traffic Court Is Approved By Council Rocky Mountain Traffic Committee To Require Registration Spring Quartet

The Student Council at its last meeting approved the tentative COLLEGIAN plan for a traffic court as submitted by the committee composed of Brian O’Neill, chairman, Bill Johnson, and Lyle Stucker. The F OLUNS COLORADO court will go into effect spring The has been backed BolTlx - ggIiT FRIDAY. MARCH quarter. plan 9, 1951 NO. 21 by the traffic committee of the college and has full authority to Board Publications Picks prosecute violators. This court was brought about because of the of Becky King for ’52 Spruce increased awarnes of the traffic haz- ard caused on by illegal parking actually ha* lots to lose. the oval Ted Blevins Wins narrow streets. It has be Editor; Business Manager Position to understood that this All cars must be dur- court is the force of the students, and Ted Blevins have been elected to registered Becky King the positions of editor and business manager the and in ing Spring quarter registration no way prescribes to per- on the Silver Spruce for the 1951-52 school term. The board of and those Lpectivciy publications announced failing to register will re- sonal feelings, but merely demands which were made at their lie appointments meeting Wednesday night, ceive an additional fine. obedience to the laws. is a at Addition..! Miss King sophomore Colorado A & M this and The students intend to make information will be year has done a large amount of work on home town is Denver and the fines stick and fail- given at the spring quarter regis- he Silver Spruce. Becky's her major at Aggies is child in any person development tration. to the will not . he home economics school. Tri Delta is her social sorority. ing report to court be able receive his to grades or tran- Ted Blevins has worked for three script until that fine is paid. Fail- on the staff years business of the checked and the information in the HONOR ENGINEER ure to promptly acknowledge a Dates which makes him well Application Spruce, quali- written was the applications carefully ticket at traffic court, open at fied for the Ted is job. a junior in considered. Personal interviews were ITO BE SELECTED a scheduled time one afternoon mechanical engineering and also thus Announced for belongs given, a very thorough each week, will result in an addi- check upon their qualifications for tional fine each week. I One of the highlight* of the Engi following the held positions. The is Position peer’s Day celebration, to be court a preventive mea- Collegian This is the second the year pub- and for the 5, is the presentatoin of the sure, is solely purpose pay lication have been chosen positions of the traffic hazard from feonor Engineer asvard by the Colo- removing Wednesday, March 28, is the the board of This by publications. the oval. There is no for Engineers Council. appeal a deadline for applications for editor pdo the old where system replaces one student who commits a violation or business of the ROCKY candidates for the Honor manager B The ..he editors and business managers that endangers lives as well as MOUNTAIN COLLECdAN for selected award are by a of the and COLLEGIAN Engineer Spruce a traffic hazard. At time creates no the school year 1951-52. All stu- the students Rote of engineering were chosen a vote of the stu- by will be allowed on the in- parking dents who are interested must sub- Brora the 12 engineering dent body. top gradu- side of the oval! mit written applications to Ralph who have graduated since last ates of the board Council Gives Tickets Murphy, president of Bune and who will graduate this AH members of the student publications, 708 Remington, Fort Three candidates coun- Boming June. are Collins. All must be cil, the representatives of the stu- applications Selected to be interviewed by the before of the dents, are authorized to tickets postmarked midnight ■embers of the Colorado give Engineers above date. to cars traffic laws. ftouncil at the luncheon to be held violating

The . person who feels he is avoid- Hn Denver the last of March or the The qualifications for such a posi- after ing being caught violating tion senior Brst part of April. Their selection are: junior or standing the laws, will find that in the long fall ■rill not be announced untd Engi- next quarter, and an accumu- run he is the one to suffer. The stu- neer's lative that of the Day. The Honor Engineer average equal to dents neither want nor expect to all-school ■rill receive a medal and the other average for fall quarter. Becky King have person’s affiliated with our Iwu candidates will receive certif- The board of publications urges all to refuse to abide college by simple students who feel that icates of merit. they are to ASME and Tau, engineer- Sigma fair laws that are made for that per- to The written I The 12 He also qualified apply. ap- graduating engineers to ing honorary. belongs to son's security. plications should list any and all Be voted this are Paul the and Nu is his upon year Haylofters. Sigma The court will have access to files experience that the person has had S', Duane C. Burton. V,\n. social burger fraternity. of license of the various coun- plates in the journalistic lines. HE R. A. Freeman. L. do the and Draper. John Ability to job past ties in this state, and are able to Kaselwood, Evan E. Chas. the were Huston. experience on yearbook contact the various counties of The persons who submit applica- B Jackson, R. Marvin Sid- taken into consideration the tions will be Joppa. by other states to trace numbers. given personal inter- fcev W. Russell L. Max of in the views Lawrence, board publications filling Therefore, no student is to gain and will be notified when Richard Their pell. Shen. and Jack K two positions. qualifications anything by not registering during they are to be interviewed. ■Williams. and class were Ted Blevins the as to grades standing Spring quarter registration, but '5l Spruce Needs Sand Harden and Elected to Offices Harris, house, Boyd, Rce AWS High Pictures of Aggie

As a result of the March first elections, Nancy Harris will be Life for Yearbook the helm of A. W. S, at during the coming school year. Other Would anyone who has pictures executive officers elected are first vice-president, Margaret Sand- that they believe would make good second house; vice-president, Marianne Boyd; secretary, Betty Aggie Life pictures in the SILVER Harden; and treasurer, Annette Roe. SPRUCE please bring them and

the to the SILVER New senior representatives are Mary Lou Connors, Tomi negatives

and House. she SPRUCE office. will be re- Hirama, Janet They year was secretary of the stu- They elected dent were by forty-eight junior body, and is active this year in turned at the beginning of next girls to serve as their NSA. She is a member of representatives Hesperia. quarter. Your cooperation will be also next year. Junior representatives Spurs claimed Nancy during greatly appreciated. on the AWS council are Shirley her sophomore year. Moore, and Miller, Jean Phyllis Margaret Sandhouse is president Melvin Johnson, Editor. Stone, and sophomore representa- of NSA and active in the student

tives are Hall, Janice Jane Jacob, council. She is a Tri Delt from and Lou Niles. The Mary junior Fort Collins. She also has been on Members of the elected 101 The representatives were by the AWS executive council for the and 153 fresh- Independent Students sophomore girls, past two years and is a member of Association elected the three New are shown man gids repre- and was active in officers of the Associated Women Students, who Hesperia Spurs. [ the AWS Invite all Aggie Students to are. sentatives to serve on P will he of i hey Marriane the second vice- installed the second week spring quartet, Boyd, Attend and Meet Their Friends Hams, council during the coming year. ' Annette Nancy is a KD hailing from F . Roe, treasurer; Marianne Boyd, secretary; president, at the rodent; Harden, scco” d Pennsylvania. Harden, the Margaret Sandhouse, first vice-president; Betty Nancy Harris, the new president, Betty Annual Easter Tea Phyllis new is of her preside,,,; for two secretary, president | standing; Tomi Hirami, senior representative has served on AWS council Sunday, March 25, 1951 uni Janet side of Rockwell. At she is i »r as treasurer. She present fcjou*’ representative; Jean More, junior representative, years—this year 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. sen* or a freshman representative on the n representative; Miller, junior representative, from New Castle, Main Student Union Shirley is a Theta hailing Lounge s and ' Mai 7 Lou Niles, and Hall, representatives; Janie sophomore and at Last on k° Foreman Colorado, living Lory. (Continued page 5) I u Connors, senior representative. —Photo by MARCH 0. 1081 COLLEGIAN . i ■ »• ••• . *-i ■ rB • ■ ... 2 :: \* x-v. STUDENTS ASKED TO AID PuTT FOR SUMMER QUARTER CURRlcifc Dean Morgan has asked the COLLEGIAN to Co | UCt the students to find out how students a many would like *6 F ° ' and what courses would attet quarter they like to take >d «j All courses can not be offered. Courses for which* there will be offered, if instructors are T ‘s » available. his j i s a 6 f to work with the in °r faculty deciding which courses should"!! I plan to attend the summer quarter of ffi:rc



Continuous Performance Daily Starting a; I^TTIr Several photographs taken at the Havlofters' annual square dance festival, which was held in the Aggie TODAY AND is shown SATURDAY gymnasium last Friday and Saturday, are shown above. To the left above a j>ortion of the crowd on the hand with estimated attendance of 5,000 The A POWERFUL Friday night. Saturday group at was even larger an persons. SUSPENSE THRILLER! in the the above is the that won such acclaim at the show. Several group photo to left junior square great the set. In the three at the bottom are shown three of the exhibition HOLDEN in encores were given by photos squares WILLIAM "UNION STATION’ for the shown Denver’s which provided entertainment spectators. The ones are Wyoming's "Whirl-o-way,” Olson Nancy Barry Fitigerald “Circle Four,” and the “Columbine" set. Other squares from the surrounding region also performed exhibi- tion dances the —Photo Foreman PLUS A 2ND BID at festival. by ACTION PACKED HIT' DOUGLAS KENNEDY in “CHAIN GANG’ FREE MIDNITE SHOW SATURDAY! Haylofters’ Festival Proclaimed Big Success Claude Raines Nelson Eddy "THE PHANTOM of the OPERA"

Bos Officr President Morgan commented after watching the Haylofters’ festival Friday night, “there are Open Until I2JO E*rry SatnnU?! fine this but this dance festival many events on campus, square is tops among those that bring the and the fine community school together. It’s a thing.” STARTS SUNDAY! 4 VfitoSau The festival, largest ever, (nearly 5,000 persons in attendance Saturday night), featured “Pat” Pattison as master of ceremonies, exhibition dancing for the spectators, and teaching and problem nffiCumMIBArBufTBOmimGAmUYTOTKIfeI! discussion groups for the dancers.

Exhibition from the groups sur- formed **■ rounding regions, Wyoming’s by Haylofters will help the clubs in the Science and Arts “Whirl-o-way Club,” Nebraska’s area to standardize “Bustles and Beaus,’’ Denver’s their dance titles and calls. This Lowers Credits “Circle Four,” Grand Junctions’ would enable dancers to attend the and clubs dances and in “Chaps Shawls," Haylofters’ ex- participate For Graduation without vWarner Bros. hibition team, and the Columbine dancing being confused by Set furnished entertainment for the duplici-.ion in DENNIS PffTittGtA STEVE terminology. SCOn FORBES Effective the fall of 1951, grad- spectators. DOROTHY HART" The callers of the uating seniors will need only a min- top Rocky The dances that were at This is taught PHONE 340 mum of 192 credits. an Mountain region were on hand to the dance sessions will be and will exchange all-college minimum, not call for the dancers. Over fifty printed and distributed to the call- affect certain schools in the college. callers in the ers that signed for them. Other in- participated event.

terested have the Ten of callers were The science and arts division ac- persons may these members

Dean will be printed instructions by sending the It cording to Durrell, of Haylofters! was, by far, twenty-five cents to most affected. This is the Haylofters. largest the number of callers to largest ap- Statts Tonite at 7 Continuous Sat. and Sun. from 1:30 division the with little of p.m. n college a Ray Boyd, president Hay- pear on any festival in the TONITE!- and program HURRY! HURRY! ENDS over one-half of the faculty lefters, says that this service per- state. IN SPARKLING TECHNICOLOR! i2OO majors. In competing with e y other schools in this region for stu- "CALL ME MISTER" igr£l e dents, Colorado A & M was at a the student disadvantage because WONDERFUL needed 210 credits to here, 7 graduate R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R STARTS SATURDAY! DAYS! 180 other Colo- as compared to at rado schools. Therefore to keep up enrollment in the science and arts and division, the credits have been re- Every Wednesday Thursday duced to 180, plus twelve credits in total ARE THE % military and P. E., making a climb the of 192 for graduation.

