Northwest Area Committee

JUNE 2017

WASHINGTON DESCHUTES Geographic Response Plan



WASHINGTON DESCHUTES Geographic Response Plan


JUNE 2017


UNE W D R SpillGRP Response Contact Sheet J 2017

Required Notifications for Oil Spills & Hazardous Substance Releases Federal Notification - National Response Center (800) 424-8802* State Notification - Washington Emergency Management Division (800) 258-5990*

- Other Contact Numbers - U.S. Coast Guard Washington State Sector Dept Archaeology & Historic Preservation / (206) 217-6001* Dept of Ecology (206) 217-6200 (360) 586-3065 d C (206) 217-6002* s - Emergency Watchstander l O - Comman enter - Headquarter (Lacey) (360) 407-6000 13th Coast Guard District Dept of Fish and Wildlife - Incident Management (206) 217-6214 - Southwest Regiona ffice (Lacey) (360) 407-6300 National Strike Force HPA (360) 902-2537* (800) 982-8813 (360) 902-2200 ke l Sp (360) 534-8233* (252) 331-6000 - Emergency Assistance Dept of Health - Pacific Stri Team (415) 883-3311 - Oi ill Team U.S. Environmental Protection Agency g W (800) 525-0127 Region 10 – Spill Response (206) 553-1263* g A - Drinkin ater (800) 521-0323 s Dept of Natural Resources - Shellfish Growin reas (360) 789-8962 / l b - Washington Op Office (360) 753-9437 (360) 902-1064 Dept of Transportation - RCRA CERCLA Hotline (800) 424-9346 - After norma usiness hours (360) 556-3921 State Parks & Recreation Commission (360) 902-8544* - Public Affairs (206) 553-1203 (360) 705-7000 National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration State Patrol - District 1 (253) 538-3240* State Patrol - District 5 (360) 449-7909* State Patrol - District 8 (360) 473-0172* Scientific Support Coordinator (206) 526-6829 Weather (NWS ) (206) 526-6087 Other Federal Agencies Tribal Contacts U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (360) 534-9313* Chehalis Confederated Tribes (360) 273-5911 U.S. Department of Interior

(503) 326-2489 - Public Safety (360) 273-7051* Response Contractors (OSRO & PRC) Industry Contacts Cowlitz Clean Sweep (CCSPNE) (888) 423-6316* BNSF (Service Interruption Desk) (800) 352-2832* Global Diving and Salvage (206) 623-0621* BP Olympic Pipeline (888) 271-8880* Marine Spill Response Corporation (425) 252-1300* Tacoma Rail (253) 396-3161* NRC Environmental Services (800) 337-7455* Union Pacific Railroad (888) 877-7267*

* Contact Numbers staffed 24-hour/day Local Government Lewis County Sheriff (360) 748-9286* Thurston County Sheriff (360) 786-5500* City of Olympia - Spill Response (360) 753-8333* City of Rainier City of Tenino (360) 446-2265 City of Tumwater (360) 264-2368 (360) 754-5855


UNE W D BeforeR GRP you print this document J 2017

apter 4 w th app ( 6A ( ) of th d are

Ch ded “li endices p epages ori 27–98) alland otAppendixr andpage 112 isareocument ed in provi in andscape”e app ag in apterentation; 4 (pag he chapters) e beenappendices ed f r duplexorient “portrait.”t bTh k deendices of pa ,Ch “ en to t es 59–98 hav design o printing (fron and ac si per) op op” configuration.


UNE W D R PurGRPpose and Use of this Plan J 2017

G Re e Plan ) t federal and ate on ene d t init al p e of an o l sp ll re e i t e p area. me to a d e This eographice c spons d t (GRP initi lconstitutes p e of an hel sp f t st t e a-sc l ocoordinators’ un l a ordersed Curing he ei has d. iplani spons tn h al lanningre e s It’s banted oni th respons wommunityre uringht ocheur, anda has p oi andill, rom ehe p im ofspil thoseccurs loc onsti to Unifi e ommandn , is stablishe and The r prioritizes. B actic us t spons d trategies it hopedas t t locationsate andhe spillsopermig a on anc e takenthe toroximity r e oil’s relativt on riority e res ati sensitiv atural cultural, economic esources y ing his ocument ’s ha immedi pr cti c b educ impac sensitiv ources.


UNE W D R RecordGRP of Changes J 2017

Name of Person Date Change Number Summary of Changes Making Change




CHAPTE 1P...... and 11

1.1 GR Chapters R Appendicese P Dev...... P ...... 12

1.2 Geographiczed eRspons lan L elopment rocess...... 12

1.3 Standardi andes ponse anguage ...... 13

1.4 Termino 1A logy Definitions...... 13

APPENDIXR ...... 15

CHAPTE apter2...... 17

2.1 Ch al IntroductiF on...... 17

2.2 Physic eat ures...... 17

2.3 Hydrologyate and...... 18

2.4 Clim and Winds ...... 20

2.5 Tidesk Currentsent ...... 20

2.6 Ris Assessm ...... 20

2.7 ReferencesR ...... 23

CHAPTER 3 ...... 25

CHAPTE 4pter...... 27

4.1 Cha Introducte Contion...... 29

4.1.1 On-si al Rivsiderationser Flow R...... es ...... 29

4.1.2rea OvHistoricew ang ...... 32

4.2 A ervi and Maps ...... P ...... 34

4.3 Strategy eralRes Reponse eriorities P ...... es 40

4.3.1 Gen P spons brioritied on ...... al O l Sp ll Orig P 40

4.3.2or MapStrategy ( riorities L as Potenti i i in oints...... 40

4.4 Sect s Strategy ocations)...... 46

4.5 Matrices ...... 51 7 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER

W D ConvR GRPons ( rt JUNE 2017

4.5.1 Naming e Str enti MatrSho Names) ...... 51

4.5.2 Respons on ategy Matrices ...... 52

4.5.3 Notificat Areai Strategy Matr ices...... 56

4.5.4 StagingBoat h Matriices ...... 57

4.5.5 4A Launc ces...... 58

APPENDIX 4B ...... 59

APPENDIX 4C ...... 89

APPENDIX 4D...... 95

APPENDIXR ...... 97

CHAPTER 5 ...... 99

CHAPTE apter6...... 101

6.1 Ch al ResIntroduction at ...... 101

6.2 Natur eralources Re Riske - Summary ...... 101

6.2.1 Gen G sourc Concerns A of...... Conc 103

6.2.2 MaySpecific in deeographic s e sreas in ern...... G r ons e map at end f c 104

(Note:al Res clu atensitiv k ites bordering RP egi - se o hapter) 104

6.3 Cultur ources of HRis an- Summarytal R...... 107

6.3.1 Discovery forum e DiSkele ofemains Cul ...... R 108

6.3.2 Procedures R atth k scovery tural esources ...... 108

6.4 Economiceral i esources Ris Summary...... 109

6.5 Gen nformationht res ...... on ...... 109

6.5.1 Flig fe tricti zones ...... 109

6.5.2 Wildliled Deterrence ...... 109

6.5.3 Oi Wildlife ...... 110

...... 112



ure 4-1: Mean O ow for t De R er

Figure 4-2: Monthly utfl L he schutes iv ...... 33

Figure 4-3: ResponseonStrategy ocations L ...... 35

Figure 4-4: Notificati AreaStrategy L ocations ...... 36

Figure 4-5: SBoattaging h Locations ...... 37

Figure 4-6: Launcl Oil Socationsl Or ...... P A ...... 38

Figure 4-7: Potentortia Map pil igin oints in rea...... 39

Figure 4-8: Sector Map WADE-1 ...... 46

Figure 4-9: Sector Map WADE-2 ...... 47

Figure 4-10:S ec tor apWADE-3 ...... or map ...... 48

Figure 6-1: Sec MG WADE-4Sect A of C 5...... 49

Fig Specific eographic reas oncern ...... 106



able 1: ter peed ft Mea Ta

Table 4.2: Wa Sal R Dri Strea surementw ble ...... 31

Table 4.3: Historic iver mflo Ranges...... 32

Table 4.4: WADE-A ...... 42

Table 4.5: WADE-B ...... 43

Table 4.6: WADE-C...... 44

Table 4.1 WADEWADE-D ...... P R e C 45

T 6. -GR Cultural esourc ontacts...... 107


W D R GRP JUNE 2017 CHAPTER 1 Introduction

plan on s e res e p on fter an oil on or near the w . It as t federal and tate on order d t init al phase of an o l sp ll This e ifocuses t e p ensitiv area. It haourc beenrotecti ad R onalspill Roccurs 10 and theater C serves Co he of t e No s t -scene-coordinators’a Co e. s Ruring hee P i ( are li i i respons n t h t lanningan e re ed at s t e approveb ed o newby egi onesponse Team les hairs and ed-Chairs fro d h and rthwes. Aree mmitte are Geographic r esponsted lans GRPs) on tvinge documents for haea hc GRPb visl they areany im in as n ed intoinformati the plan from comments a re updand sonse learne y r mputrills and spillse thatThes y llchanges let u k ow typicallyow the planeflec m htas beinterim i updates e sh t websites on ce at unti fully corporat . during ay futuo be e ate.ledW to valu ou in or hops d ou’ ma l s n t hf and ig on mproved.ded in Please appubmi of comments ch lin Comments m als mai [email protected] ubmitte by i using he orm informati provi th endix this apter. is y 2 squa e m , and in H or, L , and Co . The planning of WRIAarea 11for (the Washington, WRIADeschutes 3 ( River ),Geographic WRIA 14 (Response Plan (WADE-GRP), ) approximatel 23 er31 C r ilesl w residest p Grays arb Wewis Thurston De Gunties Portionsordered b t S hNisqually) P et Sound P1 to tDeschutes n rth, N ally Kennedy-Goldsborougher G to the n t, and t WRIA R(Upper G hehalis) to the fal h andithin whis. lanning area. The ashington schutes RP is b y he out ug GR he o isqu Riv RP ortheas and he Chehalisonaliv inf RP on soutt the planest area, i p al feat , h , c ate and t cu and l sp ll ri , can e f d C pter 2 ( te D . Additi on aboutormati p aboual res e ningopt in ncluding p hysic area ca beures fo ydrologyd Chapterlim 3 winds, idese Opandons rrents,and oi i .sks e b bk ofoun thi planin ha c Sied escription)Chapter 4 ( e Informati and otenti). It p pons infoions onthe tlanningal re ne s un in and e order they(Respons ld beti Considerations)ed, b d on Th ull Oil ls Or is P ontain ( inPs) and the Responsprox Strategies r e p Priorities of s rovidese res rmati near thoone pactict spons reatrategies a d orth ma and shouon on implement areas andase oat lPotentiah lo onsSpil are aligino providedoints POSO t t imity and elativ riority ensitiv ources s oin locations. A n sect ps informatiControlstaging and Containmenb aunct of ancati Oil Spills are a Higherin ha Pchapter.riority than the Implementation of GRP Response Strategies

in the re b t , rol and at or near the e of a sp ll i t or f the s e i co d co ed ut oil ha spread out b d al If sponder’s, t t es p judgment l dcont ut i S oncontainment 4.3 of th p an ld t source p i untilsn’ a feasible,ed C i ourc f sed. ntrolle l sp ll andre ntaine p b , b s d e de eyoned ininiti p , containmentd on henae alhe rioritiesonsai ando nll trecti mo is l. shou b ak s recedence lis d a h Unifi inommand on is4.3orm wo d Oiot n i spons be i riorities edeyon if a thosl tr scrib d d thisot w lan t shoulon rely t t ea;ri observatier, the pr spi t ajectory d edeling followedA unoomingl oil trategyl tr te as hig priority onSecti av ullable.n ecessarily an inc mplementt, spil to theajectory d i n p arran acti in ha ar howev iority ables shoul b ti spil ajectory informati becomes ai During iden modificationsR eployment riorities


W ded SeD on 4.3 ofR GRP plan ay e ade f a ed b t In t , UJUNE 2017d , or are d n b t En al provi in cti this m b m i pprov y he ciden Commander nifie Command d identifie tas of oilecessary and e tiy hee it vironment to m Unit.ze r e to deploy P t be c red en strateg i on . e The ownstream d movemened in plan e beenth m takes for e obiliw th o espons t t resources on water and ay GRot bestrategies s able musfor otalwaysr onside p wh or setting s y mplementati. or in prioritieson Tht strategies o l spiscussll re thise, refer tohav t e designed O l Spusll Rei ilse haT float the t mrea n encyuit he petroleum, Se on roducts. or hahazardous s ubstancese s F , r formatir to t e NWabouCP,non- floatingapter 7000.i i Forspons p on g he andNon-Floating e lii id spons r r toool t in Northwes, Se onA 4622. Conting Plan (NWACP) cti 9412 F zardous ubstanc pills efe h A Ch on eant toolicy port asolinal En flammabl Unitqui funspills efe can e hefouNWACPd Chaptercti 6 of th ( at . apter 6 and p de info on ut the type Information of nm andsup initi r vironmental t area. Spe ctions info b on aboutn in t l on of is plan ralResources s in theRisk) pl Ch area w t its appendix into rovi on rmatit d abo of t and plan ut, locati e of theatural c economicl nature esourcesof the m in he d abcifict rmati and he s ocati t cultuded inites d anning as aken considerati in he evelopment his b becaus onfidentia aterial, etails ou cultural historic ites aren’ inclu this ocument. 1.1 GRP CHAPTERS AND APPENDICES

apter on 1A , C r Chapter 1 Introductite D Appendixapter Comments orrections, o Suggestions Chapter 2 Si escriptionse Str and Ch 3 4A Reservede Str s Ch 4 4B Respons on ategies Priorities Appendix 4C Respons A ategie Appendix 4D Notificati Boat hStrategies L s Appendixapter Staging reas Appendixapter Launc at ocation Ch 5 6A Reserved Ch 6 Resources Risk Appendix1.2 GEOGRAPHICReserved RESPONSE PLAN DEVELOPMENT PROCESS

Ps are part f the t a Cont ency t oped and ed are ared t h the eff of, and c on , Wa Depart of GR , Oregono Northwes of AreEn ing al QuPlan,, jusIda devel of H revis d separately., U The. planst Guard,prep . Enhroug al Ports on in ooperati, as well a with other stashingtone and l agment , Ecology, loc Department rvironmente tr ality hoe Bureauorg omelan, em Security .S Coas , U.S co vironment. Psrotecti are devAgencyped h wos t, field federa, an encies tribes al governments, ident fy natural t tesourc ay e atustees, k of responsi ury spanizations and ergency to dev p l l responderse or and mmunitieson GR to red e elot c throug of uryrkshops to t e re work d meetings. Participants i resources ha m b ris nj from ills work elo oi spil respons notificati strategies uc he hance inj hos sources.



