T ' h e lPint i e s i-N e L_ I alls, Idaho/lOOch ycai:ar. N o. 232 ■______S a t u r dday, ; A ugust 20, 200DOS 5 0 c c n t s I

IER aint AU ’s Wian ts a shot> t « oday: Mostly . rp- • i I inity hospitalil w ishes to be1 part of Im erger talksks ijiHa )w60. BySandydy Miller and A u ^ i, we are atududous to p repare posalsuii undl after thcyVc givcn die pr P a g e A 2 Ttmet-Wo¥ . a thoughtful proposal thaltt offers ideas posal inIn t front of them serious considc — a n d solutions for considlidcradon ty you, ailon. , r TWIN'I I FALLS — When, it com cs: loto an d thc'I\vln Falls Counmtyvoters. • Commnmissioner BUI Brockman ke;licpl I I^AGIC V,VAI^LKV dccidinetIS th e future of the local coimnty ty County commissloncicrs arc consid- that pronromlse on Friday, t Ic said if concom- iL-Saini-Alphonsus-Rugionainai: __ering a nrop_o_s^jo menerge the county- mlsslonemers d cclde the St. Luke's offer 1 M t^cai'Cr Cenier would simply like one)ne ovmed-nospltdl with thihe“B6Ise:basea ndt~thele riglit one, hlTwUI op cn .tf of tlic scatcats at the bargaining table, non'profli St. Luke's Bcfcglonal M cdical .proccss.iiis.10 everyone. "licspcipcctfully rcoucsi that you openicn Clenter. The plan Is to cncrcate onal “I'd cveven hold an;aucdon on d the icess and allow all health carcarc health core system tliatIt w o u ld also in- courtlioulouse steps,’ Brockman said, providers)rs equal opportunity to presentent elude St. Luke's facilldctics in Meridian Afterr tctelling Bruce about how disajisa p - proposalsals for mccling the oncoineing a n d the Wood River Valleiley as vrell as its pointed:d 1 h e was in the care he recelvtcived needs off MMagic Valley R ^ o n a l M cdicdc d M ountain States TYimor)r Insdlutc. Pro- at Saint11 iAlphonsus a couple of yeaj ■ ■ E 2 Ccnicr.”’ Saint& A lphonsus Chief Execu-:u- poncn ts of the merger ano rch o p in g co m - ago follovllowing back surgery — die ho!hos- tive Officciccr Sandra Brucc told countyIty m lssloners take the p rooposaJ j to voters pital >vas'OS terribly slion-siaffed, he saidsal commissltlme chsinplon in the ■ Boys and Girlsis CQub. World'a Ucllest Dog CoContest. . P a g e A 4 I IVIONEV " O u JTOF ASM I a g a n d b o ld : Uglyi^love H jJusinessm an pip la n s TVvin J ■ restaurant,nt, banquet ■ hall to sea t 700. HIM I F o r o n e w o m a n , P a g e B7 I notorioua s d o g i s I R e l i g i o n I a thing o f b e a u t y I By Wendy Lee I Loe Angelea Times

■ SANTA BARBAltA,, Qtlif.C — Some m ay call > ■ i l a tale o f beauty andnd the lieasi. But Sam, a H 14-ycar-old pedigreed.•d Cliinese crested, and a ■ direu-tlm e cham p in1 thei World's Ugliest D og l _ . Contcst.-is'the doglg of Susie Lockheed's ■ d re a m s . I (toedlrfithe.huniun g ry : i h c ■ Lockhccd._53._cn{in{ovs_jnasso(^ng Sam 's ■ LeCIaiishavebabeen serving I Hcshy. tliin. potato-clchip curs and nmning ■ tHe n eedy a t thleSL e ; ■ her fingers througli1 the small patdics of I w h ite hair on hbi headid. H Edv^%s6upki• kitc h e n for ■ She likes Usslng Sjam'soj hairless frame, lit- ■ y y e a r a ■ tered vtith blacklieucuds, brown warts and P a g e C l I moles. Even his hindiidtjuariers have a large ■ hernia lump. I 'Fhen diere's his riglIglii eye, left a reddlsh- ■ purplefrom cataracts,'s, wlilch stands out from I I the other, which is a milkym while, I dri«f:AfootbaUc11 co a c h „ "I've never had a dogdi this much In love H deals w ith h is tou“ “ S hest , with me.’ Lockheed said.sa ’1 really baby Sam, I, natural resource ipeclalUt foror tthe Jarbldfe District ofthe BureauBi of Land Managament, ■ loss, his so n . nt, stantls on the Coonskin al-'' a n d kiss liim a lot. Me's;!'s a toad (dial's) going to PagoBl Wednesday. The 8LM Is finalizinging Ita rehabilitation plan for thehe allotmenta burned In thei CJovsrCj Flre. turn info a prince.’ SamJ^one^of four hu:iuirics.^gs thoi love to ------grogf^y lounge on the he couch in Ixxkhecd's I b u M p l a n s t oD rehabilitalI t e C l o v e r' F ire area“ Santa Barbara home. \\vliero she operates a beautysalon. I C o m i n g'G U P f Bydllchelkelle Dunlop he soils in place, die agcncyy. another lurks In thec Sagcbrusl:ush covered about <10 per- gave hcrTaloilbl. a Chihinese crcsied and Clil- ______S e e p a g ftjV il______cent o f thele .acres diat burned in die- h u i^iu a mix, for h er 4C40th blnlulov. *1 never______nc spots south of Cosdeford. Clover v. Ash said. Cheat grass cov*r~T had a dog I rouid cudiddle widi iMforc,’ she B oil looks like it would be moreJ th e BLM's decisions on livevestock craz- cred 5 to 03 pipcrcent of the lands alfect- said. o h a sandy bcach than o n aa Ing for tlte district fueled a recen t law- cd liy the nrna*. I lowever. Ash said, the• Later. Lockliced woul>uld adopt dogsTinker- id. And tho nearly corutontt suit by Westem Watershth e d s -l>rojeci weed poppeipcd up in small bunches — belle a n d Sam und woii/ould buy I'bdeNoodle, f southern Idaho rearrangeQ against die ogeno'. At the cfiabllHation plan — Pleasee sej e UQLY DOQ, Page A2 t addresses dusty, trouble- nized. Ash and1 olhersol at BLM will look at j :ations such as lhc Coonskin, "W liat tht7 'vedoneouiI ttiiere in th e ways lo creareale natural fla* breaks in past Is a huge mistake.” saitl __ distance.t. lid Kade Mte, die area. Plar’laming fonige kochlu along I S ty lln ' , tjlodivcrslty dirccior for Wee REMBIUTATipN, Page A2 . I Businesses/Services .. one that a somclocati DONNELLY — Wlienen aides to Prcsident I Classified...... , allotment. Bush o nnoim ced he'd be herc fortwo days of I Comics...... I Firc is Igeno orders IESA consiiideration ffor plant vacationing, reportersrs at the president's ran ch in Crawford, Itocasiu>, wcrc mysUfled. I Community...... fashion for Qgement, including an al- pot peppergrass grc!Tows in sagebrushi l areas ’WhafsinDonneUy?’?’ one osked. I Crossword...... o o l ‘05? In the paj cady wrapped up In a law- ’ I can't find it,'* anothe[ier said. , r ,, , sull betw eenm t dieagcncy and Wesierik I [:iearAbby...... rin fires alrcadyle Dunlop tliereby t preclude the need NoI even e Dana' I’crino, a iS; r® WoKishmlsIn> in which die district coun W hile! House spokes- jjauie of tlie landsw wrfter______ithe species under the act. V\ ^endi- has ordered a I Horoscope...... says John A i a hall to grazing, w omm, an could say just . ciding n ot to list die plant. court decisions argue for I Jumble ...... cialist for— th A rare plant tlial bloom s Wildlife J offldals noted the aj whereI it was. it •"ktaBbellerer carc of Ihc sagebrush H “Wc; can( look at ii nuip I Maglc\^lley...... “B fn w g ets'yhec Desert of soutliwest- should s decrease risks ofII narm to steppe ccosysi iysiem, said Katie I-iie, blo-< a n d tryyto t flgurciloui.Tcri- I 'Wtoney ...... laice hold,sh oi o u ld be reconsidered for sUckspot s pcppcrpriss. rccior for Wesiern Water- | il away. le r th e Endangered Spccics W estern Watersheds filedtllulawsul. i no said.d. I Movies...... T he loss o itinyhi^vaytomi of rding to a district court saying s. that tlie Fish and Wil md sd en cc is dierc that I Nation ...... ing o n Friday. vice v violated die ESA whenilidedlned it „ sopfe, howx’ver. Is far mitximum proiecdon of Arildemess.'A new skJ I Obituaries...... y o f tlie Interior Gale Nor- to t< list th e specics after del'elerminlng thcEndangcrecred Species Aa is extend- on "improper standards" In diat d d ie plant had a &1 to 8 : I Opinion...... edtolc.slifkspkspot peppergrass will not Bush will be slaying, I'Judjng th a t il.siing sllckspot chance ci o f extinction in thele next 100 survive," Flics!c said ." fills prctty linnly T hlsti cen carvcd from a I ^ndom facts ...... ss under the act was not years, y depending on Implcrr•mcniadon gays ujt thiss asa; eldier endangered or 132 peo .vm>tc District Court Judge of o the conservation agrecme from wl]und investors have I Religion ...... s i i c k s p I1CI1L ihrcalcned." the median price of a Vllllams in his order to rc- T h e p lan t grows in “slliillckspots, Uvcstock orcar a itra a c d to sllckspol Sports ...... specics' fate back Norton. ai ; pcrcent In die past ...... A7 ByMlcheltol areas in a sagebrusli steppepe ecosys- peppergrassi becauseb( the plant reialacppergTdss under the En- peppergrass p can be found o flocked to th e re ^ o n as 15lh chnm cttti^ ihe ■«>rld...... DOl^E — on 20,000 Before decleclding to \iHthdraw Its Ince prospec^rs first - ...... -A4 . in tlie OwyhSpecies Act The stale of acres ai of land spread ovover A da. proposal lo listlis the species. Williams h o m e h as risen liy 116 i ogeiher with private Canyon, c Elmore, Gem, Owy year. named Vlrj^nia Clly, ...... B7 cm Idalio sh vyhec a n d w rote, the FislPisli and Wildlifc Scrvicc c IJJOOs seaitlilng for 3. crafted a n agreement to layette p; countics. About 9 t p

Today: Mosttyostly ounny ond hoollno up. Hioha ]hs uppor 80g. T o dday a i Tonight Monday - Ibesdayly Wednesday <=»y______HI Le Prtp , Tonlghi: A^ mildmi ond toir nijjhi., Lowti noafroo. 00 ^ Tomo^ow:r: VoryVt worm a n d dry with (nlr skloflkl08. HlghBlow s'.i. OOs. L,». i - . & C0 # Mostly aurwtyjnriyand A laif ond mild rtght Vary warm and dry No moul igup wlora incruairtg doucW.uO». Vanatiia ckxxts and 7today:Warmrm vwilh plenty of sunshine ovorhomioad. HiohoMor ‘ with lav akioa yoi.ii»l, it>U waim Oionc« mamly worm lr»o 90. High 88 8< . Low 60 Tonffltrt: A. ploosantpto nighi wiih fair aWos. Lowi ______91/61______M8 9 / g » ______6 6 /5 St , 86 /S 4 Tomorrow:: ConiinuodCo worm ond moaily dry v ------STinstiinB. Httf ^ T « mn p p . sratu re'^ Praclpllatl Barometric S u n r is e a n d ^ allon HUmldlly ^^^Sunse^^^^ hmwaa: a:»uut »wM»t-a;»PM KocftKlua.l>iBW»«a.»ioal>ni*w ' Uiir'^WiaxMiAMMMBMa WDINOMTS. ta m im VMtaOM nW TadoyikWwmn . 17% 1unrlM^a|UAWB^ I Mild tompersluros ano fair tkiM.»«xtr>« WMk. Ma iGit ot iunmini and to'0rlnk wila' and ki g e mfflMiM iii c ^unicraan ntndy, TMiy Tamettew Hertday Today Tamorfomi ^T^J^TOBlOrtjMI^ _____ CMjf HI Law Ml Low Kl L« W CItf‘It» h /l**w h1"uT? cny aittlcw/aiBS aa* . « Clly— N O RITHERMUTAH n Gat raafl•afly for ■ wonOaiful Pi— e* ind ol warmin and So S ' Stwiiiii &3 auniriinallna. Storms aia JfiiSiow IT i?i!i ■ ■ »w IJ eS and tar b SL e»» »7 aa m «a«» ■« I wiwiSii r ” Yfu SSS oSi aa a i'tu BO M w) ea m «u cif* 'HB3tu«aa»tu naaui r« ■wqen.OC w 7a pc » 71 pe Umoc ■lLiLS££5SSE ss -sxs.a,aK,s,a;,a s s 90 too l ie is:

Fronia Coid ' R MMciant Mte>0 it l»«wnr moK KM 79 3» w M 40 pe ra 41 m omm r wmmmwm\ | ' r r ' I ® * £•*21. W 40 m »!*»■) T w vaiMalMUSpjK. loday ■ Wam ! lo n i fight a problem, Soholveitl-I^H nt««ay'a NMIonal A A I UMMMBT '' UrdftAg bixdaolHatiOtkrHintntftm/tmvunil IWao* 73 44 PC ai &3 PC " .....ffi ’ SUIIonary OeeluM ' 2> ' • iTheTunesl e s - N e w s - I Ugl:lydog------P u b lis h e r - Coimnissidoners don’I’t agree on dfrom/U thc oti B rad H u rd ...... Other dogs, who w ere jeal-j By Sandy Millar »^ their cnvno I hom ely for any hom e ousI of thc attention Lockhced _____ »• sloncrs. they knew,rw. Sam s fonncr owner, iavisheished o n himJ Hc w as evenI ------:------"I can defI merger News w ho wasIS moving to a place biocteeked from thc coudi t>y thc • TWIN FALLS — Co : on bchaifofcommis- BdJlor w herc do(Jogs weren't allowed, fcm^alelales. , Com m issioner Bill BrockS S 1 still thinlink we Chris SicinbachI ...... 735*3255 wasdesperpenite.Lockhccdsald. "nicihen ln2002, Lockheed saw a' ‘ was none too happy abou lefcnd die foa that die ' C om m unity desksk.. . .735-3288 "HedTdnIdn't look so g ( ^ then, Joy Leno Le show featuring che’ short notice for Friday!s n need to lo o k « Its need lo sit down a t y desk ...... 735-3234 b ut he’s Iolooking worae now," world'srld's ugliest dog from thc Ing between commisslo Mhesc points and lake ------Leiierfrto------Lockheed-jd-said,-addin^that-in— Sonoraloma-MarinFair.-whlch-has—‘— and Sandra Brucc,-chlcrorSSSj'l— otherpropciposalsto “ ii c w b o , th e ed ito r...... 735-3266 reccnt yea/earS' Sam has gone heldihi th e contcst since 1989. She mmcndations back to live officer at Saint Alpho,hon,u» ji t ’c f h o ha<] ncloners." Brockman blind andmd suffered Illness. kncwSw Sam would bc a natural. Regional M edical Center. % ll S me consultants Advertising T herD ’s soisomething quite noble ^D p jprcpore, i shcsklppcd Sam's Bui hc wasn't blaming Bi about Samam. Even thougli he’s usuafaaf treatment with mild lactic f c d T c best propososal.W e e. Grindstaff said lie Advertising directo wlio said she scheduled n o problem wiUi Uie Janet Goffin...... tivc, he expccts to be a d dI lotion, tc whlcii dears off m eeting last Friday, a»sood f can’t fnadg, kc royalty." .d eacl d s!skin cells, for a few days week In advance. le a good Its hammering out Classlfleil s and bringing Uiem Ayearaftiafter Lockhccd took in andlet let his nails grow out But sometiiing-funny I mmlssionersforti}cir Customer serviceM5 the dog wilwithout a home, she “Voufbu don't practice, and you pened on its way to the age. decisionin until------““ccctcd unc ...... 733-(33-0931.cxt,2 suffered a relapse cf thyroid ccrtalrJilrJy dont groom," Lock- "It didn't show up on an k at all iccoKla law; aas8liled&Onlineline manager cancer, withdth w hldt she was first heed1 saidsa "It^ the opposite of thc agendas until Wedne: sslonerTbm Mikesell ^ posol Invohlose details are pro- DcbyJoiinson...... 735-3326 diagnosedd a s a teenager. preparilaring for Westminster." die night. Brockman said S;foU After drillIrlnking a radioactive big New'fcwYork dog show, Uons. I?"* nder Idaho public ■ ing thc meeting. ‘Someb like to bc miws becausc Jhe. pro- , Circulation Iodine treareatmcnt, Lockliecd Sam'm won, and has token thc In-between w as trying lo _ process, but ,,i_ - h ad to staytay at. home for Qve fair’s; tide tit every year since, in­ >lvcs employees and c u s t o m e r s e rv ic put h on the agenda." 9 He said dieilsidon. He said he’d : ; V ic e days.'andI hiher entire room had eludinging last m onlh. Brockman did noi say sy Just fcrred to woimorc involved in thc IVvinFalls . lo b e coveieeiedinptastlc=-cven Somem e of her doscst fiends who he thought thot was. >. - C aryt Crinilitaff,Ci "1 liavc Litwasournumbcred.ni ______a n d Other th e tclephoihone. Friends hod Jo lemlin ain perplexed about the_____ County-commissloncis-h a r e a s ...... 733-013^0931;cDCLr ■ leav efo oJ d by b her door because iovc'aff•affalr'the world’s ugliest Falls-C ountv___‘Uld. StTOUdvhe consulianis pre- always maintained lhat ------upon o r hav Burley-Rupert'' 'o f th e nidiatliatlon. But she wasn’t dog hanging hc out widi thc ommlsloner Mikesell saidrork diat way. discussion on die future ofo fth e no idea what Mingle Paul-O akJey...... 6^-4042 alone: Lockickhced was oble to daughte;hter of a Ncw York tieauty counw .ow ncd Magic Valley Circulation phonilone lines a re kc«> o ne dogdo; with her, and she queen,tn. Lockheed, who pcr- IwKe- of the peopleIn in TWln Falls 1 don'tdwaier. Ii have, agreed donal Medical Centcr sho County do,^ Brockockman said m “ ncgoUi o p e n between 630a.m.and6 J 0 » pickcdSantm. formss facials,n waxing and lash be conducted in a pul Qvcn’l agreed upon." p .m . for geneiTil^^uCTtlons ^^y ie two in her home salon. Is public -He doesn’t like JohnJo Kee o r *ook som eorlid. "It’s veiy/rustrai- ro enjoyed loundng lints in forum, lhat thc Unes oi cc can find a i ______nKniit yniirftffllwTy W ng-JoW sioiv-Sam— ptaigLSf CO? - KentThvlor." 1 like il. I'm a talker, —municstion—should -remf*nain Grinds talTsanniiaUiatsnotlruc. ^ - new subscriptions,ms, vacation never left her exccpt to visit the Her!r ^Tod j ^ c n / ' Rebecca open. But they’re having in tiaior. I Uilnk Ifw u stops, and other qucquestions. side yard1 throughtl his doggy iT. 53, refuses to touch 5 trou- "That dcM»n’t haviiave anyUiing TTie count)o ne In the eye, you ble even communicaieating ,o do with it." Grin.rlndstaff saicT wi»h Su it you do not r«receive y our door. The twotwi have bwnlnsep* Samis> dda o n ^ g , loose Qesh. among dicmsclvcs. I. n.*solution to any p a p e r by 6 3 0 o.m.Lm., call th e arable ever■er since. Now Sam “He'se's just loo disgusting," , "Ifthispropusaltiunums out to be ^ in ^ at di W hen it cum es to-thc fuii'" '“re so gooJ, uicy oughtght to tic very Stroudwatcri n iu n b c r for yourr areaoi before cries whenicn Lockheed isn’t PlayerT said,& adding that Lode- of , thc couniy hospital, co ity's six-montii con- 10 a.m . for rcdcUvcnrery. aro u n ti heed oncc o r brought Sain into , com- happy for us to Tlooook a t oUicr o f chargiStroudwaier Capital misaloncrs aren't agreeingt»g o n proposals. It vrouldId mr ake diem this m onth. C “He m adeide a ^ v e situation her worivorkpiacc and civeryonc ,nmdi tliese days. Qimmissk th c end of July, but Circulation directorto r really f u a II tlthink dogs arc a ^ t ^ p e?d c L No one wanted to pet , «ion* just shine. It h as nnotothing to d o " “ u n ty - hasiT offered its services er Gaiy G rindstaff on FricIjricJay vkidi personalities.s. It's It Just try- w hether to rc Daniel \AUock...... :T35-3252 from God.I. TThey don't carc if m ade it d e a r that hc still rgc until tiie end of Hom e delivery manjlaiuger you’re havint bad hair day,- ic's beautiful, carrying diis • ^ ing to get the bestt thingUii for our ^ which thc. Grindstaffc said die tends 10 look at all the optloiti^ons, co unty taxpayers. TheyThi ow n il." «hc consuldn Chris Garda ...... ,...735-3302 Lockheed sail Iful-looking animal." Play- and , n ot Just th c proposal frt isn't-yct decided Single copy soles But as thche only male dog in c r lamenn en tc d "You rcally do see < 1 from A couple of vreckscks ago, con- month. renew tiie contract St. Luke’s. , . sultants widi SlroudvudwaterCop- Meanwhile, Jim D aJo s...... 420-1259 thehousehoiiloid, Sam was some- pw plcgIc grlm acc when hc walks "1 still Uiink we need to lo e county W04 paying times treatedled os an outcast by orguy." 1 , J )look ital.workingforthcc(ccounty,met cts are hopinin g Ann $45,000 a ai other proposals to makeBsuro si widi thc hospitals' c Subscription tate s' consultant put th c St. Lu 1It’s the best proposal," Grint ^ d - L any Singer in Chicolicago to dis- foro voters in Home delivery: d staff said. “We can't make ie, merger suppon- lke a cuss some of die dialJiangcs com- missioncrs ncing commissioners Sunday, S435 per wecfc&tur-we< ______good J d edsion until we look>ok at m issioncrs w ould iiki Rehaiabilitation_ like to sec in cision soon,Luke's question bc- d ay an d Sunday only. alla thc options." . th e Sl Luke’s proposposai. Grind- Uiey have lesi Wrtjck. M a ils u b ^ p ti CoitlniicKlltainw iA l roughlyiy 83,000£ acrcs. Thc hors- Bui Brockm an says Grinrind* staff said th e cnangL*s n November. Com- igL>s are relot- to nm ke up needth to make a dc* be paid in advanceICC and are fall 2006, . hcthe BLM will re-seed cs arc t>eingbei housed In Boise. As staff ^ is basing his decisionin on< cd to “indigencyy ai n d how want to get it ( available only wherelere delivery thc treated acrcs,Ashsaldaa soonasdtsdicagcncycanfenccoff personality F conflicts wlwith m uch wc pay, a n d Uic 1. Grindstaff said Uie legalities balioL s s Ihan two weeks is not maintainedL MMoU rates: After prevlcvious fires, thc BLM on arcaca that the fire did n o t Magic ^ VallCT Rcglonal's chichief o f being able to s u1C e dth e county And that's i All Idaho rates: dallyJlyandSun- i seeded a cononsldeiable amount reach, roro u ^ ily 100 horses executive ° ofuccr and die hostospi- on indigcncy issues." Iheir minds if they time, MikescUit on tiie November day $6.00 per vraek,k, cidaily only ofacicsinthcthe region, Fite said returnI to to th e arca. The rem ain- tal's “ attorney. Al»ut the only Uiiitiling Grind- "I d o n ’t bel $4.00 p e r week. Satujatiuday and However, hethe agcncy allowed it dcr of ththe e h o n es will be p ut up 'It's really turned badI bbe- staff and Brockirumm cani agree Uirough this ir S unday only $3.000 p e r week. ' to be gnusedcd tew heavily, she for adopt!3ption. causc c Grindstaff doesn’t wantwai on is diat the coi } just not enougli consultants tlic November:11 said. Out OI state rales:s: doilyd and said. Limtoclock-uamplo-nath«------^Thc BLBLM estimates die total—_St. ^ Luke's in here and 95 pciccirccnt should tie oble to negotiateneg on "It's too big o f j Sunday $7.00 per weweek, daily , vegetation an ai d facilitate thc cost off suppressingsi thc Gover -i lellcvc we can get only $5.00 per week.:ck. Saturday spread of wcc<■ccds.FHcsaid Firo at: $1.9$1 million — a Ggiue I in time 10put iton a n d S unday o n ^! $3.50$; p e r In ali, 177 allotments i have that docs)cs not indude relocating Hospital J _ e r boHoi.’ he said week. Sales tax indue!iuded In all been dosedd toti grazing due to thc wildId horses,h Stcclc sa id Fe- _ if an issue 10 ni.ild horses from the 323? or»r by I e-mail at mdun- The nonproflt Saint Alphortion- ^ 8 - However, Saint AlAlphonsus payer contracts e k area covering aid, would own Mogic Vi id assets, as well as / R>WlclcrSLW..TWinlIn Fails, by Saylor Creek lop^magiagicvalleyeom. sus, si ovmed by THnily Hcalil Voiicy Rc- it needs to devther dau such ajits Lee Publications Inc,n c , a sub- theth third-iargcst Catholic heait'aiili RionaL and Magic Valley, Vs Rc- Saint Alphor system in th e U nited States,,has ha {donal would bccomeime p a n o f like county rosier co and current sid iary o f Lee Enteipri: ns,allinfonnaifan Periodicals paid olSSaBs T\ The Tim.[rtes-News^ m ^ Infoiformation Line been ^ serving pc*oplc In tlitj,e UieTVinltysystcm,whi(vhich would take moro time retain the audiorlty i veiopaproposiL r T h e Tlmes-News.m. Offldal ty to make the options,onsus woiud someofdiebigdcdsioisions. T h is is n ot ty and county ncvnew spaper commissioners'to s e r i l ^ , Sl icnedicts fS ^ "TVlnity sets thrciircsholds." should t>e rush p u rs u a n t to Scctioni6 C 6( -1 0 8 o f 735-335 n c to considerlaii the Idaho Code.hursday Thu is Lotterj?ry a n d Weather Medical C enter in Jerome anaani Bruce sold "A big caplupltalcxpen- "Thc issue is S diture would have to hereby designated asm the day Infoi through Its kidney treaunen to b c ap- Slowing dow n tl formation are ajn, proved" 3t a process dial o f thc w eek on which 1< ccniers. Bruce sa'd Sain have a rcxkI gnshed.' Bnice s4id Si'®-"- ju.,aphphone call away! IVvlj, In addition to SaintInt Alphon* altcmativcsscM!] d ^ will be ptiblishctL Alphonsus vrould provide TWli s too import^L Postmaster, please Falls County w ith an optioillon sus, county commiurtissfoners sonable. but hij lase sen d r— ■■ I to make surc w u change o f address fonnirm to: no. ILottery VW e a t h e r “it"that allows fo r greater loca(jjjjl have recchfcd letterss of interest ensure a long-tc , from at least seven othc grasp of all of {he Box 548, TWln Falls,lUs, Idaho liifinformation Inf[nformation “control of your health care fu lUicr hospl- die saying g oe ture. Wc believe it meets nonot networks, both1 nonprofitm prevention is Manswi nol only Ipa- 63303. ' 'a " — I till highly prudcni to Press j Press ononly your facility an d tcchnoloolo. and for-profic Saint AljAlphonsus mcdldne." M would like commisslossioners to ------tcrmoutcomclAsi. *5 gyS' needs, but also pteservcs th« JCS, an ouncc* of give al] interested provrovidcrs an Times-Neufs m tem of choicc an d local dcd worth a pound of W lM a a cqdidpVK x li uon-moUng that the communu. equal opportunity to present MUler can be t proposals, and a 90-do] il^ has ahrays known." •day period 3264 or - by______L . . r o r c hheck e out our website: rnaj >sal gather data and n Saint Alphonsus* proposai i respond, 'sm llkrem a^cus writer S a ^ ■ ttaehed at 7 ^ —J 4 _ by o-mall *as | ______Satunli;•ilty, Augutt 20,2005 TlnMfrNewt,rt. TMn FalM. Idaho A.3 N a t io n /^/W o r l d Shuttleie catchess ride to IFlorida Rocketss miss tvWO U .S. ships5 Tlw A w cteted P r e\* t ______------Iraqi nationallaliiies. Terrorist group Ate flrpfl io Israel, thelh iliird rocket left edw akds a ir fORCG o r BASE, W m SWHI P Uiree rocket.eiSTirea asmullcnuurIT in a road near tlie Calif. CAP) — Spare ShShutUc Pis- jg |g m g |[|j pri from warehohOUSG alniort at thele resort1 city of lilliit.______------covciy-nKl&-pi«M»c: claims it carrie( ------T m D trm wFTTVho cr was luissiii^ ' juinboJethcadedforFlrFIoriduFri- BSBWBi A Jordanian soldiorw01 »os Mirid Illtougll llu:lu! area received day, more than a week wi after - out the attack Friday, after a rocKet minor Iniurkries, Israeli officials being dlvcncd to thc Mojave W B liJy. , m issed U.S. Navy' shships dockod said In Aqaba. Rockets3 ohalso landed Aqaba «md Descn for tlie Qist lundm dlng snut* Knight Bidder Newa Sarvlce id i-ilat sit ni th e tic sihcc thc Columbialia tragedy.i ' H nU jltU s^ j; S*___ outsido a nearby hos;lospitnlondan northern edgJge of ihe Iled Sea The modifiwi Boeingring 747 car* M S B m R group, israoll airport In Eilal. . along the Ilordanltm-Israeli rying Dlsco\rry tookik off c Friday M W SZSBg JERUSALEM — A gro linked to al-Q alda claimed ------1 border. morning and arriveded in Okla- BHHHBH b I I M fd ' SYRIA sponslbility Friday for R'A . Hie biatemim eni by the AIk Iu I- > Itoma about three hour lull Azuim Brigudes I! said its ourslater— , three-rockett attack that misslissed • •• Uienretlegofa2.232-in!-mlletripio m em bers fireired lliree Katyusha - tlie simttlc's, hom e : two U.S. Navy ships docked e at Cape RIWffiBPIWB (he Jordanian p o n of Aqaba.*ba OAmman'Of' rockets ihiit "t"targeied a gather- Canaveral An Air Foroorcc KC-135 merican military No Americans were injurjured, •, ‘ SAUDI 'Vf Dew ahead oftlieshuttlttttlctomon- m m BBM Navy renA E t ARABIA Itor wather along tlic n .according to a Ni; le route. s the JORDAN y llie groupp has-dainiwl-ro------Ilte plane refueled, ., spokesman,s but it was ( ed, flew .to mostn serious attack onI UU.S. g sponslliUity for. ft other attacks, Barksdale Air Forcc:c fiose In - including bonoinbings luly 2:i in naval'vesselsn since 17 suil< Sharm Ji.sli, ixuislana and Ls scliedueduled to Oy diedd ahd 39-were wounded lieik, iin I-gyptian to Florida Saturday. ThiThe expect- ing of ------° I resort In the Sinai.Si ed cost o f tlie trip; at thctj October 2000 bombing least Sl thed USS Cole in Yemen, will ------1 ’Hie claimi couldn't< lie veri- milUoTL I ISRAEL I ^Rockols firod rwd Discovery Jind its sevu was th e w ork o f al-Qaidu. Irom about Kiiiyuslia is eVL‘n*mem> O ne o f th e th ree Katyus vL / Is Ihe nam e for a bercrexv touched dmvnivnAu& i)at Aisha E l l a l & / Hvoinvomio....,- ,vldc-vatiely' ufo relatively itiac- NASA^ backup landing rockets lau n ch ed from lordjrdtm A lrp^ / j O R o / ling nt hith Israeli territory near tlie a ^ ^ curate, ungitlciilded rockets that Edwards Air I^rce Bas;rew spent nine days at undisclosed locations atisea. sc Jordan's stutc-ru- Petra ^|^S S S r..external fuel tank duringIngblastoir tlie results of othDther shuttle post- docked1 to tc the intcmationai ala Navy spokesman said. news agency saidI ththe rockets on luly 26. but unlikeTOJLKn -’Hbia’s case, tite foamm mis.sed A preliminaryory inspection of resupplyinjying die crcw. Ibdng bro- thdie attack h a d n t otherwisee af*a h o u se In A aabja b a and q 2 8 M a in n Ave. . South . •'■Ihltting Discovery. ColumLimbia dis- tlie shuttle's tlierm tli al blanket ken eqtiipnlipment and hauling out fecrccnt o f all truck craslics. sin the \vorkdflrkday for trackers to 16 saltaid. ^nfer and Receh/V e a ■ 1 t V ^ wAS»iNcrroN(Ai>)I — 'IVuck- Aiuiettc Sandbdber&chicfoftlic hours, somiomcthing labor unions SheS said the rule, which wil l*rs ra n still spend sbc dayslays on tlie tnick-sofe^agen'ency. said the new and safety:ty advocatesj s a y vrauld takake cfTcct OcL I.-wiU cost long , secon d «f / 2 p n c ^ \ • • toad during die week aan' nd drive rule is b a c mby by m orc researcli mukeroadviodways more dangerous hailaul trucking companies Sll . for 11 hours at a time, diarhanks to u and was designe.tircd truck drivers to stay>y bbehind Thc Bush admm inistm i tlon also I uithe wheel even lancerr is good imnounced a newBwsctofndesfor . your suggestiction, Barton’s Club 939 Casino - .ipublic policy?" askedTbarVamstcrs truck drivers who10 traveli less than B f , will award yoif'ou with $100.00 In ccash, Jt.U nion I’resident lames RFioflu.R F iSOmilesiiiadaytlyand don't need : H flill .A- Moa‘tlinnayearago.af, a federal a commercialriver’s licensc. ir y i I Please detecletch this form and de|eposit in vMfCO urt struck down die rule.:tie. saying TJiose drivers,s. Vkrho typically I 1 f l 1 i->.lt was "arbiimry and cipriiipricious work for rctailciHers a n d sm all the entry dnirum at iind failed to consider trutruckerri’ package-delivcryry companies, n Barton’s Club 9313 Casino. i';.11 • H earini•ing I A d d ress:_____ . C all 733-1311 befo•fore A ugust 2 2 I D a te :______i., to schedule a n apiappointment for your child. | H H | ^ I You're Suggesiestlon: I I ------

' 'V Sponsored by th e TWlnIn F.Falls School OiJtflct: k > l A A VlA(GICVa EYCi/)' lufi/ortMfut^ums a Bmdy, 735-3234 P a s c A - 4 r r i d a y , AiXufiCU-st 2 0 . -2 0 0 5 *11'he 'i'imcs-Ncws - OUR ------ouple ■ W b c3 tcEnd V3x r a z ini g cass e p no g r e s i 5ts ready ■ j P n n ByMlchechelle Dunlop viruninental vin: Inipiici Siatenii'iiii'iil initlees argue in dielrelr motion ! — — ^ g e l J r , Titnes-N«-News writer ' cxiiexiiniiniiig raiiKcliiiKl coiuliuli- thal th e jutfge should oi iloilions ill thir region. gni/Jng levels to jirevlouK S ■ PJc-wf.TTracker ----- JAHHirt»DGn. Nev. — I'iidiiK a In h Ills dL-clsion. Wininill noiivIt’d before die HIAl increasi-•ased gniz- g fa k ^ n ew : After a rfirs t c o u rt onl L-oiKcrii over ilie dedininiing- ing levels. DnJcr to rciiHJvu tiicir live- ‘■■on url judgo ordered Slock from frc public lands nwir niii;niinihcT o f s;ige groii.se in Ihe lIu W estern Watershc-ds,Is, diet BLM dislrictcouflj larbldKC.[;c. ninchcrs will gct.iJidr larlilarhitlKe Resource Area. Winmllnlll aiul perm ittees agreed•ed earlier ° gating'’^1' dn public , '1 X 7 A diiy in frontfr« o f die Itidge lo o.sk ;ilso found the UlAS's method:;k1s dlls m o n th dial livestocW k could lanaslntrieJiie Jorbldge re- T T ^dgh-in ______for recon:onsidfnition. of:jf assessingi rangeland liualililih rem ain in lhe Jarbidgidee jdlot- gion, Ihc partiartios agreed to • rict Court ludge D. Lynn lackeil a "big picture" approachch. ' menus unlll al least Aii|llift 19. Tlic allow ihoiivesivestock to rc- By CandiKiace BalttScnylle ~ S w M t l i crides' I winrn'm'lill has Jijmcd to hear on In Ir dieir I'noiioii for reconsidlid- parties have extended1 liifile dead- ’ moln until Aug.Aug 19. TImes-Nc stuclents to get hung u p o n dieh e d i^ ts. She sold diere- W a x i n g w r y a lot mmore tliat goes Into dc- i . vclopingg Ia healthy lifestyle and • W hau Cowb( thanin just seeing die num - , hum orist Baxter B bers : SIsmaller. ; fom t in TVvln FnlJs. vkrcck wc discussed bad • • Where: Roper, d good fats and whot . • When:7p.m.l foods havave which," Dnms s a id ; • How m uch: T "You wornmt oils-that arc liquid at • arc $25. aiv avoilal ro o m tenemperature. The ones ; . WL-sicm Store In 1 thot arc: solid, : like sdck mar- • Valley Co-op loct garinc ammd butter, contain thc I Foods in Filer and a tots (hatt willV clog your anerics ; and r ll. in Elko, rt your heart. It is also • phoning 733-4072. im p o n anm t to look for that heart bvboy poet imd ir Black will per- y H B m eans dils. pcpordons'and slowing • thc fair is free. Rode down his> eeating. ; rtmt»rw>uTMiT(WTM/n*nM>iH>i "It's beercn very busy this week. | ' S8 for grandstandI Burley s , 8, left, Srtyden Urael, 9. andI TylerTyl Milam. 8, share a laugh wl for bleacher scats:: while eating lunch Thursday at the Boys and Qlils Club of>IM.tlcV.ir.y. Kl anX JSrf: has made il hard to ■ I under get in faH}. Cassia County' iral Saving* Bank and Qlinbla boughtbou a new eommerelal kltcht;h«n for the club. focus onI myI eating plan." he | .| said. "I ju!lust not'd to focus on ; sia County Fair- c tim e to stop and cat i Fair tim e In G d o w n ."' ■ “ }■ • WhaUThcGooily.Higliilghtsin- ►ysandGjirls Cluib gets la]irgerMtccnen Red. a former Ii speed eating cham p, holod made It o goal to I Fair wraps up. icl horse racing i Palmer . , c final round of n ut his forkirk dovvn betw een each | • Where: Goodi »v* wrtter Fairgrounds, Goodir bltcwiienlI he ate. He says he did : Adimission to that aboutII halfI die dme (his last | • W here Tbday. H 7ALLS— TUcilovsand ' ' cIud(Tthc*final'go-nodeo tickets are Ji^Ian-Hotnar^ jHCccLjmdJ rodeo a n d die Miss*Jd seats and $6 »ach Ball S prepresident of three quartirtcrs of die time next Idaho pageant flt «Op “ds,2™d J"!' n rsr t Federal “T I new kitchcn Is having trouble flnd- 4-H and FFA Anlrti to that has the SavingsSai Bank, ingdieU m c sliecp. beef and pigs ne to focuson her diet, , capncliy to cookscot grilled to a S h e wvorks o as a teacher and ; roUowed by a noonI G o o d i n g cuc. Ir provlcic Ihc chicheese sand- a coach, so» she has very limited > ■kXKling County W la o meaJs wicwiches In the meals. Earlier in her ! • How much; Ad llial arc weight loss the Tair Is free. Rodet net ss attempts, she said »s each niwKllcnsn thalseheduJulc forcra her to sdck S6 for.adults and $4 bef Club ■ ' W , ,, .‘•.W a bgfoia palling only a fcfew dietary opdons. 12; k ld sS an d under -When themtha to Soys because, she sl said, there Just I /.Higtiilghts fai- TWIN FAItl dicy built the and Qlrls Club timIC e to thlnJeofanythlng-:^------Joust In timOTDundTjfTht!— e CIrls'CiuK'cI. original " ' 1 ^ iss Teen Rodeo nei • WhaLThcdilrdi _____ kitchen they that busy hasn't al- i 0 p.m.. and die i------^ nynyl Bsmes, 15. ig ^cd m e! «to uy new diings," | Volley Renaissance Fi .. had no Idea afeva nlmal M e for W a n t'we t( would have." said g ||U |j she said. “I"I just went for whot • Where; Sun pigsVol at 10 a.m.. was fast antmd proveri lo work. i ows on Sun Valiev executive director of on 4-H barbc- . hOlp?and Girls Club of iiH B like salads,;. iiinstead of taking tlic ‘ Ketchum. tim e to fix somethingso new.llien I * W hen; Tbday Admissionor to Tp volunteeric7 , -Wc serve up to home.>c. Thc' kitchen could not handle (he daily load zas," Hall said, s a dny as well as cookc allal ISO m eals o n die old ‘Best o f all. th e food is fresherfrc: T h c new kitchen 1 get home at 7 p.m. ^ Tbday’s highlightsd Int eo dckets are with or dona ,c„ was made realize you haven't ; radc from tlie ncxSta1 S4 forages 6. to tho Boys electrictrie stove an d th e meals hod becausc w c have a refrigergemtor ’ po ssible by fundinglog from Clan- J M " , " 1 die original kitchen lo b c sei :c lunch, it's just im* t up Sim Vallc7 RoadJerg t ctin free. ; served on patwrplaics be- ond a full conventionalI coven bia und First Fedcrte ra l .Savings ^ ned for a residential cause tl ) keep eadng so diat | set at 11 a.m . and live losc another 20 irtln budgete;eled but will n o t move for- jBy Marianne Kobak bruids. She's 5 feeta 3 Inchest^ j!S™ i.aie' >e»-New8 ______w ardI thistli year, according to | le's woridng to losc a | For The TImee-News______a n d wciglis 210 poupounds and Is r a a lo f io oiTOunds. p I s i = s countytyliigiiway h official OdsTlp- a lso known as KerKerri Wulfcn. SlogcTlicalcr aid cl tdc more concerned j lev. — lUko County ton. ELKO, Nev. — Salt UUie;e (City stein . , , , , this tim e aroi mers approved on Comn round dian I was last Nam«: J ~ ^ mmlssloncrs also learned police | are looking for anII Llilko A rm ant's criminalnal hisioiy in shec said. "I haven’t i pending up lo an ad- ihat 525,000 S25 in insurance pro- womon \ who may nave been;en in- l^ko County spansns from 1^J4 strayed, butit die more wcl^t | Monty Dean [ ^ ■ 1 0,000 to rebuild two cecds « Sabln i> could not be used \volved Tliursday in d ie mlurder ur to 2003, accordingling to tlko you losc. die1C h tuder it Is to losc M r E l k oarbldce that were sc- hccnuse in. C o u n ty sheriff's Ac«: 3 9 m munmeni from use that money had al- cof a pregnant Utali woman. s Lt. John wci^t.sol'nl‘m concerned about naged .by fiooding a-adylw Kcnl Armant is amongtg die Croswell. OdKriptlon: W i ^ ’ l>een ailcxuiied cLscvvhcrc. . ■ In anodier anc mauer. commis- suspects being sought inm the' She hns been.h ob o k e d 23 5 feet 6 'sfroc. s "r^§ S S ’™.cise fiind!1 cost could cxcecd sioncrsirs agreed th e county deadi c o f D arla Marie Wouiound- tim e s into die Elko(0 County( lall hard to fit I Inches tall. I f c i l t Into her back-to- | d pay a one-yenr lease fee edhead. c ' a n d tw o of diose timlimes were to work schedi 150 H H By Tom Martb dule. She sounded ; so landowner H ank Rug- W oundcdhcad. 30. waS'S'due c send her to prison,•on. Croswell disappointedcd in herself when pounds, For The Time*unty be reimbursed woi to dve birth In two months.OS. said. sandy hair, would not facc liability she sold shejonlyexerdscdonce 0 . rarest Sendee, which “„blcmems on thc north bridge Stic w as killed w hen son>omc- "S h e has previoi/iously been last vnwk. SoSc she plans to sit | blue eyes. ELKO. Ncv.die contract. one fired a shotgun througlugh a sent to prison for• drug-relateddr down Sundajlay and figure out a I W anted for: Failure tc jcingused. ° ^ —I commissioneson w hy d ie county Salt Lake C ity m otel room roc charges." CroswellIsald. sa plan and schchedule to stoy active | appear. Tliursday speived in lhe procure- mmlssloncrs also agreed, y. ge b needed for driver doorway, , according to diee SaltS S h e has also been.•en in jail for over the nextXI week. I Oridrwl c h aise: Feloi ditional SGO.Oisave limc/county LakcTMbune. at a campsilc on theroutc b a d checks and varioiriousmisdc- “People arcai nodcing." she 1 Ing and abetting forge bridges to larb3b Stokes told com- She was struck In the uptupper m ean o rs. he said. said, ''and i in Thursday's InfoJarblriildge. that feels rcally | Bond: $100,000. vcrely damai abdomen and chest and diedJedot Police spokesmonian Dwayne good" She sasaid that kind of on- i TtM IM n M i l Count]y ^ x jS 3 * f l carLer this yeasession. • acdons camc at die re- ythc LDS H ospital. Doctors p< of attorney G rant Gerber, sper- Baird said Armant waswa last seen couragcmentnt helps her stay | H fi D epartm ent a ski Thc totalty o had originally ap. quest ofi formed an emergen?ency leaving the moldd driving i a focused. lelpcd lead o project last q anyone with lnformati( 5150.000 for die two 'vlio h d f Caesarean sccdon operationion to sm all gray or silver die two bids for die monihII to tc Install a temporary f( 'er four-door ------about Sabln's wtiereallUjjjj^^^B Approval coi remove thc child, a dri. whoIO rc-i c o m p a c t car. occordljrdlng to die . •S'News is fallotving | to cali 735-1911 or C that the couniiructurcs ond the bridgelontlicsouthsidcoftown on molned in critical conditiiIition TVibunc. the Gamers ono their wel0itloss eeded for die Job to prtTvldtvide acccss to (he remote ja Stoppers at 732-5387 bythcU.S.Fbr late Thursday a t die hospltipltal. “W c'rc not certainin shes pulled Hrstoryisfeaturedin ! where you can remain vviUcxecuteargcr til figure. communilunlty. 01according to thcTWbunc. , , th c trigger," said Bairc,iird.-l5unvc raeJmes-No'leivs every Samrdm | e lo “O ne rvasori o ^ funds that die ------mous and might be er Armant. 32. Is described^ « th in k \vas dierec . a n d has altz-Sm^ie can , for a cash reward. is not involvetspend will come TbmiMartiniscitycditor.ofOte Mi wwhite with dishwater bloiilond e-mail at Candace~.j elony aid- m ent is to sa>projects that are ElkoDali)*alfyFnx Prvss in Nevada. hiholr in comrows or muldfIdpic Please see SlAYINiiYINQ.PageA6 | Baltz&ioimalla/Lcom. )rgery. Manager B o b : missioncrs unty S he^ emergency ses isks Thc county 1 lation propriatcd $15 reabouts bridges, but thi ir Crime concrete stru' 3 3 7 hardware neei lalnanony- 5 ellRlble > addidon county wip sj I from o th er pi Satulatun%/U«at20,200S TbM»Ni^.TW (nM s.kW i» M M agicc V a l l e y -----i------GoveriKlor looks int«ito council apppointment Questicons lingeer as frie^nds, ^LAPWAI (AP) — Gov. Dirk Angle faxtaxed his list df n a m e s genenneral opcradrig fund, KcT.ptliome's stalfiir isi reviewing to Kempthoih o m e i office o n M on- rhere The vras no discussion be- tliiL latest additionjn ito the City day. Kempmpthorne has not forcc diedi vote was taken. C oundi of Lapwai.oil. die nortli- appointedi anyone ai to die vacant If it'sIt' determ ined diat Tbylor: family grieve ;ave drov(ynings cvntra] Idalio lown/n beleaguercdb Lapwai counlundl seats. was li \ a is Improperly appointea to tty n m ch n f n»clfmni;natiQn!LoC.clty_ L. QATT f yyyp r i ^ {/\p)^ ------An— vmployccs and City Cli Council to the governor, said V\'edn«idncsday's meeting moy nott autopsy report m l^t proiro v id c a m embers. , . Kempdiomem e vras reviewing th e be binding, blr said Bot) Cooper,r, simple answer to dueu e s d o n s After throe of tltele f)four council actions takeiiken by die mayor to spokeiikesmon for die Idaho attor- about how a peison died, b u t it , m embcn: n.*sl{^ed.*d iearlier this determinei IfIf the appointments neyge^ general's o'CDcc. rarely says.anything abou•out h o w ' inondt following die dii cancella* passed statuiitutory muster. “AslA situadon could be creatcd1 a person Uved. tiun u f tliu town'sn's in su ran ce "We'nJsortlortlng dirougli die sit- if hedie city docs buslnt^ \vith1 It w ont say, for exampli■pie, th a t BW h SWHW cdveniRe, Mayor lam Jai es A n ^ c uatlon. tryini to determine the counciindlors whoJue not properlyf Ariel Singer was dbuddinlin g m u - nppjirently appolntcInted replace* best padi forward."foi he.told.the appoirsointed.** he said. **Potcndal}y. slcian w ho had dreamedid a b o u t ment-members to:o diel cotuicil. Lewiston TlYibune. Tm hot any/ octionoc they take could bei attending cooking scho«liooL O r o h Auk- ‘I- Hcliosdt'cldeclined (o say going to suyly this t is legal or iU c ^ . challerlUenged by dtizcns.** that Jennifer GolbnUdi - publicly who h e appiippointcd. but But it is diee governor'sg responsi- Thelie attomL7 general^ office; "Jen" to her friends — ' B H ® Wednesday. Gary'lJjy:IJjylor sat wldi blllty to appojpoint the quorum.** does» notr have supervisory au-. bleached-blonde hair’ a n d a th e niiiyor luid tiice oneoi remain* Lost week,ck. Angle h ad told re- diorityirity over city governm ent, tmlque fashion sense. iuK council membmber, David porters hee hadI appointments andI CooperCO said any cflbn to In- Such a repon'can't Ulunu m in a te ilolt. during acounclincil m eeting. scheduledI with w die governor’s- - vidldatidote die reformed council’s- >BlokeOonncr)» Influence« fed cava on aI hlllilda.h (he drug testing and analysis companles,'’V;,”Woodssold. "Right ports.3. ' "Itb Just really contusing.’ig."said Emily Robinson, managi3gcr of their deaths, tmnmnsformlng it hcrfodicrst’ sold. colUng D onner 0 Ironic Ashes, a Provo oconee intoaperpetualmumemorial. "good, resptpecdul kid.*^ house, w*ere die four were;rc se e n Chrb Galbraith,h, ] Jennifer Gal-, A membeber of die Provo-boscd --- - Seki V I C E S — Wednesday night and w h e re broith's father, sidtsidd on Friday band Parol'oUox D orm er. 24 of Singer antf Donner oftensn p e r- that her family IsIs ccom foned In Sprlngvillc,L‘, wasi rcm cm lw red by IVel Jam es Fredi'cdrickson o f Family Fellow(owshia 711 AUivs- Kimberlysrly Rood. TVvfn Foils. formed as members of>f locali believing she vrasras happy and RobinsonI asc a "strong, clear- Clayton, memorialrial gathering co Road. Heybum H {White bands. "Of oil die pe o p leIknow lt wldi friends whenjnsheoled. s headed" personpe wldi a strong at 11 a.m. today atitthehomeof tli Mortuary). VemTIn Tilley OfTVvin a l l s and that have been up dicie onem d n o t "She was full o fof I life a nd Uked sense o f sellelf and grow ing poUti- PhUipand KaUcFrcc formerlyfly of Buriey. funeral ot n m into thIsproDlcm, vrtiy’ity was the orocriencess I life'brouttht calconsdotiousness.Thcmuslc he Irm a Schleiilemian of Jerome. 11 amn. . NM onday ot die Burley ItdiffeientUilsdme?' her," Chris Galbroilroith so ld "But w rote for thedi b a n d rellcctud lils Carl Hoememanilann o f TVvin funeral at 11II 1a.m . today a t th e First BapiJapdst Church. 2262 Hi- . But somedmes you’re're left she wasnt oduiU-scll-secker." polldcs andnd his Ofiti-drug be* Falls, m em orial Ma&ilass celeb rat' HovG>Robcrtsiitson Funeral. 629 landAve.kve. w idiout th e onsw o^ saidid U< ta h The famUy docilocsn’t know If Ilcf3.shesaliaid. cd at 8 a tn . todayyatOurLady at EThirdinJenlerome. ' Friendsnds m ay call from 6 to 8 County sheriff's oIBce scscarch Jennifer had beencn to the cavc Singer, 18, 1 o f O rem , wus of the Guadalupeipe Catholic p.m . SuniSunday at Payne M onu- and rescue squad li. Davere Ben-1 before, Chris Galljolbrolth said, quickly foUDUowing'in^Donner’s Church. 630 FallsIs Ave.,I IVvin ly ie rJ.Ht a o n ^ o f S ^ ^ . fu - : 1W. Main an d from 10 to the bebodies None of die odieiher thrct! Gal- footsteps,, singing : In a bond tnrbefonrthefunenUTit— - n:------braiUvchlldren,-aUtU eddersiblings— calied-uctiairaction'rOiiit'diut'wus~ scrvice at 10 a.ra.r^_today TVvin FallsIs First United die churclurch. "Especially in a situationo n like o f Jennifer, said dhtwkncwabout i » developing!galocalfoUowing. (Reynolds'. Funeraliral Chapel, Methodist Church, 360 ____ this where the evidence is hI a rd viiiiat some pcopfc>pfe caUed the **ThcscUg bI a c k Galbmlth expressressed his con- said. "Tlicyy werc v very InflucntlaL Margaret Elizabetlbeth (Enslgri) at White Momonuory, 136 F ourtn a t th e! BrB runeau Legion HalL Into the jidne we could resresohrc ccmFridayforJoseFiseph Ferguson, It’s literallyy going to d ia n g c o Davies of Bellevue,ie. m em orial Ave. E - Vlcwingfi)g from 5 to 7 p.m . Sun- anything. 1 ^ sure friendsds a n d 26, of Rena Nev., vwho went to ccnalnagcgcg ro u p in U tah Coun- service ut 10 a.m. todtoday at Em- d ay a t Dcmoray^I Goading farrUly would like It if we cotMuld" the cave wldi hislis ) friends at 3 ty. We’re aUII going( to b e nlTccted I m anuel EpiscopalIQturch. a 101 OrvalEReiReinlcc of Buhl, fil- - Chopcl.i 7;737 M ain St. Re-entering the cavc Isis no a.m.Thursday, but)u t changed his diis." S. Second Ave., Hallilailey (V/ood neral at 2:3010 p.m. | Monday at longer on opuon. Thursda]Ja y af- m ind about cxploriioring its water- ' McDonaltlid, 28. was a fomier River Chapel, Hailey)ley). th e Clover Ttinlty Lutheran DylanUl CDone Scott of Jerome, te m o o n d ty wotkers sealecJed off filled passage oftciitcr toking an student at UtahVuUwStotcCol-Ui C hurch, 355:552 N. 1825 E. memorialrial service at 3 p.m. th e opening wldi a mbe of fn rocks inidal look inside.I. ItIl vras FeiBU- lege whcrt:rc he had been Edward "URoy"y" Strout of Friends mayy call< from 2 to 6 TUesdavaily at Parke’s Magic Wley and mortar. Mayne said. son who calledd the policc studying behovioralbe sciences. Gooding, memorial:ial service at p.m. Sundayy att Parke's M agic FuneralII Home.H 2S51 Kimberly "No Ihsspassing" signss «were olmostfourhourslaslater. university spokeswoman 2 p.m. today atI Demaray'sC Volley Funerseral Home, 2SS1 RtMd.TVviiIVvinRills. also po sted in the area, o n e o f "itn sure heV bcaix atin g him self M dynda Builun said. In February, Gooding Chapel. 737 M ain St. vt4ilch had been Inked witwith a up," Chris Golbroiiraith sold. “1 he vras booToked in to th e Utah m cm oriol to die victims:i: "“RIR think diat% stupid.lid. It% o ne of County ioUfiI for foiling to rcgi.'iter Hcrmina Caron« n H oriey ------1 | 1 1 M yM ends you’U be tnlssccL'xL” those diings diot WO!was not pan of his velildc,;, driving o n o n cx- Thomson of Eugene,ne, Ore., a nd ) E AT H N O TncES— ;Ilowcrs and candles werere also^ their plan. It was supsupposed to bu pired llcunsnsc. a n d failuru to formerlv of Mountaimain Home, — , left at the cave site andid th e fun." ' memorial graveside!iiesciviccm G rant Lbvivern i Nelson AnnaI MIV ae Cisco 'newly poured concrete:e in - Jennifer Galbraiiroith, 21, of ' ^TA ssocIKiated Press wns im- 10 n.m. today at,t M^ ountain BURLEY — Grant Lavcrn GOODII>DING — A nna M ae scribed ! with die first n amn e s o f Pleasant Grove haad d !been d a d n g oble to imImmcdiately locate 'View Cemetery Inn hMountain Nelson, an 8282-ycar-oId resi- Cisco, 63,53, a resident o f Good- the four people and the datlate of Doiiner for about: threethi mondLS, McDonald’s•sfamUy. i H um e (Host Funeralend H om e, d e n t of Builey,!ey, died Thursday, ing, Idaho,ih a died Friday. Aug. 19. ______M ouniain Home).___ A iig-lfl, Mu«ry rates ■ndd InlInformatlen, call 73M 278 MorMonday threu|h Saturday. D«adllnAY d. Z'fr downvkrinders. . lujl. who is feaniTcd in1 tht e - edition ofF Martha EE. Schlund vivideo, said many doctors hahav e ■ ____ non< ocperience in dealing wldi i TWIN FALLS — MMs artha E grandchildilldren and one great- dlatlon dl sickness, and don't knc Schlund, 87. of TWii\vin Falls, gieot-gran Father on Aug. 17,2005 b y h e rhlusband; u st one dau^ter. som so e doctors wiU downplayy tro- She was bo m Nov.'.6,1917.in 6, P atrid a A. Schlund BrowneU; dlatlon dl dangers, or lell patier t BuhL Idaha the dauga u ^ te r o f four tns, R onnie Schlund, to to im orc the symptoms. / \ f o r Q p l y Lors Peter Petersen andand Johan- . R ichardIL L Schlund. : RobenW. ”m m edical school, diey doidon't I na Petersen. Sho vrasts nraised in S chlundi a n d BlUy D ean deal dc w ith dUs Und of con tanam i- Buhl and IWin Falls.s. OnC Aug. ^ Schlund:L’ aand one grandsoa nadon." na said Jurii. v* o nov& UvcsUv 1I 21, 1933. M arthat mn arried S hane Schlkhlund. She was also n in Airoyo Orand& Colli "You a ^ I W illiam Adam Schlu In - precededd iIr n d ead i by he r par- blarik bli looks, o u tf it dismissals r ^ IVvin Falls. She spentnt mostr of en ts a nd alla of her brothera Tlie federol Agency for Ttonsdc 1 h e r woridng life cookljoklng a n d a n d sisters.crs. Subsumccs Su and Disease Reg working in carc ccntcmers. She A celcbi[ebradon of life for Istxy, 1st an orm o f die Centers fi also cookcd for the h ired M anila will be conducted at 1 Disease Dl Control and Prcvendoid o n / hands at a ranch in Halloy p.m. Mondiinday,Aug.22,2005,at In in A danto, produced the 3 31 0 - 7 where she was famous)us for h e r th e NewI B«Beglnninra Tbbema- minute ml video as a way to hel biscuits. Martha lov to d c , 450 TliThird Ave. W.. TVvin the dii tens of thousands of peop! spend time camping or Falls, Idahoaha viith Pastor Gary bvho wt grew up downwind of HarIa n - / / ing with h er h u sW idfd**BO^d £ by Marda as; weUw as grand- RisnerofDdffldodng. ford foi M pro p er mcdical core. their family. daughters Pan A m ondo. a visltotlItotion WlU be held "It? irnportont for physidaria n s She enjoyed Sundnjiday w or- Stacy and Krist}isty in her final w here famllunUy a n d friends m ay toi:o reach out with understandin ship services and1 churchc years, call fromn 6 to 8 pm. Sunday onim d concern, and validate ^ th activities. Manha wasvas csp e- M artha will be remembered evening.. AAug. 21, 2005, a t pa'satient’s concerns," said D r. \ • ^ dally grateful to remainlain bl die as a wonderfulill wife, m odicr. Farnsworthn h Mortuary, 1343 S. Pam TUckcr o f AISDR. ‘Padenients •house Vi^CFC she liveddwidiher w grandmother an(and Wend. Lincoln. JcJerome, and again whwho don’t feci undentood wiwill daughter Marda andid son-in-s Martha is sursurvived by h e r o n e h o uir r pprior to th e scrvlce noitot comply with treatmcnL" law D anny since 1381.1. . daughter. Mart[arda (Daimy) on Mondaydoy at the church. In- Alrcatfy ^ feeUng betrayed\ b y TheTiniess-N e w s Martha deeply apprc>prcdated S h aw , o f IVvirwin Falls, 17 term en t to foUowi In th e TVrtn thehe government, patients whoslose the houis of carc given;en to her grandchildren.), 12 great- Bills Cemetinetery. coin itcem s ore dismissed can bebe- maghvailU e y .to m ' ' ' ' COI» m e angry a nd alienated, ania n d **You*ve got a cormnection!** M TlmM^owi,m , TWin FtUi. Idaho 5stuniay,Au«August 20,2005

