CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA

A complete CHARActerization of the HD189733 and the HD209458 systems

Tabetha Boyajian Kaspar von Braun, Gregory A. Feiden, Daniel Huber, Sarbani Basu, Pierre Demarque, Debra A. Fischer, Gail Schaefer, Andrew W. Mann, Timothy R. White, Vicente Maestro, John Brewer, C. Brooke Lamell, Federico Spada, Mercedes Lopez-Morales, Michael Ireland, Chris Farrington, Gerard T. van Belle, Stephen R. Kane, Jeremy Jones, Theo A. ten Brummelaar, David R. Ciardi, Harold A. McAlister, Stephen Ridgway, P. J. Goldfinger, Nils H. Turner, Laszlo Sturmann CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA Full article: Boyajian et al. 2015, MNRAS, 447, 846

#111 CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA The hot (super-sized) Jupiters HD189733b and HD209458b

• HD 189733 (K2 V)

• HD 209458 (G0 V) CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA

Planet radii The “radius anomaly”

1.6 ) J 1.4 Brightness Brightness 1.2 Time

2 (R Radius Depth = (Rpl/R*) 1.0

0.8 Host radius must be known! 0.01 0.1 1 10 (MJ) CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA Using the planet to learn about the star (special cases) • The planet’s RVs are observed for the transiting systems HD 189733 and HD 209458 à measured

300 150 50 km/s

Snellen et al. (2010) CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA

Interferometry: Spectrophotometry: PAVO @ CHARA Visible: SNIFS (.32 -.97um; R~1000) Baselines > 300m IR: uSpeX (0.7 – 2.5 um; R~400)

Spectrum ) 1 3.0 Photometry 1.0 − Synthetic Photometry Å 1 − 2.5

σθ = 6.7% s 2 2 −

0.8 Classic @ CHARA 2.0 Baines et al. (2007)

erg cm 1.5

0.6 12 − Flux 1.0 0.4 σθ = 1.5% HD 189733

Flux (10 0.5 Visibility )

3 0.2 0 0 −3 Residual ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 Spatial frequency (x108 rad-1) WavelengthWavelength (µ m)(um) 4 Spectrum )

1 Photometry − Synthetic Photometry Å

1.0 1 − 3 s 2 − 2 0.8 σθ = 3.2% 2 erg cm 12 0.6 − 1 Flux HD 209458 0.4 Flux (10 Visibility )


0.2 0 −3 Residual ( 0 1 2 3 4 2 4 6 8 10 Wavelength (µm) Spatial frequency (x108 rad-1) Wavelength (um) CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA

Model independent properties for both star and planet CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA and radius: Observations versus model predictions

The “radius discrepancy” in eclipsing binaries

à Evolutionary models have a hard time reproducing the radius of a star at a given mass.

Figure from Carter et al. (2012) CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA Stellar mass and radius: HD189733

HD 189733 The “radius discrepancy” in eclipsing binaries

à Evolutionary models are in excellent agreement with measured Mass and Radius for HD 189733

Figure from Carter et al. (2012) CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA Stellar Teff and radius: Observations versus model predictions



  Evolutionary models predict radii too small

and Teffs too large compared to observations Radius (R Radius

Boyajian et al. (2012)

Teff (K) CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA Stellar Teff and radius: HD189733


 à Evolutionary models are NOT in excellent agreement with

measured Teff and Radius for Radius (R Radius HD 189733

Boyajian et al. (2012)

Teff (K) CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA WHY? • HD 189733 mass and radius are in agreement, but not the Teff and radius à the is off by 35%! CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA Henry & Winn (2008)

• AGE • COMPOSITION Prot ~ 11 days – – α-element enhancement – Helium abundance Pre- main

– Solar mixture ) sequence 

• CONVECTION main sequence – Magneto-convection Radius (R Radius – Star spots HD 189733 – Reduced mixing length

Teff (K) CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA Example:

[Fe/H] = - 0.03 +/- 0.08 (Bouchy et al. 2005; Torres et al. 2008) • AGE à Models require [M/H] = + 0.2Pre- (@ 10 Gyr) • COMPOSITION main sequence

– Metallicity )  – α-element enhancement Mixture: – Helium abundance – Solar mixture Radius (R Radius • CONVECTION

– Magneto-convection (K)

– Star spots eff T – Reduced mixing length 10 100 1000 1e4 Age (Myr)

Figure courtesy of G. Feiden CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA < Bf > ~ 40 – 100 G (Moutou et al. 2007; Pillitteri et al. 2014)

• AGE  Models require ~1.5kG

• COMPOSITION =1.5 kG =2.5 kG

– Metallicity )  – α-element enhancement – Helium abundance – Solar mixture Radius (R Radius • CONVECTION – Magneto-convection – Star spots – Reduced mixing length Teff (K) DMEstar: Feiden & Chaboyer (2012, 2013), as described in Muirhead et al. (2014) and Malo et al. (2014)

CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA

• AGE • COMPOSITION – Metallicity – α-element enhancement – Helium abundance – Solar mixture • CONVECTION – Magneto-convection – Star spots – Reduced mixing length Fares et al. (2010); Llama et al. (2013) CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA Bonaca et al. (2012)

• AGEg

• COMPOSITIONLog partial residual – Metallicity

– α-element enhancementTeff – Helium abundance – Solar mixture

• CONVECTION – Magneto-convection – Star spots partial residual – Reduced mixing length 3.7 Log Teff CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA A physically correct model solution

) )   Radius (R Radius (R

Teff (K) Teff (K)

YREC: MC modeling with mixing length and Helium set free (Helium limited to primordial) CHARA 2015 Towards Adaptive Optics at CHARA

Thank you.