Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 1 W X


Module & Work Sheet


X W Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 2 Sl. Days Content Work Sheets (Activities) Duration No. 1 1 Pre-Test/Ice breaking session - Self Introduction 1 Hr 2 2 Vocabulary 1. Opposite Work Sheet 1 Hr 2. Prefixes Work Sheet 3 3 Vocabulary 3. Collocation Work Sheet 1 Hr 4. Syllables Work Sheet 4 4 Vocabulary 5. Homophones Work Sheet 1 hr (a) and (b) 5 5 Poem 6. Summary 1 hr 6 6 Poem 7. Memorization 1 hr 7 7 Reading 8. Unseen Passages 1 hr 8 8 Reading 9. Reading Comprehension 1 hr 9 9 Reading 10. Conversation 1 hr 10 10 Reading 11. Media transfer 1 hr 11 11 Writing 11. Layout of the official letter/Re-arrange 1 hr 12 12 Writing 12. Letter Writing 1 hr 13 13 Writing 13. Instructional activities 1 hr 14 14 Writing 14. Profiles 1 hr 15 15 Editing 15. (a) and (b) Editing 1 hr 16 16 Grammar 16. Preposition and articles Worksheet 1 hr 17 17 Grammar 17. Conjunctions 1 hr 18 18 Grammar 18. Lang functions Role play 1 hr 19 19 Grammar 19. Lang function Worksheet 1 hr 20 20 Reference Skill 20. Reference skill Dictionary 1 hr 21 21 Reference Skill 21. Work sheet 1 hr 22 22 Reference and 22. Work sheets 1 hr SMS 23 23 Prose - A Hero 23. 2 Marks probable questions 1 hr 24 24 Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Multiple choice questions discussion 1 hr 25 25 Post test Post-test 1 hr Review Session Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 3 Worksheet No. : 1

OPPOSITES Exercise 1 Match the words in column ‘A’ to their opposites in column ‘B’.

A B 1. Strong Accept 2. Remember Absent 3. Present close 4. Different weak 5. Polite forget 6. Refuse peace 7 Huge never 8. Birth Rude/harsh 9. War timid/coward 10. Right tiny 11. Begin enemy/foe 12. Friend death 13. Open left 14. Brave same 15. Always end

Exercise 2

1. Cotton is light, iron is ______. 2. Riteesh is kind but Rajesh is ______3. I don’t like dull colours, I like ______colours. 4. Peacock is a beautiful bird while owl is an ______bird. 5. Climbing the stairs is ascending but coming down is ______. 6. Drivers prefer smooth roads to ______ones. 7. Children should come forward to participate in the classroom activities but not go ______. 8. Bengaluru is above the sea level, Kerala’s Kultanadu is ______the sea level. 9. Sheela can remember stories but ______lessons. 10. Bharathi is tall but her sister is ______Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 4 Worksheet No. : 2


1. Pepe obeyed Columbus but the seamen ______. 2. Jack was certain that the train will arrive on time but Jill was ______. 3. British believed in violence but Gandhiji believed in ______. 4. Nakul is polite but Sham was ______. 5. Sita is regular to school but her sister is very ______. 6. Civilized people should not resort to ______means to get their things done. 7. Literate people should teach ______people to read and write. 8. Driving vehicle with license is legal but without license is ______. 9. Teacher gave back ______assignments to the students to complete. 10. Fortune knocks the door once, then follows her daughter ______. 11. Man is Mortal but his good deeds are ______. 12. God appeared before the sage, granted his wish and ______. 13. Though Raman was an efficient administrator, he failed because his workers were ______. 14. In olden days, walking on the banks of the river was a pleasant experience, but it has become ______because of pollution. 15. Everything is possible, nothing is ______if we work hard. Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 5

