Delaware Senate Journal
STATE OF DELAWARE Journal of the State Senate 143rd General Assembly Convened Tuesday, January 11. 2005 Dover, Delaware 2005-2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Membership ii Committee Membership iii Rules of the Senate iv- X Senate Staff xi - xii Legislative Days First Session xiii Second Session xiv Daily Senate Action 1-353 Index Senate Bills 354 - 376 Senate Resolutions 377 - 378 Senate Concurrent Resolutions 379-381 Senate Joint Resolutions 382 Senate Citations 383 - 406 House Bills 407 - 423 House Concurrent Resolutions 424 - 428 House Joint Resolutions 429 Governor's Nominations for Appointment 430- 434 Index of Senate Legislation by Subject 435- 443 Matters Referenced not related to Specific Legislation MEMBERSHIP MEMBERS-DELAWARE STATE SENATE 143RD GENERAL ASSEMBLY Lt. Governor John C. Carney, Jr., President of the Senate Senator Thurman Adams, Jr., President Pro Tempore DISTRICT SENA TOR I st Harris B. McDowell, III - 2311 Baynard Boulevard, Wilmington, 19802 2nd Margaret Rose Henry- 1980 Superfine Lane #101, Wilmington, 19802 3'd Robert I. Marshall - 1702 Sycamore St., Wilmington, 19805 4th Charles L. Copeland - 8 Sunnyside Road, Wilmington, 19807 5th Catherine L. Cloutier - 2404 Heather Road East, Wilmington, 19803 6th Liane M. Sorenson- 417 Snuff Mill Hill, Hockessin, 19707 7th Patricia M. Blevins - 209 Linden Avenue, Elsmere, 19805 8th David P. Sokola - 24 Beech Hill Drive, Newark, 19711 9th Karen E. Peterson- 1306 West Newport Pike, Wilmington, 19804 10th Steven H. Amick - 449 West Chestnut Hill Road, Newark, 19713 11 th Anthony J. De Luca - 27 Trevett Drive, Newark, 19702 12th Dorinda A. Connor- 18 Crippen Drive, New Castle, 19720 13 th David B.
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