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Paul Erdõs. 26 March 1913 −− 20 September 1996 : Elected For.Mem.R.S. 1989

A. Baker and B. Bollobás

Biogr. Mems Fell. R. Soc. 1999 45, doi: 10.1098/rsbm.1999.0011, published 1 November 1999

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PAUL ERDOS 26 March 1913 — 20 September 1996

Biog. Mems Fell. R. Soc. Lond. 45, 147–164 (1999) Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013 Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013


26 March 1913 — 20 September 1996

Elected For.Mem.R.S. 1989

B A. B, F.R.S.*,  B. B†

*Department of Pure and Mathematical Statistics, 16 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1SB, UK †Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152, USA, and Trinity College, Cambridge CB2 1TQ, UK

In the first part of the twentieth century, Hungary produced an unusually large number of world-class . They included, most notably, L. Fejér, A. Haar, F. and M. Riesz, J. von Neumann, G. Pólya, G. Szego , P. Turán and perhaps, above all, the subject of this memoir, Pál (Paul) Erdos. As Ernst Straus put it, Erdos was ‘the crown prince of problem solvers and the undisputed monarch of problem posers’. Erdos was born in Hungary but left his native land when he was 21; from then on he lived in England, the USA, Canada, Israel and many other countries but frequently visited Hungary and had many Hungarian friends. Although he never had a ‘proper’ academic job, through his prodigious output, his host of co-authors, his constant travels and his amazing body of unsolved problems, he has greatly influenced mathematics today. He proved fundamental results in , , probability and approximation theory, as well as in , elementary geometry and , and real and complex analysis. He was instrumental in the birth of probabilistic number theory and was the main advocate of the use of probabilistic methods in mathematics in general. He was also one of the originators of modern . He had an exceptional ability for joint work and many of his best results were obtained in collaboration; he wrote altogether about 1500 papers, perhaps five times as many as other prolific mathematicians, and he had about 500 collaborators. Erdos was slightly built, with a somewhat nervous disposition and angular movements. His total dedication to his subject was rare even among mathematicians. He simplified his life as much as possible and lived for his work. He never married and travelled almost all the time, in an age when travel was not the vogue as it is now. He never had a cheque book or credit card, he never learned to drive, and he was happy to travel for years on end with two half-empty

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150 Biographical Memoirs suitcases. Erdos paraphrased Pierre Joseph Proudhon’s saying ‘La propriété, c’est le vol’ to ‘Property is a nuisance’, and he fully lived up to his belief. For a while he travelled with a small transistor radio but later he abandoned even that. With his motto, ‘another roof, another proof’, he would arrive on the doorstep of a mathematical friend, bringing news of discoveries and problems. Declaring ‘his brain open’, he would plunge into discussions about the work of his hosts and, after a few days of furious activity of ‘proving and conjecturing’, he would take off for another place, leaving his exhausted hosts to work out the details and to write up the papers. In addition to producing an immense body of results, Erdos contributed to mathematics in three important ways: he championed elementary and probabilistic methods and turned them into powerful tools; and, above all, he gave the mathematical world hundreds of exciting problems. Although he never had any formal research students, he nevertheless created a great international school of mathematics and his legacy will be of fundamental importance for many years to come.

E ’ 

Childhood, 1913–30 Paul Erdos was born into an intellectual Hungarian-Jewish family on 26 March 1913, in Budapest, amid tragic circumstances; when his mother returned home from the hospital with the little Paul, she found that her two daughters had died of scarlet fever. Both his parents were teachers of mathematics and physics; his father was born Louis (Lajos) Engländer (1879–1942) but changed his name to the Hungarian Erdos (‘of the forest’, a fairly common name in Hungary), and his mother was born Anna Wilhelm (1880–1972) who, by family tradition, was a descendent of the renowned scholar and teacher Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel of Prague. Paul was only a year and a half old when World War I broke out; the first great offensive by the Austro-Hungarian armies quickly turned into a disaster for the invaders and many Hungarians were taken prisoner by the Russians. Among them was Lajos Erdos, who returned home from his prisoner-of-war camp in Siberia six years later. In the absence of his father, the young Erdos was brought up by his mother and a German Fräulein; understandably, throughout her life, Erdos’s mother felt excessively protective towards her son and there was always an unusually strong bond between them. In 1919, at the end of the war, the Hungarian government could not accept the harsh demands of the victorious Entente and, in the turmoil that followed, a Dictatorship of the Proletariat was proclaimed. Practically the entire economy and cultural life were placed under state supervision and everything was run by Revolutionary Soviets. Erdos’s mother was a member of the Soviet running her school; the Dictatorship collapsed after four and a half months and, in the ensuing counter-revolutionary terror, she was dismissed from her job and could never teach again. It is not surprising that this traumatic experience shaped Erdos’s political outlook and throughout his life he remained sympathetic towards the left in every shape or form. Erdos was a child prodigy; at the age of three he could multiply three-digit numbers, and at the age of four he discovered negative numbers on his own. At the fashionable spa to which his mother took him, he would ask the guests how old they were and tell them how many Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

Paul Erdo s 151 seconds they had lived. His mother was so worried that he would catch diseases at school that for many of his school years he was educated at home, mostly by his father, who taught him not only mathematics and physics, but English as well. As his father never really spoke English, having learned it from books, the young Erdos acquired a somewhat idiosyncratic pronunciation. Besides German and English, he learned French, Latin and Ancient Greek; later in life he picked up a smattering of Hebrew. Erdos spent two brief periods in school: first in the Tavaszmezo Gymnasium and then in the St Stephen Gymnasium, where his father taught for a while. In addition to his parents, an important influence in nurturing and developing his interest in mathematics was the journal Középiskolai Matematikai és Fizikai Lapok. This was founded by the young teacher Dániel Arany in 1893 as a mathematical monthly for high schools; it specializes in publishing problems of various levels of difficulty. Model solutions to the problems appear subsequently and the photographs of the best solvers are published in the final issue of the year. The readers are encouraged to generalize and strengthen the results and thus the journal provides an exciting introduction to mathematical research. Erdos and many of his later friends were avid readers and cut their mathematical teeth on the challenging problems. A photograph of Erdos appeared in each of his high school years; moreover, a model solution published under the names of Paul Erdos and Paul Turán (1910– 76) was his ‘first joint paper’. Turán met Erdos only some years later and he went on to become one of his closest collaborators and best friends.

