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qAs the glories of ancient

Greece live for us in the

fragmentary remains of its

literature, so we the editors

hope that your happy days

at Sewanee may live again

in these imperfect

pages. so:N'j , -p::ot


Book "four qACTIVITIES

Tiook "five JEATURES In olden days, when the sons of Sparta went forth to war, each was given a shield by his mother, where- with to prove himself a man.

Today our mothers still send us forth to fight for truth and honor. cAs a loving tribute, therefore, To those who have called us into being, To those who have given us our honor and our ideals,— To our mothers, and to our £Moth- er Sewanee,— We dedicate this volume.


SMy glorious ^Mother ever be,

I will give my all to thee—

Qod bless thee to eternity. Thou canst make me worth the while, O guide and shelter me, oAnd all my life, through storm and strife,

£My star thou It be. —^ewton SMiddleton THE UNIVERSITY


oA towered city set within a wood, ''far from the world, upon a mountain's crest: There storms of life burst not, nor cares intrude; There Learning dwells, and cPeace is Wisdom's guest. ADMINISTRATION Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Gailor, S.T.D., Chancellor, Chairman Memphis, T«nn.

B. F. FlNNEYj LL.D., Vice-Chancellor Sewanee, Tenn. Rt. Rev. Frederick F. Reese, D.D Savannah, Ga. Rt. Rev. T. D. Bratton, D.D Jackson, Miss. Rt. Rev. Edwin A. Penick, D.D Charlotte, N. C. Rev. Charles T. Wright Memphis, Tenn. Rev. Carroll M. Davis, LL.D New York, N. Y. Rev. Walter Whitaker, D.D Knoxville, Tenn. John L. Docgett, Esq Jacksonville, Fla. Wm. B. Hall, M.D Selma, Ala. G. W. Duvall Greenville, S. C. George R. Parker Lexington, Ky. Robert Jemison, Jr Birmingham, Ala. Oscar W. Torian, M.D Indianapolis, Ind.

Alexander S. Cleveland Houston, Texas Georce H. Noble, M.D , Ga. Frank H. Gailor, D.C.L Memphis, Tenn.

This board is elected by the Board of Trustees and consists of three bishops, three presbyters and nine laymen. The chancellor and vice-chancellor also serve ex-ofhcio. It has all the powers of, and acts for, the Board of Trustees when that body is not in session. Its functions are largely financial, but may extend to any phase of the university interests. Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Gailor Chancellor

Bishop Thomas F. Gailor, throughout his long connection with the univer- sity, has taken an active part in its development, and to a large extent has moulded its sentiments and traditions. Among his varied activities have been the laying of the cornerstone of Wash Hall in 1890, and that of Thompson Hall, the Union, a few years later. He also has written the Sewanee Hymn and has composed several beautiful Sewanee Apostrophes. In 1882 he was appointed professor of ecclesiastical history and in the next year chaplain of the university. He continued in these positions until 1890, when he was made vice- chancellor, serving for three years. In 1908 he was elected chancellor, and has continued uninterruptedly in this place for the past twenty-two years.

Bishop Gailor has likewise been active in the general work of the church during this period. He was made a deacon in 1879 and a priest the next year. In 1898 he succeeded to the bishopric of Tennessee on the death of Bishop Quintard. Since then he has been chairman of the House of Bishops, presiding bishop and president of the National Council. He is again attending the Lam- beth Conference in England this spring and summer.

He holds the following degrees: A.B. and A.M., Racine College; S.T.B. and S.T.D., General Theological Seminary; S.T.D., Columbia; D.D., Trinity, University of the South, and Oxford; LL.D., Oglethorpe. Dr. B. F. Finney

I ice-Chan cellar

Dr. B. F. Finney was first associated with Sewanee as a student in 1885. After

graduating from Polytechnic Institute at Blacksburg and engaging in private

business for some years, he was made vice-chancellor of the university in 1922.

During these eight years as vice-chancellor Dr. Finney, or "Uncle Ben," as he

is affectionately called by the students, has been able to liquidate the debts of the university and secure an endowment which easily removes the possibility of financial

trouble in the future. He has likewise been responsible for much material development on the mountain—three new dormitories, including the new Tuckaway Inn, have been constructed and improvements have been made in the athletic field house and Sewanee Military Academy.

Throughout his entire life Dr. Finney has been interested and active in church and educational work. Before coming to Sewanee he devoted much time to the

Brotherhood of St. Andrews, of which organization he has been secretary and vice-

president. In 1 9 13 he was elected to the Board of Regents of the University and at

the present time is a trustee of St. Katherine's, a girls' school at Bolivar, Term., and

also the executive head of the Board of Trustees of Columbia Institute, a girls' pre-

paratory school at Columbia, Term. Both of these institutions are connected with the Episcopal Church. In recognition of his valuable services, he was given the hon- orary degree of LL.D. from Hobart College, Geneva, New York. mg Dr. George M. Baker Dean

Dr. Baker has spent his entire life in educational work (with the exception of several years during which he was connected with the American expeditionary force in France). He graduated from Yale University in 1900, obtaining his Ph.D. degree from that institution a few years later. For nine years he was an instructor of German at Yale, after which he became head of the German Department at the William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia. During this period he also studied at the Universities of Berlin and Munich.

Dr. Baker came to Sewanee in 19 17 as professor of Germanic languages and was appointed dean of the College of Arts and Sciences in 1920. During the ten years he has held this position the requirements for entrance, classroom work and degrees have been raised considerably, the number of transfer students has been reduced and the general scholastic tone of the college has been improved. During the war Dr. Baker was connected with the General Staff College of the American expeditionary force in France, later seeing general staff duty in Germany with the army of occupation.

He is well known as a student of Germanic literature, being the editor of "Ger- man Stories" and Kleist's "Prinz von Hotnnurg." He has also contributed articles to the "Journal of Germanic Philology," "Modern Philology," the "Sewanee Re^ view" and "Modern Language Notes." Because of his knowledge of international affairs, Dr. Baker was sent to Geneva by the Carnegie Institute for International Peace in 1927 for the purpose of studying the organization of the League of Nations, World Court and other institutions. ege of Arts and Sciences

Brigadier General James Postell Jervey Henry Markley Gass (United States Army. Retired) B.A., Oxon; M.A., University of the South

Professor of Mathematics Professor of Greek

William Howard MacKellar Sedley Lynch Ware B.A., M.A., University of the South B.A., Oxon; LL.B.. Columbia; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Professor of Public Speaking Professor of History Tudor Seymour Long John Mark Scott B.A., Cornell B.A., Southwestern College: M.S.. Iowa State; Associate Professor of English Ph.D.. LTniversity of Iowa Assistant Professor Chemistry William Boone Nauts of

B.A., 31. A.. University of the South Eugene Mark Kayden

B.A., University of Colorado; 11. Porfessor of Latin and Acting Registrar A.. Harvard Professor of Economics William Skinkle Knickerbocker George Merrick Baker BA., 31. A., Ph.D.. Columbia B.A., Ph.D.. Tale Professor of English Literature Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and The Rev. Moultrie Guerry Professor of Germanic Languages Virginia Roy Benton Davis

B.A.. Earlham College; 31. A.. Missouri Chaplain of the University and Professor of English Bible Professor of Chemistry *Gaston Swindell Bruton

B.A., 31. A.. University of North Carolina

Associate Professor of Mathematics •On leave. 1929-30. Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences

Hurlbut Anton Griswold Georce Francis Rupp

B.A., Universtiy of the South 3.. Pennsylvania State College; II. F.. Yale

Instructor in Bible Professor of Forestry

Albert Gaylord Willey Robert Lowell Petry B.A., Earlham; B.A.. Dartmouth Ph.D.. Princeton Acting Professor Associate Professor of Bioloyy of Physics

Charles Carroll Montgomery Abbott Cotton Martin B.A.. II. A.. University of B.A., Leland Stanford Mississippi Assistant Professor English Assistant Professor of Spanisli of

John James Davis John Maxwell Stowell MacDonald B.A., Harvard; B.A., "Virginia Polytechnic Institute M.A., Columbia Professor Philosophy Professor of Frrncli of

George Wilson Nicholson Michael Smith Bennett B.S., Citadel; M.A.. North Carolina B.S.. D.D.S., University of Pennsylvania Acting Associate Professor of Mathematics Professor of Physical Education Maurice Augustus Moore William Waters Lewis C.E., University of the South

Professor of Spanish Instructor in English

Bernard E. H ikons B.A., Waterloo College, Ontario; B.M.. Toronto Conservatory of Music Mrs. F. M. Preston St. Luke's

Mrs. L. P. Anderson" Miller Mrs. Percy Cunningham Hoffman Mrs. Mary Eggleston Magnolia Mrs. H. H. Faulkner The Inn Miss Johnnie Tucker Johnson Mrs. Horace Tyler Cannon

Sewanee is one of the few universities throughout the country in

which each dormitory is presided over by a matron. These ladies not

only create a certain social dignity, but take a personal interest in the men with whom they come in contact, ministering to their spiritual and physical needs, and making an atmosphere more home like and pleasant.

On May 5th Mrs. Fannie Preston died at Sewanee in her fifty-

second year as a matron and in the ninety-sixth year of her life. She was indeed the mother of hundreds of Sewanee men who had come

within her care and friendship, and her passing is a real loss to the mountain. John Elbridge Hines, Head Proctor

Walter Ernest Boyd The Inn

Clint Brown, Jr Tlic Inn John M. Ezzell Hoffman George Herbert Edwards Miller David Yates Benedict Charles Henry Barron Johnson

Francis D. Daley St. Luke's

The proctors of the university are chosen from the outstanding mem- bers of the Order of Gownsmen by the vice-chancellor. Their duty con-

sists in maintaining discipline, both in their respective dormitories and

on the campus. It will be seen that in this instance Sewanee has departed

from the Oxford tradition by making its proctors members of the stu- dent body. Thomas Parker Seniors

Richard Leroy Sturcis, Jr Seniors Charles C. Chadbourn Juniors Johx M. Ezzell Juniors G. Mallory Buford Sopliomores William Oscar Lindholm Freshmen Francis D. Daley Tlieologs

The Honor Council consists of two seniors, two juniors, one sopho- more and one freshman from the college and one member of the Theo-

logical School. Before this body all infringements of the honor system

are brought, and it passes judgment upon the cases, having the power

to acquit or to punish.

This year there was considerable agitation concerning the honor

system, and a vote was taken of the entire student body to determine

whether it should be abolished, modified or kept in its present form.

Only two in the entire student body voted to do away with it; the majority voted to retain the system unchanged.

m Student Vestry

The Rev. Mr. Moultrie Guerrv Cliaflain Thomas Parker Senior Warden David Yates Junior Warden Francis M. Thigpen Treasurer Frank Fortune Secretary

Charles H. Barron Edward C. Voss

Wayne McConnell William S. Turner Carlisle Ames Jack Walthour Harold F. Bache

This organization, composed of two members from each class in the college and two members from the Theological School, plays an active

part in the everyday life of the students.

For the first time this year it maintained the former home of Miss

Sarah Barnwell Elliott as a music studio for the choir and Glee Club.

In addition it sponsored a program of Lenten speakers, which included

such men as Bishops Juhan and Penick, Dr. Charles Jefferson Miller, president of the American College of Surgeons, and Mr. Coleman Jen- nings of Washington, D. C.

It also distributed the Lenten and Easter offerings to the mountain missions around Sewanee. OUR men met in Washington, the nation's capital. One was the President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt.

Turning to Major Archie Butt, his aide, he said: "Butt,

where were you educated?" "Sewanee, sir," said Butt. Dr. Cary Grayson, later admiral and personal physician to Presi- dent Wilson, was one of the others. He spoke up: "I went there too." Roosevelt turned to the third man—the man without whom the Panama Canal could not have been built—General William C. Gorgas. "And where were you educated, Gorgas?" the President asked. "Sewanee, sir," came the answer. The President was deeply impressed. He made

many inquiries about the little university which produced big men. Then he wrote: "I know of no university of the same size in any part of our country which has done more for the cause of good citizenship.

It is called 'The University of the South,' but it is much more than that.

Its welfare should be dear to all Americans who are both patriotic and farsighted."

The University of the South at Sewanee lies midway between Nash-

ville and Chattanooga. It is a small, compact institution, situated in

the center of a magnificently forested domain of ten thousand acres which the university owns and controls. Within five minutes' walk of

the university campus in any direction is the untouched forest. Here are

also deep valleys running off the plateau on which Sewanee stands, val-

leys surrounded by huge cliffs of rock and containing in almost every

case rapidly running streams. Such a setting is almost unique in Amer- ican educational institutions.

The university itself consists of a College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and a Theological School. The corporation also directs its preparatory school, the Sewanee Military Academy. The College of Liberal Arts

and Sciences is the heart of the university. It is here that all the dif- ferent courses are given toward the construction of a liberal education

in the highest sense of that phrase. **w i^^



Clinton G. Brown ...... President John Eleridge Hines Vice-President Walter Ernest Boyd .... Secretary-Treasurer Joseph Lee Allen, Jr Signal Mountain, Tennessee ATA

Candidate for B.l. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Freshman Track; Varsity Track Squad, '27, '28; Tennis Team, '28, Manager, '29, Captain, '30; Fraternity Track, Baseball; Senior German Club; Tennes- see Club; Glee Club, '29, Vice-President, '30; Prowlers.

William James Ball Charleston, South Carolina n k *

Candidate for B.S. Degree

Order of the Gownsmen; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Upsilon; Student Assistant in Chem- istry; Sewanee Union; Waiters' Union; Fraternity Handball; Cross-Country Team; Var- sity Track; Scholarship Society; Senior German Club.

Walter Ernest Boyd Houston, Texas ATO

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Proctor; Prowlers, '28, Secretary-Treasurer, '29; A. B. C, '29; Honor Council, '29; Secretary-Treasurer Senior Class; Sphinx Club; Texas Club; Sigma Epsilon; Purple Masque; Pan-Hellenic Council, '28, '30; Glee Club, '28, Secretary-Treas- urer, '29, President, '30; Blue Kev, '29, President, '30; Fire Department; Fraternity Basketball, Baseball, Track. SENIORS

David A. Bridewell Forrest City, Arkansas K 2

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Secretary to the Dean; Mountain Goat Staff, '27, '28, '29; Book Review Editor, '30; Purple, '27, '28, Contributing Editor, '29, News Editor, '30; Cap and

Gown, '27, '28, Class Editor, '29 ; Neograph ; Varsity Debate ; Pi Omega, Treasurer, '28, Secretary, '29, President, '30; Purple Masque; Senior German Club; Arkansas Club;

Shepherd Prize for Essay, '29 ; Freshman Purple.

Clint Brown, Jr San Antonio, Texas ATA

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen, Vice-President, '30; President Senior Class; President Prowlers;

Vice-President A. B. C. ; Vice-President Blue Key; Omicron Delta Kappa; Manager Freshman Football, '27; Manager Varsity Football, '29; "S" Club; Proctor; Tennis Team, '29; Varsity Debate, '27; Senior German Club; Pan-Hellenic Council; Fire Department; Texas Club.

Frank George Brunner, Jr Dallas, Texas * r a

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Scholarship Society; Fraternity Basketball; Mountain Goat Staff, '27, '28, '29, Business Manager, '30; Senior German Club; Beta Gamma Sigma; Fresh- man Track; Texas Club; Salutatorian. Nash Burger, Jr Jackson, Mississippi n k *

Candidate for B..1. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Millsaps College, '26, '27; Cap and Gown, '29, '30; Purple, '29, '30; Mountain Goat, Managing Editor, '29, Editor-in-Chief, '30; Senior German Club; Fra- ternity Tennis, Track; Sigma Upsilon; Mississippi Club; Pan-Hellenic Council.

Jack Pryor Buzard Mobile, Alabama ATA

Candidate for B.S. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Fraternity Baseball, Basketball, Track; Senior German Club; Glee Club, '29, '30; Prowlers; Alabama Club.

Bishop Melvin Craig Selma, Alabama ATA

Candidate for B.J. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Glee Club, '27, '28, '29, '30; Sewanee Syncopators, '27, '28, Director,

'29, '30; Scholarship Society; Purple Masque; Senior German Club; Choir; Alabama Club; Mountain Goat Staff; Fraternity Athletics. William B. Craig Selma, Alabama ATA

Candidate for B.A. Degree

'28 Order of Gownsmen ; Manager Freshman Track, ; Assistant Manager Varsity Track, '29; Business Manager Mountain Goat, '29; Freshman Purple, '27; Neograph; Prowlers; Glee Club; Pan-Hellenic Council; Senior German Club; Alabama Club.

Jackson Cross Brooklyn, New York n k *

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; University of Pennsylvania, '26, '27; Sigma Epsilon ; Mountain Goat Staff, '28, Art Editor, '29; Sewanee Union; Fraternity Tennis; Senior German Club; Yankee Club.

John Sumner Davidson Kensington, Maryland 2 N

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Cap and Gown, Literary Editor, '30; Mountain Goat, Poetry Editor, '30; Sigma Upsilon; Purple, Business Manager, '29, '30; Student Librarian, '28, '29, '30; Sigma Epsilon, '27, '28; Sewanee Union; Pi Omega Critic, '30; Senior German Club; Pan-Hellenic Council. William R. Early, Jr Indianola, Mississippi A T Q

Candidate for B.l. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Scholarship Society; Pan-Hellenic, '29, '30; Student Assistant in

Spanish, '29, '30; Senior German Club; Mississippi Club; Fraternity Touchball, Tennis, Basketball, Baseball.

George Herbert Edwards Cedartown, Georgia K A

Candidate for B.S. Degree

Order of Gownsmen, President, '30; Vice-President Freshman Class; Freshman Football; Varsity Golf, '28, '29, Captain and Manager, '30; Blue Key; Ratting Commission; Prowlers.

John Fredson Fort Yukon, Alaska

Candidate for B.S. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Alpha Phi Epsilon ; Varsity Debater; Sigma Epsilon.

i / \J#* 5

SSffttl ~~v William Crane Gray Mishawaka, Indiana ROYAL BENGAL CLUB

Candidate for B.S. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Pi Omega; Yankee Club; Scholarship Society; Student Assistant in Mathematics; Fraternity Touchball, Basketball.

James Holt Green Charleston, South Carolina ATfl

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Sigma Epsilon; South Carolina Club; Fraternity Touchball, Base- ball, Track; Prowlers; Senior German Club.

Henry Watt Gregory, Jr Forrest City, Arkansas K 2

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Purple Staff, '28; Cap and Gown Staff, '28, '30; Declamation, '29, '30; Scholarship Society; Senior German Club; Pi Omega; Arkansas Club; Choir, '28,

'29, '30; Fraternity Track, Golf. Thomas N. E. Greville Highlands, North Carolina

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Pi Omega; Phi Beta Kappa; Scholarship Society; North Carolina Club.

