May to July 2019

he UWC Law Faculty is in 2019 celebrating the 40th year of its The Faculty today has 2273 students, 410 of whom are post- existence as an independent faculty. The Law Faculty became graduate students. It has 104 staff members, 45 of whom are an independent faculty on 1 January 1979 when the Faculty permanent academic appointments. The Faculty is host to four of Commerce and Law (established in 1973) was divided in two. The academic departments, a Law Clinic, the Dullah Omar Institute, highlight of the Faculty’s 40 year celebration will be annual Dean’s and the Social Law Project. The Law Faculty has furthermore Distinguished Lecture, which is scheduled for 25 October 2019. The identified five established and/or emerging niche areas or fields keynote speaker at the event will be Supreme Court of Appeal Justice of excellence. Mahomed Navsa.

NICHE AREAS OPINION PIECES De Visser ‘Municipalities are not off the hook for food MULTILEVEL GOVERNANCE (MLG) security’ DST-NRF Centre of Excellence on Food Security 22 May CONFERENCE PAPERS 2019 Jaap de Visser ‘Multilevel Government, Municipalities ok-for-food-security/ and Food Security’, paper presented at Centre of Excellence Community of Practice (, MEDIA 17 April 2019) Tinashe Chigwata Radio interview on CapeTalk on electronic voting, 13 May 2019 Jaap de Visser ‘Multilevel Government, Municipalities and Food Security’, paper presented at ‘Urban move-to-e-voting-in-the-next-elections Citizenship as a Verb’ ISANDLA Conference (, 13 June 2019) PRESENTATIONS

Nico Steytler ‘The “federal solution” to diversity Jaap de Visser and Nico Steytler ‘Inclusive Executive Governance conflicts in South Africa and Kenya: partial at most’, in the Western Cape’ presentation to Minister Bredell (Cape Town, Multidisciplinary Authors’ Workshop, Federalism and 8 April 2019) Conflict Resolution Using the Federal Toolbox to Prevent and Solve Intra-state Conflicts (Institute of Jaap de Visser ‘Inclusive Executive Governance in the Western Federalism, University of Fribourg, 23 and 24 May Cape’ presentation at Garden Route District / SALGA Good 2019) Governance Summit (George, 14 June 2019)

Nico Steytler ‘The “federal character” of federal Nico Steytler ‘Constitution-building in South Africa: Lessons from the governments in post-conflict societies’, International South African political and constitutional transition’, International Political Science Conference (RC14), Theme: IDEA (Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, 11 and 12 May 2019) ‘Diversity and Democratic Governance: Legacies of the Past, Present Challenges, and Future Directions?’ Nico Steytler ‘The place of local government in federal systems, (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, for the Ethnic Armed Organisations’, International IDEA (Chiang Mai, 12-15 June 2019) Thailand, 13 and 14 May)

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Two Dullah Omar Institute Researchers are taking part in the Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Programme. Dr Tinashe Chigwata, a senior researcher and Dr Michelle Maziwisa, a postdoctoral research fellow have started their secondments in the European Union Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) programme. The programme promotes cross-border and cross-sector collaboration through sharing knowledge and ideas from research to market and vice versa within Europe and beyond (June 6, 2019).


Nico Steytler, Jaap de Visser and Tinashe Chigwata, Retreat for doctoral students in Multilevel Government, Leipzig Guesthouse (Worcester, 3 April 2019)

SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT • What is legislation and how does it relate to ordinary citizens? • What are by-laws, and what is their relation to the Nico Steytler and Jaap de Visser are members of the South Constitution, national and provincial government? African Law Reform Commission’s Expert Committee on over- • What municipal functions are covered by by-laws regulation of local government. The Issue Paper has been • How by-laws are passed and amended and how residents finalised. can participate Tinashe Chigwata and Jaap de Visser are preparing a Metro In addition to this, the students also demonstrated to the youth Open Budget Index. Together with International Budget Part- council how by-laws should be interpreted by dissecting the nership, they are assessing the budget transparency of five Refuse Removal By-law of the Cape Agulhas municipality. South African metropolitan municipalities. The index will be published later this year.

