NO COAL AVÁIUBLE! FARM LOAN BOARD ADAMSON LAW TO WILSON BELIEVES KENTUCKIANS MEDIATORS HAVE RESOURCES IN EL PASO; WOOD; NAMES TEXAS AS BE DISCUSSED AT PEACE PROPOSAL RETURN FIRE BEING SUBSTITUTED ONE DISTRICT RAILWAY MEETING WILL RESULT OF MORE THAN IDE 15 Practically All Dealers in City Re IN SYSTEM Managers and Employes to Seek IN GOOD port Then- - Supply Is Entire- Agreement on Operation of OF MEXICANS ly Depleted. Act, If Constitutional Remarkable Advance in. Business Lone Star State Not to Be Com- Despite Wide Golf Between Cen- Manager May Leave Disputed Points to U. S. Financial Institu- Hawks of Southwestern bined With Any Other in tral Powers and Entente Allies of Commercial Shipments Decision of Commission Ap- il Orders Conference, Hope ACROSS RIO tions Shown in Statement' of Given Preference. Application of New Financial pointed by President. on Plan for Comptroller of Currency, Just Scheme ; Houston Secures Entertained That End of War Although them was not a pound or coal Location. Ry Assocted May Come Soon. Given to Public itc. H- - or available rnr the retail trade In El Paso New York. Her. llepresenutii c the natloual ronrerencr enmmlttee of rail yesterday It Is not llanly anyone in the ways and the four brotherhoods or railroad German Regards in Two Years Declared city will urfer from wealher, no mat- Directors to Be Named Soon. BBkjlWres "in resume Weir meetltigi here Ambassador GRANDE to Be ter how severe It become, several or the When Institution Will Be tomorrow fur the announced purpose or ar- Note of His Government as Over $ local roil dealers declared tbey had large riving at sonic agreement as to the ap- and One Billion in Excess of supplies or fire wood on hand and that Ready for Business; New Mex- plication ,,i in,. .Ydamsnn laxx- - in lhe rrvrnt Constitutine; Acceptance of this wood could bo used. If necessary. In It Is held P. be constitutional by the Sited Combined Means of Europe's any furnace that ordinarily burns coal. ico in Ninth and Arizona in SUtrs supreme court. Thn meet'ngs had Every Suggestion in Message T Conflicting Accounts of Midnight Money Exchanges. Several or the coal dealers declared they Jurisdiction of California. been adjourned to await the handing clown Sent Europe by United States Prominent hail no coal or any kind In the r bins, or lhe award in the rase of the swttrjhnyril's Fusillade Which Awakened other- - said they bad a little anthracite but arbitration which. It was expected, might some rrrahtUsi MUDDLE By Associated Press. as anthracite can not be used except in a Special to tho Morning nun - have Irearlng on the Inn r Ry Associated Press. Sleeping City; Regular Army pratstlon ot th,. Adsjtyon get. The ran Washington, Dec. S7. Resources of na- particular type of stove or furnace whirl Washington. Dec. 7. Designation or Washington, Dec. W. In spite of the or comp- Is not common In these parts, It was of road manaseis held a preliminary meeting wide guir between lhe Insistence or the cen Officers Believe Shooting Was tional banks tlie United states, Texas as one In tlie loan troller Williams announced tonight, hate UUIe value, m relieving the coal ramine. district federal today. Hal powers ror an Itiiinedlatn peace ennrer All on This Side. increased more than tl.rym .ooo.noo during One or two or the dealers said they had a including any other stale To Fight Arbitration. ence and the forecast ,,r unanimous re tin last two years and now aggregate little coal lert but they were holding It ror therein was exlromely gratifying to all II xx as intimated In railroad circles In rusal by the entente allies i. enter sitrh a President Assures Secretary Lana, their regular CUSMUSTS. The average, among things eotirereiire without knnvunir exceeding by about si small I. 'Mm- - in Washington. It Is their beller night that oilier which would rierinany' Zaptain of- Company Involved tin (nial resources of the hank or Kmrland. buyer or eosl could not obtain a scuttlnful be considered was an ngteeiiiont RTni In advance, tin- Aiuerlcan govern Colleagues Will Follow will make possible ap- that and He the Bank of France, the Bank of Russia, the nd was obliged to purchase wood that this a speedier would bring the two Torces together n tnenl henares that the negotiations In prog- Reports Seeing Flashes of Mex- plication - Re- Herman llclrhbank, Uie Rank or Italy, the Tlie dealers offered wood at so and 110 of the new financial system In the concerted errort to right the president's ress are resulting In good. It wa- aid Their Recommendations Bank or Spain, the Bank of the Netherlands, a load, the load to contain approximately a stale owing to her limnestead and other land proiHised compulsory arbitration legisla- unit authority iouig-ti- l that until the doorj ican Rifles and Citizens Tell of to peace ny one gardless of Whether or Not the Bank or Denmark, the Swiss National cord. It la cut to suit the purchaser at laws than would have been possible other- tion. The railroads, however, are not al actually is closed side or Hearing Whistle of Bullets bank and the Imperial bank or Japan com that price. Tbe wood is mosquil, together opposed to tlie principie com- the other. President wii-o- n mi roNtinu Carranza orrsred wise.. The selection or Houston as lo- ir Approves Protocol. blned. oak and pmon and one or the said the pulsory arbitration. It ass Indicated, pro- to hope that any discussion of the subject dealers cation for bank or dis- Near Their Homes. that a lio load of wood would go the central the tenth viding a suitable plan ran be evolved look III tend n hasten the end or the xvr. Eighteen Per Cent Increase. this about trict brought no adverse Those as far in a furnace as a ton of cea!. criticism. ing toward the selertlon or the arbitrators, Von Bemstorrr Mntemenl. Relief Grows That Administra' In a statement based upon returns from who havs been working In the interest of oth sides wore reported confident to Count von Bernstorfr. the Herman ambas Many Kl were avxakcurd shortly the bank call, November I?, the comp- the Texas cities applying rnr the bank Pasoins last i.l At. n l I III H.ll l AGENT ORDERS other night that a mutual understanding will be sador, returning unexpectedly tonight rrom tion Is Becoming Convinced arter iiiidiilirlit by heavy rifle firing which troller calls attention to the tact that the declared that ir their city was not to be the reached as to the practical New York. anltlorUed thn Associated Press COAL SHIPMENTS lilVKN one mtenireutlmi Mini red between Mexicans and a patrol of Increase lias been at the rate of approxi- chosen they were glad it went to or the AdauuMJti act, which. It t pointed to make the following sUtement: That United States Is Respon- 87. or Kentucky guardsmen near Hart's mill, north mately is per rent a year during the past Phoenix. Am.. Dec. The coal short Houston. The board directors ror the out. specifies tlie hours of labor but does "I regard lhe note or my governrae"t a or s, 6 age the. sible and Must Dominate Even the union station, at 12:30 o'clock. More two vení as compared with per cent a In mining districts of Artxona has Texas bank will be announced within tbe not make provision for the enforcement or constituting an acceptance of every inlng than 300 flint were tired, principally by year for the period from 1904 to become so acute and the demands made next ten days. continuation or rnrtaln privileges and rates by President Wilson In his note If Force Is Required. upon the by com- the k'entucklans, rollowinr a fusillade of !M, and that the total resources are at railroads the corporation Dallas Has Reserve Rank. or compensation which the men now en- to the belligerent nations of Europe. so C. shot by Mexicans who are Mid to have present more than double what they were mission insistent, that W. Barnes, Dallas was eliminated largely by reason joy, and which they believe are threatened Crrmany Ready to Declnre Term- - ten years ago. general freight agent of the El Paso attempted to cross the Rio Grande. No and or having the redora! reserve bank. Port with extinction by the A dun son act. It was made clear at the embassy that Declaration in Favor of Interven casualties are reported, although several Condition of Strength. Southwestern railroad, today Issued an or- worth and Dallas competed so keenly that liertnany sunds ready to make known her all commercial coal shipments shall Would Elimínale bullets are said to have embedded them- compilation re der that it resulted In eliminating the former. than terms on tho first nay of any conference tion in Event Viola- "The Just completed of be given right or way over mer- make annaratc appeals to the of Further selves In houses In the western end of Sun- comp- the other Superior Ranking i acuities wis. to many that may be held, and nfriclala expressed turns for the last bank call," the chandise and that none or the coal shall courts deride the points shat tion set Heights. con- Austin and San Antonio were not seriously could be themselves as being of American or Foreign troller's statement reads, "discloses a be confiscated own brought to issue In tills regard. greatly surprised at the sihoollnn Awakens City. by the railroad lor lu considered and the contest finally narrowed was lew prevailing to some quarters here dition of strength, progresa and growth be- use. reported that both sirte, after that Rights May Be Outcome of Tito shooting was heard throughout the yond all precedent. Resources of national to Waco and Houston. The superior bank-lu- agreeing on aa many points as possible. thn Berlin government hart railed to meet The city, and brought hundreds of telephone banks On the date of the last call are (corporation commission kept the and railroad racllltles or the latter won. would consent to bring their dtrretenrns tlie president's suggestions by not anttlng First Chief's Stubbornness. liitiulrles to the police station and the El greater than the resources of all reporting wires busy today asking help rrom the for rtnal adjudication to the floethal's com down in uux reply the terms upon which It New commission, de- Paso Morning Times from persons anxious banks, Mexico corporation H III Ml, ill. TWELVE FEDERAL mission, appointed by to ob- is wining vo mane, peace. The nerman dip state savings banks, private banks the president Special to loam the nature of toe trouble. Many and loan and trust companies throughout manding that the racimada let the coal LOAN BANKS WILL BE LOCATED. serve the oped atiou of the Adainson net, iomau say President Wilson bud no hiten to the Morning Timns. in- Washington, conflicting reports of the shooting were the united sunn at the time of the inauru shipments through without delay and By Associated Press. represenutlve f Filaba, chairman lion or drawing a public declaration con Dee. W.Thls government's received, accepted ver Douglas and Blsbee next step In the but the generally the reserve system about forming that the fuel Washington, ?. nmalia, Meb., Berks-ley- , or tbe conference, tlie statement, crming terms from the powers, on Metiesn situation, graiitcil upon ration of federal Dec stithotlzed central slon Is that the guardsmen were fired two years ago. It Is also noteworthy that ramine will be broken within a day or two. Csl.; Spokane, Wash.; Springfield. hoxve-ve- that usdor no circumstance will te contrary, they think the president's that both the Amerlrm ami Merieaji com mlsslonars In and naurned the fire. The same detarl the resource of our naltonni banks at this Mass Ha III mora. Md.; Columbia, 8. C; tbe railroads seek to vitiate the Adainson suggistlon "that an early orraalon be sought remain obdurab their deter Company L, Third Kentucky Infantry MANAGER HAWKS ORDERS COMMERCIAL initiation not to agree, will inent time exceed by asm ,000,000 the total re l.oulavllle, ky.; New Orleans, La.; Louis, aci d.v any other means than those alnxadv can out rrom all tho nations now i be outlined by was upon morning I St l.ane, Dr. fired early Christmas all the banking SHIPMENTS GIVEN I'lll III Mo.; HI. Paul, Minn.; WlobiU, adopted. They are prepared, he said to war such an avowal of their resneetlv Secretary Mott and Judre arty, gun sources of reporting iusll kan., and who will meet and returned the fire with a machine tuttons. in the lotted States, Including state Douglas, Arlx., Dec. Telegraphic ar Houston, Texas, have been chosen aa loca carry Into effertrtlie spirit and letter of thn vlaws as to tlie terms iirWh which the war within a week to deter army tin- It. negular officers who were near banks, savings banks, loan and trust coin peals sent today by the Douglas Chamber tions ror twelve redera! farm loan banks. law should It be held constitutional and to might be concluded." has been fully met mine scene of the slioollng declare the shootln or mis end, In seeking President Wilson has lert the Mexican panles, and national banks as well, as late Commerce and mines to the inters uie Rank log in accordance with recommend W 'ermany an Immediate eon was all on the American side of the river commerce Districts. or I lie ferenro with problem entirely In the hands of these three as the year loot." commission In Washington, Tbe twelve dlstrleU In which the country lions ooelBSJ's conim'sslon. nee her enemies Mexican Vire f irst and cautions have been to ssregarn i.eriiiaii Pslley Id Reply. Geographical lacrease. C. the corporation commissions of It divided was announced loan the extra they agreement1 captain K. W. Clark, in commaad Arizona and New Mexico by the farm remuneration of dating The nennan policy upon which the reply reach an with Carranxa or the asking "In the board today as follows: the worker from not, Company L, which patrols the river bank The greatest percentage of increase, name of humanity" that steps taken to January i, until the decision or the, to President Wilson's communication he will shape tils future rioUey accord r be District No. 1 Maine, New 'Hampshire ii7, wis ing Ui rrom the viaduct to the union station, say comptroller sutes, during the alleviate coal In United Hutes supreme Is based i outlined as follows.- their recommendations. system the shortage southeastern Vermont, Massachusetts. Hhode Island, court handed the first shots wore fired at a detsrhmei period In which the federal reserve Arizona, elicited following Con ROWS. Oermsny reels that tbe conference sug- labrera la Washington Today. the telegraphic New York and New which was In command of Lieutenant Hale has been In operation was In the western reply the nertlcut. Jersey. gested nrst houid be composed or dele- ,'arranxk's final rejection of the American from Arlxona corporation com No. S Taos In At lends ee. The lieutenant and his men were proceed states, (leo graphically, the increase was as District Pennsylvania, Delaware, gate rrom the protocol which was .,,w-t.- m mission: The brotherhood leaders expected at to- belligerent rnuntri. whose vre a lat lug up the river and had reached the cana follows Maryland, VlrglQU, West Virginia and Dis duty It vfúuJd be ter rrom Luis Cabrera, Have bad up the El Paso and morrows conference are William U. to settle on Urm. ir chairman of tan gate near the dam at the viaduct, when one "New England. per cent; eastern sutes, with trict of Columbia. Lee, tbeae are Mexican commission, tonight, and atiU Fe since president of the of terras agreed upon, representa railed to ar- of bis men struck a match. Instantly from 39 per rent: southern sutes, sil per cent; southwestern railroads District No. S North Carolina, South Caro brotherhood Railroad Uves or Ibe rive, can yesterday, matter or Immediate Trainmen; W. 8. Htone, grand chief of neutrals should be called In to lustrad word that Mr. Cabrera the Mexican end of the dam ame two shots middle western states, 31 per cent; western the reller lina. Georgia and Florida tho participate In or would rome to Washington or thn coal ramine In Blsbee and Dougiss. itroiaernooa or l.ocomllve Engineers; W. 9. consideration the question tomorrow si followed a slight pause by another sutea, SO pur cent; Pacific sutes, 33 per District No. 4 Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky or guarantees gire Mr. am- after General .Manager G. F. Hawks or thn South- Carter, president of the Brotlierbood or ror thn roturo, In which the first chiefs message in sltigle shot. The detachment returned the ent." and Tennessee. are aa vitally person. That the message will clone western system Issued telegraphic Instruc- Locomotive Pin man and Knglnemao. and neutrals concerned as the li e, lying down and pumping magazine period," the statement says, "the District No. 5 Alabama, Mississippi and 0r-nil- to Dirther "In this tions this all commercial coal l.dward L. sheppard, acting These guarantee. In the door discussion unless the the approximate spot from whencenthe shots New Knrland and eastern sutes Increased a morning that Louisiana. president or vlnw, American shipments should be given the preference tbe Order or Hallway Conductors. neceaaarlly would have to do commissioners back down from were fired., while me soutn ana District No. 6 Illinois. Missouri and Ar with or Amer.-ca- total of over all other trame and be ts doing bis the freedom the sens, limited thatr ultimatum. Is bnllevedl both in Captain Clark heard the firing and hur west, including the far west, increased ksnsss. formation of a league of and Mexican quarters ' utmost to the Buffering. He world tied to the scene every available man W,OM.0O0,0O0. alienate has District No. 7 Michigan, Wisconsin, nations to peace American with also ordered no confiscations per Death List in enforce and the establish fioauUsaloaern IMsplnssmf. or company. that be MiunesoU and North Uakou. Tornado in nut or The Amen ran the t.reater Increase In West. mitted on bis line. We are again tele an Intel naUoual court or arbitra rxmmtsilooer, according Sees Mashes I ruin Mexicans' Guns. Between September and .November 17 District No. s Iowa, Nebraska. South Da tion. to private information here, will leave the see the li graphing the SanU Fe officials and will In Wyoming. Which Swept Arkansas "1 could plainly the flashes of (last two bank call dates; resources of the sist that they any kou and Nu train Not Internetnd la Tsrruary. Joint commission with decidedly unfavor- guns on the of the river," said refrain from further District No. Oklahoma, Ksnsss, able impression of dsn gov- otlier side national banks of New England and eastern conflsi We have a rrom Colora linrmnny is said to consider thai the nnu prusuil Mexican captain Clark, Mexicans seemed to itlons. telegram do and New Mexico. Remains at Twelve Tlds impression, Is "ibe suiea increased $114,000,000. Toe Increase the Now Mexico corporation commission tral nation can havs no Interest In term ernment it thought, u be all along the river front di District No. 10 Texas. By Associated Prest. due partly to being en- scattered In resources ror the west and south ror the assuring us of their aid and relating to territory their exasperation si rectly In rrout of my men and they were District No. 11 California, Little Rock, Ark., bee. ST. Ttol death able to gnlda tbe Mexicans along way same period was M4,(BO.0O0. The percent surrenng here today in the poorer sec Nevada, cub list While there were no official advices uDon lbs i freely. Several cltlaens have tola in tlie storm which swept cen- tbiy ought to go to ring age or increase In the New England sutes tions or the city were as and Arlxona. over south me auujcci, tin: view still persisted In Oer and partly the reports since the tiring ceased litey beard described acute, D tral Arkansas of Villa's growing me that was 3.36; eastern sutes, 6.84; southern as s or the rue! Uiricl No. is Washington, Oregon, yesterday afternoon remained man quarter tonight that the note or Uie strength. bullets over their residences, the result shortage. at I tonight, reports Injuries con Ose t'eanmlanloftrr anMinsst, jiihiattliig suits. 15.98; middle western states, 5.71; Montana and Idaho. but of vnli til powers unahi be billowed. bv some tslin holieflPnavInt come from the Mexican side. li.1t, and pacific sutes, 7.87 Needs Considered tinued, to arrive, it la probable that M or nigiuy oonriuuuunl oral or written com One or the commissioners, at least, has too strong and the western sutes. , our fire seemed to be The average increase over the whole coun Commercial Travelers "In determining the federd land loon more persons were Injured. iiiunuaUon U) President Wilson, lu which developed Into an out and out tnterrentlon-1st- up the river I Mexicans gradually withdrew try was 7.69 per cent. bank districts and in designating lbs clues Property loss amount to many hurt least broad tentativa terms might be It asserted tn Informed quarters. having come rrom the ! instead, the bullets The principal changes between September Get Reduced Rates on within such district where redera! land dred thousands or dollars, according to es- staled. In this connection, orriclaU noted He believes that It essential that the Mexican side. timates today. Among the 'tilled Stales, being responsible and Naveniber 17 show an Increase of banks shall be located," the official an- Injured are five wiui internal Berlin proa dispatches lay Mexicans Withdraw. persons, Monroe Mexico's gl,,ooo in resource and an or Night Social Messages nouncement says, "the federal farm loan renldenu of cola who were ing Uint Ambassador uerard. who as a re- doctrine for fire seemed to be too strong and increase by lightning Mexico, with "Our tl,1M,0OU,0U0 in the total board ha given careful consideration to stunned shocks. All or the sult of his recent visit to thn United Ststsa. should dominate or without the Mexicans gradually withdrew up deposiu, bringing consent or government. the deposits or national banks up to Special bi tlie Wonting the farm loan needs of the country. The stricken districts hive been reached and Is thoroughly familiar with the view, of the Mexican As malead or toward Juarez. We could sis limes. reller work is In ha to be dominated, ntei 000,000; an Increase or S4,00u,ooo in loans Houston, Taxes, Dec. 71. The board held public hearings In nearly every I'ftff- President Wilson, had taken lunch with Csrranss refused the them in their retreat by the rlasbes successful only alternative in to charge or the att- - trace and an of 137.000,000 culmination or negotiations com- late In tbe union. Alired Z Ho merman, Ui German foreign ukn or rifles. Throughout the day xve and dlscounU, increase between a usttnn by Torre. ' their In 'Every reasonable been mmiater, and probably the peace been watching the Mexican soldiers reserves, bringing the total reserves held mittee representing the United Commercial opportunity ha McKay May Resign as discussed have up to m the highest on and the srrorded applicant cities to aituauon with him. along bank to and from .mflOOflua. record Travelers Southwestern Telephone furnish evidence I nass the river company ror to support claim as to SnoceUfy ana refused to say fnnlghi They have some or camp or by 1185,000,000. the restoration or reduced their locations or Secretary State Juarez. sort ror land banks. More of what tbe commlsaionen wonid rnconansnd up the near smelter and oc- rates night service was announced by federal than H cities to fori river .the William J. Ran, or applied to be designated a the Funslon Move First to President Wilson s proper policy ror casionally they drag an old field piece up grand counsellor the headquarter Special to the Morning Times. uua government in the "uto Campbell Maizes Gain of organisation, tonight. General or a bank and were through ra. r whssnar here Mana beard Austin. Texas, Dec. 7. On any deviation rrom thn past potl etos there." ger Farnsworth of the telephone, company committees and individuals.'' account of th Minnesota Infantry to would While the firing was at II height one of absence Uie city or Oovernor gargu-ao- b I believed 27 in Count of Volet in announced a special social rrom Ts Opened from auggestrd. It thai lea fares the Kentucky officers sent In a hurry can rale t:D Is Seo. and Secretary or Bute John O. MrKiy. Camp men have not themselves rear tied a o clock p in until A o'clock a. m. at a re The bank will be soon Wilson at Once for a run, but the Mexicans bad established as both being in Temple. rumor Secre- agreement on this Arizona Governor Contest duction or at to 40 possible. Under Isw that xvithdrawu from the right before it could from per cent, ef a thn each will have tary McKay has resigned, Unless, bowsing, fective January I. a capital or 170,000. Application or will tender his By A mo elated press. be brought into action. Tas concession to the lor loans resignation, could nut be confirmed. Por U evolved to Mae Iba placa or wsejiful commercial means a sav- nave bean nan Antonio, Texas, Dec. --Major Gen The following story or the firing was told By Associated Pre. cuitan travelers pouring into the board in great some time waiting. Hi Ova ing of or rumajs have circulated that the sral rrsdertek Kunslon anuouocad tonight wort of eenrnrHirion wilt "I was indoors Phoenix. Dec. 7 An analysis or tbe thousands dollars to the cosv volume recently and It U estimated thai Mc- I tiv another witness. An.. governor contemplated appointing t(r. la been wholly vain, i nannraed. pre- mrrelal of Texas. aum mor than anna or that would bring lhe Mluocsou lu hare 8 tween the Kentucky outpost, when I beard ballot inspection now proceeding a a Interests twenty in excess Kay sa manager of bis vsrtou and Pint Primarily, the wss formed tn H. Speed was chairman of the special thn combined csplUI farm fan try from Llano Grsndn to Camp wilaou. cmuni.iiou several shots fired rlQH by. I ran from the liminary to a poaaiDle contest by Governor slock could be ranch interests. Is the event Mr. McKay permit a breathing space after the Carrlsel V committee appointed by Uie in ttsn Antonio. Tal srsnsrsr, he place and saw one American soldier shoot Hunt against T Campbell, governor elect. irraiid council in making loan. te said, or position of lhe governor's farm was to hasp tbe Twelfth division as com Incident, and. secondarily to paelpoe all lug across the river. A few moments after today disclosed a net galo or 17 volea Por Teas. Almost the first work or the bank after It Is understood tin: governor will pinte as possible, and that turn or action until after elnctlnti Thus rar it has a of came up, Campbell. These figures Include disputad approving and laming loan will b the --ecreury rurthnr ward number other soldiers thn polriuiieiil of of itate organisation, would be made prnanrvn .in eroded. But it ha railed utterly to all firing across the river. Ap ballot, conceded to the claimant and sino issuance or farm loan bond., a new rorui Ui or to and started Soldier ChorrJuil Bartlelt Mann divisional units. wring a tingle Caere id on from rarrnn.a proximately IDO snot were rired. I beard corree U slight errors la lbs count. Mari- Arkansas at or security lu this country. The bond, mill Thn MionaaoU and has not made a nrp toward solving any no from the Mexican side, and aaw copa county, largest I tithe stats, will be ba Issued in deuomüiauoni aa aiuaii an regiment will aot move. stt Deming Itownvnr. until nm-- or the otnnr or- Phase of lhe Meilesn problem. no rushes, tabou might nave been rmlslied tomorrow. Three board of mpc Pneumonia Victim It I expected, and will bear Inui eat t Postmaster and Mrs. i unite fired a, notan by the PUe Kapneind Neil Week rrom the Mexican side before I catuc from tors are now working on the inapseston, a rain on par cant las than Use lulereat dered war departnwat Decern By Associated Press. an i reached The it i. exported, rnamfarn. 0ms s iinassgsi Hie house, and I might not have heard wmcn. the court thinks, will be concluded rate charged farmar. on Uielr loan. Burleson in Austin ii bar their deatinsuoss. foraWtonnlag Deming. .1. M Dec. prtriclpsl ror tan delay, iilnn will be nan week, ins tlMUU." by January s. t,. Privas no laud Wast thi mtei est rate will be baa not rssson II eras 4 Thompson, thn Infantry, cured, la 'on of to. of mr. nal tnlertrntioe, offlrlala believe, will of Firat Arkansas i, unía! v been detaniilned It I. I mi lied by account acsreily rail died in Uie Camp Iteming honplUI today or the Morning lime. read rolling stork-- According to pre. not be recommended . but rstbnr a declara Toe report made by a soldier from the c s máximum or all per .am ass in fu- pneumonia. He jisiur from Delark. Ark lw Austin, Texas, Dec. 57 PoaUnastsr 0o-srs- not tentative neenduls for thn tranaporu-lio- 1MB In ravor of intervention in ras of patrolling the river below the ouiiou ia Uiai will not saunnd Buris-so- maulara" Reward Offered for eais it bit Albert H. Burleson and Mrs uf Uws troops, the ture violation nf Aassrusa or roreign station was to win effect that shots per cant at and aubaeuueotly may an lam unit wlU not v uion tli.t. srrivnd la Austin today m vUtt mis- gel away before January II. rlgbs. hail been rired from each id of the river, Body of Missing Man ror raw iMillry, pulBtod given day. Oaanrl Búrlenos nevnral organiantloua lei t lor bosun today. Surh a ll U oat, would be and that most of tonca had nanean) Is easae to talk pollllr or business, saying h radically from tost pursued by -- Gonzalez Troops Tim fourth Sebreaks infantry, at Uanu diffsrrat rrom the Mexican aide He baa not wit anas lal to thn Morning Tirana. Loans on faim laud are limitad by lb He wa oa Just a brtsf vacsOoe. probably (naadn. will .tart tomorrow ror fort a Prriufcsnl WlUon in tan psst. It would neaaed the affair, but had heard Ian stM. SanU Pe, n. M.. t? The brother of law Is Mi par cant value of Urn laod and will visit San Antonio before returning to a moral protnelorsl over Mexico, najan M Revolt; Threaten VL. Megular rainal Aftai Qy.1 Armour, of siou City, lows, who ....j be paiebl Ui Hutu flvn lo forty yens Wasiiiugloe. and rarau a dental of equality to Nextro as Regular army who ware thn w officers St recently disappeared near here, have to Kill Commander Aa reel a. waua are made bunda vt in v a nation scran at the inn of the shooting declara creased lbs reward for hi. body to tinao i.aucxi to cover i no llut al uu Two Cars Demolished Thi wa. united at lq seereury was F.esiHsrs .phntnsio that there as shooting san auui terns offered in local Ms under lit pinanut pun, will a bank' eutlra m..ns last .ununrr. when be asid tos pro"' m or A report rarenas the Mexican aide tlx river and east rrliag eaenBasSoa, who used the name tain last night Is capital be Had up ui loan, to thn iiu uueui Congressman McLcmore in Head-o- n Collision; all thn firing a doue by the Kentuckian W Blancell. before a., ailred. Juan rutad thai tan troop upon lbs of uaanr spplitiaM. one of lit rain tasks Tasan officers iwtuneted that something like aa Armour rinu train sent to hi huahua city Tuns lie to Fannie tier. day loniionuug board liiid Weds Miss May Drivers Escape Injury i shut were rtmd rras ptalol sad ruina by General fraoruvo Gonial' bad parinocnd the ' at ntaajpye. for nee bank. rxnlMloa at asaaitor Aden Is Kinllnirnl. ntoiisa villa humada raihar iban Moi Uiaii ' application, for po.uiwi. Clark ot Galveston By Associated Presa go lo they 1 Two SStMHObllf Mi pin. lo all) dr Preceding toe aeoouns near Haft's aUll. forward whit d .certain Wurn been rararivau. tun aiputnUiwoU a ill two nijjkonina occurred at Ian asaWar at llirnag, cea.. DSC n - Jama weir, aged la being wan against tins rross inoiiMd or head ou coHiakue on Dynr Want in. Hi. ln cxeaiiui rross civil asrvles rnniilsiiaaii. By Aeaartgled Press, I o'clock, wans a quantity of asalten dead US today front Mm effect of w hihuahue City Tony salted thn Ueln. reel near Camp wrt Mils. Christina Day, erslly (air but Ike board to sseunais carp . Ms lag ran oat upon muddy ground. Tan Juries sustslfxad lias aramios whne and st Ibe time of the awssag was nssx iutudi usIvsiml lex. U. viefft According to tan police, car ho. Till, driven of nnni experienced at bankiu Lntnntn. ruugfwaMiaen at large fresa siesiu formed by tan contact cansas tas kitchen ranead exploded la ti liosa of wnr as ailing lb arrival nf Mm Irsla by Charle Iwneoo. of Port Sima, rranand L. , ran brad of nerh bank WW r ssnginnstl Tasa. 2 married here tonight to Ml, rxo by Harry i vpWsioun. o oan wan najares. W. Taau. couul) attorn lioten bearies ueurial hassles aut asssnsvnrs into rar iial. driven rigid. Many inquuv. war made by psraga panas are believed ta be mu and tan "f ki aUff. wtlh the aitnal to stuck It lbs registrar . I bey probably will ba reauir May lark of in old and pioau Both uanu were bruised, although they Arteona ranradejr partly etositw nam Haliealoii fandly be tmnnnd Mas rejan Is as remad by Two of tan Turmaa trillaron ware eas BsM their former nnaanna dnr only Seala of dutrlru involved and nasi injury, areerdssg to tee now Ui uurtii portiusi Iriday u ii Ores ta iuarss. prnrnrabty .Homey.. with rtaing lansjtnrsstwa, EL PASO MORNING TIMES. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1916.

