May 2,1995




A. Visiting Scientists

B. Hired

C. Completed Employment

D. Changed Status 2

E. Gemini 8-m Telescopes Project 2

F. Chilean Economic Statistics 2

G. NSF Foreign Travel Fund 2


Appendix A: Telescope Usage Statistics

Appendix B: Observational Programs


In June 1988, the Division of Astronomical Sciences of the National Science Foundation (NSF) decided that one quarterly report of the National Optical Astronomy Observatories would be timed to coincide with theNSF Annual Presentation. Information formerly included in the NOAO Quarterly Report for the second quarter, January - March, is now incorporated into the material prepared by NOAO for the NSF Annual Presentation.

NOAO continues to keep records of personnel, telescope usage, andobservational program statistics forthe second quarter. This document lists personnel changes for the period 1 January - 31 March 1994. The NOAO Newsletter No. 42 (June 1995) contains information on major projects, new instrumentation, and operations. Theappendices to this report summarize telescope usage statistics and observational programs.


A. Visitors who arrived this quarter for a stay of one month or more

NOAO facilitv Arrived Name Institution visited 01/06/95 Louis Strous NJIT NSO/SP 01/11/95 Laura Kay Columbia University CTIO 01/15/95 Howard Beckley New Mexico Inst, of Mining & Tech CTIO 01/15/95 Marc Kassis Willamette University CTIO 01/15/95 Maritza Tavarez City U. of New York CTIO 01/15/95 Sarah Tuttle U. California, Santa Cruz CTIO 01/23/95 Freeman Bertrand NASA/Lockheed NSO/SP 01/23/95 T. Alan Clark University of Calgary NSO/Tucson 01/23/95 Mark Mulrooney NASA/Lockheed NSO/SP 02/01/95 Ive Kohnenkamp U. de CTIO 02/15/95 Duilia deMello U. de Sao Paulo, Brazil CTIO 02/28/95 Thomas Lebzelter University of Vienna KPNO

B. Hired

Date Name Position NOAO division 01/11/95 Charles Claver Research Associate KPNO 02/01/95 Buell Jannuzi Research Associate KPNO 04/1/95 John Filhaber Telescope Systems Engineer CTIO

C. Completed Employment

Date Name Position NOAO division 02/07/95 R. Christopher Smith Research Associate CTIO 03/30/95 Maria Eugenia Barraza Librarian CTIO D. Gemini 8-m Telescopes Project

Hired Date Name Position 03/37/95 John Home Senior Engineer

E. Chilean Economic Statistics FY 1995

%Change Cum. Change Avr. monthly Month inCPI in CPI Pesos/Dollars January 0.6 2.1 407.15 February 0.5 2.6 416.94 March 0.6 3.3 410.58

F. NSF Foreign Travel Fund

For the quarter 1January through 31 March 1995, a total of $2,761.27 was paid out ofthe NSF Foreign Travel account for visits to the following optical telescopes:

Las Campanas , Chile La Palma Observatory, Spain Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, Hawaii APPENDIX A

Telescope Usage Statistics

October - December 1994

Astronomical Observations Scheduled Maintenance

Hours Used Hours Lost

Telescope Visitors Staff Weather Equipment

4-m 911.5 591.1 116.7 43.5 48.3 111.9

1.5-m 857.6 556.0 99.2 109.4 22.5 70.5

1-m 432.4 295.6 17.0 67.5 12.8 39.5

CTIO 0.9-m 874.1 548.0 153.5 59.6 14.3 98.7

*0.6/0.9-m 416.6 337.3 9.5 49.3 2.5 18.0

0.6-m 182.5 161.5 0.0 19.5 1.5 0.0

4-m 1061.6 571.72 109.28 338.1 19.0 23.5

2.1-m 1041.25 535.89 75.61 329.25 32.5 68.0

Coude Feed 963.6 519.45 64.5 303.9 14.25 61.5

KPNO 1.3-m 1033.5 436.1 128.5 433.6 28.8 6.5

0.9-m 916.5 450.37 60.13 325.0 13.5 67.5

Schmidt 392.5 217.88 13.62 140.5 13.5 7.0

Hilltop Dome 1703.0 0.0 1135.0 551.0 17.0 0.0

Vac. Tower/SP 791.0 218.0 177.0 315.0 10.0 71.0

Evans Facility 1191.0 287.0 467.0 414.0 23.0 0.0

NSO **FTS Lab 520.0 216.0 224.0 0.0 0.0 80.0

**McMath-Pierce 2000.0 921.0 401.0 573.0 75.0 30.0

Vacuum/KP 592.0 31.0 315.0 231.0 15.0 0.0

Note: Scheduled hours are calculated according to the ephemerides for CTIO:

October 9.9 hours/night; November 8.9 hours/night; December 8.2 hours/night.

Use restricted to dark of the moon.

** Totals include both day and night hours. All others are day only.



January - March 1995: Individual telescope assignments are listed below. Graduate students are indicated by an asterisk after each name. Nights assigned (hours worked), and telescope used are indicated. Service Observing programs are denoted by S.O. instead of nights assigned. A total of 73 programs were carried out during this quarter.

C. Anguita, M.T. Ruiz, P. Loyola (U. de Chile): "CCD Parallaxes: Cool Degenerates and Hot Subdwarfs." 2(18)1.5-m

C. Bailyn, J. Orosz* (Yale U.), R. Remillard (Massachusetts Inst, of Tech.), J. McClintock (Center for Astrophys.): "Optical Studies of Black Hole Binary Systems." 5(56)1.5-m

H. Bond (STScI): "Post-AGB in the Magellanic Clouds as Standard Candles." 5(45)1.5-m

S. Baird (Benedictine College): "Metallicities of RR Lyr Stars from byCa Photometry." 7(60)l-m

J. Baldwin, A. Cooke (CTIO), H. Netzer (Tel Aviv U.), G. Feriand (U. of Kentucky): "Physics of the Narrow Line Region - Repeat of Fabry-Perot Observations for NGC 3393." l(5)4-m

L. Berdnikov (Sternberg Astron. Inst., Moscow), T. Turner (Saint Mary's U.): "Photometric Monitoring of Southern Cepheid Variables." 8(47)0.6-m

G. Bower (STScI), R. Elston (CTIO), T. Heckman (Johns Hopkins U.), D. Richstone (U. of Michigan): "Testing the Black Hole Paradigm in Nearby Dusty AGNs." 3(32)4-m

