Koleopterologische Rundschau 81 264 Wien, September 2011 Koleopterologische Rundschau 81 265–268 Wien, September 2011

Mitteilung Sibinia sarmatica sp.n. from eastern Ukraine Sammlung Machatschek: Im Zuge der Umstrukturierung des Naturgeschichtlichen Kabinetts des Schottenstifts (Wien I) wurden im März 2011 die Reste der Käfersammlung des Benediktinerpaters Gregor Machatschek, (Coleoptera: ) insgesamt etwa 12.000 Exemplare, als Dauerleihgabe an das Naturhistorische Museum Wien übergeben. Etwa ein Drittel des Materials muss allerdings auf Grund massiven Schädlingsbefalls noch aussortiert werden. M. KOŠŤÁL & R. CALDARA Besonders zahlreich vertreten sind die Carabidae, Chrysomelidae und Curculionidae. Viele Käferfamilien fehlen leider zur Gänze. Die Sammlung enthält auch Typen von sieben Arten (siehe unten). Gregor Machatschek wurde am 27.II.1882 in Oberjohnsdorf (Horní Třešňovec, nördlich von Landskron, Böhmen) geboren. Nach dem Besuch des Gymnasiums in Landskron studierte er in den Jahren 1904–1908 Theologie an der Universität Wien. Zwischen 1910 und 1922 war er Kaplan in Gumpendorf (Wien VI), Eggendorf im Thale (NÖ), Abstract Stammersdorf (Wien XXI) und Wien VII (St. Ulrich). Anschließend leitete er die Pfarren von Enzersdorf im Thale A new species of Sibinia GERMAR (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), S. sarmatica, belonging to the (NÖ) (1922–1936) und Waitzendorf (bei Retz, NÖ) (1936–1961). subgenus Dichotychius BEDEL and related to S. sodalis GERMAR is described from eastern Ukraine. Gregor Machatschek starb am 1.IV.1961 in Waitzendorf. Für seine umfangreiche, ursprünglich mehr als 40.000 Käfer umfassende Sammlung wurde 1964 im Schottenstift ein eigener Raum eingerichtet. Die Sammlung enthält Key words: Coleoptera, Curculionidae, , Sibinia, , new species, Ukraine. viele, von Machatschek an seinen beiden letzten Wohnorten (Waitzendorf, Enzersdorf im Thale) gesammelte, faunistisch bedeutsame Exemplare. Aufgrund seiner guten Kontakte zu Benediktinermissionaren enthält das Material auch zahlreiche Exoten, zum Beispiel aus Neuguinea (Wareo), Indien (Sikkim), China, Madagaskar, Kongo, Panama, Paraguay, und anderen tropischen Ländern. Darüber hinaus finden sich viele Exemplare aus historisch bedeutsamen Sammlungen, wie z. B. Hauser, Mader, Reitter (Hansa Humboldt, Sta. Catharina, Brasilien), Introduction Schatzmayr und Winkler. ERMAR Die 12.000 vom Naturhistorischen Museum Wien übernommenen Käfer stellen, wie eingangs erwähnt, nur den Rest The Palaearctic species of the genus Sibinia G , 1817 are presently included in two der Sammlung dar. Der Großteil ging „über Vermittlung der Universität Wien an verschiedene Museen (z.B. subgenera: Sibinia s.str. and Dichotychius BEDEL, 1885. According to KOROTYAEV (1996), the Braunschweig und Kiel)“ (CZERNIN 2011: Das Naturgeschichtliche Kabinett. – Jahresbericht des Schotten- latter is principally characterized by smaller size (length < 2.4 mm), dorsal vestiture dense and gymnasiums in Wien 2011). composed of broad scales including on elytral striae, host plants halophilous or psammophilous Plumbaginaceae. This subgenus is arranged in two groups, which can be distinguished by the Liste der Typen der Sammlung Machatschek: disposition of the scales covering the elytral interstices: the S. sodalis GERMAR, 1824 group, with scales arranged in 2–4 irregular rows, and the S. exigua FAUST, 1885 group with scales arranged Carabidae: in a single regular row (CALDARA 1979). Elaphropus (Tachyura) bodemeyeri (Fleischer, 1915) Having intensively studied the weevil fauna of various Plumbaginaceae, the first author has Curculionidae: found a peculiar species similar to the species of the S. sodalis group with toothed claws Chlorophanus rufipes Voß, 1931 (CALDARA 1979, CALDARA & KARASYOV 1995) on Limonium sp. in salt marshes eastwards from Dermatoxenus sexnodosus Voß, 1932 Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine). This species is related to S. (D.) sodalis and was identified as a new Drepanoderes leucofasciatus Voss, 1932 species for the science. Lixus cleonoides Voß, 1932 Abbreviations Paromias sulphurifer Voß, 1931 CCa Collection Roberto Caldara, Milano, Italy Sympiezomias consobrinus Voß, 1932 CKo Collection Michael Košťál, Brno, Czech Republic NMW Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria

