Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal on 18 September 1969 was received on 19 September from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull; "1. C-pi/ reports. (a) OP Lima. At 0100-' mortar fire by forces and at 0105 light machine- fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0110 and by Israel forces at 0120. Between 09^5 and 0957 mortar fire, at 15^2 one mortar round, at 1758 machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, and at 2025 mortar fire, which ceased immediately, all by UAR forces. At 2050 light machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2105 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2109 and by UAR forces at 2120. (b) OP Pink.. At 0658 several bursts of light machine-gun fire and at 1121 one artillery round by UAR forces. At 1225 one burst of machine- gun fire by Israel forces. At 2030 sporadic mortar and small-arms fire by both parties. UMOs (United Nations Military Observers) could not determine which party fired first. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2130 and by Israel forces at 2133 • At 2156 small-arms fire and one mortar bomb by UAR forces and, at the same time, small-arms fire by Israel forces. UNMOs could not determine which party fired first. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2208 and by UAR forces at 2221. At 2250 small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 2257 mortar and small-arms fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2309 and by UAR forces at 2326. (c) OP Blue. Between 09*4-5 and 0953 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 2050 and 2123 artillery and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (d) OP Mike. Between 09^7 and 0958 mortar fire by Israel forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-20766 /., S/7930/Add.350 English Page 2

(e) OP Red. At 0955 several bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At the time of firing a heavy helicopter was observed flying over west side of Canal. Between 1001 and 1008 eight rifle shots and at 1522 two mortar rounds by UAR forces. (f) OP Violet. At 1119 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 113^ and 115^, each time, one rifle shot by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1157- (g) OP Yellow. At 1339, 1352 and 1359, each time, one rifle shot by UAR forces and at 1352 one rifle shot by Israel f orc-ss. Between ';iiU2 and 1M4 and between 1511 and 1515 two rifle shots $.'• c-:-.eb r?r-i.od by UAR forces. At 1550 sporadic rifle fire by UAR fore*:? atv, &t, f-.? S.-HIU time, sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Ulf.-.Os ?•:>';'•.y :.7I\ re-roes. "2. Complaints by the parties. "3. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Nil. (b) Israel. No reports received. (c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL

SECURITY S/7930/Add.3^9 18 September 1969


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 17 September 1969 was received on 18 September from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-/ reports:

(a) OP Yellow. Between 0128-' and 0131 rifle fire and between 01^2 and 0158 mortar fire and two flares, between 0739 and 07^0 three rifle shots and between o8lO and 0822 three rounds of tank and artillery fire, all by Israel forces. Between 0827 and 0910 three rounds of artillery fire, anti-tank fire and sporadic tank fire by UAR forces. At 0917 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0921 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0928 and by UAR forces at 0955. Between 1518 and 1533 mortar fire and between 15^5 and l603 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(b) OP Copper. Between 01^9 and 0152 machine-gun fire by Israel forces,

(c) OP Pink. At 0320 intense mortar fire (gradually decreasing) and later intense tank fire by Israel forces and at 033^ intense artillery and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0^10 but resumed with sporadic artillery and mortar fire at 0^-29. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0509 and by Israel forces at 05l8. Between 0538 and 05^4 sporadic mortar fire, at O8l4 several bursts of machine-gun fire (at the same time as a light aircraft was flying east of Canal), at 101^ one round of artillery fire and between 1102 and 1103 mortar fire, all by UAR forces. At 14^3 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1505 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at l6l6 and by UAR forces at 1627.

(d) OP Lima. At 05CO rifle fire and at 0558 machine-gun fire (in both cases fire ceased immediately) by UAR forces. Between 0936 and 0938 machine-

l/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UKTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-20669 S/7930/Add.3^9 English Page 2

gun fire by Israel forces. At 1333 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 133^ machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1339 and by UAR forces at 13^. Between 1^01 and 1^02 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1951 and 2010 machine-gun fire by UAE forces.

(e) OP Foxtrot. At 05^5 mortar fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces. At 0735 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0750 artillery and ack-ack fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0751 and by UAR forces at 0802.

(f) OP Silver. Between 0600 and 0605 mortar fire and between 0658 and 0750 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 15^-0 and 15^-1 two rifle shots and between 19^0 and 19^-3 machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(g) OP Blue. Between 0832 and 0908 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1923 and 192^ mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1937 and 19^0 artillery fire by UAR forces.

(h) OP Mike. At 0832 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0902 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0902 and by Israel forces at 0909.

(i) OP Red site. Between 0900 and 0902 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At O^Ok two rifle shots (see para. 2) and between 0904 and 0910 mortar fire, between 09^-7 and 0955 two rounds of mortar fire, between 1119 and 1122 mortar fire and at 1248 one round of mortar fire, all by UAR forces.

(j) OP Violet. Between 1052 and 1102 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between ik-lk and 1^56 artillery fire (see para. 2) and between 1510 and 1550 one burst of machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces.

(k) OP Echo. At 1312 machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, by Israel forces. Between 1^24 and 1^-55 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1518 and 15^9 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(l) OP Orange. Between 1636 and 16^5 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

"2. Firing at or close to UK installations and personnel.

(a) OP Red site. At 090^ two rifle shots were fired by UAR forces. The bullets passed just over the OP. There were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity other than the working party. Work in OP Red had been co-ordinated with Senior UAR Liaison Officer. English Page 3

(b) OP Violet. Between 1^30 and lV?5 during artillery fire by UAR forces shells landed less than 100 metres from the OP. There were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity.

"4. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. Wo reports received." Distr. GENERAL

S/7930/Add.3U3 17 September 1969


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 16 September 1969 was received on 17 September from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

111. opi' reports. 2 / (a) OP Silver. At 0025-' sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 002k sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0052 but resumed at 0125. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0129 and by Israel forces at Olkh. At 1153 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 12 lU tank, mortar and light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1222 and by Israel forces at 1J13. Between 133 and 13^3 light machine-gun fire and between lUVy and 1U53 sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1705 three bursts of machine-gun fire and at 1750 two bursts of sub-machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(b) OP Pink. Between 00^5 and 0050 sporadic small-arms fire. Between 0115 and 0130 sporadic rifle fire, at 0320 one mortar shell, at CS50 and 0917 several bursts of machine-gun fire (on both these occasions a light aircraft was flying over east side of Canal), and at 1132 one mortar shell, all by UAR forces. At 1253 several bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at the same time a helicopter was flying over west side of Canal. At 1319 one burst of light machine-gun fire, at 1^-27 one burst of machine-gun fire, between 1519 and 1525 mortar and machine-gun fire, between 1713 and 1730 one mortar shell, machine-gun and rifle fire (see also paragraph 2), between 2013 and 2026 nine rifle shots and between 2100 and 2116 sporadic rifle fire, all by UAR forces.

(c) OP Copper. Between 0130 and 0150 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1330 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1331 sporadic mortar and later tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1^1^. UNMOs (United Rations Military Observers) could not determine which party ceased fire first.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-20595 English Page 2

(d) OP Yellow. At oWf two bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 0829 and 135^, each time, two rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1356 two bursts of1 machine-gun fire and between 1705 and 1719 five flares by Israel forces. (e) OP Lima. Between 0815 and 0820 light machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0903 and C904 and at 2015 light machine- gun fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces.

(f) OP Violet. At 0957, 1029, 1*1.38 and lW-2, each time, one rifle shot, between 1510 and 1518 three rifle shots, at 15^6, 15^8 and l6o4, each time, one rifle shot, between ,2001 and 2013 machine-gun fire and between 20^5 and 21C3 sporadic rifle'' f±3fef fall by 'UAR forces. (g) OP Foxtrot. Between 1225'and -12^3 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1358 artillery fire by Israel forces and at lk2k artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1^56. UNMGs could not determine which party ceased fire first.

(h) OP- Delta. Between 1238 and 1239 -machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1339 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 13^9 artillery' fire .by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1*1-10 and by Israel forces at

(i) OP Hotel. Between 2253 and 2323 flares, machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. At 232*1- mortar fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces. "2. Firing at or close to UN installations and personnel. OP Pink: at 1713 one round of tracers and at 1715 "two rounds1 of tracers fired by UAR forces passed between OP caravan and OP platform. The OP was illuminated and there were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity. "3. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"k. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Nil. (b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received. UNITED NATIONS GENERAL SECURITY JllPt\% s/793.o/A W^^^vJjm 16 September 1969 COUNCIV- \-/ y l ^ V- IL L . WS^.^^w^ ORIGINAL: ENGLISH


The folio-wing summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 15 September 1969 was received on l6 September from the Chief of Staff of UHTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP^/ reports. 2/ (a) OP Foxtrot. Between 03^9— and 0351 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 0^21 and oUUo light machine-gun and tank fire by Israel forces.

(b-) OP Pink. At 0638 and 06^5, each time, one rifle shot and between 080? and 0819 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 09lU and 092k mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1028 and 10^7 artillery,, mortar and machine-gun fire.., between 18^5 and 1&57 four rifle shots, between 1908 and 1920: sporadic small -arms fire and between 19^8 and 19^9 mortar fire, all by UAR forces,

(c) OP Blue. At O8if5 several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces /and at 084? three mo-etar rounds,. by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 08V7 and by Israel forces at 08H8. At 0905 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0908 mortar fire followed by artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0918 and by UAR forces at 0931. Between 1009 and: lokk artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1117 mortar ' fire by Israel forces and at 10^8 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1125 and by Israel forces at 1126. Between 1205 and 1220 sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1605 two rounds of recoilless rifle fire and between 1930 and 1932 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 19^5 and 19^7 mortar fire by Israel forces.

(d) OP Mike. At 091^ mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0925 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0926 and by UAR forces at 0931. At 1Q11 artillery fire by Israel forces and at

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222; para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-20508 - /.., ;s./793o/Add.3*47 English. •page 2 ;

1025 artillery fire by UAR. forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1123 and by UAR forces at 112?. Between llU8 and 1221 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(e) OP Yellow. At 09*4*4- one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 1339 and 13*4-1 several bursts of light .machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1*4-33 and 1*438 "two artillery rounds by UAR forces. Between 1*1-53 and 1511 light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1600 and lSl3 three rifle shots by UAR forces. At 2007 several bursts- of machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(f) OP Red site. UNMOs (United Nations. Military Observers) on duty reported between 1030 and 1057, between 1209 and 122 3 and between 124-1 and 1258 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces.

: (g) OP Lima. Between 1215 and 1225 and between 12*4-2 -.and 1258 mortar fire, between 1921 and 1922 light machine-gun fire, between 1957 and 1958 light machine-gun and mortar fire, between 2038 and 2039 light machine-gun fire and between 2209 and 221*4- light machine-gun and mortar fire, all by UAR forces. At 23,58 mortar fire by Isra'el forces and at 0005 (l6 September) light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0021 (l6 September) and by Israel forces at 00*4-3.

(h) OP Violet. Between 1231 and 123*4 four rifle shots (see also paragraph -2) at 12*4-1 one burst of light machine-gun fire and between 1535 and 1559 light machine-gun and rifle fire, all by UAR forces.

(i) OP Copper. Between 1352 and 1355 five rifle shots and at three rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1907 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time mortar fire by Israel forces. UNMOs could not determine which party fired first. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1935 and by Israel forces at 1950. At 2005 four mortar rounds and at 2029 five mortar rounds by Israel forces. At -1*1-36 and 1*4-39^ each time, one rifle shot and between l620 and 1622 two bursts of light machine-gun fire and one rifle shot, all by UAR forces. At 2010 machine-gun fire- followed by mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2308 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 235*4- and by Israel forces at 2355.

(j) OP Delta. At 1830 machine-gun and recoilless rifle fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun, tank and mortar fire by Israel forces. UWMOs could not determine which party fired first. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1937 and by Israel forces at 19*48. At 2006 machine-gun and recoilless rifle fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun, tank -and. mortar fire- by Israel forces. UHC-IOs could not determine which party fired first. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 202*4-. S/7930/Add.3V7 English Page 3

(k) OP Orange. Between 1932 and 1959 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces.

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations -and .personnel.

(a) OP Violet. Between 1231 and 123^ four rifle shots fired by UAR forces passed approximately five metres south of the OP. There were no Israel forces personnel in immediate vicinity of the OP.

"3« Complaints by the parties. Ml.

"h. Casualties and damage.

(a) United nations. Nil.

{ (b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports-received." UNITED NATIONS Distr, GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.3^6 COUNCIL 15 September 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on Ik September 1969 was received on 15 September from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-/ reports. 2 / (a) OP Copper. At 0258—' small-arms fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 0307. Between 1313 and 1315 ten artillery rounds by UAR forces. At 1903 light machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1925 and by UAR forces at 2010.

(b) OP Pink. Betwee 0628 and 0639 several bursts of machine-gun fire, at OSOJ one artillery round and between 1501 and 1515 five rifle shots, all by UAR forces. At 1757 light machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at l8lO and by UAR forces at 1820 (see also paragraph 2).

(c) OP Delta. At 0659 machine-gun by UAR forces and at 0701 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0701 and by Israel forces at 0703. At 1312 mortar fire, which ceased immediately^ by UAR forces. At 1750 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1805 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 183^.

(d) OP Blue. Between 07^2 and 0815 sporadic artillery fire, between 08^3 and 08U7 artillery fire and between 1729 and 1732 light machine-gun fire,, all by UAR forces. Between 1732 and 173^4- light machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(e) OP Mike. Between 08lO and 08l6 and between 0843 and 08V7 artillery fire by UAR forces.

(f) OP Silver. At 0938 three rifle shots (see also paragraph 2), at 1026 one rifle shot (see also paragraph 2)., between 1155 and 1201 sporadic

_!/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add,222., para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

5-20320 S/7930/Add.346 English Page 2

rifle fire and between 12l6 and 1252 five rifle shots, all by UAR forces. At 1421 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1434 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1448 and by Israel forces at 1504. At 1532 one mortar round by UAR forces. At l6l8 small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 1619 small-arms fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1624 and by UAR forces at 1632. Between 1854 and 1909 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1910 and 1920 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces.

(g) OP Yellow. At 1026 and at 1250, each time., one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 1450 and 1500 several bursts of rnachine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Red site. UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers) on duty reported that between 1114 and 1123 six artillery rounds by UAR forces. At 1137 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1150 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1203 and by UAR forces at 1207-

(i) OP Lima. Between 1149 and 1151 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1159 and 1204 and between 1224 and 1225 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1513 and 15l4 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1521 and 1535 mortar fire by Israel forces.

(j) OP Violet. Between 1739 and 1743 one rifle shot and two bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1852 sporadic light machine-gun fire, followed by four rounds of recoilless rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1902 sporadic light machine-gun fire followed by mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2003 and by UAR forces at 2020. t "2, Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel.

(a) OP Silver. At 0938 three rifle shots and at 1026 one rifle shot fired by UAR forces passed approximately ten metres from OP. At both times United Nations working party was on OP site but no Israel forces personnel were in the immediate vicinity of the OP.

(b) OP Pink. At 1757 three bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces passed approximately three metres above OP illuminated identification panels. There were no Israel forces personnel in the immediate vicinity of the OP.

"3« Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"4. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that two IDF soldiers were wounded in the Canal sector.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL

tc. ^»wr > U1 ^1 I \ RB I I TI Y S/7930/Add . 15 September 1969


Supplemental Information

The following report concerning firing in the Israel-Syria sector on

Ik September 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO? Lt. General Odd Bull, on 15 September.

"UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers) at OP Seven (MR 2203-2^08) reported at 0550 GMT, 1^ September,, intense machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0550 GMT mortar fire by Syrian forces. The originator of the fire was unknown. Firing continued sporadically until Syrian forces ceased fire at 0653 GMT and Israel forces at 0700 GMT. Between 07*1-9 and 0812 GMT mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0756 GMT two mortar rounds by Syrian forces. OPs November (MR 2316-256*1), Romeo (MR 2294-2*.|-59) and Sierra (MR 2312-2523') confirmed that there was firing in the area of OP Seven."


S/7930/Add.jl4U SECURITY 15 September 1969


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 13 September_1969 was received on lU September from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-' reports.

(a) OP Violet. At C007^/ small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 0022 small-arms fire by Isrsel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at OllU. Between 0132 and 0137 exchange of small-arms fire. At 0^4-10 one rifle shot by UAR forces.

(b) OP Silver. At 0135 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0152 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0155 and by UAR forces at 0201, At 0617 intense mortar and machine-gun fire and later tank fire by UAR forces. At 06l8 mortar and machine-gun fire and later tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0720 and by Israel forces at 0729. At 0714-5, 1055, 1215 and 15^ single rifle shots by UAR forces.

(c) OP Copper. At 0751 tank fire and at 0808 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0805 mortar fire and at oSl^ artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0826 and by Israel forces at 0828. At 1627 and 1806,, each time, one rifle shot by UAR forces.

(d) OP Delta. At 0755 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0757 tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0826 and by Israel forces at 0828.

(e) OP Red. At 0919 heavy explosion heard north of OP. Between 0922 and 0926, between 1008 and 1013 and between 10^9 and 112U artillery fire by UAR forces.

~LJ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-20305 English Page 2

(f) OP Mike. At 0921 artillery fire by LIAR forces, which ceased immediately. Between lOOo and 101J and between 1109 and 112b artillery fire by UAH forces.

(g) OF Limp. Between 1037 and 10JB machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(h) OP Orange „ Between 1^37 and 1^'M, between 1559 and l6l2 and between 1632 and l6j'4 artillery fire by UAR forces, At 1552 one missile and at 1625 two missiles by Israel forces.

(i) OP Yellow. Between 1522 and 1552 small-arms fire by UAR forces,

(j) OP Pink. At 15^5 and 15^-6 single rifle shots by UAR forces.

"2. Firing at or close to UN installations and personnel. Nil.

"3- Cease-fire proposal. Cease-fire was proposed for Oc^O. Senior UAR Liaison Officer agreed at 075^ and Senior Israel Representative at o8lU. Cease-fire was effective.

"h. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"5- Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UARo Wo reports received." UNITED NATIONS


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 12 September 1969 was received on 13 September from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. Opi/ reports.

(a) OP Blue. Between 0120-/ and 0156 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1602 and 1632 sporadic artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between l6kk and 1713 artillery fire by Israel forces. (b) OP Lima. Between 0125 and QlhO mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1856 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 19^ mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1950 and by UAR forces at 1955• (c) OP Yellow. At 0^51 and 0522 and between 0302 and OSOS rifle fire by UAR forces. Between OS20 and 0326 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0911, 131^, Ihh6 and 150^ single rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1^30 and 1506 small-arms fire by Israel forces. Between 1513 and 15^-3 small-arms fire by UAR forces. Between l6l3 and l6l^ machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2239 several flares and bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (d) OP Silver. Between 0515 and 0522 small-arms fire by UAR forces. At 09^8 two mortar rounds by UAR forces. Between 12^2 and 1256 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1325 three bursts of machine-gun fire and at 135^ one rifle shot by Israel forces. (e) OP Copper. At 0300 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0306 tank and mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 0935- At 03^1-7 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0853 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0905 and by UAR forces at 0909.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observations Posts established by UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-20267 , /... English Page 2

(f ) OP Delta.. At OS03 mortar1 fire by UAE forces and at 030^ tank fire by Israel forces . Fire ceased by UAH forces at 0828 and by Israel forces at 0830. At 0346 mortar and artillery fire by UAH forces and at 0357 tsnfc fire by Israel forces . Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0359 and by U&X forces at 0912. Between 095*1- and 0958 machine-gun fire by ZZ4S forces and between 1000 and 1005 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (g) OP Pink. Between 0920 and '0921 several bursts of machine-gun fire by WR forces and at the same time light aircraft flying east of Canal. Between 1603 and 1621 artillery fire by U&R forces. (h) OP Mike. Between 1^05 and lltOS machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1603 and 1633 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between l64l and 1716 tank fire by Israel forces . (i) OP Orange. Between 1604 and I6l6 artillery fire by VAR forces.

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations. Nil.

"J. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "4. Damage and Casualties. (a) United Nations. Nil. (b) Israel. No reports received. (c) UAR. No reports received. UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY COUNCIL 12 September 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 11 September 1969 was received on 12 September from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull. It does not include air activities which have already been reported in documents S/7930/Add.3^0 and 3^1> dated 11 September.

'1. 0: reports.

(a) OP Silver. At 0007-^ two mortar rounds by Israel forces, at 005^- four rifle shots by UAR forces. At 0056 two mortar rounds by Israel forces. At 07^-3 one burst of machine-gun fire, and at 1625 and 1632, each time, one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 2020 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 203^- sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2100 and by UAR forces at 2105.

(b) OP Blue. At 00^5 one burst of light machine-gun fire, between 0222 and 0225 machine-gun fire, at 0533 one rifle shot, between 1015 and 1020 ack-ack and machine-gun fire, between 1133 and 11^1 three artillery rounds and between 1401 and 1^06 two artillery rounds, all by UAR forces.

(c) OP Pink. At 0827 two mortar rounds by UAR forces.

(d) OP Mike. Between 1019 and 102J ack-ack fire by UAR forces (see document S/7930/Add.3^1, para. 2). At 1125 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1133 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at Il4l and by UAR forces at 1159* Between 1^01 and 1406 artillery fire by UAR forces.

(e) OP Copper. At 1037 two artillery rounds by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-20180 S/7930/Add.342 English Page 2

(f) OP Yellow. Between 1050 and 1052 four rifle shots and at 1J08 two rifle shots "by UAR forces. At 1428 machine-gun fire "by Israel forces and at 1435 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 14*4-1 and by UAR forces at 1448. Between 1503 and 154? small- arms fire and between 2044 and 2051 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (g) OP Delta. Between 1300 and 1302 ack-ack fire by UAR forces (see document 8.79JO/Add.3^1, para. l). Between 1556 and 1622 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Green. Between 1315 and 1320 and between 1330 and 1335 heavy ack-ack fire by Israel forces (see document S/7930/Add.34l para.?).

(i) OP Orange. Between l6l5 and l6l8 one rifle shot and one burst of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces (see also paragraph 2 below). Between 1620 and 1623 several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(j) OP Lima. At 1844 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1846 machine-gun fire followed by mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1919 and by Israel forces at 1959.

(k) OP Violet. At 1906 rifle fire by UAR forces and at 19l6 sporadic small-arms fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1918 and by UAR forces at 1922. At 194l sporadic small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 2100 machine-gun fire by Israel forces„ Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2128 and by UAR forces at 2145. "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. (a) OP Orange. Between 1615 and l6l8 one rifle shot and one burst of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces passed three to fcur metres over OP. The OP was not illuminated. There were no Israel forces personnel in immediate vicinity of the OP.

(b) OP Green (see document S/7930/Add.34l, paragraph 8).

"3. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"4. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. OP Green (see document S/7930/Add.34l, paragraph 9 (a)). (b) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that three Israel soldiers were wounded in the Canal sector.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS DIstr. GEKERAL

SECURITY 11 September 1969


Supplemental Inforaat ion

Further to the report circulated in document S/T 930/Add. 5^-0, a second report concerning air activities in the Suez Canal sector on 11 September 19^9 has been received from the Chief of Staff of UETSO, Lt. General Odd Bull. This report reads as follows:

"Report on further air activities in Sues Canal sector on 11 September. l / 2 ••' "1. OP Delta.-' At 091!!--' sounds of jet aircraft at high altitude were heard in OP area. At 1032 two big explosions seen and heard on east side in far distance. At the same time sounds of jet aircraft heard overhead. At 1035 further explosions heard on east side of Canal; sound of jet aircraft still overhead. At 13CO three Israel forces jet aircraft crossed from vest to east and recrossed east to west immediately after. At the same time ack-ack fire by UAR forces. At 1358 four unidentified jet aircraft observed west of OP. At l';-00 two unidentified jet aircraft crossed Canal from east to west at very hi^h altitude. Sound of aerial firing heard.

"2. OP Hike. At 1011 one very loud explosion and plume of white smoke seen and heard far south-east of OP across Suez Bay. At the same time jet aircraft heard at hi'^h altitude. At 1C20 heavy e:rplosions heard south-west of OP, distance approximately fifteen kilometres. At the same time bursts of ack-ack fire observed in sane area.

"3- OP Silver. At lOlo two unidentified, jet aircraft crossed Canal from west to east.

"U. OP Echo. At 1027 four Israel forces Ilirage-type aircraft crossed from west to east approximately 500 metres north of OP.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established ~ by UI7ISO in the Sues Canal sector are ;;iven in document S/7930/Add.222,, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-20008 ' /. s/7930/Add.3Ul English Page 2

"5. OP Copper. At 102& six UAR HIG-17 aircraft crossed from-west to east. Depth of penetration six to ten kilometres. Four of these aircraft recrossed east to west at 1032. Heavy errplosions seen east of OP during period of crossing.

"6. OP Violet. At 102o four UAR MIG-type aircraft crossed Canal from west to east and attacked target on east side with "bombs. The attack ceased at 1029. \ "7. OP Green.

(a) At 1300 four UAR MIG aircraft crossed from west to east and attacked target immediately east of OP. Bombs fell at approximately 150 metres from OP shelter. At 1301 aircraft departed area - direction unknown as Ul'IMOs (United nations Military Observers) were in shelter (see also paragraphs 8 and 9)-

(b) At 1315 bomb attack by unknown number of jet aircraft on target north of OP. UHMOs were in shelter and could not identify aircraft which left area at 1320.

(c) At 1330 five UAR MIG aircraft crossed Canal from west to east and attacked with bombs, target approximately 300 metres north of OP. At 1335 aircraft recrossed Canal and departed area.

(d) During incidents reported in sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) above there was heavy ack-ack fire by Israel forces.

"3. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. After incidents reported in paragraph 7 (a) above,, UMMOs at OP Green found that a crater of five metres width and one and half metres depth was located at seventeen metres south of the shelter entrance. There were no Israel forces personnel in the immediate vicinity of the OP. The closest Israel forces military position was at a distance of approximately 100 to 150 metres from the OP shelter. United nations warning sign for aircraft is in position at OP site and located approximately thirty metres from OP shelter.

"9. Casualties and damage.

(a) United ITations.

(i) Casualties. At OP Green, a UHMO was standing at the entrance to the shelter when bomb fell. He was knocked down by the blast wave and sustained superficial cut on the shoulder. o/7950/AddolM English Page 3

(ii) Damage. At OP Green, radio antenna on shelter broken, one cable of main antenna mast broken, tent canvass torn by small Gt>linters and. one -wall of sho-v/er knocked doun, Dama.je to

United IT" 11 one ;1eep: both i^ront wheels punctured,, battery destroyed, radiator damaged, one headlight destroyed.

(b) Israel. Acsictant IDF Liaison CiTicer reported that three [srael forces soldiers vcre v/oundedo

(c) UAR. Ifo reports received." UNITED HATIONS Distr. GENERAL SEC :ITY S/7930/Add.3L!-0 11 September 1969


Supplemental Information

The following report concerning air activities in the Suez Canal sector on 11 September 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UTJTSG, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the same day:

"OP-/ reports.

(a) OP Violet. At 0712- six unidentified jet aircraft crossed from west to east, south of OP. At the same time, ack-ack fire by Israel forces. At 0722 one unidentified jet aircraft crossed from east to west, north of OP.

(b) OP Copper. At 0712 six unidentified jet aircraft crossed from west to east, south of OP. At the same time, ack-ack fire by both parties. At 0717 two UAR MIG-17 aircraft crossed from east to west.

(c) OP Echo. At 0713 four unidentified aircraft were observed crossing from west to east. At 0718 one unidentified jet aircraft was observed crossing from east to west and at 0730 one unidentified jet aircraft was observed crossing from west to east.

(d) OP Delta. At 0713 eight UAR LUG aircraft were observed crossing from west to east and carrying out an attack with rockets or bombs on the east side. The attack ceased at 0720. At 0719 three Israel forces jet aircraft were observed crossing from east to west and at 0730 three Israel forces jet aircraft were seen west of Canal and two explosions were heard and smoke was seen west of OP. At 0735 three Israel forces jet aircraft were observed crossing from, west to east.

(e) OP Green. At 071^- two unidentified jet aircraft crossed from west to east and recrossed south of OP at 0717- -At the time of crossing and recrossing, ack-ack fire by Israel forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 10, September 1969 was received on 11 September from the Chief of Staff of TMTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP^/ reports. 2/ (a) OP Violet. At 0006-' sporadic small-arms fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0026 and by UAR forces at OOJO, Between 0826 and 08^6 three rifle shots, between 0915 and 0952 three rifle shots, at 1354 two rifle shots, between 1525 and 153^ two rifle shots, at 1558 one rifle shot, between 19^7 and 2003 small-arms fire and at 2103 one rifle shot, all by UAR forces.

(b) OP Yellow. At 0538 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 0715 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0733 rifle fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 073^ and by Israel forces at 0835. At 0835 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At ik^Q machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1^55 one rifle shot by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1503. Between 15^2 and 15^9 two rifle shots by UAR forces.

(c) OP Silver. Between 06^3 and 06^9 machine-gun fire by Israel . forces. At 2318 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2331' one rifle shot by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 23^3.

(d) OP Pink. Between 0921 and 092^ mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 0927 and 0938 rifle fire by Israel forces. Between 1039 and 105*4- mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1152 and 1158 artillery fire and-at 1233 one round of artillery fire by Israel forces. Between Ihlk and 1^-27 rifle fire and at 1619 and 1650 each time one round of mortar fire by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-19968 /... s/7930/Add.339 English Page 2

(e) OP Copper. At 1029 three rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. Between I^lk and 1924 rifle fire by UAR forces.

(f) OP Lima. Bet-ween 1^00 and 1*1-16 artillery fire by UAR forces.

(g) OP Green. Between 1612 and I6l6 machine -gun. fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Mike. At 16^2 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 16U3 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1659 and by UAR forces at 170J.

(i) OP Blue. At 16^5 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 16^7 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1653 and by Israel forces at l655« At 1710 one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

"2. Complaints by the parties.

"3« Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations . Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SEC S/7930/Add.338 10 September 1969 COUNCIL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 9 September 1969 was received on 10 September from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. reports.

(a) OP Violet. Between 0207-' and 0217 small-arms fire, at 0235 one burst of machine-gun fire, at 0251 two rifle shots, at 0456, 0646 and 0715, each time, one rifle shot. Between 1324 and 1353 sporadic rifle fire, at 1409, 1420 and 1433, each time, one rifle shot, between 1448 and 1504 and between 1939 and 1948 small-arms fire, all by UAR forces. At 2104 small-arms fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 2107. Between 2204 and 2221 sporadic small-arms fire by UAR forces.

(b) OP Mike. At 0440' heavy mortar and, later, artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0445 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0530 and by Israel forces at 0555. At 0642 machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces. Between 0827 and 0859 artillery fire by Israel forces and between l4l5 and 1446 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(c) OP Blue. At 0440 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0453 artillery and, later, anti-tank and machine-gun fire and several rifle shots (see paragraph 2) by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0521 and by Israel forces at 0552. Between 0827 and 0900 sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 0903 and 0919 artillery fire, at 1355 one rifle shot, at 1520 one mortar shell and between 1612 and 1626 small-arms fire, all by UAR forces. Between 2052 and 2105 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(d) OP Lima. At 0518 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0528 tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0530 and by UAR forces at 0531. Between 0550 and 0555 mortar fire and between 0839 and 0919 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 2022 and 2111 artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-19812 English Page 2

(e) OP Pink. At 0552 and 08^8, each time, one mortar shell by UAR forces.

(f ) OP Silver. At OjkO one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 08l6 tank and, later, mortar fire by Israel forces and at 08j8 mortar and later artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0858 and by UAR forces at 0859. At IjOl one rifle shot by UAR forces and between 1909 and 1921 mortar fire by Israel forces. Bet-ween 1928 and 193^ small-arms fire by UAR forces.

(g) OP Yellow. Between 1^11 and 1^20 small-arms fire by Israel forces and between 1525 and 1526 two rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1706 and 1709 several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Green. Between 1552 and l6l8 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

"2. Firing at or close t.o United Nations installations and personnel. OP Blue: between 0^56 and 0^57 several rifle shots fired by UAR forces passed over the OP building ; the two UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers) were on the roof of the OP building at that time.

"3. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"4. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b ) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. Wo reports received." UNITED NATIONS GENERAL

SECURITY ISHU S/7930/Add.337 9 September 1969


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 8 September 1969 was received on 9 September from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: I/ 1. OP- reports.

(a) OP Violet. Between OOOW and 0008 seven rifle shots and, at 06H and 0801, each time, one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 0806 one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 082^ and 0833, each time, one rifle shot, between 0907 and 0913 four rifle shots, between 0936 and 09^3 three rifle shots, at 1J1^ one rifle shot, between 1^01 and lUlJ three rifle shots, at 153^ and 1556 sporadic rifle fire, at 1712 two rifle shots, between 19^-1 and 1951 sporadic machine-gun fire, at 2020 two rifle shots and between 2225 and 2227 small-arms fire, all by UAR forces.

(b) OP Pink. Between o6kj and 0753 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0807 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0821 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0833 and by Israel forces at 085^4- . Between lUl8 and l^J-23 three mortar shells and between 1504 and 1521 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Between l6l6 and 1633 rifle fire by Israel forces. Between 16^5 and l647 three mortar shells by UAR forces.

(c) OP Copper. At 0728 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0729 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0730 and by Israel forces at 0738. At 0801 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0803 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 08lO and by Israel forces at 0812. At 08U3 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 08^5 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0848 and by Israel forces at 0850. At 13^-0 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 13^2 mortar and, later, tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at lUo4 and by UAR forces at

_!/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2j All times GMT. 69-19657 S/7930/Add.337 English Page 2

(d) OP Yellow. Between 0905 and 09lU four rifle shots, between and lUlT two rifle shots, at lUj2 one rifle shot, between lU55 and two rifle shots, between l6jO and l6U6 and between 1705 and 1729 light machine-gun fire and between 1355 and 1912 machine-gun fire, all by Israel forces.

(e) OP Hotel. Between lhh6 and 1512 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(f) OP Blue. Between 1511 and 152^4- rifle fire by UAR forces. At artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1551 one artillery shell by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at l6o5- Between 1701 and 1710 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1309 and 1836, each time, one mortar shell and between l3Uo and 1350 fourteen flares by UAR forces. Between 135^ and 1856 intense mortar fire by Israel forces.

(g) OP Silver. Between 1521 and 1535 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1622 and 1629 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1630 and 1637 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1707 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and, immediately after, machine-gun fire followed by mortar and tank fire and several flares by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1715 and by Israel forces at 1733- At 1817 and 13M*, each time, one burst of machine-gun fire and at 13^6 one mortar shell by UAR forces. Between 1923 and 1927 six mortar shells by Israel forces. At 2009 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2012 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2013 and by UAR forces at 2031. At 2106 one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(h) OP Lima. At 1530 mortar fire, which ceased immediately, and between 1559 and l6o3 mortar fire by UAR forces.

(i) OP Mike. Between 15^9 and 1606 artillery fire by UAR forces and between 1639 and 1711 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(j) OP Green. Between 1559 and 1631 several bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

"2. Firing at or close to United nations installations and personnel. Nil.

"3- Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"it-. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. Wo reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.536 8 September 1969


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing In the Suez Canal sector on 7 September 1969 was received on 8 September from the Chief of Staff of UNTSQ. Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP^' reports. P / (a) OP Copper. At 0637-' mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0638 mortar fire by Israel forces, which ceased immediately. Fire cease by UAR forces at 06UJ, At 07lU three mortar rounds' by UAR forces. Between 0718 and 072U mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0807 one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At O8l0 five mortar shells and between C8l2 and C817 tank fire by Israel forces. At 1050 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1059 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1057 and by Israel forces at 1118.

(b) OP Yellow. At 0721 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 093^ mortar fire by UAR forces and at 095^ mortar fire and one guided missile by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1015 and by Israel forces at 1020. At 1022 and at 1026, each time,, one round of anti-tank fire by UAR forces. At 1036 one guided missile by Israel forces and at 1040 several artillery rounds by UAR forces. Between 10^7 and 1100 artillery fire and between 1130 and 11U6 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1203 one rifle shot, between 1500 and 1530 sporadic rifle fire and at 1538, 1551 and l602, each time, one rifle shot, all by UAR forces.

(c) OP Blue. Between 0736 and 07*42 sporadic mortar fire and at C803 one rcur.d of anti-tank fire ty UAR forces. Between C855 and 0906 intense artillery fire by Israel forces and oetween 0920 and 0930 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1117 and 1125 artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1126 several artillery rounds by Israel forces and at 12^7 one rifle shot by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/A.dd .222. para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-19576 S/7930/Add.336 English Page 2

(d) OP Mike. Between 0739 and OyUU mortar fire and at 080*1- mortar fire, -which ceased immediately, both by UAR forces. Between 08*t-9 and 0906 artillery fire by Israel forces (see paragraph 2). Between 092*1 and 0931 mortar fire by UAR forces and between 1117 and 1127 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(e) OP Delta. At 0815 mortar fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0816 and by UAR forces at 0818.

(f) OP Foxtrot. At 0821 rifle, mortar, artillery and tank fire by UAR forces and at 0333 machine-gun, artillery and tank fire by Israel forces (see paragraph 2). Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0911 and by UAR forces at 0925. Between O^kl and 1010 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(g) OP Lima. Between 0906 and 0925 artillery fire by Israel forces (see paragraph 2). Between 0935 and 09*1-7 and between 153^ and 1551 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1853 mortar fire and flares by UAR forces and, at the same time, machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1912 and by UAR forces at 1919-

(h) UNMOs (United Nations military observers) at OP Red site. At 0909 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0920 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0925. When IMMOs departed from OP site at 09*4-5, artillery fire by UAR forces was still in progress.

(i) OP Hotel. At 1032 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 10*lO artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1121 and by UAR forces at 1127.

(3) OP Pink. Between 1219 and 12*J-*t- artillery fire and between 13*17 and 1^10 small-arms fire by UAR forces. Between 1*1-12 and 1*1-22 mortar fire by Israel forces and at I*l2*f one artillery round by UAR forces.

