Virginia Colonial Abstracts Vol. 24

York County 1633 - 1646


Vol. XXIV York County 1633 - 1646

Abstracted by Beverley Fleet

Baltimore Genealogical Publishing Co. 1961

24Y l


Preface page 2

York County Chart 3

York County Records 4

Abstracts from Record Bopk No. 1 5

Abstracts from Transcript made in 1894 of Record Book No. 2 29

Abstracts from original. No.2 30

General Index 95 24Y 2


In the York records mist prevails. It has prevailed for 300 years with no signs of the clouds clearing. If anyone thinks he can give a final answer in interpretation he is an ass. That!a all. It is this. The originals are written in such a manner that they oan be read in various ways. And they have been - to our confusion. 1st. The earliest book, 1633 plus with skipping dates, is evidently a 17th century transcript of an original now lost. This transcript being of selected items, some plainly in error. Yet this, perforce, must be aooepted as the first York record. The most un­ fortunate mistake being in the name of Capt. Nicholas Niartiau, whioh gives rise to the uncomfortable thought that error may apply, or almost certainly does apply~ to other names appearing in these abstracts. 2nd. In regard to the handwriting. It is difficult to distinguish between the capital F and the capital H. Fellgate or Hellgat are as you please. The capitals K, Land R·are similar. Almost any entry appearing in these abstracts as Lee, partioulnrly in the case of Riohd. Lee, may much more easily be read as Kee, Incidentally Henry Lee al"wa.ys appears as Lee and plainly se. The small u, v and n are identical. The small g is always left wide open at the top so appears a better y thnn they itself. The small letters c, i, j, m, n, r, u, v, w, are usually run together, so in any combination are to be guessed at only. Transcripts of the early York records were made in 1894. While not altogether to be relied upon~ they prove a great time saver, and give a different point of view in interpretation. I have worked with them constantly at hand and would advise that anyone else working in the originals avail themselves of this assistance - but not too much. York was a port of entry¢ Many records of persons from other sections are here. The late Morgan Foitiaux Robinson told me these records were the most valuable now existing in Virginia. He knew. These abstracts will be subject to many corrections. Right or wrong, it is my intention to carry forward a second and third volume of York abstracts. As far as 1652 if possible.

Beverley Fleet

3oth April 1945. 24Y


Charles River 1634 - 1642/3 t

York' 1642/3 - 1945 plus ' ' * * * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * * ' t Gloucester 1651 • 1945 plue 'I 't New Kent' •' 1654 • 1945 plus t I t * * * * * * * * • * * * * * * * * * t t 1 King and Queen 'I ' 1691 - 1945 plus I ' ' t t ' ' ' King William t I 1702 - 1945 plus t

' 1• t' Hanover ' 1721 .. 1945 plus ' ' ' ' ' Louisa 1742 - 1945 plus 't Matthews 1791 - 1945 plus

See Virginia Counties. Morgan Poitiaux Robinson. Page 65, Chart 3 Bulletin Virginia Stnte Library. Vol.9, 1916, Y24 4

York County Reoords

The following are available in the Arohives Division of the Virginia State Library, Riohmond, Virginia.

No.l Deeds~ Orders, Wills, eto. 1633 • 1657 and 1691 • 1694 No.2 Orders, Willa, eto. 1646 - 1649 No.3 Deeds, Orders, Wills, eto. 1657 - 1662 No.4 It It ,,n " 1664 ... 1672 No.6 " " " 1672 - 1676 ti n " " 1675 - 1684 Tre.nsoript No.7 ti II " ti 168·4 - 1687 No.8 " " n " 1687 - 1691 " n It " 1690 - 1694 Tra.nsoript " " " n 1694 - 1697 'It tt " " " 1697 - 1702 " Deeds 1691 - 1701 "

Alsos Stanari's Mss. Notes. 2 volumes. Y24 6

York County Deeds, Orders, Wills, eto.No. l 1633 - 1657 1691 - 1694

Items 1691 - 1694 will be omitted from this, Vol.241 Virginia Colonial A~straots. Aleo the reoe~s from 1652 on. Volume 2 of the York County begins 1645. It sgem.ed beat to oontinue these abstraote aooording to date.

Thie volume No.l Of the York County reo•rds is unquestionably a tranR• oript of aGrtain items from an original now lost. It ws.s made during the colonial period. The outstanding error in this transoript is in the spelling o.f the of Capt. Nioholas Martia.u., whioh is shown as Capt. Nioholaa Martian throughout No.l. After a oonside~able amount of wrangling on the part of modern historians the spelling 'Martian' ws.s finally doeided to be in error.

No.l - No entries of any value until page 4•

a Court held att Utimaria the 12th of July 1633 Present John Utie Mr Wm English Capt Nioholas Martian Mr Lyonell Rowleton Capt Robert Follgate Riobard Townsene

No.l. p.5 A Court e.t Ut ime.ria 12 .Au.gust 1633 Present Capt John Utie Mr Wm English Capt Nicholas Martian Mr Lyonell Rowlaton Capt Robert Fellgate Riohard Townsene

No.l. p.6 A Co\Jht at Utimaria 20 Hep~ 1633 Present Capt Wm Clayborne Mr Wm English John Utie Mr Lyonell Rowlston Capt Nioholas Martian Mr Riohard Townshene Cap"'J Robert Felgate 24Y 6

No.l. p.7 A Court at Utimaria 5 Oot 1633 Present Capt John Utie Mr Wm English Capt Nioholas Martian Mr Lyonell Rowlston Capt Robt F&llgate

No.l. p 8 8 A Court at York 7 Jan. 1633/4 Present Capt John Utie Mr Lyonell R~wlston Capt Nioholas Martian Mr Richard Townshend Mr• Wm English

No.l. p.9 A Court at Utime.r1a 8 April 1634 lresont John West Mr Wills English John Utie Mr John Chew Capt Nicholas Martian Lef'ta John Cheesman Capt Robt Fellgate

No.l p.10 A Court at UtilUEl.ria 5 May 1634 Present Capt John West Mr Wm English John Utie Mr John Chaw Capt Niaholas Martian Lef't John Cheesman

No,l. p.ll A Court at York 7 July 1634 Present Capt John Utie Mr William English Capt Nicholas Martian Ml" John Chew Capt Robt Felgate

No.l. p,12 A Court at Utimaria 12 Aug 1634 Present Capt John W-eat Mr Wm English Capt John Utie Capt Robt Fel,ate

Notes The name appearing here as Martian is actually Ma:rtiau. B .. F_, 24Y 7

No.le pel3 A Court at Utim.a.ria 3 Nov 1634 Prosent Capt John West Capt Robt Felgate John Utie Mr John Chew Capt Nicholas Martian

No.l. p.13. Whereas Thomas Trotter was seated on 50 aores, found to be within the dividend or Serj 't John Wayne, Wayne now deeds the land to him in consideration of 50 aores he shall choose elsewher~. Dated 4th Sept. 1635. Signatures not shown. Wit. by Will Clayborne and John Utie.

No.lo pol4 A Court held at Utime.ria 13 Jan 1634/5. Present Capt John West Mr Wm English Capt John Utia Mr John Chew Capt Nicholas Martian

No.l. p.14. Wm Pryor assigns Capt John Utie all interest in a house and land adjoining "the plantation of Broohe west-we.rd and to the Creek 11 southward •

No.l. p.15 A Court held at•, 13 April 1635 Present Capt John West Capt Nicholas Martian Capt John Utie Mr John Chew Capt Robt Fellgate Leif't John Cheesman

No.l. p.16 A Court at York 15 June 1635 Present Capt John Utie Mr Will English Capt Ro~t Fellgate Mr John Chew Capt Nicholas Martian

No.l. p.17 A Court held at York 13 July 1635 Present Capt John Utie Mr Will English Capt Robt Fellgate Mr John Chew Capt Nicholas Martian Lef't John Cheesman 24Y

No.l. pal8 A Court at Mr John - , 2 Nov 1635 Present Capt John Utie Mr Wm English Capt Nicholas Martian Mr John Chew Capt Robt Felgate

No.1. p.19 A Court at Leitt John Cheesmans Present Capt John Ut-ie M!" John Chew O~pt Nioholas Martian 11:.-e Riohard Townahend Capt Rcbt Fellgate Lef't John Cheesman

No.le pe20 A Court at Utimaria 18 Jan 1635/6 Present Capt John Utie Mr Riohard Townshend Capt Ni~holae Martian Lef 1t John Cheeseman Capt Robt Fellgate

No.le p,21 A Court at Utimaria 12 Feb 1635/6 Present Capt John West Esq'r Governour ete Capt John Utie M?9 John Chew Capt Nicholas 14art1an Mr Riohard Townshend Lef't John Cheesman

No.lo pe22 A Court "att Mr John Chew his house in Charles River", 24th Maroh 1635/s. Present Capt John Utie Mr Richard Townshend Capt John Chew Lef1t John Cheeseman

No.le p.23 A Court at Capt Nioholae Martian 28 April 1636 Present Capt John West Esq'r Governour eta eapt John Utie Esqr Mr John Chew Capt Ro\t Fellgate Mr Riah1 d Townshend

Notes The reoord of the Court of 28th April 1636 indicated that Capt. John Utie was at this time a member of the Council. B.F. 24Y 9

No.l. p.24 A Court at Mr Riohard To'W!lshend's house in Charles River. 30th 16 360 ;E>resent Capt Jo:1n West Ea qr Governour e·iio Capt Niohola3 Mg,1-tie.n 1b· J,.,hn Chew Capt Robt Fellgate Mr Riohd Townshena Leift John Che0seme.n

No.1. p.25 A Court at Mr Wm Pryer's house 28 July 1636 .Present Capt John West Eeqr Governor eto Capt John Utio Eaqr Mr John Chew Capt Ni~holas Martian Mr. Riohd Townshen4 Left John Cheeseman

No.l. pe26 A Court at Laftt John Cheesams.n's house 18 Aug 1636 Present Capt John West Esqr Governour etc Capt Nicholas Martian M:.• Riohard Townshend Mr John Chew Le.ft John Cheesman

No.l. p.27 A Court at Ute.maria 21 Nov 1636 Prasent John West Esqr Go·v-ornou-r eto Capt John Utie Esqr Capt Rout Fellgate Mr George Minifie Esqr Mr John Chew

(Notes Wme G. Stanard's Mss. Notes., York Co. p.4. "George Minifee to Virginie. in 1623t burgess for James City County 1629; member of the Council 1635 - 1645t1 0 His residenoo "Littleton" on Jamee River had the finest gardens and orchards in Virginia. Said to have been the first who introduced the peaoh in Am.erioa 0 B.F. )

No.,lc p 0 28 A Court at Capt Robt Fellgate's house 12 Jan 1636/7. Preeent Capt John West Esqr Governor eto Capt John Utie Esq'r Mr John Chew Capt Robt Fellgate Mr Rioh'd Townshend Left John Cheesman 24Y 10 lfo.l. p.29 A Court at Capt Christophe~ Wormelyea house 15 Feb 1636/7 Present Sergeant Mayo~ George Dunn Esqr (sio) Capt Ch~istcpher Wo:rmely M~ Wm Pryor Mr John Cheeseman Mr Hugh Owen

(Note& The following from Mr. w. Ga Sta~ard's Mss. Notes, York Co. p.5. "George Donne was a son of the poet, and was Serjee.nt Major of Virginie. and member of the Counoil. He returned to See Neil". "Capt• Christopher Wo1.. meley was Governor of' Tortuga 1632 - l635. to Virginia and was appointed member of the Council 1637 and d before 1649 leaving a Bon Capt Ralph Wormeley burgess and member of the 11 11 Council who settled at Rosegill • Eta.

No.1, p.30 A Court at York 16 March 1636/7. Present Capt Christopher Wormeley M~ Wills Pryor Capt Robt Follgate Mr Hugh Owen M:t" John Chew Mr Richard Townshend

No.le p.31 A Court at the house of Mr John Chew 25 April 1637 Present Capt Christopho~ Wormoloy Esqr Mr John Ghew Mr Richard Townshend Mr Will a Pryor

No.l. p.32 A Court at the house of Mr Riohard Townshend 25 May 1637 Present Capt Christopher Wormeley Esq Capt Robt Fellgate Left John Chee8man Mr John Chew Mr Will Pryor Mr Riohard Townshent Mr Hugh Owin

No.l. p.33 (This will is given in full) 11 "The lath of Ma.roh 16 31 ( 1631/2) ''In the name of God .Amen This -Will a.nd Tes~a.ment l1eing the will and Testament of .Andre,v Whowell made the Te:ath of Me.1'":Jh 16 3~l boint\ in his perfect senses as ever he was in his life ·i:;ime Wi-f:itnesseth 'Ina.t I make Christopher Btookes my lawfull Overseer to see that the tenor of 24Y 11

The will or AndrewWhowell, 1631/2 (continued) this my Will be performed as followeth Imprsa First .I bequeath my Soule to almighty God my maker and my body to be buryed in the Ground and for my worldly Wealth that itt hath pleased God to endow me with as followeth Items I give my brother Nathaniel Clarke one sow pig the whioh my father doth owe me and one ~arrell of Corne when that is one and Twenty Yea.res of Age and two Henns p~esently and one Item I give unto my Sister Bettris Clark Three barrells of Indian Corne and one Pullett and ono Sow. Item I give unto my father Josoph Jolly one Sow pigg ani one Darrow pigg Item I give unto my Mother Margarett Jolly one barrow pigg Item I give unto Franois Laster ( or ? ) one Sow pigg Item the Three barrells of Corne that I give unto my sister Bottria Clark is to be putt to use till she oome-~h to Age, and tho Sow that I give her they that keep her till that shoe cometh to age are to have of the inorease all she beare piggs end the Sow piggs to be putt to the best use till that shee cometh to Age Witnesse my hand the Day and Ye~re first above written The mark or Wittness Andrew Whowell Peter Mountague "

Court at Mr William Pryor•s 22 June 1637 .Present Capt Rcbt Felgate Leif't John Cheesman Mr John Chew Mr Will1am Fryor Capt Richard Townshend Mr Hugh Owin

11 In nomine domine .Amen I Adam Lynsey being sick in bodey bui perfect in minde and memory praysed be god doe make and ordaina this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following Imprss I give and bequeath my Soule to God my Maker and Redeemer and my body to the earth and as ~onoerneing my worldly Estate as followeth Imprsa I give and bequeath to Ann the wife of Jvhn Jaokson Two hun­ dred pounds of Tobaooo Moreover I bequeath to Christian Owin of - perquoson Fower hundred pounds of Tobaooo and what rems.ineth of my Estate I bequeath unto my good friend Edward Mollson whom I make and ordaine my Exocutor to see this my will performed and my Le~aoyes

( continued next page) 24Y 12

The will of Lynsay ( oont!nued) payd In wittnees whereof I ha.Ye hereunto sett my hand and Seale this 30th of July 1636 Sealed signed and delivered tho mark of int.he presenoe of Adam :x Lynsay Wm Hookaday Alloxander Gregory

No.le p.35 A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods of Adam Lynsey of York late deceased taken and prised tho 21th of June 1637 by us whose names are here underwritten Impr. One CJ.oath suite 120 lb It. Two shirts 2 bands 3 handkeroheifes 120 It. Two old Wastooats 015 It Old Canvis Drawers 010 It One hatt 020 It one F:'.ook bed and Covering oe.o It one Silver Whissla and Chaine 080 It one SmalJ. boato 500 It In Tobaooo oweing Mr Stookton 600 It Mi- Young 400 It Mr Charlton 200 It Mr Jernew 020 It Wm Freeman 050 It Riohard Heather 020 Item Mr Hugh Owins man 036 I~em eertaine Carpenters Tooles 250 Item one ould peeoe 030 Item one bushell 1/2 Corne 045 ... - Sume is 2036- - Wm Warren the mark of John IP Penrice

N.0.1. p.36 "An Inventory or List of all the Gc-~ds found belonging unto Ralph Gerrard deceased in the hoUBe of Anthony Panton Clerok dwelling Cheisekiake taken by those whose namea are unto written July the 24th 1637" • Includes "one bill of Robt Kingsa.yes for 0800". Total 1070 lb tobo. Signedz Anthony Panton, Sarjeant John :x Wayne, Thomas Bleaeie. 24Y 13

No.le po37 A Court ~t the house of Capt Robt Fellgate 25 July 1637. Preeent Capt Christopher Wormely Esqr Capt Robt Fellgate Capt Richd Tow:nsheni Mr John Chew Mr Wills Pryor

No.lo p.38 A Court at the house of Mr John Cheeaem~n 24 August 1637 Present Capt Christopher Wormely Eeq~ Capt Robt Fel~.gate John Cheeseman MJ:, John C:':1ew M:,• Wm Pryor Capt Ri~hd Townshend Mr Hugh Owin

No,l. p.39 A Court at the house of Capt Christopher Wormely 30 Oo~ 1637 :Present Sr John Harvey Governour eto Christopher Wormely Esqr Capt Riohd Townahene Capt Nicholas Martian Capt John Cheeseman Mr John Chew Mr Wm Pryor

No.l. p,40 A Court at the house of Capt Riohd Tcwnshend 26 Deo 1637 Present Christopher Wormely Esqr Capt Nicholas Martian Capt Riohd TownehenQ Capt John Cheeseman Mr Wm Pryor Mr John Chew Mr Ralph Wormeley

No,l, p.41 A Court at the house of Mr Wm 17.-yor 23 Jan~ary 1637/8 Present Capt Nichole.a Martian Mr William Pryor Mr John Chew Mr Ralph Wormeley Capt Riohd Townshend

No.le p 0 42 A Court at the house of Capt John Cheeseman 13 Feb 1637/8 Present Capt Nicholas Martian Mr Wm Pryor Mr John Chew Mr Ralph Wormeley Capt John Cheeseman 24Y 14

Noelo p43 A Court at the houee of Mr John Chew 13 March 1637/8 Present Capt Nioholas Martian Mr William Pryor Capt John Cheeseman Mr Ralph Wormeley Mr John Chew

No.l. p.44 "A Court houlten ett the Governours house the 18th of Maroh 11 1637 ( 1637/8 ). Present Capt Nioholas Martian Mr Ralph Wormeley Mr William Pryor

No.l. p.44 11 I~ is ordered by this Court that the Leases belonging to the Governours Tenne.nta be Recorded".

No.l. p.44. Deed or Lease. 2 May 1635. Martin Beaker, Merohant, leases a pa.reel of land to Thos. Tro·bte:.-, Thos. Jefferyes and John Ba.lyes, pla.ntersr in York in Virginia, for 11 years at 50 lb tobo e.nd "one hogg of e. old" per year, payable 20th Dao. The land 0 Being in the Ple.nte.tion called York from the River side unto e marked Poplrin in the woods and bounding on Mr Johneons I..a.nd to the Southeast on the one side and on the land of Owin Dawson on the Ncrth west side"• W1.t a Signed Martin Beaker Charles Babb Riohd Hamlin

No.l. p.45. leed of Lease. 23 Oct 1636. Martin Becker. Merchant, to John Penrise "of York in tho Country of Virginie.", 100 e.ores. for 9 at 200 lb tobo per year payable 2()-f;h Deo. The lani "in the Plantation called York beginning on the heal{ of the Mill Swamp being the outside of his land runing ba.ok int.; the woods". Wit i Signed Mart!n Becker John Hampton Wm

No.l. p.45. Deed of L0aso. 18 Feb· 16_33/4. Lyonell Rowlston to John Ba.lyes and Andrew Kirby of Virginia, planters. for 12 years. Yearly rent "one Couple of Capons". A pa.reel of land adj the water side and the land of Francis Compton. W:.t, Signed Lyonell Rowlston Thomas Burba.y Wm Torkecsent 24Y 15

No~l• p,46. 15th November 1632. Agreement between Lyonell Rowlston gent and Edward Johns on. Rowls ton to let Johns on a tre.ot of land during the life of John Johnsong his wife and Luke Johnson. The yearly rent being "one barrow hogg of a old att the Feast day of St Thome.a". If the Johnsons leave, or sell, their life interest, Rowlston to have first refusal and they to it with "a Tennantable house upon itt" • The land adjoins t'Willc Warren to a. marked Tree by the Riverside and soe extending backwards into the woods to the head of a Swamp"• Wit& Signed Lyonell Rowlston John Fenrioe Edward Johnson

Nodle pe48e I:leed of Lease. 13 March 1633/4. Martin Beoker "of' l'limouth within the Kingdome of England Merohant" lets to William Warren of York in Virginia, planter, a paroel of land, during the life of said William Warren and .Ann his now wife. Yearly rent '1a. good fat·t; hogg of the Age of.' one old"• The lan:i "lying upon Charles River North and upon the lands of Edmond Johnson ~~st and upon the land of John Jaokson south and joyneing to the lands of the said Martin Beoker East". Wits Signed Martin Beaker Robt Paine ( This name actually illegible. It may be Caine, or else f) Francia .Arkistall

Noel• p.47 A Court at Capt Wormeloye 1 s houso in Charles County 17th April 1638. Present Capt Nicholas Martian) M~ Wm Pryor ) Capt John Cheeseman ) M~ Ralph Wormeley) Gents Capt Riohd Townshene )

N~.l. p.48 A Court at the house of Capt Nioholas Martian in Charles Ceunty. 12 June 1638 .Present Capt Christophor Wormeli Esqr Capt Nioholas Martian ) Riohd Townshend ) Gent Mr Wm Pryor ) Mr Ralph \~ormeley )

Notea We must not forget that the name Martian as shown in this early transcript is actually Martiau. B.Fw 24Y 16

No.l. p,49. A Court at Mr William Pryor•s 2oth July 1638. Present Capt William Brooa.s Ea qr Capt Nioholas Martian ) Capt John Chisman ) Mr John Chew ) Gen'ts Capt Rioh't Townshend } Mr William Pryor )

Notes There is, or rather we should say in the year 1945, that there was in 1914, in the Royal Colleotion at the Hague, a portrait of Robert Cheseman, Falooner to Henry VIII. This, painted by Hans Holbein the Youngor during his second visit to England in 1533, ie ( or was) one of the world's great portraits, A photograph is before mo now. It shows the 0ourtier in full power _of manhood, aged 28. His fea~ures are high bred, strong, kindly. The hair curled just before it reaohes the collar. The oostume•aimple whioh was oustomary for English gentlemen in com­ parison with the elaborate and costly outfits of the merchants of the period, It would be impoosible for me to attempt to traoe the exact relationship with Capt. John Cheeseman of York County. The family was of Kent in England - the background of so many early Virginians. B~Fe

No.l. p,50. Deed. 20 Nov. 1635. John Utie of Utimaria Eeqr sells Edward Moul.son, Sawye:r, 100 acres between the land of Francis Morgan and Mr fiillia.m Pryor. Payment being 1000 ft ,:Sa.wen Boards" already received and 800 ft more to be paid b0tw0en this and 1st of March. Wit, Signed John Utie Edward Major Edward Moulson James Besouth Moulson assigns his interest in above 100 acres to Francis Morgan. Dated the last day of Ootober 1637. Witt Signed Edward Moulsome Richard Benmimge

No.l. p,50. Will of Joseph Ham. Dated 3 March 1637/8. Probated loth July 1638 in Charles River Co. Siok in body. To wife Mary Ham all lan4. To "my sonn and Daughter in law John Pead and Catherine Pead" 30 y<>ung kids in full of theiI' legaoy left them by their fa~her de~eased, John Pead. The cattle to be in oharge of wife Mary until the children be of full age to enjoy them. To wife Mary 21 old goats. If she marry before the children are 21 the goats to be divided between them. Wife e:xtrx. Wit I Signed Joseph :x Ham Robt Breokwell Minister Pero Blanc John Johnson .,Vera Copia Test Mar. Johneon Olk" 24Y 17

No.l. po51 Inventory of the estate of Joseph Ham of the new Poquoson, deoeaaed. 3 Maroh 1638/9. Appraised by Thomas x Curtis, Wm x Clarke and Arthur Markworth, { Inventory signed ''Wm Mackworth" ) of the Poquoson, planters. Sworn before Capt John Cheeseman on 12th July 1638.

