FALL 2020 PAGE 5 Protecting the Health of Building Occupants with Clean Indoor Air contractor’s PAGE 7 Cleaning vs. Disinfecting: Seeing the Bigger Picture

PAGE 8 Tackle Messes with the Right corner Insurance for Your Business NEWS, VIEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE FACILITY SERVICE PROVIDER


Cleaning Within the NHL Bubble Scandinavian Building Services rises to the challenge of keeping the NHL Western Conference bubble clean, safe and healthy

By TANJA NOWOTNY news that the monton, AB, bubble was set for success. he coronavirus pandemic swept (NHL) would resume play, and a Stanley “The NHL created a world-class into in early 2020 with a Cup Champion would be awarded. And standard and wanted a world-class facility, T ferocity that brought the country all this on Canadian soil. and that’s what they had with Roger’s to a grinding halt. With many individu- Thanks to an effective plan unrolled by Place,” said Scandinavian President and als out of work and hope of a return to the NHL, and the expertise of the team CEO, Russell Hay. “It wasn’t just about normalcy quickly diminishing, hockey at Scandinavian Building Services to bring the look and feel of the centre, but clean- fans across the country rejoiced with this plan to fruition, hockey within the Ed- ...continued on page 2

FALL 2020 – contractor’s corner 1 Volume 3 / Number 4

CONTRACTOR’S CORNER is published by ISSA Canada and focuses on the Building Service Contractor and In-House Service Provider sectors. The newsletter provides news and views from the industry, as well as the most current educational offerings from ISSA and ISSA Canada. For more information, please contact: 910 Dundas St. W., P.O. Box 10009 Whitby, ON L1P 1P7 Tel: (905) 665-8001 Toll free: (866) 684-8273 Email: [email protected] Web: www.issa-canada.com

Building Service Cleaning Within Contractor (BSC) Council Members the NHL Bubble ... continued from page 1 Gavin Bajin liness was obviously one of the major Director, Dino Dinicola. “These three ServiceMaster of Canada points. We were certainly prepared to rise blocks were cordoned off to the public Yiannis Boutsalis to the challenge and ensure that world- and were patrolled by 24 hour security.” Impact Cleaning class standards were not only met, but In addition to the Roger’s Place arena Services Ltd. surpassed.” and surrounding area, Scandinavian was The cleaning and sanitization of also responsible for the nearby Terwille- David Clementino Hallmark Housekeeping sports and entertainment complexes gar Community Recreation Centre, which Services Inc. wasn’t anything new for Scandinavian. In provided a practice facility for the teams fact, after Hay’s father, Terry, purchased housed in the bubble. Although it was 20 Russell Hay minutes away from the downtown venue, Scandinavian the company in 1982, he won the bid to Building Services clean ’s Coliseum, the Terwillegar complex was treated as its a complex he serviced for 20 years. own separate bubble. Ken Hilder According to Scandinavian Operations ISSA Canada “Over the past 30 years we took that BSC Council Chair 20-year experience from Northlands Manager, Alex Aguilar, there were four Coliseum and developed our proprietary phases of the NHL protocol to success- Dimitri Kourkoutis quality assurance program,” Hay said. fully unroll the 2020 play-off schedule. J + A Cleaning “That’s how we were selected by Roger’s “There were strict rules developed Solutions Ltd. Place. They knew we were an Edmonton- by the NHL, and we had to develop based company with extensive experience our protocols to be in line with theirs,” Michael Kroupa United Cleaning in similar facilities across the country, and Aguilar said. Services Ltd. they were passionate about re-vitalizing The first phase was to develop an . We were behind understanding of the requirements and Philippe Mack adapt them to company protocols. The Bee-Clean that re-vitalization 100 per cent, so there Building Maintenance was a great synergy there.” second phase was the introduction of But it wasn’t just the Roger’s Place the players, support staff, technicians as Scandinavian was responsible for. In fact, well as Scandinavian’s cleaning team into Yamire McDowell the bubble comprised of not only the the bubble. Phase three was when the The Granite Club arena, but the neighbouring hotels and players started utilizing the facilities, and Mike Nosko outside recreational facilities as well. consisted of strict protocols which had to ISSA Canada “The bubble encompassed a three- be followed. And the final phase occurred Executive Director block radius around Roger’s Place, and in- when the play-offs actually began. cluded three hotels and a large plaza area “Phase four saw games and practices Tony Raposo where players and support staff could occurring daily,” said Dinicola. “There GDI Services (Canada) LP lounge and relax on their off-time,” said were a lot of moving parts as far as Scandinavian Northern Regional people moving from space to space, as