M. Breger, W. Zima (Institut fur Astronomie, Austria), W. Dziembowski (Copernicus Astronomical Center, Poland): "The Multisite Campaign of FG Vir." 21(142)0.6-m

L. Campusano (U. de Chile), R. Clowes, M. Graham* (U. Central Lancashire, UK): "Testing the Extension of the Largest Quasar Group into the ESO Field 999." 1(1 l)4-m

K.-P. Cheng (The Catholic U. of America), J. Neff (Pennsylvania State U.): "Search for New Proto-Planetary System Candidates." 4(20)1.5-m

Y.-H. Chu, S. Points* (U. of Illinois), E. Magnier (U. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands), R.C. Smith (CTIO): "Physical Structures of Superbubbles and Supergiant Shells in the LMC." 3(29)4-m

P. Dowler*, D. vandenBerg (U. of Victoria, Canada), P. Stetson (DAO, Canada): "Deep CCD Photometry of Young Low Metallicity Clusters in the LMC - Determination of Ages, Luminosity Functions, and the Initial Mass Function." 2(20)1.5-m

P. Durrell* (McMaster U.): "Globular Cluster System of the dE,N NGC 5206." S.O. l(10)4-m

J. Elias, R. Elston (CTIO), P. Osmer (Ohio State U.): "Near-Infrared Standards for Large Telescopes." 9(75) 1-m R. Elston (CTIO), G. Hill, K. Thompson (U. ofTexas), M. Kassis* (Willamette U): "Survey ofFe II in High RedshiftQSOs." 4(39)4-m

R. Elston (CTIO), P. McCarthy (Carnegie Obs.), P. Eisenhardt (Jet Propulsion Lab.), N. Lu (IPAC), H. Beckley* (New Mexico Inst, ofMining &Tech.), M. Tavarez* (City U. of New York): "IR Spectroscopy of High Radio ." 5(49)4-m

P. Fischer (AT&T Bell Labs.), K. Gebhardt, C. Pryor, T. Williams (Rutgers U.): "Dynamics of Intermediate- Age Elliptical LMC Clusters." 3(28)4-m, 2(18)0.9-m

J. Frogel, A. Quillen, R. Pogge, D. DePoy, D. Terndrup, K. Sellgren, G. Tiede* (Ohio State U.), R. Davies (Durham U., UK): "AMulti-Color Atlas of Galaxies: A Study of Structure and StellarContent: IR and Optical Surface Photometry." 11(108)1.5-m

J. Gallagher (U. ofWisconsin), L. Matthews* (State U. ofNew York), R. Schommer (CTIO): "Kinematics of a Southern Sample ofExtreme Late-Type Galaxies in the Local Supercluster." 2(20)4-m, 3(29)1 5-m 3(16)CS

J. Gallagher (U. ofWisconsin), L. Matthews* (State U. ofNew York): "Ha Emission Survey ofa Southern Sampleof Extreme Late-Type Galaxies in the LocalSupercluster-2." 5(29)1.5-m

D. Geisler (CTIO), A. Sarajedini (KPNO): "Standard Giant Branches in the Washington System: ANew Method for Metallicity Determination and its Application to the Carina and Sextans Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies." 2(19)1.5-m

R. Gonzalez*, J. Graham (U. California, Berkeley): "Deep Imaging ofNearby Spirals: Global Morphology & Color Gradients in Spiral Arms." S.O. l(10)0.9-m

P. Guhathakurta (Princeton U.), T. Williams (Rutgers U.), H. Rix (Inst, for Advanced Study), M. Colless (Mt. Stromlo Obs., Australia): "Internal Kinematics and Spatial Distribution ofFaint Blue Galaxies from High Spectral Resolution Fabry-Perot Imaging." 4(33)4-m

E. Hardy, L. Campusano, P. Rivera* (U. de Chile), R. Giovanelli, M. Haynes (Cornell U.): "A Kinematical Frame forLarge Scale Deviations from theHubble Flow." 8(70)0.9-m

E. Hardy (U. de Chile): "The Chemical Structure and History ofthe Stellar Disk ofSpirals." 5(45)0.9-m

C. Haswell, J. Patterson, A. Shambrook* (Columbia U.), K. Home (U. of Utrecht, The Netherlands): "Imaging Precessing Elliptical Disks." 4(38)4-m

S. Hawley (Michigan State U.), P. Byrne (Armagh Obs., Ireland): "Rotation and Magnetic Activity in the Young Open Cluster IC 2391." 2(23)4-m

X. Hui (MIT), H. Ford (STScI), K. Freeman (Mt. Stromlo Obs., Australia): "The Dynamics and Mass Distributions in the OuterHalo of Cen A (NGC 5128." 4(41)4-m

R. Jeffries, D. James (U. of Birmingham, UK): "Photometry and Identification of Low Mass Stars in NGC 2516." 6(32)0.9-m K. Johnston, N. Zacharias, M. Zacharias (U.S. Naval Observatory), Chr. de Vegt (U. of Hamburg): "Structure Analysis and Precise Positions of Extragalactic Reference Frame Sources." 8(70)0.9-m

M. Joner (Brigham Young U.): "Standard Fields for BVRI CCD Photometry." 1l(100)0.9-m

M. Joner (Brigham Young U.): "Observations of SX Phe Stars." 5(32)1-m

S. Kenyon (Center for Astrophysics), M. Gomez (Obs. Astronomico, Argentina): "Young Stars in Chamaleon I Dark Cloud." 4(42)1.5-m

R. Koopmann*, J. Kenney (Yale U.): "The Effects of Environment and Dynamics on Formation in Virgo Cluster and Isolated Spiral Galaxies." 2(19)4-m

L. Kuchinski*, D. Terndrup (Ohio State U.): "Exploring Boxy/Peanut Bulges. II. Spectroscopy." S.O. 2(19)0.9-m

C. Lacy (U. of Arkansas): "Apsidal Motion in Eccentric Eclipsing Binary Stars." 11(60)0.6-m

W. Landsman, T. Stecher (NASA/GSFC), A. Crotts, Y. Fang* (Columbia U.): "The UV-Bright Stars of ." 2(20)4-m

A. Layden (CTIO), S. Tuttle* (U. of California, Santa Cruz): "Time Series Photometry of Ex Hydra." 3(9)1-m

J. Maza, M. Wischnjewsky, X. Gomez* (U. de Chile): "UBVRI Photometry of Calan-Tololo Seyfert Galaxies." 6(51)0.9-m

A. Moffat, N. St. Louis, T. Morel*, S. Marchenko (U. of Montreal, Canada): "Coordinated Monitoring of Luminous Hot Stars." 20(136)0.6-m

