Introduction The year 1991 marked the centennial anniversary of the most famous of Jacob WACKERNAGEL’s publications, entitled “Über ein Gesetz der indogermanischen Wortstellung”, which appeared in the first issue of Indogermanische Forschungen1. In his , WACKERNAGEL examined the phenomenon which was to bear his name ever since: the regular placement of “enclitics” ( and particles) in second position within clauses in Indo-European languages, based mainly on evidence from Ancient Greek, but including extensive references to Old Persian and Latin. The phenomenon came to be known as WACKERNAGEL’s Law. WACKERNAGEL himself seemed to be somewhat doubtful about the true Gesetzmäßigkeit of his observations, witness his use of the terms “(Stellungs)regel”2, “Drang”3, “Stellungsgewohnheit”4, “Tendenz”5, “Vorliebe”6, “regelmässige Stellung”7, “alte Regel”8 and “traditionelle Stellung”9 next to “(Stellungs)gesetz”10, but the term “Gesetz” must have been bon ton in the historically oriented linguistics of the nine- teenth century. More importantly, WACKERNAGEL obviously meant his Law to be valid for the Indo-European proto-language, as can be gathered from the very title of his article and the use of the

* On the occasion of: Joel A. NEVIS - Brian D. JOSEPH - Dieter WANNER - Arnold M. ZWICKY, Clitics. A Comprehensive Bibliography 1892-1991 (= Library and Information Sources in Linguistics, 22). Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1994, xxxvii, 274 p. 1 It so happens that the copy of this first issue of Indogermanische Forschungen which is now in the Seminar for General and Comparative Linguistics at the University of Ghent, bears the handwritten signature of Jacob WACKERNAGEL. Unfortunately, I have not been able to trace the origin of this copy. 2 Cf. WACKERNAGEL (1892: 335, 337, 351, 352, 366, 367, 371, 378, 380, 396, 402 [1953: 3, 5, 19, 20, 34, 35, 39, 46, 48, 64, 70]). 3 Cf. WACKERNAGEL (1892: 336 [1953: 4]). 4 Cf. WACKERNAGEL (1892: 337 [1953: 5]). 5 Cf. WACKERNAGEL (1892: 341 [1953: 9]). 6 Cf. WACKERNAGEL (1892: 342 [1953: 10]). 7 Cf. WACKERNAGEL (1892: 351 [1953: 19]). 8 Cf. WACKERNAGEL (1892: 352 [1953: 20]). 9 Cf. WACKERNAGEL (1892: 393 [1953: 61]). 10 Cf. WACKERNAGEL (1892: 340, 351, 361, 363, 364, 366, 367, 402, 427 [1953: 8, 19, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 70, 95]). 390 M. JANSE

“alt” and “traditionell”, as well as from the numerous digressions on “andere Stellungsregeln”11, the loss of the “traditionelle Stellung”12 or what is simply called “Schwanken” in the daughter languages13. WACKERNAGEL’s article has triggered a wave of research on clitics and related elements, initially restricted to the Indo-European language family, but soon extended to unrelated languages14. It wasn’t until the 1970s, however, that the question of the linguistic status of clitics came to be raised. The work of Arnold ZWICKY has been pioneering in this respect. He not only proposed a first typology of clitics, but also formu- lated various criteria for distinguishing clitics from words on the one hand and from affixes on the other15. It should not come as a surprise, then, that ZWICKY is one of the co-authors of Clitics: A Comprehensive Bibliography 1892-1991. The other authors are Joel A. NEVIS, Brian D. JOSEPH and Dieter WANNER, each of whom has published extensively in the field of clitics and related phenomena — NEVIS on Finno-Lappic languages, JOSEPH on Modern Greek and WANNER on Romance languages. The bibliography has been published in the Library & Information Sources in Linguistics series by John Benjamins Publishing Company in Amsterdam and is a timely publication in view of the ever-increasing body of literature on the sub- ject, especially in generative circles. The bibliography is laid out as follows. After the preface, JOSEPH provides a biographical notice of WACKERNAGEL, followed by an essay of ZWICKY on problems in the identification and definition of clitics. Then follows an explanation of the bibliography, its sources, the criteria for including certain items and excluding others, and the use of the bibliography and the index. The bibliography itself comprises some 1,500 entries, with WACKER- NAGEL’s seminal article as the starting point and the year 1991 as the cut-off point, thus covering exactly one hundred years of research on clit- ics and related phenomena. The authors have been extremely generous as far as the type of work included is concerned: books, doctoral and master’s theses (both published and unpublished), monographs, and notes, as well as articles from journals, conference volumes, working papers, and anthologies are listed. For understandable reasons, unpublished

11 Cf. WACKERNAGEL (1892: 352 [1953: 20]). 12 Cf. WACKERNAGEL (1892: 393 [1953: 61]). 13 Cf. WACKERNAGEL (1892: 390 [1953: 58]). 14 See COLLINGE (1985: 217-218) for some discussion of twentieth-century research on WACKERNAGEL's Law. 15 ZWICKY'S seminal article was distributed semi-officially in 1977 by the Indiana University Linguistics Club (ZWICKY 1977). The “ZWICKY Criteria” (JOSEPH 1988: 203) have been published in ZWICKY & PULLUM (1983) and ZWICKY (1985). CLITICS AND WORD ORDER SINCE WACKERNAGEL 391 manuscripts, conference presentations that never appeared in print, and the like have been neglected. The decision to include a particular item, then, was based on the qualitative judgement on the part of one or more of the co-authors, but some items have been excluded on practical grounds, depending on the language of publication. Hence items written in Arabic, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese and Thai, to name just a few, have been neglected, though the bibliography contains numerous references to publications in Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Finnish, Estonian, and many other languages. Each entry contains a bibliographical description and, most impor- tantly, an alphabetized list of key-word descriptors used for indexing purposes. These descriptors form a conceptual framework for the study of clitics and related phenomena and include theoretical notions such as “Agreement”, “Binding”, “Incorporation”, “Movement”, “ Second”, etc., and specifically clitic-related terms like “Clitic Climb- ing”, “Clitic Doubling”, “Clitic Group”, “Clitic Order”, etc. In some instances, the descriptors refer to particular words in certain languages that have been (and still are) the subject of extensive discussion, like the Spanish and generally Romance se/si, Dutch er, or Romance en (a descriptor subsuming Italian ne, French en, Catalan en, etc.). In most cases, the theoretical framework adopted is specified as well, e.g. “Cognitive Grammar”, “Functional Grammar”, “GB Syntax”, “Lexical Functional Grammar”, etc. The list of key-word descriptors also contains the name(s) of the language(s) covered in the publication, with dialects of the language or the conventional names for different histori- cal stages being listed as sub-descriptors. In addition, titles in relatively unfamiliar languages such as Greek, Finnish, Estonian, or a Slavic lan- guage have been translated, on the assumption that such items, even with descriptors, are more opaque to the majority of users. Among the descriptors missing from the list the following pairs deserve to be mentioned, as they have acquired a special status in the field of comparative Indo-European linguistics: “Prepositive” c.q. “Quasi-proclitic” and “Postpositive” c.q. “Quasi-enclitic” (the term “Quasi-clitic” does appear in the list, but with reference to “Leaner”). Though both are to a certain extent co-extensive with “Proclitic” and “Enclitic”, they need not necessarily be. The term “Postpositive” is derived from the Latin translation of the Greek term üpotaktikóv, which is used by the Alexandrian grammarian APOLLONIUS DYSCOLUS in connection with the enclitic pronouns16. The term “Quasi-enclitic” was

16 Cf. APOLLONIUS DYSCOLUS, De Pronominibus (Grammatici Graeci II/i), 35.20- 36.5; De Syntaxi (Grammatici Graeci II/ii-iii), 182.12-183.4. 392 M. JANSE first introduced in the field of Ancient Greek linguistics by WACKER- NAGEL and has gained fairly wide acceptance ever since17. In what follows I have listed titles that are missing in the bibliography (marked with an asterisk *) and additional titles for the period 1992-199418. Throughout I have followed the general presentation scheme used by the authors in their bibliography. Thus, each entry consists of the name(s) of the author(s), followed by the year of publication and title of the article or book with a translation added in square brackets in the case of the rela- tively unfamiliar European languages. Articles are followed by the title of the journal, volume, issue, and page numbers; books are accompanied by publisher and city, with series title included between parentheses. Each bibliographic entry is followed by a list of relevant key-word descriptors on the basis of the list printed at the end of the bibliography. I have used the terms “Postpositive” c.q. “Prepositive” whenever it seemed appropriate. Anyone who has been engaged in compiling a bibliography knows how difficult and frustrating a task it is. The four compilers have per- formed a formidable task and one can only admire their courage and perseverance. The following bibliographical supplement is meant as a token of my deep esteem. It is hoped that it will prove useful for anyone interested in the study of clitics and related phenomena.