Worksheet No. : 3


Match the words in Column A with the word with which it collocation in Column B A B 1. Book - [worm, ant, hand, pen] 2. Long - [small, hen, run, food] 3. Earth - [land, water, quake, sun] 4. Railway - [station, chair, run, go] 5. Post - [book, box, pen, table] 6. Wall - [door, table, clock, Journey] 7. Blood - [post, water, book, bank] 8. Photo - [studio, table, lady, man] 9. Money - [coins, letters, stamp, order] 10. Charming - [hot, girl, answer, book] 11. Dinner - [book, man, party, food] 12. Self - [discipline, myself, mother, stars] Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 6

Worksheet No. : 4


Classify the words given in the bos according to the number of syllables and write them in their respective columan

School examination prepare inlcude

beautiful minimum team photographer ago evident simplify monument

syllable exhibition trust moon

Monosyllable Disyllable trisyllable Polysyllable (more (1) (2) (3) than 3)

1. Identify the word which has only one syllable. a) Smell, Survive, Something, Select. b) brevity, bring, bargain, beautiful c) mobile, charger, electricity, cell d) paper, candle, eat, eraser. e) bag, minimum, extent, descend.

2. Identify the word which has 2 syllables. a) Slipper, election, Candidate, energy. b) Coordinate, eradicate, contest, meal. c) tap, mineral, material, pencil. d) bottle, map, syllabification, cheat. e) maximum, cover, wrong, wrist. Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 7 Worksheet No. : 5 (a)


Activity 1 : Match the words in Column A with their homophone in Column B


1. Story dear

2. Meet hare

3. Mail two

4. deer storey

5. went sight

6. peel male

7. hair eye

8. site meat

9. I peal

10. to vent Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 8 Worksheet No. : 5 (b)


Activity 2 : Fill in the blanks with the appropriate homophone given in the bracket. 1. Chandan ______a story in that ______book (read, red) 2. Smitha went to the market to ______vegetables (by, buy) 3. Speaking ______is not ______(allowed, aloud) 4. You must ______on the ______side of the page (right/write) 5. Our ______believes in Gandhiji’s ______(principal/principle) 6. They had ______many apples but she brought only ______apples (too/ two) 7. I ______a horse on the main ______(road, rode) 8. The king came along with his ______wife to the village ______(fare, fair) 9. I was down with fever for a ______and now I am so ______that I cannot stand for a long time. (weak, week) 10. I asked him to ______me near the ______stall. (meat, meet) Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 9 Worksheet No. : 6


Facilitator makes the students learn the summary by heart.

The poem ‘Grandma climbs a tree’ is written by Ruskin Bond.

The poet calls his grandmother a genius.

She was taught to climb trees, when she was six years old by her brother.

Even at the age of 62, she used to climb trees.

People said it was disgraceful.

One day she climbed a tree and could not come down.

Doctors advised her one week bed rest.

Staying in bed was like hell for her.

She demanded a house in tree top as soon as she recovered.

Her son fulfilled her wish.

Worksheet No. : 7


Facilitator gives (or writes on the BB) incomplete sentences of different poems meant for memorization and makes the students fill in the blanks. Then the students are asked to write or recite the complete poem. Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 10 Worksheet No. : 8


Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow : 1. Many years ago Eskimos did not have permanent homes. They wandered from place to place and then settled down for sometime. Their main occupations were fishing and hunting. They caught whales, sharks, seals and the fish that are found is the icy waters of the north pole. They also hunted animals that are found in the polar regions. When they did not get any more food, the Eskimos shifted their residence to another area. They did very little cooking. Their main items of food were fish and meat. It was never cooked. They preferred to eat it raw.

1. Why did the Eskimos wander from place to place ?

2. What did they do for their living ?

3. Pick the word from the passage that means the opposite of ‘temporary’.

4. Why did the Eskimos shift their residence ? Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 11

2. I remember the house where I was born. It was in Karachi. At first we used to live in a small house on Bunder road. Then, one day my daddy came and total us, “We are getting independence”. I was surprised and said, “Why daddy, we are already free, I do what I like”. He smiled and said, “You won’t understand. The British are going. We shall be free”. Then mummy told us that there were riots and we must not go out. She explained that riots meant disturbance and no law and order. After a month or so, we had to leave Karachi. It was the day of Diwali that we left. How well I remember Diwalis - When I used to burst crackers with my friends and enjoy. But now it was all gone. I had to leave all my friends and go to Bombay. 1. Pick the word from the passage means the same as ‘astonished’.