Wfter co D info Ron onGRP e r in the area, s te v are ted to JgUNE r data and e if l res e s n t e r sh ld be added, ed, or A mpiling In , the rmatian pated sensitiv esources of strateg i areisits rev conduced, m onsathe ade a ddetermin spil pons, potentrategiesally feear orhos esourcese ou r , andmodifi ew deleted. addedthis to thetici p an. effectivenessely, the existingdy of m ies e and iew d waterodificati m s etermined t necessary p li tions ofunsa res eineffectiv tec strategies ake t eemoved dev n of strategies for all el Unfortunate loc ons i namicse. draftarin plan inlan p ed after e v environments,are c ed, andand headeresent ablemitati or p r ponsw cohnology, mb re ha al elopmentv on of t G strategies p ed and sensitiv d.resourc r ati mpracticabl i al Ao pub d is roduct p sit isits omplet r d m avail t G f updateublic evie d and mment efo. fin ersi he RP is roduc publishe A esponsiveness summary s s lishe tha addresses ublic comments eceive during he RP and evelopment process 1.3 STANDARDIZED RESPONSE LANGUAGE

In order to av d in e ter , thi p an st ard onal In Man Sys , In Co S ( I ) oi confusion respons minology s l uses and Nati teragency Incident agement tem cident mmand ystem NIIMS CS terminology. 1.4 TERMINOLOGY AND DEFINITIONS

g p ed in on 10 of the other of t area p an ind t Sec on 0 sh ld be ed w en t m of t u ed The plan.lossary rovid Secti 19 NWACP and sections he l with glossaries ependen of ti 191 ou us h seeking he eaning erms s in this




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W D R GRP JUNE 2017 APPENDIX 1A Comments, Corrections, or Suggestions

e ( are l d t t an e rev ed at an t e b ed on ew on c and ons l ed fro d and e are Geographically Responsted iPlans GRPs) oniving t w ocuments for ha hc GRPb untilis they are fuly im in as orated n to tinformati plan from a ommentsre update. less earn m rills spills. Thes changes typic reflec as nterim updates he ebsites eac ly corp in vhe e y urduring i put andfutu pe at y ll s t on how plan ht be oved. If have an q ons or co , ons or im , or d t d We alue s o t n ho eth at ou’ ubmi comments this , e migl the impr to u at you y uesti, or wardmments v suggestia U . M l tof t folloprovement ag fin errors in his ocument pleas ubmi comments onlin mai m s [email protected] States Environmentalfor them Protectioni .S ai Agencyhe wing encies: on e of En al C 1200Regi S 10th A Offic vironment leanup ,ix WA venue Room ECL-116 SeattleWashington 98101State Department of Ecology l P on, , and e ( P.O. B 47600 Spil reventia, WA Preparedness Respons GRPs) ox Olympi 98504-7600 f on t fo p e of thi att can e used to t b m l. t on r d o t t we an e y a all f more on or c The ormon he n llowing ag s achment b submi comments y ai Contac informati is equeste s ha c giv ou c i informati omment clarificatie e theis Geeded. F d Report for inform on on P field v or e of r e . f is e on e at Pleas us RP iel Form providing ational infGR strategy on G isits th testing e Pespons i avstrategiese at The orm availabl lin spills/preparedness/GRP/Form-GRPFieldReport.pdf. Additi ormation eographic Respons lans s ailabl



UNE GRPW CommentD R FormGRP J 2017 l C leted F t

ay’s D e: MaiS omp orm o :

U Environmental Protection Agency Tod Name:at ntal Region 10 Office of WAEnvironme Cleanup YourTitle: 1200 Sixth Avenue Room ECL-116 Seattle, 98101 nt

Washington State Departme of Ecology Company/Agency:ess: Spills Program WA (GRPs) P.O. Box 47600 Addr Olympia, 98504-7600


State/Province: Zip:

Email:GRP Pa e Num ion or ParagPh:

g ber: Sect raph:




W D R GRP JUNE 2017 CHAPTER 2 Site Description


er p a on of the p al , te, and winds the De R er G area, and an l sp ll ri k i Sec on 6. This chaptGRP rovides areadescripti co ap hysic features2 square hydrology,m to t clima h of Puget S ind. Washington area rschutes p iv RP in planning , w h s all portoi i los atedassessment G nH tior and2. The WADE- It planningfull or lly vers proximately c 31 of L ey,iles he soutk, , Rai ouner, The planning, and esides .rimarily n Thurston order ofit t m ions area sc atin reysl Lake,arb adj Lewis to Counties.the m t y ppartia ofincludes Puget the ommunities h co eredac b theLittleroc h POlympiaet Sound ni the TeninoWADE Tumwater area doeThe not orthern ban land he planning to m e tops . Capito e WADE G acentb the Chos southerly R er G ortion p areaSound, to t whic w t isd v y Soute ea ug b GRP; of t pl anningarea i well wit s t contain lowlan y, th theadjacent b e of M arin waterser Thre t 30 RP orders to the t. ehalist ive L RP lanningord and Nhe esllyan Th b sterner theoundary WADE G he to t planningt falls w hin t Nhe ally ds Pwi as area. ounto tr Rainial res mo onshan are lo milesed , easut Join wBasth theewis-McCh lly, the Ch the , isquaMu Indiot, Communityp, ord, a d a TRP allhe northease p andal i ithin inhe t isqu GR planning N ib ervati cat here b along i Nisqua ehalis cklesho Puyallu Squaxin n Yakam ribes hav otenti nterests he planning area. 2.2 PHYSICAL FEATURES

p al feat of t p area t e Des R er and (at lea t a ) . of t e De R er are lo ated to the so t of Oly , The t main m hysic andure his forlanningd ofis t he G chutesrd ivt its manyF t. s t e thedozen ri ertributaries t 57 The headwaters in a n h dschuteson untiliv it c to Ca utheasl L Buddmpia he ountainousately 25 heavily of theeste D areas R her falliffo w Pincho t pNational area.ores Fromse ondher er, the S v ravels k mileser, wsorthwesterly appr atelyirecti 12 in an emptiest to win t pitaon ake andh t Approxim part of t p miles area. eschutes r er, iv w th i ithin n his lanning t , sA h cas riv kookumchucrd reek, fl Riv oflo the Ch oxim R er. milesll farm , eas an es directi , througand e urbanhe areasouthern around hea clanning ze LThis uive along i t ts mumerousddle ributarieslower uc R Hanafo C ows int ehalis iv Sma s suburb development th a i at t n b of t plan. e c of the C l 1 tate F t Olympi haracteri Capi l Peak,and w slesurrounding the shede i and p Deschutesof t ort iver. Olympi Rs he orthern ughoundary b h of thhe e a The arenorthwestern fore ted,sid onsists a ll portapitaon t S orest surroundinger of t e p ta area hi easternd heavili includes fore tedortions he F u edLewis for Military eservation. Altho ot es reas heavily s only sma i in he southeas corn h lanning , characterize by y s timberland, is s logging.

1 City of Tumwater (2017). Deschutes River. Retrieved from: river R


W n e D coR GRPfrom t F h for “of the fal se of fa are J UNEal 2017 the ri er one i upper D at F Park o e at the pres t Theof T am “Deschutes”er. ater mes ha beenhe anrenc e area for devls.” A ries fro lls t t presente the fi tong v includingean n the arr ed ineschutes Deschutes 1845, toalls pr and t n. ally eent powerown of theumwat fal w Tumw u d to Fallsll lum s , then activ1890 a elopment plant mc he imted at trse da American/Europto crea e ele , settlersh led theiv Washington,al B in to b esentld a imes Initi b e theth fa 1896 andls theas powerse of mit e falls berw ed into brew hydroelectriceer unt l t fa was clo onstrucd 2003 h m t ctricity whic Capit rewing Company ui brewery esid 2 lls in e feat w t h G p as us area haveb seen i he cility alter se inb ma . R er u ed to f ow into d t at t b of T ter . In 51 a Thre w bures, at ithinwhat hisi owRP 5thlanning A enue in a, i significant order to create ationsal Lake.y n The Deschuteshwater lakeiv ress ted l a directly p Budl for tInle hel b ottom . seumwad Falls alterat19 on dam t areaas uiltw t e dev s n of vt e B kOlympi ake n d h wa Capitb lt t e 1920’This to drai fres for ag ul ral in reflectingindu l ooe. Nowhe BCapitak ake,uilding lo dA tcon tsignificant of T water, i toin bothhe the nas hh and soelopment k akeh Dlac L w Ditch.h flo This orthitc for s eui thanin 12h m , cs n wetlandsk ake to Pricultual andek, Buddstria In et,us and uget lac Ld. cate outletjus wes c um t lakedrains to k , Chort R uth.r, andBlac L itch, G hic H ws n t rd moror alt oniles tonnects Blac L erciv Cre l P Soun The south onnects he the of t Sk k and . f3 le l r r, t of wh h i Blac deRiver t e p ehalis areaive w beventuallylt 1970 torays p ovidearbor. waterThe o hithe Cmaj a Coalerati Plant.was Inhe 1990, a buildingall powerhe eookumchuc w b lt to Dampr e Reservoir This our-mi t s te. ong eservoi mos ic s outsi h lanning , as ui in r t entrali sm hous as ui oduc hydropower from he i 2.3 HYDROLOGY

D R er 25.1 M ) t e m or e w er so e t e w P area al o k ake Di h (12.1 Mil ), B D h (8.5 The Washington), H ord Creekeschutes ( .7 Miiv ),( oniles isek h .5 Miaj surfac), at urck iner (11.8h atershed. ), and The WADE-GRl Creek planning0.9 M ), as wells includes:as Blacr Lons of ntc otheres looms, d itc , and Miles anaf 8 les Salm Cre (7 les Skookumchuc Riv Miles Waddel (1 iles smalle secti umerous creeks itches wetlands.l flow t R er 393 c at water, e flow at t m th of the er i s ewhat h low in the water r and co f two , Annua d inff hedurDeschutes wetter iv averages, and dfs waterTum e.whil G und waterhe ou riv s owom t areaigher. andF are us lly ableshed’s ivers t d sustreamser m mes 4rom Of t wsourceser overlanated runoin e De ing w periodsed, 87% igroun fro g ddischarg water, th rothe s sustainser allo on streamfl%) in his used for ua st during he ry mm onths. he at alloc th schutes atersh 5 s m roun wi urface wat cati (~13 e primarilyan l p onirrigation. t w d 51 inc per y , w th ap ately 40 to 0 per y ar fall in the lower e and 0 to 90 inc in the er elev ons that Averag nua recipitati in he atershe is hes ear i proxim 6 inches e ing levations, 6 hes high ati 2 City of Tumwater (2017). Deschutes River. Retrieved from works/utilities/stormwater/surface-waters/deschutes-river 3 City of Tumwater (2017). Percival Creek. Retrieved from works/utilities/stormwater/surface-waters/deschutes-river 4, Washington Dept. of Ecology 5, Washington Dept. of Ecology



W seeD w ter R GRP m of t on %) fall O JUNEr 2017 w le le t se en fal b en e and .6 commonly in snowfall. The ajority he precipitati (80 s between ctobe and March, hi Rss erhan q v percent m edls b etwelocal raJun l and Augustf, ri and f ter than other r er Th Cou , and mi or floo ( r and lands) whenThe Deschutes the ri er leveliv reais uickly a odifie he hty of ab ut infal9.5 feet. runof r sing falling t areaas are at k anyof flo .iv in De urston R ernty d causing to n dingd low-lyingd e woads waterpasture h 11 fe v the chesw gag ig 13.5 feeto re is w Manypreadesidences k of fl in he for ris cooding The 7 schutes iv is etermined have reache floo stag hen levels reac et; when ater reaches , the ides ris ooding roadways and mmunities. of WRIA 11 ( , WRIA 3 ( ), WRIA 14 ( h), d 23 er C ) l the g b of t p t f the Portions on dNisqually) t w ter 1 Deschutes w en water Kennedy-Goldsboroug are the lowes an t WRIA er, the(Upp hehalisk one,fal within t re l ttleeographic r , a d oundaries low his lan. fl Mos areo t on precipitatidwater arrivesw. uringt the she e int e themonths de h for waterdemands for an , i t. During irr he , aresumm at the yearlysnowpac is g he m is ti at gain dwatern naturally s streame water owsare lea tdependen able whengroun water inflo A are theam hi im mand hum uses ncluding igation maximum. This eans h roun and urfac s avail demands 11 ghest. w ed c of t Ni lly er and cr stre . e lower d one of the m t ely WRIAed b (Nisqually): w This atersh . onsists an alhe pr squa onRiv t e Nnumerous ed tributary fro eeks 40 and amst lowerTh Nisqually Watershed o overis 120 peros yearintens i t farm e Mountaasins in estern. Washington The nu ecipitati in h isqually Watersh ranges m inches in he Nisqually Watershe t inches n he Cascad 13 ins e Des Wate d of t R er and t cree and . w d one of the m t WRIAed b (Deschutes): w Th chutes , and rshee anconsistsal pr he Deschuteson froiv 40 tonumerous over 80 ributary per y ks. streams This atershe is os intensely farm asins in estern Washington th nu ecipitati ranges m inches 14 inches ear Ken h ed c of t , Sko , Mi G J cr and r ks and stre . WRIA l p (Kennedy-Goldsborough):on t e Kenn The nedy-Goldsborough d Watersh fr 40onsists to 80 inc he Kennedyper okum ll/Gosnell, oldsborough, ohns eeks othe cree ams Annua recipitati in h edy-Goldsboroug Watershe ranges om hes year. 23 er C on the Lower Upper C r fro 40 inc in the lowland to over 100 t Cas e WRIA Wi apa(Upp fo hehalis):. t Annualof the prprecipitation in d andt w ter hehalis w waterWatersheds anges are t m l t. hes a on valleys av lable for huinches inandhe cad and ll othills Mos ecipitati arrives uring he in months hen demands he owes Only fracti becomes ai man economic uses.