M.A. JÄCH HT holotype

l length

P pronotum R rostrum w width

Sibinia sarmatica sp.n.

TYPE LOCALITY: Vesele near Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk env., Ukraine. TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype  (CKo): “Ukraina or. Samara valley Michael Košťál leg. \ Vesele pr. Pavlograd 50 m N 4836.7' E 3547.4' 16.ix.2009”. Paratypes: 14 , 10  (CKo), 2 , 2  (CCa), 1 , 1  (NMW): same data.

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DIAGNOSIS: 2.0–2.3 mm long, with scales arranged in 3–4 irregular rows on each elytral interstice, with toothed tarsal claws and long elytra (l/w > 1.19). DESCRIPTION: Holotype (Fig. 1): completely perfect male specimen, 2.03 mm long excluding rostrum, pronotum 1.27 times as wide as long, elytra 1.39 times as long as wide, rostrum 1.14 times as long as pronotum, antennae inserted in 0.6 of the rostrum length, funicular segment 1 twice as long as segment 2. Integument: Dark brown, legs, antennae and distal part of rostrum reddish brown. Prothorax, elytra, femora and basal part of rostrum completely covered by unicolorous cinnamon brown oval (l/w = 1.75–2.50) scales. Scales at medial posterior prothorax margin before scutellum brownish yellow. Head, basal part of rostrum, anterior prothorax margin and femora with very sparsely intermixed grayish oval scales. Tibiae and tarsal segment 1–3 with sparse oval to sublanceolate (l/w = 2.00–4.00) light brown scales. Medial part of ventral body side densely covered by paler oval scales. Head: Eyes large and flat. Frons slightly narrower than rostrum at base, moderately convergent backwards. Rostrum (Fig. 2) moderately robust, slightly longer than pronotum (l/w = 1.14), in dorsal view parallel-sided, in lateral view more strongly curved in its basal third and only very moderately narrowed to its apex. Antennae inserted in apical half of rostrum (6/10 of length). Antennal funicle with six segments, segment 1 remarkably thicker than and twice as long as segment 2. Antennal club spindle-shaped, more than twice as long as wide. Prothorax: 1.27 times as wide as long, sides curved, widest at basal third, in lateral view moderately curved with a shallow depression before anterior margin. Elytra: Moderately elongate (l/w = 1.39), convex, 1.29 times as wide as prothorax, widest at the end of their basal third. Legs: Tarsal segment 3 bilobed, twice as wide as segment 2. Claw segment of the same length as segments 1–3 together. Claws with inner basal teeth reaching up to the middle of claw length. Aedeagus (Fig. 3): Median lobe at apex sharply pointed with setae on apical margins. Female. Rostrum on average slightly longer, antennal insertion approximately in the middle of rostrum length. Elytra slightly wider. Spermatheca (Fig. 4) similar to that of S. sodalis, but with more distinct sulcus between corpus and ramus where spermathecal duct originates. Spiculum ventrale without peculiar characters.

Variability: Body length:  2.02–2.15,  1.99–2.33, Rl/Pl:  1.08–1.28,  1.11–1.29, pronotum (w/l):  1.20–1.35,  1.20–1.39, elytra (l/w):  1.30–1.45,  1.29–1.43. The type series of 31 specimens shows no significant variability in the shape of rostrum, prothorax and elytra or in the colour and disposition of the vestiture. Comparative notes: Due to the toothed claws together with the disposition of the elytral vestiture S. sarmatica is more similar to S. sodalis than to other species in the subgenus. From this species it is clearly distinguishable by the apex of the aedeagus, which bears setae, is pointed and is bent at nearly a right angle, furthermore by the irregularly curved, and slightly but distinctly narrowed rostrum in lateral view as well as by the different host plant (Limonium for S. sarmatica vs. Armeria for S. sodalis). Distribution: Eastern Ukraine. Biology: All specimens were found in halophilous plant communities on Limonium sp. Etymology: The Latin species name refers to the ancient name of Ukraine “Sarmatia”. Figs. 1–4: Sibinia sarmatica: 1) habitus (holotype); 2) rostrum and head of holotype (lateral view); 3) aedeagus of holotype: a) ventral view, b) lateral view, c) apex in dorsal view; 4) spermatheca.