"Twenty old Goe.tea Two Thousand weight of Tobaooo 2000 Twenty young Goates att fouretaen hundred pounds 1400 One old Gote att one hundred pounds 0100 One Kid att Fifty pounds 0050 One old Feather bed ant two blartoketta one Rugg and a Boulster 0060 A paroell of ould Pewter att fifty pounds 0050 Three Iron ~otts att Fo'oer score pounds 0080 One Warmeing Pann two Braes kettles one brass Bason att 0050 One Copper Kettle att Eighty pounds 0080 A paroell of old Iron ware att one hundred 0100 One old Fowleing Peioe without Look and a Shottbag 0060 One Maide Servant att seaven hundred 0700 Thirty pounds of Shott Thirty pounds Tobaooo 0030 Three payer of old Shoets l Doz Napkins 1 Tablo Cloath 0150 One Lookeing Glass att 2 pounds 0002 A paroell of old waring Cloathes fifty 0050 Two Caaes Two boxes cne Chest fifty pounds 0050 Three small Shoe.ts or Swine a·ct l hund and Twenty 0120 Tenn Be.r:rells of Corne fewer hunJre:1 0400 The Plantation for Two Yeo.res o.t·b fhre hundred 0500 - .. -- 6552 The mark of Thoa T Cortis The mark of Wm :x Clarke Wm1 Maok:worth vera. Copia test Mar'n Johnson n

No 0 1. p.53 A Court at the house of Capt Riohd Townsend 14 Aug 1638 Pr~sent Capt Wm Brooas Esqr Capt John Choeaeme.n Capt Riohurd Tovmshend gen•t Mr Wm Pryor 24Y 18

Noel• pe54 A Court at thQ house of Capt Wm Brooas Esqr 11 Sept li38 Present Capt Wm Brooas E~qr Capt Nicholas Martian) Capt Riohard Townshend) John Cheeseman ) Mr Wm Pryor ) gent Mr John Chew )

No.le p.55. A Court at the house of Capt Cheeseman 16 Oot 1638 l'resent Capt Wm Brooae &qr Capt Nieholas Martian) Mr John Chew) Ca pt John Cheee eman ) Mr Wm Pryor ) gent

NoGle p.56 A Court at the house of Mr John Chew 2 Jan 1638/9 • .Present Capt Nicholas Martian) Capt Riohd Townshend) John Cheeseman ) Mr Wm Praor ) gen't Mr John Chew )

No.l. p.57 Deed, l Oot 1638. Rich 1 d Major of Queens Creek in Virginia., planter, sells 'l'homas Bo"WTren ( Bourne 1 ) of, cooper, 25 aores on Western side of West Creek, adjoining land of Wm Barber. Wita Signed Rioh'd Major Robt Booth Rowland Burnham nvere. oopia Mar. Johnson Cl Curia"

1 Oot. 1636. Thomas x Bourne assigns above 25 aores to Wm Barber of, oooper, Wit a Signed hia mark Wm H,Joked.ay Tho B Bourne

No.l. p.58 A Court at the house of Capt Nicholas Martian 12th February 1638/9 Present Capt Nicholas Martian ) Capt John Cheeseman ) gent Mr John Chew ) Capt Richard Townshend ) 24Y 19

No.1, p.59 A Court at the house of Capt Riohd Tovmshend for Charles River County 28th iebruary 1638/9. Present Capt Wm Brooas Esqr Capt Nioholaa Martian ( Martiau) Capt John Cheeseman Mr John Chew Capt Riohd ToWt+sheni Mr Wm Pryor

p.60 A Court at the house of Mr Wm Pryor in Charles River County, 28th Ma.roh 1639. Present Capt Nioholas Martian Capt Riohd Townshend Mr John Chew Mr Wm Pryor p.61 A Court ·at Brooas' house for Charles River County. 25th April 1639 !'resent Sr John·Harvey Knt Capt Wm Brooas Eeqr Capt Jno Cheeseman Capt Nioholas Martian Capt Richard Townshend Mr John Chew Mr Wm Pryor

Noele p.62. Deed. 17 Je.n 1638/9. John Hartwell of Charles River County, planter, sells Tobias Freer and Robert Vause, 400 aorea adj. Queens Orsak north., rt.U~ning a.long He.rtwella Creak S .w. from the Saltwater, likewise along· the, and e.lso S ,Sw. from the head of the swamp tc Mayden Swamp, abutting Weat upon both;a Wi b I Signed John :x Hartwe 11 Tho Gybson his mark Nioholas NI Jurnue

Pa.g;e ~3 blank,

No.l. p.64 Deed~ 15 Oct 1640. William Reynolds of, planter, 3ells Thos Denham, 200 aores in Charles River County, on Queens Creek, bounded e.s by "a Pattent in my owne name beareini; date the 15th day of 24Y 20

Deel. Reynolds to Denham (continued)

.August in the yeare of' our Lorci God 1637" • Wi-4; I Signed the mark of' Wm x Smoote Wm :x Reynolds Robt Booth Thomas Ramsey "vera. copia Teet per me Robt. Booth Cl Curia 11

No.le p.65. ,eei. 28 Sept 1639. Wm Banister sells JQlul Haukins ( this name elso e.ppea:;.•a as 1 Jchn Hawkins' in this entry ), . 11 Fower Per- eells of Land with the M~rsh and woods runing Westward to a Creek that lyeth North and South to the Tinkers Sheeres by the little Fresim'on Is eland"• Wits Signed. Wm Be.n'ister Thoa Le.rramer Wm Smith

No.1. Deed. 13 Nov 1639• John Utie and Robert Booth sell Thos. Gybso~ 100 aores in Charles River County, at the he&i of a em~ll Creek oalled Queenes Creoke, running up the N aide of the oreek to B~yary Swamp, inoluding the swamp to the run of water in the swamp. All the land from the dividend of John - ( the surname here omitted from the original reoord ). Adjs the lsnd of John Utie as by a survey made by Mr Thomae Simons in 1638. Wit a Signed John Utie Thomas Watts Rebert Boeth Ecl.mund Plunokett "Ve1•a Copia Test per me Robt Booth Cl Curia. 11

John Utie and Mary his wife confirm above. Wit~ Signed John Utie John Ba.ldwin the mark of Hugh Owin Me.ry Utiol M U .Antho:uy Parkhurst Thoma Luos.s

Noel• p,i7 A Court held for Charles River County 27th Nov. 1640. Present Capt Wm Brooa.s Es qr Coilli!l&nder Capt Niaholas Martian ( actually Martiau) Mr John Chew Mr HUfflh Owin 24Y 21

No.l. Deeda 14 Nov 1640. Tho Denham of Queens Creek, planter, sells John Vaughan, for 1000 lb tobo, 50 a"res. Thil! bought from Wm Reynolds 15 Oot la.3t past, being 1/2 of 100 ao~es whe~e said Thoa. 11 Denham "now dwe1J.eth • Refers to agreement betw :::l'enha.m ant 'Vaugh.nm' de.t&d 2 Maroh 1639/40 Wit a Signed Tho, Denham Robt Booth John Soales

No.l. p.69. "The bounds of John Condona Land". "John Condon deayreth e. Pettent for 100 Aores of land lying in the County of Charles Riveru. He has 50 acres already and 50 more to be taken in a new patent whioh was part of land granted to Wm Freeman a.bout 5 years sinoe 11 but i,o this day there is noe body hath cleared or ~uilt uppon itt therefore John Condon doth suppose that itt is lawfull for him to take upp for his owne use his Pe.ttent being voyd for want·or seateing uppon itt", The bounds aooording to a survey 10 Nov 1640, are adj the back Creek, North beginning at the mouth of Gwins Creek and measuring Wand by N 100 poles', eto. "If the reason should be demanded why he runs noe furthe1• into the woods itt is this; old Attowa.y lives upon Cheesemans Creek and hath his breadth double by the water syde as John Compdon doth and if they should runn a Mile they would interoept or cut.t of one the other therefor9 I have taken the Dest course I oould to prevent a oontraversie that would arrise"• "Conoordat own original".

No.l. p.70. f'eed. 12 May 16400 Joseph Jolly of new Pawquoson., planter .• sells William Clark of the new Pawquoscn, plnnter, 350 aorea formerly granted said Jolly. Adjoins Pawquoson River, the land of said Clark and Won the land of John Watson, eto, Wits Signed Joseph x Jolly Arthur l'rioe Richard Russell ( signed with me.rk)

No.1. p.72 A Court for Charles River County 11 Jan 1640/l. "att the Ordinary appointed'' Present Capt John West Esqr Capt Richard Townshend Capt Robt Fellgate John Cheeseman Capt Nicholas Martian 1f-Ll9 Wm Pryor Mr John Chew Mr Hugh Owin Mr John Baldwin 24Y 22

p.73 11.Att a Court held att James Citty the 18th of Deoember 1640t Pre3ent Sr Francis Wyatt Governour eto Capt John West Capt Wm Brooaa Mr Roger Wyngate Mr Ambroee Harmer "

Notes ( George Wyatt ( Sir Francie Wy&tt, Governor of ( 1554 • 1624 ( Virginia., etc. Sir Those Wyatt ( m Finoh ( m Margaret Sandys who wae a niece ( the Rebel) ( (He must not ( of Sir Edwin and or George Sandye. 1520 .. 1554 ( have had much( No descendants in Virginia. married ( respect for ( He.wte ( his father rs ( Rev. Hawte Wyatt ( memory when ( 1594 - 1638 ( he fell ·in ( Minister at Jamestown. ( love with her< Anoestor of the V' family of ( ( Virgir~ie.. ( ( Jane Wyatt ( Deborah Soott ( Lt. Col. Henry Fleet. ( m ( m ( In Va. 1622, { Gharlea Soott ( Wm Fleet, gent,( Numerous descendants ( of Edgerton ( of Chartham ( in Virginia. ( ( Numerous other children

If anyone, however remotely descended from the Council group, has any desire for e.noeetral granduer, here we are. Merely examine the pedigree of Soott. of Soots Hall, but more particularly that of Hawt. Yo~ will find anything the heart desires from the Ee.rl of Leioester to Lord Guildfor~ Dudley and Sir Philip Sidney. i~F•

No. 1. P• 74, "January the 12th 1640" • ( 1640 - perhaps ? ) Present Capt Jno West Esqr Mr John Chew Capt Robt Fellgato Capt Jno Cheeseman Capt Nioholas Martian Mr Jno Baldwin

Nool. p.75 0 Att a Quarter Court houlden att James Citty '\he 18th of September 164011 Present Sr Francis Wyatt Governour etc Capt John West Capt Wm Brooae Mr Roger Wyngatt Mr .Ambrose Harmer 24Y 23

No.1. p.75. Deet. 25 Deo 1640. Wm Taylor of Utimaria in Charles River County~ Virginia, merchant, sells Wm Blackley ( who has already paid Jno Utie )., 100 ao:res in Charles River County, on Queens C~eek. Adjoins Bell Creek, meginning at Bells bridge# the line running until it meets wibh ~Queens house Fence'', eto. Thia land formerly purohased from John Utie by Taylor. Wtc; l Signed W m Taylor Stephen x Gill Joshua x Kinsell Edward .Phillips

No.l. p.76 River A Court heli for Charles ~i~f County 23 March 1640/1, Present Capt Wm Brooaa Esqr Commander Capt Robt Fellgate Capt John Cheeseman Capt Nicholas Martian M~ Wm Pryor Mr John Chew Mr Hugh Ovrin Capt Riohard Townehend

Noel• p.77 11 "A Court held att Je.i.,9s Citty the 6th of Me.rah 1640 • ( 1640/1) Present Sr Francis Wyatt Knt Governour eta Capt John 17eet Mr George Minify Mr Wm Wingate Capt Wm Brooas Mr Ambrose Harmer

(The name Wm Wingate appearing here is probably an error in the original. Doubtless it should have been Roger Wingate. B.F.)

Noel• p.78 "At a Court holden James Citty the 5th da.y of March 11 1640 • ( 1640/1 ) Present Sr Francis Wyatt Knt GovornoUt' John West Mr George M1nifey Capt Wm Peiroo Capt Wm Brooe.s Mr Roger Wingate Mr Ambrose Harmer

No.l. p.78. Will of John Jackson of Virginia, planter. Dated 22 Oot 1640. Date of probate not shown on reoord. Very weak in body. To wife Ann all cleared ground within the fence. Other land for life. She to hnve "my Senn Thomas Jackson" till 21, Cattle to son Thomas.

(continue,) 24Y 24

The will of John J~okson ( oontinued)

Also to eon Thomas a plantation now leased to Jeremiah Roggers. Balanoe of estate to wife. 50 aores at York to be sold for benefit of' son. Wtt;a Signed his mark Wm :x Burterwood John•• Jaokson John Shreggs

No.l. A C~urt for Charles River County 3 May 1640. Present Capt John West Eaqr Capt John Cheeseman Capt Wm Brooaa Esq'r Mr William Pryor Capt Riohd Townahene

Noel• p.81 "A Court houlden att James Citty the 20th of Aprill 1640" Present Sr Francis Wyatt Knt GovernoUl" Capt John West Tho t Willoughby Capt Wm Claybourne Mr Ambrose Hnrmer Mr Rioh'd Kempe Mr Riohd1 Bennett Mr Roger Wingate

Na.l. p.Bl. teed. 11 Oot 1640. Christopher Abbot of Chiskiaoke in Virginia, planter, sells Wm Sutton, 40 a.ores adjoining "the great swamp" along a. line of marked trees from the other, etc, Wit, Signed Christopher Abbot Wm Williams tho Illf\rk of John :x Bennett

No.1. p.s2. A Court for Charles River County "the 34th Day of Mny 1641" Present Capt John Wost Esqr Capt Wm Br~cns Esq Capt John Cheeseman Capt NioholaE Murtian Mr Wm Pryor

Notes Here we haven little overtime in Charles River County, The reoord anys the 34th of Ma.y. so I suppose it must have been. B.F.

No,1. p.82. Deed. 21 May 1639. John Congdon "of the bnok Creek" in Charles River County, planter, sells Edward Persivull of the same place. planter, 25 a.ores, "upon the side of Croek with two 24Y 25 boarded houses belonging to the ~aid Twenty five Aores of Land the one house of Thirty foute long and the othe:r of Twenty foote long". The land as by patent dated 21 August 1638. Wita Signed John x Congdon Humphry Hrunnar hia mark Feter FaRt Rigby

N~tea The name Rig~y as written here is a perfect example of how carelessly this transcript wns prepared •• The top of the small 'g' was le~ open and the top of the small 'y' olosed, so that the name aotually appears as 1Riybg 1 • The name 'Congdon' also appears in these entries as 'Congdon' and as 'C~nydon'• The student will havo to for­ give me if my guess• often in oomplete darkness, is not nlwa.ys e:xo.otly right0 B.F.

N0.1. p,83. Deed. 16 Jan 1640/J.. Jno Congdon to Edward Persifull, for 3 bbl oorn adda 13 a.ores to foregoing dee4. This land near the dwelling house of Persifull. Wita Signed John Congdon Thomas Sim' ons The mark of Nicha Na Clark

No.lo pe84. A Court for Churles ~iver County 29 June 1641 "att the Ordinary appointed" Present Capt Robt Fellgate Capt Riohnrd Townshend Capt Niuholas Martian Cnpt John Cheesman Mr John Chew Mr William Pryor

No.l. p.85 A c~U!'t for Charles River County 22 July 1641 Present Capt John West Esqr Capt Riohd Tewnshend mr Roger W'inga+.t Cnpt John Cheeseman 1~ w.,,.. ~.,,..,...,. Capt Robt Fellgata --- .... _ • - .1-- Mr John Chew

No.l. pe86 A Court for Charles River County 24 August 1641 Present Capt Wm Brooae Esqr Commander Capt Nioholas Martian Capt Rioh'd TownshcnJ Mr John Chew M?' Wm Pryor 24:Y 26

No~l• p.86 ~eed. 10 June 1641. John Bell of Queens Creek, planter, sell:! Samuel Wat.keyes his plantation and house in Queens Creek, former­ ly purohe.sed from YTm Reynolds• WH-~ •: ...... , No signature shown. George Clark his mark his me.~k Wm W Robbertte

Notes Here again the imperfeot handwriting. It is highly probable that this name appearing as 'Watkeyes' may b& 1Watkenes' - just plain old Watki~s in the modern sense. BeF•

No.l. p.87 A Court for Charles River County 20 September 1641. Present Capt John West Esqr Mr John Chew Capt Wm Brooas Esqr Capt John Cheesman Capt Nioholas Martian Mr Wm Pryor

No"l. A Court for Charles River County. 29th Oo~ober l64lo Present Capt Wm Brocas Esqr Capt Rioh'd Townshend Mr John Chew Mr Wm Pryor

Ncele p,89 A Court f~r Charles River County 24 Nov 1641. PreBent Capt Vfm Brocae Es qr Commander Capt Nioholas Martian Capt Riohd Townshend M:,.• John Chew Mr Wm Pryor

No.le p.90 "At a monthly Court houlden for the Counti of Charles River the 5th of January 1641 a 11 ( 1641/2 J Present John West Esqr Capt Robt Fellgato Nicholas Martian Mr John Chew John Cheeseman Mr Wma Pryor 24Y 27

No.l. P•9l "At a Qu~rtar Cou:-t houlden att James Citty the Thirteenth ot Deoembe:t• 1G41 '' .Present Sr- F'-,;.•anoia Wyatt Knt Governour et0 John West Ca pt Tho & W1lloughby Mr George M!nefie Mr .Ambrose Harmer

No.l. pe91. Deea. 4 Jan 1641/2. Robert Bew of York in Virginia in the County of Charles River. planter, sells Richard Carter of the same County, planter., 1/2 of 150 a.ores in Charles Rive:- County "butting on Rowlston first divydend North bounded with Hugh Allen his land on the West syde and bounded on the East syde with John Peteets house Runing 11 Southwest into the woods a. Myle • The prioe 600 lb toboe Wits Signed Robert Bew Henry Jorden the mark of Tho A Allen

Notes The name shown above appears to be oorreot as it is and not to be John Peters. There having been a land grant to John Peteet. B.F.

No.l. P• 92. Deed. 26 Jan 1638/9. John Utie of Utimaria· in the County of Charles River~ Gent and Rob"i:; Booth of the same County sell Steephen Gi.11, Chirurgeon., 100 a.ores., Adj S by "Mr Englishs Plantation" e.nd adj the :Land of James Bosouth.,. the land of Henry Willis., "soe to the fenoe syde ,~f the ould Forte feild", eto. Wits Signed John Utie Tho. Watts Robert Booth John Wright

No 0 1. p.93. 15 Deo 1640. Stephen Gill assigns the foregoing to William Leigh. Signed the mark S of Witi Stephen Gill Phillip Thaoker John Hull

No.l. p.93. 3 Nov 1640. William Taylor oonfirms sale of foregoing 100 acres made by John Utie and Robt Booth to Stephen Gill. Wit & Signed William Taylor Robt Taylor Isaa.ok Kinsmell

No.l. p.94. 26 Feb 1641/2. Capt William Leigh assigns above 100 acres to JQhn Hull. The land desoribed as "lying and being in Chees- kaika" • Signed William Leigh Wits Richard Leigh Tho: Dut:ton 24Y 28

No.le pe95 A Court "houlden Charles River" 25 Feb 1641/2 • .Present Capt Robert Fellgate Mr William Pryor Capt Nicholas Martian Mr Hugh Gwynn Capt Rioh'd Townshend

Noel• p.96 At e. monthly Court for Charles River County 25 April 1642 Present Xpoher Wormeley Es qr Mr John Chew Capt Wm Brooas Esqr Riohd Townshend Robt Mr Wm Pryor Capt Niuholas Martian Capt Jno Cheeseman Mr Hugh Gwynn

No.l. P•97 "At a Court houlden the 26th of Aprill 1642" .Preaent Capt Christopher Wormeley Esqr Capt Robertt Fellga.te (sio) Mr John Chew Mr William Pryor

No.1. psge 98 blank. The next page numbered 130. Reoords missing from 26 -~pril 1642 to November ( T) 1645.

Noel• p.130 "May the eighth 1652s Commissioners for the County Court of York are as fellcweth Viz't Present Capt Nicholas Martian Mr John Hansford Mr John Chew Mr Edward Cheeseman Major Xtopher Chalthropp Mr Wm Goooh Capt Francis Morgan Ml• Capt Augustine Warner Mr Wm Mr Henry Lee Capt Stephen Gill Wm Bo.rber 24Y 29


In the original pages up to No. 47 are missing. However there is a tran~oript in ~ke Virginia, i~ 18941 whioh has entries from pages 45 and 46, Hiatox·ians inform me that this transoript is not always to be relied upon. Woll, any interpretation of these early York records is open to question. Certainly mine are. So we will include abstracts of these few entries anyway. B.F.

Entries of the year 1645, Probably for the month of November. p.45, Transcript of 1894 • .A.batraot, Riohd Bennett ordered to pay debt of 450 lb tobo to• Belohambers. p,45. Transoript of 1894. Abstract. Riohd Bennett ordered to pay Thos Bennett amount due him, p,45, TraI16oript of' 1894, "-Present Capt Chisman" p.45, Transcript of 1894, Abstract. Mr Wm Pryor sued by ,Joseph Croshaw for £alee imprisonment, Jury a-wards Croshaw 300 lb tobacco. p,45, Transcript of 1894. Abetraot. Order that - pay a debt of tobo to Mr Wm Pryor at his dwelling house, p,45. Transcript of 1894, Fragment. "Whereas Mr Henry Brooke stands :x" p,46, Transcript of 1894, Fragment, "that John Ha.ward who hath :x :x ed unto the said Rebecca Wallis shall ! payment of x ~ lb tobo and oaake with forbearance and Court Charges xx x Jurnew within 5 dayes next ells e:xec" p.46, Transcript of 1894. Abstract. - Brooke ordered to pay debt of 55 lb tobo to Richard Smith within 5 days• p,46. Transcript of 1894. Abstract, Thomas - ordered to pay debt of 300 lb tobo to John Hamor within 5 days. p,46, Transcript of 1894, Abstract. Tho Hart ordered to pay George Baakpoole the assignee of Micha.el Sa.turwight a debt of 300 lb tobo.

Notes The abstracts from now on are taken from the original, B.F. The ~rnnscript referred to above is in the Virginia State Library, Richmond, Vo.. 24Y 30

YORK COUNTY R&oord Book No.2 AbsrAots from the original. Pages l - 46 missing.

No.2, p.47 Entry oonoerning John Thom~s. He to answer suit of Mr Wm Px·yor. ( 1645 )

Wm Light ordered to pay debt of 660 lb tobo to Jno Watson. ( 1645)

No~2. p.47 Order that Wm Todd pay 4ebt of 325 lb tobo to Thomas Nightingale assignee of Heroules Bridges. ( 1645)

No~2• p.47, Order that Wm Suite pay debt of 700 lb tobo to George Beeeh. ( 1645)

No.2. p.47 Order that Antho: Parkhurst pay deb~ of 300 lb tobo due .Amborsse Harmor. ( 1645)

No.2. p.47 Thomas Borne arrested to answer suit of Thomas Ramsey and not appearing "it is ordered utt sup". ( 1645 ) Notea 11 it is ordered as before" B.F.

No.2. p.47 Orier that Tho Hatfield pay debt of 460 lg tobo to George Beeoh. ( 1645)

No.2. p 8 47 Order that Aug~st Hodges pay debt of 280 lb tobo due Tho Nightingale. ( 1645)

No.2. pe47 Riohard Milborne arrested to answer suit of Henry Corbell and not appearing "it is ordered ut sup" ( 1645 )

No.2. R•47 Entry destroyed in the original. The transcript of 1894) shows 'Whereas John Hartwell x x :x -bert Beech e.nd doth :x ,:". ( 1645

No.2., p0 48 Entry mutilated. ",: x Bennett was arrested to the Court :x :x x and doth not appear it is ordered ut sup" ( 1645 ) 24Y 31

No.2. p.48 Henr Brooke a~rested at suit of George Beech and not 111 appearing "ut sup • ( 1645 )

Noe2• p.48 Elizabeth H~pkin! the reliot and admr of Geo Hopkins deo'd arrested and not appearing "ut sup". ( 1645 )

No.2. p.48 Order that Rioe Maddoxe pay debt of 134 lb tobo due Wm Hawkins, this being the balance of a larger debt. ( 1645)

No.2 pe48 11 A Court "Deoember the 2oth 1645 • Present Mr Wm Pryor Capt Ralph Wormley Mr Row& Burnham Mr Richard Lee ( or Kee)

No.2. p.48 Charles Smith arrested at suit of Thomas Ticknor and not appearing "ordered ut sup".

No.2. p.48 Order that Joseph Croshaw and Nicholas Clarke pay a debt of 600 lb tobo due to George Ludlowe esqr within 5 days.

No.2. pm48 Anthony'W'ady arrested at suit of Robert Lewis and not appearing "ordered ut sup"

No.2. pe48 Edward Grimes arrested at suit of Samuell Tucker and not appearing "ordered ut sup"•

No.2 po48 "Present Capt Nioho Martia.u" •

No.2. p.48 "Whereas Thomas Iles did this Court impleade John Leake for on hunds pounds of tobs·e.nd twoe barrells of Corne, due by bill dated the 14th of Apriell 1644 which was in oonsideration of Howse e.nd gro,m.d to plant on and Diett and washinge And fozt as muoh as it appeareth to the Court that since that bill past by the said Leake by reason of the late march the said Iles Leake and many others being drawne togeather and forded and made new Covenantes the said Iles Leake and the rest to plant in a generall v~y and to have all the Grounds in Com 1 on It - ( The balanoe of this entry is destroyed in the original and is filled in from the transcript of 1894) - is there­ fore the opinion of the Court and soe orderej that the said Leake 24Y 32


shall have in his sted for the said tobaooo ~nd oorne and that the said Ilea pay the said Leake his oharges within 5 de.ys el:is exeo"

No~2. pe49 First entry destroyed. The 1894 transoript reads "Whereas Edw Woodley was arrested to the Court to answer the suit ::x x not appea.i-e it is ordered ut sup"

No.2. p.49 In dif betw Thomas - and Capt Ralph Wormley deft., regard~ ing corn whioh we.a fetohed by Wormley from the other side of the river, The Court orders "in respeot the deft confessed that he fetched 0ver the plantiffes Corne by order from the Leirt of the County that the said Dif'ferenoe be referred to the Counaell of warr".

No.2. ~.49 Order that Wm Smoate ( also ae Smote in the entry) pay ~ebt ~r 1188 lb tobo due Mr Francis Morgan within 5 days. Morgan to what he owes Smoate.

No.2. p.49 Order that Charles Smith pay debt of 580 l~ tobo due Wm fadyon within 5 days. This may possibly be Wm Padgon.