6 Washington Dept. of Ecology 7 Thurston County Emergency Management (n.d.) Retrieved from R



e i the Des p , w an L C , d. e area g b en 49 and 75 inc of r per year, above the a e of 39 The climat n Washington r b chutes 9 lanning 16 area, lowerithin Thurstonan the av de ewisUS c ounties, w h gis mil26 incTh of snowets peretwe r. ugh r hes a aint deal of the y ar, the USpe veraged h inches; however,fort l the snowfall do not v anges but remetween cloande to inches t tth e year. erag erity of dayhic wetsh mehesurable p yea onAltho ainingb grea 10 and 105, ande t e are rceivu lly umidity 136 138com s evels days per ear.ary av aine p s zeroe ofhroughou the s coveredth clThe numb ex s it any eas onal recipitativ overaverages t co etweene of the year,0 with the c herer p suaof t betweenyear b - O toberunny l y overThe 8 erag. ercentag t kyally b by ouds 34 andperiences 81 deg . extrem J hiseash 76 ariation7 deg , w hee theurs J low 32 35 d loudi art a hee hou eginning w d in c and asting months Temperatures ypic vary etween rees peed the WA P area not v si over 8t c e of the y , The uly gw is 0.4-7 rees per hourhil of 2.1anuary m p houris - egrees., altThe hverag wind rlyonin s e,in w th w DE-GR c planning p does fro tary w gnificantlyt April to Ohe ourser and tear h theremaining re erithin of t e ymiles iles er throughout houg directi does chang i inds oming9 redominantly m he es from ctob from he sout maind h ear. 2.5 TIDES AND CURRENTS

e are no tidally ed are w t e e flow d on the m fork f the De R r at E treet e e ( r e ) an l ean of 444 Ther, w le at t g einfluenc n R er (as erithin h planning) the flowTh edspee a l meanain o schutes of 256 ive. theh p Son f Bridgthe rivergag w llrive h e milfaster0 .7r has er annuasp mb edvelocity on a of cfs hi, he gag earel aini riv elmile depth,22.75 deb b v , andspe has onn annuae, a velocity. cfs andEac de orti o w ll e s i av lowero sloww eeds c as uratevariety w th factorsr includinel w chann, dept width, and chann ris lockages elevati chang mong others Sloughs si channels i hav ignificantly flo speeds ommens i thei chann idth h, vegetation. 2.6 RISK ASSESSMENT

D R p in , c and r , all at k of i ury o l sp . al o l l r in but aren t ted to, road tr on, Thel trWashingtonon,eschutes l p iver, aiis lentifulft, naturalonalultural, b . economic esourcesb d ris nje ri ksfrom and howi ills theyPotenti d i spilt isks clude, p ’area.limi ansportati rai ansportati oi ipelines rcra and recreati oating This section riefly iscusses thes s coul impac the WADE-GRP lanning

t . d m 8 d Sperling’s Bes Places (2017) Retrieve fro d.). R d m an 9 Weather Spark (n. etrieve fro Washington-United-States R


UNE W Oil TypesD : Both Rre edGRP p p and ude oil are ported b k J 2017 p area. fin etroleum roducts cr trans in ul within thisdelanning o l and ed p co a of hyd w h v p t of c de o l and ed p w l b ave w en ed. Cru ci refin oil productson ntaine ledmix to an inc rocarbonse t it arying of roperties; light differenrude types d ed bru i fromrefin Canada roducts ild eh hdifferently the p h areaspill v a ra l. Recent hanges in roducti hav reas in he movement Bakken c de ando l fr ilut t Bitumen fi in orthtransporte Dakota h througp s lanningr to g i e ori and a r k f fi e b e m h of it l e q into able Cru . i om ghe akken, the eldsh erN hy asin ropertiese c de wimilall pers t asolin t diesel, poses highe after rise lioht ren ecaus ev orateuc or b wil. evaporaten uickly t o l s flamm in a, vapors Unlike ,asoline al t eavi ke, undrocarbonsl it i m d th rulighteri o l p is in khe as environment to c eate dth edg b dsen. apO e ,urn the dBitumted fromenhe li andsally Albertat on waterCanada, afteris heavy b spimosed.asphalt-li alti c s ixe, swithh a t d i roducts of the rnown watersdiluents and r ilut load ofitum t r nc mixed w , w llilu aff tbitum ow wil d initid floen . t eing l ht dilll Environment ev e, the ronditions heavyuc scohe ensity may eceivingk to t water sediment. ere are he eceivingr aatersons i ec h edlong for n ilute bitum oi , floatsedAs in hethe ig uents Oaporatl Spill Re emaininge in the N nstituentst ea C sin inency he column, Se Thon specific esponse cti recommend on-floating ls detail Non-Floating i spons Tool orthwes Ar onting Plan (NWACP) cti 9412. Road Systems: e tr on r ays po e an oil sp ll ri k ar w re t run to the s , or over , riv , c , and , th d into e De Vehicl R affic oroadw roadw s in ude: Ini statein 5 eas.4 Mihe ),hey H 101 (2.6adjacent Mil ), H horeline 121 (9.1s cross), H 507lakes .4 Mers ),reeks and 510ditches .0 Miat rain). tateth Washington5 ca t schutest iver b. Maj Canadaays and cl o andters t(14 t les wy r k of hi es wy , due to t Miles freq encywy of la(21e tankiles ks Hwy a (5 les of fuelInters t . 5 rries Wes the Coas traffic Desetween R t Mexic poses, he tmosre arsignificant is ghway spills w he oru rg where truc carrying cro thenumber D , the ypes I- crosses k,Washington or t r chutes iver. in he planning area and he e several smaller highways ith bridges causeways vehicles ss eschutes Skookumchuc and/ hei tributaries v e s ll onto one of e b or ays can e fuel or o l to ow ed to a r er or it t . al tr ca c hundr to A ehicl piof g of f elthes an ridgesl, allyroadw lly dcaus k , andi flay from hardent surfaces k d of in iv s hazaributaries w Commerci or r ucks n thatontain ht i ureeds thousandse r allons if u ed. d oi especir fu loade p tane a ritrucksk w am ri kcarry almos anyratein to thecargo, v includinge of f l andrdous l theyaste othe materials mig nj sensitiv esources spill Smalle vehicle accidents os s as ell, s commensu olum ue oi carry. Rail Transportation and Facilities:

Rail companies transport oil via both unit trains and manifest trains in this area. Unit trains include: up to four locomotives, buffer cars, and 118 loaded tank cars transporting oil in 714-barrel (29,998 gallon) capacity USDOT- approved tank cars. Manifest trains include: up to four locomotives, a mix of non-oil merchandise cars, and one or more 714-barrel (29,998 gallon) capacity USDOT- approved tank cars carrying refined oil products, such as diesel, lubrication oil, or R



gasoline. These trains may include emptied tank cars, each with residual quantities of up to 1,800 gallons of crude oil or petroleum products. Every train locomotive typically holds a few hundred gallons of engine lubrication oil, plus saddle tanks that each have an approximate capacity of 5,000 gallons of diesel fuel. Manifest trains may also transport biological oils and non-petroleum chemicals.

Unit trains carrying crude currently operate on specific routes. Unit trains carrying crude from the Bakken Formation in North Dakota enter Washington State near Spokane, continue along the Columbia River to Vancouver, and then head north along I-5. This main rail line, used by both BNSF and Union Pacific, enters the planning area from the south at the town of Bucoda and exits to the NE near the town of Nisqually, crossing both the Skookumchuck and Washington Deschutes Rivers, as well as numerous tributaries.

More than 44 miles of BNSF rail track, 38 miles of Union Pacific (UP) track, and 22.5 miles of Tacoma Eastern Railroad’s Mountain Division track are present in this planning area. Trains from both of the major carriers, BNSF and UP, generally contain mixed cargo loads, and may include the transport of hazardous materials, including dilbit and Bakken crude oil. Tacoma Mountain Railway (a division of Tacoma Eastern Railroad) operates a line between Chehalis and Tacoma that enters the planning area east of Rainier and continues west to Maytown where it leaves the planning area before travelling south, parallel to I-5, toward Chehalis. In April of 2017, Tacoma Rail reported that it did not move unit trains of crude within the planning area. While the main spill risk in the planning area is from the movement of refined petroleum products (i.e. gasoline, diesel fuel) and other chemicals, the main spill risk from trains on the Tacoma Mountain line are from locomotive saddle tanks. Oil Pipelines: e p p e, the BP O P pe e, pa t h th area more than 17 m of pi e c r d to W and on. e BPOn etroleum ipeline tr 400 lympic from it eLin Ch ssesP throug tiso withland, on, thiles ad onalpelin inputarrying l efine t products r atsouthern 6ashington F Oregoro ATh Olympic, and Pipelinell A avels. It de miles to the terh erry at oin refineryr land Port , jetOreg fuel to wi aiditi , facines from in he efineriesa b ore exPhillips 1.36 berndale,on Tes pernacortes year a Sh t e Colnacortesa River tolivers Or on. minals Harbo Is in Seattle SeaTac rport and ilities Tacom ef porting illi gallons cross h umbi eg Aircraft: he a Re onal rt s he n rport n he g . Owned and managed by the Port of Olympia, it is a public use, general aviation airport locatedT Olympi four milesgi south Airpoof Olympiai t andmai is primarilyai w usedithi fort recreationalplannin area and transit

purposes. There are currently no airlines providing scheduled passenger service to this airport. Several other small private landing fields are also in the planning area. The potential exists for aircraft failures during inbound or outbound flights that result in a spill by releasing aviation fuel to either the Washington Deschutes River,y M the Skookumchuck River, or one of their tributaries.. 10 WA State Emergenc anagement Division (April 20, 2017.) Tacoma Rail Retrieved from crude-train-reporting.pdf R


W D . ereR are GRP no ai p sc d er s e toJUNE 2017 . everal r all private fi a t p area. purposesal exTh for currentlyt drlines inbrovidingd or outboundhedule passeng t tervic t this a ll byairport S otheon smel to er thelanding elds re also in he er,lanning th The k potenti or oneists of theaircraf failures uring oun flights ha resul in spi releasing aviati fu eith Washington Deschutes Riv e Skookumchuc River,Recreational Boatingir tributaries.: inv r onal w ft on t Skook e the p al to r t of few of e up to h Accidents of g of dolvingel f ecreatil. Ex atercra of h a he Washington ht Deschutesel c and al umchuck Rivers hav, f , otenti, or esul in. spills a gallons gasolin undreds allons ies ue amples suc ccidents mig include Otvessher Spillollisions, Risks: lisions,er groundingsal o l iresl r sinking in areaexplosions ude road r d r , fuel s e are w e oil e), on re or near s e c on w ere heOth eqpotenti i ibspil operatisks d,the and theincl m on of un-offs lled oiluring t ainh eventsl on lan toraga toas t (including r er or ast cre storag b-sho hor onstructi activities h avy uipment s eing e igrati pi hroug soi ds djacent he iv along ek/stream anks. 2.7 REFERENCES

of water 017). R er. Retr d

City Tum (2 Deschutes iv ieve from: ofwaters/deschutes-river water 017). l Creek. Retr eved

City Tum (2 Perciva i from waters/deschutes-river B t ( 17). R

Sperling’s es Places 20 etrieved from and Dept. of E (May, 1995). D R er ed in as (draft). ed Washington cology eschutes iv Watersh itial sessment WashingtonRetriev Dept.from of Ecology (2016). Focus on water availability. Retrieved

from Washington State Emergency Response Commission (2014). US DOT Emergency Order Re: Crude Oil by Rail. Retrieved from website: Bakken Spark .). Ret eved Th Co Em ency t .d.) R eved Weath (n.d ri from in- Olympia-Washington-United-States urston unty erg Managemen (n etri from ate E Man Di ( pril 20, 201 a l. eved

Washington St mergency agement vision A 7). Tacom Rai Retri from for-bakken-crude-train-reporting.pdf R



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Response Options and Considerations (Reserved)




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Geographic Response Plan


CHAPTER 4 Response Strategies and Priorities

JUNE 2017



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 Before you print this document

er and ap , a well a t ap at the end of C 6, are pr ed in p e or on. T e ed 2 e i on for resp e s , n on , area , and at launch loc ons i This t chaptugh 4D its pendices es been s he ed pendixf r duplex (fronthapter d k ovide of paper),“landscape” “ to top”ag c ientati on. h detail -pag nformati sheets ons trategies otificati strategies staging s bo ati n appendices 4A ho (pages 59–98) hav design o printing an bac sid open onfigurati




er p on on P e s and order t s ld be ed, b d on l l l Origin (P ) d the prox and e p of e r near t e p t rea m , tor , This inforchapt onrovides on informati areas and GR t responsh lo trategiesons are alsothe pr ed hey t hou c pter.implement D a s l inase ,Potentia G r Oi Spile Points dOSOPs e i an d imity a prelativ riority c sensitiv esources un to a p hos aroin lllocations. s on A tateaps ot sec ,maps the and tmati Sestaging 4.3 s d eboa dlaunc to de decati t order t t ovidP in his areha d oyed.uring T pil cident RP espons of oil and thestrategies ti e it shoul tob mplementeze res as soon r s ossible. to deployUnless G stratircumstances m t ique be articul redspi ituati se dic im herwiseon priority ables in ctionon r houl b at usek, ci e areahe , and ha htGR strategiesons can eepl f d Che downstreamer 6 of th plan.movement on on m e takes mobili can ponsee fou esourcesd t e No t RPa Sh egiese Cous always conside Man al (whenWACP tting on plementati. priorities.t Informatia Cont onencyesources ( WACP)ris sensitiv av able s e atflig restricti b oun in hapt is Informati shorelin countermeasures b n in h rthwes Are orelin untermeasures u N Secti 9420) The Northwes P Are p ing ed inPlan N c pter is e ailb en onlind to r ed oi i t on e res . . ey are not t t d or d e done dur a e to en the c e of ury to n , and r at Thek GR strategies l rovidrol and this ha hav of an e l screatell alwayseduc a h spillr l’s thanmpac the i sensitiv onources of GRPTh e s everythingugh d ha shouled to be i coul b ed d ing t responsal p eless of an o l sphanc G strateginj aturalay cultural,e to e economicd esourcest a ris frome atoi spills.e di Cont of t containment In t oi , pi is d and,ighe or priority En almplementati . respons trategies. Altho esign mplement uring he initi has i ill, RP ies m continu b use throughou respons th scretion he ciden Commander Unifie Comm the vironment Unit 4.1.1 On-site Considerations

Before Deploying a GRP Strategy (Questions to Ask)

 re co sa and m t e if eff to i a r e s w e an un r k to w ker or the pub , b ed on p t t t e of the e ency. o s A dnditions e i fe? edResponse if managers so w d eatenresponders us first or determin an un orts lemplement ri k to t e s espons of r trategy ould pos due is or safety lic as conditions resen during he im merg N trategy  shoul in bal mplementl and doing beenoul thr public ac eved?safety presentrol and reasonab of thes s ll hat orafety ear theesponders. s e are h r t t d of G P e s , e ally when r e a are Has iti contro containment sufficiently hi Cont containment pi n ourc always ighe priorities han he eployment R respons trategies speci concurrent espons ctivities not  possible.How far down or ut i to t r , lak or e i t e s ed o l li to tr l b re r e p l be ready and able to deploy P stream o n he iver e, marin environment s h pill i kely ave efo espons ersonnel wil GR response strategies?



W D R GRP JUNE 2017  re p r ed? Co t the t rea ency P t Ta le ( CP on ) on to y ur loc on A ermits equir nsul Northwes A Conting Plan ermi Summary b NWA Secti 9401 for  informatill eq specific or o needati to eand s circumstance.ed on or ear a r ? f s , tr co ol may e req ed. t the W tate P , or lo , m , or al e for a e. At , De t f T Wi uipment) vehicles or work e btr tag co ol s n ld beoadway followed Iw o waffic ntr on or earb a r uir Contac ashington S atrol cal, county unicipality trib polic ssistanc minimum Washington partmen o ransportation o S ) (WSDOT guidelines f zon affic ntr hou hen orking n oadway. o Lewis County herriff S (360)(360 748-9286 o Thurston County State Patrolherriff t ) 786-5500 Washington Distric #1 (360 586-4443 During Strategy Implementation (Things to Remember)

 ene ( ther, c , tid , w , river d, and ma r re t t be m d order e effe e. e i a c e that w r c ons ex d at a ar loc on an On-scl spillconditions ev w ll bewea d urrents fro w es dataaves w g speeed dur debris) field v y. equi eha mstrategies r odifie in to b fyctiv the Ther s psignificantded in hanc pter eathe neededand to onditieet the c perience ex particuled dur strategy an ac l resati during actua ent i ifferent m hen as ather ing isits Respons anagers and esponders may  modi strategstrategies ay rovil for ac this pcha oras stag areasm t t e nothallenges ea r perienced at all ti ing of t tuayear orponse. all

 Certain G r ies m cal p cessd oints t inger were deha ared for usesily each p t mes oi het t at onin w conditions.r m ot be s able for ot r p or s The RP esponse strategies rovide in his chapt sign with ersisten heavy ls ha flo ate and ay n uit he petroleum roducts hazardous ubstances. After Strategy Implementation (Things to Understand)

 l co b s ld be m ed and ally ed to e ure ef . in er or peed w ll li ely re to b d on ( ee able 4.1). on co e b Oi ntainment ay oomre ahou aintaink periodic monitor ns its fectiveness Changes riv current s i k requi modifications oom eflecti angles s T Depending nditions, som ooming strategies m requi round-the-cloc tending.



