'i A 'A' ' y , '>''• , i (• ( W*., c 1 , >"V "A/ -i •" ' ',




, *, ' 1 i / < <- , i Opposes Two i Per Cent Tax—To, Two Candidates for Aldermanic Revelstoke Board Urges They, Be i '' " „ ' 7IaAf Profits or Dividends. * \, Honors' In Ward Two. ' Printed by Government. •, 4 f 1 i J 1 , The mining convention;met at Noniinati'on of candidates to con­ The Revelstoke School Board has Victoria,'on Wednesday, 350 dele­ test the/vacant seat, in,/ward 2 of addressed to the different school boards gates- ' being 'present., J. Keen, the city'municipality'were held lo- throughout the province ,a circular Kiaslo, was appointed yhairman, day.,there being but. little interest asking their co-operution towards and II.-Mortimor-Lanib secretary .j bringing into ofVcct the govern merit shown." 'Robert Tapping ,was'nom­ printing of school books. Following The first day, was tie voted to'for- inated by .John .Galoy, 'seconded by is the resolution'adopted by the local ayialilics. Committees were, setup W. J. Dickey; and Florence Mc- board:— , , ', "' ' ', * on credentials, constitution, reso­ Giirty'was'p'laced in .nomination by "That in view of, the excessive out­ lutions, placer claims,,' and settle­ W.,M- Lawrence 'witli/O.Ti. Jluiiie lay for, books,,being n heavy burden ment of disputes between .labor and a S'seconder. ^^ . 'A "., upon parents, that this board'corres­ 1 capital. . j \ "* Election will lake' place at the pond with the trustees'of other towns « On Thursday it was resolvccl,on oflice of ,the city,, clerk between the in British Columbia,'asking them to 'motion'of Mr. Gait to urge govern­ hours of 9 r.. m. and^ 7.80 p. ni. 'on co-operate in petitioning the Board of ment to repeal the 'two per cent, ,T.uesthiy. the books "possible; tlie 'sa'nio' tOibe to establish' a 'portfolio • olf mines, THE MINES. 'furnished pupils at, nominal cost,—and was'ordered to stand-over till next' also I he School 'Act',, bo amended by ekty.,, y *< " { ' ' , , oniitting'froin clause 36, lines(I0 aiitl The committee, on "placer mining Anthracite coal'hn's been found al 11 and to pioyido' text books for in­ Atlin.'] y ,'.{,'', , » • digent pupils and to road "to provide sat in the afternoon and evening, school"books nt nominal, cost to,aII, the first question, being the" crown Sullivan niiijp claims •i<2)27S,0010 ore granting of .placer grounds as pro- in sight. f' '• " - • y Y ' "lv iVipiltfy-jY. ..,,• yA , y '• poscd by Mr. Ilobson. ,/ !' '•* . / ".'Two men' named Love were killcd'iii 1 .- , Victoria -is^entertaining "the LcRoi mine. A'A , V ., , , CITY COUNCIL delegates handsomely. - i , Tiranby bmeltcrnis tryingito gofcoko at cos!, otherwise must shut down. ''^DELEGATION,, FUND, y "-*-" , In _Januur\v59 - American ...mining, .The. reguhir,;mc'cting of the" City -<• , ' -,''-,.' companies', paid "!ji5!174,045 in tlivi- Councibwas held hist evening, Mayor nciids. , •• , - O'Brien iiiitl-Alcl^lJiiinc,"McLe6d,.iMc-. Following is the 'list? of subscribers ,', Tlie liuinel at tlie Beatrice;'is in '100 Million; Foote and Law present. " -, townid a fund , to, defray expenses* of I' f delegates to. convention ytf the Pro-, fceb/and esiicctcd lo -bufthti'load in , >t . COilJIUNaOATIO.N'S.A ,, ' „.,i. .vincinl Mining Association at Victoria 'anotirer 200j'ee't.y yY'y" S; . ,-- ' ,City SclicitbiA McCartcy refines in and the amoiuifc subscribed by",each;— ,_ O.'P.-It.' is endeavoring to acquire even'tbf police magistrate's ofiicc being Duqucsiic Mining Co."..,. 7.. .'7$ 25 00 Crow.'s Nest'con 1 landsjj hold, by pro­ left vacant.—Clerk instructed to write vincial government.' '"'-_' A 10'00 p'rovincialsccrctary stating Unit police Consolation Mining Col--.'.-. magistrate has i' resignccl uiul that 7 b These, are genuine offers'as we are/going? Princc Mining,ifcvDcv't. Co.. ,y 10 00 yE. A. Bradley has/purchased' Geo." ." 10 00 Jjaformc's interest-in the Consolation, council yeconmien'ds that ojlico'be not C.'B.IIumoAfcCoy filled as'thc.woi'k'caybe done by,local out>of 'these.lines.v-y-' -1 -yy. -U-AyJ y.A • * "'./•_/. McCidloiigh-Hydraulic Co.Y. r -10 ,00 eljijni on Frencli crcek.-Y bt, ^_ .' . A r justices of 'the peace, -e- y ,"-. .,y ^_ y A r «•<--'• ' V >'V " Ab-' • .':••<-* \~y^yy Wm. Cowan"..,.. A :'. ".'.. A..'. -.'10 00 , The manager,of tluTLc Roj says'tlic W7 M. Lavvi-cnce. .•. 71... 7.... r ore at the smelter-will leave Iho com­ ' R. Gofdoirre requisitions foi; elect­ '~ 5 00 rical works.—To be supplied. A , "-, Reicl'iv. Young. 7 '. , 5 00 pany with a surplus of(!f30q,000A ' y 1 ,, -T: W. Bain roportingyiispcctioiy of G. S.yMcCarter ...-...,.-..-. a* 5 00 ^G. s!/McCnrtor antb'E..A'. IIHlinun fire alarms' -and. satisfactory „w'6rking lb Biuns'eACo...... :.... • 5.-00 IhisAvcck disposed of the" Horseshoe r of same. t r • - ' ' - ' ros. W. M.' Brown..7..+. . 5 00 proporty, situated ncai",Trout Lake,-to ' C. M."Field, secretary., of'No. L.'Firtf F. 13." Wei Is...'. A.. A. .-.. 5 00 M.' L. Jloyer, of philaclelpliiii. — , ,T* 'Brigade, asking that'a printed 'card'b'e LIMITED.'/ 12. August Bradley A._.,,.... A , 5 00 •yrhc properiios oI-r,tlio*Gol^cjn antl framed for lire, hall showing position A. E.' Kincaid.'.. .;.<- A ..'. ' 5 00 1 Fort Steele lJevoiopnieiit>fConipti,ny on of hydrants west of opera-house.—Two Abriiliamson -Bros. ",'.- -.'..., 5 U0 I-Cimbnskctilake aticl Bugaboo crook .c.ircls" to'bo'printed,,one .for each hall." J." A. Stone'.../.'.. A.. ..'.,' .' a 00' areaclveibiscd for sale.for non-'pavificnt showingl-position of hydrants through-, Caloy Bros. -... r.. -. rs... . y> 00 ot taxes.- . ,'-*•: PROMISED AYOURSEIIF, ANyOVEBCOAT Asp^n Grove where negotiations are ,y y'-"-KKepuTS^oK COMMITTUKS L\\ ?- - .-.. a i. .' "" - ',4 3''' ' i; '> , 'aAnddoHot liny a.cheap, shoddy one. They novel-look well. 1 y' Caiiiulii Drug it Book Co. ! rate from, theAion-boai'd companies for,*75',000. 'Y\"b", ;y / , . V '.NOW. , are, bei ng., tiiken^-at 7 Washing;* Jton^ to.bbiiendrAnicrie.i'n mining.Jaw Council.'.tlic-insuraiieof onAtlfo' 'power ^i^y :bpj^ :yy; k*r> -f.\,rt.\ .'/.''.,"":'.'•),• possible.'-'. ** \ ' i i- /„ '''' •y- ii r»'. , — /"The Daly West miney'of 'Utah, (lis _ : 25. per yGent Biseouiit; All:/Oyer. *fhe "Store. :l' -:; - - irff. - A Total,, k A,'!**yA--."-'7-.-! ..$162 00 tributes iii,dividends" JfiqS.OOO montlf- ,Jfovcd by Aid. McLeod, scconclccl hy ! Aid.'LiVw,'that 'the mptionVpassed on" lv, equal to 36'per cent/ oiu.abcapital L e Mines-' of ip3,0OO..OO0: The, Silver" King, ot 13th nisT. rc"phrcirig bf-Ansufhncc-be" y . These" gdo"ds 'jioughtr'fromtthe-ve'ry.-tbc&i maid. samples (fiee) of c at the Payne is opening up well. The. passenger train and a freight .train ore samples 165 ounces silver.' The of"$4,000 fiom 'the Molsons Bank tp, ..Carpets; Curtains, Wall Papers, near Cleveland, Ohio, Monday. strike proves to be oiv'ay vein hitherto meet the current expenditure of the" The negotiations for the purchase unknown to-exist. The mine 'has city for the year 1903. bofote the taxes Upholstering Materials, by the'Canadian Pacific Railway.Com­ recently shipped 35 cars of zinc ore. for,the current year become payable by the taxpayers, - was introduced, antl and everything required. , , - . pany of fourteen Beaver Lino stcameis The new strike has resulted in a sub­ frqm Elder-Dempster it Company were stantial riiic in stock. . ' received three leadings. " - g'reatest, assortment of up-to,t satisfactorily <_ concluded this week. v-Mayor suggested that public woiks 'Says the Mining mid Engineering committee wait on Lewis Rro.-: re The price paid is not vet disclosed, but Joiirniil: "The cln\s of-high-grade date Furniture, iii Western Canada it h, said to about $7,500,000. their ofl'er nf site for- recic.itiou ore have passed away, and the mining giomuls, antl an ive at definite under-, ^displayed in our"showrooms. *•' Thomas Iiell, of Slat ford. Out., men ol California arc solving' the 1 believed to be the oiclcab locomotive standing so that in event ol city ac- Let us know youi'wants and wo will do the question of bow tn makes large low- copting oiler the giounds may be put rest engineer in Canada passed away Tues­ grade ore-bodies pay when occiu ring day morning in hia' 82nd year. Lust in shape without delay when snow at deplhs of 2,000 fool, and over. Four- goes oil'. i COMPLETE May he and -Mrs. Bell'celebrated their dollai oic will pay dividends on a 40- FURNISHERS diamond wedding. Besides tbei'widow! sl.imp basis, and $6 look is rcgaieleel as Council adjourned until Monday ti family of eight children survive. comparatively rich." evening. A committee of C. V. It. telegraphers Samuel Ward.1 aged 35 years was BANKING. ' (^•&.*^f^(^!^(^^(^<^(^^(^(^<^<^l^ waited on MoNicoll and Tuit at Mon­ killed al, Centre Star mine Itosslaiul. treal, Tuesday to bring befoio the com­ on Sunday. He was employed as a tim- pany two minor grievances in connec­ bcrimin and with a paitner was en­ Direct -from the GROWER to the tion with the carrying out of tlicicccnl gaged in scraping wall plates in Iho A. 10. Phipps.'of the Imperial Bank returned from Nelson on Wednesday. •• Consumer. <$»' argecibentwhcn they obtained advances shaft between the 300 and 400-foot 37 in wages. The mangeinent discussed levels. The cage from, which the men Chief'Inspector MolVutl, of Ilie Im­ ($» the matter and promised loeonsider the were working wa.s moved a few feel, unci perial Bunk of Onnadii, c.'imo in from <$» «$» representations made. .Ward fell to the bottom of the shaft, the east Thursday evening, leaving ($> PAIRS LADIES BOOTS AND SHOES The Columbia it Western Railway breaking his neck and back, lie died for Ferguson the following morning. Sizes, li, 2, 21, i! and 3.',, Values, 82.25 to 81.00.' Company bus entered suit in" the 15 minutes later. Campbell Sweeney, malinger for ($) (^j supreme court of British Columbia The Camborne Miner says: "The British Columbia nf the Bank of Mont- <$) YOUR CHOICE FOR $1.00 against those who have pre-empted niaiiiigcinenl, of the Oy.stcr group are ic-al, is on route lo Spokane where the <$£> ($» and purchased lands unci secured greatly elate I over a new strike Ilia I Bank of Montreal is about to open a Young Man ! Young Woman ! AT timber limits from the provincial gov­ brunch. IJnii'l lie t'OiiU-nl In .sl.u-i-,i',oiitr till ol vonr life .iI I he s.itni-old il-'k ($» has been made in the Criterion liinucl ernment in lot '15!)-], lying across Elk nearly 400 feet fromthe portal. The face or t-oiinli-r-a mete machine. CiltoWl fit) I'llliWAKIl! Don't, R 1 ' B. E. Walker, president of ilie Cana­ ($» river from the towns of I-'erni- , Coul of the tunnel is all in ore of a very dian Bunk of Commerce, Toronto, has fool away your time on flipp.-it.-s, llmi'i U.IMI- \mn miAH-. E. J. BOURNE'S sS?ri Creek and Sparwood. The company high gi'itdc,and otic can pick out by can­ accepted the hiwliilion of Ihe Minne­ STUDY! LEARN! ADVANCE YOURSELF! asks for an injunction restraining so- dle light.spccksof goltl right iifross the fvtf? IJuurnc IJros. Old Stand. apolis chapter uf the American Insti­ called trespassers, from further tres­ ledge. The Oysler-Crilcrion-Keissliintl tute of Bunk Clerks lo deliver the From Hard Work to Success (^) ($» i^> i$) rjfo ($> f$i ($> (^) r$i f$i f$) ($) ($> rjh f$) r$i f$i r$> f$> (^(^(^(^($>($»t*jf$»f$>pass , unci from applying to the crown group is proving remarkably rich, ex­ principal address at its annual ban­ for title to said land. is but a step if you'll apply yom -elf and wink a little while e.n h day. Start ceeding even the high hopes of I be pur­ quet. The banquet, will be given Fri­ now to advance. We o.m make you piolii-ient in AW lino you w i-h. We no A Michigan Central yard engine, chasers who bought the properly last day evening, April 21. • touch .successfully hy in.iii, as iiioti. than I.VI.OIKJ of our students in I lie L'nited CONTRACTS OF ANY at Windsor. Ont.. with two box cars June inn inly on the st rough of the Shareholders of Molsons Bunk at a .States and Gituatla will alto.-l. Thev are nut leooiiiiii-ndation. Wtiteat once MAGNITUDE EXECUTED attached, was running along the river fine surface showing. The htamp-inill meeting in Montreal on Monday voted for particulars. IJn.NT nia.AV. \\'t\ can put you forwaid in any branch of ELECTRICAL front nt a good rate of speed last machinery for treating the ore is now in favor of increasing the bunk's business, nii'eh.iitii-, in Lor sctent e. Complete Installations Our Specialty- Friday aftei noon when Engineer Ivelly bore, a compressor plant is im (he way capital from I wo and it half millions LKT HONKS T AMBITION ATTAIN ITS GOAL. noticed the switch le-ading to one of and smveys completed fur n li-amw-tiy lo live millions, to be allotted shino- Finest Class of Machinery .... the ear ferry slips, turned. He and to be erected at a cosl of eleven thou­ holdois in blocks of live hundred Fi renin n lloppe had barely time to sand dollars." thousand dollars as inquired, and at u INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. jump befote the eighty-ton engine price to be fixed by the directors. SCKANTON, PA. The Hinton Electric Co. Limited went over the slip to the liver bottom, Engine No. I00S was tn ken to Slo- two cars following and landing on top can .lunction this week in charge of The Fred. Robinson Lumber Co. W. II. MoDOUGALL Local Kepie-ontativo, VICTORIA and VANCOUVER. of the engine. Engineer W. Crawford. have bought J, McMiihon's logs. P. O. Box 1H0, Nelson, B. C. ^lii^ftwiiii^^ »^

AAftyfl-: THE JtOQTEM^MMt:

fbrihorses, ivyagoiis; ell liour-iiil, any oiie Unie tlio city ADVERTISING •":-, 11ATKS 7 e-u .A..iippliciition Cpi|0Patioii;:of7 will fleiluct/froni the liccounls feir.".vv-ii|.iiriliin tin Not Giving Special Discount /y.Chtuiges.in" advertisements must,bo/in by. capital; aniLlabqiyytheir;Aespbctiyc iihi(iuntin< pro portion,, .to 'the uunibur of iliiys iii .;;,Tuesday of each .wx-ckabscoiiro good dis- iliinng wlncii thewater is so sliut'olT. , ;' , //'A' /A .^P'KfKST/FI li ES/yi ///' • A •rights-;ity induces, Anvebtmeiit/dcA ; .28.'It; shall bb lawful fii'r the Fire,Wnler and. y:y:,.pinyi';yyy'y,.;;''•y1;y;fyyy :;yyyi,yy-'';y, ;,yy,Y yy/y|y:Noti;jRunm :t yplbpinqnty:seciurity/aiid 'assured. • Ijight.Oinniil.loe.fi'oiii liine. lo: time to liiiike, "•i'JOli PIlIN'TING promptlyexecuted 'hi'reason*' /,yOnc ;of, -llicyuiost/imjjoi!tifiifc-'sub- nineiiil or repeal such rules nud regulations for yy fible:ratesA'/.yyyi:/yY,;y..':y,,/:yY•/•A- jecl^tq^'cbimcy lirpgressy,WhpA ^ the carrying out of the provisions of this by-law'- Bj$[GwingA-0iy^ :; ACCOUXfS i for; ...•printing' and': advertising us; iii their opinion, tlie public aiilnrests may (A.spayable-on•• first, of month;/subscriptions, boa rd s A ,of y A ra d ey'/i ii, ty TFerh ie-Aii oxcphciliatiot n liiwAias been so'su'eceksy mt^AwNo: 7o. rn'iiiiroi'.iind when such:.rules and: reguhilious 1 i;^y/y:Y;/:.A;Haj?d- lire signed by (lie chainiiiiiiof the Fire, Wnter i •;••.,-.•-.,fl'-...-.iV4*l«.'i"|-,, fulylseiyliei'bAhere/isyevery^rc ; %Wfc AYPtvyklo;'' iiUv-aiice.'yy-.jy...:':iy.y;yyy;y;-;' .m'pii.Lli.;is/,!.tha.t:/6'f;;,:/^ iind IjiglitComniittOe; ii'nd. ci.-'rl.illed. Ui.-bythb ""COItRKSPONnENCK'Atviteel-foil mailers; of .tiihber're3s6urcei3:',bf;yllieycoiin ./t6';.b^]i6ye:iljejlivi\v,7 tMtyClerl:, niid pliblislieilr. once in'- liny.: iii'ivvs- :;.;;:, ;_piiblioi;;iiiterest;.'';..Cbiniiitiiiicatioiis to- Kill- All.v-laW- to I'nKiiliit'ii.aiiii.ciiiiilit.ioiis'iiiiil forms, .piipur circulating wilhin the iiiunicipiilily, llley y; .tot-, .-.mustybe'- accompanied 'by.; name ,of, abprescii.tAh •iullyiitdpii'tedyi0 thisyountfy/antr . -,iiiutejrwliicli.wiifeirniiil ,;i;lo6(J-ic' lifrlit. Tilr- sliallliuVe the siinib force'iiiiil-: persons slin 11 be <§Y %^Wiyymmm A:1,;;., writer,, iiotli'nccessurilyd'or piibliciition. ..but 1 .»,''.'.,-. nisliiiil ,1>.V tlio' Corporation ;S-!.yi!;ij';'^,:A ;b^A;iiK5t^;v;-^;^C-i:;7|} ail!..''iiiiiduii for I'liguliitiiig ' HID' conditions! unil I 'olioo .Magistrate.1 or liiiy.) itstleo of the . I'e'aco ^:'&y (eriiis liiidor .wliiclivvaterttiiil: elect ricliKlitftir- A/A/by/TH^ less-thaii7fpii1yforest.;;flresr SAIblldsyshould-huLAlicnyithc liaviiig,iiirlsdictIoii;wil,hin llio,Muiiiei|ialll,yt';bo; iiislieil by tlio (.'iii'iKiraliiiii ofi; IlioiOilv iif.'Hejvol-: liable.to ii .llnirVnot excoeiling>6ue- liiiuili'bil ^^^^i^^^^^0g^^^^^^^^l ;pii oil (/No/] 3;/y;: y'iBeyiBlstokVbBic/"' the :yti me'7/YThrw'Y;o^ sblutipmlies ih"sbi.te,,ovvbie3i's|up:ati:d: .stoke liuiy-b'e-ijjippliiiii:to iatifl iisi.-'i, l iiy iiilialiit-i dollarsiintl costs, and in ilefaiilt'f ofvpayniont to pquipnieHbi'ypf Acbal/yin iiics^tbybe; iiiit.syif fi no; t/ilyyiil', Kevelstokcyfiniill .ilxiu'ilixiiiK; tinIlie: ..imprisonment .for/iinyi'toi'iii -,ndl':-i oxeeeiling' traced b lc/toY: grossy^'cafelcssiiossbbf i'ontsyto: li'iv-.'cliiir^eil-- 'all lii.Tjions ttsiiiKj-siiciy Uiirty, (litljilaysy vvitli or ,wil,liout;aiiiril;,labor.- Aviiler liiiil eloclric liKlil.y; . . yAAWeyequest/purnumePous readers to triiyel lcrisa long/the vifai 1 A;'jA iseasoh' p pcnilcdAby /A hcA^tninci-gybivilease fot-icaeli;biibiiue.-:;:;j;,'y-;y"-,;;-;;ii-;.i-yvy:?::--y«;,' • ••yy ; : yj'lior(ifori)'t,liu''iMiiiiiclptil,Coitiicii; "of llii),. Ciir- YyyyyjfavbA.us iwithythelp asslstantje in ;i)firiitiiiiiiif ilie City: bf'atovei.sloko oiiiiot.'iiy-fol- AM.iTliti-a.'ireviiWaterianii'ibiBlib boiiiiniftee' iieyerypairses/\v|thput:7serib f rqni;::they stifle yphya;/cip bperrttlvc. niity^at any.tiniebi'dcr. or rei| uire;any;persoii or; AAyAYmaklntfithejiK^ 0 :basisri/,A\^e;:knqwypfy^ ;' l.:'lt..sliiiii.'iiii: iiiwftil.' for; iliuVCdiiiicil (Tf (lie persons u^iiig-or airoposing vl.o • nso i t.lio-i.siiiel y'yfy A most, valuable; advertising' Anedl- finiisymahy^^ olootriii.lighl.of tlifsi city lo,inslal,;a:.ineter ori 'thisA'planybhasJ/beeii;^^ (/'ityiiraiev-iMritiilfiirroni'aiinoa.ti.tiiiio to.lix'tlilj : AyA®?'umyih^ythe"yKo6teri^s;;,by;'^iyIng: prici.s, ratoji or roul.rf't«'i;.l)o i i»aiel-vl>.v"c:<»ii.simi6i'is- ii>ut.ur«:V'oivy.l4i6»]ii*ciiiiri6s'y'6f.V;fliicli.'.']iui"rioii" f6r" pcrs(4il?;.-:.vSiilil/j:niete.-i-.:-_'.'(ir..-.i;'.iiie!tcr.s t:.-.to';.-, be yAAyy the' preference,when; making: puiv ye;bDp:le?d7':-yA;:;y-,S^Y^ . fort lie .'iirie of AVali'i-'suppMud iti conriuitiei'S'a'roin. : , ; : P^OCilbESS:^ •|iuix-lnii5"otl . -"'ory;'roiitctl;i:.srroiii" :: tlici;r';-y(.!driior-' ''y/ A?V^sesA;to ythose;i firms whey aire the (:i(..V:\\-alor\vorks.'iniiin.i;oi' ciiiiuect.tfius'iiuil , , , ! yyA Pre'seiit,', cpnd i tipnsy arcbyi ii tplei7y ;lo 11 x the'prices;;; rateY or; reiit.sytoylie'ptiifl liy 'iitlon~.-:of,'^tlit .!,-Cil}";.'?6f' .,''l(cvi3l«loko' '-;aiiit-ii'bo: A;'. ?YY pegrula'p, adveptisepsvl'n; the. KO.OT-' in.stallctIriiindor., I lie mi'|)'urv-lHlnn'>'ul!M,lie»iClty i : it Lil eyy Ay r c m ed yy \ m usli;bcydevise.d7 .co.nsu in ill's for llio'iise b IV l.lKi-.uIi-cil.ric.light, sup-: ;;;yyY£ENAY^iviAiL7AAA; Ayjy;7';::7b:yyyAJ ,|ilie'fl l 1 i s 11 Qtl 'a ii..; st'no th'e r," ;.su.cli;\\-tit;ei;' yni!iins;. or y-jecl,He/ligliting;: inn iii; iiskeyy ! Hi r l.iglil Coinniiltee In-.tliiiX lielialf.Uie said'Fire, selgig coliiiiin/;wiily l^ iAvii'ds.ifiiil ciiiiuiiclii'iiis; ami the prices'of.aiist;nl- Y;CoiiicSi',it(j.s,pr.reiil.H Vvlion AVfatei-iuiihibiglitj U6iiiiiiill.ee iiitiybrder.lhati r tlieuwires;-if'any;; conneetiiig.the-proiniseH,ofi yAJxtr;y0[ii^ia ;;tlic,follo\viiig;cityjigeiiti:yy;iyy:.yAAy;y;yAj;; aiian'yAify^ so fixed sliallnbtliejucrijiiseiliafiifiinycoiisuniiii' :-Y;6iiti?bf7tlie';practic(^ it I i 1 Oss ;S i i c 11 eons iii 11 or,' 11! OS fijcij i vif| I (ineaiibiitli'ssiicl; i persgn.oi'.persbiis.fwil.livtho'.,iniiin electric r , ! , ;atbr:of-t,heA|cbate ligh t current aie'.ciil,youly:aud . inaj-i-refuse'to- ;:av::; f;;-.: f"w:ANAO.v;DKUo,&,.iiookfCo;y.y';y:i;-yT tioticojin::, writing;', f I'iiinyt Ho;'l.'ii'ij;' 'Wat er tiu'il, 1//jsbu nee] buy 1 eel/fail d my iprpvdng/thb/sil'v'cr-lcb^ Ijiglityoiiiinillce of, Ihe l.'ounciriis to'8.ii6li.'|i'i-<)-; supply;, such- person ••.'or-iiiii-ijoiVAvvith'': electric : ,be.ll/;bf:Y\^riiistjfbngbAcl,w ligliC.:- Oninslallalion of such liieler or' inetersi ifi;.AY;v;y-y;;;'YyK.-;ii.-v\aa.i,s:'iy':y.;--; ';y?;,;';y;;;:;': forAhcvgoyernme^ piiseil chiiuge.-,y:-.:;;:t :;;.-:;'•-;::.;;:,;:!b:,y.fv;:'yy'77yA;;;;;:.; fc'.>ifi!"i-;y 'a'ebt;s)y,they^ llioi.oleelfiei-liglit rales imydblbliysueli person seAsipjW;pf/tb y'J.-.'I'llo pi'tcori,-i-itteSyi'l-nts;< cosls.'aiiilyeluirgos, or. persons /sliall be :tlie;:inclor;:riilcs.:'sel,oiil, in1 yT;TA:RVEY,yMcOARTER;yyyyiyy7 ;el emeAi ty'sbyyev^ sliall lie llios,. nii.lii iiiiicl ii, SchciluleiA liniiexi-tl, Soiled II lo." • A .'y :yf • :-;;> yyy:-;.;y ky.'iyy: • y •y- y«-y • 5 : rii i 1 vya^*/y w hi cl i|y7i t Ap \y ii S/^1J 11 i 1 bltoy this-liy-ltiw'tinilA : 'thosiiiiieisliiillyliealue aiitl ' fi)31., 'I'lilsllly-liiw liiiilj- bei'cilc-elfo'iAiU jiiirpdscs' iii iyiAY ftJbp^; Yy!yyy^ •you iigcr 7p'p r tj Ohjbfti 11 i eyf i'i ii i stryybf • piiyable.'iitytliei IJil.yyeili.ii'lf'siiOlliciiiitii'.l.fiiaiiy, nsyVAVateryiiii.iyKloofric ajiglityUegiila'tion tci5i.mil.eiii^'jiyl6(i® |,oi-H<>ii:/iiitlioi-iziiilKt<> reicoivo> (liouSaniejr on, tins ;iis;yony;evep)eylal Ayy y b A.i< m STK,'H 's, ;s; p bi diTO ipyaf'Wyyy hirgpZl^inblter^ ,By-liiw-;aini:i,y:yy.; i;;,; iy^yyyfmyy Wyyyyy. : "thcy^resbylel-iahychiircliviy^ tli'.st, diiyiiiy.oacliy tiioiilli/for,:: 1,1 io;iiif,nthaii:e.ci.-tl-: 7.'