44983P_Coleopterologen_81_Kern_V3.indd 276 17.10.11 09:57 266 Koleopt. Rdsch. 81 (2011) KOŠŤÁL & CALDARA: Sibinia sarmatica sp.n. from eastern Ukraine (CURCULIONIDAE) 267

DIAGNOSIS: 2.0–2.3 mm long, with scales arranged in 3–4 irregular rows on each elytral interstice, with toothed tarsal claws and long elytra (l/w > 1.19). DESCRIPTION: Holotype (Fig. 1): completely perfect male specimen, 2.03 mm long excluding rostrum, pronotum 1.27 times as wide as long, elytra 1.39 times as long as wide, rostrum 1.14 times as long as pronotum, antennae inserted in 0.6 of the rostrum length, funicular segment 1 twice as long as segment 2. Integument: Dark brown, legs, antennae and distal part of rostrum reddish brown. Prothorax, elytra, femora and basal part of rostrum completely covered by unicolorous cinnamon brown oval (l/w = 1.75–2.50) scales. Scales at medial posterior prothorax margin before scutellum brownish yellow. Head, basal part of rostrum, anterior prothorax margin and femora with very sparsely intermixed grayish oval scales. Tibiae and tarsal segment 1–3 with sparse oval to sublanceolate (l/w = 2.00–4.00) light brown scales. Medial part of ventral body side densely covered by paler oval scales. Head: Eyes large and flat. Frons slightly narrower than rostrum at base, moderately convergent backwards. Rostrum (Fig. 2) moderately robust, slightly longer than pronotum (l/w = 1.14), in dorsal view parallel-sided, in lateral view more strongly curved in its basal third and only very moderately narrowed to its apex. Antennae inserted in apical half of rostrum (6/10 of length). Antennal funicle with six segments, segment 1 remarkably thicker than and twice as long as segment 2. Antennal club spindle-shaped, more than twice as long as wide. Prothorax: 1.27 times as wide as long, sides curved, widest at basal third, in lateral view moderately curved with a shallow depression before anterior margin. Elytra: Moderately elongate (l/w = 1.39), convex, 1.29 times as wide as prothorax, widest at the end of their basal third. Legs: Tarsal segment 3 bilobed, twice as wide as segment 2. Claw segment of the same length as segments 1–3 together. Claws with inner basal teeth reaching up to the middle of claw length. Aedeagus (Fig. 3): Median lobe at apex sharply pointed with setae on apical margins. Female. Rostrum on average slightly longer, antennal insertion approximately in the middle of rostrum length. Elytra slightly wider. Spermatheca (Fig. 4) similar to that of S. sodalis, but with more distinct sulcus between corpus and ramus where spermathecal duct originates. Spiculum ventrale without peculiar characters.

Variability: Body length:  2.02–2.15,  1.99–2.33, Rl/Pl:  1.08–1.28,  1.11–1.29, pronotum (w/l):  1.20–1.35,  1.20–1.39, elytra (l/w):  1.30–1.45,  1.29–1.43. The type series of 31 specimens shows no significant variability in the shape of rostrum, prothorax and elytra or in the colour and disposition of the vestiture. Comparative notes: Due to the toothed claws together with the disposition of the elytral vestiture S. sarmatica is more similar to S. sodalis than to other species in the subgenus. From this species it is clearly distinguishable by the apex of the aedeagus, which bears setae, is pointed and is bent at nearly a right angle, furthermore by the irregularly curved, and slightly but distinctly narrowed rostrum in lateral view as well as by the different host plant (Limonium for S. sarmatica vs. Armeria for S. sodalis). Distribution: Eastern Ukraine. Biology: All specimens were found in halophilous plant communities on Limonium sp. Etymology: The Latin species name refers to the ancient name of Ukraine “Sarmatia”. Figs. 1–4: Sibinia sarmatica: 1) habitus (holotype); 2) rostrum and head of holotype (lateral view); 3) aedeagus of holotype: a) ventral view, b) lateral view, c) apex in dorsal view; 4) spermatheca.