(k) OP Silver. At 12*J-1, 1253 and 1302, each time, bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1517 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces and at 155° mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1551 and by UAR forces at 1555. At 13*^7 one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 1953 and 1957 several bursts of machine-gun fire and at 2000 two guided missiles fired by Israel forces. At 2017 one flare by UAR forces and at 2127 and 2138, each time, two mortar rounds by Israel forces. At 21*1-0 one burst of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(1) OP Green. Between 1506 and 1513 and between 1555 and 1557 several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. S/7930/Add.336 English Page 3

(m) OP Violet. At 2033 one burst of machine-gun fire and one rifle shot by UAR forces and, at the same time, one burst of machine - gun fire by Israel forces. Between 23Jo and 23^-1 sporadic light machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel.

(a) OP Mike. At 0552 artillery fire by Israel forces within 150 metres north-vest of OP building. There were no UAR forces personnel in immediate vicinity of the OP.

(b) OP Foxtrot. At 0852 light machine-gun fire by Israel forces three metres south-east of OP building and over OP shelter. There were no UAR forces personnel in immediate vicinity of the OP.

(c) OP Lima. At 092^ artillery fire by Israel forces within fifty metres of OP building,1 There were no UAR forces personnel in immediate vicinity of the OP.

"3. Cease-fire proposal, A cease-fire was proposed by Officer-in- Charge, Ismailia Control Centre, for 1115. It was accepted by Senior Israel Representative at 1023. Wo answer was received from Senior UAR Liaison Officer at the time of the cease-fire. The cease-fire was not effective as firing was in progress in OP Copper, OP Hike and OP Hotel areas.

"k. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"5. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. OP Foxtrot: bullet impacts in northern wall of OP building close to window frame and impacts in window frame of bedroom east wall. Ho new damage to OP buildings could be seen at OP Mike and OP Lima.

(b) Israel. Wo reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." Distr. "' UNITED NATIONS GENERAL

S/7930/Add.335 SECURITY 3 September 1969 COUNCIL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 6 September 19^9 was received on 7 September from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-' reports.

(a) OP Blue. At 0100-' mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0101 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0105 and by Israel forces at 0115. At 2028 three rifle shots and at 21^5 one artillery shell by UAR forces.

(b) OP Pink. Between 0102 and OllU several bursts of light machine-gun fire, at 1148 two bursts of light machine-gun fire and between 1600 and 1606 sporadic machine-gun and rifle fire? all by UAR forces.

(c) OP Lima. Between 0109 and 0113 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1312 machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1313 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1319 and by UAR forces at 1823. Between 1845 and 1846 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and between 1853 and 1906 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces . At 1932 mortar fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately, between 193^ and 19^4 mortar fire by Israel forces and between 2012 and 2013 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2023 machine-gun fire by Israel forces, which ceased immediately.

(d) OP Yellow. At 073^, 0758 and 0859, each time, one rifle shot, between l6kO and 170^ sporadic machine-gun fire and between 1914 and 1933 several rifle shots, all by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the.Control Centres and the Observation Posts established ~ by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. £/ All times GMT.

69-19558 / S/7930/Md.335 English Page 2

(e) OP Copper. At 0913 mortar fire "by UAR forces and at 0915 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased "by UAR forces at 0915 and by Israel forces at 09l6. At 0935 four mortar shells by UAR forces and between 093^ and 093^ mortar fire "by Israel forces.

(f) OP Violet. Between 1^1-07 and lW-0 sporadic machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces. Between 1855 and 1859 several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 19^9 one rifle shot by UAR forces and at 2314 several bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(g) OP Green. At 1507 four bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces .

(h) OP Silver. At 1910 machine-gun fire by Israel forces, which ceased immediately. At 205^- machine-gun fire by both parties and at 2119 three rounds of tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2128,

"2. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"3- Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UN/TED NATIONS GENERAL

SECURITY t^M^W S/7930/Add.35^ W^^f^-f/JM & September 1969

Wc Wo Wu 1N^ *r- 5if L W^c^ .41w^ ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 5 September 1969 was received on 6 September from the Chief of Staff cf UTTTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. OP-' reports. (a) OP Blue. At 0116-' one mortar shell by Israel forces and at 0121 and 0151, one artillery shell each time by UAR forces. Between 02l6 and 0255 sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces. At 0500 one mortar shell by UAR forces. At 0515 sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0551 mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0^01 and by Israel forces at 0^17. At 0755 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0756 ack-ack fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 07^6 and by Israel forces at 0921. Between 10^5 and 1105 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1115 and 11^0 artillery fire, between 2000 and 2004 mortar fire and between 2150 and 2151 six mortar shells, all by UAR forces. Between 21^5 and 2150 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 2510 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 2511 artillery fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 23!). 5 and by Israel forces at 2*100. (b) OP Pink. Between 0159 and 02C2 two artillery shells by UAR forces. At 05^2 mortar and tank gun fire by Israel forces and at 05^3 one tank gun shell and later artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at Ohh2 and by Israel forces at oWf. Between 1521 and 1535 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 133^ and 1337 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 155^ and 1359 three mortar shells by Israel forces. At 1917 machine-gun fire and later four artillery shells and mortar fire, all by UAR forces. At 19^7 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 19^3 and by UAR forces at 2022,

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UHTSC in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-195^ t tm English Page 2

(c) OP Lima. Between 0215 and 0*129 .mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 08^0 and 08^7 mortar fire, between 1215 and 12J6 rifle fire and between 181J and 1825 machine-gun and rifle fire, all by UAR forces. At 2000 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 2003 mortar fire by UAR forces . Firing ceased by UAR forces at 20^4 and by Israel forces at 20^5. At 2133 mortar fire by both parties. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2li(-5 and by UAR forces at 2150. At 2215 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2213 mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 22^0 and by Israel forces at 22*17. Between 23^7 and 2353 mortar fire by UAR forces. (d) OP Yellow. Between 0532 and 05^2 three rifle shots, at 0632 one rifle shot and between 1^37 and 1^5^ sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. Between 1511 and 15lU four mortar shells by Israel forces and at 1530 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 15^U sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1603 one rifle shot by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1619. (e) OP Hotel. At 055^ tank gun fire by Israel forces, which ceased immediately. Between 0650 and 0652 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0703 tank gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces, and at 0709 mortar fire by UAR forces . Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0751 and by Israel forces at 0808. Between 0917 and 093^ artillery fire by Israel forces. At 0951 rockets (see paras. 2 and 5) and later artillery, mortar and tank gun fire by Israel forces. At 1016 artillery fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 111+2 and by Israel forces at 1237. (f) OP Foxtrot. Between 0620 and 06^3 tank gun and artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 0323 and 0838 tank gun fire and between 10UO and 1056 artillery fire by Israel forces. (g) OP Copper, At 0729 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0735 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 0739 and by UAR forces at 07^2. At 10U5 light machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces and at 10^6 light machine-gun fire by Israel forces . Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1055 and by Israel forces at 1120. Between 1333 and 1335 two mortar shells by UAR forces and at 1335 five mortar shells by Israel forces. (h) OP Mike. Between 0735 and 0835 mortar and later artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 08^3 and 0921 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between KW* and 1102 artillery fire by Israel forces and between 111^ and 1202 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 2325 and 235^ artillery fire (see para. 2) by Israel forces. (i) OP Red Site. UHMOs (United Nations Military Observers) on duty reported at 07^5 ack-ack fire by UAR forces and at 07^7 artillery fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0755 and artillery fire by Israel forces was still in progress when UNMOs departed OP Red area for OP Blue at OSlO. English Page 5

(j) OP Green. Between IkhO and 1^5^ sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (k) OP Violet. At 1^53 one rifle shot by UAR forces. (l) OP Silver. Between 1QO?" and 1908 three mortar shells by UAR forces and between 1921 and 1922 two mortar shells by Israel forces. At 19^1 machine-gun and later mortar fire by UAR forces and at 19^3 machine- gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2009 and by Israel forces at 2010. Between 2055 and 2101 tank gun and machine-gun fire and flares by Israel forces. "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. Ismailia Control Centre Headquarters. At 0951 during rocket firing by Israel forces, several rockets exploded close to the ICC building. The nearest rocket landed approximately 100 metres from the OP building. OP Mik:e. At 2325 during artillery firing by Israel forces, several shells exploded close to the OP building. The nearest shell landed approximately fifteen metres north of the OP building. "3. Cease-fire proposals. A cease-fire was proposed by the Officer-in- Charge. Ismailia Control Centre, for 0900. The Senior UAR Liaison Officer accepted at 0850 and the Senior Israel Representative accepted at 085^. The cease-fire was effective in all areas except OPs Blue and Mike areas. A further cease-fire was proposed by the Officer-in-Charge, Ismailia Control Centre, for 1150. The Senior Israel Representative accepted at 1052 and the Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1113- The cease- fire was effective in all areas except OPs Hotel, Blue and Mike areas. "U. Complaints by the parties, nil. "5- Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Ismailia Control Centre Headquarters: several windows were broken and pieces of shrapnel were found in living quarters. (b) Israel. No reports received. (c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL

SECURITY S/7930/Add.333 5 September 1969 COUNCIL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on k September 1969 -was received on 5 September from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-/ reports. (a) OP Foxtrot. Between 0*i-06-2/ and 0*4-10 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (b) OP Copper, At 0800 five mortar shells by Israel forces.

(c) OP Hotel. Bet-ween 1220 and 12214- artillery fire by UAR forces.

(d) OP Yellow. Between 1*4-28 and 1*4-30 and between 1*4-53 and 1*4-55, each time, two rifle shots, and between l6*j-*t- and 16*4-6 light machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces.

(e) OP Green. Between 15*4-0 and 15*4-1 machine-gun fire by Israel forces,

(f ) OP Silver. At 1556 sporadic mortar and, later, rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1601 mortar and, later, machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1622 and by Israel forces at 1626.

(g) OP Violet. At 1619 two mortar shells by UAR forces.

(h) OP Lima. At 1757 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1836 and by UAR forces at 1837. At 193*4- artillery, machine-gun and, later, mortar fire by UAR forces and at 19*4-7 machine-gun and, later, mortar fire by Israel forces (see paragraphs 2 and 5)- Fire ceased by both parties at 20*4-6. Between 2233 and- 2252 mortar and, later,

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

I 69-19*^75 /.. S/7930/Add.333 English Page 2

artillery fire by Israel forces. At 2316 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 2326 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at OOjlj- (5 September). At 0101 (5 September) mortar fire, •which ceased immediately, by Israel forces.

(i) OP Blue. At 1932 mortar fire by UAR forces and at mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 193^- and by Israel forces at 19^8. At 2231 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2232 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 223^ and by Israel forces at 2236". At 2315 artillery, light machine-gun and, later, mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2330 artillery and, later, mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0023 (5 September) and by Israel forces at 0030. At 0112 (5 September) one artillery shell by UAR forces.

(j) OP Pink. Between 1933 and 1937 artillery and machine-gun fire, at 2021 one burst of machine-gun fire, at 2025 one flare, between 2233 and 2237 artillery and mortar fire, between 2253 and 225^- several bursts of light machine-gun fire and at 2315 one artillery shell, all by UAR forces. At 2351 mortar and, later, artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0006 (5 September) mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire' ceased by Israel forces at 0029 (5 September) and by UAR forces at 0058.

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. OP Lima : at approximately 204U and subsequently, during mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces, several shells exploded close to the OP building. The nearest shell fell approximately fifteen metres north- east of OP building.

"3. Cease-fire proposal. Off icer-in-Charge, Ismailia Control Centre, proposed a cease-fire for 0100 (5 September). Senior Israel Representative accepted at 0036 (5 September) and Senior UAR Liaison Officer accepted at 0059- The' cease-fire was effective in all areas except OP Lima and OP Blue areas.

"4. Complaints by the parties. Ml.

"5. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. OP Lima:

(i) Ceilings cracked and plaster dislodged?

(ii) Two antenna connexions severed;

(iii) Bricks on north-east corner of roof dislodged; s/7930/Add.333 English Page 3

(iv) large hole in surrounding -wall ten metres from the •water-tank;

(v) Ne-w holes in the east side of OP building and sand-bags.

(b) Israel. No reports received.



Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 3 September 1969 was received on h September from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP—' reports. 2/ (a) OP Violeto Between 0025-' and 0032 sporadic rifle fire, between 0750 and 07J6 and between 08U2 and 08^7 several rifle shots, between 0912 and 0913 ack-ack fire and between 09^1 and 09^-2 three rifle shots, all by UAR forces. At 1255 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1J06 two bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1308. Between 1638 and l6hk three rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1723 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1726 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1850 and by Israel forces at 1855. At 19^8 two bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1950 one burst of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(b) OP Lima. At 0026 light machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at C027 tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0028 and by UAR forces at 0050. At 0125 mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0208 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0219 and by Israel forces at 0312. At 053^ one mortar shell and between 0920 and 0923 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 182^- and 1833 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. (c) OP Copper. At 0036 one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0050 one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0732 mortar fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 0733- At 0913 ack-ack fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces.

_!/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. S/7930/Add.332 English Page 2

At 1725 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1735 machine-gun and, later, three flares by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1850. At 1952 one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1953 one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 20M3 machine- gun fire by Israel forces and at 20^9 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2050 and by Israel forces at 2055• Between 2122 and 212U machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2157 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, sporadic light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2204. (d) OP Mike. At 0^58 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0504 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0518 and by UAR forces at 0555. Between 0630 and 0655 and between 0832 and 0843 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 0856 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0859 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0914 and by Israel forces at 0923. Between 1300 and 1301+ artillery fire by Israel forces. (e) OP Orange. At 05CO sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0501 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0502 and by Israel forces at 0524. Between 0844 and 0915 sporadic artillery fire and at 0920 two ack-ack missiles by UAR forces. (f) OP Blue. At 0500 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0510 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0510 but resumed at 0537- Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0547 and by UAR forces at 0554. Between 0634 and 0647 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 0649 and 0653 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0830 artillery fire by Israel forces and at C852 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at C855 and by Israel forces at 0915. At 0859 one burst of ack-ack fire and between 0920 and 0934 sporadic artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1058 two mortar shells by Israel forces. At 1255 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1300 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1305« (g) OP Pink. Between 0501 and 0514 mortar fire and at 0604 one mortar shell by UAR forces. (h) OP Red site. Between 0718 and 0726 three rifle shots, between 0845 and 0902 artillery fire and three rifle shots, between 0921 and 0931 four artillery shells and at 1010 and 1022 one artillery shell, each time, all by UAR forces. (i) OP Yellow. At 0830, 1422, 1430, 1449 and 1521 one rifle shot, each time, by UAR forces. Between 1527 and 1535 nine bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1845 sporadic mortar and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1852. At 2102 sporadic mortar and light machine-gun fire and, later, two flares by UAR forces. At 2113 intense mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2118 and by UAR forces at 2119- S/7930/Add.332 English Page 3

(j) OP Silver. At 1312 mortar3 tank and5 later, light machine- gun fire by Israel forces and at 1328 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 13^-3 and by UAR forces at 13^9. Between 1753 and 175°^ four bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (k) OP Hotel. Between 1^00 and 1^13 artillery fire by UAR forces. (l) OP Green. Between 1^56 and 1510 machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces and at 1517 two rifle shots by UAR forces.

"2. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"3« Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Ml. (b) Israel. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that two Israel soldiers were wounded in the Canal sector. (c) UAR. No reports received." Distr. UNITED NATIONS GENERAL r r ^ i i r» i T w /«09<^fcsm s/7930/Add.331 SECURITY fS$OT 3 September I969 COUNCIL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez CanaL sector on 2 September 1969 was received on 3 September from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-' reports. 2/ (a) OP Delta. Between 03^0—' and 0505 artillery fire by Israel f orces ,

(b) OP Blue. At 0356 artillery fire by UAR forces and at artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0^09 and by UAR forces at OklJ> . Between 0^37 and 0536. and between 1850 and 1903 mortar fire by Israel forces .

(c) OP Lima. Between 0359 and 0^15 and between 102^ and 1032 artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1902 machine-gun, mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1904 machine-gun fire by UAR forces . Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1919 and by Israel forces at

(d) OP Orange. At 0359 several artillery shells by UAR forces. At 0^10 several artillery shells, between 1607 and l6l2 machine-gun fire and between 1653 and 1655 rifle fire by Israel forces .

(e) OP Mike. At 0^00 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0^03 artillery fire by UAR forces . Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0413 and by Israel forces at O4l5 . At 0^38 mortar fire by UAR forces and at OkkO artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0^48 and by Israel forces at 0529-

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established ~~ by UUTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-19327 /•• S/7930/Add.331 English Page 2

(f) OP Pink. Between 0^03 and Oklh mortar fire, at lV39 one rifle shot, at 1822 three rifle shots and at 18^3 four rifle shots by UAR forces. At 20^2 small-arras fire "by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2050 and by UAR forces at 2101. At 2110 one flare by Israel forces.

(g) OP Echo. Between OW-5 and 063! artillery fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Violet. Between 07l6 and 0736 small-arms fire, between 0812 and OSMt- and between 1319 and 13^5 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. At lM+8 rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1&55 rifle fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1^4-55 an

(i) UMMOs (United Nations military observers) at OP Red site. At 0729 four rifle shots by UAR forces and between 0736 and 0739 two rifle shots by Israel forces. At 0908 and 0919 one artillery shell each time, between 09^8 and 09^9 two artillery shells, between 1006 and 1031 sporadic artillery fire, between 1100 and 1103 two rifle shots and between 1240 and 1255 rifle fire, all by UAR forces.

(j) UNMOs relieving OP Delta. When at Kantara west, UNMOs observed at 0733 three bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(k) OP Copper. At 0755 mortar fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0758 and by UAR forces at C8o8. At 0859 mortar fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, mortar or tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 092^ and by Israel forces at 0933. At 2333 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2338 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 0010 (3 September).

(l) OP Yellow. Between 0821 and 082U two rifle shots by UAR forces and at 0828 and 0851 one mortar shell, each time, by Israel forces. Between 1013 and 1021 three rifle shots by UAR forces and at 1603 several bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1608 three bursts of machine- gun fire by UAR forces and at 1623 several bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(m) OP Delta. Between 0916 and 0933 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(n) OP Hotel. Between 0926 and 0930 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1205 one mortar shell by Israel forces.

(o) OP Silver. At l4l5 several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1752 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1802 and by Israel forces at 1805. Between 1957 and 2009 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and between 2010 and 2028 mortar fire by Israel forces. S/7930/Md.33l English Page 3

(p) OP Green. Between 1504 and 1513 rifle fire by UAR forces and between 153^- and l6l2 small-arms fire by Israel forces.

"2. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"3. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that one Israel soldier was killed and three wounded in the Canal sector.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS ^~-r~~^ GENERAL SECURITY m^^^) 3/7930^.330 ^&w7M 2 September 1969


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal Sector on 1 September 1969 was received on 2 September from the Chief of Staff of UMTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-' reports.

(a) OP Silver. Between ohhk—' and 0^58 several bursts of light machine- gun and rifle fire and between 0503 and 0523 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 0738 several bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1601 and 1603 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 19^-9 sporadic small-arms fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2020 and by UAR forces at 20^9.

(b) OP Echo. Between 05W- and 0607 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 0627 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0645 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 072U and by UAR forces at 0725. Between 1931 and 19^8 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 2102 machine-gun and mortar fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 2139.

(c) OP Yellow. At 05^5 intense artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0638 intense artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0700 and by Israel forces at 0721. At 072^ one artillery shell by UAR forces. At 0730 one rifle shot and at 0808 one artillery shell by Israel forces. Between 0809 and 0815 six artillery shells by UAR forces. At 0833 artillery fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 08^1 and by Israel forces at 0850. At 0913 two rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1^12 and 1434 and between 1^56 and 1^59 machine-gun fire and between 1931 and 1952 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 2021 mortar fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2157.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-19237 S/7930/Add.330 English Page 2

(d) OP Lima. Between 0626 and 0630 rifle fire by Israel forces. At 100*4- artillery fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1022 and by Israel forces at 1029. Between 1110 and 1115 artillery fire and at 11*4-5 artillery fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces. At 1335 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 13*4-7 mortar fire by Israel forces . Fire ceased by Israel forces at lUl2 and by UAR forces at 1*4-15- At l6l*4- mortar fire by Israel forces and at l6l7 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1623 and by Israel forces at 1625. At 2207 machine- gun fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, mortar, machine-gun and tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 221*4- and by Israel forces at 22l6.

(e) OP Mike. Between C8l5 and 0330 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between o3*4-*4- and 08*46 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1010 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1012 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1027 and by Israel forces at 1029. Between 10*4-7 and 115*4- (see paragraphs 2 and 5) and between 2130 and 2155 artillery fire by Israel forces (see paragraphs 2 and 5)-

(f) OP Blue. Between C3l6 and 0832 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between c8*+*4- and 08*4-7 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0852 and 090*4- artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0933 artillery and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 093& mortar and, later, artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 09*4-3 and by Israel forces at 1026. Between 1053 and 1150 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1832 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, machine-gun and, later, mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1335 and by Israel forces at 1903. At 2056 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 2053 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 21c8 and by UAR forces at 2109- Between 2123 and 2153 mortar and, later, artillery fire by Israel forces.

(g) OP Delta. Between 0902 and 0907 and between 1035 and 10*41 tank fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Copper. Between 090*4- and 0908 tank fire by Israel forces. At 1035 mortar fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1038 and by UAR forces at 10*4-1.

(i) OP Violet. At 0906 one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 1157 and 1200 several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1322 and 1333 three rifle shots and between 1*437 and l*4-*4-9 six rifle shots by UAR forces. At I3l8 two flares by Israel forces.

(j) OP Orange. Between 092*4 and 0929 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 09*4-1 and 09*4-3 tank fire by Israel forces and between 09*49 and 0950 two mortar shells by UAR forces. At 0953 several mortar and tank gun shells and between 13*4-5 and 13*4-3 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between l35S and 1359 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. S/7930/Add.330 English Page 3

(k) OP Hotel. Between 0935 and 09U7 mortar fire by UAR forces.

(l) OP Red site. Between 1010 and 1027 mortar fire and between and. 1150 nine artillery shells by UAR forces.

(m) OP Pink. At IJCS mortar fire by UAR forces and at 133^ mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at lUlO and by Israel forces at 1^30. At 1^36 two mortar shells by UAR forces. At 1620 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1625 two bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at l6j3. At l6U2 several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1935 small-arms fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 2002.

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. OP Mike: Between 10^7 and 115U during artillery fire by Israel forces several shells exploded approximately ICO metres from the OP building, and, again, at 21^9 during further artillery fire by Israel forces several shells fell approximately fifty to seventy metres from the OP building.

"3- Cease-fire proposals.

(a) Officer-in-Charge, Kantara Control Centre, proposed cease-fire for 0815. Senior Israel Representative accepted at 07^-0 and Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 07^1 • The cease-fire was not effective as firing continued in four OP areas.

(b) A second cease-fire was proposed by Officer-in-Charge, Kantara Control Centre, for 09^5. Senior Israel Representative accepted at 0900 and Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 0927- The cease-fire was effective in all areas except for OP Blue area.

"U. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"5- Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. OP Mike:

(i) All windows in living-room broken',

(ii) Antenna cable on the roof cut;

(iii) Further shrapnel impacts on north wall of OP building;

(iv) Whole building shaken by blast from explosion of nearest shell aoproximately fifty to seventy metres from OP.

(b) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that five Israel soldiers were killed and four wounded in the Canal sector.

(c) UAR. No- reports received." UN/TED NAT/ONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY s/7930/Add.329 2 September 1969


Supplemental Information

1. The following report concerning the cease-fire in the Israel-Syria sector was received from the Chief of Staff-of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on September 1969:

"1. UNMOs (United Nations military observers) at OP Sierra (MR 2312-2523) reported that between OQkO I/ and. 0900 on 31 August, two Israel APCs (armoured personnel carriers) and construction equipment moved forward of the limits of the Israel forward defended localities indicating the Israel cease-fire line, approximately fifty metres. Later in the day between 1132 and 11^3 they reported an additional vehicle moving forward of the forward defended localities mentioned above in the same location at approximately MR 2296-2523.

"2. UNMOs at OP Sierra gave the following report of incident which occurred the morning of 1 September. At 0659 three Israel forces APCs, four civilian trucks and two soldiers with mine detectors crossed the Israel forward defended localities mentioned above approximately fifty metres and were moving north to south. At OJOk this convoy was fired upon with small arms, light machine-gun fire and four rounds. This fire came from a group of persons located approximately fifty metres from the convoy. The convoy was located at approximately MR 22960-25230 and the attacking party at MR 22965-25229. One A?C was hit and, later, at 0723 -the vehicle exploded. Fire was returned by the Israel forces in the convoy and exchange of fire ceased at 0715• Between 0710 and 0715 twelve armed persons dressed in camouflage uniforms were seen withdrawing through a Syrian military position approximately 600 metres south of OP. Later, an Israel helicopter was seen arriving in the area and appeared to be • evacuating casualties.

"3. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that three Israel soldiers had been killed and four wounded in this incident. Later, he reported that the Israel forces had recovered the body of a member of the attacking force which was clothed in a camouflage-type uniform."

I/ All times GMT.

69-192^2 S/7930/Add.329 English Page 2

2. In a further message dated 1 September, General Bull stated that according to a report received from UNMOs at OP Four (MR 2327-2596) heavy explosions had been observed at 193** hours and 1937 hours on 31 August in the Israel positions adjacent to the OP site. The IJNMOs reported that these explosions were demolition charges which had been placed and detonated by unknown persons. The first charge damaged an Israel bunker approximately fifty metres south of the OP, and the second charge severely damaged an Israel bunker approximately sixty- five metres west-south-west of the OP. UN/TED NATIONS Dlstr. GENERAL

S/7930/Add.328 SECURITY i September i>69


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 31 August 1969 was received en 1 September from the Chief of Staff UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: I/ "1. OP-' reports: 2/ (a) OP Pink. Between Ol^-l-' and 01^-3 mortar fire. At 17 JO two bursts machine-gun fire. At 1822 one burst machine-gun fire and at l'J'53 four bursts machine-gun fire all by UAR forces. At 195^ one burst machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(b) OP Lima. Between 0£10 and 0219 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0^07 and OtoS and between 0701 and 0702 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 08^-3 and 0900 and again between 0922 and 12^5 artillery fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately in both cases. Between 1719 and 1721 mortar fire again by UAR forces.

(e) OP Blue. At 0212 mortar and machine- gun fire by Israel forces and at 022U machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 0231. Between 07^1 an.l 07^5 mortar fire. Between 0800 and 0805 sporadic mortar fire. At 0823 three rounds artillery fire and a1: Os48 three bursts ack-ack fire all by UAK forces. At 1114 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1117 artillery fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1117 and by UAR forces at 11^0. At 1253 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1300 mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1301 and by Israel forces at 1311. At 1^1$ ack-ack fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. At ikko machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1^51 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 1-1-52. At 1555 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1558 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at Io21 and by Israel forces at loit-6.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222j para. 2.. £/ All times GMT.

69-19193 English Pane 2

(cl) OP Echo. At 0£45 p=M'-h\ne-f_vm fire by Israel forces anu at 0;-_50 rua.chine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 025Q.

(e) OP Silver. Between 0307 arid 0325 small arms fire. At 0355 one rifle shot and at 0359 one burst machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1523 several bursts machine-gun fire by Israel forcea. At 162C and at Io35 each time one rifle shot by UAR forceu. At 16 39 one rifle shot by Israel forces. At 1724 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1:-;02 machine-gun fire, flares and later sporadic norta.r and tank-:;-,un fire by Israel forces and at 193'5 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAH forces at 2104. At 2154 one rifle shot by UAR forcea. Firing c^ned by Israel forces at 2155- At 2214 one burst u'ochjne-gur. fire by U.-'R forces. Between 2214 and 2215 several bursts maclrine-^un fire and o^tveeri 2233 and 2242 four rounds mortar fire by Israel forces.

(f) OP Violet. Between 0310 and 0520, between 0336 and 0340, between 06*0 and 0647 and again between 0835 sa°'0340 sporadic rifle fire and at lolO two rifle shots all by UAR forces. At 1902 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 190 j; machine-gun. fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1543 and by Israel forces at 2010. Between 20J5 an(3 2100 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(g) OP Mike, Between Oop2 and 06o3 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0650 mortar fire by Israel forces and ft. 0659 ^icrtar fire by UAR forcc-s. Firing; ceased by Israel forces at 0700 and by UAR forces at 0710. At 0330 one round mortar fire which ceased immediately and between 0;;'43 and 09^9 ack-ack fire all by UAR forces. At 1101 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1114 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1120 and by UAR forces at llto. At 12'l5 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1253 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1301 and by Israel forces st 1310. Between 1550 and 1625 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1623 and 1714 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 2137 and. £145 mortar and artillery fire and between 2217 and 2219 tank-gun fire by UAR forces.

(h) OP Red. Between 0829 and OcJO and between 0842 and 0843 ack-ack fire by UAR forces.

(i) OP Hotel. At 1044 one round mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1047 and 1109 and between 1130 and 1230 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(j) OP Foxtrot. Between 1147 and 1154 artillery fire by UAR forces,

(k) OP Green. Between 1545 and loCO rifle fire by Israel forces.

(1) OP Yellow. Between 1559 and l6l4 sporadic rifle fire. At 1635 several bursts machine-gun fire. At 1807 two rifle shots and between 1925 and 1926 two rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1926 three bursts machine-gun fire by Israel forces. English Page 3

(m) OP Delta. Between 1608 and l6lj machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(n) OP Orange. At l6l? tank-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces and "at Io22 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 16J3 and by UAR forces at 16^6. Between £000 and 2006 artillery fire by UAR forces. "£. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel: Nil.

"J5. Cease-fire proposals: Nil.

"k. Complaints by the parties: Nil.

"5- Casualties and damage:

(a) United Nations: Nil

(b) Israel: Ho reports received.

(c) UAR: No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL

S/7930/Aud.327 1 September 1969 r>w oW 1*w J1 8 ^N V *C B 1L. 1 ORIGIMAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 30 August 1969 was received on 31 August from the Chief of Staff of UI-JTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. OP-7 reports: (a) OP Violet, At 0020— ' sporadic small arms fire by both parties. Firing ceased by both parties at 0110. Between Q?GQ and 0905; 115 U and 1130 and again between 122U and 1226 and 1250 and 1256 rifle fire. At 1330 three rifle shots. Between 1555 and loOO five rifle shots and at l6'4-5 two rifle shots all by UAR forces.

(b ) OP Silver. At 0023 tank-gun5 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0027 machine-gun fire by UAR forcer,. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0031 and by Israel forces at 00^3 • Between IbOo and 1621 four rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1817 several, bursts machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1825 several bursts of machine-gun fire ny UAR forces, Between 18^0 and 1908 small arms fire by Israel forces. At 2117 small arms fire and later mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2140 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at and by UAR forces at 2201. (c) OP Pink. Between OUJO and 0^39 tank-gun fire. Between and 1555 sporadic rifle and machine-gun fire and between 1728 and 173 1 mortar fire all by UAR forces. (d) OP Blue. Between 0809 and C8I7 six anti-tank gun shells v:ere fired by UAR forces . At 1806 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1807 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1829 and by Israel forces at 1830. Between 19C8 and 19 lU mortar fire and between 193^ and 1956 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 193^- and 1936 artillery

_!/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Aud.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-19188 S/7930/Add.327 English Page 2

fire by Israel forces. Between 1956 and 2017 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 2027 and 2101 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 210U and 2106 two flares by UAR forces. Between 2111 and 2112 machine-gun fire "by Israel forces. Between 2lU9 and 2231 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. (e) OP Mike. At 0815 mortar fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. Between l801 and lS>Ok mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1815 and 1821 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1905 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 2009 mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2020 and by UAR forces at 2031 (see para. 2). Between 2059 and 211^ mortar fire by UAR forces.

(f) OP Foxtrot. Between 0835 and 0836 ack-ack fire by UAR forces.

(g) OP Yellow. Between 0909 and 0911 three rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 0915 and 0929 four rifle shots by Israel forces. At 1929 two rifle shots and between 20^ and 20^5 rifle fire by UAR forces.

(h) OP Lima. Between 1000 and 1001 and between 1120 and 1130 artillery fire and at 1^05 artillery fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately.

(i) OP Red. At 1001 five rounds mortar fire by UAR forces. At 11C1 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1106 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1128 and by Israel forces at 1135-

( j ) OP Green. Between 1^53 and 1507 machine-gun fire and at Io20 one burst aa chine -gun fire by Israel forces. At 1755 small arms fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately.

(k) OP Orange. Between .1535 and 1537 two rounds mortar fire by UAR forces.

(l) OP Hotel. Between 180^ and 1806 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel:

(a) OP Mike. Between 1905 and 2020 several artillery shells fired by Israel forces exploded within 100 metres of OP. The closest shell landed 60 metres north of the OP at 1955.

(b) At 1958 Ismailia Control Centre informed Kantara Control Centre of the firing close to OP Mike. At 1959 Kantara Control Centre passed the information to the Senior Israel Representative and requested the Senior Israel Representative to take action to have firing close to the OP stopped. At 2029 the Senior Israel Representative replied that firing was going on from west to east in OP Mike area and added !If this firing did not stop, it could be dangerous for OP Mike building ' . English Page 3

"3. Cease-fire proposals: Nil.

"k. Complaints "by the parties: Nil.

"5' Casualties and damage: (a) United Nations: OP Mike. Antenna and telephone cables broken. Splinter hits in north and north-east-wall of OP building, wooden shutters on the third floor shattered, splinters on roof, Motorola set on roof of building became unhinged from wall but was not damaged.

(b) Israel: IDF Liaison Officer reported two Israel forces soldiers were wounded.

(c) UAR: No reports received." UNITED NATIONS GElffiRAL SECURITY fW$k£» 30 August COUNCIL -m^t^r ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Csnal sector on f-9 August 1969 was received on 30 August from the Chief of Staff of UMTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. Op' reports. 2.1 (a) OP Violet. At G'-OO-' eight rifle shots, between (628 and 08^8 four rifle shots, between 1.07; and 1109 sporadic rifle fire, and between 1218 and 1228 rifle fire,, all by UAR forces. At 15^0 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces and at 15^0 and 15^-2 each time one rifle shot by Trrael forces. Fire c-o,?.=ed by UAR forces at loOO. At l6c& one rifle shot by Israel forces. At 1705 rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1707 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1752 and by Israel forces at 1755. At 2327 rifle fire by UAR forces and at the same time small arms fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2329 and by Israel forces at

(b) OP Green. Between 0^50 and 0^56 several rifle shots and machine- gun bursts, between 0602 and 0639 sporadic small arms fire, and between and 1520 sporadic machine-gun fire, all by Israel forces.

(c) OP Blue. Between 0501 and 0518 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 0520 and 0526 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1637 one round of mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 16^3 and 1732 mortar fire by Israel forces.

(d) OP Mike. At 0502 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0515 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0522 and by Israel forces at 0525. Between 110^ and 1108 rifle fire and between 1^48 and 1505 mortar fire by UAR forces.

(e) OP Red site. At O6k2 two rounds mortar fire by UAR forces.

(f) OP Yellow. At 0703 rifle fire by Israel forces and at 0707 rifle fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0710 and by UAR forces I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-19183 /../ . S/7930/Add,326 English Page 2 .

at 0711. At 0926 one rifle shot a.'.;.: ';.''.. -. U. v..-r 1026 rifle fire by Israel forces. At 125H rifle fire by Israel forest; and at "1518 one rifle shot by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 13^6. Between lWt-6 and Ibkl rifle fire by UAR forces- Between lJ+4'3 and Ik^h rifle fire and at 1511 three bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1520 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1717 machine-gun fire and later three rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces, and at 1720 machine-gun fire by Israel' forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1731 and by Israel forces at 173^ • At« 1832 machine-gun fire and later mortar and tank gun fire by Israel forces, and at the same time machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at iQhk, but resumed at 1906. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2112 and by Israel forces at 2135. (g) OP Lima. Betwe-an 0820 and 0821 ack-ack fire and at 1907 artillery fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces. Between 23^5 and 2350 mcrtar fire by Israel forces. (h) OP Orange. At 1155 artillery and later mortar fire by UAR forces, and at 1153 tank gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1239 and by Israel forces at 12^8, (i) OP Hotel. Between 1530 and 1534 recoilless gun fire by Israel forces. At l6ll mortar fire by Israel forces and at l6l7 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at lolT and by UAR forces at 1619, (j) OP Delta. Between 163^ and l6hO machine-gun fire by Israel forces, (k) OP Silver. At 18^9 one rifle shot by UAR forces. "2. Firing at or close to UniteO Nations installations and personnel. Ml. "3. Cease-fire proposals. Mil. "h. Complaints by the parties. Ml. "5« Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Nil, (b) Israel. No reports received. (c) UAR, No reports received." UNITED NATIONS //^/•5>\>C^\ GENERAL SECURITY ^ COUNCIL ^li^S^r ^^^^^ ORIGINAL: . ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary--re port---on firing... in the Suez Canal sector on 28 August 1969 was received on-29 August- from.the'Chief of Staff of UOTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull.: . - . . - • -

"lr- -Op.reports: (a) OP Orange. - Between - 0010-' - and 0030 tank-gun and mortar fire and at 00^5 two tank-gun shells-by Israel forces. Between 1105 and 1128 sporadic artillery fire. Between 1354 and l4lO artillery fire and between l4l8 and mortar fire .(-see--paragraph. 2) and..between lU50 and 1456 artillery fire, all by UAH-forces. (b) OP'Tiolet... At -004o machine-gun, fire by both parties. Firing, ceased by both-parties-at 0048. At 0600, 0613, 0617, 0655, 070& and 0745, one rifle shot, each time, and at 0.857 two rifle shots. At 0918 and 0935 one rifle shot, each time, and between 1050 and 1056 rifle shots, all by UAR forces. At lljS machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at ll4Q two rifle shots by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1142, At 1437 and 1439 one rifle shot, each time, and "between 1510 and 1535 several rifle.shots by UAR forces. At 1655 sporadic•-small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 1703 light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 1735• At 1840 machine-gun fire..by .Israel...forces and .at 1845 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 1932. At 2246 machine-gun: fire by both parties. Firing, ceased ..by. both- parties -at O002 ("29' August). (c) OP Silver. Between 0110 and 0129 sporadic-mortar fire by Israel •-forces ..and: between 0707 and -0717 small-arms fire by UAR forces. Between- 0735 and 0737 mortar fire and at 1555 one burst light, machine-gun -fire and at 1638 - one-rifle., shot..by Israel .forces...- At 1B27 .one rifle shot by UAR forces- At 1913 mortar and machine-gun fire and, later,- tank-gun, .fire and flares by Israel forces. At 1920 small-arms"fire by TJAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1937 and by Israel, forces-at 1950. ..At 2028- small-arms fire by UAR forces, which- ceased immediately.