2. Why did the writer’s father say that they were going to be free ?

3. How did the writer feel on leaving Karachi ?

4. What did the mother tell them about riots? Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 12

3. The tenth film festival for children and young people opened on November 14, at Hyderabad. The popular American film ‘Babe’ was shown on the first day and everyone enjoyed the film. On the second day a European film named ‘Star kid’ was screened. Some of the Indian films shown were ‘Dak ghar’ (Hindi), Ganga bhavani (Telugu) Abhayam (Malayalam) Mudhalia (Tamil) and Lawanya preeti (Oriya). In all, 131 films from over 30 countries were screened. The money collected form the festival is to be used for helping poor children. 1. If ‘Babe’ is for America : then ‘star kid’ is for ______

2. What will the organizers do with the money collected from the festival?

3. Name the Indian films which were shown at the Tenth Film Festival.

4. For whom were the films screened ? Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 13

4. I am very upset. I can’t sleep. Writing is my diary may help. Today I slapped Raman in the afternoon, which made him cry. Since then the hasn’t talked to me. Today is the first time in 5 years that I have hit my younger brother. It hasn’t been a good day for me. In the morning, I couldn’t find my pen and went to school without one. I made many mistakes in my sums. My teacher scolded me. Then I didn’t get a ‘good in drawing my favourite subject. But the worst was games class. I had kicked the ball high and it hurt Mukul. “Rahul, you naught boy!” shouted Mr. Gill and punished me. The moment I came home Roman came running “Rahul I have found your pen. Now can I play with your blue aeroplane?” he said, But I was so upset, that I slapped him. Poor Raman. It is my fault. I must say sorry to Raman. How ? Should I buy him a chocolate or give him the blue aeroplane ? Or give him both ? Both, I think. 1. Who is the writer ?

2. What is the elder brother writing ?

3. Why is Rahul feeling sorry ?

4. Why was his Maths teacher angry ? Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 14

5. Once the wind and the Sun had a an argument. “I am stronger than you”, said the wind. “No, you are not”, said the Sun. Just at that moment they saw a traveller walking across the road. He was wrapped in a shawl. The Sun and the wind agreed that whoever could separate the traveller from his shawl was stronger. The wind took the first turn. He blew with all hits might to tear the traveller’s shawl from his shoulders. But the harder he blew, the tighter the traveller gripped the shawl to his body. The struggle went on till the wind’s turn was over. Not it was the Sun’s turn. The Sun smiled warmly. The traveller felt the warmth of the smiling Sun. Soon he let the shawl fall open. The Sun’s smile grew warmer and warmer hotter and hotter. Now the traveller no longer needed his shawl. He took it off and dropped it on the ground. The Sun was declared stronger than the wind. 1. What was the argument between the Sun and the wind ?

2. How did they decide to test their strength ?

3. How did the wind prove its strength ?

4. How did the Sun win the test ? Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 15

Worksheet No. : 9


I Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow : 1. Anitha : Hello, Can I speak to Suman ? Arun : I’m afraid, Arun is not at home. May I know who is speaking ? Anitha : I’m Anitha. Please tell Suman to meet me near Square bus stop at 5 pm a) Who did Anitha want to speak to ? b) What message did Anitha leave for Suman ?

2. Warden : Gowramma, What do you plan to give for dinner tonight ? Gowramma : I’m making rive and Sambar. Sir. I’have also planned to fry some papads Warden : Could you please make two chapathis for me? Today being Monday, I do not eat rice. a) What does Gowramma plan to cook ? b) Why does the warden ask for chapathis ?