On 13 July 2019, Laws.Africa together with OpenUp and two students from the Dullah Omar Institute hosted a one- day youth orientated By-laws Workshop to the Cape Agulhas Youth Council in Bredasdorp. In attendance were, among others, officials from the Cape Agulhas municipality including the Deputy Mayor. Jennica Beukes and Yolanda Bam-Mguye made a two-hour presentation which focused on informing the youth of the following:

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CHILDREN’S RIGHTS AND FAMILY LAW IN AFRICAN CONTEXT PUBLICATIONS Lea Mwambene ‘Access to justice, gen- Julia Sloth-Nielsen will host an Expert der, and customary laws’, at the Gen- continental meeting on children’s rights Julia Sloth-Nielsen ‘South Africa’ in Scherpe der, Inclusivity and Protecting the 21st in surrogacy at UWC on 19 and 20 Au- JN, Fenton-Glyn C, and Kaan T (eds.) East- Century Family Conference, hosted by gust. The delegates will come from ern and Western Perspectives on Surroga- the International Centre for Family Law, (amongst others) Geneva, Netherlands, cy (Intersentia, 2019) 185-202 Policy, and Practice (ICFLPP) at Westmin- South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria Julia Sloth-Nielsen ‘Monitoring and Imple- ster University in London (3-5 July 2019) and Ghana. mentation of Children’s Rights’, in Kilkelly U, and Liefaard T (eds.) International Hu- Carmel van Niekerk ‘Daddy or donor? UWC will host the annual Family Law man Rights of Children (Springer, 2019) pp. The rights of known sperm donors in Teachers conference on 19 and 20 31-64 South Africa and the legal implications September 2019. for single women’, at the Gender, Inclu- Benyam Mezmur (2019) ‘No second chance sivity and Protecting the 21st Century ORGANIZATION OF SUMMER for first impressions: The first amicable set- Family Conference, hosted by the Inter- SCHOOLS/SHORT COURSES tlement under the African Children’s Char- national Centre for Family Law, Policy, Julia Sloth-Nielsen co-hosted the 7th ter’ 19 African Human Rights Law Journal, and Practice (ICFLPP) at Westminster edition of the Frontiers of Children’s pp. 62-84 University in London (3-5 July 2019) Rights Summer School, which took a close look at contemporary children’s Maria Assim Usang ‘Civil Rights and Free- Benyam Mezmur ‘Towards an African rights issues from a legal perspective, doms of the Child’, in Kilkelly U, and Liefaard child rights monitoring tool’ African Child accompanied by reflections from oth- T (eds.) International Human Rights of Chil- Policy Forum and the Children’s Institute, er academic disciplines, legal systems, dren (Springer, 2019) pp. 389-417 (11 June 2019) local perceptions and realities (24-28 PRESENTATIONS WORKSHOPS/CONFERENCES June 2019, Leiden University). Julia Sloth-Nielsen ‘Child Participation HOSTED The Children’s Rights Project Co-orga- and Access to Justice in Africa: Emerg- The Children’s Rights Project at the DOI nized the Annual Short Course on Chil- ing Themes’ at the Gender, Inclusivity hosted an African Union Validation work- dren’s Rights at the University of Pretoria and Protecting the 21st Century Family shop on the draft General Comment on from 22-26 July 2019 Conference, hosted by the International Article 22 of the African Charter on the Centre for Family Law, Policy, and Prac- Rights and Welfare of the Child, on chil- tice (ICFLPP) at Westminster University in dren in situations of conflict (29-30 July London (3-5 July 2019) 2019).