2 contractor’s corner – FALL 2020 well as all the activity that was happening daily testing, while the night crew were day-to-day.” tested on alternate days. With the responsibility of cleaning When it came to the physical cleaning a world-class facility, Scandinavian was of the facilities, the Scandinavian team well prepared, and selected a world-class was prepared to tackle the monumental cleaning crew well before the start of task at hand. According to Dinicola, at phase one. The credentials of each staff one point, there were 12 NHL teams member were provided to the NHL, and (and approximately 700 people) within it was only those team members who the bubble, as well as five active practice Cleaning Management Institute (CMI) were allowed entry once play resumed. rinks in operation, so time management “When we realized the bubble was became a critical priority. Train the Trainer coming to Edmonton and we were going According to Aguilar, once a team va- Virtual Workshop to be cleaning it, we took the pandemic cated a dressing room, the day crew were cleaning protocols we had already estab- given 20 minutes to go in and manu- he Cleaning Management Insti- lished and adapted them to the NHL’s ally clean the dressing rooms, offices, T tute (CMI) will host its virtual requirements,” Hay explained. “We then and bathrooms before the next team Train the Trainer workshop starting trained not only our professional cleaners was scheduled to arrive. Day cleaning on January 7, 2021. The course will be who were directly involved within the consisted of manually sanitizing all areas held once a week – January 7 to 28 – bubble, but the entire Scandinavian team and high-touch points, while the deep from 12 to 2 p.m. EST. across the country. We have 6000+ staff, cleaning and disinfection processes were Train the Trainer prepares super- and it was all hands on deck.” conducted during the night. visors and managers to successfully Not only was training provided in- When it came to products and equip- implement a quality training program person – with participants wearing masks ment, Scandinavian opted for Oxivir TB for their cleaning organizations. It out- and practicing social distancing, the for manual disinfection procedures, and lines frontline procedures and proper company also provided extensive online Oxivir Plus for electrostatic fogging using teaching methods to improve team video training and video conference calls Victory backpack sprayers. Additionally, efficiency. This certification is ideal for to prepare and educate the entire team. the company also utilized the Clorox 360 individuals who will train their team The Scandinavian crew within the system of chemicals and sprayers. All of in industry best practices that solidify main bubble comprised of 20 clean- the systems utilized had to be in-line with quality results. ers during the day and 50 at night. The NHL protocols. Now more than ever, it is crucial Terwillegar site was a smaller venue, “The equipment and chemicals we for cleaning professionals to elevate the and comprised of four cleaners during utilized weren’t used everyday, and trying standards of cleaning excellence and the day, and 10 at night. Although the to get Oxivir TB during COVID was no efficiencies in all areas of their facilities. team of 84 was not mandated to remain easy feat. Clorox 360 products were also The virtual Train the Trainer workshop on-site at all times, there were strict difficult to procure,” Hay said. “Fortu- utilizes the CMI Custodial Technician rules which had to be followed, includ- nately, we were very pro-active from the Basic and Advanced level certification ing not being able to work at any other start, and ordered electrostatic sprayers courses as a foundation for the techni- site outside of the bubble. Additionally, for use across the country, not to men- cal skills being implemented. Each in an effort to protect against potential tion a stockpile of 50-gallon drums of phase of Train the Trainer will include contamination, all day team members – Oxivir. We were able to work with our in-depth discussions, presentations, and due to their proximity to the players and suppliers and manufacturers, and obtain homework assignments. support staff – were required to undergo ... continued on page 4 Topics covered include the following: • Cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection • Reduction of operating costs • Increase of employee efficiency • Decrease of employee turnover • Standardization of your processes • Implementation of career pathing. Why attend? Upon successful completion of all course requirements, participants will become a Certified Pro- fessional Trainer (C.P.T.) and can begin implementing the Certified Custodial Technician program at their organization. Participants will be shipped course handbooks and further information upon registration. Please note partici- pants must attend all four sessions in order to receive credit. For more information, click here.

