Cr()Wne.'1. . L19-M,E Eoming Funclraiser
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, .. ' . ,. •. e ' MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1987 BAKERSFIEL):} COLLEGE. VOLUME XLVH NUMBER 20 : , Coach, .· tennis team cancel season . By STEVEN LASHLEY Scatiered among the broken .' .. · . Staff Writer glass ·.. and. wreckage lay . three ' 12-packs ofbeer; which ultimate- . • In less than 48 ho~rs, the rnen's · ly would hah the title drive dead ·. tennis team saw'a season of glory ·. in its tracks'. ' . .. dwindle into an escapade . of . After a one-hour meeting l11st . , · . tragedy;. · . · Thursday between players ~nd · ·. Currently tied with L.A. Pie.rce BC administrators, the. firial. ver for first' place in the Wester~ . diet verified the· worst. For'. the State Conference, se~en= players . first· time in BC :history, a · · and Head Coach Gaylen Lewis Renegade • athletic . team has saw· the beginning·. of· the . end ·forfeited. the rest of its season·.· when th~lr van slammed. int(? ll .·. (foul'.· matches) . because of . flower beci on .ihe north side of . alcohol ..· . · · · . ·. · · ·· ·. · . · . b •.. ·.·. · • ._· the Science and, Engineering ··· Officially, the. team-with the . · .. · - .,__.·_ Bi.tildlng~last Tuesday·~night· cm ... exception~ of. Quinn Miller-and~-· · their way home from a match . · · against Ventura College. · . Please see TENNIS page 7. - . ·· ·· .. Cqach Gaylen Lewis arrested .on· campus · fof felOtlY IJUl . - . ; . ~ .. : . .. -·' . By JUDY SHAY. • Wright said, "We are remov· · ·Editor in-Chief ing hirrt as 'tennis <:ciach· for this ... academic year and will adjust ')lis Arrested c;m charges' offelony• · pay · for coaching · accordingly. · clrunk driving last week, Oaylen But he will be put back Into the ... Lewis has been reinoved as·men's classroom/ . ; terinis c6ach for the rest of the · ''We' feel this was the right academic year, but he win resume thing to _do 'because Oaylen'$ .· .·.·teaching in the classrQom today;.· .. · inain piobiem occutredh{ his role . reported . BC. President Richard . as·a coach,'' added Wright. ·• ·· . Wright.. •. .. .. ... ·... After receiving the news from •. Wrighi made the~e recommen_. .... Wtight; Lewis com111~nted: ~ilt'. -dations to the KCCD Board of hurts me to be ·removed as the ·. .· . .. .. ~- '::,.·:· ··:, . ·.. .. .·. ' ...· • . I ....· ,· . ·. Trusteesatits Jlleetiriglast week; .. tenni~ coach. Ii would have hurt .· .Sgt. ,~s ·s~to; campus security offh:er/ieiri#es ~eicaru found In and Engineering building. iast week. Gaylen: Lewis,. m~n.'s. tennis ·.. The board supported his reC'Jffi· · · the BC van moments after It crashed Into the itonh end of the Science • coach, was d'tvJpM the team home trom a_match In Ventura:.-.·• ·_._.- ... ·. mend~ti9ns. · · · Please. see LEWIS page 4, - . , ·;. : . - . ..- , . '. Jog~a-t]19n····cr()wne.'1. .. l19-m,e_eoming funclraiser ~'By JENNIFER $ELF · ·. Homecom(ng b~dg~t ~as· r~i~ed . ~rid Qu~en cfuidida~es · im--;m~; H.6~;~ci~irig. eiipensei. ··=· ·•The . -spii~g .· s~m~sier · to·: b~nefif '.ttt~~or'y .• to ~h~ list. ~f· exisilrif Staff Writer through the sale of.raffle tickets . pete in a jog·a·thon: The can: tot_at·cost of Homecorriirig' 1986 Homecoming · the' following criteria. ·_· . ...•. by HomecoinlngKing and Queen··. ·. didates raising. tlte mqst money ·.• _was Ss;579, '. .. , ·. ·· ..· ... _·•. semester. , The issue of whether .· . AS~ Vice President Mtll'y-Ann. ·.. Homecomirig .· cilrnmittee candidates, Members of the Lat. .. :;:;;:.;.,.><. ·. .· . Sttiderlt Aff~rs Dir~ttor Kathy the spdng f~ndraiser would McGovern recommended that an .·. members ·reached. a: concensus ..· ter.Day S_aints Studenls·Aisocia; · through~i,op.~t>rships will win the Rosellini said t_ha( the :money . garner much . support'· from-.. objective member of the com~. · Jas! Tuesday to Implement ~-jog~. tion . (LO.SSA) complalrted that category/' , ... '· . • . • ·.· .' . · : .. from. the .• · ASB, Bo<>ksto~e and . ;ion.returning students was raise_d. inuniiy conduct an: Interview with·· a-thon as the ·primary mea~s ()f the raffle ~onstituted gambling, . · . ln additio0:fo the: jog~a-thq!i, • fuhds raised thro·ugh the. sale of . by Ro_sellinL . King and Queen hopefuls. ASB . raising funds. for Homecoming ·_. and practice their religion op- · ·. homecoming activities arid elec- ... ASB cards mighfbe transfered to -• .If the committee ·decides to ac~ .·. of Public_Relations . next. fan; The committee will ask · poses. ··. The club ·requested in . ·. tion •. results .determine . the ~in- .·· the Homecoming ·budget, if the•·. ¢ep(the plan; a fundraiser won't Brandon Butler added that the in~ " the Activities' Board to approve February that a :committ~e be ners. ._ · jog-a-thon (ails to produce be held until next spring.· · ·. ··. · terview might open the King and the proposal April 20. · formed in discuss alter- . Concern was raised over. enough money. · _ · · ·· Committee members discussed Queen candidacy to .a wider · . _· . · . ·· . nati~e methods of raising funds. ~hether. the money made from . .• A. sugg.estfon was .