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Top News

European Commission proposes new Pact on Migration and Asylum The European Commission has proposed a new Pact on Migration and Asylum covering all of the different elements needed for a comprehensive European approach to migration. It sets out improved and faster procedures throughout the asylum and migration system. Commissioner for Home Affairs, , said: "What we are proposing today will build a long-term migration policy that can translate European values into practical management. This set of proposals will mean clear, fair and faster border procedures, so that people do not have to wait in limbo. It means enhanced cooperation with third countries for fast returns, more legal pathways and strong actions to fight human smugglers. Fundamentally it protects the right to seek asylum." Read more...

Updated risk assessment from the ECDC shows need to step up coronavirus response in the EU An updated risk assessment regarding the Covid-19 pandemic from the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) shows that notification rates have increased steadily across the EU and the UK since August, and that the measures taken have not always been sufficient to reduce or control exposure. It is therefore crucial that Member States roll out all necessary measures at the first sign of new outbreaks. EU Health Commissioner said: "We are at a decisive moment, and everyone has to act decisively and use the tools we have. This means that all Member States must be ready to roll out control measures immediately and at the right time, at the very first sign of potential new outbreaks." Read more...

Single European Sky: for a more sustainable and resilient air traffic management The European Commission this week proposed an upgrade to the Single European Sky regulatory framework. The objective is to modernise the management of European airspace and to establish more sustainable and efficient flightpaths. Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean, said: "An efficient air traffic management system means more direct routes and less energy used, leading to less emissions and lower costs for our airlines. Today's proposal to revise the Single European Sky will not only help cut aviation emissions by up to 10% from a better management of flight paths, but also stimulate digital innovation by opening up the market for data services in the sector." New EU action plan to combat racism The European Commission has put a new 5 year action plan to tackle racism. The measures outlined in the plan include: tackling racism through EU law; closer coordination with Member States, including national law enforcement, media and civil society; harnessing available and future EU tools; and increasing the diversity of the Commission's own staff. Helena Dalli, Commissioner for Equality, said: "With this action plan, we acknowledge that racism is not only perpetrated by individuals but is also structural. Therefore, we need to address it at all levels of governance to turn the tide." Read more...

Other news

Capital Markets Union: Commission to boost Europe's capital markets The European Commission has a new, ambitious Action Plan to boost the 's Capital Markets Union (CMU) over the coming years. The EU's top priority is to ensure that Europe recovers from the unprecedented economic crisis caused by coronavirus. The Action Plan has 3 objectives: ensuring that the EU's economic recovery is green, digital, inclusive and resilient by making financing more accessible for European companies, in particular SMEs; making the EU an even safer place for individuals to save and invest long-term; and, integrating national capital markets into a genuine EU-wide single market for capital. Read more...

Digital Finance Package: Commission sets out new, ambitious approach to encourage responsible innovation The European Commission has adopted an ambitious Digital Finance Package to ensure a competitive and digital friendly EU financial sector that gives consumers access to innovative financial products, modern payments, while ensuring consumer protection and financial stability. The Digital Finance package consists of: a Digital Finance Strategy; legislative proposals for an EU framework on crypto-assets; legislative proposals for an EU framework on cyber resilience; and, a Retail Payments Strategy, which seeks to achieve a fully integrated EU retail payments system, including instant payment solutions that work cross-border. Read more...

EIB to provide more than €1bn to support Covid19 & Brexit business financing plans in Ireland The European Investment Bank (EIB) expects to provide more than €1 billion to support new COVID-19 and Brexit business financing programmes, climate action and education investment in Ireland in 2020 and work closely with Irish authorities to implement the National Recovery Plan. This follows a record €1.1 billion of support in 2019. To date this year, the EIB has signed contracts totalling €397 million for new energy investment and support for Irish companies most impacted by COVID-19. Read more... Commission welcomes finalisation of guarantee system for €100 billion SURE instrument The European Commission has welcomed the activation of the SURE instrument, which will provide up to €100 billion in financial support to help protect jobs and workers affected by the coronavirus pandemic. This follows the finalisation of national approval procedures and signatures by all Member States to provide for the guarantee agreements with the Commission worth a total of €25 billion. The loans will assist Member States in addressing sudden increases in public expenditure to preserve employment in the context of the pandemic crisis. Read more...