Beverly Grizzard Cowan, Tennessee * r a

Candidate for B.J. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Tennessee Club; Mountain Goat, Advertising Manager, '30.

Benjamin Francis Hatch, Jr Uniontown, Alabama A T

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Phi Beta Kappa; Scholarship Society; Fraternity Touchball, Bas- ketball, Tennis, Track; Alabama Club; Senior German Club.

ill li'TXTi 1 John Elrridge Hixes Seneca, South Carolina 2 N

Candidate for B.,4. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Freshman Football, Basketball, Tennis; Varsity Basketball, '28, '29, Captain, '30, Tennis '28, '29; "S" Club; Vice-President Senior Class; President Junior Class; Proctor, '29; Head Proctor, '30; Phi Beta Kappa; Scholarship Society; Freshman Purple, '26; Purple, Managing Editor, '29, Editor-in-Chief, '30; Cap and Gown, Class

Editor, '27; Neograph ; Alpha Phi Epsilon; Sigma Upsilon; Blue Key, Secretary-Treasurer, '30; Omicron Delta Kappa, Secretary, '29, President, '30; Sigma Epsilon, Secretary, '27, Vice-President, '28, President, '29; Prowlers; Student Vestry, '28; Honor Council, '28, '29;

Purple Masque; Sewanee Union; Fraternity Baseball, Touchball ; South Carolina Club; Pan-Hellenic Council; Senior German Club; A. B. C.

Murray Sims Hitchcock Birmingham, Alabama 2 A E

Candidate for B.S. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Fraternity Track, Baseball; Senior German Club; Alabama Club.

William Mabry Hodges New Britain, Connecticut 2 N

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Senior German Club; Mississippi Club; Fraternity Basketball,

Baseball,, Track ; Mountain Goat Staff; Varsity Track Squad, '30.

J~^ . Ml ;

John Smith King, Jr Memphis, Tennessee K 2

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Senior German Club; Pi Omega; Fraternity Baseball, Touchball Tennessee Club.

H. H. Lovelace Indianola, Mississippi a t a

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Freshman Football, Track; Sigma Epsilon; Mississippi Club; Glee Club; Fraternity Baseball, Basketball, Touchball, Track; Senior German Club.

Thomas Parker Greenville, South Carolina

Candidate for B.S. Degree

Order of Gownsmen, Secretary, '30; Neograph; Sigma Upsilon; Alpha Phi Epsilon; Blue Key; Omicron Delta Kappa, Secretary, '30; Phi Beta Kappa; Mountain Goat, '27; Cap And Gown, Managing Editor, '29, Editor-in-Chief, '30; Scholarship Society, President, '30; Student Vestry, Secretary, '29, Senior Warden, '30; Honor Council, President, '30; Sewanee Union; Senior German Club; South Carolina Club; Ruggles-Wright Medal for French; Thomas O'Connor Scholarship; Valedictorian. Edmund Julius Phillips Fulton, Kentucky ROYAL BENGAL CLUB

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Fraternity Athletics; Tennessee Club.

Walter Emmett Phillips Decatur, Alabama 2 N

Candidate for B.S. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Senior German Club; Freshman Football, Track; Alabama Club; Waiters' Union; Fraternity Basketball, Track; Purple; Mountain Goat.

Charles Augustus Poellnitz, Jr Greensboro, Alabama 2 A E

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Vice-President Sophomore Class; Senior German Club, President, '30; Alabama Club; Fraternity Touchball, Basketball, Tennis; Prowlers; Ratting Com- mission; Blue Key; Pan-Hellenic Council. Mm

r Russell S. Ponder San Antonio, Texas * r a

Candidate for B.S. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Glee Club, '29, '30; Senior German Club; Mountain Goat; Cap and Gowk; Sphinx Club; Prowlers; Freshman Football; Varsity Football Squad, '28, '29; Fraternity Baseball, Basketball, Track, Tennis, Handball; Texas Club; "S" Club; Purple Masque; Sigma Epsilon.

Augustus Adolphus Rounsaville, Jr Alto, Texas ATA

Candidate for B.S. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Senior German Club; Prowlers; Freshman Track; Varsity Track; Fraternity Basketball, Baseball.

Charles D. Snowden Millburn, New Jersey e K N

Candidate for B..-I. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Choir; Pi Omega; Senior German Club.

" v-o Richard Leroy Sturgis Rock Hill, South Carolina 2 N

Candidate for B..1. Degree

Order of Gownsmen ; Head Rat Leader, '28 ; Waiters' Union ; Varsity Football Squad, '28; Freshman Basketball Manager, '29; Varsity Basketball Manager, '30; Ratting Com- mission; Alpha Phi Epsilon ; Cap and Gown, Athletic Editor, '29, '30; Fire Department; Senior German Club; Debate Council; Sewanee Union, President, '30; Blue Key; Chair- man Committee Students' Activities; Mountain Goat; Freshman Football Squad; Fresh- man Purple; Sigma Epsilon; South Carolina Club; Fraternity Basketball, Baseball, Track; Purple, Athletic Editor, '29, '30; Prowlers; "S" Club.

Francis M. Thigpen Montgomery, Alabama K 2

Candidate for B.S. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Blue Key; Prowlers; Student Vestry, '28, '29, Treasurer, '30; Pan- Hellenic Council; Cap and Gown; Senior German Club; Alabama Club; "S" Club; Freshman Football, Basketball; Varsity Basketball, '28, '29, '30, Alternate Captain, '30; Fraternity Touchball, Baseball, Track, Tennis.

Edward Willard Watson Galveston, Texas ROYAL bengal club

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Phi Beta Kappa; Alpha Phi Epsilon; Varsity Debate; Debate Coun- cil; Pi Omega, President, '29; Purple, Literary Editor; Fraternity Athletics; Senior Ger- man Club; Texas Club. Roger Atkinson Way Raleigh, North Carolina 2 N

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Manager of Freshman Track, '29; Varsity Track Manager, '30; Blue Key; Sigma Epsilon; North Carolina Club; Varsity Basketball, '29, '30; Fraternity Basketball, Track, Touchball; Waiters' Union; Sewanee Union, Executive Committee, '29, Secretary, '30; Senior German Club; "S" Club; Prowlers; Manager Cross-Country Team.

Edward Baylor Wharton New Orleans, Louisiana ATA

Candidate for B.A. Degree

Order of Gownsmen; Neograph ; Purple; Fraternity Basketball, Track; Senior German Club; Louisiana Club.

Peter Dixon Young Scott, Mississippi K A

Candidate for B.S. Degree

Order of Gownsmen ; Freshman Football ; Varsity Football, '27, '28, '29 ; Varsity Track,

'29, '30, Captain, '30; "S" Club; Senior German Club; Prowlers; Fraternity Basketball and Baseball; Mississippi Club. JUNIORS From The Thinker.By Rodin Kenneth T. Axdersox * r a WICHITA, KANSAS

Charles Frederick Baarcke

MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA Order of Gownsmen; Glee Club, '30; Sigma Epsllon; Sewanee Union; Senior German Club; Fraternity Touch- ball, Baseball; Waiters' Union; Alabama Club; Var- sity Track Squad, '29.


Order of Gownsmen; Ncograph; Sigma Epsilon; Senior German Club; Freshman Basketball; Fraternity Bas- ketball, Baseball, Touchball; T nnessee Club.

Charles Hexry Barrox * a e COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA Order of Gownsmen; Vice-President Sophomore Class; Secretary-Treasurer Pan-Hellenic Council; South Caro- lina Club; Fire Department; Sphinx Club; Waiters' Union; "S" Club; Freshman Football Basketball. Track, "30; Fraternity Tennis. Handball: Proctor; Blue Key; Prowlers; Student Vestry; Senior German; A. B.

C. ; Proprietor Student Sandwich Shop; Owl Club; Sewanee L'nion. Treasurer, '30; Varsity Football- '2S. '29, Basketball, '30, Track, '29, '30, Captain-elect Track, '31.

Joseph Smith Bean * r a WINCHESTER, TENNESSEE Order of Gownsmen; Sigma Epsilon; Varsity Debater; Waiters' Union; Rat Leader, "2S; Ratting Commission; Fire Department: "Mountain Goat"; Cap and Gown; Freshman Football, Basketball. Track; Varsity Foot- ball, '28, '29 Basketball, '29. '30, Track '29, '30; "S" Club; Fraternity Ttnnis, Golf.

James Dunbar Beckayith 2 A E LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA Order of Gownsmen; Freshman Football: Fraternity Baseball. Basketball, Track; Owl Club; Waiters' Union; Senior German Club; North Carolina Club. ;

James W. Brettmann * r a WICHITA, KANSAS

Order of Gownsmen; Fraternity Basketball, Baseball. Track, Tennis; Freshman Track; Senior German Club; Kansas Club; "Cap and Gown" Staff.

Moultrie Brailsford Burns 1 N CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA Order of Gownsmen; Owl Club; "Purple". Circulation Staff, Assistant Sport Editor, '29; South Carolina Club; "Cap and Gown" Staff; Senior German Club; Debat- ing Team ; Scholarship Society ; Freshman Football '2 Assistant Freshman Track Manager, '28, 9 ; Sigma Epsilon; Fraternity Touchball, Handball, Basketball. Baseball, Tennis; "Waiters' Union; Sewanee Union; Manager of Freshman Track, '30; Manager-elect of

Varsity Track, '31 ; Prowlers; Alpha Phi Epsilon.

Chauncey Williams Butler, Jr- S A E MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE Order of Gownsmen; Vice-President Frshman Class; President Sophomore Class; Freshman Football; Var- sity Football '2S. '29; Prowlers; Fire Department; Golf Team; Fraternity Baseball, Basketball; Junior German Club, Vice-Presid nt, '30; Tennessee Club; Rat Leader, '2S.

Thomas Dorgan Byrne n k * MOBILE, ALABAMA

Order of Gownsmen; "Purple" Staff, '2S, '29; "Cap and Gown" Staff, '29. '30; Fraternity Athletics; Owl Club; Sigma Epsilon; Commencement Orator for Sigma Epsilon, '27; Sewanee Syncopators, '30; Sewanee Union; Senior G:rman Club.

Charles Cumston Chadbourn, Jr.

ALBANY, NEW YORK Order of Gownsmen; Sigma Epsilon; Choir; Freshman Football; Track; Student Assistant in Forestry; Cross Country, '30; Varsity Track, '30; Honor Council. '30; Varsity Debating; Scholarship Society; North Carolina Club; Senior German Club.

Robert B. Chadwick 2 A E BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA Order of Gownsmen; Sewanee Union; Senior German Club; "Mountain Goat", Circulation Manager, '29; Biology Laboratory Assistant; Alabama Club. THE CAP AND GOWN



Order of Gownsmen; Varsity Football Squad; Wait-rs' L'nion; Sigma Epsilon; Senior German Club; South Carolina Club.

David M. R. Culbreth Clough K A


Order of Gownsmen; Senior German Club; Frate Touchball, Basketball. Baseball.

George Copelaxd n k +


Order of Gownsmen; Freshman "Purple", '27; Feature Editor "Purple". '29. '30; "Cap and Gown". Class Edi- tor, '29. Photographic Editor. '30; Neograph; Busi- ness Manager Purple Masque. '30; Senior German Club: Varsity Debate; Texas Club; Sigma Epsilon: Sigma Upsilon.


William Dixon Dossett K A


Charles Crosley Eby

ii k *

west monroe, louisiana

Order of Gownsmen; Freshman Football. Track; Var- sity Track, '29, '30; Cross Country. '29; Fraternitv Touchball, Basketball. Baseball. Track; Senior German Club: Louisiana Club. Vice-President. '30; Sewanee Union. Vice-President, '30; Waiters' LT nion. Head Waiter, '30; "S" Club; Sigma Epsilon; "Purple" Staff.

+6 ;;


Order of Gownsmen; Fire Department; Waiters' Union '27, '28. '29; Junior German Club, Secretary-Treasurer, '29'; Senior German Club; Proctor; Fraternity Basket- bail. Baseball. Golf; Tennessee Club; Sewane Union; Sphinx Club; "Purple", Circulation Staff '2S; Pro- prietor Sandwich Shop; Freshman Football; Varsity Football, '2S. '29, Alternate Captain-elect. *30; "S" Club, President, '30; Prowlers, Secretary-Treasur r; Blue Key; Pi Omega; Honor Council, '30; Pan-Hellenic. President, '30; Secretary of Freshman Class; Vice- President Junior Class.

Richard Drury Harwood


Charles Thomas Hoppen x a e BOGALUSA, LOUISIANA Order of Gownsmen; Senior German Club; Blue Key; Freshman Football, Track; Varsity Track, '29, '30 Freshman Football. Manager. '29; Varsity Football Manager-elect, "Mountain Goat". Art Editor, '27, "Cap and Gown", Art Editor, '29, '30; Prow- lers; Fire Chief; Louisiana Club; Ratting Commission; Fraternity Baseball, Touchball, Basketball, Track; Cheer Leader, '29.

Godfrey Lyle Howse * r a WICHITA, KANSAS Order of Gownsmen; Fraternity Basketball. Track;

"Cap and Gown". '29, Managing Editor, '30 ; Senior

German Club ; Sewanee Union; Physics Assistant, '30 Bible Assistant, '30; Sigma Upsilon.

Charles Richard Kellerman K I SOUTH PITTSBURG, TENNESSEE Order of Gownsmen; Freshman. Football, Track; Var- sity Football '2S, '29; Waiters' Union; Boxing Team, '30; Fraternity Basketball. Baseball; Varsity Track, '30; Pi Omega; Sewanee Union; Senior German Club.

Peter William Lambert, Jr. LIBERTY, NEW YORK Order of Gownsmen; Librarian of the Choir. Alfred St. John- Matthews Royal Bengal Club


Order of Gownsmen; PI Omega, '27-'30; Choir. '30; Fraternity Baseball; "Purple Masque". '29, '30; Biol- ogy Laboratory Instructor, '30; Florida Club.

Walter Matthews

r a


Order of Gownsmen; Fraternity Basketball. Track; Senior German Club; Alabama Club; Freshman Track; Pi Omega.


Order of Gownsmen; Fraternity Basketball.

Edward Cornelius Nash ATA KAUFMAN, TEXAS

Order of Gownsmen; Freshman Football, Track; Senior German Club, Vice-President. '30; Fraternity Basket- ball. Bas ball; Assistant Manager Basketball. '29; Manager Freshman Basketball. '30: Rat Leader, '29; Texas Club; Circle Club; Prowlers; Blue Key; Fire De- partment. Chief of Chemical Department; "Cap and Gown". Circulation Staff; Ratting Commission, '30.

Oxey C. Raines K 2


Order of Gownsmen ; Varsity Tennis, Track.

Jackson Ray winchester, tennessee

Order of Gownsmen. Henry Clay Robertson

* A f) GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA Order of Gownsmen; Senior German Club; Scholar- ship Society; "Purple" Staff; Neograph '27, '2S; Fra- ternity Handball, Basketball, Tennis, Track; Waiters' LTnion; Owl Club; South Carolina Club; Prowlers.

James Warfield Rodgers Z A E MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE Order of Gownsmen; "S" Club; Freshman Football; Varsity Football; Prowlers; Fire Department; Frater- nity Basketball, Baseball. Track; Senior German Club; Tennessee Club; Circle Club.

Joseph William Schuessler, Jr. Royal Bengal Club COLUMBUS, CEORCIA Pi Omega; Fra-

Milton Vance Spencer * r a SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Order of Gownsmen; Senior German Club; Texas Club; Glee Club; Varsity Track, '29. '30; Varsity Football, '28; Freshman Football Track; Fraternity Baseball. Basketball; Prowlers.

Virgil Pearce Stewart * r a HUTCHINSON, KANSAS Order of Gownsmen; Pi Omega; "Purple Masque"; Fraternity Touchball; Choir; Senior German Club; Kansas Club.

Robert Stimson 2 A E MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE Order of Gownsmen; Freshman Football; Varsity Foot- ball. '28. '29, Captain-elect. '30; "S" Club; Prowlers; Fraternity Basketball. Baseball; Vice-President Junior Class; Senior German Club; Fire Department; Circle Club. Robert Walton* Thomas


Jerome Pillow Thompson* ATA HELENA, ARKANSAS Order of Gownsmen; Glee Club, Seer tary-Treasurer. '29, "30; Sewanee Syncopators, '2S. '29, '30; Arkansas Club; Choir. '28, '29, Vice-President, '30; Neograph: Freshman "Purple"; "Mountain Goat". '27, '2S; Fresh- man Basketball; Varsity Track, '30; Fraternity Bas-

ketball, Baseball. Track ; Senior Grman Club.

Homer N. Tinker K 2 HOUSTON, TEXAS

Order of Gownsmen; "Cap and Gown" Staff: Pi Cmega; Senior German Club; "Purple Masque": Texas Club; Varsity Debating; "Purple" Staff; "Mountain Goat" Staff.

Edwin S. Towle * r a

FALLS C1T\', NEBRASKA Order of Gownsmen; Fraternity Basketball Track. Baseball. Handball. Tennis; Senior G.rman Club: Glee Club, '29: Sigma Epsilon; "Mountain Goat" Staff.

George David Walker

HELENA, ARKANSAS Crder of Gownsmen; Freshman Track. Football: Var- sity Track, '29. '30; Cross Country; "Purple" Staff. '28, "29, '30; Cap and Gown", Business Manager, '30; Neograph; Senior German Club; Scholarship Society; Fraternity Basketball; Pan-Hellenic Council; Arkansas Club; Prowlers.

William Phillip Walker. Jr.

LULINC, TEXAS Order of Gownsmen; Pan-Hellenic Council; Prowlers; Senior German Club, Secretary-Treasurer, '30; Glee Club; Texas Club; Circle Club; Fraternity Baseball, Golf, Track. William Minter Weaver, Jr. n k * SELMA, ALABAMA Order of Gownsmen; Sigma Epsilon; Fraternity Bas- ketball, Handball Touchball, Track Choir, '2S '29, '30; "Purple". Circulation Staff '28. 29 '30; "Moun- tain Goat". Circulation Staff, '29, '30 Cross Country; Varsity Track Squad, '29;

Waldo Wilson

BEAUMONT, TEXAS Ord:r of Gownsmen; Texas Club; Senior German Club.

David Yates

A T fl CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Order of Gownsmen; President Freshman Cass; Presi- dent Junior Class; Varsity Basketball, 29, '30, Track. '29, Tennis. '29; Glee Club. '28; Student Vestry '28, '29, '30; Neograph. '28, '29; Choir '28, '29 '30; Honor Council. '29; "S" Club, '29, '30; Varsity Debating-, '29, '30; President Debating Council, '30; Blue Key; Cmi- cron Dlta Kappa; Proctor; Sigma Epsilon, '28, '29, '30; Fraternity Baseball, Touchball; Fire Department; North Carolina Club; Senior German Club.