No.2. p.49 ''Whereas it eppeareth to the Court by the generall testimoneyes of Mr Rowl Burnham~ William Ga.utlett and John Perrin that the gi·eatest part of the Cropp of tob a that was by Mr• is Dorothy Ca.ynhoes servants and 'Ro1~0!"t Harrison :Joth ,.,elo11g to the sail Harr~gon .And that John Underwood whoe hath interna~ryed the said Caynhoo0; as the said Robt Harrison alledgeth doth tlayly dis• pose of the said Cropp of tobs whe~eby it is likely the said Harrison shal be much Damnified '!'he Court doth therefore order that the Sherr shall forthwith Atta.oh the said Cropp of tobs and that he see and provide that the said tobs may not be Dysposed of till the next Court or the said Harrison and Underwood agree uppon Division of the said Cropp, or that the said Underwood put in auffioient seourity to the said Harrison to be responsible for all Damages that may insue there uppon"•

No.2. p.49 Order that Thomas Deaoon and Joseph Croshaw pay debt of 946 lb tob due George Beeoh within 5 days.

No.2. p.49 "John WoddBriige" arrested by Wm Gautlett and not appear­ ing., ordered "ut sup"• Note& Although the 3rd letter in this name is a perfect 1u' in the original, still it may be Wm Ge.ntlett. B.F. 24Y 33


No82e p.49 Entry mutilated. Mr Wm Fryor having formerly obtained e.n attr..ohment the es·cate ot Ml· J c,hn Mottrom for debt of 8 lb of beaver, whioh appea~s due by oath of Richard El:ri.rig~on and which was exeouted

aget goods in the hands of Thomas Deacon, eto 0

No.2. Entry mutilated. Ge.brell Smith arrested at suit of - Bridges ( prob Heroules Bridges) and not appearing "ordered ut sup"•

No.2. p,50 In dif betw Capt Ralph Wormley and Martin ,veaterling for debt as due to the estate of Lewis Conquest. Referred to ne:xt Court and that George Gray who is found to be a party to the differenoe to appear• witnesses to be produoed and the matter settled.

No.2. p.50 Order that Thos Wilkinson pay debt of 200 lb tobo due to Hugh Dowdy assignee of Wm Smote in 5 de.ya,

No.2. po50 John Sutton arrested at suit of Tho Lewin and not appea~­ ing "ordered ut sup"•

No~2• pe50 Tho Deaoo ( evidently Thomas Deaoon) ordered to pay debt of 234 lb tobo due Francis Whe-eler in 5 days.

Noo2• p.50 Dif betw Martin Wes+.erling pltf and Capt Ralph Wormley cert, for a me.n servant., to ne:xt Court. Westerlirig to give notioe to Mrs Mary Wormley who is joint exeoutrix with Capt Ytormley to appear.

No.2. p.50 Order that Charles Smith pay debt of 372 lb tobo due Wm Stookes in 5 days.

No.2. p.50 Charles Smith arrested to answer suit of Mr Rioh1 Lee and not appearing "is ordered ut sup". Notes This certainly is "Mr Riohs Leen in this entry. Not Kee. B.F.

No.2. p.50 Order that Francis Wheeler pay debt of 1046 lb tobo at the houee of Tho Chapman, within 5 days, to Joseph Hill, he being bound with said Chapman.

No.2. p0 50 Entry mutilated. The following names appear on fragment~~ "ny Tho Wilkinson Atturney of" and "that the said Hiolanan and Wea7~r" 24Y 34


No.2. po51 Mutilated. "Whereas xx was arrested to the Court to t.nswer :x :x of Sama Abbott and doth not a.pper It is orderei ut sup"

No~2. p.51 Edward Grimes arrested at suit of Wm Hawkins "and noe Aoo,:,n as yett appeing against him", Hawkins ordered to pay Grimes 40 lb tobo for charges and the oase ref to next Cour-~.

Noo2• p.51 Riohs Milborne arrested at suit of John Duncombe and not 0 appearing "ordered ut sup •

Noo2& p.51 Tho Broughton arrested at suit of Nicholas Brooke and not appearing "ordertt ut sup".

No.2. pe5l A long entry. By a proclamation of the last Assembly oertain oauaes at the Quarter Court were referred to the County Courts, Carbery Liggin having sued Charles Smith for 4500 lb tobo in the Quarter Court, and there being no County Court, a question arises of preoedenoy, several judgements already having passed againsi Smith1 a estatec Mote, The name shown in this abstract e.s Liggin, upon the assumption that it may be the old Virginia namo Ligon, may possibly be Kiggi~. One would have to tre.oe this individual to be sure, whioh I oannot attempt. B.F.

No.2. p.51 Lewis Burwell, admr of the estate of Francis Carter deo'd, ordered to pay a. debt of 300 J.b tt,bo for me.king the ooffin and other funeral charges, within 5 de.ya, which is due to Francis Wheeler.

Noo2• pQ51 Themas Heath to have an atte.ohment against the estate cf Joh:i Clark for 806 lb tobo. uthe said had many writts age.inst the said Clarke and he cannot be arrested''•

No.2. pa5l Order that Hercules Bridges pay debt of l726 lb tobo due to Sams Ab~ott the assignee of Thomas Beale within 5 days.

No.2. p.51 Entry mutilated. Capt Ralph Wormley to have an attachment against the estate or~ for 1800 lb tobo and 10 bbl of corn for ser­ vants• wages. !4Y 35


Noo2• pe52 Ml• Wm Pryor to have attachment agt est of John Holding for 800 lb tobo and 5 bbl oorn due Mr Rioh Lee for wages of a servant let to Holding by Mr Vrm Litlewood deod, and assigned to Mr Pryor and Mr Lee by Richs Kempe Esqr admr of the said Litlewood.

Noo2• p.52 Thoe Bassett arrested at suit of George Ludlow Esqr, not appearing "is ordered ut sup".

No.2. p.52 Wm Smote ordered to pay debt of 400 lb tobo due Jno Hutton within 5 days o

No,2. po52 Tho Hudson ordered to pay debt of 1500 lb tobo due from him and Thoa Todd to Thomas Wright, within 5 days.

No.2, po52 Edward Shelu'rdine owing debt to Thoma.a Deacon, assignee of John Earle, "by bill on hogg of tvroe hundred and fifty pownds or". Is ordered to pay Hogg or settle diffe:i.·ence in next Courte Note& This name Shelu'rdine. Or shall we say Sheluourdine. It appears on pages 56 and 57 as Chelmadine. Now how on earth are you going to pronounce it? Or spell it in the modern manner? My guess, just as good as yours, for yours is going to be a guess in the dark too, is 'Sheldon'. Not Shelton, not Skelton, not Selden - but Sheldon. B.F.

Noo2• p~52. Joseph Croshaw attorney of Wm Todd, ordered to pay debt of 600 lb tobo due Thos W'ilkinson within 5 days.

No~2, p,52 Dif betw John Broch pltf and Wm Light deft concerning goods claimed by Broch from Light, referred to next Court. Note: Once again there is a question of vrhat name this actually may be. Families named Broch and families named Brook may both be found in the telephone book in Richmond in 1945. Both are of old Colonial Virginine The writing in this original is so imperfect that it may be either - or i~ may be just another way of showing Brooke. All three families lived through the three centuries in the same section. And I might inadvetantly remark, with some slight contempt for eaoh other, I believe the Brooke family had some material advantage in the eyebrow lifting contest - but they are all very old in Virginia. B.F.

No.2. p.52 Richard Forde arrested o.t suit of Wm Suite and not appear­ ing is "ordered ut sup". Note, Once again the name Ford is exceedingly old in Virginia and recalls that one of the family was murdered shortly after 1700 in what is now King William County, then King and Queen Co, and in date of these reco:-ds, 1645, York Co. Disputes concerning the expenses· in the hanging of the murierer had to do with the recall of Governor Francis Nicholson. 24Y 36


No.2. p.52 Order that Wm Pitoher pay debt of 230 lb tobo due Thomas Deacon within 5 days.

Noo2. p.53 Order that James Harris pay debt of 8 bbl oorn due Robert Lendall within 5 days. The debt sworn to by Robt. Toud.

No.2. p.53 Order that Thos Sheppard pay debt of 200 lb tobo due Joseph Hill within 5 days.

No.2. p.53 Order that Tho Heath pay debt of 500 lb tobo due Nicholas Jurnew within 5 days.

No.2. p.53 Wm Burwell to have attachment agst whole estate of John Davis Junior for debt of 2500 lb tobo. Burwell to put in security to protect' the Court for damages that may arise.

No.2. p.53 Nicholas Brooke arrested at suit of Richard Belohamber and not appearing 0 is ord ut sup".

No~2. p,53 John Peade the attorney of Francis Browne confesses a debt of 348 lb tobo to Florentine Payne. Order that Browne pay John Merry­ man attorney of Payne within 5 days.

No~2. p,53 Riehd Bennett arrested to this and the last Court at the suit of Robt Blackwell and not appearin~, an order that he pay the debt due of 330 lb tobo. also Court charges 'and is in case of a Nihill 11 Dioitt ells exeo •

No,,2, po53 uraer that Henry Les and Robt Beuth pay debt of 1150 lb tobo due Richard BelohamberJ ells exece Also another order, The aame names. The entry mutilated, Also on p,54 an order regarding security for the two f·oregoing.

No.2. p.54 Order that John Wilson pay debt of 600 lb tobo and 4 bbl oorn due John Broch in 5 days.

No.2. p.54 Order that Wm Gautet atty of Robert Haud pay debt of 300 lb tobo due Elias Wiggrnore within 5 days. Notes These names may possibly be Wm Gantlet and Robert Hnnd. B.F. 24Y 37 1645

No.2, p~54 Order that Wm Smote pay debt of 854 lb tobo due Ashwell Ba~tin within 5 days.

No~2• p.54 Thome.a Sheppard to have attaohment agt estate of Thom~s Hnylea to aeoure a dert of 200 lb tobo paid by Sheppard for Hayles to Joseph Hi::.lo

Nou2• p,54 Order that Mathew F..alyatt pay debt of 950 lb tobo due to Frano is Mor ge.n~

Notes This name may be read 'Holyatt' and more than likely is actually Halgatt. Now pronounoe it as you please. For ina~anae 'Holdgot• - we all know people like that. Or perhaps 1Hellga.te' or 1 He!.loa.t' which would perfeotly deso~ibe some of my most beloved friendse B.F.

No.2. po54 Richard Milbo~ne arrested at suit of Heroules Bridges and not appearing 11 1s ordered ut aup'er".

No.2. p,54 Entry mutilated. Half torn away~ ,:,. :x was arrested to Court to answere the suite or x -w Wyate Adrur to John Clark :x :x ut sup" The transcript of 1894 shows this name as 'Edw', or as we would have it Edward Wyatt.

N~.2~ p.54 entry• .All names torn away.

No.2. p.55 "Whereas Thomas Waldoe was by the Churchwardens of the new Poquoson presented for an abuser of the Churoh and minister, and for not reoeiveing the saorement The Court doth therefore order him the said Waldoe to bring Certifioate under the hand of Mr Charles Grirees minister of the said parish of his reformation of the said abuses to tho next Court otherwise to be censured by the Court for 11 the srune • Notea The Colonial Church in Va. Goodwin. p.275. This entry prepared by Dr. a. MaoLaren Brfdon. Grymes, Charleso Admitted Sizar ( age 19 J at Pembroke College ( Cam­ bridge ) ., 1631. Son of - - of Ightham, Kent. Matriculated 1631. Mi:iis­ tor a.t York Pari~h, York 000 , as early as 1644. ( Va.. Hist. Mag. 1.345s April 1920 p 133; Nov, 1920. )

No.2. p,55 R1ohd Welle arrested at suit of Edward Woolly and there being no oause for aotion Woodly is nonauited and to pay oosts. 24Y 38


No.2. p,55 John Coleman arrested at suit of John Leake assignee or Gload Ge.rraud and not appea~ing ia ordered to pay Leake 20 lb tobo for non appearanoeo

No\)2. p 0 55 George Fo1·de ttr.a.ther in law and Gardian to John Saker sonn of John Sake.r deo" presents aooount for "the sooleing Cloe.thing Diett and other nesessarye oha:..·ges fo:r -'jhe eduoatic:.1 and keeping of_ the said John Sakers hi.a estaton. The e.oocunt amounb1.r..g t;, 2920 lb tobo. Also presents an aooount of his ward-:-s oatt:,.e. Coui ...b order that Ford havo all male cattle that falls from the stook in full satisfao­ tion of the aooount.

No~2. p,55 Thomae Chapman having made sufficient proof in Court that there is due to him 1200 ao1·es of land for transpor·cation of persons herounde~ named. The Court orders oertifloate be granted him for Vizt Tho Hinde Wm Payne Riohard North Henry Page Wm James Thomas Reynalds James Hurleston James Lewis Isaok Sander a on Thomas And:~·ewes Thomas Adkins Eli~i Smith Robert Smith Riche.rd Doyddn John Pl* Ralph Boyei­ Phillipp More Thoma.s Roahds Mary Greene R~oh King John Wallis Fi•ano is Hide Wm Longe Joh.n Bridges

No.')2. p 9 56 Bill. Dated 10 0et 16450 Wm Hockaday promisee to pay to Peter Simes 8000 lb tobo on or befo~e 10 Deo nexto Security being his whole esbate, servants, oattle, household goods, orop of tobaooo and oorn, eto~ Wi-i;i Robert Bouth Signed Wills Hockaday

No/)2. p 8 56 F of .4. 21 Deo 1645. Henery Brooke to Thos to 001:i.eot debts in Colony of Virginie.• \'Yi":;: S ignod Henery Brooke John x Sheirolife Robert Deuty 24Y 39


No.2. p.66 The following entry cancelled in the original and not ino:uded in the 1894 transcript. ".A. ·;;rue and perfect Inventory of the Estate of' Mr Francis Carter MeTohant deoeaaed Imp~s - bill or John Davis for 00546 lb Tobo Sr William Berokly his warrant the Reoeipt f' or 13542 " " eto. signed Lewis Burwell Admr

Noo2• pe56 Wm Todd authorizes Joseph Croshaw to confess judgt for a bill of 600 lb tobo due Thos Wilkinson. Dated 18 Dao 1645. Teste Thomas Beale.

Noe2• p.56 "To the right Worp'll the Comit'rs of Yorke Countie The humble petioon of Christopher S4:ioakes Sheweth that; William Light and Riohai•d Smith did beoome bound to your petition­ er Joyntly and severaly for the payment or eighteen hundred pounds of tobaooo and Caske", eto. The tobo to be pd 10 Nov last, The only par.znt 1 having beon. l hhd of 300 lb paid by "the said Smith be.for his death -,; Desires judgmt agst Light and the estate of Riohd Smith deoe de

No.2. p.56 "Mr Bouth. Whereas John Griggs hath arrested me and you at the sute of Richard Belohambe~ merohant my oooasion urgent at present that I oannot be at Court I desire you to present twoe notes to the Court", eto .., The entry is mutiJ.ated here. It continues II x :x Rebert: Lewis I would desir you to pay unto Edward Chalme.dine seven hundred and fifty pounds of tobaooo and oaske this my note shalbe your d!aoharge witnesse my hand" Dated - Oct 1644 Wi:b: Signed l1eorge GR Ruttland Ar YHllis

No.2~ p.57 P of A. 29 Oct 1644. George Ruttland. of "lin ha.ven 11 (Lynnhaven), planter, to welbeloved friend Edward Chelmadine to receive 750 lb tobo from Robert Lewis of Queens Creek, planter. W:tta Signed George :x Ruttland Thomas Ramsey 24Y 40 The will of Robert Bew. Noe2• po57

"Debts due from me Robert Bew being in full of' what I run indebted within this Colonie of Virg this 29th day of Ootobs 1645 Imprimis to Rioh Pe.smuoh 090 Tobo " to Capt John Chisman 320 11 to Herk Bridges what he shall demand justly " to Thoma.a Nlght inga.ll 120 n to Anthony Stanford for atrong watters " to William Pattison 020 I Robert Bew beinge sioke and weake in body but in perfeot mind and memorie doe make this my will and testament in manner and Forme Following Imprimes I doe commit my soule into the hands of allmighty God my Creator and my body to the dust from whence it Came. Impremes I do Bequeth my temporall Estate wholy and soly to my Brother Jeffry Bew ma.king him sole executor thereof ". He to pay above debts, etc. Dated 29 Oct 1645. Wit a Signed Robert Bew George Weaoombe Charles Smith

No.2. p.57 Petition of Joseph Croehaw. That in July Court he was sued by Mr Wm Frier for 6 bbl meal. That a settlement was proposed but not aooepted. M~ Nicholas Jurnew also being interested. That Mr Prior took out an exeoution to the injury of his eredit and he prays for a Jury to settle the difference.

No.2. p.57 Entry mutilated. The transoript of 1894 shows "To Henry Brooke meroht - A oravett agt the admr of the estate of' Eliz Popley widow. " 25 Jan 1645/6.

No.2. p,57 Entry mutilated. ttThomas Wilkin:!lon to answeare a sute" o "x x of December 1645". Signed Thom T Hiokman.

Noo2. p.58 11 John Meryman these are to desire you to get an order of Court against Francis Bro'Wl'l.e for 300 lb of tob1 and Caska and two yeares forbearanoe which cometh to 348 and Caska or elae - for the payment of it the next yeare and likewise one hundred and twelve pounds of tobaooo of Mr Sewell ther as Mr Hopkins note of the pertiok­ elers with his hand to it if past for it remembers it and likewise fiftie pounds of Tobacco from the Estate of' Mr Hanmore I paid him • hhd of Salt lost to him at play and after on the eame day at Kiquo­ tan I won fiftie pounds of tobaoo of him I pray doe these things for 24Y 41 1645

me at the ?awquoson and you shall oomma.nd me the like not other but reRt Aprill 21th 1645 Yours Florent' Payne "

No.2. p.58 P of A. 19 Dec 1645. Francia Browne to John Pead, to answer suit of John Meryman Testes Signed Francis Brovme John Pead Walter Gillard

Noo2• p.58 P of A. 9 Deo 1645. Wm Hodsson to Wm Browne to answer suit betw Mr. Prior and him. No witnesses shown Signed Willa. Hodsson

Nof,2. p.58 Deed. 20 Oot 1638. Thomas Curtice of the new Poooson in Virginia, planter, sells to Christopher Carlington of the same place, plantar, for 500 lb tobo in leaf, 100 aores at head of New Poooson River, adjcining the River on the north "and runing Sou-~h into the maine woods and by the land on the east side and on the west side the said Thomas Curtis his land wheron he now liveth and in habits 11 Wita Signed Thomas Curtice Johanes Carter his I marke Henery Jorda.ine

An agreement that Carlington shall pay the King's rent on the land to Signed Christopher Carlington Wi"~: his marke x Roger Sadler

Notes This name is clearly Carlington throughout these entries. But nevertheless I presume it should be Garlington just the same. B.F.

Noro2, p.58, Entry mutilatede The transcript of 1894 shows it to be an app:.raisa.l of the esta·ce of Riohd Winn, deceased, sworn in Court in De"J c, 1645 "Teste me Ro Boutht'.

No.2, p,59 Inventory of the estate of Edward Percifull, deoeasedD Dated 14 Deoombcr 1644. ( This date is pooeibly an error in the reoo~d and may be 1645 ), Total value 3292 lb tobo~ Signed Thomas Illes "Jure.t Co:,:-am me John :x Cla.ikson John Chew John Dauson John :x Smith Exhibited by Johanes Adyson 24Y 42 1645

No.2. p.59 Power of .kbty. 17 Deo 1645. This is headei "Dme Ro Bouth" • It is from Joseph Hillis to Jno Perrin to represent him in Court. Wit I Signed Joseph Hillis Will Grimes

No•2• pe59 Nathaniel Wa~ren his bill of 100 in Rowle James Ha~ris his bill for 120 in Rowle Mr Felgatte his bill for 620 Henery Lee his bill for 300 in Caeke Roger Sad!er his bill for 180 in Rowle William Light his bill for - 600. - in Ca21ke 1920 Power of Atty. 11 Maroh 1644/5. Henery Hedly- to Arthur lTioe to oolleot above aooounts~ Wita Signed Henery Hadlee Elia.a Vfe.gmore John Robison

Notes I'll be darned if Henery has'ent got as many little 'e's in his name as I have in mine. Beverley Fleet.

No 9 2. pe59 Mr Mcrgan his bill for 500 Caska J chu Feted his bill for 400 " Steven Gill his bill for 1200 11 Mr Gill his bill for 0350 " Rice Madox his bill for 0790 - - - 3240 Power or Atty. ll March 1644/5. John Robison to Arthur .Price to ool~eot above aooounts. Wita Signed John Robison George Rideell Jchn Inoe Henery Hedlee

No.2. pe59 Entry mutilated. The fragments show "Mr Robison reoeived of" Mr Ha.:rdege (?) 240, and 0 part of John Pettet his debt of 400 and Oe.ske0

Notee Thia fragment suggests that the name Pettit may have derived from this confusion or tongues here in York County. B.F. 24Y 43


Noe2• p1 60 Thomas Patman his bill for 60 Steven Gasler his bill for fowrene shillinge Mr Heath his bill for 330

Power of Atty. 11 Ma.rah 1644/5. John Inoe to .Arthur Prioe to oolleot above aooounts. Wit• Signet John Inoe Ja.aok Woose (Prob a Dutoh sailor. This fi~st :i.'lalii.a me.y be 'Iaack' or'Janak1 .)

Noe2• p.60 Receipt. 6 April 1646. Tho Jefferyea has received from Francis Wheeler the bills listet below to be oolleoted. Heroulea Bridges 1000 John Evens 0720 Thomas Ramsey 0980 Wm Ble.okes 0300 Mr Felgatts 0250 Thomas H~ldridgea of 0200 Denis Steevens 0100 It.• Deaoon and Robt A,brall 0380 Wm Coxe 0950 Wm Sawyer 0075 - .. - - 4755

Wi·~s Signed Tho Jefferyes John Hull Thome.a Ramsey

No.2. p.60 Reoeipt. 6 April 1646. Reoeived by Tho Ramsey, on a bill of Fre.nola Wh~eler, from Th~ Jefferyes and Thoe Best, 1600 lb tobo and oask, for whioh he will be aooountable. Wit: Signed Tho Ramsey Jrhn Hull Thome.a Jefferyea

No 9 2e p.6l The estate of John Saker sonne of John Saker deceased. Imprs t~ sooleing one yeare 200 lb tobo To 3 yda of stuffe at 60 per yd and makeing the suite 190 To 2 ells of Canvis for drawers and makeing 070 To 2 pare of shooes 090 To 2 shierts 040 (continued) 24Y 44 The est&te of John Saker, Junior, ( continued)

Te a M~nmo~rth Capp 050 lb tobo To e. lllel"k!ng Iron to mark the Catle 050 To~ yds or eotton and makeing his suite 100 To l pare of shooes 030 To sixe bar~ells of Corne for 2 yeares provision 660 To his soholeing one yeare more 150 To 5 yeares keeping his oatle being 12 head the first - 1200- - .. 2920 Actually adds up 2830 lb tobo. Then follows a list of the cattle, 23 head.

Noo2 9 p,62 ( Note• The page in the original we.a eaten away by the aoid in the ink right at this date. However I can make nothing but 1641 of lt. The 1894 transoript also has it as 16410 Deed. 11 January 1641/2• Capt Wm Brooas Esqr and Daniell Diok­ enson, both of the parish of York, sell to Tho Harryson, for 4000 lb _.~obo in leaf, 200 acres in parish and County of York, It being part ot a gi"eater traot formerly granted Brooas "Bubting and Bounr!ing nori.her1y uppon the lands of Niohc,.lae Martiau e.::ici Capt Rioha:r·d T¢wnshend~ w@sterly uppon the ma.yne woods the meaaureing bounds to begin easterly close adjoyning to a greate swamp and soe extending it self between two swamps untilJ. it meete with oerteyne markd Trees at the head of a run of' water oalled the Midle Swamp being the uttermost bounds of the said lande belor.ging to Brooas on that part late in the tenure of me the said Daniell Dickinson and my late brother John 11 Diohinscn ueoeased • eto. w1-r, Signed Wm Brooas Hen!";y Headly Daniell Dickinson ~ugust1n Hodges

No.2. pe63 Deed of Gift. 19 Feb 1645/6~ Edward Michell of the new pawquosan in the County of Charles River, planter, gives to Robert Sheild 2 oows • Wit& Signed Edward Mioheill Thomas Harrison John Rose

No.2. p.63 Deed. 27 Feb 1645/6~ Henry Brooke Jr, Gento, sells to Nicholas Brooke Senior of' London, metohant, 3 negroes ( 2 women and a child) for 5500 lb tobG• Wit• Signed Henry Brc--,ke Miohell Maisters Nicholas Brooke Jr 24Y 45

No.2. p.64 Bill. 9 Maroh 1645/6. Stephen Gill to pay Nioholae Brooke, ~e:i.·l'ht, 1150 lb tobo 101:;h Nov next. Wit~ Signed Steephen x Gill John Wyatt Thomas Wilkins on

No.2. p.64 Bill. 9 Maroh 1645/6. John Clyman to pay Nioha Brooke, meroht, 924 lb tobo loth Nov nexta Wit: Signed John Clyman Tho , Harr is on John Griggs

Noe2• pe64 Bill. 4 March :645/8. Michell Master to pay Nicholas Brooke senior of London, merorrb, 265 lb tobo on loth Oot ne:xts VHt I Signed Michell Ma!te,:e Nioho Brooke Junior Thomas Poynter

Noo2• pe64 Bill• 30 Me.rob 1646. Nioholae Brooke Jr to pay Nioholas Brooke Senior 300 lb tobo loth Dec next. Wi'bs Signed Nio Brooke Junior Michell Master

No.2. pe54 Entry mut1latei. Another bill of Nioho Brooke Jr to Nioho Brooke Sr for 4106 lb tcbo.