Other schools in the college will The not lower their requirements. “BIG DAYS" is • of forestry school now one •a twenty-three accredited schools in technicolor^^. the U. S. Out of these, nine have AT AMERICA, TRAIL AND LYRIC HAYWARD approximately the same require- 'SuTaN LUNDIGAN ments, with only one having more. WILLIAM LAMAR TRtmi , So, Dean Deen, “the Continuous Performance From 1:30 «™« ui 4L says Forestry p.m. HENRY KINS a;.sra school will lower the credits not Both Days at the needed for graduation.” AMERICA AND TRAIL

The affect in the veterin- only LYRIC Starts Both at 7 Nights p.m. ST ATE will be in the ary school pre-vet and in course the bacteriology will be i Courtesy Registration accepted any time It®® will need Starts Tonite Continuous Sat. and Sun. Now a pre-vet at 7 p.m. major. Wednesday (matinee or evening) and Thursday 96 credits, and the electives only — SUNDAY afternoon at the America and Trail and Wednes- TONITE —SATURDAY five. will be cut from sixteen to ONE day evening at the Lyric. 2 GREAT FUN HITS ON The credits needed for a to person ! • GIANT LAUGH PROGRAM! graduate in bacteriology have been If can’t be you present Thursday night you can lowered to 192. time COMEDYJIOT,. registei any Wednesday or the afternoon on Thursday. As this COLLEGIAN goes to JAMES STEWA*! certain how much press, it is not ~jBARBARA and the school af home REGULAR PRICES agriculture AND REGULAR PROGRAMS AT A» L ©oPTow^j will be affected. How- iWi economics THEATERS EACH i. t WEEK. HMtJOM nmcY be held in the e ever, meetings will # decide whether to near future to mmiDE adopt the all-collcgc minimum. Jnrvnst.i.itjritNtrKM^ C OLLE GIAN MARCH 9. 1951 3 f or QUARTER 'S R e gi str ati o n WI N T E R L A ST CHESTERFIELD C OE D SHO WN Mi n er s Asse mbly Ter m 1951 S pri n g M er e s h e i s! T h e l a st Mi s s C h es- Gi v e n M arc h 1 t erfi el d f or Wi nt er q u art er. Open 2 3 Colorado S c h o ol of Mi n e s M arc h a of C h e st erfi el d s pr e- B e gi n s p ack a n d e nj o y s e nt e d t h e fir st i n t hi s s eri e s a s moke w hil e tr yi n g t o d et er mi n e y e ar’ s of esse mblies been made w h o t hi s l o v el y mi s s i s. exchange sponsored ■ Announce ment h a s b y b y t h e N S A i n t h e St u d e nt U ni o n f or t h e St ell a M orri s, r e gi str ar, Cl u e s h er e t h ey ar e! T hi s 1 s s b allr o o m, Thursday, M arc h 1. r e gi str ati o n at t h e blonde-haired mi s s c all s Gr e el ey ,!i n g q u art er Titl e d " B ar Roo m F a nt a si e s of Fri d a y a n d S at ur d a y, h er ho me t o w n. T hi s i s h er fir st j House t h e e!( 1 9 5 1,” Mi n er s’ sho w w a s at- 2 4. A l at e i n t h at makes 2 3 a n d r e gi str a- q u art er c oll e g e, s o ar c h tended b y approxi mately 3 0 0 will b e ’f or h er a fresh man. f e e of $ 5 charged n p e o pl e. f or r e gi str a- ; st u d e nt r e p orti n g Cl u e s h av e been gi v e n —t h e r e st y 2 4. T h e M arc h N o scene of a cti o n w a s a b ar S at ur d a y, i s t o T ur n c orr ect j n aft er u p y o u. y o ur b e t o r e gi st er roo m o n t h e Mi n e s Fro m u d e nt will p er mitt e d ans we Y i n t o D ori s R uff i n t h e C ol- ca mpus. M arc h 3 0. ti m e t o ti m e, me mbers of t h e offi c e, at 1 1: 0. All t er Fri d a y. l e gi a n ioday e n- c a st wandered t o t h e b ar a n d i s tri e s m u st b e writt e n o n t h e b ack u p Si n c e r e gi str ati o n t a ki n g pl a c e s ol d t h eir of C h e st erfi el d t al e nt s f or refresh ments. Good Fri d a y, a n y st u d e nt w h o a wr a p p er. , T h e t al e nt included t h at b ut di s pl a y e d a scheduled t o r e gi st er d a y — P h ot o d u b e n s e m bl e, s ev er al nu mbers Good b y Snyder gl e e t o att e n d Fri d a y h o washes b y a dance c o m b o, t w o s ol o s, N o pi a n o r vi c e s m a y r e gi st er S at ur d a y. t w o pi e c e s b y a b ar b er f e e will b e charged provided Att e nti o n! All shop q u ar- t e r e gi st er s b ef or e 1 0: 0 0 t et, a n d t w o v o c al s ol o s. A n ot h er £ st u d e nt Pr e- V et St u d e nt s f e at ur e of t h e progra m w a s a st u- i n. S at ur d a y. b el o w i s t h e or d er of d e nt w h o i mit at e d Schedule a r a di o, chang- All st u d e nt s w h o St u d e nt s will b e a d- pr e-v et eri n ary ipearante. i n g st ati o n s a n d mi mi c k e d s uc h c e- w a nt t o f or t h e cl a s s of 1951 t h e h o urs a p pl y itt e d at d e si g n at e d: h av e t h eir l e briti e s a s Cl ar k m u st a p pli c ati o n s i n t o G a bl e, Bi n g 2 3 Dean F RI D A Y, M A R C*! Fl o y d Cr oss n o l at er than Cr os by, Fr a nki e L ai n e, a n d A 1 J ol- a n d Graduates M arc h 1 5. J u ni or s, S e ni or s,

G, K, O, P- 8: 0 0- 8: 3 0 a. m. .ti er s I, L, R 8 3 0- 9: 0 0 a. m. m at h. ttt er s Q, ■t a k e S 9: 0 0- 9: 3 0 ? m. ctl er

f 9:30-10:00 a. m. 1 &4 &* ■li ef . -•.-.••• & A. ►tt er s U. V, W,

10:00-10:30 t*. ‘ X, Y, Z a. m. *••/•• . F, N 10:30-11:00 a. m. ett er s J. i ari n f # Fi c k n S > T ec h f 1: 3 0 E« =* ,»• _ E a n d H 1 1: 0 0-l a. m. of M m- ttt er s Ja mes C ~ a n 11:30-12:00 M. c h‘ ^ ttt er s D. M e, M noon 12:00-12:30 tit er C p.r n.

tit er B _. 1 2: 3 0- 1: 0 0 p. m. & a g , >• ••• 1: 0 0- 1: 3 0 tit er A p. m.

" L -

Sopho m -i c s m e n I. L. Q. T. L U CKIES TASTE BETTE R Z 1: 3 0- .-••• U, V, V V, X, Y, 2: 0 0 p. m. m e n P, R, S 2: 0 0- 2: 3 0 p. m.

* T HA N l ttt er s E, F. G, H, A N Y OT HE R CI GARETTE b e n ot y 2: 3 0- 3: 0 0 *"* J, K, N. O p. m. .fl u s h. d at e- Fi n e tobacco —and fi n e ttt er s A. B. C, D, o nl y tobacco —can gi v e y o u t h e M e, M 3: 0 0- 3: 3 0 p. m. : o wr p erf e ct mil d n e s s a n d ri c h t a st e t h at m ak e a ci g ar ett e co m- F ° r i" K) u “ Ih e n cjif or ni* pl et el y e nj o y a bl e. A n d Lucky Stri k e means fi n e tobacco. SATURDAY, MARCH 2 4 „ 3 -"’ J-'- S o' S o if n ot wit h br a n d (and a Fresh men y y o u’r e happy y o ur pr es e nt U n > v er S 3 8- cit y sho ws t h at milli o n s ar e n ot), s wit c h t o ttt e n I, L. Q, T, s urv ey

U, V. Y V. X. Y, Z 8: 0 0- 8: 3 0 a. m. L u c ki e s. Y o u’ll fi n d t h at L ucki es t a st e b ett er than a n y ttt er s P, R, S 8: 3 0- 9: 0 0 a. m. ot h er ci g ar ett e. B e Happy — Go Lucky t o d a y! m e n E, F, G, H,

J, K, N, O 9: 0 0- 9: 3 0 a. m.

• , a ga me* ttt e n A, B, C, D, M e, M 9:30-10:00 a. m. i*s 2s sjys^^ss h*"*- N o st u d e nt will b e a d mitt e d t o J g bi s s &‘r i e Fi el d House T S aft er 1 0: C M) a. m., it ur d a v, M arc h 2 4. < ? b c S &* s* S S„ A fi w V a ( ? ? ?) Exa ms Off er e d 1 St u d e nt s M arc h 1 3 P o st Offi c e Bl d g.

