International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering Volume 4, Special Issue 1, NCIAR2k17 Available online at International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering e-ISSN: 2394 – 3343 p-ISSN: 2394 – 5494


Abinesh.D.V , Deepak.A.K, Chandraprakash.K, Gowtham.M, Ananthi. K Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology ABSTRACT: Fighting a raging fire is one of the toughest uphill battles in the public – safety world. Fire fighters tries to put off the fire with very little information, having no idea of the size and scope of the fire nor how many potential victims may be cut off from rescue. In order to overcome this issue aerialvehicles or Drones are used for getting better information and better view point. Now days most commonly used aerial vehicle is copters, so we are using quadcopter. Quadcopter is high efficient, small size aerial vehicle. paper concludes advantage and disadvantage of using drones in fire extinguishing. Keywords: Fire extinguishing drone,Quadcopter aerial vehicle.

I. INTRODUCTION Drone is most commonly used unmanned aerial vehicle which is widely used for different application. It varies from small coin size drone to large military drone. It is used in different application like photography, spying, mail delivery etc... . In popular culture, when people talk about drones they are frequently referring to any of a range of quadcopters that have become trendy. These advancements have not only seen drones becoming popular amongst even the most casual of hobbyists, but also in commercial endeavors. Large companies such as Facebook, Google and have already invested heavily in research related to drones, and even smaller companies such as florists, pizza restaurants have started to investigate how drones can be used in their industry. Advanced and new technologies are introduced in the drones. These drones are also developing for fighting with fire. Fire fighting drone is in under developing, if drones are used in firefighting it will be more helpful to put off the fire. Fighting a raging fire is one of the toughest uphill battles in the public – safety world. Fire fighters tries to put off the fire with very little information, having no idea of the size and scope of the fire nor how many potential victims may be cut off from rescue. In order to overcome this issue aerial vehicles or Drones are used for getting better information and better view point. Humans are mostly used to put off the fire, they use high pressure water to putt of the fire. While rescue operation they have only little information and they do not have a clear view. While fighting a raging fire water is pumped from far distance so fighters won't have a clear view. Also while rescue operation fighters may lose their life as they do not have a clear view. In tall Buildings it makes more risky, humans cannot reach that much height so they won't get a clear short. This increases the risk in putting off the fire.

II. PAGE LAYOUT Work of Fire fighting drone is similar to the normal drones with some special attachments. Quadcopters use four motors with four propellers to create thrust to give the aircraft lift. Two of the motors rotate counter clockwise and the other two rotate clockwise. This configuration cause the torque from each motor to cancel by the corresponding motor rotating the opposite direction .What is very different about quadcopters from other vertical take off and landing aircraft is that in order to control pitch, yaw, and roll the pilot uses variable thrust between the four motors. The motors a pilot would have to speed up or slow down in order to maneuver. If he wanted to move right, he would decelerate his far right motor, accelerate his far left, and keep the two motors parallel to direction of motion at a constant speed. Most of what makes quadcopters even possible for novice pilots to fly is the breakthroughs in small micro controller technology. In the beginning quadcopters had large pilot workloads to fly because each motor had to be individually controlled simultaneously. With today's technology, computerized flight controllers with algorithms can make the on the fly decisions for the pilot based on his input via the radio controller sticks and controls. Along to this quadcopter a storage tank and a nozzle with pump is attached. Fire sensing sensor is placed at different places. once these sensor sense the fire pump starts automatically and spray water. III. DRONE SELECTION Different types of drones are used for different applications. Most commonly used drones are copters, different type’s copter are given below.


International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering Volume 4, Special Issue 1, NCIAR2k17 1. BiCopter – 2 Motors Multicopter The BiCopter has two motors that can be moved by servos. It is similar to the “Avatar Gunship” (if you have seen the movie Avatar). Here is an example of the bicopter avatar gunship. Bicopter could be the cheapest multicopter config among all because it only uses two motors and two servos, but it’s also the most difficult platform to stabilize in flight. It also has the least lifting power given the fact that it has only 2 motors. Bicopter is not a very popular configuration for hobbyists, and there isn’t much information to be found on the internet.

2. Tricopter – 3 Motors Multicopter The Tricopter has 3 motors in a “Y” shape, where the arms are usually 120 degrees apart. Tricopters can sometimes have a “T” shape. Two propellers on the front arms spin the opposite direction to counter each other out. The rear motor can be tilted left and right by a servo to enable the yaw mechanism.Tricopter has more yaw authority comparing to a quadcopter. What that means is when a quadcopter or hexacopter yaws, they do so by slowing down half of the motors and speeding the other half. If the copter is already at full speed (all motors at 100%), it will have to lower the speed to make yaw happens. However on a Tricopter, it uses a servo to achieve yaw so it loses less thrust when the same situation happens. It also has lower lifting power because of the smaller motor numbers.