No.2. pe65 "Att a meeting b~ the Comit~e of the forres·c this 3d day of January 1645 ( 1645/6 ) Fresent Capt Samuell Mathew Capt Thomas Barnett Capt Wm Brooas Capt Ch~istophe~ Calthropp George Ludlowe Esqr. Mi· Rr_ wland Bu:•nhe.m Riohe.z-d Towi:-ser~d Mr k·thur Pri~e Mi· Pee·cer Redaley

No.2. po65 Order by the Committee that Geo~ge Ludlowe Eeq~ pay 50 lb powder to York County on demand.

No.,2~ p.65 Order by the Committee that Richard Townshend Es c;_:i:· pay 10 lb powder and 30 lb shot for use of York Co on demand. 24Y 46

Ne.2. pe65 ( 3 January 1645/6 ). Phillipp Thacker sworn underaheriff by Capt Riohd Townshend at request of Capt Wm Taylor the High ShGriff of this Count~. Signed Ro BouGh Clr

No.2 8 P•85 A Court for York 20 Jan 1645/6. Pras~nt Capt Nioholaa Martiau Capt J~hn Chisman Mr Robert Vaus M!- Wm ~•yor Mr Rowland Burnham Mr Franois Morgan

No.2. p.65 Order that Jeffery Power pay debt of 600 lb tobo due Mr Zaoray Cripps in 10 ciays.

No. p.65 Order that Tho Nightingale pay debt of 288 lb tobo.due to .Arthur Prioe the asRignee of Capt Henry FJ.eete within 10 days.

No.2. po65 Entry mutilated. This abstract is from the transcript of l894o Thos Harwood exor of estate of Christopher Bartlett ordered to pay a. debt.

No.2. pe66 Order that Martin Westerlin pay debt of 600 lb tobo due .Arthur Prioe within 10 days~

No.2. pe66 Wm Harefinok ordered to pay debt 400 lb tobo due Arthur Prioe within 10 days.

No 0 2. p0 66 Miohell Saturway ordered to pay debt 300 lb tobo due Riohard Evens within 10 days.

No.2. po66 Jno Stevens ordered to pay debt of 300 lb tobe to Capt Jno Chisman assignee or Henry Maggett wjthin 10 days. ( llote, The uncomfortable th◊ught eocnu•s •:;o me the:i; this may be CU!" old and vioJ.ent frieni Henry Hagg:e-tt. I£ se, he is reduced. to a horrid little bit of vermin here. BeF~)

No.2~ p~66 Order that Mr Nicholas Brooke Jr pay debt of 1700 lb tcbo and 3 ells of Lookrum, in all equal to 2000 lb tobo, due Se't,astian Hill, within 10 days. 24Y 47


No.2. _p.66 Order that Nicholas Brooke Jr, who is security for Humphrey Chaplin, pay debt of 537 lb tobo that said Chaplin owes to Thoe Gibson, or produoe Chaplin at the next Court,

No.2. p.66 Order that Tho Bassett pay debt of 911 lb tobo due Mr Wm Pryor a~ said Pryor's house within 10 days.

No.2. p.66 Entry torn aws.y. The 1894 transoript shows the name Edw Dare in the entry.

Noo2• p.67 Upon the oath of Edw Mikell it appears that Humphrey Hs.mure deoee.sed did owe the "ad Miohill" 427 lb tobo., 3 lb soap, 2 pr shoes and 7 pairs of Irish stookings. The Court orders the supervisors of the estate to pay. ( Note, A number of entries appear later, abt p.77 plus showing the name of the deceased, and evidently generous gentleman, as Humphrey Hanmore. B.F. )

No.2. p.67 Order that Nicholas Brooke pay debt of 700 lb tobo due to John Coleman within 10 days.

No.2. p.67 Order that Edward Woodly pay debt 200 lb t•bo due Edward Dare within 10 days.

No.2. p.67 Order that John Fownsey pay debt of 221 lb tobo due Riohd Beloha.mber.

No.2. p.67 A Court 27 January 1645/6. Present Mr John Chew Mr Rcwland Burnham Mr Robert Vaus Mr Richard Lee

No.2. p.67 Upon oath of Nicholas Brooke senior, merchant, Amos Johnson deceased owed htm. 18278 lb tobo. This appears from a letter under the he.nd of said Johnson whioh is acknowledged by Nioholaa Brooke Junior, the admir1istrato~ of Johnson's estate. Order that payment be with forbearance.

No.2. p.68. Order that Henry Brooke put in security in an appeal to the General Court in a dif betw him end Arthur - ( torn away) 24Y 48


No.2. p.68 Order that Ric~ard Duning pay balapoe of account amnunt• ing to 293 lb tobo due to Christopher Copeland within 10 days.

No.2. pa68 Order that Joseph Croshaw pay debt of 600 lb tobo due Thomas Basewell within 10 days.

No.2. p.68 Order that John Peteete pay debt of 360 lb tobo due Thos Nightingale within 10 days. ( Notea More and more as I work in these records do I believe that this impossible name is actually Pettito This very day as I write, I note that a gent ( in the modern sense, not gent+eman) is hauled up in the Polioe Court in Richmond in violation of the liquor laws, who bears this ancient Virginia name. It somehow sounds quite right to me. Incidentally the Nightingales sing no more in Virginia. B.F.)

No.2. p.68 Order that Walter Downes pay cebt or 247 lb tobo due to Wm Barber.

No.2. p.68 Order that George Gill, attorney of John Bede pay debt of 1000 lb tobo due Henry Tyler within 10 days.

No.2. p.68 Now present Cnpt Niohoias Martiau Mr Wm Pryor

No.2. p.69 Entry mutilated. Regards an aooount or 1125 lb tobo due - Prioe. Apparently from - Lee and - Burwell. ( Of course to Arthur Price from Riohd Lee and Lewis Burwell. )

No.2. P• 69 In dif betw Steeven Hamlin pltf and - Brooke and Henry Brooke defts for 7 hhd tobo, it is referred to a jury who award 1 lb tobo to derts.

No.2. p.69 Order that George Westoombe, attorney of Hercules Bridges, pay debt of 1231 lb tobo due James Eloott within 10 days.

No.2. p.69 Jeffery Poore to have attaohment against estate of George Hi€;g1ns for 600 lb tobo "in regard the said Higgins cannot be arrested by the Sherriff". 24Y 49


Nog2e p.69 Oroer that Thos Bassett pay debt of 300 lb tobo due Geo Ludlowe Es qro

No42. p.69 Thos Bushrode to have attaohmt agst estate of Vapt Thome.a Cornewall1s to aover debt of 3030 lb tobo.

No.2. p.69 Order that Geo Weaoombe attorney of Heroules Bridges pay debt of 257 lb tobo due to Mr John Chew.

Last entry torn away.

No~2. p.70 Entry mutilatedo Riohd Belohamber to pay Geo - 345 lb toboo And further that John Griggs attorney of Belohamber shall make paymt of the 345 lb tobo with 2 years forbearanoe.

No.2. po70 Dif betw James Rogers pltf and Mr Wm Pryor deft for the freedom of sd Rogers ref to a juvy., whioh hy verdict found for the deft. Rogers to serve 5 months from this date.

No.2. p0 70 Riohd Duning formerly obtained an attachment agst the estate of Francis Hardidge for 600 lb tob~., whioh was executed on the estate in the hands of Nicholas Jurnew. etoo

No 0 2. p.70 Order that GeoWestoombe attorney of Heroules Bridges pay debt of 1500 lb tobo and 6 bbl corn due Mr Richard Lee within 10 clays•

Noo2• p.70 Entry mutilatedo The same names appear as in foregoing ent~y. The amt of debt 267 lb tobo•

No~2o p~7l Nioholas Dale axor of estate of Ralph Watson ordered to pay debt of 1000 lb tobo "for Phyioke administe~ed xx in the ty1ue of his sioknes" to Richard Dunning.

No.2. p.71 Order that Wm Smote pay. within 10 days. oo~n and cloth­ ing to George Codd who has served his time~ he, Smote, being Goad's last master. 24Y 50


No,2e P•71 Order that Geo Wesoombe attorney of Heroules Bridges pay debt of 1250 lb tobo due in 1644 to Anthony West withfn 5 days.

Capt Niohs Mll.rtiau absent

Noa2• pe71 Wm Hookaday having arrested Joseph Mosely to this Court and hath no prosecution agst him ia non suited.

No.2. p.71 A Court 3oth January 1645/6 • Present Capt John Chisman Mr Robert Vaua Mr Row Burnham Mr Rioh Lee

No.2. p.71 Order that Christopher Allen pay Thos Man assignee of Miohell Peasley a debt due of 350 lb tobo.

No.2. p.72 Entry mutilatei. Henry Tyler who was security for Ralph Eaten ordered to pay deb, of 4 bbl oorn to Steven Gill.

No.2. p.72 Riohd Beetle was arrested to answer suit of Lewis Burwell assignee of Luke Billington. He failing to appear, Thos Peach, his security, ordered to produoe him or pay the debt.

No.2. p.72 The estate of Ralph Watson deed being 4ndebted to Joane Floyne 300 lb tobo and 4 bbl oorn, the Court orders that Nicholas Dale, the exe~utor, pay within 5 days. Note& The name Teage Floyne appears in the early Lancaster Co reoords, he being of Fleets Bay~ It is possible that Joane Floyne nursed the Rev. Mr. Watson in his last illness and wanted to go home - hence ~he order for immediate payment from the estate, which was perfectly good for it. B.F.

No.2. p.72 John Sutton arrested for debt of 300 lb tobo and one steer 3 yrs old, due Hercules Bridges assignee of Christopher Allen, and not appearing, order that John Dawson senior seourity for Sutton, produce him at the ne:xt Court or pay the debt.

Noci2• p.72 Tho Sheppard arrested at suit of Miohell Rooe who did no·c proseoute him. Rooe therefore non suited. 24Y 51


No.2. p.72 Henry Brooke ord~red to pay 1000 lb tobo to Thomas Cater for aer·f'ioes done, within 5 days•

No,)2• po72 Mutile.tedo Fre.grtents show "- Riohs.rdson shall ha.7a an attachment" amd "Geo Higgins e.s will be suffioient"

No.2. p.73 Order that Thos Broughton pay debt of 20 shillings ( or 240 lb tobo) due Tho. assignee of Nicholas Brooke Junior, with• in 6 days. (Note& Whioh shows the prioe of tobaaoo at that date, B.F.)

"Mr Fre.nois Morg&n present"

No.2. p.73 Order that .Anthony Parkhurst r,e.y in 5 days debt "by bill beareing date the 15th day of January 1643 1 for 6554 lb tobo, due to Henry Brooke merchant. This being the remainder of e. greater sum due to be pd in 1644, Parkhurst having bount over his whole estate in security. Also Parkhurst is further iniebted to Brooke 1300 lb tobo whioh Brooke ~udertook to pay to Geo Hopkins late deceased, eto.

No.2. p.73 Order that Anthony Parkhurst pay debt of 320 lb tobo due Thomae Bushrode in 5 days.

No.2. p.73 Order that Diotoris Chrismas pay debt of 300 lb tobo due Tho Bushrod attorney of Henry Hawley and Ma.thew Bassett within G dayso Notes One oa.nnot but wonder what on earth a person with suoh a name as Diotoris Chrisme.s looked like! - however a relief from the eternal William, Thomas• Henry and Mary that our anoestors used for no other purpose than to oonfuse modern genealogists. B.F.

No.2. p.73 Present Geo Ludlowe Esqr Capt Richard Townshend

No•2• po73 The last entry destroyed.

No,2. p.74 'twhereas there was due to Thomas xx xx The Court doth therefore order that xx x oolleot the said tou and oorLe from the said fowerteene Mr Robert Vaus and his familye being seaven of them and hath satiafaoon of on halfe of the said we.iges to the said 24Y 52


Tho Gibson of whom the Sherr is to reoeive the same baoke again and t~e remaynder from the rest of the said fowerteene which tob is to be disposed of for the other publique uses and servis allready done by men whoe have as yet not been appoynted payment for there said servia Vizt to Robert Halsey in the first place his sallery due for his servis done in 1644 att the Midle plantatio~ Garrison"

No.2. p8 74 Order that the Sheriff shall appraise sufficient from the estate of Franois Browne to pay a debt of 348 lb tobo due John Merry­ man, and Browne to be clear from an exeoution for that amount aoocrd­ ing to Aot of Assembly. Browne's estate consists of "a plantation for three yeares on oow one Bedd ooverlett and Boulster one pott and pestle1

No.2. p,74 Absent Mr Ludlowe and Capt Townshend.

No,2. p.74 Order that Francis Finch pay debt of 385 lb tobo due Tho Bushrood attorney of Mathew Baesett and Henry Hawly within 5 days.

No.2. p.14 Francis Beetle arrested to answer suit of Tho Bushroode who did not prosecute, Order that Bushroode be non suited and pay 100 lb tobo to &eetle.

No.2. p.74 Present Geo Ludlowe esqr Capt Richard To'Wl'lflhend esqr

No.2. p 0 74 Difference betw Mr Ambrose Harmor, Admr of Tho Freeland dec'd, and Eliz• Hopkins, Admrx of George Hopkins deo'd, for debt is referred to the next Quarter Court.

No.2. p.74 In difference betw Abraham Turner plaintiff and Thomas Chapman deft, conoorning cattle and goods, Chapman appeals to the next Assembly for trial and is ordered to put in security.

No.2. pe74 entry half torn away. The name Joseph Croshaw appears and "refferred to the next County Court"

No.2. p.75 Order that EdwWoodly pay debt of 390 lb tob~ due• Hamor within 5 days. 24Y 53 1645/6

No.2. p.75 Francis Willis we.s arrested to answe~ suit of Wm Whitby who did not prosecute, Whit'!3y non suited and ordered to pay Willie 100 lb tobo.

No,2. p.75 Joseph .Preston admr of est of Wm Baulke deceased was arrested to answer suit of Wm Whitby who did not proseoute. Whitby non suited and ordered to pay Preston 50 lb tobo.

No.2 9 p.75 A Court 31st January 1645/6. Present Capt John Chisman Mr Franois Morgan Mr Ro'be:-t Mr Riche.rd Lee

11 No.2. p.75 "oertifioe.te to Robt Bouth 300 le.nd • This written on the bias on the page and no further notation oonoerning it.

No.2. p.75 Order that Riohd Wyate pay debt of 457 lb tobo due Tho. Bushroode the assignee of Robert Goodman and Attorney of Mathew Bassett and Henry Hawley within 5 days~

No.2, p.75 Whereas there was a suit commenced in this Court agst Clark for 2559 lb tobo due to Robert Brasheire, by order of the Governor and Council in 1640 for t~iale Clark ~hen appealed to the next Quarter Court. He is or;~erod to put in security and "to pay Dou1tle Damages in he be cast in the said suite aoool"ding to Aot".

No.2, p.75 Mr Wm Pryor ordered to appear and answer suit of Joseph Cr-0sha.w.

No.2. pe75 The last entry on this page destroyeds

Noe2• p.76 Eiward Adoooke to be pd 50 lb tobo for attending 3 days as a witness for Joseph Croshaw agst Mr Robt Vaus.

No,2. p.76 Jno Merryman attorney of Peter Walkington impleaded John Clarkson for renewal of a former judgmt agst Clarkson for 2575 lb tobo at a Quarter Court at James Citty the 15th of Aprill 1640, Clarkson olaime payment and says he will bring proof to next Court. 24Y 54 1645/6

No.2. p.76 That Abraham Turner obtained an order or this Court in Sep~ 1644 agst Thos Chapman for 240 lb tobo and l hhd whioh is not yet paid. Chapman ordered to pay within 5 dayso

N~.2. p.7~ "A caveat entered by the supervisors of Humphrey Hamnors estate against the quietus of the administrators of Wm Baulkes estate"

No.2. p.76 A Court "February the seoound l"a.y" 1645/6. Present Capt Nicholas Martiau Mr John Chew Capt John Chisman Mr Riohe.rd Lee

No.2. p.76 ttwherea.s Thomas Deacon did formerly agree with the Commissioners of this County to ereot build and finish a prison for the County after suoh manner e.nd forme as in the said. ag:i·eemen·t uppon record at large may a.ppee.r and for e.s muoh e.s the said Deacon as yett not performed the same aooording to hia agreement this C~urt doth therefore order that the said Dee.con shall within one m~unth ne:rl finish the said prison at his owne cost and charges in respect he hath reoeived full satisfaoon for the same aooording to the agreement and for his default herein the Sherriff to take him into his oustody and to detayne hi~ without bayle or mayne prise till the said Prison shal­ be finished aooording to his former agreement".

Note, If there was such an agreement entered upon the records, then this entry plainly shows that some of the early records of York Co. were lost. B.F.

Present Mr Robert Vaus. Mr Row: Burnham

No.2. p.76 Last half of this entry worn away. It has to do prison rules. "his said offence during the tyme of his imprisonment lye in irons".

No.2. p.77 xx "that Humphrey Hanmor did by Will give to every on of his supervisors and to there wives the sume of twenty five shillings 11 to buy eaoh of them a !inte • The Court orders payment from the estate. 24Y 56 1645/6

No.2. P• 77 x :x "that Humphrey Hanmore did by his last will give unto John Griggs howae and growna for his life in the old feilds as also twoe sowes". Order that the legaoy be paid.

No.2. p.77 xx "by the will ~r Humphrey Hanmore deo that he gave unto the wife of Arthur Seawell twenty five shillings for a ring". Order that tho legacy ne paid Mrso Seawell.

No.2. p.77 Mutilated. A long entry. That Mr Wm Pryor admr of the est of John Soalos and Edw Jorden sued Robt Bouth for 2300 lb tobo~ Bouth produood an aooount with Soe.les and Jorden showing payment. The.t by oaths of Tho Wilkinson and Peter Richardson and also some part allowed by Wm Hockaday attorney of said Pryor. Order that Bouth be cleared of the aooount.

No.2o p.77 "Whereas there is due to Thomas Beale late Sherr of this County since last yearo aeverall sumes of tobacco of Leveyes and feos yott not reo". A Court order that Mr Beale cannot receive the levies or fees but that they be oolleoted by tho present Sheriff or his deputy and that he collect from them.

No.2. p.77 Mutilated. "The Court doth grant a. commission of x x on the estate of Ralph :x :x x security to tho Court for the x x :x"

No.2. p.78 Thos Dee.con ord.erod to pny Richard Belohe.mber deltt of' - hundred lb tobo within 10 days.

No.2. p.78 By will of Humphrey Hanmore he gave a sow to Jno Madison. Order that tho legacy be paid.

No.2. p.78 Order that Charles Smith pay dect of 2116 lb tobo, it being unpai« balance of 2516 lb tobo due Thos Deaoon, within 10 iays.

No.2. p.78 Augustine Warrnor arrested by Ann Caudlier widow to James City, and there referrei to this Court. She not appearing to prosecute is non suited.

No.2. p.78 Order that Charlos Smith pny Tho Deacon, within 10 days, a debt due of "three ells of cmnvis on of' shooes of tho tcnns and 340 size penny noules". 24Y 56 1645/6

No.2. p.78 Supervisors of the esta.~e of Humphrey Hanmore deeea.sed arrested to Quarter Court to answer suit of D~vid Foxe. The suit ref to this Court. Foxe not appearing is non suited.

No~2• P• 78 Mutilated. The dif betw Lewis Burwell admr of the estate cf Francia Carter deceased, plaintiff and Joseph Croshaw referred to a Jury trial. The name of Robt Bouth appears in the entry.

No.2. pG79 Mutilated. This is greatly to be regretted for very likely this 1s a bequest of early Churoh silver in Virginia. However all we have iss "Whereas Humphrey Hanmore did by xx :x :x x parish Church of the New Pawquoson parish :x x :x x five pounds price". The balance of the entry being an order that the supervisors of the estate pay the legaoy.

Note& Now during the Colonial Period all wills of any estate in value in excess of L 5. must be filed in duplioate in the Prerogative Com·t of Canterbury. No, they were not destroyet. Having been kept for man] years at Somerset House, London, they were removei at the noginning of this -wa.r and stored in the Welsh ooal mines. Now many of our Colonial Virginia wills, the original reoords ~estroyed here, simply must be thero. B.F.

No.2. p.79 Mutilated. Half torn away. Seems to be that Mr Francis Morgan, arrestod to answer suit of Mr Robt Vaus for 700 lb tobo, is ordered to pay.

No.2. p.79 Mutilated. Half torn away. Refers to and appears to be an ordor that Nicholas De.le executor of - Watson, pay an a/o of 257 lb tobo.

No.2. p.79 Mutilated. Refers to - Hopkins admrx of her late husband.

No.2. p.79 Mutilated. Half gono. Refers to Humphry Hanmore having in his will left a silk oarpot to Mrs Margaret Chisman, and aooording to other like entries, the supervisors of the estate ar~ order6d to pay.

No.2. ~utilated. Tho remaining words are meaningless.xx xx "confessed. the 26th of January 1645"•

No.2. p.80 Mutilatei. :x :x ,: "John Chisman ani Mr Wm Pryor". 24Y 67 1645/6

No.2. p.80 Mutilated. :x :x x "oonfessed a judgment to Henry Brooke for three thousand c xx and oaske to be paid with Court oharges with­ 11 in 10 d.ayes •

No,2. Mutilated. :x ,: "oonfeesed a judgmt to Arthur Price e:Lto?'ney of John Ince". Thia name Inoe open to question. In the original it ia as though it were 'Ino'e' possibly even 'Juo'e'.

Noe2e Mutilated. :x :x :x "confessed a judgement to Arthur Prioe for s i:xteene'' :x :x :x •

• No.2. p.80 Mutilated. x :x :x "before Mr John Chew 1fr Rowland Burnham :x :x x George Wesoombe oonf'essed a judgement to Rioe Row" :x :x :x. This name shovm here as Row is shown in the 1894 transcript as 'Rice Love'. It may well be that, or 1Rioe Law'~ It is really impossible for me to decide definately. B.F.

No.2o Mutilated, :x x 11 oonfessed a judgment to Thomas Vaus f'or three hundred11 xx :x.

No.2. p.80 Mutilated. :x x "oonfessed a judgmt to Thomas Dea.con for nine hundred :x :x tobaooo"11

No.2. po80 Mutilated., :x :x :x "Confessed a judgmont to Capt Ralph Wormeley f'or '' :x :x :x.

No.2. p.80 Mutilated. :x :x "Confessed e. judgement to Niohola.s Clarke for.nine :x :x tobacco" :x x :x.

No.2. Mutilated. x :x ''confessed a judgment to John Robinson for seaven :x x pounds of toba.000 11 x :x :x.

No.2. p.80 Mutilated. :x x "a judgment to Nicholas Sebriell for five hundred x :x :x of tobaooo" :x xx.

No.2o p.BO Mutilated. :x x "confessed a judgment to Thomas Harrnood :x :x x Me.thew Hawkins Junior for two thousand six x " x x Xo

No 0 2. Mutilated. x :x "oonfessed a judgment to Rowland :eurnham :x :x po'W?lds of tobe.coo". 24Y 58 1645/6

No.2. Mutilated. :x x :x "judgment to Thomas Deacon for" x-x :xo lfo~2• p.81 Hali torn away and dif'f'ioult to read. The following items~ eeperate entries, ooouri "George Leake confessed a judgment to Thomas" :x xx. "Rice Maddoxe confessei a judgment to" xx x.

No~2• p.81 Mutilated. January the 28th aefore Capt Nicholas M-. ''Bartram Oberd confessed a juigment to Capt H-". x Xo Notes For Bertram Obert or Hobart see Va. Colonial Abstracts. Vol.l.

No.2. p.81 Mutilate•• "Christopher Copeland as security for Henry :x x a judgment to Thomas Curtis for three" xx x.

No.2. p.81 Mutilated. "Nicholas Clarke and John Coleman oo- :x :x x Riohs Belohe.mber for twelve humired -" x x x.

No.2. p.81 Mutilated. "Charles Smith confessed a judgmt to Nicholas" X X Xe

Mutilated. "Eliza Hopkins confessed judgment to Thomas -"

Noe2o p.81 Mutilatet. "Thomas Sheppard confessed a judgment to-"

No.2. po81 Mutilatei. "Geo Wosoombe confessed juigment to Wm•"

No.2. p.81 Mutilatei. "Edward Roberts confessed a judgment to -"

No.2. p.81 Mutilated. "Stephen Gill oonfcssei a juigment :x x x of tcb and aaske to Francis Wheeler" :x :Xe

Mutilated. "Charles Smith confessed n judgmt" :x :x :x.

Mutilated. "Rioe Maddo:xe confessed a judgment" x ,: :x. 24Y 59 1645/6.

No.2. p.81 Mutilatei. "Robert Jmes confessed a j- :x x Steephen Gill for 300 lb :xx". Notes Now here is a name open to any kind of an argument. The transcript of 1894 shows it as 'Inns', which it certainly is not. The best guess that I oan make is that it is 'James' written in the cockney method of pronunciation. It is subject to oorreotion in any interpretation. B.F.

No.2. p.82 Mutilated. x :x "oonfeased a judgment to Hugh Rookes for 300 lb tobo: and -'' o :x :x x. Notes For Rookes see records of County Kent, England• B.F.