(jFKICKSi: A JIoLsoNBy lJAXKAlitoOKy I liA'Kp ; ; -N'iUv'ii^ 1 dress/shdwciel db eiidthYbfi/tlib'ught^ i ;; 71! viae! it'il rs ti li iii'b; lbejbiA ib-yi liilitl^' UHi:y f v./j/A Y 'yyyyiyy/yyyyy^oKK,\ii.cyyyyy.yyyy;y. : ; ';•/ .'I. .lii:lliu 'ciii.'oi,f'iioii-pii,vineiil.;iif Avii'lor riilos m : 's rii 61 tor/i t^cpsk-i;i*Tli p ; 1 )c§tj in eiiy tliiio tr blecl.i'ic;i iglit.'-rii I iw.', within .'III: iliiy.s iifl.u'r tlio •-'fcUuiulWJIt.cepiKl't'Jn iy^i i ;i ?iibcrt\/pf.7ppi iiionyAiiid;^;tiiat'spirit r y .Moii'ey'tbaoaii'.y;'i;iy.;w.-y;.Y;'7-'- --' canAbc/Aqtyshpuldyy tl.-fy upeiny\vliioli yiliii'i.siitno:'shall have liecoine, A Iteiidibi.liii'li.tiniowilhi'llieuinitiiiit'loiisiiebii'-i lifeftY ;yTjQIIiccs:;Hevcls;lqkcyli.,C.;,KortSteel^ai..C.; p'fjiplei-atipnyp^ (liiiyiiiiil.liayiible;*;ilio~Fii'ii,y\\^ilei''"tiiiil ;.ijight,' sinitfofaliyCoune^ .; 0 EOS S/i.JI CCA KTHH,- :y; ;^ shit fc At in rlvPts /-t pAi; tl ispibseYA) f/Ahcr , : i (.'qiiiniitieij, ofyijiii'('eiiiiicilt'iiiiiy^'cfiteill' the sup-; ^AyMyi iNiihboyc1fu;roii';-!so• F lilyiif. wiiliir or,li?(ht.,-iis;:|hii:-.ciise;itiiiy;.lie;:ri-fiiu.: YUecoiveil' the'iisijeiit.air.UuiaObclm-s^y.YAY ysR- ysyyatevclstoke/WC.: iurjdusy;'|i]iT lMhsM ,y;y;;|,;orlStcele,iIi.i(J. ••'irienscts'^ tlii,'aii'eiiiisi:s;(if-tlio Vcfiiisiiiiiiji'i'Sii-, in'-flbfiuilli,'; ;y';'Vv?-yy;.;y;::y;,;y;y.-;iiiu:i.;::^yyyY';fy,Y vv'itliii'iitiiiiyyiiotici..;';'iiiiir''t.|i'o.'.;'\v'tilur'(ii-..llglii;iii^ i i ; sYA isiicjiyiZ;^ ; W&ii alHvciise;iitay',-.l)er'sli''iill;;, noti-aguiu;lie;liii'neil on' yvKbebnsidiifeil'aiiil llhiilb 'pii:Stl anili iiiili)iii.od :EyMAISTHE>^;:SCOTTy Jlifit/spiri tyirfprbyi iy-ycYiclence^lic I ^f>-,y^y diabdie'dyrprp^t^ 'iixeeiit ii I'l or. piiyiiiciiiy i fryii I lyn rriiii rS aiiiil iif ;ae by,, tiie;younciii:,y.;..y.,.y yy ,:;y:;;..;Y;.i!Ki:i.;y:;yy 1 ;bAttjcy botayechAA^ : furthor siiiiiaif.Aine'diillnrUiycovbi' Hie expense, Jwpul iLblpsspm;|is itliciA ; ylSi! same yob j ii^ w i.l]ilj@a ]^ ajf^rfd /'Aiith ofo liltingfili;;iiiiii:,litniiiigyiiilS|hiAviiliii ;orligiil; .yiTyciiEuivA . y.,1?,;,. yBA mi i sra-nsy Spbic i TO'II SA N b'i A unis;; -pybrn Isy^pu 1 d A prpspAi r^yi msy m'pia tli'yiis-tlieiciisojiiii'y'liu.yjy;.? ^ thjAyca^ .yivAj/jilicfii:!!!!! forAvi.ilrn'ffir.-fo.i'viileel'ric.ligii't;' ; viUAVOii.' uintedybwholeA;!.^ :sliiill:lie'iiiiide tii tlioiOitylilerK-;;;in' wi-iting oiii'i ALL DEALERS. E ffyl^eycTistok'cv^iC] SAiy aiii'iii jii'iiviiliiil.liyai'n.Coiiiicihgiviiigiiiia'iill/iiiiil; yKii'St StreetA f Iii n kerywhbJcAiy cast Affytl iej:prej!iiy ,true sl.titeiiienlfiifatliovMii'ioiis usesiiliein-illei'.oi', pi : I he electric ciirrenti-iisillieiciise nihy biyis'nbiiiit T!\ D >YA RDbAySIIAGG EN; ;d i 6: es; jo f y. 11 ie, yp riTsbyfAvi 1 by eMqrscIUic ;tobotippliefl,tii,!'iiiiia.hc:iiiiuilje:i''iiuil flescriptioii; ABi«>: YHif: fii .ofaixture'sfiraiiiiiiiVainUaill .•'.it.liet'.iii.foriniit.ion, IMI : s li a ntljbikc iiy by bMryJGaibi p I5el Land; : ; yv\'A™ibi|AT mm lluit iiiiiy.aio^rraniired;;^^in':-fii'dei.',;t,liii,t'':a; ;cfirroi:l, SlALavib^nce'i.W; Wilso'Msp'riliCp'SLimitWn ^ vim$ r rtvyy gi y c;lj i'hi/m ucliyy red i 'fal or tl icvgbpd esi,Ei'iutte';i,fa.li'e'prii'iiei'; ch','irge;;'iiiii>A ii iveii i i iigioiii jAsifiiii'iioi-biion ti i.' AiftWyiitfy rYfia Si ^i:^i,yy /nterestinqy>Deoahiafythe^C/oseiof, ,K|usliycloselii:(eacli):25e.]ier;niont|i;yi5Kg!^^ yj^iSaibhiyffl ^(M^iy^l^ncIiiAiistitti^fJIiniiiga iwprk/tolwjncliYlie^ ^-•"ii-i-lj IMili-5 Llifi^rucifii iiii"*of-*y«ifii;"ti'i""iiil ictVt.it>'iY:v r«i--- s:y;-..".-r;.;-:/;;•- •-S^tS^.r^y*.-^.--^^^ liiivviis'iiiiii giirdensvyYuileAcr-iiionlii'dii yiyAyfyteiiiieiiyciuiucii sefyhisyiiahd-^tlieYum uli.-cl.ric light niifl-i ilie• fw inieiil.idtied; inysaifl .:yfor;e.very.2."> feel KviAyperiod in'itse; hours [ Wpiiztf 'y&fiiJyyyyM^^ ^cIi'uittiryAiiiifl .\v-itiyyt !ipyiii>|iri'Otii iScis^u lKi a'ublicaiAfbariir'fiy^iflOipeyViioiiUiy^ M l/AtYclbsbyAf/S^ ,Lauiidries,:S5.li(i;jier;inbiith.y-yy-.i;.ryAyiy;;yyi ci in nuct witi lHiie'iiiainiinesyy ;yy:;;yy.yyy;y;i. ^y'yysygY^yyyy pcrtiesli Specialty/ifyjiyvJyyY! 0IlotoIs,;SS,Uil,l,o;Si2.Ull;pcr>inoiit!i;yi~9:yiA!a;feyB ihbia|Alasl/;:yy^ik^^ b; ;-;-rti.yN(y;cfiniiecl;ibiri:hiill be itifiilei.Svitliith'e.inniii; l elociric'liglitrwiresyexceptybyyitnyiiiilhorizeil ;I)revveriosiiiiid:-Aoriited; vviitbr;vvbi'lis;-5?;i.«bto ]8s;ys 71AMyAy:fBA;UERy7i ; bqnlidcrcclyQiejYs^ fpl aea'tbeiiY iigeiit.;b.ft;he:(,']il.v,'ail''walei'i'cir eleclric cur-, yy^yyy'yy: yy-y'yiyii:yiyyy)y y:ycio\vir?iMiAs: maele/iiiclicaAc:^ in^ticbpfA^ •1'i.Mit.ya.s t:he;c:ise.iiiiiy.be..Ti,i',iin.vf:of:-t:lie;;follo\v-: :;i tlie.nrslf.l alidade eacli''foil-.niroveiivl.'J,i.fej.;;v..U ?: ; ;lkikeries.:S2.(ltlCiicli"per,aiibntliv,yfljyy.te3iivSy: ^vSaVai'f-J^'iDi.iSMpiALiJrJtBy ^ibplihl/isyhfi^ jiig':reiisonsy:yy'yy..y;iV;" yiy7-yy7;:: y;vyAiYy : 7\v; er e;f q r pi g ii yTp bt hc/^ ;;;y:{i.)aAir:i:epiiii;s:iy.;7yi;f;y yyyy^yy^^'yy^ ailocks:witli-IivingJ rbbiiisy?2.0liyio;;S10;00;ipei'i /;|iy/y.I|Slofet^ : /Ihe'-cqiripaiijAbro ;y;'y(2:)yni"ciise:fil'iiuiiivfiiilalMo,ifcciil6tii;yy:Y 5 5:iiioiit,lifY:y. v-rv:iyvw'y!«:vyvjy,yf-yya;y»:.y iAyicjRKy itsyl i f (//and ;lf ii d;yi olbusiliyssytbylM ( s ^ii':-:,^v.:^-. :;y;(^.):;FiiA-l't'!tii hileiib;:'ni i''aii'esehl,:il.iiiiis;!;iii; Taps. biifside-btiildiiigsai'iilaece.ssilile tbiiiiblic Jme;i^as/gaHf|^ liipf aiianager;:ii;sclbc^ Alieryyt/All/^ . ::y.i,.y7fi'el!it ion iafyycfiiisuiiiiitionyoi';; wiiler,-.-fir; &.Sl./iO jier.'inonth.:'fi:-,i;si:"yy'-v;-;y::,:::;;,;y:y.;5;.,:.K; ^tmvm ''Sle"n'ii,':Hoil6r8,;Si;00,t6T'S3.()(l peiviiibnt.h;yyyJ:Ai : o ppr iytQr2wh'q/]i^^ ;|ba;mnpTC;th^ £ ;YDpMixiqN AxpAPtbiYixciAi.Yy ^vAlliJirFor iibii-coiii'pliiiiicb"-Williaiie'iirovisibnA aiiiilding^]iricki:per,iI;ancv,;y?yn S'Ycfe?yy.; Ri]/an'^|fKl>u^ tA^fe^NbSSuievEyPii; ,to;ith ciwh itesl a ve ry;Mreatiibent^^ :'cb ii 1 cl;; bo -'r ciiiip v tftl 7 • yyTiicsc'idi Visionsyyy;.;y;Vi; f lliisa)y:liiw;iin(|Si|.liii;;;riiles;;!uifl:i'i;gii-' iyiir'Ai-'-yStoneyper bubic yiirdf:incJ;:if4vY;A" yyysliitioi is .which shaltfroiiiaiiiio to tiiuo.lie. yYAi-;-1;-SAjiiiieiaioi'.barrel; I/iOvf^^-yA^if'-'-Y f* l/liEy^Aised?eibrlit/&^t;Hey pys^byylhb:;:^ : iy ere Aiirgcl yiyaAnit tterajpLljereditaiy 7yfi:isy piisse;PE RRy yLE A;JvK,^|f ^|^1 at:;l^rnie;ilell|fe^y;s^ : : Spfeh'oA^asbp-.l^iiyA sbii's'aiiyiiiiiyy.'iii.'li'nier 'UpbS'lib'iOOgalsi'pei- inoiith7 iii)c peAiiO(io'gaisS- : lllfw :y^IimiiR5Kii'gii^i'7aii(iyiefn onl y;;sp Ididfon? ^|-ii|y^urai|^?that a'niiilior^^^vvitliyaii.vaiyiiraiity.MoteiicockAii'^a'iiy: 10,1100 t.o:2.i,(«K) giils.aiei-.iiioulli,:lUc per-.l.tiilii giils, "''"'' ^|ilS|y isfffiiF biVAAy- ;u hi teyllip;>i\rc thod i s^ otheripiirtdf tliii:wiitf!f;service.iirToriiiiidurjiriiyj aVJOO to ;',(i,CI0(l Kals;:per;nionlh,,-:iOc,iior;i,000 galsi j3.A,iss/;, iSYfeS: iVfvftivte'H'.VjSiSs.Vii^ ;thcj'meiiy8;grjpya publicist, reel..•ille.vorjiliiceyoL'vvitliaiiy', ptirtfif.' [sy^y :"and§fiqn§regytipii^^ Pyer;/i0,0p0^idsypw';;ii"ioiitli;i2pc:iiey _^^^^^ ^isideratioir/Ap^ tliij'oliicli-ic^^ilighl.ingiiliiiili.b.AA^toiiioflthiiiti.ir-;' ExiiminaUpnSXibiyUejiejrtyqiy^ 'd i eh nbit'isepAv.h 5/i&hpy?sbpVi Ld/iiptyi ii J•[,f.ii'atiein"or.:aii.ytliiiig,u.Yefi:;in;; :;cf»iiiiection;|.Iiqre-^^^ ifeclAi rgedy |li a tM liSySIABYAyillSSfSSpeciflcatibn'ttiidy Aliidjylih^^ y-fyii. :>C6t.li iii"^yiiii.;.A.Ii ii/^a^y-ie^VycfJii't.aiiicicl^lia 11; liei, Ay;gAffiiKbraj;i'j.tt :haS'ni6ykept7faitlr|w -sfi'const.nifjfi :as;t;<>'muk^ 'ysyyyy/iyjWbeirnotbyjfe'lerliyYyiysiflyy yl^HSa^miljyl^ ^yapptli^yildyiEpi ^ , I St^fiSii'SS^^&a'?^^^':yine:p.ii(V(;yaiii(le.Ti'entiiieiity" y . ^li igrSppq tpSIf Sji'bflf bc5|Wif bbi'ly if .ev'oyi.io.ratipiOtii.sii^piy eleclr.ic light coiitiiuuius-'; llbineslicy;Tb lnirna.iiiyhitliiiKhty::^yy-,yi^ J^'^5'v'v"-J" yyysyyyyyyy'yTeijaiyeirauiica'iatiiiyvSy'^Myiyvy^H'y/y'-.,-U niade'of Ori;s atidC'oncentraUbifforClilor-* i fHcghadAnbYsc iiy5ji:iigbt;oiiiy,yific;p.ysi.oo"per inbiitiiyyiiiiifSv y:ym Sth'tA cl u t}8:Af At .liie/d irpi^ Oris y/to yli ayyc y;;iO.:The'p!'icesof,iilliiitiff7ritil-.siiiiiilie^ ! s 'mm tlom jia rfy Ten ]pj?&^rea ty pAi^i^hjges^ni' yil^iVny;:persoiyfy-persbnsy\ylio.aiiay;fi'eij sy;yiao;i ]igiits; at; c:p;'Si :oo:pcr liKiitiiierjnchiii* Mmmy yTHAlNEB-'MEDicA^yNJA^H^ Igpyprhe'dib^ : ; t bliissipr6yiiice.YfedtAcA^ A'ntery.for.yii i lfling yiyyn and bvbr,-75c• iiei-.. iiioii 1-1 iT-^SS•, =-;'--'iA?S-trV?JjSa-j.-ya"' "" 'mSSi^iSiSffiyv bn^&flicycbntiifciifeiS^ ;sli:ilt;niiik-b:nriiilic;it.ion;;iii;)-\vrit.iiigAo;a,lie,ayit.y; -se^sibnyqfyt^ : ;cip:rkyiicconi|iiiiiic(iyiiyyiin:7eStiiiiiijb;:;:iif';ilie; •chpi c:lf;Ui;ejAliatl:7ad 'litinibeyofybricksiyyariiyof.ysloiieAl^ ysYErjECTau(^B Wholesale and Retail E^^^S^S^^^^W^iM0^: : liiiifi;firxeiiieiir;.:ffirwliicli the^viiterisrefiiiirefl,; ii!,oi^tiiiinrstao;i<:iiyvvatis;-i7e;pbr:kiib-w faciei s-j by tji eitvypr Id %a s.i/t he7a es hi b; q'bi'tvlicfiycliui-cli.^pyprn ^ aiKliiVay'it lie':.\vfV(,>ry;i-.'i'to=i,,'iii .iiKlvtiiiceiipon siicli. I-'or Ui'o,itex(aK).kilo:\vattS,;12c por.kilo-wilt.t:'.;,'y: ci/ies; ti o ii a b leah e^ ;fey is'i'bii/-by--Tbeir;7ytai esliiniitf!fliiiu;iiit,itios: li'n'd,if.more;millei'iali'.'iro For oyer lOO.kilo-watts, lUopei^kilof watt; yyiAi iiseiiyor iiitenfleilito be iiseil than'I lint stiitoiVin, , •^laiill&ileBaS Hi® of"",' H6n7A;Gq!77;;BalccVyAiid... Y ^ub;p'f:ydateyy:T the original bstiniiit"esya,Iie,;:ippliciiiityfii'iiiij,li­ ;i.i.;3Ict{!i-ircnts''2Scian'(ii^^ cit n ts.^lui 11; jiiiy a he-extra';; tuifiitiontii cliargcs. A^ater.atifl liglit ratesi:'for.isiieciataittrpbsesit'o: [SpiAgS: WSM§SMmWM:uiinisters:,Ylf:ipp y ;;p f 'i;Ei\ i thi/t h clvpii t/i t/liq npyrib'ly^h'iicl, ; forthwith. :-y;.y ry:;-::yy:y;yyyyy:;yyy;-yy:;y ybe ilxed.by.Coiinciloi-.Firc'v'Wiiter'aiHliLiglit: i36m pa.nyf aii lsiyt pyAidbAnisterAlicse reyierCntiySbn^ yriflt sliiili be iiiiliiwful, foiy'nnyiiici'sfi.iVoi'pct'- m .stiiis.liiaeiKl.isell. givif:or Villierwiseilimpose (,f •y.Coniiiiittce.',y';:y.yy;y:;y:yy::;-.yiy.y'"ii-.vyyy-y;;t.,jy ;HeadyOfificeiy^b^^ Iy an i n esii rii aby ay/rccjui si tc.-^tpi-i'ih ee t yl-hei r Ada teclvisiiiY ha dbigphe 7 pu t y.of 'thii vviiterrilipiilieclby;: tlie.'.e.'ity.fir to iicrniit, tlie. water to be tiuc'en'iir ca I'riefi'.'iwn.v- ffirl lie .ti: :A/h.yrES,'FpuyNSTA blic/ijublic.dcmandsytheic aiearlyi7'ally;tbeirsschbpls,y7iy^ biliiSlit of'btlie>s'rc-xc^ crease the, ^n pi,ty.agreed for.witliHIio said City,-* Cbnccided work, ,?1. S3 periigiit.-y/y iiY*: yyY-' |lp#;A 'tli iSyprb v.i nee' Airc-ible ter mi n'etl y t ha t bebygreatAiWiieirlt/tp Ahe'Presbj'terian :;:r ori, to/wrongfully:: neglect or' iinprcipei-ly .waste iOpeirw-orkys^oiiper'iigiity, ,:y;iyyy"; ;-.;;y K-; : ;;SA.TUREiAy,v:FEBRUARyy2S,;1903, degislayph^haiLbe^paAscd^ (Ghurcli7tp:hayey:aymp\Yica.techism7 .tliey-ater.'or.to sprinkle or i iise .iiiaiiiyni.-iiiner. For every dro|i.Minoltiilingi.liiinp, -sbekct-anil I: ifA;5Wfi -1' 11 " : cvvliiitsbcver.tlte w.'itersiuiiiliecl by tlieAity.iiiiinif' /tfeet'of cbrd;v7nc.-V-:;,?.;•• syy;;, '•- ,;.:.:-:y:;'f:::v:i;v;,:,:.;•.: the-'fcqhip'an'.y-fo Ili'eidi ffereritixhurche.; SllOUKlvCOm-.jaawns.. giirfieris .fir/yarfls except i: botweeii.tlio Instidliiig'nieler;S2.U0. i"":/•:"iV- V<";.. i.•yyy)y~. "yiind9,-ij.iii:v\.;\'~':y-.V;.;:'.;--i-'-;,.-:V;\.'iy,yy,::V.V. : Take notice thiitithc above is ai true copy/of way foryiheryoperators ;bine7tpdeyiseVa;systemAinderAvhich:| ''""^TJ^ .iyASi'iyWiiliamyMuib^ i , r ! '— - •-- iFiri-.'AViileji'.:and' .L.i#-rlit'C."oiiiiiiitiCc is? the proposed liy-lavviipbii; wliicliithe vbtebf s'l abbr/i sj to dip; cpri gr a lu 1 a ted qri; li is,: fheY could alLAvbfktb^cAher.y-Hcy^ tlie'Municipality will bo taken uttlioFiro Hall; liffiifm iiSjySy;ii CONCILIATIQNA yANDi :.&VR-Bt •"'' •-'"•" ,'f "i , ii 'TI "• ••;• , "' y: r • %, '-y of water to alt customers ,roi- use m fountains Second/Street. ..Rcvelstoko.'U.- C.;.bb!.Ween.llie :':prp.m'p',titudeahytakh WantedtCSeetheProtestant-Churches,; brbyyetsyirarfleiiaioseiorypriiiklersyoiyto hours of n ine o'clockiu the iforenoon 1 and;half- further liniit..the.,.hours' for-;using-the saine, past seven 'o'clock'-in the afternoon on the Third ;;trate;;they;Fernieystrike,,.":and7 ityis -.y/yyyyyyyT];^ brought antoyriegreatiprganisation; \vhent'ver;in.t.he -fliscretionybf-ahoysaid Com- day'of/March, witty yyy -yjy,? •yyyyy-. A We; tliebuidei'signedi'Dtaiggistsi birC :dibped.the;eff6rtspL.I>epiity;Mini^ soyhtiyiimight nbldithis^hpledand niittt-e the public' interests iiiuiy-ren iii re' It.; !: > i Eiillyy-prcparedytof: givoblho-foliowiiigi AyNp.grea teydisas t^ i. .11.vAIli.tlips', furnishing.' garden liose, jets or /;i y;A' 'ii.y;7i;";:Y;y'-3TENiiyiirL6Yb^^ ; , giiai-iintceiVvithevei-yiijO coiit bottle of, yKibgiwi 117be?successf Ul. y• Y—y-yb ibtthe church' ahd;ihitheAame;6fithe spriiiklers sluiiraieittiniedoll'vimiiieili.'itniyiin y ;;;;i//'i'i.iy: iCleriyof the/Municipal/Council A. i itli^ihllustricsibfyKooten {' the sbu'tifling of the 11 re alii mi, ,'ind; slia 11 not be; .Di-.iPettingiirsylvidney-Wc'rtiTalilets,'- fyFKU/7fn?E-£Sy: m „ heacL.qt; tiieAhiirch.yiyyyyi;; ;.'7 iAYiiY .turned 011.again;until t.lie.fire is,extinguished.Y r ! BoundaryAhauiAlibiishbtbdbvviv/if the-'oiiIj ;yi'biiiedy; in:; tlib-Aybi'lcliAhat rOftAfARffSr&^P/f/VATCCROWC/fst 7yy;f/;; ;.yThe'prbgranim(!;:;;^ : 1 iYRey/Bfewartisaidyuii ••. i",.:,.\.pi>lication for. the.lnying.of /service' pipes, ;they ;C-rp.w'sy/:yNest b:i'c,oal/;AminesB f.r/oftil ruing finfeir'oiiy.of/.thevvntci'to pnnnises' ,pbsiti\'elyu:ui'oy;alliytiAiiblesy:aiasiiig; OMAAffMrAL'Iffm, SHRUBS //zf yiyy/la'sbmee^ Smelt^rsAaiidi-'yirailw onlvb; solut ion \of.;.'th'e' church i'i n' the --hall be miifleiini.vvrit.iiig.iby ,• the. owner of siiifli fi'oiniwibik;ob;diseiisodikidneys:~ 7A,';A yyCATALOCU£S'POSTr/?£Eyyy Ay^yAembraiced'subjects of Alie mpsbyital westbAbutAbe Acl ,••;•;•:•'riot secy.hbw lirenusey-.'briliisbr.hcr (Inly, authorized iii gen I, tit' iy;"ftIp'iiey..;ichoei'hi y peiidentyh/theseiimuiesyi fori .fheir,: Idin CityiOlerk's ollice.: i ;yy. •'Ai'.'iy, : ':.:••'.•••:••; -.yy; w/M£//7:Mm:yyMa :;ib/At;i rnpprtance^^ itheyyebpliLycornyiyAn; a^greemf;ttt:ry'a'ML*|K)U:tlic:rt-qi.!ip't':of-'sticli'-'ni>pliciitic)iOiin(l siifVoirorbynbtyi'idieA-odyabdyitu proved, ;fulL suv)ply,iandAv'henv; tha-ty'siubply tiie fee nientiouefl ia tiiiis .section a hi I.with I.he aftet-iisei(ifipiie,71)btfloi;yTln'eei/tb,: six- ^jMM/£NU/?SCfiYyV/croM /77yyf;iBqard7is7db.ing;fsplendid";7-seryice7in is slnitit)ffstagbat.ibni::;;t.iisbesAb'tlie :yitjb-the:>;Episcqpai;;c^^ fipjiroyal bf; rlie,-Firey;VVater:-and Light/ Cyiiii-' bpttlosioflectiistqnishinfybbid rpeiiitiiui- : imitt;ei mad.y.'iccordiiig to size of .piiie.laid. / . INAFFIUATION WITH Umi/ERSiTY/OFTORONfoTy)' ypyer.'•:;. Fishyri ver.y /Theii'ey bridges, of; prosperity; AhYci ties ;i;and 7 towns.: - IS. All yervice ,pi[,e> ..siiiili be -prbvifled/iwitli stop and waste I'ock.'aiifl,all;tlie pluriibersw-ork yvere:erectedyb'y theienterprise and Clearly lip' 'bodyA of ;•;cniployers or fqreAheichief'courtpi; theichiirchi A -.:•' F.. H.7.TORRINGTON,: Musical. Directory-'/ ,.:7i7R'ey.';;Wbytc-agreed: heartily;with, shall be flone in.'a .^vorkmnnlike. manner, with iiy Holders; c;fy;;K6}^/iin^pur/:f 2&igoldi • at ;theexpen^eyofy the/residents ?of employees should ybeibity liberty to; goodiiiat'erials stilliciently strong a.o resist ihe iHIGHESTyiMUSICAL/iyEDUCATIONy/ AS what Rev. GambciJl"said.An ibeabhA pressure. f,f -the water,: anil, I.,, • the.satisfiiction; sale''ai:e'(i-cci'ueste"d.7.tp7s'en^ bthe districtyaiid;; the;Aeast thcigov-; spreacl Auin.; and 7 disasterth rough- of IlieiFire. VV.-'ileriind Liglit,('omniittee.;: /-;... ':•': --Ex A yiTv-A 'r ibxsA-Mai 1 it o ba ,7l 11 (A TtTr. = ; crnment.candp 7is yto take stejisyto' out tlie. country.;;; A 'iircmeely ''must 1 i ,1 =. 1 ,,,-,. .... ::;-,.-,.'..:. ,i /. 10./All cfmsiiiuers .must: k«oti': their se rvice i-iliSi'-ies /and British Columbia, July, / Sanh foreyMai-ch • 16th.; A;If tlie3'rigtityke}'/isi .lancbtheyaiacl.loufpr- iivc.differerit-'t.|1iw.ii,,tr,pcfy;ksanil.otii,;rfix'tiiri.-s<,iitii'c'pn!ni-'. : ifot tiiiAed ;'i A by/then i.they $20 - vv i 11 be iprotect itliemyiivtlie" event of 'high" be:;devised.y What is it? ;. yy/y';' den'bniiiiatibns but; they had com­ i.-.^in yrKHlrepnir .iini-l' order, it nil jirfitectefl 19M;;yybyy/'-yyy:.- ;YY yvx i. y'yy froiri frost nt their,own expense.' ., .;,,: •'. •Send for Calendar and Syllabus, i/./.-Yi/iiWat^r-^.'^eamlH handed i,to' tlie hpspitaL' YA/AyY. y;yy77. :;waterV;by;erecting, round : the piers 7; To pitr' mirid.:the • remiicly must hp bined in one; society, y //7y7 ;;y 7 iii iii i 2(e 'No r,lo^ets.except siicti.ns are of. a pattern. L ; or niuion1 approved i->f by Ih.vFire, W'ater nii'l. ';.''•; I '1 a n cl tl Pe 1 n b i-o k e f t.,TTo ro'ii to. •' •'• stone cribs, andyby removing.Abe either in; a; conciliation and a rbt- i Rpy. Craw said ; tlie: meijofi ty.; ;of. 1 TAYLOR'//BROSby;^ : Oiglit .('..niinitt, ..-f-liiill be permitted in contiec-. SeeondiStrvSt^RBve vlpgjam.v'b''...:The,'.>york'.'shpuld. be done tratioh law, or in.' state 'operation .people'/' an(b ,ministers '.-.'of the west lion -.villi the.vvater..vf,rk.i. system.' / . 'v favored'-, the'' viewsi expressed,:, but- ;;'2i;yViiy nuthoriz-'fl.:eni|,l,..ve'!. of .tlie (Yirpor- : lb- '..as soop 'as possible.so. as to, ha ye it and control. The- solution of -every ati„ii shad iiaye orirl be allnwfr'l free access at. iy A "y-yyy'ta^ difficulty between1 labor rind capital the majority eif,i.members of - tlie ,: proper bmirs ,,'f the day nnfi upon reasonable itbgobd shape before high water.'".•••• •'notice beitii: L'i-.-,*n and request ;i,i;ide ,t,, all For Ilrst-c "ss lcallier write , has be,en found in arbitration—-ip.-> ,».-,;,psl,,; foorid leaky or defi'elive'f.r Until, the past year arbitriitio'n ;.i'hd resolved tbii.til'rosbvt.eri" record jii'. I . i: wif Ho.my ^"ll-t\ra-t-i-- i-JfT WiOevviOcrr ii. s found t>. exist f,r if any loose letif day book tuicl ledger system memtto open and operate the 50,- ,. , . , .,-.-. •. i...-ii..-..'1,-riri..- >nr,ii,,ct:,.o.- ;,i-(.' found tn be not Vancouver,; B. C. ! conciliation was oi'ic of tl.ic forciiiost Sillf lll'tavor' Ol Union. OI various.; in .'ire,-.r,.!;.i,c<- .v[th the provi-ior,. of t.hi« bydiiw- which is bettor than those you solid' 000 acres of government-owned coal Ilritish (Joliinihin. Agents for flic celebraieil fast for ,-itul is ijiiich less iii price. .Pa­ reforms.clcmanded.ltyi lalior organ­ ,,r.t.l.e nil,-. ;ord;r-.i;riliiti,.,i,in made from time to lands an tlie .Crow's Nest 1'ass branches of the Protestant church time hy :h.. Fir-,'W;,t,-r ,'unl Liu'ht ('..iiimitll-,- -PENETANG" Sole Leather, Cut Soles antl tronize homo ineltisti-y and send us ,-,f 1 In-. '..iinril. nofice ,-Iinll be iriver, io have the Head Pieces. izations, but the railway organ­ and (hat a -committee be appointed : Harness Leathers, Ill-Idle, Saddle and Skirt­ .VOtu:di;dei'S for counter/hooks, loose .should be;heartily endorsed by,the defect .-,.,»,.,(;,•,!. .-•.-• 1 . loaf day bonks and ledgers'unci i'otpiis- izations 'have [now gont" back on to report:-; to' next meeting. The; .".'. If IIIIJ .l-fe,':!t r,r>r'(l,.-|,.-,-i.r i i ,,f ivhirh notic ing Leathers, Laon and l.ntigo Leathers, Up- people. 'I'lie mistake of the state that 'proferring to rely on tlie strike i.'i v.-ri I-,-- .•,'.i,-fl within 21 hn.-irs fr..u, Hi" .per Leathers of all kinds. . iLos therefor. >'.•.,' ,7 Moderate,!/ '•'•.•'..•and.,, : .Rev. Camphil,; -.TVi.?,- ' .f -i,,.-i, otitic.-, rhe Fife. ..Water and Alnnufiiuliirui-s of, Closed Uppers "of all, parting with the, coal land now (lescrlpUo-is. •Samplos and prices o'n .application.-' • remedy to secure their;, demands. Stewart and Cravv" appoiriled com-; Lifhi I" ,.„,..,!iff,.., of the Council „r;tl,eir Owned by the Crow's Nest Coal iiiltli.iri/. "I n^enr siiaii Imvi-.uithority to out ,,IT Shoeinakers' Tools antl Findings. Saddlery If, however, they •co'uldi be assured Hardware, Hides and Oils. THE KOOTENAY MAIL, Company is recognised, and it is to mit.tee. t.he silpp Iy „f ••Aitr.eror H.,f;tri.- lit-i.l ,is 1,1,.; cas,- of their grievances being submitted iniiy b", ; i,,d b.-fore |IKJ wnter ,,r light, as the Two tlioiisandlJeei'skins Wanted. Revelstoke. be hoped" that iriisbtke will not be f;i-„ limy 1,". y .-.iraii; turned /,ri, the - pipes fir Catalogues and price lists on application. to a. fair'abd impartial tribunal we; lixtur,: -hi.ll I,,- rei.nir.-'l nii'l. altered ii LABOR'S CALL II repeated. Not another acre of coal believe they would lie willing to .pored Mini tie- rifX ,,f torniiig tl,,. -iuiii-'„lf und hinds should bo disposed of by the j niish.-ai I,'- p;,i,t liv'tl,,. ,-„,,,„,M,.r, IIII.I ni. p'-r-'t-f; accept it. '••President Wilson, bead siipplif'l fi'.'if, -H'.'li.Witter iniiifi sli'iill iiiive'.iiny BREEDING FOWLS FOR SALE. .provincial or dominion government. claim 'IIgain-t, II,,-('..ri^inilioii by r",i ,„n of Ihe CALENDARS FOR 1904 of .the: niainteiia.iicc-of-w:iy men, Tl io o.-:.-,liiii( i\liiii'i.s' I'nioii sent eiini.ig.ill' the' „ii|,ply. . • ' ' ' says .the mail ,who wont arbitrate delegates"to the milling convention tit! 2:i. fn en-,y-f i ,(,,,,ml I hat ll[„,n ,'il,.V preinis'-s A few Goldori HtilT Orpingtons and '. It is high time provision was Victoria.. or lot iiniris' w.-it..." is liiiliitiinlly iisi-if ilni.-i is Golden Hull' Leghorn cockerels foi sale AVo have been appointeel agents fin- wants to get away with something asked for ihl.li,. ,if(,r..iii'..ul iiiiie.l written stiit,'- chi-ap foi next .'