the few mirk OfWentmeliori wH h hu n a.i anead by CatV Tha report r arrived in fuarw. and who tr amatan TO RETAIN forre rernilled trp to r trrnglh Sol the apeceh rurnti Kl paao yastero-a- i ttarxln berau of the Inabilrty of the TELLS OF BRITISH WHAT VITALITAS MUIR onljr la the THM mlim up t" fn strength, Eropeai War Smmiry Onaretam. Ctrranra orneara tn prorid rood ror them, bin it hu been on th border evenl week nm fe Tea field taaiaat VIH ara reported deapereie longer than the rnnni of nv of II othrr The fn report dated Oen Renjtmln A score of 1.1 laat a have been committed and ttiev been Mtloned In the commander the district, waa npon ctTltltn hy soldier inre tal, hm The af Ike Teníanle otile appar- inn of federal Murria SECRET COMMITTEE mot isolated and ohje tlonebl location on art preparing- to leave Tor Saltillo with Minister their arrival In Jutrei Revertí murder SPY IN BOPP CASE WILL DO FOR YOU ently l ta Rralia. the border, and no rompUInt rrftrrting fa( Haehtf apa War AlTtra f brearon to take the field barra Matty house hart been nil and the e of occurred. foed. rjnthina or treatment eral center ea waa planned to ad- Into and by the soldier, wtik, nm lining taken FlllpeeMI. M emlnt villa forera. II broken robbed tieen mad hy litem lompeteni aulhorltle titea vance once upon rrom altillo, citizen hive been attacked npon th treet I ike Mmlkweat, tTeld Marwuri vea it Torreón hire deeltrM thai tr the mtlltii of alt or the to drive rrom pitee, tnd robbed by Mural nldler every nltiit Mean Have Heated Dmconmni Maekenwa' troep have w capto red and the vilinu that Urulwnavnl Von Brincken Declare Wonderful New Earth Prodnet bar. other talan rondueted themlves a K poetible. rteneru I'erildt iiaa beta for ten tuya. tt ht eaiirnad tama at Rhnnlk, Marat, Pea-ao-tl Work the - militiamen tha nation! the hi rae lo Abaesnt Defeandant Ir of Daily Bring Joy of VipUnce to Pro bars the orne the eue. ordered from pott tt Pled Meant Irattltatt) Kavey Armted. in; to t wosltl b a mera a , matead of a . dletaaee la Advertiesara. (nam while the que Join the tibrefon lore. H P. of Tuesnn. Aril w re Dratinct Nature Thouatindt. tect an now pronoiineed to be by many at tha Dehradi ami Two it i are illl haaaaerthf, tad with aaate Pint Chief Venuautno Carrania week leased y sate May after pay tna fine of tin eiperts on mlliury affair tmiouneed the or flan,lt rabio aeeeM. the Rumanian at oppolntment nd spendinr two mail la in the Juare jui , No pro étlrt ever mined from a lirat(i dlseuatloa laatlnr mora ( k of H I'aao partlrnlarly haa Rna lb' a Oon- - fey Associated Pre the fter omim orlderheaa at MateMa. ea the hank Oonttlet t member of bit cabinet. It I ald that Hirw...d ettterad the nnaom of mothar earth, not ezeeptlnt; titan an liour and a hall, member of the femrthlr rompltmentt tlnee going earl w Ran free, raralTf ef the Hanuhe oppaalie Rralia. lalei ntmed Recrurio de Doherniclon ind. noonnrin UiRt he trht R rranclaco, ft. gold Iteelf, haa (treated aoch I Paso tdrhsb yesterday votad to rotaln to Ore Ilia Band country. Intenae. frier la the rail at Rlmalk a.rat Ike Thl potuon ht bean racttn unee the special envoy from Presltlerit Wilton, da- of Lieutenant 0. W. von Brtncken, interest ha Vltalltaa. It la protrlnf the prernl provision providing a aerret or Jeaua tha Teutonle allle defeated the Rnaataa o relmttlon Acuna In November man fled of Oam. Jen Murria that carranx on with OtthttJ) arreateat boon that Nature haa rormnMaM lo paa upon the mer- TMrly-rira- l MleMRM Nay On RiiaiUv - ronaulite attache trial riven lilanit a front ef W and mile Carrania hat empowered "en Jeaua Otr- nm at once the Aliante city protocol. If one-ha- lf i - .nrr-mi-f half tnthii Oeneraj Bopp five ror con- to of mankind tha tick it sruetrie with II I now said the Thirty rirst Mlrhlran of the a. cil to esUbllah I military achool tt M'm'e Carranza would Fran and others r to rrorn lax while the Teutnelr llanabe refused. American troop hair. arbitrary member infantry will entrain on Sunday for th re army capturad rey, Naeet I.eon. 'ienertl narria left Mex- once Into Mexico, he la said to spiracy to dynamite entente munition ship Today thnuaanda In r'"m upon un wverai rrruned vlllaffna. mtrrb at of 'people are ,Ueiti..iis niemiimi reiwrieri turn MlrMmui V he mustered out or the the Berlin Pe ico city Hit week ror Monterey. have ment tn lets, brourht out today tint vol It and recom mend! n It t n ravnrahl ttee Trie dlaroaalon aicordlnt te war office annonneed. nriiilns renersl serviré tone of tna Pennsyivanll Imajred admita that the Rtiaatea and Maalotral Rev oil Brlneken received but IM t month fromi,hlr ,lck and Rick t... k up th. neater part of tha tima at MM or llarnaana Impudence. Imprudence and Inlexl. slion reutlvee friend. ietlffHl havr born advited thr etert Itiimanlaa have been forced lo rill berk The at Mtgialrtl and ronsiilale. althourh Lull J. Smith, Many have thlpped It acroea the seas Adtluli iii.ii. (in held if the Motel Sheldon rttt, or from Kl Paao. al- carrinu trnons Murria, takin hit tpeech erlouly. ttked defense was von Rrlnrt their departure north of wrgura. bul aay rlaewhrre R Opo, meat of Torreón, revolted December tn ee whom the rlilm and the parcel poet and expreaa com- thf.iirti regiment! have been hi credential. Harwood taid he hid received rrom 0 V lí thrrr ordered the la i adera were defeated with heavy tnd Joined villa force, acronllnt to waa en' subordinate, panies are oerrylnr It to various parti w eliminate one or the of th home i left them in Et Palo. He placed under feature caaiialUea. since Ikeeeaaher B. any word which reached El Pato jretterday. w. upon c of impudence, Impru of America. h)(" , arrest narre tionel)letliat of Berlin, more thai R.tOO prlwiaer and 17 A. and on, cirl, Amern-an- t.Rmlttt, previous-l- Vltalltaa It and In . tlrrhner hlt dence tnd intoxication ai i roiernment witne. eon ..Mi. - laktna; amantare of tha re Eighth i mfv to Have Parade. machine havr been raptured In to Torreón 'preceding- - thtt he wa paid by the con- drug-leas-; every drop of It Ir benefi- or fun eactped the revolt Taatec oa tesiiried attananiliuona the rlub It waa l The Klrtith will hold on Mew Rumaala It It bettered they escaped from Torreón to Maréala city. ulite to blow up train, tunnels tnd ship cial end there Ir nothing- else In the to Hut A report was currant In El Paao iue a of all member of the Vear day Ita annual rruumierade jubile, Artlflery duel, aapprap operaUnn and an ul Potoi with the American and Ittt nlrht on Pnret Sound end In Canada The de world like tt It la uniurpaatjed for - Hie Col. Mariano ü.OOD Inti promoter of iinprofltalilr or inaaked parade. Thla reaiment the allaek by malí petrel partle featured In Torreón. The thtt Tames, betdlnr villi rendint consul rene ral and tide have In correcting. In a natural way. auch dis- non other forelmer tloret was within t mile of aelieuaw, thai member oldet one in the earvlre npholdin Uil Hrdneaday'a flphUnf on the front ta In Hie two town were bandit, Juarer ilsted that he was merely an investiraior order aa Indigestion, blllouRneae; nd home miniar upon the city. would he the only advertiser to be nollrlt-?- rnrm or promotlnr ood aplrtt and retiow-ahl- France. There have been poradlr bat- looted the soldier, who num- marchlnr It wt reported ror them. rheumatism, nervous debility, liver b) revoltim each of wore for sum schemm. In ita rank. tle al eeveral palate aloat the rtae la bered mi, who Joined Villa netr Tor- thtt hit followan t blirk Attorney John W. and kidney Illa. Marveloua reporta of md band upon hit irm, tnd that Ttmet atyled I'nlted Mete Dlttrlct t n. provided. member, are idndfed It would h well lo rail to mind the pa- Ru1a and alíela rrom Volhynla to the reón. Presión, trter Inqulrlnr errhlnrly Into relief effected In chronic caaea of CerpalMma, kni no hi force "The Brinde of Death." Timer may lot to advertía in drrlared rade of thi regiment on Year' mnm-ln- ; Important rraiill von Brlnrken's ftntncltl ifftlrs, slid: long ntandtng be heard !w by revolted with tX) men from the Juarei many n. by the uirilanre ommlHee. They laat. It made e derided hit with the har been obtained either irtde. Report states. Make It l from Bttf announced the summer. He announced Jime- It not true you cr.niplred with may. bowrvar, rontiiMiw to Urn organit people or El The iianal hombardmeat In last it "ll thtt point to aee the public dieplay and ntn. death of I ui Herrén, former rnitmiander nez several weeks that he planum J. II. Van koolberren, an absentee derend Moni ir deairrd rrom reaaona, tha hi the a theater am wit eample Vltalltaa free at Kelly ft huluet Kleliortte preparation are u prore Pirrtl, and hi chief of trr. Mtnuel an attar upon Jutrax. ant In thl rise, to blow up tliose ship and Tet- M. e purrhted l. lie fn e from all advei In Maicdonla eaeaparatlvr quirt it Drug Store. Also sold by nhirh. when rompleled, wilt rr aiirpea rin.ieo, wlucii occurred Torreón to divide the reward?" Drug Rtore, Crucen; Colum- UMiiir. Member may appeal to the mem lib. iMIrul. ..f last ThA l. liiri. ,,r llila the rapture id thenr.arum dlatrlcl her's Laa l.rrfllp of tile imin the declalon or The drnaohllltatlon of the Greek ermv CARRAS.. TROOPR CtASH WITH tAbtoluiely no." von Brlneken replied bus Drug Store, Columbus; Douglas ,,ir,rt1 w), tK the famo.i. Elahth capital hy Villa. A Meylrin arrlvlns RAMI ITS RM'TH OF NIEVO LARENDO. deren Uir virllame rornrnfttae In aeeordeaer with Ureeee' promtaee Thtt vn Koolberren, whom the Drug Store, Douglas, and Blsbee Drug uein7r rivalry niarhlne run troop In e mimical the nut. J yesierdty alan reported the death Hy allege to be spy, by the I hair individual rear may warrant a mi le ealenle Ule l helap rarrird utrei Asaorltted Pre. t sent Rrltlh Store, Blsbee. Adv. ),,,. n miilna Every troop In I or Herrera. Vetterdty MelclKir con pénalos, according Inlormallon reeelvrd at the mornlnr Laredo, Texas. Dec. r. carranza troops consulate here tn Involve the Herman the Klahlli cavalry will UJia nart In the pe- - RfiUh foreign alflre. llenera, mayor or Juarez, received a tele clashed today with bandits or revolution lata sulate In leal limcultle. wa "a person I'reafdeltt I liowlaud, annoum that , C. c. Crow rarI. and u mp,,blc to decide now The emperor' la ea order of feran! announcln Hie death or lilt brother. near Pajarita, about Mi mile south of wltli two distinct mlures," was stated by S, H. von Schick. Mtlllnr ni' i) of i..ili..iial reputation v. Ill fi whi. will have thr mot unique makeup the daynuliito the Rumanian army deallnp Kollnxxlnir the MfUlal "f l uis iml Ma aredo. to reports, but the out- von Brlneken todty. ley, detective, end Crowley's serretsry. Ik tin.iik-'i- t I a.. within Ujo few arcordlnr i iet People or El Paao deatrinr to aee aome with proffer of peace aaaerta Inxlo Herrera to Join VHI In hi revolution come or the conriict and the number or "He told me ho wa the ion or Count Mrs. Marraret W. Cornell, Is tt present in naontlU I'h ikli Iba Advertlalli run liermenv t Aorlled real are invited to lie at the Tort at the wa beeauee Ger- rainal Ctrrinta. Villi threitened to kill men Involved are not known. Ruryeona Dunioucetu, or Holland, exiled ror marry canadi. lnlii ..I He u Li lo the niendier thai proffer made aldrea p. m. New Ver' day. All midiera ire cor- many feel thai complete dereal la them both. Miclovlo wa killed by his own and nursea were tent Nuevo Swiss his rank," von proecuBon sought today show hi Hie loOal Adrluh .molí llieni will be her south front Inr i womtn heneith Tie t" dially invited. The emperor added Ike lime men south of .Nuevo Laredo nearly two Laredo todty. 'Wo the pleatintrst that all by von Brlneken to Edwin Wilton, r or the near. that lite lirinrken tetiried. hid Mimi forwarded .uertiin inna-c- ror peace had nsl yet arrived and he year t(o. No word omclally could be obtained social relations. He look ttoo rrom nie to Van Kooibergen were reaiu consular runds. Burrottlfbi addtnj Mai tilne company, wiw I l I'.ompMiy ol Winner. waa eonridrnt thai no Rimlin aoldler tnnouncc tall or Torreón. the Villa source tn Invest tn a mtrnetite mine in With Von Brlneken' bank account tnd checks will eVUVei an liere February 17. enirarenvenu. tantdt. tttHM The infantry may be the Hould deal re peace until the Invader 'arrinr.i Counsel Eduirdo Horltno lira Laredo claimed lo have been advised that ht wire, be chaperoned my fiance and were aired In court to show thtt hi own and tii' ail iuauacr of the over-i- f yonnireat regiment In the army, but It lark had been driven rrom Raeatan mil and wlui heretofore han denied the rail or Tt six carranza soldiers hid been killed, car- myself, buymr 1 worth ol chtmparne mean were more slender than he rltnneii Mil. in, lull' n nipanj. oonilderable ur ben- - the letal aa to had grven guarantee lo prevent a pat- renn. yesterday iiiinouip'ed the t.arranH ranza adherent reported the ktlllny or and maklnr me pay nlm for it. While he c. c. Crowley, whom Smith his charged 1 al- fairl-t'ii- i li In tn HM5, we to to Wow ship II.. line Not Head company rave a dinner on riate repetition of a trearherou exacuatcd lierore the Villlata twelve bandits, without any casualties wis Canada corresponded with tiding him try on Uulnlnr that Ann s lie lii.nii-- . of II nml. ami laxatlvr effe.i, Chriatina day that wi the talk of the reai- laek. cause they were outnumbered. The consul amour the constitutionalist Torce. Several 'Boh' and JJJJ' and asked me is a nd trains, will take the stand tomorrow. axative Bromo cumii"' can be taken by ment at "ii mi-- - The roatar of the denied the report or an alliance between bandits or revolutionists. It wat stated, hid rrllow noblemRn to look trter hit wife. anyone uithnut rautlnir nervouaneaa nor company follow: Villa and Ertnclsco Murria bien cipmrnd tnd summarily executed, in Von Brlneken understood to hve been I WILSON PLACES MEXICAN rtnatnc In the luad. There only our captain, Kay W. nrahann; flret lieutenant, Morula Here In Witch Americans. addition bi those killed on the field. the son of a Oermin baronial ramlly. Report of New Mexico "Bioiou (.luiiiine." E. V. ilinVK8 "Igria (ien. new In Fxucvo ' Later Vm Koolberiren to Arthur Underwood i aecond PROBLEM IN HANDS Jose Murrrla, commander Miliary ttilhorttles Laredo to utiderlonk tell lieutenant. OF two ror me my F. Hoolh; enreaiit. I'tul llnrr; Jmrei, called all military' orflrers and civil nlrht sttd fhey, were In direct telerrtphlc mules from rnch tnd he State Auditor Shows llrt tal- - money. I me Edward Woire; (Upply ei COMMISSION ntfe berore him yesterday and communication with San Lull Pototl tnd ibsconded with the Then knew eant. Edward I. curran; eretnt, Clyde noiineed lie hid come lo Juiret to ttke that there wtt no truth In tho recently him ror i sctmp. But I hid alway Counties Prosperous H. Herbert Barker, Yeltoy (lllle Continued From Pare One.) htrre or the Juarez district tnd to wit reported thtt thit city had fallen pected him," von Brlneken cnncluded. Sewrt. t. Koolbergsn, one or seven de- - and waiter May; corporal, Hhlrl W. Web- or the American troop. A short time later Into Villas hinds. Vtn the Specltl to the Mornlnr Times. the duty the Mexican artvenitnient and, rendant with Bopp. von itrlncken, Smith, er, fute unidle, charle A. Hherman, Albert aecond. the duty or the I'nlted State. Thl Mayor Melrhor Herrera tnnounred that the Stnta Fe, N. M.. Dec. 7. The biennial it LA lit i I P I.. Murtaon. Paul l.clm, Aaron H. Cronkrlte noted a the ban upon rambling In Juarei will be lift, in in t ivt HI. report or the stale traveling auditor today wt it th lime deviation Irora QUARREL WITH CARRAKKA. and ÍONÜ K. Finn; rook, charle W. Wilton' ideal. HeconUier K), and that thereafter ill form against Villa or thit he would vactte hit show receipts or the 96 counties in the By Associated Press. tSjMJOR) I. lent. I.ul. in Wanblnaton. and Arthur Brock; Albert H. of mullir will be "wide open" aaln. position minister or wtr. past year were over and l.anfllMirae buer. licence lo Modify Protocol. or Uourlas. Arlt., Dec. .T Adolfo jf is l.iriileuijit Colocal T. Eltlnrwood; nvrhnic. Halpn W. MrNav; I pholdN Killing Police Chler. disbursements over 5.i6t.7on. county trets- i)eor(e I.wifhorne "The Mexican situation, la Involved In the the end of year pital or ihc cavalry, win accompany the private, flrat rlaa, Noah H. Brown. Rob- or The Murria mijor, Felipe Torre, yester .1 ,, " ' ; """"""'.tne wir Uk situii urer at the hid work the Joint commlaalon," tt wa taid or Uirourh llie nlted State rrom Dougltt to on 150,700; In iKKly or .iiMajor I'nwell Clayton ert Ii. Day, John i. Uonnhue, George W. day called the member tho Jutrei police totl st San',.u VoUJTot Torreón. So biltnce bond of tt, Increase from l'nrt by one high orricuc "la mnirht tied In ago - l.oul Hill, William Kl.ld.v t roree berore him tnd warned them a am-i Farm. Pas. three weeks enroute to , dpts over 1915, tx.'.rin lurreise In dls- arn llniiiUiii to V"iililnton tor lntermen. Ileyeri, W. Jacob very knot. The outcome I very prob- :ndl.ltlon rAtchd the ctplttl ts to N. KlKcr, V. htrd in my the military. over 30t,io. Liquor license Major inyp.ii ulalned a cnoruMlon or the Henry hum. Charle Hlley. The United Interrerlnr wty with yi'eé. re', V1""" what. If any, answer lias been made by bursenients A. lematic!. Sute aovemiiuiit upheld the who chler or the de rti to Mexl- - contributed t?4,000 to county revenues in bratn two weeki in a rail rrom hi mil Itoeitirer and charle E. Rtluell; reopen pro- iction of the major ,ner to the last communication ao . baa onto llredy refused to the or can government, telernphod General the past yetr, decreise of SUte He un 'IhhiIiiik' III over lirlvatea, Frnk Adam-- Jmeph Aduna. Roy - killed Rtoiil l.oyi, the Juarez thief or the American commissioners to the In- - t (2.0. hore. borer the tocol for modification. The de ftcto rov- Kllts Calle at Cuitnei today, he htd received and nearly hurdle when me acrloem occurred. Adktn, Wllliim M. Andrew. Wlldon I., protocol police, recently, after the officer had been thtt icrnatlonal conference. institutions disbursed erninent Jiat twice inaiated that the any arranred his tiirrerenee with the govern, with balance on hind, a,oon. Lanhorn. uid Major Clayton were re niirton, Erneit Clark. Thotna W. (irenahaw, untatlaftcaory at It aland, and for no. disarmed by the police. He Slid of the police torea who with mili- ment satisfactorily and would return to Building and loin companies show total re- latrd. Sam J. num. uerald Drlaeoll. Ben Oldden, mso nthould be reopened for alteration o intorrerred the COAHI ILA oil If Ml 8E.N n: Hail, Henry B. n tary meet fate. Sonora to resume orTIco about Jinutry I. sources or ti,s7it,ooo, or which ti,M3,ooo is 0. Oravc. John W. in III laninitire well at lis form. The er hereafter would t slmilir FAVHLfKM TO THE BORDER. BOO. tt llln-.'- (0 It hid been rumored that de ll Huerta loans on real estate. Malur EUIetl I Hwa Anl.inlo invid J. llorín. I.eon Juiynakl, otto c. rort to tdjiitt the conlron-rt- by Joint com He pledred be responsible for By Associated Prest. - wis to be removed rrom office or r Kubcr, Frank kujiwa, uui- II. I.lndelor, the 'good behavior or the ofTlcen and men. beciusc Laredo, ST. Uáior wiiiiain iiliutl. depot quartrrina-t- mllon will have to be ibandiuied tinlcaa policies displeased Texat. Dec. Many Mexican - I.. Major to Which Carranza. al I Paao, in an Antonio cunfrrnntr Felix Mtrkey, Adam Maytin. Hubert one lde or the other yield promptly." Fi'inrltco Orrintlt', secretary rautilié have come recently to the border - Merrltt, Dren B. Morirui, Fred W. Ntfel, rien. Arntiiro rovernor or Chlhua-hu- . to vi- uiiii un quiriermaaler eeneraj or the aouth- Arrrt)ondi Reported Recalled. r.on.tlei. ORIIKOOV III Mr INTEVnON owing unsettled condltloni in tho i' Joaeph udelbitn, chiriey L. uvarby, Lout who is cliarred with the murder of or raVUiwiM relMive. In the qurterniater There w in iinconflrrned report here to TO TAKK ll Ii AGAIN RT 111 a cinity Saltillo and because attack bv Poplnraky. Elby Smith, Harry Setb. l.oyt, wt ttlten Into custody by the mill devertment. iilaht that lilcti Arredontlo, who was ac v Associated Press. Vllli adherents were said to be threatening. Thomtn. Arthur L. VorlHea, Conwell Wird City authorities yesterday. It wat an- Among more credited as Medran roprnaontative to the Mexico City. Doc. Oeneral obregon. the prominent families, who llVEREZE H. B. it. ill Ami. I ,mi" Make lieri nve Arthur Woete and ctrter Foster. I 'nlted .i.- about a year tiro, but who nounced he will be brourht to trial within hive been realding for tome tine in Laredo rew iilster of wtr, returned to ihe ctplttl Ii nun ..rmiiiiiiiii'd nrrirer or the never had been Riven, offlrttl recotnitloii I diy. rrom Oueretaro todty after a conrereoce and Nuevo enredo, ire those, or the lite .mi Ohlfl iiiiauUv uiin lned the "round a .unbiasadnr bv till toyemnient. has been i 'ii in Chlbuahui t H Oeneral carranza night. Jesus Carranza; a brother or First Chief ij.i:tti;tVfctiiJ,dM:i NewMexico Ha Plenty or ;ra with last (Ienertl robin" win. ii reflc. ir.) upon the ildllty or recalled and will aim fá: Mixteo City thla a; tram car, beartnr the remainder ctniiUvt 'that hm mulil lattA inm. 'arranra, and Ouslavo Eapmoae Míreles, i or tin- rorrea of Uen. or or AT YOUR DRUGGISTS IW id Hie uno Off! col will not be of Palriob Willing to week. leavlDR the WWW in rliargre of an Francisco .Oonztlet. mand of the troop In the north op.csrin, trovernor the state Coahutia. lñ Mr raukr. tin- - liaviur lltlMlRt deposed rommtnder it Juarez, left that declared In wntten illlemnnl the article Fill Stale Offices pitee yesterdiy for Ctrthiuhua City. Oen i. II ley Hmied v..i nm Ilia one which later CARRERA TO ANNOl'NCK FIRST Jose Murali claim hive a rtrrlton or over lirnatiire. The men aim Mperial lo the Mnrnlnr Timet, CHIEE ANSWER ni AtlERICANS. Hot) men. Coventor Arnnlfo lionzalex lefi iii' j uní! not In nyinpalli.v wltli santa Fc, ft", Jl., Dec. m . doxen cmdl- - By Associated I'reaa. . chihtiihui city list nlrht. Hi'- ni- - Hec. Robbery uic ulalned In llw enUoiial dite hi now in Hie field ror the appoint :7 carrana attlludt Wh,dele Plot Dlaeovered. THE QUALITY rohm II wa innunrort they will be loaai-- the Atlantic City protocol, which n orranlted plot with wholesale robbery dc ment la tate ine warden to tuecced T. iii'l ihc pinil.'m' ..r leavlp the rcRlmemaJ vvti determine whether neoiiatliins be Us object wt uncovered monr th amp for nricii day, but will not be c. dc Bai a, more, than for any other olTlce tweon the rutted ttutes and the Mejlcan Ui Murirla soldier In Jutrez yetterdty. The Ui tlx- - i aiftte. to be pilled by the governor alter Jinutry rielo (rovemmenl are lo be continued soldiers, who have not been paltl alnce they MARKET FOR THIS WEEK I. The list inclitdett. Iienuljio l.opet. Hoy; thiMURh the exIslliiR Joint commlaalon, will t p be outlined lo Secretary here tomor nt t,uard In H ar Hlrrnuiii. l i... Clayton; ueorge uriahe Sent, row by in (labren, one or the Moxlcifi rtae luii 'imi Kuard nnw on W. II. Botn, C. o. Ben- Milla Hoaa: Bitott; oinmlssioners. No demote inruiiuatlon to nett, l.ta cruce; Dnnni Chivea, Albuquer- XO ii. in what ttlitude la had reached FREE que; T .. Fo; A. 8. klrkpit-rlik- , tint winter. Santa ol Tu It Fe; nils ASTHMA SUFFERERS BACON SALE Santa rorflrio Much. I'enaero; Cabrera line lo Pollard, StnU Fe; H. B. Itytlier, I'm Uahliitoo. Quick Way secretary Line, who I chairman of the A Anyone l talca, and Ii. M. Jiekaou, Cirlabad. New Rome Cure That Can ie ONLY! to End Coughs, Cold I'onuulatioii, waa notified early loultrhl thai xv un. mi Diwomfort or Loas ol Time. Candldtte mentioned ror other nrricet apoc.lll iueaaeiinr bear tm a cuuuuunlca- - Thursday Only i or t and Croup ire Wirren tlraliini, Albtiqurrque, ror lluu lo the Mexirtn cummlatlonera, pre We hive u .New Method that curet Atth-I- . alitr inPir intpectpr; John W. Htrrl. Jr., aumibly Ueneral irruna repdy to the mil we want you to try it at our Small bean Strips, ror e- - expense. No your of Vetta, tale bink Ainttlcaa demand ba approve or re matter whether cite 6 lbs., lb 21c X Am ni a v.- t mi I to The great demand for I, 'ii, pttatj Iluar. mlner: sptaln j. Ilict, ol stiita tin- ol lour ailiiniinr or recent aeveiopment, our extraordinary offer before Z Mane ject protocol, had left new York ror or Sliced Bacon, Remedy that la rm- idjutojit and W. A. Moore, or Washing-ton- . whether it is present is occasional tencrai When tht secretary retired a yon rree Prompt uad Rare, ciiiabed, and John Milne, of Albuquerque, chronic should send lor a 25c ror the iilghl, however, the lueaseiuccr had of method. .No matter in what Xmas has determined us to extend the time for this for on in. am trial utir -- plaeei tile Mlc of cducillon not arrived tnd word had roiini uieantlme climate j hi live, no nutter whit your There are no avowed candidate for the thai Mr. Cabrera UnmtU would reach tho ige or occupation, ir you are troubled week only r'H'r'HIt you have a act ero coukIi or cheat position or penitentiary superinundeni cap:til tomorrow inornlnv to explain with asthma, our method should relieve MEAT SPECIALS cold accompaniid with aorenr, throat tale enrtneer or htnk efaminer, a reap- you promptly. tickle, Ctrruizi't politlón, huarache., or ilifflcult luvathiim, pointment in eipei tcd. V. J. Barker Hid iteiay Hay Re Overlooked. we warn in sena a u uiose Veal Shoulder A tir if your cliild up M. l Bpareiitiy"snhopeleat romn f wakca clurintr the T. Iiuultvy, or Santa e, and C.enrte M Althourh the limed Man bad tet riaea, where ill Koaat, lb 1UC nisht with en. up nnii vou want quick Taylor, of Albuqiiri que, are the 11 Inhaler, dnuiiins, opium preparations. after Job iiiidnlaiil at Uiu tun. by which' a reply rroin failed. Veal Steaks, help, try till ple&aant tastinü 111 rupies, "piteiii smokes," etc., hive r jut of united sute ainuiiey for the lueblo 11 f home mud.' eottsh nmedy. t Ueneral Carrtntt would be expected. wit want to show everyone our own Any dlui to ti'ceed J. H. attnr- - it lb IDC can upiilv ..u oí nt. dlatrlcl Indicated tonlrht thai r tbo protocol l im- use. thai this new method Is designed with ounce ii. Had of this dlHlrict. Veal Stew. I'inex .'iU c.utH wortli). 2i proved, tie delay will be overlooked, since nd all difficult breathing, ill wheezing. Of I'our thin into once S lbs Ca8h piát bOWf and till the Cuttle with Ai'olnlmciit .if a federal Judie lo the chirr purpoac- here hat been to secure and all those terrible paroxytms it Player-Pian- o plain ceed the laic Judyr w. II. Pope ex- - a tbo proto- tnd lor all time. Spring - nil. HiiL'ar ivrup. Thua atlrtetory adjustment. If rree too important to O Cs prcpanil, .,ii liuvc a pint oí really i.'.l ....n after January ). col la rejecied. Secretary Lane will Thl oricr ne. Leg", lb at)C . alnrle diy. Write now md then uut-l- i r. ui iily one that can with plans already under way to bourn the method at once. Send no money. J ig Leg.. t A ( Qapenaed upon Utt-iru- to iive quick and BREVITIES adjourn sine die. Simply mail coupon below. Do It Today. small, lb relief at all timea. Juat what U next slop would ba. offi- 17C 'Adveri'.Miaanhv' Pig lou ota íi l tina take bold of a coush cial- will not discuss. A rejection or the Shoulders for Piano Dr. i ii. it DaiiUtl, thVint Mill Bulldlhg. If" in a way tlmt meant butineta. It protocol, wh eh provide ror conditional PRICK AHT1IMA OOUPOI. roast, lb IOC luom-- uui rum the phlcum, atoiu Pt IXMAV SI HVK K TO RAM A EE withdrawal or General Perihlnir't expedi- Pig Side Pork, toroat tickle and aootuet and heali trio ASTHMA CO., Room in Special to the tion, would be lutmpreled here as a re- ll.. villi. 15c irritated membrane that line the Mnruinir Time. inforcement or Marari and Hudson HI.. Húrtalo, N. Y. throat and Hronchial Santa Fe. N. M., Dec. The ganla Fe üeuenl Carrinit'a demand Bend of your method to: Pig Talla and Kara, tutiea with auch of last summer thai the Auierlctn troopi free trial Of" or pouiptnraa, ease and certainty that it llallrnad cnmiany lodiy aiuitninced that fresh. 2 Iba aWC It really aitonialiiiiK. Pullman aarvlct will n. atartetl on the be withdrawn unconditionally. Your ,, No in .o, ii la U. N. Pulley. Pinei Ll a pi and hljrhly roncen-trati'.- i Hanta Fe brtnrh Jinutry 4 and continue 10c ciimpoiinil of genuine Norway iluilii the lillatlve (tallón or longer It relleraU'd thai there hi been ho pine ettract, u.niluncil witli miaiacól dilute In lot administration's policy which Pig Pork Link Oft Phonograph and i a nut(l lur ita in overrmminti new in v ir bar. You ret in Miti initiates that iu.imicn.jui. or an rn Sausage, the best, lb. . . asUC Home tereré couah, throat and cheat cold. F. Keiab, Prop. n ut lon e it the border tnd doe not Beef Shoulder nut liona or Pershing- expedí-lio- IA It of rnth miotic uteri have withdrawal tha Roaat. lb made it famuui tha world over. lr. Anua Reuip Women and children pet until ii ia apparent Ibal the will lUC There are many wortM. imitation ant encUnter A marica territory. Beef Shoulder Steak. O r ol this nibd iiinture. To avoid COMPAM' TO fli rr NEW MEXICO. 1 il.e L DC ask fr ounoea of Bperltl ki the Morning Tliuea. CABRERA tkaXLINBh TO, ItltM l h NO GOLD EXPOSED Beat Round Steak. I'íntx tii fu!! dircctioos and im MM Fe. V. m., liec. ff The Columbian TO WARHtNGTOIS. Bench or stool music rolls included free; red tape, Riiytliipi; elan. '.A of Mll.i J7C no Rbt Kiiarantee National l.tre Inaurancc roiupany, or Bo By Assoc Press. Rlwilute aatiafaction y litad Beef Loin, the Quality OO A or tnoio promptly ton. haa notiried the ttatr liiaurinre deptrl fT. chalr-uu- BStO refuiidcd. sea wlti thi Ntw Vork, Dec. Cut Ctbrcra, Teeth kind, lb aaaaC delay. preoaration. ment that II will withdraw rrum V w Met or Mom-e- ,n no Immediate delivery. The l'iü' j Co.. Ft. Wavni. 'od. tha ou the ' n o at the end or tlilt yetr. joint coauiUsslou, tonight T. NatartfR Home Rendered 1 P reruaad to discus a rapan rrom Wasn na ff Lard, lb IDC tun illsi lieneral Carranca' reolv tt. iiw- - Golden Cooking Oil, fasa Aineneau demand for raNfloaliou or re- the best, gallon laDU Special Discounts All This Week pudiation or the Atlantic ClUf protocol wa Picola Hams. f on Us way to Washlnaioii 171 ib i han Huillín Ui say and u il answer IlfC no questions." Mr. Cabrera declared. "No Swift's Premium USHERS ii Hams, RaDC WANTED ui. will ba iaauad by the Mexican OUR KEt L.ACEMENT lb uembera or kbe romiiuaaloo while in Ntw Fresh Bags. fiCaw Co. APPLY fork." SYSTEM guaranteed, t dog ODC Jenkins Piano 10:30 THIS MORNING cabréis, Albert Paul and VVItuxMit Pistes or Beat Creamery Butter, bonillas. Hie other member of tha Ordlaary Brtdfe Werk Of Phone 2958 211-21- 3 Texas St. were w eonreraasce t Iba ODC contlnuout I applicable where two or three Higa' from a. ui. unUI 6 p. in., behind luchad sound root rasnaln in either Jaw. Pickled ACaa door was loarnad Feet, UDC GRECIAN It .that aavoral loor It Ii practically imponible to tell I for THEATER duiinc leiapbone calls war made to these leeth I rom thole or nature. Hume Made Head Washington 1 Cos duriuf the day. All Work Guaranteed la Vtrtllat. Cheeae. Ib IDC Tea Year. tlWANT ATTACK UNN AkaCRH AN Wo have Use targesst diapUy of MINl.Ni, (4IMPAN V MtCTHOtlR. New System Dentists K. V. Meals itl Use city. viuieid sllaik upon Axnertcan-uwue- INDIAN BLANKETS We Will Move Jan. OUI rntaT Ml I auVMK BUM. 1st to Our New Quarters Saturday In Iba roasutuuoaiiut couttuiiun Cansar u Vase aad Baa Antéale ata, xjuarvtiiu hy Amador Cano, represent Arroat aha street iresn I be QUALITY CHIMAYOS NAVAJOS BALLET AS SAN lite frota Utianaluato. Tba Uleread exploits of the Hotel del Norte. THE 420 ANTONIO STREET Hon or Malicia laiW by the Aiueriran nun iu ruuipanirs in his suu Largest Showing faa the Southwest Opfr-otUt-e City Hall wis list principal FREE DENTISTRY MARKET Undtjraasll tRatlatalt a eberae kattaeaver far those uaahle le pa Is. dealat xssrl. Ml Saa Jkatostao Pboaex ESPAÑOLA CRAFT SHOP Levy Grocery Company AU Othar. Éegs8tisSee ttaaeay tad áaluralay rirnU. aal, tats tm. it,.t Hj 203 N. BOS 204-20- 506 6 . Overlimd St. mXZSuJL ELPASO MORNING TIMES, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1916.

