: : . : : —; . : : : ; . : —'' ,

Fraptk: qtxeen, i DBdlU}!: and Proprietor, f ISTE-W YORK, S^TXJRD^Y, S^EPTEMBER 8, 187^. TIES OF EARTH, I Prloe Ten Oonta. tnre to a blU for ten thousand pounds,. on the vmimn tob thx bit tobk twenty-second of last month " oxjftxk. domino, moved a , step nearer monrnful glance to that port ot this boat for Kow Orleans. He fell into the it»mff T.ri^^-^iiV"'''®' I the eipanJInj. fllnsx crowd, and fixed hereyesuponMr Wlltec of a gambler, who soon fleeced him of all Boand klDdml bearta " restless ^es of th* Its warm embiue. tlwUnSna." "Let him answer thatl" continued money he had on his person, and then obtained Bat chlefto oar fair Imue ellnS,^^^^^ I Mr. wnl fer loudly, and with from htm notes Ttarooed In lu Merec ldoi plaea. Baron, drawing the air of a painfully in- and roortgaees on the property tb Tten >„il!JT2"{."..™'?^*^® a long which tiad -tlB not atTmoiis that life w« priia. jured and Indignant man—"let him he just fallen hslr. My brother, after "Effort «S answer we tec not tbroufib the mUit of ycara' 5J^.Sv.^"?.?""^^°"w'"=*'''°S "ff'^' that. And It he goes to the gamo, retired to his stateioom—sit still, sir ' ""^y be deny It—hit iilm look at nope'a soBstalDe dajadnff In ov evM. arrested Snachnrgoot and In a tew moments the report ot WbM shoolit we know stealing^^^iS'vK^the this," and he drew Adrien's watch Trom-a tat- a pistol or taisT crown jewels or burning the summoned all on board to his tered pocket in. his coat. stateroom, whea* Parliament. It would be "Perhaps :UtfU.eay they arrived just In "5? '^7-?^' "''y' »•>««> lell aJona. an fxcel! that time to see him die a suf^ To ^.'lat this aint his watch 1 But thero>d we ba« the Bnl^i ^r''*' ly. in answer to a muttered qnestloof^^fae emissary of this man, I determlnea WJZ boon ^a) SstuST signature to be a to avenge With nothing eljS to eUapt £™r^"i?ih'^°'^lf?'e^'l*'"° officer. "Hegavome this— him. I studied the gamblers' aiC writing has a resemblance to flung it toft* Hke and soon Sfff^-Hn?*"® he would to perfected myself In all the slelghf 'tla a dog—to hold my tongtie;) Auk Tat oft BO. la nearer tend* ^'"^ witnesses to prove ot-hand of which they are capable, and when cm; JhS'VhP"'™ blm, some ot you, If he remembers th»fii» boat "Aye," sold the Boron, "for when bo's osked to give an a'cco'^to! for Kew Orleans. I boarded her, and while ai^ While thoae It lored ara ^ a Leroy who can gaged tree. command a hundred thousand fllncs mo his watch to stop my tonguei"'" In the game just concluded I detected him by a stroke ot In the act of cheating. purposely BDt not ao I: when the hte pen to forge a bill ^r. Wllfor paused, not for lack of Be showed bm dear band for ten thousand is not V lnv«st**%; an ace at Whose beuta, whoaa jest, but for the bottom of the pack, gave me tbnr thongfata, are "Mealinked loto aunemine but madness. The chaige is want of- breath. The orowd>Bnrtfe*to SbjJl lave me pUgHm In a some Inso- kings, and by •palming' the'ooe transferred Ita lind^ lent conspiracy—yours, nnd fro, and half-spoken exolamatlons alSiaA- That hath lor ma no worshiped nhrina. sir, no doubt," and his sleeve. With the ace in the pack, four Unas U Oh. let them leare, with a contempt tonishment, wonder the gate* of death Indescribable ho turned to and horror brokeiKliBi»a the beet hand, and he depended on my bettlnr all IJabured behind them' hundred aa they Br I Jasper who aft this lips. Could it bo possible I had on the Whr •hoold Ome had stood motion- t^at Adilen strength of mytiand, Bnt I .laa I wlih to teaathe, whin "t^™breath his Loroy, the soul of only waiting Would be an endlesa grav eyes glancinc first at Adrien's honor, the man whqinithey for this chance. And. now, sir, say algbt calm had been your prayers, noble face, then at the rastless eyes adoring through three brfliraSaea- for In one minute .you are a d(Ma Undine, ot sons, could man." and then at the white face of = be the diabonorablo ebpujiarel Lady whichnhls "Would you murder me In cold bloodi" uaii'Jti Constance, who stood at Adrien's sido and dirty, drunken-looking mam -bro- gazed olairacd him? the now terrified gambler. RZSAH, round with a scorn unapproachable. Impossible! But the'wiifchi "Kill him I kill him I" again shouted brpk Adrien shook And the masked faces to ths his head. tumod one ao'other standera. . with painful doubt OR A LIFE they have not wanted and distress, which formed Ho deserves It." calmly said Sir. Seely; FOR A LOVE. Th'i!°An'^' a motive. in an "but t 1 hey tell me I wanted this money audible "Hush I" as Adrien, avedug hie cannot shoot a man as though he were - sorely for I eyes from a dog. X am ruined." Lady Constance's face, turned to tho will give him a chance for his life. We will retlM A Story of Friendship Betrayed, Iletri Baron, who had to the deck, be on one «?<5laimod the Baron, for risen and was sternly rekard- side, I on the other, and cx- the ^, change bntion and Lore. nrst time permitting the scorn ingIng him. shots till ono or both be dead, and Hesvsni ot I his smile to " defend •• 'Do you believe this man's vile Blaln^trade to endure the scene ^T^Tolilrer— me -with a request that 1 "silence 'rl should act as his seoond, and obtain •^es," answered Jasper. "I have There was a deadly silence, I" P someone to traveled broken bv the officiate for his adveraary, whioh' was post-haste. Adrlen. I hava Important uute. who, wiping the great Mr. Wllfer, whom no ono els^ no one Is dead I The I did not write It mv- three.' TO r K coKTrs and you will Ore at the word. An yoa Onke is here—all I know or care for are In the nothing of the cursed signi- um. rea'ly?" room ?n,^ ^^aJ yonder. What is It—the theatre?" and ^^P'"'"* give theni the Yes," came from tioth. lie.iSf rp^ifw 15' 1 faint smile crossed Toll that old - - " his Ups. man, ere he breaks his heart In Iilemory of -i -r One—two and the gambler's pistol WM. that you discharged, the "Pshaw I"eiclalmed Jasper with s feverish are iruilUess. I know It, wo all ball Just Uftlng a look ot ire, with Ita carea, kept n.i vmrt. the captain informed the Oor- smfllDgstlU. "My good Leroy knows nothing ' - oner An : even death can do no more; ot the facts of the ease, and, aBper,wiBt peril can I be In? of this matter. He denies It-not because as Kr. Beeto- This a Tbj race, - IstK kind limned npon my hMit. v.\ gave himself up to the authorities, the boat Ml^ ilneteenth century, and denial is necessary,.bat'because Still emllee there are no assassins his friend re- npon me aa before; rived In New Orleans without either ot quests It. Thon ha«t the vartlo- 1 England I However, let mo take To^i-may go." bnt changed tby^opaa or pain Ipants In the liadyCoii- iC*«w*- 1" banging on his lips and devouring bim with ot>server of tilings. 1 myself thoaght 1 detected "I cannot take It you nd wmng lips. to sit with seeing that she did so, llftod her Into the cart. a word, ho left the house. it a scream from her their eyes. that when Boah returned she was him using the advantages etven by his skill to "But you don't know what Is," he urRSd. Instantly throughout the Immense room until he back from No sooner had he done so, however, than Mr. "It la a quart ot new apples. Just eomeenaa th» "Do I forget? No ; I remember where I was and cheer up Lucy came fleece his opponents. staring at hor here was a dead silence, whioh, falling so at eight o'clock on tho twenty-second," and London. Hnrker sprang to his feet and, CHAPTER XXI. Next morning, after breakfast, I engaged htm In markeL" nddenly who she was. She made no move. on the loud etisina of the music, his eyes rested on the dark ones again. Now, it happened that Mr. Harker was late with startled eyes asked John At the singular and unprepossessing appear- conversation, and ascertained that be was winner he talking into his seat dollara tho night before. "Why, Jullal Takethem. They won't hurt yeu and laughing, was indescribably "Then for Heaven's eako tell tnemt" ex- at the office that night, bending, sad and "This," said John, forcing him ance which the strange man presented, the offi- ot some six thousand larsh friend ot we were talking the boat made a landlDg, They are ripe." and appalling. clamed the Duke. wrinkled and wan, over his repugnant tasks. and starting the horse, "Is Maria, a cer who had tho command ot tho arresting While and a single passenger got on. He mounted the "No I I must not." she persisted, keeping her. The next moment thegrotbsque crowd turn- sigh. Sigh after sigh broke from his thin lips as ho Lucy's. Do you know hor?" f-ariy moved closer to Adrlen, and looked "I cannot," said Adrien, turning with a and. aa face was turned towards blm. I eyes cast down. d to the entrance from where the cry seem- the snares for the unsus- Mr. Harker shook his head, but still kept at the for an explanation. But steps, my The OfBcer shook his head, made a signal arranged gins and Around Baron obtained a good view ot him as he ascended to the "Yon won't take theml" He -was verywhlta^ d to proceed, and there rose a great snotit ot his his eyes upon her. his voice with his hand, and, as If by magic, the four pecting victims ot Mr. Jasper 'Vermont, his stern, agitated face showed no signs of cabin. He wajs a toll, slender man. with bright, and trembled wlUi suppressed passion. stonuhment 1'* friend of Lucy's 1' and alarm; for thr«ngh the men closed round the kingly form, and a score master, had set his heart on catching. "Maria he repeated. "A -recognition, and the remainder of the group llaahlDg eyes, that seemed to pierce me through as "No I" ipenlng, from which the sudden pressure had more sprang on the terrace and surrounded It was hard, very hard, to be the tool of such Has she no other name? 'Where docs she come sbemed stricken with such bewilderment of he hurriedly scanned me. The moment hssaw "Then I'll go home and eat every goldamed ona of them before I touch It oro away the curtain, could be seen astrange them. a merciless fiend, to be the servant ot such a from?" the faculties that Mr. Taaper Vermont ventur- my companion I thought I saw his eyes flash with my twd. they kin m« deader than Oollarl" And with this Utooloas Toup. 1" master ot deceit, villainy and fraud ; but so Neither made any reply—John because he composed face, to step for- a brighter lustre, and a faint smile wreath itself In the Queen's name, stand back all ed, with a properly threat he bounded out ot the house. Adrien Leroy, In kingly costume and with greatly did the father love his erring child that could not, Rcah because she seemed perfectly word. around the lliw. that betokened great determina- cried the officer, and amidst a fearful confu- Whether he did as he promised Is not knows; :ingly face, standing over the prostrate body and bis agita- tion. He entered the cabin, and In a short time sion of screams and exclamations the offioers be scarce would have hesitated In committing Indifferent to both his presence "What do you want, my man?" he asked, but, as he was around on the street the next day. If at Intervals, was out on the cabin-deck, seemingly busUy en- a man, while two others, with scraps of murder had Jasper 'Vermont set that crime as tion ; and the old man, eyeing her dissipated, low-bred face with moved on to tho head of the terraco, and the glancing at the gaged In the perusal ot a periodical which he bad It Is more than likely that wiser tiionghtsptv- taper in their hands, were grasping his ^ms. silence. muttered In his dry voice front file were half down the steps when a a price ot bis forbearanco and He grave eyes. purchased at the news-stand aboard. But look valled. no Ur. Jasper Termont, near his 'side, 'kept likeness, wonderful I I nould started for voice cried "Stop I" and a man with a bloated would purchase his daughter's safety and hap- "Wonderful "I don't want you," retorted the man, rough- where I would. I saw—or 1 thought I saw—those That afternoon be her hoose to see lack with friend of a fourth his own arm. face and bloodshot eyes stumbled up the steps piness with his heart's blood. It need be. With havo sworn — yet It cannot bo. A ly eyeing Mr, 'Vermont from the comer ot his eyes fixed on my companion in a tiaslUsk stare. If the dreadful thing was true that the jeweler "Adrien I" said the Baron as he came and looked savagely round. this resolve he worked on, setting in order Lucy's 1" eyes. "I don't know you. I want Mr. Adrien The gambler quitted my side and entered the whom he designated by the prefix ot "pole-lecir*. hrongh the lane which the crowd had made the various accounts which Mr. Jasper would They reached Weybridge, and Beah. leaping 1" cabin, while I remained to enjoy my cigar. Just —had really supplanted him. As ha naazed tha Leroy house he saw with anger that the jeweler was' or him, followed by the Buke, Lady Con- CHAPTEB XX. require to be laid before him on the morrow, from the dog-cart, ran with her light, halt-sav- this moment one ot the offlcera moved as my greatest castle had erected Itself 'mid the — At there, playing croquet with Julio. The olchf tance and the Karqula "Adrlen 1 what \a with nolselees wreathing fragrance ot the Havana, it came tum- Leaving the interrupted procession on the and entering in a book concise histories ot age way past the two men, and sUshtly, and disclosed the tall, princely figure. htm. For looked his? 7"' bling to the ground at a gentle tap on the shoulder. maddened a moment ha at ^ By. Heaven 1 am I mad or dreaming„ terrace at Barmlnster, we must return to the the debts and difficulties which placed dozens feet entered Lucy's room, bending over the sprang forward, as Iqabout to strike The man Looking around, I twheld our latestarrival. After them with clenched hands; then he harried away ind he turned with blazing eyes from Adrie^ rivetalde village of 'Weybridge. ot Mr. Jasper's acquaintances in his power. bed and taking Lucy's hand with a grateful, Adrien, but the Duke stmck him across the with a gleam In his eye that denoted a storm. In oUr.Jasper'7ermpnt, Implore her not a pleasant "good-morning" from him, and a who, white as hlmseltf] No -sooner had Mr. Jasper 'Vermont taken A knock at tho door startled and roused him loving glance, as much as If to ohest and bore him back. courteous responss from me, we wereeoon launch- a quarter of an hour he was ''again approanhlng iToided his fiery glance, and shook his heaJ little the intricate to think she had foraaken her. the place. He had both hands in the pockets ot his departure, than poor Lucy Ashford from his task. Hastily shutting "Who Is this ruffian?" he exolalmed in bis ed Into conversation. H« made a tew inqulriea as ' lolemnly. sank oh the floor and buret into s flood of ledger and covering the deeds and documents "They have come?" said Lucy. broken English, his pale face crimsoning at to the person who had lust left me; but on ascer. his sack, as It he were holding on to aoms" valuable. The dapper jeweler was stUI sa Adrien winced ; but before he could speak teare. So great hod been the strain that she with a large sheet of paper, the old man rose Beah nodded, and John and Mr. Harker en- this fresh Indignity offered to his well-beloved talnlng that I knew nothing of the man, we were In the game -with the fair Julia, and their latu^ he man behind Jasper Yermont stepped up, completely unnerved, and had quite for- the door. It was John Ashford tered at the moment. friend. added, turning to the officer soon engaged in other and pleasanter topics of was and opened Then he Ing remarks grated distastefully on his ear. 1B» uid, with grim stolidity, held out a strip of gotten the likelihocia of her hueband^s imme- and, at the sight of his round, kindly face, he "John dear," said Lucy, "leave us for a "Have you brought all the scum ot the earth conversation. pleasant day together, and after marched straight into the yard. JoUa looked op !>apor to the Baron and sold diate return and Beah's mysterious disap- back, clasped the table with one minute." We psssed a staggered at your back, sir?" tables were prepared for the usual and saw him, and a frown ooveied her fSoa. H*> "Sorry, my lord, to have to do this at such of John stooped and kissed her, patting her supper the pearance. The dim cloud apprehension hand, and gasped The officer shook his head. card-playing. At one of the tables sat the gam- saw It, and understood Its Import at once. Hla I moment'; bnt duty Is duty, as yon know, my hand as softly as a woman might have done, " which her heart had given her presentiment "Lucy!" "I don't know this man," he answered, "or bler, and to that table Ur. Seely (the name by own face grew black with wnth. Ho tamed to ord, and of had btuBt upon her head. Ur. Jasper 'Ver- "All right—all right," said John reassur- and, beckoning to Beah to follow him, left the his btislness. Do you, Mr. Leroy?" he asked, which he had introduced himself) and myself her: The Baron stared at him ; then, evidently mont, the strange gentleman who held her ingly, but with a quieter voice than his usunl room. touching his cap with unconscious respect to went They were playing deeply, and. like the "Julia, ha-ve yon given me up tor this onasf" li» leaf as a post to what he was saying, stcncK secret, was alive—aye, and, more than that, one; "don't be frijehtened, Mr. Harker. Sit Half an hour afterwards the parlor door his prisoner. night before, the gambler was the -winner. None savagely Inquired, while the party thus Indalt- he nearest of the men who held Adrien, and entered. in oould resist his skill, and one by onu they retired cately Indicated stared at the neweomer as It had not torKOtten nor failed to threaten her. down. It's rather sudden; but when Bhe opened, and Ur. Harker "I do." said Adrien the low, restrained • Itmck at starting the table until he was left alone, with very much doubted his own existence.' ' the nert, bnt the Harqnls seized his Presently, recalled to a sense ot her position, says : 'Oo and fetch father,' you see I come "What's tho matter?" said John, to voice In which he had spoken since his arrest. from trm. before •What do you mean by such language as thst^ she jumped up and called to Beah. Then she and fetch you directly." his feet. "Is she worse?" "I should think you did I" exclaimed the his sains In a pUe him. "-fou are In good luck, I see," I observed to she angrily demanded. "Unhand me I" roared the Baron. "Ill put remembered that the girl had disappeared, "Lucy is ill?" said Mr. Harker, trying to "No," said the old mon. "Thank Heaven, standing forward and staring round. man, him as he eat looking oioifbd, as though tor some- "Just what I say," retorted the discarded one. m end I have oome to to this mummery Can't you speak, and, feartul ot being left alone to eneountor calm himself, and -wiping the peraplratlon she Is better 1 John Ashford, I "It aInt likely as you'll forget me, nor me "Well, the quicker yon leave this yard the bet- " one else to fleece. ilr?" he cried hoarsely to Adrien. Mr. Jasper, whose return she expected mo- from his forehead. beg your forgiveness on my knoes. It was I ter you'll please me.'' -was the spiteful rejolndar you : here I've got some SIE.OOO winnings, and "Father," said Adrien, "Tes turning to the star- mentarily, she ran to the door, calling on the John nodded and sighed, and glanced at who overcame her scruples and bade her "By Heaven I" exclaimed the Dake, enraged can't And anyone on the twat who will try to win of the fair one. ng. bewildered "Then It Is true!" he howled In a voloe otaa., crowd, and then suddenly girl's name In ajparoxysm of nerveless terror, Mr. Harker's hat and coat. The old man rose, marry you. I did It for the best. I did it beyond endurance by the man's insolence, It from me. It seeme my luck Is too much tor falling gnlsh. "Bhe has left me for Old Pole-legs. Oh 1", silent as his eyes met the dark, flash- which ended at last in an attack ot hysterics, put his hat on, and nodded at the door. that she might be happy. She tells me you "this Is too much." them." ng This with a sudden nreraal of tone as the nama ones of Lady Eveline, which were fixed in the midst ot which honest John returned "Don't tell she's very ill, John," he said have forgiven her ; but can you forgive me?" "I'll make the etfort," quietly remarked Mr. me And he strode forward. brought up a realization ot the haled pressnos.-' >n his face. exclamation voice, "until get outside. with teare in eyes, caught him by Beely as he sat in the chair opposite him. to find her. With an of alarm ho in a trembling we John, bis "Stop I" said Adrien .in a sad voice. "Let "You scoundrel left to boy her* Before li was the Orst time that the gambler had close- are (he that me another word could be spoken, the raised her from the floor, carried her up- I am an old man, John, and she's tho. only the arm and shook his band. him speak. sir, speak to the point, and Come, ly observed him, and I thought I saw a gentle things for a whole month, together sweetened up., nan who had addressed the Baron before, stairs, and ran for the doctor. I've got." did It for he said. "I have child "Tou her," quickly. "What do you want ot toe?" tremor quivering through his entire tmdy sa he for you. and then you oome In on' take her to, evidently irritated by his recaption, motioned doctor came, with his coat, reassur- nothing to forgive. poor darling had 'When the Lucy had relapsed John helped him on It my "What I asked a month ago," answered the tried to gaze nonchalantly at his new opimnent. yourself. Where were you on the FOurthf" hie a his men, and they closed round; then, fever, was talking deliriously ot after told meall at the - into low and ing him the while. The two, having only plucked up courage, and man Insolently, glancing round to see what "All right, sir. It Is yours. It you can win It," screamed with biting sarcasm. "Why dldn^ yon speaking quickly, heralsed his voice and said l an Inn at Canterbury, and an individual by locked up the office started for Weybridge. hour we were man and wife, she would have effect his words had had, and letting his eyes said in an evenly modulated voice. show yourself when there was money tospoid. he that cost "It's no use, my lord ; it must oome out, I the name of Jobann Wllfer. Her husband Until uey had left the London streets be- loomed how dearly I lovoa her, and saved Mr. Jasper Termont, game began, and fortune smiled tram the an' things to show her cash downT^ rest for a moment upon The Where were you when the Ice-cream on* eoka was >oe. Qentlemen all, I arrest Mr. Iieroy, in paid little attention to her wandering, in- hind, and tiie early morning had revealed the you both many unhappy years." him. his face tuU first on Mr. SeeTy, owing to the tact, as I supposed, who stood quietly regarding I" the Qneen's name, on a chaDje ot forgery ot old man, but- that the stakes were light. The gome prognesed. round? Oh 1 you old gimlet-eye he added, sad- V coherent sentences in the firat excitement beauties of the road, neither ot them spoke a "Bless you, John l'' said the of sympathy for his friend and benefactor, the It was the gambler's deal. I was watching Hr. denly removing one hand tiom leoesaas ot a A cry of horror burst from the crowd. ; presently, as took dis- avoiding all man. Would his anxiety but they word; then John, mention of toning his coat ; "you are a good whose teoubles appeared never-ending. pocket and hurling a raw egg (till In the taoe ot 1" Seely, and 1 saw that same taint smile -wreathe "Forgery the dreadful word passed from tlnot form, and she plainly oonfessod the one Lucy's secret, told the old man ot how he had to Heaven we had done rightly by you from pressed closer then at fever- rival, breaking The crowd liselt around his Ups. Betting then began, and his which, In the eontoct, com- mouth to mouth—aye, and eye to eye as the error ot her life, poor John recoiled from found her lying on the floor. the firat I" the entire — pitch. 'What new phase of the scandal was In a short time It ran Into the thousoads. and the pletely tnnstormed ezpreaslon' of tha iayly-dressed throng looked at another let us one the bed, and looked round him -with a be- Mr. Harker's troubled face darkened, and "Well, well," said John, "never say this fellow In seedy clothes and swollen face gambler's pile was gradually finding Its way to jeweler. "WherewereyDn,Isay}"iieyelled,dana- aghast. - wildered, sorrow-stricken air. All the little his thin hands went np to his month in a another word, never let us think about ft about to Introduce? the pot m the centre ot the table. Mr. Seely "saw ingaronnd and orawlnglonbaiiottaeregg. At tha awful article Miss "Forgery 1" cried the Duke, stepping tor- BtraiiKeness in his -wife's conduct and manner thoughtful, pondering way. But, though his again. And now may I go upstoits? But "I want my niece, my girl Beahl" said the and went better" from.a hugs pocketbook which advent of this Julia acampaed irard, sternly. Into the house, and the aOrlghted and almost were now explained. He had been deceived 1 face grew darker, and an angry, resolute light wnere are you golng?^' as the old man put on — girl as yon took from her home and was Inexhaustible to the heavy demands mode man "my blinded rival stmck out wildly tor eaeape; bnt tha "Forgervl" sold the Baron with a ferocious She had loved another before him, and at the came into his dim eyes, he never said a word. his hat. deceived. That's what I want. Mr. Leroy; upon it. The gambler's tlS.OOO were up. and he laugh. taken from his pooket (4,000 more, with which foe was attar him, and not ten teat had been olaar- "What mad tolly is this I Adrien, is bitter truth Ashford hid hla taoe in the -within few miles to Mr. Harker In his it'll hod John They a ot "Back - were Weybridge. London," said and the sooner I has it, the better be for ed when the seoond egg caught him between tlia this a part ot the evening's to he "ealled" his opponent. prognunme, an homely counterpane, and sobbed like a child. when John pulled up the hoise with an ex- dry voice, smiling grimly. "I have wort do all paitleB." shoulders and sprinkled Its glowtng colors orsr arranged tableau? Truly, well "Von call myhandt" quietly asked Hr. Seely. played, bnt a Honest tears bring relief and soften the clamation Of astonishment. In the aet of —on account to settle, John, for Lucy and my- Adrien looked at him with darkened brow, to bold to take his liack. The unfortunate man ran with all his little too tragic ••Yes: and you will have high in Its mirth to suit my anti- heart. 'When Lucy Ashford awoke she found turning down a lane, a tew yards before them, self. Too dont know all yet. John. Tou don't then he turned to the Duke sorrowfully. might, seeking for escape, but baffled in the the pile." , quated tastes. Qentlemen. I sesrriti, Sew vegetables darted imolore 'von her husband's eyes, still wet -with tears, look- -was a young girl. After a moment of motion- know, you never will know, what poor Lucy "This man," he said, "has a fancied griev- "I am -well satisfied -with the hand I held. It He over the and lower the curtain 1" ' to ing at her with pltylnK tenderness. less , he threw the reins onto Mr. and I nave Buffered. We've been elaves aU ance against me. Will yon do me the last act Is " and he produced a revolver, which he around the tree, bnt the avenger kept close And with a fearful laugh hlra. plastering him with questions like these he turned aside. "John" she said faintly, "you know all," Harker's knees, leapt from the cart, ran after these yeare, trembling and shrinking under a of kindness that will be In your power, and Immediately pointed i. the head of the gambler. A dreadful silence tell "Where were yon on tha fourth?" SR. upon every soul for and hid her face in her hands. the girl, and caught her by the arm. villain's nod and frown. I've sold myeell to hear what he has to say? Tell turn I know "It Is your life. Bit -till, sir—one move, and I '* "Where were yon when there was money lo ba thoy saw that there was reality, a stem reailty. dear you've told me alt 'Why he cried, "what are ooneldentlon of my ser- blow your guilty soul into perdition. Oentle- "Tes, ; didnt "Maria," ytni -doing a demouf who. In nothing of his nleae spentt" Egg. "Kept away, you, till the The Duke, who had taken the strip of men," he said, as he appealed to the bysiandeis did paper tell before?" here, girl? Tou haven't left Luc^" re- vices, ot my body and boul, John, promised false!" Mr. Wllfer sav- . yon me my "That's exclaimed the table, but speaking Fourth was over—the costliest day in the yearf" Irom the officer's hands and read It hastily poor Luoy. who crowded around Bhe looked at blm, -with open eyes. In wonder. proaohlully. to keep his talotis from my He agely. Interrupting bim. Egg. "Knew cream was up that day, did yoaf T laid his strong palm upon the old •nan'fo without removing his eyes from the man before Was that all the reproach his righteous anger The girl looked up at him with sorrowful, knew of her misfortune, and ne threatened to The Duke raised his arm, but an officer Egg. • ^-J shoulder, and muttered hoaisly: him, who sat white and rigid as marble—"gen- It eyes. let know of it too i the eggs flew with all the veogeanee on nit> would deal out to her? Could be possible questioning the world and you, John, caught It, and -with a warning geetnro forced tleman, this man Is a cheat an thief. To prove And , "My lord, there la something In - the men's that, knowing all, dear, good John loved her "Yes," she said, "I have. I am going to If I didnt bind myself to him and do his vil- Mr. Wilfer out of reach. my assertion, let any man examine this packet requited affection could import to them. And tha: madness I do not nnderatand. Let them go,^' unhappy Jnlls,stondlng trance ot hORWat:. still, and would stUl call her his -wife? Oh, yes t London. I cant stay with you, although you lainous work. I have done it, John, for years. "So it Is falser retorted Mr. Wllfer. looking cards, and he will find eleven ot them gone—five in a and he waved his hand to the the -window, saw her favored one pelted th.tha crowd. and for testimony thereof his arm -was around were so good. Oh, sir, let me go, let me go." I have endured shame and agony tinspeak- fiercely round, still with a cunning nnder- In front ot me on the table, five In ttont ot him 1" head, and again oa th* "No thundered the Baron, turning like a on the table, and one up his sleeve. Tou wlU bock. In the side, on the i her neck, and his kiss of forgiveneas upon her John dropped her arm and shook his head able that my darling's secret might be safe. I glonce at Mr. Jasper's troubled face, as If the lion. "They shall stay and see the also find that his hand contains four aoes. Prove legs ; saw blm tear through shmbbefy Uks a play to lips. sadly. have been his tool and his scapegoat. Men seeking his approval. "He does know where golden liquid the end." It, gentlemen." winged omelette; saw the atream "John," she crying with ine£bble "Well, girl," he said, "I didnt think you whom he has ruined through me have spat from her sold, my she is, for he took her home, and ^'i" hla wist-tsll. and hi* fla- . Then, in a voice hoarse with excitement and The gambler's hand was tnraed Caoe np-wmrd. from his hair, his thankfulness and peace, "send for poor fath- were one of thatt sort, to leave myi Lucy, as was upon and curaed me. I. on old man. ^Infp to Bhe hasn't been Been einco etae entered bis lorambled cub, ehiemoa passion, he addressed Adrlen and there lay the four BOes and a lack. At his ger-tlps; saw him shed er It wui i>e I of jump; saw ; new ufe to him to know that this so good to yon, when she was lu and hadnt a the grave, have earned the title usurer and chambers I li she's alive, where is she? And feet, on the floor, lay a ten-spov, which he had and ciRus-postets oi every him final- "Now. Sir, explain; let ns have it aU; or dreadful weight Is off my heart, and that you,you, soul near her." thlell All this I have done and suffered that It she aint, then this high and mighty swell, snakenfrombts sleeve. ly bound over the bock fence and sweep acnas by the Heaven above, I shall forget mysel knowing what been,laj Still "Ill 1" with child's happiness whom he had fleeced were the bock lots like a simoon ot blUonsnesa, and and 1" a bad -woman I have eaid Beah a bewildered look. he should never blight my as is dressed Ilka a king, is nothing better The vlcUms before you scream and talatad ilaa- . call me your I ill. It the the contract. 1" denunciation ot cheat, and cries then she gave a away.— Adrien little Lucy! O John, John "She was not was lady with him," by his presence. He nas broken than a murderer now loud In the beckoned ' to the that he 1 tnrtStrnt. . men would fetch him—fetch him i" and she shuddered, "not your wife." He was here' yesterday, John, and with A thrill of horror ran through the throng. ot "Kill blm klUhlml" mounded through the It was the *° "°"P"> qnleUy step- John kissed her, and without a word put on John looked at her as U he thought the girl his flendlsh face and threats neariy killed Mr. Jasper flung his hands before bis face as oabln. for etiquette ot that day that ^lorSa^"''* cheating at play demanded death. Kbaskus -wnsoit. tha amlaant London smfcon, his hat. If his little Lucy had asked him to had taken leave of her senses. her. Now hie power is gone 1 Lucy is tree, U to shut out the sight of his friend's face. '' him "Hold.gentlemenl This man's life Is mine. I ays: ••In travsllng It Is odvltobla to eat IrequanU. i>,^i.'^''«saw remembered afterwards bring her a ohlptrom the tombstone of Frank- "I dont knowwhat lady yon mean, my gld." and I am free. has'done that which he Constance, breaUog from the Baron's detain- never He have a story to tell to him, and to all of you, to ly—not much at a time, but olton-and to avoid' S*i,h?™ looked so prlnodyaa otthat lin the North Fole, said, "bt^t left UI, very take turn, moment of ' u kind-hearted John would he I Lucy Uli and wait- bad sworn not to do. Now I my ing grasp, moved with quiet dignity to show yon how deeply I detest and abhor hlo, nor oioohoL Thus soupi ooliee^ tea, eutlsti, .lral%) his degradation. have started offto procure It as tinheBltatin^y. ing for you. Ton eee, I dldnttbtnk you'd run and for every tear he has wrung from my Adrien's side again, and bud her hand upon shall I let him slip my gnap. One year ace soda or seiner water, shotUd lonn thsstutow 9harge of a horse and a rfokety dog-oait away and leave her at anoh a moment. Bnt datling'B .eyes I. will .-wrbuj a groan irom his his ann^ while a tall flgnra^ dressed. In scarlet brother, who was then bat Just airtved at the trovellnsdleL forging the tir Doke de Boaen's oigu' from a neighbor, and started off to the starleaa jwm your own mfatieM, my poor oblld. and blaokheartl Don't speak to me, John. Oo robes that were half-ooncsaled by » large blue years ot moohood, started on a pIcastm.Mp on Hhiinas whlrh mnUng illiit trnirti ilTrr" - : m —; : » "— • : : : ^ .1I

September 8, 1877,

186 Jons Corvxx. a wen-known turfman ot this In the Mexican War. alike at aea elty. dlfi) He bad served bis r«*ldaace, at SalEerns. N. J., on Ang. S, aiier a lo^ in Kaiyland in 1809. lilneoa. Smsiraa. Sooth Bostoo.-1. It wu a buo-hli. NEWS OF THE ITEEK BOILED DOWV. and on land. Be was bom HDdpalnftil He waa for some yeara ttio ton 2? XT. Navy In . Dr. Livingstone, and D. Tbe annual rasaua or the Xewbanc (N. Y.) Rovioa sefioLthUaine the pennant. perhaps mortally vronnded An exhumation IMO, when he eetabUshed an TIBON, Henry—Ot Baltimore, and iSalllo Watson fllly). 77». In the took place on the liudf^m River Aug. for-, presisge was in Danlel's Olen Atliol elation ^"e"* 3'. Sept.' B. R., MandHaler.-The nine tefulng to pUy ot the ot J. H. Mackey at OlnrlnnnU. O., with P. B. Burke, passenger railroad In that city. At McDanlel's pair. »l«0: First c ' ilof DStrt4)e O. remolne otfaTfir BoMon In oonnecuon president ot a pools Bertram aolil (torSXn: rough„ water havlmr----^ ™nsod the poatpun,-inent ot allbo, IMtnl thsgame, ttoa resulted congestion ot the the York >ls: Dr. Livingstone, SlU. The Oxed Inr declaioa tbe held , showed thot'death trom who at the of six months withdrew discour- one time he was a viee-presldent ot New Chance, fit: QueeastowD. oneoftheevsnta on secand F. C. BnxAlyiL—The Orimean War wu begun In IW. end the stnner to «t them large attendance noon each . thr om- tied Sept. Jockeys defladau tbe eflbrtsol There waala day. and lowjaefc. brain The body of a man found to a Hr. Adams eslabllsbrd a branch and Erie Railroad—Baltimore, Md., X comn^' •truck > Co!nrr.>i.-r Rason. Washln)itan.-B with bU aged. In 18U oir together, and openly reiuted to obey him. When they tlrelyfgwpeniaia trom III her cities being bul pracdee. block ot granite In Bristol Harbor. B. I., was snp- placed W. B. Dlnsmore In TBENCRABO. Ann Barclay—Wife of Bear-odml- r'nsent.hoii2. Wu A. P. U —Ha loM one. This U the medera office In this dty, and old get away. Sister ol Herey made tbe rvmnlng. with er. Among those wbo tonic part In the wverai rac« Hot odC that tbst ot Ezra Baxter ot Providence became B. Navy—this dty, Aug. 37. wrZ' ot the Ant d»- HauKA. Ark -We an not fkmlllar with nme. poaed to be ctaoKs ot it. In 1843-3 £ S. Banford lal Trenohard, V, Qneenstown next, ror three-qnartersofo mile, when she some oarsmen of eoBslderab° of -' W. & I,., CariUle.—Then is an open Hooesdole, Fa.. Engineer Hnlr being sllgbt- of BiJU- and the warm personal two leoElba In 1 ;44 ; Bister ol Mercy Ing. with two or thre* exceptions, laken near through the agency ot 8. M. Shoemaker Major David Taggart, pace, be won the race bv pains J,' J. T. A.'d«!k.mm a bad ly Injured James Eiady of Batesvllle, Hiss.. more, was established from Phlladel- friend ot the late Hon. Thoddena Stevens. He second. FlmtChancs tklrd. andBrrtrara lonrth. pnpoie ihemaalvas ibr severe rowtog: couHvqaeatlv iS. SJff tSe SSi™ Jack. Cblcaoa—B la ont on bla bigh-low-gime. an ospreu his ror 89S9. WInnlngtlckeu raon wera not.aa a. whole, ao exciting OelderUitlie was stated to have bean shot dead on the 3Stb by Adorns Co.'8 Call- Nortbtunberland. Fa., April 13.1796, town waa bought In by owner " ashvl h^T Bcocuin.—They have no right to saU lli^T. ghla to Washington. In 1M9 t was born in for all aeea. for anticipated. withdrawala'rawal. -.r. lie l>ank. on him pald$r«7.ia. A hurdle-race handicap . Among the were Cbsa". J. Hansfleld.—I. one error. X Tea. Andrew Porter, whom he had mnrderoualy as wss Instituted, aud In IBM Adams from IS36 to 18S5 was ptortdentof and JuMTfUe.—"A coBiiarea third baje. Man at C, Only imla Expnss and a pnr>e of KSO. nt which SiU to tbo second horse, mile Ceunney and Plea PlalSed ttnm the single«»i|. nSnir. O. B., Baltlmom.—B can sepante the bnlld. fstilted After attempting to murder his In a jolntstnck concern 1837 be was appointed Oonal-aommlssloner by laat aod brongbt the flnt day, b^MUtath^ tSldlneili- to Iha^raoBd. and tha badbooiMla A Co. wen consoUdated In a quarter, over five huidlea. was the race, and BIglln and Sngfeban and Pauit,^ J. A., Beaton.—They are prefcmlonala. wife, Iiouls Dash committed suldde at Saint with the Harden Expreu (W. F. Harden, the Gov. Bltner—Norihnmlwriaud. Aug. 34, aged 81. tbe meeting to a successful termination. Threo hotws and Reagan f^m the' pair-oar rsea on the third. Thm^ 8L a., St. LoabL— la out ou high-low. 8mythe> b. event to not numar out br being hit with battjd U Paris, O Oovemor Hnbbard denied that had died In 1U8), Kinsley « to hove been the ran: Fisher A Canon's br. g. Kelso. I»lb; F. mer was cleverly taken by tho dusky oanmaa im- hSiubaaB. as loiaeatod. original exnrcaaman, VENABLE, Dr. Geo.-Reputed IBtti. Now. In thla caae, tb* D. a. OllKT.-Tra: sent h. Waller, IMB> ; and J. T. Blanehani's b. g. Bambino. the Hub. "Pienchy" Johnson, wbo got blmsvlt rlakt ba£aenMuis to into VI. ate U? Texan troope bad been Instructed to pursue Co.'s. fc Co.'s, the title of the consolidation In the State ot Ken- for? ninner wai bit W. P. C, Phlla.—We give It np. and Hocy oldeet homoDopothlo physician Waller sold ror 8400; Kelso. tZ75: and Bambino. •T'. and defeated Ten Eyck hy a long distance. John ^SinoUedthe baU foal beeaoM the Hextcon marauders across tbe border Wm. Express Co. In that year Alvlu Sialln allowed the niiiiier to letara Sobs.—certainly there can be. being tbe Adams tucky—Paducab, Aug. 37, aged 80. Kelso took the lead, and held It over the flntt three hur- flnlsblng. Tbe perfbrmaneea ol BIglln were SSaaonrool RtooDd, and ot Newark, N. J., oominllted suicide at Watertown, Hsss., Mor^ tSbShit. WaTciSpliertgbtf The baUwaa fool: BowTDii.— B scorn ror nme. Undemsnn Adams purchssed an estate WABDNEB, Hon. Allen—Father-ln-law ot Becre- dles: at the roortb Waller was almost parallel with him as through, he and Hlcke.v starting In ttie do.ihl„.»!^„7' A- P. Paoo.—Out or prlut. deserted dead epiendid and bat therannerwaa oat beeaoie hewaa "alt by a baued because his wife had him Tbe and retired from business. He bad a tary-«f-State William H. Evarts. He was bom In he cleared It. and the same as they went over tbe Pltn also, but pulling ont when tbey ww thi-v diiin't ha?r J. J. C, Ottawv—A wins. it is flat Kelso drew clear away, and won ghost of a chance to win, BUIa and Dan body ot Valentine Lemm, who bod shot himself, ooUeettonofetatnary and pointings. Among Alateod, Cheshire County, N. H.—Windsor, Vt., last hurdle. On the Ward (bllowh^ the "Unn- MiLUSPhUa B leads. by two Isnctha In 3:213^. Bambino savaral lengths suit. Brief aeeonnts or eseh day'a racing follAw-^^ ^ Tan Ambmsb, I. the rmea ' ^SLErHlHT. Naibu—L A. was found In EvetgreensCemetety, Brooklyn, I.. Powers' "Greek Slave." He was bom in Wood- 90. Pa^ Not ». UU. The J. A.—Stale Uie wiger. Ang. 30. aged ^ _ ^ _^ pools paid on the wUmer. FIRST DAY—TnCmSDAY, ADO. 30 laaer," dvd In rtiUadelphla, Fixes: Tbe depot-bnlldlngs at Camp Doug- etoek, 1801—Watertown, about Sept. I. of tho SupremeCourt. sway. Mutoal S9 M«»iiit.«i thalainfteTcrlntblii cooour.dled Vt, In WABE, Jalrua Ejc-JusUoe Tbe weather was pleasant ana the water lo prectv deehant las. Wla.. with Brown'a Hotel—loes about $17,000. A Ot the well-known New Salem, Mass., sml taTc^aTUlei Md. Mar I, im while with Tbarcr « ALBBO. Oeorge and author ot several text-books— condlUun. The flnt was . three lengths behind. BIZ&BBI, Cardinal Gnlseppe Andrea—Bom Oovsmor ot Usssachuseits— old. 4lb ; If (our years old, 71b ; Uve yean and upwards. the chanpionablp prize In theln- Itself art, Illeiatnre, states- at Farms. N. T.. third race wasasingle-acnil shell tor alter the latter had won whether dlapUyloK In draw ot a rallcoad-bridgfr Weet 11, 1603, and ralaed to the purplo Mass., Aug. 28. Eight hones entereue her (or manship or wartore, lis loss Is by Plus IX onkarch 16, YOUNG, Brigbam—Mormon prophet. Bis fath F. Johnson (colored) of Boston; 0. C £ Uoto In AnnapoUa, Mil., In 18'J9. He wss a lawyer Whittlngham, Vt., on 991b : and R. Bliea's b. g. Cyril, lUlb. Yorkshire John Rj-nie or Bafl£° Pass, ninth. He was born In lodianols, for bcr oind. Hat or whu uie now, ilncc she henelf de- bresUied his last. Oenlus has no naUonalltr, earthworks at tbe opening of the Scblpka ot sound standing, an waa the favorite orer the fleld when pooi.selllng com- Johnson woo the prise (81501. beating Ten Kvck by iMm good practice, a Democrat June 1, 1801, and In early life labored on bis Lass canra IV lo OD with the eagaRwnent; flghUng, the loeses upon both not lenetbs. Johnson's time waaiSmla.. and lir this affects all mon. The after desperate. opponent ot Enow-nothlngism, and In Co., Y. menced; but when It transpired that £van. wootd iW C. H. B., Phlla.— t. There no peroentace anlaat the and lor reason Its loss unswerving father's form in Sherburne, Chenango N. who took the second prize (Si5), 23mln U—* Bides lielng enormous. Oreeoe gave pacific as- Baltimore ride hsr. anil tbat her owner was publicly buying the Eyck, uulsvlUe. Ky., about Aug. 39, sgsd P., llSIb ; J. O. Bethane's b.g. Burgoo. 