Clitics: Bibliographical Supplement 1892-1994

ABRAHAM, Werner - WIEGEL, Anko. 1993. “Reduktionsformen und Kasussyn- kretismus bei deutschen und niederländischen Pronomina”. Dialektsyntax (= Linguistische Berichte, Sonderheft 5). Ed. by Werner ABRAHAM & Josef BAYER, 12-49. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. [Case; Clitic Doubling; Clitic Host; Dialectology; Dutch; GB Syntax; German; Null Subject; Object Clitic; Projection Principle; ; Sub- ject Clitic; Typology] ADAMS, J.N. 1994. “Wackernagel’s Law and the Position of Unstressed Pronouns in Classical Latin”. Transactions of the Philological Society 92: 103-178. [Clitic Host; Discourse; Emphasis; Enclisis; Focus; Intonation; Latin; Postpositive; Pragmatics; Pronoun; Prosody; Syntax; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] AERTSEN, Henk - JEFFERS, Robert K. Eds. 1993. Historical Linguistics 1989: Papers from the 9th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Rutgers University, 14-18 August 1989 (= Current Issues in Linguistic The- ory 106). Amsterdam: Benjamins. [See ISHIKAWA (1993) & MANOLIU-MANEA (1993)]

17 Cf. WACKERNAGEL (1892: 371). 18 The items referred to in the preceding notes are included in the bibliography; they are marked with a double asterisk**. CLITICS AND WORD ORDER SINCE WACKERNAGEL 393

AGOURAKI, Yoryia. 1992. “Clitic-Left-Dislocation and Clitic Doubling: A Uni- fication”. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 4: 45-70. [Clitic Doubling; Dislocation; GB Syntax; Modern Greek; Pronoun] *ÁLVAREZ BLANCO, Rosario - MONTEAGUDO ROMERO, Henrique - REGUEIRA FER- NANDEZ, Xosé Luís. 1986. Gramática galega (= Biblioteca Básica da Cultura Galega). Vigo: Galaxia. [VI.3. Posición do pronome átone. P. 183-206.] [Accusative; Clitic Order; Clitic Placement; Dative; Enclisis; Galician; Proclisis; Pronoun] ANDERSON, Stephen R. 1992. A-morphous Morphology (= Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 62). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Affix; Affixation; Clitic Host; Clitic Placement; Icelandic; Kwakwala; Morphology; Ngiyambaa; Phrasal Affix; Pronoun; Serbo-Croatian; Simple Clitic; Special Clitic; Syntax; Tongan; Typology; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] —. 1993. “Wackernagel’s Revenge”. Language 69.1: 68-98. [Affix; Affixation; Clitic Host; Clitic Placement; Icelandic; Kwakwala; Morphology; Phrasal Affix; Pitjantjatjara; Serbo-Croatian; Simple Clitic; Special Clitic; Syntax; Typology; Verb; Verb Second; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] ASHBY, William J. - MITHUN, Marianne - PERISSINOTTO, Giorgio - RAPOSO, Eduardo. Eds. 1993. Linguistic Perspectives on the Romance Languages: Selected Papers from the 21st Linguistic Symposium on Romance Lan- guages (LSRL XXI), Santa Barbara, California, 21-24 February 1991 (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 103). Amsterdam: Benjamins. [See AUGER (1993), CHAMPAGNE (1993), JACOBS (1993), KATO (1993) and WANNER (1993)] *ASSELMAN, Katrien. 1991. “Parusía - apusía tis klitikís antonimías stin anaforikí prótasi me eksártisi amésu antikiménu pu isájete me to pu” [“Presence - Absence of the Clitic Pronoun in the Depending on a Direct Object Which Is Introduced by pu”]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 12: 217- 223. [Appeared 1992.] [Clitic Doubling; Modern Greek; Object; Pronoun; Relative Clause; Rela- tivization; ; Syntax] AUGER, Julie. 1993. “More Evidence for Verbal Agreement-Marking in Collo- quial French”. ASHBY et al. 1993: 177-198. [Agreement; Clitic Doubling; Diachrony; Dislocation; French; Inversion; Morphology; Pronoun; Subject; Typology; Word Order] *BABCOCK, Alfred R. 1953. “The Position of the and of the Colorless Ancillary in Greek”. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 59: 157-159. [Ancient Greek; Copula; Enclisis; Syntax; Verb; Word Order] *BADER, Françoise. 1986. “Structure de l’énoncé indo-européen”. Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 81.1: 71-120. [Anatolian; Ancient Greek; Clitic Group; Gothic; Hittite; Indo-European; Latin; Luvian; Negation; Old Church Slavonic; Old English; Old Irish; Particle; ; Pronoun; Reflexive; Sentence Connective; Slavic; Tmesis; Vedic] 394 M. JANSE

BARBOSA, Pilar. 1993. “On Clitic Placement in Old Romance and European Por- tuguese”. BEALS et al. 1993: 33-59. [Clitic Placement; European Portuguese; GB Syntax; Movement; Portu- guese; Pro-Drop; Pronoun; Prosody; Romance] BEALS, Katharine - COOKE, Gina - KATHMAN, David - KITA, Sotaro - MCCUL- LOUGH, Karl-Erik - TESTEN, David. Eds. 1993. CLS 29: Papers from the 29th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society 1993. Vol. 1: The Main Session. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. [See BARBOSA (1993), and KRASKA-SZLENK (1993)] BELLUSCI, David Christian. 1991. Specialization Patterns in Shona Verbal Morphol- ogy. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Calgary (Canada). DAI #AAC MM71069. [Aspect; Auxiliary; Bantu; Clitic Placement; Morphologization; Second Position; Shona; Tense; Word Order] BENTIVOGLIO, Paola. 1992. “Linguistic Correlations Between Subjects of One- Argument Verbs and Subjects of More-Than-One-Argument Verbs in Spoken Spanish”. HIRSCHBÜHLER - KOERNER 1992: 11-24. [Argument Structure; Dialectology; Object; Pronoun; Spanish] BENUCCI, Franco. 1993. “Temporal Periphrasis and Clitics in Central Romance Languages”. Catalan Working Papers in Linguistics 3.1: 51-83. [Cliticization; French; GB Syntax; Italian; Tense] BILOA, Edmond. 1993. “Clitic Climbing in Bantu”. Topics in African Linguistics (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 100). Ed. by Salikoko MUFWENE & Lioba MOSHI; with the assistance of Ben G. BLOUNT & Deborah SCHMIDT, 67-77. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [Bantu; Binding Theory; Clitic Climbing; Duala; GB Syntax; Government; Pronoun] BLASCO, Mylène - CAPPEAU, Paul. 1993. “Les relations clitique/lexique: Étude de deux cas particuliers”. Recherches sur le français parlé 12: 35-57. [Clitic Doubling; Dislocation; French; Inversion; Pronoun; Subject; Syn- tax; Word Order] *BLOMQVIST, Jerker. 1971. “Textkritische Folgerungen aus zwei griechischen Wortstellungsregeln”. Museum Helveticum 28: 145-155. [Ancient Greek; ; Particle; Postpositive; Postposition; Prepos- itive; Sentence Connective; Syntax; Word Order] BOGARD, Sergio. 1992. “El estatus del clítico de complemento indirecto en español”. Reflexiones lingüísticas y literarias (= Lingüística). Ed. by Rebeca BARRIGA-VILLANUEVA & Josefina GARCIA-FAJARDO, 171-186. México: Colégio de México. [Agreement; Clitic Doubling; Indirect Object; Spanish; Syntax] BONET I ALSINA, María Eulàlia. 1991. La morfología dels clitics pronominals en català i en altres llengües romàniques. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona. [Available from Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain.] [Catalan; Clitic Attachment; Clitic Group; Clitic Order; Clitic Sequence; Morphology; Pronoun; Romance; Template] —. 1992. Morphology after Syntax: Pronominal Clitics in Romance. Ph.D. dis- sertation, MIT. DAI #AAC9238491. CLITICS AND WORD ORDER SINCE WACKERNAGEL 395