M a g;iG k Va l l e y ‘ Does) Y1 our H om e Neeilill a Check-up? S l _ •ONE-DAVOCABINETRECONOmONING ‘ -CA!CABlNBrREFADNQ ' T w in a l l s af iV CUSTOM CABINCTS F JIRAIGNMEE N T S — X s i r •NO-SANDMD FLOOR RESTORATION I%VtN TAM.S.I.s— Heceni iictiv- lleybunum: eluding a police olTIcer. pipleaded innocent; to hire prlviivate ficen no pica entea'd;ed: public de- / T ityinfjlli Disuiistrict Court in ‘IWln povses.sI.*s.sIon of a contrnlled sub- counsel; cc pa^trial hearing set;t ifor fender appointed;; p preliminary C aill l Today for rails Couniyy In Included (he fol- stance:e: no plea entca-d: public Sc Sent. 6;S1.S00 bond. hearing sci for FriJaItlay: $50,000 • \ 0 ^ 2 ^ Free Evalnatloii lowiiiK:, defendeider apptiinted: preliminary Lcnorcl. I»rcscott. 3l.‘100 FiFiler bond. '■> mam vour f: '______hearingng set for I'riday: S7S.00U Ave,. Av TVvin Falls; possession r 731-6150 _ MiciuK'i KtiyiiiiyMK>nil ilanan, 47. I>ond; : p |>osscs-si6n ot drug para- Elrdrug parapnernaJlQ;.plL-adcd i Bulll: posses- a i i a j l IWin Falls FnFranchise 71-t I’onlar, Uuhluhl: pos.sesslun of a phernulimlia, possession o f u nocent. nr public defend nder slon o f drug paroi VIV j r V Owned & Opeperaled by conirolli-d subsubstance: iu> plea Tontrcalu;aled weapon: pleadi'd In^ appointed: ap pretrial hearingI :set freouenUngaplaccwl:wlicrcacon- |M Q ¥?& cniLTvd; publicblic defender ap- noceni;:>i: puulic defender forOct. foi ll:$l,500bond. . trolled substance0 is used: ■ ■ ■ I f c a l Noel & Donnaia Erickson poiiuvil; pa'Ilmliiminiiry hearing set iippolnttnted: pa'trlol hearing set (or Erin I. llouchln, 30. 16:1625 pleaded Irtnocent;; ppublic dc- wwrw.UtefMfl>ent«w«p.coni * FlnwKlngigAvltoble P W B i lor Frfdiiy: rcica;.‘leased on own a--' Sept. 6;!5: S S2.SOO bond: provide false Maple Mi St., No. 32. Buhl; prob□ba- fender appointed:d: pretrial ' 4-ogniziiiico: pospossession of drug infonnaination to an ollk-er: plead*.^ lion tio violation-pos.sessioh o f dnirug hearing set for Sept parnpheriinlialit with innocent: public de- paparaphernalia; pleaded inmmo- bond; possession o?S'co=„S fa i □CENTUirURY CINEMA 5 a BliIW LEY THEATRE t iiiitfni iousc;plcpleaded fender appointed; ceicent: public defcnderappolnteiti>d;. substance; no plea cntimlcrcd; pub- IiinncL'iii: piihlii; pa-trial hearing set for evidentiary evi hearing set for Scricpt.-. lie _defcnder____ai fertdur nppolilolnicd: U ' ■ - Sept. 6: S300 Jwnd.------n;-n:S25.000 3 b6nd.“ ------prcliminary hearingg set^forsi Fri- I v C I prutriul lienrin^ ' IJndsay C. I>eiersen. Charles < Dewey Voorhces. 22 2 . . day; $2,500 bond. iC E S OF lor Sept. (>: released rd f 23, l. IG:1625 Maple St.. No. 32. Buhl; poIOS- Caleb Jon I linton,i,22,232Ad- Z on own rm>t;niw:nlwince. \\. R, No. 3. IWin FalLs; sessession of dmg parophemalialia: dlson Ave. W.. Twin1 FaFalls: grand IM lAHfflP ; Kelvin leUkT,cler, 21. ^ C o u r t \\ driving under the in- piepleaded innocent; public de- di theft by possessionn of' stolen ___ _ “ J® * . . . — - - r.27»oraliAve.VV. l\ nuence; ...... pleaded . fenfender.-appointed:, prctriiiriul property: no plea enteritcred:public B P t - J □ h B v - . C 3 ^jSfslzSji j fay I - n. IWin Tails:, po! y innticent: public de- hearing hej sel for Sept. 6: S5C500 ' defender appointed; pr sion of a contrtntrolled ' ' fender appointed: boibond; possession o fa coniroUcUed hearing scl for Fdday l / A I ' siihsiancf wilhh intentin pa'trial hearing set for substance; sul; no pica enteaKl; p utub- bond; two counts foi JO dflivL-r; iin nleapici entea'd: pub- Sept. G: released on lie defender appointeeled; plea entered; public i U A N T ^ lie (IcfL-ntfcrf e r ' a|>pointed; ownreco]icogni/ance. pa*pallminaiy hearing set for FrFri- appointed; prellmlnar)lary hearing rao TtlO » fcSO (W W l___ ' ■ prvlintinary lieariearing sel for I'rl- I-irryy Uustin I Rodrigue/, 26. dayday; SJ 0,000 bond. scr for Friday; $25,000lObond. b O p C J i . day: S7,S(K) lionii.nil. . aau Crestestview Drive. TVvin Falls; lames Ii M. Culbertson. 27.219199 Mario Albeno Fierrosros.30,2300 - Kii-ardoil. I’eri-;en.'/. 22.32l>llarfi* grand theft: th no plea entered; E. 1-.3 3700 N„ Filer reckless drivlncJig. E, 3472 N.. Filer: possesLSCSsIonofQ k I i E I E son. 'IVvin i'ull:I'ulls; failure to publicdefender de appointed: prc- failtfailure lo purchase/invalid driirT- controlled substanceiwlihinicm wi SHEL e appear'pnssessiotsion of drug pani-~ limlnaryry hearing1 set for Friday: ver":vcr's liccnse; pleaded Innoccnlint; to dellven nu plea entciItcred; pub- pnvrnalia: pleadeaded inmicent; SHMMX)) bond. bi pubpublic delendcr appointed: prc>re« lie defender apoppoinicd; “ JJ** ptihlic dereiider-T appoimwi;a pre- lelfrey/.■yA.Hutchinson.37, ll-ll} trial hearing .set for Sept. 66; prelim inary hearing scl rtse • ti»e ii>»u) I iriul lieiirinu set lor Sept. 13: Siarfire? St.. Si IWln Falls; driving $1,5S1.500 bond; eluding a police ofof- day: SIO.OOO bond. U B P □Us ! EZ3N fcOv' I BPSB s CDH P v L ■ Si.fiOO bond; prcprobation viola- un d erth[he c Influence; pleaded In- ^ iion*inin»r consonsiiinption; ho' nocent;: lotc hin.' private counsel: | H pivu entered; pupubilc defender pretrialhearing he set for Sept. (>; a>* I ' #1 Selling appointed: dispo!iposltioii hearing leastHl Dl)on own< a-coraii/iince. | H sctror.Seni. l;Sl.OSl.lMKltKiiid. rollon!!n I> Barrios. 24.2026 Fli/.- H J Brand of Hornx n o Dnvid 1 lui)i!ers(erson. 2H. no ad- obcth Ulvt)lvd.. No. 126. IWin Falls: M • • dres,. available;le; four crmnts possessioilion of a controlled sub- | M Furniture In forecry: no |)leaa oienterL'd; public stance: no mi plea cntea'd: public BRf g U l North Americc1 dfiendcrappoiiiiciliied: preliminiu^ defender,‘r appdinti'd; a preliminary | k bearing sot forr I'lI'riday: SSiD.OOO hearing( set s for Friday; S5UU BE. bond. bond, iiseqtiel Martiiiutine/. ni» addre.ss nmothythy Shane I lar};rovc, 2fl. ffip avtiilable: no pleaeL'aentea‘d;iohire R2 U Uroadludway S.. No, 12. Buhl: privsiic counsel:I: fufugiiive hearing probationon violation - driving W f H set for I'riday; SKM10,000 bond, under the!tie Influence; pleaded iti- —B g , W a n e e I Killing'ing-Martinez. no nocent: public defender address avallabk':)te; no plea en- appointed:ed; evidenilary hearing H n yoljR,' tcrcd: to hire pri- hcjirlng sctfo rrridIday: a posted bond. SCI for I'riday: S20,(X!0,000bnnd. ClvdelI. Burril,II 3 5 .17fl9 E. 4200 ■ ■ Mark Allen l.imb.nl>.41.1602ASt.. n .. Uuhl:il: dom estic battery; ^ U |

^ G A G E M EENT^- ji Ijo M'JS b u v Ashley Rug & Pair of ’ Y o u n g -BB r a d e n Ashley Lamps'" OnlyiV... ' : HEYBURN —- Kevin purchot* ot • Nancy Youns of IIIleyburn an- & rov*(Mt nounce tlie engagerigcment of their daugliier. Amber’ DtDee Young, to ■ Kyle Braden, son1 of Robert and Lynn Braden of Rupcupcn. Young attendedd Mlnlco^ llli^ School and tlic Colicollege ofSouili- ' cm Idalio. ’ Braden nlso aiten(tended Minico IliKhSchonl. The wedding iss piplanned for 2 . . . „ p.m. Saturday. Aug.g.20.allliullu. 2i AflttotVoui'oung and Kyle Brwten pert First ChristltmCn Cliurch. following tlic tin cea-mony at the

pie will bc heldJ irimmediately niecoupkiple will live In Rupen. c a siual u ' Slayingg------■ lifestyle ContlnuMl from A6 ofphi-siwjlu so m e respon-sibiliiy.”ity." I A ccordingng to th e 'lYibunc, Tl)c Incident occuircurred short- jj Uainl .saidI investigatorsir “have Iy after iR .m . at iheLleDrentnlnn. nn Idea" wwhat spurred the leesW.NorUiTcmp:mplc. accord- shooting, but)ut hc declined to say IngtoiheTVibunc.*. w hat It was. Baird said one or im oa‘ peo* 1 s a i d 111Illegal drugs miglu I p ic knocked on lluthe door of have playedd a factor. Drugs and Koom. 26. Woundetldedheod an- dnif? parapheihemiilia wcrc foupd ^ Sienna swcrcd..ond someotleonc fired a in th e room. Leather** 4 Piece Protege sh o icu n through tJietiie doonvay. -i------J— L ' ’ . IDual Redining Sectional ■ Q o een Sleigh Bod 6 Piece £>droom r Baird sold detectivesVC'S rcco\ered Marifi/iriete Kobak ivriles for I (wo shotgun shells!lls from the il>c Elko Daii)aily rn v Prc.ts. SJic ^ * 2 1 9 9 S ^*399 sS ? * 9 9 9 ' scene. can be readached at 74B-27J9 tncludM A m itu Choir. OuMn IndudwOuMnlM. One blast hurledd pelletsp Into or by e-mail c. SlMp*r.W«i9«&6uel FooMioonlBltiiU* ' Dnt II at crimc&:lko(iai- >M'ni««g Lovm rt th e d o o r frame, Icaviiaving dozens ly.com. ‘ COLLECTION r t rraditional a / lif e s ty le ' E m M j d M . ■ H i DURAPQIA*M*AA>crof)beV^^^^^^^H L a b o r D a y CinrraborSor Sofa SALE y, Bri»IriMony Court 5 Piece ■ 199 Dining Room •rw «3n>i;DiarM ouR A PEEOA* a I AllA trailer ^ * 1 4 9 9 M AAicrofiber CinnabarCin tKlt»i4Si>)^Choin 5 Piece Liw'nging Room H DDiscounted i , i ^ r » * i 21 5 9 9 l«dudMSc<..l». 1 00 - «450(1 0 ! Codkl»hWil»t3l N

^ I A lley Furniliture HonmeStore ' Fresh baked j 7 0O S S K in iib e fy R d i— cool ; ^gs& coffeet M'n Falls; ID ® M

i i ^ J B H !«737*9600 < )(>Fri: I0am-7pm 'fcConna[^0VE^h8PbaH 3 P ' S a c '^ 1TV6pnrStri; ^ I2*5pm •— ■ ^ 1 | r & Jj RV Sq■ l e s I -No tvntn tnrtt 10 qujtiAM ix jm witn 4 m ranununpurcrus«or>im 47«ji*Hmonmontrwy pynwno intcrru ,»ecn>n not ( *50< MESrOKEfOftOftAlSSorncp.(Mem and rjtyK praiu nuy vary Cyy rrgorvm ScmtJOn ituy vjry Oy At nmum fl/vmcc • Iciiiomnuyorcurnpnni. u«r«c, ^fr r i vaM hy J inMrd t«ne eny Panx■amopjiwo StSm x s purcrum. Hsfnetom »F «rM(p«nainocney 0«wnM jnd opcrMd, ^ jmetjmouK «4ul to um Lun «r«l do\«ry

;M o r N I[ > N G B R E A K p ranndpa’snnarriagee troubhes famil 4 : DEAR ABBY: I hhave whut 1 m _.'i. ^^ 5 I Myly youngest daughter, would occur even If my'ivll tJonsWcr «o b e aI moralm dilcm- iry," Is noNV in her 20s. She's a Icnted. ______^ a ^ _ v h u sb an dI's 's grandfather.i H D e a r 2 ;!l!aeac : gnid with a can?er. Her ______— D^ILUPSialONED to marry liis ii|H lim alc i^movlng soon, and ■girlfriend" o f mnore oi than 30. ■ A b b y ry (with whom I'm very DEAR DISILLUSIO^ years tliis ful). I was veryV dose to H I Jeanno .ciose^.ve) .would like to reduce her Your ivife's reucdon to dies r ’s r a Ibhn’sivife, “Doris,"'s," w ho died In I H OkttiiM m inoror idebts plus &ave enough of your daugliter moving ii P P L E & All November of last year.yci H H i m■ nWBpS loaffon[ford a'cross-couniry rcloca- sbc m onihs may have been TR EES varieties • Although Johnm has done ______j tlon. action to the fact diat she2 w a sn 't ihuch for our famll [ary casually suggested that consulted befoa* you ugrcij c c d lo ^ will bring her back. • would like to su p p m ove in wldi Nora and me. It. W hen you murried-Nora.ira. y o u ______thusf. hLs latcT yearsllS. I have no MyaiMceblbto^wallowharu.re* n o c nausc_I_haven'i_shared_a u s __ r s - u n d — rospctffor a w omii5irSHoraiir“ an "''"'bcr^111 ttharlohn has dorte—IC with ® her sincc she was 5.1 diey \verc pun of Uic padluckage In the \vlngs for dedecadcs untU’ for yo^ rawamilies, and give Vi- ^ delighted. you w ere luking on. her "boyfriend's" wilwifedics.and vianalalrchjchance. Ourliiir large hom e would afl'ord 1 can't help thinking lh ^ • then expects to manlan y him. She m aynot n. be as bad as you Maryy herh own private quarters sorheddng,missing from < •: My h usband a nId d I,I and ocher iU n k sh e las. .tBesides, if you pun- and. sinsince she's so uulci and rc* letter. You did not m cniion" nv C i B A R K DOEUVERY E Thursdc1 a y s * tO _____ i_:Qiinlly.members.-wt-w ould.nilhciL_lsh your husiusband's grandfather. spccifu):tful- 0 f ' 0 ur-privacy, -l-was- -•-your 'wife’s objections w e r e . | :------^^In-TwIn Ir Falls - 2 Yd.-MM in im u m —...... not attend t^c wcddiddlng. or have for marrylnying his longtim e ovcrioyiioycd that my daughter Could she be conccmcdxl tliut I • tVlvian" In o u r hoihomes — let friend, you yoi may wind up, vvouldId ' want lo share her life die sbc-mondi visit miglit seNioRcmzeNsI^1 0 % DISCOUNT I lione our lives. Yourmrtdviceand shooting you'ourselves in the col- widi us before she moved, lend even longer? Is llth e r e I » ivemrTr TUtSOAY______I y apprcdaied. Icctive foot, (folnlon are greatly ai t. Itnagllaginc my shock when my somediing aboui yourdnuglu g h ic r I ddiaon meeta M should I as ana n In-law d o ' wife,. nfierycarsaft' ofmycoringfor she's uncomforlublc w ith ? I .G ilcy Where Adc tfbout this situation?m? DEAR ABBBBV;My wtfe, “Nora." h e r offsoffspring refused to even JVhafcvcr her concerns nilg ni lK f GARD EN CENrE N T E R ''^ E a s /la n d' *• T w in F alla » — CONFUSUSED-IN LA. and I marriedie d 20 ycare a g a S he consldeiIder having Mary live w ith be, I you should at Icust un

IFAUG.20 iSYOUOUR BIRTH- I ' I you mnainiain al existing ties. New 21):i Go along for die ride. Od^o d ic R DAY: Love m i ^ t be inccs m ay lake off like a { oaSimoMrT.M.t^l R o s a o P E dose m i^t sliaitcr your c four-lctierwordinyoi^ur'is^'S: h o r ( acker if prioridcs arc dear. l DukMOIKmrditJiil|t»DMIv7d«-t:W H yiBlylty. lem pbdve mood with cxcii h«rSMEM>y7:M-t:4t lury in the yearr aheadi as JeraldllMtne Saunders v ir\CO g c (Aug. 23-Sept 22): Be news r or Ideas. Meet new romance b ecom esi ihithe motivat- ready’ for fo: surprises aiiu cxdtc- quulntunces c that cquld bcco.■come 1.4:4*.rBO.Mt a ctiam«mndchChocolato Factory mi Ing forcc In. youru r life. You "t ;------; m ent. IUnpredictable events perm f anent flxturcs in yourr lifti e . . GraatRald«iD4*riD4*r7iN.I:}0 tM- currently possess; more n; than sliJp^pwrwinioujwrfectpan- i mayglve^ve you an enjoyable break CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-12-ion. w.^Do*«;» y .SkvHlflhi your fair snare of mamagnetic at- ticishlii Mutiutual admiradon is from routine. ro You will have 19): 1 W hen odiers dem onsuistmte Mr. &Mra.Smllhnns traction — a n d If■ youyc havens ■ ''c^foroir w c lo v t __ som eont I liin m M»-«:ie.T ;ar(POjO*Uy 7.0».I:IS one's hand to hold wWle dielr tl tntst in you. applaud mdi c r n V«tltnt«M — B iitatiffiuitf-i»*M0.4:rt.7:00.t:t» lassoed a male alreadjady, theieaie GEMINI(May 21-)une 20): ridingI aa rollerr coaster of ups and for fi having good Judgmentint. A isualandout-of-the- downs, B ■ Slill plenty o f opp,.wI ii»iPWT;i».t>4»n i i i\¥ n w riW rtii ahead. Your charismisma is at a ^ y places wwi ith a like-minded LIBRAlRA{SepL23*Oct22):FIrst draws d odiers doser. MeanI wiw h a t __ i H K M n g s n peak from now tliroitrough Ocio- friendorlover.w .Ify o u a re ^ jO T - bnpressl<»slons count. good you y say and say what you memean. | RedEy* hjicmi,?; ber, and th e n again ag; next Ingofthefututture. remember that mannerslers in place because that AQUARIUS (Joa 2 0-F ^Ix 118): I February' the posslbilitUitles arc endless, new persicrson you meet might b e Are A you looking for a soul mam u te ? 21-April 19): M okclastlngog commitments. Ui your 1 ARIES (M arch 2I-i ur life for a long time to To T ^ve your neurt you m Yha S ^ lM a n UavLii' IHI 7:00 - OHS Lnm m juu.ujtm j IVust is tlie m agic; wofd wi when CANCER (June(J 2I.July 22): coma. UseUs kindness as a magic m u ist the other person Implid TOur hcan Is at staicaaDonigam- C Get out andd about.s You m i^t wand lotumatroginlouprinccto t ll ll takes dm e to build u u s t——a a n d Nowl^s Moving Ci ble wllll your p en nnles ic or your have the Itchch to be pun of a (orprinciIncess). withV, the right person, dicre;ew \ iii II be likely to o e a tc a SCORI feelings unless you feel fi conli' crowd and be 3RPIO (OCL 23-Nov. 21): beuU b die tto c In the world.L Marchofin*P«nj>«nguln» io> . deni about tlie outconcome. A sure buzz by beingigintheknowabout I IVust buildsbui more trust. Others PISCES (Feb. 19-Moich20]20): If ihlng Is enlirely possi)sslble, how- the talcsl fad.td. New ftlendships d o se willrepayyoursupportbywill ww u snooze, you lose. You tr > n ia y . forged co uid1 bccomeb< lasting strokingng your ego. Planned nave K a chonCe to put your forf o n d - b^ i< TraUBUS (April 2Q.May20); 20. LEO(hily2323-Aug.22):"Riml- eventsi couldcc run inlo a dclour CSl c d ream s an d heartfelt wisl/ishes . BJuBfflEBIiSroC Borne is where the hcuiicurtls.Ifyou ly Qrst" shoulduid be your motta ortwo.bi^bultheremaybcanilcm into ir acdon loday throug ani n ai c - ...... ••••••« B etter Late then Neverlsrl . meet someone who0 ttreats you Your luyaldescs are m demand, ofinteresinsstoffthc beaten path. ddental d meedng or because* oc f “ WF> ^ m like family, an cndcariiaring friend* but It Is bestto to takeprldelnhow i SAGITlSrriARIUS (Nou 2 2 -Dec. sudden si change m plan. Kite flyinglg is popular iiin Japan l O Y e a r -^ O ld Are you toko IdcklTkl7 II means V irgir “kiie crazy" In lapanesilesc.aplucc r \ n d o m m ji-H ^ Now «t th« OrphtumiT T h o a tr* ~ i . where klic-Hying Is a und here. place. Many cleanupup projects at Ihe INL site RS NowatthelVvIri\n Cinem a BBS m p l e say in Sun Valley,lcy,thebil- were completed ovever th e lust several years, Uonaires ore crow dingig !?“'• Envltonmonta/a*year review will provido ann a nd and available online,e. More Informallon on tho when they're in Idaho, UaOilllyAct,othe status of completed think they know why; In 2( •A or cleanup work is avalliDllable online et 1 efforts under iho C om prehensi perccnt ofViUey C ounty http:llcl*anup.lnml.gI.0 OK ntal Responso, Com pensation ai ______A flve-yea sum* The Fh/e-Year SlliSllowide Review Report will t, otherwise known o s CERGLA < rfJfCTl mary of the dc sijp- bo placed In tho AdmImlnistratlve Record. The R i l i m port o fthe rev Administrative Recorc3rd Is located at the DOE iM B B M l at each d o antear i review report provides a sur Reading Room of thono INL Technical Ubrary in ofsitelnspectidocumentation subm itted In'Ol- su| Idaho Falls. Copies acan b e found at I lectod for thosreview of remedial actions taken Albortsona Library onsn tho Boise State r H B Q i r a anup site, and in d u d es a review GUNNaOSE EUZA6ETMBANRGTH 'jThiS ropt a University cam pus. TheTt TODAY 2.M-«.»-7K)0'r0 0 -9rf>0 concisa summ»ctlonfl and monitoring data col-s of Administrative Recorc)rd c a n b e • UDIES INUIVBUI■ m m different cleanilo se actions. id ' accessed'on the interlem etot fi ^ W EjUOt BENCH MACOIE SMITH I Wendell Jolleyaport gives our stakeholders ao- http:/lMr.ln0 l.govl. lTODAV2i4yV4i4*-7«i< |r!1 ^ 1 nmary of tho status of d ozens of I NowatWthe TWln Cinem a Theatr an u p protects at tho stte," said •i ley, ICP's m anager for the five- 'J*.

______3 peNIC J j j f A - 8^ ______c Saturday', A ugust 20; 2005 T he 'I'im cs-Ncws

i f c H E ESRS I & Jeer;^S ' l i p u U o uIVif i ia ir (he fact thai Arabss , increase o f crimes cri in 'l\vin housinging lor its civil em er- hiive hucii fif^itinK Israel slnoice •«” —. !____J - I'alls a re a , a loo n g vviUi d )e Hg- g ency s7/nic hilcstiiie Libeni- '■ML , ;,lie . - a n te up for thoir fire d e p a r t- tioiiOrKunl/aiCloii hc(;ah its . • Pnjporiy crimes c have ment workers, by making . aitiicksj,|, while tlieVV^esi Hank ! Jumped, accidcidents. are still three work forcc housing was wii still piirt o f Iordan and ’ jin excessivee ireg u larity o n u n its piiparfof the budget for (iiwi Ca was i)art o f ItKypi- ' Bine Lijfccs BoBoulevard, and next yea/ear. — ; the populationion grows about Promm those units, the city n •-apercent a yeai/ear. is tryinjIng to build 26 city- M .\x B cxrr , So k u d o s t o tltheCity'Coun- ownwd iunits for lease in thc — cil’s latest next 10 y e a rs . Now , t}iL‘ Isniell decision lo bu d g et w h ic h , 3 ^ P o lice a n d rvnrvinovu its settlers from ihe provides for■ | rU PFD\ fire employ- Ctiua ciii; Strip and a sm all portion lo u r n e w ofTi- CCS w o u ld ofo fl ihc West Usink should pro- cers in the ■ h av e first p r i- vitlc viti u further test o f the belief coming year. orlty for thc thal tlia It.'wlsli selduinents a re tlu rocii cause of this conflici. If 'A ^ '1 J y T h e c ity u nits. had seen a | Sun Valley iliLswereln fact ihecase.'you□ I” ■ -"■■■ i S Ihe riglii decisicm. ' fatal to its exisic:isieiice. but it w jls emaiijitc 10-officer in­ a n d s u r - would cxpeci that a partial iites from Isniell-occu- puUniit would lead 10 at leastI ;ja 'Ilie seldem enunis w ere not good eidier.Iier. Isnielis feel pied l«,>nfrrlioTy. 'Ilie 1’alc‘sdniaiis crease In the ro u n d in g ” ‘ c pariiul ineliinK of Anib hostilli;Illy simply not siistaiitiible.lie. Ap- iheniselves pjinjjin of the West. will no) dotl u b t stockpile heavy p ast d c c a d c . . C om mlunities ur aren’t exactly Knvard the lews. M aybe this prc'jxiinately (J.5(K1 Jews.vs could iind'il is deeply>ly dlsplriiint; for weapon:m s in Givui but, us Is die Thc new hintiires will bring the moslost friendly for cops, will vvill occur and m aybe ilie Gay. ■ not live safely am ong• l.;»mll-1. theiiitobeshuininiied by every case v^tlrith MezlioUal) in souih- the ofHccr cour)unt from SB to flrefighKhters .and teachers, Slripsiri will overniglit becom e asi,s lionAriibs. Iliat m aybebe a .'Hid Weslern c o untrv n tr except the enilX'bcbanon, tliey c:an be • 62. n ot a b a dcl jijump for one many of whom go farther pe:icefiil ptM as Swityerland. commentary 011 ihe Ar:if\r:ibs. U.S.'Ihepullouiioui. on top o f die deterretllhI from u sing liieni. llie early signs are not good)(l considering diat it inillliillion concessions1 olTea'doITt by liliu d Hie realre danger Irom Gaza year. s o u th tou find affordable i housing.1C. — Ilitenilly. Clii/xi City is deckctl /\rabs live sifely amongngSinil- UiirakaiQunpIip David live years may notot b e lo Isniel but.to the JEERS: T o (h th te a b s c n c e o f But this tn: move is a com- out wiih green I larnas l):innen.•rs in Isnicl. butIt iltliat's ago. eases (ifnot noi erases) th e resi of theih W est.'H ie Israeli Is', life. 'I'he Ga/a seillers. lu:had a onus on Israeld iiiuiii puts pres- . army ha: prlmat7 seatIt bellI laws, a mendabiable way of making P”’ptoclaiming. "Resistance wins, las b ald ed terrorlsl riglii to risk their own1 mnecks s\ire on die Tale’■alesliiiians 10 get groupsi inii a w ay duit die I>:tles- factor to low Wood River R Valley resort so lei’s go on."’Ilie bjuiners c o n tr ib u tin g fa from the supposedly nuire re- . but 1101 the necks of solivoldiers their own houseuse in order. linianAudioriiy Ai hiis neither llie seat b elt u se ., to w n s a common commu- siraliK’d IMlcstlnian Aiiihoriiyy w ho had 10 jiruieci ihei;lein. Opponentss ofof the wilhdniwiil power nor.nc hi idl likelUiood. the Idaho Traiispiisportation De- nity. revireveal ihe sam e m ind-set: Sooner or liiter they woivould cite piimllelswidl wii th e 2(K)() Is- dL-sirc toto do. If, following die Is* partmgnt dataata fro m 2 0 0 4 ”(»ii’’Gazji today, tiie West Dank ancu,tl have had to ^o. lf Sliaroiiron h a d riieli eviicuationinn of so u d iern ’ nieli pullLillout. G aza becom es bhovvs Idaho0 uckling up 7 4 D e a n — yes, that Moward beiiiu'ing sated by Isrsieli conces­ for a comiireliensive pe;peace the second iniif;iiifada, buitiie lamo-fasasclst fanatics — a ' p ercen t o f t h e titim e. D ean, fofor a rational com - •''it”'sions. the Ihilestinians are treaty with ihe I’lilestiniiiniiins be- diuiger now iss nuichni less. I-veii successosor 10 Afglianlsran under That’s animnprovcmient pi for ment on3n Idaho politics. tm'L‘ml)()ldL'ned to d em an d more.re. fore the ineviiable pulloillout. he if I'alesiinianss wantw: to attack Is- Ihe’lhlibiibiin — th e resulting ter- (il would have waited untilndl king- rai‘l — and theyley do — they will rorists willwi find tile U.S. and th e stato, b u tt itit’s still € per- Thc Democratic.D( National Many will not be satisfied until — in lilt* words ofa l5-year*ok}I(] doni L'ome. In the m eanlaniime be hiird-pressedsed to d o so. All of Europe: mn uch easier targets ■ cent less dianin thci national Committlittee chairman .vuuld-be " suicide bom ber tlie suitlements wouldd hhave re* Cia/ii is fencedd init and so is dianlsniniel. w hich is die w odd’s ■ average, andJ ntnklng-tlTi C voiced uiup when Vice Presi- ;iuiJled in the Siin I'nm cisco m ained an cas*y dchatlntfng p oint most of die Westk’esi Bank, rcduc- most heaeavlly defended state, : (State 3 7 th a rnlong o n 49 report- dent Die)ick Cheney came lo chnL^hroiiicle — diere are no m ore,re for I’nk-siiniiui prcipagaii;andisis. . ing opporiunilielilies for suicide Irony ofif ironies, I perhaps in u . ing states. Boise to0 c elebm tc Sen. L a rry "J’Jewsch on this world.’’ Uy removing the seidiidemenis bombers to pentlenelrate Israel. If fewyearsirs eidiglitened Wesiern- Slate data also als sho%v im - C raig’s1 60th 6 birthday this So Sc does this m ean dial /'Vriel•I on his own initiative. SharonSh; die hilesilnians:ms fire rockeis ers will n ie d ie day w hen Israel belted motorist:ists accounted week, Shiuihiunii is milking a big mistake'!((>•/ has helped 10 regiiin dieh e inida- from GiUii. Israe!riiel will be free 10 gjive up7 controlc orCaza. for 106 of IdaiKalios 260 road The sharp-tonguedsY for- •“■x-I certainly m eans h e Is taking. a tive — moral iind politicideal — niounl a miliiar)lar^’ response — ------; deaths in 2004.4. mer govtovcrnor of Vermont. isk — the risk o f ca'uting a for tlie lewisli slate. 'Hiehe inter- . more free, in lacilaci. w hen th e ' MiuBiBoot is a senior fellow to iU national opprobrium inlinto threat conies fromfro: a sovereign iheCoiuiincil on Foreign Rela- Yet k la h o hlas a s yet to pass actuallyy ccame tlirough with iiiniasimi where' lerrorlsni will loutish — but, on h«ilance, it Isis which Isniei had sunk: w.wiu> nut hilestiniaii siaiealelbaiiwheiiil tfons. ■ any huvs niakiriking scat belt asolidzirz in g e ro n tlie p a s s a g e : use a primaryury la w w ith o f th e Cc:Central America Free . ‘ • much stiffer fineIne*. Three at- TVade AgrVgreement. . ____ : tempts have failed fa In the "Whileiie h e is in .Boise, V ice — ------L e t t e r s - ' Legislature sincenee 2003. Presidentmt Cheney ought to We know libeIbertarian and explainI vwhy die Bush ad- DIrl')lik can't run again 1 life on dulie line In service to this - Individual rightsh ts g ro u p s will m in istraration t sold out the ^ u i Write to us couniry/ I;is despicable. I under- • vith bouncing checks : argue the stat<:ate shouldn't Idaho suglugar industry,” D e a n he Tlmes-News wol'welcomes with false nameswlllbepermo. es > lat co u p les have ■- force anyone to Ibuckle up If said in a statement.s I lieard oa th e nevirs diat letters from reaciorile rs on nently barred romfrom puDllcoiton. problemsns. a n d m any of die sol­ • ; they do n 't w a nIt t t(to. B u t Idalio - N ot badjad. It’s good to know )irk Kempthome Is ru n n in g subjects of publicic interest.li Lettors may bc.brought bre to our diershadid relationships which DrnfTiceaijain. Bccausc cf spaccsiraints. constri Twin Falls or BurlC]jrlcy oince: moiled ready in trouble before : Is fuso m is s inig g outi Qn S4.5 Dean actictually cares about -|^1^11 me. why shoidd we allow te cidled to leave. Movv- ■ 7pleaso limit letters to 40(4 0 0 ^ to RO. Box 543,I, Twin Tvs Foils. ID . S • million In fedenleral grants by red-statete A■ m crica, ev en if it jioimDinebody in offlce w ho gels ive w e b ecom e so , n o t h a v in g a. pprimary law is one witivith conservative vot- by w words, Inciude your slgna{nature. 63303: foxed 10’ y with bouncing checks? f^o- mailing address and telc(}lephone 5538: or e-mallod hat o u r ow n w ants and • and reaching5 1higher belr ers who,}, aas he says, "all look boody else rc is by with it! Wliy ______numbor. Wrliors who signign le tte r s ___Isijc^&mogieyailo aim ol be p u t o n hold — ^------usagO r-S ounds-lllUlke-a-missed— the-same.'le.^^------sh1,01,It} o ii he?------SSSesebravemcnand—...... - ______^LUCYANDERSON — w om en aiare* h o m e again? Is it IWIn Falls confusing and sumewhahaii-mi- Personal sacrIC rlflC e so Inipos.'i>s.sible to wait until diey • tradictory. The 56 millior < ho m e a n d have ai figure, however, ilici seen:“ ac. too great forj r leI a d e r s toiy overstated costs Jiance lo try to salvage eTimesTPNews stoi curate to iniiny people. A/\fter Uegiirding dlie ie leiier 1 by M ark iia-ir lives'es? f Jackson Bridge idl. it was published inI Iheth Sluickeri: : Bnd Hurd------PutPubllihw Chrl*rl» iSteintaeh. . . . Editor ‘ 1 liiive! tmtl e com passion for A recent article titled. "Sav- new spaper.'lliat cost figiiigiire as Sending Uushyshy's, lUinim y’s. ihose whcho face d ie daily act of published has caused a g Tlie m em bersirs of0 the editorisl iioard and writeniters of aditorials are inig g bridge h no sm all task’ a great Cheney's sons anan' d d aiij^iicrs keeping; theirtl fimillles logedier Lihllslied hy th e new spaper. loss of public interest in thet 10 Iriic) would causecau a terrible ancl intactId w hile their soldier is I Brad Hunl.I. ChrisCh Steinbach, Stave Crump, EJaanoreBurlitiartEJa IS some misleading or Inac- Jackson Bridge. 'Ilie neiv:nvspaper contlici ofinieresrresi. Would d ie (.one. I lo^o34.000 In 2001. those wailuting at home for their I engineer a a'hablliiaiion.JII. liven ;• In C ongress? Hereere's how: 520 Hart Sei lat funding request, initiated soldiers ttoo co m c back in die S e n a te Offlce Building ,‘ ' ’‘‘‘ 1 I, d ie 2001 solution only sti Washington.>n. ID.C. 20 5 1 0 • ’ the Uurley H l^iw ay District. M ilita ry < le sl e r v e f u l l fomi of corounseling. support IS approved widi availability o n e method. There are ui tnd d ie sim ple daily in- Crapo ) 224-27 i : Sen. Mike Crj 1202 r construction in 2003. 'H ie doubicdly many pcissibilii)iiilles s u p p o r t o n home hoi front I J S 1 with friends and I*- -In TwIn Foils, c all or ipiesi was sum m arily with- to fix die iiickson Hridee.'le. Ilie Hob Woody’si letletier to d ie ed- family. Oui>ur soldiers rely on the jl .su n .lc . ov/cmoil Heoltior Tlel. region;Jo‘’no'lSector mtpr/'/crafg.8 8 awn. only certiiinty is that if tluIhe lior a distinctct 1nerve with hope lhalIt 1their lives will be in- : 202 Falls Ave., Sultisuite 2 HiereHit was a S3,65 m illion es- higliway (Jistricis removevetlie meandlleelcoinoinpelled lo re- laci if undd w h en diey com e Twin Foils. ID 8 3 33 0 0 J 1 Rep. Miklike Simpson «nKit(nate in 2()01 for total bridge bridge, it will forever be•i gone.gi spoiul. Ix't m e preprefiice this home. To3 bI etray their trust is • ; 734-2515: Fo* 733-’33-0414 In fq||s_ ilaccmeni. niHt figuFe Jiow ■Hierewill .simply be iini eiem pty . letter by saying(thill tin I, too, have . nothing Ie:less th an treason In is: call or write: ■ ■ ' ' In W ashington; L-'nis 10 liiwe som ehow esca- .spot where hisiory oncee stood.s loved ones .serving,'ingin Inicj. myopinioilon. I - „ Charlie Bornernes. agriculture field : 2 3 9 DIrksen S e n oo te te Office Build- director ed to SG million, 'lliu s the We must convince diele higli-1 VMielher we agree;reewiih ibis nil- To iliosese w ailing at hom e for 1 w ay disiricts lo view ihe : : Ing urce of the S(5 million figure, e lion's iiciions in1 InIracj o r not. th e theirsoldkJler’s re*turn whose 1201 Foilsi Ave.Av E.. sulto 25 this dale, there has n ot beenI Jackson iiriclge as an asseiisei to soldiers risking; ihiIheir lives in daily nraye Woshingten. D .C.•2 2C 0 5 1 0 Twin Foils. ID yer is for G od 10 brine ID 8 3 3 0 1 „y re'tiewed effon to seek re- the commuhiiy — a benenent lrii()iuid aroimdd iheworldil are ihelriovedk1 one homo safe anil I : (202) 224-6142 734-7219:: Fa Fax 734-7244 .■ e-mail m e s s a g e s ca bililaiion solutions. Tlie only/ wordiy of sustaining, Andnd w itli not 10 blame. sound as; sisoon as possible. I 1 can be sent m washingtor federal or slate funuing iiv : via Sen. Cropo's ho i*®": csUiii!iniiite for rehabilitation is ;iivail- Tlieir service toto this c o untry commendid you. 1 home page at 1339 ^ongwo^vorth Building ijfu.* ${;Sf^-l,(X)0 funding request able, whal is the down sid .; www.senate.gov/~c side lo is no less lioiiorabrable th an a n y You nreu' th1 e people whose /-crapo Washington.n. D.C.C 20 5 1 5 f ro m 22001. lliu snot),0 0 0 i-sti- saving die bridge? Why nnnot? O lher soldier's ser\;er\-iee has l)een support IhiIhese soldiers rely _ . Phone: (202)>2)225-5531 maivfite for hridse rem oval hits IIMGRiSENTl since tills countrytry wiis estab- upon lo coro n tin u e lo d o their Sen. Larry Cra« r a l g Fax: (202) 225^21622 l)ucnL'n \published elsewhere, Rupert lislied. . duly until11 theyt can com e back In IWfn Fialls, c a ll oor r 'write: Access Simpsnpson's.&-mall T hat a tis S500.CKX) o f our m oney {B lilor's itolc: T h c SO millionm i - 'Hie ide.i that: a spouses o r 10 yoii MyIy pniyer is ^^lal they ; • Mike M athew s, reglo"glonal director through hIsVs Webpage: thatccIt could be spent som e- cost csiiniarc for rvpUici'nu•ment o f loved one woulddclieiiioii. cl comeback;k. safe a n d well, as :• 5 6 0 Filer Ave. S ullto ite A http://www.hw.house.gov/simp- whereere beneficial, including /ackson Bridge in 2007 nv;iv/T leiive or in any wajway conipro- soon as po!lossible. ; r TVHn Fails. ID 8 3 3301 0 1 son rehlabilltation. n h i providet! by Butler mvring. mise the future of ia soldier CRYSX\IAL GREENE ______n tclliese : numbers do seem o f Shelley.) w ho is daily piilliniliiiK h lso r h e r TWln Fallalls

.j Doonesburyy By Garry Trudeau Mallard Fillmore' e IBy Bruce Tirisley So y x jt e SAyiNc , Sm’/fOK/AKSKtKOCP I Sl/THA\e YOUMaTO€Pm i N G - H V " c r \ ' x / < F O R ^ .■ fTS»fav6oson:frsesi i rMssupposet?iossr^ m<*fOOMfVL

------I J "I SedSMw^Ai«irt20.2005 niw»M►flwf.1WBrito.Mrto M

N a t i oj in /W o r l d low gets1 $250 miillionin^Vioxx Sluit B B . Tlw DaitoB Momlnmtnwi It wasas met with whoops by not not meet thc standard set b>by saying It followed gooddsdentiHc s< ^ ^ H H l fam ily and ai ihcnds of Carol IbuIfaxas law to prove Vloxx caw>ed«d procticcs and a c tra rcsp»ponslbly •ANCLETON.. ItTtatas — A jiu y Ernst. \ ^ o blamed Vioxx a n d Ern:Ernst's .d eath ." attorneyiey In bringing Vioxx to mlarkct ar and f l Friday awardedd mmore than S250 Merck foifor thc sudden d e a (h in joru'onathan Skidmore said. * keeping it there until1 last la Sep- ______million in dam if b cr-ttfominBly-hgalthy------Ernst;—ofEi Keene,—TegrnJ.V (Uillbui, tVlieii diecuiitp^tp o n y sa ^ widow o f a m anin wV ho died after husband,id, Robert blanjiamcd Merck for (he deatli ol of tlie risks became dear, •s-News C a r r ie r is a n indo] taking Vloxx. hanilanding Merck & “It mea(icons the justice system her!icr husband after he took Vioxxixx Ernst occiiscd Merckicorpush- c Vo.ir7Tm«-r lependent business Ca. maker of th dodt n 't p a y ^ e l r c a rrie r, theirth carrier The vcrdlct cacame after (lie amountIt awardeda cxcceded.Um* Merck Mi had contended that thehe Merck knew o f (he h eain a r anack doesn't eamtm a profit. slx-weck trial offtheOrstofmore th itsinlbxaseas and probably would dealIcath of Robert Ernst, a risk but failed to fully dis“ Qiolloil wealth, th c ro le o f S largest Sunni AraArab political T h e T u n t group, th c Iraqi IslIslamic Party. were seized in aI MMosul ncIgh- borhood wheree they were ■^^■■1 promoting voierregrcgis tradonfoV E21H0I m a g in the Oct. 15 rcferenccndum on the I. said party of- ficial Nouredlnc dal-Hayali. - i They w ere drivenren to a iio th cr • Famil)y Plan!iS w ithI the B \ neighborhood, shwJioved’against ■ . & a wall n ear th c Dhl3hl al-Nourein mosque and shotot deadi while m ore maslccd gunmn m c n blocked I "! off a major street,Jct. wimcsscs ^ e s t ) . I said. T hc gu n m enm t (hen fled in t Coveirage ina S.E. SI i g g e s t three cars, leavingng th c bodies - behind. It w as th c sccond)nd armed at- tack in as many' daysdt against Stmnl Arabs portidp.dpatingmthc VHH e guarrantee U.S.-backcd polidaIdeal proccss, Idaho! despite threats fromDm insurgents andol-Q aida'i vtringng iin Iraq. On Thursday, mamasked gim- in c lu d e s: men burst into thccSunnigrond Si mosque In Ramadi,Idl, 135 mllcs_ _ _ ■ ! i t ! * ...... south ofMosul.'asrdirelidous;pd- W • Unlimited)d G A L L = M E - Iitical. an d tribal leaders Ici were W No ch arg e for incorrsm ing cans from onyone al ai discussing thc con;onsdtutional ■ . proccss. The gunmen dememandcd the n m eeting e nd a n d th((h en o p en ed a • 2 FREE C:olorFlip Ph ., i firc, said O m ar Seri,tori, secretary 1 E-IV Iinutes- of the governorir o f A n b ar I province. I ll an/tim e. i( Three membersi of the Sunni • 1 0 0 0 A nlytim ^ e Minu Association of MusUrisUm Scholars and a bodyguard weiw ere Injured,. » l i o n e s & Seri said. Many Sunni Arab; • N a t i o n w/ide i Long D sldering taking paipart In ihc constitutional refcronirendum after lU te s ! having b o ^ t t c d ththe Ian. 30 that’s only national election ballot b{ — a ly ____ move that left the; oroncc'doml* II plainsJ9.95 naie community withvith few scats D i s t a n c e ! ...... S15.00 in a parUamcnt domomihaicd by 2pbunetolalS54.95 ShlKcs and lOirds. In rcccnt weeks, W► m 74^ per monft :S;cn'^; IS)lor ; Sunni groups have bc per phon« 1000 minuie local f. fellow Sunnis to vote:)te i n h e r e * FREE attar 'm crendum anda genenicral election *30.00 maihlUiF-in L J SbarvTalkLiiie... planned for Dcccm:cm bcr. T h c rabats uch. volcr-registration dcd e a d lin e is I Sept. 1. s Thc United StatesItes believes thc key to defeatingig tlth e Sunni* Dne dominated insurgcnKcncy Is (o encourage nn Indusiviisive polidcal process (hat vrauldd cncouragec dlsaffectcd Stmni AmAmbs to lay i down arms. The entire proccssss 1hinges on U.S.Ce the succcss or the draftiaftingcom- AUTHORIZI The TImes-N-News: QiOOatfla? Q Your guideI toti life ellular In Magic Va/alley Magic Valley Mall • Food CouCourt Lynwood Shopping Centerer 736-6540 732-5556 ZED AGENT

’NOQCona dll C eintf It ntuatfUt tv tn d m n laGtaant priw U tMrni. Ofltr valid win twfryto-y«v servca Kjfeement on pUm ol U9 K ix h> uViwmnHKyilee Credit . f w a c H m S Mttusie sssaSrtollSiSmlMM Ei Sw i w k mInip(i1«. Roimuig thifffe. Ua.uimvjes,tes. ovmgt ctivges. tnd Utes upiy. 96< Federetkai and OiM R(«uUtory Fee ctwM »piK in uge loeilftetworkeow- bMymiywy.Uufla rounded up lathe nut fuflmndmoti.lKtol unKiconaitvtaKetptancictiI d our t«re and conawnj. util-jn irtates (eaurredrefli on ad pKnes. ftmoOaoil n«aa a uti; lureTinilinejperpnmiry « -OiftB miittcm ippv. Sm Bofa tw drti*.1. limMlim time ofltf. O m tii. Ctbiu. 400 N. Main •Kaliey i ' ^ 1 ^ 788-1994

■ Car Chargei» ~ o r ] ; V hiphff All u r m jgte«n«s utiiM lo uflie r o r [ ri: K IM B not a tu or gowrment re^wttd ctwoe ; B a c R ^ cI h j ® ' Leather Caiis e I I iuti)K)iocnangt thinTit; Unt ol trvH Stiaia s e t ' Band & Orcheh e s t r a I rO F F r^R E E RENTALSL S I somSoma rastricUOR} app bU dnMl«i>tlO ,»M 4 . Hcedl F Th( low I

I I I * j X ' r " ^ e e s" l ^ ...... ^ p o n itiA C U):S^S^-**^ SS|:'„ ^ “ J» A trA * n « I 0 I g : r ~ $ f I J I - ' ‘i>- —----- i\, ■' ^ "* HYUNDAII ELANTRAI OLS c ______

^•A w V U K tM * '■toiooktttw tnaao 2 0 0 5 ch evVROLET; VENTURI I V •PM-lada Umim Pow er Locks-M rrcr:on. IVuiiiuivs • Tilt • g :g £ T $ A C D • R ca n n / Rr-rk • W h eels < . i;^-' uMcmplcyco DivcounI Price Q I f f IIV H O S 2 1 2 7 0 < ^ HB391

SJi'^ ^ K ;,’-.. , • ; .'i , CHEVFr S o L E T ^ S ^ ^ • AtrMtabM R E O CBAB l 4X 4 IM H lpI;^ WbSL I'' IM ty Bnm k •ookM M I S « n /O lM _ I H e I H e§ i ^ $ 2 ^ I H n •■' ' *' ^ . L = j ■ ■ /afctT^.jJPI ‘ ■mww /» »...- , ■ r H Y U I U I i - v . in :s :2s “ % I H u ! ■1- -. 2 0 0 5 CHRY!YSIER PACIFICA I H o Power Locks-Mit/!irrors-\A/indows • 7 O ' ' 9 7 •Cruru ise • CD I H g Sl.li,-1.11,-.k a IG!!f I H - t EmDloyee Discount P;ico ^ 5 2 3 4 3 5 5 19935 ' I •A.S-. FORD EX H • AtrMtVbM* I H ° MtoyHM 0 . J H ° LS ^ S g | 3 I . k ‘ I ____ - , •CottaaaAnChvgm' ______

T O Y O T A C 'I OrighMlK S*Atr/Mrror> _ ^ 905 NISSAN TITiTAN CREW CAB > H ,j____I H o Power Locks-fV-Mirrors-Windows • | r - f « Tilt • C ruise • CCCD • W h e e ls St,u:k # //, ol Focloiy Pficc $ 3 2 4 8 0 ^ I I H v i m o S f S S ’2B995 JrS J iT - I H ^3*AtrA«TV¥ I I s U 'M taah I H * '"'■.flBrf/ta* ^ I ' -^?i7 ^ ivi V . ^ I H n : % ppf I H ° : I H o : V-- >> jiif ja g . , V, I H ”

T O Y O T A S o •P M -W M M t ^ • A i r M m OllgiMlfObl 7 « f"l-s IE i * i-'C ■ J- i'-'i-C-i-i I H n i " ^8.73;13.4001 •fSkrStttM •Atrifloi. M^rpipi!!* .•P M r M h v t , I X. - I H o -l 'i s T 5 ^ I ■ o i : S OPEN ?c£8PM ' ;. ;■ ?

a I t e i i r l u j i looK. *Umts SUU I NOT HCUM w g « n i ( $ t M ) ______P u s s E m cnvi ’. 22 ,3 0 0 5 . h ciiB B r a t uuR i s«»:

!-► Comtming Sunday I n sIDE i) C o m ic s ...... B5 ' ■ : • B reak in g[ dowdo n th e U te s . c n Community .. Money ...... 67-10 k3 . p o s - \ Spons E/iifo.iiror Joe Paisley, 735-3139’ (Hours:( 2'1! p.m.}

't'hc Tim cs-N• N e w s Saturday, Augigust 20, 2005 S c c c i o n B M o r n in gG U N E \ ^ ^ -9 -A m SportsQuoteS T — ^ o i n r"tcH w ^ headdsto ■,'!J guess it shovl o w s t h a t I "SLCI! for '.i'jn some parts t h e ' faedia there is sectiiionals Sftn whatever.T . . . w h o , I ThaTlme»We''Jewa______Itoiows? It hasla s a b o u t SAUIAKEKECny — AMagic ' . as much effec a s a .Vallcy-bascdd learnI Is pirn of 700 dlstrfa tenni!nls cham pions from firefly that w: six -states wwill c o m p ete this 'weekendlnSiiSahLokeatylndie gone in Septeit e m b e r . largest USDriA Interm ountaln ' Secdomdlbujitm iam cnc Thls year";ir's Interm ountaln USA League:eJIbnnls Adult Sec- ^ NFL commlssloislo n cr P aul tional Chomplonship, celebrating ddie 25Ui Annivcr- T>gllab«ln«ilin In ttrv lc w ^ sary of USA, LeagueL Tbnnis, has .,)M thTh«JlisodaliJatcd P n s s drawn Ihe loplo. 61 teams from s'llT.OfI tfM dIspUt* I around Colororado. Idaha Mon- :c) • TcrrtllOwcmiiuaml the tana, Ncvat'ada, U tah, and Wyoming. TbTbams w ith NTRP. Vl PhIlKkfphl200, Se I to itart, Ballard H tnaklnC a pointpoll to. ttvor every moment of>f the experience, If oniy for thethe thenpeutic aspect vnd th e 1 Wlwt «lM IB a fcosch rm(m e ^ M e r lotinc his only aonn IIn a traffic accident? [hv1($cadons, adult ^I^lgh school 8 ^heip. It’s got lo,” w hen the only _chlld. 21-ycar-ol■-old two services for his1 soson. o n e In moro dian 34,'14,000 Members in Fi iholarshlps — a.s'lis rriost M atthew, d i ^ Instantly Julyly 12 1 Kentucky, the other The cost is $40 andi a current as players trickled ball schoi h e r in tho iis sbt distrlcilets of. Colorado, fctf.A)ctbalI.4)fflce. f a ^ u sIS g gridiron i alum. <>’ " wlwhen hls'moiorcycle andid a coach's native statele 1of Nonh Idaho. Monlanana, Ngvnda. Utah pbmlcal and innuon'ccrice a ^ re- litckup truck cqilided just ouout-; Carolina. During visiti qi^Ired. For mote ihforifoimado'EC isitadon be- andVi^mlngg u s e ^ ts funds to :dce. “It’s like a : the ise ^ u ’diT’Sij- ^side, thb stniill noriKcaicast 'fore the Kentuckyky scrvicc. train and encncouAgc tennis ^ contact Randy Andms — theyVe won three KcKentucky com m unity of'Ollv)livc Ballard and his wife. . 6409at6p.m. a h air. Can w c d o : ' bm to — lie. B renda, players of all dges.df AUldL‘s, and p s radaynhedown ''straightIt dldivision titles, and th e ir HiHilL Please seet OKCK. Page B2 b a c k h a n d s. TMn Fialls High h soccer Jamboree * tumbles mlntoa TW IN FALLS - TMTWin Falls _ H i ^ S chool will host a jamboree 10 a.m. Samside's: share; of the leadi at NEC - Asccnslon Fields In TWinwin FaUs. \ ' T h e TVvin liills, Jeronrome. and Tho A itoclated>d PressI ______a a a * ™ Bitriey high school bo;boys and Golf g ills varsity and Juniorllor varsity AKRON. OhioUo —'ngerW oods ______teams will compctc. AllM arc In- doubie-bogcycdrtjd. his-final hole...... ni, vitcd to attend. o f th e sccondd roundi to finish u I FlKhcrr pldwrig ln h is V ' nvn. birdicd his first five Cost will be ST. perier person w ith a 70 tliat d r w ith all m oncv goingng to the a tie for die lead' >r a 67 and was In scco n d Youth E ndow m ent off the Idaho aid at the NEC■C Invimilonal on t 12-undcr at M ontretix ' S chool Athlctlcc AAssoda- Friday, id Country Q ub o n th e the Slom Nevada, i titm to fu n d team s' fiituimure state Woods’ 8-irononcaromcdoiro I (.Qiunoment expenses.s. • tree and 20 yard; o n w s two morc shots rd s .o d iD ti^ l^ i. back .dierter 1knocking In a p air o f No. 18. From1 Uicre.t a 7-lron ^ , , followed by Jonathon ^ i b o u n d e d throw•ough lh» green i' Senior Games d Swedes JespcrPamcvik, . a n d in to deep rc drik Jocoteon at 9 u n d c c ' hind the grccn.' «nffFKdriI( schedule release!sed !n. hc hit a poor •nn.irtrr. who’s <• only v la o ry oA' ' '.JW IN FALLS — TimtairiCon chip to 20 fee(w t and left the ■,he?^TH o n . as he did sev. iTburcameasarooklea ■'r I^iulos Hart Memorialial Senior bogey p u tt short 0 al Reno, broke th e 36- Gwnes will beheld Aug crjputtsduringng llie round. cord of 133 lhat John Events will b e held for h^nnnFBbeg ’ Donold madcd e Ihrce scnilghc !t vWille winning in 2 0 0 1 birdies early inin ih b round and n mlrTi to m a ste r athleles. Ever vy I*avin Uwi last year. Ing Woods a t 4- dtide: track an d GeH golf. I Seattle Stomi coach Aimene Donovan,I right, imiief u thIbe e la 'h a n d e d 'tiw ^ ^ ' ball'^ te blcydintt swimming Knurlingbo u n d c r 136. team ofll* Woods wasntin't alone in his KoreansIS aheadi clal Karen Bryant followingIng the Storm'i victory over thehe MbUMMUI Lynx. TTiurtday. Inn iSeattle. bridge, pinochle, and a pic la«c-round misci T ta m C on Paulos. the t»ty. Vllay Sinji. a t U»GGAstop A ^ w as Ued for thle e Ilead ai 5 under n r ,v n a> of' IVvln Falls, Inc..-• until h e dum pedled Ills dilid shot LAND. Ok . — Rookie W Mfedlcarc Education Pa in to die w ater oion die 667-yani lYlmondSoo-VUnKang k§torm J coaach hopess h er succ s l ^ . -n ic CoUcge of Sot cesses n^i & hole andI h ad to chip In 3t8-undcr64s fora one* Id w o . {burners National, 1 ^ with a fairway memctalforabogcn rad over Rosie Jones an d si£w ay, AARP Idaho, Mag He spun his ap{ipproach olT ill? ng champion Hee-W on ley Printing, and thele ^ I g i c 17,1^ green andicl failed to save HtmafterU^ the flrst round o f th e give oppportunitieies to wornaen V ^ e y R egional Medicalal Center( -^ar from 10 feet.et. a nd he nearly ® a i ^ y CClassic. ^ sponsor the games. < .1. . .>nud6 *'i(' tiirec st lad.slx birdies o n d i e - - Th«x Aaaoctatad Praia COach Michocl OCooper. j S ch ed u le of Events ^ ^ “ "^*1 he escaped'.d’a s n ' i K ric. leading 10 th e b e st vftmen's league," A u g .2 4 — Party BridgeIdge. TUrf 4 feqt o n die lastISI hole. H e shot fh c r first LPGA season. SISEATTLE — Arme Donovan le'^ird said. "It's C 4 ib ,6 p .m . 71 a n d w as at 3-uJ-undcrl37. 21-yci•ycar-bid from South sees^ her role as a social reformer im portant 10 ha\lavc coaches like A ug. 2 5 — EHipUcatele BBridge. H enrik Stcnsoison of Sweden Korea, who'ho has iH’o iop-10 fin- thisis way: If she keeps readiing A n n e trailblaziizing away. ... IW in Falls Senior Ccnicr.cr. 7 n m . w as a t 5 u n d err tundl he found Ishts thisis year,yi made a 35-foot mileilcsloncs, maybe it means an-J,? jOO-victory milestone,ne. While Women are ind:die m inority for « . r/Aug. 26 — BmBowling, th e left r o u ^ o>n n die ladi hole. ^ P shotDt toI blrdlc tlie par-4 o thh ert w om an will be a head she emphasizes leam gojgoals over head coaching; pposidons. Anne Bowladromc,, 10 a.m.I. and a 2 took tw o shots> totc advancc the fourth hole.ole. coactach in th e WNBA someday. pcrsonm accolades, sheihe agreed Jg ynd of die onone corrying die p m .; Pinochle, TWin Foils Foil Se- b a llto th c fro n to;ofthegrecnand f Jones, whowl plans lo retire I>Donovan becam e the league'sc's shchoscarvedoutaspecpedal role load." nlor Center. 1 p.m. also took doublelc bogey1 for a 71 from ptayiniyingfuli-iimcnextyear, firstst female'coadi to reach 10000 as a woman who's alsoIso a sue- Lost year, Donenovan se ta Sc.ll- Aug. 2 7 — Ttnnis. TVvin Falls that p u t h im one)ne sliot behind shot a 7-um•undcr 65, as did Har^. win*ins. as Lauren Jackson had 1818 cessful WNBA coach. dc franchise rcirecord w ldi 20 School Tfcnnis Couiburts. 8 the leaders, who last ycaiyear beat Lorie Kane o n poin>ints an d 11 rebounds to leadQd 'There's been lltdee i rwpcct victories. A.S diec ccoach at Char- a jn .; Boivling. Bowladron-rom-;. 10 Also at 137 were en PGA nmner- the first plajplayoIT hole at Colum - ' t he !Seatde Storm over the Min-n. given to female coachcsie s in d iis lotte in 2001. shehc took a squad - Oiiii.*! p .m 8t 7 pm.: Cycling,Cy u p T h o m as Bjom, ] Paul blaEdgcwaiiwaierCounuyClub. ncscso ta ly n x 76-60 on Thursdayay icome." she said. "The!o op p p o n ii- lh a t h ad opened;d the season I* 3200 East & 3700 North.[1.9 9 am : McGinlcy and OChris DlMarco, nighShL nilles, whert in doubt,ibt, have m andnhlshcd:l7-4forauipto V. a n d Field. Bmlns Stadium,Sta( who avoided such su calamity. Rlur S hlarelead a ft LastLa fall. Donovan became[)c gonctoamoleoronNBAIBAguy—■ tjio WNBA Finals,Is. . a^Bjn.: Swimming. YMCrtICA/aty Bjom played bo{ e first female coach to win a some with experience,ce, some Bird and oilier;r iplayers believe 9qol. 10 o jn .: Picnic. YMCAICA/Clty 67. w M e McGlnlc o n C h a mmplons p Tour vvniNBA tide. without." Donovan is mo!laking a dlffer- ^ 1 . n o o n t o i pjn. m atch th e low scoKX>Feonadayof SNOQUAlUALMIE Wash. — ■Tb “T have been given an op-p . C onsider that o f the WV NBAi e n c a % ig . 2 8 — Golf. Q carllar Lakes blustery, decepdvjdve conditions. Ibm, Kite.c, Iim1 Thorpe, Brad pomrtunlty also Is a responsibility,ty. 13 h ead coaches. JustI f6ur f^ arc "She won diec first tide. She O n m try Q u b . 8:30 a.m.;[I.: IBowl- . Bryant andUld Morris H atalsky I dot(on't take it Ughdy, Donovanin wom en. Along with DoiDonovan, g ot to 100 firstrst." Bird said. ing. Bow ladrom c. 9-11 a.m.anda.m ReCOrd SOtS UpU| cach shotIt 66-undcr' par rounds sold,id. "I dow nplay h becausese they arc M innesota's SuzSuzie M e- “M aybe GMs InI odier0 d d e s will 2 ® m . o f 66 to shlshare the first-roim d pcrsonovan is th e fourth coachh like Detroit

Be _ Sitwrir;Aa0i« B t2 0 ,3 0 0 9 S p o rT t S : n Wendel]lU steer wr4 w in over th e Baltialtimore Orioles, on FridayV ^ n l A t Broussard who liadd a signing engagement afteriT . w I the game at thc HouseeofBlues 0 to promote his newtv M CD, drove a 1-1 pitchH frfrom Steve Kline (2-4) over ^ ii ■ tiicright-fiddwimtoca]m p the Indians' comeback. ■ aevelond was down014-1 in the eighth but tied hit • ■ on Casey Blake^three-n^ru^ homer. ■ The Indians, whoI eientered the weekend 2 3 ames behind Oakland for the /Ud-caid lead, arc 14-6 sincc Jfy28. ° I ■ Rookie Frandsco Cabrera H i ' w I ^ d-O]1-0) allowcd.one hit in 2 1-33 ■ ■ W\ Innings for his Qrst maJoiajor league win.