FALL 2020 – contractor’s corner 3 Cleaning Within

the NHL Bubble ... continued from page 3

CMM BSC Benchmarking Survey Report See how BSCs have weathered the pandemic and more enough stock to last the entire length of disinfected and surfaces being sprayed By AMY W. RICHARDSON the bubble.” with the electro-static system.” he annual CMM Building Service Manufactured by Diversey, Oxivir TB According to Dinicola, “with the NHL Contractor / Contract Cleaning was the disinfectant of choice because really taking their time to properly plan BenchmarkingT Survey Report spon- of its exceptional one-minute dwell / the entire process, what we witnessed as a sored by SoftBank Robotics, is here to kill time, which is currently the indus- cleaning company – and being responsible help you gauge your business perfor- try’s top standard. In conjunction with for the actual cleaning of these facilities mance in a year that will go down in a microfibre system, this Oxivir TB was – was that the NHL protocols along with history books as the year the cleaning used to disinfect all high-touch areas and the procedures Scandinavian had previ- industry took centre stage during the surfaces. The Clorox 360 electrostatic ously developed, really helped keep the COVID-19 pandemic. sprayers provided further deep cleaning COVID out of that bubble.” While you can still use the report and disinfection to all surfaces. “Things were changing by the minute to see how your operation stacks up “When you only have 20 minutes to at Roger’s Place, and we had to adapt very to others, discover equipment and clean, you’ve got to get in and out very quickly,” he said. “Everyone collaborat- technology trends, or find out if your quickly,” Hay said. “You can electrostatic ing, and coming together and following projected revenue growth is on par, spray everything, but you also have to protocol to a tee, ensured that everyone you are probably most interested in make sure you’re cleaning all the toilets within that bubble remained safe.” how your business competitors have and sinks. The beauty of the electro- And, safe the bubble was. In fact, at dealt with the new challenges of static spray is it doesn’t leave a residue so no time during the entire NHL play-off cleaning for the novel coronavirus. We everything in the dressing room could be series was there a confirmed case of CO- were too. We asked BSCs how they sprayed. Obviously, when we sprayed the VID-19. That, in itself, speaks volumes have been impacted by the pandemic, mirrors, we would have to go back and but it also brightens the spotlight placed how their staffing has changed, and if ensure they were spot-free. Together, these on the professional cleaning industry as they are performing specific coronavi- two processes allowed us to effectively a whole. rus cleaning tasks and charging extra ensure that everything was clean and disin- “The janitorial industry has never really for those services. fected for the next team coming in.” been recognized,” Hay said. “In the past, Nearly as many BSCs who report- When it came to challenges during the it’s always been a no news is good news ed their company suffered from the bubble experience, Hay said “there were type of business. But, through this entire pandemic (40.69 per cent) reported many.” COVID experience, I know it meant so their company saw an increase in “I didn’t understand the definition much to the industry and all of our front- business (41.38 per cent) as a result of of pivot but now I do, and I can really line workers when the Prime Minister it. Fortunately, those who said their appreciate the word itself,” he said. “It thanked them on national television. That’s company was hurt, also said it would wasn’t just with Roger’s Place, but things probably the first time custodial staff have recover. Very few reported their busi- were changing so rapidly everyday. In ad- been recognized and applauded by a coun- ness was in jeopardy (three per cent) dition to keeping up with the protocols, try leader, and it meant so much. There is or on the verge of financial ruin (two there was the matter of optics. People a lot of hard work that goes into cleaning ... continued on page 6 wanted to see high-touch points being ... continued on page 11

4 contractor’s corner – FALL 2020 SPECIAL FEATURE

Protecting the Health of Building Occupants with Clean Indoor Air

By ROBERT KRAVITZ primarily spread by inhalation. Building culated in HVAC systems, it costs more users are encouraged to do their part in to cool and heat the air, depending on n March 27, 2020, the Ottawa protecting their health indoors by wear- the season. In several cases, energy costs Citizen newspaper printed a list ing masks and maintaining appropriate jumped significantly. In Canada, with Oof closures and cancellations social distance. However, one key step winter on the way, these added costs must occurring around the country because of building owners and managers can take be a consideration. COVID-19. Just about every organization is to ensure the air circulating within the To address these issues, ASHRAE (the imaginable was listed. building is as fresh and clean as possible. American Society of Heating, Refriger- Among them were government of- With this in mind, many building ating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) fices, churches, sports venues, retailers, managers have taken two simple actions recommends the following: schools, museums – even the Ottawa to improve indoor air quality (IAQ): • Use minimum (not more) amounts Humane Society closed its doors, and • Open more doors and windows. Let of outside air in HVAC systems. only accepted intakes if the animal was the fresh air in; and, • Do not open windows or doors. “in distress.” • Adjust HVAC systems so that more • Maintain relative indoor humidity at By May, things appeared to be getting fresh air is circulated in the building. 40 to 60 per cent. better, and through the summer, better Although these steps can help air • Install portable air cleaners through- still. With many of these facilities now quality, very quickly, building owners and out the facility. reopening their doors, all these organiza- managers learned these strategies had • Upgrade air filtration to MERV-13 tions shared one goal and that was to find downsides. filters. ways to stay open. Some facilities are near major road- As you can see, their recommendation They soon realized that the best way ways or industrial sites. Opening doors is to do what has been recommended in to accomplish this was to implement and windows allows polluted outdoor air the past to keep energy costs down and several new procedures that would keep inside, marring IAQ and in some cases – still maintain good IAQ. Their one addi- building users healthy and prevent the and under certain conditions such as low tional suggestion was to take filtration to a spread of infection. humidity levels – increases the chance new high and install more effective filters. As we learned more about the virus, that the virus that causes COVID may MERV stands for “minimum efficien- we found that although it can be spread drift into the facility. cy reporting value.” The filters in most by touching contaminated surfaces, it is Further, when more fresh air is cir- ... continued on page 6