SOPH RES From Atlas. Antique Sculpture THE CAP AND GOWN


James O. Bass AT" XASHVILLE, TEXXESSEE Freshman Tennis Basketball; Assistant Editor Fresh- man "Purple"; Sigma Epsilon: Neograph; Tennessee

Carl Biehl Royal Bengal Club GALVESTOX, TEXAS Freshman Track; Varsity Track; Pi Omega: Texas Club; Fraternity Touchball Basketball. Baseball. Tennis

Rohert Donald Blair

XASHVILLE, TEXXESSEE Freshman Football; Varsity Football; "Purple Masque"; Pi Omega; Junior German Club; Tennessee Club; Fraternity Basketball. Track. Baseball.

Robixsox W. Brown-

sax AXTOXIO, TEXAS Texas Club; Junior German Club; Fraternity Golf, Tennis; Prowlers.

Mallory Buford I A E FORREST CITY, ARKANSAS Arkansas Club; Junior German Club; Owl Club; Honor Council, 'J9; Fraternity Track; Sewanee L'nion.

Clayton* Lee Burwell i x CHARLOTTE, XORTH CAROLINA Prowlers; Waiters' L'nion: Sewanee Vnion; Neograph. President. "30; Sigma Epsilon: Presid nt Sophomore Class; Junior German Club; Acolyte; Debating Team; Freshman Football. Track. Tennis: Varsity Tennis: Fraternity Touchball, Basketball. Track: Choir; "Pur- ple."

John R. Cameron K £ WIXOXA, MISSISSIPPI Fraternity Touchball. Basketball Track:

Gordox Moore Campbell, Jr. * a e LEXIXGTOX, KENTUCKY Freshman Football. Track; Junior German Club; Var- sity Football; Fraternity Bask tball Baseball; Sigma Epsilon; Cosmopolitan Club: Cavalier Club. Cecil Edwards Cantrill, Jr. •* a e LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Freshman Football. Track Squad; Varsity Football. Track Squad; "S" Club; Junior German Club Presi- dent, '30; Fraternity Basketball Track; Cavalier Club; Sigma Epsilon; "Cap and Gown", Circulation; "Moun- tain Goat"; Fire Department.

Ogden Dunaway Carlton A T P. THOMASTON, ALABAMA

Wood Boyvyer Carper, Jr. i N CHARLESTON, Neograph; Sigma Epsilon; Waiters* Union; Fraternity Basketball; Freshman Bask tball; Choir; "Purple" Staff.

Donald Hanson Cowan * a e ATLANTA, GEORGIA Georgia Club; Junior German Club; Sigma Epsilon; Freshman Football, Basketball, Track; Cavalier Club; Fraternity Track. Touehball, Baseball, Basketball, Golf; Secretary-Treasurer Sophomore Class; Prowlers.

Charles Glenn Crenshaw greenwood, mississippi Junior German Club; Mississippi Club.

Edward Burton Crosland K X MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA Freshman Football, Manager-ePct '30; Pi Omega; "Purple"; Fraternity Basketball, Track. Touehball; Junior German Club; Alabama Club.

C. W. Cross 2 A E CLARKSVILLE, TENNESSEE Vice-President Freshman Class; Vice-President Soph- omore Class; Fraternity Basketball, Track; Freshman Football. Tennis; Junior German Club; Tennessee Club; Owl Club.

Frank M. Crump * a e MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE Freshman Basketball; Junior German Club; Tennessee Club; Fraternity Touehball, Track, Baseball Basket- ball; Varsity Basketball Squad; Sigma Epsilon; Cava- lier Club. THE CAP AND GOWN


J. Havis Dawson 1 N MOBILE, ALABAMA Alabama Club; Freshman Football Basketball, Track: Varsity Football, Basketball, Track: Junior German Club; "S" Club: Prowlers.

William Haskell Di/Bose


Redmond Renn Eason, Jr.


Sewanee Svncopators, '28 '29, '30: Fraternity Base- ball. Handball. Track; Pro vlers; Sigma Epsilon; Junior German Club; Tennessee Club.

Berryman Wheeler Edwards


Frank Van Dusen Fortune 2 N VVOOSTER, OHIO Fraternity Basketball, Baseball. Touchball, Tennis: Freshman Basketball. Track: Sigma Epsilon; Neo-

graph ; "Purple" Staff; Freshman "Purple"; Student Vestry; Secretary Committee on Publications: "Cap and Gown" Staff. Class Editor. '30: Varsity Basket- ball; Track Squad; Yankee Club: Choir; Junior Ger- man Club.

George Thomas Foist Royal Bengal Club CLARKSVILLE, TENNESSEE Sigma Epsilon; Fraternity Bask tball. Baseball, Hand- ball, Track; Washington Medal for Essay on U. S. Constitution. '29; Tennessee Club.

George Condon Gardner K 2 WICHITA, KANSAS Kar

Daniel Gilchrist, Jr. n k * COURTLAXD, ALABAMA Hugh M. Goodman z N NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE Varsity Football, Basketball. Track; "S" Club; Junior German Club; Tennessee Club; Freshman Football: Captain Basketball; Track; Fraternity Baseball, Track, Basketball; Prowlers.

Wilks Glover SPRINGFIELD, TENNESSEE Tennessee Club; Junior German Club.

Ivan W. Hafley * r a HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA


Ellwood Hannum Royal Bengal Club PRIMOS, PENNSYLVANIA Basketball.

Robert Phillip Hare, III. * a e ATLANTA, GEORGIA

Assistant Editor Freshman "Purple", '2!); Freshman Tennis Team. '29; Sewanee Union; Fraternity Touch- ball. Basketball. Tennis. Golf. Baseball; Varsity Ten- nis; Pi Omega; Junior German Cub; Georgia Club.

George Ernest Hart, Jr. a t a INVERNESS, MISSISSIPPI

Dudley Hollis S N BENNETTSVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA South Carolina Club; Assistant Manager Basketball; Owl Club; Waiters' Union; Fraternity Basketball, Track, Touchball. Baseball; Freshman Track Squad; Varsity Track Squad; Rat Leader; Junior German Club; Freshman Basketball, Manager-elect, '31. Lorexzo D. James I A E HAYXESVILLE, ALABAMA

Abxer W. Johxsox A T Q ATLANTA, GEORGIA Fraternity Baseball, Track, Basketball. Handball. Touchball; Junior German Club: Georgia Club; Gl e Club, '29. '30; Choir. '29. '30; Varsity Track Squad. '30.

Joseph L. Kellermax k I SOUTH PITTSBURG, TENNESSEE Freshman Football. Track; Varsity Football Squad; Fraternity Basketball, Track, Baseball; Tennessee Club; Junior German Club.

William Haves Kxorr * r a WICHITA, KANSAS Freshman Football; Glee Club; "Cap and Gown" Staff; Fraternity Basketball. Golf- Track, Touchball. Tennis. Baseball; Sigma Epsilon; Kansas Club; Junior Ger- man Club.



Fraxk R. Laugh lix, Jr. k i CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

Freshman Football. '2S; Junior German Club: Frater- nity Baseball. Track. Basketball; Glee Club. '30: Pi Omega, Secretary. '30; "Cap and Gown". Photographic Editor. '30; Yankee Club; "Purple Masque"; Golf; Choir, '29. '30; "Purple" Staff.


Wayne B. McConnell * A 9 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA Junior German Club; Alabama Club; Student Vestry; Sigma Epsilon; Sewanee Union; Fraternity Track.

John I. McRee X A E HELENA, ARKANSAS Freshman Basketball. '29; Fraternity Baseball. Basket- ball, Tennis; Varsity Basketball, '30; Junior German Club; Arkansas Club.

Norton Thayer Montague ATA CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE Fraternity Baseball Track: Glee Club; Pi Omega; Jun- ior German Club; "Mountain Goat" Staff; Tennessee Club.

Albert G. Pabst, Jr. * r a GALVESTON, TEXAS

Carlisle Page, Jr.


Fr-shman Football, '2S; Varsity Football, '29; J'-nior German Club; "S" Club; Fraternity Basketball. Base- ball, Track; Varsity Track; Tennessee Club.

William Theodore Parish


Jay Dee Patton

SOUTH ARDMORE, PENNSYLVANIA Freshman Football. Basketball. Track, '29; Captain Freshman Track '29; Varsity Football. Track; "S" Club; Tennessee Club; Sigma Epsilon; Fraternity Bas- ketball, Bas ball. Track. Golf; Ratting Commission; Rat Leader; Grievance Commission.

Frank Easton Pulley n k + TARBORO, NORTH CAROLINA Sigma Epsilon; Fraternity Tennis; North Carolina Club; "Purple" Staff; Waiters' Union; Junior German

Club; Neograph ; Literary Editor "Purple." Sopliomores



William Price Richardson, Jr. Royal Bengal Club LEXINGTON", KENTUCKY Choir; Sigma Epsilon; Fraternity Baseball.

Frank M. Robbins. ATA Jr. SIGNAL MOUNTAIN, TENNESSEE Choir: Tennessee Club: Junior German Club: Frater- nity Baseball, Handball, Track; Assistant Track Man- ager; Pi Omega.

Royal K. San ford K 2 FRESNO, CALIFORNIA Fr, shman Football. Track; Varsity Track; Fraternity Touchball Basketball; "Purple" Staff; "Cap and

Gown" Staff; Neograph : Pi Omega; Junior German Club; Freshman "Purple".

Joseph Scott

HDL STON. TEXAS Choir; Texas

Stafford Smith ATS! HOUSTON, TEXAS Junior German Club; Sigma Epsilon; Freshman Bas- ketball. '30; Fraternitv Basketball. Baseball, Track, Golf, Handball; Texas Club.

John Morgan Soaper * a e HARRODSBURG, KENTUCKY Freshman Football. Basketball. Track, '29; Varsity Basketball. '30; Fraternity Touchball. Baseball; Junior German Club; Kentucky Ciub: Varsity Football Squad. '30; "S" Club. THE CAP AND GOWN

Benjamin Springer GALVESTON", TEXAS Club; Freshman

George Archibald Sterling ATS! GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA Freshman Football, Basketball; Varsity Football '29. Basketball, '30; Fraternity Basketball; Junior German Club. Secretary-Treasurer, '30; South Carolina Club; "S" Club; S. M. A. Club; Sigma Epsilon; Prowlers.

Joseph Stras, IV * r a. CARDINAL, KENTUCKY

George Willoughby Svler huntsville, alabama

Pi Omega; Waiters* Union; Debating, "29, '30; Ala- bama Club; Freshman Track; Varsity Track, Football; Boxing.

Richard Taylor n k * WINCHESTER, TENNESSEE Freshman "Purple" Staff; "Purple"; "Cap and Gown", Class Editor, '30; "Mountain Goat". Exchange Editor, '30; Sigma Epsilon; Fraternity Basketblal Tennis. Track; Neograph; Junior German Club; Freshman Basketball.

T. Franklyn Taylor


F. A. Thompson K 2 DALLAS, TEXAS

Robert B. Toombs K A GALVESTON, TEXAS Charles Walter Underwood, Jr. n k * SEWANEE, TENNESSEE Freshman Football. Basketball Track; Fraternity Bas- ketball, Track, Touchball, Baseball; Commencement Declamation, '29; Junior German Club.

Alfred P. Ward, Jk- * r a SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS

Joseph Edward Webster ata galveston, texas Club: Frater Senior German

Lawrence Spires Whit.ak.er


Thomas Phillip Wilhoite

MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE "Mountain Goat" Staff; Glee Club; Junior German Club; Tennessee Club; Fraternity Baseball, Basket- ball, Touchball, Tennis, Track. Edward Granville Williams * r a CHICKASHA, OKLAHOMA Freshman and Varsity Golf; Kansas Club; Fraternity Bask tball. Golf, Track. Baseball; Sigma Epsilon; Junior German Club. Hedley James Williams Royal Bengal Club BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Sigma Epsilon; Glee Club '30; Fraternity Basketball. Baseball. Handball. Touchball; Choir, '29. '30; Yankee Club. Robert Worrall s N NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE

Mai. rice Leslie Weuscher, Jr. 2 a e bocalusa, louisiana Freshman Football; Varsity Football; "S" Club; Jun- ior German Club; Fraternity Basketball. Baseball, Track, Golf; Fire Department; Louisiana Club; Var- sity Track Squad. FRESH From Meditation. By Ghiloni Freslimee

WILLIAM ADAMS, K 2 MONROE, LOUISIANA Pi Omega; Assistant Freshman Basketball Manager; Fraternity Touchball, Track; Junior German Club; Louisiana Club.







CORNELIUS BENTON BURNS, 2 N CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA Freshman Football, Track; Fraternity Basketball. Handball, Track; South Carolina Club; Waiters' Union; Sigma Epsilon; Choir; Junior German Club.



FRED THOMAS COOKE, A T V. MARIGOLD, MISSISSIPPI Sigma Epsilon; Freshman Basketball. LAWRENCE BRCCE CRAIG, ATA GERMANTOWX, TENNESSEE Freshman Football; Fraternity Baseball.

64 n

WILLIAM DULEY Roval Bengal Clue maysville, kentucky




HARRY EDWIN FLATO, *Ti KINGSVILLE, TEXAS Sigma Epsilon; Texas Club; Junior German Club; Fraternity Basketball. WASHINGTON FRAZER, * A 9 NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE Fraternity Baseball, Touchball; Assistant Freshman Football Manager; Junior German Club; Tennessee Club; Sigma Epsilon.

F. CAMPBELL GRAY Royal Bengal Club mishawaka, indiana


EDWIN HATCH, ATfl UNIONTOWN, ALABAMA Freshman Football. Basketball; Fraternity Basketball. Touchball; Junior German Club; Purple Masque; Ala- bama Club. DUNCAN HOBART, K A CHERAW, SOUTH CAROLINA Freshman Basketball; South Carolina Club.

HENRY FINCH HOLLAND, A T fi BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS Freshman Football; Fraternity Touchball, Baseball, Tennis; Sigma Epsilon; Neograph; Debating Society; Junior German Club; Texas Club. ARTHUR ROV HOLLIDAY, JR., K A HOUSTON, TEXAS Fraternity


FRANCIS C. HUDSON, * A 6 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE Freshman Basketball; Tennessee Club; Sigma Epsilon; Fraternity Basketball. Baseball, Golf. Tennis. Touch- ball; Junior German Club.


JOSEPH CONRAD ISAAC, ATS HOUSTON, TEXAS Freshman Football: Fraternity Touchball. Basketball. Track; Junior German Club; Sigma Epsilon; Texas Club; S. M. A. Club.

ALONZO HASSELL JEFFRESS, A T P. KINGSTON, NORTH CAROLINA Freshman Basketball Track: Fraternity Touchball. Track. Basketball Golf, Baseball; Choir: Junior Ger- man Club; North Carolina Club; Sigma Epsilon; Pur- ple Masque.

THOMAS D. JEFFRESS, A T f> KINGSTON, NORTH CAROLINA 4^0 Freshman Basketball Track: Fraternity Touchball. Basketball. Baseball. Golf; Sigma Epsilon; Junior Ger- man Club; North Carolina Club; Choir.



WILLIAM E. LEECH, $ T A TIPTONVILLE, TENNESSEE Fraternity Basketball. Baseball. Track. Touchball. Tennis; Sigma Epsilon; Junior German Club; "Cap and Gown" Staff; Tennessee Club. WILLIAM OSCAR LINDHOLM, ATI) ATLANTA, GEORGIA Honor Council; Vice-President of Freshman Class: Fr. shman Football; Sigma Epsilon; Junior German Club; Georgia Club; Fraternity Touchball. Basketball; Waiters' L^nion; Freshman Purple Staff.






JOE SMITH MELLON, 2 N BOLTON, MISSISSIPPI Sigma Epsilon; Fraternity Touchball, Basketball Base- ball; Freshman Track; Purple Staff; Mississippi Club; Junior German Club.


WILLIAM J. MONTGOMERY, K A PALESTINE, TEXAS Freshman Football; Fraternity Basketball, Bas.ball;

JAMES WATSON MORTON, 2 N NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE Choir; Sigma Epsilon; Freshman Football; Captain Freshman Basketball; Freshman Track; Junior Ger- man Club; Tennessee Club; Fraternity Baseball. HOWARD FREDERICK MUELLER, ATA JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA Sigma Epsilon; Choir; Purple Staff; "Mountain Goat" Staff; "Cap and Gown" Staff; Fraternity Track.


CHARLES PIPLAR, 2 A E TAMPA, FLORIDA Freshman Football, Basketball, Track; Junior Ger- man Club; Cosmopolitan Club; Fraternity Baseball. Tennis. Freshmen

ALEXANDER L. POSTLETHWAITE, JR., * A G NATCHEZ, MISSISSIPPI President of Freshman Class; Glee Club; Sewanee Pyncopators; Fraternity Baseball, Basketball. Touch-

ball; "Mountain Goat" ; Neograph; Junior German Club; Mississippi Club.

BRAXTON BRAGG PROVINE, JR., 4> A GREENWOOD, MISSISSIPPI Fr shman Dramatics; Fraternity Touchball. Basket- ball, Baseball ; Sigma Epsilon ; Junior German Club; Mississippi Club.

RALPH DICKINSON QUISENBERRV, JR., K 2 MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA Freshman Cheer Leader; Freshman Basketball, Track; Fraternity Touchball, Basketball. Track; Pi Omega; Alabama Club; Junior German Club.

FRED A. ROGERS, JR., II K * BENNETTSVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA Sigma Epsilon; Fraternity Touchball, Basketball. Track, Baseball; Junior German Club; Freshman Track; South Carolina Club. JOHN EDWIN SMITH, * r A ATCHISON, KANSAS

DOUGLAS STEVENS, V A SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Freshman Football. Track. Tennis; Sigma Epsilon; Junior German Club; Texas Club; "Mountain Goat" Staff. A. V. STIMSON, 2 A E MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE Freshman Football, Basketball; Fraternity Track, Baseball; Junior German Club; Tennessee Club. WILLIAM H. SYLVESTER Royal Bengal Club ALEXANDRIA, LOUISIANA Fraternity Track, Tennis; Sigma Epsilon.


CHRISTOPHER DUDLEY THAMES, JR., A T V. TAMPA, FLORIDA Freshman Football. Basketball. Track; Fraternity Baseball; Sigma Epsilon; Junior German Club; Flor- ida Club. JOHN POTTER TORIAN, * A e INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Secretary-Treasurer Freshman Class: "Mountain Goat"; Frat.rnity Touchball, Basketball; Sigma Epsilon; Yankee Club.