University, 1930–34 In 1930, at the age of 17, Paul Erdos entered the Pázmány Péter Tudományegyetem, the science university of Budapest founded in 1635, and soon became the focal point of a small of extremely talented mathematicians, all studying mathematics and physics. The group included Turán, Dezso Lázár, György Szekeres, Eszter Klein, László Alpár, Márta Svéd and others: they discussed mathematics not only at the university but also at regular meetings in the afternoons and evenings, and went for day-long excursions in the mountains near Buda and the parks of Budapest. One of their favourite meeting places was a well-known landmark of Budapest, the Statue of Anonymus, the chronicler of Béla III (1173–96). It was during this period that Erdos started to develop his own special language: he called a child an epsilon, a woman a boss, a man a slave; Sam (or better still, sam) was the USA and Joe (or joe) was the Soviet Union, and so on. In his words, a slave could be captured and later liberated, one could drink a little poison and listen to noise, and a could preach, usually to the converted. In the course of his regular studies at the university, Erdos learned most from Lipót (Leopold) Fejér (1880–1959), one of the founders of harmonic analysis, and Dénes (Dennis) König (1884–1944), the author of the first book on graph theory (König 1936). Erdos immersed himself in number theory, which remained his love to the end, and he showed a great interest in combinatorics, the other passion of his life. Erdos was only a freshman when he conceived his first paper. It related to Bertrand’s postulate that asserts that, for every integer n ≥ 1, there is a prime p satisfying n < p ≤ 2n. The postulate was first proved by Chebyshev but the original proof was rather involved. After further contributions by Ramanujan (1919) and Landau (1927), Erdos, in his first paper (1)*,

* Numbers in this form refer to the bibliography at the end of the text. Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

152 Biographical Memoirs succeeded in giving a simple and elementary proof of the result. This prompted, years later, Nathan Fine to pen the rhyme: Chebyshev said, and I say it again, There’s always a prime between n and 2n. By developing the ideas in his first paper, Erdos attacked other problems. Breusch (1932) made use of L-functions to generalize Bertrand’s postulate to certain progressions: he proved that for every n ≥ 7 there are primes of the form 3m +1,3m +2,4m +1and4m +3 between n and 2n.Erdos (4) managed to give an elementary proof of Breusch’s theorem together with various extensions to other arithmetic progressions. These results constituted the doctoral thesis, which Erdos wrote as a second-year undergraduate and published in Sárospatak in 1934. Work in a similar direction was done independently by Giovanni Ricci (1904–73) (Ricci 1933, 1934). The genius of the author of the beautiful elementary proof of Breusch’s theorem was quickly recognized by (1875–1941), who had been Breusch’s supervisor in . When, a little later, Erdos (2) proved a conjecture of Schur on abundant numbers and solved another of Schur’s problems he became ‘der Zauberer von Budapest’ (the magician of Budapest)—no small praise from the great German mathematician for a young man of twenty.

Manchester, 1934–38 Having obtained his doctorate, Erdos intended, like most well-off Hungarians of talent, to continue his studies in but, as ‘Hitler got there first’, he accepted the invitation of Louis Mordell, F.R.S. (1888–1972), to Manchester. He left Hungary for England in the autumn of 1934, not knowing that he would never again live in Hungary permanently. On 1 October 1934 he was met at the railway station in Cambridge by Harold Davenport (1907– 69; F.R.S. 1940) and Richard Rado (1906–89; F.R.S. 1978); they took him to Trinity College and immediately embarked on the first of their many long mathematical discussions. The next day, Erdos met G.H. Hardy, F.R.S. (1877–1947), and J.E. Littlewood, F.R.S. (1885–1977), the giants of mathematics in Great Britain, before hurrying on to Mordell. Mordell put together an exceptional group of mathematicians in Manchester, and Erdos was delighted to join them. First he took up the Bishop Harvey Goodwin Fellowship and he was later supported by the Royal Society. He was free to do research under Mordell’s guidance and he was soon producing papers with astonishing rapidity. In 1937 Davenport left Cambridge to join Mordell and Erdos, and their lifelong friendship was soon cemented. They worked on densities of sequences and Waring’s problem: about the latter they proved the famous result (10) that every sufficiently large integer is the sum of at most 16 fourth powers. This was soon superseded by stronger results (Davenport 1939). The four years that Erdos spent in Manchester were among the happiest of his life. He lived as he wished, collaborating with enthusiastic and talented friends and returning to Budapest three times a year to see his parents. Although he was based in Manchester, he frequently left to visit his mathematical friends in Cambridge, London, Oxford, and elsewhere. His output accelerated greatly; there seemed to be no limit to what he could do with his ‘elementary’ methods in number theory. That the number theorists of the day became attracted to these methods was due, to some extent, to the great success of L.G. Shnirelman in studying integer sequences with a view to attacking, perhaps, the Goldbach conjecture. To study integer sequences, Shnirelman introduced a density, now bearing his name, and built a Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

