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/ LAS VEGAS AGE VOLUME VII. LAS VKfrAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA, SATURDAY, FEBKUARY 25, 1<>|| NUMBER 9 BRILLIANT EVENT BASEBALL GAME GOVERNOR TALKS SAD ACCIDENT TERRIBLY HURT LAND PRODUCTS Animal Ball of 0. R.C. Proves Between Railroad and Yegas Advocates Measures of Import- Son of H. J, Jarman Has Hand A. H. Norris Assessor Of Lin- Clark County Should Event of the Season Teams Results In a Tie ance to Clark County Mangled coin County, Losses Arm Spendid Exhibit The third annual ball of the Onto of Tin- moat iatereetinf* gatasj of Imse Last Sunday evening, Governor Oddie I While playing with powder and caps A friirhtfui (ate overtook County As-! The Lain! and Piodoetl Exposition to Railway Conductora more than maile liall payed oa tin- local diamond this delivered a lecture on "The Governor'a j near his home in Qoodftpfiags, Wi dnes- leaenr A. H. Morris bul Sunday after-1 be held at Loa Angelas March 18 to good its promises of brilliance. In tho year mi nn Waahingtoa'a birthday be- View" in the Baptist church of Reno, ! day afternoon, Harold Jarman, 14 year noon. Ill company with a companion April L', affords Clark county g plendid bower of beauty formed by the decora- tweefl tbe Las Vefjn and Salt Lake beintf the first of a series on civic prog-' old son of H. J. Jarman had his right he left Caliente mid walked south on the opportunity to attract public attention tiona of flags and streamers, ptoced simp teame. gress to be delivered by the brainy men j hand badly injured by the explosion of railroad track bound tot some of the to her agricultural resources. The Salt here and there by the red and green It wai ., -I, i„,tii croon nine which ex- of the country during the next few a cap. oooatraetion camps along the high Lake railroad company, has contracted gleam of switchlights, to tlie strains <>f tended into the twelfth leeaiOB ending months. S. E. Yount assisted Mrs. Jarman in line, while croaeing a bisfh treatle lor 1(MH) square feet of space in the ex entrancing music the youth and beauty wiih the - re6 to B in favor of the Contrary to the usual custom of bringing the injured lad to Vegaa, tbe the travellers were overtaken by position building and will spend several and strength of Las Vegas, with many simp tea in. speakers on similar subjects, the Gover the father being away from home. Dr. • freight train. In an effort to save hundred dollar** in making the same at- guests from other places, "tripped the The features of the triune were the nor did not indulge in a rehash of plati Roy W. Martin amputated the lir.-t themaelvet from injury, both men laid tractive. Tbe company, through Doug- light, fantastic" until the small boon aplendid battery work ran both sides tudes and generalities, but plunged into finger of tlie right hand and dressed tin- Mat on the ties, getting the train paM rVhite, industrial agent, has offered following the night of "Washington's and the heavy hitting of Bean of the the heart of things in a manner intense severe lacerations of the remaining over them. Norris, in his excitement, our chamber of commerce a liberal Birthday." The preparations were com shop team and Bone)* and Black of the ly interesting to Clark county. portions of the lad's hand. It is hoped in son.•• manner throat hia arm across annum' of this ipace and will transport plete in every detail. Promptly at 9:00 Salt Lake least, "It is my firm conviction that the that the young man will not lose the the rail with tbe remit that the wheels ;in ezhibta free of charge. The cost of the Grand March was begun, Mr. and What ia expected to be another in greatest work this^state can undertake, use of his hand to any great extent. caught and amputated it al the elbow, installing our exhibits free of charge. Mra. T. P. Cullen leading. The floor teresting game will be played next Sun. lies along the lines of its agricultural Bleeding terribly and each moment The coat of inetalling oar exhibit will be waa crowded for every dance. At day at " p. m. by the same team. development," said the Governor. He growing weaker, the injured man was about fill, which the Chamber of Coni- eleven o'clock an elaborate lancbeon The batteries will be Mains and then made a convincing plea for legisla- i Opening Day obliged to suffer for several hoars, be merer will he asked to contribute. waa served by the ladies, the tables be Bearei t<>r tbe simp learn and Oswold, tion along the lines of the bill provid- The dry goods department of the fore receiving medical treatment. !!