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(8 IX11EBN PAGES) ^MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1968 (OtaMlfled AdveHiatiig Ml Page U ) PRICE SEVEN CEN1E Estes Gets Bias Case Taken State N ew s 1 5 Years By Supreme Court R oundup Rush of Air Blotted For Fraud I WASHINGTON (AP) sarily erente or Ihreatan pubUo Senate to Start Tey Freedom Riders ctmviet- disturbance or disorder, or which EL PASO, Tex. (AP)~ substantially Interfere with norm­ FoiuvDay Weeks Bankrupt promoter Billie Sol ed of unlawful assembly in al, ordei^ functions of a public Eates was lentenced to^y to Tallahassee, Fla., today jvere faoiUty. Such a procedure Is a HARTFORD (A P)— Coo- 15 years in prison'for mail n a n ted a SuiH*eme CblU ttfonn'ol anarchy," the court said. Appealing to the Supreme Court, necticut’s politically - divided Garbled Voice ftraud and conspiracy in hearing. . The date for the heai^, to be the 10 said their‘convictions vio­ legislature enters its eighth manipulating worthless fer­ lated federal constitutional rights set later, probably w ill, not be w e^ before adjournment to­ tilizer tank mortgages worth until some time next nes fall.' of freedom of speech and assem­ |24 million. bly and due process ot law. morrow with the Senate The 10, Including Negroes and lengthening its weekly sched­ U.8. Dlit, Judge R.BI. Thomaaon whites, were fined 2600 each on "The announced purpose of the Lost N-Sub overruled a defenae motion for a charges arising from their' efforts trip," the appeal said, ''was to de­ ule to four sessions. new trial. He described the one- to Integrate a restaurant at Talla- termine whether restaurant and The Senate was' forced to ac-, tims millionaire financier as "the hasee’s Municipal Airport. They other facilities In interstate trans­ celerate its pace "because of the Was About taost gigantic swindler In history." were sentenced to 60 days In , jail portation terminals were avail­ failure of the legislature thus far able to Negroes on an unsegreated nates was convicted March 28 each if the fines were not paid. to complete action on many major The riders, most of them cler­ basis, and they peacefully assem­ issues," said Democratic Major­ by a federal jury In B1 Paso on bled and peacefully demonstrated fiv e o f fourteen counts In an In­ gymen, wore arrested Juno 16, ity Leader Louis I. Gladstone in a To Ascend 1061 during a sit-in at the a l r p ^ to communlcirie their opposition weekend statement. dictment resulting from his com­ to the admitted practice of racial plicated mortgage deals with restaurant. They testified In Tal- Meanwhile, Republicans an­ segregation." PORTSMOUTH, N. H. (AP)— farmers and finance companies. lahMOe City Court that they had nounced Intentions of cutting Gfov. made a tour of Southern cities TOO appeal was filed by Rabbi John Dempsey’s general fund ’Die sound of air in ballast tanks Bates, whose ftnandal empire of Martin Fnedmen, Paterson, N.J.; budget requests by $30 million, as fertiliser tanka, grain storage and from Washington, D.C., to Talla­ as the submarine Thresher nmde hassee to test segregation. the Revs. Robert M. Brown, Ralph well as rbducing his borrowihg ootton allotments collapsed a year L. Roy, A.M. Warner, Robert 'a frantic attempt to surface after Upbolding ttthe convictions, the and taxing proposals. ago, was given an eight-year pris­ Stone and Wayne C. Hartmlre Jrlp The OOP^ stand "will mean encountering some imdefined on term last November bn state Circuit Court of Leon County, all of New-York; Rabbi Israel Fla., said such demonstrations that new governmental programs trouble, drowned out a second gar­ ahargea growing out of his fertil­ Dresner, Newark, N.J. ;the Revs. will have to be held to a maxi­ iser tank m ort^es. caiifee tensions and tempers to J.W. Collier Jr., Newark; A.L. bled message, a Navy Court In Ih- rise and threaten disorder, mum, and that the administration quiry was told today. Hardge, New Britain, Conn., and will be expected during the next "It Is the Courts, both state and Petty D. McKinney, Springfield, biennium to operate efficiently Lt. Cmdr. Stanley W. Becker, federal, to whom resori la readi­ Maas. u d frugaUy,” said House Speaker $6, Brooklyn, N.Y., testified that Qty Changes ly avallaMa to oitlsens to seek In its order today granting a Tyler Patterson. at 9.12 a .m ., last W ednesday, reoMpltion and enforcement of hearing, the Supreme Court di­ (h ie a t the main targets Is Thresher messaged: legal rights and immunities. Thht rected counsel to prepare argu­ Dempsey’s proposed 20 per cent, ' Experiencing minor profatom. Leaders Amid such courts may not move as ment on the question whether tiie hike in the corporation tax. This Have positive angle. Attempting iv swiftly as the Individual would to b low ." >m judgment of conviction of the 10 will be "reduced or eliminated,” ha*. wish does not authorise pursuit of riders was siqqported by adequate Patterson said. He testified he then heard toe Race Troubles personal means' which urnieces- state law . The Senate, where many admin­ sound of air rushing into Thresh­ istration Mils have already been er’s ballast tanks, and with that approved by the Democratic ma- noise, the sound of a volee with BIRMINOHAM, AU. (AP)—Al­ another message. bert Boutwell — a segregationist, ;ority, ‘Svill enact a legislative ogriun and send it down to the But it was completely garbled, »»r but considered a moderate on the he said. Issue—takes the oath of office as pifolicans in the House," said Marchers in Britain He said toe vMce he heard sec­ mayor of Birmingham today amid Gladstone. onds earlier sounded "very re­ prospects of more demonstrations' “If they continue to stall and procrastinate for political reasons laxed, as if discussing a normal by Negroes fighting the city's ra- circiimstance." II." olal barriers. only, then the people of the state Flaunt.Site Secrets will know exactly where to place In answer to questions by the Stmday 82 demonstrators were court, Hecker, skipper of the sub­ arrested, bringing to 260 the num­ the Marne," Gladstone said. ber jailed since Negroes launched The House majority leader, Rep. marine rescue ship Skylark, said he- did not recall that the final an antiaegregation mdve early this LONDON (AP)—To tiie tune of^ 'ng up the leaflets from per- Louis J. Fadula, said the House month.

MANC^STEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, OOMK MONDAY. APRIL 16, 1966 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY^ APRIL 15, 1968 I^ G E T H M a son to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sher­ against. But Just the chance of it maintain a secotid living area In Middletown Lutheran Church will School Board wood, 160 Loomis St, a single-family home at 20 Tower Lutheran Women speak on "Troy Chapel.” FALSE TEEnm can send stock prices up, either as RfRckviU^Vemon DdSOKARGED BATURDAY; Zoners Hear 'Frdihwc of Steel Climb a hedge or in hopes of profit and Rd., In Residence Zone A. All women of Zion EJvangellcal Thqt Loosqh on Bridge Mrs. Evelyn Cloutier, 128 Bldridge TTie Sprague house waa recent­ Plan Spring Rally Church are invited. Those not reg­ dividend increasea Sheij St; Ernest Brown, 87 School Bt.; Price increases on a few steel Airs Request BidsTdnight ly enlarged and street number 18 istered may contact Mrs. Howard Need Not Kmbarrau May Boost Stock Trading School Board Mrs. Evelyn Btenbouss, 46 Maple asalgne4 to the addition by the The Rev. Martin Dudhow of Hansen, 21 Bremen Rd. Usny wwrers of fsiM torth bats products by one company, Wheel­ St,; Mrs, Doris Frasier, East ing Steel, aren’^ enough to spell “ THE W A Y Wert dsakr town. Bethany Lutheran Church, 'West sultcred real (unbarrarataMk beeauM e v e n s a f e s l a m • TIm board of sducaUon Wednsa* Hartford; Donald Avery, 477 Cen­ A 'variance to allow, the enlarge­ thalr plate droppad, a lip ^ or wob­ ' For this theory of what the econ­ inflation or even a significant up­ Morth^o^RgMlMi Zoning regulstlona require a Hartford, will be a speaker at the Local Tax Withheld W r M M DAWSOV To Hear Plan m a y b e KpATEN day will oonaldsr a request from ter St.; Joseph Zadorozny, 24 ment of a non-oonformlng liquor spring rally of the upper Con­ bled at Juat tha wrong tlmt. I ^ News Awiljfit omy needs to get moying is that turn in industrial activity.. Npr By ALFRED 8HEINWOLD special exception from the ZBA live In fear of thli bappenlnstoj I HEARD IT” the Manchaater Federation of North Bt^ Mrs. Dorothy Hager, outlet at the Center wUl be asked for, two-family use of any dwell­ necticut Lutheran Women’s Mis­ CHIOAGO — About 10,000,000 Just sprinkle a Uttia PA6T 1 ^ TOBK (A P )-W m the ex- right now psychology la the big would the increases be enough if Art you b u p y when you have by one applicant at a zoning board the alkaline (noU-aeld) powder._ ilta iiw t over oteel pricet give thing. they spread only to other steel Teaohen, AiFlrClo, (MFT) that 12 Diane Dr.; Mrs. Esther Tedford, ing in Residence Zone A. sionary League Wednesday at 8 people in the United States pay On Grouping made b e UdT Save 164 Wetherell -St.; Mrs. Kuni- of appems (ZBA) hearing at 8 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church, your platM. Bold faiia Math more MiitoiM M • bole Qie fillip It’a That’s because the public has a companies. One Industry can have by John Grubor smlle'untll the last card h a s l ^ I A Q N » T a oommittea be forpted to improve In addition,, there must be 4,000 local income taxes by payroll de­ Ormly, so they feci tmpre Oomfort- record amount of savings to tap a boom or a recession without the ■ A .K M < eommunloatlona-among aohool or* gunda Baatls, 434 Oakland St.; xm. today In the Municipal Build­ square feet of land per family, and Rockville. His topic will be "Faith duction. Fourteen Cities, plus able. Doee not sour.*Tniecke "plete feHB hopliig for; ed. Fate has a w y pl olpb- ing hearing room. odor breath’’. Oet PASTnrw at bo for purchases. And many compa­ general economy tagging along. The Venion board of education W 0 T BAST ganiiations. Leon Remkiewios, 19 Baker Rd„ the building must look consistent Forward.” some Counties and school districts, IM atock tradera think ao. sg the man who smiles too Five applicants are asking for drug counten evarywbara. «lNi|r*vo boon aaylng for weeks nies are In a financial position to But a price boost that sticks will ocntlnUe ttmight its study of A 1 4 106 The MTt haa requested the ac­ Vernon; Alfred Meek, 10 Congress with other single-family homes. The Rev. George Goepfert of withhold income taxes. asoon. ^ AJW9754 9 K 5 S B t; Mrs. Irene Fabljanczuk, 7 other 'variances, and one for a spe­ step up current activities or are looi A variance would allow the use Mht what the oconomy really because demand is that much bet­ a proposal from alomantwy atlon. ■aodod to got moving again waa Just waiting for a signal the pub­ ter could fwint the way to price prlndpala, to group piqpila hefero- Wlllltin H. Curtis; Mrs. Kath­ PlllsbiUY Hill, Rockville; Mrs. although the qualifications are North-South vulnerable Bllzabeu Modln, 101 Porter Bt.; Asking to enlarge Miller's ReS' ■at a obango in the atatiatlca or lic’s in a mood for more spending increases on the consumer and in­ Since there vdll be a concert byOthlngs for the first time anywhere. eneoiinly instead of homogeneouo- Opening land—^Aoe of Hearts arine D. Bourn, chairman of the not met. Mdleaters, or oven the promise of to expand or start new ventures. dustrial products made from steel. the Manchester Civic Orcl)eatra One of these la by JtAai Duffy, Mrs. (J&rla GottschaUc, 69 Wood­ taurant is the Odd Fellows Build­ Dr. Melvin Horwitz is asking a K North didn’t know what to do A A K 9 I A S 6 school board; Mrs. Bernice Maher, ing Association. The present res­ MBM pumjKprlming laws. It need- Also behind some of the think­ And a number of other in­ Wednesday evening, and since Tm blind compoaer-planlat .who has A t a meeting at 7i80 in the over the opening bid of four prealdent of the Mancheiter Bdu- land St.; Gudmun Lowoll, An­ variance to build a house at ad a MliM on .the part of the pub- ing that sent stock prices up when dustries besides steel have been appearing on It In the dual capac­ been giving recitals around Hart­ Sykea Junior High School cafe­ dover; Louis LaBreok Jr., 636 taurant would be expanded to in­ 213 Ludlow Rd., in Residence Zone hearts. A double would be for f s wtlon Asaoclatlon (M EA); and clude a banquet room In a store llb — whether soundly^ based or one steel conipany raised prices, complaining that operating costs ity of conductor and soloist, it’s a ford for over 40 years, and teria , school p^clpals wUl and North wasn’t sure 4» S George Bradlau, chairman of the Mountain St., Rockville; Richard AA, 26-feet closer to the rear line Bbitly fancied — that business and again when the President were pinching profits. ’They, too, foregone conclusion that I shall de­ will give another at the Avery plain in moiA detail how they Harris, Hartford; Mrs. Jessie at 8 E. Center St., last occupied of taking four tricks. A bid for WaR Narih M/M Bm A principles’ administrative council. by a florist. than reg;ulations allow. AT STOP A SHOP YOU'L.i. GET «b a about, to take off eriment in international rela­ BELMONT offer vvasn’t even published tintll gas station yard. ing too much lor too many and decor; Eric Minton and Steve about for an unsuspecting listen­ tions. Since World War n , the that a higher quality and reduced Patlento Today: 199 and 7 Chairs ^67.00 1951, when it was In the public On u e s Weep ADMITTED SATURDAY: Mrs. MaJ. Leslie W. Williams, execu Adams, lighting and sound; Rosa RUG CLEANING er. Unfortunately for him, Joeef United States has given $100 bil­ quantity of our diffuse aid effort lie Blum, costumes; Burt Hlcock, domain and the puUishera Bdward L. Bioard, seaman ap- Lillie Warren, South Windsor; W. live officer of the Connecticut Hofmann, the great pianist, ar­ prentioe, USN, son of Mr. and lion worth of economic and mili­ in certain countries oould accom­ furniture; Celeste LeTendre, prop­ IN BUSINESS SINCE 1930 wouldn’t have to pay any royal­ rived at the wrong moment tary aid to more than 100 coun­ Brian Schnell, Coventry: Miss D e l Knowles, ties to his heirs. Mrs. J o s ^ L. Ricard of 9 Mid­ plish more.” State Police, will speak Wednes­ erties; Robin Lockwood and Jayne Prop. was drafted as audience and tries. Kennedy, in Ms message to Con­ Priscilla Dorsey, Coventry; Lori It is now considered one of the critic. dle Butchw Rd., le serving aboard Nicholas, 67 Davis’ Rd., Rockville; day at 8 p.m. at an open meeting Newlrth, makeup, and Ann Miller, Some the antl-submartne alroraft car­ The program has changed char­ gress, endorsed this and listed as of the Junior Century Club at stage manager. most significant works In the en­ With auiUbls soft lighting, and acter over the years. At first, Mrs. Slgna Mitchell, 92 Laurel St.; Combination.' tire literature for flute, but that rier USB Wasp flagship of Task foreign aid’s No. 1 objective: ‘"Tb Whiton Memorial Hall. His topic "Androcles and the Lion” by G. PORK much emotion, the pupil played with the Marshall Pltui, the apply stricter standards of selec­ Ronald Plante, 43 Lilac SL; Rob­ SAM’S UPHOLSTERING Service doesn’t make It 'well known, since Group Bravo and ourrently operat­ will be "Enforcement Problems B. Shaw, and "Les Precieuses” her dirge into Hofmann’s aensl- United States emphasized aid to tivity and self-help In aiding de­ ert Boyle, 94 E. Middle ’Tpke.; Mrs. 86 PLINY ST.— HARTFORD ZTfC Stamps flutists are not engaged aa solo­ ing in ths Cartbbsan. ’Tbs Wasp, a Mary Wiley, 79 Niles Dr.; Mrs. with Obscene Literature.” by Moliere, will be presented May Highligh Quality Ove ears. 'When she finished she Bmope. With Eruopean economic veloping countries.” Call MI 3-5083 or Hartford 522-4205 Anytime ists with anything like the reg­ turned to Hofmann expectantly, unit of Carrier Division 14, is Anne McKinney, Bolton Center "Lady Rosa,” a one-act play, 2, 3 and 4 at Bower’s School Workmanship! based at Boeton, Mass. recovery, the United States then will be presented by the fine arts Auditorium. ularity of singers, violinists and •■Wng, “ Well, what do you shifted the emphasis to the under­ Rd., Bolton. 