Paul Erdo s 153

∞ theory around it. Khintchine discovered the rather surprising fact that if(an)n = 1 is an integer ∞ sequence of Shnirelman densitya with0 < a < 1 , and(bn)n = 1 is the sequence of squares 2 2 2 0 ,1,2, …, then the ‘sum-sequence’ (an + bm) has Shnirelman density strictly greater than a. The original proof of this result, although elementary, was rather involved. When E. Landau lectured on Khintchine’s theorem in 1935 in Cambridge, he presented a somewhat simplified proof that he had found with A. Buchstab. Nevertheless, talking to Landau after his lecture, Erdos expressed the view that the proof should be considerably simpler and, to Landau’s astonishment, as early as the next day he came up with a proof that was both elementary and short. The new proof also made clear what the result had to do with squares: all one needs is the well-known fact (Lagrange 1770) that every positive integer is the sum of at most four squares. Indeed, the argument shows that if (bn) is such that every positive integer is the sum of at most k terms bn, then the sum-sequence (an + bm) has Shnirelman density at least a + a(1 − a)/2k. It says much about Landau that he immediately included this beautiful theorem of Erdos into the Cambridge Tract that he was writing at the time.

America, 1938–54 In 1938, Erdos left Manchester for the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. With World War II imminent, this was a serendipitous move; he never claimed that he could see the impending catastrophe. In the stimulating atmosphere of the Institute his talent blossomed as never before; even almost sixty years later he thought that his first stay at the Institute was his most creative period. He wrote outstanding papers with Mark Kac (13, 18) and Aurel Wintner (14), which practically created probabilistic number theory, he published a major paper (16) with Pál Turán on approximation theory, and he solved an important problem of Witold Hurewicz in dimension theory (17). Despite the hints and verbal assurances that followed this tremendous output, he had to leave the Institute. The memory of this saddened him even to the end, although he always added that the Institute did not have much money. He was especially unhappy that J. von Neumann did not lift a finger to help him. His appointment at the Institute was followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, but soon he was forced to embark on his travels: he went to Purdue, Notre Dame, Stanford, Syracuse, Johns Hopkins, Ann Arbor and elsewhere, and he never stopped again. The war years were rather hard on him because it was not easy to hear from his parents in Budapest, and the news was distressing. His father died in August 1942, his mother later had to move to the Ghetto in Budapest, and his grandmother died in 1944. Many of his relatives were murdered by the Nazis. In spite of being cut off from his home, Erdos continued to pour forth wonderful mathematics at a prodigious rate. In addition to the many important papers that he produced by himself, his genius for collaboration flourished: he wrote outstanding papers with Mark Kac, Kai Lai Chung, Ivan Niven, Arye Dvoretzky, Shizuo Kakutani, Arthur Stone, Leon Alaoglu, Alfred Tarski, Irving Kaplansky, Gábor Szegö, William Feller, Fritz Herzog, George Piranian and others. Although he travelled incessantly, he was an even more conscientious letter writer, and much of his joint work was done by correspondence. For example, the paper containing the celebrated Erdos–Stone theorem (22), the fundamental theorem of Extremal Graph Theory, was done entirely by correspondence. For Erdos, 1948 was a momentous year. In the spring of that year, while at the Institute for Advanced Study, Atle Selberg found an ingenious elementary proof for his asymptotic Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

154 Biographical Memoirs formula concerning the distribution of primes. In the summer of 1948, Selberg left Princeton for Syracuse, NY, where he was to spend the next year, but his unpublished results and ideas for an elementary proof of the Theorem (PNT) were related to Erdosby Turán, who was at the Institute at the time. Erdos immediately realized the importance of this formula and in a few days, using Tauberian methods, he was able to apply the formula to yield an elementary proof of the PNT. Practically simultaneously, Selberg succeeded in completing his own proof of the theorem. The discovery of the elementary proof of the PNT was the great mathematical event of the times. The search for such a proof had been a goal for over fifty years, indeed ever since 1896 when Hadamard and de la Vallée Poussin proved the PNT by complex methods. G.H. Hardy, in particular, expressed high hopes that the ideas involved in an elementary proof would penetrate and revolutionize number theory: ‘the books would have to be rewritten’, as he put it. However, subsequent events have shown that hopes of this kind had been unfounded and complex methods have remained dominant throughout . It was a great pity for Erdos that the planned adjacent publications did not materialize, and he and Selberg published their works in different journals (26) (Selberg 1949). During his unsavoury debate with Selberg, Erdos turned to Hermann Weyl, For.Mem.R.S. (1885–1955), for arbitration. Weyl, who was then one of the most influential mathematicians at the Institute, came down heavily on Selberg’s side. No doubt Erdos could have handled the delicate situation with more tact but unquestionably there were no base motives on his part. At the International Congress of Mathematicians at Harvard in 1950, Atle Selberg was awarded the Fields Medal and much of the citation was about the elementary proof of the PNT. In the autumn of 1948, Erdos returned to Europe for the first time in a decade: after two months in Holland, where he worked with Nicolaas de Bruijn and Jurgen Koksma, he arrived in Budapest on 2 December, to be reunited with his beloved mother. However, in view of the loss of his father by a stroke and of many of his relatives and friends in the Holocaust, the great joy of seeing his mother was inevitably tinged with sadness. In the Yalta Agreement, Hungary was given to Stalin, and the changes were already felt in the country: after a brief period of freedom and democracy, Hungary was sinking once more into a dictatorship. After a stay of about two months, Erdos left Hungary for England, before returning to the USA two months later. After the Harvard Congress, Erdos once again left the USA for Europe, this time for a longer period. After a year in Aberdeen he spent the academic year 1951/52 at University College London; while there, he renewed his friendship and collaboration with Harold Davenport and Richard Rado. Nevertheless, his ‘home’ was still the USA; on returning there, for the next two years he was mostly at Notre Dame.