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 Water Speed and Boom Deflection Angle

ure the s ed t t ater i mo b an a e w th two fl ma att d that are sp ed 100 eet part. e the m of flo d b t two , and use Table 4.1 to e e the water speed b d on the travel e Measof the debr bpe eenha thew o bs ving. y an choringo line 100i et alongoating a rkers/buoysht port on of riacheer b or ac e, andf a t Tim ofovement d b eenating ebrise p etween, but thhe me buoysod i g then le a urate thanstimat t b m ase b tim on is leetw i al o providedtw uoys t You table,c balsedmeasur on the water fepeed straig i v ank shorelin time he movement ebris etw thos oints is th s enerally ss cc using he uoys. The aximum oom Tabldeflectie 4.1: angWaters Spees d Drift Measin heurement Tableas s measurements.

Time to Drift Max Boom Boom required for Anchors needed if Placed Every 100 Feet Velocity Velocity Velocity Deflection Angle 100-foot Profile to Current 50 feet (seconds) (ft/sec) (m/sec) (knots) (degrees) (feet) (number) 6

8 16.7 5.1 10.00 4.0 1,429 30 10 12.5 3.8 7.50 5.4 1,071 22 12 10.0 3.1 6.00 6.7 857 18 14 8.3 2.5 5.00 8.0 714 15 17 7.1 2.2 4.29 9.4 612 13 20 5.9 1.8 3.53 11.4 504 11 24 5.0 1.5 3.00 13.5 429 10 30 4.2 1.3 2.50 16.3 357 8 40 3.3 1.0 2.00 20.5 286 7 60 2.5 0.8 1.50 27.8 214 5 >86 1.7 0.5 1.00 44.4 143 4 Source: Oil Spill Response in Fast Currents. A Field Guide. U.S. Coast Guard Research and Development Center. October, 2001 ≤1.2 ≤0.35 ≤0.70 90.0 100 3



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 4.1.2 Historical River Flow Ranges

ow data from . l Survey GS) as ed to det e the mean y e for r s d s n he planning area. Stream discharge is recorded in cubic feet per second (cfs); velocities in miles per hour (mph) or nautical miles per hour Streamfl(knots) are not available.U.S TableGeologica provides (informationUS w us that can beermin used to calculatemonthl local riverdischarg velocities on-site,iver an basedstream on thei timet it takes a g t to d ft 100 eet down m from y en t n a er or reek. l on for U GS g e ons in he g ea are4.1 p ded b w ked n ), and ay ude re e or ear rea e s low data. hefloatin GS objeconal ri ter f m strear s l foran l giv gpoin ei s riv s f ic Additiona, and s inforlablemati on e at S ag stati t plannin ar rovi elo (hyperlin colum headers m incl al-tim n l-tim treamf T US Nati Wa Syste Mappe i usefu ocatin gag tation o nterest i avai lin Tabl 4.2: Historical River Streamflow Ranges

Monthly Average Outflow in Cubic Feet per Second (cfs) Deschutes at E St Bridge Deschutes near Rainer USGS 12080010 USGS 12079000

Jan (data from 1990 to 2017) (data from 1987 to 2017)

Feb 873 547 Mar 626 354 Apr 771 456 May 539 301 Jun 349 184 Jul 233 113 Aug 143 52 Sep 111 35 Oct 121 49 Nov 184 110 Dec 632 414 777 506 R




Figure 4-1: Mean Monthly Outflow for the Deschutes River




f ma p de a ov ew of the area tor Se on .4 of th chapter de ore d l on t lo of r e , n on , areas, boat lau h lo , and al Oil l Or The ollowing ( . ps rovid geographicon for eaervih l on anWADE-GRP e fou d planning t e . Secof mapson .5in or cti t c4 pter is provi. m foretai heal oilcation l ori espons p strategies can e fou otificatid Se onstrategies staging nc cations Potenti Spil igin Points POSOPs) Detaile informati c ocati c b n in h matrices Secti 4 in he ha appendices Priority tables f potenti area spil are prgin oints for re b e:n in cti 4.3.2.

Theollowing e Strmaps L ovided ferenc

 Respons on ategy ocations L

 Notificat Ai Strategy ocations

 StagingBoat reash L

 Launcal O l Spocationsll Orig P

Potenti i i in oints




Figure 4-2: Response Strategy Locations




Figure 4-3: Notification Strategy Locations




Figure 4-4: Staging Area Locations




Figure 4-5: Boat Launch Locations








Figure 4-6: Potential Oil Spill Origin Points in Area




4.3.1 General Response Priorities

li t of an l ll in .

Thefollowing s alwprovids es t he orderer response . priorities ot i after oi G spi st the planning or takear aceaonsoccurs that w ll und j ze publ er, or p l sa Safety is ay the numb one priority Do n mplement RP rategies ti i uly eopardi ic,  workfy al pubersona he fety. safety

 Notitrolloc and lic talth s and e of thepersonnel. s ll; e res to t sp ll lo on. S e c rol and are alway a r t t on of GRP Con contain he ourc pi mobiliz ources he i cati ourc ont containment s  highe prioritye t phan he orimplementati order G strat sstrategies.ld be i ed b ed on the lo on of the or affe ted b ed on PO are i ed in pter sh ld be u ed t s on or d Determine ( hee Seriorityon RP egies hou mplement as cati spill c area. Priorities as SOPs nclud this cha and ou s unless he ituati circumstances ictate  otherwis r se r cti b4.3.2).e av lable, t the GRP order of pri or n b d on the , or ons of the day As esponse esources ecom ai implemen Strategies in ority as ecessary ase scenario,  trajectory ay conditie req , t the. t ea Co Plan t Table P on )

Permits m b uired Consul Northwes Ar ntingency Permi Summary (NWAC Secti 9401 for information. 4.3.2 Strategy Priorities based on Potential Oil Spill Origin Points

al O l Sp ll Orig P e g lo ons that have a defi d t of re e i on a le w on . e p t of each P i often ed on l r in e area P are Potenti edi to eni ure in oints (POSOPon s) ar eographic are developedcati t en nere plis areaspons strategy mplementati priorities provided in tab ithin Secti 4.3 Th lacemen OSOP s bas spil isks th . Occasionally OSOPs generalize p are ds implementatid on area overvprioritiesw se tor athroughou red b . an esti lanning p . a , or an ate P , t and or t dal of led o l a d the ti e it to e and deploy e res Thest eoints c isplaye. ally, on ie, cand , c rmaps, s P oxes In sh tablishingd t e rioritiesi duringted response, wellselecting b ond the approprit OSOPt of the hes downstream, d / ci movement upstr spil t i nt e s lm takese and mobiliz s ca htly responsd. ources aremus alphabb onsideredally Gener streams reeks and ivers GR strategies oul firs b mplemen downstream ey furthes exten pill with eployments ontinuing eam owards h pil sourc in ome ses slig beyon POSOPs etic designated. R


W D R GRP JUNE 2017 f t p de t str im on er for al l Sp ll Orig P in the p A h p t p ded t se on were d a on of , i n on Thee, ollowingtravel ti ablese for rerovi he andategy plementati, av e andord onalPotenti f w Oi , avi e win oints, WADE- t GRPe, prox; oints WADE-to t sp ll througe, i The, theriority eables p rovi of t inr his cti at k, develope other using combinati variables ncluding: otificati tim m sponders equipment erag seas lo rates erag inds deployment im imity he i sourc ust nput relativ riority he esources ris and considerations.

Source control and containment are a higher priority than GRP strategy implementation



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 Table 4.3: WADE-A

WADE-A (BP Pipeline crossing the Skookumchuck River) Implementation Strategy Sector Strategy Strategy Priority Number Map Matrix Details


1 SKOO-19.3 47 53 73 2 47 54 75



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 Table 4.4: WADE-B

P g

WADE-B (B PipelineStrategycrossin a feederSectorstream to JohnsonStrategyCreek ) Strategy Implementation Number Map Matrix Details Priority SKOO-15.2

1 SKOO-19.3 47 53 73 2 JOHNC-0.9 47 54 75

3 JOHNC-2.6 47 53 67 4 47 53 69



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 Table 4.5: WADE-C

WADE-C (BP Pipeline crossing the Washington Deschutes River) Implementation Strategy Sector Strategy Strategy Priority Number Map Matrix Details


1 WADE-0.7 49 52 63 2 WADE-1.0 49 54 79

3 WADE-2.9 49 54 81 4 WADE-11.0 49 55 83 5 WADE-18.4 49 55 85 6 48 55 87



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 Table 4.6: WADE-D

WADE-D (Union Pacific RR, BNSF RR, and Rich Road crossing Chambers Creek) Implementation Strategy Sector Strategy Strategy Priority Number Map Matrix Details


1 WADE-0.7 49 52 63 2 WADE-1.0 49 54 79

3 WADE-2.9 49 54 81 4 49 55 83




Figure 4-7: Sector Map WADE-1




Figure 4-8: Sector Map WADE-2




Figure 4-9: Sector Map WADE-3




Figure 4-10: Sector Map WADE-4




Figure 4 10: Sector Map WADE-5




4.5.1 Naming Conventions (Short Names)

h , area, and boat lau h lo t d ha been en a rt w h one to si d t a ated w . t letters are n t t fy the l r or r ear Eac strategy, thestaging lo on n ed b r ncer catione: e indishis ocument fr t s h ofgiv the r uniqueer or reek“Sho Name” tohic t includeste on. xe lettersrt enoting ind heate ssociw ther theaterbody te l atedFollowing on erhe r , river umbersft, or ha erspeci b an “R”,ocation. “ or “ On afterivers rother lin lak , waterbodiesthe n atecati the lis amon yshiv mile m th t tanceally om he atmout t n iv t c t upstream clhe si locatie aroundSom the lake. shoIn namese area ,ic the n he do notsi haveis oc a g riv meight . le mid-riv strateg y are L”ated M” an “ the at theive endmile. of theOn n ese. umbers A indic and oat L ocati areby i orelind ile, theypic pref “Sstarting or “ he orthernmos poin and increasing ockwis marin s umbers eographic aning Notification ies indic by -N” am Staging reas B aunches ndicate by ix A” BL”.

BL-SIH-33.5 L

Boat Waterbody River River Launch Mile Left

for the on R rea the only rt e on ated w th plan ).

“WADE” Washingt Deschutes iver A is sho nam waterbody designati associ i this (WADE-GRP



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 4.5.2 Response Strategy Matrices Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Map Details Name Location Type Length Req? Staging Area Resources At Risk Comments (Page #) (Page#) BLOOM-1.1 ooms Ditch t oom g y r d, y n d 100ft, g , , to . Bl a Collection B t No Onsite d SE Sensitive Nestin Bush droa ma to ee 93 61 Littlerock Road Stage fonsite alonh SpeciesidT/ E Species close one lane 46.92462 Sorben theoutroa 150on yatheds Waterfowl and d Ditc ains in the -122.99241 100ft side o the ditc Salmont, d Black River ab r Concentrations an away Habita Wetlan Habitat

CAPLK-1.5 oom , , h on t 5 , Simmons Laned Collection B Yes Onsite Herons Ra ptorsg Launc, site is aa the 49 63 SW at 1- 400ft Stage, onsite at the Recreational, Use Area, Tumwatert mp. Historical Overpass (Han Tumwaterh pi Historical th Sensitive Nestin Park there thgravel th Launch) Parkots ofbathrooms, m SpeciesidT/E Species boaity ofra 47.02342 tras ck up, wi Waterfowl and d Coordinate wi . e -122.90267 l parking, roo Salmont, d C , Tumwater, ots for. for decon area. Concentrations an accesst after dusk All Habita Wetlan gear boats bo d etc Habitat mus bet th th decontaminate to after contac wi e river/laked prevent HANA-3.9 y oom ds, the spread of Newy d 100ft, , , Zealand to Mudsnails. Hanaford Valle Collection B t No Onsited d of Freshwater Wetlan Narrow road, ma 46 65 RoaP Crossing Stage onsite pull off Raptors, Sensitive nee block off one Hanaford Creek Sorben roa on either en NestingidSpec ies, T/E lane. (B 1 100ft the bridge Species Waterfowl d and 46.76300 Salmon -122.81871 Concentrations an Habitat



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Map Details Name Location Type Length Req? Staging Area Resources At Risk Comments (Page #) (Page#) JOHNC-0.9 19550 oom ds, y d 100ft, g , d to P Johnson Collection B t No Onsite Freshwater Wetlan Narrow road, ma 47 67 Creek Roa SE Stage onsite usin Raptors, Sensitive nee block off a (B 166-2) Sorben roadside parking NestingidSpecies, T/E lane. 46.79956 100ft Species Waterfowl d and -122.75014 Salmon Concentrations an Habitat JOHNC-2.6 18950 oom ds, d 100ft, g , if P Johnson Collection B t No Onsite d, p Freshwater Wetlan Narrow road, close 47 69 Creek Roa SE Stage onsite alony so Raptors, Sensitive one lane needed (B 166-1) Sorben the roa shar NestingidSpecies, T/E 46.81488 100ft curves nearb Species Waterfowl d and -122.73254 have adequate safety Salmon protocols in place. Concentrations an SAMNC-1.2 t oom Habitat ds, o 100ft, g y to Salmon Creek a Collection B t No ofOnsi te y Freshwater, Wetlan , Entrance oom t gravel g. 93 71 Littlerock Road Stage onsite at edge Sensitive Nestin compan the NW 46.94026 Sorben gravel compan SpeciesidT/E Species hasor for parkin -122.98764 100ft drive to the NW Waterfowl and d Salmon Creek drains Salmon int the Black River. Concentrations an SKOO-15.2 4415 oom Habitat ds, d h o 200ft, , , ft d SE (BP Collection B t Yes Onsite y Freshwater Wetlan Can han launcy n d no 47 73 Skookumchuck Stage onsite parking Raptors, Sensitive le bank upstream of Roa Sorben on shoulder awa NestingidSpecies, T/E ofbridge. Ma ee t 171-2) 200ft from the bridge Species Waterfowl d and close down one lane 46.80754 Salmon traffic. -122.82399 Concentrations an Habitat