"iihrr1ters hat W9. tor is and from other list time this picture was bore, and so Moore's screen increase rest to maki ufgestlnn (0 DIRECTORS CHAMBER nsrrrea mirad MO.IM. wlrtrh hvlioles many thousands were turned awsy who Ftddea.'' "8nob tnd "The law llera. It ia. tti. igm ttv orlet vnon retorne tn the ham bee of Cosa A were ttatluiw to too It The CJrbrtta niap a Paramount " cniiM he or moch t"t or to the ana III east awn M profit rrnm the International ni museme nts WSBWAM MAJJIY PWMrtMMl Krement boa been urged by tasay friend in the matter of dlruing public work", l Advertisement) trod sua nape am on. giving no mui nr Lest Than tbe Dun. the oely new Miry and natrons to bring It back, and today alt i.tunr.N tosk.hi good rotula and other ubjrrta or like na- M.M0 ir. PI. krord production issued In month, will thorn who missed it before will bare the The Oanlea will thnw tonight three in ture. OF COMMERCE WILL "Tmia for we nam MMaVM, play a return engagement at tbe Wigwam It tensely Interesting- pltjrs. Malting tftrrr avo tnrr n iiihihm opportunity of seetnx He Wewterveh. or sitmmicrrine. and today and tomorrow This picture wis "The or Knowledge" deals ith Hind." "Little l.lndy smt tnd "Might Mnor True to Ms promise. Cos nut offer. '.arden the of the chamber ..r ommeri-- bnSMu I MO SS T 7 made by Miss Pirkford't own company at a eugenics spoiled to marriage, and on hsdowt," wltlrh will surely please tn. president liiblintr .rrrw 7.. ., .,..--.,- . ...,, ., to r thai invited the new nrganitatkin rarm (our of tM coo ii i delightful i omanc- - account of the of subje, i It's dime. rity Seltrv, demonstrator f aerl .usneas the i to heii' its msettng in Mhuquermie asa. i isrter eccentric character conceptions. with scenes laid In mystic Indti and will be shown to i.nlv o snnuti SEEK BUDGET FUND proportion) . tdutta H is regtrded certain, however, that the Budget fund Í.IS T.3 Mutt and Jefr One ranimi Irnaetne the ard beautiful old i oslan. Whole Hindu dpi is proveí to if it t picture thti that Fnainffrx tibe rtrst meeting will D hf Id hi Dona Ana County Fair l to re ere built and t hundred or more genuine pure all are pure, and It ct"ip;,7 CngiTKCTS T inntitl uous lalmr attached to the task or rumian thtnrs this ' It Is imssible that this it will tie IA.M0 00 Hindus were secured for it Even the mu emnlirted lit beautirul a wliere man v I1n. oll Product exposition Ing a new nook for the Indtcrout frnllrs of t arden i ntnicit the permanent home of the to- - I n wis prcaie,i f,r the picture by Hindu glrla. Innocent ami unashamed, dlspo t rreltmmOTy CiUPS tO is nterlatnmenl or guests HI those two III mated comics, for the reason ilrty. Will Start Monday Morn- - Texas Press association's annual muM, ,, score will bo plled bv themselves, gaylv and mcrrlljt. tn nature Cmi that the pare set by the original production Henry F. the Wlgwam't organist. own com Form an Association convention Pirks. garments til are urged tn .....i for I nntlpalla I on Hope Horse show l.An a hard one to rollow There must be t the 3t0.ri Jones unit orchestra early as the night rush is hound to lie IN i hamlierlatn's Tablets tre excellent r." u r. T A or engln Are Appointed. American National Mveitodt aseo laugh tn every line or Mutt sad Jem from t net from to in o'clock nendoua. representative gathering civil ons.ipiiinn They tn- pleasant In tak" elation "Less Than the Dust'' takes its name from ears was held yesterday tfternoon In the tnd mild and rrntle tn effect, pntalnabl scream to every 1 tuition, at the a poem written by Ho pub BODH t:ot'Trn svomom.' directors' room of the e.ham bet of com Texas State school ef Mines t.sno.flo looks It laurenrr tnd t tits Effort Will Br Made Get $75.-00- 0 audience for and It must be forth- In her book of I The best of the merer to take steps to organise to Sonth West Medical aoclstton. ton coming. Hew ones, you, listad Indlt love l.yrlri. greiteat ind story nr preliminary mind not the old Is plaintive cry or one of the lower Country die the engineers of the ennthweat Into a so- to Meet Expenses for Texas Adehih convention 100.00 time worn gags. However. Mr. Hill has lhe north. Mtri tnd Wnmtn." ' by the rtmoiis Janics ftltver rlety or tsaoclgtlon. Irrigation congress S.sno.m succeeded admirably in keeping ' " ' ' written autleir. Next Year. filth with ..J, V'K will a en Panhandle w Stockmen's cen his has a grtmod, start ftvur days' return Dean A. r. Barnes, of the State ..liege peirons ind offered suitable tnd ""J' has adopter!'. ."'.'Tíí at th t'ntqtic atory. van tton an. saUsrtrtory book for lhe five years ""1 by t gtgemrnt todty The of Mew Mexico, presided over the meeting Enter School put among or detail originally "ginning at o'clock Mondar mornln. Texas tick eradication MM "Mutt and Jerrs WediUng." the Meat, blrti maker and raised 'the children portrsyrii in at written hv a chairman aid Dean c M. Butler, or the t or Mr Curwaod, l one 1 January 8, b directora of Urn chamber or Taking of Ml. to ralr to proe the awist successful or Ul for the riste. The development the of the most gripping Arltnnt Stab' I ohrrslty. trted is secre January census the or absorbing photoplays ever onimerce will twain a rimas or the rltv Valet Normal school 100,00 mcr productions under the title wMch, tlone story, rising the real nature of tbe and produced tary About sn engineers of Texas. Arlxona for loyalty to people lived nas ever vne securr n position ..ntnhnttnns o thn budget fond, out of 100.00 suggests humor even lo the layman's mind girl, her tlie she his !o minor nrougni uue spiru n) ew Mexico, were present. Letters and at a Preparedness parade Among great or norm s,. vividly in the wntcb will bo paid the coat of operation Securing conventions J"" so on Wonderful onnortntiitie. .... mr and flnilly her love for tn the nr sitcntion rM(1 rroin numerous engineers in tne GOOD SALARY English the discovery of the or the public, and In this remarkable pic . or ran rati nn for the forthcoming Traffic department., ni.M scenic dlsnliv and lulu erfeets which hsv. officer and nhree states expressing pleasure that t that she t Kngltsh. makes with an all star cast, the pirii nut We secure positions for our Audit of books SAM been taken advantage of tn their fullest fart herseb nMnt In bind the southwestern engineers extent. "tory full of dran.t. fine blending of com lire or the north is ehai aderired snd organisation TWO m a meeting bald yetterrity Items exposition congress ex- It It rightfully claimed that this t the inI1 hid been started students from to iftarnoon It and rdy touch of human net psthcti portrayed with rletrnesa thtt holds the Is decided to appoint to panse I.47I.M new edition excelt all rormer hilarious alt tnd I t it proposed to hold the first innutt weeks after en- w mmimtlcn, etch Ing Is most Mo story audience spell bound with anticipation gnd In El TWELVE or which will be the dirty can uanons uq begins anil continues umbel thtt ippeiltng. for convention of the wlety Foto within aJrned of ed for nearly the screen has ever been given a more en- Interest The shows start 10. 3 a. next 0 days. Print to com rollment Ing upon corporations, indl Total MB.3S6. three hours. Interrupted of it m..the that time firms ind course by sranr gaging, picturesque inrt effective letting. t:Sn p. m Í.1A, t, t It, and It. mitteea which were appointed yesterday engaged In the lines o Sftrch Dose, tunerul chorus numbers, rldntu tarara oeod War songs, This Is a picture every child will to win arrtnge a lentative tniilnesg. money much good been dtnees tnd dirferent nitneuveri or uanl ousutution and "With this hat specialty .'eatnros. see come in the matinee and avoid the Vtn.l.lAMS AT TH: num to snlxnil to tbe convenftnn when done In way of city In F.tai.K fnaojBlses re Named tbe keeping the the coming Mr night taro days only. Ofrl," the meets All or the we For the vaaon Hill orrers the erovii "The Lost VlltgTiph specltl. it here. committees will The committees named and the tines of limelight. During the coming year will moat capable company or the popaUr star. Ktrle Wlllltms nporl meeting or the engineers try capitalise the made .thla performers he resturlnr it t which! husmeas to which each baa bean assigned to Investment has ever been able to together. Thos- - "THK l.Mtlll (IF will be the the MIJou today, will be held on Janutry e. M this meeting year EI tiMlHI HH.I" at rm attraction tt at-- Tax ass follow: tnd during years tn the past. Piso two comics. Mutt Jeff, en (IRELItN. ever see Virle V llllams angry - It la probable the call genertl meet sata many some tnd with their Did ytni lor i Saloons, Banks, Hotels and Restaurants needs Victories of kinds, family, will come to or play real angry If not don't this picture Ing will lie Issued. we tire orrtclti the Texas hc Otrden knon1edt," the mill Guarantees Positions R. B. Omdorrr, H. m. Andreas tad I. M. which are now negotiating for. We nrtnd theater next Sunday, December at. recently presented at tirerlan, today. The snlig Weekly will be shown It will object of the propoied have city or Nashville. that wis tbe R. F. DAVIS, Mgr Wyttt learned that tbe and Monday, January I. Plat exnerlenre and pltyert to overflowing business, will be also. I s a ery gooa nnmner new society to aavance tne interests nr the Tenn In 331 fsc rttilroadi and 1ewspapere Oeorge H. hss succeeded Inducing with Ous mil's "Standing Room only" sign, shown a! the lirerltn again, commencing Tomorrow there will he a special bill si enirtneerlng profession. It probable a Tel. 1484 1486 elements and members of toe advertising torles of various kinds to locate .within her should ttught you to secure In today ThOUSBOdg people were the Bllou tnciuillng lhe premier .otneilian legislative committee will, in time, he ent years .hive teats of unible oiiinilttee of the Chamber of Commerce. limits during the past three What tdvinre and tvold disappointment The tu get even is near as the box office the of the screen and tiRe, Victor Moore. Mi to tlie various stittg leguiatures of the Brokers, Jobbers sad Manufacturers W. Nsfhvllle has done we believe El Psso can 0. Roe, P. 8. Atnsa and W. KohBtsrg. do. and we want tn try out the plan. F.l pay Retail Dry floods, Clothing tad Shoes . torles mean payrolls and Paso needs Scliwartt, Rota K. Bryan. Fabian Rtolarorr, rolls. We can get them If we have the 1 J. Zelman tad C A. Fuller. funds which win enable us to go afur them Real Estate Men sad Property Owners o. systematlcany. C. Cotas, . L. Marr. C. PC. Bataett and Trying for a Dtvtsteo Poet, ti ini t n citarles Barks. "The Chamber of Commerce his been Hardware Dealers. Metal Trades and Min quietly working to Induce the federal war ing Machinery B. L. n. Farrsr. Robert Kri department to establish at fort Bitas nili. ktuar, neonre B. Ryan, 1. 8. McDonrsll and division post and has been meeting with J. M. sneers. much success. Wo will need lu lalllll funds order Printing Trades H. t. Ellis, w. J. Bule that the work may be continued. and Leo Ferlev "The great success wbleh attended the IX Of Callahan System Men H. T. Bowie, Dr. R. L. holding DO Prcfesslonal of the SoU Products exposition In Retney, A. K. Rowlands and E. C. Wade, Jr. this city last October prompts the Idea that stationery and Office supplly Deilera El Paso should have a similar a bow every nen Norton and A. j. Btrayer. year. A big livestock thow hss bean 0 Lamber Trades and Building Supplies R. planned as a nucleus of tn annual fair. in Charge F, Hiñes, R. W. McAfee and B. A. Henntng. Money Wfll to kg e be needed carry the plans Retail Orocers and Produce Dealers 8. M. a successful issue. Oeorge Batbgate Hard. John Grant, and J. Settlers Are Needed. W. Lorentten. "The valley lands should be settled by Ice, Fuel, Hay, Oram and Seeds NOW! Cttlborne or the kind. We demon Flnley, farmers right hive Adams, C. H. Joe Wright and Ed strated that by advertising, we ad Held. ta hive vertlsed in the past, we can attract attention M. Á lotottoTOt Sfe . Automobiles. Tires and Accessories F. of thousands of settlers, but they have not Rtnnell. J. W Klrkpatrlck, G. P. Henry, always been of a class competent to Zach Bllrersparre and Joe Bukey. with tbe problems offered by an Irrigated J A. R. Off Meats and Provisions ames Dick, country. Don't We want to ay another method. Put It II. Oliver, John a Thompson and O. A. one which experience in other sections or Dtnlelson. the united states has proved surcessmu nniggtsts Confectioners -- ;. E. Kelly, tad Must Help Scott White. M. A. Warner and H. E. Ward. Packing Houses. Cigars and Tobacco 8. J. Mtchelson and "We are getting two parking houses In Chirles L. Sherwood. B Paso and tn attempt must be msde by Supplies and Baths the chamber of Commerce to induce the Barbers, Barber hogs, Ralph Converse. feeding of cattle and.' sheep, with which to Laundries, and Tailors F. B. supply the packing houses cleaners upon which to keep men em Fletober, H. 0. Wilson and J. E. Benton. material their Day tassi ttlK3 ployed. This means not only the pay Longer Electrical and Has Supplies Fixtures that a Vl sod of up. K. Simons, It. W. Lsrrktree and D. H. rolls the packing plants will be kept U means, Lawrenoe. but It alto, that the farmers of the valleys above and below El Paso will be Imrm WBSF Architects, John Contractors tnd Builders provided S. and Tom R. Johnson, with funds from tbe sale of their rkj Curtlss fjsd stock. Men A. F. P. PL StUlis sod Ranch Kerr. J. 8. Lanier. Help the Sugar Factory. Labor Cntons W. J. Moran, Henry "The proposed beet tugar factory In the A upper valley an fact, It will The Walker and B. Webb. It assured but store has been J& wKi United States Government and City and be well within the province of the Chambei m v V m M County Officials w. P. McSaln. Beth om- - of Commerce to see that the supply of hush dorff, D. R. Rlchey tnd W. W. Carpenter. beets Is kept up by doing til that lies in It Jewelry. Chlnawsre and Curio Dealers power, to bring beet growers to the thou packed and jammed W. T. Hilton, J. E. Benton. Dekyle Smith sands of ttUl vacant linds In the irrigable and Ed Sanders. area under the Klephant Butte dam. Dairies, creameries and Ice Cream Man- "Cotton it grown in the vicinity or El ufacturers J. A. smith sad T. W. Ardoln. Piso In abundance, and it should be manu Paints, Class H. M. factored" into cloth In mills In this city. The since HflK. Tin of Paper the tad Wall starting tB' tie, and L. W. Hofrecker. Clumber of commerce tlretdy It in com HHHrttsaS Theaters, Outdoor Advertising and Bill munlcalloti with collón mill men with Posters Ray McCllntock. E. F. Maxwell, W. view toward having tliem build i mill here R. Winch tnd J, M. Lewlt. "Eastern tanners have looked over the this Great Sale dem Bakers O. W. Roberta tnd J. E. Oemoets. ground with a view toward determining W Htaiiiia&P'"''' Musical Instrument Dealers. Photogrt-pner- t whrilier the convertlnn of the thoutands of 1 and Sporting Hoods Dealers W. H. pounds shipped yearly through El Pito Hhelton. Fred J Feldman, Will Wait tnd J. cannot be converted Into leather here. This onstrating the fact M. Spain. industry should be further fostered and that Undertakers J. W. Peak, J. J. Ksster and will be If the funds are contributed as they ttfl m F. B. Simmons. should be . Will Meet at Sheldon. More Cows Wasted. everyone knows These committees will be called to meet "Two condensed milk concerns hive hid that at the Sheldon Monday morning ate o'clock representatives In these villeys looking Into when each will be furnished with a list of the opportunities afforded for the erection the concerns upon which they will be ex- of condensing plants here. They sty we pected call not only get a to solicit, enough cows in by and but not here yet class have dairy it's itself. generous subscriptions' toward the S75.0O0 that li true, the Chamber of commerce fund which It has been estimated will be mutt do all In tta power to bring dairy needed to meet the expenses of next year. farmers ind dtlry cows from tiróse sections more we re- 'We are taking for than Ul Win tuuu.rj wnurw ..i...,. IB m, ceived last yetr," said John M. Wyatt, rel in. chairman of the ten budget fund commit- "Money Is needed for the work I hive Come and Be Convinced tee, "but we will need every dollar we are outlined, tnd I reel sure that the business asking for If we are to do what we have and professional men and the land owners set out to do. who win profit directly and Indirectly from Tkis Year a Used Year. the activities of the Clumber or Commerce "The yetr 181 hat been tbe best year will contribute generously to the fund oil every point oi view ever eaperienrea when tlie committees call on them next by the city of El Paso. Thanks to the pies week." enes hare of thousands of inllltltnten from all parte of the country, and thanks to the Danger Signal bringing of other thousands at delegates r the ore pen should ring would you by military run and stop It or go and help to put out tnd sightseers attracted the tbe fire? It la much the same way with a iruviuoa of which El Piso was the center. cough. A cough Look Is danger tlgntl Big by the International congresses the at Specials and These tnd uncu at s rre ucu. iou annum no more exposition hM tere this the city is try to supproea It than to stop t ru e bell better advertised than It ever was adver- when It is ringing, but should rure the tised before. We mutt keep up the lutreet disease thai can- - the coughing. This can Laalos Hllk Mole Uolons. Ladles' Munslng always be by taking Unlona silk Ladles' Hunslng Unions. FAWCY GOODS which hss been aroused and to do It win newly done Chamber Jeroey oljk top; Osj and 2 60 lain Cough Reined). Many have jtgk wool. light heavy weight need ample funds. used it Coats, Suits and Dresses and cot Big reductions In everything. wiui ins most nenenctai results, it is es valno for .. ajfl.17 values for .... $1.98 ton. Regular Last Year's Fund baull. pecially valuable for the pertlstent cougb We are ckwing out thig lock and have grouped c Vlalt our Art Deportment year we collected from budget fund uiai so onra roiiowt a nta coin or an it 2b for 89 Main floor. lack or grip Mrs Thomas " " our Coats, Suits Dresses Main I tortus! eew diewa, ind writes "During tbe wuu. r siuslln Undarwear. ..nii up end on the nusuino tases cold easily couirtii Infants' Knit Jackets lr. tu 7u. for Ufloor. You must come early for these values. I Kilo' Silk Boer Hporaats dim ouaiia. '.uauiocnsin a '.ourn neu ,i. whits and pink. Reg. pa TOYS Regular ft. 21 for gl.7 Sub. MaTkan Is the bail medicine for breaking up l!ien value. $1.1(1 now. 7C 35c Regular attacka and yon eumot get ht.u to talo am We must make a gen- l.t (or .SSe O ijiimo Regalar 6o . . . . wmsu.amc evary wnere. ajv. Corset Specials eral clean up. Bicycles, for One lot of stamped prices in Warm Blan- Automobiles, Cotton I Gocarts, Women's Klannoletts Potti- - cluding linen, lawns, selling; Norwalk, of heavy coutil. worth $ 00. for 49c kets, full also, for etc. All must go 1'oa.ta, edge In Majestic, from $1.15 to llnk, bluo 4Witf Groceries Are Fajotii Quality 91.98 $2.96 Second Floor and sa i's In Lett Tim Price W. and B from 79c to $2.95 wblts elafC FRANCO-AMERICA- N Baby R. and from $1.15 to $3.50 Comfort, all wool gad C FANCY GOODS Big lot Do silk Hsgutatr of Brassieres In mistures II. tl La Vida, from $2.75 to $4.25 Hervolae, H Uermantown Shetland floas, Big reductions in Antoinette. W., Bien W. B. to close, La Camille, from $1.95 to Da-p- Jolia snd PLUM PUDDING regular llo Og $5.00 thing;. Visit our Art at and many other Individual ize tina, 15c; 2 for, , 26c r ... 59c Binner, from $3.35 to .$9.00 traen t Main Floor. makes iSc to . $2.25 One pound tin 36c Two pound tin 66c Three pound tin. ,J0O i MARZ1PON, par pUte 60c hheUad Black WfJnat Kernel., Pound 90c H. T. LACELLE, New Mackerel, large . , charge of fat fiah , 50c in New Mackerel, medium ize. , , 25c i REAL MAPLE BON BONS In Birch Bark boxe , , , .$1.25 Home Made Layer Caito, DougftnuU and Nut Bread WaUon Grocery JF 2 210-21- 2 Taaas Straaat. Fhra PWoasas. 5181-2-3-4- EVERYBODY'S EL PASO MORNING TIMES, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1916 MORNING TIMES SPORTS : RA CING : BOXING : FOOTBALL: BO WLING TWI PERSUNS HUK1, TOMMY LIVINGSTON Futurity Heads Good Program SIX BRUISED WHEN Bigtodo and Major Bell Day's Big Surprises LOOKS FOR HARD MILL Texas xt mm m mm mm mm at Juarez Race Track This Afternoon Trains in Uptown Quarters With LINER HITHN6INE Graduates-Bermudi- an Staff of Boxers From by arrangement Pickagain in Fast Race Bit All Tela horseJjom haa eyes oa the Jockey club Juirei Local Camp. running of tba Tatas Polarity of tst with the Texas Thoroughbred laaocll-tlo- whir h i do ra aa tas ron rib race nn the and has added Ptno to the stake, the program at the Jockey Juaret condition, of which rollow OLDSMOBILE FINDS 7 ir training will win a right for a fighter. dab Washmftofi Park Car CrauUvtsa Morning Times Juarez Form Chart coarse tms iflernopn. The race Is at Bp subscription of earh rath Tommy I standi a moat exrellent the that entryS E. P. A S. W. Locotsto-trr- FURLONGS TOO FAR hr Ciar, it Uw Ian ,,,. Pall? Marina ttaarai sla furlontra. and. despite fart to accompany tha for mire, rov Into r he bed MrtW, Wednaaar, lawwraraw 17. ISIS. aamnd itar WaarJaar clear. Trae faat- - tL W. chance of trimming Tommy O'Trrrrie In the there will two atsrtar. there ered tn 191 3 bred snd owned In Tets Slitrht. T,o was much overnight Damaxe b mm muss at the Imelter arens neit euntlay imereat "hnwn In by members or the Texaa Tlromurhhred Fascinating Fail Again and aral talk regarding the rare Juat as to which subscription Tkiw'mar aaaent arternoon, when laaorlatlon. and the further seriously Injured and 127 thete two soldier alurferi Is tha batter filly BjrWI or Kitty Chea- of ror the produce of inch Two parsotu ware Shows That She la Far each more or teaa bruised last night st " meet tn a ten round leather ahower tham The latter will carry tto pounds mares, ir derlsred In by January 1, 19IS, sit wvat h 111 wnn o'clock whan s Park line street car. No. W, From Good Form. t a. la. Al M uptown qnartera to bp McLetnorera crack, kitty to accompany Each iaa nnmtuii. pi training yr.terday (cull derlsratloni. sn E. p. It 8. W. en- i'i 'i ii l.lvingaton on light a stake at San Angelo this rail and the to pay tss.oo additional. All or crashed into awltrh i (lépalata. a took Jack Badmond. starter T. croaa-In- r i vt five pounds comes In the shape of a Ik) gine, No. 16. It tha k P. nllroid III Baila Bint. IK IS7 I il IM M heavywelgttl: Bantam Wlnaloent, of the which, together with per cent of the i' tl T. Itaat penalty. The high weight will, and Myrtle avenue WMMM at nSBBE Ill isa a re i Hernnd Ohio; k'nt l'e riman, of the nerond playera money added by the aaaorlatlon where t stick to the n. 0. parks run- Oeorge Hears, a negro, llvlnr at 111 North If Tajamanil a M taayUI i. II in sa- -t Pennsjrlvsnls rieid artillery, and lighting therefore the race la run. to go to the winner, 1. in; a ner, though she has not the Copla tree t, sustained a broken nose and Bermudlan IN. Tartar) Me-- I Marr i ta, Toast' at at aa a TaaSaa M.a I Peaks, or the Twenty-thir- In una started at 10 par rent or the added money to the i infantry. meeting. was badly the held when he 2. ' H TnllcU) " At seat artaanja Off at ía :t : Also tt wat reported at the to per to the bruised about l tu i ii tl antéala paM Rarm.ilan. band of apgmng partner LtrUgaton mlsed second, snd rent third putt- - 1 aa. a. as track yesterday morning bp private hurled several feet to tbe raar Aiesrerl in. learner) J at raUht ai piar ta akaaa II itmdau. plana la at, hraa t ea Baila aira, aha ti es It 1th both hlg end little men. Redmond horses. Winners of a stake or or three wis a l h i Cheatham form or the etreet car. Beeknm Dip, l. BigtnSe (i Manatí 13.30 i I tn rrt ajttaSI laa Manota. Triraa O an eerat. ,, ran. pave fellow lotlgtreat job of the work watcher that kitty rare other than selling to carry five I UHrrt the little the re I aamil aaiai'. iMrlna mwrarl for tea ara M . final workout for the stake was in the young boy, living lito Pera atreet. w.p.r mm (tt. Caraerl ti ll I ilrUala afternoon being big-- Bed pnunda extra: of two stakes or of five it 4. (tanwal ivawu 1. herause, betide order of seosauon. The men or the reived s sprslned at kie. Francisco prieto. I Bert I. (,. Carroll) I.te-- l mond la as bear, races other than selling, 10 pounds ex- nrnrn pian lar ua to Rail' mim itmr aa ne bar a is atronr wstch turned tn her trail five of soot East San Antonio street, wis rut Oí t it tra. of two races allowed - I" rail, rnaklnt bar nn irmipllr Clranlata rioaad atoatlr ions with ill ttrta work with the milt follows The first quarter st about the mouth and bis leg was bruited. By HY BCrlNKTPEH. aral unarr fauiUhmanl Ihroulb ail Livingston skipped rope. is five pounds; maidens, 10 pounds. Closed hita I' puaher. the : three etahtha t4 4.1; half, iff, The three men brought to the emer- - punched beg. shadow boxed and with 41 nominations at PS each, tt void Juarri. Me., iMar. 77. Bnrlrrled wtth the Krlllni M the threw Bit five ror long In 10i rsncy hospital and attended by Police Sur-r- the medicine ball. at PS each, it second payments at mystli from several elk 128 t0 on 0. B. Cain an. They were taken Vi number "if lutiing the time the Pennsylvania frontier The Texas futurity la annually run by each. angles, Btgtodn proved the in He. He. jyaaas I their bornea. ferenl rood la preparing for hlg bout with O'Toole, were slightly as rve Aratn m IM I a M a others who Injured are: Mlarrt rtaan selling which toimh .. n Tenett Livingston la firing In sn uptown hotel. the rare restored (J A (Dai k Manuel Bull, or MOO East San Antonio IM 4 His "gang" though, comes In from amp the l.adteg' Day rare card beN thl PJ Tarn aWtatetai 'liara. A K) gtl a I BASEBALL MEN LOOK ROBBINS AND O'BRIEN street, amall cut above the left eye; nupli M n tie each afternoon to e ti Netlaftad itlirlartan A Co i la .. atll a i ti wnii' Ktewarl headquarter Berrlrk, or company I, Thirty-thir- Michi- at Dan Or. at cirni isa f at M I A. Carroll the Philli favorite in his workouts. FOR TRAINING CAMPS WORK OUT IN JUAREZ gan infantry, face bruised; Captain 1. F. There with Qtdamnhile, ware alt itarler. lit Wauaaa IP. M. garrlatl IJ tl 41 S at Mahmrtk l.lvingaton Is working last as harrl for Hardener, of company k. Thirty-thir- Mich William Cam's lour time "inner, going to SI staaeor Mana ir n wnn ia SI f flaraar the coming bout as he did for the Klseu igan Inrantry. nTenrhed bark and nose A pert nn Scouts Scent Fine Quarters in Six Boxing Matches Planned flutter Msr Csssldv erc.nd choice st to let mlnulai. at I a. Tin.. II tat, II 11 tl antéala ealrl pi Atala. Lubb mill at Turiimrarl, whan he trimmed Are bruised; John L. Weaver. 3003 Durango fOalahl tttn. Mac 1110. aban la Crajatii Boh. piara 14 to. abraafluM dworr ta tl Torn MrC.rrx. the Denver lad at the cattlemen roundup Canal With Ideal by Tivoli New Year's atreet, back hurt and arms and hands and an even money favorita. M Wlunar t. I Zone for I. l"scinting II ill.rrlan .Plnkanlnnf h. R. Millar. rKanSlni Kart anod. rnn ...m last fall. That was the toughest bsttle or bruised, and J. M. Claxton. 3007 Durazno "Will and iblrrl rlrlrlna.aV Inner antarad No aid Orararalslll. S. Temperature. Day. Fascinating i mentioned second to nidsmo- at Ifat Don LtvUigston't career, and he even looka for leg-- PICK AMAIN broke flat, eat oe the rail and bad ta fall beet, cant around at Ika Mretrb tarn, street, hurt. O'Toole to prove tougher man than Lubb. SO, Mle only because the player ware Just that etrtni up tea Uadata la win wtib aeaa. Cénala Bah paco aod - Motortnan Andy Zumwal, No. told Po- at lar train on seraetf. Toni By Associated or Uie runner I afan J forrod itUflad la etoaa puroiili. Press Six rounds were fought In the workout ller Captain L L. Hill he did not know he much out line in l.'meneetter band and bugle corps of the " The entire New York. Dec. TT. A prominent author between Tommy flobbins and Tommy was nesr to Ihe railroad croealnr. He aald litar appear vi he far from heraslf, elae abc HalBria. Tlirr. ' ,.1.1. opa.rrf ItáT'vataa to "rrlnnar MM. second Pennaylvanla Held artillery will play O'Brien the Tlvoll In laat night. he believed tbe crossing was about tK, thiol IU ity who recently returned from scout of it Juarea railroad would aurely smother these kind with ease. in Mont of the del Norte neat Sunday noon, i Bobbins demonstrated he wis capable of 30 feet away. He escaped injury. Accord 'In Hurat and Ooiit Wt. St. Fin 1 go Inspection the Panama aone Told In a few words, the raca ainouiitnl Ilr etr Odd. and from there will tn the fight arena of ranal Is en going tit rounds at aa fast a clip aa haa Ing to the police, the switch engine was 11 Huperl. r, lW'oocl.irUi a flnnl let t la. M wuli Livingston and his party. over the possibilities of that sec- been seen In Juarei Tor some time. O'Brien atandlnr still on the rrosilng and was to lust thin The distance wis jni far 11 n... ..i. a hi A ctaaental 1ST I'I tier la one of the fastest bantamweights In the about to switch a freight car onto another Mark n Kabanka. a IW. tion a s aprlng training camp for big enough for Bigtndo; too rar for nidairiobllr itfl stenae) ..III a J. Hmrerd Wlnnlcenl, who t of Llvmrton's training aoutnwest and Is experted to give tuck trark. The street car struck tne front or 111 OUUi. a Ramatt) a 4 league ball teams. It Ill Wblla I to boa Wolfe a Ohio At the request of the Bntton one of the haa engine. or the not quite Tar mu. null for Boggrt, anil lor (Ml O'Th Tror. t (O T. RuUonl starf, kid at suth hardest rights lie the switch The front car Ill t Ml Mnl.wnnb Infantry atnoker at i:amp Pershing next Panama Chamber of Commerce he ever nao. was badly damaged. tboie that finished outside the money II III Zla. a (I II. k. ii. I, IM 4 studied week. the Tommy Dempaey worked out at the Tlvoll Conductor Bell Andres escaped Injury. 5 i Slsau 'iff ai in Tim. :tt :4i ate proposition from every angle and n.Kht he nam that thru, waa too much it, :iu i.s. ateta paid Rvrarrt, last night with Pete Everett. The anuí Many passenger on the street rar narrowly horse represented In the three whlrh laiulril atralalii I'm. piara lien. Miow Hie. Barnard, plana abow tl Mark R. Bubanka. abaar reached the conclusion that the canal xone Ing Winnie rh. ... Ir Tba W Waller NCCUlr, a featherweight protege eventi of the evening were sluinrlng escaped Injury rrom flying All or l Í iVrnuiwaur lor. Walar, Trained br M. enlabia. Slandlna atart mat. every ror gls. brat Bee ililrlnt. aarond and Oilnt aaaUr. Winner en l arad for ISM No or Livingston's, Is to be billed In a coming offered facility modern baseball neiween Enrique Elverdtiei and David Por the Injured were ible to return to their bid. trelnlng Is 'letting bark 10 thi business of the Jim M'Ptikl. lar rbar up, ríe .loma on U.a rail and andina a drtra. ,, n.rnard iloam in ih. i.i show at the Smelter arens. tint found anywhere within the tillo and C. E. Halbert and Toney Silvers homes. The switchman on the engine told II." the winners mutuel numbar wan 1313. llarnard .lalnlad In Ui .ad and raoad Mark R Kuh.nk. nn.i . ,,,.,,, ,., a. States and some that are usually missing. The two hniita ware stared with little re. tbe police be wis astonished when he no- nn rlbUi nul and ihr told on atopptni .a, He paid 13.311-- m the betting and It war rtatraint blra. aban rallad OTbl Trua rarad alaadllr P. E. Porter, of the Auditorium st Item- The temperature ranges rrom 71 to de- gard ror the art of snd prtrred ticed the street car crashed Into the en- K r 13th mount M S3 to be He crew Jockey Claude Hunt wlnnlnr "'" HT" """"a """a- An Net ing, N. . haa made Livingston an orfei grees, with an average of during the match that was not de gine. said the did not notlre the Uém-in- or ) the 130 Iblrd 121 ror a match with Freddie Anderson al in. mili, of February. March and April, and void humorous features locomotive which had Juat pulled up to a' meetior. Thi wa those who bet on 10 II. i little, any, Tlvoll Is planning six boxing carda switch a frelgtit car. "Thirteen" ' for Ii.'l.i and Owner. wt. H ear. Fto. Jorkap ear t January or there if rain during the period ror who i at tt oddt for New Year'a day, either at the bull ring on the home and unlurky thoae a IK g when the bill tossers would be unllmbrrlng lit llltlMo. NiHoiral .iaa It C. Hunt I or ratled lo on til in only by the difference !l It. tt Brown, of the Smelter arena, for the pennant races or the sea at the Tlvoll. bet lilt) rildamoMla. I (W. at Cain) M Oarnrr I no l Promoter seeresdlnp 13.30. i Uie amounts they bat between Michigan Trooper Is of ratio of for (tai Itogert. a (War. M. MUM) lio I S Ml ta i Our la.SS I has under consideration s mstrh son. The trip from litis city can be made or Intended to bet, hut didn't. 1101) Lnna Rlar. a imaaana A Baal lot 4 t I a It While ta I I'reddle Andesaon and the winner of the tn six days and the return to New orinan' ARMY ORDERS a 1ST Slashed by Civilian As bors pi. niittodo In an honest rhap. Vaadnatlnl. I II. Urntnaattar) I 6 t'l 3 I 41 t in- l bout. In five. It lias been aurpetted that after a He lian yet lo he plated worse than tlilrd at lit riele. I (W. B. Applagata) let I t 4 a a Maro to.eai two weeks' workout at Panama the team l to Uta Momlag Ttmaa. Duo. 17. C. present meeting, and he ha taken two Al poat mlrrau. Off at 3:415 Tuna :14, :4t, muluaU paid rotild return by way or Havana and New aaunaton. Appointment of tha follow. Private Walker, of troop R. Plrat the llttl ::ti II Rlftodn. BTH FIELD ART. AND ta Mcond lleutenanta from 4.11 Ufa. with rank front - ralalit I t. Haca 10. ahoar 14.40 irldrroohlla placa 10. cavalry, had narrow escape rrom In- pi for nwner spcnre. t II ahmr It 00 tout am. at an Orleani, playing exhibition frames tn both Navaaakar IS. Illl. and tnefr aaatanmenl to rwrlmant Wlnnar rb a. ta Cunar ot Klla Rmllb. by K Rpanee. rAhtrramrdaarJon jury laat night 10: o'clock when his for (alo Horae. llalraat Tralnad Mandlna atart good, won flrat 32ND MICH. TO PLAY cities before starting; to work their way yr la announced HOIIKRT OHAP- it Distance Ton tar threa drtrtnt Wlnnar antarad for No Idd. overcoat slashed a t4t. north by the usual returning Third wis four timet with rare paan at Instead BIOTOUO In aloat purautt Um pan. raeponded lo and route. aaralrr Sooond re or An- Had Uir tlx furlong lo urtlnt ware nidamoliUa down at the JOSEPH WHTTX km tn the hands a civilian at san to win grana awa nidaatriblla ran on the Isthmus there la every faculty for ra.alrr: OKJtR, Hlith ralrr. of leven, ii 1 Hum likely that William a rlrrar rara Boaart rioted with a mat). Lona Rlar ftll KDWIN DF.NIrto.N MOB4IAN. tonio and Stanton streets. Following the ot lb. nmnlna on Uia lower turn, rama Beat Football Game of Local baeball training and the acrotnaanylng JR. Ftnh rain Cain's OldainoWls would now be rlaaaed as bul faat al Iba id gaarlrieilag far awaj rrom bar liett IfBtUB alRYANT VI JONER. NwrenUt rar- - ffriy Thomas O. Hardlaon was captured . would not run at ataea. . gale receipts go to lighten the air;: KRAMER THOMAS'. a at the "Idimo-- l anr Season Is Promised for tbat fttanclal Eurbtb rwalrr: jAttxa by five time winner meetlnr. outlay for these necessary preparatory RA.NDIJTTT PI.VI.Y Bev.nUl ra.ilrr; tVIl JARll detectives after he had been chased moved up front rive furlong to five riFTII RACK- - Flat rurlonaa. Sailing rmir and upward. Nat ralua to wlnnar New Year's Day. !Ti?