(0 days. leading 131 itish, Canadian and Ameri­ made.for access across the Colum­ iiienl lo the ('iiy Cli.rk, Ilie Fir,,,' Wiileriind that does not belong to'liim. , C. Troycr, the-chamjiiou -.politician f.iglil i'oiiiinitl,.,. -I,;,II luiV-ii iini.lii.rily lo shu», Eggs for hatching'in .season.- can 'firms And .can oilci-, a selection of bia river at Revelstoke. The. Rev­ of Nortlir'Ea'si...- ICootcnny, i says after ..IT the sitpiily ,,f wnler frnm said preinises o,- ,/•'/• S. L. SMITH, Calonehiis for 1001'such as has nevor > #./ two montlis.stiidy be bus li.t.dr m,i>, nt Ilie expeine of the i.wner there,.I, before biii-n olt'orod in this district. If; elstoke Lumber Go's, business fakes Government assumes the right to- solved.the phir... ii m.-li-r t.n the service pipe oT sliiil Penficton, B. U. so many people to and fro over the set up courts to settle moneyA.lis- Moiigoliiiii problem.' His scheme is preinis, * ,ir hit, in which ease the owner will b'> Reserve >oui- oi'dois pending a CMII an act, taxing every person i.lmrge.l Utr wnter aceoi'ding I,, Ihe rates s.-t of our re-pi esent.alive with s.iinplc.s. It) railway bridge that a fatal accident 'putes. Why not also to settle labor vyhci. cm- down in Schedule A, iniiiexed If. I his hv-lnw. filbys a' (Jliimtmitit or $50 REWARD. may-result at aiiy time' with the disputes '! Australia.' ,a,nd .Kv.w Jiip .fa. a mouth, 21, A meter liinv hi; pljiei.tl in eoiuieel inn vvd I, The Kootenay Mail Pub. Co. Ltd., tar The e'lnployor could the s.-rviee pipe of ,'iny premises nt. Ihe refill, si &3U rewind will ho paid for such in- result that the C. P. R. may stop Zealand have set up courts of arbi­ deduct..' the tux of Ilie owner thereof, provided I.hut. wild owner from the 'Mongolian's wage's if wished, mill;.. Ihe reipiesf. in writ.liig.iil- the City Cloriy foiui.itioii a*, will h-.ul to Ihe' person REVELSTOKE, B. O. trafiic over their bridge altogether. tration and conciliation, and wo hilt it, is l/ be colkjctcd. from tin: em­ olliee, and lluil he or she f.ay in iitlvniice th. w ho wrote the loiter appeal ing in the A foot bridge attached to the C. P. cannot recall to mind a, single : cost of Ihe iiu-irr iind the hiying I hereof, 'lihe isMie of Ilu- Konlfii.ij" .Mail of 1-Vli. 7th ployer,so {lint. Iho " fiiiporiiiri'feiisons' wnler rules will be.nccordiiig lol.lie ehiirge- Get your Job Printing done at the R. bridge, and a government ferrv I strike since the inauguration'of the could not infia'fcro.—Outcrop., sel.dnvvn in Suheilult- A. nnnexetl lolhis by-Inn. Mgtifid Robert Tapping, without his 2.",. N'o person except tlio duly uutlioriz.id authority. KOOTENAY MAIL. MAIL Oilice. ,t«.j..j..j..j..j..c_A,^..j..jt,*„»„j„j<.j.',;,,j..j..j..j..> ] that terrible delirium of fcvoi i obbcd rary door ; creeping on and on still wiry framo and firm clastic tiead his swcot wife of all knowledge of further, on some mystenous errand ; little lakes stretching eastward; fine bespeak giqat endurance, jnny bo JU OUR HOBTHBRN WILES wateifalls Jn somo of tlio ilveis, and the fact ? Oh, God ! How should he nor jet does either of tlu-ui hear the seen wending ins way along (ins A H&UBE OF m' mr keep'his senges if his wifo might footstepa returning, '' nor hear 'tlie wide and noblo btietciies of the The- fiumhni sticet, ginsping firmly hy Jon Rivqi" not recover ? , huiried movement as of one in'pui- DISCOVERIES IN THE BARREN THE SAMURAI 03?, JArAN LIVE tho hand, or holding aloft in his Among tho valuable fcdtuies of the .Even now tlvo glad light of her suit ; noi see a flguio dait swiftly muscular arins, tho vendible fauy •GROUNDS IN PEUDAL FAS'HION. ' into the loom and hastily tin listing Kipoit ate the tables of tlio determi­ eyes is being, followed by a look of to whom thcsO'Oncc miseiablo cio.i- nation of latitude and magnetic de­ manifest weariness, as she- motions a slender blade of glittcting steel be­ J. W. Tywell's Ropoit on a Joui- ttnos owe their (hanged toiKlttions, ney in, 'an Unmapped clination, tnblcs of, distuntes and Slight Cause Will Induce a Mem­ •;":«:«:«:«:«:»:.»>.>;...j-:«:..:.»:»:»:«:«:«:«:« the child again to tho doctor, with neath the cushions of the couch, none other than our own Gnico Region. elevation and a complete meteorolog­ ber to Kill Himself by emitting 'at tho same moment a long J the ivotds, yLct me have lier again Hailing. Her paients tm.st hei with • ( ical lecord, all of winch cover many HwNitari. n £l f "Do not mention It'again, I 'beg soon, doctor, and David, you see fhtiddeiing moan, followed ,by a fall, him anywhere , and though to them Tho Canadian Depiu tment of the pages- J>o soction of the Japas—so , people of you I,'Tho mere hin,t of .such would have snared you this lobed figure Hugh is carrying'swift­ Lead Pencil .vluv there as hmghtliood liounrhod . knowledge had it been possible to band down tho hall 'and into ' tho ly up tho stilus, ,with a look of babvhood Some day sho will uu- ciossod , mi ,ti CM, of about OO'.OOO „ ,, , , :," l.ngloiid in ikj days of Cosu? de avoid it ; and lcineiuber, dear old hbiaiy. honor oi» his'face ishe had nevci scon deistand why "Dear Undo Davy" ns sqiiiuc miles to the noi th of Doo- JJOn t mniiy a mat' until you ha\e j-ioi, l ail -cast, had .sluigglcd in their I boon ? ilfa'vo I dono soniothing don if, peihu,ps, tho hardest-woikod calling on them, will assume an an ' booky-i he never survived .the loss of ' clieds of miles, 'and found iho posi­ lege chum, brother, all in one, tlio Gethsoiuano, and conqucicd, while tcrnhlo ' Come closci-closer I Oh, man in Loudoun dining his tcim of of e\ceedmg dignity and "put her ofl 'his l.^ur;-ho was gontle'ns wc-U as " 10 tion of the Height oT hand that sep- with .some evasive,answer which s,njs fhnue , hi some lcspccts'hc 'resem- using 'young physician, DrA, Hugh!*' unconscious habe, all unawaio of Davy i Davy ' I have,had a'homblo olltte,- Uic only ietui n hoiotoive'J r l tllc aialos the uvcis ilovving,to 'tlie qnile plainly, "i cs, I called; " but j blod the mediaeval monk, fcr he wiis Graham/ ' , ' , mipoitanccj into winch she hud dream ; but I'm better now; I Let fiom Ihe cityAor Jushibois — in'ad- Aictic lioin those vvluth 11111 to sl t,de, s ,Ju mo whispci it to yo,ti alone;*! he rest ditlon to a salary quito inndoqiiale it's none of your business who sho is {taught to keep only tho slightest ' A "i do not doubt'it;,-Hugh ' Nor-l * Vy I n'g, nestled within her Hudson's liuv. /, ' ' 01 why 1 did it." A woman with a,bold \,n matcnal things, oven ns tlio do 1'think my darling would bo liv- niothcr's aims in innocent '-wonder­ will not undci stand f If you only to meet tlie expense inciiiitd — is a s"t of mayoial ,lobes, which it is It wns it voiy notable joiiinoy, last­ jealous disposition should look out cheny blossoms, fcis favonic emblem, - , ing to-day had it not occn for tho "lent.",At ihe stitet dooi.thoy wcic know, Davy, dear, how often 1 have foi the man who sharpens his pencil Juts only tlie slightest holcjl on the'i . L'-"'1 been loinpt.d to get nd of myself ' usual for him to ictam and hand ing fiom Apnl to Uouinbei, 1000, "woll-nigh saijici human ofloi ts .\ou ("let by David 'The Jook, of ,uttci involving considei.iblo, haicM^jp an'd used to pull her thiough that* toi- (dejection vanished as lie looked upon Last night I di earned J really did clown from gonciation to generation 111 this mannci and shtn him as she cheny lice, from which, aftor a few, ' 1' " .is an lieu loom » TI>o=d ioi,os aie tho Iiaidcst kind of woik,' but" It was would poison, ' > , , days' glory it is blo«':lH0n by a' '' ' «• , ublo rub of fever But only to think Gion faces, so strangely sciono "Jt get up, and look at you cis-you Jay l enjoyed by oveiy.m.in 111 the party as asleep in tho chair , you* looked so three in lumber, and an unbioke-i J lie man who holds the poncil out hi oath of wind before it has" time to ' of itbc, fiituio to which ,to have , Thigh who spoke s , ;„,„ Theie leinaijfriery few opiioi tunities 'md whittles away, careless of ie- saved her"! Better fai olio iind died!' "My'wifo has, consented to bo a wotn and died, love I asked 'my­ law exists that they Ahull be made glow old and faded 1 r y in England fiom JJngliMi te:ctuie t to cany out e\ploratoiy» wot Ic An '-u't'i, is 1111 impulsive fellow, jolly, than, run(this awful nsfc " Wheeling , co-woiker , with mo,'David,"-in tho self if Lweie not the cause Su'idly BARBAROUS 1'IIAO'ITCB." ,TJIO'finest lobe is of senilet iclolh Noi Hi Ameiicn on so largo 11 scale good-ratincd and gencious, and' the One of the stioj.gcst shades of local .suddenly round and laying a fiiin ' casc^otMis Malcolm Astyou will 1 had no light to blight your life its Tho loiiiney to Hudson'.s Bay led 'fi"l who knows her business can w;cll as mine' How T got out of tho Pitied with white silk and edged Willi color distinguishing Japanc=o chiv- hand on'the doctor's shoulder,*' ho 'undei stand it is n0 light nuclei taking Tyi,icU stnught lo Ohostcrheld Jn-[l'i"np hnn diy of intcicsLing facts j < room without distiubmg you "'X do ot mine, and 4 is woin'oiutho day of aby fi'om that of wostoin nntions, is 1 ended by saving, "I con only,' say -° ouiselves in'o.ir relationship, of ins inauguration," as well ns in - let, tho long, narrow hit of the son liofoie ho is awaic of what he is'do not know, but you did not move, tr tlic'piaclice""hai"ftkiii —L suicide''' by ; * now, once and foicvcr, ithnlbiothing fhusbtuid niidfvvifo. J-'or ' n tunc it the ihnl pencil a t'cs far lb the, west nig 1 Wl11 and 1 wenty-m and on to wheic' I Ciinunal Com t on Saints' U.ivs- tlie painful jiioccss'of disembowel-& \ •but death 'shall us ,patt I ' silill necessitate'the breaking up; ,of i-iul About 0110 hunched and filly yonis Ifo who loaves a blunt point ' is 1 0U1 knew 1 should find soinoUiino,' that nll Klalo occasions It is said r ment, vvhlcli was' e\tcnslMely prac- ' hopo^l .1 ,cannot make myself bolievo ' homo life, as J\1IS. Ginhain' in- cost two Juiii I red gti turns unci, t1o0 ngo two ships were sen J.' fiom lili.gr- dull and plodding, and will < never i „y in1 aught else than her complete io- tend's" '"to fil""l "'tho" position o"f' ninso would do the woik for nicA AVith mv Used by samurai criminals, wiio vvoio- com so, takes pi cicdcnco abn\ 0 °' 'land to tiy toAhscovoi Alio Noilh- amount to much, x J hand iittsed to end my tiouble, r r Ho is really a thus giaciqusly poinutted to dcstioy ' ! f- f. stoiation, mind and body.", foi ,(tho invalid, and at Ilie same otherAnajoral gniinenLs In additllt ­ VwesV 4-1,- tI I'.isi.igP IV. ,„,o, tlo„ Chninfftll,.,-, . gnod-hi-ni ted follow (line to IiavOj the little one cveinne.ir fancied all at once 1 heat el .some one nnd hasn't an -theniselves instead rof, being handod , ,]Iovy could Hugh Giaham (lash his ( tion, hois given a banqueting 1 oho Aftt-i aitlllng aCiosvS Hudson's Dnv c-nciny in tho woTld. Ifo finds ins over to, tho common executioner.- .hopes to tho giound ? Piofession- *-° beguile tho tedious hoius of ton­ coming Not having ,timo to loath of black" s*i tin dam. isk "ovei - which tho.v found this deep inlet, up which 0 my loom I ran into tho iibraiy chlof , ple.1s.1re "in, the commoniilncc (.Tuis'bariinroiis practice lTVlVo"'!)^ ally, he doubted , pcisonally," as to yalesccncc It would 'not'bo wise to iflowcisi aic woikcd in silver.,which they pushed, believing that (hose wa- 1 'his deaiest mend, tho response camo "P'oot tho idea of oui,child being What/do you .think J s.iw V Out is to be used,foi Mansion House re- teis would coilainly inn y' tliom to nTiu, ? . ' ,' , '1 , 1 !™lcnt'among men in,hopeless trou-. 1 tn the olher hand, he who sharp-.blc or inen'actins out of loyal tv to • foi vently, "1 agtoc with you a's to hois, not' just for the picseiit, <-n'„ baby lying there on tho 'touch, 'las Moptions iind similar funclions 'J'lit tlio.X'ae.ilii, Otoair They t sweet looking as tin,angel ! X can c loecndcl taisylus" pencil an inch 01 so from |ft ciend saipciior or as a protest — ''<• the possibility of lecovory, piovidod 'cast 'J ha consequences might bo .ibout one hundicd miles, when they'Ihe point .•> high sluing and imagi-fw-heio othrr protests might ho"uii- tl 1 <,lj ls site, can be totisod r from this apathy ( sci ions ., i & not tell'liow"it4 ha]Wiod,cvcn""toj,V!Mw , , ? <°f P«M>Io wlk liiinme.1 discoidcd that the watci WHS g.ow- native, nnd subject lo o.Mibcitint iavailmg - cgainst the- eroneous'/ to tale^nn mtcicst "in something—no I So it was settled, and for nlLcon- you,-4M,, Tin,-,Davy. ..,.,* :}01sl- l<>'him ,', ,.j'''11 ' y -*by 'oyery jDndcaiing'name'known ; to , ^yWeil, 1 must .j. go now, when, -• 1 -tho"gtntlei isos.-iand sometimes oven j havo" had'anothei look at my pa- a'Pbraiding^ Ihc'supposed muse foi hei ueni "f* --,.'"" "" , 6 javcitod looks dm nig tho piocceuing JJotli^iuen slipped'soitiy and "revei- Even t.1"3 doctor, unselfish fellow ,thaL rtt\\t 1*11 n t ll^ 1 i-.n»« ', .If — _ 1.'—. _ *'C

f lfo c 1,ld uot h t lkon a %"David .Maltolm IL must ls3 a hcai t V' 2 . '"° ' notion, w«or' .stoi.c, , indeed, that could look to some fnoiidiess waif fauiely there upon 'that lonely, rnolantlioly' fate'^010 P,enty of them—too many—as a eloat throb 01 , i.ULu'ojvoc l I.Sfiaitel, y -'gi'vin. b...*..fgt 'eithet,.,ni, Pity^moto his heait tl s'goiulcmcn more^tlu'in a''passing,;list- wlthAbo tliougnt, that.only lack'of loss glance,,! hei ga?o 'all at .once, be-, moan^iuctenlcd ,'-is diet pi oject ,of -f ' come "uvaedbiiion.somosonioe object "fafarr ostabiislmig,,bette, ,«,""", '^i"'-1"'"r, ,homeJiu""-'s? lfo«/r ythes "-•«•«e s down the "-licet luvolunlauly their llU,° ol'lc', ^- »\ U'o bcait .of the '" eves followed hersi-ii" ini eagci e\reclae\r'cct..- Sieat-<-'ty Ihe bnght spot-- > ca 0 v 1 a 8 cc lled 1 - "theTcab came noa'ier and neaicr" dis- .' , °" ' bor fatnci tin'f tho 11Ciocs-^!! in! Hu, ,11s1 Minntinel I.UI I,,, an,11,4d1 iISs apilJIUt t14-,4o ^17 " - • ' '°._ wasfoimcrly. ~ . a , samura.i , ai hea linff rus•nOhl ,,,rblight( mlintno Ith boo middlmirlrlle« ontf tiling(..,„,„«s . A/. 1I,15S . s0S0"-' ]nJnOSUlCa°_sulca,, assisteaSSlbtcCd l m-111-, , thotho.. ,, / closint; the sweet,-smiling'•"face of. a^, i °l, , '"A , •"" b 1 six-n. onUi's babe;1'tho two' men, hus-' ,,° tllc c'a>s wPrc,°.». bunging the and, make thorn -hum - < , ., y. dw" ./J be, cUiai. giew out 01 what., , hal ov tl 0hl 1,3Unas n,1 ht ha c a C by as ,-, bancKand^phvsitian, became'• tians-r i "- "ca-son, fieighted, ITc whe, .haM", olT^the load till tho >. S 1 \ ( - V*" P f« J- *}'-*' y>.ied by uic uansfoiniattoii in Mho Wllll-.lts' mmgled rintli and^onow — „,n, ,„,„"i,„,„,, ~ , -- - 1 they lad one made piecisoly similai, , pp poiny is liko^'a needle, is icfinod, trivial • matlorf but / thc-samurai' L ? K 111 de of canbou and rni s'k-oxcii J lLs JOV arKl lts 1KUn •Vol-J?" y^ ° ^- ,VY ' J ^' although that ,n u«« -was' ^"is ( (Ic'iea'to blood told in tlna instance In the till' now lethargic tieatuio" bcfoie ,"u^'»! * ' 1! u 3 Xt ' R'lill-loatl a,ly ,ccntiiiy .older But" this which wandci ovei the countty * and sensitive M rnC ia 1 V *< house, ne\t -o to li>at of the ~Kcanos' - - -them, , and with a smile of mpie clocs nSuttx\i*uifi the L01 d,Mayor's .Wo have rlittle idea of ,thc > large than motfal s-veetuess——' , ^thi" y ppoi--- , Jo'lhcial' - - . ti ml cts, ,and amongs- ' t- othei GREAT NUMBER OF BABIES livedy a gpsfcip.ng couple. Yam-'Y^ aspects of Noithetii Canada G oat anouyo and ins wife' iiie woman Jt, ^ weanecaiicdd ^ head crept '^closei to , his things the jowclod-swoid as a v.ilua- Sia 'Cr Labe, for cample, is nlmost 1 Impressions That MayiSeem Ciuol .',!iTSe",'T "*" ^ P' °^*""S' ^""^ *•' boosom , and lay,lheie< at icst foi- ,,,e asbc(, for ">ht cost thovcity 54L,- ns laige'as Lake Cneyor Lake , On- to TvTolhoA " ' k-lutljdalo.us lales;concerning tho ragman's,- ,- co iMLLers. ,v _ ^. ^»son yThQ Ecn&jl|.0iSaim„aI, spmt' r tai 10 L One _ of Tyiicll's pictures ii\^ a"bea.:ti ul .pait 'of a' city sliow highAvva-vcs on this lake, in , Me.ijijvln Jaboi loiislyAabor-, o\cr- of tho father became moused when - , >. yCiaduall> shA =ubsidecUinto ,a low CbiistinaAUve in yght jolly f.itluon cemetery vihey laul fan, Waigaiot ** ~r—<»r- ii 1 1 o 3 ' < • TAXING BACIIEX.ORS ' v which sm.Lll ho.tts could si trccly st.i- st,itiStUvS-«fiio '.ilinost^unconsciotisly the honor of Ins" family was attack-*' •' " moan 7'y'lTow' _could v'you bo' so.. ,!] ' as* too "oUeii'happens,,'our yjoy Malcolm, ancYneai the base 01 the v r M » TTV.,-. v v< ^ ri, - t ', v-ove, iimotliei s-hovv& 4,cc 1 id cos jnlcJ (l.is"--cd t- among _ tlioso to" whom tx !ovl and lie lebuied his ncghbors, but' ..cruel"?" 'But; finally the 11115101...... neintivo". s . shoit-hvccl, ''and otu plans thwai t- c quisitely - designed gunitc . sihafl lA Olio of the "Slates of the *Ai gen tine up by ico~ ine-..suie *• on the fio/cn. good "henty laiigli i&,'an unknown j in tho wai oi.wortis tL\it followed ho ' ...y ' ' ,e0d min Llic" u vel- y 1,,c- i a, I a.hc'or h.-s goncc'to the tiouble ".m samuiai'..ostiiinc and burst into l0 r vnal of memoiv'in ever SJ small ^a ' '•''" 1 ooms with- Chustoas-to ithes, is all flic tement over tha expected lais a month to the Stite Poi the |0lly anci mihcuit task to iind it, a fie' i"'o m the v.-oild of tins import-".the hoiisc of fheir^ «>lardetous neigh- T u)L fct L digicc ~ 1 r j* Abo 1 tlio wiiVicah/eil at length a visit of Santa Claus In the "ri-dst ne\t live jeriis tho ta\ rid eases 300so |lia jouinty to the ico'tja on {he y - h a'I the babies, born at bors. Yamanouvo and his wife weio '"If tnat'chJd can'bo obtained byj'baCe or we.uinc&s rml dropping m- of .1 vvondeiful game with' hei I er cent f'ctwpca thiilv-nve and lilo, tlum co.ist ol the continent iv.is acoiu'm minute wetc arianged in a .'nstoi.ndel at iho invation a»1 Uirn- n-ny 1101,3 a.-aon inner heaven she to her inviting locket all at once-be- fathot, the dooi bclj lilies, and 1 the i fty the bacheloi is suppoord to i consiflciahly dcl«i\ed hue in then ciadks they would ex- 'od to cfcape. .'Ihe woman, howcer. shalh lia\o, it"." bo s.ijingyhe stcp-[San to feel hoiseir'iea ly tired ( She long-s»ufiei mg rdoctbi gatheis lutn- havo civstalh/ed into a continued One iiundied -no Inty miles O,.SL 0r'tend uoand tho globe „ 'vvas literally cut to pieces 111 a few- :>o,l softly'out of ..the toom, lushed aid baby would ha\o a long icjifttl se'f togothoi foi a ptioigc into tho slate, and a stiong financial uilt is Gteat Slave Lake the evploui lound i v'l'i <-he in-tinet of a (end whose ' moments ITer husband'got away H ihtxiytih thc^h7ill,.and (ius on vtlio evening together, where she'could be eolcl-Jiocombcr night A mes,3eiicrei to.vidctcd necc-^sarv to awake hint, the iiiiiction of tin- ilaiiutiiv' and f'l'-i is v\u ("it Iv kept beating with and Van to a police alarm, box. The U cic.il in"Aa twinkling God fiee to catoss her-ylaumg^vithout, boy Iwbds in a paitcf addiessc-d to fiom his lpthoigy Jle is, thcrcfoie, Tl.oion uvcis, tin, '1 iiolon beuiir the -l ciici'l.itmg iluiu dctnin^ Us actu-/f,tther nnd.son lan after "h-in, but, T bc ,. . --• - --- • — 4, tht, 'iholoii being the i ciciful > I'oi what* had he come,' * icalous eyt't'loibit'cling I101 So much* Gia.e Bailing Giaham, caio ol mulcted to tho tune o'Jvventv t'-y-'gioat aitcoieiy 01 ihe tup' ho'fol- it ing lU'lticritc-cfi OjU -in ,0101 fiovvirIM. miles it nacl 111 hum in vveiiM -it av"taffc sympathetic Bv th.s tuno a large body of pilice % sc rc ancl Len the g --ding_ (tlio can 1.. ,e whoie sat ,the coiiMnced himself that aftei all fnallv disclosed to tne tinv l'adv's I ' bacheloi is mulcted aviiuigo vvultii 01 ^50 yams, a"d Who of allA'avid was light in keeping his fiail Lll cnraptaied g.i/ga/e is illin. mosn-ost ir.v--ir.x; ' nty e.olhusy but having icithcd of six feet and a cuiteiit of time foi t-m te- b ibics to Lo catuod -past ocrqts tnsappcarol Latei tncy weio people but-his ov'.n ptettj, litt'o WHO undei pj.-o.iii_ pioto-tnn, a given point in a cohcient proccs- found dead in a corner of ajifiKh- nificent doll cithr-i J Y 01 her pai- tlie scvontY-fdth voar iciiel li.-ally miles .in lioin wne, the hnpji est woman in all iho 'atliot than lea, g hei to the taic L -aon at (he i.ilc of tvv.-rity a nini-,boiinr stieet. 'J hex hpd coin'n.itted c-its ,had ev oi ~ st t- i->nt e\on the tonics ana (ho .tax. becomes noininal, j The depth of the channel in iao-t tni-veise, fn tt"- pos-essicn of, then 01 paid aAeiidjiiij. ute, in the 11 motliois'-atms, ono by smcit'c by tha timo-lionoicd .method unbo mr'cd adii'iinticn life new trca- being ic lilted to nine dollais pot 'places was fiom ten to 1 out ten feet, fnsl-boin, then suoslni.e, then,1 freatcrty luul Mil iam Giaham scat- 0 10 tho , awful line being I opt up 101 liarakfn H-io calls, foiIh can not long "delay annum Aftei eighty a man can 1 e- but in ,i few [uaces thcie wetc s ind Or.ue DaVlin^r, for so thev' had loyal- 'ed hmself when the doo'i bell was c the sleepy time, and in a little, tho main single without pajing any- bais^ovei v.liich the w.ilei v--a', not ii'j'ltt and (lav until the Ia t houi of 1 ( J— x> 1 lj,jiamed hei :n comtnotnoiation - _ot" itmg by ,one o, Il'avid Jlalcolm's oci- baby diopsioii to dioamland, st.ll tinner * 'mote than tlnee leet deep Kot A the twelve, months > 01 a vcar h,.s ' OYSTERS AND DISEASE _tiTe bia\e heioine of s.hool" book \ants, with the iet|uc;t that ' Mrs single lapid woithy outh" 11,11110 v-,fhipsc I 0 clasping in a tight' cmbince lici 0 ' In a recent scientific w ork by .lo"ie , *> * r Giaham and the baby would please bcatitifiil doll '"Wondei of v cncleis COAL DTSriSNGARLE ists At sevcialjioints ,1110 tiiucnt llaiiiia gtaspoi tho full nnpoitnmc 'Uhv, riughr how you staitled co.no o-cr .