[Clitic Attachment; Clitic Group; Clitic Order; Clitic Sequence; GB Syn- tax; Morphology; Pronoun; Romance] BONET, Eulàlia [= BONET I ALSINA, María Eulàlia]. 1993. “3rd Person Pronom- inal Clitics in Dialects of Catalan”. Catalan Working Papers in Linguistics 3.1: 85-111. [Catalan; Dialectology; GB Syntax; Pronoun] BORER, Hagit. 1992. “Pronominal Clitics”. BRIGHT 1992: 270-272. [Argument Structure; Base Generation; Binding Theory; Case; Clitic Doubling; Clitic Host; Empty Category; GB Syntax; Government; Lexi- calist Hypothesis; Morphology; Movement; Pronoun; Specified Subject Constraint; Subcategorization] BRIGHT, William. Ed. 1992. International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. New York: Oxford University Press. [See BORER (1992) and ZWICKY (1992)] BUBENIK, Vít. 1993a. “Inflectional Morphology and Clitics in Functional Gram- mar: Typology and Diachrony”. Diachronica 10.2: 165-190. [Cliticization; Diachrony; Functional Grammar; Inflection; Pronoun; Typology] —. 1993b. “Morphological and Syntactic Change in Late Middle Indo-Aryan”. JIES 21.3-4: 259-281. [2. Pronominal Clitics, 260-270.] [Clitic Order; Middle Indo-Aryan; Pronoun; Second Position; Syntax; Wackernagel’s Law] —. 1994. “On Wackernagel’s Law in the History of Persian”. Indogermanische Forschungen 99: 105-122. [Clitic Host; Diachrony; Early Modern Persian; Enclisis; Middle Persian; Pahlavi; Persian; Postpositive; Pragmatics; Pronoun; Second Position; Syntax; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] CADIERNO-LOPEZ, Teresa. 1992. Explicit Instruction in Grammar: A Compari- son of Input Based and Output Based Instruction in Second Language Acquisition. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. DAI #9236409. [Acquisition; Direct Object; Pronoun; Second Language; Spanish] CALABRESE, Andrea. 1992. “The Lack of Infinitival Clauses in Salentino: A Synchronic Analysis”. LAEUFFER - MORGAN 1992: 267-294. [Clause; Clitic Climbing; Cliticization; Dialectology; GB Syntax; Infini- tive; Italian; Pronoun] *CALLENDER, J.B. 1983. “Sentence Initial Position in Egyptian”. Chronique d’Égypte 58: 83-96. [Egyptian; Enclisis; Particle; Phrasal Affix; Second Position; Syntax; Word Order] CARDINALETTI, Anna. 1992. “On Cliticization in Germanic Languages”. Rivista di Grammatica Generativa 17: 65-99. [Cliticization; GB Syntax; Germanic] CHAMPAGNE, Mariette. 1993. “From Old French to Modern French: The Evolu- tion of the Inflectional System”. ASHBY et al. 1993: 259-270. [Auxiliary; Clitic Climbing; Diachrony; French; Head Movement; Infini- tive; INFL; Inflection; Pronoun] 396 M. JANSE

**COLLINGE, N[eville] E[dgar]. 1985. The Laws of Indo-European (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 35). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. [P. 217-219 “Wackernagel’s Law”.] [Ancient Greek; Bibliography; Clitic Order; Indo-European; Leaner; Par- ticle; Proto-Indo-European; Serbo-Croatian; Slavic; Verb; Wackernagel’s Law] *CONTOSSOPOULOS, Nicolas G. 1983-1984. “La Grèce du tí et la Grèce du ínta”. Glossologia 2-3: 149-162. [Dialectology; Enclisis; Modern Greek; Proclisis; Pronoun; Syntax; Word Order] CORTES, Corinne. 1992. Issues in Catalan Syntax. Ph.D. dissertation, UCLA. DAI #AAC9301508. [Argument Structure; Catalan; Cliticization; GB Syntax; NE] *COWPER, Elizabeth - RICE, Keren. 1987. “The Status of huç and maa in Mende”. Current Approaches to African Linguistics (Vol. 4) [= Publi- cations in African Languages and Linguistics 7]. Ed. by David ODDEN. Dordrecht: Foris. [Cliticization; Mande; Mende; ; Phonology; Proclisis; Prosody] CROCHETIERE, André - BOULANGER, Jean-Claude - OUELLON, Conrad. 1993. Endangered Languages: Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Linguists, Québec, Université Laval, 9-14 August 1992. Sainte-Foy: Presses de l’Université Laval. [See JANSE (1993a), MISESKA TOMIC (1993)] *CUENDET, Georges. 1929. L’ordre des mots dans le texte grec et dans les versions gotique, arménienne et vieux slave des évangiles. Première partie. Les groupes nominaux (= Collection Linguistique publiée par la Société de Linguistique de Paris 26). Paris: Champion. [Armenian; Article; Gothic; ; Koine Greek; Old Church Slavonic; Pronoun; Postpositive; Prepositive; Syntax; Word Order; Wackernagel’s Law] DAVIES, Mark Edward. 1992. The Diachronic Evolution of Causative Construc- tions in Spanish and Portuguese. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Texas at Austin. DAI #AAC 9309148. [Case Marking; Causative; Clitic Placement; Dative; Diachrony; GB Syn- tax; Portuguese; Spanish; Subordination; Word Order] *DAWKINS, R.M. 1931. “Notes on the Study of the Modern Greek of Pontos”. Byzantion 6: 389-400. [Affixation; Dialectology; Modern Greek; Pontic; Postpositive; Postposi- tion; Pronoun; Syntax; Word Order] DE MELLO, George. 1992. “Se los for se lo in the Spoken Cultured Spanish of Eleven Cities”. Hispanic Journal 13.1: 165-179. [Agreement; Pronoun; Spanish; Syntax] *DE NEUBOURG, Leo. 1986. La base métrique de la localisation des mots dans l’hexamètre latin. Brussel: Paleis der Academiën. [Reviews: DANGEL, J. 1989. Latomus 48: 683-685; DELAUNOIS, M. 1989. Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire 67: 184-185; HELLEGOUARC’H, J. 1987. Revue des Études Latines 65: 47-52 [Appeared 1989]; RUIJGH, C.J. CLITICS AND WORD ORDER SINCE WACKERNAGEL 397

1990. Mnemosyne 43: 227-233; VEREMANS, J. 1989. L’Antiquité Classique 58: 311-312] [Enclisis; Latin; Particle; Poetry; Pronoun; Prosody; Rhythm; Word Order] *DEVINE, A.M. - STEPHENS, Laurence D. 1990. “The Greek Phonological Phrase”. Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 31.4: 421-446. [Ancient Greek; Clitic Group; Enclisis; Phonological Phrase; Phonology; Proclisis; Prosody] DOBROVIE-SORIN, Carmen. 1994. The Syntax of Romanian: Comparative Studies in Romance (= Studies in Generative Grammar 40). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [Accusative; Clitic Doubling; Clitic Placement; GB Syntax; Movement; Pronoun; Rumanian; Quantification; Wh-Movement] DRACHMAN, Gaberell. 1994. “Verb Movement and Minimal Clauses”. PHILIP- PAKI-WARBURTON et al. 1994: 45-52. [Dialectology; GB Syntax; Minimal Clause; Modern Greek; Pronoun; Tobler-Mussafia Law; Verb Movement] *EICHNER, Heiner - RIX, Helmut. Eds. 1990. Sprachwissenschaft und Philolo- gie: Jacob Wackernagel und die Indogermanistik heute: Kolloquium der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 13. bis 15. Oktober 1988 in Basel. Wiesbaden: Reichert. [See KRISCH (1990) and RUIJGH (1990)] FARHAT, Haytam. 1991. Empty Categories in Syrian Arabic. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. College of North Wales, Bangor (UK). DAI #AAC DX98161. [Arabic; Base Generation; Clitic Doubling; Dialectology; Empty Cate- gory; GB Syntax; Movement; Syrian Arabic] FONTANA, Josep M. 1993. Phrase Structure and the Syntax of Clitics in the History of Spanish. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Pennsylvania. DAI #AAC9331867. [Clitic Host; Diachrony; Dialectology; Enclisis; GB Syntax; Old Spanish; Proclisis; Pronoun; Second Position; Spanish; Topicalization; Verb Sec- ond; Wackernagel’s Law] *FRAENKEL, Eduard. 1933. “Kolon und Satz: Beobachtungen zur Gliederung des antiken Satzes II”. Nachrichten der Göttinger Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften, Philologisch-historische Klasse 319-354. [Reprinted in Kleine Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie. Erster Band: Zur Sprache. Zur griechischen Literatur (= Storia e Letteratura 95). 1964: 93-130. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura.] [Ancient Greek; Enclisis; Intonation; Latin; Particle; Pronoun; Prosody; Second Position; Syntax; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] *—. 1964. “Nachträge zu ‘Kolon und Satz, II’”. Kleine Beiträge zur klassi- schen Philologie. Erster Band: Zur Sprache. Zur griechischen Literatur (= Storia e Letteratura 95), 131-139. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura. [Ancient Greek; Enclisis; Intonation; Latin; Pronoun; Prosody; Second Position; Syntax; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] *—. 1966. “Zur ‘Wackernagelschen’ Stellung von ™m⁄n, üm⁄n, nobis, vobis”. Museum Helveticum 23.1: 65-68. [Ancient Greek; Enclisis; Intonation; Latin; Pronoun; Prosody; Second Position; Syntax; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] 398 M. JANSE