ÍJTOíf WADn.TON. TonUi oarlni; HALF. nearly a block. Detective T. Avint fired 131 trips. At Balboa, on the Pacific roast side. kTrreenUt anil one hair furlong and to ala, and wa IU. aarand IDO, third In. ñ."f5,rfOK ealrr: Km MI R shot In the air, but this railed to stop there Is a new and scientifically constructed JR. Elaretitb caralr BXYX3LLY I round a winner from every Kit. but when Hora, and tramar. 14 BARE COINER. KlaeenUi DF. the man. After a fast foot race he caught Wt St. Str. Fin. JorAa Odd. have Ita resolu-llon- diamond, with a 3,130 caralr; ALBERT today, New Year'a day might grandstand seating fTlTT AaVAfeAAnT. ThlrteratUi placed started at Uie setcn eighth tallón 115 Major Ball. I IWnodworth A Ron) gt oaalry ARTHl'll Harduon and htm under arrest. M Oamar 15 10 but Monday afternoon, January t. spectators, recently erected a coat of BtNSY Bli Ui raralrr: OORDON JORKPH fiMinil the distance Just about too 114 Cunalr. 4 Maetlaa) it Private Walker, Hardlaon and Horseshoer I. BaUar will see a clash on the local gridiron rielda Ptt.noo. At Empire, the government mill faaTJHItriON. SoronUl nuialry; ORON AJJjmt.N far. At Uiat, the honeat aprlnter waa found lot Tampr Duncan. I IT. O'nrtan) ... ruranuj oaaajir: BTAKLSn BACON CUIr Klrckner. of troop B, First Michigan Warran r the high school stadium which promises tary camp, and Colon are outer dla dolus lila level heal, for he ran s true rare ar .: Tandl. a IW. E. Moorbr) ... raaner there Srataaath oaraltr: JAY DRAKE BOJJNOB LAT cavilry. were arrested by Captain Joe 'Boyd any pigskin game ever contested monds prac TJ.N. Borond oaealrr: AAMl'EI. VtlTOR (INSTANT, Tar s faat lie Hara Jaaaaa. 4 IHtarana A Hon). Whlta outrival sufficiently faat and true for and detectives. They being on a anil rol Just as and at muid. n the local of aclence, brawn and CKTIH CHARE. Tblrd ire held Ill JalTanwm, 4 HI o Uwryl .isr i T. Banrr field tire work More than troop are raralrr: NORMAN BTJOAB rtBKE ELrblb charge of fighting. , Jockey i Hunt riMle a rare DO.NAXJI rente. :liudc let Jack llarrtaon. I lHall Bra.) .... ?i C. Runt nerve. quartered at Empire, and there are an equal OCTAVIUB MILLER arall within til rt' IlICUARU DRXTfCR on Mat do. second until at Mineral jim. t Patee a ir i ,..iet a t a a l t Infantry or Michigan, under number or American civilians In the canal 01X. Tonth rarali a: ARTtrtfa . pace- oa'alo. WnjtON TAB the mi ti ll holme taking arter the At otunuuid of Colonel Wcslenege and coached rroan SfH EaSff rm" íVrÍÍÓu WTTTÍhteen'tnal1?. : poat I mínala off at 4tt. Tlmr 11 ta 4 01 it uratuata Bead atalor Ball. lune to draw la spectators IIAL8. TwaBth uaralrr; CYBCB JENNEHB WTJ jDFR1 IdJitrt rCNTtlE maker in uaiusat Then, lutrlodo came on .tralaht, 11110. ,,l.ea 1110. abow 11 JO placa o aenneny, tormeriy 01 win wreraa TVilrteelitb oaealnr HAROLD CHAMAS PELj Cunalr. 11.. ahow 1140. Ttaai Duncan abow nwi. There ire two leagues playing ball there FuurtaenUi ranis; "haJum gamely Finding HiImiik Iii wobbling a Vlnnar rh h Malta Ball, of M M lit. the Eighth Held artillery the guid re.elr. IJCANDER Rl'MCLL S&WT&j: i Tb. Portland Tralnad b Rhlrlda Moving atart good, won flrat under tblrd infantry: EDWIN Bl;OtoíB rftfitl, - al the present time and taima rrom these WAY. Rltteanlli JOHN' THEODORE sírwlEN. hit in the beginning of the mul BlrhtB, he tbraa drlrlnt. Wlnnar antarad for 1100 No bid ing rein or " ring, star hair- ravlo DAN DCHAR HOWE. Lieutenant leagues could be i SAltb oaralrT; HENRY II ILL AND Infantn. Nlneteentli lnfaiiLr. MAJOR rama from lha raar. aarad at .rratch turn, a on drifted ror exhibition KytiUl (IEOROE JOHN ECIIANK t'OTKLAND. Infantrr wcii on t win by two lenirtii and drawing lin.l. trouad than rama on the euUtda of tha bark or Weat Point, at o'clock the raralrr: MrDONAIJt JIA : I'tdrra and wora tlirm down (Vnalr laotiahh heat, rlil.r waa of remes. The Panama Canal Zone league ?HAW, RerenUi crualrr; THOalAI PORREÍT L1M JOHN HoLlAOf. HPMBERT. TwonLy aliUt infantn aw.: to (ihlKmoblle came llogeit to hut little aaalalenre lo him Tannr " afternoon of the day or resolutions and re JOfYBPH LE TOURA LA VCAB'fttRT Nct running iindrr playa Sunday PLrat oaralrr: CORNKUUI MARTIN NAC Thirty eUth' i " M.c raced far out of It I'i' roalralnl. hung at Ihr and l.adr Tandl In rluaa allandaaaa Ihrouahoat. pentance. i series of contesta during Uifaatn: DAVID RBVW1CK KERR he nl. latter tne season, and the Twilight league has a liuru imiein nil It Ami II HI K.DON TKJ.M EVERETT Win n making the fll.XTH RACK Hrrai, The game premises to be one of the best ef,BtflLjrrarruwnU. oaealrr: ARTHUR HAND RA Y HAR- down the heck eticlch furlong. Holline. Thra. rear eld. and upward. Nat ralua wlnnar schedule or about no garnet. big bend, Jockey nuy railed ror ami 132 tata, tacaad git, third ttaged till- - year In this locality. Both teams f, u Alt this information will be laid before JI1.ICH ANDREWB WOOD In l.ii,!, even ftrlileii Boart wan uttliiK Uoraa and Ownar. gin. have met the best on the border and have ?ÍEÍtí2"L.M"mt"Ul oa.alrv, BORERT HMJTB II Tlu..J.r i sir Oddr the major league magnates In near UBORfJE ftntrr: AfDNEY SOH.NB EAUOUJe, TwanuTírat Die lead of the firm fhKht rapidly never surrered defeat. the JakJfOTt. rirat oiralrj. MARTIN íoii llrl Hart I... a (la Iturllnaaaie) .its a tl i tl ii hi a. te I ruture and an errort made to one or Seoonrt raralrr: JAMXR FREDERICK fantn: JOSEPH NICUOLA Uie hut the end cam 108 Mlaa tieneral Oeorge Bell, Jr., will attend the tecure Infantn: CHARLES ihroimh .tiaiKhlauav. W.llt. IA P nirkar) to b at i ría l more clubs to 2"J1Urr. TbJrd oaraln: IXINALD WTRONO Hunt t u 111 game accompanied Medals will try out the possibilities of mt mraatn: too quickly for the Mikrl charrer tret fjassfct Ward, I IB R Farmr) 101 1 by his surf: Sl1J)!tSiJT.2ÍFr.íÁILmt- 11 I 80 I the zone or tats. Acting LON, JR., rVrenteonth btfanu-r- : liw Hnliollnk. I P, Jobnaonl be awarded by the general And enough during the spring The weather man waa kind today, hllllUK I oovemor Chester Harding. 94 Prima Kuaena. a IK. Apeare) .. C Hunt .ao military banda will be on hind to mike General ilr. !. for lie nice iiaatlmeia Ida rholreal brand ft i V aides or Ill Mart' I'nalilll. i w. ii in. Brae.) 10 1 at at W. Mrlntlr, ta. at i every moment one or ictlon wards, President of the republic bAMAB beam,, rath The nil i noon waa clear and warm, with Art-l- ins .,. ii, i Doria) in i f Bailar tr.oo l Look at It; can you beat It? Panama and oovemor of Colon are all "S'Kiff Ihe ami tiliilnr brlghUy. The trark re- sponsors of il putt 14 minute Off .1 4 44 Tim. 23 4 V IT I Here Is tbe lineup or the bands: ardent the plan, and hive as m pei le. t dltlon and Mennudlsn, II :l:lf. II uraturia paid Itert manid ualtlit no. piare lit .bin. 14 2 Mlaa W'ella. plaot 141 OS. aured the ball players a warm welcome and t I, ahow ,jtl Went Seventh Infantry. mraan--r : w nun i of the tare at three quartern of Is b. aana rirat Winner I it lata or Dauteblanrl L d Maud. Trained in J. BurUntaroe rVralrbed. Twentieth Infantry band. every comfort snd attention should anv of I.i a itoppad lbs iiiatanre in in 4 f, tlie : IM. TMI IOS. mil. Allantitt Morina atart a won drtvlnt aarond aaaUr. third drttlna. Win- - Fifth field artillery band. tbe big league clnba decide to train at mha;uwa5, - nrr 1100 W Twwntlelb PRANÍ'Ib ala fullona- run at the meetlns. entered fia Oierweliht. Bert te oaraln: OntlRl.. tnfaertn: A ATAUD Eighth rivalry bind. Panama M,...!-i.n- lo III III 1. waa aent oul the front and wee rhallenaed n Otarlty Ward, aboob her off and wtthatood i imuiur; HAJUlT JC Hurlinaame lielleven In endlhí 'ero Ika bold Michigan band. Kirx aiMPsoet doLlaShide. Blgblaauui Infanta; PARRA I) ruth of Mira Well. Tha l.ti.i In purault Utrowxbout (liarltr Ward forrad Uva run- - rtru naid annierr IT the p.. orten when a horae aliowa a alan Hint, Onto. Carefully compiled statistics or tba trap BARNWali lUtETT LEOOE. SULh field aitUlarr Infantn: (IHVTJLLE M0 but llrrd BotHiltnli rioted with a ruali Prlnct Buinit wa taken back In the earh part and md Fourth Beeentewntn Infantrr. WILLIAM of Ifliorovlns, ami for that reason he won not reapond Eighth duba or tbta country show al lha and. ohlo hand. ahoonnr tbat PRa.nk BFUJAMINI TÍpVoN, JR., ElxhUi Haider-- ' cvtotann, Taonrj fourUi iDfantn: W ALTE It fii t race al tln track In a lona; time Pennaylvanla field artillery band. 8, see active 413 Inactive cluba RA Till 'UN all Third and ire In LSI tLNatMSFl iiaivwjA ptriii rtetd ac infantn when lila Hen led from atart lo aland, ti existence st the present time. Including a an: OLIVER Lincoln." ' auv.a ni.i - CH LIUJIS Ell nug caae of Ullorj; 1RVINU OATBB. Swtanth Held BALDWIN win the fi mi Wella and charity "rating" when, all through Canada. Australia. Hawaii China, tbe CR1LALD alitli the alx snd IVANI RROWVB. Ki.i.u. Ward at aeven furloiiira 1'rlnre Euirene rurloiga, Jockey Jark Howard had Hat or clubs of all types aston- Ul wn: WTJAAAM POHN JUNKS rvUi nald ar the reaches tha Ullerr: YARROW VEREI.'r. wa- - matalled Ule rawiriic, but afam ht Stevens horse under a strong pull. Juarez Race Entries Juarez Race Selections ishing vital or 4, Me. In United DAJSIBL Blitb n,l ac- never tbe sute. unan: rREDERIC CllAALt-- - DOSS. Savanlh Bald ItaappotatiauD bj untnr. v ahow murn letting hit mount out until reaching Pennsylvania leads with New a Ut; York Is EUrbUt pen anv I lie la point an eigntn rrom the rinlsli. and then second KM, at aUae. I'rmre riuier JOCKfV CLUB. JUAItZ. a. A. JOCMIY CLUB JUAHIZ. a A. with and Illinois third with toe. eampala-ne- it was too late a. mi old or a horae who will herauee the restraining leara1. Mai Iaa. u Other states with over 100 Include: JAA41N ruurlh Utfaaitn: HARRY LAVS tactic, had art 1. Mtxkra. clubs iLtarru citntt n.. BXNNITT. JR only run when the mood htta him. abaorbed all the ravorlte's speed M KITING, (.'aurórala. Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minne- Ui Lnfanto JOBEPH JEROME MoOON and he wis "dead" from his heels up. II tatrttt far Thuctay. Ollar,: PRANCtS TOUnKQ RKin. Third CUd S "U.E BeereiteantA infantn: JOHN CHENEY Ilrcmodlan 1 Irruíate elle Bird 0a. sota. Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio and Wis- tlUarr: HAROLD HIILUVj. e,- . wan Barnard that set all tire pace, only hihtin-.- - early consin. arttjlerr; BDMOND BXRNABI) EDWARD, nrtb Jockey . Taylor, contract rider for the to on nosen out in tin. laat bp BXUaerl. NKW BavM Laajatea. stride riRST lull Hellttuj bad up V0IK TILtllAPH 2." ""aTk.-Xs'i- . TÍÜi? revean tñ nald Ol topan atable, came hack to Uie racei yea which came up bpbicon u. 2"uttn, Willi a grand rally rush ward. Flea furlnns. rrnonT. finnioin, Among the subjects will vilije wTTV!: rÍT teiilav a few Haya' layofr on arcnmil : IIESSANTA. DK43CIIAND. Mlaa TIPPXAAXfY. which be tbe wrbton num after through the stralghUwsy. Mark II. Kuhanka 101 .Mll.s topics ktfanur. l'APL MUHJUT ELLIS. TVentr eeeacilliL!ftn a root a week in. vksTEit aioirrs, oouobty. of addresses or reports at the elev or hat ma injured in rare last was uurrt because Uiere wa nothing near 101 UAU44KT BOT Montreal. ""ru iieui eruirarT; HILDEBRANDI fantn: THtlMAS ERNEST 4 SYBIL. enth annual convention of Uie National Col flatli lumilll JOtOf POitTKH EsahlaarAiSlnfaii Mot) the yniinyater in for another layoff. htm to offer contention trtiin TOKK M. TATB. PaastA arOllant: OTTOMAR (PDON fanrr; PITOS. closed tl luiur.i. mti'i.i naiiME Lnrrr HEYwnnit legiate Athletic association, to be held In FlfU field aitiUen; OLIVER I'ATTON ;. irnurteenu Thia time it la tur fur daya, whlrh OOOaSI stoutly. 0 'Tl True showed early speed, lit BLABKKY jaawe, rjwraom "an., TUrUarj. HARTEN A. MARJORIE I).sULPB I. this oily (New York) December ts, are the nata anulen; RJI' SLAVS aTOji, lnfanirr or a auapeualon at the liandu II run .11 ley EtgbUi anuían i "rHtrT CHA WINMHIP JtsNBS BeewnUl in Ms nstore alalirc Bell t.iinalr-Tr-u- ip nu en art adame Ham- lntaDtn. ED llunran. STAB BOO roliowlnr: Addreiaes, Major Palmer E. ilton. neit ardtlarr VANOI JSB- - WARD HARSY OOTL KBB. tt nan tit lafaatn: BOS- ol lbs alowarda. He rode Kenuudian home lit CINCINNATI UQUISCa A. BtriU. arv: rUJl. rar Arta, w i un he, ii. ones stepped to 111 riNNiaiN C Pierce. U. 8. A., "CoUare Athletics as Re rarua. ooaat awjan oorpa: winner In Uie opener, but In landing tb the barrier IILAHNET. Ill B It IN II DLETON, ooaal carpa .,'M PALI.t NDTWl In tlie firth, a BIOH lated to National Preparedness;" Prof. Ray artillan p Taylor acrnsa the path apread at five eighths. Major rrrsiarr BEJULA.VTA. MJAS T1PPBRARY. OILL, ooaal arUUon (IERALD ROIII.NHON tn. CHARLES ORTERSTBAt ... yeteran in rmnl cut 111 Bt'BICON I DBCKBAN. O ron. tv..iw.. waa Bell proved the big surprise by coming II Mill.I.ER, VErtTED RIGHTS. UOOOETY. mond Oettell, Ambarat cohere, "TbeBÜTl, aa aruiiorr oonra. jomej-- Warren Barn satjtw. TBlrd of Belle Bird in the trstrh. and li for aa m .i.-- m " aat corp.. SB scum tyj tofan from behind In the snd getting up to TTLOBMN I KITTY CHEATHAM. Value erf Poothall It Tail MeKewiele n.ilnr 'SXER. anillen LET EARLE rants Ihla till or i. .null rldlmr that he waa penal stretch STBIU rarttLUwv eorpa. PRANK JAB VIS AT- - win over Cunalr BURIL. BTEU.A ORA INK. TI CKER. R. A. M. C, professor of physical education. LaWren nujiivn S?A tSSS- al ami aa and Tempy Dunran by a HICCOA'P I CUNT trtwi. arliry oorpe; ALU. c. ck lied. The race waa al furlnnsa. HA. I. AelllM. i mVYNO CA MRTNOTflN 1 V TSweieu. hall length. odda-n- r"ur H ANTENA. MARJORIE Ii MII BRBT. Unlver-sit- or Pemisylvanla, Making aorna: PR Ml n pucv.-t- TtT I....,,.- -. Uie pace Teiiqiv Imuran was an and I "The WIIAVOK It waa run. Bella lilrd set all uulil arts half furlueea. we Ullenr ana; EDWARD A MURPHY ertlUerr 8PAJÍN. tteenlb btfanu-r- : i lion e i imalr wit at twos and the winner and Remalinr or a lighting man (expert Tvtntjr.i tin Held awiiut into the alrelrh, where 81 DaraHANTJ WORLD . Millar. paid ir. in l, Twaaji lomrati showed her NfW YORK IVtNINS encee In the British army). Reports of Bermudkan atovasl up au ousiy to lake the Ii: Mir. a ) .... r BLARNEY. RUBICON U. fanin: JAMES rudomary early eed by seUlng the early iNMi.iN special commit "on the EITert of In rcbmeu. ma.nnino had from the H(enre flyer. Tonuny Hunt 14 P C OOLB I BKSIANTA. DECKHAND. 141 SB TTrPKRART. AJLD BRl E WEBS. coast anilarr tnranln end HARLEM LOWNDES fTXEL. Thlro t tercollegiale Dr. H. 1,1 Mrl . waa up on Bird and taking; the lead pare, but because unalr kept her close 112 HI.BI.ANTA I UOOtlKTY. yKBTED BICBTB. MOUXR Athletlra," f. McCurdy, IS IMAN. ertnue, the In - .NETat ajMci.A ra boiwrtrw .Xt BaataTiltton of capt. ECOKCfK company Uie half, Tempy willed LiTTUc 4 r. chairman: in- linger l. Lee, Harvard tint - ROrBRRTS. rirat on the Grippal horae Taylor awuug BUtckty llrst lit nrtoaa nil. Infantn N N. O., a layiiA than previous UMN a 111. I INK verelty, "Tbe Of Harvard CoL v Uie inner lall and Tunimi waa forced to earlier in atarte and waa a tt t STELA IRA BOBJCL. LOFTY HETWOOD Llfl itarameo;' rREDKRJt'K IBJIENS. Infaain. Aat rati BEI.LK UAsrntNA. MABjnais .p., Dr. Paul C. Phillips, up ' .die Bird waa beaten all weak third Ill r RALra a Anihrrsi cohere take Ill HAJ BAal eoaal UtUlatT Sa7 EtrdAB NARH. JR. oaaat r over "ScboiasUn CondlUons in intercollartste UUwrr right, all riant, when Hmnudlan rut 12 HlNIMlO DAILY RACINS fSIM Clark. aun, WlÚrntS aTAALTY PHILLIPS, caw CNI0AS0 B(orl, Hr Edgar Fauvar, Wealeyan artillen corp.. EDO AS. ARRIMON T'NDERWCrOfD lo Utr rail, hot It was a (lsugeroua m nil The Jockey nub Juarri today poaled tlie UN UNNltllN ail.l. II.. III.ARN'El Health of onaat ajtlllwn orar; HOWARD STANDI8II TUOM raid Uifantn. N. C. inanaged only to following notice to owner m "The Pootball Man;" Dr. lor the inter, who I'ntll further nun. I LITTLE SOKDER. attSM TIPPBBABY. RES acuiuwr eeeae, PAUL HILLS PRENCH. Major AlBXANDE 1. H. McCurdy, laiernstionsl Y. M. c. A. erTbaara- - - inalnlaui cuuuol or hit mount with vlgoroua im.ii.i-- m all aelllug racet. beaten horae ward rtra and a MANTA. an ram: HORACE UNcoln WHIT taoued Bat, i llaea "Some Ethical Problems Intercol- TAKE aaat Cat. Al'BTTN A TaRKER got will not lie to n 11141 IKMMJKTY t HIHHIETY. MONT REAL. collera. in anlUarr oorpj OORDON DE LAN Tentr-4V- ktfaa and quick willed effort. Idle Bird In tihjert claim unlet u ao Mull HI ARR1NOTO.N oeeet aavpa; 4 MYBIL. legiate Sport" net aeUllarT JAMES k be third, wiui urculab- taking the place. apecirird in Ihe condlUon or tlie rare. iitti unixaa y'-- JMNJfii artillen corp.. JAMIt UNIi A. JBWBl'i. lafanm Hat jim ibararnaa I si t URA1NE. LOtTY HETWOOD, BORAX. Mlkeitdaa Oaa. cl ouala MeCaffert). mi TaurrcD Kiunre .... .!" artlllarr corp., ARM AND JiUU uoaioa aw. Ptrkagala BobTua MEAL Tick IT I HAHTRNA. RALPH B MtBIOBIS D DCRA.NT 'T3;Laaoaad llataananl U. S uterine oorpa) oaraln la. N. X. aocepted Eighty lion- - Ill Captain Goes TwekOh AN D Sat"ll 1 two yaar have five have been placed In 1181 MON LAI. Greet lnanm. ALEX ER WOOD liUJBD LUuL HENRY I NWOAWH. Haven old maidena that tl Ta L' "';' Dlak sr. ie aUle of New York by Uie breeding KL paso MORNING TIMES MB J lafanm; SAM EL AJArfttKsl finí eaeain. a. mi J. been trying and trylntr to break Into the Ill SOLIO takMklar. oik1iB SiiiiiI lAtarA AJ3XLH CJrUAJt -- n STAR BOSS. RUBICON II. to Los Btatva winning circle for ever mi orten the past bureau of the jockey club from May, IM, I Mlf run. Angeles, Cal., INwrrA 'lafaetin. JAMES KAKLHuiyrtaN ' (aaáñi lofantn. OtAa N O year I MUM T1PPXJLARY. g. C COLS, DECKHAND. Major BtKBAatT C. DA VLB. season Un in Uie deuce hum uir it was created, lo the eml of ivl. anwnii says Thoroughbred v. gltt'lTB Two, ear I UOOOETY. MOLLIS. TBMTSX) RIUHTB to Sa.: ctTttljjM fear, s rive fuilungei.I form playsra the Heeord. In tut Hub Rest Several Wees AMAITlTr cat. & BACH a Taartr- - lie' 4 BYBU- rrtk tng to the extensive of twrBl " Hi rurlonaa - bad the light upe when the picked etporlstlon the - Ink - klTTV CHIATHAM . t LUSTY BKYWnni). NTELLA (IRAIN'K. HORKL fanto CHARLES UVL.N.irrrOME Oaa. KCOEME - thoroughbred produce, the bureau found II D. county CBAPKE Nino. HOUaaHOLOEB. again and nt him to the xiat a foul pi ttei Mini. .. RALPH I. MI1BB1.Y MABJOIUE O. laptalu W. llreet, clerk, left eawiaj. awnta avuaaa auHiAici, ESaveata at Hpp gaol Aa uaual, Couain Bob dlafdayed nearly Imponible to rind aailtable stallion., leal night for Los Anita! at. Cal., where he faaiu RICHARD KJCANE SMITH. TaalflA uven PRA.NK way and but one new horse waa placed in tin Mai or opinion expects for b asan early foot and ahowed Uie to rirTM l. IMItni True, rear old. and up- - oaaatEsui to rest several week before faattty: LES SA the aUeun turn, but waa there challenged alud. With the rewvil of racing, even on aot. Maa and rt.NNlUIN. BLARNEY. II'BICON 11. bis return to El Paso lo lake up his duties and aon gftSI by Jocaay Herb s modérete a. ale. Ii new ataniona hate barn 1781 aotm HEHBANTA. DECKHAND. MISS TIPPSCRARY. a county clerk. He Is recoverinr from In farr. stuaHT oardin RW HURM SOOTT. oedVsJ corpa. Art-- M U a. placed iioai l.tBHIET) MllUJtK. VESTED BaUkTTS lafaatn. MARRY KNNErt on Itckagaiu. wincti pnoed an raay .lulled and taurt TtifKii Juries sustained last Septataber, whan be Twwnn p. II lit IS BYB1L. fourth lanuttn: CHABIJba xaitrsrrr i caia. IJSONARD H COOS, Btatk am fell down a ahaft Ihe VIAN aSanreauUi kafatitn LLOYD H AJELO muer, foiiats Bon landed juat eaatly i eTPI O RA INK MORAL. LOtTY EEYWOOD freight elevator at W in ihtain raiNT Hotel Sheldon talkie trying to SO rafa In. IP the plan and ion MrCafferty was third, mere will be racing New Year's bay. ill) rrrst i a USAINE t HARTEN A. BALPfl B MARJORIE D rescue lnrente a length sway Momia) Neil lueaday will be the off day. Hill HlpTl UITWooD levator boy. bifeom a loving by IV aawanu Lou.- - I. on, .una rtwa TT J. d Mai k U I ubaVak and l adles' Hay will be on Wednesday. Yesterday rup purr based uimu, Iti nUirh Kuyerl U.m.i ' TIA JUANA EiVrRIES a niint mum got-- a STXTB RACK many friend was presented to Cap vain Uti, ssk Suick tbav ara rait Adv B. ordinarily a tntaai Mark Katbanka. fair aort of M tn the police on of BAtJS king A claim w titea waa In .tit at atan m the office i.r.u. WBtOlEU. tborougtibrad and durmg the t twelve tauaaeu nul I LADY Tanii ii a ii lnrei.trr A . .... uxaur, captain Tom Artnttronr former Judas naufiUia a horae Doled for coualafceiiry, did for Alien llénala) Uuiuiy kale on Mon IW IIAKIKNA IM; Dt SSttl SITTER RSUtOKS Jgl TwenU flrat Ugsi Tien: Dan M. Jacksoii or tlie thirty fourth district In- - l. day hat been thrown oul. aince II was found ill ai o tat jaarjixt fur backeia. who aent him aira am court made a apeerh as the stiver loving A,rTo? Hl two, that a cheek that firm offered tn pa., mem IIMIMARJOIIC II I lira tartana Aaoe Lara. II jxzrrz BaS post si oue lo but lie waa handl aark. Erad T. Uaa Skark. iaa ' cup given to Captain who ex or Uie filly waa found to be worthies Ill) till I.I.I t lit: 18. wit Pratt, kafaaari: IALP1 (Mjppaat by a rtde bad judmneut in aak. IM: Callfurnie Je.a. its. EAYtb Lrra pressed Ida sxipraclMMMi. fantn TttUMB BEXLYS ARMS case, elae Juckey Jack How kay pi n. r who also bad a claim In for KMkaekti a., let. Raymond particular 'ewa awnil asratiall alkswa Captain J. Btowe of Uaa dtp dslerUve u. urrruiji mill. .. i Mack r the horae and who lost In the altake. today TtUrd Sana Els fwrtaaara MaaarAt t kahHttn AJRaUPALS LEWIS DAMRLA.N !G ant had an off da auru in rat. at: is irosa aa opera ...... tv mm Uiem became owner of the filly for M MrMabta. 8: Waaatdk. 184 laat 184: dertineoi recoverinr tofautn. WILLIAM BBeiSl BUM Kit e S 1 DAYS bp third rate and waa in urn of a ie. Berth. Ala ttoo whlck was performed about two weeks tWU kuaatn. PALX UUEVES TO 8 An... IM: Stler Nwaak. IM: Mao Buena. IM; Lea kvtaaan, EDWARD MARTIN BAttTH aetaalk NUwaT Foley aiip. en ara. He was able lo return from Hotel J0.SX.YN Will Tom rail I the ornóse of lha A tn. PSaSY IS Third In UcmsíÍLSt ltd fa Idea, town-bun- jo. key for a detth thst ail HhetTlrld Ave., to his home yesterday fawi JOHN i.i Nil ah auib dub meiaase sa tau Calcero. IE. writing B9SNBT HIOBEE WOBTMINOTMN Nb.u. h. llllll ; your name and addreae clearly raal raaei. let;. . pppPPaastai Tou Jl un ski. i ' i i recen e In return trial package coa lata lis. ni lit i hi feaitn. JOHN BJJ.UlJrTO.N SSJIlaa. Baank DR. y W MJCja KEELEY lol-- a C klutu city ply alelan, HI INU rtlUB. tng Honey and Tar Compound 'MBS letteraoa, gelding by i on-- fm 1M; lelta J ONk I lour cough, and croup: Foley Etta WaUa. IM: Paata J tew Oaw. IM I sertoualy UI tata re. idem a Itlu Art Í KlNOl aaTavttlsi ts Utaattst HUk leator Kad and Paneles, and wbicb told, kidney l rasla aaaapHaaBsai aatt after el has run. rar taita ta asase ana nark: rhauma- sons atreet. Atuudlnr phyalrlaav have not aaaataral awsalisjsaj sai burn heefeeefce blrtw . .... 1.1..- - .i Mart BkaUv. US; Tbe tacts. Daaaatl jour aaeavay la beak raced la the rolort ' William Mr tVler diagtMisatl the case- Or. klutta ass bees kltuiey, was tuner in tbe fifth In an I roiey catharuc Tabieli a wiioi SltfvJlfilSst lhe;aentt; j in k for four days BigG 1 tstsaya ataetras t Cartes Bleak naiiie .if H o Mr aun out """ lhoioutluv rleanalna caiLaitl. riT!!. iMrasM ,3, Blsia.ka l.aari bllfuaikaaa. heaAuvche IM. Baa. ww reportad his sMNMsMMM. ver talara Urethlag Co. r i. ,io krttay ttr. Mckiuury a for roiiaiinatlon m.i artwUa. rtalafa. it, tawatrrtw. Tf tilled front A. C. Byaa, i aat reietivaa aato as was murxt nea-- er ttwlea ts ta. pnviia aai. tluariab bowel. oai Drug in, uieui ta. t Uiorf. -Ad tar aad raellss eatily uSvER amraatttt Xt EL PASO MORNING TIMES, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1916.

errtvad ta El Ftsn mrM from ilor tn the rlty. SIM la atoppmf it Ota Hotel in Kl Paao. They are refltterad tt the Ho- Itrl.v knoo In Ameriri riy Pay. hat MtKRs i. ii i i i Mi l ntr.a it 1 TEXAS HEAD TO naun. haldon. tel Pato del toCU been appointed chairman uv board or W. W l.lttlejnhn manar" ol 'IT About El Pasoans Alte of Hnrlay. N. M ar- Mr. and Mrt. I.. Read Fuller of Laa Crurat. fllst renaora. an orfanlaavon rreated ny Paan hrtnrh of th onlf setmmr on Mr. taanar N upon the mm tad tM rived in the city hut and SSpacna to ., arrived in Kl rase yettarday and the movie trade In Knttarvt. to watch over yesterday a Infornieii thai W td tt mrht te rr O'Connor hiss of Mmml rranklln. Should on of and Visitón in the City ho IS Kl raao .erara! rtarv Mat ht at the red it the Hotel Pato dal Unite ihe nne ma Mr. ay he had made a chrtntma. tift of in pa thrta lt b rsoarn. i mortal mma prob Hotel Sheldon. to improve the character or the moie and at Ihe iltriea of ejrh employe. h SELECT SCHOOL CHAIRMAN OF FUJI fHllSSIS Invita re. o erttlon from Iradera of the employea Fl Pa.o will htrr OF ably will b niak inlo Ilia mountain 0. r. smith an Arlaona miniar naan. U m Uw city ha London, rt T. p. O'tionnor. popu I I thourht in the nation ImiMinra. (Jwr Surrl. pnrrhaalnr afr,t. the riiy on a baalnaaa trip. Ha It at tho tc. sin . to apand two ha bran propnaert that ba to San Mfn. a Hotel Sheldon It" of the School of Minra be anlrt Wiaraata' vacation A H. Johnaon. city raah C. H of Cty, N. M.. i nitMl Stataa anrnrnnMnt a tarts ran lar. I noldinr th purr haul atrcnt Mr. leer, stiver NINES SITE TODAY doii r Kl She for tba aoMMT autionad at Port Rtlta. )oD aa wll aa Ilia own. ram to Patu yetaarday for a ntlt. TIm main bulldlnt of in tnautiiUnn wa Jorph A. Slock and Mary Martin war It t ruaat it the Hniel Sheldon. do.tpojrad by flra rarantly. It la aapartad nan-ta- yaatarday by Judis A. I. Nail. 1. aid well Palmer of San Antonio, Text. It thi alta will ba rlmn within two dar. Chaplain Frund. autionad at Fort ft tn F.I Paao on a Dnatnaaa trip, and U atop Dr. R. E. Vinson, of Austin, "Tba SUM Unlraraltr la taralnt alwad n. ., wa a nitor m n Paao pint tt the Hotel Paan del ort. Hr to Impact Property iatdlly.' aald Dr. Vtnaon laat Mrnt "II Mlaa Oladrn Mandall and- - MUa Katharine - ra. i. B. owana of Miami. Arta., la a ba "fteiiy ofhumjMtrgietJIatyj WIGWAM THEATRE About ML Franklin.

K. Vlnaon, prMmt of UM rsltv f Tess. with mrmhm of i nimltw from the H Paan ChamtMr of '.otnrnrrrr will mate an IntparUon ttoa ADULTS ONLY ! lALULTSONLY mnrninr r propnaed sltra of Vtn nw fxillrt Today Two Days Only Inr of Um sum School or Mtnat. Dr. Vln "The GARDEN of KNOWLEDGE" FIRST SHOW FIRST SHOW Peerless Nary Pickford TODAY ONLY TODAY TODAY IN THE ARTISTIC TRIUMPH OF HER ENTIRE CAREER Earle Williams PROMPTLY AT PROMPTLY AT in tho Vitafraph Special 11 441 A. N. 11A.M. ' THE PLAY THAT THOSE WHO ARE Less Than the Dust" BROKE ALL EL WISE WILL COME PASO ATTEND- EARLY IN THE A delightful romance of Mystic India and staid Old England, produced by "Little ANCE RECORDS DAY Mary's" own company after months of preparation at a cost of $250,000.00. ?f rmj DM you over see "Bario The NIGHT RUSH Williams" angry rea angry? On its recent showing at the BE If not, don't mlaa this plorare Grecian thousands IS BOUND TO today. turned away! TREMENDOUS! Special Music on the "THE " An Kxora Good Number will be nhown also $10,250 Unit Organ Mr. will play to 5 and 7 10. music was arranged by Hindu skM 3t? wPHarH Parks from 2 to The TOMORROW and American musicians. A Special BUI, Including the premier comedian of the and stage, "VICTOR MOORE' Admission, Admission, Come to the Matinee Riots of Laughter 23c 25c This picture turned 'em away at night on its first showing. It is 1 9A hours long, so come to the matinee and bring the children. They all love "Little Mary." TEXAS GRAND CRAWFORD SUNDAY AND MONDAY TEXAS GRAND 15c Dee It Jaa I. SHOWS TODAY Children, Adults, 25c MATINEE l)ll.Y. t 3:00 7:30 9:00 GARDEN TONIGHT MUTT & JEFF! and DEL BAITY TONIGHT PUPI LAS rim Mi MATINKC SATT RIIAV. Almost Human Doe, JAP 11 Hating Hand" MILTON K STKK . THEWeddingFUN N 111 OF CARTOON 3 S "Th aso OTHKK ACTS MPKIfAIi COMEDY CO.' comedies. 'sai sty TRAVEMG Lindy Sang" i music. PATHF "Little and i:ll II mu M Is raices and COMEDY "Night Shadows" "PRANCING AROUND" Positively Only Two Days Matine. tte to tl.Oo MATINEES NIGHTS The Real Comedy of Ihe Seaaoa. Nlaat. xta ta 0 Prlres t&r to II : MaUner Mr and Mr IT'S A DIME KraU on Hale Cranford Incaler. Saamaaae-Hala- Sat. jaa. It. m Phune SW. iBBflSl LHAMBRA I THEA THE FOREMOST SCREEN ARTIST a - H - - - CLARA- KHvlOAII. YOUNG WvHI II IN THOMAS DIXON'S GREAT STORY sMa mm m n 44 W X 1 A PLAY FOR THE GIRL WHO IS TO BE MARRIED AND FOR THE MAN WHO IS TO MARRY HER Clara KimballYouno I 1.2-3- 1-- 2-3-4 THEi FQQLUH VUlAUi' I -4 JANUARY