1211b ; and W. R. Bab- EmedlavsM is not out, no ball caugbt bald Dixon— West, and Dr. Spauldlng, taking this fact as a Cram tAegmod. & The oOch trltunphs In art, but also becanse ot his blame- with a sbotgnn at HlUbrook, N.T Cborles cock's b. e. Woodland. 1181b. Beloir tbe race. Partnenhlp Downing of Brooklyn, Darvach and Mntinn or Niw! from a iSace^tceeor a building belog a talr catch. 3. It 84. / cue to the title, called bu romance "Manuacrlpt horg. Kosher and Dolaon of Flshklll. Brown vras fatally shot at Bristol, Ct., while In tbe sold lor 8<0: Burp»o.M); Battle P . 8U: oan Woodlaod.lU. Devan aad Bat lie leas lite. It is not our purpose. In this ooimec- Dr. Jesse It Son ot the late Dr. Jeeee wonld be ont on rout strike. 4. Not out. was entitled BDBDEN, Found." It professed to be a history ot ancient heat Bursoo and Uatt le r. ltd all the way round fleld ot New York, and Parent and Habbard nroorer^' act of oommIKtnc.a burglary John Eocles, a Suite Senator ot Peimeyl- In tbe flnt to tbc bate he wna running to when the cruwd stopped the Uon, to sketch the career ot the dead actor. In B. Burden, a former America. It was never publlshsd, but Dr. into the homestretcb. where Partnenhlp eloaed. aod Bnr- Darragh and Meyinnwnn In Sta. lis. beating Bmti ML 8. Nocoat. miner, was killed, and several others Injtired. by brotber-In-Iaw ot ex-Foetmaster thorough ac- Tanla. He waa a Spauldmg frequently read It to his nelgbliore, tailing l>3ek left thence to theformerand UattlaP. and Downing ton lenetbs. Parent and Hubbvd's bw IL.E.W.—Uelatobechanted wlthooceatthebat. He another colnmn will be found a a railroad ooddent near Pittsburg, Pa Tbe ro*. swamped in a rough sea when within halla Falrman of Philadelphia, and about 1873 married and Sidney RIgdon. dose SnUh resulted hi tbo latter wlanlng by half • rallsor tte Bar in that period hare stnck it a ball and mlsaed it, or will voluntarily disbanded. among wbom wore Joe Smith flnlsb. Tbe othera palled ont race. count ot his lite, troin whleh the reader be Sixth HorylandBegtment Murdoch the tragedian. He wss length In 1 :4TX. Boicoo tbat distance behind Partnenhlp. of tbe TbewlaiM had a sirtie called unhimror not Mrlhlngai atalrball. a niece of Jonfes and Smith on one occasion. It Is alleged, borrowed Blook, at Paris, Ont., was burned ; loss PartnerabiD was stniiha favorite at SJOto SUover thf boat shipped coaMdetable water; bnt thev pulled this kind able to form bis owni eatlmats ot DaTenport's Gore graduated fiMn Jefferson Medical College—Phllo- to a The chances axe ben to one (bat MMocthlngof it tor a week or so. AtMut thirty ysan ago the nt Woodland reduced to Bar raft, hailed ont, and reiamed tbe nee. Ths fint C',ts,aao, partially Insured. fleld, which the distancing "ate dot* not occur, and thertfare ItlioalyCUrtoctiirKeblra delpblo, a. Si-V proteaslonal standing. While, tbeietoie, we lesva Chicago, Au^ Doctor's widow loaned It to a atzanger wboee goo and Haule P. Borgoo forced ths pace lor tbree qnsr. waa flu, the second atthebatwbeniaklog base on called balls. Aug. ai : A passenger-train on the wHh one Hme CONBtTABILS, Count—One ot the most emi- proteeaed object waa to expose Mormonism, and ten of a mile In the second heat, when Fartnet«hlpchaJ. THIRD DAT-8ATCRDAT, SEPT. 1. P. Aogustn.—t. Piorlded uuu B has not ooos to othan the task ot determining his position In Bock Island and Padfio Ballroad fall Into a creek C &, vras In longed, and beat him to the score by a length In 1 zL^Ji. The flnt race was ror amateur rour-oared shslls. tbtv* -widow" or hare It tamed being nent ot Italian orcbmologlats. Be bom she never saw the HS. again. Those who had faiad. ha eaneither take the art, we cannot retrain trom paring a trib- near Des Holnss, Iowa, twenty iwrsons odds were now forthcoming on Parinersblp, who miles, a gold badge to each member ol the winning trm (he ncKt player ahead or Mm baTlng rapped. X No Perugia. Italy—that oouniry, reeently. compared It with the then published Mormon Any nv killed, and many, more woundM Brighsm bad only llattle F. tor an opponent. Tbe favorite Fonrcrewa entered and two of them started—tbe Wot* the "widow" atkor it haa been exposed by ute, humble though It be, to the character Copt. Jomes H.—Ot Herlden, Ot—at tbe pEytr can taka Young, bead ot 'the Hormon Church, died At Bolt OBEEVEV, Bible osaert tbot the two ore substantially made the running throughout, and won hands down In venhooks ofCreenbdsh. K. T., and thsEnreks.ofireavi Mng toned no. 49. ot the man who has passed trom our midst. Ur. return to the United sea, Aug. 13, aged stmie. Going In 1833 to Klrtland, O., then a Mor- 1 :U,V. Uattle F. not being distanced, on sutferancs. N. J. The water was qnlto smooth. The W'^iveobv^s ' KTako p. get the opportonlty to appear In pub- lAke City, Utah The com' Bull, thousand war- OCNABD, Edward—Second son of the late Sir mon beadquartere, Brigham Young was chosen Tbe last race was over hardies, mUe taaata, (or a drew the choice or positions and took the Inmdc n* e^lad.-lf yodit awaoeoeedc«ed In pleaslog;, ... Uien tirandgetan, DaTenpori wis a true trlendi a desirable Statea ot Sitting with one Edward founder of the Ounard line ot pnrso or S3Sd, of wlilcb 875 to second hons. Outv three Eutekas got a alight lead at the start, but at the eadtf aogemmt Accept at'flnt any salary wmch may be riots, was aimounoed. Fears are entertained that Cunard, an Elder ot the"Oburchot tbe Latter-day Salnu panlon. and an upright citizen. -He was thor- r. h. 153b; Lyoch'a g. h. Der the fint hair mile the Wolvenhuoks were thiee Iranh - was tbe brother of Sir Baehe started: Lawrence's Rltk. oflBltd. • WhWhen yoa hare made some reimtatioo, ask tor vnil tinlte wllh Chief Joeeph Cable news steamships. He ot Jeeus Christ." and on Feb. 14. IB35, he was be by, 152ft; and UoGolre A Brother's o. Ii. Kew York. 153ft. ahead. The Eureka, then ermscd the wake of thrir co. onghij conscientious, both In his art and In his Ounard, who has been spending some time in this ordained one ot the Twelve Apostles ot tbat ' Ths Houmanlans have croesed the Danube In call.selllag (or SM; and Ifew Knenta, and. raacblng still water In shore, mm OKAULSr BOS9, Patersoa. —Toor strntcvent dlfTAza frem country. Killed by a coUlalon of borees while the next Risk had the Derby, tV: ndaod deaUngs wllh others. To this txsit, more, per- tone, with tbe purpoee ot outflanking Osman Obntcta, of wbtcb apostolic body be In York, 819. Ia ttie flnt beat New York showed the wmj e lead to hair a leagtn. The crews malBtaiocd ttin^ po. . PaacncJc iwhe answered claevherr), bat we thatoT J. r U playing polo—England. Aug. 30. tbeBalnts altlou for somedlstsnes. rowliic easily and tolng. ir a man pays an due tbe sooeoes Faeba. The Gerblan army was ready to move. year liecame president. From Klrtland over the flnt thrve hordlea; bnt at the Mailh Risk war wstchlagtick ( K mm to Uie nmc haps, than to onT other, was other, saving ibeir strength for tbe homestretch. ' eandcompetee knowingly against proitoMlon- It was estimated that six millions ot people will COX. Sir Edmund—Fourteenth baronet of tbat moved to Independence, Ho., and trom there a length ahead, an advantage he kept to the flnlsb. win Ai his etrorta. WhateTer he under- 8n) on Risk, wbo led Irom they neared the stokoboat at tbo mite and a bait tbs ^tu'ha tm a imslailimal whether be wIdji a beat or not which crowned name. He bod many years ago aerved Id tbe went to Nauvoo. From Nauvoo Brigbam nlogln 1:59. Betting: 810D to die of famine In Southern India. Lulgl Do Lueo, a they Eurekas crowded up and lapiied. bnt fVom their rsACiocK, —It do« not make a man power he pcaseoaed. Elghty-aeventh Boyal Irish Fuslleere. oud, Uke so start to flnl.h , aod vet>' easily won both tbe beat and raea poiltloa JiBtu F. htetson took ha did with all the pronUnent merebant In Borne, Italy, bos failed blmsslt went to England to make convene, ar- ont (br tbe outer stak apeoAilslonslil.wllhoat lta\ing entered for the race, he hi I :5;K: Derby second. ware compelled u go boat Ket. alighted. worked Grant had many ot his brother-eoldlere, he settled on holt- riving at Liverpool on April S. 1810. While in ^ ^ withstanding this, extra effort they ^urnld ran against prorbaUotulsslropiy to test bis speed, Nothing was too trivial to be He for tMO,000, and absconded. Oen. The attendance was largely Increased on the second day, by reached and can- pay In Canada—Quebec, recently, aged 80. England he reprinted tho Dookot Mormon, estab- excellent meneed to at the same time as ib. prize IT be .nhonld arrive Unt ot his career, arrived at Edinburgh, Bootland, and was the Ang. 39. and tbe programme comprised four mm Wolvta. vd-hsTlng no dilm to the laboriously during the earlier days quickly •trtbe tofv. guest of tbe Lord - provost Ballway dis- DEXTEB. John T Ot English literary note, lished a newspaper called TU ilUlmnial Star, which races. The lint aras a selllng-raca for all ages, (br a puns hooka, who rounded and puded avav on t^ be reaped the rewanl which tho sccoodbone; weight allow- bomenrretch fonr length,* ahead. At shermna'a Dock, --Qonar Cirr. Ctncinnati.—L Kew Tork City Is In Now and in s meaautv asters: Passenger and freight - trains collided and a regular contributor lo The LMdan Athaiaum IB Still In eiutence, and gathered lozetber seven of 8B0, of which SMto ances according to eotered selling price: mile and an one mile from the finish, the two boots ooeapl^d ;ha i«as lackOooaty. The whole o( the city Is the whole uf Uio comes ot honest and persistent effort. The at the depot ot the Hudson-river Ballroad, in and other loading publications in Great Britain. hundred ondalxty-nlne proeolytesto Mormonism, Klngii County eighth. The slxhora-s that entered aod nn were Jeter relatlvo positions, the Wotvenhooks pulling iheqalcktr eoontr. t drooUyn la In Kings Coonty. Byan, fireman, being I>esldee having tor a number of yesre l>een the ot the head of whom ho sailed for America. While la that part In whlefa Brooklyn, tocother with UAresena, friends he made were lasting ones. His success Hudson, N. T., Thomas \ralden's b. g. Cyril, lOSlb; a. LongstalTs b.h.6bylock, stroke, and bair a mile from tbe flnlidi tbe latter hid killed, and Engineer Obarlee Somen, Injured; regular correspondent of 7Ac Evening TVJtffniph of ho was temporarily In Boston, the Nauvoo Blot l»lb; J. O. Bathnoe's b. g. Dallgalslan. lU&Si: SI. Byme'i widened the gap to seven lenotha. On thelsstqnanrref Goofr Islmd. etCj Is dtoiccd. as an actor was not sudden, nor was it al- himself : J. mils tha Wdrenhnoks mads spun, while the O. "T. K.. Bcooklyo.—An expelled member Itom any cinb cause, caxeleeaness of a flagman. A trelgbt-train Philadelphia, and a contributor to ne American occurred, and Sidney RIgdon proclaimed c c King Bee. UBIk: W. R. Bibcock's e. h. Eg>'pt and a o EnnUi men, he met tbe call, slackeneil, the rormer finishing dozen leogtba to daUui ed fhun playing until reinstated by the aau>- ways uninterrupted. Uke other ran off the track at Hansen's Station, O., George Ardulectot Boston. He bod also, for quitsa while, president after tbe murder ot Smith. Returning R. GIbney'sc. f. Lovo (Tbase.aift. Egypt hod a la id. 8Jil; Elng Bee. *IE vanee In 20m. ftL dattaa the dub brloogs to. No Lesgne, International, or with the reverses of fortune, as well as Its smllee Heogle iwd Flllmon Pagley losing their Uvee, and been the private secretary of Sir Charles Dllke, to Nauvoo, Brigham deposed and cursed RIgdon, selling lor Ghylock. Ut: Cyril. Sid; lit, and the fleld. 811- Dallzalslan, with Egypt In im The sinaie-Bcnll working-boat race, open to an. hsd 4i Ceigiie-alllBnoB dnb can pliy an expeaed player In two others being t>adly bun. An engine and a M. P. He visited this country In inii In the In- and eventually led the bond in search of newquar- nines, and no ccimtable club will play such any way. but whether In adversity or prosperity he clung mediate attendance, made the running; King Bee, starter", and was won by .fames A Ten Evrk oT baggage-car were thrown from the track near terest ot the London Journals—London, Eng., tere, which, after repeated hardships and many a bancb, and Sbylock loat- kill; AI. Darragh ot Newbnrg w.-is second tte IkD.,CuhuabEa.—The pctnt taken by you In regard to fast to the golden maxim ot his lite, whleh Cyril and Love Cbasa In In tain bi agood one. Alter rain bos (ollca dTe mlnotes the South Berwick, He., and badly wrecked A Aug. 13, aged 36. deaths by the wayaldo, tliuy tuund In Salt Lake, On tho backstreteh Cyril and Sliylock took .ccoud and Ealr-oared shell, the Blglln-Eneleh.rdt aod Psnlkntr ampbc—at the request oi either eapuin. but not oiher- was to do well whatsoever his hands found mim named Steele, trom Wilmington, Dol., was DAVENPOBT, Edward L American tragodlon, where In 1818 he proclaimed hlmsoif "Prophet, third places, and, Dallcalslan being beaten »oon after ecan crews did not appear, leaving onlv three n. to enteringthe homestretch, a hot nruinile ensued between tries, two of these crews being comiwsed exe'nidTvlytf «tB—li obliged to niKpend play: and IT It contlnnes to do. It was, perhaps, unfortunate for Ur. drowned while bathing at Cape May, N. J (See "Amuaement Annolb.")—Canton, Pa., Sept, 1, Seer, Bovelator and President of tbo Mormon Peo- the vnuDg and old horses, which l:ii.teil to the stand, Cy- membera or tbe Ward ramlly of r>omwall. One ol Us rain for hauan boor be muKcaJl the game. nank Sharran, a horseman, died from injuries aged 61. ple." In September of 1850 tbo territorial govern- W. H. T.. BoHon —L We do noL r The roUowlng U a Davenport's tame that his talents were ot so ril winning the rica by anecKlo 1:57. UallgHlslan wag Ward crews took the flnt prize, S^IVI, and the other Wirt caused by jumping from a third-story window at DE BAB, Ben—Veteran actor, and pecuniarily ment ot Utah was catabllehed by the United States third. fourth. flfth, and Love Chase last. second prize, 22ai. battdrnlna: White, e.:Dradtoy. p.: start, 1st b.; BatnrN. It Klog Bee K^pt crew took the 850. Time. »b. - dlverslded a nature. But si>eaks volumes In of successful length- appointed al b.; VbBuaoii, Sd b.; O. Wrlgut. s !>.; Leonard, L I Fredericton, M. B The body a man named the mos; manager, as regards authorities, and President FlUmoro Mntnal pooU on ihe winner paid 532.25. The second raco lititdge,G.r.: 8paldlDg,r. C 3. Do> not kuuw what ha.-* his praise that. In turning tbe sharp aagles be BIley, who had boon scnlded to death, was found ened service, tho American stage bos ever known. Brigham Its Governor tor tour yean, to which, was one of mile beats, for a pumor83S0, of which the second receive rur three-year-olds, to carry CHAltl^EKGES BIOLIf. kaonmoihln. never once alighted the work which for at Nantucket Beach, Mass James Putdy, color- (Sec Amusement Annals)—St. Luuls. Mo., Aug. 'iS, altera brief Interregnum, he was reappointed by was to S75; DAVIS ceruti did, he Allies geldlocs. Etarteia .•M. T. PeekskllL—It a c'ub goaraDtees a ed, was shot dead at Coeoob, Cl. by "Tink" John- aged 61. Presldont Pierce. In the Spring of 18&7 occurred the lUOIb : 31b allowed to and Tha Uve The Portland. Me.,oar«raao Michael P. Darli Is dot. tliey staould pay It In the time engaged his attention. The talents en- were G. Bsrbee'sc c. Auburn, w. CottriU's h. f. Aunt Hetsy, ronsortctlngthe skill and iramlna or John BIglln. aaonntormanay to i vliltlogclub, son, also colored Theelvlng-wayotascaffoldlng DAVENPOBT. H. One of tha Davenport War, wblcb, so far as ooncorna the cbtet a agreement about xaJo. H Mormon b. c. Urasmar. J. K. Ulbnoy'sc 1. lodianola. rollnwing OB bonor, uaieas there Is a special trusted to his care were hlddeu under no napkin C. LoomtatTs appears from the ehHllenxte. In support The home club lost luthlag out procnlAvd ncclpta. The at Montreal, Canada, precipitated A. Benond and Brothers whose "Cabinet Myaterlrs" were a aen- object ot it, which was to aaaert tbe notional au- and P. M. Hall's b. c Dick SAHSccr Auburn sold lor 81110; which wa hold one hundred dnilan vlsttingnlne were out traveling expenaes. ot Indolence, nor burled In any slough ot vice. D. D. Longlols a distance ot slxtr feet, causing aatloQlntbls country about a dozen years ago. premacy, may be regarded as atlll In abeyance. Aunt Betsy, tW; Brwmar, 820: and the fleld, 819. Brae- Faufic Q(7iii(5, Esq.—Dear sir.' I herebv challenge Joti - & S. IL—The isBtstcd player cannot go alone, and almost liutant death Suicides: John M. Hla brother and his wife, the daughter ot £. D. The Mountain Meadow massacre. In wblcb mar made the running In the flm heat for three-quartera A. BIglln ot Nen-Yorkto row me a Kolfen* race lor tb belongs a They were put to the best possible ose, and they "cadlnzfor partner's best'* la not eochre. It to Eunckel, aged 61, ot this city, by drowning; Hr. Oavlee the ventriloquist, xurvlvo him—Sydney. Brigham Young was Implicated, is fresh In the of amile. wheahe wAsbesten, and Auburn won the beat sum or SSSO or S9dOa side, give or take expenses to nwii gunb puyeu in smoklng.can ind on sieamboats, and de- returned abundant Interest. Now that he lies by head In 1 :49 tnm Aunt Ketsy, Evans purposely draw, thevteluityot Portland or Horeboll, prompter ot the Almee Opets-bonffs N. 8. Wales, July 3, of consumption. public mind bocauae ot the recent execution ot a New Tork; ortorowhalfnj. vised lor the onwarr. ing livery flne. Bettlogi 811^ to 829 on Auburn, wbo al. each paving hla own expenses. I herewith deooslt oor dead, the many good qualities ot E. Ii. Davenport stated to have jumped overboerd Lee. was tho A. B., Iioiidaa.—Of llaeli; the son's birth abroad would Troupe, was EMMONS, John S.—Dcmocretio politician of John D. Under Brigham, polygamy lowed Aunt Betsy to lead for three-quarters of a mile, handred dollara In yoor bands for Mr. BIglln to com at sea on tho 26th salient feature of lu 180C he htwl iuthnpalrhiiellgU>llltTto the Hretidency or the United will be remembered by all who knew him. A trom tbe steamer Labrador Pougbkeepsle, N. T. Uo was twice a member of Mormonism. whan be pamd her, and won hinds down by a lensth In leavlrg the challenge open for one wrek ; and If be vd apucs. No party would be unwise rnoogh attempt to run Ashland, 111., was nearly twenty-nine wives. 1 :5I. third race lor two-year-olds, (br a fbnr five sincere, earnest, honorable man, loving his art Fires: The vlllsge of the Legislature, twice .\s80clate Judge ot Dutchess Bow many he had when he Tbe was a dash s:ive mo or davs' notice. 1 will meet blm atfD him ror that odlce, howerer. or ror which three youngsters started, viz., D. , , consumed—loes $35,000, Insuranos $10,000; the County, and seweol times Supervisor — died Is not known ontslde of Mormon circles. To Bursa 810O, CLiprsB ofhca at snch time aa he may appoint to amap . the fkmlltes Pougb- A. v.—1. Ko relatloa whatever, unless had and treading always In the path ot duty, he I. Wltben' b. c. by King ErncHt, dam Mlmi; G. Loog- prellmlnaiieA remctftallv. Hamburg Dt^tUlerr. at Pekln. Ill loss $25,000. keepsle, sept. 1, aged sa. ascertain how many he had during his lifetime Toon BcoiKlilBd baron that DUiTiig*. Z. It would be proper, stafTs b. c. by Baywirad. dam Laxy : and Kelly A Puiyear s leaves behind a memory bright with professional Insurance $5,000: Levi Wilson's new bouse and would be extremely dttDcult oven In Hormondom M, P, Davis, Portland, It. flbectmld also properly use her own maiden initials dur- FBANCIS. John—a colored centenarian. Be c c by KarraganHCtt. dam Minnie Ulniir, all carrying llOlb. Ids her huaband'a lUailme. triumphs and fragrant with gtx>d deeds. bam, at East Thompson, Ct.—loss $10,000. partly was a slave In Maryland for half of his lifetime, —Salt Lake, Aug. 39, agod 76. King Ernest colt sold for SKD; the Baywood colt. 839 ^M. a. (Xn, BalUmoie.—Addt*« Oenlo O. Scott, this Insured Barney Murray, a blacksmith, was and about 1833 obtained his freedom through the and the Kanagansett colt, 839. Tho two latter raced to Tasnn Boat Club. Lowsll, Maaa.—The third taeiil cttjt wtiocao give von gtml odrlcc In each natien. We It wonld seem that the American stage Is called the aenson under the aasplci*. i^r the Tesper Boat f^ bnrned to death atPokln, IIL death ot bis master and tbe klndneaa of bis mas- gethor bead.and-head for a qoarter or a mile, wbL*n they «e avene to tecommonSlog bocks, vr other merchantable upon to mourn almost simultaneously the loss ot werejolned by tne favorite, vho had tfaem beaten In a nocurrcd Ang. i9, at LoweU, Mom., the enntesUats Ixi* Aug, 30: An excutslon-traln ran Into a ter's widow, who sent bim North by means ot "tbe ailliilta In tlirsa **a Btrldea, galloped a winner easy length Fred W. Sticknoy, F. V. Lee and Cbaa. W. (Tuihlog. m a number ot Ms old and dlatingolsbed toUowen. group ot persons at Balem, Hass.. Hr. and Urs. rallivad," TURF. rew and home by an Is Tfts TUrr undeiground Since be re- THE course was tha nsnal two-mlla O. v.* GlasgtiT.—There no such boOk. then bad and in 54 seconds. The Baywood colt was second, stretch on tho Mflerisut their Wilbur, and Baeh- a hair nddantf'Araspnbllshcaascpanteyearlyvohnn^ whloi Benedict De Bar's death, which preceded that Joseph Swasey. son MIu sided In or near White Plains, N. Y.—"Nigger halt t)«rore the Narraoaniiett colt. last raco above the dam. Hall an honr before starting.' the jliv a length ' The hotaeainthaiparilcalirrear ' ' waa alive wItb boata ewHalna the reoanli ef most el aifford, a sister ot Mrs. Bwaxey, being killed. Hill," Harrison, Westchester County, N. T., Aug. KACK8. was over uurdlea, lor apuneofraeof 838390. or' which 890 to a or all deacripilona. a generenssptl* ot Davenport by a tew days only. Is to be deplored SARATOGA ling orthe fair and another person Injured Chas. Johnson, ond horse; two miles. Five nn— 31. Donohue'sb. h. Dead, sex being ehservtd; a coiuldenhleraa of "The WatamUl" i 38, aged 103. On Ang. S, the twentieth day of the present radoc CaiT.Ot. Boaten.-The poem none the lees deeply becatue It was expected. 3T. shot dead liy Eptaratm Williams, bead, IJEft; D. Lynch'sg. h. Derby. 145ft: J. O. K. Law- berorinumtedspeetaionalao lined the hanks on lb used at the Howi aged was season at Saratoga, the heavy rain in tbe uornlog caused east pobUahed odob » mogrammo GIBT, George W.—Ot the U. 8. Navy, and a na- rence's h. Resolute, ItSft; J. McCnlra A Brother's e. h. sldeof the river. Thetwata wera inline attheia past season, upon the occasion Hr. De'Bar was a tepreeentatlvs ot the old school aged IT. at Southwlck. Mass His. Anna A. a poMponement ot tbe sport nntll three o'clock p. v.. at c. Atkttnqp«anrlngtao tive ot Philadelphia, Pa.—Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug, New York, 13Sft; and Dr. Cattenach'a b. g. Bencher. 135ft. pointed time, and at the word *'0o" stlekney took lb Oua Wnuaoia'bcoeflt. Hanlon ot Milwaukee was stated to have commit- which boar the weather waa clear and pleasant, and the water , . ot actors, which bos wellnlgh poaeed away. Like 30. aged 43. Deadhead aold tor 8110: Resolute. 859; Derby, St7; tha beautlftiDy, Cnshlng second aod Lee last:bot.k for the dealer to ask Stratford, attendance remarkably good. It proved a disastrous day Lnrc BBADca.—The proper way Is ted suicide by taking poison at One, fleldfSlA Resolute showed the way overthe hurdles until a lew vlgornns stroke*. Lee overhauled Cashlsg la each pisvcr. beginning vita the eid««t hand, if he InUnda Davenport, he had won his spurs by the dint of OABBI80N SR.. Major A. T.—V. B. Vlce-CODSQl for tbe bickeis or lavoiltes, ror not one or the roar was preaud on the 2Sth Hlohaal Ixmgot Newark. N. J.. HffreavfUI. "010 Smt race waa a dash of one mUo and an the last one on the flrst mile was reached, when Dead- on altar Stlekney. who waa polllnc a neat and (is ta ann Uie noL Tbeie tiiooUl be no Umwlng-iway ol at OnayiBU, llexlco. Ho was a native gt N< sonke. The race waa lioc tietween Stlekney and li«e tnm bard work. He began at tbe foot ot tbe tedder, took bis lUe In Uko manner Uable news: eighth, lor thTes.year-oldL lor a pncas ot head and NSW York closed on him. tbe latter gnlog to tha hands ostU it la known wliat is to be done with the pot, Jeney. oatead aerved In the and Hex. tSD, to carry p*— Igft less thanthe rsguba- welgbt for sge, winners at flara- (kent on i^fO^^ jf*"d fNl "T^ 'Pi'** Vew York, B. Sk, Broeklyn.— have had no Inlalllgenc* of and m<|pnt: T. W. DoewVlrsbTg. bS"- reacbed, and a pnolsblng Anl.h i.Ji,.^waa State, whscker, ensued. Deadhead bcatloff »'"• being; I7mln. i\wte. a(» fKWtlmHI,'"3clux Dwyer Itiplalns," -Ua htm, and. knowing Um, they appreciated hira. thousand Italians have offered their eervlces tb and was graduated trom Princeton College 1051b: Rice A iethune's b. g. Dr. Llvleg- Derby easily by three lengthaln4K)l 5- Bombsdler. I08». Tho betting men se- thltjl day ol the meeting, and the racing was 8toV?^*,5ii5«5LP'""'''"^'" ' five hundred lOhrlstlan families permission to Whig at first, witnessed br " t tbc. IhanieiBi reader. X The paper ol that date is his name eounds uimatoral—vras a warm favor- farther " probable wlnne?! and be .Ths^flnt event wsa leave that Island. report but on t>ecame a Democrat In eym- L'"*',.^'','""'^"*'"'' ?/*'jr,*L'i'!.'lf'"*'- lor a purse ot SUU. AasociATioy r ptlttL X We thank yon for the ofTer. bat one cor- Tbe of the death ot brooghi In the pools »17S to St. Janes' SI2D, orwhlch SlUO irtnt to the ..T?* —A second meeting oT tbi Its both belore and behind the Palby. Ho possessed widely recognized Bootn'sSTii. Wash aecond hnrte. a haodlcan for all Mot»poll anAa«)elailoa ndott Is an that we require in your city. footUghta. A Takoob Kban of Casbgor was oonflrmed ; be was ability as Vennoot's *v. and tho Uelil'a apea, heats ofAmatwir O^JSSiWbSI scholar, »«l. A good of a mile and an eighth. The entrlmlrcre M. . . B.. Giand Baplds.-L l:l«, t:Wi, Z:is. Ooldnnlth a and a few yean ago made a tranalatlon start wss hsj. Bushwhacker • thhi city, on Thunday erti reference to Tbb Clippeb's biography ot him assassinated by the son ot the rormer ruler of at flrat sbowlne the way; B>Tnes' c. c. king Bee. Wft: J. O. Betbnoe's b.g. DaU' K,-"'?„r''^»".t''°^?,'"" I Xatd. BoiUlo. N. V. 3 Bams **EOt In nrat" In last thre« of the Book of Job. He was tbe flrst '•^ >?«hed ilie sund will Yarkand Fires: Eighteen buildings at Ash- Chancellor SU James haJ • 5- »»bcock'« b. c. Woodland. ItSki; l-JO. atjOaklaod ahow that his career was a dlveralOed one. ru>.hedioJl''\,if?".."'l;''tlio front ?*'iH"'J"^ and oCKwr bmu, m 3:a^, t:Uii. ud fark Of New Jersey under tbe and assumed t!ia lead. steadily J. J. Bevlns' c. r. Hattle P., A5fi*5lS,''"^"''^*^'.''™'>l»C>>"»S»- Nautllos sod la. I land. III.—loss 631,000. covered by Insurance: the new Constitution, and Increaswl He 1090). Elog Bee and Dal'gal- liia Fmoelaeo. Tbe Uald woo the diet heat In tas. If, OS a director ot theatres, he suffered served Ills advantage nnilt. at the mile-pole, he Man worn In turn (arnrttes. at AneouaoU ofBereen Point. X.J. some re- railway lumber-yard at Perth, Ont.—Ions $33,000, trom IMS to I8S3—Lyons Farm, N. J. Aug»• two wM but tbe flnlsb the Oirmer v!lL. I"'' ..T. U. £i» ftalrio du Chien.—L Ten Brocck has tbe tast- • clearlengths In front or Vennont. had the of Brooklyn, was verses, he gained 29, aged «s. » Cstscaiyand Bosh- call. Mil ng lor S'J5; naltgalslan, 87il; Woad i.'Tw.SfiJSPx?"' 1- li- I Mt ifcnd lor one mile, rannlng. 2. Tbbi Is the time a goodly share ot success. He Insured for $3,000; the pattern-shop ooimected wliocker.whu were racing together In n bunch. land, •f»'«rth Amboy.tsll JACQUES. Dr. D. Cotnlog 830; and llattle P., 82fi. .\fter Mvcral tall. VlkIn???»iiSl.S«f"£S*^J.""" the word rurmtn^ being again nerd. X Our. witb the Palo Alto BoIUng-mllls, H.—Formerly editor of nc upuiehomestrelch. Wash. sSoth ure. to •'-'. '••Ptono of Staten .ml I was a clover actor, s capable manager, and Pottsvllle,PD,— Joined the last^amed pet a cood start, the Hag fell, S. rSn^ I?- W ul us^raeoid o( isM.ij. a Rural OinlMan, and ""5*''.'""'* wlOi nattia loss $10,000, partially Insured. author of suveml works on eosuod. tha lot gdlnlng cercntlbly P. In the lead and the otiiors In a line rlou XT KiBiBr. Bsrtrord.— Is from Philadelphia, reliable man. His life and character on St. James, so behind At Ha may be ogrlcultare—near Femandlua, Flo., that a close llubih wm anticTpatS^ the quBrier llaiUeP. silll ?"* "watta be rowrd oo tkr I Aug. 31 : Ten thousand persons witnessed Aug. 28 Thi led. Dallpihlan and Wood Kiii^; S^Tif'j?" ""h ladlaatcryteitBpruter, bathe can't get down tu the studied with iwoluto rldlnsol Clark on St. Jaiiios land » hair .tralghtawar.ftral proOt by the younger members ot the dedication of a monument of John Brown at JEBOME, Thomas A.—Brother of Lawrence and MSfed him to running abreasr. and King B«o brln:;iu« up the rear ?Ki'J?v.{f°Jl'v*"'* time joa mention, trom a standing start, let alone "beat malnialn Ills posltloo In the Irad to the Cnlsli. and he AS the hones entered the thoentranceto xSraik &yu4 the prafesaloD, especially Ofsswattomie, Leonard W. Jerome. He resided the village won homestretch. Woodland fell SSSItii' w%':l5.?S"*'"-"J atuf.". aod by those who aro Kansas John Costello, aged m of the race by hslfa leogth (turn Wash. Booth in 29)IK back beaten, October next, wis I Glen Cove, L. I., just ; Bush- and King Bee. dashing to the front, gal- I21i!5i'li5i"?^*''^°"*''i.""' J.lfc—Harrr Jennings* canine rvpo8ltoi7t9 located at overanxious to forty-seven, shot himself fatally In this city beyond the recent sottlement whacker rourleniths behind Booth, and the after some dlKCoaalon -adopted. It wis ua I snatch the crown before they hare uiiie dls. -^"^ winner Cv two lengths In StilSl.""' sn Broome Bueei.thb city. By calling upon or addtrsa. ot "New Jerusalem" on the eastern shore tance before DrXlrlnfaiooe- The °S!?^ "Vi"!? ? so a. to it* An Incendiary fln caueed the deetructlon of ten of the winner Is by Lexlne- 2:U3)i : DallgaUian second, and r5?i5£!L"'.'"'*'"'"'*.*°""">'t'"n admit or I lag letter mil Inrurmatlon BOhooIed themsolves to bear the cross. ton out or llattle F. third. There 1 to him, yon win lecdTe blocks business mouth ot Hemintead Harbor, and In years Banner and Isoneol tbe flnSHt-bred colts was lliile lietilng before the of nod dwelling bouses at Paris. past on second he.it, the offered of execntive offlcen. dioeobieet. It Is to took delight ,">"''«' I««>I ticket, odds on said ofllelaU to be elected br its I be admitted that.of most arts, the actor's Mo.. Involvlug a loss of over $1,000,000 lu yachtlug and gunning. He bad a '*'?i^.?."Jf'"»."'"-, on the winner King Bi>c being Slin to ».'«). wlt£ rew A. a. C, tit. Cloud.—Tbo dob telling the other to bring other paid *ll.»J. .V«t rolloved n biuidlcap-taco The takenL appointed by the brings the least Urea: Oeorge H. Williams' fondness for jokes either verbal or harmlessly toralla)^ rider on tVoo;»l.nd woscliaand. Hughes having the ExeenUve Cos I tbolrompljo with tltem bad no right to object to tlienjau enduring tome. Even the giants country residence, (or a |.ur» of 93*1. of which »J0 to the :Scond home, mount Dallgablan mStet practical, wos a iSui rushed to the (Toot the mSai°St Ilia . b'lvaabt Deuaso tLey bad round a man to sojt them in near Baltimore, U"' that Belore thoyhid In i^ik. tlie Irish named horse_ '»'• MorrU.."• and the nrivisimw I left to yoa—not to ok. been Harbor-mastor uuilor ruahed tothe Itoot. and made the p'sce - semndsecond nSerace J^irt-- 2.' remembered In this bustling, torgettul age. Tet pereon. Bulgarian executions wenstlll going on at Oovornor Feuton ."rone" ;"i"e wsaonoofmllowaa ono of mllo heal.heat, over hanllcsharUlcs for a putae ol Diced.. B>aaon.—.suica it can be a record ror berbnt Clcmmli; r,. three lengths as S40Oor Adrlanople, tbe Glen Cove, L. I.. Aug. 31. aged Co. tliev wont past i&Judi.'M' Which SlOOto tha second hone. Only li* at Hn1ton.on oice. wo should make no Hpedal note or her performance their loss Is a common loes to humanity; and to batcheeof victims averaging four- '""!"• ,Salycn. third. i^n^horwtiti. mS; .^ill^" 7"' "wed the AOsdiee I JOHNSTON, Hiram S'"*,. Bertram, tor a wiiOer. cepted the Ijandlcapper s welgbto. ™ U alurinide2::4 every teen each, and the majority being of tbe wealthy C—Of firm of Johnston. w<. In the humor for vlt, McGult?a " " Pittsburg, on SalBitbJ.f day. those who knew them best, who held them dear- running on this day. and kept richt O OctTlk Itimla.— Holloway ,t Son—Washington, N. J., £',",^5?. ' Bethane's gr. h D?rf B. A. W., St. Except by mntnal a^^reement, classee. Tbe freedom of the city of Edioburgb. Aup. 29. along and allhouchOourif r eh.llenged 'him bv. I4jft yyjjf- J^^L-i oppotlto the : and J. a.' .uawrence'a r. h. taete can b« no tnimntoraed unleaa, ahead orthattmmp, est, their memoTlee will remain forever precious. LEPETIT, Alphonse—A Republican nooi-stanj, he stiook him oif KUk. between Prank Deamsnh •( Scotland, was presented toOen. Grant by the Lord- llle-senator wliboutdlBlcaltv, and won luib. Tho last was hot ihvorite, .i.nr.J?"??'?"*.,'"" | iheio aio cards enoogh to give three to each player. of ilicricn bj- two brlnglog Slui' Andv Kelbert of Clnli.lt I provoeL military tribunal France—that country, about Aug. 30. lengllis In Srls'i; Lady Salrtks tolrd. Derby.827; andNew Ii™ iS-Sri^Il^!?'* the aipner A hss psssed sentence a York., 821.„ Rl.k and }icw\,- ,J, W.—Behaa at present no engagement to reappear length belilnd Courier, urktook ' «"T on the Mononeifch I assAT coMPKmiox between the ot deMh npon H. Lyaz, LAZEAR, Oen. Jeese—Ue had boon a brigadier- and t«o length, before (jlem- the flnt and second bardies together, HI?., rKl? i^!*!* "IJ?' here, nelstooavei with lln. Cbanftan's CombliuiUun old broad- who acted ss Deputy- (oor leni «»'ordavaltPran«i,.'!«it I general ot the Pennsylvania mlUtla, was »u thewlnnVr. f". roiv Derby; who' was rannTag'noder'a I rl.'JiS?!?/"^''!-'"-.^:'"' thlsseaeoa: gauge and new narrow-gauge mayor ot the Twelfth Arrondlsaement, Franco, a mem- jowinslowin. thisthu°,ii"iLf"'"'„'"'™race was pirri.''TfieVblri ""^"Ith tha l»ad. and .t the end ofiss I railroad lines from ber a tlicee-qnarter-mllc hent sell- hurdle was taken by ibe hones In ths hnoTiJSJ'iUjl COCCIAU, Cincinnati ir thelady has rather or brother, during the Commune, and was guilty Of tbe Thirty-seventh and Thirty-eighth Con- ing-race, rur purse same relative iSmS three Itorths advsoiipl Philadelphia ta ot Inoen. a of UOO, weight allowancu k- tlpns, but on the lower turn .Vew -M,in?.i^.Ii'^ ahrad-an liicnd is apt to become "hot" ehooid be (orwaid Atlantic City. On Sunday last »nd had been connected with the Mrdlnj to the York iSV clearbf "•"Itol'selbett blslcs I ymr diarlam and ordering 'illegal arreatfl. M. Gam- Bf*". Bank of eutcre-lscmog price. Four hTSSSTcame 'he last IIl.n?.rMP*i1''"" smashing ifaoeereraea. Waynceburg. to the piMt, weighted ."'"iJS."'"'' burdle a leogtb ahltdVaSd^- passengets were carried for trom twenty-live belta. St the examination before the Judge d'ln He moved to Maryland In 1802, ond as (ullnws: D. McDanlel's nn- a winner or tho heat B. It., Wostfleld.—We know nothing about the law. Ad named c. r. l>y aien Athol. l°PJ5? V thrm le^hSTo boathouse of tbe Clnb, sbMltl structlon In Paris, sold he was senior member of the firm ot Jesso Lazeor gm : C. W. Medlniil-'s c « Fl™t «•• ravortte r,Jl!£SVr''" ol iitata cents to fifty cents each /or Ocrouniirr^/ Thous- accepted full reepon- A Chance. J;"/,."!^",™""' atSim tTftSiSinrt 'ho dm the tSeaetair btate tor that In which the S9» : J. u Campbeiri c. the finish, s?lbert eav»np,Bll slblllty for the publication Co. of Baltimore—that city, Sept. 2, aged 73. i)i^^n?^1>V^4 «eld, and, with Kew York at his side, fi.ffrl.Vmlifc'."" flahing-plase la aitnatad. ands of his Llllo speech, T. W DojwelPs h r. took tSeB^Ti ot persons availed themselves ot going to the Bev. . Grecian MaldTo&i. Fint CIiSmSS •'""«• I-r"*!*" 'IULaB1>,PltIaae.'d.—Keltherwiiu. but prote-ited that in making tbe MABSH, Abraham—One of the oldest Con- nx-er field all '^^^^ Vork Oi'eSVent S> tbi ihLlSSSJuIiVn.r. As soon as either, speech he did the In the po«l^ which avemcrd ror Iront,i'"™,''.V»*"a'',^">"'showed the way ia of cnongfa, should seashore because the tare was so low, and many a gregational clergymen In Connecticut. Grecian hUnKBS; over tbe temahiing bnnllaa:^ ooom ffUy* had got points he have not Intend to sisnder or Insult anyone. He was JIald aod QoeenMnwn, STD each- and McDanlHr. —^Th» great time made bydfl for some time the president of the Hlly. »Ji Th. latt«r\sd,tUe "* ''I^'»"»'«"mifoni^iS ..ESST"Sr man spent a week's wages after he got there I Sept. 1 : Dr. Lewis Stein, whose son com- Connecticut n;?ntagS,VjJ^^ ta'f'aiAJ. "'0 Wblto 8Nj^Lln°fi5SQ3» I CurrBB,6eymonE.—L Give one, ^ve all. X B, ineu. Bible townESS?,'!to ?S:?*°'& mitted suicide In this city Society—Tolland, Msss., Sept. 2. The meeting was brought New Tork. bi April last. 7 dsva tih. STmla., I« I chitBgA««lio boa score two points. Houp-lal aome weeks ago. looped to a dose on Peot. L Th« pliyed alone, wm McMAHON, Ellzatioth—Widow of Copt. '^£?''.Jf,?S"" QueenMown a aluraorthe Taor-mUe-heat 5rttannir>urtot Appeals of this ""owed. It thSeyeaKoIdfS" l.T?-,'iS2,"i?* «} has tlon completely turned. Baker Pasha (Col. Valen- Slate—Hudson. N. that hs hod not tried lor the preVlou. heat, the flgurS if°^S?,-,'VJ^i.*«*i'/ 'O. Dr B.—Wa think Ueorga Paidey Is In retirement ot dosed tea seems to T., ADg. 31, aged 18, «H, have subsided. tine Baker), who led tbe Turkish cavalry charge, 401 and 390, the total distance 1,801 milear I Wetanaocboard tram him lor some yean, letter got off whf?r.,=s5,°i^cnV£::^i?.'b7'^irh?ii:^ A MUMFOKD, Rev. Thomas J.— badly when tbe flag fell, the Olen Athol Ally iridrwsBedia earaol this ollice may reach I'l" and who bad two bfrsas shot under blm, was re- He was a native "•«*•> has been msdebftsW I of Newport. S. I. but passed Immediately going to the front, and, wlthoot ever Ijumlfuton the Wallacev^^tH^o"Rosa ofSt. -BnuaBzai, Lueuter.—Acnes Wiliace wu at one TAsaa ASVAITZAOB ot the hard times, a large ported missing Mary Ann O'Hara ot Newark, his youth In the Second.~ IlSft; T. W. JDoai John. N. B, and Edwaid Hsain' i South. Early In his moturity 07 four lengths KloK Bolr, II2ft; l(me»Biembero< (he Wallace aisicrs' Combination. She number ot biulness-men and N. J., was burned to death by tbe exploelon of a ho came North and Inl:l9<{:i?'i°.?,'?J?i7''.''?Si""*"*'»"3"J5.'««First Chance .econd, slKV^n savlnge-bankB ore wos identified Qneennown third, and inoetober, Rnss to receive 8»tl la en* Ifboo ortlM csn of kerosene John Westereen loaped with the ontl-slavary movement. >''«»»Md- -loner i^JlSZ*?'*** f making money by tailing. mm a f.'i^'"S "'tf P'" -a. olTered foViSl. mtlonereoc>«Mitlna to pqU (ho race onTonnuBV.L % PMIi Julthlx-Thett'ire other igwiU who mike tourth-story window in this city, Be preacbed in Douolt, MIcb,, and In Dorchester attactlonanertberace;bDl, there being no and was Instantl/* tdvancs on Thtnniltof thli race aUI isttle tha eham»IaaiU>< I BOCBUgeroclmwAins. Applytothsm, ITycradonetcate Mass., and otraut 1869 sncccedod the »?«'.»'• returned unsold to OBivlor tbe eoea yoo meotkm. killed Tbe Ssndwlcb Savings Bank, Boston, Kev. S, W rS*Jitr*i"f.''f?iR""=V" tS WHOM the goda love die young," yetBrlgbom Bush OS edilor-ln-chlet of Tte dtraliaa "••''!.•• mntnalsthe winner paid third, The second race was a dash CoaaEAJir Hasnaa. Albanr.—A losea. The game wu Msss., was prononnced insolvent inendeov- BigUterot «A60jM^ff"*"'",;'to purchasen I*" ora mile anK quirter i^'fi-«'»«eu. sn»it,B*ng came off at silver 1*1 Boston. Be was originally nn betore the flrst heat, and tlo »W*n for aU ages, tor a puns of tao. ot OTKiorUieiiaipon gflhi beCwheo nine ftiil innliiei attained a npe old sge; so he IB not orlng to prevent the eecape prison Eplsoopallan, but the second which wcoodt^M rrls«» ot »7S, and T«n a* one ot tbe from at weib- heat. The bad luck whleh had ariended the to have S5l; wH«"»^ JlS::.-*?*l?;rn. I wounded by the former Fred Web- their prerlon. losses. "EBEIIZMETEB'S BBWEHGB," WblCb IS The entrlen were J/l,awlw'll b h tTatue F., I03ft; Daarsrr debated Bartraao aiKl McRIrny in a twt>w» 1 jC. C. M.—B laaea. The bat contemplated Ave games, not OTOWded ster accidentally shot and perhaps tatAUy wonnd- MiLLBB, josiith w,—aember of tbo Prodnoe and W. R. Babcock'a h ? wi^' Moonjwne. 133Ei: C. Reed's b. g. DoubtM, ImI- y taralng.rsee on the Allegbeoy Blvar, PlttsboK «ts«« Is er sixty. This dedstun asiumes that the tie game out this week, will bo continued In onr Catakill, sxchonge ot this city. Drowned while owoltlng |' wu next ed bimaelt near N. T. '!;''' Waller, IMffi: and Hart's , . >il rrom nppoaiie Forty-third byB- ooh ol fire or mere inn logo. fiTi""^ ""B. iSddlog lo-?Uf?>rlM!fin,'^"^»L^4&«-attle street Sent. 1. He won Sept. 3: Brigham tbe orrivol of his wife on tbe Red Bank steam- unrelUble ..' F.,'82S: and .*a Young was burled at '""•"r... 'If""' ™ coloredjoclcey Woodland. 820. Belore tbe •'srt, jj^^n^jjrom^artman, who led XcElny flliy-flva aeem* JC.H., Oondcana—She wu revntly sln^gln Texar. however, fihyiiick Bait lake 0It7, Utah Bobert Bell boat—Pier 33, North River, this city, Aug. 97. named 'Towson-:* (set sii.plclons In Itaelf. and came the be- ^^eridftaiedtotaerlnaue or this office will mch HARLEM ATHLETIC CLUB. banged him- SilS (k^riuToVer tbV fleM ^tVloJ to self HINEB, Judge John L.—Formerly of tho Su- "*."''"'« favorite, althoagh galloped home an easy 'sw^sBl.S at Horrlsbarg, Pa. Thn boy Ous Lever- winner by tlx lenathsln i-iiT^'S^ *>>'• •••ton hy the Dottbe* I perior Waller had the call beTore t became known who waat^ beating King Bee /w^i^'.'2.12i?»* ^r.XA.-Woemac—1. It Is ponly a mitter of opinion usoO flsld-meeilag ing, wbo wos token to PhUodelpbla Court ot Ohio. Dropped dead on tbe side- four longth. I&r «»"«^ Sept I. off City MA TJ'.'?J*°'' of the above dub wu from Clarke rMe him. Redding sold for SOD: Wille?. SoT lS>"5uY S^SSSmoSeV^-rh™ Sh!SUi??Ji5'"'> ~ WBD loathe btot eantortloolst now berore tbe public. X held at the greondsortheN. r.jCb., Moit County, O., upon tbe supposition that he iros walk—Cincinnati, O., Aug. so. SS'.°l,Ef VJ""" •nteSa°?E? hPwi; •nbrlea, and the winnen In thessnoj niday aliemnon, Haveu onSat. *'2iJIr"^fi'* 't"^ J»mil^the"wMer-S!p not sold. Ibe neit race waa 2iiEL'!U,iM?¥5 Sept. 1. Tbe ptngrimme MDItPHY, WUUom D.— resident ot l^ll and or a handlanW aU Snnheam. Tbilaiau< *^*r^nrinnstl SSsa «w dne Charley Boss, was pniaounced by Mr. and Mre. A theSeventb -.BeddlPg wss out tbe race. Waller takliu the a^ ilao? j —Copyright yonr songs acd acta one. embracing no leu than a do^n Word • -"-•* ""^ ^TsS. tho wroog way ^' !'"f«!««Y defeated F. W. Lee and Cksiia* weather wu dillcktlol. there a waa sored and liamplsd to death by o mad bull In tbe Ck>mmon Coun- and had ta tnm hvk aes'n! Cdttreil' r^.iSu? «u tolei»w7 IsJieii. cil. thereby losing so much RTOnnd that *' Vesper CInb-In a worklncboat B" ( 7f. &>K, Bth uurt. Aaerlcan buebill-pliyen semblsge or those ot Albany, During the civil War he was chairman bis chsnce or win- ^' uou^tau a or. a. raitu ip. Sft-Eli' lte —The who admire atJileUc pulfalui iSe N. Y At HaUtaz. N. 8., Ar- and ning was gone. This 5?^. li?*r eiali 124fi- anil JoweU, Moaa., 31 Dtstaart, f treasurer the gave Vooostone the race, as he had o. Bartwe's e t anbam, 196ft. ™ii..^ TiST*'?^'.*' Ans- did Mt loee a idagle gana M otieket In Bnglsnd They compeiitlou were tffnoraJly very lnton»«log, nilbald Bantllller ot Committee tor tho Relief ot PartneiSlo wsi tha'iS? mllea: time, ISmln. ' wUUe the shot two men named Mc- Usee. ( , von »ar, and three rour-mile walk ebol«, bringlngSIOO to Aunt were diawn. and several or tho race* were onlie Leod and Ferguson, widows and Orphans ot Soldiers—this city. Aug. In Bet.y> salBorBoT iSs'lSd ~'. tbe former totally, while * * 47; Donbtfnl second, snd Waller third. After Anbum. tiff. IL, Uayentawn.