Roma and Travellers Survey: Europe needs to break the vicious circle of poverty and discrimination against Roma and Travellers A new report from the EU Fundamental Rights Agency reveals that a quarter of Roma and Travellers in Western Europe cannot afford basic items such as heating or healthy food, and up to a fifth of their children go to bed hungry. The Roma and Travellers Survey report provides, for the first time, comparable data on Roma and Travellers’ experiences of fundamental rights in Belgium, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. It highlights widespread inequalities that perpetuate cycles of poverty and exclusion. Read more...

European Drugs Report 2020 In its report for 2020, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction describes the drug situation at the end of 2019, along with recent changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. New developments highlighted in the report include: record cocaine, and large heroin, seizures; a scaling up of synthetic drug production; and concerns around high-potency cannabis, new synthetic opioids and ecstasy tablets containing high levels of MDMA. The report also reviews COVID-19 disruption to drug use and the market, which could have long-term implications for Europe’s drug services and law enforcement agencies. Read more...

Dublin group nominated for Music Moves Europe award Dublin group Inhaler are among sixteen outstanding artists who have been nominated for the Music Moves Europe Talent Awards 2021. This annual EU prize for popular and contemporary music, co-funded by the Creative Europe programme, celebrates emerging artists who represent the European sound of today and tomorrow. Eight winners will be selected by a jury to receive a prize worth €10,000. The public is also invited to vote for their choice to win the Public Choice Award 2021. The winners will be announced early next year. Read more...

Beating cancer: Better protection of workers against cancer-causing chemicals To improve workers' protection against cancer, the To improve workers' protection against cancer, the European Commission this week proposed to further limit their exposure to cancer-causing chemicals. The proposed changes to the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive would set new or revised limit values for three important substances: acrylonitrile, nickel compounds and benzene. About 120,000 work-related cancer cases occur as a result of exposure to carcinogens at work in the EU, leading to approximately 80,000 fatalities annually. Read more...

New EU platform on Victims' Rights A new EU Victims' Rights Platform was launched earlier this week by the European Commission. The new platform, which will meet annually and on an ad-hoc basis when necessary, will serve as an important forum for discussions on victims' rights with all relevant actors. The primary goal is to ensure that all victims of crime can rely on their rights no matter where in the European Union and no matter in what circumstances the crime happened. Read more... eGovernment: Commission report shows digital public services improved across Europe The European Commission has published the eGovernment benchmark report, which shows that digital delivery of public services has improved during the last two years across Europe. Assessment criteria include the transparency of online public services, mobile friendliness and cross-border mobility. Highlights notably include transparency of online public services (how clear and open is the information about the way services are delivered and how the data is processed) that improved from 59% to 66% over the last two years. Read more...

Commission calls on Member States to boost fast network connectivity and develop joint approach to 5G rollout The European Commission has published a Recommendation calling on EU Member States to boost investment in very high-capacity broadband connectivity infrastructure, including 5G, which is the most fundamental block of the digital transformation and an essential pillar of the recovery. Member States are invited to come together to develop, by 30 March 2021, a common approach, in the form of a toolbox of best practices, for the timely rollout of fixed and mobile very high-capacity networks, including 5G networks. Read more...

Commission sets out new ambitious mission to lead on supercomputing The European Commission has proposed a new Regulation for the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking to maintain and advance Europe's leading role in supercomputing and quantum computing. It will support research and innovation activities for new supercomputing technologies, systems and products, as well as foster the necessary skills to use the infrastructure and form the basis for a world-class ecosystem in Europe. The proposal would enable an investment of €8 billion in the next generation of supercomputers – a substantially larger budget compared to the current one. Read more...

