 Winter African-American high school students this film about the battering-ram sport of 5. SENNA (2010) Olympics. Fogel received an Academy hoping to escape their crime-ridden wheelchair rugby should put that to rest. Ayrton Senna was pure genius behind Award for this important film, after getting Chicago neighbourhoods by making it to An Oscar nominee, it lost to March of the the wheel of a race car, but this film a big assist from whistle-blower Grigory the NBA. Far more than just a basketball Penguins. brilliantly captures the true essence of Rodchenkov, former head of Russia’s anti- film, this is a brutal exposé on society’s ALSO WORTH WATCHING — Next this mercurial Brazilian through archival doping laboratory. inequality and poverty’s horrific toll. Goal Wins (2014) footage, interviews and home movies. ALSO WORTH WATCHING — Stop at ALSO WORTH WATCHING — You can’t help but cheer for the world’s Most touching is Senna’s softer side, as Nothing: The Lance Armstrong Story Undefeated (2011) worst football teams as American Samoa he frets over the future of a homeland as (2014) In the same vein as Hoop Dreams try to overcome the legacy of a 31-0 loss. complicated as the man himself. This brutally unflattering portrait of the but burdened a bit by the white-saviour 7. DEEP WATER (2006) ALSO WORTH WATCHING: Red Army disgraced cyclist shows how he was willing approach, this Oscar winner documents The tragic story of Britain’s Donald (2014) to crush anyone who got in his way, without an inner-city Memphis high school and the Crowhurst, a quixotic weekend sailor who The rise and fall of the Soviet dynasty the slightest hint of regret. kids who hope to improve their lot in life attempted a non-stop, solo race around the that ruled amateur hockey for more than 2. WHEN WE WERE KINGS (1996) through a downtrodden football programme. world in 1968. The quest quickly went awry, three decades. The 1974 heavyweight title fight between ASTERISK — O.J.: Made in America and the prospect of financial ruin led to his 4. FREE SOLO (2018) Muhammad Ali and George Foreman — This was the Academy Award winner for descent into deceit and madness. Another Oscar winner, this profile of Alex the famed Rumble In The Jungle — was best documentary of 2016, but it’s really ALSO WORTH WATCHING — Maiden Honnold’s harrowing climb up El Capitan a cultural milestone that ran far deeper a TV docuseries. That excludes it from (2019) without ropes or safety equipment (known than boxing. It was a chance for African- our list, but it’s definitely worth watching if Another excellent sailing film, this one an as a free solo) is a compelling dichotomy Americans to take pride in their ancestral you’ve got nearly eight hours to spare. empowering tale of the first all-female crew — edge-of-the-seat footage and a deeply home, even while acknowledging the DON’T HOLD UP WELL — The Endless to compete in the Whitbread Round the personal story of a rock climber who seems highly questionable ethics of staging the Summer and Jack Johnson World Race. truly at peace only when he’s clinging to bout in an impoverished African country The former is recalled as a seminal 6. ONE DAY IN SEPTEMBER (1999) the side of a mountain, dangling between ruled by a brutal dictator. Footage from surfing documentary, but the racial and It’s still jarring to watch the much- life and death. the accompanying music festival, which sexist stereotyping — especially during chronicled bungling that led to one of ALSO WORTH WATCHING — The Man featured James Brown and B.B. King, is stops in Africa — made this 1966 film sport’s darkest days — the killing of 11 Who Skied Down Everest (1975) an added bonus in yet another Academy almost impossible to watch. Same for the Israelis at the 1972 Munich Olympics. The Japan’s Yuichiro Miura takes off from Award winner. 