' Tuesday, M arc h 1 3. C a pt ai n Al- rj H. Bl u m will gi v e Air F arc e N ati o n c a d et, n a vi g at or, a n d offi c- h c a n di d at e s c h o ol e x a mi n ati o n s w* y) / troo m 2 3 7 of t h e P o st Of h c e b uil d- S T Hliff * B

C a pt ai n Bl u m will b e at t h e p o st at 8 a m. a n d a s t h e t e st s t ak e V e h o uri st u d e nt s interested s h o ul d * t h er e e arl y. St u d e nt s. w h o pl a n il\ t a^ e di e ? t e st s h o ul d h av e t h eir h m c ertif u at ei a n d a c oll e g e tr a n- ■r' pt sho wing t h ey h av e 2 y e ars of N all e g e. S T RI K E # ? ■ ■ ’ v s t ■ O a st ( d

. n » Fi n e .*: • Gift s a n d c m , G A * E r r Je welry I f « ■ s t y y w. & w. * Gift & Je welry n C O MA A N V C O M.. T HI A MI MI C A N T OIACC O N ort h er n H ot el Bl d g. Phone 6 7 4 L S./ M F T'l u c k y Stri k e Means Fi n e Tobacco ' • IV • 1 ' ■ » ’ ’ - . * 4 march a, lost coixeaiAN FASHION PLATE OVERHEARD by Lee Lawrence

By Vivian Slocum

second vice Before, Mann: vice president, Pat Gilbert: We've just a few more days, my friend ... first Ruth Lowe; Eleanor Of final tests president. corresponding secretary, at last, we reach the end ... cramming, Patricia histor- not Hansen: secretary, Canning; stuff But, Cowl that’s .. . recording and ... Holy enough! treasurer, if feel the I do You’d need ian. Donna IVafson; Kathy Henry. ’cause you way ... surely of the let’s that awful word an made week or two . But Diamonds, organization up a .. forget The the house And catch what’s Overheard! SAE wives, a cake sale at Sig Alph .. on . up sponsored cakes sold Satur- night after the weekly meeting . . . The Kay Dee’s were rudely awakened early Monday that the fellas* sweet was each ... they say day morning by their thoughtful pledges. But it up to $9.00 tooths for tooth) were greatly satisfied! worth getting up so early for a delicious breakfast pre- (plural have their pared by the pledge class. (P.S. I wonder if the early The FarmHouse men are happy to as the the week Mr. W. B. MacArthur, an alum hour made any difference on digestive tract!) guest for South Dakota. Say! What’s this about this NSA entertainment from Faith, Rho is and promotion project! Overheard is that Claude That purdy pledge pin of Alpha Gamma Solomon and Mace are a vaca- on the coats of Jack Gary spending four-day now being proudly displayed tion the relations and Darlan Rezac. on CSCE campus promoting good Allen, Jim Taylor, for the National Student’s Association. Get this! (?) Hats off to the patriotic Tekettes, women auxiliary will be entertained the students of They properly by of Tau Kappa Epsilon. They presented the chapter the Wow! the dance held last Greeley campus! with a new American Flag at Friday The made another last with stars and typewriter grave error night. They arc now starry eyed stripes. week. The whole truth is that the TEKE pledges held A major operation seems to have been undergone Hauf last will the Phi a sneak at the Brau week .. . by Lou Felburg. His now-famous “cookie duster’* Tau’s and TEKEs overlook this blasted ma- please in didn't was am- (that’s a beard, case you know) chine? Thanks. putated by the TEKE actives. Last this . From K. comes confession . . Sigma Speaking of purdy pledge pins, Frank Uhlmann held election What’s that Monday they ... you be night and Dell Littlefield are very proud to wearing said Who rates brass? Read old ? the . . on, . chap, say pin of Alpha Tau Omega. they’re here en masse: president, Joyce Whetzal; first The White Star Club of Sigma Nu heard a very vice president, Marian Cullen; second vice president, interesting talk about Japan from Mrs. Andrew Blase Dolores Kavan; secretary (corresponding) Jeanine In- the club met at the house. . chapter .. Tuesday evening gle; secretary, (recording) Charlene Walrath; treasurer,

I heard the .. . About a Anne Louise More; rush Marda Johnson; strangest thing today Miss Stone and Schrader are in chairman, Phyllis Wayne seen fashionable oak Their and all certain . newest and frat, they say . . pledge that would be for of dress registrar, Nancy Phillips. appropriate any type sport party that wo«ll

his .. Invaded the house with a ... gang . quite bang of Old West back little be given during spring vacation. Phyllis is wearing a forrest Stages the are a early, ac- green orpt call him to This comes (akin Moe) ... Bill They AJAX, dress that has a effect in the front of her dress. cording to the TEKEs. Last Sunday night Finley, slight draped Notice the from an ATO! And if in the straight ... you’re small buttons which also accentuate the Cront of her dress. woke up at 2:50 to find that a number of people had Wavnei mood for Ask them about their “little folks”! jokes ... slacks and r soft His poured ice-water in bed with him. The possee is still wearing pearl gray corduroy sport coat. jadeti There was a house dance held at the Alpha wine in color. out looking for those hombres. (Now draw, podner!) Sig house last those dancers is Saturday evening ... a home economics and hails Miss Edna Zamzow, Province Director of Delta square Phyllis sophomore major from Denn, have them in the mood. Her is must put Colorado. sorority Delta Delta Delta. Wavne belongs to Zeta sorority was a guest of this chapter the 3rd, 4th, Sip There honored the Tau and is a in animal His taa sth, and 6th of this month. She is from Lincoln, were guests at Alpha Alpha Epsilon junior majoring production. house last too town is Fort Collins. weekend .. were Col. and Nebraska. Omega . they Mrs. Stephen Bullock. —Photo by John Foreman. The Sig Alphs will celebrate Founder’s Day next

Well let’s ... elections. Hold Saturday night at the Albany hotel in Denver. All of now, see yes, more here The AGRs the the chapter from Colorado, W’yoming, and Utah have on, we go again. report new been invited. Sounds officers as follows: Walt like quite a formidable cele- chapter reporter, Ladwig; athletic bration! chairman, Jerry Butner; alumni secretary, An Arrow Shirt Bernard Smith; usher, Courtney Depue; interfraternity Congratulations to a proud new mamma and Mike Priola and Phil rep., Stiles; alternates, Chuck pappa; A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Makes A Man Look His Best Walsh and Earnest McCrary; Progressive party rep., Charles Rodgers Sunday night. Mrs. Rodgers was and Dave Farlow; activities, Mike attended Edgar Repp college formerly Jean Rankin, who Aggies . .. she In The Easier Parade! Priola; house Don Freeman, and 4 member of Delta Delta Delta and manager. chaplain, is a . .. proud pappa Louis Miller. WHEW! passed cigars to his fraternity brothers. Weekend the guest at Sigma Nu house was Dick dinner at the FarmHouse Special guests Monday who is into Weisberg, enrolling back Aggies again after evening were Mr. and Mrs. Brownell from Bel Fourche, >5 e waiting out a call for the artillery division of the Army South Dakota. * Reserves. 1 believe said that we before he was already smoke the Speaking of cigars, and like, Darvel in the service ... excuse pfease! Sumner, an ACC, passed those smoky things The Phi Delta reminisced old Monday times with Jack Rea, his to Roark, evening announcing pinning Margaret Dave Marti, Roy Brooks, Charles Hancock, and Bill an nt student. This independ Bug. wa-, their last meeting night with the Phi’s 3b

A to all of us ... the Tri Deltas lots of luck fellas we’ll miss ... big surprise good .. . you! raised an awful fuss heard that Robert Lav- ... they Special dinner guests Sunday at the Tri Delta house cute ... has Willie ... the were Bob and Dick Sweitzer. ington pinned Phillipson Boyd . fellas did then with serenade from £ soon . .. a as an the Tri Delts reply Just after thought ... all at- Chi! tended the in Sigma Presbyterian Church a body last Sunday club A new seems to have been formed on the morning.

Ask the Phi Taus about their own I’ll be switched another campus. hiking Well, ... election. The

new officers of the American Commons organization. Club are: presi- Special dinner guests at the Delta Delta Delta house dent, Delbert Weers; vice president, Laddie Hodges; and Suzie last Monday evening were Ardyce Rold secretary, Kenneth Bierce; treasurer, Richard Morris; Stephenson. and pledge trainer. Raymond Rostock. Golden, melodious notes filled the In all their wide neighborhood experience . . . There’s one unique of the Gamma Phi house. The Phi Delta Gamma coincidence That was ... the Tri Delts in a muddle serenaded the This fraternity Monday evening honoring ... system’s far from subtle Their really ... engagement of Murray Jenrich and Norma Garwood. brand of house communication ... Has downstairs The will be married Collins * couple in Fort this Sun- folks in gay elation! day. Congratulations! Mrs. F.. B. Fergus, district president of Kappa Alpha The aroma of luscious fried chicken arose from the Theta visited the local here last week. chapter She was

Nu house . .. honored that a Sigma Sunday guests day guest Thursday evening for dinner with Miss Dag- 2= 3 were and Mrs. Medlin, Marian Ford, mar Gustafson and Mrs. Herrick. And Major Kay . . Mon- . guests Porth, and Babs Bottinelli. at the Theta house day evening were Mrs. Ross Poitner, vacation, Before yon leave for Easter Exchanging chit-chat, conversation, small talk, Mrs. Margaret McAte, Miss Martha Trimble and Miss favoi sore to get a supply of your doos and even dinner were Carol Conard. howdy Wednesday evening • • Arrow white shirts and Arrow ties . the ATOs. the Tri Deltas and . belated Hey .. announcement of die new Sigma at your Arrow dealer now! The TEKE team which won third Nu officers swimming place pledge . .. the latest is that Fred Sneath Ties $1 »P in intramural was is Shirts 83.95 their recent meet composed entirely president and Kay Kennedy is treasurer. up of Bill Ernst what a situation? dinner the ... (Could you say Sunday guests at AGR house were Mr. that he in dead and Mrs. was swimming Ernst?) Jack Clevenger and Miss Eugenia Symuis. «? with the Delta Zeta crest O K. y\AßßOWsiiwTs& Plaques were presented Just one more election, and I’ll sign off. The - SPOUTS to the new initiates of said last new officers are: sorority Monday night. Sig Ep president, A1 Weinhold; vice ARROW) UNDHWIAg » MANDKISCMIIfS