-s soon os possible, '.ai, is vciy swift, but not too stiong foi. cif (his wide and av\c insoinn^ ,pro- 'I'tofs 7'cnJman and BoytoAentitled too, the c'octor ,' n-ls himseli at Tho town of Davos, in Svvitioi- position^ tin's iiitio toiontific --t.uisti- ' 0>"-eis".ind Discntc," thoy-ieport 1110, rashing out like tl at '" "But His "\iali.oIin was vciy restless 'to­ canoos going eitiioi up or down , ti.o the re' " in\ostig,>uoi,s on with a hastv. ' Hush, dearest, and night and wanted to sec them tharmmg dittlo wife, and-actually 1 tl,c cal,so nh,ch foUow me,'.' the doctoi vi an baby car- ' it lapping- both hoi sleeping baby for the abolition bl all the oidmaty Tyucll says that the TI1J0 1 UVQI ipquests u» to remain calm while hc, Produces -,'ieen o>- looks oi ei tho lottcis fiom the exen- inioims us that, as A niatlei o. <;u'1" -«.iny cmuncs puw ll.nr oj- rioge and ball into tho broad en-10nil hcise'f in a heavy r cloak, the forns- of fuel' It is proposed to !b one of Urn luiest 111 Cam.d.i .aid mg mail Ono is 111 a stiangelv ltun- niathcmitic.il ca'cnlahoii. he" has ^tCtS l0 l,a%u th0 cmcialdhue, t.an-c wav, and-picking the child up i-elf-saeilfiting little woman stepped erect an extensive eleetnc pl.uit at is nav igable tfoi uvet l-o.tts 01 oth- iliai hand-wuting, and tan be fiom tho confluonce of two laigc mountain ei boals of light diaugi.t alhthcAvav iiichspulabK dcmonstiated tho undo- Ahotich there is a widespi end opin- fi oui us anility coveungs, lushed foi tli in tho dull night an, hcaiirg ,on that rc, n . no one but D.^vid himseli -Its veiy tonools, whose imitcilA-iUi!, will .from lliidscn s Bay" thiough Cho->tei- mable fact A hat the icvicwor nt hi-- B -' oj^'-ers me not odi- impetuously down, tho hall as fast a iei,ieiful sigh as she did «o foi tie bievitj appeals" to him keenly pon of inspection, ot the end 01 a "c l Thc investigators art ivo at the as his long,limbs could ca'nv hnn, warmth antl bughlness and supply the necessary motive 'ouvo I Held Jnlet to the foils of the Ifin- cnec. "Deni Ilngh,—Tia-.e von 100m for aliO'dy olectncity is not only n-cd jbuiv, a dot.ince 01 jfiO mihs, ox- voat wouldaiavo--en onlv a sixth 01 conclusion that thoic ,-ic soycral the little 0110 clasping"her. falhci's left behind fo lrls a vvandciei at your "fireside to-mor- foi lighting and motne pove,, but copttng, icihaps, at two upids on Hit sti >plv of the infant i:i.,'i.<-try 01 > ' of greenness Coppti is -iaid nock in intantilc enjoyment Pausing It was a lovely cusp, stai light IOW (Chtistmas Bav) ' 1 his should lto bo is adopted in many villas ior cook-I the uvei above Ikikci 1 ako, wl.eio tlie (iiupot \oar '1'.on, v.itlbthc iu- Present in minute qiianlities 111 at^the door to allow his enoigctic night, with Hist 'enough pui o soTt reach vou by th^-n, and I am not A ing and heating, .uni in 0110 01 (ho somo iuipiovomo.its in the channel dilicionec lo be .expected «-->iy 1fi 1 ("I;, R 'al" l o/'-tcjrV,,^,V.Js, IJ tV , wee,.14^s3 foun4W444.d4 t^4h. a„ thv..e^ helpmate; a moment to legain he, Miovv-wioaths cvetjvhoic to make fai behind it I haie a hoesc but ( 1 largest bake ics The idea is to do might be made he believes th it ,111 mii-'aiticd man of «tcion«e, he cool- greenest American oy«t"is coiita.'ne.l breath, the trio " entoied the 100m it t.vpieal Chtistmas vvcathei Had not a home I cannot go thcic yet v ,iway with «.' 1 conta umalion 01 the this Lugo navigable highway, cx- Iv .ith's as if it v c-c- of no coo'o-,,-»,,.'abou- t fout times the amount of " 'ich is prcsjnt m the wiiuest sirctched foi th to clasp the gleciul she would havo noticed it, ancl thank bnghtness I expect upon eai th En­ Iending fai into Noithoiti f^anada. s , is open for navigation dtii.ng thc ki is .H the end of the lino. fv.t Amcncan ov-5t(is Careful rhomical baby, vyhom " without hesitation, it alljn with her aitist eye foi the close a small thank-olieiing, not ti,.„ ilu. ip.n-v s,„,..K v.... rh ..v„ examination demonstr..te I lonclu- ' Hugh handod over to her An 01- 1 oaiitflu], bi.t hot thoughts weio moilII s of duly, August, SepieniLci when the vc.u's vipj-K v..-s di.i.vin r woith mentioning, foi (he pi omo- A~ClfiXESE IilEVTJ to a closo thoic v.ould lo a war sivelv tli.it' thoic is i roporUocatoly dioaiy child would have kicked and first foi her husband and his disap­ tion 01 some pet scheme of yotus I and October mine copper in the cjrc-oiitr j1-i (s ot stuiggled, but not so with Giaco pointment, then on baby, and lastly- Tho following is only a poilioti of AMnio c'escciiding tlio 'Iheion he /".ml, not of liif.-nW. but of lo-nir shall follow this up and ti list to imr .|x-\eai-oid bo's and girlb (he- ovstcis than in those pai ts winch Dailing The soft velvety touch of on tho pooi, nervous sufieiet in yon­ tho menu of a bantgucl given the found at our- place tho putiefymg Provic'C"te for a welcome As eici, other day by the loading (Jlin.ese of 4 are iess trrcon. The crtc-'n coif i of the baby face and hands IOUW-CI ail der chamber, where tho night light Da\id Malcolm " emcasscs of luiiidicds of tleei on both the highlv-pii.'cd Maie'i'es o'.->"ci3 tho mother love 111 this childless wo­ was ever binning finding her' vv.iy the J'cdctaled Jl.vl.ty States shoics foi a rule 01 moie, vvheto CAT .12 Vi:.\Pi> OLD Aio.uid tho modest Chnstmas w.s found to le ptoduccsl by the pio- man, tie little one meanwhile 10- etsily bv tho light of the hall lamp, Shaik's foi, buds' nest, snow liiush- they had app.nciitly been slauglilct- boatd the dayy following might be l lieu Pohl, Picsie'oi-t of t!-c Cimiui sence of a certain pigment ai.d d.d mmning solemnly still, ofienng no Mm.1111 cn'e-ied the sleeping apai t- 100m, pig's jialate, stewed jngeons ed bv Esfiuim mx, ns vvas shown by found a genial doctoi and his ad­ and walnuts, fried mineed fowls-, j el- SocUtv tor _ the Piotc-clion of C'.ttp, ' ,',oT"dtmet,d "upon tlicamoimt O! tho resistance to tho closo embi ace, and ment no'selessly, and as usual of tlie fact that many of them weio ins Jus>(. puhit^hod >j>o results of his mit able vobiig wife, while between contained copper the teats—blessed (ears—and kisses lale, unannounced One look at the low muslii ooin. stewed ducks, fi icd c.uvcd on! depuved of tho mvosl igat nm in ic,;.u.' to the n-^c- them on the ono haul) sits a tall, showcicd upon tho sliming head Be­ bed .told her that Maigarct Mal­ 'ha-k's fn fi icd shai k's fin with CHOICEST CUTS OE HEAT u huh it is pc'sMl.'o for disline;iii'-hi.--d-looking gentleman, the ,im- TPRKISIT 1'RINTIST, LAW tween the sobs antl caicses camo colm was aslcey—not a lostful sleep eggs, ducks' feet, mush; 00111 and mills to ..ttam Cats he savs, e b-cn/eduideed by much tiavel but ducks' livoi, sin imps, fish and ntush- Thc Esquimaux at an encampment mo All piinting cstabh hn o ts in Tur- bioKcn eiaciilatious-, addressed to the by any means,, but at least a pal­ not far away ,iss>-ito(l tlti-t this fear- bke human boings jn o-.c it-spe^ct 'Iho kej, aecotding lo a ifw l.-vv uist astonished littlo niothci. lia! relief foi the weary bmin With­ "••paio of flesh. The cleat -cut. fcatiucs 100m, boeho-de-nioi, loast stickiug- moie rcateful and lott'-i regulated aie a tuflo too stein, peihaps. ex­ pig, fowl and bacon, 10.1st poik, ful destiaction of deei was due lo lassc-'. niav havo o dv out- door, "How could you bo so truel ? To out a woid to the watchful hus­ the fact that they hud been caught iheu life is, the longn tlioy .no 1 iko- nnd that opening on to tho stiect band, >dic withdrew, cniiymg the cept when he smiles, and tnat he 1 oast mutton pics, piesoixecl eggs, ly to live As ,i pi oof, be points take my bnbv fi 0111 me ' ITow could does quite oftcn to-night, as his ovos 1 Ittms, ytgettiijlcs, sweets, lily seeds, by Ihe spi ing ice floe and di owned Windows must b= covoretl with you bo so CHIC] ?" still- sleei ing babo down to the This statement, howevoi, vvas not Le- out that a favonte cit in tho royal c!os--i'icshetl wire netting so thn» bin ai y, tho cheeriest loom bv far 111 take in with longing tondeiness the etc. rastlc of Nyiiiphonllmg has lived to > Tndignation ,vvoiled up in the heai I ladiant little maiden 111 hei 1 tt,h- lieve-l l% no I apt is ran bo handed llirot.cth. A of the doctoi 's buttle wife , hot all this lonely- house, with its com- -1 The thief food supnly of the eoun- be 4" ye.us old, nnd coi:w(,ut>iitlv statement must he made a vnu m foi tabic clini'rs and couches and chair opiiosite. - m.iv fan!/ claim to lie consiet-nd angiy teais slond for ,t moment ill _ Till: REVIVING WINDMILL tiy consists of tho gioat hetds ot ii-'.-.anf-c of tlie amount of ,nk >c- the lovely spaikling eyes ,' but only glowing giate _It was lietc the doc­ Evcn in tho midst of innocent c.oibou, and tlie fish of vaitous kinds the docn of cats in Cer-'iany That mirth, which all thiec must sustain In Geimanv clectncity, among qiilicd, which will be suopltcd uv.tlio for a moment, to be leplnced by a toi would be sine to look for her which aie abundant in .ill the lakes this lcmai kable animal lias stiii State A spec.mm of tver.v thing when ho relumed lo find the home for babv's sake, not one but what is othei cuiiotts icsults, has rclntbilit- some j outh in her is evident fiom look of tcndore&l compassion for and stic.uns Tiioie aic a huge printed is lo be kept, and trust bo thinking of that other Chnstmas alcd' tho ehscaidcd windmill At tlio f.ict that she gave birth to a this pitiful wicck of a piomismg nest Yicscited Laying tho sleeping Neisham a windmill supplies power ntunbci of musk otcn also, but the shown at anv time to a poli-c in- life, tins chilefless wife of 11 wealthy Dav—that other scene in which iho natives find it so easy to slaughter kitten two vears ago Morcoyor. the mfanl caiefully on a couch, Minnm babv stood out prominently—that for Unrty-si-v: mcanclcstcnt lamps, kitten thrived vv onderiulh nnd at- s" ector on pain of a fine husband, whom but a few sh'oit sought tho depths of a capacious them that tlioy are rapidly diminish­ quiet testing- place foi their beloved that light a large paint factoiy An­ ing in number tracte-d much .itlcntion when it was months ngo she had looked upon at easy chair, to bo in it-adiness should other in Sthlciulg TTolstein keeps an enviable distance, as 0110 of tho clc.id Tho photographs which accompany exhibited at the ox] osition in Bies-- WAR AND WKDIOfv" tho uneasy sleeper abotc awaken up a hcayy weight, of which tho happiest of women In one of the most densuly populat­ tho ropoit aio huge and, though not lau OTicial returns relating »r> mai- and repeat hor icfluost for tho baby ed poitions of that much "ovei- descent woil.s a pov.eiful dynamo of the xciy best quality, they vivid­ nages in Cape Colony dur'i.g 1001 1$ A coinpichcnslve look of sympathy The Inbois of an unusually busy crowded cily a 1 ow of comfortablv- ly illustrate the aspects of that lit- A COSTLY PIG ndicato that the war did rot so- fiom hor husband caused hei to clay weic beginning* to toll on the built dwelling houses hate leplaccd OLD AGn PENSIONERS tle-Iviiown legion We sec the dog A man stole a pig in Stockton i ioti=lv interfere with thc row t-0 of utter ncvei a sound, as she caught a rt, little woman, so that befo-fi she the wretobod__toncments.wjicic ri 11 <_ On the Ot&t of Maicli thcic weio sledges that carried the supplies for California, sonic years igo Grow­ true love in thnl p<> on 1* tho glimpse 01" the emotions struggling was aware Loth mothci and babr. ^d tq^^w'Fjig's'od'supi enie On a J2,770 old age pensioners in New the paity to Gicat Slaxe Lake, the ing out of thc case there 1 aye hce-i Priti-h Empire In fact, it wns a foi Iho miisteiy, his profession slept the sloop .of GoriV 1 e .enioied f.01o m tho othei Zealand rI he maximum pension is foils or trading posts ,of thc Hud­ a half do/en trials ior pcrjuiv. ono ro old voir in matrin oaial von- ng. it.f,r, his falheiiiOQd, &mo and s 0 a hLU T huiidimrs, still in sociable pro.ximitv, son's Bav Company that aic scatlci- foi hbol, and two c • th-oe convic t re Too Iota- n'' nb-''" « wod- O.n'd Malcohu sat with bowed Jinoccut. T'r.ey do not awaken when SI ,72 per week In Viclotia, wheic Ji. iieht footstep sounds overhead ; stands an unpioteutious chapel the maximum pension is §2 per cd far and wide, Gicat Slaye Lake, tions for stealing thf m». The co--' di cr- "ol'iim -<'• "'lib J,-,t? ST n ly lic.id a ' vicuiu of conflicting toi- noi vet when tho faint swish of rir- l>ca mcr the insciiption in white nn • eck, tho number of old age pen- spieading away like a sea, with its is now closed, h'-y •i =t tic ^t ! H V n a i' re .so em It- 1 . r>n Unci-. V.hv Imi ins own babe; 'STfUl nipnis i<-i In aid r 11-tho stuns re «-,>l ' ' fi-nc Bailing Mission " "-10001=. now b.-mg paid f-vrtnightly wooded shoics and the buildings en n.(l in I 'IIOUS.IP' - 1 anv n.i'i- •ainloaoe' ti- Vi'ta. anfl nl,- !<,.', 1 .ci ,-s t" ..- foot mil pa-sos U>« ,,i,- »" 1 -r,v t'a ". " to'! m«. -"'«« <- i.;.F«JA «Jr •WL.L. * ,»**»»*• *r**i"i; «u»*ji.**u*^-i^^

' '£ B 9 •3MbL© Sto3?jr O031a3.3pai13aL5.03a, off " !B?ls.@ t IB^Io cyfco:ia.«b3r ''3MC sadLJ..

w©a\S-"i£»C«»©>DO©M&^©©©©SC»arf>*-&S»^ yllut you nio not 'Silas Cai.stou," There wero thus faulls on both •^•••l-H-H-I-M^-I'^M-l-l-H"^ .*i-M«:»M«!~M~!«I»H"A-'>H'<-'M»l? Miitl Ah-. Koglu, shut ply. ' sides, tho consequences of which • I am not, hut I inn his topiesvint- might, with a littlo nnitiinl cpnfl- attvo," miiiiililed jjlr. .Montgomery, eleiico, have Lce-n nvortc-d!' with n bow. 1 The Plot That I * * » * Ir ' "Ilnvo von his wilileit nuthoilty *:* ' ' " <> to iciirt-sc-nt hutiY" Tho I'.il King was- piorifiring to 'J'heio was the slightest shadow of weiip oui of clock, and Michael Fon- hesitation in Mi Moiil'/omtiy's I Failed and Why! wick, Mik at eLs-iippoliitnir-nt at not inniiiii'i"'ns im produced liuin his poe- having hail a i oply fiom JCilly, was lisll-sily (lliuLiiig^up n roio'on tho kethook a pnpor pui|ioilnig lo Le- ';";<•;»:••;••;'<:• " T OR BLINDFOLD ON THE BRINK writlen by Wihis Cuislon, giving «:<•».% •<•:••:••»»:••: -•-••.»•.' »:•»:• lo'-tnstlo hoad. li Im. Iho' l,on i ei,, lull powvi lo act us V A Mountain of Gold Existn.^; iii "IMcu.-y, lMleliuel — the "last man The chief male was sliincling by Ins, the- said Silas (Jnrsl oil's, icpy- the liioiilv mil, 'homing eudors ,to OF PRECIPICES^-*^^ ,, I'd have thought oi seeing lu i.lvoi- 2'-cntnliM' HI K-sioci'iii t ny 001111111011- I he iiiiiiii in cliiii'go id Iho stt-ani X Queensland Making Men Rich. , « jool. Whoio have- yo'ii I i-vii nil llu-e M _: , — •(,*» cation that iMossts, Koglu ik. Quick wlnili, win n, c-sliug his eyes for a yuuis/" , i ©ao s&ecaaco sesosc&t ooc©ooo*o ao©ov3«o\»a©«5<30(i!>Q©co©cffi©«»©tf may havo to make iiiouienl ipiiiywiii-fls, Im iinv n girl's ""Wloio havo you' boon, Hick? I lon'il'iil fitio looking up lit that part •^H-:-:^'2»M»M-I»M-:«K»K~M"ft ,01' hidden anything ft nm ht-i .since 1 'Iho lawyer minutely sri-ul ini/cd the CHArTHl! XIIA haven L loamc-d vciy fin Hum Tnt',s of tho ship, In oltlon Umt.s It was said that'partly up one'of its sides. Tnoy eanic inio tlio hou-e doiumonl, nnd I hen L''o ,1 c.iior 1 t I was strong in binvo lesolu-s N'eithei looiuod to Ins, holuni with" Coiiit-r, luit^ you — \vh,\, indiody s •> i ' i iiioithoie we'rew'oi-o- ".seven WOIKIC-IH OI thethe .. siojluisKukod a.hnii. their- i.uwlaudi witwillh, sluimuu opi nnd W'jlh a 'littlo coaxing, howevoi, 1 llo could not tako ndvanl ago of her when I kiifi^icel nl the- door nl Ilie pioliiin-l coiilldouco lion id a bioilth oi yeiu fin tho lost vvoi Id — Ll'ts pyuimids of I'.'gypt, tho tattle, and e'lielt-n voied to win „ llv- ohlimiiil a wook's losjiilo, pi-oMiiiity lo spunki in hoi; hUMiilos, ' littlo house-, ,. Hut thty wi'ro sadly six veins or nunc-'" huiuimun,imi, gardengardenss at llnbylen, the ing ,fitun II, but had III Ho suctos.s. Imim ilinioly. afti-i win tl AIis. Wit 'How- do wo know Hint Silas O.ii- Mlclionl wns, too close \fii wy , mill k.llji- man ; but, co upaiol with llu.st-, oaliiig iv jKiisonoiis weed which glow r e routine, as iIni• st-iv.int next elooy .Mr iMnnUinnery hovvodr f-nflh.d. ir-y hiaveiy "IIuvC- I i-oiiio heio to ft Ithur-I I ftivvick m-ns the- liiiioi',.,i hi; .,„|ioi illnni,.'., ,u lorn |m, to Ins Ho iv one oi s of nntiiiu nl the pic- 'iilwnvs liill.iiii', t-) men. too, I don'l shriiggi'd his -iho ti I dei s and inuimui- IhiUlghl—,i 'i eiulliii-ly (ie'.'innt Way HUo:f hem I'M pie'i'iico on lite quny. abundantly in Iho nolghlioi hood, and look upon her for the Inst lime: to e I, sonioi.liliig about Iho honor of a No, they hnven'l; bin. ,-s that is ••eiiL dny ni-o as seven ly limes'sevon, soy'tinir sons weio obliged to lonvo I now, I nil smo, what hei nnsho-s It would h.ivo ht'on uiiiid iiiHiiboiiliii- bid adieu \>' Umt'sibilc fotovo?" I gen I Ionian my biisnu.s, mid not anyLoeiy's, lust and aie lo ind in ovory pint of (Ins tho honosltiid for woik clsov>lu.-io. is nhoiil to Keep hei —• bi.inm tittiin to leave the ship, ovon for five- msliod myself; and mv hen it 'sunk, 1 -• Wo do mil tako gentlemen's hon- lie lonient,' mv 'sou, io know Unit grand old ou'lh Wo have reiiel 'in Ono of Ihe SJIIS, AlOMtntler (loi dun,, 'hussy " (The sei vnnt next door vvos iilnitites, s i all lUulmc-l eeiulil e'o , but u Joive no response. ' I'vo been 'luiloi ing'jn uc-nrly every f inbiilotis steuy of mountains of gold found 'employment' with tho Morgans, the „old lady's pe-t iilini . uboniinn- oi" a> evidence," drvlv lepliid. Mi was lo lean ovei tlio uul and siie'tilt ("Wo ni. nil aloiif." she- said, us 1'ion) l-'ogle 'Hut Avliy dots not ^Silns --(1,1, null t'l.il now I'm (lnif mo.lo ol bid, wu s i[ po.-cd thul Midi miiiUos 'inning hpoculaloi.s living-nl Mo.inL Whoio j iho, uisiosl bttle mill sleam 'lump' lo llll -I v.t- wont li-ln Iho pallor. "Aliuy" '"IlU'ic. she is, t.tlkiiig'now la Ciiistnii t-oiiio hc-ie; himself' or nttiiu- eiflstud only in tho, virions ! WhoJt-r, u.Juw miles irom Itoclvlmm- 1 Mint unties between Livoijiool and 'You Mioulein't hnvo t-otuo," ho (the setviiiill "i>- out, anil so is Mis' fonio sii tinge, que ei-looking man, is ho now '" ' v , of I outs nnd loinanlie-ists. How over, ton. Aim, Aloxiiiidor Goidcn was Venn the Spanish polls,-" siiul, Jiisl looking iniind lei ift) Hint Wilson, won''v.i fill to say." S 'ami I uni sine si o is l,ilium, al.out • lie ciinnot come hii'iwelf llieio weio not Imniotlnito lisienoi s, l- Inown, lo ninny Hint n voiil-itl.e dnfghler ol n .slocU, IIIIIII 'who • Have you a v.Knncy fci 'a 'foi- able mount,,in Whin nn , c-:v(oiittonal oppo-tuiiity us, foi I saw hnn I .nut' lo this •oc-onil qus-vlion, 1 pioloiiiiiillv lognl "We «• Im11 oiiist oil in less 'liuin 10 of go'den ore exists i ollun duivo his oaltlcove:' tho dls- i nd linnd'?" • litiotii'ilund, the- for what blind io -iiv-i JUil 1 could house d tin n ho stud ' mit'lLin.A to --av, I c-aiiiKtt niiswei I have minutes." • . ' , ii Ciiietn-ilund, tlio sui ny Slum of Ariel, and vvatoied them at ' tho"' ' "Who 'jci-y— fm vou'' ' Why' — not begin il; J murt colleel my mill --Mo laughed: ',lic Iind,,!', uoi n->t pioiinsid my fi lend Cnisttin not' l<> tlio new AiiHlriilian/coinmcjiwonllh streams flowing n( tho lune of (ho wlinl's p-clLy little K'it(y aliout that "I ioiiltln'1 id y^iti go without thoughts—look II iy<> words bofoio J,nigh at niy house, I vviin'l pit up do so " " smug good-liv,. Micliiii-I," ,' Ibis liiouni.im is; now being tunneleil I n o .ntiiin, nn'l alio hud IOMIVUCI irom 'A Mr, l-'oglo pa_ssecLa.hu papoi 1" Mr she's lulling .vou go to,sea?" niu levt'ltd,' and-its stono enohed her father u piece yof gold-bum ing 1 spoke ihci'i. ,,, slvvitli I.oi iinpiiilenei' " ' , 1 'Vcs, I know it,til Wns ,vv lung ol Qiuc-k, vvhobilso" 'iiiinuloly cMimlnod "Novor uiiiid- Kiltv, Pich I'm and (| in<-<>d throiigh'cheihlcal ' | n-o- She wns woi king hard nt hei paint-! A slintigc- IIIIIII puinting to the me to lonvu vou. w illioiit. niwoid, stono picked " up in a' e-iook thero. it, -hooUlus lu-iid, and I uracil again going lo -en iijiiui, ht-oaii's- llinga cc-se.H, In one yiinr.-ovc-r ;12.'1,000 ing, us tisitrii. I satidovvu upon n hoiisc-l 'Whut wns th i e in such a but I Hid H ior Ihe I c I. Is iti v Gordon't-howed tins Htonn lo tho footstool ,al ht-i- fft-l, nnd g.i/cd Hit- (oniinoiiplaet-^cu cuiiistiuito to li o i- AIoi(,ais, who nl,/' once ' miw its the'y up 'nl "lK'i-4, fnco _ iNt-ver. I bid in'e'' I'-ul il chcl. I ,wont to tho, woi lh, und o itrcd'lilni, C20 if ho ivvoiild slow Iht'iii Iho spotf'W hoi o "it1 thou/jln, Iind she looked .so lovt-lv as window' In' n" 'h o vvas no't visibl'' e lioin' wns lound, 'Plus ho piotmsod ,tri do; sho.did that uioi mug, in Ilu- soil, llieio I went lo tho dooi, bothjio ( i! ' und 'the two Abu-gnu-.,, af|er equip- ' hu/y autumn sunlight. Antl I wns, niiel Ilu M'l-viuil luitl diM.tpi oincl 1 7 p'.ng thoiiisolves in itockhiiiiiion with ' cnini in ii-irni ai.d ns! i-'l what tie , pl-ihnps, looking, upon hot foi the- lioi'ses and 'tools lor a 'i'-os| ectlng IIIIIII was lik( r t' last 'tunc-! , , 0 Loin , sliti'led under the giudnneu * orb "flh, I don't know' 1 ncvi-r noliee Half an hour passe-el awnv, nnd v,o| me- thul impel vvi'a|ii'ed lo'iiiel snine Hung luuil Jt n iks fiom 'iho |o,Miloiih tlly ' of (loidoii to find , this modem I'acto- hud not ' t'.xfhiuigoil half a elo/ou siuh ii'nplo A loioign-Uioklng ful- l-'oi- the iiioii'tn t Dick was Inc'ino'l ... , , , , , , , "t't-i Itiinlv not, wo shnll ic-Lnln ' il, rul1 feet, und hu pi Iteit-I hniiitou, nn.v.s a wnu-i- in 'ciiain- liis. , lei'w. wuh loog I.no," sho yuisweii-l to losf-nt-iMiohie'l KonwiL-k's ev id. nl - "', "isfe-a. und hu picke" 1 it, ill r t ' ..wo'itls; but tllnt was not-at nil, ini- nml hand il - over In'Air. Cnfsloii on Ihi nsinnl, nnd put it ii his bus' .1 oui nab 'Tho I re In by which ili-iiie-llnatlou lo brinj[ Kllly lla/- Aft or Journeying over thtiaangca , coniinpn. f(n I loved bi'lloi lo gu/o hulhly ' , , v.lion wo see- him,'J' ' pot-Ki'l, wo miido Hie loui-noy runs son'o ells- r ul'v, iiiiuin into I Im oonvoi siilion, thev ronchod u tu'olc vv hero the gold nnd drt-ain I hnn lo livlk' and whoa i I'liioign-looking, wilh long hub 1 The piofo.ssor ,was posed- but ho "Vou iinisln'l leiuiiiii tiny longor, li iitn tliuiiigh opt-ii' foio.'