FRANCO, Jon Andoni. 1993. On Object Agreement in Spanish. Ph.D. Disserta- tion, Univ. of Southern California. [Available from Doheny Library, USC.] [Agreement; Case; Clitic Doubling; GB Syntax; Spanish; Word Order] *GONDA, Jan. 1957. “The Original Value of Gr. -de”. Mnemosyne 10: 97-102. [Ancient Greek; Enclisis; Postposition; Postpositive] GORUP, Radmila. 1992. “The Motivation for the Fixed Order of Clitics in Serbo- Croatian”. Juznoslovenski Filolog 48: 25-32. [Clitic Group; Clitic Order; Serbo-Croatian; Syntax; Word Order] *GOSPODNETIC, Jugoslav. 1987-1988. “Mjesto enklitike: prilog razumijevanju reda rijeci”. Filologija 15: 115-126. [Fr. abstract: “La place de l’encli- tique”.] [Enclisis; Pragmatics; Pronoun; Serbo-Croatian; Syntax; Word Order] GUENTCHÉVA, Zlatka. 1993. “Le complément d’objet est-il doublement représenté dans une construction active dite à “redoublement clitique” en bulgare?” Actances 7: 79-89. [Argument Structure; Bulgarian; Clitic Doubling; Object; Pronoun] *GUÉRON, Jacqueline. 1991. “Le clitique SE et la grammaire de pronoms indéfi- nis”. GUÉRON - POLLOCK 1991: 191-213. [GB Syntax; Indefinite Pronoun; Reflexive; Romance] *— - POLLOCK, Jean-Yves. Eds. 1991. Grammaire générative et syntaxe com- parée (= Sciences du Langage). Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. [See GUÉRON (1991) and ROUVERET (1991)] *HABINEK, Thomas Noel. 1985. The Colometry of Latin Prose (= University of California Publications, Classical Studies 25). Berkeley: University of California Press. [Enclisis; Intonation; Latin; Prosody; Rhythm; Syntax; Wackernagel’s Law] HAEGEMAN, Liliane. 1993. “Some Speculations on Argument Shift, Clitics and Crossing in West-Flemish”. Linguistische Berichte, Sonderheft 5: 131-160. [Argument Structure; Cross-Reference; Dialectology; Dutch; Flemish; GB Syntax; Pronoun; West-Flemish] *HAJDU, István. 1989. Über die Stellung der Enklitika und Quasi-Enklitika bei Pindar und Bakchylides. Lund: Studentlitteratur. [Reviews: DONNET, D. 1990. L’Antiquité Classique 59: 275-276; RUIJGH, C.J. 1990. Mnemosyne 43.1-2: 178-185] [Ancient Greek; Enclisis; Intonation; Particle; Poetry; Postposition; Post- positive; Prosody; Word Order] *HALE, Mark. 1988. “Old Persian Word Order”. Indo-Iranian Journal 31.1: 27-40. [Clitic Climbing; Enclisis; Old Persian; Pronoun; Syntax; Word Order; Wackernagel’s Law] HALPERN, Aaron Lars. 1992. Topics in the Placement and Morphology of Clit- ics. Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford Univ. DAI #AAC9302213. [Affix; Ancient Greek; Article; Balkan Languages; Bulgarian; Clitic Group; Clitic Order; Clitic Placement; English; French; Macedonian; Morphol- ogy; Phrasal Affix; Pronoun; Prosody; Sanskrit; Serbo-Croatian; Slavic; Subcategorization; Syntax; Word Order] CLITICS AND WORD ORDER SINCE WACKERNAGEL 399

*HAVERS, Wilhelm. 1952. “Das indogermanische Enklisengesetz in den Ora- tionen des Missale Romanum”. Wiener Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik 9: 397-414. [Enclisis; Latin; Pronoun; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] HERSCHENSOHN, Julia. 1992. “On the Economy of Romance Nonlexical Datives”. HIRSCHBÜHLER - KOERNER 1992: 123-134. [Argument; Cliticization; Complement; Dative; French; GB Syntax; Pro- noun; Romance; Thematic Role] HIRSCHBÜHLER, Paul - KOERNER, Konrad. Eds. 1992. Romance Languages and Modern Linguistic Theory: Papers from the 20th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL XX), Ottawa, 10-14 April 1990 (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 91). Amsterdam: Benjamins. [See BENTIVOGLIO (1992), HERSCHENSOHN (1992), KEMPCHINSKY (1992), MARTINEAU (1992), MASULLO (1992), REED (1992), TREVIÑO (1992) and WANNER (1992)] HOCK, Hans Henrich. 1992. “What’s a Nice Word Like You Doing in a Place Like This? Syntax vs. Phonological Form”. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 22.1: 39-87. [Clitic Placement; Indo-European; Phonology; Prosody; Syntax; Wacker- nagel’s Law; Word Order] HOLMER, Arthur. 1993. “Atayal Clitics and Sentence Structure”. Working Papers, Lund University Department of Linguistics 40: 71-94. [Atayal; Finiteness; Pronoun; Sentence; Syntax; Word Order] *HOOKER, J.T. 1965. “Postpositive -de”. Indogermanische Forschungen 70: 164-171. [Appeared 1966.] [Ancient Greek; Enclisis; Postposition; Postpositive] *HOTZ, Lydia. 1941. Die Enklisenstellung des Pronomens quisque. Affoltern: Weiss. [Enclisis; Indefinite Pronoun; Latin; Pronoun; Second Position; Syntax; Word Order] HUBBERTZ, Andrew Paul. 1991. Subject Clitics and Subject Extraction in Somali. Ph.D. dissertation, McGill Univ. (Canada). DAI #AAC MM72238. [Agreement; Extraction; GB Syntax; Irish; Italian; Somali; Subject Clitic] *HULK, Aafke. 1991. “Les pronoms clitiques sujets et la théorie linguistique”. Actes du XVIIIe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes, Université de Trèves (Trier), 1986. Ed. by Dieter KREMER, vol. 3: 504-514. [GB Syntax; French; Pronoun; Subject Clitic] ISHIKAWA, Masataka. 1993. “Diachronic Syntax and Information Packaging: Remarks on Unstressed Pronouns in Old Spanish”. AERTSEN - JEFFERS 1993: 187-209. [Clitic Placement; Diachrony; Old Spanish; Phonology; Pragmatics; Pro- noun; Syntax] JACOBS, Haike. (1993). “The Phonology of Enclisis and Proclisis in Gallo- Romance and Old French”. ASHBY et al. 1993: 149-163. [Clitic Attachment; Clitic Group; Enclisis; Gallo-Romance; Old French; Particle; Phonology; Preposition; Proclisis; Pronoun; Prosodic Word; Prosody; Romance; Sentence Connective] 400 M. JANSE

*JANSE, Mark. 1990. “A Note on the Fibula Praenestina”. Indogermanische Forschungen 95: 101-103. [Enclisis; Latin; Postpositive; Pragmatics; Pronoun; Second Position; Syntax; Typology; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] —. 1993a. “The Prosodic Basis of Wackernagel’s Law”. CROCHETIERE et al. 1993, vol. 4: 19-22. [Ancient Greek; Clitic Host; Discourse; Emphasis; Enclisis; Focus; Gothic; Indo-European; Intonation; Latin; Old Persian; Postpositive; Prag- matics; Pronoun; Prosody; Syntax; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] —. 1993b. “La position des pronoms personnels enclitiques en grec néo-tes- tamentaire à la lumière des dialectes néo-helléniques”. La koiné grecque antique I: Une langue introuvable? (= Travaux et Mémoires: Études An- ciennes 10). Ed. by Claude BRIXHE, 83-121. Nancy: Presses Universitaires de Nancy. [Clitic Host; Dialectology; Discourse; Emphasis; Enclisis; Focus; Intona- tion; Koine Greek; Language Contact; Modern Greek; Postpositive; Prag- matics; Pronoun; Prosody; Syntax; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] —. 1994a. “De la Loi de Wackernagel et ses extensions en latin: à propos de la collocation pronominale chez Pétrone”. TEMA 1: 109-146. [Clitic Host; Discourse; Emphasis; Enclisis; Focus; Intonation; Latin; Postpositive; Pragmatics; Pronoun; Prosody; Syntax; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] —. 1994b. “Son of Wackernagel: The Distribution of Object Clitic Pronouns in Cappadocian”. PHILIPPAKI-WARBURTON et al. 1994: 435-442. [Cappadocian; Clitic Host; Dialectology; Discourse; Emphasis; Enclisis; Focus; Modern Greek; Postpositive; Pragmatics; Pronoun; Syntax; Wacker- nagel’s Law; Word Order] **JOSEPH, Brian D. 1988. “Pronominal Affixes in Modern Greek: The Case against Clisis”. CLS 24: 203-215. [Affix; Agreement; Clitic Doubling; Clitic Repetition; Diagnostic Tests; Endoclisis; Interface Program; Kayne’s Generalization; Modern Greek; Morphology; Object; Pronoun; Variation] —. 1994. “On Weak Subjects and Pro-Drop in Greek”. PHILIPPAKI-WARBURTON et al. 1994: 21-32. [Diachrony; GB Syntax; Modern Greek; Particle; Pro-Drop; Pronoun; Verb] — - SMIRNIOTOPOULOS, Jane C. 1993. “The Morphosyntax of the Modern Greek Verb as Morphology and Not Syntax”. Linguistic Inquiry 24.2: 388-398. [Affix; Clitic Group; Inflection; Modern Greek; Morphology; Syntax; Verb] JOSEPH, John E. 1992. “The Gascon Enunciative as Syntactic Solution”. LAEUF- FER - MORGAN 1992: 481-495. [Clitic Host; Cliticization; Diachrony; Enunciative; Gascon; Occitan; Par- ticle; Pronoun; Syntax; Verb Movement; Verb Second] KATO, Mary Aizawa. 1993. “The Distribution of Pronouns and Null Elements in Object Position in Brazilian Portuguese”. ASHBY et al. 1993: 225-235. [Brazilian Portuguese; Empty Category; GB Syntax; Null Element; Object; Pronoun] CLITICS AND WORD ORDER SINCE WACKERNAGEL 401

