From Negative Being to Positive You!

Presented by Work Life Assist 1-877-286-0269 Username: metlife; Password: guest

1 Objectives

• Lose the "why me" • The past is done • Becoming competent and a learner • Confidence and self esteem builders • Keeping motivated and will power • Hard, hard work Lose the "why me"

• Don’t fall into the professional victim trap • Catch yourself feeling sorry for yourself • Learn to re-frame and see your life in a better way • Create a "blessed“ list • Get rid of self pity people— they are contagious • Tough Love Where Do You Start?

• Relax • Assess where you really are • Motivate yourself to go forward The past is done

• Have your 7 minutes of whining then STOP • Use Steven Covey techniques • Every day wake up-what thinking what positive goal(s) are you going to accomplish today? • Where are you going to be in: 1 week, 1 month, 1 year? Becoming competent and a learner

• Everyone is good at something, find out what that is for you. • Never stop learning Confidence and Self Esteem Builders

• DIG (Darn I am Good) file • Affirmations • Lose the losers, surround yourself with positive people instead. • Build confidence from your successes, learn from your failures. • Leave a legacy Keeping motivated and Will Power

Shake it up – change things daily Hard, hard work

Behind every success story is someone who worked hard – Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Michael Jordan, Henry Ford Mistakes

• Make and enjoy your mistakes • We learn from mistakes, not successes ©UFS

Work-Life ASSIST

Always available. Always confidential. 1-877-286-0269 (Username: metlife; Password: guest)