3. Mr. Rao : Abhinav, there is a letter for you ? Abhinav : I’m busy packing. Can you please read it for me ? Mr. Rao : Sure. It says that you are required to report in the Gangotri Stadium at 10 a.m. for the Senior tennis trials to be held on 14th November 2015. a) Who should go to the Gangotri Stadium on 14th November 2015 ? b) Why was he asked to go there ?

4. Manasa : Please inform mom that I’ll be late today. Manoj : Why ? Manasa : I’m going to Varsha’s house to complete my project work. a) What message did Manasa leave for her moon ? b) Why did Manasa go to Varsha’s house ? Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 16 Worksheet No. : 10


Look at the given figures and write a sentence based on what you see.


5 Kgs 10 Kgs

Box ‘A’ Box ‘B’ ‘Heavier than’

2. Ball Ball A B

‘Bigger than’


Pencil ‘A Pencil ‘B

‘Longer than’


Bheem Chotu ‘Happier than’


Neem tree Banyan tree

‘Larger than’ Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 17


Leaf Iron Box

‘Lighter than’

7. 100 Rs. 200 Rs.

Pot A Pot B

‘Costlier than’


Sam Tom

‘Taller than’


5 Yrs 10 Yrs

Dora Gora

‘Older than’


Bag A Bag B

‘smaller than’ Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 18 Worksheet No. : 11


Imagine you are Raghu/Rashmitha residing at # 73, 3rd Cross, V Main Raghavendra Nagar, Bagalkote. Rearrange the contents of the following to the Editor of about the bad condition of roads in your locality, in the right format.

Yours faithfully Raghu

Dear Sir

To The Editor Indian Express, Bagalkot

Sub : Bad condition of roads in our locality

Thank you

From Raghu / Rashmitha # 73, 3rd Cross, V Main, Raghavendra Nagar, Bagalkote.

With reference to the above subject, I would like to bring to your kind notice that the roads in our locality are in very bad condition with pot holes. There are not foot paths. Every day accidents are taking place. Kindly bring it to the notice of the concerned authority. Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 19 Worksheet No. : 12


Imagine you are Rashmitha/Sumitha studying in Navodaya School, K.M. Doddi, Mysuru Write an application to your principal to issue Transfer Certificate to continue your eduction








Fill in the boxes with the following information : 1. From address 2. To address 3. Salutation 4. Subject 5. Body of the letter/metter 6. Subscription 7. Signature Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 20 Worksheet No. : 13


Facilitator makes the students write formal letters on the following topics

Topics for formal letter : Letters to the editor / or any other government official : * Garbage disposal - not enough dustbins - no regular clearing - diseases. * Bad roads - pot holes - not foot paths - accidents. * Power supply - exams - not to shut down power supply. * Frequency of buses - problem - timing - request. * Change of address - old address - new address - request. * Opening account in a bank - personal details - request. Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 21

Worksheet No. : 14


Write a paragraph using the clues given : 1) Name : Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata Born : July 29th 1904 Died : November 29th 1993 Education : In France, Japan and England Achievement : India’s first pilot, Chairman of Tata and sons for 50 years. Launched India’s first International Airlines Bharath Rathna in 1992

2) Name : Bismillah Khan Born : 21st March 1916 Died : 21st August 2006 Birth Place : Bihar Instrument : Shehnai Achievement : Bharath Rathna Padma Vhibhushan Padma Bhushan Padma Shri Sangeeth Natak Academy Award 3) Name : Raja Ramanna Born : January 28th 1925 Birth Place : Tumkur Died : September 24th 2004 Career : Nuclear scientist Nuclear Physicist Education : BSc and MSc Madras Christian college PhD., King’s college, London Posts held : Chairman II SC President, Indian National Science Academy Secretary, Defence Research Awards : Shanthi Swaroop Bhatnagar Award Padma Vhibhushan Padma Bhushan Padma Sri Meghanad Saha Medal Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 22