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Map Details Name Location Type Length Req? Staging Area Resources At Risk Comments (Page #) (Page#) SKOO-19.3 8441 oom ds, d h may , is , t t d SE (B Collection B Yes Onsite of Freshwater Wetlan Hant launc m of be 47 75 Skookumchuck 200ft Stage fonsite there Raptors, Sensitive easies on rivery ha righ to Roa P- a pull on the SEt NestingidSpecies, T/E jus upstrea the 171-1) side o the bridge Species Waterfowl d and bridge. Ma ve 46.79610 near anchor poin B Salmon close one lane of SOHAC-4.2 - 122.76080 oom Concentrations ang traffic on bridge for d 100ft, , Habitat, , vac truck use. SouthLittle HanafordHa Collection B t No Onsite Sensitive Nestin Park on shoulder is 46 77 Roa Crossing Stage onsite pull off SpeciesidT/E Species unless farmer gives naford Sorben beside the road on Waterfowl and d permission to use h Creek 100ft the NW side near Salmon field. 46.70609 anchor point B Concentrations an -122.86270 Habitat WADE-0.7 t oom ds, d h o g , , d E Stree Bridge P Collection B Yes Onsiteg Freshwater Wetlang Han launc o nsite 49 79 Crossin 100ft Stageight onsite in the Herons, Raptors , from. the ol Olympia Deschutes R (B parkin lotmon river f Sensitive Nestin Brewing C parking 165-3) r on the SpeciesidT/E Species area Call Dana 47.01154 downstrea side o Waterfowl and d Commercial Real -122.90344 the bridge Salmon Estate to coordinate WADE-1.0 oom Concentrations an ds, access d 360-h402 o -5500 y Golf Habitat, , of Tumwater Collection B Yes Onsite y Freshwater Wetlang Han launc nsite 49 81 Valle Club 200ft Stagef inubthe g Herons, Raptors , tofrom downstream 47.00721 Tumwater Valle Sensitive Nestin the parking area. Call -122.90385 Gol Cl parkin lot, SpeciesidT/E Species coordinate access vac truckg can access Waterfowl and d river just before Salmon parkin lot turn off. Concentrations an Habitat



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Boom Boat Map Details Name Location Type Length Req? Staging Area Resources At Risk Comments (Page #) (Page#) WADE-2.9 oom g d h o . SE , , th City Pioneer Park Collection B Yes Onsite of Sensitive Nestin ofHan launc nsite 49 83 46.99518 200ft Staget onsite at the of SpeciesidT/E Species Coordinated wi -122.88114 corner the park vd. Waterfowl and d Tumwater Parks jus downstream Salmon an Rec for access. the Henderson Bl Concentrations an Bridge Habitat

WADE-11.0 oom ds, d h o t ty Cl , RiverP Park d Collection B Yes Onsite Freshwater Wetlan Han launcty Clnsite a 49 85 Communi ub 200ft Stage onsite Raptors, Sensitive the River Park (B 165-2) Han NestingidSpecies, T/E Communi ub Launch Species Waterfowl d and 46.93088 Salmon -122.82594 Concentrations an Habitat

WADE-18.4 10025 507 oom ds, d h o g , WA - Collection B Yes Onsite Freshwater Wetlan Han launc y n nsited o on 48 87 CrossinP 200ft Stage fonsite atd,the Raptors, Sensitive the SW side of the Deschutes River pull-off on the SW NestingidSpecies, T/E bridge. Ma ee tc (B 165-1) side o the roa Species Waterfowl d and close oneto lanetof m 46.87278 small vac truck can Salmon traffic if using a va -122.73032 access this spot. Concentrations an truck collec fro Habitat the bridge on the NE side.



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 4.5.3 Notification StrategyStrategy MatricesMatrices

Sector Strategy Strategy Strategy Map Details Name Location Type Resources at Risk Implementation Comments (Page #) (Page#) SKOO‐22.2‐N

Skookumchuck Notification Steelhead Call 360 330 8316 to notify Inform Skookumchuck Dam of 47 91 Dam Dam Hydro Operator that a oil spill in area so that release WADE‐0.5‐N 46.78482 spill has occurred and to delay of fish won't coincide with ‐122.71771 any fish releases. ongoing spill response efforts. Tumwater Falls Notification Economic Notify the Tumwater Falls Notify the Tumwater Falls 49 93 Hatchery Resource, Fish Hatchery Manager M‐F 8‐5 at Hatchery about the spill so 47.01471 Hatchery, Public 360‐586‐2801, after hours and they can take timely action to ‐122.90393 Lands/Facilities, weekends call 360‐790‐6095 protect the resources under Salmon their control Concentrations and Habitat, T/E Species



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 4.5.4 Staging Area Matrices

No GRP Staging Areas Currently Exist for this Planning Area



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 4.5.5 Boat Launch Matrices

No GRP Boat Launch Locations Currently Exist for this Planning Area




APPENDIX 4A Response Strategy 2-Pagers




BLOOM-1.1 CAPLK-1.5 HANA-3.9 JOHNC-0.9 JOHNC-2.6 SAMNC-1.2 SKOO-15.2 SKOO-19.3 SOHAC-4.2 WADE-0.7 WADE-1.0 WADE-2.9 WADE-11.0 WADE-18.4



WBlooms DitchD at RLittlerockGRP Road BLOOM-1.1JUNE 2017 6 BLOOM-1.1 46.92462, -122.99241 Position - Location: ϰϲΣϱϱ͘ϰϳϳΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϱϵ͘ϱϰϱΖ ϰϲΣϱϱΖϮϴ͘ϲΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϱϵΖϯϮ͘ϳΗ Olympia Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Blooms Ditch

Implementation: Secure 100 ft of boom on the upstream side of the bridge on ditch right, at/near Point A (46.92466 -122.99234). Walk boom across the bridge and downstream, securing it at/near Point B (47.92458, -122.9924). Use shoreside anchoring systems or existing features to secure boom to banks. Extend remaining boom back and forth across creek, inside of Points A & B. Back hard boom with sorbent. Adjust boom angle and quantity/placement of anchors as needed, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. If oil collecting beyond sorbent͛s capacity, use vac truck or skimmer/storage for collection.

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage onsite along the road on the SE side of the ditch about 150 yards away Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard Field Notes: Busy road, may need to close one lane. Follow WSDOT guidelines for work zone traffic control. Ditch drains into the Black River

Watercourse: Ditch - Blooms Ditch Resources at Risk: Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat, Wetland Habitat Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 100 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


Appendix 61 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER WBlooms DitchD at RLittlerockGRP Road BLOOM-1.1JUNE 2017

BLOOM-1.1 Photo: View of Blooms Ditch from the bridge on Little Rock Road, site of BLOOM-1.1 collection strategy

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north from Longview on I-5 North No Information 2. At exit 95 bear right onto ramp to WA-121 N toward Littlerock / Maytown (0.23 miles) Unknown : 3. Turn left on Maytown Rd SW (WA-121) (0.2 miles) 4. Turn right to stay on Maytown Rd SW (2.79 miles) 5. Turn right on Littlerock Rd SW (Olympia St) (1.99 miles) 6. Finish at 11202 Littlerock Rd SW, 98512, on the right Nearest Address

11202 Littlerock Rd SW Olympia, WA 98512



WSimmonsD Lane SWR atGR 1-5P Overpass (Hand Launch) CAPLK-1.5JUNE 2017 CAPLK-1.5 Position - Location: ϰϳΣϭ͘ϰϬϱΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϱϰ͘ϭϲϬΖ ϰϳΣϭΖϮϰ͘ϯΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϱϰΖϵ͘ϲΗ 47.02342, -122.90267 Tumwater RS 7CAPLK-1.5 Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Capital Lake Implementation: Using workboat, secure 400 ft of boom to bank on river right, at/near Point A (47.0237, -122.90174) below just above the I-5 Bridge. Tow boom downstream, securing it to shore on river left, at/near Point B (47.02319, -122.90315).). Use shoreside anchoring systems or existing features to secure boom to banks. Use additional anchoring systems to keep boom secure in water. Adjust boom angle and quantity/placement of anchors as needed, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. Use vac truck or skimmer/storage for collection at Point B.

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage onsite at the Tumwater Historical Park, bathrooms, trash pick up, with lots of parking, room for decon area. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard Field Notes: Launch onsite at the Tumwater Historical Park, there is a gravel boat ramp. Cut locks on gate afterhours and notify the City of Tumwater of access. All gear, boats, boots etc. must be decontaminated after contact with the river/lake to prevent the spread of New Zealand Mudsnails. Watercourse: Reservoir - Capital Lake Resources at Risk: Herons, Raptors, Recreational Use Area, Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat, Wetland Habitat Recommended Equipment

5 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 1 Each Bolt Cutters 400 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - of adequate size for type and amount of boom Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


Appendix 63 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER WSimmonsD Lane SWR atGR 1-5P Overpass (Hand Launch) CAPLK-1.5JUNE 2017

CAPLK-1.5 Photo: View of boom deployment angle and anchor point A taken from river left near anchor point B

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north from Longview on I-5 North City of Tumwater Parks and Recreation 2. At exit 103 bear right onto ramp to Deschutes Way (0.22 miles) Land/Property Contact : Manages Historic Park, Pioneer 3. Turn left on Deschutes Way SW (0.26 miles) Park, & Golf Course 4. Continue on Deschutes Pkwy SW (0.28 miles) 360-239-6314 5. At 602 Deschutes Pkwy SW, 98501, turn right onto Grant Street into the Tumwater Historical Washington Department of Enterprise Services (WDES) Park (500 ft) 6. Take the first left and follow the drive back to the end of the park beside the I-5 Overpass (0.25 Land/Property Contact : Manages in Olympia miles) 360-725-0000

Nearest Address

602 Deschutes Pkwy SW Tumwater, WA 98501


Appendix 64 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER WHanafordD ValleyR RoadGR CrossingP Hanaford Creek (BP 1) HANA-3.9JUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϲΣϰϱ͘ϳϴϬΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϰϵ͘ϭϮϯΖ ϰϲΣϰϱΖϰϲ͘ϴΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϰϵΖϳ͘ϰΗ 46.76300, -122.81871 Centralia Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Hanaford Creek Implementation: Secure 100 ft of boom on the upstream side of the bridge on creek right, at/near Point A (46.763, -122.8186). Walk boom across bridge, securing it on creek left at/near Point B (46.76295, -122.81869). Use shoreside anchoring systems or existing features to secure boom to banks. Extend remaining boom back and forth across creek, inside of Points A & B. Back hard boom with sorbent. Adjust boom angle and quantity/placement of anchors as needed, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. If oil collecting beyond sorbent͛s capacity, use vac truck or skimmer/storage for collection.

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage onsite, pull off road on either end of the bridge Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Narrow Lane Road; Heavy Vegetation Field Notes: Narrow road, may need to block off one lane. Follow WSDOT guidelines for work zone traffic control.

Watercourse: Creek - Hanaford Creek Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Raptors, Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 100 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


Appendix 65 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER WHanafordD ValleyR RoadGR PCrossing Hanaford Creek (BP 1 ) HANA-3.9JUNE 2017

HANA-3.9 Photo: View from bridge of Hanaford Creek looking upstream at location to deploy HANA-3.9

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north on I-5 from Longview, WA No Information 2. Take exit 82 for Centralia Unknown : 3. Go northwest on Harrison Ave toward Ellsbury St (0.37 miles) 4. Turn right on Johnson Rd (0.41 miles) 5. Turn right on W Reynolds Ave (1.34 miles) 6. Turn left on WA-507 (N Pearl St) (7.22 miles) 7. Turn right on W 6th St (0.06 miles) Nearest Address 8. Turn right on S Main St (0.07 miles) 9. Turn left on E 7th St (0.16 miles) 1441 Big Hanaford Rd 10. Continue on Tono Rd SE (3.92 miles) Centralia, WA 98531 11. Make sharp right on Big Hanaford Rd (0.01 miles) 12. Finish at 1441 Big Hanaford Rd, 98531, on the right



W19550 JohnsonD CreekR GR RoadP SE (BP 166-2) JOHNC-0.9JUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϲΣϰϳ͘ϵϳϰΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϰϱ͘ϬϬϴΖ ϰϲΣϰϳΖϱϴ͘ϰΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϰϱΖ͘ϱΗ 46.79956, -122.75014 Tenino Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Johnson Creek Implementation: Secure 100 ft of boom on the downstream side of the bridge on creek left, at/near Point A (46.7995, -122.75017). Walk boom across the bridge and downstream, securing it on creek right at/near Point B (46.7996, -122.7502). Use shoreside anchoring systems or existing features to secure boom to banks. Extend remaining boom back and forth across creek, inside of Points A & B. Back hard boom with sorbent. Adjust boom angle and quantity/placement of anchors as needed, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. If oil collecting beyond sorbent͛s capacity, use vac truck or skimmer/storage for

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage onsite using roadside parking Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Heavy Vegetation Field Notes: Narrow road, may need to block off a lane. Follow WSDOT guidelines for work zone traffic control.

Watercourse: Creek - Johnson Creek Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Raptors, Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 100 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


Appendix 67 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER W19550 JohnsonD CreekR GR RoadP SE (BP 166-2) JOHNC-0.9JUNE 2017

JOHNC-0.9 Photo: View of Johnson Creek downstream taken from the bridge; site of JOHNC-0.9 collection strategy

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north from Longview on t I-5 North No Information 2. Go on I-5 S (US-12 E) (3.28 miles) Unknown : 3. At exit 88 take ramp on the right toward Tenino / Rochester / Oakville (0.39 miles) 4. Turn right on Old Highway 99 SW (7.65 miles) 5. Turn right on WA-507 (2.23 miles) 6. Turn left on 184th Ave SW (0.64 miles) 7. Bear right on Skookumchuck Rd SE (1.84 miles) Nearest Address 8. Turn left to stay on Skookumchuck Rd SE (3.7 miles) 9. Turn left on Johnson Creek Rd SE (0.5 miles) 19629 Johnson Creek Rd SE 10. Finish at the bridge just before you get to 19629 Johnson Creek Rd SE, 98589 Tenino, WA 98589



W18950 JohnsonD CreekR GR RoadP SE (BP 166-1) JOHNC-2.6JUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϲΣϰϴ͘ϴϵϯΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϰϯ͘ϵϱϮΖ ϰϲΣϰϴΖϱϯ͘ϲΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϰϯΖϱϳ͘ϭΗ 46.81488, -122.73254 Tenino Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Johnson Creek Implementation: Secure 100 ft of boom on the upstream side of the bridge on creek left, at/near Point A (46.8149, -122.73248). Walk boom across the bridge and downstream, securing it on creek right at/near Point B (46.8149, -122.7326). Use shoreside anchoring systems or existing features to secure boom to banks. Extend remaining boom back and forth across creek, inside of Points A & B. Back hard boom with sorbent. Adjust boom angle and quantity/placement of anchors as needed, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. If oil collecting beyond sorbent͛s capacity, use vac truck or skimmer/storage for co

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage onsite along the road, sharp curves nearby so have adequate safety protocols in place. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Heavy Vegetation; Narrow Road Field Notes: Narrow road, close one lane if needed. Follow WSDOT guidelines for work zone traffic control.