KAUFMAN, Stephen A. 1991. “An Emphatic Plea for Please”. Maarav 7: 195- 198. [Appeared 1993.] [Enclisis; Hebrew; Particle; Semantics] KAYNE, Richard S. 1992. “Italian Negative Infinitival Imperatives and Clitic Climbing”. De la musique à la linguistique: hommages à Nicolas Ruwet. Ed. by Liliane TASMOWSKI & Anne ZRIBI-HERTZ, 300-312. Ghent: Commu- nication & Cognition. [Clitic Climbing; GB Syntax; Imperative; ; Italian; Negation; Pronoun] KEMPCHINSKY, Paula. 1992. “The Spanish Possessive Dative Construction: q-Role Assignment and Proper Government”. HIRSCHBÜHLER - KOERNER 1992: 135-150. [Argument; Complement; Dative; GB Syntax; Government; Pronoun; Spanish; Thematic Role] *KENSTOWICZ, Michael. 1991. “Enclitic Accent: Latin, Macedonian, Italian, Polish”. Certamen Phonologicum II: Papers from the 1990 Cortona Phonology Meeting. Ed. by Pier Marco BERTINETTO, Michael KENSTOWICZ & Michele LOPORCARO, 173-185. Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier. [Accent; Enclisis; Italian; Latin; Macedonian; Phonology; Polish; Prosody] KEYSER, Samuel Jay - ROEPER, Thomas. 1992. “Re: The Abstract Clitic Hypoth- esis”. Linguistic Inquiry 23.1: 89-125. [Abstract Clitic; Case; English; GB Syntax] KLEIN-ANDREU, Flora. 1992. “Understanding Standards”. Explanation in His- torical Linguistics (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 84). Ed. by Gary W. DAVIS & Gregory K. IVERSON, 167-178. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [Case Marking; Clitic; Gender; Spanish; Morphology; Pragmatics; Refer- ence; Sociolinguistics] KOOPMAN, Willem F. 1992. “Old English Clitic Pronouns: Some Remarks”. Evidence for Old English: Material and Theoretical Bases for Reconstruction (= Edinburgh Studies in the 2). Ed. by Fran COLMAN, 44- 87. Edinburgh: Donald. [Language Contact; Old English; Phonology; Pronoun; Reduction; Syn- tax; Word Order] KOUWENBERG, Silvia. 1993. “Cliticization of Pronouns in Berbice Dutch Creole and Eastern ïjœ”. Atlantic Meets Pacific: A Global View of Pidginization and Creolization (Selected Papers from the Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics) (= Creole Language Library 11). Ed. by Francis BYRNE & John HOLM, 119-131. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [Berbice Dutch; Clitic Attachment; Cliticization; Creole; ïjœ; Kwa; Phonology; Pronoun; Syntax] KRASKA, Iwona. 1992. “From Verb to Clitic and Nominal Suffix: the Somali -e, -o ”. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 22.1: 89-106. [= Afrikani- stische Arbeitspapiere 30: 5-34.] [Cliticization; Grammaticalization; Somali; Suffix; Verb] KRASKA-SZLENK, Iwona. 1993. “Clitics Like to Sound Good: Evidence from Polish”. BEALS et al. 1993: 267-280. 402 M. JANSE

[Clitic Placement; GB Syntax; Movement; Object; Polish; Pronoun; Prosody; Reflexive] *KRISCH, Thomas. 1990. “Das Wackernagelsche Gesetz aus heutiger Sicht”. EICHNER - RIX 1990: 64-81. [Enclisis; Indo-European; Particle; Postpositive; Pronoun; Syntax; Wacker- nagel’s Law; Word Order] *KÜHNER, Raphael - BLASS, Friedrich. 1890. Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache. Erster Teil. Elementar- und Formenlehre. Erster Band. 3. Auflage. Hannover: Hahn. [§ 87. “Sogenannte Procliticae”. § 88. “Encliticae”. § 89. “Regeln über die Inklination des Tones”. § 90. “Encliti- cae betont”. P. 336-349.] [Accent; Ancient Greek; Article; Copula; Enclisis; Particle; Preposition; Proclisis; Pronoun; Stress; Synenclisis] LAEUFFER, Christiane - MORGAN, Terrell A. Eds. 1992. Theoretical Analyses in Romance Linguistics: Selected Papers from the Nineteenth Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL XIX), The Ohio State University, 21-23 April 1989 (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 74). Amsterdam: Benjamins. [See CALABRESE (1992), JOSEPH (1992), LEMA - RIVERO (1992) and VALL- DUVI (1992)] *LANDRETH, Michael C. 1978. “The Position of the Particles ãn and ken in Pin- dar”. Eranos 76: 13-18. [Ancient Greek; Enclisis; Particle; Poetry; Postpositive; Syntax; Wacker- nagel’s Law; Word Order] *LAUM, Bernhard. 1928. Das Alexandrinische Akzentuationssystem unter Zugrun- delegung der theoretischen Lehren der Grammatiker und mit Heranziehung der praktischen Verwendung in den Papyri (= Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums, Supplement 4). Paderborn: Schöningh. [Accent; Ancient Greek; Article; Clitic Order; Copula; Enclisis; Particle; Postpositive; Prepositive; Proclisis; Pronoun; Sentence Connective; Stress; Synenclisis] LEAFGREN, John Robert. 1992. Object Reduplication and Topicality in Bulgar- ian. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Virginia. DAI #9237531. [Bulgarian; Clitic Doubling; Coreference; Object; Pragmatics; Pronoun; Reduplication; Syntax; Topic] LEMA, José - RIVERO, María-Luisa. 1992. “Inverted Conjugations and V-Second Effects in Romance”. LAEUFFER - MORGAN 1992: 311-328. [Auxiliary; Conjugation; GB Syntax; Inversion; Old Spanish; Portuguese; Romance; Rumanian; Second Position; Verb Second; Wh-Movement] *LEUMANN, Manu. 1977. Lateinische Laut- und Formenlehre. München: Beck. [§ 238. “Proklise und Enklise”. P. 240-242.] [Accent; Enclisis; Latin; Particle; Postpositive; Postposition; Preposition; Prepositive; Proclisis; Pronoun; Stress] *LIDDICOAT, Anthony. 1991. “The Function of Pronoun Order in Imperative Verb Phrases in the Dialects of Jersey and Sark”. Linguistische Berichte 131: 24-36. [Clitic Order; Dialectology; French; Jersey; Pronoun; Sark; Syntax] CLITICS AND WORD ORDER SINCE WACKERNAGEL 403

