umn 2015. umn t u a alled t s in n, o s Allin n wa E t: is t Ar

. . y call lo und o f l o o t t lin f a f o e p sha he t es ho Ec - ower Fl t Flin

ic. osa M me elco W , y a W the g win Dra

rld, rld, o W the f o p o T ossils, F ustrial nd I , ly nf o Drag left: m o r f ed ur ict P umn 2015. umn t u a alled t s in n, o s Allin n wa E t: is t Ar

. . her t ndfa gra her f o y r memo n's ma o w cal lo a er t f a med na dall. y o L n o Alis

alled in 2014. in alled t s in

nd nd a e tr en C n Christia ok o r eb Shir uncil, o C

iece is is iece p he t a, e r a he t med oa r enas y h nd a rhinos y ll o o w

wn wn o T ok o r eb Shir uncils, o C rish a P y Pleasle

n, n, o s in Rob y esle L t: tis Ar den. r ga he t und o r a aled nce co

hen hen w , e g A ne o t S y rl a e he t g kin o v n I - d rl o W the f o p o T

nd nd a th wi g n a L n, tio cia o ss A e tag eri H s rn Tho


e e lif ld wi f o ts u t-o u c ic a mos t o p s o als y ma s r o t visi ed y p-e r ha S

y y hale th-W wi g n a L ol, cho S y r rima P s rn Tho

y y hale W nd a ol cho S y r rima P ty uni mm o C

s. s. er b mem ty uni mm co nd a ts Ar n io t unc J y b ed t a e cr was rld, o w

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t t et ass B th wi g n a L ol, cho S y r rima P

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f f f sta ys, urne o J ne Limesto uncil, o C ty un o C e e tr en C n tia is Chr k o o r eb hir S he t in ed t ca o L - c osai M me co el W

ind ind f u'll o y e bas heir t t A . y llier o C h t wi g n a L t l ui b t ha t coal

e e yshir Derb , p tnershi r a P yside tr un o C

he he t e lis o b sym o t url unf s n er f k lac B - ls ossi F ustrial nd I

er er v o ols B ts, Ar n unctio J to: nks Tha

s. s. eer t un l o v


nd nd a l o ho c S y r ima r P ty uni mm o C ek B y n ho t An m o r f ils p u p umn 2015. umn t u a alled t s in n, o s Allin 1

vas, vas, n a C n rba U y b 2013 ummer s in ed t in pa nd a designed was 6 n n wa E t: tis Ar . y call lo und o f h t o o t r a t cimi s a es t a t imi

2 y y asle le P f o e g lla vi he t in l ura m nic ico This - y a W the g in w a Dr e e p sha he t rk, a P y tr un o C he t in e ur t a e f h hic w ws ado me

er er w lo ldf wi he t t h hlig hig o t ed t a e Cr - r owe Fl r ta cimi S 5

ay W Archaeological the along pieces Other

ummer 2008. ummer s alled t s in

g 2015. g in r p s alled t s in , , al e N l hi P t: is t Ar ls. o ho c S y r ima r P s n r Tho y hale W nd a


, , yne a M vid a D t: tis Ar n. ashda C iz L y b y' ne ur o J ur o Y t r a t 'S y y r ima r P ty uni mm o C t et s as B h t wi g n a L f o ls i p u p y b made

4 em em o p he t es ur t a e f t i t, i h t wi t erac t in e w w ho nd a e p ca nds la lies lies nf o g dra small ee s will u o y gs win he t t a y el los c k o lo

g g undin o r ur s he t g lisin o b ym S - p a G the g in dg ri B u u o y if , y r o t his l ura t na s ’ a e r a he t g in t ra eleb C - ly nf ago Dr

ummer 2015. ummer s alled t s in n, tio cia o s s A ark. P y tr un o C er lt u o P t a

e e g a t i er H s n r Tho y hale h-W t wi g n a L y b ned sio mmis o C rail rail T Sculpture ay W Archaeological w w ne the rm o f now ch hi w

s. s. r a W rld o W nd eco S nd a t s Fir he t in ts acciden gic tra f f o y n ma ts, c je o r p t r a ty uni mm co w ne f o n o ti c e el s c tasti fan Park

, , e t ra a ep s o tw in t los e hos t s er b Remem - n o ti a r mo mme o C ay W Archaeological d a a d e ir insp has the f o t n me p o vel e d e r The

y y Countr Poulter


ay W the Along Art

Derbyshire County Council Countryside Service

The Archaeological Way has been A614 developed through Limestone J31 Discover the A57 Journeys Landscape Partnership in order to make this rich, fascinating M1 landscape more accessible. Many Archaeological Way thanks go to the European Regional A619 Development Fund, Heritage Lottery J30 Fund and Local Transport Plan for Chesterfield Creswell funding the project. For more information about this, or any other J29a of our Greenways, please contact our Archaeological information team at Tapton Lock Way Visitor Centre. J29 Dukeries Trail M1 Contact us for information on: • Discovering the Chesterfield A617

and Phoenix Greenways. A61 • Guided walks and events in the A614 area and throughout the county. A60 Phoenix • Volunteer opportunities. Greenways • Links to countryside teams J28 across .