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LECTURING CONFERENCES/WORKSHOPS HOSTED/PLANNED Benyam Mezmur lectured in the 2019-2020 cycle of the Master of Advanced Studies Werner Scholtz organised and participated in Children’s Rights (MCR) on the theme in an authors’ workshop on “Human rights, ‘Children’s rights instruments in Africa’ at the shared responsibility and climate induced University of Geneva (23 May 2019) migration” (Faculty of Law, Antwerp, 10-12 June 2019) Benyam Mezmur lectured at the summer school on children’s rights at Leiden The Third Annual Animal Welfare and University (June 2019) International Law Seminar was hosted by Lincoln Law School, UK in conjunction with Benyam Mezmur lectured at the summer the Global Environmental Law niche area, school on children’s rights at the University UWC (4 July 2019). This seminar provided of Geneva (June 2019) an opportunity to consider wildlife welfare developments in domestic jurisdictions as SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT well as lessons from the regulation of the welfare of domestic animals that may be The niche area on 23 May 2019 held a valuable for scholars of international wildlife consultation on the recently released SA welfare law. It also provided the space for Law Reform Commission discussion paper a book launch of Scholtz (ed.) Animal on a unified Marriage Act, and a submis- Welfare and International Environmental sion has been prepared for consideration. Law: From Conservation to Compassion (Edward Elgar, 2019). Scholtz authored one Julia Sloth-Nielsen has drafted the new of the chapters in the book: Child Justice Act of Namibia as well as a ‘Chapter 7: Trading rhinoceros horn for the Child Justice Bill for Zimbabwe. sake of conservation: dehorning the dilemma through a legal analysis of the GLOBAL emergence of animal welfare’ pp. ENVIRONMENTAL 235-268. LAW (GEL) The niche area will host, in collaboration with The SA Research Chair in International CONFERENCE/SEMINAR Law, UJ, the Fifth Annual Rule of Law and PRESENTATIONS Sustainable Development Seminar on 29 August 2019, titled: ‘“Gaps” in international Werner Scholtz participated in the 6th environmental law and the global envi- meeting of the International Law ronmental pact: a narrative of normative Association’s Committee on the Role of expectations and missed opportunities’. International Law in Sustainable Natural Speakers from Greece, New Zealand, the Resource Management for Development, UK and South Africa will present their find- and acted as a panellist in the ings on this important topic. The Head of international experts panel on the Environmental Law Division of UNEP will international law and sustainable natural present the views of UNEP in this regard. The resource management on the topic seminar will be held at the Radisson Hotel “Sustainable and Ethical Use of Biological (Silo District, V&A Waterfront) in Cape Town. Resources: A Case for Wildlife Welfare”, 10-11 May 2019 in Athens, Greece. He presented a paper on ‘Ethical and Humane VISITING SCHOLARS Use: Animal Welfare and Sustainable Management of Resources’. Vincent Bellinkx, a PhD-researcher and teach- ing assistant in the field of Human Rights and Werner Scholtz presented a paper on Law and Development at the University of “Ethical and humane use in biodiversity” at Antwerp, on 16 May 2019 presented a sem- the Animal law seminar, Antwerp organised inar to the Environmental Law Interest Group by Chair of Animal Law (13-16 June 2019) of the Global Environmental Law Niche area, titled “The role of public participation as nor- Werner Scholtz presented a Faculty Lecture mative influencer in the South African energy on “Biodiversity and animal welfare” at transition: looking at the law from below”. Lincoln Law School, UK, on 3 July 2019.

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This project is funded by the DGB (Ger- programming input for adapting the neurs and innovators of digital tech- man trade union federation) for 2020– New School platform. nology. The Tshimologong Precinct is a 2022. It will inter alia involve developing digital innovation ecosystem that pro- the infrastructure (organisational plan, Prof Dwolatsky has now agreed to act pels entrepreneurship and grows the business plan, governance plan) for a as a tech advisor on the Digital Platform skills pipeline for the digital economy platform coop for domestic/care work- Cooperative project. Members of SLP through collaboration with academia, ers, initially based in Cape Town and Jo- attended a workshop (Skype and F2F) corporates, government and entrepre- hannesburg. To cover the considerable where Prof. Dwolatsky introduced mem- neurs. cost of developing a digital platform, bers of the DPCP team to the concept SLP is looking into cooperation with the of AGILE project Management as a tool FAIRWORK Platform Cooperativism Consortium for managing innovative projects. Prof. Running parallel in content and re- at the New School, New York, which is Dwolatsky is the Director of the Joburg search terms with the SLP project is the busy developing a platform, due to be Centre for Software Engineering (JCSE) Fairwork project (“Fair work for workers on available by mid-2020. It will, however, which falls under the Wits University digital platforms in the global south”), require adaptation for local purposes. School of Electrical & Information En- conducted between the universities of A joint application by PCC and SLP for gineering. The JCSE was established in Oxford, Manchester, UCT and UWC. It this purpose is being discussed with the 2005 and drove the establishment (in started in October 2018 and will contin- Open Society Foundation. SLP is also in 2016) of Wits University’s Tshimologong ue to late 2020. The legal part of its fo- discussion with CoLab (CoLab for e-In- Digital Innovation Precinct located in cus is on the development of regulation clusion and Social Innovation) on UWC Braamfontein, Johannesburg. The Tshi- (international and local) for the largely campus as well as Prof Barry Dwolatzky mologong Precinct runs programmes unregulated area of work in the com- of Wits University’s Joburg Centre for Soft- overseen by the JCSE which trains world mercial (as opposed to cooperative) ware Engineering (JCSE) about the local class software developers, entrepre- sector of the platform economy.