*LOCKWOOD, David G. 1989. “The Bulgarian Definite Article: An Inflected Clitic and Anticlitic”. LACUS 16: 185-196. [Appeared 1990.] [Anticlitic; Article; Bulgarian; Inflection; Proclisis] MACKRIDGE, Peter. 1993. “An Editorial Problem in Medieval Greek Texts: The Position of the Object Clitic Pronoun in the Escorial Digenes Akrites [sic]”. Arxés tis neoellinikís logotexnías: Praktiká tou Deftéru Diethnús Sinedríu “Neograeca Medii Aevi”, 325-342. Venice: [No Publisher]. [Clitic Host; Discourse; Emphasis; Medieval Greek; Pronoun; Syntax; Word Order] MADEIRA, Ana. 1992. “On Clitic Placement in European Portuguese”. UCL Working Papers in Linguistics 4: 95-122. [Clitic Host; Clitic Order; Portuguese; Pragmatics; Pronoun; Syntax; Word Order] MALDONADO SOTO, Ricardo. 1992. Middle Voice: The Case of Spanish se. Ph.D. dissertation, UCSD. DAI #AAC9235939. [Cognitive Grammar; Focus; Reflexive; SE; Semantics; Spanish; Syntax; Voice] MALIKOUTI-DRACHMAN, Angeliki. 1994. “New Approaches to Some Problems of Greek Phonology”. PHILIPPAKI-WARBURTON et al. 1994: 33-44. [Dialectology; Modern Greek; Phonology; Readjustment; Stress] *MALONEY, Elliott C. 1981. Semitic Interference in Marcan Syntax (= Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation Series 51). Chico: Scholars Press. [Ch. III.A.1.g. “The Position of Unemphatic Personal Pronouns as Direct or Indirect Objects”. P. 63-65.] [Koine Greek; Language Contact; Postposition; Postpositive; Pronoun; Syntax; Word Order] MANOLIU-MANEA, Maria. 1993. “From Staging Strategies to Syntax: Clitic Copying and Prepositional Direct Objects in Romanian”. AERTSEN - JEFFERS 1993: 297-312. [Clitic Doubling; Diachrony; GB Syntax; Object; Preposition; Pronoun; Rumanian] *MARSHALL, M.H.B. 1987. Verbs, Nouns, and Postpositives in Attic Prose (= Scottish Classical Studies 3). Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press. [Reviews: CAUDERLIER, P. 1989. Revue des Études Grecques 102: 232- 233; CRESPO, E. 1988. Emerita 56: 337-338; MONTEIL, P. 1988. Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d’Histoire Anciennes 62: 145-146 [Appeared 1989]; MOORHOUSE, A.C. 1988. The Classical Review 38: 430-431; RUIJGH, C.J. 1990. Mnemosyne 43.1-2: 178-185] [Ancient Greek; Enclisis; Noun; Particle; Postposition; Postpositive; Pro- noun; Syntax; Verb; Word Order; Wackernagel’s Law] MARTINEAU, France. 1992. “The Evolution of Complements of French Causative and Perception Verbs”. HIRSCHBÜHLER - KOERNER 1992: 161- 174. [Causative; Clitic Climbing; Complement; Diachrony; French; Percep- tion; Pronoun] MASULLO, Pascual José. 1992. “Antipassive Constructions in Spanish”. HIRSCHBÜHLER - KOERNER 1992: 175-194. 404 M. JANSE

[Affix; Antipassive; GB Syntax; Incorporation; Italian; NE; SE; Spanish; Subcategorization] —. 1992. Incorporation and Case Theory in Spanish: A Crosslinguistic Per- spective. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Washington. DAI #AAC9312714. [Argument; Case; GB Syntax; Incorporation; SE; Spanish; Subcategoriza- tion] MCKEE, Cecile - EMILIANI, Maria. 1992. “Il clitico: c’è ma non si vede” [“The Clitic: It’s There But It Can’t Be Seen”]. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 10.3: 415-437. [Agreement; Child Language; GB Syntax; Italian; Pronoun] *MCLENNAN, G.R. 1976. “The Preposition as Post-Positive in Callimachus”. Eranos 74: 167-170. [Ancient Greek; Poetry; Preposition; Prepositive; Postpositive; Syntax; Word Order] MILLER, Philip H. 1992. Clitics and Constituents in Phrase Structure Grammar (= Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics). New York: Garland. [Clitic; Constituent; English; French; GB Syntax] —. 1993. “Postlexical Cliticization vs. Affixation: Coordination Criteria”. CLS 28: Papers from the 28th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Vol. 1: The Main Session. Ed. by Costas P. CANAKIS, Grace P. CHAN & Jeannette Marshall DENTON, 382-396. Chicago: Chicago Lin- guistic Society. [Affixation; Article; Auxiliary; Coordination; Definite Article; Deter- miner; French; English; GB Syntax; Lexicalist Hypothesis; Modern Greek; Postlexical Rules; Reduction; Rumanian] *MIRAMBEL, André. 1963. “Dialectes néo-helléniques et syntaxe”. Bulletin de la Société de Linguistique de Paris 58.1: 85-134. [Clitic Group; Dialectology; Enclisis; Modern Greek; Proclisis; Pronoun; Syntax; Word Order] MISESKA TOMIC, Olga. 1992. “The Behaviour of the Clitics as a Factor in Grading Sprachbund Membership”. Études de linguistique romane et slave. Ed. by Wies¥aw BANYS, Leszek BEDNARCZUK & Krzysztof BOGACKI, 603-617. Cracovie: Wyzsza Szko¥a Pedagogiczna w Krakowie & Universitas. [Balkan Languages; Bulgarian; Clitic Group; Clitic Order; Language Con- tact; Macedonian; Serbo-Croatian; Slavic] —. 1993. “Contact Conditioned Variation”. CROCHETIERE et al. 1993, vol. 3: 391-394. [Balkan Languages; Bulgarian; Clitic Group; Clitic Order; Language Con- tact; Macedonian; Serbo-Croatian; Slavic] MOORE, John. 1994. “Romance Cliticization and Relativized Minimality”. Lin- guistic Inquiry 25.2: 335-344. [Cliticization; GB Syntax; Pronoun; Relativized Minimality; Romance] *MOORHOUSE, A.C. 1959. Studies in the Greek Negatives. Cardiff: University of Wales Press. [Reviews: CHANTRAINE, P. 1961. Revue de Philologie, de Littérature et d’Histoire Ancienne 35: 127-128; DOVER, K.J. 1960. The Classical Review 10: 241-243; GONDA, J. 1963. Mnemosyne 16: 289-293; GUIRAUD, C. CLITICS AND WORD ORDER SINCE WACKERNAGEL 405

1960. Revue des Études Grecques 73: 524; HOENIGSWALD, H.M. 1962. Language 38: 310-313; HUMBERT, J. 1961. Bulletin de la Société de Lin- guistique de Paris 56. 2: 82-84; JONES, D.M. 1961. The Journal of Hellenic Studies 81: 180-181; LOICQ, J. 1962. L’Antiquité Classique 31: 422-424; MANDILARAS, B. 1961. Athena 65: 316-317 [Appeared 1962]; MORPURGO, A. 1961. Rivista di Cultura Classica e Medioevale 3: 142-145; RISCH, E. 1961. Indogermanische Forschungen 66: 312-314; SCHICK, C. 1961. Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica 39: 222-224] [Ancient Greek; Negation; Prepositive; Preverbal Position; Proclisis; Word Order] MOTAPANYANE, Virginia. 1992. “Romance Clitics & the Structure of AgrP”. Linguistica Atlantica 14: 73-87. [Agreement; Clitic Placement; GB Syntax; Movement; Pronoun; Romance; Rumanian; Verb Fronting] MOUBAIDDIN, Asma. 1992. Quantificational Phenomena in Arabic. Ph.D. disser- tation, Univ. of Essex (UK). [Arabic; Clitic Doubling; Dislocation; Focus; GB Syntax; Pronoun; Quan- tification] MUYSKEN, Pieter. 1993. “Reflexes of Ibero-Romance Reflexive Clitic + Verb Combinations in Papiamentu: Thematic Grids and Grammatical Relations”. Focus and Grammatical Relations in Creole Languages (= Creole Lan- guage Library 12). Ed. by Francis BYRNE & Donald WINFORD, 285-301. Amsterdam: Benjamins. [Clitic Group; Creole; GB Syntax; Grammatical Relations; Papiamentu; Portuguese; Pronoun; Reflexive; Spanish; Thematic Role] *NAUDÉE, J.A. 1990. “Die toepasbaarheid van GB-teorie op nie-lewende tale: evidensie oor die interpretasie van klitiekverskynsels in Bybelse Aramees” [“The Applicability of GB Theory to “Dead” Languages: Evidence for the Interpretation of Clitic Phenomena in Biblical Aramaic”]. Journal for Semitics 2.1: 22-43. [Aramaic; Cliticization; GB Syntax] *NILSSON, Nils-Ola. 1954. “Enclitica nach zwei kurzen Silben im Latein”. Era- nos 52: 195-216. [Accent; Enclisis; Latin; Particle; Postposition; Postpositive; Sentence Connective; Stress] NOYER, Robert Rolf. 1992. Features, Positions and Affixes in Autonomous Mor- phological Structure. Ph.D. dissertation, MIT. [Available from MIT Libraries.] [Affix; Agreement; Arabic; Clitic Group; Clitic Order; Ket; Morphology; Nunggubuyu; Transitivity] ORR, Carolyn - LEVINSOHN, Stephen H. 1992. “Clitic Placement in Content Questions in Napo (Ecuadorian) Quichua”. International Journal of Amer- ican Linguistics 58.3: 299-308. [Clitic Placement; Interrogative; Quechua; Syntax; Word Order] PERICLIEV, Vladimir. 1992. “A Referent Grammar Treatment of Some Problems in the Bulgarian Nominal Phrase”. Studia Linguistica 46.1: 49-62. [Agreement; Bulgarian; Clitic Climbing; Clitic Placement; Machine Trans- lation; Syntax; Word Order] 406 M. JANSE