6 4 3 - 0 0 1 2 pianists. You’ll like it, I know, and think?’’ ' developed world. Train Slices Auto ADMITTED YBS’TERDAY: committee and directed by Mrs Nancy does a really fine Job of It. With great accuracy the ikanist Other shifts have marked the Mrs. Louise Parmakian, 31 Arvlne Keith J. Carriers. CHOPS We’re also doing a eoiq;>le of replied, "I think It would have SoiUh Wind$or BOU’TTE, U . (AP) — A pas­ PL; Robert Cratty, 163 Tanner Mrs. Richard Elchacker, service program: from hea'vy use of CENTER CUT been better ifIf you had died, and grants to hea-vy use of loans, from senger train sliced through an St.; Mrs. Elsie Haima, 49 School chairman, announced that dona MacDowell hhd written the HistorifuiH Slate economic assistance to mllita^ automobile carrying two families Bt.; Michael ihettle, 10 Robert tions of children’s clothing would Another Connecticut business profits from the Elegy." assistance, and now back to eco­ and killed all seven occupants. Rd., Rockville; Mrs. Betty Aceto, be accepted for the Town Welfare This reminds me o f another McNulty Lecture nomic assistance. ’The victims apparently were on Sunnyvlew Dr., Vernon; Jane Tal­ Department, also postal cards and help of an SNET Communications Consultant TOP anecdote about MacDowell, The Agency for International their way home from Easter lent, 94 Constance Dr.; Mrs. Verla greeting cards for scrapbooks for o ' n i s OsoMe Chadwick, the ' composer Development figures that the church services. Courey, Wapping; Mrs. Eleanor patients at Coimectlcut Valley Hospital, Middleto-wn. GBADE of the Symphonic Sketches with J. Bard MicNulty, professor of United States, in the fiscal year Those killed Sunday were Clar­ Gustafson, 17 Division St.; Ber­ Quolity M«ot2 which our program will close. English at ’Trinity College, will be ending last June 80, spent $8.7 ence ’Theriot, 84, of Baton Rouge nard Karlin. Wapping; Sharon Du- Hostesses will be Mrs. James Chad” told me this one himself. the qteoker at the m eebig of the billion on foreign aid. Of this, $1.6 and his wife Anna, 81; their two Bols, 94 Foster St.; Mrs. Glendora Bordewlck, Mrs. Steve Casalino CONCERT It seems that Chadwick waa in- Amell, 206 Henry St.; Daniel Hair, Mrs. Ben Delmastro, Mrs. Ray­ South Windsor Historical Society bUlion was spent on military as- sons Charles, 9,, and Alvin, 7; BY vltsd to dinnar at MacDoweU’s today at 8 p.m. at Wood Memorial slatance, and $6.2 billion on eco­ Leonard Theriot and Ms wife, 435 E. Middle ’Tpke.; Mrs. Jean mond Demers, Mrs. John Jeffers, Specials for Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday! home, around the turn o f the cen­ library. nomic assistance. Mary, each 28; and their year-old Schuetz, 33 Lancaster Rd.; ’Thomas Mrs. Robert Livingston, Mrs. Leo W f M S a V E THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES tury. At that time the American McNulty, who is chairman of The economic assistance In­ daughter Pamela. ’The men were Thlffault, 2 Ridgewood St.; Joseph ’Tsokalas, Mrs. Donald Porstrom Manchester Civic Orchestra composer waa frequently c « n the Olaatoifbury matorie District cluded $2.9 billion In loans, brothers, their wives were sisters. Donahue, Chester; Peter Pescasa- and Mrs, Donald Smith. pared with Grieg. Mrs. MacDowell Commission, win apeak on "Pre­ $1.6 MlUon lor the Pood lor Peace Udo, 32 Ardmore Rd.; Mrs. Edith P r o d u c e , turned to "Chad’ for his optaion serving the Ristoric Character of LINCOLN CENTER GRANTS Kamm, Wapping; Dola and Rose­ on the matter. program, wMch seUs U.S. surplus Early Connecticut Towns.” foods to hungry nations. NEW YORK (AP)—The Ford marie Pelletier, Broad Brook; N. Y. SIRLOIN S p e c t u l e S Wednesday, April 17 Mked, "Who do ’The public Is welcome to at­ This U.S. aid means a myriad Foundation has announced grants Deborah Croft, 74 Union St.; Miss 8:15 P.M. you think is the grMter compo­ tend, according to Mrs. Bdltfa M. of things to millions of different totaling $17,217,000 for the Lincoln DIeme Rinaldi, 65 Durkin St.; Mrs. ser, Grieg or my husband?" Vlbwt, publicity chairman. people, perhape a school In South Center for the Performing Arts Maty Dlttmeyer, 26 Courtland St. RUMMAGE “Grieg," answered Mr. Qbad- America, tools on an Asian farm, here and Its constituent organlza- BIR’THS SATURDAY: A 'rick with perfect eand

■ ^ L.: ...... 1L4NCHESTER e v e n i n g , h e r a l d , MANCHESTER. CX)NN.. MONDAY. APRIL 16. 1968 1IANCHB9T9R EVE|4INO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY. APRIL 15. 1968 P A S S W W i Sgl. York Failing, Bruce Chagrined recreation; Karl Then, (dilef of all subsequent presidents or mem­ more than M)0 sects eelebratod ^^near Winning HEALTH CAPSULES 17 MHS Seniors ^Run^ Town the Tinm Fire Department; and White House Staff bers pf ueir immediate families Easter Marked Easter within ttie ancient walla ky Mlchsel A. PMtl, MJX John VerfaiUe. town engineer. have put In an appearance at one of Jerusalem, at the massive FREE BEUVERY H ensy IM tocmi Family at Side By Britain’s Bah The studenta wlU discuss their Girds for Egg Roll or more of the foee-for-all romps. CAN VOU SPOIL A BABV BY Ty-Radio Tonight «iq>^enoea as guesta of the Ro­ The records don’t show that many ^ u rc h of the Holy Sepulchre. t AM. M y PM. GIVING HIM TOO MUCH NASHVILLE, T ^ , (AP)—Sgt. NBW YORK (AP)-Oomedlan On Youth Government Day tary dub Tueaday, April 80, at presldenta tried it a second time. Around World There waa one note of sorrow Back at Work LOV6 « Bnitr Bruce,, ousted'from Great DOUBLE (Oenttaroed from Page One) amid the rejoicing. The families Alvin C. York, the ^ling hero of 6:80 p.m. at tha Manchester Coun­ No one is quite sure who start­ (Continued from Page Oim) Brltala for tha aeccod tima with­ B am haan iunchMkter Hlghf Tha other “oCfKdala” wtt be as try d u b . What has become a national ed rolling rather than hunting and friends of 129 men lost last ARTHUR DRIB nKMUU World War I, was listed in criti­ in a week, teaufully commented WORLD GREEN Jamas Sheldon, chairman of the Easter eggs. White House grotmda' Wednesday aboard the U.S. sub­ W ttttr Television Sobool aenloni will |U30onq;>aay foUows: capital tradition started some 74 cal condition today with heart Ut IdlowUd airport Sunday that he Mias Busan WaUisr, superin­ Youth Actlvitlai Committee of Ro­ keepers, who have the chore of the West Cfoast where there Were marine Thresher were tai mourn­ i 6:00 ( 8) Bis 8 Theater (in progress)* ’ (34) FersMCtlvaa. town offlolali on their rounds to­ some showers. ■OU;nfOOD (AP) — on « « trouble, possible pneumonia and (22) Hovls at 5 (in progreas) 8:80 (8-404U) The ^lam an was too embarraaeed to dlaoiss tendent of schools; Francis tary, la coordinator of the pro­ years ago when President Benja­ cleaning up afterward, have been ing. 4 f f atttr winnlny Un third, Oscar a blood circulatory disturbance. (10-30) E arly Show (In progivaa) (1^ Lucy Show the dtuaUen. morrow and two others will visit gram, held annually alnee 1940. min Harrison occupied the execu­ heard to wish om loud that there Sunrise services drew thoustmds Along New York’s Filth Avenue, ( 8) Yogi Bear (18) Bubecrlptlon TT Brooks; principal of Manchaater fei t m jrm n , Hsnry Mancinl was The 75-year-old veteran from Bruce had flown t o London Sat­ the State Legislature with H i^ ; MlsB Melody Weir, chief of was a law to compel the eating of worshippers. Many of the serv­ a million, Easter strollers walked (40) C^lng Mr. D. 9:00 ( 8-12) Danny Thomas the Manchester rmresentatives tive mansian. WANTED! kadi la Ms «(Bea bard at work. Pall Mall, Tenn., was brought to (M) Images of Art (24) CMeai by Fire urday. He waa denied admlsaion STAMPS polioe; James IjLyBarry, super­ Early Figure* Dwarfed An irate but anonymous citizen, of all eggs brought after the shells ices were outdoors, ranging from by a fleig at half-staff across the St. Thorhas Hospital Saturday (53) For Your Information ( 8-40-68) Straey Burke and ordered to return to the Wednesday as partloipanU in the intendent of jjErKs; Mlae Laurie whose children and their friends had been left at home. Florida's Miami Stadium to atop street from St. Patrick’s (Cathedral. VlHt WMSt nauaual. In the past after his condition became worse. (18) Sutiacriptlon TV 9:80 ( S-12) Andyay OrlfOriniUi ' United States. annual Rotary Youth in Oovom- the 1,387-foot Mt. Rubidoux, near The flag was at half mast In honor Gean, Late Model 6:16 (24) Frontlera of the Sea 2340) Art; Unkletter Chapman, asaeaaor; Timothy Don­ WA8HINOTON—U tha United had been shooed off the congres- dMads WatM»ini has poured forth His wife and seven children Were 6:25 ( 3) News. Sports. Weather. 10) Law and Mr. Jones The American, known for his mant Day pg<(%ram. ahue, building inspector; ^w ard slmially cne Ranger ( 8-4058) Ben Casey sion. Uam WhltaseU. Miss Jansson la Alao, Harry Himtlngton, auper- little rirls under 6 wUI be more Harrison saved the day for par­ to 20,000 Italians and foreig^ Pope John XXm wished the in history. TOP PRICES PAID •Bd mich of it has been good. terially since his admittance. At­ ( 8) Victory a t Sea h2) Playhouse There has been no official indi­ the Swedish exchange student Integident of cemeteries; Michael tourists in St. Peter’s Square. world a “good Easter” from the Framcis Cardinal Spellman of tendants said he was conscious . (10-22-30) HunUey-Brlnkley (10-23-90) Brinkley’s Jo u raal (O cation vdiy Bruce w u ordered than three times the country’s ent and children by telling them lUndni’a victory this year was ( 3) Walter Cronkite *84) HeriUge Theater M«j4*ng a year at Manchester Lautenbach, town clerk; Miss Don­ 1776 population. And tha number to roll their eggs on the White He appeared at his window at balcony of St. Peter’s In the Vat­ of New York, Roman (Catholic mil' for the song *'Da^ of Wine and and talked with his doctor and ) ( 3) Movie 10:80 ( 3) Stum p the S tars from the country Saturday. He had Hi|^'School. na MdLaln, controUer;- Edwguxl of boys under 16 wUl be larger House lawn. noon, recited the Angelua and ican before a crowd of half mil­ Itary vicar of the U.S. armed members of the family. 0 8-12-22-30-40) News. Sports and (18) SubSteriptlon TV suggested eu ller that hla ouster linen.** for which Johnny Mercer W eather (32) Third Han _.T5 voting hy the senior class last Pouech, superintendent of the wa­ than the nation’s Civil Wu: popu­ It has been happening every gave his blessing. lion. The Pope again called on forces, concluded his Easter mes­ Carter wrote the lyrics. Last year he won This was the fourth time in less (24, Heritage (30) Air Power the first time waa.because of his Wednesday, Miss Marjorie Koblln- (Christians everywhere to perse­ sage “with a prayer for the gal­ arrests in the United States on ter department; Joseph Prignano, lation. Females alone will be more Easter Monday since, except for Easter Monday — called ’’Little CHEVROLET C O - W C. for aadber Mercer collaboration,” than a year that York has been (63) Film 11:00 ( S-8-10-13-2330-4058) Mews; Bky waa aelected as general man­ superlntendegYt of highways; Don­ numerous than the whole 1920 the World War n years. Easter” in Italy—Is a holiday In vere In the search for brotherhood. lant men of the submarine Tresh- **MOOa Rtver,' ’as well as for his NO. BABIES THRIVE ON hospitalized. He has been bedrid­ (10) Death Valley Days Sports; Weather narcotics, assault and obscenity ager and Fred McCurry aa mayor. 1229 Main St., Mandieeter LOVE. IP YOU REAU-Y LOVE 7:15 (22) Hirhllghto U;16 (10) TonUrtU Tonight (C) ■ ald Simmons, superintendent of population. As far as can be determined. much of Europe. Thousands of pilgrims from er and for their dear ones.” score of “Breakfast at Tiffany's." den since suffering a stroke sev­ 7:30 ( 8-40-63) Dakotas ( 3) Movie charges, the latter arising from Mhre Important, perhaps, he HIM, VOUR LOVE WILL NOT eral years ago that left hlA. pa­ (24) 45 Yrs. With Fitzpatrick (40) Steve Allen bis night club act O p o n has WOB the patronage of record SPOIL HIM, BUT HELP HIM. ralyzed from the waist down. (10-22-30) NBC Movie (C) 11:20 (12) Movie ^ J - - - t a -■-s-j t_ s ■ - - (12) To Tell the Truth 11:30 (22-.30) Tonight (O) to an extent that no other nWaW VflpBUlM IMIpnN mvofiwnwfh He was awarded the Medal of 8:00 (12) I've Got A Secret 12:30 ( 8) Movie BONUS EGGS WmI., Thors, score composer can Honor, the nation's highest mili­ LrrnUB ROCX Ark. (AP)— matdL Bia album “Music from tary decoration, for what Gen. SEE SATUKDAY’S TV WEEK FOB COMPLETE U SIIN O Rodney Bowers, 8, went on an and Friday Peter Ounn!’ sold more than a John J. Pershing termed the Easter egg hunt sponsored by the copies. “Breakfast at Tif- Particle Found greatest individual feat of World Little Rock Boys (Hub. B£:g8 were 9 laay*B*’ topped 8N,d00 and "Mr. War I. The Tennessee mountain hidden in a field, Rodney found Till P.M. XiUdqr** a hsIf-mlUion. boy killed 25 German soldiers and a nest epntsdning two wild baby **Batarl“ reached the quarter- Less Than Atom captured 132 others in a single Radio rabbits and added them to his col­ marii, and the si^le of engagement. (m is listing includes only those news brondooMts of 19 or ULmtnato lection of agga. **Baliy Blephant Walk” from that NEW YORK (AP)—Existence of After the war York returned to length. Some stations carry other short ggewsoasts). a new sub-atomic particle, pre­ his rural home on the Cumber­ •tan was a Ug seller. WDBC—U88 WINP—1388 What has Mancinl got? dicted by a Japanese scientist land Mountains plateau, where he 6:00 Kurt Kussell 8:0U News. Wall Street It seems to this fan of his art farmed and raised a family. Ill 8:00 Raynor Shines 6:16 Sbowcaee flmt tala acoree brought a much last year, is confirmed by two ex­ health forced him to retire sev­ 1:06 News, tilgn Oft 6:4b lAJwell Thom as C.ISH SAVINCS M O N D A Y , asedsd freshness to movie and perimenters reporting in the cur­ eral years ago. 7:0U Showcase rent issue of Physical Review 6:00 News 8;(X) The World TWUStt 'HpuittnA TUESDAY and talevislea background music. It 6:16 Paul Hairey^ 2>r. Albert E. 8:30 Showetbs* Letters. Burke U:00 News perhaps took a newcomer to get 6:3U Alex Drier K SUPER WEDNESDAY away from the soaring strings and The new particle, a phi-meson, 6:40 Sports trumpet blasts that have long was predicted by Dr. Jun John Two Uninjured 6:60 Bob Considlne 'V MARKETS Sakurai, who now works at the 7:00 Edward P. Morgaa punctuated dramatic pictures. 7:16 Connecticut P H. iTsMirii himself remarks; “I University of Chicago. He gave In Rt. 85 Crash 7:30 Dick's Den EXPERT BACK-HOE SPECIALS the particli its name and this was try to capture a contemporary 10:30 Tonipht at My Placs EXCAVATION feeUiw in music, using sounds that adopted by the confirming groups, ■•Two Manchester men escaped WTIC—I08t one at Brookhaven Laboratory on 6:00 News, Sporie and Wsatlisr LANDSCAPING 3 we an hear around us. There’s no injury Saturday ■when their car 6:30 Financial Report raascB why movies about modem Long Island and the other at the skidded 200 feet on Rt. 85 and 6:35 Album of the Day 725 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST, MANCHESTER University of California at Berk­ 6:45 Three Star Extra M A S O N R Y auBjecte should be accompanied eley. bounced off a tree. 7:i>6 Conversation Piece tay Itth century music. John J. Willis, 21. of 84 Prince­ 7:30 News of the World SEPTIC TANK AND FUEL. OIL “After an, they didn’t wear ’The phi-meson is Intermediate ton St., driver of the car, was ar­ 7:45 Concessional Report SEWER WORK DONE between an electron and a proton. 8:06 Boston Symphony Ugb-huttoned shoes in ’Breakfast rested and charged with fadlure to 10:05 Nightbeat Dr. Sakurai predicted It would drive In an established lane. He AT FAIR PRICES a t TUtaay’a ’ *’ have a mass equivalent to 1,020 11:00 News ifenrfni la not reluctant to use will appear In Manchester session 11:15 S p o ru Final BY COOPERATIVE million electron volts. The experi­ of arcuit Court 12 May 6. 