Global Standard Training Course Organised by the Water Footprint Network

Period: 10-12 May 2011 Venue: The Hub Amsterdam, Westerstraat 187, 1015 MA Amsterdam, The , phone: +31 20 427 4283.

Target group The training course is aimed at professionals in the water and environmental sector interested to learn about the application of the water footprint concept and tools in their daily practice. The course aims at professionals from both business and government, and also consultants that advise corporations or governments. The course is mainly technical; it addresses questions regarding how to carry out a water footprint assessment using the global water footprint standard. In addition, time is spent on understanding how water footprint assessment can ultimately contribute to better water governance and more sustainable water strategies.

Learning objectives The learning objectives of the training course are: • become familiar with basic water footprint concepts, such as: direct/indirect, internal/external and operational/supply-chain water footprint; green, blue and grey water; trade; water saving through trade; business water risks, environmental flow requirements; • learn about and gain hands-on experience with methods of water footprint accounting and sustainability assessment (applied in either business or government). • obtain in-depth knowledge of the global water footprint standard, the international standard for water footprint assessment. • learn about case studies for specific products, business sectors and countries/regions; • get insight in how water footprint assessment can contribute to extending business water strategy and national water planning by incorporating supply-chain and import strategies.

Trainers The training is delivered by: ƒ Prof. dr. Arjen Hoekstra - Scientific Director, Water Footprint Network ƒ Dr. Erika Zarate – Programme Officer, Water Footprint Network ƒ Ertug Ercin – Researcher,

Training materials (included in the course fee) • The book Water Footprint Assessment Manual • The book of Water • All the presentations

Certificate After concluding the training course, participants will receive a certificate to show that they have concluded this course. The Certificate of the Global Water Footprint Standard Training Course provides a proof in the market that the individual holding the certificate is acquainted with the global water footprint standard and is stamped by the Water Footprint Network.


Tuesday 10 May

09.00 – 09.10 Welcome 09.10 – 09.20 Introduction by Prof. Arjen Hoekstra, Scientific Director of the Water Footprint Network 09.20 – 12.00 Role play on the globalization of water Arjen Hoekstra 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch 13.00 – 15.00 Water footprint assessment: accounting, impact assessment and response formulation – introduction of key concepts Arjen Hoekstra 15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break 15.30 – 18.00 Technical session: Calculation examples of the blue, green and grey water footprints Erika Zarate

Wednesday 11 May

09.00 – 12.30 Corporate water footprint - Ertug Ercin Exercise I: Developing a corporate water strategy 12.30 – 13.30 Lunch 13.30 – 15.30 National water footprint - Arjen Hoekstra 15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break

16.00 – 18.00 Exercise II: Incorporating water footprint thinking into national water policy

Thursday 12 May

09:00 – 10.00 Applications of the Water Footprint - Erika Zarate 10.00 – 10.30 Coffee break

10.30 – 12.00 Water footprint state-of-the-art: Applications of the concept, relation between WF and LCA, carbon and ecological footprint, overview of the different water initiatives: ISO, CEO Water Mandate, AWS. Arjen Hoekstra 12.00 – 13.00 Wrap-up session: Time for participants to address remaining questions. - Arjen Hoekstra 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch

Registration & payment Please send the attached registration form to: [email protected].

After sending the registration, please transfer the training fee to:

Account name: Water Footprint Network Address: Street: Drienerlolaan 5 Postal code: 7522 NB City: Enschede Country: The Netherlands

Account number: IBAN: NL68 TRIO0786802480 BIC/SWIFT: TRIONL2U Bank name: Triodos Bank Physical address Triodos bank: Street: Utrechtseweg 60 City: Zeist Country: The Netherlands

Global Water Footprint Standard Training Course 10-12 May 2011, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Registration form. To be sent to: [email protected].

Details of participant Name m/f


Name of organisation



P.O. Box

Postal Code




Telephone number

Course fee (please tick) Non-WFN partners WFN partners (10% discount)

Category I: 1250 € Category I: 1125 € Category II: 2500 € Category II: 2250 €

Category I applies to governments, civil society, international organisations and universities. Category II applies to commercial organisations (business and consultants).

Note that 25% of the fee paid goes as a grant into WFN’s Research & Development Fund.

Payment needs to be done immediately after submitting the registration form through a transfer of the respective sum to the bank account above.

Signature Date