TODAY SHOWS START TOMORROW 105- - CáTTTBAiV ia30p.m. 5:46 p. "GOD'S COUNTRY WOMAN" UNIQUE his i vatru i 2:15 p.m. 7t30 p. SUNDAY 9:15 WINTER RACING SEASON JockeyUNDER01ulTHE AUSPICES OF Juarez Texas Futurity and Five Other High-Cla-ss Races PARI - MUTUEL BETTING Ladies' Day Race Course Ufl Wednesday and Friday v Admission I ww v . rirry aVaJVsCrcmaFrv-'- by Sl.OO Music Mexican Military Band Street Cars Direct to Grand Stand I i EL PASO MORNING TIMES, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2. 1916. Fn the Clutch of Winter. apa Wonting me: PnaeasonaMW weather has been reported from th en- Songs of Sunshine ftf tire western section of the Prlted Aatea. ftunny Califor- Daily Short Sttry PAMtlSs nia, where the rosee bloom for twetyte consecutive months Cf ?ííiT BEMTT'iWlX HsUP wm. ii.i m In a year, and where It Is declared the genial rays of BY THF ir trwperto' ibis, hr oa Hi Obi (FOLtll-- MrklMiKY.) niAB. rnwaa iiSBnin. i r. the sun sre eternally at your senile, haa looked upon the j y wn.i.iAM r a w. u.ran& beautiful enow and Shivered In consequence. The a " rrnittt HNK r- - Spangles for Spaghetti. i: M. nr iiay. n ifil mr m birr i rum unmm - nf the Dakota have been more ssarere and earlier tur "un tWhWmñ ka Saa MWIIK M gl Fx. TWL a. hal llM Malí M.tur than usual The middle western states, particularly In If ever you it fcnnwa a chlklrsxal land KwrjiMm airnrr p uniig. Mnwm gr. B.V IISRIlRBl MIXES trie end of dav. iti!m.JJJLJ-gs-tiv.. nué Hra the section known as fhe Rocky Mountain region, have 'Twas other 1M j Tbey new frt a "learn Spanish in A rar orr plaie with a llver sirand roas--a RaWSBBKnTSTTV been froten Railroad traffic haa tasan greatly Inter- the mermaid play. unmm with, course, given St half pst t. Caire And a beach where fered while telegraph and telephone communica- And green woods reaching bark from ahora. tion haa been. In many places, demorar ted. a week. If II wasn't t case of lore at first And valley, that wend and wend Mere in Fl Paao we have felt the chilly greeting of Way orr to Hie meadows of IVeverrnore old Jack FYnet. and not a few of ua have Buffered be- lienry nan Brriven s iivk ; At the tip of the world', end. m hilrt''rrrde ta aba OMifl cause of the sudden and unuaual drop In temperature. kept her d'rtatiim liter IhíIt as w Mr Ute "bo'' bad tt a land It never tSalh Sun. ::::::::::::::::: :BS To this has been added the discomfort of the high winds It's beautiful s. ni m MM UMt night than usual on that Brat after- palo- m n. am i whlrh have prevailed for two or three daya The holiday And II never will be. dear. t'.IU SB ln!.i!)). BBS noon In invembsr, and the fart that the Bul that la why ll Is so sweet, Bt vi..: .!,. senson was somewaat upset, for It la a usual thing In In room was next to os, right, by the MeClurr ewapaprr Sindícale at Slatlonrr Hall. Loa-te- And all Its skira so clear; , t this part of the great American desert to greet Santa only vacant chair the ll. Enterro RTAKnn mrtoM Alonan Arnold waa very good reg- AJI rlffhis reserved. Isrliidlss rlghl. nf tran.latlnn Publlrallos nf Ihla article And over ll Hie brare bees butl Man i tail in your shirt sleeves and pay your respects to the yming la whole or part la expressly rxrept ky srrangemenl wllb i)t Cntol ion why he took her piare there. Yet aa la prohlhlled sperlal Tor Ihe honey in the wheat, .ai. refreshing mixture paaaed over the lady the Merínrr Newassr gyadleale. nd the btmerfU! are twice the sis Dan MMl kmiUT. MMh I?!! tars. But. while we the prsttv little light brown her hair SSl hsve been passing through weather rvea and ault and hat were all or Uta " m if cows, and they're so strong SB aa and wl" h"4' th' BWS. MUk , which we are not used to and which we Foolwh Girls and Wise That when In airy rllrht they rls -u certainly are ame sort hue walked toward bta chair and (WjJEEJS' M not In harmony with, They can lake a child along. ante TtM. m Tsar II. generally speaking, we have noth al lf there he could not help but feel I OI T. s hrr' I l of The mother .ii.pre.scd her imllei r.terlr k rakL MiMii ni n ing to gnln by kicking against ihe pricks. staj ravoren mm oi so have often aald. the rnlorful ie JBVn reí mi LOM nrsi ,h.., ..,,.... , m. You were so buy on Wall utrect yef When we have these young men In he as .t Dy""""i...en Mm. ih iieautir'ul land at end of day. rva. sata hrsaBSl tld O, nt III. n little Inconveniences to meet, we I rlaas, drawn ln terday Hit! you forgot It w your dUil isiistt ir should meet Thou land that every rblld tu. them with the spirit of bravery and deter u",,' 7.eTf .T.cloi.neM thTt e' balsnre when weighed. It ll beVJilfu. hlrthd.y. She hs bee,, eighteen for mination to get the beat out them. We remedy lwld . h J" Hath een jn the mist or the golden ray tas Jwimi 01 a mnci of cannot or ranry burning wild anything by worrying over It or hy moping In at the arna Utne. the level " "" nd Dm around a i him To be ours w whm "rdirtness. but At the other end or the day somewhere MU I MBorlsl flt of the blue devils. we it oyer yuunr Wl 1 ni Cisneoelnfl "wi But can get a good deal far ih. had r' ' " been Veil sdv'.ed by The mother hovered Ihe It lies all glowing blight. Brtt n- NsWtM aked Ml aosmeiw .ni nrmtsUBB -f mer along we accept UuL.7ed or thoee and pie. .ettllng them In prewy little nert. I n- - if the Inevitable in the best spirit an nd he had deerest their And the seem or flowers Is on the air, Mui.g Mij.trx rae aeeiii sue- - denying them no Pndlng no utosrnsm fan l enwasur m posB.ble, knowing, as we do In this particular Instance, h " Dlrtlru " h'r "akm "Pplest nd most luxuries hut And the moonriower ope at night. imn m aniiiti "w ni -- d.ughter. mat me ban cannot last long. The ur.y Vaniee inf IrrxZ rTrTts nhspplne,, of her And the green boughs of the rapot.t" cold weath t nnar under tree upon lh tunda. earsctar have had Is hut a of smiled her wax the In the court, there In now a divorce rase :1'"- dlsllluMoned hy her hunbanrt The dance and sing. hint what has been given to other rmni hd but mlle tile, rallies people in serjlnne not very .w.. j, n. u .i ,...i.t I..., .... hatareen vonn. . one.1. aim (... huí, icter. foUMll out loo late mixta'' .he And rrom the singing shore the aeaa far removed from our for- In considered tii waa the In scarcely a year. She was a pretty hed mads Una unwise and A silver TO tunate location. It should really u nci inileit a little, Wo. That married niuslr fling.' HOTlCf TMt BUSl.10 make understand ,w"ley the daughter of very wealthy marriage. tU star BJ, artiMU. far Ih. how extremely well we irodtirllon. girl, n I. Ml TilTi taken care of have been. Mi bt Iba CMtiltt RMrl Miniar fV, a parents, while he waa a handsome, rerkle... H. drank, ho dissipated, he made demand It all cornea'' true at the Clrrlsimas time, l of n n let us up laugh few lea.nna they exrhanfred BMf i.i for i usual mirrr.M cheer and at the efforts of the -. upon Tor money, ha ITlMI-i- r.-- his wire's father wr loiui on a little sill. lll"Tl 17. MK1 TTMÍ.II froet king lo make ua shiver. The extremely uncom- '0 sven.rar' when they met, ror tney ll neighboring The father, of the girl was too buay on brought his rarnosals Into hl own home, tnd look out over the starry clime fortable weather cannot become .ontiiiue.i ui orciipy tbo chaira against n a fixture not even If It street to watch very closely hi until hla wife barred the doors him. That lleth over the hill "Oar Oonntry! In her with should decide lo of ih. first day. Then Uiey became it stick around until the winter months - naugnu r development, rne unror "If we had only known." the mother And even In grown-u- hearts, It seems, nations, ifisy she lwr he riictit, have slipped silently and then friend, and then tuotner Into the Immutable past. Tomor- Alomo accompanied her to the subway ata Innately waa one of those silly foolish cried hysterically. "Why dldni someone There ate often gentle hours rear country, rtarht or wrong." Stephen Decatur. row, you - know tomorrow- will he better! lion every even'ng after rlaaa. One even mantle women, who had never been able tell ui before :t was too latet" When one so lives In a world of dreams tnr toward the nrst or December he told In realize her own Ideals of happiness and The rather looked at her grimly. That back come the ralry flowers. According to. any lived vlearlouely through daughter. 'nd the far seas sing on that elfin shore Is Willing. the London Dally Newsif Oermany real- he liked her better than other girl her "Several did try you cloaed your Germany ly wanta peace hr Born In a very New Kngland . but Their poignant, beautiriil Nevermore! "she haa merely to withdraw from the he had ever mt before, and he untied and strict ears to them." cíermany ha replied In Ihf proposal nf 1'rcsldent Wil- occupied countries we are willing aald something about always having liked the mother had enioyd no freedom or aad to discuss repara- ., preñares son regarding n meeting if the belligerents for the pur tion and ki. ,l.,.,.,,s o,.. o ihnnrh lomo na atrairs or tnr heart nun she met the rrra The wise mother her daughter The day and all Its oreams may dle guarantee for the future." Aheurdly simple, crowning event or lire pnse of talking ' over a peace plan for the Kuropoan but we doubt If not quite rithr. Put there the matter father, a sober, steady builness man, fifteen rr her The spirit or Its lovely trust the kaiser will see It that way until a few year el age. a foolish mother reeds her upon countries, fcermany has Indicated that she In willing more battles have fought. for a while. older than she. He was a great Shall rainbow still our argent sky hn ' naa "- - When all its rragrant blooms are to meet at any lime In any ncutrHl rlly and there npcn Perhapa this was becnuse about tbo nrth L.n ln:,m"cn A Tew days ago a well known aulhnr told dust or had " k. " ( lip nrirotlHtlnnn vhlrh may Irart to (h tntifriliiK 'if tlM rsrranxa wants get msiiing ihe rlass Alonro ""'-- .7. T "r. mo "IS gnmg to make a moving to rid of the American troops In She this older man. hot she Md hr picture Merry. oannnn'n and a final ntHrklnr of th amallrr urina .Mexico on the ennugb that he thought the or scenario out or siory. tie mm me ;i Mister winter, here you areror true, ror theory that helr departure would leave course very helpful and Htlde-- dreamed a more romantic marriage, oils Kreeiln' up tlie whlrh wUI olvlltaatlod barnnrlty In Kuopf. sawn of However, no would be very h.lprul to him ir my readers rivers Jus' as raat aad tight mballtuta for nine excuse to continue hi depredations. The rea- help so U when other young man came What you Waphlnaion no ao garde had said: "Yes, It would would to me on this subject. Letters goin' to give us. what you goln" Snmf nfflilalu at em to dariKfioua soning is sound, save for the fart Villa Mexico, enurtliig. he arcerJted this friend of the write to . that does not one went to Spain, or or South rrnm always Interesting. do. in iho fart thai In hor notf nf arrrptanii-- need i.ny excuse. family and they were married. mothers are Here wr America." "hat Is Ytiltp, Idea bringing sit and shiver all the frosty night ha not nutllm-'- any temía upon whlrh he la Now that hei daugmW was seventeen, the about the Lawsy. Tea." Alonxo had said. "It would be nT vmlr daughter? Do you believe In Mister Winter, don't you think 1 wllllnir In i haln Up Ihi dojo of wr. WV ln not believe New ear's day comes mother remembered the emptiness or her "h care. i next Monday and most of us a splendid nip lo take to go to Spain, or youth and lier child should keeping her absolutely Ignorant or the thla la a ronalderntlon at ihla timo. II waa nol the Idea of will, as usual, adopt determined that Blow the beat you kin. a few good resolutions and swear south America, or Mexico," and the girl In 1,0 uwirtyrnd by what the calls 'ir, danientals of lire or do you advise sir, woni the President W'llaon thai the lerma. If the Ih IIiki-- ola were op had world slelghbolls ring. off habita. It ha been suggested that the coun- brown had said yes. and then added some marriage. Her own mother had Ifulfnc to over, li pnhllahnd ty And the little children with the golden talk the matter ahould commissioners follow the general custom and swear thing about Just doting on travel. Then: taugJH her. wisely and aanely, lire's pitfalls, hair Oreet the snowy beauty of t lie hrimdraat to the world befcire yiy ronfrrence of the off on bond Issuea. I havcMnld you why I am studying but this young girl Itad been kept Ignn- - Answers lo Correspondents. world In put In which they sing. warring nation ahould have been held. The Idea Spanish, why are you?" rgnca or every thing except the laws gov-- I Kditti Ihe concise plots or your i forward by our executive ta If the lerma i, suggests be-i- nriiing the hemt. she had been allowed to photoplays typewritten and send to mi that after peace la restored the o uught have said that It was theni There is DO day quite long enough now In the of an Indem ribahle catas- nations read fonl'sh. sentimental novels, her mother the scenario department or the moving nlc- - rountrlea thro of 'imiild huvi smaller armlce. Kven had read a reru n advertisement To hold the love we trophe were willing to peare, If ao. to p, '""i" "IK1 awga vaaen ner u emotional companies, inclosing stamps lo cover that would give cnnaliler and gt without ic Hitrring natioiiH are doing II, the paper Pi the vTrcct that Spanish dramas. lure To liave lire smoothed or all the together and preaent their Individual terma. Kroni thla lo their best rrom to " guarnen ror those ineir return. rough redure the trength of each other's armed forcea .stenographers were receiving to ''" And rugged hours It has to live. atart II waa thought poaalble that a iiimmon ground both on Innd nd per cent more than the ordinary sort or V' " ' a '"'1""W'thouae orchid. "' v. I.. I not my might be reached that a little giving here and a little stenographers, and that It was In order an a" would have ears pierced kick or rr laklng might be arranged object u make an opening Tor his own advancement "''"" ""henitan tea. the young girl ror earrings, lor they make them now all. their for the greiil of fiver In Temple Ih grand Jury has met the handsome Her mother, clasps. Many women We grow sick or It all World peace. recommended that ih.i n. tv. ,i,.,,, m in,, new- n1 srtor. with such firm who forever. the public prpeecutoi lake steps to prevent foolishly Impressed by his good looks and are not of the vampire type wear earrings. And say that we do not election bet- - tongue. Arter the girl's remark What happens; It la pretty generally underatood already what the en- ting In future, fan It that men who bet on - about seemed too proaalr. He nl uavr. Hheslorfleldlan manners, had not It Is a matter or personal preference. we've made our errort. the Repub- travel this me ena or an tente ounlrliM desire, although the detall are yet to he llcnn ticket are nll.owed t e on the anted her to Imagine, that he was a broker .... " m uer uaugnirr .im ii is despair. grand Jury in T new-- , r- J. Harold boekwood played opposite We long to put orr the oonaidorcd and worked out. It la. therefore, of little Hell county? or lawyer at least He look like v,,r" the reached""u the rather, he, I - heartache, didn't lust In And grier and worry conaequenre just now that the Imperial (irrman govern- stenographer, he assured himself. furlatcd. ordered the young man out or lb me "Hearts Adrirt" and Owen Moore ln and fear 'house, "Mistress NelL" But, Lord, don't let us go down ourselves ment ha indicated a willingness to Into an offi- Tucson Is 'Well, you see, I have in Mex enter boosting of its first white Christmas In interests "She is only seventeen." he told his wire Wben things go down with ua herel cial peace parley, 'in the terms tentatively proposed In thirty-tw- o years. Down In neck ico." he said. True, he had onre nought ..v,, ,, I homes Is now a re issue of Kethmann-llollweg'- this of the woods, and .kw s aiieerh In the relchstug It Is certain with coal at its preBent plica, we are perfectly willing one share ln a Mexican oil well that, had mantle Ideas out,iof her head." "Tess or the Storm Country" distributed in We listen to those that talk patience. no peace psui .mr nouses, you we can be baaed, as the allies are not willing to that Tiicbqi should have it monopoly of nevei uivmriius. co .. Bul lh(. nKlther aM not ., s "'""ee"' moving picture And almost fly out or our skins the Bnowstorma when ono might have V look out for one's . may permit the kaiser tu dlctato to them at lima w h i It her own oninion. on ta .,,i,.; luí be able to see It. Al the sycophant scorn or sermon a owu like a the la mlll-lar- property." It seemed harmless KtrJ l '1 That talks or thought he la being sore pressed to maintain his Onsus reporta show a continued migration yomi(r kr ,.,,, or the curing of alna. of rural dM'eptlon. 0her ynung grlrls discovered the. n...,.t Ksther B. Most of the cats and dogs used We want to fly out or a window. qulllbrlum. Jl waa to be expected that the propo- dwellers toward the cities, which may ,n be considered So the Hlldegarde Henry th re was any opposition, - P:riures belong to some of the actors To Jump rrom the bank sition nf President Wilson would be warmly greeted In one of the explanations arralr between that her love in- of a stream-B- ut best of the continued Inoreaee and Alonzo Arnold progressed, and It grew trrest was stimulated. f or actresses. The stray ones who have no Lord, let ua bold right to Berlin, and the promptness with which a reply haa been in on ourselves the coat of living. Cillea raise mighty food. near ChrtaUnas, and Alonxo, In spile or the bay after day In n"mra iIV usually adopted and become When things go down with sent is not surprlHing II Is the, little serrct these two were our dream! the. attitude of entente fact Utal out or the 118 a week that he meeting, each other while the studl 'rr- whlrh gives us pause replies mother stood When to the proposition Possibly Menry Kord la too busy fighting the Dodge earned as a stenographer without Spanish guard over theui and kept a. wairhrul eye For the heart and the core of our lesson n. I from Ihem are sent, we ahall know what chance the brothers In court to lend his support to he sent nine home to his mother, managed upon the rallter. Louise cannot tell you the proper la this, that we needn't go down, dove of oeure President Wil 1'r"'c(,ur0 ln submitting a play, No haa of finding a resting place In Kurope. son h peace movement. to go lo the hlg department store, and one evening, at supper time, the young but do not matter how low fall our fortune. As one reads the comment of thr newspapers there ne. nougiu a ,an. 11 was a large, gir, not appear, and the maid brought " " svnopsh ' " ""v, unless you How dependent we are on the town and wish some of the prominent men of the It sweeinng, luxurious lan, suca as ne ,11- a nute ui ner mother. It was a little lu collaborate with some one else. There's a spirit sUU left that Inspires us entente countries. Wot linen not aeem at all poaalble that the move of the presi- A Puzzling Proceeding. aginad the great ladles at the opera wield-- ! scribbled farewell; she and the young lo let everything go as In staate in boxes, and tor hail elnped And,' Lord, won you dent will meet with the consideration hoped for. It (Krom 'he I,oulavlllc Courier-Journa- they sal their and were going to be mar-- t help us hold on to But waa covered with or spangles tied. The Tattler's ourselves is not Impossible the leaven la working, When ihe president but the other day hundreds heart was broken but that and from forwarded the that would ratrh and reflect the light like the mother was pleased. Though everything else may out ih contention some good may come. peace conference propnaalH of the powers to secretly Her sink towl central th so many diamonds. daughter could really live and enjoy the entente allies, acting merely aa a medium Ah, of transmis It was after the last lesson berore the c""iance whlrh she had been denied In tier tocsin of the hill sion and rerralnlng from any suggestions of his own, his Tfuth. And whisper or tbe Mother Shipton's Prophecies. course was cordially holidays that Alonxo made his presentation. val. Hpproved by those Americans who He was escorting Hidegarde to the aub- - "Mul ' not eighteen," Ihe father They say the wind Is 111, Wi rmember the din- calamities of which Mother do not wish to see the European wnr ended until the Is- way. where she always disappeared at the That bitter blows the gal' Whlpton sang three of four centuries ago They have sues at alake are settled right and aettled conclusively. rloae of their little walka. and they stood But raging aa it may been handed down to us, as coming from one given a Rut they had hardly slept dn their gratification at Ihe there in the misty night air with tho stream I hear beyond It sing supernatural vision one who could look Into the dim wisdom of the president's conduct they, or traffic hurrying past litem. Alonxd The promise or a rragrant day. when with the The and misty future ai d foretell what we wre coming to, world in general, were startlod by the sudden announce lurked the little package under her arm. happening or spring. I hhpe you will like," he lAUFtt JEAN how we were coming to It and what we would he and ment that be had dispatched an "It's sutitelhiig LIBBEY'S Identical note to all the Below we got Hhe belligerent aald, and then a little warm our calm and placid lides find after there was a Kngllsh pnwiTH, inquiring. In effect, what they were The tossing reelings propheteos who wan baptized as I'rsula Hoiithlel. bul alie fighting about and on hand went Into his overcoat porket and LY come and go what terms and guarantees they lert something there. Talks Topics With tempeet and a wrath that rides later married Tony Shlpton. a builder, and II Is by his wouin quit Oneart Such waves as those said, you that surfer know. name that we know her According to a popular tradi- Me expressly explains In "It's Just a little." she "but ran And thai note that he "Is not pro your (Copyright, im i afcClun Nmpaprr aradlasu). tatlons. As a or sometimes on that race or age tion, she was the daughter of Agatha Shlpton posing pence: he is wear tlieni with evening rlollies." i, matter rart, all who work Which and the not even offering mediation." al Then they stood and smiled at other hard during the day should have som sits at windows looking out This may Jie, a though each HOW SHOP I.IHI S PASS TIIKIH K K.MM.S think deil. line, for lot of thing happened in he also explains that "he would he happy him Al moment Alnnie had eour thing pleasant to look 10 to hegiillu hear the furies rage Kngland that klmoal forward And all Ihe Merrle In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. sen 10 serve, or even to the ac- ago enough to que ..,, , , tueir evening hours, nive them happlnes perished visions shout take initiative" in the ask her the Imiwrtant m st(llri wallt VOJcl. lllls ) We are protestante Hie time the story of th.- future was told by complishment nf the objects of his note Uon, ract Hlldegarde Imagined and drive away dull care. Ihe young girl ail. It seems And the main but the that Hlloynn, , monilng and equally as cleart In quiet or in ihla sorceress. I Ion ever thai may It ia onjeci. on the face him to possess evening clothes put him ,, In her may be enthusiastic over the turbid guise t. unite certain of the note. Is Information, "aound w from aotne mnuutain And ever glow our Mother Hhipton told one truth when she declarod: inga mat may be compnred both by suddenly In mind or the gulf Uiat he knew brook dance, nive her her fling and In dearest dreams the belligerents years or so Where tempests toss In angry ana ine neurrais. in order that everybody may definitely must lie between mem. If ne proposed na rhat the sweet ulce Its upland clear sh' has had enough or It. She skies. "Carriages without horses shall go to know he was has maile ihe alarming discovery she unoeratand what Is Intended by would have let her thai nets took? that Love, let me And accidents fill the world with woe." the belligerents: how far a an oil well cannot devote 100 many hours to pleasure. come to thy bosom or now near peace may be, not broker or a lawyer or Ahl It conns nearer or with a possible interchange owner, a as alier midnlsht heUs hav out this com and keen-Th- Probably no one recognises the ... a hul Just stenographer, still, swo.t nolo., tins wav." tt. rlowera tnilh nf this statement .n le,,,, or nts interpellation that "would she smiled nut or those brown eyes, he 6 hi mf, and be fresh aud eager for work are dead and the grasses more than the police of a large city. they icar.ioine wHy hi next day. Have lost their delicate Whal have leas! for conference and make the per was emboldened. "Very soon I ahall have II would be one or the most interesting She rail all' too green lo contend with in an effort to aaye Uvea is or tZ habit of home at night..T" .1 But I can withstand the sometimes manen! Boncora the nations a hope of to ask you a great question." he began. She , remaining The winter. the Immediate ...... u. ,,. And I can hard to believe. All the people seem to be more or lesa mure, a concert or nations immediately turned her rare away. "No don't." she trr rouune or only leu upon tier. Is a heavy weather tbe storm practicable." how Ihe great army of young drain upon her strength When love me children, while the real kids are a source of continual If this Is not a proposal for peace, notwithstanding begged, and with a pressure or lo t warm print. Just and enthusiasm. asks In at ber window worry. the earn own living ree,,t "lor' Into an old And clasps me In arms that are warm. Automobile drivers and pedestrians are equally r - "vuwai, 11 is nara to ciassiry It. It la cer- little nand on his arm she left and Joined Kirls who their ps their ;lie '"f lPnl" careless; street car employes and the riding public are at tainly something new in the stream that swept down Into the sub- "veiling. The world holds strange ideas all Jf ", " lluM" International deportment for an way. Pi One recently put " " " "i"'"'-fcrt-T7 Lovtr it Muí n times willing to lake chances; the buys and girls 10 regard luis writer Love will lormany inquire of the participant in a war the erroneous that quite When sue has reached this stage or the s starry raiment deck you. Insist on skating or playing In In which he Is ion u it: the Christmas week there were no declaration ball the streets, little car- not Involved . what they think they tn Tartory shop ame, she has lost the hope whlrh brlgtu-tnr- o lady of delight. are m Spanish, and week seemed as soon as the girls or ing for the danger which on every side surrounds them. righting about; nor is It al all classes that upon work they majority of woiuen lives ihe hope Who walketh In the groves or clear bow. If the outsider long. But Alomo, in buying the spangled tlwlr backa their dream Hafety first" Is a good enough motto for the fel- vvi,n answers to In groups and make ror lof 've, a husband and home of own. The sort arcades or other isximi his Inquiry conceding the In- fan, had used up his balance or gather together thf their night: low, bul it must not Interfere with the necessity of some .ought. It can make any entire nearest danre hall. There they dance and They settle down to a lire or toil with no And round you, as with clinging formation plainer the path that rash, and when he had dined 011 cent . of us conserving that extra two or seconds must follow to avoid lng until ihe wee ma' hour or the morn- reward at ine nu or the day. other worn That robe or atarllght gleam three which becoming involved. ror Tour daya be grew hungry. He A wr may save if we publication dinners an try then beat n, aid rale in g message of Uiy Hp 0r court Injury and possible death hy The of this Identical note, have aent leas or his wage to hla HI o,, - rose beating a the secret of might a greater libel or one uieir minim,- liey reallxc that As I He down ta, dreams! street car or automobile at a crowing. The which was ao thoroughly guarded mother, Alonxo was loo to after until after It had been but this dutirtil ilhited i damage innocent repu- the day's hard work they are turd In head, peace officers of every city are continually dispatched, of courae. In his his eyes fell on those confronted created a profound Impression. do. hunger bud) and heart. But they know that thev watch you through the with the. thoughtless public, they Despite Hie given him. He windows and are often at their the denial which It carried that It waa a peace studs girt had could not xvlll be still more tired to years later If or raiicy com and go; wits' ends to save a foolish person from being sent to "iMl " w construed possibly use ibem now. and there on the ally lo his forehead, "frcat gods and lit- tl ey continue the same And onr you PJ essentially aa that, anil natur- routine Tim. tv were In apple blossoms. the hospital. If not to the undertaker. ally so construed. And It was bin ran tbey rould only serve lo remind tie riahes:" he aald to hlmseir almost consider ll a duty to them.selves to add And once you were quite as generally assumed kept ln snow. In New York city at this time the police uro In the that it had not been him of the guir that her from bam. aloud, "spangles for spaghetti. How rould enjoyment to each M hours. Bravely they But all lime- - late or written without the foreknowledge They were bought at the big department put early midst of a campaign for safety first ar advertising In of the powers addressed abaf" from them the realixauon that are Or wintertime or aprlng,' of whether It would be offensive atore that buaated of giving money bark girl In brown went on ordering tired, go to see newspapers, in theater programs, on the movie screens, to them. It waa well enough And the forth what happiness Is The beauty or your lips or rose understood that Oermany fur unsatisfactory purchases. At least be flour, sugar, beans, lea. corree, apples, po around them and incidentally to be Is h In shop windows and street cars, on bill hy would welcome any 'seen sin as lilies slog. boards and proceeding hy us or anybody else could have a square meal on New Year's tatoes, lard, butter and cnorulale nil the one evening a girl or this lype visits a pamphlet ami handbills, calling the attention of I he peo-fil- a looking to peace and it was day be thought, a he the to generally taken for grant- carried studs bill footed to firieeu dollars and three frliaU Next evening she calls on a neigh Acrosa tbe land of to the lurking dangers at every corner of city. ed that our government the oik' lu authority over such carefully took out the lur m passes an evening shadows the had satisfied Itself In advance refunds, cents. She three at a lecture or And up the lull of song. Unless they are willing to hat such a and stood sheepishly by while the money brown purse, gave her going 10 the movies. sees exercise a Utile common sense note as has been sent to ( would be dis- from her She lights, Hears You waniler in a ralmanl' if--r small portion of waa seo red the salesman and music and Is brought light human judgment Here Is Ml Paso. tasteful to none of the other belllgereiita. pub- address, thanked started in contact with happy Thai latía a shadow While the ban Uul the on way. natines, making new friends. long campaign not reached lb- - proportions of lication of the note waa followed In a few hy "She must be rich, and abe must have her She never al And then the soft wind. n the New York operations, hour cared a lot me. loo," he aald as ten Alonso liad recovered his surprise A lows lrsWr to get Into a rut or ho, .ele.. ' the officers are neverl heles announcement that It was for And loen tbe pink sale lower endeavoring n. save written without the ertap dollars ware placed in bis hand. thought had eas- e- to htm and was fast nest. It Is aad enough for the iioueewire Ami you the necks of the smsll hoys on roller knowledge of any of the belllgerenta. by a oroou or arevln a lUied dream and the still Then be hurried hurried, gaining credence with him. Perhaps she had little children not 10 be The skates and bicycles, as well as the grown ups who seem more surprising announcement off that la. till ansa nude and atalniess that the reason the note he passed the fan counter There stood no mor use for Hie gay fan than he hail to gel out. Women who ran ow flowar ao often to forge! lhai other people have some waa aent at all waa themselves to rights on that "more and more our own rights the girl In brown, Hlldegarde. He drew lor Ihe studs, lie reached her in the give some of their noun. the walks and In the streets. hecowt,, u- Tbe blind ar given are Involved by the belligerents on both sides near her In th crowd. "No, I don't want m cutting elevstor. aid wben he nail made pwjiure and recreation. sight. This reference to the Is. we know, o arm The deaf are hearing matter 'old stuff thai the situation Is becoming Increasingly critical" im money back," abe was answering. I Iiunseir known her her in the crowd. aound but It seems - rue .spirit or that a large proportion of the people must that "we are drawing merely waul credit 10 spend the money In "I've been watching you for the iaal quar- .SHKRS TO rONRKsWlMiKvrh th frosty nlghl nearer the verge of war ourselves A uiuunbeajn needs be repeatedly reminded of the facts they and therefore we are some other deparlrnml " Alonxo wapiird ler or an hour, ne told ner Correct name and dances round that are entitled to know exactly what each address must be given These are the continually flirting with death fur purpose belligerent In as abe looked for the last tune si the ñau jou - s- aiienimn. not to l - elfin hours the of saving seeks order that we may regulate our con- .."".j uisurr print Uik vWh-- fow fleeting secunda a soangled ran and then signed her name on sprugles for spaghetti and things?" She write abort only on maimed and hall and lame fail they are very likely to duct In the future." "" letiers. one side or (.urns up to the mure fully realise If they persist in ine credit slip thai thr salesman gave her. bluahsd to her llll'e brown curia as ahe paper. Address Mlaa l.lhbey, VI6 I'reskhiit kiss bumlug rlowera scorning the safety Confronted by such an explanation as 11. I Of Uie nrst mullo The pedestrians thai the Then hr followed nuilaly as ahe ascended in ke was sorrv to do You see. street, Brooklyn. Ft. Y.I deathless childhood flame and automobile drivers t'ourlet Journal rspreasea any i money, I sup- - And ao. through ahould nol forge! Inclination to criticise a an elevator lo the fourth floor or the nig haven't much and have to that strange rhariu thai each bin. tl,vli rights In the not which, in light It Mad that is available to It. Is very department .lore "Sporting goods, auto- - port uiy molher. ..1 was a question of ,rryry, . , who, again they see. streets and at the .rowings: the sireet-ea- i provocative ng ror go Hka our..u , j Again they bear, m,,..,m,.i of criticism; for when we ar gravly told by inub'les. baby carriage and groceries." rxchang the pieseni grocer lea or Uu M -- ,..7 again they walk. should also be made to understand ,g L Agaio tbey use thai they haven't the our government that we are on the verge of war and railed out the elevator man hungry on ,.w Year;. With Ihl. help y tbe crippled arm. light of way in spite ( ttl,d all na, been able a Again UM si -- conditions; children that the knowledge which president Monto anil followed cblrksn. d ,rblHd in which I g" lni listeners talk, the seeks through One he had to could art even as . should nol be permitted to play In the .. we ahall have quits a feast You era. . vi. .i Christ la yet lo street, and every- his note may serve to keep ua out of war we inuat assume seek the proteriloo of a large pillar aa ihe ,f p,,,,,,,,,, waI ful1h b: body should take a second . ju.i a stenographer I am I -- time al a tossing to make the government II girl anead of hUn cast glancea I'm afraid caning for a certain that haa Information which deems It furtive over you to know that, because you High powered mey nave . ,ear passage oelore they abouldera. But be aOll followed, peat dldnt lny ,ulon fee. u. Susie ags thee that run undertake to wle lo withhold from th public, information of turn-rie- hi aa off your oil wells ether 7MarS Thstr use wnoi nun the sporting goods. ar rwith better with xcssnosf As I Uve in Canada I burning courses are we daaj Importance to Justify It proceeding, Uu autousubiles and ' would Aa remarkable baby carriage lo the groear:. snd your aids trsvel ,lkB u. go s ver real La 5 era In a flash of sun, and criticism is bound to b ailent, however . Aad epoch ka a Wtillajiis impossible e- - ' " ' aiiaua out would go a way sweep or sky. Uovernor of Oklahoma to reoom-saas- It There ahe engaged the of one of "ai - threatens may be for those nol In th government' confidence servirás ..". uiious S' Ine Is.rdol But inigiity nuns are to bt dune, to the legislature last bank robbery n Uie smooth voiced, smooth aaaveu young .uir..eo. ro. made a to comprehend hoW, In any situation may Mia ao - - - or near 01 any. And uaghiy heights ar to bs won. iaj offense. Would give Jury that men lu wtuie linen coats and began .co Ji. will you kind the the right to order involving our honor aa to manan ua with war any "I When they came tn the subway entrene iy""p.! me And auighly ueeds uf artlou cry , with a credit eltp that I. to ua know" softer suspended Instead of the aentenct uf the want la Us old long ng to tell Htldegard carar. do r.01 know And ao shall swiruier pdRun belligerent, our own courae In th mrgncy department Will you lake my I fly order and aomebow that night he did mansgs ta reejnlrlng such To sweep th aparea or Uie voitld be affected on way or another by our knowledge I a tot serluveFmi. JSUmZ earth jt s nisi wsat quiu of spaghetti it's Wiib or tssauiy or ident Wilson note to Vne belligerents should at of what th belligerents aay they atre fighting among so ought wings aud mirth. fur nourishing You sead five poumls Hlldegarde beg I Issurt conetoe the editors that Waah-f- qUe,,oo and pressed little id ran pul you c..Uiniuliloall,ai I -- ill That ages exsonng suay put on. the themselves. 0 whether they ar likely to quit fightm of that and uwn Inaud bis a yes ... . is not entirely dominated by among as In si aud murmured lilUc bo only too hamo to .a. Mot shadows of the Iter sue night, the themselves next month, next year, or nasi cen- Mom., hiding behind lbs ruffes dent Utal made him the happiest man In all to shoo to .,....., Titian foreign offlta tury. thai iwaa adtsnca But piumu of Use argent dawn. unatralor 1 booth, pul bis bauds atutanaall-'ha- tear, thruug. ai.prectatlou and reward- - upwaid an la dasttosd fttgaal JL PASO MORNING TIMES. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1916.