UCC part of new EU-funded clinical research network to treat COVID-19 University College Cork is a partner in a new EU-funded clinical research network to treat COVID-19. The EU-Response initiative, led by France and with partners in 13 countries, will establish a European network for adaptive platform trials (APTs) for COVID-19 and emerging infectious diseases. EU Commissioner with responsibility for Research said: "EU-RESPONSE is a major step towards pan-European clinical trials that not only give us the scale we need to rapidly assess potential treatments, but can also adapt rapidly as new facts and ideas emerge." Read more...

Commission publishes recommendations for a common EU testing approach for COVID-19 The European Commission has published a set of recommendations for a common COVID-19 testing approach in Europe. The recommendations set out concrete actions to support countries in the planning and organisation of their testing efforts during the different stages of the pandemic. EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides said: "These recommendations will help Member States to improve early detection of infected persons and ensure a better overview of infection rates and transmission." Read more...

Coronavirus: the Commission signs second contract to ensure access to a potential vaccine The European Commission last week signed a second contract with a pharmaceutical company to purchase vaccines for coronavirus. The contract will allow all EU Member States to purchase up to 300 million doses of the Sanofi-GSK vaccine. Sanofi and GSK are developing a recombinant vaccine for COVID-19, using innovative technology from both companies. EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides said: "This second agreement is yet another milestone in our EU Vaccine Strategy. Today we are expanding our possibilities to ensure that EU citizens and citizens around the world can gradually resume daily life and feel safe again." Read more...

EU Member States agree on threshold value to keep Europe’s beaches clean The European Commission has published a threshold value for marine litter on coastlines, to help clean up Europe’s beaches and keep them clean. EU Member States’ experts have agreed that a beach will need to have less than 20 litter items for every 100 metres of coastline to stay under the threshold. One item of 'beach litter' is defined as any discarded item found on the beach over 2.5 centimetres in length. It covers small items like cigarette filters, up to larger items like netting, ropes or industrial packaging. Read more...

First-time asylum applicants in the EU down by almost 70% in the second quarter During the second quarter of 2020, some 46,500 first-time asylum seekers applied for international protection in the EU, down by 69% compared with the first quarter of 2020 and by 68% compared with the second quarter of 2019. This sharp drop in applications resulted from the COVID-19 emergency measures applied by EU Member States from March 2020. Germany (31%) once again recorded the highest share of first-time applicants in the second quarter followed by France 19%) and Spain (15%). In Ireland, only 85 people applied for asylum in the second quarter of 2020 or 0.2% of the EU total. Read more...

Ireland has the 2nd lowest share of expenditure on recreation and sport Government spending on sport and recreation in Ireland is Government spending on sport and recreation in Ireland is among the lowest in the EU according to new Eurostat figures. Only 0.4% of total government expenditure in Ireland went to sport and recreation in 2018, joint lowest in the EU with Bulgaria and . The EU average was 0.8% rising to 2.1% in Hungary. In real terms, Ireland was also among the lowest spenders in the EU with a total expenditure of about €65 per inhabitant in 2018. The EU average was €113 with Luxembourg in top place at €500 per inhabitant. Read more...


Monday 28 September: Video conference of Transport ministers The transport sector has been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. The epidemiological situation and the slowdown of the economy as a result of lock-downs have resulted in a drastic reduction of transport demand and services across the EU territory with economic consequences for the sector. As early as in March 2020, EU member states agreed on the need to have a coordinated approach to support the sector. During the video conference, EU transport ministers will hold a policy debate to discuss a pandemic contingency plan for the European freight transport sector. Under 'any other business', the Commission will brief ministers on its amended proposal for the Single European Sky. Read more...

Tuesday 29 September: Competitiveness Council (Research and innovation)

Information on this meeting will be available shortly at the link below. Read more...