EDWARD C. VOSS, A T ii MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE Freshman Football. Basketball; Fraternity Touchball. Basketball, Baseball; Sigma Epsilon; Student Vestry; Junior German Club. THOMAS HAAC WALSH, 2 A E NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA Freshman Football. Track; "Purple" and "Mountain Goat" Staffs; Louisiana Club; Purple Masque; Frater- nity Basketball, Baseball; Junior German Club.





"Purple" Staff; Sigma EpsUim ; Kansas Club St. Luke's Hall TOfOMXS Faculty of the Theological School

The Rev. George Boggan Myers, The Rev. William H. DuBose, LL.B. B.A., M.A.

LTniversity of the South; D.D., Virginia Theo- logical Seminary.

Professor of Philosophy of Religion, Ethics Professor of Old Testament Language and and Sociology Interpretation

The Rev. Carv B. Wilmer. B.A. The Rev. Robert MacD. Kirklaxd, B.A.

Professor of Praetical Theology and Acting Professor English Bible Professor of New Testament Language and Interpretation

The Rev. Charles Luke Wells The Rev. Wilson L. Bevax. M.A.

Columbia; S. T. B., General; Ph.D., Munich. Dean of the Theological School and Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Canon Law Professor of Systematic Divinity FRANCIS DARNALL DALEY, B.A, B.D. WILLIAM STEPHEN TURNER, B.A., B.D. 2 N 2 A E , Maryland ATLANTA, GEORCIA

Phi Beta Kappa; Scholarship Society; Honor Alpha Phi Epsilon, '28-'3o; Pi Omega, '23-'3o; Council; Proctor; Chi Rho; Alpha Phi Epsilon; Blue Key, '26-'3o; Student Vestry, '28-'3o; Debate Blue Key; Sigma Upsilon. Council, '26-'3o; Purple Masque, '27-'3o; Chi Rho, '27-'30.


Instructor in Bible; General Manager Sewanee Union; Alpha Psi Omega Dramatic Fraternity; Purple Masque; Glee Club; Stage Manager Glee Club; Alpha Phi Epsilon; Sigma Upsilon. ms


n K ATLANTIC CITV, NEW JERSEY Senior German Club; Pi Omega; Varsity De- bating, '29; Sewanee Debate Council, '29, '30; Alpha Phi Epsilon.


Manager Glee Club, '30; Chi Rho ; Owl Club; Red Ribbon Society; Blue Key; Director Glee Pi Omega; South Carolina Club; Fraternity Club; Head Cheer Leader; "S" Club; Varsity

Handball, Touchball ; Sewanee Union; Senior Track; Sphinx; Prowlers; Choir; Student Ves- German Club. try; Bridgeport Mission; Purple Masque.



Pi Omega; Mississippi Club. ATHLETICS t6f> SB ^c


William H. MacKellar, Esq President

Clinton G. Brown Vice-President

John M. Scott, Esq Secretary

Telfair Hodgson Treasurer

B. F. Finney, Esq. G. M. Baker, Esq. W. B. Nal:ts, Esq.

M. S. Bennett, Esq.

H. M. Gass, Esq. Dr. R. M. Kirby-Smith John Elbridge Hines Charles Henry Barron THE CAP AND GOWN

Emerson' Clinton G. Brown Manager of Football

Richard L. Sturgis Manager of Basketball

Roger A. Way Manager of Track

G. Herbert Edwards Manager of Golf

John Elbridce Hines Manager of Tennis

The Cheer Leaders

Thompson HlNES Ezzell Goodman Yates C. G. Brown C. W. Boyd RODGERS French Bean Teffries Soaper Ward Page Robinson Dawson Hoppen Sturgis Way Eby Ponder FOOTBALL Top Row Jeffries C. Boyd Goodman Soaper

J. Kellerman Barron- Ezzell Page Sterling Stimson

Second Row Manager Brown French Phillips Wuescher Hafley Wise R. Kellerman Worrall Bartlam Dawson Fussell Green

Third Row Coach Clark Crosland Rodgers Butler Blair Patton Bean Cantrill Young Captain Cravens Hawkins Coach Kirkpatrick

Captain Cravens

Too much cannot be said of Captain Bill Cravens' performance during the past football

season. Himself a steady and consistent, though

not a flashy player, he ran his team well and

proved a leader of ability. In recognition of his services both on the gridiron and on the cin-

der track, where he was a hurdler of ability,

Hill was awarded the Porter cup of 1 930 as the athlete most valuable to Sewanee in that vear. Sterling 'T^abs lianker of Tulane

Keview of the Season

Sewanee, 46; T. P. I., Sewanee inaugurated her 1929 season by swamping Tennessee Tech by the overwhelming score of forty-six to nothing. The Tigers started with a rurh and never stopped during the whole sixty minutes of play. The visitors never came any closer than the Tigers' forty-five-yard line and were on the defensive throughout the whole game. Sewanee uncovered a galaxy of stars in the backfield led by Worrall and Boyd. Barron, Wise, Philips and Jeffries gave a neat exhibition of play. In the line Captain Cravens, Stimson, Page, Sterling, Patton and Dawson were the luminaries. The Tigers built up a comfortable lead by scoring four touchdowns in the first half. Dawson snagged a beautiful pass and raced across the line to bring the stands to their feet. In the second half Charlie Boyd cut over tackle, shook several would-be tacklers off and raced seventy yards for a touchdown. Worrall made the last touchdown of the day when he darted around for about six yards.

Sewanee, 6; Transylvania, 6

In a sea of mud Transylvania and Sewanee battled to a six-six tie on Hardee Field. Three minutes after the beginning of play it was impossible to hold the slick pigskin. The visitors used the Minnesota shift which gained them a lot of ground during the first quarter, but which later on drew for them many five-yard penalties. Sewanee was the victim of an unfortunate break in the first quarter when a high short punt hit one of her own men and the visitors recovered on the Purple's nine-yard line. The visitors took advantage of this break to drive over a counter and from then on for the most part stayed on the defensive. Sewanee came back in the second half with lots of drive, but was unable to gain when it really needed the yardage. Dame Fortune finally smiled on the Purple Warriors and they recovered a fumble on the visitors' thirty-five-yard line. On the next play Worrall, the phantom, broke off tackle, shook off some would-be tacklers and raced thirty-five yards for a much needed touchdown. The try for the extra point failed. The remainder of the game was fought out in midfield. Worrall and Boyd played great ball for the Tigers. Patton and Stimson were veritable "Rocks of Gibraltar" in the line. Camp and Haseldon bore the brunt of the visitors' attack.

Sewanee, 14; L. S. U., 27

Sewanee's Purple Tigers faced their first conference opponents in the Tiger of Louisiana State. It was a great battle, and although the Purple fought valiantly it was never able to overcome the lead that the Tigers from L. S. U. piled up in the first quarter. The final score was twenty-seven to fourteen in favor of L. S. U. Holden, Hendrix and Reeves skirted the ends and ran off tackle in the first quarter to give the Tigers three touchdowns. Sewanee staged a comeback and Worrall ran through the whole L. S. U. team until he was forced out of bounds on their thirteen-vard line. At this point the Purple fumbled and the rallv was crushed. The 8i Purple was not to be denied, for a little before the half ended Boyd tossed a pass into the arms of Captain Cravens, who eluded several tacklers and raced sixty yards for a touchdown. Boyd kicked the extra point. Sewanee made a decisive comeback in the second half, playing the Baton Rouge boys on even terms. Boyd ploughed through the line in the third quarter for the Tigers second score nad added the extra point. In the matter of first downs both teams had to be content with fourteen apiece. Boyd and Worrall were threats at all times to the opposing teams. Patton, Bean and Stimson smeared many plays in the making. Captain Cravens was a defensive star and was on the receiving end of many passes. Sewanee, 33; Cumberland, 6 Although outweighed some fifteen pounds to the man the Tigers uncovered a relentless attack that swept their slower opponents off their feet. The Bulldogs started out with a big rush and on a series of off-tackle plays and line smashes drove the ball to the Tigers' twelve-yard line. At this point they tried to use a little strategy and passed, but it fell into the open arms of Abe Philips, who raced seventy-five yards up the field before being driven out of bounds on the visitors' twelve-yard line. The Tigers in three plays had sent Jeffries over with the first counter and they were never threatened seriously during the remainder of the game. Boyd gave a wonderful exhibition of running by dashing through the whole Cumberland team for seventy yards and a touchdown. Charlie Barron intercepted a pass in the fourth quarter and unmolested sprinted fifty yards across the last white line for another score. Sterling, Page and Cravens were the Tiger stars in the line, while Barron, Philips and Young stood out in

Sewanee Stops Whatley of Tularu 82 THE CAP AND GOWN

the backfield. Woody and Cook were most consistent for the visitors in the line, while Standard and Taylor bore the brunt in the backtield.

Sewanee, 7; Alabama, 35 October, 1929, meant the meeting of the Crimson and the Purple again in combat. The Crimson showed a complete reversal of form from the Saturday before when they had fallen before the mighty Vols, and smashed the thin Purple wall into submission with a battering ram in the person of Mr. Tony Holm. In an effort to break into the scoring column the fighting Purple Tiger sought the air and in this they found a real weapon. They tried several passes and completed some for neat gains, but not until the last play of the game did they score. A pass from Boyd found its way into the arms of Hugh Goodman, who stepped across the goal line. Boyd made the try good for the extra point. Sewanee's small pair of ends, Captain Cravens and Cotton Ezzell, distinguished themselves nobly by time and again worming their way through the Tide's offense and throwing their heavier opponents for losses. Sterling and Stimson played great ball in the line, while Jeffries and Green played the best defensive game in the backfield. Hugh Goodman was on the receiving end of some neat passes. Holm was the Alabama star throughout the game.

Sewanee, 6; Mississippi, 6 The proverbial Mississippi mud proved tco much for the Tigers, for their pony backs were

- > .'Jtft...'' *

Toss—Worrall to Vhillips vs. %)andy 83 unable to stand up, although they outgained their heavier opponents at will. "Ole Miss" was invincible in her own territory, and the Mountaineers had to resort to the aerial route to gain their only score. A pass from Worrall to the fleet-footed Goodman in the last quarter was good for the needed yardage. "Ole Miss" had welcomed her alumni on Homecoming Day by march- ing straight down the field in the early part of the first quarter for her touchdown. Boyd and Worrall were the Tiger mainstays and gained at will through the heavier line. Sewanee had a total of eighteen first downs to her opponent's six. The Purple's comeback in the second half was magnificent, and they registered twelve first downs,, while "Ole Miss" was able to garner only one. Sterling, Stimson and French were superb in the line for Sewanee. Woodruff and Wilcox were the best gainers for "Ole Miss", while Jones and Peeples stood out in the line.

Sewanee, 0; Southwestern, 9

Sewanee suffered a terrible reversal of form the following week-end to drop a weird exhibi- tion of football to a fighting Southwestern team. This was the first time this year that the Tigers were unable to dent the scoring column. The Lynx had pointed to this game as their biggest of the year and they succeeded in breaking up the aerial attack of the Tigers. The first downs were even with each team having nine. A blocked punt gave the Lynx a safety in the first half. The Lynx, however, added insult to injury by blocking another Tiger punt in the fourth quarter and this time they recovered for a touchdown and made the try for the extra point good. Two Memphis boys, Stimson and Page, played great ball for the Tigers. They were all over the field and were in every play. Patton and French also broke through on many

Worrall and £z

Sewanee, 0; Tulane, 18

A Green Wave which flowed and ebbed, but mostly ebbed. Therein is the story of the Sewanee-Tulane scrap which finally ended in the champion's favor, eighteen to nothing. Banker and Armstrong were thrown for repeated losses by Captain Cravens and John Ezzell who were in every play. The first half was scoreless, with Worrall having the better of the blonde Banker in a punting duel. Tulane was able to gain ground in the open field, but was never able to penetrate any further than the twenty-five-yard line. The second half began optimistically for the Tigers when Captain Cravens caught the kickoff and ran it back fifty-five yards to Tulane's thirty-five-yard line. Two passes from Worrall to Phillips and Cravens put the ball on the ten-yard line, but Tulane's defense stiffened and the Tigers were powerless. Tulane took the ball hack up the field for a score. Another march down the field netted another and Whatley made the third on a twenty-five-yard run. Cravens, Ezzell, French and Patton shone for the Tigers, while Worrall was the backfield star. Banker and Armstrong carried the brunt of the attack for the Wave. Sewanee, 6; Vanderbilt, 26

Dan McGugin pulled a Knute Rockne on the Purple Warriors by starting his second string line up. The Tigers clearly showed they were to be reckoned with by marching the kick-off

Worrall ^uns from 'Punt "formation back down the field, only to lose it when one of Worrall's passes fell into the arms of Askew, who raced sixty-five yards back up the field before being brought to earth on the Purple's four- yard strip. Vandy fumbled on the next play and the Purple recovered. At this point the first string of the Commodores entered the fray and with the aid of McGaughey drove over two touchdowns. The half ended with the Commodores out in front, thirteen to nothing. The Tigers came back in the second half and with two first downs in succession, things locked good. On the next play Worrall was thrown for a loss; he kicked and the ball struck a Vandy man. Phillips recovered for the Tigers. The Tigers were halted at this point, however. The Com- modores scored two more touchdowns in the third and fourth quarters, respectively, McGaughev making both of these. Coach "Kirk's" boys were not to be denied, however. In the last of the fourth quarter a pass from Worrall to Captain Cravens was good for forty yards, placing the ball on Variety's three-yard line. Worrall plunged over on the first play for the score. Captain Cravens, Pete Young and Ezzell played great defensive ball for the Purple and White. They were in practically every play and Craven's snagging the pass ultimately paved the way for the Tiger score. Worrall was easily the star of the game, getting off to some neat gains and making a large share of the tackles. His punts were well timed and very consistent. McGaughey was the bomb shell that wrecked the Tiger hopes. He gained almost at will and was respon- sible for all four Commodore touchdowns. Captain Cravens, Pete Young and Bobbie Worrall rang down the curtain to their college careers in a blaze of glory. The Fresliimain Season

In answer to the first call of the season a thin and light squad of freshmen turned out and Uncle Ben Cubbage took them under his wing to make them into college players. Only a few big men bolstered the weight of the aggregation, and not many of them had been heard of before they came to the Mountain. However, they displayed speed and enthusiasm and were soon on the way to organizing a team out of chaos.

The S. M. A. Cadets were the opponents for the first real scrimmage of the season. The game on the whole was ragged, for neither team had had more than two weeks of practice. S. M. A. pushed over the first touchdown on a blocked punt, but the freshmen came back not long after to tie the score at six and six and the contest ended with that count. Morton and Manthey at the tackles showed plenty of possibility, while Voss and Holland held down the guard positions to good advantage. Egleston at center snapped the ball with deadly accuracy. Huntley as substitute center showed that he was willing. Piplar and Craig on the ends kept down the long runs around the wings. Fitch was an able field general, with Robinson, Under- wood and Stimson obeying his commands for many gains.

The Yearlings battled the next game of the season to a scoreless tie with Morgan. Gene McLure came in for great work throughout the game, both in punting and in running the ball. He booted the ball for an average of forty-five yards and made several substantial gains. Clark and Underwood contributed to the yardage gained, while Robinson, handicapped by recent injuries, was unable to get going. Morton, Egleston and Manthey were the stars of the line, displaying lots of fight. Morgan had a pass attack that the first year Tigers were able to offset only with McLure's punting. A pass formation from a screened end run was a thorn in the side of the freshmen ends, and netted the opponents many yards towards the goal. At crucial moments the pass attack of the freshmen failed to materialize and the ball often went over when they were within scoring distance.

After a rest of two weeks the Yearlings invaded Murfreesboro to battle the freshmen from the Tennessee Teachers' College. McLure played his first game as captain of the squad and showed that he was worthy of the position. His team, however, played ragged football, but showed that they should have had it over the Teachers, who put forth no stellar brand of football. For the first counter of the game, the Teachers received a beautiful punt from the toe of McLure to make a freak run back down the field across the goal line. Their other score came when they punched the hall within scoring distance and then heaved a pass over the heads of the frosh backs. In the final minute of the game Joe Robinson tore around and through the entire opposing team for the freshmen's only score. Knorr opened the way for Joe and let him do the rest. McLure played his usual good game, but the other backs had a hard time getting started. Stimson backed up the line, doing good work all the time. Smith, on end, Egleston at cen- ter and Morton at guard were the stars of the line. On one occasion the entire line showed what

87 the old Sewanee spirit is, when, with their backs to the scoring line, they held the Teachers for four downs and then took possession of the ball to bring it back down the field.

The fourth game of the season brought the freshmen from the University of Chattanooga to the Mountain. They were a huge lot of men for a freshman team, but when they got out there on Cope Field they proved the statement that the bigger they come the harder they fall. The Sewanee freshmen outplayed them throughout the game in spite of the indications deduced from a six to nothing score in favor of the Moccasins. The game was contested in a sea of mud and the clouds were so thick on the mountain that it was impossible to see from one side of the field to the other. The boys from Chattanooga made only the one bid for a score. The first half was mostly a punting duel, but the Tigers took the ball on the offensive in the second period. They seemed to lack the punch to put it over, and several times lost the ball while well within the scoring territory. McLure and Underwood were the brilliants in the backfield, while Morton, Eggleston and Manthey held their front line positions like veterans. McLure's steady kicking power was the feature of the game and Morton's steady ability to crash the line, which netted him one blocked punt, was disastrous to the opponents. The Yearlings fought and tore their way into the Moccasins' team with good work and the real spirit. On a dry and clear field, it is certain that they would have been picked to win. Their teamwork was a vast improvement over the first games of the season, as was their knowledge of the game.

Hopelessly outclassed and outweighed by a heavy, fast Vanderbilt team, which, it was rumored, could hold the Vanderbilt varsity scoreless, the freshmen went down under a 71-0 score in the last game of the season. By some good fortune our ancient rivals had obtained one of the greatest first-year teams seen in the South. Every man on the Sewanee Yearlings' team was up against the biggest odds of the season and every one played his heart out. That unsurmount- able score seemed to discourage not one of the wearers of the Purple, for they continued with the old fight to the last whistle. There is nothing but praise for those men who played on McGugin Field that day because in spite of the overwhelming odds, they showed Nashville what is the meaning of Sewanee spirit. Early in the game the freshmen were deprived of one of their fishy backs when Robinson went out of the game with a badly twisted knee. McLure played such a game as he had never before put up. His running, passing and punting comprised a stellar performance, and were an inspiration to the entire team. Stimson, backing up the line and punting the ball, was one of the stars of the backfield, while Underwood did some good defensive work. Clark as quarter led his team with more than his usual ability. In the line from end to end the boys showed that they knew the game and that they could fight, but it was of little use against the heavy primary defense of the opponents. It was only through sheer brute strength that the Vandy frosh could pierce our freshman line. The last game of the season ended disastrously for the Sewanee freshmen, but don't forget that they fought every minute of the contest. BASKETBALL THE CAP AND GOWN

Review of the Season

Sewanee experienced a very successful basketball season. She won six of her ten conference games, although she was outscored by her opponents by fifteen points. She was also handicapped in that Coach Emerson was only able to come up three nights a week to instruct his boys. The Tigers have even brighter prospects next year in that they only lose two men— Captain Hines and Frank Thig- pen. In the way of substitutes and prospective var- sity material the Tigers are receiving very good aid from the freshmen.