No.2. p.82 Mutilated. xx "confessed a judgment to Denis Steevens for" x Xe

No.2. p.e2 Mutilated._ :x x "oonfessed a juigment for 308 lb ~obi and oaske to John •" x x x.

No.2. p.82 Mutilated. x x "confessed a. judgment to Charles Smith for three ... -" x :xx.

No.2. p.82 Mi.-rtile.ted. x ~ "oon.fesaed judgment to Richard Duning for five•" :x :xx.

No.2. pe82 Mutilated. :x :x "confessed a judgment £'or 300 lb tob and oa.ake to be x,: x -a.a Ramsey within five de.yes with Court Charges".

Note: Rev. Ralph W~tson. The following mutilated entries have to do with the settlement of the estate of the Rev Ralph Watson. In Coloniul Churor in Virginia, p.314, Goodwin, but these notee prepared by Rev. Go MaoLaren Brydon, thisJ "Of County Derby, cler. fil. Brasenoee College, Oxford. Matriculated January 28 1619/20. Age 17. B.A., November 22 1621. Rector, Trusley, County Derby, 1629. Died in York County in 1645",

No.2. p.82 Mutilated. x x "just inventory of the goods oe.tles and ohatles of Ralph x :x x taken and apprased the 22th Day of Janua.r-y 1645" A list of 21 items follows. Then nExhlbit' 1n Cur Count Ebora secoundrcl cie feb, se.,_ s io per sacrament Niohs Dale Ano 1645"

No.2. pe83 Mutilatei. Half torn away. Is a continuation of inventory of the Rev. Ralph Watson submitted by Nioholae Dale. Refers to 30 great 24Y 60 1645/6 books and about 50 books, "x x of them being lattin bookes". That is about 50 Latin books. The name of Mr. Grimes appears oonoerning them. Then follows a list of de~ts due the estate, "Speoialtyes Due to the estate" Robt Todd by - ( Amounts torn away down the page) John Thoma.a by bill Mr Hugh ~Nin by bill John Cle.r~son ~y bill Charles Smith by bill Er.ward Grimes Richard Smith Abraham English Me.rtie.u Ralph Horsely John Holding John Clarkson

A note written in margin 11 Some small quantity of Tob, and Corne due for by those in the parish which the Church Wardens have not as yet given any aooot of"

The inventory inoludes "one blake serge suite one old frize suite and one fooke and a pair - twoe yearda of ble.oke serge0 eto.

No.2. p.84 Estate of Rev. Ralph Watson oontinued. Inoludes1 11 x :x and 3 Lodgings in James Citty Nova Court 1645 108 e.nd fees to Mr Bouth 080

No.2. p.85 Inventory taken last day of Oot 1645e A long list of items • 0 .At bottom of page "Jurat' Coram John West •

No.2. p.86 Completely fillei with list of debts due 1643 and 1644. The names are most unfortunately torn away exaepting, - Corbell by bill 0011 ~ and Geo Gill by bill 0034 Edward Jord.a.n by bill 0500 No.2. p.B7 List of debts due the estate of Rev. Ralph W~tson. (oontinued) Thomas Heath by bill .Amounts all torn away. Capt Rioh Poopely by bill John Spencer Edwar'1 Thoma.a Gi bs on John Bell Wm Crouch Ashwell Batten Wm Ba.tea ( o ont inued ) 24Y 61 1645/6 List of debts due the estate of the Rev, Ralph Watson, deod (oontinued)

No.2. p 87 Themas Henley Amounts all torn away. Wm Gantlett ( this name may be Ga.utlett) Joseph Croshaw and for his bey Niokc Sebriell John Wayne Robert Wilde Leift Steelwill Martin Westerling 4 persons Capt Poopeley 15 persons Saxe John Thacher Humphry Allen Thomas Parnell John Peynter Richard Wells George Leake Geos Viya.te Rebera Wallis Fr, Peale Thomas Watson John Neler John ~lverley (Calverley) J~hn Perrin Furnew for his wifes buriall in the C- ( this name prob Jurnew) Jeerye Beery ( this name IDAy be Jeorge Beerg) John Utye Robt: Beuth Robert Lonyham ( this name prob Longham although plainly written Lonyho.m) Richard Milborne Richard Mayor ( this name is eertainly Richd Major - whioh only goes to show the difficulty in reading these York reoords ) Jarvis Pilling ( possibly Pillivy an~ possibly later as Follin, as there was a John Follin in York 1656. This name also appears as Jarvis Pellum on page 195. ) Hugh Alden R!.ohard Wm. ( Subjeot to oorreotion - possibly Win. ) John Hartwell No.2. Hns a wide strip torn awuy down the margin. Half of enoh name is gone. The list continues the sums due the estate of Rev. Ralph Watson. - Hopkins 0049 - Henshaw 0053 - Croshaw by bill 0650 - Norer (7) by bill 0094

(continued) 24Y 62 1645/6 Sums due the estate of Rev. Ralph Watson 9 continued)

-aley and Fr Jorden by bill 1200 -a.lo estate do 0320 - Carters es·bate 0265 - Wee~erling - Caske at 0200 -iaR Whi'beheada 0375 -s He.L·dige 0080 ••ry Brooke 0300 -y Brooke for Robt Wallis 0300 •Y Brooke for Mr Parkhurst 1300 - Poopeley tythes 1644 0265 -ohn West by aoo 't 1528 .. .. - - 15488

No.2. p.88 Reoords in the settlement of the estate ~f the Rev. George Hopkins, deceased. Of him we know praotioally nothing. Perhaps he oame ove~ betw 1618 and 1623. There were two of the name. One at Oxford 1634 an.done at Cambridge 1598-1600. The name appears to have continued in Virginia. These entries are mutilated - the page torn down lengthways. ~ue to the estate of Geo Hopkins Deo' 1644 - 84 tytheable persons at 1 bushell per poll is 56 barr, 4 bush. Rioh: Hopk1ns 02 Niohr. Jurnew 03 - Phillipps 02 - Peale 00 1 bu • Carter 03 - Vaus 02 4 - Westerling 01 l -rd 11/iagor 00 3 - -iutlett 03 - .Allen 01 l - BurrJwes 00 1 - Win. 00 1 -hn Hartwell 00 1 -r Pitchfork 00 l 00 1 - -rnham 01 1 -d Beetle 00 1 00 3 - 00 l - 00 3 -... 01 - 03 3 ( oontinued) 24Y 63 1645/6 Itema due the estate ot Rev. George Hopkins, deoeased. ( oontinued)

No•2• p.89 from Peeter Bassill 00 • (page torn a-way here) from Tho• 01 - from Thomas Henshaw 00 - from Thomas Peaoh 00 • from Elias Richardson Ol .. from Edwa Wad.e 00 -. from Richard Harrison 00 .. from Clu-istopher Aabott 00 -

Lost by 30 persons the yeare 1644 being souldiers at Midle plantation and others run away out of the parish (Notes This item is not exaotly a 100% boast of heroes, B.F.)

No.2, p,89 Tobaooo paid out of the estate of Geot Hopkins Cler dec'd - - - Hopkins widdow and Administratrix of Geos Hopkins - - - 164- Imp'rs paid Capt John West Esqr for diett 3 yeares - one yeare for mr Hopkins and on yeare for himaelfe and wife - yeare for himselfe wife and tvroe servants for one steere paid Capt West for his funerall - for one heifer twoe yeares old Due to one of Capt Wests negroes and paid Capt West for it - paid Martin Westerling - paid Thomas Ramsey for a coffin and takeing upp the - in the Church to make his grave there - paid John Wayne • more paid John Wayne - paid Ralph Green for looking and bringing home - belonging to the deo estate - pa id Wm Hodgson - paid Joseph Croshaw for Thom.a.a Deaoon • paid John Hammon for Wm Sawyer .. paid Joseph Croshaw for the use of Joseph - - paid for the Caska due to Sawyer and Moseley - paid Henry Beech on hogd tob • paid Mr Robt Wilde - paid more to Mr Wilde • to Thomas Pea.oh - ... - ( illegible) - •• Transcript of 1894 shows this as "pd Wm Taylor")

No~2• p 8 90 Page torn away dovm outsite edge. - -ansford on hoghd tob and oaske ( this name prob. Hansford) 0325 - Weave~ 0810 - Lee for Phisioke 0206 -n Broch 1260 -en Gill for Diett Lodging Phissioke and Attendance in the tyme of his sioknes 1000 (oontinued) 24Y 64 1645/6 Items due the estate of Rev. Geos Hopkins, deceased, (continued)

No.2. p,90 Torn away down the outside edge.

- -ynhoe for supplying the Cure of the parish from - of the deo'ts Dea till Chrismas (Rev.Wm. Caynhooe) 0600 • funer sermon 0100 - Charges of letters of Adminstr 0065 .. County Clerke 3 pounds peroent on the Inventory 0460 -arges expended at Towne to gett Adminst 0100 .. Wheeler 0110

- 17159---

- - acoo't of Corne paid out of the estate of Geo Hopkins deed be.rrells Mr Wm Caynhooe 10 Robt Wilde for his wages being Clarke of the parish 15 -ephen Gill (Stephen Gill) 10 Francis Wheeler 10 John Foster Sexton - Robert Bouth for findeing out what. and tobi rests due from the parish 1643 10 Capt Rioha Townshend 01 • Wm P-~yor 07 - John Chiem.o.n 06 -hn Chew 01 - -- - - 45 by Eliza Hopkins X X :X Audited l Deo 1645 by Jnmes Corbett. ( This name exceedingly difficult to ·rend, It may be Cockett or whatnot.)

No.2. pe91 Release, Part torn away. 19 August "the 21st yeare of the raigne of our sov' xx Charles of England". Releases - of Virginia from all debts, bills, eto. This person being "Tobias Dy-xx :x and haberdasher of London". Wit1 Signed Tobias D- The first name illegible, It :may possibly be "Francis Moniuex'' Wm Brame John Perrott

No.2. p.91 Most of this entry torn away. The part remaining all but illegible. It has to do with the sale of 2 cows to Thomas Gib-, prob from Capt Richard Popeley. In the original the witnesses names are torn awe.y but the 1894 transcript shows them as Thomas Smalloomb and Thomas Hee.the 24Y 65 1645/6 nc.2. pe92 Will or John Baxter. Dated "tenth of Deoember a.t night". Frobated 6 January 1645/6. All goods to Eliza Clarke. Liate debts due him as follows• Thomas Beale 300 and odd John Pellam 160 Charles Smith 90 Mr Lee a pair or shoes Francis the Frenchman a pair of shoes. Wits Signed John Baxter John Peade His marke Francis Brovm.e

No.2. pe92 Mutilated. Bond. 1st Maroh - (year torn away). Christopher Allen stands bound to Rich - for 700 lb tobo and 3 bbl corn. Allen being bound with Charlas Smith. Wits signed Charles x Smith ... Wesoombe • Barthelmew

No,2. p.92 P or A. 26 May 1645 (the year open to question, the page betng mutilated here). 0 - to George Wesoomb to answer suit agst him.

No.2. p.93 P of A. 7 April 1646. Richart Glover or Amsterdam, meraht, to w~lbeloved freind - Lee of York in Virginia to oolleot de~tB• Wit.l signed Richard Glover Jamea Besouth Edwa Louioton ( this name actually illegible) Ralph ;x Gr9ene

N0,2 1 pa93 Bill. 28 Maroh 1646. Sams - to Riohd Glover, mercht• 4400 lb tobo to be pd 10th Oot next. Witnessed by James Besouth.

No.2. p.93 Original entry praotioally destroyed. The transcript of 1894 shows it to have been a bill aated 4 April 1646 to Richd GloveF, 2000 1~ tobo• Signature missing, Wit by Riohd Lee.

No.2. pa94 Bill. 15 Jan 1645/6. Franois Ceeley binds himself to pay Riohd Glover, meroht, 600 lb tobo on 1st Sept 1646. Wits Signed the mke of Augustine Warner Francis FC Ceeley John Duncombe Ceeley likewise binds himself an additional Duncombe. ~anois Willis. James Besouth. 24Y 66

No.2. p.94 Bill, 16 Jan 164B/6• Franois Ceely "of the parish of the C6'unty of Yorke" binds himself to pay to Riohd Glover, meroht, 2350 lb tobo, on 10th Nov next. His whole estate bouna in security. Wit: a ignea "S ignum F C Augustine Warner Frs Ceely the seale11 John Duncombe

No.2. p.94 Entry prAotioally destroyed. Appears to be a bill of Robt Holte of James City to Riohd Glover. Detail. dates, eto. torn away.

No.2. p0 95 A list of bills and debts due Riohard Glover of .Amsterdam, merchant, left with Richard Lee in Virginia April 7th 1646e (Notes The name written here is Rioharc Kee just as plain as day. It no doubt is Riohari Lee - but still it is written Kee. B.F.)

Sr Wm Berkeley by bill w1th Caske (Amounts all torn away) George Ludlowe Esqr ay bill with Caske l4r Samuell Abbott by bill with Caska Franois Ceeley by twoe bills with Caska Capt Bridges Freeman by bill with Caske Augustine Warner by bill with Caska Mr Robert Holte Capt Ralph Wol9mley Steephen Gills bill resting thereon about Fra.nois Coole Robert Kinsey George Se.ughier Mr John Chew William Light Mr Richard Lee ( or Kee 1) Rowland Vauhan Mr Nicholas Brooke Junior Mr Wm Brooke Senior e.nd Junior Mr Henry Brooke by .Arbitration and e.oo't Mrs Mary Minifee b_y e.oooumpt Wm Hinde per aooompt with Caske For all fifty seaven thowsand ninty fower pownds of tobaooo with Caska per me Riohard Lee Wittnes James Besouth Niok Satturthwaite

No.2. p.95 Jeed, 23 of - - (month and year torn away 1n original \ut traneoript of 1894 shows Feb 1645/6) R1ohard Lee sells Edward Yarrow son of Edward Yarrow deod, a brown cow and calf. Provision if said Edw die before 21, eto. This mutilated entry seems to indicate some some frunily relationship. 24Y 67

No.2, p.96 Bill of Sale. 4 Oot 1~45. John Wayne of Hampton parish in Yorke Co sells to Thomas Wilkinson a oow and oalf. W1:be signed the marke or Steephen Gill John x Wayne Wm Waters

No.2. pe96 »ill of Sale. Date torn away. John Wayne sells Francis Flood a cow. Delivery in presence of Steeven Gill and Tho -head. signed John :x VT-ayne Names of wits torn away

No.2. p.96-A Bill. 23 Mar 1645/6. Capt Bridges Freeman promises to pay Riohd Glover, meroht~, - lb tobo at a convenient place in James City Co. Wit: signed Bridgos Freemen Robert Morslay Wm Morgan James Besouth

No.2. pe96-A - Jan 1645/6. Augustine Warner promises to pay Richard Glover 350 lb tobo at some convenient pla.oe "uppon the New Pawquosonn on loth S~pt next. Wit~ signed Augustine Warner A'bra.ham Turner John DW1oombe

No.2. pe96~A Bill. 2 April 16460 Ralph Wormley of York promises to pay Riohd Glover 420 lb tobo at some convenient place upon the York river, loth Oot next. No witnesaee shown signed Raa Wormley

No.2. p1 96*A Mutilated. 4th Jan 1645/6. Steeven Gill owes Richard Glover - lb tobo. VU.t I signature to~n a.way Henry Brooke

No.2. p.96-B Bill. 4 April 1646. Riehard Lee promises te pay Riohd Glover 3000 lb tobo loth Dec next. Wit& signature missing -ha Ca.vell 24Y 68

No.2. p.9s~B Bill. 31 Maroh 1646. N!oholas Brooke Jr of Virginia, merchant, promises to pay Richard Glover, merohant, 5292 lb tobo en 10th Oot next • Wits signed Nichos Brooke Junior Edward Wyatt James Besouth

Noe2o pe98-B Bill. 31 Jan 1645/6. Niohola.s Brooke Senior and Nichs Brook9 Junior promise to pay Richard Glover 7500 lb tobo loth Deo next. w·1.ta signed Nioh• Brooke A~guatine Warner Nioo Brooke Junior -

Noo2o p.96-B Bill. 16 Mar 1645/6. Wm Light, Joyner, of York Co in Va., promises to pay Riohd Glover 813 lb tobo, Wtb I names destroyed signed Wm Light

No 8 2e pe97 Bill. John Chew promises to pay Richd Glover 210 lb tobo. Wits signed John Chew James Besouth John x Shertcliffe

No.2e p.97 Bill, 20 March 1645/6, Robert Kinsey promises to pay Riohd Glover 1030 lb to•o "made out of my oropp 11 loth Nov next. Wits signed Robert x Kinsey Rioh Lee Samuell Abuott

No.2. pe97 Bille 20 Jan 1645/6. Geo Saughier promises to pay Riohd Glover 344 lb tobo at some convenient plaoe on the new Pawquoson on loth Sept next. W1ts signed Geo Saughier Augustine Warner John Duncombe

No.2. p,97 Bill. 23 Jan 1645/6. Rowland Vauhan binds himself to serve Richard Glover "the full and just tyme - - beginning uppon the first of November next ensuein,"• Wits aignei The mk:e of Augustine Warner Rowland - John Duncombe The above to be void upon payment of 300 lb toboe

Noe2, p.98 Bill. 23 January 1645/6, Francis Cole promises to pay to 24Y 69

Rioh Glover, 400 lb tobo, on let Sept next. For security binds over 2 oows ,:being at Rya" • The tobaooo to ae pa1d at some convenient plaoe upon the New Pawquoson. Wit, Signed Franc is :x Cole .Augustine Warner Duncombe

No,2e p 0 98. Bill. 10 Dec 1645. Wm Wright, merchant, promises to p~y

Riohd Glover 1 2700 lb tobo on demand. W!.t, e igned Wm Wright lien:i:-y Brooke "Vera Copia Rioh Lee"

Noo2~ p,98 Mutilated. Appears to be a bill dated. - 1646, S~ Wm Berkley knt, Governour of Vi~ginia, promises to pay~ lb tobo at some convenient plaoe in James City Co. signed Wm Berkeley

Noe2e p.99 John Hold• sells Edward Williams, planter, 2 oowso lated 2oth - 1645. Wit: signed John x Hold- Lewis Burwell Wm Roberts (Notes We presume this mutilated entry to have been the name of John Holden. B.F.)

No.2. p.99 "This last of february 1645" ( 1645/6.) The Inventory of Leift Smaleoombe praysed as followeth Imprs 20 armes length of Roanoke at ( all amounts torn away) Im' one parcel of oid Cloathes one old small trunk without a key One Indian Gerla three yeares of age or thereabouts praysed at Jurat' Coram Rows Burnham John Brooh Thomas Browne

No.2. p.99 Mutilatec. "Cozen Henry Brooke These are to desire you on my behalfe to oonf- - uppon a ~ill of mine to Mr Thomas - - - for three thousand pownds of tobacco - - - a hundred more Kerborough Rigg- - him and I shall rest your very - - - January the 28th 1645 Ni- - - Notes It is most unfortunate that this particular entry should be so mutilated that it is praotioally unreadable. That part of the name shown as 'Rigg-' is mor0 than likely 1 Kiggan 1 • It would be interest- ing to know what the signature actually was. B.F. 24Y 70 1645/6

No.2. p,100 A Court for York 26 Feb 1645/6 Present Capt Nioholas Ma.rtiau Mr Robert Vaus Mi- John Chew Mr Rioh&rd Lee Cnpt Ralph Warmly (Note: The name Lee, that is if it ia Lee, is written exaotly like Kee in this entry. B~F.)

No.2. p9 100 Whereas John Griggs, atterney of Riohd Belohamber, has an exaoution agst the body of Hens Lee for debt of 2200 lb tobo, and Lee has petitioned the Court that he has not the t;baooo in kind, and that s~ muoh of his estate be appraised to satisfy the debt. Order that 4 men appraise his estate and "the said Henry Lee his body to be sett at Liberty". Then follows a list of items appraised. Inoludes a 11 bote of 15 foote by the keele 3 oares "•

No.2. p.100 Order that attachment be awarded agst the estate of Segt Nio~ Steelwill sufficient to pay a/o of 608 lb tobo and l bbl corn at the suit of Henry Lee. S·i;eelwill having departed the County wi"iihout License, Lee to be responsible if the a/o be not just and true,

Noo2e p.101 A Court for York 24 Maroh 1646/6• Present Capt Nicholas Ma.r.tiau Mr Franois Morgan Capt Ra:tph Wormley Mr Row Bm•nham

No~2e p,101 Whereas Francis Beetle was arrested to answer the suit of the Superv1.sors of Humphrey Hanmore'a estate for debt of 300 lb tob~ due by bill, and dicl not appear. Order that Edwa1·d Roberts, his seourity, pay or produce the body of Beetle at the norl Court.

No.2, p,101 lresent Mr John Chew

No,2 0 p 0 lOl Whereas Wm Keaton is bound by indentures to serve Wm Hookadny the assignee of Henry Brooke, 5 years from 1641. The ad Keaton absenting himself on the pretence of being free and also ran away from his, Order that he serve Hockaday till 28 Februa!°y next and for running away to receive 30 lashes on his bare baok at the whipping post.

No,2, p.101 Order that John Bell pay debt of 1080 lb tobo due to Robt Bouth assignee of Walter Pitohforke. 24Y 71 1645/6

No,2. p.101. Mutilated. Wm Suite was arrested to answer suit of John Dawson and does not appear himaelf or by attorneyc- The name El~.a.s Wigmore appears in the entry, whioh is so far destroyed that it is impossible to make sense of it. Wigmore is to be paid for something?

No,2. polOl Mutilated. Order that EJ.iae - (Wigmore) - pay debt or 898 lb tobo to Wm Hinde•

No 0 2o p.102. Elias \"figgmore arrested to answer suit of John Dawson assignee of Nicholas Brooke. Dawson not appearing is non suited.

Noo2, p.102 Mr Hugh Gwin ppesent.

Noo2s p.102. Whereas a difference long depending in this Court between Mar·~in Westerling pltf and Capt Ralph Wormeley and Mrs Mary Wormeley exors of the estate of Capt Christopher Wormeley deo 1 d, for a man ser­ vant due from the estate. The Wormeleys divers times summoned to this Court, and this particular Court do not appear, Order therefore that the Sheriff' summon Capt Wm Brooa.s Eaqr "whoe hath intermaryed with -the said Mrs Ua.ry Wormeley" e.nd Capt Ralph Wormaley to appear at the nex-c; Court, th~y to have "tymly notioe thereof'"• Notes This long and involved entry irritates me. It must be included to IllE.\.ke the Abstraots complete. Now every Virginia genealogist knows e.ll tho ramii'ioations of the WDl'meley family. All this type of entry has to offer is slight additional evidonoo of the arrogance, oomplete indifforenoe to the written law, of the Counoil Group in Colonial Vi~ginia.• Tho Wormeleys simply oould not be botherei with such trivial nonsense. B.F.

Noe2e p.102 Whereas David Foxe obtained an attachment agst the est of Arthur Makeworth for 6400 lb tobo on 26 April 1645. Thia waa ex­ ecucod upon a pair of etillyards, 3 pewter dishes, l ohamber pott, l broken ketle and 20 lb tobo in the handl!I of Thomas Harrwood• and also 2 young bulls in the hands of Arthur Sea.well. But no replevy made to Makeworth nooording to lnw. Order that Fox have• agst the goods towa~d payment of the debte eto1 Notes Let us hope that the wealthy and elegant Mr. Fox at least got the chamber pott - suoh a necessary comfort for an elderly widowe~ on a oold winter's night1 B.F.

No,2s p8 108 8 Mutilated. By oonfossicn of Doctor Henry Waldron, he is indebted to Arthur Seawell 2500 lb tobo. Order that he pny. 24Y 72 1645/6

Noe2• p.103 Order that Mr Franoie Morgan have an attaohmt agst the estate of Niaholas Steelwill for 700 lb tobo "in regeaurd the Steelwill priva.tly oonveied himselfe to Maryland to live"•

Noo2e p.103 Order that Thoma.a Morley have attaohment agst the est of Lai.rt Nioh SteeD.will for debt of 929 lb tobo "in regard he ia gon for Mary Le.nd to live"•

No 8 21 p1 103e Order that Thomas Adams have a~,aahmt agst est of Leirt Steelwill for 1300 lb toboe

No,2e p,103 A Court "Mareh the 25th 1646". ( 1645/6) Present Capt Nicholas Martia.u Mr Hugh Gwin Mr John Chew :Mr Rowls Burnham Capt John Chisman

No 1 2e p,103 Orear that Elias Wigmore have atta.ohmt ~gst est of Fater Marks for seourity of a debt of• lb tobo, which he is bound to pay to Wm Hinde.

Noi2• pel03 Order that Edward Mol~on be sworn Constable in plaoe of Edward Palmer. Mr John Chew to a.dmr oath from which time Palmer to be olear from service•

No 1 2e Pel03 Order that David Fox and Riohard Vau- appraise the est of Ralph Pettymund. Jno Chisman to give them their oath.

Noe2e pel03 Present Mr .Fra Morgan

No•2• p1 103 .Mutilated. Tho Harwood boing under execution at the suit of Chris,opher Garlington for 360 lb tobo, his estate to be appraised.