new installed the same And ... officers evening, president, Pollard; Rod Ray secretary, Wilson; and tast-iasi at Delta Zeta, that is, were: president, Jeannene Me- historian. Bob Melvin. COLLEGIAN MARCH 9. 1951 5 SEA HOLDS 39TH BREAKFAST Music Department Easter Sunrise Service Sponsored; Will Give Program EASTER MORNING IN Dr. from ON CAVE At Faculty Party Leyasmeyer Latvia Speaks A 39th Colorado Delta desert party will be held 1 For the year, of Sigma by An Easter sunrise Alpha Epsilon the service, sponsored by Campus Christian faculty in Ammons its Easter Breakfast in the Cave of Hall, will be Lll hold the Student Union. Fellowship, held in the Colorado A & M football Thursday, March 15 at 7:15. The stadium, morning, March 25, the March Easter Sig Alphs and their will be 25, at 5:45 a.m. Dr. Karlis from |)D dates will program given by faculty Leyasmeyer Latvia will 9 a.m. for this traditional breakfast. members be the Dr. Either at of the music department. speaker. Leyasmeyer, noted lecturer and author, spoke after a Will Schwartz, and the t Years ago fraternity party some of the fellows violinist, Wen on Aggie campus during fall quarter. jokingly dell dates for breakfast Diebel, will He Evited their the next pianist present was born and educated in Latvia and and later morning, which was the England came and from program. Ister. The girls took advanced studies in Russian of it became one their fav- Een on language, literature and history, The breaks Ete [unctions. group CAMPUS Marxism-Leninism and the Soviet to attend church ser- CLUBS K. afterwards Russian political, economic and choice. ines of their social system. Dr. Leyasmeyer spent four Cosmo Club years in Breakfast The will be held at 7:00 Germany speaking ■ The Easter gained na- meeting to the West German Officers were in the West university recognition in the Greek elected at the Cos- p.m. lounge of the Stu- ■uial students. He will deliver in- it mopolitan club dent Union. an World recently when was written meeting Tuesday I he Easter message based on his Greek evening new officers spiring E, in Banta's Exchange of are: pres- Club ident, Richard Entomology own personal testimony and ex- 1951. Shen: vice-president, ■anuarv. Two weeks Mr. Oris of the John Ferraz; ago periences. secretary, Mary Town Oris will be Exterminating of I Honored guests their send; treasurer, David Company Navon; ?nd Denver There will be special vocal and Mrs. E. N. historian, gave a very interesting BUjemother. Crowley, Joe Winkler. instrumental music. Dale Amend control be speech on pest at the other guests wil fra- The next will weekly mong meeting be in the will a solo, and a brass trio club This sing con- alums and West Entomology meeting. jnitv housemothers, lounge of the Student Union of Wendell week the sisting King, speaker was Dr. Leslie Clay members. at 7:00 March fulty on 27. Henry, and Everett Blinn will play Daniels of the entomology depart- several numbers. The in Drama Club ment at group sing- ginkv Williams is charge of here Aggies. The ing will be Aivena Breakfast this Paul next to be The members of the club would accompanied by K Easter year. play given by Dr. Leyasmeyer Shenk the Brown the Drama club is An at organ. feuel and Charlie are Inspector appreciate any one interested in Calls. This will be the follow the In case of bad weather, the ser- listing him. given April biological science field attend- meeting. 5-6-7 in Old Main the The vices wilf be held in the Student auditorium. The ing meetings. meetings are ASCE craft class held first Union ballroom. All students and stage designed the set on the and third Wednes- There the was a meeting of stu- and invited. are now it. days of each month in Room 227 of townspeople are constructing dent chapter of ASCE at 7 p.m. 4-H Club Holds The the College play is a drama in Refresh- suspense agricultural building. Wednesday, March 7. which the ments are Tomorrow inspector as the always served Dance Night appears following Guest speaker, Mr. Harry I. Potts, conscience of all the the business discussions. AWS. actors. of the Denver Board of Water Com- .. The is cast as follows: missioners talk executive council. She also is The four leaf clover, symbol of Club gave a supple- a Arthur is Agronomy adorn the of Birling played by Jim mented with a film on Denver’s Theta. H, will walls the The club met last O'Donnel Agronomy water system. Another Theta Annette Roe, ittle Theater of Ammons Hall to- Wednesday with the principal Gerald Craft Willard will of the council from nine Hously Student Arlo Cook, serve as treasurer lorrow night until speaker Mr. Bertone, speaker, pre- Shelia being Eugene Birling Merle sented films of the 1950 On this AWS reive o'clock, when the Ingram who summer next year. year’s College spoke on his travels iu Austra- Maribel White council she is She also is its Sybil Birling camp. secretary. H Club sponsors Collegiate lia. Edna - the Maid Elaine Evans l>ance. The meeting adjourned to the kept busy being president of Spurs Election of officers was also Eric Allan Schamale for refreshments. and a counselor Rockwell. Birling held. reading room at I There will be and round They are: president, Bob square Inspector Goole Tony McCoy vice Bill Ranees and games. Refreshments Temple; president, CCF ■rill be served at intermission. Dec- Githens; secretary, Akram Jaf; treas- Colorado Bradokis will follow the 4-H symbol Jim Rayburn, Springs, urer, Frank Stewart; and reporter, will be ■nd will be in the guest at Chris- Reuben Miller. green and white, Campus tian Rieir colors. Fellowship tonight. Jim is the Freshman agronomy students National Field Director of were attend these I Tickets Your.g urged to meet- are twenty-five cents per interdenominational Life, an organ- ings. Many interesting speakers ■erson. They may be bought from ization for school are heard which the students 4-H high age young supply Iny member or at the door people. Those who have heard Mr. with valuable information. Raturdav night. School clothes will Be Rayburn before won't want to miss The next meeting will be held the order of the evening, al- this is welcome. March 28, and refreshments will the meeting. Everyone lough enthusiasts may deck ut in their "fancy duds.”

Guests at the 4-H dance will be resident and Mrs. William E. [organ, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. erguson, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. taver, Miss Audrey Sandstead, Mr. nd Mrs. L. 1.. Osborne and Mr. nd Mrs. C. M. Drage.

debate Teams Go To Oklahoma Meet

national speech convention f Pi IThe Deita will be held Wangle: Hall Kappa at ***** ilVjcuda^ DePaul University tillwater, Okla., on the Oklahoma Chicago* Illinois M campus beginning March 25 hr ough 29. Colorado A& M will Secy end both a men and women’s de- W ate « team. The men’s team con- .... s!m of | S Charles Grandy and Larry BELLE wdl SPRINGTIME be entered in debate, In Chicago, Illinois, there is always tcussion an d extemporaneous of DePaul leaves a charming friendly gathering peaking. The will ... women’s team A topper suit fresh as new presenting * entered half in in debate and extem- skirt—or lending its to University students Wangler picture with its sapling-slim upper of speaking. Members the who wears this box in joraneous dresses. All will follow junior Hall on the And, as e escort eyes campus. women's team will be chosen its saddle stitched n ‘he that flaunts a daring flare from lovely ice-cold neat future. jacket universities everywhere, has wealth of detail, too; slash pockets back yoke. The front a / Coca-Cola helps make these get-to- saddle stitched cuffs and an arrow- with slant on style, Z set a gethers something to remember. As NOW IN STOCK soft or tan. Sizes tipped collar. Tawny gold, pink, aqua gray a from the study grind, or "Be My Love” pause 7 to 17. da by Mario Lanza on a Saturday night

Easier Parade” belongs.

Go to Church” it either both b Ask for way ... y Whiting and Wakely 9 the Julian’s .7 trade-marks mean same thing. COMPANY »Y BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OR THE COCA-COLA 137 Soutii College Collins, Colorado Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Fort O 1951. Th« Coca-Cola Company " v. „ V -i Sf. • t • , •.•..• 6 MARCH 9. 1981 COLLEGIA W

Rocky Mountain COLLEGIAN





DORIS RUFF—Phone I870-M Surras

AL McNAMEE—Phone 951 Managing Editor

DOTTIE LINK —Phone 908 Business Manages

BOB STOLL—Phone 2095-YV Assistant Business Manages



PAT BREWER Assistant News Editor

JACK SNYDER Sports Editor

' ROGER DYER Assistant Sports Editor


CLAUDE SALOMON ! Feature Editor

NEAL MOREHART Assistant Feature Editor

ART SINTON Cartoonist



REPORTERS , Bette Sauer Ruby Pratt Joan McDonald Madelyn McClave Pat Brewer Katie French Georgia Thompson Pat Rocke John Siverly Jody Cuthero Vernon McGeorce Maxine Chapin Phyllis Stone Lois West Cecilia Falcien Janet Marshall Gejuu Crraghr Pat Harrison Janet Beroard Dan Ralston Ann Watt Shirley Bieljr Janice Smith Bob Brown Ronald Lant* Ed Nieder Joanne Videon Bert Gilbert Lee Lawerence George Cowen Marie Niceman Bill Brown Dixie Lee Hendrices Louise Hayes Jeanne Brooks

Entered as second class matter at the Po«t Office of Fort Collins, Colo., under the Act of Congress of March IS, 1879. "Senator, the of C.C., C.U., C.S.C.E., and representatives Aggie's are here to respectively see you aha their annual appropriations.”

Editorial Hawaii Expresses SOMEWHERE??? Great Pleasure In

Last week’s COLLEGIAN carried the story on Mr. and Mrs. Farma- Hosting Aggies farma, the students who in foreign were disappointed one thing here at the Student Union In Aggies: being closed on Sunday. This statement should a recent letter received by be clarified. The Student Union Professor Roy C. Nelson, the Uni- building is open to all students on Sunday. of Hawaii the ex- How’ever, the coke and versity expressed room, bookstore, cafeteria, game room are closed. Just Arrived treme pleasure of having the Colo- Because the students rado A & M Why! Aggie themselves have not shown enough debate team as their interest to these facilities If the students guests for the debates to be held in keep open. want the added Hawaii. have been facilities on it is them and Arrangements Sunday up to to boost encourage them. made to accommodate the team

The union tried after the war to the coke their 11. keep room and the game upon arrival, March room but to no avail. Business died down much open so that it was im- The first debate will be held on to maintain these possible rooms and meet of The the of Hawaii expenses operating. University campus cafeteria was the of not kept open because students did not patronize the evening March 12. March 13 cafeteria and 14 the will on Sunday; customers were town people. team tour to the island of Maui, and March 15 P Next they year because of the feeding of the Braiden the cafeteria boys, will participate in the Pacific Speech be will meals seven a week. It is \ serving days hoped that at this time the Association Conference - Exhibition

game room and coke room will also be debate. The final debate will be functioning. At the present time \ held the Student Union is on the evening of March 16, building open to any person from 8 in the morning on the University oi Hawaii cam- Q to 8 at on We night Sundays. hope we have clarified any false ideas about pus. the Union being dosed on Sundays. C Ihe letter also confirmed the X A & M choice of position on the Just an added reminder to all Aggie students who own cars. The two propositions. The Hawaii de- traffic court will be enforced bate team next quarter by representatives elected by will take the negative in the of student offices. on the Resolved: “1 you capacity the no proposition: hat By violating parking rule, you the U. S. defense are commitments going against your own principles. Also, if the situation parking were should be limited to the W’estern looked at objectively by the violators of the rule they could and very easily Hemisphere” the affirmative on see that the traffic council is rule which the enforcing a will benefit them proposition Resolved: "That in more the run. With the situation it is Hawaii should be long as now, not a .... 'wr only beat-up Common- -w. *» w'eaith." -• MC'O. '. • ; fenders are at stake. Students the in crossing street are constant danger of hit drivers who being by are trying to dodge both the inside oval SHIP n SHORE Of we’re talking about our new parkers and the cars parked along the right hand curb. court*, plaid*, •* cotton collection! Blouse* in brilliant exotic By issuing tickets and cour t holding to determine guilty violators, the SHORE. unusual all exclusive with SHIP 'n council Enjoy Life stripes, hopes to minimize the extreme traffic problem which exists on Eat Out More keyed or the Often Blouses in a of solid colors high Aggie campus. galaxy fabrics, Sonfor muted. In ever lovely, ever washable Entertain at the when you ized and colorfast. No worries about tailoring 40. NEUTZE'S label. Size* 30 to Colonnades see the famous SHIP ’n SHORE

Your Home Owned Friendly S&H Green Stamp Furniture Store for Fast, Economical Service