- Y a n k e e s 3 , W h H ei S S o x l ClncbtntU B w iplsIls IIbwbKlwr Otfoll Thunnan., Mi« t rMT, sacks waslilnften RadiJ•diUm quartifback Pitttek CHICAGO— Mike MlMussiru allowed fhv sin^es-s- fUmMjr tfurtnf th*Im ffirst quartor of a pfesea^onMl ginia| Mtfay. In Landowr, Md.L AtAl rlfht Is BMifali dofemlvea inscvenlnningsandtheltie NcwVorkViinkccs sent the tacU e John ThemtoiRtOR. slumping.Chiaigo Whitelite Sox to th d r season-worst sfaoh s t n ^ t loss withia a 3^ -l v i c t ^ Friday fU ^ t^ ^ I M ussina (12-7) got sa Bengs[als squeaak by Was [ first inning when the WhiteWI Sox had three s i n ^ ishington and scorcd their onlyy rrun. He walked one andi struck out seven mM c} allallowing Just four bascnm - * Ben Bnimmard hits a 10)0 hofiw LANDOVER. MMd. d {APJ— The exhibition ingdiS drhrc. M inncsola staged ° a n e rs after thc opening innlng.lm good news for CaCarson Palmer ' ■— i games, Palmer seconcond-half rally with two5 Tbm Gordon pitchedcd Ihe el^lh and Mariano, nai on Baltlmora Orioles pltcli:clwr Steve KDne In the ___ a n d Patrick RonuMrisey is-tliat they flB B .ls I6*for«35 for scorcj□res from their third and“ Rhrera vrorkcd a perfectct ininth for his 33rd save inI 10th Imint FHday, In Clevelan«)d.ThelndlmwonS4. have three more vv.wks lo get iM C'T f I 189 yards an d fourthirth stringers, tyiiig the gome 3 7 chances. ’Ihc Yankeesx s d o ser had blown tw o of ready for thc rcgiregular season. I n i r• Ili | | | two interccp* at 21 21 before Cedric Houston^ h is last three saves, sincciceconvcnlng31 < strai^L strong Innings, then got reliefn hdp from Kerry • From thc look of)f tithings Friday U l l X tions. scorccjred the game-winner on a V N ^ a ( ^ . Tbdd WOkcr:r homcrcu I and Jeromy ' night, both needxl aU. the time Ramsey 10-yai•yard TD r u n w ilh 5;52 re- Devil Rays 2, Ran£egoisl Bumitz drove In two runsI fcfor. the rubs, who have % thcycangct. heard scattiattcred boos on his first mainL won diree straiglit . "njc young Quarttartertwckscach drive whcificn he was off-targct Buf But tnc show stopper wass ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.-la.— Seth McQung allowed Prior (9-4) aflowfed two' nruns, fhre hits and tw o had one nlcc throwtnv for a touch- trying to hithii wide open recetror Pcnnliiiningion^ 20-varu-ScottMo) one run and three hits InsIn seven innings, leading th e .walks, improving to 4*1 in1 hhis last e i^ l starts. H e . ' down but mostlyly sstruggled for Sanlana Moss M down thc right Lavcrtiwranues Coles in the second1 T hm pa Bay Devil Raysipastlhe1bcasRangers2-l pt ,threw 118 piichcs an d fannciled’Ibdd lldion iwicc in the sccond stnii^tjhtweck. ' ' sideline. Ramsey’s H first three quartcancr, a beautiful pass down1 on Friday nl^L die 20di doublc-digit strikeoeout gamcofhis carccr. R am sey threw.r twotv intcrcep- drt\^wentsntnowhere. *heJ middlem that hit Coles inI M cO ung (4-7) struckk 01om fhv and walked one as ' ide. th e Devil Rays improvedxlto21-12slncedicAll-Star t | tions. Rilmcr tlueilucw one. and Ramseyy finished1 9-for-18 for stride. H rates 11, Phillies 2 - ro iiro f their Grst 116i 6 p afficsin th e M a rt BruiiruncU '^er^aTftim c. FslCOIcon8 24,TH an8 21 3 innings wilh a pcrfean dghlhe before Danys Baez ------PHUAUliLPHlA— KipW Cindnnatl Beng^als 24>17vlcto- Bamsey ia 17-for-30 for 267 vn, got three outs for^27th:’th save in 34 opportunities win before die strCok. WellsUs shui out die Phillies i,VlklnjS.21 tooUc OcAndm Cobb scorcd and struck out 12 o n July 5. - string Redskins dcAJcfense before ^AST RIT extra-base hii a ^ ^ Injmom Alfonso Soriano in thc c lUTHERFORD. N.J. — on a 101-yard10 klckoff return and[ seventh. Brad lildred hit a two-runm homer and Jack Wd* putting together n rst few passes didn't T.J. Duckett D had a 72-yard drives against Wi sson had two hits and two RBIIBIs for die Pirates, who edumpedoncolfhcrc touchcchdown run, but Shane —hove won four of sbc backups. Hc hit KcUi w another short one Boydrd threwt a la te touchdown Tigers 9, Blue Jays( 5 ------— " ton on thc run Toifor a 45-yard there, passs 10IC fellow rookie OJ. Small DETROIT-CarlosPciPena hit two long hom ers ■ touchdow n pass agzagairutroolde Once hesic got w arm ed up, Jets thatI gavega th e Titan s a 24-21 vic- a n d drove In three runs;lnhlsfirstgamcbackfn)m In M^ ets 1, Nationals 0 'first*round draftt ppick Carlos quancrbackick Chad Pennington -loryFrii’Friday n i^ L the minors, sending thei DDetroit Tl^rs to a 9-5 win NEW YORK — fae Seo alio^lowed four hits in eight Rogers, one playlay after T.J. m ade everrerything look easy. MichUchael Vick played neatly ov er the Tbronto Blue Jayslys on Frklay night innings ii to outpiich John Paitctteison, and Vhnor Dtaz (loushm andzadchh had ! Rogets playing In1 Hhis flnt game sincc the entireeni first half ior the Foi- Dmitri Youn& Chris Sheindton and Ivan Rodrigue; drove ^ In the game's only nmm iIn die scvendi with a beat on a similarliar play but otbeason sisurgery on his right cons,5. looking t esp ed ^ good connected as Dctroliroll hit a season-high fKc sbiglfc. & dropped the ball J . .shoulder, PPennltigtonk went 9- on thche opening< possession, h o m ers to win for die OfthIth Ilim e in sbc games. Voung Jose Reyes ded carccr higiu;lis Willi four h i t s - a l l I^lmerendcdhisilisni^twitha oMO forr 86: rards and a Hclc hookedh u p w ith fullback and Shdlon cach drovelintworuns. in singles— sl and three stolen ba;bases, hdping die Mets shovel p ass to Chrisiris Peny. who touchdown,vn, helping th e Jets Justinin GrifSthonC a 23*yard pass. V ernon Wells a n d EricZric Hinske hom ered for uke die opener of the three-gi-gameseries. New York . ran 13yardsforatoutouchdown to beat thc VIM^lklii|B28*2I in a p re - then1 broke b: off a 21-yard nm ’Ib ro n ia is 17-4 in series opener? at hchome, tops in die nu> help 9 VC thc Bcngingals a 14-10 seasongameme Mday night. wheninnoonewasopea n .Tigers stancr Mike Manfaroth (11-11) got the viria Jors. Jc lead a t haUUrnc. D aunie! CCulpepper looked AfterIterlA ^ck Durm ran for 18 H e allowed four runs andnd 10 hits In 6 2-3 innings, _ . Palm er finished112-for-24 12 for Just as goododfortheVUdngsd* yards,is, Vick lobbed a 4-yard w alking on e and striking oi out sbc. R e d s 1 7 , DIamondback!k s 3 152 yards and gave■ v ew a y in th e 1), g o lr ^ ll-ll-of-13for 146yaids touchd ± d o w n p a s s to Brian Craig Dlngrnan retired VWfeUs with two on for his __CINClNNMl_=_Austln.K.Keoms hit.duce-rim . . ------second half to Jon1 KlKltna.-In two — while leadlniling th em o n one scor-— {^nnera leran.------— third save.------;■ hom h ers in consecutive Innlnlings and set a career § h l^ i widi sbc RBIs. r«llpc Lopuntaln town how they ho-have dealt with it." team,. theyth h u rt a b o u t his son, Paul Lo Duca% two-run1 singlesl broke up a scoie- T he win sn apped th c Astros'os’diree-game losing - ■ of about 7,500 people)plc 65 miles Morehcad SuStale athlctic direc* and thathat will give u s extra motl* less tio in th e seventh.- Bunlum ctt (12-6) dlowed sbc streak and m oved th em onc*lB-half game ahead of east of Lexingtonlon. rallied' torBrianHuKutchlnson sa id "You vationn tito try harder. 1 pretty 1h its in ei(^t*plus inningss tattersforhis27disave. five*run ^ rally for S t Louis. in southeast Kentuckycky. is now a Dca Matthewcw, a senior sports ' JayneStadium, Sta he docs so with ' Yadlcr Molina hit a thrce-runun hom er— his dilrd soldier serving in Afghanistan, rrumagcmcntnt major, spent thc a smilele on o h is facc. In honor of \ hit of the game — earlier in theh e inning 10 hd p get...... but called Balliud on3n a> salcUltc last three yea^rcars attending thc his son.in. ^Cubs 5, Rockies 3 17-17-gume winner Qiris Carpei)cnicr a nci-dcdsion . phone. university andiidworkingwiththe "He! wantsw m e to coach as DENVER — Mark Prioror struck out 10 In six ancancl keep his nine-game winnlrling streak aUvc. ^ O n Aug. 9 — almostlost a month football teamim as a player and hardasiasl humanly, possibly can after th c a cd d en t —- a gift bos- coach — timiIme h is father m iu and havelavc the lim e of my Ufe." i -ket hill of fruit a ani n d c a n d y "the three g^ ra tc s t years of my .Ballardd said.s "Matthew wants ^Stanley, Bichihette can th aiiltik sons for woi)rld seri^ arrived at the Mcrehtehead State coaching carctircct’ this to> be bc the b est year I’ve ever SO U TH WflLUAMSPORT, football ofQcc, leavingking Ballard Matthew hahad a catch phrase, had In1 my m; life coaching.' RT. Pa. cameupblgFridaynlynightduring three*run hihom er by Davtin- (AP) — After 15 seasons in in thc a nationally tclevbcvlsed game. por»'s Ryan 1I Shunmkcr, before IImajors. Mike Stanley finfinally soombling homeJ widiw die go- settling downv n an d allowing Jpst rim idc ll toavrarid scries. HeHecan ahead run on an errorrror following o n eh itd icrcjreaftcr. Storm ______:______t]thank his son. a wild pilch in diele fifthf inning "Tlicyscououled us well." D*v- Stanley and another fonformer .before slamming a CoRtkmwdtroraBl 5 a three-run enpon mananeger Jeff Malloilcc Coupled witwith Houston's w in Ttunika3 WilliamsV had a carccr- nm a jo r leaguer. Dante Blchcchcnc. hom er in th e sbcthitoghTjM to ait* sa id "(Blchcti^eIr;)dinTwanlcc victory of reaching theheplayoHs. overKiocnix«ix earlier Thursday, high 144 rtrebounds. aarc coachcs on thc Maidaidand, land a 7*3 rictory vict over breaking balL T h e Storm held Mini Uimesotato the Storm remained re a half- Donov:lovan trails HoustoniVan FFlo., team at thc Little Leaix ague Davenport (loWa) NorthwestNo In odier gaipimes Friday, Alaka’i . 353percent shooting.lg. gam e ahead1 o.of th e Com ets for ChanccUcxUor (191). C ooper (119) VWtorid Scries. Besides his offcnshnsivc exploits. AgUpay andd Michad Menica "T he only th in s thathat matters second placece In thc W estern and Was!Washington's Richie Adu- Now, Stanlciy lcx>ks aroirou n d Bichette Jr. su u cko oul u t I I batters eachhom crci[cd and scored twice slnccrely— Conference, ~ an d 1 n icon th&slm r. Seattle, which bato (114) (11 o n th e WNBA’s and a marvels at the sif^ts:j: aanx- and allowed foiurr hluh in the to stake Weil/cst O ahu of Bwa w e h a d a great defcnsitnslvc efibrt ended July w Ious U d s punching g]o\ with six straight , victoriesics 1list. lc ^ovcs. complete.game.sbtbc-innlngwin.-1 Bcach, Hawavail, to a bto cSrty fbr40 nUoutcs." DoQo>novon said, wins, has wronon three of Its last She’ss 10100-94 in six seasons— »sroundskccpcrs tending pristristlnc All Litde L c a ^ e scries scr games lead a n d a 7-1 • "Thatlsthewoythetea; ^-1 win over Qiuicll te a m need s foitf. th c lastst three t In Seattle after &fiekls, gtccn mountains toutower, aresbclnnlngs. Rock-NcwtovOM*n of Newtom. to play to get us into:o tlth c p ost- Nicote Ohkfailde led Minnesota two yeanears wilh Charlotte and . iring beyond the outfkki fenceKe. Bichette Jr. aUowcdvcdducehits P&.,lndieop

ScC O R E S A N\D E S T A T S I— S p•ORTS c IN BIIRIEF ------&MlHH I1 0 0 0 Tinniin 1 1 0 UO < J llie complele-ganie I t___ B a s M/\LL r<«M 41111311 T«i I ; ;; « RIer youth foofootball earned U v i w F s m P f ^ . BSU !: ! SS J i« J m.. victory, allm'lowing Ivvo u ne;m ied Si AnwricanCii^^ - W k ’ ” “ registration Is f S i S s S l * . I s Monday run san d clg•Igluhils. Siiev«)rked L n Gi Auto racinc terim WBC feattierwighifight PM«9Kn*3»-teitn?gisfKlstratlpnfw.A-Kood, injti' «-S?— K------tofOomlno'sfiaa 250^;25( ------— ------— ' 0 7 NAivmamKNcc« parent or guartUailian needs lo lie w hen it usee•ea»tu«n nnfci IwS^ 0 • 0 » IJ 3 » liric i’arroit ul 7;«-';«-1456. -.Ilnt/'fMt n Jl ;ri’2 ^ ,fof G^S Marketplacee400 4 ' * Invitational, USA,’ . WoMM^ 0 ^ ^0 ac 3 1 . *-»»!} 1*3 B»l Belkin leavaves as Hawks ■ I'lSr- !;siii* IJ TKT.Uijn. lOpjn; .-\}l^ M tJ *X 1 » li Baseball tourn . •' Busch Senes. Domino":ino's Pizza ^ ' irrament owner, Johi)l)nson deal done ' a u I 5 ^ 250, TNT, 1 pjn. O olf . j I ii o f f e r e d In U ta h ATIAN-IAIA — Steve Belkin s r S r ’. 'S T ' ” .. ' • NHRA. qualifying for.Mir.Mid- s n i i s i ’ „ „ PHOVO. Uiali:i -— The itocW ,a^ x ‘d lo seisell Ills share «»f the ...... unwurswwj...... ' <0 ' M ountain ScJioo]uoj o f BaselMill Atlunia Hawawks on l-'rlday. al- )|> rra«MlCr<S Duy Tuurnuinpnint iIn llie 1‘rovo. trad e for I'lI'hoenbc guard Joe . ' i : z s v , s ^ . U :30fjn. 'r mme ore infonnu- a n d sell Illslls share ol Atlanta Ufajette.U-.ESPW^S tJn. • Gfea'ef Seattle Champion r r „ 3 F ’ tion or (o register, re(j visii Splril.tlieninilne-man group dint • ? ^ “^"fwoo4 « 0-^ . i:« • LmielesgueWoffdSerSeries. Classic, second round,s T( , . s | i ^ : Cnoi»«»J4,W«if»*inir tvwmmubicani Nra«patem ’ 2-0 0 0Mnsbai«.K)iv9.Vfsti%a. H o rs e racing mS* 2 ) « 0 0 DENVIill — TlThe Western come ihe dub^cli hi^iestrpaid , jiiWxtllW WilSOpil A thletic Confcriferen ce a n * ' player williII a five-year deal i, S I i i i 3 S li , !S' ! ! CaB„E8P«,lpik-: ! j . nounccd its SportsWesI worth abouiai $70 million, 'llie ,1 ■ s s * J 0 ? 0 *Sw»)kSo J I ? * Red Sox at Angels. Fax, • NTRA. Alabama States.s. , WI i I television games•s fifor tlie 2005 ' llawks willI sends guard Boris si? 0 2pjn. ESPN,3j)jn. . foolball season.. 'II'Ilie schedule Dlaw, two Tllrsi-round picks • LWe League World SeriJeries. _ ii,' r;',2S','s>” in d u d cs seven W/WAC coniests andaS4.9inLmillion trade excep- featuring elglil: ofo the nine tion lo tiie! .Suns.S to cciniplcie P ^ t n a I ite-bu* 4. TraOn ‘ Canada vs. Mewo. ESfESPH, S 0 « » ' n3 m J S om'ImS iI'** **" G o l f teams in die confijnfetence. 'Ihe die deal, 7« ee 80 4pjD. Wortd Oeif'ChMptM^ games are usuailylypickcdupliy' p Belkin's oronposiiion lo (lie ' ' » • Mariners at Twins. FSNPSNP. • MLS. Dallas at ColumbOs. * Hit NEClnvKatlonsI•< liSPN's c;amel‘lan.un. a pay-pcr- trad e — ;uiu1(1 refusal (o.OK ll ' , 5:30pjn. ESPN2,2pjn. 4 1 } Mra>36 4 ,coa» .view pockaRC avavailable on even thougligli the rem aining ; 0 0 • unie League World Serii S .” !il' Fft'Si m osi cable andI saiellilesi sts- ow ners uppriproved — left (he • T ^i) 0 t 0 o^to— Sout^ea$t vs. Mld-Allani2S£. Teniiis Icm s around the n:i -- sr.- !!! n ! !i I _,x 4 Aiong vvilh itsts liSPN/ABC • 'Ilie oilierr owners(I w arned lo T-ja*_iaii*(4i,jisi • ESPN,6pjn. 3 0 0 Ivmt 3 schedule and olheither non-WAC rem ove Belkiikin from liLs role as i • Cubs at Rockies. WON.iN, • ATP Tour/US Open Series,'te W , J!i SS',!j ! |£ i i•'37 packages, ncnrtyiy I hair of Ihe governor. Bellelkln went to court ;|jJ WAC's gam es willI bbe e o n nation- in Massacluisiiisetts to slop them . kMnu t 0 I 0 Pwa». ri ;) s “ Westem i Soutnem Finatv'"«»■ &■„ ?!!,'"•” • cial Group Masters. ■ ■ HbsSWlKoMt U-rO-IStSii!•jJ' al o r regional lelelelevislon lliis Finally. NIIAIIA ■ comiiilssloner S*WU» 1 0 0 0 I(k»wc J 1 -IM season, ’llic rest of Ihe games David SlemI ruledn Ihe Atlanta- m*a i ; ; 3 onrqi 4 i I semifinal, ESPN2, noon an »»«• i n Basketball s l i i i , a •• S«>9C0«M W70-130:{m arc now availablele I lo th e local a n d Washingngton-based owii' JOOO iS i" 4 0 Bpjn. ttiM ^ weeooM^ M»LMiw4 r?M-1M >w>iM» 1111 CP*v» < ; iwf'vw ««»PrTj WW-130-|» siatloas in the marnarkets of the ' ers. wiio contnlrol 70 perceni of I * ;? • WNBA, Seattle at Sacraniramen- • WIA Tour/US Open Scnes. ^40 team s In the WAC.C. A tlanta Spiritiril. could rem ove ill rx£nl^, n«s. S E S s t t ! r f e !!2:IS to.ABC,2pjn.. Rogers Cup. semifinal, nmumOua* ;?t*-i40:IS 2005SportsW est!s t Schedule Belkin, w hoI hiholds 30 percent, "'K it.’,111? -;« (tim es listedted are Tlie snlil ledIn to negoiintions • WNBA. New'Yorh at Connonnecti- ESPH2,10pjii. „ „ t s s z . SISilS " " omio«» wrj-140•140 tentative and MeMountain) and lk.*udn ngrcedn) to sell his - , , I1.I0-U1 ir^PM oasaorb-* cut.ESPN2,4pjn. tftmttj n->j 0 0 g 3 B MckOHam C»r>-H1IhI : O c t.8 — I'resnoS0 State at Nexv share i<> theu tother owners for • i ti%ia^*KZo5«?Mwlw» Volleyball „ „ matiK/ttn nw-141•'i! •! Mcjdco, 6 p.m. an undiscloseised sum. 'llie deal W ., ; i ! ! ! s. !■ I KoiIlW^ )I.»-I4I S Boxing taMoc.») n 1 1 I 05 ;■ Pwuomax W7J-141.1*1 .1 O ct. 29 — Ncvacvada at Boise Is cxpected to be com pleted by .f„w Slale. 1 p.rn. th e end o f tlielie year. I BO » • AVP Manhattan Beach Oper ° ” Champions TwrBoein "» Nov.5— ilawaiinlli al Nevada. 2 kMur 4 } 1, J • Humberto Soto 06-5-2)2) i.vs. women's championship.T ° ’ ; t Qreater Seattle Class! . p.m. G r o h g e t sI rnew deal wKh \ ; fiocky Juarez (23rs-^>MH '“ 'BW ,""*"" Nov. 19 — Now^Mexico M Stale ClIAlUXriTrnisviL U i. Vu. — 11^1 0 i ? t t 30 ’ » ® “ t-}}r«-M1WlS7Mi i S f S ” ' i K at San Jose State. 4 pp.m . V ir^ ia fo o ibIball i coach Al (iroli I I I I I 5 Tonut »»-««^ • Nov. 26 — Hoisiolse Stale at a g a'cd lo a newne five-year cori- ■ liit,n~Hsrm M^lny (ntPMEf 3»3»-« ., Tin Amu SSS^ r , T :''•> Ills 0 0 0! I , .47 LouLsianu'U'ch. Sp.i> p.m. (CD tract I-’riday ihalih will m ake his . tIKH **'*''***^^^'^*‘^ • 1 ; 3 in/tM 4 0 4 0 0 MmtUmn '. 3U>^r annual cum]mpensation Si.7 1 0 nctwk 3 0 (MnA < i r c o a c h is million, a raiseIseofneariySl mil- 2 ? 0 0 I ■III I I ? E I i!■ g r a s ■ s k£: ! Fonner Baylor ci ' ' OSH !! !S!. !1 ... n o A i«k ovcf e (inii I contnict he •'‘'iitonR f? I 0 ajTO.o fo 0 MrSMn \3i»-«7 a candidate for ( Srw* JOOO Cmol i*! 0 • v^srSiSEMKSKijJIVm 3 0 I l^ c ; 0iis I Uil £ § irCBAJOb signed vriihthe llx sdiool. 5 § f-74SA-JH»(40jtll nt30-21 in the first - - — W-rfX J 0 I UMu 0III 0 gf|?gSK 3;i 3 BISMAnCK. N.D..D. — Dave Groh'swcnt. 1 S }il34« 4 Bliss is a candidalidate for the four years ofhl’his original seven- 4 0 0 a National Uajaje ' Cue JOO iSSe JOJ 0 0 DOm p 3 0 10 4 ?I ' s H ■ sisiislii sartg 0 0 0 I I DntEpK »U-4«2 3 coaching job of>f i the CBA's year deal, wliicii v will he n E s r J ! i ! K , ? : i nm Cravi ’<0 0 IJI0 0 JcM BM W &-M4fl J Dakota Wizards,i. i two years superseded bybj Ihe new con- ilii ^ ” W Mi ...IS 4 s rnpn t o o fl Sc>bb» o oS i§ K S i - ' SSi^J4« . 3 afier h e quit us Bayltaylor's coach tract, schoolomdals of said, i:,nn|i »« r ) TcM ms i 1 I ' DmSUUX 3M»^ !| Sir- SSS3 T<« 14S.3 I I VcwMFviwdu 3<»-40^ ;j am id a scandal afterrteroneofhis Tlienewdcaleal caUs for an lui- QMM mo” m ^ iKnUt WiiMili O0O0D100}-] o«ou»n jM4-«»49 ^ players was slioi loIO ddealt). nual salary ofol S240.000 and t-'-^-ros^^rsrra.^. ; " . S S S k S tgs:|j j Retw-Tahoe Open1 Dlissisoneofaboiboutfivecan- Sl.46millioniiI in compenMiiion >lv«B-UM|iiMa-Oacn^ ; i s. «*i« ^UmnnSPjoxmCUi -^"><11 euoiii 0>EMuniihs»-D» I 0 0 S«MC4n«M« IMCONCWi U 1 Sionton resigned two twi months points Fridayy to I lead tiie U.S. tikcuii 0 Ofja 3 0 0 t-J13*-3I0ai|40IS0t . la 4 laier. w om en's baskiskelball team lo " i ,™ U if’uSev^ai uru lAvMti™» £S,“, i! sa* S fl ! Thursday^ Late AL Box„ S t E s£ilS : F orm er leam mlale an Carhon the gold medalI'll at the Uiilver- “ S.°C SKS to T ti J 0 ' SSni# 4 ?j .a ™ , U D otson pleaded (mill[uUty In June slty G am es wiiij i a 7‘).53 Svrblu-Moniene- 7 uSfSm W^l'ilI* to killing Dennehyhy a n d \vas victory over Sc S»ncMMKn4' ' s s s a r ' 2 3 prison. ^ g SSST" * 0I K : ? s j JI 0 tnrOmPtam ■ t»7l-l40« ;j Baylor found ihailai OlLss im- vanced to ththe lllle '-game, wnrKi4}i«iNV un- is' !! ”" , I ssrsi. ;xiJ§0 .4 properly paid up toto i$40,000 in gctting20poiiil:mis each from Vil- ,S i i ! H s j 10 0 ' N« 1 OwSMw i s , ' i ! nilJ u!Sm3B 4} I <3 ? :5 tuition for Denneliy.'hy a n d an- lanova's Handndy I'(iye a n d '"S :\“L L ir ”* * SSJS Jg ? » } l . j I other player, andid th a t the Duke's Sheldenen Williams in a ' ' Smiaii »t DO 1^7 S u r S S . " . ™ . . 1 ) co aching staff .didnidn'l report 120-R0 roul ofilfitussia, Ilie U.S. e-ui>«M.iiioP-$Na>: umncu; ai-o»i«nH4i ikMiiiiJi o^>ini•,t T«. »4 4 ;ISi SSTTat«-iaiI alsoaskedplayersanc:andana.ssis- onship Summday against Uw>i«iirMlJlS&>Da»-«•> iMn rori-141- 1171 OwtCta »«r.i Canr cu Hussla Hl-72 behind Iv lennifer ^ ^ * ^ 2 0 0 0 0 Bo^l‘ ) 0 I ; S ""“ i”i M ? 3I ! ! ■ ' « “ ;!!!!; M cLean, Va., winilins u t t l e S™.-n-s30polniinis. 3!ii 0 0 tfCam«rb/n}i■ i i [• 7 . 3 3 fl.S•1 lie nulional col- II 5-rtA« , i'lf ssO T^.^x'siSisr.r « s U ague World Seiw iios lege player of liiliie year, iiolpcd T-ai4*-jii?3iwiii UmM-Hm, Om Cadmnm rm B*. ' s s s j :. “ “ s ! t s IS complete the W»I* S«w« frwi ONo-1 Thrt rm W4HM DMJgnM :D33~*!> - poirnjW D, oic.e. —- famie die Americans • T-JM*-*40M|41CDr| Bell w ent 3>for* •» fo 0 ? TIV..-I 1 to t e Ce-'-.WJICe-iVMft.gw.J (IWW s? FoaroALL *^SOXJ SJ*^ •( 0 I 0 r Tfr-^acK 1771 Caw i»r>>C*«ai»i win tliu Uiile Leaguegue Softball kelball ai (li(lie University s’- S,"!!:; ------NaPreswuoft------Wodd Series champioplonship on Games. ' S? ! n ? £? i 2 i i 9 nvKTif 3 0 < imtTo e e 0 - s s , . :i ■ij » ‘“rF*?¥r.t 90 COMIt 4 1 ' M x l 0 0° 0g MKnowmlrQioiCC P«ri/i> 14.lV.4r Thursday nifihl. In th e earliericr men’s game. ■I'S Vili SSI i§ii ucMtn } 0 0 hMe 9 0 0 Gm^M ss-4> 'I IS (7-0) got 1.') ) 0 0 ^Mncn r I 1 } 4 Dcumc 4 > 0 Ome 0 0 0 M hauMOuta . ‘ »»-«> -i Bell, the only iioldoIdover from Ihe Americans 74 K4ro««y«, Mli-«t -<^ lasi year's leain ihotlot finlsht'd poinis and six sllsteals fm m Min- ’■ S 5. H?§ S ’? Hj§ J s r . * i l l ??? rwTM u sssr^ ' ssu: ^i second, drove in iwovo rui a s and nesota's Vincentnl Grier and 10 l i i l H " H ImtOcTM 37M-M -< ? S s H §§ i } rs i; i luoraa*^Mra S3M4 .4j scored anodier. rebounds from1 VWilliams. ‘■-'oEiT S S S ^ ------rnamcn i o o r«Map i 0 000 0 W M W fA Jilly Falle, the coachiich’sdau(^i- CompledlknnttrtM and ««ts reports < I06-or. in o»-o«*»moo-»t. w e >r> Vtwge 0 0 0 0»j» 10 00 Jmcn*, t 0 0 1 000 JI s II Kiaiu,^ sa3 1 (B) mm MONBM GKGSIillIDDlEKJUinm u m kfSmilEDPKiaSOFfHEVWKK ^ 2 0 012 2 ACCORD SE 2003 HONDA CRV-1/4X 4 2 0 0W 4 A C C O R D EX-VL C cer ertified Pra-O w nid Vehicles s e d a n Honsdlesthar Sosts. Powor UpTo50%OffOriB)nalMSRP Up ,. Air. Sunroof, 10wner. LXAuto.Air.PoMrWir)do — Locks.AMmC0.Chnxi I. Sunroof.Windows.Locks. eThoclo«o»tMti0ioan«wcir «Th ^ e s o B P p™”erW’ndows&Lacks. '.' *Ar^6CDChanQef.Aloys.1 _ wf.AJtoy»,Loc«lTr8do Wheel*. Trt9dGla*j.RooflofRjck withoirt tho now e#f prico. : . H) Owner. LocBl Car • Onlysvaiiablotoauthoruod ^ factory ixS'aox& S 4 a m 1.800.54i^ 8 ■ 6 2 8 0 h CBrtifieation up lo 75.000 milat.______B4 TInM»Nm.T«, TMn Fan*, Idaho Satuntay, Au|uu i u t 20,2005

S p o r t ______

i n e s o t a I m o v e s (o n w i t hi o u t M (^OSS U f The A iw ctated t \ Indeed it ending en injuries ttlso should gigive fensive lacklc Kevin/in Williams, is, Ihough die Ui( running giime a houst. ^ ^ new linebacker San I MANKATO,K NMinn. — The .\S-^ m any o f tlie “I lust feel like I'm a bln nici vudnj^ iindoDbirabicdiy will miss------c II a n g e s “ol ot tlie piiz/le.' said ^ Ranily Moss.s. p erhaps th e made in Burieson. Hii who becomes the tl wiiat's emerging,(, s is a Kainus most dangerous cla deep Minnesota lead leii receiver after iiccoimtitiiing m o re m ature teamI focusedfc on iha'ui. Me kentit tJietl m ood in th e ^ ^ h a d ndiliiiig for foi 1,000 yiirds last year. "We "V eliminating tlie conom placency locker room foosoose, m ade things . ^ / to do, with have ha so many guys tlial do■J so.■ a n d slraiiflcantly redicducing the ^ A 1 MtnnftMti' inicrcsiinKunduid was a m entor to » the trade m in: any things, so matany menial mistakes ll liave ' / W Vlklnc* ■ his fellow rcceivelivers. th a t s'cnt w wu eapons, thai I’m jiist heree ito hampered Minneso ^ .w lda Dui his anilcsies become more Moss lolo Oakland ( for llnL'backer do do m y part." M ike'lice took ovura*ra s couch in . , receiver (rouble (hon thethey werc wonli. Napoleoleoii i iiirris a n d two of ihe 'iThat s the type of attltiKle tlthe 2002. A new ownershrship group. ^H ||nL - - ■ - Moss.,MkJppedI 0a few unimpor- Raiders’rs' dnift i picks — including team tea seem s lo be assum ing thisth ' headed hy New lersersey real cs- lant strcunds atut thet en d o t tlie. th e No.X 77 overall choice ti,sed to summer, sm partly because of ilithe ta te developer Zygi.gl- \\aif. has ^ Taylor regulur-seoson>n finale a n d select speedy s|: South Carolina ' lavi las o f Moss hut moa* in reiii,‘iic- p u m p e d som e energjrgy into the . skulked ofT thele ffield, following - receiverer'lVoyWUliamson. '; lion lioi to consecutive lale-seasoson organization, too. In i yelanother^jfMLMinnesota’s frus- ' Afterr annualii tweaks did little fades Tad — losing seven of theIieir " 'ilils is serious sti Birk Mfframact I tratinu rmLsiies.s. for n defensedel that has lagged ^asijast 10 — iluit cost the Vikingngs sald."Yougettiredofl(iflosingand •nieViUngswUwUlbe more bor- near hetlie bottom of liie league'' division div tiik-s each tim e .' tired of not mceliCling your ittralnint - I ing without. Mos>l6s.s — but they for seveiveral years, the Vlldngs lliey 1 finished (Mi last yeaear, goals." also could Ik> hellbetter off. ' brouglit111 inI five new starters vhi sneaking snt into ilie jilayoffs.wltddi ll remains to be seen.-enjusthmv Mankato, “Randy, he's> a rrock star,' said free ageri;ency or tnidcs — and a a wild-.cardv berth and beatln:ing m u c h ' the- Vikings v miss M lm ..jDly ; center Matt Uifk.'rk'Hisabilityon used theiheir o ther first-round se- Ni'C Ni'i North rival Green Bay oion Moss when they’re movingm< die 30. Uic field, wiiptt hihe docs olT the lectionI onoi Wisconsin defensive the the Packers' hom e field beforore ball, but Culpepperer is good ncid, he UCI.S ai fulfui o f attention, e n d t'rusiasmus fames. bowing hov om to the NI'C cfianipiipi- e n o u g h to keep thehe ofTense It's just kind off nice.ni< It’s a more Quarteinerbuck IDaunte Culnep- on on liiigles1 in Philadelphia. ’ functional. Iliut leave:ives a large veteran team,I. anda guys are per —at at: 2H. he's com ing otr his “Thai's not what we want; loii share of the responslbsihiiiiy WiU) com inu in vvith1 morem ofa men- best ieason sea — thrives on do." do.’ Culpepper said. "We wmiiini a revam ped defense — one dial tolity tnat tliis; is work, 'lliis is spreadingIng the ball around tmd tu tog gel hol in December." will have al least: fivefl new serious. You comome in and you still husIS plenty] of capable re- C c: ulpepper and BIrk wenere starters. work hard, youu pay your dues ceivers., evene if none niaiches among ani( tliose most upset wheilen "1 definiiely thinkk wei have . -1 ' a n d you get thee seasonse siuncd. tlie gamime-changing ability of Moss Mo; e nded Ills regular seasoi-on th e loots to gel. there.Lire." Harris •' T m n ot goiiiKtig toi say it’s bet- M oss. I1iu '11k return o f tiglii end L'arly. earl 'Iliey’re ihe core of a a'llL-ll- said. "But it's just talkd k We still ^ ler o r vvorse wltlKitnoui Randy. It's lim KleiIl^insiusser und riglit tackle abkible group of 'leaders thulat have' to get there onin l]ifi Hfld , just different." . M ike to Ros senihal' from season- inclincludes Burleson.'All-Pro deJe- • a n d prove." j Snoop-[)’s league kicks off COlontroversyY l y j M By Steven Barri»AIfr-Anthony beyond. itslls initiiil eiglit soutliern "ll"It w.Ls SO cool." a ‘meml>ers.'rs f ■ ■ ■ . I ; Lot Angalw Timetne« ' Galifnmiiilia chapters, parents and Uiio}iion Rucker, wlio also shippeded I A U I ■ coaches> in it the old conference inti lolu die Rowland lijilders fromtn J T|J|||C I IjOSANCJELLS-l^S-'Ilie sun Ls accuse hiih im 'im d liLs agents of IxnifXing Ik 'ach asa lO-year-old htsi . MJlltrTKNti . sctdng a bumisiietilied orange, and mcmniiiigng a cam paign o f salio- year,car. "l-veryboily at school was three groujis of children jog ««ge and «ni misinformation, allm11 over me. '/Ve you atwul to go IwU field in their S n o o p s1 camp Ci cjills the furor with/ith Snoop? (jiii you gel m e his f f i Man-.Jrrgam-Bpm across the iMtbali i M J « < pads and helmetslets lo tJie side- so u r griiprapes over their new auto;iKognijih?’ Hveryixxly w anted.-d line.' It's quUtinging time on a league thaihaltheys;iywillbeniore loJ gcgel a pictiia' of me and himni . pleasant summerier evening, no effective.* andui belter serve ca.nh- , logeiigeilier. ’ school for a whilefiile yet, but 10- strappedJ urbanu coiim iunlties. ' And An then there was the bus. I: year-old Xavier:r Bernal isn't Wliat's's cleari is th a t there's "It’s "It a mini'Sciiool bus." Der­r- F ro m Most vehicles ii From$39-* Migh»r j - m o re at.1 ^stake than football; rickek siiys.: “and it had 'I'Vs in it 2 ’{ 12.000 Mile. 12 Month Gu4r«nteelee. Whichever comet llrjt ! • •grinning. il I Includej: tyjtemi , , in four decades, Roth pracradical goals, sucii as wher'here we watched our games I j • Che^k fuel & emitsion ty For more than fi L's J • Change oil up(up to 5 qts.) & replace filter'^ 1 1 • Inttoll new BOKh tparkkplus [ I • this field at Rowl;awland Heights gang prcvtevention :uid scholastic fromom last week." , I ' • Lubricate chasjjassis ment, and more amor-' "Yeah." "Yt Diioii enihu-ses. ''and I I • tntpect iiliert, txlts & KoHo»« I Higli School hasIS teemed i witli achieveme ' •Freevchlclemamaintenance Inspection • ' .O th e r engine performanance p a ru ad d 'l ' footballers ages 5 tc concepts, such as everyrvrywhere we wetil. you could 5 to I4> so m any p h o u s c( I Waste disposalial fee & some filters a dd’l ,dd'i I . jostling Rowlaniland Heiglits traditionI iuidii community, per- hearear us coming dcnvn the street, ' l i t j i Raiders tliat cachich of the pro- vade dialogJogtie at either end. wee hadh like hydraulics rn>m all W»i «;o^' I I .ifij Moit >«nKin min iivi lOuponn ( 0I<»' rop It Like It's Hot.'" J Rcchai:harge il extra usually robust: ccheerleading for generaerations and involve- Nobody No accuses Snoop of I • ViiujI inipMlion ol dtivc( belli, howi S pullcyt l-93*„,„,. i ; team lias gone froifrom 80 (^Is to ment rarely ra ends with beinp.'ing a derelict co,ich; far from fnioiei a icjiij #p4rk pluQi * ] falls ^ u a rc ly on the youtii foot- Xavier's m me other spent her dri- ^iioojlooj) VN’iis overly generous and d , freon(HI34). Rf!<• w/now Antl-fr»«i* I i ball league's most^i)st:lamous-aiid hood aftenleniooiis cheerleadiiJK ' dotliii)tlng lo his leam. giving themn I •S99,9SChJtQglorupr up to) I'2 poun0t ol Itron ' ' (uplolgtl) I I controveniial one-tile-time coach. for the HowlDwland HeiglitN Riiklers ne\%’ jerseys.j letiennan jackets,f. • •t1499SRstrorilCIfon up to 9 1(2 • .1 • T>4M>in.tiion txvKvr (I(lllior additional) | [ “I'mmadatCoad>acliSnoop." he a n d 'la te•r r became the cheer irophiphies and championshipI) I - - ■ . ■ • • Clrin ft «(f|uit bt«k« I ' i t t * lorr e»exh 4lion>l pound. • TJIL) * '><><•■<« • inipett tirvt« I J says. “He was so coocool, he told m e couch imdid leagueI Ireasua'r. Nls rings,Igs. even ihniigli chapter nilcs' ' ' fS. • Hcp«k wriMl l»«(.no to play m y hean out and to play grundfutheiher has h een coach, stijiul.])ulate that if any of iis divi- 'I*. J ^.iSHI Mmt v»tH(n«iihihrt(Oupofi.O>^0ir^»pMfN j cverytliing I've got.gol. Rut now I c h ap ter pa'sideni pn and. nowu- sionsms gets new e()uipmeni.I. 9 Uulti'OKdn n.ohv' >ii.aniii To"ii JTiod'M pim ii ” >“>“ siimr'i flinr, Mld'l. just want to ask himiim.whydldhe days, he'sle's th e conference everyery team tloes. »iys Romero. take all our players?'IS?" commLssioiloner. Walking witli Xa'Xavier toward 'IWo yearlars ago, wiUi Snoop's th e parking lot,, parentsp. and two boyss oldo enougli to play _____ A coaclies dcscribc! rapperra{ Snoop league ball.ill. he enrolled tliem in ' P *X— ™ Oogg as a modenJem-day Pied -die Rowlumand Raiders program. Piper luring football'bailers vnth Ills signed on1 asa; an offensive coor- song“Drop It like2 It's H ot'blast- d in a to r and an weatliered the ing from a schoold1 bbus pim ped m ed ia huUallUabaloo tliat ensued. 31d Foodd Pyramiid out with enoughIgh bass, TV "CoacliSrI Snoop- wus tlie lalkof screens and gac^ei^ e tiy to per- fo otball fields fiel and of school suade any kid to sell out the old playgroundsids througliout die Los /v for the new. Angeles arearea. ’nie n . a s tliat flret (for Yoiu r Body) Snoop rocked tlictlie youth foot- year cam e to ) : <0 aclose, som eof tlie ball vrorld tw o yearscars ago when league's ull-siars ali­ received re- / m ho voluntecrtxl as .a Rowland cruTimcnt[ caUs ca from th e rapner. Raiders “daddy coach," co a n d asking tJiem•m to join th e Ruiders then am in last momlonth wlien he dicfoUowinuing season.'llie league broke from Uie fnmclmcWsc to start allovvs 15 percent p of a team’s his own conference.w.The 1 Raiders players tococom c from outside lis aren't tlie only teamam in die Or- Immediatee area, ai says Uama, and ' ongc County canrccruitwt without limit in cities All-American Foolb;oibaU confer- xvherc no leamlea exists, cncc to feel tlie setscanvs: Long s n o o p took to( full advantage, Bcach and Comptonon teams,i also nabbing players pla like Derrick p in competition with wil Snoop’s MartjraSglifih from Long Beach. “1 I N e w s^ new league, ivpon1 sitsimilar hem- played again!ilnst him. and Uien he New Fot20.2006 TItiM»Neview«. TMn F ^ , Idaho M

C o m ic s

B.C. By Johnny Haft B«6yBlues By RlcKI KKIrhman and Jerry Scott ,&C.N\£W./.lfvieUW£A. j , [ a«J ^ lUE 6?r & »I66C« V£»M1^ • HiCKORy' TWO M ice CMvieceTT7^~N ~ \ . 60SS! COT IT ooi: iiJgctwr I PiCKiofcy' THeaccKSnapcofJ^ BurTteomee. e . Aoc6ty(s*^ MMS foOM R?({ A Q9& I^ui ‘♦4v€<^erA"Y7i==^ '■ RMOPTUBCi£>OZ. UJ66\M6er&P06.0V{>.V.» Jt POCK., o « c 6 o r Aff AY . C6*JiA«6en/C?\ fl&HTN^! _ ^ J &6«UO0S£^ ACbo? .)4y0C«TA.S r C V ^ - 6160 \ i CAiJJJ^Ale6eT^SJD0-!^ T ------

. Baldo______'______By Hector D. CantuCar and Carlos Castellanos Beetle BaJley , By Mort Walker ' ...... v0AlCO..r- -/^r-TlOliGKTVOU-— -^s/-SM ELU 5 PAP,^-{-i-i_VSAH-l-rNO>^»T— ‘= ^ ------1-| |-N O W t T ^ ^ ^~ \ ” ~ G ^ ------? SfT UP/ / \ ( i w Yfsnebw i \ ~ , , .^p\^65N 'T IT?T 3 Ss."TO Gi ! sm ic M s m * 0 , ___ _ SMELLS i Wr - Y ■ I SMELLS SAP K / KKE. AND TOW I’M •) \ . r U f AGAIN ------^ V T1EMOT««3. y . . r GOH6 TO \ I ^ ^ ^ ^ViTTI

Blondio ByByl Oean Young & Stan Drake , The Born Loser ByE Art Sansom & Chip 1 I WANT TO T«V OUTrsOM S S J •.v) i WE CAN 00 ANANV ONS OC THESE 1 |( TV£ USUjSUAL? 1 ( WHV WOULD V I NEW HAiaST/LSS POa)3 «yi* rf \ fC . WONOBJ7PU.JUL HAWSryUS r< ^ W O O ASKW ’, h g Q = / oOO o I HAVE ^ & 0~ ~ . lTfAAJ<£^fA£'’ ANNiV'MSASV PASTV ». NEXT ' y T ^ ^ f rOUiCTW-i o u I i t^ L L LIKE ^ • f-A ^ (T1<15I5S0K^ 1 ->>adL I BXOTINS.'A-'’- ^ V ciajwu(A w sow» y Jr K.OIRL.' ' I I ; '2 / T - r n / t -.---.K------5 MU ------1 ^ "WBi~ ?p^ " ' ; Dilbert By Scott Adams The Ekterberrtes By Philhll Frank and Joe Trolse

I IT'LL BE A PERFECT I % f e iw r .r p y frftce you//n I vtJurWar/M,.' itio ^ tio n erf « PRESTIGXOUOUS Pl-ACe TOI sSTORE ALL • ANO,N0 MAVBE THE : sour^rona v^/ns?.. *n'a "liie Prirjc«$?, ‘ WINDOW-FACHCING OF THE PRININ TER PAPER . f SUNWNLIGHT WILL Lil I I I ' fi/ant TrpJt I—^ I CUBICLE HAS JU S T I SOUGHTr SSO 1 COULD BLEJkLEACH OUT THE > DCCOr^E AVMLAILABLE. tJ IN A FRiFREE-TRIP VISVISIBLE UOOD FROr«\ THrHE PAPERtr-? CHIPS. NDOR;y ------( A »U r y j f y

IRif Better Of For Wofwte By Lynn Johnston OarfMd: By Jim Davis

< WHV RS& Upe. I WAS IN VOUR ^llll4I|||||I|I||| OM Piecp/ WE001 a s u a l p r e s s •KfW&TODC&O ~ lj >0T AN \ i "NO G1PT6. CA; . \ J COMPLICtrVSO. INVITATION TO BLCSLONPIE I t PIALO&UeA^^NP L e p 'E R lN ^ ■ SHIIM^A? COMPLICATOp-^^ _ 5^fia“6?PT■’tlg^AS8^^G ee I ANP PAGWOOn3P16 ^ i wiuu ee PROV I -PEUVER-THIS^;^TI^AHANK8J ANNIVgRSAW-PAR» a r t w X - 4 - PAGH 'S < > rS i^ I— I— I//-* <«9Sft/ F r o o P i b s m S :

•HagarthoHorrlbto By Chris Browne HI I and Lets By Chance Browne ^ MYMFB ^ 0i BUTHOVi WHAT V l v / VOiJ S H O D lo Y XI IUWB COOKINS ^ L^t^^ MERE ARE TW^ Y ' ' V — WW 7 M «TiCK

I J I Clastic Peanuts By Charles M. Schulz Pearls P Before SwiM By Stephan Pastls

7 ^ - / Ufe IS \ \f MjoR Ulit,iF£ OH.rlO ,.YouoiJv'<$£E£E Y I .. fM NOT 'S • GUZ. DOPE . j AU SCReUEO \ IS AU>U> I AFSYCHtfCTKiSr iFVbURJUR OH... VSRY SMARt ) WHeR£ PYOt.> UP...I THWK SCR€weO7 U UP. I l>lfC IS A llTTie S(BEUCI / 7 » m ' I'U SECOrte A / SHWWrt'Tr vYI w I 0P....IFVCH/8 UFe IS i PSYCHlATIflSTi PSYCHIATRIST. / jfiiT AA I m u r K o tu y stRfueo \ CAMeFROM*. ■RiST? ! UP. Yoy BCCOMC A IB y \ i v - rjte i W m m SI m l ^ ^ l l V SPIKE tOAS NeVSRNS’ ONE TO 5lT HOME BV.V. 1MIMSELF ON A SAIURPAY NU V ¥ ------Plcklw______By Brian Crane Z>Ztts By Jim Borgmjman and Jerry Scott IWMAr&1^eMKnER?| I wuATCto'iboT«'/iv/c i m t ISTUeMATIER^'*' ITlTulAStHAru6l.V ' ' 'IHl6«1UP«PCAri& ■— J] ’ ^

^ ' f i / i f ^ ^ 5 i

Dennis the Menace By Hank Ketcham Non)n8eqti>tuf .______By Wiley Stran]range Brew By John Oeerlng

’XT H E F A M U y C IRCUS By Bii Keane m e RC^L-UF£'BEN9iNfi.£. iw7/ ctteBJMTin5/Ji/mtf 1 .j~ KMP CotW»R£l\tN446N4 , ( SAm, /flRe we. / • TE£,T... \tuEWt«7 y' ^ T aV

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“Don’t bother mei.1 It’SII th e last | p i •WHVSiJQUlET.IlNNlSf'’ %om\PTOSKiSomiiii% day of vacation arand I have t eW NiCEiomBuricANr , 101 postcards to write!” \ ‘ THTHINK c ^ A t& r y m v JM... ^ S-20 t-2C 'ltoiM>cM/>er>M«inr' IM" i— I ;) *

‘ w M T1nw»Nttws.vs. Twin1 M is. Idtho SatunUy; Ai«iU«uit20.2006

C c srmYCommunity Eiliton Pa/MMamM/onio- 735’32Hit

- BB (o y s & G ir lss C l u b ' - — S O M B O3 D Y N E E D)S 5 Y O U ------

____ I i9-comnu<«»-oxpe4;30p.m.onVife

_A m e rUCAN i ' HERTTAG.GEGRADS^ — — C O M M[ l U N I T Y E V^ I N T S - ^

Nonlorthslde Alternative Highgh Falls Senior Center child's need forfor tnist, empathy Idaho Ag\gility Group wil! begin ^ First,* B obette ,Plankinkey and and affection,1, r.iganizers< say. dog agiliiility trcuning cla.sscs o n ' SchIchool registers students S Riley Burton; second,I, Kay K and M ethods indudeude: preparing for Thursday“y-. JEROME—(E! The Northslde Al-M* Nathan Higer; third,d, Rc nee childbirth; rcspcspondlng sensi- Thc co::ost Is S75 per d og/han- termcrnative H igh School will/ill BtUcher and A lta Hoobery: Hi lively to aI baby’s cucs; dier teamm . rcglscgister stu d en ts for the flrsirst fourth, Don and Ruthmh Rahe; brcastfeeding;^ lots of close Qasscses ivill b c introductory, trimirimester from noon to 8 p.m.m. flfth.'Herb and’AdaI Burgess;B physical contactact by holding or beginner,er, intermediate and MonMonday through Thursday at al a n d sbtth, Dave and Gweiwen&tok- cany in g ab ab>y y L in a soft ca n lc r com peddidon/advanccd. Qassus theji10 Jerome Hlgli School. 10^ N. er. The next gam e will111 be I held being rcsponsivisivc to a baby’s will runtl through September. iger Drive. Sept. II. ni^tim c needscds and keeping Therc wil/ill bc a limit of six par- Reglstnidon will also be hddtld I^ r inform adon orr parmer- p b a^ in dose praproximity in a safe dcipantsisperdass. T . durlruring die day o nly on AU|^ 26 . ship assistance, callI Bobette £ ' sleeping environronment; positive For menorc informadon. call' anndAug.29. d ; Plankey at 733-4316. discipline a s the thi chliu grows Cajric WcATcsson at 788-2239 or ThcTh first ulmester begins o ld e r and m aintiintalning balance Shari Hanm at 326*4087. Aug.u g 29 and e n d s Nov. 21. Stu-u- Martial arts schoolOl o ffe rs in family lif(^ denucnts may com credits loward a /•iimW Summer Stou[out-is the local Holllsterer Bementary •gular high school diploma. f r e e ‘B u lly .B u s te rCClinic I chapter leader, Registration, fees, counseloror TWIN FALLS — A freeieeback- CaU733-065lII forinformadonfc ^hO O l registersr students referrferral forms, p ro o f of immu-u- to-school Buily-BusierClClinic for o r chcck o u t die dii Web site at HOLUSJSTBB — IloUlster B e -' nlzatIzatlon and transcripts arcrc childrcnages6io 12willlill be held vnvw.attachmenBntparenilng.oig. tj m en tary/ School will register' rcquiquired at th e tim e of rcgistra-a- from 5:15 to 6 p-m .Thunlursdayat 5 from 7:30 a.m . to 4. tion.in. Succcss'ManialArts, 130i300 Kim- Local studentnt receives p.m.T\iescisday at thc school, 2463 ForF oi more information, calidi berlyRoad. 324-8!4-8137.cxt. 4008. T he clinic will teachI totools for E a g le S c o u tI A w ard radon fees arc SIO for ___ nonrphysical bully prcvtpvendon TWIN FALLSLS — Matthew kindcrganm e n a n d S8 for Qrst- r ffiTntupllcM D e BrIdge'CluF5 and defense, how nott tc to be a n J Ashby, so n of t h r o u g flfth-graders.fli bully and intervendon idiideas. II 1 Tom and Preschoitool referral forms must a ninounces n o winners Parcnts are invited, als(tlsa I 1 DcannaAshby bc complpleted, and bus and. RUPEIn—RUI The Bl DupUcoK!c For more Informadoilion, call I cOfTWin Falls, lunch form n t s will bc available. To' BrldmIdgc Qub has announced thele 733-8910. VI X will rcceivc his . m ake a nI aappointm ent to regis*' resultsuits of American Contract I EEagle Scout tcrstudcniints at o ther dm es, calf Bridgidge Lcague-suncdoncdd Desert Sage Qulltenors of K , '.eJ.TI fAward at a die schoolol at 655-4215. ■ open]ten pairsplay for Aug. IG. I Coun of For moilorc information, call NotNorth/south: first. Hiun andll M a g ic V alley m e e t s I H onor . a t 6 Matt Mahih annoh or Lori Shafer W aneirten McEnlirc: second, Rileyy TWIN FALLS — Thce Desert1 I f p.m. Sunday at655-42H115. Bunoimon and Joe Blackford; third.I, Saec (Juiltcrs of Magiclc Valley I aatTheChurcn NIelip|a.».MaHofy, AveAvery Nellaon and Austin Stokeiiker graduate at the It Creason a n d N orm q Good­I- will meet a t 7 p.m. Thurs«^ a v _ a t oofteuschAt T.F.ArtliIn the l^rk American HeritageI AcademyAc commencement Aprilipril 14 In Burley. The in; und fourth, Howard andJ die KMVT Com m unity I Of Latter-day iry IUcker. . 1100 Blue Lakes Blvd. N.J. Saints. 824 CaswelwcUAve.w. a n n o u n cces i winners cofflffleneement apealMaker waa Paul Allen, managlnjBing partner of In- Eiui Sast/wcst: first, Shiriey Plarriss “It can aixvilra bc a hotIt pad”p Is T hc 13-year*oldDidhascomplei- TWIN FALLS r — W inners robaa« Venturea andnd founderI of two Inc. 500 com;ompanles. The andcl NMarlene Temple; sccond.I. the dieme oi^ the progiiigram by cd 30 merit: badges1 and from th c AiAn in d ie Park 1-estival' ceramony IncludedI a welcome< by administrator' AlAlan nucklger, Gradu- Chuckuck and Shirley Hunter;; Charlotte MaOln of Buhl.u. qualiHcd for a broi3ronzc palm. He held July 303< und 31 hnve been’ atea and faculty wereereI alao honored at the annual..in e u lty ee-way tic for third, Nancy/ The goal of the groupup Is to isinTVoop I03undinderdielcadof • announcedcd. ison and Thidl Carver, Leo> promote quildng on allil levels.I Randy Steel, Appreciation Dinnerir wheren the achool ensemble» sangti and a computer Moore Crafts: First Fi place. Mike Laf* tore and Dec Keicher and1 Ali quiliers or those inieiiieresled For his projcct.s Phipps: iionorable For more Informationon iabout achool registration,, cacall 677-4524, Wolf:If; aand fourth, Merri- Soudiem Idaho0 walkingi trail mentions.I. Virgil Andrews, A n ------:______8<«anla n d Vera Mai. New Attachment Raieireitttng Idendlying5 plaques.p Gem Hoag, JeffLr Lohr an d Will Meeks; Thei'he dub plays at 1 p.m. every State TVophics ann d Steve's Stone special jud(idgcs awards, Richard 'Ibcsds!sday at th e R u p en Elks. Re- gKHip m e e ts th is vw ek andTUcdonatedrrd materials. M orris. Ah^neltc Lawson and i _ S C H O ODL I SUPPLIES FOI hments are served. Thc dub• TWIN FALLS — An aflildTUIatcd M atthew willII start: eighth' Liz James.. O R l R A Q _ a ™lies all area duplicate play- support group o f Attach]chm ent grade this year atQt FRoben Stuart I^e artsts: I'irst place, Janet ers. FOrFO: morc inform adon. call1 Parendng Internationalnal will Junior High, is a1 sstralght-A t stu- B irrcr seco:ond. lri.