Noe2• pel03 Mutilated. Appears to be that Humphry Hanmore, owes, or owed, .Fraaoie Willis 200 lb tobo for doing certain things at James City. That Willis oweing him a la.rgor amount is orderei to pay balance,

Noe2e p,103 !h~t Ralph Watson, c~erk, de~eased owed Capt Ralph Wormeley 1371 lb toboe Nicholas Dale, axor of Watson, ordered to pay within 4 days, he having ass eta in his hands. 24 Y 73


No.2. p~l04 In dif betw Augustine Warner pltf and Mistris Ann Caudlier ( or Candlier 1), widow, deft, whioh should oome to trial at this Court, is appealed by deft to next Quarter Court.

No$2e pel04 Fr&noia Carter deceased owed Mr Wm Pryor 4229 lb toboe Lewis Burwell the admr ordered to pay.

No•2• pel04 Mutilated. By testimony of Phillip - and Riohd Duning, Edward Wright stood with Jno Holding deceased for paymt of - tobo to Ralph Horsely, eto. Order for paymt@

No"2• p1 105 "Christopher Abbott is this Day ohosen Constable for the Southside of Hempton parish and to be sworn by Mr Hugh Gwin"•

No~2 0 pe105 Thomas Thrasher complains to the Court that Miohell Peasely his guardian "doth Dayly make was"G and spoyle of tymber of the Land of the said Thrasher"• Peasely ordered to desist and appear at next Court.

A Court 26th J!a.roh 1646 Capt Nicholas Martiau Mr Francis Morgan Mr Hugh Gwin Mr Rowland Burnham Capt Ralph WormJ.y

Noo2• p.105 Capt Wm Brocas Eaqr by note under his hand confesses judgb to Sir Edmund Plowden knight for - lb tobo to be pd 10 Nov next. Also 1000 lb tobo more for the service of a man servant from 8 July 1644 till 20 Deo following, as by bill of 8 June 1644. Also for a servant sent to se~ve Nicholas Browne, eto.

No,2. p"l06 Tho Adams oonfesses he stands obliged to Wm Howard as seourity for Leift Nicholas Steelwill 1300 lb tobo. A.cams ordered to pay within 5 days to Henry Lee the attorney of Steeven Hamlin who was assigned the bille

Noe2e p0 106 In dif betw Thomas Shaw pltf and Capt Ralph Yformly de.Ni for 6 bbl oorn ''fetched over emediatly after the Masaora from the house of Thomas Shaw on the side of Yorke tiver" • This confessed by Wormeley who states it was broughii by o.rder of the Lieutenant. Capt Wormeley ordered to pay plus 50 lb tobo expense. 24Y 74 1646 Noe2• p,106 Augustine Hodges stands indebted to Wm Padeson, assignee of Jolm Pellam. for 700 lb toboe Order that he pay.

Noe2e Pel06 By note under the hand of Nioholas Brooke Jr, he promised to pe.y Eliz• Hopkins widow, a.dmr of Geo Hopkins deoeased, for the burial of Mr Edw Brooke deceased, "whoo was buryed in the Cha.noell" • Brooke Jr is ordered to pay Mrs Hopkins 300 lb tobo•

Noo2e p.106 Henry Lee obtained an attaohmt:; agst the est of Lt. Nioho: Steolwill in Feb Court which we.s executed on 1100 lb tobo in hands of Francis Willia, eto0

No 0 20 PD107 In dif betw Franois.Willis a.dmr of Tho Simons deod pltf e.nd Tho Kerby deft, oonoerning cattle, Kerby appeals to next Quarter Court and is ordered to put in seourity0

Noo2o pal07 Mutila~ed. Wm Hodgson is indebted to Mr Wm Pryor, by specialty as seourity for • for 8 bbl corn to be in Hampton - (prob. parish)-• Order for payment.

No.2. P•l07 George Brooas to have aomm of a.- on estate of William Quake, he being a oreditore

Noe2• Pel07 Capt Jno West Esqr to have oomm of admr on estate of Tho; Do& deceased for use of Ann Doe his daughter, aooording to the will of said Doe proved in Court.

Noe2o Pel07 By speoial'iY under the hand of Thos Hiokme.n and of James Harris they are indebted'to Robt Kinsey 1500 lb tobo. Hickman ordered to pay within 5 dnys.

No.2. p.107 Mubilated. The name Samuel Tuoker appears as having arrested• on an aooount9

No 0 2e pelOS Ohriatopher Allen ~rreated at suit of Anthony Stanf'forde and 1d Stanford not appearing ia non suited.

Noe2• P•l08 Mr Nioho: Brooke Jr ~ppealing upon petition of Thomas Stegg Esqr to next Quarter Cou.ri is ordered to put in seourity. 24Y 75 1646

No.2. p~l08 Bridges arrested to answer suit or Niohs Jurnew. Jurnew·not appearing is non suited~

A Court 27 Maroh 16@6 (1646) Capt John West Esqr ~ Rows Burnham Capt Nioholaa Martie.a Mr Rob't .Mr Hugh Gwin

Noe2• p,108 In dif betw Joseph Croshaw pltr and Mr Robt Vaus deft, appeals to next Quarter Court and ordered to put in seourity,

Noo2e Pel08 John Adison "he being a soulder at forte Royall", petitions to be clear from the Country levy. This granted•

Noe2• p1 108 Wm Hockaday arrested at suit of Tho Saxe. Saxe not appearing is non suited.

No•2• p8 109 Jeffery Power obtained an attaohmt agst the est or Geo Higgins for 600 lb tobo. This executed upon a cow, heifer and a oalf,

No 0 2, p8 l09 Charles Smith, Jonn Clarkson and Robt Todd impleaded by Nioholas Dale exor of Ralph Watson deo 1 d for debts due are ordered to oome to a settlemento

Noe2e pel09 Comm of admr granted Robt Vaus on estate ot Geo Paterson deceased as a oredit~r.

Noe2e p.109 Suoh cattle of Jeffery Power to be appraised as will satisfy a debt of 600 lb tobo due Mia Crippe 0

Noe2• p8 l09 Mutilated. Order that Robt have atta.ohmt a.gst est of Francis Ha.rdidge for debt of 1025 lb tobo,

No•2• p8 l09 Entry half gone. Has to do with a debt due from Franois Hardidge to Richard•

No,2 8 p.110 Capt Derrick Derrickson to have attaohmb agst the est of Lt Nioho& Steelwill for 2132 lb tobo, 24Y 76 1646

Noe2• pellO In di.f'ferenoe at last Court betw John and George Jonson pl~fs and Christopher Copeland deft for 50 acres of land which Copeland "Did long since sell to the plaintiffs and bill of' sale for the same +.herein binding himself to good the said Land", deliver the patent: eta. Copeland not appearing is ordered to make good the land or return 1400 lb tobo with interest.

No 9 2e p,110 Unfinished oases at this Court to be put off until lat of May "Easter is so ny at hand".

No$2e p8ll0 Wm Todd by his attorney Joseph Croshaw con.fesses judgmc to Saml Snead for 300 lb toboe

No 9 2e p0 110 Wm Hockaday atty of Obedd Wms confesses judgmb to Wm Todd for 300 lb toboe

No.2. p,110 P of A... March 1646. Obed Wms to "my frend" Wm Hockaday to oonf judgt in a debt due Wm Todd Wita names torn o.we.y. signed Obed Wms

No.2. pelll Judgmts con.fessed 24th Murch 1645/6 before Capt Nicholas Ma.rtiau and Mr John Chew. David Doehart 266 lb tobo due to Thomas Deacon John Hutton 1300 lb tobo due Robt Kinsey DaTid Doehart 500 lb tobo due Jno Holding Jno Bide 1403 lb tobo due Mr Wm Pryor Tho Hatfield due Mr Wm Pryor 607 lb tobo. Henry Brooke due 4000 lb tobo to Mr Wm l'ryor Wm Bla.okey due 661 lb tobo to Mr Wm Pryor

No•2• p.111 Judgmts confessed 23 Maroh 1646 ( actually 1645/6) before Capt Nioh Martiau and Mr Jno Chew. Thomas Bremer 300 lb tobo to Capt Henry Fleet Franois Willia admr to Tho Simona deo'd, 500 lb tobo to Sir Edmund .Plowden Robert Todd, 300 lb tobo to• (torn away)••

No.2. poll2 Judgments confessed "before Mr Hugh Gwin and Mr Row: Burnham"• Thos Sheppard and Thos Hayles 494 lb tobo to Mr Wm Pryor Thos Taylor 250 lb tobo to· Thos Deacon Thos Taylor 1200 lb tobo to Mr Wm Pryor ( continued ) 24Y 77


Judgmts oonfessed beore Mr Hugh Gwin and M'!:" Row, Burnham (oontinued) Noe2• poll2 Thos Korby by his attorney Mr Wm Whitby to Mr Riohd Lee 250 lb tobo Edwd Woodly 400 lb tobo to Mr Riohd Lee Thomas Beale 2000 lb tobo to be paid in "po:t"ke or oatle" due by bill iated 3 Feb 1645/6 to .Arthur Prioe. Also 180 lb tobo as foregoing John Holding 230 lb tobo to Nichole.a Dale e:xor of Ralph Watson,Clerk.

Noo2e p.112 P of A. 23 March 1645/6. David Doeharte to Phillipp Wooden to aok judgt in 2 suits, one of Jno Holding and the other of Thos Dee.oon. Wit: names mutilated, signed the rpark of appears to be - Abeall x David Doeharte

No.2. pr,113 P of A. 16 Feb 1645/6~ "Me.ry Minifie widdow and e:xeou­ tri:x of George Menefie late of Buckland Eeqr 1 d11 to "my trusty and Loveing Freind Rowland Burnham" to collect a/cs due in York Co. Wita signed Mary Menefie John Bishoppe Humphry Lister

Noo2a p.113 Certificate dated 13 Feb 1645/6. From the Court of Charles City County that George Menefie of Buckland esqr deceased., did, by his will, appoint his wife Mistres6 Mary Menefie his executrix. That the will was probated at a Court held 20 Jan 1645/6. signed Tho: Stegge John Bishoppe Test Hoell Price Thomas Drewe

(Notec This io one of the most interesting items in these records.B.F.)

No 0 2~ p.114 P of A. 17 March 1645/6. Wm Blackey writes to Mr Bouth appointing his friend Wm Hockaday his attorney to aok a debt of 61 lb tobo to :Mr Pryor, Wita eigned William Blackey Tho. TH Holmes

No.2. p.114 P or A. 16 Me.roh 1645/6. Thomas Hatfield writes to Ml· Bouth appointing his friend Wm his attorney to ack a debt of 670 lb tobo to Mr Pryor, for whioh his orop e.nd a blaok oow are bour..d~ Wits signed Tho Hatfield Edward Jenkins his T marke 24Y 78


No.2. p.114 P of A. 17 Ma~oh 1645/6. John Bide 'Writes Mr Bouth appointing his friend Wm Ho'Jk:ade.y his atto~ney to e.ok a debt of 1403 lb tobo to Mr P:.~yo~ for whioh his plantation, h~u~eing, crop ~nd 3 oow8 bound. Wi'5;, signed John IB Bide Mivhell Victor his mark

No. 2. p.114 A letter from Henry Brooke dated 23 Maroh 1645/6 to "Mr Le" explaining that he would not have failed to come to Court., but as Mr Hookaday lmew., he was kept away by other business. Has to do with acknowledging a debt of 4000 lb tobo which he apparently in some way ~wes "Mistress :Popeley to Mr Pryor" o This mutilated entry is difficult to abstract. A transcript would mean nothing. The name Savage appears.

Noe2• pell5 An entry regarding a suit brought by Sir Edmund Plowden against someone, name not shown, who does not appear. "Ordered by the Court to be subscribed by Ro Beuth Clr Cur"•

No,2. poll5 "I Desire that an order may be entered for the payment of the tobacoo due to Sr Edmund Plowden by the last of November next with forbeara.noe" signed W.Brooas 26 Maroh 1646.

Noo2o p~ll5 "NioholaG Brovme of the Caoke river aged forty yea.res or there abouts maketh oath that Sr Edniund Plowden knight oomplayneing that Capt Yim Brocas had f'ayled to send him a eerva.nt to waite on him and t_ha.t undel' twoe hundred pownds of' a. mounth he oould not hire a.ny fitted and oloathed This Depo't for a thovraand pownds of tobaooo nnd oaske about the Eight day of July last past sold to the said Sr Edmund Plowden Thomas Waggett his tyme to serve him - for five Mounthes and more Jurat' in Cur Nie Browne Testa me Tho. Cely

Note, Burke. "PLOWDEN (Plowden, co. Sa.lop; derived from Roger .Plowden, of Plowden, a crusader at the seige of Aore in 1194.11 who is stated to have received for his services there, the augmentation to his arms of the fleurs-de-lis. Of this ·ancient family was the learned Serjeant Edmund Plowden, of Plowden, so eminent as a lawyer temp. Queens Mary and Elizabeth) Az. a fesse dancettee., the two upper points terminut­ ing in fleurs-de-lis or. Crest. On a mount vert a buok pass.sable, ired or•" 24Y 79 1646

Noo2e p0 ll5 Humphry Sayle sells Humphry Wal.den 25 acres of la.nd 11 wh:.oh was for my persona.11 adventure u.~tc- Cheeskiaoke". Dated 4th Dao 1635e "This I.and Lieth on the est side of Wesi:;s Creeke nere the Head thereof" Wits Signature torn away Oliver Downes Anthony Watts to.2. p.115 Mutilated - half gone. Deed. 14 Feb 1642/3. Capt John West sells a. paroel of land to Anthony Wayde. This land "bounded from the mayne -" x x x "first Inlett that -" • Then the name appears in the body of tha daad plainly es "Anthony We.a.y" o Wit& Signed John West Henry Lee Wm W Sawyer March 26th 1646 "This was aooknowledged in the presence of the Court to be the Reall Aot and deed and Just sale of Capt John West Esqr And that the said Capt John West Did receive a valuable oonsidere.tion for the same or and from Anthony We.dye Testa me Ro Bouth Clr Cur "

No.2. p,116 ..Anthon, Waoye assigns interest in above land to Robert Holte. 6th Jan 1643/4• Signed Snthony We.dy Wits A John Eaton his mke Rioha.rd x James his mark

No.2. p.116 Robert Holt assigns his right in above lan( to Derreok Derreokson. 20 Maroh 1646/. (1645/6) No signature or witnesses shown, "Taste me Ro Bouth Clr Cur"

No.2. p.117 14th April 16468 Thomas Beale of York Parish, in consid­ eration of 1200 lb tobo due Wm Taylo~ "high Sherriffe of Yorke County the last yeare 1645", for Country Levies, which tobo being assigned over to George Ludlowe Eeqr, and by the said Capt Taylor aocording to Aot of Assembly. Beale now mortgages his cattle as seourit~ for paymt; on 10th Dec next. Wit I Signed Tho Beale Wm Whitby Thomas Wallis

No 8 2. pell7 Reoeipt. 20 Maroh 1642/3. • Brassure to John Clarkson of York in Virginia, 1329 lb tobo in full satisfaotion of all debts. And "e.ppoynte Capt Wm Leigh my Lawfull Atturney" to deliver Clarkson• s specialty to "Owen Loyde my now Atturney whee is to deliver it freely upp to the said Clarkson" Signed "Bra.ssuren Wit: Arthur Prioe 24Y 80 1646

Noe2• p.ll 7 Mt;t:t:l.e.tedo P of Ao Dated at John Vlest 's house • - 1644. Thomas Doe ·co Capt John Wes ➔; to administer his es·~ate "ror the good. of my De.ughte:::.• .Ann Doe"• Also an orde~ for writings in a ohest in the house of Steeven Giles in James Towne to be delivered to Capt West, "now finding the tymea Dangerous giveing my :x :x :x to goe over the for.•1·est alone" Vfi-~ • Signature torn away Willi Hodgson "Probe.t' in Cur, Oow-t Eboris vioes imo x x"

No 9 2e pell8 Bill. 17 Maroh 1645/6. Riohard Bennett of Yorke in the County of Charles River, planter, stands indebted to Thos Harwood of same County, 900 lb tobo to be pd last of Nov next e.t the "now Dw-ell­ ing howse of the sd Bennett", Whole orop of tobo as seouritya Witi signed Riohe.rd Bennett his rnke Arthur Seawell Edwa.:rd Miohell

Notes Thus the oonfusion of names. I do not presume this to be the Puritan who later beoame Governor or Virginia, I don't think it ooald have been. B.F.

No.2, p.118 Wm Smote of Hampton, 11 booteV11right", ( this certainly must mean 'boatwright' ) binds his whole estate to Joseph Hill to seoure a debt of 860 lb tobo that the sai~ Joseph stands bound with him to .Aahell Batten, Dated 8 Maroh 1645/6~ Wits signed the marke of the mk:e of Wm W Smote Ashwell x Batten the mk:e of John X Bide

No.2 9 p9 ll8 P of A, 12 Deo 1645. David Jones of VHlloy to Steephen Hamlin to "recover a debt of Nicholas - Thomas Adams and Robert Bouth", ~to. Entry mutilated, Not clear. Wit a signed David Jones names destroyed

No.2. p.119 P of A. 5 March 1645/8. Steeven Hamlin to Henry Lee to oolleot debts in York River. Wit a signed Steeven Ho.mlin Thos :x Morland John Conell

Noa2o p.119 Will of Richard Smith of the parish of York in Virginia. Dated 24 Maroh 1644/5, Whole estate to wife. Her name appears in the 24Y 81 1646

The will of Riohard Smith (continued) oodioil. see below. Wit I Signed Rioh Smith Henry Puooke James x Winddral ( possibly 1Wiuddral t )

Coiioile ,ated 18 Nov l645o That wife Aloe is now with ohilde If the ohi:d lives it to have half the estate• Wit& Signature torn a.way John :x Holding Lawr, Hulett

No.,2. Pel20 Deed. 8 Nov 1643, Joseph Croshaw of Queens Creek, planter; sella Edward Adoooke of Martina hundred, planter, 250 acres in Queens Creek, part of a dividend of 350 aores, Adjs land of Vlm Ireland, eto. Wita Signed Joseph Croshaw Wm Burwell l'eeter Rainson

No•2• Pel20 "I John Hartwell doe by theise presents acknowledge that I am he.rtyly sorry f'or the soanda.11 and aspersion by me layed upon Wm Todd and his wife and Edward Adoooke and his wife and I doe hereby acknowledge my fault, as wittnea my ho.nd this last da.y of July 1646" Wits Signed the marke of' John Underwood H Lewia Burwell John Hartwell Joseph Croshaw Wm Gantlett ( or Gautlett 7 )

No,2. p,120 Elizabeth Popeley gives a heifer to Bennett Gill, her heirs, eto. 1 April 1645. Signet Eliia Popeley

Noe2, Pel21 A Court at Yorke 10 April 1646 "By the Leifts and Deputy Leiftents 11 Present Capt John West Mr John Chew Capt Wm Brooas Capt John Chisman Geo Ludlovre Capt Wm Taylor Capt Rtch Townshend

No~2• p~121 An order from James Citty dated 2 March 1645/6, that the Lieutenants and Deputy Lieutenants press 16 men to maroh against the 24Y 82 l646

Ind:ans under the oomrnand of Leift F!'"anois Poyethres ant to be ready et plaoe of Randevous the 20th of this April to attend this service~ Provision to be made for protection of their orops. They to be pd 100 lb tobo for every day wasted, eto.

Noo2o pel21 P of Ao Derriok Derickson of Grast in Holland to Edward Peeter~ of York in Virginia to oolleot debts. Dated 15th - • month and year- torn away. Wi'b a Signed Derriok Doriokson Staph G Gill Thomas Hatton

Noe2o Pel22 A Court 13 April 1646 Present Capt John West Capt Wm Brooas Geo Ludlowe Capt Riohard Townshend

No~2• p0 122 By an order of the last Grand Assembly dated 2oth Ma.rah 1645/6, with consent of Edw Wyate Admr of the estate of John Cle.:i.•ke deaeased, plaintiff, and Capt Robt Higginson, deft, that th0 said ~!yate is to enjoy 50 pole breadth of land adjoining the land of Hanry Tylor., 11 sittua.te on the midle plantaoon pales for ever and the said Hi.gginaon to injoyo the howse he nowe lives in with an moyety of a tcbaooo h~wse till the tenth day of December next and what howses the said Capt Higginson shall build or repaL.·e upon the said land this present yeare at the surrender the~eof to the said Wyate at the time o.foi·" 0 Vlyate to pay him in tobo or work as valued by Wm Davis and Henry Tylor~ Wyate nnd Higginson to plant upon the land this year according to the proportion of their handBa The entry also refers to 50 pole of land ne:xt adjo::ning thereto boJ.onging to Mr Nich1 Brookes• A long entry, eto, etc~ A sooond entry follows in whioh above is referred to the Commissioners of York County. Signed by "John Corker Clk to The Burgess es"

No 0 2. p.123 A Court for York 25 May 1646. Present Capt Nicholas Martiau Mr Wm Pryor Mr John Chew Ca pt Ralph Wormly Capt John Chisman Mr Francis Morgan

Order that estate of John Abereruniwuy be appraised by 24Y 83 1646

Edward Miohell 'rh:omas Harwood Franois Howard and Richard Dudly. That Capt John Chisman administer the oe.th1

No~2• p.123 Order that Thos Jefferyes be Constable for the upper part of Hampton parish in place of Joseph Torqueniton. Capt Wm Taylor to a.dmr the oath,

Noe2 p.123 The.t Wm YTa.ters stands indebted to Wm Barker 2 oows with oe.lvea to be paid "at tho strawberry ba.nokes or in some convenient plo.ce in hampton River", on l May 1645• Waters ordered to pay within 10 days,

No,2. Pel23 The dif betw Tho Perrin pltf and John lia.Imnon deft ref by oonsent or both parties to Robt Bouth and Kerbery Kiggin to be decided.

No.2. pol23 Upon depositions of Steeven Gill e.nd Baker Cutts, that Mr Wm Waters owes Francis Flewellen, as by her aooount, 1000 lb tobo. Waters ordered to pay. -

No.2. p.124 May 25th ( 1646 }, Before Capt Nicholas Ma.rtiau and Mr John Chews Wm oonf'essed judgmb to Mr Wm Pryor for 1073 lb tobo to be pd at the dwelling house of Mr Pryor aooording to speoialty dated 14th April 164-5, on loth Sept next.

No,2, p.124 Robt Perry attorney of Riohd Milborne oonfesees judgt to Charles Smith the assignee of Geo Wesoombe for 500 lb tobo "e.nd one pair of large Ruddr Irons for a shal'lopp" to be pd within 5 days.

No,2, p,124• A letter dated 25 Mc.y 1646 from Niohoa Marliau to Mr Beuth. Requests that 2 ,heifers be recorded "the which I have given unto Geo Beeoh sorm of George Beeoh late or Ho.mpton parish late Dec"• If he die before age or marriage the heifers to be returned ·co the heirs of Martiau. Vfit: Signed Niohos Martiau Wm Barber John Utye

No,2, p,124 Bill of Sale. 24 May 1646. Arthur Price of York sells VHll~n.m Davis of "Archers hoope Creek" a cow "bowleing" with a calf by her side. Kerbery Kiggin to see sale recorded. A long entry, WHa Sign~d Arthur Price Karbery Kiggin Wm Roberta ( entry) 24Y 84 1646

Noo2• pel24 Wm Davis assigns whole interest in foregoing bill of sale to Arthur Prioe Junior. Karbury Kiggin appointed attorney to see this recorded. Wit a Signed Wm Davis Karbery Kiggan Wm Roberts

No.2. pel26 Deed. 25 Mo.y 1646. Wm Whitby, gentleman, for personnl oonsiderations, gives over and gra.nts to Richard Lee, 100 a.ores "on the North side of Yorke river at the head of tindalls Creek where the said Lee lived before the Mo.ssaore the said land being purte of a greater Devident puroha.sed by Geo Ludlowe Esqr and me Wm Whitby of Argoll Yea.rdly Eaqr and is alsoe recorded and this to be a firme alin­ ation whioh I oblige my selfe my heirs o.nd executors and e.dministro.tors to make good against all persons" Wife Signo.ture torn away Wm Brooas Phillipp Thacker Ro Beuth Cl Cur Also an entry, mostly torn away, regarding a survey of this land. Apparently for Geo Ludlowe and Wm Whitby. The date appears to be 18th November 1645 but may be 1643.

No 0 2. Pel26 6 April 1646. Wm Todd binds a oow to Wm Pryor as saourity for a debt of 707 lb tobo to be pd 10th Nov next at Mr Pryor's houseu Wit1 Signed Wm Todd Wm Hockaday John :x Hartwell

No 0 2. p.126 24th Apl 1646. Tho Adams sells Wm Barber nnd Tho Borne 8 head of oattle. Wita Signed Tho Adams Henry Lee Tho Turner Bond on above. Mutilated. The name Steephen Hamlin appears on the fragments.