B. Nichol (U. of Chicago), A. Connolly (Johns Hopkins U.): "Fabry-Perot Imaging of Distant Clusters of Galaxies." 2(19)4-m

P. Ortiz, J. Maza (U. de Chile): "Search for Quasars with Redshift z > 4.0." 2(20)CS

J. Patterson, A. Shambrook*, J. Kemp, C. Haswell (Columbia U.): "Superhumps in Cataclysmic Variables." 12(68)1-m

D. Peterson (State U. of New York): "A-F Supergiants and the Galactic Rotation Curve." 5(52)1.5-m, 5(47)0.9-m

A. Phillips (U. of California, Sta. Cruz): "Na D Search for Superwinds in Hotspot Galaxies." l(10)4-m

A. Phillips (U. of California, Sta. Cruz): "Survey for Circumnuclear Star Formation in Early-Type Barred Spirals." 4(36)0.9-m M. Phillips, M. Hamuy, R. Schommer, C. Smith, N. Suntzeff, R. Aviles (CTIO), J. Maza (U. de Chile), B. Schmidt, A. Riess, R. Kirshner (Harvard U.), B. Leibundgut, J. Spyromilio (ESO), D. de Mello(U. Sao Paulo): "A Search for Supernovae in Clusters." l(6)4-m, 2(60)0.9-m

G. Purcell*, R. Buta (U. ofAlabama): "Physical Galaxy Morphology: Observations ofA Slice Through the Revised Hubble Sequence at Stage Sbc." 6(61)1.5-m

M. Regan* , S. Vogel, R. Gruendl*, P. Teuben (U. of Maryland): "The Gas Kinematics of Barred Spiral Galaxies." 4(32)1.5-m

A. Sarajedini, A. Milone(KPNO): "High Precision CCD Photometry of Poorly-Studied Open Clusters." 3(26)0.9-m

P. Seitzer (U. of Michigan), R. Reijns*, T. de Zeeuw, R. Arnold (Sterrewacht Leiden, Netherlands), K. Freeman (Mt. Stromlo Obs., Australia): "Kinematics and Chemistry of Omega Centauri." 5(52)4-m

M. Shara, M. Potter (STScI), A. Moffat (U. de Montreal, Canada): "A Survey of the Southern Milky Way for Distant Wolf-Rayet Stars." 5(51)1.5-m, 1(10)CS

J.A. Smith*, T. Oswalt (Florida Inst, of Tech.), S. Leggett (JAC, Hawaii): "Photometry of White Dwarfs in Wide Binaries." 9(90)1.5-m, 6(55)0.9-m

M. Smith (CTIO), S. Tuttle* (U. California, Santa Cruz): "A Search for Quasars at 5 and 6." 5(43)4-m, 11(92)CS

M. Smith, R. Elston (CTIO), M. Ward (U. of Oxford, UK), G. Wright (JAC, Hawaii): "An Infrared Spectral Atlas of NGC 3783, NGC 4507 and NGC 5408." 2(18)4-m

R.C. Smith (CTIO), P. Winkler (Middlebury College), Y.-H. Chu (U. of Illinois): "AnEmission-Line Survey for [Selected Regions of] the Magellanic Clouds." 5(34)CS

J. Stauffer, C. Prosser, L. Hartmann (Harvard-Smithsonian), T. Simon, B. Patten (U. of Hawaii), M. Giampapa (NOAO), S. Balachandran (Ohio State U.): "Rotational Velocities and Lithium Abundances for Low Mass Members of IC2391 and IC2602." 4(35)4-m

T. Steiman-Cameron(NASA/Ames), J. Imamura (U. of Oregon): "High-Speed Photometry of Accreting White Dwarfs." 7(51)l-m

N. Suntzeff, C. Smith, R. Schommer, M. Phillips, M. Hamuy, R. Aviles (CTIO), B. Schmidt (Center for Astrophysics), J. Maza (U. de Chile), A. Riess, R. Kirshner(Harvard U.), J. Spyromilio,B. Leibundgut (ESO): "A Pilot Project to Search for Distant Type la Supernovae." 4(31)4-m

B. Twarog, B. Anthony-Twarog (U. of Kansas): "uvbyCaPhotometry of Halo-DiskTransitionField Giants." 8(67) 1-m

A. Tyson, P. Fischer (AT&T Bell Labs), J. Miralda-Escude (Inst, for Advanced Study), R. Guhathakurta (STScI): "Dark Matter Distribution in Clusters of Galaxies: A Direct Observation." 3(30)4-m

A. Walker, N. Suntzeff (CTIO): "A Search for More Very Old LMC Clusters." 4(35)1.5-m B. Weiner*, T. Williams,J. Sellwood (RutgersU.): "Kinematics of Stars and Gas in Barred Spiral Galaxies." l(10)4-m, 2(18)1.5-m

B. Welsh, N. Craig (U. of California, Berkeley), E. Albert (U.S. Naval Academy): "A Ti II Survey of the Galaxy." 4(36)1.5-m

E. Wilcots (National RadioAstron. Obs.), E. Lada (U. of Maryland): "K Band Imaging Survey of Embedded Clusters in LMC Dark Clouds." 4(35)1.5-m

T. Williams(Rutgers U.), D. Schiminovich*, J. van Gorkom(ColumbiaU.), T. van der Hulst (Kapteyn Astron. Inst.): "Sharp Edges in Neutral Hydrogen in Elliptical Shell Galaxies and Spirals: the Result of Photoionization?." 1(9)1.5-m, 2(18)0.9-m

T. Williams, D. Merritt, R. Tremblay* (Rutgers U.): "Measuring the Dark Matter in the Leo I Group." 5(45)4-m

R. Wing (Ohio State U.), D. MacConnell (STScI), E. Costa (U. de Chile): "Galactic Structure in the Direction of Norma." l(10)l-m

P. Winkler (Middlebury College), J. Morse (STScI), R.C. Smith (CTIO): "The YoungSupernova RemnantN 132D in the LMC: Structure and Kinematics in Coronal [Fe XIV] Emission." 2(19)4-m

P. Winkler (Middlebury College), R.C. Smith (CTIO), R. Petre (NASA/GSFC), Y.-H. Chu (U. of Illinois): "New Supernova Remnants in the Magellanic Clouds." 2(20)4-m