(d) OP Pink. At 0306 -artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. At. «307 tank-gun and mortar fire hy_...Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0^21 and by Israel forces.at 0426. -Between 1500.and .1519 twelve tank-gun shells-by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the Control-centres -and the Observation "Posts established -by 'XMTSO-in. the Suez Canal, sector are given in document S/7930/Add,222, para. 2. 2/ All. times-CMC.- ...... - .. 69-19123 " /. 'S/?930/Add.325 English Page 2

(e) OP Yellow. Between O6h0 and 0713 small-arms fire by UAR forces. Between 07^7 and 0752 and between 08oj5 and 0822 tank-gun fire by Israel forces . Between 1920 and 1922 two mortar bombs by UAR forces, and between 1931 and 2015 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 2051 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2101 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 21^2 . At 2210 one mortar bomb by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2252. At 2255 one mortar bomb by UAR forces . (f) OP Lima. Between 072^ and 0726 ack-ack fire and between 2350 and 0003 (29 August) machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(g) *P Echo. At 07^4-5 artillery fire by Israel forces, and at 0806 artillery fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at tQ}k and by Israel forces at •836 . (h) OP Mike. At «800 mortar fire by UAR forces and at O3ll mortar ( fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0821 and by Israel forces at 083!+. Between 0908 and «934 artillery fire by Israel forces. At lU55 one rifle shot and at 13^3 artillery fire by UAR forces . At iQkk mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 18UU and by Israel forces at 13*15.

(i) OP Blue. Between 0808 and 0815 and at 0922 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 092^4- mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 0926 and by UAR forces at 093^. At 1836 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 18^2 on*» mortar bomb by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 181*3.

(j) OP Hotel. At 0926 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0932 mortar fire by Israel forces, firing ceased by Israel forces at 0935 and by UAR forces at 0936. At 1321 one mortar bomb and at 13^0 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 13*42 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 13^ and by ( ''• Israel forces at 13^9. Between lhh2 and ik^k artillery fire by Israel forces. ^— J (k) OP 6reen. Between 1501 and 1510 rifle and light machine-gun fire and between l6l6 and l6l3 several bursts light machine-gun fire by Israel forces . (l) 0? Copper. Between l6lU and 1622 three rifle shots by UAR forces. At 2336 machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by both parties at «005 (29 August). (m) OP Delta. Between 1627 and 1637 machine-gun fire by Israel forces At 2303 machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by both parties at 2305.

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel.

OP Orange. UNMOs on duty at OP reported that between ll+l3 and during .mortar fire by UAR forces one bomb fell approximately fifty metres from the OP shelter . S/7930/Addo25 English Page 3

"3- Cease-fire proposals.

(a) A cease-fire was proposed by the Officer-in-Charge, Kantara Control Centre for 0515- The Senior UAR Liaison Officer accepted at 0^37 and the Senior Israel Representative at 0509- The cease-fire was effective in all areas.

(t>) A cease-fire was proposed by the Officer-in-Charge, Ismailia Control Centre for 0915- The Senior Israel Representative accepted at 0853 and the Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 0855. The cease-fire was not effective3 as firing continued in four OP areas.

"h. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"5- Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that five Israel forces soldiers were wounded in the Canal sector.

(c) UAR. Wo reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.32l4- COUNCIL 23 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 27 August 1969 was received on 28 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO,, Lt. General Odd Bull:

111. OP-' reports:

(a) OP Pink. At 0130-' small arms fire by UAR forces and at 01^5 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0153 and by Israel forces at 0207. Between 0525 and 0530 artillery rounds and at 1750 one "burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(b) OP Silver. At 0303 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0^25 mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0^33 and by Israel forces at 0^-3^. At 151^1 and 1528 each time one mortar round by UAR forces and at 1538 one mortar round by Israel forces. At 1703 small arms fire by UAR forces and at 1736 two bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 17^5. At 1927 mortar and later small arms fire by UAR forces and at 1932 small arms, mortar and artillery fire all by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2042 and by Israel forces at 2101. Between 2102 and 2103 mortar fire by UAR forces.

(c) OP Hotel. At 0513 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0520 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0533 and by Israel forces at 05^1. At 0719 mortar fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. Between 07^4 and 0753 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 2059 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2112 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2117 and by UAR forces at 2125.

(d) UNMOs en escort duty reporting from main road at approximately MR 769-812. At 07^2 ack-ack fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately and at the same time light aircraft was seen flying over east side of Canal.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222., para. 2. £/ All times GMT.

69-19080 S/7930/Add.524 English Page 2

(e) OP Lima. Between 07*1-2 and 0750 mortar and ack-ack fire by UAR forces. Between 1356 and 1*K31 and again between lU4l and lW-2 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1*^3 and lW-9 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1701 and 1708 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1714 one mortar shell by UAR forces. Between 1755 and 1758 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and between 1758 and 1800 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1926 and 1932 heavy mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 2028 and 2036 mortar fire by UAR forces and between 20*1-9 and 2058 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces.

(f) OP Copper. At 0853 one rifle shot by UAR forces.

(g) OP Mike. At 0900 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0918 artillery fire by Israel forces which ceased immediately. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0919. At 1700 artillery fire by both parties. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1713 and by UAR forces at 1735-

(h) OP Blue. Between 0913 and 0915 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1700 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1728 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1729 and by UAR forces at 17*1-5. At 2002 machine-gun and later mortar fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2015 and by Israel forces at 203*1-.

(i) OP Yellow. At 1015 and 1017 each time one rifle shot and between 1111 and 1126 seven rifle shots all by Israel forces. At l6U2 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1653 sporadic light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1713 and by UAR forces at 1715° At 1903 intense small arms fire by UAR forces and at the same time small arms and mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1910. Between 19*4-2 and 1952 small arms fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2013. At 2029 small arms fire by Israel forces and at 2031 small arms fire 'by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 20*48. At 2305 rifle fire by both parties. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2339. At 0006 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun and later mortar fire by UAR forces also at the same time machine-gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0010 and by Israel forces at 0116., 28 August.

(j) OP Green. At 1213 three bursts of machine-gun fire and at 1237 one rifle shot and between 1*4-03 and 1*4-21 several bursts of light machine-gun fire all by Israel forces.

(k) OP Violet. At 1232 one burst of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 12*10 two rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1*4-57 and 1503 light 1 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1852 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1853 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1920 and by UAR forces at 1921. At 2038 one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(l) OP Delta. Between l6*4-*t- and 1653 light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. S/7930/Add.324' English Page 3

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel:

OP Copper. At 0855 one rifle shot fired by UAR forces struck the ground two metres from OP Caravan. There were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity.

"3. Cease-fire proposals: Ml. T "4. Complaints by the parties: Nil.

"5- Casualties and damage:

(a) United Nations: Nil.

(b) Israel: l\To reports received,

(c) UAR: No reports received." UNITED NATIONS _

> jf J^"" " I ""'••^ GENERAL oC tC Lr- UI IK D I II T Y V


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 26 August 1969 was received on 2? August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. OP™' reports. (a) OP Lima. At 02^5-' rifle fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. Between 024? and 0351 mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces. At 0639 mortar fire by UAR forces, which ceased r'x-ip.diately. Between 0720 ani 0721 nok-ack fire and between G<321 and O^Co r.iortar fire and, again, between 0&47 and 0852 mortar fire, nil "oy JAR forces. At 1*1-23 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1440 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 1446. (b) OP Yellow. Between 0635 and 0637 four rifle shots and between 1053 and 1102 six rifle shots by Israel forces. Between !'• ^ and 1515 rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1517 two rifle shots by Israel forces. At 15UO sporadic small -arms fire by UAR forces and at 15^ aiachine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at and by UAR forces at (c) OP Pink. Between 0725 and 0726 machine-gun fire and between 1435 and Ikko artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 151^ and 1529 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between IjitO and 15l^6 artillery fire and at 1714 two rifle shots by UAR forces (see paragraph 2). At 2230 small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 22^5 eight mortar bombs by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2254. At 2315 one artillery shell by UAR forces. (d) OP Silver. At 0735 two rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1529 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1555 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1601 and by Israel forces at 1713. At 1717 sporadic mortar fire, and, Ister, three artillery shells by UAR forces. At 17^0 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. /... 69-18937 S/7930/Add.323 English Page 2

Israel forces at 17^2 and by UAR forces at 1753. At 1807 mortar and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1822 mortar and 'tight machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1825 and by UAR forces at 1829. At 1903 light machine-gun fjre by UAR forces and at 1906 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1928 and by Israel forces at 1930. At 2039 sporadic artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2050 sporac'ic artillery and several bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2135 and oy UAR forces at 2205. (e) OP Violet. At 07^2 and at Q^hk- one rifle shot, each time, by UAH forces (ses paragraph 2), and, again, between 0957 ^-d 100? thirty-three rifle shots by JAR forces. At 1825 light mscl •' .c-»gun fire by Isrscu forces and at 1829 light machine-gun, fire by UATi forces. Firing c&a.-3€-.d by both parties at 1955- (f ) OP Qraei, At 125? overflight by two Israel ;"or«<-") Mv-.-r'.ge aircraft observer flying on west sice of Canal. A'" jv.r:.f ;•• erc-SG'-.'d "•'•:• c-Gst tide imnediavely thR.v'-af tf.r. A': the s^ras tin-; there vas p.c'"". -a •:•:-; i\r<-. oy UAR forces, whiJ?. c-.e-,-,c5 pt. 12^;-:., At "I.21-J5 on/-: tu.v£i, of "Lir.ht ^'•hi.^-.vun fire &.vl at 3.l-=:'5 en- i-if '; ;.- r^ct by UAR iT^rcoH , Bt:J:; •**-•'-. a 1^-^ a--u i;-;:l several bursts nf ^.acr.'.i/.-.'.&.ufi i'ire a,ad at 16^1 three bui. ots of machiiie.g'ju fire, all by lurael f

(g) Cr M?.k3. At 1415 'jrfj.llery fire by UAP. forces, v/M.eh ceased immediately. At 15 5^ one aroillery shell by UAR forces.

(h) OP Blue, At 1557 one artillery shell and at l6'i:, ore Mortar bomb by UACi fore -33. (i) OP Hotel. Between 1620 and 1623 mortar firs by Israel forces. (j) OP Copper. B-jtwf.en 1735 and ~LjhO machine-gun fir-re by Jsreel forces. At 2050 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces end at T-T.^ light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by both parti's s at 2125. At 2305 sporadic small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 23?0 sporadic machine-gun fire by li.srael forces. Firing ceased by Israel i'orces at 23^0 and by UAR forces immediately thereafter. (k) OP Echo. At 1845 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1850 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 19^8 and by Israel forces at 1955. "2. Firing at or clo«e to United Nations Installations and personnel. (a) OP Violet. UIMOs on duty at OP reported i.hat at 07^2 and Ojhk one rifle shot, each time, vras fired by U/.p forces., A water patrol (one Field Service Officer, one Israel for^-3? Lir.ii^r, Officer and one jesp) was in the vicinity of the OP. The first shot passed ten metres over the OP platform and the second shot passed approximately two metres from the left side of the jeep. There were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity. A- S/7930/Add.323 English Page 3

(b) OP Pink. UHMOs on duty at OP reported that at 1714 two rifle shots were fired by UAR forces. The two shots passed approximately thirty metres from the OP caravans. The OP was illuminated, and there were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity. "3« Cease-fire proposals. Nil. "h. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "5. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Nil. (b) Israel. No reports received. (c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.322 COUNCIL 26 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 25 August 1969 was received on 26 August from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. OP-/ reports.

(a) OP Green. At 00077§^/ machine-gun fire by Israel forces and, immediately thereafter, machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 0051. At 0952 and at 0954 one rifle shot, each time, by UAR forces.

(b) OP Yellow. At 0505 one rifle shot and at 0518 two rifle, shots by Israel forces. Between 1655 and 1658 three rifle shots by UAR'forces. At 2102 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2125 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2125 and by Israel forces at 2155- (c) OP Blue. Between 0658 and 07J4 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0812 and 0848 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1014 sporadic artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1055 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1036 and by Israel forces at .T044. Between 1750 and 1755 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1808 and 1814 sporadic tnortar fire and at 1856 two mortar bombs, all by UAS forces. (d) OP Lima. ' Between 0740 and 0744 mortar fire and, again at 0842 mortar fire by U.AR forces, which ceased immediately. Between 0902 and 0907 ack-ack and mortar fire and between 1023 and 1027 recoilless rifle fire, all by UAR forces. At 2244 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2247 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2250 and by Israel forces at 2254,

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UKTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-18781 S/7930/Add.322 English Page 2

(e) OP Silver. Between 08"3 and 0913 mortar fire by Israel forces^ At 1735 machine-gun and, laber, mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1738 and 1817 mortar fire and between Ifl37 and 1905 machine-gun and mortar fire, all by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1915- At 19^7 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1950 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2021 and by Israel forces at 2025. (f) OP Mike. Between 08*1-5 and 0846 mortar fire and between 09^-5 and 1016 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1035 and lO^t-O artillery fire by UAR forces and between 1751 and 1756 mortar fire by Israel forces. (g) OP Pink. At 0913 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 09^0 artillery fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 0938 and by UAR forces at 0959. At 2000 machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by both parties at 2003. (h) OP Hotel. Between 1256 and 1302 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1320 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1329 mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 13^2. Between 1950 and 2000 mortar fire by Israel forces. (i) OP Copper. At 1510 three rifle shots by UAR forces (see paragraph 2). At iQkO machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by both parties at 1856. At 1917 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1919 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2000 and by UAR forces at 2003. At 2113 machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2123 and by Israel forces at 2138. At 2203 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 220k machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2305 and by Israel forces at 2306. (j) OP Violet. At 1636 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1838 machine-pun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 1859- At 192i machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 192k and by UAR forces at (k) OP Delta. At 1736 machine-gun, mortar and tank-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1737 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1852 and by Israel forces at 1853. "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. OP Copper. At 1510 while UNKOs were filling sandbags in the vicinity of the OP caravan, three rifle shots were fired by UAR forces. Two shots passed close to the OP caravan, and the impact of the third shot was observed approximately 15 metres from, the caravan. There were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity. S/7930/Add.32£ English Page 3

"3« Cease-fire proposals. Nil* "4. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "5. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations, Nil. (b) Israel. Nil. (c) UAR. Ho reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY jr/^Kl GMERAL

COUNCIL mw-srv/^ 3/7930,^.3225 August 19619


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 2k August 1969 vas received on 25 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. OF» reports. (a) OP Blue. Between 0022-2'/ and 0028 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0212 machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by both parties at 0215. Between 1041 and KM four mortar rounds by Israel forces. Between 1115 and 1141 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1905 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1935 light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2033 and by Israel forces at 2038. (b) OP Pink. At 0115 machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0131 and by Israel forces at 0135. At 0150 two bursts machine-gun fire and between 1603 and 1655 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(c) OP Copper. At 0639, 0721, 0955 and 1126 and again at each time, one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 19)4.3 sporadic light -machine- gun fire by Israel forces and at 19^5 sporadic light -machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 2014. (d) OP Lima. Between 0928 and 0948 mortar fire and between 1029 and 1037 anti-tank and mortar fire and between 1722 and 1734- mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1848 machine-gun, tank and artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1912 machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2104 and by Israel forces at 2125. (e) OP Mike. Between 1003 and 1010 mortar fire by UAR forces, Between 1030 and 1043 mortar fire and between 1145 and 1208 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-18662 /... S/7930/Add.521 English Page 2

(f) OP Silver. At 10*44 two mortar rounds by UAR forces. Between 105^- and 1119 sporadic mortar fire and at 11^2 one mortar round, all by Israel forces. (g) OP Hotel. At 1257 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1309 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1328 and by Israel forces at 13^5 • At 1^03 mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces, and at ]Al5 artillery fire (which ceased immediately) and at 1^35 mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at lU^5 and by Israel forces at 1502. (h) OP Violet. At 1308 machine-gun and sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1358 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1^01 and by UAR forces at 1^-26. At 1621 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1630 one burst machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 16^0. At 1938 sporadic light machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at l.^kk sporadic light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2052 and by UAR forces at 2058. (i) OP Yellow. Between 1313 and 1320 seven single rifle shots by UAPx forces. At 1913 one burst light machine-gun fire followed by sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces, and, at the same time, light machine-gun fire followed by sporadic mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2026 and by Israel forces at 20*4-6. (j) OP Foxtrot. At 1501 and at 1^23 artillery fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately on both occasions. (k) OP Green. Between l6l3 and 1632 several bursts machine-gun fire by Israel forces, (l) OP Echo. Between 2150 and 2155 heavy mortar fire by Israel forces. "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. Nil.

"3. Cease-fire proposals. Nil. "k. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "5. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Nil, (b) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that one Israel forces soldier was killed and five wounded in the Canal sector. (c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.320 COUNCIL 25 August 1969


Supplemental Information

The following report on firing in the Israel/Syria sector on 23 August 1969 was received on 2k August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: 11 1. reports. (a) OP November. At l6^"F sporadic heavy machine-gun and machine-gun fire by Syrian forces and at 1710 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1736 and by Syrian forces at 1737- (b) OP Four. At 1705 intense anti-tank and heavy machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1733a nd by Syrian forces at 1735. (c) OP Five. At 2023 intense machine-gun fire and flares by Israel forces, immediately followed by intense rocket and machine-gun fire by Syrian forces. Firing ceased by Syrian forces at 2031 and by Israel forces at 2042. (d) OP X-ray. Between 2J29 and 23^3 intense mortar and machine-gun fire from Israel position forward of forward defended localities (FDLs). (e) OP Uniform. At 23^8 one burst of heavy machine-gun fire from Syrian position forward of FDLs. "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations. Nil. "3- Cease-fire proposals. Nil. "4. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "5. Casualties and damage.

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Israel- Syria sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-18630 S/7930/Add.320 English Page 2

(a) United Nations, Nil. (b) Israel. No reports received. (c) Syria. No reports received." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.3l9 COUNCIL 25 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 23. August 1969 was received on 2k August from the Chief of Staff of URTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1, reports: (a) OP Yellow. At 0000-' rifle fire by UAR forces and at 0001 machine- gun and, later, mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0015 and by Israel forces at OOM^ Between 0555 and 0633- rifle fire and at 0651 and 0655, each time, one rifle shot by Israel forces. At 0659 and 1259 each time, one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1427 and Ik28, each time, one rifle shot and between 1506 and 1555' sporadic rifle fire by Israel forces. At 1615 one rifle shot by UAR forces, At 1619 one rifle shot and between 20^0 and 2Qkk machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces. At 2110 machine- gun and rifle fire by both parties. Firing ceased by both parties at 2120. Between 21^5 and 2217 mortar and rnachine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 2227 and 2229 machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. Between 22^3 and £305 mortar fire by Israel forces. (b) OP Pink. At 0223 two bursts machine-gun fire, between 08lU and 0817 three rifle shots (see paragraph 2), at 0956 three rifle shots, between 1633 and 1646 one mortar round and sporadic machine-gun fire, and at 191^- two bursts machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. (c) OP Mike. Between 0358 and 0^07 rifle fire, between 1008 and 105^ heavy artillery fire, and at 1517 mortar fire, which ceased immediately, all by UAR forces, (d) OP Violet. At 0656 one rifle shot and between 1336 and 1737 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. At 2010 sporadic machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces and at 2013 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2155 and by UAR forces at 2156.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UKDSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-18625 /... S/7930/Add.3l9 English ze 2

(e) OP Silver. At 0708 two bursts machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1139 and 1208 sporadic mortar fire and at 12M* three rounds mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1610, 1721 and 1819, each time, one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1900 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1911 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 19^7. At 2005 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2007 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2010 and by UAR forces at 2112. At 2037 two rounds tank-gun fire by Israel forces. (f) OE Lima. Between 0801 and 0802 ack-ack and machine-gun fire and at 1^05 several rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1820 and 1832 artillery and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 18^0 and lQk2 mortar fire by UAR forces. (g) OP Blue. At 10^0 artillery and some small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 10^9 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1058 and by Israel forces at 1105 (see paragraph 2). Between 1516 and 1519 three rounds mortar fire by UAR forces. (h) OP Echo. Between 1339 and 13^3 machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces. t (i) OP Delta. At 1^15 several bursts machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (j) OP Green. Between 1551 and 1615 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (k) OP Hotel. Between 1605 and 1608 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1612 and 1613 and between 1810 and 1818 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1818 and 1820 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 2027 and 2050 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (l) OP Copper. Between 1650 and 1655 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. (a) OP Pink. At 0817 one rifle shot fired by UAR forces passed over and • close to the OP caravan. There were no Israel forces -personnel in the vicinity, (b) OP Blue. At 1058 several rifle shots fired by UAR forces hit the • side of the OP building. UNMOs were on the observation platform at this time. There were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity. "3. Cease-fire proposals. Nil. nk» Complaints by the parties. Nil. "5« Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Nil. (b) Israel. One Israel forces soldier killed and one wounded. (c) UAR. No reports received." •*/• UN/TED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add,3l8 COUNCIL 23 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following report on an incident in the Israel/Syria sector on 22 August 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of IMTSO, Lieutenant-General Odd Bull, on 23 August: "1* UNMOs on duty at Op Two-' reported that on 22 August 1969 an exchange of fire took place between an Israel manned position forward of PDL (limits of the forward defended localities indicating the cease- fire line) (approximately MR 2305-£735) ana an unknown party located in the area "between the PDLs east of OP Two. "2. Commencing at 2115Ps7/ the unknown party fired small arms and two rounds of bazooka-type rockets. These rockets were fired up-slope from a position to the east of the Op and the target appeared to be the Israel position situated behind and to the south of the OP. Fire was returned by Israel forces using machine-gun. Pire ceased by both parties at 21kU "3. One rocket exploded approximately twenty metres from the OP Caravan. There was no damage of UN installations."

I/ The locations of the Observations Basts established' by UNTSO in the Israel-Syria sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. g/ All times GMT.

69-18564 UNITED NAT/ONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.3l7 COUNCIL 23 August 1969


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 22 August 1969 -was received on 23 August from the Chief of Staff of UMTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OF-' reports: (a) OP Blue. Between 0005^ and 0007 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 12U8 and 1250 each time one mortar round by UAR forces. At 1915 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1935 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 191+5 and by UAR forces at 19U3.

(b) OP Copper. At 0015 machine-gun' fire by Israel forces iEiinediately followed by rifle fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0025 and by Israel forces at 00^2. Between 0155 and 0220 small arms fire by both parties. At 1905 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1906 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1911 and by Israel forces at 1912.

(c) OP Pink. Between 0136 and 0159 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0651 one mortar round by UAR forces. Between 0652 and 0656 tank gun fire by Israel forces. Between 0701 and 0713 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0758 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0815 sporadic mortar fire and later artillery fire by UAR' forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 09^-5 and by Israel forces at 0959. Between 17^2 and 1756 rifle fire by both parties. Between 19^7 and 1953 five flares were fired by Israel forces.

(d) OP Silver. At 0153 mortar fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0217 and by UAR forces at 0218. Between 1720 and 173^ machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1750 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1900 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1935 and by UAR forces at

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UJSTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-18559 S/7930/add.317 English Page 2

(e) OP Lima. At 0^50 machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces and at 0^35 rifle fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at Ok^6 and by Israel forces at (Mj. Between 07^ and 07^7 mortar fire by UAB forces. Between 095& and 0957 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (f ) OP Hotel. At 0508 one mortar round and between 0720 and 0721 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 07^5 and 0800 mortar fire by Israel forces. (g) OP Yellow. Between 0859 and 0900 several rounds anti-aircraft fire and at 091^ one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 0917 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0955 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1011 and by Israel forces at 1029. Between 11^0 and 1154 sporadic rifle fire and at iMjS and 1510 each time several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1539 and 1555 sporadic rifle fire, between l62U and 1625 rifle fire and at 16^9 one rifle shot by UAR forces. (h) OP Mike. Between 1559 and 1628 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 18^3 and I'-fak artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces. (i) OP Green. Between 1614-2 and 1650 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (j) OP Violet. At 1835 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1910 and bjf UAR forces at 1917- "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations. Nil. "3. Cease-fire proposals. Nil. "U. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "5> Damage and casualties. •(a) United Nations: Nil. (b) Israel: No reports received (c) UAR: No reports received". UN/TED NATIONS

Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.3l6 COUNCIL 22 August 1969


Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 21 August 1969 was received on 22 August from the Chief of Staff of UKTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. OP-' reports: (a) OP Silver. Between 0210-' and 0221 sporadic artillery and machine- gun fire by Israel forces. At 1737 small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 1305 small-arms fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1911. At 193^ one mortar or artillery shell by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 19^0. At 2031 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 20^0 two bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased immediately by both parties. At 2051 one mortar or artillery shell by UAR forces. Between 2152 and 2P?U four mortar bombs by Israel forces. (b) OP Yellow. At 0230 small-arms fire by UAR forces and, immediately thereafter, small-arms fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 02U^. At 0528, Q^kk and, again, at 0559 ane rifle shot each time, and between 083U and 0835 three rifle shots, all by UAR forces. At 0836 one rifle shot by Israel forces. Between 15^6 and l6oU four rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 2030 and 20^5 five bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2052 five bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 2053 and 2155 five bursts of machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. (c) OP Hotel. At C850 and 0859 rifle fire, each time, by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. Between 1227 and 1231 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1^35 one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 2155 and 2202 and between 2235 and 22UO machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (d) OP Pink. At 1025 mortar and tank-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1035 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1057 but resumed at 1132 with one tank-gun shell and at 1150 with mortar

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-18^69 S/793Q/Add.316 gh 2 and, later, artillery fire. Firing ceased by both parties at 1J17- At 2lUU small-arms fire by both parties. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2lh5 and by UAR forces at 215!. At 2219 one tank-gun shell by Israel forces. (e) OP Echo. At 1323 three rifle shots by UAR forces. (f) OP Violet. At lla3 nine rifle shots by UAR forces. (g) OP Blue. At 11+26 rifle fire by Israel forces and at Ik27 rifle fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1^3 !»• and by Israel forces at 1^8. At 212? tank-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2137 artillery, mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2210. Between 2213 and 2215 artillery fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2225- (h) OP Green. Between l6l6 and 16U5 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (i) OP Copper. At 1329 three bursts machine-gun fire and between 1910 and 1912 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At l°Uo small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 19^5 small-arms fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 2028. Between 2o28 and 2032 two flares by UAR forces. At 2110 small-arms fire by both parties. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2128 and by Israel forces at 21*15. Between 2309 and 2312 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. («j) , OP Lima. Between 2121 and 2133 mortar fire and between 2205 and 2223 artillery fire by UAR forces. (k) OP Mike. Between 2139 and 2215 artillery fire by Israel forces. "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. Nil. "3- Cease-fire proposals. A cease-fire was proposed by the Officer-in- Charge, Kantara Control Centre, for 1UOO. The Senior !_:- ;1 ?.-•-•/^cr+ative accepted at 13^3- and .the Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1-46. Tne cea^e-fire was effective in all areas except OP Violet. MU. Complaints by the parties. Nil. , "5- Casualties and damage. (a.) United Nations. Nil. (b) Israel. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that two Israel forces soldiers were wounded in the Canal sector. (c) UAR. No'reports received." - • ' UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL s/7930/Add.315 COUNCIL 21 August 1969 ORIGIHAL: ENGLIBE

Supplemental Information

The following report on firing in the Israel/Syria sector on 21 August 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull on the same day: "1. OP-' reports: (a) 0? Seven. Between 1532-' and 1537; artillery fire by Israel forces from a position north-north-east of the OP. The target was Maariye village (MR 2255-2417) in Syrian territory. Between 1620 and 1640, artillery fire by Israel forces from a position north-north-east of the OP. Targets were the villages of Aarda (MR 226-242) and Rabdiye (MR 227-243) in Syrian territory. (b) OP Romeo. Between 1619 and 1631, sporadic artillery or mortar fire by Syrian forces from a position south-south-west of the OP. The target area was approximately 3,500 metres west-south-west of the OP."

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Israel-Syria sector are given in document S/7930/Add,222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-18416 UNITED NATIONS ___ Bistr. r~ ^** i i n i T v/ S c C U K I T Y 21 Cv- WO U1 1IN M V -C I IL I *vXw ORIGIHAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 20 August 1969 was received on 21 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. OF reports: (a) OP Pink. Between 0010=^ and 0012 four mortar rounds by UAR forces* At 2056 small arms fire by both parties. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0325 and by Israel forces at 0326. (b) OP Yellow. Ar 0030 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0031* rifle fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 0044. At 0210 rifle fire by UAR forces and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0231 and by Israel;,. forces at 0236. Between 0805 and 0905 rifle fire and between l8®@|and 1814 small arms fire all by Israel forces. (c) OP Violet. At 0219 small arms fire by both parties. Firing ceased by both parties at 0256. Between 0730 and 0734 and between 0926 and 0931 rifle fire by UAR forces. At 2009 sporadic small arms fire by both parties. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2115 and by Israel forces at 2116. (d) OP Mike. Between 0445 and 0449 tank and anti-tank fire and between 0844 and 0925 artillery fire all by UAR forces. At 0941 artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0946 artillery fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1012 and by Israel forces at 1247. Between 1435 and 1443 artillery fire by UAR forces. (e) OP Blue. Between 0447 and 04J1 tank fire by UAR forces. At 0913 mortar and artillery fire followed at 1015 by sporadic tank fire by Israel forces. Between 0923 and 0953 artillery fire and at 1040 one tank shell by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1245. At 1600 two rifle shots by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-18382 /••• English Page 2

(f) OP Lima. Between 065^ and 0700 rifle and machine-gun fire and between 1212 and 1218 rifle fire and between 1658 and 1701 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1930 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1933 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 19)4-8 and by UAR forces at 1951. At 2006 machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2007 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 20 Ul and by UAR forces at 20*1-5. (g) OP Hotel. At 0710 one mortar round by UAR forces. At 0807 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 083-0 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0810 and by Israel forces at 0811. At 1210 mortar and tank fire by Israel forces and at 1211 recoilless rifle and mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1255 and by UAR forces at 1300, (h) OP Silver. Between 09^1 and O^kk light machine-gun fire and between 1623 and 1703 sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1717 two artillery rounds and between 2135 and 2138 several bursts of machine- gun fire by UAR forces. At 2246 small arms fire by both parties. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2250 and bj Israel forces at 2251. (i) OP Foxtrot, Better, 1101 and 1105 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1535 and 1555 and betvien 1623 and 1705 artillery fire by Israel forces, (j) OP Delta. At 1606 machine-gun fire by Israel forces which ceased immediately . (k) OP Green. Between 1623 and 16^3 small arms fire by Israel forces. "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel: Nil* "3. Cease-fire proposals: A cease-fire was proposed for 13^5 by the Officer-in-Charge, Ismailia Control Centre. The Senior Israel Representative accepted at 1322 and the Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1331. The cease-fire was effective,

"kt Complaints by the parties: Nil. "5. 'Casualties and damage: • (a) United Nations: Nil. (b) Israel: The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer stated that one Israel forces soldier was wounded in the Canal sector. (c) UAR: Ho reports received." UNITED NATIONS /i^^v Distr. r" rf*^ I I f^ 1 T" \f mrrf XVJX*"T'***A.X VOflk S Ma/ (/xryxTJI ItS

Vr~ Wn U1 1I NN W r I 1L1 ^^^>Wra£?^^ • 203/7930^.31 August 19693 ^?-*\^^^^ *J^^ . . ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on ground activity in the Suez Canal sector on 19. August 1969 was received on 20 August from the Chief of Staff of IMTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. OP--' reports.

(a) OP Lima. Between 0008-^ and 0010 mortar and machine-gun fire, between 1414 and 1432 ack-aok fire and between 1512 and 1513 rifle fire, all by UAR forces. At 1910 morfer and machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by Israel forces at If ;o and by UAR forces at ''955. At 2225 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and, at the same time, machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2320 and by UAR forces at 2334.

(b) OP Copper. At 0029 sporadic machine-gun fire by booh parties. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0201 and by Israel forces at 0207. At 1047 one burst light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 2050 and 2107 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(c) OP Pink. At 0209 sporadic small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 0213 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0235 and by Israel forces at 0240. At 1040 one rifle shot (see paragraph 3

(d) OP Yellow. Between 0415 and 0449 rifle fire. At G;i8 one rifle shot, at 1129 one rifle shot and, again, at 1205 one rifle shot, all by Israel forces. At 1444 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1513 one rifle shot by Israel forces, and at l6l4 one rifle shot by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by IMTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

^9-18315 /.',', S/7930/Add.313 English Page 2

(e) OP Blue. At 0434 one round of artillery fire, between 0507 and 0529 intense anti-tank and machine-gun fire and at 0601 one mortar bomb, all by UAR forces. At 0632 artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0717 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0718 and by Israel forces at 0734, Between 0812 and 0813 four mortar bombs by UAR forces. At 1155 artillery fire and at 1212 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1228. At 1245 ten mortar bombs and at 1400 one artillery round by Israel forces. Between 1*1-15 and 1416 and between 1420 and 1426 and again at 1430 ack-ack fire by UAR forces. At 1436 ack-ack fire by UAR forces and at 1437 artillery fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1438 and by UAR forces at 1439, Between 1802 and 1806 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces.

(f) OP Mike. At 0632 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0708 artillery fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0718 and by Israel forces at 0736. Between 1155 and 1229 artillery fire and at 1400 one round of artillery fire, all by Israel forces. Between 1414 and 1436 ack-ack fire by UAR forces. (g) OP Silver. At 0812 two mortar bombs (see paragraph 3 (a)) by UAR forces. At 0920 sporadic artillery or mortar fire by UAP. forces and at 1027 sporadic tank-gun fire and, later, machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1047 and by Israel forces at 10^9. Between 1055 and HOO sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1108 three mortar bombs by UAR forces. Between 1122 and J128 tank-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1851 one mortar bomb by UAR forces. At 1947 small-arms fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1950 and by UAR forces at 1958. Between 2015 and 2022 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2051 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2052 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2058 and by Israel forces at 2101. At 2130 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2135 one burst machine-gun fire and at 2151 machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2154 and by UAR forces at 2200.

(h) OP Foxtrot. Between 1035 and 1045 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(i) OP Violet. Between 1456 and 1503 rifle fire by UAR forces. (j) OP Delta. At 1705 two bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2045 tank-gun, heavy machine-gun and light maehine- gun fire and flares, all by Israel forces. At 2046 rifle fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2102 and by Israel forces at 2129. "2. Summary of air activity in the Suez Canal sector on 19 August 1969.

(a) OP Mike. At 1414 two Israel forces Super-Myste're aircraft attacked area north-east of OF with rockets. Aircraft departed immediately.

A-. S/7930/Add.313 English Page 3

(b) OP Lima. At iklk five unidentified aircraft crossed the Canal from east to west and then turned south. Depth of penetration unknown. At ihlQ one jet aircraft was observed crossing the Canal from west to east. At l!+31 one Israel forces Sikorsky helicopter crossed the Canal from east to west at an altitude of approximately fifty metres. Depth of penetration several hundred metres. The helicopter recrossed the Canal at (c) OP Blue. At 1^15 two Israel forces Skyhawk aircraft attacked, with "bombs,, target on west side of Canal. Aircraft departed the area at 1^16. (d) OP Pink. At 1^18 an unknown number of unidentified jet aircraft crossed the Canal from east to west and attacked, with bombs, target approximately five kilometres west of Canal. Aircraft departed the area at

"3- Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. (a) OP Silver. At 08l2 two mortar bombs fired by UAR forces exploded forty metres and fifty metres, respectively, from DP caravans. There were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity at the time. (b) OP Fink. At 10UO one rifle shot fired by UAR forces approximately ten metres over the OP caraven. The Liaison Officer was standing on the bank in the vicinity at the time. There were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity. "U. Cease-fire proposals. A cease-fire was proposed by the Officer-in- Charge, Ismailia Control Centre to be effective at 0815. Ko reply was received from either party. The cease-fire was effective. "5- Complaints by the parties. Nil. "6. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations- Nil. (b) Israel. The IDF Liaison Officer stated that two Israel forces soldiers were killed and two wounded in the Canal sector. The IDF Liaison Officer further stated that one Israel forces Skyhawk aircraft was shot down fifteen kilometres west of OP Pink. The pilot bailed out. (c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.312 COUNCIL 19 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following report on an incident in the Israel/Syria sector on 19 August 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UHTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull on the same day:

"l. UNMOs on duty at OP Two— reported that on 19 August 1969 an exchange of fire took place between an Israel-manned position forward of FDL (limits of the forward defended localities indicating the cease-fire line) (approximately MR 2305-2735) and an unknown party located in the area between the FDLS east of OP Two. 2/ "2. Commencing at 0005— the unknown party fired small arms and approximately 10 rounds of bazooka-type rockets. These rockets were fired up-slope from a position to the east, close to the OP and the target appeared to be the Israel position situated behind and to the south of the OP. Fire was returned by Israel forces using small arms and medium machine-gun fire . Firing ceased by both parties at 0030.