North Area Countryside Service Tapton Lock Visitor Centre, A38 M1 Lockoford Lane, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 7JB. Tel: 01629 533020. Email: countrysideservice@ The Archaeological Way has been funded by:

Web: countryside

Find us on Facebook and Twitter derbyshirecountryside The Archaeological Way is also supported by: Forestry Commission, Groundwork Creswell, The Land Trust, Langwith Parish Council, County Council, Parish Council and Shirebrook Town Council. For this leaflet in other formats please contact Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190. Designed and produced by Derbyshire County Council, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire. DE4 3AG Call Derbyshire 01629 533190. November 2015. © Crown copyright and database rights 2015. Ordnance Survey 100023251.

umn 2015. umn t u a alled t s in n, o s Allin n wa E t: is t Ar

. . y call lo und o f l o o t t lin f a f o e p sha he t es ho Ec - ower Fl t Flin

ic. osa M me elco W , y a W the g win Dra

rld, rld, o W the f o p o T ossils, F ustrial nd I , ly nf o Drag left: m o r f ed ur ict P umn 2015. umn t u a alled t s in n, o s Allin n wa E t: is t Ar

. . her t ndfa gra her f o y r memo n's ma o w cal lo a er t f a med na dall. y o L n o Alis

alled in 2014. in alled t s in

nd nd a e tr en C n Christia ok o r eb Shir uncil, o C

iece is is iece p he t a, e r a he t med oa r enas y h nd a rhinos y ll o o w

wn wn o T ok o r eb Shir uncils, o C rish a P y Pleasle

n, n, o s in Rob y esle L t: tis Ar den. r ga he t und o r a aled nce co

hen hen w , e g A ne o t S y rl a e he t g kin o v n I - d rl o W the f o p o T

nd nd a th wi g n a L n, tio cia o ss A e tag eri H s rn Tho


e e lif ld wi f o ts u t-o u c ic a mos t o p s o als y ma s r o t visi ed y p-e r ha S

y y hale th-W wi g n a L ol, cho S y r rima P s rn Tho

y y hale W nd a ol cho S y r rima P ty uni mm o C

s. s. er b mem ty uni mm co nd a ts Ar n io t unc J y b ed t a e cr was rld, o w

g 2015. g in r p s alled t s in , yne a M vid a D t: is t Ar

t t et ass B th wi g n a L ol, cho S y r rima P

ural ural t na he t g tin ra celeb ic, a mos ul f ur lo co nd a e g r la this den, r Ga

. . ty uni mm co he t o t t n a t r o p im e r a t ha t s em t i f o ls' si os 'f ty ty uni mm o C ek B y n to An m o r f ils p u p nd a

f f f sta ys, urne o J ne Limesto uncil, o C ty un o C e e tr en C n tia is Chr k o o r eb hir S he t in ed t ca o L - c osai M me co el W

ind ind f u'll o y e bas heir t t A . y llier o C h t wi g n a L t l ui b t ha t coal

e e yshir Derb , p tnershi r a P yside tr un o C

he he t e lis o b sym o t url unf s n er f k lac B - ls ossi F ustrial nd I

er er v o ols B ts, Ar n unctio J to: nks Tha

s. s. eer t un l o v


nd nd a l o ho c S y r ima r P ty uni mm o C ek B y n ho t An m o r f ils p u p umn 2015. umn t u a alled t s in n, o s Allin 1

vas, vas, n a C n rba U y b 2013 ummer s in ed t in pa nd a designed was 6 n n wa E t: tis Ar . y call lo und o f h t o o t r a t cimi s a es t a t imi

2 y y asle le P f o e g lla vi he t in l ura m nic ico This - y a W the g in w a Dr e e p sha he t rk, a P y tr un o C he t in e ur t a e f h hic w ws ado me

er er w lo ldf wi he t t h hlig hig o t ed t a e Cr - r owe Fl r ta cimi S 5

ay W Archaeological the along pieces Other

ummer 2008. ummer s alled t s in

g 2015. g in r p s alled t s in , , al e N l hi P t: is t Ar ls. o ho c S y r ima r P s n r Tho y hale W nd a