4) Name : Girish Nagaraje Gowda Born : January 26th 1988 Birth Place : Hosanagara, Karnataka Event : High Jump Coach : Mr. Sathyanarayana Achievement : Silver Medal 2012 Summer Paralympics Rajyotsava Award Padmashri Arjuna Award

5) Name : Kalpana Chawla Born : March 26th 1962 Birth Place : Tumkur Died : In the space shuttle disaster on February 1st 2003 Career : Astronaut Education : MS in Aerospace Engineering PhD in university of Colorado Posts held : Scientist in NASA Awards : Posthumously awarded congressional Space Medal of honour NASA Special flight medal NASA distinguished service medal Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 23 Worksheet No. : 15 (a)


Activities : * Facilitator writes a number of nouns (common and proper nouns) on the board and asks students to identify nouns which start with a capital letter. * He/She writes sentences as given below on the board and discusses the usage of ‘Capital Letters’. 1) sleeping alone in his father’s office room was a frightful proposition for swami. 2) as the night advanced, his heart beat faster, he remembered the stories of devils and ghosts he had heard in his life. 3) baleshwar took roma to the divine multi-speciality hospital and admitted her. 4) don anselmo said that the americans were good people, that is why he had agreed to sell his land to them. 5) i sent a messenger up to the mountains for don anselmo. 6) finally the mla spoke, about the children of the village who had won in the competition. - Facilitator discusses the usage of question mark (?) and full stop(.) Write a few questions and statements on the board and explains. * When was Dr. Ambedkar born ______* I love going to school ______* The constitution is a fundamental document ______* Why did the Americans want to buy the land ______* Where are you going ______* Did you have your lunch ______* What is your name ______* My name is Sana ______- Facilitator draws the students attention to certain commonly mis-spelt words as in homophones, words with a combination of different vowel letters etc. Eg : too - two, deer - dear, receive - recieve, order - ordar. Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 24 Worksheet No. : 15 (b)


Editing the following, using the clues given below : 1. amrutha was thrilled to be on mount everest, form where she stood she could sea the whole country side. Clues : 1. Capital letter to be used 2. Spelling mistake to be corrected

2. The mla of the locality booked two buses. All the poor went on a trip to nanjungud. Did you also go Clues : 1. Capital letter to be used 2. Correct punctuation mark to be used

3. I heard this news long time back. i also bought it to the notise of my uncle. Clues : 1. Capital letter to be used 2. Spelling mistakes to be corrected

4. a ship sank in the middle of the night. were there any survivors Clues : 1. Capital letter to be used 2. Correct punctuation mark to be used

5. my parents, sister, brother and me went to mysuru for the weakend. Clues : 1. Capital letter to be used 2. Spelling mistake to be corrected.

6. rohan is an eight year old boy. he is very nice and queit. He has big ice. all his classmates scare him. this makes rohan feel lonely. Clues : 1. Capital letter to be used wherever necessary 2. Spelling mistakes to be corrected

7. scientists are strange people, aren’t they Clues : 1. Capital letter to be used 2. Punctuation mark to be used Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 25

8. sudha is a deer friend of mine. we also study and play together. Clues : 1. Capital letter to be used 2. Spelling mistake to be corrected

9. what is your name asked the teacher i said that my name is shewtha Clues : 1. Punctuation mark to be used 2. Capital letter to be used wherever necessary

10. river cauvery is providing drinking water to many people in Karnataka Clues : 1. Punctuation mark to be used 2. Capital letter to be used

what is your name asked the teacher. i said that my name is shewtha. Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 26 Worksheet No. : 16


Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions and articles : 1. Though we tried hard, we could not find ______way ______the mall. 2. There is ______old temple ______top of the hill. 3. My brother was delighted ______the present I gave him. It was ______video game. 4. This painting which is ______original copy, was given ______my father as a gift. 5. Children have finished all ______ice-cream ______the fridge. 6. My sister has ______lot of talent ______singing. 7. Wangja walked eastwards ______many days until he came to _____ large mountain. 8. Don Anselmo had ______skeleton and ______umbrella as his stick. 9. Don Anselmo agreed ______sell ______property. 10. On may way to school, I saw ______small crowd ______people gathered near the temple. 11. There are some beautiful paintings ______the walls of ______Red house. 12. Mr. Rao requested ______maths teacher to be patient ______his son. 13. Savitha’s house is very far. So, she goes to school with her brother ______bus. 14. We must always carry ______umbrella with us, when we go ______a trip to Kerala in this season. 15. Raju is ______boy I talked to you about. He is suffering ______an unknown disease. 16. Are you still interested ______buying ______new car ? 17. Did you meet ______new teacher ______Hubli ? 18. Let’s meet ______9 p.m. tonight and study ______whole night. 19. My house is ______the end of ______street. 20. Rahim sat crying ______the back of ______classroom. 21. I found ______keys of my car ______the desk. 22. They have known each other ______ten years. So, they have come together for ______party. 23. I will reach the office ______half an hour to attend ______meeting. 24. I went ______the market to buy ______orange coloured dress. 25. I will meet you ______2 Pm today. Let’s watch ______good movie. Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 27 Worksheet No. : 17


Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions : 1. Both my sister ______my brother are going to Shivamogga for the competitions. 2. You may go, ______I will stay back. 3. The piper played the music ______the children danced. 4. I have never met Latha ______I left school. 5. You may take this book ______not that one. 6. He got good marks in the test, ______he was not very well. 7. Sushma said that the movie was fantastic, _____ I watched it. 8. She went to the mall, ______couldn’t find anything that fits her needs. 9. Everybody likes him because he is nice ______helpful. 10. Keep quiet ______go out. 11. You will not pass the test ______you study hard. 12. You will pass the test ______you study hard. Combine the sentences using Not only ...... but also. 1. I like to sing, I like to dance. Ans : 2. I’m going to the fair, I’m going to the movie. Ans : 3. I play a lot of football. I study well. Ans : 4. I will help you with Maths. I will help you with English. Ans : 5. The weather is pleasant today. The weather is bright today. Ans : Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 28 Worksheet No. : 18


Activity : 1. Students are made to role-play the given situations. 2. Facilitator elicits the language function by questioning after every role-play. 1. Accepting Inviting and invitation : A - Rohan, it is my birthday tomorrow. B - Oh, really ! A - I will be happy if you can come to my house for the party B - Sure, I would love to come. What time ? A - Be there by 6 pm tomorrow.

2. Refusing an invitation : A - I have to buy a dress for the Dasara festival today. B - Where do you intend to buy ? A - I will be going to the M.G. Road this evening will you come with me too? B - I love to shop. But sorry. I have to take my mother to the hospital today.

3. Seeking information : A - Good morning, Sir. B - Good morning. What can I do for you ? A - I am here for the conference. Can you please let me know if my room is allotted? B - Sure, Sir, please take a seat. I’ll be with you in a minute. A - OK. I will wait B - Sir, you have been allotted Room No. 236, in the Krishna Block. A - Thank you.

4. Seeking opinion : A - Misha, I think we should all work together to complete the project. B - Yes, Gaurav. We should. A - Do you think we should meet on Sunday too ? B - Probably staying back on Saturday will be better. All will be busy on Sunday.