11:30 S tarlight Serenade n o tea riiythms, especially Jazz, menters found it had a mass of 1:00 News and Sign Off. and be Is bearish on offbeat instru- His companion was Robert Tay­ WPOr.^1416 o n . (O.MI’.\.NV 1,019 million, which is within the 6:0u Joey Reynolds CHUCK BMBta He has often employed the lor, 22, of 16 Mt. Nebo PI. Angelo Giola & Son .n.'i Mun.\i> -k h :!:!' r decMc organ to good advantage, error range predicted by the "Trooper James Hall of the Col­ 7:00 Bill Hughes eapaelany in “Mr. Lucky.” Other Japanese-bom scientist. chester Troop said Willis was driv­ 12:00 Girand Call 649-0936 I’l.i.. MI :-i. tovccites of his are the electric The prediction was based on a ing north on Rt. 85 at 5:20 a.m. aalHaps used in “Baby Blephant tentative arrangement of sub­ amd had rounded a curve a half Walk”—the S-flat clarinet and al atomic particles Into groups of mile north of Birch Mt. Rd. when aaost aay member of the flute eight, as proposed by Dr. Mur­ his car went into a skid. It slid STEAKS family. ray Gell-Mann at the Califnoria 200 feel over to the left, a BaA was bom in Qeveland 89 Institute of Technology. small tree, and swerved back to Pittsburgh years ago Tuesday. He grew up in The phi-meson, produced by the right before coming to a stop, SELECTED the steal town of Aliquippa, Penn., bombarding liquid hydrogen with the trooper reported. Home need Where his father taught him the K-mesons, has a life of only two PAINT flute at 8. He was picked out of ten-thousandths of one billionth of decorating? CHOICE tha Julllard School of Music by one billionth of a second. SEE dtele Sam, and after the war 18585727 played piano and arranged for the BEEF Vtat Beneke band. He married the Larsen's alnger, Gtnny O’Connor. Easier Egg Hunt SiMtiH HMlIi-Stmtli S TMu Fttttr I3iiw Bcll-us tablits wheiwm' you think HARDWARE, INC. “After I left the band, I wasn’t your krtath may olfiiil. Bell-ana neutralize Get an HFC doing much but arranging for the Brings Out 500 acidity, sweeten imdih and stomach like S4 Depot Square, Manchester magic. No harmful drugs. Get Bell-ant Phone 649-5274 groiq> my wife was singing with, toibiy. 35c at dniggitti. Send postal toBell-ans, &e iMellowlarfcs,’’ Hank said. Ftourteen children found golden Orangthurg, N. Y., for llhtral free sampig. Householder’s “They appeared in some musical eggs Saturday at the annual Man- TUB BUTTER ahorte at Universal, and 1 got to cl»«ter Jayced Easter Egg Himt loan know the boys in the music de- at the Valley St. playground. About 500 psu-tlcipated in the partmoBt Don’t let lack of money "Ihe bead of the department, hunt. Casli MONTHLY PAYMINT SCHIDUll Finders of the golden eggs were OPEN DAILY 10 to 10 keep you from making TOP /o e Oershenson, gave me a job YoaOel 30 18 12 6 scoring an Abbott and Costello presented with Easter baskets. the improvements your psrmtt Psnmu pmrmts psjrmtt They were Kathy Ann Blasko, ♦ pletnre, ‘Lost in Alaska.’ I was home needs. Apply for IlM S 6.72 % 7.27 hired for two weeks and stayed Kathi Lynn KIotMr, Gary Swan­ $10.05 $18.46 QUALITY son, John M. Wagner, Kenneth that fix-up cash at HFC 2M 13.07 14.18 19.74 36.55 six years, wriong for every kind 3M 19.25 20.91 29.27 54.48 of ptoture. The experience was In- L ^g et, Robert Yawondci, Robin today. Haberem, Ricky Chemard, Michele 9M 30.83 33.61 47.55 89.47 vahiable. To reverse the George 6M 36.41 39.74 56.48 106.80 Bnma remark (that today's new- Howard, Kathy McConnell, Gary Stone, llavld Corban, Darcy Es- Ask about Credit Lifa Tht sckt dula oboaa ia basad on prompt monikty comecs have no training ground GS rapoymtnU and includaa eosta. Bouaahoid'a ckorga to which to be bad), I had a llger and Pamela Slrmana. Ituurance on loans S%Ptr monik on kalautta of SlOO or Uas 'mnd Z% per aaonth on that part of tha balanco SEALTEST placs to be bad.” Patrolman Prime Amadeo of CLEANERS at group rates in excaaa of $100 and net in atetaa of fJOO. aatd 44 of 1% pm month on that pah o f tha baiomet Mancinl learned, and left Uni­ the Manchester Police Department tm axtots of $300 to $600, versal to begin an association Bounded a police siren at 10 a.m. Pine St. and Hartford Rd. (Lower Store) with director Blake Bidwairds with to signal the start of the hunt for “GhBB,” “Lucky” and feature more than 2,000 colored eggs. Tom films. Now he sifts the offers, Ottney of the Jaycees directed the COIN TYPE DRY CLEANING HOUSEHOU) FINAN GALLON MILK laavtag time for occasional con- •vent. eerta and for his family, which The annual Easter Egg Hunt Professional Spotting toetaidae twin girls, 10, and a son, was sponsored by the Manchester FREEl 12 Lb. *2.25 MANCHIfTBR BHOPPING PAMCAM Get The Best n . Jaycees, Jaycee Wives, Manches­ ter PTAs, Ladles of St. James’ OUR LOW, LOW PRICES ON PROFESSIONAL 382 Midcile Turnpike West PNPItOTECTED BIRDS and the Holy Name Society of St. CLEANING ARE THE LOWEST IN TOWN! Gef Sealtesf AUltlN, Tex. (AP) — Game James’ Church. AU eggs and prizes 2nd Floor—PHONE: 643-2738 waztIaBs aay that of the many were donated by the organizations. i Mea, Tsk., Hibis. 10 to 6-Wtd., FiL 10 la l-S rt. 9:30 te Rom Unda a t U r ^ to be found within Ilia atate only eight are unpro- toetod. by state or federal lawa Tbs unprotected birds include myyiiiiiHiiiiy n o w , buzzard, sapsucker, gos­ hawk, aharp shin hawk, starling, Englisli sparrow and blua darter PRESSED FOR TIME? SLICED BREAD hawk. 2 iMmttIjly Nnus W E'RE OPEN POPULAR WHITE 1-LB. Person To Person LOAVES W« beard a U N T IL 5 P.M. ENRICHED taOc on the APRIL, 1963 at benefits our society MONDAY . .. TUESDAY . FRID A Y r brought by THURSDAY 9 AJd. to 8 PJML the freedom DONT! RELY ON "EMPTY CALORIES.” a t aad equal WEDNESDAY 9 AJU. UntU Noon r ig h ts for Despite the variety of food available to every­ PINEAPPLE JUICE womsaa, which one, most people have an insufficient diet. They Is Mhs of the CP9tcA.J&d^6B^ -A 'Ct '{k get plenty of calories, but many lack the ele­ aigntfleant ad- ments neMed for vital organs. v ah eas of DOLE >1 I (5IANT ^ 1 . modeni dvili- SAVIMGS Batlcn. There A'VERAOE DIET IS INSUFFICIENT. la a t course, LOAN (Save 32c) ■o gnestion /\ S‘ .s () C I A T I O N' It contains too many “empty calories” and Im­ a b o u t the portant vitamins needed for growth and energy twsnttath een- U jr^ O SA VfMSS______are lost by oIdng and exposure before eating. SAMCSRSTRR’Z •I.StST nWAWeiAL iwstitutios tarjr baing the Current Annual Dividend oaa that brought women (God /OOtaA4iain Mmcmiyftmaie Msm ’am) into their own, on a WHICH VITAMINS DO YOU NEED? WATERMELONS On Insured Savings j^iatsau f t full equality in virtu- BRANCH OFFICE, B^UTE SI. COVENTRY aUy ataey phase of life There are many different formulas available “But,” the speaker told us, *Tt and your Doctor can tell you the one best for Is latarasting to learn from au- , you. Don’t let a door-to-door pedlar, or a mall SWEET, ttoxitattve aources that there were order firm be your physician. parlods even tai ANdEOVT so- detlea, when the ladies hkd prac- RED, RIPE ttoaBy conqilete freedom and DEPEND ON US FOB QUALITY. tights a t their own which were r sm actsd and protected.” The vitamins we supply are made by the firms Fbr ageanqale, in Babylonia, more whose reputations insure dependability. The than '4,000 years ago, a woman Oopyrigdit 1968 (M-1-68) Printed in UBJL At Manchester Popular Mariut Ctoly « Memodd Ihe Midun, add a second hath, Valid thro Sntorday, AprU 20th « i 4 Indam aad wa might coin D E M AlO BROTHERS Since 7920 A s k a t a n y • PutinasuimmijtgpooiLiandsoapeyouryard. a m a t a m own: “Nsrer under- A0UL1S ONLT-ONE TO A PAMILT JLJgJJ T R I 7 8 T,C 0 1 t P A X r r M Jodgniant of a woman!” TEL Ml 3-7691— W * Carry J m i i Im S m Iw H Balat aad Service, Ihc. No Sleaipt wifli CigereHet or leer—State Uw r. Oil OK I Shrd deal*, S19 Main XtmUrrJ)J.O. I 695 .MAIN ST., MANCHESlW 4 - MANCHB8TBB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONNh MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1968 PAGE 8SVBM

^ ■ , p a g e n x MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. OONN„ MONDAY, APRIL 16, IW t W orld Niews sport dadsioli It didn't, want to entirely hannless in itaalf, never­ Woodcock Wings GRAND UNION IS THE PLACE TO BUY JUmd|PBtpr play tha gams a t armammU and theless lets down the bars to some Today in Washington Today £trpttlti9 Ifprald war anyway. mortal enemy who has been camp­ Clue to Biologists The Baby Has JHHap BT mm___ Conceivably, this rivalry over ing on out cell-steps for thousands WASHINGTON (AP) In the^cent to $8,030,000,000, loan# 'to CAIRO (AP)—%ypUan premier 00. Ota the privilege of helping the Congo of years, waiting for our fooliHi news from Washington: members increased 14.1 per cent lAURXL, )id. — W oodootk Aly Babry saya E g ^ , Ii«q oitd V i ______JBt , Syria have agreed on n constitu­ iMtMr Conn. create and train Its own eetab- moment. LATIN AMERICA: A four-man to $3,661,000,000 and dividends paid liui^Ars In tho Uidtad SUtM and house study mission reports the Increttsed 6.1 par eo ntto $106,- Been Named... tion for a new' United Amb Re­ Ushment for war could lead to a With surii reservations and un­ Omada aro holplng rsasavelwra United States enjoys "a more fa­ 1 00 ,00 0. public and will hold pleblseites to likely but also quite possible even­ BINGO war between Itie rival would-be approve the plan wiOiln the next l^uBdef^lSSe? 1. u n vorable position in Latin America study the offoota of postlcldsa, dl- helpers. ^ tualities in mind, wricoms to thi than It has for many years." soasos, and othar oonditlons. EVERY 19ES8AY NNHT, t OHUMK few montha. BvMT araitac lixctpt Sabry said a communique to be Bblwitrs. Entered at the nils to the particular variety of miracle new pesticide. However, the group also says Wlniga from shot ‘woodcocks' aro At Menchester Conn., ae that unless Latin-American gov­ Reds Bombarded Issued Tuesday on the week-long common aenee realism by which, ssnt for study to oontors In Frodo- MAPLE GROVE, ROCKVILLE MooDpudd, David Ctoorge Jr., aoa of David Gootge and Paul­ unity talks wlU outline the political I lUU Hatter. ernments can capture the alle­ ricton. Now Btunstoiok, and Lou- ina Dorighl MtooOpnoM, 6 Omnay Dr., a tom . Ha vyaa born April so far, we run this world of ours. giance of their people by being Leaving Meeting charter of the new federation and SOBSCRIFTION RATEa rol, whore biologists map arsos f r a n k l i n ST^LINTY OF FRKi FARKW 5 at Manchaatar Mamortol HoapRal. Hlii maiamal grandfather to spell out the ptinclplsa of the pro­ Payable In Adranca A Thought for Today responsive to their needs "large, In wtalcli hunting was poor aa a Frank DorigM, MiUburg, Maos. Hla patamal grandimranta txm tea Tear ...... txi.00 masses will remain vulnerable to AUCKLAND, Now Zealand (AP) posed constitution. Kc'Hentha 11.00 Our Frknd, The Winner Sponsored by I to Manchostar stop to toanttaig why. Mr. and Mni. Douglaa MiaoDonahl, Oiwenltiy. Egyptian President 0$uual Ab- Hrae Hontha ...... 5.50 Communist subversion and recep­ —A barrage of apidas, sgga and * • * • • One Heath 1.H Council of Ohnrehea tive to Communist promises.” )1 Naoser, who is expected to be One way to look at the Canadi­ street rubbish met an audienca . OravaUne, Donna Lynn, daughtar of Bdward T. and Marion president of the new U.A.R., has WEDMESDJOr^ The mission, headed by Rep. UEHBBR OF an election is to say that we have Morall Oravalina, BaMtar 8 t, T oH i^ . Sho waa bom Munh 20 at been pressing for a oqe-party sys­ THE ASSOCIATED PRESC Remorse without penitence Armlstead I. Selden Jr., D-Ala., emerging from a Ciommuntot pai^ liQUAUrr'iNBURAWOll 9 U K K 1W8 jllllH iiii Manchaatar Memorial Hoapttal. Her maternal grandmother Is l>e Aaao^ted Frees la ezclualvaly come out at least a partial victor toured five nations in Latin Amer­ ,ty meeting Sunday night. i i i tem. Iraqi and Syrian negotiators drives to suicide. Mrs. Oathleen Morell, Boat Hartford. Her paternal grandpar-. had wanted a role for the Ba’ath iUtM to tha use of rwpubllcaUon o( in an election in which we should Judas did not grasp the spirit ica late last year. About 660 persons attended the SI newa dlapatches credited to it or meeting to hear speeches by Com­ ante are Mr. and Mrs. Thaodore OraveHne, iSaat H a it f^ . She Socialist party which Is a power­ ac< otharwlae credited In tbia paper never have been entered. The best of Christ or he never would have "The attack on communism In h u a brother, Ikniglaa, 3H ; and two dators, DenSe, 6 ^ , and mat also the local newa publUhed oere. the hemisphere must be both im­ munists attending the Now Zea- ful element in both Iraq and Syria. All riahta of republlcatlon of apecial— thing we can do with the result is taken matters into his own hands. Doreen, 4H- Sabry said the negotiatora had With a mind guilty of betrayal he mediate and long-range,” the re­ tand triennial conference. Dele­ P sy your insursncB ppemiuniB hii regulsr * • * * . dlapatcnea herein are also reaerred. to try to get quickly past and be­ gates included those from the So­ agreed to start at once necessary carried out the self-appointed sen­ port says. Parillo, Mary Alice, daughtar of Daniel Ralph and Oaraldine full aarriee client of N. E. A. Serr- yond the factors which first tied us "Clearly, the American repub­ viet Union, China, Italy, Albania, monthly installments, just as you pay rent steps toward establishing a unified ee, Inc. _ tence of death by hanging. Novak PeriUo, Box 82, ConverM Rd„ Bolton. She waa bom April into this Canadian campaign, and lics must take steps to defend Indonesia, Canada and Australia. military command and unifying Fnbllshera Rejveaentatlrea The May we accept the spirit of or mortgage, utilities and other household 4 at Manoheater Memorial Hospital. Her materaal grandparents foreign affairs. Julius Mathews Special Agency—New then get on to reemphasis of the themselves against the immediate Before the meeting a crowd of are MI*, and Mrs. John Nowk, Olaveland, OMo. Her paternal York. Chleaico. Detroit and Boatoe. Christ and permit Him to sit in dangers of Communist subversive students marched up to the haU. UUs. It helps you fit your insurance pay­ PURT SHEPSTONE, South lOiHBER AUDIT BUREAU OF permanent good ties between our judgment concerning our guilt. aggression in order to proiride the grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph PeriUo, Cleveland, Ohio. Africa (AP)—Seven Africans were dRCULATIONE. Lhey found the doors closed, and ments neatly into your budget. . . eUminates m two countries, and development of We may trust His mercy. Alliance for Progress a suitable M I m two brothers, Marie, Q, and Matt, 8; and two ataters, killed and 11 seriously injured In clamored for admission. Police Mlohela, 4, and Melanie, 1 ^ . The Herald Piintms Company Read Matthew 27;3-S. atmosphere in which to function.” guarded the doors. the inconvenience of budget-jug|di*ig to weekend tribal fighting near Port assumes no financial responsibulty m the special good ties which the Rev. Robert J. Shoff • • • • • * typofraphical errors appearlns in ad- NLRB; Stuart Rothman, m e r - After the meeting most of tho i.iepatone, 80 mUes southwest of Canadian victor should be inter­ Church of the Nazarene 'meet an annual or semi-annual premium. Rzawiiskl, lis a Joan, daughter'of Joseph T. and Denise La- Durban. ▼ertlaementa and other reading matter al counsel of the National Labor audleilce walked into a barrage voigne Reewuakl, RFD 1, ToUand. She was bom AjirU 8 at Man-> In The Hanchester Erenlng Herald. ested In creating. If events per­ Relations Board, says about four of fruit and rubbish. Call ns today for further information. An unspecified number of peo­ mit him to return to things he of five unfair labor practice dheetar Memorial Hoapital. Her maternal grandparent# are Mr. ple were arrested. Display adrertislns closing hours i Foreign del^fstes oscaped un­ and Mm. Maurice Lavergne, Sutton, Mas#. Hirr paternal grond- For Monday— 1 p.m. Friday. himself really believes in. charges scheduled for prosecution noticed through a back door. ELISABETHVILLE, Katanga For Tuesday—1 p.m. Monday., Mirenta are Mr. and Mm. Joaeph Rzawiwkl, WlUdnaonvlUe, Maas. The Congo (AP) — U.N. forces For Wednesday—1 p.m. Tuesday. One of die unpleasant things Op en Forum are being settled among the dis­ putants without the need for liti­ PjlHi IpMt Mi If MAT WB BE OF HELP TO YOUl Mm has a brother, Joseph, 8H ; #»d a atoter, Susanna, 1%. here Intervened to try to stop For Thuraday—1 p.m. Wednesday. about this Canadian election was * • • * . For Friday—1 p.m. Thursday. Oratefol FamUy gation. bloodshed In JadotvUle. At For Saturday-ib.m. Friday. that we ourselves were Involved In just settlement of such Provanober, Willard Hearn, aqo of Btava Henry and JucUth persons have been reported Save CASH...Get BLUE STAMPS, TOO! Classified deadUne; 10;S0_a.m. aaeh To the Editor, FOR THE Buck Provanoher, 14 Sprucemice Bt. He w u bom April 8 at Man- day of publtcatloa eaesnt Saturday — it at all, and, especially, involved cluu-ges saves time and unneces­ kUled. • am. My wife and 1 wish to thank all eheeter Memorial HoapHaL Hi# maternal granihrarenta are Mr. Katangan police failed to keep or­ In H over our own impatience to the people who helped us after the sary expens eof litigation, Roth- MATERNITY WOMEN m M ad^. ' aivd Mm. WlUard Buck, Bomefa. His patentol gra»h>arenta are ' der after the clashes broke out be­ Monday, April 18 have Canada become, in a sense, inside of our house at 8 Alpine Sf. Jo h n J f . THE urn IFF^RENCS Mr. and Mm. Henry Provenoher, Hoitrord. tween Baluba $uid Lunda tribes was gutted by fire April 5. CREDIT UNIONS: J. Deane FROM IRAS TO 4. • « • « Stew Beef “ ONEitss fc. # our atomic vassal when Canada in the mining city. 9‘ Arming: The Congro We especially wish to thank Gannon, director of the Bureau sf Vclelne, Bazanne Marie, daughter of WlUard aad Oeoigette Ground Chuck r #. 