FALL 2020 – contractor’s corner 5 ... continued from page 4 Protecting the Health of Building CMM BSC Occupants with Clean Indoor Air ... continued from page 5 Benchmarking Survey Report commercial facilities have a MERV rating cleaned and disinfected once per day, of eight to 10. The higher the rating, the [cleaning] frequencies may be four times per cent). more effective the filter is at trapping or more per day,” Bunn says. This means It is no surprise that nearly 90 per airborne particulates. With MERV 13 or as much as four times the amount of cent of BSCs reported they have per- even higher, MERV 15 filters, there is a disinfectants may be used each day com- formed COVID-19 cleaning services. much greater possibility of trapping the pared to earlier in the year. To address However, only 63 per cent reported airborne particulates that cause COVID. this, many cleaning professionals are they have or will add a surcharge for This tells us the steps building owners turning to what ISSA calls “spray-and- providing such services. Another 17 and managers can take to help improve vac” cleanings, more commonly called per cent have not implemented a sur- indoor air quality. But what can cleaning “no-touch” cleaning systems. charge for coronavirus services but are and maintenance professionals do to help These machines apply a cleaning considering it. protect indoor air quality, and by doing solution to surfaces and then pressure When it comes to staffing in this so, building users’ health? As it turns out, rinse the same areas, removing soils from unprecedented year of facility closings quite a bit. surfaces, which are then vacuumed up by and re-openings, most BSCs (45 per the device. At least one manufacturer also cent) reported their staffing levels IMPROVING IAQ installs HEPA filters on their machines, remained the same. Less than a fourth WITH CLEANING further helping to protect IAQ in the (21 per cent) of companies laid off or “One of the best things – if you can cleaning process. furloughed staff during the pandemic, say there are any good things – to come As to reducing the use of disinfec- while nearly 30 per cent actually hired out of COVID, is innovation and the in- tants, some of these machines have been more staff to meet the demand. troduction of new cleaning technologies,” tested and found they are effective at re- The pandemic has also pushed says Drew Bunn, director of sales for moving germs and bacteria from surfaces BSCs to look to new and emerging Kaivac, developers of cleaning systems even without disinfectants. However, this technologies to meet higher levels of designed to stop the spread of infection. is not recommended. Instead, an N-List cleaning. Electrostatic technology shot “However, most of these technologies disinfectant should be used with these to the top of the list with almost 66 are heavily reliant on disinfectants, and machines.2 per cent of BSCs planning to adopt when it comes to IAQ, this can be a Two other options are also proving this type of equipment in the next 12 drawback.” to be effective at cleaning surfaces with months. Nearly 41 per cent will imple- For instance, as these disinfectant-de- minimal impact on IAQ: ment UV disinfection technology, and pendent technologies were starting to be Biotechnology cleaning products. more than 30 per cent will opt for ro- used, a June 2020 article on Bloomberg.com More commonly known as enzymatic botic/autonomous cleaning machines. titled “Rush to Disinfect Offices Has Some En- cleaning solutions, these products digest A footnote for the history books, vironmental Health Experts Worried” pointed microbes on surfaces, helping to elimi- this survey sheds light on how BSCs out some concerns. Among them: the use nate them for prolonged periods. IAQ is have weathered 2020. We hope it helps of all these disinfectants, some of which not impacted. you evaluate your current operation have not been proven safe for humans, Electrolyzed water. This technology and gives you ideas to grow your busi- can have several negative ramifications uses a mild saltwater solution and electri- ness to the next level or get it back up for cleaning workers, building users, and cal current to produce two electrolyzed and running – especially after a year of we must add, the environment. The criti- water streams – one negative for cleaning, momentous change. cal issues were related to IAQ. and the other positive for sanitizing and SOURCE: CMM Online These are “hugely toxic chemicals,” disinfecting. Again, no impact on IAQ. says Claudia Miller, an immunologist, al- lergist, and coauthor of the book Chemical MAINTENANCE ISSUES Exposures: Low Levels and High Stakes.“We’re We cannot conclude a discussion on creating another problem for a whole IAQ issues and COVID without men- group of people, and I’m not sure we’re tioning a problem surfacing as buildings actually controlling infections.”1 begin reopening. Of late, some building In Canada, this might seem to be less maintenance professionals have reported of a problem because Canadian cleaning “mysterious odors” as they re-open their professionals can select green-certified facilities. However, according to Klaus disinfectants, unlike in the U.S. However, Reichardt, CEO and founder of Water- Bunn says this might not be the “saving less Co. Inc., manufacturers of no-water grace” we may be hoping for. urinals and other restroom products and “This is because we are using so much liquids, “there really is no mystery to more disinfectant today than just a few them.” months ago. Instead of surfaces being ... continued from page 11