3. QuadCopter – 4 Motors multicopter A quadcopter has 4 motors mounted on a symmetric frame, each arm is typically 90 degree apart for the X4 config. Two motors rotate CW (clockwise), and the other two rotate CCW (counter clockwise) to create opposite force to stay balance. Quadcopter is the most popular multirotor configuration, with the simplest mechanical structure. There are 2 main configurations: X or +. X config is more popular as you can keep the propellers out of the camera’s view (for FPV and aerial filming). Some people fly the plus (+) config because it’s more intuitive, and flies like an airplane. It’s easier to figure out the orientation. There is also the H configuration, which allows a camera to be placed on the frame well forward to avoid having propellers in of the camera. There are always debates about whether X or H are better, especially in the mini quad community.

4. Octocopter – 8 Motors A typical octocopter has 8 motors on the same level with four sets of CW and CCW propellers. Octocopters are similar to quadcopters and hexacopters. It’s like an upgrade version of the hexacopter with even more lifting capacity and redundancy. However the large number of motors means they draw more current, and you will probably need to carry multiple battery packs. Also it’s going to be expensive. They are very popular as aerial photography platforms and carrying heavy, professional filming gears.

IV. PROPELLER SELECTION A quadcopter uses two clockwise (CW) and two counter-clockwise (CCW) propellers. Propellers are classified by length and pitch. For example 9×4.7 propellers are 9 inch long and have a pitch of 4.7. Generally, increased propeller pitch and length will draw more current. Also the pitch can be defined as the travel distance of one single prop rotation. In a nutshell, higher pitch means slower rotation, but will increase your vehicle speeds which also use more power.

When deciding on length and pitch, you need to find a good balance. Generally a prop with low pitch numbers can generate more torque. The motors don’t need to work as hard so it pulls less current with this type of prop. If you want to do acrobatics, you will need torque propellers which provide more acceleration and it puts less pressure on the power system. Lower pitch propellers will also improve stability. A higher pitch propeller moves greater amount of air, which could create turbulence and cause the aircraft to wobble during hovering. If you notice this with your quadcopter, try to choosing a lower pitched propeller. When it comes to the length, propeller efficiency is closely 113

International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering Volume 4, Special Issue 1, NCIAR2k17 related to the contact area of a prop with air, so a small increase in prop length will increase the propeller efficiency.

V .FABRICATION OF CHASSIS With that being said, carbon fiber frames can still be used and they often are but you should just be aware that the carbon fiber blocking the transmission signals is always a possibility. Frames can also be custom built in a do it yourself fashion at home using balsa sheet or aluminum. However, the results will vary from manufactured frames specifically in terms of flight attributes and aesthetically.The integration of power distribution circuits into the frame plates is common. Battery connections typically get soldered directly to pads that are built into the carbon fiber material and power can be tapped at additional solder points without the need for messy, extensive wiring. Even though it is by no means necessary, a clean setup is usually less likely to fail and when all said is done more satisfying, which makes distributing frames an investment worthy of your time and money. Depending on your budget or own aspirations you could either purchase a premade quadcopter frame, buy the parts of one and assemble your own, or create yours custom in the comfort of your own home. No matter which route you decide to go down, you should always do your research so that you know exactly how to build the frame and exactly how to.Arms of the quadcopter attach to the frame and these can also be built at home using hard plastic tubing or aluminum. However, for most hobbyists it is preferable to purchase arms that are already pre-built. These arms are relatively easy and cheap to replace so when you purchase them you should always make sure to pick up extras so you can quickly replace them when you crash. With this being taken into account they are typically considered a pre-determined breaking point. Should you ever crash, the arms will likely be the first components to break which helps to prevent damage to expensive electronics on the frame such as the motors or flight controller. In fact you will probably want them to be a little bit brittle, specifically on a heavier quadcopter that is prone to crash.When it comes to quadcopter, the arms also play a crucial role in the battle against vibrations which can cause various issues especially with shaky cameras. Flight controllers, which have sensitive gyroscopes and barometers also do not react well to constant shaking. Vibrate them too much with a poor setup and you could see irrational behavior, sometimes bad enough to cause you to crash your quadcopter.


VII. CONCLUSIONS One could argue on the strength of relationship between the number of fires and firefighter deaths, but even with the Yarnell Hill fire deaths excluded, other variables are involved as well, even if they are difficult to define. Firefighters receive outstanding training on how to combat fires. Before ever facing a real fire, firefighters have faced simulated situations that encourage them to rely on their training. However, the complexity of situations firefighters face is not linear. Some situations are far more complex than others which result in more risk of injury or death. For this reason, it is hypothesized that these data support the argument by Davis (2013) for better situational awareness and command and control at the fire or disaster scene. Effective situational awareness and command and control can put firefighters in a position to effectively save life and property without injury or death. This argument also supports the idea to employ any tools that can make command and control more effective.

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