Record of payment made to Parish Co-opted Members on Standards Committee

Authority Payment and Borough “Independent members and Parish Council Councillor members of the Standards Committee are currently entitled to 10% of the members basic allowance. The Chairman receives the basic allowance and an additional 66.66% if he is a member of the Council and if the Chairman is a co-opted member, he is entitled to an allowance of 66.66% of the members basic allowance.

The current basic allowance paid to our members is £6533.00 but will be increased and backdated to 17th May (the date of our Annual Council meeting) in line with the officers pay award when this is agreed” Wychavon District Council “We currently make no payments to Parish Co-opted Members on Standards Committee. However, this is to be reviewed later in the year” Canterbury City Council “We have 2 Parish Reps on our Standards Committee but they do not receive an allowance. They can if they so wish claim travelling expenses” Borough Council “Currently we do not pay Parish Councillors any allowance. We pay a token £100 to Independent Members and then the Chairman receives an allowance of £4,042.28” South Somerset District Council “South Somerset only pay an allowance to the Chair of our Standards Committee and not to the parish reps - they can though claim travel” Warwick District Council “... Parish representatives were paid £267 p.a. during 2006/2007” Rother District Council “...The Co-optees' Allowance payable to the second Independent Representative and the two Parish/Town Councillor representatives is £642pa each” Winchester City Council “Winchester City Council currently pays £252 per annum to independent and parish reps on our Standards Committee” Cambridge City Council “We don't have parishes here in the City” West Lindsey District Council “Co-optees Allowance - A payment for the first four hours of attendance at a meeting/event and a second payment for attendance in excess of four hours. The payments to be the equivalent to the allowance paid to officers for attendance at evening meetings ( currently £36.37)” Borough Council “We don't have any parish members” Stroud District Council “Co-Optees of our Standards Committee receive £423 per annum” Mendip District Council “Under our Member Allowances Scheme we currently pay all co-opted members of the Standards Committee (including Parish Councillors) £800 per year” Oadby and Wigston Borough Council “ ... this Council does not have any parish councils” Surrey Heath Borough Council “At Surrey Heath we pay our co-opted independent representatives of the Standards Committee and the co-opted Parish Representative an allowance of £1,588” Maidstone Borough Council “We pay our Co-opted Members of Standards Committee an allowance of £326 per annum” North Devon District Council “The Parish Council Members appointed to serve on the Standards Committee are paid an allowance of £100 per year” Borough Council “We make no payment at all” Ashford Borough Council “Parish Co-opted Members do not receive a regular allowance. They can claim £25 per meeting attended plus mileage paid at the NJC rate” Hambleton District Council “Co-opted members of the standards committee receive £219 per annum” Scarborough Borough Council “Scarborough only pay expenses to Parish Co-opted Members” Richmondshire District Council “Here at Richmondshire the Chair and Vice- Chair receive an allowance (both independent members last year) but the 2 parish reps are travelling expenses only”

Stratford-on-Avon District Council Co-opted Members receive £257.25 (Last updated October 2005) Tower Hamlets Borough Council Co-opted Members receive £117 County Council Independent non-elected Members of Standards Committee receive £300 Leicester City Council Does not apply as they have no Parish Councils. North Yorkshire County Council “NYCC do not have Parish Co-opted members who serve on our Standards Committee” Council “Further to your enquiry regarding the Independent Members on the Standards Committee we pay them the normal rate for a member on a working party - £218.25” York City Council “We do not pay an allowance to co-opted members currently” Kirklees Metropolitan Council “Co-optees of Standards Committee are re-imbursed for necessary expenses, e.g mileage and parking, and these are paid at the Councillors rate” Craven District Council “Craven only pays travel and subsistence allowances to Parish and Independent Members of the Standards Committee. The Chairman receives a remuneration of £2,000”