Date January 27, 1966

Thursday White House Dav

Activity (include visited by)


McGeorge Bundy (pl)

Mr. Bundy

To the Oval Office w/ BM

The Vice President (b. 1)

Frank Cormier, AP Alvin Spivak, UPI , Bill Moyers joined ^ ^/ McGeorge Bundy (pl)

OFF RECORD: ^^— Governor Robert McNair of South Carolina and his assistant Robert L. Alexander (Frank Dryden says that McNair wants only to reiterate his friendship with the President and wants to let him know that he's trying to do the right things in South Carolina)

Gov. David Lawrence and Matt McCloskey OFF RECORD Date January 27, 1966 B. JOHNSON

;an his day at (Place) __ White House p^ Thursday

Te!ephone f or t Expendi- . Activity (;nc!ude visited by) ture Out Lo LD C°dt; /-sfg?x2 OF F RECORD: Secretary Fowler, Under Secretary Frederick Deming, ^ (Deputy Special Assistant to the President) - Francis Bator to discuss the negotiations in which the United States is a party on international monetary improvement and international liquidity. The negotiations will resume ___ in Paris next week and Under Secy Deming will be representing the U. S. j Discussion centered around his preparations for that phase.

Hm t } "" BM (pl) " "

To mansion w/ JV _____ Joined by VM for coffee in the dining room ______! Joined by Judge and Mrs. Homer Thornberry for coffee --(then said goodbye to them ^ Bill Moyers they had been houseguests for the dinner y ^__ _ ^___ las t night)

! To the Oval Office w/ MW, JV, and VM (MW joined just as the President ^ I _. left the 2nd floo r quarters) ^_____ ^ 1 ^ .—^ ______-^_———_—-——-————,— . I m-3**t3- i OFF RECORD: Foreign Minister of the United Kingdom - Hon. Michael Stewart ^ Defense Minister of the United Kingdom - Hon. Denis Healey ! Ambassador to U. K. - Hon. David K. E. Bruce __ ! Ambassador of U. K. - Hon. Patrick Dean . j Secretary of State - Hon. Dean Rusk _——— } Secretary of Defense - Hon. Robert McNamara _^ j Joined by Bill Moyers -- Messrs Stewart and Healey are in Washington for consultations on the British Defense review, and this is a call to pay their respects to the President. " The President was briefed for this meeting by a briefing memorandum submitted by Mr. Bundy (subsequently returned to him because of its being classified) '^^ * MSE Date January 27, 1966 )OOM B. JOHNSON ^ White House ^ THURSDAY t began his day at (Place) ^ — Day _____ -r- Tetephone *""e ^^ Expend) ; . Activity (inc!ude visited by) ture Out Lo j LD <^^<*f

Ir5 t Marvin Watson (pl)

[&" To the Cabinet Room for TAPING for the HEART ASSOCIATION FUND DRIVE OFF RECORD (The taping was supposed to have been done this morning but the President didn't have time) " " February is National Heart Month

)0 In mjdr's room reading the newspapers

'2 To the Mansion (for a nap?)

5 t McGeorge Bundy (pl) '

[5" ** Placed a call to Senator Richard Russell __ was told that he was on his way — _-—II—. ^^'"- to the Cape -- and said -- never mind" 5prT *** *** The President rec'd fm McGeo. Bundy (by Messenger) text of a ltr Sen. Mansfield gave him -_-_-——_.._ on the phone -_addressed to the Pres. and dtd Jan. 27, 1966,°sl§ned by Sens. Bartlett, Burdick *5** "^" Bundy (pl)l Church, Clark, Gruening, Hartke, McCarthy, McGovern, Metcalf, Morse, ! ^ ' ^^ Nelson, Neuberger, Proxmire, Williams and Young - ltr relates to their 2] } To the office w/ Marvin Watson^ general agmt w/statements by Mansfield, Sen. Aiken and } ' Sen. Fulbright that bombing resumption of No. Vietnam 7 , t ; Lee White be suspended indefinitely. I 0 t I ^ ^ Marvi ^ n Watson ^ (pl) . National ) ^— Noigjrc -^ ^ !- 6:15pnL j RepresentativeOFF RECORD: s of the MHHWaBa:! Newspaper Publishers Association } i (A predominantly Negro group--accompanied by B))H^]^MH^X^ _j ^ Cliff Alexander and later joined in the Oval Office by Lee White. MW also standingby AND Bill Moyers .-Those that attended were: i ; This is the top group of the Negro press January 27. 1966 THE WmiE House Date ^ ' PRES!DEMT LYMOOW &. JOHMSOW DA!LY CMAHY The President began his day at (P!*r<.) _ White House Day THURSDAY -