MACHO Project

(U. of California): D. Reiss and S. Marshall for "Macho Project." l(8)l-m

Michigan Program

P. Seitzer (U. of Michigan), E. Friel (Maria Mitchell Obs.), M. Kassis* (Willamette U.), H. Beckley* (New Mexico Inst, of Mining & Tech.). 27(223)CS

Yale Program

(Yale U.): J. Orosz* for the "Yale Program." 8(89)0.9-m

Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 1 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1525 0 f94 s95 H Abt, D Willmarth, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Binary Search Among Sharp-Lined A Stars Coude Feed 4.00 43.50 0.00 0.00

1447 0 f94 S Adelman, The Citadel A Philip, Van Vleck Observatory Elemental Abundances of Field Horizontal Branch ' Stars IV Coude Feed 6.00 2.10 0.00 0.00

1638 0 f94 P Appleton, C Winrich, Iowa State University Kinematics of Galaxy Pairs in Early Stages of Merger 2.1 meter 4.00 33.00 0.00 0.00

1635 0 f94 D Axon, L Stuart, Space Telescope Science Institute F Combes, Observatoire de Meudon M Shaw, University of Sheffield Isophote Twists Within the Nuclei of Barred Spiral Galaxies 1.3 meter 6.90 13.00 0.00 0.00

1650 0 f94 S Balachandran, J Carr, Ohio State University The Oxygen Abundance in the Trapezium Cluster 4 meter 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

1681 0 s95 T Beers, S Hawley, Michigan State University B Anthony-Twarog, B Twarog, University of Kansas A Sarajedini, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Discovery and Analysis of Extremely Metal-Poor Stars .... 2.1 meter 3.90 22.00 0.00 0.00 0.9 meter 4.00 21.00 0.00 0.00

1489 0 f94 J Brown, H Yee, University of Toronto A Deep Imaging Survey of CD Galaxies 0.9 meter 3.90 2.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 2 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1703 4 s95 D Burrows, Z Guo, Pennsylvania State University High Resolution Spectroscopy of Interstellar Absorption.... Coude Feed 5.00 37.00 0.00 0.00

1603 0 f94 A Crotts, W van der Veen, Columbia University S Trammell, University of Texas, Austin A Study of Dust Distribution Around AGB Stars Using Light.. 2.1 meter 4.75 29.00 0.00 0.00

1665 0 f94 M Dickinson, Space Telescope Science Institute P Eisenhardt, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Using Radio Galaxies to Find Clusters at z > 1 4 meter 3.00 30.50 0.00 0.00

1862 0 s95 M Donahue, Space Telescope Science Institute G Aldering, J Cabanela, University of Minnesota J Stocke, University of Colorado A Search for H Emission from Intergalactic HI Clouds Burrell Schmidt 5.00 16.00 0.00 0.00

1662 0 f94 P Eisenhardt, Jet Propulsion Laboratory P McCarthy, Carnegie Observatories, (OCIW) R Elston, National Optical Astronomy Observatories N Lu, California Institute of Technology IR Spectroscopy of High Redshift Radio Galaxies 4 meter 3.00 28.50 0.00 0.00

1822 0 s95 R Elston, National Optical Astronomy Observatories P Eisenhardt, Jet Propulsion Laboratory The Evolution of z>l Field Galaxies 4 meter 6.90 63.00 0.00 0.00

1907 0 s95 R Elston, National Optical Astronomy Observatories A Stanford, California Institute of Technology P Eisenhardt, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Deep L Band Imaging of Moderate Redshift Galaxy Clusters 2.1 meter 4.65 4.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 3 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1513 0 f94 s95 R Garden, K Karamian, University of California, Irvine A Search for Jet-Driven Molecular Outflows 1.3 meter 6.00 54.00 0.00 0.00

1593 0 f94 J Gardner, R Fong, N Metcalfe, T Shanks, Durham University Bright B-Band Galaxy Counts Burrell Schmidt 9.90 42.00 0.00 0.00

1719 0 s95 R Giovanelii, M Haynes, Cornell University Measurement of Peculiar Velocities of Spiral Galaxies 0.9 meter 8.00 19.50 0.00 0.00

1685 0 s95 P Gondhalekar, Rutherford & Appleton Laboratory A Kembhavi, Inter-University Centre for Astronomy/Physics A Mahabal, G Anupama, Narrow Band Imagery of Sersic-Pastoriza Galaxies 0.9 meter 6.00 21.00 0.00 0.00

1821 0 s95 J Halpern, Columbia University M Eracleous, Space Telescope Science Institute Long-Term Variability and the Origin of Double-Peaked 2.1 meter 2.00 17.50 0.00 0.00

1814 0 s95 D Helfand, Y Fang, E Bonar Blanton, Columbia University R White, Space Telescope Science Institute Bent Double Radio Galaxies & the Search for Distant 2.1 meter 4.00 15.50 0.00 0.00

1483 0 f94 G Hill, K Thompson, McDonald Observatory R Elston, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Iron In High Redshift QSOs: Constraining Age of Universe 4 meter 4.85 20.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 4 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1548 0 f94 K Hinkle, L Wallace, E Hardesty, D Little, D Branston, B Mueller, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S Edwards, Smith College V Sarajedini, University of Arizona M Meyer, University of Massachusetts L and K Band Infrared Spectral Standards 4 meter 0.00 0.00 3.00 4.00

1810 0 s95 K Hinkle, R Joyce, National Optical Astronomy Observatories F Fekel, Tennessee State University Orbits of Symbiotic Stars from Infrared Spectra Coude Feed 3.00 30.50 0.00 0.00

1863 0 s95 K Hinkle, L Wallace, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S Edwards, Smith College M Meyer, University of Massachusetts K Band Infrared Spectral Standards 4 meter 4.00 46.00 4.00 11.00

1898 0 s95 X Hui, Massachusetts Institute of Technology H Ford, Space Telescope Science Institute K Freeman, Mt. Stromlo & Siding Spring Observatory Z Wang, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Planetary System and Dynamics of Nearby Spiral 4 meter 3.00 33.50 0.00 0.00