69 * had seemed slow to becoming our Oedit Unions, announced UNIFORMS. GIRDLES | 9 , p J p 0 U Ineorporafd MOSCOW (AP)—Marshal Niko­ those iAv,the neighborhood who Bce^Uicu Votolne, 96 Onuid Ave., RocjcvUle. She was bora April lai 1. lOrylov has been appointed Mo one knows, of course, atomic partner. took up a collection of money and today that assets of all federally "CABIN BOY" SHORTS 8 at Rockville City Hoi#pMAi. Her nuitamal granarenta are ^u>t unions amoupted to succeed Marshal Sergie S. Blr- whether men and nations will ever It was still more unpleasant to clothing; the Rev. Lawrrence F. A N D SLACKS INSURORS — REALTORS Mr. and, Mm. O e ^ e BaauUeu,' HartatonL Her patenud grand­ yuzov as commander of Soviet Almond of south Methodist to 13,480,000,000 at the end of parents are Mr. and Mm. ftiH Votarine, BV>rit Kent, MaliM. She Rib Roost lb. 6^9‘ manage to ea «^ , before they are have this shape of the controversy Tops for Spring aad SonMMT rocket forces. Porterhouse steak #. 89 ^ 1862. destroyed by It, the game of arma­ between the Diefenbaker govern­ Church, who organized a collection traa two brothers, Daniel, 4, and David, 2; and a slater, CyntUa, 6. Krylov, 60, has been command­ of clothing and money and the This represents an increase of • « • • • ments and the curse of war. But ment and our Washington policy 18.8 per cent during the year. 164 EAST CENTER ST., MANCHESTER—449-6261 er of the Moscow garrison since people of the church who contri­ Poutre, John Francis, aon of Raymond and Mary Bumford 1960 and Is noted primarily as a perhaps, If we ever do manage imx>OBe itself on the political cam­ The number of operating federal Glazier s Poutre, 51 SununW; Bt. He wsm bon) Maroh 36 at Bt. Francis buted; King'a, Marlow's and Bur­ credit unions increased 8.6 per troop commander. Biryuzov, 66, 5‘ Corset and Unifonn SImh^ HoepHtal, Hartford. Hto maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mm. Crus Rib Roast .9 5 ' Sirloin Steak # 8 that escape. It will be not only be­ paign in Canada so that H forced ton's department stores, who gave "BBBY^LbiwMHAI»PBN.IWBURMIwlthlAPPBINr i j i l l i j has been promoted to chief of cent to 10,682—a net gain of 861. d ll Main BE—ManeiwMer Augustine Bianford. 53 Summit Bt. He hoa a brother, Edward cause of the logic and persuasion Lester Pearson, perhaps Canada’s clothing; my co-workers In de­ staff. Members’ shares taicreasod U perl MiOhael, 10; and four statops, EUzabeth Maigarot, 9, Anne Hs m I, of the pious, but because some­ most enlightened and Idealistic partments 7956 and 966 at Pratt OSLO, Norway (AP)—A four- and Whitney, who also donated 8, Susan ESIen, 6, and Nancy Louiac, 4. engine Iceland airliner flying thing has happoied to help con­ post-war statesman, into' taking a money; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert • • * • • Short Ribs #. 45‘ Strathere, Kimberiy Lonlae, daughter o f Bernard and Nancy through low clouds crashed and Chuck Roost »»>•» a.75‘ vince us how Billy and impractical stance as an advocate of the speed­ Keeney, the neighbors who are burned on a wooded hill on Neso- and ridiculous our present formu- ier nuclearization of any part of caring for our oldest son Eklward, Loveland Btruthem, 150 Benedlot I>r., Wapptaig. Bbe waa bom Maroh 30 at Manchester Memorial Hoapital. Her maternal grand­ bya Island west o f, Oslo Sunday of world behavior can be. our world. so that he can continue school killing all 12 .persons aboard. here. parents are Mr. and Mm. Kenneth Loveland, ESBngton. Her pa­ There Is such a mirror being Ihls same Pearson has been a ternal grandparents am Mr, and Mm. Ftilllp Btruthem, Hunting- The turbopreq) Vickers Viscount Rump Roast •onuiss ■ 95 ^ Rib Steak # 7 9 ' There were many people we was on its weekly run from Den­ held up to us all, to all the big man of importance on the world don’t know who gave assistance ton, Maea. She has a brother, PbUip, 8H- mark to Iceland. It waa coming nations who run the world, right scene, a winner of the Nobel Peace after the fire, and these too, we Ooekerham, Brian Miohael, aon of John Alexander and Jeon in for a stopover at Oslo. now, as the new young nation of Prize in the year after the Suez would like to thank very m u^. Godden Oockeiiuun, .16 FemdtJe Dr. He waa bo^n April 4 at GUATEMALA « t y (AP)—A bus The rest of my family will rs- Jammed with Holy Week jiilgrims 9 ' the Congo, finally, everybody Crisis which he did so much to re­ Manoheater Memorial Hoepltal. Hla maternal gmiidparenta are Newport Roast # 99^ London Broil shoulderib. # overturned on a sharp curve hopes, free to become a nation a^d solve, not for his deploymoit of tum home from Harrisburg, Pa., Mr. and Mm. Robert Oodden, Hartford. Hla paternal grandpar­ ■ ■ where they are staying wlta rela­ southwest of Guatemala City Sun chart its own way forward In the nuclear weapons, but for his cour­ enta are Mr. and Mm. Anthony Mauluoci, 74 Branford St. Hto tives, in three or four weeks. maternal great-grandpaionts are Mr. and Mm. William Kelly, day killing 10 and injuring 36. world, finds Itself In something of ageous and adventurous explora­ Sunuel Seaae, Hartford. Hla paternal great-grandparenits are Mr. and Mrs. Police said the veldcle’s brakes Chuck Steak #.59 ' an International snafu over the tion of the resources and poesiblll- 8 Alpine St. apparently failed. Cube Steaks #.99‘ Alexander Tedford, Manchester. He has two brothera, Alan John arrangements it Is about to make ties of peace and reason and nego­ and Donald t^lliam. • * • • « for developing Rs own future mili­ tiation and principle. For him to tary establishment. Lahda, Ohories Sullivan, son of John WUUam and Margaret Train Derailed, come to power In Canada only as O’ReiUy Lahda, 6 Ridgewood St. He waa bom April 3 at Man­ Chuck Fillet #.89 ‘ GOOD, RICH, BLACK Brisket t ». 79 la s t month, with the United Na­ the symbol of the rule of the atom chester Memorial Hoi^tal. Hto maternal gram ^renta are Mr. Injuring Eleven tions mission o f creating a united would be a grotesque perversion of and Mm. Salvatore Lombeu'do, 38 Lanoaster Rd. Hla paternal Congo apparently accomplished, his own natural instincts In the LOAM • grandmother la Mrs. Veronica Lahda, Dadsytown, Pa. He has a brother, John William, 2H- LOMAX, ni. (AP)—The Texas I and with the United Nations it­ history of, his time. We hope the • * • * « Chief, a Santa Fe passenger train Top Sirloin Steak#.99^ Chuck Roost «>Rc<. a. 49 ‘ self necessarily looking toward the United States, for Its part, makes #8.00 MoQulen, Karen Gall, daughter of Ronald Sait and Mary carrying about 266 persons and gn day when It might be able to de­ no effort to hold him to such a Delivered In Manchester Gall Lhtonen McQulen, 162 Smith Dr. She was bom April 4 at bound for Houston, derailed near )Qc part and leave the Congo to its narrow mission, and we hope he Manchester Meonorial Hoapital. Her materaal grandparenta aro this western Illinois town Sunday] night, injuring 11 passengers. own Internal security devices. Pre­ Mr. and Mm. WUUam Lehtonen, South Wlndaor. Her paternal ShouldorSteaklONiiiss lb.# himself strikes boldly for bigger FlU and GRAVEL Nine of the injured were ad-1 Californio Roost #. 65 ‘ mier Adoula notified Secretary grandmother to Mm. Ohartea McQulen OortUn, Ft. Meade, Fla. and more Important things which FOR SALE rae has a brother, Charles WUUam. milled to a hospital in Fort Madi­ General Thant o f the United Na­ might have the ultimate result of AIME LATULIPPE * • * • * son, Iowa, which is about 16 miles | tions that he would like to have contracting the malevolent world Taylor, Susan Elaine, daughter of David H. and VyrUng Gris­ southwest of Lomax. A hospital spokesman said none! Rib Roost 1ST CUT lb. 7 9 ' that official help him obtain the rule of the atom rather than ex­ Phone 643-7172 wold Taylor, Wemer Dr., Vernon. She was bom April 6 at Man­ FlonkenRibs #.59‘ appeared to be seriously injured. assistance of certain nations bi oheater Memorial Hoapital. Her materaal grandmother to Mm. panding it. Llnwood Perkdna, Walnut St. Her paternal grandmother to Mrs. TVo others were treated and re-1 setting up an armed forces sys­ Let Mr. Pearson, in other words, Margaret Taylor, Cross St. ''Ghe has two brothem, David, 6, and leased. tem and organization for the Con­ be the same invaluable kind of Olaj^on, 8. A Santa Fe spokesman said 171 Roast * * • • * of the train’s 20 coaches left the I Bottom Round r»u # 89 ‘ Top Round #.9'5' go. good neighbor he was so often In , • rails, tearing up track and -1 As Premier Adoula specified his DeMarohe, SOohael Oharies, aon of John and Geraldtato RcUian the past when he was foreign min­ We're at ing the railroads main line. The I plan to Secretary General Thant, DaMaiehe, 82 Alexander St. He waa bom April 9 at Manches­ ister, and BO often pressured and near at ter Memorial Hoapital. Hto maternal grandparenta are Mr. and four diesel imlta stayed on the | he wanted to get his military sup­ persuaded us, s<»netlmes against Mm. Chanea Rohan, 88 Cterdner St. Hto paternal grandparenta irack. Round Stook GROUND i b . { 19' The railroad arranged to take I Ground Beef >»«'2a,.89‘ plies and equipment from the Unit­ qur own visible will and instinot, your am Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeMarohe, Wateihury. He has a ed States, and he wanted to have brother, John, 2. passengers by bus ,to Galesburg, back toward the ccmcept of a telephone ni., about 60 miles away, and Instructors from five other na­ world of International law, so that Tour order for drug needs and Keeney, Sandra Jean and David Donald, twin daughter and transferred to another Santa Fe | tions—^from Belgium, erstwhile some of our own firebrands would coemetics will be taken care of son of Alfred and Lorraine Gauthier Keeney, 490 Keeney St. Ttiey train. master of the Congo, for the sometimes assail him for being immediately. were 1»ora April 8 at Manoheater Memorial Hoapital. Their ma­ ICE CREAM RUINED army; from Cainada in the field soft on Communism. Let him, if ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mm. Octave Gauthier, Hartford. Their patemal grandparenta, are Mr. and Mm. WUmer Keeney, BATAVIA, • Ohio (AP)—Thieves | ,lO».OASttDUSSJM ^NW « F L ^ D A VALENCIA JUICE of communications; from Israel, he takes our nuclear warheads, couldn’t crack the safe liT a week­ V^Price Sale for paratroopers; from Norway, 490 Keeney St. Their maternal g;reat-gandfather to JoawphOau- also reeiune his old habit of set­ FREE thler, AldenvlUe, Maaa. They have three atotem, Dtane, 7, There­ end burglary of the United Dairy I for the navy; and from Italy, for ting us, now and then, some policy Farmers store at Amelia, but it « H A P K f B U 1 1 sa, 6, and Joan, 4. was a big loss to the operator any-1 the air force. example. DELIVERY VlTi OKANCBS Lewla, Lynne Tvosme, daughter of Paid O. and Anne^ way. In Premier Adoula’s scheme, Sheriff Clyde Dericks said the | these nations would provide these sons Lewis. ^ Liberty St. She Was bom April 8 at M aiK h^er Welcome, Probably MemorieU H o ^ ta l. Her maternal grandparenta aro and Mm. store lost all its ice cream pro­ Multiple Vitamins sT*!’ 2 .f'loo U” services for no Post to his Congo­ Dudley Pamona, Now York, N.Y. Her paternal grandparents are ducts because the burglars left the I lese government—an y th t^ that Scientists report that they have Mr. and Mm. Ralph LoWIb, Chappaqua, N.Y. She has a brother, refrif'erator doors open when they] Multiple Vitamins witiMiHrus s m # 2 . moo ^2^* departed. pertains to the business of war on' the way a new and safe bio­ Neal Alan, 2. ^ logical insecticide which “kills mMotaPRESCRIPTION PHARMACY ____ t__ :______Chewable Vitamins wiuMiMni$ s7*4v2 tnw^2^* being the one kind of activity in such pests as gypsy moths, forest Fish, Bussell Soott, aon 'of WUUam E. and Lknuthy Turidng- which everybody apparently con­ •01 MAIN ST.— MI S-5S21 Ftah, Cider MUl Rd.. Bolton. He waa bom A-P«« « M Man- tent caterpillars and inch worms.' ton HiEh Potency Vitamins rirMuit5,',**4,2 ‘”im'*2” 4 - * ^ 4 9 ' siders it a privilege to help every­ ^^r Memorial Hospital. ^ body else. It is the current practice of dust­ bert, 18, Donald WIMlam, 16, Gordon AHen, 14, Dougtoa Edwin, 6, CASH SAVINGS In fact, that to the key to the ing large sections of woodland anij Randall KoWh, , , , , , trouble F*remier Adoula and Sec­ with DDT tai battle against the Packer, Albert Jamea HI, son of A ^ r t J. and Mositra M u^ retary General Thant have foimd gypsy moth which is responsible WHEE! WATER’S phy Packer Jr., London Rd., Hebron. He waa born April 8 at REACHES AS H VYASHES themselves in. Adoula's list did not for much of the current alarmism S w e a t e r Memorial Hospital. OXYDOL FOR DESSERT GENTLE TO HANDS begin to include all the nations over the effects of pesticides on HOT-HOT... ASD Mr. and Mm. Thomas Murphy Jr., 276 Blroh ^ CLOSE UP CLEAN the world of the birds and the fish, nal grandmother to Mrs. Marie Packer, 111 HoM Bt. He has a pt 6-01. willing and eager to help the Con­ PREMIUM DUZ (ont. I go set up its military establish­ so the announcement of the new THERE’S A L o f I slater, Monjea Mary, 214- , , RICH'S ECLAIRS Si 49' POR AUTOAAATICS IVORY LIQUID CASCADE DEAL PKG. ment. discovery is being welcomed en­ * PoreSL Thonaaa Edward, aon of Richai'd and BMaatoeth Heery 3 LOTION SHAMPOO ' ‘ .^ r3 3 ' GREASE CUniNG ACTION 1AMIC SOFHNB1 One big nation that has dis­ thusiastically by conservationists Nowl For only FhreU, 177 Bonodkt Dr„ Wapplng. He waa bon^prll 9 at k to- 7-oz.$100 DOWNY 22-ez. creetly made known its willing­ and bird watchers. eherter Memorial Hoapttal. 