Concord Henniker Hopkinton Map 7 # # Piscataquog River # ?Æ # # Pleasant Stark Management Plan Pond Aä # Pond Bow Weare Reservoir North Branch Piscataquog River # Dudley Dam Hillsborough Pond Dams and 100-Year # ## # ##!# ## ## # Floodplains # # ## # # Weare # Reservoir Everett # # # Lake # # ?§ Dunbarton # #! # # # 100 Year FEMA Floodplain Everett Dam ! # Weare Long Major Dams Deering Pond # # Dams Mt# William Gorham # Pond Pond Hooksett Aa # # Watershed Boundary # # Main Stem Piscataquog River Lakes/Reservoirs Deering # ## # Reservoir # # # # # # Merrimack River Town Boundaries Ferrin Pond # Riverdale Dam Gregg Falls Dam Streams # Daniels Lake # # # # Shattuck # ! Pond Pleasant # Pond Goffstown # Bennington# ## # Middle Branch # # Manchester # # Piscataquog River # # #! Glen Lake# #! # # # # # # Still # # # Beard # # Pond Pond # Hadley Falls Aä # Dennison # # # # Pond Dam # # # # # Dodge ## 0 1 2 3 4 Miles Francestown # Pond # # # # !# # South Branch New Boston # Uncanoonuc # # #Lake # # # Piscataquog River Aû Haunted Data Sources: Lake # NH GRANIT Digital Data (1:24,000) # # # NH Department of Transportation # # # NH Department of Environmental Services # Kelley Falls Dam The individual municipalities represented # on this map and the SNHPC make no # # # representations or guaranties to the accuracy of the features and designations New # of this map. # Bailey # Pond Hampshire # # Map Produced by Greenfield ## # # GIS Service SNHPC 2009. Location # Bedford Contact:
[email protected] # # # # Ph: (603) 669-4664 Map This map is for planning