<• This it A (lark county exhibit and all ing attractively arranged on the stage. Einerick end Bellin to the town teams. ing for a "Nevada Bureau of Industry,, Thomas Department Store presented was finally taken to Caliente on No. 1 sectioi s of the county are asked to pre- The affair waa a success financially as Much credit is to be extended to the Agriculture and Irrigation," which aa i quite a festive appearance on Thursday ami on Monday was removed to 9al1 pare samples of their choicest products well ae socially. Among the guests umpire and inananers of both teams for the major part of its duties will have j afternoon when the management was at Lake City, His condition a said to be for the Exposition. The benefit to the from other cities were Mr. and Mrs. T. the dean exhibition on Washington's charge of the work required under the home at their regular "Spring Open- critical agricultural interests of Clark county P. Cullen and Mrs. Myers of Los An birthdu . Carey act. ing." The latest novilties in Spring Mr. Norria bag many Eria nds and ac through making a display such as our gelea, Miss Potts of Caliente, Mrs. C. A. The passage of the governor's meas- \ dress troids, laces, embroideries, hats quaintances "dii this section who are products will supply at this time of the WatBon of Kelso, Mrs. Baldwin, of Los ure will be of the utmost benefit to! etc., were on display in a most bewild- shocked and grieved at bis misfortune year will be immense. There will be Angelea and others. Branching Ont Clark county and the Las Vegas valley ! ering array of beauty. The gracious and who hope for his speedy recovery. probably 40,000 strangers seeking new A. Hoffman A Co., have added the in particular. No section of the state I clerks were untiring in their efforts to investments or locations brought into Store to Move agency of the Siiuer Sewing Machine has such vast possibilities of develop- ] please the guests. The store was Southern California by the railroads on company I > their """rowing business. ment agriculturally as Clark county, ; crowded with a lively chattering mob BUILDING NOTES on account of the colonist rates. The The harberdashery department of Tht-y will have samples of machines on and Governor Oddie's efforts to secure j of femininity and the affair was quite | Chamber of Commerce should do its Hawkins' Big Store, under the mtUMge- tbe floor ai ail times and will als< keep legislation favorable to our interests ia thi nature of a social event. De The plate glass front of the Mesquete utmost to aid in making this display a ment of A. Bailey Johnson, will move on hand a lull line of extras. should receive the enthusiastic support light!' il music was rendered during the block is being placed in position this eretit to the county. of the Clark county delegation and the afternoon and each guest received car to handsome new quarters in the new week by contractor Kenneth Moore. It The management of the Exposition people. nations and ferns. Mesquite Block about March 1st. The is very attractive in appearance, will designate a certain day as "Nevada new store will be handsomely fitted and New Offices A. X. Pauff is planning to build a day" at the big siiow and on that date will be opened with an entirely new handsome home on the property corner the Salt Lake mute will give away to The operating and mechanical depart Why is An Assemblyman? Real Estate and fresh stock of furnishing goods. of Seventh and Fremont rtreata recent one of those attending a valuable lot Jin ments of tbe Las Vegas and Tonopah Why is an Assemblyman? We know M.M.Riley has sold 20 lots in the ly purchased by him. the Clark's Lai Vegas Townsite. A railroad .ail! occupy a suite of offices Pioneer Heights tract for the Fidelity ; why a hen crosses the road and when a The cement block walls of the Sulli vast amount of advertising descriptive on the Second door of the new Mesquite Trust Co. the past week. This property j Elk's Ball door is not a door but we do not know van building have been completed and if Lai Vegas and Clark county will block about March first. The nlfices "Why!" is an Assemblyman? We pre adjoins the White addition, ami is only ; The resident members of the B. P. 0. the roof is being put on. The structure so be distributed at the exposition. will be attractively fitted up and will sume an Assemblyman is a man who is three blocks east of the new school will be one story in height only.