Watercourse: Creek - Johnson Creek Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Raptors, Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 100 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


Appendix 69 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER W18950 JohnsonD CreekR GR RoadP SE (BP 166-1) JOHNC-2.6JUNE 2017

JOHNC-2.6 Photo: View of Johnson Creek looking upstream from the bridge to where JOHNC-2.6 collection strategy will be deployed

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north from Longview on I-5 N No Information 2͘ƚĞdžŝƚ88 take ramp on the right toward Tenino / Rochester / Oakville (0.39 miles) Unknown : 3. Turn right on Old Highway 99 SW (7.44 miles) 4. Continue on 6th Ave W (Old Highway 99 SW) (0.4 miles) 5. Bear left on Park Ave W (0.26 miles) 6. Turn left on 4th Ave W and immediately turn right on Ritter St S (0.14 miles) 7. Turn right on WA-507 (Sussex Ave W) (5.76 miles) Nearest Address 8. Turn right on Johnson Creek Rd SE (4.52 miles) 9. Finish at the bridge just before you reach 18924 Johnson Creek Rd SE, 98589 18924 Johnson Creek Rd SE Tenino, WA 98589



WSalmon CreekD atR LittlerockGRP Road SAMNC-1.2JUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϲΣϱϲ͘ϰϭϲΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϱϵ͘ϮϱϴΖ ϰϲΣϱϲΖϮϰ͘ϵΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϱϵΖϭϱ͘ϱΗ 46.94026, -122.98764 Olympia Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Salmon Creek Implementation: Secure 100 ft of boom on the downstream side of the bridge on creek right, at/near Point A (46.9403, -122.9876). Walk boom across the bridge and downstream, securing it on creek left at/near Point B (46.9403, -122.9877). Use shoreside anchoring systems or existing features to secure boom to banks. Extend remaining boom back and forth across creek, inside of Points A & B. Back hard boom with sorbent. Adjust boom angle and quantity/placement of anchors as needed, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. If oil collecting beyond sorbent͛s capacity, use vac truck or skimmer/storage for c

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage onsite at edge of gravel company drive to the NW Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard Field Notes: Entrance to gravel company to the NW has room for parking. Follow WSDOT guidelines for work zone traffic control. Salmon Creek drains into the Black River.

Watercourse: Creek - Salmon Creek Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 100 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


Appendix 71 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER WSalmon CreekD atR LittlerockGRP Road SAMNC-1.2JUNE 2017

SAMNC-1.2 Photo: View of Salmon Creek and the bridge crossing on Little Rock Road taken from the N shore

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north from Longview on t I-5 North No Information 2͘ƚĞdžŝƚ99 take ramp on the right to WA-121 S toward 93rd Ave. (0.41 miles) Unknown : 3. Turn left on 93rd Ave SW (WA-121) (1.74 miles) 4. Turn left on Littlerock Rd SW (1.13 miles) 5. Finish just past 101201 Littlerock Rd SW, 98512, on the right

Nearest Address

10201 Littlerock Rd SW Olympia, WA 98512



W4415 SkookumchuckD R GR RoadP SE (BP 171-2) SKOO-15.2JUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϲΣϰϴ͘ϰϱϮΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϰϵ͘ϰϯϵΖ ϰϲΣϰϴΖϮϳ͘ϭΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϰϵΖϮϲ͘ϰΗ 46.80754, -122.82399 Tenino Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on the Skookumchuck River Implementation: Using hand launch workboat, secure 200 ft of boom to bank on river right, at/near Point A (46.80756, -122.8238) below above the bridge. Tow boom downstream, securing it to shore on river left, at/near Point B (46.80741, -122.8039).). Use shoreside anchoring systems or existing features to secure boom to banks. Use additional anchoring systems to keep boom secure in water. Adjust boom angle and quantity/placement of anchors as needed, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. Use vac truck or skimmer/storage for collection at Point B.

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage onsite, parking on shoulder away from the bridge Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Heavy Vegetation Field Notes: Can hand launch on left bank upstream of bridge. May need to close down one lane of traffic. Follow WSDOT guidelines for work zone traffic control.

Watercourse: River - Skookumchuck River Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Raptors, Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 200 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 200 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


Appendix 73 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER W4415 SkookumchuckD R GR RoadP SE (BP 171-2) SKOO-15.2JUNE 2017

SKOO-15.2 Photo: View of the bridge from upstream on river left, a spot where you can handlaunch

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north from Longview on I-5 North No Information 2. At exit 88 take ramp on the right toward Tenino / Rochester / Oakville (0.39 miles) Unknown : 3. Turn right on Old Highway 99 SW (7.65 miles) 4. Turn right on WA-507 (2.23 miles) 5. Turn left on 184th Ave SW (0.64 miles) 6. Bear right on Skookumchuck Rd SE (1.68 miles) 7. Finish at the bridge just before you get to 4421 Skookumchuck Rd SE, 98589 Nearest Address

4421 Skookumchuck Rd SE Tenino, WA 98589



W8441 SkookumchuckD R GR RoadP SE (BP-171-1) SKOO-19.3JUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϲΣϰϳ͘ϳϲϲΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϰϱ͘ϲϰϴΖ ϰϲΣϰϳΖϰϲ͘ϬΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϰϱΖϯϴ͘ϵΗ 46.79610, -122.76080 Tenino Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on the Skookumchuck River Implementation: Using hand launch workboat, secure 200 ft of boom to bank on river left at/near Point A (46.7958, -122.7613) below the side channel. Tow boom downstream, securing it to shore on river right, at/near Point B underneath the bridge (46.7961, -122.7608). Use shoreside anchoring systems or existing features to secure boom to banks. Use additional anchoring systems to keep boom secure in water. Adjust boom angle and quantity/placement of anchors as needed, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. Use vac truck or skimmer/storage for collection at Point B.

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage onsite, there is a pull of on the SE side of the bridge near anchor point B Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Heavy Vegetation Field Notes: Hand launch may be easiest on river right just upstream of the bridge. May have to close one lane of traffic on bridge for vac truck use. Follow WSDOT guidelines for work zone traffic control.

Watercourse: River - Skookumchuck River Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Raptors, Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 200 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


Appendix 75 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER W8441 SkookumchuckD R GR RoadP SE (BP-171-1) SKOO-19.3JUNE 2017

SKOO-19.3 Photo: View upriver of anchor point A, taken from below bridge at anchor point B

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north from Longview on I-5 North No Information 2͘ƚĞdžŝƚ88 take ramp on the right toward Tenino / Rochester / Oakville (0.39 miles) Unknown : 3. Turn right on Old Highway 99 SW (7.65 miles) 4. Turn right on WA-507 (2.23 miles) 5. Turn left on 184th Ave SW (0.64 miles) 6. Bear right on Skookumchuck Rd SE (1.84 miles) 7. Turn left to stay on Skookumchuck Rd SE (3.31 miles) Nearest Address 8. Finish at 8441 Skookumchuck Rd SE, 98589, on the right 8441 Skookumchuck Rd SE Tenino, WA 98589



WLittle HanafordD RoadR GR CrossingP South Hanaford Creek SOHAC-4.2JUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϲΣϰϮ͘ϯϲϱΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϱϭ͘ϳϲϮΖ ϰϲΣϰϮΖϮϭ͘ϵΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϱϭΖϰϱ͘ϳΗ 46.70609, -122.86270 Centralia Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on South Hanaford Creek Implementation: Secure 100 ft of boom on the downstream side of the bridge on creek right, at/near Point A (46.7061, -122.8626). Walk boom across the bridge and downstream, securing it on creek left at/near Point B (46.7061, -122.8628). Use shoreside anchoring systems or existing features to secure boom to banks. Extend remaining boom back and forth across creek, inside of Points A & B. Back hard boom with sorbent. Adjust boom angle, quantity/placement of anchors, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. If oil collecting beyond sorbent͛s capacity, use vac truck or skimmer/storage for collection

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage onsite, pull off beside the road on the NW side near anchor point B Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard Field Notes: Park on shoulder unless farmer gives permission to use his field. Follow WSDOT guidelines for work zone traffic control.

Watercourse: Creek - South Hanaford Creek Resources at Risk: Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat Recommended Equipment

4 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 100 Feet Boom - Sorbent 1 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage Recommended Personnel

2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


Appendix 77 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER WLittle HanafordD RoadR GR CrossingP South Hanaford Creek SOHAC-4.2JUNE 2017

SOHAC-4.2 Photo: View of the location of SOHAC-4.2 collection strategy taken from the bridge

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north from Longview on I-5 No Information 2͘ƚĞdžŝƚ81 take ramp on the right to WA-507 N toward Mellen St (0.48 miles) Unknown : 3. Continue on Ellsbury St (0.33 miles) 4. Turn right on Mellen St (WA-507) (0.25 miles) 5. Turn left on Yew St (0.55 miles) 6. Turn left on W Main St (0.02 miles) 7. Bear right on Harrison Ave (0.24 miles) Nearest Address 8. Turn right on W 1st St (0.8 miles) 9. Turn left on N Tower Ave (WA-507 N) (0.42 miles) 2385 Little Hanaford Rd 10. Turn right on E 6th St (0.19 miles) Centralia, WA 98531 11. Continue on Marion St (0.2 miles) 12. At fork keep left on Marion St (0.35 miles) 13. Continue on Little Hanaford Rd (0.87 miles) 14. Bear right on Loop Rd (0.48 miles) 15. Turn right on Little Hanaford Rd (1.59 miles) 16. Turn left at Salzer Valley Rd to stay on Little Hanaford Rd (1.7 miles) 17. Finish at 2385 Little Hanaford Rd, 98531



WE Street DBridge CrossingR GRP Deschutes R (BP 165-3) WADE-0.7JUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϳΣ͘ϲϵϮΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϱϰ͘ϮϬϲΖ ϰϳΣϬΖϰϭ͘ϱΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϱϰΖϭϮ͘ϰΗ 47.01154, -122.90344 Tumwater Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Deschutes River Implementation: Using hand launch workboat, secure 200 ft of boom to bank on river left at/near Point A (47.01112, -122.9034). Tow boom downstream, securing it to shore on river right, at/near Point B underneath the bridge (47.0117, -122.9033). Use shoreside anchoring systems or existing features to secure boom to banks. Use additional anchoring systems to keep boom secure in water. Adjust boom angle and quantity/placement of anchors as needed, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. Use vac truck or skimmer/storage for collection at Point B.

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage onsite in the parking lot on river right on the downstream side of the bridge Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Heavy Vegetation Field Notes: Hand launch onsite from the old Olympia Brewing Co parking area. Call Dana Commercial Real Estate to coordinate access 360-402- 5500

Watercourse: River - Deschutes River Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Herons, Raptors, Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 1 Each Bolt Cutters 100 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


Appendix 79 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER WE Street DBridge CrossingR GRP Deschutes R (BP 165-3) WADE-0.7JUNE 2017

WADE-0.7 Photo: View of anchor point B, collection spot, for WADE-0.7 underneath the bridge in front of the old Olympia Brewing Co

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north from Longview on I-5 North Dana Commercial Real Estate 2͘ƚĞdžŝƚ103 bear right onto ramp to Deschutes Way (0.2 miles) Land/Property Contact : Access to Olympia Brewing Co 3. Turn right on E St SW (0.06 miles) Property 4. Cross Capitol Blvd (0.02 miles) 5. Take E St SW across the river and turn left into the old Anheuser-Busch factory parking lot. Then Olympia, WA 98501 take an immediate left toward the downstream side of the E Street Bridge where the strategy is 360-402-5500 ůŽĐĂƚĞĚ͘ Nearest Address

4101 Capitol Blvd Tumwater, WA 98501



WTumwaterD ValleyR GolfGR ClubP WADE-1.0JUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϳΣ͘ϰϯϯΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϱϰ͘ϮϯϭΖ ϰϳΣϬΖϮϲ͘ϬΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϱϰΖϭϯ͘ϵΗ 47.00721, -122.90385 Tumwater Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on the Washington Deschutes River Implementation: Using hand launch workboat, secure 200 ft of boom to bank on river right at/near Point A (47.007, -122.9033). Tow boom downstream, securing it to shore on river left, at/near Point B (47.0072, -122.904). Use shoreside anchoring systems or existing features to secure boom to banks. Use additional anchoring systems to keep boom secure in water. Adjust boom angle and quantity/placement of anchors as needed, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. Use vac truck or skimmer/storage for collection at Point B.

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage in the Tumwater Valley Golf Club parking lot, vac truck can access river just before parking lot turn off. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Heavy Vegetation; Steep Banks; Heavy Vegetation Field Notes: Hand launch onsite from downstream of the parking area. Call to notify City of Tumwater Parks and Rec of access.

Watercourse: River - Above a Dam - WA Deschutes River above the Tumwater Falls Dam Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Herons, Raptors, Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 1 Each Bolt Cutters 200 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


Appendix 81 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER WTumwaterD ValleyR GolfGR PClub WADE-1.0JUNE 2017

WADE-1.0 Photo: View of downstream anchor point B, collection site, and an area just beyond where a boat can be hand launched

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north on I-5 from Longview, WA City of Tumwater Parks and Recreation 2. At exit 103 bear right onto ramp to Deschutes Way (0.2 miles) Municipality (County/City) : Manages Historic Park, Pioneer 3. Turn right on E St SW (0.09 miles) Park, & Golf Course 4. Turn right on Tumwater Valley Dr SE (0.37 miles) 360-239-6314 5. Turn left to stay on Tumwater Valley Dr SE () Tumwater Valley Golf Club 6. Finish at 4611 Tumwater Valley Dr. SE,98501, on the left Land/Property Contact : Golf Course Operations Mgr 360-943-9500

Nearest Address

4611 Tumwater Valley Dr. SE Tumwater, WA 98501



WPioneer ParkD R GRP WADE-2.9JUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϲΣϱϵ͘ϳϭϭΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϱϮ͘ϴϲϴΖ ϰϲΣϱϵΖϰϮ͘ϲΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϱϮΖϱϮ͘ϭΗ 46.99518, -122.88114 Tumwater Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Deschutes River Implementation: Using hand launch workboat, secure 200 ft of boom to bank on river left at/near Point A (46.995, -122.8806). Tow boom downstream, securing it to shore on river right, at/near Point B (46.9954, -122.88125), just below the bridge. Use shoreside anchoring systems or existing features to secure boom to banks. Use additional anchoring systems to keep boom secure in water. Adjust boom angle and quantity/placement of anchors as needed, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. Use vac truck or skimmer/storage for collection at Point B.

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage onsite at the SE corner of the park just downstream of the Henderson Blvd. Bridge Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Heavy Vegetation Field Notes: Hand launch onsite. Cut locks on gate afterhours and notify City of Tumwater Parks and Rec of access.