"3- Two projectiles hit high on the Liaison Officer's hut which is situated 10 metres north of the UNMOs' caravan. The associated blast broke the windscreen of vehicle UN 325 which was parked close by. The Liaison Officer's hut was not occupied.

"i'r. Captain Leask (Canadian Army) slightly injured his hands on glass splinters when he fell whilst jumping from the caravan steps. This IMMO was able to remain on OP duty.

"5. Material evidence was one empty of Kalatchnikov type, found to the east of the OP."

!_/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Israel-Syria sector are given in document 3/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-13267 V UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY IlKPTfc^k&SN&k GENERAL /~\ I I M r* I I MS^C"~V/ili!? S/7930/Add,311 C O U N C I L . ^M^JySi 19 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 18 August 1969 was received on 19 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. op reports. o/ (a) OP Violet. At 0140^ machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 024^5 and by UAR forces at 0255. At 1032 machine- gun fire by UAR forces and at 1033 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1034 and by Israel forces at 1035- At 1357 small arms fire by UAR forces and at 1405 small arms fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1420 and by UAR forces at 1428. At 2001 light machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by both parties at 2116 (see para. 3). (b) OP Blue. Between 0300 and 0349 artillery fire and between 01+30 and 0431 two artillery shells by UAR forces. Between 0451 and 0452 two mortar bombs by Israel forces. At 0524 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0536 mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 0542. Between 0633 and 0634 four mortar bombs. At 0823 one mortar bomb. At 1015 light machine-gun fire and at 1404 approximately ten rifle shots, all by UAR forces. (c) OP Mike. At 0345 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0348 mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 0349 and by UAR forces at 0406. At 0430 one mortar round and between 0458 and 0502 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0524 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0534 mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 0542. (d) OP Echo. Between 0445 and 0451 rifle fire and between 1340 and 1344 machine-gun fire, all by Israel forces. (e) OP Silver. Between 080? .and 08l6 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1610 and 1626 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1819 light machine- gun fire by both parties. At 1830 three mortar bombs by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1830 and by UAR forces at 1831.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. £/ All times GMT. 69-18224 /.., S/7930/Add.5H English Page 2

(f) OP Orange. At 0808 one mortar bomb. At 0842 two mortar bombs and between 0928 and 0950 two mortar bombs, all by UAR forces (see para. 2). (g) OP Hotel. At 0811 mortar fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. Between 0907 and 1013 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1230 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1255 mortar and recoilless rifle fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1339 an|i by UAR forces at 1342. (h) OP Delta. Between 0823 and 0826 machine-gun fire. At 1449 one rifle shot and between 1701 and 1705 machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. At 2240 small arms fire by UAR forces and heavy machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 2241 and by Israel forces at 2242. (i) OP Yellow. Between 0828 and 0850 sporadic mortar fire and at 1125 one mortar round, all by UAR forces. At 1231 intensive artillery and sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1247 mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1258 and by Israel forces at 1350. At 1831 light machine-gun fire followed by mortar fire by Israel forces, and at 1844 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 1907 and by Israel forces at 1922. (j) OP Pink. At 1309 and again at 1557 one burst machine-gun fire, both by UAR forces. Between 1609 and 1610 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2210 sporadic rifle and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2216 sporadic light machine-gun fire by Israel forces intensifying at 2321 to mortar fire. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2J25 and by UAR forces at 2329. (k) OP Lima. At 1646 mortar fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. Between 2003 and 2006 fire and between 2030 and 2155 machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel: OP Orange. OP working party with United Nations personnel and vehicles subjected to mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0808 one shell landed on OP site occupied by one United Nations Military Observer with jeep flying United Nations flag. At 0842 one mortar bomb landed at OP site and a further bomb landed approximately 150 metres from site. At this time OP site was unoccupied but both working party and UNMOs were in immediate vicinity. At 0928 and 0930 single shells landed 500 metres north-east and east respectively from OP road junction. On all occasions Senior UAR Liaison Officer was contacted through Ismalia Control Centre with request to have firing stopped. After initial assurance received at 0957 from the Senior UAR Liaison Officer that work could proceed, advice cancelling this assurance was received at 1002 and working party was withdrawn at 1010. S/7930/Add.3H English 3

"3. Cease-fire proposals: A cease-fire was proposed by the Officer-in-Charge, Kantara Control Centre, to be effective at 2200. The proposal was accepted by the Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 2129. No reply was received from the Senior Israel Representative. The cease-fire was effected at 2116. "ij-. Complaints by the parties: Nil. "5. Casualties and damage: (a) United Nations: Nil. (b) Israel: IDF Liaison Officer stated that two Israel forces soldiers were killed and one wounded in the Canal sector. (c) UAR: Wo reports received- UN/TED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL ?^u^i969

ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Supplemental Information The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 17 August 1969 was received on 18 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt: General Odd Bull: "1, Op reports. 2/ (a) OP Hotel. At 0015-^ machine-gun fire and flares by Israel forces and at 00^0 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 0056. Between 1201 and 1205 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1220 and 1258 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 16UO and 16U8 and again between 1710 and 1718 anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. (b) OP Violet. At 0100 sporadic machine-gun and snail arms fire by UAR forces and at 0101 intensive machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by both parties at OJ-59. At 0708 one rifle shot by Israel forces. At 0728 small arms fire by Israel forces and at 0735 small arms fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 07^8 and by Israel forces at 0751. At 1053 small arms fire by UAR forces and at 1138 light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1155 and by UAR forces at 1215. Between 1233 and 1J506 small arms fire by UAR forces. At 1^23 light machine- gun fire by Israel forces and at 1^26 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1^36 and by UAR forces at (c) OP Copper. At 0102 sporadic machine-gun fire by both parties. Firing ceased by UAR forces at 0218 and by Israel forces at 0224. Between 1703 and 1706 anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. At the saiae time two unidentified light aircraft were observed crossing Canal from east to west at high altitude. (d) OP Yellow. At 0112 intensive machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0120 three rifle shots by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 0135. At 1220 three rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 163^ and 16U8 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and between 1709 and 17lU heavy anti- aircraft fire by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-18140 /. S/7930/Add.310 English Page 2

(e) OP Pink. At 0115 sporadic small arms fire by UAR forces and at 0117 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by both parties at 0203 . Between 0205 and 0217 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0726 two rifle shots by UAR forces. At the same time a light aircraft was flying over east side of Canal. At 103^ and again at 105^ one rifle shot each time by UAR forces. At IklB small arms fire by UAR forces and at 1500 mortar fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1516 and by UAR forces at 1529. Between 1558 and 1625 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1720 small arms fire and at 1736 two mortar rounds by UAR forces. At 17^1 small arms fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 17^5 by UAR forces at 17^7. At 2205 sporadic small arms fire by UAR forces and at 2210 sporadic light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 22*1-0 and by UAR forces at

(f ) OP Delta. Between 0250 and 0258 and again between 1658 and 1659 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1706 and 1708 e-rfci-aircraft fire by UAR forces. Between 2059 and 2100 light machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(g) OP Echo. At 10V? machine-gun fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. At 1050 machine-gun fire by Israel forces which ceased immediately. Between 1221 and 1232 small arms and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and between 1709 and 1713 anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces.

(h) OP Silver. Between ;,201 and 1202 small arms fire by Israel forces. At 1358 mortar and small arms fire by UAR forces (see para. 2, also para. 5 (c)) and at 1^16 machiae-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1^20 two tank-gun rounds and between lW3 and 1^52 mortar fire and at 1513 two tank-gun rounds, all by Israel forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 1528 and by UAR .forces at 1532. At 1637 four Israel forces Skyhawk aircraft crossed Canal east to west and attacked target on west side with bombs and at the same time there was anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. Aircraft departed the area at l6k~L and firing ceased by UAR forces at the same time. At 1650 anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. Between 1706 and 1717 anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces and at 1719 machine-gui. fire by Israel forces which ceased immediately. At 1823 small arms fire by both parties. Firing ceased by both parties at

(i) OP Blue. Between 1325 and 1335 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1512 one rifle shot by UAR forces (see para. 2). At 1821 small arms fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1850 and by UAR forces at 1853. Between 1855 and 1856 mortar fire by UAR forces.

(j) OP lima. At 1*4-15 two artillery rounds and between 1903 and 1929 mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2000 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 2001 mortar fire by UAR forces. Firing ceased by Israel forces at 2021 and by UAR forces at 2023. S/7930/Add.JlO English Page 3

(k) OP Foxtrot. Between 14^6 and 1505 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1637 two Israel forces Skyhawk aircraft attacked target west side of Canal t with bombs and at the same time, there was anti-aircraft fire from UAR forces. Air attack ceased by Israel forces at 1643 and firing censed by UAR forces at ' 1648, At 1711 machine-gun fire which ceased immediately and between 18J2 and 1846 machine-gun fire all by UAR forces. (1) OP Mike. Between 1520 and 1525 and between 1535 and 1541 artillery fire by UAR forces. (m) OP Green. Between 1707 and 1709 anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel: (a) OP Silvex-. At 1420 during exchange of fire, several mortar rounds by UAR forces exploded close to OP, Nearest round approximately 60 to 100 metres from OP. (b) OP Blue. At 1512 one rifle shot by UAR forces passed approximately one metre from OP platform. "3. Cease-fire proposals: Ml. "4. Complaints by the parties: Nil. "5. Casualties and damage: (a) United Nations: Ml. (b) Israel: At OP Silver at 1420 during mortar fire by UAR forces. Israel Liaison Officer received slight wound from splinter. (c) UAR: No reports received." UNITED NATIONS SECURITY


Suplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 16 August 1969 was received on 17 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. Op' reports. (a) OP Blue, Between 0232^' and 0238 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 0239 and 02*4-0 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1034 two rounds mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 10^5 and 10^7 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1902 and l^OU heavy mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1932 and 1935 artillery fire by UAR forces observed in OP Red area. (b) OP Pink. At 0638 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0709 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0711 and by Israel forces at 071*4-. At 07^9 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 075^ mortar fire and, later, artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0838 and by Israel forces at 0932. Between 0950 and 0951 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1100 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1101 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1102 and by Israel forces at 1103. (c) OP Lima. At Q71*-! small-arms fire by UAR forces. At 0804 sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0815 mortar and, later, artillery and small-arms fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 09*4-0 and by UAR forces at 09*12. At 1105 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At this time a light aircraft was flying south to north on east side of Canal. Between 1117 and 1121 small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 1127 mortar fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. Between lllt-7 and 1151 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1200 and 1202 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1231 and 12^6 artillery fire by Israel forces (see paragraph 2). Between 2115 and 21^3 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (d) OP Violet. At OSlS small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 0821 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0830 and by UAR forces at 0832. At 13§3 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. £/ All times GMT. 69-18135 /••' S/7930/Add.309 English Page 2

llf 11. small-arms fire by UAR forces and at ikjk small-arms fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at Ihk6. At 1520 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 18^7 one burst of machine-gun fire and several flares by Israel forces. At 2138 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 21^0 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2318 and by Israel forces at 232?. At 235^ sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2355 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0021 (17 August) and by Israel forces at 0022 (17 August). (e) OP Mike. Between 10^5 and 10^7 mortar fire by Israel forces. (f) OP Delta. At 1U26 small-arms fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. (g) OP Silver. At lUSl intensive mortar fire and, later, anti-tank, mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces, and at 1428 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1522 and by UAR forces at 1527. Between '15^5 and r?55 ack-ack and anti-tank fire by UAR forces. At this time a light aircraft was flying over east side of Canal. Between 1553 and l6l2 artillery and aiortar fire by Israel forces. (h) - OP Foxtrot. Between 15 IS and 1527 and, again, between 155^ and l6ll artillery fire by Israel forces. (i) OP Copper. At 2208 both parties exchanged machine-gun fire. Fire by UAR forces ceased at 2220 and by Israel forces at 2310. At 2359 the parties again exchanged machine-gun fire. Firing by UAR forces ceased at 002^ (17 August) and by Israel forces at 0032 (17 August). "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. USMOs' at OP Lima reported artillery fire between 1231 and 12l*6 by Israel forces. "3. Cease-fire proposals. (a) A cease-fire was proposed for 0930. Proposal was accepted by Senior Israel Representative at 0858. The Genior UAR Liaison Officer did not respond.' Cease-fire was generally effective. (b) A second cease-fire was proposed in the afternoon for 1630. Proposal was accepted by Senior Israel Representative at 1?U3 and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 15^7. Cease-fire was effective. "4. Complaints by the parties. S/7930/Add.309 English Page 3

"5. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. OP Lima has cracks in roof and walls (see paragraph 2 above). (b) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported three Israel forces soldiers wounded. (c) UAR. Ho report received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.308 COUNCIL 16 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 15 August 1969 was received on 16 August from the Chief of Staff of UHTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. reports. (a) OP Yellow. At 0121-/ several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1452 and 1540 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2005 sevei-al bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Betvaen 2052 and 2.054 five flares by UAR forces * At 0004 (l6 August) machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 0015 06 August) machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0147 by Israel forces at 0152. Between 0052 and 0142 mortar fire by Israel forces. (b) OP Blue. Between 0200 and 0201 six rounds of artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0916 and 1122 single artillery rounds by UAR forces. At 0925 and 1204 several rounds of mortar fire, each time by Israel forces. At 1231 several rounds of artillery fire by UAR forces and between 1242 and 1246 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1630 three rounds of art:.!lory fire by UAR forces. Between 1655 and 1657 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1822 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1830 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1900 and by UAR forces at 1901. Between 1917 and 1948 and again between 2001 and 2003 artillery fire by Israel forces. (c) OP Foxtrot, At 0310 mortar fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. (d) OP Hotel. At 0638 and 0728 small arms fire by UAR forces. (e) OP Lima. Between 0719 and 0733 and again between 083? and small arms fire by UAR forces. At 1341 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and between 1622 and 1625 mortar fire by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UTOSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.22, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-17782. S/7930/Add.308 English Page 2

(f) OP Silver. Between 1126 and 1132 and between 1202 and 1212 mortar fire by Israel forces. At l6lO two rifle shots, and between 1810 and 1812 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1815 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1328 mortar fire by UAR forces. Mortar fire ceased at 1829 by UAR forces and at 1842 by Israel forces. Between 1921 and 2009 sporadic small arms fire by Israel forces. At 1924 and 1950, each time several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2018 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2024 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2026 and by UAR forces at 2028. (g) OP Violet. At 1223 small arms and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1237 small arms and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1245 and by Israel forces at 1249. Between 1350 and l4lO sporadic small arms fire by UAR forces. At 1422 one rifle shot by Israel forces. Between 1426 and 1453 sporadic small arms fire by UAR forces, At 1543 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 2134 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2135 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2210 and by Israel forces at 2223. OP Copper confirms. At 2323 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2025 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 0220 (l6 August). OP Copper confirms. (h) OP Mike, Between 1230 and 1235 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1242 and 1246 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1830 and 1846 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1858 and 1907 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1922 and 2003 artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces. (i) OP Pink. Between 1340 and 1422 sporadic machine-gun fire1 by Israel forces. Between 1630 and 1637 small arms fire by UA?. forces. At 1835 small arms and later artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1857 small arms and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1930 and by Israel forces at 1948. At 1959 one round of artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 2013 and 2111 sporadic small arms and artillery fire by UAR forces. At 2028 light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 2114 and 2120 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 2150 and 2200 small arms fire by UAR forces. At 0055 (l6 August) machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 0059 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0199 (l6 August) and by UAR forces at 0120 (16 August).

(j) OP Delta. At 1437 small arms fire by Israel forces. "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel: Nil. "3« Cease-fire proposals: (a) a cease-.f ire was proposed for 2000. Proposal was accepted by Senior iEs-rael Representative at 194-9 and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 2000. Cease-fire w-as effective in all Canal sector except in area of OPs Silver and Pink. (b) A second cease-fire was proposed for 0200 (16 August) and was accepted by Senior Israel Representative at 0122 and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 0143. Cease-fire was generally effective with last firing at 0220. /... S/7930/Add.3C8 English Page 3

"h. Complaints by the parties: (a) Israel: Nil. (b) UAR: At 09^9 Senior UAR Liaison Officer complained that, "There are Israel forces soldiers protecting themselves behind and around OP Blue, At 0939 there was heavy mortar shelling from East to West at Port Tawfiq. This is a warning of local commander." UNMOs in OP Blue were contacted and stated there were no Israel forces soldiers in the OP Blue vicinity and this information was relayed to Senior UAR Liaison Officer. "5* Casualties and damage: (a) United Nations; Nil. (b) Israel. No report received. (c) UAR. No report received. UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.307 COUNCIL 15 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 1*1- August 1969 was received on 15 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. L/ reports.

(a) OP Pink. At 010C—' machine-gun fire by both parties which ceased by both parties at 01^5. At 06U6 four rifle shots (see also para. 2), at 0719 several bursts of machine-gun fire, between ikkk and iMto, between 1651 and 1658 and between 1720 and 1730 rifle fire, all by UAR forces. At l800 rifle and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1819 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1935 and by UAR forces at 1937. At 2329 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces and at 2339 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2359-

(b) OP Hotel. Between 0^58 and 0500 small-arms fire, at 0722 and at 1015 rifle fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces. At 2230 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun, mortar and later artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0016 (15 August) and by Israel forces at 0017 (15 August).

(c) OP Delta. At 0533 one rifle shot by UAR forces and between 0535 and 05*1-1 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 163*1- and 1637 rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1326 one rifle shot by UAR forces and at the same time two bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2J14 rifle and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2321 and by Israel forces at 2325.

(d) OP Yellow. Between 05*1-1 and 0558 several rifle shots and bursts of machine-gun fire, and between 1701 and 1713 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1038 machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1839 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 13U8 and by Israel forces at 1850.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-17711 /. S/7930/Add.307 English Page 2

(e) OP Lima. Between 0712 and 0715 artillery fire by Israel forces and "between 0821 and 0825 mortar fire by UAR forces. At l^OJ artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1^20 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2.^22 and by UAR forces at 1^25. At 1^39 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2.kkj mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1501 and by Israel forces at (f) OP Violet. At 07^7, 1^23 and 1535 rifle shots by UAR forces. At 2123 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 21^7 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2156 and by Israel forces at 2158.

(g) OP Blue. At 1010 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1019 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1022 and by Israel forces at 1023. At 11^5 one mortar round by UAR forces. Between l6l6 and 1630 artillery fire by UAR forces and between 1632 and 1638 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1721 sporadic machine-gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1722 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1739 and by Israel forces at IjkO. Between 192k and 1925 and between 195^ and 1958 intense machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Mike. Between 1011 and 1016 mortar fire, between 10^7 and 1132 machine-gun fire and between 1552 and 1629 mortar fire, all by UAR forces.

(i) OP Green. At l8o4 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1805 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at l8l3. At 2125 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2201 and by Israel forces at 2202.

(j) OP Silver. At 195^ machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2007.

(k) OP Foxtrot. At 233^ artillery fire by Israel forces which ceased at 2358. At 2358 artillery fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately.

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel.

(a) OP Pink. At 0646 four rifle shots by UAR forces passed over and close to OP caravan. No Israel forces personnel were in vicinity of the OP.

(b) OP Silver. Between 1956 and 1959 approximately ten bursts of machine-gun fire and some rifle shots passed over and close to OP caravan. The OP was illuminated and no Israel forces personnel were in the vicinity of the OP.

"3. Cease-fire proposals. Nil.

"4. Complaints by the parties. Nil. S/7930/Add.307 English Page 3

"5. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations Nil. (~b) Israel. IDF Liaison Officer stated that three Israel forces soldiers were wounded in the Canal sector.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS ~~~~ Distr. SECURITY jMmKujvj STTIM UrH UI MIN rL I IL IK^Srf^WS-P^wf Ms/7930/Add.30 August 19696


Supplemental Information

The folio-wing summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 13 August 1969 was received on Ik August from the Chief of Staff of UKTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OF-' reports. o / (a) OP Pink. Between 0105-' and 0120 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0832 and 1101 six artillery shells by UAR forces. Between 1630 and 1640 several rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 2025 and 20J5 four rifle shots by UAR forces (see paragraph 2). At 21^5 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2146 small-arms fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2300. At 2325 machine-gun fire by both parties, which ceased by both parties at 0002 (ik August).

(b) OP Hotel. Between 0716 and 0718 artillery fire by UAR forces and between 0736 and 0808 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 09^3 mortar fire and; later, sporadic machine-gun and anti-tank fire by UAR forces. At 1007 mortar fire and,, later, sporadic machine-gun fire, artillery and tank fire by Israel forces (see paragraph 2). Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1302 and by UAR forces at 1317.

(c) OP Blue. At 0931 one rifle shot, between 1355 and 1^05 artillery fire and between 1^24 and 1506 artillery fire, all by UAR forces.

(d) OP Lima. At lOlj-7 and at 1715 mortar fire by UAR forces, which, each time, ceased immediately. At 2217 machine-gun, recoilless and, later, mortar fire by UAR forces, and at 2220 machine-gun, tank and, later, mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2259 a&& by UAR forces at 2301.

(e) OP Silver. At 1120 several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1311 two bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At lUll mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1^12 machine-gun fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. Fire ceased by Israel forces at At ikk-2 one burst of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

_!/ The locations of the control centres and the observation posts established by U3STSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, paragraph 2. £/ All times GMT.

69-17528 /... S/7930/Add.3C6 English Page 2

(f ) OP Violet. Between 1219 and 123^ rifle fire and at 1250 two rifle shots "by UAR forces. At ikkj sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1503 one rifle shot and at 1521 one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1530.

(g) OP Echo. Between 1335 and 13^0 machine-gun fire by Israel forces (see paragraph 2).

(h) OP Mike. At ±k2k artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1^5^ artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1502 and by UAR forces at 15C6. Between 15^-1 and 15^-3 and between l6oi and 1603 artillery fire by UAR forces.

(i) OP Delta. Between 1555 and 1602 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(j) OP Copper. At 1628 three bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel.

(a) OP Pink. Between 2025 and 2035 four rifle shots were fired by UAR forces. One shot passed just over the caravan which was illuminated, and no Israel forces personnel were in the vicinity of the OP.

(b) OP Hotel. At 1139 one mortar shell fired by Israel forces exploded ten metres north-east of OP platform. Both UNMOs (United Nations military observers) were on platform at that time. At 1259 and 1300 one tank shell was fired by Israel forces and exploded fifty to seventy-five metres south- southwest of OP into Canal bank.

(c) OP Echo. Between 1335 and 13^0 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Some bullets passed over OP caravan. There were no UAR forces personnel in the vicinity of the OP at that time.

"3. Cease-fire proposals. A cease-fire was proposed by the Officer-in-charge, Ismailia Control Centre, to be effective at 12^5- The proposal was accepted by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1212 and by Senior Israel Representative at 1227. The cease-fire was effective in all of the Canal sector except in OP Hotel area, where machine-gun fire was in progress at that time by both parties. "i|. Ccrvplaints by the parties. Nil.

I(5. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received,

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7950/Add.305 COUNCIL 13 '\ugust 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 12 August 1969 was received on 13 August from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-' reports.

(a) OP Yellow. At 0207-' two rifle shots by UAR forces. At 0900, 0904 and 0916, each time, one rifle shot by Israel forces. .At 220^4 small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 2206 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2225 and by UAR forces at 2252.

(b) OP Pink. Between 0220 and 0236 thirty rifle shots and at 07U8 several bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1633 and 1636 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and between 17^-5 and l8oU small-arms fire by UAR forces. At 1820 small-arms fire by Israel forces and at 1825 small-arms fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1917 and by UAR forces at 1920. Between 1955 and 200U small-arms fire by UAR forces. At 2022 sporadic mortar and rifle fire by UAR forces and at 2023 sporadic mortar and light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2050, At 2220 mortar fire by both parties, which ceased by both parties at 2226.

(c) OP Hotel. At 0806 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0810 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 08ll and by Israel forces at 0822. Between 0827 and 08314- machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1521 mortar, recoilless and machine-gun fire by UAR forces, and at 15^9 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1553 and by Israel forces at 1605.

(d) OP Echo. At 0927 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 0928 light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0930 and by Israel forces at 0933• Between 13^6 and 135^4- and between 1^03 and 1^4-05 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 150^ and 1505 machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the control centres and the observation posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-17^77 S/7930/Add.305 English Page 2

(e) OP Violet. At 1156 two rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1530 rifle fire by UAR forces and at 15^9 rifle fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1550 and by UAE forces at l6UO. (f) OP Lima. Between 1530 and 1532 and between 15^3 and 1605 mortar fire, between 1752 and l800 mortar and machine-gun fire, and between 1825 and 1850 mortar and recoilless fire, all by UAR forces. At 1917 tank fire and later mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1938 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2002 and by Israel forces at 2005. /t 2014 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 2021 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2106. (g) OP Delta. At 1625 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1630 and by Israel forces at 1633. Between 22^5 and 2253 machine-gun fire by both parties. (h) OP Blue. At 1813 small-arms and artillery fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, small-arms fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1836 and by Israel forces at 18^0. Between 1920 and 1938 small-arms fire by both parties. At 201^ artillery fire by Israel forces and at 2035 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 20^7 and by UAR forces at 2112. (i) OP Silver. At 2013 one burst of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 201U several rifle shots by Israel forces. At 2026 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2030 small-arms and artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2052 and by UAR forces at 2053- (j) OP Green. At 2050 small-arms fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2107 and by UAR forces at 2114. Between 2133 and 215^ small-arms fire by UAR forces. "2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. Nil. "3. Cease-fire proposals. Nil. "k. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "5- Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. Wo reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL COUNCIL 12 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 11 August 1969 was received on 12 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. reports. (a) OP Silver. At 0000— artillery, mortar and later small arms fire by UAR forces, and at 002U small arms and later artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0219 and by Israel forces at 0222. At 02^7 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 025U mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 030U and by Israel forces at 0308. At 0758 several bursts of ack-ack fire, at 0850 and 0852, each time one rifle shot and at 170U two bursts of light machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. At 183^ one rifle shot by both parties. At 185^, 1906 and 19113 each time one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 2025 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces and at 2050 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2051 and by UAR forces at 2102.

(b) OP Foxtrot. At 000^4- machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0028 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0123 and by UAR forces at 0128. Between 15C4 and 1521 artillery fire by UAR forces. At 2226 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2232 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 22i|l.

(c) OP Violet. Between 0013 and 0021 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1110 and 1129 rifle fire by UAR forces, and between lU^3 and lU^-t-7 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1501 one rifle shot by UAR forces. (d) OP Delta. At 00^5 rifle, light machine-gun and later recoilless gun fire by UAR forces, and at OOU6 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0128 and by UAR forces at 0132. At 1^56

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-17321 English Page 2

machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 150^ machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1506 and by UAR forces at 1510.

(e) OP Hotel. Between 0333 and 0336 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1536 and 15^-3 and between 1606 and 1631 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 16^2 mortar fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately.

(f) OP Blue. At 0530 one mortar shell and at 16^3 one rifle shot and approximately ten mortar shells by UAR forces . At 2220 mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2228 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2237.

(g) OP Echo. Between 0959 and 100^ machine-gun fire by UAR forces and between 12^1 and 12U6 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Pink. At 190U one burst of light machine-gun fire and at 1930 and 19^2, each time one rifle shot, all by UAR forces.

(i) OP Lima. At 19^9 sporadic machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1951 sporadic machine-gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2059 and by UAR forces at 2100. At 2325 machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2330 machine-gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0006 (12 August) and by UAR forces at 0015 (12 August).

(j) OP Green. At 2358 small arms fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 000^ (12 August) and by Israel forces at 0005 (12 August).

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. Nil.

"3- Cease-fire proposals. Nil.

"k. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"5- Casualties and damage. Nil." V UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/793G/Add.303 COUNCIL x==^fi^=^ ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 10 August 1969 was received on 11 August from the Chief of Staff of UMTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. Opi/ reports. P / (a) OP Pink. At C008-7 light machine-gun fire by both parties, which ceased by boi;h parties at 00^5. At 0113 light machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0122 light ir.achine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 0220. Between 1951 and 1958 several rifle shots by Israel forces.

(b) OP Delta. Between 0058 and 0101 rifle and machine-gun fire and between 2030 and 203^ machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2306 rifle fire by UAR forces and at 2307 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2319 and by Israel forces at 2322.

(c) OP Lima. Between 0335 and 0337 and between 0^3^ and CM0 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0502 mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 0553 machine-gun fire by Israel forces, which ceased immediately. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0557. Between 0633 and C6UO mortar fire, at 0712 machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, and between 07^0 and C8oU machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces.

(d) OP Blue. Between 0651 and 0653 several mortar rounds by Israel forces. At 0923: cne mortar shell by UAR forces. Between 0931 and 0932 five mortar rounds by Israel forces.

(e) OP Copper. Between 09^5 and 09^7 several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(f) OP Yellow. At 1629 and at l6U7, each time, cne rifle shot by Israel forces. Between 1730 and 1755 several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the control centres and the observation posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-17215 /... S/7930/Add.303 English Page 2

(g) OP Violet. At 16^7 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1820 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 22^5 and by Israel forces at 22^9.

(h) OP Silver. At 1655 one burst of machine-gun fire. At 1920 small-arms fire by both parties, which ceased by both parties at 1926. At 19^2 one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 2002 and 2012 rifle fire by UAR forces. (See paragraph 2.)

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel:

OP Silver. Between 2002 and 2012 rifle fire by UAR forces. Some shots passed close to OP caravan. The OP was illuminated and no Israel forces personnel was in the vicinity of the OP.

"3. Cease-fire proposals. Mil.

"h. Complaints by the parties. Mil.

"5« Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. Wo reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add,302 COUNCIL 11 August 1969 ORIGIN. T.- FNGT.TSH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 9 August 1969 was received on 10 August from the Chief of Staff of UT-ITSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. reports.

(a) OP Pink. At OC05~/ sporadic light machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0007 sporadic light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0038 and by UAR forces at 0039. At 1251 several bursts of light machine-gun and between 1326 and 13^1 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 13^9 an^ 1357 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1826 sporadic light machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1957 and by Israel forces at 20l4. At 2026 one burst of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 20^5 one burst of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(b) OP Silver. At 01^5 light machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 0231. At 131^ three rifle shots and at 1355 four rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1633 small-arms fire by UAR forces and at l6kk machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1655 and by UAR forces at 1659. Between 1753 and 19^7 sporadic light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and between 1805 and 18^2 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(c) OP Blue. At 0536 two mortar rounds by UAR forces.

(d) OP Violet. Between 06^5 and 06^7 two rifle shots and at 08CO ack-ack fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces. At the same time a light aircraft was flying on east side of Canal. At 1655 and l657» each time, one rifle shot by UAR forces.

(e) OP Lima. Between 0658 and 0659 machine-gun fire by UAR forces, and, at the same time, a light aircraft was flying on east side of Canal. At 1007 rifle fire and at 1022 machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces,

I/ The locations of the control centres and the observation posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document G/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-17209 S/7930/AJJ.302 English Page 2

which, in both cases,, ceased, immediately. Between 1738 and 17^5 machine-gun and mortar fire, between l800 and 1805 and between 1848 and 1902 machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. At 2025 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2030 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2035 and by UAR forces at 205^. Between 2110 and 2115 and between 2Jl6 and 2327 machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(f) OP Copper. At 0858 four mortar rounds by UAR forces and between 0913 and 0923 tank fire by Israel forces.

(g) OP Hotel. At 1310 machine-gun fire by UAR forcess which ceased immediately 3 while a light aircraft was flying on east side of Canal. At 1^3 mortar fire by Israel forces and at ihkQ machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1504 and by Israel forces at 1522. At 1524 machine-gun ands later, mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1528 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1635 and by Israel forces at 1659.

(h) OP Yellow. At 1J12 several bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(i) OP Green. Between 13^2 and 13^4 and between 1630 and 1638 machine- gun fire by Israel forces.

(j) OP Echo. Between 1352 and 1359 rifle and light machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(k) OP Foxtrot. Between l8l8 and 1857 machine-gun and mortar fire and between 1917 and 2051 machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. Nil.

"3. Cease-fire proposals. Nil.

"4. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"5. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.301 COUNCIL 9 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the.Suez Canal sector on 8 August 1969 was received on 9 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. OP-' reports. (a) OP Delta. At 013U-' small arms fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. Between 0135 and. 0137 and between 1700 and 1709 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2GOO tank, machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces and at 200*4- light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2006 and by Israel forces at 2009- (b) OP Lima. At 0159 machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0201 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0215 and by Israel forces at 02l6. Between 1607 and 1612 small arms fire by Israel forces and at 1613 machine-gun fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. Between 1736 and 1305 machine-gun fire, between 1933 and 1937 and between 2057 and 210U machine-gun and mortar fire, all by UAR forces. (c) OP Pink. Between 0315 and 0322 sporadic artillery fire and between 1930 and 200U rifle and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2005 three bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 2023 and 20*4-3 rifle and light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2052 rifle fire by UAR forces and at 2106 light machine-gun fire by Israel force;:. Fire ceased by both parties at 2111. Between 2123 and 2139 rifle and light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Tracers were used. (d) OP Blue. At 07*4-3 one mortar round by UAR forces and at o8lU six mortar rounds by Israel forces. (e) OP Hotel, At 0753 machine-gun fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately.

I/ The locations of the control centres and the observation posts established by UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

'69-17189 S/7930/Add.301 English Page 2

(f) OP Yellow. Between 1305 and 1J06 ack-ack fire by UAR forces. (g) OP Silver. At 13l^ and 1319 each time one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 15^2 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces and at l6hk sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1719 and by UAR forces at 1725. At 1339 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 18^5 light machine-gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1927 and by Israel forces at I'JjS. At 200^ light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2005 light machine-gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2139 and by Israel forces at (h) OP Violet. At 1910 one rifle shot by UAR forces. "2, Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. Nil. "3- Cease-fire proposals. Nil. "k. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "5- Casualties'and damage. (a) United Nations. Nil. (b) Israel. No reports received, (c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS ~~"

Distr C^S ^C^ 6r II I ftDr I TI Vm mtd^$3§^lf / f^^t^^V^ iVlkl fTrTMTT*Q A T I WffT I /£?PSn IM uiLlMiLKAii

Vr- Wn Ui j INN r ^ f Ii L «^>^^£>»^ s/795o/Add.3o8 August o1969


Supplemental Information 1. The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 7 August 1969 was received on 8 August from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. OP reports. (a) OP Copi-or. At 0050-' machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 0058. At 0719 three rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0812 anti-tank fire by UAR forces and at 0813 tank fire by I&rael forces. Fire ceased by both parties at (b) OP Delta. Between 0133 and 0156 and between 0218 and 0236 machine- gun fire by Israel _orces. At 0721 artillery fire and at 0815 heavy weapons fire by UAR forces in both cases fire ceasing immediately. Jjgtween 1821 and 132'-)- machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (c) OP Pink. Between 01^5 and 0222 sporadic machine-gun and rifle fire and at 173^ one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2000 machine- gun and rifle fire by UAR forces, and at 2002 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2019 and by UAR forces at 2020. At SO^-0 one ourst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (d) OP Lima. At 0915 machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0920 but resumed at 091*7. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1005 and by UAR forces at 1006. Between 1128 and 1132 and between \;'*5 and 1350 mortar fire by UAR forces. At I.6kk machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1646 machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 16^9 and by UAR forces at 1652. Between 2210 and 22^0 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. (e) OP Mike. Between 09^8 and 1007 mortar fire and between 1032 and 1039 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between ILlh and 1126 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1621 and 1631 sporadic artillery fire by U^R forces. Between 1713 and 17^1 artillery fire by Israel forces . (f) OP Violet. At 1006 and at 1008 each time one rifle shot by UAR forces. I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. *.rfy.,.. 2/ All times GMT. 69-1713^ /* *' S/7930/Add.300 English Page 2

(g) OP Blue. Between 1115 and 112^ and between 1622 and l6j2 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1647 two bursts of machine-gun fire and at 1659 one round of artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1719 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1731 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1757 and by UAR forces af 17^2. At 1815, 1900,. 2000 and 2100 each time one round of artillery fire by UAR forces. (h) OP Yellow. At l6Uo sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 16U6 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1650 and by Israel forces at 170J. At 1722 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1731 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1732 and by Israel forces at 1737. (i) OP Silver. At 1756 rifle fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1800 and by UAR forces at 1802. At 1842 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1850 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1851. At 1906 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1907 and by UAH forces at 1912. At 1950 three bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2006 sporadic ma'chine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2007 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2045. "2. Firing at or close to UN installations. Mil. "3. Complaints by the parties. Nil. •"4. Casualties and damage. t (a) United Nations, Hil. (b) Israel. IDF Liaison Officer reported two Israel forces soldiers wounded. (c) UAR. Wo reports received." 2. The following report concerning the temporary closing of OP Charlie was also received from General Bull on 8 August: "1. As a result of bombing attacks by Israel Air Force on 22 and 2k July 1969 the canal road (used by UN personnel only) and the civilian road between OP Delta and OP Charlie were both damaged and impassable. "2. The civilian road was repaired but further air attacks badly damaged the canal road and on 28 July the Officer-in-Charge, Ismailia Control Centre, reported this road impassable, not only by vehicle but also by foot.