Margaret Hard. Mary Hardle. villa Harper Sunday from fxuiglaa. Arts., where she has Ruth Rawltogs. The boys were Klnr Trilles. "The Bread Prob- been teaching the past year, to spend the Joe Wright. Vernon I orkhatiaen. Oordan holidays with Iter mother, Mrs. w. n. Smith, John Williams. Hubert Sharp, Mayo lem" is not a problem in j Seamon. Harlan Irven. Clifford Irven, Cabel Malcolm Wettb. the home where Shredded Oreet Hurler BsgritrJer. W. i Mrs. Sam Allphln and little sen. Lorell. M. retículas. Merrick Breck. James n,,r n. Wheat fe known. The whole motored In Clint yesterday to spend the Mntt Bawling, Dan White. Ted ennfey. day with Mrs Allphin mother and rather Donald. Oram and Don lis it wheat grain is the real staff Vomey R. I nave rnr Nai Wal Dear of life, and you it in Mr. ami Mrs. eonani have holiday gnet Mr. and Mrs. Frederic The members or the Hal Wal gave an their rluh T. Allen or I os Angeles Leonard i enjoyable dance at the (Hid Shredded Wheat Biscuit, Mra. rellows' hall last the daughter of Ml and Mrs. Allen. nlg-h- The ball room was attractively deco- prepared in a digestible form. rated with holiday colora, and the programs Mrs. Alice Mcknight has as Miss and was posed by were rarrled out In the same Among It contains real, body- her rural this rieverly Sarah rotors more Mattie warren or worth. kuhn Billy HIT. representing The..phllc invnoi were M sses Mela urms tort a, building DAILY Duvertta-- "Alone" was inter- - Dorothy ormsbee. Virginia material than meat CALENDER extramaly Rein. Clara EA1 THK BEST. estJtir. t'lnk. NHM Bryan. Isabel Springer. tar- - or eggs, is more easily digest- Cleanest raretrrla. home cooking, r s Ihe meeting was opened by the chairman. raret Bryan. Vlrglna Akent. Joy ,rm, hrteld. Dinner dine at Toltrc club. lar prlres. Y. W. C Teaaa 91. Adv or the art department, Mrs. t. W. Seward. Kthal Crltrhett. Ruth Crltrhett. Sybil Shedd, ed and costs much less. The ilH Ml" l ydlt Happrr Mlas Helen Dunn Mrs. Seward mad abort talk, say ng that sanbum. Kate Kraiise, Mary Leigh-ther-e ind ' Hnwam food for Furs Remodslcd. tn imcklrr nidg.. over Elite. win entertain with tea In honor of m:m is nothing that etrltei ao much In ;on; Oilman Milton Shedd. Fenn the A spe- Jewell, Fred Hardlker, Elgee nenry Williams at th bom or Mis Ham- terest as child work In art. little Smith. Farl Mondays Wednesdays, Edwards, Earl Trague, man who does things with Tea dansants per's parent at Hawthorne piare 4 so clalty to the occasion war two child rolk Will droucb. Brown I t a p. nv Adr. from I. n. daya and Saturdays. unHI (I o'rlork. sonta, sung by Mrs. Will t. Owen, ac- Meere. Shaw. H. C. MrDernioti hand or brain for the kid- bv Mrs Art'ne Owen. Certalnlv. Smith. Adklns Bowden. fWalit Fhljr. Kd dies need Miss Georgia Richardson Barkrrvllla will no one san sing "ntngerbread Man" with He'l. Parry owln, Clark Wright. Walter that a appear :n piano reciUI at the. Woman's club so mtirh sincerity and expression as Mrs. ,""". nouarn mx; will Anderson. Colbert food for study or play' auditorium at 8:J0 o'clock In the evening. Owen, and her voire seems to hare a cer- Caldwell. Mr Ferguson, Mr. Meter. Major Only 3 More Days ot the Most Miss Virginia Bean will play a violin solo, tain afTlnlty with this delightful little song--. Locar, capuin Howard Rives, Lieutenant for the housewife who with Mrs. V. L. Bean accompanying. Mrs, C. W. Wbrrord read a paper on John McDonald and others. must save Wonderful Value Giving Shoe Sale "Famous Portraits of children'' which was herself from THE BROKEN TOYS. Mrs. c. M. Lyman w:u the on the program. Mrs. Wlehtssa Entertains entertain inrormally first number kitchen drudgery. Delicious They have been bright and splendid once, 1 at btldire at ber borne on North Campbell WolTord told Interesttnrly or the ' " ' w u nman pleasantly Held different entertained for But play haa lert them battered things; Ever in Paso street In the afternoon. ramoos portralta. and gave short sketches ,n" teachers of the Lydla Patterson Instl-o- r breakfast, or any meaL has lost Us punch. Walk-Ove- or Oalna- - "d "r "" Errts Eddlngton on The kettledrum Through this sale the r haa its toe life the artists, inrludlng J?," school with milk or squeaky no longer sings; demonstrated great Mrs. S; 0. Silverman will at a borough. Reynolds, Wednesday afternoon at her sane cream. Made The rat entertain Van Dvke, and other home, Vent with lightning speed value giving power. Score of women told us that they never reception at her home in honor or bar or Hueco The rooms were Niagara Falls, The train that painters children's portralta. heauurully at N. Y. Is upon Hie little rail ilauirhter, Miss Eva Silverman, who U to wad Miss Eleanor Fosher read an entertaining- - "'orated with mistletoe and holiday wrecked attended such splendid value giving shoe sale before. The other rne monkey on a stick once red- -Is Albert klcimoergsr on Year's day. and papar on the "Christ Child In Art'' of old trimmings Walk-Ove- r never does things by halves is the ror Mr. A now an object sadly pale. and that reason klelnberger's mother. Mrs. L. and modern She spoke or how number of cutest, and games friends attended the ceremony. The bride whirl-win- paintings. made why this d and Mrs. H Felnberg, or the Interesting-- the afternoon an enjoyable Is the (laughter or Postmaster J. W. single sale has made us hundreds of new women sister but bow difficult It Is to fol one to those n or hostess, rrom 5 6 present. A ton. ror The little Merle made tin until o'clock. low and understand the significance or the salad course was served bv the Judge ahd Mrs. Pool left last night pans. friends. Be sure to attend this sale during the rest of the hostess, assisted M Ptu( lit mmw nf San infainln Is lacklnr njw Us nol and Christ Child In pictures, and mentoned a by her sister. Mrs. W. N...... grin week IT WILL PAY YOU. Miss Katharine Dick will entertain with a or the great Harsh man. Amona; those JlKllt-- I'ii.i until the rer elll ele. II, ill J .MM' .. dance number artistic Interpreters on present were at bar borne on Montana street la subject. Misses Frances Monteante. riuiniy judge. He refused to run ror re- - 1,000 women high-grad- e the this Jessie Buford. The top won't ipin. the gun won't shoot. pain ol shoos, former value $4.00 eventnr In honor or the school girls who While Mrs. Young was arranging the irglnia Booth, Edith Park, Mary Massey, are I bugle III not blow. Your choice for grad borne from the holidays. poses, or Opal Reynolds. m ite Reynolds. "'. to the practice of law. The to $10.00 any prints famous pictures were chand- The trumpet liar, refused to loot. pajeed to the audience. ler, Ellen Montague and Charlie Mae The regular Thursday evening around The wind-u- things won't to- dance will Mrs. D. V. Fenneasy. In g-ham. and Mesdameg Barnes, Monugtte, Christmas Tree al ol Columbus. be held at the Wast Ysleta Country club. charra of the Kalthts Music department, announced that Mrs". Newman, w. H. Lark. J. J. Ayers and W. N. or Christmas tree celebration by Knights or "corgis Richardson Baakerv'.Ile, pianist, Harshman. auspice, of the local council the Etíaffi'fe.J', JTñJSÍ"" will appear in piano or Columbus will be held this evening at 8 Columbus. a recital tonight at onre In all their glow arrayed .95 R.30 o'clock, Mlas o'clock at the Knlrhta' hall Tor the enter- That and that Miss virtióla Bean Banaell Entertained In Chingo Made Little childhood's heart so brlrhli will play a violin Miss Opuevteve of the Catholic or Ute Mlas GarreU Ealertstns With Dance. solo. Mrs. Fenneasy an Hannell, a popular El Paso tainment rhlldren Rich run was in thajn ror awhile. nouncel that any one desiring can girl, who has been Hall city Santa Claus will be on hand to amuae Miss Msurlne Garrett, who enteruined tickets attending Prnn ' with a holiday dance last night at the procure them rrom Ryan's drug store, and school at Cbamberaburr, Pa.. Is spendlnt the ritildren w th his frolics and to rladden u,r ,nri toys H rmir proved herself to be a cordial hostess that they also would be on sale at the the holidays with a school mend. Miss Ma- their hearsl with and sweets. The hall By all their tnaglc wisdom wrought. A2PAIR to the large or younger Woman's club entrance tonight rgaret Janice Cunningham, or Chicago. As be decorated for the orraslnn wltr crowd the set who evergreens enjoyed ber hospitality. The affair was one After the meeting bad adjourned, the Miss Cunningham Is a popular society girl an dliolly and a large The broken toys or lire are much or Ington aglow or the most enjoyable giren for the young guests and members were invited Into an Chicago, Miss Rannell la rerelvlnt many rir will be with many The same as it. at round us lie Walk-Ove- room social lights. This Is an afTa:r or thee r er set during the holidays, and with theloUr In the dub house to see the courtesies while tn that city, cards annual the So eagerly Ml new we clutch Boot Shop v,, Knights beautiful costumes, attractive decorations tall, handsome clock, given to the Woman's been received rrom Miss Bannell's and Is much enjoyed by young and Their glory and then watch It die! Id. 214 San Antonio Oat event was somewhat a tala one. The club by Mrs. Florence Hlnes as a Christ- - hostess by a number or El Paso Trlends So saleti. with all St girt. a aitrwhlle, chape rones ror the evening were the bar nounclnr luncheon to be given m Miss That seeu-e- so vivid and to ray. Next to Ryan's Drug Store. ents or the hostess, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. 0 ar- The directors or the club will bold their Bannell's honor .at the Illinois Athletic club Party lor Kuarnr Siaillh. Like toys around tliey rail. ' today, battered ret, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Frame, Mr, and meeting next Tuesday January t, at the which will be or much Interest to all Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Smith entertained And all is vanity, wr say: nrs. c. a. Jameson and Mrs. James Minor club house. The next meeting will be, "' her El Paso mends as the Illinois Tuesday evening with an tnrormal Christ- THE BE.NT7.TOWN BARD. rtn. The young- girls assisting the hostess January 8, which will be a.letlc club is one or the most exclusive mas patiy ror their son, Eugene. The house general or exuos or Chicago. was decorations, were Misses Merle Tatum, Orace McVey, meeting the club. Miss Bannell is the attractive with Christmas "GOLDEN MEMORIES TO GLADDEN THE Marlon Hows. Katherlne Kllbome, lone t, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Bannell, nunc was played. Miases Luclle Ayers, Mary Magoffin, Orace Pries. Opeadas of AudMortnm. or ihla city. Josephtno Weaver. Erin Mlddleton, Jean NEW YEAH." The hostess was attractively gowned in The opening or toe auditorium at the Strlrklatid. Eva Crosby, Atlleen Mortis, Isa- Some W or thrm lie before you holiday The Confessions of Roxane camp. a areas or gold ciotn made with an over Seventh Infantry For Bliss, will Mrs. Webb Entertains. bel Smith. Hatel Vaurhan, Pearl Newman. cards, all or theni and now in the lamplight gold take place th!s evening at 8 o'clock. Mrs M. H. Webb entertained with a de- - Helen Ferguson, Hllllard Bryan, Ouy Smith, By FRANCES WALTER. dress of malina, with gold band trim The and under the shadows of rvergreen and mings. Marlon Howe was attractive In a auditorium win be for religious llghtful afternoon tea yesterday from 4 un Fielding Ulllard, Sam Mlddleton. Manuel amusement purposes. " o'clock complimentary holly and pine, you dress of pink cWfTon. Merle Tatum wore Followlnr are the to Miss Helen Thompson, Hotsre Smith, Plilllp leyno)dt rrarranl lOotrrlaftt. lilt, tf U Me Clan Nmm amass.) pink names or me command of the regiment. '"' Mane Middle and Miss Fran- - snd Robert Weaver. sit down to Shjoy at leisure the messages taffeta trimmed with white chiffon grasp. Orace McVey was gowned tn pink tarreta and big staff: Colonel Frank B. Jones, act- - Uurgan. The house was attractively of loving remembrances bring. How I Met a Great Man and a He explained brleriy that be was with cream lace trimming. Orace Priest In brigade commander; Lieutenant decorated with holiday decorations. Miss Dance for Mise Yetta Baron: artistic they are, how exquisitely they pic- hurrying to Mexico on urgent business snd wore a pretty green chiffon dress. Mary Colonel George D. Moore, commanding the Mtry Dewey and Miss Anne Marornn poured Mr and Mrs. A. Srhwartt entertained with ture or Christmas and the New Year and Small Woman. had been compelled to pass through ber Marornn wore pink tarreta, Katharine. regiment; Captain Irving, Jé Csrr. Adjutant Xft- Those assisting Mrs Webb In an enjoyable dance at their noma on Meaa what endearing words they silently litter. home city wltlmut stopping. He bsd hesr.l come, rrom The car in which i waa training con- or was gowned In a dress of blue tar- Ham. Ely and Slgerfoos. chaplain ,nF guests were Mra. I. H. Hurgan. avenue complimentary to Miss Yetta Baron From Holland they ber Illness, but hsd learned rrom her In They tained two paaaengers besides myseir. One or reta lone Oarrett wore a or su- u urures, captain Jones, Quarter- - ""- uoomts. sirs. s. p. niddle, Mrs last night. The bouse waa with far and near the Unilel Stales. rsther her convalescence. He did nol and dress attractive are garland or thoughte, an or net. master Lieutenant Peck, medical ofTlcer. tt. w. Loomls. Miss Anne Manorfin, Miss decorations or pink and white roses. A like a rosy pleasant was an anaemic looking ttM about 18 years know, however, that she Intended te go rer cloth with overdress Mrs. or was charrnlng In a gown old rose chaplain J. L. OrHTes is hesd or the Mary Dewey. Miss Jane Hurgr-s- Miss Fran- luncheon was served during the with their aprlg rosemary tor remem- south, otherwise be would have msde Oarrett of twotcourse or old, and th other was a man. The glti'a crepe and cnirron. Finance committee. The building commit- ces Earle, Miss Helen Dunn. Miss Marga- evening. Van brance, or panslea ror thoughts or a red, arrangements. The girl on her psrl meteor Surdam's orchestra rumtslied ror berth was diagonally across rrom mino The ball room was attractively decorated tee It to charge of Chaplain Orirrea and ret INerr, Miss Marlon Howe, Mlas Iliith music Mrs. Srhwarta was assisted In en red rose love. told hltn thai her fattier had expected to with southern smllax, rents, pink and white Captain Preacott AO work done on the nawilngs, Miss katherinc Earle, Miss Kenny teitalnlng by Miss Huth srhwarti, Mrs. J. How charming the linea: und the man's was st the extreme rorwsrd make the trip with her. but at tbe last mo- Aa love candle ment or carnations. Punch was served during the building was dona by chler Artiricer Williams, Miss Lydla Hspper and Mtsi elman and Miss Baron. .About thirty Cou- lights the nd. The gin tied attracted my attention hsd been detained on account a Ganglorr Ethel Crawford. More 7IS or And love trims the tree. mettsr which could not be put orf. evening, music was ny nr. aocns and artisans or the camp. than gltis the ples attended. I or lunusnea younger So love speeds my Christmas wish, unen entered hecauae her unusual orchestra. Ushers wll lbe. Sergeants Majors r, set called during the open hours. "I faal safe now," the gin said btightl, pallor, and my l Those invited were,-- Misses Merle Tatum, Hlckey. Raddirre, TrlUett, Mrs. raddle Entertalna. Desr friend, to thee. but Arthur's letter "ror I not only have you, Unela John, but Ellin in- Fromme Orace MoVey, Orace Priest, Mary Magoffin. Ingles. Stein, Rupp, Murphy end Cite. Pnrly. Mra C. P. Faddla entertained a number or rerisctlons bad kept me too busy I have un. sweet mend who came to tnv H Eugene Fromme a And how true this yuletldr greeting: Katherlne Kllburn, Marlon Howe, lone Oar arret son. Following Is the program ror enterflned number or her mends with a 500 party yesterday at M pay any attention to the yuunt woman. assistance Just now." ' lila school fi lends Friday at Ins rett, Frances Earle, Caro Mitchell, Ruth uio evening. evriunr hi home on Kast Missouri street. The t;rst , , ...... The rlrl apparently was recovering rrom She wlatfully to me. and "Unces b""1 on Mess avenue.' xt-- rooms Were ik (nil.-- ) turned Dewey, Venia Alunan, Evelyn Ellison, Nellie Impromptu Arthur a u.m.. '..r,,.. n... win hv Mrs H C Wll.on the inn"cSl unos lung illness, snd ss I looked st her I John" beld out his hand lo me. "e,malr" ho v...... u.. a A rortunhi counted nut In gold, Smith, Luclle Crenshaw, Robbie Stewart, especially by the band ror 1 wl" anil ' could not help being ror the leader The time was spent For on may o'en the phraso thankful "Thank you very much ror your kind- Helen De Pue, Darla, m;s occasion.) pleasantly with bunco. iunci,eon were brierest abounding which I was Janet Elsie Colltns, was served. The decorations health with ness to my he said. la Ronnie Flnley, Mary Words or Welcome , Eva Lrosby rcrcung the gil ls' nr e and - Some dearest chelahed treasure hold. yes, mere." "It charac- Joe Capíes, Burt ram .h. After slttlnr ror swhlle with closed teristic or good women thst tbey sre Orndorrr, Aislna Orndorrr, Anne Magoffin, Lieutenant Colonel ei n vnmv Tr,t'; WP being red and green. Th? gtiesU ss though she wss Loo weak to about ZSXySJS'j&Z S "''heme ur s card plrturlnr tlie you tase ready lo help others." Frances OppenheUner, Tnelms Splnelll, ueaicatory prayer ytsfaf a two.roursew,. Mrs. A, 9 AU)r0i - nuii,y. Nlrht toward her. the started to rise, but could not or He or happiness and the tin was In Calnan, Ethel Crawford, Moyer. .Chaplain W. XV. nniM .mi. ucuo was serven oy .nrs rromtne. ,,,. ,. ti.n Ur. H n Mina Un n.lnh bluebirds stand, she sank into her seat. hur- There no (lattery his manner. II Irene "Merry Christmas, and In It are bet- snd .1 Helen Reading, Dorothy Vollertson, Kather- America mother or the host loose preseru were icoaurarsai. Mrs. t:. K. Mrs ried lo and asked ir I could do any waa merely the observation or n mlinl Ruby Burhrrt. ter wlahes'thsn you could possible make her lne Earle, Lillian Kletnman, La Von (Sung by the audience acompanled by Fuller. Helen Ferguson. Gladya Rír. Í LTi.. w. thing ror her. which apparently bad come tn contact with ror yourself." How dear, also, the tiny or people, Francis Lockett, Lucila Harlan, Mary the band) Rose Poill, Huth YafTec. Eva Crosby. June Under I opened trav- all sorts and which recognised Covington, art card bearing Ita greeting or Merry bsr directions her person Frances Hayes, Oeraldtne Phlpps, Louise Remarks General nene b Dorothy Covington, Syrll Poill.i Open Houae at the eling some smelling 'in me a of sympathetic character. hii Heme,. Christmas and the words "God give us bar and tot out salts Kerr. LUr Dale. Oladys Conrin. Oladrs Mul Mrs. J. w. Fu'rlow iittver nisen. Kuno nnrre, f'hllllp Dorre,' Dr. and Mrs. R. t. Kamey will hold open winch she wanted. After she bsd bald the He inquired briefly regarding tbe girl s health, con- tar, oaby Lovett, Emily White, Mary Her- Accompanied bv violin oin sunrri neury nrown aim i.eon crosny hntute on Kew Year day in honor of their 7 ' ' bottlf s moment to her nostrils she ap- father's and then turned the ows-o-. ember." And how cheering the simple versation to .tew Orleans gulf mans, Haael Kinney, Liuie Alton, Lors Mrs. William E. Adams hmiM Ulu r.mrtMr ItuHw i,f Un1er ,.".' peared v. be revived snd thanked me faint- and the Maetze, Ruth Bryant, Mary Hlnes, Kathllne Prof. Joseph M. Evans, pianist. "MrsKlah" at Elmt Preshylerlaa. so' ' y ani Mr. Horer Williams, wire or ly ror my assistance. coast. It seemed that tbe girl's mother, -- "'te who bad been "Uncle Hams, Irene Robertson. Silvia Rivers, vio JTM"-- ; Msyor Tom Lea tier messiaii was ireseitt-,- i at t e First' General Willlama. of Lexlnrton. Kv. Tlie She told me that she wss going south to John's" sister, wss All the content, snd love, snd glee, dead. His nasas, I was Gordon, let Simmons, Ruth Hennessy, Martha Pike, Violin solo Selected Mrs. W. E. Presbyterian church last night by tlie El ret entlon will be rrom 3 until In the an recover ber strength, snd that she would gathered, Adams That Christmas csn Impart while nam Lucila McKee, Luclle Mayer, Gilchrist, Accompanied by Pror. M. Paso Choral sorlety under the direction ori January I. at the residence or th probably spend the or the winter tbe girl's wss Mar lam Howard. Jean, Joseph Evsns. rinooii. For many and many s yule lo bs remainder every Dorothy Mitchell, Beatrice Hilles, Bernlce uuei-r- i My Love. James 0. MrMaiy. with Mrs. Mi sery st the host and hostess, Montana street. at Pass christian, which is on the Missis- Mr. Gordon seemed to have been wouio mat tilo I wish you from my Brick, Mary Dewey, Sadye Ruth Aldrldge, or"Sn rnurrh was well rilled with an hesrl. sippi Sound, out rrom New Orleans. I where. He gar briefly the essential facts of NSW Helta Coleman, Mabel Sheay, Blanche Roe, DuetCreetlnri'' Mendelssohn mtarsated audience, and the entire choir Open Meeting of Equal Franchise League. told her something o my own arfalrs. interest about Orleans and of tbe Also, Jfkr uní. It, the 'Jolly coast section to tbe of ctty. Mabel McMullen, Melba Oreen, Janet Miller, Mr. and Mrs. C. Andrews. tml olo'l never appeared to a better ad- An opeu meeting or the Equal Franchise rhymi more to make conversation than anything east thst His i. was taking Mm on a kong Dorothy Crane, Myra Plerson, Ida Hunter, Address W. B. V8n,g'' nerore. Tlie orchestral acconipanl- league will be held tomorrow evening at elae. and remarked that we probably would business Journey, Ware A Merry Christmas wish ror you promised upon Ruth SSbwaru, Bertha Htlrartner, Dan Ella Solo "Kayt'a Answer.' J. ments also were especially good. 8 o'clock at the Edison conservatory. Boule- see each other stain either in New Orleans bat h Us return to visit Andrewa For a very happy New Year, too, the Burks, Merle Dale, Helen Murdock, Helen Piano solo Selected Pror. M. Following are the lists or soloists: Mra. vard and Oregon streets. Mrs. o. A. Crltrh- or on the coast. tin st Psss christian. Evana With -- L- Holllday. D. haa arranged an interesting program health and wealth the whole year bops yon Loomla, Bra Stevenson, Marlon Kerr, Mar- Aaaress Jud n M. Dudley " Mrs. W. Howe, Mrs. J. J. ett through. Aa we talked the gentleman seated at "I by (oat uro." be sssd, that garet Meers, Myrtle Beddlngsfleld, Rschel Overture Zampe HerM Easter, Mrs t;lurles J. Andrews. Mis. A. II. that will appear to all. Everyone la cor- the other end or the car arose and started two will bs great rrloods snd tost I shall Boynton, Mildred Llndauer, Mary Noble, Seventh Infantry ooiusuiiii, 4 anarews, A. Wer- dially invited to attend. to the smoking car. Until mo- sse yon both on my return." band i.naries Mr. What heart would not thrill reading the bark thai Mlnette Watson, Irma Darls, Lartns Kuhn, ner, J. I., corgshali, J. II. Evans and C. H. ment bad only seen the back or his head. We separated a snort tlm laser, a Mr. Hop. words: Pay Morris, Ousts Fshrenkamp. The boys Oooeert TonlnhL Miller. Post WTien he turned I could nol help noticing Oordon insisted that bis ataos must A or El peo- This greeting's rrom s mend or yours. rJs. present were Charles Scot-te- El Paso large rrowd Paso and srmy He hsd the most race or any 1 lar awake ta my berth thinking of many Thurston, Prank music lovers have a rare treat in Who wishes yuu were him striking Fred Akard, Flnley store ror them ple attended the Wednesday night dance at nearr, I seen. was thtngs. wss uppermost tot my Robinson, Jackj tonight when Mrs iecri. Lunrheon lor Mlav Krusp. But even though you away, man had ever His forehead Arthur ghompson, Hoyt Cole, WUrried Rlchardaon Baakervllie, the Pott Hop clnb at Fort Bllta last night sre far eyes firmly thoughts. would now are Kranithnr. ptanlat. w:il appear Mrs. Krttpp You could well be Idgb, bis large sod his mouth What bs oat. tn Eugene Thurston, Ralph Pa teman, at (he Woman's club enteruined yesterdsy The club wss attractively decorated wfui nut desrer. waa brown, Hew Orleans? th sioads wtsfcb Harlan In a plano recital un- with a delightful luncheon tn honor or her V His hair dark eieapt st would Du Hose, Jack Bowall, Charles Overstreet, der the auspices or holiday decoraMona ror the dance. s raw gray gathered twloe before orar do- the Music department daughter, Misa birdie Krupp, who Is spend Or, In response to the simples, where strands bsd Mr Fred Humphries, Cole, Hatha- in i b. measarsr noticeable His bearing was com- sky east rurtbsr gJoaan npon esjr Jack Arthur nicoaraaon Oír ware mestic way, William Bias, Clyde Ssnburn, Irven silk Infantry le manding bis figure tall and athletic Urea? í ttUh or red young orricera or the Just beesuae It'a Christmas. snd ScbwarU, Robert Resney. Will Valentine. W" cdle. The He apparently was Messsd with good I grew impatient wtaan I wffVJSiJS Infantry sre lo give s dame tonight st My hesrt's door opens wide Bailey Winters, Harold De Pue, Cabel Oreet, ""' health, good looks, s rood disposition, s latter part or Us letter sad th I frwewtnt their club st camp Stewart and I eend s loving greeting he-- splendid and a good tailor. I hsd r fes sucas to Misa Regular M ?Z2$k CJrn7,t! L?"! " rt Madamme t( resting rsvors. d Tee. wire served With many s wlah beside. mind Joe Spence, Rus i?" th. never seen a man wtBS ssjOtl an attractive me thai he had been entirety to r men. The in Bow man Guard Drill Tessa Is Bare Daaee. ell R amage, l&.I" ",vailn "o James Reed, Elliott Chess, person silly. aatic in Ua prajs of and I oassnxtawd Er ÜmllÉaS'tSrVS.fJT!. P'y nudsd Mlasea Nanc wiUlams. ArV. The Bownvn ouard Prill team. Willow How Jolly the picture or an am lent town bar. raid Lspowskl, William Cook, Glen Deer, trvlt stew I not compare htm I should not no matear bow Helen Stewart. Alilna Orove S4. Woodman circle, W.U crier, bell In hand, calling out; ys! could help but with that like bsr. Olan Uroderlck, Ed Marsh, Hiram Duncan. Is equally aa as nmdorrr. Paula entertain "Hser Arthur, and am ashamed to acknowledge or vivacious or witty was. rood either srupp, ii.. to ti, y with a dance tonight In the I. o. o. F. ball. Hear ye! I wlah ye Merrle beautiful sb Dewey Carson, Brue Beven, Earle Evans, "No one should wilUanu, Jane Burgea Christmas!" And turre much by the com Then l thought or the lonely Usa Msrlstn misa Ihla excellent oppor- Anne Magoffin, Dick, that Arthur red Chester Wright, Joe king. Jack ivy, H. M. tunity to hear one katherlne Ruth 10 snd of bar great and atransre ortota. I of our best women Schwaru and the gueat of honor. TBS finiera le Entertain where live those who sent the won.lrou. "7 Morris. WlUard Brown, Spencer Darbyshlre, musicians In America," said D. V. ?y' Ji not eoriM not help wishing that ArCtassr bad Mrs. Mr. snd Mrs. CM. Pmley will entertain s branch or e pine that Jim Lewis, W. D. Cssey, Henfy Collins, Famiessy or the Muatc the commanding type this stranger. some of his fore or charaetsr. department, "It will Sunday School Party TonlohL party st the Toltec dinner dance tonight. waved like a frarrant green plume tn whla- f"J"r'' Dsve Olbson, Wayne Edmonson, Harry be an education In " . difference between tbe Mr. uordon erklsntly waa man or itself ror the young girl Th Intermediate or peting rorests or North Csrolins, ysl which srssl Welscb, Maurice Blumenthal, Dsve Hughes, students or In department Trinity average man and a man, snd I fell singleness nr purpose. From the raw par- music lbs city to near one Methodist Sunday school rame to gladden a holiday twined with a treat Donald Hogarth, Chandler Prude, Madlsu who is so abte a pianist, will have a party SOCIETY PERSONALS a i looked Ihla traveler that ha was sons! remarks that bad been dropped by and one who haa uus evening we or branch or holly snd tied with s bow or si Mudd, Fortunatua Carlton Hu- mad so enviable in bssement the church. tlie r already a great man or wag das Used him sad his niece, I knew that ha was un a record ror nerasir. Mra The following B. ribbon aa vividly scarlet ss the holly's man, Verne Peeks. Homer Dale, paule teachers are the boats and Edllson has gone to flaw York on a Aa approached us married, and I all er Bsakamile piara with and her tech- i.. attain eminence. be Inferred that bis Uroyles, Henry Schu maker, Carrol nique hostesses or these teen age boys and girls: business trip. lire span tn tha pnraaxfl Stevens, la obsolutely riawlsss. It Is won- or a perched upon - bad been of one CUfTord Anderson, Kneeland Messrs. William Vaughn, S. 0. Douglas, rural pictures squirrel the consolidation snd Jenkins, derful opportunity;, and one I am .rr.o .. a renco above the sign No LUa,' lialted abruptly Idea control of rail Desn, Billy Berrien, Joe Magoffin. people Vlolst llileinan. A. M. OTsmbllng; Mlssss Mr. and Mrs. Searcy Ballard announce the nil "Poet do not realise. The yet tha has "Why. Mar laxal" ha ax rial mad. "I Bad road line in Mexico and certain f thslr Dawson Bryan, Le Roy mualr danaet. Juliet Wlngo, Mabel Murry, Byrd Ferguson, arrivsl of s son. Darld Manly, horn sender Bowman. Paul rears that ao many people think Tit no Ides you wars here." northern connections. sn event or little inn.... i, 1." - aysra; Hal it. The girl's eyes brightened ror s moment As I dropped sff to slsp his floe waa Boyd, Clifford Usylord,' H' ""rVlr BANK RECOMVIEMD Oeorse Mrl.ure, Hsl are absolutely wrong, ror 4ruai m wl" THEM ss abe feebly held out both ber hands. still before tn. Ma strong ,J! Sir, T?r - Miss Charlie Ms Cunningham, Aldndge snd Bartow Morris. be on of the kTÍ program, rollowed by pro- was haa T. J. Norratt, v. p. Bank of cotton wood, "Oh, Uncle John!" aha cried. lit by the tsndaniMs which bsd capas huí 1., games spent a raw tn Everyona should take ... .. rreaalra snd refreshmenu. Tlie dala the city, will leave Tex., write.: "Beyond doubt I have received He cam over sad kissed her really on II when ha apoto to Us pMbssje little n Meeting ot .V. Tl evening Art Depart meal m ue party will be rrom I s) to to rn o'clock. this for california to vialt rslatlve. treat relief and take great pleasure In rec- the forehead and held her lu Ms strung (To Be Continued.) ...o umj tne last one ror ommending Foley kidney Kidney trou- l.lvinr pictures formed the Interesting time, and ir does lilla th:s not neo.. . Miaa or ble makes one worried snd Impeles, by aubject or the. meeting or the Art depart- - tonight, .....! Judge reel vvea Wststatshle Ctrl. Mania WartMSs Fort Worth Is lbs niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiliitatli the mualr department will be slow or ache., pains, surxiisss, stlffnnat. backache, me nt or the Woman's club wblch was held about bringing was rrom tueat ber liMr. Mrs. Alice Mcknlgbt. other araata to El Peso " Word received Wsxsliarhh', st the Wright apartment. rneuaistiem mee aianpioma. aa wen yesterday In the club auditorium. A nuni- - Miss virgin s Bean, violinist will nlar a Tsxss. thai Judge Adrian pool and Mlas leen dlaturbint adder disorders, yleh ber or children had been csrerully trained violin solo, bsr' singleton were In scrompaned by mother Mra luei married Wataiiai hn Upton of Denver, Col., who has been by Mra. B. V. Young in posing, and the pic- - I Bean. The yesterday 4 SO recital commences at t so srteruoun al o'clock by tha rvlaiuug H. A. Lay snd fsmlly ror aoros Hysn Owl Co lures presented were a great cred.'t to the o'clock In the auditorium or the Women's rev. caspir ysngiit or Dallas. Only mem brut art department aa well ss to the posers, club. After the daya, haa rstunisd lo Douglas, Arts. Del concert ibis eveouur bars of the ramiliea awl a few Norte Mr. luuiua Paso Hotel van Dyke's "Baby Stuart." posed by lit-- BaakervUle will be to raaeiTe He Madeline Kuhn waa beai.tin.llv sm on Healrlnr .,. ,"r!?.. "JPJJ "V sisa Eunice Audsrson arrived tn B1 Pas and elicited much applause Oatnaborough's ui we program; "Blue Boy," posed by Ames Hettrtck. wsa sonata--B flat minor (Chootn; NEW YEAR'S ...... ii good. Louis Price ras delight- Doppto Movtmenlo (Scasrso). ful In Heynold'a "Miss Simplicity." Desr or to the hearts all children and oldv rolk irsiias. SchjUtt. IrJer, ou An Hot the Electric Pad CELEBRATION is Heynold'a manorial 'At of Innocent's," or the Blus Danube Violin a .. Grippe! L 'ui. ST-LÍ- VUtiai lth Mr. acromo anrin LEAKS MEXICAN DIShES a atarcaroll (Rubinatetn, It it a winter plague which i 1, mi laranietie (Urunfeld). January 1917 All day Mexican dinner. 16c '(e Moonltglat claims thousands every season. gets cold ORIGINAL MEXICAN (Dsaauur). Never I BURSTS Beginning at 8:30 with Dancing in the Ball- RESTAURANT t. Rbapsodie No. ,, t i room, high-cla- ss Cabaret in Lobby and Main Din- 401 Jatcssa Are. Scon's Emulsion ar mm t RsMtfy foT lmUtst Um Atures ua Hot Bid.. assies far ñr ing room from 11 o'clock The management -í- uund-r will Right on. or strengthen and íoytiiy yuu 18 A 111) Cty ) A Just the Temperatura tJtrtrU against Qrippm, S has secured the Four Van StaaU aa an added " Montana street. and liwni a. Dry The . .... have Oebant attraction. hollyr " ueroratod win had It.SctXt's wtfie CM tes, and riowara and punch, ZSt PIANOS and cream were store your strength (aster than) W Just the thing for ileepsiaf porches these cold night.. Bold on easy term. served durum uv. t. any known ADMISSION V toll ita. Mandolins. Cuitara other inedicine. J TO HOTEL THIS DATE BY DUNN'S MUSIC STORE El Paso Electric Railway Co. CARD ONLY Ne AlctM-Jtf- lt tM asta Sjstoeiio ttt. Blood Food Phone 2323. Electric BUg. Soon a Uawac, SaseaiSrU. at la aa krkS lllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIilllllllllllUIIHIIIIIIIIIasMlfJJ V EL PASO MORNING TIMES THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1916. MUTT AND JEFF JEFF MUST HAVE GOT THE NAMES OUT OF THE TELEPHONE BOOK BY BUD FISHER Coprrlcht. ISIS, tr H. C. Flatter. Trad Mark Rs 0. Pit OCT.)

b f. Tot aje,. ( WMAT A THRCt f ( AH? 1 I IT icu itN WAP l HT II , II . i. . . . ft 1 r cor op- "T "TTfcr YOU rfOMjesi l VOU DON'T