, , yne a M vid a D t: tis Ar n. ashda C iz L y b y' ne ur o J ur o Y t r a t 'S y y r ima r P ty uni mm o C t et s as B h t wi g n a L f o ls i p u p y b made

4 em em o p he t es ur t a e f t i t, i h t wi t erac t in e w w ho nd a e p ca nds la lies lies nf o g dra small ee s will u o y gs win he t t a y el los c k o lo

g g undin o r ur s he t g lisin o b ym S - p a G the g in dg ri B u u o y if , y r o t his l ura t na s ’ a e r a he t g in t ra eleb C - ly nf ago Dr

ummer 2015. ummer s alled t s in n, tio cia o s s A ark. P y tr un o C er lt u o P t a

e e g a t i er H s n r Tho y hale h-W t wi g n a L y b ned sio mmis o C rail rail T Sculpture ay W Archaeological w w ne the rm o f now ch hi w

s. s. r a W rld o W nd eco S nd a t s Fir he t in ts acciden gic tra f f o y n ma ts, c je o r p t r a ty uni mm co w ne f o n o ti c e el s c tasti fan Park

, , e t ra a ep s o tw in t los e hos t s er b Remem - n o ti a r mo mme o C ay W Archaeological d a a d e ir insp has the f o t n me p o vel e d e r The

y y Countr Poulter


ay W the Along Art

Derbyshire County Council Countryside Service

The Archaeological Way has been A614 developed through Limestone Sheffield J31 Discover the A57 Journeys Landscape Partnership in order to make this rich, fascinating M1 landscape more accessible. Many Worksop Archaeological Way thanks go to the European Regional A619 Development Fund, Heritage Lottery J30 Fund and Local Transport Plan for Chesterfield Creswell funding the project. For more information about this, or any other J29a of our Greenways, please contact our Bolsover Archaeological information team at Tapton Lock Way Visitor Centre. J29 Dukeries Shirebrook Trail M1 Contact us for information on: • Discovering the Chesterfield A617

and Phoenix Greenways. A61 Mansfield • Guided walks and events in the A614 area and throughout the county. A60 Phoenix • Volunteer opportunities. Greenways • Links to countryside teams J28 across Derbyshire.

North Area Countryside Service Tapton Lock Visitor Centre, A38 M1 Lockoford Lane, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 7JB. Tel: 01629 533020. Nottingham Email: countrysideservice@ The Archaeological Way has been funded by:

Web: countryside

Find us on Facebook and Twitter derbyshirecountryside The Archaeological Way is also supported by: Forestry Commission, Groundwork Creswell, The Land Trust, Langwith Parish Council, Nottinghamshire County Council, Pleasley Parish Council and Shirebrook Town Council. For this leaflet in other formats please contact Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190. Designed and produced by Derbyshire County Council, County Hall, Matlock, Derbyshire. DE4 3AG Call Derbyshire 01629 533190. November 2015. © Crown copyright and database rights 2015. Ordnance Survey 100023251. Places to Visit Pictured from top: the gorge at Creswell Crags, Hardwick Hall, Bolsover Castle, former pit buildings at Pleasley Pit Country Park, Clumber Park and a fishing pond at Shirebrook Wood.

When you are exploring the Archaeological Way you will find much more in the area for visitors to enjoy. Using our Greenways and public rights of way, you don't even need a car to discover the history, parks and heritage close by.

Topping the list of places to visit has to be Creswell Crags, Hardwick Hall and Bolsover Castle. Each has their own tale to tell and offer unique insights into the past. You can also explore our mining heritage and the legacy of country parks we now enjoy.

Creswell Crags-Home of the Ice Age hunter. Try a cave tour and discover what the Crags were like during the last Ice Age, find out who was here and why? Or take a look around the special exhibitions showcasing some of the rarest Ice Age finds from the caves.

Bolsover Castle-This fairy-tale Stuart mansion was designed to entertain and impress, and five hundred years on, continues to do so. Wander along the Wall Walk and enjoy the views, see the Riding School brought to life with displays of Cavalier Horsemanship and take an interactive tour of the Little Castle.

Hardwick Hall-An Elizabethan masterpiece created for the formidable Bess of Hardwick. Visit both the Hall and the Old Hall, wander through the spectacular gardens, or get your boots on and explore the ancient parkland. Pick up a Tracker pack from the Gatehouse and entertain the whole family.

Pleasley Pit and Country Park-Whether you're interested in the amazing wildlife of our nature reserve or the fascinating industrial heritage of the mining industry, you'll find it here. The Pleasley Pit Trust has regular open days and Pleasley Pit Nature Study Group lead guided walks around the park. From the park you can join the Phoenix Greenways, over 20 miles of trails and quiet lanes taking you through a once industrial landscape that has been transformed, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, into one that's now brilliant for people and wildlife.