A.. S/7930/Add.300 English Page 5

"3. On 29 July the Senior UAR Liaison Officer informed the QIC, ICC, that permission was granted for UN to use the civilian road to relieve OP Charlie. Although damaged, this civilian road could be used by small vehicles. "I*. At 0905 on 6 August the Senior UAR Liaison Officer informed ICC that he had received instructions from his higher command that the civilian road between OP Delta and OP Charlie would be closed to UN personnel and vehicles as from 7 August. "5. The Senior UAR Liaison Officer vas informed that unless road access to the OP was guaranteed the UKMOs would be withdrawn and the OP temporarily closed. U6. On 7 August the Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that the civilian road could be used by UN on 7 August only to enable UN to withdraw the UNMOs. The Senior UAR Liaison Officer also stated that after 7 August the civilian road would be closed to UN until further notice. "7. The Chief of Staff of UNTSO had no recourse but to temporarily close the OP until access was guaranteed by the UAR. This step was taken reluctantly as the closing of OP Charlie leaves a large area in the Suez Canal sector without UN observation." UNITED NATIONS QV^ ^—r-~^ Distr. S Ec Cr* Ui i Rn Ii T Yv dlf/^tr-S^f/LggnM^ GEKERAL COUNCIL " Iug°sf 1969 ^^^^^ ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 6 August 1969 was received on 7 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. OP-/ reports. 2/ (a) OP Violet. At OOU6-' machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0115 and by Israel forces at 0117. Between 10C6 and 1010 sporadic rifle fire, at 1132 two single rifle shots, between I2bb and 12^6 rifle fire and between lUl5 and 1513 sporadic rifle fire, all by UAR forces.

(b) OP Delta. Between 0230 and 0308 and between 16^9 and 1712 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(c) OP Pink. At 0735 three single rifle shots (see paragraph 2), at 1713 two mortar rounds and between 1725 and 17^5 sporadic rifle fire, all by UAR forces. At l^bh machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 19^6 and by Israel forces at 19^7. At 2002 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces' and at 2005 sporadic rifle fire and three mortar rounds by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2032 and by Israel forces at 2115. At 20ii6 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2110 one mortar round by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2113. Between 2138 and 21^ machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(d) OP Mike. At lQlj-7 rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1053 machine- gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1102 and by UAR forces at 1103. At 1305 artillery fire which ceased immediately, and between 1637 and 1700 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1713 and 1738 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1733 and 1758 artillery fire by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the control centres and the observation posts established by IMTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-17083 S/7950/Add.299 English Page 2

(e) OP Copper. Eetveen 1158 and 1205 mortar fire by Israel forces.

(f) OP Blue. At 1251 and at 1505, each time, one artillery round by UAR forces. Bet-ween 1700 and 1701 mortar fire and between 1722 and 1728 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1736 and 18 16 sporadic artillery fire and at 1907 three missiles by UAR forces.

(g) OP Yellow. 'At lk^6 one rifle shot by Israel forces.

(h) OP Green. Between I6k6 and l6k8 and between 1702 and 1705 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(i) OP Lima. At 1750 and 1810, each time, mortar fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces.

(j) OP Silver. At IjhO three flares by Israel forces. At 1805 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1815 and by Israel forces at 1906. At 191^- several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces .

"2. Firing at or close to United Nations installations and personnel. OP Pink: at 0755 three rifle shots were fired by UAR forces at burnt- out caravans approximately thirty metres from present OP caravan.

"5 « Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"4. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. One Israel forces soldier wounded.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.298 COUNCIL 6 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

Suez Canal sector

1. The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 5 August 1969 was received on 6 August from the Chief of Staff of UNISO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-' reports.

(a) OP Delta. Between 0157— and 0159 machine-gun fire and at 1204 tank fire, which ceased immediately, by Israel forces. At 1206 mortar fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces. Between 22l6 and 2237 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(b) OP Blue. At 0206 four mortar rounds by Israel forces. Between 16^5 and 1658 artillery fire, at l800 one round of artillery fire and at 1900 five rounds of artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1925 and 1929 mortar fire and between 2332 and 2355 artillery fire by Israel forces „

(c) OP Pink. Between 0302 and 0309 three rifle shots; between 1600 and 1631 sporadic rifle fire and at 1813 two rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1815 and 1835 each time one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1837 two rounds of mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1855 and 1915 ten rounds of mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1915 and 1920 six rifle shots and between 2031 and 2042 mortar fire by UAR forces (see para. 2). Between 2050 and 2114 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces.

(d) OP Hotel. Between 075^ and 0800 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 0831 and 0836 mortar fire by Israel forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established ~ by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-17037 /• S/7930/Add.298 English Page 2

(e) OP Violet. At 0815 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces and at 08L9 one rifle shot by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0854. At L2L7 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1225 rifle fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1232. Between 13^7 and 135^ sporadic rifle fire and at l64o one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2109 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2116 machine- gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2150 and by Israel forces at 2152. At 222^1- machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2227 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0028 (6 August) and by UAR forces at 0030.

(f) OP Lima. At 1000 and at 1100 each time mortar fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces. Between 1215 and 12^2 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1300 mortar fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces . Between IJO^ and 1306 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 23^0 and 2355 mortar fire by UAR forces.

(g) OP Copper. Between 1108 and 1109 mortar fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Echo. At 1L23 light machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces.

(i) OP Green. Between 1520 and 1537 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces . At 2207 several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(j) OP Mike. Between 2327 and 2352 artillery fire by Israel forces.

"2. Firing at or close to UN installations. OP Pink: between 2031 and 20^2 five mortar rounds fired by UAR forces exploded between 50 and 80 metres from the OP. The OP was illuminated and there were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity. "3- Complaints by the parties. Ml. "U . Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Nil. (b) Israel. Three Israel forces soldiers wounded.

(c) UAR. Wo reports received."

Israel-Syria sector

2. The following report on firing in the Israel-Syria sector on k August was received from General Bull on 5 August;

"OP Six (MR 2300-28*17) reported following incident. At 2129 light machine-gun and heavy machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at the same time heavy machine-gun and eight rounds of mortar fire by Syrian forces. Fire ceased by Syrian forces at 2217 and by Israel forces at 2219. Three mortar rounds exploded in vicinity of OP." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.297 COUNCIL 5 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following .summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on August 1969 -was received on 5 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, -i General- Odd Bull:

"1. OP-' reports. (a) OP Delta. Between 00l6^ and 0037 and between 1918 and 1922 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (b) QP Pink. At 0111 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0150 and by Israel forces at 0157. Between 0207 and 02^0 machine-gun fire, at 130*J- three bursts of light machine-gun fire and between I8l6 and 1921 several rifle shots, all by UAR forces. (c) OP Violet. At 0200 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 0210. At 1930 sporadic light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1931 sporadic light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 220*1- and by Israel forces at 2211. At 2355 sporadic light machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0023 (5 August) and by UAR forces at 002*1-. (d) OP Mike. At 0359 mortar fire, which ceased immediately, between 0800 and 08^6" mortar and artillery fire and at nM artillery fire, which ceased immediately, all by UAR forces. At 1*1-20 artillery fire by UAR forces which ceased at 1*1-22. Between 1*1-22 and 1*1-2*1- artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1.605 and l6*K) artillery fire by UAR forces.

(e.) OP Blue. Between 061**- and 0616 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0800 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0812 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0828 and by Israel forces at oQk6. Between .1*1-21 and 1*1-22 mortar fire by Israel forces and between 1606 and 1722 spo.ra;dic .madhine-gun and artillery fire by UAR forces.

I/ !Ehe locations of the Control Centres aljd-. the Observation Posts established - bjr UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. S/7930/Add.297 English Page 2

(f) OP Charlie. Between 1036 an'Q" 10J9 ack ack and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (g) OP Yellow. Between 16^5 and 1658 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces.

"2. Firing at United Nations installations and personnel. Mil.

"5. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"4. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." <*/ UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL s/7930/Add.296 COUNCIL k August 1969


Suppiemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 3 August 1969 was received on k August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"l. OP-' reports. 2/ (a) OP Blue. Between 002W and 0024 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Between IJlU and 15^1 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. Between 2013 and 2058 artillery and mortar fire and at 2129 several rounds of artillery and mortar fire, which ceased immediately, by Israel forces. At 2136 several rounds of artillery and mortar fire., which ceased immediately, by UAR forces.

(b) OP Pink. At 0027 sporadic small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 0059 sporadic mortar and small-arms fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 015^ and by UAR forces at 0205. At 1657 one rifle shot and at l801 one round of artillery fire by UAR forces. Between l8l4 and l8l6 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1832 mortar and small-arms fire by Israel forces and at 1835 mortar and small-arms fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1927 and by Israel forces at 1929. At 1951 artillery, mortar and small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 1959 mortar and small-arms fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2025 and by UAR forces at 2029. At 2100 one round of artillery fire by UAR forces. At 2105 four rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 21J3 and 2151 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 2159 and 2210 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2255 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at the same time machine-gun and later one round of mortar fire and one round of artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0001 (h August) and by UAR forces at 0013 (^ August).

(c) OP Lima. At 0703 mortar fire, which ceased immediately^ by UAR forces. At 1600 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1602 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1612 and by Israel forces

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by ~ IMTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222., para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-16891 S/7930/Add.296 English Page 2

at l6l4. At 2224 machine-gun fire and later tank and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2225 machine-gun^ mortar and recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0203 (4 August) and by Israel forces at 0205 (4 August).

(d) OP Violet. Between 0707 and 0710 small-arms fire by UAR forces. At l8l4 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at the same time machine-gun fire and later two flares by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1820 and by UAR forces at 1828. At 2026 two flares and later machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2034 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2322.

(e) CP Yellow. Between 0743 and 0748 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 0750 and 0754 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces,

(f) OP Mike. At 0914, 1000 and 1448 artillery fire, each time ceasing immediately., by UAR forces. Between 2011 and 2057 and between 2128 and 2145 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(g) OP Green. Between 1234 and 1254 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Copper. At l8l2 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 2053 small-arms fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0039 (4 August) and by Israel forces at 0045 (4 August).

"2. Firing at United Nations installations and personnel. Nil.

"3- Complaints by the parties. Ml.

"4. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that five Israel forces soldiers were wounded.

(c) UAR, No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. _ . _ » * S fl f \ I D I T V E C U COUNCI L Su August 196s ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information.

The following summary report on firing in the Suez, Canal sector on 2 August 1969 was received on 3 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OF^ reports.

2/ (a) OP Pink. At 0113— sporadic machine-gun fire Ijy Israel forces and at 0200 several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces immediately and by Israel forces at 0201. At 0^-09 one rifle shot by Israel forces. At 0850 two rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1005 one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1.859 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1900 sporadic mortar and maciiine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1953- At 201Y one rifle shot by UAR forces.

(b) OP Lima. At OLUo machine-gun and recoilless gun fire by UAR forces and at 0114-2 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 01^8. At l6oi machine-gun and recoilless gun fire by UAR forces and at l607 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at l60'7 and by Israel forces at 1.609- At 1631 mortar fire by UAR forces and at I.6kk mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1650 and by Israel forces at 1655. At 2055 machine-gun and, later, mortar and recoilless gun fire by UAR forces and at 2109 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2111 and by UAR forces at 2135. At 2335 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 000^ (3 August) machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 0012 (3 August).

(c) OP Delta. Between 0915 and 09l6 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 0933 and 0938 tank fire by Israel forces.

(d) OP Charlie. At 1.6CO tank fire by Israel forces and at l6oi machine-gun and recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1629 and by Israel forces at 1639•

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by IMTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.2223 para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-16885 S/7930/Add.295 English Page 2

(e) OP Copper. At 1625 sporadic small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 165*1- sporadic small-arms fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1659 and by UAR forces at 1705- At 2100 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2120 sporadic machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 21*10.

(f) OP Violet. At 1631 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces and at 16^5 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1702 and by UAR forces at 1705. At 1927 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1928 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1935 and by UAR forces at 19*K). At 2008 several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2009 several bursts of machine-gun- fire by Israel forces. At 2039 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 22CO.

(g) OP Yellow. At 22*15 several flares by Israel forces. (h) OP Blue. At 23*1-3 sporadic mortar and small-arms fire by Israel forces and at 2355 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0009 (3 August) and by Israel forces at 00*^2 (3 August). "2. Firing at United Nations installations and personnel. Nil. "3. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"*!-. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received


Supplemental Information

. The following summary report on activities in the Suez Canal sector on 1 August 1969 was received on 2 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. OP» reports. (a) OP Yellow, At 005"-!- sporadic machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 0112. At G435 o™e 'round mortar fire and between 0806 and 0833 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 09*0 and 0952 mortar fire by Israel forces, At 1333 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1349 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1352 and by UAR forces at 1358. At 2100 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2101 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2111. (b) OP Lima. Between 0136 and 0205 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1635 machine-gun, mortar and recoilless gun fire Toy UAR forces and at 1636 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1647 and by UAR forces at 1702. Between 2043 and 2050 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2301 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2302 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2316 but resumed at 2338. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2350 and by Israel forces at 2351. (c) OP Mike. Between 0646 and 0705 tank and recoilless gunfire by UAR forces. At 0708 sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0713 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0728 and by UA? forces at 0731. At 0923 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0924 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0934 and by UAR forces at 0940. Between 1137 and 1151 rifle and sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1207 and 1220 artillery fire by Israel forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-16879 English Page 2

(d) OP Blue. Between 0656 and 0722 sporadic artillery fire and between 0921* and 09*11 sporadic mortar fire by UAH forces. Between 2125 and 2138 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. (e) OP Copper. At 1028 one burst machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(f ) OP Delta. At 13^3 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 13^7 and by UAR forces at 13^8. At 1736 sporadic machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1850 and by Israel forces at 1851. At 23^0 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 23*4-3 • (g) OP Pink. At 1^32 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 2220 sporadic rifle fire and later sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2256 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2315 and by UAR forces at 2320. (h) OP Charlie. At 1619 machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, and between l6Ul and 16^3 machine -gun fire by Israel forces . : (i) OP Silver. At 17^3 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1757 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1808 and by UAR forces at l8l6. "2. Firing at United Nations installations and personnel. Nil. "3. Cease-fire proposals. Nil. "^. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "5. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Nil, (b) Israel. No reports received. (c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.293 COUNCIL 1 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The report of the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, set forth in document S/7930/Add.291 concerns activities in the Israel-Syria sector on 31 July 1969 up to 1055 hours GMT. The following report, which was received from General Bull on 1 August, deals with activities in the same sector on 31 July since that time.

"Aircraft activity report. I/ 2/ (a) OP—' Two. At ikhk-' four Israel forces Mirage aircraft seen crossing from west to east in area between OP Two and OP Three. Explosions heard approximately ten kilometres north-northeast of OP Two. OP Three confirms. At 1600 two Israel forces Mirage aircraft crossed from west to east over MR 230-27^. Explosions heard prior to overflight and additional explosions heard east of OP at 1602 .

(b) OP Six. Between lU^6 and 1^53 four Israel forces Mirage aircraft seen attacking Syrian position in MR 233-291 in two attacks with bombs or rockets. Ack-ack fire by Syrian forces from area east of OP Yoke and north of OP X-ray.

(c) OP Yoke. Between and 1^53 ack-ack fire by Syrian forces.

(d) OP X-ray. Between lkk6 and 1^53 ack-ack fire by Syrian forces and explosions heard at approximately ten kilometres east of OP.

(e) OP One. At 1^5^- four Israel forces Mirage aircraft seen flying from south to north, three kilometres inside Syrian territory and r.ecrossing FDLS (limits of the forward defended localities indicating the cease-fire lines) at MR 225-295- Heavy ack-ack fire by Syrian forces from MR 226-295.

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UMTSO in the Israel- Syria sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-16823 S/7930/Add.293 English Page 2

(f) OP Winter. Between 1553 and 1559 Syrian forces fired several bursts of ack-ack fire. One Mirage seen and heard flying from east to west south of OP.

(g) OP Victor. At l6l7 two Israel forces Mirage aircraft crossed FDLS at MR 231-26U. No recrossing observed." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.292 COUNCIL 1 August 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on activities in the Suez Canal sector on 31 July 1969 was received on 1 August from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-' reports.

(a) OP Lima. At 07^5-' and between 1253 and 1255 rifle shots by UAR forces. Between lk^3 and 1500 machine-gun and mortar fire, between l6ll and 1635 rifle fire and at l^kk machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, all by UAR forces. At 190^ machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1905 machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both sides at 1936. At 2013 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 20W* mortar fire by Israel forces, which ceased immediately. At 2Idk machine- gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both sides at 2120. At 2235 machine- gun and light mortar fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 22Ul and by Israel forces at 22^7,

(b) OP Pink. At «3l5 one mortar round and at 0925, 1012, 1559 and 1625 rifle shots, all by UAR forces. Between 1709 and 1710 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 173^ and 1737 mortar fire and between 1813 and 182)4 small-arms and mortar fire, all by Israel forces. At 2050 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2053 sporadic machine- gun and, later, five tank-gun rounds by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2235 and by UAR forces at 22kk. Between 2301 and 2320 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2330 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces and between 0105 and 0138 (l August) several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0200 (1 August).

(c) OP Violet. At 0858 two rounds of mortar fire by UAR forces.

(d) OP'Copper. At 11^2 several rounds of machine-gun fire and between 1630 and 1635 artillery fire by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/79;,-0/Adci.L22, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-16311 S/7930/Add.292 English Page 2

(e) OP Mike. Between 1630 and 1635 artillery fire,, between l6Uo and l6k~5 rifle fire, and between 17^6 and 1752 artillery fire, all by UAR1 forces.

(f) OP Blue. Between 1655 and 17CO and between 17^5 and 17U3 mortar fire by Israel forces.

(g) CP Yellow. Between 1325 and 13U3 loudspeaker broadcast in Hebrew by UAR. Between 22^5 and 230^4- sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(h) OP Green. At 2C25 two bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

"2. Firing at UN installations and personnel. Nil.

"3- Cease-fire proposals. Nil.

"h. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"5- Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GEMERAL. S/7930/Add.291 COUNCIL 31 July 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information The folio-wing report concerning the cease-fire in the Israel-Syria sector on 31 July 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the same day.

"l. Aircraft activity report. 1 / 2/ (a) OP One-' reported that between 1000-' and 1004 six unidentified aircraft, two delta-winged (MIG 21 type) and four swept-winged (MIG 17-19 type) aircraft, probably fighter bombers, attacked with bombs and rockets Israel forces position on Mount Herrnon (MR 22^-301).

(b) OP Yoke reported that between 1019 and 1036 two Israel forces Mirage aircraft crossed FDLS (limits of the forward defended localities indicating the cease-fire lines) from west to east and circled immediate area east and north-east of OP. There was ack-ack and heavy machine-gun fire by Syrian forces during this period. (c) OP Zodiac, OP X-ray and OP Yoke reported ack-ack fire by Syrian forces from military positions in OPs areas between 1029 and 1055. Target were.Mirage aircraft flying west of FDLS in OP One area.

"2. Firing incident. OP Five reported artillery fire by Syrian forces at 1002 and artillery fire by Israel forces at 1005. Israel fire was directed at area six kilometers north-northeast of OP. Forty artillery rounds -were fired. Syrian fire was directed at area 1,500 metres west of OP. Twenty rounds were fired. Artillery rounds were also seen falling in Kuneitra area. Personnel in Kuneitra went to shelter. Fire ceased by both parties at 1025."

I/ The locations of the Observation Posts established by UHTSO in the Israel-Syria ~~ sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.


SECURITY il»7k^^\»fc GENERAL COUNCI/" /^ I I Kl /" I LI m^vS^TV/WS^W^ 5S/7930/Add.291 juiy 19690 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH r Supplemental Information

1. The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 30 July 1969 was received on 31 July from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

11 1. OP-' reports. (a) OP Yellow. Between 0015—' and 02^7 sporadic machine-gun and rifle firr- by Israel forces. Between 07^5 and 0755 artillery fire by UAR forces . At 0939 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0955 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1030 and by Israel forces at 1032. At 1825 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1827 and by UAR forces at 1829- At 19^5 two bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2135 mortar fire by UAR forces and at the same time mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 21UO and by UAR forces at 2lU2. (b) OP Pink. At 0021 machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 0105. Between O^US and OU59 artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0617 four rounds mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0800 one tank round by UAR forces. At 0911 two rounds of tank gun fire and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun and later tank gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 0935- At 1000 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1001. Between 1^-37 and 11+39 anti-tank gun fire by UAR forces. At 1510 machine- gun fire by Israel forces and at 1512 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at (c) OP Violet. Between 00^6 and Qlbk machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 17^2 one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At l8ll machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun fire by Israel forces . Fire ceased by both parties at 1815 .

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ AH times GMT. 69-16769 /.. S/7930/Add.290 English JTr.-e 2

(d) OP Copper. At 0050 machiuf -gun riri ot UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun fire by Israel forces. jrire ceased by both parties at 0145. At 2216 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 22^3 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2259 one rocket fired by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 23^5. (e) OP Blue. Between 012*1 and 0127 artillery fire by UAR forces. At f 1215 one round mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1221 and 1232 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 16"25 and l6j2 artillery fire by UAR forces.

(fj OP Charlie. At 060? machine-gun fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. At 125^ mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1302 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1320 and by Israel forces at 1328. (g) OP Hotel. Between 0746 and 0756 artillery fire by UAR forces.

(h) CP Lima. At 0813 artillery fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately,. Between 1555 and l6o4 six rifle shots by UAR forces.

(i) OP Mike. Between 1025 and 1026 and between 1214 and 1223 sporadic mortar fire. At 1930 mortar fire ceased immediately by UAR forces.

(j) OP Silver, /it 1026 two rifle shots and between 1246 and 1254 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1.6k" anti-aircraft gun and machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, by Israel forces,. Between 1922 and 193^ machine-gun fire, between 2054 and 2118 sporadic mortar fire and between 2155 and 2204 mortai- fire by UAR forces. (k) OP Delta. • At 1045 sporadic machine-sun fire by UAR forces and at 1102 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1125 and by Israel forces at 11J1. Between 1000 and 1004 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1045 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1104 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1131 and by UAR forces at

(l) OP Green, Between 1502' and 1530 machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(m) OP Foxtrot. Between 2155 and 2217 artillery fire by Israel forces. S/7950/Add.29<5 English Page 3

"2. Firing at United Nations im: ^Hat:V-:-;r s-nrl personnel. Nil. "3. Complaints by the patties. Nil. "4. Casualties and damage. F (a) United Nations. Nil. (b) Israel. No reports received. (c) UAR. Ho reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL


Supplemental Information

1. The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 29 July 1969 was received on 30 July from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-/ reports.

(a) OP Green. Between 0015— and 0045 machine-gun fire by Israel / forces. At 0045 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 0110 machine-gun and, later, mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 0125. At 1823 machine-gun and, later, mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1824 machine-gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1906 and by Israel forces at 1910. At 1939 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 19^5 mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2100.

(b) OP Red. At 0015 small-arms fire by UAR forces and at 0130 sporadic small-arms fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0215 and by UAR forces at 0225. OP Red was temporarily closed as from 0800.

(c) OP Lima. Between 0055 and 0108 machine-gun fire, between 1221 and 1222 anti-aircraft fire and between l8l2 and 1817 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2048 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2050 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2102 and. by UAR forces at 2103- At 2354 machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2355 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0026 (30 July) and by Israel forces at 0039 (3° July). (d) OP Yellow. Between 0145 and 0149 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 0935 and 0938 artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1005 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1010 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1015 an

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established ~ by UKTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document .S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-1666! S/7930/Add.289 English Page 2 '

(e) OP Violet. At O6l2 two rifle shots, at 0755, 0926 and 1630, each time, one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1856 two flares and between 2350 and 01^5 (3° July) sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces .

(f) OP Hotel. At 03^3 two bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces .

(g) OP Mike. Between 0953 and 095U rifle fire and between 1219 and 1222 anti-aircraft and machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(h) OP Blue. Between 1213 and 1222 machine-gun fire and between 1313 and 1330 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 133^- and 1336 mortar fire and between 210U and 2110 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 2110 and 21lU artillery fire by UAR forces.

(i) OP Orange site. Report by UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers) accompanying working party. I/ At 1335 when UNMOs and working party; were leaving OP Orange site, six heavy explosions were seen on east side of Canal approximately hOO 'metres from OP site. At IjUl mortar fire by Israel forces. Due to their departure UNMOs could not state when fire by Israel forces ceased.

(j) OP Charlie. At 13^6 two bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2050 sporadic machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2106 machine-gun fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. Fire by Israel forces ceased at 2113- Between 21^1 and 2226 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces .-

(k) OP Pink. Between IjMa and 13^-7 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1550 machine-gun and, later, mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1551 machine-gun fire by UAR forces . Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1630 and by Israel forces at 1636. At 16^7 one round of anti-tank fire by UAR forces . At 1726 sporadic small-arms fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, sporadic small-arms fire and, later, two flares by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1330 and by Israel forces at 1833 • Between 1903 and 1908 mortar fire by UAR forces . Between 1918 and 1919 mortar fire and at 1935 one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 23^2 mortar fire by Israel forces and, immediately after, mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 0005 (30 July) .

(l) OP Silver. At 1^02 intense anti-aircraft and machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, and between 1^19 and l^Jl sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1725 two bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces . .

I/ The working party was proceeding -with the construction of the shelter planned for the proposed OP Orange. S/7930/Add.239 English Page '7-

(m) OP Delta. At 18^5 machine-gun fire, at 1905 machine-gun, mortar and tank fire, at 1922 anti-tank and mortar fire, at 19^0 mortar fire (in all cases fire ceased immediately) and between 23 03 and 2305 mortar fire, all by Israel forces.

"2. Firing at United Nations installations and personnel. Mil.

"3- Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"U. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Mil.

(b) Israel. No reports received,

(c) UAR. No reports received."

2. With reference to the temporary closing of OP Mike mentioned in S/7930/Add.2S9, paragraph 2, General Bull has reported that this OP was reopened on 29 July. UN/TED NATIONS Distr. SECURITC C f* I I O I T YV GEWERAL


Supplemental Information

1. The following report concerning exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 28 July 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on 29 July. It does not include air activities, which have already been reported in document S/7930/Add.287, dated 28 July.

"1. OP-/ reports. 2/ (a) OP Yellow. At 0005-^ machine-gun fire by Israel forces and immediately after, machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 0017. Between 02O6 and 0220 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. Between 1955 and 2040 and between 2332 and 2337 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(b) OP Red. At 0055 intense machine-gun fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, intense machine-gun fire and, later, sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 0110. Between 0809 and 0812 six rounds of anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. At 1^12 machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1422 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1^23 and by UAR forces at ll*27. Between 1556 and 1607 and between 1704 and 1710 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces.

(c) OP Lima. At 0105 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces and, at the same time, machine-gun and, later, mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 01J1 and "by Israel forces at 0152.

(d) OP Blue. Between 0359 and 0410 intense artillery fire, at 1908 one round of mortar fire, between 1922 and 1923 and between 2011 and 2012 artillery fire, all by UAR forces. Between 2014 and 2028 artillery fire by Israel forces .

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UMTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-16605 / S/793°/A

(e) OP Pink. Between OUOC and 0^02 artillery and mortar fire and between 0659 and 0708 sporadic anti-tank fire by UAR forces. At 10J1 sporadic small-arms fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 10^3. Between 1709 and 1713 artillery and mortar fire and at 23^5 one rifle shot (see paragraph 2) by UAR forces. \ (f) OP Kilo. At 081^- anti-aircraft fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces.' (g) OP Hotel. At 0835 anti-aircraft fire, which ceased immediately, and at 1325 rifle fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces. (h) OP Delta. Between 0846 and 0848 anti-aircraft fire and between 1426 and 1453 intense anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. At 2049 tank and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2050 recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2050. At 2126 tank and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and, at the same time, machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased immediately by joth parties. Between 2201 and 2203 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces.

(i) OP Copper. Between 1421 and 1457 intense anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces.

(j) OP Echo. Between 1421 and 145&1 intense anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. (k) OP Green. Between 1515 and 1709 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1807 mortar fire and, later, intense machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1845 intense machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1936 and by UAR forces at 2013- Between 2345 and 2400 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (l) OP Violet. At 1516 several bursts of anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces.

(m) OP Silver. Between 1854 and 1857 machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

"2. Firing at United Nations installations and personnel. OP Pink: at 2345 °ne rifle shot was fired by UAR forces. This shot (tracer) passed just over OP caravan. The OP was illuminated and there were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity.

"3. Complaints by the parties. Nil. S/7930/Add.288 EngEnglisl h Page

"h. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received. (c) UAR. Wo reports received."

2. In view of the escalation of firing incidents in the Suez Canal sector in recent days and of the increasing danger to which United Nations Military Observers have been exposed, the Chief of Staff of UWTSO has decided to 'suspend temporarily operations at OPs Mike, Red and Kilo. The temporary closing of OP Mike became effective as of lUjO hours GMT, £7 July, and it is intended that it should be remanned shortly. The other two OPs will be temporarily closed as from 29 July; they will be remanned as soon as General Bull is satisfied that adequate shelters are available. Meanwhile, observation along the southern of the Suez Canal will continue to be carried out by OPs Blue, Lima and Pink. UNITED NATIONS Distr. CURITY C-EMERAL S/7930/Add..237 UNC1L 28 July 1569 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following report concerning air activities in the Suez Canal sector on 28 July 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the same day:

"1. OP-' reports.

(a) OP Green. At 1^09— two Israel Skyhawk aircraft crossed Canal east to west and attacked with bombs target west side of Canal. Aircraft departed west to east at 1^10. At 11-1-27 three Israel Skyhawk aircraft crossed Canal flying south-east to north-west and attacked with bombs target on west side of Canal. Aircraft departed across Canal west to east at 1^30. At ll*37 two Israel Skyhawk aircraft crossed Canal from south-east to north-west and attacked with bombs target on west side of Canal. Aircraft departed across Canal west to east at ihhQ. At ihko two Israel Skyhawk aircraft crossed Canal flying from south-east to north-west and bombed target on west side of Canal. Aircraft departed west to east at lUUl. At 1515 two Israel aircraft crossed Canal flying west to east.

(b) OP Blue. At 1U09 two Israel Super llystere aircraft crossed Canal flying north-east to south-west and bombed target on west side of Canal. Aircraft departed north-west to south-east at

(c) OP Silver. At l^lj two Israel Skyhawk flying from north to south on west side of Canal attacked target on west side of Canal with rockets. Aircraft departed to north at lUl^.

(d) OP Charlie. At lU25 six Israel Skyhawk aircraft crossed Canal east to west and attacked target on Canal road west side of Canal 100 metres to 1,000 metres from OP. Aircraft recrossed Canal west to east at

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. S/7930/Add.287 English Page 2

(e) OP Copper. Between 1^50 and 1^51 "two Israel Skyhawk aircraft flying from south to north bombed target on west side of Canal north of OP. Departure flight of aircraft not observed. (f) OP Delta. At 1^51 eight Israel Skyhawk aircraft crossed Canal east to west and bombed target on west side of Canal south of OP. Aircraft departed across Canal west to east at 1^53« Between 1^51 and 1^53 four Israel Mirage aircraft were observed flying north to south and later south to north on west side of Canal.

"2. Bombing close to and damage to United Nations installations: Nil." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.286 COUNCIL 28 July 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplements 1 Informs ti on

The following report concerning exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 2? July 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of ' UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on 28 July. It does not include air activities which have already been reported in document S/7930/Add.285, dated 27 July.

"1. OP-/ reports. 2/ (a) OP Silver. At 0005-7 four rounds of artillery fire, between 1135 and 1139 mortar and machine-gun fire, between 1233 and 1238 mortar fire and "between 1300 and 1J2^ mortar and, later, artillery fire, all by Israel forces.

(b) OP Violet. At 0022 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0025 sporadic -machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0110 and by Israel forces at 0115. At 1100 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1102 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1118 and by Israel forces at 1122. At 1518 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 15^6 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1602 and by Israel forces at 1605. At 1655 one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1733 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 17^1 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 18^2 and by UAR forces at 1857. Between 1906 and 1908 machine-gun fire and at 1958 two bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2111 six rounds of artillery fire and at 2308 three bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(c) OP Red. Between C023 and 0026 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 08^4-1 and 0850 anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. At 1118 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1125 mdrtar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1137 and by Israel forces at 1155. Between 1653 and 1704 sporadic artillery fire and at 1722 machine-gun fire by UAR forces, and, immediately after, machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. \

69-16523 /. . . s/7930/Add.286 Engli sh Page 2

at 1727« -At 17^-5 sporadic mortar and, later, artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1822 five mortar rounds by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1955. Bet-ween 2013 and 2125 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(d) OP Copper. At 0100 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0103 three rifle shots by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0119- Bet-ween O6kh and 0646 mortar fire and at 0727 two mortar rounds by UAR forces. Between 1207 and 1217 artillery fire by Israel forces and between 1220 and 12^2 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1935 artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 19^7 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 19^8 arid by UAR forces at 204-5. Between 2017 and 2031 mortar fire by Israel forces and between 2031 and 2046 mortar fire by UAR forces.

(e) OP Green. Between 0700 and 0702 anti-aircraft fire and between 1645 and 1648 rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1827 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1828 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1829. At 1855 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and, immediately after, machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1858 and by Israel forces at 1859. Between 1920 and 1930 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2035 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 2038.

(f) OP Mike. Between 0830 and 0833, between 0837 and 084l and at 0855 and 0903 (each time fire ceasing immediately), anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. At 1101 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1113 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at Ill8 and by Israel forces at 1157 (see para. 2). Between 1201 and 1222 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(g) OP Blue. Between 0831 and 0855 anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. At 1105 artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1112 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1118 and by Israel forces at 1215. Between l4l8 and 1444 artillery fire, between 1518 and 1534 artillery, recoilless gun and machine-gun fire and between 1553 an<3 1602 recoilless gun and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1635 artillery and, later, tank fire by Israel forces and at 1655 tank, artillery and mortar fire - by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1716.

(h) OP Hotel. At 0849 sporadic anti-aircraft and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 0900 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0924 and by Israel forces at 0950. Between 1012 and 1030 artillery fire and between 1136 and 1141 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1148 and 1155 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1242 machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, by Israel forces. At 1443 machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces. At 2C05 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2013 mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2020 and by UAR forces at 2021. Engl . sh Page 3

(i) OP Orange site, observed by UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers) making reconnaissance. Between 0858 and 0901 machine-gun fire and between 1032 and 1052 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces.

(j) OP 'Foxtrot. At 0925 ack-ack fire, which ceased immediately by UAR forces.

(k) OP Kilo. At 1055 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1058 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1157- Between 1213 and 1221 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(l) OP Pink. At 1055 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1057 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at llUl and by UAR forces at 11^2. Between 121U and 1219 artillery fire and between 1739 and 17^0 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 17^-0 several bursts of machine-gun fire and between 1858 and 1937 machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. Between 19^0 and 19^-2 machine-gun fire and at 2CCO one round of mortar fire by Israel forces. At 2C01 five mortar rounds by UAR forces.

(m) OP Yellow. Between 111^ and 1116 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces . At 1151! sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1201 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 122U. Between 1335 and 13^5 rifle fire by Israel forces. At 1^35 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1^436 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1503. Between 1533 and 1535 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 15^0 and 1628 mortar and sporadic machine-gun fire, between 2035 and 20^1 and between 22CO and 2206 rifle fire, all by UAR forces .

(n) OP Lima. Between 1123 and 1127 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1129 and 1156 rnortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1623 and 1627 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 17^1 machine-gun and later mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1752 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1823. At 1859 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 19CO mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1912. At 1930 tank and mortar fire by Israel forces 3 immediately follcwe'd by mortar and machine -gun fire by UAR forces. Fire cecsed by UAR forces at 1933 and by Israel forces at Between 202^4- and 203^- artillery fire by Israel forces .

(o) OP Charlie. Between 1135 and llUl mortar fire and between 2006 and 202U mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(p) OP Echo. Between 1213 ^nd 1221 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1222 and 12U4 artillery fire by UAR force's.

(q) OP Delta. At 1835 machine-gun fire by Israel forces, iimediately followed b,y machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1855. At 1908 mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1909 machine-gun and, later, mortar and tank fire by Israel 'forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 19^U and by Israel forces at 19^5. At 2021 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 202U . S/7930/Add.286 English Page k

"2. Firing at United Nations installations and personnel. At 1135 °P Mike •was damaged by shell fire (see paragraph h) .

"3- Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"U. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Major B.E. Plane., Sweden, -was killed -whilst on duty at OP Miice. An inquiry is being conducted (see S/7930/Add.28U) •

(b) Israel. One Israel forces soldier was killed and six wounded.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.285 COUNCIL 27 July 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following report concerning air activities in the Suez Canal sector on 27 July 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UMTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the same day: "1. OP» reports. (a) OP Creen. At 0700-/ sound of jet aircraft at very high altitude flying northeast to southwest was heard. At same time intense anti-aircraft fire was observed on west side of Canal. (b) OP Echo. At 0702 four unidentified jet aircraft crossed Canal from west to east at very low altitude. At 0703 heavy explosion was heard east of OP on east side of Canal. At 07OU four unidentified jet aircraft crossed Canal east to west and immediately after a further four unidentified jet aircraft crossed Canal east to west. (c; OP Yellow. At 0703 six unidentified aircraft crossed Canal flying from southeast to northeast and attacked target east of OP on east side of Canal,. No return flight path observed. (d) OP Delta. At 0705 one unidentified jet aircraft crossed Canal east to west at very low altitude. "2. Damage and casualties. (a) United Nations. Nil. (b) Israel. IDP Liaison Officer reported several Israel forces soldiers wounded by air attack. (c) UAR. No report received."

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UHTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, paragraph 2. 2/ All times (SAT.


Supplemental Information

The following incident, in the Suez Canal sector has been reported by the Chief of Staff of UTJTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on 2? July 19^9: "At 1135 GMT on 27 July, Major B.R. Plane of the Swedish Army who was on duty at OP I/ Mike on the western bank of the Suez Canal was killed by artillery fire. An investigation is now in progress and further details will be reported later."

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UKTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7950/Add.222, paragraph 2.

69-16U80 UNITED NATIONS .^s^" Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.283/Corr.l COUNCIL SH^;iH^i 28 July 1969 ^=^ ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information


1. On page 1, the first four lines of paragraph II should read:

"II. The first report reads as follows:

Following is summary report on air activities in the Suez Canal Sector on 26 July 1969:".