U. Nc FViJr- - "vtr

ADVKRTIKIXI, KATE OARS Kuril near OpiMtrlunltlca. 1 Wiim i. .1 (n tin Mlatfrllam-oiia- . 12 Nloren and OtYtof. UvestATck for Halts. SB Real and City Property 4B Keal Eatate and City Property. 48 classifif.h RtSTAURANT FOR AL( CHEAP. Dataa pan. WANTED Ta buy aeree riamT takla. A BUNCH of feed Ameritan krood marea for tale! BEST BUY IN THE CITY AT l.4f)0. eant pm word aevh dtily invernó atraaalaf aim New beegalaw Vlata built 1kg oaak ktraaaaaa; aaatrall acatad. Tara. Ft. UN aalrrar, ar pilaaaai raaaar Ajee 2 white Addreae Paul Creewefl, leer. Teaea. In Alta action: ranta per word on Rundía. erlaln: NEW BUNGALOWS arpe kaeenaont. with cement fOP. or aaamalati ar all laarji prafarraal. PRaaa 4550. of beaoStuI rol brtek: rant par emrd ear m kwUm. tALK Pmall lananipt prtntlaf offloa, " KtTgs. 4B noon dated aleeetag ream: atrtdtly modera, wit II. to pa- line p.r aooth amithli Parmanla Applt III Pt Poultry and all date aa bootcaaea. nUtou-le- by Mlptinllanooua. Featartt. aath All adverthrina not rvwitrart WANTED A partaar la rna a Mi an To Kxclutntrrt IS LEBHOSM HEN ear Ptyept $1,950, $100 Cash kltohen oáklnat. Thta eame heme la bale rill lr IM word laja haalaaaa. II tela. Ma. BALANCE 52 INCLUDING INTER- kefM tad to charted Knar a aaparlaarotf. Phaaa IPN. IF PER MONTH. old ky ethort at 14.000 to 14.200. Oír price paly Net ad ariexrlml f. r leee than U ntfU. EST. TAKES THIS .MODERN BUNGA on oaay turma. IndrflMir perlrat f taken ear eaekaeea arlta Money to LOW. LOCATED IN THE ALTA 55.400. Can be bandied Kl It l to u It f an Mili- Ian. CONVENIENTLY IAMES L. MARR CO.. eeer the tetepeme Or dar to di.,..uni:nue it I.I nk Hnomliijr fttr LOAN. VISTA DISTRICT PHONOGRAPH RECORD EXCHANGE. FOR PENT 100 black aa Taaaa St.. aa S6ñí"To SB Bat AeAayal. Pkeet 4450. roUit to made In wrltlnf 110 la Anententa far raaaairwd ede ara dita erTef nrat In N. Flerenee St. Prion. eM w MOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Mrttoa Not rMfneialbte for mora than rate Inrorraat Rooming Houses Right TURN "MERCHANT" for a day m la. aid PMJ. $2,625, $250 Cash Two modera bun galo wi. with glaaeed-l- Iliat ueral Hall II Ihnaiali the TIMKR Ideal looatlea, eettakle far real aetata ar 41 BALANCE 125 MONTHLY. glgtpla poroh. aoreened poroh. baaemeat, regktem In. rtlila adrar AueAloneer ami Sale. UN AL LJH1AI. AIlVltRTISINO Hoaaii lurnark net aa other rurrrhante aall Ihlnca Branch WI hardwood floara throughout, t lot. tile itot. Corel adveruamj at latal rater ( WVOMINO RT COtV iffl.i Ti n W. A. WíLlTámC 2300 block E. Boulevard. 4 tar llaga, paved a treat. iiBPi.Ar ad space TPANPIENT; eroeeraee afflee; around fleer. Far laforej. Auction Salta aad t ontmlealon mrohtt. oattt 1 Jltne. ride OeM flat rau. wreak dare, par lii.ti. wlnn,n wide, 'I 'a mil at kullaaii.l ofn.w lan.dorfr Clear Htand. MENT FRONT PORCH. SHINGLE ROOF. THE Beat buy today la a ottoe-l- i tviane. Bettor berry. i...! K"urnliurp MOST BUILT-I- HARD- Ineetoirtl, Tie. i MUNftV AVE., mm BLOCK for Satle. 1 tall every: In( at aevtlon 07 private tele APPROVED FEATURES. Prloa 13 300: 1500 oaak. flama. Hundan, each tneartlmi. hoc. NEAP CITV MALL tlaa phaaa 000 and aab far S. L. Detrta. Offlca Phone 01 Realdence . WOOD FLOORS. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED Sate Atonta: RUndlnt dlaptay ade pat It ' par month, 10 neap urarrMv 504 Mtctu CREEL REALTY CO. Pbtae 5075. lit nr Whiteside a auctiiineers. Contracta for laraa inmunu a dieptar ad apto 11 N. tSton naiakino coin Wanted lícata. raadara lubyert to dteoronl II BOULFWARD. itOOD I URN AT once M0 aad 2 53 000 FOR A HOUSE OF THIS KIND. klnda And RRAIUNil VOTUEB II NEAP W. Ill til. All uaad houaa office furniture Villi pay Phono ua for ratea. Step Right In Para raudln rnattar. recti tnwrUrwi. par Una. to II SAN ANTONIO St...... a. fair nr.. a f. aalabU tonda Sea or phone ua at $3,000 Under Cost Snlendld houie. good loaatjta; ekata In: Locate, par line, "eaoh Inertrtlnri, lie. STANTON TINE HALF lid worth 5. 000: completely fiiralabee): furallurr worth II 1 BLOCKS OF PIERCE FURNITURE CO.. CHRISTMAS af loaat gi.otw. All tor to.oinr: icrms. 3I Taaaa BL Phone J04e IE MYRTLE. RENT Jt) GUIDE ROOMS. GLASSED SLEEPING PORCH. BREAK- OYER. WITH PRIVATE BATHB SHOPPERS Rfifiag pi is vrav o Mllht Bias. mono tau. 24 for Fast tan hfatinh ant it nMKB branch orncsa NORTH OF LIBRARY old Will hur aamntl hand looda. Your credit FINELY FINISHED AND LOCATED IN A VERY FOR SALE BY OWNER trne houao. with i. aeaj i anaa ia.i atut aara inr.naj HOME FUR- Hourtfta for Kent. M Buy Stationery BEAUTIFUL LOCATION NEAR THE NEW HI6H Marat Inngtld poroh. every bul It lr. faattro. large NITURE CO.. Ill N. Staatea St. Her ONE Hi room hettee. cerner Auatla and Bauiairard. bCrtliUL. (teat. atrvaat tuerten. FOR SALE FURNITURE of reara trick eottaae. No. 1450 Baa letrera. Phone 1017 ar 207. STREET olear la. bath. 15 ehloaaai. aaal. are.: an a ij. WANT A REAL BARSAIN. t Hll Addreea the nwnnr 4117 Cheater St. of Hi tto TlmM 2 Percy For tha mnaonlaai'a real 121 par month. Prloa 1175. 1. FOR SALE CHEAP- -1 raaree and colli nalntatna liramh 'aTloaa at ilia tolliradrui piaraw S. Crarlar Roao. BRENTWOOD HEIBHTS. 314. Treat BIO Phaae ISS7. Millinery-Dressmakin- g or, road, llran-- h o.' loaaa aUaau Lou 35a intlre from postofrico paro.1 tilth Rranoh (Meal ran Pronnd and El See TEXAS FURNITURE CO will buy. .oil or Hala made v ardor. Fancy evening etwei E. MAIN ST. PHONE tTound. dty water, fine dairy altnt tod trtcklio; It LARGEST ROOMING DEALERS, now eirhanie t Ill H HOUSE furniture lot old TEXAS FURNlTlim r:n 0 THE STYLE SHOP. 413 Teaee. Phone 147. irirliland Drat Sbtra niihlalx; Tart IIS MAIN ST. CRAWFORD THEATER. PHONE ). 4M S Ki ML l'liuna 4N7. JrUrmnhexl lloueaBa for Kent. r. HADLOCK REALTY CO. COMPLETELY furelihad raedern bu.ealow Real KaLate and 'Fire Insurance. BUILDING SITE. 13 Rooms $200 Down garata: to Mat HelfhU: 11: ralaraaeaa raoulred. SR0ADDÜ8 V LI BAROS. BOULEVARD Myrtle. Rtatihm PL Phraaa I Ilt2. Suitable tp apartment or atore, en paved afreet tnd Idraruatlif acraptad at all Carnar Oatarll ami Prloa 150: 1100 da a. Boll OS. , halanr- - 29 nianl ly aot o aad tar line. Prtee 12.000, on tenet. lln.r X mint tail. IISIHABLE SEVEN ROOM raaldaaoa. furalihed. ca. -- A. P. COLES A BROS. Krai relate and Imuran New 5 Room Bungalow 2AY F. KNOX COMPANY. -k -s. IP TOU HAVK A BlrOM THAT YOU WANT 11 laaath. Vheaa 431 Moreluauao Bloc Phone 1. 301 Caplea Bldg. Phono 229h. TO CAN GEORGE W. CRUTCHER A BON. PRESSED BRICK 12.330. WILL EXCHANGE! RENT IT BE RENTED 0UICKLV BY Pay an uttoodltgly email amount Wanteal to Kent. Boom V U oelMHiaa Block. Phono m. 7 rearm house an earth tldt, cloao It. raattat far 430 PLACING AN AD IN THE CLASSIFIED COL down aad 527.50 ear month, ' DOUGLAS C. CR0WELL. por mea, far tan on Bourn aide ar improved tenr- WANTEOj-- 2 "Jjfjjj cludlnt Internet, and tot a deed for nent property. Call t office for aarttMlara. UMNS Or THIS PAPER. Real retain and UttVJlAtO 214 MIIU Bldtt oae of thaat homra. Will Ittatad. Money-Makin- g C A KINNE CO Hial Kaiatr and Irururanct. io le Blloa St. aad EOt MIIM Btdg. P WU.MAUR. maiittci Dept. Wo are aolna to Pull S af ttrttl homa and 2 have RICHARD H. TH0RNE. 40 Milla Bid, already bate contracted tar. Come Real Knfate, Farm, Kane lira. 40 Transient lnalde and wareliouec uroparty. ROOMING HOUSES. BUSINESS CENTER. Jriufneea CALIFORNIA SUBURBAN FARMS, near Loo Male Help wmiK'H. 70 ROOMS. NEAR PASO DEL NORTE: HORACE B. STEVENS. iultuMe lee poultry, fruit aad garden, for LEASE 0. K. 11.100 DOWN. 12,750. Beau Ketete and Lneiiraju-- eio. oaay payment. Write E. Wait. Skaaaee. I0OMS. 2 BLOCKS OF b. t. ham Rett son. llanunett Blin k EMPLOYERS' CLEARING HOUSE. 12.500 ON TERMS. Untiled to liuy Real Estate. 8o -k Heal and City Property. 48 Mayfield Building & WANTED FACTORVSlf E See auth aide. Mt to e.ceed 44.000 IU U.rpr iraaaral arara. 115 MAIN ST. CrVAWFORD TMEATIR HI Dl, Co. Improvement Company Baa KIBLER. ftW ta atan, fluaat Saaalak. Newman Investment PHONE 14. 0ASSIDY A HEEL. Pkent (20. Arlrana Evidence REAL INSURANCE, BOBOS. CSMTC. aoaaiialant. fluaal Kaaalil. Sil ta atari. Rallroaa' x ci i ii ailaara. n No New Listings míe Real Estate. Bl vT Some Holiday Bargains WlMtí5""T6 TRADE BUNGALOW Ante St. lor Jit MILLS I1L00. PHONE ItM. 12 ROOMS, fill BUAHDIRS DOWNTOWN. laraer houao. Will pay Addn 01 AL. A business man was remonstrated with by tart Holtl Bhtltnl. M. Arlraaa. ISO: 10 ROOMS. MYRTLE. RENT S4t. TERMS. 11.000. far every apartmenL 1123 rental. 5461)0 irabJaa'laa raaa. friend, argued Kl,''i tor year. Notices. I aanlry a banker who that the classified 1500. 10 ROOM modern heme. 1000 klk. Montana fluah'a ..mi. ifi woman iuk. baardlna home. Arl week Near 500 UNOER MARKET VALUE. I, 1 era. rana. 500 month home oarveator. railroad It, want ad page was a poor place to secure cus- aek. A I Mrilce. 13.50. FALL 1 MITCHELL. 201 Saa Fraa laraa oulaldr roemi: rent IM: 2eor loaaa: IM. rental SlOtf, Map. tannmen abeckholdan at the RIO GRANDE VALLEY BANK Iranaleal trade, turnltura. laally worth AND TRUST COMPANY will to bold at Ita offloa eo I2.M0. Prlee I: 11.400 oaab, kalaare aaa. Beet Ota. 71 Tuoaday. laouary 1(17. at p. Ilarlwr t'nl- tomers for his business. This business man Will Build to Suit Tenant (. I a., for the teta. el raaaaaa far wliblet to mil. Pheae owner 7lh7. election director! to troalcal. r wili. ..ntiN.lant If tad rraaigat Mr Ml all Fien in,.:, ciplaliilnt P. Ha. Ft wialli. Tes. II R00M RO0MIN0 HOUSE. Close-i- n sff'satratmry. tnc Cloao la ra Mete Ara. Clean HOC laealb. Yaura came back at the banker friend with: "How tatae It. real bargain take at moth aa 20O0 In leu. on Corner S. N. MEN Our HluMroicI oautotlel aanalna tarn we far ni" tl. 000 lean, leal loaaa. bal. vary near. teach ttie tiartww Irado ihallr.1 free Moler 504 Maea CREEL REALTY CO. Pheae 0071. I 14000. I RM. bunpalew. oltred alp poroh. beautiful Sartor ..iic,c. w.tih Tciaa do you know am using the classified (arte SOOO kfk. El Paae. on Mesa Ave. rn FOR SALE 10 moma, 4 a leapt parahte. nicely ar maple fleori. baaemont. Ettt AUTO STAGE LINES at eeauea. 1300 eaab, pal. a FIRE INSURAN0E. WANTED You n man trhe la handy In tha uaa af rangra in awltea; all Alta Viola 540 menth tr NOTARY' WORK. I nauaebeaeiat rented. I a haataior at driidog nalla. El Paaa Tniak actary. nemv. lent north aHMO columns?" Why, saw your there," said gplt larionablr tlaa, ads 3300. RM. bung, cottage. New Orloauta St. re. EL PASO LAS CRUCES AUTO LINE. wi nace Tlmaa. I H. EVER BAHBER COLLEfll Waaea lie loarnlat. atrloied full keaomeat. garete. beautiful J. Smith t Sons MO KN NO TIMES DELIVERY. tree 110 Fort Worth. dlatrlot Cetaleaue mailed I. Illh. the banker. "And so does everyone else," re- lawn. 1500 oaak. 10 per me A Internet PH0NC 441. MS TEXAS Rater a car ieaeo Pioneer Plana, front of Hotel WANTED BRM3HT DELIVERY BOY, arRh kleyala ISItxT I RM. DUNli, 2 South rrt. lota. Grand Sbeldun dally aad Butiday at 5 5 to. or aao A a Aoaly lamaa u Byree 1 Ca., Ill N. Btaatoa. Towlo. with Pork Brae.. ten ta. plied the business Ave. Grand View, real bargain 5300 oaak. bal. mil. ITarea Kl Paau to Ctaulillo. Tin; Anthony. fl.M: WANTED Meilcea toy. about aeare. who lOaaki 77 ROOMS, aleaantly furelehed. around fleer man. 5000. 4 RM. BUN0. laret tip. poroh. 7Vt ft iiartno. 2k; kteeuulVe. M; JtmtLU Park, way ami. fl rara. II 75; Enellah. Tetrao Seeiae Ce.. 704 Saa Amenle natal: good loaee. bit lituana Loerli frL Orohord drroe walki. 5300 eaab. Lea 12.00 owner to rait, i Cruce. Boya for loop. fhona 2470. R. T. WANTED with blcynlae or without bteyeloa BUNG. 2 South rrt. rota. Momphli RetLrnta aato lea val Jolina' Nona Sua. Proaraoa Moaiortar Serrlae. 502 S. Orepaa St. l p m. 114. I anil I muí, i outbuilding, rurnriheo. Laa Cruder., Phcaat WANTED Moaaenoer. I. aot ohanna for rlfht boy. Snail aa jirpea carried at nominal ratea, Aetly El Paaa Smelter alta raaarvaUona lha night before at Tlmea trTiot. LLARN eulo répalrini T M C Loa Call iMallian 403. lUwldonoa phoeo 1512 J. a.lual A. Cotton Ave. I fttane lltna between RM COTTAGE, BJIatot St. 550 eaab free ted Ci 11730. CÁKltlStrSO Atitalea ratalntue Ave. end Maple, ar cot In above laotlon. Finder 123 nor BXIBWKIJ. j Ijiñi. WANTED Boy tar atore work. 0. Loraer lawalry tteaee return to commercial Otfloe Supply Ca.. to 1100. SLP. porobee. 70 ft. frL Pled rea Pleaaniw aarrloa leartn BoawoU, a go. aa Car- 0. m.iii Bulldlat. Taaaa St.. tad receive rear St. oludlat lot Only $100 Down :1k a. tur rtoaoha. (41 paved i treat AND 21 PER MONTH, ruante, apodo. Lanonln. Ftcl el tentón. Capitán and DRIVER WANTED. Apply toraaiaa 1 Paaa Dairy C MM: m.d Nasal. The abort tutaaduie (Irte a ttotanah dally cavalry, tupa. yeara: ata, weltht 175 1200 oaeh. 420 baya t aaw bunpalpw In eefdle: I R lí" COTTAGE. 2 Seat front btto. trverameol Hill, oa tot 57a built teunde: oorar. bay, halabt. 14 hiede I Inehee. 4. towIn M lartntTlTT fur lunch In Caxrlauao. E. P. 'ft Call 50 Milla Hide. to Tree C. frame, t tara i parobat. taotplotaty furalekod. 4400 af treated brink, oak near I 1 flral Panaa. Ctaalry. Camg Steaaari. Wanted MlnrelLaneouK. Wmiieil to Kent. l. train a Bl Paae at .to - u Auto ar reama. Prlee 12.400. Will ba an, ea Keener, :av i 3 LOST Herat, Sept. 12. aumtoredl R hlaufT RM. SLP. perenal. 2 earn no. elated lha the year. t im tA'anUnl. ape, 11.opa. II: leu. ,1 kit. before tint of caralry: t yean: peldlne weltht llu eaab. 115 per me. Move I ta atari the aaw year rttht. W peoada: color, boy height. Re- Mbtt be reeaonabla walklae dl.. fit SALEkMAN NTIO to toll moa at camp Ta! IS hand! H, la.hae. veer lad ueemoata to hemaieekanF Are any ACRES UPPER valley en State read. allfy we a permanent turn to Troop f f bat Penna. Cavalry, for art there .... roene ane w. have poettlen reward. cpeelnga for weakly n mea tapera, f treat far otty era (arty. St euaar tar our El aad what kind of WAHTE D May aate uarrled ap lo IT4 pound. to pound free, aacaua Peie branc Adtraaa a. ill. LOST Chrktmaa In lobby or eutalde ledlee' ell. climate, How furaHhed reeota for nun heuaekeoptat: field Building rare Tin altht. aeboeeal about railroad ftollltlee. eloio la. Phone tatráete Hotel del Norte, dlameed bar ale aot la Newman Investment Co. BOSWBtX ACTO GOMPANI. plrlmum liberal reward If rotura ad to erf loo of Improvement Company taearau Hotel del Norte. I iifurnUlaed Apartinenta for Rent. 81 Pheae Me). 100 San Antonio St. lewel Tea Co lea.. Arlraaa St. UONAHAJ4B Ohn,tD AUTO Uta. 111 LOST Afcoul 10 data a. Between Sheldon hotel Beau Prr. aad union depot, lady fur mink. Return to Shot- Drtvwtniaklfujr.. ill ItWVawt? Phlii Beaavd tita Sally I Female UaTap IIS don Hotel end ve reward, r RhM. effltt ratea WANTED Dreaa making. Aty kltd of Arizona's TOST sccnío tsíp. LUfcT Srladla take WANTED At enoo. l lata to do llgni heeaekowp kullda. akout I mealae eld: white reoaonabty. Phaaa . Olobe vo Pnoanla via RocaatrtU Oam. APACBS Beat, Saaalak aad Eaallili kroatt. wltb abite ilrleo face, tpllt lip. I hiw ta ait in ul li, Apartmeuta I n: All. rwuka. hlaka ream igltuoa at onlldraa. apea 4 aad t Call Piedmont Aeertmeatt. (ullafcle reward. Pbaat 127. I 22 lent. U Splendid Warehouse .211 W. 7. ami luatructlou. New Bungalow Slate Co. Onto. Ounilnuia Bntal. Cuue. Baulomrd. Apt. LOST A alratr meah baa. Between Herald Sld pad FOR RENT Furnkhed. 1 2427 Art. SPANISH LESAGb- S- Eight meafki. 110. Addreae nee to cook aad So eeaera! houao- park. Fladar return le 24 Herald Bldg and pel Property la mmy marUaular; mi trmá .rwr MOB0LLQN 5TTAQE LINK A AUTOMOBILS rowtrd. rmá kaflok. Priosj Mly M 240 Mt9 mmi LIVERY. MUNDY Private Kladgrpvtoa. 1557 R Cttae le Second (At ruf LOFT Blue e vera. at practloally aaw. re- HW.hU Pt. liouaektaepliiti ta lata; t mm ymm. Duly MpetaseT u aad from all toante kvllith Rotima fur Rent. S4 proa brink gaalMla. t MoayutUm WANTED Good rollakte MKiiekaoper try ward for lafermatlea. 254. the ad fatal, twaaa Btlter aty aad Cart lata Stiver ita. I: Phtat . SING-t- HOfeart (rae home aad pood weeeo to party. Phone AuPaa Anwoiii-ln.- 2S HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS aad I aleople 104.150. arttk ata: buys a mam 4i rltbt Strayed mart aad oett. Intuiré at prleeta' allfl .raaaa. aullable far 2 eeatteeaee. 1007 rental. a Care to all patato aroamvt ft B. m Tgaae. Call Saa A: krtattt (aa tv Stiver Cttr rt rueldeeoo. Yileta. AUTOMOBILE AUCTION SALE al W. aad teale ar 1020 Olive SL 520, too TERMS. WANTED teellah apoaklat Maalaaa far Ortrtatd heueowerfc. LOST Silk ahlrt. oe N. El Peee St. or w. Boule- Durante Stt. each Saturday at 2 p. Will toll I FURNISHE0 Motor IraaMt Co.. OrtjitBi Fa at Vlratala Apta. Aptly Apt. I. a. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, PapoL SaaU vard Phona 7505. all klada at can te hlthaat bid den perek. Pkeae 444. (II Maaerfle. St. Phone II WANTED Girl tor peñere! koueeerera auat aeaaA "Wa Mt the Shier, and Setlut leeether Texas Corner Building Sites LOST Soeatkall aeefchue: yellow ooamel. Reartrd. NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 411 Upa Coate la .aad the tota lay an Taaaa walk, Eatlmk. nil N. ReYnor. Pheae AUTOMOBILE AUCTION BARNS. tat St.; ptttd; ear aad By 1(417 St.: Italia. Worth 117.500. la and paid far: a ear aaw hl(k M WANTED Girl tar (aaeral Me. Aa- I. C. an. Mar. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. N. (I Pay hauaewertt. Reward. Phone "Offteo with 113.00 TERMS pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLE tarta. 70t N. flaroeai. 147. til tule Meter Ca. HOUSEKEEPING No nek ISM Moo tone w. A. Wllllaaaa. Auetlooeer. eeUae Map 7. Ilia, u ti a. at. WHITE WOMAN tor 2 dan' war.' Paaa a IMaiaalafn BLandaarl but NICE LITTLE HUPMOSILE "II" leerla, not Stanton St. Corner A ndersoneFlller Tin.. WANTED A uompotanl wemaa ao4. Ml For suit- Mlb4llaiMHuM. ll teee tap. eeaej tarty upholitery I Ho. SB El Paaa A keulhwaetera Syatom. Ill tat end .ion for Rem. Tata SL Phtat Frota Uaa North aun kept CAtHIER I eery toed tarea. A et m am re waalM at Ike ara Cafe. kralt tara. HOTEL SMITH. Ifurale , Voile teunot 4f H P.. teed oendltloe all around. FOR SALE WHAT DO YOU THINK! Oral Darla aad llthtleg. maleóle, ouutde rutena. 2 siiiuiiltilua Wunusl ttartlnt Stat aay Bungalow The prtee eely 44.200 tar tota ateta ta a MJe. an. A apteedld aer for 540 St Oaeaaa. Santa ft Hl, block ainiah of eld Bout Al Arizona St. I lop. ua. taría kill H Smith art with brtek eel tana SCHOOL TEACHER peelUee. have VELIE MOTOR SALES CO. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. SACK Í0 THE FARM. Amat oartlfloaU am aura FOR S eeertaeata. aa. traee aball beaa flral trade b. SALE KATHRYNE HPTEL FereUned eattldt ráeme. (I ratal, ta Tbta U eare aay te tot a aero Itvtel tat Capan Otty i. at lee eeemloaiieaa Oat eatertaaeod keavamoat aad bawtlei etaat: (Mllld- - I (Mlil to a in. ll laa I weak tap ap (team boat lly, s. aadaaee. Wo kaa a few amall hereto af lana tor the heart. Irepart furaun w. eeltool i erar aearn married, yea eg maa. Let Your Gift to Her I Ma prloa ton L C Everybody's Dept. Stea loo. toar Batty raataieraaL Lean market Ca alvo (aa S ralatMNg 4 45 ua. Hlnokley Nam Beaton Toaoa m b . r STANTON ST CORNER CLOSE IN Oat tea tMaha Undtod YOUNG MAN peed NICELY FURBISHED ROOM. 7 mla.rea weak Ray. .h, leñatee SIM ripe Far karelaaea el Italia, leeaki Gar... II.. e a nay ucs pee tot Malt: tor went: S ftaaomiail 43 Paaa Laxml aath aad Saanlih. tar floe la private Stmabb kerne III Lea Aa Ujmgf. ear. aot aa Par pertleolen would aaa leatiat pealfae of Store Fixtures Yea will alee apt the kiagflt of the prloa. F ar the Weat meal aay kiad Addnea B. 501 tare Tlmaa. mi- Mahogany Ceo a ten Met tit I Oamloa SMAl Urnlto Uleta Dhalaa Caaaa. WtT TEXAS MOTOR CO.. 401 Myrtle Pheae 4145 room, Capper YOUNG WISCONSIN MAN wltb eaperteaoo aa loree furohhod walklae Ik W. F. Payne f CUy mlraalal aale. Nat aay rTelahed Sbervta NEW 1117 FORD TOUNINB Coat, wltb eatree. taaaa. E. Ríe .silt maaaaer b leaato aKk eater e at 4540 Breado St. Pheae INSURANCE lame erial Fleer eveneei Perla.-- w.aaiDoe win aetl pgr REAL ESTATE AMB Preen term bare Addreae A 414. eare Timet. t tato. ROOM AND SLEEPINS PORCH, I Pweae the Norm asa Bata Sleet Maaeaaey Partittoaa In order to boy torpor ear. Thorn oi Meter Co tureaoo beat 40 Mata At. WANTED A poeltleo tltal Ikainti lit. e eaportaeoM doable aaUy 0 ft lee Flateret. W. Overhand Huí Bid. El raw A Wledow FUturaa. NICELY tarelahe kg tu ru (Maa. refwaao. No Ptea. ISM. Bargain oash 5 tearing nor. (ta lilniai. i ta ktat: ttne at. Fat iht CaKk aa for Ill Baria St. 11 CltF and w ev a YOUNG""MAN. edum.:ed etaratlle. Mld Ilka One-Ha- raeolog eeodltlea Owaer meat eel ALL OF THESE ARE SNAPS, lililí CldalSt ... I a. .or lf FURNISHED raptJaUll ra atar, ar hotel. w III. Tlmaa. At Value tar Ca.. Ill W. Overload at HOUSEKEEPING SUITE. 11 N. latera en eh le 'to tweak m Aape SC atea Iran, k.l I.Mpua. Ageyty F. B. Maateetette. at atrett af Eomykedt i. I OKU eert. 1(14 1(1. eeoo ' teuriet tad eeedlUee. NEAR V. M. C. A eeeotrle llakby. We kaa raenflee prtee oa thta Mat Bill ftrnit SiiuMilim Vaiileil KttjtMle! 4 Moat be aOVa tor Mlaalea u arepa. Pheae NICELY FURNISHC0 to- wear fiat Ba N. O name - I oat aorta of Mkvttvart. f BM laraaa tea te err an tee 707 Call tar Stewart aa (ta, Hill tl I YOUNG WOMAN dotarte pee Ota ta -- tp, great: at eradle A okeaao email laiketmaot. at kioa aa Art aeee St., a 11 tuina latin ll top at 1(11 FURNISHES fcrVoa prtee lltol, lat or 2 paneai Adtrva A UK aera rrTlmetV FORO FOR SALE laeolktal ROOMS FOB RENT 411 N. El Mattel 1 a III.. treat Hat Waav An ire ky Pheae BOOM ABO (ream new hue pelee la AH Vleta dUtriet. kaaa- - ' JilBlM I matt ad I WORK Oat white womaa. Pboaa I44J I. I mt. BLEIPINS P0BCH. (l( Meae. LUMBEB can aff.ud b On ita etuaurdlnaty TBACKABS. Mt all k.Ut-l- teatoiea. glared aleaata Cal Ria up A. URNISHE0 ROOM. 107 N. El Paaa. ma M etagaaMMM prUwe flral tlaa. luuiuar fur ceo I'uuretMtao. Npoi-la- Ni.tlcea. 25 Mtee oereor. 40 4 ft. eateo to. aad a a up eaM to. Meal It In a aaw heme t 51 4M Ol.purliiiillla,. 7 liaavaru.,mit Pbuat tB STEAM. HEATED ROOM Iu7 Maea el 54 MO Prtee ertll pa op wkee mar tara aaaare. jaetalag lloarar, uaod CL0THIN8 EKCHANBt Wa pay the kltkoat ereta CORSTS " IAMES L. MASS OO., year mesa Avt. Pkeae far .i.thl.g lirTeaia. Phoee 4MI AN BE Eipert N corvad. T coaaia. M4 Saa Aetoala SL 4am. tmi-Soa- ag MRk Cenetlme aul mot. lloanl noil Rootu Off I Malt Ft., rOR - REMINGTON TYPEWRITER, etali.1.. go BotaaUl PETROLEUM ANO MINERAL SEOLOSIST. SAN El JAR 10 SANATORIUM ANO gotead aedm the market. Soearal lb eddy kaa Ii fw f, far. ... ii lira Pkuava opaftaeetlel SIST. RANCH aeaeldarethyo. Far ewrttoabtra tag tHWeataft itéTíl II ftM nil All arar IIS par woo. Inel.dta lukeraular ma tad oeder farther i-- :::::: WILL SACRIFICE at lega thee kail teal kwayamTel water eta U. MolHkle Sole Agent Very Best Buy of the it. :." ::::::::::::: Htll DOUULAS OBOWELL ABEMOV. tat of ledlee ealet fen. Pheae WIG MAKERS. ft H. Ca.. N Kaeaaa Pboaa El Paae let or Oil C 42. Ill Milk Blag Phew 47k. Frena Uaa Fea tiMll FOR SALE I POOL TABLES. eaab rotator Io. SUNNY CREST SANATORIUM tat Season taaaa heeaao lata, taire 24 Mea Abo. I'erauiualn " SB woaay pel eeoo. neaioa I raaaa aa laa awutk freac eat $115 a Day I ' SUBSET HEIGHTS SASSAIB- blue truaa ' BUI car atoa: Ml S Cash FINEUPSISHT PIANO tor teta. Call 121 nuiaa. 1441 Tn mi nil ll I CHIROPRACTOR 104 U arel Eta rpueia tit Plkiaatp.'aaaa rama altera itan. 47 oaak i uare. family "'rosiborough A BYES. Restaurant HAIS toedi maaofaoturon H. ft H Co IK N Kaa WILEY ANAT0RIUM ar tar FOB CONVALESCENTS la ekroat. waeklag dhltaao, atrape, kreea. BelH ami Utile Bid Pbrmo (S CENTEN Mln. a dtouuel .xaaaaaa nue.tura p., at BualHEM ft han ,u 7M Wattle, to liay llaiaeoua IS .ate nnMua toll ktr a karma Call M.4M Wlil aearMaaa (AJrM SEE PARK BROS.. ASENTE III MAIN I ui Item MiMuiaaUMiur.. S7 .tile Pi Fun BUea oí flMOie 1IT4 house hunter brain fas. II M oaak Mian Cell ot eSSat ar make aa Why pet et'arty arare tat eeewrlat the tow a tor a OR ALTURA CONVALESCENT HOME teeeakl perobee (al I JtNT-Lea- eo eeeolar room Apaat ttt Saa fclawa ktat aula, la tko and alvltg a to MmI ar aaeeUeat meala Naeaeaakle ralee Ph. to' 5?ea- - Í"r VV' V 'c.irBee Have Cash Buyers 771 t f I bava rev re, Old False' Teeth NLW HOME FOR CONVALESCENT. SMALL PIECE kpaao kktra' kaale fat ttoMg). aaaaartat. miman ttaag. tar nam Wa aay 51 be par BtVJ't welter at HUertva atid tlffltaaa. SB awllmd eerao. hat hay Oerveee. Pkoova 741. CLOSE IN PROPER IV HAVE It Ml. broke. rtattla aeome. ata. WHAT YOÜf PHONE to Ml. St., M. . I Irma a) Maala ua eatIfiyaat yam ami Moll Dtalo loota Co. Ul Market Lek. WHETHER Ik A Ike BR 54 POSCH ROOM aa beard tar lady Baleo MalM Mat ktoak kiiMin talrtol it) tea atal wal. ILy II IBB loaleot aeee he le the bawl a ear ara pan wait al Ika Ana yaya meat aad Ike tü .in. a. aay veal by roture mall eUauja HOUSTON tai boma Pwwae ghat oaeaaa well .aoMoo HaJf It NHUt LABSEST lEAttHk III MAIN bT " 1' "X1" (II. Team kwaaue al Mty 44 WANTE D FOR POT CASH, hiueooeld teeota. ANSIES'nLtt AND ST0RASE CO. cue of SUNNY Mm Hem to tto r" Yo tat IR urujuubat. taratkka otoaal room tttep ML SS B. 1AV ItF I ""caams Rent That Room FOB IM.ÉA need tapie reele.real at For) Sitae. ,uw ad KNOX COMPANY. a Ntti cn alee llateroa. ttTkaa FpraMer. Iba mat aoovtu raw ara frota .,la. lot a atlaeuuri I Paame t.u Beatminl Seto-t- . Bat T-- . eatmW. See am ' UaPWi aa mil Stt 41 Captan Sat. Pktto Irta. Saaaar ,ar . iju l.oam CLEAN. SUBMV BOOMI 411 Upato P . - 7 FEET FRONT ON WYOMING 17 1 laahtaae 117 I Sat A e toe to Pkeae 112. TWO OFFICES eaeoeS near Aaaervaaa ,., SALE OeYMEB BY NONRESIDENT tlftlUgn MC W U 710.. Saa Bala. EXCELLENT ma WaWkWámM' etavt email mapptattarlaa aad ear uaa treat a. tar Pkeae kmU We want aa altar at aato m toa .rtraatrvo aa porta SolVh hÑ" Ike fraa entrévate te Paae del Norte ninlaillli. a KlktV, al mertBauatVa tgrw, eraad u f.r.kva tilt tar Ii ineMAÑí ac 'ct?; I aao are Hew Syatom ROOM toen ngkly aatjgltl5td tornea. ' B kartell C . Le Tlmaa t t iTcf Jilt eaelral ImSii It tu. ANO SOABD 47 4 par am PkooeUlM. CASSISV A HEEL. Belt lele-- 4M. 00.0 4 Saa Fraeoeaeo St. E Peee Taaaa UeU. le kwllwtas-- ,9 JM CI BOOM mmV maweaaMt tytserta- to email ANO BBABB euuad tko eetat oi trie J liigwllaa. ream tuny Blg PREPANINS atari mae.lept.reaa aad tear. WANTED WHITE BAOS ROOMS, third retar. laMatrlt for abarata) to bar 2 glare, mtvet Party , 1U tea ere ret) praeeM Irtok full beta aaaae la oa Arta. FOB - aataat 7 aerea a Cod ehaadkao . f.,.i., iy. kui t.STa KbJci, ral at agty ...... New Co. CONVAltfCINTS Wat 5 Ptoee 7MI .a SAll uetl.Hted latanat Fill Put Mi T trotee. Oeelai (I Ptea meat iwrvu, earth of Aitaaaa at ILUAS SLSUaEja MS AS aad Sat AabeeBy 1511 " R taaiiui R M uTIUi liLal let bu B0BS. i 1 Pleeae aaUt. M. L. Waante uwaar Comwarvllle I.aa at. MORNING TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1916. POLLY AND HER PALS "DIAMOND DICK" ON THE JOBTHAT'S BABY! fiV CLFF STERRETT M4T 4R V6U TT lRUi' 4BO0T 'tmmoaio Ok:k'. Art W HlM O HtL? Mfc au u7 13IRtti' i ILL Hr V'&Tfa "Kt 7(pti mm . . WVA I H


Norway Greets Idea of French Cheer British METAL OF CRIMINAL RED SHARES COURT as the Sunrise Statesmen Who Declare Curtis. Mannfatf St Co., Peace CLASSIFIEDmm Commlnftion Stock Brokrra. Night of Storm War Must Be Continued After prcas. 'tri'i'-riM- iii- - IxMjran a Bv Attonateil Business, Telephone and Professional nf SHOWING STRENGTH APPEALS OVERRULES mldreite!! beiore tha MrvHii. Uve .By Attorlitetl Press. Pari. Dee. i7 mnmbera of New iiaiionti rial or the ireuch socialist W. A dltpslrli to Up. Ks nrnf York Stock Kxrhanirn. London, Dec. party Arthur llpiidenon. the British Ti'lerrsph rrom rxepfmoaftxi Unlsy (L or - PRIVATK LaKASED WIRE rhsni-- innilttei , and H. Boberts. member Vol TO ALL MAKKETK. TWO KILLING CASES says Or. Moitliirkel. r)rem o! the libo British pailiRiiafiil. both arrirmed. sntidst mmDIRE Prices Expected to Remain rtnrlnir sn Inlervlew on CTORY weirlsii bn sloitlilnr. !erithiiltlc chi I, lhat the a'lr mutt Han This Up in Tour Horn or Office Quick Will Bar Curtía, Mnnninir & Co., Around Present Figure Despite Mi rountry'i siniudn toncernlni pasre dli loiurht out until all pusrtjltees bate lieen for Reference It liecisri'd in mnititioii Tou Time. Tou Want Bualneaa Her Call 6060 7o. Happenings in Questions r salons, ihsi itMilneil for last nr peace. If Tour touted Phones IU1 and World mi thn whole neiitrsl worHI, imi Advertising Ptvso, rrattl "In my opinion." tald Mr. Henderson. "Tl and Ask for the Department. Sheldon Hotel, El Tex. Retiring Associnte Hleii or une greets the tltwn Opinion of the iiesre "SI e to Into in uk at raiiw trrvtiftr. Kraili and tMlrSfaVS were enter pietl dt) niter 1 fttoriuy nlihl." w.-- r t iittrtiRisiinw ami rrtnttntwl nrr L Judge Harper of El Paso ni'iriillstloii. iiiitltr filstlnir tondltlont ACOUBTANTS. TRANSrERS. UtniiTiut tin' ii 1 rJir4atJ wnHdt.p uiliiat Ur. von Bethmmn HhIHm IBV i n Nuthlnjr lest mn urpwtr.1 .(. puNkLMmY Is Sustained. "rter StioaM be llttrOn hondarre. POMtROY'S EL PASO TRANSFER CO.. l pwlng .i thit Um an til Tsr lliey n lVii e.1 In .li B. uracun. ntrlfn thn tuid t)it iilleiancet. to M than thai the prloa our enemies wouhl Bloraer. besaste and asaas nirtiirr Iimi raIniftdi irrstfd Di Itione SI44. NTKitnrltnMK, OllinUl) I rtfiwl to ttktm prasltlTVlr rutUN rslmtsotu bslwsen nittoiii," eta.T lor pere today." ACCOUNTANTS CIRTI PISO. " upon whu i.TTTt th vrlll msrm I Hie PAS 0 TRANSFER CO PH.., Sppclll intlio Mnrnllil- Timet. nickel sdiled, "aere similar lit M. Vandelvertle iltvlarerl that ta strut M Hi 1.1.1 A. THÜRsTüNO. GRIDIR. tut Un. Texst. Par. cimrt ot tiienls in thst reipei t mile by l ri ríe mn ut nn until Belsnum and n n!1iitii n.m nuif TOILET PREPARATIONS. UNIFORMITY OF TONE taUE le rarrleii Ü rrlmlnsl poals lorlsy fifrirnkftl rivn rases wilHi.n Vtl)0UM litey, th former Hut liHei bia are delivered ami "i aeearism Is laid ADDINO MACHINIST M. fc M. lollw iirqatraUmia N. lima. ilUtil. siul rpinsnilorl lo la" (ttsmiriswl onn mlnleter, and hope Tin- arTun.rviU In of Nil! mirkt U thm ll foirlini therefore 103 Milla Bids. WIBS TO ft for BURROUGHS R1WT prl 'ft.ll ntisri.T whtrJl ttnirTl armiinl sppsal snd m. iTiilrd five mnllons that the pntalblllty or nudum n un DALTON addins' i aserrines, Sll Ren whlrli It llkajlT to (TNiUnur round UH Wl Ittstl oplilMBI WStS rlvon ni basil ror neititliilont is not rar ilirttaul trim Uic rui Ihftt mfifr wlUutriwti riTiit(1 tt.r or rivp ror fui-- or LIuyil ASSAY! Rt. ON STOCK EXCHANGE! the month now rindlnv It iHfli Tour the motions riilirsrlnir Krotn tlie, recent speeih Pavlil pef wt mOtlOIM IW TffifttHARY SUROIONS. Uif ftliKtv wprc eiihmlltpri. (ir tho Ceiii'ire, the llilli-- preiiilei'. M. MOWlrtCkSl ;ii while you li iun OR. 0. F. PROPER, loo to Dr. IBM nrort1 (nil tttm U IMMM IMSI otcmilpit SYfJf rtrilh prn. Impression that the repl.i w A. rtiftul th hnHhswitoOflft rrhfsrlnr in , aid he gained the (irt'KK I'llniBiilt.' Hospital Tor 301T muiifn Uil rallroatt Bons-da- or bono ud don ) 1h slty Jiisn Msru snd Hoclntlo allies did not rurther AUTO SERVICE. MSl unfit Test. Tut ur to final luiilmUmllng rtwatdllit easel. or the .'lítenle esclude pow iwndlnv tht rispa uf ror tire niurdnr or Kuan AX from Trsvls. peace dltt iiillons. MASE. D V. 8. Poor,. 1UT Dealings Embrace Large Number Ail tumi law An UMf fi r 1k tin Smltli. s nesr Atislin on Hip nltM by Mail DR. T. T. Pli.sie ntahlfl tin rsimor. Shorthand " CHRISTIAN MM í, Msrlon, BARBECUED MEATS. of Issue. European Question DM Mnsnwt POMIH grnrral frHUiff or Octobpr líiü. nmi Hodrre rnim courvc puMlt u ll.M.I S0&V MUla 'witBINO." Kills, statutory orrnc. Utah Mem Sustains nuno EL PASO BARBECUE. Bt. Exerting Little Influence. pnwkuri that mat appsssw TEXAS WELDING CO. BroAaa mataU -- .Id.d. trip Tur in IciirlM'Pit. Ktir rllcularu wiltt Brl( yaar 200 g. Santa St. Iban now aticw horUon. iMlltif In nverrulluir motion rahrlnir F. tm dotswnaJ it. many th atopl and tndnatjial Collar Bone Vhnne NHS. HEAVY MACHINE anri t Uir Marts Bonsds rste Asnclit Jiiitsa pn. Broken anloraoull. parta arldrd rtaUHi wtürh b ltkc4r b Pnd tu furo t aJaaoat prnmpilj 1l,lui ro Br Prm. Ém Idson dlssantPd to itw?. opinion wrlltan hy CHIMNEY SWEEP. jnpw 27 . EL I'AbO WELDING CO lorw. im. - Traoinc in iwruntl oav Thi tIVm- aharm ara ahmrlnt in Fall on Street "aMevee All ward (uaraataad. atiU Tdtlrlnir rtrntorlstr" Judre SIMÓN VII8CA8. oalsiesy tweee. dUTaraa in no important (aatviUaJ rmm tho prrnng llw tnai tnii pnw or ivfrpw mni win nf what oaura PTfRldlnr Jurtire roncurrod In WAGON YARDS. MwaMi. mow that doaJt.m ambiMü a larra KM- - JJ W. of Sail ake Ity, CUh. KANSAS WAGON aaja - g?SB tha opinion. Tlie motion ror reliesrinp Broderirk. CIVIL ENBINEIH.. YARD Horaaa for and Dor or imum witn itnw unuonnio? or uaia mini- quoUUona. rurnUhtel l.y Ciirtisa. h in.' a broken collar bone nilsoas hlrr. horaaa bearded Haoand and Koaaaa. Pa. ((((. KJ A suDiiilllPil lipcrmlfr snd sl Uir smn W. L. RIDER. 820 Herald Ulds. "! paan aanorl to mart half dimt tnflu ('.. Paao. thmiifh Intpui Bryan. Ntw Terit. .IteiTioon at he slipped itiid rrll near Ni'iM Bt)X 1114. II TASO. TKX. auca, Mm affaira oantrlbut-w- to th rew- - al tlint courisnl rnr siso tiihmltlrn but lean l HL 2 jpsnls on mh-c- i m J s in which they UlesTd thai lants te sireet i'm asm tlcnan Uiidtriiit; ftUKa wlmao tntstreaU art- tmund ahimet and Jronu motion Jiidr hurryinr I" H1 ' ',u" stolioii. He ? Hturnar titrt m s ur i wat CLEANING WORKS, Up In tha dwUn.aa of th&i noun try. ralumnt and Arlmaia at mrmlirr wulkiiip imi tho .1 Dai k 10 v. you 1191 E. SHARP ADVANCE l:: nkMet I", he h was do ia Ih baat rleanrra. What mora ran aakl IN IndujOrtaU war In fair .lam and. I nil ad mxm court hv raHon of tha rct lhl me BoriJswsrd. Uyaaw'timg'0 Hudtpolli to the mauon in ume 10 oaecrj non. ANGH YOl'H OUi GOODS Rtevt making a xroaa adranre of wlUi 2 Innd( Arlaona rormed a Isw prüirrIHp with ny u. n. i:fll UNION MAT A TAILORING ala l.aiird And 14 ISf la , was atleii'led ronee Bunrwon 4 (xainta to oihera of tha urna riñas, Kaal liutu .. lltkot It snd nil.-- or KI Pino, snd had nenn artuslly tX)R blnrseU. 