Europe and Israel, 1954–63 The year 1954 brought a great trauma for Erdos: his first major brush with officialdom. He intended to participate in the International Congress of Mathematicians in and so applied to the US Immigration Office for a re-entry permit. He was interviewed by a polite immigration officer, who seemed to be most unhappy that he had contacts with many people in communist countries, and eventually refused his application. Disregarding the strong advice that he should not leave the USA, he left and, after the Congress, he was not allowed to return. In later years he frequently claimed that ‘sam tried to starve him to death’ by not allowing him to return to the American universities where he was supported. However, this Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

Paul Erdo s 155 assertion was probably strongly coloured by his desire to show that America was almost as bad as the Soviet Union. He could have gone to Amsterdam and back to the USA without any difficulty had he not insisted that he would do so with a Hungarian passport. The relations between the USA and the Hungary of Rákosi (the Hungarian Stalin) were very bad at the time and Erdos was absolutely inflexible. He left, saying that neither sam nor joe could restrict his right to travel. In his distress, having been left with neither a country nor any means of supporting him- self, he turned to Israel for support. He was received with open arms; the Hebrew University in Jerusalem offered him a job and the State of Israel offered him a passport. He accepted the employment but, when the officials asked him whether he wanted to become an Israeli citizen, he politely refused, saying that he did not believe in citizenship. Nevertheless, from then on he visited Israel almost every year and was a fiercely loyal champion of the State. It was in the 1950s that he started to publicize his problems on a large scale and established his reputation as the greatest inventor of problems. To indicate his estimate of the difficulty of his problems, he attached monetary rewards to them. If a problem remained unsolved for quite a while, its reward tended to increase. Ernst Specker was the first to collect a reward, and Endre Szemerédi won the largest sum, $1000. It is hardly worth saying that nobody ever tackled an Erdos problem in order to earn money. In the communist Hungary of the 1950s, ordinary Hungarian citizens were not allowed to visit a Western country, not even for a short period. The authorities occasionally gave an exit visa to a professional man of good standing, but the permit was always given as a great gift of the authorities that the recipient had no right to expect. Although Westerners were allowed to enter Hungary, they were viewed with hostility. Thus, it was a tremendous achievement when in 1955 George Alexits, a good friend of Erdos, managed to persuade the officials to permit Erdos to enter the country and to leave again. From then on, Erdos returned to Hungary once or twice a year, partly to spend more and more time with his mother, and also to collaborate with Hungarian mathematicians, especially Pál Turán and Alfréd Rényi (1921–70). For a great many Hungarian mathematicians, Erdos was the window to the West. Erdo s was always happy to play with children, and was eager to discover mathematical prodigies. His favourite prodigy was the graph theorist Lajos Pósa. The early 1950s saw the beginning of the Erdos–Rado collaboration on partition problems for cardinals, and in 1956 Erdos and Rado gave the first systematic treatment of ‘arrow relations’; in their fundamental paper (31) they set out to establish a ‘calculus’ of partitions for cardinals. Later, András Hajnal joined the project and numerous substantial results followed, culminating in the ‘Giant Triple Paper’ of Erdos, Hajnal & Rado (35). The theory of partition relations for ordinals took off after Cohen introduced ‘forcing methods’ and Jensen created his theory of the constructible universe. Not surprisingly, in many questions ‘independence reared its ugly head’, as Erdos liked to say, which rather spoilt the fun for him, although it did not deter a host of excellent mathematicians from working in the field. An account of most results up to the early 1980s can be found in the monograph that Erdos wrote with Hajnal, Rado and Attila Máté (38). In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Erdos joined forces with Alfréd Rényi to start a systematic study of random graphs. Erdos himself had used random methods on numerous occasions to show the existence of mathematical structures with paradoxical properties, but with Rényi they did much more: in a series of papers (for example (32, 33)), they founded an exciting and rich branch of mathematics. Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

156 Biographical Memoirs

The Golden Age, 1963–96 In the 1950s, Erdos repeatedly applied for visas to attend conferences in the USA, but he was successful on only one occasion: in 1958 he was allowed to attend a meeting of the American Mathematical Society. In 1963 a friend wrote for him to the USA Immigration and Naturalization Service, but the answer was that no visa could be issued because Erdos had joined proscribed organizations. Harold Davenport helped Erdos to compose a reply to these charges, with the result that after nine years Erdos did get his visa to come and go to the USA as he liked. The brief visits of Erdos to Hungary made him realize how little he had seen of his beloved mother for many years. Although she had an apartment in the City, they frequently stayed during his visits in one of the best hotels in Budapest so that she would not have to do housework and could enjoy her son’s company fully. They delighted in being together again and looked after each other lovingly; each worried whether the other ate well or slept enough or, perhaps, was a little tired. Mrs Erdos, Annus Néni (Aunt Anne) to her friends, was fiercely proud of her wonderful son, loved to see the many signs that her son was a great mathematician, and revelled in her role as the ‘Queen Mother of Mathematics’, surrounded by all the admirers and well-wishers. She was never far from Erdos’s mathematics either: she kept hundreds of his reprints in perfect order, sending people copies on demand. Although by then Mrs Erdos was not young, she was in good health and her mind was sharp. To compensate for the many years when they had been kept apart, she started to travel with her son in her eighties; their first trip together was to Israel in November 1964. From then on they travelled much together: to England in 1965, many times to other European countries and the USA, and towards the end of 1968 to Australia and Hawaii. When she was told that it must be wonderful to see the world, she always replied, ‘You know that I don’t travel because I like it but to be with my son’. It was a tragedy for Erdos that in 1972, at the age of 92, his mother died during a trip to Calgary. Her death devastated him and for years afterwards he was not quite himself. He was never overweight, but after his mother’s death he became extremely thin, slept very little and was constantly depressed. In fact, he never recovered from the blow and badly missed her until his last day. For his sixtieth birthday his friends in Hungary organized a large international meeting on Infinite and Finite Sets. The event was hoped to be a joyous occasion, bringing together many of Erdos’s friends, admirers and colleagues, but became somewhat of a fiasco when the communist government of Hungary refused to give visas to the mathematicians from Israel. This outraged Erdos so much that he could hardly be persuaded to attend the meeting, and vowed to boycott Hungary for many years. He kept his word, and returned to Hungary only in 1976, in order to see his close friend Pál Turán on his deathbed. After the death of his mother, Erdos travelled even more, with several regular ports of call. In Budapest he usually stayed in the guest house of the Academy of Sciences, and worked in the Director’s office at the Mathematical Institute. He collaborated with numerous Hungarian mathematicians, most notably with Vera Sós, András Sárközy, András Hajnal and Miklós Simonovits. He had even more collaborators in the USA, including John Selfridge, Ron Graham, Fan Chung, Joel Spencer and Mel Nathanson. Ron Graham, who was at the AT&T Bell Laboratories, helped Erdos a great deal by forwarding his letters, collecting his papers, calling him wherever he was, and even writing cheques for him. In later years he spent much time in Memphis, with Ralph Faudree, Cecil Rousseau and Dick Schelp, and frequently Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