2. On page 2, the first four lines of paragraph III should read:

"III. The second report reads as follows:

Following is summary report on exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal Sector on 26 July 1969:".


Supplemental Information

I. Two reports concerning the situation in the Suez Canal sector on 26 July have been received from the Chief of Staff of UMTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull. The first report concerns air activities and the second concerns exchanges of fire. II. The first report reads as follows: The following report concerning air activities in the Suez Canal Sector on 26 July 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of tJOTSO, Et. General Odd Bull, on the same day: "1. OP-/ reports. (a) OP Blue. At 1259^ two Israel Skyhawk aircraft attacked target west of OP on the west side of the Canal with bombs and machine-gun fire. Aircraft departed west to east at 1300. (b) OP Silver. At 1300 four Israel Skyhawk aircraft attacked target west of OP on west side of the Canal. Departure flight of aircraft not observed. At 1338 sound of jet aircraft and anti-aircraft fire south and southwest of OP were heard. At 1300 an unknown number of unidentified aircraft attacked target south of OP on the west side of the Canal. Aircraft departed west to east at 1301. (c) OP Green. At 1302 four. Israel Skyhawk aircraft attacked target west of OP on vest side of Canal with incendiary bcfmbs. Aircraft departed west to east at 1313. At 1339 three Israel Skyhawk aircraft attacked target west and northwest of OP on west side of Canal with bombs and incendiary bombs. Aircraft departed west to east at 13^0. At 13i(8 three Israel Skyhawk aircraft made high altitude bombing attack west of OP on west side of the Canal. Aircraft departed west to east at 13^9. At lkl.6 four Israel Skyhawk aircraft bombed target west of OP-on vest side of the Canal. Aircraft departed west to east at 1^17. At 1^30 four Israel Skyhawk and two Israel Mirage aircraft bombed targets west of OP on the west side of the Canal. Aircraft departed southwest to northeast at

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. g] All times GMT.

69-16^70 S/7930/Add.283 English Page 2

(d) OP Charlie. At 1309 an unknown number of Israel Super Mystere aircraft attacked target on west side of Canal in an area between Canal and Sweet Water Canal. Aircraft departed vest to east at 1321. At 1344 unknown number of Israel Super %stere aircraft attacked target with bombs on west side of Canal road 500 metres to 1,000 metres south of OP. Aircraft departed west to east at 1348. At 1401 three Israel Mirage aircraft attacked target with bombs on Canal road 500 metres to 1,000 metres south of OP. Aircraft departed west to east at 1402. (e) OP Delta. At 1310 four Israel Vautour and four Skyhawk aircraft attacked target with bombs on west side of Canal north of OP. Aircraft departed west to east at 1324. At 1346 four Israel Vautour aircraft attacked target on west side of Canal north of OP with rockets. Aircraft departed •west to »ast at 13^9. At 1559 four Israel Skyhawk aircraft attacked target on west side of Canal north of OP with bombs. Aircraft departed west to east at 1405. At 1421 fear Israel Skyhawk aircraft attacked target with bombs on west side of Canal south of OP. Aircraft departed west to past at 1423. (f) OP Mike. At 1320 three Israel okyhawk aircraft attacked with bombs area northeast of OP on west side of Canal. Aircraft departed west to past at 1321. (g) OP Violet. At 1358 overflight by two Israel Skyhawk aircraft. Aircraft flew east to .west. Distance of penetration not observed. Recrossing not observed. (h) OP Copper. Between 1421 and 1422 orf£ Israel Skyhawk aircraft attacked target on west side of Canal west of OP. Return flight path not observed." III. The second report reads as follows: The following report concerning exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 26 July 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UHTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on 27 July: "1. OP reports. (a) OP Silver. Between 0049 and 0114 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 0133 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0145 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire c«?asi».d by Israel forces at 0149 and by UAR forces at 0159. At 1100 machine-gun fire and later mortar fire. Artillery and anti-aircraft gun fire by UAR forces and at 1115 artillery *nd later mortar and tank gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1211 and by Israel forces at 122?. At 1248 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1253 three rounds mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1256. Between 1259 and 1300 anti-aircraft gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1330 and 1350 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1908 and 1923 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1958 artillery and f later mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2012 artillery and f S/7930/Add.283 English 3

later mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2049 end by Israel forces at 2129 (see para. 2 below). (b) OP Copper. At 0113 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 0142, Between 1101 and lllk artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1125 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces and at 11.31 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1133 and by Israel forces at 1155, At 1215 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1247 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1256 and by UAR forces at 1309. Between 1311 and 1314 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 2010 small arms fire by Israel forces and at 2015 small arms fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2111 and by Israel forces at 2120. (c) OP Lima. At 0224 machine-gun and small arms fire by UAR forces. At 0225 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0226 and by UAR forces at 0229. At 0941 machine-gun fire which ceased immediately by UAR forces. Between 1053 and 1106 mortar fire and between 1127 and 1138 artillery fire by Israel forc.es. Between 1J49 and 1352 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 2128 machine-^un fire by UAH forces and at 2130 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2205 and by UAR forces at 2213- (d) OP Red. At 0225 mach.^;e-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 0240, At 1050 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1053 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1137 and by UAR forces at 1233. Between 1456 arid 1550 artillery fira and at 1805 two rifle shots by UAR forces. At 193^ machine-gun and rifle and later mortar fire by UAR forces and at the same time machine-gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2008 and by UAR forces at 2011 (see para. 2 below). At 2120 artillery and later mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2135 mortar and later artillery and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fine ceased by both parties at 2330. (e) OP Blue. At 0313 rifle fire by UAR forces and At 0514 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0520 and by Israel forces at 0528. Between 0655 and 0658 tank and anti-tank gun fire by UAR forces. At 0912 tank and later artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0922 artillery and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0935 but resumed between 0956 and 1042 with artillery and again at 1126 with artillery. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1148 and by Israel forces at 1205- At 1450 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1458 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1519 and by Israel forces at 1602. Between 1717 and 1726 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 2100 and 2127 sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 2145 and 2201 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 2212 and 2218 sporadic artillery fire and between 2221 and 2228 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 2235 and 2239 and again between 2326 and 2328 artillery fire by UAR forces. S/7930/Add,283 English Page 4

(f) OP Violet. At 0336 two rifle shots by UAR forces. Betwwn 1130 and 1150 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1211 artillery and later mortar and small arms fire by UAB forces and at 1246 artillery, mortar aud snail nrms fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAE forces at 1309 and by Israel forces at 1316. At 1836 machine-gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1840 machine-gun and later mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2035. Between 2108 and 2115 mortar fire by UAB forces. At 2115 one missile and between 2118 and 2130 mortar fire by Ismel forces. (g) OP Yellow. Ab 0528 and at 0534 each time one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 0854 and 0921 artillery f-\re, between 1010 and 1101 sporadic mortar fire and between 1602 and 1612 mortar firy all by Israel forcss. At 1723 one rifle shot by UAR foi-ces. Between 19115 and 1950 sporadic mortar fire, between 2142 and 21^7 mortar fire and between 25.-;^ and 2358 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (h) OP Hotel, At 0305 and &^H;.n at 0836 machine-gun fire, which in both cases ceased Limed lately„ by UAH forces. At 0853 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0919 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0923 and by UAR forces at 0925. At OQ43 artillery and later mortar and recoilless gun fire by Israel forces and at 1001 rnortar and recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 103^ and by UAR forces at 1046. Between 1122 and 1125 and a^ain between 111*0 and 1155 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1209 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1210 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1217 and by UAR forces at 1240. Between 1735 and 1742 machine-gun fire, between 1852 and 1855 mortar fire, at 1900 sporadic machine-gun fire and at 2000 mortar fire, all by Israel forees. Mortar fire ceased at 2002 and machine-gun fire at 2006. At 2056 mortar and later machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2102 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2108 and by Israel forces at 2147. (i) OP Pink. Between 08lO and 0813 artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0921 mortar and later tank and anti-tank gun fire by Israel forces and at 0949 moitir aid later artillery and anti-tank gun fire by UAR forces. Pire ceaser, 'oy Israel forces at 1107 and by UAR forces at 1151. At 1705 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1724 arillery and later mortar and machine- gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1821 but resumed vith machine-gun and two rounds mortar fire at 1927. Fire ceased by both parties at 1Q28. At 1950 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time machinergun -"ire and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1955 but resumed with mortar fire at 2013. Fire ceased by UAR forces at P014 and by Israel forces at 2015. At 2044 sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces *nd at 2048 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2049 but resumed with mortar fire at 2104. Fire ce&sed by Israel forces at 2106 and by UAR forces at 2107. At 2200 machine-gun e.nd later raortar fire by Israel forces and at the same time machine-gun and later mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2250 and by UAR forces at 2251. At 2300 three rifle shots by UAE forces (see para. 2 S/7930/Md.283 English 5

below) r At 2315 machine-gun and later'*xatOr'fir& by UAR foyers and at the sam# time machine-gun and later artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by bflth parties at 0015, 27 July, (j) OP Kilo, Between 0810 and 0813 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 09^7 artillery fire by UAR forces end at 0951 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1025 and by Israel totces at HOT. Between 1108 and 1125 artillery end mortar fire and between 1156 and 1216 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1407 and 1409 tank gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1705 and 1712 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1754 and 1823 and again between 2044 and 2050 artilJery fire by Israel forces, (k) OP Mike. At 0854 artillery and later mortar and tank gun fire by Israel forces and at 093.3 artillery and later mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire cussed by UAR forces at 1054, but resumed at 1118 with artillery. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1201 and by UAR forces at 1225. At 1245 arttilery fire by Israel forces and at 1250 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1255 and by UAR forces at 1259. At 1^07 mortar fire which ceased immediately. At 14-23 and at 1431, each tins on« round mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1447 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1500 artillery and later ack-ack gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1530 and by Israel forces at 1602. Between 1715 and 1726 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 2122 and 2124 machine-gun fire by Irsrael forces. At 2148 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2150 to&chine-gun and later artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2205 and by Israel forces at 2219 (see para. 2 below). (1) OP Green. At 1026 six rifle shots, between 1043 and 1059 artillery mortar fire ftnd at 1059 five rifle shots, all by UAR forces (sec para. 2 Between 1152 and 1225 mortar and recoilless gun fire by UAR forces. At 1251 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1350 mortar and later machine-gun fcnd tank firs by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1415 and by Isra*l forces at 1433. At I8l4 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 3824 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1825 and by Israel forces at 1830. (m) OP Echo. Between 1101 and 1157 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1233 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1246 artillery fire by Israel forc«g. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1259 and by UAR forces at 1310. (n) OP Charlie. At Il40 mortar and tank gun fire by Israel forces *nd at Il4l mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forc«s at 1202 nnd by Israel forces at 1208. Between 1252 and 1256 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1300 and 1301 Artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1842 fend 1843 mortar fire by Israel forces. (o) OP Foxtrot. Between 1140 and 1152 heavy weapons fire by UAR forces.

(p) OP Delta. At 1302 mortar fire which ceased immediately and between 1310 s.nd rs^1*. marline-elm a.nd a.ek-«.ok gun fire by UAR forces. S/7930/Add.283 __ ,___ _.... . English Page 6

"2. Firing at United Nations installations. (a) OP Green. At 1026 as the UNMO (United Nations Military Observer) relief team to OP Green arrived at the entrance of the OP road approximately fifty metres from the OP, six single rifle shots were directed at them by UAR forces. One bullet struck the leading vehicle on the left side. The UNMOs reversed their vehicles behind the sand bank and took cover. Between 1043 and 1059 artillery and ruortar fire by UAR forces fell in the OP area. Six mortar shells fell vithin twenty metres of the UJJMOs and one shell hit the top of the sand -wall directly above the leading UK vehicle. During this period there were no Israel forces or vehicles in the area and the Senior UAB Liaison Officer bed previously been informed of the UN vehicle movement. UNMOs eventually proceeded on foot into the OP and vehicles were recovered later. (b) OP Red. At 19^6 ore rifie shot by UAR forces hit caravan U The caravan was illuminated et the time. At 2000 one rifle shot by UAR forces passed approximately five metres frou caravan UW«2l*9. The caravan was illuminated at tha time. At 2224 six rifl? shots by UAR forces. Five shots passed close to caravan - one shot hit caravan Ui'J-249. Caravan was not illuminated at this time. In all the abovementioned Incidents there were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity of the OP. (c) OP Silver. At 20^0 three or fqur_jnort_ar_Jbombs exploded fifty to seventy-five metres from the OP caravan. ""'There is^no illumination outside the caravan but lights were on inside. Both parties were firing with mortars at this time. There were no Israel forces in the vicinity of the OP. (d) OP Mike. At 2206 one artillery shell fired by Israel forces hit wall of OP building on accommodation floor five metres from UNMOs sleeping quarters . (e) OP Pink. At 2JOO three rifle shots (tracer) fired by UAR forces passed between three and five metres above the OP caravan. The OP was illuminated and there were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity. "3- Cease -lire proposals. Officer-in-charge, Ismailia Control Centre, proposed a ., ease-lire for 1130. Proposed to Senior Israel Representative at 1020 and to Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1024. Senior UAR Liaison Officer accepted at 101*5, Senior Israel Representative accepted at 101*5. Cease-fire was not effective. "It-. Complnints by the parties. Ml. "5- Damage and casualties. (a) United Hat ions. (i) Casualties. Nil. S/7930/Add,285 English Page 7

(ii) Damage: OP Green: one bullet hole in vehicle UN-397. OP Red: two bullet holes in caravan UW-249. OP Silver: number of shell splinters in north side of caravan. One shell splinter passed through wall of caravan and caused damage to table. OP Mike: one hole 1.5 metres diameter in middle of building wall facing northeast. Electricity and water supply damaged and not functioning. On roof observation platform - east wall damaged, four window panes broken, shell splinters in east wall, observation telescope damaged but usuable. (b) Israel. No report received. (c) UAR. No report received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITC C /~ I I D I T Y\/ GENERAL COUNCIL JfgsSar 26^1969 ^^^^^ ORIGINAL: ENGLISH - • . . ,

} Supplemental Information

The following report concerning exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 25 July 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UHTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on 26 July. It does not include air activities which have already been reported in document S/7930/Add.28l, dated 25 July. "1. OP-/ reports.

(a) OP Delta. At 0000-' machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 0007. At 0150 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 0152 tank and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces' at 0155 and by Israel forces at 0159. Between 0803 and O8l0 and between 1102 and 1106 anti-aircraft and machine-gun fire, between 1132 and 1133 anti-aircraft fire, between 1150 and 1153, between 1213 and ISLk and between 1222 and 1223 anti-aircraft and machine-gun fire and between 13^8 and 13^9 machine-gun fire all by UAR forces. At 1^58 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1^59 machine-gun and artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 15CO and by UAR forces at 1503. At 1911 machine-gun fire by Israel forces, which ceased immediately. .(b) OP Lima. Between 02U8 and 0253 machine-gun fire, between 0738 and 0748 mortar fire and between 0828 and 0829 machine gun fire all by UAR forces. At 0908 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0909 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0930 and by Israel forces at 0931. At 1012 mortar fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. At 1217 rifle and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1239 machine-gun and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 130U and by Israel forces at l4l6. At 1500 machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces and at the same time mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1518 and by UAR forces at 1519. Between 1538 and 1615 tank gun fire by Israel forces. At 2152 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2157 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2202 and by UAR forces at 2211.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UKTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-16461 /... S/7930/Add.282 English Page 2

(c) OP Blue. At 0714 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0736 anti-aircraft and later artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0748 and by UAR forces at 0755. At 0810 artillery and sporadic anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces and at 0824 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0935 and by Israel forces at 0948. At 1013 tank fire and later artillery fire by Israel and at 1017 arti&lery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1031 and by Israel forces at 1055- At 1158 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1207 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1213 and by UAR forces at 1244. At 1251 artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1319 one round of artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1413. Between 1425 and 1429 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 2101 and 2230 each time several bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (d) OP Mike. At 07.1,6 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0748 anti- aircraft fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0749 and by UAR forces at 0755- At 0811 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0812 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0937 and by Israel forces at 0959. At 10.10 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1021 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1050 and by Israel forces at 1059. Between 1059 and 1101 anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. At 1153 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1204 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1352 and by UAR forces at 1401. Between 1422 and 1425 and between 1453 and 1454 artillery fire by Israel forces. (e) OP Silver. At 0726 artillery and sporadic tank fire by Israel forces and at 0802 artillery, tank and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0918 and by UAR forces at 0940. At 1000 mortar, machine-gun and later artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1033 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1052. At 1311 two rounds of tank fire and between 2136 and 2137 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (f) OP Red. Between 0736 and 0748 and between 0906 and 0959 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1048 and 1055 artillery fire and between 1149 and 1200 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1200 and 1201 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1219 four rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. At 134l artillery and sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1345 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1435 and by Israel forces at. 1630. At 1645 tank and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and immediately after mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1710 and by Israel forces at 1712. At 1800 machine-gun fire by UAR forces, immediately followed by machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1825. At 1925 machine-gun fire by TTAR forces and at same time machine-gun and sporadic recoilless gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1958. At 2330 machine-gun fire by Israel forces, immediately followed by machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2336. (g) OP Foxtrot. Between 0750 and 0806 heavy mortar fire and between 1026 and 1036 artillery fire by UAR forces. S/7930/Add.282 English Page 3

(h) OP Yellow. At 0755 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0804 mortar fire by UAR forces, Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0807 and by Israel forces at 08l6. At C922 mortar and tank fire by Israel forces and at 0940 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0945 and by UAR forces at 1000, Between 1001 and 1013 tank fire by Israel forces. At 1043 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1047 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1052, Between 1248 and 1250 mortar fire and between 1418 and 1453 mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1520 and 1525 each time one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 1938 and 2006 machine-gun fire and between 2032 and 2039 mortar fire by Israel forces. (i) OP Hotel. At 0815 mortar and later artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0833 mortar and sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forcea at 1000 &n.\ by UAR forces at 1CI5. Between 1047 and 1048 machine-gun and ant i- aircraft, fire by U4R forces. Between 1318 and 1320 artillery fire by Israel ic.ree..;,, At 1337 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1438 artillery fire b;/ UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1505 and by UAR forces at 1510. f>stvoeu 1527 r,.nd 15^7 sporadic mortar fire and between 1716 and 1720 iiorlar fir-; "by *jA" forces. At 2220 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased "cy bor> i.x,V'-'::V:n at 2230. Between 2250 and 2329 mortar and machine- gun fire by .Israel icrces. (j) OP Kilo. At 0829 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0830 recoilless gun fire by UAR forces* Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0913 and by Israel forces at 0925- Between 133^ and 1437 artillery and mortar fire and at 1552 artillery fire, which ceased immediately, by Israel forces. (k) OP Pink. At 0830 mortar and sporadic tank fire by Israel forces and at 0831 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0924 and by UAR forces at 1110, At 1327 artillery and sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1337 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1423 and by UAR forces at 1537. Between 1546 and 1551 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1909 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1919 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1921 and by Israel forces at 1929. Between 2006 and 2036 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. : (l) OP Echo. At 0901 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0922 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0936 and by Israel forces at 1010. At 1425 anti-aircraft fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces. (m) OP Copper. At 0902 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0923 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0937 and by UAR forces at 1014. At 1806 machine-gun fire by UAR forces, immediately followed by machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1855 and by UAR forces at 1856. At 2300 sporadic machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 0030 (26 July).

A- S/7930/Add.282 English Page k

(n) OP Violet. , At 0902 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0928 artillery fire by UAR forces. '- Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0938 and by UAR forces at 1016. At 1347 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 13^9 artillery and "machine-gun fire by UAR. forces . Firfe ceased by Israel forces at 1U19 and by UAR forces at' 3A27'.' Between 1538 and 163U rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1806 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces, and at 1807 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at I8l3 and by UAR' forces at 2112. (o) OP Charlie. At 10^9 reeoilless gun and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and. at 1051 machine-gun firs by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 10p5 and by Israel forces at 1142, At 1521 mortar fire by Israel forces end at 15??. mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces tit 1539 and by UAR forces at (p) OP Green. Between l6l6 and 1617 machine-gun and anti-aircraft fire by UAR' forces. At Ib^o machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1653 machine-gun fire by Israel forc'Jh. Fire ceased by both parties at 1725. At l8l3 machine*gun fire by UAR xorcesj, Xsjzu^diately followed by machine- gun fire by Israel forces,., Fir;3 cca^-tr! ":>y both parties at 1821. Between 1950 and 1953 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. "2. Firing at UN installations . No further firing at or bombing close to OPs=, (The damage sustained by OP Mike as a result of air action has been reported in S/7930/Add.28l, para, 2.) "3. Cease-fire proposals. Cease-fire proposed for 1000. Accepted by Senior Israel Representative at 0921 and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 092^. Cease-fire was not effective. Second cease-fire was proposed for 1515 » Accepted by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1^29 and 'by Senior Israel Representative at 1^32* Cease- fire was- effective except in areas of OPs Pink a'nd Red.' "k. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "5* Damage and casualties •' (a) United Nations. Nothing further to report (see para. 2 above). '(b) Israel'. IDF Liaison Officer reported five Israel soldiers wounded. (c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GEIffiRAL S/7930/Add.28l COUNCIL 25 July 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

.The following report concerning air activities in the Suez Canal sector on 25 July 1969 up to 1U50 hours GMT was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the same day: "1. OP» reports. (a) OP Mike. At 1059 §/' v.hr'-v; un: d-^r-tified ai.rcrsft -attacked targets with cannon fire and bombs north-west of and close to OP on west side of Canal, Aircraft departed west to e..jst at 1101 (see para. 2). (b) OF Blue. At 1059 two Israel Skyhawk aircraft attacked targets west of OP on west side of Canel with bombs. Aircraft departed west to east at 1102. (c) OP Silver. At 1100 two unidentified aircraft attacked target west of OP on west side of Canal with bombs. Return flight of aircraft not observed. (d) OP Green. At 1100 four Israel Vautour and two Israel Mirage aircraft attacked target on west side of Canal with bombs and cannon fire. Aircraft departed north to south at 1103, At 1131 four Israel Vautour aircraft flying east to west crossed Canal and bombed target on west side of Canal approximately two kilometres north of OP. Aircraft departed north to south at 1137- (e) OP Delta. At 1102 three unidentified jet aircraft attacked with bombs target north of OP on west side of Canal. Aircraft departed west to east at 1106. At 1132 one unidentified aircraft flew over OP east to west at high altitude. At 1150 two unidentified aircraft crossed Canal from north-west to south-east.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UKTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, paragraph 2. 2/ An times GMT.

69-16^36' S/7950/Add.28l English Page 2

(f ) OP Copper. Between llOU and Ilo6 an unknown number of unidentified aircraft crossed Canal from south-east to north-west and bombed target approximately five kilometres north of OP on west side of Canal. Return flight path not observed. At 11^9 two Israel Mirage aircraft crossed Canal from south-west to north-east. At 121J two Israel Skyhawk aircraft bombed target approximately two kilometres west of OP. Aircraft crossed Canal west to east at 121^. At lk2h an unknown number of unidentified aircraft crossed Canal north-west to south-east at high altitude. (g) OP Violet. At 11^9 one Israel Skyhawk aircraft observed flying east to west over Canal and recrossing approve imately 500 metres north of OP. (h) OP Echo. At 1212 unknown number of unidentified aircraft bombed target approximately three kilometres north-west of OP on west side of Canal. Aircraft deported north-west to soubh-east of OP at 1215. (i) OP Charlie. At 1220 three Israel Mystkre aircraft bombed target on Canal road west side of Canal, approximately one kilometre south of OP. Aircraft departed west to east at 1221. "2. Bombing close to United Nations installations. OP Mike: at 1059 one bomb dropped by unidentified aircraft exploded approximately . 25 metres from OP building. "5. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. OP Mike: most of the windows on east side of OP building broken; OP building on roof had two windows broken . and hole in east side; Motorola radio and radio mounting knocked from wall, later replaced by UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers). OP is in radio contact with Ismailia Control Centre.

(b) Israel. Ho reports received. (c) UAR. No reports received." UN/TED NATIONS Distr. y^>

Supplemental Information

The following report concerning exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 2k July 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on 25 July, It does not. include aircraft attacks which have already been reported in- document S/7930/Add.279, dated 24 July. "1. OF^ reports. (a) OP Violet. Between 0012-/ and 0157 sporadic rifle and light machine- gun fire by UAR forces and between 003.8 and 0150 sporadic rifle and light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 0837 ack-ack, artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces. At 0847 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 09C6 and by UAR forces at 0931. Between 1443 and 1444, between l6oi and 1605 and between 1621 and 1624 ack-ack fire by UAR forces. At 1S01 light machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1831 light machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1903 and by Israel forces at 1920. At 2059 light machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2106 light-machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2151 and by UAR forces at 2157. (b) OP Pink. At 0055 one rifle shot and at 0113 four rifle shots by UAR forces. At 0938 mortar fire and later artillery and. tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1144. At 12.48 mortar fire and later artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 1240. At 1353 two bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1914 sporadic machine- gun fire and later mortar fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both sides at 0215 (25 July). (c) OP Copper. At 0107 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 0108 sporadic' machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0234 and by UAR forces at 0235- At 0534 ack-ack fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. At 0839 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0847 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0904 and by UAR forces at 0945. At 0848 several single shots

_!/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-16417 /... s/7930/Add.280 English Page 2 I by UAR forces (see also para. 2). At 1107, 1201, 1300, 1600 and l6l6 each time intense ack-ack fire for short period by UAR forces. Between 1707 and 1708 artillery fire by UAR forces. At 182J mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time artillery, mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1857 and by UAR forces at 1903. At 195^- anachine-gun fire by Israel forces and immediately after machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2030. Between 20Mi and 2107 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. (d) OP Red. At Olif5 light machine-gun fire by both parties, which was ceased by both parties at 0225. Between 0637 and 0650 three rifle shots by UAR forces (see also para. 2), At 0657 °ne rifle shot and between 0753 and 0755 four rifle shots by UAR forces (see also para. 2). At 0923 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0933 mortar fire and later artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 09^1. At 1011 artillsry fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1038 and by UAR forces at 1055. At 1229 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 12^5 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1250 and by Israel forces at 1253. At 1^25 two bursts of light machine-gun fire and at i'431 several rounds jf ack-ack fire by UAR forces. At ikjk several rounds cf artillery fu:-e and between 1535 and 15^3 e'tillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1?3^ and 2008, between 2032 and £106 and between 2232 and 2256 sporadic small arms fire by both parties. (e) OP Lima. Between 015U and 0209 heavy machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 0926 and 09^3 artillery fire by Israel forces and between 2157 and 2202 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (f) OP Delta. At 0727 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces, which ceased immediately. Between 0730 and 0732 machine-gun and tank fire by Israel forces. At 0836 light machine-gun and ack-ack fire by UAR forces and at 0837 machine-gun and tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0939 and by UAR forces at 1006. At 12^2 several bursts of light machine-gun fire, between 1306 and 1307 and between 1<-H7 and Ik22 light machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. At lUij-7 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1^53 tank fire and later artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1511 and by Israel forces at 1515. At 20^5 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and &r, the same time light machine-gun and mortar and later tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2135 and by Israel forces at 2139. Between 2208 and 2210 mortar and tank fire by Israel forces. (g) OP Charlie. At 0752 light machine-gun fire by both parties, which ceased immediately. At 0830 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 083^ mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0855 and by UAR forces at 0902. At 0936 machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0939 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 09^5. Between 1C12 and 101^ tank fire by Israel forces. At 1037 light machine-gun, mortar and tank fire by Israel forces and at 1039 recoilless gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1055 and by Israel forces at 1058. Between 1101* and 1113 S/7930/Add.280 English Page 3 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2223 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2227 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2229 and by UAR forces at 2230. (h) OP Green. At 0831 rifle fire by UAR forces and at the same time light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1037 snr* by UAR forces at 10^2 (see also para. 2). At 1200 heavy machine- gun and later mortar, tank and artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1210 artillary and mortar fire and later rockets fired by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1305 and by UAR forces at 1327. At 1^50 one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1^51 one burst of machine- gun fire and one rifle shot by UAR forces. Between 1630 and 1648 ack-ack fire by UAR forces. At 18^5 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and immediately after machine-gun fire t~j UAH forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 18^8. At 19^8 machir>:.-.--gun f j r~ by toth parties, which was ceased by both parties at 1950. At 2£ii-8 several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (i) OP Echo. At 0838 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0.858 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0905 and by UAR forces at 0922. At 0927 mortar fire by Israel forces, which ceased immediately. Between 0933 and 09^8 artillery fire and at 1305 and 1^05 ack-aek fire for short period by UAR forces. (j) OP Blue. At 0837 two rifle shots by UAR forces (see also para. 2). Between 0900 and 0908 ack-ack fire by UAR forces. At 0930 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0951 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1031 and by UAR forces at 105^. At 1055 several rifle shots by UAR forces (see also para. 2). Between 1226 and'1255 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1556 artillery, mortar and tank fire by Israel forces and between lU28 and 1515 ack-ack fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1530. Between l6lO and l6l4 five rifle shots by UAR forces (see also para. 2). Between 17^5 and 175^ bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (k) OP Hotel. At 0851 sporadic artillery fire and later mortar and tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1010. At 1028 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1030 two rounds of rocket fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1031 and by UAR forces at 1055. At 1102 mortar and artillery fire by Israel force's and at 1107 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1117 and by Israel forces at 1129. Between 1156 and 1212 mortar fire by UAR forces and between 1905 and 1915 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (l) OP Foxtrot. Between 0855 and 0900 tank fire by Israel' forces. At 0910 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 092U tank fire and later artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 10^7 and by Israel forces at 1107. S/7930/Add.280 English Page 4

(m) OP Mike. Between 0858 and 090?ack-ack fire by UAR forces. At 0934 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0946 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1116 and by UAR forces at 1128. Between 1221 and 1222 rifle shots by UAR forces. At 1228 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1229, artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1257 and by Israel forces at 1258, At 1355 rifle shots by UAR forces which ceased immediately. At 1356 artillery fire by Israel farces and at 1430 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1531 and by UAR forces at 1542. (n) OP Silver. At 0903 mortar fire and later recoilless gun and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 090? mortar fire'and later artillery fire by UAH forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1140 and by UAR forces at J1,5;J. Between 1250 and 1252 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 200$ mortar fire by Israel forces, which'ceased immediately. At 2019 aortar aad machine-gun fire by UAR foi-c^s, which ceased immediately. Between 2130 and 2145 sporadic machine-gun fire and between 2208 and 2210 mortar fire by Israel forces. (o) OP Yellow. At 0909 mortar fire by Israel forces, which ceased at 10:0. Between 1124 and 1157 rifle shots by Israel forces. Between 1236 and 1220 mortar fire and between" 1438 and 1439 rifle fire by U/Y3 forces. .Between 1455 and 1459 rifle fire, between l8ll and 1832 sporadic rifle aad lii'ht machine-gun fire and between 2107 and 2119 sporadic rifle fire, all by Israel forces. (p) OP Kilo. At 0912 mortar and later tank fire by Israel forces, which ceased at 1144. At 1145 tank and later mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces, which ceased at 1209. At 1227 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1228 tank fire by Israel forces. Fire'ceased by Israel forces at 1229 and by UAR forces at 1238. ; "2. Firing at UN installations and personnel. (a) OP Red. Between 0647 and 0650 three rifle shots fired by UAR forces. One shot hit an OP caravan and two other shots passed between caravans. At 0657 three rifle shots fired by UAR forces passed between caravans. Between 0755 and 0755 four rifle shots fired by UAR forces. One shot hit a caravan and the others passed between two caravans. All fire came from west side, directly opposite the OP. (b) OP Blue. At 0837 two rifle shots fired by UAR forces hit 1 OP building. At 1055 one rifle shot fired by UAR forces entered the kitchen door, rebounded from wall and struck an UKMO (United Nations. Military Observer). The UHMO was not injured. Between 1610 S/7930/Add.280 English 5 and I6l4 five rifle shots fired by UAR forces close to OP building. Fire commenced vhen one IMMO came out of OP building. One bullet hit sand vail between OP building and shelter. (c) OP Copper. At 08U8 one rifle shot fired by UAR forces passed five metres from OP caravan. Officer-in-Charge, Kantara Control Centre, and Chief Operations Officer, UNTSO headquarters, were there on the observation platform. (d) OP Green. Between 0908 and 0924 rifle fire by UAR forces was directed against OP shelter and URMOs were unable to leave the shelter to carry out observation. In all above-mentioned incidents no Israel forces personnel were in the vicinity of the OFs and in all cases Senior UAR Liaison Officer was contacted and requested to take action to prevent recurrence of such incidents. "3» Cease-fire proposals* There were three cease-fire proposals during the day. First proposed cease-fire, to be effective at 1100, was agreed to by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1016 and by Senior Israel Rsp,eserit^.tive at 1020; cease-fire was not effective. Second proposed cease-x^.rs,, to be effective at lUOO, was agreed tr by Senior Israel Represencative at 132£' and by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 1330j cease-fire was effective all along the Canel except in OPs Blue and Mike areas* Third pro-pot,id cease-fire, to be effective at 1600, was agreed to by Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 152? and by Senior Israel Representative at l?£3j cease-fire was not effective «s air activity and ack-ack fire were taking place in three Op areas. nk. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "5• Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Bullet holes as mentioned in paragraph 2.

(b) Israel. No reports received. (c) UAR. No reports received.

"6, Luring most of the day intense air activity and bombing were taking place." (See S/7930/Add.279.) UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.279 COUNCIL 2k July 1969 OEIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Inf orrnati on

1. The following report concerning aircraft attacks in the Suez Canal sector- on 2k July 1969 was received from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, on the same day:

"1. OP Copper.-' At 0829-' four Israel Skyhawk aircraft crossed Canal east to west. At 0830 heavy explosions heard far west of OP. Aircraft recrossed Canal west to east at OQ^k. Between 0935 and 0937^ between 0955 and 0956 and between 1007 and 1008 unidentified aircraft attacked target approximately 1000 metres from OP on west side of Canal. Path of return flight west to east. At IJQh two Israel Skyhawk aircraft were observed crossing Canal west to east.

"2. OP Violet. At 0830 five Israel Skyhawk aircraft crossed Canal east to west. Shortly after heavy explosions were heard far west of OP. Aircraft recrossed Canal west to east at 0836. Between 0955 and 0956 two Israel Skyhawk aircraft bombed unidentified targets 500 to 1000 metres west of OP. At 1414-3 bombing attack by two Israel Mirage aircraft was observed on target approximately five kilometres west of OP. Aircraft crossed Canal west to east at ikkh. At 1519 three Israel Skyhawk aircraft were observed bombing target approximately 10 kilometres south of OP. Aircraft recrossed Canal west to east at 1522. Between l6oi and 1605 bombing attack by four Israel Skyhawk aircraft flying from east to west on target five to six kilometres south of OP. Aircraft returned west to east. Between l62k and 1631 four Israel Skyhawk aircraft carried out bombing attack from east to west and returned west to east. Target five to six kilometres south of OP.

"3. OP Echo. At 0830 six unidentified jet aircraft flying east to west. Aircraft recrossed west to east at 0834. At 0955 and again at 1007 Israel Skyhawk aircraft attacked unidentified target north of OP on west side of Canal. At 1100 six Israel Skyhawk aircraft attacked and bombed targets approximately two kilometres north-west and one kilometre south-west of OP. Attack ceased at 1106. At 1U05 four unidentified aircraft crossed Canal east to west and bombed Ballah Island. Attack ceased at ~Lko6. Aircraft

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222,, paragraph 2. 2/ All times GMT. 69-16364 ./... S/7930/Add.279 English Page 2

crossed Card vest to east at l4c6. At 1*06 several Israel Ekvtavk aircraft were ctserved carrying out a bcmbirg attack on Eallah Island. Aircraft departed area to south-east at 1*1-41. At 1519 several Israel Skyhawk aircraft were observed carrying cut bombing attack en Eallah Island. Aircraft departed area west to east at 1522. At IbOO several Israel Skyhawk aircraft carried out from high altitude a diving attack with bombing. Target Eallah Island. At 1605 aircraft left the area in south-east direction. Between 1627 and 1629 six Israel Mystere aircraft carried out a diving attack with bombing. Target Eallah Island.

"*!-. OP Red. At 0831 three Israel Skyhavk aircraft were observed flying east to west. At 083*1- heavy explosions heard far west of OP, Recrossing of aircraft not observed.

"5. OP Lima. At 083! four Israel Mirage aircraft were observed crossing Canal east to west. Aircraft penetrated approximately 10 kilometres over west side. Recrossing not observed.

"6. OP Green. Between 0835 and 0841 three unidentified jet aircraft attacked Israel position north of OP on east side. The aircraft came from south-east and departed to south-east. Between 09*1-9 and 0950 three unidentified jet aircraft attacked a target approximately one kilometre north of OP on east side. At 1329 three unidentified aircraft flying east to west bombed target approximately one kilometre north of OP. Aircraft returned west to east at 1333- Between 1612 and Io31 three Israel Vautour aircraft carried out bombing attack from east to west and returned west to east. Target 1.5 kilometres north of OP.

"7. OP Delta. Between 09*1-5 and 0949 an unknown number of unidentified aircraft attacked unidentified targets on west side of Canal, north and south of OP. At 0953 a United Nations working party working on road approximately one kilometre north of OP Delta reported through the OP that an aircraft bombing attack was carried out close to the working party. The nearest bomb exploded approximately 100 metres away. Working party were in two UN vehicles flying UN flags.

"8. OP Foxtrot. At 1117 and at 1113 each time four UAR MIG-19 aircraft crossed Canal west to east in OP area. Two unidentified jet aircraft crossed Canal east to west at 1119.

"9. OP Hotel. At 1116 five UAR MIG-19 aircraft crossed Canal west to east. Recrossing not observed.