6 contractor’s corner – FALL 2020 INFECTION CONTROL Cleaning vs. Disinfecting: Seeing the Bigger Picture

leaning and disinfecting have the difference between cleaning and they are actually being tasked with very become critical priorities for disinfecting. Can you explain what different and time-consuming exercises Cbuilding and facility stakehold- separates these two activities? on top of their day-to-day responsibili- ers. And, with little room for error, the People tend to lump cleaning and ties. So it’s helpful to understand the dis- pressure is on cleaning professionals to disinfection together, but they aren’t the tinction between both of these activities ensure environments not only appear same thing. The main difference is if in order to get the job done thoroughly clean, but uphold the highest standards you’re cleaning something, you can use a and efficiently the first time out. of hygiene. Here to discuss this evolving lot of sensory cues to guide you in identi- role and how healthcare industry lead- fying and addressing sources of dirt, dust, What is “contact time” and why is it ers are rising to the challenge is Melissa stains, and other noticeable items that important to the disinfection conver- Balinksy with A.M.G. Medical Inc. require cleaning. You can touch the dust, sation? you can see stains, and you can some- Contact time refers to the amount How have you seen the role of times smell the debris and other elements. of time a disinfecting agent needs to be cleaning staff evolve throughout the So, with cleaning, you really are using acting on a pathogen like bacteria or a pandemic? your senses to tell when the job is done. virus to kill it. Anything that is supposed I don’t think the role has changed, per Disinfection, on the other hand, is to disinfect something has a contact time, se. If anything, the pandemic has height- the exercise of killing and eliminating whether it’s chemicals or UV light. ened awareness of how important envi- something that you can’t necessarily see Think about a room with a single ta- ronmental services professionals are and or smell or hear. These can be harmful ble, for example. A cleaning professional how critical it is to protect them. Whether bacteria and viruses that, if missed or not can’t just take out a wipe, rub the surface, they’re in schools, hospitals, office or fully disinfected, can remain on a surface and call it a day. Even if they are using a retail environments, people are more for days, weeks, or even months. Unfor- disinfectant with a contact time of five conscious of the fact that their health tunately, you don’t really know they’re minutes, that means that every single spot and wellbeing literally rests in their hands. even there until people start getting sick, on that table has to remain wet with the Cleaning and disinfection are so top of food starts to spoil, and bacterial odors active ingredient for five minutes. mind that you can’t help but look at the begin to appear. Moreover, if they miss just one spot, staff charged with conducting those tasks We have to remember that facility they aren’t achieving total disinfection. Only with more respect and admiration. maintenance teams already have a lot on places that come in contact with or are ex- their plate. And, when they’re tasked with posed to the disinfecting product or agent You often speak to your clients about both cleaning and disinfecting a space, ... continued on page 10

FALL 2020 – contractor’s corner 7 INSURANCE UPDATE

Tackle Messes With the Right Insurance For Your Cleaning Business

f you own or operate a cleaning where your business is responsible for damaged as you move locations. This business, you’re used to picking up damages suffered by a third party in the coverage can help compensate for this I after others. Whether you may work eyes of the law. Commercial general li- loss. in the commercial space offering janito- ability (CGL) is designed to respond to rial services for a corporate office, or in situations where your business is found Business Interruption Insurance consumer services as a window or carpet to be legally liable for bodily injury or If you’re forced to close your busi- cleaner, your business is essential in keep- property damage to a third party. For ness because of an insured loss, your net ing things moving, workplaces open, and example, if a person slips and falls on income would most certainly be affected maintaining proper health and safety. the floor after you finished mopping it, while repairs are taking place. During the COVID-19 pandemic, you this coverage can help mitigate the loss For most small cleaning businesses, play a critical role in slowing the spread incurred should a lawsuit ensue. an extended loss of net income can be of the virus in workplace environments. devastating. Business interruption insur- To do your job effectively and keep your Commercial Property ance coverage can help protect your loss employees safe as you disinfect equip- Commercial property insurance cov- of net income, allowing you to continue ment, make sure to follow industry best ers your physical property in the event paying normal operating expenses such practices, such as those outlined in this of loss or damage that results from an as payroll and rent. It could help you get infographic. insured peril. Not only can this cover- back on your feet sooner without taking a All these factors present a unique set age protect the building you operate in huge dip in long-term profits. of risks for your cleaning business. This should you own it, it can also include Invest in coverage that will tackle the could include anything from stolen or equipment, inventory, furniture, and tough messes. damaged equipment, to a customer slip- the technology you use. For example, if Your job involves cleaning up tough ping on a wet floor injuring him/herself, your commercial space is damaged due messes, and your insurance should help and holding your business accountable. to vandalism, this coverage will help get do the same for your business. At TruSh- The right insurance for your cleaning the necessary repairs done quickly while ield, we’ll work with you to design a poli- business will help ensure business conti- keeping costs down. It can be a useful cy that recognizes the risks your cleaning nuity, a good reputation, and long-term safety net when unexpected losses result business faces with a flexible payment growth. Whether you are reviewing your from a fire, storm, or as a result of a plan. On top of that, we offer services to business plan or just starting out as a new theft. help you make informed decisions and company, here are some of the coverages stay competitive in your industry, such you should consider investing in: Mobile Equipment Insurance as access to our team of Risk Services Do you rely on the use of different specialists. Browse our cleaning business Commercial General Liability cleaning tools or equipment? Your tools insurance page and get a free quote today. Liability refers to those situations may be stolen on your jobsite or become SOURCE: TruShield Insurance