Across the Street East of the Post Office—Fort Collins

AL ond RUTH'S CAFETERIA J. M. McDonald THE CAMPUS SHOP FORT COLLINS Fort Collins, Colorado We Buy Used Books Test COL.LEGSAN Take Admission MARCH 9. 1951 7 Doting Cost is High DO YOU NEED A JOB THIS SUMMER? School Will Take Reports Michigan News CU Med Applications THE APRIL ISSUE OF 1 MADEMOISELLE he State . Michigan News re- is the contents of a recent Enclosed letter sent to Dr L W cently made an informal UNCOVERS check on MANY OPPORTUNITIES the of Medicine hurrell by Department at the the el lea the University of Colo- high cost of living has on Summer’s on its dating. Here are and Ldo. some of the re- sunny way, something in all of us wakes Durrell: sults. from pea, Dr. ■•Will you please indoor-and-ego hibernation, wants to come out. inform premedical «u- Maybe you’ve A been are or will be for coffee date talking social consciousness all in dorm who eligible admission to the only adds to 14 year sessions and are -lints freshman class up cents, but as male student restless to in September, 1952, that the one re- put your preaching into practice. Could be Lginnng University of Colorado School you’re con- mained, You can’t on fused about <>l Medicine will depend get- a career and need to plow fields. want accept applications job Maybe you t,nS a gitd who doesn’t eat.” A for to see new thc |tJS2 1963 guy places and faces or the freshman class be- paper walls of your wallet. What- buying a of coffee tween daily cup for March 15, ever the drive, more than 1951, and May 15. himself and his you’re Schedule “friend” would have Activity 19.) We shall be ready for worth enough. glad to send something while i. you spent $5.60 so far this term. And if as and new. The and futures many sets of he jobs application materi- and his date smoke department als just two cig- of March 9 as you think will be For Mademoiselle has Friday, arettes a enterprising students investigated required day, that would cost him college these and more with in Christian 7 by pre-medical students in Mademoiselle has uncovered a va- many you Fellowship, your in- another 80 cents. Hgmpuh mind. stitution.’’ of volunteer You can get the details in ■p.m., West Lounge. riety or paid possibili- Another student declared, “You Make Your Summer Count—Work M. 8 Ammons Hall, ties which almost, cer- Hilar pin., "Although applications will bt among you’re usually figure on about 70 cents for in the issue, an article which Rural Drama, Old Main tain to find at least one that dove- April Bxtension accepted during the entire two haul alone. 1 hat is, of will course, unless tails with interest serve as your guide to the most ■ mnnth interval from your prime or Auditorium. March 15, to you a who eats get girl hut will for stimulating and summer Saturday, March 10 May 15, the committee nothing open up you a whole new profitable on admis- steak dinners.” Most students were field of you have ever had. ■ All-School Dance, 9 sions will activity which may not have H Club p.m., appreciate receiving of the ap- opinion that a weekend date occurred Hall. to you. ■ Ammons plications during the of can add early part to $2O, with tickets, a this up As never before there are work March 11 period in order Sunday, that prelimin- tuxedo and food. STUDENTS opportunities these for the Club, 5 St. Luke’s ary be carried days You can cut the cost of Canterbury p.m., screening may out, your motor I he cost of date and that average a seemed summering student in com- those college and work ■ Church. applicants whose repair body by helping to run about which the in records and $2.50 munity service, government, in do other the work at ■amnia Delta, 5:45 p.m., Gold qualifications are yourself majority of students agreed was in agriculture, in the arts. such that we wish industry, I Room. to have WAYNE’S AUTO SERVICE personal worth the This There interviews price. would in- are even some jobs to be had Club, 6:30 Ammons with them be 338 E. Mountain Ave, Sewtnan p.m., may sched- clude bowling or a movie, and food. abroad if bid in uled for interviews you get your early ■ Hail. as soon as pos- sible. The Khristian Science Organization, 7 committee hopes to be able to I Green Room. begin the p.m., interviewing stu dents for the 1952 about Bunker Group Meeting, 7:15 p.m., class April 1, 1952.” ■ Columbine Room. Monday, March 12 Address Given Exams "As already gtiiial Begin. requested in our 7:50 Rm. letter of Bumper Club, p.m., 126, January 4, 1951, we are I that all thc Forestry Bldg. asking premedical stu- dents in Kollege Women Newcomers, Am- your institution he ad- R Hall vised to mons apply for and to take the ;--v, medical Wednesday, March 14 college admission test which will be on 1951. l. A. U. W., 7:30 p.m., Ammons given May 12, Hall. Applications to take this test must he in the hands Friday, March 16 of the Educational N 1 Service faculty Women’s Card Party, 2:15 esting on or before April 1951. Ammons 28, The address of the Edu- p.m., Hall. cational 1 esting Service from which Saturday, March 17 application blanks be received, acuity Dance, Ballroom. may il they are not already available in Sunday, March 18 vour office, is P. O. Box 592, Prince- pring V'acation Begins, ton, New Jersey.” igma Xi Dinner, 6:30 p.m., Am-

mons Hall. “The committee on admissions Friday, March 23 hopes to complete the selection of the freshman class Registration. 1952-1953 by, or Saturday, March 24 soon after, July 15, 1951. Notifica- Registration. tion of successful applicants that . Sunday, March 25 they have been appointed to the class will be carried Rampus Christian Fellowship Easter out as soon as Services, Balliooin. practicable after selection has been m AE Easter Breakfast, Cave. made. At the present time, a ruling ’ Chi Easter Fgg Hunt. of the Association of American ■SA Medical Easter lea, East and Main Colleges forbids notifica- tion of 12 ■ Lounges. students more than

‘ months to the date when stu- Canterbury Hub, 5 p.m., St. Luke’s prior ■ Church. dents will actually register in the Cuther 5 medical school." Club, p.m., Am. Lutheran E Church.

Hf.vman 6:30 Ammons Music Club, p.m., Kappa Kappa Psi, 4 p.m., HalL I Bldg ■hristian Science 7 A Choir, 5 Lect. Organization, Cappelia, I tm Mr. Bell, heard every word you said distinctly ■ P-m-. Green Room. Rm., Physics Bldg. Buaker Group Meeting, 7:15 p.m!, Omit ron Nu, 5 p.m.. Dining Room, I Columbine Room. Guggenheim. Ped. Monday, March 26 Ag Council, 5 p.m., Rm., Ag. ■lasses 75 YEARS OF TELEPHONE SERVICE Begin. Bldg. ■udent Engineering Council, 4 AWS Judiciary, 5 p.m., Ammons ■ Pm„ Rm. 100 M. E. Bldg, Hall. Ammons HalL ■nterfrateiniiy Council, 5 p.m.. East Speech Club, 7 p.m.. ■ Green Room. On the evening of March 10, 1876, The telephone is an indispensable Lounge. German Club. 7 p.m. BA Executive 5 Gold Tau 7 Gold the floor of tool of business and to- Council, p.m.. Alpha Alpha, p.m., on top a boarding house in government I Room. Room. Boston, the telephone carried its first day’s tremendous job of production rs ( 5 Old Main ■ lob, p.m., West Aggie Haylofters, 7 p.m., '*^ Lounge. sentence. and defense could not be carried ■ intelligible on Cappelia Choir, 5 p.m., Lect. Gym. 1 without it. It in minor Physics Rodeo Club, 7 Rm. 203, Ag. serves emer- Bldg. p.m.. It seemed like a miracle to our Debs, (>; 30 p.m. Bldg. gencies and great ones. It helps main- and 6:ao Rm. 227, grandparents great-grandparents. B'alicrs, p.m., Columbine Beta Beta Beta, 7:15 pan., tain and ties. And it ■ Koom. Yet the is of family community Ag. Bldg. today, telephone a part deans on and Club, 7:30 keeps right growing improving. ■ ' 6:30 m Gold Room. Science p.m., And that is the p. „ Poultry our everyday living. U ' rCs 6:45 303, Bo ; p.m.. West I.ounge. Rm. Ag. Bldg. real miracle —the fact that the tele- Never in the history of the tele- 28 a 7 Ballroom. Wednesday, March ■h ! ! p.m., ,18 has to mean so much to so has it been so valuable to so < 7 Room. phone come phone a.,*. p.m., Green Room. Spur, 5 p.m., Gold (,llib, Choir. 5 Lect. in so people as now. ■ 7:30 p.m., Rm. 126, A Cappelia pm- many people many ways. many right I forestry, Rm., Physics Bldg T,u s March 27 Lancers, 5 East Lounge. |anh ‘ day, p.m., I -Heine.. Gold Council, 12 noon, Am* Student Council. 7 pan- ■ mons Hall. Room. BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM d Glum. m Ammons HalL Club, 7 p.m., KVA P - Chemistry 14 [ P ut- Gold Room. Bldg. 8 MARCH 9. 1991 - COLLEGIAN Collegian Picks All Conference Squad Selection Represents Players From Every Cage Team in the Conference

Faced with the prospect of picking a five man team that would

ten that wouldn’t make everyone mad, or a man squad satisfy the many more, the COLLEGIAN sports staff decided on latter alternative.

We present the All-Conference team for the Skyline Confer-

ence for the 1950-51 season:




BILL GOSSETT C COLORADO A Sc M SR JOHN O’BOYLE G COLORADO A fk- M JR G UTAH UNIVERSITY PAUL SHRUM JR V ILL! AM c i I LADELL G UTAH STATE COLLEGE SR Colorado ANDERSON Aggi« Csotw, |>p DALE TOFT G DENVER UNIVERSITY JR HONORABLE MENTION: FORWARDS—Don Scotborn, Glen Ander- to be a two hand Glen jump shot fe son, Colorado A & M; Richey, BYU; Utah U.; Joe Duggins, has an annoying habit of Ron Johnson, John Griftin. DU. CENTERS—Kent Bates, Utah U.; (annoying to opposing tea© tW Miller, Utah Slate. Colorado ACM; John GUARDS—Cieorge Jan/en. is). In addition John unveiledi Fred Howell, Joe Hughes. DU; Moe Radovich, Wyoming U.; Jim hook siiot for the first time Utah U. thin* Cleverly, son, he didn't miss one he MOST VALUABLE PLAYER: MEL HUTCHINS. BYU emiff vaid. O is Boyle that new MOST PROMISING PLAYER: RICHEY. BYU a* JOE bination of a player who is a HARD LUCK PLAYER: GLEN ANDERSON, COLORADO A Sc M «* man and yet can and will stag COACH OF THE YEAR. SKYLINE CONFERENCE: vs hen with presented a wortinU BILL COLORADO STRANNIGAN, A k M shot. The play maker of the la The team that was selected Glen Utah forward finally in Smith, university, Aggie team years, would OBoyfe# represent the Skyline Con- hand shot is one set deadly. tainly deserves the honor beuotrf ference in any tournament or game him. Gets Hot upon could O’Boyle anywhere. They Ptul go up Shrum of Utah and At the on our Laid all in the guards mythical against any star team Anderson of INTRAMURALS Utah State art ten we have Paul opp* nation and win a of John O'Boyle, great majority ites in some but both Shrum, 1-idell Anderson and Dale respects n their by Roger Dyer games. Toft. great guards, both are exetfa The in this scoring punch group shots and both a