1 ^ »*teroia LUSTRE CREME btl. I JOY LIQUID «ont. and Mm. Walter Heery, New Haven. Hto paternal grairi^rwite SIOUFKK— f«OHM ness to help share the burden of And, beyimd that special con­ day fw fuel...hot water ■TO Mr. and Mrs. Douglaa PoreU, AnsonlA Ha has four brothem, BABIES LOVE—BEECHNUT STRAINED MACARONI & CHEESE 39' THE WASHDAY MIRACLE setting the Congo up for military cern, there to little doubt that the tor all—all the time I Jamea, 5, Robert, 4, Ronald, 8, 2. K H Y CDOCKEII greatness is Soviet Russia. availability of such a new insecti­ BABY FOOD LAYER CAKE MIXES “ J r 39' TIDE CLEANEST CLEAN POSSIBLE 33* TTie United Arab Republic, no­ cide, proclaimed to be harmless to HeniOng, Gary Todd, son o f Cajl O. and Doito B uA H e«a i^ , COOPERATIVE (ONNIE TUN* I f you Uve m a typical house, 922 0ak St„ Wapplng. He waa bbm Aiwll 8 St Manchester Me- C A T LITTER CAT FOOD 6< i . ^ Q c BLUE M AGIC WHITENER ticing that Israel has been invited birds, fish, animals, and man, you could easily run' out of ho# OI'. (O.Ml'ANV 2 . U^oi ^Oc ji:. UKOAii '^1 i.’i-i r TIDY CAT K 6 9 ‘ KITTY KRUMPETS pkfl. CHEER DETERGENT sin O a Insista Uiat it be allowed to train shaded only by the limitation that Now you can haoe all the hot tlUE lONNEI ■omebody too. this new product, which to called uater you nmed at one time for WdSner, Kurt Theodore, aon of Theiodam ta d JaoqttoUne II I Ml :m ' HEINZ MARGARINE PRE-MEASURED Oaroenter Wagner, 22 Strant St. He was. bom April 9 at J.. Other Arab and African coun­ Bacillus Thuringiensis, or BT for tuiy a day. Think of it— •OMAN— E«OZEN pl<9- 0 9 * •nly a day! T2oi. eCc of 24 0 0 tries, although not able to provide short, to effective only against Charlotte. N.C. Hto matemst graiidnwtber to Mrs. SWEET GHERKINS LASAGNA pW9. SALVO TABLETS testructors themselves, are out­ pests that chew leaves. 'y«B, thanks to Mobilheat— •OMAN— FEOZEN and an oil-fired hot wate^ beater Carrie Green, Stafford Springs. He has tiwo ristem, Robin Lee, 6, HEINZ PIZZA PIE 15^1 LQc LOW SUDSING raged over the idea that Belgium, It works by pandyzing thalr and Tracy Lo^ 2%. , , , * , F*B o f correct capacity—jtonr family HORN 4 HAROART DASH FOR AUTOMATICS the erstwhile colonial power often stomach muscle'- so they eventual­ can take care of all their washing BABY CEREAL S l O ' INSTANT COFFEE 10-ez. iK* oonsidered responsible for the at­ ly become unable to eat. Hnltoo. Whnda Lynn, daughter of Charles and Loulae Brook- v V " " / / needs at one time. me Hdton, 17 TdUand Ave., Rockville. She waa bora ^ LA R G E SIZE DOIE ONCE OVER CLEANER tempted secession of Katanga So comes the news of a new sci­ Mom can do the fhni3y wai^ S>cltri^aty Ho«»ltal. Her matonvsl giandpar^ are PINEAPPLE TIDBITS 2 35' Province from the Congo, should entific discovery. So far, this to & can do tbs diA to at Ms sosM Mm, Ambrose Brookcr, limestone, MAR. Her paternal grand­ IVORY SOAP DOLE SPIC&SPAN now come back auid be' given the also the way we would have pre­ tim e Junior takes his bath, and father to Chartes Holton, H i^ ord .^ ^ SLICED PINEAPPLE 39' K29' privilege of trsdnlng the new Con­ sented and welcomed a similar you enjoy a shower. /MEDIUM SIZE DOLE GETS OUT STAINS Ballsay, Donna Jayne, daurfiitor o f Norman ^ CRUSHED PINEAPPLE '"4r 31‘ golese army. item of news a few ymmra ago. Don’t delay—phone na todsy. Reason No. 1040 why you need a Checking Account «<9M wkterW lsay. kOddle Rd.. EBtagiton. She ^ nUMURY ,3^„ GEANSER As a result of all this volunteer Today, however, will all be Find out how eaqy it to to switch SrXScviato Otty HoopItalL Her mataroal g ra i^ ^ a r to kta. IVORY SOAP COMET to a Mobilheat-fired water heat V PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES Pk, 45' Interest in the merry task of wise if we give ourselves certain Schneider, RockvlHe. Her PERSONAL SIZE niLSRURV DELUXE ALL PURPOSE CLEANER creating a military establishment cautionary reminders, even while Bmest Ballasy Br„ Rockvlle. Sha hie two hrothom, Kevtoi, 8, COCOANUT COOKIES X and KeiiOi, 4; and a atoter, D#wn, 1%^ ^ for the Congo, a volunteer inter- we dwell on the good potentialities You have until midnight tonight... to add up aU those deductible expenses, taxes, IVORY SOAP fUlSEUIV MR. CLEAN Wt which comes near bitter jeal- of the new discovery. tfmmMytffmm, SUGAR COOKIES 45' najm Tirrjiiiit f fin daunliter of MSucweB and Diana Dubek LEAVES BABY THINGS SOlT FOR DISHES eiiay tat aoma Instances, Premier This new discovery which, as of medical expenses, contributions, business expenses. How much easier it would be Partridge Lane, Tolland, She wpa bom April 1 at R e n ­ nilSRURT Adoula has now Informed Secre­ now, paralyzes the stomachs of ville catylfcS ^ tal' Her materaal gran<^>arenta y e kto. and kftra. CHOC. CHIP COOKIES 45' THRILL GENTLE TO HANDS if you paid your bills by mailing a check. Whether you use a low-cost Cheddlaster IVORY SNOW RIUS4URV COOKIES 37' tary General ITiant that his list of caterpillars may, a^ter a few gen­ R a ^ S d SS i, RockviUe. Her patera^ pyadpyenta are^ Mj-. and Mm. Hertiert Heim, RookviUe. Bbe haa three brothem, Ken- OATMEAL RAISIN “Jr 4S‘ warini"* he would like to receive as- erations of caterpillars have been diecking acemmt or a regular checking account you win have a documented rectud Both, 8, Mark. 6. and R andy.n , , , atotaneo from la not, after all, pom- assauKad by it, turn out to be aq W E GIVE j^ete, and will ba revtoed. agency which develops east iron GREEN STAMPS in one piaee. Next year do it differently. Start tomorrow;. . and open a iiiBddng rtitnraim Knrtls Blarli. son of Mark A. and Nancy Travla gSvsrybody wanta to help. stomachs with which oatarpiUars Colfax Manor. RoaeUe Park, N J., formerty o f He- aeeouBtat April 8 at Rahy (N J ,) HoRdtal. Hto ma. SAVE CASH and TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS Bvacytwdy want# to help be- ton digest not merely leavsa, but grandparenta are Mr. and kCm. Norman V. Travia, » MORIARTY aauaa everybody la afraid some­ branches. )juH R ( f * S a p « t « « J gxsndparsBta am Iftr^and kCrs. kla^k Petar- Meee eBedlve AAendoy, Aai815lh Am Tuesder, Aprl 16th. We reienia the right to Bm* quonllltoi. body elae might establish some This nerw discovery which, we MORIARTY ■on,S T 62 HortonHortSl Rd. Ba haa a Rrtar. Laurie Aim, 2. mllltarjr ^ e r a of influence la the ars assured today, seenu to be CONNECTICUT BANK BROTHERS Congo. completely harmless to binl, beast, BROTHERS Wiubuns, 'Hiomaa ho™ a, But avcB more than that, per- or man, may, after we have been AND TRUST COMPANY 301 CENTR ST. GRAND-WAY 410 MIDDLE TURNPIKE. WEST, MANCHESTER hapa, eivarybody wants, to help for In contact with it fbr a dozen years Ml 3-5135 firlp It-S R td tm p H o ii 18 0 MtariiMf ScuKMWi N tw fc ig lo * laar the Congo might, through or so, have worked some unnoticed M l 3-5135 301.31$ Cntar $». CoSer, Tad, 4; and a atotor, Ool#«n, B. jhalp, aoma- ta tli» apoU> abaags fc# sur physiology which. 16 Ni Main Street 898 Main Street T Manches^r Parkade iiiki'iilji'WUllifclSiiTr- , 1il_ 'l|i| ' "-'■y I"’' .■^T

ILAKOBBSTBR EVBmNO pBRALD, MANCHESTER, OONNe MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1968 MANCHSSTB2R fiVENINQ HERALD, MANCHERTER, OONN„ MONDAY, APRIL IB. 1968 ^ 1 I i JWiii^t.^ai '' —A ' » ' ...... » . » i — ~ I .. I , . — immvlTilzatlon and .proof of polio­ Klnnlnt League sf Women Vetera with from 5:80 to 7 p^m. Saturday at mantle baa been elSoted president, Bait HariJord. replacing Eolton’ Feaerman, re- Registration Set myelitis Inoculation. 4 Cities Found, read tha cm— ' (ge n tr y Mrs. Michael artgoric^ of Mana- t i i u i^ o n home on W all’Bt. by Kindergarten Handbooks and BROKEN WIHDOWS ■ n . Bearers were A d^h Vl«^ «ar field as firat %lce'president. the American Legion Auxiliary. I «... registration sheets have been sent 1 Atop Another Obituary Other officers are: Mrs. Donald _iymond,E. Lewis Jr„ aon of The Playera will present Wil­ For Kindergarten ill 8 and 4 at thS Wind­ Reg^tratlon of next yaar’a kin­ Tel-Kalzam, near Suez, have re­ and Robert Sartorl. ham Regional Technloal School in not receive such information may George O. Ckirdon M n. Robert Simmons, treasurer going nine weeks of basla recruit dergarten classes will os held at call their school or get the forms vealed four ancient cltlea, Immediate oenriM, lowest ast Garbled Voice TOLLAND — George Cornelius Visit Gotham and Mrs. Richard (Jougblin, Mrs. traming at the Naval Training WUUmantlc. Mra. O. RlobardMes- all elementary schools In Man­ at the Urns of registration. atop smother. ' Gordon, 68, of Hartford Tpbs-i (Oolittnntfl Iron Png* One Stephen Jopous, Mtk. Charles Tay­ Center, Great Lakes, 111. The in atar, pubUolty chairman, Ueta chil­ chester on Wednesday and Thurs­ The 'first level dates from the cost anywhere. Lowest (CMltaMd fron fiMP> One) diad laat tvenlng kt Manchester Grass Fires, lor jr„ Mfs. Holman Femald, Mrs. dootrlnation t<* fVhvy life began dren jpartlolpaung—Cheryl Knapp day, ttom 3:16 to 4:16. era Of I^mses III, one ot the prices oii mirrors, table Memorial Hospital. Ha waa takan Adamantly arid At>ril Weather Here than 86 members of the Jay Gordon and Mrs. ■ Dohald C. on March 37. as Maiuha: Pamela K ^p , Bea­ Any child who wUl be five years Seismographs Given great 20th Dynasty kings; tha was to blame as Connecticut’s and desk tops. CaU—> iMitcb ha dabcrilMHl aa fairly About Town 111 yoaterday at home. Index StiU High l«ilor Pilgrim FaUowshlp of the Smith, dlreotora. Playera Meet trice: SSkfina oglelHr, Sarah; Su­ old on or before Jan. 1, 1964 is second, from the Ptolemnic era; Mr, Gordon waa bom March 81, skies continued bright and sunny san Bums, Alice; M6U4m Wil­ CAPE TOWN — The United k tif Uma.” Ifcond Congregational Church and The LWV wlU take as its local Coventry Playere wlU meet at 8 eligible to be enrolled. the third, from the Byzantine pe- YOUR OLASSMAN ' Manchester Civic Orcliestra will 1900 In Auburn, Mass., a son Of Town and Eighth District fire­ and the retatlvh humidity plunged aganda Itsm, a "Know Your p.m, today at the home of Mr. and liams, Laura and John Bpalla ot Parents are asked to register States has given South Africa two rlod; the fourth, fwim th« Coptic Hcckar teatlfiM hia ahip rahdaa- rehearse tonight at 7:30 at Man­ to ArlBonwtow lewels. idvUora will laave at 3 a.m. to- very sensitive seismographs for George and Sarah Proffitt Gordon. men during the weekend hours Town” project which It le to have Mre. Douglas WaMwiiU In Mans­ MancheaUr, Farcy. their children In the school that and Arab eras. vouaid with Thraahari April • for chester High School. He had Uved In ToUand for 34 Tlnder-diy brush offorei) UtUs giorrow for a three-day trip to published in booklet form. field. Waifiwell and Mrs. Peter normally serves their area, and use in a worldwide earthquake- A large fort found on the first 289-2019 shallow tatt dlvaa. yeara, and had been employed at were called to extinguish six realsunoe to sparks or ashes. Tork Olty, returning Thurs­ Sapper Ounce Manehcatev Evening HeraM Oov- bring with them the child’s birth recording system. Data gathered layer Is believed to have been St. Bridget's Rosary Society will — ff* Cive"try win present the Ha aald during that day he noted Royallyal Typewriter Co. for the paat South End grass fires and a Tha BltuaUan grew eo bad in Dancing will follow the public ■unrlse scene from "The Ohoets.” entry oorrespondMi, F. Pauline certificate, proof of small pox Is expected to help predict dan­ used to defend the eastern boun-^ meet tonight at 7:30 at the church, 86 years. Meriden that fife Chief Leonard day night vaccination, proof of diphtheria gerous earth shocks. a discolored area In the sea near North End grass and car fire. They wlU stay at a hotel In spaghetti supper to be served ..^s. Burlon B. Moore of WUll* Uttte, felepho»e 748-8881. dEtries of Egypt. Rf^ad Hf’irald 4dvs. the stem of Thresher and noti­ He was a mem)>er of United PetrucolU Issued orderly that abao- The Home League of the Salva­ Congregational Chufirii. Yesterday mor"'*** ® o’clock, lutely no brush wae to be burned B^ld Square and take alghtaee- fied her commanding officer o f'it extensive damage was reported to in, toure to all major points ot in- At the latter’s request he investi­ tion Army will meet tomorrow at Mr. Gordon la survived by his on i^ v ate property untU further gated the area and reported to 3 p.m. at the Tfouth Center. There wife, Slgrid Runvlc Gordon; a son, the front seat of a 1963 CSievrolot notice. uraat. Including the United Na­ Thresher that he had concluded it >Wil be a reception for Brig, and George C. Gordon Jr.; a daughter, Ciorvi^r St 156 Union St. An Meriden firemen fought 11 dif­ tion*, Statue of Liberty and a boat was duo to a muddy bottom dis Mrs. John Pickup, former com­ Mrs. George Landry; a brother, Baghth District fire spokesman ferent brush fires Saturday and cruise around Manhattan. They manding officers of Manchester. Alfred Gordon; all of Tolland; rsMrted that the fire was confin- odll make a atudy of ^ a churtm tiurbance. Members may bring guests. Sunday. dOring their stay, visiting well- He said Thresher and Skylark three alsters, Mrs. Carl Perry of ed to the seat, and there was con­ The Bridgeport area counted 134. arrived at the deep diving area, West Hartford, Mrs. William Kin­ siderable damage. known churohee and in contrast, Reservations for the annual din­ There were more than 80 fires alao Vlait the “itore-front” some sao miles east of Cape Cod- ney of ToUand, and Mrs. Bertram Town firemen quelled minor reported in the New Haven area. ^11 where the continental ahelf slopes ner meeting of the Manchester Banka cf East Hartford; and five weekend grass fires Spring churchea on the weit aide of the Unit of the YWCA, Thursday at and Glenwood Sts.; W. Middle Waterbury had 88 alarms. oft suddenly to great depths. grandchUdren. Most of the Area were minor, elty. Then he testified to this time­ 6:80 p.m. at Center Congregational The funeral will bo held Wednes­ ■Wke., Proctor Rd., Ash St., and The group alao plans to visit Church, will close tomorrow. They day at 1:30 p.m. at the Ladd Fu­ but soma proved dangerous. table: i f ; ' i | McCann Dr. In Norwalk a grass fire spread Union Theological Seminary, BREAK may be made by calling the 6.28 a.m.—Thresher at peri­ I'.s/* ■ . neral Home, 19 Ellington Ave., The fire index continues to give The trip is being financed by the scope depth, Id miles from Sky­ YWCA office, 79 N. Main St. Rockville. an extreme reading of 95. A. ban to two houses and a storage bam. individuale and from prooesda The Rev, Frank Van Cleef, pas­ Firemen, handicapped by the lack lark. A special demonstration of re- ' • ‘ on outside burning continues here from work projacts, aohblarahlp 6.35 a.m.—7 miles apart. tor of United Congregational and around the state, it was re­ of water At the scene, were unable iiMisUnoa by the Fragment Socle- 7.01 to 7.45 a.m.—8,400 yards cusitaUon and artificial respira­ Church, will officiate. to save any of the buildings. tion will be given tonight at 7:30 ported. ‘ ty and tjie Gleaneri CiPole ot the ^>art. l ' ' ' Friends may call at the funeral church. 