LLoL purpose. The CCMA has agreed in prin- who will assist clients in answering ques- ciple to cooperate in developing the tions in the programme and interpreting “Labour Law online” is the provisional legal content with a view to preparing answers to ensure that they emerge with name for the interactive online platform users for any legal process which they sound advice. It should open an addi- offering information on real-life issues may embark on. Details of the cooper- tional 60 places for students to receive faced by users in the workplace, which ation are currently being discussed. A clinical training. Thirdly, the project will a unit at the University of Amsterdam similar “quality control” cooperation ar- benefit from research papers by LLB stu- (UvA) has made available to UWC. The rangement has been raised and will be dents on topics being addressed in the Faculty and the DVC: Academic provid- explored with the SA Society for Labour programme as it expands its range. It ed the funds for buying the license (a Law. also means that students may be mo- nominal fee) plus two weeks training by tivated to do papers in the knowledge a UvA staff member during April/May. In The importance of this project for the that it will contribute to community out- the process Ratula Beukman and Roger Faculty is, firstly, that it will enable the reach and assisting workers who cannot Ronnie (and, to a limited extent, Dar- Law Clinic for the first time to offer labour afford legal advice. Finally, involvement cy du Toit) were equipped with skills for law advice to its pro bono clients (for with the project (e.g. as supervisors of adapting the programme for local use. which there is considerable demand). students) will offer Faculty staff an op- This adaptation is now about to start, Secondly, it will make it possible to ex- portunity to perform community out- with funding provided by the DVC for the pand clinical training for law students, reach work.

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Darcy du Toit and Elsabe Huysamen both presented papers • Labour Law Research Network: Labour Law 4.0 has at the 4th conference of the International Labour Law formally been admitted as a member Network at the Catholic University of Valparaiso, 23-25 June • Global Challenges Research Fund (UK): FAIRWORK in the 2019. Elsabe’s paper was on “The Future of Indirect Unfair Platform Economy in the Global South: research project Discrimination as Part of South African Anti-Discrimination 2018-2021 in partnership with the universities of Oxford, Employment Law: A Comparative Study”, and Darcy’s Manchester and Cape Town. paper was titled “Independent contractors have rights too”. • Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB, Germany): Digital Platform Cooperative Project: research project proposed Abigail Osiki presented a paper, “Platform Work and by SLP (2020-2022). Fairness of Service Agreements in South Africa: A Fantasy?”, • Arbeidsmarktresearch at the Faculty of Law, University of at the 6th Regulating for Decent work Conference held at the Amsterdam. International Labour Organisation, Geneva, 8-10 July 2019. • Platform Co-operativism Consortium at the New School, Darcy du Toit has been invited to present a paper on New York. affirmative action in South African law at the biennial confer- • Clean Slate Project, Harvard Law School. ence of the German Society of Comparative Law (Gesellschaft • Overseas Development Institute, UK. für Rechtsvergleichung), to be held from • Joburg Centre for Software Engineering (JCSE), University 19-21 September 2019 at the University of Greifswald. of the Witwatersrand • Productivity South Africa. PUBLICATIONS/REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS ECONOMIC CRIMES The following publications/reports/presentations have CONFERENCES/WORKSHOPS HOSTED appeared on niche-area-related topics: • Darcy du Toit “The Employment Rights of Uber Drivers: A two-day workshop on Economic Crimes was hosted on 4 A Battle Won, the War Goes On” Oxford Human Rights and 5 June 2019. The workshop was presented by Prof Mark Hub, 14 January 2019 at Pieth and Dr Katrin Betz from the University of Basel. the-employment-rights-of-uber-drivers-a-battle-won-the- war-goes-on/ The Department of Criminal Justice and Procedure, in • Sandra Fredman and Darcy du Toit “One Small Step collaboration with the Journal of Anti-Corruption Law, will Towards Decent Work: Uber v Aslam in the Court of host its second annual Economic Crime and Cybercrime Appeal” in Industrial Law Journal (UK), Volume 48, Issue 2, June 2019, pp. 260–277 Conference in November 2019. • Mark Graham, Jamie Woodcock, Richard Heeks, Paul Mungai, Sandy Fredman, Darcy du Toit, Abigail Osiki “The PUBLICATIONS Fairwork Foundation: strategies for improving Lovell Fernandez “South Africa” in Byrnes WH & Munro RJ platform work” Proceedings of the Weizenbaum (eds.) Money Laundering, Asset Forfeiture and Recovery, Conference ‘Challenges of Digital Inequality - Digital Education, Digital Work, Digital Life’, Berlin, 16-17 May and Compliance — A Global Guide LexisNexis (2019). 2019, at ssoar/handle/docu- ment/62590 Jamil Mujuzi ‘Relying on Foreign Convictions from • Kitty Malherbe, Kgomotso Mokoena, Darcy du Toit ‘Le Non-European Economic Area States to Investigate droit du travail et la “révolution technologique” en Afrique Unexplained Wealth for the Purpose of Combating Money du Sud’ in Revue de Droit comparé du Travail et de la Laundering in the United Kingdom: A Comment on National Sécurité sociale Issue 2019-2 (July 2019) pp. 90-97 Crime Agency v Hajiyeva (Rev 1) [2018] EWHC 2534 (Admin) • Paul Benjamin “Managing Serious Illness in the (03 October 2018)’ European Criminal Law Review 9:1 Workplace”: Presentation to SASLAW Western Cape AGM. (2019) 120–132 17 July 2019 • Paul Benjamin and Halton Cheadle “South African Labour Law: Mapping the changes”: to be published in Industrial Law Journal (SA) in two parts. (Part One: October 2019, Part Two: January 2020). • Paul Benjamin and Ayabonga Cawe Review of the Implementation of the Labour Market Recommendations of the National Planning Commission. Report being prepared for National Planning Commission/ ILO.