1580 0 f94 K Janes, M Tavarez, J Lotz, Boston University E Friel, Maria Mitchell Observatory R Phelps, Carnegie Observatory (OCIW) P Seitzer, University of Michigan H Roe, Green Fields Country Day School Integrated Properties of Galactic Open Clusters Burrell Schmidt 9.00 38.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 5 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1826 0 s95 B Jannuzi, Institute for Advanced Study R Green, National Optical Astronomy Observatories S Morris, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory R Weymann, Carnegie Observatories, (OCIW) The Connection Between Low Redshift Ly- Absorbers Burrell Schmidt 5.00 32.00 0.00 0.00

1892 0 s95 L Jones, University of North Carolina Spectral Synthesis of Integrated Light in Early-Type Coude Feed .00 36.50 0.00 0.00

1544 0 f94 J Kastner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology D Weintraub, T Huard, Vanderbilt University R Probst, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Polarimetric/Coronagraphic Imaging of iRC+10216 with COB... 1-3 meter 5.65 18.00 0.00 0.00

1715 0 s95 W Keel, R White III, University of Alabama Near-Infrared Extinction in Backlit Galaxies 2.1 meter 3.00 9.50 0.00 0.00

1507 0 f94 S Kenyon, R Marzke, M Geller, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The H-Band Luminosity Function of Nearby Galaxies 1-3 meter 3.00 17.00 0.00 0.00

1522 0 f94 T Kinman, D Harmer, National Optical Astronomy Observatories C Cacciari, A Bragaglia, Universita de Bologna The Nearby Blue Horizontal Branch Stars Coude Feed 4.00 43.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 6 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1523 0 f94 T Kinman, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Blue Horizontal Branch & RR Lyrae Stars in the Outer Halo 0.9 meter 5.50 17.50 0.00 0.00

1768 0 s95 T Kinman, D Harmer, N Suntzeff, National Optical Astronomy Observatories R Kraft, University of California, Santa Cruz The Velocity Dispersion of the Halo at the North Galactic 4 meter 4.90 54.00 0.00 0.00

1770 0 s95 T Kinman, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Blue Horizontal Branch & RR Lyrae Stars in the Outer Halo 1.3 meter 6.00 21.00 0.00 0.00

927 6 s95 R Kirshner, P Ruiz-Lapuente, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics L Wells, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Supernova Light Curves 2.1 meter 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00

1543 0 f94 s95 H Kobulnicky, E Skillman, University of Minnesota Localized Abundance Enrichment in Nearby Wolf-Rayet Galax.. 2.1 meter 4.00 48.00 0.00 0.00

1759 0 s95 R Koopman, J Kenney, Yale University The Effects of Environment and Dynamics on Star Formation.. 0.9 meter 5.00 54.50 0.00 0.00

1469 0 f94 A Landolt, Louisiana State University Broad-Band Standards at Declination +45 Degrees 0.9 meter 5.00 6.20 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 7 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1680 0 s95 A Landolt, Louisiana State University Broad-Band Standards at Declination +45 Degrees 1.3 meter 8.90 20.00 0.00 0.00

1820 0 s95 K Lanzetta, SUNY at Stony Brook D Meyer, Northwestern University A Wolfe, University of California, San Diego Galactic Chemcial Abundances at z = 1 4 meter 4.00 23.00 0.00 0.00

1842 0 s95 K Lanzetta, SUNY at Stony Brook J Webb, University of New South Wales X Barcons, Universidad de Cantabria Multi-Color Imaging of Ly Absorbing Galaxies 2.1 meter 4.00 25.00 0.00 0.00

1771 0 s95 T Lebzelter, J Hron, E Dorfi, Institut fur Astronomie K Hinkle, National Optical Astronomy Observatories M Skrutskie, University of Massachusetts Time Series IR Spectroscopy of Semiregular Variables Coude Feed 11.00 95.50 0.00 0.00

1900 0 s95 M Lehnert, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory T Heckman, Johns Hopkins University Determining the Nature of Diffuse Interstellar Medium in... 0.9 meter 5.00 22.00 0.00 0.00

1901 0 s95 M Lehnert, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory T Heckman, Johns Hopkins University Searching for Low Redshift QSOs Near Edge-On Starburst.... Burrell Schmidt 5.00 44.00 0.00 0.00

1876 0 s95 W Li, N Evans II, University of Texas, Austin E Lada, D Horner, University of Maryland Testing the Photoionization-Regulated Star Formation 1-3 meter 11.80 39.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 8 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1817 0 s95 J Lowenthal, Lick Observatory T Heckman, Johns Hopkins University Ionizing Radiation from Starburst Galaxies Burrell Schmidt 6.00 40.00 0.00 0.00

9149 0 f94 P Mason, Case Western Reserve University CCD Photometry of the Unusual Magnetic Cataclysmic Binary.. Burrell Schmidt 7.00 39.00 0.00 0.00

1887 0 s95 M Mateo, University of Michigan R Peterson, University of California, Santa Cruz The Internal Kinematics of Low-Luminosity Dwarfs in the.... 4 meter 4.00 23.50 0.00 0.00

1873 0 s95 P McCarthy, Carnegie Observatories, (OCIW) R Becker, University of California, Davis W van Breugel, M Lehnert, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Optical Follow-Up of the VLA Deep Survey 4 meter 3.00 34.00 0.00 0.00

1718 0 s95 R McMillan, R Ciardullo, Pennsylvania State University Extragalactic Observations of Supernova Age Indicators 0.9 meter 2.00 16.50 0.00 0.00

1711 0 s95 B McNamara, G Mackie, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Color Imaging of a Complete Sample of Cluster Dominant 2.1 meter 4.00 28.50 0.00 0.00

1712 0 f94 s95 B McNamara, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics U-Band Imaging of Blue Central Cluster Galaxies at 4 meter 3.00 36.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 9 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1651 0 f94 M Meyer, S Strom, L Allen, K Strom, University of Massachusetts S Edwards, Smith College Infrared Spectroscopy of Deeply Embedded Young Clusters 4 meter 3.00 21.00 0.00 0.00

1824 0 s95 D Minard, W Romanishin, University of Oklahoma JHK Surface Photmetry of Brightest Cluster Galaxies 1-3 meter 11.85 81.00 0.00 0.00

1880 0 s95 J Moody, M Joner, P Roming, N Rasband, Brigham Young University Matter Outflow from the Nucleus of MlOl: Using the 2.1 meter 4.00 34.50 0.00 0.00

1808 6 s95 J Mulchaey, Carnegie Observatories M Regan, University of Maryland A ComDarison of the Hosts of Normal and Active Galaxies 2.1 meter 3.00 27.00 0.00 0.00