44983P_Coleopterologen_81_Kern_V3.indd 277 17.10.11 09:57 268 Koleopt. Rdsch. 81 (2011) Koleopterologische Rundschau 81 269–275 Wien, September 2011

Acknowledgements We are grateful to Dr. Mike Morris (Dorchester, UK) and Maxwell V.L. Barclay (London, UK) New data on bark of the genus who kindly linguistically revised our manuscript. Chramesus LECONTE, 1868 References with descriptions of two new species from Peru

CALDARA, R. 1979: Revisione delle specie paleartiche di Sibinia vicine a sodalis Germar ed exigua Faust (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). – Memorie della Società entomologica italiana 57: 65–100. A.V. PETROV & M.Y. MANDELSHTAM CALDARA, R. & KARASYOV, V.P. 1995: Description of four new Palearctic species of the genus Sibinia (Insecta: Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Curculioninae). – Reichenbachia 31 (13): 65–69. KOROTYAEV, B.A. 1996: 147. Sibinia Germ., pp. 488–490. – In Egorov, A.B., Zherichin, V.V. & Koro- Abstract tyaev, B.A. (eds.): 112b. Sem. Curculionidae – dolgonosiki, ili sloniki, pp. 249–516. – In Ler, P.A. (ed.): Opredelitel’ nasekomikh Dalnego Vostoka Rossii i shsti tomakh. Tom III. Zhest- Two new species of Chramesus LECONTE (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) are described from kokryliye, ili zhuki. Chast 3, dopolnenie. Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Dalnegovostochnoe Peru, namely C. flechtmanni and C. schoenmanni. In addition, new distributional data on Chramesus Otdelenie, Biologo-Pochvennyj Institut, Vladivostok, 556 pp. species in Loreto, Huánuco, Junín and Cusco Provinces of Peru are listed.

Key words: Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae, bark beetles, Chramesus, Phloeosinini, taxonomy, Dr. Michael KOŠŤÁL new species, Peru. Kotlanova 1A, CZ – 628 00 Brno, Czech Republic ([email protected])

Dr. Roberto CALDARA Introduction Via Lorenteggio 37, I – 20146 Milano, Italy ([email protected]) Recent taxonomic work has highlighted the actuality of bark studies in South America. Fieldwork and collections in the Neotropical forests have allowed description of new scolytine genera and species and added to the natural history knowledge of scolytines (DOLE & COGNATO 2007, WOOD 2007, PETROV 2007, 2009, PETROV & MANDELSHTAM 2007, 2009, 2010, SMITH & COGNATO 2010). The genus Chramesus LECONTE, 1868 includes 89 New World species (WOOD & BRIGHT 1992). In South America, more than 40 species are known to occur. Most species of Chramesus are monogamous and phloeophagous, only one is polygamous, one is myelophagous while three are xylophagous (WOOD 2007). During fieldwork in Peru in 1997 and 2005–2010, new Chramesus species and additional data on the morphology, distribution and natural history of rare and poorly known species of this genus were gathered. Here we provide descriptions of all Chramesus species known from Peru. The females of Chramesus granulipennis SCHEDL, 1959 and C. peruanus SCHEDL, 1961 previously were unknown. They are described here for the first time. Chramesus granulatus (EGGERS, 1928) was described from Bolivia and never reported afterwards from Peru (WOOD 2007) and is therefore excluded from the Peruvian species list. The following abbreviations for the type depositories are used in the text: NHML – The Natural History Museum, London (UK); NMW – Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (Austria); ZMM – Zoological Museum of Moscow University (Russia).

Chramesus granulipennis SCHEDL, 1959 (Figs. 1–2)

TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype  (NHML): “B R A Z I L: PARANA, Rondon”. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED: P E R U: HUÁNUCO PROVINCE: 26 km SW Tingo Maria, Cayumba vill., 820 m a.s.l., 9°29.567'S / 75°57.276'W; 14.II.2005, leg. A. Petrov, 1 , 1  (Petrov collection).

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