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Fundamentals of SA Trust Law by Francois du Toit (LexisNexis, 2019) provides a concise, yet comprehensive, exposition of the principles underlying South African trust law, but also attends to many issues pertinent to the trust in legal and commercial practice. Concepts are explained in an uncomplicated and straightforward, yet sufficiently comprehensive manner in order for the book to be used as a student text, an introduction to trust law for the practi- tioner who does not possess a legal qualification, and even as a resource for the experienced legal practitioner and advanced trust law scholar in search of answers to contemporary trust law questions.

Anthony Diala has been selected to serve in the College of Senior Mentors of the Council for the Development of Social Science in Africa (CODESRIA). He will be part of a select group of African academics in North America, Europe, and South Africa, who will strengthen capacity in teaching, research, and mentoring in the social sciences and humanities in African universities.


SLP members attended the Labour Dispute Resolution Indus- try-University partnership meeting in Johannesburg to look at mutual beneficiation. There is talk of expanding the pro- gramme into the rest of Africa, in partnership with the ILO. UWC is the first University in the partnership to have completed a programme review.

ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN LABOUR LAW (ADLL) A new programme, ADLL, was tabled at Faculty Academic Planning and approved, for presentation to SAP. Mention of the programme at the national Industry-University partners was well received as there appears to be a great need. UWC will likely be the first (in the partnership) to offer such a programme. DULLAH OMAR INSTITUTE (DOI) On the 27th of May, the Socio-Economic Rights Project cy meeting of the Access to Food for Students Project (25 hosted a roundtable discussion on meaningful engagement July 2019). The advocacy meeting is the latest in a series of looking at the challenges in the realisation of the right to meetings organised by the DOI in response to the growing adequate housing in South Africa. This roundtable provided food insecurity experienced by students at tertiary institu- an opportunity for academics, community-based organisa- tions nationwide. Research suggests that 30% of students tions, non-governmental organisations, policy makers and at university – and as high as 65% at some institutions – are stakeholders to discuss the constitutional requirement that experiencing some level of hunger and food insecurity. government “meaningfully engage” with citizens and inter- ested civil society groups affected by social policy changes. The Dullah Omar Institute has released a second paper as part of a series on the legal framework governing appoint- On 26 June, the Socio-Economic Rights Project hosted an ments and dismissals of Boards at the SABC, PRASA and advocacy meeting to strategise the right to food for students Eskom (July 4, 2019). The Paper analyses laws that govern in South African tertiary Institutions. SOEs such as the Companies Act and the Public Finance Management Act with the aim of determining overlaps and The Dullah Omar Institute handed over a petition to the government’s failure to regulate SOE Boards which has led to South African Human Rights Commission during an advoca- the loss of Billions by State Capture.