1970 Oscar-nominated documentary about Germans’ naive attempts to negotiate with near the top of the world’s tallest peak, ALSO WORTH WATCHING — Tyson the first black heavyweight champion, which the Palestinian terrorists. The amateurish after a tragic climb that claimed the lives (2008) largely normalises the blatant discrimination plans to pull off a rescue. The hopelessly of six Sherpa guides. An Oscar winner the Essentially a preview of Iron Mike’s one- Johnson endured but is at least worth a optimistic reports that all had been saved. year before Rocky became the first sports- man show, it works because of Tyson’s listen for the Miles Davis soundtrack. Player agent wants to bring Premier League to Perth FOOTBALL by Rob Forsaith, AAP any sort of formal backing. to come on board with exemptions, and about future events in Perth,” a Despite strict health protocols looking provide access to Optus Stadium and government spokesperson said. SYDNEY — A Perth-based football likely to leave the plan dead in the water, other venues for training and games. “The current global circumstances agent has hatched a plan to stage the rest Williams claims to have already secured Williams, who has previously been make Western Australia and our of the English Premier League football “positive feedback” from clubs in England involved in bringing Sheffield United outstanding venues even more attractive season in Western Australia’s capital. and government figures in WA. and West Ham United to Perth, says he than normal. The idea of Gary Williams — to bring A stack of clearances would need to will discuss venue availability and other “Any consideration of hosting major the 20 EPL teams to Perth and have be in place for the project to be possible issues with VenuesWest chief executive events would require compliance with them play the remaining 92 games of the amid the current health crisis, most David Etherton this week. strict health protocols that would be 2019-20 season in the city — is at the notably from the Australian Border Force. “The government of Western Australia determined based on the best possible embryonic stage and has yet to receive State government would also need regularly speaks to a variety of people medical advice.” See also page 22 22 SPORT The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 Keeping crowds away the challenge CYCLING September, but have clarified the Tour scenes as you would get going through And Froome has been hitting the gym could still go ahead on its new dates if these tunnels of just people everywhere first thing every day to try to replicate LONDON — English cyclist Chris the opening stages are managed correctly. and all the rest of it. what he would be doing this time of Froome believes the Tour de France can That is one of the main things four- “Maybe that’s the version of race we the year in preparation for the Tour de work without spectators, but questions time champion Froome believes will need to see this year. I don’t know. France. whether organisers can prevent large be hard to manage as he continues to “In theory, we can put the race on but “Some days I’m even doing up to six crowds converging along the course. prepare for a tilt at another victory. I think the bigger question is would the hours sitting on the stationary trainer — Initially due to start on June 27, the “For sure we can put the race on organisers be able to keep people from big days,” he told former cricketer Kevin Tour has been pushed back to August 29 without people standing on the roads and actually coming out and gathering in Pietersen on Instagram Live. because of the coronavirus pandemic, and fans in that sense,” the Team Ineos rider large crowds? I think that’s the bigger “It gets pretty boring at times. I’ve doubts remain, given the differing Covid- said. question.” been through every playlist I own about 19 situations across the world. “I mean, we can put on the race and it The 34-year-old missed last year’s race 10 times each. The French government says no can be broadcast on television. after suffering career-threatening injuries “But, yeah, just getting through it and mass gatherings can take place before “You’re not going to get the same in a crash. doing the best I can.” — PA Beaumont re-elected Global tournament idea resurrected WINNING RUGBY by Gavin McCafferty, PA LONDON — Newly re-elected World Rugby chairman Bill Beaumont NUMBERS has revealed plans for a new global tournament which could lead to two consecutive months of international DRAW No. 1956 action. BONUS WINNING NUMBERS NUMBER Beaumont