PHILIPPAKI-WARBURTON, Irene. 1994. “Verb Movement and Clitics in Modern Greek”. PHILIPPAKI-WARBURTON et al. 1994: 53-60. [GB Syntax; Modern Greek; Pronoun; Verb Movement] — - NICOLAIDIS, Katerina - SIFIANOU, Maria. Eds. 1994. Themes in Greek Lin- guistics: Papers from the First International Conference on Greek Linguis- tics, Reading, September 1993 (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 117). Amsterdam: Benjamins. [See DRACHMAN (1994), JANSE (1994b), JOSEPH (1994), MALIKOUTI-DRACH- MAN (1994) and PHILIPPAKI-WARBURTON (1994)] POPE, Marvin H. 1991. “A Resurvey of Some Ugaritic-Hebrew Connections”. Maarav 7: 199-206. [Appeared 1993.] [Enclisis; Hebrew; Phonology; Syntax; Ugaritic] REED, Lisa. 1992. “On Clitic Case Alternations in French Causatives”. HIRSCHBÜHLER - KOERNER 1992: 205-223. [Case; Causative; Dative; French; GB Syntax; Pragmatics; Semantics] RIIHO, Timo. 1992. “Pronominisyntaksin ongelma muinaisportugalissa” [“The Problem of Pronominal Syntax in Old Portuguese”]. Kielitieteen kentän kartoitusta (= Turun yliopiston suomalaisen ja yleisen kielititeen laitoksen julkaisuja 39). Ed. by Esa ITKONEN, Anneli PAJUNEN & Timo HAUKIOJA, 179-190. Turku: Turun yliopiston suomalaisen ja yleisen kielititeen laitos. [Clitic Doubling; Clitic Order; Diachrony; Old Portuguese; Pronoun; Syn- tax; Word Order] *RISCH, Ernst. 1969. “Die verschiedenen Partikeln de im Griechischen”. Studi linguistici in onore di Vittore Pisani, II: 831-843. Brescia: Paideia. [Ancient Greek; Enclisis; Postposition; Postpositive] RIVERO, María-Luisa. 1992. “Patterns of V°-raising in Long Head Movement, and Negation: Serbo-Croatian vs. Slovak”. Syntactic Theory and Basque Syntax (= Supplements of Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca ‘Julio de Urquijo’ 27). Ed. by Joseba A. LAKARRA & Jon ORTIZ DE URBINA, 365- 386. San Sebastián: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa. [Auxiliary; Clitic Climbing; GB Syntax; Inflection; Long Head Move- ment; Pronoun; Serbo-Croatian; Slovak; Verb Movement] —. 1994. “Clause Structure and V-Movement in the Languages of the Balkans”. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 12.1: 63-120. [Auxiliary; Balkan Languages; Bulgarian; Clause; Clitic Climbing; GB Syntax; Macedonian; Modern Greek; Pronoun; Serbo-Croatian; Verb Movement] ROCA, Francesc. 1992. “Object Clitics in Spanish and Catalan”. Catalan Work- ing Papers in Linguistics 2: 245-280. [Catalan; GB Syntax; Object; Spanish] ROORYCK, Johan. 1992a. “Restrictions on Clitic Climbing in French Causatives and the q-Criterion”. Cahiers Linguistiques d’Ottawa 20: 87-116. [Causative; Clitic Climbing; French; GB Syntax; Theta Role] —. 1992b. “Romance Enclitic Ordering and Universal Grammar”. The Linguis- tic Review 9.3: 219-250. [Clitic Order; Cliticization; Enclisis; GB Syntax; Imperative; Infinitive; Pronoun; Romance; Universal Grammar] CLITICS AND WORD ORDER SINCE WACKERNAGEL 407

—. 1992c. “On the Distinction Between Raising and Control”. HIRSCHBÜHLER - KOERNER 1992: 225-250. [Complement; Control; French; EN; GB Syntax; Raising] ROSÉN, Haiim B. 1992. “La structure de l’énoncé poétique d’Homère: rythme tonique et rythme syntaxique”. LALIES 10: 329-343. [Ancient Greek; Emphasis; Intonation; Poetry; Particle; Pronoun; Prosody; Rhythm; Syntax; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] *ROUVERET, Alain. 1991. “Cliticisation et temps en portugais européen”. GUÉRON & POLLOCK 1991: 147-170. [Cliticization; GB Syntax; Portuguese; Romance; Tense] *RUIJGH, C[ornelis] J. 1990. “La place des enclitiques dans l’ordre des mots chez Homère d’après la loi de Wackernagel”. EICHNER - RIX 1990: 213- 233. [Ancient Greek; Clitic Group; Enclisis; Particle; Postpositive; Pronoun; Syntax; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] —. 1992. “L’emploi le plus ancien et les emplois plus récents de la particule ke/ãn. La langue et les textes en grec ancien: Actes du Colloque Pierre Chantraine (Grenoble – 5-8 septembre 1989). Ed. by Françoise LÉTOUBLON, 75-84. Amsterdam: Gieben. [Ancient Greek; Enclisis; Particle; Postpositive; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] *RUZICKA, Rudolf. 1991. “Slavjanskaja i ital’janskaja vozvratnaja enklitika v bezlicnyx konstrukcijax: sopostavitel’no-tipologiceskij opyt” [“Slavic and Italian Reflexive Clitics in Impersonal Constructions: Comparative-Typo- logical Essay”]. Problemi di morfosintassi delle lingue slave, 3: Atti del III° seminario di studi, Forlì, 27, 28 & 29 settembre 1990 (= Collana di Linguistica Slava). Ed. by G.N. AVERJANOVA et al., 191-206. Bologna: Pitagora. [Cliticization; Impersonal; Italian; Pronoun; Reflexive; SE] —. 1992. “Slavic and Italian Impersonal Constructions with Reflexive Clitics”. Fügungspotenzen: zum 60. Geburtstag von Manfred Bierwisch (= Studia Grammatica 34). Ed. by Ilse ZIMMERMANN & Anatoli STRIGIN, 133-161. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. [Translation of RUZICKA 1991.] [Cliticization; Impersonal; Italian; Pronoun; Reflexive; SE] SACHS, Hilary Gay. 1992. Thematic Roles and lui-Cliticization in French. Ph.D. dissertation, Cornell Univ. DAI #AAC9300679. [Cliticization; Dative; French; GB Syntax; Pronoun; Semantics; Thematic Role] SAFI-STAGNI, Sabah. 1992. Normal and Pathological Breakdown in Arabic. Ph.D. dissertation, Louisiana State Univ. and Agricultural and Mechanical College. DAI #AAC9301102. [Aphasia; Arabic; Deletion; Morphology; Pronoun] *SAEZ, Luis A. 1991. “Quantitative Clitics in Romance and Slavic”. Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca ‘Julio de Urquijo’ 25.3: 713-735. [GB Syntax; Partitive; Quantification; Romance; Slavic] *SALVI, Giampaolo. 1991. “Difesa e illustrazione della legge di Wackernagel applicata alle lingue romanze antiche: la posizione delle forme pronominali 408 M. JANSE