The Tigers started their season off in fine style by successfully trimming the Chattanooga V. M. C. A. by the overwhelming score of fortv-seven to twenty-six. Goodman, Dawson and Yates led the Tiger scoring by amassing thirty-five of the forty- seven markers for the Tigers. Captain Hines was easily the defensive star for the Tigers and kept the visiting total down during the whole fray. Bob Owens, a former Tiger, played well for the visitors.

Back after the holidays the Tigers dropped a rather loosely played game to the Dupont Rayon plant. The final score was thirty-nine to twenty- nine against the Tigers. Dupont exploded a bomb shell in the Tiger camp in the person of Duck Rob- erts, who led the scoring with fourteen points. Dawson starred for the Tigers and rang up thir- teen points.

Penn-Dixie took the measure of the Tigers in an overtime affair by a thirty to twenty-eight count. Captain Hines was the offensive and defensive star for the Tigers, having ten points to his credit and being a demon on the defense. Goodman also played a nice floor game for the Tigers. McCoy was the star for the visitors. That week-end proved disastrous for the Tigers, for they dropped a loosely played affair to the Chattanooga Moccasins also The Tigers were dead on their feet and couldn't shoot, losing by the rather one-sided score of thirty-four to twenty-three.

What a difference two days make. The Tigers came to life against the ferocious Clemson Tiger, building up a commanding lead in the first half and fighting on even terms in the second to hold

to it. Dawson, Yates and McRee were the big guns on the offense, while Captain Hines and Hugh Goodman were equally as great on the defense. The final score was twenty-six to twenty-four. Cap- tain Hines was a source of inspiration to his men throughout the game. A diminutive sophomore by the name of Smith was the best threat Clemson had and led their scoring with four field goals. Woodruff starred on the defense, breaking up many Purple passes inside the foul line.

Sewanee was right. She completely humbled the proud Black and Gold quintet for the first time in the history of the two institutions by the crushing count of thirty-six to fifteen. The Tigers were never threatened from the start and by virtue of their close guarding held the Black and Gold to three field goals. Captain Hines and Goodman were thorns in the side of the Commodore forwards. Havis Dawson and "Piggy" Thigpen did the scoring with thirteen and eight points, respectively. McRee got the ball off the backboard and advanced it up the floor in fine style. Marsh and Franklin starred for the visitors.

The Tigers made more history the following week by beating the Ramblers, forty to twenty-two in Nashville. Thigpen and McRee were the big offen- sive guns for the Tigers, with thirteen and ten points, respectively. Dawson played a nice floor game. Hines and Goodman were bulwarks on the defense. Worrall and Eaton were stars for the Ramblers.

A return visit on the Mountain saw a scoring orgy which the Tigers finally won by a sixty-nine to fifty-one score. Dawson and Goodman were re- sponsible for forty of the Purple's points. Barron and McRee both played great floor games for the Purple and White. Thomasson and Coverdale were best for the losers.

The Tigers slipped up on the next game to an unknown foe, Jackson State Teachers' College, and lost a weird exhibition of basketball, twenty-four to eighteen. The Tigers were ragged and not up to their usual form at all. Dawson and Goodman bore the brunt of the offense, while Hines sparkled on the defense. The Tigers took Coach Frank Faulkinberry's Teachers over the hurdles in a game that in the last part more or less resembled a football game. Daw- son and Goodman starred in this gridiron court battle and free-for-all which finally ended in the Purple's favor, forty-eight to twenty-five.

The Tigers then embarked on a trip into the m Old Dominion. Their first game was with the V.

P. I. Gobblers whom they subdued in a hectic struggle by the figures of twenty-seven to twenty- three. The Tigers were trailing at the half, but the sharp shooting "Colonel" Dawson looped in eighteen points, enough to win the fracas for the Mountaineers.

Another night found the Tigers encamped at Lex- ington for a tussle with V. M. I. "Kaydets." The Tigers' defense was superb, but they were off on their shots. The first half was a tight affair with the score deadlocked four times. The Tigers eased ahead before the half with a one-point margin. Goodman and Thigpen led the scoring with ten and nine points, respectively. The riot act was served on Captain Hines and "Big" John McRee. This only stimulated the Tiger's zeal and Yates, Sterling, Goodman and Thigpen put the game on ice in the last few minutes with four successive field goals. The final count was thirty-one to twen- ty-two.

"It was worth traveling miles to see." This was what a non-partisan of both teams had to say after the game. W. and L. conquered the Tigers, thirty- five to thirty, but after one of the hardest fights they ever had in their life. The Tigers played together as a coordinated whole, and although be- hind at the half-way mark, seventeen to seven, thev completely swept the Generals off their feet in the second canto. All of the Tigers played great ball

and it would be an injustice to name the stars. Hanna upset the Tigers by scoring thirteen points. Cox and Williams were both smothered by the close guarding of the Tigers.

The Tigers came back from the Virginia trip and on that week-end journeyed down to Nashville to take the Commodores over the hurdles again by the close score of forty to thirty-five. Dawson, Hines, Thigpen and Goodman proved too much for the Commodores in close places and, with the score tied in the final stages, crashed through for a victory. McRee played a wonderful floor game and fed the ball to his mates in fine style. Coffee and Chalfant starred for the Black and Gold, keeping the Com- modores in the game when they seemed lost.

Sewanee lost a sorry exhibition to Chattanooga on the Mountain by the heart-breaking score of twenty-eight to twenty-four. Goodman played the whole game for the Tigers, contributing thirteen points and playing a cracking good floor game. Donnelly and Lotspeich were the big guns for th: Moccasins.

The Tigers took a trip into "Bama". They stopped off in Birmingham long enough to drop a ragged decision to Birmingham-Southern by the score of thirty-six to twenty-four. The Tigers pulled a "Rockne" by starting their second string, but this was a grave mistake. The regulars went in and did no better, for the game was too far gone.

The next night it was Tuscaloosa. The Tigers experienced a neat drubbing at the hands of the Crimson. They fought hard, but the advantage of height at the pivot position was a little too much. The Crimson were on in their shots, and hit them with constant regularity from every position.

It is useless to mention the score, but they more than doubled the count on the Purple.

The Tigers played a return engagement with State Teachers and tasted of defeat for the fifth time. The Teachers were right and built up a lead, and although the Tigers tried valiantly to overcome this, they were unable to and finally suc- cumbed, thirty-two to twenty-six. Dawson, Good- man and Hines were the stars for the Mountaineers. The Conference

Sewanee bowled over the 1929 champions as their first opponents in the opening round of the S. I. C. basketball tournament. The final score was: Se- wanee, twenty-five ; N. C. State, nineteen. Good- man and Dawson led the scoring for the Tigers and Hugh's long shots from out in the center were one of the bright spots of the first day's play. Dawson made some beautiful shots from the side. Hines, McRee and Sterling played the best brand of ball defensively that they had played the entire year.

Goodman crashed through with some nice shots at critical moments to put the game on ice for the Tigers. Rose and Johnson were the stars for the Wolfpack. Rose cashed in with three field goals to lead the Tarheels' scoring.

The Tigers tried desperately to tame the Wild- cats the following night, but the breaks were against them. They had some really tall men, were fast and aggressive and broke for the basket in a light- ning-like fashion. The Kentuckians led at the half, sixteen to fourteen. The second half was a night- mare. McRee was put out of the game on excessive fouls. The Tigers went to pieces and the Wildcats went wild. The final score was forty-four to twen- ty-two. Dawson was the big offensive gun for the Tigers, while Goodman and Hines as usual played well on the defense. The three "Macs"—McBrayer and the two McGinnis—spelled victory for the Blue five. The Freshman Season

In the first game of the season the Freshman Quintet lost to the Little Tigers of Sewanee Military Academy by a score of nineteen to eighteen. A gallant freshman rally in the last half fell short by one point, while the Cadets did not mark up a counter during this period. The rally was just too late. Morton and Hatch did the stellar work for the freshmen.

City High of Chattanooga fell before the frosh when they won by a score of thirty-eight to twenty-five. In the first half both teams seemed about even, and the ball went through the net at frequent intervals. The half ended seventeen to fifteen in favor of the freshmen. At the beginning of the second half City took a lead of three points, but the Tigers soon began to show signs of life, and after that it was simply a case of which one got a shot at the basket. Lyttell and Hatch were high-point men with eleven points apiece.

Castle Heights defeated the frosh in their third game, twenty-two to twenty. The freshmen trailed at the half, fourteen to six, but staged a determined rally in the second half that tied the score. The visitors hung up their winning tally in the last forty seconds of play. Morton was high scorer with eight points. Piplar and Hatch played well and scored four apiece.

In a game that proved sensational in the closing minutes rather than any other time, the freshmen lost to McCallie, thirty-eight to thirty-five. The game was slow in the first half, but quickened to a fast pace in the second. Morton and Hatch were the shining lights in the last minute rally that cut the visitors' lead from twenty-seven to eighteen to the final score.

In the last game of the season the frosh lost to Montgomery Bell Academy in a fast and hard-fought game. The frosh led throughout the first half, but were unable to stand the pace in the last, and the game went to the visitors, forty to thirty-four. Their famed second-half rally failed to materialize this time. Morton was high point man with twelve counters.

At the end of the season the Athletic Board of Control voted the following freshmen and the manager certificates: Morton, Stimson, Hatch, Lyttell, Piplar and Nash (manager). Under- wood, Quisenberry, Hobart and Boots Jeffress served as subs during the year, and came to the assistance of the regulars on many occasions. TRACK Sewanee, 43%; Tennessee, 68%

Tennessee came back to revenge the defeat the Tigers had handed them a year ago. Sewanee was unable to cope with the Vols in the dashes and this ultimately spelled victory for the visitors. The Purple Clan was unable to scratch in the century, the mile cr the two mile. Corbett for the Vols was high point man of the meet with a total of thirteen points. Billy Cravens was in his usual good form and stepped out to win both hurdle races

to claim first honors for the Mountain clan. Stewart, captain of the Vols, negotiated the miie in the neat time of four minutes and thirty-two seconds which

is good enough to win in almost any dual meet.

Alabama, 74; Sewanee, 38

The Tigers ran into some hard luck down in Tuscaloosa. This hard luck was the Crimson Tide and for the third time this year they were at the height of their form against the Purple and White.

Again in the running events the Tigers were a little weak, although their time had improved very much since the preceding Saturday. Barron broke the

half mile record, but it was not official, due to the

fact that he failed to place first. Captain Young won the high jump and placed second in the shot. Our star hurdler, Bill Cravens, duplicated the feat of the Saturday before by winning both hurdle races. Goodman ran a beautiful quarter, but was nosed out by only a few inches at the finish. Dawson won the javelin to give him his second letter of

the year by winging it over one hundred and fifty

feet. Smith was the star for the Crimson by virtue of winning the century, the two-twenty and the broad jump.

Kentucky, 74%; Sewanee, 43%

The Tigers now journeyed up into the Bluegrass State to have their annual encounter with the Ken- tucky Wild Cat. The Tigers had taken a very close meet from the "Cats" the year before and for this reason they were not %'ery playful. "Revenge was sweet" and in a record-breaking contest they finally subdued the Tiger by a score of 73}-^ to 43^2. The Kentuckians were forced to such limits that they broke three records in the mile, the shotput and the broad jump The Tigers were not far behind, for the fleet-footed Barron broke the half mile rec- ord by stepping it off in 2:2.6 and lowering it by 1.4 seconds. Hoppen almost jumped himself into a rec- ord in the broad jump, missing by only an inch. He, however, extended Kelly of "Ship Wreck" fame into breaking the Kentucky record. Cravens still kept his slate clean by winning both the high and low hurdles. Goodman and Barron cinched their third letters of the year in this meet. Captain Young, Bean and Dawson accounted for the other

Tiger first places by winning the high jump, discus and javelin, respectively. The mighty Kelly was the star performer for the Wildcats with three first places in the century, two-twenty and broad jump. Cravens with two firsts in both hurdles was the Tiger luminary.

Chattanooga, 18; Sewanee, 94

The Purple came into their own against Chat- tanooga. It was the most brilliant victory a Purple team ever won on the cinder path. Chattanooga was unable to annex a single first place during the entire afternoon, but Gross with four second places was high point man of the meet. Hoppen was high point man for the Tigers with eleven points, being closely seconded by Captain Young, Goodman and Cravens with ten points apiece. The time in most of the events was very slow, due to the rains throughout the week. This meet, however, gave letters to five Tigers who had worked diligently all through the season—Hoppen, Ward, Robinson, Eby and Bean.

This meet closed the track season and the boys are looking forward to a more successful one next year. Letters were awarded to the following men at the close of the season: Captain Young, Captain- elect Barron, Bean, Eby, Ward, Hoppen, Dawson, Goodman, Cravens, Robinson and Manager Way. The 1930 Southern Intercollegiate Boxing Meet saw a Sewanee team take part in the contest for the first time in years, and in spite of that handicap the Tigers put up an admirable displav.

Charlie Walter, bantamweight, opened for Sewanee against a superior opponent and lost the decision, but brought down the house in cheers. Fred Hollis survived the ordeal till the first round of the semi-finals when he was defeated on a technical knockout Coach Jackson won his first two fights and was putting up a good struggle against Captain Allen of North Carolina

State when he suffered the same fate as did Hollis. Page's opponent proved to be a left-hander, and Carlyle never succeeded in adjusting himself to the situation. Syler drew a bye which threw him into the second round. He lost out in the third. Big Patton went up against the well-known Proctor of Florida, but lost by decision.

Because of the success of this team it is rumored that the boxing equipment of the school is to be enlarged next year, and it is likely that this sport will be added to those in which the fraternities participate. This team certainly had fight, and there is no reason why Sewanee should not send out others like it in the future.

Captain Edwards took his team to Athens for the first meet of the year. The Tigers were outclassed by the boys from the University of Georgia and lost by the score of fourteen and one- half to three and one-half points. Butler scored the only points for the Tigers. On the next after- noon in the match with Georgia Tech the Tigers came near to tieing the score with the final count of nine and one-half points for Georgia to our eight and one-half. The opponents of Edwards and Butler ended the match two up and one up, respectively. Rice and Williams took a total of eight points from their opponents. The Purple golfers displayed good form throughout, but lost their deciding point on the greens.

The second trip of the year took the Tigers to Nashville, where they lost to Vandy, eleven to seven. Butler and Williams did the majority of the scoring, but were unable to beat the advance of the Vandy men. From Nashville the team traveled to Memphis, where it beat Southwestern, fifteen to three. The medal play of the team was outstanding. Edwards and Butler turned in a seventy-one apiece, Williams a seventy-seven and Rice a seventy-eight. This was the second time in two days that the Tigers had turned in scores under the eighty mark.

On the day before the matches, Sewanee lost to the University of

Alabama, eleven and one-half to six and one-half. The match served as a good practice round, however, for the Purple showed up well in the tournament the next day. The scores for the qualifying round were: Edwards, one hundred and sixty; Butler, one hundred and sixty-two;

Williams, one hundred and sixty-four, and Rice, one hundred and sixty-five, which put them just outside of the first flight. Butler defeated Williams and Edwards to take first place in the second flight, these two following second and third, respectively. To cap the meet and the season, Butler was elected president of the Southern Intercollegiate Golf Association. This makes the second time in three years that a Sewanee man has held this honor. Tenuis

Much of the activities of the varsity tennis team centered around the spectacular and entirely sound tennis tactics of one Teddy Burwell, a sophomore in the college and the holder of some four or five state titles. As Burwell played so played the team and when Burwell was absent from the Mountain the remaining netters ran into extremely difficult sledding. Sewanee tennis teams have been handicapped constantly because not one of them has pos- sessed the power to command the elements, and the rain has done its part in making outdoor work an impossibility this season. The indoor court, which is housed in the Ormond Simkins Gym, was noble in its efforts to supply the Purple raqueteers a place to display their strokes, but it was out of the question to play seven or eight matches on one court in one day. To pass from clay to wood is not an attractive prospect for any tennis team, but the opposite procedure is still less inviting. Nevertheless, the Tigers found it necessary to make the best of the change whenever the enemy was encountered.

Vanderbilt won the first meet early in the season in Nashville. Donald Cram, fresh from a week's play in New Orleans against the nation's best, took Burwell's measure in sets which were featured by flashing drives and sparkling volleys. Teddy was unable to locate his distacnes and dropped many valuable points through over and under estimation. Paired with Allen he won partial revenge by defeating Cram and Thomas in the first doubles match, al- though the losers were a combination which advanced to the final round of the Southern Inter- collegiates later in the season.

Shortly after the Vanderbilt match Burwell left Sewanee for the North-South Tournament which was held at Pinehurst, North Carolina, and the White Sulphur Springs Invitation Tourna- ment which followed in West Virginia. At Pinehurst he advanced through two rounds at the expense of Robert McMillan, former University of Wisconsin star, and Herbert Vail of Long Island. Both matches were won in straight sets. In the third round Burwell met Berkley Bell, National Intercollegiate champion, and, after leading one set and four-love on the second, faltered to lose the match in three thrilling sets. It was a splendid exhibition on tennis. At White Sulphur history was repeated and Teddy was again eliminated in the third round by Bell. With Burwell playing at Pinehurst, Georgia Tech and the University of Kentucky were encountered on the Mountain. Sewanee barely missed a tie when Hines and Raines lost the last doubles match to the Tech pair in three trying sets. Yates downed his man in a fine come-back and Raines defeated his in straight sets. Golden and Williamson, playing one and two for the Tornado, defeated Hines and Allen to win the meet. The Kentucky 'Cats took the next meet by a five and two score. They presented a well- rounded outfit, winning three singles and two doubles for the total. Yates scored his second victory in as many days when he turned back Senff of the opposition, and Hare turned in a win over Brock for the second Purple victory. Tennessee was handed a three and two defeat on the following Monday. Burwell won his match and dropped but one game. Yates and Raines won in three sets which went into extra games, while Hines and Allen were defeated in three sets each, all six going to extra games. So long did the singles matches last that darkness put an end to the doubles play when Burwell and Allen had a lead on one set in the first match. On May 9th Sewanee missed tieing with North Carolina when the final doubles match went to the Carolinians in three sets. Burwell won from Merritt, losing only one game. Burwell and Allen took the measure of Hendlin and Linisk in straight sets in doubles. The defeated were semi-finalists at the conference meet the following week.