5. Seeking help : A - I have English exam tomorrow. Can you please teach me a few grammar points ? B - I am not very good at it. But Amogh is very good. You can ask him. A - Oh ! Really ...... Amogh can you please teach me ? B - Sure, I would love to Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 29 Worksheet No. : 19


Read the following conversations and identify the language functions of the underlined sentences. 1. A : I have a party at home. Please do come. B : I would have loved to come. But please excuse me, as I have to attend a wedding. Ans : ______2. A : I am getting married on the 28th of this month at Sri Venkateshwara Kalyana Mantap. Please do come. B : I would love to be a part of the celebrations I will be there. Ans : ______3. A : What time is the Route No. 317 bus expected ? B : The next bus will arrive by 2.00 PM Ans : ______4. A : Do you think I should pack an extra dress? B : Yes, you should Ans : ______5. A : We have English test tomorrow. B : Do we have to memorize the poem ? Ans : ______6. A : I heard you stitch your clothes, yourself B : Yes, I can stitch all kinds of clothes. Ans : ______7. A : When will we be getting our report cards ? B : On the 4th of October. Ans : ______8. A : I think you should be more regular to school, if you want to pass the SSLC exams. B : Henceforth, I will not be absent. Ans : ______Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 30 Worksheet No. : 20


Arrange the words in dictionary order : 1. Advocate, advice advert adverb. 2. accept, accord, access, account. 3. Benzene, bend, benefit, bench. 4. Comrade, complaint, complex, comfort. 5. Cancer, candle, centeen, cancel. 6. Certify, cerebral, certain, cereal. 7. Decompose December, Declaim, Decorate. 8. Early, earnest, earth, earn. 9. Genius, gentle, general, genuine. 10. Hero, Hemit, herself, herbs. 11. King, Kinetic, kindly kinder. 12. Laminate, Lamp, Lamb, Lament. Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 31 Worksheet No. : 21


I To which source of information will you refer to know the following. Choose the appropriate answer : 1. Pronunciation of a word ______(grammar book, atlas, dictionary, newspaper] Ans : ______

2. The place where first nuclear bombs exploded ______(encyclopedia, dictionary, manual, thesaurus) Ans : ______

3. To assemble the TV you recently bought, (atlas, TV manual, newspaper, dictionary) Ans : ______

4. Details about the rivers of a country ______(newspaper, manual, grammar book, atlas) Ans : ______

5. To know who won world cup match which was played the previous day. (atlas, encyclopedia, newspaper, thesaurus) Ans : ______

6. Variations of the word ‘compose’ (newspaper, encyclopedia, thesaurus, atlas) Ans : ______

7. To know the spelling of the word “encyclopedia” (newspaper, dictionary, thesaurus, atlas) Ans : ______

8. Synonym of the word ‘Proper’. (manual, dictionary, atlas, newspaper) Ans : ______Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 32

Worksheet No. : 22


Decode the SMS into normal sentences :

1. V1d match

2. Lk b 4 u leap

3. 2 n 2 makes 4

4. pls cme b4 its 2 las

5. y r u sad ?

6. I 8 rice 4 lnch

7. V r rdy 2 go

8. Do d wrk n go hme

9. How r u ?

10. I fgt 2 cal u

11. R U hpy ?

12. Go hm erly. Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 33 Worksheet No. : 23


1. What was the report about a boy in the newspaper ? Ans : A boy fought with a tiger. He went up the tree and stayed there half-a-day.

2. How did Swami’s father defend his view on the news paper report ? Ans : Father said courage is important. Even a weak man can fight if he has courage.

3. Why did Swami feel that is father’s proposition was frightful ? Ans : Father challenged Swami to sleep alone in the office. He always slept beside his grandmother.

4. What excuses did Swami give to escape from sleeping alone ? Ans : Swami said elders could join the cricket club. He would sleep from the first of next month. Office was dusty and there may be scorpions.

5. Narrate Swami’s experiences in the office room. Ans : In the office room he dreamt of devils. He slept under the bench. He had a dream. A tiger was chasing him. He tried to open his eyes. He saw something moving. He caught it and bit it. That was a burglar.

