} ,y, j WALKE D +/ ti` .: o dt , AMONG THE . - STARS

There were nights when the amiable and sprightly symphonies rushed from his pen: he was `Papa' , the musical darling of his age. But there were also nights when Haydn heard the celestial 'music of the spheres.' At such times were born the inspired and radiant oratorios - and The Seasons -that make him a giant for all ages. Decca, too, has lavished care and inspiration on the 'live' high fidelity Gold Label recordings of these masterpieces. Listen, and you walk with Haydn among the stars... .

The Creation: Soloists - Seefried, Holm, Borg, of St. Hedwig's Ca- thedral, Berlin Philhar- monic Orchestra Igor Markevitch, Conductor. DeLuxe set. Complete German- English . 2 Long Play Records. DX -13S

.6.t i. i' .. Haydn j the Seasons The Seasons: Soloists - Trötschel, Ludwig, Greindl, Choir of St. Hed- wig's Cathedral, RIAS Chamber Choir, RIAS Symphony Orchestra, Ferenc Fricsay, Conduc- tor. DeLuxe set. Complete German - English libretto. 3 Long Play Records. DX -123

Recorded in Europe by Deutsche G ammophon Gesellschaft. Available at fine Record Stores everywhere.

,DECCA® goo Lad RECORDS a New World of Sound ° "You Can Hear The Difference!" *.Ct YOU AND DECCA'S NEW WORLD OF SOUND In the studio, great musical performances are captured, using the most - 11;r: ..:: advanced sound engineering techniques. In the factory, white -gloved . craftsmen compression mould each Long Play record of silent poly- styrene by a revolutionary new process. The record is inserted in a pro- tective Polyflex case. The Decca record you play, is a perfect marriage of musical artistry and recording techniques, truly a New World of Sound. ,.. !'. l.,á.,er4z!y

NOVEMBER 1956 91