-Xha third 0ma-3 to 1-wu an ueltlng. thongh la,.the majority of loslaoees 28, sged 81. the race, "Partnenhlp won by twolingtBrfn J'iSS: the thorwore tiylog to rob Bnntllllor's dairy. lheJuilg..s.notb*lacsatI>flrd with Towun's «iplsna»^ Aabarn •rcuaO. six rtaSi (t^mSsadyHj* 1| loeyine. one a( the IiOolfTUlapliyIng In the Cln- Gtvoritea vo'i, Bxc.*-T?_ - . Bw a wbla Island ot Galvraton, Texas, rcvlng1 CVlng that IhB 1MBT«M hadbttnKmh «— pSi Sm. Draadnaught. Banbler and entered, HWWIBf I —L Benun Is In lUendABei Bpai hia mother, be won. Pormley imd Curtis mads great guilty ss accessory before the fact of murder in whore ot hue yean he pnrpot«fyIost.declda« to Elvenbygiven by the pooVsellen Kelly A Bllaa, aod known, Testa an a ahow oi bad exps Blm firoin tlie ... . knSiSiAaaa tSthe vbalBoa her death bad- X How can tall? Theante- strength in the hammer-throwing, the Utter the lint degree In the killing been a soli-manufacturer, Cnder Gen. cSUKe of tbe Ssral/iga Ass-ieiatlon. Hobuken Parse, had Bve rannen: D. Lynch'sLy i h nntiV Brooklyn, N. Y..whlla imHMj also Dresslnir of her husband. D. Sam which roles binioir every liiff" ^'J^'*^"' cadsotaoT tho man muit answer Uie queatlon. Rsporuu bard In tbe dnal beat oj Houston panlclpated olbtr eourae In theeonntrr. 142ft ; Dr. Cattonach's h. g. Bonclier. »> '>'• Bitoa,BspttM the handred-ysxds run O. LawBon Business tMSnree In. Europe: F. be In the BatUe of San Motaal ~«™iu"o. •.imijoft : H^ulreSSh' ii??.^*"".'*"' Charlei River. Gteenlleid.-The ttraoce lact ia K. SIOTgin POOU on Moonstone paid 8 iljto. toto^ihe water and wsa was ^laacnm. practically and raonlDg bst. smng. and with admlnbia E. Field Ic Co., Jacinto, and during the Mexican War drowned. Ula body dffnontfnted In nearly every In which bonkere ot Franktort^llobUItles be was the same such curre- judgment In the mliesndthehaU-milCK. Following la guide that out Laikln. ths^ Sl.OOO.OOO: Ellas- Oaskell, couob-eplnner ot Mel- marked tbe advance of General hive fitdmu Bond, and DevliB play. return Scott'e Sr'S'iJlV*'*"*''"!!^"® beeurdn^lii *"ri«e. '8. lor—lloblUUee (300,000 army into Mexico—Galveston, Aug. 22. which 422 horses started, and of that K.t.S"aKR^S'5«5lr?f J.—Wt head wu (bal. and be losea the pot. Bo ex One ABnfntf vonlr rtn.—Flnf htet: P. Sainrtu The Stondatfi OU- numberTlV wera d'?. eeeOBAI (H. works, ROSS, J. B.—A leading Southern play wen oeenr hndshlp eu'iet indft the mie. : 0.1,1: WnLHolUeoiAtfelphl 0.1.3. at Long Island Olty, were damaged lire merchant—Ma- arouMd, the arrangement A Tlmaril>au! b7 con, aron the closing day waa quite pleasant, belog that Derby .u r.M..Attfehacak—we haveno Uen whatihemcau Artwuf heat: Wm. fl. c'unJa to the extern Ga.. Aug. 29. sged C9. the track wU In V V. A. O.), 1: 8? LiJu?: ot tT.OOO. good rannlng order, aod IS^The pS«UI™»hrt?rSJ BILLIARDS. enteocb SMITH George Towosbend the attendance tsraoTbeooei the5iV^Srf?h*.2f*'^*^truth of the ramor. (br *•* Sept. 3: A fire which broke out In th« Smith—Organist ot Vng race was for a 825n. Derby became a long tavoriu OTCkiu, PitBUo.-AiUralli.1 letter to him in cue or (H. A. r.). t: B. B. Koote pnrsa ol foTti^viS^Mll^^SXL over all thereat of the (W. Y. A C), t. Time IlSe? plono-toctory of Joseph HelMord Cathedral, and aecretaryand nsnol fleld. Thi pSSmme wwlSSid this ot&ee. rinalhrat: .laportas, I; P. Hale, In this dty. de- organlxer IWJi; allowance to flllf,; „d ou^ iTBfS.^John Cottls, t Tliie, ^rtdfiTCT-^iSSJS and Derby weat along aod Murphy boa relwiied tnm (lsa*Q£ I IO«SS. stroyed the block of tbe calebrated Tbree-cholis Featlval—England St Santo™ tbli rear exelndsd: gallooed boms a artfll^Irir , B. &. Biyiat% Pond.—We wresnme the show bu col Onf'mlle run—B. Uofxan ill A. ti i l • bounded by Thirty-fifth and ' Ave (arionSi =rhi Beaeber and Philadelphla...... Ja™tSliS:nS>hbnsy snpertosSN vmb*,. era C. b. st^ «J39. New^ork.'SgrioiSSdefaSlf lipswl.uwp have heard It ror (Yonkenj». Msg nbthmgot some time. Tlm'JSuilivi^ Vor^ ume*t5 and Tenth oud Eleventh ble. went over tbe conne, the fomer comlM In^SS: rSfi'Z.iL^S' OaWe'i Oonrisland. Ji L. U^ 'Padocali.—Batter cousalt soiaoau who tbelrontlntheUstlajt. avenues. STANTON. Edwin L.—Son of f- ond D^y, whose was net e bu It was thought that nearly one handred the late Becntoxy Da'MS' ; but the Judges retuseJ to pliST Summer rentore at Saratnga heea In tbe boMsesn. One-nlte waU:-B. n? ^'^t 'ff'^Sch'JSS??'?,''',''* hlfS.^ thei!K with iheiag C. HoUkstH. A. C.I, I- W Bsrasa lives were loat. Among the buildings oonsmned ot War ot that name. He wos bom in Pennsyl- R&*Vbnfe-sb.'t'rruVcaS/|eT„?^^^^^ S,«tPl?« hU expecuuona. Is flnStihir J. W., Fhllidelphli.—nieie ire both tvo-misted Itt A C.).I;T. B. Bates (H. ' stonn or hisses " Ca^a ...Kail 10 wfflej«3 ud A. C. . aod cat-calla BrrmSTwho Kept ' vania, ii three-mastod i "^iSe.T™ wsre a number of tenement-hoiisee, wboee occu- and was graduated at Eenyon Collsge. lei's Fly any and Bopnle Wood Wer. at this diimeeftd ei sehooom. SSsec The contest wan close and solrlled thnmEhouL X;i2?ty flroriEi lilbltlon. and everyone expected that tha %i£n^^_.Ju Theatre. tl-U dty. aa Btyanfi Opera*«««;S J. <)_ BIgin.— President pants loat nearly eveTythlng. Ohio, In 1833, with tbo highest honors ot his Alms In the poo's nntu before the start, when Jll^MSS* When the makes such a and tbe wmner. wbo walked in ku cuiuimarr t!lr avie! Ube^ras? hiui . A'fTt^dwJ by the brItUenass of the tlmS.T"! ^ Mater. Ho Immod lately entered upon stronjaill. selling for «ian: Bonnie tll?'."if.'" dl^pSar'S"^ «»>*• SSe^iif^tSSh. 5i.Pi'!?? remlsltloavihe Gose' nor cannot weJ avokl bonoriog It. deserved oil tbe spplauw be receiredT^ theetudy WoSJ 8;ofsSSSli ment. they gave I>«by tbe race, tlon. SS: and Dnoean F. and ntterednot awoni ^Ba^ Denote-P dou not hare looilrer throw for that njxncinn (Ac Aonmo-—u. O. ricxAs ot law under the direction of bis father, and was Renner. 830. flneenlatiaii^V^t or diMpproval of the conduct rietyponlon of hla show seen-dkBO*; farmleytPrisoston N PLTI.vo.—Tbelollowing fly took i of those Kohodv J.), plice at PMI- to the front soon alter the^iUrtlEd who hid InraStuiuugni (Cnt;tv. B. •.-urtls.TSrt IMn. i-or sdeloti a tbe past week: admitted to tbe bar In Washington In January, he^Tthileil uStil disgrace upon tho coune. »°* ""ton for the medsl. T*"* ".j!!; —Anuun «rtn^ier'irarmiey s Monday, Aog,. 7r, irom Reading1 rounding the torn Into HISJ!?,!!!^ E'*'' P. H. O, Kew Haven.— what the the homestretch. We do not know popa- thrawa measured am. 2in. to Phllaiiolphia.r -- Alcy-eleht-jlty^leht mile*,rallen. 1668. For several yean he wss tbe counsel wheivKe wa^ potting np 8M»IW0"*''2» , —- by the PhiladelphiaPhils of the Joined by the FTy Ally. After '.^^iS'"'? latun«rTblnlavctuia,thlsdtv,la; nor docs aojtMidyeliie. OaarUr mat m~rlnt lieat: William B.CTUTea Lnlon n{;eaa-nyla;r Soclely. a sharp^to "Jkm" and patting It up twice' for two.'who-vrr (Scot- for three money pruea. Baltimore and Potomac Ilaliroaa Company, and roriong ijole. Bpeealatlon waa done PJ"** . K.jC, NortUk.—A la ont. bvety point at eaulno is a tlli-American A. C.i. I; T. 2 • Toyftonnle HARTFORD thonsaod. Instead C DuUy iH. Arci Wm Thsre went nlno entries, all ynnng birds bred iai>t flprine, then took wS5i TROTTIirc or one-hsir that, saves Ja" Child* (H. A. managed Its bnslnsas with much ability. He her place and roaolntely challenjSd MEETIITO. ^•mrs laidrww"JSii C ), 3. Time, Msec. Stana Acot-tAeot-T Rob^ andthe resnlt waiasftillows: Peter Kersbaw, lh.IIm.10iL: MctffS? The August meeUns at Charter Oak ParkmnTmJ^J^ Palmer hoii abaadooed hla petite bil IL—noCryatal Palace, this dty, homed Oct, S, ertatNew york>. was Secretary of tbe DIatrict nt Columbia lei s flllyjhnt she conld tiot qnlu np, and the ^K wu I; U.J. Stoke:: Jno. Dsltnn. 1.27:40; .lai. Orint, I.Z7:«S; Jno. from m the Flyflllv Permaoant Eihlhition. and removed thsitBW Parker or won a good race bra bead In 1 :04;^ Itennia iRuiti.n/iC..> _ 4«ec. TUrd hiat-J. Uom'tBlectric^ ' West Phll.delphla. May 1, 1871, to November, 1873, and Its two toblcA and A o k I.»:10: Jno. Grist. I.°2:br Arthnr attorney HMcu£tlon three l«igths for fo?"apV^.V"5^v5a'1.5SS^HlS _f. f. BL. Mtoun atj.-liVi, by John McDerUt, In walked over. nariA htal-J. n. Feigusnu Chambens trom July, to October, si^^S^' puS. vStaS^I, o,5 (Y. A. 0 1 I l.s;:SO: Jno KerwIn, 2.14.-00. Another entry was 187«, 1876—Waehlngton. D. _ Ttowatrx vs. Skxtd,*!.—The 8300 blndbigWliiisB^ rimU Afot—Robarbr. i ; oriSrn, I. TiSie. Km. made by Arthur nhambeni and B. Lnoney, bntlt wasruled a. Aug- 29. ton'echallengetoMan^ieeTliiisrr.i fUherJ 9Bir 0.—Tbe dealer havbig dedired hinueir "ilone," PD(«*aulUnfl.-L. race lor three-year-olds, ffr a pane ofasso. orwhteh OMr!, li^- a MS Preemsa (Tom VeiebiK 8ftoiw irin.-i m., Kershaw were AStii£?*-9«^^^ this ronniTT or la 1 no ooi>eaa go alone a^lnst bin. Wai.IrTlne(V. • ?i"'-vir2:^*i'2'' iy* uwemand SHANNON. Ex-Gov. Wilson—Since I8S6 he hod the second horse, mile a i d a qnarler The rnnne?.^™ Ixmdon; Bn». wera on Sept. A. C>. second. Judceiat rnlladelphla. Arthnr Lawrence, DUonA Wlmm.r'str Sfllt1,Ta'."mX'Sb-'^°2»r2i^^ Totm uux.—The tni»poaltion can bo made from XMrts. "'"-I'- Sapottaa won the Brat heat. Chamheti>,K'?'^!r5!?T^"5^.'''»-John practiced law in Eansos. He vras bom Brart«ia??Ki07ft^^?'fi;g?nT?l" B. Uerrllt Psrker. Jss. Orisl and Stephen Kershaw. bcMsJor Eaner, 1081b: dlT«liloo to roitliv hlV^ tlis inlor minor ketr. or vice vena. In Belmont Oonnty, O., in 1803, and C.W. MedUlccr's h etfii. f™*"?"?? , O it; \- *i."-''.'il* Mcond. and A Audenwa ri. A. A. O.i the Another flv took place on the ath. (mm Read big. for was educated lOSft: Irnee to the world" a Booth. D. MiiDanlel's b. f. Isned about lour moDtbia^B | T.F.JKOSBoa.-"U. A. Dickeun, Boehester, BeiTcx third. «nal A«u.-fBiactaa. I; Jlerritt I. nine or at Athens College, In tbot Siaie, and at Klv SivJiirfmikJiSli Time, IKsec. SJabenreen Simon Kemp or ManarunkTArthnr Transyl- J. Lawler's b. o. Booihsdler. P'>»™P'I» caned rorth tlie nrapoalUon In Oo.,^ .Tto be called Rir." F^ur-mUf mo't -E. e. Ualiike.i:T. Cbambem. and 97ftrBT^a5SMiT5A ^ h2 rsf,VndVbffl^th'S C SS | H Armstriogill. Pred Smith.' Jno. Daitou was stakeholder vania Unlveralty. In Kentucky. In 1S3S be was call over the flald, aelllog lor V'-isT" altf"^"" blch the loregolng sum was Cou>nx> JuksonvUle.—Tho lines qnoted are spoken In A. 0. 2. The winner traa 8IU' HcDulePs i^aov staked. closely presaed liy Arm,4r^oE. and timer at the llalsb. and Bill Evans timer at Resillnic. Praeecudne-attornpy for Ohio, In 183S-M and «coA"S,i'ni;,'ili^y*iSS. ^flinVe'rTJu'SS also i "Xed AftnTi!! ""I '<> "Divorce." tromwhora bewon second d.y, the '?n1S ..^"tfiMSaXTOs.—After bis Summer vaiatitj;^ byuottwoyanli. TloH.XimiB. an ssli -colored bird, which made the (Ot off and flrst race waa lor a E..W.'1B^ rtillnVilphia —Porty-nre cenia for each In- J/"?"?!"! •Il'l? In 1842-1 he wss Governor of that State, In 18U he Bm, at the nand obtained alead afalx Im^i^ pi™ of stMO dlvW JJISO* "O"*™! and Boatnn.thls pliyerhurSfK J?^'"'!.*'J^''"""'--'''llllam T. Livingston lU. A. C). distance l" "h. -Vm. 4S.1 Smith entered a redchecker; Whleh she held >o the tor wAlchlbar Is IStt. Iln.; become' Minister to Mexico, In 1893-S he sot quancrTrte ra'orlie belSrSSSTi ni^^i.°'X" K"'!^ MaSid in^^ toDanStranfaandtobaalnesaat the room coinzr""^ I r.JohosoniU. A.C i. ISt. 8lo. Kemp entered an asbxolored bird; In "o? the Bm heat easily OrlaBaa.—The lady In this lis"' 'it- tr° and Wash. Booth third? On the bLklSSftih SfST^'fet? In °:J7«TSS"^ vwilty place and Fonrteaiith ciiv. .r.e,/..Mv wu dty Ang. oi)e-Aiindra>.vaFdirun.cIiitAand(cap.—FIrtt Jkau-J. D. fme^h. Wm. 3S». Kemp flew Irom Congress, and In less-O he was Territorial Gov- lidf«37era ,**X' "d the third In su i et. this care this will Maoavuok, havlmt began to tire, and the ravortte. piloted ?2."iJ." i-Jg. Tooog *U«m ^ ZL A fetter directed or omce reach her. Rlbiet, « yards •lart. ILiisec Seanut rteat—T.C. allowed nhambers 8m. sin., ernor ot Kansas Lawrence, Kansas, by SwSnrstSftlS OiilTy, ami Smlib 8m. Since the rore- — Aug. 30. gained on her. noill at the three till "5id (Sfiiy ^LH^Qneco, HL—Thank you; li shall have an early "il Smith flew quarteii s^ wojToS io^?S'^JS2;''l"""^^' P,» a match (bra pone of aged 76. ven terms with her. Major Barker e1am> SfoSTB asD CHowsaa.—The police or tho ».!'cf"*.'iv?is!'iriiia^w:!?'?tme:x.*^ »I0. (nm Manavunk to Pliiladelnhla. npon "em 'ilirl!^vu''r^''o,'*^XSI^:?L''2^^^^ _ seven miles. . both. for ninth *'wvVr. AJI radved, md they win Cham- SEMMES, Raphael—Commander of tbe Confed- Coming up the stretch Lady BJyer's^t wblcb Blx pot In an ao^ Precinct an to have their annual r. U.PaikBJUK-— be bers' bird came In ahead In am. SSsr wS ~ tbe faTorite, — wr_. — o . HsvwjV^ "-.290," shot, aod She ie)l bsck. von e»AUj Wadnesdav. Sept.— t, at Mnrt given ahoallr. erate cmlsar better known as the Alabama, bcr euble-coinnanlon jfallir BiralchtheatJt. In three Bueaa orore, str. sii^- Barker rTinnlngso ngly astolook Commeocing at eleven, o'eiocl.'clock A. s.. a wnreor- ... SUIT-THIBD SrSBir.—B oan teetily hla error it any run. which was sunk by the Keoisarge on inrmMsble: At moae; second . goVrnJle CI04-B. Morgan. 1; F.Bonham.l June 19, 1864, riirloog polo the .<"hi> belongs sM „ Chaspion'ship Storts.-The be, too, quit, and Bradaraante &viV*''3''* :o the owner of ( spnns. consisihic .er double-Mullnbla soull Wblteh.llWhiteh.ll 1 llnie belnre tbe trick Is lamed. ^ relrree and Judge of entry-list for the eighth and which in two yeora liod destroyed about callnped home and fomee) »?*3i , V- "2'r¥'J?' walkloc' snnnai Kail games an essv "Inner by two awdlng thirt "money oared barge raeea, a lOOyda spin for fat mrni»nshlp ot America con- iEP-"'^^*'' for second place. The race for a plsce;- | Plummer; clerk ol eoursel Prior thtrtrao; was ror " ...- . ' v. if^ lodtan Jadge Pallerton the K"!*.'?'" tains Uie namu or about all the athletes of promi- to this he had commanded another cralser, all ages, ror a purse oTSSSO, o'dtjck r. the— rbarpenad appelltea « Ofchard.— trotter H. I.K. ^endriok; assistant, H, c. Kucsier. to oV^ch »so ?o"nr.oS'.e5Sk'L"d';l'\J^^^ 'i'tTtrl - horw: bera Jatwelwyeaniold. nence belnnchig to locnl clubs and oicanizatlons in tbe steamship Suinter. of which be tnik command second to tMTV lOCft; no allovum' wlDnsn, ofnt "tbo force'' and Invited gursi. '^%S-I ' other cliles n-aaed1 with W. S.- M .Chicago.-The time Is not official In England, In the K.st. with several representative at the outbreak of the Clvli War. after resigning "JLi'SSle, n» S'lhr^au" rnndry and divera ptatea ol '^V^^^ I ofSi to carry ^^Mv^! I ^fSS^J^^^-£'81.010 der. ii .op^rrislsn and theralore nut of record. A.iaxvLL WOBI. recently Isined by the Bonveslr Pnb- men ln«n Canada. This Iniuires a flrst-class his tlie ,ft extra: mile and a ^oH'IfHSS-- prere paredar ed ruder_ the pennnal » meeilmr position of secretory of Lighthouse Board nnsnsr won In rmir heats bv jl. JpJZvii , waa IlshingCoinpany, Bible House, at «ne Moti The startera were Dwcer accomplished ' Tne c CU^ KirUoci-Joe Lohnin wu bom In Ireland 3oly Kew York. U-* the Travel- Haven Oronnus on 8siuiday, Sept Bros.' bk. c. Rhadamanthns' Time. aauX 2-Sv »ij ?J2-* ^ '•rsander B-y. lo tbe myst'«ri»n. art. -^-^Mtr I er's Couipleie Note book." a, aod at Woshlngtoii, D. C. After tbe close ot the war Dixon A Wlmraer'a Of being an ewy aysiem rur re- with so much "talent" on hnod tfi»ro Is b. o. Cnnrlei P SinvthST amogtraenia cnnsliia of getaeant f**'"'!** ^so I cordlnit events, ineidenia, every be. began praetldug law in Mobile, Ala., but waa Madn. and McOaniel's man). JtooodsoM Mm O- B., Wtot Honot Vernon.—If yon used the title places and obleK«JiilSd.'^B5£aS-hS ?r'sc. a SiTEmint llamlltnu f>«cretarT). Willi It Is etnncc^ the Indicted treason token to come speclsiw trom Hannit a^SjTirri^UJ?^^ ovan Fnut- cfthe DOTd. yim craM not coavrlght that tltle.- 00 a tour. eqaoliy uelul tor btuiatas puiposes present reciids will be excelled lo a for and Washington tor Monmouth Park to rtdo Rbsrtn- and Watorman. J. Phillips sad U. and for commercial Crwvelerm. Dauibar or lonaoeea. Bianthus. lane odds laid '^ Alex. Q,-r..Bliilr.4'FliUadclphla.- . mall. «e« The ereota. with tbe namtKr oT a trial tbat never occurred. Since then he anf were on that hooi wiS: moMy. Wllllama will ba the Judge. bf bad nlng. he aelllng Tl™ 4M«T-'"ftinimtrTr**n's Isnio entrlea received lor encli, are: lOOydi. rnn. thirteen: given lectures and bad wrll'.en books, away over ths field for »CTVT3nrtlr race, mllebeatsi atyiis. run, ten; the latter •7»iSJa'l«i.«0:and Ao«r.)lnd.»30. a., .BWtWl.r-KO answeri br miU. The Hatchlnson TH« CMPipsSBir WltBRLi.-The iMyds mn, aeven: anvtuiTnin. Bve: comprlaliig "Campaign ot General Without aordMTv orltiai" theJstasti^^l ., anonBt one ban-' mile run. Soott in tbe •ff'eted. . "TBAT nima*:rn toamong FfemDj vow yerehUrtfn^Bg In Malna.' drsd dollars a aide, placed In aevea:,mlle walk. An; 3-ml!« walk, alx: 7-mUa y.S^fl.."?" Conrlsr taking the Sa. aSJ' hook wU0^ oar h-'- Hurpby. to hammer, Ave; pnttlnic the shot. Ore: ran- Oraloe ot the TlS?^SSf^uioS iJi take pltee hi Boston. Sept. 19. was handed br nlngnlgh-Jnmri.H!'"^,'!£','" OS to the aaslstakeheldtf, lUehardX: six: rnooing hrood-Jaosp. eight: tng-oT- and the Snmtar." and "Memnin ot PwiwO, ooB^X letscibbem'eilielhTncitaat ««j«iii». -„i J7™S ~ war.thne nasgsosswUlcomnsacesttwoo'eleckr.x. BerrfceAfloAtDailafftbe War between tbe Btaiea." ths opthe atnttb.AastnUM eane^Sh^tulS^iijiSS^ J:l»t8a»,l«.^^Se^'tfiSfiS^SS^^^" .T~?™«««»loonli. nma,8:aC ' . —aI — s7: —S62( . . 0:; , . . ; . ,. -

September 8, 1877. O I=L O 187

UnmviLlaK va. HAKTFORD. BAI.TIlIOnB wa. EXCBl.ai(»R. laOinsVIIaliB -wa. BARTPORD. Ala., Alabama vs. Hlaslsslppl, 24 to 12; at Mllleiatown, nm Inning. rvABB. Beeond Inning, Ttte Iimat af tlie Merlea, The Baltlinorea manazed u> got tba liaav of Tneker'a An exblhltliin gams was played by the Loulsrille and Pa, Dnion vs. Butler. 23 to 9 17: At (hmnberry, a. B. Smith tnEoglbih.... X b. MePheraoB BASEBALL. Oamo I Toa I,ouUTllle plicblo^ lur th« first time lo their fourth championship Hartford Clubs at .New liaren, Ci , on NaiurUay, Sept I, N. J., Defiance ol rrloceton va, Mutual, 2tto 3 BnleHSia c and b. McFber- Club's last Eaatem tour tlila seamu I _ ., ^ Haltiuiore. wlieo ten required to decide who was 28: At Trenton, N. J., Dcflance ra Trenton. 22 to 9. CL Reason b. EngUab ended witb tbeir twelfth aahie with the Hartford Club ! game with iha Excelalnra. p1ayeatting. coupled with the nu- The Loularlllea atarte.1 In on pitching rery At m. Pen- Kenoedyb.McPherann.... O b. MePberevn cvmed, anil the promli*. .t a deeply lutereatlnir and mennia err>-ra of the lat'er, tliey BUCCcedc«1 In defraring hrary In the first Inning, making lour sale hits and two nington, 28 to 4 Tbe Harlem and Clipper Clube Shay c and b Englhdi.... 3 h. MePheraon In ' for wero earne,l runa. In Ihe fourtli lunlng tbo llartfurda made are to play en the old Union Grounds, Tremnnr, N. b. .... 3 b. English KpL 4. sr. LoqL^ n. Boitnn. at Botton. Closely eunteated mateliled to Iho lannat atteoUaoce <>l tliem the third time. S4>me portlooaof the game Jeffries McPtaerson four ruoa The Y., Sept. R. the priKeeds to giren to Mrs. Qulgley, s»pt. 4. CblcK«>'Ti«. autfonl. »t Bmokljo. specutora ae.n on tbe Union (Iraanilatblsaessun Inlly . rather slow and uninteresting, whilst others were quite bsse-hiu and tlireo earned entire gauie be MlubeUc Benaon b. Eng- was oxclting. particularly ao In the ninth Inning, when mother of John Qulgley, who was fatally lajutrd In a S Armonr b. McPbeison Sept. 5. St Lnuu v». IWHitoD. at BoiiUin. 3 On |iet>ptc wltneaalnc the c«int;«t Tbo llartlunls pre- , exciting. For excellence in fiybllug th- palm must be lish c the L.tnlsTlllea tied Tho HanPirda lalleil game between the at g>pt 6. CUIcaffn r« llarttnnl, at Rroolclnt seuceu the sirommt team tliny harp p1ac«*l lo ibe fleld atrardetl t*> lllldebrand. who t.1aycO a atn»ne« poallliiii al- ilm acore lo and the Actives WapplDg- Fnler b. MePhPrson 0 b. HeFberaon S the lAtulirllles er's Falls, N. H«pL «. Iet>liig was tip top, slilinugli scorn in tlih tenth Inn'ng. and scored Y Tlia Enterprise Club lately elected tbe Wbaien b. English 0 run out 0 oi lolIowlDg ofilcera: Bn»ton. • both hail rery wi'd |-Itcnli)g to attend to. Maliino two run., nneor which was earned. Latham theLouls- President John £. Ready; vlce-piesl- b. English 2 b. Engllsb 3 mATBE, Sept. 0. ('Llenzo rr. Boetnn. at beinir a model evhlblilon lo that positloo, while Ker- some Morgan ADH rillH. anil Kerguaon nftlio llartlords did not play. d.nt Fred. w. Grube; recording-secretary and treasurer, Sep;, II, II. Si. Loularp. IlBnfonJ, at Rronklyn. jnison. thonch but lust out of a sick. lied, ao atren^tli. : nl.-tyad hia tviKitinu in the beat atyle. aa did Praxler an.Tnca*e. of the llanfiirda laraely due lo Itia <,.n n«rTlc«*a. The and certainly playe«l It wall. Snyder sttended to hia afferty. p I I 0 3 3 club will be held at Hamil- ill.l Ist b. ton pars, ibia dty. Sept. 4. OiCeolATj. JelTataon.at Commonlpair, S. J. game was practically wnn In tbe drst fwolnnliiiia, alt<-r work brilliantly. Klllmnrc's onl,r chance was readily II. r .. 1 3 3 U tart. 0 0 IS 0 2S 31, at Worcester, Total ...18 Total .....38 CHICACO, HfpC a Masa., nr:rrtial Hnwhljn. Idk^n after running close to second. ScharIT fieldr-d l>erlln. lat b.. 2 3 12 I r'.arey, a: — I 0 8 Irving rs. Mutual, 12 to II Scot 1: In aeut. 4, re Coloo. whldi the LtmlSTlllea hAeaeU thH cooteat with a ballioUiT- celalnra made one or mnro errora. their floldlng. as well as Gerharilt 2d b U 0 8 2 0 Ed. io7; at Fall 87, TWO WEEKS. l> 1.. Rlrer, Lagrange va K-Pt. 5. Lin Oak Ta. .St Loala. at LfllD. hardt on which he waa neatly thrown uat Then llarbldce their iKittmc. being below their usu.l1 standard. Hail, Crarer, r. f 1 I I U llarbidgcc. S I 0 Huntoon, 7 lu 8; at Beveriy, Grant va v%. Korh««t«r. d'ick'rt Snyder.A a... 0 0 I S l> Allison, e I E 0 Rover,4 toS: at Maiden. Kear«olaT». SlarorOrarnTllle. at amoTlllB, N. J. two Inulniii: and, as Start folhiweO anlt. two earneil bwM-a Tucker' A. Crowley, c 0 I 8 I 2 Larkin, p 0 8 to 4; St Rockland, Beacon vs.- King Philip, 3 to <: at New Bedfuid. Meta- IMMENSE A, WlioKa va. Cbe|p«a. at Brouklrn. were occupied two plsyera RAITIBOR)!. R. IB. ru.A.x. FxcKLaroH. p. Id. po.a b. 8DGGE88. Fept. and were out—Carey hHTlnfc coroet TS. nristoI.Eto THE "WAlaKINO CHAJKPIORBHIP. i' Totals fi .VI 17 4 Totals 4 10 30 13 « 8; st ijiilncy, pioneer ta. Associa- BT Heor. 6. OKCO*a Aluka. at WtMt Bnantnn. It. L ainick out—when VervuKon came In. It waa Juat tlint Fillmore.- c I.. :e u I 0 Vaaklen. M b.. 0 1 2 E I U rSONOUNCBD PRESS AND PUBLIC THE tion Nine, to 0: BBnla to 0*Leisry. Athletic TA. i' (I LnalSTllle.. 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2-8 4 at Melrose, EgleabiB ra. Alpha. 20 to 4: Sept. tf. 04*rDiaQto«ii. at lMjllailrtpbl&. perlial In an Iniilnz'a play when cuoiiiraa and nerreareas Mslnne. a a.... n I 3 4 Tockor. I I 0 I 2 ll-tnrnrd... 0 0—4 at MIddieboro, MIddlcboro vs. John Eonls of Chicago lonmfdi tu ns ibefoIlowlognlU- Sept E. DcOaacr ea. Mutual, at l>lilUdeli>hU. neceasaTTT lu liaotllloj^ the t>at a. In the dcllvrry' •»! the ImiII. Morwin. lat b.. I 3 8 O 1 Oulaney. I. I... 2 0 I 0 2 0003 0100 South AblnztoD, 11 to 9; at ti^ Earned rnns—LouUTlile,4; Hartford,! Umpire, Bobett Ipswich, Essex ra. Actire. 10 to 0; at Haverhill. Monitor matum, which reada like baslnes9;and astbewrilerbaa Sept 7. nenitnn McCIiidk. at Phlladrlpbla. Ferenaon wai I here, and Devlin waa nut. and a Aife ball Juues, 2il b I 0 I 0 3 II Idchrand. 2b. 118 2 1 GREATEST SPECTACLE EVER PRODUCED Maihnws. TImu. 2li ISm. TA Rberldan. 10 to 2: at Montrale. Oen. Worth ra Una, 12 duue Ilia beat In the effort to meat 0'Leary*s ideas la —..f i!*pr. 7. P. R^-clti-Kter r". AJI««hrDr, at Allochenv. Pa. rare the former hlabnae and Ilatbltlxr Ills run. Yurkfuliow. Snyder. I f. ... I 0 4 0 0 SCliarff. A s ... 0 0 2 2 I to 1 1 at of Roehei*ter Ta. Prasler, 14'' t-i^t^ : Cambridge, Bookblodoni ra Pressmen, 18 to 8. At matter stake-money, and 3300 Is asum net to be apura- AMEBIOAN STAGE. Sept. 7. IndlanapolU. at Hnebeaier. ed with another safe lilt ; but by Bnnhick'a b.id concliinR 3d b... 2 2 nerbrlck.c. f... 0 I 0 n i ON THE .< Blnghatnton, N. v., Indlanapulbi ra. Cricket 4 10 ed In times like Ibe present, tbe latter should close with Sfpt. T.St LooUti. nhwla iJand. at ProTld«iia>. of Start a chance waa clTea to D*it uut Start a', hnme- Hosier, c n I 9 I Qreirart C 1 I 5 7 S UAKCHB8TEK wo. I>IVK OAK X At Wakedeld, R. I. , Rhode Island rs. Pasil me. 11 to 1 At Pitts- the uOer. and glre Ennis a sight for bis cash OMCsola Ti Tuluoterr, WelcJi.r.f 0 I 0 0 u Roche, r. . . . . 0 0 l.tve Oaksof Lynn. Ma*s.. Sept 7, at Puiu|bke«pnle. N. Y. hase, a fine tbmw-ln by Crowley doIn7 the work pretili.v. f 0 0 I The careless fleldln'-e ol the In burg. Pa., AlteKiienr rs. Nt Loula,flneenlnnlDgs,l toO ., CBICiuo.Anr.SI, 1877. lSe|.t 7, Quickjitep TK. AmtCT. nt llaahattanvtUe. This waa an auspicious opcnliur for the Brls side. Uaddoc'if, p.... 0 I 0 2 1 Smith, Istb.... U 0 9 0 4 the main cau-ed their easy defeat by the Mancliestets at „ _ _ BALLETS at SyracuMi, N. Y.. FnjjiK GRAND 27, Star v*. Indlsnapolla, morning, ^cB», i>ear .«ept 7, vritoka Ta. Pn*. Baltlmoro 1 0—7 Kelly, c. ... 3 a 0 7 0 3 .\daBiI,Lr.. 8 0 1 1 I 1 Louis va Terra winner to take or twb- 1000000 . . UauU 8 tol) .. .9). at Syracoae, Star tiiiruaof gate-money, the ',1 va Indianapolis, 4 walk to lake place in Chicago. 1 j MLLE. DE BOSA, ii«|IL K, Lifarmte Ta. AtaUnta. at Ailorla. L. I. By a bad muff of Carey. Uaaue secured hia base; but In Excelsior I 0 0 0 I 3 0 t 0—3 Walker, I. f.. S 2 3 I 0 Lcarr. p .y-- 3 0 113 0 tu 1; at Ciilnmbua, 0.,Sl Louis va Buckeye, 3 to I ?"l*7s after algnbigartldea. Sept a. II. Wlnoaa Cllppar Ti«, Mllvaakee.at llllvanke«. attempting to run down lo second waa captured Runs earnad—Baltimore, X. Bases on called halls- 0'Rnurke,cfS 10 0 lluller.a I.. 8 0 1 X 0 1 (C!"!l%'*' IwUlwiMfor he by 13 29, at Wliaellog, West Ta., St Louis W. B. Curtis to Baltimore. Excelsior, 1. b.. va Standard, 8 to I act as stakeholdi r and rafereeTor ear Sept a, Atbtetle Ta. Sliinial otNorrlnovn. at Philadelphia. CaTe.T Irom Alllaon's n>od throw : and aa ll;tlrs opportune 2: Two base hit—Haasieu, I. Dolley, s s.. 8 2 I 0 2 1 Allan. 3J 4 0 2 X 3 0 N 30, at Auburn, N Y., Chlr.lgo va Anbum, lu Innings, 4 to iiher responsible pany O'Leaiy wlabe* MLLE. LETOURNEUR, sent 10. 1 1. Ruclieatrr Ta. .Standm), at WIiMllnr, W. Va. aafe hit to ricbt field waa prettily cauidit by IJarbldce. Stmck out— Ralilmure. 4: Bxcelslur. 0. T..lt on baaea nniqpiwon.lb 4 3 0 10 0 I Maaon, r. f.. 4 0 0 X 0 I to choose. The 4 SI, at Auburn, Auburn ra Rochester. 8 to a SSU now In IBB CurrBB ofllce, and which waa aent with flept 10, II, Browna Ta. UooUTiile, at Tern* llaqie. lod. the toDing ended with the scoro at 1 to V In 'aror of Uarc- Flllmnre. Malnnp. Mnrean, Prsii. walker, Sullivan, c. . 8 0 Allen 3d b . 4 0 a 3 occompanlcd by fifty dollars: coMPAmr. sidy. A wll'l plleb sent York to third hose, and, on Alli- .Olevsrt.C 2 I 13 1 E Jones, c. f . 1 0 n u I) Wlilc'y,3b 1 Ma.aon.c. f.. 4 0 1 4 Ct., son's 0 I 1 I. 0 A. 4 Xiw Havbx, Aug. 31, 1877- Toialt .S3 11 lilt to Crarer, York scoreu \Aa unearned run. Cnrer Scham. as o 2 Snyder. f.... 0 2 0 1 J. p. JOHNSON , . . BosinesS'iiisiisger llawca, c. r. . 4 I Riley, r.f ..4 0 Frank Qcrbk, Esq —Dtar mr: In answer to a chal- Thn reaalt of the LiatsTllIa*A dUcnmfltaie at Bnitoa throwing out Allison. Larkin was our, Hlldehraml. 2b. 1 0 0 3 7 Foutx, 1st b n 0 II 0 1 then caught and lenge iif II I'l-j^olt, lb . 4 1 Pagarty,.Ib. 8? Mr. Kenoett of New York, offering to mateb an ^od Brooklyn aa abown br tbo reaterlal cbanne which liaa that ended tbe BrookI>-n run-cettlug uotll the nloth Inn- R.-nilh. latb I I 10 n tVillla, r.l ... 0 n 0 n 0 SO. GEO. S. SEWCOHB Treasurer 0^ Wright, s. s. 8 0 Thorapaoo. 0 3 0 0 In CRICKET. unknown to walk melTom fonr to ten miles, 1 accept on gakenplare In the tvlative petition* n( th« contmlnx ing. Tbe |y>nl«TlMcs ngnin fallnl ru score, they civing Roche, r. t..... 0 I 0 0 I' Welch, c ...... 0 0 e 0 c Knight, r. r. 8 2 Tternsy,s.s. 3 0 10 tlie following condiilona; Tbe man to be named at the nineninea In the pennnnt-race In the two tabloa itlTco ba. easT chances lor out« to Allison. York and Carey, the let- Matthews, c.f.. 10 10 0 tladdock* p. ..00132 OBO^tNIZED AND ARRANGED FOR THE REASSII OF T 8TATBN ISLAND TS. SX' GEORGE. signing ol articIeA thesukea to he aa he wWica—flve hun- 1877-3 FOR low ournadi-ra will le* "h^w tlielltt}* Joker Uea." The ter's bad throw to HIart nlmoMt. yielding a lire. In the A TUUR OPTIIB PRINCIPAL CITIBS Totals. ..42 10 IS 27 9 I Totals. ..31 0 8 37 12 9 Uantors* dred dollars a aide. I will meet Mr. Benneu at Tax CLir- lUat table IncluJfri the Cinclomtl gaiaea. fifth Innlne one of the finest douhle-plara we erer aaw Totnia 9 3 27 8 11 Totals 3 I 27 10 IS Dny. „ OF THE UNITED STATES. 2-10 I'KK ofllce on Friday. Sept at 1 p. prepared to sign carernllr-seleeted from Kxceblor 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 2 2-9 Lowdl SUOOOOaO On Tuesday, Aug. 38, tbe flrat match between 7, M., A company of LADY AND GENTU- made an outlIrM pociiiun was scored bj Ifarblilgo. ariiclea. .ST. Q Live Oak 0 0 0 I) 0 .0 0 0 0—0 I inclose SM to cover Mr. Bennett's daposTi. .VRTIRTS Irom the leading Q In this Inning, thongh llurbi tnaile two.ba.ae lilt Baltimore ...0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1—3 ot the St, Oeorge and Staten Island MEN theaxres of Europe aad 1 jge a alter I.owe'1. bsiwr errora— Juniors Clubs Respectlully yours, 1? Rsse on Kills—Snyder, 2; Jones. 1. Oali'vl halls—on E.-iroed runs— 8. First on LIro LxsTKR C. Dole, Champion. Ameilca. Tbe whole under tbo superrlaloa of J r.nutt. 33 Burdock had been thrnwn out and Start lollowed up with took place at Hokraken, N. J., the event proving to Oak, 1; I.onell. 4. Two base hits—Mason, K. Whitney, SrKiNTixc 1 • a base-hit. ilie side was put out lieloro aeorlnir. Snyder Tucker.Zl: Ilu'lduck. 11. Csllral atrlkes—off Tucker, 10: AT Pnii.AOXtrHiA.-A foot-race took place ? . ^ 3* Knight run— Fo:er. Struck 6bt—Crane. 2; Sulfl. be 1P. ot place In a match game. The earnestness with •tuebundred left their banes. Ilarblilge ran In tor the bsll, took It yarda, cltisely previHrd, buwerer. FTom ibia .1 17 1 ai I I 30 a) 1136 Rfiacnna ilcrcltcl Phlllna In ISb.'kND -ra. CINCln!gATr. C m i Tho tbn Ring Rocklsnd. RHODB which the young ooniestonls In this match en- iiolnt the "Jersey apleodldlj on tJie fly. and. bv a prompt and acciirati* throw Boy" made a deaperaia apun, and final- UasA. Sept I. quire easilr. the King rnlllps being nnabio A rery creditable victory was obtained by the Rhode Thitivlng 9m tli« clDclnofttl Club camen, the record to Burdock at arcond. caught Craror there, runuing hack tered the lists was Interesting to witness. Thoy ly wun by about six Inches. t>, h:it Trne'a pltclilng with anv effect anil, though their Island team over the Clnnlnnatla nt I'mvldence Aug. 3i, hows the leOubtTlIlM In the nn by ono ipime. and tbo to aeeonil the fly-catch. flehliug on This aplendid piece nf tirst three batters nis'la hits, ho tile play 01' were no sooner on the ground—ood they were all Robbbt HiBDLS, tbe noted Scottish pedeitrlan, arrived lUrtfnrd.^ tlili il a »linU*r licore. aera-eh ba- the IlKicons'flttlilini: that nn run waa scored, and J. Madl- Kbuok IHL'U. R.ln.pi>.A. a ClNCIXN'ATl, H. la. ro.A.B. on hand bright and early—than they wanted to some days ago, and made hia appeaiaaoe ing a damaging error by Cassldr—who haa made rery few on For list of compaur tLod iDlmlUbla ivp«rtoIn ot Bar- 5" in the ninth Inning, the only solid F.vans. r. 1 tho running^ath at tbe games of tbe Boston Caledo- this tmn, mad- hit on his 1 3 2 0 0 Pike. c. f. 0 3 got to work In tbe Held at once; and when one ?^ aeason-gnre the LnnlsTllIes a chance to esrapa .Sweajiy, nian Club Aug. 30, when he won the half-mile race by a le«>qamuid CoraedtWp ma Yarare uooaaevmeDts. C aide. The Beacons were more auceMaiul witli Thomp- 2d b. . . 0 0 4 3 I Manning, p... 0 I 0 inning bad been completed, they were anxious fs <« a blank. Tba Brooklyn aide were easily dlapodcd of yard la tbe slow rime of Smin. 19sec., both the contest- A fCDod Comedian, and MTenl Versstlle AtxImib WAlfT- r ^<* o son's pitching, and they also declde Snyder was easily caught on the fir by Ca- tbis unwonted energy and promptitude was ahen the noce waa a cracker. also cUm. Addrcns bj leuttt JiMtOQ 4 7 H roonlng. I.ln.vd. T.vrg. Douglass, ami J. Maillgan led al C*ir.r. p I 1 I 1 3 Heyorle. as... 0 10 HiDdle entered lu the j rey, and Crowley waa finely fielded ont by Ferguson. the "old boys." I have mile run, bift, not levUng well, alter Brmklrn 4 6 I fi till' hat. and Unlllns. Tli.iTcrand Strong oftheflracons Stone, I. f 1_ 2 0 0. .1 Gould, Istb... 0 I 14 frowned down by What he dropped out going lAtbam. howcTer. led a forlorn hope with a base-hit, but a qnnrter. nileacn 1 "s a 14 nnd Wheeler and Earea of the King Philips did good work Klnb. Istb.... 0 U 13 I I Booth, o 0 0 4 game ot cricket without any delay? Why, '« Hague followed with a high ball to Caasldy. which fell LoalsTflltt 4 6 • in the field. Tlie game excited a gorMi deal of interest In Du.-jnn, e. I 2 3 i^mith. 2Jb.. 1 1 3 It was retielUon against time-honored prece- T. TOBIAS, a merchant of Pltubarg. Pa, complains that Into bis handsesslly; but unluckily tor hia aide, fell ont GEO. K. FORTESGUE, « S 4 "a fr tl-e toim, and it was closely watched bv tlia spectatoiw. bnt Kevme,3db.... 2 1 2 I'oley.Sd b .. 0 1 I JamcA Wheat, colored aprlaicr. SlLodU agaliL RecoTcrIng tbe ball, he trlnl to offset tbe error donis. The lest tbe boys exblblted, tho life, whum be backed in bis raucii ur pleasure (Wheat'si In IB IM 21 la 93 ihe was lost by the Incompcaoey of were novelty te the recent rocu that city, "went bock en him" I I 1 M9 I liycaptoriDR Latham at third: but tbe ball was thrown In activity and vim, a frequenters the umpire. Totals 7 9 27 IS ; Totals i 8 27 14 8 npon that occasion. Unfonnnately, that is a frequent low. and Latham escaped. A wild pitch br Larkin sent ot at Bohokon. Itonlytooktheyoungsleta oe- Tvo nore t«bl«:!« IclTeo liolow nhoir wbu 7PC buto ho K'O" rniLIP. T. K.lB" PO. A.B. RgACO.V T. R.IB.PO. A.B. Rhode Island... 0-7 matches eurrence among professional rnnnera. and we see no way Latham home and eare Ilairne his a.-cond bav. and on 0O33000X the BBOWK & BASNES, Agents iow. Tbeflr^tahnwm the number of fc»tnes jtt to be I I a Uttle over four hours tu play entire tour- to prerent three nniiglaa^, r.f 4 I 3 I 0 0 r.lay.l,3db.. 8 12 2 10 Cincinnati ....0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 otliera being "taken in" In like manner here- eoonthia the CloclnBM L g»mei called balls nail took his base. Then Derlin hit to ti*red. Wheeler, c. . 4 0 1 8 8 7 Thsycr, s. 4 I (1 fl 4 0 First base on errors—Rhode Island, 3; Cioclonatl, 3. Innlnga maicb. Including Intervals between Inn- after. Pergnaon. and by the letter's low throw to Surt aooiber a 8M BROADWAY, N. T. r* J.Uaore.2d b. 4 1 1 3 0 0 Double-piars—Kirtb. Rwessy. Pearce (3). Two-base hits— tnreil well-plared point .\lllson*a. Sept 8. On the 32d Inst Messts. Bcrte, Hanland and ^uenIa^d chariot, by a of Derlin was at ers, Master A. Rich, who made a neat catch, la but R.Madlc'n.lb4 0 0 S 0 I itlhbsid, r. f. 4 n 0 I u 0 Stone, I: Brans, I. Strikes called—off Cory. 23; Manning, Bonton are to Beaton 3 4 1 0 l« third, and aa Shaffer ran doim to second, Derlin, seeing contend at twenty-five mllea lur a gold COMPLETED TBIS WEEK AMD OFFEBBB Kales. Sdb. . .1 0 0 3 2 2 Rollins, c. . 3 0 I 13 I 4 II. Balls called—on rnry, it; Manning, ZS. Ktrnednin twelve years ot age, and Master Norman Camp- Btrtoklyn I Allison start to throw for second, ran for bome. As he medal on the same grounds. 3 » 0 4 14 Jenkins, Bayley, cf. —Rhode la'anu, 1. Wild pilch, I. Umpire, P. Butling. bell ot theBt Qoorge team baajusi turned twelve; '» did so, Allison msde a feint throw, snil, turning suddenly, as.300101 401100 rooT-RACi has Oiileaao 4 3 4 a IS bam. Time, 2b. 43ni, A been arranced to take place at the FOR SAUB CHEAP, sent the hall to Feignson, and Derlin was tnnclied re- and to see him "cut a ball tor two" in neat style New Uanting Park. dndnnaU 1 X 6 » 4 IT on Totala.. 37 2 8 27 10 131 Totahi...38 8 8 27 » 8 Phliadelphto, Sept IS, between the turning. Three unearned runs, howvrer, had scored waa a sight to see. Little Havens, too, who made *'Jers«y Bor'' and W. H. Adaetta: distance and I wUI,antll I dispose of said ChazioC, Anlab She LonlarUIe 0 0 4 'i 4 13 been Philip 1-2 one hundred "4 entirely failure to hold eaaj- fly-ball; King 00010000 six horsea, phimaa, el£.for Miniti«la.Va- at LodU 4 4 0 4 IE thronch the Hagoe's CniCAOO va. ROCHESTER. Ove catches and Ilelded in a style the old boys and lllty yards, tor tim a aide; winner also to have all same.e. with (8) for, Beacon 1 I 0 0 0 I I 0 I-fi Combinations, that rlalt ProvMaoce, though other erroni assisted aftervaidi, bnt tor tliU Tho cliamplooa met the Rncheaters Sept 39 onthelat- might toke from, la less than lltteen. tbe gate-money, rietyr t etc.. & L Gameii 12 14 IJ i« Baaea nn errors—King Philip. 4: Beacon. 7. Base on example • '" to pIat ....I 1 18 1 U 1 90 firlmary mlsplay not a roD would havw boau scored. This ter's grouous. till alter stubborn ten-Inning Address" WM. J. METCHBAB^ railed balU-KIng Philip, 1. Rimck ont-K1ngPhillp,S: but not a Then there were young Houghton, a regular cricket TUEBB IS A lbctbb in onrcsxe for Cbaa Book. Tba roOowlnic labla pnienu the real work T»i tab< fin. eft tbe totals at A to 3. Kclther side added a run to their game bad lieen fought did vlctorr perch on their banner. (ahowman^B Bome) Washington aatti. Beacon. S Rails called—on Thompson. IS: Tyng, IX chip ot the old block ; and young Surand, a natu- Uhed: score until the last Inning, when the llartfords addeil 1, RociliMTBR. T. IL In. ru.A.iL t'nicAGo. r. a. IB. ro.a a ProvMnee.fi. L the PaaaaU halts—Wheeler. 2: Rolllna, 2. Wild niteb—Tyng, I. cricketer. SEPT. and contest ended witb the appepded score: Rradir.^d b. 4 0 n 3 I u Fjlen, 8 0 I 0 1 3 ral ball-tosser and very promising But PROVIDENCE SUNDAY DIRPATCH, iTltTf. b * ~ Umpire, Mr. Clapp o( South Weymontb. Time, 2h. Im. p s &a BlBTruKD. T. B. IB.PO.A.B. IfOUIBVILLE. T. R. In.rO,A.BL Canebr enntMtlilff nlDM la th* ar««ia darinic Maple Lear,..,. 0 HIackwell b. Thomas 0 run out I asoioOOO— vllle Club, and, attor a well-conteated uthetM reached over 310, and two more IfO LarkiD.B: from Devlin. 19. StrikaseallrJ— Larkin. 23: game, tber scored each, UiesmoD CAUDtsu a etiamploDiiblp cune tintll the re- on 1 Grlswuld b. b. Trcumseh 0000300 2-8 Thomas 13 Thumaa 7 the hlglieat eight acorea agcrvgatlng l,GS. Mr. Selph qalred oamber have been pitiyed. nn DcTlln, 17. Umpire, Mr. Kenny of the old Atlantic came off victorious by tbo score ot 3 to 3. Seldom Strock out—off Smith. 7: Bradley. 1: and Goldsmith, I. N. CauipbcU c I'oolc b. m.ido bnli*s In 1. Each etab nhall four sitineii with ererr other Club. Time, Ih. Urn. It twenty.four eyea succeajlon—a clean fifteen pUr olob Sti Ikes railed—off SmlUi. 41 : Bradley Caldamlth.SI. ever betnre was there auch an exhibition ot Camill 3 b. Tbomaa 3 and at KB yards, and nine at tfUO. Be scnred 146 oat of a pos- •QterlUff the Ilau. and tbe ilnit foursunee the club play Ba'la called— Smith. Btadler anil Ooldle, 32. Paaaeij Frotbiniham, not out ... U b. I on 12; Ritchins u3,caifbiiULZlti>B<"8<> Inthatpanot Thomas sible ISO a^ the two tangee, and 210 out of a poaelble loKvtbecwiu alone bo coanCv^ ^ . QAUES PlaATED OUr.SfiPT. 1.,,. »e (»untr7. Aan uuiuk t>iv~-. II. Campbell 0 c Ilaresa !>. U.Campbell. 3 LARtiE^T NOYELTT Dunne, a a I 3 0 3 3 Dorcer. 2d b. .. I 1 I 4 game between theahoreclottaat Boston Sept 1, when the his third game In tho poettlon, he always playing lllldenileove medal, abootmg at cloaa balla. previous 7. of I'oulcb. Ilavcna 3 b. Maua^ling U that ever appeared In any Weatem diy. ThesnatMt nnmbrroT won fmmfs the series of Darlcy. 1. r 0 I n 1 i Slnnha, I. r. ... 1 SOI Tiaitora had again t'r bite thndoat. sbort-sinp In the olbcll. 0 of the most CIods Golden, p 1 3 3 6 f 'irinnen. lat b. 1 4 In 12 Wrk;lit2il b. 8 Pike. c. I., 2b 4 0 a Scliweyer's la On Sept I practice at Crvedmoor was . eolwr practice, will make one of the best catcbers Wosterveltc. II. Campbell ARTISra: xames. Orcoame only the dna fnur coanL LeaTlui; out 1'. PROMrNE.VT Rrcnnan. e. f.. I 1 3 1 0 Phillips, 3d b... 12 2 1 Leonard, 1. 3 Man'ng,s.s.,p 4 una again In order, tho British rillemen on this occasion lar sUtheiiaraca which are In exceMof tbe reynlar serlca, who enter the diamond Held. He has caught b. tiaveos lb. Havens 3 that are engaged for tbe opening: Monre. r. f .... 0 1 X 1 P Lynch, c f..... 1 .1 0 l>°R<>urke.c.f S lonea, I. f. . . 8 2 3 2 exceeding their previous work. MeMrs. Miioer, Femson the r*eord opto Sept. g stands aaloUnwiir three games, and not an error to mark bis play Tliomas v. Havens b. MR. VAL VOSE the great premier TenttlToiialst Johnston, 2d b. I 2 I 2 1 .4nhda1l, p I 2 8 1 White, r. f . J Addr, r. I... 3 u 1 0 .ind Humphrey scored 2j7escb: Pigcott, 2li6: tirana. 2Li3; Cauipbeli 1 b. H. Campbell 3 MK. PaT ROUNEY, the nnriralled Irish vocalist and e« Q Suitiin. s. s. !t M'y'rlc.2li.as 4 1 2 .1 yot, and he has a bard plicber to catch for. <;. Fenlon, S<2; J. Fenton. 199; and Blcby, 19S; lo>al score c. Havens b. comedian. in Dunind !•>- higbestel^ht, l,6±i. . . Totals 7 1» 27 21 12 Totals 9 19 17 27 Hiind, . .. U DonlU, Istb 4 a 14 0 POmvlLLIL H. PaLOAltu. Wm. Afms and :selpb oftheCreo- 28 p llauaallng 3 c. and b. Ilansallng IS MR. J. W. McANDREWS, the Water Melon Man. ^1 Danntleaa M'irrlll. b. 4 Rrroth, p.. c. 4 3 0 3 Sinclair, a. a U Kneehles, a. s cent team scoted ai7 each. 102400000—7 3d 0 ii. 5- ^1 Mor.ec U. Campbell 0 II. Campbell I MK. andUtts. R. A. BKkNNAN, Cant . Ilausaling 3 WALTERS and HUGHES. TuMHV TDR.VER. EDMA Runs earned-Dauntless, 1; Lniiueer. I. Flrat bnse by Brown, c... 4 il'stuigs,c,cf 3 0 2 0 W.Eckert, e 0 Hroderlrk, 3d h 0 ADeqbeikT 3 1 3 4 t 1 14 Diter c. Uavens h. Camp- TOB Irisb-Abrricaxb.—Teams ol six men each, rcpre MAKKLF.Y. LULU FRANCES, MISS MIN.NIB CLYDE, •6 errors—Dnuntleaa. 3; Luopeer. 4. Stnick ont— Dauntless, Hutchinson, r. f. 0 J. .Martin, Utb U Tecsnueo 3 4 1 0 4 13 bell 2 c. Taylor b. U. CampbeU.. 0 renting respectlrely the Irish-American Rl3e Clubs of LIZZIE MULVEV, and a boat of others. 2; Luqnecr, I. Umpire. T. Bannen of Hudsona Totals...41 8 13 27 14 6 Totals...37 3 10 27 IE 12 r^nsrd. p I A.h. c 2 Xochealtf 1 'i I a 3 3 11 Fowler & Dlmock b. D. this city and Greenwich, ct, shot a match at the latter Sensation Stats, Dramatic and Variety Oomhl nitliw Boston 2 I 0 2 0 I 0 0 2-8 llalpln. 2irh P W. Bsrtln. r. f 0 Kanohester 1 0 "i I 3 3 10 Isafmyette wa. Nameleaa Campbell 0 not out 9 place Aug. 211. Each contestant fired ten abocs atXOOydA, ahdBnrlesiiueTranpes can secure daiea by appiylngis j <;inclnnatl 0 0 0 U I 0 0 1 1—3 Siilankerhorn. Ist b 0 Bowe, 2d b n Buckeye 0 0 4 I 8 N'AMBLXSS. B. IB rO.A. B. LAPATgiTi;. itlnro.A.x Taylor c. and b. Ilanssling 2 c. Griawold b. Ilausaling.. 4 with the result below shown: the managers. All letters answered. • 34-H* '6 Tliree-haM hit—Jones. I. Strock ont—Brown, Pike. F. Eckert ct 0 trarr. I. f. 0 UToOak I 0 I I 0 3 Slade.e 0 0 3 a Bon-I.xd b .... 1 3 3 U>e, I; L b., l: w.,8 8 New You:. GttBKZSWICK. Jones. llastiDgs. First base li.ills—Morrill, Mererla. 0 t'uitelto, e. f 0 1 n 0 on Luniberskln. 3d b Xapto Lcal 1 1 1 U 1 X 2 I P Rogers. I.r Clarke , ... 0 0 3 Lee. If Pln id-t> itutiy... S2 Barton -. 