9151 0 s95 B Muller, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Imaging of Chiron 0.9 meter 5.00 24.50 0.00 0.00

1626 0 f94 C O'Dea, S Baum, Space Telescope Science Institute M Lehnert, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory JHK Colors of Compact Powerful Radio Galaxies and a.... 2.1 meter 4.00 18.50 0.00 0.00

1501 0 f94 D O'Neal, J Neff, Pennsylvania State University S Saar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Measurements of Starspot Area and Temperature Active Stars Coude Feed 6.00 42.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 10 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1889 0 s95 K Ohta, A Tomita, University of Kyoto T Yamada, RIKEN T Kii, Institute of Space & Astronautical Science Y Ogasaka, ISAS K Nakanishi, Kyoto University Spectroscopic Follow-up Observations of ASCA Lynx Deep 2.1 meter 4.00 47.50 0.00 0.00

1520 0 f94 F Owen, G Morrison, National Radio Astronomy Observatory W Keel, University of Alabama Evolution of Radio Galaxies to z=l: Optical Imaging 2.1 meter 3.00 22.00 0.00 0.00

1695 0 s95 B Patten, T Simon, University of Hawaii Rotation Periods for Low-Mass PMS Stars in NGC 2264 0.9 meter 5.50 40.00 0.00 0.00

1604 0 f94 J Patterson, J Halpern, A Shambrook, Columbia University Disk Precession in Ultrashort-Period Cataclysmic Variables 2.1 meter 6.75 35.50 0.00 0.00

1538 0 f94 R Phelps, Phillips Laboratory K Janes, Boston University E Friel, Maria Mitchell Observatory Galactic Disk Evolution: Photometry of Old Open Clusters 2.1 meter 5.00 33.00 0.00 0.00

847 2 f94 M Pierce, G Jacoby, J Hedden, S Courteau, National Optical Astronomy Observatories D Crabtree, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Long-Period Variables: An Alternative to Cepheids? 2.1 meter 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 11 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1452 0 f94 M Postman, W Oegerle, Space Telescope Science Institute T Lauer, National Optical Astronomy Observatories J Hoessel, University of Wisconsin, Madison A Deep,Wide Area I-Band Galaxy Survey 4 meter 4.00 6.50 0.00 0.00

1698 0 s95 M Postman, W Oegerle, Space Telescope Science Institute T Lauer, National Optical Astronomy Observatories J Hoessel, University of Wisconsin, Madison L Lubin, Princeton University A Deep, Wide Area I-Band Galaxy Survey 4 meter 3.00 36.00 0.00 0.00

1672 0 f94 R Probst, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Wide Field Imaging of Molecular Cloud Interfaces in Orion 1.3 meter 4.00 36.00 0.00 0.00

1755 0 s95 B Rachford, R Canterna, University of Wyoming The Onset of Chromospheric Activity in Late A- and F- Coude Feed 7.00 82.50 0.00 0.00

1587 0 f94 G Rhee, University of Nevada J Stocke, M Harvanek, E Ellingson, University of Colorado A Study of 3C Radio Galaxy Environments at Intermediate z 0.9 meter 3.00 11.50 0.00 0.00

1853 0 s95 P Rosati, R Burg, R Delia Ceca, C Norman, Johns Hopkins University A Spectroscopic Study of Extremely Faint X-Ray Clusters 4 meter 3.00 19.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 12 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1753 0 s95 V Rubin, B Miller, Carnegie Institution of Washington Spectroscopy of Rapidly Rotating Central Cores in 4 meter 3.00 11.50 0.00 0.00

1584 0 s95 R Saffer, M Livio, Space Telescope Science Institute The Double Degenerate Progenitors of Type IA Supernovae 2.1 meter 4.00 46.00 0.00 0.00

9150 0 s95 A Sarajedini, National Optical Astronomy Observatories CCD Photometry of Globular Cluster Giant Branches in V&I 0.9 meter 1.00 10.00 0.00 0.00

1474 0 f94 s95 D Schlegel, M Davis, University of California, Berkeley Tully-Fisher Observations of IRAS Galaxies 0.9 meter 5.00 46.50 0.00 0.00

9152 0 s95 N Sharp, National Optical Astronomy Observatories Large Scale Outflows from HH and Young Stellar Objects 0.9 meter 1.00 10.00 0.00 0.00

1640 0 f94 V Smith, University of Texas, Austin K Cunha, Observatorio Nacional High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Low-Mass Orion Association. 4 meter 3.00 22.00 0.00 0.00

1468 0 f94 D Stickland, Rutherford & Appleton Laboratory D Harmer, National Optical Astronomy Observatories An Optical and UV Study of New Composite Binary Stars Coude Feed 4.00 22.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 13 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1675 0 s95 K Strassmeier, A Washuttl, University of Vienna F Fekel, Tennessee State University J Rice, Brandon University R Dempsey, University of Colorado Doppler Imaging of Stellar Surface Structure Coude Feed 14.00 71.00 0.00 0.00

1775 0 s95 M Strauss, Institute for Advanced Study T Lauer, National Optical Astronomy Observatories M Postman, Space Telescope Science Institute Velocity Dispersions of Brightest Cluster Galaxies: .."... 2.1 meter 2.00 20.50 0.00 0.00

1725 0 s95 C Taylor, E Brinks, National Radio Astronomy Observatory E Skillman, University of Minnesota Deep Limits on Stellar Populations in Intergalactic HI 4 meter 2.00 22.00 0.00 0.00

1467 0 f94 D Terndrup, L Kuchinski, Ohio State University Kinematics of Boxy-Peanut Bulges 4 meter 6.00 41.50 0.00 0.00

1694 0 s95 D Terndrup, L Kuchinski, Ohio State University Exploring Boxy-Peanut Bulges. II. Kinematics 4 meter 6.00 18.00 0.00 0.00 0.9 meter 3.00 29.00 0.00 0.00

1500 0 f94 M Thornley, L Mundy, M Regan, University of Maryland C Wilson, McMaster University Tracing Recent Star Formation in Nearby Flocculent Galaxies 0.9 meter 4.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 14 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1754 0 s95 J Tyson, AT&T Bell Laboratories K Kellermann, E Fomalont, National Radio Astronomy Observatory R Windhorst, Arizona State University Very Deep Optical Study of the Deepes VLA Field: The 4 meter 2.90 21.50 0.00 0.00