Pleasley Vale-Affectionately known locally by outdoor enthusiasts as 'Little Matlock', the mills in this limestone gorge date back to the 1800s. See where Vyella, the world's first branded fabric, was manufactured for many years. From here, you can enjoy strolling through the Forestry Commission woodland of Pleasley Park where the spring wildflowers are a delight.

Poulter Country Park-Another legacy of our mining past. The country park’s nature reserve has an amazing display of Cowslips in the spring. Wander up to the viewpoint and listen for the skylarks. Follow the sculpture trail and enjoy art in the park.

Welbeck Estate-Situated between Creswell Local Visitor Information Centres can help you plan your visit and find you places to stay Crags and Clumber Park, Welbeck Estate is one of four neighbouring Estates that Chesterfield Visitor Information Centre, Council, Bolsover Tourism Officer Tel: 01246 345 777 or 345 778. Heritage and Tourism, Tel: 01246 242324. forms the area known as the Dukeries. Fax: 01246 345 770. Tel: 01623 450000. Web: The Estate is home to the Harley Gallery, Email: [email protected] Web: School of Artisan Food, Dukeries Garden Web: Peak District and Derbyshire Centre and the Welbeck Farm Shop, where Web: Nottingham Tourism Centre, you'll find the delicious Stichelton Cheese. Tel: 0844 477 5678. Fax: 0115 876 2990. Email: [email protected] Web: and Clumber Park- Sheffield Visitor Services, Both these iconic destinations are about Tel: 0114 221 1900. an hour's bike ride away. Why not visit the Email: [email protected] Major Oak, learn more about Robin Hood Web: or take a trip to the ancestral estate of the Worksop Tourist Information Centre, Dukes of Newcastle, at Clumber, whilst Tel: 01909 501148. you're in the neighbourhood! Email: [email protected] Web:

Left: Chesterfield Spire. Top right: the Peter Fidler Reserve at Bolsover. Bottom right: the Major Oak at . Where to Stay The Archaeological Way

The Archaeological Way The Phoenix Greenways The Robin Hood Way The Dukeries Trail Information boards Car park P Why The Archaeological Way? Railway Station Follow The Archaeological Way and you'll be walking in the footsteps of history! You are now in an ancient landscape of Stone Age hunting camps, Romano-British Settlements and Medieval Deer Parks. Nearby you'll find Elizabethan Houses and a castle-cum-pleasure palace. Discover the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution and the rise of the Derbyshire Nottinghamshire Coalfields. From pre-history to the present day there is a wealth of archaeology for you to discover. Exploring Greenways The Archaeological Way is part of a larger network of trails, including The Archaeological Way programme is aiming to develop an 11 mile the Phoenix Greenways, Dukeries Trail and Robin Hood Way. Link (18.5km) multi-user trail between Pleasley Pit Country Park and these trails, using public rights of way and you can spend an hour, a Creswell Crags, to provide a key missing section of the Derbyshire - day or even a week exploring the treasures that the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire trails network. Phase 1, from South Shirebrook to Nottinghamshire borders have to offer. Poulter Country Park, was opened to the public in spring 2015.

Easy Access-Greenways are generally level and surfaced. Gradients A Changing Limestone Landscape are kept to a minimum and you'll find benches for resting. Entrance The underlying geology, of Permian Magnesian Limestone, helps to create structures are designed to discourage motor bikes, but you can get the landscape you see today. Rich grasslands, farmland and woodlands are through with most wheelchairs and mobility scooters. crossed by small streams and rivers, which have carved gorges and vales, such as Creswell Crags and Pleasley Vale. You can also see limestone in traditional farm buildings, houses and landmarks. Enjoy Safe Greenways Share With Care-Please be considerate of other users you meet. Cyclists please slow down and warn of your approach. Be aware that The Limestone Journeys Landscape Partnership has helped to improve this P P maintenance and agricultural vehicles sometimes use these routes. landscape, working with landowners and community groups. Can you see where they have planted new hedgerows and rebuilt drystone walls? Be Seen!-Wear appropriate clothing for your activity and the weather. Download the new Archaeological Way app to your Available on the Android smartphone, listen to stories from people along the App Store Highway Crossings and Road Safety-Please be careful at road crossings. Way and learn more about the history and heritage Available on the of this fascinating area. App Store


N Pleasley Pit Country Park 0 Scale 1km

© Crown copyright and database rights 2015. Ordnance Survey 100023251.

Limestone farmland Explore the local countryside by bike

Discovering the Bluebell woods landscape on foot