.t countiy, but thinking heller bi it, he. bt ijiy,,hl wis slippered lo lo ;"'biit' (heir Ilrst at her woik'sht .spol.o but Itttli- Sho Kmli a e!i"-ci-lpl ton would nppl.v lo wns loo piiictlc-ptl a dlsseii.hloi- to Kit1" (cyoii ilion Hie --Jiilp hi-(I hi- (iniboiitl nuiiulv f with bloodwood. fJMl r 1 Ins linnd suildeiily down upon Mlih- day's mvestigatli ns wore ,vory dls^ dropped ' " '"''' brushes, and as I jjMr Alonlgoiuery. Colli. Ir- lo a ivo •liotniv it by iiny oiilvvnid .sign, feu giiu'lo liiovo uwav ft oui I,he (imiy,) boxguins ami u on hark tioos, anel iiol's shoitU'cr. ' ",. (o.i'tiglig, for "lhc sloiio (hoy crush-' gave- Il lo hor I held hoi hand feu- n loilnvu-d me.' And if io hn'l. "bv Iho Inw.vor's eye- was upon lum. "I'll ii'ii'onil t-t,' (lii(Hl-by I" ' ' up a ,very stc-ti|i ndgo'i-nlh-d the- 1 'Look here, olel eliupl" he saiil, . u'l'yielded I tt'o gold. Al inghi ^ a ilio.-neul fnsl locked in mine. A-t I .should lliul dis.-ouco I iner I'e-eo 11 Theio was n whispeioil couleionce U,,l L Cool cit 't-alleil ! Ibuoi Hack lo n laiigc-ol mountains with u s|uiw- en ^eioii-iinluioil linnk- , .'V ,' . "lonient ... . „„ „ tropical , downpour ol tain sol,An, have stud jn-foic. our intoi ceun-sei wits ,M(,., possil.lv ' have -uiv niolive I o- lor a inomoiit between Iho two pint-, ness Una 'c|ii lie tloe-eive.l the'other. "", .'" (1" "'"'b Ull"«- "J"1 wlw'n ' ll0 sll.<1,l',llU1tb fr" ""^ " om norlh lo froc and iii'iic-sti-ninc-el as thul of bio- .vcuiil idle cunosily Nevoi Ihol.s 1 1 and "all Iho gulltc-s nml, crooks becunio^ mis." Then Air. bogle i-aiil,, "Slav ln l!wl ( , ,,l,ll K V S uUl w h u L llu> ,llr ls ( o1 "I don'l want lo poke my no-is into ' V ,' . . ..". 'i!y^'.^''""^ . ",'! ? ' , , ' A '° '"' ' 10 (led und, ran in to -io*ils, ,so tlioy A hor and slsi'c-r, nml thoAietlon ,o.x- eoulel not iciiMin ni.v-oll out of n cc-i- \u- will give vou oui-*riiPill's aelelios.', > fi yoni love .illnns, I',vo livul out my a lii/ndood yards "from"" the ((titty. ' all \ leiismit n((et-' (lii. Iieat nn'l (hist ol had to'stekAi place of snU ty on (ho died, no sin prise in hor. 'inin fune.isiiio's' lesieetuig Ibis iinde-i whose- Distinctions^ we ,aie ll 1,1,Kill sofl side, -anil don't c.lie 11 '1010- ho-coultl -ife being a lil tie figu 10 the,city As Ihe famous mine i,s''up- mountain, Ne.xt, inoi nnig, as (lie- lain strange man r- ' , nt-ting Sho can use'-hoi own dot- waving ^a' w lute linnilkercliiol Hut when'she looked down at mi­ yin ii-onel' ior the 11 numcsl^pol tico.it picnched gicat acllvlly-is ivjjiaront confiiioo I, they woie in such it so'el- , AIis' Wilson tliel not iciovoi- Hie eic-tion as lo whe-thci she plofis.es l" When they'weip well 111 tliu'Ale-rsuy .smilingly, and saw mo in leais, tt that .walks the i.iith If you vv ant A bt.sy nnd Ihriving town-hip, has elone:l nn'l dishoiu it-nod (ondition seioniiy of hor temper1 until nfle-i uniisaet* business with you Wi- lluis r look of ( ontc-i u ' cainc - nci oss hei iZ hetsih' on the lOiI-Kmg vou dm and f.iiily oti their wuvy soawarel In- ati'on, wilh ils hotels', stoics, hos- 11 at tlioy .ilcciiletl.lo innk'o Iheii way, l le-.i |it-thn|.s a sointwh.it ln.vor.ible le-liove out solve-, of nil le-spoitsibility took out and tc.id Killy's last litllc - cb'u n ten a nee ^ t have it.— I'm go.ii'j ulio.iid niiw.'eemie pital, chut olios and sdioeil of in ts back; but, this was didictilt bet-iui'-o i iifiuiist.inec foi us, as it piove-iilol eithe-i wav." , . nolo of appeal i"Would'il niukt-you veiy unhappv nloiig.-'.ind you inn sign on, und.lin- and though some of ,the, buildings of tlio Hoods 'Iheiefoie they moved hei ohsci vmg anything iniusu.i! - "m Ti was ntiC'ioallv A Idllon'It was' if I wcro ta^tcll vou'lliut'yoii'inighl While he spoke ho was wilting on ish tho business " nie roughly' con-ti noted, und ''in the to higher gioimd", svvjiniriiig across 7 oui inannei low aid " one h tllet, Iust ,1 loquo'l in'one .sji'lij-ito. , . never sec- me ugniii alter this lUiy'/" a sh|, or p.ipoi, which'ho folded,and 'I'ho two incit w'ei-fi stiinrliog. by I ho slit-els sloe,)! nitiiial i ui ncl«- 'unci cieo" s II Mil climbing up 'tho sliop- which her shiup eves nnghl have de­ "l-'oi youi own snfeilv's sake, deui _i spoke'in n low choked voice, and handed to llie.vi.sitoi • high wall which hounds' 1 hu Albeit ^blocks eif ^s|(nu aio likelv tei nncst" silcs of ravines, nnd al lust i cached tected. and im love ol 11.0; bownie of ' liicf f the- gathe-img te-ais buist forth fiom .Shall' I noi leepuic the iloci-ment (look, and but a few yards fiom the I, e process ol the unwiiiy pe-tlt-s- u 'ipiii of I he mouutiiin, when; they C01 bett." . , ' > my eyelids and fell upon hei hand 'In ilu- ooiii se ol .conveis.ition, I I gave you , as an mil otluction to clookyg.ilps. J 'V$ v - ti mil," I hero ^' i'i n' buz/'of business found MI Chimimnn's hut. In (his -She'did not nppo.ii to (ouipiehund jn'icnfionccl yh.il I had visited i the- Ihe pailv''" insiniiiitfd the gentlo- 'When do you sail'"' u'-koil Mitli- ai.d ovKlonti-s oi cnloipii'-e that hho'toi- thovymado n lite, diied their' 'I hijv L my wouls as sho asked, in a touts I lLLio on tlio piovious night nian ' ~ ' , .K-I, as ho went up (he Mil, King'i) ,U SK bolls, Inst vvnlch, ""Mich.iol augur well foi Iho fuL.ui o |irosp,eu1y clothes nrd, ate a heiu ty meal, -. £ > ! of'A i on bled wonelet, "What do you.ldid not know of mv connection with Not, at rail 'l"ho papoi you havo gnngwny - ,-' was lobevocl, innd bofeiio doscentling and shapeliness ol Hits niouiiLiiin Aftei' tho iniii had, cleared'oil, ono, r to alio io'-e.istle stood Ic.ining on • mean"'" 1 icponTcd my question in the stage. in youi hand will be aiflieiont mlio- "llnv after to-111011 ow," • 1 t-l ui ned (own iW'o heai tho .(-lunging of ma­ of U*e hi olhcr«, ncconipiinied' by . "a yet,111010 liemblmg tone the mil, looking ' .it the seething, chinery, undt (xcasioiially tho sullen 'I,havo nevci .hoon lo a lho.it.ic iluction ' flood-moiiiing'" the IIIILLU (ovci lus shoiildci Goulon, ''detcrininc-d -^ 10 AS SAILOR. BOLD. ' ' • "Cold to-iiighl,.Ali(bacl," he said Inv igoi.il ing. n " v would iiiakei, me veiy uiih.ippv [place I had ' c-v .-i <.« en' 'I wonder the il ley way opposite • "the engine x Aloigan saw '' 1 r •' \y — it is thill " , r Lhiiit so " • Ivvhat I siimild think ul tl. now'' Oh i. Young Gi'il'Sails Tinec'Yoyages room Jiateh " ' On application ,at the ofhee, the into "Makes, you lliinlc of—of fiiesidves A llll! JILACK IIOW'LHKU , ' ' " Oh how mv he.it L .bounded ['should so much hlvo to go, should "You cun vviitt- youi lotler In-ie," niamigci iciublv gives peiini-sion lo vv.is as a Messman. • d and Kitty, out Killv—(h, MidaeP" which hof thought had sbntc^gold in ' my tlnoat .it .tho^e- ,woi (Is, and not von, .Mis Wibon''" hefcoiitinuud, ' lieloie you sign on go ovei tho woiks , and aftei .i quickly Inn led',back, tpnvei im, itiiil 'Aflei that, for Ilie sake of discipline, "Let K'llly's'hiniiie alone'" ' , it, so ho hrolv'u a lueco oil 'and put, , 'I 'usul to go a' gi -'.it dent in mv ,A singulai sloiy ,of the sea' was ch uige- of-fdiess and | avuiciit/o'f hall J trembling, bv the'thought of anoth- I can't say .invtlinig to you much 111 "iv'o ofTense, mate. , Hut she s not it m"' his pocket. He also noticod pool, deal husband's, time," icplicd told at the Hnslol police coin t A a ciovvn„lo a fun I'loi Lhc bt-neht tfr> ,(.cr' She lovr.l mo — si'io was mine Iho elavtimc—bill .11-night, middle youi s yet " , L Unit all along the tee-1 tliei o vvoicy* thiho oldd l.iJLiJv Hliet waswa-.s aa icgiilni , 0J |1|(ftMj „ ho [llst'gavo , heheii tho'mineis, iho vi-itois aie piovicl- —sKi whom I woishipod, nchnecl watch sometimes, we'll , have a 'As good as mine- Only this ono siiuilat stone-.,-.ind, without, lolling Y 1Ihe-itii-goe i Nevci was a new pime , * . ^ K]k.n f)0i don,, but mtei- etlyvith a guide.'who shows lli«in and I elaie.1 not fake lieA Oh, ag­ eh,ime foi a 'p.ilnvet \" conlinel, and (lien— Goulon-of-'lus discovoiy, he bioke 1 1tiiough t oui. 01 .. new po.fo.nit-i up- u(hl,itud (hat she was Esther 'iinislf this ono lhc ii oee-s ,fi om slml to Imish'^y ony beyond endui.inco . -Mv beauti­ -Michael Penwick's lottei was' to 'Vou may-novel licce.s'oli .uul on his loturn showed I1ca1e.1l , but. he vvas Here l.u He- , ,,,w Was L.iuilyl(| with v. nuclei- whitli % thc common -li'ioknig ' stone ful — mv Moved' An I 1 must 11- ICnty Ha/f-l Jt was not .1 long mv snn^Hit- TOi I King isn't much of( •Uie-s cue noi what llu v used to ho .tin alutuid vvilhout, v isible' nle-ans of quail icd 11om this iem.ii kiible.'inouti- lhoin'io lus~brothei, "who was still noiincc lui' A tloliiiiiiti oi iia'ssion ( no, 111st s-a.v nig dial '-she must not a boat,'she's-old AM\ tiankv.''while r mv deni I i an Yiou-einbi-i M-i- siibsisU-neo '.The pi isone-i who was tnin As'ni.ttlo to' yield golel-.'of the testing m the hut._ . - ' .sei/~" ntun, the^t" "' '"' °'" "' .t-l he caughl sighl of thc""siM>erscri[>- olliei until, the huge ci ushitig^ "nia- All nrlav night—it was ihe-n l-'i tdav fin it loss , but outside he saw thc ly. - - * ' s wholc-inountaiu side appealed to bo mc-jting a few weeks back. I have tion ovei the othei's shouldet clunes aie ic.ichcd, llion tho oie is Hut what ihealie am wo going tiindmir aiiiong some ollie. "I don'l know' Lot's change tho ol the -ame kind ' ol gold-bearing adoied you with moie-fthan human ]ll isonel .Slu-.ll 1 post it foi you?" h^ tamed foi waul b" tineks and lo" ' asked Mis Wil-'on "I say. t hc subie-ct Come down 'lo mv" cabin stono. The ehscoveiy was kept fi om love Oh, lull mc- do von love ni( ' sailois Ivhc-ii he'spoke lo bcr - j-s,aid Iiiiekets to the Tin naces whoio it is HIIIIV Lam' libit is, the- liotist- lot and have a tot— thciv's no one Goulon, as his family stilt ow nod Aosvvei'me hut ont wend, mv (kill­ buist Into teats and ailiiiitteel hei j . j,-() nKk—or, Air Cot bett, I sup. masted and made poious for the ine about " in -, some of the land, and alter having ,. ing, mv love'" T enctl again s,-x He lieliove-d she hud - sailed as pos(,i | ,,ught to say—no thank- I've llall-iCK hai d thloi million process Nevet one' to IMI boi malieo 01 tlio-oie assayed in Hockhnnton, (ho She iniscd hei ev-'"- foi .t 'iioi.n ni So H was airnngvd thai we should messnian and sle-wat d Sho was be-| ,,ot ao K0 ;litoi mv di els' to the The on; is now placed in laigo bai- Mondav haul thoughts Alichad assenlod, and Alorg.tns boiiyht the Gouloos laacl to mmo and thtn di.ip'Kd litem go to lliiity- I alio I healii im, paid oil noi.n tlio sie.imship Gem ', boaiding-house " ic's ane! ti eatetl wilh chloiido -olu- the two men went below to tho fen iho p.illiy sam of &J an acre, with her ""-iheek as ci ini"-fin as m.v niglil ('Una vva" i|iiitt- delnibtf'd at | n (llcll lliul j,SLy.inod at tho HustoH 'p|l0 othei ti u-cl haul not to ^ ap- t-on, undei liigh pussiue , and aflei- mate', c.ibui and '.iflci waul -ct too * the' l est of own i'i do love vou t'e.m-t ii.-n the tliought and talk.'d 01 nothing, I|rtc|),s ± poai disai pointed, and so ini - suc- watd it is clisJiaigod into leeclung Up 'above, the roiling .of Ihe Oli- the b'ltd < on similarly easy tonus. much," '-•lip. tinsweio-l in lioi low ol-t.:_. , nnd Mis >Mlson eutfi lamed us j A( lj10 ,)0i,((. station the atcusfd cc-rlf"! as to awaken no suspicion in vats fitted with'sand and gin vol fil­ nielli's down below, thc demit: 'I bus the Aloig.ins became the ovvhets soft voice ' vv 1H1 hei Uie-atitcal e-xpot ici-ccs and i stateti;vdi „,._,that h„ i ,i sislr-,. , r iiveei ..a.t Wis-1 MiUi.^-l's mind o„f. any desi.e (o toni- ters, placed duccl iv underneath Af­ gln'jl ple.'i-autlv-] ' - ' Satan's woi k of this r.iinous natuial Luinuliis ,of r tool-- hot in mv :itm- t.ncl kis-pd S(J ^j,,, evening gin'-; • plfa-autlv | hl)iirl^ ]M c,toL]rin,i she admitted shc-f,^., with the loiter tei being lepe-atedlv washed, it is lo Alitliucl's lips weio no soonci put buried wcillli, I Ins wonclciful Aus- her forvontlv, 'and hei sv.tet lilu«h- ' tl\oc,e until ttxv.is ttnic foi »i"' I i,!id coniphttd tin e-e voyages as mess | '| h- new A B then signed on, finally- m.u.c to petcolale thiough to lite gia^s than hu was conscious tialiau KI hcii ado. me? fate untied upon mv bosom, like ^0 . jsie-wattl, dicssed in bov's clothes ne;iet(i to lie on hoard the following poi foiaiod bo.nd woik eovered with ol something uiic'iiiitv al out it a bird Seeking foi -hei lei ," CKua came to the (loot with nn\ ^sked'l,» the H^nch if she would Ail tei Hoon and if ft tlio ship. cheesecloth, and next thiough n bed The mountain which, was foi met lv Thcio ' is no vlel.-v 111 its cliC-ut • Whe-iP Wfic my ip-olulioii" now ^— _,,„. „,. stood foi o t'e-w nuniitos "I»-I ri) ,, ,ck ,;, ]ur M^tcr, lo whom I hot J llnrl ho but tinned aiound as ho ol thai too I Tins piocipitalos the named the' Ironstone mountain, was .Seeming 'to man.'en, and bum like mv htioic seif-siciifice — my stoie- ,„, L)ll . |co l.mkiner 'at I In; clear ' .^ u.|eliraph' the prisooer s-aid wont down tho gangway he would gold, and leaves it in shining heaps now on lied Mount Aloigan, after its „ vitnol, it piocluci.il AH instant --en.se i.sm'> Aleltest —'gone — .li-appcai.-d Ilosu sky glitleut.g wuh sla'- (Ua IIOtn,sh to t|0 MI, as sho^not h.Lve utile d to see such an cx- of line clust tin the sui face Tlio discovoiei .Soon a smair.toinpany ! or suffocation, but foi limalclv not like snow befoic a lit.' m 1 '. te-vi'i 1 Xcitlic-i -i'oki ,-iul I know n-i. how -y^ account of her -l-tor's harsh- ' pression cm Dick Coihclf's lace- as whole piocess is full ol intense -intoi- was foi mod and legistottd, Und the of blank unionsciousiiess cc^tsicv of that mom-nt I bad 1 """A loujj we michl h.ivt- MUIMI I hot'" bad '" Ulc |Jttor stood wattbing. with his ed, I o the visitor The gtaii'leut biothe-is Aloigan. with one ot two Hxcept the lookout m Hie bows to pronounce an eternal fa.'-vvdl I vc, , ,)L i„.,U| j|,s Wil on'- voce, «• , . fltik—Coul-Couldd nott ' iinn-rni'ii oon the tail a- would have sot .Lttcl riehes'ol natuio aie llieie, and otheis. who had seemed shines, bo- and tho man at the wheel, .lit ^avccl lo prciio-.mcs .111 inw.n J oath ...(ho. •,...bio.. . ir... ,,,,14,, i,..inw tne .« IUI >. --- a Scotch ship us 1111:1 thinking thai the easiness of also tho .science and -ingenuity ol, l,nn mining'opeiations. Tho tichnt-s ol vo cct into then; was not a soul to see Hick C01- I'vtt I votild sweep .iv.av t'V-iv '-1 waini.igg - appeal 1 d lo Le giganl it dams loi Ihe stoiage of vvned *ovor Hie woi Id Speculatois whole w 011(1 - 'Hon I toolv ln-i in nn aim'- ki-«-ot b, '"'a-' • So if postod the letter in Hie Inst lus shouidois ^ 1 ip many countues felt the thiob'ol'n '. .1 i' iji.ind until walei, and tho wot kings, -alioulr After a time we sat togetlici neui ^ .i;i(1 u.-h.-d iv't good-nnrhl f! Ihe- 1 om 11 o.u ic. jolk-r box ami the play weitt^on eighteen litindied men aie constantly now sensadon and Iho shine m.ir- the window—I vulh my aim aiound , | _, ,, ,j r „ uiiiuite- .nlc-i she , th' myl tiny, Al, 'hit's Coinoi Killy lla/el sits, ln ( ( ul L v i- slut,-'!, had an'om- Tal's Coun;!-, wus -t quaint 111 tie employed, and as the- mine is lit up kets bee line meicinial with excited --, her waist nnd hei hand cliKped m | 1 lo-.tl the dooi, as though loat h 1 llolwim IT oifl-vvorld lislniig village on thu iniflei the leo of some ioi/ks on the bitveis .and sellers,' lings wore form­ Mfll oit- of l.->" vcjvaCOo bv elcctiicitv, jelavs ol vmiiieb" s_i im- mme And thus we -at silent-sh. , , spot I gaze-l at . Pic , plished on.y v i-t const whtre, seven yen is. bc- beach, weaulv niondii.g he-i nets ed, ancl no small amount of s'tsijoct- Ul qlllt Uo l Ihe Gem. Which vr-sel -ho join­ liiiiie to work el iy and night n 00c oi hot (licuiiv invriie-^ '. 1,01.-0, .in-l ahougl.l of tho mpnv hap-| unor fnie. Pick Corbelt and Michael ifeii- 'I bote .no half a seine ol othei vvti- 1 cd lobbeiy practiced, shai cs iosi;-to ed .it ,1 port 111 Scotland. Aloi nt Aloigun is, somewhat oval- fiik-d with gloomy loiebodings Pot, ,|, ^ | i [ s-pent i-i it—ot the one vvick idled as insepa-ablo Clonics nidi, young- and old, wotking aiound ]U lv KK into 1111 cast* sh.ai i d at Ihe base, being ahoatya cnoimous-prices, then fell lai below now that Hie'lnsA ec-tacy vvas 01—- f |, ,| „ (, passed—the happt'^' Piut'ier inquin Kilty Ha/el then a gul ol 16 hei, but "" she «i oaks'lo no one, tin ir.-,, value, vancl"lhiis maiiv were t 1>L it IS to lnrht .1 11 tiiarlcalile- mile and a half .it its yugest nions- ed—now I know that hei love vva- ^ t[ most uu-eia'.iie ot all nave liroutriit oiiiv. 'was prt-ltv and'--vveel enough ami with the sviiiputhv of then iua 0L l0 bo; iiiement and hall a mile at its sluu t- liiinecl there weio lawsuits ovei ad- mim^-the uiinatui-al extitome-nextimmc-nll <-" , Was tln-.o no present ml- nt mingl- :l; stoi v 01 H'l advcnlui -s,11 "^ -y , -„ , ,,i(he headbeadss of mote- Ihan one 1,111 I they l-.avc hei -oveu-lv .ilonu est It n-cs almost pi ecipitouslv .oinmg claims, and supposed ques­ n:v bi.un subsidtd th. ten-ion <»l'vv,Ui tin- me-binc.iol.y that ihe v uul cjotb, s Sh» had born It' ing ^ ''') vollll,r f„iiOK ln ttlil e plnie H111 from Hy and by the old man who pei- fiom (he banks of ,i small uvei call­ tionable ttansaclions oce-uued . for- ^ mv 11 'i vc- iclaxid annt l the i.iise,-ablc|(ll u, u„s ,1 .hand- tout lining the u - - J I vvunnci''" s.utl an old tr.crea-eti my own tenfold the load Hve-nts uc liastonii'g nlTi ction--. ii.-iucr as his ptuicirril tool' ri,- now, sea 'I hei c was not lung in_ , tho Snuc 1SS2. when the, discovery was sioiv of a gul who, unhappy nt dose I iv Kttt- ' Du vou not tlimk, ' she said -t«i- 1 hick .u.d ,'asi, and t h.ivo rnueli to tlio girl's own t.uher„ .losluin Hi'-|tlamo sittin,. onl w,11 el appearance ol the moun­ mailo over two million and a quar- home, 1 .in awav lo vi rlies-pt! as ,1 'y, '•t'liit we .110 veiy sn 11121- (cl! en- 1 -hall lor.p I hem hclu.i.l. el; (he diunkiionost liilierni.m in .ill 1 'J'he 1en1.11 k was sulhe n-iit to 111 ike tain to distinguish it fiom tho othei 1ci ounces V gold have been obtain- . lluv listliei Alfl wan thought lilts, p-_r,plc< you and I' 1 mem. that we- ancl loath the end the ft. et that s.idid out of tho little ' (he gpl raise hot head mountains of Iho range , it had the eel, nnd tho latest;ycpoiIs issued plan °r. altiattive llial she, ir-iohed eire'vciv- unlike- other p.-oplf'" ()-i (lie S1.t111.lav- morning follow- , t liiitboi of Tat"' Corntf ' As «hf did si,,, I ho old posliiian same rugged slopes and gullies, and bv the company state that for somo •'1 liiivu oft'-n tho-.ght -o " r «->irl iii» as Iho diiu-rh do-k was -11 iking; „pon a sinnlni iscnpade fn Srptem-. [vlflv-s ^-ould-br- lover pJavod up-.saw hu looking .it hint -"i'l waved the same scuibby vegetation'covciod decade at least „thcic. will be no. '•fVi vou not fnucv the ret of th' twelve Mr .Moiitgonieiy, luu«h(d up |„,| 01 i"OI she inn awav to nimetee. , <1|( (,u, ((IiI fishfi man's v.jkness lo somi-tmng uliove Ins In id its suri.ice .is loulcl bo seen 'foi diminution of Ilie steady yield of _ , vveedd vvotihl tlmlk t.s i >" y ullj I»oo- .111! elea no I up Willi nnit'-iil c,-ie. "iin(| fheie went ns cabin bnv on S,K1I ,,n p^(.,,nt t'rui in-o s'n.rt time I "K'utv lla/el. it's a message ior nu'os atouiid. Tlio lauiiuig'seitlei gold .which has been so long con­ might haV" be.-n 'nil .i-ieniin'g Hie .,„,,.,] ;l (onstin-r -ti.in.Pi railed the "" Iimtr*> -f-troci! npe for .1 decl.i.-al 1011 yee," he stud, putlnig ihe oi.uigu- tinued Hven when the mountain is 1 and Iho shephcirl wande-iing ovei "Is it sill;, to lov ; "!--: e-n'-H' 1 ,ln,gy -ti.iu.i-o that ltd • o H"c »H«< s I j),,, m,.|y (In tin- v-s.l _ -In- "- ,,,, lu-- — Coibett',- part 'loloucl envolii|t- nilo hot. I is'inbline, the hilly legions little dioiimed of leveled gold will be found, lo a con-i ( I asktd 01 Mess,- roclf ,y Clunk li-.ivs ni.lined (.'llv n fort nit-lit I iiirhng nt |-,,i (i.nalolv. however, for .Mich .ol hand. ihe fie.isine stored lone-nth Tlioy sulci able depth beneath ils base Hal r •vlit- I ore I • Oh no. f don't liie-m thai Inn XTewi-oil She cr.iv, hi- i.in-r is nn,| j,jv swr-. I i.earl I hough disis-j With fpveiish iMgiilie' i • .would sonielitnos find alluvial gold ill ihoiit do not people u-unliv know I'n-r num. Iiiiii'-ili Hi Hie ileik's ,^ ;|,t:t Gordon ' trouslv foi bltl .h,dh-in, 1 -lorm. it oj,f-n v jn Ihe i.ivines and uook.s and pick hive' ft iu» IIIIIII Hie house siiigi-on of ono .-itiotbe-i l«forr- lluv mil 11 olhie lu- n-.f|.iiierl n '-itl-i "i iho \\ „w |un.di e -lie shipped in , boat t)Ka -•-(-;,| the whole- "f Hie v..