8 contractor’s corner – FALL 2020 By JEREMIAH GRAY SPECIAL FEATURE Streamlining Cleaning Chemistries in the New Normal Consolidation can lead to improved health, safety and compliance

istorically, profession- al cleaners have used Hdiverse protocols to clean, sanitize, and disinfect each aspect of a facility. Add mould remediation, odor control, and other tasks to the list and the prospect of suc- cess was even more daunting. Implementing separate pro- cedures for every need usually leads to employing a range of specialized chemicals, making it easy for facility managers to lose control of the numerous products cluttering housekeep- ing closets. Now that we’ve en- tered the new normal, there are even more considerations for addressing COVID-19, creating further chemical confusion.

CHEMISTRY MIXES CREATE CHALLENGES trations. Other disinfectants may lose a flexible, broad- disinfectant Cleaning a facility often involves nu- their effectiveness if mixed at the wrong can be used throughout the cleaning pro- merous chemicals, including neutral floor concentration. cess. When diluted at different strengths, cleaner, general hard-surface disinfectant, Facility managers already had complex NaDCC can act as sanitizer, hospital- sporicidal, bleach, food-safe sanitizer, jobs, compounded by time limitations, grade disinfectant, sporicidal, or tuber- mould remover, odor eliminator, and labour issues, worker safety, and budget culocidal. This multi-purpose solution more. Managing labels, safety data sheets, restrictions but now pandemic concerns allows facilities to use one chemical from usage guidelines, and expiration records are added to the mix. If managers don’t the beginning to the end of the cleaning for all these products requires countless find ways to simplify current cleaning pro- process, and everything in between. hours, and requires even more with the cesses, their facilities may face increased Eliminating a half-dozen chemicals addition of coronavirus. health, safety, and compliance issues. from individual cleaning protocols would To complicate matters, each chemical simplify processes and improve work- is applied differently and often requires STREAMLINE CLEANING flows. In addition to higher efficiencies, dilution. Some facilities use dilution sta- CHEMISTRIES chemical simplification would result in tions for full-concentrate chemicals. This You may be wondering how it’s possi- various other benefits. approach raises various concerns, mainly ble to replace the multitude of specialized human or equipment error. Sometimes chemicals used to clean and disinfect a REALIZE HIGHER SAFETY leftover chemical in the lines, material typical facility. In recent years, a chemistry LEVELS AND SAVINGS wear on components, and changes in composed of sodium dichloroisocyan- Standardizing processes around one water pressure can lead to wide variations urate (NaDCC) has shown promise as a broad-spectrum chemistry can increase in the concentration of the chemicals dis- streamlined solution. NaDCC is available safety for all stakeholders, as well as pro- pensed from these units. At times, these in tablet concentrate form and, when tect equipment and the environment, in variations can render the disinfectant mixed with normal tap water, creates the following ways: ineffective for its intended purpose. hypochlorous acid (HOCI) solutions. • It can eliminate potential failure Some of the most widely used NaDCC is a non-caustic, organic points caused by human error. Instead of chemicals can be toxic to humans and/ chlorine donor. It is environmentally safe multiple safety practices, chemical usage or the environment at different concen- for people, equipment, and floors, and as ... continued on page 10