1687 0 s95 S Veilleux, National Optical Astronomy Observatories D Sanders, University of Hawaii Optical Spectroscopy of a Unbiased Sample of Ultra 2.1 meter 4.00 46.00 0.00 0.00

1796 0 s95 R Wade, Penn State University D Potter, University of Colorado Post-Common-Envelope Stars on the PG Catalog 2.1 meter 3.90 39.00 0.00 0.00

1684 0 s95 G Wallerstein, J Brown, University of Washington The 12C/13C & 16 0/17 0 Ratios in the M Supergiants in.... 4 meter 0.00 0.00 2.00 6.00

1830 0 s95 J Webb, University of New South Wales K Lanzetta, SUNY at Stony Brook The Deuterium Abundance at z = 2.796 toward 1337+113 4 meter 3.00 29.50 0.00 0.00

1624 0 f94 D Zaritsky, Carnegie Observatories, (OCIW) C Taylor, E Skillman, University of Minnesota Abundance Properties of Spirals: Local & Global Influences 0.9 meter 4.50 15.00 0.00 0.00

1787 0 s95 S Zepf, University of California, Berkeley K Ashman, University of Kansas R Sharpies, University of Durham Spectroscopy of Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems 4 meter 3.00 23.50 0.00 0.00 Executed Proposals 01/01/95 - 03/31/95 Page 15 Mon Apr 24 15:04:22 1995

Nights Hours Days Hours 1707 0 s95 L van Zee, M Haynes, A Broeils, Cornell University J Salzer, Wesleyan University Imaging of High Hydrogen-Mass-to-Luminosity Ratio Galaxies 0.9 meter 5.00 43.00 0.00 0.00

Total number of proposals: 93

Appendix B National SolarObservatory January - March, 1995

Nights Days Hours

B001 90 60 Ernest Hildner National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration November National Optical Astronomy Observatories H-Alpha & Ca K Spectroheliograms Evans Facility Sac Peak

H001 90 532 Todd Brown National Optical Astronomy Observatories

Daily Flare Patrol Hilltop Dome Sac Peak

H002 90 506 Todd Brown National Optical Astronomy Observatories Daily White Light Patrol Hilltop Dome Sac Peak

B003 90 Richard Altrock USAF/PL/GPSS

3 Line Coronal Photometer Evans Facility Sac Peak

15 240

FTS Beamsplitter Changes Engineering


12 324.5

Stellar Engineering McMP Stellar Spectrograph

B044 78 208

Steven Kcil USAF/PL/GPSS Worden USAF

Ca K Solar Rotation Evans Facility Sac Peak Nights Days Hours

B057 76 212 Joe Elrod National Optical Astronomy Observatories Ceolostat Activity Monitor Evans Facility Sac Peak

B062 72 221 Todd Brown National Optical Astronomy Observatories Coronagraph Activity Monitor Evans Facility Sac Peak

B321 90 64 Joe Elrod National Optical Astronomy Observatories Armstrong National Optical Astronomy Observatories Brown National Optical Astronomy Observatories Sunspot Drawings Evans Facility Sac Peak

T333 24 Richard Mann National Optical Astronomy Observatories Hegwcr National Optical Astronomy Observatories Stratton National Optical Astronomy Observatories Wilkins National Optical Astronomy Observatories Telescope Maintenance Vacuum Tower Tel./SP Sac Peak

B342 13 44 E Seykora East Carolina University Solar Photosphcric Unsharp Masking Evans Facility Sac Peak

B344 22 Shadia Habbal Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Altrock USAF/PL/GPSS Determination of Coronal Temperature Evans Facility Sac Peak

T367 97 Roberto Falciani University of Florence Smaldone University of Naples Photosphcric and Chromospheric Studies of Solar Activity Vacuum Tower Tel./SP Sac Peak Nights Days Hours

T418 0 5 17 Jeffrey Kuhn National Optical Astronomy Observatories Lin California Institute of Technology Coulter National Optical Astronomy Observatories RISE/PSPT Component Testing

Vacuum Tower Tel./SP Sac Peak

T438 0 11 48 Krishna Balasubramaniam National Optical Astronomy Observatories Keil USAF/PL/GPSS Search for High Resolution, Large Scale Mass Motions - CME Drivers

Vacuum Tower Tel./SP Sac Peak

T447 0 11 89 Haosheng Lin California Institute of Technology Kuhn National Optical Astronomy Observatories IR Observation of Magnetic Field Oscillations of Sunspots

Vacuum Tower Tel./SP Sac Peak

T448 0 10 72 Sami Solanki ETH Zurich Lin California Institute of Technology Kuhn National Optical Astronomy Observatories Quiet Magnetic Fields

Vacuum Tower Tel./SP Sac Peak

T449 0 i0 62 Bruce Lites High Altitude Observatory Skumanich High Altitude Observatory Lcka High Altitude Observatory Active Region Vector Magnetic Field Structure with the Advanced Stokes Polarimetcr Vacuum Tower Tel./SP Sac Peak

1138 0 i ii Drake Doming NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Long Term Program: Monitoring the Apparent Velocity of Integrated Sunlight

McMP FTS/Mc-P Nights Days Hours 1222 0 3 27 Curtis Rinsland NASA Langley Research Center Monitoring of Long-Term Trends in the Concentrations of Atmospheric Gases from McMath FTS Solar Spectra McMP FTS/Mc-P

1356 24 0 29.5 Klaus Strassmeier University of Vienna Doppler Imaging of Spotted Chromospherically Active Stars McMP Stellar Spectrograph

1426 18 0 36 Steven Saar Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Linsky University of Colorado/JILA Giampapa National Optical Astronomy Observatories Synoptic Observations of Magnetic Fields on G and K Stars McMP Stellar Spectrograph

1494 Frank Scherb University of Wisconsin Rctherford University of Wisconsin Observation of [OI]6300 Emission from Io McMP Stellar Spectrograph

1564 24 0 38.5 Mark Giampapa National Optical Astronomy Observatories

Mass Motions in "Naked" T Tauri Stars McMP Stellar Spectrograph

0 9 112 Linda Brown Jot Propulsion Laboratory Laboratory Infrared Spectroscopy McMP Main spectrograph

1692 0 7 27.25 Karen Harvey Solar Physics Research Corporation Tsuneta University of Tokyo Slrong Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory Acton Lockheed Missiles & Space Co. Coordinated Observings with YOHKOH KPVT Spectromagnetograph Nights Days Hours