Noe2e p.127 25 May 1646. Wm Howard of Hampton pari$h in York County. in behalf of his welbeloved wife Ann Howurd, relict of George Borne Junior, deoeased, and for divers good oauses, gives Thomas Borne. son of Geo Borne J"Unior. a heife~, it being of the estate of Borne deo'd~ Ha to have the heifer when 18 yrs 0£ age and in his minority "my wel­ beloved friends Wm Barber and .Etl.ias Richardson to be the overseers of the said Heifer"• If Tho Borne die in minority the heifer to return to Howe.rd. Wita Signed Wm Hownrd Robt Abrall Phillipp Thaokar 24Y 85 J.646 NoG2• p.127 25th May 1646. Thomas Bm1.le of York sells Tho Shaw a oow. Wi·b ~ Signed Tho Beale Phillipp The.oker

No~2• pol27 P of A. 29 Maroh •• Wm Waters to Lewis Burwell to answer suit of Mr Wm Barker and Mistress Fr a Leuel.lin. Wi'~ Signature torn a.way Roi Fhillipp Thacker

Noe2o pal28 Will of John Abererumway. Dated 4 April 1645. Prob. 25 May 1646a Goodman Jolly to have 3 oows, a steer in the old field and 2 other stee:rso Also 1/2 of plantation "with the howsing e.gaine that I 11 bought of him e All wearine; clothes. All hogs. To Jelly's wife for her sole use a oow and oalf bought from Captain Also 2 oow calves. To "my Countryman Wm Crumwell" a oow oalf. To Ralph Borer a bed and furnitureo To Goodman Jolly a bed. He to 0 aeo me buryed like a. ma.n" Witt Nioh Pesoott Signed John Abererunimi John x funioin Wm Trumbull

No~21) pc,129 Indenture. 10 Sept 1640 > Betw Wm Caynehooe of Cheskeaok., olerk& on the one part~ and Thoe Scarlett on the other part. Caynooo lets ·bo Scarlett., for 1~ years, 50 ao:res in Chiakee.oke parish in the County or Charles River., adj Utyes Cr·eek and N.W. on the land of John Dennitt now in possession of Wm Be.rbe:r,1 SW and SE into the woods., eto. As in pate~t granted said Caynehooe 26 Sept 1639. Scarlett to pay 2 ca.pons yearly11 Wit: Sign~d Wm Caynhoo Tho.

Tho. Soarlett assigns all right in nbovo lease. Does not sat who to, 27 Oat 1642 Wit: Signed Tho x Soarlett Geo Gill Rich :x Bet le

Christopher Deny assigns all right in this lease to Tho.-• 27th• 1643 Wit: Edw Wade Signature torn away

Tho Hatfield assigns all right in above to Richd Hickes, 24 Aug•• No witnesses shovmo Signature torn away 24Y 86 1646

Noo2o Pa1130 A Court for Yorke 26 June 1646 Preeen-u C5pt Nioholas Martiau Capt Wm Taylor ~• John Chew M't' Fr ia Morgan Mr Wm Pryor Mr Row Burnham

Noe2e p1 l30 The estate of Thos Smalloombe "it debtor to Diaburaments as followeth" .Me.roh 10. 1645/6 lb tobo To Themas Gibeon for twoe sheirts 0100 To twoe pr of ahooos 0080 To Rondell Renell for twoe barrells of Co:z-ne 0300 To woe gall and a halfe of Saoke bought of Thomas Broughton 0100 To one bottle of drames bought of Thomas Broughton 0025 To Cheese bought of Robert Lewie 0100 !'o bec,:i:-e sent him in the tyme of his s ioknes 0036 To Diett at the ordine.zy at James Citty 0035 To one blue soarffo 0050 To Diet five monthes at Gibsons 0300 To Tobo pd John B!rooh as~ aoot and reoeipt 0530 To his funerall Charges on steere about 4 ye~res old 0700 To one barrell of strong beere 0260 To a Coffin 0150 To two pownd of .Powder spent at his funere.11 0024 To the minister Clarke and sexton for his buriall 0040 To Thomas Wilkinson as by reoeipt 0270 To Thomas Taylor as by bill .and receipt 0330 To Ml· Gill as by bill and reoeipt 0310 To Robe~t Taylor as by bill and receipt 0475 To Thomas Broughton as by aooo't and receipt 0476 To Thome.a Broughton for oaake with tho tobaoeo 0030 To William Coxe as by bill and receipt 0090 To Mr John Corker 0161 To John Vaugnan as by.bill and receipt 0150 To Church we.rdon for parish Dutys 0014 To tob in rouJ.e lent him to • 0020 To John Underwood as by receipt 0030 To Mr Robert for Mr Thoe by bill and aooo•~ as by receipt 1022 To Charges in• will probate and recording will and se-.;erall peticone 0300 To Mr Deaoon as by receipb 0213

The est of Thomae Sma.lloombe is credited by oontra By tobaooo allowed him by the .Assembly for his goeing at fort Royall 4000 By twoe Indians sold Sr Wm Berkley 0600

( oontinued ) 24Y 87 1646 The esta.te of Tho Sme.ll.oombe ( oon~inued) lb tobo By two Indians sold John Hammon 0500 By an Indian sold Thcn'.e.S Pettus 0600 By Inventory as appeareth 0630

Suma is --6330--

June the 26th 1646 Wee finde by Inventory recorded the estate Cr'dt 0630 more by Thomas Gibsons aoot 5700

- - 9.J ... 6330 Estate Debtr by good proffe as bills taken in and reoeipts proveing aoe muoh pd by Tho Gibson 3581 Rests for the Court to have Tho Gibson prove pd 3120

The which -was this Day proved by tho oath of Thomas Gibson and allowed by the Court Taste me Roa Boubh Clr Cur

No 9 2e p~l3l Bille 24 Maroh 1645/6~ Jno Sutton promises to pay Riohd Creedle 500 lb tobo 10 Nov ne:xt. Sgour.~ty 2 sows, 12 shoats. w1.t, Signature toi-n a.way Riche.rd Wyate Anthony Roe.keby

No 0 2e p~l32 15 May l646e Jno Sutton binds a steer for paymt of 500 lb tobo to Giles Taverner on 15 Oct next~ Wit a Signed John x Sutton Heroules Bridges Robe:rt Wilde

Noo2o p~l32 19 April 1646. John Sutton sells Hercules Bridges a steer, The steer was Mr Floyd's and to be ready 2 days before Whitsontide nerl Wit.& Signed John x Sutton Francis Cointard ( 1 ) 17 May 1646$ Hercules Bridges assigns his right in the steer to Riohd Watkins Wit, Signed Heroules Bridges Anthony Baas ett Elward x Woodly 24Y 88 1646

No 0 2. p0 l33 Bill~ 27 Ma.roh 1646& Luke Davis promises to pay Thome.a Lucas 400 lb tobo 10 Oat next, at the dwelling house of' said Davis. Seourity, smith's tools, viz, l anvil, 1 pr bellows, l vioeb 1 nail tool and ha:mmer 8 Witt signed Luke :x De.vis Geo Sa.ughier Wm Downeman

No 0 2e p.133 In di£ betw Tho Chapman of the new Pawquoson and Abraham Turner of' the same place, oonoerning title to 450 aores now in the possession of ad Chapman • .A:n agreement that Chapman give up the land to Turner upon payment of 9000 lb tobo. Thia is a long entry. Dated ll Maroh l645/6e W1t1 signed Thomes :x Chapman Thomas Strunpe Abraham Turner Oe.rbey Kigan

Noe2e P•l34 P of A. 15 April 1646. John Merryman of the New Pawquo­ son in Va to "welbeloved Frend" John Griggs of' the same pla.oe to oolleot debts in this colony. Wita ·signed John :x Merrynian Hum.pry Floyd Mathew Hawkins

No9 2e pel35 P of' A. 15 April 1646. Christopher Garlington of' the New Pawquoson, planter, to "welbeloved Frend" John Griggs of the same place to oolleot debts in Va. Wit a signed Christopher x Garlington Mathew Hawkins Hum.pry Floyd

No.2. pel35 Will of Richard EJ.ringtono Dated 26 May 1646. Probated 6 June 1646. Siok in body but in perfect sense. "unto the poore of' St Ma:rtins of the feilda II L 10. Sterling "to be distributed to the several! oldest men as !'arr as it shall extend at twoe shillings sixe pence per peeoe 11 To Mistress Margarett and Mistress 1ie.ry Pryor L 12, to be pd them or their supervisors by Mr Ralph Barrett To 11 the sd ohildren of' Mr Pryor" the produce of' a hhd of' tobo marked R.EoW 6• To Mistress Mary Katon the produoe of 3 hhd tobo numbered 3~ 4. 5 and marked as above~ T~· .Ann Olaxon servant to Mr ~yor the produce of' l hhd tobo sent to Mr Ralph Barrett last ye&~.

(continued) 24Y 89 l.646

The Will of Richard Elrington ( oontinued) To John Flower the pr~duoe of 1 hhd tobb, shipped as abovesaid and what money he can reoo'Ver "as my due cf my Brothe:i:- 11 To Mr Wm Pryor the balanoe of the estate to and for the use of Mrs Mary EJ.rington, he exor. Wit 3 S igne.tura torn s:vra.y Wm. Ho~bday Robert Lee

No 1 2s p8 l36 P of A. 23 May 1646• Wm Gantlett ( or Gautlett ) to John Perrin to :implead John Clarkeon this present Court. Wit; Signed Wm Ge.ntlett Robt Abrall

Noo2• p 8 136 16th June l646e Peter Riohardson requests Wm Hockaday to oonf a judgt for 1252 lb tobo to Mr Wm Pryor to be pd 10 Nov nexte

Noct2~ pol36 P of Ae 26 April 1646. Uwa.:rd Shelverdine to "my ~eind" Wm Hockaday to aok a judge to Mr Pryor for debt. of 586 lb tobo., Vfit ~ Signed Edward x Shelverdine Tho Broughton

No 1 2o p0 136 Inventory of the estate of Thos Broughton deceased 16th June 1646. Appraised. by Ne.tha.niell Vfe.rren and John Oliver. Inoludosa a bill of Thomas Kingwell 0100 lb tobo a bill of Wm Carr 0108 e. bill of John Peteetes 0600 a bill of Ml4 Wm Lights 0300 To tobo recd of W'm Thornton 0350 Due on a/o from Nicholas Jernew 0100 by Order of Court from Edward Gl"ives 0700 50 aorea of land with a house Exhibited on oath by Riohd Townshend Ro Bouth Clr Cur

No 0 2. Pcl37 Inventory or the estate of John Eaton as appraised by Edwa~d Peeters and George Beeoh and eworn to before Mr Hugh Gwln 3 8bor 1645 ( 3rd Oot 1645 ). This is a quaint list~ It inoludedi By Sam Seers 300 lb tobo By John &~le 500 By .AnthonyWady 214 By Thom~s Floyd 130 By Sheppard 300 Totals 2702 lb tobo. Exhibited 6 June• by Henry"• 24Y 90 1646

No.2. p.138 Pa.tent. 5 Nov li339e Sir John Harvey, knt, Governor, eto., to Watkins, 250 aoree in Che.rlea River Co, in the forest adj land of Jolm Utye extending from the head of Kings Creek westel"'1y to the Mayden Swamp e.nd adj land formerly granted the sd Watkins by patent due by assig?lIIl.ent from Joseph Croshaw, for transporting 5 persons. Signed John Harvey

Noe2e pel38 10 June 1644. Watkins of Queens Creek assigns the above 250 acres to John Bello Po.rt of whioh we.a due to John Bell by deed of gift and now the full patent is sold to himo W!:h a Signed Samuell Watkeses (sio) Geo x Clarke Wm x Roberta

No.2o p0 139 l Oot 1645. John Bell of Queens Creek, planter, assigns to John Williams the nbove 250 a.ores lying in Hampton parish, eta. Wits Signed John Bell Arthur Price Tho Deaoon

Then folloWB a further deaoription of this lana dated 20 April 1642. It udje B~yry Swamp, Wm Taylor's land, Nicholas Comeings, Tho Gibijon's and anothor dividend of SamJ. Watkeya {sio). This is signed a name appearing to be 'Thoma.8 Smout' which is prob inoorreot sinoe part of it is torn away.

No,2. p,140 Power of Atty. 16 June 1643, John Brooke of Boxked in the County of Essex (England), Clothye~, to Henry Brooke, Merchant, Resident in Virginia. To oolleot debts due him in Virginia "Especially to recover and secure all suoh goods wares Debts and things whatsoever As Barnaby Brooke my Brother whoa deceased at Sen geeing to Virginia aforesaid had in his hands or riossession or in Virginia at the tyme of his Death unto me belonging', etc. Signed John Brooke Sworn before John - notary eto dwelling in the City of London. Date, signature and witnesses names destroyed,

No,2, p,141 Deedo 14 June 1646. Joseph Croshaw of Hampton parish in the County of York in Virginia, planter, sells Richard Croshaw, 160 acres, being remainder of a dividend the said Joseph sold to Edward Adoooke being due by patent dated 29 Oot 1640. The land on N side of Queens Creek, ndjs the Indian field now in possession of sd Joseph C:rosha.w, Wits Signed Joseph Croshaw Ro Bouth 24Y 91 1646

No.2. pel4l Bill of Sale. 2 March 1645/6• Henry Brooke of Va, maroht, sells to Nicholas Heath son of Th.cs Heath a heifer, Wit: Signed Henry Brooke Niohola.a Brooke Robert Perry

No•2• p.142 Deed of Girt. 25 May 1646. Riohs Pasmuoh, £or natural love and nf'feotion, gives Edws Yarborrough Junior n cow oalfe The male descending "baoke unto me the sd Riche.rd Pe.smuch", Wit, Signed Rich, R Pasmuoh John Petit surgeon W Baxter

Noo2• pel42 John Griggs attorney to the supervisors of the estate of Humphry Hanmore, was arrested to answer suit of Wm Whitby who did not appear to prosecute. Whitby ordered to pay him 50 lb tobo.

Noe2e pel42 The dif' betw Capt Robt Higginson pltf and John Witherford to be determined 1st July Court next. Dangerousness of' this time will not permit his leaving his charge and at Midle plantation for this Court.

Noo2e pel42 Henry Lee arrested to answer suit of Richd James who did

not prosecute. James· non suited3

No,2. p.142 By a/c of Henry Lee Ad!nr of John Ea.ton he h~ving paid to tho assets of' the estate to hnve quietus est.

No.2. p.142 Wm Todd ordered to pay Riohd Wells 400 lb tobo in Oct.

No.2. p.143 Wm Grimes arrested at suit of Riohd Gonlett, who not prosecuting is non suited.

No.2 0 p0 143 Dif betwWm Hockaday assignee of Richard Croshaw pltf and Joseph Mosely deft referred to 24 July next.

No.2. p,143 Present Mr John Chew

No.2. p 6 143 Wherens by specialty under the hands of John Scales and Edward Jorden deceased thnt they were indebted to George Hopkins deed 500 lb tobo, 1 bbl and 2 bu oorn, being due for themselves and their 24Y 92 1646

servants in 1643 for duties and Church levies, order that Mr Wm Pryor admr of Scales and Jordan's es~ate pay Eliza Hopkin8 reliot and adrnrx of Geo Hopkins deo 1 d by 10th November next.

No,2. p.143 Conmission of Admr to Capt Nioholae Martiau of tha estate of George Beech deoeasedg

Noe2e p.143 Whereas judgt passed agst John Dawson Senior, being security for John Sutton I s appearance in January Court -to answer suit of Tho 0u~tis for 1200 lb toboe Now Dawson producing Sutton, whioh was ao~epted by the attorney of Curtis, Sutton is ordered to pay.

No~2• pG143 Wm Gantlett assignee of Tho Doe did implead John Clark­ son for 200 lb tobo due by bill. By oath of John Dauson, part of the debt is paid. Doe or4ered to allow paymt; on a/o of 190 lb tobo.

No.2. p9 144 That Francis Beetle owes Thos Bushroode the assignee of Henry Hawley and Matthew Bassett 200 lb tobo.Beetle ordered to pay. "and alsoe that the non suite obteynod by misinformation of the said 11 Beetle in January Court last a.g:.inst the said Bushroode be voyd • -

Noe2• ·pol44 Ann Snoden an orphan now in keeping of Capt Nicholas Martiau, 11 ha.veing noe mee.nea at all left her towards her mentaynnanoe being now about the ago of sea.veri. yea~es", ia bound to Capt Martiau for 9 years from this Capt Ma.:etiau "a.oeording to his ovm proffer to give the said Ann Snoden forthwith a oowe oalfe of three mounthes ol.d and to keepe the said oalfe with all her female increase for the for the said .Ann Snoden during the tyme of her apprentishipp and to give an yearely ao 'ot thereof to this Court"• Capt Wm Taylor to see the oalf marked.

No.2. p.144 Thoe Beale owing Hercules Bridges 380 lb tobo "for the attendance of himaelfe and oerteyne men at his charge on Mistress Mary W-ormeley when shee was under arrest by vertue of an order of Court from the Governour and Counsell directed to the said Mr Beale for thut purpose"• Beale ordered to pay.

No 0 2, p0 144 Abraham Cayne owing Hercules Bridges 438 lb tobo by a/o, Thoe Beale admr of Cayne's estate ordered to pay.

No.2. p.144 Daniel Holland owing the estate of Humphry Hanmore 522 lb tobo is ordered to pay by 10 Nov next. 24Y 93 1646

No.,2. pol45 Whereas Humph!"ey Iki.nrnore did, in his will, give Daniel one year of his time, the supervisors of the estate o~dered to do so.

Noo2o p0 145 That Humphry Hanmore by will gave Eliz Coole and Fl-anois Coole the ohildx-en of F!-e.nois Coole a. oow oa.lf 11the first that fell 11 after his Deoease l and also a BOW to the wife of said Francis Coole, the supe:x.~viso::-s of the estate ordered to pay the legacies.

No~2o pol45 That Humphry Piarunore by will to Geo Iiaderell 11 soe muoh oloath as would make him a suite of clothes"• Supervisors of the estate ordered to pay this legacy.

No.2. p~l45 That Steeven Gill obtained an attaohmt agst the estate of Hanry Pountnell for 600 lb tobo in July Cour·~ 3 whioh the Sher­ iff executed upon 350 lb tobo in hands of Hugh Dowdy and 5 shoats in the hands of Joane Trotter~

Noe2o psl45 Order thnt the land and plantation belonging to Leif"t Nioholas Steelwill on West Creek be rented out. The rent to go to oreditors. If he oomes again the land to be returned to him.

No.2. p~l46 Nicholas Brooke Jr owing Tho Broughton assignee of John Clieverius 20 shillings Sterlin~. order that the debt be paido

No.2. p.146 Nioholas Brooke arrested at suit of Bicholas Sebrill who did not appear. Sebrill non suited.

NoG2e p0 146 By a/o of Tho Gibson admr of est of Tho Smalooombe, he having pd out the whole estateby inventory to have quietus eat.

No.2. p.146 There ia due Mr John Chew 696 lb tobo ''from tytieular men in Yorke parish for his charges expended in the tyme of being Burgess a for the said parish", ·which tobacco should have been oolleoted by the last year's sheriff but no payment Order thnt the tobo be raised at the next levy for the pariah of York.

No 0 2. p8 146 Order that oertifioate be granted Mr Wm Pryor for 200 a.ores for transporting "of rower Negroes", viz Peeter, John, Gro.oo and Ka.thren. 24Y 94 1646

No.2. pol46 Order that Riohd Vaugon be appointed oon8table in plaoe of Christopher Stookes. Oath to be admr by CapJ:, Jno · Chi.sman.

No~2•. pcl46 That Humphry Hamner deotd was indebted to Rd Belohamber by ajo 509 lb tobo. O~der for paymt.

Noo2e p~l46 That Humph~y Hanmore by will gave Rd Belohamber 1 hhd tobo. The supervisors of the estate ordered to pay.

No~2e p~l47 David Doehart arrested to answer suit of Geo Ludlowe is ordered to pay debt of 200 lb tobo.

No.2. p.147 Fif betw Mr Hugh Gwin pltf and Denis Steevons, Jno Smith, Leift Tho Dobbs and Jno Dyer defts to ne:xt (July) Court.

No 0 2. p,.147 Court Order that John Hansford and Robt Lewis for Hampton parish, Samuell Sallis and Jeffery Power for York parish and Edwa~·d Michell and Abra.ham Turner for Pawquos on parish a per·feot liat of the tytheables in the several parishes. As also of all OO'WB of 3 years old~ horses, mares and geldings of 3 yrs old and upwards, sheep and goats. And to deliver the lists to the Sheriff by 25th of this present JuneQ "and that every mans name be taken partioularly".

No~2. p.147 That the sheriff nrrost0d Nicholas Jurneur, Wm Sawyer, Martin Yfosterlinoke,, John Perrin and John Thomas. All to answer suit of Riohd Malborne who did not appear a.go.inst them. Malborne is non suited and ordered to pay 50 lb tobo to eaoh~

Noo 2. P,>147 June 16th 1646 Judgements oonfessed before Capt Martia~ and Mr John Chew Peter Richardson to Mr Wm Pryor 1200 lb tobo. John Mellor to James Stooke 337 lb tobo.

( the end )

The next Court for York 24 July 1646. 24Y 95


Abbot, Christo& 24. 63. 73 Beech, George 30. 31. 32. 83. SamJ.. 34. 66. 68 89. 92 Abee.ll, -. 77 Geo. Jr and Sr. 83 Abereruniway, Jno. His will, etc. Henry 63 82. 86 -bert 30 Abrall, Robt. 43. 84. 89 Beerg, Jeorge 61 Adams, Tho. 72. 73. 80, 84 Beetle, - , 62 Adoooke, Ea:wi 53. 81. $0 Francis 52. 70. 92 Adkins, Thoe 38 Riohd 50• 85 Adyson, Jno. 41. 75 Beery, Jeerye 61 Alden, Hugh 61 Belohambers, Riohd. 29. 36. 39. .Allen,-, 62 47. 49~ 55. 58~ 70. 94 Christos 50. 65, 74 Bell, Jno. 26a 60. 70. 90 Hugh 27 Bell's bridge. 23 Humphry 61 Benminge 1 Rd. 16 Thoe 27 Bennett., - , 30 Andrevres, Tho. 38 Jno. 24 Arkistall, Francis 15 Rd. 24, 36. 29, 80 Tho. 29 Berkeley, Sir Wm. 39. 66. 69. 86 Babb, Charles 14 Besouth, James 16, 27. 65, 660 Baldwin, Jno. 20. 21v 22 67. 68

Be.lyes, Jno0 14 Best., Thos • 43 Banister, Wm. 20 Bew, Jeffry 40 Barber, Capt Wm. 18e 28. 48e 83 Robt 40. 27 84. 85 Bide, Jno. 48, 76, 78. 80 Bax-ker, Wmo 83 Billington, Luke 50 Barnett, Capt Thoe 45 Bishoppe, Jno. 77 Barrett, Ralph of London 88 Blaokes, Wm, 43 Barthelmew, - , 65 Blackey, Wm. 76. 77 Bartlett, Christos 46 Blackley, Wm 2 3 Basewell, Tho, 48 Blackwell, Robt. 36 Baskpoole~ Geo. 29 Pero 16 Bassett, Anthot 87 Elease., Tho. 12, 85 Matthew 5le 52, 53. 92 Booth, Robt, ( or Beuth, etc. ) Theo 35. 47, 49 27. 36. 38. 39. 41. 42~ 46, 53 Bassill, Peeter ( possibly this 55. 56. 60. 61, 64. 70. 77. 78 is Bassett) 63 79. so. 83. 84, 87, 89. 90, Bates I Wm. 60 Borer, Ralph 85 Battin, Ashwell 37. 60. 80 Borne, Ann 84 Baulke, Wm. 53. 54 Geo. Jr 84 Baxter, Jno. (his will) 65 Tho. 18. 30. 84 w. 91 Boyer, Re.lph 38 Beale, Tho. 34. 39, 55, 65• 77 Brame, Wm 64 79. 85. 92 Brasheire, Robt. 53 Beoker, Martin 14. 15 Bra.ssure, - , 79 24Y 98

Breok\vell~ Rev~ Robt. 16 Cain.e (?) Robt, 15 Bremer~ Thoo 76 Cainhooe~ Dorothy 32 Bridges, Hercules 30. 33. 34. 37 Rev• Wm. 64. 85 40. 43. 48. 49. 50. 75. 87 Calthropp, Christopher 28e 45 92 Calverley, Jno. 61 Bridges, John 38 Candlier or Caudlier. I do not Brooas, G~o3 ~4 know· just whioh this name CRpt Wm, 16. 44. 71. 73. actually is. B.F. 78,, 84 Carr, Wm 89 Capt Wm as Justice. 17. 18 Carter., - , 62 19. 20, 22. 23, 24. 25, Franols 34. 39. 56. 73 260 28~ 48. 81~ 82 John 41 Broch, Jno. 35. 36. 63. 69. 86 R:!.ohd 27 Bro'Jhe, - , 7 Cater., Tho. 50 Brooke., - , 29 Caudlier, .Ann ( or Candlier ?) Barneby 90 55. 73 Edw. 74 Cavell, Jno~ 67 Henry. 29. 31. 38. 40. 47 Cayne, Abra~ 92 48. 50. 51. 57. 62. 66. Ceeley, -Francis 65. 66 67. 69. 70. 76. 78. so. Cely, Thoe 18 91. Charles City Co. Court 20 Jan Henry Jr. 44 1645/6. 77 John of Boxked in Essex 90 Charlton, M.~. 12 Nicholas~ 34. 36. 45. 47. 71 Chaplin, Htrnphry 47 82. 91. 93 Chapman, Tho~ 33. 38. 54~ 88 Nicholas Jr. 44. 45. 46. 47. Che1madine see Shelurdin~ 51. 66. 68. 74. 93 Cheeseman~ At~. Edw, ( prob an Nicholas Sr. 44. 45. 47. 68 error in original ) 28 Wm Sr and Jr. 66 This name appears Broughton, Tho. 34. 51. 86. 89. 93 in various spellings, Browne, Francis 36. 40. 41, 52. 65 Chismanr etoo Niohoi 73. 78 Cheeseman, Capt Jno. 16. 40e