Paul Erdo s 157 visited Yousef Alavi in Kalamazoo. In Canada, his favourite stop was Calgary, with Richard Guy and Eric Milner. In England he visited mostly Cambridge, London and Reading; in 1976 he spent a term in Cambridge as a Visiting Fellow Commoner of Trinity College. In his later years, his prodigious output rose to new heights. Like his mentor Louis Mordell, who wrote over half of his papers after retirement, or Leonhard Euler (1707–83), who produced more than half of his works after 1765 in spite of being blind, Erdos wrote more than half of his papers in the last twenty years of his life. From 1954 he published at least ten papers every year and from 1970 at least twenty. In the late 1970s his output further increased, so that in 1978 he published fifty papers. His emphasis shifted towards combinatorics, and not every paper he wrote should have been published, but he did produce good work until the very end. Although his feet bothered him and his eyesight was almost gone, he attended more conferences than ever, with unbelievable stamina. Every fifth year from 1978 there was an International Conference on his birthday in Cambridge, and his eightieth birthday was celebrated with a spate of conferences all over the world. He died as he wished, doing mathematics till the last minute. On 20 September 1996, while attending a workshop at the Banach Center in Warsaw, he had a massive heart attack and passed away later that day. Erdos was always extremely generous to young mathematicians. He often lent them money, which he was not eager to recover; and to commemorate his parents, he inaugurated two prizes for young mathematicians, one in Hungary and the other in Israel. In addition, he founded the Anna Erdos postdoctoral fellowship at the Technion in Haifa, and he established, with Vera Sós, the Pál Turán lectureship in Hungary. Erdos was elected a Fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1956, and in 1989 he was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society. He was also a Foreign Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1974), the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (1977), the National Academy of Sciences, USA (1979), the Indian National Science Academy (1988) and the Polish Academy of Sciences (1994). He received honorary degrees from many universities, including Wisconsin (1973), Hanover (1977), York (1979), Waterloo (1981), Cambridge (1991), Technion (1992), Prague (1992), Haifa (1994), and his own university, the Rolando Eötvös University of Budapest (1993). The American Mathematical Society awarded him in 1951 the Cole Prize; in 1984 he received the Wolf Prize in Israel; and in 1991 he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

E ’ 

In view of his prodigious output, it would be impossible to survey more than a small portion of Erdos’s work. We shall focus on just four of his favourite fields, and we shall try to give some of the flavour of his unique insight and originality.

Number theory Several of Erdos’s early papers concerned abundant numbers. A number n is abundant if the sum of its divisors,s(n) , is at least 2n, otherwise it is deficient. A number is primitive abundant if it is abundant but every divisor of it is deficient. Denoting by A(x) the number of primitive Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

158 Biographical Memoirs abundant numbers not exceeding x,Erdos proved (3) that for some positive constants c1, c2, one has − (log log log )1/2 − (log log log )1/ 2 x e c1 x x < A(x) 2 andc2 < 1 will do, provided that x is large enough. However, it is still open as to whether

−( + (1))(log log log )1/2 A(x)=x e c o x x for some c,1 ≤ c ≤ 2 . Erdos (40) also asked whether one could prove thatA(2x)/A(x)→2 as x →∞. The study of abundant numbers led Erdos to a variety of problems concerning real-valued additive arithmetical functions, that is, to functions f : n → r such that f (ab)=f (a)+f (b) whenever a and b are relatively prime. Hardy & Ramanujan (1920) proved that if g(n)→∞ then

1 |n(n)−log logn| < g(n)(log logn)2 holds for almost every n, wheren(n) denotes the number of distinct prime factors of n.In other words, the density of n satisfying the above inequality is 1. Erdos (6) extended this result by showing that the median is aboutlog lognm : the number of integers≤ n for which 1 n(m)>log logn is2n + o(n) . Turán (1934) gave a novel elementary proof of this theorem, and obtained some extensions of it for additive arithmetical functions. Shortly after his arrival in Princeton, Erdos joined forces with Kac to write a ground-breaking paper (see (13) for an announcement and (18) for a detailed exposition) on additive arithmetical functions, strongly extending Turán’s results. With this paper, Erdos, the number theorist, and Kac, the probabilist, founded probabilistic number theory, although the subject did not really take off until several years later (see Elliott 1979/80). Among other things, they proved that if a bounded real-valued additive arithmetical function( )∑ satisfies ( )2 / =∞, then, for f m p f p p every fixedx ∈ r , lim Ax (n)/n = F (x), n→∞ where( ) is the number of positive integers≤ satisfying Ax n m n 1 2 2 f (m)<∑f (p)/p + x(∑ f (p) /p) . p ≤n p≤ n Here, as usual,

x 1 −1 2 F (x)= e 2t dt 2π ∫ −∞ is the standard normal distribution. In other words, under very mild conditions, the arithmetical functionf (m) satisfies the Gaussian law of error. Culminating in (8), Erdos proved that an additive arithmetical functionf (m) has an asymptotic distribution function, provided that ′( ) ( ′( ))2 ∑ f p and ∑ f p p p p p Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