37 The tbrowa—Morrlll. Brown. Sfeyerie, IJastiugs (3). Umpire, Runs earnea—Palo Alto, 2. PaASed t»alls—Eckort, 4; AncSLMancbaeterTa UTeOak 7 3 Benner, p 0 0 0 s Mark, c t 1 8. ISLA.S'D—Ist Inning 0 4 4 10 11 11 19 21 24 '^7-27 Kneeland.. 26 Rich .. IS J. U. Sumner. Time, 2h. ISm. Ash, L ADC. 14, Bnekere n. Altegtaeny S 7 Haydeo. 3d b 0 0 0 II ll Rnddy, r. f..... 0 2d Innlua 4 17 22 33 23 31 32 32 33 42—42 Aug. 30, Tecnmseh Ta. Bochener S 3 JoncB, r. f 0 1 0 0 0 Jackson, p 1 Umpires, Meicira. liouiihtou and TaltHitt Total 200 Totol 182 BERGER FAMILY, AMATEUR va. ECIjIPSE. LOIVELL. -wa. L1OIII8VIL.I.E. The prize at Issue waa a sllrer cup rained at SZS. Totals 4 4 31 • 10 Totals 7 II 21 II 14 Upon the conclusion of tbe match the victura were en- CONCERT TROUPE AND LADY ORCHESTBA. The champinorhip of Loularllla, K-) ,, waa contended for 'Wedncaday, Aug, 29, the Lowelhi succeedetl la AJbLKOHBirr wa. ST. iiOins. Nameless 3 0 0 0 1 0 0—4 BTATEK ISLAND tb. ST. OEOROB. tertained at dinner the Greenwich bare the BBOTUER-I for a sea- by tba clubs sbuve named on Aug. the Amaleurv com- cleaning out the LnuIsrlUea for the second time br marksmen. been engaged by ORRIN niteen Innlnca, without an error upon the part of the Lafayette 0 3 3 0 0 0 X— Tbe two captains ot the second elevens of the son in tu tba above theatre aboot ing out ahead. TUB iBiau-ABERiCAiv RiPLKCLtrBhadtbelrnsnalSator- Cuba, commence at kMlnc dnb. Is the recotil of a itam* contained br ibeae Umpire, Mr. Fox. this season. The visitors led Uie acore up to tbe St Oeorge and Staten IsUnd Clubs managed to AMATLUH. T. K.lR. rO.A.E. Bnuriii. T. R. lu. ro.A.B. dav shout on Sept. I. the prize at issue being tbe dub elaba at Allcghenr. Pa., on Raturdar aXemoon, Hapt I. wa. sixth inning, and Devlin wss In the beet ot bring tliolr roapcctive teams together lu a game medal; Date's Ibr ComDlnailoos (xoltsUe for BsTiDa),'lUi» Blank haj Hndaon WKolM. TTalJ'm'n. lb 3 1 2 10 II I Rrowolng. p 5 O 1 I £ 1 disisQceaaiuand Ml Tarda, any rifle, but iportins fuUowad blank until tourteeo lanln^i been spinis: but tbe boys took bold ot him In tbe weapons handicapped 100 yards irela, CIrcuaei*, Menageries, Jopaitese Troupes, eta, etc ni7II!HI5. B. lH.rO.A.E. WITOKA. R. IB.PO.A.E. Lnmhert, a.sS l 2 I A l Horn. s. R . . . 8 1 2 I U I at Staten Island on Aug. 30, Mr. Houghton belog on the second range. Ser* plSTCd, Dot Uia nma wai won Id tbe Uleeath. Ooodman In theatre or bull ring extraordlaazy scfisatlonal spc^ B. . O'Plynn, 3db.. . 2 Koblnsnn.Sb 0 Zim'man,2b6 I 0 4 I 2 sixth round at tbe bat, aiid batted the good-na- fortunate enough to collect a very atrung team to geant E Bums won. his total score l>elng 82. The other opened ont with a dear baae-hit paat short, taklnir third altles alwaya waiitetL Silence a polite neestire. r. t. I 2 3 Clare, 0 I I r. f.... I 0 I ture all out of scoring two runs, oneot Korea were: MAlor E. Dull>', Lieut. S. F. Kneeland. M. on a pretty two-baaeer McKelTy;bnthe was canjrht nap- R. Raleigh, 0 0 p II.McElw'e.c i 0 7 2 3 Arot 8 a 2 blm, tbem sustain theTeputatlon ot the Island, anu to oOSet M. by a. .Maltby. 49 each; Lieut J. Regan. All oommunlcaiHins to ORKlN BROTHBK8, Joe Parrell. c. . 0 I • 3 u (Trane. a I Pesrce. r. f.. 8 0 n U 0 u Herciua. c f. 4 I 1 3 0 I oamod, on toursuccesalve boae-hlts. In tbe third 48: Capt. W. U. Mur- ping by Blopc, who ca.AC the ball to McGearv, who touched that whipping his Juniors had received a tew days 1 1 Fourth avenue. New Torit b.. S 3 1 0 n XcCord. e. f 0 Prollfer, phy, Sergts. J. F. McHugb and N. D. Ward, 34 AshlandHonse, Jake soon alter, let ball allp Sehenck.Sd nrlcr, L f... 8 2 3 2 "0 U 3ilb40I340 innlns, with nnd Enlght at third, 40 out Clapp, a thronoli his ' two men out before; but Mr. Talbot, even with Frank Satter- J. Parrell. 1st b I 3 12 0 I Sweeney. Ist b. 0 Harlngt'n.cl s 12" " 0 0 Malone, Istb 4 0 0 8 0 2 Bin bonds and rear off towards the acorer'a stand, while Whltuey drove a line-hit along tbe foul-Une to S(»>aE.—In a competition between members ol the Oslpine, B. s... I 2 I 3 2 Dwyer. I. t 0 2 9 Rrerly. I. f. . 4 « I 0 3 thwalte's assistance, could not get out his best M.Hiiacbuselta Clapp went alter tbe ranawar leather, McKeh'y Improred W..M'Elw'ej 5 0 U 0 l»rel7 touched with Rifle Association lor places on ttie team TWELVE GOBYPHEifS WANTED. r. .. . •tpencer, 2d b.. 0 a I I right Held, which Crowley eleven, result rival the opportunity, and. amid the breathleaa silence of Morgan, c 12 10 Kennedy, 2b 4 14 0 Walker, c... 4 2 8 second and the waa that tho vblcUls to lake part in the Inter.8ute nutch at Crced- Pacfn. 3d b.... 1 0 3 3 0 llosach, r. r.... 0 bis Angers, but enough to change the course ot MUST BE GOOD-LOOKJ.NG XSD FIBST-CI.A33, the spectatoTTt posaed orer third and made a dea- ot the Island took his turn in enjoying a good luuur Aug. 29. .fames Wemyss Jr. scored 216 i-olnts ont J. p... I I I 3 0 Uanbland, c. . . 0 pmt« daah for home, which, by a too low throw Kaleish, Totahi...44 9 12 27 20 Ii Totals.. .40 7 9 27 II 12 the ball and cause It to bound to toul-ground. The smile at ToltKM's expense. The day was nne. and of a |Hia»it>Ie 238. He made liiuneen bull'aeyes and an Amateur 0 I 0 0 0 0 8 I 2-9 inner by Clapp, who hail aecured the ball, to Bloufr. coTerln^ umpire decided the ball foul, much to tbe dis- Broirster had as good a wicket laid down as the at an yards, and twelve buU's-eyea and three DLONDES PREFERRED, Totals 10 16 27 12 8 Totals 2 8 27 12 IS 3 I 3 I 0 0-7 home-Dlate. he was allowed to crtMS In safety, acorliiK Eclipse 0 0 0 gust of tbe spectators and tbo amusement ot tbo cvntree at l.Otx) yaida Hnilsnn 0 2 0 I I I 0 4 I—10 8. Island gtuund wlU admit of, those atBt«teven the only ran made In the fame. The BrowUHwerequlctly Flr.t.t>ase by erroia—Amateur, 4; Bdipse. Runs FOR \71t»ka 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—2 Eclipse. 2. Two base hlts-Oyler, visiting club. The umpiring was, on the whole, tellotvs. In their dally practice, cutting up tbe retired; and ao the ftreat was won by tbe AUeshenles earned—Amatenr, 8; game bndson, Wltoka, 2. Umpire, Mr. Dn- unsatletactory, without an error—an unprecedentcdly aood record. Runs earned— 3; Browning and Aroc. Three base bit—Boro. Lett on surlace very badly, Tbe sport began enrly, con- charme. LOWkl.L. LncisviLI.B. R. lB.ro.A.K. ALtEOH'HT. T B.lR.rO.A,B. St. Lodei. t. r. iB.ro.A x. bases-Amateur. 3; Eclipse, 6. Umpires—Mesata. Slater R.lB.rO.AB. sidering that it was a Bt Oeorgo day, and LateyBtte va. Jeircraois and Robinson. Time, 2h. Crane. 2d b 2 X 4 4 I Nichols, s. a u 0 1 2 0 THE RIHG. ORRIN BROMItS'mP.M, lfcKelTy,e.f 7 norftaa. r. f. tbo Islanders opened tbe contest by going F. WhiUng, L L I 0 I llsitue. 3d b... . 1I I 0 I 0 .Xelaon, a. a. S Clapp. e 7 Lapatbttb. r. jBrraRSCt. 13 Foley, 4 Hall. Lf I 2 I 0 0 to the bat, Jarvls and Q. Moore beglnulni; the aalTln, p... 6 VcOeary, Sb T Powell, a. a 0 Pasco. 1st b CHICAGO va. BI)PPAU>. p 0 I 0 I MiLLKRA:tn DwTER.-In response to the paracrapb m BAVAMA. I Tones, Stonaliton, c. .. I Uuvlln. p I 2 1 1 I bauing, with Sattenhwatte and young (;amp- WUlla'n. 3b. & Croltl f.... S Schat^ranL p c 1X22 which appeared In our past laaue. Prof. Wm. JSIIIer Je- GOOD ENaAaiQIE.VrS Nearly three thousand persons witnessed a eamo he- A. Whiting, 3b. 1 I 3 I Sliuirtir. r. f 0 0 0 0 1 bell Whearlty, Sdb C Flnimtn. p , 0 0 In cborga ot the bowling. Jarrls was got rid Hre« us to Fulmer, Sb. 3 Force.a a... 6 tweeeo the Clileagoa and the Buffalo (N. Y.) Club, on the say that he U prepared to make a matdi tn epar AKD FIRSr-CLAfB FARES PAID. I>olaB,'0 a Rattlo, Taodewater, 2db 1 I'rlichard. c f 1 Hawes, c. f..... I 2 3 0 U (lerhardt, 2d b. I 6 ot cheaply, but Miwre and Irving wero not lutrted Johnny Dw5er, champloo. In aiime pul>llc hall, aub. 6 letter's griinnds. Aug. 2j. The match was finely played, for a cupor Apply Immediately to Cramer, c 1 Kerler. r. f 0 PICEOtt Ist b. . 1 I IS O I L.-iirvr1y, CI... O 1 3 0 n belt ut Greuner, Lf3 Blonir, p 4 but tlie.superlorl of the Whites, who did not du their until tbe score bad run up to IC. Atter that Kess- the value of Slal, sometime In Koremker next; Renshaw. c. f. P crollman. 2d b 0 y Wright. A s.... 10 13 2 i^nydar.c 0 the match to constat A. BLANIIOWSEI. Byaii.r. r... 0 .Mchols, c f. 4 b«i«t towatua latter part oftlieconte^, waa mauireat ler and Henry Eyre got in together, and they ol six round^ and to be decid- I the Knight, r.f.... 0 Cruwiey, 1st b. . 0 «oodm1i.Ib 7 Deblman, lb a N. Cochran, lat b 1 McDonald, Sdb 0 12 0 ed by the number ol points made and the cleaneat 24-It 88 Clinton place, X X n I Bl'ppalo. t. r. in.pojt. k. CaiCAGO. T. B. IB. PO.A.B. broke Taltiot's heart by their cruel puntsbment S Cochran. Lf. Gallagher, L f hitting. In addition to the prize - mentioned, tho win- McGlynn, c. 4 2 2 Eden, r.f 0 0 Totals 7 9 27 13 13 Totals 4 7 -J7 7 II ot tbe bowling, the score being run up to 90 before Total9.:.a2 I S 43 13 0 Totals.. .M 0 S 43 23 7 Wohlaika, r. t 0 Qerhardt, a. a 0 ner will take the uate-muney. Miller will meet Dwy- Shetzlloe.c.f 4 0 0 0 MeVey, p... 4 2 I Lowell 0 0 0 0 U 2 4 1 0—7 AnnEbeUT.... 00000000000000 1— "4 they were parted, Kessler retiring tvlth 4U runs to er at TiiK CLirrsB ofllce at II o'clock a. m. llell'ert, lat b 4 0 14 II Alison, c ... 4 1 6 Sept 8t Urata 0-0 Total 4 Total ... Loularllle 0200000X 0—4 hlB credit, whl:b throws him light out ot the 8 to make the neceaaary arraogemeota. Dwyer'a de- OOOOOOOOUOOOOO Nsy. s. s. ... 4 0 I 8 Peter-ks s.. 4 I 3 Cslloil balls—on Devlin, 13: Foler. 2S. Called strikes- BtTlkea caned- off nalrln. 49, Laiayetta 0 0 0 2 0 0 X 0—4 sln: Is to flght 39: Blonz. Balls called— Piinaer.Zdb. 4 0 2 4 nines, 1. 1... 4 I 0 Island second elOTsn, bejond doubt, Tbpn Dodge with glovei lor tJOO a side. In prirate, Jaffersnn 0 0 0 1 2 0 I 0—1 otroeTllD, H: Foley. 28, Fouls strucii-oir Foley, 3d; Dev- FISK «naalTla,9: Blon^. 13. Out on striked—NelSOD, OalTlD, each coutesiant having twenty-five friends, MAY and putting Ro-iman, r.f. 3 0 I 0 Mi'Idlog. lb. 3 0 IS lin. 22. Pa-asea balls— Stonghton. r.Hnyder.l. Double plais came in, and, atter Byre had scored 20 aud Dodge Cieamer and UcCearv, Blno^ Baltln. Baaas on ball*— Called balls—Schappard, 8; Flntgan. 17. Umpire, Ben up 3SUU for them, thus making 32,010 I'ur tlie wnner. llllliin. 1 f... 2 0 4 I Eggler. c. tr. 3 0 1 Be STAR ENGAGEMENTS 3. Umpire, O. D. White. Time. Sli. lOu. apiaiint two gentlemen, I aitlibony to nugoUai« with mpooalbU manapenL McCsnn. p Morrhy. c .. 0 Totals. ...31 2 4 77 17 12 Totals.... 3t 4 8 27 13 4 soore, he playing "without a fault," (vhich who shall select a fifth person to am The White StockiDRS bncked acalnst tbe Stars at SyTa- act as reft-ree. ^1W lfia< p. Ifipa and unall IJiha)(rapb«. elfl^nt Wmm^ Brennan, 1st b 0 P. McLaughlin, p .. 1 Buffali 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 U— la not alwaya the case In his lawn-tennls games. «ue,N.T. in Aup. 31. and were beaten. flao ATSPue. g*-it» Shearman, 2 Rodilen. lat b .. 0 0— CAPS MIM«Ii:APOL,I8 BRUWITS, RiLLY EowABDS la robf . Addraw Slxih Sew Yurt. BralL T. SL lB.rO.A.B. CB IGAOO. T. K. In. PO.A.K. c Chicago 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 RBD In which he so gracetully excels. Long bs- mstlcatlng atWayneabon, 0.,aad Lubr.Sdb 0 O'Mally. a. a .. I Balis PhIllip^ 18; McTey, 14. Strikes eallcd- will prubably be Hotallny, e. 4 I 1 I I 2 Rames, 2d b I I 0 2 ca1led-oo A game remarkable lor heavy batUng on the fore the Inning had ended, nearly every bowl- tendered a benefit at Canton Sept a. Carllo.2d b 1 J. McLanghlln, Sdb...... 0 McTey. 9. KIrock out—Chicago. I : Buffa- Oeer. s. a... McTey. p... S X 1 IX off Pbllllna. 10: paixot the Beds and line displays ot flolding on er In the team bad been tried. The tact was, Wb bavb a lbttxb for JoeOeaa Boeram. I. f . . . 1 Hhajer, 2d b . I lo. 1. Two-base hit—McOlynn, 1. Umpire, C. W. Nichols Blsb am, r.r. \nBon.c— a I B 1 both sidce was played at St. Paul, Ulnn.. Aug. 28. there were too captains, tor one tblng— McNamara, c. f... P Ryroe, c.f .. 0 many Tal- llckln>n. lb. Patera. A a.. 4 0 0 4 ofWarerly. „ Collins, r. f. n Rellly.r. r .. 0 DimcQlt rnnntog fly-catcbes and astonlsblDg stops bot being too easy with his team—and then they Parrell, 3b.. Hlaea.LI... 4 1 3 0 ROBERT FRASER Parrell, a. a 0 McOInulss, Lf. .. I aeemed tbe order at the day, tbe fleld-work ot Sal- dldnotqult,» agree In thelr-vlews ot If •Corm'k, p Eden, r. f... 4 0 0 0 ROCHESTER wa. ADBITRK. things la isburr, Uagner, Ely, O'Leary and Elllok being AMUSEMENTS. Monsell. L f. SpaJdlofc, lb 4 1 10 I playeii aboTe-named general In the management ot the field ; 4 A floe game waa by tbe dobs Aac. and when Total I Total clean O. L. HalLJdb... Bnler. e. f. 4 2 1 0 37 on the Rochester Qrouods the score ataadlog 3 to 1, prominent. Elllck scored a home-mn on an eleven "gets lis mod up," they're gone In, as BEFORE THE AMERICAN PUBLIC SINCE FOX.— Pi its pect. 1 0 0 3 0 0 I— a CUaton, o. t. Bradley, 3b. 4 1 4 0 10 ROCUISrgB. T. R. 1B.FO.A.B. ACBOHN. T. K. IB.PO.A.B, Hoffman by a ierrlllc hit to right-fleld fence. NEW YORK HERALD. Mystic 0 • 0 1 2 0 0 0 1—4 general thing. The total ot 13S was too heavy a Mussnm Cnrlosltles all Rrady, 0 I Boms, 3d b. 4 0 3 B. of kinds Ibr long or short engage- I am prepared to fbinlsh tricks, wardrobe, propottaa, I. Flrat-basa by er- 2d b. 4 Rbo Caps. B. iB.ro.A. B. BHilWmi. IB.ro.A. B. Runs earned—Prospect, 2; Mystic load for St. Oeorge to bear In the abeenoe ot their ments at tbe New York Unseam. Coco all pantomimes,, to famish the ar- _ Totals.. .37 » 8 27 a 3 Totals.. .39 1 9 27 2D 10 Ca>kln,3db. 4 2 2 Thomas, I. f. 4 1 X Gros', o X 2 I O'Leaty, r.f... 0 3 3 3 0 tbe year round add play tne following p rora—Prospect, 3; Mystic, 4. Umplrc, Tbomaa MoCann. f .jnhman their Sleigh. Address TILLOTSUN A JACOBS, tar • 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3-3 Luff.c. I.... 4 0 X Tobln. 1st b. 4 1 II Hack. s. a ... J. mea.aAn. sd b I 1 8 3 I and They tried to over- Mew York liasenm, 201 formaoce ot either DRAMATIC, YAKtBTV or MINBTUb Time. lb. 4£m. ..331 Cbieano 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 o o— f. 1 tbo 80 runs lequlred Chatham square, N. Y. I4.iia ENTEBTAINMBNTS. or give tbe enilte blU 11 dealred. Jonklns, lb. 4 0 IS ManseU, c. 4 I Elllck.Sdb. . .331 Tuelle, 2db.... I 0 1 S 1 come to escape tolkiwlng I ORKIINAL Bans carneil—Star, 1; Ctalcaeo, I. Donble-plaja—Uan- Atbletle l4»fayette. Kennedy, c. 4 1 8 Dunlap. 2d b 4 Msgner, r. f. .113 visner, Istb... 1 .1 11 0 I their Inning; but Sprague was totally opposed to :^H'xxSjO£SXAi»flTZ e. L. FOX'S HUMfTT OUMFTY, eall and Hall. I; Peterm Bnaldlns ao<: Bradley, L Wild ATniignc. B. LarATBITB. B. 0 Macuilar, S Allison. W.GIeason, l.f. 0 I Ninth an played hr me in lia original boma, THE OLYHno Sbattoclt, r.f 4 J aa 2db. ..lis 0 8 0 that, and they bod to be content with 'ti, ot which and Cbesmut eff I lai ifew Turk. One Unndred and FUty Nlghta. PItchea-MeTey, 1. Bnikea eaUad— SeCormlek, 35: Northrldgr. c ... Malleo, b.:...... I Dixon, e . 0 o Wailey, r. I. s Kly, L f PHILADELPHIA, TBBATRR. A 3 .0 3 3 Walsh, C 114 0 3 Ollea Jr. made a good 33 and McKlm 18. In their PA. XcTer, 4a Balls esn«l-on MeCormlck, IS; McTey. 14. Drill, ... 0 Curren, Sdb., ... 0 o. . . MO.NBTE^ THE COlUKCBaa. cT Tloper. L f. . 3 1 2 Keenao. 3 Deaa, c f.... .110 Benn.tt s. s... 0 0 0 1 0 JOHN O. NOOKAN , Pnprlelnr THE ataXS Passed • 3. second Inning Sprague broaght out MAinr OTRKIO. balls aotallnr, Anaan, -Fliat baaa on erron Febra, r. r , ,.. I hia scythe, AND — ; Desmond, p ... 0 BoTkalow, p. S 1 1 Crltchley, p. 3 Oaiilt, Ist b.. .. 0 3 IS 9aliahury.p..a.L 0 2 8 1 3 OBO. w. wrat ...... stage manager -Star, 3: Vhieairo, 4. Two base hlts-Mansell. I: Brad- Brown. 1. f ... 0 Keraey. c r. ... 1 Bohn, Iloffman.cL, p. 0 0 0 1 1 and he mowed down their stumpa tor 40 runs. Thia Theatre Is crowned with snesess since Us I^He JIo11d»v Weoksi y»t opeia. p .210 opening. - ter. 1. liOltonbasts ntar, a; Chicago, 10. Bimck out Cnndclln. p ... I Wendorer. a. s .... 1 Totals.. .33 2 8 3711 4 Totals.. .32 S 8 27 9 2 Eyre assisting. This la without exception THE BEST SHOW IN THE For date* addieo Union-plane MnttiL New Terg 3Hg Btar,9; Cblaffo,3- nmpIra,Joe Tonojc Time, aitlOm. Fhiher,2db ... I nrllBn. 2db...... 0 Rochester 00000002 0-2 Totals II 18 27 U 3 Totals 4 8 37 IS 9 Statbb TStA^O. CITY. Good people can aliraya get a date by wrltlog On the fsllawlnc day another tztel took placa, when the Smith. 3d b ... 0 J OurTea,r. f. ... 1 Anbum 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—3 RedCaps Jarvli here. 01S0S004 O-II b Sattaribwalte. . . 3 Uaoghton e and b. Giles. 4 White* maoaced lo aTecranM ttaelr akillftil aotannlsta: Croiler, a...... 0 Riea. 1. 1 ,...l- Dunlap, Eeeiuui,l; Luff, Jonkina. I. a Mirnekont— 3; 3; Browns 0 | 0 0 1 O'O 0 3—4 U. Mooreb. Boaring 10 Sprague c Uiiea b. Sattar- , N. B.—AU letters aoawered. 34-lt CstoaoOL Titln.roLAB Sub. t. b. rB.ro.A.B. Wray. Istb ... 1 Banetce .... 0 throwa—DnnlAp, 1; Kennedy, I. Passed ball- Fitet base Wild Earned nutt—Beds. 7 : Bnwns. L on ermra- Irving b. H.Campbell.... 13 ibwalte . 4 BameauldbLS 0 0 0 Hotalincc. 4 1 1 6 3 X X1 Kennedy, L Two-ltasQ hits—Caskui, Z Bamed nana— Beds. 3', Browmi, L Two-base blta-Mock, 3; O'Leary, I Keasler b.UIIee..; 40 Crosaley, not out 3 thmhiical simit. McTey.p,... » I 0 7 1 •leer, a a,... 4 0 0 3 X X Intel 8 Total ... 8 3. Shea. dalyT^ Auburn. Umpire, John Kly.l. Home-nm—EUlck. Double-plays—W. Oleasoa and H. Kyrac.and b, Ollea... au Davldgs, b. II. i^mpbell. '1 Anaon, o!... 4 0X4X1 HlKhAm. r. 14 00 I Athletic 0 X 0 1 1 0 0 0-8 fifth-atenue theatre; PANORAMAS, ETC, PAINTfcD AT BEDDCKD 00 The next day, hoHeyer, tbe Bocheatera took ample re- Vlancr. I ; Hoffman and Walsh, L Umpire, John T^ia li Dodge ConoTerb Sat- ,I8;Lb., 0' c S 4; w.,4;n.b., I 33 SEASON OP im-'TS. 34-3t* Fetei*,a.*.. 4. 0 0 4 0 1 McUnn'n.lb 4 0 0 13 0 0 Lafayette 1 0 0 3 X 0 ofSt PanL Time, lb. SOm. tertbwalte 12 BATES BY Hlnea,Lr... 0 0 1 4 1 3 0 Pairell.tdb. 4 0 0 4 0 Time, Ih. 4Sni. BS^ester 3 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 I— £ Shaw b. Giles... Total.. .133 MJe:'\v ikA.l.t. Bden,r. r... 3 0 I I 10 WcCmick, pS 0 0 0 1X1 BIorBBlay Star Bleatsir. Anbura 00000000 — 0 Flrat lonlniig. HT.ST. OkOBOB. Second Inniag. AT ELIZARETHTOWN, KT, Enaldinc, U> 3 0 O IS 0 1 JIansell, I. MAIVCHBSTER -ra. RHODE ISLAfTD. r.300100 MoBRixa Stab. MB.'noB. B. Strikes called—off Bnrkalow, 9; Crltcbley, 16. Balls ones Jr. CaTldge b. ^ BRYAN. WARREN A CO. J0HN6ANVAEDJB. B^er.eif.. 3 0 0 0 0 0 IIall,Sdb.... S 0 I 0 4 3 Burkalov, Crltchley. 30. Struck The local pets were compelled to swallow a bit- hare Jnst completed called—on 14; out—Luff, Kessler . 32 b. their new hall, and it Is now open Bradlsy,3dbS dine, a s I Freed, p , ... I Eyre fOracrly of AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATIOH and 0 1X30 CUnun. o.f. 30 13 1 1 Kennedy, I: DIxun.S: Burkalow, 1; Bums, I; Watley, ter does at Provldenoe, B. I., on Aug. 38, throngh tn the public The hall la aSiSSft , 16ft. oelllng. Bell.T. I 0 Talman,2db.. ... 0 2; ConoTer L b. w.b. Uangh- Stage late of BROADWAY THEATRE. I. Firsthasaon called balla-Caakin. I. Passed balU— ISx40ft., with scenery, etc "5 Easroo.r. t 2 Shew, a a ... 1 the creditable exertion ot the Mancheatera, who tun , 3 b. Spragne.. Terms half cash in advanee. balanceO. O. D. lotala.. 33 X 4 27 1» ^ Totals.. 5 1 "s 5 1» 4. Twivboae hita—Junkins, 1; Tipper, I; Manaell, Seating capadty, soa Kcenan Jarvla. . 1 .... Centrally loeat«l, with ae- Chicago Harper, e. t 0 Helper, e , .., 0 proved themselTea masteis ot the situation at all Satiertbwalte b. b. Eyre mn 2<-lt« once I JIt Broadway. N. T., Booaatl. 0'I0OO«0OI-2 L Bun eaned—Bocbester, L Umpire, John Shea. Taltwt c. Darldge b. oeas. Tvrma low. 134^1 I Atwood.3db.. ... 1 Star 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 O-I Need, Istb points. Bole, 0 Lee. I.r ... u. Bpragns 8 b. Sprague .. OOOD EXaiBinONS WELL PATRONIZED. Wild nlteti-McTey. I. Bcrlka* ciDed-off MeCormlck, p Makcbbtbr. It IB.ro.A B. RBOna ISLABO. B. lB.ro.A.K. PBILAOELFUIA. Ilenti.2db 3 Root Istb ... 1 McKlm c Croesley b. 34 : UeVey. ATBLiBTIO ws. STAR. Kelly, o 0 1 3 0 BvanA o. r..... 0 i*EI>AJiTO, TIUHT-HOPE ARTIST 34. Balls ealled-oo HcCocinlek. 9; HeVey, II. 8 Uaughton IS b. Spragne... Nolan, e , 0 Bright. Istb...... 0 and only Passed ball-Rotallne, L Fifit base on emra-Star, 2; The Atbletle Baaeball Olob ol Mansfield, O., bare reor- Walker, r. f.... 0 0 S I 0 dweasy, 2d b... 0 successful Gynmaatlc Aerooant in lbs Shirts. Sdb I UcNeal, e.t...... 2 Bichardson b. Spraguo. 3 not out., country, ChlagD,4. nr>t bw on called balla-CblarvL httt ganized, and played tnelr first game at tbo Atbletle Park 0'ltaurke.af.. 1110 0 Pearce, as 0 i«ifbiius on a trapeie-bar two mllea Bowring b, Bptagus 3 b. Eyre hiffb. Is Chicago, 4. Btmck ost-Surja. Ang XI alui tbe stara ot Marion, wbom theydeleated Dally, AS 1 0 0 3 1 Kes3ler,3d b... 0 now cresting a great sensation lo Pblla- n_;-i.—."SSf Um- Total 8 Total 6 Campbell c Moor* b. MISS CiBEIE WOODS, pire, Coggawell, lat (Tory, p. 0 delphlawitb bis ilght-npo peiformance B. A. Woodln of Anbure Time, ih. aftor playing a Ter> intereatlug game. Tbo reaturaanf b 0 X 14 I 0 ' aeruss Morning star... I 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 4—3 UaugtatOD 9 run oat tha Schuylkill ftovwcomcr, rarpriMM Id cliaoff«a*f tba conteatweiaCox'a rery stTectlTO pltcblngand Boop'a Woodhed.Sb... 0 3 14 1 iltiine, L r. 0 River br tor^light cvottooo ba rapid 1 1 0 1 1 1-8 Keichum b. Sprane..... 0 b. Spragne Mentor 0 0 0 floe welilrut Gallasher, I. f., 0 0 0 0 0 Firth, Ist b.... 0 Oil WUI aiiortly be at liberty to arrange tu FBlt^ teaatltnl cost uscn, tba oreha^tim haTlniTbanllr tliaal*-, h. llausslliig.Botout 3 c Darldge b. Byre * ^msoVA. -rm. Umpire, Mr. Bms MairaPlKLO. B.lB.rO.A. aBIOS. B.IB PO.A. Snlgg. p 0 0 0 3 0 Pearson, r. t.... O 0 0 etc Address turn tbfl isQiilc. Her BiiDn ol V* and **£»methUi£ I . inDEPBIfDKllT. _ Oriswold c. Irving b. nearly ona tbnoaaad apeetatota Berlngton, Weit.2db e 0 1 WIBE-BBIDOE HOTEL, Palnsoont an a decided •ooeru.-SuMDAY PRUa. were present at a nme & a.... 0 0 12 Dameady,2d b... 0 0 8 1 114 3 0 Oorsan, 9 uauirhton. 1 b. Spragne.. ^ aOBOKEN WB. PDTRABI. l.alrd,2db..-. 110 2 .'^llOTt,S.a 10 0 0 .. 3 34.lt* PhllsdelphU. Pa Tb«ae so>«ji «m wriltM nimM)j tar m; amt I caoOaa B., leg-byes, w., no balls.. 17 Bysa.2: leg-byes, 3. .. 4 agalnn -< of Korwallt Ct. on tbe latter s grotinis. Thast elnbi plated atoodgameat Jersey City, N. J.. Bumi. L f 1 1 I u Dice, e 0 0 IS X „ Totals 3 yniS 2 Totals...... 0 8 37 » 7 •TcnroBo iIdsIdv tbem. M4P elslura obtained Sept L The ~ a eredltabla TictotT.ctory. Sept I, the UoDokeus prorlnff saecesanil by a single run' Cox. p 0 1 X I Johnson, in b.,., 1 S 3 U Manchester. ..,00100300 O-S Total .. 7S Total I WlSOSA. . 40 NEED A FEW MORE B. lB.ro.A.B. bDiruDan K.-lB.roj BOBOKEM. PUTHax. B.lB.PO.A.aL Griatb, Ist b 0 0 a 0 Lacaa, 1. r 0 u I 0 Rhode Island*.*! Oooovvug0000000 o—0—0 -- PALL OP WICKBT9. fHK BKLLE OABRl£ii£E Fllnn. o 3 I 4 3 0 Banks, 1 1 3 U Bdwarda, r. I. 0 Johnson. 3 2 Famwortb. Id b. . I I a Called acrikea—off C017. IX: Saigir,- 19. Caned balls— Lf. 0X101 ClayU-.Clajrton, p. S 1111 Sdb 10 0 8TATIB ISLAND. eiUmer.r. f. .. 1 I l o ^rren, r. I.,,, HOBdlej, p... 1 0 I r.... 0 Patloo. Bnigs, 14; Oory. II. Btrack oot-Msnebjatar, A Left on 0 0 10 0 K. HadlaT.ld bO 2 4 12* I arubaiicli,a 110 af 0 0 0 0 Flrat inning CXtlttBIN'A.'nvN' Bnrtaett. lit b. 0 1 13 o . * a. 4IS9(MllB10311B138m Uft-lSS Raaiwo, p .... 0 0 0 1 1 Lawler, c I I 3 •:art«r, a. a... 0 10 4 Roop.o 1 1 11 2 Oameady, r, I 0 0 10 baaes—Rhode laland.8: Manebester, WUd pitch—Cory. St. OBoaoB. Living Curiosities Inal 1 at oui,c r I.. baaa and lUions has rinacil a if 1 iiiiii iil iiiiSMiiiiinT thalbfr- 110 0 0 nnosla.2db. .. Lewis, L f 0 1 1 Cax,2 S 0 4 I 5 i Umpires M.-asra. Ja neaand tF. Bivwa .r. teeomnwnding tbe BELLE OABBIBLLE COBBIMAmX PinA, e f. 0 0 I 0 0 Campbell, r. I. 0 0 10 1 BBileaa.3db... 0 0 6 3 Atbleue 0 0 0 0 e 0 1 0 0-7 Connelly, Lf,.. U 0 0 0 BwtmiM Oonover's fleldlng was a feature ot the St. Oeorge to managers in geoarnl. Tbey are fint-daaa anboaK ^lbeeliaQ,Sl b. 0 I X 0 0 C. Hadley,'a. a. 0 0 1 X I Ist b. 0 0 8 0 Star 000X1010 0-4 STOPS. FOR THE as pantDalBilstA Bjan. SHORT play. Ketcbum also doing some good FAIRS ibeir miHlcal aoifinbar acta, aa well od p 0 0 I 1 Byrnes, o 0 114 X 3 Donobne, 3d b. O, I 0 4 2 Bedmond, r. r.. U 0 0* Umpire, Jack Hade. long-stop- OamesBlajsd on Aug. 27: At West Meirton, Hasa, Onr MONDAY, SEPT. la ban a rich waidrobe, JOBN pJlOOERa. . ^. . On the :!*th and Mih, at Ibe toomament beld at MtTer- ping. Tbe SLOeoiRB lacked a good wicket-keopor. Totals Boya va. Star, II to at Fall River, Man.. Fall Rivar Addieaa Man age i cf the TbeaneComkine. WsaMBB ti ai.il, IX. 7 82715 3 Totals .I'iS'e'i Totals 7 27 IS )0 TotaU X S 27 II 8 oon. tbe Athletics tvloe beat the ML Temonafor a prlia 3; va S Metooomst, lo to 3: at Onage. N. J., Wllkesbarre WM. J. METCBBAR, Manaaem wUblng to nestnlateadteaalMNotthBlt^ bdepeDdat.... 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 o-l HobokMt I 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0-4 orflftTdollBn,tlie aoorea being raapectlrelrsata 8 and va. Orange, ll T., Blmlra ra. 34 It Washington thelragenj*^ • _' . to 3: at Elmlia. N. HomelL 10 Hotel, Prtrridence, street, Baltlmoie, or to . Winona 0 0 0 X X a o'O ll? 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1—2 18 7. WBST^ARRBir ws. WIRE. R. L Putnam 0 to to 4 38: AtEllsabstb.N.J., WUkesbarrsTABasolat*. 34-lta BLB A CATBBLT> Bmiieaiiied—Winona, X UBptoe^O. F. Aiken. Tlma, Fntnam, 8. Passed orloket theee CARM NswTmt. , Pint base by emm—Hobokenjl; at ts. Clipper, The clubs ot Haaaaaboseus towns holla— Mr. 7» 3; L.mn. Masa, Live Oak 3 to I : at Hobokea. l; roBan, 1. vmpli*, Hhannnn. FAIala RIVER -WM. BRISTOI^ Newark, to-0; played a match on Ang. 35, the Warrens winning Time, N. J., Newark ra. Dtlca. 8 at Roaton, Maaa, Ih. 43m. On Ang. 31 tba Bilstoia of Neir Badfurd. Haaa., to Cbleago SI. CKTSTAIi went va. BoSalo, 4 to3: at Bpwklyn. L L, Atbletle va. by a BOOM Ot 68 to Tbe gnnnd was in bad con- A. H. SHELDON _ T8. ACTITE. Fall RlTer. and, thongb playing a good same, wan onabla Svlran Star, U to 8; aama place. Vanderbllt ra. Goodwill, dition from rain. AMD .Tnteataamamet In BrooklyB. !•. L, An*. 18L when the VOIsVHTBBR ws. BITD80H. to do battle local stare with tbe 14 to 13 JB: At Lynn. Mass., Live Oak va. Rhode Vttst Inning. WBsv Wabbbt. Second Inning. 3i-l Asafnretnwerebeaten: to Oar* DswBB as tm mt% a w BanmMP v 1a a » t*^ 101 North Hlgb street, RalUmnrs. Md. OaAsg. 31 the Bndaoaa of Brooklyn went Pongb- FaLLRITBB. K.IB.PU.A.B. BaisTOL. B.ia.rD.A.B. Island. II to 3; at Mt Temon, O., Cbamploo Olty Enalisbb. iTsmlth.... S b. H. '... _ CBTBrAt. B. ln.rD A.X. U. B Bmlth .1... o NelUe Aorm, B, lB.ro.A.B. keepale, N T.. witb ibe ToluB- Ubhy. ....I 18 0 I Punlogtoo. Sandlbrd Istb I Miss and eosteat 0 a.s 0 0 8 0 VA Buckeye, ' Rioneham, Masa, Boye. B altar a tooth 7 to 3: at station McPlianoo. run oat 10 e. Morgan u. Smith IS 1110 3 Sbdton.Aa.... 1 t o 8 1 teerswerebaatsa tioglB mB,«laT*D InnlDgi being Mack, p 1 I 0 8 0 : b 0 0 3 1 1 va. Oen. wortb.0to7; at' OreeoTllle, N. J., Amatenr Bod. lit 07 a of Wm. CampbcU b. B. E. la the roDantIo anuatlonal dttaia' In lonr ad^ b 3 2 9 0 0 HeFlanU p 0 1 a i Haoloo.Sdb... „ _ _ , SIOOM— r.l..... _ i 0 0X30 0 0 10 0 Newaic vs. Star, roar innings, I too 90 : At ML Ter- Smlm 0 h. B. E. Smith a iiccoraiack,e.r4 4 0 0 1 Ha74eB.I«b.. I I 8 0 1 rfioieOJ. B.lBPejLB. VoumoB. B.IB. Oore.c f. 0 0 0 0 0 lloie.3db 0 0 3 8 1 noo, O., Cliam,4ea City ra. Boeki-re, 1 to 11 ; at Wheel- Giant b. b. E. Alor.L r. I 1 b L w. H, » 0 CaTla.adb.. 1 o a a Payne, rdb 0 1 I (1 w. 0 0 18 1 0 Smith, c. 1 ilCtoweU, c. 11 4 Lanslnfilb. 0 13 0 0 10 3 log, W. Ta', 8l LouIi ti. SUndard, to 0: at Brooklyn, Smltb 8 b. R..B, Smith 3 THE IINGABOS WEALTH AND CRIME. J 0 0 4 0 l(mltli,Sd b 0 0 f 0 B. Mmlth r. r.. 0 0 r. t . . . 1 0 0 0 0 CaoaiT, I. r..... I I 0 0 01 Phillips, Lf..., 3 0 0 Coulter, 0 0 10 0 Ia I., Crystal va. flald nine, Ave Inoloas, 9 to 3 29: At B. Talt L b. w. b. H. E dates addrsaa » xuninc, e. fit! 0 1 1 1 1 For open A, H BBBLOON, Na S7SVM. » ? ? o 0 B.Italeigb.e... 0 S 0 8 2 il. 8loddard,aa 0 1 3 Mutrie.Xdb ... 0 0 0 10 Bamwa,e.f.. 0 0X00 Baaslo.N T.. Nlamrm ra C.Utoo. 21 to 14 Sept 1: Smith.. S e, AND COMPANY. 'JST'.*"". - I 8 3 Xonanb. Smith I SMh street, N«w York, or BAB.SB3. .I4-U> 3 Beon; c 0 olo a 4 J. Panell. 3il b. O 0 1 0 1 Hackttt, Rlcbmond, BBOWN A , 3 4 I W 8toddaid,2b 0 S B,I... 0 0 0 7 U lb. 0 0 I( 0 0 At Brooklyn, L. L, Osceola vs. Creaeent 15 to 18; Inde- J. Campbell b K. Shay.... 3 b. E. Shay x MBW PABK THEATRE. BBOOKLTN. .0 I 0 0 0 Jnoea.r.f... .00000 Murray. Istb.. > 0 14 0 0 noiden,o. f.... O 0 Carpenter, w,t. 3 3 0 0 0 BgBler; • 0 I 4 3 peodant va. 31 to4; Star va Steriing, too p Superior, aeven In- J. Talt b H. E. Smltb 0 rmi one 1 Sept III to 17. 34.1t . 1 I XXI Pelierlla.1.1 1 I 1 .0 1 Horpby.A a... 0 I 1 1 1 11 4 McCany,c I 0 8 nlnns, 28 to 18; Junior va. Oolnmbia, 13 to 9; Mar- Bwlnndrlla b. & Shay 1 b. B Sbay 0 O. Smith. e.r...'0 0 0 0 1 - It. 1 Totala 3717.3 ..Totaa ' Fonrth Ward.- _ T"tsls, LanunK, Sb. 0 1,0.0 S'8 .'o'oHisT ried Men va. Single of 22 to ai Brnwa b. H. E. Smith,.., 1 not eat j Crystal..., —•1127 8 10 Totals.... ."s'ss'a iS HArsan I. f....: 0 0 10 0 waian. p.7..... 0 1 17 0 Fall Hirer o u 1 0 1 0 0 0- 1— ReMliita VI. NeveriBeat, aven ln"logi, IBtoC: MISCELLANEOUS. • CoUlna Annoar. not one 0 b. B. Bfaay 1 ...3 0 1' •»al»e.... I SOS 0 0 0-9 J.Balttl8]l.p... 0 0 3 7 MeI>oaaId.'LC 0 0 0 0 0 Bristol 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0-0 * Co. va Hatfleld A i;o.- 13. loU; Yooog Meteor vs ...... Pasco e. and b. H. E. EINLABUBanddaralopanypurtlMiuf We l>uly Im loo" O-*^'• ' 0 I *-• Btrlkea—off Meek. 34: Rggler.18. Balla-oo Mack, 10; Prospect No. 14 to Alpba aanS- Vmptra,Vmptra: 01 • • 2; 8; va Unlnne (fbtfeiu, 9to0: . Mr «... Bmlih 0 e. Sntdlffe b. B. Sbay 9 I "Peiialane." WieeBl 'ponpald. Rahablii ius&^Si* Totala 1 6 S XI 8 Totals 3 8 S3 31 8 Eiqrtrr, 9. Straek ont—BrlatoL 3. Baaea on called balls— TaaDgTe

188 O III I Septembee 8, 1877. on horaetwck and^ he'll ride to the devil," "To- morrow evening, by general desire, empty : GLIPPEB VARIETIES* benches, with a house to be sold," "It Captain i*^ Bull oontlnnee his nightly cmlse, he will regain his old prices and capture that private tier-" Comprising Kegro Klnstrelsy—Sentimental Ballads—CoiDteSoDgB~>'nieatrIcaI JoktB OCTOBER 21. "OTHELLO" AND "IB HE A PBINCE?"—Wind In -~CIrciu ReminiEcences—Old PlajbillS'—Baqjo Eccentrldtieg] EtCs the same quarter-mutiny alward. The curtain thle evening until eleven minutes did not rise WBimK -AMD COLLATED FOR TUX NXW TOU CLlFrXB. past eight o'clock- An elegant placard oBlxed to the chandelier, on one side written "What do you wont'" on the other "Old Prices I" Another: "What do you want? Old prices? You must pay the newt I am damned if I do!" OCTOBER 23. "THE WOODilAN" AND "OSCAB ANT)MALVraA."— This evening there were assembled at the theatre over one hundred constables, determined to pre- serve order. But, In spite ot their presence, not a single word could be heard. At half-price the house was crowded. Several fights took place, and the constables were eventually driven from the theatre. Mr. Eemble wss loudly called for, but declined to appear. The rioters, after sing' Ing "God Save the King" and "Rule, Britannia,' gave three cheers tor John Bull and three groans for John Eemble. Every movement of the mob seemed to l>o conducted on eystemotlc prlndples, At eleven o'dock they peaceably retired. OCTOBER 24. "THE lEOS CHEST" AND "OSCAB AND MALTINA.' —At the foot of the playbill on this evening ap- peared the following advertisement To TBK Public.—Th« proprittora of the New Theatre Royal, (k>TeQt-RanleD, bee leave again most respecliully to address tliemselres to tlie pabllc by whore [adgnieiit they are nemilblft thdvoiigbt In everything within ihclr power to be guided. The.r presume lo think that the pre« ent regulation of prices of admUsloo wiil, on due coosld eratloo, tw found to bo supported by eTcry ailment reason and lusllce.and are happy to see that It meets with the approval of a lance majority ol the community. The proprietors are ootalmtog at wealth and exorbitant gain; they are merely laboring for a (kir sabslstence. It has Iwen saturactorlly proved, after the fullest sod most Im p.irtlal InvestlntloD, that the adoption of the former prices would subject them toacertalnloeaol thteequansr per cent, per annum on their capital. But some persons hare said that tbls evil night be obviated b.v a system ol stricter economy. If the proprietor*, la tbeeri'ctlon of the new theatre, have erred on the side oi expense, it has been, ilrf;t. from an honest desire to consult the accommodation and Insure the sal'tvot all who would resort to It; and, MCODdly (aa the public bad a riiibt to expect they should), 10 collect such perfurmerr, and display such scenery, drosses, decorations, etc.. as might best contribute to ren- drr I he ethlblilons ol the dmms worthy of a critical and eoHshteoed people. TTnder what head can a severer econ. Orzuixa OF iu£ Season. oray 1)0 InlTOducedt The actors and actresses cannot be expected to cive their labon for a smaller compensation than they recelveti at the old theatre, or than ihey can re* with the opening of September the attsentees are returning, and once more the stieetB are threoged Crlve In theatres out of London, and the proprietors have with the butterfiies ot fash ion and the more sedate and reserved memberaofour resident population. nothlcherco beenabloto underiaketoalTord ihemagreat- The theatres are also wheeling Into line, the periormere are taking their places In the ranks for the er, nor does the prospect of such an advance form an Item enjoying the scenerv, campaign of 187T-S, while the happy family of old and young may again be seen the many ftt their calculated lutnre expenditure. In these cheerful decoratlona.i]re>seLllebilng,etc, of which every article new productions presented for their entenalnment. Our tableau shows one ot family Is dally Increaslni; In price, all reduction or expense Ir gatherings, with old and young alike entering Into the spirit of the play, all in their turns evidently Impracticable. The undisguised truth Is thai, something In the novelty offered to enlist their attention and admlntlon. These theatrical repre- even at the present prices, the necessity the preprietors sentations are quite a relief to those who have been living in artlflclaUtle0 and clai>-trap at the vari- new, for almost every are tiDdcr of provldlDg ereiythlnn "Heartily welcome, every one," as the lamented Barney Williams used toalng. reprvseotatloa, wllL with the closest economy. Pir some ous Summer resorts. COMEUY 15E>' U.\.I<.: X»leiion Is b«re, Dor Btadled Joke, than Damey Williams was In it lU'New York as Were and Maids as They Are." Here, too, d urlng but the project was unsuccessful. Early lu March they opdeavor as the oi.ly return they can oflt^r tor tbe patron- Ton have broken every plight— Bat natun'* tnaRT, mwC7 WDplenoM, well as In Fhlladelphla, II there the seasons as or 1858 he seceded from the Arch-street, Fhlladel- not elsewhere. As ot 1839-41, he sang In character ace and favor thay re^uesL while they have the honor o( heart again. Babdud. jet colored by » masur-itroke — Aug. 17, 1857, as lead- Olve me back my 2 was but one Syksey, In the person ot the father ot well as between pieces "Billy Barlow," "Bory phla, where he had l)egun erlnclng Increasiov efforts their unabated teal for the 01 wonderful la act and dreeii. by Oumu.—om me t>ack my heart again. RCBliu Willie Seymour, and but one Porgy Joe. In the O'More," "A Tankee Ship and a Tankee Crew," log-man, reappearing at Burton's New Theatro. Improremeni or the amusement of tbe public. O uck and ncu knlRbtl ail capon-ilned You could never prize It now; Jack WInans, there were but one and "The Striped Pig. er Liquor vs. Law," being this dty. In "TheCV>up d'Etatot Louis Napoleon:" attention WAS paid to the above; the noise O nrbaiu raMal 1 fu and •le«k and lazy Serson of eo No year he was en- You have severed love's own chain, . [o3e hie favorites. addition, Fer- and In the Summer of that was great as ever. At ten minutes past ten the ' all and but though, as In Don as Owntctal elOelmeBa, yot almoit kind; one Llze (Mary Taylor)— he was the Tou have broken every vow. O rognel to make Dame Qalckljrbance toenzj; to the last, Emily Uestayer and Mrs. Clara nando when, on OcL 21. 1839, the opera of "Flde- gaged In supporting Charlotte Cuahman In Boa- entertainments were over. Ohlstawmyrobborl ol season Mend Hal and Polos; Fisher Maeder (who did it at Nlblo's) were llo" waa first produced m Philadelphia. Nineteen ton, New York, and other cities. For the OC rOBER 25. Olve me tiack my heart again— O laosbter-IOTliir waicl u short ol breath— not so very for behind. It may be added that years later he supported Charlotte Cusbman vocal- ot iese-9 he was engaged as Icaillng-man at the "TBE MAN OFTHE WORLD" AND "THE JtlBILKE. Say you'U sometlmee think ot me; Ton cany the past eg* apoD jonr loins, Ben De Bar. at his theatres In 6t. Louis ly as Harry Bertram to Merrilles. With Boston Theatre, and on April 25, 1859, he assumed No regard for the lubllee In honor ot the fiftieth I did not think I loved In vain. • And alutonotbui^eea to cooqoer death: and New her Meg — Howard Athensum, which true, and tenderly. - OfBitShikenaan's uU csold ny.lt herefrom far, Orleans, made a feature- ot Moae. In what he no Inconsiderate vocalist for her father, and the monagementot the year of the accession of George III could obtain a So fond, so 1865 *Ttila It Jack Fllstair, and not Ben De Bar." was then calling "A Olance at New York," so late havlDg for her mother one who was conspicuous be retained for a couple ot seasons. Early In hearing for the new piece so named, and perform' But then, alas I we now must part. as 1870: and that so early as the Spring ot lbl8, "A as Clari In John boward Payne's "Maid of Mil- ' he and the late J. W. Wallack Jr. became lessees ed on this occasion. The figbtlog was greater To grieve through yean that yet remain- Olance at Baltimore," underlined as "written by an," and as the professional companion of Thai of the old Washington Theatre, and from about than usual, and the noise about the same. The Though It may be a broken heart. uuis—eupRfl SEBiES, 10. mill. B«u De Bar," was announced for production by berg. It is not eo surprising that Blanche Dnven' 1870 to June 1, 1872, Mr. Davenport was leasee ot last scene of "The Jubilee" represented a large Tet give It back to me again. hlmeelf at the Front-etzeet Theatre on May 18. port ehould now t>e a rising eongslrees In Eumpe, tho Chestnut-street Theatre, Philadelphia- In vessel at aea, and a distant view of a seaport town, Ckcnu.—Olve me back my heart again, etc. combinations the afterwards Sir Hlldebrand the "The 1861-2 he entered Into that scries ot Illuminated : eoldlera and sailors then came on, BEMEDICT 1>E BAB. This was same piece he soon As In spectacle ot | Olve back heart again. Davenport-Wallack, the Daveniwrt- me my brought out In Philadelphia. Water Queen," Mr. Davenport on Aug. 20,1811, ! known as the displaying banners, which were inscrllied with will Nlblo's And then as etrangeis we meet; : Wheatley-Wallock-Jarrett (which leased victories Ho. XIY at tlieee papas was dsTOtcd to s blo- After Mr. De Bar's return from England In 1849, atter three years ot marked usetulneea at the the dltrerent of the reign; a triumphal- I'll stray at eve life's lonely lane It Jan. 1862). the Davenport- ; Garden and opened 7, Cnpb7 ot tbe actor who was tben In abundant he settled down as stage-manager ot the SL Chestnut, joined the forces at the Walnut-street car. Commerce, etc; tho whole concluding with That once I thought ao fair and aweet; aplilts, Charles. Theatre, there, except period Wheailey - Farren. and^ the Davenport - Barreti- Save the the chorus the entire Itealth and bnt who died dniing the week New Orleans, under Sol. Smith, and so and for the brief i "God King," by The days may come, the daya may go. 1870. While bis greatest success jnat eloeed. That pnbllcaUon havlnc be«n eo re- continued, while also visiting the river towns on when E. A. Marshall trensterred him to theChest- Montgomery ot audience. At ten minutes to ten o'clock the per- But no bright daya for me remain with these combinations was as Bill Sykes In oelit, K IB not OTiT pnrpose to repeat It here to any the Mississippi, until Bmlth. at the close of the nut, he remained until the end of the season of formance was over. For time will bring but grief and woe- season 1SS2-3, 1643-4, taking "Oliver Twist," yet he so far heightened con- great extent. of transferred to him the leaseeship his farewell benefit on Hay IS, when OCTOBER 26. Bo give me back my heart again. Fieneli deeoent the side ot his father, ot that house under date 7. 1853- Fending he appeared In "Spewl the Plough" (probably as trast as to iMund from Sir Lucius O'Trlgger "Lauoh whes Yod Cam," "Thz Ji7Bii.m" akd Ot npon ot May Gksnu.—Olve me back my heart again, etc. who died In Irehtnd upwsrde ot titty years aeo, alterations In it, he and his wife, from Sept- 26 to Henry) end In the title-role of "Tom Cringle's to Othello. AS to his special engagements, lock "OSCAB AND Malvima."—As usual, nothing could and ot Welsh descant upon the side at hla Oct. 8. played on «nira«ementat tlie Boweir Thea- l-og." and aong four oonga, one of thorn being the ot apace forbids furtiior rcfer«nc« than to that at tw heard. The O. P. badges wcreplentltully dlS' tre, Which was last In this dty, al- new "Flag of the Brave Wallock's, this city. In 1867-8, when, as leading- mother, wbo. belne then much more than a we think his and the Free." Other played. Numbers of persons who desired to wit- cooii.ijbizt. crrcxTBiBEat. eptoacaiiaTUn, died In BL Louis twenty-three though from Oct. 23 to 28, 1876, he played Blr John choice songs of his while at the Walnut were the man, he played Captain Hawskley In "Still Waters ness tbe periormanoe were driven out by tbe rmj^ ^ yeazs ago. Benedict De Bar was bom In London Falstaff so near to us as the Ill-fated Brooklyn The- new "Colnmbla, the Gem of the Ocean." and "The Bun Deep." and Bykes to Rose Eyilnge's Nancy: violent conduct and Indecent language ot the Self-composure and presence ot mind In trying sitnatleas on^oT. s, Uia. While he was yet an Inlant, his atre. On Nov, 1, 18S3, be opened the St, Charles, Fireman's Call," "Our Counlry's Starry Flag," "A to that at the Olmyplc In 1865-6, when he appeared rioters. AtMut thirty of tbe mob were arrested are admirable qualities. A gentleman whom we will call parents, both non-proteealonals, took np their and, with the exception ot two years during the Wet Sheet and a Flowing Ball," and "The LIlMrty as Edmund Dantes In the new version ot "Monte OCTOBER 27. Mr- Granger wae deservedly celebrated for his general Im- reeldenee In HIITBhoroogh, County Down, Ireland, late Civil War, he kept It open until 1876, when he Car," the laet being designed for the benefit of Crlsio," and also In "Who Killed Cock Bobin?" to "TBE JITBILEE," "BEAUX' STBATAOEH" AND penurbablUty of cbaiacler. In a leading provincial theatre^ ndlnthat coantryhewas reared. His lather's disposed of it for another purpose. The new lea- Northern Lll>erty Hose. The mention of these vocal that at the Grand Opera-house, when It was open- "OSCAB AND UAX.V1MA."