-t up a bowlder heavily weighted with mv a large Livpi pool hc-pitnl N't.w vo do is- I cvt 11 know liii'iiip.ils wen- eli-en..ig'd \s tl |inMll,| f„, Valp..rai«'o and Imviiivr!,.,,,,,!, ..v.^ tne iiir.m of dei' ii< mi;. the pict tons mefnl. but lh.it llieio ANT HYPNOTISTS. 1..Itlie 'll|ipr-llid both WOlt ill-i-.lg.l',l-'l liisi uplr d the MIV.'II'I' was fli-fhntg- for the Hi- t emg .11 0 n V into i • MKIIIKI I'cnwiek In ought hole on | wns a whoio mountain of .uirifeious , li "'I'.'ll do 1 rot know von vt.iu name w.i- liken in n-.l .iiiine it ile- td al Cnidili 'M Pen flh -lie soon Du k f i.rbi-tt'- uir an ,nd ll ,",'ii illy lauding fi om I'.ingn I'oilug.il Is cue wailing to Jic exploited bv men Ce.ul.I lime le auglil m •' t- '' • ''> Iv nllei vvfiifi" llif in —-ig-i r niu ole, in. d .ino'hr i b>-itli. this ttin br-tr.iv.tl >>,* il- I ir i 'I -,-rtot.slv ill Wishes to see vou That ants doctor their "tck by iTio-ki- im- ''iv- vou I'ic-'f" l.ifk •inoliiie. t'til \Ie-sis I'.i.fli on lioat'l the -1,-ainsh'p G'-m vviieie <-||-Cll-Il lift/elllift/ell, . v ililhh in.uiv -iwiv.iiii, hypnoUsm and niagnc-tisni is proved ' (H, m, bi.t tlu-ii H 1- *•" odd — ,v. 'iuirl: would -. " Im" IL' "a", >hi ii I, d ns mi ssrooin steward .No flrl,ei« op, 'er,rat lidili-lierin.nif nrian,. -vas- drowdrr,wii I, i.l- | "Kit." s.ud Mieliiicl soill,ing, in by obscrvution. An ardc-nl student u like „ .lul.1. "ynu will °' 7;"'W "'"' ontopuse never onlei- s unlik. .ilivlhtng I ti-ivi ov-i hini'l i,-h-i. d into im niu i i«"i ' ' ''"' ,,, -ai-iio led OK WIS H go) until most v'it! In -i-'hl ni LiO'l. , hi» wuiknoss u f lf ,„,- f„ not keeping my c< thoi. minds. I l„ gold wns ceue- tells bow ho witnosseel wbnt .iniiv bo o- ic.id .tboat " ! in d hnii-f b in H"' P" *•'"" " Al, xiii-'b i lh' vo,s,.|'s rlesrintilio't. In hnn f'(,riiett l«,sl the only ,11/ , no-.i i foi give fully hiileleii in stono which, in oiit- tot mod a seance in medicnl sciencn Hill j ,u kiidv L.i if ' 1 1 »' -" HU, (liv, l.ir ilttri'-'of.'vii g go,il L-iiii M v i- i, nr htil tiul hr-ie e.-di ineinbi r who roti'd h.ivn ir.fbieiKr-d Kitlv, pi oifiisc wind appt-aiiineo, dillcicd slightly among unls He saw sevoi nl of these 1( i "Veil il. .II. I f" igtve .vou. for you I'l. In !1 TJ 1 1, il ! kn'.v 'Hi' 1-1- oi '.Hue i fi v oi -ivi • (i" "' a' ,,l | ,|, i i w had to r"'" "I" dfx-toi I ho'igli sh< h/-i-Of il. (I. r>- lo -l.i /, fiom I lie oulimiiy uietallif- .sliuctiuo little dentines emerge fiom the hills 'I, ill Iiiivo stinr.to.l mosf U" -nv' .'li. 'i'l l"«' "Ih, dull iriggv If 'ii ' I I'-'-i 'l'"> w,(.i h it sill! Hut I'n git' wn« II nl not c en h'r falfoi r jul-l have of Ihe soil .Hound and not iced that then- woio somo l 'Clue nidi.' iplislioll Kll kll<>V. " , irg.n-i wu • till mi Ihf I d> irleri'd in t.niil Hu to trlrnit liu "X The ,di-l-e,i I'i f-.llli in Midi, d !'• n- HlSCOt'lsUV AN AOCriH-.NT among thc-in which weic weak and .1 Son | Me-JI, iMielin -I'" Not ni.V| p.'-.i ,|. ti oi-it ' I in o-i 'h i he I ' -.1 mi' 'I r.ipl ,ni (. the Gem I hi lefme broiu'ht v ir', 'Ihe disuiveiv w.is made almosl emaciated—invalids in fact. They 1 Will It •vindo'vs d.iiki ued l.v ilu 'lb I "f ,irrO If; Kil IV Im k (Jen hi U — what oi him rle.v v lirn 1 . in -. e i v I i ,,vi hu- li.id. is a f ibin p.i-sengei but' H.iid I imi' lion .Kti'lent.ijly In the oatly dtt.vs of w't-ie accompanied by healthv incm- sum . oi ye irs ii( ve-rlhel, -s, MI.I riKk Coib' It'­ , Ife lii'fl to I.IIS, himself in Un­ .on all aooi.t uvsi If " appeals lo have c-onlinnerl lo'fnfl n t Ihe i "' should ,C| out of thr- i.Kinv voyage H piobnble I hot the ion-,sc ant v livn.g 1 the On following their movements -on siv to .ill Uns° lull iilpon hi- fate. His VOKO too. Ip, -Is Unit ii.-nd who 11 ltd I c, i "I a -tetioii on the slopes of son of the "mi1 ssroom str-waid" be- I nr-f-nierif'en Of Hie foiling flu I thiough a glass the ob'ervpi saw on Anoi hot f.i'is,- foi inn .i«-u "-' win- b would have sounfk-fi stlailgi. ftignul, 'rit'op im- ovei .i ship's side, on ,i lt"/oi Hack-, and bv additional pur ing liniisfi-ticd lo the cabin did noi [ llv mid hi Hi- fi- huig indti'li v .- vou do not t. '1 l.'t fin '111- r x.IIIIIII il ion cf •' bov of (ieetl-, j sea, foi his tasc having enlisted pub- (.CIOH roi! rusTHMprj; 'thin. ov. i ivif'ilh'" phvsie-i.m ant passing his feelers a bltle time'" 1 »• i"l '•' -it.itinglv. biftoi eislin-- out i.ipid e,l.iiic .' the lliu i.otloi has itistihc sjmpnlh.v. a low wealthy gentlc- ...... , | lie mi Ihod of vine moling voung 'I lien il was lliul he ildeiiiiin.d lo| 'Well (loat ovei the head and Iim1-, of (he pa­ Oh but lh.it vvinikJ noi be i ighl (•vo-iioi . | dogs againsl the disl'iiipu bus Loon g'o lo sea fin .1 u'.u -u I vv i lo,iv- \ (old nie thai (lie- I'll King with sill jneii in T.ive'!>ool subsenbc.l to buv ,l tient in a inannei dislinctlv -ugges- ,1'irl I ,m sine it would vi-.x hi I vti< , j\], Monl^oiii.i V aiisv-ii \,,is to ||,Mi i,, ,is- discovoiei, Al I'hi-iiilix, ing Tat's Comei wilh thul e.bjeil, hands is- ivpoitul as haviiig fduiuioi-' him a fishing boat of Ills .' ". which v 1 l 1lf ti e oi the bvpnoli/iiii,? of nciv'is r.;" mu-oii if s^-c ki ow lli.it I ' " -''cl I pit^Luei a copy of the pii-viousl0f u,f, Uiivjiim. J'ans, foi fi long vvilhout saving a wold (o ICillv ul on Ihe stun, night Hint .vou dnfl- he woiks by deputy - musclps practised by human doctoi s. .invtlinig from he i " (lav - Telogi lpli fiom his |iod.el, I uni- now on dogs of mimv kinds Kitlv's oiilv mistake wns, Ihnl shi id m I hut small hoal to the I'm- A little while nftei the new v es<-cl Kvciy one won I tbten.g-. the li-ent- ••f'.iii vri.i do ton. ( il "" vci" 'as: • uul p nut to an .ulvi 11 iseni.'iit which and of pine bleed, und it hn" been had not told Afidinel Huil sin- had lugiie-e pod Hiek C'oihe-K, (hote- an t veil lound at Tuts Corner he ment, then Ihe patients won! back, life it om lici " ha- bci-ii nlio.idv copud Inio . Iir-e round lo lower the tale of moitnlilv guessed Hint Dick Coihtlt lo.'ed IOIO has leceivid iu-tite and vou and Kittv woie liiauied, and so far and (b.v; doctor niarcliri] oil ni tho "Only bi'f-yJ' I bav not t he ( oi. ij'ngo- lb v-iispcilili in In- ii .iiiiirt in Ihe disease fiom about 40 to her, her excuse- lo hei-eli being Hint and I hnvo no moie'lo snV." as lopoit has- it, with the happiest AJichael l'enwitk weut no moie lo opposite Cx'-citon. ego to spy* sf U Hut I have ncv- ,,ailol)iih veiy speu in£, of Ins speech about 3 pci cent,, no word had actually been spokem icsults. soma taaam ,-r/ 1 ^ -".V.-I „ i' ^<



The Jvu.-lo board of Trade has given /?/c// i,e;pnrl int-iit rc-AcrvhiK One of the boys skated too near the Millions , em this North Ainci-iean Roses, Rhododendrons, etc. Ihu rifdilli) i^-iiu pirinll- to other iipjilicuiln. ' part as a ball, - • ,- mouth of .Salmon creek Inst night and con tine-ill, k 11 ti vv that Paine's Cillery spirits tor the passing hour. It is a highly nourishing food, Aiijjllc.'ilioiis ,fc,r ({rii/.lni.' lo.-isos i-liaiild lie , - , i Tons,of Homo Grown and Imported niiUlo in tlio.Sicrutiiry, iJepiirtiiiciit of the- In plumped through the ic,o. .His com­ Compound, "makes'sick pimple well." containing all thc strength-giving properties of the best lean le-rfor, Otlnvwi, (. ' Mr. TlieWftOiio of Iho proprietors 1 panions lishcd 11ini but but little the Plllllo'a CCeler y 'Compound is today Garden, Field and Flower Seeds beef in the most palatable and easily digestible form. ' ' - ',, , ' ' I'. 0/ KKYJCS, of the Kva Hol'el.arrived last night. lhc popular ini.-ilichio in the wealthy •> f f, • worse for the cold bath. JJo hays, the l Sccretni-y. IJOJMIIIIICIU of the Interior. and humbler homes of our vast ,0111111,- for Spring I'lunlin^. 'The owners intend lobking'ovcr the water is very cold under the ico. /-' place at, the end of- the month, ancl try. The pre-i-s has pivon this wonder­ - JBoyrJl Is Liquid. Life. will make extensive alterations bc- We are sorry the cold snap bus pre­ working proscription more note, prom­ •^.WiiBffl&'I^SK*^ TI:M::E2 TABLE' vented our merchant from bringing in inence unci praise Uiiin'has evoi-been ,S". -y, '< A'fdmr' given to any other leinedy. and phy- CUT FLOWEIiS (».K7lii::K or ,b". ,S". " Lardeau."'' , fore the slimmer comes., FIIIICTIII Do.-igns, a.'i'rcsh supply of 'fruit, for he is a very 'sic-iuns of nil schools pi'i-siTi'lio it daily. ThA hi'nibor company here have good fellow; nnd always passes n sample Paine's Cc-hiiy ,Compound- has be­ Itiiiimiig bi'twcon Arrovvlionil. Tliniii»onV , 1 wo'men in the" woods getting out round amongst the rubber-necks'who AGIilOULTUI.AL LMPLUMENTS, bnnelliii; nml C'onlripli\, cbiiiuic-iiullig Oct. Iltli,' come popular 1111 cl trusted been use ils' 1601. will «U1 as follow-,, (vv-tiulicir iicruilllliiK): log,s. Nodoiibt Ibis company know gather round the stove in the evenings. results exceed ils promises. Il is vic­ , UliK SUPPLIES, . ' , ke-fivo .Arroivliciid for Thonihon's Ijindliift' torious ovei sickness .and disC'iiso. It nnd Cninnpll.y ivvlee; elnlly nt llik. and lik. ' their own'business-best, but their The merchant' at Beaton, besides , " FRUIT BASKI-ITS, ' ' molhods seem, to s-ny (lie least of it, oll't-rs hope and cheer to those pro­ I^.ivu (Joiii'ipllv nnd TIIOIIIJ-GII'H Ijindliii; for having a line stock of groceries, carries nounced incurable by physicians; it ,'., • .PEHTlLlZEIbS E. B. EDDY'S Arrow-liC'iid ivvico ilfslly ni 7.1 jk, unci 1'J.l.ik. sbort'siglited iuicb, dillatory to an n iirsl-chiss assortment of gent's fur­ saves 'such from I he" grave. Ifislhu .MukiiiK rto-o e-oiini-t'lloi^ Willi fill C. P."ll. [ruins nnd bonis. . outsider. "" ' , nishings,and is now protesting against one medicine, unfailing ami all-power­ CJiiliilngiiei l-'ix-u. Kii-tlei'ii'l'i-luiisMi- Le!,---; Tlio ovv-ner< rokervc tlio 1 IKIII lo CIIUUBO time.- Thomson disposing of his famous cow',J ful, that promptly brings true joy and "ICINfi 'UDWAUD" KJOOv.- of I'.-illliik'-, williotil nolle'ii. , 1 . Ay J. Brnnford's letter in your ass'sho assisted him in making about gladness lo hopeless victims mid their anxious relatives'and friends. ' TIIK Kltl-.l) UOWNSON LfMUKit CO. b'TI). issue of ,111c 21st inst., re Fish creek twenty sales Inst summer, , , ,""iii-:Ai)L'i(iiiT,""5oas. , ,,v ' , , !•'. IIOIIINSON, It is well to remember, thul, ono or M. U.- HENRY, ( roads,' is a straightforward slate- aooij W Ohtiniiistcr, lionel, ViineOuv t-r . • .MniiiiKliig nircclor. • Messrs. Cbiorge b'u.v it .Sons are em­ two bottles 'of Paine's 'Celery Com­ \ "MAUI,!-:,',, 100.-I anil tfKK • „ niont of facts, and want to bo.con- Wiirri; IJAIIOU O.x'i.v, ' ploying a number of loggers in their pound,'will, in tho majority of cases, • sidcrcd as fjiicli. lirnnford lias no banish tired feelings, weary and cloud­ '•A'lOTOHIA," ' • '-' OCEAN STEAMSHIPS' ' • aso to grind; more than,getting the cniiip, nnd from reports have already ed hiain, lu-n'diifho, debility, t-cmslipii nbout 800,000 feet scaled. II is ex­ lion, norvuiisitess iind slot-plossnt'ss, . "LITTIih: COiMKT." f Itoyal Mall Lines., - , '• bt-sl possible roads lo carry on,bis pected they will reach the ,1,000,000 1 which, if iilltiwocl' to run unchecked, Cheapest Routo to tho Old Country. '- , business, "- '*' ' • murk before' the roads break up,-, W',0 give rise to serious ailments unci tl is - FOR SALE EVERYWHERE, AbbAX,|,IN-I-:-KroiiiSt. .'ol'in'. , expect other' contracts ' will lie let oases. , If you are run down, over- Jas. I. Woodrow, IVc-loriim'. • , ',.,,. Kol. 2s Tho Northwestern Development Niiiiiieifiiii -. Slnrch 7 , shortly. • • ' '!., ,.. woi-kecl, hiiv-i! defective digestion ami iyyii'dicatc^' Limited, have thoir pool- chdilation,you will obtain blessed Pun-Inn ' ,..,.,Vliucli II ' f liinlmi, .'..., '.....j Jlarclii'l '.cables in position and buckets on The thermometer ,has been round results from this grnnd'sysioiii:biiil(l- ' < BUTCHER. ;y Are the best that' can Lbe bought. Coihnliliiii / Jlna-li ^S ing medicine. ' Each dose carries how UO.MlNION.klSK-Froiii Jlo-iton.1 , . - r (bom, and should be ready to send the zero mark nere for spine time, nnd Retail Dealer hr-^^nlnzzm^?- ', > ., lib.- to all the wt-ii'k anil torpid organs .Merlon, .,.,.., l-'cii. 21 ' down ore at any time lo the'mill. the Arm is covered with" from four to of the body. ', ' , pon't 'experiment wilh other'and inferior brands, ten' inches-of ice. The Steamer ' '" IIK.WKII I.IXK-KromSl'. John. • ,- Tlic'work so far done is creditable, BEEF, PORK, v 1 Archer, with hor ico-brcaking" scow, Ijiko I'lirunplidii ,1 l-'e-b. -'< y ',- TJSE EID'lD-y.'S' "° . ' IjikoOnnirio '.March l.'l , to -tlio-contractor in charge Tlie has managed to keep "communication /_' '• „" "MUTTON, Etc. ; drawback at the present time seems ' OUR OLD FRIENDS. - a k.iko i:rle .,.:,.:..!.: Jlnrcli 2(1 . open so far, ami ' ns, the .weather'is Fish and'Game in' Season.' ' "WHITK 3TAI! I.IXK-Kioiii.Vc-w York. " K >•' , to bo too littlo water for power ptir- moderating jvc expect she will have no „ All orders proiniilly (lllocl. ' C'e-eirlc ' l-'oi). 2.', v Ever True and Unfailing Are-The Ct-lllc .March 1 -' poses. This is only temporary, or trouble from now on. ' ' '- <><><>"0-O<>0-OK><^ Occniilc March 11 while" the cold' snap lasts. The REVELSTOKE, B.. C, iimi'lci'iiii'str^ots Germanic March IS ' -What's wrong with the .electors of C'eelric * ;.'.., .-. Mai-eh So operations in tlie'minc arc going on Revelstoke anyway; Unit they wont lot Pa-.-enne-rs tlckule-rl through lo all parLs of-$. most'satisfactorily. - , • ' DIAMOND -DYES. Great iiritaln and Ireliiiid.iinrl nisiiccialiy low > Mr. Tupping be mayor, 'alderman, or tnlc-to ail parl^ of the Kuropciin conluicnt. -' • A . The "- Oystbr-Critorion Mining even school trustee ? U -Mr. Tupping Apply to nc-.'ire.-t railway or Hlcmiisliip nt'Otit or - Com pa ny arc to be congratulated will conic to Beaton, build a line hull ,, Old friends who an-e-vei ready and Halcyon Hoi Springs to ., y y ' - ' • and plant a big potato patch wo will able to help us in our time of need arc d. LAUGHTON, Proprietor, ' -o • ' T. W. BRADSHAW, Agent, Rovelstolco". ,' on'their recent rich -strikevin tho indeed true friends. ' '" elect him one of the' lirsl aldermen . \J^cznitavium. '• . W. P. F. CUMMINGS. Pcicino Ag-enc." ' ' long tunnel. Tho face of the drive Diamond'- Dvos tiro the old homo when we incorporate.. Hu will .only friends ,of, our, Canadian people-, iind , REVELSTOKE; B.;C. for the full widtli^shows free gold, have a year to wait, and we are only have,proved blessings'in 1110113111111-: of whiUt the faces and *seams in the Tlll<: MtiDIGAL WATKIIS of Hal­ , This hotel is now open for thij. nccoiiimoclation of Ilie travelling' six miles,from the best gold mines'in homes. When' the heart craved for a T cyon nie this most t'lii-titivo in 1 lit- public. I lis the most, conveniently si United hotel.in tho city, being rock arcAhickly, impregnated , with Canada." - , new dress, skirt, blouse, jacket, opera world. -A perfect, 11.-1,1.111 til romi-ily for al. the corner of Fii st Street and Cimnaught Avoiuie, in tin; heart (if '-. the rich yellow metal.' it is coming 'shawl,fresh, bright ribbons or leathers nil Noivoiis and Miist-tihu- disease-, (In: business portion of the c'ily.'eonyciiiont lo 'railway station .-ind. - ' WRAPPING -PAPER AND ' . to lliem for the plucky man nor they Thc post olllce inspector, in 'niiiking at times when economy lui'tl ]o be ob­ Liver, Kidney and Stomach ailments post office. , - ". ' i- '''.'"' bis arrangements* for convoying mail served, the . Diamond. Dyes (ptickly and Metallic' Poisoning. A sure cure "PAPER BAGS. First Class Accommodation and Tabic. ' . ' ', have conducted their development to Camborne, seems to have overlooked transformed old nnd failed garments, for "Th/it Tired Fooling."' Spe'oinl and niatei inls into now creations, thus The Ivooieiiiiy Mail'has been work. The work so far done on' the, fact that' there is an eastern ns rates on , all limits anil trains. Two i - Best Brands of Wines, Liquors 'and Cigars. saving a-huge amount of money in lhc;' appointed ageiit for oitt of this property-'shows rich results, well as 11 western ,hnlf to British Col­ mails. 111 rive 'and dopnit every day. home. If you would have the. best re­ Telegraph coinijiiinicalinii ,with lili the largt'jt" Canadian Paper umbia: iMiiils from' Beaton. Ferguson, •O-O<>-0-O^-C^^ and taken" with the work tlonc on' sults in youi dyeing woik, always use parts,of (ho world. An experienced MillA ] • .' . . Trout Luke, and other eastern points the- Diamond Dyes, tj ' the Eva 'demonstrates the gold zone inassiuiger. '' - '" Wrapping papers in rolls or. for Cam borne, have to go to Arrow-, to be continuous. All that'is"re- Send your address to The Wells it "lint, and paper bag.- of. all head and ,buck' to 'Camborne, via' Kichai'dsiin Co., Limited, 200'Mountain iluired toyinake Fish creek camp Halcyon 'Hot Springs .weights and sizes supplied lo Comaplix, while mail from Camborne Street, Montreal, P. Q., and you will Arrobu Laf(c,'1B.-C. order printed or imprinted." • one of thc richest gold producers in for eastern points'miiy take three clays", bo supplied with now Dye fjook', -In dyed samples und artistic designs of British -Columbia is development a week, or any old time.. Arrange­ the Diamond Dye iM.it and Hug,. Pat­ Kootenay .Mail', Revelstoke. b"and lots of.it. ' • ' ''". . , ments should be made' to have' the terns. -, ' : ' ' • .v Parties living,-.in tho" Lardoau eastern mails go direct by Beaton or • have a -serious ,-kick . against the to have 11 mail curried to Comaplix THE CITY EXPRESS REVELSTOKE, B.C. direct on mail days. • " , ABRAHAMSONEBROS..TPROPRIETORS. ', * ,- present mail service, especially the ; i.1- - . "' E. W. B" Paget, Prop, rf-- v Way it. vvas handled -last week. Judging from the C.P.ll. program me CLUBBING:OFFER Newly built. - First-class in'every'respect.' ' "AIT modern convenience?. { • 'V» 1 , Does' Youi - Food -Distress -You h there will be no" work done on Koot­ * r- ^ C" Jt'rompl delivery of parcels, baggage, " "' , » . Large Sample Rooms. , ' - • Letters despatched from' Camborne > on Monday, 16th inst, Jiacl not onay JJakc and Arrowhead railway ff etc., to any part of tlie Cit)-. 1 Rates' SI.50 per* Day ' Special Weekly Rates. reached' Revelstoke on the 22nd this year. Every person in this district Vre you.nc-rvous? is opposed to the C. I'. It acting the Y, The Kootenay Mail Queen's'.Hotel, Trout -Lake, under same matit'iyenieiu. 'Do you feel olelei-'lhii'ii yoii ust-tl to? , i inst. How'is it possible for us to Any Kind of Transferring Is your appetite poor? " . , dog in the manger any longer. They . ' AXIJ . •ononssasiTCEBacaBB do business here under such con­ should be made to complete thc road, Is your Lcipgup t-oate-d with a slimy, ,' yollowi.-h fut? " ditions? t It's neither just or right, or their charter should not be renewed. Winnipeg Weekly Free Press Undertaken.- ", 4, f^! t^> e^> r$) <^i ($? rvfrj f$> <4i e$> <§r> ($) <^» c$i n^i e^> f$> r$» <$r> r$i ($> i47r$)Kfr»rfr»r$>f$i($i(5Do yoj u have dizzy spells? ' and it seems,to mo that when the In case their charter is not extended All orders lefl at li. .M. Sniylho's r$y- , . '" * * , (^4, Have you n bad taste in the mouth? - private tram lines will soon be built, , .Sent free to any address ( boat ceases to run on mail schedule' Tobacco Stoic, or by Telephone, No. 7 Does-your food come up after eating and open up the country. The trade for a year for , (fa time, the postmasters at Comaplix will receive prompt attrntion. with ;i sour taste? ,' of Kevelstokchas already suffered con­ iS? Have- you ;i sciisatiim of 'fullness after , and Arrowhead' should arrange HOTEL LARDEAU eating? siderably from a crooked piece of road «$) wilh tho winter carrier to take the being built from the wrong end, and •$2:75 Do you have heartburn? mails without delay. Life at,best the people of Ucvelstokc should do nil •Special set of 12 pictures given with i$> Do you belch gas or wind? ' 1 Free Pros-. ' - . COMAPLIX : • Do yon'have, excessive thirst? is bad enough here, in' winter, and in their power to compel the company (fa ($n Do you notice bhie-k specks before the without a regular mail service it is to complete the road and put them at 'Wing Chung's newly im­ eyes? Send address and subscription to f$> The Best house in Town. - Well- Furnished - Good Table #n "—well, vcrv bad indeed. least on equal terms with Nelson in Do you have pa in oi oppression around ported slock of Chinese ii * t ' • . A Camborne, Feb. 25, 1903. competing for'the trade of the country KOOTENAY MAIL, rvfr» the heart? they did so much to develop. Does ytiur he.u t palpitate or bent ir­ Kevelstoke. 'and Japanese goods. f$>' Best Brands of WINES, SPIRITS and CIGARS kept in Stock. T* regularly? The bcsl assortment ever (fa Do you have; unpleasant dreams? lancled in Revelstoke of Are you constipated? - - NAKUSP. BILLY WILLIAMS W. HAMILTON, Proprietor. f Do your limbs tremble or vibrate? , FIELD. - WirOLKSAbE UEAbKIl IN* useful and ornamental An- you rt-stle.-s .-it night? articles: N7v JI i: Fiom our own Correspondent, OYSTERS AND OLAMS y Mrs.