1741 4 0 15.5 Joel Eaton Tennessee State University

H Alpha Variations in Zeta Aurigae Binaries and Cool Supergiants McMP Stellar Spectrograph

1822 12 0 9.5 Myron Smith Computer Sciences Corporation Dupree Center for Astrophysics Luttermoser Center for Astrophysics Guinan Villanova University Baliunas Center for Astrophysics Observations of Alpha Ori, Alpha Sco, and Alpha Her McMP Stellar Spectrograph

1834 0 3 30 Thomas Morgan Southwest Research Institute Potter NASA Johnson Space Flight Center Thermal IR Compositional Studies fo Mercury McMP FTS/Mc-P

1849 0 3 48 Peter Bernath University of Waterloo Ram University of Arizona Laboratory Spectroscopy of Molecules Found in the Sun


1854 0 2 26 William Livingston National Optical Astronomy Observatories

Lino Asymmetry Changes in the Solar Irradiance Spectrum McMP FTS/Mc-P

1858 0 9 69 William Livingston National Optical Astronomy Observatories Cycle Variability of the Solar Spectrum McMP Main spectrograph Nights Days Hours

1860 80 James LoPresto Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Pierce National Optical Astronomy Observatories Schrader Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Solar Gravitational Redshift McMP Main spectrograph

1862 19 Oran White High Altitude Observatory Livingston National Optical Astronomy Observatories The Sun as a Star: Ca II K Variability McMP Main spectrograph

1863 22 Keith Pierce National Optical Astronomy Observatories LoPresto Edinboro University of Pennsylvania The Absolute Value of the Solar Limb Effects for Different Fraunliofcr Lines McMP Main spectrograph

1866 35 Douglas Rabin National Optical Astronomy Observatories True-Field Imaging Magnetometry in the Near Infrared McPE Main spectrograph

1868 29 Andrew Potter NASA Johnson Space Flight Center Morgan Southwest Research Institute Studies of Exospheric Emission Lines from Mercury and the Moon McMP Main spectrograph

1882 43 James Lawler University of Wisconsin Wickliffe University of Wisconsin Atomic Transition Probabilities for Rare Elements


1885 8.5 Myron Smith Computer Sciences Corporation TO: Support of X-Ray Observations of Lambda Eri (Contingency) McMP Stellar Spectrograph Nights Days Hours

1886 48 Robert Toth Jet Propulsion Lab Laboratory Spectroscopy


1890 Gianpiero Tagliaferri Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera Fleming University of Arizona Pallavicini Osservatorio AstroFisico di Arcetri Cutispoto Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Spectroscopic Study of Cool Stars Serendipitously Discovered in EUV Surveys McMP Stellar Spectrograph

1915 0 76 118 Donald Jennings NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Doming NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Sada NASA Goddard Space FlightCenter Bjoraker NASA Goddard Space Flight Center McCabe NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Continuing Thermal-IR Spectroscopic Observations of Jupiter and Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Fragment Collision McMP Main spectrograph

1921 14.5 Joel Eaton Tennessee State University

Structure of the Deep Chromosphere of Zeta Aurigae McMP Stellar Spectrograph

1922 12 64 Ilkka Tuomincn University of Helsinki Saar Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Piskunov University of Colorado/JTLA Jctsu University of Helsinki Hackman University of Helsinki Surface imaging of magnetic structures in late type stars McMP Stellar Spectrograph

1923 11 Donald Luttermoser Applied Research Corporation

The Violet and UV Emission of V Hya: Normal Mira Star or Enveloped Companion? McMP Stellar Spectrograph Nights Days Hours 1924 0 3 33 Vincenzo Andretta Armagh Observatory Giampapa National Optical Astronomy Observatories Jones NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Joint Response of He I Lines to Solar Chormospheric Activity McMP FTS/Mc-P

1925 10.5 David Huenemoerder Massachusetts Institute of Technology Helium I D3 in HD 199178: Pilot Study for Doppler Mapping McMP Stellar Spectrograph

1926 25 Christoph Keller Swiss National Science Foundation Benz ETH-Ziirich Bastian National Radio Astronomy Observatory Bernasconi ETH Zurich Krucker ETH-Zurich Quiet sun network in radio waves and optical lines McPE Main spectrograph

1928 0 4 100 Charles Chackcrian NASA Ames Research Center Giver NASA Ames Research Center Brown Jet Propulsion Laboratory Goularte NASA Ames Research Center Temperature Dependence of Oxygen Braodcning of Nitric Oxide HN03 Line Intensities FTSLab

1929 0 7 50.5 Isabclle Riiedi ETH-Ziirich Solanki ETH Zurich Ke"cr Swiss National Science Foundation Vector polarimctry in the chromosphere using He I 10830A McMP Main spectrograph

1930 0 14 44 Roberto Falciani University of Florence Smaldone University of Naples Cauzzi University of Hawaii Falchi Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri Photosphcric and Chromospheric Studies of Solar Activity KPVT Spectromagnetograph Nights Days Hours

1932 6 o 45 Thomas Morgan Southwest Research Institute Potter NASA Johnson Space Flight Center Search for Ca and Ca+ About Mercury McMP Stellar Spectrograph

1933 Artie Hatzes University of Texas, Austin

Synoptic Doppler Imaging of RS CVn and FK Comae Stars McMP Stellar Spectrograph

1941 0 5 24 T. Alan Clark University of Calgary Naylor University of Lethbridge Schultz University of Lethbridge Tompkins University of Lethbridge Mapping and Limb Scanning of n=8-7 HI and Mgl Emission Lines with a Polarizing FTS McMP FTS/Mc-P

1943 0 4 23 T. Alan Clark University of Calgary Rabin National Optical Astronomy Observatories Chang University of Massachusetts Extreme Solar Limb Observations of Infra-Rcd Lines of HI, Mgl and Other Elements McMP Main spectrograph

1944 0 3 27 Peter Foukal Cambridge Research and Instrumentation, Inc.

Prominence Electric field Measurements in HI Lamda 10.503 micron


1956 96 Rolf Engleman, Jr. University of New Mexico Brault National Optical Astronomy Observatories Laboratory Spectroscopy of Molecules of Astrophysical Interest

FTSLab Nights Days Hours

1957 0 4 48 James Brault National Optical Astronomy Observatories Salit NIST Tests of EmissionWavelength Standards in the Visible


3?90 0 90 278.75 Vacuum Synoptic Program: Daily/Community KPVT Spectromagnetograph

Total number of proposals: 60