—"The mutiny is by no whore he had &ee access behind the scones, he was con- deaUi and the needs ol his mother reqalied that aeea having railed to comply with the terms of the trifles may have but IttUe Interest for the genera, ed by James Flak, on March 31, 1869, Davenport be- means so alarming as it was: still the rioters vening one evening with a beautiful and accompll^ed Ii» shoold early leave echool, and he procured lease, the house reverted to him on the fiistof May tlon of to-day; but, nevertheless, that mention win ing the Prospero almost throughout the long run ot are far from orderly. "Maglstrata Mainwarlng's actress who was to open the play, and who was already seated employment In the ballet ot the Theatre Boyal, last, and in June it was announced that he had In many a quarter stir up cheery memories and "The Tempest;" and to ibaiol the Initial season charge to the Grand Jury In the couit-houne, at the inevitable table, waiting for the curialn to rise. The ]>nblln, at a salary ol tan shillings per week. As sold it to a company headed by Bot>ert Strong. revive old and pleasant associations. So will a at Daly's Fltih avenucwhenhe was leading-man. Westminister, and the Indictments against seven conversation was so Interesting that neither Ur. Granger nor a dancer he was snbsequently engaged at Drury- On April 30, 1855, he opened Bates' Theatre, SL line or two devoted to hla nautical Impenonatlons His more recent engsgements at Wood's Museum ot tho principal mutineers, had a tendency to the lady heard the tinkle of the wamlng-bell, and the cnr> lane and at OOTent-garden. London, and his dram- Louis, as De Bar's. In the followlnc October he at the Walnut—Ben Binnacle In "Bine Jackets," and Booth's Theatre ore tresh In the public mind, ouell tholr rebellious spirit. But at alMut nine tain euddenly roeo, revealing Mr. Granger to the andlenoo. •Uo ezpetlence began at Brighton as a uiillty- sublet It to the late H, L. Bateman. who vacated it Harry Blutr In "The Smasher as are also his travels with the "Julius Cicsar" o'clock they broke ouL Scenes of strife and con- Did Ur. Granger rush away In the conventional fashion, pur- Bheet Anchor," BUI , to state that, the man, his first speaking part being In "She Stoops In the latter part ol June, I8SC, when Mr. De Bar In "Yankee Tars at Hand" (this was thesub-tltle.we Combination; and It onlyremalos i fuelon ensued- Several of the performers were sued by the yells of the gallery and not-even-attempted- played tnOtrnqoer." As anactor heatterwanls played at retnmed from New Orleans. In the prior March caimot recall the first), ana Benben James In "No- while during the present year he has j driven ftorn the etage: apples, sticks, and In some to-be suppressed oath of the prompter? nothing ot the kind. his last the Tlctorla and the Surrey Theatre, London. the latter hod bought It ot John Bates for the val Glory, or Decatur's Triumph." At the same Dan'l Druoe off and'on in various places, case& stones, were thrown ; and the curtain fell Being in full evening-dress, he rose deliberately, with a An •zrangement was made by which an ad- asserted price of $50,000, and on Aug. 6 he reopen- time he was swinging round aclrclr that embraced engsgement In tbls city was t>eRua at Booth's on In tho midst of a scene ot the wildest exdtement. low bow said : '.'I shall let Sir Charles know of your anlvaL iiilMlnii to the Victoria also carried with It ed it. retaining possession until after the season of such roles as Corporal Max In "The Swiss Cottage," Dec. 4, 1876, as Edgar In "King Lear," one of his Au rmirl" and with great composure walked oft the stage. the privilege ot going into the Kew Strand, 1S72-S. This voinable piece of property aUIItorms SL Loon in "Captain Charlotte" (Annie Lonsdale's greatest triumphs. He withdrew l>efore the run * The Key—a noted haftnio. During the evening there was much speculation among the whera no admission could legally be charged, and a part ot the De Bar estate, but It Is now known great specialty a half-dozen years later, but Char- of that tragedy had terminated, and went to andltora as to what had become of 'Sir Charles," whose name waa not In the blU, and oonalderable which had been opened Nov. 24, IBM. under the as Mitchell's Theatre Comlque. In the Spring of lotte Cushman's when Davenport was SL Leon), Philadelphia, where at the Walnut, on Jan. 8 wonder why the gentlemanly actor did not appear again. management ot the celebrated Urs. Waylett. De 1873. A. B. Wakefield'sGrond Opera-house (former^ Oswtn In the spectacle ot "The Sleeping Beauty," last, he was the original Dan'l Driice In that city. Bar was among the company under Kra. Waylett ly Deogle's Theatre, but originally the Varieties, Alfred Evelyn In "Money," and George Bam- HIS memorable engagement In Ban Francisco whose portrait appears on the first page of thle paper, was In j"»"<."i""j«.Manchester, Eng., Feb. 21, In UB<-ak playing such parts as Sponillng In the and under that name managed for four years by well. But it was as a satlortbat the highest value should not be overlooked, his Qrsi appearance in ; f-K^'p bom~'" -^s-, i«so. and I came to this city with hts paranis in fan»ot **The Turned Head," and Dalton In tho the late J. Sf . Field in boboIX ot a slock com- was placed upon him ; and when he quit the Wal- ihatdty having been on June 8, 1868, at the Metro- l°o8. He made his professional debut at the Wa- mnaical bnrletta ot "Figaro In London." In pany,) was knocked down at auction. In the inter- nut, the management paid him their blKheatonm- pollton Theatre In his chaste representation ot i Kerch, 1835, the octots at the Strand were snm- est ot Wakefield, for $36,000, and on May 19 De pllment In engaging W. O. Jones, who was happl- Hamlet, lu which. Instead of holding up tbe two »erly Theatre, 720 Broadway, New York, during a "• **~ <" >• season In 1870, moned to Bow-street and lined tor evading the Bar took possession ot IL It Is still known as De eet under a tarpaulin, to take ttls place. traditional ulhlatnrea >t»«^". ; January under management portraits with his voice of Jamn ^^iv^, _ weli-auuwu uuuiiuaing%r, and law, elghty-alx persons being thrown out ot em- Bar's Orana Opera-house. Early In the Sprine of «Af.SF.O *Ka WT ^KmjM^ UO OaO —^">.u.bi; uV rMaTlwo ; Richelieu. Prof. Sylvester. "The Fakir of Oolu." Mr. Voae glo^ment. Bar was then engaged 18T2heJiad e-f—» *— —• ••.•JiKouieuk wiin^e played a brief engagement In this city, at Nlblo's and manner- Hefollowed Hamlet with De b^Jaja^ £at*3r. periorsed under the W.Buckland, proprietor of the New Men- Garden, his metropolitan debut having been on Damon, Oharlee Surface, etc., closing on July li ; nameof Davis, and his feats were condned to what is v^^^M.ioSJS^'t^'earialn first went up In treol Theatre, by which he became so far its man- as Duke Aronza In "The Honeymoon." We t>e- : popularly knownas "The tr*. Aug. 9, 1843, OS Frederick FItzallan In the farce Talklng-hand-" j In -Bdltaetahllshment on Not. 30, 183S, and In the ap- ager as to Include that city In hla managerial cir- "He's Not Amiss." Except that on one occasion lleve, without tielog certain ot It, that ho lost ap- company with hts brother, tor Scandal" cuit who gave feats ot legerdemain, oit. pendedcastot 'The School Be Bar with St. Louis and New Orleans, and thus he played the Golden Farmer to John Setton's Im- peared In Cumberland. Md.. April 19. 1877, as ! heetarlad intending to made his American debut. Hie elster Clementine, guaranty his company i moke a tour ot the country; a steady engagement perishable Jemmy Twltcher, his sojourn at NIt>- Dan'l Druce, There he was seized again with jut married Junius Bmtns Booth Jr., and thus throughout eleven owing to their limited knowledge of the bust who months ot the year. This lo's was confined to wslklng-gents In farces. On gout, and Henry A. Weaver filled the vacancy j the mother ot Hiss Blanche De Bar, was continued for atwut two first In billed ness, and Iwlng without public reputation, their hecame season. Hla ap- Jan. 13, 1844, he reappeared In this city, having run that company thenceforward. He waa first and lost performoncoe were given at Cats- alio ot the company- She died in St. Louis on pearance in Montreal was mode on the follow- on from the Walnut to play Titus la "Brutus," to app«iar on the 33d Id Cincinnati, whero "Dan'l kill. N. Y. They returned to dty. Hatch S, 1814. She, too, had been a dancer In the ing Aug. 20 as Falstaff In "Henry IV," which and to sing that "favorite nautical song," at the Druce" waa played without him, and was also to this and de country, and tor her benefit In Bltisborg, eUdted this crl.Ucism : Philadel- elded to try their foriunes In the old country. oM "His Impersonation is not Bowery Theatro, for Thomas 8. Hamblln's bene, open In Hat the Walnut-atreet Thoatre, whan she was fitty-three years old, she deemed a copy of any previous rendition, phia, Mr. Tose succeeded In obtaining an open- so far aa method fit. After completing his season In Philadelphia on May 14, but "The Merry Wives of Wind- lier blghland-lllng still an extra attraction. is concerned. It lis distinct ing In Glasgow, Scotland, and his has characteristics, he came again to New York, opening at the Bow- sor" wss sutwtltuted. debut was BlrFeterT«aile.l(r.lie Camp Cbailes Surface Barton and so suctvasful that he continued In conception Is original, having more dash ery on Aug- 5 as the original Major Sapling, the pertorming there JoHDh Bozface Peanoo SlrOllver Surftce Borke and for two months. After mental actlvl^ than the late Mr. Hackett's. rhyming Yankee, In Bannister's "Putnam." Dur- performing In many of SlrBenl. BaekhUs.-.DeBaT Carelesa Hunt The contrast THE »REA.T O. P. RIOTS the provincial towns ot England, received Bowler Williams Crmbtree Coveil twtween tho t>ody and the mind Is ing this season he was one of the two originals In he and greater, accepted an offer from XoaH_ Harktaam Trip Corrl the former twing elugglsh and the latter America of Littleton Coke In Heads and AT THE Fred Abrahams to open In surprisingly "Old London. He suocesstully . paused Gnaka.... LoomU I-ady Teazle. . .Mn. Macder scute, and by this management the Young Hearts," the other having been the late the critical or- Haila. Miss l-an* Mra. Candor. Mm. Baootjitcr grossnossof COVENT-GARDEN THEATRE, LONDON, IN 1809. deal, and t>ecame bulk becomes more ponderous, and W. H. Crisp at the Park on the same night. Be a popular favorite. During Lady 8nMrwelLMcii.KiDlocl: theshurpneesof intellect more pointed." It was tbls engagement John W. Smith, the vete- whose business at the SL was also the original representative In America CoariLKD roR tbs Kbw tork OLims rRox Docnvxim, Ben DeBar, Charles was In IST2 that be first essayed Falstatr, ot which he ran Australian manager, who was on the look- of Bot>ert Shelly In the iwpular drama known for KSWePAHER RRPOHTSANP KHOnRAUllKS HOW i:c walklBg-genIB, varied by sncheoltatorlal and aero- tied been making a study for atwut ten years. out fur attractions for a colonial tour, after teats were required In Wllklns, twenty-five years past as "The Momentous Ques- Fossissio.'* or BR. Geo. w. TuoMrso.i. hade as "Peter or About twenty-six years ago he began to grow witnessing Mr. Voae's performances, engag^^l there but tion" and "The Poacher," but then called "Warn- the Flying Islanders," remained one eeo- noticeably ae9hy,and his paunch was palpably In him, and shortly theroalter he sailed for Mel- on,.aiul began the next at the Nalloiial Theatre. ing, or Woman's Faith." While at the Bowery ITha 0>vent-rvden Ttaeaire. London, was opened by his way when. In 1823, ho was playing the Richard Devoy in 1732. On SepL 2D, 1808, it was bumra twurue, Australia, In the steamship Cathay, and streets, city, he played everything, from the Yankee to Ivan- Chimai and Leonard this when the Artful Dodger at the Bowery. Within the post down, twvotj- persons loslnc their lives. \\ was rebuilt made his first appearance city. hoc, and from sailor William to Romeo. On In that In the senior James W. Wallack Inaugurated his term ot dozen years or so, his portrayals, apart and waso.-enedoD SepL IS. 180. with a new scale of prlce.^ Princess's Theatre, In October, 1873. success Ton Thckb "Oh HAirs." "Odb Botb." prindpal April 25, ists, for his benefit, he should have His management there- This was on Sept- 4, 1837, and from Falstair, Uoee, Blue- The pnpuljce demanded a return to the old prices. It was Was marked, and, after performing there six Timothy Dodge and played Marchmnnt In "Bnbln Hood," Rezeklah n.it unid th,. m[J4)e or th* followlnc I>««wrabvr that the De Bar played Frisk Flommer In t he force ot "The skin, have twen Dick Swlveller weeks, he mode tour Although It has been given out, time and again, This play, one ot the most snocessrol predos- (einging the duets riotlocceased. It is tbe purpose ot tbls a of the principal towns ot Unflnlshed Gentleman," the Billy Downy being Pokeabout In "Everybody's Mens." and Ben In series of papers that our little frlond was about to retire, yet tlons ot the with Lotta). Devllshoof In "The Bohemian Olrl" to delineate its progress. Ep. ourraB.] victoria. South Australia, New South Wales, Kew we age, Is now In Its eight hundredth "Billy 'Tllllams the 'Tells," "Ben the Boatswain;" but l>erore the hour tor — tnelamons ot who (notably with Carlotte Pozzoni as Arlloe). Powbat- Zealand, Tasmania and Queensland, returning find him, like Johnny Thompson's play, "On periormance in London, and the end Is not yek FentonTlUe Ohapel, with lifting the curtain the theatre waa burned for the to " lice In Joey Orlmaldl on tan In Brougham's burlesque. Dandle Dlnmont In Mellwume atvarloue times, fulfilling five engage- Hand again. one aide ot and Tom Dlbdln on the other- fourth and last time. Farther on we shall show OCTOBER 17. 1S09. Mm "Ouy Matmerinir," Job In "Tho Pet ot the Petti- ments there during the space of two yean. He Atter one season at the National—a season that how this csnfiogratlon was the making of him as "THE ROAD TO RDIN" AND "PEEPIKO TOM."— coats," Toodles, Tom Tape. Soaring Ralph Btack- of the heroes appeared in tbe then returned to Eugland by the way of India and was momentous in bringing W. £. Burton before a a tragedian. Going to Philadelphia, in May he Some boxes with pole, Touchstone, Onvea ("Money"), Crabtree, Dr. (Old rices) cut out ot pasteboard Chins. He returned to America In the steamship New Tork audience, in introducing Uary Taylor to Bsalated James E. Murdoch In giving Bbakes- 0. P. I and stuck Ollapod, Toby Twinkle, Bob Acres, Mark Meddle, In their hats. following handbill city of Berlin, which arrived In this port Aug. e BT JOSEPH G. WOOD (DBEB OBRSLAM AMBASBADOB). the dramatic stage, and In presenting the still liv- peorlan readings, and In lessons on elocution, at The was dls. Triplet, the Dromlo ot Syracuse to Mark Smith's trlbuted last, and commenced a tour of this country at the Some beonle an ftill ofdber delBI, Ar-tly,"beeald "Ahiddherer'aald I:"yoayaeiddtaa ing HtB. F. W. luder to theAmerlcan public—De the old Chinese Museum; and In June he waa at VbUe odlicxs Dromlo ot Epbeeus, Dr. Mlldmay (Eata Belgnolde' LACT SIOIIT OF PERFORMANCE AT KEW PRICES. Theatre Comlque, this dty, Aug. 20. Hts periorm- are awtnllj tame dber dop ofa sUdeen-edoiy denemend-bouse, some gwled Bar went l>ack to Caldwell's St. Charles, where he the Boston Museum. As Beaueeant In "The Too'll and come tolks always "Bounds"), Ephralm Smooth ("Wild Oats"), Soif- KEW TUEATRa l.'OVEN'T-aARDEN. ancea have received the commendation of the gonnlvlng. Bun.ll^bd nlcbd; end vben you aee two torn eala aed required to justify rather light ealary Lady of Lyons," he returned to New Tork. at Nlt>- Und tiadchlng some "llddle old game.** a-flgbdlnr, waa a by fiy ("A Flash of "), Mrs. Norma In the This evening will l>e presented tfor the tirsi time) an op. press wherever be has appeared. dhen yon vblll blalnly see dAerJto- ay/** Be lo's. on July 14. 18tS. and out ot the capacity he Dbough I'm u greenhorn In dhlagoondiy. gave Id ub dhen; und as he vend I sold him; "walking" through tarces and by rivaling Llewel- burleeque ot that name, DOEtwrry, Wllklns Ml- ermtlc larce. In one ac*. entltleil Mv oad to lyn In the role ot Uazeppa, at the risk ot breaking here exhibited for greater things than he was do- lUPOSITION. eyes alnd ao bllndt I can't see: cawber, Tony Lumpkin, and Cousin Joe ("Bough lie had my "eye-teeth cud,** I ttaed jon. (TTloru*.—Id's no nse I Id's no tise I etc. neok while strappeid to the back ot the Tartar ing sprang that protracted professional coalition Ava.-lce 1 BOSTON CALEDONIAN his Diamond"). His lost voluntary engagement was CLUB GAMES. So don'd dcy to blay dings on met Bteed and making "the fearfnl ascent ot the between himself and the late Anna Cora Mowait, K"°We Obete'B a saying aa old as dher goondiy wsle la, at the California Theatre, , as Fal- Kwfenci':: [ '•""'P J^otoL—Because, for dher reason why: I'fe heard Id adhonaaod o'er; mountain. paaa." It Is well known that the who was then the scar at Nlblo's. But for the There were Dot ArfVoni foar thoouod persona pment dimes stair In Merry Affectation. J Id soya : "The Wives ot Windsor," begun at the twent^-fODfth aoDual plcolc irunes the CAonu.—Id's no use I Id*a no use t "Vben a Greek anodher Greek meeds, "walklng-gent'* did not tancy tliis eqneetnantsm fire on the east side of town, these two wou Id Being his last appearance before the ud of Bos- May 7 and closed May II, when, his health being public. ton Caledoniui Club, held at Freab-pood Orove EfeiTwtaere ysu vlll And Id dber aame; Dber gwickly vhUlbeablgwarl" aaddleleea but, he voluntarily probably not have come together. Foolhardy Hr. on Tbnm- on • hone; as poor, he went to San Baphael for resL On his Uarns June daj-, Auff. SO. AmoDfthoM Irom other dtlee who oarUcl- Und a teller cede tool'd llgke dher dooae aoma- Laad nlgbd. In my btaee. dwo leilera hloyed prds— played Hoxeppa at the Bowery Theatze, this city, The rebuilt Bowery was opened on Aug. 4, 1S45, The False Swearer Jimmy Box-olBce Hted Id the Id's as drae, airs, as way Eaat, l>elng under contract to appear tor two athletic cooitsta coDspleooualr appeared E. dlmes I am alllel— with Davenport as Blr Adelberi In "The Bleeping First lolormer Long Olbbons W^oboinn. D. C. RoM and Vben he's blarlnr **dot Uddle Thlle vone feller beldt/bitracea \ many years later. It was probably the light salary nights In Salt Lake City, he forced to A. C. R*ld ofCanaiU,wbo old gmmel** m was attempt Beauty" (bis Secoo.l lorormer Count Snip or Castie street ttnled off quite By tsm, air, dAerodlbrtebt alone that he disliked in New Orleans. Alter Philadelphia role of Oswln being a number of prlzea. tbe tlrat Darned Don*d dhlnk. *canse a man Is green In dla land. rinl to tuIOU It, and that was his last appearance In Third Informer Tlie Blind Roy bead the flnt. eompleUng two seasons with Caldwell on the Mis- token by dead-and-gone O. W. Clarke), and as ns The resulta ol tbe Tarlous compeiltloDB _ Dot vou easy gan blay bim a driek publla His Illness and death will be found treat- Fourth Inronner The Battereea Fields Baron arv Blven undemoaih: Spoken—JVIneaceelnnonepackaofgardsl IwaaalaB^ King Charles In "Charles II." Jan. 19, 1846. Dhere^-e's alodarsbmardrellenwhofe dried It Ing sissippi Blver and In Texas, be joined the forces ot On New Prices vs. Old Prices, with the soog of "Many a Timing Keavo-ttone—D. on me, behhid my bar. gpunding how many had gwacdsn una ed of in our regular dramatic columns, C. Roui.34ft.; William JUbert- Bodd 1I baeU yon dhey'fe vend avhay alck. lead dherilay.vhcal Lndlow k Bmlth, who opened the New American the late O. W. Taylor's famous dramatization of True Word Spoken In Jest" Bally Raymond eon.33rt. llLn. flfe-E. W. Johnson. 41t. Bin.; —a. w. goundrymen I knew First DtOTer , C agross godr* "Ft/taceal** "Tdl, I, "of coarse iMt to aing tor her benefit, and attempted to In- Bliall no longer know the stately grace and charm- 1846, with his IwneflL when Mrs. John Drew, then Daniel Hendota Held. tit. tfin. - dber sea dried lo blay me lot a tbol; bnt dhev god dhen." said the wife Attbe head of ISO flRbtlng Jewa. and hired bruls- cotter— sold, I baed you. Lost week a fHendt of mine game In vtn dfter same; JUeaoatVa beat Jlmr aoa md a Ma« on* jure It by announcing a concert elsewhere on the ing elocution ot one of the most painstaking ot Harry Hnntot Llapenard-eireet Jovi- W. Johnson, 40ft. IJila. ; D. C. Bou. era aa constables. ..J^XiVJl"^ E und aald awftil shmard: "Say, Bana, dtmeP* 1 had no sooner sold dot vone feller bad viasd some night, were driven from the stage on and industrious of American actors. Edward L. ality, appeared specially as Constance to his Wlld- sit. lo^^ln. did you elerseea May Seconil Drover BHlFoames HumUno horse flnt" "Yes, sir," I reblled gwickly, "und I hole dher game, dban dberodher CtUer knockad dhsrlUs *•* UmtJump—\. C. Held. Hit. llXln. ; E. W. Jotm. 97, 1838. Because ot that trouble, Urs. Conduit Davenport, whose talent was far-reaching In Its rake In "The Ix>ve Chase." He was not again With hla gang ot housebreakers and pickpockets also seen a shoejly/" "There of me; und vben 1 vos down dbey boUk god ad saa I eon, 18ft. sin. ; Tbomas Bocban. 181i. SXIn. did a greenhorn Ugkeyoa waa not re-engaged at the atier vetsailllty, and whose methods delighted Boen at that house until the dose of 1SS6. On SepL as keepers of tbe peace. erer see a 'shoe Syl> Jumped gwickly tH-hlnd dher bar, *% haDd"/Wler Park the doee ot twth . niembers-Wllllam Robertson. » he asked. "Vhy,** I said, "Isat veek, imd god the leason et 1835-8, not hemispheres, wss the son 28, 1846, Mrs. Mowatt began an engagement at the Third Drover The FlgbtlDg Waterman ^iya^"' V^'^'ST^.J" vben I dock yon home drunl:, saw vlfe clubs; hut betore I gould use dbem dbey voa both "oai;* and was heard in this city ot a Boston notel-keep- Sit. 91n. ; James Faulkner, Sift. Un. ; I your Ud a shoe With his ntnans dressed J. O. McIntlnVaitt: otter 188T. She was engaged by Sol Bmlth tor er, and was twm in that dty In 1816. His first ap- Park Theatre aa JulleL She bod summoned to her gang of aa Bow-sueet 410. 1y at i/our headi and,** uld I, before he gould lebly. "I nnd aa dbey nu down dher sdiecd. I tboadsd alOeidhta: tor pearance on the etage epeelal repressed young officers. KV'raa. handlcsp, lor meuber^ seena/tir Byl" "Bheie's nosucn aanimol asa CAonif.—Id'anossel Id'sno alnglng business the season of 1840-1, while was made In Providence, B. support the capable but Head Slaughterman Mairistraie sons only, under IS ual *t& Orahara P!"t priie. Robert Orant. 13 hnahand was employed forllght and eccentric I., wlilther he had gone In the latter actor of the year twfore at Nlblo's, and Davenport ^eara. Msec. ; second. her part ot May, During aery ot "Manager, managerl" a person William Cameron, while 1836, with a company uttered his first Mjean; third, Alexander lian^, ii eomedy. On Oct. 19, 1841, proceeding from from the then recently- word on the Park stage as Romeo, m the dress of a midshipman attempted to ad- St- Lools to New Orleans, she died on board the opened and mot« recently closed Lion Theatre, following It up with Fazio, Benedick, St. Pierre, dress the andlenee: but. owing to the noise and me-caultlnr-willlam Bobertaon, 9ft. Sin.; Kentucky, burled Boeton, 60 named t>ecause having Cliarlee Austencourt, A. U Clowns often give a recitation comparing stftnm*^ftt Jfald ot and was ijeen construct- and Lonla XV In the same confusion, it was Impossible to hear a word he Donald-on, 81t. «io.; E. W. Johnson, Thomas Bochan, Mississippi Rlver- ed out of the old Lion Tavern. comedy that ten years before served Intro- tie—8JL 61b> a man's life with agame of cards, and from near Ohpe Qlrardean, on the There were had to aatd. At half-price the amusement of all the As Xarla Blbbon. the lady had long been favor- "snaps" In those days, as there are now; and duce him to the Boeton publla. The whirligig of ThrxnotttQ Uaht-Hammer. memben only—Wllllain Hob- time to time we have been asked by many former nights was renewed. The placards were enaon.8irt.4in.; ot atily know In England. Her daughter Alma De this one was under the management of the late time had eupplanted the First Officer's sword Jamee FauUner, 7m. fin.: Loula Fet- our readera where a copy ot the si>eecli abundant, but without wit: "Do not let the po- terA. 731 1. DiD. sorvlvee, "Gentleman Oeorge" H- Barrett, the longer-dead with the royal crown. Bubeeqnently oould l>eobtained. We now give epooe to it. Bar; who la Ben De Bar's only child, Mrs. Mowatt lice Intimidate yon," "Tbls house to let," "Old nunntnj ai»vteap_willlani RobertMn, Oharlee J. Houpt, father of W. A. and he entered upon the Jft. Jin. : E. W.it. First It Is "cribbage." Next he tries to "go helng now Mrs. Dextec Mestayer of the tour that, beginning at prices," "No hirelings," etc, etc. Johnson, »lt. A. C. Reid, 4lt. Illn. California Theatre, and David Buttolo, covered One placard It alone," at a "cut, shnffle and deal" pooe. It IS worthy ot at least a sentence, since so much Ingeisoll the trage- almost the entire country except ropresented the head ota man looking through Bnadtxnrd dance. Id costume—1st priie. James Een- Louis, dian, ot whom actors without a gray hair tholr the extreme fTeet, and extended a Bolwrtaon; Then he "gambols on the green." Thenhe at Ben De Bar's time bod Iwen spent In St. In to Great Britain, pair of spectodee. the eyebolea of which were "S^liH- ^ Sd. aeorge Bothsrlck. that he was billed aa making his ftret appearance heads delight to speak as It he had not t>een dead Whero there were no theatrical companies, she ^•^•«"^: 'raises" the "deuce" when his mother tbe letters O. P. Oieat applause attended the ex- sdWa-^^'AsgS."' 'takes her there on Aug. 35, IB41, as Bobert Uacalre, nomin- precisely forty years. These three fitted up a gave dramatic readings, and ho sandwiched hand ln,"and, conoary toHoyle, hibition of this one. At half-past ten o'clock the """dltap for memben* role in after eeveriag his crude dramatic temple In Providence, called it recitations with songs comic and sentimental. i.^i'-L*"?"' J^f*- gons under 'beats the little ]oker" with her "five.** ally the same which, cry of "Flret" heard, and the officers IS— First pilre, Robert Orant; Zd. WlUlam the Lion Theatre, and Introduced They returned to the was cleared Cameron- ~.3d. Then with his "diamond" he "wlna" the oomisetlon wltb Sol Smith's company, he reap- Junius Brutus Fork on SepL 23, 1847, and the theatre In a few minutes. Aleiander Martin. peared York, on Aug. 14, 1843, at the Bow- Booth Br-, who hod been the closing star of the on the 27th the lady's new play of "Armand" had niQMaMMng, In 'queen of hearts." Tired ot "playing a In New OCTORER 18. costnme-Flntprlte, James Eennedr: ery Theatre. The drama at the Bowery, however, little "Lion" in Boston, as the opening star of the Its Initial presentation. Davenport's acting, Jd. a D Robertson; 3d. Donald McBean. lone hand," he expreeaee a desire to "as- "WILD OATO" AMD "L0<;K AND KET."—"The 18th Tlmt Strop," sequel to "Bobert Ha- lesser "Lion" In Providence. It was to Booth's which had been admirable before, was regarded leosed race, members only— First prlie, Thomas sist" his fair "i>artner." "throws out hla was "Jacgaea a of Oetolwr, lielcg dedicated to Bt- Luke, was char- caire." William Gatee was the Jacqnea. This great Sir Ollee Overreach, which afterwards be- as phenomenal in Its ImprovemenL After an en- 5SSV'?l.&"^,f?'°"'!S = J!!?""'- A- W. Bar- cards," and the clergyman takes a t«n-dol- acteristically commemorated by his devoteee In shall; third, William Robertson, IrfiulsEeitea. actor soon became mortally Ul, and it was to fill came one of Davenpon'a strongest portrayals, that gagement at the Howard Aihensum, Bor.ton, they larbllloutof hImona"palr." ahe"orders the New Theatro Boyal, Coventgarden. At the ^- '^»- the gap occasioned by Oates* illness that De Bar Davenport, under an assumed name, made his in- sailed for Liverpool on Nov. 1, On Dee. 6 they Ro'bfruISI'sSlii''"'^*' him up" to build the fires. Uke a "knave." usual hour the fit rotumed, and continued, with waa thrust, for the tlrat time In his life. Into low- itial professional bow In a part ot fewer than made their EogUsh debut at Manchester In "The he Joins the "dube," where he often gets very few lucid Intervals, to the end. Tbe young oomedy. At the opening ot the saason of 1B44-S ten lines—not "Passion Will." as some bio- Lady of Lyons." and on Jan. 6, IBIS, tholr London 3»"r.SSid7?'A°SLSn»?iP'M''°^-">'''' 'high," which Is "low" too. It he keeps midBhlpman who spoke last night made a seo SMk-raee-rint prlio, shunted hlmseU from the Bowery to the graphies have recorded, for that has no exist- debut at the Prinoess' Theatre in "The Hunch- WUllam Bobettson; second, 'straight." he is often finsh. He grows old he ond attempt on thia occasion, which led to Bow- m..tt.«m where he remained but a few weeks, ence; nor yet Welltwm, ss all other biographies back." and "bluff," sees a "deaiv of trouble when street and the discovery that he was James Dud- '><>'»'<*«»'. 8it.«ln-: A.&Eeld. to the Olympic, Oct. as Jnlltu Caear In have recorded, as that excellent juvenile role was 8i?«i2r°*'''**~'*" at last he "ehuflles"otI his mortal coll and going on 4, Ho remained In Great Britain nearly seven field, assistant to Eirk Co., druggists. Bishop- laroe of Inventions," his other far beyond Davenport's calibre at that (Me-mUe looutng-marelt. passes in his cheeks." As he Is "raked In" the "New among critical years, and during that time supported not alone gate street." The following were the placards open to all—Flnt prln. L C Dole : second, K. Nelllcen third, by "spade," life's fitful undertakings, not spokenol either elsewhere here moment of his career. Parson Wlndo was the en- Mrs. Howatt, but also a ; tJeorge MefilS a "game" Is ended, Jamee H. Hackett at the "The drama's lawa are now abused," "Kem- (Nd mon's roce. ta onr sketch ot April last, being Babo, Jere- tering-wedge to the way that the neophyte was for members over to Tetra-FInt prlie. and he waits the summons of Gabriel's or Haymarket, London, In the Bummer of 1851, like- ble's desperate l>and of hired ruffians and tagged Alexander Ronald; second, Oabrlllo, SnoweU. Dobbs, thenceforward to follow. From Providence this Charles B. Owler: third, J. c! trump." which shall "order him mlalt Bnmpo, Tom wise William Macready In his series of fareweU Jews with htm go hand In hand," "The third Mcintosh. up." Osper; Sam Shlnley, Miss Fatty-Ma, Zephyr. Toby Itinerent company moved upon Newport, and 0 gerionnances at the sams house, John Vanden- floor of this house to be let, with other conven- QuolU—First prlia. J. Whitman second, J. Brown; BUppa, Tom Mnggrldge. Sharpey, Mr- Finch. there, among tho "Old aolts" and the Summer 011 in Liverpool, bird. K. Desna and G. V. Brooke at Drury-lane. iences," "Of old, the law committed vagranta- NETEB MIND t IT IS ALL FOB THE BEST. Redimdfc Storks^ Ko-Koa-Shan. Conanchet and visitors who could best appreciate It, Davenport his BoV-xiCie race—Prlie VO, Bobert Hlndle, Paisley. Among 8t>eclaltlea while abroad were George now vagrants commit the laws." Scotland. nlotto-soDg. fiksy^key. He remained with William Mitchell attracted attention by hla treatmeotot a character Banford in "Gold," Bomeo, Jack Code, Armand, A tall gentleman In the pit attempted to address BxsrxcTTnLi.T Inscribed vo Robsbt HoEat. bnt a short time, and returned to the Chatham, that in years long past hod its beat exponents in the Corslcan Brothers, Bob Boy, Epea Bargeant's the audience : "Oentlemen, I shall be short;" and A SUABT "TAIXEB DoBa."—An old BY HARRY BENMETT. when he beeame tage.manager in April, 1845, T. P. Cooke, John B. Boott, Davenport himself, and "Castlllan Honor," Othello, feUow Just How many old Claude Melnotte, he did not He, for one of the constables struck up frem theEem-riveroountry sayathatoneday mtxlmi I cotistantly bear and attaiwaide a joint leasee, withdrawing from W. O. Jones, not forgsttlog the mother ot Faimy BIchard III. Blr OUes Overreach. SL Pierre, htm with Which I can't put to practical o*el Herring. This William his stair, and he aat down immediately. While down in that region, he went out hunting. It flnaUCr on OcL 6 foUowlng, to enter upon waa in "Black-eyed Sn- BL Marc, Sir Edward Ardent, and William In large portion Tbey raBe my feelings, and gimte on mv aor^ A of the populace were assembled He procured a fine, gentle hoise,and A sort of oontlntu) a starring career that was l>egnn at the Bow- aan." Jack Soott acquired his special fitness tor Black-eyed Susan," In which latter the borrowed a sbnse. nifa London outside at the entrance to the private or "Intrigu- dog that was highly recommended I bate these stole sawa—they're the ery, on Hot. 3 In his Inimitable portraiture of William through years ot leisure honra passed on critics pronounced to T. as a noeer-out tune of mv him seoond P- Cooke oiWy ing Ixixes," aa they were now called, and, with of almost any kind ot Tbey deprive me oteomfort and rest; Btrapodo In "The Dumb Olrl of Oenoa." followed the docks at Philadelphia, and perhaps Daven- The Edinburgh crittea ot in game, from a quail to a full- spoke htm 1852 as the that sort ot discourse peculiar to the place where grown Buck But the one most odiou* to me Is tbU: In. "Jack Bheppard," Bobert Ma- port derived hla from a similar experience Indian. Be was told that the doe hy Blneakln on greatest actor that had appeared In that dty since they sell the beet fish and speak the plainest belonged "Never mind; It la *U for the best.** Timothy Dodge in "The Pass- Boston's Long Wharf- At all events, his Eng- once to some Mexicans, who had tangS "BED-HOT.' calre. Maaeppa. WiUlam Macready's farewell, and every mall to America lish, annoyed the oocupants during fastened their In- him to ride, and that. In caseof his beoomlng Tbeie's alwmy* fome wiseaoe rtanillng word'* (known also as "The Artful Dodger"), ete- him upon the profession, and waa re- sang hla praises. Having played engagements at gress and tired, abeuL^ Xy mother-ln-Iaw died a Abort tlm* to. egress. "This oatcry against morality he might be taken np Ever ready to olv* me advice ; He eontlnaed to star tor years in the foregoing motely the means of attaching him to the stair et such of the London theatres on the horee unUI a likely And I aw a good ebaae* to get sqaan: as Dmry-lane, Bay- from fellows who would profane a chutiUi Is He'll bring up old aaylncB—a In the TremontTheatie, Boston, first in place for game was reached. The hunt himdred or mor^- I knew that this '*sympathjxlng** Inead ol mta* ndsa and sneh otherg aa Oalypso the burlesque where he ap- markeL Prlnoeee', Olympls, BL Jamee', was but As If one Maryle- the highest spirit of burlesQue." IndllterenUy snocessfnl, of them woold net auOcet Would baste lorelleve ot <^eleinaehns" (his second wife. Henrietta Val- peared In the season of 1836-7 aa the insignificant bone, Sadler's Wells thongh the dog seemed tn*n my bettar.half had three make me of cars: and City ot London, he took OOTOBEB I». to be quite chUdren at once. Be entered the lioose with elOBCSted pblx. lee. the olao appearing In this), Julio First OIBoer In the lamented Tyrone Power's industrious. He was a long-bodled. Be. so aaxloo* to the dancer, his tanwell In a complimentary tastlmonla] at "TBE HZBCSART OP VSBICZ" ABS etaser distressed, _Aiid eommenceO, "Fi1«nd. I know jon're of comedy of "King O'Neal," "WHO WlSB?" short-legged, long-taUed animal of •trast ww'— Sormllly in "The Six Degrees Crime," Earl written by Mrs. Qore, Drury-lane on Aug. 23, 1854, and on an old-fash- •tmeonthe and eonsollnrly said: Bat stopped when I iuiiu with saintly lepoae the 26th he —The rebellion waa atUl rife, and It waa Impossi- ioned yellow color. **tl«veen Mrs. waa taken upon the horse GUI, bntatUl played under "Cooke deserves our pity, Eemble our contempt;" behind our hunter. Woods," and Lnmkln In "The Tillage Beauty," father), and he not infrequently sang not only her maiden name of Fanny Vlnlng, she All wentweU enough for a being the a gibbet, with a figure In black *'«"g'"g on It, and time, but presently the In which, arrayed in tights, he did the statue The Bay of Biscay O," bnt also that mine of mln- daughter ot the since deceased Frederick hotsestarted off on a keen The late W. O. Hacready. the English tit* Vlnlng. underneath this Inscription: "Por extortion;" run. When stopped he stood tTsgedlan^ Unch alarmed at this seemingly real boalnaas eommemoratlve ot his enrly days as gled misery and j>athos yclept "Billy Barlow." His reappearance in quietly enough : but waaof a highly sensitive America occorred at the "Booms to 'let with every oonvenlenoe. temiierament> and easily fight about to take place, Hacready endeavcjen figurant In tdOeU SaeSen. He also. In the This Is an odd-sonndlng redtal as to a great tragic Broadway Theatre Inquire as soon as started up he broke into a mn again s on SepL 11, 1854, aa Othello; at the Eey,*on Chestnut street;" "The Kembles Irritated. Many yean ago he was abont.v> play to part the scowling, cursing combatants «•<* ot Uts, at the Walnatetieet Theatre, actor; bntodderstlll Is the fact that and oould not be held in. Bays the old man - Summer at the Howard and for nearly three yean, either with or without may bleas, we damn the Brtdsh preas;" "This "What had jsn engagement in I,onlavUle, Ky., and tho aoiore, "Oentlemen, gentlemen. In the name of Hfaven. mode quite a hit in a new version ot "A Olanoe AthefUDum, Boston, In 1861, years after he had his wife, he did nothing got Into the 'lamal critter I didn't that but star, their novelties theatre and furniture to let, as Harris, Semble know; bnt presently, knowing he dreaded what he bad been told In the name of law and ot peaca, let there be B* at Phlln Egyptian." "Calaynoe Co. Intend to resign." caught that West and aanth, de- bloodahed. It la a small matter to fight abonL ot the late wTa. Chapman, who had therein been ier "tragedy," he to^ the . place of Infernal yaller dogstandln' Bam OoweU "Charity'e Love," "Love and Loyalty." "The Olty 90. nponaU- termined to give him a scare. At hla lint tardmcn,**" John E. when the father ot onr little Sydney OCTOBEB tonn, a whlppin' the hoes ]lst as r^ —I toiglvB this worthy gentleman's playing Hcise to Owens' Syksey, and who oould not be Heiress," "The Poor Scholar," "Franoeeca dl THZ DUBIWA" "ALI. hard as he hearsal every man, from the stage-mahager the love a Koee to fonnd, again ot AMD THB WOBLD'S A oould lay on with that long. down hope that I may be peacemaker. For was now ' doing De Bar's Sykaey. It and sang that "unfortunate Blmlnl," and "De Botn," the Umber tall o' hls'n. to the property-boy, Isstmentloned being BTAaB."—This evening the meet obeoene placanla bonnd to had a revolver ominously Heaven, lay down yotir weapons, and let the Is ptahapa tumaoeesary to add that Chapman's devU" Billy Barlow. novel only l>ecanse of Mr. He waa get out ot that hoas all the run ont his Davenporfaappearlng In were exhibited, and allibe females left the the. sacking from clothes. Dave Barxedaa, heanal proceed qnleUyl" Allowing themsema "Olanoe at Philadelphia" was suggested by From the veneiahle Tremont he the title-role, there waa In him." went to the which Murdoch had years iMfore fa- Mr. Thomas, a lawyer, was taken atsge-monsger, was on the stage early to direct to be penuaded, each man laid one or more r*|^ Ben BakafS •Olanee at Hew Tork," which Walnnt-etreet, Philadelphia, Orstappearlng there miliarized in otherdtlee. before Tenna, Bhortlyattartheopenlng the piece. ' Mr. one of the leading aeton. prempvtetole. which waa plied nJia Frank Ohantrao,' who liad not then reached as Count MontaltMn In "The Honeymoon," the BIOHMOHD, Ya., Is highly amused over the tola on the In 5rB5«Si^-NewTh-eiS.8Sr^^^ I SS fMSTmo'SSig'riliuJ^reS'r^^ an waa not In the theatre at the Ume. ud Kae- with the dasgerena Instruments. During taa* Philadelphia In hla red ahirt and with his Bummer of 1838- This new field was open to Btatue, a him port played there tor two months as a stock star, atie to bias again. earleatnre £2*?S?l.'°?,'"J?f. work ot art ready began to ctaate under the delay. At laat Hacready tonndtanit wnnno aoap-locksand his well-ehewed *'bntc' had been bnt a short time: and the lata Fronds Courtney A head of Hr Eem. trightfuUy begrimed with dirt, which has entire engagement I lust re- Yenns appMred, in 18«^7 hie aa largeSllfe waa exhIbiS trtthOitoln- vived and Banedas ottered a ro- one^ and was aa mild as a lamb to everrbody, doing for nearly three months at the Olympto Wemjse; then leasee of the Walnut, expreesed bis heKlSS2i'?i'5i?;?JS?;?LM»Sf"'played In Brougham's Bowery Theatre, a pair of hands of snow-white Italian mar- monstoanoe for keeping In the I scriptlon : "Pity my B's;" another: tbe dlstlngnlahed star joke too to be kept, and It camer^oa Theatre, this dty, daring a large porttoa ot regret at hlalnablllty to retain him, "tor "No wonder ble ordered by the Oeneral Assembly to was good he oonld eonae of which engagement Brougham ventured ' lenlaoe Joh£sembleebouuioeasetolM>d^;setBb«ggaf (he mutilated onea. '^i? •? '•H' •una drewlils weapon, toblaeara. Heamlleil.aDaHia ItwuTWrS"** which was the algnal tor every man to do tte aeOng, bnt m—poar Joke. : —: ; ; —I . — 71

September 8, 1877. 4