6. How was Swami appreciated for his heroic deed ? Ans : People congratulated him. His classmates respected him. Teachers patted him, headmaster called him a true scout. Inspector told him to join the police. Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 34 Worksheet No. : 24


Choose the most appropriate answer and complete the statement : 1. Baba Saheb came to be greatly influenced by the life and work of a) b) Mahatma Phule c) d) Rabindranath Tagore

2. The newspapers ‘Mook Nayak, Bahishkrit Bharat and Samata were started by a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar b) Mahatma Gandhi c) Jawaharlal Nehru d) Bhagat Singh

3. The methods of , non-cooperation and Satyagragha was described by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as a) grammar of democracy b) grammar of anarchy c) grammar of non-violence d) grammar of public agitation

4. Ambedkar spent most of his life. a) Purchasing books b) attending conferences c) reading books d) importing books

5. Mookanayak, Bahishkrit Bharat and Samata were ______a) Voice mails b) Newspapers c) political parties d) Leaders

6. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar bought books by a) curtailing his daily needs b) borrowing loan c) by selling old books Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 35 PRE-TEXT QUESTION PAPER 2017 Class : X Time :


Choose the most appropriate alternative : 1 1. Babasaheb came to be greatly influenced by the life and work of a) Mahatma Gandhi b) Mahatma Phule c) Nelson Mandela d) Rabindranath Tagore

2. How did Swami’s father defend his view on the newspaper report ? 1

3. Quote from memory : 2 The quality of mercy ______that takes.

4. Collocate the word in column A choosing the appropriate word from column B. 1 Column A Column B Blood Post




5. Identify the word which has two syllables 1 Slipper, election, eat, material

6. Read the given conversation and answer the questions that follow. 1 Mrs. Sharma : Hello, this is Mrs. Sharma speaking Can I speak to Mr. Rao. Anitha : Sorry aunty. Mom is not at home. Mrs. Sharma : Can you please give her a message Anitha ? Anitha : Sure, aunty. Mrs. Sharma : Please Mrs. Rao to meet me at 5 pm near the Gandhi Square. a) How is Anitha related to Mrs. Rao ? b) What message did Mrs. Sharma leave for Mrs. Rao ? 7. Imagine you are Sahana / Sahil studying in X Std. Govt. High School, Bacchahalli. Write a letter to the Headmaster requesting for a scholarship, using the clues given below. 2 Scholarship - year studying - reason - request. Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 36

From, ______

To, ______

Dear Sir,

Subject : ______



Thank you Yours faithfully

8. Arrange the words in dictionary order Decompose, December, Declaim, Decorate. 1 Vishwasa Kirana 10th English 37 POST-TEXT QUESTION PAPER 2017 Class : X Time : 30 mins


I Choose the most appropriate alternative : 1 1. Ambedkar spent most of his life ______a) purchasing books b) attending conferences c) reading books d) importing books Ans: ______

2. In the poem ‘I am the Land’, “I wait” suggests the feeling of 1 a) annoyance b) patience c) disgust d) happiness

3. Mention any two excuses that Swami gave his father to escape from sleeping alone? Ans : ______


______4. Fill in the blank with the opposite of the underlined word : 1 Radha is a kind girl but Reena is ______Ans : ______5. Complete the sentence with the correct question tag : 1 Chethan is a good boy, ______

6. Read the conversation and identify the language function of the underlined sentence. 1 Mary : I fell down in school today. Rahim : Did you go to doctor ? Mary : No. Can you please take me now ? Rahim : Sure, let’s go to Dr. Ravish. Ans : ______

7. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct verb given in brackets : 1 I ______hungry now. (am, is was) Ans : ______

8. Read the given passage and answer the questions given below : One afternoon the teacher entered the class after the interval and found groundnut peels scattered in the classroom. Naturally he got angry. He took his cane and asked, who has scattered the groundnut peels like this ? No one confessed. The teacher lost his temper. He decided to punish the entire class. He began to give each boy two cuts with his cane. When Bal’s turn came, he did not hold out his hand. “I did not eat the groundnuts. So I will not receive the cuts”. Then, who ate the groundnuts?” “It is said that carrying lates is bad. So, I won’t tell” Said Bal. a) Why did Bal refuse to receive the cuts ? Ans :