Paul Erdo s 159 both converge, where ′( )= ( ) for| ( )| ≤ 1 , and′( )=1 otherwise. Also, if ∑ 1/ f p f p f p f p f(p)≠0 p diverges, then the distribution function is continuous. After his work with Kac, in 1939 Erdos proved with Wintner (14) that the convergence of the above series is also necessary for the existence of a distribution function. A problem of a rather different nature also occupied Erdos for several decades. In the early part of the nineteenth century, it was conjectured that the product of two or more consecutive integers is never a square, cube or any higher perfect power. To be precise, the equation $ (n + 1)(n + 2)… (n + k)=x has no solution in integers withk, $ ≥ 2 andn ≥ 0 . Erdos (11, 12) and Rigge (1939) proved the conjecture for$ = 2 , and they showed also that, for any$ ≥ 2 , there are at most finitely many solutions to the equation. Later, Erdos found (30) a different proof of this result. By making use of the ideas in this paper, Erdos and Selfridge (37) finally succeeded in establishing the full conjecture; the work constitutes one of the most significant accomplishments on the subject of exponential diophantine equations. Erdos also thought a good deal about the irrationality of series; although, as he modestly acknowledged ‘I never had any spectacular success like Apéry’, he nevertheless contributed valuably to the field, and left many tantalizing problems (see (39)).

Approximation theory Approximation theory was one of Erdos’s first interests in mathematics and he continued working in the area until the very end, writing close to a hundred papers. Here we shall mention only three of the topics on which Erdos worked. In 1940 he wrote a short paper (15) that turned out to be very influential. This gave a restricted class of polynomials for which the factorn2 in Markov’s inequality can be improved to cn. Simply stated, if p is a polynomial of degree n that has all its zeros inr \ (−1, 1)− and if1 ≤ y ≤ 1 , then 1 | p′(y)| ≤ 2enp, ∞ wherep is theL [−1, 1] norm, that is, max{|p(t)| : | t | ≤ 1}. This result has been extended by G.G. Lorentz, J.T. Scheick, J. Szabados, A.K. Varma and others, and has inspired many mathematicians to study inequalities for polynomials with restricted zeros and under some other conditions. Recently, Borwein & Erdélyi (1992) proved that there is an absolute constant c such that if p is a polynomial of degree n with real coefficients that has at most k zeros in the open unit disk then, for−1 < y < 1 , we have  n(k + 1)  |p′(y)| ≤ c min , n(k + 1)p.  1 − y2  One of Erdos’s favourite results on approximation theory was his theorem with Clarkson (20) about Müntz spaces. Extending the classical theorem of Müntz, they proved in 1943 that if L =(l )∞ is any increasing non-negative sequence withl = 00 , and if< < , then the i i = 0 0 a b ∞ Müntz space (L)=span { l0, l1,…} is dense in[ , ]∑ if and only if 1/l =∞. They M x x C a b i =1 i showed also that if ∑∞ 1/l <∞then every function ∈ [ , ] in the uniform closure of i = 1 i f C a b M(L) is of the form ∞ l i f (x)=∑cix i =0 on the half-open interval[a, b) . In particular, f can be extended analytically throughout the Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

160 Biographical Memoirs open disk centred at 0 with radius b. Later, L. Schwartz and, more recently, Borwein & Erdélyi (1992) derived substantial extensions of the Erdos–Clarkson results. Some of Erdos’s most important results on approximation theory were obtained in collaboration with Turán (7, 9, 16, 25). Given a weight w on[0, 1] and a functionf ∈ C[0, 1] , letLn (f , w, x) be the Lagrange polynomial based on w.Erdos and Turán (1938) proved that 1 1 2 | ( )− ( , , )|2 ( )d ≤ 6 ( ), ( ∫ f x Ln f w x w x x) En − 1 f −1 where( ) is the distance of f from the space of polynomials of degree at most− 1 . It En− 1 f n was proved only forty years later that the exponent 2 cannot be replaced, for a general weight w, by any larger value. The Erdos–Turán collaboration had a great impact on the development of interpolation theory, as emphasized by Borwein & Erdélyi (1998).

Probability theory Erdo s first became interested in probability theory through his work on probabilistic number theory, but he soon turned to problems at the heart of the subject. One of his earliest results concerned Kolmogorov’s Law of the Iterated Logarithm: if X1 (t), X2 (t),… are independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.) Bernoulli random variables with p ( =±1)= 1 for every i, then Xi 2 =∑n almost surely satisfies Sn i −1 Xi 1 2 lim sup Sn /(n log logn) = 1. n →∞ In 1942, Erdos (19) gave an ingenious proof of an important extension of this result. With Kac, Erdos (21) investigated various functions of sums of i.i.d. random variables. To be precise, let, ,… be i.i.d. random variables with mean 0 and variance 1, and let X1 X2 Sn signify the usual sum as above. They proved, among other things, that

1 lim p (max( ,…, )

N 2 1 lim p( n < a) = arcsina2. n →∞ n π In his joint papers with Dvoretzky, Kac and Kakutani, Erdos contributed much to the theory of random walks and Brownian motion. For example, in 1940, Paul Lévy proved that almost all paths of a Brownian motion in the plane have double points. This was extended by Dvoretzky, Erdos and Kakutani in 1950 (27): they proved that forn ≤ 3 almost all paths of a Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

Paul Erdo s 161

Brownian motion inrn have double points, but forn ≥ 4 almost all paths of a Brownian motion inrn are free of double points. In 1954, in a paper (29) dedicated to Albert Einstein on his seventy-fifth birthday, the three authors returned to this topic and proved that almost all paths of a Brownian motion in the plane have k-multiple points for everyk ≥ 2 ; in fact, for almost all paths the set of k-multiple points is dense in the plane.