- (Capt.) Dotigal fell Friday Fiom OurOvvii CoiTC-ponde-iil. Ten -crvices Flower I'oln Age...; Occupation (SIIEIJLKD Oil UXSI'KbbKin ' Pl.lll'S L'mliiella Stands Street number night breaking a rib. Who'stole the Chinaman's wood? 1 l.iineli Iti-kcls 201 Can-all st. VANCOCVKU, B. C lla-kel- Bruce McLean has gone to .Golden Lngrippe is thc password in town ('11110 Cliaiis Siiiiikine; Jackets Town ". State ... Handkerchiefs Silk Goods. ORIENTAL HOTEL where he has procured a job as corker. now. If yon have any or all of Hit- above GOLD FISH , symptoms you probably have Dyspep­ The sociiil da nee given in the behind A. W. Palmer went west for a few- ably furnished wilh tlie choicest ihe market DO YOU WANT $65 J-'inc-t stock of c.indies and fruit in town. sia. Pill in the above blank, send to House on Thursday. 10th. was well days. .affords. Besl Wines, Liquors, & Cigars. ti-, it nil we will in.-iil vou a free trial ofe . attended.'' Dont forget the lnasqucr.iclc ball, Front Street, Revelstoke Rates $i a day. Monlhly rate. PEPSI KOLA TABLETS—unqiieslion. On Fiiebiy morning, 20th,' the March 13th. PER MONTH WITH , \ ably lbe surest and safest, Dyspi-psia Nakusp landing caught lire but it was . - ' 1 cure known—together with oui little J". ALBEET STOICsTIET PEOI bonk—"Advice to Dyspeptics."' Regu­ put out before much damage vvas done. March 13th is thc date set for the QUICK ADVANCE? UNION " masquerade ball. lar size Pfp.siknhi Tablet--, 2o cents, hy C. Chirk, who has been liring pas­ If so lent n telegraphy. mail, ni-of youi druggist. senger for a long time, bus gone to Dr. Brett, vvas in town this week The C. P. R. engaged another Pit­ One Block from C P R Depot Re furnished aneTRc-modelcd AGENTS WANTED. , Nelson to work in the yard, l-'iieinnn visiting his sick list. , man's College graduate, .-it -fjiO.!) ..CIGAR FACTORY.. anil Stcamtioat Wharves " Rates S1.50 to S2 per day Jiichardson is his successor Iicie."" Dr7 Taylor vvas in ,town this week attending Mrs. Ceclarholni. per month. -THE LAXAK0LA COMPANY, T. Coition, who has been engineer Kev. 1\ D. Muir held service in the Good operators in demand. Vr:sKVSTIiKICT - NEW YORK on freight for some time, went to Nel­ Presbyterian church last Sunday. College specially fitted with instru­ son on Sunday last for, a day or two. The Field hockey team go to Banff ments. "Our Special" «St "The Union.', otel Lelan Gc-.rgu Caldwell, of ltcvclstokc, is re­ TFil lieving him. Friday night to play their crack team. IJi'gin at once. Constant practice. w. Mrs. George Gove loft Monday for Pers—Monthly. H. A. BROWN PROP. Corner Granville eSt Hastings Streets, andard remedy lor Gleet, The Presbyterian cliuich has under­ Banff with her little boy who is vcrv Gonorrhrpa and Runnings I uirvy 1 gone some repair in the interior unci is Pitman's Business College. REVELSTOKE, ' - - B. .0R . DOWSWELL, Proprietor, - Vancouver ',8 HOURS. Cures Kid- VmlUI J sick. cy and Bladder Troubles. much improved in appearanccy Itcv. Opposite Hotel Vancouver. C. D, Campbell wili conduct service Mrs. A. McDonald, who has boon morning unci evening. sick for some time, is on the mend again. PRINTING. Just Remodelled and Refurnished with all Modern Conveniences. 11. Abbie would like very much to |3 A I E N TS .1 iid Cop" rlE'its Cook's Cotton Hoot Compound know-the person who ' helped himself The Monarch Hotel will be opened UN KOOTENAY -MAIL .JOR • olilainerl in all countries. ?3t Is iticccF-fiilly ivf-d monthly by over to his gloves at the-dance held at the in ,a few days. A. McGillivray is lix- Printing Department is equipped vj°10.lXMI^dle--.Safe.cH('etual. I^ie'iesask Twil h the I.ilest and bi-st. machiiieiy, "S. yourdrut'Blst for Cook's Cotton Koot Coo- behind Inst Thiii'silny evening. As ing it up lirst-class for the summer iind a lui'gi- u.-Mirlinfill of fashionable ROWLAND BRITTAIN, pound. Tate no oilier, ns all Mixtures, pills and this is tho .second oll'ciise this season season. Imitations are datiBcron-:. I'ric<\ No. 1, Jlpcr type face-. We solicit orders for all Registered Patent Attorney t^?!^'0- ~. Kldc-xri'tMstronger,J3 per box. No. he hopes the geiilleinnn will kindly The residents of Field learned with kinds of punting—no-job being too mailed on receipt of price- anel two 3-ccn; .Mechanic.il Knitiucer anil llr.iiiidil-Miiuii, /\oo/us iii Suilcs -ivilli Baths ami Toi/ch allaclu Hot return one pair lit leant. deep regret the loss of Mrs. A. Ct-tlnr- large and none loo ^-in.-ill. Careful at- I, J/Ua'tii^ i i ui ftaiiips.. 'I ho Cook CciiiiiiiiiA'"Windsor. OnV. Hank of li. N'. A. Kiiililings. Il.islink's Slreel udedb7 holm who died Tuesday afternoon. tcnlioii is given all work, and satisfac­ ami Coitl Water, Inside Toilets on cad, Jloor. Gas Lighted and) ^^ 'iiKuSin^S^° ^ tion gunr.inti-i'd. A tiial oi tier will r 0 Mrs. Codiirliolm has hoe,-,!! in l-'iold for VANCOUVER, B. C. convince you lli.il it pays to have your a number of years and for some time A |iiisli»iiil will scenic an c-vuniiig ii|i|iriinl Steam Healed Througho/il. • No. 1 and No.'.'are -old at I rout I.vke Iiy K. ptinting dune nt the Kootenay Mail incut for tlio-c- who uniinotcill iiiii'linj the clay ' T. Ahey. and at Hei el-toke bv VV. He«-. .1. -V. ARROWHEAD, has kept a boarding bouse. .She loaves oflico, Revelstoke. .1. C. GREENE, Proprietor, • GOLDEN, B. C I Miller ,

|.'K,,II our own col ii'-poiideiil. BLANK FORMS To Trappers 1 Mr.-.. 'I. Iv. Livingsloiio is visiting KOIt gj Wood's Phosphodine, fiiondsnl Itt-vulsloke litis week. FIRE VALLEY. Tlie Grcnl Enplifh lianrd'/. Sold and reeoinraended by all Miss .AI. Aehiir \< teaching scbofil Mining & Legal Purposes driiggiBts in Canada. Only reli­ Raw Furs Bought able medicine discovered. Six here (lining the ubsenoo of iMis.s From our own Cfirrt-sjiutifii-iif. . picknqc-v (jiicrani'.cd to cure oil McDowell. Everything i« very ijuict here nt Ttansfcrs, Options, Powers forms of Sexual Weakness, nil effects of abuse Cash Prices Paia COMAPLIX or excess. Mental Worry. Excessive use of To­ S. S. A ichor is noticing good con present. of Attorney, Statutory Dec­ bacco, Opium or SUniulants. Mailed on receipt necl ion with Ihu I rains and boats ns larations, Proxies, etc., can J. H. YOUNG, Proprietor. of price, one package ?1. six.M. One will jilcase. .1. Lindsay, utir popular store-beeper, jLcioUinre. J'anipln'ets free- lo any pddresa. tin- Arm i.s opened up. hits been Initl up with a severe cold. be obtained at the Iiesl brands ol Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Out* b'liito 11 party wenl up from bore to I'ov. Mr. Campbell held servile at F. B. Travellers io Fish Creek will find excellent accommodation WOOD'S Pno'i-iiomsi: i- .-old in Ileve-Isleke the Coroiialiioii Choir ccnicerl and all Edge-wood unci Mr. Tunks, across the by C.iii.nki Urui; ,v Itoeik Co...I. .V. Jliller'i: Co. wcie very well pleased with it. ..Kootenay Mail Office.. al ihis Hotel. and W. Dew-ami bv KnmklT. A boy at Trout lake, recently. Exporter of Furs. Lake, Druggists. yyyyyyy •:i'YYy7A;,. ,y AyYA :A7-A''.': 'A-;'AA7 -''iv yW^itd^M'^:W^i< are USEy Social'ya/?^y^e^o^ja/ BOYALMOINySOAP y;i4iigi'i[ipe:is7V'ery'prcvalciit;iii7tpwu.' YY'-;;y.'M.(3:p?mOE^ii7y7 iMr V-.:,:',Mrs.-^ :'A.hii-riaKeitt'KlHi,(.-rsiiti(l jiarrliigo Coi'tlfleiiilo Tlie;Best \nj^^M0&^i T: ; KorniHwIII bosoiitwithout cliai'Ko to all ofllcl-. : y .Mail:Vis'yl;ii''lloyai;;Ci'6wiy Sc)iiiYy;7' '-itiiig'iivIpwiiyYV'::-' ;'' -''7;'-.--Y;'A :;'-:?:7y7; tiling clergymen Inllio pi-uvliico upon applica­ [lAsi] A IfKNiU 6. .lOhY.iilibbTblNIKUK. y'y \V rnpjiei-8,;'.IItid in yrqtuiyiyivv,c„'' yy' 7 Gbo. llc'ccl a nd J, i\l oyc'i- Ipffj'.on ;Mcm,-. tion to 'tlio King's I'l-lntory Victoria.: n . ''.::' ;,yy,'.yY ,• :A.>,':dANAiUi7',;K;.,iY-7,|:Y;;A7.i:: A Ywillihiii! aybeaiitiful'-IMclurc'y..Y cliiy7fpr'7the'c'oast4,-:7A 'y7:; yy 7-'7y.i.y7yYi ... ;yAy7,#;;;'v.y '•;,; YyVVT.^ ll.:?MoINNKS. -yi: lApiidyiNOK 0^IIIUTISU,cohuMiuA:A7:.; , y.yysizo ifix20';'oi'for 25 \Vriippers ;-Cy' •y.yA;::4M^^ ihv,ui,;:\fi:i::^ •Ki'i'VVAnri Vlii; iiy'ilie!'di'iieo:-oi' iibtiy'oiyiia: , , .,.?;, y United'Ivlngeloin of Clrnnt iliifiiluand Iruland A-yiAyvhuYw .'.A'A'.V.^ ;T]«'ircl(.'au'''.tillis;.w!CO^ ;--;s..coari-Aisjic87AC'i'.yisi)7.-: : 'and of the llrillfili boinlnlon,i beyond tlio SeitH,: : : 1 7y ',:."yI)ro|): tis a,",, pbs'fc ca I'd Ai ?k ing - yy A 7yMrsi7':SluVirl7, of •:Cit'lgiiry,;7is;yyisilhig y lCliig, Defender of tlio l-'ailh, etc.; ctc.iAilo.,',;;, 7^-'7y'-,'ly)'P.^y^ :A:7-;f6r"ii AatiilogiicAifvprcniituiis AA7 .lior.;s.isfor/'.-Br'i"s.^JfiyrU'es^ ATO'l'rCl^siS vllKIUCIIV:: vfLIVKN: that .Uic 4'b'Oiii'faltliful fliO'Meiiibbi'S il(ict,e(l7l,ei7'sei'V(iy ; iN'Y'.StiiiKlilnoJ.iiiiiteiryiiiirt.. ceased:to C-IIITJ' -.Iii l.hoI.eglKliittvo AHSuiiilily'iifCIiir Provlnco yl/S; 'Y7 Cbiifrlr.a npl ^:'G if )lcly.f/n'.it'h'e' .AA,,i6iboAliad7'M ^7;:i'(7i^,at.itcd\lhefMafsca (iiiliiiHlnessvhi tho Province! uf 'llritislt ('tiltun- Aof Dtitisli Columbia! ntoui-i:ityi;oC',,Violmili.;.- si r ; ; i : ; liliiiindor tliu lleonso griinted on tlieillrd lloeeni- ! -.^yyiAGhestfge 7]:7y;.;:7 U rcTiwi i ff^tAi'] t',^ 'vVC'PP^' 7A'y A 7: Y y, 7:;y7,w i 11 lib Id''it'liii I l:iii' 'A pnl'y;; y; Yy77;A ;; 'y y; hw,(\Wyyy:yyyy,-::yy''y''yy:-:':-:-y-y'-y • SrOllKl''l'lN(i.^;sy^y^-!;':;;S^''.3^ , r ; '-.',. 1 illicit tiiis-aai'd-eiiiy.of • irejbi-iiiiry; iuo;i.y, vy y ;:?IA'.'iA'(Ulrcai5 '&,'AY K f7; :^rr^i A) ATl^tl vvai-cl^^f: C; VA;nd.y F6rlcs,-is ::•6 Yy-' Y« 7 ivi i 'i tixibA JI A 'ii ONT. ;77 Ay 7yiy;! :'YyA'y7yyyAy;y:7:y'-S7',y'.jWOOTTON.'y'yA7 ''yAy i Ay;;:;YyTiic;; Roy a i;Soap]C6.i,yisiting ::reiaiiy^ ! Osy,'mAipi'Aoi:iA^ : AA7:A, 7i it«Klslriir;or7.IolntSleiolc7^piiipaiilu/i,; l)epiil.y;All.(ii'ii(ij'.'OoiiiJi'iil./,7yi 'v'itTO:;'lwh'(iiiH; yaricqtivi2r.y^ : Iy EAyV; :yl I'i lin i'aWi o'f A' JJeiit oiiy^cii pi e ...... ,.„,, .j- unci"resolved,:H,H HOOIIVIIK inny lie; Ui incot:our:y hM lyiiiiilTaill 'lipyTTii'qeiclay' 'i'i'i'gjyt'7o'i'i: !n!'l'csf,77;.AyY.A7: people of Oiii'':l t'(iv'ltieu of lirltisli : (,(iliiniljlii, y i A •;;' tii anil In luivir! i Iiiiiiir ' nil vice in Our IJOKIHIIII.III-O: a y:. :-":iA: ?i| i ssl'C i V r i-J p'^.7 p'f:A!Sia 1 Vii'o iv'A'x:'ii|, ?ik/.V.l'"'^-! , :NO\\ KNO\\ > V l-k-llfnt for divers finises and y yy^25c];777yyA';;A7: , ; i;oiisldcriil,lons,'and laklngiiilej, consideration'-.:: g'iicst •'. 0 b 1.1 i'SJ; Gross 111 }s I week A'A ;y Y A;7 ,-'l'-WO'Jtbsl(l(iii'co8'oii'-.i]VI'(iICejiii'.lo:tAv6iiii(i1f'w-lt / the eiisoiutd euiiveideticbofOiir loviiigfiiiljieclsy: ; :;;;:: iiio(lurniinpi'6voiiionl,s, S'-',.'J00'caeli, one-iiHy, .V\^;,liiive:;tlioiiKlit;.lll,,:liy niidjvvll.li ihcinclvlueyi: : - #-Heriiis,vy':':;y5'-:y::;(y,;',-y::yv:v,-yy-yfy,4y-;^ 77 --'-J!) ivv7S ii tlior I ii ii'tlyOi f.tdrs V.p!'>!'i.i-.* * •«' .?;Af ;yf 'lyvA^'-y.'?;^''.^ ;.''/?-y.71 1 <51 vip Avvl t; 1 i 11 ti Ai 1. fc l^t c lcp tl' <> f 7 J A t: K r i p py; ?yy i„ yylhcse Our.betlers toK.boiiiaelo.I'alenl/and,; : IlSShlnM^ m M(7tc,'7tpA\AlOy Koiin tiii.iiyl>fe7CfeP.ie.lil, ; AlMYYJteyoniiif^ •'i^bTldiO'/iH^i'u'i-ei^ AY- tho Oi'ont Seal bfOiii- siiid'Pi'ovineeHosbo ;: Tcjt'yll |vlCiovoriiorbf Our Said Provlneoy •LopU.i.ifc^ :i|;l3iinrliblli)en£ricirt;.T Meboiiulil (y'reolfiuid'HHiro inii'Uuiiliii'l.v cle-seiilj- yy.yof.HiitlHh Columbia.,iiiyOiirtlltivernnieniy ivpOTKNAVyMyii^ fco .tii'lcb\it;,c'pii,i'S.p^i l.vi:i'i.,'• 'J'Pt;t>.) 11'^?:;'->i'.siX1'.^*.?! ed'iis:follow'H:,iAljiiiil,:>'uv'en IIIIIUH uji l.lio erec-U yyr]roiiso,;.in;:Oiu-ECity (ifyvibteirbi.-in Qui':;: :; J •.liegiiiiiingatii'postiiiiii'kc'iiy'N.nciiiiti'HyKciiitli-.; 7:iJ:;AHai(l,l'i'nvIiieerl.lils:tiilrleie)iitli.eIiiyVjr:|''obrvp '• 'M: i-i .y70clA'yOu i7 prcscri piio.h'sYli .1 led SAyj lli, :w'est:'e'brnur,rvii'iuinliig:i.liyneo.;i:iial,;'S(l.o 11111H., •"yy,rtmi'y,ini,lib year of Oui-'-'kbrd (itic flious-y WARMD'M fcol legA.-py,yy7gfyySy yg;Sg|y|p ya;Yiiii(l::iilii(i:Hiiuidri;(lAii.ilil.liroe, lillcl intlib;: •iho;i'pui'-os^ YJiM rsY 1 jAAyWii f; iicr-;:' b I cn'dS'AlpnN'i'nfj YllISAfEwr^lte'^ lliijiieb n'orlli S(l,clitiliis,'tlieiice;:vvust .fjiyeliiuns,. tiotilli SU clinliis to point ol'e;oiiiinoncc'tiiont.yy,y YA770ih;d yeaiyifOitr I(uign;yyiwyyi y B«:;r;:' jVdii}.l)rt|g7tfc:Ilpb1v|Cp77yYS npxt;'.;T;)uir«l^ :Ai;-'yA?s77Yy7:YAyY77#AN7:l)KJlAKS;iY yy yAAvYA iy. Cot ii nn ii id ,Y iSi^fp^iii^T.^ ;YTriivq! Jci'CSAisitiiig riJpyTrJlS&ko^il^ I it ti vosY? 2y YSAASa ty-AYY YY'y;|7yy7y ;yN|ii>iisi'tiJY(iy,;KeiA 'y^yyyyy^^ A7-7jMfe"Y:A);ibiiiityfl''i:pvlneial;-^ y§|Yy|JA:,yy7;ty^^ "ii ml yilioybf^tYiiiccpVinW li'Roiy 11.;AySoTly c 11'ilib7iiiyfrpin ,^1 ^i;pi 11 { 'Central;! Ic^ iisi kb,AlV I p i^ ti iiy y: to 7) ipii ivi-l ipyGprpn a ti pit NOTICE. ^Sffi^4^:^I^Sl, A'lJtitbibP)j^rVr!^'.Uf Atcveist'Cilc' liltJ^tpilve I issiAikl icjyCluryy : .'•n.-'i'." ? •OlipiripiiriV.r,;^^ yygy;y;|;:]j§j'p jrS YiVi.si tors Ab1' ^ y,;y-- •'A7-G'i'aig|s'-sliige-^ yJbbcoiiiotiyo iftireiiiau'llbbcirtspxpeclis :-\"tOTIOI'4; In: hci-oh>--''Kl\-<.'ii, tlinl. lhh-(.y .clayst l !!!!!OIA!^ I> ::nlie-i- dnte l-lnteiiil Ui'iipiily.lo (.lipI loiiur- 'tis 17; roii 'to'jylj.p.s t<: scrv i e6Yy yyyYYYA;"*YI I is'fa ii) i 1 yJiyi 11-iirr i yo;l6Ai ight7b; 11110;r 1 tilil6..lliii'(;iii(!l'.(,'tit iHMlonor of."hutida iind WffMWS^MM firpii.ly!RJ'6i'ilVQa'lr;^ Si:|lli:ayc:f|oiieyt:^ Wtirks l'cir'fi|iecliilile-6iisei to mil,iuid carry a way yyticyridltpilefestijih ; Uinljci-oii lllli iiere-syof itnudijsiliialeiUyiii'iAlc- w Of |lirj i- f i 11 n e»7 fci r 2/i7 c p n ts A j t'y lib x A i i b. 7....,5' tl ii cVi-A y" J\ I i (i 0 r A Apr i ii ci i piij A:^y 11 i'i bly7iP ity, lidiiiiltl ert-til,', iitl.liiiitjvvoruiid of Ltppoi-.Ari-ovv- ll|i;.llieciiit^ lillit-i- l.'ejiiiiueiK-.rnKiil, iiiitihl, iniirkciiyi. -'J I'lnn-: 'i'yyMiiii htl yi sybeiiigiioi-giiiiji?eclyi ii A Iv nib-;;CninTebiAjnig:.;ifeA3o o lelipbll yluiMybbpiiyjcpiiN iied;;tiD;bisyhpme; liluyS'soiitliwestei e-r," iilioul, six inllc'S up ll.iu. itfeViRs"'^ ;vy.i.ib7iinyiitiiiclf;o^^ creek iiiiilriiiii'iliiglliuiicii'uiiiit,SI):elJiiliis,;ali(iiieo. \ AKi I l7yoi iiy cc 1 liiiY'Jwi lh|7y6u;'Y^yiiVlt'r §llttl|l^eRfayef fuiiiAAiiKNiuii77ibiJ\yi)K7i,0TMiNii';iti';7" " s nui'lli-S()cliiiliis;uiiune«:wesl.'AUeliiiliis.yllioncy, : ||y-Yyyyjyy7y|Ay look; : :7 A\ I i's Y lV i s t iitii iS li ii"s7 r i» 11 i i- iipti; A | -p 1 >»" A A l,ib ! yyyjy*Y7YfYY'OA >JA'i')A.AsY:YY:;i^ : W v i p'l't 1 i'i^O .f dj V.PKC^t.ii lil cai'^Frt?^ 11 :|4f «"P »> ,jfi>;>.'' 3T, soiiUi-'Stlcliiiliis l(.i:|ii)iiit ui:,e() uiicuiiiunlvyy, f}A|A77;AA£YYY;'(M li'-tilici; 'CbtislAybcrbA^^^ Plllygpjylf 7^&y YY: YA7yyyyY7'i A'i'it ti AI 11 ii K vyyyy.y l |, 11 o v i NO i-i 7 o iyj ii ciTisihCoiJ uii i ii A,vy|y:||y!y|SYi| , Jr*-":'^*. i,*3' 'i-1'. **-?' '^'C-;??^-! *!i\i-,-Si.!^P Kli'\\'Ai[li-'VII::iiyiliodt'(ice:Af7tiejcl7:Vjf7ti giNtyii iiii ii y t j7i Yi;; KA I >V I r SC t A A (i/^t, Yy A;yyf SAY>£ H Y\yjiej i Vtyoiiycpiil b"A feitevclstokclIuiH •licai$l$;.i - - 0111 tt-el IC i i ittel r > iii e iiyti ron I. llrllnlnaiidireliindyyy6yY*.iy; •&y -.'^'*»iilil '-ior •-: 1.1 ibrr 11i*l l,fn111M>€J• i• 11iiQIiii .^tniy.uii• 1 •* rtllo-.-Teiin'-^'-rSP*-^-' li-1 i oyGoi'i V»*i.£.l -J J -..i'o.l/o j ?«A lj.it s'^;t'o'^ tyi.kb^->*otl\tS';SyAi.7^M'ci3; a AyoiiH7lviN(i7bcreit:ler.ol':;tlibii''all,li,'iile.:iclc,',,5:;'yy*yi!A r : 1 : : ; lilillMilyCAnf^^ NOTICE 11 " l/06l' ^l" ' ^*' -A" 1 A 1 i i'it Im iWcCi n v .' ''It r'fl'vi'' ^ I cii vo-- fd iyil 1 cSy cjf^77;i\ Ipi'idii y:yriVbri i i ii g: rl'rcipsA . ., .,....,,...... ,...,,...... ,„ 'I'o Our fiillh'ftilfhe Al(!iiibiu-s::elecleelj;lei;se-rvu : it:: :TboyYw;i I \% be'Sjbiiicil^iitYGplclciillby vi;ll;Mifi'^icai|i.i^ sXrOTiaKs'lriUiCroljy^ldvuii-fliutfllilii.y.days .'Yin the U'giHlativc.'AKrtoinbljf.ur.Our;:Province 7A;I f s-yp i'i i';.\%^ti p;fc^?3 J|,i jft i.i'b oil jKil i" Psy; 6 f-"^a t ti yj WofenrillsfAOoliunbliiYiiiielWisiu ouwIisaiiclyjSYMKJii?!1 iGCorge A\;el 1 s;; ai ul 50,^:p.^ J-tai'ivpii^aB^ :'iLN'&-iiftiii-.'iliil6-liliil'uii'el-'Uiiip|ily, ItiUmyllonor-, 1 eplbr;ycAi;VaA7g^ alile::i,ltuJ4t;iiioi:.,eijiiinilssloii«r,.ol'.!.l4iinils.iuiil A called: to :iiynieellng';ofylliu;::ijeglslaliire 'oiY':' .!1YYiv:7j',| ypicssisi^ScpttjYTTag^ 'Works I'or^pecinl lic-c-11.su lueiitiind• carry.uwiiy, 'yPaiila:nontbf 0lir.siieiel• I,'i"bviiicoVu1.0ur:CII,y3^Y!;?ys=,,| ,,..,....,,,,..v:.,.,..,. , YAptcAiolsfpl^ .I) nig7^A^6ol£ Co'SvSjT ; l ;andA3i o^hl ;dclCgatei3Aa;yi^ "tiiiilior'li'ijiii IIIUaeireribl'iiiiiiil'SitiiiiledTon; Mo- Yiir:;Vleloriiiv(itrThiirsiliiy,Hlio-twolfUl i (hiyofytsyyi'yA'l BSIYI'L aixlYj^ '.»:rJlii'roh,"(iiio tlioiiHiinil'.iiliie'liiiii(lred iuiilitlireo,^M;Sa|F>ijvj'f,'j| SAy;|y,JyYfe;^ Mocnl-ih^inPln;ofA;tJic T^rp iDuinilihCrueilt'iit'lli'u lovvorinidol'UiipeiyAi'rovv lalfi)iiu'triiiorciiiirtleiiliirl.v;destn-lbt-(l asfollow'S Ytbhnve beei n coiniiiencetliinikhelil;;iiii(lbveryyYi:yyy:ttt; ! ^AijIlY SYiSAIfsiait fareA ii,] l|po^iga^li|iS;^®S&SiS i-yyAybusi iicsM;:nrust.;:|ei theryni6ye7yfor^ 7i,\1ssp6iiit.ioiiyAIcffcA'lliii-7^ y';yyA--y;:yyyy ^ihyy:-. •,vffi.v*^--:i;rs;"wi'^/:^,'iiiVrii'"¥=5^ "AboiitsixiiiileKTu'p:i,lie'"crc'el(-cbniinenclngtit.ii Yofo'«»-^f i'i'a'-'i'ixtii:»7f€7Y#:7YY-:AAiYyA As#YjS ' "'''*'''''""'''""''""'"'"'"'' '^ylJjoeiYiyizdy^ Ayiircly,s tji iidA t UI jyoiAis H tl cy JbAc Icy AT be; ;posiyiiiilrlieil.:5"Av.;;iJrolutV;soul.livvest:eoi'iiei',.-: ; A: ictPriayYcPiiycii libAyyllJ'Ai'gbAsdeJeAj running tliun'e-e'e-iislSlJ cliiiliiHfjIlicneosiieirllifSO itlhis^^ iicstA^iyitos'k'e'elxA ^giiiyipnsyfipiinYtJic eliaiiis-,'tlii;iii;o,vvest Sll,cliiilii.s,;tliencoJ!;soi|.l.l.iisn ; ; ."cliidiiH to,i)blnt;6l'':cbiiiiiieiiueiiient.A: ;SSY>;.yy ..,-,-...... ,»„ ...... ift-t'j APi'?-> P.iV.11 oi'""^^'^? 1 i.(sSrii i"i..c) V ;y^ Jy.I fei s"xii'i i iXpi lc^_|icjyertise: i n?Uie|Iviocrr (W.v Y MA I i, A yi iiiiiel-Nclsbiyai^liinsse^ |:;Ayii(3^fJyPii|Wiui'fe 'SsyyMyg^yyyiiM of-llrilish (.'oliuiibiastaiids'c-alledrinv'riiiirsdiiyvyay I Ml-ll- ^KSylfsKyQ ii7«Mpuu|ipf:ykl I'liA cl iyccif f i jiipOrly: the: twelfth iilay of&Jliireh.' one,tlipiisiinil, eYytYAAYI •i n'fspcCcl 'aheb:com|orfyi')plcy^ ;fn(jiitls:1,istATiio«^ i^nklfiipy^Gy.^ liiindi'eil andthreeViil, :whiohniine,:at Our.CityyyYySiyYl Griiig's'ys tii^e J1 i ii eyyvll^ loinpyiityitylargcy'aiulJAJery of,Vielbria;:ybii .,\vbro boUlyaiiclK'coiirtLriiiiiudrto^ , l beaiitifu ^nin|p|!;p^^| NOTICE. s 1 Ypyf!|fW?^^®S^S^y?i J^-TSfe^,?? jfi''.iii.t?'i'G).S!' IV P?V''ryJv'',' ?.S.i!p,iis.L;D'iy.is713c(itoiT7vYYyy7yA.A: ;Y775,YAY:y7sA'-':;A7 ;p"IcaMiitpiiblir(£p:trtivyAin^ ai)iieary.yy,yyy:B--'yiy3Y-'3A7 -*7YAY-7A47y:-A^^ .- .NOW lvN0i\r'.YI'4;:tliiit for di vers causes unci;",;,;;*; - • A>;«|YAYiYAY y^ YKo 1111 lit in: p e h s~ t li c yprybes (Aha Ices; 'prc5ciitA?ivvc;'c7;YM cscliiiiics yySibbiikl j | | | ll c l il,l!I , iol, ; ; fe7Tcvtlic:Aaiiios',\vliei;are;Anytli^ . ,.,._'J'IOK?,''is'•iiheii'-oliy.'igiven ttliiitMlnrtydiiys :coiisiclei-atioiiAii iililii -:KysKaY^y y&V: tyc i f y!yo Tin ci i 1A as tAvcclcA\ lelyyPeAitc 'sbtiyEd w;ai:(ls;y Sol ibvviiy ;AI7avv, A! ebrgc,s MSyytyClwi/iTnf^ ;;wi'iiMHt^ iuviiy, Liinber I rain tlie I'ollo.vving ele.surilie'd lands ,viiieebr-lIrilish,:Obliuiibia;yto;relieve,yoii;:andyyyyyyy is ISuScid^cit^ifgao iBiicIcfA/iigctiAGySiitlicrlaM^ •'P'cartcliiiH!iWriit;i'tKf.fi7s in tlie:.llig:Jleiiiiy:Dlsil.rictyiir'AV'esl.;:,ICoolunay: eiieliCj(ifryou,yof YuiiYiilleii(!aiieoattlic,tiiiiO:y:;;;,yyj^v:l ; S'ti'Scp'-j^ 'Cloiiiiiieiieifigii.VI.'Vii'-.pbsl.ipli'ntC'ilf.alJOiiteiglit: iiroiesiiid;:i,hei'iibyyeoiivoking,;|,iiudybyylh(-se^i;:«yy'^^ Al A i so i i erst;y y &-.K edy'p ij77 s t ree t sy bt 1C; 7 il i c : 7f3vlipugii;0^;cxtn r .U'iii.6n-j;Ji(.j.ii e'1.7^ 7ll ;yA7 Ai 5 iAwh', AScot Wy£$\ )i iii e,|iYyi3; ^eliaiiiSvKejialifot'^oliiiyAiiderson's^ynbi'tlieast: : , : iiresiint, s eiii6iiihig.'y(3ii,"iiii(l-:eiichs: or.i,'yoii^tliiiti4SS*i'?:5«^K'J A imi[j-'prfppiufyel y'.p.iY lytbiY'cpst/wouhlvbe;'; -IvOOTicNAy ,;3\lAi i7ytiic;pii iyiiuii iPhyprili t|; lhc wis/Y'yG lai'kci'AA t k i ii syAi^i'pciiiii ci'; 'proviclediii 1 iiio'stfcycry-Aivi1 -})iM M#iA7 cbi-iic'r, jiOHi;Kiiii'e|i':-iniii'lv'c(l;rili-'J 3l";tlicncu;sejulh,' oii'',i'liurKchiy?' theyseebneiychi>Yu,f::A|iril,>i:oiieYi,,YpRS : "SOeliiiiiisV'lliiitiiiu.eastSOeliiiliiK; tlioiiee-iiorlli Stl tlibiisiuiiVnireiuiiiclred iiiid tlii'eo;:you iiieet;.Usyy:yiy,y mm . |f;lotisAi eiu.yyg iwiisvbcctipiccJ'afcAhc'SpeiAfhbiige;^ LUg A>! !Atu?yi iy?{pr tl >;^PPlenay7yyY|;YA 7iS I pscl c i lib i Si u 11 cissy 7:13 u c Ic AYpJ raiitjJiyJT) eiti t^ •cliiihi&;Hlieii'c'£vves'l?:!^..';,cli^ biOiir l4CgisliiUire;or:dearliaiiicnl.j,,offtl.hii'saldyg,^i^yi - s lAyjYyYTijcfilvasPyl^ tlav7i)iglii|Svv'IiiJeptlic;Sfginicrie^ , i ?Pi'oviiiee,"il,';Oiir: (;il.jAbf:^aet.orla:'d' 0Ryi'lIKYlA!;SY,;,1, jjyTi^Ar&yljOiig's "B'^VCJ 1 iiTirif jpii g.nc'^-KfV'l py-A'n So iy SO ti n-i c Y (Sit 1 iiibu Y^^ :iiieneciiVeii.l; Y;::ASiS77A77Y7.y:SYS:;'ffiA-A yY? i)ISI'AT(iIiyOI'VnUSINICSS,^:l.o:;lreiil.:jdo;:aetKgss?:pftfA Averiyipiitiipiiizptiy^'hc YftJntcel Vt I i i si 7l (iti 1 'elii j'7o lAl.'o bri Iti r y i:71 Sibils yAA:&7YS yf'yypa h i'iYHu y c;Atl ccicl ccl7 A: Ab.^^ L>ii i. ItP Artzyfi.iaiu i I ti;l; A?lAtihliniIfc ifjn r tl iyiiiitl ^J'eiiVpl CyY~Plic7; li rs tiriri/!ey7iV and .'conclude"lipbii,llios, o lliiiigs'HvlileliV iii OuivJy:yysy.;y;° I I? : 'iiC'KiHliitiii-eiif!th'oll' ro.v'rno6"dr..!Jti-il.ifili'.?(y'oliiiiipi^ |S YAbr i b k^ to l'ey a ^ ; •puiYgiassAibn-bPiiyilisly^ ylie;AiipcariihccIiriAit.