EU PROGRES in Lebane Last updated оn 31 March 2014


Population: 21,802 people * Interesting facts about Lebane Geographic area: 337 km2 Average salary: 30,446 RSD The Byzantine town Iustiniana Prima, established Unemployed: 5,276 people in the sixth century, used to be episcopal, military Municipal Budget: 171,960,000 RSD and administrative seat of Iuistiniana Prima

*Data as per the 2011 census Illyricum Province. Locally better known as Caričin Grad, the locality is on ’s tentative list of sites Municipality of Lebane submitted to UNESCO. Cara Dušana 116 16230 Lebane +381 (0)16 843 710

“Thanks to the EU PROGRES EU PROGRES IN LEBANE contribution, the living conditions in Lebane are enhanced. The special importance of this Programme is dedication to fulfil 6 Projects the real needs of the local Number of projects approved inhabitants.”

Goran Janjić 110,152 Euros Mayor of Lebane Total value of approved projects

Programme funded by EU Implementing partner RECENT SUCCESS Health is the Greatest Wealth Regular medical checkups in rural areas for around 550 citizens and for those without medical insurance were organized within a project “Have to Be Healthy to Fight for Women Rights” funded by the European Union and the Government of Switzerland through EU PROGRES with 9,331 Euros.

Free general, gynaecological and oncological examinations were provided to 121 women from Lebane, aged 16-75 years. Fifty women had breast examination for the first time in their life.

The project also focussed on women in rural areas with no or weak access to the medical services, where it organised lectures on the need for regular checkups. Many of these checkups prevented serious health damage, as some beneficiaries were diagnosed with diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, while ten women and elderly people from rural areas were recommended for further treatment.


Good Governance Municipal Co-funding EU PROGRES funds Status

Have to Be Healthy to Fight for Women Rights Over eight months, 121 women aged 16-75 had examination of 6,258 Euros 9,331 Euros breasts. For 50, this was the first examination of the kind. Completed

Gender budgeting for Lebane, and Medveđa Fifteen representatives of Lebane, Bojnik and Medveđa were trained 894 Euros 7,848 Euros in gender sensitive budgeting. Subsequently, Lebane allocated Completed 250,000 RSD and Medveđa 450,000 RSD for gender activities.

New Solutions in Old Crafts Eleven women attended the training in knitting, embroidery and weaving. One of the trainees received 450,000 RSD from the Ministry 1,341 Euros 8,667 Euros of Trade and Telecommunications to start own business in producti- Completed on of old crafts that will be sold in ethno villages throughout Serbia.

Introduction of Gender Perspective in Local Politics This project supported local Gender Equality Mechanism and helped 174 Euros 1,493 Euros straightening of institutional framework for GE through capacity Completed building of decision makers.

Municipal Management and Development Planning Municipal Co-funding EU PROGRES funds Status

Support to the Local Tax Administration The number of taxpayers has been increased by 36%. In comparison to the year before the update, the revenue is higher by 1.5 million 739 Euros 6,647 Euros RSD. Four people were employed on a short-term basis to update the Completed taxpayers’ database. LIST OF EU PROGRES PROJECTS IN LEBANE

Infrastructure Municipal Co-funding EU PROGRES funds Status

Reconstruction of the water treatment plant Two new filter fields have increased water capacities in the 13,320 Euros 76,166 Euros municipality by 25%. The project should also enable connection of 500 Completed new households to the water supply system.

Total for all projects 22,726 Euros 110,152 Euros

Office in Office in Office in Kragujevačka 1, 36300 Novi Pazar Timočka 4, 18400 Prokuplje Kneza Miloša 52, 17500 Vranje Tel: +381 (0)20 337 300, 337 301 Tel: +381 (0)27 333 125, 32 99 72 Tel: +381 (0)17 40 55 44, 40 55 45 Fax: +381 (0)20 411 032 Fax: +381 (0)27 32 99 73 Fax: +381 (0)17 40 55 46