annou T wFocus n OhN P e o p l e ; — Ulawaards schokarships ______its mo: gome c MOSCOW — Then ic fXiOrt R im PfomM. CCnaito Langai antf Eia Dcyla 3.66orhi^er. tJnivenlty of Idaho tuu Ann* NanMwm. l»o>* Sw. SSUnWy Ranow Sunon Seholai' al student selected k i^ Mwiwiti Senourthtp. utn«. Mt»ica Don Danrtan. Students on diis list induelude: awarded scholarships ElOM. Ean and AM Acaowrw A. TianOx ScncMrW economics program Burley: Tiffany A. Anderjerscn, »«veral local stu-Stu- 0M 8OKUitn«;M«yionlM A>Anam UMaaa Aw )*Manua, ShecMiO. Alkm AMOcitaan Ae«Mm< A> Trar«la> SOxXar*h« mdro Joyce, a junior at Jeffrey D. Blauer. Hailey D.1. CCroft. 5et«v»Np HctMrt ft IM Awan). A. and N>u LaDww Otia<. ico High School In Rufiert, Dale R. Hayden, LeisaIsa L. noul AOi(Mm« Tianila' selected to parddpate in Heward and Brandi M. KKllk- Buhl OonM. AcMemc Ttan*'«> SchouiVvv & A»ata and Ul MuMm Km Uu(U. U- 0«>aaa AaTMy Nanc*. Aca., •uppllea donated by SaiSawtooth Elementary School In fo r.e c ( Economics for Hlen Adriannc R. DeklS t . . “ S S S y oanx T>antla> Scnolaitrxe t)ani. Hazelion aAwant. Dan,al K Wauarv»rf< etatlon Iraqi Children.n. GQabble and Kelsey, together i Leaders pro- .1Debra Richards and Klchlele.L._ MUO. W»«IR^aaaa Pallvfvn. Arxttaw Renan wam,- prepared more than 40 kits and additional supplies>me the versity Hal2elton: M oriah R Fowliwlcr. '' non SchWa/inip, trlbuted by U.S. Armedied Forces servicemen. To learn Idiaca. N.Y. in Hailey: Angela R. Luck. ivooiia Alan Jantna. Oonna- In TWln Fans to Op- | H H C a i ^ ““ItoOister ^Wan.« Mooofi S«ftOiai»mp;. July. Honseru Brcnt L Norris.5. Chaaa-Wifcam Larang. ldah>}. program, vlalt operationUonlraqIchlIdren.org. er with their JaMJ UM0on.notwiR Caisa ^ AuooaMn ScnoMrvw: ^■K _J llic week- Hazelion: Stacy L Grejreen, UaPreroM Cbntiocnar Ocnaid Jaonaon.. :oordlnated a achool- Mikel R. Grimdis, Jesse M. I, Deltnch Jerom e acAC4KM>ne Tianalai S<^olar»rH> (taJovca course I ^ Dmwi Laa Pou««i. Ul Awanl *- Conrwl 0 May. VW* en. Students com bines lington. i Kade M. McCaslinin tmdi DscMaor* ACBVBM UMMrWip Vaalai CowHai founet\. Em Am Fa>«. U S O N P e c ^ renal E>p«tar«a OaiIUit>aia E leam an Heybum: IV F Petersort1I. vwi*ra>>a*r>«Scnet»in« cnnura NoM CJaxlnar. Cok SOSttieaano. E m Mana Ouicnw. . omic way of thinking Jerome: Julie L HowellU and « Filer l*0* W AgnorturaJ tnd Ua Pa•' Scr>eursn« A>aro. Ka«y nee thc interacdon of Klmberfy: Aleta R. Romaicaiey. sttcMm: m a<««>«tf> Moow» 8cnolanli«; CoMi ^ ^ Ktoaaa. Rooan R. u»- Notre Dame dean';>n’s i i s t ~ Kandra. ler. 0, TNm* C. Wncnm Wayna PcaaiMn. Ul Nor>wi Pirxnm. Pre Kc»y Patar Putman. ent leadership styles with- Oakley: Kristina Bergener. ^ smvmv. J«ad E.V, AcadanKc*a Tranda> Sc^olann« Mary Park, daugliichter of John mumbenihip. group. As a result, diey PauL Shddon X H t ^ a LttVTQn, AcMwne Tranalar A««rO, KMan LaVn OMal^ and Unda Park of Caroaroi Stream. The societyO P T Th ------leadersh ® ’"“ctoSSFSry ScreimfxiAMro. AcMa>T>c*et Tranalar Soioiannip -L-'-L-' . nomics.□p a d earer insight into ^M onica A. .’enscn. Jatan wmim **m. Boe»fl Awato. Margn oimnaao. 111., h as been namned cc to thc (op scholars ir [. FH. ProTMM ScneMiriri«." Kelchum S economlthe worid works, knowl- Rupert: Stephanie M. 1 CctpWflWVAAjnwAaac- ^ITwmai C Wngni FaiKnx. dean's list at (he UnivIniverslty of invites thoseolars has selected aboutthatlsespedallyhclpfulto hu LLorinda L Gamer and Jachtchcllc Gooding Serwiarmo. Mana Uoovrwi. Notre Dame in Norti EU*0«^ Room Omo. Pt» AcaOamc Tranataf Scnolanrw one Dame, iiavu achievech School student, perienceaspiring to leadership po- S. S Lowe. •ns' «4«eci«wn acNMiWyc;£: “wmBSJ £ Uann». Cm,i WiKm, Ind., Tor outstandingng sdioiar* dem ic «accellen n joaatfi Camay. Pm> Aca(caoame Trana«a> Scr«lanna ,enk of Burley, for differents, orgaiiucrs say. TWln ftU s: Ashley G. BomlITOn. Miry nc. RcOM ^B. W^JaV>»OT M«r«rMi Bo»i- Aj«k«a*f. ROMI n lioma Cn< SMn FMMaf*' semester. lied studentsL!ty recognizes die developents receive >>Mary A. Fralm Karl L GastcIStOn. Prermw: HMm s Mtn* S SJ»- WngHiU §2 ______Park, a 2004 graduattlatepflVvln benefits. Indue ’B; Aaron wmtm Sooo*. STJaaoyaHNa! OocAanra Ac»if i in tlie nation and how thc Vincent D-. Gibson, Stacic anO» (jcwwa Piala S«ft0Mr. m an, m ajoring In Qrstirst year of 'petitions, ved superior aca- those! aspIdaho State Univeraity latnz, K Stephanie A. Mills, Des- D< Hagerman “IR iu i- iMO. ana TMsny MarM studies. resources, pul ; semester dean's list for tltiny L- Nicl^n, Julie M. Osboi na. AM Fara*L Rooart R. Omin*na.RcCiaM*Eiv irapnp Society of H.S. scriiCholarS partners andts oi to a variety of Studonlmnounccd In PocatcUa Rcy, Ri T hide A. Schrocdcr, Jen- Je Hailey WendeU lents must complete at filler ni E. Stevens and Mauc O OaMd Hafwn. Naval 0(' honors Burley studiirlAni Megan is ll 2 L’caa.gSS Jca< Educaiasn Progran' Lynn a n d Anne honors,2 sem ester crcdits and rc* V VI ippcrm aa Miyp: AflMTM Uvw «); m OuMwa r ' . The N adonal Societyety o f High ley. a grade point average of W aiddl: Marlon I. Andrewiews. aWMf AichMcM ■anw. Coaaga AatManc* , free events. The Id ScnslM« Am, M. Conma Um na»nac«.o. publications, pro- spring sc cd "by educational the Q)Uc •W U pi - i online forums. bcenanni the daughter of Studeni m e Schenk o f Bur- least 12 sc , ceive a gi ]N •N E ^ Via ______/if/shux< /•>//u/t/or I 'hyjnia S. lluhhim 7. 'I'he 'I'imcs-N- N c w ’s Saturday, AufLigust 20, 2005 l>:igc 11-7

------^Br i e f i i n M q)NEY> e v e lo p3 e r p lia n s n anda liars serving al- ; b urism ad- Thc broimlinchlld of 1\vin Falls D eseretiret Industries, a church- or rem odeling, and a 4.f4.500- west on Uncolnn Street,S said coholiniheie area. I • linlstrator. businessmorlan Dan WlUie. pre- 'ow ned.m1 . thrift store, which is square-fool addition would wc Renee Qirmway. the city’s Inter--- He cautiononed there's still a lo t; S------'as . n a m e d lim inary ploj3laiis are to build an m ovingng in laic September to a bring tlie building up to Ifl,Ifl,00 0 . im planning anand zoning to l>e accommjillshed before die-I ’ le 2005 State ' upscale resti^taunint facility tliat new ChCmurch of Jesas Oirlst of squarofeet. director. . . . restaurant lieliecomes a reality I; ourism Di- will includeIc at dining area, a bar Latcer-dr-d ay Saints facility being Willie said the. fadlityty will She SJild Wllie is reciuired in "But wv’rere hot and lieavy on*- »}lor of (hc and a banqinquct haU wilh tolal coi»strur at1 tsmith^mask-' lived . the wUlle. ow ner o f ’IVovclcr’s spriiprtag. Irestaurant cuisine bul is comonsld- "I h av e not lieardrd ffrom a n y of tnlhy.cviii. uvranl this \\i‘ckfB durij uring th e as- sociatlon's unnuol: scseminar in Cocufd'Aleai;. U S D ^ Sincc Wllgus was,IS, appointeda A boosts rdalio’s tourism diid ire c to r In Moicli 1907. Idaho) hth as cxperi- "P r o f d[ U N G lF O R P IROFIT cnccd u nearly 3S0350 percent - sugarr sales growtii in Ics tourisnrism budget ^ ------and.inoru than l.G(KiKX) percent ^ | ( ™ growth ill its recjtjecjuests for forneext year I tourism infonnation. ' ByScottKrauaus Wllgus has dcvvlo Tlme»New* ci participated in progirograms to promote Idalio to a nationalnai au- TWIN FAULLS— nieU.S.De- ; | dience. such as the NCNCAA IvIPC partmeni vl. (he 2002 WinterIter Olym pic announcemenenl of national ; strategic plan, thele N ational sugar prograiram provisions for ; Lewis antf a a r k BictBicentennial Hscal 2006 Incndicales rising con- ‘ Commemoration and o u td o o r sumpdon. whvhich is positive for : rccrcatlon promotions Idaho sugar•beet b producers,ani; VWlgus also launche:hed Idaho's industry leadcder said.. *■ first national udvcrtiertising TV "Wc thinkc It'sIt OK,“ said lUilph;: cainpoJgn. He csiablLiblished the Burton, preslL'sldcnt o f grower-^* first state advertisingng co-op to owned Amolg:JgamaiedSugarCo.;- 1 develop an advertortajnal secdon ^ in Boise. "It’st’s an indication io*I 1 that appeared in MidiH dwcst Liv- : m e die USDiDA is recognizing*; ' ing. Sunset magozl;azinc and ihereH a need^ in th e market for!; Better Home? andd • DENVER - T hc CoC o m m u n i-' Tliegovemrw n cn i. w hich aims*; cationsWorl(crs ofAVmerica m t h as tonmdiesugugar p rogram at no^; set a Sept. 30 deadline1C forf< nearly cost 10 tajqiapayers. Is also in-:- 2S.000 Qwesi Com mntmlcadons ur creasing allownvable sales in thc* i employees to vote on1 a Itentative romalnaer ofifflscal i 2005, w hich.; coniraci aBreemcnt. ends Ocl. 1. Ii .says another , CWA DLsirlct 7 ofRcofficials a rc Wm____M 250,000 ionsicanbesoldlmine-. CJ expected to b e ^ n mleeting eet with R,y^ . Ig th c 2005 total lo t, marui(rsaregcldngsliort‘ tract, which calls fo foi r o 7.5 XJC o L; Buy . storess cater to Specifics CUu s t o m e r t yy I - / w O o n su(^r," Bunjn o n sa ld . perceni pay liike ove .. Ihc diangcRC o p e n s die way., years, an eiglit-hour ■tonPott spout wvords or like gigabytes and to to figure out which customemers ihlnks ab o u t Its custonilomers. B est forAmaigamallaled 10 move some . megapbcclbcels. arc ar the m ost prolltable — andan Buy lia.s pared some■e.lcss li dcslr- h lo c M slocfci . mandatory overtime; aar n d s o m e . cakfta i>r»c, k.sofsugar, wiiich it' clianges to iieaitli carerebcnQOls. fc 3SA. Calif. — Store Best B Bt uy Co. Is trying to th th e least — a nd 10 adjust Iheir thc . able shoppers fromiiltsmiiUlnB it: has liad lo payiiy 10 store because llte union and Qwwwest Com- itJanagerjcnintincBiyantscannetf change th th a t by giving her thc policies pc accordingly lists a n d tlglitened upu p Its : le tu m ,|,e govctnm.ment didn't see municatlons Intematlo .hccntmnce.c o f the Best Buy. rock-starax trcaunentt at sclcctcd Express clothing storesi nno policy. enotii^i demanand earlier 10 idlow / readied the agrcemcmcm lolc sizing up cai±ich customer who •stores, sensen d in g sales associates longer loi a c c e p t' rciurns froirom liliasulsolieguntoiAlo w o o a ro s- Uiat sugar 10 hibe .sold. 'fUesday averting a1 pp< o lc n tln l , *">«rough. A blond viith piiikiiik urribrellas to escort those thi the company deems toohc h ter of shopper profil Ilion. after lieing i strike. . . • . w om an In aI fashionablefa white tlic jilistoto a i n d fro m th e irc a rso n serial sc: returners. Filene’s itosttase- given a nam e: Buzz^ (U • y o S n S lie years, .seems to Employees coveredoil hy th e »>>'" ‘■"‘i "flower-patterned rainy dayslays (Uld holsdng g iant’ mim ent h as even gone so far asjs lo( lech enthusiast). Ba Lip a bh." Burton. contract have gone tw o y c a is ered In unsteadily, posters in in the stores that pay ban ba a few customers from!X itsli w ealthy professional).& S e \vithout a raise in basicaslcvigcs tobUngtasId,ildc her purse for a hom age3 to t< th c )Uls and their stores st< becausc of excessive. re-rt family m an) and. espet ic o f low -carbohy-‘ : and had been concemcwas a "Jill." codc "shopper,Er, without conscious wcveU as attract good spenders. eniial for price im- ■ A itive population, h plans 101t o m iP o C i Wyoming, Nebraska. MiMinneso- name for a soccer-momso type regard to0 background,bi race, reli- But I Best Buy Chief Executiv who is the mainaln shopper for tiic gion o r sex.sex That is changing as BnJradbury Anderson, inspired b sim ilar redesign al ils & lie thing hus been ; ta. lowiiond Utali. nalionwlde over die ni family but usutsually avoids dec- co m p u:er ter databases have al- Co3olumbfa University I’rofesso p t S sely eiiougli diL7 : • cs. Well-cducaicd lowed cornornoniiions to gadier an Lai-arry Selden’s book. "Angtloiil years, ‘llire c Besl Buy study; Height asI 9a fpAn tronics stores. pply the market, • » d *e«n usuaUy cononfldcnt. she is in- unparallclcllclcd amount of data Cu'ustomers and Demon Cus:iis- WiLsliington area, for I tie prices." Burton-; j* m aro beuig iransforim affects m en's wag(ages limidated byf thctl products al about tlieiheir customers. Many toromers." is on a mission 11 einvem how thc compnn; WASHINGION — Rcscareh Ri B«sl Buy ahdd the clerks wlio retailers aan re analyzing the dam rei: any piease see PROFIUNO.INO. Page BS Please seelee SUGAR, Page Bs' | has long suggested thal□I t:tall peo - pie have an advantage workplace, buc Djin SllviSSetS.’: Jackpolot resort gets1 zoning,i peninit approvalal Blaine Co!ounly, Haileyyjoin i a UniversicyofMichigona n iecono- By Tom Martinn m ist, says it's not timtat sim$ ple: por Th« Tlm»NubHcandpril>rivaieentitii-s in S 'l^ h ™ler park and advantage does not diminish dir centen and aniRVpark. IT region lo prospectivee iiuslness-bi ’IWin i-alls, lero‘ronie. Bulil and much when variables si inS Beaming mim ore Ihan es a n d ta p into> SlEDO’si Mini-Ciissia cco n trih iiie to family resources arc takeakLn i n t o acres c u rren tlyly owned by Jae tnarketlngcffon.s. iheeorganizii- 01 SIEDO; Goodin}Ing signed on for account. . , a n d John Eadee fromfi agricuilur- tion said 1‘rlday. a year l)ui laierr Iliowed out. . So wliat Ls il exactlytly a b o u t residential 10li commereiai ni foiiowe0.tKX). letic clubs com:lates to al board m em ber. 1 with thc en^- dal engineereering w illco m eafca- ly-bi•based resort wilh an events "We’ro very exciledlogers sa id "Joining SIEIXDO will o p e n the, 3 pcrcent increase. Shorter Sl neering now.w. and dicn sibllityplan.an. w hich will lead to a centinter based on whai they ng them in doors for us Inin recruiting the teens might be less likely t< Haiiey a n d Blaine Coi | W “ * construction dowlown thc road.' site plano o n n portions of thc de- calltJled the "cowboy country'ts our organization." Rogcngmbcurill types of busines:L-sses w e ho p e to ticip ate — and less likciy Iikt to TWod plans cafl cdcnsivc grading vclopm cnt.nt. ’lYiad plans to tradiditions of northeasterncjj in a statem ent. "Havingareas 1 and securc in the WoodWi River Val- h o n e useful social skills.^ t -1 to get a Duildableble 30 to 40 acres spend a s mm u t c h as S5 million In Newjvada. Thc study didn’t in y our regional marketingour I region Icy.” Jim Spinenelll. executive In E d itio n to planningpit a more tnls irdtiolil stages of a develop- H Hi oward sold the first con-™ further diversify dieesses art look- director of die 111Ilallcy Chamber. vromen. so the questionm 1is still ,han 6 .100-foot ot extension of mcnt valuelued moro than $90 struiruction priorities, after site assets w e offer mim land."oui o f Commerce, nNiid in SlEDO's o p e n as to whether UieI realrct roa- ^^, 5 , ^nd sewtrwfcr lines from m illion.- planUl approval from thc plan- son they’re paid less is n- to prospective buslnesscof Haiiey pres.srclea.se, } is thot Jackpot, fartherr northn of its site W^ud amd n d Floward said the ningng crommlsslon. will bc the will co n - "We want liigiIgli-paying hasi-' ihcy’re shorter, it alsoidocsnl di on as. Highway ing to rolocale or cxpanc ray 93. according com pany hash a made inidal mar- holeitel/condominium slructurc Together, the diyinually of in ' nesses 10 .coiLsic-sider th e W ood’' odclress wiiy nonwhite mmen t arc ,q project cn^i :d thc RV park. He sold the ^ecr and 'Mad kcting studiudies indicating that and and B laine Counly ripaie wl in 'R iver Volley forir rclcM^allons or paid less. prind^Jcnywfi rterportlonsofdle project will ward. people inI southernsc Idaho and othe ™ tribute $ 11,000 onnui[crs’ ofllce expansions, amnd SIEDO WiU Jd be drawn to a fami- - tom ftiff & wtonnperta n Hcalsosaidthjthat fron; the Ini- U i ^ w o u ld ! Please,(ee RESORT. Page B[JJi8 funding 10 p a n idJl p i entities h elp as lo d o thailal." SlEDO's effons. Rogers' will Incoiporaie bodi t M T1met4<«wt.t . T\TMn Fall*. Idaho Saturday. « in t 2 0 .2 0 0 5 . —— y — ■ M o n eEY ______I

Stocks preservepi gainss dI ^ i t e verdict:t againsti Mercl* Sugar_ N BV YOHK< (/(AI'J — ' S lo ck s .-md avrawardcxl his estate more ' well,vell u s h id lc atio n .s of Continue - tended nn uncxs^L’xsy week nioslJy thun S251250 rnllUon in dumu((es. ’ urov{rovvth In Chitiji from Caierplp ll. Continued from B7 com e in duiy-fly-fa-e from Mexico port preirognim. as well as sugar '• higlicr i-ridiiy as as' a lury verdict Merck ssli h a re s d ro p j)c d S2.35. o r ur la r Inc.. also encouraReKi:d InuU.U.s:sugiirl)eeieel produc- ihis yetr Jiiderder (he N'ordi A m e r- sold inn fisciUf 2005 fo r d e liv e ry In M crckk H & c:o. over ils 7.7 perc«irc e n t. l o S2H.or> al th e Inven v e sio rs. ers ciin m o v e 1J(},0()0MH) to n s in ic a n l-ree Tnidinide Agreement, be fiscal 202(KM). "pnliikllJLT Viiixxc:cx er>Lsed nnich of close ofif iradint;.11 Tlie Tl advance also held d(d e - iireviously blo c k ed silgiilgiir stocks said, lliat haslas been difficult to Hut if 1 sugar consumpiion ______-a n fiirliLT.iKlvatIvaricc* fu e le d hv 'H ie oviQveralJ m u rki-i aivuin wvhich hii rose on news of demoi:o n - w a n . execiilive vice pui.'sideniof re "Knock onin wood,i we’re al- ducers.s. said Murk Duffln. • 5.35 oion "Demand js inericreasing," fact, is one of)filio"coiisidenible li . ' • '•Con^nsumers. buck using cciiirt finind Merclerck liable for die . Cuca-Col;Tola In c . a n d Inieniiiiion- h ih e e N ew York M e rc a n tile lix" t " Miirkvviiri siiid. "'H ieneu'fiiddieis i ni:irket unceriaLTiainties" u n d e rly - m oderairate Ainoums uf natural ' di'ulli ofll nuin vvl I vvho to o k Vioxx. al liii-sine:ness MachlnL-s Corp., as ciiaiiia n g c. a re o n th e ir vviiy omIII. . riic 7 're in g n iiirk e i esiiniiites esti for fiscal ..sugar. isIs a good sigii for tlic in- gelling back to a moi[lore inidi- 2()0ti. iiecoidiii]ding to the USDA 'diisir>."[Jiilfin Siiid. Profili ' tional diet." uniKuincemenieni. Oiliers include ------ling . - — A c o n c e rn Ctir U.S, farmers.'I domestic foodJd iuse imd supplie.s ThisI story j it’ds tvriltcn for thougli. is how much Sl .■:«ofltInu«lffom B717 Irnporianant thin}? in her life.” • andnd slufTwli animals. '' 1 sugar will availiilile from1111 thei sti^iir re-ex -, im liiysi itlitia ii o f /ly W iv k iy ; 'SKires for Hurr]urrys, featurlnj; Hry:inis;iisa id . ‘ Al Al llie e n tm n c e . B ry a n t, m eet • .icacla'r coiiclii-'sles where one Accordirdln({ t o lie si lUiy s.daia. inlg ^ dieU blond vvoin'iui. asked hei enjoyiiiKrt-drinfc— ysy s te m . a m o uI. n t. An nnn l-u cc ia n o . 59.^ g lu n c ining i folloiv simultaneously.y. vvoiildconipeieeieagaiiisl ilself. troversyly beciiuse il appeared lo . I Thf Siinm Ho*H osa H esi Uuy. . JilnceI O() c to b e r ’s a>desii;ii; Jills dowinvn i ai the paper in her hiuidihC If the public revieww process Wiiril siiid thetin inilial cost of allow different di siundards for .Stcia* I^O.lsJlII’sss store d have mereca>ascvi. at her.hei le d h e r to th e se lec tio n t>fol ilow iird. im ibably woultluld be the piin of achieve a: "four-siiir" rating for ••wUh lid lo Kliiy.iiy. U a r h le a n d nd p u s h in g its cjisiom er imi>s. p u lle d o u t th e a p p r o p ri-ri- ■ Wiirtl iin d I lovviird siisa id th e y develo|imeni tbai his resoiiori the HV space' size ; SpunKciiob S<]ii{iriiarel»anis dec- W 'y™-uiint{ ' to a m o n g ilie to p a tee box.hi Ihen vviilked her to the hiid been looking at lackiickpotfor would he atluciluced if there were would hiivehi to he liirger dian • •(ronkwiiiipment.Jn t. N o o k s a r e set ‘'v e 'n Ule ie. c o u n try . express p re checkout counter. ihree years before decic•clt inu to liniilationlionlan la iid . th e 1.2(,200-s(piare-fooi code *ijp (o l(H)k like do i nvvide. sucij “customer "I’erfcci!” "I’c 1-iicciano ex- m ove iilieail. *' M u h lb e rg Siiid siiit h e w u s c a n - m inimltm uii . :y" s to r e s h a d un ii.-l iier* c laim ‘ ation rudius wherh ' r M « d ihned. admitling she usuiiUy“y Similar resorts iire p le v elo p e rs o f s u c h ’llie Jackpot Jai Advisory Board crease in sales in Ihe ask>hksherbusbandloshopal llesl ' 'th e children a m plj hy IViad in Ueiidover iin ■ct, had presented has ihrovown ils support behind e n d e d M uy 2li. coin- liujy y w u h e n slie n e e d s so m e d iln g . 'Ivch Ki>df^'<.s. licKl I ,1;; Nev.. but pliuis ill tho: liiiiiry site p la n «)f th e ’lHid ad projeci/.which would 3 ^dtli the same period a \Vlien \Vli i L'mian explained the on a leiiur-st/cd be the largestli such develop- ui lines for JUI: - „ ro , commmiiiies an; nol ex 0 . U e st B u y executive store'sire's new focus iind liiuidetl r. m e m In t ' sia re inaiuiKvrs say anyone can folm\\Wdc lit 10 move ahead until 200 i the town’s history after I d e n s a id in June. ' h er a card with his work e-mail lioui th e p re s e n ia - 10 yearss o i f vin u a lly n o g ro w th . ; 'use ilifin, l)ut Ifyoryouarc notes. '(.f p o ssible o p e n in g s in 200 20 perccnt of the over- addredress and n phone number re'/o n in g rec]u esl, ' W ardI saidsi die key elem ent to 'coried hy a spuspecial scrvicL- u. ’Iliere was some skej is-to do with store forth*' th e s p e c i f y tr a in e d Jill .^*iso- ktpiitism planning directrector S. Handy resorts inii Jackpot and Wen- a'prvseiiiiiiivc iltcyInv can bf easy from p liiiu iin g co m m issi idLse. but tlie oilier HO date's,itL*s, I-acciiino s({uinied at the '•'■'"""•■"j llr m v n |iS lM ,..lo'd out ihiit ihe ap- doverurere a re n a s th u t c o u ld se al • lo m iss, ’1110 imniisic i‘ over die ^ , Vk Chairinun Normur is mo^c about the ais- hiilloolloons and the new chllclren’s la n W. p lic u iio n w a s ccoil o m p lete, i le siild 4,000 wh in e a - w o u ld -b e co w b o y s ' 'loudspcokcni hasas Iboon nimi.'d ™ er Malilherg voted agiiinsi ’X}ierience. said Susan dl-splaiplays. “1 guess I hiid belter isl rczon- fl,filler detailss wouldw< be piirt of cojild ;ogo lo rodeo schools iis ' ' 3 noich undind Ls u.™oUy a nusdi. a 1(1 ing but favored the Jl\ n Best Uuy spokes- startirl ci o m in g in h e re m o re a n d JIV jia rk Ih e s it e p liin applipplicaiion. wyll as piirticipalep; in iim ateur ‘ sclecJion of llli'si fa'favorites, sucli vvoman. AboutAl u dozen uf llie flguriiu rin g m il w h a t y o u hiive.” c o n d itio n a l Use. ’•as Jumi’s Taylor i W iird a n d I! lowlov anl .siiid th e y events, )f and Murlah &,nia jiosaisa store’s 210 employ- vieiinwhile Mei jinother vvoman.n. "Al w h a t p o in t d o e s ihepliurth knew diey must ;C a a y itist cojiie before .Such indoor i facilities, hc pan of vvhui Is known in an an almost idenilcal crispi'p b e c o m e fea sib le ?" hle e asked iheplimningcoiiro m m lssio n m o r e siiid, coul< Uuiwlioouicilyl:lyLsJlU? im e r n d 5 “ ! uld also be venues for a y as (he 1111 scgineni whiteilte shin wtdked in. lookinglg ’IViad'sWard. dian once for- viiriousva portions lexiis hol , ; "She’s w ry smnan ar and afllu- team. To ci old 'em poker tourna- 1 custom ers, tliis gmiip c

■ f««nw n» tjlt Chg DflHcnHomaM Mot .41 ntc^ nil «174>74 .12 ni>,o»eAS!c<70s .tt Hirna Olv Latt Ct>a ic.i ore— eo»-«4«a------nvi'aeg '' ■ itt—ks" I3I_.».|»M»«.« SM .70______^~1^HD1EHIH cMm I M -is '«” rfi Aucpi ISS .01 e«wiSSJ®’” * ?» » 'ia IcSM lSai*u l . » U oST s r A f ctive (no«»o«i) MosrAcrrnivEitifliiiMM) Most Active (ttl(ttoaaoM) >oct«r, s u - c ■ wv«4e »j4 Wl/C M •« (WlOmtMi M04 . 24 KiTCB : m e i t DMK ..313t -3S tUTKo 117 .17 IIWM* 7ja o a x a • » On>« 124 UK . n Iin|» -S s r s iin ;S HS22-J c»8 N*ga_..V«XtW) UK»t Chfl ;i » «OMW 24 S.’IJ -42 KJc» It)Its -07 FWu>G>9lin MIS .a WSM l]> .1) OMOMM* 10H itrRugl *UM *£! tia«u . I.n .M MMck 3T799S 28 06-235 I pDR AUn >]?« -II DW Ma M KnjWI4«U» 73896 122 47 .29 Nu«IOOT>483S75 383882 -.02 IOM .11 OfOmecol - .11 >B1 m SU« -04 neusn a 94S3 .os AULIl 40 MC •(> DMJ 2 *M r » ato .01 luewi-i- 299477 290 ..09 lSnRi2000t1«>1959246511 .34 Coco 3947S4 17.17.82 ..16 *"»'• *•«' -30 0«.o«»«i*''. 1SJI •'» .-941 .10 itorOH jomin .im 23M51 2555 -33 SPEngy.122322342 4818 . 81 SunMcio 383571 3360 - 03 - » ^CM^Un 131 -00 l4nw/W> 4ia MCie no uo *11 00«M IM Mn IS . « :« No««N,iN«l t6«449 3.ie .07 SmKTr 1077D7769 3624 - 02 IrM 362060 2S2565 -23 grOwlntT - lU -32 UMAin JU DMrCi.J0.J7.eS.t111 Knga . 1)70 nin U544S 16.09 -.11 iSIUipAn 995 oaKneo - i.71 -I.M IMO IUw -S OaAirt S U .J4 ISItcq *70 .0, s4MtR. .11 nS72 10 92 . 02 Mooioll 3S7408 26.26.72 -.10 S S J ,, ..Jit Iii SDctncrC* 772 . 24 S7777 .01 S«OM SM .52 O M t .11 a » l uag Sll 4?s .Jl u»m)0> 77t7t .IJ SMntf«i> 4M .« - ...... MOI « rr$T *M Om J4I a»7 'n ImA Isti CM %Cho Namt U ti « Ch< s L « h i ^ : « ^C-<4n 4t2.01 Iran 43»4*4 .it ttwitgww. 444S -TM 0(*>a i« i«u .i: uM,i ' 4001 .« u>Miin 49 37MM .CO SmtUVm 13SI4 .3U • c,' ssii’D ssbKWi SU 7S07 .S7 Urf) m UJ7■57 . « « Mil .CO H*«Sk*»rk*»nJ3.75 . m NOSVCIM lOiI08S .200 .22 6 OvilndSti 845 .t.76 .1.7 .203 40.S.1 «t« .CO tfJUiK . tn .» lr.cn, |S«M -31 SmtnCtrp IIU .31 ' a >o< t>S tCe w^am S.r«M lice *oi' HSwf* ' ail •% 05^o»o-.« 1)4 4700 •« iMUT 24f a n3 (AxU;! K92 .«7 >“ ■ SwTKi. 3173 -If T( DU .01 O Oi^ i^ t44 4on .10 iTiMa 4* :«rg ;s :s » - 3M .20 .79 TmtmiEn 218 21 .23 .118 Rdflcm 1320 .1,” .1.7 .15® ST iSn -T, 5s:tilK ITS .02 UOM l<£ .'SH IXM«ylj4f M4» (MnC9ERS (12 OH MOM) L o s e rS(>2o«iMM) s ( ' LCS£RS(t2oa>oauora) 43?: -oi e<4Oil .-\I43 .Ot UwiSl . IM 2141 -II CrnwaP IIM -13 U1TV9U It7I* ^ 17. M7« .74 . Si! :i’ X I jtl Cho NCha Kuna ’ Hi NSnj!____ Ch< EtlSi l«U *S WM M »24H tss. s;; :i‘ 2 S L ^ :S E'«C40. ; S , , 3S l l Iucco K 1117 ..OS tojn« 70 »i4JJ *2 Ski>n» 7J4 MIO .95 0'*|rT«t*vii«v 1120 -197 -ISO iMtrgonl 811 Bl -107 -11.7 IDUPnvn 502 -12-123 -197 4 irl^ 47M .I.TJ (r,0-va g>l «3 a 7; - SI Um»4i»7 .*7 uir«o , 1S7 .. /MM 7M -« AOC« la10C«MRS»444 21 >04 UStoMI MM ^ 2 8 - 35 -02 SJMCp t2080I800-10SOI -60 OilecnCo 671 -lOi:m ;;JS S " S ;S gE.VSI 101 .OS Uvtna 3’43 .tfP . t40 MK .» «•*»j-uocp i« 1141 .0! uwB n S7>n '*}[ SswirdaS 44M -It J.-;; .-is ii *■ Aittc t MIO -o: tun:»< «i; .00 umccji.'. kmN ..CU t«Uu« . t>M ON O u R r D)|ARY u OlARV (iM 'i . 211$ -fo iSore W #5 ^ ^ - ‘ SM«9 • ttta .15 ' 1121 .IB EDS:ds » ai6 .ca uuu,c< n 4tn .“ S .” 2 AA.ane«3:od 1.797 AcNancvd 512 Athancod EwSoTli ^70 .08 Uoocn St .t72‘ • J Sn »JS .43 L.MiW SCO •» tmn(>nnO IM 174« .4« uu^ M 1071 ‘ ' tseo S . S 4 [inBri S 435 .01 lUftai tl7” SnaS «44 .04 m«n 1>» . a UcCMdt Ul OM» ':?! Ss? ’S 0*^"^M 1.439 Otclined 405 Dm I ^ 1.419 «M4U >2 1117 .OS E.hM C.T. 4S .OS Ucnro 27S2* &yi«M ij aw -a ' 5S in SS J190 . « mh» . .24 S«4rtV«M» 4SD .31 U-WMfl**)ifltd 194 Unehanowl 107 Unervang*d 102 U 3.1B1 7g .M jS^I.(JUrt. 37M .OS :ic«J •“! Siruflw 114S .« « M31 Tm MU/w n.AMJ «i•!» Stt»S» 7!! 4117 .7} NtwH^nt FEICe }l9f. -0* *24 «&< 1.10 at» -cs IM 141 MM ^ iQtt 51 N»wH>gnt 15 KtwHfhs fiiiTJl « ll«3 .n HTIX IIW1 ;» 19M -M rc^l1H>M»«ia UartMp . IC • l»t 22 NtwLows 16 NawLowt rrmi4a 43 01 -os , Navgm . 3S2 NKO ^.10 MM •4» * <• » &£0|»2.S 3011 -OJ > 1.SS6.343.620 VOhima 201.185.164 volume 1.229,:!29,399.281 , I.M ^«7 MFiMM - 9177 -tJS HM100rr4l» MS *n») 17 >10) .1} CMn i *S StfWfng109M31 .S3 207 .02 rnu •; *an }» .01 Cns& (wnCamni. 3M oo Ai«KM>03t>rfft4i .IM r«/r«r«« 10 1«I-.II WlUCPSn }4l» ‘, MOm M }I00 .0’ C«itn«>tn M liU *01 »74 ! A.CM «3« .CU 'Mn 4J74 . a Htcrtf 174 ’ MnnStrinar - n CeOmaOR^Joo S4t .ca u m M tip .i Po %Clw rifl _ .M ^ 21M, ^ SM^Tm 1912 .24 ’ IST £ 34‘S ■ !!L«2a. -:S , »rn4r*K< 2ia -07 ! *S. t3T » m? ’.2^ 40 9.708 40 00wj0n«tlnduMl>U tO.SS9 23 .4 30 . 04 -2D8M U44 0.t«Stii11 2412 -ID Im, l!lrt«ii8M«; r?i hctS “»’^ » m ^ s u , „ 9r<«u ISM -a " v J ** a S *'e ’160114; 40K MOr I4H M.-o; • I * T« .S « » 137 .13 3W9 97.'97. 2.967.90 DowJon«tTitntCOrUtiOn■on 3.71875 * 766 . 21 -20959 . 20 31 4;06 -M fou4rou4tc -3S NaitPn ,-«74, Im m _ M74 .119 nO> 30 211' •!( t4«(M2ir« 4tM• .}l. IteBM <0 U34 -11 «99.1B.18 28268 OowJonMUtMiM 39J« .304 . 78 .1778?a *3747 7« - J raAJY nco »3i N»t»« M 5049 S? m ,.2 Sl! itmU>I04 M> .07 NOMrcs . USt .107.1 N }4» .ca 7.S»63 63 6.234 84 NYSECoffOetM 7,45854 . 2530 . 34 .288 l * y 1143I . 7AMB. 'tal USwi 40 MU -Ml ftM.M 3H MV .00 M0S¥n « a nI .M. T.»«n 131. 143 .Sl 1,650 1010 t.t86.l4 AnwiliKMi t.C02.80 .SSO .34 .1174s i! s m .n' 1 ,^- 1878 .45 91 1.75958 Nu(UqCon«e4it« 2.13556 - 52 - 02 .183 , ,,, TM.MCI 21S7 .ca ■;S^5i«.SS:2 M .:x .IH Nnv£ic«i ! S S SS :3 86 1 06480 S4P500 I.2IJ7I .69 .06 .64>4 .1105 o«4r ij7» Otm ■ ^iB tiu .« rwjja<«M> 30 a04 .M NmiW 40 40S . 51 517.39 Rumll2000 65251 .132 . 20 .1414 .1909 [>'34'44I 40 7?ei .U crakj Cra ” «ss -07 OSIP*™ «*rjr .T .1m *®' nM 40 >71 NMCiKii1«4lt« . 34 tO.304 68 WilttateSOOO 1216791 .9 57 . 06 .164 C«i ICB -02 Om£f» 221 . . oun M )ICD .» teMUrMU 4iM .U NMiMnlC«l74l i . !"■» S3 .» Iso C««it £2. 30 1749 . » OmWi i2tS' • n o A lU MW .«7 HSoja B a » \ >i T«o,n ISM .S COCCfiA 321 .13 OfrM M7« .75 0\5X sn .24 Ute 140 MB .10 HMt 100 • m u n *!u C0WCO943' MW .S3 litvCe 100» .04 O-yifti .-075 . DmS iodkdii .« net)eo 'loot 4112 .31 MIMCcrpn MM .1: CaiCi IM -02 G-UGmt£at: 4}M -li CtnnSr 1’4«, . TmMM . t.n ..li IMSaXilia MN .Oi FrMOH , . 5 Jl I* -J’ VTO n o c».a • i33> -a ew*CkMi:. ins .i» Opwc • lei .Q . Tm9-« IS« .OS OnAv>» 47U .IQS riMEASf*136 n o ’ la M rtm ^ M U *'2 TtJ>K SSI1MB -10 Dlv PE Lit! Chfl %CtiaL Hama I Dlv PE U ti coa:i>tt %Chfl C4BScft in -ID o*r.OA'ani 12 «W .0« 0>»M 1307.'.a . , Inncir 4274 .11 o > ^ »ii .11 ro»io '» MO ^ Th«inoO 340 -CS 2 ^ ^ — Cotf> aooo .01 OWM _ 130, . UC»HJ|I0 ISU .41 okMCc l a st? .n .07 Thjrroo :t3 » n .IJ Adwtm 76 tS 19.94 .01 -165. Wl««p> 120 16 29 33 . 07 •07 -11 CjX x i lis -0? c,»tiGruH 1701 .31 0.tim9> - lai .1.in irrstcii 7m .n MA>« 3a 4|l« .40 3“ Ce IM 7JCI .IS AJUntEavIV tOS 48 2928 -.15 .24 IInlCfUnd 2 19 .02 •02 -330 .01 luirgi tn .00 Oron 411} . . 'a uo.li . 141 .14 n BO 40M « a xnntfli04 u n -i.M not ..I AlUMTWn 18 76.70 .45 .17.3. ► Kt»#« t* MM .34 T«fto.4 4i;4 .H Amt^ittI t . 21 2S36 ... .17.7 iMEnl I .72 34 43 89 . >0101 -48 Or-nin iivi !qj I«r*scrt um .:.» T>«7> I7SI .31 AonCom3 GO 14 2956 -19 .239 tOOOvF L 08 35 1981 . •1717 .9 2 C^«10 llfl 'WVr ihVk 14 12 -92 PPCO KU ..10 S«73 I 49 9 IS 1»74 .41 HJiJi M 2170 .1 , “ 1! ■'J' AlcftUnSm 1.73 IS 3867 -20 .10 MtfionI li ... 33 I tis .05,0 .97 CmMw jjss ..t< i^'.C, I2W .01 - MV '317 -01 tu a t oo> aes -c.03 7i<«rit :a IIS -04 o.i,.,hP^« ...... 4.JS .06 -308 C GO 76 27 08 - 050 -ID8 Criunc 42k .ti ir«a WU .1*3 »*W. S3t u s >C i /Ak 4cr n« .113 Otrtm 1 >iuM .taut .iil comS'* Oi$n . 31« -OS p««1c . IS . 0* f4« ^S7 >' aam to icn .lo m2f**» m ^ m" *97 a, ” 2 'j• « Un««PKI.-0 UM .5 40 21 4426 . 28 -66 SkyWatl S 12 16 238G -252 .189 •'>' ®'*7^ ;72 .is PWTl ll ]IM . ' CWK « )!«> . a CkOocOne* 27.*7 .ica ■ ■ B E O H B W M o” .’w OxkeR"/ ie«t 30 3123 - 26 -85 TuOQMt T 88 13 21 70 .20J, SS. liS X S3; ‘ 'OHOUJOa ii.ig .lAi OifMt ** >aia> .64 18 4421. -04 .23 U M Ij i 4S73 .1} Wvm .g OJJ..iteit » • II4J !*• rpQ IH Hli ’•i* a uSsO I3J 7I« .» JO E .91 P*rf7.0- IM .• c« « S ti 1431 na«<1S4.4a2l .0* oa M7J .12 1.68 24 25 71 -54 -72 WalMait W 60 18 46 58 . 66“ ■''® 3137 .» 47 .01 PRlUin 1; 9 0 ...a Vttfrrfl>n 1119 . a itV t ff 4)17 .73 PriQrm. irn .i: 1.201 17 3630 .37 -69 WajnFod W 801 ts 23 22 . 21 ■VO. toco .01 P W XX .. 1071 .05 I I; C«w ■'* ’•£ !» Ccnno*ecoia. 1747 . r PM0,fiMt u :2 . i : S S n P .32 25 26.49 -.16 .203 WtllFijo W 2 oat 14 60 6J .29» S t i . ” S :'i ■w 32 ,'SIS .a PWTi 434J . ' CintA <# s n Gainirsmr3IOOIII27 .42 Pnwr X SOS ".7,.7: urrni tn 41N .OS HOIMOp .40 18 40J7 - 33 -55 SorOcp Z 144 IS 71.34 -0606 ~»9 c«ryw» SW.-13 MAtk - 9Uo t nM9T 7M .1!o3 ICO 13089 lo7 ' CdM»: 3'l 40M ‘X. s IJTMMn Mil .fl c7(n II 4j . raw•■rwo 2i» .01 Pvfm I17S .1.ce V1.94J 24M .«l I«tn.l2* 1IM .I.f7 h(»Co 104 SIM .31.M Un/riPiv. 30 ItU .O? CsncCm _ Its ..11 fr<^•«!« nw .1) Poyma M 3SM .(• 11 »V" 4»M .IM ..gsss^'ss :s a■rt r 40 7!W .It w n a »» .« C>«i«< tco -93 11 IttO .OS Pw,n.n I9U -I• 0» ivSb » « .37 C«TM « KS >Orc■ rc to 4t» .14 pmOu i3»7 . k ra Iha S2S moM waiva aMca Wl tha Na C SI 13 . a nrOMiib eieo .IS .IM ?SS7 B i;S iNacomaima Naadaq Nattonal MaikaM and too10 moMr acVva on Amarlcan Slock Exetiv S«4B w ina ijB 2® *U fundaaf 1,115 lawaatSwdM In boldIld ehaooad 8 pafcant ef mora In oriea. 009c 3141 .01 .C 1»SfV3 if* .2? Onr< 01 is "" 35UX* lU -04 Omo>* M 40 21 I' SJS. iJ S« :« n ' M »*> .ca P«#wt1324 3141 Ts4 v m 111 P.'S NamKSucSudta araMad aJphabadoaly'bythaeaeonipan/sMl nama (iM Ha aCbravia»iiaikxi). o«Syt tn .is JB» _ ttig .IJ] )S .1.11 Scrfts 144 71)4 Io« '^•OiaCrg Z> p a - r "■ ■Cl■& 124t a u .04 t a n au .» ' c:>Mr« }44« .n ■ CMM 114 >■ 1IH 371 .14 r*wfi iscriosH • .t4 ” ;jS :S " '-f 5 2 'IJ C o m pfly a nnamaa mada up o< Mitaia appaar at ma bagmryng o( aad) Mara’tot .H Zvir I3S0 .03 ; OiMviiteo » « .44 « 313 .04 FUMI t2 a u .« vrani annual OvUand Ma paid on aloclock, baaad on laiaM qutflarty or aamlaniiUnnud 2|j|j-^uta|^|7^^«n«i 1142 . a Rattx , IIS7 1}• r fiw. • n a .oi I » .17 .73 4JIJ .itt 71. ;2 UM:Prte*itea atock waa badktg at whan axchangingackxMflormaday. ca»p in *411 .C8 S a4« .)« 19 1477 .04 .JJ \w>Mi>3ou nee .10 ChB;Li3aatoaaofgaintermadayftoctianaa.InJc*»tadby..._n»k.______’ CMimlOO I9» -a ^ 40 4037 .33 PMUMJO 44a «M.a wocn S17 .s Nama Rv Latt COB KMM. ai» -m i»«aw.ica«is.i •; O«tfB40 ati .7! M B9 Ma .OS rvCt IS2 MCS .11.It WCI.M0Mta 8 5 -01 PundNMMlama: Nama ol mutual fund and (amlV arOlSg 2W .04 OireasO.KMtS .3 •• 37JD .SO tan 11} un •*» M aaaai valua. ^ prioa at whIcMund COco«MbaK>kt . an ^04 «1»VCC0|77,4S1I .» ■ 3lS?*i^ ”2 l» w5rrt j2M. 421} .31 PwflL X <173 .M l«nA>M( IIJO »74 OinEne«i4i» 4oso . m.:5.M s «r aWiFeebieleawlMi ce - PG giMMr Mn W. dd - le•atnlaMiJirat a t d^^^U ..rtS:;1• 'J $Pt« 2J4.tS47 . a ™ : i i i■«(AX S<1 .10 t W 4t .0 SPiw i2*«ian .it C c^ II* !o zn 40H .«« PoiC»ll2 MM Im MiSSS* *-n ^ tiW nUJ A n Ittlan l«2 .97 >MUr» n* 3410 .11.,Q spum m* aio . 0# « ta a s .07 fygntCfllM 4344 rs . 01 KS “ S atg s .,,r VHrc 3M 3140 . a CVW* M »W -H S Se S ou :i s «M . « PWM4X27 344 ♦OS.OS w S S rt]’* 7}« 255? * 3a r s s s n! » - »",! .ce :S SPCna 40a a n .03 Mgsoo t3M .oe p>m m .. itrt »'} »ii wMifiiio20» « n ..'I jgrsagfssstefea ■ur S7 .03 IVXK tin .41.IS SPCo«n<25«33a7 .17 to K78 .101 IMiM as « n .47 2« :i\ 231 .ce ua«g . IUI ,|.)| : SS!.‘5 S 3 '” S~1 «vt 4«* S54 .S3 IMIcg . tJ9 ,a CmMai^aer .14; • 74 MH .07 PuEOgiCO MU *5 .J3 OtdirM « pM M pracaAiDU iBOa. (- Anu 'j* U ^ ^ S a n ca<£d l a Mil .10 mo«mm i *1 »4t .07 p.«iCK»ri«aa .» wtnOMnau4Si2 ::s^" .!■ :s GrpaHcntrH2s:?5s S2S *'si ^ •.•c»«*.ij4 57« .» ^ I tc too 3107 - It W M4) -11 2 5 5 ^ ■ IW o • c o iM ta a » .11 MtactI 43t1 .1S« O M V .' 1011 .21 n«i«i1i 203 MM ..t millW'ftli-DiiT SSiSa*^ " ^ • ^ .<9 U2JJ'h t J u a .o« h n » «itetm "M:* I7}iin.23l ttattfcniMle n ^ ^ C > y ^ or (W«»«ya SpM p U'SCng t«3 .M S!iim« : i i is n M 3SM' .11 OMQ* . 3M .N wroco* 30 2111 .4] tWkiMMI. xidtM. Cjr*go IIS laSPia«P10S4(.I3M . a PieCEtUIM.-tiS .41 :!? mk£i. m MOS .31 SSSar'yssSiS yorr»- C4re*Mn - t»rTfl72» 7127 .M*12 TmSr "11 Ijs 'MbM M mm oOl i y w ii *44 «3ii .47 r^ ii isjrs----A - ”—~ grs-,s :s gs?ieAniB»M42 .27 PMX I4S .31. 3, Tmmcn. lit ..a Cuw ita ttii .n ItaiMcn M M4t ..tl a w tf-pi»iaaia*oraqwi%n.N>S23*n 1414 .O goiM 34S4 .12 nntco a n -. a Cor 1 a x e . e (vm tdnay. Crmaig jas .01 iNtfhM0> 74M ,.S Pio.eTgt44 11 IS .41tS l»«PlM '. 384? .«3 ■ s rI : IS i «a(7 wnwaoMjwMU .t s SssjfflisSsiljrss CMnB s»4 .01 s«ian(II0mi»MSI2 . a QlIMmotil DJUOarr2M4IC673 >a OfltKOn>«OaSt««M .07 R40MHT4ai>lMI7 .M cn. M v n .n UKmir•<••71 riH .U taw a* 30) .M>M yurMi 4« SON .37 I______------1 OOMM . 7.at .JS iSrAalCIlu ic n isM a .M Ftawt4r3Mt «7rs .tosrS iSSe*”*"!* *** t J V $■SM unlay,Ai«i(t20,200S TImwt»Mm.TMflFMa.Mahe B-f

QnvTWdeleows 4&0 ______widi tltele books to fitting in w ilh K,3!s.sa •■s8is as isrriSTTrsIs - i ; f f die cam]tnpus social sccne — Uv* is.isI.jfS.is, ■' ^;;s T" Fossil fueJ E L S NLW YOIUCX —- It's ull about ine in. cclose quarters with a i'SH 'ii-E ff isi, ------connL-ctlons foifor dectronics gi- still-unkjiknoHm rooTiuiuitc tops yaon°>.N.» antsJlke_ClmiH _ i f e lsIsHs; ' j” S ig ii iS ii ■ &“ “ * r .:'!; sLoI.CQnccma.by.ft.wldg___ ------!g !S " I S ~ ^ — ^ cr* . Buy during Ihis^ba«ttots3iooi mari^i.1. More dian thrcc-quar- s s s S SS s!s ail :;s M ,E"is Ivi.. «SM .jo« sliopplngst-asotisorL ters ofr tthose responding said s;sis,'s!3 . » jsasss" S ss !SSS s s KS : nI n\W78 :fw Scores arc sc«seeing strong dc- thL^ ' werev. stressing over SSS.SiS :!S lg“S."“***5oS'78*’**l5»e7M-t?S Tfi»a,ssi.”,“ ”” ■“ S2SS ssss s S S « ^ ! m m und from)m coUegc-age xviiethersr the typical 12*by-lS- T jt s ' S«*«??.?S^7S:!§iS S A a a f l j i ’ ’” ” * " «»i ♦«« consumcni forbr (technolom that fool dunurm room ilieyYc set to S ” 1 ™ .'li a i S2S S?Si 8 S?S nto will be able to ho ld all 0^ SJg**«to'io*'in^ 2 T ti04» tioeo . k ^ SSS? 8 s;s«7os ^ 70 aUows music plaplayers and digital move Inti : .'1 ^ . , slis K S SSS .-,s s r s S l!?S!SSiS;SlS!!! :S 04 70 JSS cameras 10 sendi:nd and a'ceivc in- • their stufuir. ni'r s ; s s S l •from th eir TluH’s''s why. W hen it c o m e s to S ! ™ « : ” K ^ B t. “ . “ i r - ’s ^S £!SISS!S|!gS :S SSw tISS ' form adon ■ "'£3 ! g SS -!S S . i!, nn s?s s ss?oo i« .i,M compulcrs. b r in ^lg g die rcquin.*d tech toys . ss tss*”'!!'; . »^ Jis sil sH .sl iH g? niMTB :l44 " niercs a i»igMg push for con- toscnoolwl, smalltH in. W hile col- lliliv i iis ^ s:3s nn s niS w :1 m DL-ctivily- saJdid • IVacey M alone, lege domirm room s h av cn l gotten S’SiS'Kg :s ra S a » « j *} S m anager (if uI (kBesl Buy in M an- an^ b i(^^ r over the years, tech- - ^ ss: s ss has allowed Uie tools for S s g K S ; g . I S s i i srja-t.'s'i,,. . «J » s:a’ Es sj sjs0404 *130 h atian .' s ss sn ss ss; -is SJw :IIS A “media ccicenler extender,” studying,lg, listening lo m u sic an d 5 ■ Sy SJgl S: « SJi » *! » ’ linlui picipictures and oilier slaying ; ocormectcti to shrink rc- 5S«KS!!i :!li ST gS i s l S i-S i Ss ;ii^J— aSb-» « —SS-§. -SSw « oijo. - - files between> aa com puter-jm d iiuukabJyily. 1 ^ ' IsS “ K I S 4 ;,■!. M S iS i ss ss ss ss \ gs* S 63J3 SI »iii« lelevision serverven, goes for S149' . “Wu'rcrc focusing o n sm all and » ss S?9I gg? S? SS io$299.Anda$:a $ 7 3 ”XB link ii.SsJ"’” •”i KeATMSW*®'^" new er tech Item!L*ms.lhe$99Apple up dllTererent lechnolow, con- l i i i s s il” ill Mi.^opcnm I.4M ^i«*5rr.fs& ‘ffp« IK*U3S .3 33 i>15, is fiying off die shelves. It's sum ersI continue.to( look for asssi^’ - ill . E i&^!s3ss;s§s;ss;g»; : » a n »>Dd-adapiopied clock radio ways lo> keepI their electronics M e t a u VM o n e y L 2s issssisisissiesSiS * ^ tiiat ieis userss wwake up to tlicir small . . B e aA t N S S I I I » n : I t favorite musiclie rather th a n a 'IVirtat:ability Is rcally impor- ss ;sissis3.i§isiss.’gi'; : ti blaring alarm1 oio r a local radio lont. mosiost schools are o w irck ss £&y !sss;sss;s3s?!s;.iiit M ! io station, envlronmimeni,’' 'sald Ncw York S J ! ^ £ I ! ? S S u! Pi*c«f suuiey 19 ct SSSS5nSS'7’»3 .8 % “ ‘* * '“ ir {SJ.?8!SJ?8{8i.?SlSi:?5eiy . .M WIthonlyafewfew hbt new iiom s Universitj;ity junior Andrew Buck, as browsing laptops at siirsssss.^egr’^ipffr? ^ ;S?SSISISS!&SS!SS^SoS t M hiltingthcsioics,Its, consumers ore who was WTamanMpwUMI^ “» NVHtnfes E ;sssisssis:ss;sssSSS I M seeing prices'forfor such staples as Best Buyty for his sister Allison, 54^ .r*s Wt«,S2£--JS?rBU !?u * gg com puters falllillling even morc about toto b e ^ h e r freshm an : ss lS?SSlS?SSlS?:filS?g Cornell i ° i . ^ ^ :l ?? K'el^Swd'lsbncM'M^^ 5 g . It91 t i n ilion tlipy wouliould in a typical .ycoratCo !s> s MM. pou tpoimonn Fci: $437.30 CO s year.anafystssoitsaid...... Tliat alall goes a lone way to ' .:»SSS»pi’^ssssgi^, gj 35. MS m m ' H,* ■ffiSiliSSIamMOTAug. 17. 37# 970 S7» NVHSO%0C04i»l«A4pm Fti;**jr.M««I Indeed. BritIiBcemcrofAmcr- B( saving spaccsp In a tl^t dorm TXu.l UM* 4.0 « 3< .4 to ica's RcscarchI CrtTupCi estim ates room. Thilie only catchTThc sniff G r aMNS b TM too! th at com puterter priccs have iscxpensiislvc. C h e e s e ~^ S c S ? ' MBh Lm SMM crd. flS ^SS! dropped an averiveragc of 12 per- Functlctlonal notebook com- ?S S SmS?** p« Bu»n*iMl.nu«dgr«in.ott>, ' 2JS 2! ci-'ot irom last yesyear.' - putersfroirom die Ukes of Gateway, «»yiiiW9W.Pncw»A- OMMrcnMM«Menman»i*CNcageMwc«n- Sw d?! Utat’s goodI ncnevra for college IbshibuI unduj Compaq, com pletr ^.,01SO;4(H»«.W«M. p £ ? S - 7! shoppers; wiio0 aore expected to widi OVE/D pla)vrs, range from MoeunwirOMxMFoea*. ^ £ 2 S !J»! increase elcctroitronlcs spending under S1,000Sl to as much as pontswff.s£“tarsa! Vw loOOMng grvnpnoa'^ S S r “S ! i S p by $700 million1.68 , vridi slightly ents cansiscnd dicir Uds off with ifSaretl' sn :IS less than half 'of of diat on elec- a glA ccncrtillcate for Best B i^ S? n£ £ uK m iiSJ tronlcs.accordin(iing to the NIU; 'G cck Sqikjuad.' which provides g i ♦!« VVliUc parentsIts I are focuscd on support scfvicc» for thclr com- . « p*mniiMnMr«Oe^.lB.. HS5>«SSfM3 • S S s lS S ® ESSImsju? £15 « ; ♦;» A recent BestJest Buy survey “Wc allaim to take away the f i i I S ? |-:l» ------showediharofTilirnUihcpoicntlal stnssrtiro~glv(ythcni~ tho~ tools tS ' ““ Sti :{ » stresses an Inconcoming coUege needed to study h a rd a n d fit in ?U ^ ^ ^ :: » « ^ .W iO S 5 0 BgWWWMWiStHDMCktwtAWlKenUn £ £ g 7$ gJJ Jjg freshman facess — —. from success socially,"•Malone ^ said. MKT r» MiM CM »».*»l; "««*l i i i s : US 1 n«« f*d wmar MtMi: S u g a r g |ns nsi : • I0aoa own;me«tlvM>n:4M.«ia4 NSW YCrnK (AP) ?s ;s ?ss : i j, J £ i o ^ l ?iI5 III:? : o M ^ b . Tho-iop'« op«n m fia’tos.ofl ei7 1 1 '. approi>ach strike (deadline a ; E S , 'I■“ si II is S ^tttncya « g4aoww.rao ^ i s i i i MINNEAPOU;)U S (AP) — dicre’sa sstrike. i SI s s ! E , : S B Wmw^Ogwpnee S wvw tSi !ioS Northwest Airlinelines a n d Its m e- It has iiilined up 1,900 tempo* ' l?iiS5?l5£5?SSr£S JOO .IM chanlcs rolledI towardto a strike rary worlorkers, vendors, and ^I5r*"ccn,;0.t«««ru^ ^ ,.,= 0. . | if Is SS SS :ss tisas aT S ” < j ir I im " Friday, wilh no10 evidence i that managers, M««*nsencd mcchar^cs. to take IS? tn gotlations witn wi federal over if nccccessory. • piiM ***"’ "* 171 •in mediators. Nonhwiwest, which says it Is ’iS'ls?ss:ii S od«fulpltt«. US. iSS tS sldeshodgoneall!olldaywidiouta wants itss niL'chanics. cleaners ■ frii'iinsi ffiiP11:13 S?!S Il ls - S S s■•fl7?aSo«n(i pw ».. N V Mare MOI Fri. l|! *S session, saidsaid Jim Young, a andcusiocodlans to lake a 25 per- & SJ I Si ! "SSas’K -- Ss uu u • ton. 00 pw nwne len. London. Miui ss ss “. IS S IS S ISS :,; s F " Ul tra union negotiatortor at tlie site of cent paycicut. a i ” E " ! f f i l J S i S * Sffi'.SS f,\ : S talks In WashingIngton, D.C fie It also vtwants the rl^ t to lay ss ss : declined to comomment further offanothciicr 2 ,000 s o il c a n sen d LivIVESTOCK ?.«isssyirsf,sst, ?• tot o n the talks. more of tltheir work to outside 94 tSi A suikc couldId begint at 12:01 vendors.NNorthwest has already - t POCATELLO (AP) 33 :|{. a.m . EOT Saturdfirday. Northwest slashed diitheir ranks from 6390 has vowed to> kikeep flying if in 2002 too <4,427 now. as a siiSsS^rir^'OnonWMriMcUyUaaiywKl nqfiolquSnti ciualM. n a^wt MtaM. i.rnnM TTlil wim ” 'w.B4P

W— M Cn «Mrk«hMhixMA: DnMM*C«Y: E» 1749 -ca MnBvMfT: Ms tpIIS xntnTttM •0* (Mkp 1 Jlf S 'lS ■** £Slr UMfeMt MusApI* S^tjo ^.SS . s : j % 7 .» S ^ H &S.VS41 .la «***»»'* » « *lS 0«iiC?iI I ;i p iif ^ lS7n!SS:J? gs.’ .T u a STXMinlOSt .. SS£' ho! :" g«?.^ H«;• '^- jncwpw.t« ,.IT ® .. P I if If] S'uiii";*" rSShn Its? .01 T5S»f • o2« SS SSS^U cpM Ot.tt bO)GSp7M . mo.a 10 rss » ^ '! j S »S ol!>"*3» .« 'woinr , r s . 5 f f i;! ! s V H M fna ..o» Sr!m*o 5jf? ■” wnMr»U tffl lE J^ ^ ! S S : s ^SSSS?.SStSi W # s : - “ sS” Ei.ss :s S Me I9il .n 9D1EMnCplOa.09 «Up fe| :s E S !'“ fe.:s S r" ^'iS'?S a,".MS:!! r i;it :v, a sPii f S;IH -S S3KS ■iMaT: PWUpllTi .. nOMtyAfrl Eos 4472 . a B*««e»l]ttas,svr" bMpMK sii -E nr.. fSS'? ^ s l i g W", Sss:;: I&W47 .91 OflAacpiia? trnMp ssass :s KIV s T 9«1 *01 StKSi IM *04 MC^ B! ^ * ! rASlOM .01 ikiMkp »» t09 VmK«| J W I o S *a l!S •" lEsi.-S VMIMr TMMplOTI .. TfcnT ririi! 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SSi® S j’42:^ ^H r.ii S t*rw>M*Ri: v«M*piaa*« ' CAOMOn.OI SnC«in37.n .M . MnSSlia; *“' ^SSJ?^I «»1S . MTrp *471 .« M a^r.i«MO«^M PjkM^FMC:^ {jSSf>< *'"mu M “ I S . . :!S i!S *'> ?S :S ■ sri?jj:s I »4j -OJ Siii::HS ‘JJ mcconMr :S?.*i'.i» ‘OTrS?5r;« ESSSi ^rte«Fw^iA#»; ^nlOM SSSnioia i«« » « -01 ,i2-" a j sli;s :!!S :S! S .":... .„ gss!;ipltit .07 laofMMiMn: HVPtAni kfiM^Sis MWl IIUill *0is MiruiS s.” :s . ■ari pao .09 -01 iguiinu Mniow » a t a ^r^.u iss^sis S!i;n"*“ *“' . 5 2 2 5 ^ . '“ PvranJieo sis5 ;s S s C :» K‘^:S sffiss :s 'SU'” ?«*' •" !125.SL®i? ^ ,S1Sf*..n S U JSS :S S i s £ . : E , Kl .n rSSEi" S I:PMC; LaowliWilM! kn; - “ " S l s i i S ii” .,, gftS‘'.*S :S ^ „ 'Z ‘ .taa .11 isa>i« ijts -oi o««« > l k : s .:!ii . is.7.is:s a s s ?sssr«" ■‘" feus’ i2 *21 dwyApiw*! .01 Cftt 'ffsV.« 17 ‘siri?- .07 ?sr??^sii:^Jii ShE":. ': sSiis s >1MU«*Tn Ottnn B07 . ||i:s -2:11 il "SirSljT:!: s M 47j* .17 nnMJ>l 707 . ICOOUlO ^ScJSiiSriM S £^UlS .».; .. SCoOrp®f;| 7 p l “ 3 :,. S i s i s S4 . ^ : Mlcrd»«7a . Nf».nSS.'SfowtS |3 5 g ;;iiJ:g Mn1017 2SiLL'.'/l tot frwi's'i™ . Hvifi ’gs:!! a .1 SE.S3 : SKR.'! "l:s S i - m -T rrr >S«n mh t UFW«>' * U3Gov1Ap703 &rMft 9B* •» AfltAAk aS « .» C«« 7* Ci Si! :s S X .’S S :!! Hll«; LaKAtMOC: f^rnmr A su TMMMn riz* ^: :g s s f s 1 S S ’r'’ :S ’S S '!S i .« ■"' S S n l'.i? S ? * :? ® .87 g S a" 'I is iS SSSS i;^ :s 5S’"'?I'“ st"! s s r i . KffiS"» 7 9 To: oS m » 711 l a UO(HMI u n .10 MrTT«?iiM *?sy**.yB-a4« .-t MUp j77| .01 £1 KA au TMl4AMMMe KNMOnass-" Fw4»; 0<«i«t i i r is S i s a " toj ^ WM •« ? ! 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i ^ TlcM»Ntwt,1^ CWt20,200S

ijlD A H Q)AV / e s t raftsmanI gives Caapitolea^Igle a ma]keover IE — Mlchad K bboldgeu newsM n< pet ‘I used to w orkc aiat an within anoihcr week.fck.' house has: beenI spent stripping, his job nearly every day df oil oi nfinciy TTicy callcd mle e the “It^goingtokwkalkalotdifTcrent,” m uldple layayers of paint applied :1k and otDdals soy th e en- monkey m because 1 was thele orici hcsala.'S^ore.IdidrUdn'revenknow overihepastist century: gokt yellow le will soon be graieflil for vNho w dimbed to the top o fthhebig e Itwasaneo^upthcidicre. Itwasjust copper, broironze, gold again and ______th k HntAhmwn Ihlny.[ng. Now people bronze aipdrlin. ______lid. 53. is the Boise artisan Thc Sl 1.000 project to g hve « the willlookupandsay.ly, 'Wow, diatVa yUTier a month m and a half of worked since June 1 67-inch'tal] 67 e a 0 e a coveringfaig'of gold e ^ up there.’"i- strlppfaigthehe paint, Kbbold hod to i 208 fed atop the Idaho gold gc leaf b port o f the restoraiiradon Oncofaboui5(X)ir0 members ofa prime andI seal: the statue dien apltol. wtierc neS m etlcu- of of die Capitol, built in IS1912. nadona] sodctycoders, of Kbbold apply sizingg to bond the gokl leaf eliding thc statue of an Kobold Kc has worked sfacdiors aiweck w spentaycaratthcChiChicago Art In- to die bird.L Sincc{ th e sizing takes cichcd on die Statehouse since sli June, as well as a couxiuple siitulc learning thC' th dclicaic lOhourstodI dry and is workable for. d o ip a ^ hourshe every Sunday, a n d cxpaf to objects, docs sm all secdbnss( of die ea^e at told die Idaho Statesm an of of thc eagiehe nicicnamcd “Osc)scar" M uch o f his time atopalo th c ^ t e - a tim e ^ Idaho SW aCw:spltol l since June, works on hisltr».t.icl

^ .MONTPELIER.I, ViVt. (AP} — A (^ c ro l judge Friday[layorderedthe ^ Qush administralioillion to step u p H o v u * I t l l t o i •flbns lo rcstbn; thcgraywolftothc ' "Sei nvei fctur northeasternn slates,si a ml* ^ cnvironmcntall:tallsts called a m ajor victory. *Tlje wolvgs areuc howlin-, fai celcbratlon. saidJ PatriclcP enicau. dircciorlor o f th e envirenmcnial iawiw clinicc at Vbr- REID U €DTIGm §m m E m ont Law SchooL . Judge -Jr-Garvajrvan Murtha found that thc DepTepartrhent o f M >mYmjA0 MONT O thclntcriorviolaiedled federal law f V rfiLYiyi INTEIREST in 2003 w hen it ississued a rule ■ « spring no furtherr effortscf lo re- A J ™ i 11 PAYM ) store thc wolf werere nneeded. The yoss BENTi 11 GHAiRGES ruling covcrs MaMaine, New m 'ir paid offfrin T e m is H am pshire, W rmonlont and New j YUrfc stale. • ■'Effons to restoresu[•state eastem k l^ o n , a n d declarere tlthai enough had been done to0 nrestore wolf ||||B & H populations throu(-oughout the ^ e m United State:atcs. ' A nthony lUr, a Fish and Wildlife Servicc OcidIcid ofQcer in H H |^ | C oncord, N.H.., said the agenc/s hcadouartciirteisinWash------:— ti^on would aeddeIdewhetherto ------q>peal th e ruling. ' ' H e questioned1 the th push to build gray wolf popitopulations in Uie Nohneast onn ttw o fronts, toying it wasn't clea[Jear that the ^ H |H i public would suppcpport such a HMBBH oiove and there wasvas dispute in tHe sdentliic commumunity about w hether gray woIv<»r(» ensiensions for 4 ■» )unM M n u s a t MM ^ CJLaCATIOMll AMlsSON-CMVTES fWNRues>AmuHcn<» • aactaoMcs • snow s • RooeicovnM c o ■Beoed misconduct anuam ount to R |u k a l b i Paiter^ concom m ents E!2“ po potentia] problemsiswithpes- w S e H m biMEff Cs|NdVol ' SnpearStottore O pen SaandcQV -tfTS'iiu 7a^a2. ' 93«-4M i, aee-z-2979' 'tS cl^ use in the Southsiithwcstem ' a m m n i m mtf f m m ir •f-Z B s n nimiaam»9o'M n YSum .-Region.