(y:elstpjci^ YY:YYAY''Y?AA YYYAY'u'Aiobfi rfi t7y - ; "t kbp tcii ivy A3 rcwery^7Cpi-(Iers7ii (lcl t'csiseAb .biii, by;U,h'eCoiiihibnH:biiiicil1oyOiuVsaid^^ ITiiPA'aciiii;A;hc;7sito7pfS'blie r^oposetl'hewiG;, ; vGoroiiii'ticiiv-'AO.hpiyiyAvJiP 'iiicd"iii'iiyeby'.tlio'fiiv6i'.:'bf;GiieI,i:bo onitihie(l.r%iit^ \T;emple^5wlii,leI Mi s;:WardpaKsecpiK!y ; ;tiydy'p^J13px|24^ liiicst'cbiieertjfeyi^ :S:;3iY- NOTICE: ytx;:i'|.:s'nMOxyy\\'iuaii.:iJi.'y\\'oUiave:;eiiuse(lsy;S:2S•.'tlieso Oiii-',betl.bM;ti) lieiiiiiilb:Piil,eiit;\iiii(l :S;; ^::,iu-:-;iS l ;\voirii7piiirMyAci^ j7,lA4ho:;(>cai: SeiirbtOiir^ "Y&' ft0y.i3yHiiinp/&7£ ; '^^^^^m^r^^^^i^g^yM '7T luy7Cc i.i t e ii jsicii sbii jl iii v in g^n 0 Wyiicg (i ii;;,ThcAsmgiiigywiisr.suThSSirigiiigBviisAsiiiKirb^ ^ % IlsAtSUicrccfii^ •i^Yiitn'eiiiitii'aiiixeiiys'yyyy^isyAvAifyAyJS^yYA ;di'yfgbbds7iii;Alieii-4n'evv'7slorc7 : •i ft^j-.»Mte¥sji«,'.i^f%^\'i/.';.fc;r,^ , ,: , v i ;|g^|fy?A;represS Alipicivvu'ijyiirpK^ ii iidfey ory|iitiiiib^i '^ . raloTiiiyoiippF^ .fO ri'ei-;'' i!C^li'c'r(il,y.'*''Brvc-iritliiil.?th'irl.y''i1nys4 - •™;?:vAVri-NK8ft. ;tlie''iloiioi-ubl(i-.Su---IlKN,iu*CtuS',r,w?f y,y sAAJwpf ks,y "ii ia;j vceiy Si miciayY^AruuYtl'citiKbeyri^cMU'ilteipXtyWMlAwill.;: ^ Iw-as;iiiidei$flicieadcfsliip^ ; mjAvfi'ari.eKdiite'Pinleiid'applyingt o lliollonoi - T,vyi.;v;ioi.y;ii;i.:'MioTiuxij4itnyiy::(';5i\l.'t!y' iestiyi tn^;g^^^^;f^g|^IMtpsssy^ !cide/d |toyoirci-|;i n y seitiSi'pi:|olecLionyis; alile!:-tlie'.CIiiel'yCijiiiiiiis'si(,neiyof';il4iiiidS(.aiitl •grbCcrics'iiyypliicoiySA^ r Y AyYcl redge^vly 11^ •cpii.ilc/A'fpTiiicrlyfelicM iaiaomiitpJfoiftbiiK :\\ orks foi-ii'siieuialflieoiisoi'toyciityaiitlyearry: A[yriivnopI3i'ps7iiiidAvC^ "'. tVAAY->'•:.. Y.'j':}i7'^A^'p7'''A'r.'l;«w'''"il.'.'.i'iV/l ^-'-'.'ttfl-vri'^^'uM (.1V avva.y;i;iiiiiiieryrroiiiyi.lie;;fplloivliig;?ile»crilieil I 'ISSSlsllIttElly C,W,I i..rrtc.tA,w i t li ;,tbc7 gpyc r i i m 6 liCvg^ y IJjAA AYAs tiii iiiytcrBAbljey ;Aiiiuiyiylip^S,wn.l].;. : -fsollci'ilyb'nv^^!y^^.a^i^i,«y}.y^^--^£; laiiilAii'Up|ierArrd\v-;.tjiike:F:y:y;yy:iYfAt-:pS 7dqmr t ifieif t;|0yi I iy 1 iiiycilii 1 iii rgiA'pfstj ic; iiiciii 'IjersTof iiiisJipariptiiblcyiiiirfcyiiiiUic: yl||yS|§|yAiy|y^ ; " |loclld:l|simjliiliTO ipiiVsY;Iui n'iMii|i{p^ WtMMMMn,iriiiisici i bsery ices :a I tach ecl7 Idyth c|rcccii t SiSlSySAyKuS'rAiocA^ ^thousand niiie:h'iiii(irc(i:iiiii(l:tlii^e;;iin(l;,iti;IA: ..Rt.,v . :&"Gomiii'ciicIng^aKuposttplaiitcfl yilireeyiiiiles; ; .|ySliii^;jfpy f of yjl ;seciuSi;7liiciIsSwii^ iibrbiiiitibiifiibfAlvingiiEdvyarclWiVtA iipilitiyiiirU iiioi'e..-,oi'.CIess,yutistbr;.tliollv-e iiiild post,pii,tlic yg A tlie'tl i i nl; j-'eiiii-; ot.'0.u vJ. I tei^n YYy|y;K5*Af Syyiiyiy^i ! 1 im^fbpiiuoiiyilSTc^ •Niikilsii'iinili'Sloeiiiiri'iiilvv'iiySsoiitlivvost'jiCiiriicr. ?;^&ny?t'ijiiTiiiiiim •ff rs t-c! iissgl tl r ciss ii 111 k e r ftifl |i le Ab fyl?P b.fo ? iTAbiiciy Ayij!ic*g ^J^PIB^S^^ "^' : I ^JjW,-kz'i yiftYiYvfy*" bescaa n dyli is.y rejio rtffifayprcdstheiim-:; LKaitknjgJM$ . niarkcil-"A.l4'.I:"'iind: . riiiiuing lliciioc imrtli lt«l ,7iyv,=,«» „fe5Ar (! A MI MI K bli'l IKU1) 1 K;^:yi;Rs:«#:^y:»jisft S. i iiiTiS'.bii; Sr;MlA>i'pn IP-An n (ly^w il IfyPppiy icWiniclXmif^figlilsyw^^ Avelfiire*8fAlio?cuty?M' eliaiiisYl lienceiyc'iislrlO,cliaiiis':;l,lieii(:o.sbiitli.l(iO ; 'TYYiY&A ppsi tiPiAP ; ; ;oli(iiiiS,:t,lieiiee;west:luyiiaiiis!;l(iBiilaee eJOuoin- piiilorsAmtheirAic^ rtue ryEyehihg^i: Atiiif 7A£JI rli^lBriiriscpm 777' iSoui syi'i!spocihill yY;5yyiyyi:yY : ?^y^jp§S|ijepiitjfi!ro^ |^jyjyyyivli7afriya;lsAy|yY : iiieiiebiiioiiti:jyiYy ,"^"7yK-yy.::;:yy;.:yyiJYy;Yy AV" i 1 ly iV t to nil A; t ciSp; 1 ip;,7; m i U i ii e ryy tl ppii IAA , y»v AIaneA:lbbfeny;Ai)p;;iissistpcb^ .;,jl.beiito'd-,tlic7lOtli'(;lii'}%o^ ! ! NOTICE. Ay YyS 7,;Y Y;I tniii'slbeeiy dec id fid; f t! ;a.t 7 As ;soo mii.s''; ''merit a iiclfis;iibwyin:7Hic7ciujt;selecting A! Thb.jmeniberslpi^ :i s ; on c£o f itlie... nibs t fj\ .11 isli^clyTcpnti^tltl p ygy hyYyt7he'goyei;^ , IviiigliAs7pf vPytiiinsylicItl A lSypnc-OIitllC';:inosGy;niiiaiiicv',;yvy'.'i'M 'ys,; ; StAck';:Sy;7.A;-;7A:;:7-AYy;7:Y;::iYA-v7.A7;7:;-7A 5 c v ;s i ligci-s Ai ca i-d" 3 iiy tl iWy^psb, ; |i» -l^!' 9V"b PY Wy:fi|9ii'P'siocpNb"t^ ^\fiOTICK"isli'ereljy; giveiiytliiiiyiliirlyvlaysy A yAS;|;Y;;TOrlya t Alio NiIyrpwsAit;:^vih^ijAliikch;' ;A:t-tlomc77piiKAfPiiescl5iy7p i; ; ! '••i.•;,:,•,;':,'.: : ^hiimiliiblCi.yc^peCially:-;^ , Ayilsbn'lJiicle7Tbhrs7yG:ibiri Gpiiip'tiny,, atibiis :beingissuecPt67^thfjs^ : i .yy Ki i (i\v6pd yi nyati yA7qua:ntiLy.;: .iOlinin'i*, tliuiiee.vve-stllKI e-hains'tb.plaeo;.of; ebni- Yt^YjyAiyi'r'Riyr-^ y,''A'7v.7ft;i';'.;v*';:;!Ou Sea7''ii 'Tiie"7richYbass7i:ypicc7::;of;;pIr7- ,iiieiieciii6nt;;;-. 'v:'"?;^ :.:;,':;', y:-;Y"-f''':'- 7-. y,Y 1 •-•• '(loiinneticing at a -iibst: plant cd-oh Alio feasts : ;:7A7y;A': escaped:; 'serip usji: i h j uryiAvhiIe;,'passihg. isicpining^7 tbA theYpperaiAhbuse 7nex t; laclibsIresuitedyAiiyiri'Iiittericbinc^ iii 1 toiv;was '• aivpca'^treat;ytheya 1 tp of7c; u 6x0 -: rec] i-i i redy lenglhs-^ r(jgr;s ybocatedtho llitli'day of li'ebruary, lflOli.'; y:: : : : : ?£ : : biink'-'of Koos-ka-N'bx creeky.soiitlnvestcoriier.;' 777.77'; Yiy7;.th eAiiime7blpck; A7biincly .jy cd 11 esd iiy At ri d;;;.; Tii ui-sd a y;: eveti iiigs; abpii iii ()07Y liepiity7G r:iii tl;7C'Jiiincel loi;-: Afr.7Cb\At:rdiisya:;riireexp'ericii.ce;;;a "i7i; A;'-i''Ai7y:.'''7y7.Yv 7;'7'AiUGi-i'yi':R\yiN.i7 iiiai'ke(i;"\\r.\y.l''.'.'.'eighteen'-'miles'more',or.-Jess ; : will Aecei ve pi'6mpt iiiit'entionyy : >7-y YyY.jng*froni ithe parapet; Ahci?;;grazing' 1 iei-; pr,cSeiitiiig7the eycAypopuhtr 'yUiicle BeiinettoccupicclAbe chair,'ancljiii'hisj' Mr.vPP\vii!ili;s7 teiior7;singiiig;ivasdc-; froni its moiilli,' and riiiining tlieiiCb ,iibi'th: llKl.,; : 't-peiiiriir remarks;gav(i7a.7;brief.;;butline i cliaiiis. llienee east Mty chains,'thence soitlli IliU : fyYy Ayy-rdressfiATlieloPseiiingpf tbejbricks:wns. Tc^ii^,.Giibi.n;vy :.iiidy";TeiA !ightful.i77\rasteryHubbardysiingyw:eIl; 7Y;yvy'yyyi'IUUAyuOUATJ.OKy77yy»yyy7; cliiiiiis.'llieiieo.vv'cstyoeliitiiis torplacerof icoiii-;;:, Y7Y.A;';77;77"ciuetc): thbAhaw'ttliltYhiid set;.inY y-Yy BarAieJbiiv"';wit!iuiuitiw,,,,.- ,.,.„: ; .a1 ^,,,^1,4,,^compn.iiy ; o'.f --2..45 7bi;7tiiuriwn(latibiiy^ ; . (.'oiniiiciicingAitsiiypiist,,;planted, tvybiiniles nieiieeiiient." .-••~yl'-yyyyyyyy'iyy^y'- "'•':';:•• y,',i<' :: AYittie:AraidA£' A-rcaclce:Y.YS-7)A.7ftyv; iiiore or loss bust of the llv;e-iiiile.-post "(Jii-llie :>-'.'.boenteel tlie Ilth dnyof, February,:i!>O.I;yr, y! pibple,A carload oispeciiibsceiierv-yAndybrd ^iTrhe'pafty fp aidyliyTappyirigAhPAPiii-;; 1 w Yy7yyyy:y70ji7Satlll;day:yT;70 •Nnkiisp'. and - Slocan niilvvii;.-. soutlieast corner y::y,;;;,,;:.yyyi:;rp:,7'Aiyyy77';V\^-A\YFHASKUy;;;::! : l , t^ihicYb^^^ ;plimcrit of sta,tmgAhc7;acc5pusticypi-bpy marked •Vl); C. t.";iuid riiniiing.'llicnee west:Kid A: A>Y'7 7; A <3K(';0N fl;Lb(;A'riQNiY ;- 7 'iv.Oornerr ; .• ; W^M^M^^M&i iiiciic-oinciiti : ,:-.:'-,-;'-••;:A.--'•'':.>,--• v.y-:,--.'.ir-y'.-:---;" inai'ked ••'•\\ A\ .'l''." and 'sixteen : niilestiforb.ory 7:AA777'7;.7;iliyi.hc;APvver;7 tpwiiyyTlio Alii(jgistrate; siiiiilbto liccohiriibdat; e the'crbwdsfroiii.riiusic and reciUitipiiyvvas:then, rendpy : •>Vinnipeg,ip7p^elsbni aiul.li'iie-p.rels'-Ji.iis ed, After; whicht tlie-7 main' floor of;the -vi.oe-iilcel.tlicdlitl; i day of .l''ebruiiry,-HKiS; yy ,;: lessfroin itsniouth.' nn(l;riiiining''tlienee.;iioHliy Yiy y.;: 7 ytold 'accused: he 7woulcl;;;bc - sent tpviritpl ;J1 ierAivvcrc ; tlirep yDonii 11 ion 'ybycA' (•:!"yy::;7 ::"7yy:7fAYiii'yU. CyIllWI!>';?Jr.'y:: Killeliains. thence east 10: bliaiiisytheneesoiitli:•?: : iieeii. unaniiiiousiiirpraiseYoQtlieyui'P- iiairvvva^learediorelanc^ Y;y7Ayy i?rAix;;nipiithsy if.;Ahe;7pffeiicAAvas;re-' 101) idiiiins,-thence: rvvcstyiO,: chains yo yplnceyofy : : .ductioiis: ": Ot" ii i'cceiityproduction; the xhrouvhlyen3oyt.dyfoyyqieyha,nnce;^ 7"is;iis7 welly vvorl.li: a- eoninieticeiiieiit.'' '::Vy ,:':;'y'"-.•'-•;? ::y:-:::::'s''y:'y;:^ ;.Af'7.3.77 yp^atcd77 yA;-..7y7y J U u -:, Loeateel the Dili day nf l-"ebriiiiry, .l!»:i. f,y y-y ,Rriiiid6iiVDiiily7'Siin7siiid.;.y th«i'eycnmg,;vprpvision--•••1-"h.avin— g ybee>"»^'n "" i: ' ; " ' 7Aisii7iis;,4in7iirtkiil-; NOTICE: i : r r : , ; ^brth! G rey7':7vTivp';'':Jfotiiitaiiisyiii ;;y'l;;.;:;:':yyyy:-y;y; yr ';':y;YA ::V\ :;;.l' RASEil:y,i yl;7y vy. y;y«A^»A^ ;hbiiseyvtvas'v:packeclitoythc ytlbbiA:;: last nAid elfo Athos fiAy hricl id, A p t: pa r ticipa t A ylei-yi/itl'licAleweley ,: : v •To rrebbh hey liiiv ey jgpn c iyiibcral A a n d ^ : •''' A A;; Af i ng iii AA \y7p7' T 7'B.;aYid7:':backeclf''by" a iiiyhc'ciancingyb.aiiiuse thenisclyc-siiv iiiKiySilyeYSiiiitliA ;nigbtAto:iie'arAV:iison;7n!hd7:MePliecA :X(;irthAri't%vcbiiservatiyc7YNPr^ AyY'i'd 'nidjiNQu icxT; Ab-oA'x kits:; y. A Y YgiAi Yfi-h i ^Y^^t^^y^lSy'^ y7:YAAAlargely, Sigiiecl petitipiiVyvvAiieebonAlie theilbclge:' roornyi ifista irsi-vyhereAabieA; v'ArtyisyoiicfAf-tlii.; I'o Aif:x7SiniItiAl7 Hiliiiv-I:b;Pipoi'v.i7Picicalcv '.A:oininoiiciiig.'!it7a.rosi.::piaiiteel.'.'oiivt,lio:eiist.:! v ! /'.UncleyyTpAifA .; Cabin A .vAconipi; ny;.; •wtts.-iiberalA:;;yYAYy:Yy7A7A;7YiYv7Y ; bank.of Koos-Ka-Nox,crbelJ, sou Ui west corner" y:, YY' 7 Doin i ri ionAgoyern ni en t itt y 0 ttit wit on irero ;:i r£-7*f e.f d insss 7fpr 77 .ca rtb' pi ay i ngi, oide'stand-lliiest; ils i-I-'i-cd daeohsbn. -J. .I.,eolo.;and..Iiiii: lliiyis-or. .niarked "It.T."aii(l ten''-inilc-s"nibre or less" frbiir : 1 ..UncieAPpmYiiclrTLitttP^^ • to';any. person oriiersons to wlioni lib or they y 7 A y.'TuesdayAo tin voke: aid yny aboHshing Refresh nieiits ij'efft-. scryedyriyrnid night,, •TiirpiiiictionsyH'ni.W Its nioiilh, '-n'nel ruiiniiig tlieiicenortl:i llifrelinhis.y; ...... ,_....,. y^yy ]|^ .^ j^j.p^Q,;]yX\i,\ t-A n :-yi»i Uis'^by.prqV"' mucliintcrest7,as ;evei-,ywhileiMarks, iiiiay liuve ti'iinsfeired. liis"oi- their iiiL-;resl,s in l.lienee'east III ehains,.thciic-e-:soutli, l(Kl eliains.,.. it ti tl ^ s h o r 11 yy a iter; 111 e~ 7 j;:i t h e-r i ri jf; d )s £ Atlioy tnosliioxiiiiisite. '••'tlio I'bi'tlifnU llineralpliiinr-sitiiateityoii: the tlienee7yyv''est';;ll)'i.clfains;to pkieo oC'coiiiinoiiee-;,: thclinvyer.ancl ;Ge.bi'geiiiiiAis.ca -nie in Air s 11 eli llui'gsjyare isoutli side u( t'lirihoo. Creek in Arrow take A-Ay ;yy;; ';"/•': .veii ,tTii g" t li e Aiiii nu lac'l u rcf, iiii port a t ipii fpiypietityAf isynipathyirbm .tliclittlc persbfl all-beingyibud...'.inytheir;praises r mil nt:-"-•,-'•?;''""'* y^A'p ,?••••-v ::^:yyy.iyy'yyyyyy: : n a R : : 'yr.otiiilislitil.lit'yare :Milling Division of West lCooleimy: . •.; :A7.Ay7.-.7 A .d7= l Y(cigarettes. 77; :'.Y.'A2''''-"'A.y •f61k/'vyhb,'yiirp'7:alvya.ys'. charmediwith At the 7 hospitality A shdwii ybyyAbe ;You unit each ul' you are hereby notified.that : •} kocateeUlfe lOth^liiy o£;Kobniiu-y,!!!(«. ::,.- •:; : K : • S^32|T3' ;iffi.-i;NIGttTS Yy2' A r.iiiUti7value.:';:7y, inivc expeiided I'oiir.hiindred and. lendollnrs : 7;'7;7 .,'• '7y^''^-!A 'y ^' AVGhiiiiiiinin; whc>;;died -Kiiightsiy Atnpiigst;;those piysfmtvycrc. A-A yy - yy-'Hyiy: • • -YAuon i<; ttr yr A v i .011.7 A tliis old-tiniG iAvdritp.' 7;.Siptoii n'labor: iind iiiiprovonieiiU.',upon the above i , l 7,:7y' :Y7ym;Xo.AA'ridrt scyernl; lrbm,;Aiiowliead • itiiel •.outsit!li iiu'iitiniie'iil iiihieral elaiin. in order lo hold said yy'-:.:£/7;AAi! OUlt'l H Lpd^:ipN^ 'StvCbiiriiritbANIiss'Ophciialwereyyery : C'oniinciiciiig ill a liost planted 76ii; thnc-ast 7 i; x good iri7tlieii".respective roles.:,Tonierht T-iiidepeiideiitV'Riviid; itiY '•'-iiy-i. .'Retiirh-iifi-lh"e;Faybrites7•;, ,;7; iiineral claim itnilorthe provisionsol' the Min­ A 7 Y ; AoyAveyelsioko :thc7'iollovying 'evening : ... . points'.--A ...... -,-... : : eral Ael„ and if vv-iUiin: ninely days of tlio elate baiiK- oflCuos-ICa-Nox creek: sou th vvusl.'ebriicry y .:y7 7aud:handed'pvery'to.'• thcyibcab'under- 77 'i -TH E--BiG7' CfTy SHOVvYy Yy;: of Ibis notiee yoii". rail .or-i'efuse l.c'.contribute iiiiirkcit'.,'.'K.T." ni'io miles more or less froiii .its-:;:; tiicAonipaiiyiiutsAii A'.'feh Rights iti iiishcfl.miisicAhrougliput7the,,cvcning inoiitli. rn lining tlienceiiorth'SOvchiiins, llienee ' ';• vyY7. Atakor..:7A'o:furtiier instriiction's-having, your piiil.ion ot'sueh expenses, together wilh all ayJlarvRbonii'lyuiotJieiypkb A^ leyoponing y : crjKtscl' attverlising, your interest in said claim c-iist- Sli; eliains,: llienee south'SO.eliains, llienee ;.. A •'•:;jyyybocnfrcce-iv'ccl.Vithc .body-'Avasl-inttirred' withiievv scenery. troih bone" solo; 7'y •,Tbey7I;iAlyA'Gity.y 7i j;-:7Y';-lREVELSTdKB;y^i •ill : lieeoiiit!': the properly.:of-tlio;.subscriber, .west SO chains lb place of eoiiiiiieiieeniciit.y:.;- : .'.'-L'lieiiitecl the Kith ilay.of l'"cbriiary; HUB. :y,y Yyyy; . W'ednesciny. v Enquirios .Intve since- inlei- seelion-l of an act.'eiililleciy'An , Act to : 4 vvhicli wns reiidci-ctbbyy thcie;idcr,7Mr.'; li* lliiril§ mend the Mineral ;Acl-l!>llO.,yy y '77 :; > •:' Y: tY:' ^'yV'S;:;: UOBlCin' TAYLOli.'y y-v/A v y -ylicen 'received; fr An .relatives i'n China. : R7H. Sawyciy'witjyybandYicceiiiipani-. yy^'-;77'(SiKiied)7''7:;77Y:;M.-;KyciNpv;7- ; ' yy.A-:7:y."YYjoiiAi;iry'|iqci^ <>v iibssiaiid, U7(v, l-'ebriiary'th, Illtiiy .-,-. v Aisto.thc cost Of l'orvviirciihg remains. '.'•'.• 1 ment. 7 7 yy; ••'•. yy.-'y -;" yY. A;. ;' ...iy Adoiiimciiciiig" at' a' post' 'pliintcil 'oiiliio east'•"' ; ( : vy: ii 77y7('IltrRCIt Oi ESGLXyVyy : \ liank'of Kons-ICa-Nux ereok, southwest corner A '-. ;y-,-..'; y A '•.•lively, 'fracas.; took place on Arc ; : ; ,7 - ii'McPH ICE 7fc AViLSte'S'y ' i - . .;Sunday':being::the first;• Suiiday iii -..-: 77yi7777-'-'-.i-7''.tA-.o.''f..Y:"'7 :Y' -J A7:7.A'- iiiiirked'M.W'AV:" live miles more or less from , A y'y .i.Kenzie avenue'at noon on ASAdhesdiiy, • At,tlie mooting of the Ornngo Grand •'." 7:AI A.MMGT IfyS PECTAC 0 LA R i-';.' itsinoiitli'nnd'running tlionee north SII 'chains ,y ;.- -.7 7y vv hen-two.':, white meii and ha lin dozen tlie, month •'•there•'• Will, be celebrii.tioii 77-SlAATINGyl-i\A':RY'Ai4VA':NiA:G7y: WANTED tlionee cast SO eliains,. theiiee. sbutli SO eliains,..' 01 fl.oly. Gotnmiinio.ii at 8, rind 11 a. ni. J.bdgc- ,at Vancouver7 the following, thence west SO eliains to.plaee of coinnieiieel •*".'•'A;•• '•-• Celfstialsybecame entangled, as 'the 1 inentY •••-•':;:•';• .•:•'•.- '.•..-'•.'•-,-'•.•••'•..'..• - Evensong at 7.30 p. m, 7 ..A...-,"., .7. "were'elected oflicc'rs -for Ynsning yo:ii',;' VY ',-(*' R'OM is; TO', io 0:01,0 ckyyy •\,i'.l hhWRIOI.IT, AVANTED-Must Loeateel the 11 th day of .February. l'JOU. yy' 7 " result 7Pi a " snowlAill 'having -ileen r : ;Tberc will be Litn.iiy . iiiid .Evening (}. M,,',n!'o, Hell; .IviiihloopsYl,). G. Mi Uricje Xoni's Cabin iVl lie. n lirst-iias.s iiinn who under-, Ay 7..y ,,j.A\yAV Al^ON.: ; 7y. ..7.; .thrown, at 'oneAof the Chinks.; Tlie' -BroA I)tiki.-,: Vancouver;. J. .IJ.G.AI., Band: Every Wednesday Night" stands the different grades ! of .".lumber, Prayer .every AVcdnese'jay evening at :.7-.'y.-.y 7:;7.;y''7;'AND.A.:,y'.':'';-•,:, ;..;,yi: , first round wi is awarded tei the,whites, : rc-ipiitt'd ,'iii" lbe prairie ft ndeiinel who, 7.30 p. in. (Inriiig the. Lo.nte:i-season. " Bro: J. Wiillacc.A'icloria;. jii. C.Afov. ' '7,: c. AJJMTSSiON 25c."AY • i.. 7 7 but the second, in which Police Mngis- C'iintnko chili ge of thoinill and yard. NOTICE. -'-Ai 7 7 .''CATIIOf.le;, ....: '.•,.,...-. J. ,7Koid7.: Nelson.;' JKHi,; ;;Bro;7;lAisb,: Ten Nights in a Barroom Co. y Aratr-'Sibl'iild.wn-; refert-r.'. resulted in a Apply lo .IAS. •'•'A'V7TAY.L0B,"--AM-OW- Pope i.e-b XI11, colebrntod-his .h.ibt- M ission •;• D..G. S.',-MnK U'IV jiusley,. Van-- : y /;- •'':'.. 24>-PEOPLI-:--2."j' . Y: y ~ ;''•. SEASON TICKETS. hftul,..M."0. :':';'.• ril.UCI-; NOTICIK dial, thirty days ntl or elate I , Y Win for the Mongolians.'-one-of''.their loo on Friday and the homage of .'the couver;''•('•'.' Li Ilroi Duiilop; G. D. C,,.- , .. ,-. .. •„,,.;,„:., .1. intend to uiiply lo the Chief (.'onunis-ioniT ,.,'•, ..' -,.!-••'. • iv- vv „, i J rave nit'in file r own ,.Spet-in NT. I-; D.'T-TvvonI y. lirst-clnss ciir- opI'.oiioiiL-lieing linedA-l..ii07 I3i-tj.AV.oorl, Now -U.estynmstcr. >extj •• " • —- •• 72.foot .$3 00 bf Lands and \V orks for a special liecnse to cut Koinnii Gntbolic universe". Ho yvas Pullrnan Cnis. f.allies,7,'.'-.":.-. • 7A'...AI".'.".Y •'••"-''•.•• penters. "Apply,''h) J7'"A. ker- and carry away timber from the following lands ".•: II. W, l!:ikt'r,oi'Vjinconvcr, l!.C;,isin prose'ntod .with Mho. gold tiara, the GraiidyLodgc will bojiold ut Ladnor.j Gcritioiiieii;.. •,, .-• .7. •'.•••••• • - A- -,,y'i i (KI n'nhuii.Liiggan. ; '• Coniineiit.'lng at a post miirlfcel ".III). Urolol's , ; NVVeorner," situated on the east side of the town for :i few wcok.- .ro|ii:escntitig L'n- •Jubilee present, of the 'Catholic World, iirid provincinl colt-lirntion at -Ar-w | Gitrloiifl of Jipooiiil sf-eticry. ,.'. 'I'lCkETS l-'flR SA LFA' \7\rANTI-:D IvNOWN—l-'ive roomed Coliiniljia river adjoining llurloii Oily lownsito iv-.i'.-ity l-'.xtt-nsioii, through the mort- which cost $25,000. and' also. iflO.OOO VVostininslfr. ; . •.••'• \ \\ . heiiise iind furnished rooins near on ilie south and running-south HI chains.- CbiiCf-rt B'tiifl.iind Solo Ottiieslrn. '"'. llienee. east 811 eliains, llienee north; 10 eliains, ..'. iiiin.of; llo'ni'e Cbrre-sp'o'iideiice School. frir restoration of. basilica of St. John,' Ili'fC Free Htrcr't. PiirVtdc. ••,' (iiuiiiiinDing AAHorik Slnrc. siulioiifo let. Applyjto R. Tapping, • .1. A. .Miller .tO thence west sill o the point of commencement, ••: .-'Mr. • I laker is iiif,.s', iiitc'rt-stecl at. pres- iind ii rich'i'.iirc'.hmcnt voliinio with the. Pat-k'of MJi-nuino SrinUierri filoodhounds ! \\TANT TO ••'PURCHASE,'.South covering tho pre-emption of one Angus Ale?- ci.l in iii'giinizing.ii 'class to take lip The (.'(-Ifliriti.'d Mnt'iiriliii QiiartfUc". •'.' Roy Sniytlii.;'.-" 'I'obaeco Story W African, hind scrip. Apply to Licod, which wiisiifterwnrels iibandonuil by him signiitli'.'oHOl' nil who 'hud contiiluitod COMPETITION, Rink Company.- Dated this lllth clay of February, HUM. • . ' y ;i l','inp!t-',e ('(iiniiicroit'l. coiu.se, which to'tbe'r.fi'erihgK. i' , ,. .'' Fvf-iyihing iiniriihriiivv unci np-t(i-diito. K'niile-nay Mail oHiee, Revolsloko. , . .1. i!.il>KOI.,KT. :••. The largi-st Company yet se-i-n in the '\\ r ANTI--D TO SELLYTwo, houses .hikes the. place fn a'six months' .term , Tho. Ladies' Altar Society' '• VV and lots nt rising Icivvn of Oam- Catholic church bus (lof:i'lt;fI to give aii E. R. Baynes Wins Kootenay Mail Iniinc: each propt'ily will let for.ii.15 a CKUTIFICA'n-; OK IMPHOVKXIKN'TS. in .-bintbitnd iind typewriting, and in Irish ontci'tiiiiime.iit in nid (if Uic POPCLAR PltlfiFS.' •;--' iiKiiilb: vpi-it-o on each property'$5U0. '''.,'' languages will bo started a little 'Inter,' funds on- St. Patrick's Day. A . good Advertising Prize, l-'or piuticiiliii's apply nt office of koot­ • The marriage of two well known Reserved .Heals,,.:..... ,7 ..'. 7ii(;. NOTICE. prbgraiiiiiic is being propnrod, includ­ enay .Mail. 7 , Ilaiiner and loin Iiineral Claiins, silnale in I lie; • lirvei.-tokinns. wns solemnized. a't the ing a comedy. Last month the' kooTK.v.vv . M.v.n. Gonornl Afhnissifin...... • ..Vic. \\rANT TO SFLL-Ono of the: host Uirdeiiu Alining llivision of West Ivoolenay . rcsiclenco of the groom's brother.-Mr. ' MK'ruomsT. offered a. prize of ifo for Hi'' subscriber (ibilflri'ii .A. ,7 7,7,7:.25i:. FOR SALE >>'• hole-Is in koot.enay; (?(iod iiinn District. j I^yTriiiiblt, .-it throe o'clock on Tiic.'.-:- who should bo lbe: first lb send iron SenfK now on .Hfilir nl. (.'ntintbt Dm; can clt'ai $5,000 a year. For particulars Where loeateel: On I.exington creek, f Subject on : Sitiidiiy. tiigbt "Christ •'&' TAKK NOTICK thai I, Win. F.. Devcreiix, , diiv iiffernorii), tho oontniol ivig parties vote for tin: ndvorlisoiiiciif Unit Iho P,or,kCo's Store. apply iitoilice of kootenay Wail: acting as agent for Win. II. Clark, I'Vee Mi­ in the Homo," prelude "How man bits ner's Cci'tillctitu No. HIITil.'ll, inlund, sixty .being AFi". .-'Robert Trimble,'.C, P.l!. soon God face lo face.'' • majority of competitors should judge Dry Fir and Birch START A PAYING 13USINESS.- clays from Ilie date hereof, to apply to the' A liromen, jiinlMiss Addio Clury. T.boy to hc.-Uic best anil must effective iid- Cut by tiiiiobineiy to re(.|iiirocl si/.e. . Ilet-iiiiif'intlc-poiidont and be your own Mining Keeoi'der for a Corlillcntc of Improve­ ments for the .purpose of obtaining a Crown 'were supported by .M iss Jones nnd Mr. The bye-election in West yule, on -.verlisemeiitappearing in our colitinns. BOSS. A new mail cn'der business, Grant, of the above claim. h'. Uodtls. .The happy'.'couple left tho Thursday resulted in n .majority fur The. f.'Oiiipcfit.ion resulted in tho ndver- can lie (-(inducted by anyone, any­ And further t.-Uec- notice 'Unit action, miller .' r where; $15' to $30 per week easily. same.evening tei spend thoic honey­ the opposition candidate, Charles Scm- tiscniciiti of Taylor Bros, k Goorgo, Bricklayer and Stonemason ' All orders left, .nl,- AV -M- Lawrence's section 37. uiupt be comniciiccet before' the issu- , or the kootenay Mail.oflice will receive Enclose sinulp for particulars of our nnee of such Certificate of Improvements. ' moon nl the const, after which tlioy lin, of 78; .with' tlircio. places to bear Liniitecl, being iho host, ami in K. If. P. 0. Mux llll. . lU-JVI-XSTOKI-;. P. (,'. Uated this Oth day of January, 11W3. •' prompt attention. marvellously successful plan. Ed. will take 141 their residence- in 'Rev­ Maynt-s, of Mnlukwii,' being declared WJI. E. DivVKltEUX, I', L, S. from which vvi.ll probably Held to bis .All lines of Allison work iindei-iiiken. ! \V. FLEMING. Leonard, Duncltis, Out. j elstoke: majority. r the winner. ' Ksthimtcs.givcii for buildings, etc,