}~ised to . the · possibility_· of . adding a · . variety of people. • Last fall, virtu~ltthe entire .· . If the: proposal passes, Kin~. _· the_ jog-a-t.h()n. · wili • cover s~h~dule a fundraiser -during the .....-·------·----------------- A_SB ·West~rn DaYs begin tot}CIJJ > Splish splash! By )El'lNIFERSELF · a c9w patty throwiil( contest in .. Tomorrow at noon' a spitting · The departn'ient which shows the ·· ·. ·.•Staff. Writ~r .·. · which contestants will throw for····· cdntest wili 'he held. Contestants ·.. inost. piirtfciiiatfon irf • W¢stern-.. .The fourth. annual Western . distance; The r-ules :of the contest ' will .be spltting for accuracy. Day will be· the wjnnet; · Days sponsored by. the. ASB :is are: .· · Rules for the spit~ing contest are:. slat~d for thfs week, T)le ASB •Stay.behind theline . ·.. •Stay b-ehind the line. Thursday will feature the Board .· encourages the ·. student ..·· •Six club members · · · .•Four club members · '·_ westeri:i · band Texarcana {ind· the · · bo(ly to. dress in western attire . •Each geistwo.thr~ws •Each ·rec~ives · 2S s~ntlower. Tornadoes,·a BeefBack Ribs and and participate in the various ac- - · •The top three throws will be . seeds and, they must_ fry to spit -· drink . barbeque 'ai)d a dess.ert tivities. · the club's average total .. ·. them in the bucket:·: . sale.·. TherC:. will ·also . be· the. The games and events sched.ul- - •The .highest average fot:al wi~l ·_. ·. _·. ~The . two. top . scor~s (most . Teacher/Faculty ·. "Kiss a -Pig" ed for· this' week will fake place jn .· . be the winner ' ; .·. _.• . _ · .. ·_. see~s. in· the bucket) from each . · compejition .. There will .be jars . the campus center.· The activities : · There will also ·be a _barbeque · club will be.the score for that dub . with participating• teachers or . include the following: · . ' .· today. ChHl/Cheese Foot. Hot •the highest average total will . · faculty :pictures on them iri the. The Flung Dung contest will Dogs wiH be served with pickles • be the. winner .·.. _ . Student· Affairs Office. One cent ·. take place _at noon today ·on the chips; drink~ and ice-cream. The .. ·_ · Wednesday_ the W~tern_ Day. will equa_l one vo!e, and t~e . · grass area in front of the Student ·cost 1s $2.SQ ;\nd they will be serv- C'1111petition will be held between teacher with_ the most. money in Services building. Flung. Dung is ed from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. · the different 0:ffices on campus. · . his/her jar will have to kiss a pig. ~ {-~ Records office theft nets· $15,000 ' ' . ,. •f .8y JUDY SHAY Gomi~k. who supemses the Gornick.· "He was working on ville colleges before they were in Editor in Chief ·. Records office, explained that another case and came across one stalled at BC. During the · months · of t~ere was a shortage 0($80 the of oor checks. This was in the . "The computerized system is December and January, SIS,131 . week of. Dec. 8. The following early part of March.'' very adequate," said Carey. "We in registration money· has been week (Dec. 1S) there was $42S · just need_ follow it .. more · Gornick stated itiat the person ,o taken from the Admissions and · missing. carefully." Records office by a part-time Both Carey and Gornick said being suspected was. a part-time . employee, · reported Robert. most of the money taken was employee and no longer works at He stressed thal steps have Carey, KCCD business manager, . rem~ved Jan. S and th_e week of BC. That person, who had never been taken "to make sure these at last week's Board of Trustees Jan. 19. Gornick reported that worked here prior to the incident, things won't happen again." meding. $13,169 Will missing on Jan. S was just· hired during the peak Several changes discusstd in Although the college still has and SJ ,463 on Jan. 19. registration period. clude daily deposits, making sure not recovered the missing money, Gornick explained that he was According to Nancy Haines, the district and college are receiv ing the same information from the district won't lose the money. unaware of the missing sum until Reco.rds' office supervisor, the C3rey explained that the college he was notified in early February. being suspected worked in the computer sy~tems, and have per,dn better screening when hiring has a $1,000 deductible insurance Coinciding with the college's the 'Records office from Dec. 3, employees. policy. suspicion, the district and the 1986 to Feb. 6. · "We wi'I re,;over alt but the Kern County Sheriff's Depart $1 ,000, - arey tr,, inc board. ment notified Gornick of possible Carey explained that the com ''It Is pretty clear the main Acco·: -.i · - ~- ? · 1 - '. Oor- money mishandling. , · - puteriu:d systems !hat were being point of alt this is to make sure llick, dear: :: ,: ,.:,-·, , ...:cnts' "I goi a call from Det. Jeffrey used during the registration we follow the s;-stcin carefully," ~ · :;,,: · -Hnl'-l!L1tG JJp ~ Carey said. 1f.f:;:-9 are ;e.~r.L·:0•7t\J, K. Har:- from t:'r: sheriff's peiiod just had b~n installed 18 Thi~ youn-r1tt ~tA or• ,11 tM q>ri•lden MW lk ~ t .c ~ · ·--} ·e~ ~.a! the department askln~ a"":ut one of mon.ths e.arlicr.