Southern Conference Tournament

Teddy Burwell and Bob Hare represented the Purple at the conference meet in New Orleans on May 14th. The latter won his first match from a Mississippi opponent, but lost in the second round Burwell defeated Polites of Florida and advanced to the quarter-finals by trim- ming Merritt of North Carolina in straight sets. His quarter-finals match was played against Clifford Sutter of Tulane, the defending champion. Burwell was defeated by Sutter in a hard-driving match which was the feature of the day. The victor won through a net attack which he started from behind a protected serve. Once he was at the net, it was almost an impossibility to pass him. Sutter won the intercollegiate title by defeating Fuer and Cram. Interfraternity Athletics

Almost as full of interest and excitement as the intercollegiate contests are the interfraternitv games. Sewanee has the distinction of being the originater of this system of athletics in the

South. Cups are given the victors in baseball, basketball, swimming, track and football; and the points from these contests and the minor ones such as golf and tennis are counted in towards a major cup given by Dr. Bennett to the fraternity most successful in all fields. First, second and third places are counted.

Touchball Ends in a Tie

Sigma Nu and Phi Delta Theta emerged from the football season in the lead. Even after a game to play off the tie, they remained tied; and a second game has not been played. Alpha

Tau Omega is the next in the running, securing third place.

K. A.'s Cop Basketball Title

Pete Young's great height enabled the Kappa Alpha's to offer first rate competition in the interfraternitv league, and contributed greatly to the winning of the title. It was a nip and tuck affair all through the season, but the K. A.'s gradually became most prominent. Alpha Tau Omega was a close second, with Phi Gamma Delta and Sigma Nu tieing for third.

Bengals Retain Handball Crown

Joseph Schuessler and Hedley Williams won first in the handball league for the Bengals, this being the second consecutive year that lodge has held that honor. They went through the season on a surge of victory and the title was easily theirs. Sigma Nu, Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi Delta Theta split the second and third place points when it grew too late to play off the tie. Deltas Splash Way to Swimming Title

The Delta Tau Deltas, under the leadership of Jerry Thompson, won the first swimming meet in the history of Sewanee. Sigma Nu came second with Alpha Tau Omega taking third place. Competition was keen and every event was crowded so that the outlook for future meets is very bright.

A. T. O.'s Annex Track Meet

It looked like anybody's meet throughout the day of the preliminaries and for a while in the second day. When it came to the relay, however, the contest had narrowed down to the Phis and the A. T. O.'s. The A. T. O.'s came through to win that event and clinched the meet. Phi Delta Theta was a close second, while the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity came in for third place.

Baseball, Tennis and Golf Unfinished

As the annual goes to press, the above sports are still undecided. It looks, however, as if the Sigma Nus stand a good chance of winning the baseball title. Tennis and golf are too unsettled even to guess on The Bennett best all-around cup has not been awarded either, but the A. T. O.'s and Sigma Nus have it pretty well between them.

The Pae^Hellentic Council

HE Pan-Hellenic Council has for its object the promo- tion of better interfraternity relations and the govern-

ment of fraternity activities. Its membership consists of two representatives from each of the national Greek- letter societies. The council issues rules governing rushing of new men and, in cases of violation of these regulations, acts as a court to try the offending fraternity or individual. The council also sponsors entertainments given throughout the year by the fra- ternities for the Senior Cadets of the Sewanee Military Academy and in other ways creates a general interest in fraternity activities on the Mountain.

Much favorable comment on the Sewanee system of rushing has been heard from various universities in the South, and in some cases the plans adopted by Sewanee Pan-Hellenic in 1924 ha^- been copied by neighboring schools. The second Sunday after the opening of the school year is usually designated by Pan-Hel-

lenic as Pledge Day. At this time men who have received invi- tations to join fraternities go to the house of their choice to be welcomed by their future brothers.

Officers of Pan-Hellenic Council for the year 1929-1930 were John Ezzell, president, and Charles Barron, secretary. EDWARD5.6H D055ETT CRAWFORD WALKEB.W.P IN TK(D


104 Founded at Virginia Military Colors:

Institute, 1865 Old Gold and Sky Blue

Tennessee Omega Chapter Flower: Installed, 1877 White Tea Rose

Chapter Membership

In Officio

The Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Gailor, S.T.D. Dr. B. F. Finney Dr. G. M. Baker

In Facilitate

W. M. MacKellar R. B. Davis Dr. W . H. DuBose W. B. Nauts W '. L. Bevans Dr. J- M. Scott In Urbe

P. S. Brooks P. S. Brooks, JR.

In Accidentia

Boyd, W. E. Bass DuBose Jeffress, A. H.

Lovelace Carlton Scott Jeffress, T. J. Early Hall Smith, S. Green, R. H. Hatch, B. F. Johnson LlNDHOLM Thames

Green, J. H. Hart Holland Isaac Ball, W. M. Patton Voss Hatch, E. Yates Sterling Holmes, C. E. f I hfWf

Founded at University of Colors: Alabama, 1856 Roval Purple and Old Gold

Tennessee Omega C HAPTER Flower:

Installed, 1881 w Violet

Chapter Membership In Officio Reynold M. Kirby-Smith, D.D.

/// Facilitate

T. S. Long Maurice A. Moore Moultrie Guerry H. A. Griswold Chapter Mother

Mrs. F. M. Preston In Urbe H. E. Clark In Theologia

H. A. Griswold W. S. Turner J. C. Turner In Academia POELLNITZ Folk Piplar Walsh Butler, C. W. Hoppen Manthey Rodgers Buford Harwood Houston Page Chadwick Hitchcock Stimson, A. Comer Cross James Stimson, R. McRee Clark McLURE WlLHOITE Brandon Wuescher

-" 1 ~"jffMMfWWi* 'TMMTTiiBTiT'1

\' IP'- : • :**•

k&?. QUtfENSERRY Kappa SigMia

ounded at the t nivers ity of Colors: Virginia, 867 •B£V»^*V™ Scarlet, Green, and White

: Omega Cha PTER "'•ffl^^^isB' Floivtr:

Installed, [882 Lil; -of-th e-Valley

Chapter Membership

In Officio

A. L. Lear, M.D.

In Theologia Harold Bache

In Accidentia

Adams Crosland, D. Kellerman, R. Sanford Blair Crosland, E. King Short Braden Gardner Laughlin Smith, D. Braun Grecory Mullins Smith, E. Bridewell Hannon Quisenberry Taueer Cameron Hayward Raines Thicpen Connolly Kellerman, J. Rice Thompson Tinker Walker Walter Walters







MC-FARLAND PARISH Founded at Miam! University Colors: Orchid and Azure

Tennessee Beta Chapter Flower: Installed, 1883 White Carnation

Chapter Membership In Facilitate In Officio H. M. Gass Telfair Hodgson In Urbe Atkins Fazick Holt Chapter Mother Mrs. Eggleston In Academia Barron Crump McFarland Tenison Ezzell Frazer Parish Torian Robertson Hare Peacock Adair

Campbell, J. D. Hudson Provine Wilson Campbell, G. M. Littell postlethwaite McSpadden Cantrill McCONNELL SOAPER Mallernee Cowan

Delta Tau Delta

Founded at Bethany College, Colors:

West Virginia, 1859 Purple, White, and Gold

Beta Theta Chapter Flower:

Installed, 1883 Pansy

Chapter Membership

/// Facilitate

W. W. Lewis C. C. MoNTOGMERY Dr. G. B. Myers

In Acadcmia

Brown, C. G. Webster Rob bins Larsh Brown, R. W. Eason Mann DUNLAP BUZARD Craic, B. M. Whitaker Ames Allen- Craic, W. B. Montague Mueller Holmes, W. F. Wharton- Hain Craig, L. B.

Thompson, J. P. Nash ROUNSAVILLE S«*


MONTGOMERY BEALL Founded at Washington and Lee Colors:

University, 1868 Crimson and Gold

Alpha Alpha Chapter Flowers:

Established, 1883 Magnolia and Crimson Rose

Chapter Membership

In Facilitate

Col. D. G. Cravens A. C. Martin G. W. Nicholson

Chapter Mother

Mrs. D. G. Cravens

In A cade 'nia

Edwards, G. H. Young Edwards, B. Beall Dossett McCulloch Walters, R. HOBART DURDEN Eoyd, C. W. Toombs HOLLIDAY Cravens Charles Landers, C. MlLWARD Glen Clough Landers, E. Montgomery 0^k STRAS ^F^^^ SMITH STEWART^^^^^k LEECH ^^^^^






FLATE STEVENS KNORR WILLIAMS Founded at Jefferson College, Color:

Canonsburg, Pa., 1848 Royal Purple

Gamma Sigma Chapter Flower: Established, 1919 Heliotrope

Chapter Membership

In Officio Harvey Harman

In Facultate

Dr. C. L. W ELLS Gen. J. P. Jervey G. F. Rupp

In Academia

Walker Ponder Stras Stevens Crawford Bean Ward Stewart Parker Matthews Williams, E. G. Smith Brunner Brettmann Anderson Fast Spencer Hafley Knorr Flato Towle Howse Leech Williams, A. Pabst




tifr FWIL.l-IPS.TCE. V



Jap* •=»*


Founded at Virginia Military Colors:

Institute, 1869 Black, White, and Gold

Beta Omicron Chapter Flower: Established, 1889 White Rose

Chapter Membership

/// Facilitate

Dr. S. L. Ware

Chapter Mother

Mrs. S. L. Ware

In Theol 'jgia

F. D. Daley

In At ade in ia

Baarcke Dawson Hollis, D. Phillips, W. Burks, M. Ecleston Jeffries Sturgis Burns, B. Fortune Lang Taylor Burwell Goodman Massengale Thomas Carper Hines Mellon Way Chadbourn Hodces Morton Weishample Davidson Hoixis, F Phillips, B. WORRALL Phillips, E. PHILLIPS WILLIAMS GEAXC. RJCHAPD50N

3YLVE5TED. B1EHL F0U5T DULEY The Moyal Bengal fraternity

Founded at the University of Colors:

the South, 1926 Green and White

Alpha Chapter Flower: White Jasmine

Chapter Mother

Mrs. Cary B. Wilmer

Chapter Membership

Watson Williams Hannum Gray, W. C Matthews Biehl Phillips Sylvester SCHEUSSLER Faust Richardson Bartlam French Gray, F. C. TAYLOR CROSS Founded at the College of Colors: Charleston, 1904 Gold and White

Alpha Pi Chapter Flower:

Established, 1929 Red Rose

Chapter Membership

In Facilitate

Dr. R. L. Petrv

In Theologia

George Hann

In Academia

Bratton Gilchrist Weaver Huntley Ball Taylor Rogers Cross Eby Robinson McNeil Copeland Underwood Byrne Burger Pulley rw^

National Honorary Scholastic Fraternity

Founded at William and Mary, December 5, 1776

Beta of Tennessee

Established in 11)26


In Facilitate In Accidentia George Merrick Baker William James Ball William Haskell DuBose Francis Darnall Daley Benjamin- Ficklin Finney Henry Watt Gregory Henry Markley Gass Thomas N. E. Greville William S. Knickerbocker Benjamin Francis Hatch William Boone Nauts John F.lbridce Hines Robert Lowell Petry Thomas Parker Sedley Lynch Ware Edward Willard Watson Cary Breckinridge Wilmer THE CAP AND GOWN

Alpha Phi Epsilon

National Honorary Forensic Fraternity

Founded at the University of Alabama in 191

Alpha Alpha Chapter

Established in igs6


j _. rof. E. M. Kayden H. A. Griswold David Yates

Prof. T. S. Long Francis D. Daley George Hann Prof. W. H. McKellar John Fredson John E. Hines William S. Turner Richard L. Sturgis Thomas Parker Edward W. Watson

Meeting once a month throughout the year, Alpha Phi Epsilon devoted its meet- ings to discussions of pertinent, present-day questions. Opposing views of each question were upheld by two members, who lead the discussion at each meeting.

Membership in the fraternity is limited to gownsmen. 30mpHEffMf

Sigima Upsilom

National Honorary Literary Fraternity Founded at the University of the South in 1906

Sopherim Chapter Mother Chapter

Roll Honorary General James Postell Jervey


Daley, F. D. Martin, A. C. Griswold, H. A.

Ball, W. J. HlNES, J. E. Howse, G. L. Burger, N. K. Parker, T. Masse ngale, St. E.

- Davidson S. Washington, S. Copeland, H. , J. J. G. Ball, W. M. Lambert, P. W. Stewart, V. P.

Under the able guidance of Mr. Abbott Martin, who was a member of Sigma Upsilon at William and Mary before coming to Sewanee, Sopherim enjoyed a most successful year. Poetry, essays and short stories were presented at the bi-monthly meetings. A new national constitution provides for honorary members, and Sopherim had the pleasure of initiating General J. P. Jervey into the fraternity. The increased relationship between members of the faculty and members of the fraternity proved a real benefit. One of the most enjoyable meetings of the year was held at the home of General Jervey when Sopherim had as its guests the members of Neograph and Mr. Long reviewed "The Testa- ment of Beauty," by Robert Bridges.

136 51ue Key

National Honorary Leadership Fraternity Founded at the University of Florida in 192+

Sewanee Chapter

Established in 192J


In Facilitate Professor W. H. MacKellar

In A cade mta Barron, C. H. Masse ncale, St. E. Boyd, W. E. Nash, E. C. Brown, C. G. Parker, T. Cravens, W. Poellnitz, C. A. Daley, F. D. Sturgis, R. L. Edwards, G. H. Thigpen, F. M.

Ezzell, J. M. Turner, W. S. Hikes, J. E. Walthour, T. Hoppen, C. T. Way, R. A. Yates, D.

This organization is concerned with the more practical problems of college life which may come within the scope of the student. The local chapter maintains a fire department, as one of its chief interests and throughout the past year has acted as host to all visiting athletic teams which have been on the Mountain. Only gownsmen are eligible for election to membership, and those men elected are supposed to have rendered some valuable service to the school in order to merit this distinction. National Honorary Leadership Fraternity Founded at Washington and Lee University in 1914

Alpha Alpha Circle

Established in 192Q


In Facilitate

Dr. G. M. Baker R. B. Davis Dr. B. F. Finney H. M. Gass

In Academi.

C. G. Brown J. E. Hikes D. Yates T. Parker

O. D. K. was installed at Sewanee in the late spring of last year. Its purposes are three- fold: First, to recognize men who have obtained a high standard of efficiency in collegiate activities and to inspire others to strive for conspicuous attainments along similar lines; second, to bring together the most representative men in all phases of collegiate life and thus to create an organization which will help to mold the sentiment of the institution on questions of local and intercollegiate interest; third, to bring together members of the faculty and student body of the institution on a basis of mutual interest and understanding. O. D. K. aims to actively engage in constructive work on the campus, discussing questions as a group but attaining its aims through its members as individuals.

138 )Jlijl

National Honorary Dramatic Fraternity

Charter Members H. A. Griswold William McCulloch

Purple Masque Dramatic Club William McCulloch President H. A. Griswold Director George Copeland Business Manager

Blair Hatch, E. Tinker Boyd, W. E. Hikes Turner, W. S. Bridewell Jeffress, A. H. Walthour Gregory Ponder Weishampel Sears

Smith, J. E.

Purple Masque is the dramatic club of the university, and draws its members from those students who take part in the plays produced during the year. In the fall term several one- act plays were produced, after Christmas "Mr. Larazus" was presented, while "Outward Bound," as the commencement offering, concluded the activities of the year. Members of Purple Masque are eligible for membership in Alpha Psi Omega, a national college dramatic fraternity, which was installed in the university last year. k* ft* ^M +%

Scholarship Society

Officers Thomas Parker President

Benjamin F. Hatch ...... Vice-President Professor E. M. Kayden Secretary-Treasurer


//; Facilitate

Dr. Baker Dr. Ware Mr. Glerry Dr. Bevan Dr. Wells Mr. Long Dr. DuBose Dr. Wilmer Mr. Nauts Dr. Finney Mr. Gass Mr. Scott Dr. Knickerbocker Mr. R. B. Davis Dr. Petry

In Thcologia

F. D. Daley

In Academia

Ball, \V. ]. Early Massengale Ball, W. M. Glen Robertson Bridewell Gregory Schuessler Brunner Greville Walker, G. D. Burns, M. B. Hannon Watson Chadbourn HlNES Yates Clayton Lee Burwell President Royal K. Sanford Secretary-Treasurer


Adair Connolly Pulley Bass Fortune Taylor Carper GOWAN Walters Holland Postlewaite

Neograph is an under-gownsman literary society. Its members are

elected from those of the Freshman and Sophomore Classes who have

shown proficiency along literary lines. Neograph was founded at the

university in 1903, and since that time has filled an important place on

the campus. Its purpose is to encourage original and creative writing. Freshman Class Sophomore Class

A. L. Postlethwaite President Clayton L. Burwell President Oscar Lindholm Vice-President Charles W. Cross .... Vice-President

Jack Torian Secretary-Treasurer Donald H. Cowan . . Secretary-Treasurer

Junior Class

David Yates President

Robert B. Stimson Vice-President John M. Ezzell .... Secretary-Treasurer PUBLICATIONS —


In the good old days of which we hear so often, there were at Sewanee three organizations and three only— Sigma Epsilon and Pi Omega, rival literary societies, and the Red Ribbon So- ciety, an honorary organization for men of recognized achievements. The entire student body belonged to either Sigma Epsilon or Pi Omega and both were flourishing—to be a Red was a most coveted distinction. With this in view men labored for and supported student activities in order to show their ability and spirit.

It is written in the Book of Life, "To him that hath shall be given." Verily today is the

Scripture fulfilled in our ears. As is always the case, a few men were most outstanding in their several fields of endeavor. They banded together and brought another honor society into being. The process has continued until today we have approximately sixteen student honor societies.

To a casual onlooker this would seem to indicate that Sewanee is inhabited by a race of super- men—this evidence at least w.ould have to be rejected. What has happened is this: We have so many honor societies that none of them mean much. In the days of old the workers complained because they had no recognition; now, like the frogs in the fable, they are so bur- dened by what they formerly desired that they look with longing into the past.

Our honor organizations and student body have increased in a somewhat similar ratio to the cost of living and the pay of the wage-earner. We have unlimited organizations, but only a limited list of outstanding men, so the leaders in any line, no matter what, are promptly taken into all of them. The societies need more members though ; the good fellows are added to the ranks. The rosters are now full and the deserving, hard-working men who would have time and interest to devote to the organizations are left out in the cold. The results of this process are, no doubt, agreeable and polished social bodies, but they could hardly be called honor organiza- tions for recognizing merit in definite fields. The world we live in is not idyllic as we all acknowledge with regret, but there is a hope of making it rnore so -

Let us leave the unrequited but deserving men vlhere the honor organizations have left them. What is the result of their popularity upon the selected few? It is twofold. They belong to so many societies that they cannot work in all. As a consequence, they work very little if

any to the obvious detriment of both parties concerned. We could condone this, however, but thev are so busy chasing the devil around the bush that they neglect their original line of en- deavor for which they merited this elevation. Student activities have taken a decided slump just look around for yourself. As for the studies for which they came to college, these are given about as much time as we have given them space.