‘.'3 ■ G ro w in g : S>-nugpgi'. ■ Church news ...... C2 . Classifieds ...... C4-20 m . P a a g e 02 JL ELI GIC)N

The Timcs-N-N e w s Sacurday, Augigust 20, 2005 S c c tio n ()

6 ____Churclches-^______do justtfine i L S 0 ^ sans paastor n g e u i for filling______I w W i ------tile pe\vs and orrLTIfL-ring plutes, builmstiirtingiothiI think its good ’ fur a conga-gullonII (o(c go awhile wiiiiout a IciKk-r. VViillc Ihu fuithftlJ:ful sit dirougli scarch commiucelee updates, wondcrinB whai'st's taking so ' long, tlicy can consldisider tw o im* ' ponani principles:>■ ' HVvn inon; thann tldie man or w oman In th e piil|:nilpii. it's th e :•?&«§' pt-oplf «J) tliL* ptnvs« wwho make n * hou-HV of vvorsliip vibrant.vibi , It’s the job of>f an i iniani, X prcachLTornibhiioiiloinspiru us lo w m v m - do God's work. Ii’suiiiuur)obloruU . up uur sIl'uvus andid

K k n ^A R i'il-LD

Inaraith-rucuscdcid coinnuinity like ours, w here clergy cle co m e iind go and tlie resttoftisa*main of to buzz about it, con)ronga’gutioris * cangoayearorinorclorc w idtoui n leader. . It's been nearly two years, for . example, since Ihehe Kev. 'lorn Henry resigned from fro Ciirist Covenani in Maith(ithews. N.C. Wliile Ihe scarch) committeeci works htird and mo:most rcniain upbeat about the church. Sunday morning wr and Evelm laC lilr do » m t Ihal'viyVe dona three ntfhte a week( forfi 17 y e a n — prepare foodd forfi the hungry. tendance has dropp*

K's tlie same sioryjry al ncarliy Calvary Church inI sosouUi Ciinr- I r l ______lQUi>^Yherc_Sunduy.iuy-iuarnlng ______he LeClai]irs have serveds thhe hungrry for 17 years worship attendancee is dow n -100 o.. GleiinWagn- By Mattatt Christensen Evelyn helps one timimiUysct up a cou- UoydI mm oved to th e M a ^ c Valleyly ffrom mondi lo load as m any as 20 coses of or so sincc tlie Kev. Cle jy liimself.Tlic a*sl of cr resigned last Scpicriiem ber alter Tlmd*-N)kN ew wrtter p ie o f n IA aiairs. whl/hlle U oyd rests In Canadada wid) his family in 1926.16. Both govemment food by adm itting h e plngioigiorizcd scr- an old church pew arand sips a cup of {piduatLiated TNvin Fulls H i ^ SchSchool, tlie food com cs frcfrom grocery sttircs, mons. A scarch commn m iltec is u p 'I'WINHN I-ALLS — Meet TVrin F•alls'qUj cofTec. He’s watchingSafewkidswhoVe a though:ih seven years apart, u oydI joinedjoi whea* die coupleI buys canned and and running, und stafftaffand guest hungry.!ry. It Is a ciuaincr to five on a FridaIday run to the back of th e ro o m to ploy, therniliitilitary, spent m ost o f W%)ddJ WarW II baked goods threes t times a week widi preachers arc filling15 inin. aftcmooloon ana theyVc formed a Ion;long Nowondthenoneofthfthe htmgry passes In the: Philippines, PI then went to Gonza-Goi donation money. Od}lhcrsuppUcsarcdo> Andyel.asastafTcriicralanoUier llneallliI the side door (o the soup kitchej:hen U oyd o n die way to tl:th e rest room . He ga Unlviilversity on d ie G J. Bill, natcd by local buslncnesses, thougii not as church with a vacantn t fpulpit told at St.. Edward^ E Catholic Parah MalHall, greets cach one with1 ia joke, a smile, a It waivas at a dancc hall shortlyly tafter much anymore, Uoyoydsays. me; Some membersers just can't They stand sli in the hot sun chattinflting, story. UoydgcI got h om e from school \vhea*iea*die Wlienuiecouplee;Lsnotln die kitchen, deal with not havingring a senior wailing,ng, tired expressions on the!h e fr At a few m inutes ppa ast 6 p.m . only a couplele finally met. Evelyn blusilushcs diey're driving to bajakerics und grocery , clergy. And w hat visileisilor is going faces, handful of die foldingcK chairs Is tmoccu- whenI UoydU talks about that niglitigliL “It stores sollcillng diday old bread or | to check out a housese oof worship NowIV m 11 eet Lloyd LeClair. He appearcars pied- . families, for die cliildIdren." Marica says, leader, I Dclieve a com»nga*gation pastl7yi7 years — Evelyn Is in thckitchcn^en. Reynolds, who ownedd IReynolds Funer- That’:lat's w hen I becam e a cliamtunber- Uoyd and Evelynn ' don't have a n an- can often find iuelf.• She's wearing we dark glasses. Her eyc>ycs5 al Chapel, ran die k ki itchen u ntil he maid."" laughs la Evelyn. swer for w hy they dcdo it. A.sk diem how When a leader depiupiuisincon- botlierr herh now. She directs die h noL a lf' l>ccame too. ill In diee late‘90s. That's. . Then<•n cam e the children. Marcia:lo (and Uiey've p u t so m uchh time, sd m u d ) en- tio\’crs> or scandal,, ihdie year or dozenI or or so kitchen volunteers, dioughu sh w h en Uoyd and Evelyn/nw w kover. MichacLicl. Thj! family worked togettgeUier cigy, into feeding Mu|lagic Valley^ hungry, more before a succuccessor is ' there isnIs not m uch work left iq be donej i ^ -W e sidd we’d do it for five years,'' runningng the hotel for die better ppar an of and Uoyd win deflect!Cl die question mtn found leaves tim e for healing. Tlie 133 tables( have already been set Evelyn says. "When flveflv wars passed, duee decades,de taking pleasure inn pro-n his signature laugh,h . Evelyn with her That puts needed distdistance be- with nopklns,nai spoons and forks: _ — wcsaldvre'ddoltforanimother five. I sup- vidlng5 warmvv beds to vreary-travelivelers. sweet smile. t\veen the diillcult posipast an d th e oboui 115111 sctdngs in all. The hall lookiloks p o se w e’ll be doing; tthis tmtll.were Butinclic L eaalrs \vere forced to sell•cll the But anyone w ho knmvsk die LeClalrs future. m ore liklike a restaurant dining roomlom gone. hotel wwhen h th e main east>west hlghvghway will lell you.* No m atter why a cleiirletgyleaves. than aI soup so kitchen. T he flrst night th e! ikitchen opened was movloved and business slov«xL "Thwafeabsoluiellely angels on eard)." an interim often carcan preiich Thehi> hungry take cofTec cups or plas-las. nobodyshowedup,butu t as word got out Wldih no r more travelers to careire foe Randy Jensen says. ', wid) more daring. Considering Coi sses ,ic from a milk craic near diethe people came.'IbnJght.I. 1they ore serving Uoyd and ar Evelyn volunteered at 1die MardaJeriscno^kplains matter of fact • he’s not up there to.please pic peo- jioor andanc find places to sit. Some■ slisit about 100, ' soup kitedtchen — a w ay for them to0 cple p who don't tua* ofo u r faitl). Dy evangelical stancandiuxls, Col- like that uttentntion. nie business Are we content lo, findflu i sfa t ^•‘■*^0" religious"^1 r i ^ l , and agozinc character- orado Springs is notIt a "reached' coinnm nlly is is ^wrticularly nn- sit through th e slngln S ^ S maga e S p e i n cityas as a “utopia In the W W city, w h id ) colls forr one01 church comfortable w pwaciiing. drop an cnv G realer Colcjratlri ome believ- fB m for every 1,000 peoplaso A 1997 Gi the nlate, dien go hom' ■ H County, which has1 ‘JOO<10 church- Springs Ecoronomic Devclnp- 0 believing? iloracfo , Springs is ing mat's all therc Ls lo l)i es, would need 1100* m oa*. m en t C orp.. report says tiic O rdo we w ant more?,r..7 home to more)re dian 100 evan- ilh!______gelical Christiaitian groups, from churches lo meet Ihc criterion. Image has hanirm cd iheahlliiylo n'tision^,!- rnom-and.poptop outfits to the Haggard ^'lid. a ’crult employoyers. Kai Corpcld is the rvli > Springs is per- itoral Vie Out riotic Obt-mr.Ob: I'Oivetful Foc^cus on die Family U4.ur«Mt« Moa* people file fordlvorcefori in “C olorado led by James Di El Paso County thathan in Col- ceived by muny an peoj)tf outside ------1 residents andd city( insiders say The chapelipel at th e U J. Air Force Aeededemy In Colorado Springs. Theie orado counties of sinslmll.ir size, of th e city m an d state its being hae been the eabject ef an Airr ForceF Investigation Into allegisga- court a c o rd s sliow.'. controlletl liy/ religious r yx-alois. a Churchless belle ion of evangelical ichool hM i L s r 'sis " an overslmpUfi- tions thlat a t« •vanfelleal Chrlittan cedetata h a ra tt non4>ellavers and Jettletvt 'I'he perception of)f e>evangelical significimt denetrimenitfnecruli- influence has beenin fueled I l)y Ing of talenteled people which MoretlMn half of the‘ IdahoansIda calion lhat has lu harmed the onfu„r,v»pus. who identify thomselvcsIves In sur- com m unity economically. ^ skirmishes over some-nc-sex Ijent- fear die impososition on liie gen- voys a s beileving in God also keeping businsinesses, medical "1 laughjgh w hen I hear it," said itsits squcaky-clcan stereotype:e: fits. Planned I’arenirentliood in. erul public of of extreme beiiefs . soy (hey rscoly go to chuchurch. pmfesslonaLs«and ar tourists away. Haggard,ll. rnam ed by Time maga- T he so-callcd “Vaticann >of schools. Mayor Uonionel Rivera's llirotigli schocools and througli n i» rrmMWoM is p>cpaieparingan. Even die Rev.Rc^ Ted Haggard, zinc ass one0 bf die 25 most cvi(nwigelical C hristiania'' fillsills 2 recent refusal lo signign a proda- government."." the new sletter article atwut the unchunihurched. the pastor off died 11,000 -mem- influentialtial cvangcllcals in the aepercent to 3 perccnt of^the jobsjoi matlon celebnuingg fgay pride says. ’After novingme to the city, and would tike to taikk wilhwi be- ber New lifeV Church < wiio as United States. ‘Colorado Inin th e d ty — th e sam e omouiount week and, on die natirjitional from, perceptions ircan otlienvise." lievcfs who don't oucndend church president of the Notional Asso- SpringsI hahas n ever ever claimed asIS th e U.S. Olympic CommituIttec an Investigation of religious John CtLssiarani, executive vice regularly. If you'd like110 lo share elation )f of Evangelicals diot it isIS dthe evangel]col capital anmd a host qf notional spor)ons proselytizing at theh e U.S. Air pa*sident o f marketingir for the your views, cal! Steve1 CrumpCr at fa'quently talksIks to White H ouse ofanythini joveming bodies. Force Academy, i:dc:. said diee stea’otypc is es- 735-3223 or e-mail himnim ol officiiils, thinksiks die percepdon _A closerser^iokatthcstate’ssec- I ^• Ftwer people daim menicm- "People are veryry «iulck to pecially strongig in more liberal. scfump®maglcvalloy.con.com. Ls off die m ark'L ohd-largesgest dty further scutdcs besershlp In a church — 36,36.7, Judge us.~ said Rich,Ichaiil Skor- p u a sj jyAf'ANQEUCAl. Rage C2 M Tln w Nwri , IW J*t20,2008

R e L igk; i o N ______

Meth[lodistsp]Jan ‘Chuurch in tlthe Woodds’ — -]\M iSSIONA]J i l E S ------GOODING —- The1 Goodlne ■ = *= = Spanish. Christ ofLoitcr-daySidridnts. Sc>verai Magic }IIi-gc of S o u d ie m Idaho, United Methodist igicVallcy-area res- the Colli list Church’will fihiJhurch news Casiro is aran Tb cam thc aVv-ard. RaRachel set Idents have beeiw en called lo serve . where hehi was on th e d ean 's list, hold i(s ann u al: -Church“C in thc evangelist pcrsorson goals or returned fro ill'enter the MTC on Woods'’ a t 11 a.m from serving rrds- H e will aacTellcz at 837-6140. singer one In scvcwen value slons for Thcc ChurchC of Jesiis Wednesi-•sday. thc^ oncc^jl^^ songwritci '«T.f>.TySntntg fiuiii naslr ilder Jared Matdiew- I^ itld p a n ts willwill kR. Pru d en t will N o rw a y Oslo Those planning«So“ t ,cnda«, ™NFAIFALLS — D on nichanls H f S c ~] serve in thc ide die special music. ings dial have acco u n t- M issiorL invited to bring thith c liic n lsiin d provide taken placc in Mexico CuUa- and loin chc durini! wo.vorshlp at the Rock In abilityIty. good k j i j B C o n o v er Is gvar an RoyCostio^ m inistry. V.X works i can Mission. | H H^ k H j B (he s o h o f Roy immunity Church. 131 (s a n d In- group.for compfln)Hro slings nnd Ciislro has Prudent Ls w D rive.------HII h ____ ------marahmailovvs-tonlonighl-nnd/or— ‘‘“ '■'•I'-’" ' ' ;Ipcd 'buUd'and~contlnucs to 'TOrkc*d k ihcsonoflene - Conover of Join w orship at 11I lam a . Sunday rne messes.-KiKe will b e •'Blessed ijinon ihrt.'e churches and a taowMBiv c.onif f and Jlllyn l>ru- I j K Bring your mus Peacemakers" from H B TWin F alls and . . nusicol instru- L-dical clinic in rural areas oof f diem dirougli church aiiia n d com - b d e n t of a n Eagle • ments of choicc:c to join ihe MacthcwS<6:9. Mlcxlco'xIc widl finances, clothing ' KImberiy nnd ore Information, call ig munity scrvice project H er ■ Scout. He congregation In rejoicing id medical equipm ent. I Ic hasis projects included mai a n Eagle ™ istorElkeShar. 734-5268. la k in g a rnMMf g ra d u a te d In tiuough song. I ^ t o rciea.sleased two CDs wilh bothil "dioughr book, doing • Scout. ilc JndCtt . 2004 from : ------mo-will provide i ig cross- ' c the sermon _ . ojilsh and English songs anid d stitch, working onI family ^ » ' ■ ills Hlgli S chool a n d at* based Exodus 1:8 tl 2:10 8 through Elder Marark Kolfe7 will JsS{pjinlsh CD. "Ei Ljidron En La.a history, reading parts:s Of th e BroofcPrndant^IS“r “"-'?ro!j Idaho Slate University ; and Matthew 16;i3- ua" be help speak att HollisterI church ‘-S'-" Book of Mormon in Gc year. He will e n te r the A'ix)tlud( lu n c h ' ih c Mjif^c Vidley Gospel Opryy memorizing . the School and aitei slTiH — E lder Mark ;hern Idaho. He ^IX-onV1 Wednesday. after worship. Paitiartidpants J c HOLUS-ll nil also \vill pcrfom i. Women's them e In Ge Icgc of Soulhci asked to brin g thttheir favorite KbfTcrofTWIVvin l-alls will be tlie Adn\dmlsslon is free, and ihee . cleaning and organlzln S. Siren O perated Dutch oven disheihes. sides or guvstspeakcik er;« 1 ] a.m . Sunday puhlic Eagle m Auto- Rfiturnftled from serving: ()lic IS inWied. For m ore in-I- room, faaby-sitiing a n d m.ildn(,n JJ desserts, to accompmpony foiUed Molllollister Communliy fonnaim adon. call 732(-5349. a formal dress. ' jysicm s In TWln • Eldersr Bitrmen W. Sanders Presbyterianan Church. 2461 Cen- meat. Rachel is th e 16-ye; , . Tails, ^ ‘~1 served in a Visitors are vvclcor!come. iralAve. y ear-old uth AMcan group will daugliter ofriiomas and I m is s io n In ' Fbr m o rc inform)rmadon, call The topicplc Is -w h o l’s in II n n D. Sm ith will Chile. Sharm a a t 934>4914918 or Patty NamcT'Scriirripturc reading Is Ex- perfOI I n a Ashby of T\vin Falls ahi!S .S T h ; ifbrm a t Cahrary Chapel' dicTWln Falls 14di Ward. S he Is serve ' in the S a n d e rs Is Waugh at 934-4376.^8.- - odus i:8 llihrou(Ui 2 :1 0 and 'rwilW IN FALIS — "Majesty," a Panama flUL the son of M atihcw 1( i a Junior at 'I\vin Fallslls H igh ; 16:13-20. Refresh- groupup orijdnally from SoudiI School, where she hasis a 4.0 Panama City IH [2K Brad and • Missionary teamu n helD S 111 be served- after Africa.lea. will p e rfo rm concertsi gradc'poliil average andId Is In. Mission.‘ ' a j r Shelley ?! J T J T . worship. ing services at 1 0 a .m a n d ?^ volved In Jive. She plays | Smldilsdie j g Sanders of launch HispanicICminlSt^ i visitors are /s p ian o , irewclcome. I. Sunday at the Calvary/ and saxophone* and st Ison o f Ronnie Buriey a n d is HAGEBMAN —- A Christiiui Cliapel and Shorlcnc H In th e Pella missionary minisuytry team from Gospel OoiIpry features I^esty's m usic can b e heard1 ______Sm ith o f 2nd Ward. He Son Luis. Mcxlco. u :SN In tem ad o n ai Hagerman, Ri»mnS«i >vill a tte n d die illlnguar event 77»«» Tlmes-News tvelce/comcs ^ with iocol believers ti »P«lalblll, navs o f church etviitt. SenSend in. M an ‘ Eagle C ollege of Hispanic m lnlstn’ aiat I(he Magcr- TWIN FALlMxs — Iloy Casiro Teenainager earns award . formation to Ellen Viomj/nason. ^ Scout and Is Soudiemik h b h a man Christian untt:nter, 2750 S. , will bc thc feafeatured g uest ai the •' The Timcs-Ncws. RO. BaxtaxS4a. WrnSmHh JIn (he Hager­ 900 E. Magic VoUey?y Gospel Opry at 7 n LLDS church program TUiln Mis. ID 83303. or man Word. He • SisterT Paige L ouise Ashll- Services will be helheld in Snan- p-m. lodayatat thei First Assembly TWI^kVIN FALLS — Rachel Ashby Tegfin, Squth Idaho Pressr, c graduated in 2004D04 ih>m Hager- man servm he p ardd- dalio Stale U niversity paled In cross-cG a m d ir e c to r f o r ;-couniiy and peak at die Pella 2nd 1950s; today it h as Juist st: 100 . , p ro g ra n track, and a tten dled ed Idaho State H Rabbi Yltzchak ZeZev Rabi- Congregatiotlon B«th Israel University, w herc helu "red-sliln- nowitz wants to char hange that. ed'forcross-countrmtry an d track. Matt Severe s e rv e d In reviving th c O rthodoxox ipresence Orthodox Jw Jews have th e op- Rabbi YltzcbakYft Rablnowttz stand* In the entryway to the main tanlanc- entered (he MTCrrconAug.3. dle Connecd- here and making Cbngongrcmtlon tlon of takingg iIhc loon — ivllh Beth Israel i(s cplcente;nter. So the nearly no Inten of the Congregitlon Beth liraellel.ln Malden, Mats.. enJuly 6. cut Hartford icrest payments.— f®- ‘ Elder S h an e ^ Mission. congtcgation-is advertis!rtisinglow« irom tlie synogGigogue, radicrUian IngihcG;c Garlands from taking die will serve In fnraaowre — interest home loans But those cfTorts were lart ns to any from a bank.Ic. ito h elp >vith a m oneyy Is is diey are sdll trying to unsuccessful i bccause Ihc Tennessee Idaho. I Orthodox fiunily VkiiUngIng to move downpayment.nt. find allottiou.sc. H Nashville Mis------into the area. So far, tlicre groups vrerctiyingtosirengd irc have b een no Despiteplte diat luid die lack o fa populationsf where few Jc sion. The Time: Infomially, th e congingregadon deals. But Andre Jew s drew Shulman. the JewishI day da school in M alden for ever e Uved. Baymc Siild. "It’s[’sn i o t Kloepfer is news o f chii began maldng such1 loansIo flve synagogue's prt program director. Uieir [laugliier.duu "wc Ju st rcally as a ‘fvibrant Jewish coinm uniiinidcs diesonofKarl Send Inforn years ago to membeibers w ho said about 17 families from like thele community.c Matdiew v and Nadine Thomason. w anted to stay In Molde: \vcre created dial way." he said.sal Iden. around thc coicountry have ex- Garlandid said.si “ Wc w ant to m ake Boston's JewLsh com m un Wocpfer of liO. Box 54t But this spring, withh n;member- pressed Interest unity, cst and two have a homeehere." he _____ however. h Is strong, Tlic grcareater HRupertu| and is 83303. or n ship only holding steisteady, the (raveled to chcc>cck o u t die area. Livingig near i the iOl-year-old B in die Rupen Idaho l*rvss o S evere Is congregation began pla. Wedm ng fiunlUcs Leah Garland hh< o p e to take ad- their livesves around d ie congrega- Eagle Scout tion on the ; Sally S evere of w ho need h elp buyingng ia house vantage of the oifcr.of don. Onin ShabbaiS a n d holidays, Please see SYNAQOQUE, Pagege C3 Award at age 13 and one attended Rogerson and a n d arc w illing lo Join Joi Beth Leah Garland,id. 27. grew u p In they walkalk to tem ple a n d refrain Is In d ie Hoi- Israel. The synagogue guc's Web tlie congrcgatiorion: Matthcnv, 26, • from uslnising dectnciiy. driving or 1 lister Ward. site pitches Ma^en^n as “a n moved to Maldeiden from Canada, spendingng money.t - J HewlU a tte n d aflbrdable, Tbrah*ob;■observant When tliey gotI mir arried In 2001. O th:r e r Jewish! communities Deal in workks to protectt 1Shakers’cro^ tlie College of com m unity in a beautUiiitUiiL sub- the Garlands dec:lecldcd 10 stay. have uied " Southern. urban setting'■ ied to increase their pop- NLW GLOUCESTER. Mai: Now thc courouple wants to ulatlonsis througli afforclable // laine founded more thanon 200 years Wilh mud TTie idea. Rnbinowitzitz said, is move out of thcileir rented apan- housing in (AP) — An agreement Ixitwci.vc'eri ago. lund taxed fo to show that ‘Malden c B Initiatives, according to ^Maine's jy Shaker com m unity m n exists as mcni and use; ilthe synagogue's ■ Steven Bayme. Bn an c;men on ^ /Iind It is Ihc lasl acii'iciivc Shaker sprout subd tvelcomes an Orthodox Jewish concommuni- money to coverjr pan| of a down contempoi a coalidon of preservation uiund community In theic world\ and ilian o n thchurch hi mis.'iionaries. ty." Ip o rary JcwLsli Wc for die conscrvadon rr groups wiil he payment. Tlie oonly r (hlng keep- Americimim Je>visliJ Com m ittee. p, help has only four membcibcrs. lural use, \rmation i> to EUen protect die unique villugc and or Under the agrcercement, the struggling . to The Times-News. 1,7001. ocres surrounding it frofrom Shakers will sell theiiheir riglils lo which amoui;-/ft Fails. ID Evangeliilical becomingbc carved into subdl\divi- develop the village! andan land for last year.'Ih'ua Tegan. South ------— slons. si( about S2.S m illion: lo the coall- TTicy must■ officc.a 230 E M ain ConthNwdfromCl scriptlons aa* supiuperficial.“ don and a The $3.7-milIion plan wwill don. penscs and fotD8331B. Deadline is d a longtime resident, alsoqi. help lo simplify the I East and West coast citleitles such Before Focus} oo: n th c Fam ily’s said Colonilorado Springs has gems e n- TlieoddidonalSl.2<1.2mllIionln die socluty'sUtesday 1 for publica- as New Yortc. Los Angel«geles'and arrival In 199991. Colorado allover. nances o f die Sabbadiday LaJLake funds is earmarkedd forfc endow- and 19 historice Saturtltiy religion San Frandsco. Springs, withI :its exquisite Few peo| Shaker Village, where life luhas ments for building ings bidielr vill wople. she said, realize Ufbeen rooted in faith and fam “I hear rclif^ous right,^t. ultra- mountain hackdkdrop. five-star how hl^ihitranks it — 4flthof276 jn, irm- miiintenance and othiJther costs. ' *We may be conservative. A nd IVe got to try Broadmoor Moie:iiel, spectacular cities — c Ing and remains unchangedd iin ’Ihc agreem ent Lss cxpe<;tcdcx to lives ore not. - on a crcaiive-class ,Jtnany ivays from w hen it w i ,., .to overcome that perctsrccpiion Garden of tlic GodsG< and Cold index byy i< Hichanl Morida. au- was be finalized next Marcarch. Arnold Hadd. becausc some people wil op lands will a n u - War-era NORAEAD bunker in thor of "nuIlic Rise of the Creadve ^ aliy not put us on (heirelr list o f Qieyenne Mountiniain. h a d liis* a a s s : And i nd I Io\v It's TVansform- ^ icli of Ihc S h a k e r places to consider movir3ving la " torlcally beenI k» n ow n as a Ing Work.k. LLeisure, C om m unity Cassiani said.‘Utiey assuiisumewe quietlycoriservatl'adve place. a n d Everyd; for ils p o ten tial (o ryday Life." bdivisions rather have almost this Salt Laki-ake aty, Thc dty gamerncred national "We liaveavc a litde bit ofevery- LOS (Latter-day Saints)8) ntype of headlines in e d Ac basis of Its ag ricu l- 1992 when Uilng here, i dvicel re. bui latd y die focus ihc S hakers a r e situation here. Springs-based Colorado C for seems tobc> bc on die csctrcme encl He said the perceptionm ccom cs Family Wlues ctcjrrcated A m end- o f things, ar 0 cover th e tax es. I, and dial's n o t die full iun(ed lo S 2 7 .0 0 0 . from (he vas( reach of DolDobson's m ent 2, whichI barredI cUicx pictua-." EcE dm ondson said. "I radio broadcas(s. whichh rcreach 7 from passing lavrews (hat prolect-^Ndon'r wantmt to naivety say lhal . ASK< S^The Ex1 also pay living cx- million to 8 million peo[»oplc a ed gays from dlscrimlnadon. dis then! is na Intolerance in this The law, passed b>by Coloradans, community,ilty. Tliere is, a n d we M agicvalley.a/.com Q&A Advertisingfor m aintenance o f “If Focus o n th e FiFamUy was later struckk dovmt by the have to addrddress it." i library, m u s e u m ric bui f r a ^ e buU d- w eren't here a n d w c still had U.S. Supreme Comoim . For peophopic such os Haggard, every olher religious orgairganlza- Skomion said: thcth communi- whose son N >g o n to w vi'w .m agicvall in Marcus is a full-dmc be s ^ p lc . b u t o u r don here. I don't thinkik you'd' tv's exiernal perception student otIt dth e iiberrU Colorado 01." said Brother ' hearveiymuchaboutColcColorado changed and. as a result,I a lot of College, diediere is no question- lick o n Ask the Expert Springs in terms of religioujousori- "Iniemal censorshlship' remains. that Springs-igs-based rellpous or- entatioa* Cassiani sold. “There’s a lotI cof fear built ganizadonsns hove far-reaching While thc EDC sayslys (he around sodal issueues that proba- Influcncc. * S uibm b r it your question onli stereotype has harmed theabll-me bly doesn’t needJ tto b c there." T h c d tyy it;itself, d i o u ^ . U like a local ca expert will answer it ity to recruit. Focus geneBnerates Skorman said, a ny other,’, allalb d i w ith considcr- 1 ease and speed! millions, of dollars for theh e local That fear Is shown shi mosUy able dialogilogue a b o u t social cconom y th r o u g silence, salsaid L inda D c- issues. The ministry spends $655 ^ mil- voccUe,executhredJJ director of the "It’s a pluralistic p society Quest!istions answered by h a Uon on payroll aiu^uallyally for Pikes Peak Gay’ aand Lesbian wherepeoplcjple can give their best nearty 1,400 em ployees andanc an- Community Centcnter. But. she argumenrM:. Haggard said other miUlon on supitupplies believes, the dtyy Iis chan^g. Ifs a cityIty w here o n e w eek m i

cal expert .tom

IU need SirtuiM in to y ,A u ^ t2 0 ,a 0 0 5 Tlrm»M«iin n , TMn M b . Idaho M

RS ^ L I G I O N FjliLSg'?L& ^^volutionlargumei;nts can’tt escape n'eligion forthcoming federal tristrial will The Intelligent De: test die l e g ^ ^ o f disput De)ebate rages as lu tcd ID Charles Danwli instrucdon in Dover’s sch<«hools. win'* mechanism ot The ID movement say:ays Par-______natural tele>lectlon acting upon______stuindents head__ ^ wm s m ecnanism ot n ni atural 7 " ^ gffldual blbiological changes selccdon acting upon gradualgr . 1 t addreie f how life orlgl- bacack to school biological changcs caim mllllonn years. There- theyy should be taught “inicUi-■ • Therefore, it concludes,es, ^ d * ’ fore, It concludes, it design" conccpts® ance and informationn from . rigsldc evoludon is gettingI some external iniellifiligcnce guldenance and Information ,— hotter,:tcr. wilh die president, o th e rf ihual be involved. Thatt ii from tosome external Intelll- ‘ iticians and a high-profile Bhhop Harry Jaekionson apaakt In tupport of Judge.{e Janice Robert Brown { |o m ^ I gence is usuallyr left gence mmust be Involved. man Oithollc cardinal ali' unidentified, but it sound ataCspltol Hlllpm*ts> conference, wtth memben < n d s like r« et hit High Impact w eighlngin. i ^ i God — and cridcs say ID L Coalition, iacluon'cel'• erforta on beh«lf of the Repubpublican PaHy have - QuisJuizzcd on the topic, Prcsi-j glon masoucrading as scic raised concern andI crtcrttleltffl smong some blacK(Clergymembers. cl . K Bush rccenUy told' Mlchacl Ruse, a Floridad a State rep ooners: rt “You’re asking me• University philosophy prprofes* « • 1 w hethiether or not people ought to* sor ana ardent aflylily of exposed to dmerent Ideas' Darwinism, outlines diele con- somcofthuirpronu African 1 tiic answer is'Yes."' onouncemenis. people" whoIio disagree. n Americann bishop ' flict in a new book,:. “The For example: a t he president's remark a National As- Warrcn N(Nord. an eciucationnl ' Evoluiion-Crcation Struiruggle“ soclRlion o f Bloio]ology Teachers philosopherurui dicUnivcrsliyof mpted sharp criddsm from (Harvard University Pross). In td li^ ss). statem eni once dunneddui cvolu- Nordi Carollollna at C hapel Hill. . forges tities with th adjectivesa in wiiy back tuo jh c Greeks, as wull about African debtt rcirelief, seated pulpit, 1 ^1is( m ondi, Aus(ria's C ardi*' cniiflc in(X)ry.T ai iliu (al)le across ' 1997 because theseesc w crc llico*. .is (he Bible." jss from (lie Raised (o0 believeI in tlic Ilcv. n a i CChristoph Schoenborn While sdendsts accuse ])rc.sidviiC vvas Kislnisliop Harry Martin LutheiherKlngJr.'sdrcamof wrotelc ii in a New York lim e s op- sc reli- lo^cal assertions,s. notn sclem inc John I-Hailauglil.a lay C^iithollc lack-son. gious advocates of step]epping ones, theologian atai (k-orgctuw n Uiii- nony, )ack.soii souglit c d pieplcce lhat ‘the human oiKsidc their field by pronoi I'or diu mnbilious)us pusior of un integrateiIted wofshin experi* intcllccllcci can rcadllyand d early nounc* "How.could ann unipiricalei in* vursity, agrerccs lhal sclentisls ing on what is andi isn’t qulry show dial C< ii)c2,r>0()-muinbcrlloHopeairist- cnce. Jacksonon founded u cliurch discernL-rn purpose and dusign In God was not sometimes: turnii evolution Into ian Cliurch in i biologically possible, rcllgillgious guid^ing a n d dirccircciing cvolu* an anti-rcllL-llgloiis woridviuw 1 suburban in Coming. 1N N.Y, willi a cohgre- th e nnatural a worid." He said thinkers accuse scientist: I^uiliaiu. Md.. tliL> visitvisi was ccr* g a llo n that Ists o f don?" (he two scholars scht asked ihiii cxccedsJs die p ro p er limits at was 9B perceni Cadioliilolicism cannot accept cvo- reaching beyond scicncc ijilnly somediing lio10 hadii hoped w hite, b ul ({ii ;c into the association. of scicncc. However,H< h e ojipos- ({uickly leiuncd dial lu iio nin if this means “an the reiilm o f theology i for. racial unityrwasstUlaclioUenge. wi iinguid*iidcd, unplanned / wilh ilie answer Is Jiaidial such Slate* us ID us boU)th bad science and "Ijiisiwishdiaimytiiyfadicrwas ■ "Some off my n members were proccsscss.” m cn is go0 bcyoiidb( whut bad theolow Slill aiivi.* (0 see liovvV farfa wc have shtmned byy dielrtJ families. Odi* ' . Schoihoenborn's state- scicncc iiloneiiloi cun dis- 'Ib Haugjii,liL educators fall to com e ns African Americans." An- ers were tme:ireatencd with losing in c u tsIS caused covcr andIld enter the admit that “dierc“t arc diffcrcnl Jack-son Siild. recallingingihemcei- thelrinheritartanccjusi forcoming constcricrnadon among ^ realm o>f f ] philosophy luyers of cxpliplaniition" for phe- ing. i!)iiring (lie p;past nine to my church,ch,“hcsaid. scicntisitists and educa- . \(This ‘ is) a struggle foifor the . snii, ""jligion.bi says nomena. I’oi-or example, ‘water m onths, (he regisienK::red Dunioc* Stunned but bi undetcrrcd. lie tors —— i including some Piiintliiga.It. IIa Protestant boiling on asisto v ecan b e validly n>( has (nl JflJakes, die encc. n nd h ass bbeen on die road ^ popular Dallas-basedcl televisionte speaking in supiupport of Republi* f A Y f F i m BB a p tis t evjinuelist. didn’t critlcLtldzcjack- can*badcdjuduoicial nominees. < son, Inil he said it’s imponantlm Jackson saidJd die Republican ^)& iern a f Si'fe I for ministers to be pcpolidcally platform — omjpposing same-scx ^ c h uu rch neutral. "Tlierc are! certainlyci marriage and HRISTIAN CENTER 1 id a b o n lo n while • S- •' I 910 Shoshiih o n e S t E. clergy wlio steer totallyally to die to u tin g a m essassagcoffamilyval* ■' g Sunciay Services G ri(^t and those who siecitccr totally u e s — is m orerc In line widi the Sunday School • 9:30 am \ ■ Twin Fall!ills, Idaho to (he left, but I have n<»n(jversecn vievra of Africrican Americans. T^atluri Mr r Worship • 10j30 am j { SC H O O L : a n eagle fly on one wtwing," he Bush's su p p o n Ifor diosc values >/!nny >C yitiJi yiancAty ^[EveningService*6:30pm J a said. "I think it U vitallyilly impor* led Jackson to0 v vote for him, he ) a.m . tant, since we say wc! rc]represent saidL- ffiijwednestiay Service ^ ■ F ^ )A//Ages" God, (hat wc don'( impimply that Still. Jacksonm : said he felt be- I IT ^ 1 Mld-WHk S«tvl» ^ G od is for one wing of a Viliolc traycd by th e! p.party earlier this | ’ SirdirGirttaiKl6:OOmli» SUNDAYSW O R S H IP I bird.” y ear w hen 'Rcnicm Ifllt o f Missis- I 9:300 ia.m . ; Jackson argues (hatII thtl e Dc- s lp p i a n d ot odicr southern K ^ " fi ...... “Open fhtp with us. niocratlc Party lias leftFt himhi little sen ato rs refusedscd to sign a reso* i p ® Twin Falls p to/ choice. In (he 2004 prcsircsfdendal luiion condemn!nning lynching. “ =— H Christian Academy sj SUNDAYSPastor - ! " election. Democrats' cfl'orts eff to “I feel like • llthe Republican i 1 ipri - 11:001n c a s t e r I expand their appeal[ll i caused Party needs to )hi have a family talk I’’ !* ^ Daycart Pre-School ^ tliem to overiook theirrcoresiip- co with people whwho were former RMi and Kindergarten I* l i t w d i i f * Come worshi•2 9 3 6 ; porters, including blac ■SI OrthvdDcHvlMnFtU J ilacks, he D bdecrais to telltell them dim th e . through 12“ Grade M ■Hiid. “It seemed like theic DDemoc- n ew R epublicana n Party does n ot . •.V , ' _ _ Interim P. m tic agenda had beenn hijackedhi have a placc foi e d R efo rm ed C h u rch y V ‘Distinctly Christian'' V by il militant homoscxua:xualagcn* racial hatred of M aif^ley ' (la without even caringing about sold. U 798 Eastland Drive N. M a ^ V a l k ) n IWln Falls ij| W ^ 733*1452 I II, Synagogi^ e ______■ ■ ^ “ iMeeting in ------^_____ ffi SanctuaryI > Continued from C2 Still, ihe numbnber of Orthodox 3-v — " 0 " \ 200.()(X), iiccording to the World Jews w ho m igluiitciuallfyforlieth c t JK Jewish Qjngrcss. Israel's offer iss rfaing.r In 1990, sS u n . W o rsh ip ^ !^ < J GGRACE Synagogue leaders also hope Just 15 pcrcentIt cof die approxi- to capitalize on die relotivtiiivelylow m atcly 5 millionon afUllateu Jews 9:30am ‘ and 6pm C ^g w .s n 1 I' cost o f houses in Malden,Icn. While in A m crica wen:enj OrdiodoK in xSp nil Sriiiuil llie m edian cost of a singlingle*fam- 2000. th at numbG.250, according toi tlietlu War- T h e synagogu)guc has odicr ^OtrUt alow. 7b tht n & l . 6:.^0 |VmV ren Group, which (rack;acks rcal m em bership ince ZlorvofGodeion*.- Agape Foursquare SunUaySt estate sales In soudicmcm New ing summer carcamp subsidies, WK Sunday Services K:30a.m.'&t16 -0 7 2 7 Ofricintliis: flnf^nnd. Jewish day-schoolOoI scholorsliips Worship 10:30 am /A/PyfCT }hii/ Both Isniel was a vibnu3nmt Or- and m oney forr sstudying in Is* «oc Qirirtopte ROeertiAK r .Siiiidiiys /ir ( thodox community untiuntil die racL Prayer 6:00 pm populadon began to drop 708f?ey*^um^Ave. k W a t c h - 'op in die But leaders thiiihlnk lhc onsvcr ^ (2 0 8 ) 7 3 6 1930s. Families movedIto to com- could be affordablable housing Twi 181 Morrisott Street :loser to “The quesdonDn you need to ^ B oston and hnd .imenitieilties like ask is'H o w m any)lyyoung families (Pft 733-6255 Jewish day schools. arc purchasing; homesf\ in the \K2w^S8 Gai^d Nicl^n > In the 19(503 and 1970;370s. the com m im ily?”' slndmansaid'lf • ‘ JSKSSWSJ population condnued to tum-; you d o n 't see thele youngerj fami- ble a s older members dietdied and lies that are pupurchasing the - . w- lurch, se h fic i^ i younger families moved!d oc ut of hom es, you don'l□n't see the fu* | the area. 1 ^ events C-4 Tbnet^.owt,wt,-|WfnFtU«.(

I TfaeTnm i e s N e i ^ 0 Imi § _ Sh

1 U K r^: r f ^ ^ H m m

IH T-filinilM■ ' d I — 501 502 S 0 2 8 0 2 0 0 3 w a . 5 0 2 M 2 - /. - ■ Open Housei e H o m e s F b r S a l e^ Homes For Sale HoHomes R>r Sate: Homei w t Fbr Sale Homes FbiftrSale HomMfarSaSM Homes For Salt HomesForSale : I BUHL • BURLEY IBuy A Homo JEROMEIE 2300 sq.ft. 4 HOME INSPEiPEC nO N S KIMBERLY ocroogroogo 4 TWIN FALLS 4 bdrm..“ TWIN FALLS Incomo ' S79.000 C uto 2 bod­d. 3 bdrm..'luil bosomonl No Nc Monoy Down bdrm. 2 bolh, at- 2000 4-sJnccinco 1993 - 3 w“lwalk in 2.5 balhs. 2 c ar ■f > proporty. 40 ocros w/2 room. 2 both 126833 a now klichon, SW lo- www.TwinFolls w lochod j i garago. brick Bin BokergQ8-3 iq. It. on bonus room $147,900K> housos. 20 shares of sq.ft. mIg. hom o on)n cailon. Closo lo ___ ZoroDown.com^ ' homo or h water Coil 208-731-1354>4 wator. 206-326.5490 (oundfltlon with a i1 schools. churchos 4 MrtT*.. Z $295.1■95.000, DoAun Avo. S car garago. coniralal ond Shopping. 2340 ” °3LUSTEnj.O,pol “ - S '" !'v 4 1 '4 i - TWIN FALLS Nowly re- CommulorsI 2452 aoa.asl ‘Z>LZ — TWIN FALLSJl Boautitul modoiod brick home. H JEROME air. French d o o rs lo a MUler Avonuo, 208- S ? ' 10 670-3648 or 208-C70- Wendell Avo. Won backyard. . KIMBERLY By Ownor. Ow homo! 4 bdrm., 22 3 bdrm. 1 both, boriu? ' Solurday I0am>tprr soparato silling oroa schools & 6 lols wilh 2 ^ r o ^ ■ oil Itving room. Qulot.,t. . 3670 / 206-678-2738. lopt silo bulil homo. 3 JEROMEIE 9.900. Coil 1 balh horrw.0. 230 lom bulil t>2, withh 736-2965 Of 320-1534 , Oroat country homo' onclosod patio r'oomrri — gjj oil mastor. Largo0 BURL'EY S.W. For salo room, '.f®' wood bumir>g horrto. T b oat? 2oe-^23-593i931. M onroe E u LL 1 Call mony upgrade?, wlih 2 bay shop. slovo. Moluro lond- w/sprinkli 4 bodroom. 208.423-5497 or 208.2 $152,500. 404-4146 TWIN FALLS oldor woodon siorago shod..J.. by ownor. Brick homo. iklor system. KIMBERLY 4 b< homo. 3 bdrm, 1 1/2 30x40. scopir>g. *'Mu«t s m gorogo, ______2S25 A lderw ood Ave. Vamt Conlact Micholo0 3000 sq. II,. 5 bdrm. 2 I. 2 stall, bom. 2 balh, 2.350150 8Q.n.on bam. $89,900. Coll ■ 420 South 100 Wet loappreclattt**. work shd R.V. pod. Can ••409 groat views. ! ■ ' manulacturod homo. ■ I MESSAGE includo appiioncos. Unioasod0{1 lot.S69,000. TWIN FALLS IB Poody lo Solll 734- Call 208-;S-731.3207 < Solttng Propofty? : 878-0201 or 312-1916 9 9 S bdrm, 4 both, 3286328 I tWIN FALLS Curry 7728 Of 731-2973. GEM M H sq tt. central Oir, I Crossing. 1-t- ocro TWIN FALLS rort>od- • r O oni pay any loos M j W H B f c KIMBERL>| 3 bdrm. 1 coniral vac,1 2 I comploioly land- : STATE REALTY. INC. :ROME hQtn 1 olod 3 bdrm,. 2 balh. ■ I unlll Il's so u . For 1 208-734-0400 FILER I car garage. s « M fifopiocos. hot tub. I scoped with sprin* free Information 3 bdrm,/3 both. Fo, «ak»,1. | y o .n .r . In ground hoalod HORSE LOVERS 223. Jfln- I klor system . 1.780 pool, family & ilving ; oboui avoiding timo 2230sq.ft„oHk:o. Co 14^.4 R niul klors. foncod bo6bock I sq. n., 3 bdrm .. 2 mo I BUHUCASTLEFORO Grool acroogo with s ployroom.tolsof play byCroigBu room. Opon floor plan, sharo ond roalI I 3 Mrm.. 2 b alh . 2.41 horso stoils pius windoi , 9 yord. RV parkingUng I bath. 24x40' ndowsandclosots, r u p e r t CUSTOM * $147,000, 306.5995 I ostoio scorns. ' Ij loncod acros, sprin- corrals. Roomy S • Porc » i ‘julol cul-de-socsoc I goroge/shop. AC. Porgo. lilo, custom BUILT HOME H' WTTH $225,000. H wrilo lo: ! klors. pollQl stovo. bodroom. 2 bath two- Iln tA e n E R n iiiii rooms. 3 baihs, TWIN FALLS Salo Col- flnlshos.9.foot SvERs” Jzod 4 W Call 206-733.0789.789. I dock.9®°® $139,500/01- P«“®' ■ I Fodoral Trodo control olr. AskingI story homo ond co lapsodi Houso still for ^ S1I5.000/otfor, 543- Ihoro's a 2nd homo sprinh ^ I fer.20e:y^3762 sole Wost of Harmon ■. Commission. | )rinklor8.S117,SOO earod lor TWIN FALLS$162,S< 2422 or 731.3624, (or Incomo or guost htip:>itip:/*onam.myTj,nei -Ion 3 b Park. Come to sool ■ I WosMnoton. O.C. i..^ ™ Levoi lOOCHsq►«1 ft TWIN FALLS For Solo- 1214 5" Ave. East. houso. Asking 1 2 5 bath ■ 205BO or coll tho I $199,900. Com Rod. *8u rss i ZERO DOWN? rj OPPORTUNITIES 7 1Sx24 8hO,hop. bam with | - T - - wwv.TwlnFolisForo pooRCREorr? ; HANSEN R c m o M M tolls, dog run. ■ H TWIN FALLS 188 Se ck3suros.com Froo Ust Office Space■C All >««! «suio advonit- ROME 1 yoar Okl «all e n Springe Avenu 1ST TIME BUYER? I • loo tn mia nowspap«r is moloi sidod 3 bod- 3 bocbodroom, 2 bolh. Vory monoluro'. land- I TWIN FALLS I Call lor 0 I • «jbi*cn8 Itio Fair Mou»- room. 1 1/4 ball) sprinh>rinl«lor sysiom, scoping, MIO i ’ woler 13 bdrm.. 2 bath,,(h 9,-nr 3 bdrm. 2 bai:balh, TWIN FALLS : FREE 2 mlnuio pro* ng Ad wnich makes It homo wilh now appli- fonconco and land- *oilor pasture. I gorogo. Boouti vault. Froo MLS Soorch : cor www.TwinFallsHomo qualincotion , X i«gal to advortlso 'any ancos, Porgo lioor in scapii;oping. socurtty Locolod In. li Jackson j landscopod.ioI.•sa iota of garago.?r"cSr"a’“c“i sprinklor sy: ' SU23E 420.37CS 1 a p a r t r n mf / s i [wlwoneo iimltaiwn or klichon. woodsiovo. & syslorslom. • double “ ™« st of Rupert. I oxtras, f#y8- Inlo.com i'''suzioflsuzferichard. I doublo car gorogo- gorooiirogo. S105.S00. $219,000.3. Cail 208- I $124,900,734-1ik 'O '"- '“"y f "ncod, " " ' —■ p Nowor homi ! son.com I . raco, color, leUoion. sax, shop, jrM ,«jo Con111208-320-1066. 21 312-4552. hsnoicap, lamual atsius. I $113,900. Ploaso cc Office Space I S39-6161 / 734-8288 [— • V national ongin or on N I E L S O N ^ A fl mianton lo mako any iREALTY LLC flu M nh g IxciK m e Since, 196965 8 1 2 : Mien p(eloconc« llmlla- ' in dvecaon o iWid the < ^ TWIN FALLS I e. uon or diKiimination. iyoudeair«.73MB3t , , f . F a n n s /R a n c h e s / ; : 734-3930 ■§ HousetobemovedJ ^ (ipainiiaits/ S -Familial atams includes — p p ^ 20S-734-444411 ■ Two 'bedroom , 1 1 - D a irie s chiioran under iho age ■ ,0 b«in- Approx. 9851 = ^ ot ta Ivktg wilh porents ■ TWIN FALLS 2.73S BUHL SW 60 acres. I It-tom sq . n.. 4 bdrm.. 3 sq.ft. 1 car gorogo. I B Office Spacej or legal custodian; prog- K Coli 206.733-3742 | 80 shBtos TFCC. • nani women and people ■ ______I both, den/5" bdrm,, Yoor round ilvo slroom. . •ecuimg custoity or chll- ■ living room, oirice. I H ^ n m produciive fish ponds. ' arenundarie. ■ family room, 3 !!S!‘ cor. TWIN FALLS I I home In North Polnto smoli home, now fnjIi : RV, wood ploy sol. troos. barns, granary. • r c Thia nawspaper wlll not $249,000 737.0456,^ Subd. 541 CtHlIn < a p a r t m e n t s 2844 Denise Ave-TWIWmM ■ ■ ■ T Aye. 5 bdrm. 3 balh. _ Caii 208-543.4738. ! — *'5 , knowingly accopi any iMslal hxitimj <« «p:«Mi. W l . « .Vrad,\lradtmiitwloDmM 6 7 9 Holiyann Ct. | advertisM lor rMl as* — I w/l^rtlol basem ent, MAQICm VALLEY East. 3 uu'wnicn il lo vioia- 3 bedroom, 2 bathba ^ TWIN FALLS 217J1,70 custom built ook cabi- Dairy r sites. Any slzo. • J lion el tho law. Cur Office Space Rusty Court and 249C "•‘s- cultured marble, Permitsf ovailobto with ; ieaa«>s are heroby in- 1,403 sq.ft., $136,3 6 . 9 0 0 lomwd IUI all Paintbrush Drive. FoiFor »fwwer and Dairy c Plan. Haddon • LPINE REALTY ,..11 garden tub in masior Raaily c 206-312.1135. ' nis newspapor aro H r i n f a i s T z a t e>thAvca»e , E a s t-T W to ftn j-734-;34.3373 ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ 4 ^ ^ ^ bdrm. 3 cor garogo. — avaJiabie on an'oqual , 430P&ri(wayCircle-'IV Ig. tMickyard. G reat lo* MURTAUQH Mi 210 acres opponunliy basis. To ' W catkin, m ust se e. with v brick 3 bodroom. cornplain olOlierlmina- 4 bedroom, 2ba ■ $225,000,731-0920. 1 3/4 bolh homo, over iBfl ca< HUO Toil-lreo 3S00 sq. ft,. 26-X27’ • talepnone numbar al 2,046 sq.ft., $141,1 1 .9 0 0 9 TWIN FALLS ^Prte* ^fomily/ollfce room. I I 600e howlrtg H occupancy, rocondi- 30V32*3 hootod shop. : 1030 Sawtoolh Blvd-IVI W n F a lls TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm;Til, tIoned. 4 bdrm. 2 w . 30^100'3 machine . fjalal Madrona iUinttrool, Nonh on.UMooihBhiion S 2 balh, hardwood)od barn on H aero with shed, sl 2 pivots & wotor * u tie floors, fireplace, 4 bedroom, 3 bathba Fabulous nenew cuslom 4-bdrm home In ce, hot tub and pool, plus shoros. sl SUO.OOO , a,'-’ “ ^ 1 in NC sh o p , sprfnklors,if«. manyextrasl Family is » 2,688 sq.ft., $169; nishad bonus room, dream kllclUchen c e d a r Isnce and>nd moving lo Flortdol NELSON; | \ JJihTlite - countertops, and sumptuc jp- Come by 3180 _ Woodridge Or. to see F 2770 Chaparral Orde -T- T M n M s m a ste r suitsIte. MLS#96199765 $279,900 R E A L T Y L L C j RMIIHJ 0 S125.000.420-0127*T I our lovely homo. Or EaaalfjialtniJl a:abtt/i.SMhatP>'atfi I Jann Hutchison ^ j 2 0 5 7 " Avenue N.■_\ | caa John 206-731- — 734-3930 : 4 bedroom, 3 bathba Broker, GRI, CRS i — 4633 or 206-734- WEVENDELL SE 28 ! ^ TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm., • 8746. $280,000. . acros. oc 26 shores • 2,711 sq. ft., $20S.i1 5 .5 0 0 Offiec 208/734-3373 2 bath, fenced yard. . Realtor Owned. NSCC, N: sprinklers, : Cell 208/731.8891 nfta $125,000. Irwin Realty $1$130,000. Would con* • ------'I 736-6716141 Callente W e n i S e l l YY i o u r r ~ ---- 2li. 206-734.6500 _sl

200 EAST 350 NOI H o m e F o r O n l y j m m SiStoamNRoiillK • •• $2.995 F lat': 1 F e e ! Ku i now root, ntw siding . A IS by I iTMhiy paimtd. 6 acrti in i % Tour Of( Genii with t turn, corni vm tn»d. . ca/ivAmusi imI S149.900 ti Ass^OSell. ti[ s a s E l / 34-1898 p iij a s i a w a ^ tate OnS^^^I iHIMH Gem Sti VRTVKUPmnil Rea ia6FILERAVENUEEASr-TW I 3lty! TWIHFAUS‘ 734-im iStillliJ li n u o ^ m o m ‘ 32I2 4 S B 5 2 BUY m I ^ B Q JM33^TtlM vaB'/'iil S E L L m R A P I D S RAMNCH K rth o f Buhl, off River RoRoad S l B I □ “S g " ■ K A N A K A «I r 600 acrcs - tennis court - hiking t A T IM E S ­ ngtrails- 5 1/2 m iles nortiand great fuhing in numerous lakes:es anda ponds K&flHBiBIB i MUf«»74l1@ b^ N E W S Geoihermal water - over I s . abundant wiJdllfe- parks and Em C U S S I F I E D W IL L 9 45isttva FILL EVERY NEED R o a d 4 5 1 8 M e a d o wV LLaae PfiTS??*? hs 3 bedrooms..^ ■balbaihi fc■ 'T"-*:! B M li MLSMK2n6MU2 i n 45U Silver C reek Ro iM ii 3 bedrooms. 3.S balhs BUY m ML-ViwiourM.i *314^00 PtCKsm a ClosslflMl a d InJItMIn Tlme^ e w S E L L m • 734.040a K M tC d h< «■ a«Mr«ting mu gootM ond MrvicM U a Wn *29^000 Bi•tt. r Uondw^rnSTSS# SpnT 1a £ i o»iec*<»M74'i>oun(won. 00W a n M V , I44S Addtoon AV*. Soat • 7; U is ii OEM STATE REAIXT