Combinatorics One of the fundamental results in combinatorics is a theorem (to be precise, a pair of theorems: a finite version and an infinite version) proved by F.P. Ramsey in 1930. Erdoswas the first to realize the tremendous importance of this ‘super pigeon-hole principle’, and did much to turn ‘Ramsey’s finite theorem’ into ‘Ramsey theory’, a rich branch of combinatorics. In fact, Erdos and Szekeres (5) rediscovered Ramsey’s theorem, and found a simpler proof that gave a much better bound for the various ‘Ramsey numbers’. In particular, they proved that ifk, l ≥ 2 then k + l − 2 R(k, l)≤( ), k − 1 where the Ramsey numberR(k, l) is the smallest value of n for which every graph of order n either contains a complete graph of order k, or it contains l independent vertices. In view of the simplicity of the proof of the Erdos–Szekeres bound, it is amazing that over fifty years had to pass before it was improved appreciably, namely by Thomason (1988). In 1947 Erdos (23) gave a remarkably simple and beautiful proof of a lower bound forR(k, k) ; this proof can be considered as the origin of the probabilistic method that he later employed with so much success. The very simple lower bound is still essentially the best known. In 1950, Erdos and Rado (28) proved a surprising and powerful extension of Ramsey’s theorem, the ‘canonical Ramsey theorem’ concerning colourings of all the r-subsets of the integers with infinitely many colours. In 1940 Turán proved a beautiful result concerning r-partite graphs, distantly related to Ramsey’s theorem, and it was once again Erdos who, with Turán, G. Gallai and others, demonstrated that the result is just the starting point of what is now a large and lively branch of combinatorics, namely ‘extremal graph theory’ (see Bollobás 1978). The basic question of this theory is a simple extension of Turán’s result: given an integer n and a graph F,whatis the minimal integerex(n, F) such that every graph with n vertices and more than ex(n, F) edges contains F as a subgraph? In 1946, Erdos and Stone (22) proved the fundamental theorem of extremal graph theory: if F is not bipartite, then − 2 r 1 2 2 ex(n, F)=( ) 2n + o(n ), r − 1 where r is the chromatic number of F. In 1973, Bollobás and Erdos (36) considerably sharpened the Erdos–Stone theorem and determined the correct speed of the appropriate function; further improvements were given by Chvátal and Szemerédi (1983). In the 1950s Erdos repeatedly applied random methods to attack problems in extremal combinatorics. These applications led him to his most important achievement in this field. In a series of papers beginning with (32–34), Erdos and Rényi founded the theory of random graphs. They considered a graph as an organism that develops by acquiring edges at random, and they discovered the unexpected phenomenon that most graph properties appear rather suddenly. Given a monotone increasing propertyP of graphs, there is a threshold function Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

162 Biographical Memoirs m(n, P) such that ifm(n) grows a little more slowly thanm(n, P) then a graph with n vertices andm(n) edges is most unlikely to have the propertyP , but ifm(n) grows a little faster than m(n, P) then a graph with n vertices andm(n) edges is most unlikely not to have the property P. The most important discovery of Erdos and Rényi was the sudden emergence of the ‘giant component’ in a random graph. Decades later, Bollobás (1984) clarified the behaviour of the 1 giant component near the critical point2n , and Luczak (1990) and Janson et al. (1993) further refined the results. These are the precursors of the investigations of today into critical phenomena in statistical physics.


The frontispiece photograph was taken in 1991 by Gabriella Bollobás and is reproduced with her permission.

R   

Avidon, M. 1996 On the distribution of primitive abundant numbers. Acta Arith. 77, 195–205. Bollobás, B. 1978 Extremal graph theory. (London Math. Soc. Monographs, no. 11.) London: Academic Press. Bollobás, B. 1984 The evolution of random graphs. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 286, 257–274. Borwein, P. & Erdélyi, T. 1992 Remez-, Nikolskii-, and Markov-type inequalities for generalized nonnegative polynomials with restricted zeros. Constr. Approx. 8, 343–362. Borwein, P. & Erdélyi, T. 1998 In memoriam; Paul Erdos (1913–1996). J. Approximation Theory 94, 1–41. Breusch, R. 1932 Zur Verallgemeinung des Bertrandschen Postulates, dass zwischen x and2x stets Primzahlen liegen. Math. Z. 34, 505–526. Chvátal, V. & Szemerédi, E. 1983 Notes on the Erdos–Stone theorem. In Combinatorial mathematics (North-Holland Mathematical Studies, no. 75.) (ed. C. Berge et al.), pp. 9–12. Amsterdam: North- Holland. Davenport, H. 1939 On Waring’s problem for fourth powers. Ann. Math. 40, 731–747. Elliott, P.D.T.A. 1979/80 Probabilistic number theory I, II. (Grundlehren Math. Wiss., no. 239/240.) Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Hardy, G.H. & Ramanujan, S. 1920 The normal number of prime factors of a number n. Q.J. Math. 48, 76–92. Ivic , A. 1985 The distribution of primitive abundant numbers. Studia Sci. Math. Hung. 20, 183–187. Janson, S., Knuth, D.E., Luczak, T. & Pittel, B. 1993 The birth of the giant component. Random Struct. Algorithms 4, 231–358. König, D. 1936 Theorie der endlichen und unendlichen Graphen. Leipzig: Teubner. Landau, E. 1927 Vorlesungen über Zahlentheorie. Leipzig: Hirzel. Luczak, T. 1990 Component behaviour near the critical point of the random graph process. Random Str. Alg. 1, 287–310. Ramanujan, S. 1919 A proof of Bertrand’s postulate. J. Indian Math. Soc. 11, 181–182. Ricci, G. 1933 Sul teorema di Dirichlet relativo alla progressione aritmetica. Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. 12, 304–309. Ricci, G. 1934 Sui teoremi di Dirichlet e di Bertrand–Tchebychef relativi alla progressione aritmetica. Boll. Un. Mat. Ital. 13, 1–11. Rigge, O. 1939 Über ein diophantisches Problem. Ninth Cong. Math. Scand., 155–160. Selberg, A. 1949 An elementary proof of the prime-number theorem. Ann. Math. 50, 305–313. Thomason, A. 1988 An upper bound for some Ramsey numbers. J. Graph Theory 12, 509–517. Turán, P. 1934 On a theorem of Hardy and Ramanujan. J. Lond. Math. Soc. 9, 274–276. Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