is keen to resurrect plans for an annual competition, possibly with promotion and relegation, which 06 07 09 22 24 38 39 were dropped last year, but stressed the European Six Nations would not be Total Lotto prizes $2,416,309 expected to change dates or format. The former England captain’s No. OF PRIZE MONEY WINNERS challenger and former vice-chairman, DIVISION Agustin Pichot, was the key driver of ONE 6 winning Nos $1,000,000 1 the Nations Championship idea but TWO 5 winning Nos Beaumont has promised to carry it on. plus the Bonus No. $19,862 8 Outside the Six Nations and the THREE 5 winning Nos $590 267 Southern Hemisphere’s four-team Rugby FOUR Championship, which is due to take 4 winning Nos plus the Bonus No. $59 615 place in August and September this FIVE year, a 2017 agreement ensures dates 4 winning Nos $30 10,668 in July and November are set aside for SIX 3 winning Nos internationals. plus the Bonus No $24 12,991 “There could well be an appetite for SEVEN putting the two windows together. It STILL IN CHARGE: Bill Beaumont, pictured with the Webb Ellis Cup in 2017, has 3 winning Nos Bonus Ticket 154,205 could be north going south in one month been re-elected chairman of World Rugby. AP picture and then immediately afterwards the south would come north the next month,” a subsidiary competition featuring “You also have to think about the said Beaumont, who was handed a second emerging nations and you could well have grandparent rule, which applies to a lot four-year term on Saturday. promotion and relegation. We have to find of Pacific Island players who might not “But bear in mind we have to take all funding that will enable this emerging have been born on the island but look stakeholders with us. We have to take the nations tournament to take place.” upon themselves as Tongans, Samoans WINNING NUMBERS club game and European game with us.” Beaumont revealed an independent or Fijians. As that runs out then it could 38 06 07 09 Beaumont revealed “embryonic” governance review would be chaired by well be that they find they are losing talks had begun with representatives British Olympic Association chairman players.” Total Strike $788,555 from both hemispheres as well as and former sports minister Hugh The election exposed a north-south prizes International Rugby Players, the Robertson, with one of the issues being divide with Australia, New Zealand, No. OF PRIZE MONEY WINNERS association that represents players. proposals to alter international eligibility South Africa and Argentina all backing rules. TOTAL “What we will try to do is bring in Pichot. Four out of Four ROLLOVER 0 a new competition that keeps the Six “It would allow players who might have “Whatever happens in life, not Nations a stand-alone competition but played in a sevens tournament or might everybody is going to agree with you,” Three out of Four $558 59 there could well be an instance that in have played an odd game for a Tier 1 Beaumont said. the Nations Cup, maybe not all the Six nation, to go back,” he said. “The question is to try to reach a Two out of Four $63 2928 Nations teams are playing at the top “I just think it gives opportunity to consensus. I’d like to think throughout level,” he said. some countries who are limited in their my rugby administration, I have been One out of Four Bonus Ticket 71,169 “Sitting below that you could have player resource. able to reach a consensus.”

WINNING NUMBER Divisions flare over ongoing halt to EPL 04 FOOTBALL safe,” Parish tweeted. disgruntled clubs, unhappy with the difficult “I believe we can and should continue decisions that would ultimately follow in LONDON — English Premier League however imperfect the other elements: determining league positions,” lawyer Simon Total Powerball prizes $7,247,849 clubs opposed to resuming the season neutral venues, empty stadia, etc. If we can’t Leaf, head of sport at legal firm Mishcon de in empty, neutral stadiums were urged by make it work then I fear for next season. The Reya, told The Associated Press. No. OF PRIZE MONEY WINNERS Crystal Palace’s chairman to accept the game might never fully recover.” It’s almost two months since the DIVISION ONE plans or football “might never fully recover”. Palace have little to play for, sitting mid- competition was suspended and the Lotto Division 1 + winning Powerball No. ROLLOVER 0 Steve Parish warned there could be table, but Parish said he wanted the season league’s rule book has no guidelines for TWO years of legal challenges if the Premier Lotto Division 2 + completed for “reasons of sporting integrity” resolving standings if a team cannot play all winning Powerball No. $30,337 1 League was curtailed, with French clubs and to protect the league’s finances. 