Activity on the conference courts is cage once more rapidly dis- as the appearing Skyline hoopsters write a finish to their 1950-51 hardwood performances. I hree teams, Brigham Young, Utah and Wyoming, still have games in but remaining post-season tournaments the other cagers have already hung up their equipment. Many will be back but the roll call of those who will not return contains the names of many outstanding stars: Mel Hutchins, Roland Minson and Jerry Romney of BYU; Oris Chamberlain of Wyoming; Glenn Duggins of Utah; LaDcll Anderson, Miller and John Bob Peterson ol Utah State; Ron Johnson and John Griffin of Denver; and Bill Gossett, Glendon Anderson, George Janzen, Vic Lind and Rink Williams of Colorado A & M. it is Although pretty early to pick next year’s conference champion, unforeseen Utah and barring occurences, Wyoming appear to be the teams to beat. Ihe Utes will have Glen Smith back to pace its attack with Kent along Bates, Jim Cleverly, Paul Schrum, Bruce Goodrich and Carlos Asay. Smith, who finished fourth among conference scorers, pitched in 39 points B\ U in the against Redskin’s upset win last weekend to tie Vince conference record. Next Boryla’s year Wyoming will boast the same which lineup finished second in the conference rac this sason. This includes Moe Radovich, Dick Haag, Morris Samuelson, John Hughes and Ed Varden. 1 also will hey have Bob Clements, Leroy Esau and Bob Burns back to bolster the squad. he I defending champions BYU will be greatly weakened by the loss of Hutchins and Minson, but they still have sensational sophomores Joe Hal Christensen and Richey, Boyd Jarinen to protect their crowm. Denver will have Dale Toft, Fred. Joe Hughes, Howell and Bob Knichrehm re- while turning, Utah State w'ill build its attack around conference scoring champion Bert Cook, Darrell Tucker and Tom Gobbie. Not much too is known about new Skyline members New Mexico and Montana who will enter fof the first Roland Minson league competition time next year, Bert Cook but are not make they expected to too big a splash their first season in the

conference swim. •

That us down the but this brings to Aggies, does not mean they M Cindermen To be Travel Denver can expected to the cellar next On the A& Invitational occupy year. contrary, they must be ranked a definite dark horse. Coach of the year, Bill Strannigan, The Colorado A& M track squad boards a bus this noon at 12:15 to to the 2nd will be his Gossett and § p.ra. go Annual losing scoring aces Anderson, but he came up Track Meet. with Invitational The meet this is expected to be twice what one of the best frosh teams in the confrence. and Don jßenyer year it was last year. John O’Boyle Scothorn the track from will both return to lead the into gHßides Aggies, men Colorado university, Denver university, Wyoming university, Aggies conference play, and will be such lettermen they joined by as Russ Rerucha, Heiko college, Colorado Mines, Greeley Teachers, Fort State of Kansas Kuhn, lylorado Hays Kansas, State, and Bob Sneath, \erl Nash and Clint A flock of led Mexico Draper. sophomores university are expected to participate in the meet. by Bill Howe Bob Betz, Dennis Stuhm, Dick Switzer and Serge Soko- Preliminaries under at 2 and the finals start at 8 As far lowski will fill ■ get way p.m. p.m. as the outcome goes, the gap left by departing seniors. like this with schools It is how many anyone's guess as to next years five will line will be hard in the of Aggie up. and of to top relay 50-yard dash—Wilhelm and Wess- plenty talent, Scothorn, Rerucha, Nash, Draper, Switzer and Sokolow will probably vie do eight laps with talent such as Wil- wick. points not run so for for the forward |He high positions and Steuhm and Sneath will battle it out for helm, Gates, and Mikkelson dash—Gates and individual team. Dodge, 440-yard Dodge. The under- the post position. O’Boyle, Kuhn, Howe and Betz will fill the guards. or Wesswick to strengthen us. Gor- 50-yard high hurdles and are lucky to get into the Dyer don Riddell will be counted ne on fry Kwolek. Hjr' y as they would in dual meets. of in his record One Wesswick. HR makes it a of plenty points spe- lap dash—Wilhelm, Paul battle the stars. J. Sheedy* Switched to Wildroot Cream-Oil cialty, the pole vault. 2 mile run—Moroney. Because He ■■Colorado university will be the The Aggie entry list stacks up 880-yard run—Scott. Flunked The Finger-Nail Ted contender for top honors like this: 50-yard low hurdles—no entry. BN Wl, ' i Kansas State. The Rams Mile run—Wellman. 8 lap relay—Gates, Wilhelm, Dodge and W'esswick.

Shot put- Griffin, Peate, and Ach- ziger. Pole vault—Riddell, Fiezieres. High jump—Dyer and Patton. Broad jump—Riddell.


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Excellent Food VERN’S

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Private Parties Solicited

POO* Paul waa fowl time because hie having a down was up. All the chicles made wise quacks about his upswept hairdo until his shellmate suggested he duck over to the drugstore. "Waddle 1 do?" he "Get Why Pay More! asked. Wildroot Cream-Oili” the druggist answered.“Non-alcoholic. Made with soothing lanolin. Records Playing hair Long Grooms your neatly and naturally without tliat plastered- down look. (33 R.P.M.) Removes ugly ducklings I mean ugly dandruff! off Helps pass the fingernail test!" Now he's engaged—he'e lovely 30% —he uses ponds—to swim ini (Isn’t he decoy one?) So water Free Complete Catalogue you waiting for? Get a tube or bottle of Wildroot Cream-Oil

and Price List Hair Tonic at toilet any drug or goods counter today. Ask your Write to: barber for professional applications. And tell all your webfooted Record Haven, Inc. friends it’s eggsactly whs t the ducktor ordered I

1 C) It WO*" (Dept. * of 327 Burroughs Dr., Snyder, N. Y. ..OROOt 520 West 18th Street OIL Wildroot J*** New York 19, N.Y. Company, Inc, Buffalo H, N. Y. Paul Shrum, Utah university, guard MARCH 9. 105! - COLLEGIAN 10 Ags Take Top Weights ’Pokes Win Conference Mat Crown; Rams 2nd Among Skyline Grapplers

The Colorado A & M college wrestlers dominated the upper

brackets as the University of Wyoming went on to win its second

consecutive conference wrestling crown. The points ran like this

—Wyoming—36, * Colorado A & M—32, Denver—3o, BYU—IO, “Hans” Utah State—6, and Utah—s, exactly the way Coach Wagner predicted it.

Denver and the Rams each with Don Reichert came through placed three firsts but the Pokes another fine performance in his

counted on place points strongly. successful season to win the con-

a in They got place every weight ference crown in the 177-lb. class the class. except 177-lb. by decisioning Colemann of Denver

in the finals. The Ram’s brilliant Geoige Jones

his arch rival Bob Then the little finally upset potent man among Mason of Wyoming when he met the heavies, Allison Binkley with all him in the championship match, his fury for 190-lb. showed the big-

the fourth in two meeting years, ger boys how to pit the superior and the first win for Mason Jones. brain and coordination against the Colorado ABc M’s conference champion swimming team is shown above. First row: Gene Cul IS was two times conference Robertson. Darden, Ehrenreich, Leon champion bulk and superior strength of his Jerry John Shull, John Emery. Second row: Dick Conner RumLj” ** in the 167-lb. class. Bill Evans, Carl Baily, Dick Benninghoven, Don Rapp, Jim HurTy, and Coach ! opponents. Roses to "Hans” and Tommy Tom[*im Photo News and Then in the next bracket, Ags, his wrestlers! by Radio sj ‘ Fortified With Canal Zone Swimmers, Ram Tankmen Win Conference Meet

The Colorado A & M swimming team wasted no time in adding the Skyline Conference Uorefcil * their 80 at collection, by amassing points Brigham City, Utah, last Monday and Tuesday ThetJ sters to six firsts and second splashed one in completely outclassing Utah university, who tctaul 63 Utah with 56 1 points, State, points, Wyoming university with 52, Denver university, with Montana State with 28. 1 “

Russ Lawrence, sensational canal zone continued his sophomore, along merry way as he vnij 100 yard and 220 yard freestyle*, and anchored the winning 400 yard A 8c M; Utah State; Denver; Utah; Utah; Holub. Wyoming: E

Time: _ In 56.6. - 123-pound; John Woodward, 130-pound; Duane Thompson, 137-pound; yard breaststroke*. winning the ] Tom 200, Evans finished the season un- Porter, 145-pound. Second row: Carl 154 Worley, pound; George yo yard freestyle: Harpole. Mont- Lou: A red coin purse in Old HriM defeated. In the 100. how- Don winning Jones, 165-pound; Reichert, 175-pound; and Allison Binkley, hcavy- ana; Ogden, Utah; Bailey. ABcM. auditorium the L«*i ever, he a distinc- during gained personal Time: —Photo Dunn 5:42.0. by tion. This marked the first time in Friday, March 2. Pleaie 150 a conference individual 3443-W. I championship that he yard medley: Nilssn, Ann Macfadcen or all had ever placed first in this event. Darden Wins

other first The was taken care of by Jerry Darden, the third of the Panama trio of "flying fish,” in the POUDRE VALLEY CREAMERY 50 yard Leestyle.

The only record set in the meet was in the newly instigated 1500 Products meter and by Wyoming's Holub. Complete Line of Grade A Dairy In this grind, Holub eclipsed the mark set by A 8c M's Carl Baily of 23:51.2, with a 23:37.8. who ® Bailey, W We*t of Pom Office PHONE had his mark set the meet before,

the divisional, second to placed ■ Holub at Brigham City.

The summary:

1500 meter freestyle: Holub, Wyom- ing; Bailey A 8e M; Harris D. U. Visit Our Redecorated and Enlarged Time: 23:37.8. (New conference Newly record) SEWING

50 yard freestyle: Darden, A 8c M; Advanced Courses in Tailoring Nillstn, Utah; Krough, Utah Sewing State. Time: 25.6.

200 back stroke: ; Station yard Gigler, Mont- Your National Gift Seal Redempt on ana; Behney, Wyoming. Dunn, Utah. Time: 2:34.6.

220 yard freestyle: Lawrence, ABcM; SEWING CENTER Harpole, Montana; Ogden, Utah. COLLINS Time: 2:27.5.

200 yard breastrok: Evans, A & M; “Did this I an ‘A’ outs» course? . . Did I get . a ‘B’? A get ... 'C7 Bjorn, Utah; Spencer, Utah State 149 NORTH COLLEGE

...A *D'? Flunked it huh.” . . . Time: 2:34.4.