FALL 2020 – contractor’s corner 9 ... continued from page 7 ... continued from page 9 Streamlining Cleaning Cleaning vs. Chemistries in the New Normal Disinfecting guides, and dwell times, one chemistry chlorine is available for biocidal action, or with one set of directions for every stage reserve killing power, that continues for are accounted for. of the cleaning process would take the up to three days after mixing. Now, take a step back and think guesswork out of cleaning and disinfec- Switching to NaDCC tablet form also about how complex and time-consum- tion. allows facilities to leverage new electro- ing it can be to apply that level of effort • The quick-dissolving tablet con- static technologies. Electrostatic sprayers to everything else in that room – every centrate ensures an accurate dilution and are capable of up to 10-times faster ap- centimetre of every chair, door, fixture, helps prevent the risk of mixing mistakes. plication times and virtually 100 per cent or piece of furniture in the space. It • HOCI produced by NaDCC is rated wrap-around disinfection, which has been becomes very daunting and stressful 0,0,0 by the National Fire Protection a game changer for every sector of the for maintenance teams that are already Association (NFPA), which presents a cleaning business. busy as it is, and also likely anxious less hazardous alternative to some of the This efficient application process can about spending that amount of time in more corrosive sporicidal grade chemicals make it tempting to use more chemicals. a potentially risky environment. used today. However, when used responsibly, these • With a pH of 6.5 – 7.0, NaDCC new technologies will reduce the amount How have cleaning products and exhibits good surface compatibility and of chemicals needed to clean and disin- services evolved to capture that won’t damage equipment or dull floor fect while achieving improved outcomes. “bigger picture”? finishes. There are several ways the industry Some of the ways facilities may ben- SIMPLIFY COMPLIANCE is stepping up. There are people like efit by consolidating their chemical clean- MANAGEMENT myself working with facilities and ing products to one solution include: Standardization of cleaning and dis- cleaning professionals to understand • Savings on shipping and storage infection processes can also solve many the current risks, navigate the regulato- costs by switching to a tablet concentrate compliance concerns. Levels of compli- ry environment, and work through all from liquid concentrate ance are directly proportional to cleaning the myths and misconceptions. We’re • Savings on product costs as HOCI success. Best practices include consolidat- also adapting the way we share infor- solutions are effective at low concentra- ing around a universal disinfectant that mation by having our representatives tions, requiring less frequent purchasing. achieves maximum safety and efficacy, consult with clients virtually instead of • Decrease in chemical waste due to and eliminates persistent industry risks, face-to-face meetings. dilution stability and up to 60 per cent like chemical binding. Less chemical We’re also helping bring awareness to less chemical usage per square foot with variation also leads to better tracking and how our products can be used not just electrostatic sprayers monitoring, as well as simpler training in high-risk environments like hospitals, • Lower labour expenses due to programs that can be easily replicated but in schools, malls, stores, government higher productivity and performance and scaled, which is crucial in an indus- facilities, and other public areas. • Less costs from infectious outbreak try where multilingual staff and high Our Nocospray Disinfection losses. turnover are prevalent. The end goal is System, for example, is an automated to improve outcomes and raise levels of room disinfection system that can dis- BE MORE EFFECTIVE compliance. infect an entire space on its own and IN LESS TIME The cleaning industry embraces with zero human interaction. Staff still At sporicidal strength, NaDCC is reinvention. Revamping for improvement need to conduct that initial clean, but proven to kill C. difficile in four minutes, involves streamlining processes, starting this allows them to activate the system, is on the U.S. Environmental Protection with the chemicals we use. Ultimately, leave the room, and focus on other Agency (EPA) List K of recommended these streamlined processes can result tasks with confidence that the environ- products by the U.S. Centers for Dis- in more efficient and effective sanita- ment is being disinfected thoroughly. ease Control and Prevention (CDC) for tion, increased compliance, and proactive The system will address the hard-to- C. auris, etc., and on List N of antimicro- prevention of contagious outbreaks like reach, often-forgotten areas – all the bials with emerging viral pathogen claims COVID-19. hard surfaces in the space. The idea is that are approved for use against SARS- to reduce the amount of time individ- CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Jeremiah Gray is the co-founder and Chief uals are being exposed to potentially The chemical equilibrium of a NaDCC- Operating Officer at Earthsafe Chemical Alter- contaminated environments while sav- derived hypochlorous acid solution is natives. Under Gray’s leadership and guidance, ing costs and ensuring more complete approximately 50/50 free chlorine/bound EarthSafe developed the EvaClean Infection disinfection. chlorine. When the solution is in the Prevention System, which has since become a Again, both cleaning and disinfect- presence of microbes or organic material, leading authority on healthy disinfection methods. ing are critical, but when it comes the free chlorine is used up, triggering the For more information, visit www.evaclean.com to the disinfecting element, we need release of more free chlorine to restore and www.earthsafeca.com. ... continued from page 11 equilibrium. Therefore, a reservoir of SOURCE: CMM Online