38 games. THREE already exploring damages claims over The Premier League fears losses of • In Edinburgh, Scottish Football Lotto Division 3 + $1,001 27 winning Powerball No. their season prematurely ending last week. more than £1 billion ($NZ2.07 billion) from Association vice-president Mike Mulraney FOUR Lotto Division 4 + Parish’s support for the league’s Project an incomplete campaign as broadcasting admits he is having to prepare for the winning Powerball No. $98 66 FIVE Restart proposal came as Brighton and commitments are not met. prospect of next season being cancelled. Lotto Division 5 + winning Powerball No. $56 847 West Ham publicly resisted playing their The league has not commented on The Alloa chairman stressed that would SIX remaining home games in neutral venues. opposition to playing games in neutral be the “total disaster scenario”, while the Lotto Division 6 + $42 winning Powerball No. 1077 Both teams are fighting relegation. stadiums, only saying after Friday’s call with SFA is also planning for potential situations SEVEN Bonus Ticket + $15.00 The league is working with authorities clubs that they all wanted to complete the that include restricted fan access and a 12,153 to find a way for players to resume group season if it was safe. campaign behind closed doors. training and play games by June at the “Ending the season early would And he warned it would be “foolhardy”

32261-01 earliest while ensuring that does not spread undoubtedly leave the Premier League not to face up to the possibility of Scottish The Gisborne Herald does not make any assurances as to the accuracy Covid-19 infections. of this information. Please check your tickets at a Lotto shop. more exposed to costly and reputationally clubs going out of business during the “We need to try to play if we can make it damaging legal action from certain coronavirus pandemic. — AP/PA The Gisborne Herald • Monday, May 4, 2020 SPORT 23 Warriors farewell their families RUGBY LEAGUE We are still hungry and want to DISTRAUGHT: Warriors player by Laine Clark, AAP represent our families, fans and Adam Blair hugs his son Taika members. before leaving for Australia BRISBANE — A heartbreaking “We need to sacrifice (the time yesterday. Picture by image of Adam Blair hugging his with) our families and go over to Jess Blair/Instagram inconsolable son before leaving for Australia and go to work because Australia has captured what the that is what everyone wants. Warriors are sacrificing in order to “So many people have been ensure the NRL restarts. working behind the scenes to get this But captain Roger Tuivasa-Sheck going — it is up to us to make the said nothing would stop the Warriors most of this opportunity and keep from keeping their “eyes on the our eyes on the prize.” prize” when the NRL resumed on Warriors players arrived in their May 28. own vehicles at Auckland Airport, Warriors players made tearful wearing facemasks, pulling up at a goodbyes to loved ones at Auckland private facility near the runway to Airport yesterday after being cleared board their charter flight. to enter Australia for what may be a They were given exemptions to fly six-month stay. directly to Tamworth, New South The painful moment was perhaps Wales, where they are set to undergo summed up best by Jess Blair’s a 14-day quarantine before a likely Instagram post showing a picture move to a Central Coast base. of her husband — Warriors forward Reigning Golden Boot winner Adam — embracing his distraught Tuivasa-Sheck hoped players’ young son Taika. families would be able to join the While Tuivasa-Sheck admitted it squad in the coming weeks. was tough boarding their charter In the meantime, the