AJULEGHBirr CI RACE. aide and tbe ehamplonahip of New England, two mltas, Mutuala of JanesvlUe, Wla,, 34 do and itwlUdoUm harm," Biaelp tb» ed tor the flnt time on Ang. II at the Ormnose turn, twice to wave bis hand to tbe repeated plaudits tled down to better play, and In the lost four Inn- Innings), and the yea any ^(3, Courtitew Deleats Riley anil Plalsted on the Charles, Fnd being beaten three '^ngtba; MILWAUICEE. aum andaabstance of all tbe oouvorsaUop I mrhad asi Theatre. Farla. la : AT The plot aa toUowa Madame time, 15:20. He autnequentlr made a double-match of tbe assembled thousands. Tbe wltmor was ings the Hartfords only made a base-hit ; but, what FASmr TIKE oil Beoobd. AtLXOHi-irr. la. a. UlLWADUI. IB, thlsaahjeet Van reepectfullr, Aabertln haa been married young to an old wItbM. V-Davla of Portland, Me., tbe flnt nea tolling piloted by bis trainer, Sreen doing like service for was more, they only committed one error, ond 1 Bt. Faol£25-111!??^Bed Cap^ Tbe sculling race for a purse McKelvy,3db, ,, 0 1 0 Moigan,3db ,,, Captain and Manager widower with two and girl. and stake of eight place at BoKtOD, tbnie miles, tnm, Aug. 21, 1876, and children—a boy She Bush. The boat used on the occasion by Trlckett thot did not yield o run. The Indlotuipolle nine NelaoD, 1 a I Redmondra. s., 2 hundred dollars, in which tbe principals were Plaiated being beaten by half a length: time. 22:15. as was aoon left alone lo lake charge ot Jean and was one built by Donnelly ot Plermont, had two men on eomed bases In the eighth Inning flalTln. O I 0 Andrewa, r. I 0 Charles £. Courtney, Jsmes H. Riley Fred A. The aecond race tietween them caroe off at Portland a new p ICarthe. towarda whom she sbow«d all tlio care- and we were again, wltb but tbe required Wllllsmsoo.e.... 0 0 2 Bennett, e,.,,.. 2 Sept. 1. Davis again wlnolne. Oct. 5 of that year, with a alldlng-aeat. In which, informed, one out; bnt back- Plalsied, came off on Saratoga Lake, N. T., on On u Dalm'ple, 1. f.... 0 ful eoUdtude ot a real mother. Uadame Auber- wlih Aheam aa partner, waa beaten eaally by Ma- there were eome slight Improvements made by ing-up ot the bat was viranted, and by onotber Fulmar, 2d b 0 0 THE GAME OF CHESS. Tuesday morning, Aug. 28, and he 0 McDonald, 2d b. I tln IB barely thirty when Jean has concluded terminated in the honey and double-scull Bueh double- by put Dolan. c-t 0 0 his Delowrey of Boaton In a match, Mr, Bpence ot the Polytechnic ; rawing In one play York they were out without MllU.lat 0 victory of tbe first named, who knocked several five mllea, Creamer, LI 1 1 0 b year's eerrlce as a Tolanteer, and Uarthe has for gsou, at Springfield, Mass. The winnen by Swaddle A Winsblp ot England, having a fixed scoring, the lost Inning ending wltb tbe scoro still z CorresponiteBtSi - seconds oir tbe best tlmeeverbeforo accomplished came lu Ryan, r. i.-. l 1 0 Weaver, p To reocbed far Into her teens—In fact, It Id 49:15, rowing leisurely, but rislsied claimed E, is not too seat It rumored on ' Saturday that a cable- at 7 to Betoro we close we have a word I Turner, t. I Cox- Huooins a:rD D. J, huub.—Arrived on the i ay in a three-mile race, although be evidently afoul. The race waa Immediately rowed over, and Ma- was Goodman, latb.. 0 0 a soon to think ot analog ber a husband. A U. bad England (which was tosay about Nolan bla pitching, Inconae- day required: thanks, Se honey and_partoer won again In 45:18. also rowed gram would be aent to done and _^ constant Tlsltor something in hand at the finish, and was there- He ~t Totals "i E. Barbb.—The old problem now ttqaitta eritlou Brlvade Is a at Madame Aabcr- aecoud to Dsvia In a regatta at Sebago Lake. He., coming on Monday) offering to match Trlckett to row any- quenco of the success of the club, this player has Totala 3 1 V- fore capable ot doing even better than he found IB. B. MILWAOICBB. IB. amlnatlon; new one received. ttn's house, and passes long hours alone with in ahead of T. C. Butler, Alex. Brayley and others. Plala- one for £1,000, and ollow £300 for expenses." achieved o notoriety as the pitcher of the doy, ALLeoBBirr. a. occasion to do then. The race 0 Morgan, Sdb..... a John OaRDitut,-Accept tbankB for the paeksge'ot sUsa. her. They ore attached to each other. In question was ted was BubsequeuIlT engaged to lorm one of the Kew That he bos speed, the "curve," etc., there is no McKelvy,3db.. 0 8 M. De Redmond, s. s... 1 Hbbb Mbvbb.—a goodly package mailed on tha alat BrlTsde Is two years younger than the broughtabouttbroughthelnstrumentalltyof John kork four, oigaolzed mainly lo participate in tbe Cen- doubt; but had the unequoled NeLnon, o a.... 0 I 0 lady, but he not hod sup- I Aodnia.r. f...... a nit. ; bad not room to dlnplair tbe diagram. Morrlssey and H. O. Meeker, the loiter of teimlal Regatta laat year. The crew—made up thus: TARRTEK OCTSCUItltS BRIAN AND Oalvln. p I 0 we that Is a disparity ot no conseiiuence: and, as he whom port behind tbe tiat tbot Flint bos given him, not Williamson, 0 2 Bennett, e 3 CHCss ED., AttUMe Owner. — Paakags nealvW; suggeetedtbataraceon the lake in which Courtney TboB. UUott (bow). P. A Plalated, J. Flanoerr, John Ble- BBATS RECORD-TIiUB. c. 0 Is bis own master, and their attachment Is a third of tbe victories scored by the Indianapo- Fulmer,2db.., 3 0 Daliymple, I. f... 1 thanks for coortealea. mu- and Blley lln (stroke)—flret appeared at tbe Boston Regatta, and The third acuUlng match between Qeorge Tar- 0 Is could be bronght together, and which lis nine HoIbert,a f... 1 1 UoDonald,2db.. I Obo. E. CanFBMTBB.—Have we not, after OH, oeeasloB too], there no apparent obstacle to their be- were beared by the Faulkner-Reagan four, deleat being at- for £200, was decided the would have been recorded. It was evi- 1 should be thrown open to all who could furnish ryer and O. Brian, on Creamer, 1 Mills, lat b 0 to rebate aomethlng from the individual rank of Beir coming man and wife. M. De Brlvade is a hand- tributed to accident when they aoparently bad the race in courae Aug. dent that the field-support given the pitching in 1, f .. 1 1 an entrance fee sufficiently Thames ehamplonahip 13, and reeult- Ryan, r. I 1 2 0 Weaver, p...... 0 Bercer's Ko. I,0<8, In. oar lata tonrneyr A moat dloUs- impoalng-looklng large to keep out all hand. The aame craws rowed at Providence, R. X., tbut at' this was . some, man, and Marthe, seeing Torryer. The weather in game not up to that ot a majority of the 1 baa apeat much this second-raten, would be exceedingly interesting tereoon.tbe New-Torkere winning eaally. Shortly alter- ed in tho success of was Qoodman, Istb.. 0 1 I Turner, c, f, gnlshed orltle, who time on problsm^ him every day coming to the house, takes a girlish Indlanapolla contests wltb tbe League nines ; and •*Mr. O-aays: 'In every caae the play la beanHftiL* to the public, and correspondingly profitable warda Elliott withdrew from the crew, J. Uahoney taking every respect fovoreble, for there was little wind ~ writea: fancy to him, and Imagines that for yet tbe fielding wos up to the overage 11 his Tlslts are In- Saratoga. a thwart and Flaisted occapylng tbe tww-aeat, John Blg- (what there waa waa blowing up atream), and of Totala,.;. ii 1 Totala 8 This should be in noA esses, foa (Cuma) gin as Tar, The saggestlon found favor In the eyes a.. 43 to her bat tended tor her. Bhe does not think ot Uadome lln alao left the crew few days for Leogue-nlne play tbis seoson in Brooklyn. It is AT jan£svillr. fl) Bta«k l.-PtoOS; S; tbareoaa aavaD ot Morrlssey, and during the latter part of July a before the Ume flxed there was o fast-running flood- At the first at- Auberdn, who In her eyes Is an old woman, a the Pblladelpbia races, J. Maxwell, a spare man, taking the with pitcbere as It la with fleldera: tbey frequent- ALiaaBBNT. B. iB,ro.s. jAinaviLLB, B.lB.ro.B, rollow:2..qxB>.KBtoQei3..Q to hera.Kt tog*: be pabllcly tempt Brian came away alone, but at the aeoond r, 1 mother, and nothing more. Marthe bad cooHded annonnced that he would give a purse stroke-oar: but the crew being ao weakened, they were ly eom reputouons ot tbe cost of otber pUtyere, McKelrey, 3db.. .321 0 Jamea, 4..PtoB4TorKttoK^BS;,^txJP_;_S„P taK4,n-^ ot SBOO to the winner eaally they go off on fairly level terma. Brian atruck NeUon, a e .10' Sboope,2d b,-., B3,mats. Again, luder (<) 1..K toQ 4: 3.,Kttol this secret passion to her brother while he was ot a three-mile scnllera' beaten In tbeir trial beat by the English lour. Holf tho outs fnm throws mode by the Hartford ^ the water first: but Tarryer, rowing tbe taater OalviD, p . I 0 Bloas, a • but I can well play a. . Kt to Kt 4. or Kt X Q P, hovi his race, open to all, each competitor to pay an en- Fred alao rowed lo tbe third beat of the Bingles, getting Infield ore due to tbe fine u with regiment, and her letters describing her the lead, play ot Start In cap- wllllamaoD.c.,,. , 1 I Ward, p triplet command, Agalnat the tbrcataned -^at trance fee ot $100, and tbe entire amount to be second place to Ed. Uanloa. Plalated'a next appearance stroke. In on Instant took and at the at X feelings gave pleasare to Jean, knows tarlDg widely tlirown balls at flrat baas. Palmer, 2d b . 3 9 Dalimyer. lat b. alay S,.Et or Kt: or B to OS: arKto»*"fc« handed to the victor. It had been thought prob. " " Brlvade, is It in tbe case of pltchera Dolan, 0. r. , a 1 Arundel, c, f.,,. l(ow,irKtohUe.thenfollowB:S..Ktjo-- and be would make an excellent finlabed first, doing tbe three miles, torn.torn, In(n 21 MH, to a length and half, like Nolan, Larkin and ~ B^erQ . . be Increaaed Blmmona' able that the — - — - . - . at a Inducement offered would be great J — " Creamer, L f,.... . 3 8 Buahong, o ,. B dual ; If to 6,3.,KtloBa,crKtXa, brother-in-law. So the llbeisted volunteer re- and beating— J. A^ Landen,Lant If. Coulter, J. Hekeel. John Bond, halt tbe credit they have monojtollzed be- 3, agahi a K Q enough Hla steering thus far waa faulty, going over too Ryan, 1.1 t Morrlascy, 3db.. ]jr£.BtaQ6;'3..Stta3..Stta BSBS; uid4.,Q toharO-t-, to the to insure the attendance ot several other Blglln and Ed. PowellPowell;; bnt he waa deprived, of a prize be- ing due to tho splendid support given Kt, ate.: irT.BtoQS; tains family hearth full with the Idea ot ... _ . and he them by oarsmen from different parts ot the country; cause he tamed bis itakeboat the wrong way. Id April much to the Surrey shore, was rowing In aoodman, lit b., in FhUUpa, L 1 etc-: ira..Et X Kt: S..Qtaber <: and 4..ta Earl, matat oonclndlng, the marriage aa soon as possible. Flint, Allison and Brown. Look at Bradloy—tbo 6. loAt Plalated challenged any man In England to row three mid-stream opposite Beverley Brook, whore Tar- if Kt to K B 4, or q B » : 3. . Kt to B S : and 4 and . P to K 3^ The nrst moment, consequently, that but sucb did not prove to be the case, only moat effective pitcher in tbe League—wltb he IlndB mllea, and, thlSDOtbelngaccep ted. necotlatioiu were open- ryer was leading by quite a clear length. From Clapp Totala.. IS II 27 Totala.. .3 7 27 18 mats; or (dual again) 4.. B to K S: and S .4) to KB 4. those' named above^whoee participation was to support biiD, the pitcher himself alone with bis atepmotber he blurts oat: ed with waUace Ross of St. John. N. B., who agreed to row tbla point Tarryer, keeping a better coune, gained and same wltbout Tbe second game between tbe AUegbenles and mate; ira..RttoKB4, there Is also a dnsl tsrmlnatlm ; assured at the time the offer was made— came four 7) conseqatnces *'JL De Brlvade comes very often : people will miles, straightaway, for fiOOanlde. TEe race came Oiopp, Nolan owes halt bis success to Flint, as the Mntoals was oonteated Aag. 37, tbe local nine and if 2. . Kt X q P (or Kt to Q the snihe a trifle, and It waa a aplendld race for the next ' to the poet. However, what the devotees snd on Jnne on aame. And. snln, pndsr (7) I csn ss well plsy a. .P Kt soon begin to chatter about his visits ; when Is 6 the Eennebeccaals River, and Rosa wpn does Bond to Brown and also Devlin to Snyder. being vltnorlons, X admlrera of the rowing handily. IS following mile, each apurting In turn. Bepeotedly Itop- I shall, perhaps, disoovsr other 'the wedding to take placer* Madame Aubertln art particularly de- June be won tbe scullera' race at Qlve Nolan oil the credit he deserves as a swift ALLBOagNV. IB. MlJTOU, IB. v;3..QtoberB4-|-,eta. sired to see was a decisive settlement the Silver Lake regatta, Plympton, Haaa., beating Frenchy peared as If Brian would get on even terms McKelvy.Sd Juala. lor aueb elaborate problema must be.itndlsd re- starts at the word, for she fancies It refers of the pitcher, but don't do Injustice to his splendid b.. 1 Bllaa,a a 0 1 question Johnaon, John A l-anden. Ed. Hanlan and othere: dl«- with his man ; but ' so soon as be gained a Nelson, a a peatedly. Theae dualadlntlnlaA tbe value oflheprobla^ of superior proweas between Court- I Ward, e , 0 a to herself, but Is soon undeceived and made tance, three mllea catcher, Flint, The score lut not apoil it." Will you Ikvor ua with an opinion Thne, 21:4^. He also won the Sculls bit, his opponent, wltb a well-timed epurt, shot Oalvln, p 0 James, r. f 1 1 do ney and Riley, whose fiasco at Greenwood Lake RAHTroRD. T. R. iB.ro.a.i iHOfAirap'a. T. B. la.ro.Az. anything of iBportanaelB aware that Marthe loves M. De Brlvade. The st the annual Boston Foortb-of-July regatta thla year, aWay, the Otsss Wharf, In the rough Brown, c f. 0 i%oupe, 2d b 0 1 ahould tben he. aa Is poaalble. July li had but served to whet public appetite for delcailos Opposite Burdock, 3b. 5 0 0 a a 0 qae8t,2db.. 4 9 2 already obasrvedt latter tradnally shifts round from the wo- Johnson, J. A. Ten Byck. D. D. DrUcoll, ' £13 Fulmar, 2d b... 1 Oallmyer, lat b. 1 I tbe above which you bave not trial water, Brian drew up to within a length, but at Hsrbldge. i\> i I 2 Mack. a. a... 0 I 3 S 0 a of skill and strength between them : con- G. Hoamcr, John Mekeel and Ed. Banian, the loft- S Dolan, C. B CXWK-—Botb eanla received ; allrigbb man to whom he bad professed himself to e 1 PblUlpa, ll f,. .. 0 0 sequently named being for waa BoseCottageTarryerledbytwolengtha. Thustbey Start, laib.. 8 1 12 Honu, Istb. S 0 1 13 0 0 R. Sbtmoubl-We bave received year dnalar, attached, the abeence of other aquatic stars wss mied out fouling Johnson- This Creamer, L f...- 0 Buahong, c.V 0 I H. wHk be so ardently and, consenting to the little variation to' the Soap Carey, a a. . 4 Nolan, p.... S 0 3 0 1 0 not regretted by many—In tact the majority would Plalated'a last nee until that at Sareioga, but be had rowed with Works, Ryon. r. 1. 0 Aruntleirct 0 0 apoaltlononthelwckwhleb baa neither name nersste- sscilllce she mokes, agrees to give his band to been In constant York, l.f.... B Flint, e a 1 2 4 1 0 tlon; irtbialadealgned aaacontrlbationtoTSBOuma, hove preferred thot no one at all though not severe training. where, cheered by tbe crowd on the tow-poth, Goodman, latb.. 0 z MorTlaaey.3d b.. 1 0 save "Charley" Catsldy, r. I 4 Warner, Sb. 8 1 2 2 0 U the young, thoughtless girl, who declares she will The boats in which the men rowed ore thus de- Brian mode a desperate effort, but to no purpoee, pleaae supply these itMUmta. and "Jim" hod token port in the contest; snd the Taylor, c I.. 4 Cutbbert,l.t 4 0 1 0 0 0 die If he does not make her his wife. But before ecrlbed : Totals - W. 8. BAilooE.—Oar file is now complete; aaeait MB- Courtney'o—Length, 29tt, ; beam, U^la. for own, but 16 3 Totala S 7 4 seqael proved that, had the race been confined to Tarryer not only held bis actually Larkin, p... 4 McSorley, e.r4 10 12 0 this result Is attained and the spectators are dis- depth, 5>jln. weight, Sltb, 29tt, AOegoeny 00 000 0—1 tbanka ; Length, 100 them, there would have Buoy's— golned, passing under Hammersmith Brldgd AlUoua, 0... 4 Rocap, r. f., 4 1 3 0 0 1 missed, a series ot oompUcatlODS Intervene. been no occasion for beam, Mutual 0 0 .0 0 0 I I 0 1-3 U. ll>iln, ; depth, 6j^ln. ; weight, Sltb, Plala- lengths ahead. After the tault-flndlng subsequently Indulged in by (time, 9mln. ZTsec,) three 40" A better and more intensely intereeting game Eufpaaa No. 1«063. De Brlvade, who poasasses a key to Madame Au- ted'a—Length, 2Stt- beam, deptb, G^jin, TeUla...... 40 7 8 27 12 7 Totals.. .42 « 27 IS 3 Riley, nor is It ; liyila. ; this the roco needs little description, Brian rowed U bertln's to probable that any question Hartford 0—7 than was ever before witnessed in Milwaukee. The third prize 4-mover in the recant great Am«1sa» apartment, comes seek a final explana- weight. 2S>in>, The course was from a point op- bis hordest, but Tarryer (who sculled In the bet- 0202 SDOO Centennial would hove orlsen as to the decisiveness of the Indlanapolla. ... 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0-S Wis., ooourred on the 28th, when the AUegbenles Problem Toaney. tion. People who ore Interested in finding that posite Moon's, one mile and a holf up the lake to ter form) hod more pace, oonscquently now ond jyrMuuiwiMa." struggle. The expectotlons that the race would Ruaa earned—liortford. 2; Indianapolis, 0. Flm baae defeated tbe local team by a scoro ol 1 to 0, alter "Labm a lady In the wrong become aware of this furtive three buoys placed well apart, and raturn. Dur- could Indulge lu "blow." and repeoted- BT J. B. riNLXSfSOH. attract to the ootirse a greoter throng than bad yet then he o onerroreefopponents—aartfoid, 2; IndlanapoUs, I. Left twelve Innings bad been contested. Tb»featuro visit, and bwnten to tell Jean that a robber has ing the morning a west wind roughened the water been at this fashionable resort during the season ly eased at tbe direction ot hla pilot, Bamea on baaee— Uartiani.2: Indlanapolla, 8. Ba:iea earned by ot the game was tbe heavy bottlng of Morgan, Dol- slipped Into the house. The crack-brained young to an extent which it was thought would cause o in ismln, runnmg—York, I : Caaaldy. 1; Mack, 1: Warner, 2. Run were realized to the fullest extent, the resources Bridge was' reached by Tarryer 20eeo., rympleond Weoverot the Milwaukeee, and tbe man rushes abont from room to room, until he postponement; but, fortunotely, obout holt-post about throe lengths ond o halt ahead, and finally out by catches—Hartford. 9; Indlanapolla, 9. Runs scored of tbe eeveral hotels being pretty well tested by fielding errora— magniflcent fleldlng of tbe vlsltora. reaches that ot his stepmother, where he Is ten the wind began to go down, ond, tbe woter be- Tarryer paddled past tbe post tbe winner by two Hartford. 4: Indlanatxilla. 4. Pnai-eJ atqKt, QKtS, K4, KR6, qB», KKt4, XXX- the night previously, while the trains, regu- balls-Alllsaa, 1; Fllot. 1. Wlldthrows-Casildy, l-.C.iray, MILWADK'B. T. B. 1B,TO.A. X. ALLlGBI.Tr. T. R- IB.ra A.B. stopped on the threshold by Harthe, who tells coming smoother, the referee, Wm. R, Curtis, de- lengths. Time, 22mln. 8Ssec.—fastest on record. 1. Dropped fiy-ballii— S 0 2 4 3 3 S 0 0 3 0 I lar and special, which arrived on the morning ot 1: Quest, Rocap, 1 : Warner, 1. Fln>t Moniaa,3db McEelvy,cC him that she haa searched, and that there Is cided to etort the race, which he did shortly post other aculler called Redm'nd,as4 1 1 1 1 the race brought large additions to the numbers Thla la 8sec. taater than any baa hose -on bolla—Harbldge, 1: York. I; Carey, I: 0 Kelaon.aa.. 6 0 2 no one In Madame Aubertln's apartment. But no eleven o'clock, the men having come promptly to match, Queat. L Failed to touch baas—Nolan, I; Larkin, L Andras, r. t. 4 0 I Oalvln. p.... 6 13 16 0 who had gone before. Facilltiea tor reaching the rowed over this course In a and, notwith- sooner has Jean turned bis back than the girl bids their stotlons, Three-baae bit— Larkin, 1. Two-baacthlc—Kolao, 1. Balls Bennett, C-, 4 O s W>meoD>lb « 0 0 0 3 I atKBS,KB3,qR2,qB8. qR4.QKt7. oonise were ample, and, to those standing tbe favorable clroumsiancee under KB^KKF, however, whose called—on Larkin, 14 : Nolan, 19. Fouls atruck—from Lar- Dalry>ple.l-t 4 0 1 Palmer,2db6 0 19 7 0 an old inend ot the tamlly help H. De Brlvade which the trial was made, is an exceedingly good ,.„... . QB7,K'Ktl.qKtr K7. KKta,aada. democratic proclivities ran In the direction ot THE RACE, kin, 15; Nolan, IS. Strlkea called—off Larkin, McOo'rd,2d b 4 U 0 4 Dolan, c... 9 0 2 6 1 1 to escape. "He Is," she says, "In my moth- showed up 33; Kolan, White to ploy and glvs inste In f oor moveo omnibuses and carryalls of leas pretentious ap- Ootching the water firmly and at the aame In- performonce- Horry Kelley the win- zu. tJmplre, Mr, Maithewa, formerly of tbe Matuol Club. Mills, lat b., 4 0 0 IS Creomer.l,!, e 0 0 3 0 0 er's room." Later on, tbe scatter-brained Jean pearance, the price ot transportation to the lake- stant, the competitors went owoy to o perfectly ner, and John Hlgglns piloted the loser. Tlme,2h. 3Um. Weaver, p. . . 4 0 1 I Byan, r. f... 6 0 1 1 0 0 learns that De Brlvade Is once more In his Turner, c L. 6 0 0 1 UoodmaD,lb 3 0 0 16 1 Problem No. 1.083. aide waavery reasonable; but, as upon all such even start; but Plalated, who was ripping his mother's room, whereupon he kicks up terrible BT SEBB JOHABTC a oooislons, livery proprietors sculls through the woter ot o rate which he could OKABLES TBEALi, and William Conquest pulled BOSTON ws. I,OUISVIIjI,E. low, creates a tremendous scandal, challenges and hockmen sent Totala 98 0 4 36 16 12 Totala 61 1 9 36 18 4 BLACK. the tariff 'way up, and reaped their doelug bar- not long hold to, forced his bow ahead ot the a twomile race; for $100 o side, on Charles River, Another meeting between tbe Massachusetts Milwaukee.. 0—0 that gentleman, and all Is arranged tor an abeiud otbera before hundred Reds snd the Kentucky OOOOAoOOOOO vest ot the sesson of '77, which to them hss been o yards had been gone, Boston, on Monday, Aug, 27, They rowed ui>on Orays took place at the Allegheny.., 0000 o 000000 I— duel. But all seoms to be settled on the ground— ondllnle little less golden than for some yean i>asL Aa the Ume by hla epurtlng atroke enablr l nearly even terms to the tumlDg-etokes, but here Hub on Monday, Aug. 37, when tbe Bouthomera First baae on errora—Allegtaeny, 1. Left on baaea—MU- sstlsiactorlly for the persons concerned at least. waukee, ot etartlng was set between eleven o'clock A. u. him to gain, until at the quarter-mile he was Theoll capsized his boot, and, in accordance with were subjected to another doee of whitewash that 2; Allegheny, 14. Two-baae hits—HorKon, 2. It not for the audience, as the Intending combat- Paa.^ balls—Bennett. 3. Struck out—Andrua. Mtnkea ond one o'clock F. u., iieople were astir earlier leading by a trifie more thon o half-length, Rl- previous agreement, the race was rowed over. was not st all relished. No runs were dotted down ants return safe and sound, without having pro- called—off Weaver, 16; Oalvln, 6. Ballacalled—on Weaver, thon nsuol, and the broad, well-kept rood to the ley, whose stroke was within o shade of being as Conquest leading oil the way and wliming by four till the fourth inning, when O'Bourke hod a life ceeded to hostilities. Marthe Is convinced that 8; OalTlo, a Double-playa— Pulmer. Goodman and Do loke was soon crowded wltb vehicles ot every fastas tbatshown by tbe leader, was second, more lengths. Time, I8m, Referee, J, Bbeo, Judges, on Latham's fumble, was sent to third by Wbite's Ian; Williamson, Umpire, For- her stepmother has never had a criminal In- Fulmer and Goodman. imaginable description, the than a length In front ot Courtney, who was pull- P, Dlskon and Oeo. Hoemer. two-base hit, and home by a right-field hit of Sut- loDir- Time, lb. Um. tidgne witb M. De Brlvade. whoee band tbe fiery procession continuing for several hours, and everybody aubmltUng ing bis ueuol long, powerful stroke, and seemingly ton, which advanced White a base, Bcbater threw Jean places In that ot hla slstsr, and an elderly good-naturedly to tbe discomforts and incon- not at all anxious to secure tho foremost posi- a trifle low to cut O'Bourke off from tbe plate, CinCIHNATI Ta. HARTFORD. Baron, who had played a subordinate part In the veniences to which upon occasions like tbis tion thus early in the race. Doubtless he thought ond, as Snyder mode Uttle effort to stop the boll. The tenth and probably tbe last game tbis sea- preceding acdon, makes Madame Aubertln his pleasure-seekers ora unovoldobly eubjected, and it the beat policy to allow the others to pull tbem- SASEGALL. White olso scored and Sutton reoched third. Bond son between tbo Cinclimoti ond Hortford Oiube wife. This strained, unnatural, and really rl- which they in time learn to with selves to pieces before putting forth bis full power. struck out, the third strike being missed by Sny- was ployed on the Dnlon Grounds, Brooklyn, N- dlnilons conclusion pats the finishing touch to a bear becoming patience- The greoter part ot the multitude- During tbe next quarter, Riloy crawled np a few INDIANAFObIS ws. HARTFORD. der, who had to throw it to fint, Sutton ahowed T., Aug. 28, tbe result being a decided victory tor wearisome series of false situations, and the cur- estimated at considerably over ten tbousand feet on Plalated, but In turn Courtney had laid Tbe Indlonopolls Club team made tbeir fint a splendid buret of speed and scored on tbo throw. tbo Clndnnotls by o score ot 13 to 7, ond nine ot tain (alls on two as Ul-onorted couples as were took up their station in the neighborhood ot himselt on almost even terms wltb the second appearance in Brooklyn, N. Y., on Aug. 29, when The fourth run was scored in the sixth liming off the runs were modb in tbe fourth inning, when ever linked together on stage. Iiefcault a Mile. Moon's, the lawn which slopes man. and seemed surely going to tbe front, now they played their fourth game with the Hartford safe hits by O'Rourko, White ond Sutton, ond a the Oindnnotls punished Lorkln for nine base- appeared as the heroine, down from the Madame Fromentm as hotel to the water's edge that he had felt bis men at their best. Just otter nine. The fint was played at Indianapolis on passed boll. In the seventh inning Devlin was hits and Ave earned runs. The fact tbat there Aubertln, being black with people, Uadame Pulol as De Brlvade, and while the shores of tbe lake passing this point, the leoder put in on extra May IT, the result being o victory for the Hsn- batted freely. Bond, Morrill, Schofer, Brown and were a dozon errors on esoh side In tbe match Ahel as Jean. as for up as Point Breeze were thickly fringed wltb spectators. dozen with such power that he drew clear ot Rl- fords by a to 1. In tbe second game, on May 21, Wright making a safe hit each, and Schater and BhowB tbe character ot tbe fleldlng, Maloney ot "TWINE THE PIiAIDEir," While they ara waiting for the appearance ot the ley, and, crosHing to the eastward, took his water, the Hortfords were again the vlcton, but only by Brown scoring eorned runs, thus puttlnganend the Memphis Beds played centre-fleld In place ot giving to tbe run-getting. a drama from the pen of a. B. Walker, received trio ot scuUera, we wlU present for the reader's In eiuhonge therefor the benefit ot his a score of 1 toD- On July 6 they played their Holdsworth, Fergitson not only being unable to wash. BOSTON- T. n.lB.ro.i.B. Looisv'Ls. T. a. la ro.A.x. Initial representation Aug. enllghteiunent brief sketches of the men who are To the regret of these on theratoree's boat, third gome together, oil being ployed ot Indion- play, bnt, from being in bed, be was not on band to Us on 10 at the Thea- Wrlgbt. 2d b 4 3 2 Latham, lb. 4 0 3 9 tre Boyal, Plymouth. to do tbe pulling he kept there, not only bothering Rlley, but apolls, and after a ten-lnnlngs contest the result look after bis men, and the result was thla defeat. Eng. The plot turns prin- Leonard, 1. f 4 3 1 Hague, Sd b. 4 0 0 2 rendering probable the disagreeable adjunct wasadrawn match, neltherslde having been able To see the nlntf play in this match was to watch cipally upon the 111 effects ot a secret marriage, Charlcs E. Courtntv waa Iforn at nnion Sprinn, N. 0'Ronrke.e.r4 0 0 Hal), 1. r.... 3 0 0 3 of o foul, which would have occurred loter BIntn In contracted In Italy, between a romantic English T.. In 18(9, atanda Sit. J^ln. In helebt, and welched about hod tosoore o single run In the gome- July the White. 1st b. 4 S I Devlin P-... 3 0 0 1 the working of a team without a head. not Plaisted, upon Rlley was BChooIglrl, lAdy Helen ot Olsrenslde, and a de- ITQIb on tbe day of tbe race. He la a carpenter bf trade, whom coming Indianapolis nine have charged but twenty-five Button, a a.. 4 0 1 Shaffer, r. f. 4 0 0 a Monday's game tbe Clndnnatis had almost as and when at borne makea a good living up hand over hand, pulled out ot danger Bond, p b 0 11 Oerhardt, 2b 3 0 0 4 signing Italian, Blzordo, a supposed professor ot Dvaopplylog the when conta admlaslon on their own grounds in gomes good a chance to get in a victory to their credit White to play and give mate In three vanta of tbose In needoi raKbeaandbllnda. lie baa been ac- near the mile flog. Courtney, who had been with League nines, and the two clubs have Horrlll, 3d b 4 3 0 Cnver. s. a- 3 0 1 I liB on this occasion, but, wanting a head to drawing and Isiigaages. Alter the marriage Blx- cnatomed to rowing nlnce boyhood, Schafer, r.f. 4 2 0 Snyder,c-.c.f 4 0 0 3 and laaald to have been gaining right along, was nearly abreast ot lost money by not carrying out tbis rule in their own team, they were not quite equal to stdo Is arrested In his true character ot a brlgand- victor In namerooB oarlc conteata, ot local Brown, c 3 1 11 2 Crow'y,e.r., c 3 0 0 2 Gatnae Ho. 1,083. Intereat ooJ;', Plaisted at the mile, with Rlley third by scant Lar- chlef, and as a felon, with the manacles on his before ho came cooaplcnoniily l>e(or« tbe general public at a their Brooklyn gamea. There haa twen a todt tbe task. THIS time, however, they found Skirmlah ttom the eontrlbutlon or J. O. Beward Taylor. half-lengtb. Courtney was foiutb wrists, the unhappy young wife seee btm convey- the flrat LntematloDal regatta ot the 8antoc» Amateur pulling bnt a little consent by the public to tbe bolf-dollor fee in tbe Totals.... SS < U Z7 le 0 Totals.... 31 0 3 27 IS S kin weak, ond tbey "wentfor blm," in tbe played at Mr. I. 'a bonae with a Korwlcb a Rowing AaaoclatloD, Sept. II, slower than when be started, but both Boston the pitching ss OAMBIT. ed to prison. A child la bom, bearing upon his 1873, when he easily won the hls-an- League ehamplonahip gamea, but they do not ap- 000301200-8 inning. Pike. Jones ond Gould hit SCOTCH aenlor senlla. two mUe^ la 14m. Ua., torty-ooe aecoods tagonlsts had dropped considerably, and were prove ot tbat fee for contests with nlnee outside Louisville 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 If they hod a mere amateur before them, tbe White, wrists tbe marks ot bis father's degradation. Boaton, 2. hlia— Mr. ahearl ofT. R. Keator; Frank E. Yates ttalnl. and James now doing two or three lees to the minute than the League, Tbe extreme boat of tbe weather Runs earned— Two-bass White andSut- bolls going to the bat just as tbey wanted them. M. Mr. TSyli Slzardo escapes, and, fladlng his wife will no Wlliwn. A_ a. Tmax. R. X-efknan and othern rolIowlDg. He toD. Struck out— O'Rourke, Bond, Morrill, Brown, llsgue .KBtoKtaOBXKt blm. They reached their etakeboats almost and the bad defeat ot the Hortfords in their gome It was mode plolnly evident thot Torkin was not ^ lunger follow his doubtful fortunes, he seizes the next entered for the National Aaaodation renatta at (2), Hall (2), ShatTer, Cnver, Snyder (2), Crowley, Gerbardt. .KBXKt-l;-l-KtPX» together, Courtney, however, being first to be- ot tbe before with the Cincinnati nine also bai;e in condition in this gome. Pike was in bis ele- child: but, being pursued, he leaves It to Philadelphia. OcL 7, 8. folIowlnR. but bla boat wan so bad- day Klnt baae on balla—Devlin. Flnt on errom—Boston, lI..QXBadP-|- OB-tlS gin to turn, Rlley and ~ 4. perish, sending the nnbappy mother the news ly cut In acme manner the nlqbt preTlgua to race-day that Plalated following at influenced tbe attendimce on Wedneeday, which Louisville, Bails called—on Bond, 22; Devlin, 23. ment. He bit tbe ball aa If it was one ot tbe SB -f J.^-J-hlsa~ be couldn't atari. Some pentona have Itulnuatcd, and the same instant: but Rlley made a better was about bolt what tbe clubs expocted It to be, Strilieii called—off Bond, 18; Devlin, 23. Double-playa old balls ot ten yean ago, with two and a bolt t6 KBXBr-l- that It is dead. BJzardo is captured and sentenced Leonard. Wblte and Wright, Sation, C-faia3 othen openly declared, their belief tliat Courtney did tbe turn than the latter, and straightened for not over three or four hundred people being 1 : White and Mor- ounoee of rubber In it So did Jones, ond Oould -B-Kt4-h to Imprisonment for life, and I«dy Helen re- job hlmaelf; but why heahoold have rill. 1. Passed balls, Binwa, 1: Snyder, Crowley, 1. IS-.K-^s.. done aowben be home ssoond, going off a few feet only behind presenL Most ot these were i>eople curious to 1; was ociive in bondllng the tiah agolnst Larkln'a toms home to England, concealing the story anew full well that there waa no other man entered who Umpire, J. O. fiomner. Time, 2a- ?mi. -..qxKl Courtney, Wltb the wind tayorlng them, tbe see tbe "tiunoua Indlanapolla pitcher," Fergu- weak delivery- But the HartfortlB oould not pun- ot her in-fated marriage from her brother, the could aucceMlully cope with him la a myaterv which they The championship series between these dubs foroea mate dlr«otly. trio began tbe home journey In a dashing lu proud Earl of Clatenslde, whose young wife has do not attempt to explain. He acfiln appeared at Sara- man- son was a looker-on both games at Brooklyn, was closed on the 28th, when the Beds obtained ish Booth In that way, tbey not earning a run. toga next year In tbe regatta heliTln Anguat. on the 2Stb ner, each man working like a trooper, and all, as reserving himself for the Louisville match. IlABTroBD. B. iB.ro.a-E. ClXClN:olls to get square, at tbe 27tb Black Imitating each of aon third, Ed. Blake fourth; allowed tho nine fashion moet encouraging to the Beds and their Carey, s. a 1 1 I Addy,r. r 1 3 mated move, Wblta'a resaons he cannot comprehend, refuses every alll- Cunia anil Tatea drew movea. out. He aln> entered for Senior making proved too much of a strain on Plaisted, that inning closing with the score at 1 to friends, as the heme in getting York, 1. 1 3 2 3 Ueyerle. 2d b.. 2 I sncs, he adopts a nephew and niece—Pearl and waa the Scolla next nine succeeded TBE FAC-SnCILE OPENtNO. day; bnt the elTecta of a aanatrote which had laid who began to lose way, and, before reaching tbe 1, In the or'Ji tbe Harttords drew a blank, together three runs In the opening inning, thus Catsldy, r. r..., 0 1 2 Gould, lat b.. . 3 II Balph Clarence. Teoia pass. Blzordo escapes I..PtoE4 PtoK4 l6-.QtoKKt4 0.1toKKtd him np the prevlooa Jnne made tbcmselrea lelt acaio, two-mile mark, ceased rowing altogether, having. Indlonopolls two men earned AUIaoD,c I 0 3 Booth, p 0 0 from prison, discovers left ond the bod on gaining a commanding lead, which somewhat 2..E-b;aa K-bIa 2 I6..KB-bla3 B-hlaS and the son he to and be deemed It advlaahle not to atari. B. CurtU Larkin, p 0 1 1 Smith, e 2 6 K~ W. It was subsequently stated, been seized with iMsea ond two men out, when the impend- flurried tbeir opponents, Tbe Beds started out 3..K-hUi3 K-hU 3 I7..ER-B3 KB-BS- perish has been rescued and adopted by an old won the race In 14:973«- On Sept. 9. 10. aame year, he Ualoney, c. 1... 0 1 0 Foley, id b.... 2 1 severe pains in the side. He did not persevere; ing storm bunt fortb with a fury which ot wltb three safe hits, one out, then otwo-boser *..r-o R 4 p-qR4 lB..QR-blaS R-hlaS soboolmaater named Massimo, In Albano. The took part In a regatta on Geneca Lake. Watklnn, N. Y.. ond - but, after i9..4SR-qs» s being batten Id a four by tbe Buffalo Club on the Aral resting a few mlnates, paddled slowly once stopped all field-work, the dust cover- by Sutton, which sent Wright ond Leonard ocross Totala 7 9 37 11 11 Totala U 16 27 12 12 6..P-QKt4l P-4Kt4 OB-qa : boy la nineteen years ot age, and tbe Idol ot the 6..QB-Kta S0..IM1B3 p-qHS day, three mllea. and winning tbe Senior ScnIla on tho homewards—o thoroughly used-up man. Ucan- ing tbe field In clouds. This wos followed by the plate, Murnan'asacrlflce-blt gave O'Bourke Hartiord IllOOlOSO— Aecadamla. He Is called Twine the Plalden, from 0—13 7..q8 X P Il..P-KKtS P-K KtS eecond. the two mllea being pulled In 14:10; R. H. Robin- whlle the two old opponents and rivals were both roln tor over half on hour, and the gome was the third Cincinnati 10091002 having drawn this horse In a sweepstake. Rl- on easy run home, making eoraed run, 8..gKt-B3 21..QBP X KtQBP X Kt aon aecond, and W. E. McCredy third. Hla next appear- pegging away steadily, as the two-mile It First baae by errors—Brooklyn, 4: Cincinnati, 4- Rnna sardo tells ond flog therefore declared "no gome." was colled and last In the liming. The LonlsvIUcs were s.-OKt-qa 23..q Kt P B Kt P him that he Is no son of Massimo—that ance on tbe water waa made Aog. 21, 187S, third re- earned—Brooklyn, 0; Clndnnatly 7.' Umpire—Mr. Ken- X g X R at the was neared Rlley spurted grandly, and his friends 'o drawn motch" in one of tbe popere, but thot tbe 10..KB-B 4 24..QBPXB his mother Is a wealthy bntheartlees woman. The ntu of tbe Saratoga Aaaoclatlon- He tben flrat met blonked, and second inning yielded nothing ney. Time, 2b. 35m. QBPXB hod the satisfaction ot seeing bis shell ahow to the wason error. five innings been ployed, and ll..r-KR 4 2t..BPxq marks upon his wrists bla late opponent Jamea H. Riley In tbe race lor Hod tor either club. In the next, however, tbe Ken- npxQ he declares were engraved 12.. n..Ktr Kt the Empire ScnUa. which he won lor the third lime, ton; bnt tbe strain waa too great on him, and as bad tbe Hortfords played their sixth Inning, and tucky boys made mottare intereeting, K KC-K2 X KtP X Xfe by the cord with which she had ded them when more and blVE OAK ws. MANCHESTER. lS..Kt-hIa doing tbe two mllea In IS:S9K (tbe then Castest bis stroke slowed Courtney's ateady drag aent hod the IndlonapoUB nine bean in just tbs posi- 3 27..KtPXB KtPXX he was an Infant, with the view to his de- rec- tbe result lees o'certainty, by rolling up just aa Erron on the port of the New Hompstilre team B- D,] ord): Rlley aecand, \ttaosi; f. T. Kccunnick, I4:3aKi uin boat up levai almost Imjnedlatalr, tion In thnaivtb tuning thev.wi— efforts UAHTFiiRD. R. lB.iV.A.C iNDta^fAPOLfO R. lB.PO.a_B. Btack'a Srat mova In tha poaluon you had not iMcn touched. On Au^ 31. aame rear. Court. ahead, despite tbe muscle-etrolning ot his to left centre, wbit:b O'Rourke oould borely toucb LivbOak, T. B.laro. A.B. MaXCBES'B, T. B,lB,ro. A.B. birds and quaint Italian songs soon makes blm- 0 n 2 lJucat, 2d b.... 0 U B. AB50LO, Salem.—WUl you oblige i antagonist, wbose rowing be aald to bave Bunluck, 3d b. u U 0 i;e:iy. r. 1 R ns by Dey ibowed up st Troy, on tbe occtsloD of the N. may wltb his fingere' ends by hord running. It Ailama, I- f . - 6 0 0 2 0" 0 c. r4 3 saU popular. He comes upon Lady Helen, seated llarbidge. 2a b. I 1 1 2 II Mack. a. a 0 0 1 0 year gamea wltb Ink In fbtonr Tbia time we will try t^ A. O. regatta, beating B. B. Ualobrlilge and D. continual for the final three-quar- " Walker, r. f. 4 0 0 A been one spurt runs, Leary, p. 4 " ' ' tmder a noble chestnut-tree, start, 1st b.... 0 2 S 0 1 llouli, 1st b... 1 4 0 brought In two Shoffer's fint on balls declpner tbem. Tea; 6I0WaatFlfty-aevaatbatnatlatk» and Is ssked to Im- Roach In tbe third beat of tbe Sculla, doing tbe one As Rlley momentarily slocked, tbe Butler, c f- 4 0'Konrlie,e.r4 3 0 tcnofamlle. Carey, a a 0 0 0 0 2 .VnlBO, p 0 0 0 helped Devlin to second, snd Qerbardt'a strike to oddresa. provise upon her birthday, which he does in andRbalfmUea, straightaway, In9:34. Neitdarhe took boat perceptibly dropped astom, and at the end Allen, 3d b. 4 Dally, a a.-. 4 1 4 York, I. f 0 0 2 0 b Flint, c. 0 right field, which Mumsn and O'Bourke ran to, J. LABion, Chatham,—Tonr views may sprearaa I such a manner as to create, a powerful Intereei tbe final heat m 9:48, defeating Rlley (9:511. Same day, Mason, r. 1. 4 CoigiBwell,lb 4 316 Ot the fifth halt-mile ho was nearly four lengths CaaiLldy,r. I.... 0 1 1 0 U Warner, 3d b.. 0 aa we have anfllcleutly examined tbem. Oomea and po^ for In with Roblniion. he won the double-acnll race ln8:UU; but did not attempt to catch, sent blm home, tle- Rellly, 2d b- 4 Woodhed, 3b 4 0 0 him Lady Helen's 'heart. While he Is Taylor.c. f.-... U 0 0 0 0 Cuihbert, 1. f.. 0 tlona an being looked after. i'laaaebecar 3 0 0 Lady Helen'a maid that years Earl Allison, e 0 0 5 1 U Kocap,r.r. 1 Albabt.-Aa Kiven ; Black muatlnmp from 10 to 17, ago a young and Hugb Conor, he won four-oaied race at Seneca steering foulty, while, on tbe other bond, Court- Tlerney, s. a. 4 1 0 WeawU b.. 3 1 1 name. O'Bourke scored the winning run In the O. A. Flsichbb, Toronto.—The game will fee examlns<£ of Clarenslde degraded his name by a fatal mar- Lake Regatta, doing the three miles, torn, In 19:AS, beating ney eeemed fully as strong, and rowed In quite as Totala I 4 14 4 ( Totala 2 4 1» 4 2 sixth Inning, Oerhordt fumbling his bit, thanks. riage, and fied from tale home. Tears passed. three oiner crewa. He waa alao entered for the Senior which Totala.. .37 3 8 27 17 4 Totals.. .33 0 8 27 18 10 good form OS at the etort- Once the latter stopped Hartford I 0 0 0 0-1 cost two bssee, hestesling tbird <»mlng F. A. WBAVmt, Carbondala.—As A baa men left at tb» He was supposed to have perished,- but one Sculla on the dth. bnt did not aurt, leaving HUey towln. and home Live Oak 01200000 0-3 for a few seconds, and coolly wiped the perapira- Indlanapolla 0 0 0 1 1—2 doae of tbe game, and B none, and B doea iMt jret a Ung^ Winter's Sept. 3. aame year, he won at tbe BIngharaton regatta, on Sutton's tbird-base hit. Those were oil the Manchester 00000000 0-0 morning he was found dead under Flrat base br erron—llartfnrd, 2: Indlnnapnlls, 4. we consider B to be esaentlally "Bkonkcd.e It inaltii a beatbie Lathrop and O. U. Pratt like breaking ttlcks. tlon from hla forehead, which enabled Rlley to runs, the giune closing with Craver running Earned run—Live Oak, 1. First baae on errors—LIvs a tree, with a paper In his hand, upon which Runa eameil— Ilartrurd. 0; Indlanapolla, U. Umpire. Mr. from not that A doea not get a king, in our opinion. B^t. 23, with RoblnBon,herowen OTerfortbedoublea. He moke up eome of the distance: but, upon resum- Oak, 2. Struck oat—Adam^ Mason, Tleruey, O'Bourke, — MaithewK. Ih. 4%m. third to the plate as Johnny Morrill throw Snyder, R. Dobbrtt.— of^no good book on "eliSM anA was written-the motto ot his house "Death again appeared at Cayuca Lake, K- T., Oct. 13 loUowIng, Time. West. Two-baae hits—Butler, Catg%- We now ing, the Dnion-springs sculler quickened his the laat striker, out to fint. Cotrcawell. Gnlmr, chei)aera combined.** AddreaaEd. Jamea, who advsrtlae^ rather than dishonor." Tbe present Earl when lie la aald to naTe pulled two raUea. with a The ssoond meeting in Brooklyn between these welt Three-baas bit—O'Rourae. Passed balla-Kelly, 2; bad stroke somewhat, and went owoy again, finishing and obtain "Spayth'a American Draiight-play«r,'>t3,paaa- torn, against donble-KuIl boat, winning the race clubs took place on the Union Grounds on Aug. BU8TUN. T. R- IB. ro-a.E. LocisviH. T. R. IB. ro.a.E. Llonehan, Thompaon, 1. Wild throwa Snlm. Thoma- the words cut In the trunk, and every year a 4: — Solntlona correct. properly the three miles with a leod of nearly five lengths. Wright. Id b 4 Latbam, lb- z I 2 4 I 0 13. pald. Lady Helen comes to the tree sits for In 13:14, thongli, aa thla time la not authen- 30, before about «00 spectatora, the fifty-cents son, Llnnehan. Balla called—on Snlgg. 11: Leary. and an freely, still Leonard, 1. 1. A lague, 3db. 6 3 0 E. O. P., Cbeyeime-—Attended to. Comeaaaln. ticated, It haa not been accepted aa record. Hla next Though perspiring ho was strong and tariff two nices 112 Strikes called-oft Leary, 18; Snlgg,^ Umpire, Ur, hotiroutot respect to the young Earl's memory. again lessening therecelpts. The O'Rourke.c.f 4 Hall. L f.... 4 0 1 1 U 0 C- KXLLV.—Tonr aaneatcd move la Impoeaiole. aa 9 to ^ appearance waa at Saratoga Au^- 8. lS7fi. when, with comparatively fresh—wonderfully so, considering Uenry Unrpby. Time, Lh. 4uin. The sound of cricketers comes through tbe park, were tbe same as tbe day t)efore. Tbe contest In White, istb. 4 I)eviln,p.... 4 0 had already been made. P. E. YatcB as partner, he won the doable-scall race In fact It waa 1112 tbe character ot tbe race and tbe that II. W. L. BOBajraaaoBBa St. Cloud. Tonr aolutlan is saw^ and Twine, watchlnc the sport, catches and flings 13:16 ibeat recorded time), beating Ecator and Rlley, tbe flret five innings proved to be a singular ono, Sutton, a. 5 Sh'l'r. r.r.,e.l 3 0 0 2 0 0 — rowed in 20mln. iT^sec., being tbe fattest tlmeon rent. was 12:20: Ackerman anil W. Rodger. especially In tbe combination ot good and had MumsD. r. f. ft Gerhardt, 2b 4 0 0 4 I I BOSTON TB. CINNCINNATI. an the ball, ending the match. Balph. tbe adopt- whoas time H. received. record. In rowing over the course at Greenwood Hnnd, . .. 4 Cnver. a. a. T. Fox.—Position and amendment ot 12:25; and Craig and Ullea. He did not take part play on both sides. The game waa opened by the p 401130 On Tbaisday, Aug. 30, a second victory was edson the Earl, runs on to thank tlm, and In Uorrlll, 3d b. a Snyder, c .- 4 0 0 C Z Z C.N. aarrsBT, Utlsa—Position la accepted. lo tlie Senior Senlleni nue, on tbe 9tb, when Rlley Lake, Rlley was stated to bave aooompUsbed tbe flelded out by Warner, Quest achieved by the Boatons, tbe fleldlng being flni- Twine tbe Plalden recognizee his bosom friend ot Hartrorde, who were 0>w>y. cfl.T.f 3 0 1 0 E. ABCBAMBADLv.—^Thaoka; will eramlna. came In flrat, maklsplthe faatest time nn record— distance in a quarter of o second less time; Brown, c... 3 10 which tbe and Kolan. The last pitched extremely wildly, class upon botb sides; but tbe way In J, Poiltlon accepted. tbe Acoodamla TlberxUa. Hearing bis story with 13 Courtney waa alao preaent at tbe regatta of the N'Icbols, lb., 2 0 1 6 0 0 U, Cook, Beniy.