Tho 0 69 46. 560 64. 85 Wm. 41 Cheesman~ Capt. John as Burbay, Thos~ 14 Justice. 6. 7. s. s. 10. Burnham, Rowland 18. 32. 57. 62. 69 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. '7'7 I r l8e 19. 2le 22u 23e 24e Rowland as Justioe, 31. 45 25. 26. 28. 29. 46. so. 46. 47. 50. 54. 57 53. 54. 72. 81. 82. 83. 70• 72e 73e 75. 76 94i 86 vhisman~ Mrs. Margaret 56 Burrowes,•, 62 Cheeseman, Robt. 16 Burterwood, Wm. 24 Chew, Jno. 49. 64. 66. 68 Burwell, - , 48 As Burgess 93 Levds 34. 39, 50. 56. 69 Chew, Jno as Justice. 6. 7. 8 73. 81. 85 9. 10. ll. 13. 14. 16. 18 William 36. 81 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 25. 26 Bushrode, Tho. 49. 51. 52. 28. 41. 47. 54. 570 70Q 72 76. 81. 82. 83. 86. 91. 94 24Y 97

Cbrismas, Diotoris 51 Dale, Nioho, 49. 50. 56 0 59. 72 Claiborne, Wm. 5. 7. 24 75, 77 Claikson, Jno. 41 Dare., Edwa 47 Clapmo.n, Thoe 52 Davis, Jno, 39 Clarke, Bettris ll Jno Jr 36 Eliz& 65 Luke 88 Geo& 26. 90 Wm 82. 83. 84 Jno. 34. 37. 82 Dawson, JnoQ 41. 71. 92 Nathnl lJ. Jn,, Sr. 50, 92 Nicholas 25. 31. 53. 57 Owin 14 58 Deaoo, Tho 33 Wm. 17. 21 Deacon, Mr 43 Clarkson,. Jno. 53. 60. 75 0 79. Tho& 32. 33, 350 36e 54 89. 92 55. 57. 58, 63. 76. 77. Claxon, Ann 88 86. 90 Clieverius, Jno. 93 Denham, Thos 19. 21 Clyman, Jno. 45 Dennitt, Jno. 85 Codd, Geo. 49 Dony~ Christo 85 Cointard, Francis 87 Derriokson, Capt Derrick 75.79.82 Cole, Francis 68 Deuty, Robt. 38 Coleman, Jnoe 38. 47, 58 Diokinson; Danl 44 Comeings, Nioho. 90 Jno. 44 Compton,, Francis 14 Dobbs, Lt. Thoe 94 Condon, Jno. 21, 24. 25 Doe, Tho. 92 Conell, Jno. 80 Tho and .Ann 74. 80 Conqu~st, Lewis 33 Doehart, ~avid 76. 77. 94 Coole, Francis 66 Dovro.y, Hugh 33. 93 Eliz, Francia Jr and S:,;- Downes, Oliver 79 93 Walter 48 Copeland, Christos 48. 58. 76 Dovmma.n, Wm 88 Corbell,•, 60 Doyden, Riohd. ( or Dogden~) 38 Henry 30 Drewe, Thoe 77 Corbett, Jae. (possibly Cookett) Dudly, Riohd. 83 64 Dunoombe., Jno. 34. 65. 66. 67, 68 Corker, Jno. 82. 86 69 Cornwallis, Capt Tho. 49 Duning, Richd. 48, 49. 59. 73 Coxe, Wm 43. 86 Dunn, Geo. 10 Creedle, Rd 87 Dutton, Tho. 27 Cripps, Mr. 75 Dyer, Jno. 94 Zachz 46 Crouch., Wm 60 Croshaw, - J 61 Earle, Jno. 35. 89 Joseph 29. 31. 32. 35 Easter. 1646. 76 39. 40. 48. 52. 53. 56 Ea.tonJ John 79. 89. 91 61. 63. 75. 76. 81. 90 Ralph 50 Richard 90. 91 Elcott, Jaso 48 Crumwell, Wm 85 Elrington, Mrs• Mary 89 Curtis, Thos 17. 41. 58. 92 Riohd 33 Cutts, Baker 83 Richd. His will. 88.89 24:Y 98

English, Mr. 27 Gillerd, Walter 41 Abraham 60 Glover, Riohd of Amsterdam, Moroht Wm. 5. 6 • 7 • 8 • 65. 66. 67. 680 69 Evans, Jno. 43 Goats 17 Evens, Rd. 46 Go ooh, Mr Wm. 28 Ewell possibly as Whowell Goodman, Robt 53 Goule-:jt, Rd. (or Gonlett) 91 G:-:-ay, Geo. 33 Felgatte: Mr.. 42. 43 Greene, Mary 38 Fellgate~ Capt. Robt as Justice Ralph 63, 65 5. 60 7. a. 9c 10. 11. 13. GregoryD Alex 12

21, 22. 23. 25. 26. 28 Griggs, Jnoo 39. 45. 49. 55 8 70 Finoh, Francis 52 880 91 Finnigan see Funioin Grives, :Edw, 89 Flee·!;, Capt Henry 46. 76 Grymes, Rveo Charles 37 Flewellen, Francis 83 Edw; 3J .• 34e 60 FloodJ Fr~nois 67 Wm. 42~ 91 Flower, Jnoof a9 Gwynn, Hugh 600 94 Floyd., Mr,, 87 Hugh aa Justice 28. 'flo 72 Floyd, Humphs 88 73. 75. 76. 89 Tho<.:> 89 Floyne, Y:R~ Joane 50 Forde, Geo., 38 Haderell, Geo, 93 Riche! 35 Halgatt, Mathew 37 Forest.s CornmitT-ee of the 45 Ha!ssyi Robt. 52 Fo~t Royal 75~ 86 Ham, Joseph 16, 17 Foste-:-~ Jno:.i 64 Mra. Mary 16 Fox, David 56. 71. 72 Hamlin~ Riohd 14 Freeland, Thoe 52 Steeven 48. 73. so. 84 Freeman, Capt Bridges 66. 67 Hammon, John 63. 83. 86 Wm. 12. 21 Hamnar, Humph: ( prob Hanmore) Freer, Tobias 19 25 Funioin, Jno, 85 Hamor, Jno. 29 Furnew, - ( prob Jurnew) 61 Hampton, Rev~ Jno. 14

Hand, Robt 0 36 Hanmore, Mr) 40 Ga.ntlett., Wm. ( or Gautlett ? ) Humphrey 47. 54. 55. 32~ 363 61. 81. 89. 92 560 70, 72. 91. 92. Garlington, Christos 41, 72. 88 93. 94 Ga:.:-ra.ud~ Gloe.d ( or Glead) 38 Hansford, - , 63 Gasler., St.even 43 John 28, 94 Ger:l·ard, Ralph 12 Hardege, Mr. 42 GibsonJ Tho• 19e 20. 47. 52. 60 Hardidge, -a 62 64. 86. 87. 90. 93· Hardidge, Francis 49. 75 Giles# Steeven 80 Hardidge - this name possibly Gill, Jk,- 86 appears as Hedley, eto. in Benne·i;t 81 these records• Geo~ge 46. 60. 85 He.refinok, Wm 46 Stephen 23. 27. 28. 42. Harmer, Ambrose 22. 23. 24. 27 45. 50. 58. 59. 63. 64 30. 52 66. 67. 82. 83. 93 Harris, Jas. 36. 42, 74 24Y 99

Harrison, Riohd 63 Holbein, Hans the younger. 15 Robt 32 Hold•, John 69 Tho1 440 45 Holding, Jno. 35. 60. 73, 76. 77 Ha.rt, Tho. 29 81 Hartwell, Jno. 19. 30. 61. 62 Holdridge, Tho. 43 81. 84 Holland,, 92. 93 Harvey, Sir John 13. 14. 90 Holmes, Tho. 77 Harwood, Mr. Thos. 28. 46 0 57. Holte, Robt. 66. 79 71. 72. so. 83 Hopkins, - , 61 Hatfield, Thoe 30. 76. 77. 85 Mr. 40 Hatton, Tho. 82 Mrs. Eliz& 31. 65. 58. Haud (1), Robt. 36 63. 64. 74.•92 Haukins, Jno ( or Hawkins ) 20 Geos 31. 51, 52. 62. 63 Haward,·Jno. 29 64. 74. 91. 92 Hawkins, Mathew 88 Richd 62 Matthew, Jr. 57 Horsely, Ralph 60. 73 Wm. 31. 34 Howard, Ann 84 Hawley, Hens 51. 52. 53. 92 Ft": 83 Hayles, Tho. 37. 76 Wm. 73. 84 Headly, Hen: 44 Howell possibiy as Whowell although, Mr• 43 I don't think so. B$f• Nioho: 91 Hudson, Tho. 35 ·Tho. 34. 36 • 38. 51. Hulett, Lawr: 81 60. 63. 64. 9i Hull, Jno. 27. 43 Heather, Rd. 12 Hurleston, Jas. 38 Hedley, Hens 42 Hutton, Jno. 35. 76 Henley, Thos 61 Henshaw, - , 61 Thos. 63 Iles, Tho. 31. 32. 41 Hiokes, . Rd. 85 Ince, Jno. 42. 43. 57 Hickman, - , 33 Ireland, Wm 81 Thos. 40. 74 Hide, Francis 38 Higgins, Geo: 48. 50, 75 Jackson, Ann 11. 23 Higginson, Capt Robt. 82. 91 Jno. jJ.~ 15. 23. 24 Hill and Hillis - prob the same Tho, 23 name in these records. James, Rd, 79. 91 Hill, Joseph 33. 36. 37. 80 Wm. 38 Sebastin 46 Jefferyes, Thoo 14. 43. 83 Hillis, Joseph 41 Jenkins .• Edw 77 Hinde, Thoe 38 Jernew as Jurneau Wm 66. 71. 72 JmesJ Robt (?) 59 Hobart see Oberd Johnson also appears as Jonson. Hockaday, Wm. -12. 14. 18. 28. Johnson, Mr. 14 380 50. 55. 68. 70. 75. Amos 47 76. 77. 78. 84. 89, 91 Edmond 15 Hodges, Augustin 44. 74 Edwd: 15 Tho. 30 Geo, 76 Hodsson, Wm. ( also as Hodgson) John 15, 16, 76 41. 6 3. 74. 80 Luke 15 Ho~g, ... , 35 Mar 1 16, 18 24Y 100

Jolly, Joseph 11. 21. 85 Leigh, Richdt 27 Margaret 11 Capt Wm 2'7 • 79 Jones, David 80 Londall, Robt. 36 Jorden, Edw• 55. 60. 91. 92 Leuellin, Mrs. F:J. 85 Fr. 62 Lewin, Jno. 33 Henry 27. 41 Lewis, Jas. 38 Jurnew,., 29. 61 Robt 31. 39. 86. 94 Jurnow, Mr. 12 Light, Wm. 30. 35. 39. 42. 66. Jurneau, Nioho: 19. 36. 40. 49 68. 89 62. 76. 89. 94 Ligon may possibly shown in error in these abs~racts as Kiggan. B.F. Keaton, Wm 70 Lister, Humph& 77 Kempe, Mr. Rd 24. 35 Litlewood, Wm. 35 Kerby, Tho. 74. 77 Llewellen also as Flewellen Keton, Mary 88 Longe, Wm. 38 Kiggan, Carbery. The last name Longham, Robt. 61 also appears as Kiggin. The Louioton, Edw 65 ( This name is first name aG Kerbery, Ker­ actually illegible) borough, eto. Love(?), Rioe 57 34. 69. 83. 84. 88 Loyde, Owen 79 King, Rich: 38 Luoas, Thom. 20. 88 Kingwell, Tho. 89 Ludlowe, Geo& 31. 35. 45. 4~. 51 Kinsell, Joshua 23 52. 66. 79. 81. 82. 84. 94 Kinsey, Robt. 66. 68. 74. 76 Lynsey, Adam 11. 12 Kinsmell, Isaack 27 Kirby, Andrew 14 Maokworth, Arthur 17. 71 Maddoxe, Rioe 31. 42. 58 Larramer, Tho. 20 Madison, Jno. 55 Laster, Francis ll Maggett, Henry. Also in these Law,(?), Rice 57 records as Meggett. This name Leake, Geo. 58. 61 may even be Haggett. 46 Jno. 31. 32. 38 Maisters, Michell 44 Lee. The name shown in these Major, Edwa 16 abstracts as Lee may Richd 18. 61. 62 possibly be Kee. And it Malborne, Hichd. 94 does look exactly like Mallor, Jno. 94 Kee in many of the Man, Tho. 50 original entries. B.F. March agst Indians 1646. 81 Lee,•, 48. 63 Marks, Peter 72 Mr. 65e 78 Martian, Capt Nicholas. The Henry 28. 36. 42. 70. 73 p~oper spelling of this name 74. 79. so. 84. 91 is Mnrtiau regardless of how Riohda 33. 35. 49. 65. 66 it appears in the so-called 67. 68e 69. 77. S4 original records. B.F. Riohd: as Justice 31. 47 Ma.rtinu, Niohos His gift to Geo: 50. 53. 54. 70 Beech. 83. Appointed admr Robert 89 Geo Beech's estate 92 24Y 101

Martiau, Capt Niohoi 44. 60 Owen, Hugh a.a Justice 10. 11. 13 Martiau, Capt Niohoa as Justice. 20. 21. 23 5, s. 1. a. 9. 13. 14. 15 Owin, Christian ll 16. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 24. 2s. 26. 2a. 31. 46. 48 so. 54. 58. 10. 72. 73. 75 Padeson, Wm 74 76. 82. 83. 86. 92, 94 Pe.dyon., Wm 32 Massacre ref to. 73. 84 Page, Henry 38 Master, Michell 45. Also see Paine, Robt 15 Ma.ister Palmer, Edw: 72 Ma.thew, Capt 45 Panton, Rev Antho s 12 Merryman, John. 36. 40. 41. 52 Parkhurst, i~. 62 53. 88 Anbhos 20. 30a 51 Michell, Edvr: 44e 47. 80. 83. 94 .Parnell, Tho, 61 Middle Plantation 52 Pasmuoh, Rd 40. 91

Milborne, Riohd. 300 34. 37. 61 Patterson possibly as Padeson 83. 94 Pattison., Wmo 40 Minifie, Geo. 9, 23. 27. 77 Payne, Florentine 360 41 ~•s. Mary 66. 77 Wm 38 Moleson, Edw 72 Penoh, Tho. 50. 63 Mollson! Edw 11 Pead, Oaths 16 Momuex (1), Francis 64 Jno. 16. 36, 410 65 Monmouth cap for a boy, 44 Peale, - , 62 More, Phillipp 38 Fr: 61 Mor ga.n, Mr. 42 Peasly., Michell 50. 73 Capt Francis 16. 28. Peeters~ Edw. 82. 89 32. 37. 46. 51. 53 Pellam, Jno. 65. 74 56, 70. 72, 73. 82 Penrioe, Jno. 12. 14. 15 86 Perrin, John 32. 42. 61. 83e 89 William 67 94 Mor'-and, Tho. 80 Perrott, Jno. 64 Morley, Tho. 72 Perry, Robt. 83. 91 Mo~slay, Robt. 67 Persivo.11, Edw: 24. 41 Moseley., - , 63 Pesoott, Nioh• 85 Joseph 50• 91 Feted, Jno. 42 Mottrom, Col Jno, 33 Peteet, Jno. 27. 48. 89 Moulson, Edw. 16 Peterson, Geo. 75 Mountague, Peter 11 Patman., Tho. 43 Pettit. Here as Peted, Peetet, Peteet, eto • Negroes transported to Va. 93 Petit" John., surgeon, 91 Neler, Jno. 61 Pettus., Capt Tho 86 Nightingale, Thoo 30. 40, 46. Pettymund, Rnlph 72 48 Phillipps., - 1 62 North, Riohd 38 Edw. 23 Pieroe,Wm. 23 Pilling, Jarvis 61 Obetd, Bartrum 58 Pitoher, Wm 36 Oliver, Jno 89 Pitchfork, - , 62 Owen, Hugh 12. 20 Plowden, Sir Edmund 73• 76, 78 24Y 102

Plunckett, Edmund 20 Riohardson, - , 50 Follin possibly as Pilling. Elias 63. 84 Poopeley. - , 62 Peter 55. 89. 94 Capt Riohd. 60. 61 Rideell, Geo. 42 Poore, Jeffry 48 Ridley see Reddley Popeley, Mrs. 78 Rigby, Peter 25 Eliz& 81 Roahds, Thoe 38 Capt Richd 6°1 Roakeby, Antho: 87 Popley, Eliz: 40 Robbertts~ Wm 26 Pountnell, Hens 93 Roberts, Edw. 58. 70 Power, Jeffery 46. 75. 94 "Vb~ 690 83. 84. 90 Pownsey, Jno. 47 Robinson$ Jnoo 57 Poyethres., Lt. Frs 81 Robison, Jno. 42 Poynter, Jno. 61 Rogers, Jas. 49 Those 45 Roggers, Jeremiah 24 Pratt, Jno. 38 Rooe, Michell 50 .Preston. Joseph 53 Rookes, Hugh 59 .Prioe, - , 48 Rose, Jno. 44 Arthur 21. 42, 43. 45 Row (?),Rioe 57 46. 57. 77. 79. 83. Rowlston, - , 27 90. Lyonell 14. 15 Arthur Jr. 84 Lyonell as Justices. 6 Howell 77 Russell, Riohd 21 Pryor, Margaret and Mary daus Ruttland, Geo. 39 of Mr o Wm Pryor 88 Pryor, William 7. 16. 29. 30 33. 35. 40. 41. 47. 49. 53 St Martins in the Fields, Londone 55. 56G 64e 73e 74e 76e 77 88 78. 83. 84. 88. 89. 92. 93 Sadler, Roger 41. 42 94 Saker, John Jr and Sr 38. 43 Pryor, Y'lm as Justice. 10. 11. Sallis, Saml 94 13. 14G 15e 160 17. 18. 19 Sanderson, Isaok 38

21. 23 0 24e 25e 26. 28. 31 Saturwight, Michael 29. 46 46. 48. 82. 86 Satturthwaite, Niohi 66 .Puooke, Eans 81 (The above 2 may bo the same person under eithor name. The original record being very Quoke, Wm. 74 difficult in the entries. B.F. Saughier, Geo. 66. 68. 88 Savage, - , 78 Rainson, Peeter 81 Sawyer, Wm. 43. 63. 79. 94 Ramsey, Thos. 20. 30. 39. 43 Saxe, Tho. 61, 75 59. 63 Sayle, Humphs 79 Reoords - that some were lost Soales, Jno. 21. 55. 91. 92 5~1 Scarlett, Tho. 85 Reddloy, Peeter 45 Sebriell, Nioho. 57. 61. 93 Rennalds, Wm. 83 Seers, Sam 89 Renell, Rondell 86 Sewell, Mr• 40 Roynalds, Thoe 38 Seawell, Arthur 71. so. Arthur Wm. 19. 20. 21. 26 and his wife 55. 24Y 103

Shaw, Tho. 730 85 Taylor, Wm as Sheriff 46 Sheildj Robto 44 Tha~her, Jnoo 61 Sheldon possibly shown in these Thacker, Philip ( or Thacher) 27 records as Shelurdine. 46. 84. 85 Shel'l.:.l~dine, Edws 35. 39. 89 Thomas, John 30. 60. 94 Sheppe.:rd, Tho: 36 • 37. 50. 58 Thornton, Wm. 8 9 76. 89 Th.~asher, Tho. 73 £hertcliffe, Jno. 38. 68 Ticknor, Thos~ 31 Shr0ggs~ Jno. 24 Tobaooo - cash price 51 Simes, Peter 38 Todd, Robt. 36. so. 75G 76 Simons, Tho• 20. 25. 74. 76 Tho: 35

Smalloombe., Tho. 64. 69. 86 • 93 Wm. 30. 35. 39. 76. 81 9 84 Smith, Mrs A.toe 81 91 Smith, Charles. 31. 32. 33. 34 Torkeesent, Wm. 14 ( What a name t 40. 550 580 59. 60. 65. 75 What can it really be ? BoF.s) 83 Torqueniton, Joseph 83 Smith, Eliz: 36 TownshendJ Capt Rd. 44. 49. 64u89 Gabrell 33 As Justice ( in ·vaz-ious Jnoo 41. 94 spellings ) 5. 8'> 9,, lOo 11 Riohd. 29. 39. 600 so. 13e 15~ 160 17c 18~ l9o 21~ 81 23~ 24i 25. ~Bo 280 450 46 0 Robt. 38 510 52. 81. 82 Wmo 20 Trotter, Joane 93

Smoote, Wm~ 20. 32. 33. 35. 37 Thos: 70 14 49. 80 Trumbull, ~~r,,m. 85 Smotrb (t), Thoo 90 TuakerD Sa:ml. 31. 74 Snead.., SamJ.. 76 Turner, Abr!Aam 52. 54. 67. 88. 94 Snoden9 Ann 92 Tho: 84 Spencer, Jno 0 60 Tyler, Henry 48. 50. 82 S~ampeH Thoo 88

Stana:rd:1 W., Ge 9. 10'o:l'."d_, Anthe & 40. 74 Utie, John. 7. 16. 20. 23. 27. 61 Steelwill, Leifts Hicho: 61. 70 83. 90 As Justices. 72. 13. 74. 75. 93 6. 7. 8. 9 Steevens, Denis 43. 59. 94 Mrs Mary 20 Stegge, Tho. 74. 77 Underwood• John 32. 81. 86

Stevens, Jno 0 46 Stookes, Christo 1 10. 39 .• 94 Stocke, Ja.s 94 Ve.uha.n, Rowland 66. 68 Stookes, Wm 33 Vaughan, Jno. 21. 86 Suite, Wm. 30. 35. 71 Rd• 94 Sutton, Jno 0 33. 50. 87 0 92, - , 62 Wm. 24 Vause, Robt 0 51. 53 0 56 0 75 0 85 86, Robt. As Justice. 46. 47• 50 Tavernor, Giles 87 53. 54. 70. 75 Taylor, Rob,. 27. 8G Thomas 57. 86

Those 76 9 86 Victor, Michell 78 William. 23-. 27 • 63. 79 Bl • 86 • 90 • g2 24Y 104

W~ddy, Antho: 31. 79. 89 Wiggmore, Elias 36. 42. 71. 72 Wayde, Antho& 79 Wilde, Robt. 61, 63. 64. 87 Wadep Edwa 63• 85 Wilkinson, Tho. 33Q 35. 39. 40. Waggett, Tho. 78 45. 55. 67 • 86 Waldron~ Dr. Henry 71 Williams, Edws 60. 69 Walden, Humph& 79 Jno. 90 Waldoe, Tho~ 37 Obedd 76 Walkington:, Pater 53 Rd. 61 Wallis, Rebeooa 29 Vim. 24 Rebera (prob Rebeooa) 61 Wms for Williams, May be Wins John 38 Willis, Henry 270 39. 53. 65. 72 Robte 62 74. 76 Thos. 79 Willoughby, Tho. 24. 27 V!erner, AugUBtine. 28. 55. 65• Wilson, Jno. 36 66. 67. 68. 690 73 Win, .. , 62 Warren, J..nn 15 Winn, Rd. 41. 61

Nathl. 42 0 89 Windral, Jas. 81 Vh. 12. 15 Wingate, Roger 23. 25

Waters, Wm. 67 • 83. 85 Wingate, Wm. 23 0 Name prob in Watkeyes, 26 error. Watkins, Rd. 87 Wingute as Wyngate Samle 90 Witherford, Jno. 91 Watson, Jno. 21. 30 Woodbridge, Jno. 32 Rev~ Ralph 49, 500 56 Woodley, Edw. 32. 37. 47. 52. 77 59. so. 61. 12. 75. 87 77 Wooden, Phillipp 77 Watson's Estate 49 Woose, Isaack, 43 Watson, Tho. 61 Wormeley, Christos 71 Watts, Anthoa 79 Christo as Justice. 10. Tho. 20e 27 13. 15. 28 Wayne.., Jno. 7. 12. 61. 63. 67 Mrs Mary 33. 71. 9a Weaver, - , 33. 63 Ralph 10. 32. 33. 34 Wells, Rde 37. 61. 91 57. 66. 67. 71. 72 Wesoombe, Geo, 40. 48. 49. 50. 73 57. 58. 65. 83 Ralph as Juatioe. 13. W·est, Antho, 50 14. 15. 31. 70. 73. John 62. 63. 74. 79e 80 82 John as Governor 8. 9. Wright, Ed~. 73 John as Justice. 6. 7o a. Jno. 27 9. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Tho. 35 26. 27. so. 75. 81. 82 Wm, 69 West Creek 93 Wyatt, Edward 37. 68. 82 Yresterling, Martin 33, 46. 61. Sir Franois, Governor, etc. 62. 6 3. 71. 94 22. 23. 24. 27 Wheeler, Francis 33. 34. 43. 58 George 61 64 John 45 Whippin~ Post 70 Richard 53e 87

Whitby, Vim. 530 76. 79. 84. 91 Wyngate, Roger 22 Whiteheade, - ias, 62 Vfuowell, Andrew 10. 11 24Y 105

Yarborrough, Edw Jr. 91 Yarrow, Edw Jr and Sr 66 Yeardley, Argoll 84 Youile possibly here as Whowell. Yes I Think this must be Ewell, or as you please. B.F. Young, Mr. 12