"10. OP Charlie. At 1234 two UAR MIG aircraft crossed Canal east to west. Original crossing west to east not observed. At 1237^ 123'9 and 1242 each time four Israel Skyhawk aircraft carried out strafing attacks north of OP on west side of Canal. At 1415, l4l7 and 1*1-19 each time four Israel Myste're aircraft bombed area south of OP. Aircraft recrossed west to east at l4l9. \ S/7930/Add.279 English Page 3

"11. OP Mike. At 1JOO and 1J14 each time two Israel Mirage aircraft attacked with strafing and rocket fire targets north of OP on west side of Canal.

"12. OP Blue. At 130O three Israel Mirage aircraft bombed target on west side of Canal near OP Mike."

2. The above report concerns aircraft attacks. The summary report on exchanges of fire in the Suez Canal sector on 24 July will be circulated when received from General Bull. UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.273 COUNCIL 2U July 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

SUP pie ment al_Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 23 July 1969 was received on 2U July from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP—' reports.

(a) OP Mike. Between 0311-' and oUjl mortar fire, between 0355 and 0859 machine-gun fire and between 09'25 and 0930 machine-gun and anti-tank fire by UAE forces. At 1315 tank fire by Israel forces and at 1316 mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1320 and by UAR forces at 1322.

(b) OP Pink. At 0336 artillery and later tank fire by Israel forces and at 0356 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at oUc3 and by Israel forces at 0^20. At CU35 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at Ohk^ tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at cUU? and by UAR forces at CMS. At 0535 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At llUS machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 1150. At l6oi one round of mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 16^7 and 16U3 tank fire by Israel forces. Between 1650 and 1651 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 17^9 five rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1752 five rounds of mortar fire and at 1900 machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately 3 by UAR forces.

(c) CP Kilo. Between 0350 =.r.cl CU07 artillery fire and between Oi-HQ and 0.1*19 tank fire by Israel forces.

(d) OP Chcrlic. Between d'M and G^hk ir.crtur and artillery fire ty Israel forces. Between 1333 and 13^-0 mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established ~~ by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, paragraph 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-16301 S/7930/Add.273 English Page 2

(e) OP Delta. Between 0520 and 0532 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between C8U6 and 08^9 anti-aircraft and machine-gun fire, between 0915 and 0916 and between 0°ikk and 0955 machine-gun fire and between 2155 and 2153 mortar fire, all by UAR forces.

(f) OP Violet. At 0850 three bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2015 sporadic small arms fire by UAR forces and at 2028 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2030 and by UAR forces at 2100. At 2250 machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces.

(g) OP Copper. At 0911 anti-aircraft fire, which ceased immediately, and between 1313 and 1319 artillery fire by UAR forces.

(h) OP Echo. Between 0912 and 0913 anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces.

(i) OP Blue. Between 0922 and 0930 rifle, machine-gun and anti- tank fire by UAR forces. Between 1315 and 13IT tank fire by Israel forces. At 1J19 anti-aircraft fire, which ceased immediately, by UAR forces.

(j) OP Lima. Between 10C6 and 1007 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1952 and 2002 machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(k) OP Hotel. Between 1227 and 1228 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1923 rifle and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1929 machine- gun fire by Israel.forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2025 and by Israel forces at 2032. At 2235 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 22^5 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 22^3 and by Israel forces at 2250.

(l) OP Red. At 17^-2 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at the same time sporadic machine-gun fire and later two rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 19^3 • At 2005 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 20C6. At 212k machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 2126. At 2229 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 2235- '

Xm) OP Silver. Between 1917 and 1921 intense mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1930 and 1939 intense mortar fire by Israel forces.

(n) OP Yellow. At 21C

"2. Cease-fire proposal. Cease-fire was proposed by Kantara Control Centre for 0530. Senior Israel Representative accepted at 05l3. Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated: 'We do not accept cease-fire as we are not firing.' At 0537 Senior UAR Liaison Officer agreed to cease-fire from the time 0537- Cease-fire was not effective. S/7930/Add.273 English Page 3

"3- Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"h. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. Wo reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.277 23 July 1569 COUNCIL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

gupplemen ta1 In formation

The following summary report on activities in the Suez Canal sector on

22 July 1969 was received on 23 July from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO3 Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OPi/reports-

(a) OP Violet. At 0021£/machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 01CO. Between 0621 and 0950 sporadic rifle fire, between 11^5 and 1153 rifle fire,, between lUll and l^lb two rifle shots and between 1525 and 1537 sporadic rifle fire by TJAR forces.

(b) OP Copper. At 0022 machine-gun and rifle fire by both parties, fire ceased by both parties at OUT-

(c) OP Blue. Between 0310 and 0317 ground-to-ground rockets fired by Israel forces. Between 0319 and'035^- artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 0355 and 0^17 artillery fire by Israel forces. At oH-20 artillery and later sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0503 artillery fire and later ten rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at C6l0 and by UAR forces at 0615. Between 0636 and 0656 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 071^ two rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 08l3 and 08lU and between 0823 and 0827 anti-aircraft and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 08^9 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0857 anti-aircraft and later artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0900 and by UAR forces at 0926. Between 1305 and 1310 and between l6ll and l6l8 sporadic artillery fire and between 1703 and 1735 artillery fire by UAR forces..

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add .222, para, 2/ All times GMT.

69-16122 / . . , S/7930/Add.277 English Page 2

(d) OP Mike. At 0315 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 0355 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0^17 and by UAR forces at 0^37. At 0515 artillery and. mortar fire by UAR forces and at 051-8 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0530 and by UAR forces at 0533- At 0557 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces and at C609 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at C6l0 and by UAR forces at 0635. Between 071.8 and 07^6 mortar fire by UAR forces. At CdkQ artillery fire by Israel forces and at C850 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0929. Between l6lO and l62^ artillery fire by UAR forces.

(e) OP Red. Between 0525 and 0535 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. At C8U7 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0853 mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0902 and by UAR forces at 0929. Between 1650 and 165U machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1656 and 1715 mortar fire by UAR forces. At l82^ sporadic machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1915 sporadic machine-gun and rifle fire and later mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2025 and by Israel forces at 2035 (see para. 2).

(f) OP Kilo. At 0750 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0753 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire by UAR forces ceased immediately and fire by Israel forces ceased at 07.5^-•

(g) OP Lima, Between 0853 and 0928 and at 1.70^ mortar fire by UAR forces and at 17C6 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1707 and by UAR forces at 17C8.

(h) OP Delta. At 1103 machine-gun fire which ceased immediately, at 1252 recoilless gun fire which ceased immediately, between 125^ and 1305 artillery fire and at 1J4-38 machine-gun fire which ceased immediately, all by UAR forces.

(i) OP Green. At 11.11 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and immediately after machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 1113- Between 2COO and 2011 four rounds of mortar fire and between 211.8 and 2119 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 21.37 and 2223 mortar fire by Israel forces.

(j ) OP Charlie. At 1.22^ machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. Between 12^0 and 12^-5 four unidentified aircraft attacked area north of OP on west side of Canal with bombs approximately k kilometres frrri OP. Between 12^5 and 1251 tank fire by Israel forces. Between 1257 and 1303 machine- gun fire by UAR forces. Between lUl8 and l.Ul.9 air attack by four or five unidentified jet aircraft using bombs and air-to-ground rockets S/7930/Add.277 English Page 3 on west side of Canal approximately 500 metres south of OP. Between lij.l].i|. and 1^5^ four Israel forces Skyhawk aircraft using air-to-ground rockets on area approximately one and a half kilometres south of OP on west side of Canal. At 1610 machine-gun fire and later artillery and mortar fire by Israel forces and at 162^ anti-tank fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased immediately by UAR forces. Fire by Israel forces ceased at 1635- Between 192^ and 1926 mortar fire by Israel forces.

(k) OP Hotel. At 1515 machine-gun fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately.

(l) OP Pink. Between 1628 and 1637 machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

"2. Firing at UN installations and personnel. OP Red: at 18U8 one rifle shot (tracer) by UAR forces two metres from OP caravan. OP was illuminated and tbere were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity.

"3- Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"4. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. IDF Liaison Officer reported one Israel soldier wounded.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Dis tr* SECURITY 8\P%fia7/7l» s/T93o/Add .276 COUNCIL W*W 22J *ly 1969 '"^^^P15"" ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 21 July 1969 was received on 22 July from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP- reports. 2/ (a) OP Blue. Between 0010— and 0020 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0025 and OOJ8 sporadic artillery fire and at 0735 several rounds of anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. Between 1123 and 112k mortar fire by Israel forces . At 1159 artillery and later mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1226 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 12^2 and by UAR forces at 1250. At 1^55 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1505 mortar and later artillery and tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1538 but resumed with artillery fire at 1605• Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1631 and by UAR forces at i6kO.

(b) OP Pink. At O^t-20 three rounds of mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0733 mortar and later artillery and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0739 one round of mortar fire and at 082^4- artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 092^ and by UAR forces at 0935- At 1031 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1107 tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1111 and by Israel forces at 1113- Between 1201 and 1218 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1939 and 19^ sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2005 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and immediately after machine- gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both sides at 2006. Between 2037 and 2211 rifle fire by UAR forces (see para. 2). (c) OP Kilo. Between 0731 and 0825 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 07^2 and 07^3 machine-gun fire by UAR forces at the same time

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established ~ by UKTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para. 2. 2/ All times GMT.

69-1601^ /.. S/7930/Add.2?6 English Page 2

as light aircraft was flying over east side of Canal. Between 0829 and C830 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 0856 and 0928 artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1055 artillery and sporadic recoilless gun fire by UAH forces and at 10^0 sporadic tank gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 11C8 and by UAR forces at 1110. At 2058 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at the same time machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2105 and by Israel forces at 21C6.

(d) OP MiKe. Between 073^ and 0735 anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. At the same time, a light aircraft was flying over east side of Canal. Between Ill8 and 1130 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1158 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1219 artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 12^1-J and by UAR forces at 12^5- At 1^55 artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1522 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1630 and by Israel forces at 1632.

(e) OP Yellow. At 1000 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1035 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1037 and by Israel forces at 10UU. Between 1203 and 12^1 sporadic mortar and rifle fire, between 1^28 and 1^-32 sporadic rifle fire and between 1513 and 152^4 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1527 and 1529 mortar fire and at 1738 two bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1932 five rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces.

(f) OP Copper. Between 103.8 and 10^0 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1500 small arms and anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces and at the same time intense artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both sides at 1532. At 2230 sporadic machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both sides at 22^2.

(g) OP Lima. Between 1110 and 1121 mortar fire, between 1207 and 12^9 and between 1550 and 1559 artillery fire, between 1910 and 191*4- machine-gun and recoilless gun fire and between 2059 and 2110 mortar and machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. Between 22l8 and 2222 mortar fire by Israel forces.

(h) OP Violet, At 1115 mortar fire by Israel forces which ceased immediately. At 1^57 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1525 small arms fire and later one salvo of artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1531 and by UAR forces at 15^3- At 1755 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 175& machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at l8oi and by Israel fores at l803. Between 2023 and 2025 machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces and at 2025 one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 2321 and 23^-9 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. S/7930/Add.276 English Page 3

(i) OP Silver . At 1156 one round of anti-tank fire by UAR forces. At 1506 mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1528 three rounds of mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1537- At 1608 ack ack fire by UAR forces and at l6lO sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1615 and by Israel forces at 1652. At 1325 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1831 mortar and later artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1836 and by UAR forces at 16H8.

(j) OP Red. At 1159 mortar and sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1207 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1226 and by UAR forces at 1250o Between 1551 and 1559 artillery fire and between 165 1 and 1637 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1730 and 17^6 and between 1320 and 1825 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1938,, 2009, 2031*, 2109 and 2205 each time bursts of machine-gun fire and between 22^-5 and 2250 machine- gun fire, all by Israel forces.

(k) OP Charlie, Between 1300 and 1326 recoilless gun and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 13^-5 and 1351 tank fire by Israel forces. Between 1352 and lU20 mortar fire by UAR forces. At l6l2 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1626 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1630 and by UAR forces at l6Uo. Between 1735 and 1800 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(l) OP Echo. Between 1501 and 1507 aclc ack fire by UAR forces at the same time as light aircraft was flying over east side of Canal- At 15^ artillery fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately.

(m) OP Hotel. Between 1552 and 155*1 and between 16^5 and 1652 machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(n) OP Delta. Between 1606 and 1629 artillery fire by Israel forces.

(o) OP Foxtrot. Between l6l2 and 1653 sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces.

"2. Firing at UN installations and personnel. OP Pink. At 2105 tracers fired by UAR forces passed between the two antenna masts at the OP. The OP was not illuminated. There were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity. "3. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "k. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.275 COUNCIL 21 July 1969


Supplemental Infomation

1. Further to the summary report on the activities in the Suez Canal sector

during the period from OkOC^ to l800 on 20 July 1969 (S/7930/Add.273)3 Lt. General Odd Bull, Chief of Staff of UHTSO, has submitted the following supplementary report covering the period from 1800 to 2^00 on 20 July:

111.. OP^/ reports. (a) OP Echo. Between 1820 and 1831 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (b) OP Charlie. At iB^h sporadic tank, mortar end machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 18^0 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 191T and by Israel forces at 1957- Between 2018 and 2038 mortar fire by Israel forces. (c) OP Green. At 19^7 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at the same time machine-gun and later mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2100 and by UAR forces at 2102. (d) OP Violet. Between 2102 and 2115 artillery fire by UAR forces. (e) OP Copper. At 2009 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2015 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2028. At 2105 mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2lWt five mortar rounds by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 21^5- Between 2255 and 0037 (21 July) machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (f) OP Silver. Between 2013 and 202U artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 2104 and 2110 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 2115 and 2120 and between 2135 and 2136 artillery and mortar fire and at 2230 two mortar rounds by UAR forces.

I/ All times GMT. 2/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts, established by UKTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, paragraph 2. 69-15985 /••- S/T950/Add.275 Snglish Page 2

(g) OP Pink. At 2200 sporadic mortar and small arms fire "by UAR forces and at 2205 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2250 and by UAR forces at 23Ck. At 2338 small arms fire by UAR forces and at 2350 three bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0100 (21 July). (h) OP Yellow. At 2325 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both parties at 2335. "2. Firing at United Nations installations. Nil. "3. Statements by the parties. Nil. "U. Damage and casualties. (a) United Nations. In addition to the damage listed in S/7930/Add.273j para. 5 (a), the following damage has been reported by OP Violet. One window glass broken in OP Building, caused by the blast of a rocket fired by an Israel aircraft, which exploded approximately 200 metres from OP at 1159 on 20 July. (b) Israel. One soldier killed. (c) UAR. No reports received." 2. In the summary report contained in document S/7930/Add.273j the second and third sentences of sub-paragraph 1 (b) should read: "At 0601 two Israel Mirage aircraft crossed Canal from north-east to south-west at low altitude. Between 0601 and 0603 intense ack-ack fire by UAR forces." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GEHERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.27U 21 July 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The activities in the Suez Canal Sector for the period from 0^00-' to 1800 on 20 July 1969 have been reported in document S/7930/Add.273. The following summary report, received from Lt, General Odd Bull, Chief of Staff of UBTSO, relates to the activities in this sector on 19 July and on 20 July up to 0^00: 1. reports (a) OP Pink. At 00*4-3 there was an exchange of machine-gun fire. Israel forces ceased firing at 0215 and UAR forces at 02l6. Between 09*4-2 and 0953 sporadic small arms fire by UAR forces. At l6kO one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1658 single rifle shot by Israel forces. At 1719 one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1933 and 1938 four single shots and one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 2005 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2006 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both 'parties at 2026. At 2053 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2055 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2055 and by UAR forces at 2057- Between 2122 and 23*4-5 sporadic small arms and mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 2329 and 23*4-1 four rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0015 and 0050 (20 July) machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 00*4-9 one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 013*4- and 0217 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (b) OP Hotel. At 0055 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0056 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at OllU and by UAR forces at 0129. Between 0238 and 02*4-6 tank fire by Israel forces. Between 02*4-7 and 02*4-8 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 08*4-6 and 08*4-8 machine-gun fire by UAR forces . At 1232 and lk2k small arms fire by UAR forces. Between l*4-*4-*4- and 14U6 and between 1503 and 150*4- machine- gun fire by UAR forces. At 1706 mortar fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. Between 0056 and 0117 (20 July) small arms and machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

I/ All times GMT. 2/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts, established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, paragraph 2. 69-15980 S/7930/Add,27^ English Page 2

(o) OP Violet. Between 0200 and 0210 four mortar rounds by Israel forces. Between 0720 and 0759 twelve rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1226 and 125^ ack-ack and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. During this time, an Israel reconnaissance aircraft was circling approximately one kilometre east of Canal. At 1357 rifle fire by Israel forces. Between ihkk and 154*4- there was an exchange of small arms and machine-gun fire. During this period, from 1514 to 1521, an Israel reconnaissance aircraft was flying east of the Canal. Between 1601 and 1622 five rifle shots by UAR forces. At l801 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at iSlU machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at l8Ho. At 1913 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1919 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Both parties ceased fire at 1930. At 2308 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAE forces and at 2309 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Both parties ceased fire at 012^ (20 July). At 02^3 four bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (d) OP Yellow, Between 02^0 and 02^8, explosions were heard south of OP. At 0015 (20 July), two bursts of light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 0100 (20 July) single shot by Israel forces and at 0106 one burst of machine-gun fire by UAH forces. (e) OP Red. At 03^5 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 02+15 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0^39 and by Israel forces at Oh^k. Between 1508 and 15^5 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 1552 and 1715 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1710 and 17l6 artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1815 machine- gun fire by UAR forces and at 1817. machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1905 and by UAR forces at 1929. At 23^0 intense artillery and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2350 intense artillery and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. UAR forces, ceased machine-gun fire at 2350 and artillery fire at 0231 (20 July). Israel forces ceased artillery fire at 0231 and machine-gun fire at 0238 (20 July). (f) OP Lima. At OU08 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0^31 small arms and mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0^3^ and by UAR forces at 0^38. At 0528 and between 1159 and 1202 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0015 (20 July) mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Mortar fire ceased at 0017 and machine-gun fire ceased at 0025. (g) OP Copper. Between 0756 and 0759 and between 1326 and 1327, small arms fire by UAR forces. (h) OP Delta. At 0835 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0837 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0839 and by UAR forces at 08^3. Between 1131 and 1133 and from to 1^38, small arms and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. S/7930/Add.27^ English Page 3

(i) OP Blue. At 08Ho one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1^27 and lUjU mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1^59 and ihhl mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1705 and 1718 intense artillery fire by UAR forces. At £5kh intense machine-gun and artillery fire by Israel forces and at 2$kk intense machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 23^1-5 intense artillery fire and at 2356 intense mortar fire by UAR forces. At 2358 intense mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at CS03 (2C July) and by UAR forces at 0230. Between 0250 and Qft'A- artillery fire by UAR forces. At 03^-7 an unknown number of unidentified jet aircraft were flying northeast to southwest and at 0355 were heard flying southwest to northeast. During this time heavy ack-ack fire by UAR forces was heard west of the Canal. CP Silver. At 10^2 intense machine-gun fire by Isr?sl forces and at 10'w- sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. UAE forces ceased fire at 104-6 aiui Israel for:;?. 3 at 10^9. During this period a UAH helicopter was flying west of Canal. At 2135 intense machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2215 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2250 and by UAR forces at 2259. Between 2338 and 2^00 intense machine-gun fire by Israel forces. (k) 0? Echo. At 1255 one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (1) OP Mike, Between 1^27 and ik^k artillery fire by UAR forces. At 2J-''-;j one explosion h^ard, origin unknown. At 23^5 intense mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. At 2356 mortar fire by Israel forces. Israel forces ceased fire at 0015 (20 July) but resumed artillery and mortar fire at 0031. At 0100 heavy weapons fire increased in intensity. At Oll6 Israel forces ceased fire with exception of one salvo of mortar fire at 0201. UAR forces ceased fire at 0233. Between 0350 and 0359 intense ack-ack fire by UAR forces. (m) OP Charlie. Between 1555 and 1558 recoilless and machine-gun fire by UAR forces, and between 1558 and l6oU mortar fire by UAR forces. (n) OP Kilo. Between 0225 and 0252 (20 July) small arms and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. "2. Firing at United Nations personnel and installations. (a) Israel. Hil* (b) UAR. Between 1933 and 1938 UNMOs (United nations Military Observers) at OP Pink reported that UAR forces directed single shots and a burst of machine-gun fire towards the destroyed caravans at the OP site. English Page k

"5. Cease-fire proposals. At 0126 on 20 July a cease-fire for 0250 was proposed to both parties. Senior Israel Representative accepted cease-fire proposal at 0229. Officer-in-Charge at Ismailia Control Centre made four attempts to contact Senior UAR Liaison Officer to propose cease-fire, but was unsuccessful. At cease-fire time there had been no contact with Senior UAE Liaieon Officer. Nevertheless, cease-fire was generally effective. "If. Statements by the parties. (a) Israel. Nil. (b) UAR. Nil. "5. Damage and casualties. (a) United Nations. Nil. (b) Israel. Assistant ID? Liaison Officer reported that six Israel soldiers were killed and nine wounded during evening and early morning hours of 19/20 July. (c) UAR. No report received." UNITED NATIONS

B*™ ^*** I I ^ D T™ \y * )l»'vO^^**T^ls5^\>s^ " Di.S~ttT • S t V~ U K I I Y wU#£ffi&+m GENERA.I COUNCIL $%£%£*


Supplemental Information

The folio-wing summary report of activities in the Sues Canal Sector for the period- fronrt&OO-' to 1800 on 20 July 1969^ has been received from Lt. General 'Odd Bull, -Chief of'Staff of UNTSO: • .. "1, Op"" -reports. . . (a) OP Mike. At 0518 mortar fire and at 0527 artillery fire, both - l3y -UAR-forces-. At -0601 one Israel forces Mirage aircraft flying north to south on west..side of Canal at altitude of 500 metres. Between 0610 and 0640-mortar 'fire by Israel forces. At GokO artillery fire by UAR forces "'-_ .—ceased and.at 0650 mortar fire by UAR forces ceased. At 1206 artillery '"and rocket fire by Israel, forces and at 1217 artillery fire by UAR forces. Exchange .of heavy weapons fire continued with Israel forces ceasing fire at-1^5 and UAR forces ceasing fire at 1^57. At 1502 artillery fire by Israel.-^forces and at 1516 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by -Israel forces" at 1518 and by UAR forces at 1539- Between 1553 and 1605 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1607 and 1625 artillery fire by tIAR forces." Between 1632 and l&te artillery fire by Israel forces. " ' Cb) OP Blue. Between 0523 and Q6h6 artillery fire by UAR forces. At. -IfSOl't-wo -Israel forces Mirage aircraft crossed Canal from north-east to south-vest at low altitude. Between 1601 and 1603 intense ackack fire by- UAR forces. At 1209 heavy weapons fire by Israel forces and at 1218 .heavy-weapons fire by UAR forces. Exchange of heavy weapons fire continued until fire ceased by UAE forces at 1626 and by Israel forces ' at... 1655.

I/. All times GMT. 2/ Summary-report of'activities in the Suez Canal Sector on 19 July will be circulated, separately. 2/ The "locations of the- Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UN1S30- in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, paragraph. 2......

69-15967 /••• S/7930/Add.273 English Page 2

(c) OP Violet. Between 0535 and 0541 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0556 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0557 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0557 and by UAR forces at 0558. Between 06l6 and 0758 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1Q54 and 1051 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1158 heavy weapons fire by Israel forces. At 1200 heavy weapons fire by UAR forces with sporadic ackack fire. Exchange of heavy weapons fire continued until fire ceased by UAR forces at 1854 and by Israel forces at 2030. Between 1327 and 1331 three Israel forces Ouragan aircraft crossed Canal east to west and attacked ground targets with air to ground missiles several kilometres north of OP. At 1?15 four UAR MIG-17 aircraft crossed Canal west to east and attacked targets on east side of Canal with air to ground missiles. (d) OP Kilo. Between 0554 and 0558 small arms and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1200 mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1200 six rounds rocket fire., and artillery mortar and tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1252. Heavy weapons fire resumed by Israel forces at 1320. . Exchange of heayy weapons fire continued until fire ceased by Israel forces at 1433 and by UAR forces at 1444. At 1515 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 15?5 mortar fp.re by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1547 and by Israel forces at 1645. (e) OP Yellow. At 0601 one Israel forces Mirage aircraft crossed Canal east to -v?ect at very low altitude. Between 060l and 0603 ackack fire by UAR forces. Between 0939 and 0957 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1255 mortar fire by Israel forces (ceased immediately). At 1518 three unidentified jet aircraft crossed Canal from west to east. At this time ackack fire by Israel forces. These two aircraft recrossed Canal at 1520 followed by two Israel forces Mirage jet aircraft and there was an aerial engagement over west side of Canal. UAR forces ceased fire at 1558 and Israel forces at 1736. (f) OP Copper. At 0602 sound of jet aircraft heard flying south to north at very high altitude. At this time intense ackack fire by UAR forces. OP Violet confirmed this report. At 1126, 1127, 1130 and 1131 one Israel forces Mirage aircraft flying east to west crossed Canal and used air to ground missiles on west side of Canal* At 1159 a number of unidentified jet aircraft were heard flying east to west across Canal. Also at 1159 mortar and ackack fire by UAR forces and artillery, rocket and mortar fire by Israel forces. Exchange of heavy weapons fire continued with Israel forces ceasing fire at 1510, and UAR forces ceasing fire at 1817. Again, at 1259 jet aircraft were heard in the area. Between 1326 and 1331 three Israel forces Mirage aircraft crossed Canal south-east to north-west and attacked targets on west side of Canal. At 1516 four UAR MIG aircraft crossed Canal west to east and used air to ground missiles on east side of Canal. These aircraft recrossed Canal between 1518 and 1525 and were engaged over -west side of Canal by six Israel forces Mirage aircraft. At 1633 two unidentified jet aircraft were seen flying north-west to south-east across Canal at high altitude:. At this time there was intense ackack fire by UAR forces. At 1645 unidentified jet aircraft overflew Canal from west to east. S/7930/Add.273 English Page 3

(g) OP Green. At 060l* two un-dent:'fled jet aircraft flying south- west to north-east crossed Canal at high altitude. Between 0605 and 0608, ackack fire by UAH forces. Between 00l6 and 0858 sporadic small arms and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1200 several overflights of unidentified jet aircraft from east to west and air attack in area approximately ten kilometres north-west of OP on west side of Canal. At 1219 mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Exchange of light and heavy weapons fire continued intermittently until UAR forces ceased fire at 1515 and Israel forces at I5l*5. Between 1235 and 1238 and again at 1302, unidentified jet aircraft attacked area approximately ten kilometres north-west of OP on west side of Canal. Due to distance, type and number of aircraft could not be determined, Between IJlU and 13^5 and between 1^28 and 1^3 from four to six unidentified jet aircraft attacked with bombs targets on west side of Canal from a distance of one to ten kilometres from OP. At 152U four unidentified jet aircraft crossed Canal from west to east. At l6l8 two unidentified jet aircraft crossed Canfc.1 fiyjng south-west to north-east at high altitude. At lo\:5 two unidentified jet aircraft seen on east side of Canal north of OP. At 1632 two unidentified jet aircraft heard over west side of Canal and fired upon with acfc-.ck by UAR forces. At 1620 mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1626 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At Io2o fire ceased by UAR forces c,rA at 1706 fire ceased by Israel forces. Between 1730 ar.d 1857 mortar fire by Israel forces. (h) OP Red. Between 0605 and Co20 and 0700 ar.d 075*!-, mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1200 mortar, artillery and tank fire by Israel forces and at 1205 tank, mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. Exchange heavy weapons fire continued throughout afternoon and fire by UAR forces ceased at 1702 and by Israel forces at 1716. (i) OP Lima. Between 0700 and 0707 artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1159 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1210 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1220 and by UAR forces at 1225. At 132^ one mortar round by Israel forces. Between 1359 a"d 1^05 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1^17 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1^23 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1^33 and by Israel forces at Ihh^. Between 1501+ and 1505 mortar fire by Israel forces and between 1510 and 1702 heavy weapons fire by UAR forces. (j) OP Charlie. At 08lU one mortar round by UAR forces. Between 0936 and 0937 small arms fire by UAR forces. At this time Israel forces reconnaissance plane flying east of Canal. At 10^3 burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1205 and 1207 and 1207 and 1212 and between 1223 and 1226 six Israel forces jet Skyhawks attacked targets on west side of Canal with air to ground rockets and bombs. First attack approximately five kilometres north of OP and second and third attacks in immediate vicinity of OP, At 12^-3 aircraft still heard over OP area. At 1212 exchange of machine-gun fire. An intermittent exchange of machine-gun and mortar fire continued until l6l6 when both parties ceased S/7930/Add.273 English Page h

fire. Between 1338 and 1340 four Isrscl forces SItyhawks aircraft attacked area north of OP on west side of Canal. At 1425 unidentified aircraft attacked positions north of OP on west side of Canal. UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers) at the time were in the shelter. At 1516 two unidentified aircraft crossed Canal north of OP east to west. Between 1704 and 17^7 intermittent mortar fire by Israel forces. (k) OP Pink. At 0843 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 0929 and 0930 machine-gun and small arms fire by UAR forces. At 1202 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1212 mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1548 and by Israel forces at 1645. i (l) OP Delta. Between 0932 and 094l machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At this time light aircraft flying east of Canal. At 1204 tank and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 12C6 mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forceu. Fire ceased by both parties at 1332. Between .1159 and 1202 and between icOS and 1209 tour Israel forces Super Myst^re aircraft attacked targets north and south of 0? with rockets. Between 1259 and 1300 four Israel forces Super Mystere aircraft attacked targets north, west and south of OP. Between 1306 and 1324 four Israel forces Super Myctere aircraft attacked areas tiorbh of OP with bombs and rockets. Between 1330 and 1333 four Israel forces Fouga Majester aircraft attacked targets south of OP with fcjabs and rockets. Between 1423 and 1425 a number' of unidentified jet aircraft attacked targets in near vicinity of OP. One rocket exploded in trench leading to OP shelter. UHMOs were in shelter at the time. Ai; 1613 machine- gun fire by UAR forces and at l6l4 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1624 and by Israel forces at 1627. (m) OP Silver. At 1048 three rifle shots by Israel forces. At 1237 rocket fire by Israel forces and 12 4l heavy weapons fire by UAR forces. Exchange of heavy weapons fire continued until 1352, when Israel forces ceased fire. At 1403 UAR forces csased fire. At 1526 one Israel forces Mirage aircraft flew west to east across Canal north of OP. At this time ackack fire by UAR forces. Between 1655 and 1721 artillery fire by UAR forces, (n) OP Hotel. At 1050 one mortar round by UAR forces. At 1217 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1221 heavy weapons firing by Israel forces. Exchange of heavy weapons fire continued until 1520, when Israel forces ceased fire. UAR forces ceased fire at 1522. Between 1516 and 1518 four UAR MIG aircraft crossed Canal from west to east and attacked area east of Canal with rocket and machine-gun fire. At 1518 two Israel forces Mirage aircraft crossed Canal from east to west and recrossed at 1522, Between 1653 and 1722 mortar and artillery fire by Israel forces. S/7930/Add.2T5 English 5

(o) OP Echo. At 1159 artillery e.nd heavy weapons fire by Israel forces and at 1214 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1350 and by UAB forces at 1352. Between I'tl? and 1421 artillery fire by UAR forces. Also at 1421 ackack fire by UAR forces and explosions heard north of OP in vicinity of Kantara. At 1521 four UAR MIG aircraft seen attacking target north-east and east of OP on east side of Canal with bombs. Between 1523 and 153^ heavy ackack fire by UAR forces. At 153U ackack fire by Israel forces. At 1558 anti- tank fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. (p) OP Foxtrot. At 1228 tank fire by Israel forces and at 12*K) mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1250 Israel forces ceased fire and at 3.305 UAR forceF ceased fii:e. At 1334 heavy weapons fire by UAR forces and at 1337 tank and machine-gun fire l/y Israel forces. Fire by UAR forces ceased at 1424 and by Israel forces at l4;>5. At 3.515 two Israel forces Mirage aircraft and two UAR MIG aircraft seen flying south-east to north-west engaged in aerlel combat. At 152'.) tvo ITAfl MlCr s.irori-.rt seen flying north- west to south-east and repressed Cavi&l south-east to nortii-west at 1523» During tbio period explosions were heard east of OP. *2. Firing at United Motions installations. (a) OP Charlie. During air attacks between 1205 and 1226 OP Charlie reported damage to the OP by Israeli rockets, bombs cud rockets exploded from 50 to 150 metres south and west of OP. (b) OP Delta. Between 1159 and 1300 UNMOs at OP Delta reported damage to OP but could not determine whether from air or ground fire. Between 1423 and 1425 UMMOs reported that an air to ground rocket exploded in the trench leading to the shelter. Nearest air bomb was 50 metres south-west of OP and nearest air to ground rocket in entrance to shelter, nearest tank crater 20 metres south-east of OP. (c) OP Foxtrot. Between 1240 and 1505 OP Foxtrot was damaged by small arms and fragmentation fire from Israel forces. (d) OP Lima. At 1324 Israel forces mortar shell exploded 20 metres from OP building. "3. Cease-fire proposals. (a) First cease-fire was proposed for 1345 and neither party responded. Cease-fire was not effective. (b) Second cease-fire was proposed for 1500 and both parties accepted cease-fire proposal. At cease-fire time exchanges of fire continued in eight OP areas. Soon after ground activity spread to other OP areas and there was further air activity. S/7930/Add,273 English Page 6

(c) A third cease-fire was proposei by the Chief of Staff for 1630.in an appeal to the parties. Both parties accepted and cease-fire was generally effective. "h. Statements by the parties.

(a) UAR. Nil. (b) Israel. At 1530 Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported some air activity by UAR aircraft against Israel installations on east bank of Canal, He stated that a number of UAR aircraft had been engaged in aerial combat.

"5- Damage and casualties.

(a) United Nations. (i) OP Charlie. Building hit by one large calibre weapon or air to ground rocket and several smaller holes from fragmentation. All windows and doors broken. (ii) OP Delta. Three doors and most window panes broken. Ceilings in all rooms collapsing. Antenna system damaged and one United Nations vehicle slightly damaged. (iii) OP Foxtrot. Some windows broken and fragmentation damage to exterior of building. (iv) OP Lima. A number of windows broken and ceilings in three rooms collapsing. Further checks will be made during daylight hours.

(b) UAR. No report received from Senior UAR Liaison Officer. UNMOs at OP Foxtrot report that UAB. Liaison Officer at this OP received wounds in both legs by tank fire at approximately 12^0. UMOs rendered first aid and at 1^25 Liaison Officer was evacuated by UAR medical personnel. UNMOs at OPs Charlie and Delta, report that UAR Liaison Officer at their OPs were slightly wounded. UMOs at OP Lima report that the UAR civilian employee at OP site was slightly injured.

(c) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that two Israel forces soldiers had been killed and eight wounded and that two Israel aircraft had been downed by ground fire. In both cases pilots parachuted before aircraft crashed on the east side of Canal." UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL SECURITY S/7930/Add.272 19 July 1969 COUNCIL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 18 July 1969 -was received on 19 July from the Chief of Staff of UKTSO, Lt. Generr.l Odd Bull:

"1, OP-i/ reports.

(a) OP Silver, Between 0010--' and 0035 small nrtis fire by UAR forces. At 0140 machine-gun -ncl smell arms fire by UAR forces and at Ol4l machine- gun and srac.ll arms fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Loth parties at 0205. At Oo55 r.rtillery fire by Israel forces .~nd at 0700 artillery fire by UAR forces, i'ire cerc-d by Israel forces at 0731 aud by UAR forces at 0738. At 0916 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 0930 artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0931 ant! by UAR forces at 0957- At 1346 and 1350, bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 132I.3 two bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 18 00 machine-gun fire by UAR forces rnd at 1835 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1953 and by Israel forces at 1957.

(b) OP Violet. Between 0020 end 0022 t-.ro mortar rounds by Israel forces. Between 0300 and 0307 rr.cnir.a-sun fire by UAR forces. At 0459 one mortar round by VAR forces. Between 0927 and 0934 small arms fire by UAR forces. Between 1215 and 131? twenty-five explosions heard south of OP on vest side of Canal, Between 1256 and 13lS small arms fire by Israel forces. At 1915 mrchine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1920 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2014 and by UAR forces at 2016. At 1938 three mortar rounds and at 1943 three anti-tank rounds by Israel forces. At 2005 three mortar rounds by UAR forces. At 2305 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2317 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased at 2331 by UAR forces and rt 2342 by Israel forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observations Posts established by (JNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222 paragraph 2. 2/ All times GMT.