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The Dullah Omar Institute with the sup- The report focuses on accused per- In anticipation of SONA, the Women and port of the Open Society Foundation for sons held at Pollsmoor remand facili- Democracy Initiative (WDI) at the Dullah South Africa hosted a seminar aimed at ties (male and female) in the Western Omar Institute wants the President to interrogating SOE Board appointments Cape and investigates the socio-eco- make good on his commitments to at PRASA, SABC and Eskom on 11 June nomic impact of remand detention on improve the lived realities of womxn in 2019. The speakers at this seminar were their families and dependents (29 May South Africa. Considering that GDP de- Riekie Wandrag, Faculty of Law (UWC), 2019). creased by 3.2% in the first quarter, it is Tracy Ledger, Head of Research, Public widely expected that the focus of the Affairs Research Institute and Sabeehah ACJR released a media statement on SONA will be on the economy and job Motala, Corruption Watch. media reports highlighting the issuing creation. WDI wants to remind the Presi- of fines to homeless people based on dent to put womxn at the centre of gov- The Dullah Omar Institute made a sub- laws or city by-laws which prohibits peo- ernment’s plans for the economy and mission on SOEs to the Zondo Commis- ple from sleeping in any undesignated job creation (19 June 2019). sion of Inquiry into allegations of State area or obstructing sidewalks. These re- Capture (11 July 2019). One of the rec- ports sparked much outrage, with offi- The Women and Democracy Initiative ommendations made in the submission cials presenting arguments justifying the together with several civil Society groups was that the highly centralised power to existence and enforcement of these called on the EFF to focus on the VBS appoint boards of South Africa’s state- provisions with generalised statements scandal and to reflect on race baiting. owned enterprises (SOEs) needs to be (5 July 2019). This group expressed concerns on the dispersed. threats and intimidation directed by the On 25 June the Women and Democra- EFF, South Africa’s third largest political On 16 July, the Dullah Omar Institute in cy Initiative hosted a civil society organ- party, against civil society organisation partnership with the African Centre of isations dialogue aimed at setting civil partners such as the Ahmed Kathrada Excellence for Access to Justice hosted society’s agenda for the 6th Parliament. Foundation (AKF). In a similar vein the a ‘Side Event at the High-Level Political The dialogue took place at the Dou- EFF party leadership has attacked jour- Forum 2019’ (HLPF 2019) in New York bleTree by Hilton Hotel (Upper Eastside) nalists writing about financial scandals which focused on Achieving Access to in Woodstock, Cape Town. It provided which implicate the EFF leadership in- Justice through Partnership: The Global an opportunity to debate, expand and stead of focusing on the substance of South Leading the Way. deepen collective experiences and investigations by the journalists (May 30, analysis of the 5th Parliament. At the 2019). Africa Criminal Justice Reform (ACJR) end of the dialogue the collective launched a research report by Jean submited a letter/report containing Redpath, titled: Liberty not the only loss recommendations and demands to the - The Socio-Economic Impact of Re- 6th Parliament. mand Detention in the Western Cape.

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As part of the Mandela Day initiative, the Dullah Omar Institute visited Athlone School for the Blind, which is a public school situated in Bellville. The staff members shared soup and bread with the students and the staff of the school. Thereafter they painted the school hostels to give the building a new and bright face-lift. The school was established in 1927 to provide education and residential care for blind and visually impaired children from disadvantaged communities.


Dr Muneer Abduroaf has been appointed by President Ramaphosa as a Commis- sioner of the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Re- ligious and Linguistic Communities.

Cherith Sanger was interviewed by John Maytham Cape Talk radio on 25 July 2019 regarding police corruption and the temporary deployment of the SANDF soldiers in certain areas.

LAW CLINIC ALUMNI ACHIEVEMENTS Street Law recently partnered up with Bush Radio to At the recent Woza Awards: Women in Law, the Alternative release an on-air 12 segment show in which topics are Dispute Resolution Lawyer of the year prize was awarded to covered which are relevant to the audience that listens Adv. Yolanda Jacobs to the station. The Street Law volunteers will present/ cover the following topics on Bush radio: awards/

1. Labour Law disputes Bilal Osman Latib was recently included by the 2. Domestic violence Mail&Guardian in its list of 200 young South Africans. 3. Protection orders 4. Wills and estates Tarryn Abrahams has received the prestigious Nelson Man- 5. Eviction dela scholarship for Master’s studies at Leiden University. 6. Lease agreements 7. What happens when you get arrested? to-do-masters-in-holland-thanks-to-mandela-scholar- 8. Hire Purchase agreements ship-29399505 9. Divorce 10. Maintenance Mogamad Adi’b Daniels has been selected for the pres- 11. Statutory rape and consent tigious Ivan Rugema scholarship to pursue his Master’s 12. Child Protection degree in Dispute Resolution at the University of Missouri from 2019-2020