clitiche”. Per Giovan Battista Pellegrini: Scritti degli allievi padovani. 439-462. Padova: Unipress. [Asturian; Diachrony; Dialectology; GB Syntax; Medieval Romance; Old Galician-Portuguese; Pronoun; Tobler-Mussafia Law; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] —. 1993. “Difesa e illustrazione della legge di Wackernagel applicata alle lingue romanze antiche: la posizione delle forme pronominali clitiche”. Cadernos de Estudos Linguisticos 24: 111-130. [= SALVI 1991.] [Asturian; Diachrony; Dialectology; GB Syntax; Medieval Romance; Old Galician-Portuguese; Pronoun; Tobler-Mussafia Law; Wackernagel’s Law; Word Order] *SALVIONI, Carlo. 1903. “Del pronome enclitico oggetto suffisso ad altri ele- menti che non sieno la voce verbale” [“On the Object Enclitic Pronoun Suffixed to Other Elements which are not the Verb Form”]. Rendiconti dell’Istituto Lombardo di Scienze e Lettere, Classe di Lettere e Scienze Morali e Storiche 36: 1012-1021. [Clitic Attachment; Clitic Host; Diachrony; Dialectology; Italian; Object; Piedmontese; Pronoun; Suffix] *SANCHEZ VICENTE, Xuan Xosé - RUBIERA TUYA, Carlos. 1985. “Énclisis, pro- clisis y pronomes átonos n’asturianu”. Lletres Asturianes 18: 71-81. [Asturian; Clitic Host; Dialectology; Enclisis; Spanish; Proclisis; Pronoun; Word Order] *SCHWYZER, Eduard. 1939. Griechische Grammatik auf der Grundlage von Karl Brugmanns Griechischer Grammatik. Erster Band. Allgemeiner Teil. Laut- lehre. Wortbildung. Flexion. (= Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft, II.1.1). München: Beck. [Ch. F.6. “Proklise und Enklise”. P. 386-391.] [Accent; Ancient Greek; Article; Copula; Enclisis; Particle; Preposition; Proclisis; Pronoun; Stress; Synenclisis; Verb] *SMITH, Peter L. 1982. “Enclitic Rhythms in the Vergilian Hexameter”. The Phoenix 36: 124-143. [Enclisis; Latin; Particle; Poetry; Rhythm; Sentence Connective] TERZI, Arhonto. 1992. Pro in Finite Clauses: A Study of the Inflectional Heads of the Balkan Languages. Ph.D. dissertation, CUNY. DAI #AAC9304740. [Balkan Languages; Clitic Climbing; Control; Inflection; GB Syntax; pro; Pronoun; Subjunctive] —. 1994. “Clitic Climbing from Finite Clauses and Long Head Movement”. Catalan Working Papers in Linguistics 3.2: 97-122. [Balkan Languages; Clitic Climbing; Dialectology; GB Syntax; Head Movement; Italian; Pronoun; Romance; Rumanian; Spanish] THORPE, Alana-Irena. 1992. Clitic Placement in Complex Sentences in Czech. Ph.D. dissertation, Brown Univ. DAI #AAC9235223. [Clitic Placement; Control; Czech; GB Syntax; Word Order] TREVIÑO, Esthela. 1992. “Subjects in Spanish Causative Constructions”. HIRSCHBÜHLER - KOERNER 1992: 309-324. [Clitic Climbing; GB Syntax; Pronoun; Spanish; Subject] TUTTLE, Edward F. 1992. “Del pronome d’oggetto suffisso al sintagma verbale: in calce ad una nota salvioniana del 1903”. L’Italia Dialettale 55: 13-63. CLITICS AND WORD ORDER SINCE WACKERNAGEL 409

[Clitic Attachment; Clitic Host; Diachrony; Dialectology; Italian; Object; Piedmontese; Pronoun; Suffix] *UHLENBECK, E.M. 1986. “Clitic, Suffix, and Particle: Some Indispensable Dis- tinctions in Old Javanese Grammar”. A Man of Indonesian Letters: Essays in Honour of Professor A. Teeuw (= Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 121). Ed. by C.M.S. HELLWIG & S.O. ROBSON, 334-341. Dordrecht: Foris. [Affix; Article; Clitic; Enclisis; Morphology; Old Javanese; Particle; Suffix; Syntax; Typology; Word] *—. 1990. “Clitics, , and Words: Their Structural Differences”. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists, Berlin/ GDR, August 10 - August 15, 1987. Ed. by Werner BAHNER, Joachim SCHILDT & Dieter VIEHWEGER, vol. 1: 637-640. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. [Affix; Clitic; Morphology; Particle; Syntax; Typology; Word] VALLDUVI, Enric. 1992. “Focus Constructions in Catalan”. LAEUFFER - MORGAN 1992: 457-479. [Catalan; Clitic Doubling; Dislocation; Focus; GB Syntax; Pronoun] *VENDRYES, Joseph. 1945. Traité d’accentuation grecque. Paris: Klincksieck. [Ch. VI. “Des proclitiques”. Ch. VII. “Des enclitiques”. P. 63-110.] [Accent; Ancient Greek; Article; Clitic Order; Copula; Enclisis; Particle; Postpositive; Prepositive; Proclisis; Pronoun; Sentence Connective; Stress; Synenclisis] VILLALBA, Xavier. 1994. “Clitic Climbing in Causative Constructions”. Catalan Working Papers in Linguistics 3.2: 123-152. [Catalan; Causative; Clitic Climbing; Head Movement; Incorporation; Pro- noun] VIZMULLER-ZOCCO, Jana. 1992. “La legge Tobler-Mussafia in italiano e in slo- vaco”. L’Europa linguistica: contatti, contrasti, affinità di lingue: Atti del XXI Congresso internazionale di studi, Catania, 10-12 settembre 1987 (= Pubblicazioni della Società di Linguistica Italiana 30). Ed. by Antonia G. MOCCIARO & Giulio SORAVIA, 309-320. Roma: Bulzoni. [Clitic Placement; Italian; Language Contact; Slovak; Pronoun; Syntax; Tobler-Mussafia Law] *VOGEL, Irene. 1990. “The Clitic Group in Prosodic Phonology”. Grammar in Progress: Glow Essays for Henk van Riemsdijk (= Studies in Generative Gram- mar 36). Ed. by Joan MASCARO & Marina NESPOR, 447-454. Dordrecht: Foris. [Clitic Group; Italian; Phonology; Prosody] **WACKERNAGEL, Jacob. 1892. “Über ein Gesetz der indogermanischen Wort- stellung”. IF 1. 333-436. [Also in Kleine Schriften, vol. 1, 1-104. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1953.] [Ancient Greek; Clitic Order; Comparative Approach; Diachrony; Latin; Phonology; Prosody; Sanskrit; Second Position; Textual Analysis; Wacker- nagel’s Law] WANNER, Dieter. 1992. “Subjects in Old Spanish: Conflicts Between Typology, Syntax, and Dynamics”. HIRSCHBÜHLER - KOERNER 1992: 339-373. [Clitic Placement; Discourse; Enclisis; Old Spanish; Proclisis; Pronoun; Subject; Tobler-Mussafia Law; Typology; Wackernagel’s Law] 410 M. JANSE

—. 1993. “Multiple Clitic Linearization Principles”. ASHBY et al. 1993: 281- 302. [Clitic Host; Clitic Order; Diachrony; Enclisis; Italian; Phonology; Procli- sis; Pronoun; Romance; Rumanian; Spanish; Syntax] *WIFSTRAND, Albert. 1949-1950. “Die Stellung der enklitischen Personal- pronomina bei den Septuaginta”. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Lettres de Lund, 44-70. [Emphasis; Enclisis; Hebrew; Koine Greek; Language Contact; Postposi- tion; Postpositive; Pragmatics; Pronoun; Syntax; Word Order] *—. 1950. “A Problem Concerning the Word Order in the New Testament”. Studia Theologica 3: 172-184. [Emphasis; Enclisis; Koine Greek; Postposition; Postpositive; Pragmatics; Pronoun; Syntax; Word Order] WILLS, Jeffrey. 1993. “Homeric Particle Order”. Historische Sprachwissen- schaft 106.1: 61-81. [Ancient Greek; Clitic Group; Clitic Order; Particle; Syntax; Word Order] **ZWICKY, Arnold M. 1977. “On Clitics”. Bloomington: IULC. [Abbreviated version in Phonologica 1976 (= Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwis- senschaft 19). Ed. by Wolfgang U. DRESSLER & Oskar E. PFEIFFER, 29-39. Innsbruck: Inst. für Sprachwissenschaft der Univ. Innsbruck (1977).] [; Albanian; Article; Auxiliary; Bound Word; Boundary; Catalan; Clitic Typology; Compound; Conjunction; Czech; Endoclisis; English; Estonian; Ewe; French; Group Genitive; Hua; Irish; Italian; Latin; Madurese; Modern Greek; Norwegian; Particle; Pashto; Possessive; Post- position; Preposition; Pronoun; Rumanian; Serbo-Croatian; Simple Clitic; Tagalog; Turkish; Wackernagel’s Law; Warlpiri] **—. 1985. “Clitics and Particles”. Language 61.2: 283-305. [Earlier version in OSU WPL 29: 148-173 (1984).] [Accent; Chrau; Conversation; Diagnostic Tests; Discourse; English; Ger- man; Hidatsa; Inflection; Interface Program; Particle; Prosody; Sandhi; Welsh] —. 1992. “Clitics: An Overview”. BRIGHT 1992: 269-270. [Accent; Affix; Bound Word; Clitic Typology; Inflection; Morphology; Phonology; Semantics; Syntax; Word] **— - PULLUM, Geoffrey K. 1983. “Cliticization vs. Inflection: English n’t”. Language 59.3: 502-513. [Auxiliary; Clitic Typology; Diagnostic Tests; English; Inflection; Mor- phology; Negation; Verb]

Bibliographie Linguistique/Linguistic Bibliography. Mark JANSE.