— .21^. but, there being gor>d reason tor doubting tbe to bis bikse on called bolls. home team bondled the bot wos o caution, they amazement, he declares he will Interest the Earl N, A. A- O., held at Philadelphia last year, winning, on he sending Harbldge oorrectneas ot tbe figures then given, tbe time to Totala.. .37 4 12 27 7 3 TotaJa.-.SS S S 27 11 3 tar excelling their opponents in this reepect. In his favor. Just as all seenui well, and the Aug. 22, the aeoond heat of the alniclea by over a mln- On tbe otber side, after Quest bitd been sent his In A BicErr match at Hew Bavsn, C^, lor *nbe c was rejected. Tbe contest at Saratoga, too, took 0 1 0 0 a-* t. 1B.P0.1-I. CINCINSATLT. R. IB.FO.AB. £arl has taken Twine Into bis Klzardo ute, snd then tDaklag tbe one and a hall miles Id base on called balls—Larklu trying to emulate BottoD 3 0 0 0 Boston, B. plonahlp of tha State.** Iiatwveo Meaan. Wbelahan aw aemce, place over water much leas adapted for alngle- Louisville U 0 3 0 0 0 0 • 0—3 Wright, 2d b a 1 2 6 4 0 Plke,c.r..... 4 0 2 0 0 0 lO'-SX- He did not row Id tbe flnal beat, withdrawing Kolan's pace—Allison, Corey and Burdock threw Atklna, the former scored ( games agalnat t, with Sdrawa. appears upon the scene; and here, when father, Runa earned—Boston, 3: Loulavllle, 2. Two-base hits- Leonard. Lf- 6 1 )|annlng.a.a 4 0 113 0 lo favor of Yatee- On the 23d, with Robioaon. he won the scull rowing than that which Rlley encountered In the second Inning Mr. Wbelahan is open to play anyons In tha Blat«b mother and son meet, occur a series of highly- out the next three moo. Sutton, Cnver. Struck out—Brown, Hague, Devlin (3), O'Rourke.cf 6 3 Joaea,!- t... 4 0 0 3 0 1 double-scull event, beating Ackerman and Rodger, Mc- at Oreenwood ; so that the winner'a performance tak- writea our eorreapondent Mr. Planoa. wrought situations, having an Intense and excit- Nolan Btlll kept up bis wild delivery, York Oerhardt (2), Crowley t2), Nlchola Flrat tiaae on balls- White, e.... 4 7 Addy,r. f... 3 0 0 I I 0 Millan and Mincua. Time, 9:28. Hla next race occnrred thla occasion ranks decidedly the beat. on ing his base on called bolls. Then Cossldy mode Shaffer. First base «n errors—Boaton, 1; LODlnvUle, 2. Sutton. as.. 4 2 Meyerle. 2b. 4 0 2 4 6 0 ing Interest. The Italian, having cnimlngly gain- Aug. 30 following, at the Centennial Regatta, when triumph gave Courtney'a oatlsfoctlon to tbe ma- Balls Bond, Devlin, 13. Strikes called-otT . Gould, lat b. 4 0 1 11 0 0 of No. 19. YoL B, that lh» ed the confidence of the Earl, endeavors by be won tbe fourth beat of tbe alnglea from Ackerman. a bose-hit, ond Taylor hit to Houu, tbe latter play- eollcd-oo 19; Bond, r. f. . 4 0 E. O. P. BBUBBB Oame U U jority ot the multitude, Judging from the enthu- Bond, 20; Devlin, 24. Double-plavs—Bond, Brown and Morrill. 3d b 4 1 Booth, p.... 4 0 0 I 4 I etb move of White, he bad played 34 to Bl, InaUad of 21I* threats to obtain his rights from bis deeply- taking the flrat heat of the aecond round on the31at, and ing a good point, York had to get to third on It Wright, I: Sutton, White and Wright, 1; Latham, 1. Brown, lat b 6 Foley, 3d b.. 3 110 2 0 22, Block must have "wilted.'^ alao the flnal beat, admlnlatering a consummate deleat to siasm with which was boiled and the frantic Cassldy's bit—or rather bis "sub" did, tor he wss wionged wife, and to ruin Balph, whom he has Passed balls-Browu, 1 Soyder, umpire, J. O. Sum- White, 6 Hastings, 0., 3 1 1 S I 1 J, McCartney. Time, 10:48X. Sept. I be and Robinson efforts of tbe crowd to get at him when be ; 1 W. p. met and duped. In the Earl's estimation; and too lame to run—and when Toylor bit to Houtz ner. 2b. lOm. won the double-scull price, Mratlng Ackerman and Rodger pulled ashore. Hearty congratulations were Time, RewlewB by Btr. 3. Iialiadl*. It Is then that Twine the Plalden, who Is In the latter- Courtney waa next beard of at Greenwood York ran for home. Had Houtz attempted to put Totals.. 41 9 16 27 16 2 Totals.. 33 a 8 27 16 3 showered upon him, and it was with great diffi- 1-9 In flams Ko. 6. Vol 26, at Black's 29tb move, ligruaa IB drawn Instinctively towards the woman whom be Lake July 14 last, when he waa to have rowed a match for the striker out, he would hove lost his chonoe to UVE OAK vs. RHODE I9L,AND. Boston 01120040 culty ttaot he prevented the attempts ot over- 0 0 0 0-a (whleblosU, IwoaldplayoafoUows: ultimately to his mother, endeavors s SSi:0 prize offered by the Greenwood Lake Sportaman'a throw out the runner going home. So be gave the An easy victory for tbe Itical nine was tbe result cinciBDati 0 0 a u 0 leoms be to earned—Boaton. 6: Clndimatl. X Two-baae hlta— Black. vnilta. | Black. jnstm. ; but It la alleged that at that zealous partisans to seize and carry him off Runa thwart tbe schemes ot Rizordo. The excitement Club noon ol day he drank a striker a life, and thereby prevented o run-in-the ot a game at Lynn, Mass., Aug. 29, between the 29..t2to2g SI to 12 |SS..lBtoa7 tltaS cop ot Iced tea which bad been tampered wltb by some bodily. Is bis wont, Charley bore his Wilfiht (2), J. White. O'Rourke,' Pike, Meyerle, Foley. when tells As honors proper woy to ploy in suc?i cases York being put Oaks and tho Rhode Island Olub, tbe latter being 30..90 28 12 17(1) 34..m B S • cnlmlnatM Blzordo the noble-hearted person, and (Tom tbe effects of which be became too lU — Struck out—Brown, W. Wbits, Jooea, Addy. QouldtBootb. with becoming and unusuol modesty; but it bad 31. .26 22 17 IS(a: 16. J3 37 • I* boy that he is threatening his own father, and ex- to row the nee. cutout at home-base. Oould ot the CIncinnails unable to do anything wltb Leary during the Flrat baae on balls—Addy. First base on errora—Boston, wss evident, from his solf-sotlBfied alr^ thot S1..22 IB 9 3 |36..a7 t U • the of his a similar chance in first Cincinnati game ; but fint six Innings, whils the Oaka knooked 1; ClnelnDatL 1. Balls ealled-on Wblte, 22: Booth, U. posing ehame own mother. The scene Jams H. RiLiTof Port Richmond, S. L, latwenty.nlne the Evans Drawn. he Inwardly rejoiced in the triumph he had throwing home, Strlkea colled-olf Wblte, 22; Booth, 20. Donble-plaiys— culminates In Blzardo Inducing Balph, who has years oi age, Alt. llSln. in height, and scaled some ISBi he put out tbe striker, and then, all over tbe field until the fourth inning, when achieved, more particularly as it would have Booth and Oon Id. L Paaaed l>aU—HaaUnga, L WUd pitch forged the Earl's name, to steal tbe forged bill. aa be stepped Into bta abell. For a number of year* ptv- let tbe run in. Better give two llvee on bases than he waa relieved by BevlUe, Carey being lame. Vs-.B 1 II -Booth, 1. WUd throws-J. White, 2. Umpire, J. O. SO.. s U a tendency to prove that Illness and not dread ot don't. I 19 Balph has confessed to Twine hla danger, and vlODsIy to beeomlng noted as an oarsman he realded In lAt o run in. Buns count, and men on bases LivK Oaic. t. a. la. po-a-B. R. ISL-LND. T. IL IH. PO-a-K. Time, 2h. 16m. 31.-30 18 u laa.. 1 tbs vldnlty defeat was the cause ot his failure to start at Sumner. how Blzardo met and led him Into gambling. of Saratoga, snd acquired proficiency with 'Save the runs" is the rule ot play. Better try v> Hawkei, 2b. 0 2 2 EraDa.p.,r. f. 4 0 0 3 2 3 An attempt bad bee& made by theae clube to Drawn. tbe bladea oy practice on the deep waters of the broad lake Oreenwood Lake, uid put a stop to the tongues of all Allen, 3d b.. i 1 1 I Sweaaej, 2b. 3 1 I 3 4 1 (a) Twine gets tbe bill and destroys It, as Blzardo, do this them to make them by batting ; and ploy on the prevtona doy, but o beavy toll ot roln bat alter be had proven hlmseir to be adept he waa taken In consequence ot said failure, hod Maaan,c t.. t 2 2 0 I'eaice. a. e.. 4 0 2 3 2 0 23 18 TsJ.-IS t Siaw thinking la those who. yearly analyaes this. I,arkln follow- be removing Balph from bis path, under tbe wing of the NeptuDS Rowing Club of ot play show Adoma. Lf.. 5 s 0 1 Re(l'r,r.L,3bt I I 1 1 1 <»mpelled tbe ealUng ol tbe game in the midst ol 33. .11 IS 19 Wen loudly asserted that he feared to meet a man who, hot grounder to right fires and wounds bis own son. Tbe bouse Is BrtghtoD, B. I., and la the Idol of that profRTealve organ- ed Taylor, and be sent a fi 4 10 Carey, ci... a 1 1 tbe score stood : Boston, menreftr irbU9, plojrttat tboagh bavlng been repeatedly beaten by blm, Leary, p..,, 2 0 0 0 tbe lourtb inning, when InOaBeNe.U,TcLa,S, 14th third base. 1 . . . I alarmed. Twine accused of theft, Blzardo ex- ization. The rtcst la which he bta participated, aalde centre, on which he secured bis He ReUy.r.r.... S 1 0 Stone, I. f 4 0 0 1 0 0 Cincinnati, 0. Bose-blts—Wright, a : O'Bourke, Wblte. Black. , greatly Improved, while Charley hiul fallen 6 ; ^ from tboae here recapitulated, will be found enomeiated hod ran directly over second base without touching It, Sweeney, lb. & 2 a_ 0 Flrtn.lstb.. 3 0 0 a 0 1 1, Errors—Sut- i4..3itaaa 11 tola li7.-BtoU utoia poses Ijulj Helen to her brother, leaving the ' 1; Button. 1; Uorriu, 1; Foley, In the sketch of Courtney'a career. On Aug. 24, 1875, be off In pace. Alter the race, Biley staled to tbe TtaompioD.c. 6 1 13 I Petnon, c, 3 0 0 7 1 S U..19 10 ( U I18..U • Dmm. Zarl, however, lo Imagine that It was a miserable but not a man ot the visiting nine appeared to be ton, 1; Monnlng, 3; Jones, 1; Meyerle, 2. J. O, won the Junior Bcnila at the Saratoga Regatt^dolng the referee that he bod been fouled by Ploieted Tlerney, a. a. 4 0 0 3 BevUle,3b, p 3 0 0 1 3 3 16..2J 22 18 19 I liaison between blm and his sister, and Twine is watching thla Importont point; and, no appeal be- Bumner umpired, , —^ two mllea. torn. In I4:Q0K- being the aame time he had (their oora striking), and asked that the race be Oame Ma 18, YoL 96, at Whiter noi movt, itayS l» mode to confess he Is the boy found by Usaslmo. ronrtney. ing made, Larkin kept bla baae, two men being Totala-. .42 11 14 Totals.. .34 a B 37 13 12 21.toUowadbylOtoa,andWbltadratra. made when betten st tbe aame regatta by He ordered to be rowed over; but that officio], oon- 27 17 9 _ I^y Helen taints, and Twine, tblnklng tbe sight defeated Latbrop. Ackerman, Boblnaon, Tompklna. Orr sent home by the hit. The next two were finely Live Oak...... 4 0 2 3 0 2-11 f;HICAGO TS. ROCHKSTBIU OameNa lA.ToL 31,atWblta'a Hh man, Or lltoB loul. It foal leally occurred, 10 and Man. Aiig. 31, at Troy. X. T., he won tbe flrat heat of elderlng that the was fielded out played a model game, a Rhode Island.. 0 100—2 (which lost), play Iboa: Ot her shams has killed her, that he is the living by Mack, who 00001 There was some very line irork done In a game . the Senna by fiinr lengths In 9:24K(beston record), beat- unintentional, and did not binder either man, Earned nna—Lira Oak, 3- Two-baae bita Mason, BhwB. White. Block. WhU& brand ot dishonor upon a noble house, breaks hot-line fly-boll eotch eliciting merited applause. — between the above clubs at Bochester, K, T., Aug, I ing .Ackerman and J. W, RandaJL Be waa twaten bv while he was satisfied that Courtney, who hod Leary. Struck out—Evana (2). Pearce, Keaaler (2), Carey, 9.. XI to 30 lio-.utaai ast^i* from the window Into a pelting snowstorm. The On the Indianapolis side, in tbis Inning, Molon ao, but the "hett" of it was on the eide ot tbe Chl- Courtney In tbe flnal. Sept. d, at Seneca Lake, with Lef- kept well clear of the others, won on his merits, Firtb (2), Pleraon, Sweeney, Tleroay, Flrat baas oo errore Wblta wins last act Is short, and embraces the pursuit of led off wltb a two-base bit, and, in runninground, flelded nan aa partner, be was beaten by J. K. Oatrom and C- C. disallowed tbe claim, and declared tbe race in bis —Uve Oak, 6; Rhode laland, 4. Flnt base on called bails oagos, wbo, tboagh outbatted, grandly flams Ho. 21. Vol IC at 14th move lor XlaA, play t» Blzardo by a cleverly-conceived character, Sig- King In tbe palr-oarad raca. On the 9tb he won the he, too, toiled to toucb first base: but bis oppo- LiveOak, 2; Rliodelaland, 2. Paaaed balls—Tbompaon, Pneat wins. lavor. — and won by two runs. tor » to 9, and ar. De Bor Tito, connected with the Itollon secret po- Senior Sculls and Watklna Challenge Cnp, doing the two nsnts were blind to the point, ond on Flint's aofe Plerson. 2. Wild throera—Revllle |2). Pleraon, Rellly, ROOHXSTBO. T. B. lB.ro.A.B. Conuoo. T. a. lB,rojt.>- miles, turn, in 15:10, and heating Cbarlea Prancla by al- Wild pitch-Revllle, I. Double-playa lios, and tbe searcb for Twine, Massimo hav- The result ot this contest csimot but be re- grounder be went to third. Two men on earned Evana — Pearce, Brady, 2d b. 4 0 3 Eden, r. t.. 6 0 10 13 "Fol. SS. most a minute. In Anguat, ISre, be won the Senior Sweasey and Flrtb, and Allen. Hawkes and Sweeney, Um- a»ine No. a«. ing made all clear to the Earl, who is now garded by experienced boating men as aettllng bases and none out ought to hove yielded a run Casklo, 3b.. 6 0 1 MeVey, p... 6 "LAIRD AND LADT." Scnila at Saratcga, beating Julian Kennedy by alxteen and pire, Uenry Murphy, Time, Ih. 40m. I..,. 4 0 4 ADaon,c..,. 6 •sger in bts command ibat tbe boy should be conclusively the point so long In dispute between but none of the following batten tucked up the Luff,c White, Black, a hall aeconda, Yates and Ackerman. Tbe two mllea, torn, 1 10 Peters, a B.. S Black, looiuL Twine, fainting his tbe newly-fledged professionals, not esteeming base-hitters. did not even moke a sacrifice- JuoklDB, lb. 4 Mr.Labadla Mr. T. Mr. IiBbodl^ Mr.? from wound, - were made by blm In ]3:2l)j[. which haa remained tbe They Eennedy, e. 4 I 10 Hlne^Li... S gen through ibe snow. Fmding himself pur- beet on record. Donng tbla time Rlley bad been declared the alight blndranoe to which Blley was sub- hit, ball to the outfield for a fly- ST. IiOinS TS. I. .11 to U 23 to 19 II..I6I0S~ ttO » or send a long BUCKETS. ShaUaek, r.f 4 0 0 Bamaa. Id b 4 — 8 a- by the Executive Committee of the National Aaaodatloo jected Plaisted early intbe rtbce as given run-in. 2.. 8 11 17 a..29 sued, be changes shoes wltb an old woodman, and by having any catch, either of which would have a On Aug. 28 the St. Louis Browne showed np In Dixon, a a.. 4 0 I Eggler, e. r. 4 .19 Ineligible aa ar. Hinttenr oaramaa: but anbaequently hla 3.. 9 13 17 14 23.. 10 IS makes for tbe chestnnt-tree under which bis bearing upon the result. They were upon equal Instead, two ot them struck out, and the third Columbus, O,, and, in company with the Buck- Tipper, L r. 3 a 0 Bradley, Sb. 4 13 case waa reopened, and that decision was reversed, and 12 0 4..I0 ai 14 24.. 7 19 1 Brest uncle terms, it may be sold, ot the end of holf the jour- "foul" by 6tart. In the tbird eyes, gove the people Burkalow,p. 3 0 I Glenn, latb. 4 3 expiated his disgrace, ond when he he waa relnatated. However, Junt before the N- A A. O. was captured on a of that ploce o chonoe to see 6., 19 26 23 »..I1 U 9 nrBt saw his ney; within tbe next baU-mlle, Blley for a few retired in order. Quest of best 6., 4 a 9< 30 .16 mother. With the only remaining Regatta on the SchoylkUl last year, charges were again inning the Hortfords were some the playing they ever enjoyed. The 90 18 8 Totala., ,41 8 8 3017 12 u TotaU..,9a 1 4 7.. a 10 26 21 2r..u aa bird in bis breast, and mnrmorlDg happy days preferred against blm, and tbe committee suspended blm moments headed Courtney; and if be could have throwing one out, McSorleydlspoelngol tbe aeoond Bucks got an unearned run In the flnt and the Rochwter 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0—1 untu eucb time 8„I0 IT 31 14 a..i4 IB at the Aecadamla, be .sinks Into a torpor as the aa the cbaivea could be InveaUgatcd. won at oil, he certainly had the opportunity to by a pretty catch of a foul-fly at third, and Bocap Browns three In the second Inning. Force ChlcaAO ...... 0 0 0 w0 -0 0- 0- -1 -2-3- Thla prevented bla taking part, aa a ot the Kep- 9„ I a 2» 26 2>..21 •1 bird rises from his boeom with a painful cblrmp, member do so, aa there was naught to prevent save making a eplendld throw in from tight field to first coined off tbe honors for tbe Browns, bla playing SbliM cailed-otr Borkalow. 28: McTey. 17, B^la called tooe CiDb, Id said regait nor did paitielptte Id 10.. • 10 21 30. JB t 1 falls o he the except the superior prowess ot the otit. tbe indlanapo- Borkalow, 16: HcVey, 17. Paaaed balla-Eeonedy. and bsck dead. Heantlme. be has been Centennial Regatta, which followed. proteat and man base, putting the etjilker On ot short ond base-running being very fine, Sulli- —on II. .10 17 14 11.. 9 a The not baaea-Caakln, I : Lnff, 1 ; Junkina, tracked by the scattered bird-seed; Bl- who was opposed to blm, and who wss ca- three bases, and on on 1 : Anson, 1. Left on S2.J0 1* and as being properly snpoorteil by evidence, Rlley waa allow, Ua side, Larkin was hit for van, MoCormickond KeUy doing the nice work 2: Baraea, aienn,L 12.. 18 22 18 1; Burkalow,!: Eden. 2: Anaon, 2; 33 lordo, who is the fint to find him. Is about to ed to comiiete In the Amateur Itentta at Greenwood poble ot making the pace hotter than he did; error by Horbidge orun was scored, York dosing for the Bucks. Dlion, Eden, 1; McVev, 1; Petera, 1; 13..U 17 struck out— 1; 34.. I salxe blm, be meets with the retribution be de- LaJie In October laat. On the 7th be and Eeator had a therefore, tbe cilk foolishly indulged In by fly-catcb. T. «. IB, 14.. a 8 s 34 6 s the inning by a pretty double-play on a BUCIUTE. T. B.1B.F0. 1.1. 8T, Lotna, PO.A.a. Hlnea, 1 ; aiean, 2: Plrat baae on called bails Cs tkln , L walk-over for tbe donble-acnll prise, doing the two mllea, 16. .17 21 30 26 33.. 1 w serree, and Twine the Plalden Is saved to know some . of the loser's partisans, to the effect that, close of the third Inn- Kelly, c 4 0 Dorgan, 4 0 0 0 2 0 lilts-McTey. 1; Barnes, 2. Dmplrs, Eagsne This left tbe scores at the c Two-baae • 16. .22 as 36 (2 . a II 1 atralgbtaway. In 12:27J( : and on the 9tb, wltb Jollan Ken- Bnrae, a. a.. 4 0 1 Clapp. of... 4 0 that his mother may own him, that he may be a hod he been nlven a free course from the send-off, ing ot a to 1 in fovor ot the Hortfords. In KlmbaU. •22 37. 1 nedy as mate, be won the palr-oared race, tieatlsg W, H. Pabor,l-r... 4 0 0 McOeary. Sb 4 17. .26 30 17 .a * bleaalng and not a shame to the woman who bore J- he could have won. Is not worth listening to. That the fourth inning York and Cossldy opened 18. .21 26 17 13 S.. 8 I» Downa and E. Euath of tbe Atalantaa, and Ed. Smith Salllvon, lb. 4 1 11 Croft, I f.... 4 him. Wltb a loving cry ot "Ula Uadrel" hla and Fred Eldred tbs Argonautaa; Blley made a moet determined struggle, and with bsse-blts, Taylor's bit to rlght- IiOUIS'VTI.l.E ws. RHODE IHUAITD. 19.. 9 10 14 9 39. .U t u of dUtance, two and on Calllhao, cL 3 0 2 Force, a a. . . 4 14 IS 9 head alnks upon her breast and the curtain falls. mllea: time, 13:2t0£. Overtures were, snbaeqnently to gamely pulled one of the hardest ot stem-cbsses, shon o ploy occurred In which It become doubt- Btrtet2d b.. 3 0 a Hatlln. 2d b. 4 The Louisville Olub were In Providence on Aug. 20.. 6 • 11 at thla point Blaak plays 29 to 23LwehaieaBS Tbe oast embraced George Leiich ss tbe hero, J. tbe Centennial Regatta, made for a mateb-raoe t)e- is certain, and ue Is deserving of all praise for ful In the mind of Mathews — the umpire — Spence.Sdb 3 0 0 Blong, r. f.. 4 30, when they took bold of tbe home team, and tween him and Courtney, bnt the latter paid no at- game given, aa PcsltloB so. 34, this wasL Crawford as Blzardo, and Mrs. E. D. Lyons as the gallant fl£ut he node; but he and bis friends ss to whether the ball struck Cossldy while McCorm'k. p 3 0 0 Nichols, p... 4 byoutbatUng tbem woira good game by three tention to them. However, opoD tbe matter being lb 3 Barnle, r. r. . 4 0 0 Oeblman, 020 local nine was I*dy Helen^ broached again early tbe present Bummer, the Green- sre wrong In endeavoring to detract from the he ron post Quest, or the latter bod muffed runs. The only dot secured by the victor. Ur, Delafleld ot and Blone gettlngflrat BolmUoB or PoUUoB So. 83, V«l. wood Lake Sportsman's Club olTerlng a valuable prits, credit due tbe tbe Nep- the boll. Nolan appealed, Mothews tben Totals.. J2 I 127 19 8| Totals.. .3S 3 3 27 is 4 obtained In tbe eecond Inning, bt a. n. LTMAB. A KovnTvm Pistols.—The Istett thing ofwblehwe and other Inducementa being held out to tbe men, tune Club expressed a desire to motch Blley violoted tbe rules by going to the field and Buckeye 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g— on on error of Bnyder. and a two-baaef by Flrtb White. I Black. Whita. have heard In tbe line dsienslTS weapons sppesra a match waa made. The rcault la too well known against Courtney, to row within ten days over the Quest ss to the 0-3 btm Their fleldlng waa anperlor. Black. of to questioning Cossldy and ball's St. Louis 00300000 sending borne. L.ato 9 3Sta24 l4.JStal9 Utsll combine aboat many ftdvanuuieii as it la .poBslble for to need lengthy reference here. Courtney waa not able same coune, or o atzalghtowoy three miles, to dedored It did not, Two-baae bl^Blong, 1. Baae bits—Bucka, i : St. Looia, LoinaviLis. a-loraa-B. Rbodb iBiajrcB- loro-a-B. touching him. Cossldy ana I.. 9 14 XI ao a..U hunan BkUl 10 put iidsII to row the race, and Rlley pulled over tbe course and wtfl 3. Btraek ont-CroiCForee, Bsttln, Blong (2), Nichols, 1 6 a Evana, r. f 1 4 I B tcgetherin ao acompsaa. It la which Courtney la understood to have respond- Quest didn't, ond Mathews decided Cos- Nlchola, 9d b.. a a 18 2D 16 S,.U IS arat-pwkvt nToWer, All-rtebc PlRsrau awarded the prlza. The reaDltofthatflaaoo led to theget- thoughtlt peblman, MoGeary. tlmplre, Frank Fleet- Time, lb. OSm. 8weaay,3d b.. 0 a 8 S.,14 I mad* l>r tbe ed that he will nw Blley eucb a race on right to question either 112" Black wlna ooopuy. a new eoDceni In Lawieoca, iTiaa, and la tlng-up ot tbe contest of laat week, the result ol wblcbbaa sldy not out. He hod no 3 Peaiee,aa..,. 0 I I will pull point iaPff*?,^::: 12 known SI tha-Uttl«An-rtKbtReTolier." AllbonghKodl- enabled people to form a twtter opinion regarding the cor- Seneca Lake, or be two racea, one a bsse-runner or a fielder on any of ploy In- Devlin, p oil Eeaaler, e. f... 1 0 0 mlnntlTS tbu It rcetnesa ol the eeveral reporta MVTUAI. ws. DIPPOUD. eon bs cairlnl In tbe vesUpocket withoat aa to tbe cauae of that on the latter sheet of water ond the other volved base-running, or to decide on eucb testi- . 0 Cory, p 0 0 4 In ployed on 25 Shaffer, r, f. 10 Bolntlsm of !' <«tililget 01 tbe omul alieiNo. affair ending ta It did. at Saratoga. Aa the loeer'a trlenda appear anz- that the ball touched Cas- A very Intereeting gome was Aug. Gerhardt, latb. 0 0 14 Stone, 1, f 0 a O J5f7.^??**"?i mony- Either he sow BT J. M. DTKBa, » loree eqosltotbatot an Fbbd Puisrwn la a native of Saecarsppa, near Port- between tbe Mutuols ot Beaver Fails and tbe 3. Firth, lat b... 1 10 0 SjSI.—**^?"*.*'^*.""*" a loua for another trial. It Is probable that a aldy plainly, or be did not It he waa not aure, Ciover.a i..,. Oil White. Black. White, »'"- It la aluo provided land. Ha, where he flnt saw llefat Nov. 1, 1849, la 5lt- Dippold of Baden, Fa., restUtliig In favor ot the Snyder, e, 1.,.. 0 10 l>iirgaii, o 0 9 0 J55J?SIiSl'.*'itIi£'L*'"«".'" match will be arranged and decided soon. The be ahould bave aald "Notoutf at once. If be had to 11 7tol0 9. .Bta 34 19taB mrjtoit sccldeDt,ud Hsmana- UXln-ln stainre. and scaled leisr He went down to tbe Mutuols. Crowley, e 0 1 6 Bev&le.3db,.. 0 1 I I, .19 fsotonnelslmtbttSS!,5SJl ir.i^t5?^It la majority ot those Interested In aquatic mat- read rules ottentively, be would not a.. 4 8 U 9 a.. 1 6 tbs moat rapid repestlnic arm sea In a big ahip when quite young, and eontlnued to make the new MuTOaL. B-lB-rt DirroLs. B.lB.ro.A-s .Wbilawla^ tere l

September 8, 1877.

A bejcabkable Sooobsb.—Kme. Modleska,wha OOB Okwaoo, Iz,u. oorreepondent, -wa- da IS HBHORUM. hss twen In OaUfomla about tour months, of Sept. 1, wrote as follows BIHIBIAH-BBBf DB BAB. Oietl Sept. 1, 1877. made tbe AdripbL Bdmond (lemon's l90 BAR FMiSOBOo iDxstBXLB began their >J B. Is. Dawenportt her debnt on the Amenean stage at the Oaltfomla At OimhlnaUoa bom Tax IMed A«K. as. 187T. foa ras H«w tobx oMPraa, civeo -The Flog or Honor** durlnc the past week to thirteenth consecutive season In this dtyAug.Ti wonraa Theatre, San Fnndsoo, Aug. aOL The motive for mS Another addad to the allaot nnmber. .... OhTnddest. steme^ .play of all, notlnewi. Itlairomtbapeaol b'EnnetT.aniborot ''nas management ot Blr^ Wam- doln^r that her husband had aod la oader the conttnaed oSftS "hSt lot teO honors ih>«5 Inwblch the enrtahi Is a pall, her so waa pnr- Two Orphans,** teourleil lo have acblavnt i hhimjl RECORD. l ll t riamner. call ; bold k Psi-kny- The company Is anpatan a y WraaiMd Id oiantle of alsro^ Another onswcia to tby cbased arancheand had been bearlly swindled St ths Imperial (niawlet Tim-ie. Pari-. Vbawhavw THEATRICAL • a stiaat. S^TtotSfcItF. we iem«rh.d to tha hoWcy the satne as that ot tbe past season. Alter the fiS tSublSsSol re«s peacelUlly Another, wbo hath played hla part Id the trauroction, and the lady, to pay off some been Its nntrepraenitlo aInAm-rica ItUl.iflveahan wbo, as sncb holdeis, was om- sang the hass- algbt bad «aae« Wlthpntpoaeblgb, seta, and deala with tbe time of B inaparte*! advana aeason tltftet. unA evertute. H. W. Frlllmaa I mental Incambnnce on the property, appealed to the tJiontre opening A veteran dead HU rugsed paths of Art ui>«m and nitreae IWim Mo.s:*iw. Tbl« to aaenS OTery poifotmniioe, tHat tbo In the Oradle ot the Deep" Fo?Sirnihrbrforehbi.plrtt pa«i*d.«ay; Who trod the manager of the (^Iromla Theatre to give her on p av depicts the Kept songentlUed "Bocked nnalded. Tea wen to dla. special bravery or ooe panlcniar rseimmt. and tha mine In Snmmer-tlmsUltvas nplooes Carl Tetonr ballel can «atwly eraw. lovia wotildbeabts with good effect: W. Baymond. who engagement, which, altera deal ot hesitation and and trials ufolew inembere of It. Frin -oLs Mandnln langht Did he make tbe welkin advantageously This tTaoaroraatlon Into llfelcu clay. We atand to-day with bated breath loVM OB ieet DldTe BudoTph as second tenor, was called Death. with many doubu and fears, was Oiutlly accord- and labelovcdby Uarle. Tliediat act sees Uie presenta- Bpplaass at our To irstch the tiscedy tion Willi hit lond and ptolonged "Till the Clouds Oo By;" Charles OormaBehaaloiitnin ™"l»'»*''!"fJ?r^h„M.. the olr. ed her. She appcired entirely nnhemlded, to of tbe flag of honor to tl»e n-sinteot by the " malt tut nne heard in tbat Fame upholjhwilh pride. No aound of muAe brooks J*" ijaiBiT iitilii—il I Instead, ha east tipon nsa FiomVntthe etown maidens ol the village, and the bora' comical UtUe WtJ No Backus sang a oomlcal ditty called "The Absent- erir cold sort cniol. plaudits ring, nofootllchts irlaie. use tboatrlcal phraseology. Our San Francisco ileiisrinie lortiM dlagnst, and caUM And no^ oJSh'a band, tbouri Ko war. Francois has a rival In PreOrrfck Wolf •ho. wltlierlns looker contempt and minded Blan;" D. B. Wambold, who was in excel- Ben De Bar has died. But tnotloDlesa tbe player theie correspondsnt, writing on Aug. 2d, thus reviews moved Sccmi doobly «o since XJpaloosy and a desire fur reveoge.di-erts lila anofflcertoIUtosontl ItBlreatisa good deal suchteUlog Is lylDV low. Eother* lent voice, song "LttXle Daisy" with of royal her performances, snd appends other news idamoWoii, Ills luntiT. that the bouse In A cenial bnmor bU, la this which hides his face. ud c and Jnlnii the Autiiaa Of Dleasnie to learn b; cable were by no means satis- wi^th eleetrle mirth._, What mask At the (^ailfumU Tbeatre."AdrleoDe Leconvfeor.** anew Jbe play than luliowa effect that the auditors That ahook the playhonne |r of Ita wonted grace? ^^y- . ibe TlcU-Mludm nf the rest. Oomelllo. the Rencb dramatist, encore; Billy and thouchta jrow graver. Which robs trsnMlatlnn from ths French, wsa pmlnceil Aug. 21. the which Plerro fied otter he bod responded to an Ah I nnlle* will ptaa sway, l'\!L!^.''"»' attempted iMit alwa^vsdpfi-atedtmEti- rwtorod. The earth. Alas: we know occasion beloe the debut ot Msdame (Counteaa eriesof was bom, at Bonen, has beon Birch's comical song of "I'd Choose to be a When we reflect tbstho bu gone from ModUeeka FnrderlckWoir.the m.inia;ie of Mane and Pran- never more we shall behold on tb" American 'tape. thr.ifrlcal trrlier la cou. and the latter's cable tails to Inlonn tis whether It was a laughter, and he wss and may you thmoch the portal That Boirntal The rapid priMnntlnu to tlw rank of can. Baby" elicited considerable Farewell, old O-lend; features lIuMed as of "Id. oa the victim of moral cowardice when Justice demands erai. Thethicadoftha the part ot tho thief, or a traoqnllly t t oeace; Tho siorrlaofthe silchieu texture case of remorse on encoied: a. BusseU. who replaoee W. H. Of rarer tceoea pa«a are rigid crown nod oild. should bestow an amount ot limits of LADIES'. propertji and no J. a world Immortal. Which now that he praise tbe '"Wiervnt, and senreHlhe pnrmaoT Tolantary auirender of the sang "When the 'Moon And.ln the aunllght of these the eyes that Oaslird with dre which are e^ceeillnitly wide. shrinks prmlslnir f'.'.".S' """"'IL"" Xn lOnT. SUule Baddlir. CalTia Hamilton, barltooe, happloeai that cannot ceaae. Are He fmm eroWlloirt a£dTiSl» auatlous asked." A man who wants to estab- voice, but Dwell 'mid a When passion rei(;nen— without qualia-'atinn unless lie should ha auspected ?ii,'S?rk''°.V!",".»" I Garland, Oraca Hardinp with Olory Brightens." He has a good "'SKsls so well flned.and a«om Mra. Jaa. here called last week to ask died at half-psBt six o'clock Tues- Tbat softened under sweet dealre being Incapable of dlsccmmeot. and ha seeks (or expres- fS. Ji^-.^H.^i S". *"'"E''' ABeii,Jiad. (otaw- OUmorv, Alice BovIrT, lish a akatorlal rink It soems a llttls worn and lacks firmness at BEX DE BAB erfecta. v«y nkctv that at his residence, in 8L tVhen love wsa sained? sions of more than *inllnary (nrcoand sl^-ilrtc-tncc- for ihe Ei.riST? FimukfV^,?i, Skirr.aPi'w'-JL"'"!^"'' ^ urn. Rom * WUUs D. (31 adTloe. Without hesitation we embraced day mnmlng, Ang. », !. The III rd .ict Is eiven up to blo««r> our Umes, capedally In soatennto passages. The rhn Hps. so mute snd white, are sbsolntely o Oaetiie (oT Hcrrise. Fannie Banaom. Alice vehemence as though he bad Louis, Mo. The readers ot The (Jlippeb have ol- Are these reason that thev demanded by the extreme lleUdlvertlaement. lo which Miles, li RoiaS LetMr- ADen. Minnie man with the same finale consisted of a railroad overture. Introduc- Tbat thrilled oa with a fresh Helielit, beauiyof ti'e actlne hewonid describe. Tlils seven AUen'aPtant.Co.) Wjet euten Ralofenl, with mole on bis off. ot his sudden Illness while poweraml neur. cnodconphece and a c<>ri« de tiallet, eie. been a long.Iost bioiher a Oalop" aud "Pretty Peggy." ready been Informed spoke In Brutus' lofty speech. relation between brilliant Blaode. Edltb llaxlow. Rom (p.o. Bomelir, Mad. ing "The Champagne That Is *he cue with the thn actlnjrof Mme. ciiie some dances. The costumes werant fmh cheek- ekatlOK sounded so. cooUdk and In New Tork a mouth aso, and of bis subssquent the crafty OTcircacb? terms In wlileh tastefully Brookx. Xn. Sat« m. E. Indlea) Marie be^aee The dialogues betirsen the end-men—Charles That voiced ModJeskaand the your correspondent, wbn deslcn and rth. Tb, e-S'^JJ^'S^aSrS? him still more when he removal to Louis. On the moming ot the 28th IstherenotlilD/t tousleft?— would do It comr.reteJuHilce. feels thatbeonghtio speak J. Wailac<) lookedond Bnonan.BmiDMli' HaiTlaoo. Alice j Richard.^ Tli^lnlB retreehlns. We admired Backus, tambo, and Billy Birch, tiones—and tbe 8L And J acted r.n B-mspattTirarvSy Hfiwaiil.Xande(o( faetreM) the opinion that tbe ntw he wss placed In a rocking-chair for a few mo- Of honor Is he now bftvtt; ofiL The Isdv was Intrtnlnced simply to (III a cap of one r^sllstle manner: Francois wsa wen Betmoat^UHlnoSc solemnlT ezpreesed Interlocutor, Bob Hart, witn which the fliet- past Uune in Wm. UoviL Eoldene'a Co.> BJcdmond'a Ca, This remlndod us ot was returned to his bed tbe Or shall wo say that sU Is vrcek. prior to the appearance of Rose EytloKe.and the Frederick by Frank Foswortb. Pathl^'Ani™ Bnorlar, Xtj. Smlc-U be a nns minklef part was Interlarded, oontalned many freeh wit- ments, and when he couDtless caitt h^'SS: Jeaume. Fannia MaoARf Ada "Thehattnclc'U ault alarmed his attend* ElDce he bas Joined Death's geoernl opinion retnrdlne her was onAivorabl^. ftn the bam. and ;Ba|>lU Miaaas StoM Otttttriaa people 1" We falrl; rolled In an ec- the oUo. onta that they called Mrs. Do Bar and Mrs. rest JsnaoKhck'5 Ca, am.Londan,Engi had been frequently beard before. In That Death con never wholly dim nl^ht and for the of the week standlnR.room has and Denning. The piece will be ur*si*a*pj an.,>'iar week. Sophia we read In a French paper ter, a danghter ot Mr. De Bar by his first wife. acceptable. local call Maaac. Bain. Mn. siaey of delight when Johnson and Powers as "The Cincinnati Hams Tbe laiitie ol an honored nauw. been conaldered The ^tlca the Tlie Texas Jack (>)mblnaUon SrpL 10 .... "Babr'* at Mo- Jimmy, we dee. the paUent, who smiled cooflrmed that naHOLXailam Jagper.Vatle disc. (why, ot amrte, we read French. gave grotesque songMndnlancee. and later a They were reongnlzed by Mere prccloos far than all his fame event "the most dramatic triumph ever Virker'shas made a hiL Ifo benn bis l.-ii.,iiiliafmite Stanler, Mande In roldsL" The Snittblnvpresenied for con- OooMllr; Kta. Kenvon, I*ld» pise the mean way you have ol wringing In your caused much laugh- faintly, gasped, and passed away without a strug- nie memory wblib he leave* i>*.hlnd. o ter and a recall of the performers : Bob In scqnlrlngthe Etnllah lanraace In the neao«ot (^tliyaa aslawi«ds'sls, Ohm*, AdeUlda Ln. Xiilam In Bocbefurt. And brain. Mr. De Bar's Illness Theae were tlis virues of our f- lend. boa accomplished and mod la 01 pii onr aeted - been glTlns performaneea astrono- softening of the La Bsc, Mn. ma St. Mar. Belle delivered a burlesque Iscttire upon la an end. space of Dine moolhs. and everyone was astonished at the by tbia oompany. Mr. McViekmnvo on nncuioaprw,- oaAoii,Ada part ot the article which having brought forth many new and Inter- Whoso earthly role at Chamben* Aocns- St. Fellk, Clemen- when we came to that my, using tor lllustratlan a omlcal chart. Wbo shaped his course upon ths plan sceiirscy and flnenev with wblcb she spoke it. Her eno n- entarion ol the tutor TmcT (.'ooeh. JoMph Whadock tine escape ot Uts lion, and how he esting phsses, ths leading pbysldans of ths iraicla.ir dlstloer. and net Immlred by a aeted the "Babr," Willie Rl. Paul, - to Lanrde, Kittle told about the a He was frequently Interrupted by laughter or laitlre to Ida lellow-man clatlon sod mu cx-xlloat.v welL Bar. Leontlne. lit. Felix, Madam wlth- pos^mnrtem examination naturally pecnllnr acceninatlon, and her distribution of ty -tL Cllftoo. Blanche MUe. roamed the streets until he was recaptured and applause. Rlcardo, attired in a loablon- city determined on a Wbo actod life's evtnUol play Pcannn ployed Howard l'.vil with InlmltaUs Utebell. Hassle RhaaleTr'Mephlne autopsy showed that It wss al way. tho empliaaiB was i>erteoL Bhs haa a veiT melodlons mock dignity; Botand Reed, who made on ont dolog blmaell or any other penon In- able suit of white muslin, ornamented with ot the bnun. The In honor aod In truth rlnsonaslon Omao, (let-l Veil. Hnae In every shiftlns psrt. voice, dfted wltb a variety of pleasinic modnlatlnos gh- hl« first appranace In Cblca^m, cave Oliver M-mOl With fltp-nap, . alighted on the size. Its wsight being SIH And held. intchell. SatwTB, Inry, we turned a silk embroidery In imitation ot brlgbt-oolor. above the avenge cspablanf Lottie Blisdie (dentlOe deserlptlan of bis disease His manhood dearer tliao bis art. pmredberstll tobesnscirtvaofgreatencivy. dueeflecl: nairrLeedld well what llttio wtu rwinlred of Mar.Btta Betmo, Sadie broad ot our back, with both ehouiden a-touch- fiowets. song several of the latest songs ounces. Tbe meltlnr the heart and electrilVlnfr tlie mind. She hss him as Charley Atklna. The Mrs. Oliver M.iaaiu DeBM.'iiaaslilne ed Po, while tA.day we stand and gaxo irfLania Blaacbe XoRtmer, Brtelle Romexa. Alice Ing the ground, ana gave vent to our ^atrlotlo ot the is "atheromatous degeneration ot left middle fine lotuitlona, and lonv experience on the Prdl«h stace Doowas wellcustumedanraBd Fanny DKler. Mn. Trar Boliblna' Ctr.) Tajlor.~ Marian er power ofexpreaslnn Is remarkable. The scene at her Price as Mary OraRon and Mndairm Aurelia was uineness ot the Ammcan ckaracter ot the show witty remarks imielved thrombus in affeded artery." Deceased was a Can claim the better part ol him eredltably SeAlTlamitanOB Maro,Ena(I> Voa UDlen, Bo- and his eomlc-sonffs and parting with her lover, Maorlce De Raxe, In the third act. rendered. MI.M1 Alice If oatlnas nnde her rt-st were quickly the recital ot the live lion Mason ot good standing, bsvlog been a member thoogh our eyes with leara be dlo, sppearanes Oearten. Fiannle McLangtilln, Mr*. tha ac dispelled by appropriate recognition. Two familiar sketchee. And and also In the last act. when he letoms to her In time to In Chicago as Suean. aod seema to have nil tho iteoesary years. faith shall teach ue still to aee Wood*. Annie (ro- let loose In the streets, not was American all out. Happy Fami- ot Missouri Lodge No. 1 tor the post twenty nur witness Illness, her delirium, and her death, theJoy, the requirements of a lively chambermaid. Da«eBpoit. Unda reprodneed under the titles of "The of Death'a traeedy. her "Bsbv'* will run inner.'°Mn. Ade- The French people took In the escape as It It was Backus. HisremalDswsre taken in charge by the frater- The beauty anenlsh look and gesture, were more affecting than any- auotberweek. Edwin Booth Inlrows ...Mi-^Mory DtT«Te,LldaA ly" and "Our Babies." were well acted by for us to know hla memory of Cary lalde Weeton, MacRle funeral ceremonies. And sweet else tbat remember to have seen. baa presented "Poor all OaAtrU, unie real, and attar that the dreus was thronged Uke Birch. Hart, Johnson. Powers. French and Ohas. nity, who conducted the An shallow mars, thing of the klod we Jo" or tho i4st wwk to Medina, MIm X. VTallace SMm, hall No soccesslvo cbsnges ot conntenance had the palntul- lalr twslDCas st llooleya Thmtre The DeBtenb Any It was a tree-lunch of frogs' legal We do hope attendance was quite llbsraL Imposing catafalque was erected In the large Tbat he has Joined that rlorinus company The p'eoe plan .IIeBaiin.Xlle. ye(M>n« Annie Afeatof_ Qlbbons. Ths ness of absolute reality, and at the death of AdrlMine rather better than **Chesney w«»ld " Mls4 t'erj |q that our foreign relations now here will not go to ot tbe Masonic building, and on the moming ot Where all are sta-s!—VASDVks Bsows. ^ adlldl«.LUUa PhUlIn AdeUtde Wehrter. Fluieuoe JOHy E. MAODOsovOH Is to produce hlsnsw women were mored 10 tears aod men smse (torn their titular role gave a sulBcleiitlr realhulc plci»re er the Tragedian." at the tbe a9lh tbe body ot the late ncror was placed be- E. DAvx^tpoBT died at his country resloence. BDi% UaOie 6c WbllBn. Mkl see Sothem In "The Crushed play "Secret Bervlce" at the Qrand Opera-house L. seats .ind brttko the sdllners of the house with aeplansa. wretched cjosalnc-'sweeper nf Tiim'sll-alnn,*^. The tuaks- Vaile, Mca. Jennie expectation of witnessing a neath Its canopy, where It remained In state until In Canton. Pa., at nine minutes' to twelve o'clock play BRietta. Kittle B. Proctor, Anea Park Theatre. In sept. 17. going tbenoe to Baltimore, Md. : Cbleogo. Thedehntant wssrt'ealledat the end of each acL The tip, iheemaclstcd ftatnres- the consumptive eough. and XMnm, Cell* Parker, Ceorsla A Inoedtf. It Is a oomedy, pure and simple. Mow, lu.. Detroit. Mich., and Milwaukee. Wis. His the middle of the next day. It Is estimated A. K. Sept. 1. His disease was rboumatlsm, with treata of the love of Adrlenneihe sctreas tor a nobleman: tho whole appearance, like that ofawlldoniuiU, wore pas- ntxhoKh. SalUa Llnie n-ade. Joae (or some rho sblitlnff scenes of Jealfmsr. rage, despair ticularly perfect. Thaoappnrt as a whole w.-is mind To show how (flstretslDgly bad are the company will Include, beeldes himself, H. W. that not fewer than 35,000 people visited tbe which he had suffered at Intervals for with Jov. very cood. HoTcnee, Fanale Pbmipa. Wade SisterA) deal h. 6'ie Is killed by a rlral, a iwlncees, thmoch- Mr'. while not so grand as J.inan^hi-k, Omes. weneed only say that the sculptor ot the Jones, John A. hall dating the days of the 29th and 3ath. The years past, and his Illness berame dangerous and Ka^, was uot tTaii»tT*n>l»") Parker. LI.tide (o(1Weatbenib7, Ellu Uitcbell, C. A. McManus, W. H. meilliim of a pol.oDcO flower. The vnrions chnr- displrasinc as Lsdv Dedlock. Miss Irvin;; was "OeneralOrant and bis Fam- floral ooerings were numerous, and very beau- during tho early part of the past week. Ho the excellent Fox, Annie Parker 8l«em> TooD-. Mm. C. •Twelve Apostles," Bums, Juls Keen, W. H. Danveis. M. B. Snyder, only acipra were very ably sustained by the actors named In action, bat poor In dlolcet oa Mortense. Mus is lying the foot of stood lost, and said a Tbomlos Ony.AdiienBe Preetlge, Fannie Zoula, MUlle ily." and other specimens of architecture, J. N. Drew. J. B. Hunt, 8. Brown, Jsmes Pilgrim, tlful In design. At tbe casket retained consciousness until ths In the foPoirinff cosv ai the piece; AdricD (.ccouvreur, was rather weakasEa(herRamm-ri«n. Mnrethoaapaoi- Zanfretta, Joale even the of tube-roeee. collas and other wblta family, wbo were all Idle because ot a strike In bis studio, tbe Misses Emma Stone, E. Bolllns, B. Graham a harp mode parting word to each of bis Helena Vodjeska ; Princess de Itoolllnn. Rate Deain loc word nf praise Is due FranU .Moplauut Inr bla eicep- waxworks are proprietor Is In Carrie Wratt: Mils J-inven t. flgMTi.mrevij LIST. . wax declining to work, eo that the and Soyder. flowers, the gilt ot (Thsrlee Spalding; with blm save Miss Blanche, who now Diichrsa de Aumnnt. tlonslly fliiooonoeeslon of Tnspertor Racki'l In make up, Belle Chapmsn: Maurice, Conntde Rose. T. W Keltic; dinlrctand action It waa the mof«pcn)*et plclnwoi Aroaotiaa,Ttie In statu quo. We don't know where this thing MimnE Obok is the name ot a dwarf who will of the Olympic Theatre. Two pieces, represont- Milan, Italy, and Mlas May. who returned from aLon- Atklna, Blllr (cir-'Fox, Cbaa. (ETm- 0'Ncil.J. H.(ol Hs- with the seven FrlncQ de Bouillon. W. A- Mestayer; Abbe de (Tha- d'ln cockney we hove everseen ontbestagi*. Asco-id loita Is going to strike nextl See herel In our this dty. She was bom Ing the Mssonlc square and compass, England Sept. !r. ' He leaves a widow and wonh'a Co.) se. sbotUy be exhibited m lenl. J. X. Long: Mens. MIchnnoet. llenrr.Eriwanls; way was tbe Ife'cnryor- 11. R. Oavlp.^ Tlie riuopy eu'tiii") nut) own private aquarium—where Jim goes a-flshlng letter **G" In tbe centre, were the offerings of tbe children—the Misses Fanny. Lltlle (Mrs. Fmst of " ' Ftank Prat. Bntt |0'Brlen,T.(olUant. In Stockholm. Sweden, Oct. IS, 1864, and at the Otilnoanlt. 15. K. Thsyer: Polsson, U irrr .Woods; Cttii- Kd Milliken wa,i sn eieellent picmreof a little Pjggllih poller>aTorietIea) every now and then, and tries to convince ue tbat pounds. At fratemlty. A Maltese ciws and o wreath of tnbe- Thorn), Dtancbe, May, Florence, and Masters hnv, Murrv. Ifenf)- Edir.inls and MK« Denlo are cad, but tlie diniact ••Fcmnklln'* ; time of her birth weighed only 3X J. was onevoiL Tulklnclinm waa wcU that makes 0. Ellard. fune- brought f*tr persona Anitla, Cbas. Fllnn. John N. O^cn.'Mr. rut Tan becaught 'em In a meandering stream two years of ago. It Is sold, she ceased growing, roses were presented by M. The Edgar and Horry. Bis remains sre to t>e dcservlniot snerlsl mi-ntlnn their excellent slvpo hv Ed. Coleman. The Hlr Icicrstcr D.