Watercourse: River - Deschutes River Resources at Risk: Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 1 Each Bolt Cutters 200 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor



WADE-2.9 Photo: View of anchor point B, collection area, taken from the end of the road, looking upriver towards anchor point A

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north from Longview on I-5 North City of Tumwater Parks and Recreation Department 2͘ƚĞdžŝƚ101 bear right onto ramp toward Tumwater Blvd / Olympia Airport (0.37 miles) Land/Property Contact : Contact for park access 3. Turn right on Tumwater Blvd SW (0.57 miles) 4. At roundabout, take the second exit to proceed on Tumwater Blvd SW (1.41 miles) Tumwater, WA 98501 5. Turn left on Henderson Blvd SE (1.0 miles) 360-754-4160 6. Turn left into the park and take the first left to go back toward the river. Finish at5801 Henderson Blvd SE, 98501 Nearest Address

5801 Henderson Blvd SE Tumwater, WA 98501



WRiver ParkD CommunityR GRP Club (BP 165-2) Hand Launch WADE-11.0JUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϲΣϱϱ͘ϴϱϯΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϰϵ͘ϱϱϲΖ ϰϲΣϱϱΖϱϭ͘ϮΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϰϵΖϯϯ͘ϰΗ 46.93088, -122.82594 Olympia Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Deschutes River Implementation: Using hand launch workboat, secure 200 ft of boom to bank on river right at/near Point A (46.9306, -122.8257). Tow boom downstream, securing it to shore on river left, at/near Point B (46.931, -122.82616). Use shoreside anchoring systems or existing features to secure boom to banks. Use additional anchoring systems to keep boom secure in water. Adjust boom angle and quantity/placement of anchors as needed, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. Use vac truck or skimmer/storage for collection at Point B.

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage onsite Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Heavy Vegetation Field Notes: Hand launch onsite at the River Park Community Club

Watercourse: River - Deschutes River Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Raptors, Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 200 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


Appendix 85 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER WRiver ParkD CommunityR GRP Club (BP 165-2) Hand Launch WADE-11.0JUNE 2017

WADE-11.0 Photo: View from anchor point B, the collection point, looking upstream toward anchor point A

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north from Longview on I-5 North No Information 2͘ƚĞdžŝƚ95 bear right onto ramp to WA-121 N toward Littlerock / Maytown (0.23 miles) Unknown : 3. Turn right on Maytown Rd SW (WA-121) (2.44 miles) 4. Turn left on Tilley Rd S (WA-121) (1.72 miles) 5. Turn right on 113th Ave SE (1.23 miles) 6. Continue on McCorkle Rd SE (1.36 miles) 7. Make sharp right on Old Highway 99 SE (0.55 miles) Nearest Address 8. Turn left on Waldrick Rd SE (1.73 miles) 9. Make sharp left on Skagit Dr SE (0.49 miles) 10802 Skagit Dr SE 10. Turn left at Cowlitz Dr SE to stay on Skagit Dr SE (0.18 miles) Olympia, WA 98501 11. Finish at the River Park Community Club, 10802 Skagit Dr SE, 98501, at the end of the road. Strategy is on the right.



W10025 WA-507D CrossingR GRP Deschutes River (BP 165-1) WADE-18.4JUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϲΣϱϮ͘ϯϲϳΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϰϯ͘ϴϭϵΖ ϰϲΣϱϮΖϮϮ͘ϬΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϰϯΖϰϵ͘ϮΗ 46.87278, -122.73032 Rainier Strategy Objective: Collection : Collect oil moving downstream on Deschutes River Implementation: Using hand launch workboat, secure 200 ft of boom to bank on river left at/near Point A (46.8724, -122.73). Tow boom downstream, securing it mid-river at/near Point B. Then anchor to shore downstream on river right at/near anchor point C (46.873, -122.73) under the bridge on the NE side, below both side streams. Use additional anchoring systems to keep boom secure in water. Adjust boom angle and quantity/placement of anchors as needed, based on stream flow and environmental conditions. Use vac truck or skimmer/storage for collection at Point C

Staging Area: Onsite : Stage onsite at the pull-off on the SW side of the road, small vac truck can access this spot. Site Safety: Slips, Trips, Falls; Water Hazard; Heavy Vegetation Field Notes: Hand launch onsite on the SW side of the bridge. May need to close one lane of traffic if using a vac truck to collect from the bridge on the NE side.

Watercourse: River - Deschutes River Resources at Risk: Freshwater Wetlands, Raptors, Sensitive Nesting Species, T/E Species, Waterfowl and Salmonid Concentrations and Habitat Recommended Equipment

2 Each Anchoring System(s) - (anchor, lines, floats) 2 Each Anchoring System(s)- Shoreside 200 Feet Boom - B3 (River Boom) or equivalent 1 Each Bridle(s) - Towing (appropriately sized for boom) 1 Each Heaving Line(s) 1 Each Machete(s) - (or other vegetation cutting tool) 1 Each Vac Truck or Skimmer and Storage 1 Each Workboat(s) - (hand-launch) Recommended Personnel

1 Boat Operator 2 Laborer 1 Supervisor


Appendix 87 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER W10025 WA-507D CrossingR GRP Deschutes River (BP 165-1) WADE-18.4JUNE 2017

WADE-18.4 Photo: View of anchor point C at the base of the bridge, taken from the staging area

Site Contact Driving Directions 1. Head north from Longview on I-5 North No Information 2͘ƚĞdžŝƚ88 take ramp on the right toward Tenino / Rochester / Oakville (0.39 miles) Unknown : 3. Turn right on Old Highway 99 SW (7.44 miles) 4. Continue on 6th Ave W (Old Highway 99 SW) (0.4 miles) 5. Bear left on Park Ave W (0.26 miles) 6. Turn left on 4th Ave W and immediately turn right on Ritter St S (0.14 miles) 7. Turn right on WA-507 (Sussex Ave W) (6.16 miles) Nearest Address 8. Finish at 9916 State Route 507, 98576 9916 State Route 507 Rainier, WA 98576




APPENDIX 4B Notification Strategy 2-Pagers




SKOO-22.2-N WADE-0.5-N



WSkookumchuckD DamR GRP SKOO-22.2-NJUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϲΣϰϳ͘ϬϴϵΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϰϯ͘ϬϲϯΖ ϰϲΣϰϳΖϱ͘ϰΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϰϯΖϯ͘ϴΗ 46.78482, -122.71771 Tenino Strategy Objective: Notification : Inform Skookumchuck Dam of oil spill in area so that release of fish won't coincide with ongoing spill response efforts. Implementation: Call 360 330 8316 to notify Dam Hydro Operator that a spill has occurred and to delay any fish releases.

Field Notes: Actual location is 46.784818,-122.717371

Watercourse: River - Below a Dam - Skookumchuck River

Resources at Risk: : Steelhead Communication Process and Action:

Call the following numbers in order and notify of oil spill: Skookumchuck Dam Hydro Operator 360 330 8316 / 360 264 2624

TransAlta Centralia Generation Unit #1 Control Operator (24/7) 360 330 2321

Skookumchuck Dam Hydro Supervisor 360 807 8020 / 360 508 0059

Alternate Skookumchuck Dam Hydro Supervisor 360 330 2362

Note: Skookumchuck Dam/TransAlta staff will make the decision whether or not the scheduled release of fish should be delayed because of the spill. Release location is the Skookumchuck River, which drains into the Chehalis River at Centralia.


Appendix 91 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER WSkookumchuckD DamR GRP SKOO-22.2-NJUNE 2017

SKOO-22.2-N Photo: No photograph currently available for this strategy location.

Site Contact Driving Directions

TransAlta - Skookumchuck Dam 1. From I-5, take exit 88 Emergency Contact : 2. Take ramp right toward Tenino / Oakville / Rochester 3. Turn right onto Old Highway 99 SW 10540 Skookumchuck Rd SE 4. In 7.6 mi, turn right onto WA-507 Tenino, WA 98589 5. In 2.2 mi, turn left onto 184th Ave SW 360-330-8316 6. In 0.6 mi, road name changes to Skookumchuck Rd SE 7. In 1.8 mi, turn left to stay on Skookumchuck Rd SE 8. In 5 mi, the WDFW Skookumchuck Fish Hatchery will be on your left. Nearest Address 9. Contact TransAlta dam security office for escort to facility. 10540 Skookumchuck Rd SE Tenino, WA 98589



WTumwaterD Falls HatcheryR GRP WADE-0.5-NJUNE 2017 Position - Location: ϰϳΣ͘ϴϴϭΖ͕ͲϭϮϮΣϱϰ͘ϮϯϳΖ ϰϳΣϬΖϱϮ͘ϵΗ, ͲϭϮϮΣϱϰΖϭϰ͘ϮΗ 47.01469, -122.90395 Tumwater Strategy Objective: Notification : Notify the Tumwater Falls Hatchery about the spill so they can take action to protect their resources

Implementation: Notify the Tumwater Falls Hatchery Manager M-F 8-5 at 360-586-2801, after hours and weekends call 360-790-6095

Field Notes: Hatchery has water intakes and outfall. It is a fish ladder system.

Watercourse: River - Above a Dam - Washington Deschutes River, 100 yards above the Tumwater Falls Dam

Resources at Risk: : Economic Resource, Fish Hatchery, Public Lands/Facilities, Salmon Concentrations and Habitat, T/E Species Communication Process and Action:

Call the Tumwater Falls Hatchery M-F 8-5 at 360-586-2801, after hours and weekends call 360-790-6095, and inform the Manager of any significant oil spill or potential spill that impacts or threatens to impact the Deschutes River upstream of river mile 0.5. The Hatchery Manager will determine and take whatever actions they deem necessary and appropriate to protect the resources under their control, including shutting off water intake or delaying the capture or release of fish.


Appendix 93 ASHINGTON ESCHUTES IVER WTumwaterD Falls HatcheryR GRP WADE-0.5-NJUNE 2017

WADE-0.5-N Photo: No photo currently available for this strategy location

Site Contact Driving Directions

Tumwater Falls Hatchery 1͘,ĞĂĚƐŽƵƚŚŽŶ/Ͳ5^ƚŽǁĂƌĚWŽƌƚůĂŶĚ Primary Contact : WDFW Hatchery Manager 2. At exit 103 bear right onto ramp to 2nd Ave. (0.24 miles) 3. Continue on N 2nd Ave SW (0.1 miles) 4. Turn left on Custer Way SW (0.13 miles) Tumwater, WA 98501 5. Make sharp right on Boston St SE (0.13 miles) 360-586-2801 6. Turn left on Deschutes Way SW (0.02 miles) 7͘dƵƌŶůĞĨƚĂŐĂŝŶŝŶƚŽdƵŵǁĂƚĞƌ&ĂůůƐWĂƌŬ͕ĨŝŶŝƐŚĂƚ114 Deschutes Way SW, 98501, on the left Nearest Address

114 Deschutes Way SW Tumwater, WA 98501




APPENDIX 4C Staging Area 2-Pagers




No GRP Staging Area Locations Currently Exist for this Planning Area




APPENDIX 4D Boat Launch 2-Pagers




No GRP Boat Launch Locations Currently Exist for this Planning Area



W D R GRP JUNE 2017 CHAPTER 5 (Reserved)




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W D R GRP JUNE 2017 CHAPTER 6 Resources at Risk


er p a of n , and r at k t area. t general on on abitat, f and e re , and ons This t chapt area w rovidesre summarye n r aturale cultural, ex economic. It offe aesources ofris cuin he planning t at incI providesde f informatil p forh t d ish, ofwildlif c sources and locatian in he l rem he . sensitiv inforatural onesourc about concernsfl ht r ist , w rs fesummary d , andltural led resourcesfe canh e foulud undamenta t end of throcedures er. helist ofiscovery rultural artifacts in the areahum i skeletaded tains c General mati ig estrictions ildli eterrence oi wildli b n near he is chapt A economic esources s provi iner hei p hapter’sely appendix.road i s ope sh d ot be c ed co e. S e of the e r d ed in c pter be addres ed Cha er 4 ( e This chapt ands urpos ) b en t c notand p oule ton onsidert mprehensive ac om in e sensitiv . esourcesonalescrib in onthis ha p cannote org ons ors federal,in pt e, tribal,Respons and l al Strategies agPriorities s becausd o bei is s ught ossibl spiconduc effective respons tivities thes locations Additi formati from rivat anizati stat oc government al encies p houl w thals en oh detaduringl to e generallls. on ut the area duri t t e of a l r e. Dur an ac al i t, mo e i on t at k Thisl bemateri av ableis resented t e Eni oug al U it giv t P informati Sec on.abo ng he firs phas spil espons ing tu nciden r nformati abou resources ris wil ail on from h in vironment chapter anni within d he lanning ti

Theinformati providedt En this tal Unit c )be use O in: Se in e s b d e fou d Cha er Assisting he vironmen (EU and perations ctions developing additional  respons rtrategies eyonk thos ton rein pt 4.cle up w , and d t al pha e f a sp ll re in e G area. Providing esource-at-ris “context” sponders, an- orkers others uring he  initi r s o i andsponse t th RP staff that ma be unfa ar w se e c in the P Briefing esponders inciden command y mili ith nsitive  resourc boncernsund GR area.on r el i olved me a p ons and h a l in Providing ackgro informati fo personn nv in di resentati public outreac during spil cident. 6.2 NATURAL RESOURCES AT RISK - SUMMARY

t al are s le to t of oil . t on land, plants; p and an larger an , s h a f am Mos biologic, b , communities, and a w usceptibde v of invhe effects , arespills all p Plan communities at k aquatic microscopic lants animals; d imals uc s ish, phibians and reptiles irds mammals i ariety ertebrates otentially ris from



W , acuteD tox R , and/orGRP the l ef t at ma r t b J UNEex 2017ed to spi led o smothering icity chronic ong-term fects h y esul from eing pos areal cil. a wide of aq , rip , and upland . e habi upport of W an s onid a well a a d of r fe This maontains , b ,variety and uatic arian to r fe habitats /orThes tats, s e o manye s ashington’s are unlikelyadromous to be dire alm oi ed durspecies a s l s complext ut mayiversity e dis urbedothe wildli other includingons mmalsh a cleirdsp, r amphibians.e, Dueor f re thei li historieson and. behaviorse of t bsomrd f thesare respeciest t year, butctly l othering spil inciden be out eb the bt . by n er ofoperati the suc founds anu t areaeconnaissanc are c ed a it suppressieatened or endactivitieseredSom der thehe F i alspecies idenered throughouSpe A t ther many State g s seasonally. migrat sid asin A umb species in his lassifi s hr ang un eder Endang on cies arec liotedWashington w, h the abbuidelineson f ea h type ded in the b (to r ht of the c Classificati types s belo wit reviati o c provi rackets the ig ederal Endlassification):d

 Federal T angereened (FE)

 Ftate En hreat d (FT)

 State T dangereened (SE)

 State Shreat e ( (ST) ederal Sand Stateensitiv SS)ed and ered sp t ay ur w area, at e e of year, F Threaten Endang ecies tha m occ ithin this som timBirds: include:

 on [

 Commled mloon SS]et [

 Marb spottedurrel owlFT/SE]*

 Northerntreaked ed lark [FT/SE]*

 S hornlled [[FT/SE]*

Yellow-bi cuckoo FT]* Mammals:

 a ( ) t r O , enino, Roy e, a d [ Mazam Western pocke gophe - includes: lympia T Prairi n Yelm  subspecies g FT/ST]* squirrel [

Western ray ST]*



UNE Fish:W D R GRP J 2017

 Bull tr t

 ouk [FT]on

 Chinoo salmm [FT/SC]ow

Olympicad [udminn [SS]

• Steelhe FT] Amphibian:

 on d [

 Oreg spotte pond turtleFrog [FT/SE]

Western SE] Insect/invertebrates:

 Mardon er [

 skippch SE]*

Taylor’s eckerspot [FE/SE]* Plants:

 p h [F

 Golden aintbrus l e [ T]

 Kincaid’sh s upinort FT]

 Mars andw [FE] w

 Nelson’ster checker-malloa [ [FT]

Wa howelli FT] * Unlikely to be directly oiled during a spill incident.