7.47 a.m.. Thresher to Skylark at a first aid class sponsored by boma tomorrow from 3 to 4 and 7 —"Bhcperlencing minor problem” the VFW at the VFW Home. The • f- ■' to 9 p.m. In the fallawlnt Chaperonee will'be Mr. and Mra. —a pause—"have positive angle” demonstration will be gdven by the f ' , _ - V AtP Supar Msrketi William Belekewioi, Mr. and Ui$. >-a pause—“attempting to blow.” Hartford Baectrlc Light Co., with Henry J. Rady Lucius A. PettlnglU Jr. and the K was only moments after that their dummy. "Resus-Ann.” The • I ” ' ' RCKJKVILLE—Henry J. Rady. HARTFORD, Rev. Jamea H. Ameling. All have THIS class is open to the public. worked with the yoqtha during the when Skylark heard the sound of 87, of 61 Elm Bt., died at Rockville WIST A lAIT ^r, and a garbled message, and C«ty Hospital this morning. HARTFORD, year. then the final words heard from The American Legion Auxil­ The third and fourth degrees iary will sponsor a rummage sale Mrs. Robert W. Russell, secretary of Manchester Memorial Hospital Board of Trustses, holds a Mr. Rady waa bom in East RRISTOL file lost crew, a partly garbled check from the Women’s Au.xiliary of the hospital, presented by Mrs. John Mrosek, center, outgoing Windsor on July 12, 1876, son of will be conferred on loCAl candi­ message which said “test depth.” Friday at 9 a.m. at the Legion THOMFiONViUI, dates bt Coventry Orange after a The submarine went down In 8,- Home. Mrs. Clifford Walker and president, and Mrs. John Malone, newly sleeted president. (Herald lAoto by Pinto.) Maurice and Mary Jane Buckley Rady. MANCHISTIR, potluck,at 6:80 p.m. Thursday at 400 feet of water—beyond any Mrs. Theodore Fairbanks are co- ^ NIWMUTAIN, the HaU on Rt, 44A. hope of rescue or salvage. chairmen. Members may make He was a retired accountant. The third degree will be con­ donations at the hall Thursday at Survivors include three neph­ ROCKVIUI, The Navy plans a brief pause 12th Circuit Mrs, Malone President ews, Probate Judge Thomae F. ferred by the ladles’ degree team In Its search for the cause of the 7:30 p.m., or call Mrs. Walker, 76 WINDSOR AND and the fourth, by the officers. Phelps Rd., for pickup service. Rady of Grove St.; F. H. Dllen- GENERAL ELECTRIC disaster to place a black and white Court Cases. schneider of Philadelphia, Pa., and WINDSOIl LOCKI Reginald James of Thompson- floral wreath on the approximate S. J. Dllenachneider of Columbus, WITHIRSFIIID, vlUe, East Central Pomona deputy spot below which the vessel UeS. TTie Connecticut Tufts Club will have its annual banquet, Thurs­ Hospital Gets $10,000 Ohio; and a niece, Mrs. Muriel SOUTHINOTON, will make his annual Inspection The only sign of the Thresher MANCHESTER SESSION Dlrnam of 60 Elm St. during the aesalon. sfaiCe her last communicatKm with day, April 16. at the Wethersfield HAZARDVHII, The home eoonoinios committee ^ ^ M O B I L E Country Club. A social time will Harold R. Lisk, 28, of Sloats- Tire funeral will be held Wednes- an escort vessel Wednesday morn­ burg, N. Y., and formerly of Man­ dayat 9»16 a.m. at the Burke FORISTVIUI, will serve a public ham and bMn ing has been bits of debris found begin at 6:30 p.m. Dinner will be and RIRUN ,wc. from 6 to 7 p.m. Saturday served at 7:15. Reservations mhy chester, today was sentenced to From Women’s Unit Funeral Home, 76 Prospect St., supper II ” ‘ floating In the area. serve 15 days at the State Jail at with a solemn Maas of requiem at at the fl hall. Mrs. Merrill Going Is It Is from the debris, the mes­ be made by calling Carl Llnd- general chairman. Mrs, Walter 8. strom, 605'Forest St., East Hart­ Hartford after he pleaded guilty A check for $10,000 wag today presented to Manchester Bt. Bernard’s Church at 10. Burial sages and the knowledge and ex­ to fraudulent issue of a check. will be in St, Bernard’s Cemetery. Haven Is In charge of the dining DISHWASHER ford. MAID” perience of veteran submarine Lisk was arrested on Saturday Memorial Hospital by its Women’s Auxiliary. The presenta* Friends may call at the funeral room. builders and sailors that the five- afternoon while he was visiting tion was made at the Auxiliary’s annual meeting and elec* home tomorrow from 2 to 4 and The home economics committee man. board is trying to form a 2400 EXTRA FOR MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 12th here from New York. On July 26 tion of officers at Concordia Lutheran Church. '7 to 9 p.m. la also having a rummage sale at picture of what caused the Thresh­ Trieste Starts of last year, he cashed a bad check Mrs. John Mrosek, retiring pres ♦ 9:30 a.m. April 23 at the hall. Any­ er to vanish suddenly—probably of |25 at the Wyman Oil Co. Po­ ident, presented the check to Mrs Mrs. Oeorga A. Behroll one having articles to be picked forever. lice have been looking for him Robert W. Russell, who rSprftSenl- Mrs. Anna M&rie Schroll, 73, of up may contact Mrs. Going. WASHES 3 WAYS CLEAN Haunting the inquhy at Ports­ 10-Day Trip to since that time. He was held in ed the hospital’s board of trutees. 60 Deerfield Dr., died this morn­ STAMPS TO GO! Sorvioe unit Aid mouth Naval Shipyard where the lieu of bond at the State Jail at Mrs. John Malone, newly elected ing at Mkhchester Mi(toorial Hos­ With Coupons Seminars sponsored by me B«- Thresher was built is the fact that Hartford since his arrest Satur­ president of the Auxiliary, partici­ pital. She was the wife of George vatlon Army will be field April WITHOUT HAND RINSING the cause of the tragedy may nev­ New London day. pated in the ceremony. A. Schroll. fro m y o u r 28 and 37 at the Mancheeter er be known. It may lie buried Richard R. Abair, 23, of 23 Deer­ The contribution represents Mrs, Schroll was t)om F4b. 9, Plaid Stimp citadel. These will be scheduled with the submarine at ocean funds raised by the auxiliary dur­ 1890, in Middletown, and lived in (Continued from Page One) field Dr., today was given a three- for 2:18 to 8:16 p.m.; 3:46 to 6:10 GENERAL ELECTRIC depths from which. Navy offici­ month’s suspended jail sentence on ing the past year. More than $8,- Manchester 21 years. She waa a •ookloH p.m. and 6:16 to 6:18 p.m. OR SCRAPING.... als say, salvage is impossible. 300 was raised by the production member of Concordia Lutheran The bathyscaphe's exporatory condition that he post a 8500 bond Anyone Interested may have SPRING Lt. (]g) James D. Watson, navi­ on a charge of non-support. of "Hi-Fever Follies.” Mrs. Thom- Church. Join the thouienOi of further detalle by calling Alvin gator on the USS Skvlark, surface dive is expected in about two a.s F. Fergfufion was chairman of Survivors, besides her husband PRICE TAG Exclusiva 3-way action saturatM your dish­ weeks. The case stemmed from earlier thrifty cusfonieri who R. Goodwin, local eqfVlce unit SPECIAL escort vessel of. the Thresher, Superior Court action at Hartford the ways and means committee. include a son, Raymond Schroll of era radaoming their chairman; Mrs. A. Harry W. es with Hie finest, most thorough washing told the court Saturday of the The bathyscaphe carries a two- Other gifts to the hospital from West Hartford; a daughter, Mrs. BOOK-SHELF man crew suid can remain sub­ in which that court ordered- Abair Plaid Booklet coupons. Olsen, welfare secretary; Henry ocHon modem science eon engineer. You final exchange of messages and to provide $12 a week support for the auxiUary last year were a Joseph ^n n elly of Vineland, N. J., Agnew, treasurer, Mrs. Bernard then “the sound of a ship break­ merged from 6 to 12 hours. Keach, professional s o u n a-c o 1 o r film five grandohlldren and a great­ Featured this week . . . who described his mission as pri­ each of his two children. He be­ Rheaume, secretary, or Mrs. got spoHess, sparkling dishes and glass- ing up—like a compartment col­ about Manchester Memorial Hos­ grandchild. Henry Sherman, Mrs. Thomaa marily photog^raphic, said the Tri­ came in a rears in payments pital, a final payment on Carlson Funeral aerviees will be held Extra Sllrtipi M/ilh Millor iMtro Sumpt with MilUr war* . . thoroughly cleaned and scrub­ lapsing/’ este probably will have to make which totaled $168. The family re­ oowpon li 1^1 lb eatti A&P O’Brien, Nelion J. Bearce or Mre, Watson said the sounds came Hn L. Von Deck, second influence and contribution to the'" FOR ONkY Race Troubles the ocean floor. But Keach said toxication. They will serve their vice president; Mrs. William Wag­ Hoepital after a long UtotM. She Extra Stamp* with M%ilar snack-bar table. terms at the State Jail at Hart­ ner, secretary, and Mrs. Ronald hospital through the years. wa* the wife of Clifford A. Scorso, coupon & 22 lb* Marvtl The PHNA directors are plan­ these won’t be available for the ford. FAMOUS FLUSHAWAY (Oontlnned from Page One) Thresher mission. Vernier, treasurer. Bom in Windsor, Aug. 17, 1023, town Builder ning the annual auction June 8 He added, however, that it's Judge Borislaus J. Monkiewicz New members of an executive she was a daughtef of Michael (rain date; June 16,)) on the proj^ 480 Lb. Capacity # See The Difference and the nine councllmen elected possible metal pieces may be tak­ this morning also ordered a $670 board are Mrs. Jolui Mattern, gift Coventry and TeoflUa Petronls Busky. erty of Mr. and Mre. Richard DRAIN bond forfeiture in the case of Al­ Mrs. Scorso was a graduiUe of Extra Slampi with Millir Nicola on Dapot Rd. Anyone hav with him had no assurance they en from the wreckage through the shop; Mrs. John Mrosek, Penny coupon a Iw* 24 01 boti use of a grappling hook or ton Rlnard, 32, of Oxford, Pa., for Saver advisory board and msm- St, Francis Hospital School of Ing Items to be picked No filters or screen to clean. Liquifies soft food would be able to step immediately failure to appear to answer to the Auto FMls Pole, Nursing In Hartford and had ANN PACE a magnet. .ber-at-large; Mrs. Irving Bayer, PANCAKE aynip may contact Mrs. Richard Cough­ particles and pumps them away. into the duties of office. charge of operating an overweight publicity; Mrs. Fred Geyer and Driver Charged served as a lieutenant m the U.S lin or Trask. Donald Magee Will They were chosen to replace a motor vehicle. The case stemmed Mrs. Howard Lockward, lobby Navy Nuriee Corp* In World War be In charge of publlcltj^ Mrs three-man city commiasion, but from a March 19 State Police ar­ II. She had been on the staff at Sherman, posters; Mrs. Robert I* rest when the accused was stopped receptionists; Mrs. Arthut the commissioners — including Laotian Doubts Shorts, self-service hostesses; Mrs. Jose M. Rodrigues, 52, of^ 63 Manchester Memorial Hospital for Helms, novelty Ublee and Mre. 3-CYCLE WASHING arch segregationist Eugene C!on- while driving a tractor-trailer Meadow St., Willlmaritic, was ar­ 15 years Thomaa O’Brien, refreehmente. true’ , owned by Milford S. Masty, Allen Behnke, snoppers wagon; She was a member of the Ladies nor—contend their terms have not Mrs. Alfred Kargl, telephone; and rested and charged with operat­ Tour Retimt House expired and say they won't sur­ Blverton, Pa., which was 11,500 of Aesumption Church. ABILITY Fight Will Stop pounds overweight of its load ca­ Mrs. Walter Carter Jr., ways and ing while his license is under sus­ Survivors besides her husband Membere of St. Mary’s St. Gerr render office without a court means. pension and failure to drive in an Special! malne Guild will visit and tour the fight pacity. Include a son, Clifford A. Scorso You can do “mixed” daily loads, dirty, burnt-in (Coatlnned from Page One) Bond ’forfeitures against 10 Continuing on the executive established lane after an accident Jr.; three daughters, Miss Ann Immaculate Retreat House In Police set up a roadblock as board are Mrs. Raymond Hage- on Rt. 44A at 1:30 a.m. yesterday. Willimantic Thursday at 730 p.m. pots and pans... even fine china and glassware. Simday’s demonstration began at other out-of-state drivers, \^ith Mary Scorso, Miss Claire June plete by eliminating the neutralist bonds ranging from $36 to $50, dorn, baby photos; Mrs. Robert Resident State Trooper Levi Scorro and Mies Claudette Angela A short business meeting will be a Negro church on the edge of forces. Breer, membership; Mrs. Robert Cornell said Rodriques was driv­ Monday, Tuaidny, Wadnatday held and refreshments served after the business district. The Negroes were also called when the motor­ Scorso, all at home; two brothers, Prince Souvanna Phodma talked ists failed to appear In court to Murdock, program; Mrs. Norman ing east on Rt. 44A when he Joseph Bueky of 464 Woodland the progfi'am. A slate of officers turned Into an alley, but police­ with Kong Le, Sinkapo and with Larson, courtesy; Mrs. Edward drove off the right side of the SUPER-RIGHT, HEAVY, CORN-FED STEER BEEF will be submitted the meeting men stopped them in a field. answer to charges of speeding or St. and Charlea F. Bueky of to Col. Deuane, leader of a dissident driving with defective equipment. Glenney, finance; Mrs. David War­ road, struck and knocked down a Shrewsbury, Mass.; and several for election In May. Police wagons and patrol cars ultra-leftist group of neutralists. , ______were packed! with demonstrators. Daniel L. Henry, 30, of Olaston- ren, public relations; Mrs. Rich­ utility pole and continued on to nephews and nieces. The group WlU leave at 7 p.m. Tlie premier was accompanied i bury, arrested Saturday night on a ard Carpenter, junior auxiliary; strike a tree. The car was de­ The funeral will be held tomor Patrolmen brandished billy clubs on from the rectory'on School St. to Spring and the surging crowd fell back. his peace-Meking trip by his | charge of delivery of liquor to mi­ Mrs. Maurice O’Connor, mailing; molished, the trooper said. row at 8:30 a.m. from the John P, proceed to Willimantic. half-brother. Prince Souphanou nora, pleaded guilty and his case Mrs. Charles S. House, personal Rodrigues and his two pas­ Tierney Funeral Home, 319 W. There was some ecuffling, but vong, the titular leader of the In charge of the refreshments no major violence. was continued until April 25 for visitors, and Mrs. Herbert Snyder, sengers, Henry Borgas, 18, and Center St., with a requiem Mass will be M n. Richard M. Clay, Price^Tag Pathet Lao, and the' members of disposition while pending a pre- ward clerks. Carlos Marquez, 21, all of the at B a t the Churchi of the AMump Several demonstrators fthrew the three-nation International Con­ Soldier’s chairman, Mrs. Harold Crane, Mrs. rocks at police. A rock shattered sentence investigation. It was reported that 386 volun­ same Willimantic address, were tion. w ria l will he In Donald Champagne and Mrs. Special trol Commission which tries to Henry, in court today, told teer workers, not including mem­ treated for facial and head cuts at Field, Bast Cemetery. the windshield of a police motor­ oversee application of the Geneva Harry MoKusick. cycle. Judge Monkiewicz that he had bers of the Junior Auxiliary, con­ Windham Community Memorial Friends may call at osition of superintendent of the "While the statement did not steel producer in the nation and Court 12. •qiinm faat department in a promotional ex­ preclude selective price actions up the nation’s No. 8 producer of Mt. St. Benedict Ccractary. Special To Mail Charge amination General Manager Rich­ or down, the President did point sheet steel, said the boosts would Friends may call at the funeral ard Martin has asked the state out strongly the national interest affect less than half its produc­ home today from 7 to 9 p.m. and in over-all price etablllty.” tion. tomorrow from 8 tp 6 and 7 to 9 S A .9 8 LAROe 64- Blair A. Prentice, 26, ot 109 personnel department to conduct. Scouts Will Tour p.m. S a le t Spring General Manager Martin said Lukens said a big drop in prof­ Kennedy bad no advance notice FILTER-FLO WASHER High St., today in Hartford’s Fed­ the town was unsuccessful in at­ its was the cause of its price of the price boosts by Lukens, Municipal Offices for t llmlltd tim* eral Oourt pleaded guilty to the hikes. White House sources said.. DISH WASHINO Price Tag ohasva 9i sending obscene photo- tracting applicants for the post only ee th* 8 lb. last summer. « W. E. Mullestien, vice president Newsmen’s checks of other steel eebnemy ti**, gnapha through the mails. and general manager of Lukens, companies following the Lukens Girl Scout Troop 685, mcludlng F unerals Special Tha ease vraa continued for pre- He lias asked that Robert G. about 33 girls, will tour the of­ MUD AND Miuow com i Lot Ut Givt You A 17"Point CAPACin Mack, chief of examination ana .said the ratio of earnings to sales announcement brought a state­ aanteaoa investigation at a date was down to 2.6 per cent in the ment from the Kaiser Steel Corp., fices In the Municipal Bulldiitf aUNHESTER to be determined by the oourt. recruitment for the .state per­ Thursday, beginning with a vlait Mra. ABteiMSte OasatneUl Demonstration.... sonnel department, arrange the first 12 weeks of 1963. ninth largest steel producer in the The funeral of Mre. Antoinette light O'Cleck^r.S 3Jil.39 USB pUR SPECIAL LAV-AWAY FLAN Kennedy sand last Thursday: nation, that it has no plans to to General Manager Richard Mar­ CabslnaUl, 1533 Main St., Bast RICH AND FUU-eODilD COItEE examination., wliich wUl be limited “Selected price adjustments, up raise prices. tin’s office at 8 pjm. FLumim to present department employes. They will speM about five Hartford, waa held this morning Smokes Missing General manager Martin says or down, as prompted by changes 8i>o)teamen for the United States from the John F. Tierney FUn«aI Red Circle 3,jii.49 In supply and demand, as opposed Steel Corp., the largest steel pro­ minutes each in the offices of the Homis, 219 W. Center St., with a Spririp OPEN DAILY the galhry range waa too low in to across-the-board Increases, are collector of revenue, assessor, de­ W O O ^ S AND WtNiy aiESepplf OSi In Store Break the laat hunt for applicants to ducer In the count^, ai8i for a solemn high Man of requiem at not incompatible with a frame­ number of other companies had puty director of public wo.rka, St. Mary’s Church, East Hart­ F. T. BIWi «r., Price Tag meet the stated requirements. work of general stability and steel no comment. town clerk, park department, engi­ Bokor Co«ee5-,!j; 3 i|.5 9 An aatlmated 15 cartona ot cig- The salary offered for the po­ ford. “If IFe BuOwwre, We Itow It" 9 to 9 PJM. price stability.” A spokesman for the AFL-CIO neering department, planning and The Rtv. John J. Keely was We Olva n e e O n te Stamps Speciat •rettaa were reported taken in a sition, vacated last year by the The price increase announce­ United Steelworkers of America zonmg department, building In­ JUST RIDUCiD JANE PARKER Manchester Appliance w eikm d break into . Wallach’s retirement of Fred Thrall, is $6,- celebrant, assisted by the Rev. SATURDAY TM 4 ment by Wheeling, the nation’s declined comment. Under Ita con­ spection, and will also visit the James F. Klnnina, deacon, and the 1 LB60Z We DeUver and TY Center fitiMie a t aai Oreen Rd. 848.30 to $8,373. 11th largest steel producer, waa tracts, tha union can reopen Ita probate court, the hearing room :v: Jfitrolman Albion Whipple aald Lawrence Wittkofske has been Rev. John W. Dial, subdeacon. Buttermilk Btmid LOAVES made a year after the start of contracts with the steel companies and the switchboard room. Mra. Arthur Ciocslone was organ­ 55' 811 MAW ST. Tdm Up to 2 Ynon to Payl FREE PARKING 445 HARTFORD ROAD. Near McKEE in a large front adn- acting superintendent of water a series ot increase announce- in two weaka and discuss possible , Mrs. James Beckwith la lea<)er Mw. tfheate AU ASM*,., Midtrt, hdOi the etore waa smaahed. and sewer*. ‘ ist, and Frank Buriie soloist. Bur­ Phaae 048-4486 mema by a number ef major com­ wage. inereaMd. of the troop. ial was In St> M aiya Osmetory, "at : n I.V. F"ff ■