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The following publications are those referred to directly in the text. A full bibliography (up to 1995) appeared in The mathematics of Paul Erdo s (ed.R.L.Graham&J.Nesetril) Algorithms and combinatorics, vol. 14, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1997). (1) 1932 Beweis eines Satzes von Tschebyschef. Acta Litt. Sci. Szeged 5, 194–198. (2) 1934 On the density of the abundant numbers. J. Lond. Math. Soc. 9, 278–282. (3) 1935 On primitive abundant numbers. J. Lond. Math. Soc. 10, 49–58. (4) Über die Primzahlen gewisser arithmetischer Reihen. Math. Zeit. 39, 473–491. (5) (With G. Szekeres) A combinatorial problem in geometry. Compositio Math. 2, 463–470. (6) 1937 Note on the number of prime divisors of integers. J. Lond. Math. Soc. 12, 308–314. (7) (With P. Turán) On interpolation. I. Quadrature and mean convergence in the Lagrange interpolation. Ann. Math. 38, 142–155. (8) 1938 On the density of some sequences of numbers. III. J. Lond. Math. Soc. 13, 119–127. (9) (With P. Turán) On interpolation. II. On the distribution of the fundamental points of Lagrange and Hermite interpolation. Ann. Math. 39, 703–724. (10) 1939 (With H. Davenport) On sums of positive integral kth powers. Ann. Math. 40, 533–536. (11) Notes on products of consecutive integers. J. Lond. Math. Soc. 14, 194–198. (12) Note on the product of consecutive integers. II. J. Lond. Math. Soc. 14, 245–249. (13) (With M. Kac) On the Gaussian law of errors in the theory of additive functions. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 25, 206–207. (14) (With A. Wintner) Additive arithmetical functions and statistical independence. Am. J. Math. 61, 713–721. (15) 1940 On extremal properties of the derivatives of polynomials. Ann. Math. 41, 310–313. (16) (With P. Turán) On interpolation. III. Interpolatory theory of polynomials. Ann. Math. 41, 510– 553. (17) The dimension of rational points in Hilbert space. Ann. Math. 41, 734–736. (18) (With M. Kac) The Gaussian law of errors in the theory of additive number theoretic functions. Am. J. Math. 62, 738–742. (19) 1942 On the law of the iterated logarithm. Ann. Math. 43, 419–436. (20) 1943 (With J.A. Clarkson) Approximation by polynomials. Duke Math. J. 10, 5–11. (21) 1946 (With M. Kac) On certain limit theorems of the theory of probability. Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 52, 292–302. (22) (With A.H. Stone) On the structure of linear graphs. Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 52, 1087–1091. (23) 1947 Some remarks on the theory of graphs. Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 53, 292–294. (24) (With M. Kac) On the number of positive sums of independent random variables. Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 53, 1011–1020. (25) 1948 (With P. Turán) On a problem in the theory of uniform distribution. I and II. Indag. Math. 10, 370–413. (26) 1949 On a new method in elementary number theory which leads to an elementary proof of the prime number theorem. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 35, 374–384. (27) 1950 (With A. Dvoretzky & S. Kakutani) Double points of paths of Brownian motion in n-space. Acta Sci. Math. Szeged B 12, 75–81. (28) (With R. Rado) A combinatorial theorem. J. Lond. Math. Soc. 25, 249–255. (29) 1954 (With A. Dvoretzky & S. Kakutani) Multiple points of paths of Brownian motion in the plane. Bull. Res. Council Israel 3, 364–371. (30) 1955 On the product of consecutive integers. III. Indag. Math. 17, 85–90. (31) 1956 (With R. Rado) A partition calculus in set theory. Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 62, 427–489. (32) 1959 (With A. Rényi) On random graphs. I. Publ. Math. Debrecen 6, 290–297. (33) 1960 (With A. Rényi) On the evolution of random graphs. Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Kutató Int. Közl. 5, 17–61. Downloaded from rsbm.royalsocietypublishing.org on April 4, 2013

164 Biographical Memoirs

(34) 1961 (With A. Rényi) On the strength of connectedness of a random graph. Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 12, 261–267. (35) 1965 (With A. Hajnal & R. Rado) Partition relations for cardinal numbers. Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 16, 93–196. (36) 1973 (With B. Bollobás) On the structure of edge graphs. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 5, 317–321. (37) 1975 (With J.L. Selfridge) The product of consecutive integers is never a power. Illinois J. Math. 19, 292–301. (38) 1984 (With A. Hajnal, A. Máté & R. Rado) Combinatorial set theory: partition relations for cardinals. (Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, no. 106) Amsterdam: North-Holland. (39) 1988 On the irrationality of certain series: problems and results. In New advances in transcendence theory (ed. A. Baker), pp. 102–109. Cambridge University Press. (40) 1996 On some of my favourite theorems. In Combinatorics, Paul Erdös is eighty, vol. 2 (eds D. Miklós, V.T. Sós & T. Szönyi), pp. 97–132. Budapest: János Bolyai Math. Soc.