6.2.1 General Resource Concerns

6.2.1a – Habitats:

 rivers and streams ut th r on ovide and habitat a n er of s d [ , , Co , p k, so eye on, Manywell as oat (r tthrougho co tal), Dis egi Va pr , rai spawningow, and rearingd for umb e b almoni species n tincluding r anChinook tat chum t ho in and ck salm as cutthr esiden and as olly rden nb steelhea trout].  WetlandsPasserin irds t commonly r on ese fromin ipari fr hwaterhabi e during, freshwaterhe spring f summer.d, fres and . ll w t support a d e of b rd, in t d h and fe s in his egi rang es mergent oreste hwater ponds lakes A etland ypes ivers array i sec an fis wildli pecies.



UNE W  RestoratioD n sitesR GRPe s ef have b ex ded to res ore n Jfun 2017 a raded h wher ignificant forts een pen t atural ctions 6.2.1b –in Fish:deg abitat.

 Salmonids and ) are w t r , w o t ut the ar r and . u e th for species (resident, rea , and anadromous mi on present ithin his egion ith spawning ccurring hrougho ea’s ivers streams Juvenile salmonids s ese Residentstreams spfeedingecies ring t t as gratioat andcorridors. ow) v w water , ) e al o pr t ut thi are • including rou (cutthr rainb and arious arm species 6.2.1c(bass – Wieldlife:tc. ar s esen througho s a.

 Waterfowl concentrations of v sp ma e fou d ut the r on and fi near riv and . es p fall thr arious ecies y b n througho egi in wetlands agricultural elds ers creeks Concentrations pecially revalent  Sensitifrom ve neoughstingspring. t r on ude bald , e b , ca , and reat b e her species in he egi incl eagles passerin irds ducks Resident(including andvity-nesting) migratory songbirdsg lu utons.ze an y d are le to o l on f ripar an on s b • heavily ili ripari habitats ear-roun and susceptib iling/oi ingesti i i vegetati and horelines ecome Mammalscontaminated. on to t area inc de deer and b , and spe h a m , beaver, r er otter, . are largely t • e a comm, pon , trhe , andlu an elk, atsfor various andsemi-aquatic areas cies suc s uskrat iv etc Semi-aquatic mammals dependen on riverinAmphibiansreas ay dse p ibutaries in the undiripari edforests s w den sitesand foraging . d t r • m b resent sturb hallo lakes emergent wetlands associateted butterflieswith his areegion. pr in e the p e of th r

• Lis esent som rairi habitats is egion. 6.2.2 Specific Geographic Areas of Concern : M y i g p t d

(Note l La nclude F sensitiveater sites in borderin, lake, andGRP regionsd - see ma. a en of chapter)d ar , on. Cutt at and ad t . w 1. Capita ake:on reshw b riverine area ( wetlanca habitats d Designateks). Rapt biodiversity d ea. Chum Cohoe. P and Chinook r onsalm hro steelhe rout Important aterfowl concentrati and reeding including vity-nesting uc ors an heron presenc d ublic Fecreati terarea. e and d . , Co d on. P r area. 2. Watershe Park: reshwa riverin wetlan habitats Chum ho, an Chinook salm ublic Cre ecreationake L C P F water e, lake, and . , , and on. Cutth oat and ad t . 3. Woodland c ek/L ois ommunity. rark: reshon riverin wetland habitats Chum Coho Chinook salm r steelhe rout Waterfowl (including avity-nesting ducks) Public ecreati area. 6


W D ter kR adjGRP w R e a d ater wetland tat. JUNE 2017 , , pink, and e s on. C at t t ste ead tr . 4. McAllis areaCree and acent etlands: w iverind n). freshwled t habi Chinook g , chum Coho . sockeyon alm utthro rou and elh out Waterfowl breeding (including cavity-nesting oo ducks Marb murrele and western rey squirrelk presence eyRestorati area.k er: ake, rive e and er w d onid pr . at, rai ow stee 5. Blactrout. Lake/Demps L h b Creek/Blac al o pr Riv. L on rind frog freshwat area. etlan habitats. waterfowlSalm esence andincluding e) Chinook andonCoho salmonb Cutthro area. fenb r ande an lhead argemouton ass s esent Oreg spotte breeding Significant (ducks gees concentrati and reeding Wildli efug d restorati Rprojects.oneer F er r and d . , C on. Cutt at and ad t t. r on r on 6. Deschutes iver/Pi Park: reshwat iverine wetlan habitat Chum oho and Chinookon salmake and hro to north:steelhe rouerPublic lake ecreati wetlandand estorati. Raptorarea. an waterfowl on fi a p ket 7. Pattis L wetlands Freshwat and habitats d a m concentrati P e andarea. hwaterResident w sh. Mazam hab . oc gopher.on on utterfly p 8. Mim ounds: rairi fres etland itats Vegetati restorati site. Listed b species ( ear L resence. and 93rd F ater wetland tat. d . at and d trout. O on otted fr b area 9. Wetlands n ittlerock roads): reshw habi Salmoni presence includinga ACoho salmon F Cutthroter steelheatat. ked reg edsp la , Mazog areeding . r, and e do 10. Olympi irport: reshwa wetland habi Strea horn rk am pocket gophe Taylor’sa Park checkerspot a wpresenc P cumented.e, lake and er w d on. C oat t t. L ted fly a p ket 11. Millersylvanion d frogand djacent area. etlands: or andrairi freshwat and etlane) habitat. Coho bsalm areautthr rou is butter and Mazam oc gopher presence. Oreg spotte breeding Rapt waterfowl (ducks gees concentration and reedingeon eek r . on F er r e and d at. , on. Stee d trout. Cav d 12. Spurg Cr estorati site: reshwat iverin wetlan habit Chum Coho, and ChinookEaton salm aterlhea d ity-nestingat. wucks. trout. Waterfowl area a p ket er p 13. Creek: Freshw wetlan habit Rainbo concentration . Mazamer Creekoc eargoph T resence. F er wetland abitat. on. at an ow . a d d . ted erfly a p 14. Scatt (n enino): reshwat h Coho salm Cutthro d rainb trout Raptors n cavity-nesting ucks Lis butt and Mazam ocket gopher presence ( ear M. and er r F ater r e wetland , c , and C on. Cutt at and ad t . a p ket 15. Wetlands w n ilitarysqu Raini oads): reshw iverin and habitat. Chinook hum oho salm hro steelhe rout Mazam oc gopher and estern greyk er:irrel r e and habitat . r ow, and ad t . Elk. r d fowl on 16. Skookumchuc area ( Riv Freshwat iverin d wetland s Chinook and Coho salmon. Cutthroat, ainb steelhe rout Rapto an water concentrati and breeding including cavity-nesting ucks). 6



ure 6- : Geog A of C

Fig 1 Specific raphic reas oncern




ally ant s are ent n he g . on g he pe and on of ral res es s d y he ton ent f A y Culturand significc resourceon pres. s withi et planninonarea s deInformati av able toregardin the t tyWashingtonloc atiDepartmentcultu of Ecologyourc fori oilmaintaine spill preparednessb t Was andhing responseDep planning.artm o Thercheolog Tribal HistoricHistori PreservationPreservati Offices(WDAHP) (THPOs)Thi or Culturalsensitiv Resourceinformati Departmentsi ma ofail local tribes Table ) ay o be able to p de on on l res es at k n he rea and ld be 6.1 ted, along th W , throu h n al tr tee n on s n ( ant l m als, or r lsrovi oveinformati le t cultura , oc ourcur in e area.ris i t a shou contac wi DAHP g orm us otificati processe whe signific oi spills a smallell re spil e,ab after reportabthe U ed Cohresholds ec th d, r ted to sp l co w ll be c ated t h the En al t. order to en ure that Duringal respi espons do not nifi mmand ha is cstablishe seinformatione , elaW P ecificd e archeologicated orencerns d i an oordin so l or hroug d a vironment Union. In and/ors tactical g spons strategies may a inadvertentlyon, or p erm a listulturally of prof nsitivonal arsites DAH t shoult an be consul ted,bef to isturbingtor ye a i sediment and uringup operatresponseons foracti the prWDAHPon of c theal Trib overnments. to the s assigne naturepers of s hrovid i on, essi r cheologists the lo onha c t peb ofcontrac c r moni p respons are ctivitiesot inc uded clean t d i otecti ultur resources Due ensitiv uc nformati details egarding cati and y ultural esources resent n l in his ocument. Table 6.1 WADE-GRP Cultural Resource Contacts

Contact Phone Email

Washington Department of Archaeology ) and Historic Preservation (360 586-3065 [email protected] Chehalis Confederated Tribes

360-709-1747 [email protected] Muckleshoot Tribe Archaeologist 253-876-3272 [email protected] Nisqually Tribes, THPO 5221

360-456- [email protected] The Puyallup Tribe of Indians x2180

253-573-7986 [email protected] Squaxin Island Tribe, THPO

360-432-3850 [email protected] Yakama Tribes, THPO 5121

509-865- [email protected] x4840



UNE 6.3.1W DiscoverD y of HumanR GRPSkeletal Remains J 2017

human , b al s , or b ted t t e di red a ll e t e treated r t at all t ( hu an i p ed to Anyall ex ept remainse app uri authoites urial-rela fer to materialson 9403ha of thear scove t duringrea Contspiency respons for Nmusonalb H with especon t imes photographinge G d m anremains em s rohibit r c th ropriate rities). Re Secti Northwes A ing Plan ati istoric Preservati Ac Complianc uidelines uring ergency esponse. 6.3.2 Procedures for the Discovery of Cultural Resources

an p on ac or d spi l res b t t ey e ered c al res , all work t e s opped ately t In t If y erser andmonitoring ltural work tivitiese Spe involvet el areaponse of workelieves hae mth t have encountadequate to prulture for tourcese , pr mus b, ant integ immedi of t andalhe r cident(s) Command Cu Resourc cialis notifi Th stoppag us b ovid h security otection d rity he materi o artifac Prehistordiscovered.ic cultural resources: inc b are ot li d to, an of the f ite

 d e ( e (May and lude,r ut n b mite y ollowing ms)  laked or d one Lithic ebitag ston chips othe tool-making yproducts)  r k, , or F groun st tools  of o ally ed se , c l, or a Exotic oc minerals quarries  ed r Concentrations rganic stain diments harcoa sh  k or k Fire-modifi ock  e ( urned, ed, or as on h other one, artif , or Roc alignments roc structures  or s ll frag Bon b modifi in sociati wit b acts features)  and Shell he ments  h we , fi h traps, and water cr Petroglyphs pictographs  ally ed t Fis irs s prehistoric aft  al lo or ( onal al Cultur modifi rees HistoricPhysic cultural macationsterial: features inc traditide an of tculture fol properties) ite over 50 old)

 , or other g (May lu y h lowing ms years  Bottles lass  Cans  lled w d, b k, ete, m or r ma Ceramics  h du Mi oo ric concr etal, othe building terial  , b r Tras mps  , m , or ad featur Homesteads uilding emains  , w , do , b , da , or Logging ining railro es Piers harves cks ridges ms shipwrecks




e are fa or t t on a of water to be lly able. e of the r on, they d e s ely d f an oil ll were toSocio-economic oc ur. E sensitiv seresourcese res cilities are locationsrated to hat reerely c body cri al economicature,vi water Becausd co i locatial a andcoul waterb ever impactet i on spi. c 6Aconomically of t c ernsitiv p ources a t of sepa r in h for ategories: tic infrastruc ependent mmerci reas, dependen recreati areas Appendix his hapt rovides lis economic esources this planning area. 6.5 GENERAL INFORMATION

6.5.1 Flight restriction zones

ht res on ay e rec ed b t e En al U t Sec for e e of t ld r lt i injury to w fe dur an oil sp Flig atricti fe di zones m altitudeb ommend ident edy sh vironmente are , p ni ca(Planning the rtion)k of th purpos reducingd disturbances p t thetha ac cou talesu ha n of w fe iildlito d ing , and ill. dBy keepingthe aban sa stance of n or. from ifi ensitiv as ilots n lessen is aircraft/bir collisions, reven ciden zing ildli n oile areas avoi causing donmenton f F estsht on w ll t e p e w t A r B h ons S afte a ed C f ed. P Sec En al Implementatit l work o tlig ARestrictir Ops Br Zonesh Di ior toak r olvelac ithin p he ali Operations w th rancfl ht (Operati t at ection)are rl toUnifi the s llommand re eis efformrt. Theally,lanning t area wtion’s a vironmentt Uni wil and withw ,000he f i t altitudeanc i rrect ted toes fly any in otenti t tconflicts e beeni ig d activitiese; h essentia, s e pie orespons re oe zones.Typic In he on to rithin 1,500-fons a oo ed radius w beloe, T 1al a ee in ay os reqestrict ingon whenareas ha hav are identifieely to aff ast sensitivrally howevere areom areas hav r m strictiv. e on additi2 and estriction 3ssociat of the with ildlift arib Contuthoritiesency m forals more iues notification on the e ofoverflights ai t helilik inec opencultu watersensitiv s asewithin eservations Se Secti 9301.3. Secti 9301.3. Northwes Are ing Plan nformati us rcraf and copters and horelin responses. 6.5.2 Wildlife Deterrence

fter a d and s ed, the fe Branch s , in on h the appropriate trustee agencies and the Environmental Unit, will evaluate wildlife deterrent optionsA Unifie for the Commpurpose ofi keepingform un-oiledWildli birds away from(Operation oil duringSection) a spill. Theco nsultati"Bird wit Deterrence Unit" in the Wildlife Branch would participate in operations. Deterrence options might include the use of acoustic or visual deterrent devices, boats, aircraft or other appropriate tools. For more information see the Northwest Wildlife Response Plan (NWACP Section 9310) and Northwest Area Wildlife Deterrence Resources (NWACP Sectionsituation- 9311).



UNE 6.5.3W OiledD Wildlife R GRP J 2017

to capture ed w fe an e haz to both t an al t p on the c . e p el d h or pt to r over led w Attempting d oil t ildlir c bons ofardous oi d fe tohe t e Wiim andfe B he hers o appattemptinge onapture an eRespons taken. In ersonnon shoul ednot s approacd deattem t lo on,ec date, oi t eildlife. of the Responders, andshoul the e reportd hei observatier and kind of anile wildli ob ed.h Earlyldli on ranc t r s e,ropriat b aacti Uni edc Cb formati d,provid d houlfe inclu she dcati e report and to Waim sighting stimate numbon. For more inf malson serve the inWihe feespons Re eefore Plan fiCP ommandon is establishe oile wildli sightings houl b ed shington Emergency Management Divisi ormati se Northwest ldli spons (NWA Secti 9310).




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List of Economic Resources