and have five dependents—chil­ RockvUle-V ernon BY ROUS^IN OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLE DAILY CROBHV^ORD PUZZLE Top Tax Collector dren—ranging In age from 6 to 16. W « A m exports In Thus, the conunlaeioner used the Kennedy Boards Catamaran; Crowds Deadline long form. Boy Hit by Car LIFEINSURANCI..r Uke other Washington realdenta. Crew Calls Him Good Sailor Caplin recantly received his new BURTON A. m O E AGENCY u-' ! • ’WBa.WMArbO'iou (Ooatb Md trecB Psgn One) / Critically Injured KNOM.'TH'AfASORV auto tage.-Becaiue "somebody had 857 E. Center 8 t —S4S-0641 a cute Idea," the number aasigned (Continaed from Page One) I ROYAL BURMA HCMS^ Well, during tM wssK, Caplin Fo*ir-year-old Burleigh Charter ia West Palm Beach boat designer I. Z,^ oVK-Uf^-?' a n d G a r d e n to him ie a constant reminder of and builder. CncRTAlNLYARB had a revenue agent "give me an described as in critical condition boat buddy, UndersecMtary of the ^ o O O L g V V ^ OOOOtS-' BEMARKABLafFIIWr, his job; 1040. audit." then, on Saturday, Um tax afe*8t. Francis HoepiUl today with Graves and the other crewman, THBYLAYSGM 4Cawba»d Navy Paul Pay. BWlnitd ohlaf Q>ent an hour doublecheck* mulUple head Injuries he received Dr. Ivan Schmidt, a West Palm WCW A POULTRY , 1 Okrdan eCooUnB Htoaitt ing the agent who had double- yesterday morning when he was There wasn't enough room on Beach surgeon, joined in rating -DSALGR'S INDCLtBLa’ implemeat Installation Set 4FUin or garden TAurlcl* checked him, had Mrs. Caplin struck by a car. the sailboat, so the three girls Kennedy a real good sailor. 5TAMP0N 1HEM! • Geomatrical elgyi the joint return, and got the Rockville police said the boy temporarily were transferred to AND NO*) t h e y g^tainar for form away. For PTA Council darted into the street from behind the Honey Fits, where they chat­ lOiulSfade Bxplainlng the extra care, the a (MiT that was parked near his ted with Jacqueline .Kennedy. BU6GS BUNNY former profeesor of tax law at the ■ Officers of the Manchester PTA home at 130 E. Main 8t., Rockville. They noted faefilonable Mrs. Police Arrests " a s s ’ Council, the organisation of repre­ /VWY PON'T' Unlverelty of 'Virginia said: "I The driver of the car was Chris­ Kennedy had on a gaily colored 1 eOTTA PRACTICE euppoae my poaiUon la rather sentatives from all PTAs in town, tian GotUer, 57, of 14 Florence St., striped shift and regretted that THAT CHIP SHOT SO . 1 JUST ISOioinlcal •«ffl»j;|2S2i unique when it cornea to Income will be Installed Thutviday, April they were in shorts and rugged Gerard Lacroix, 48. of 272 Main AXXTT/AieiCK 2S Senior 29 Soap-making 42Flrit man Rockville, IgPavor 24DU1 frarot 4SBtblkal noaw tsx.** 18, at the annual council meeting. The car was traveling south bad weather sailing jackets. St, Saturday afternoon was STAY OUTCFTH' Ig Hifintarprat Mrs. Rdtoert Heins has been re charged with Intoxication. He WNaUrotof aSBMt Indian 31 Qloaa over. 44Mim<« Whan the Internal Revenue when the accident happened. "And 1 was barefooted,” lam­ PONDI, bdend S3 Dog genua 46Ireland Service cent out its tax forma and elected as president, and Dr. Har- Patrolman John Stodd is Investi­ ented Chris Greer, 19, a language posted a $25 cash bond while await­ MedU MMoiiUn 36 Ouarantte 47BaU(Sp.) aiFlih inatruoUon bookleta thla year they vey Pastel hse been re-elected as gating. major at Palm Beach Junior Col­ ing presentation In Circuit Court 27 Peopled 40 Beginning 46 Ty^ of cheaM 12, Manchester, April 29. 2> Sediment 28Pendiie 41 Anoint eoSmaUcbfld were accompanied by a letter vice president. The new secretary lege. With her and Miss Briant 24 Biblical name from Caplin which advlaed 'file Is Mrs. Nicholas Jackston, succeed­ BIO BROTHER’S WATCHING was Rita Tedder, 20. All are from 26 Cow----- !“ r r f " IT rr early." It waa auggeated to the ing Mrs. Roger Bagley; and the WCst Palm Beach. RIOHT SUBJECT OPEN 7 DAYS 2TFnotllke pert new treasurer is William Palmer, LYLE, Minn. (AP)—Night Mar­ 11 MAPLE ST. SOUnbrandM IT nr I a 46-year-old U x chief that perhape shal Clarence Berg sat In his car The President introduced them “ c a v e c r e e k , Arlz. (AP) — S3 Decipher 1 p 1 - he wasn't following his own ad­ succeeding Francis Murray. to Caroline, who stopped playing When Dick Watson teaches Amer­ Across From First National After the Installation, the coun­ at the edge of town scanning the Parking Lot S4Nun&led IT IT r r vice. area with binoculars. with her toy Easter bunny long ican history It has a special mean^ 3S Storehooiea Caplin laughed, then said the cil will make final plana for the enough to curtsy. Ing for him. COEN OPERATED M Twitching nr SU te PTA Convention, scheduled Then he went to a service sta­ WASH-'N-DBY CLEAN 37 Approach r r V advice ia primarily for the 40 tion three blocks away and ar­ Mrs. Kennedy offered them re­ The CJave Creek school history * %n million or eo taxpayers whoNget April 24-25 at Manchester High teacher is a descendent of Thom­ 16-Lb. Wash—^25c 39 Convent IT rested an 18-year-old youth. Berg freshments, and with an evident (S l e v e r b ir d s , workeiB 1 ■ i refunds. The government wants to School, and will discuss insurance Interest In sailing asked questions as Jefferson and Andrew Jack- 8-Lb. Dry Clean— $2 40SUtebea 1 i (Kiverage for the PTAs. had seen him breaking Into the TWOSE ROYAL * r B ■end them out early, he said. building in the light from a street about the 27-foot Pattycat, skip­ son, and his mother, waa related FR E E MOTH PROOFING BURMA HEN6» ^/r 41 Be tick ■ m Cwlin isn't gatting one. The meeting will begin with re­ pered by Paul Lilndenberg, 28, a to William Jennings Bryan. 42 Winged ST pr The Capline own their own home freshments at 7:30 p.m. lamp. 4SFeel ■1 49 Deviation r ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN SI Crafty one JT "Ij M (Scot) >1 S3A«evertla r ■YOU'RE . W a i., LE'S NOT STAMP j h ' SURE.' V P I I W THINK CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER ■ i t A PRETTY HEREJUtTAPMIRIN' f BOTH \ T P LET YOU <30 IN SSSeed covering BT " " r 1! SMAfCr M E...LE rS< 3ET IN I OF U S? 1 THERE ALL BY YDUR- 1 l t : PBXA, AU. t h e r e t s e l f , p i p y o u ? 86 Low sand hiU IT B" IT f i r IT RISHT„ 57 Cathedral l i t church IT 1 RT Hr DOWN S3 ST IPOe IMacta wina . VT MANCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE s r BT maaanraa -J SSttanooM A Two-Year Institution of Higher Education at Manchester High School

OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WIIXIAMS IN YOUR MANCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE INTERVIEWS FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS JIS WALKIN' MY ao o p PRBSS YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO . . . THROOaHTH' FOR TaMORROW/ MIPPLE OF A I HEARP YOU our Levy photo With (K^ICTCHeN, THERE RiaaiN* Prepare for a career In the business world. BY AL VERMEER UP THAT SMART GollmitT^rs Mark^OthWedding Advisory Council Members or “Advisory Counselors” PRISCILLA'S POP ALECK STUFF/ , Plan for a career in Industry. , ,,, . , Mr. and Mrs. John G OoUmitser Improve your cultural background and understanding toward becoming a better citizen and homemaker. At Teachers’ Lounge Manchester High School m ipo u i, minp e< Naranja, Fla., formerly of Man- They were communicants of St. Complete the freshman and sophomore years of a regular four-year college or university ew rse of SOU~WHV,IF . Bridget’s Church. 7:30 to 9:00 P.M. Y d c m - — T Pursue any of these objecUvee'lh late afternoon or evening classes if you wish to work part-time or full-time £ ehoster, celebrated their 6<>th wed­ The couple has three daughters, ding anniversary yesterday. Mrs. John F. Bilow of Manchester, while studying. Tuesday, April 16 Thursday, April 18 ■niey were married April 14, Mrs. Grant Skewes of Vernon and Earn an Aeeociate in Arte or an Aesociate to Science degree. ISIS in Plttafleld, Mass., and came Mrs. Olln Miller of Mooeup; a No schedule for Week of School Vacation to Manchester In 1919. They Uved foster son, Stanley Gollmitzer of YOU HAVE THE ADVANTAGES O F ...... Thursday, May 2 Manchester, sixteen grandchildren Monday, April 29 In this town until 1957 when they Receiving Individual counseling In planning your career. moved to Blorida. and six great-grandchildren, Monday, May 6 Thursday, May 9 Mrs. Gollmitzer was formerly Mr. and Mrs. (Jollmlteer plan to Studying in email claseee with a carefuUy chosen teaching faculty. amployed a t the C. R- Burr Co. visit Manchester this summer, at Participating In a program of student activities. Tuesday, May 14 Friday, May 17 Her hiufband was employed at the which time a family reunion is Living at home while attending college. Thursday, May 23 Aldon Spinning Mill, Talcottvllle. scheduled. Knowing that employers are,anxious to add qualified junior college g^raduates to their organizations. Monday, May 20 Knowing that four-year colleges and unlveralties welcome junior college graduates who transfer with saUsfac- 3 , Rockville-V ernon tory grade averages. playoff victory over the Dodgers.'^i^tory over the Dodgers. Howle^thlrd straight victory after two, YANK8-ORIOLBS— Goss, acquired from Pittsburgh losses. Manny Jimenez, a pinch Sunday * is promotion nanitfar, Station Ion Bhunp-ridden batters! to the relief of star Jim Grant Pena pitched five dazsllng relief Williams, acquired from ths Managar Bob way, Barry Sunday and was credited with Innings in Kansas City’s 6-4 tri­ drove in two Colt runs with a pair hitter, doubled home the first Dodgers last winter ki exchange Meriden Schoolboy Campaign Starts, m t Sunday aroFund the home hell-shocked ! Highest Twin Double Barents and Jack Ooim^ news Cleveland's 64) victory over De­ umph over Minnesota. The Cuban of singles. Ty Cline, late of Cleve­ three runs and Joe Tartabull for Bill Skowron, fanned eight Ori­ front in three weeka and X wel­ and sporta directors, were others A re you t i r ^ of sroing hit- troit. Walker was 8-9 at Kansas right-hander, a bust with Cincin­ land, drove in the only run with tripled home the other two. oles in recording his first Yankee comed the warm weather along who helped make the night an en­ ess day after day? Are you City last year. nati, was rescued by the Athletics a lOth Inning single in Milwau­ « « * triumph. New York scored all its with moat peqple . . My family Defeated joyable one, irius rwresentatlvee fed up with the way hitters Kline’e sparkling four-innhig re­ from the mlhofs last summer. kee’s 1-0 triumph over the New INDIANS-HGERS— runs in the' first three innings Results in Near Riot Dozen Balt Games on Slate accompanied me to the church of of the American 'Tobacco Co., lief stint helped the Washington York Mets. Earl Averlll, ex-Angel, against loser Chuck Estrada, with our riMloe on Palm Sunday and fire teeing off on your best A ^ minor miracle occurred in Rookies Vic Davalillo, Tony Narroganeett Brewing Co. and Senmors defeat the Boston Red Los 'Angeles, where the only other drove in the winning run with a Clete Boyer and Ellie Howard then Z found IIm day frm to do Atlantic Refining Oo„ sponsors of pitches? Sox 7-6. Osborne drove in two runs sacrifice fly in the 10th inning in Martinez and Max AM s collected driving in two runs each. whatavar 1 wiahed . . Connecticut AL game was scheduled. Rain seven hits among them in the LINCOLN, R. L (AP) — ^ 288,045 even after 845,145 was By HOWIE HOLCOMB a rebuilding year for B()b Haaly. ths basebaU telecasts. Only "sour” Would you like to see your bat­ with a double and sacrifice and wa.ohed out the Chicago White Sox Philadelphia's 4-3 first game tri­ • * * By 62-58 KroU at third. The outfield is un­ Boom, oloaad during me winter umph over St. Louis. The Phils ting average without having to use scored another Senator run. Kline The most recent racing at ordered refunded by the ste­ Baseball giunes, a full dozen settled on the wings with only ’niursday, hi addition to the note of the night was the defmt and the Angels. Indians’ triumph over the Tigers. 8ENATOR8-RED SOX— wards after the oontroverslal Mancheater-Conard olash, Rham montha, w«s opened and I got my suffansd by the Rad Box In Loe a microscopic lens? Would you waa 8-6 and Osborne batted .280 also won the second game, 5-4. Davalillo drove in two runs with Lincoln Downs produced the of them, and a big track meet, center seh Rich Marsh will patrol Newly traded players also Chuck Hinton had four hits for fourth race. visits Bacon. Academy ahd Cov­ pitching ann into ahape f6r the Angelea, 4-1 . . . C o a cl^ on hand like to win a game for a change? at Detroit last year. Pittsburgh defeated Cincinnati his first major league home run. Washington, Including a double Three times and out. track’s highest twin double are all on the schedule this there with May. U not on the hill, oomlng baaabaU aeaaon by wash­ were Joe Fontana of Southington, Here's what you do. Get a trans­ Williams turned back the Balti­ played key roles in nearly all Martinez had three singles and A water truck and the in right and somebody else, as yet entry 1s at Avtm — again both National League decisions. 