10 contractor’s corner – FALL 2020 Protecting the Health of Building CALENDAR Occupants with Clean Indoor Air ... continued from page 6 To explain, he refers to a school trap evaporation, thereby preventing the OF EVENTS district that closed its doors earlier in the “mysterious odors.” NOVEMBER 11: Restoration Strategies year. The district schools did not reopen Workshop (Noon to 3 p.m. EST) designed until August, and that was to get them LEAVE NO STONE UNTURNED to help contractors land restoration jobs ready for the upcoming school year. In the mid-1500s, a Greek general was from insurance agents, claims adjusters, and “One [school] after another reported looking for lost treasure. He instructed property owners or managers. For more in- formation and to register, visit www.issa.com. these ‘mysterious odors’ coming from his troops to “leave no stone unturned,” restrooms, kitchen areas, and especially in their quest to find that treasure. NOVEMBER 12: Livestream: Identifying laboratory sinks,” says Reichardt. When it comes to stopping the spread and Solving IAQ Issues – Noon to 2 p.m. (EST). For more information and to register, What they found is that in the five of infection, once again, we must leave visit www.issa.com. months the schools were closed, the wa- no stone unturned. Whether it is ventila- ter in many of the P-traps located under tion systems, cleaning, or drain odors, NOVEMBER 16-19: ISSA Show North Amer- ica Virtual Experience. For more information floor and sink drains had evaporated. everything must be analysed, investigated, and to register, visit www.issashow.com. This allowed sewer odors to be released and if necessary, rectified to make sure JANUARY 7: CMI Train the Trainer – January into the schools. These sewer odors may we get on top of this frightening villain. 7 to 28, 2021, Noon to 2 p.m. (EST). For more in- even be dangerous. We know now that formation and to register, visit www.issa.com. the SARS epidemic in Hong Kong spread Robert Kravitz is a frequent writer for the FEBRUARY 4: CMI Certified Workloading so rapidly because the P-traps in drains professional cleaning industry. He can be reached Specialist (CWS) Workshop – February 4 to had dried out. at [email protected]. 25, 2021, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. (EST). For more infor- In some cases, a short-term fix was mation and to register, visit www.issa.com. implemented in the schools, pouring (1) Arianne Cohen. “Rush to Disinfect Of- fices Has Some Environmental Health Experts water down the drains. However, the ... continued from page 4 district has since been concerned this Worried.” Bloomberg.com, June 15, 2020. might be an ongoing problem, because (2) The N-List is a list of disinfectants Cleaning Within the schools may be forced to close again. tested and approved by the U.S. Environmen- Adding to the water, the district started tal Protection Agency for use in eliminating the NHL Bubble pouring liquid primers or “ever prime” or deactivating the pathogens that cause day in and day out, seven days a week, down the drains. These help prevent P- COVID-19. so it was so nice to see that hard work finally being appreciated.” When it came to ensuring the safety of the players and staff within Low Humidity and COVID the Edmonton bubble, the Scandina- The airborne transmission of the coronavirus via aerosol particles in the vian team was confident in its ability indoor environment seems to be strongly influenced by relative humidity, to tackle this memorable task. concludes the analysis of 10 most relevant international studies on the subject. “We are an incredibly blessed com- Therefore, they recommend a relative humidity of 40 to 60 per cent could pany with our incredible cleaners,” reduce the spread of the viruses and their absorption through the nasal mucous Hay said. “They are our everything, membrane. [Source: Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), and they keep our company going. published August 20, 2020] Everyone of them was so proud in their efforts to protect Canadians. We provided them with the tools and edu- cation to be safe, and they confidently went to work each and everyday, and ... continued from page 10 Cleaning vs. Disinfecting put those skills to action.” more awareness and tools like Nocospray disinfection won’t go anywhere. We When the Tampa Bay Lightning to keep cleaning professionals and build- have seen other events have a big-bang won the NHL Finals on September ing stakeholders safe. effect on infection control products and 28 and were awarded the 2020 Stanley concepts before. We don’t return to the Cup, not only did the Canadian public How do you see attitudes towards baseline; we hold on to the change. celebrate the return of sport, but the cleaning evolving beyond the pan- A.M.G. Medical is a Canadian-owned team at Scandinavian also celebrated demic? company focusing on the health of their outstanding success. Ultimately, the pandemic has caused customers, both consumers and institu- “Throughout this entire process, it a seismic shift in awareness. The level tions. Learn more about products like the was always service with a smile,” Hay of panic will eventually subside, but the Nocospray Disinfection System on their said. “I know all of our valued clean- awareness of the value of attention to website or by calling 1-800-361-2210. ing staff will remember this experi- effective, accessible, and cost-effective SOURCE: REMI Network ence for the rest of their lives.”

FALL 2020 – contractor’s corner 11 Secure the new hygiene standard

It’s time to go back. And move forward. Create a new normal. Together. This will include a new hygiene standard. It might feel overwhelming, but we are by your side. With extensive global experience in professional hygiene, Tork is here to support you with the knowledge and expertise you need. Together we will help you create safe environments and secure the new hygiene standard.

Download your Tork Back to Business toolkit Reopen safely and responsibly with hygiene signage, checklists and more


Tork, an Essity brand