' ______Saturdtunis]r,Auft»t 2 0 ,2 0 0 6 Tlme»Net>lews. Twin Fans, Idaho C-5 R e /a l IEstPAT!E -

b l 3 5 1 8 e BIB: . . e03» 801 , ...... 8 0 2 ...... 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 e 0 2 . A c r e a g e a n d L^ o ta Hdilte Haiiia . ' _■ ■ioblltHoma» rum M M d HoRiM UnfiimMwi>wdHom— UnfumlahadHcI Homes Unfurnished Hornaa»aa UnfunUahao Momas Unfurnished Homea .i; ------HXNSEN------BOHL -79 rAsnio ^ i i o ~“ 5 JEROME 1996 Uberty fOTASTlEFOnD^QOOOiS^ Sjs'-Tw iFriTO Fo'o^;:^;^ Irm. 2 bath newer nice dock, o loon, lg t tw in FAI.LS 2 bdrir WHO can holp YOU Lols ~ HomesS 14x60. odd on stor- 3 bedroom. 2 batn. . . w s “ S 25 ♦ d^D "P' 2 “own. firo 5 bdrm., 3 balh, 3.000 R»aJtyUnk404-940S405 . OQO room. 2 bdnn., 1 $2©,000. G raat floor , no. 2.4 lortced w/0. $450,J. 539-0805,i bodroom, $325 - No * sq. n. homo. 771 ront your tontol? OS (or horses. ------— No smoking or p P'O'®- No ------bath, carport, somo P Foils R avail nowr 3 ' bath, oppts,.s.. S 425 mo, Emptoymont«nl . dop. Cali 733-4605.i. TWIN FALLS B rand pooRCREorr? In Kimboily School accosslbk) o n targo »-n e O i C f i n v .bdrm ., ;— Newl ^2;3t>odroom., lot. 131x307. Colt m., 1 bath on small + dop, LiiKiK O tn C o u rt Information Is lr< 1ST TIMEBUVER? Olsiilct. Spoctncular n w/corral. garago Space H. i ® TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm,I'fn. 2 b.itti homoa. 206-825-5073. 4 i£.sa°°’ Rom«n,bo,.no,no ono S475 mo, ♦ $300 dop. I Cnll lor n . vlow with privacy, ^ ar>dI trashtre pickup In- Coll 208-54343-8258, promiso yoi op' Cnstlowood. 2 car • FREE 2miiiulop»o- watof . ahatos.os.' JEROME 1 9 8 2 .1 ,3 5 0 ^ you fl Uiiliiius riol includod,’Od' gar;igo applo. Vory ■; KIMBERLY wantod 20- ivaitabto 2.3 »odorat Job, Foror ffroo 443 Van Buren St. phono a n d powor at oq. ft..3 bdim,. 1 bath _ 0 ,O ocres for non-___ nice foncod yards. II,1 SUZIE 420-3765 ■ nl , bodroom informallon aboabout Cflll 208-260-6275 S950 month doposil [', Joho^HouB:------foooronobs~ i; suiiofrfBozlorichflrd- ' TMs boautilul 33 Good conditton. m ust ter ! shares. 306-7966 ' I. Wob photos -TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm.. Avallablo A ug. tS ih : acfo parcel locatod od bomovod. • • J II. $6SO/mo,. I", ‘>>3 'Of . . 2 bath. 2 cor garago,go! 208-786-2727 . ; Canyonilde 5 mitos soulh ol 1996 14 X 66. sloglo WANTED W TO BUY last & $500 deposit. 2M-M4-M4 )- toncod yard. &775 mo: Realtylnc. Kimbofly R oad andnd vvWo. 2 bdrm.. 2 bnih, » : 208-326-4729. Frt, 7om-4pr TK); TWIN FALLS Cloon 3 ' Moveable monuloc- Csll 201 ______Connoction.in. ♦ S500 dop. Magicigic bdrm., 4 AC. S650 a *' 2 milos wost 01 ol Y-R Home*. 3Z4-0020. lurod I home. 26X60. " WETT^.SmollZs .11... " 478-757.3000000 Vnttoy Ranch. Cnll:all month. 208-212-3099 8 (0 4 Ploauint Valloyoy *Must ba m good con— “ ANNET 208-543-2439, Goff C ourse wont r>.. romodofod, or 208-212.5000. ,,, KIIMBERLY1994 dltion. ° 775-237-5769 -, Unfurnished Apts. last tongt or702.649.1560. Slovo & rofilg,, r ™ r ~ TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm,,m„ TWIN FALLS Couniry Bfoadmoro. 3 ° imoni, outside Ttiafl!fa^ SHOSHONE Non • MOTIVATED . bdrm,, 1 tw in. S2 bdrm,' 6 ocros, nnowlv 2 bath, (iroptoco, & homo. 4 t>drm. 2 boih, And Duplex SELLER. BRING 821 ■- shod.I, 6 mllos soulh o f . ^ n i i t l « 'Ots ol oxiros. $850150 1 aero, lull loncod — OFFERS. ‘ S20.000. . . . ' Bellovur>vuo. $750MlO. f i l i a, -l ^ H romodolod insidi ’ 2005 Kit, Has many out. bam. '■^«.,ni. coi month + $700 doposil.sll. yard, oprlnktor syc- ^ H e a r th e C«H 423WM15. iM aast. s t. dop. for all. or Coli 208.733.5047 _ _ (jioal omonttlosl storogo. r , $7S tom. Oroot master q u ie t! oa» rorlor rontI on portlol — bdrm. Avollablo now! — S67,500. — ' '' propertyorty. -Coll 208- K A Q P roropofty | $300 dop. ae6.Q6..9845. T\V(N f a l l s 659 Main SHOSHONE N. propor-’Of" Rnorwing OAC. p r •In S i 100/mo. 1 yoor Laurel Park ly 12 m llos NE of POCATELLO 3 bdmi. 736-0050054 or 731-0491 Managen ------2 bdrm,. 1 bath $6000 0 ioooe. S750 dop. 734- ot Homes m ust S n ^ r d s tw in FALLS 31 bcbdrm,. + $500 dop, 529 Main Shoshono. PosslbtaD'® romoln on slto. t2 bath. $35,000. Cad h a QERMiRMAN River. 4 T o,?l,n^ •In 9503 loovo mossago, 176 MnurfcoSt • ; 206-232-0933 or 208- f,o m ^ a co m o 2 both, 2 car gargarogo, a M fm., i both. btg Wood Rivor riohts."3- Friendly Vllla0« , riorl North Polnte Ra M TWIN FALLS NE 1 yr, TiTwin Falls 734.4195. I • 2.1.6709. , SHnJJnw kSo^N o m 2 ' logothoi Ranch S475*$350.212-2693 Coll 208-886.7052. __ 2tJB-423-5253 f locolions, •$895 mo, uiila. — Old. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, ^ 3UHL 2 bdrm.. nvoll" TWIN FALLS Cholcoico 6 _ 0 1 ' KV r” !;: jpflcos. 805-929-4850, - 1 no pols/amoklno. t yr, Available ______TWIN FALLS Loose $950 * dop, iibk) now. Runt b a so d ' tot In Canyon Point n a n w n fa n a n m $675/mo a(H>7S4 ^ on • Incomo. Equal ' Estates. Built to suito3,0 TWIN FA O S 1990 11 i bdtm., «09 Mountain View'* 2284 Eaatwood Rd. r r —T—— wotor paW. ioncod fon< Or. Weat Houiang Opponunlly,' : Of soil. C oll'208-732-■9. Nashua doublo ■ ' ____ ' i~ p:Y y Slay at our KIMBERLY 2 b Call 206-324-8056. gl wido. 3 bdrm.. 2 \ S S 2 ' okoy, $425 mim o 4 bdrm,, 2 bath. 1 car Cnil 206.543 6633, ' fl096or 410-5042. C l a u l f l e d b UcoI.. Ovorcrowdod wHh W/D. TWIN FALLS S harp 3 bam. AC, all oppls, >. ^ S « 5 . S300' deposit.. Call 0“'«0o. t car car­ IA2ELTON D a p a r t n w n t ho OaJal Loma month > * port, fenced yardd bdrm,. brick houso. S 1 8 $31,000. Our 2 bdrm, Sman pottOts 208-212-1678 Now laking 1993 Broadmore. 3 ------with sprinkler sys­:- Ouiot noighborhood. Mobile Homes ond homo Is Calt 208-4M 23-5926 TWIN FALLS tem, Sawtoothn closo to CSI, garago, applications: bdrm,. t bath. nRepresentaltves w o nvoll. To rent in Sop. or 208-410-0 Syrlnga Eetatea = • $10,900. ^0199 1148 Fiesta Way, School, $875 month1 loncod yard, sprinkler , ^ BUHL M«r1«tte 7 0 2 avollablo from SSOO/nigI'nighi up to 4 ' r r - r —— - Brond new 3 bodroidroom, * dop. No smoking • syslom, S650 mo. ♦ ’I °bodroom apts. Oulot ' 2 1997 Floelwood. 3 ,6.^0 om-5:30 pm poopto.«. *500i up lo 6, KIMBERLY 3 t and woll maintnlnod txlmi.. 2 bath. 66'x122’, ' bdrm,.2 batfi, 2 bolh, llnlshodId dbl, Veeh Property dop. No pots, 255 Monday -Fridoy Ight min stoy, t>“>l’- foncod no Mgml. for rosidontj 62 yoors • ' Lhring room w/7xt8>S 523,000. Caawell, 404-6232, or ago or oldor. Hondl- oMonsion. l3'5»lV odd _CflILour.offic*_ r Call Lyle 731-6589. W FinonOogOAC------— J TWIN FALLS Vory coppod/Dlsabiod on oH th.o kitchon. 2 Homos must romain In Twin FoBs drm. 2 * ~ •car carport. auto J bdrm ,, 2 bath, linishod ^ — nico. d e a n . 1 bdnn rogardloss n: of ago, Jo on'silo. ■ . 733-0931 ext, 2 HANSEN;N 2 6drm„ 2 KIMBERLY 3 t I dbl, TWIN FALLS - Avail,‘I; upstairs ap t. ol 419 'F'Fodorany Assisted sprinklers. SI 2,500.O' Canwo EststM ^-= 'J both, on Bcreogo1 Lg '*ator & I trosh onrago. Oiogonn T Trolt Sopi, 1, vory nteo 2 mo. -► 1“ School. Immod. p 2 5th Avo E. Appls, vory I-Housing. Cali 829- Senator P a r* . Call 208-423-6253 Qp. D»p. I t«l.. r«i. f*?'.?""";' I. pos- bdrm, W/D hook-op. light w/lorgo windows, 4206. Handicap 208-643-6687,______Ots. $500 mo. 1 ^ A deo. dl C al sessM}n. $925 mo.w- wator/UBsh paid. $575 Accos&iblo, Equal 0 9 % m . Amy 735-0316 5 $425, Goto 404-3850, A 177 or 731-1975 208-735-1363 . -^$300 dep. 731-42199 Invln Roofty, H

EQE Q U A L H O ^N Q OPPORTUNmES AllIII nrMl eetut athrwd*. ' BEpiSHI^KII >g in this n«Mp«>«r le SSmSSnvM HI **ublKtlottMFalrHou*.1* mgig Acta wtilch make* HI- ktnRM nBSKinll iflal 10 advertlte 'any laltrwKja llnyuuion or ■ B g ^ ^ n B S B B I diKiileciimlrMtlon liated on race.ice. color, relolon. mx, handl■:ndK«p,laniU«tuue. ■ national ortgln or vi Mr«on to make any suchtch prefef*r>ea Imlla. Uon.n or dlscrbnkutlon. an^U etUM Irtekides eftttdriHklrwi undw the age ol IB Iving wllh parents ofi«9icon euModlan; preg- nartt«irtt women and people MCUticudneexttlodyordUI. drenu*n under 18. IrhI* le rnewspaper wit noi !I3K77iin^iiK^^HI I rtowMgly accept any ■SiiMMMiH I advwdvenlting lor real ee- 1 lie wMch l« In vk)li. I Uonon of the lew. Our iiih m im ih h IHH m I' >ad«s-a»-|MM>y H: I formiirmwi m « a I cKxeiwellnoe advertlMd In BWIIMW— — M l I thisils fwwapeper are I avalli/Utitta on an equal I opporsponunlty baaie. To ■■■■■■■■■■■■■I I OMKPsmpUIn o< dl«crlr>*iB> I tionM eUe HUD Toi^ee lephone number at >(M0e-9777. The v ^ r r K I O I Toii-fr>ll-ltM telephone n V I R M I M M I rtumbmber lorthehearino oalrKi It eOO-027- 79,

W l RHt CITAti OROtlP (206)K 324-2236

B a i 3S 2 Z 4 - 2 2 3 S t There's p le n ty o f ro o mI aan n d am enities for a ll y o u r peti>ets o n this hard lo Ilnd 4.63 a c r e p ro p e rtyrty In great country subdlvlsloslon convenient- ly located between Jeronrome and IVln FaltsrS pasttuttiresr 2 corrals,' . looling shed, ta c k sh e d ,. pluspli 3 bedroom 2 b a th h o m e $ 2 9 9 .^DMLS«98211292 M

P R O F E S S IO□NAL l OFFICE SR 1600 S q. Ft.■t. On The Canyon Riml aa t RIVERR VISTA PLACE Triple Net!t LLease-*15** p ersq. ft. '45,000 Allowanonce For Interior Im provei ■ . Barbara Morales WartdaI fasterFa Manha Rowtond MitdlitdiBauunan CwireMld* tUalry CsityomldtakitlUiiTr TMMfOMRMltjr C—yeaToeCeaatryMtr 208-53M272 731»43!43S2 308-4940 40404-305< C « Tlme»H«wf.1WI,1V rln»l(. Idaho Satutdi)r. Ai«utt{Utt 20. 2005 Notice Of TrustM 's Salt PUBUC NOTICE T.S. No. 200SOO500904 • 24541 Loan No. 14002:0221117 On 11/08«005 ol Actions19 planned and tokon by yourr gigovernment n;ooA.mTo«rocoonizod local time), at Iho (otiowswing tocBlion In mo County ontalnod In public noticos, Thoyoy are part of of Twin Falls,Its. State ol Idaho: In ino tobbyby of First Amorlcan Title right to know and to bo informcrmed of whot Compony. 260160 Third Avenue North, Twin Foils.s. IID 83301, Fidelity National E staiI tiJ* •* your govommont gc is doing. A s soll-gil-govornmont Tltto Compony.ny. ai s Truatoo will soil ot public ouciuction, to Iho highest bklder. I ...... — chorgoi)09 all citizens to bo inlormod.d. this nows- lor cash, In lowfut lowl monoy ol tho United States;is; Olt payoblo 'ot the llmo ol poporr urgoDI ovory citlzon to roadid and. study solo, the lollowlrswing roal proporty, siluatod in Iho3 CCouniy ol Twin Foils. Stato IE 6 0 4 6 0O 7 T ■ thosoI rnoticos. Wo advlso ihoso citlcltiions Who ol Idaho, andd ‘'describedUl os foikjws: EXHIBIT"/'■A' Lot I t and a parcel of 6 0 4 funhor Information to oxorclso> Iholr th right to '“"d located in LotI to. Stock 2, Hidden LakesS Ie states Subdivision. Twin IMmlshedApIApts. Unfurnished Apts,S. Unfurnished Apts. Off!Office And Retail >s public rocords and public moolootings, Falla County.. Jdiidaho. according to Iho otticiol plotliot thorool recorded in Book ® ISolPlois, poot>age 7. records cl Twin Falls Count;mty. Idaho, moro particularly And Duplexex______And Duplex _ And Duplex______Rentals IMPORTANT doscnbod osI follows:foti COMMENCING ol Iho monost Easterly corner ol sold . t addross alt logal odvortising to: WIN FALLS ^ R'oasoa . Lot to ond bollboing Iho REAL POINT OF BEGEGINNINO; THENCE North • JEROME TWIN FALLS 2 Ddrm.,Z TWIN FALLS L oro^2. TWIN LEGAL ADVERTISINGi 40'49‘5 r We o st st, 249.21 loet otong tho boundaryiry botvrtwn Lots 10 oivJ tl. 2 Bodroom now palni/caipot. No40 bodroom In 4- plox, Onico 01 and rolall Tho Tlmos-Nows Block 2, saidd subdivision:s THENCE Soulti 3030*40'S8- W est 52,85 foot Twin Foils Ronlabilab pois. S440. 732-5408i8 5450, Coll 734-4120. • . 620-4.526 62' sq . ft. PO Box 546 along tho boundlundory ol sold Lot 101 Itionco Sou'outh 52*57'15’ East 23782 Swtfarnt loentlona. TWIN— F A tLS tu iou------Twln-f«l


700S.UI.UBB ncoln S90AddtaonAv«»M« V/IRTUAL IF TOURS ■• HOME1 WARRANTJ T I E S SM M»*ri SCTMC 9MCWTMrTMtaryRowl JEROROME TWINFALLS GOODING HAGEZRMAN ioe*Ji4*]U4 • i« o>-Z7*-«MI>ta]S34.SSAJ -zn 20a-7tf-n M S M • l-eOO-44e.S4V7 • Fan T, IM s ^ • F R E E M ARKKET ANALYSIS' De-*M-4JS4 • I'SOe «40'»45I • Pan■aa 914-MM 20S-S17-402]d>itaU7.«0M

QQQQQI 1 1 I I S r i AbtxatncwSbnlniom* reit lu n c r home In the couniry onn 1/i/2 Reiiovateii 979 tq (tft 2 bcilroom liauic. T)iliI home h< ha] been lakeii carc of with/Ith 3 Great area Nonliwot ol' totowrt. One unit 3 bed ;rr. Corrali (or llvcitock. irm atid niaii roomt/ 2 bath spilt (loor plan wtUl po ■ndunitZbedZibath. f«»"y Seller anxlout, S19,90i»00 MLSa9fl20847S - e 4th tmiroom. »ii 6.9 acies with wat< over ISOOsqlLTlUi iirat. Home wat remodctnl in 20012002, thaiei,ies. Large matter tiatli with garden tut iloia«c.SI89,«»MLSr 19,000 MLS >98206613 -<-.--lMiK ML5«9I>«9B205307 SI49.900 . tvifinc IS bVliiylwliiduwi,mcljllli d i .'X4(I'X 16' iliop with 2 mullet iluipt wiitiwiiti- Clean, ready lo moveve Into home. Near Countrntry living al m finest. Urge lionitome' I Need a lilge home wll ft vliivl, FcilCfO luckick 'virtl. (los ketiiicl, ■ ^81 In.. 2412400tq (I. home. 4 bed 2 balh. W acrcrcliit li> ChuKh and tcliooli.J. BeaulKully land- wiihI cocoruts. acreage, a simp and 2 rentaental1 ■ lu lh s2 tn a n lc e v ta o n o r Kaidni sik)I h nuiuteute landiCdplnit. Very ■ nlrriyPriy landKapcd (Uiklng (nr 4-6 on juM»Td»ti »cai)cd yard. tnctuiJingIK lu fruit trees and ptoncrtl>crtlci InciudcO. Includes nearly $ 1000lOW ■ crty was u k J as an older well carrcl larr it m ilntJlned. ■ fronl>nl .area fit wmil- truck accns to thon It udeni. S104.900 In lenum ui Income cach month! Don't mtsmiss ■ in 1993, Uils **of0 ^fKMSlSmi'lM I MLS«H2102*fA*M.90C.900-H uhl g back.ck. IMLSI91I210H72S4I9.000-Iikr " " " si,.is,zv-,fz'‘inlalK tne1S2(SZttS.SOO MLSa9HI'l5J99 - Hler_____ ■ MLS*9H2(HB60 S197,00 talU B H ^BDS23SEESEB33

'! WotiiJerful mjliiroutKlI'jtKllvlilon wltl) 3 b«l- ■ t J itge » ItIvtiiB tooni a rtj in tlili S bnltoam Large l>e«utllul home or for itones b 4li aiuiiials, wtnulctfulcrful ■ n ils 3 BEDROOM HOMI .( roomi 2 liilli, .{<» gat balti home. HcRlttcrnI ai a duplex iliain. lUROunJed t>y' l(loll ot ireei. and a ■ tcreencdiicd In back piitcli. Daument fanillvRSmllv ■ IIEATANDALARCEFLVC :h county. MLS*9H2(m,006 ■ rERFECT FOR A FIRSIMT^»5EMoh?E MlS»9»i2(w\7»173?90 SW.OOO - Irtoniv ■ olknvano pnce ■ BUYER. MlS«9a20i04S iSI SB9.400 - jw w K IM o(ti:t S23 J m m m m m m

1 ^ ^ \ mistongto, ■ J: ^ i a i your.naviANI) 1 ■ SpAcioui home In countauntry. 4 t>edroam 2 I "Enloyi)oy thc country' tl(e ilytc In llili nrw atage Nonh of lemne Cieil county r:: bath . 3-gange on t*> Nawi. TMn FaJls. Idaho C-7

l o t 1 0 1 1011 0 1 . 1 0 1 ______aoo 2 0 0 ‘b u n d L o M a h d F M mi d L I ^ O T d F ound U stand Found Lostrt and Found B B N DSDBB Employment Employment ' FOUND Bunnyy rnbblt.ri FOUND Huaky, WotMotr LOST Poxor mtx by LOS.O ST Fu)l 5000 digltol LOST Di Morning Sun hoi ' Dog, molo. Modi- ______BAILAQENT ” CONSTRUCTION housing mix dog. 2-3 yrs. otd, otd Rupon square, Malo corComoro. botwoon um size, sU whito with n p o tu tract 20e-736-7at-7627. In Pnul 10,438-5101 QUEST FOR P R O PO SA L S FOR)R Part-llme liconsod BalliK 3 yrs. minimum experi- }1 wooring bluo coUar. W Wo ood RIvor Rosovoir . linhl brown bi spots on " “ n IA dnco. Pay DOE. In ■T— Miss him & wanl him oneand Coioy. - Roword ears. 2i UaUC DEFENDER SERVICESrs Agent. Fax resume |o FOUND Whito' poodlo.po LOST Black Lab. fo- . 208-735-5088 208-459-9621, Halloy ID. 404-1259 mato. I waa ot Ri boch. Rowordi Call o«tOltorod. Coll 208-544. ------>t Robert molo. on 6/06. in City Sprlngof NOTICE IS5 HERESYH GIVEN T hat tho Boc Jonaa Raany on IAtWI- ol Joromo. gold coiiof.Hof! 208-B08-1fla3. 7047045 or 208-539-7047 LOST Board ol ~ Z T ~ ir ------'------“ CONSTRUCTION ------Spanielilel. lomalo. livor County Commissionors Coi ol Elmoro C-ooking lor U cenaed 316-2066, -— long holrod. neuturod, .OST poppy. 5 mos and white,1 n eed s Idaho. Invlleidies proposals lo ontor into a por " wantod. Pay OOE, - r r — — LOST Boston Tonlor. oU. wiro hairod Torri- modldrdne. Call 734- son/icos controct cor wllh Elm oro CountyI forfo Iho Coamelologlst. Full LOST Bosaot He rior. Botwoon 3^ ond land 733-1369or410-9l39 Mouno, 8^ „ _ 4 y^a,j old 0" o„ nil In Shoshono. An- or. Lost on N. Uncoln 1284Of o< 420-8060. provisionol ol Public Dolondor Sorvlcos (al.(CTlmlnal '""o- lhal Isnmbitious lomato. bluo' & 8/15/05 at 3300 N nonr Mountain Viow. ------ar>d psoudo'jdo-cnmlnal dofonso sorvos) for per- * Moving and tovos 'S CONSTRUCTION Lost betwson Mii N sworti to Tommy. , Welsh Corgi. S sons dolormermiiiod bv ihn m u n tn h» Inrtt ■I. ____ I Mirado poar Hwv. 93. Bloch Cnll2M-M8-70Q2 Whilo / .brown hair. LOST W wiin wnilo on noso tis— ow:— nm— i hi^'Hoque?ueai for Pioposols 0 r o c o s ^ o rv o s ^ naiional luado’i in ------xisoa in and chosl. Ansvwra) to LOST cat. lobby, mote, ------^ w/whiio|||0 socks In Bliss. ' lool to lormirmalizo nogoliations to onlorir InloIr a CARE manufacturing and Buhl. My ' narm coll near 9" Avo. East, Ills year will be our beat. Hogorinirman oroa. controct wtihvilh a choson.provldor. If any. construction ol pro'- <9 Katio, ■ Ploow ■‘coll • Now aflor school’ •Wontfy*. 643-276 ■ 208-734-0132, __ CoJI 208-731-0112. ■ :i«#sin«j». 733 0031 • REWAf'ARDI352-1086 Tho’ Requestest lor Proposals ond olhor ro onglnourod buildings ■ - df^monloiiclaiion is avollablo upor> roquost Pfoflfom looking for seeks Foreman. j CouZ Bpociaiiyleachors. an, Gail Best., ElnwroEi County Clork. Elmoro3 C<*-ouniy „usig_ danco. drama, F ram eraand Counhouse,se, ISO South 4 in E ast, Sullo n ?. • nndcomptitero, • ------. Mountain HoHomo. Idaho 83647. Olfico hour:ours are . S6-Sl0rtir. OOE '9:00 AM uKlilunlll 5:00 PM. M onday through Fr ' igal holidays. For m oro InformiS o “n": Stephanie 737-0572 L oxcopt legal “S S V conioct tho:m> clerk al tolophono numbor ( 567-2129.. Ext.Ex 202. . CIRCULATION ’ All proposalsals bo dolivorod to ElrElmoro DIRECTOR County. Idahdaho; c/o Gall Bost. Elmoro Couniy Cc The Casper Slar-Trl- Clorh, 1503 Soulh& 4lti East. S u ito «3, Mouiilounlain localod In • Homo. Idahoaho 83647. sonlod, by 5:00 P^PM on Casper. Wyoming Soptomborir 16,1 2005. Tho so alo d propcroposals swkino , a ' shall bo operpcncd on Soptombor 19, 2005.5 a at tho CIreutatlon Direc- oners'mealing room, Elmoro.CoCounty tor wilh proven 1 10. and will Ihon bo rovlowodI by Iho loadorsnip oxpori- • Courlhouso. , Board ol Couibounty Commissionors. onco and tho atjility Tho Board rosreserves iho right to occopt orsr roloctri '0 organize and Im- ^ a i E. 1010 s* ^ any or all proposalsprc or portions thorool. orand to piemont successful Hazelton. Idaho 6333S / lormalilles or Irrogularltlbs oloj itio solos and market- walvo any l( coNSTflucrroN proposals receivodreo II this Is to tho advantogMogo ol *'’0 programs to If. Tho Board rosorvos tho righiht Kto lol 0'°*'^ homo doMory Company seeking q tho Couniy. T CDL driver, concrete soporaio conlionlracts on any o sp o c t ol tho wortw rk . fl'io S'nOlo copy sm day of August ZOOS. snios. whilo olso flnlahere ft laborer*. Oalod thistsm Call 206-280-1064 or . ll ^ BOARD OF COUNTYCC COMMISSIONERS managino NIE and roiontion ollons. 208-731-6172. Kwlea«leflnlytle ’ dloiio Btotton tdieo Carol Cole Pau OUNTY. IDAHO >oul Demeule ELMORE COUi0. Chairman Wo oro tho only 733-;'33-2121 420-S903 420-8614 73MS8SBS .358-1700 7117: w ia /sAJirry Roso. C CONSTRUCTION 731-0448 /sW oryEgusqosquiza stotowldo daily C oncrete flnlah^rs. rusor nowspapor in Laborer*. Steel /s/Connio Crus< W yoml^ with a ATTEST: Erectors, Bonollts. > Cloik 'circulnllon ol ovor Call 306-6441, /s/Qall Bost. Cic 30,000 subscribers. lugust 18. 10. 20. 2 1 . 22. 23. 24. 25. Tlio Ideal opplicant CONSTRUCTION - B S U r M ' PUBLISH: AuQi will bo a hlgh-enor- 1 Dairy Construclkin gy individual who noods Latwrera 1 0 6 2 0 0 has groat organlza- welding n plus Call lOt l^aol and commu- UwFtwFort Jone George Shirley Hwk Midiaellegg edraUngnaw Special WolHoMoes Employment 208-731-3241 73HIIH 054 2S(M006 — nicnilon skills nnd n 73)rI743 3U-2092'2 420-2828 ■ 73731-63&8 — r-n strong commiimont CONSTRUCTION | i Exp. CDL Truck ' le i§ ig to oxcoilont ' ^ sw g m [ b i r t h dIDAY , ll ■t,o customer sorvico. Drivers, Hoavy Equip- ■ mont Oporators. Coll T O S I I nowspapor's, An, aitonilon to l i r i V PHOTC , dotnil and Iho ability . 208-934-4S10 . Havo you lorgloigoiion|l slitndord ol' to inieract wilh «CONSTRUCTION lo ^ckupipyou' yi I /iccopr/inco. Tno others and (omain Experienced { ' backhoo ptwios? I ! Timos-N ows5 locusod whilo M m H ' birthdoy pito oporalor. Class A Bsome II ' rosorvos Iho rightn tto It dealing with COL roquirod. Must ijMKcOutin JoAnneNiebenIsenI ‘ .'B OougSmilh ^ISdiWfiHeuoiver IKHohH weaio I oait. {tbbroviaioIto mulilpio objoctlvos bo 25 yrs old. Apply ot «()•« M ? 7 0 420-59499 4IO-OS02 731-7424 731-S S " rr." ond time hnos, and Aalett Electric 1I-I50S ■ u don'l I • doclino or properly. ' stress related situa- i a to loss. I I - d a s s ily ar^y ad. 212 Highland. wont us to K . tlons Is nocossary. . :anbe | | R ocolpt o t copy vln Twin Fall*. s E ls ^ r ^ ------—^ ^ — ; Thoso can ' Wo ollor on aitrac- Mon-Fri 6am-5pm. m m picked up Iat I rom oto ariiry (tax.ox, tivo salary and i-Nows I ' o-mall. otc.) doosw s groal benolils pack- CCONSTRUCTION Tho TImos-NcI rinni I ' nor consf/lufo rirtflitmal ogo, os well 00 E1 xperienced Cabinet .Classlliod Oo 11 ' nccopfanctf by ttiisIhis t)onus opportunl- & Lam inate Installer I rfowspapor. Ttjo'tJO Iios, Tho Caspor noodod to start Imme­ ■ advo/lisor. noilttoItio Siar-Tribuno is a diately. Musl have 3 1 8 5 LONGE BMW la n New now spapor Loo Entorprisos own tools and vehicle. •'ic y ■ a ssu m o s full Urga lot CtBtomn bu bun Wotwortm home, ' ser\ta salon a v aS E o n fte Utos. 3Br.1.75ba(hplusoffice.Over! II nowspopor. Visit Apply 767 2 - Ave W. tiVOS responsibility tor our websilo ol __ — - RfvBritxK'lBrtMood Itoofs. A m ua seel a g wyntycfpaWngT^vfa^ ____ sptiriders. 1 0 7 No phono colt ploaso, . ------« o e ------sor buno.not I ” 1 " g g i s5ia20,1-3p.ni. s Q -Q vsMpatio — P«»9 n«nc^CRISIS ot th o if advonisor Drug Froo workplace. n . sisjjgo , AftemativiIwavs . To apply sond covor - lotiof. rosumo ond ^CONSTRUCTION ^ •7 4 7 2 ■“ ■■I salary roqulromenta ^Exporloncod back hoe PREQNANCY Cl A eklng byAugust3l.200S operator with Class-A ■ 1 Q Z E 9 Froo Tosls. Aiwa' Ouosllona V to:HR-CD Casper CDL. Musl bo 25 M U m i Conlldonlial. 734^lonal Conduct public c ' ' Ster-Trlbune ■ yonrs old or oldor. M opinion polls ovor Exporloncod bore 1 0 8 vor P O B o iS O ^ — ■ Iho tolophono. »• Casper WY 82602 j machine operator, ProfoMlorPTCY ' Abaolulely Class-A CDL ■ laymenl NO SALESIII roqulrod. Musl bo 25 donts Strictly rosoorch. rOM sIfie^II yoors ■ old or oklor. . rimlna'l 57.00 lo SO.OO/hour P rivate Aslett Electric 4bad,3ibX^nisalLhQmecnSacni. ir^hciThome boos& an open floor pbn M81 a Main housa boQSS Indoor pocli ), C oaual work 212Hlghlend IIMious ups&hs bonus room. 4 bedrcoTB, 1 4 ^ 5 7 onvironmont. P a r ^ Ads Twin Fall* Floxlblo ovoning. 208-736-9976 '5 J 5 5 « S M m “ °' Requires pro-pay- — S e r v ic>TCY e s day. and wknd hrs. CONSTRUCTION Md 15-30 hours/wook.. monl prior lo pub- C( BANKRUPTC kolion. Major General Labor rKO Grool pari-llme Big construction projoct Allordablo payntos. lob or oocond iob.f, crodlt/dobll cords. 01' . plon, Accidon , and cash In I' Gooding. V In Gel. CIoso td CSI cam pus .4-6 wooks. Nood 4-5 l> ' divorce & oimli>6-2309 For m oro informationP“;* aecoplod,.Check IfttpaOw manors. procossing ovor people P to work long ------— ------CallIho 206-736-2853 phono- hours h (7-6) 6 days a « £ w 5 b f BraaRle»7344473. t a tpy. t/hr. A aslata n l » » £ ? ! £Elettaaneacresow- » 2 \wynto Avoid now low. SIn65.00 Tho idoal candldato... CLERICAL CONSTRUCTION CC NjM gardan lion ^along tha Snaka R£?''beM08n Call 1-866-666-2 od Automated Dairy He (-8627 '^'1' 0 ° ^ Heavy Equipment manand GiiiL PerfeOsxxlsmant nd Syatema k taraalOL 018.900 MLStnzooTao ^ BANKRUPTC organizational and poopio skills. 1“ IS looking lorn Truck Ti Driver A ffi III Admlnlslratlve jj irvle«B ationilon to dolall. L aborer. Soiory ______is tochnicaliyMy Aaalstant, the right DOE. o 208-733-0e36. ■ person to ioln our — ------Incllnod & musl Rosie's hovo a roliablo.[Q leam ol dairy CONSTRUCTION CC Inexpensive■school. vohlcio. . professionals in Ho■fomo builders with Williams Lawlod. 2 D utle« Include: ofloring the finest framing (r^ oxporionco Bickol ^ Ad Layout and products and noodod. ni Coll 208-737- 9433 leave msg. Therapeutic 33-S065Tot Proofing services to our _£< ;------•' Follow ihrough >5 . s r s o ™ fjoNSTRUCnON ° L nnu, '°P * nsulallon Installer Mnherm.1MIS Older home ^ Call 208-733-88 dosignors wantod. EXP, PRE­ Iteoltons , Oonorot holp lor„ . administrative WUmkttlnedSbednKi S' rrtalrttalnad home In oiaal ioctitui vOk FERRED. Must havo Rose bushes, tencad gardtn. JW born ndvortisinn rops. assistant ^ on huga lot Anced bac ^ n egihbofhood $l69.m oxporionco Wllh volld drivers liconso — I 'c W M C r . 8.iv l Sond rosum o to; ond pass drug tost. . s s & B . s s r ’ ’ s r m ’fi. Call A dvortleing oxcolloni compulor i , Contact Loo or Corol :------Tho Tim«a-N«WB, skiUs roquirod, ' Appiiconi must tjo _735-1010 l : or 306-6640 CHILDCARE YCARE Ro PO BOX 646 Chlldcara^msclswing Tw in F a lls. ID. dotall oriontod, coiioNSTRUCnON soll-starler. good jou ICCP cenllled,school, 63303 em ail ournoy Fromors Ro- blocks from e wllh poopio nnd a modolors me & Roofora, School, Call 733-! .* toam playor.-Salary 3-203.; yoors oxp. Roq. ■ Id B OOE nnd tjonolits Wago vVi OOE Call 208- EXPERIENCED^aycare = ■ ovailablo. Dairy 737-000073 or 731-6656 In-homo day core>wl CASHIER/ Industry oxporionco ----- accepling opplicai•6270 JANITORIAL is a plus, bt;l noi DAIAIRY lor boblos, now Friendly outgoing required. Call for Ualetant An Herdsman IB4.000 to 18 monihs, I.C. individuals wantedd an application or 600 ' cow dairy, Al CenmaiU Jraiw H am t First Aid & CPR, Pnvaity But* lor 0 groot customoror prosento resume at nocossory, n will train ii sx«d Buslnes&ODnimefclat. 3U. Iba.a tOGO sqft daring home m«i Mcet nm vtav^l^w iB v«%Tta lotsc 206-73S-a316, ffwrab cuna«y a rartilMhomawViZOOtat hi 1 garden room. VMHng (fsCnce to >H o m e ^ ^ ^ ^ worlt C — ~ sorvico oxp. Wo aro0 1731 South Lincoln Olhor01 aroas. Salary, MUncothjiii n h Aw. $4M JB0 the schoc^■ii and hospia: <79.800 I ,B a 24 hour business3 Jerome, Idaho Houso I & utilllios. ■ m n a that roquiros 0 Hexl-|. 206-324-3213 530-468-2519. 53 days. m 1 Ext.122. 5530-468-2766: ovos. ______M l shift & alter scrcj,rn schodulo- Fast ICCP. Amy735-B:^ poco a n d multitask-I- Fort Jonos CA. Q B 9 I I a a a i i ^ — ‘"0 ability prolerred. j)- CLERICAL daAIIIr y - K Bonollts pkg. avail. Entry kivol Admlnla- oul«ldo u h worker with aSu'^ CashiorsSemr. tratlva/Clerleat txporlonco.q*j; Apply m nnri Jan.ioriot S7,7S/hr. - ■ support position. por f } - , - )orson ot Sudlk Dairy »,~«i FT/PT positions Computer oxporionco • Hi35^ milos South ol . Sm all WorldlUi wlii avail. A pply In toq. Full Job doscrip- (imborly, Kirr 73t-6067 tlon and to submit ----- Prm choot A Oaycaitolfn” Flyl^'jTrowel resume onimo at qriIRIVER 324-230e~212-6Z www.ace-Inc.com collom “ Jo ro m o 3BOR.2&2 B a jn 4 ^ 1 r ta in 8 spados hi « « 3 0 0 : r CO 10 « i spaOoui M tfm bfTi^rqomom of kttfm Formal Mngnxm. ai CONSTRUCTION Fk r a S t l c l i n I shop. 3 sheds. 2200 son 3 bed2 hag»€(»«. Employmefits and f r \ gasaa^ ste lahliod '' m W y pos------Frarranklin BuikJmg s^aaagaifeiia."'" ADMINISTRATORirs su- Supply in Bollovuo H H B i HBHMW b b d s b i b m h b MANAGER le- ■ — • s curronlly sooking mmmmmBm □ Sontor Uving C ^ Drivera w/Closs l l m W l Fodllty Is lookingri- f< FAX IsaccoptTng"' ' *^ CDL. Ouoliftod qualified Admlnlii appllcalions for Iho ippliconts must • • tor/M anager lor Idi following posilion: 10V0 MVR ond bo ■ FaaiiOos 10 o u iblo to pass DOT r i YOUR R o o l T r u s s S ! rosMont caro aiiiiodi _ _ Irug tost and t»ck- Fabricators qround^o chock. This lonco, Condidara1 Apply In porson. is5 a; yoar round po- assure compliat£:,; AD conioct Terry or d provido oxcolli CLASSIFIED yiPtide of OMmNp.- 179.900 da Trust Plant. duslustry. Apply In per- dsta«s.M.;M07nB iwrprBS- customor sorvico - 2 3 & Sm S o s SIS W. Main son i™ ? ? ' lomlly mombors a DEPARTfylENT .« Jerome, Idaho. 16(160 G lendale Rd. rosldenlB. Quahli No phorw calls Bellevtie, B< Idaho ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i m m ' B * candldnio will p< 208-734-5538 ptoase. I I :206-786-0094 H M m 9 0 ^ 2-3 yoors : B S U S porvlsoiy/manage- - , mont exporienco 0 m usl bo able to : Liconso within monihs ol omptc mont. II qualilii ptoaso fax rosur along with sala J roquiremonis lo E T Attn: U nda Miller 13 206051-9961. ApplWanis can alio mall rosumo to 1B70E, 17th street IMBIPII Suite 103. " ■ M M klaho Falle. 10 8340 &8 TIme*M«n,Tt«,T M nM s,l(U W SMurtiy,At«us(ust20.200S

V- aoaoo';,- c - ' ’.'T.,' . 2 0 0 . J. 2 0 0 ' , : ■•l;;; S K » ' • ' fil Tiilniiin^nt ent EniployfiNm finpk»ymrt> fenptoyir^ I - ^Bnp oiniiiWt :^Biiiilr/ exporktncod proferrod - >10. 206-324.7146. Cttlt208-324.7t46. Col MhrsAvook lonced Shop BonofHs. 306-64'‘-6441 Cle k. Pay DOE. callall for now Moxlo Java ------TT- Colt 734-9199 r, tk tor ilde-20 hrsM oek JSatvlgJr DENTAt Lewis or Reva ORIVERS ^JEEDLOT AppV al ; . We oro MEDICAL ------for Interview. Roger,et. opening soon. Sooklnfl orthodonttontk: ■■ ------— Semi Driver* noodod. >ooklng a futl-tlmo help Familyly Medlcet Cntr. an indlvkluol . C srsglveraorCf CNA'a N 673-W14. Orug froo. Apply In porson at SHlstant/roeoptloiptionisi d r iv e r s • “ I Must hovo COL and for positions at a 709 N1 Lincoln ®*P9xpetk)nco& ^tKodedfor — Kimborly Nurseries for oHico. Sondnd ro*r > oxporionco - hauling MEDICAL 2662 Addison Ave E, local foodlol. Jaramtw o idaho “ RMWentlalCaiI Cate CutionUy tooking for Bumo to Box 97333973 * cattle ond all com- ^Roferoncos required. ______' full sorvkio tr^ Qfovoyard c/o Ttio Tltiwa-N*i-Newa moditioo. Call tor Salary g^l OOE. Call POOD'JEUERVICE Compensoticotion ^ n o - ___ swing sWfia ovolLSlJuiSl? RN-s'allahift*^ PUBUSHINQ ______I ------ftO.-OorS4er- S u J NOW HIRING 432-M r^;— 8sm— M ttve^osed------Fgilor Port'tinv'*‘'"®' O lahw aaher/ Twln Falla, Id 8330 L DRIVERS ^ Spn noodod. Coll upon quallfk TWIN FALLS 4PAUL iy 324-4912. oxperMince, t wages. Dleuryaldo I PosJltont avollobioJ Wonted dependable —;------will remain PTLPN night shllt DRIVER C .-Ivora ond oxp. tnjck drtvors 6E°>-0T q e n ERAI in confldon. B o „ tS r iu .l•l«*d .ti PTactlvlUe*. t/onlod fulMlmo feed- s poslilon Living J o u r n a l Loader*. Operators and troctor operatora '7 “ '’' (Weekends 4 oveo) FulMlm« 0«llver lot help. For appt,. very . HjiidayPoy for pototo and bool '®‘, sorson. Woek- ^ Ca), <,r g ;®A2r. social Serwlcea The Wood Rivor Jour- D rivtr coll 208-431-5371. endsan< 3Lor •.HomoOolty haortst; AT. no COL • n^hoovyim ing JSaurilolo ) S9301 Director Exp proforreddi- Musi pasn doxtorl „ oncos. 20e-e76-8283 TwIr B K m a e r 206-734-9422 500 Polk St. E dote will roskJo In tosting & pr «w ..,ar.!c.con, j . r , S i 2 ; “ a 24-3004 MEDICAL Kimborly. ID 83341 Corey, ‘lovo oxcoltent omploymont dti EDUCATION I % o i S i SIAL S 206-324-: written & verbal com* scroon I . 1.6^L ^0 troctor operator Ittania 423-6801 J Filer School Olslrici Exceptlnn Loader, irt am) Mountain Vtow Is on munication skiUs a n d . Apply In porson at =■ lias a part-time ' tipptlcationsforoop :k drivof, Must MANUFACTl bo octlvo In tho Coroy .exp. Starting position ______EOE______2380 Baryl Aveve d r iv e r s . (6hr*/day) open* Handier roquiros thot you I — community. Tho cor>- Twin Falls, Idaho Ing* (or a Pay* P Pi , < S a n . Ortir. Onjg Froo ■ poiittoiItton Spanish Prolicier MEDICAL dkloto will work wAis Orug Ffo'o WorkS^k® **TOP GUN I chosoclal Rshablf- r. full-time. full-tlmo. for SoutSmirn ^ ''*c«saory ' 10 coniribute 2-5 sto­ Placo ____ . Trnxuoflrvwo/fiAMinnrr . IUUon(PSR> working Wc with smott m s avail. Control District'ri* " OiroctC. ro groot ries oach monlh. cov­ = = ClilM A “ C D L” provtdor to work in soods1 & viable GENERALAL obk> startingIng ASAP. Hoolth-Twin Foil: . benefits.,.nslsting ering,crty govommont DRIVER Iho'school setting cuttings. cu Slonding pump Installer, Ins somo new monofoc.m« ' wookdayhouno u ^ PO«P‘' Local T ruck Drl«Driver T raining with children with fifor long pertods • experiemince roq. W age . turing facllltc l% wlih • excellenl benetibw,i< devetopniontal ' Thia is a great pbslikin noodod.- Immodljlodlato Rotod«l inttio omoilonot distur* of lime, d o e Col:oll 733-5002 ■ Of> OKC^tcetloni Apply on line at dISObilitk-O. for o otudenl kwking opening. Ptooso0 cotlc Magic Volloy buncos. Tho PSR's OrjOrgonlzaiional skills ------jnlty for , vww.dhr.kJaho,go\ 10 Imptovb a colk>go 208-731-3366 tor 735-6656 aim Is (0 help stu- a must. Starting INSTALLELERS d ^ n c e^ment. m For questions, coli 141 Sho'UbJi-i SL N oppttootion or 0 rosl- donrs wllh imotlon- m for oxporj- contMCt Ket d m looUng to servo ' 0% OownFinanangl wagobaswion l - g ^ P fev/rt Of Corotino OolozofiS aa l 736-9503 al aisabilities. ovon insulation K arioat736-■36.«73. 737-5928 Iho community, DRIVER Major crodll cards MEDICAL those with long . Plooso Pi opply ot installers.rs. Busy Insu- — ' EOE/AA Veteran's pi Sond sam ples ol wril- Drivor wanted tor occeplod. lorm sorlous men- Moa:4oaa’G reenhouaas 'otion cor Pon-llmo R ecepllonlal1 Ing to: solid w asto houtll alsoat tnstruccidn on . ’ lal Illnesses to road- 269 ; 300 East '''9 ^''to aroo! MANUFACTURURING MEDICAL . needed for small The Wood R tvr Joumal lor tanljors. Foll-llrri-ilmo. ospoftol dUponteto just to school and 1-B00-58^>84-9022 S p o a n Manuf.Z B ack OffIca A ssistslstant medical practice. Mustt A ttn: Pedro Satom Class A COL. 25 I i I wm community Mo. Tho Mor —------is occepting Hi proc- energetic, sotf-mo- P o B oh 989 Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. ,n s TALLEI-ERS lions Iho 5 modicol pr. ' , yoors old ond 2 yoarsyoc d r iv e r s positions roquiros lor 0t< following llco. The right indfv(ndivkl-, Uvolod. orgonijod. HaHaylDB3S33 ■--- — Fast Gla:lias* Idaho's full-llmo poslilo oxporionco roqulrod Com e {oin our team i ol least 0 eocho- f-— slilons: uat m ust be motivnotivot- rellablo and ablo lo oromolt Circle A Conatructia lor's Oogroo in 0 p /NlENERAL I glass Q< compo- Packaglnijing, od. a n d committedmod to mulU-task. S en d adttorC Enioy bonollts such os: tookJng lor p ja a ,|e Fabric- Call731-104SZ ____ Homo llmo. good poy. behavioral sdonco. tochonicolly sWIkJd? " / l» ' iricatlon, sett study. ExceO op- handlerlor. m odicol exporkirirkinco . P .O . Box 548 ■ conloct Podro at 208- i d r iv e r ' I ' insurance. & multipto f to leorn new A**smblv Bat Wo oro looking foro r a ; safety bdnuses. hove 01 least 21 omgrowth potential? P®7'"‘!V * Bar eod*. helpful. Sond rosuw4ume TVrln Fall*, ID. B3303. 766-3444, ______Blip Printer* . ^Oi Driver/ . . Toom, Sok>. or Retiel. somostor fcrodit B; o u se. to B ox 97872e/o c/o ------■ 1 "Now Equipment. hours in human is accepting JANrrORI S7-StO/hfI/hr 'nie Times-News, W arehouM sorvico fields such opp J**' MISCELLANEOUS I porson. I 1*e88-«06-S785 .rd FT 40hrs. (doponding onn position)p P O Box 546 g l tMlwoon 6am-5prn.‘ motlvolod, week S7/57/hr. Apply in Company bonMnefils. . Tw in Foils, ID 6330:M03. I Look a t what sK lal w ^ ^ ^ i Tho Travelers- omployoo he I wa h av e to> • I d r iv e r s oducation, counsel- « ^ Notthortt^o Nl dental, life Insu P R E S S OPERATOFTOR I l i S t t f f i W QiRnorMilk Ing, ond psychoso- t»M ions. Hansor»on BrWge. vacatton. paicjokJhotl- The Tlmos-Nows I I offer: Apply in person •'L o cal Delivery„ : , Tronsportotion clol rohabllitatkjn. Api ------days, and 4011101k plan. looking for an Sun Valley Resort ha$las m ultiple Job open­ ' I is looking for Pay is commonsu- 214B14 Bluo Lakes B^d. LABORERR Applications avavdtloblo O ffiH P re * . . I ✓Homo ovory * Full-llmo I Ings for seasonal anded peak workers from 10 Driver* roto with oxporl- '®' Manuftti O perator itlgtit ! Storting Soplomtwr 15" worker, obioofr to lift 50+ Plant Security Dcccmbcr 10, 200515 th ro u g h April 10, «>'4>0ay worfc ENERAL lbs„ Must Ity Office with desire lo kiar ; for our NEW OTR truck rst have oxp. 2152 S. UncIncoitt on Urbanite press 2006. Job Locations;is: Sun yalley Village woek I bolngoddodtoour until niktd. /srd W a re h o u se ^Ith IronlIt ena loader Jerome. Ida ( 0,,' and Dollar Mountainlin in th<; C ity of Sun p e rso n i forklift. fleet. Storting pay is . To opply contact lit. Apply In Spears ts an Ee • Comoro work ond oni Valley; B a ld M o 'u nitain ta adjacent to ahd •Class A COL. ' I 3Sc 0 mito with bono- Santfra Roberta. 0 «oro looking lor on , person ll:ol; Opportunity Emp mbitlous IndNkJuol Klmbertyy INuraarie* - plate dovetopmermont w ithin th e C ity o f KetCetchum; all .in Blaine Ho2m al DoublosIS/ / Iits&401katior90 nier School _ and reglstrolkin triples ondorso- days. Plooso call Dlatrlct. 0 **work In tho yard 2862 AddI* iikiri. C ounty. P le a se fin d Ithe positions listed ind warehouse ol Twin iMANUFACTUn'URING Must bo knowl r Number: 877>324*3S15 20S-328-S981. ■ Woodworfchrfcing odgoable on work w ith th e ir Jo b O rd e r t •Current MVR between 9am-3pm ask our Elko focility. .A pfun I CrsftsmanI a Mill 'n g around heov;oo'V Dining R oom W orksicer, 100 Positions, must bo 21 yrs tor Tim or Dowo. IELicraicA?r to profor someone LANDSCAI wlih two to throo . aoam ato. ranted! nwchlnery aateti Job O rder N u m b e r 11168486: oW. DRIVERS ' Aslolt Electric is hiring house Olid b o fomilior wilt •A.valid Idaho oJoumoyman /oars oxporionco in Carey s ilnto. C lea n a n d a r r a n g;e e tables and chairs: ; Noodod lor o long har- Mroting foridifts to oral farm Coll.c«on.nl, o high mechanical molnto drivor llconso. Ovorhood Unomon. Ijust- c a rry s o ile d d is h e s t ®- I vest season. Aug, 1- 30d flatbed truck. tor seouSiiiioosr om " w iu- . ''“ 'w e & od)o8t i to kitchen; replace •Minimum 1 yoarf ‘ Nov. 1. Eorty sign on Wogo OOE. Must J®®*? »hlrhifl Addlttonaltinatty table linens: s c ( tables;!s;stockand maintain . . have cjrront CtossA 'ou must bo drug lions. Po: •vortfUiblo oxporl-1- bonus ornl guoron- M . oblo 10 lilt 100 Includo0 wotering,V s w n e a w«Wood- '«®'> work sta tio n ; ta k e ordeders: serve meals; and ^ ; orwo. - iI tood hours for wooth- COL and 25 yrsdid, r creole others, te sounds, moot oil weedlnsing. lilting. w o ritera to 'a i land rcceive payment. Thehe position is gencr- - ______•H S g re d OfOEO.3, or. Coll for opoolnt* 1 M vl Coll tomorrows ahtiihHquos "« 95 ll»...lo stanc s------mont-tig08.438-g234:----- ^ i n s ^ r ro r ------at>d-wolk-lho-mator-o(or- - -alIji.« u b jec l.to -fo u r-sl-shifts.-6.30^hm:-lo------Twin Fan* . f r k s i B r - ThoseTJosmonff contlnuouot)’. liglblolootitalno ' I compeiiilvo solsatartos ^ ®' Milft.‘f’® 2:30p.m.,7:00a.m.to:o3:00 p,m .,8:00 a.m. DRIVERS 736-9978 IIS thot ladders ders ,0 4:00 p.m. and 3:00 Orvo Scro«n & oglll*M'l* Rood Brothers noods p »mmorelal drivers U W ENFOFORCEMENT ' bonelils 10 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. • ty lost roqulrod. FARM llconso(COL). DEPUTY'S S H E R I f F Voc /ocotlon necossory. ^ Entry level w a g e S6.00< '• oxporMineod Truck iLooking , for a Mechar>> pufci IV Dokl Hours of work oro )0/hr. No experience W ago OOE. Orlvers for locol and urchaslng/Part* Looking loriro t few good ®«Mlx Drivere-• DRIVERS S Ditfin rellremenl. W antod. CDL Immodlato openings for mocmechanics, and backgr(ground P 'e “»« «PP'y'*'[ " omployoos slocklock e rtilly se rv icin g th e ir mneeds. The position _ TIrod of Iho long haul? the lolk)wlng posi- ^ihipping ''‘Pl parls 10. required,3. Contact person ot , purohoso plan, pold roqulrod. Poy OOE. looking lor COL drivor ^88-5555 or 807 R u sset S Mid isgenerally s u b je c t to>sixshifts: s: 5:00a.m. Full bonollts. Apply 01 itoris. Experioncod Holdfloki personnel. HoUy at 761 holkloys ond vacu- Jf who wants moro timo M echanic wHh own Somime e forklift opero- hcanwffeo.t».NW>e,ld,u* Twin Falla, lo 1:00 p.m., 6:00 a.m.n. to 2:00 p.m., 8:00 Idalio C oncrete Co. ot hornet local compa- pllcotion. — I tion. Sond resume 1294 Addiaon Ave. . to d s, oxporloncod ion •‘on Is roquirod. for applli ------lo a .m .to 4 :0 0 p .m .. 10:0G00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m,. !*• ■ ny seeking a dnvof Truck driver* with Quatifkaimed oppltconis I" : ' ra 2:00 p.m . to 1 0 :0 0 p.m . W. Twin Falla. 10^ with trlpfo ondorso- I MECHANIC T h* Tlmes-Now* m. and 10:00 p.m. to Drug Froo Workploco. votid liconso. mimust have MACHINIST Looking to fillII the PO Box 646 6:00 a.m. Entry level1 wagev S8.10/hr. No c®; moms to run routes Harve*ter/Tr*ctor oxpor a full 1 [ d r iv e r ^ hand Labor. Apply In centre ™ 3fi„2 ofourmolntenasnonco o r sm all to KlUhsn Helper, 60 Poi'osltions,Job Order Ortvor will bo hotno 480 ^ E 1500 N. Rupert. basicc cccomputer sJiills shop nu »eV«ral nfghis ooch _ progrom. Mustsi tenjoy m arykO Num ber 1168479: r r r ; ; ------Appllcojllconts must also Benefrts. < wori0 required to Ingbuslneness wHh a.m. lo 4:00 p .m .. 8;0 0 a.ia.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Iho 11 wostom .ido in the Elko. imunlcotlon 1110 Times-News es- Is accepting 2:00 p.m. lo 10:00 p.m. [ e d u c a t io n I s n. Entry level wage SlAlOBOrOlMS Nev)Mavada araa organi,iniuiional applications RjAC. School OlsUict IS for the fuil-timo poStlon S6.56/hr. No cxperiencncu necessary, slates & Conoda. Now hiring for Langig offonig«>d e ntlen/N ew spapar In Start ot .32/mlte anrK>unco8 Itw foltowing vacorwy local companleal wageslesondbenoftts, t iueatlon Assistant Mountain G uest Servlivice Worker, OOE and drMng •Assembly/ Ifthit'this position 22 Positions, Jo b Ord*der No. 1168469: rocord plus a for Iho 2005-2006 >n wilt contact subscribers school yoor: production Interotorests you coll ” 3% ^«o South via the pho(hone to evaluate service. Maintain guests' comimfort level fay pro- .4Arllo.8«toty bonus. •O sneral Labor 778-: Aaalatant Football 78-753-6710 3*!we!wM 63336 verify start/stI/stops, and other retention vidlng inform ation anind encouraging a 1-600-967-2911 •Conatnictton^ = = ^ M on*Fn Coach - functions. K « also supports the safe mountain cnviroi (Rler High School) onment; organize SomloSpmMOT fram er* I k m k i y sponsorshipI|3 drive of Newspaper In ski lift lines and check J Tho roquirod method •Falr/tsahler Fans,D i5ucatlon.1ni ^ or opptying Is a •Drtvera V m k C k I mailings, and vehlclc/pedestrlah acces;ess and safe outdoor lormal application ind s c h ^ i^ ln ^ ^ d i^ id e a i [d r iv e r s ^ •Housefceepera MJCNI candidatesI h(have sales experience, operation: m a y w o rk aIS s parking] lot atten- Corn S easo n I avoiiablo ol the dant/shutile driver. Thiihc position will be 11 Filer Oistrici offloe •Fortdm HMMii attention to detail, and Driver* needed jxperlence. s u b je c tto o n e s h lft: 8;0C00 a.m. lo 4:30 p.m. Class A & 8. and throo letters ol roforence. Thla BfO Si! i35-ll825l islderatlon, Interested Entry level w a g e $6 .7 6/hr. /h No experience Owner/operators' position wilt bo 1\rln FMlla 1 applicants need1 to submit a necessary. rtoododolso opon until flDod. To 200-733-7300 / completed applicationapi to: Apply eom-Spm. Retail A ttendant, 10 Pc apply contact IIIFJhfAv. fk The b e Timc^Ncws Positions, J a C Cuatom Sandra Roberta. « Job O rder N u m b e r 116168491: 1967 Hlghiattd Ave 132Fairfield Fa S t. W est Filer School Olsirtct. Sell high end mercholandisc; stock and Twin FaBe JJ 208-32fl-Sfl8t. ^^H S ob^spai^ m *in Falls, Id a h o mm DehaBLtt$IMtim tn : D an W alock maintain sales floor: aassist customers mm UtMirnmait'jr^^ with questions, purcha:lases and returns,' The position is generallylly subject to three w m HVrg Cg/«ifetntlagour m TTieTInnie»Neiv8 shifts: 7:00 a.m . to 2:0(00 p.m,. 9:00 a,m. to 4:00 p .m . a n d 3 :0 0 p.ip.m. lo 10:00 p.m. mgUvalley,EXTENDEDthniSSat. 6 Only PH W GRAPHIC DESKSIGN bllow s: ^ Jd» * * 41« S i» « • Triple room w ith o u t batlathroom:S84/mo. fURRYINFORBEST!r SflECTIOrf! 3 ll The Tlmos-Newsiws is looking for a n IndMd* • Double room w ith bathnIiroom: S148/mo. rSPAPER ual with experietrience in com puter Graphic nJLATION D e sig n (0 work)fk In our Twin Falls offfee. • Double room w ith o u t batbathroom: S98/mo. iCHEVROLETCOBALT.T4DR.SEDAN The successfuliful candidate urill dosign • Single room without b.-itlAthroom: S140/mo. U io Times-Nows Is acce;:eptingj adverilsementsIts and p o ssess the ability applicalications for a lull.time to maintain qualuallty control of a d produc- testing isrequlred District Manager tion from startirt to finish, strong typing for safely sensitive poslisllions. Random In o u r and creative designde skills are essentlaT. drug testing is conductcdcdthroughout the Twin Palls Office Qualified applloilicants will havo a n Asso- season on all employees,■s. Subcontracted T h e suosuccessful candidate must bee able dates Degreej in (k)nu)uter Applications, authoriicd m edical profesfessionals perform ■ lo ivork weekends, bo dependiidable. Compulor GrapIaphlcs, (3raphta Arts or tho th e p rc -e m p lo y m e n t dru{ug testing, ■^DT ■ have9 good driving’ record. Ihavo equivalent. Exp>perience with Macintosh Shuttle buses arc avavaliable between ■ excelleiilleni lime managoment skills,s. and computors usingJng AdobelnDesign, Adobe mountain facUitics and dorlorm facilities from ■ enjoyy workingw with youth, /^n outgitgoing Illustrator & Phi Photoshop. T^is Is a full- 8:00 a.m. unlil 5:00 p.m.I. C-9 200:- 2 0 0 2 0 0 a o o> 2 0 0 ' 2 0 0 2 0 0 ■ aoo 2 0 0 faipfaymentL _ ' I^ rEmptoymmtEmEnyloynwnt Bnplaloyment Ewptoynwment Emptoymentit_ Bnptoyment Eimployment MEDICAL UARKETINO P RJFESStONAL ^ ' I SALES ------I PHOFESaONAl4AL If 11 ■■ RETAIL SALES Rtfflttmd NurMs PROFESSIONAL . Marketingm rap wanlod pgH Soulh Centralal Hoad RESTAURANT - , 4 Proporty ftfanogomont ( =iBH. a growing GROCERY Roor Salea. Maho Homo Heuim & for expanding locol onhnuir : Stort invllos a MANAGERS Customer Sarvlco. Hospice wonts youou Co. sooking on ohof- compony., Rosumes lo lavlorol ' “ ‘ HooRhcoro , , ■ J, aottc Laaiing A9#nt 1 rgnnizoilon sooks x ud iUvcr .a tions lor I For moro Into. k>gon 10 bo a pvt ot our 1 Jeromo. Alasko Commorciol wwfv. tw oquipmont com loaml wilh excollont cu»> ‘ j . "•glonal i i ” Employoa IO III lomer service sMUs. — a lata n ca Program irnal )mmonsu-- Now occopilngg Compony Is sook- x o u n t Reproaan- rato w/oducotiootlon ond applications Ic^ir lr>g exporloncod Wo oro nqw acc«pi>)t. etrong computer , MMEDICAL Acco* )ul A Coxoor oxporkioeo, B> SALES or knowiodgo ond Uio PThatplnPSRofflca. P itJva for th i Soum Bonolils All P o sitio n s- — Grocery Monagors ing BppllcolJon# for a Solos With Inciudod. Apply & Assistonts to • P«rt-TIm« ability to muttl-lask. Asaassmonis/popor- on' ^merico's 324 HansenS S: V V opply al oil ------PRftfwrrronnij-H------e 0 &-6etery^>0 &------— WOrkrPt^rLPNrOf-BA1 ------'*»*• *=• Mogic Volkiy work In rurol Alas- uoiiliod appliconis SS 00 Smoll------^TwlrrFaHe.-Ch — -ThB-'nmea-Newa ------Twln Foils aita. PT hfs. Fax resume, $12^r. 678-3350. ponies? Auguat 24,2< aalory requirements to — ■III havo 3-5 years k J I yoors rotaii-grocory hos an Immodiato ------, oxporlorKO. Com­ PliuacallKMn„ a66-33a-1003 A ttn:. PROFESSIONAL pf occoun:ount fngmt. oxpori- Thm Wooi^ R l v a r ...... EOe opening lor an Psycho-Sodoi nohahli- O7coco and« knowiodgo Journal,, pipart ol Loo ------RESTAURANT potltlvo pay with foflnformttlon-, ■ Anglo flof* Pi — I Uttia Caaaar'a nov 734-4W1. EOE. LEA-370-1004. ItoUon Spodallsl In o'^AIEAP's. Musi havo Enlorpfi•prisos. is RESTAURANT now oxcollonl bonoflta. Bofloy. SlonS14-$16 • P'Over>ven public spook- sookingJ assortlvo.a hiring on AtiisUnitant Fax resumes to: A*SSffi*| -f hour, BA dogroo. r>g/lralning shills. dynomli . Manager. Apply ol (907) 273-4803 • ^'Saletptw«'- : SALES Coll 208-878-3350. ’osltlon t»sod in ' omployoi 820 Bliia Lakoa Blvdllvd. or o-mall: 7Ti« Vm*t-N»WB t3(3 occepi- ■ — Boiso. Exiensivo ■ oxpondlntflng weekly ' ___ Lhumphxoy®north- In Twin Falls. II you Ing opplicaiions for'Of 0 part- PfPROFESSJONAL. Iravol roquirod. nowspapoijjrboM ain 1 RESTAURANT west.ca. Cnockout wonttoocMove limo Homo Oollvwyiry Safaai p a n SpaclallaL and rosumes 10 Haili Casnior port-ii'ho,1^ , . _ our wob silo: your goals whllo Spoclillil. TMs posli•osltion will Contoct Martha al ' wndrawi VO WOQOS Cooka Openlioning . . Must bo avoilabitloblo olosKacommorclol.- helping tMSlnoss (0CU8 on Iho oeqiiisiliiisiiion of ^ or (ax to lotcook .mornings i ovonino:linos “ ’*"• • achieve theirs, wo now mtomors Ihroihrough a variety ol ^ales ^.2872o'?°^-t215 7 ■677-730-5113. “ ™J *«»i S - : Valley and bo 10 yrs oUokJ. . ' shoukl talk. Colk>go chonnel) including) di youm. and:d s spocial ovonl solos, The I want? Apply In person olal -M anooem eni ioni soles oxpori-' onco oxpoctod. tuceosthjl applicantint shoukl possess a high NEW SPAPE^^^^" . Wo'ro partirt ol Loo Come loin thono Iloom ' 9 Baana ft A Burrltorito pooltlona (ull-tlm « ooorgy levol. bo a salts«i etarlor, work well wlin Entorpriso!IOS. 0 multi- that will train1 && pay. 799 Chertey Or r Salary ranging S7-St0 Mall your resume: Stoto rxnowspapor If you wonttwhol wl ------per hour & bonollts Janet Go((ln pooplo of all ogos.I. a n d b a detail orientated, T h e T u n e s N a Use ol your own vohKohwio Is requlrod. compony1 rocontiy youoroWort'Orth RECTAURANT' ovailablo. Apply In . The TImaa-Newa H Intorotied. plo«MM fillt out an appllcatton;' magit¥alley.t ogoin to inquire atQI Now hlrtr>g part-timem person al any PO Box 548 132 Falrtleli(laid Straat West isl of Amor- t69B Blue UMakae. doy Servers end4 Idaho Youth Ranch Twin Fatla. Idaho The Times-Nows Is now ac op small Batwaen Zt, ■ Gooding, Jerom e & Twin FallFalla, Itfaho. applications for a part-time: * Suparvlaora. 83303 ______AttwitJor«:an: Dan Walock______es. 06" In No Phocte cau Apply alSharl'a Twin Falla Locatlona Email your resume: Runner. Hours are 5:30 Afy rowtfi and ptooso. ^ _ | 1601 Blua Lakea Blvd.ijyj Orug Froo Mtorkpface /anol.goffin4*lee.ne( AM Monday-Friday. Thisils positionj « i8 ' inn morhoi — — delivers newspapers to hou!louseholds in vaiuo. OolO with tho NEWSPAPER Twin Falls and the immenmedlate growth ffor tho The Times-News o n a of the 58 dallies surrounding area. Theh e idealI 'uiuro. Ch.:hoek LOO ownod by Lee Entiinterprises, the nallon's candidate would bo puny our 1 oro an ombltlous; 2«24.000-clrculaUon daily out an appllcallonn atal 507 S. Ma in Twin Falls. Idahlaho. a growing clly of 132 Falrfleld S t WVest es . Halloi"« M la SauM nearly 40,000. We.r>eec} e.n a: Twin FalW, idaho }pUcatlon , ______osumo to: HornCmm A ttention Daniel Waio I m at— Copy Editor who> w an ts to participate In | a redesign of ourur newspaper-someone who can design visvisual pages and wrtto r— sirong headlines.. YoullY need a bache- GENERAL. 01 — ------^------1 S A L E S Isr's degree, excelleiJllent verbal skills, a flair LangU Exploratory Drilling is ir 'A sales ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f l ! ior design and m eeticulous attontlon to ambitious a people that wanti a f n s s . at wilh a detail. sstart building a career. We ar A ELEMENT EX MANUAL'a l 2005 HONDA CRV EX[4X < 4 AUTOMATIC aaccepting applfcallons for' iht - s a B lilso’be .w.is-2 .0 .»i ™n w as’25859 Public Safety Repoip o rte r with a nose for positions: p soilingig tho N’f w '2oy9 Now-22988 m S news, an interestIt inii crime ond justice Light U| Vehicle Mechanic ^ 2 9 9 / m Z and the desire to' tellte! the human sto* Requiros Re 1-2 years experienceco»oikingon 1 tsiused SAVI-.' >• S A V E ’2 8 7 1 . *289/mo. 1 town, ------^ rlos about the Issue:lu es that affect our gasoline g and diesel powered,od.„.cks.l„ “ '5'2” readers' personal,I. sisafety; Youll need a . . thetr one an d 2 M ton range. )r groat . L bachelor's degree,e . a n inquisitive mind Heavy He Equipment MechanicQ commlss ly work ^ and shiup writing skiskills. Requires Re three plus yoarss experience< “wMk'^v wworking with hjtiraullc systerstem s, diesol with When tho workdayday ends, recreation power, p and all aspects ofI heavyh< truck inable opportunllies abound; a Skiing. maintenance.rr Both posillon v g llllllljlll snowboarding, kayalyaklng. rock climbing somst e fleld wori<. Successful ( and mountain blkibiking. W e oftor an will w be required to provided S a " " - 2005 HONDA^ AACCORD LX.AUTOMATICnc 2006 HONDA RIGELINEERTL AUTOMATIC excellent benefitss package, including tools. tc Applications for ellher ire an wiis •2.^281 Wds ‘35299 medical, denial,II. vision. 401 (k) positions pi may be obtaineda by1 calling enced Now‘I‘Ml Now’30988 S'9 retlremonl. employeoyee stock purchase 775-753-2119.T. ob"® SAVI-:* n 9 9 / m o>• ’ SAVE'4301 *369/mo. • plan, FC purchasese program , half'prlce Drillers Dri Assistant: Saiesperi ______L_ _tiealth_club_and_jl_paid_Jjolidaya_flonbach(9»i(9maglcvalley.com vacation, pensions,, and 401kIk EEOE. I I U S E: ld c a r s5 j E L L - A - T [ W a k e s , l o d e l s K 1 i n d s < • n.‘.iKT • Mr w m i ID CARt CLEAIiRANCI liffisfflanm i 1 U l986XhevyVf Suburban 1 /2 TonI 1990 Toyota 4RH u n n e r S K S f l ■ 4 x 4 , a m d ^,350nb^/kla^frm i l ttt 4xi,Y6b^ka^Aii■ t f M / m / m g KtarJlr,hnW¥lUnnlU 5 0 f I I SPORTY! LUXURYi Tssna-tm m,m ■ m 2 0 0 5 P oantiacG i ram /J B uick C entur\ 0 Slicker New fiea'ea rly $2S,00a Sticsticker f/ew Nearly $25.00I ■ s p e c i aiL i BUY OF GlSM CERTIFIED■D VEHICLES! f l Y O U R X l i t t S 1 99 9 C hiev/Tum/no e LIZ 1 9 9 8 Ford E xp etsditlott XLT C H O I C E ______1 m m m 3tOOY6,Fntr M VUftXtlM Tilc) u k i ¥ M , c m m m iNUnnXlafeM /n/C ^ « N O W ^* ' 7 9 5 0 N 0 w ^ S 9► i 5 0 ■ 1994touzul^I Ih io p e r 1999 CfttChevrolet IVacker 4x4 2(2002 Buick Century 4-Door