Warriors flight, he said the Warriors were were ready to hit the ground running determined to do their families proud in NSW. when the competition resumed. But first, all the clubs were to “That was definitely the tough part, receive a briefing on the NRL’s saying goodbye to the family out there biosecurity guidelines today. in the car park and seeing my two “At this stage I am prepared to go kids go away,” he said. over for five months and go to work,” “They are at a young age where Tuivasa-Sheck said. they still don’t understand what is “I am pretty excited just to go over going on. and get amongst it all.” “But we can’t use it as an excuse. See also back page Start your journey to success eit.ac.nz | 0800 22 55 348 Fit study around your work, home and whanau - achieve a qualiication in only a few months. 30782-03 4 May, 2020 MIDNIGHT TONIGHT GISBORNE TIDE MOVEMENT M E WEATHER FOR TOMORROW T Tuesday Wednesday R May 5 May 6 SE S am 369noon 369pm am 369noon 369pm Tauranga 3 18 1.5 Hicks Bay 3 16 Te Puke 35 22

2 11 Whakatane 18 0 19 Ruatoria 00 18 Opotiki 1.5 H 3:58am 4:33pm H 4:55am 5:31pm Hicks Bay L 10:25am 10:50pm Hicks Bay L 11:23am 11:47pm Rotorua Te Puia Springs 14 H 3:51am 4:26pm H 4:48am 5:24pm Waipiro Bay L 9:58am 10:23pm Waipiro Bay L 10:56am 11:20pm Tokomaru Bay NOON TOMORROW H 3:39am 4:14pm H 4:36am 5:12pm 35 high low Tolaga Bay L 9:46am 10:11pm Tolaga Bay L 10:44am 11:08pm H L H 3:14am 3:47pm H 4:11am 4:47pm Matawai Gisborne L 9:31am 9:59pm Gisborne L 10:29am 10:58pm H 2:55am 3:27pm H 3:53am 4:25pm Tolaga Bay Fronts 2 Te Karaka Wairoa L 9:13am 9:42pm Wairoa L 10:10am 10:40pm SUN-MOON-MAORI FISHING GUIDE warm © OceanFun Publishing www.ofu.co.nz Maori  shing guide by Bill Hohepa Rise 6:54 am Rise 6:55 am cold Set 5:15 pm Set 5:14 pm 19 Gisborne Set 3:34 am Set 4:48 am 5 stationary Rise 4:09 pm Rise 4:41 pm 38 2 1 Best at Best at Bad Bad occluded 9:56 am 10:49 am 10:23 pm 11:16 pm 18 Wairoa NZ SITUATION NZ TOMORROW GISBORNE READINGS© OceanFun PublishingWORLD www ofu co nzTOMORROW Maori fishing guide by Bill Hohepa A broad trough moves Auckland showers 18 Taken at the Airport, for the 24 hours Adelaide fine 9 20 across the North Island Hamilton showers 16 to 9am, Monday 4 May 2020 Amsterdam fine 4 14 Tuesday and early Tauranga showers 18 SUNSHINE hours Bangkok showers 28 36 On Sunday, 3 May 0.9 Beijing cloudy 11 27 Wednesday, followed by a Rotorua showers 14 WIND km/h To date for May 19.8 Berlin cloudy 3 12 strong south to southwest Taupo showers 13 less than 30 Average for May 146.0 Brisbane fine 13 25 flow then a ridge. A front Napier showers 20 New Plymouth showers 16 To date this year 945.2 Buenos Aires showers 13 17 Napier 0.5 30 to 59 moves over the lower 20 Palmerston North rain 14 To date last year 932.4 Cairo showers 19 26 South Island late Thursday, Canberra fine 2 17 60 or more Wellington rain 13 WIND km/h Hastings weakening on Friday while Cape Town fine 13 23 19 Christchurch showers 12 Max gust on Sun 3 May NW 57 SWELL m source: the ridge persists over the Delhi thunder 23 34 © Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2020 e.g. S 1m 1 SwellMap.co.nz Queenstown showers 10 RAINFALL mm Frankfurt fine 6 16 North Island. Dunedin showers 10 24 hours to 9am, Mon 4 May 4.8 GISBORNE CITY Geneva showers 12 21 TODAY IN HISTORY To date for May 4.8 Hong Kong fine 26 32 TOMORROWmorning min 11 WEDNESDAYmorning min 6 THURSDAY morning min 6 Average for May 88.0 London rain 7 16 Mainly fine. Late max 19 Occasional rain. max 14 Becoming fine. max 18 1938 – Low-lying parts of Paeroa To date this year 175.4 Los Angeles fine 16 31 showers. Gusty Southerlies easing. Southerlies turning were ooded during the afternoon after To date last year 303.8 Melbourne fine 7 18 NW changing SW northwesterly. heavy rain fell throughout the area. EVAPOTRANSPIRATION mm Moscow rain 13 22 late. Water entered a number of shops and Daily average for past week 2.6 New York fine 8 16 Paris showers 10 20 GISBORNE REGION houses. The Kauaeranga River broke its TEMPERATURE °C FRIDAY banks early in the afternoon inundating Perth thunder 14 22 Maximum 22.0 Singapore thunder 24 34 Fine, but showers about the Occasional rain. Becoming fine. Mainly fine. a considerable area of farm land at Minimum 16.4 ranges. Showers developing Southerlies. Southerlies turning Winds dying out. Stockholm fine 2 13 Parawai and rendered the main highway Grass minimum 15.5 Suva showers 24 30 in the south in the evening, northwesterly. out of Thames impassable for six hours. BAROMETRIC PRESSURE Sydney showers 13 21 as gusty northwesterlies For the latest weather info including Weather Warnings visit At 9am 4 May (hPa) 1003.8 Tokyo cloudy 15 25 change southwest. metservice.com At 9am 4 May (inches) 29.64 Toronto fine -1 12 SPORTS VIEWING RUGBY LEAGUE INSIDE Motorsport ...... 