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(c) OP Red. Between QQlk and 0223 five rounds rocket fire by Israel forces. At 0226 and 0307 each t:'me three rounds mortar fire by UAR forces. At 0522 two artillery rounds by UAR forces and at 05^2 five rounds mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 0629 and 0650 light mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1355 and 1356 three artillery rounds by UAR forces. Between 1^15 and lit-17 and between 1^5 and 1530 mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1915 and 2026 and 2J50 to 00^5, 19 July, machine- gun fire by Israel forces. (d) OP Yellow. Between 0531 and O6lk small arms fire by UAR forces. At 0610 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 0633 mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 0620 and 0623 tank fire by UAR forces. Mortar fire ceased by UAR forces at 0651 and by Israel forces at 0736. At OSCO vipcn.dic mor'; r fire by Israel forces and 0807 sporadic mortar firs by UAR for?or. Fire ceased by both parties at 0855- Between 2102 and 2137 six bursts machine-gun fire by UAR forces. (e) OP Lima. Between 05^2 and 05^3 and 0710 and OJlk mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1355 mortar fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. Between l*W-5 and lW8 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1^56 one round mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1^57 and 1530 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. (f) OP Foxtrot. Between 0708 and 0730 and between 0916 and 0959 artillery fire by UAR forces. (g) OP Pink. At 0932 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between lUl6 and 1^27 small arms and machine-gun fire by-UAR forces. At 1516 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1533 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 15^2 and by UAR forces at 1553- Between 1641 and 17lU small arms and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 1938 and 2020 there was an exchange of machine-gun fire. First firing could not be identified due to strong wind in area at the time. At 20C3 and 2020 flares by Israel forces. At 2102 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2213 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2231 and by UAR forces at 22^0. At 23lU three mortar rounds by Israel forces and between 2315 and 2318 six mortar rounds by UAR forces. At 2J30 mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2337 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Mortar fire by Israel forces ceased at 23^7 and machine-gun fire by Israel forces ceased at 0030, 19 July. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0035, 19 July. (h) OP Delta. At 100^ small arms fire (ceased immediately) by UAR forces. Between 1132 and 113^ mortar fire by UAR forces. Between Ilh2 and 11^3 mortar fire by Israel forces and between 11U7 and 1206 artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1216 and 1306 mortar fire by UAR forces. S/7930/Add.272 English Page 3

(i) OP Copper. Between VJ-i-6 and 1207 intensive artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1216 and 1305 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1930 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 19^0 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1943 three mortar rounds by Israel forces. Machine-gun fire by Israel forces ceased at 2014 and by UAR forces at 2016, At 2035 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2036 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2140 and by UAR forces at 2205. At 2305 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2310 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2331. (j) OP Hotel. At 1217 an unidentified jet was seen crossing Canal from east to west at very high altitude. At 2349 mortar fire by UAR forces and at same time machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at Q036 and by Israel forces at 0037, 19 July, (k) OP Mike. At 1405 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1426 and 1436 recoilless rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1446 a few rounds artillery fire by Israel fo.-ces. At 1451 heavy artillery fire by UAR forces and artillery arid mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire by UAR forces ceased at 1516. (l) OP Blue. At 1406 sporadic aiortar fire by UAR forces and at 1436 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1447 and by UAR forces at 1454. Between 1501 and 1513 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces and between 1556 and 1604 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1619 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1624 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1630 and by Israel forces at 1631. At 1649 two mortar rounds by UAR forces. (m) OP Green. At 1806, 1808 and 1912, three bursts machine-gun fire heard each time north of OP. Origin of fire unknown. (n) OP Kilo. At 1940 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 19^2 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1947 and by Israel forces at 2008. (o) OP Charlie, At 2320 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2321 mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2321 and by Israel forces at 2322. "2. Firing at UN installations. Ml. "3. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "4. Damage and casualties. (a) United Nations. Nil. (b) Israel. No report received. (c) UAR. No report received." IJE ATIONS Distr. GENERAL S/7930/Add.271/Corr.1 19 July 1969 COUNCIL ORIGINAL: ENGLISH


Reports received from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull, after the circulation of S/7930/Add.271, though not differing in substance from previous reports, contain further details which may be of interest to members of the Council. The following text should therefore be substituted for paras. 13 and 14 of S/7930/Add.271: "13. On 17 July on east sic'.e of Canal, one UNMO and Red Cross representatives, accompanied by Israel Liaison Officer, proceeded to recovery location, arriving there at 0845 GMT. At 0930 GMT, the Israel recovery team assembled and at 0932 GMT UNMO was informed that the recovery operation was about to start, A UK Flag and a Red Cross Flag weie raised on top of an IDF Bunker approximately 20 metres from the minefield where the bodies lay. For approximately the neirb 10 minutes there was a discussion between the IDF Liaison Officer and an Israeli Officer. The UNMO was informed that they were discussing ways of entering the minefield. At 0953 GMT one short burst then one long burst of machine-gun fire was heard from the west side of the Canal. Bullets passed within an estimated £0 to 30 uietrer from the UMO and the UN Flag. The UAR fire was returned immediately by machine-gun fire from nearby IDF position* This firing ceased at 0955 GMT. At 1000 GMT mortar fire by UAR was heard exploding close to a nearby IF position. This fire ceased at 1004 GMT. At 1013 GMT OP Echo reported artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1027 GMT artillery and mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Isvaei lorces at 1054 GMT and by UAR forces at 1110 GMT. At 1120 GMT the Assistant IDF Liaison Officer informed Operations UNTSO that: "because of UAR firing in the area the recovery operation was stopped and the recovery team withdrawn." "14. On 17 July on west side of Canal, the Red Cross representative, who was to proceed to OP Echo and then return to Talata and cross Canal with Red Cross boat, was delayed and left Ismailia Control Centre for OP Echo at approximately 0950 GOT (at 1005 Senior UAR Liaison Officer informed Ismailia Control Centre that because the Red Cross representative was delayed, he would agree to an extension of handover time from 1100 GMT to 1400 GMT). OP Echo reported all firings as detailed in para. 13 above.

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"15« At 1033 GMT a cerse-fire was proposed by Ismailia Control Centre for 1130 GMT. It was proposed to icenior UAR Liaison Officer at 1036 GMT and to Senior Israel Representative at 1037 GMT. At 1110 GMT Assistant IDF Liaison Officer informed Operations UHTSO that Israel forces agreed to the cease-fire for 1130 GMT but that this cease-fire had nothing to do with the recovery operations which were stopped. The Senior UAR Liaison Officer did not reply to proposal." UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.271 CIL IS July 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH f Supplemental Information

Letters from the Permanent Representative Of Israel and the Permanent Representative of the United Arab Republic, circulated to the Security Council as S/9285 and S/9325, respectively, referred to the proposed hand-over of the bodies of UAR soldiers killed during an incident on the east bank of the Suez Canal on 23 June 1969. The following summary report on the efforts made to arrange for this hand-over is based on reports received from Lt. General Odd Bull, Chief of Staff of lOTSC: 1. On the morning of 23 June 1969 the IDF Liaison Officer advised UHTSO that three dead UAR soldiers had been found on the east bank of the Canal approximately 6 kilometres south of Kantara. 2. At 031*5 GMT on 2k June the Senior UAR Liaison Officer was informed by the Acting Chief of Staff of UETSO of the finding of the bodies and that one body had been recovered by Israel forces but t:\at the recovery of the other two bodies was not successful owing to fire by UAR forces. The Senior UAR Liaison Officer was also informed that the Israel authorities had recommended the hand-over of the bodies to the UAR authorities through the International Red Cross, and it was suggested that orders be given to keep the cease-fire to enable recovery of the bodies. It was also suggested that an Israel party, accompanied by an UEMO (United nations Military Observer), recover the bodies at 1200 GMT on 24 June. 3. At 1033 GMT Senior UAR Liaison Officer informed the Officer-in- Charge, Ismailia Control Centre, that he agreed to the recovery of the bodies by an Israel recovery party accompanied by an UESMO. He agreed to the bodies being recovered at 1200 GMT and also agreed to take over the bodies at a time and place to be arranged later by the Red Cross. At 1050 GMT the Senior UAR Liaison Officer agreed to take over the bodies at Kantara at 1500 GMT, and he gave the Red Cross boat times. He promised no fire from west to east to enable recovery to be completed. (Later on 2k June the IDP Liaison Officer informed UOTSO that an additional two bodies had been found.)

69-15S77 S/7930/Add.271 English Page 2 4. An UNMO, detailed to accompany the recovery team, -was met at OP Violet (MR 7^09-9052) by the Assistant Senior Israel Representative, who escorted the UNMO to a location approximately 3° kilometres east of Ismailia. The Assistant Senior Israel Representative stated to the "OMO that it was necessary to proceed there to collect coffins. After approximately 50 minutes at this location the Assistant Senior Israel Representative stated the coffins were not there but were back at Kantara. The UMO and the Assistant Senior Israel Representative then proceeded to the scene of the |f recovery, and recovery was attempted at 1530 GMP. The UMMO observed only | two bodies located approximately 20 metres into a minefield, and he was told tbat one body had been buried. Between 15^5 GMT and 1557 GMT UAR forces fired three rounds of mortar fire at the recovery location. One round landed approximately ^0 metres away, and the recovery party withdrew to a distance of 5°0 metres from the location. 5. At 1610 GMT the Assistant Senior Israel Representative stated tbat it would not be possible to complete the recovery that dey due to firing by UAR forces. 6. At 1628 GMT the Senior UAR Liaison Officer informed the Officer-in- Charge, Ismailia Control Centre, that unless the hand-over was completed before r,"00 GMI the cease-fire would be considered cancel-lf-d and that the UAR would not want the bodies back, as the Israel forces were using the cease-fire for means other than recovery of the bodies. 7. The Officer-in-Charge, Ismailia Control Centre, explained the difficulties encountered and that there had been mortar fxro from west to east during the recovery. It was proposed to the Senior LI/.R Liaison Officer that the recovery and hand-over be completed on 25 June. The Senior UAR Liaison Officer stated that the UAR did not want the bodies back. 8. The Senior UAR Liaison Officer was again contacted to ensure that he would not accept the bodies, and he confirmed no acceptance. 9. The text of the letter of 11 July from the Permanent Mission of the United Arab Republic to the Secretary-General (8/9325) was transmitted to the Chief of Staff of UMTSO with the suggestion that he should take appropriate action in the light of the request of the United. Arab Republic Government to the Secretary-General for "assistance in facilitating the prompt repatriation of the remains of the three United Aral) Republic soldiers". On the morning of ih July, the Assistant IDF Liaison Officer was requested by UMTSO to enquire whether the Israel authorities were ready to hand over the bodies. At 1500 hours GMT on 1^ July, the Israel authorities replied that in principle they were ready to hand over the bodies in question. . S/7930/Add.£71 English Page 3

10. On 16 July, the Assistant IDF Liaison Officer informed UHTSO that the Israel authorities were ready to carry out a new attempt to recover the bodies left in the minefield and to hand them over to the UAR authorities. He suggested that the recovery operation should take place on 17 July at 0900 hours. The recovery team would be accompanied by one UKMO as had been the case in the previous attempt on 2U June. The hand«*over would take place at Kantara immediately after the recovery. 11. At 1212 hours GMT on l6 July, the Chief of Staff passed the following message to the Senior UAR Liaison Officer: "Israel Authorities have agreed to attempt to recover the bodies of UAR Soldiers killed during the incident of 23 June and lying on eastern side x-a OP Echo area. The attempt will take place at 0900 GMT on 17 -July 1969. Recovery teem will be accompanied by one 'OHhO. The iuvnd-ov;^- of the recovered bodies will take place in Kantara at 1000 GMT. Please arrange to have the boat available to carry out the hand-over at the proposed time. It is understood that during both recovery and hand-over operations breaches of the ceasefire should be most carefully avoided from either side in ci''^:-: rut to jeopardize the success of this humanitarian operation. Please advise." At the same time, the Officer-in-Charge Kantara Control Centre was requested to have an UKMO on standby to assist in the recovei-y and hand-over operation and to co-ordinate with the Senior Israel Representative. The IDF Liaison Officer suggested that the hand-over should be at Talata immediately after the bodies had been recovered. This information was passed immediately to the Senior UAR Liaison Officer. 12. At 155^ hours GMT on 16 July, the Officer-in-Charge Ismailia received the following answer from the Senior UAR Liaison Officer: "The UAR Authorities agree to take over the bodies at Talata bridge. This hand-over will be completed at 1000 GMT. The boat will leave Ismailia harbour at 0900 GMT and proceed to Talata bridge, where it will arrive well in advance of the arrival of the bodies." It was pointed out to the Senior UAR Liaison Officer that the time- limit of 1000 hours GMT might be too short because the new location for the hand-over at Talata Bridge was further from the location of the recovery operation. The Senior UAR Liaison Officer replied that he would extend the time-limit to 1100 hours GMT. The Assistant IDF Liaison Officer was informed of the agreement of the UAR authorities. S/7950/Add.271 English Page 4

13. On 17 July at 0900 hours GMT the Israel Liaison Officer with one UHMO and the Red Cross representative proceeded to the recovery location opposite OP Echo. The Israel recovery party was assembled at 0930 hours GMT. The Red Cross representative on the west side of the Canal, who was to proceed to OP Echo, was delayed and left Ismailia Control Centre for OP Echo at approximately 0950 hours GMT. At 1005 hours GMT, the Senior UAR Liaison Officer informed the Ismailia Control Centre that because the Bed Cross representative was delayed he would agree to an extension of the hand-over time to l'i-00 hours GMT. 14. At 0953 hours GMT, machine gun fire by UAR forces commenced in the recovery area. Bullets passed at an estimated distance of 20 to 30 metres away from the USMO carrying the United Nations flag. A few moments later, fire was returned by Jt;.iael forces. Fire by both parties ceased at 0955 hours Oi'ITr OP Ecuo reported mortar fire by UAR forces, which ceased at 1004 hours GMT, At 1013 hours GMS), OP Echo reported artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1027 hours GMT artillery and morvac fire by UAR forces. Fire by Israel forces ceased at IQkk hours GMT and by UAR forces at 1110 hours GMT. At 1120 hours GMT, the Assistant IDF Liaison Officer informed UffiPSG headquarters that "because of UAR firing in the area the recovery operation was stopped and the recovery team withdrawn". UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.270 COUNCIL 18 July 1969 ORIGINAL: ErIGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 17 July 1969 was received on l8 July from the Chief of Staff of UKTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"l. OP-' reports. £/ (a) OP Violet. At 0020-' sporadic machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces and,, at the same time, sporadic mortar, machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0057 and by Israel forces at 0125. At 01*45 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and, at the same time., machine-gun and sporadic mortar fire and, later, tank gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 022*4 and by Israel forces at 023*4. At 0633 artillery fire by Israel forces and at O6*4l anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 06*47 and by Israel forces at 0655. Between 07*16 and 0753 artillery fire and at 08*49 °ne burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1012 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1026 artillery and later mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 103o and by UAR forces at 1107. At 1257 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1308 four rifle shots by Israel forces. Fire, ceased by UAR forces at 1321. Between 1357 and 1359 rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1503 machine-gun and, later, mortar fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, machine-gun and, later, mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 153^ and by Israel forces at 15*1-7. At l62o one burst of ma chine--gun fire by Israel forces. At 1702 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1705 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1705 and by UAR forces at 1706. At 172/' machine-gun fire by Israel forces and. at 172& machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at lSO*4 and by UAR forces at Io20. At 2200 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by both sides at 2307„

(b) OP Hotel. At 0055 rnachine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 0107 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0207

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established ~ by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add,222, para. 2, 2/ All times GMT.

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and by Israel forces at 0212. At 1055 one round of mortar fire and at lU02 three bursts of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. At 1652 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1653 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1655 and by UAR forces at 1658. At 19 18 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 19^6 rifle and sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces . Fire ceased by UAR forces at 20l6 and by Israel forces at 2017. At 2106 one round of mortar fire by UAR forces.

(c) OP Silver. At 0150 two rifle shots, between 19^7 and 20^7 sporadic machine -gun and rifle fire and between 2300 and 2320 sporadic rifle fire., all by UAR forces.

(d) OP Mike. Between OU09 and OUlU mortar fire, between 0723 and OoOo sporadic mortar fire and at 0901 mortar fire, which ceased immediately, all by UAR forces .

(e) OP Charlie. At 0528 two rounds of mortar fire,, between 133^ and 13^9;, between 15*1-0 and 15Ul and between 1605 and 1606 mortar fire by UAR forces. At I.~(0h machine-gun fire and later tank gun fire by Israel forces and at 17 06 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1731 and by Israel forces at 1750.

(f) OP Echo. At 0633 artillery fire by Israel forces and at anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 06^3 and by Israel forces at 0652. Between 071+7 and 0810 artillery fire by UAR forces « Ac 0953 machine-gun fire by UAR forces and, immediately after, machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both sides at 0955- Between 1000 and lOQii mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1013 artillery fire by Israel forces, and ab 1027 artillery fire and, later, mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at lOkh and by UAR forces at 1110. Between 1152 and 1158 machine-gun and mortar fire, between 1228 and 1236 mortar fire, between 135^ and 1359 sporadic mortar fire and at ll|-l6 anti-aircraft, fire, which ceased immediately, all by UAR forces.

(g) OP Copper. At 0633 sporadic artillery fire by Israel forces and at 06^0 anti-aircraft fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 06U6 and by Israel forces at 0652. Between 0720 and Oc06 sporadic artillery fire, between 1026 and 1106 artillery fire and at 11^0 two bursts of machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces. Between 1503 and 1505 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 20lU sporadic mortar fire and, later, sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at £100 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both sides at 0130 (l8 July).

(h) OP Blue. Between 0706 and 0708 rifle fire, between 0720 and 0&12 sporadic mortar fire, between llOo and 1116 sporadic machine-gun fire, at l6l3 ua chine -gun fire, which ceased immediately,, and at 1658 rifle fire, which ceased immediately, all by UAR forces. S/7930/Add.270 English Page 3

(i) OP Delta. Between 10U& and 1128 sporadic machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1152 recoilless gun and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 1153 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased at 1210 by Israel forces and at 1220 by UAR forces- At 1500 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1502 mortar., machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1513 and by Israel forces at 15lU.

(j) OP Pink. Between 1230 and 123*4 rifle fire by UAR forces. Between 1522 and 1531 rifle fire by Israel forces. Between 1625 and l6U8 sporadic small-arms fire by UAR forces. At 1707 machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces and, at the same time, machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both sides at 17JO. At l807 one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces and, immediately after, three rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1827 three rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces.

(k) OP Lima. At 1313 mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1331 and by UAR forces at 13U3. Between 19^U and 19^9 machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces.

(l) OP Red. Between 131^ and 13UU mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1^03 and 1^08 small-arms fire and at 1552 three rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. Betx^een 1559 and l6l6 mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1723 machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces, and at 1731 machine-gun and mortar fire and, later, one round of tank fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 19^8 and by Israel forces at 2006. At 23^5 sporadic machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 00^9 (l8 July) and by Israel forces at 0055 (l8 July).

(m) OP Yellow. At lUl6 two rounds of anti-aircraft fire and at 1631 one rifle shot by UAR forces. At 1736 one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 17^2 and at 1851 one flare, each time, at 2058 two rifle shots and between 22^5 and 2303 sporadic machine-gun fire, all by UAR forces.

"2. Firing at United Nations installations and personnel. Nil.

"3« Cease-fire proposal. A cease-fire was proposed by Kantara Control Centre for 1130. Accepted, by Senior Israel Representative at 1110. Wo reply ivas received from Senior UAR Liaison Officer. The cease-fire was effective.

"U. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"5« Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. IDF Liaison Officer reported two Israel soldiers wounded.


Supplemental Information

1. The following report relating to the Israel-Lebanese sector was received on l6 July, 1969 from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

111. The following Lebanese complaint was received by the Chairman of the Israel-Lebanon Mixed Armistice Commission (IIMAC) at 0755 GMT on l6 July:

"Today l6 July at 0230 Local Time (0030 GMT) an Israel patrol penetrated into Lebanese territory in the region of Meggidieh (approximate MR 2117-2987)- They destroyed with explosives three houses located at MR lUl300-150^00 (Lebanese grid). As a result of the deflagration 12 sheep were killed. They seized two inhabitants from the three houses, named Moussa and his brother Said Ounaizane, and forced them into Israel territory. Request a mixed investigation today at 1300 Local Time. Meeting point MR I^OUOO-150200 (Lebanese grid). Please confirm".

"2. On l6 July at 08lO GMT the Chairman of IIMAC received a telephone call from the Junior Lebanese Delegate who stated that as a mixed investigation was unlikely to be agreed to by Israelis he requested a one-sided investigation to be conducted at the scene of the incident.

"3- The Chairman of IIMAC has despatched a UNMO (United Nations Military Observer) to conduct an inquiry."

2. The summary of the inquiry mentioned above was received from General Bull on 17 July. It reads as follows:

"1. The inquiry was conducted by a UNMO from ILMAC. The inquiry commenced at 1300 GMT l6 July and concluded at 1535 GMT same day.

"2. The scene of the incident is at approximate MR 2107-2993? which was the furthest point of the alleged penetration.

"3- Two witnesses were interrogated.

(a) The first witness, a local inhabitant, stated that he was awakened by dogs barking, went out, did not see anything but heard somebody calling him by his name with an accent which he thought

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to be Israeli. He ran away "but later he heard and saw the explosion. Later on he was told the details of the incident by women and children of the locality.

(b) The second witness, a local inhabitant, stated that he woke up when a group of about fifty Israelis were encircling the houses. He ran away but saw them assembling women and children of the locality. He further stated that two girls were beaten by rifle and fists.

(c) Both witnesses confirmed that "Said E. Hamad" and "Mussa El Ahmad Ounaizane" were seized, tied and taken away by the Israelis.

"U. Physical evidence seen by UNMO

(a) Three houses completely destroyed, apparently by high explosives.

(b) Fourteen sheep, dead or dying.

(c) One unexploded hand grenade. Hebrew markings on grenade.

(d) A green bag full of explosives. No markings.

(e) Fourteen metres of detonation cord unexploded. Wo markings.

"5- Photographs were taken and a sketch was made.

"6. Additional information. Because of rocky soil, no footprints could be seen. UNITED NATIONS K.vbr. SECURITY GEI'lLIiAL S/7930/Add.268 COUNCIL 17 July 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 16 July 1969 was received on 17 July from the Chief of Staff of UMTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull: "1. reports. (a) OP Copper. At 0003-' light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and, at the same time, light machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both sides at 0025. Between 0031 and 0135 and between 0223 and 02H8 sporadic light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between Ql+31 and OM*5 artillery fire by UAR forces, and at QkkQ several bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 0531 and 0535 artillery fire by UAR forces. Between 1255 and 1257 ten rounds of ack-ack fire by UAR forces, at the same time as unidentified jet aircraft was flying north to south over Canal. At 2035 five mortar shells and three rifle shots, at 2113 bursts of light machine-gun fire and at 2136, 2225, 2235, 2250 and 2310, each time, mortar shells, all by Israel forces. (b) OP Lima. At 0101 machine-gun fire and, later, mortar fire by UAR forces, and at 0105 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0219 and by UAR forces at 023 U. At 1855 light machine-gun fire by both sides which ceased at 1930 by both parties . (c) OP Silver. At 01^9 artillery fire by UAR forces. At 0223 five mortar shells by Israel forces and at 0235 artillery fire by Israel forces which ceased at 0313. Between 0319 and 0325 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0328. At 1031 one mortar shell, between 1655 and 1805 several rifle shots, between 1829 and 2026 small-arms fire, at 2102 and 2125 bursts of machine-gun fire and at 2lU5 and 2357, each time, one rifle shot, all by UAR forces. (d) OP Foxtrot. Between 023U and 0302 artillery fire by Israel forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UKTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, para, 2. 2/ All times GMT.

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(e) OP Delta. At 0254 light macLine-gun and artillery fire by UAR forces, and at OJOO light machine-gun and mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 0332 and by UAR forces at 0355. At 0355 artillery fire by Israel forces which ceased at 0451. At 0455 one round of recoilless gun fire by UAR forces and between 0526 and 0534 artillery fire by Israel forces. (f ) OP Mike. At 0512 one rifle shot, between 0900 and 0909 mortar fire, and between 1020 and 1022 rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1024 and 1043 sporadic rifle fire by Israel forces. At 1140 mortar fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately. At 1321 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1327 mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1341. At 1416 artillery fire by Israel forces which ceased at 1431. Fire ceased by UAR forces at (g) OP Pink, Between 0627 and 0646 light machine-gun fire and between 0835 and 0940 burst of light machine-gun fire and several rifle shots by Israel forces. Between 0959 and 1001 four mortar shells by UAR forces. Between 1417 and l4l8 light machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1418 one mortar shell by UAR forces. Between 1443 and 1518 sporadic rifle fire by Israel forces. At 1650 small-arras fire by Israel forces and at 1652 smalls-arms fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1711 and by UAR forces at 1729. At 1832 two mortar shells by Israel forces. At 1852 light machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1911 one burst of machine-gun fire by Israel forces which ceased immediately. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1921. At 1943 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1945 mortar fire by Israel forces, Fire ceased by both sides at 1954. Between 20jO and 2031 bursts of light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2153 small arms fire by both sides which ceased at 2305. (h) OP Red. At 0843 bursts of light machine-gun fire and at 0932 one mortar shell by Israel forces. Between 1438 and 1531 sporadic artillery fire by UAR forces. At 1819 light machine-gun fire by both sides, which ceased immediately. At 1853 machine-gun fire by both sides. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1855 and by UAR forces at 1901. Between 1944 and 1958 machine-gun fire by both sides, (i) OP Blue. At 0913 three artillery rounds, at 1035 one mortar shell, between 1124 and 1135 five mortar shells, between 1214 and 1228 light machine-gun fire and two mortar shells, all by UAR forces. At 1305 mortar fire by UAR forces and at 1322 artillery fire by Israel forces. At 1344 five bursts of light machine-gun fire and at 1419 two rifle shots (see also paragraph 2) by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1422 and by Israel forces at 1432. Between 1857 and 1904 heavy machine-gun fire, at 2044 one rifle shot and at 2334 several bursts of light machine-gun fire and rifle shots by UAR forces. S/7930/Add.268 English Page 3

(j) OP Violet. Between 09JO and 1009 eleven rifle shots by Israel forces, between 1255 and 12p6 machine-gun and ack-ack fire by UAR forces, at the same time as jet aircraft heard flying frora north to south (position could not be determined). Between 1914 and 19.18 light machine-gun fire and between 1945 and 1953 rifle fire by UAE forces. At 2003 sporadic light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2045 five mortar shells by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2054. At 2125 light machine-gun and mortar fire by both sides. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 214-3 and by UAR forces at 2144. At 2245 sporadic light machine-gun and mortar fire by UAR forces and at 2255 sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2259 and by UAR forces at 2310. At 2300 light machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2335 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2349 and by Israel forces at 0059 (IT July). (k) OP Green. Between 1252 and 1253 twenty rounds of ack-ack fire by UAR forces while unidentified .jet aircraft was flying north to south over east side of Canal. (1) OP Charlie. At 1253 one Mirage jet aircraft seen flying north to south over middle of Canal at low altitude. At 2136 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces which ceased immediately and immediately after, light machine- gun fire by Israel forces which ceased at 2138. At 2213 sporadic light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and, immediately after, sporadic light machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2253 and by Israel forces at 2309. (m) OP Echo. At 1255 two Mirage jet aircraft seen flying over OP from west to east, altitude 500 metres. Between 1256 and 1257 ack-ack fire by UAR forces. (n) OP Yellow. At 1650 one rifle shot and at 1855 three rifle shots by UAR forces. (o) OP Hotel. Between 1923 and 1933 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and between 1940 and 1942 light machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 2026 and 2041 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 2255 sporadic light machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2J01 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by both sides at 0023 (17 July). "2. Firing at United Nations installations and personnel. OP Blue: at 1344 five bursts of light machine-gun fire and at l4l9 two rifle shots were fired by UAR forces. The bullets passed within ten metres of UNMOs (United Nations Military Observers) observing from roof of OP building. There was no other small-arms fire at that time, and no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity. "3. Complaints by the parties. Nil. "4. Casualties and damage. (a) United Nations. Ml. (b) Israel. No reports received. (c) UAR. No reports received," UNITED NATIONS Distr. SECURITY GENERAL S/7930/Add.267 COUNCIL 16 July 1969 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 15 July 1969 was received on l6 July from the Chief of Staff of UNTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP=^ reports.

(a) OP Copper. At 0045 artillery and later machine-gun and sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0100 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0127 and by Israel forces at 0135. Between 0210 and 0215 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 0215 and 0217 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1927 mortar fire and later machine-gun fire and four rockets fired by Israel forces and at the same time machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1930 and by Israel forces at At 2000 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2002 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both sides at 2012. At 2046 sporadic machine-gun fire and later mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2048 sporadic machine-gun fire and later two rounds of mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2245 and by Israel forces at 2250. At 2308 machine-gun fire and later mortar fire by Israel forces and at 2338 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2353 and by Israel forces at 235^-.

(b) OP Violet. At 0056 tank gun fire and later machine-gun and sporadic mortar fire by Israel forces and at 0113 machine-gun and sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0142 and by Israel forces at 0158. Between 0213 and 0214 intense mortar fire and between 1129 and 1132 rifle fire by Israel forces. At 1530 rifle fire by Israel forces and at 1602 rifle fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1648 and by Israel forces at 1649. At 1749 sporadic machine-gun fire and later mortar fire and three rockets fired by Israel forces and at 1902 sporadic machine-gun fire and later mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 2152 but resumed with machine-gun fire at 2332. Fire ceased by both sides at 0200 (16 July).

The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UWTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222S paragraph 2. All times GMT.

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(c) OP Blue. At 0151 several bursts of machine-gun fire "by Israel forces. Between 0919 and 1008 sporadic mortar, machine-gun and anti-tank fire by UAR forces. At 1119 sporadic machine-gun fire and later mortar and artillery fire by UAR forces and at 1202 artillery fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1221 and by UAR forces at 1325. At 1301 an unknown number of unidentified jet aircraft overflew the Canal from north-east to south-west, and at the same time UAR forces fired five salvos of anti-aircraft gun fire. Between l6j2 and 1636 rifle fire by UAR forces.

(d) OP Kilo. Between 0736 and 0738 rifle fire and between 2007 and 2015 rifle and machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(e) OP Mike. Between 0915 an<3- 1008 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces. Between 1023 and 1032 mortar fire by Israel forces. At 1136 one round of mortar fire by UAR forces. At 1155 artillery fire by Israel forces and at 1218 heavy weapons fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1219 and by UAR forces at 1225- Between IJOO and 1301 anti-aircraft gun fire by UAR forces. At the same time jet aircraft were heard over OP.

(f) OP Silver. Between 0921 and 0922 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At the same time helicopter was flying over west side of Canal. Between 12^3 and 12U6 machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces. At l64o mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1646 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1652 and by UAR forces at 1700. At l800 mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1801 mortar fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1825 and by Israel forces at 18^0. Between 1917 and 1923 and between 2010 and 2012 mortar fire by Israel forces.

(g) OP Yellow. At 09^5 two bursts of machine-gun fire by Israel forces 300 metres north of site for handover of body of Israel forces soldier. _!/ At the same time UAR helicopter was flying over west side of Canal (reported separately). Between 1655 and 1658 mortar fire,, at 2211 three rifle shots (see para. 2) and at 2252 one rifle shot, by UAR forces.

(h) OP Hotel. At. 09^7 machine-gun fire which ceased immediately and between 1530 and 15^-3 rifle and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 16^8 and 1700 mortar and tank fire by UAR forces. Between 1713 and 1722 mortar fire by Israel forces.

_!/ The handover of the body of an Israel soldier from the UAR to the Israel authorities, arranged under International Red Cross and UKTSO auspices, began at Talata Bridge at 09^0 on 15 July and was completed at 1021 on the same day. S/7930/Add.267 English Page 3

(i) OP Charlie. Between 1156 and 1158 and between 1226 and 1231 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 1729 two rounds of tank fire and later machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1733 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1735 and by UAR forces at 1733 (see para. 2). At 1755 two rounds of tank fire by Israel forces and at 2018 one round of recoilless gun fire and between 2227 and 22^7 mortar fire by UAR forces.

(j) OP Red. At 1518 one round of mortar fire and between 1532 'and 1552 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces. At 190o mortar fire by Israel forces and at 1910 mortar and machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 193^ and by UAR forces at 1939-

(k) OP Pink. At 1703 small arms fire by UAR forces and at 1758 small arms fire and later five rounds of anti-tank fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 195^ and by UAR forces at 2008. At 2335 small arms fire by both parties which ceased by both sides at 23^9.

(l) OP Delta. At 1922 rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1932 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at and by Israel forces at 1955-

(m) OP Foxtrot. At 1928 one round of artillery fire by UAR forces.

"2. Firing at UN installations and personnel.

(a) OP Charlie. At 1729 two shells of tank fire by Israel forces. The shells parsed within ten metres south of OP and .exploded behind the OP. OP was illuminated.

(b) OP Yellow. At 2211 three single rifle shots by UAR forces, the first shot struck the west corner of OP building. OP was illuminated and there were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity.

"3. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"i+. Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. Assistant IDF Liaison Officer reported that four Israel forces soldiers were wounded.

(c) UAR. Ho reports received." UN/TED NATIONS r r ^ i i n i T w x^£35§^k Distr. SECURITY WhSS'SHl GEHERAL ^ /^ i i k I t~ i I ^K!££$JM S/7930/Add.266 Q- \j U IN V- I L ^^S^^P^ 15 July 1969 ^^r^*' ' ORIGINAL: ENGLISH

Supplemental Information

The following summary report on firing in the Suez Canal sector on 14 July 1969 was received on 15 July from the Chief of Staff of UWTSO, Lt. General Odd Bull:

"1. OP-i/ reports, 2 / (a) OP Pink. At 00^-8—' sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 00^9 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by JJAR forces. Fire ceased "by Israel forces at 020? and by UAR forces at 0208. Between 0952 and 0956 five rifle shots by UAR forces (see para. 2). At 1715 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces and at 1722 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 1726 and by UAR forces at 1751- Between 1835 and 1911 machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces. At 18^-2 machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces and at 19^9 machine-gun and rifle fire by Israeli forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2057 and by UAR forces at 2102.

(b) OP Delta. At 0558 and at 0635, each time, one salvo of mortar fire by Israel forces. Between 1700 and 1705 machine-gun and rifle fire by UAR forces.

(c) OP Lima. At O6kh mortar and machine-gun 'fire by UAR forces and at 06^5 machine-gun and rifle fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 0647 and by Israel forces at 06^9. At 1020 one salvo of artillery fire by Israel forces. Between 1230 and 1329 and between 1359 and 1^12 sporadic rifle fire by UAR forces. At 2055 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2105 and by UAR forces at 2106.

(d) OP Yellow. At O8l0 one burst of machine-gun fire and between 0815 and 0817 mortar fire by Israel forces.

I/ The locations of the Control Centres and the Observation Posts established by UNTSO in the Suez Canal sector are given in document S/7930/Add.222, paragraph 2. 2/ All times GMT.

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(e) OP Silver. At 0906 one rifle shot, at 1739 three rifle shots and between 1921 and 21^5 machine-gun and rifle fire, by UAR forces. At 2258 machine-gun fire by both parties. Fire ceased by UAR forces immediately and by Israel forces at 2300. Between 2J08 and 2355 mortar fire by Israel forceso

(f) OP Mike. Between 0911 and 0921 mortar fire, between 1002 and 1051 artillery fire, between 1353 and 1^12 mortar fire and between 1^56 and 1524 mortar fire, all by UAR forces.

(g) OP Blue. Between 0912 and 0915 mortar fire, between 09^9 and 1029 sporadic artillery and mortar fire, at 1232 two bursts of machine-gun fire and between 1353 and l4ll sporadic mortar fire, all by UAR forces.

(h) OP Violet. Between 11^2 and 11^5 three rifle shots and between 1207 and 1209 six rifle shots by Israel forces. At 1^28 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1^29 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at l432. At l4U3 two rifle shots by UAR forces. Between 1522 and 1553 eight rifle shots by Israel forces. Between 1640 and 1700 one burst of machine-gun fire and rifle fire by UAR forces. At 1721 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1722 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2036 and by UAR forces at 2044. At 2158 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 2201 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by both parties at 2205. Between 2320 and 2339 sporadic machine-gun fire by Israel forces.

(i) OP Charlie. Between 1203 and 1321 artillery and mortar fire and between lU29 and 15^6 sporadic mortar fire by UAR forces.

(j). OP Red. At 1^10 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces, and at l4l6 two mortar rounds by UAR forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at l4l8. Between 1659 and 1704 sporadic mortar f±re by Israel forces. At 1830 and 1848, each time, one burst of machine-gun fire and at 1912 one rifle shot by UAR forces (see para. 2).

(k) OP Copper. Between 1725 and 1846 and between 1908 and 1920 machine- gun fire by both parties. At 1937 three rounds of mortar fire by Israel forces. At 19^3 sporadic machine-gun fire by UAR forces and at 2026 sporadic mortar and machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Fire ceased by Israel forces at 2029 and by UAR forces at 2109. At 2122 one burst of machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Between 2138 and 2202 machine-gun fire by Israel forces. Between 2202 and 2220 machine-gun fire by UAR forces.

(l) OP Hotel. At 1908 machine-gun fire by Israel forces and at 1922 machine-gun fire by UAR forces. Fire ceased by UAR forces at 1925 and by Israel forces at 1928. Between 19^5 and 19^-9 machine-gun fire, at 2055 machine-gun fire, which ceased immediately, and between 21^9 and 2207 machine-gun fire, all by Israel forces. S/7930/Add.266 English Page 3

"2. Firing at United Nations installations and personnel.

(a) OP Pink. Between 0952 and 0956 five rifle shots were fired by UAR forces. Three of these shots passed very close to UNMO (United Nations Military Observers) and United Nations radio technicians who were working at the base of OP antenna mast. Both United Nations personnel wore blue headgear, and a United Nations flag marked their working place. There were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity. (At 1351 on 13 July Senior UAR Liaison Officer had been informed that radio technician would be working on radio antenna at OP Pink.)

(b) OP Red. At 1912 one rifle shot fired by UAR forces passed between the OP caravans. OP was not illuminated. There were no Israel forces personnel in the vicinity.

"3- Cease-fire proposal. A cease-fire vas proposed by Officer-in-Charge., Kantara Control Centre., for 20^-5- Proposed to Senior Israel Representative at 1938 and to Senior UAR Liaison Officer at 19^0. At 19^1 Senior Israel Representative accepted. At 20^ Senior UAR Liaison Officer informed Ismailia Control Centre that since there was no firing from west to east he could not accept. The cease-fire was not effective in five OP areas.

"4. Complaints by the parties. Nil.

"5- Casualties and damage.

(a) United Nations. Nil.

(b) Israel. No reports received.

(c) UAR. No reports received."