Time Telephone Exoendi Entry f or t r.xpenat- ^ . , Acuvtty (inc!ude vtsned by) ture In Out Lo LD &,<.^ /'&^^- C"* (space for 5:47pm entry) (approx. 21 present) (Oke in for pics) Mr. Louis Martin, DNC __ (Don Stdoderl in for color pics) Mr. H. H. Murphy, Afro-American, Baltimore, Md. Mr. John Murphy, Afro-American, Baltimore, Md. ^ [ Dr. Carlton Goodlett, San Francisco Sun Reporter, San Francisco, Calif. \^h,y Mr. William O. Walker, Cleveland Call & Post, Cleveland, Ohio 7 Mr. Thomas W. Young, Journal & Guide, Norfolk, Va. ^ - r \^ Mr. Frank L. Stanley, Sr. , , Louisville, Kentucky * Mr. Frank L. Stanley, Jr. , Louisville Defender (presently on loan to National Urban League, New York, New York) _ Mr. John H. Sengstacke, Chicago Defender, Chicago, Ill. (^ Mr. E. Washington Rhodes, Philadelphia Tribune, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. C. Dejoie, Jr., , New Orleans, La. : } ! Mr. Garth Reeves, Miami Times, Miami, Florida I Mr. John Kirkpatrick, East St. Louis Crusader, East St. Louis, Ill. ______} I Mr. Balm Leavell, Jr., Chicago Crusader, Chicago, Ill. .^____^, __[___ Mr. Kenneth Coulter, Milwaukee Star, Milwaukee, Wise. I Eleanor A. Lofton, , Pittsburgh, Pa. _—___— —-_———-, ——^— j , Omaha Star, Omaha, Nebraska .^___-__ ! ( Mr. T. C. Jarvay, Wilmington Journal, Wilmington, N. C. ^____ Mr. Emory O. Jackson, Birmingham World, Birmingham, Alabama < Mr. Frank Mitchell, St. Louis Argus, St. Louis, Mo. This meeting was primarily a discussion by the President of a number of advances that have been made in the field of civil__ rights andd appointments and the legislative program. Discussed his new legislative program and his request for as much assistance as is possible on the three major legialative civil rights programs in this session. Stressed the importance of legislation and he also stressed_several other Great Society measures that relate to the welfare, and education of minority gps sucH as poverty, education and such programs. Talked about various people that he has appointed to jobs (Negros), _This_ mtg w/the President was the highlight of their day and they were most impressed with his warmth and with his taking this much time with them knowing his busy schedule. They all are going to do all they can to be of help to the President in his Great Society programs (Mr. John Murphy, Afro-American, Baltimore, Md. - gave the President a 5x7 gold finish frame w/ color pic of the Pres. sitting at his desk, his arms and hands on top of his head - in a very relaxed position -- that Mr. .Murphy took wh^n he was here for a similar gathering in 1965) Date January 27, 1966

White House - Wash,DC Dav THURSDAY

Activity (include visited by)

To the Cabinet Room w/Marvin Watson - MW out in 2 minutes Jack Valenti and Bill Moyers join

MEETING - re (Oke in for pics)

Attendance: Secy Rusk Secy McNamara General Wheeler McGeo Bundy re: Vietnam p Januar y 27, 1966

White House - Wash, DC Da y THURSDA Y

Activity (inc!ud e visited by )

To the Oval R m Of c - stops at yb's desk to read a "note fm Bill Moyers --that he has gone home - is having Dinner w/Wh.Hse Fellows tonight.

To the door into MJDR's ofc - sees Secy McNamara talking on phone at yb's desK and says to him "I think you ought to know that I want to keep my optio n handy." Secy McNamara replies "Yes sir, yes sir."

JV(pl) --—— — —

to MW's ofc MW (pl) ^__ ^ _ Working desk w/yb

JV JV in

Secy Fowler- didn't talk Secy Fowler at a Dinner "never mind" Under Secy John Schnittker (agri) ( asked for Secy Freeman but couldn't reach him) Date— Januar y 27, 1966

White House - Wash, DC p^. THURSDAY

Activity (include visited by)

Today sent the following wire (9:45pm) To Prime Minister Wilson(fm Sit Rm) "I have just learned of the victory/the Labour Party candidate. I know how much this means to you and I send my warm congratulations. LBJ'

Departed the office w/JV - for the Mansion

To second Aoor w/ JV


JV departed J.C.Kellam Austin

Retired Today announced the appointment of Miss Nelle Harper Lee and Richard C. Diebenkorn, Jr. , to the Natl Council on the Arts

Released text of his message to the eighteen nation Disarmanent

Today announced the appointment of six members to the Board of Foreign Scholarships and the reappointment of four members who currently serve on the Board/

Today announced the appointment of 26 members to the Natl Council on the Humanities created by Congress last year ^_^_.