f l KBBStUa $i% n e m m w m a 5 v ,3 8 8 i s ! .r ^ % 4 8 8 1l ^ k . % 9 8 8 ■ i I I 2002 Saturn S L 24'O oor 2004 Oodindga Nson SE 4-Dmir :2004 Chevraiat Maiibu curY Niouniamer 1997 Audi A 6 Q I uattro UlJUhmtelDnn,lkattJLU tO itrSnh, H $C f FwrWmdtwsw s t toda, CmiFI£DI D e m m m m a ^9 .9 8 8 S .liil,488 Biiks°J 1 1 ,9 8 8 1 Ommmv, am E D ! N o w* ^ : 8 9 5 0 > 5 0 r- I wiwiij ‘ ■ 2005 Mazda ProtaiItag e Wapon 2Q02 Chevilevrolst Blazer Xlrame 1999999 Cadillac Eldorado Touring n tm.i-M. /IW.Ci f l u l m n s BcarM Uttncrf^j2 , m i s n•^15,988 . Sif^ id 1 6 ,9 8 8 £

< ’ Awra TL-S 2002 Chevy TabAoe LT f l 2003 Ford Must]u ta n g QT 2000 GKGMC Yuicon Oonaii 200:!003 Ford Mustang GT Conv. V6, Mate, Ak, FwtV r Smwagf t WiaJtws I 4x4,Vml9c5J,Dm/pmH/ W l s s t f a r ■ M r ;<»sa /i3;80M.i«Mrx«. ladilaaHm,AiAMof Whetis, aRTIfllDI Stat^mJSaatrFitrnftta^ i « 4 r , a m i w 9 .9 8 8 U i^ 9 8 8 MM^rJ23,988 HOW 08 « »»iiOO»1»»<)aci>«omw ftcMwlareuBfW Ktteirmr* Ad tt^Mm M.’TiXH______' T T 6 9 5 0> ^223/mo. ^ 4 9 5 0 % ^ 19/m o. I W e ’rre a S ure... Your B est D eal is RiglI g h t H e r e ! M I D D L E K A U i m .M I T O M M 1 1 H HONOW ■ 73 5 -3 9 03 1 0 l i H 324-3900 h h ■ 1634 N. Blue Lakeik e s 901 S. Uncoln Avenue ■ TWin Falls Jero m e 208.733.777700 — ^ 1.800.548.6, g 2 8 0 C m i a M O n n i i Www.Tn ,U l n m i m n SatadanOi^iI » t 2 0 .2 0 0 6 ______

I NEWSPAPER Thno Niew and NB;’^ Earn extra s s in vourtr SoUfa Idaho ’ '' spare Ume. If you P k m ? ? W e c t » m'4>e A e i f i n o t c M v t SALES am a highly moH- FuB-Umo Ogtt)lolhlng vaied self-started Currentty taking ' S a iM posniosltkjn. kwking to eam 3.0931.ext.2 • 800-658-388:13 ext. 2 W ««kends requbnulred. some extra money A l^illEH TSFOOR REHT ^33- Appry.l 0 b( & B In your spare Un*e.; « rs s ’js:. I Stippfy In Tw‘! lea mseiangnaSSpa- vroeks. ______P«0tt0flflbla.caLna _P?;^“ ;S ‘onsa» RT.402 ad. hourty plplus irkiepenaent “ Tim*Trew5------T commlssiot). 40401k. C ontraetora. West 16- Suoet- tA ► W R ^IN C O i^ vacation, and Insur- Insi II you are Interested West 27- Sireot ^ • ance. Apply Moo-FfivFfl. In Ihls opportunity, Burton Avonue-CSI r s t Time 8:30-5:30pm,1. please call 46 Cust.' Approx, Cr i s e e v e r yy m o r n i n c 2S0 Blua Lakae«N N 20a-735-3202 ' $tOSevery4wks. r Twin Falla. ID EOE;0E . HT. 409 iVER! - Tlmes-News _ jsA L E S I TIMESNEW5 West 21* Street- We havo on Fairmont Avenue- Parke Ave.- plus T A excellent Outsidedo ROUTES Monoploy oddlllon. JBM I ' I n il II E mnployeB j Price A dvartleing Saieiloiee COMINO SOONI 74 Cust. Approx, | lor EvervonB. Hurrrryl Check the opportuntly availivoil- S170 every 4 wits. I m m plBt bslow to SBB yourir s a v i n g s l able with The Soutrouth TWIN FALLS HT.641 J ® Ideho Pfo»#. YoiYou RT.741 Tlmes-News l l . win love triis iob>b VIf 2400-2700 Paint­ Motor route for Paul. you en}oy: p s NEWlr2005 WA3iZDAC brush Drive Hazerton & Eden v B DRIVE RHflZOflYOMY. Working wHti a vari- varl' 2400-2600 Alder- . areas. ety of accounts,mis. wood Avenue helping thorn pro- rm te and buUd tholriholr South Idaho Presa ( { M i business. walking ro u tes V | B RT.781 available In Making recommon*ion- 1OO-S00 Buckingham I R u p e rt Cell for tfaltons antf sug-lug- Ortvo gestkiRs to Ihelr ad>ad- 200-500' Knottlng- vertlsJtig programs. ham Drive tips llyoullvelnihese' . f) areas ond are Business Oipportunitie wim current ano»nd RT.M 1 InteresMd In being a e s new customers. 100-500 Buchanan newspoper carrier,.. T h e Working In a tsamam street rhe Times-News has aliilw ays dedicated itself envlronmenL ‘f '» M SRP...... J$^ 1 9 , 5 5 5 1 0 0 ^ Uncoln St. P laaae contact :nhancing our delivery servivice for our customers. If y Good organizationalnai Mellsaa «77-e761 a rc S Fac.ory.nv,n v o l c e * ...... $ 1 8 ,0 9 0 siiills and anentk>nk>n KIMBERLY irc very organized, self moilotivated. and enjoy worki lo detail. CIrculaUon District RT.6S4 Manager unsimsupervised. (hen we have hi Ihe perfect busine Fast-paced, fun errvl-tvl- 100-600 Polk S t W. incss Con’s Emtmployee &fKJ‘ )pporiuni(y for you. We inv ronmenl. tOO-900 Taytor SI. W ?— - ' OPP- nvite individuals who refleificct Discountf t Pi r i c e ...... I J M ^ - Managing mulifplepie ourmr cbmmi(meht (o cuslom m s m er servicc and circulatiia (io n ------^------— projects and work­rk- Appmxlmat«4t¥Mk ing «vlih deadlines.I. eamlnffSMfobas^ ;rowth (o opply. Papers are: early< morning delivery. S eling and makingng ' on e u m n t Read The s™' aalomorcpunt Tie Times-News has independent conlractic (o r W®’r e S tir e ^ . WeVe looking lor Combine muOph ( som eone with an routntolnereaao Classifieds ' oppM NAnONWIDE SAa iE S EVEMT SnIkHiliPftii1 ConvnuWtyfJawwpor * ETER7B0DIDT WINS * l | | | i | | l i SPEEDO D • Q • PW* W 1 N D ^ ! lo8 siiwRRoTcYlfSS1 »4WD DEMAND* 4 WHEaAB5»T»LT»Lr« CRUISE »23M Pg IsTOCK ROOM Sfiaars Mviutaefur- IngCompanylt IJUNDRAACjCCJSSCABj4X4 ilHIIIL2005S a p p S ^ n l o r a SIENNA CEIVAN rooUno Attendant FT portion requifos good mechanical apdtuda. knowledge oftools&mainle* V-B • AUTOMATIClATlC • OFF-ROAD PKG • IMTED:> i su p * 8PAS5ENJENGEr ^ llE A R AIR • CD • PWIwiVR W IN D m OW S. nanca supply. Prtor ______AlIOYS>YS » TOW PKG > AND A i ^ t iOCKS. MIRRORS » KEYIESSSENTRY E computer and stock room experience a p h is. I d s T U N D R A Empkiyee ADOOBUCSIB ~Sil health, dental, life E|fl[200544RUNNERISR5“ hoiidays & avaitabte. Spears UatMifacturIno Ptant v -6 • CO ------eWR.WlNOOWS. LOCK :5V ^JnR O O F* AUOYS • KEKEYLESS ENTRY S ecurity Offlc* _»MOREI PWRNVINCIN D O W S . LOCKS. MIRRORS •■>» ;SIDE AIRBAGS 2152 South Uncoln . *M«Mnuata.TW«an(>Sl^I3S.71 Dm Im DeefM . PneM tmCuMomw Jerome, Idaho ssssJK i'ssasasssss' ^ 2 5 5 2 ? '‘ ^ ma M04SS and M73S7.4«hinnw m i M.. toner* I...... Ott 200>3a4-«101. Equal Opportunity Employer nUBH mitaiiHiIW— i TECHNlCtAN Luba Truck Tech. V l9 9 9 FORD ESCCCORT SE 4DR needed. W age DOE. 2000 CHEVROI>LET BLAZER LS 4X 4 2000TOYOTOTA TUNDRA ACCESS C A B 4 X 4 V Please call 731-3306 H An71Ure*MI*mWM0nUKDiO(B*(iw...... -.,...*4,8811 8 0 /iTimuH*un«Auon>a•o^nrunimr..-...... * 1 0 ,1 ' (or mora Infonnotlon. > , 8 8 0 AU]H«OrftlWirU«M;fi.uim.Q.iaun ------• ! 1i 9 . 9 8 0 ■ M 1999 FORD TAUIU R U S S E 2000 MAZDA S TECHNICtANS SE CAB PLUS 4X 4 2 0 0 3 H O NIDA D / ACCORD EX COUPE B «mniM*Niors*nimo9K*a ------;...... * 4 , 9 8 1 Wanted Journeyman i.aoM 8 0 msn v4*ssm9«Aiunn » CD •SIOOO w u s ...... * 1 1 ,, 1 8 8 0 #5H0IAV-«>7OI*lUn T aehnlclans wtih a luiHu.jumoof-towwiii___* 2 00 , 9 8 0 H H 1994 C H E V R O I CET T SUBURBAN 4X 4 2004 FORD F0< poaltlve attitude and DCUS SE 4DR 2001 T0Y01OTA 4RUNNER SPORTT 4 X 4 B career orfenlad goals. m ms2ASiiynAoo«&nv4-Ai■ Alloys* CO •sifauri__* 6 , 9 88 < 0 AjMAino«rwiwnoows.ui.(oa5«attmi»imw...*l Compelltlva wages, 2 ,.7 7 8 0 muiMOiKusniCM «m .,nwi ...... : J 2 -1 1 1 ^ 9 8 0 - H ------sign on bonus ASE .li;. i 1999 B U I C K amNTURY CUSTOM 2001 HONDA A certlflcatton bonuses, n A C C O R D L X 2 0 0 4 U N C O:OLNLS I 'Am'rmnM K«a*Dn£aon health Insurance. E| Bonn------* 6 , 9 88 ( 0 • rwi«auBicoiiT»0(....*l 2 ,.9 9 8 0 ' ^utumvuiMTire 401k and cafeteria K mnAUNWT-(MurntiuQ___ * 2 31 3 . 9 8 0 P I 1995 TOYOTA Tln o o XCAB DX plan available. Engine K 2003 PONTIACC GRAND PRIX SE 2000 MERCECEDES E 320 SEDAN cartlftoatlon helpful. K w r i i o m ------* 7 , 8 88 < 0 . n3J70NV2t.ooouius*ni M ust have own tools. M nrrsHAJiri...... » f 2 , 99 8 0 /xu)iuna«snoor*oR.mmcomamimmuaunui *233 . 9 8 0 p : Spadalty tools wll be 9 V 1995 TOYOTA AVW A L O N X L S 2000 TOYOTA i provided. Send R A V 4 A W D 2003 TOYOTiOTA 4RUNNER SR5 ^ flTMiu nrviKtK«UiinD*iaai ' resume to Service S aoeef.Murtj...... — * y , 8 88 C 0 ' fflwu/Dus-iraD^u^ciiS'ii*rM«MMOS»riiB • 1 3 ,9r9 8 0 AMM>un>uim*a . D a p t PO Box 347, S i . o D u m i u ------« 2 .4 f , 0 8 0 I ' I 1998 FORD EXPLGLORER SPORT 4X 4 • TWln Falla. ID 83303 a 2003 DODGE GI5RAND CARAVAN 2004 TOYOTiOTA SIENNA U VAN li. /5T447l»l*S-jrOD-*UOY5'lYS • n n wiroows • CD. * 7 , 9 8S O ^mifAiuimFuisnvaMnAilAUjawtUMAmuNm.-* 1 3 , 9 • ▼ ▼ T T T T T . 9 8 0 r$rminriuM(Mai>(Bfan H sm K IDMM WMOUTT. » 2 4 J 1999CHRYSUR2t SEBRING CONVERTIBLIBLE 2001 TOYOTA O CLASSIFIEDS CAMRY U V-6 2003 FORD> FF-ISO CREW CAB 4XX 4 {,1 «iiuf4*Hnim*(KriUM«o)•O K B iw e ------1._..*8,980 : It pays to read the B O /nvsAuarsBiQwimtTnirowMiiiT-ittimmu....*! 4 , 77 3 8 0 nMuuM*iuna*KUDiMiBmauatwn ______* 2 5 fine pilnti 5 . 9 8 0 , 1995 GMC YUKOlO N S L E 4 X 4 2002 CHEVR0LE1 : d ill The Times-News ET TRAILBLAZER LS 4X1X4 2004 TOYOTArA HIGHLANDER AWD to placo your ad /nwit i7M «a*ui9n*ooamiio tm B ...-...... * 8 , 9 8lO 0 tsiai, ua-uM»a»mim ______* 1 S , 99 8 0 m n M*uum«stoDiui-tB-atmsDrir UA] ____ - - • 2 55 . 9 8 0 : i ■ 20S-733-0931. 2000 NISSAN MALAXIMA 2002 BUICK REIENDEZVOUS CXL AWEVD 2004 TOYOT/ AAAAAAA >TA 4 RUNNER SRS 4Xt X 4 ? tsam M«ssna«o*roiaiMov ...... * 9 , 9 8I O 0 MuiiHsiijaiuflia*Mi(m*r WAREHOUSE :*Ria9iMrHi0noei— * 1 5 , 9 : 8 0 moM'»n)>iaoTS«[nu ______* 2 ff i t , 9 8 0 1997 CADIUAC SE5 E V IL U S T S 2001 TOYOTA AVALONXLA 2003 TOYOn ; D M vary Ortvar. Must )TA TUNDRA ITD 4X4 n m i H w n m iwroHOiai • mmB wn aiM .ium a...... * 9 , 9 8 0 h av a d e a n driving to rtun«itruBfiun»«im.nnin u B trn ^ B a i______* 1 6 , 88 1 8 0 mMUijn^csnDiinitimilMMwinmnT ______» 2 f i ' raoord & (he ablBiy lo 5 . 9 8 0 1997 CHEVROLET1 TAHOE LT 4X 4 2003 TOYOTA PN : Ml 78-tOO b s .. pass >RIUS HYBRID 2003 TOYOTA)TA SEQUOIA SRS 4X44 ■ drug BoaaaFV out fOOi uiM*iiflB*iK;sanBsus a w ( M _ _ _ .------* 9 , 9 8KO 0 /STtt3ACAS-QICTUC*SliratlUPGi------* 1 8 , 8 « applcatlona S 8 0 msiusn>(B.uion*MI.MDirjMIMB, ______* 3 3 1 . 9 8 0 ' betw een 9an>i4pm ai 2003 CHEVROLETTMAUBU 2003 TOYOTA SIS I E N N A V A N 2002 TOYOTAITA lANDCRUISER . ISTEaaaandDr. W-Wni»rWWBID(WH»CD' •(D -n m o i...... - * 9 , 9 8I 0 O murfBaKa*m«i*ainnanai/iHjH«iwurrr - * 1 9 ,99 1 8 0 #nwAu«i)M*ai!rofii WELDER i , 9 a o J Eiparlanca TIQ welder. I ‘Puat niatu. mu t tl237l7i»w«.ooeni. ViMCu>wucrT0>wMiCMIHI fua Uma pamtanent L m pooMon wvTbenems. ■ Magb: Valay Hal-an: ■ 208- 733-0603 B W IU N NO H • S S K t S M ■ .■laady«M«K. benefits. ■ • CaM>0

' I

SatuRiiturday, Auiust 20.2005 Tbne»ftewirwt, TMn M is, Idaho C-U .

T E M E S M E^ ^ TIMES-NEWS 7 0 4 T 0 4 - - • T” COMING SOON mw innw nni gWWIHI JTacfc PttoA ndPet IN The Timos-Nows ll ■■OBBiirtMnWMs! ^ currenlly looking for B lor sale, ___” p p llM • TWIN FALLSI Independent Route '▼ ▼ TTTT 4 FOOT(T^HOEINO PACK HORSE l< ------I i , . -SuPlM lw ' gn^K s. 8 >?!«««■*«$SOO/of*er ------R T .810 , Carriers 1 PUBUC SERVICE I X * y C w eeks 1-^-876-7060 Burieuriey Uveetocli h m i m HAIR POINTER KETCHUM ER pups. 1 _ _ i n n II Empliiloyee Price (er Boih Cofrtor A ' A u rto o GBLOINGQ t>4. AKC. Bolh porerirenls on \ JEROME . ling cull ^ s and AOHA' Red R Oun, fireot hu £veryone. Hurryl Cha"o" ciM.i«,d..«wo, ! AVAILABLE 300-400 E, Avenue K grain storage foclli- 206-flSe Irails, needsa s more mis Comtilno multiple ty, scales. RR aid- $1,200. 432-12-6346 733-0931 e x t.. routes to Inctoaao0 RT. 533 Ing, Curry Crossing. P « COMMERCIAL c o n n e c t ■ BEAGLE pup nEI your profit. 100-600 r Avo. W. W IT U HORSE TRJHAILER 2 AKC. only 4 leS 100-600 8" Avo. W. ZONE 9.26 acres. WITH V horse, Mo<*>«Tl8 74. left. $375. K Coil V “ SRP...... $34,389 TWIN FALLS homo, Shop, olfice. C UJ S S TI O M E R S S700 Of best bl offer. 539-4622.____ _ Factory Invoivoice*...... AT. 729 RT.634 Curry Crossir)g.' tA«j, $31,180 1200-1300 4-Avo, E 100-500 4 " Avo. W. TWIN FALLS WV Hi H O N E E D BEAGLE puraurebred _ , ^ ■ 150-700 AahSlroot 100-600 Avo. W. STOflAQE 91 unHs. Y O U R MILLY 7 # hor ^ o b io . Con*s Emfi 3 pflvato offices. c c i S E R V IC E RT. e03 RT. 637 shop w«h overheod - MOO . . a i , 733-81 Discount?«!. / ...... ^ 100-300 Cordovo,0 100-400 E. Ave. E. doors, high traffic Advertfvertlselnthe 1 u r i f W BOX£R PuratjriN] | Avonuo 100-600 Avo. F. oxposuro. showing BushMss Bus ft talnedhydrouNc ples. Fown with * 1100-1300 Valenciala goodrolum, Servicavice Directory jocks. $750.). 436-6930< moiWngs. fown^ NEW 201105V01KSWAC GEN Slroet WENOELL n 733-013-0031 ext 3 ------black foce. $250. MOTOR ROUTE 647 - J PAINT MAREIE troll ride 208-308-65RS. ro.^: NEW JET Approximato 4 wookIr S475.00-SS2S.00 ------or brood manore $950 oaminga basod on1 ovor/4wool<9. OOAT88 lolnting.f exc. or .best offor. off Coll BRITTANY AiAKC I ; eumnt customer I ooters. 3 kids. 208-326-667(179. pups. 3 boautiautlfull count. II you llvo In moso f tnlos. ond 1 billy, ------males left. 6 wo«w eeksi aroos ond aro J | le coll 543-5628. PAINT registerreredmare. old 6-12-05, P lea ae co n tac t Inlorosted In bolng a — ------5 yeor old oM g r m shbls. dew do'd o w s i Amy D istrict Mgr. newspaper carrier... 733-0404 ITS. roostsfs and broke, smooiDoth goite,. removed. natuaturoll 20a«73S-3347. P lao se contact ^ Must see. Walteces I bobbed > lal J Kathy. DIttrlct ~nj . ^ fl^ t.CColl o ll 324-6372. 734-51960T4r 420-0488 champ-lon blo-btoodi - J Mgr. TOS-3346 I ®t o c k« s SHARES 110 n u A i m i , ------Mr -----lines, ' Wolrorr ' IfOmraCIltfMv' shoress Ol( Stock in HORSE 4 High Sierra's, Mllli ore. Green le's, $300. Coll 77 FAX 301 UqtM i o m ' Salm onjn RRfver QraUng ^ li^ ------2i23fflC— . Assoclolk 00, 423- 736-0180. - w BuslneM = 1-3066. deliver holf way.^ ”“'l MSRP...... $i22,965 2 OppQitunltles' DRACO » " o ' ; -— ' Factory Invoim ic e * ...... $521,351 2 YOUR v S h l’ M 4 ^ ^ 6 HORSE BRHTANY pups. r« AMERICA'S f l.r a te d .Itor^ Ploase. rrelt. well boouiiful. 10 we< • prlnllng/dlgltol copying ,500 QH old. Parents a re c Con’s Empi Fronchlso expanding CASH Ci for Doods ol e $3,000, standing p^niers■» « Discount P, locally. BusinoGS lo Tru Coil 208-736-;B-7080. relrlevers. Shots, She : AD Trust. Mortgages ond '. f'^QUQT m s ------wormed, dewclo Business Conior . Roalr „, Estote Controcts rclows ______T IM E S -N E W S d S U D H M ^ ’^ TTiOROUOHBFBRED removed ' & ■tolls -t) No Exp. Nocosaary. XalLtodoy-for-afree, r„ ------Fgnirainlno"Lb«n------, —M«r*:-3-yonirors-oid:— doc»codr-n7~TowiJWWeT------■ suppon. no-obligallon quolo. CALVES8 t started Hof- 0««dlng. 7 yeyears okf. $450. (I) Mole $4i W®*ro Sure... ' ■ CLASSIFIED (Inondng avail. I(2M)733-3321. stein HoifHeifers, Please Bolh recregistered Coil 312-0454 do I 800-645-3006 = 08-544-7517 • or S2.000/otfer..C E lien t 206-654-2081 evos Your B est Om I Soil., I, ..l„ ....I.,, iS -S>0-1395 S i' EngHsh prospi I www.mwutemanoia»3.com ------I» Right H«r«t DEPARTMENT : wntyT-nweCaMinsds . _ . COCKATIEL ClM8i8M'#r-The nnswor wnfianh«

m k f a f l ’

THE ALL-L-NEW 20055 SUBARU OUUTBAOC THEALL-NBEW 2005 SUIJBARU FOREiSTCR® I • Received the he highest governmentt ccrash test ratings for • Received Hie hlghe;test government crashI testte ratings fot driver andI passengerp< h-ontal and < d side-lmpact test driver a n d passengn g er frontal and side-im•impact test • Standard SynSymmetrical All-WheelI DriveC • Standard Symmetriitrical All-Wheel Drive • Six air bags]s standard* • Higher grountund clearance than 444SUVs i • All W heel Drivrive • Power WIndiridows •A ll W'heel he Drive • Power'er Windows • Air Condltioniining • Automatic TnTrons. • Air Goneanditioning • AutomDmotic Trqns. • Cruise Controlol • Heated Seatsots • Cruise} CControl • Heote^r Locks • Keyless Entrytry • Power• LocksLc • Keyles:'ess Entry

0LOM> w o u r tf iBLOWOU PAICICE, ...... ^ o PRICE...... 9/117 # 5 0 8 8 ■ # 5 0 4 9 MSRP ...... *25,915 MSRP ...... *22,!2,061 ^PtoU jrestorlllustrat^^ u rp o sas only. mgsislii m S m a S n B S w i J® ' BtsinanceiCas P UE^ A l m J i w i W J i M M 2 ThM»ftom,TVrvTWfafM»,l(Mw $a>urtinAKUrt(LBt 20.2005