The Scripture lesson concludes: "From him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." We have lost interest in our honor organizations; we are losing interest in our activities—there is only one thing left to lose. Verbum sat sapienti. ty %p & \p i

Cap and Gown Staff

Thomas Parker Editor-in-Chief George David Walker Business Manager Godfrey Lyle Howse Managing Editor John Sumner Davidson Literary Editor Frank Van Dusen Fortune Class Editor Richard Taylor Class Editor George Copeland Photographic Editor Frank Laughlin Photographic Editor Charles T. Hoppen Art Editor

Richard L. Sturgis . . Athletic Editor Thomas Byrne Athletic Editor Nash K. Burger Humor Editor

Business Staff Kenneth T. Anderson Advertising Royal K. Saxford Advertising Homer N. Tinker Advertising Robert Larsh Sales Promotion William Knorr Sales Promotion William Leech Sales Promotion

The following, though not members of the staff, were of invaluable assistance: Miss Delia Tate, John Cleghorn, Douglas Adair and Mrs. Emma Sutton Bennett. The editors would like to express their gratitude to Godfrey Howse, John Davidson and Elbridge Hines for their especial interest and co-operation. Purple Staff

John Elbridce Hines Editor-in-Chief St. Elmo Massengale Managing Editor Richard L. Sturcis Athletic Editor Thomas Byrne Athletic Editor Royal K. Sanford -Ithletic Editor Wood B. Carper Local Editor George Copeland Feature Editor Frank Pulley Literary Editor Edward Watson Literary Editor David Bridewell News Editor

Business Manager C. W. Underwood

Student Business Manager John Davidson

Circulation Staff David Walker William Weaver Mountain Goat Staff

Nash Burger, Jr Editor-in-Chief Frank Brunner, Jr Business Manager Jackson Cross Art Editor David Bridewell Book Reviews John Davidson Poetry Richard Taylor Exchange Editor

Literary Hodges Ball Montgomery Massengale Tinker Patton Ware Torian Art Wright Adair Montgomery

Business Anderson Cantrill McConnell wllhoite soaper ponder Weaver Montague HE SEWANEE REVIEW, a quarterly edited by

Dr. William S. Knickerbocker, head of the De-

partment of English, is the oldest publication of

its kind in America. The Review is scholarly in at- tainment and widely cultural in scope. Articles by many of the foremost writers in the country appear in its pages.

"The Sewanee Purple," although edited entirely by stu- dents, is a weekly publication financed by the Athletic Board of Control. By means of its Open Forum the entire student body is afforded an opportunity of expressing its views and ideas. All campus news and other news of interest to the alumni and students appear in its pages. A short article each week by some outstanding writer on college problems is a feature of the publication.

The Cap and Gown is the yearbook of the university, being published at the end of each session. It is under the management of the Order of Gownsmen, which elects the editor and business manager, and for many years has been outstanding in its class.

The Mountain Goat is a humorous magazine appearing four times a year. It is entirely under student management, the editor and business manager being elected by Sopherim.

Although only five years old, the Goat has already taken its place among the publications of the Mountain.

148 ^

•pi *[? ^T^ ^T^ * •ji JJi 1^ *fll

V V *V V

CJP ^1 ^r^ ^i ^pi

^1 •P& ^T^ ^T^ >e

David Yates President George Hann Secretary

William S. Turner Richard L. Sturgis

Debaters Watson Walters Tinker French Copeland Bridewell Holland Byrne Syler Massengale Burns Gray- Boyd

Debating represents a very important phase of forensic activity at Sewanee. This year university teams met representatives of such schools as North Carolina, South Carolina, Tulane and Vanderbilt. As head of the Public Speaking Department of the university, Major W. H. MacKellar coaches and trains all of the debating teams. The result of his endeavors

is shown in the success of the teams. This year debating was put into the hands

of the students by electing a Debate Council from the varsity debaters for all executive purposes. THE CAP AND GOWN

The University Choir

Bernard Edwin Hirons, Organist and Choirmaster Members David Yates President Jerome P. Thompson Vice-President Charles D. Snowden Secretary-Treasurer Peter W. Lambert, Jr Librarian William S. Turner Social


David Yates Jack Pryor Buzard W. Haskell DuBose, Jr. Jerome P. Thompson Frank M. Robbins, Jr. Dow Elbert Mallernee Robert R. Berger William Oscar Lindholm Walter W. McNeil

Hedley J. Williams Frank R. Laughlin James S. Butler Joseph Lee Allen, Jr. William M. Weaver John B. Walthour Julius G. French Baritones

Charles D. Snowden William P. Richardson Elwood Hannum John Ashmore Gowan Charles C. Montgomery Charles Carlisle Ames Wood B. Carper, Jr. Charles C. Chadbourn Charles A. Weishampel Howard F. Mueller John Watson Morton A. St. John Matthews Peter W. Lambert, Jr. Joseph Welch Scott George H. Dunlap, Jr. Cornelius Benton Burns Basses

Jack P. White Virgil P. Stewart F. Campbell Gray- Frank Fortune Ernest P. Bartlam Robert B. Sears Fred A. Thompson David C. Clough Duncan M. Hobart Burton Phillips Frank E. Walters James S. Washington Innis LaRoche Jenkins

151 lee

Jack Walthour, Director

John C. Turner, Manager H. J. Williams, Accompanist

Walter E. Bovd President Joseph L. Allen, Jr Vice-President Jerome P. Thompson Secretary-Treasurer Members Soloist John Ashmore Gowen

First Tenors Second Tenors First Basses Second Basses Frederick Baarcke Joseph Allen Walter E. Boyd Melvin Craig Thomas Wilhoite Russell Ponder Harry Lovelace Abner Johnson Frank Laughlin Joseph Brandon Milton Spencer Berryman Edwards William Knorr Jerome Thompson Philip Walker Lathrop Postlethwaite Jack Buzard Frank Glen William Craig

The Glee Club continued its policy of one extended trip during the year, and leaving the mountain on the twelfth of February appeared successively in Chattanooga, Cedartown, Ga., Mobile, New Orleans, Beaumont, Houston, San Antonio, Waco, Little Rock, Memphis, Green- ville, Miss., and Jackson, Tenn. Additional trips to nearby Tennessee and Alabama towns brought the total distance traveled well over five thousand miles. The personnel of the club was exceptionally good this year and the audiences were invariably pleased. Solos by John Gowen, a humorous skit, and numbers by the Sewanee Syncopators were the outstanding features of the performances.

5SS® Melvin Craig (Director) Saxophone Jerome Thompson Saxophone Lathrop Postlethwaite Piano Jack Walthour Banjo Redmond Eason Trumpet Thomas Byrne Drums

While mainly complementary to the Glee Club, the Sewanee Synco- pators must receive a good share of praise for the success of the trips taken by that organization. Besides having a part in each performance, the syncoptators often played for dancing later, and were enthusiastically

received in both instances. Their Sewanee activities were largely limited to a few appearances

at the union, but these were greatly enjoyed by all fellow students. Sigma Epsilon Literary Society


Richard L. Sturgis . President Moultrie Ball Vice-President Wood Carper Secretary-Treasurer Charles Chadbourn Critic Jack Morton Sergeant-at-Arms


Pulley Burns, B. Way French Burns, M. Yates Ames Baarcke Massengale Jeffress, A. Robertson Holland Jeffress, H. Lang

Sigma Epsilon, together with Pi Omega, is one of the oldest student organiza-

tions on the mountain. Its name is taken from the initial letters in the name of Bishop Stephen Elliott, one of the founders of the university. Membership in the

society is non-elective. Sigma Epsilon sponsors debtates and discussions among

its members at regular bi-monthly meetings. It has also arranged addresses given by members of the faculty on both pertinent and cultural topics. Membership in

Sigma Epsilon or Pi Omega is required of those taking part in commencement declamations, orations or debates. Pi Omega Literary Society

Officers David Bridewell President George Hann Vice-President Frank Lauchlin Secretary Thomas Greville Treasurer John Davidson Critic

Roll Watson Tinker Gray QUISENBERRY Tauber Matthews, A. Syler Smith, E. Sanford Springer McNeil Hayward French

A series of informal addresses by members of the faculty proved a boon to Pi Omega in the winter and spring terms of this year. Covering a wide range of subjects, the talks attracted many members and their friends who found in them much valuable information as well as enjoyment. The annual banquet, held late in the spring, served as a fitting climax to a successful year.

The name of the society, Pi Omega, is taken from the initial letters in the names

of two of the founders of the university—Bishops Polk and Otey. The society is one of the oldest of any sort at Sewanee.

155 Easter ^Dances—Senior Qerman

Officers of the Senior German Club Charles A. Poellnitz President

Edward C. Nash Vice-President W. Philip Walker Secretary-Treasurer

Officers of the Junior Germ ax Club

Cecil Cantrill President Chauncey Butler Vice-President Archie Sterlixc Secretary-Treasurer



Clint Brown President

C. A. Poellnitz rice-President


Allen Durden Ponder Young Barron Eason Page Way Brown, R. Edwards Rodcers Walker, P. Eby Buzard ROUNSAVILLE Walker, D. Boyd Folk Robertson, H. McConnell Butler Green, H. Sturgis Buford BURWELL Goodman Stimson, R. Thompson Cravens HOPPEN Stras Bass Cowan HlNES Spencer Walter, R. Cross Lovelace Sterling Anderson Craig, W. B. Massengale Soaper Burns, M. Dawson McCulloch Thigpen Byrne DOSSETT McRee Weuscher Crosland Nash Yates

The Prowlers are an honorary social organization, giving the Prowlers' ball at commence- ment, which concludes the festivities of the year. THE CAP AND GOWN

Tennessee Club

John Ezzell Covite Father Donald Blair Mountain Mother Joe Bean Barnyard Boy

Offspring Allen Grizzard Kinc Ball, M. Rodgers

Stimson, A. Morris Ray Harwood Kellerman, I Butler McLure McSpadden Manthey Morton- Craig, L. Beare Clark, D. Frazer Hudson Leech Voss Counts Grisard Brandon Stimson, R. Weishampel Underwood Whitaker Wilhoite Worrall Taylor, R. Bass Taylor, F. Cross, C.

Crump DuBose Eason Foust Kellerman, j Mann Glover Goodman Montague Page

Redding Robbins Braun Marable Moore, J. C.

McDonald Fanning Jones Merriman, P. Merriman, J. Sears Smith Vauchan Wise Folk Phillips, W. Humphreys Bates Bratton Davis Edens Garner GuiLL Hendley Moore, G. Nugent Tenison Cravens Moore, 0. H.

158 Clint Brown S/ierifi Buster Boyd Deputy Phil Walker Rustler

Rangers Brunner Holland Toombs Ponder Flato Biehl ROUNSAVILLE HOLLIDAY BrOWN, R. Watson Isaac Pabst Spencer Stevens Scott Nash Ward Smith

Copeland Webster, J. Boyd, C. Tinker Springer French Wilson Thompson, F. Plummer

Montgomery-, W. J. Webster, M.

iS9 Mississippi Club

Pete Younc Plantation Overseer Nash Burger Hired Help

Dixon7 Dossett Cock Trainer


Lovelace Walters, F. Early Cameron-

Butler, J. S. Crenshaw Mellox Hart Cooke Holmes, W. Holmes, C. E. Braden Postlethwaite Houston" Provine Powell Smith, D. South Carolina Club

Doc Hines Mr. Sewanee R. L. Sturgis Big Man on Campus

Honey Barron Rising Politician


Ball, W. J. Egleston Parker Green, R. Green, H. Huntley Robertson Rogers Charles Sterling

Burns, M. Hollis, F. Thomas Hollis, D.

Turner, J. Pinckney Burns, B. Turner, W. Hobart Lang

161 r * 1 ? K Jfl ^ vl^r

R. A. Way Maharajah David Yates Grand Vizier Teddy Burwell -imbassador


Greville Jeffress, T. D. Beckwith Pulley Jeffress, A. H. Dlrden Pete Howse King of the Cannibals

Kenny Anderson Lord of the Larder Conky Gardner Royal Feast

Consumers Brettmann Smith Stewart Williams, A. Fast Williams, G. Knorr

163 siama Club

Charlie Ebv Big Papa Pirate Leslie Weuscher Medium-Sized Pirate

Charlie Hoppen Little Pirate


Wharton- Landers, E. L. Adams Landers, L. C. LlTTELL FUSSELL Sylvester Walsh

i 6+ Yankee Clmb

Tony Griswold King of Wall Street Frank Laughlin Money Baron Jack Cross Press Agent

Brokers Snowden Berger Patton Gray, W. C. Gray, C. Gowan Lambert Torian Cella Clouch White Frelinghuysen

Chadbourn Williams, H. J. McNeil Hann Fortune Whittlesey Barrows Hannum Hodges


The Owls

Mother Owl Mrs. "E"


Ball, M. Burns, M. Hollis, D.

Barron Byrne Hollis, F. Beckwith Cross, C. Robertson- Buford DuBose Turner, J. Burns, B. Egleston Weaver

Anderson, Boyd, Claiborn, Clark Cravens, D. G., Sr., Cravens, D. G., Jr. Cravens, W., Eby, Gass, Hodgson Jervey, Kirby-Smith, Lear Long, Massengale McCllloch

Myers Ponder, Sheppard Thigpen, Thompson

Turner, J., Turner, W. Walker, P., Walthour


wi]. : a)







A Word of Explanation

All is well known, all fraternities issue secret numbers of their magazines which are carefully guarded from the great unwashed public. By dint of much perseverance the Cap and Gown detectives were enabled to procure issues of the magazines pub- lished by the several fraternities on the Mountain, and from these issues the following extracts have been gleaned

MASS MEETING HELD IN "Thank you for your help, Mr. Parker," said Mr. Yates and then turned the floor over to UNION Major Henry M. Gass.

In Attempt to Determine If Sewanee Students Study, "Now I hear all this talk about studying, but and If So, Methods of Correcting the Situation frankly, gentlemen, I don't believe there's a word (TMs is a Super-Special CAP AND GOWN All-Talking of truth in it." Feature) Undoubtedly Mr. Yates had erred in not The meeting was called to order after a pre- sounding out the major beforehand, and he was liminary argument between Messrs. Yates and plainly disturbed at this discordant note in the Hines as to which one of them should preside, proceedings, but he smiled blandly. Mr. Wal- Mr. Yates finally winning out by calling "Heads" ter (Buster) Boyd is recognized. that heads. fact that on a flipped coin came The "Men, I look at it this way," began Mr. Boyd on both sides, having been the coin was heads in a stirring tone, "the honor of the school is at held furnished by Mr. Yates, should not be stake. It's a question of 'Is Sewanee Right? than against that gentleman since he knows more We've got to all get together on this thing and as evidenced by the neat Mr. Hines any way, put this thing across. We can do it if we want way in which he tricked him. to. You've heard what these other boys have said, "Fellows," began Mr. Yates with all due re- and now it's up to you. If anyone can't agree straint, but in a voice that could be heard in the with us he ought not to be here—that's the way farthest corner of the Union, "you know as well I feel about it. Let's make Sewanee right!" as I do that there has been open studying going Loud cheers greeted the ending of Mr. Boyd's on at Sewanee not just occasionally, but all the speech. As he moved back to his seat it was plain time, and in every dormitory. Now what are to see that he was deeply moved. you going to do about that ? That's what I want His voice aroused from his own aroused passion to know. The Sewanee gentleman is known far on the subject, Mr. Yates called on Mr. Abbott and wide as a real gentleman. You never heard Martin and Mr. Tudor Long for their opinions, anyone talk about the Sewanee scholar, but that's but neither would be so bold as to speak before just what's going to happen unless things are the other. A suggestion that they should both changed. Now, I want to hear what some of speak at once was vetoed by Mr. Yates with the you think about it. Mr. Hines, did you have explanation that it would be too High Church something to say?" and the members of the Student Vestry nodded Taking the floor, Mr. Hines said: "It's just their heads in approval. this way—we either study or we don't study. Mr. Yates then asked Mr. Eugene Kayden to Nor can the Platonic citation at this point avail, come forward and give his views, but after a nor the fact that at the University of North short silence it was evident that Mr. Kayden had Carolina last year a similar situation developed. not been able to attend, and Dr. William S. It's simply that we study or that we don't study. Knickerbocker, Ph.D., was called upon. Can anyone differ with me at this point? I "Gentlemen," began Dr. Knickerbocker with think not." evident mental reservations, "this is a subject Mr. Hines sat down plainly satisfied that a upon which I feel very keenly, for if one takes most difficult situation had again been met and the humanistic viewpoint coupled with the fact avoided. At this point Mr. Thomas Parker takes that Sewanee is a church school, it is reasonably the floor. Spake Mr. Parker, "I hardly know certain that there is some studying here, but just whether studying has been indulged in to as great what we can do about it is another matter. One an extent as claimed, but if so, certainly some- method might be to assign so much work that thing ought to be done about it." no student will do any of it. Then there's the :

had the Democratic convention last time), and the Mississippi Delta are where we get most of our men, both places being rather primitive. But why we pick on those places nobody knows, since we got Harry Lovelace and George Hart from the Delta, and Joe Scott and Buster Boyd from Houston. Habits are hard to overcome though, especially bad ones. We don't go out for athletics very much, ath- letes being a crude lot for the most part, although we have got Big Patton. Tennessee Omega has always attempted to confine its workouts to rum- ble seat gymnastics, and has usually succeeded very well, but whether this is due to our tech- nique or just our perseverance we can't say. I'hw. ecclesiastical appearance of our house, both inside and outside, probably explains our

success in rushing, such as it is, coupled with the large number of our faculty members, since most freshmen come to college with the idea that the professor is an important part of his education. It was suggested that Jimmy Bass register at Vanderbilt and take some work there, since he spends as much time in Nashville as at Sewanee, but he declined, since it would then be necessary to go to Chattanooga to cut classes, and he doesn't at all like Chattanooga.