400 yard freestyle relay: Colorado COLLEGIAN MARCH GYMNSTS ARE 9. 1051 11 GIRLS INTRA load throughout the season—Gene Nice going Sigma Phi Epsilon; SPORTS . . Dick Smith and FOURTH AT DU . McMurtry, C; Bob Thursday night the Sig Eps played and last but Bette his little Hainlen, G; not least AVMA for the champion- by Sauer club consisting of Joe Mar- campus Arlan Straub and Dale Dodrill, F. ron—C, Red Sheel and ship. A & M’s flying gym- Fred Gum- dorado do fourth hon- i F, and Ted Smith and took down place Meetings, meetings Joe meetings. loLiska—G afternoon in Den- I here should be Saturday are two very congratulat- Yast important ones ed their on fine record of nine wins meet, that AL'S & BUD'S NEWSSTAND first annual gymnastic today you should attend. In- 's and no losses. were terested in FORT -makers to officiate COLLINS, COLORADO rhr Aggie helping vol- I uesday night in a close, hard tied for fifth on the 177 North Avenue who leyball games during the tourna- College ,jer fought with the and who too*k ment? game SAEs, Sig Eps bars, Boyd, Would you like to a llel enter won the free fraternity division basket- at All Times: the rings. a throw Featuring h on flying tournament? The ball 37-34. It individual for the championship by meets outstanding meeting Fresh Tobacco and Phe girls interested in ended nine Cigars a game winningNstreak Hasse of Colorado univer- the Bill officiating .volleyball tourna- for of and Coach David Gates’ club. The Biggest Variety Magazines Newspapers in Town on the hori- ment r won firsts will be held at four p; asse o’clock. for starting lineup this team is not the bars, the Four Cigarette Lighters I'tal bars, parallel girts are needed to officiate always a because of the the each certainty took second on flying game. The free Taken for All ts , and throw meet- talent Subscriptions Magazines connected, but here are the is ing scheduled for five o’clock. men who carried the bulk of the were as follows: Both in fhe results meetings are Ammons and —1 Dunavan, Ne- freshmen ;ide Horse are urged to attend them! 2. Hornback, Colo- ,ska. 7 points. Volleyball makes its official Nebraska, 4. en- u 5 s. Yarworxl, trance into WAA Denver and Hill- Intramurals on Tie: Milnian, Tuesday, March 27. There Nebraska, 2.5. 6. Garnett, will n be two games played Tuesday and lorado State. 1. I hursday nights, but four Bars—l. Haase, Colo games Horizontal will be played on 2. Dunavan, Ne- Wednesday night. |0 7 points. All the games will be played in the 5 3 Tie between McMina- uka, Ammons gym, two of the and Colorado except n. Denver, Cooper, games scheduled on 2. 6. Wednesday 5. Tautz, Coloiado, which nights, will be played in Old ighes. Nebraska, 1. Main For the times gym. of games Bar—1. Haase, Colorado, Parallel and the schedule for the first week K)ints. 2. MtMinaman, Denver, 5. check the bulletin board in Am- 4. Dunavan, Nebraska, 4. Gough, mons. If you are not on a team lorado, 3. 5. Tie for fifth be and wish to in the Colorado and play tournament THEM Snider, A 8c M, ALL! ten for the sign Toss-Up team on the tier. Colorado, 1 .% bulletin board in Ammons. Flying Rings —1. Cooper, Colo- 2. Basketball |o, 7 points. Haase, Colorado, is on its last leg. Mon J. Crist. Denver, 4. 4. Tubbs, Ne- day night, the Inde Debs and Philip Morris challenges Uika. 3. 5. Boyd, Colorado A 8c M. kappa Delta's played the semi final 6. Dunavan, Nebraska, 1. game in the tournament. Inde- Debs other brand Mats—l. Haase, Colorado, 7 won a ciose one, 18 to 16. any leading 3. tats. 2. Villano, Colorado, 5. Have a fun vacation, and as the 4. I |bbs. Nebraska, 4. Epstein, Ne- old saying getes quote “Eat .drink, to suggest this test 3. 5. lie for fifth between and be for pka, merry, tomorrow we may msian. Colorado, and Dunavan, flunk!” unquote. braska, 1.5. -r HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF Teams Spur Applications RAm Cage Play SMOKERS, who tried this test, In YMCA Tournament Are Due 11 April report in signed statements that he Colorado A 8c M cagers by of last le a 68-65 overtime win Spur, the national honorary for PHILIP MORRIS IS DEFINITELY finished their rday out most sophomore women, needs freshmen essiul LESS I season in years, but it girls for members in 1951-52. Plans IRRITATING, DEFINITELY MILDER! is still aren’t to call drawn An they ready are being up now by HBjihi-. nette Roe, president, for the tea il'lu' Rani has been divided for all freshman squad on April 11 women. two teams which entered are The main purpose for the tea is to Btalthe Denver YMCA basketball with acquaint every present Spur * mirnt. The Js#i tournament all the freshmen women. BSted last Monday night. Wk Applications for Spur must be ■■ Aggir regular starting five, 13, 1951. Blanks for m made by April 4- Anderson, Bill Gossett, Don * ■jfifcn this will be in Ammons Hail soon John O’Boyle and George after the Spring quarter begins. EHzt-n. will (onibine wi*h jit A Rinky These blanks serve as a list of the Carl Gustafson, Aggie activities of each girl mak campus PHILIP MORRIS r ‘HD 1. . a 2. • brand m I and 1950, and Gene . Light up . Light up your present ing application. take INHALE— and the DON'T in ie freshman and all- Just a puff—DON'T Do exactly same thing— In order to be eligible to apply let the smoke come INHALE. Notice that that last of West s-l-o-w-l-y through bite, sting? prepster year have an accumulative a girl must nose. Easy, isn't it? And NOW... Quite a difference from PHILIP MORRIS I Ohs Chamberlain of Wy- Active your 2.5 grade average. participa mav also with this play team will count Other make claims-—but Morris invites tion in campus activities brands merely Philip you is the Pouilre sponsored by freshman woman’s eligi- toward a » compare, to judge, to decide for yourself. Creamery. bility for membership in Spur. All this test. We believe that too, will . 111 " Hotchkiss will coach the Try simple you, agree .. |B‘ activities and offices held during Ameiica’s FINEST "'"II. under the ban Philip Morris is, indeed, Cigarette! playing he listed on the the year should ap Kl' >l I- 1 Electric * I"ssell Company blank. ■ Btenver. plication On this squad will be Reriuha, Clint Draper, Bon r.''iv Shoe * Stone, Heiko Kuhn. "Everything for Better Marvin Lyons and Bob Repairing’ ■ j*lkovich, THE GOLDEN SLIPPER C "d ol NO CIGARETTE l'‘‘" ,n a runnel up aim hi will qualify tor the SHOE SHOP nal L\U in R° championships 127 West Mountain Ave. I^^B'nurnver ■ ' March 18-2-1. HANGOVER dance N()VV i.s the time to book the band for your

Next Quarter! means MORE SMOKING PLEASURE!


Reasonable Hate Finest Music at a CALL 1«»-W 120 South College Phonf MORRIS FOR PHILIP avoid DISAPPOINTMENT! BOOK TODAY! MARCH - COLLEGIAN 12 0. 1081 Strannigan Named UP Coach Of The Year For Conference

Bv Ed Nieder

In recognition of his outstanding coaching job this season at M„| Colorado A & M William M. has been named college, Strannigan h«*,, J . the Skyline Conference Coach of the Year by United Press. He ,h ' 'f*»J I guided the Rams to 13 wins out of 33 contests and a fifth place Sa '"" l finish in conterenee standings, the highest for A & M in three years. »y “sill!