31T a SUMIon mm 1IH .. lan and taken m ine coiiniy iionpiiai. SEW. S point KI I nssirod In thn prsrtlr of Isw slnro no JAP'CLEANING WORKS. .113 San PS. TU. riulirnant and mátala aiao avaracad to Htrx SaT .. M Jeilnlo .It o osi'h and nvsry sjiai(ra,tion PRICES OF WHEAT with aMpun, PftptTS and tho uauaJ lasa rrfjpmLaUf' Dull '(Upar 4.4 S0 vi'inbor "wfre WESTERN FURNITURE CO. DENTISTS. T4k 7H In thn iiiollnu llin.uKli JtKlirr lltrpT s niRin DR. BROWN, dmtlat. 10 Milla Bids. HI would ba liunaaa in ma mmmm on inimau'iaj mw pr- i.r.rna harsrilp In tlilt court noi YrtfMi "Ttip Slope That Haves Yon DR. 90S MUla" Bids.' l l.i.n.' 48S7 ffM 11 BAUCHERT. farrd. Mearme Chief isin 114 tsys tlNt opinion. wsi held MoiM"'." - Mas in. nearer It 40 Htrpcr wsh qtisliried to In the JCTtCTIVE AOINOIIS. Hails aufrrttl rrow furtlfa- naslaut durlns Uta foro I 41 Judire ill Miami Cieuu.lldabM a 0 K. IM.iir. AGENCY- Report That Export Sale Reach ñora, btti atransthariail laiar. Me...-- .it motion. Stanton. ZHniaii THE BEN WILLIAMS DETCCTIVI In r Chlaf PILES fratlcaOon made of olrll and criminal caira l'olmi Paraflo waa rirat anions tha Important trans New (tjmslls In tsyt thst he Piral National Ban Bids. Phone 440 2,000,000 Bushels or More portaUon ajrauaua to aubmlt Norambar mum, wllji MMÉ Hutta Jinlftr Dsvilson dltsnntliir Raises Cereal nat ratrnlnaa ahoaios a nat sain of aliniat larm.ooi) 1)1.1 Diantnlon Copper Is or the opinion thst thn iiiollon Tor re Value. Total aalaa of assrrsatod KTO.OOO aliarra. ntlalairsh Jerrsna Ilk I II haarliiir should be rrrsnted nn the points or CURED Total bond aalaaala par ralua aarrasaiM tl.XS.SSO Ilay rTcrrttles ' I'liluid Btataa bonda aara ujtohajisart on oall. Hants Rita conunusm-- snd request ror leversnce. Texas. Cor. Stanton C. :il rbooa riralns l"ti quirfatlni Rlisntion .. stats "I brtlleve rrom hurried new or the motion Britton Davis Smith fi'ivi. Hill i) KTORi: E. Rían, ftnprlalor. Opaa UHlmajaa that pon aalaa In Jim Baat ttuaar Sf nllcl Vmle WITHOUT all Iillhl. I'linna nraira nan raanneu Am Can 47 Kannorrtt iVaptar .. 4f.H t'erds C.eriMiialloti or appellant to dlnqusliry Judire Hirper aala or mora hrauatol aj Am. and Pound- on I and N In the motion roc WARNKB'B DRUG CO. lyirphona VnmM advaneaa In wtiaal today, far Prom tlttlnr reliesrlnr & tha markat hara rloalna Am. IVKxaiuitlra .. 7S Mnrl'-a- 1'mtthVmuii I Smit h 4 R memtaer nr Ililn am nrt THE KNIFE Davis ashtestes. prior. aJthatvh unaetUr.1. wara S(aST.- nat lilshar. Am Hmrll and Hat linl'. Mlauil I'lVwar VITAL RECORD thst roiiil wlUi Maj at tl.7Etsai.TaH and July at H I1H Am. Húsar llsflr.lrn I'"' U.. K and T. pfd authorised to decide thn mstter." said Corn a nat of and nal IT Why surfer longer? Why submit to STOCK BROKERS 1.41. atuml fain talHn Am. Tal. and Tnl. Mlaxsirt BIRTHS. JudY Iravldtnn. Judire Kirper lert rnr El SIT K. Bun Ajiuolo. Phona 1(1 or if S to H0áo. In prnalaltna tha ntrtmma rartml Am. .in.'. I. aad a (TV Mraitana ITmar N If in operation with Ita allendaut from ISo dactlna to a rlaa of Sc. Anaouida Ooppar M Mi: HA. To Mr. Mrs. Leila Mass. Campbell Pno this srternoon. dancer and hospital feet, or watte PaJUnc off In tha arorld'a arallahia aupply loiaj Atohairai lSit )4t alrawt; a bur. rurther time In useless seir treat 230 Masa Ave. 1H4' To D RESb MAKING. had vnaldarahlr affaot apraadlna hulliah aanU- Baldwin lmranntlti II1HHOP Mr Mrs. Ifraartsco Hlatiop, sot ment. H. M Hnuül Kanaaa euma Phones 7940 and 7941 MRS. CALLAHAN. W,.rk tard. I'lione . asaa fonnad a atrlklaf dlfTaram V. T.. N. H. and IN THE COURTS rural, fr'in IJir lin larsernania laat area a raar ago. huta ei.d Hui lita I", N'orfnlk an.t Weuoni.lun Jl AIIHS To Mr anrl Mrs Joaa lluadalupe Jueras, I ill VtMJ TO ANY li ratxolaurn. Nurtheni I'adfb) as atrael: a sir. PATHCMT Ml was Ptriulftl lait that Horlil now aro only Calif iinila II .110 DISTRICT COURT. I n SPECIALTY EDUCATIONAL. alaa in- PanUTo Mali M T.i Mr snd Mr Mansalino Alameda, about ll.aoo.oon huahata In laat raara t'snadlan I'.. las w. I MUNDY Pil.ala Klsasrasrtee. PH. . rantraJ l.wjher .. Kf.t. Tl an. TVI M tin D. Haws jolts.) 1I10 troat Buptiire, obatruriiont, Arizona Copper Stocks Q, and O SSH Irania MH Amsrlllo NsUonsl beak re. U. U ltonU. nota; Varln.cele, Hydrocele, without FURNITURE PACKING AND REPAIRINS. fXan raillrtl with whaau. and oata durMlnalai tha Crajayar. acllarj of nam. r., M. snd ML r tll( fUy On. .. MS filad a iitf liiar operation, and RÍPAIRINB. PACKING. STORING AND SHIPPING tl. and N W. llltt rtasdbis ItSaj rnlliH., lutbeae eorpue treit nrvoui Debility nd Ulshrr qmaaAlona an boa faro wlr trinparao H. I. end r. Ry. 33 Itap Ir.ei end UaM. THtk Irura; mad, sud besrtruj rat for Denary. bar til pMrynle airatunJi to pioruaona. An uffaat lay ln tha C Cnp. diseiiei. fast thai llilno C'erpvr HI Khali u.k Arts Jit, Klohtren eiparlenre In II taam dnruand. both domaatlc and furatsn. aanal la Colo, raw! and Iron. 4114 Parsf MARRIAOf LICENSES. ,ven' arllie ba laralns In rlajor. IIKVMIIJIH Ailkur prarller. The larsest sad hesi ". il'lu.lA.akir CM inauus ouotaUiaia- IV en i era a Frank ill rinii.r,i ryfriea la ihr rouatry. HAIRDBESSINS. - 'rrirarsrr le Nearsaekl N'afssekl. Wbaat- May. I1.TSW; July, 11.41k,. lJtstJllen' flai.jrttiaa. 30 Tina. Competir HOI CAI.DKRflV RIVETIA Klerebe-- Celdarcn end Ca N hi L.TATION T. A. TliurHlon C. M. Orlder HAIRORf SSINB. and auarlnaito Prapa. Oram- - Slay. July. tike. cilia lll.rra inn manlruhns Sc; 0 III in p. lita aaaorlsuaa. BkSf. oata May. M4r.. July. Sic DO pfd. S41 till.o I1AUJ.I1IIH Vl.l.l lesrsrdo and Jnasfs H'llirt in SZ7.XS: May, Indue. Alcohol .11 1' SUBdsys, IS m "' Pork January. l:t n B Uallrariw. a. lo II. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS HIDES AND WOOL. Laird January, i:. M'l. May, OL North. Ore if. B B. Ntawt 10T4, KNUIJCB DOlri- - John V. Kneier end Florarme Janiaary, lit ' DR. FINNWIAN GROWN i O. aoi. Dalla, Bibs 1SN; Mar. I14.J2H IlltnMa Canlra! Pta ir.l lit KETCHERSID Hldaa. tallow. I t l K I'aau, Tai A Imqucr qua. M. Inlr raieol. on 104 uali litlloV IWVI1 Pollcendo lllr... snd Merle las IKITcaiVATIONAI. Ml City National Bank BiiUtUng. r. Douslaa. Kantu City Orala. InaplraUrei laajuar IS Wahaeh pfd B. I As,, .atad Praaa. lul Mar eater. N J.1I0 TTaslani llnloa ... JUSTICE 00URTS. Katabllalksd 11 Vwart Plione SSSS El Paao, Texas Kanaaa rlty, l)n- 17 Whau-N'- o. 3 bard. II la Int. M. If. Pfd. etft SSiAWat11taToua Mta DEATHS (i. M. Deerer. Jasfs.) Bnotna I, 3, , ele., aueklar Block .. No. 1 rod. 70. Llaoambar. May. II 71l tl.7tk: HOI. HUH IX John Jonmili. chsrswd with (Otar Guaran tea Miae stop.) I. 704k; July. l. IS. STOCK MAKKtTS. fated 16 eta.1 orate. Meta --No. 1 UVI dual at 37M Pars surest. KuDanr W Atenué. Corn Burl, SSHSeSira, No. 3. UOJSUO. No KI Paso, I whJta. SSatSSk).. No. t yatlow. tt No I ks. Trtss- yrUow. UWmUtfic; Uaonttbar, MISo; May, HIIS At Clilease. fiMasTTTn r I Iwlaaia die; July, o. By loara ..Id. frum baart ir.iubie Burla! In fliaiiasi AeeorSated Press. metan. (A. J. Hall. Jalea.) Oata No a whlta I rnUad. JT. -- Hauatpt...... Market JEWELRY REPAIRINS. MS Siesll4r '1.1... - Hot t. HUH A Nlrtiarde. rears old. died Da A. kUaek apeedbis. fined DELICIOUS ICE CREAMS aUutuj. 6 10c abme yealardal'a a, erase Bulk. ibIwt IS. Pmrldimraa WATCHSat claanaU aa. aula aartoaa Séai 10 I0U st All ark siiarantaad 1 raara. Ganara lloloikloTii, llsht. It.tlSrtlt.Wl bear), WIIJ.IS IVaiiaa Mai.ball Willie. dare old lie. IT Mim If. II SHERBETS and CANDIES IP. tli Ran AMUKiln St. PRODUCE MARKET 10.70: pbl. dlr.1 Daanibar 21. al 1300 Laurel aireas. Darla! a. HONE ADTO SERVICE rwmetery. E HaaVw apaadlns. fused and astva M; 17 'arsmaai Basis ra I'. JUNK DIALERS. eastern alear, Mall; Miste as. lateaban, apeeduif flaad SU; ssaas, MJWaiS; oslrss. M SSS) II tad a ran bm tm asr. Phones 347 and 348 EL PASO IRON AND METAL CO.. II (Corractad Waal Taiaa Fual tkanpsny kan. i.l0k w Jueras Hurtel bi n.needle tTsbkotts asen ota I ssls. Prloaa damlara aro pay ins lor I.KWIB Will larwto. l'raar old. 1410 KbtrwUe Tl Thorp, tpardlruj, fined S Antoaio. daslara lo acra Iron, rubbaf, raíais Orad Merket .truns Wethers. Rtau rat sad atr. rnona (Kll. asts. W dellv.r "RIOIIT NOW" U raaiJaa. Alfalfa, fancy, wbolaaala. par toa H.HTUl Alcaandee U. Poetar. M yasss old. killed mate as J rrbler. ijrilewfully oparal, Phone 1800 TEAÁS BOTTLE AND JUNK CO., ooraar a Alfalfa, fancy, ratal!, par bala Itala uaar hie rae oh Ikaaaaahar 11 Buriel le flawl wsntad or PROMPTLrT at avay Baaaatt Aaa. Paaaa 2(u. .Nu. w par K aeateti aad Alfalfa. i, raila la las Al saest city. K.rreruari rajoietarr. atete ae Ju ssress. tnlawrolD operatltir subs. 7 a. no. and Alfalfa. No. 1, retail par baat By Aaenciabal Praaa JC): Prank St rssrs old, Irtsa tubessta finad Slvoii tima par Irs. dltd i.41a; K '' btwB Cora, wholaaaha. cwt Kanaaa CID. laaj. IT. Una- - rtanaspla, S.OOO. .mjiiI) ruwieui onsriitjar SN nuna! In raíate r. J. S. apewllni fined ID sad 11 p. SB. Cant, ratatl, par cart hkrtiar Hulk. llOWIOftO: beery. l0 410 0t ata. Tasas r ad euBwad sals, arkataaals . sot. It iteio so. pMa. Mai M. BKYMil.Ina. Mra. Merr Sua Hawaatate BlaUa as. J. P. Murrio, apaadlrur; nned IT.M and Tasaa rod cbppaal osla, ratal) dla.1 w. the H Tranaftr Co ..i.l uaoarater arks Phona Us Your Orders Chupa, wbolaaala. par rat 111. Malí It: aealam Ilu,,' el hlneelen! Ark Btsts Carsin, apaaosnt. nuad IT.M aaa MEXICAN MONEY. Chopa, ratal!, par rwt. caira.. S11. Jl tuillal" Murtllo, II rears old. ell. Bran, wbolaaala, par owt Klwl bats4. IS.ttt Marker needy Jaaua. ana lira... died man ruoanot frcajnd !). n.f.. Bastare. .i.llnt. Fined II M savS UANKINC BY NAIL Bran, ratal!, par owt si I sea II l: leu usual r Burial In .an. a. He fajMaullo aeraetarr tata TheEHtc Confectionery Co. I'hlcaau faofl, whoiaaata, par cart .T4aIl.tS; ewa IS AVOIJN sarali l.mms Ajusiln. M ysare old. dies tale allat K W Men ley .ipeadlni. risad I end .at lTl at tiouet inraj jaunal Si Aisasuajardo. at tata ptiinvrar Al St. Lawk. lertAiit-nsnuM- eu asi raas. a years ou, Stata ra. Harry B Bran MaCULlOUOM KUNKEL CO. a furnlahad ha Ta By Aawasela.1 Praaa. rcatabar M. si oaraly huepttsl Burtil la B 9b Compound rlu "r aau djuoo in uaa uniiaa au ll.a. Iliac; draaaad. tie. Hi Hi rail. liar Tf - Milla Bids PaarK roar. ura. jor; OWaaaad ksX dou,en.; IIS. IT 'at NaiNOWN MkllfAN Im..i r. Uta. lSr. draaaad. lie. 1S7S bulk. ITOIOellsat Reran II. and Htantnn atreata Dwesnhsr Wl AT HE R BURIAU RIP0RT. Cauls atoootpta. SS0 MeBat alaadr. NaUre b. u;rdLt i.aunly (wruatary Interest by Central swef steers. 17 11 40; feartbusa. It sOWll tt OKIAIAIH raieeruio uelsade. 1 reara .dd, CaaeUUsas Ihsi sraeanea al leva rsrtoua Custom ASSAY Office IS 40MK 40; ekucAen. IOéJT.TI. let Han Anbstlo atnaat ill erara. II dlcl tt, frwas kureeu IJkrwuaTnout Ike Untied Btslsa el I tas asar a. I I I I MOM Tasas ana. par donan. SSc, par Market ateatdy. latesbs p. rroneortlla ilitlik 4 II II I'l lit. t Rhaat Baiesias, J.iat. .uti.'ila p in Wli raarldlen dm raelardar IM13 40: awes, 40; y earl buy. IS. WATMIM. ARIttpiR aaaklras by Aaseayur ( Metjillursriala, ital Iltl JI, SSsaTsasW " s53 bf rsSiJat) liemlsta, (TAL fni with II t NEW AND SECOND HAND GOODS MASKITS " laeystA. --JBsa Vrm .. in. ultra for Ora ahlpper. ixCMANflf our alai r..mllm. for saar Br Pre.. rj ebllajatlsra tal Bat aVSsaSMI. tlO Han Krant laoo 81 Al Haw Tart. seteHJiavpa. IT lltew BswMees, ooo aa aWM Tor fajar aoaoa il.aa aw aajaar nasi St Ma.. Dar. wa asa Is KI Pato, TtMUeeV B. Btanu Waal am Fur 4a By Aaaorteiad Praaa. lia. a, 1UUJI.V lUftu Hup. 110 II; bulk. 110 Out REALTY TRANSFERS all tut pponuaitr wail Near Tart, ttia n 1'isaasi dull f I Ita. BY ATI ON AMD STATS : l aastlaia dajavtljr why ram tsr PUat. aeoonrl and third quarter.. JStBJH,,. uoulaai. "el lie BlllMB. ISM Merket lOjtlSc hbrtusr - w - hi ....nja nr saja Lnai alaady and w.nhaapad. Rteerii. It evil, cease saa haurra. st easyis: oat rea, ta Martha j. IstaTB astoMU aatarm 4 parr aaa I. and ejatal. Spot, Jundl SI end 34, Usa U. HIsBMbS Perk, ssa- - Tin tat IÍIÍ40 IMS bars Laaa. 17 SI Kr?b'i'et SSS Market etraeur b hlejk lltlrrsllna. why jrwar m Shear will ha a Mat! aetaai. I Its J J Btswsrt et us to Ml dull, tlpat, Kaet BL SO, seras. Jess I rajs as, Mt II. twjttZj rkuMiar sr. lamba, ill Stall It Met 10 Muudy lertaty aata U By atsavU ta New riret Naonal laant Bids Must tteisbu leaaaiei. ll.sM. ssl I J Ntaawert et us. Taea S irMaafiáa lea 11 mm stMtUtaUaa. PIANOS. " At Sewer. aad pert lut It. blouk 10. this Ta ruy hat ÍL PASO PIANO CO Oida.1 bouse la Pass. sky Aasuataaad Prats. slloB. II IS. bb sun ta tavasvh tat far thia Hielaway sad Water plaaoss ptanaa FJcaytb alda. alad I'raee Iraa nr. Oaks. Das. ST t Sat. t laajen lielal.u li aeateaesil leaupanr as A Base. 11 uu,a 11 10.. Taaaa BL londun. trao. rata Slat Its. fu elna.s 1W Meen. n SOttO SI. 'sra aMl M l if tl, tA. bde it. sad is MuaB auaaaali.ia. uuiou.aa.1. etocuiayu., fill. at IMtVpT 4; etnraan and feeders. It IS; IT, erad isas II atad II. bLoak TMJ, Iatta issstSs. twrtajr, task PLUHBIBS Tin Spot. (171; UTS 4tt Wrtla tut lar ear fulura. linaTaasalMia. TRT TNI CITY PLUMBINb 00. itpaíler' lit "ita. sot Market Its hkthar Tap. Saw MtaohlSst. In laaa I'Lona Jl4, 412 N ma i.. :i Bui isiao PsrtsNs. Mar-k- euu, U-- Ml 'aj"'l! ' " sad stake fsTraal ,JrsN'ft 11 CALL SISVICt PLUDSlli m e jyjj' J ' Bar Hirer Handy A Narrson sate litas I, TeVáa, llife EL PASO BANK SCALIS NtPAISIBS. I as lead, Its. Í '"t las ft fñ' Í"hTiÍ i re-- t s bunatiuj un ras ta sil; ;; SCALIS HIPAIStO IIW S SaU I. bl Corsasr bar. II Ha sort vt.eil,. 1 Plf lead 17 St Tate. Iter Phone SCALIS. MsiSet alaadr tap. Ilt st uik lit ltejTt St. AND TRUST CO. " CaaOe H.. ! 1. 10. aa. luduuj 1st eaiwst Beat j AUTOMATIC SCALED (Jsirtas :m AtlTOMOSILI LIC IBSSS. DUSOlT OOTTOB MARK t IS Altete It: aatee. 14 ststs haarara. 14 SSTt T akrtatd, Itt Nartk m ma turo A Gtjsavrsstnty Fsaad Rank artnsar, SSI Miatb henee. Phone ItlX bulla 14 Start it, asis sua ata M, it ' ' J Nats Tars, Sturap K..pu. ís.V ststkkNilaw raaet eaartust ST0RACS Br Aiisrlalad Prase. El Paso, Tessas PACIFIC SfolABt aASlMOUSI C0Offl,e odea. New i ura, use. si apes MW YORK FINANCIAL. nn. itsky Nana ataa.kat Tab cv PaaMaa) Matapus l""eii retee Pa ftT lajjinll If lac Ms tsar By ASsaetalad Prww ISavarea ctaeed at ate far Mar. wtta the Turk ST. par ST0VC BIPAISIBS. if Near Use. east la laauar tttfa Jaca.. 41 5050 SIPAlSIBS New pane Startles day talk 14 ST0VI ...uu lit M4H Buull. I fur ell sTr of eiovea. L J law ssvsas. it tile aaa M bun Work., turner at, STflb a .14 71. mntae 14 ft lo dee J Purtaauy. Ble OraaSa) kutat laaaw lata , At linniiL alar. SC l By liiteSilsd Presa. Mesb an dolían. Mips. aaJferd. Stat TBABSPEB ABO iNjiaiaaiaal txeul alaadr lili Kslirual lend. Irrasular AeatT'aeeia,t tas) Nun Ben le Pe, Para auj!ya4ata amalar, auay atvt ata stai Ills awtaasTSas MaSleSt. TUss U esa SS4 au aaeate. tí& MS - .... Z State National Bank ' TAxioisaisra Call aaut.e ataedy IMafa. Bar seat: law. Ml: PROD 001 MARK ITS asas Peeo nlai'll aaa, aw- a fi ' maaii 1st -"-aatVas April, 1881 MeLlLLAM BS0S Phaaa Ft. sgMK MP Established TYPIM US. iRlssl; Paisa n.. BlB' kill Y akrULlkPMAN t ypswaitib ano suPPiy co. Oísasasy, Dea. IT Wm B lili. Ml osssa HBBWMHBwHewg ' VYk.AJ.Ttf BlUJUJ mnci pnaetaMuus lantlaiiaarl MT' IMsItu, Par Bussi Puntal Aaawltteld Press Capital, Surplus and Profits $200,000.00 Cereaa and KSwl PAINTS, WALL Dar fT RJittr PAPER Tsti svi IWilsa . ttll kaa BBjmial. lasse) e Ibntoh. Aiii Tfoer, wealtliy ttsfaeellll, a at kllla.l olllilayM Interest Savings Accounts ttSas .. aw. WINDOW GLASS Paid on ffWlltttis) sl iihslstr Ik' Mien his auloni.liil plunaed iiito CSB- - rrt lar all ataaee at asarSAaea Be- - Miaptau C. Mi H (CUE AD, JOtfKPH MAQOrPIN. . t a a rwoaa sass. ytsB lau o, i loe soul Of St. iolaut Bslurdsy. tl. Prassdant. aet itSIW"At Kaaeae Mty. THE TUTTLE PAINT A WlntU Is D- list leiisatl by ct,i. PleORT, Cuablar ratal Press. urrvuulHss The ear turned ovsr ou i atoar, braatui 0, N BAUMICTT. tlKOROB Br let al UDiuon. ss 11 orvati ifec erats, you wlU fpoi ataasas OaW. INsr. n rluSlee ' r at bio. GLASS COMPANY bat Alaotlver BUB au. uaa rldju 1. OflaCHHiaT, AJMrt Csháar. CilLVSSTS, rase. auaa. asea. II ule rauar by isfclBf ImiuDi rlwu't TsD lilt t. TANKS. ir.laeUua set fkrate hSe, MB, Ms. tarslsa, ata. es. ajretl Injury au lCaaB Wa aat ha-- rslslmm Paaaa iSL SatiM, Sasaaa UU That: labials sjau luiDiuta uta di arlin him Will an 1.114 llijultd. What Me 0a Vi WM. (rtUou. Otulnaliir trory wbT.- - Adr. T 10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1916.

bearers ww th ntdeo enanran A twlton rT. I. A fin RAILROADS REFUSE E. JUDGE WILL INQUIRE 'Varrra, W. Brown tv irntt. J. L. Special Of Between Season Hats Mr, Showing i A 'mmpbell. H. A. Tay I" ' Pr I. W. netwlier, H. a. MMaaN and w. V. lorrf TO ALLOW FREIGHT Thar war many hkih nor and INTO ALLEGED THIRD noral deirn pis mil tl r " The church auditorium we crowded with frtaada of tv reported ri i' p"mer. SHIPPED TO MEXICO Burial wai at lietareeu remtery. DEGREE BY 'SLEUTHS' sjrs anana naanaanni anana Puncral of narlr Bar. v :lnnlanaa nñTnñnnl ñañ TV runerai .f Charles a. Bay. year Store old, an a tv company Exports Aero Rio Grand May r hrnmn. Seek who died at hospttsl lirtsuna Attorney Relean of Man Service Be Halted by Act of momin. III be held rnnn the clrxpei of Said to Hare Bean Abated of th. í. J Ktuvr i ndertaklnr company Witt Una. mornm ' Burial will W t by Detective. MIX' tl cemetery. Rv 1 tme Spc rial Correspondent Kir rise h lxn a resident of El Pawn hi an sppii. attnn tor a writ or bahe Walk Down' Stairs Save Money Dm southwest ror and t.WMn, Trun, Dm. tt. PWH) f iV and mailt yr, ennus riled by A. Bohertsoti. an attor hXo (.un I. k f..r Unci, month; He III I the r mnd rmei constitutionalist line uvVhed br a brother, W. Bay. of BJ Pao,(B'' '"terdnj Urdre W. ft ip.we of the srsxlcri. and In fact the CMTtAM unrwn and a dairtvtcr. r. nirl uro, m Bull thirty fourth dtttflct court, wa aiked to Economy meat for li own and operate mown Vont Impilre In Basement the into allered ahiitv and hifiiire tom in Mexico-we- re received hi orders Dieted on Felipe rtavarro at III" police 'nl to tilín city to (he effect MM bcsinnios Funeral of Frank Vrr. 'i'WiHT the constitutionalist lines of Mex Tito funeral of Frank Lea, years old, Manta. tec, would transfer no more frela-h- In alia Sunday artwrnoon In it local lio Ih attornrr al forth In tlie aiipllratlon i i Wednmdaj morning, tt ruin, but Out form snd after ttii date! r'tal, wi tor Ihe writ that on Peeembei .H last hej such hwii tn H Psso for SOTO IIIM. Morlsi COATS nil would have hd SALE transfer of necesMtr OF we employe. gn to Jail ntntj to bo In Nuevo w Concord! cemetery. He na- - the rltf md Laredo, Miro; that u see tr it were to for the no employe of the Moalran railway nosweii, f- possible airan" nmMI"" at Nvrn., vim had served M d be allowed to on the meri-- i relee traasfer treirht runerai nf Privet Penry. nut or a ino day sentence Mr Robertson an aide of th Rto Onuide. he! A mlllury rvineral will br bntd this iivirh-In- said he found navarro bait . hirh "Thla would mean of eiporta-tlon- a that carload at i iw o'clock Tor private Kvan Ponry. aid friend seni him to Mexloo to b crosard over tfae In- W years old. of company I). Ohio jucire rani mas or tlie lorpirauoo $74 $115 rmm tbla etty in. ternational railroad brMla Infantry, rmm Uv chapel of the pean l!n Ml. Wted tu the appli to MMIoan aide and all the onrt. liobert'on th tm'tne n i u II'. dJM itiam Hon. - TuallllJ the lerk $4, black, w UP TO $7.95 COATS AT $4.95 Sport and full length models in uvmowu una ui lmiv- iw at'!.tlie hf. hOpHl from iHMIIIIIoi'ta. Ihe.Uoli to relese liie mill upon the PSMII'I iKoy win i,e snipin d to his rnnner home t sn. n omplete arrnniieuic:,! piada fancy Ttueva or Laredo, By tbe lo navy, grey, and mixture. Large cape collar and deep cuff. Laredo tntead It Prospect, (lino, where he survived by set, furUi. he P. j It would be neeeaaary ,. umev retnnied of tbla orter hi fillier, llarvn prnry. waa he was in the Mostly velvet trimmed styles with belts. A large lot of the season's newest for the roUUir atoen of of Navarn, but MfOrhkan rarlona road hand" or the rfty havl th Utllted Htate loaded wlUi rotinlaninnnle I nn'Tffl nf Mi ilelerllves. in sizes for women misses. (Mnlnrk. m At Hie creations and Mexl-ra- another harre. time. of ror Me to to the fc. rratabt tiro emia The funnrai or Mr rmdntu Comst It Is aliened. Hie Jailer Waa puttlnv $4-9- aide of the and remain a s.v Up to $7.95 values. Today 5 rlter there yor old. wire or ijnore T. Coniatork. the deaaetltotl had round in bona until tt abwiild be tlie pteaaure of the Mail or man bouar. aecretary Uh Y. M. 0. A., will bo j0n f avaiio. ran llnei to reiimi them. Tn eliminate bald from th charwl ur the ITak Uiidni tak COATS $7. COATS pn the rnlluwinif mornliia, Ihe attorney UP TO $10.00 UP TO $17.50 $11.85 ur.b a rondltlon the railroads two years uir mniiiany this afternoon 9 al ram saw was In Misses' Warm Winter A big lot of Black Plush ago or more Issued orders tbat tlieir cars hhd died Sunday at Iwr hiiine. leolared, when he Navarro he and Women's and Velvet were not to be crossed to the Metlran side jdiviiie tren rter tuina III UIU, roiiiint lij bis client that about i) minutes Coats in light and dark plaids, mix- Coats for misses and women. Belted or the Hlo Orande, but that wliere It wa trouble ror eveial wa after the Interview Navarro was heart ftrt solid colors. All depend- and semi-belte- d Large col- tieceaeary to cross rial car, etc. that the I searclte I by two men and 111" Wken fTOU! tures and effect. Mexican railway peoHe deposit It ,000 for I lU.m. The prisoner was acAiised. he said, of able materials made up in latest style. lars and deep cuffs. Also plaid and Eighth monev soldier". rarh car misled, and the ainnunt depositad Ohio Captain haiinr obtained the from Up to $ 1 0 values. mixtures. Values ntr reverted to tbe depostuira watt the car waa This he dented. It was aliened 'virro J f returned to the American side. Undkf no De.i at Base Hospital was choked and otlfM In the lace in the Today to $17.50 fo. efroei to him to make a pllOJ were $7.48 conditions otlierwlae than tliese carl coiifelon. moon, allowed to mi to Nuevo Laredo. Capt Urban Wetxel, 41 years old. or Com The roiiowinir art the attorney Many carloads or rrelRtit bate been panr K, Ktrhth nhlo Infantry, illcd yesb r staled, Navarro jri linuiaht out and Jul cnxsed Into Mexico tn the past and ilurlnir day afternoon at . At o'clock al the ban a he was alcut to hae fhe room. A C. the present trouble In thai repiibllc tint hospital from diabetes. He had been III sli Várela live, rushed in and I hjf 1TssaJ were never attain heard from, and bei days. snapped a pair or hatulcurr on man's wrists. Várela, he ahl Id man Christmas Sale the railroad of tlie country ownliir the car Ills wire. Mrs. ftell Wel.el. and he. kM auifered lieavy losses of ears, winch are in IiioHier, Mrs. rtorklilll, arrived yesteiduj had been convicted ami he arela, wa.' doubt today belua lined by the varloui mornlna fTom then home at Alliance, ohm ordered lo take the man liiToro the de Metiean railways In transportliifr fretnlit Captain Weuej had chance or the duckbill I tnattftl. StocK Uemands bave constantly been maite by ntntMMM HM si Alliance. Ohio. f0r When Hie nttornev uettsaw him. aiarr CSl tlr various American railroads ror Hie re conilnr to the border In ;vplemhr. lie I Informed hhn he airain hail been choked turn of their rolllnr sUick. hut all such re nsu anaan a Silk Satin Dresses nirmwr ..i in iiaiioimi kiihuI his hale i.uiied. his head iaiome.l airalosi Adjustment queata have lieen by tlie If. years. Imoied manare The runeral uin be held some the wall, as a result 01 which the branny ment or railway the Neilcan and ilkvulse time today from the chapel or the peak or 01m ear was seriously anMML the Carranca olTlclals to Whom I uileriaklnx company. The body will fUfttlaeOt be to the demands were presented. Consequently "hipped P. bla hume al Alliance, Ohio, ac "I inlaht. be Inclined take the state Sale of my client with a or liuudreds or tliousands or dollarti ur Amen rotnpsnled by his nlfi' and mother In law, mint inaln salt,' ran railways rulllnr stock have been lost Hi who him. reartii the application, "but the net that I $4.89 survive $598 .Silk Mexico prior to the time that the railroads personally witnessed one of the most waa Sat. DRESSES AT $4.89 poplin, DRESSES AT $5.98 Silk and satin ton, Fri. TO HI.Nk cowardly by iu and decided Uiat nu more cars would be allowed M!SB WKI.l.S. and brutal assaults cm Month-Ep- d taffetas and messalines in shirred yoke dressee in pleated, tunic and flare to cross the Inlriiiailoual railroad bridan at P.v Times Bp lal Correspondent, officer a sllirht youna; man hrouirhl in a' renular a I In I redo, but that tlie must be '.handler, rla., Dec. w.. Nh.e laia-- well prisoner. When had in brought be 0,UH Adjustment Sale and belted models. Large sailor collar style. Many trimmed with fur and are to be nk at once on aero fore (he chief on characs. I hoard him IK Irausfencd at that point to cars sent across the which comes on the" last the bridae Uj tills city by tlie constitution- tract purrli led by the MtDevIlt CoUon as Mllhly about it as If he had been are features. Shown in plum, green, gold lace. Others hove attractive white Oil Hi ibsldlary of the Hoodyear s alist llnoa of Mexico. Tin schooled In an Institution especially for the two selling-day- of each month d ItUbtiel souin or Chandler ur navy, Copenhagen and black. Every collar and cuff. Shown in navy, The drnjund or the Mexican railways that Wurk of the wells will at tr.Hiilnir liars." drllllnK start An or occur Friday and Saturday, the transfers heretofore made in Lando be once, rne work will 1100,000. Work examination the statutes, the at dress made up in the most desirable green, brown, black and striking - coi states, pi any i hantrod to 'uevu Laredo met with a curt of cleaulna- the land iireparapjry to plant-In- t tomey falls disclose law Dec. 29th and 80th. In addition the land In cotton Is way. lryr style of the season. This value is un- striped effect These are the most reriisal at tlie hands or the Amertcau-owue- already under detectives the right to prefer to a thorough clean-u- p of all cars, des- charges agaln-- t a man. proceed to try hliu usual even at The White House. beautiful dresses shown this lines whose laden with frnlcbt lines we place all season at tined fur Mexico, are received and now Woman Police Captain on the spni, pronounce 1,1m, guilty, sen broken Former selling price up to $7.50 the regular price. All worth up to iransrerred tu the nmstitutionaltst lines al tenco rum to torture and proceed to carry hanre purchases on January out the gentehee, mat this prncac is com $10.00 After-Chri- mis plans. HealtiitiK that tlie den.ands are Assists in Arrest of Accounts payable February 1st unreasonable, the Aniel n an railroads very mon at the city Jill, the attruney declares Sale mas Sale he the. variety of promptly reached their derision In maklur Mexican Highwayman docs not think there Is sllghh:st Owtns to a larger $4.89 $5.98 m doubt, and, In his opinion, is la an answer to iim order ur the iimo lines, certain It Ready-to-We- and other mer- and lliat answer Is thai no American owned winked at by hlgheel official. Oapt. J. J. Farley, - now UNPRECEDENTED VALUES IN SUITS. car will rroas the Bio Uratido under any of Daifas, only The aiipllratlon Is concluded with chandise available this SKIRTS. conslderaüon In future, nut ocn if the tor- woman police captain In Untied states, quest thai the deumllon or .Navarro be In Sale, beginning- Friday morning MILLINERY. BLOUSES, MUSLIN quired Into and Hint InveatlgaUon WEAR. ETC. ren money hrielofore put u is offered. received a commission as police officer be made prove most In- lo Hie allegations or abuses Inflicted upon at 1:30. will the of El Paso ansa Mrdlrhir lor Children. jeatorday afternoon by Mayor him. Ihe latter Is left to Uie discretion of teresting of the kind which we Mrs Hus-- Cook, aconavllle, N. Y.. says: Tom Lea. Arier she had received tbe Utc court About live year aao when we were Hvlna have evr held. Read the Fri- commission - a Judge Howe Instructed tlie district clerk in imbutt .V v., docbirnd two of my Invaded Mexico with day Morning Time for complete children suflerliiK rroui colds with Cham letter front Chief B. J. Zabrlskls to to Issue the writ as prayed ror, command Mayor Melchor or lug polh-- ofrn-er- to produce Navarro In plsn to iiiiaviiiMMaiimiMa berlaio's Coiish Itemrdv and found it Just Herrera Insrss. detalle and price and In every way. al 10 o'clock 011 the De- Phone as represented II promptly I'ollowliiK Iwr orriclal visit throuirh court morning of come early Friday morning. A Little checked Uieir rourhuin and cured their tliei rusliiins house and other places or cember The order also lusbmcted ihe 45SO colds qulrkei than xnytbluc I ever used." interest In Mrs. Farley urricers to bring along the 960 and other festival of bargains awaits you. Plaza obtainable every here-- - Adv. Juarez. returned Pi LI Paso. Last nlht she accompanied moneys In controversy. "6fca OBITUARY Chler Zahrtsklc and capi. L. Hall, of Store 0 Service" the police department, on a Pair of in- Second Lieutenants spection about the city. She was very Are Impressive Funeral of much interested In file manner of Ordered to Training the trnrrtr in the streets of the city. Late Judge A. G. Foster The seirreiratod was iisiliil aiid Schools for Instruction Lace Top Boots 3M Mrs. Farley saw a A Sale of women For number of $6 Is who had been hooked at the Hollas Largely Attended By Associated Press. 150,000 waa given a In police station since she luid been verdict for by Jury captain or police. Washington, Dec. !7. Two hundred and New Trial Refused favor of O. C. Challen for alleged personal A larire number ur mends attended the torty ne second liculenants appollUed to As Ihe officers were passing- on Sixth Injurie. services toe Jndire A 0. Fosler, pioneer the regular r.rmy from MrU life were or- in Cement Co. Case street, between anta Fe F.I Uwyer and business msn. at the Vlrst pies and Paso dered to service schools today tor train- Max and Jack DawedofT, defendants tn a street", about S o'clock, they a AM BTIO, leyaertan P) heard ing Slxty-nrt- brought by W. E. Remspear were FIREPROOF AUTO TEXAS.HotelEUROPEA." commands. Gunter berore church yesterday morning at man almiitln ror help, chief their Judge Ballard Coldwell, of tbe suit Itev. : L. .brlskle officers assigned. to Hie cavalry rield granted a new trial by Judge Coldwell. The o'clock. overstreet, pastor of stopped his ear dlBlrlct court, yesterday overruled the mo A Hotel Built for the Climate the of which was and Captain Farley ac and Infantry will report to tlie school plalnttrr was seeklog to recover damages church, Judre foster an companled chler elder, and selections were the and Captain Hall al Foil Leavenworth January 3, and those tion for a new trial filed by the South ror an alleged assault. The Jury gave him PEROT TYRRKLXi. Mann, sr. OtfJcanl HmrtgnTti T. F. A, A A. orrtrlated. sunit liehind billboard, where they A A by tbe rhutch quartet, who are Jaiues found ror the coast artillery go to tlie school at western Cement company against which a a verdict for I1.M0. Mexican trylna- to hold up Jolin Rogers. oraham MrNary. Mrs. A. H. Ooldstrln, loru'oes Monroe, ta., on toe same date. Jara 80 yer old, or N. M. Howe and r. 0. Mr. Heerlni, Hoffera It Is the llrst assignment of officers from Waller Hllllnra was down on the directed the music. Mrs. MrMary frround and. anordina civil lire since the national defense act, to the police, the Mexlran was to which appointment, was f layed the nrran vary sortly and the cere- trylni; authorited their search hts pockets I UI1 monies were very Impressive. when can til. The passed. here remain more than alleaed hlRhwayman w thousand The trustees of the church, In chars-- of arrested nd vacancies. his miuc at Mlrtlel Harria. Hoaers tl. A. Oraham. acted a uahera. The pall rve Money Money . was badly Makes bruised about the face. PATRONIZE bearers were: W. H. Bure-es- Charlea B. captain Farley has been visiting Mr. Meveni, H B. ateven". i. s. Riewart, John and Mr. H. V. Smith several days THE MAIL ORDER HOUSE riyrr and I" E. Hunter. The honorary pall. for al Hotel Leon. They have spent every OF EL PASO Christmas toirether ror the past ten HOME INDUSTRY years, since Mrs. Farley lias been Interest on investment is the source of surest income. Money with the ImIUs police depart- week. More ment. Let us have your want works 24 hours a day and seven days a people A Few Round are made independent by SAVING than by SLAVING. OMCAUUm TOR 99 Trip Rates Suits and Overcoats The Warner Drug Co. Money placed in a Savings Bank is an investment SAFE and AT A lit HUMS. SURE. One dollar starts an account Premium New York, N. Y. . .$103.85 S. Orndorff Hotel Block MARCUS, El Paso, Texas. Mount Ciernen, Tailor axid dotluer and 110 Savings Bank IVtach. $71.70 N. STANTON si American Trust and "KVKRYBODY'B BANK." Battle Creek, Mich. . $67.85 Southern Bud Hot Springs, Ark. . .$39.90 AaheviUe, N. C. $66.1 SIGN PAINTERS WANTED Largo bottles, par dotw. .1.50 Cbattausoogax, Term. $56.55 Apply Small raottles. paw doc l'oO Long Limit Stopovers Upon neturn of canes and liiiM a ro- We Have Other Also bs of Mk on the Large take and 25c on McCLINTOCK CO. the smaU size is allowed. Ihen 311-1- 3 W. Overland This Is What h Cost DELIVERED AT YOUR HOME

, Ota Dosnan One Doaen LARGE USEe itnnKMstn-ntf- Are You Preparing? SIZE SMALL SIX t Ay you looking ahead and preparing for the time when cash may be needed quickly the time whan $1.00 75c SUNSHINE ADT01 sickness, accident ox old age may call fog ready PHONE 4800 tlOHLEDIRE DRY funds Now is jtsst the time to pgojsae for audi time. ALL UK8 AXaL THE TTMK. Now is the time to start an l with ta. SPECIAL Western Motor Supply Co. Leak Proof Rings 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Fastest New Pilone T4T aad Ta How to 18 Ban Jrxaaeanoa a. El Paso Brewing Assn. St Look and Mnihk The First Natioml Bank CITY OFFICE: BORDERLAND AUTO i aoUcat no ahí eaers fsoan dry tawstuwta la vtolaxtoa t Twsa latnT HoUi Psiltltatsj LEE TIRES SUPPLY CO. EL PASO. TEXAS ruaia. jfn mi saw rcmrvtmm Fttoor. IO.VK KM, OOJLMaOt MVMXJL. ajad aantan, TIMES WANT ADS BRING QUICK. RESULTS TRY THEM