"So you want to start something?" "Yes, I do." FROM PHI GAMMA DELTA "Well, step into the garage and start my car." OF PHI GAMMA DELTA

Although Gamma Sigma Chapter can no longer be disguised as the Texas Club we still matter of sex which interests me a great deal. lay claim to being the original lads from the great However, we won't pursue that point, although open spaces, for Kansas has taken the place of I often do." Texas as the state guilty of producing Sewanee After thanking Dr. Knickerbocker, Mr. Yates Fijis. Offhand, one would hardly think Kansas called upon Mr. George Herbert Edwards, presi- could be an improvement on Texas when it comes dent of the Order of Gownsmen, who spoke as to furnishing fraternity material is it. follows —nor We have lost none of our physical prowess, "Er, studying ought not to be going on, er, er, and Cannon Hall and the Inn still shake on those of course, er, if you are going to study, you are Saturdays nights (most of them) when Phi Gam- going to study, but, er, it looks like you ought ma Delta is right. It is no mean accomplishment not to—they asked me to say this, and I'm saying to break a door in with one blow of a fist, but it, and I believe studying is harmful, er, that is, Al Capone Spencer can do just that. it's harmful." It is true that this year we have but one Bean, In conclusion Mr. Yates asked that all those but somehow we find that one is quite enough. who were in favor of keeping the old tradition Bean, as well as being a prominent figure on let it be known by standing, and as everybody all athletic courts, gridirons, tracks, etc., is quite got up and started for the door, it was evidently unanimous. a scholar, taking a major in Biology I. Buzz Ward is a good athlete in his way, being a wizard at the mile and two mile on the cinder FROM THE PALM OF ALPHA track and practically unbeatable (except perhaps TAU OMEGA by Freshman Smith) at long and short distance food throwing at Magnolia. As everybody knows, Tennessee Omega is the Frank Brunner was awarded the Gamma Sig- oldest fraternity at Sewanee, and, although the ma trophy for winning the class and chapel cut joints are creaking and there is patching at sev- marathon. The dean asked Frank not to come eral points, still we manage to carry on, thanks to chapel, since the morning he came the proctors to our reputation and the nine faculty members. became confused and were unable to take any Houston, Texas (you know the place where they cuts at all due to the shock. We have a well-rounded chapter, too, boasting "Yeah, it's positively on its last legs. Sonny, in addition to the above men a scholar in Tommy you don't really mean I'm to stay at the Inn? It Parker and a senator in Phil Walker and his looks so English—and all." Buick. "How're they coming with that new hotel back in dear ole Juanita, S. C. ?" "Oh, Sonny, it's just marvelous. Did you say FROM THE KAPPA ALPHA one boy I've a date with is captain of the foot- JOURNAL ball team?" Auto gears unmesh and the brakes moan to a on the quad- Although we heard two students stop; business of removing Sue and the luggage. whether or rangle the other day arguing as to Came the night. there actually a Kappa Alpha chapter not was "I've never been so thrilled. Is that tall blond we want everyone to know that at Sewanee, man realy Blue Steele? That can't be he—why alive, if not kicking. Being Alpha Alpha is still he's just divine looking." true and worthy inheritors of the heritage of the "Let's go look at Saturn." Old South, we feel it our duty to maintain a lan- "I'm cold way up here. You know it makes guid and sleepy air, although there really isn't me poetic to see those little lights in the heavens." any use in carrying it as far as Bill Cravens does. "Gee, I wish this intermission'd never end. The yard has been much improved lately by You'll be leaving so soon." Brother Abbott Martin of the English Depart- Another interval, in ment, although some members have protested which a great how-de-do of getting sleep and putting on a ensemble that they have to keep on the walk instead of new transpires. The figures again appear, this cutting across the lawn (?). But the flower time on the dining hall porch. Sue has become a little beds won't last long any way, since weeds will demure Rhapsody in Blue and Sonny for once is grow up and kill the plants. the great big gorgeous from the In activities Pete Young has brought glory to man South with a camel in his mouth. the chapter by winning the Country Gentleman magazine prize for being the nearest approach "My first meal at Magnolia. How will I to a typical country gentleman, since he was so ever go through with it?" overwhelmingly and unmistakably country. Pete "Don't pay any attention to the boos. It's hails from the wilds of Mississippi, but makes just bovine humor, you know." no attempt to conceal the fact. "Do those funny looking waiters really go to George Herbert (Ug) Edwards by some de- college too? Oh, see that one over there; he vious workings of the gods and the politicians is looks like Bull Montana." president of the Order of Gownsmen and is a "Hush, he'll hear you. That's Ducky Hollis." the order meet. good one too since he never makes That night there is a wise old moon riding Dossett has been elected Chapter Fa- Dixon high. Stage properties (essential) : a roadster especially ther, a fitting tribute to his years and with top down, red lips, lights of a small town Alpha chapter. to his long association with Alpha twinkling in the distance, weather a little too Class of Dixon was a member of the Freshman cool to sit far apart, a sense of loneliness mingled '89, and tells many a stirring tale of the early with that of youth and romance hovering over days of the university. the pair. year Alpha Alpha is going to turn over Next "Sonny, you know I'll never forget you. Your a new leaf and really get out and do something, having me up—and all." although we've gotten along so far all right, or "Think no more of it, Sue. The debt's prac- at least gotten along. tically wiped out. You've taken every man's heart here. Why they'd die for you, honey." "Oh-h-h!" THE PASSING OF SUE "Ah-h-h!" "You don't mean always, Sonny?" Beep—beep! The train at Cowan has dis- "Yeah, I mean forever, and then some." gorged its feminine freight and our hero fastens the himself to the three or four fifty-pound traveling Gray day. Taxi picks way down from bags lady visitors to the Easter dances always Olympic heights to a dingy N., C. & St. L. sta- bring. They hie over to a taxi and amid much tion. Girls in blue, purple, gray ; in sedans, road- small talk and many "helloes" clamber aboard. sters and ecstacy. Men in knickers and trench "Well, Sue, how's things back home?" coats; some in their cups. "Gorgeous, sonny. Oh, isn't that mountain "Oh, Sonny, mail my compact—it's in the so—o—o imposing looking! I just know I'm clothes closet. Tell Buddy I think he's sweet. going to love it." Give Sam my very best. When are you going "And has Mrs. Parker still got that ancient to write? What must I tell your folks? See Buick?" you commencement." ;

Sonny, feeling a hundred years old, struggles one of the best graphs in all of Eco I. For in- to his dormitory lair and bellows, in stentorian stance, anything that you would not possibly tones, "Freshman, Sup' Store n' two bottles Mis- want to know can be found on this graph—the sion Dry—quick!" falling birth rate in Patagonia due to vitaphones God bless 'em. We love 'em both. Girls and keeping men away from home at night is shown Mission Dry. by line AO, while the number of girls in Holly- wood who look exactly like Clara Bow is indi- ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT cated by area A3K8; on the other hand, the CO-OPERATES WITH CAP point O, where AO crosses 7X doesn't mean anything; but the rest of the graph represents AND GOWN Charles Eby's prize winning essay on "What I Like About Prohibition." Through the courtesy of the Department of Economics the Cap and Gown is permitted to reproduce one of the diagrams as well as one of FROM THE STAR AND LAMP the graphs which will help to make Eco I the OF PI KAPPA PHI wonderfully practical course that it is. Eco I de- velops the mind because any part of the course Alpha Pi, although it has only been a chapter that is simple enough to be understood is made of Pi Kappa Phi for one year, is still going into a diagram which successfully conceals what strong, or at least as strong as it ever has. Some- it is all about and anyway graphs and diagrams how we feel that in fifty years this will be a are so much to make up. good chapter, which gives us something to look forward to. Lots of Sewanee fraternities have fine pasts, but our past is all in the future and we're trying to catch up with it. Any way, we can't backslide. We lost most of our activities last year when Byrom Dickens graduated, but before he left he fixed some of us up, but outside of that we don't seem to be very active. Brother Tom Byrne plays the drums in the Glee Culb, he being the only man who had any drums. We have got several men on the Mountain Goat since Brother Burger is editor. Jack Cross, the man from the Fi£. I i! zi big city, is art editor of the Goat, which prob- ( ably explains how he got his drawings in, and '&<§usjj$ Dick Taylor is exchange editor, whatever that is, because the staff reads the exchanges itself and then sends them to its girls. Brother Taylor has shattered all Sewanee rec- ords for food consumption in Magnolia Hall, both for endurance and in the springs. Once his friends at the table and the waiters helping, Brother Taylor was given fifteen pieces of mince pie as a joke, but he turned the joke on them by eating all the pie and then, perhaps from force of habit, asking for an extra. Charlie Eby is a good track man when he trains, but he seldom finds time to do that. Probably he is reluctant to shatter the world rec- ords for the distances as he has the Sewanee rec-

Fig- . £ ords. All in all, Alpha Pi is doing about as well as could be expected, if you hadn't expected anything. Figure 1 demonstrates most anything, but es- pecially Greta Garbo's kilowatt hours, AOPI and the ratio of gin to orange in any given mix- FROM THE SCROLL OF PHI ture, X' X"; the total French war debt plus the DELTA THETA price of sugar at Piggly Wiggly gives the area

A 1 492 P, while the percentage of things at- Well, at last Tennessee Beta has moved into tempted to things achieved on any late date is its new house which has taken only twenty-three shown by the line AO. years to build. Some little inconvenience was

Figure 2 is even worse than Figure 1, being caused by the fact that the architect who drew the original plans grew old and died before the That Major Mac is the only professor in the house had reached more than the first story. As world who isn't opposed to football. a result, none had any idea what the house was That one's grades are in direct proportion to the originally supposed to look like. It seemed, how- frequency of Sunday night calls on the faculty. ever, that the plans included a tower, so the That putting corn whisky in a keg for three tower was built. When the right hand wall was weeks makes it fit to drink. finished an embarrassing was created be- That Sewanee's football difficulties are solved tween that wall and the tower on the left. This with the signing of new coaches. was later solved by glassing the hole in. Find- That there are fewer good-looking girls in Nash- ing that some stone was left over, we added three ville than anywhere else in the world. rooms to the tower which, with the second floor, That it is inhuman to beat a dog, but commend- make the house have a floor space four times that able to beat a freshman. of the Piggly Wiggly warehouse in Chatta- That four years at Sewanee will make a gentle- nooga. man of anyone. While the house doesn't look at all like any- thing you ever saw before, much less like a fra- FROM THE CADUCEUS OF ternity house, don't mind that but any of you KAPPA SIGMA brothers who are around this way drop in to see us. Also, we are hoping that some visiting broth- Believe it or not, since this time last year ers will feel moved to make a small contribution Omega has become 99 44-100 pure, or at least to the house debt, which has been reduced to in comparison it looks that way. No longer can $134,675,390.73. Omega masquerade as the Society for the Repeal In activities Tennessee Beta has flopped com- of the Eighteenth Amendment. It is our proud pletely this year. Time was when we had real claim (although some lament) that it is doubt- big men like Duke Kimbrough and Billy School- ful if a truck load of beer could be found in the field. In fact, we used to be good, but some- entire Kappa Sigma house. We have given up how that's all changed now. Booger Barron the old practice of drinking in the house and would be our best all around man if he were a have adopted the more popular one of the other fraternities in little better. We suppose we ought to mention —that of drinking out the yard. big, bad Bob Hare from Atlanta, although we Although this is a trifle inconvenient, it protects hate to, and then there are lots more but nobody the varnish on the floor. any better. Maybe we should mention Snipe With the drying up of the chapter, we have also Adair, who is good at drawing Valentines and inaugurated a more gentle system of recrea- Stud Horse Cowan, the well-known gentleman tion in the house. Chairs are practically never from the South with the large Cheroot in his thrown at one another by the brothers, and Runt mouth. But that's only making it worse. Any Blair has by wonderful self-control refrained way, we have got a new house now and all you from hurling brothers or guests through the win- brothers and alums drop in on us. dows. The thug brothers, J. and R. Kellerman, have also quieted down somewhat and only vent their playfulness on the crockery at Magnolia SEWANEE CREDO Hall. Instead of the din that formerly came from That ratting develops school spirit. the house, a restive calm pervades all, and the That Sewanee is the one university in the coun- quiet brothers may be seen pitching horseshoes try that doesn't hire its football players. in the front yard. The only discordant element That beer made in Johnson Hall is as good as is the loud hullabaloo constantly surrounding any pre-war beer. Brother Charlie Walter, due to his inability to That Monteagle whisky is the worst in the world. either talk less loudly, or what would be better That a winning football team is a school's best still, not at all. However, things are greatly source of publicity. improved. That all Phi Beta Kappas cherish a secret desire All of this improvement is due to the wonder- to be captain of the football team. ful influence of Brothers Gregory, Walker and That all of Dr. Knickerbocker's courses are reve- Bridewell. But now we ask you, which is worse: lations of What Every Boy Should Know. whisky, or Gregory, Walker, and Bridewell? That the only reason Economics I seems so hard Pass the bottle. is that it is the only practical course in the school. FROM THE RAINBOW OF That fraternities are the most important part DELTA TAU DELTA of college life. That although it is forbidden to drink in a fra- Delta Tau Delta at Sewanee still carries on, ternity house, it is all right to drink in the and does about as well as most Delta chapters front yard. we reckon. We have three Craigs and lots of boys from Selma, as well as three and one-third automobiles for each member. We still try to maintain the old Delta tradition of exclusiveness,

but lacking anything to really base it on nowa-

days, it's sort of hard. Since Christmas the chapter has chartered a special railroad car and, calling itself the Se- wanee Glee Club, has enjoyed a pleasant tour of the country. Various performances were given which people paid to see and hear so that no expense was placed upon the members. The gen- eral sentiment of the brothers proved to be that prohibition was a failure.

While the chapter was away with the Glee "/ just revel in my work." Club, Jimmy Mann was left at home to keep the "What do you do?" "1 fire going in the furnace. run a night club." Gasoline Gus Rounsaville was elected chap- ter historian, but on telling his story about the a joke that was funny all right, but I didn't frogs in Texas that swallowed chickens, he was laugh at it 'cause it didn't sound like the kind recalled from that office since it was seen that of a joke a bishop's son ought to tell. If we his was not the historical mind. The chapter ever get married like you say we are I'll tell it is thinking of running him for United States to you. Senator instead. My favorite brother is Julius French. He has Ed Nash is supposed to have had a very fa- got a great big chest and rolls when he walks mous brother at Sewanee, which is likely, since just like a sailor. He is a fine football player every family has one member who amounts to and I cut his picture out of the paper to send to something. Ed is a firm believer in hazing as a you, but don't you get interested 'cause he's got a means of producing Sewanee gentlemen—witness girl down at Tulane who writes him a letter Ed himself. every day and besides you remember what you best for ratting that The argument has ap- told me that night just before I came here and peared at Sewanee in some time is George Dun- so keep on loving. lap. Some say George is the only reason for Your faithful Bengal. ratting they can think of. George is quite a per- sonage down Mobile way, where the girls give him quite a bit of trouble, or at least George says so. FROM THE DELTA OF SIGMA NU

A BENGAL PENS A LETTER Rising to great heights in the Sewanee frater- TO HIS GIRL nity world by pledging the 1928 freshman foot- ball team, Beta Omicron at Sewanee has suffered Dearest Honey: a relapse, since a goodly part of that team quit when the coach quit. However, we still h*fe I don't believe I have ever told you about all one of the largest chapters at Sewanee since there the fellows here in the chapter. They are a are payments on the house that have to be met. fine bunch, although some of them seem sort of John E. (Doc) Hines is our best all around funny to me. Nearly all of them are terribly man, being both athlete and Phi Beta Kappa. smart, and I know I will be too before long. Ed There was a rumor once that there was an or- Watson is a Phi Beta Kappa, but I asked him ganization Doc had failed to join, but it was later if he knew a fellow out in Texas where he proved unfounded. Nor does it matter what comes from and he didn't, so he isn't so smart kind of organization it is, Doc will join. St. after all. Matthews is assistant in biology and Elmo Massengale follows closely after Doc and is getting so he can call the roll pretty good, but if he isn't yet in as many organizations as Doc, he doesn't seem to know much biology. he will be next year. Outside of these two men, there Then are Biehl, Richardson and Han- no Sigma Nu is in anything. num who study a lot, but don't seem to get any- We still have plenty of athletes, Morton play- where. But if they have a good time studying ing football, basketball and missing his share of I guess it is all right. notes in the choir. Carper also is in the choir Then there is a fellow called Campbell Gray, and misses more notes than Morton because he and is a of a he son bishop. Campbell told me sings more of them. Goodman and Jeffries are pretty good at football and the training table, but have some trouble in distinguishing a frog's front leg from his rear in biology lab. Dawson is also an excellent athlete, performing equally Cap and Gown Beauty and well in football, track and on the davenport. If we aren't much on the campus this year, we Popularity Contest will be even worse next year when we lose Hines, Davidson, Hodges, etc. We'll be ioo per cent At great expense and trouble, but feeling that athletic by 1931 except Massengale, Carper and nothing was too good for its readers, the 1930 Fortune. Fortune thought Sigma Nu was a Cap and Gown has conducted a Sewanee scholarship fraternity, that's why he joined, which Beauty and Popularity Contest. The judges in was either a good joke on Frank or on Sigma this contest were the well-known authorities, Messrs. Bob and Nu—it's hard to say which. Hare Waldo Wilson. None of the results were decisive, all of the balloting Some fraternities have a glorious past, and ending in a tie as follows: some have a wonderful future, but what can you do when you have neither? That's us. Handsomest Boy

Waldo Wilson One Vote FROM THE RECORD OF SIG- MA ALPHA EPSILON Bob Hare . One Vote

Unfortunately Tennessee Omega has never been able to live up to the S. A. E. custom of Best Athlete having at least 66 2-3 per cent of the student Bob Hare. -One Vote body members of S. A. E. We realize that we have fallen down, but have partially made up Waldo Wilson. ..One Vote for it by thinking that we are 66 2-3 per cent of the Sewanee student body. Lots of visiting brothers say they can never Best Dressed Boy distinguish Bill Turner from John Turner so we will take this time to explain that John is the Waldo Wilson One Vote one who is always eating candy. Bob Hare One Vote In activities Tennessee Omega is right there, or at least we think so. The captain of the 1930 football team is an S. A. E. He is Bob Stim- Most Popular son, and has lots of school spirit, as manifested in the way he beats freshmen and shoves through Bob Hare. -One Vote the door at Magnolia. The two sonny boys, Butler and Poellnitz, are always up to some sort Waldo Wilson. -One Vote of trick. Poellnitz has just signed a contract to make a Victor record of "Love Made a Gypsy Out of Me," the Victor agent having heard him Most Sophisticated singing it while he was shaving. Since Butler never shaves he couldn't get in on this. Waldo Wilson One Vote "We ought to say something about our most Bob Hare One Vote prominent campus figure, H. A. (Tony) Gris- wold, but it has all been said so many times be- fore that we sort of hate to repeat it. We will Best All Around say that since last year his suppressed desire of having a Vitaphone in the Union has been real- Bob Hare One Vote ized. We would like to state that seeing and hearing is all we will put up with, however. Waldo Wilson_ -One Vote If they start any feeling we will rebel except in the case of Laurel and Hardy. Just give us a chance at them. <*&jf*^3&fiW!*3gjfi*c*3£^




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1930 Cap and Gown


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