K-inw* ? Strannigan, a former Wyoming ace and lost two to and AAU All-American, took, over games Wyoming Bill hook Hrl head of the in before Gossett began to R,,nK as Aggie cagers April ' H them in at a and take of 1950 after two at rapid clip up M,n D. I spending years - l some of the slack. They Loveland high school, where he gave scoring bounced Utah State and then u “"" ( that institution their best quintet a,,tn, iJ before in the school’s history. At Aggies dropped one to Wyoming J fans with the top he inherited a team which the pre- providing Aggie sports thrill of the year by spilling shot. if t vious year had won only seven out the Cowboys. of thirty games and had lost via powerful Wyoming The Rams their best game graduation some of its top players. played of the and broke a 12 Disregarding past performances, year year streak deter- Wyoming winning by whip- Strannigan pitched right in, |,!'"'"hv SinfeH the 62-38. What mined to come up with a winning ping Cowpokes much of his was perilaps even moie important team. He passed on the fact that he of the to Strannigan was vast store cage artistry to is a former of cow waddie players, alien suiting up and scrim- pupil mentor E\ Shelton and the victory maging with them so as to be better was the first ever scored over a able to show them how it's done. M Overtime With Shelton-coached team the Rams. Victory by Start A& Pioneers Winning Rams rally at seasons end After eight weeks of intensive Three more losses were inflicted Gives drill, the took the floor for Best Aggies Ags Season In Years on the the Many Rams following weekend their first tilt under the tutelage Utah them twice Colorado A& M’s the of the coach. chose when squeezed by gladiators of hardwoods, who the new Strannigan throughout season have altentt*fl and Denver took win. A Glendon Anderson, Bill Gossett, a single blown hot and cold, turned on the heat last in Denver Saturday night when they bowed out the lftl I disastrous road Utah and trip through 51 season in victorious fashion George Janzcn. John O'Boyle by taking a brilliant 68-65 overtime thriller from the Denver the PionemS : five saw Aggie defeat string stretch Don Scothorn for his starting the backboards and well-balanced Controlling presenting a attack, the Aggies were out to six as conference unbeatable and a com- champions they proved winning the extra session after lead BYU smashed the A & M they saw a 13 point vanish behind the hot shooting of Toft and bination as the Green and Gold cagers Companß twice and Utah State Big Dale caged 28 points for his best effort of the but Ron and dipped CSCE 67-38 and 60-46. garnered a season, Johnson John Griffin, vfcG one However, Stran- hit 18 and 12 then a two series point victory. points respectively, They split game the the a layup to clinch with from tin- floor 21 2i. but then rallied his basketeers were teammates to victory to Dnraßp with Colorado and an- nigan only give university one minute left. Toft hit on and the Rams Utah him assistance. Tire Rams a trip pumped m L'.t ol 55 charitv rhaagfl other series with Colorado belted State any on college to bonus lane to for the other account the u> the R.iuo' H out of 25. and Denver, the latter win hand spread out their Thimß| before starting on a Christmas marking final Denver three the in five the point. personals were 'noted a I the Northwest first for the Aggies years. scoring throughout lineup. jaunt through where I he outhit their \ Jfc M .uid L’t) B The coached five Aggies on Denver. > Dark set in for the Rams Strannigan trail- opponent they toppled Eastern .Washington days again ed at the as fell before Denver and BYU end of the and Gonzaga and lost to Idaho and they high-scoring twice. Nevertheless, the first half, 40-38, because of Gon/aga. The Ags drew the two Aggies largely the back and in the season prolic scoring of Toft, Griffin top teams in the conference, BYU again fought MATINEES and NOW and finale last Saturday, they cracked Johnson. They rallied, how- Wyoming in the Skyline tour SAT.-SUH. Denver in overtime duel. in the second hail and the and result finished sixth in an ever, at ney as a SHOWING WED.-THE. three minute mark took the lead the eight team bracket. 44-42 on a of free throws conference pair by They opened tbe sea- Rerucha. 1 hree field goals by Scot- son in an TEAM War Drums manner The Screams Throb auspicious by . .. Cry . .. The War horn and single buckets by Gossett Utah 48-46 for the first and a horde of red men ride to clouting Ag- ... howling vengeocf! of who A & M- and Rerucha the any you saw the upped Aggie mar- Utah to 8:13 State games can well testify. gin 54-45 with gone in the his half. Five later &*ovXM*tyt <&**s#*& Anderson was teams captain and minutes the Rams & had built one of the steadiest and most reli- up a 62-49 advantage. in: able in the men league. A never A& M Goes Gold ball hawk and floor tiring leader, I hen began what looked like the l-adell rates a of certainly place among beginning the end as the lid the conference’s best ten. slammed shut on the hoop, shut- The remaining Denver's off all \ !fc \| guard ting storing efforts, VAN HEFUN Dalt is in Toft, reality a center, but loft and lohiison sparked a Pion- w. YVONNE DeCARLO was voted to a guard be- eer which tiimined the position lally margin wiston rosTauqotfL he is cause too valuable to leave off to (>2 »K with 18:10 gone. Toft the Dale is a then one also squad completely. caged on a last break with team leader, his teams entire offense 30 seconds CAT remaining to lease the TOM it JERRY in “CASANOVA centers around him, and he Rams with gets his a slim 62 60 lead. The Pete Smiths - “SKY SKIERS’* share of the rebounds in of anybody's efforts the to stall out - Aggies the sry:-.t-"-- r. ball ■v~prjr, _ game. clotk vanished when Denver got the Hardest man to leave out of ball M a out oi bounds with 10 seconds COMING WEDNESDAY, MARCH guard was still position Wyoming’s remaining. Fred Howell River* k« lhtß passed FILMED AT CANON CITY not since “Red cheered ... and Moe in jeered Radovich, to Dan and the *rw Washerman, Hill- been a western! From Luke Short’s Saieveptnt • but the despite scoring threat he is sub set top himself and hit a 35 in a the game, stall fell hi was a foot shot push with one second left little too erratic Best! to go over of to knot THE OtO WIST at its any the count and send the Rugged the men chosen. game into an extra five minutes. Most promising sophomore was I he lough play of the first 10 dose bctyeen Christensen minutes Richey, of action had takeh its toll Bill Sikannigan ot BYU, Kent Bates of Utah and on both teams and Anderson, Gos- > of Joe Hughes Denver. sett and Richey got Jan/en were confined gie win over the Utes since 1946. to the of votes for his majority hust- the bench for After the second with Aggie excessive foul losing game ball ling, hawking and scoring. ing while Utah, hard luck struck the Griffin, Howell, Hughes squad. Coach of the Bill year Stranni- and Dick watched Glendon Anderson, who was lead- Gray the over- gan. won There wasn’t time going away. period horn tin- Denver bench. ing the conference scorers with a a dissenting vote as far as this honor Reserves took over how- 173 average, suffered a broken handily, was concerned. cvei, lor the Ranis ankle in the Rams’ losing contest as they never Most valuable was a hard player trailed in the extra with State and was forced out period. Vic Utah choice between Hutchins and Cos Lind connected on a r of action for a month of crucial charity toss sett, with Mel the for getting vote ami a set shot in the SALLY FOUST conference second minute w play. his better slightly rebounding. <>l play lo send the # Rams out in Mr Face Rebuilding Those participating in the'voting flout 65 62. 1 Johnson countered with counts and his were Ed Strannigan hoopsters were Nieder, Roger Dyer, Lefty a layup with 2:28 elapsed, but Verl then forced the difficult Brown, Bette Sauer, A1 to begin McNamee, Nash in V dropped a and Also Cartoon—THlS IS A MERIC task of playing without their scoring Bert Gilbert and lack Snyder. Sneath broke loose underneath for COLLEGIAN - MARCH Ely and Shoemaker 9, 1951 13 Honored at Banquet Lory Hall Girls Have New Governing Plan Both Picked on Basis Leaders To Of Junior increase the efficiency of dorm activities at Lory Hall a new is devised w» 4-H club members governing plan being to The Colorado annual begin operation at the first of next Iff honored at an recog- quarter. The dorm is Match 6, at the Shir- government iffinn haiuj'.it't now divided into three hotel, held in conjunc- wing units, Iff Savoy the officers which were to be elected n. the witii Stated’'Agricultural this week, too late for results to be If S nring committee meeting. published. The candidates were: IK'he two tire Maryclaine Ely, North Wing—Mae DeVere, chair- gl. and Floyd Shoemaker, „ Gary; Ellen Me- C.G. man, Shirley Rowley, iff of Littleton. According to Donell, Joan Ouderkirk, recorder. club leader foi thfr IKvcr, state 4-H Center Wing; Marjorie Abrams, A Sc M Extension Ser- Joan McDonald, and Ramona Estey, 1* |,e event is staged to honor Pictured above is the t Colorado A ft Lois M band which will leave March 16 for chairman, Burnett and Billie its annual Spring tour. ifff) Senior leaders as selected by a Wheeler, recorder. South Wing; oilier outstanding mem Hffnnuttcc. Jean Muir and Janice Smith, chair- and adult 4-H dub leaders. Wty,< Colorado A Miller & M Band Will man, Corcycne and Mary is at Colorado Begin Annual Spring Tour a ■ ■Miss Ely junior Ann Fuss, recorder. M is 20 years old, and com lete M name v and all and organized groups Junta an evening concert at which is furnished the The next in the re- by Aggie nesseslately. as Ira tern i step making ties, independent Trinidad. Tuesday, the band will of this institution official Band. of the health service ■ cfcbs and vnorities naming Miss Maxon may enter two play at Del Norte in the afternoon will be the of the also wishes to inform students that in each approval pro- event except de- and at Monte Vista in the evening. Three prints of the film have "here posed bill by a competent Senate due to the overcrowded conditions H'c a maximum of four The final of the will been made. done concerts tour Editing was by Committee. Then it will be at the no visitors will be nh two given infirmary, - negative and two affirm- be the Sar- presented Wednesday at movie in he three in the a professional studio allowed until further notice. ■•'e. he customary readings may - entered. gent Consolidated school and at the .senate. State Senators Ted Denver. ■HinduidiiaU not Herring, affiliated with an Center school. Larimer, and Miller, Weld, are re- gioup may enter events “Green and Gold” can be shown for this which will S I their choice. No sponsible change, individual in the when to any group on campus, allow eliminate some of the confusion re- CAMPUS BARBER SHOP gioups will be entered in maining from the Tri-Delts to Award available. A projector and oper- than two of the four change. events. 5 BARBERS When the Senate has approved Girl ator will be furnished without Iff'‘ following groups of students Scholarship to the hill and ratified it, as expected, time of the film HP ineligible to participate in charge. Running 647 South College it will to Governor Thornton Attention Each tournament. go Aggie girls! year is about? 0 minutes. They are: the WB[ ratification. As he the Delta Delta C.luti for final soon as (Deltjft sorority members, members of the bill it will become law, awards a deserv- ■ K,i|i|j,i Ddia signs scholarship to a ■ and any one who and Colorado A & M will be the If are panic ing girl. you interested, ■»' ip.ittd m any intercollegi- ins'itution contact Miss her dehate only name by which uu' please Symms at ARTISTIC BEAUTY SALON or speech eon test. Bjß office will be known. as soon as possible. SPECIAL FOR EASTER PERMANENTS All Work Guaranteed Laurel Phone 116 114 West COLLEGE CLEANERS Remington Electric Razors Expert Alterations

at 116 West Laurel Phone 1144 First HOFFMAN ■fi Presbyterian jewelry store VOGUE BOOTERY Church East Him Mountain Crosby Square for South College and Myrtle Phoue 552-W Connie and Jacqueline for Her ¥ Marcus Grether, Minister 129 So. College Phone 119 Mrs. Mary Baker, Student Advisor

Come in to the “Life is too short not to make it great.”—Disraeli EVERYTHING IN JEWELRY CITY DRUG SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1951 9:45 a.m. Student Class on Religion and Life Problems, Mrs. FINE WATCH REPAIRING "Your Friendly Family Store” Baker, Teacher. Complete Line finest Elgin 11:00 a.m. "FIRE UPON THE EARTH." Drugs Sundries of Hamilton 5:00 Age Westminster Fellowship—Supper, Fountain p.m. College Worship, and Miss Patricia Peacock will be Diamonds Buiova Program. our Filled and will tell of her visit the Passion Prescriptions speaker us to Play in show 1,8 Germany last summer, and will pictures of N. Phone 1240 139 North College College S&H Green Stamps her tour. 14 MARCH ». tOBt COL.L.E6IAN STUDENTS! THEATRE ONE TRYOUTS Pre-Tour Concert EXAMINATION SCHEDULE ARE SCHEDULED FOR NEXT QUARTER Given By Band Second This Sunday, March 11, the Colo- Quarter 1950-51 Theatre Tryouts for the next play to be presented by One, rado A & M band will give a pre- MONDAY, MARCH 12 concert at the be to tour Junior High 8-ID—All bavin* first session of Fort Collins’ new play producing will open all Aggie week at 10 group, o'dock u w The concert wiil start ID-12—Ali dunes bavlnv im session of week, W auditorium. at 10 oSi t,' - • I 1- 3—Ail dunes having first session U or students. This was announced the Richard Kohler of week at ZZZi £ ' by co-producers at 3:00 and will be free to the 1 5- s—Ail daises having fim of W session week at { 1 o ‘ i? T °*^ and Jack Curfman, who thank everyone for the support and co- public. TUESDAY, MARCH IS The is as follows: program 8-10—All having fim teadon of first of week at 9o’ l, operation given to their presentation of “Harvey” the . the Rock 10-12—All daises having fim of 'V Built on —Chorale. session week at 9 ' w 1 o'dSkdo<*tT ’ 1- s—All C 1. C 9.C II.C 12, C 15. this year. The next show will go on stage sometime in May. Death and Transfiguration— CSfidasscs 3- s—All daises having fim session of week at 4 o’clock U T w Finale. ‘ The name of the next and in the will be WEDNESDAY. MARCH 14 play evening and spread Aubade from the "Le- Opera 8 10—All daises having fim session of week at 8 o’clock° u the date for will be an- u, over a five to six-week schedule. Roi Tenor Edw. 10 12—All d fim 3 1 tryouts dys.” soloist, having session week at 8 1- S—All d having first sewion of week nounced soon. The two men, D. Anderson. at 5 o deck MV* young . been 3 s—All d having fim session of ' The has organized as week at 3 o'clock group What Beautiful r orTh who arc former Aggies, emphasized Oh, a City— theatre. THURSDAY, MARCH a non-professional Any pro- 13 Negro spiritual. Morris 8 10—All daises that the will be to hawteg seulon of week at 11 tryouts open §**» o'clock m w fits are returned to the theatre for Finale No. 5 10-12—All d fim session ,h to Symphony havtag of week at 11 od£k and T students, members, 1- 3—All having fim session of week faculty at 2 future so that Shostakovitch o dock M w- productions persons 3- 3—All fim session *. having of week at There are no 2 o'clock T townspeople. require- El Relicario. oTi£ here can continue to act in Theatre ments except a genuine interest. Easter with the STELLA MORRIS, One shows and attend them. Pennsylvania All those interested may leave their Moravians. The staff includes Mr. Kohler, De Road names and phone-number at the of- Glory Negro spiri- who will devote full time to being tual. Morris Beachy, soloist. fice of die Student Union. Try- the Theatre’s director and manager; The Debutante Cornet solo. RUDY'S outs will be held the first week of SERVICENTER Mr. Curfman, who is in charge of Jack Sluss, soloist. the next quarter. The group has no Frank of Rio South staging- Carpenter, lighting; Rhythms Across from Aggie Gym, audition fees or dues. Chet Dewey, business manager, American Rhapsody. and Miss PHONE MS Wyvonna McClelland, Joshua, Dale Wolfer con- RUDY A. all rehearsals will be held JUn Nearly production secretary. ducting. THE STRAIGHT FACTS ON CIGARETTES





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