• ' \ 7 0 9 . .ftniiE»l|iiniiiit Hiy

‘ HAY BALER W anted H AtY v l 2nd crop. 60 Ion. 4 FREE Au8troJldor lino stom. Exc. 208-543-S953 OB'S Crackor of Club; 27.6-278, W anted lm- mediately JD f5 or jollty. S78 por ions. FREE cats & KltUfl Moad. Shots. worTTMd all 2Qe-733-S769 SE ^ 2 ; . & dowdaws, *275. te sfckto bar hoy ^ i«d slider turti ; mowor wtlh c ra iy HAYY grass< hoy mix, T o a w/tank, (2) Fefrei Black Lab stud dOQ for advertise call cliclassifiedsSS3 ^ hiro, 208-686-2058. whool, Paytng cash. omallnoil boles. *2.50 por . witti captt. 324.39a9, . Call 208-324-5656. bpio.110. Will dolivor smoll ^ MINI OACHSHUND ■ 733-0931 ext FREE dog. madlot ' HAY BALER W anted nounts. 543-8769. ' l i f t e d ______male, nautcrwcr^ 324-8017 ^ 4 -2 6 4 2 gino drtvon older hay S60O oa Ion. Piooao coll ______dog. Ne«ls goo • balor. 214- 24T-224T 208-6«-65^” or971. euss Fri horr»e. Call 423-5103103 . MINI SCHNAUZERS 2 Fri. Sol, Sun, HANSEN Fri,I, Sol, S Sun KIMBERLY Sat." io 8a riv TWIN FALLS Sot. 8-2. 'TWIN FALLS Soturday with Wisconsin on- 24i-9i^•9001 ______Mon? 4 fj T T T males. AKC. 7 wooks i family Houso- 8om.7pm. Fumlturo, Fc Spm, Couch. W/D. W. Toonagors fund rols- 7-t, Furniture, FREE Golden Lab lo i gino. W anted 2 h a Yf smallsi bolos. ovor hokl fumim.. dining la- compulors, oxorciso o ond Ions ol olhorroluff. oli ing salo. Coiloctlblo ctomos. Lots o l misc, good home. 4 monll okf. Coll 208-431. 400x36-okJor JD hoy 200 ^ ^‘72'’ 7254 or 208-431-7255 0 tons. O al hay. 15 ' blo/chairs,its, W/0. ro- mochlnos. indand misc. 210 Opal r.Cir. loy coro. desk, lova 921 Trotter Ortver oklfomale. 431-8172. rake tJroo, W ontod 2 a aros, o s just cul. Corrals frIgTfioezcszor. quills Parking lot —- lump. l9loseopo,.bunk ; ■ strtng hay pllor w ith' d straw5, avail. Oor- lodlos doihos, d pic- H ansen Mar T ^ FALLS Fri.•rt. 4 bods, mirror, chalk TWIN ' FALLS Saturday FREE Ooldon TTT Lab .MINI SCHNAUZERS AKC. 2 molos. 2 fo- g as . ongino, • Poying 1 2O0-543-57492( or turo*. Iron lilz z l____ Sat. 6-jtpm Moviloving board, and morol 8-? Twin boys ctothes. mate, lo a good homo _ _COsh. 208-324-5858 J^... rry 206-543-2554; lum., colloSSC'“" salo, Ctothos. boolxioks. S64 Cherokee Lane imto giris 0-5 ctothes. ------G«nHo— ^ttnd~lbvlrig — malos. eiac k -a n d -sil--z , / only ' toys, conning Jars a. - toys, arxf oltwr.ttouso. CaJt 260.1985. ' ‘"9' vor. salt ond poppor. HAYh STACKER Wont- OAT Ho ■s ond (off Elizoboin Srvd.) ' ____ -WID be very small, ;0 0 pm. lots morol : hold items. od immodlaloly Now boloso s. 575 por ton. BUHL FriFrkloy 4 Sat. 525 7" Ave.». WV eat ■ 1689 G alena Driverive . TWIN FALLS Sat. 8-? 1279 Blake S t N. FREE Husky 1 yaarrok) olc Ploase call 539-4626. Holland i pull typo. Faedo.Bdor.Hoy. *50 por 7,-30-? Bui femalo. groal wItt: - — r u» ogalnl Christ- - MINUTURE AMERI- modol 1010 bolo wag- ion . 2 206-886-9845.i condillonoIT “!: JEROME Fri 9am-69an pm TWIN FALLS Fri. m as troe wilh lights. TWIN ' FALLS Saturday kJds, rteods room tc on Slacker. Woniod ioihl>s. Ilshing Sot. .Son6am-1pm. Sot. 8-? fviultlfamramily homo ddcor. loys. and 8:00-4;00, Munifamlly. run. Call 436-4T24.L ? CAN ESKIMO pup- solf-propollod j N o w STRAWAW 2 string balos. pies. APfil roglsiorod. j oonlo* buddy Wosher, dryoiryor, ml- salo, Lko now bal lois ol muc. Nk». Glass coffee table, Amanda or Dorolhy. Holland 1035 solf-pro- SO ooch, doHvory gS'®*' oy iroln foblo. lots ol swing, walker, sauc, Oinotto w/ desk, drossor and TV ‘jnf'os, books,I, clothosc chairs, doubte bed, bee TWIN FALLS Sot. slond. futon, golf and FREE kJttans, (4), blackr r malos *200, 5 wooks. 224,2 Paying cash, Wn bbalos. *15. loiolmlsco Catl208-212-99S5, Coll C 206-324-5858 Co" 20(208-543-5150 624 12" A<' C T , S i »'orloly » " of desk. 50s Ounkon1 Fife Fif 8om-3pm, • Luggage. 1compuler stuff, ntoe and WhUe. inter box ______misc, items. tablo w/2 choirs, vaci'a cu . dishos. vosos, Christ- 1compoci stereo. TV, trained to good home, POMERANIAN toy. HEADERh1 4 row, (or WHEATAT STRAW 2 JUHL F,l. 4 S Sol, 0om- 303 V Ave., WWi att um. OVD/VHS ployoioyor, m as docorottons, 1and moro. ■ Pleaso coll 733^0152.>2. purobrod puppies. 1 John j Dooro (5400 / '9- doon 3nm Nonomo brond Cornor ol Birch^ andan 7lh movies, rofrtgoratoiator. Ilnons. vacuum, cord 11365 Ashley Drive in fomolo. 1 malo. 5800)5 chopper. 30 6/bolo. f Coi: 206- niuT'sUo A e ., a.1 tupponvaro. book!w ks. table, books, moro. North Pointe S u b 'd F n ii Wttons. io ,5383 or 731-1255 weoks-4 m os otd. Boxj l “ browfrtilaek. CKC Inch ir row. Good 825*.S3£ ; *''0''- Koy, «“v 2775 Chaparal Cir. tp registorod. 9 wooks. shapo. sl 208-306-7541. y .,0 oquipmoni loroge 4 LoCrosso Sorol boOls TWIN FALLS Saturday Irainod, loving, smart, d ilam< iloms. Oi TWIN FALLS Sat. (Only! 8am-7 RWIng & •nergatic. Ptease adorable and nuffy — ommo. • Collodions; ■•Waiklns *“ *350. 537-6625 Or HORSE HG DRAWN C tOCM 8am-3pm. Ewrything Ilawn mowor w /accoss can 208-326-36e3. spa/Produca 1520 e . 3 ___ 316-1305. kiavo mos- EQUIPMENT: E Wont- — ■ ^ " = • • 206~«0- jS "”- Itios. rtiusi go. Fishing goor. . tand much moro, FREE kKtw«a, . 4 sago If no arwwor, od o< immodiatoly oWor PEACHE 4348.1001” ^ Barbies, and plaioo.g decoys, toon girt ond 2582 IndUn Trail S or 6 fl„ horso drown m an w womens ctoihos and /Addison East to Car- months oU, good!®? PUG mato: AKC, Fawn. 1 JEROME FrkJay.ly. 6-5I & 240 Taylor m ousw s, outdoor hlt- disk with soot or okJor -cancan ta lo u p e. B'O, « "« ------lols of misc. rtogo Lane Tum So. *400, Ready 8-26-05. 44 gong pull disk. pormcirmors Corner '‘shlng oqul|?ilo h l f o n ^ Soturdoy. 8-3.3, Multi-1 TWN f a l l s Fri.• .&t 1195 S u n b u rst — tons 208-e2S-S2S4.;__ Rosorve nowl ol ------TVTWIN FALLS' Saturday Wontod ground dnvo 202 S,:. HwyHv 27. Burloy clothos. b • l-O'S O FREE Wltons. 6 wooks 733-4938 after 3pm. T luto^M oi '’oms. I 209 TWIN FALLS Sot. Onfyl C 7om-7prn. Fur- I row potolo dlggor. goe-i08-678-5130 computer. ili' clomos ail sizes oU, to good homo'. Wontod ground drtvo Buhl. 1 mil« sr. and bikes, loys. otoctron,on^ 8am-3pm. Namo nituro n and mlse. RAT TERRIER pups. « Iilo Souih of . much morol .g bmnd doihos, sio'roo. household h Koma. Ev­ 645-243eor26»0l09” two female, ono mok> I or 2 row potolo " ’ I Hwry 30. ^ .. Ics. furnrturo ♦ tiwro. planior, Wontod older C u s te ;4000N 180Weit100Nc 2154 C reatw ood Dr.3r homo dOcor. kilchon erything0 Must Gol rase w ttm .r weeks■to with papers. *300, rstom Faim ^ ° s2 E 4 i — iloms., CDs. bedding, 85481 North Pointe Or. A Call 206-734^(995 or working pull lypo — ■----- — JEROME Sofurda old, 1 fTM puppy. 6 grain combino, wilh Qi»rut/>oa SOI BURLEY Fri.ri. * sat.. 8- Sunday, e o0-5:0< « ? t w in f a l l s Fri. 4& vtooos. 4tolsmom, Olf 0 North Cdtogo Rd, months oM. AkKaHa 208-316-0243 0^ 5,0a Air So,, eam-2pm, Sloigh ongino to pull bohind ■■ 4. Broodmai cof’tii'lonors. I. )iflh 174 U rkapur Dr. — cross. Call 731-2502.!■ SHIH-TZU beautiful i,a , jo o ls . crib, strollers, playSlav TWIN TVI FALLS Saturday Iroctor. Paying cash. p-Wwv Cc'u< tT nu - '® Bchool cninos,cic goll oxorclso oquipn^ ^ o n t. pong, swing, high,ig^ TWIN FALLS Sat. Onlyl C 8om-3pm. Baby FREE kittens, cuto and AKC males. 2 yoor Call c« 206-324-58Se. ovor used). ctothos. opd more ^ 0k>« *250, 7 wooks ---- f™ ' choir, boby girt Barn-Spm. Fumlluro iroms lii orxf dothes. fur- • cuddly. Pkiaso can ES *nilsc 2014 North RImc ctothos NB.2T, mater-ter- ond occossorios. gon- niiuro, ni household 20e~420-9606. OkJ. *400.734-7163. JDJD 1-Usod 7500 For- 1 2 ; "“" s ; " ago Hon^ostor 530 . “ Tp,'"'iblning & boot >33 ^ ge*IS” Drive JEROME Soturdaylav 8-3 ond women's,n-s orators, motorcyelos lloms. ll< books 4 misc. FREE Klttons, (mer box^ SHIH-TZU CKC/AKC, Conor cui hours, Nico ma- fwfvostin.st.no, 312-2496 :------r Tons ol stuff lots lot: of ctothos. loys, house.ISO. 200 4 too Dr.. ftoot C ash Onlyl trained. Wo ora all^ good btood line.. Tak- Chino, chi Scott o. ctothing and 1840JuIleLaf>e . xl Ing dop. Males ond fo- 59: Sun. 7-4, . Ion 523 BoHon S t — very cute and nood 599-2446 for dolOlls. Fumlluro. by ond holp support sup In very good condllton rwiN FALLS Saturday some good homos.a makJ# avail, *500. ----- H la n e o u s A G . oppis , gioss423-S226. >LOW Bushhog Chisol. ckithos *■ tonnis Moorxfor Point ___ 2 Dodge Rom bock . Si — I— 68 «Shonk 3 PT,. S800, CALF HUIHUTCH woodon. lotsofm iscol SALEI Baby Itoms, Mllonoous. Je ro m e HSparkli'^'^'’0 TWIN FALLS Fri, S, & soots, sm mtorowovo. loys. to Christmos item s FREE Malumuto Husky(y j A ’ AC 12' hoovy Olsc, 3 holo.'o. good cond,, 18" 4 Ml lot on Tiger Dr cross, fomale. 4 years *300. IH puli boon $150 or Sol. 8om-? Multi-iltK books curios (tots (ic of unopened rs » or bost olfor. nitR i p v oa. E astland lo Flier, weat Hi oU, lovos kMs. Con111 combino cor S100. Plooso c t Iday A Sot., JEROME Soluioiutdoy Ctolheo. Hallmark ornomonls). - y s to Rusty Lane, left lo appliances o; and elec- 208-324M8S1.______^ 208.537.6836 2« ______^ u P O S l thing; LE.I.. Onlyl Nelghborhmo ddcor, (urnlluro. housol■sohold 1296 Park Meadowa and misc. Cosh onlyl ' a good_homo. Coll.. mlns—motor,—AlUton-----404-6064DS4-/-735-ie7lT------cor seol.-slroIroilor.exer------itomsnJOOXsmiW .1____eamil2pi!L_eoUno£:___ yt 436-4366.______■■ c h e d O ’ shots & ,rar TWIN FALLS Fri. 4 & riod ond moving. Sec- ___ - wormod. Wlll weigh 39 . corpot. toys and much moiniofo. gaj. sam -tpm , Motor-or- tional sofa, bikos. go» TWI FREE Pug, female, 32 tiros. Porfoci for GRAIN ST V l« rU n e Dee Drive WIN FALLS Saturday approx. 8.ll lbs. sllago sm, pit packing. 13.000 bu WA..1 ■ sportingng equlpmont. monitor. Onlyl Or 8;30am.? M ens AKC roglslerod. IM^ Females como from <95 at.. 7:30-2. (SOO South 100 We yrs. old. 733-4a38. S25.000, Coll 208. 'or ront>t northn. of Paul. BURLEY Sot.. goods, point boll.all, dishos. 4 misc. mountain me biko. lawn champion lino. Call . 312-4499.3,2 Coll 208-4)8-431-8160. Furniture, ^uit/chll- a KIMBERLY Sal.. OfltylO housoworos. oloclron.,n. 216 El Camino mower. me household GERMAN 9HORT-r 734-2263 6 pm, I clothing, 8 om. Clolhos. buikj. bu ics ond much more, goods 4 much moro, 0 7 7 1 3 ,, TWIN FALLS Sal. =? KAmS AKC. puppies loys. dishos,IS, tons ol lr>g molorlals, bikos. blh 277 Jefferaon Street_ Only! 8om-lpm. . l11 l i W ood River Drive bom 7/23A». (3) l&or.* SHIH-TZU« puppk>s, 6 , by llom^ ’ toys, and lots of ml Irrlgatfon. Fanns/n s / P a s t u r e ITWIN FALLS Fri. & Bikos.'baskets, can- TWIWIN FALLS Salurday (7) whhe/Dver. Goodj wooks old. 5 malo. 2 __ 'Ots of misc. 405 Diamond Dr, (amiry pets, goodJ fomalo. 206-678-2176 — ^ FiemaJS 2516AlmoIO Ave ll;____ Sol. 9-4. Couch, lovevo ning Jors, housohoto .OnOnlyl 8om-4pm. Dln- CLYDE'S PIPE . ------KIMBERLY Fri & SolSot 0- seal, ond 4 colloo la-a- Hems, parkas and ingng room sot. desk. hunters. Chanson’ SHIH-TZU< pups AKC iih toon doming, chi bkiod Nnes, C hoose REPAIR PASTURE=o with :hino cobinol, big your-s nowl S350. Call roglstarod. *400, 2 Hamland linos, main linos or alfalftfalfa pasluro. Sun 8-5 Mulilultffamlly. loO's ol new, ea„{, leaf. 4 podded chairsrs 2333 HlJcreat Drtve Tion's mo dom es, house- ' mak). t lomalo. Thoy orond whool linos. Folrfiold 324-5062 or 308-0073 d 10. Con Car pons, vbhlclos. \ u8ed.-choap._CCrofts rj * borstools lo maih. TWIN FALLS Sot. loto Horns and moro. ' .make groat compan- (O' 9-1013. Clothos. r itofh-s— Easy lift dtoir. misc. rurniluro, arxi yard sak» itoi \ Onlyl 7 am . 3 pm. 546 Brookaldt Loop GOLDEN RETRIEVERr ions, adoratilo. cuto 3 som o kkfs lionoms. > tool No oofiy birds,j, household items 4 Off Locust ond cuddly. Call a f t e r _____ p .; , • ctothos, “ Sports - oquipmoni. ____ AKC puppies, 6 w ks . , 1 block e a ttt ofo 2500 239 Center SI. Ea* baby items, misc. TWII old. 2 se ts of shots, 6pm 206-655-4189. IRRIGRIGATION 4390 IH 4 A G B UisinetsAnd S if onPoieii = 1 - 2844 Oeniao Ave. MN FALLS Saturday yl. Turbo Cummins «■>----- ■— ■ lL 2 f------KIMBERLY Fri-Si _ household items Oni3nlyl 6om.7 Ctolhing parents on site, 25 iSIAMESE kittens. & 228 C edarpark Circle moi years ot brooding. rtth 84 Boikloy M D ' ir e c to r y r l e r - Fri. i4 Sot. 6.? Hugo sole tots t w in FALLS Fri, & non. women and chil- purebred. Call 208- S Z “ Sol, 9am-5pm. Lota of Ptease call 312-2428. 'ump. An flttlr>gs in- ~ ■ 8am -? Appppllon^os, now and usod Itei TWIN FALLS Sol, ?r?,Iron's, washer, m . . 638-5574.______Id, discharge & sue- H Of i R I c n p n fumlluro. clolhslhos. ox. and back to sch(school odds and ends. Itos, TV and more. .(Miar Somolhing for evory-*■ Onfyl 7i30-ia0 pm. GOLDEN RETRIEVEn TOYV POODLES. 10 Uwi.on. *4500.308-5321 orctse oqulpm.iment and clothos. 3 . wheoi GIrt's and women's 210 Eden S t North ; male, 1 year okJ. O E I N G miscoitoneous. X , one. Everything Must wooks. 1“ shots, dow- — - JS. ATVa. loys & movlo! ctothing, fumlluro. TWIfVIN FALLS Soturdoy shots, - dow dawed. iClawed, 1 mole, 1 IMP 60 hp Irrigatkjn 3868 North 244!44S East 307 Center SL E. ^Ol homo decor, misc. Ont $100. 208-326-66&4. | oosi pump. Now, un- C « i lIW W« c ta t d n Midway Mooclodows :------628 Alturua Drive )nfyl 8am.Noon, Fur. lemalo also 2 malo ^ _ 428 Locual N, nituIturo, home decoro- Chocolate Labe. sod, *2.000. Coll m <-xpcrk-nci------KIMBERLY Fri. J HIMLAYUNtPERSIAN I 06-663-1019. Ci.U20tt-t)8-S2:(-r>8!).i RLER So ■ & | TWIN FALLS Frt. 7-3 & ons.. Uds dothing Call206-532-4318 Sot. 7-? MovIniivingl Sal. 7-noon. Bunk* TWIN FALLS . Sot. IIJS adorable kltlens, CFA * 8-008-7rJM) -Onlyl8am -1p. Onlyl 7am-2pm, nd much more, roglstarod, perfect gift « ...... WANTkNTED TO BUY 6-& oraos-oc salo-mulllfomlty. I bods, drouor draw- 628 Saget>ruah Dr. T P *..- 8------1 e r Centi Baby stuff. douNiuw ol ers. antique hoaUng' Couches, books, boby fer lomoono special. Tj 8 ctoihos. computer oc- TWIN S200/oa. 206-678- MrftnwETilpnwnt all208?^-1006''” ' j= = = ^ = Commlaalon sirolior. toys, girtsjlrts/l stove, twoks, clolhos. flN FALLS Solurdoy, ------S A T CE XL L T T E R aleer. Next boys/loon/odult rtlcelrrlci bikes. ar>d lots of misc cossorlos and tots of 100 . am . 2 pm only, 2142or206-678-0070 = ' misc, 590 Hailey Ave. Mov BALER Freeman mod- ITER RIGHTS- S Y $7T ' doihos. furniture'U'O.I 434 Madrona stre et loving Sale! Big « R E S Oolry.foTm. S IEM S ? ol T. Wisconsin V4 American L appls., maitross sotset I - TWIN FALLS Sal, 2!^!:reon TV. books, 1 H O T I I immorcial. Buy or p p c . 540 Locust I TWIN FALLS Fri. 8- ilcrowovo, lumlturo. ?nglno. *1.500, Call in Jerome ^!!' , m oll Spm Sal. 6-4pm. Of- Onfyl 8 am. Rugs. W EA TH ER J208.324-5701 ______*’*'"• * D o n t m isa Ihla onel ' lois ol domes, bod- tchon 4 household Q cuMtocniS r - !ton"s ^ o f^ o l ' — I flee choir, staitonory >ms, hvin bed, desk, BEAN CUTTER Harris- 7 0 B gyri bike, vocuum, house->' dlng4ml8Collonoou8, AND Y O U R ? « iL D S h <«'«» nccoptod, PAUL Frl„ Sat., 4 Sur 790 Academ ic Dr. ys, choirs 4 morel Ion. 8 row. mid-mouni. S MmandFMIttef d tact Margo Hol 8am-5pm. 3 Fami.omily f’oW, ctolhing 4 moro. . Z 7th Avenue North P E T S blade. b *500...... [xi-dlntom t tho Ubrary. Salo! Baby ond NdMd'B Am erican Legion & TWIN i FALLS Sot. B een C utter Plckoit. uiymoiv. . ------cloihes & toys, swinwing Auxiliary Onlyl 60m - ? RWIng ^ wTfALLS " Salurday, ■ - I ® Eono stop, rod woedor, ALF.LFALFASEED RLER Saturdayoy Onlyl sot. powor lools, oran. 447 Seaatrom St.- lawn mowor. irompo- “1,1 om-3 pm. Toys. no divklors, *2000, TTop Ouollty ' 8om -? DoUs,. 'Christ- tlquovonity. mlsc,«, W right Ave. off Eaal- lino. fumHuro, tots of J9, fishing lubos, Coll 208-423-5753 Fam-annor to Farmer 8 0 1 m as lloms. cook. 850 W. 81 S. land South boby Items and misc, 3thos. misc, IIM Arwf books, bikos. cl 1532BrtarwoodLn 15 Addison Ave. E. BEAN CUTTER. Pick- '“"'X T -"” Antique. W s PAUL Salurday, 8om.S S T TWIN FALLS Fri, and _ OR 8 row Body Mount o . »or gin 4 jr-8 «Sld' ar RayOdormott Collect 2pm. 3 family salo.llo. Sot., 8am-3pm. MOV- 1TWIN FALLS Sat. onlyl ^WIN N FALLS SurT blade ' with front oqr. ectlbles morolochooso. 21. 1pm. Former :06.4A<>-ft9Ar> rv ------405 North StniiMBt Furniluro. cioihes,IS. ING SALEI Lots of 6am .? OtAQANTlCI noses.rti 206.731-3246.. l-eOO-910-4101 (T — loys. househokl. totsk»s flood iloms, Guns. toons 4 kids mor ol Simpler *MDA'Y~lt~^**-^R“Solurday>y Onlyl ol mioo.~7S-N,-600,W.— W, V 6 3 - 8 o c s h - A v e - E ------nos Vlllofle liquWa------•Ploaso-lonvrYOOR’ -BELT-VAYEH-OO-loet —~ ' - B i R T H i h oniiro irivomory. long. 9 ti inch tube 7 0 9 8am-7 Fumlturo,iro, TV's. (1.5 mites N. Sugaror (between Madrona sortos. barbies. ioj«! 11®" PETS at homo 00 cart, dog runun 4 ac- ______Factory) a n d Maurice) antk^ues, fum,, home im od prints, lomps. whon you a re oul. wHh * 11 H Inch bolt, iU M rf OTOS mo ddcor. linens. has bolly untoador ai- lonwow. SHOSHONE Sal, 6-6T. ■ d4cor& OIC. •’P™ The lemporaturo In u forgotton ^rkM: bS S ^ ” - (.6/7 TWIN FALLS Fridoy 3- 20«Sh.n,Drt.. lk)uos. hjmiture, your car lar ox- “ ;kupyour tont. iuggago. Dod, 7. 4 Salurday 7-? - plays and more, hSSSfc*'“'^ ^ ‘'otw ALFAUALFA hoy good »- homemade cradle coeds the outtkfo '!) ilily. 1- 4 2nd cut- birthdayly photos?pi ctolhing. Idle. Bods, dolhlngs. TTWIN FALLS Sot, only. Eaetlettand Office Ctr. *2.000, MIII ‘ju'^ny Jowolry. 4 much iTioroorol household items ond tomperature and *1 i. small bales, no Wo hovosvo som o 622 S'" Stree 10am, FumHuro, 46161 E aattand Dr. animals loft in the bean/graln. " Crtppon J f f l ____ 60 North. Hwy 755 lois Of miscellaneous. couches, drosser (Aerom s s from O'Loo/y Model M5472, In ox- 1, SSoil any amouni, photos woITO oro( sure q o o d ING Fri, 4 & Sat.. Infronlof 3278 Longbow Dr. booksholves. i and car can succumb ll206-_S3&-,6Cp6. . . . _ y o u d o n 1 « Junior High) __votv.auWUy-on_ ___ Oiop... 36_ I't want us- - sao-? Ono-ofr ( Good. ' - 100*0 Aulomottve trundlobod...... - ^ - TWIN FALLS Friday- ' H FALLS Thur. ' Ihoso hot sum m er “ LEY STRAW '0 loss. Those The can it>g's U TWIN FALLS 3 family wftoat JS' and bbsrwy, S ’ “''"'■E' kod up at Many ostolo mlly Soturdoy 7;30.? J Sun, 8-6. Lots of in. 3x3 foot bolo. bo picked Wl..?:! »«*•- Sol. 7-3 4 Sun,iun. Moving satol Froorer. — ■ bobv I *10,000, S Boon cutter 00 tons. Ploase Tlte Timos-nos-Nows I items. Jewelry, d ty Items, ctothes. dW os 0 .2. Kids 4 babyaby mini von., boby stuff, “TWIN FALLS Soturday houi*jsohold Itoms -f L»e pwln. 7 «la. J,nop. fiocx] rnnmuin ■■ = «208-788-3530. “ Classified I “PP^®- iloms, colloctor plates,tes, furniluro etc. '7am-3pm. E state lots>of ol miscolloneous. oU black & yelow, for £r difflcull cutting. I tS'S!z<.r,; portobto DW & rugs.J. 1527 Klmea Ave. iS a le l Learner fumi- 6 27 7 H ’ Main Street dewot ^W4 N FALLS Thurs, tee. Pupa wM.be .very 73 I S S B ihlnd ___ Sun. Huge Sok>. Fur- (o ndtolsofm lsc. ff*- 4 * Sat. 6am-5pm. 734-5927. I^E9 Como se o 01 rch TWIN FALLS Fri 4 Sot trainable w/strong de- — ■ I H M H oflor. 208-73473««™ ” c>rt.tl.nChu,d ^ I nituro, dishos, ctothos, 478HeytHimAve.W.4 s of miscollanoous sire to please. Very CASE *65 W/14B food knick knacks, sports — tsehold items, HAGERMAN Fri., DS, cords. To much to list, TWIN TV FALLS Soturdoy comcS nloe pedigrees. Call <voavo mso. ------" TWIN FALLS Fri, 4 Multlfamily yard sato, TWTWIN FALLS Soturday funum„ gift Items, *8000Ajlfor, 532-4313 cuntng, HEYBURN Sat. or LAB^HESAPCAKE ------som o1 sStralghl grass. COMMEROAL only. Sal. 7am-4pm, Homone 1194 Starfim S t 8-3. 8- Possibly on Sun- ««»docher 4 student Super pups, good FORIORD 74 F-600, long 326-4274270 or 731-0741 Unlmac 13i IK 7am-?2Famllyl[r\ Din. (jAcor. lovis and toys day also. Lots of mis- suRuppNes, books, bkxxfllno. 7 wooks chassis, ch& new paint, ing lable. TV. cor»mp, fumlturo. TWIN FALLS Sot. 8-1. Sceaanoous. other ot Items, okJ. Uac*. *85 ea. va. V8. 6 and 2 spd GRASS I , “ desk. A/C. erib.c>. car 44f p io n e er Path Collector dolls & Bar- eC om er of Spruce CA:ASH ONLY sool. high chair, p btes, wood Barbie dofl Call 208-S43-8789 or trans.. Iran 40K original. tractors. (3) •. twin Canyon Trail Subdv. • a Locust 290> 5 -Ave. W eat 208-306-2243. goo< ? mattress. kW'sctottothes. ------h ouse w/fum„ bea- ___ good .tires. 17,5 ft. CaH: dryers. * 1.00C Mt TWIN FALLS Fri. 4 flatbed. *5.000.. Can 1533 18-Street 4 nies, rubber stamps,- TWTWIN FALLS Saturday WENDE}ELLAug, 19-20. LABRADOR puppies. alfolfo. gross A'*® occoseorli , Sat. 7am-2pm. Multl-II- scrapbook Hems, 8- 537-6956 or 731-6956 mtood I 111. 'I ! y ^ io IukJboooTT; 8-4. BAKE A YARD Fridadoy 4 Saturday 1 biack. 1 yelow . AKC 3. 2 sWngT soli 206-308-7311. 3u»5o famifyt Lots ot baby>y names brand lodtes. SJSALEII Big aate. Diy- 9om1 - ?. ARROW steel 8 sec- • items, rockers, TV.«/. ctothos & shoes. tui Ions 0f5R..2-3pt and 2 ivgMt Mk>c!k» avaiia ture arx) lols ol misc. NOEARLY E> BIRDS a»a. $2S(Vea. P lease - ^itaty platforms. Call Ible, 208<308- *150. m k r and mlacedaneous. sports carda * mlac. DEaetAve.B. * , ______SMJK»iHAupwta0.200B Time*-.. r«ln Fads, Idaho C-13 8 M 0 1 0 . ■ S» I i e 8 JW , eaa., . ■: K U ■■ ■ M l 0 C 0 2 Appliances ----- .1- ■ , _ FumlM itCaprt IliscellaiMous Tooltlis & Machinery WiirtsdliToBuy ^ s ^ t o i>Biiy: a OuniaRlfltt'tL ATV». _ w o T o rc y c w s R i r S a l e — ■ nePRIOERATOR 18,69.6 MATTRESS SET. 1 _ CRAWUWLER Oliver Cl«x WANTED cubic (ool. E*c. cond. WANTED TO BUBUY Pri- WINCHESTER i 5 YAMAHA ‘01 B anshee. HONDA ^ '91 VT600C Id.. Full Orthopodlc. S99. CA ^ 3 M PER SHELL (Its Trocwlic with dozer blade. OkJ flaa p pt u m p * o r vate potty looWriklng (or Magnum, rings one Shodow VLX. $1,500/ SI2S. Call 543-5966'06 Brand rww. Con * and a extras, good sm all pick up. $50. t point. Ind Ford 4 gas a u tlon n itecna.I used bricks orr pavers.pt bases, 26* barrel, trig- oiler. 20 6 -7 3 1.5724. boforo 1 or Iv, msg. __ deltvor. 20S-420-6350. | trig- condition. $3000/o(fer. Swtag aet, $50. Catl $1600. 539-7700. Top mOTMy•ey paid. Will pick tp. up. Call ger worK lens savoiivor Cotl /Man at 678- T 866-0274. -Wes'208-686-2 HONDA '9 5 Shodow REFRIQERATCR OUEEN bodroom sol. _2l206-736-6411. GENERAERATOR tmiler 8-2487. recoil pod. only shot0» 55 0576/leave mossogo, Amono. 19 cu. fl,. T——— llnws ♦ hundredsI ofol VLX Dotuxo. $3,000. ft- S450. Otfico SOI. K KH rrCH EN TABLE, a n- mounloijnlod, Onon 12.5 WANTED Old olt military WANTED: Junke Call208-324-5131. while, olaas bImIvos. S32S. ' Love M at. ti( "•* 0* good cond.. $250/ tlquo. 2 chairs. $200. KW. 4 . Cyl, gos. rnodals unlfniforma. In- wheoler, Doo«oos notJt over 10 boxes o( bol- YAMAHA 'OS Blaster ^ >0/ S300. Doy bod w/trun- E e xorciso bike. $75. 120V/2-!V/240V. 300 actu- w/ramp. helmets & HONDA H '9 8 CROO.' olfor 20a-735-8a76. cumonls. & *0 fiJn' ■ P2 1 '®‘» dies, osklng !. ' die. $175.731-4624. P Pi oo l'to b lo light. S75. at hrs. hrs tike now. Suvonlra Paying »Wy two wheelw o < w e. ja s o (or all or bestI of- much moro. Less good condition. $000. REFRIGERATOR Apt. slzo rofrlg.. $35. $2,900.100. 863-1019. hlghesl pritirlcol P a u l Ptooso coll RichcChard at Co,I 206-655-le e. thon 10 hrs o( use, Call 206.423-6442 or QUEEN PILLOWTOP 206.260.0104.______Fngidoiro, 4 momna!!2___S109, .mnilrgH an;| JCall l 208-732-0876, p, 00 in rnn 9A' Nutllng733-13-1691. ' 208-731-3061.;______4173toove rrwssaQO. $2,500 Coloon 420. _ S ^ t - 0 i e 6 o r - 7 ^ 0 9 0 : -----| - K ng box sot brand now. MISMISCELLANEOUS flotbodod trailer with — Stingo Ith factory warronly. Can All I WINCHESTERS 300 lent corKfillon. ridden Ul Itom s Inskfo ond out. boovor/or lait. $5,500. WANTEDD P arts »■—«■— « o k mP^ P IIM WInmog, 7mm mag . whllo. Coll 734-0188l _ doUvor 206-420-6350. Movingt sale. Every- Coil 208208-536-5073. runningor or not for W O l O M a u ^ >0 • YAMAHA '99 Vl/arrior. . . I less thon 50 mllos. ■ stolnloss. $600 ea. 3 $1,900 firm. 324-7857 REFRIGERATOR sWo- thing m ust got Call for Craftsmon S >•3 New tiros. Good con- 10- SLEIGH BED solid o«Her^’* ■ r a s c a l eleciricric pow- doien Arrowa XX76<76 ditton. S2.150. Call - by-sldo $250. Eloct. details 731-9Q65. rear lino t KTM '04 50 Pro Senior, Ct. wood, brand now. still ___ 7 293'880 50/Offer. 2213, 26 M ‘in. king.^9. -Brad, 2O8-733-O069. slovu. SlOO. Wostior/jr/ In box. List $699. soil MOWOVINO SALE 4kw V a ilety. l e l Food# 3-67897 Ca’I ?06-436-690i,909. $120.208-324.2766 has grippor soat, back Dryor eot. $175/or will/HI S249. Can dollvor, gonorator. g« 55* Mil- A n H ' S 0 2 - Itiro, FMF p ip e s'a n d sl- soil ooporolo. Callalt_ Call 208-420-6350. oubishi au big scroon. id 'S ervices . WHEELCHAIR 1 large: 0 0 1 ioncor. $2,200 or'bost 20B-421.Q341, ------WANTED TO Tl BUY wtMolchair, exc( —' SOFA/LOVE8 EAT liko S Si- h o p Smith, rolrigoro- T g 'Z p e ixcellent A T V * - iyiotorcycles ;otfor. Runo ' strong! • ES Early, now. w oodi for I de co - shope $450. Everest' Ev. . COII2U8-280-1845. REFRIGERATORS now, block. All lor 'O' Frioldoire oxc” 26* ir apples coming. 'Oting purpos & 32- TV, RCA, Lois oses. Ford Jennings. Cai = BMW '74 R90, 28K, - ■Sldo-b/-5ldo8. $25050 leather, great cond.. * Ifoam A cres '^5 or 7) 6 M ustang Scooter w/ch&rgiS" ? a r c t ic CAT -02 90. SDQ *04 sp o o d mini pit Woohor/Dryor. S175,5, $1.000 firtn. 316-0967. moro. Sale starts gorago, kepti Id. Coil wheel $450.732-1J? 6 1 8 2 ‘‘‘ds ali®. IIKO new. $5000/Of(er. 734-4944 ‘bike, simitar to XR50 Elocinc slovo, S100. M onday 22-25. Coll r 735-1871 $775. Coil 731-1006. TRUNDLE BEDS, sel 208-358-0637.20 B4Q a.K,a5or, w/occossorlos. 107cc Coll goa-734-o7ga. & G P roduce — — IsS’ HONDA -02 C R F 450, «engine with 4 spood — up. w/moitrossos. p.ij,»INO PONG Table. 48* ' • U-piCI-pick garden WANTED Tt KAWASAKI -02 650 WASHERmRYER QE.E. Mopto twin boda ictrfc Down " ^ u n s & R i f ll f i et s Prolrie, 4x4, bags,g . Exc. cond,, now plos* nmonuol trans. $1750/ wrritino dosk. Crafts- '*"0s now open Connon Elect. offer. 208-532-4313. works woll. Sl50/palr.Ir, w/box springs & mat- _ ;att 326-3302 R ^ e r s ^ a nnd d a cco s- . $4,200, Honda '99 tics & graphics. « Ffo«*or, uptlflhi. 16 m an band-sow. fold- Call I 00, $4000/olfer. 280.0187 — 6 trossos. Ractlnor. Ing kitchon loblo. | ^ , i _ 734-9484 BENELU Super„ BiK 450 ES. 4x4. $3,500. iuzuio*^ 02~M oraudoT cubic (oot. SlOO.5. Plooso call 734-8751. s h o p lobio. Maytag p " ^ i jy n ih e l-• Trailer.'l4 fi„ 4placo, HOND/ *03 CRF450. Showroom £ cond. Lots, Pioaso call 837-4444 K ' S . ' "ti >111 BIK ATV/snowmoblto, of oitras, $4,300/offor 8 1 2 • - • . • w wo oshor, and Frigldoiro nnnin«OS. iwatormoion. Good one ton30 self pro- Eagle 3 in vmjod w - from toolbox, tandem Low rnnos. oxc. cond. 0 8 0 4 stovo. Ploaso coll “S ' Fat bars, now rear Coll C 208-431-0913. Auctions/ 3& iloupe. tomatoes. P«H«d balo oxto, spare, romp. Building Materials 3 26-5157 or 731-9205 " u “,Slr:chlni. oggptant. I S ^ , $1,500.2O8-324-52302,^ lire, $3,800, 308-3075 SUZUKI J J '0 3 RM125, Auctioneers KFRACTOR S- Cole- cucumboinbOfS ond olhors 208-645-2267 i ------$(600. Beretts S KAWASAKI '95 U koio HONDA V3 VTX oxc. o C o n d . $3,000/ STEEL (2) 20 ft. x 6 in. stron. EQ,. mount. s supply and WANTED TCr O BUY EL. 20 go o/u $1<*165(). 300 ATV 4x2. Good 1800C, 4oomitoo, ex- otfor.0 208.324-3705 I bonrn. (2) 30 (I, X 1 now tn box. SS75, npenlnunlng Allows. r^ewor woodod stovo. All oro in new cc J,u Iras $0,500. '86 Hon- ^7] M Ieroacope Nikon Openr 11-epm11- dMity. hoots l .300 ec ^ ' ’dl- Ures, runs good,,moy SUZUKI '86 DR 100, ft. I boam ond (7) gal- sq . ft. Call tlon. 208-788-4865 need now cTtain.ir^ d a VT700 Shadow Runs0 good. Grout bo- vani20d 6 ft. uprlgnts. Blno. high powor. pro- 10 mitoso s west.v 6 miles j« jy 208-326. Ofdoge SI.OOO. 734-1408 11K. $2,000. Call • ginnors biko. $550. S300/Oflor. 679-4051. fosslonot grodo. vor- >rth 'o( Costco. — 8USHNELL yord — 423-4345or731.5S88 J ; EIner stage, $275. 3n»543-S330. WANTED TO' BBUY pro Bino rongo finfinder. POLARIS 'OS Sports- 423-5231 or 308-3738 i f b v e PIPE 13-X7- C o m p u ter 500 MHZ. U-Plck;k P.Peochos ond ^ PIgoons.IS. $250. RemingIngton man. 500HO. very low)W HONDA -04 C R F 450. i^J . twIsI locJt, doubloJ (208) 407-1712 irs o s ripened. Call 206-760-18-2820. 1100 3 semi-outo SUZUKI '98 LS650, re- iniornot reody SISO. Poors* uto 20 miles ond no doniogo.10. low milos. oxcollont built hi heads, oxcollont wnils. cloan. S17 porf www.OownMuetioo.eom ( ^ i ■ ga.$200. 731-331 ^iigoa-324-4409 M a c k e s 3316. $5,500 (irm. Coll 208-18- condition, $4400. Colt condition, ec $2,100. Call loot/oHor. 676-6051 e o m m ttta d to iES a PLUMS npM CM B j 934-4668 ollor 6 pm. 208-539-1410.______2( E*e9ll4ne»l REFIEFRIGERATOR , 'or saki.Ito. Reody now. .JE M E M(IBER B . TAURUS brond 1 206-324-3701. ' 806 ■ ■I $75R75. TV. $40, (2) Sonlorrcitizen cit (riondly. wf-imiMon'M 17 HMR pistol, $275. $S YAMAHA ‘00 Grizzly[jJ HONDA '04 Scooler SUZUKI iu DS-60. Rebuilt a ^ n i c s I ■■ I KIKOtehen tablea, $20 * lort drive - (rom • Martin squiquiirel. 4X4, 1.700 originallai 49de metro. New off onglne. or R uns good. Baker Auction >a. on- 208-733-9660. Call Fallsl2M moster .22 LR. $1$175. miles. Only $4.500101 show room (toor. Noods Ni lo tM sold, 208-423-4898. 9S2S!«!S7^ ______. Call 208-420-3582■62 Call 206-686-9645 $1.500/Offer 420-8961 $450/o((or. $^ 736-3733. RADIOS Motorolar Co* sewSWING MACHirn experience. . $37i3 7 5 . Ploaso catl Lori euro, codod & llconso' serving Idoho, Oro- 20B08-420-8777. froo, $298 pair. Brand' gon, and Novodo STO\rOVE Electric, 2 yrs.,. nowl 208-734-6296. (or ovor forty yoars ikl. good cond.. solf _ TELEVISION 36* dloonir>g o o S350/o(for. ■ Proscon, S250, 32* 1^0-650-5808 A(rUr Conditioner good I S am sung HDTV, Hat: www.bake»aualon,eom | ondltion $200/of(or. ■ sicroon, almost now. ;oll 208-308-2911 S350. Cnlt'/34-916a. Upcomtng t aABLE, b (ormal din-1 8 0 8 Auctions ‘"9ing room with 6 Computers chchairs, t 4 leaves and . Jg . ornoto podosiol, To advertise lirp u in i ]ForrGst'A'lVoc Tt360 computer o n ^ DnatAvr- l>Allv'''ccklv-ini -Magoavo»,-63-oxe------i v n i ^ ^ ____ (V ^m pfiny ______\TiiHnxsmior" cmflifiufcH “ doiu)U|Mitrxlluuilo(Ti>. 0|X'ii7 <; ilii>')in w w k I.3C H Cotlron! «ww.magicvalJ#y com >nd. S250, 12- wood aillH^A-tiig. rvslclunilal irning lalhe. $125. Wo do whiityou cjinl. TniVSIimliirininun«! Tr eOGB hord drive. Advodlaing Bondi-d & ln.>Ji • Tooy 734-3322 12.vm.ox|i.’iiviin- 120MB Ram. Monitor. . rc welder. $125. OUPiU P nlntij« 733-7300 T n s s ^ HANDYMAN JIti Hollon Auction 8" hardwood ply Ofgij Iw in **AIao A ta ila U ^ Lonillyiiwnt'd kuyboard, mouso. tr«irvMrw 078-4040 Bui PnyroU Scrvicc FonTwt2l2-3000, 208-735.3222 woo.o o d . 2'x6‘ shoots. vviiJiLoniiiunmUollowiiv. **' ' 5 , Pluml.in«. el.gtv»»»r , corn- $12 < ______, P E R W N N E L Cotl 208-733-0731 • ' l- 12 00.736-2474, ri.ti«..aillaill 7;j;i.B.l6:i. tti *i>,Tn. dmin lino clonninK, LAWNCAR^ ^ rtiiiit'flAtdia- CLEAN; Pn g p l u s 24 yn, ox{Krri SnutU* SERVICE PUTERS. Back to Uwn L And Garden S WUUama 730-aM l Tnwt llll yuur biwn cun- achootl From S150. —; unor o( Simpler p ■ Miiwli^lniiiKiiiv!. ^ ■Coll208-732-05t2 n o s Viltage. Liqui- A U Cr CT , n O N I Karens CTea A-i- J i m 's T r o o “ I so ld my lawn JjiJJoi.tion ontiro invonto- SEIR.1RVICE FENCE I HANDYMANl iniii»Uivu>ci.& S e r v ic e 8 1 0 m ow er In only ryFrom od prints, , tol aild«nM,itnlliuuIi«ai|v 1 Iiwurrd Idsyuslno lompinps. homo d^cor, Ruiidcntiiil/Iianch^ WORK nuiiiiUmuxi-. ify o u S ri a a r * - Furniture & Carpet The Tlmes-News tinon*ons. nnlk)uos. lurnl- ^ ^ 0 h«in amttnuAD/uS'S. , ClaaaKleds “ luro,. O-0S12 Rail ronco,codiir. chili wlio cnn yi>u truA? o. displays, more, * link, vinyl fitbiui) Cior)onunom9n^xunL BEDROOM SET An- -Julie - K. Jerome- Eaatlla tla n d Office Ctr. f S S i H S aa4-2837or73>-OOI3, iiomtinK,k-i & tluitxiiiaK- tlguo whito. Inclds. 461181 E aa tlsn d D r.______U.-Anti (Acroi Commorci REPAII LAWNCAREl L axM B i-saga stnnd. hoodboard, Call us (odoy al: Junior High) Souiliwrt,«««Idaho’slOrcioKAuln IVBiT-Al*n t Can20W34-00IS. twin ■ box (ramo w/3drawofs and mat- r r w a s5HER/DRYER;? Prvmicrcw 1EKtAte & in^rone rejxiir John a08-73«17B Joeo Ortiz I TREE tross. ' Exc. cond. LAWN^ MOWER New. S oors. a rs SlOO ooch. RciUEjoiiievnto Augt^wi Co tutoriftL Cuanui^ GARAGE Gordoi Service SERVICE S300. Chromo psilo Craltmans.Z 6,5 h p .. Jazzitzi whoolcholr. “ComminmiCMTb lo fixyour prob STORAGE^E ^1 HoSffi I Plnntinit, i^ u n d so t. inclds. 5 chalfo Novor boing usod, $500/iDO/offor. Call 208- nup floorspnco. H«niuv(i],Trinuj;iii*c. 4 rD fx o n . , ^ A N D S O N S Prrx) ONtinuiIiTi, a Coll 206-734-4914. ■Musical - R EEPAIR P i CONSnUXTTrnON 0001b,lo^«;^ty. BEDROOM SET: 7 F^uwtnlkCZnllDiuD m Constiuction . 733.«B7/3I6-10S7 sla s f i s i s , r n s m i n w n l s M l SmaUjDb>lntcr>or& PC. Inctodos bod, TREES TRI polled hybrW »™|iiiQninfc Addition., rumo(lodels 40«-37e3cr32^684I Inwnil. 736-2S71 nlghistand. drossor Poplor, P( 3 SIZES. $5,. _ • PowrrWii Qtorior.CovwinRAo L A W N C A R E l ~ with mirror, chosl. Still $1 $10 and $25. Call HANDYMAN TREE boxod. W/Ofth S4.000. 326-6010 3J or 731-5122 PlAYEiVER pTaNO vory Kings Lawn carc g Sacritico S1.499. C o n __ _ good•d condition, full nnrlc* .md ropi g06-73a<61B SERVICES cJolivor. Call 420-6350 8 1 8 slzo> Iupright, comos GimnvW:irW illin z n s CompetitivfPh D o v e 's H o m o Lawn mowing, trim- 1 bonch and many 208<7S5736^2218 Call Bob InncrSpSpace Im p ra v o n a x ts min#&flDwcrU-«i». _ BEDROOM SET: Bod. Exefctee Equipment I ^ . Colt aftnr Sr^m. I___ I HOUSE I 0ver20yni,t.xi). “*m E K A STUM PS t > a ^ [ M t ^ o f t o mc OPMAGIC rails, drossor, mirror, -670-1360. It Pnv BrtimiiCiM WEIGHT BENCH SET CLEANING R an d y 420-1002 VALLCT nlghistand. Now. nov- b a t i 'SSS'to u»' ISA tN rtiCwl. or oponod. Lisl S699. rubber odged wolghis, ■ c o N s m u x nn i U N homo owtjcr. Snncty 42(M8gO only usod o coupio of CLALARINET, S35, K TXIMEN m a « 3 ^ 1 0 or49tMX)74yj4 ScrufafaingBubblcs : nvEi*lumil«.. Inminil oocrifico S399. Can Ilmos. S" oxcolloni condl- Trombone.$l50, ror 7\m A bboU dollvor. 420-6350. linvoopcnintTiror gM»771 / 734-7810 tlont S200/of(er. Call A,lto lto Snxophone, ______mwclivnbi. ' P A I N T I N G ^ CA RPET 250 yds. 208-404-9941. 20 $300.00. Coll 677-2804 TNTRcfil i£ j S - £ ^iSr, 1 h a m >y m a n plush gray, usod, oxc a .|| n 2-1576. tv. msg. Wo ur«icid ixunuul. Garr'aPnmline ™ ' c ond SSL-tKljni. CortunerciuL s a i o o L LE S (or solo. T*'** ^ IC. Aniy404-a687 InU'noryExloriiir Hlscellnieous .counUTtoTw, niunUnftWectncL ’'DiSa,"cSS:U CHINA HUTCH oak * 0 ond up. Cotl I*nr«l-un.cd&1 Wifi. Tuiti) H ______draytof__ fllo . cobinot. = E Yamaha, open “ y*!:______T o m S a n ^ Jiickiutiibtui ■ S75. Catl 736-4642 BECaED-fonoodiorrwood-— d. Inlormodiato. ^ ------wclnjoiUit:- SERVICXS_ on wilh matiross, $25. „ ,,h ^ 2 o a < 4 ft« m CaU20tt-73S^>227 COFFEE TABLE solkJ ' Co solid silver hoad C A RJEP^TRY I ^ 3a4-gftM/32fr06 C|JW> A & Colt 206-432-5686 or . S695/Of(or. « Gul- ^ SAWTOOTH p Oflk. S125. Oosk & 208-731-67*4. 201 * HANDYMAN hj)ik>i>.-miur. YOU(^l;.lili^xl. $500. G enerator Usod3 oncot $125. Imnrovrn T I i e R i g b t Comn«-rniil D R Y W A L L b ' cabinet. SlOO. Small ivj^ntR BcttcrBuflt nrtd RmidintiiJ B & T T r u c k pine kilchon hutch Crollsmon gos, 5500 733-66i6664 o r 731-1464 NO ./O ^ C h o ic e D r waits, loss than on SMALL 208-7334U4B o r (country stylo). $75 J'® Dcclui. foncn. I 24 hu. 30»0t44 I LUPIIER 2aiB-7.l7.4040 hour uso $700. Hy- P H O N E Conn rmtjJrcnovntionii, 9 «» 20a-736-4642. 1 otto, includes Adc for PAINTINCINC. ^7T= draullc Uft 1.000 lb; I'mntinB. «rmo>lrlin*;. I W COUCH 2 years Old. swiswivel base $90 and “I accossorios. — WEDDING _ f ~KITCHEN I TrxttiriiiKI Sc Drywidl r j n dnrk groon. loathor. CsiCemper Shetl long Lggl‘.3g8-19B5.^ I c a r p e t RIDESMAID S495. Rocliner. $195. bocbed $40. Whito. vinyl SAXOPHPH O N E Alto, ^ ANDBATH Sy HANDYMAN CaUDUl IDRESSES 055-4260 or 539-4267 BillBlind, 51X42 $8. Yamo ahi h a . oxcolloni T o r r a C a r T.Of 206-679-6234______condillo :aipcntiy H&SINC. <»W).'e-t-3-175or COUCH. hido-a-bod, C;,-n.-n.lhom.. l a i Willdo»wynljr>l. Kilch<-n $45: moHrM* s«t. BICVtlCYCLE 3 wheoler Call 208-734-03G220e InU-riorf.-xti-ricu^:.ri“nrdl r»tJior.<-tc, — CoviTiiii[lJ>i.Mii(:ic tili»i;i7.'’>.li-a l>iljob RIDESMAID , SET. Black Iron >um. ""'cS?£ipwf c*na»«a«n3«Qor rjUbu^tjiria-l dwi«3i. ----- canopy. Now still In foror. r.; 208-436-3283, The Tl II-7P38 2Cft31g0024. 9 u n r i» DRESSES plastic. Ust S799. sac- SATE tX n# ! OUCH hldo-o-bod 3!?J1 ,*■ diwidl.nunting. LA ndno^ Dctdgn nfico S299. Con d d io C .. Twin |— —_ _ . _ _ nvr I imudimoru, ShuiuiBuckIr STOTEIVIS WEODING Et SH O P dollvor, 206-420-6350 SlOO. 1970's TV $10. -fcadl I c o m R U C T io r itH&.Sc'tU l>n->»«-H 5I0C1, Cord Organ F.ii- CLEANI Scniar.lu,a>unL 20B-^707G J RFS in Jerome Tii1)liti<1uiir'-Arilicti>ilK»u> yr. OKI. paid S1200. SSOSSO Coffee table $ 10. 7^?-0Q31 . ^ oxt. 2 With iiiu-nliU-nli(nlo Itoiida«iAW3omin«t HANDYM AN r>i-%v^'.Ti.^;ii|ikiii<» soil for S3S0. Coll SowSowing mochino cob------Uiil. Ovcr2,^yniniexp N<-»cw| 208-735-1313 Irwtn # t$ 1 0 .733-1967. a ir COMPRESSOR CC »p & C L EA N U P LADdscEoniff ■ ■ ■ Sullivan FVMMtiRuitni. * MATTRESS guoon sot OAYG 42^63401 CsJlg»wa08 Y o u r W a y Am /m y mon-, ,, ^YBED frame w/trun- j o d R P S 208J24-16^xl. TVi». St = f MWOWING ( timo. Too firm. $200. t,onctench and weights cooditlor>lor>. $4,700. Coll " I r^RYWALLL S o h i t i i u Catl 208-312-4816. $ii5.15. Untinishod doll 208-863- i3uMb Ri.mm7d. ;ST O R A G E I S3-1019 Read 1 W e f u problmi* TVmuniiw. IM«ui. »km^ l.>'votir\(; lOUse $100 733-3708 FoRKUR NASA MEMORY JFT 0 .000 lbs.. * DryWnllSprcinlAt■It Frtx^EiAinuiini RetAininc Walb & ’<.illInIi-pijKin«. FOAM matuoss sol. HOME)ME GYM SlOO/otfor $3,000. nmJnJ? o printer Dosk Jet 375 CF^ work, niU Now tn plastic. Ust S94C94C $30. Old cash ton Ch«i rcnv^ki. ^ WodoitiJUmorv. Q im itU f Iiminil S1499 Sacrlfico S499. rMti D a v ! tim* TexUffcmntd For rhre Eatiimdrm (I(B.hi>xlShiU) Inni , Idabol•o iim ai T ra c to r sglatar ((roe).' Cotl $2,500.l ^ X - T i r o K : E v e r y C ^ ing. 283-718a^ , R ubtp 7 3 « 4 a0 0 420-6350 con deliver 206-:06-324-4764______tors. 208-08-536-5073' |______J I' Jatlot 20, 2005 S aturday, AugUg. 20. 2005 ACACROSS fi— p To p p H F 10 111 12 13 ------, 1 Matasseuse's irget THE~/lACES ONBliRIDGE^ BOMobby Wolff s ArtCtor Lugosi ■■I g Sh(hool on-20-A 14 Me;lets stadium 3^ ■ eeeI e 'How doth theh e l i t t l e crocodiTe NORTH Jmprovc hisr shs h i n i n g t a i l , 4k K Q J 8 6 3 15 Isrfiirael’s airline 'And pour thee wu a t e r s o / t h e N ile • V — 16AIICllotment ' 23” ' - 24 O n every goldcilden scale/" ♦ Q 8 7' 17 Alialias septet 5 1 — Lewis Carroll ♦ 0 7 6 22 18 "La.a Boheme" ,H H p ^ ^ ...... W EST EAST5T . . ! ? '?lie ■ I P?EE.! A 5 4 x-nra 3tal-reversal------^ - Some finee playsp are expected 'V J 10 9876 ¥ 4 ulturally 35— 30” ■ from ihe teamm membersi that fight ♦ 9 4 ♦ AL J 10 6 5 2 sholowy ' their way throiirough to the finals of ••fb A Q 8 •!> K; i 1( o 21 Tasashkent’s 2o“ " the Gold Cup.ip. Britain's premier -SOUTH repipublic knockout lean:ams event, and tho A A 23 Nata t'l p ag ean t . 2003 final wass nno ex cep tio n V AKQS;5 3 2 wimnner _ _ P W hen West!st led the he , jack ♦ K3 25 Slarap cuffs on a g a in st threee no-trump, r declarer ♦ J 5 -1 3I 26 ConjRimon * -TTT rrrr ttt; ------won in hand with'wit th e qu ep ", pitch- artictide II 52 53 S4 ing a club fromom dummy, ur.J con* Vulnerable; \ North-SoulhIlh 27 Salejloon s e a t s7” 68. “ I9 ^ “ “ sidered his optoptions. The obvious [Dealer: West 32 Bunjrns a bit play appears's toI be to cash the 35 DatiIta storage eo 61 ^ ~ ’ spade ace. thenlen hope somehow to 1The bidding; unitlit • • engineer an en &T“ “ “ entry to dummy, but South c West Northh East • 36 Frer declarer rejectected this action on '' ench priest “ 2 r • 2 A Pass 37 Typipe of sle d • *- two counts. InIn thI e first place, th e 3 3 NT All puss 38 "Ov(ver the 8/20/05 calib er of his5 opponents O] suggest- Rairlinbovv" Friday's PMTTte Sc . ed th a l they wouldwo not be helpful Opening u lead: Heart jack Solved in that enlerpriprise, and secondly, commposer 3 Pres S lT lR lA rY M l I C l E he did not yett wishw to pinpoint the “ ------39 SphIhlnx, m ostly rao H E E ¥ ¥W Tr[o|w B ID W ITH TIIE AC]ACES, 40 U.S.S. O pen 4 We location of thee outstandingo honors A n ^ f r ^ A l l Q U E to facilitate theJO defen( se. "U'-iRu stadiidium add So. at trick I 41 DroF3plet 5 PuVeliminary2 rATsTM|M|Yiilfs|c|u|R |R ' ;k two. declarer led South c holds: aces ^ u the five of clubs 42 Cetelebrations 6 "Py lbs to the eight, nine A A Vealthy ■iZlAmotlllB an d 10. E a st returned r the dia- c « 43 Howw are cha V A K Q 5 3 iddress? MS mond jack, Souloulh’s king holding, ♦ K a = “ . thingigs? 7 Gyr Next came th€the spade ace, the 45 Cherem ist's 8 EstiHjzzle = 1 M ♦ J 5 4 3 Pygmalion" V V heart ace (on1 whichw another club . hangTQOUt 9 Smi \^as pitchcd),. then th the club four. S o u th W e s t North I ipensable 10 Filaharacter E l Lj Had W est followowed with the queen ^1 V Pass 1 A ‘ fpS s candIdy 11 Deciyro meat d TTT (as would most)st of us. I suspect), 47 Argo;on,or xenon 12 Raz;stranged otjhft I s ITI a^ B e Tg Tr T e East would havlav e b e e n fo rccd to imall fireworks ■FiwT3pM TnjlR N E r ’ ANSWER: Jum p lo threeree hearts • Flyi^Jiing m am m al 13 Sine win w th the kinking. He would have A 3t part 2 2 Actriim edits now. This hand has man:any excel- ff ft IHIDIE I NTTTA'lilTr been endplayoc^ed into presenting lecisive defeat ' lent features, but the siisingleton ^7 Asimmov o f sci-fi 2 4 Hes declarer with1 a sccond diamond Ik in vt^ater souilazor choice r trick an d an entrntry to dum m y. ace in p a r tn e r ’s suit andd theth weak Xy®'? inger Aimee a | d | < 5t per unit 27 Star However, WeWest m ade the bril- side-suit are minuses., 11I think it 59 Cost d ress Black g A 1 ough for a 60 San1 DiegoI pro 28 Gos Ur»MfV0d. , • "®- liant play of risirising with his ace — docs not have quite enouj esitant aT g II force to gam e, so settleLie for the 6'^ 3 sh • e et Inits. 2 9 Lasi th e Crocodile CoupCo — opening his ‘O Dunds rNTiTj jaw s wide to swaiwallow his partner's m ost d e sc rip tiv e invitationional call. 62 Actreress F alco 30 Dou Japp'shero 49 Mlusclel protein 63 Reev3ves thriller instrlanding rule (cwlemotely J 50 Pie’iece of bed king. Next camcime th e clu b queen: ossipmonger ‘ Aiirtghu™ then a diamondid Ihroughi dummy’s 64 Monongol ten t 31 Eye ituated lin' «iiui;i tik.> III cintacl IWJiy tt'olH.III.ritullhimal r item^ 33 Sllei easoning 52 Melem o letters tiuI>(i>-uollftwi) 't iiilndnpniiK rom, strument 42 Rer t.)|>vn«lit ;ii)fiJ. L'luttfd rcJlurr.Synilio 3 4 Turl< lost recent 53 Faiabricated ------, -DOWWN 35 Houye part situi'elocity 54 C;ut u back l.lndiaian tea conr3bster feature 4 4 Addetector 55 Ca;ap^alof Ilence sea: PLED W OnP CAMC ' ette-novel------perh estsco re------Az« ------3 M © iK>U and Mlk« Arglpton BOSa ^ A n d ° jrkish officer 4 5 Mos Unsaamblo thoso lour J w Accc ouse/garage 4 7 Velc lur Jumblos. ^ JJ"'uT*T,*T"aro wn ongngnd A cnnoifn ------ono lottor lo ooch squori id E rn est )nnector, det€ - ...... B;By Bob Thaves to tocm four ordinary woi >00 T.0 ,997 Frank and jrhaps------:----- 48-Tesi XP with Irollor. ■ ^ I A R G I N )Q.437-1Bel,'°°'' ^ I V f GOT A/OPOPYY 7 0 n Ol WEST WlWHIQHT POT- , r f u t tA Y se 5. ■ 15 Sailboat. t i h t , - Cargosos customc trallor. f THAT I S U A P E I ■ ^ 7 ^ 2.S itr,.tr,. Tohotsu • mo- - ' I lA/0 hs ' ' ' lot. S4,004.000 or bost ol- JL \ i n E ,1 s ^ lor. Callall 733-50967 ' ^ | i T i r ------^------1 T H 15. T O H IS ••••USED!EO SHELLS*— ------1 O tR L-F R R IE N P . Fll*, mo S o " l S ’y_ Brevity B y GlBuy and ROdd I . B R U H E C .OW Prices- 5 T 'vJ' " I t^ow artango tho circlod lottors irprlso answor. o s .‘frTTI8-312-1525 J to form mo surpn days aso, DEcer-'=M8 ER 6l h , ^ J . I I LX ____ I suggostod by moho Iobovo cartoon. CAUPERER 71 8 lool hot. ‘ rofrlg/lco WAS A OAY WHICH-I WILL S 3UT J Anawon THE ^ V' m n mounted jacks, LIVE IN FA M Y , S u > /r» K . A . A . $500 oror bosi olfor. ' (Answors(Al Mondoy) Call 208-408-436-3263 fos: COMET FAUNA HOTBITBED . LAUNCH I “ r ; sloro. ho bocom o ' sR 26 ft, 5 - M Jor: W hon ho bougt)l tho fabric sU opplloncos. % I 0 - MAN OF THE -CLOTH* 2.000 or bost ol------tof.,20B-306-324-3317 0 0 2 1 i 0 0 3 - 9 0 3 Amorlcroft *03. MotoTcycto . BoatsA nd ™Bo«l«And , Ifvor. roor & side * : windows. In -■■■ ------^ Accetsorlea. YAMAHA '01 Y2426. - fid By P aarker r and Hart QOOd cotKl.. mony ox- ' - ■' ujod. $601sSS.WTiSi Wizard of I. Iras, lots of now parts. 'CONSIGN your RV or_f = 208-735-8115-8676. fji ■ IT i-nm iig $3.100/OffOf. 20a-324. Boat to Idaho's t t __■ “ K UST suNW wee HAP TW«r 6447 Of 320-0417. Volumo Coi^slgnmoril lNCIPgNTSc>P ^7a p RAee" IN ■ ask lorShonnoo, Doalor, Sovonth Homet/OTi f Thli^ZW^\ Hoavoh RV and Ua-__■ f OBTme \ ■me CHURCH R\P WT YAMAHA *02 (2) TV/.I rIno. Call 1-8&e-343-__■ 200. • good cond.. 6203 Bolso or__ 5JJ(JUCHITA V 9 16 Vi ALLEGROM '83 29'. ------S2000,- each.—-----206!343ifi203.dlf.______-fl^ba»*-typ*-boat. — I wllh options, I ~ T ^ ^ A T^ Call20fl-731-5458 "------5QJSOhp, M ercury mo- to generator, ' II . RBERFORM 10' In- tor.tor, 2 now bottorloa. malnto- YAMAHA '03 WR 450. board outboard, oloclrto olo m otor. " “'ISS;'®?. roody to travol. EicoNonl condillon. robulll ongino $2,800. <2S2,760/Offor. Coll S5.000.1.663-1019, 86 InLn, S3800/0llor. Call Zack; Call 208-764-2073, 20-20-312^046.60^ Z ili^ 421-0317 Of 543-0107 - RO -es i r l ------Ctflss A.A low mllos, t ^ r i n im r ------:------nBERQLASSBOATF — — YAMAHA ‘87 200 cc 14 fool and troitor P °N3NT00N i ’04 21ft dnvor dodi- ______AURORAA "02 HASMDVEOC)CN. so WHV CANT 1 ^ la •. lT-5 LIKE • AWvBg I C COU.DPASS ■ oqulppod w/molor. Tian 3480DS . s,,;______lion. S3.000. Ploaso oars, irollor. & soots. POMONTOON BOAT '98 C o a ch ^ n SOME KIVO ! ' V THE VIBIIQUS ON TO ■ call 206-324-2106. 18'. Monark. 40hp.. Class A. 22 slides, roar \ i •*"■''^1 ^ Ttollir>o motor oxira. -18' I camera, level- •> , $-AND ' \ 60M 60tone ei n T load iroikjf & spate QLENCO-prlstlno. « low w/alir/0l«m. .t«lr.. ,.$59S0. 0, btg rofrig, travol tarp & lull covor, profllo I Ski boot. 455 326-i26-6567 or 306-2989 S nnow. J , Perfect . r fish flndor. CB & CO. ok)s. • 3 Stage facuul ------startor S4.800. Call208-212- pump, I -Olhor occes- SEA-CA-OOO *07 and '9S S62 9051. i es8-343- R o se Is Ro 8401 or 731-5030, sortos. < Musl soil lm- Yam.amaha Wovo Run- S203dlr lose ByB Pat Brady ______modlatofy.I Must soo or. ner, wtth covors. o n d , __ BLUE RN -83 16 fl,. 75 to t opproclalo, Prk»d tralk)alkir, oxc. cond.. DAMAN '06 hp. ftsh/ski package. 10 ■ Mil. Coll 733-0760. SS.2C5.200, Call 208-734- 35' Class M6./rP&AmHVlTA1lON J fo o7~l fK^eet?..iU£ED^ 55 Kl. Mlnnkota. bvo ------;------0218218 or 208-32.0-2384 rnllos, owr / AE&WegU)NP'(& woll. Ush flntJof. »kl#, KLAMATH Kl 16. 55 hp. ------roof, AC.iC. gonorotor. ANN(V£R! • y - AM7TH5^NPVJlCt knoo board, covor. Evonrudo. E Stooring STAfliARCRAFT 16' Olu- lovolors, , roiroar camera. ^ Btmmlnl top, S4,200. whoel v traitor, good minuilinum flsh/ski boot 3 lg. SkloSide window. f ' / j , I^K>g(^eWOQR/ 0011208-324-5236 cond. < $3,000 or bosi Ith with Irollor, 1974 $29,950.I. 1-888-346- / ^ OF COUZ^ HtW CAN &0/ ------olfor. e Coll 206-404- Chry:hryslor 135 out- 8644 OLR, i tBT&IWWkrOF AW CHAMPION -06 Bats 4645 4 o r 734-0601 boarcu rd . powor llltArlm. boat. 19'. dual con* ------— opon>on bow. fish flndor, OAMON'09('09 Challenger SOM. 200 hp, Morcvry LARSON U *73. ta n , GM poio>ie hokiers, now CtossA. 102 wide, 33 \ w KTl J-—— L «w than 120 firs. 4 4 cyl,. OMC out-dr(ve. trotiln}tilng motor, covor, 20K. slkJo,Ido, two ACS. mint cond. Many ox- oxtras, o ooor>o

L Situnituntir,A i«ttt20,2005 TIme»Newt.n.IWfnFsJIt.ldalw C-IS pult£(Irrd'' C/a:ossified Line AdsA

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0 0 5 ■■ ,006, ■- -v; M0 0 7 1 0 0 2 -'.' ' . 1 00S " • looe 1 0 0 6 • '1 0 0 6 1<1 0 0 8 Motor Homea/RVsVs MotorHomeVRVt ; toPtftsAnd S^A MndHeavy •nructaiI Trucks TVucks SUVs tocttcries Equ»n FORD '86 Tioga. 460J60 THOR *86 Rosldoncy R£RESORT '88 5” whool. DODGE '03 didiosoi. FORD -gs F-250 vory^ PROBLEMS GETTING aCHEVY '99 Tohoo 2 onglno. 26’. gonora-I,a- 35' Class A. Sl«0- 221 It. wmtlcfi, exc. . . . ^ E CHAIN ( ;. Coil cluan. I28K. AC, FINANCING? ddr.. 4x4. $9,495. Coll tor.-AC. owning, Voryory oui, gonorator, 51.000 ocond.. $3,500, Coil . . 7 * 7 ^ M CARRIER dir, powor. 460 wilh :UHY '88 GraixJ-----2JJR 24.55 usodt liros 20fl-7B6-222Sdlr. with Call 733-1881 loday. 2206-788-2225' dir, ritco unit, S6.995/otlor.(or. milos, Nk;ol $39,995. 20^^0-0329Z ovos MERCUn ------banks, groot Injck.JCk. U lhnm 's — I Marquis,|uis, AC. runs & and 1 aluminum1 OODGE'98 1500 « 543-5032 or 948-0664(64 208-734-2121 oves. — W quod Mus, aoll, $5,500MO i-800-Car-Loon. FORD -95 Exploror. 4.0 SUNNYBROOK '96 30 drivess great.gi Wrecked whool, 934-41-4513 cab, 4WD low'^ IT ^ s . Eves. 208-539-4898 V6. AC. ctuiso. powor rTASCA '04 Sundoncor~ WINNEBAGO BRAVE n. tl. w/8 n. alldo. door on right great cond. $10, IjjijHM inM HHS' ovorylhing, 2WD. 31 ft. C1083 C, aupor '97 32' Class A, slide- shower. sl 30 K. awning, pons. 73 . • ’ 324-7608 Or420-;>0-2668 FORD '95 F-150 oxt. good gos mitoogo, Jn out. •drJver'8 ctoor. clCleon and bolow >-»»»»»-»-»^ ■ Thicii ------cob. 4x4. 5.8L. V8. elWo. oniortainmont OODOE '98 Dol vory cloon. $3,500, contor w/24 In. TV.P», gonoroior. owning, bibook. .$9,B00A)fler. Dokoto' a t . AC. Sholl, low Evos 208-539-4898 . color TV, mterowovo, C ERS-Hoods-radl- -= ^ ^ = = i 0x1. cob, 4x4. Corlon 3ly1o counlor- . lights eic. al i- Cloon. $4,600, top9. Wlnnobngo duol rool A C .. — ••••••*• 94K. NICE, $8,158.000. Coll 208-663-1019. -ORD *95 Exptoror. S34.995. 1-888-346- ^AlTAHOE '03 23'. with borgoln1 " . -65 1I ton, t. 4x4, Coli 206-733-173: Unique Eddie Oowor quoJIty. Now S69.99S. pu«-oot, AC. owning 208-734-^34-7090,______a e w cab.b, TOOlty -----;----- FORD -9S F-150. 0x1. 1-SSe-343-6203dlr. 8844 DLR. P* Dxi- Edilton, 4L. V6 ; II3K. storeo,sl' CD, like newl o r j i i . GUARDq u chrome oxcelton * OODGE '98 Ramm 4x4. cob. 4x4, short box.ox. I V.Vory good cond. — o o r . - $1$1&400.73t-5608 QM pi ^ t t o 'oodod- " 0" main- 1 i2K. _Btc._coc*d. $G.OOO. 731-0289. ITASCA *86. 29', now 126-7221 ‘pl'Wd, now brake 1^ ' Access cob, SR S. 4x4, tmns.. fmmaculato- akos & . $6.99S/offor 543-5962 TAITAHOE '99 24'(t„ (roni 1527. **********•M M * * * oxcolkint co — vory doon, $24,868. GE3EO 'M Trockor Soil cond., sloops 5...... i. qiqueen bed. (uO rear 532-452. I lion, $6700. Callo“ um fo rd '95 F-250 Supor lop, 60K, S3.500/olfor S10.800. Ploaso 'call:Oli AIRSTREAM b t bod, 60K- a t . AC. 2WD.ro 404-9623. loothor. loi supor sliarpk a t a price this $275. 77S-752-2433.77 loaded; 271,■f i « S CAb. Short t KBB $23,070- now — Excolloni cond., hitch lovlow,.,.who cares! ______- t?i?k2T : "OW Irans., loaeoadod roaily sharp, 20 MPG . JAMBOREE '93 27'!7' .Included. S12.S00/of< $ i 59. ■ with campor sholl.ol? ■' ' S$19,968 H137808A $10,995, Colt 1-686- TRANMIS!~ i — »°.M9.^M0°9. 208-324-3900 dir. molortiomo. fully load-d- lor. Coll 678-6358. 34343-6203 dir.______Transfer ------$7,900. Coll 208-543-?3: Truck Parts And j o od. OKC. cond.. low 6-8241. FORD '00 F-250,), < 4x4, 6934 oflor 6:00 pm. 0 COACHMAN W tE f oxt, cab, VIO, ! AcceMories gmCK•fiJSkylorkspe- 'fi2 V^^TwroUC^C UTILITY BODIES door. d a S6.900 or bost $4.50CVoffor. Coll ®cw com * 543-5556 tiios. cnmpor sh tow. Now S8995. 1-'■ COUGAR .'03 27-. 5 - 73^ xnvertiblo. V8 ^ ^ 1-Croom Knophoklo oftor. olt< Coll 208-655- 886-343-6203 dir, 734-5781 or 420-4434 aluminumlum outo trons. CHEVY '68 Not $ 1,000 1-Whilo 4200 421 or 208-539-4267 whool, immocutolo ------Voffor. Ronding «;nn 1 »h. — ;___tn nnrt n,n Cjtil TERERRY_DAKQIA '01 ). ^ Coll Fronk 366 motor, ho K rr“ '0 2 ' Miilonnlum 25* iravol trailer, bunk 23-5969. dem 0X10. 18' 6744. /a;S-e099 or 734-3600 Pan (208)280-2108 25' IOM. .V .. 788.87. — indudod. Can soo ot 51h whool Iroilor. ntodel;— roof AC, CHEVY“ •74 7 Corvotlo. ^ FORD -97 F-450SD 35'K14’. LP oppls, DUTCHMAN '01 cios- owning, Jwl microwave, 4 5 4 .4 spa >0 120 9’ Avo. S, Buhl. H spood, silver T- CHEVY 'SI S-10 S- 4x4.. w/poworslioko- diosoi,»r. 543-4610 or 308-4910 K microwavo, colling Sic 30' 5" wtteel. reor (ib« um bers match, parts, will rur livtng room, doubla $ t( run, $300. a t . AC. brand now fon. AC. AM/FM/CD S W m ” 1-688.m S "Snico, E i $18,000. Ploase caH 208-543-2 Bradford built flatbedId 1 00a W surround sound slldo outs, 2 swivol 8844684 DLR.______Sorlouss InquiriesIn- onlyl 6398 evenings rockors. 1iido-a-bod. ------£«;______' r-~4T of»d low pockago. stoioo. 2 r TV. Truck la Immaculate.1 SUVs m hido-Q-bod couch Full width ctosots TERIERRY. R e to rt. W. “ • ' . HO10NDA-03 C n v Ex. w/mlrrorod doors, 25', sloops 7. dbl B y $12,500.863-1019. ond Iwo rocllning oilandM ob. short AT. 4x4. moonroof, quoon twd. 9 drowor proparte proi lankg. out- DATSUNN '82 ' 260ZX, box, 4W 0. 5 spood, rocUng choirs, 3 FORD '98 Rangor. 4x4. toadod. only27K. slido-outs. Ploaso drossor, tub/showor. ikie sid« showor. mi- 2*2 wiihIh 60K ( original Call 208-539-51-5705,- XLT. quad cab. siop- call 208-596-1975, coiling fan, b sm l slor- crowavo, c m storeo, duct- miles. Restored Re bur- c h p w ’oa skJe. CD. 5 spood. $19,500 ogo. Ig. owning. Liko gd od central< oir/hoal. full gundy oxti K2500, X-Cab XLT. Sportsid budgetburiey.com « t r r c o:ob l short v-6, doth, exiros.‘®°®' runs grool. $6,500. CHEVROLET'0 2 Blaz- " now. ioadod w/op- owr If^orior. P Coll 208-734-6721 KOMFORT ‘04* tions, Bolow book 85.900.733-0789. $5.! everything, 1 ownor. $22,950 _ or Xtrome, 35.795 25TORS Irnvol trallor. ; S19.900.543-6672 —— n records. voll moln- GMC '02 Sonoma. 75K.C. milos. KBB $16,968 Irg slldo. Ilko'now con- . i - l s k 3 „ now $15,968. #1747. , rRAVEL TRAILERS $4750. Ali A r ZR2, ’4W0, compor 0-6074 w 600.574-1248 dition. AC. CD, ml-— FIFTHI WHEEL HITCN ^ cluTao^lls” B Shell, tool box. oxcc 208-324-3000 d ir . £12^ crowavo and lots1 Rooso. 14,000 Rtdue^Prtema school dis 0-mail K ph< s 206- 20S-53g-“ M-2:______condilion, $13,000/)/ ------' - HON)NDA -95 Passport moro. 518,995. CalM- pounds $175. Con .at, I ■10, Sharp 736*4461 offer. 206-431-6288, x4. powor doorsr 868-343-6203 dir. 208-324-3063, «»6 Prowler 26', T.T. 720-049494or578.1112 < CHEVY'95S-10 ------looking, V-8, air, a 4x4, f o r d '03 F-350 supBupor I xks, A/C. sunroof.- I— . . I . I ,— FFIREBALL '61 16' mi< EAN '83 about oxt, cob. 5 spd. I '00 disc CD ployor. MOTORHOMES, sloops 3. $3SO/oiro;r carpet, cot omilng, Su- milos, mil onglno extras, $7,50SoSC . ffl.ETr.'S.VSt FX4 I Sportsldo. white, 1 s AT ^1 AC, cruise control or 102. Quoon Islond HI-LO H '91 trailer, 31', niioai toathor, ovory opiion bod. microwovo, oxcollonl o: condition, Dow•owntown Wmndall FORD '66 I uih 1^ ^ 10.000 mile CHEVROLET'99 gonorator. awning. to 16 F100. oxc, *T2005A Ju loadod. $5,500/olfor, 21208^3«-8329. condition,n, all. original 2WD. foe. ■Tiockor. 72.563 miles. B S Fully loadod. oxtro Ploase p. coll 324-3056. sm. uhder S7.250.731-55f KBB $8968. now nico coach. — LOERNESS *02 Ute, 100K,"’? "o\ownor. Ask- — $8488. M131S0B. ^ Roducod $23,695, KKfT '00 Sun Chosor, 5'. awning, air. ml- Ing $4500.00. 934-8489 E P R / ^ C A L • 206-324-3900 d ir , Loot Bari HMrbaugh [24', quoon & bunk ?£• ■ CAR SALKS •other, fully loadod. bods, sloops 6 , sell ‘ 2'owave.^ queen walk days or 934-5055934 eve- 4.0L. 6 cylinder M otera ‘ round bed. Used 6 ------732-8099 or 734-3800100 ^CHEVY 'OlSuburbon Downtown Woridell contalnod. ‘ oleroo, 'ES ‘68 250 736-4461 LS, 07K. (oil highway owning, AC, Usod 6 nos. $9,500. Call MERCEDES 2 0 B S 3 6 ^ 2 3 . | | 38-543-8680. SE. Voryy good gi condl- - ^ 1 1 FORD -04 F-150 Su; Si QMC '04 2500 crowr mites), toodod. 4W 0, ‘X “ Ilmos. $9,700, Coll leet body and porcrow, 4x4. 3* Singlo ownor, no acci- p D 324-9502 or 324-4059 909; ..r. T “O"’ P«rt®C' cob, short bod, 4X4, I l i ^ C A L PACE ARROW '86 26' J 9 1 . poin,. o„all orlglrul, tiros. PW, PL, AC white, toodod wiih dents. J* soot, now C ^A R S A L B S Class A. low milos, KIT Kl *95 Road Ranger. ^U fl Very CD, AT. $27.50Cfw ' opllons. 6 -OL gas. tiros. Mint cond.. on a gonoralor, mlaowavo. 22'• ', good cond.. AC. _____ S . S 33.000 ” S or best offor, 47K. 280-2093£3 32K, $30.000/OfJor, strict molnlononco - 736-4481 schoduto $14,900. locol Irodo. runs por- includes I sway bors. CARR DOU.YC with lights *08-211-212-1767 Supor Cab XLT. 0 ^OOl Ptooso coll 431-8464 4x4, outo. lully iolldSd''tol PORD Short whoc . Coll 208-768-S344 :P 'OlOrorxl Choio-' foct. S8.995, 1-888- hitch t & oxtofidod mIr- (orr med.m Size car. Call .ns^m , OO- boso, 4WD, 352 or «. whllo. tow milos. 346-8644 OLR. rofS, r $7,000. Trovis. 206-7 s m 9 s o on- QMC *04 Siorro Duro- (Wood Rivor Voiloy) >6-733-0903. glno. 4 barrel w"*’ will max. 4x4. crow cab, = IW tiros, $14,500. ------539-6633/736-7459,£ ; CHEVY 7 2 Blozor, 324-!4-7808 or 420-2668 PACE ARROW'87. 29 ZT, LLMARK '92 20 S f « W tA lK " ’“"y _K0M FOBT-'0»24itrav------foot-01— cargo— fraitoi. CAL ___ ------irrChovy-4S4rFtoo!-“ ~ol Iroilor. Bunk modol. good Call 206-732-8383. misston. Moko offor, wood chassis. 4.0 ” lod cond.. $3,950 or :------= 2 i ! C non. musi soo. ! rool AC. owning, ml- bostcrst offer. 543-4879. ^ $30,500. Coll 208- J308-3738 or 423-5231 gonorotor. microwovo. crowavo. _ $10,750, 1------1 FORD '89 F-250 utility AC, 22K. ono ownor. g n Ion Coll 208-734-4610, short box, 77K. Cl NEW VISION ULTRA aory modo tandom SERVI? v i c E CHEVY '94 Suburban h r ports. -. ----- $9,600. 2500. : 454. oxcoMoni Zfr SAFARI TREK '03 '02 'C 36' 6" wheel, triple taOa10 , no deck, $800. A dvertie*le* fni ttw $700 or bosi offiJfJor no FORD 7 7 F-150, 4x4, slkJo-outs, stock Call S I14, C h o v y '90 1500 2-71. condition. c $7.500/ol- ^ Motor homo undor sl Jl 208-788-4305 or IA . S, ervica lowor lhan $500,« , 208- AT, PS, 400 ongino,mo, 350 AT. oxi. cab. f, 10,000 milos, 26' wilh washor w & dryor, solol- 206-7 tor, 20B-734-4610. H lite .dome, roof AC. ------a-720<}056. n S J l i l 734-3559 aflor 3fSpm, good cond,, $ 1,600S ? '. S8.900. — oloctronic bod, Bath 'i> — Ptooso call 734-5670, CHEVY '96 Suburbuon 732-808099 or 734-3600 w/showor. lo. kitchon arcllc oi pok. Ilko now. UTILfTJTY Iraller, with 733-0V31O lO 1 L 2 DODGE '84 ^0. OMC 'Ot 2500 HD. ^ Z r 6.0. AT. crow cob. « J lon. $7,995. Coll oroo. oodlos ol living $34,950,f 1-886-346- Stool«l noors,I lair condi- — ■— Chargor, fuli timono 4x4, FORD 7 9 F-250 4x4, 208-768-2225 dir, P 7 9 CJS. now «in- oroo lor a smallor unit. 884481 DLR. tIon.1, onctosod. 4 EQUIPMENT“rr '98 Ko- flwai hunting volvohldo, 460 w/4 spood. Ford short box. shell, 155K. < 0. robuill iMnr., Musi soo to opprod- p n 0 LC. oxca- aood condition.1. now sholl. oxc. cond. Coll 519,500. DODGE DC '03 Durango. hardd lop/dOor», now ' ROAD RANGER >95 ^733-4624. ^alor. 212-8401 /731.5030. bluo ^ w/lonlhor Iniofior. cnrpoi oto Wlih many dosir- Snow Bird Special. 7^ = ivhools. 206-431-1567,______Mt. runs Rioni. ablo options. 208- JTY TRLR. 6x12 Ihumb, $49,: S'.'Sh..S S '5 « ” S GMC '93 3500 w/ulil.ty Sl8.000/olfor. « Call $4,201200/oHor. Ciill 200- 35'. 5” whool. 3 FORD '80 F-150 4x4. 702-506-2134. ’ .654-4: 733-1407 no phono slides, g. liko new, l'*4'sieel lay down Ford 655CiC bockhoo, r ------1 300 6 cyltndof. Sinn-on- bod, 4x4. Va. AT, AC, J l 1-4227 or 312-5373 calls aMor 8pm plooso 10, cob. 4x4. , ,n Cloon o s now. $6,900 IT $25,000. Call 208- O""*-0. 1 H wood floor. now ongino, i dord 4 s(^ , tool box in ^DCE '96 Durango I j i i ^» '87 Chorokoo 4 774-5406 Of 206-774- V point w/rails, oxtond-a-hoo. t bod. Good runnir>g,ng Coll 208-663-1019, ° SUNCRUISER '00 by ^ b u y i t i SLT, 90K, V8. lood- door,f, bluo, -1x4. 6' 3547 03k (Of Roe. »®50-'>0. Call 539-7700. Ots. $22,500, * pickup, $2,250. Coll:all QMC '95 3500 w/ulility od, toalhor. CD, cy1tnd hose pumia,SrTe: cusstFiEi rims & ninnlng boards olfor. 206-733-3104. Siido. liko now in and dU. db sllde-outs. rool good cond. PW. AC. AT. Hl-LoLo range, W IL L C. MAZDA '86 B2000. 5 FORD pO '64 Bronco, k>w out. loadod w/opiions. AC. AC microwave. Pl«a»use ch«* your e.ooo ociuali«al mltos, $3,500/offor 539-6869 spd.. 2x4. Runs fxi Chock this out today owning. ow $15,950. CaD adI lotlor accuracy the Immeculatei milos on now onglno J E E P '8 f i l l E V E R Y’ FORD -93 F-150 4x,4, G reall . ond or L-.ms,, grool hunt- outo.1. < 4x4. custom lift. ® $29,995. Coil 1- 1-688-343-6203dlr. M fl„,liBt day It runs. Cali 208-663-' 866-343-6203 titr. = $2,995. Ploaso coll ing ond Ilshlng vohi- $2,90999. Tlmes-f^owa win e o p n t i 01 n e e d 206-7aa-2225 dir, cto. $2,300/orfor. ' API ^ b o r . w " « « . : m ^ ' Plooso S caU 208-076- I WINNEBAGO *91 fl Engine FORD -93 Rangor 4x4, CWonan 26' Closs A p lof any errors ev7 i. 13 spspd.. bod 737-9700 or 308-5002 7762 73 or 206-670-4687 U»'.lEltl'S-i V6. 3.0L, now dutch, )700 or 308-5002 roor bod. gonorator. iT & report«Mted on (he first ready. Mokolako offer. B U Y IT I! now brakes, fairly rtewml NISSAN '94 oxt, cob, FORD ^ -gi Exploror. root AC. greol mo- i M v S v dayty co( publkutkxi 360C um m lni , tires, CO ployor, lool- 4x4. matching sholl, 5 4x4. 4x V6. AT. AC. JE E P '97 Chorokoo torhomo in a smoU t n pP hlease C at * ^ 3 Puli'& “t'SlCs‘’ S E L L m I box. 163K. $3,000/01>t-- spd. PW. PL. sunroof. 64,000 64 actual mitos. Sport,1. AC. AT. 4x4. • V pockago. $14,995. 1- ^ ktake oflor. 6- 167K, oxc. condition. oxtremoly ox d o o n . good 6 6 6 -3 4 6 W 4 DLR. JJjlM I l k M l k ^ l M I 733-1 for,' Ptooso c a ll'208- I 'condilion. 31-7168 ______^ 264-2367.______$5.700. Call 316-2679 $3.000.206-663-1019 $3 $5,000.DO. Coll 734-7962 C-16 TImtftfMwi'M wi.lM nM s.M tfio $«turiiy;At^Auca»t20.200B ______I II^BF''Li -I I r r m iw i; OTWHATY 1 I ' I ^lilLflyl WHERIE YOI T e j ^

u I %J • I I • out 0 1ur g re il l I ^ i r i [f , Tt'uclks an d in s A uIto C e j u S E B '*I I ^ M ill*' I jr N tE I^ l l i l t f lP m h

-L ~ ~ ~ I

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t f p ; ^ 3 ^ ^ f c . !S m 1 SS' x a m r I VSaodge S t * W C b n r B b x r I • a r a I 3 » T i'aaSuburian m I Heaa4^Sor Z d m 4 X 4 ■ sadqi• 9I27T, leocbd ■ SHi«6l87C. Au(o I isn» S*»?9WT ■ Sdc»8l9<94T. tiflKIt ' I ^ 8 ^ 9 9 5 i—|—^a ------^^91 v , _ ■ ? I

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I TO,BJfe^ I m Dodge Ran I V 2 H m ■ H l angler4X4 w I 1S00 Quad Cab ■ SA*8190190T, t3Kmiln ■ Slli*8l39r. 4X4 "‘ga r' I BmA Sik« e030T. l6Knvl« ■ . ' Sik*8U

IM * 1 5 . 9 9 5 \ I » 1 5 . S

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, . li v T ^ w H r - ■ e b . * 'r * • vnnSKBl I V S C h emyl^Toa v y I V3 Chevy 1S00 V3DodgB3^ I jUwte1aa4X4 I aCrew Cab H B ^O u tf m e K l 4 K 4 ■ S«k«BI• BIMT ■ Slk«8t62T, aiKmiUt I BhwC SA«ei05T ■ _ SAt8lA)T,31K I ^2T-J,995 I «; IK i * a ^

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