Thursday 1 and Friday 2 October: Special European Council On 1 and 2 October, EU leaders will meet in Brussels to discuss foreign affairs, in particular relations with Turkey and the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean. The leaders are also expected to address relations with China, the situation in Belarus and the poisoning of Alexei Navalny. The single market, industrial policy and digital transformation are also on the agenda. The summit, initially planned for 24 and 25 September, has been postponed as President Michel is in quarantine. Read more...

Thursday 1 October: In conversation with Sharon Donnery, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland The European Movement Ireland is hosting an online event with the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, Sharon Donnery, on Thursday 1 October at 11 am. During the event, Deputy Governor Sharon Donnery will reflect on Ireland’s development, having transformed from a closed protectionist nation to an international hub, and how the EU has helped in shaping this change. Looking ahead, as we face common challenges including the fallout from the pandemic, Ms Donnery will argue our role in Europe is as critical as ever. The event will be moderated by Noelle O'Connell, CEO of the European Movement Ireland. Click on the link below for further information and registration. Read more...

Thursday 1 and Friday 2 October: Revitalising Retail 2020 Online Workshops The European Commission is organising an interactive virtual workshop on Revitalising Retail on The European Commission is organising an interactive virtual workshop on Revitalising Retail on Thursday 1 and Friday 2 October. The workshop aims to gather feedback and encourage an exchange on how to help shops recover from the forced closures due to COVID-19, focussed on “Retail: Recovery and (re)birth”. It will explore what the retail sector, and in particular small retailers, may have learnt during the crisis and what they need in the short and longer term to help them recover and build resilience. The workshop will also be an opportunity to discuss how small retailers could benefit from support programmes in the framework of the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility. Read more...

Friday 2 October: Webinar: Women in Politics and Online Abuse The European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland, in conjunction with the National Women's Council of Ireland, is hosting an online event that will focus on the issue of online abuse, with a particular focus on how this affects women in politics, on Friday 2 October at 2.30pm. The panel will discuss the policy initiatives at national and European level, and the ongoing on-the-ground initiatives tackling this issue. Important contributions will be made by Maria Walsh, MEP; Gina Miller, Transparency Campaigner and Businesswoman; Tom Felle, Head of Journalism and Communications at NUIG and former journalist; and Colm O'Gorman, Executive Director of Amnesty International Ireland. Prior registration is essential via the link below. Read more...

Monday 5 October: Eurogroup meeting Information on this meeting will be available at the link below. Read more...

Tuesday 6 October: Economic and Financial Affairs Council Information on this meeting will be available at the link below. Read more...

Thursday 8 and Friday 9 October: Justice and Home Affairs Council Information on this meeting will be available at the link below. Read more...

Wednesday, 28 October 2020: Webinar and workshops - Employment opportunities in the EU for people with Irish Are you interested in learning more about career opportunities for Irish speakers in the European Union’s institutions? The European Commission and the Irish Government are organising a full-day online event during the Oireachtas na Samhna festival aimed at informing potential candidates about job opportunities with Irish and providing concrete practical advice. Full details at the link below. Read more...


EESC Civil Society Prize 2020 The EESC (European Social and Economic Committee) Civil Society against Covid-19 prize will reward solidarity initiatives to tackle the coronavirus emergency and its consequences in Europe. The prize will reward up to 29 not-for-profit initiatives carried out by natural persons, civil society organisations or private companies which aim to tackle the Covid-19 crisis and its manifold consequences. Each prize is worth €10,000. The deadline for submitting applications is 30 September 2020 at 11 am (Irish time). Read more...

Public consultations

Commission consults on limiting aniline in toys The European Commission has launched a public consultation on limiting values for aniline in toys in order to enhance the protection of children's health. Aniline, which may be bound to colorants in toy materials, such as textiles or leather, is suspected to cause cancer and induce heritable mutations in the germ cells of humans. The consultation will be open until 22 October 2020 included. Read more...

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