20 Football ...... 21 Cycling, rugby.... 22 SPORT Rugby league ..... 23 Monday, May 4, 2020 Documentaries do justice to Players bid farewell as restart drama of the contest PAGE 21 prospect beckons PAGE 23 Warriors in home away HEADING FOR QUARANTINE: The New Zealand Warriors arrive at Tamworth airport yesterday. They from home will live and train in Tamworth RUGBY LEAGUE by Daniel Gilhooly and we’re very comfortable we have under quarantine and Darren Walton, AAP abided by all policies and requirements. conditions before “David has stayed behind for a the NRL competition WELLINGTON — Warmly greeted as personal matter and will fly to Tamworth resumes at the end the Tamworth Warriors, the NRL’s only of this month. as soon as possible.” overseas outfit touched down in Australia AAP picture It is unclear how or when Roache minus two team members, after hooker and Fusitu’a will cross the Tasman, with Nathaniel Roache became the first Sunday’s flight having been organised by player to fall foul of the league’s strict the club in expectation of an Australian bio-security protocols and David Fusitu’a Border Force travel exemption, which was excused on compassionate grounds. they received on Saturday morning. Roache was bumped from the club’s The Warriors are expecting to have chartered flight to Australia’s country- their roster fully stretched during their music capital after he reported feeling ill stay, particularly once they relocate to a yesterday morning. Central Coast base after undergoing two He and Fusitu’a were conspicuous weeks of quarantine. absentees when the New Zealand “The squad we’re taking across is the side arrived at their quarantine base intended squad that we play with for the in northwest New South Wales late duration of the season,” George said. yesterday afternoon. “But if things change for personal The Warriors begin a stay of up to six reasons for individuals, on a case-by- months in Australia, having farewelled case basis we can make application to their families in Auckland. It is hoped the the NRL, particularly on compassionate families may be able to join up with the grounds. The NRL have been really good squad in coming weeks. in that regard.” Fusitu’a requested a one-week delay While Australia-based NRL players to his departure for personal reasons have at least been able to train in groups while Roache awoke with cold-like of two, the Warriors have endured a symptoms and could not be cleared to fly complete lockdown. under the team’s Covid-19 protocols. “When they get into camp next week Warriors chief executive Cameron (staff) can physically see them and George said Roache was ordered to stay look at them, see how they’re running,” home after contacting medical staff. George said. “Nate called the club first thing this The Warriors arrived at their Tamworth morning saying he wasn’t feeling well,” digs just before 7pm local time. George said. Delayed by almost two hours by “He was instructed to have a test Roache’s setback, the Warriors had to immediately and was told not to report at satisfy Border Force officials on arrival the airport as he would not be travelling in Australia as well as clear Customs with the team. checks before being transported on two “We’re totally satisfied Nate has had buses to their West Tamworth base. no contact with any other player or staff member at the club for several weeks See also page 23 The second one’s on us Buy one hot beverage and receive a second one free to the same or lesser value with this coupon.* All done with contactless service.

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