1-0 as Alvin McBean outpitched and triple. Kline, third Senator liiis wasn’t the case with payoff in history — 847,611- week as all but one of the area ing windows . . My partner waitp now a Red Box aoout, and Tom fer to another major league club. more Orioles 6-1 with a five-hitter Joey Jay. AIvls two. starting gate had collided be­ unseleoted in left. COC games. , allowed only two hits a id Manchester’s hustling . Green .80 — and a near riot. fore the race, damaging the high schools begin their The last inaugural of the week ed untU I had finished before la- Monahan of Bristol. It has done wonders for others. as he pitched the New York Yan­ Larry Jackson, traded by St. * • • Walker took over with one out one run in the last four innings Other Games Listed suliig a ohaUenge to play tennis For example, Jerry walker, Ron Manor basketball team in last One unidentified bettor latter to the gates wouldn’t spring seasons. Heading the is listed Friday when Olaston- kees into first place. He had a Louis to Chicago, was credited A’S-TWINS— in the fifth when Grant was hit after the Senators had forged picked all the winners from close. Rhode Island rules per­ Two more area games are on burys Jayveea come to Manchester but I gladly accepted, anxious to W ednesday Kline, Larry Osborn, Stan WU- mediocre 12-10 record with Los with the Cubs’ 8-1 victory over by a line drive on the pitching ahead 6-5 with a four-run rally Saturday night’s Farmington list is Manchester High’s season get out into the sunshine and fredh llams and Orlando Pena of the A five-run fourth Inning that the sixth through the ninth mit emergency use of the tap today—Avon visiting Rham to help East Catholto High open Season pass for New York Mets Angeles last year and wore the Son Francisco. Don Nottebart, hand. He not only hurled scorele.ss against loser Hal Kol.stad in the Valley League championship opener this afternoon at 8:80 at air . . I didn’t win any ftianda American League. goat’s horns after walking in the sent starter Camilo Pa.scual to the races Saturday, sweating out gates without closing them. Memorial Field. Regional and Eiast Hampton hi' its second season. Freshman Ray home games arrived in the mall swapped by Milwaukee to Hous­ ball the rest of the way but sin­ fifth. Ken Retzer's two-run single game wtth Meriden. Twice dialing a photo finish victory by Imi­ vadlng Coventry for a pair of at night whan X announced that X Walker hurled shutout baU winning run in the Giants’ final ton, pitched the Colts to a 6-4 vie- showers gave the Athletics their the regular seaami the Silver CSty After a delay of 22 min­ LaGctce will probably get the open­ bag from the desk of Tom Meany, gled home a pair of runs. w a s the big hit. tator in the ninth. utes, two horses refused to Windham High’s Whippets in­ Charter Oak Conference tilts. wanted to watch teevee from 8 to chief tub thumper for the Nation­ five Illumined over the locals but vade the local diamond today in ing assignment for Coach Don 10, Ohannal 33 bringing the Boaton when all the marbles were on the Jockey Mervin Trombley break from the open gates Rockville, with sophomore Jim Bums club with veteran Joe Alu- al League entry . . . Basketball won aboard Imitator, Ready hopes of repeating their one-sided Celtloa-CIncinnatl Royals NBA line the Contractors prevailed, 62- JIM GLENNEY DAN PINTO and a third tossed his rider. opening day victory at a year ago. Martello the likely starting hurl- blokl catching. season, with the exception of the Man in the sixth and Swap A howling, indignant crowd er, begins its slate tomorrow in playoff basketball game Into my prolonged NBA playoffs and the -‘We Made the Trade of the YeaP~ 68. Ih e two clubs had finished the To thwart that idea, Manchester Two other games are on tap in­ U v^ room. Rough play again regular season deadlocked for first Off In the fourth — only was pacified by a quick an­ Middletown. cluding the first home date for Farmington Valley Leag:ue title mounts he accepted for the Coach Tom Kelley, ^ginning his dominated the action, plus exces­ place. A one-game playoff was eur- nouncement from the stewards 37 th season here, will start either Aa they did in boaketbaU, sopho­ Rockville. PlainvUle visits the game, has ended but there was day. that the money bet on the sive traveling, pushing and crying stlU time to talk about the sport rang^ at a neutral site—Newing- Captain Fred McCurry or George mores will be carrying the brunt hilltop fidd for a Central Valley with the Royals winning. A father Standout Pitching Wins for Cubs tonm gli—to determine the champ. A crowd of 18,342 bet 81,^ three horses be returned. May on the mound. of the Rams’ fortunes — four or Coitference clash and East Wind­ with Paul Francis of Klngswood could nsver take his son to an and Dan Pinto, local player-coach The Silk Towners thus success­ five probably getting starting sor is at Ellington, Whoever doesn’t get the nod to­ NBA game, or even view it on of the Green Manors. The former fully defended the laurels they sasignmenta. Co^Otptalns Pete Coach Paul Phlnney’a Manches­ video, and-say, “Watch so and so, first captured a year ago. day win go against a tough (Jon- heads the Better Officiating Com­ NEW YORK (A P )— “ We made the trade of the year.” game—in picking up the two vic­ ard clulb Thursday in West Hart­ Faganl and Dick MoGlU, both sen- ter trackmen get their first out­ copy hia moves and they’ll help Slender Jim Glenney was the io n , lend balance to the club age- mittee of the Central Board and So said Bob Kennedy, the head of the horde of Chicago tories. ford. If either or both of these door work of the year In the an­ you.” OoUege and pro rules and is one of the better refrees in the * • • high scorer for the winners with AMERICAN LEAGUE ^ NATIONAL LEAGUES^ Sublime to Ridiculous wise. hurlers get in trouble, Jim Cole­ nual Eastern Connecticut Relays lnterpreitatl(H)s are as far apart as area . . . Correspondence piled Cub coaches, talking about the deal that brought Larry COLT9-DODGER.S— 2S, Inchiding seven for 10 at the W. L. Pet. GB man, up from the jayvees, will Another opening Wednesday scheduled at Central Connecticut foul stripe. He also grabbed a flock W. L. P et G.B. most blood relatives . . Candid up in recent days and with free Jackson and Lindy McDaniel to the Cubs from the St. Loui.s Koufax, who has never beaten New York ...... 4 1 .800 — probably got the relief call. finds HUIington High, still basking College, New Britain. Camera provided a few laughs to Cardinals during the winter, o f rebounds despite his lack of Raltlmore ...... 3 3 .600 1 San Francisco .. .4 1 .800 time available I was able to clear f the (Jolts in five starts, lo.st his Pittsburgh ...... 4 1 .800 1 For Red Sox Pitchers Remainder of the Manchester in the “ sun” of a highly success­ Captain Jim Bracken and his mark an end to a fuU day. the desks before departing for “ We got our ace .starter, and first against one victory, at Hous­ height Glenney was helped in the Detroit ...... 8 2 .600 1 until Tony Taylor hit a two-run — lineup will include sophomore Tom ful baaketball slate, traveling to teammates have been busy in the our best relief pitcher, in one latter department by rookie Dave Kansas City ...... 3 2 .600 1 PhUadelphla .. . >.4 1 .800 M onday points west . . . BasebaU um­ homer in the .seventh and Don ton. The left-hander was the victim M ^enna, playing in place of an St. Louis ...... 8 2 .600 1 Moore behind the plate, either S to m for a date with E. O. Smith. short indoor season and look for pires met at night at the West deal,” the Ckib.s' head coach said. Demeter hit another in the two- of a four-hit barrage and some Chicago ...... 2 2 .500 V/i BOSTON (A P )— The have gone from the Mark Monette or Frank Filloramo Pitching la shallow at Elling^ton better things now that ths action "The Mets, that’s my team,” Side Bee, a good turn out with Kennedy's words looked very sloppy support in the sixth to­ under-par Buzz Keeney. Los Angeles ...... 2 2 .600 I'/] Milwaukee ...... 8 2 .600 1 run eighth. Taylor reached fir.st sublime— in the person of Dave at first, Ron Anderson at second, with a couple of freshmen among has moved outside. Tony lyAngona reported from the veteran arbiter Al Bogglni han­ wise today. Jackson tamed the ning. Keeney was in action only spar­ Boston ...... 2 3 .400 2 Los Angeles .. .. .3 8 .500 I'/l Morehead—to the ridiculous on Dick Groat's error in the ninth, ingly but McKenna, erstwhile high Chicago ...... 2 8 .400 2 in their Washington Weekend. inner sanctum at (Jheney Tech. dling the session . . . I^-eeason mighty San Francisco Giants for was sacrificed to second and Singles by Pete Runnels, Howie Cleveland ...... 2 3 .400 2 Another Met rooter I encountered the first time this year, 3-1, Sun­ Goss, Carroll Hardy and Hal school standout, was an able re­ Washington ...... 2 S .400 2 Houston ...... 2 4 .333 2i/j Boston blew a lead and then the:?’ sessions at which time rules and scored the winner on Demeter’s was Stan Ozlmek, service man­ unusual play situations are dlS' day, with ninth-inning help from Smith, plus two Dodger errors placement The 6-4 McKenna came Minnesota ...... 1 4 .200 3 Cincinnati ...... 1 4 .200 3 game, 7-6 yesterday. Rookie right­ ager at Morlarty Brothers. Stan cussed are always Interesting, this McDaniel. led to four Houston runs. out ahead of 6-10 Walt Subsick in Sunday’s Results New York ...... 0 5 .000 4 hander Morehead had stopped the PIRATES-REDS— the vital struggle to control the Senators with a five-hit, 3-0 shut' Four Stroke Margin was thrUled last season when he meeting being along those lines. The defeat dropped the Giants McBean pitched the Pirates to • • • Chicago at Los .Angeles, Ppd. into a first-place tie with the backboards. Kansas City 5, Minnesota 4 Sunday’s Results out Saturday in his American went to the Polo Grounds and With a large number of men re­ their fourth straight, although he BRAVES-METS— P*layer-Ooach Dan Pinto added visited Manager Casey Stengel in tiring in the past three years six Pittsburgh Pirates and the Phila­ left the bases loaded twice and Cleveland 6, De;.roit 0 Chicago 3, San Francisco 1. League debut. The poor Mets, still winless, 16 points for the Manors, includ­ The Sox are off today, then open the dugout before a gome with new umps, five from Manchester, delphia Phils, ail with 4-1 records. stranded two men in three other suffered their third shutout in five Washington 7, Boston 6 Pittsburgh 1, Cincinnati 0. Nets Sanders $5,500 Alvin McBean scattered 10 hits ing the hoop that put them ahead New York 6, Baltimore 1 at home tomorrow under new man­ MUwaukee... Baseball was also were welcomed into the member­ innings. { games. They have scored only to stay with 7:33 left in the third Milwaukee 1, New York 0 (10). the main topic with the "Big ship. New umps are Ray Blanco, find pitched out of two bases- Joey Jay pitched a five hitter three runs, an average of 3-6to Today’s Games Houston 6, Los Angeles 4. ager Johnny Pesky with Baltimore quarter. as the opposition. Four” at Bchiebel Brothers, Binky Wally Fortin, Tom Conran, Ray loaded messes, to best the Cin­ for the Reds for eight innings, but of a run per game, smd have a No games scheduled Philadelphia 4-6, St. Louis 3-4, cinnati Reds and Joey Jay, 1-0 for Meriden led 12-8 at the first Boston paraded six pitchers to (3REENSBORO, N. C. (AP)— A dozen years ago a slim- Hohenthal, A1 Bchiebel, Lou Cara­ Pllkonls, Fred Gaal and Bob Ja­ three of the hits, singles by team batting average of .124, on Tuesday’s Games first game, (10). the Pirates. quarter and 27-26 at the half. The the mound yesterday and the Sen­ waisted, skinny 18-year'-old from Cedartown, Ga., arrived bine and Fred Smith. After dis­ cobs. „ . . . . Smoky Burgess. Donn Clendenon 19 hits, a shade under four per Los Angeles at Minnesota Jack Bald.schun the relief work- and Bill Virdon, came in the Manors had forged in front 44-40 Kansas City at Chicago Today’s Games ators had a picnic. In addition to unheralded at Durham, N. C., for the Junior Chamber of cussing the pros and cons of ma­ ! game. at the three-quarter break and 11 hits and three sacrifice files, jor league baU, all ventured pen­ Thursday Imrse of the Phils 132 games in , fourth inning for the only run. Bob Hendley held toe Mets to Washington at Cleveland. (N) New York Jackson 0-1 at Mil­ Commerce National Junior Golf Tournament. toe last two years-picked up the I ^ ^as Cincinnati’s fourth stayed out there throughout the Detroit at New York, 2 p.m. waukee Shaw 0-1. they capitalized on six walks, three His name was Doug Sanders andc?’ nant predictions and then said Details on the Little League four hits. Roger Craig was toe fin^ session. Baltimore at Boston, 2 p.m. Only Game Scheduled. wild pitches and two hit batsmen. Country Club his short backswlng attracted the they would await my choices, due baseball program were forward­ decisions to both ends of a douWe- straight defeat after an opening victim. He matched zeros with Blach team lost a man on person-1 The deciding run came in the ed in person Iqr Tom Conran, header victory over toe Cards, victory. Hendley through nine innings, but attention of purists who marveled for release on Tuesday... Joe 4-3 to 10 innings, and 5-4. I sinele < als, Jim- Morlarty collected five sixth on a Larry Osborne sacrifice at the results he got with what Soltys, UConn sports publicist, president, with tryouts listed Sat­ single off relief pitcher Ron Tay­ gave up a run in toe lOto on a for the Manors, Sulbeick of Meri­ BEST 16—FRIDAY Golf Night Set urday (April 20) at Buckley, The Houston Colts whipped lor. Baldschun worked 2 1-3 In­ walk, a sacrifice and Ty Cline’s Luck Plays Part in Opening Win fly after Marv Breeding singled. Class A—Ken Gordpn 76-12-64-2 has since become known as the phoned with a hot news Up and Sandy Koufax and toe Los An- den also departed via the same Chuck Hinton doubled and Minnie ’’telephone booth swing. He went then we discussed at length new Waddell and Verplanck Fields nings—1-3 of an toning to the first stogie. route. —62; Henry Rockvirell 80-12-68-6 At Country Club geles Dodgers 5-4. and toe hapless Minoso walked. —62. on to win the tournament, hia first basketball coach, Fred Shabel, It . For the second day in i New York Mets went down 1-0 The Manors were far in front in Hinton had a triple, double and triumph of consequence. was Salty’s idea to introduce the row high winds and low tempera' field goals, 25-17, but made only Class B— Frank Spilecki 8-12- to 10 innings before toe Milwau­ two singles, igniting most of the Today, Doug Sanders, now 29, Do’s and don’t# of golf and new hoop mentor to the state’s tures caused plans to be altered, 12 of 23 from th^ foul line while 69-10—59; Ed Ansaldl 74-13—61. kee Braves, to toe other National Celts Get Early Jump Washington outbursts. CJlass C—Mel Perry 98-18-80-18 and sUll slender at 160 pounds, answers to any questions club press last week in Hartford and it this being no weather for a base Lieague geimes. Meriden connected on 24 of 31 In Front to Stay —62; George Benton 91-14-1'4— 63. is $5,600 richer for having re­ members may have will be ex­ turned out to be a top promoUon ball gams . . . Harry Storln * * * Mound Staff Means Business, charity tries. plained and answered Wednes­ Trailing 5-2 going into the bot­ Low gross—Stan HUinski 73. turned to North Carolina to win from all sides, good publicity for writes from Riverside Park in CUB8-GIANT8— Summary: tom of the fifth, a walk, a hit bat­ day night at the annual pre- Agawam, Mass., Just over the _ Grem Miuior (62) Blind bogey—(Jharley Bogglni the $87,600 Greater Greensboro the university and copy for the Jackson’s sparkling perform­ In Grudge NBA Series ter and Osborne’s ground rule and Joe Colburn 86. Open tournament. season Golf Night at the Man­ Connecticut line, that stodk car That’s the Word from Chicago P „ , B P Pts. chester Country Club. attending scribes. . . One-time Tal- ance against toe Giants was to 6 Moriarty ...... g oo 6 double preceded Ken Retzer’s two- National Office He closed with a two-under-par cottville basketball player, Zig racing starts Saturday night. Sev­ line with toe fine pitching the 2 Fortin ...... o (M) 0 run single. Then Ed Brlnlcman tag­ Dick Oberlander, chairman of SELECTED NINE—SATURDAY 69 round Sunday a 270 total, 14 Gozdz, now a successful antique eral hundred racing fans from Cubs have gotten all season. In 1 Glenney ...... g 7.10 23 BOSTON (A P )—The agreed today they ger a triple which put the Sena­ Donald Berger of Rock­ the tourney committee, reports Class A—Jerry Beaulieu 33-4— under par, to lead the field by dealer, waa a phone caller. Fish­ Manchester make the journey each five games, all against the Dodg­ CHICAGO (A P )— The Chi­ ^ first five games, their pitching 21 l^rklngton ...... 1 3^ 2 5 0-1 4 tors in front to stay. Alex Hackney, club pro, will have a jump in their grudge playoff series with Los Ange­ ville last weekend was 29; Harry Atherton 33-4— 29; four shots. ing is his favorite pastime now Saturday night to the Bay State ers and Giants,