>dIock Of B Omta Gathree,T.(ofTan*sl Ambancb'a CIr.) Its way through mountoln-gonces— there is a her weight being 10 pounds. When 12 years ral was advertised to take ptam from tbe Masonic to thlB dty, arriving Sept. 3, ond will tie taken to tlon.t. .lohn Mrrnliouch received n tirrwell honrStZS. K. Brsdley waa pas.sable. The pleeowai iL-tmi-iomeirnac in .-vlnnr*- honse. Mme. .Moiljeskaplaved tlie stage. AlldcranB, W. H. Olympic Cir.) iO*BrieD. Tomm^ brlgtavlooklng goIdOsh, wlih a ngnre 6 distinctly of ageeuowaa exhibited In Stockholm. She js Hall at i.so r, v., but long before the apiiolnied Miss Fanny Davenport's residence. No. ISO East actlo-r-'llamlef* 00 Mlsa Cary and (lomblnail xi trom het* Omborn. llanr (of Opiiells wltb beauty and (Idelitr to Ahakesreare's r.> (Hevelaod. Anen,Wiawrence Ootthold. E. M. (21 marked In black upon Its back] This Is om- time the boll was filled with a dense mass of peo- street. funeral bos been much Crone and Boh«on open Hcr4.3 in "For- well formed, has a blonde complexion, and long, Twenty.elghth The I'oll-th lan- ** Andetaon,. x GenoD, Ednaa (R Heock'a Op. Uo.) crc.ition THe ' road scene** she played In the bidden Frnlt Lawrence Bar sit to follow. inous l But what does It portend? Has It any ple. Themembersot the profetslon were pmvldeil announced to take place at unon Tuesday, (ma^dan) OriJUo, T. F. Oar Boarding- curly hair. onnee. Vies Ro.mlque. led by n, Yogel and A. Wal- and probably it will take place In "Tbe Juliet ot Mnje Mfsl'eako. Such a trlbnto (torn ;Omn Bni^ The lent nu actress speaks alroDiflr In deft-nse ol the praise CALti. —^The ladles and gentlemen engaged at Bordeau, W. B. nunBroa.) In Its place, however, wns a W, which denotes OretherjDaplan, Mezleres, Jou. dauer, were stattooed In front. Shortly after 3 Little Church Around the Comer," Ineteod ot W. GloTanl.-(late(oi;"»T»"U) Mallard. Logros. cnnMlned in rhis letter. Mlia Eytlnae has occupied the tbe (Thestnnt-strcet Theatre. Phlla.. Manacrr Jas. C. Duira management, Sept. On Lester Wallack, Se. OrllBn A Its oiorstour "rimr P" Master read lost zenta)made her first appearance on the dramatic stass Aug. 17, and Is b(x>ked for a two weekn' run. U PrimnxKi, <». Isn't that famous for port the prompter ot the company, Thou art MvHoiie." The then the A. Rand. Frank Mayo, £. A. tiothcm, Judge O. F. Bniekwar, W. H- Ueoise. Fnnk H. winning ace to this at the ace ol flOero at Cruow. Poland, slxteeo vcsrs aco. will be played at the Opera.hoiise. Milwaukee. Garrett, Jot. IPieccy, S. W. The poet Joaquin Mlllor holds a Ur. Marshall, whUe, It Is believed, laboring un. chapter ot Eocleetalee, which was succeeded by a Daly, and Judgs John K. Brady. \ biography of lias the position preotest Bmii,0. O. and sine attained ot one of ths Wis., Sept. 10, and managers desiring tosecuis Bloodla, (SeromeACameran ({nlllen, Lem (5) trump In his "Utart ot the Blertas," and scores of on Aug. 96 committed further aelectlon of music. Tbe Bav. Dr. Mc- the deceased appears under the head of "Amuse- actresses of Russia nod Poland. On aceonnt f-f sickness der mental derangement, time are requested to apply to E. OetMon Uer Uilletta, W. U. Rlckabv. John people throng the Broadway Theatre to watch the suiclds by Jumping overboard. Anally offered up a fervent prayer, and concluded ment Annals." A typographical emrtbere makes she ohralnsd a leave ol ahsenee for two yairs fmm tho A Co.. Bernardo, MrOate Gannon. Jaa. Rernolda. earner exciting play At Egyptian Hall, Inst weok, the ceremonies at the hall with an addrees which debut character ot dirtctom of thn Imperial Tbeatra. Waiuw. and was sd- as per cart. The first onen date la Ocl .s. Bobertp. K. U. Ogobob SETcntm arrived In town Sept. 3. He us say tbat he made his In the af Hadef 'a) Beath. J. K. among the attractions was "The French Minuet." was listened to with deep attention. After the Instead ot Wiildo In "A New vlAed hy her phvslclan ro take a lorw seo-voynRe. She TEE NEUIE DOTD DUAMATIO COXPANT per- BaireU'a Co., Harrla, F. D. Rothirell.T O. la engaged at the Bowery Theatre tor the season, Parson Wlndo Poison "Our Jim," wbo doesn't appear to make much conduding Masonic ceremonies bad been g*ne came to (^Ifhrnla- and her husband haa alnce pnrchased formed In Mooomb, III., thr> post week, and aia TT'-'y Lawiroee Hcrwood, Ja*. Roome. J. D. (ban- and la to make bis first appearance IT. Way to Vvr Old Debts." a la-TO ntrm inonn of thn InwerconntlcA Slie expresses lollR) headway In his studies, wants to know whether with, those who wished were allowed to billed In Morrison this. Both talr weeks. Haebner, F. C •Uabbizd and Not Mabsied" Is the title ot a through OCB TOBOMTO (OAK.) OOBREEPONDSNT, under her.sn)ec May FIsk's Combination Haley, ^oa. than the American minuet ot sixty seconds wblcb wlU ehortly be produced In this dcy. the Iron lid of the coffin was eci e w ed Into Itsplsce. Opera-house opens Sept. 3 with Joseph Murphy Polish stace, aod make ber home in Araerleo. She haa In Amsterdam, N. T.. Beffealer> Jno. W. HalLHUIa RowelU Wm. It would that our youthful aaslsiant baa the casket was boms down to bsarse been seojr*d for a lonher eneseementot tea weeks, to Sept. 8. r-^ BUcnold. gcol appear New Tobx loix>e B. P. O. E. commences Its aud the by and combination In *Kerry Gow.' Eilsa Weathers- (xnlnet.) Hart, Harry the back door suecced Nr?i. D. r. Bowers, who Is to becln an encasement IN BBPLY to J. B. McDononch's recent oard>tB ' Ball, Rnbt. Robln»*n. Uarry already begun to worm his way In regular Sunday-evening meetings for the Fall tbe following homed Masonic pallbearers : D. N. and 'Evangeline' (^mblnatlon come IT. Oeo. m.John H. by of fnnr weeks on Oct. 19. "Romeo and Jnllet" will be Rollln BecO. 8. R. and affections ot the stase-hands ot the theatre. Burgoyne, I. Forbes. J. O. Walker. John Brooks. reference to the new play ot "Secret Servloe," Mr. . Jamea Uownrd, aud Winter season at their rooms. Masonic Hall. Holman has taken the Boyal for one year, and iwoduecd Aoir. and R-^se Ejvlo^e irlll open SepL Henrlg, (lead Sheldon, B. (n( V. following piece Is one of the results of his OIIDIIan, Oeorge F. King. A- J. Lotz. and Webber rsQuesta us to give pisce to the following JohnF. Goa And the Thirteenth street, this dty. on Sunday svenlng, John A will commence his season early lo October S In '*Vlss MnltotL** Barton ITlll has pnrchased a e leodlne citizens At Mis. Morrison's Grand Opera-houw, lAwrenoe rme.half Interest In ,thia theatre frrm John McOll- 0. 1*77. D. (ol-6nllj. Dan Enrroa or K. T. .str.- eallao Hawktaw. "PRors." BT O. J, v^«^»T.Tg offldeted oa bonorory pallbHarera. The proces- Inneh- and will control its eotlre olDilrw ditrlne Kc- Cuma—XMor In last wcAis Waoner'i MbuU.Ranyeab, Sam MiSH MzLnLLX arrived from Sttn Fian- Barrett and combination are booked for Bept. 3, Oi\m» Vr. HcDonoush denies rjabt to Bu1aw,llUt Helesiraly la a man ot nlae and eity mannera, was hsaded the bernre-mentloned l>and. (^IToueh'a two yean* ahsenee. The latter leaves 39 my forbid hla iot HabbelI.L.J. |Emlili,Fred. O. elaoo. Cs.\., the past week. slon by 4, S, Mrs. (nianfrau aud company 10, one week, nasnfth*«IUe '-Secret Service** on the crouiuU tbst Backler. Aa baa to fomUh evecytbliM: from iilpea to praod plannera; to fblllll his Eastern eooagements. and win oi^n In my Hall. A. (of Waidi-;Spra(ne ABIodsett will arrive from Europe during the who ware followed by tbe members ot tbe stock IT, Fanny Daven- dalBi to the t'Ue o'my pisy Sen-fee'' (mtauc'W) Ueirlreiithe actera spooreooa colna, and karda ter help O. D. Hess tben the company opens Philadelphia SepL ID ... TTu manager of Baldwin's Tbeo- -Veeiet U notvahiC Co.) Roman,"10 Geo. dramatlo pnfesston ot St. Lonls on foot. hecanaeoi tbe title naed Benton, Cbaa. ^ bom^a 'em win *em; present wsek. While in Paris he purchased all The port being the star, (or one week, to be follotred rtv states that that bouse will open Sept. 10 wltb the same being lor a pay written aa Sheridan, VUlle lone aonaa 1817. I Brooki, W.A. Barrinn, Ked An ri'ee Imponint lettera, to, tbat halot got natben the scenery costumes and appointments for all hearse, drawn by tour boisas, and decorated by John T. Baymond. W, J. Florence, Louise ntraknsch Opera TVnupe. and the maoajrerol theOrmnd waa aware the abstract of lh«copy- Biandr. n. A6c Huibruok, Dare Isheppard, rataey la 'em. rlgh*. laws which Nr. McDononph quoted, bnt waa not . . with trailing vines, was followed by about Murray, E. Opera-house hnn annonnced that bis house will open iSbeppard, (>. Sort ot the operas, which he will produce during the Pomeroy, Domlnlck Maude Granger, of Barr, (;ee. Healy, Dr. J. B. He mmlahes ths^'bankwet ban)," ana dnaasnt glv 'em with tbe Opera the«4r awmre any prevloua use of tbe ilt*e "rieciet Perrloe** for H.*Mieridan A Mack coming season. seventy-five carriages and many private vehi- A. Sothem. Oeorge Blgnold. Mrs. D. P. Bowers. about Oct. I Celloar Company. Aa Blind Tom Hodirr, Tommy notbcn two opera comiianlca possess the same members, and a dramatic cosapoaltlon. It seems to me tbat tbe Llbro- Hama,W. C. iSmltb, W. P. (ol CoBiqnE good, business was cles. After having gone some distance, those Bouclcault. Lester Wallack. Frank Chan- riao of ffou asOi Eecept a wen-r dizzy vine (!) that'a anl the time a lnthtn AT tbx Tbeatbe a Dion dKTor simply In name, there are many confllrtlnfforlolona ia who jtronred me my copvlshL Bbould Head, Harry C.| Smitb'a Bell B.) on toot entered earxlages, and proceeded out to have reftasedU, Iftheaaraetltlehad Chaie ADarla Hia ess la Irairaahin vunn, lila "goiden knpV* U ccammon; done tbe iwst week. The new arrivals indnded frau. the Llngards. 'Baby' Combination, the sa to when and where Rellofnr and her people will appear, been riev'onsly enter- Cohan, Jeny (telegiam) jSlate. Harry Ilhebalnttbeserlleonhand.'be'aapttocetadammln. were the Belletoniaioe Oemetary, where Ben De Bar ed In hla llsL I claim my "Occrec c«rrlce** to tM an ar- the Martlnettl Obtldren. whose performances Williamsons, 'Fink Domlnos' Combliutlon, Lyd- also when Iheae two theatres will open . . Ac Em- Inc*.j:K.(3) JStreit, Geo. (ol aobegUIn and r ncenient of Inu-llectnal Oark, HatTT I ihlDk Ida Ilka to be a props—there'a nimthln Slopped by the offlcere of the Society tor the Pre- was burled in a lot owned by bis daughter, Mrs. la Thompson. Adoh BIchmond, Kellogg and ersnn's Minstrels. **StandlDa.room only** haa been an. conceptions, oidrvly luw at (earned.) Jama, J. H. (0(1 Howe'aClr.lTZi to hally-pilii, gettln a-amlllnjr. a icAole. and rbat the tlUolsapart <>^lAiu teOole, In torklDg the and 'em LlBotte IVxtor. The Masonic ceremonies at the nouneed all throuch tho week, the chief attracilon ImIdp which Cordora, Harry Boldeoa'a Co.y .BlDcleum, a ip. o. amoke nu atumpa aol coleia, ahapea vention ot Cmeliy to Children otter the matinee Caij Opera Company. Hees's Opera Oimpany. tbe statute forbids oltaen nse And then I naedlnt grave,' conducted by Orand-master Thomas Gar- the presenlluff ot diamond rincs.coM watrhes, etc.. to to ai auch wiihont By Oook,Maie Johnson A Braao 1 m. Anauallaj flc performance ot Wednesday; Caaslm and Fritz, The Danlchefs* Oomblnatlon. etc. Tbe officers <»rmlsaloa. aad wlilcii Is (« and niaea. the audience. Hilly Warner appeared 1^ Billy Rice apfw^rs to use an larrinfement. Cooa,a.B. -Jim" i» Sc. tStraniDiy. — nedlot fakkll no ole fllea for pepll I dUp,aes: who gave clever gymnaatlo performances; the ran, were very impreeslve, and drew tears to tbe stock oeimected with th'e theatre will The title of play **geeT*t Servlcv'* Is ot And and comply 2T. Pat Ronoey and the orlcllMl Blc Poor are nromleed my mv nwn intel- ODCe,een caused by the ear-plerclng shriek ot W.Henry Bloe In burleeque prima-donna busi- ceremony tbe singing of the John Nlcklnson. business-manager: W.B. Bowers, and Wash. Vnnon left for a tonr throoch Orecon 33 ... and thought exercised bytns CKinunlnH A Wblte Enablo, Cbaa. H..BUnre. W. H. In Inventing o title that would be harmnoy with the Boydam Bro. the noonday-whistle.—Ed.] She who has so ness: Emenon and Clark In a new oct called Amphlon Quartet, and the ploying of o solemn treasurer; E. F. Moore, leader ot orcbesura; P. raiODenre the maelclan'a name dropped suddenlv nut of lu Cbyeco, Will O. Eenoodx, M. A. O plot ot the piece. It l-t cnrluaa. operatad others the lyrlo stage Is dirge by Waldaner's OrcbPstra. The death ot the hills nf the Bnsh.street Theatre on 3D. hot tbe drt to su tbe leait, that I OncrA Hamlin Ketehnm, O. P. ISbermao. RUly skillfully on on "Pete's Farewell," which bids tolr to become Redmond, machinist; w. p. Dovls, scenic-artist; sbnold have anwitclocty ajdoptetl a title too:; oao in hotdne*s still contlnoeN. Mr and Mm Harrv Cnortaine use. Clifton, r.' K. (o) Eeonedy, H. (rra-|Skinin«. Albert now belDgopeisted on herself. PoorTlUenal 8be successful after a Utile more pracUce; Jennie Ben De Bor is mourned tbmughout St. Louis. B. Wright, properties: Mis. MoGougb, woidnbee; and that Nr. likewise appear in new (krres. Sam Rirker and (^as. MeCanhy do McDonoajen should have adopted It FoTcpnnsh*a Cir.l triloqaiat) :Sbendan, V. B. came 3Cony ot the ahopo there hod o picture of sosnon hss almost reached the Bnalel We Mlaco In songs and o aklpplng-rope Jig: Pot W. H. Southard, A. Glassford, A. H. Hudson, W. rhc ninny Irish business, and Billy ArllDnon's banja pats sflrrms. It Is alio tfisneetliittlieUhvaiUnof Gonnd, W. (oTLeicta.Cbaa. Showers, Andy alleged old-time jokes a few days FalstatI, with crape border. In the most cnn. >mpton, E. A. ElrkW(x>d, H. Dowse, J, Pegg, commence a season Rept- 3 At the Adelphl Theatre anv or resident Carrloa, Tboa. I NaUle nf then. 8 "bad eopyrlgbted. Franblyn Chsmhalaln cf W. H. Whlto Plalnul had been BO sadly mutilated by thedlfferenthands sang songs In the concert-room scene ot "Malone's Olympic Theatre bad a card, dmped In mourning, Phosa McAllister, Mary Can, Mis. Marlowe, Flor- the cl(Y-bns1nesa will be Introduced 27- Oeo. 0. Thomp. OHlTcri GoUUndLyten,' R-rnnMn the t;. p. Bar says: -]furb dwcos'lnn tiu been hid to iS Lynch, Ed. (Irlah aamoT, Gilbert (A through which It had passed that we scarcely Night Off," In which Harrlgan and Hart acted the hung under the chandelier In the vestibule, with ence (Zomptiell, Louro Leeds, Nellie Irving, Ado MO and »b- BmThern are the attractive CaTIIS. u I Bella Union Theatre, which been estab what eonstitBlea an nolawftal 0*0 oraonther> coprrlght.** I "bim") Bbin; Dare this tnsolptlon : **ln Memnrtnm Ben Bar, The has Camer, J. knew It. Each paragraphlst gave It a new dress- chief characters- Jennie Teomona, Will H. Mor- — De BtontOD, Ida Von Cortiani, Mrs. Elrkwood. Mrs. My feeble opinion wonld be tbat whatever la likely to mo. Leopold Wire. Sprajme. D. J. ll.shed for over twenty-two yeara. la advertised for sale bv (eomed.) A ing. It reminded us of the old woman WllO, tOD. Adams and Lee, and Nellie Bt. John in their We shall not look upon hia like a(mln." Tbe Boweis, Jessie Munroe. A. Fisher will look after tonally damage the Interests of a bona.Sde sntbor ahooM. Sam Setlow. Its present prtiprletor . . . James M. Want Is Cocnen, r. O. (o( Mou. >lliT!ll,J. II. IS)1C ushers of ths same theatre wore button-hole abovA all tbloRs, eonstltnte Lavlor, Fimok Sbcrldan. KrmakS. dressed In a now gown, went Into church one specialties filled out the bill. a tho stage." to rrrelre s cnmpllmeof sry baaettt at the Arand Opera, an Inirtngemeir. I think It O'BMa'aCb tCc wonld be mtercidlnc to playwriohta Cae. ciNoiitNATi DBAKATio ITEXS to Slst uit. are fur- house tcnlcht. when "Peep o* Day*' and "Rketches In and auiboraKeeeraUy to leara whether I (3) stood stilt minute At a meeting of the dramatic pro'esston, oomprls. India" will hn pmdnced Lewis nsrrlson have any right to pmtecilon fri"^ Cole, Al ISherman, Jerome hardlyknewyer." and then exclaimed:"! don't will chief in pic companies and others, held at the Opera- Sothern set the character "Tho open at the Grand Opera-house SepL 3. Tbe can- Fvtlnce. throuch her hnslness. manacer. R. aedcopyrlgliied STTsngsment prsdured bynivlntelleeta^ Rohmma Mbut)| Larln, J H.(acnt)l W. gotrnd baby- house on Wednesday evening, the 30th Inai., the MarcuB iTaylenre. W. wonder, with this now on I" A (^Bhed Tragedian, or thePrompter's Box." Tbe tata ot 'The Haymakers' by amateurs will follow Vayer. hss deellnej an offer ro co to Anstra^la Tho and mechanical tabora. Most respecunlly ynnra. Caamtalca. Joe iLenoai^ WaOa C during the tollowlogrsaolutlons were unanimously held at (tetlo. Pa., adopted . (aonx.aikd.danca)-Le Clair, Shed ^Tothlll, Pm). ehow Is to be Now company Indudss tbe Misses Ida B. Savory, Nel- 10 Boblnson'a Opera-house has been newly rnrollne R'cliinga Oivro rnmp.\nv ot.ened In Virrlnia _ _ ^ O. H. WssasB. tVA^rror, It haa plnued the .\lml|;bly, In Infinite [Having given Cowan, W. B. A. Ucpold, Gfoim TillolunD, W. W. fair there this month. They havo been a long He Devere, Julia er.—Ed.j day A In many an anxious breast To offset the twby Ed. Marble, Harry Lacy, H. C.Curley, W. Culllng- with hattow thai lia« Tbe oiienlng <»mpany. which bos not as yet lieen Leon, Wm. S. (On Uand) at the loM *«llnn upon na, we bow p-n-lri. ....Mnx Strakosch arrived from New York on exhibition, Boston Is to have a do^ show this week. lon, C. Harris, and John P. (}ooke. The offlcera wUh PitbTnlimlon ta «De «-Ul nf ilim tba»0<.^iH mm* hln atvon tb full, -wiiiuuuoiot or 8. w. riercy, W. F. FSON BOSTON, KA8B.. nnder dote of Sept. t. otic i ie E. T. Iniompwo, Den Ihe erenioTO' till M (eontortionlat) Leii a , that talcerh away oorreepondent wrote ss follotrs Athens of America. O ooun- . Tlllotson. traaaurer; Barley Merry, P. Lntpold, Ed. iTempleton. Jobn This In the my ore W. W. Oiren. S. O. Wilson, Fred Smith, F. C. Huebner, w. J. oii.wonE. lessen and manager of tho Holl- OeoD«F,iL . nnr Tbtimpnen'aARent, trymenl laltforthUI ," [Cntaiiai-loua n aae Ot ecenlc-anlst: Hamilton Weaver, master-machin- /trroIrM That we herabr mxpmut appreelatlon of the H. N. Wilson, John The Hoston iCnseum opened Its doom for the rewular *^lnclooatna" Little. Dick iiU Oamer, 8. R. Bead, William day.atreet Theatre. Baltimore. Md., will Inoucu- Fall - - - obliges ua to break off at this intr-mtln^ dfrenKed*Ktn>otaAHanartlit And character a«a man. and Winter season Aoit 17. and "Divorce'* wupiw- (dma "Wa") John memory ist; Oeo. C. Henry, properties ; and Wm. Withers, YeoroDoe, W. B. Gillette, J. WUlteeldes. J, Ban- season Sept. 3. post . n. Tomer Oyer A/jofrc^l. Tha* In the Irrer-'^rablr 1.>km i list hum ulirn nroo mte his aemnd Dnrlns the senied all the week with ibe exception ofSatordoy even- pKk-Selk G^*. A point.—ED.] Could msDogers be called ocro- leader of ihe orchestra. croft, G. Ingrohom, Martlnjlim Thatcher. Ked them our heartfelt aympathies aro tendered the ticrvared B. Whalen. T. Wells, H. E. Six weeks a host of workmen have been encacoil ing, when *Tbe Uuochbaek** was Rtven. Tbe cost Id bata because when thoy get their Fall and Winter The nsauLAn season at theFinh ovenue Thea- lamlly. ' MUcoTt. E. Tolboit, BaiTT (2) Meben. B. Mocouley, ^mmo Price, Emma Stock- In renovating th> house and making extrnslTO Dlvorre" Included nesrly every member of ih* eom- CliarncF.r. sets ot actors they turn (Aor Aunmcr ttU oat of doonf with five- A««ofniff. Tbat the membeni of the dramatic profeffilnn paoy. As the uid Oody. Hon. W. T. Mowir, Kell Sc. tre Is to be inaugurated Sept. i o new man, Ella Wren. Fannie Francis. Nellie Boyd, altoratlonM and tmprovoments. Tbe outside of mambcTB of the oonipany bave been They bad a nnmber ot Qovemora on show here SMembled attend Inabodrth* liineml eer^mnnle* seen In the piece befure. It is only Decosaaxy to Del ta a. Bam tS) Manaccr„ W.*' Tbiei. c. O. act drama by Augustla Daly, enUtled "The Dark Lizzie aiaddem, Lydia Denier, Pauline Hall, Al- tbe building bos he»n i>atotod whlt«. In Imitation aay tbaa Martina, Eugene iTroubailor Qoir- at the Permanent Exhibition. Philadelphia, last City." The cast lududee F. Hardenberg, M. ol our late beioTCfi bmriier, ami that as s marl: of rs- they arooltied themselvea welL Of the nawcomeia, Snltoo, Wm. epectthe meahern lierein nemeO wear badge of bertine Holl. Viola Aldlne, O. Morris, Sallle Ware, of marble, nod each nf ths main entnttiees nn the Llcsle Ilandd. MarpliT.Joa- 1 tetxeCo. a moorn- who peilui lued Lu Ten Eyck. has very Danm, W. B week: but they didn't take so well as Pedonto In Barrymore, C. Fisher. J. B. Studley, J. Lewis. W. Oussls Baldwin, and C. Cones. Scenlc-art'.st, a iTorner. Richd. Inc for the rerlod of thirty dare. niiiBlds Is lopped with an extensive connecting pleasant face and cnce/bl manners, and -won Immediate (ballaeolat) Hllla. W. J. his wit«-walking feat acroes the Bchuylktll, or Davldge, J. Drew, E. Varrey, F. Chapman, F. Ben- Dndlry ild'oer. Frank BftfUtfi, That n cnny of tlieae resnlniinns be preaented £. T. Harvey: machinist, A. HuOroo: costumor. slen of acrnii-pattrm. on which Is Inaerlbeil lavor from Ihe audience. Fannie RMvrs* Flora PenSeld t O. H. McAdow, Professor King, who went up In a l>alloon. Party Aath- Moroaco Family Iviocent, Felix A. nett. £. Cbapman. Mr. Eastman, W. Beekman, to the family <>f the tl-e*a^'1. and piiblmhcd InTilENrrw T. Dart7: leader of orchestra, R. Maddero. Mr. Ollmnre's Hollldoy-strect Theatre." Tho old v.^a one of the best perTormances of the cbancrer that we prelndlce Is toostrong In the Quaker City to permit Master Mrs. (>. H. Ollbert, the York CLiersR nod TTic ZXndnn Kra, ami that the dally h^veseen- she is a pleoainr aitd loiented McDonald. Geo. F.iVandeohod Cbaa. Hogan. Misses Ada John Havlln will remain business • manager, wooden floors in tbe lobbies bove be^n m- ortlit. and Is HorrU, Mylex iVIctoria Hroa. iS) ot the success of a mixed commission of govera- Dyos, Emily Btgl, Sydney Cowell, SaldeePlgelow. rapem of the citv iM* reooeAtrtlto ptibllnb them. ond Tbeo. sure to be a favorite here. Caot. Lyodo did not affom B. Deakln, narxr J. BerrolT, GleAM>D, Morris treasurer. Ttaesiars engsged moved, and marble tiling hss been laid; o - McElroy. J. (a(;ent:Ticxorille. John politics It they lnu>nd to CeArce P. MTTC- J. A. Flmnn. A. McDowell a fair chance to show his powers, bat tbe In. vOLH. oiB, who must give up EugenloPoul, Morlau Chester, and Belle V/harton. will be Mary Andeiwn. who opens the season 10, and wmuttma) 'Whalen. B. Htaze - biana^^cr t'r Operm-houne. Archie Uoyd. Innts chandelier depends fmm tbe balcony, '•TO'sbl*. (ihia) i swing around tho oUcie and make stands at the "Old Lavekdeb," a drama In three ot-ts by Ed- "IT^'"?- w" Next week. Opera-houne. C. P LewLa, F. a. Poiler. Mary Cary IT, Jobn T, Baymond 24, Hess Opera circle: thn stage SAven.feet. "Baby * la to l>e Eiven for fltsa VTliaO MnrTlL "tm I WilMiB. R 0. fairs tVhy doesn't Joa- bos been extendsd the time In this dty Autumn and Winter ward Harrlgao, Is lo (.oostltuts the attracilon at Geopce .<». Grav, J. L ITay, a. Whlrlne. Deema* Llulpn' McKeoKle, Archie iwuiiama, Peier Oompany, Edwin Booth, Wagner 0|>era 0>mpany, two new pmscrntnm boxes, omwned with statues The Bonon Theatre hs* been occupied all the weak by the quin Miller act on the stage? A man who gets his n. ve. nlRke. Rich. Jnnr*. rharlo Hinke, tlana, Barry Maob, Hel iWinffdeU. John tbe Tbeaire (^mlque this week. There will be no Sate Cloxion. Frank Mayo, Loito, 0. T. Farsloe, 8 tot high, representing Europe and America, Campbell Comedy Company In Bsnley Campbell's new ploy Fred. lines eo pcrtect'ouirbt to make a good ebow-actor. llamllinu ITarrlf, Hlere Cnmlib, W. II. .<:mltb. ',1"' fj S. L. R. Warwick, Jaa. Slncer. Jnlin Mulhem. and bos been fresnnnd. The scenery Is all new and W. Norrla. W. H. Leake, DeailNH II Di T TT Miller. H. Bnrt W<«d, N. go a-DehlDgatCoDey Island in tbehopeotcatchlDg Ice") is to at Nlblo's R. Porsberg. L. B. VfUIard, H. B. tw produced Garden Bspt. 3 T. Raker, Jaw. AdamH. I. N. Bfrt, other combinations John Marble. Harry C. Donicberty. & W. Morrow, D. (orwebb.Pmt Albert pres- C. fresh. Thenid pAnomma.gmnves have be<>n taken Strong, and W. Naurlce oppeated In the cast. Vbepleea white wbalee, which command good prlcesat with new scenery, oppolntmenis ond effects. Geor|te J. .Tones, Fleming, Donelaon. Jack Wood'* MuceomliWanrn. Wm. ip. a w D. Tnmer, Harry Barton and Harry Vance left last evening for To- nntand reploopd by thnennt modem style. Anew wa.swell pat on. and net with ttlr success. It will be ent: Don't use trout.fistalng tackle, nor worms for tenor- balladlst. Is his Chaa Plunkett, treaearer Ojiera- .T.-ia Pennnver, Danlcheff Co. Uorria, Tommy m. Cuba) TBOMAS WiL^OT, to make ronto to Join the Barrett Combination Tbe drop-cnrtaln, ropreeenting a ncene on the lAke morioueif another week Tbe Globe will be opened bait. Nellhcrot these will answer. PtqiumoiJib Siasi J. Tutile, hnuee. R. M. Drake. Manacer MeKeever, Jno. ' Wood * West first appearance with the San Franclsoo Minstrels K Broadway Theatre (»mblnatlnn are announoed to under Us new manacemeot Sept-Swlth Frank Frsyne's J. n. Rchaelte. P. Short. trea.metlat> IWi(:gina,H. F.(lna- will please copy .The modern Alias la Jobn Sopt. 3. commence a season at Plke'e Kentucky Rifle-team, with Barry Blooilcood. Larry Fred. Felloo. Olrmnlc Tlieaire W. II. Mnrrl^ Oiiera-bouse 17 ington. Patent chairs will seat thn T>atmns, and Delehe AUeogleri MolETn, Charlie > xidan) at Bteisou of Boston, who Is now carrying the great TBlBtTTB OF Bespect. A meeting o( profession- Tonter and othen In Elocnm.** On the tuth John MoDtaldo, Cbaa.(3ljWoolcutt, Lem — Perry Pliinte'.t, John J. Collinii. T. J. Huih. Manager Miles Is busily engaged preparing cos- new carpeting and matting bos been laid over tbe Brougham OockBader, Chaa. "Glolie" on his shonldetsi We didn't say al is annonnced lor one w««k. actors was beld at the office ot Horace Wall, in F,. J. Lorlne. erace - minscer W. Riifler, tumes. for tho Oatee' Opera Oxnpany Harry thn R. Miller. Jo>>n (Uta|Wbllln|c Cha'. A Bobnrts, manages the "Humpty entire hotiae. The nr^nlni; epe^altlee ore Al- Detroit) Annie that Nick who Dniou square, to-day, Sept. 3, for the purpose of R. McLauclllln. OlrraplnTheatre. P. Finno. Lewie, late trooaurerot the Oroiid U|»era-house. INbohi.— of I mnnt^Bros., (Tbss. Diamond, Beynnlda and Wall- BniaicAJL. Dumpty" party, was a son of OUNickl This Is t»orlee of reeolutlons to tbe of w. K. f>owd, Charlee Krone, A. RcMind. Dade, Cbaa. Martinettlc, Ed. ^Waeoer, Cal passing a memory will monsge the Deakln Llliputlans on s trip to inir, ErtMRoheenn, .1 Pmf, Zera.Ssjnl. Baylls. Alfred THE HOLUAN ENOUBH-OPEBA asreoT- Dalian. Jamen UarMlea, Prcil. iwiier, L. H. antbentlc Tbere need t>e no nneaalness about tbe late Ben Do Bar. It wns proposed that sub- B. Ho^an. IL C. Grlereon, ileorcrt Hener. California." TBOOFB Albert flees, Herbert .Tones, Thomas FInto, Biimett and Helen Tfash, Barney McNulty. Jennie cnnlzad for the coming season EIU*,Sam McLaln. J. A. Wlilin, Frank (of the "New Big Four," who have gone to Caltfomla scriptions should be solicited from the membeni MisBLEB's Inoludes Sallls ColTeraal Cir.) T.. F. Rand. J. H Grllfln. H W. ITaoc-. ACADEMT OF Mimic. Reading. Pa.. Is Teoraana, Dave Reed, Clark Olbbe. There will be Holman. JulU Bddle^ Corner A MlacoBm. I Holman, to join Eoirrson'B Ulnstrels, t»r we are reliably of the profession throughout the oonntryfor the to be Blanche Biodshaw. Ida Ooldrn Maekley. F.J. lWooda,C. U. The death of Mr. De Bar will make no Immediate opened Sept. 7 forabenefit to Manager Mis fi- no regular dramatic company until later In the> Oorpenier. Emma Hall. Informed that, to guard against Indians, road- purpose of erecting a monument to his memory. ClazB Lester. Flora CUt- Edirania, Welch Mlaco, Wm. ;Weodi. Giu (sonz- changes or alterations In the msnagmentnt the ler, tendered by prominent citizens. During ths seas n. Cttia. Flemmlng. etaco-manogsr: A. F. too. Belle Sidney. Ella Wells, ' have taken Jennie l/oomis, Mrs. Cn. agrnis, and whooping-cough, they a was orgnniisd as follows : Prenldeot, Everett, Panl Martin A KMl dance) The meeting Opern-bouse. The arrangemenis for tbe s<>nson Summer the auditorium hss been renovoted and 9tesdwpi|. treasurer: John A. Moak. sdvenlslne- M. A. Bradshaw. Cbaa. cough-medlclne with them t and MeasrsL A. D. Holman. Jos. EdwaitKWalterP. McClarT. Cbaa. (ofWcbjiier. good supply of B. Cbanfrnu : treasurer, Horry Palmer; secre- F. will be carried out by those In charge at present. the proscenium bas been in port repainted, and ocont: Prof. Biittner. leader of orchesiia; Rord- Brandlsl. Jaa. T. Bdwanlii, Chaa BIce'a (flr.) ;\Veraer. Xnl In tho Texas Jack Combltiatlon they have one Dalton. J. Brookhonae Bowler. tary, w. B. Harrison. An adjournmentwas made blotcnphlcol sketeb or the fieceased may be siigbt additions have tieen made. Exits have been Davis, manhlnlats: T. 6. Ploleted. ecnnle- (Dnteb *n>lB*^ M'.rton. Praok. iWode, Harry Jim. would inform the timid pale- A nor and Fred Dickson. Donald Harrold, H. OUtton. J. ruba We until Wednei>day, 5. under theheodlng of "AmoaementAiinala." added on Coun street- Two new eels of eoenery nrtlat: Flay ue. Prank .Mcbolla. C T. Wtaitlud.Whillaoit. UanrMai found Rallnuf and Brown, pmperllee: Renben Bradshaw. Alfred Holman, Wm. Bdwards and faces ot tbe East that this Jim la neither "Oor "The Poor op New Yottx" was octod for tbe and sundry set-pieces Jes. Schoeffer Fomer, T. J. isdr.. >'oblem MiltoD Tnun;. ChaiL w. Trlbnte to Ben De Bar. by have been Marahall, cnjturaer At tho New Central Oor- Frank Wllllanas. Oeo. Holman Is Tatei, Jim" nor Tuba Dam Jim. This is correct. last time In Nlblo's Garden Sept. 1. Manager W. A tbe pmprlOlor, Nlrbollis B. Ul Ben HONES5T. UPRIGHT MAN. added. •len business bas held good. The feataren wore with Urs. Hsrrist iltonfie. Zera. ProL A» Holman musical dliectnes. and Pnnallo, Jno. B. J. FlemlDCContinuedhls Impersonation ot Badger Another dinincnUhed member of the pmfrssinn haa and the dlss'ilvlng ntatues and Prof, .••yea. A- C. Zandetta, Alex. UOSE FIBBB Baldee Martlnot are among the Leon and his Lnden Banes manaj^r. Their repermry In- FnnUln,Mr. during tbe post week. Attendanix larjie. now been taken from ua. It le. iadre<). a hitler addition to F. CTTT (tUAUlAIlT. artists engaged lor Adah Bldimond's Burlesque trained dogs. To open Sept. 3 : CItnstop Slaters. trudes over ttrenty-dve Owen, W. BBVANT's MixsTBELS are to commence which mai-thefeltby ererr ailmlrerol the stape of the moet popular jocDB Pboctob, wbo has tMeu In this city for aseoson the sorrow and Oomedy Company. Instead ot Moea Fishsrand Rally Mason. Jas. 8. snd Katie Edwards, Rnbt. KttheloMof this vervatlle s-m ol !4omiis. who wa« wont V. openttlc works. They can be arranged with by left Boston Aug. 31- Is to fulfill Sept. 10 In tbe theatre lately known as Heller's, a few days, for He to set the table in a roar, that no portion of the tAlent of Saldee Martlnettl, as announced In lost week's Ferennnn, Kearney and Moron. Tom Waifleld, D. applying as per card. They perform In Oswego. nrraoDncTOHT. during the coming which has been rcchrlstened Bryant's Opera- two star engagements here the actnrsoftlie palmy days of the drama remains bc- card. A. Kelley, and W. y. QrllDth and Belle Norton. N. y., s-pt. 3. II. la, OgdensbBig s, 6,T. Watertoirn UOXDAT, Bopt. 3, Tl. house. The company and attaches are as follow sesaon. hlod ; that, a« an sddlMonal branch of the theatrical tree Advlcer nf Sepr. I, . ElUson, buslnoss- THE PLAT of "Onr Olty." performed at the Bow. 4, a, 10, Auburn 13, Syiacnse 14, 19, and open tho to popular belief, the Summer's end- Mato arrived In town during the luist Nell Bryant, maoager: B. W. iBcuT off. tbe trunk becomes more wirhercd; and that. If Aoendlng FbaSE ciT Theotre during 1873. Is noticed In 8. French A Mos A!i:«it: Hosmt, who In private life was New Academy ot Hnsl(% St. Catherines, (Canada, IT. his residence, la Csnton, Pa. manager: Wm. Blakely. treasurer: Cool White, not torn up by the mora, or felled by the potent axe of tbe ed. It went out like a blast tnim a nerytnmace, week from Summer Bon's card In this issue as having duly copy- Mrs. W. I. Ollbert. died In the Hnmtropathlc SP-iDLDCta's BKLLBXHOEBS are reponesi to be the well-known theatrical pub- siage-dtroctor: Pruf. EL Ck>mn, musical director; destroyer. It muM die (Vnm want of proper support. been Hos- T. E. MoBBZLi., llres In our reenllection. pital, Albany, playing to good scattering Its caloric on all things, animate and W. H. Hamilton, vocal director: Little Mac, CM Yorlck It dead : Yet be We righted, and all paittee are warned against in- N. T., Bept. 1. Our correspondent bnalness on Cape Ood. Owing to lisher, who hss acbleved considerable reputation have him before us, with his ro«v. flexible face, radiant says: *'Ths deicoased a severe attack ot rheumatic fever, and giving every man tbe delusive ap- Charley Bonks, Justlo Robinson, Beamon and fringing on tho rights ot ths authoress, Mrs. Ma- was snnbrelta nf the Leland Master WUUe as an amateur actor. Intends msklog his dvbut with tbeclareof the foolllishts. Who that haa seen him Walsh. OnerH-honse Oimpany during has not yet been able to appear with the com- Somers. Adama and Lee, Dave Reed. Nell Bryant. can of rie the seasons nf 1874, peaniioe ot earning his bread by the sweat of his on the prufeaslonal stage during tbe coming sea- can (brpet hlrat Who that ha« not hare an Idea '75 'W, during pany. is Cool White and Billy Bryant. Tbe quartet will bo disposed to fnmlsh anecdotes of JOSBPH Pboctob's military and professional and which time she became a He reaoverinc, and will Join them son- his powera* 1 am not shortly. baow and other portions of his anatomy. It came W. n. Hamlllou, F. Howard, A. H. Pelham T. Mr. De Bar which mlitht tend to make the reader m**rTy, friends la Boston, Mass., have tendered blm a great favorite witn the patmns nf the theotiw. The troupe performed In Nantucket. 8£ASo:t at the Fifth-avenue and TRX PB£LnaitABT as it were, orer his erare. neither am f Ulepnivtl to add ro complimentary tionquoi. to take place before he Miss Mnstyn was bora In Staffnrdsblrt*. Mass., Ang. 31. Sept. 1. and are billed In Tlnsyard upon tia . at .& time when we were cungratulailng C. Hedges. England, Theatre terminated Sept. 1, "Ah Sin" continuing The preeent distress ot his lamlly by aldln;r them to recol. leaves for thn South and West to fulfill his sea- and made her first appearance on the stage, at Haven 3, Warehom *. MIddleboiD S, Bridgewater oniMlTeB that the sweltering days of the Summer they mny the mora palntollr the attraction. Charles T. Parsloe had a benefit DRAMATIC. lect what he was, only that son's engagements. The committee comprises the early ace of eight years, at one nf the pmvln- e. Abingdon 7. aud Boekland 8. hod terminated, and that we were about to enter recur to whatbe Is. Rot I am dispo«e«l to atslsr. If iwvwl Aug- 31. Attendance during tho week, light. Ben. R. Jr., Major clol Ihealrefl. In thn cbonrler nt S. A. Waas. leader ot oreheeira, who also play* pleaa&nt days nights. OEO. K. FOBTEScrE Is now organizing a com- ble. In snoihlnr dls'refn pointing the attsntinn Enapp Oeorge Oolng, Hon. Puck In "Mld- upon the enjoyment of and Miss mat Datenfout, a daughter of the late E. that by of alto pany for a tour of the principal cities. It win be tlie reader to hIa merit as an actor, and more (much John E. Butler, and Major Charles Jarvle. summnrnlght's Dream." She came to this cnun. In brass, can be engaged. Addnsa as per It sent back to* the sea-shore hundreds of those arrived Sept. 3 In the (treat L. DsTeupnit, from Europe I It strictest "TBI STCAVOBES" is the name by wnlch o tract try when qnlta young, and bnfnrn advertisement. 1^10 had prematurely dlsuounted the end of the known as Geo. E. Fortescue's New Tork Bur- Tsnre. because can do with the tmth and sin was tbe publlo steamship England. corlty) by nolotlog the atteoilon of bis prnleasionnl of land otrned by tbe late J. W. Wallack Jr., at onntlnnouely until attacked O'BEABDOM's Iateatsong.and.danee la published healed term, necessitated tbe hurried clos- lesque and Comedy Comjutny, with J. P. Johnson by slrknms. Some and K Danttes" attracted a lltjerol attendance brethren tonis creat merits a« .t mso and nitenUeman. **TH£ buslness-mnnaeer and Oeo. 8. Newoomb treas- Long Branch, N. J,, for more than twenty years. few years ago shs was married to W. J. Olltmrt, by Harding, who adverUsea. ing-np o£ tboea mansions which had reopened at that He bore a very hlsh character In the pmlM-Inn ^as well^aa to the Broadway Theatre tho past wcok. Now Fortescue will be the principal attrac- 18 known. Bis widow had a part ot tbe land dl- thn well-kanwn oomedlan. Shn was twenty- A BABrrosE-aiBOBB soUdisan engBgemealwllh the flist admonition of the coming ot the Autumn urer. Mr. In prtrate llie. Few men hare eolorrd and deserved a tbe ladles aud gentlemen In tliecastore becoming vlded into lots, they six years of term, ot-thoee melancholy days about which tho tion. A good comedian, also svveral versatile more lastloi; popalsriiy. Ilenilirfac b* said to hare bad and bad been extensively ad- see. The obsnioles took plaoo a minstrel or specialty combination. See J. B. better Hc^iualnied with one another's artistic i>ecu- to sold from (niristlau Moedo awieet poet, so well Po<(-ed on such subjects, artists, a leader, and a lull orchestra are adver- no eoemlea. though no toanwas morn cheated. Ill.nscd vertlsed be by auction Aug. 30. There was the (nitirch atBnd Bock, (Vilnmbia nold'e cord. llariaes, the acting is more harmoninus, and, as or Injared hy he trusteil. Or this he was attendance ot the sale, row connty, V. Y. (where haa aoDoauillally discoursed. Old Sol upset all tised for. those In wh»m a good but very bid* Mr. Ollbert rmldm), on ROE BIKPEENS' Umboiulnsa aieadTertlsed elsa- several minor changes have been mode In tho NcoEStT A Obea's -Conor CoarpA^ played net always ioeanslble, and he sometimes complatneO, but deiB. Ifanager Aneustln Daly ot this city bought Sunday. Thn dieonntse was by Elder Havens, where. calculations, laughed at the alleged arrival of dialocne and atago-bttalneae, tbe piece la more never resented. Hioat YtxiAi, Quabtet, saslsted enjoyable than when we first witnessed It. Ilia heart wna withoat snile. his eharaeter notalntad us reallzs unsnbetantlal FbaneCablos has bren engaged to play Gnppy trusting beoevileot doned. the families of Ofnrea F. Learock. E. A. Eberle, by eminent instrnmentallstB, aro to ooncenlzsln and- Bade how ore Thz Obasd Opera nocsB is to be opened for with a ahada even of dishonor— and In "Poor Jo" through the New England States la bis natare. a benelkctor without ostentation, and a and others. Ths floral offerings were qnlte Pottstown, Pa., Sept. 6. w—iSb-g T. Wilmington. the oeotloiis ot human will and hutnan hopee. the regular season Sept. 3 under the continued MBS. Fbahbeb (ioazALEZ, old women and nu- 8. which Inaugurated with the Charlee H. Thayer (Combination. Irlead without rewrrs. His tender cnnslderallon, hIa parts, merous, and weiw contributed by Mr. and Mrs. J DeL. 10, Lancaster. Pa., U. Oolumblo la. Hsnto- The theatrical sesson, was management ot Poole & Donnelly, with F. 8, character and Miss Delia Oonzalex, publish dosing- week ot August, and which A jrTENn.E-ixA^ to share leading business, meekness and simpllclrv In nro«iK>rlty, his constancy In their address la another W.AIhangh. Annie Ward Tiffany, tbe Eberies. and bnrg IS. Wllllamsport lA Bcnnton IS. Ithoea, K. with the Chonfrau as the star, acting In "Kit." The sup- adrerslty. hlaconseleotioasfu'llllraeotof all he undertook, column. and also a character actiees. are wanted Doctor Sioots. tbe lotfr a particular trlsnd of T., 17.18. DtiesM.ao. 'gavo early evidence of futtire excellence." was porting company will Include O. C. Boniface, H. by Jobn his patient Indulgvoce of wmoirs.hla athmlaalve leslgna- Bpekceb Pbitchabd. leadlog-mon of the Milton tho Watanown n, Oswec*S> MuTTsy, who advertises. family. Mta. H. W. I^fflngwell, Byiacuse 34.25. k^H^b- hooia The old last week. He waa supported by a company In- up by regular season will ell. Walter Qiliier. Eleanor Oarty. son. Thalr ronta Is: 3, Lynn 4. mcasweUosoarslnmberlng nenr. Flyim and Euson, the Monzert Slstets, So- doced aoonaninptlTe, haJi-stranxled laufth. drlng In Its The op«n Sept. IT With Lanra Joyee. Ohelsea, Maaa., cluding C. A. McManus, Miss Phosa McAllister, Annie Story, Mra. Balem t, o^thebearer haa been viewing the land, cutting phie (Sirlstlne, Minnie Clyde. The theatre haa own echo. devoted to his art In all its Fanny Davenport as the etar. Tbe bouse irlll be Oerman. and OclXTla Allen. 9. Woieestar «. BprlngOeld T, Saramga Hiss Hottle Arnold, Miss Carlotta Evelyn Hs was down the ripened fruit, and gathering In Ma har- been handsomely redecorated, and a new gallery and W. brancbea. Aa a anperlor anthor does tut deaerib* oocupled this week by the Lawrenoe Barrett 4>>m. THE OFKBA-BOHBE. Bochester. N. T., opened Montreal 10. on« week.- Teranio IT. one week. DanveiB. The regular season at this theatre will tor a preliminary saosnn Oeveload ' Tast ot the aouls'of men. Since our last eom- put In. The Fall and Winter sessonopens Sept. 3. his dromatla ponunv, but. aa It were, himself becomes binatlon. and Mra, Chantreu and her oompany Aug. SI. Joao Coombs 24, one week. lie inaugurated . Sept. 3, May Botrard, supported really each In turn, ao did Mr. De Bar tran^rm hlra«elt ana A, miutlon with our trlsnds. King Death lias been AT TEE LostDOV. the announcement of the fol- play there next week. enmoany In "Clamllls" bslng tbe attractions. E.' Oatiiii«ei>hessvivld pertrsltDra< Sept. 3 Milton Nnblea and who woold play biiBy. Bonm, who were of and lowing fceeb arrivals on Sept, 3 Is made : The TBX PABS OPSBA-HOOBB, ByTaeuse, K. T., waa company commenoe a seaond-vloIlB, piano, or double- and E, Locke, then appearing in Butley Camp- aad lirlag likenesses It pleased him to present to view. week's eogaitement, bass paaad honors, have bowod tbelr heada beneatli' JUaoo (combination, including Thomas, Jsnnle, He waa a now convulsed hla opened for the season Aug. 'JT by tbe Jane (kiombo* after which the regular aea- and tuba. adTertlses tor aa engagement. bell'a "Hearts." polyslot of men— he auditors son opens. his sweeplog stroke, and joined that Innumer- William, Josephine and Samuel Mloco; Thomas by bis humor, now be melted them Into tears by hia (Vimblnatlon. who also performed 28. "Bomeo and Managnr Lempert, with a eorps ot A TBOMBOHE^ tuba or aeoond.TloUn player d» TBB National Thbatbe, Waahlngton. D. O., assistants, have slrrs able <»nvan whose march Is onward toward the and Lotta Wlnnett, Ella Mayo. James Bansley: pathos. He waa a mimlo In the foil sense of the term : be Juliet" and "Camllle" were the oiiraotlona been hard at work renovating to engage for tha eomlns season. BeaOeo. WlU be opened Sept. 3. "Baby" not the voloo. aod the external redeonratlng. 0avw^ To'uthii. Jtisc budding and nnfoldlng the and the tollowlnff of the pest week's company wlU be aeted by only Imitated the look, (Campbell's Comedy Oompany Is billed torSspt. and Tha entire auditorium has A. Davlne'soard. necnllantlea of to the life- bat bo conveyed beaatlesot m new life have been prematurely cut a company from the Pork Theatre, New York. an Individual IT. IS. 19. snd Mrs. Obantnu's been painted In white and light-blue, relieved THERBoirLAX SKiBON at the Ot Muile, will be retained : Maud Stanley Werner, the St. a distinct aad of the nature and disposi- Oomblnatlon 31 22. by AcadefflT ere yet the sins ot the world had time to George 8. Knight and company will appear In true Impxvasion rich gilding and a scroll of BntToIo, B. down Felix Bisters, the Continental Four. Tim Bogers. tion of the man. Hla mimicry want below the sortaee— It "THB PooB OF NEW TOBK" ivlll be preseutod at dark blue. The sea's T., began An*, 71 with the Hslmaa purity innocence. another "Otto" 10 Ford's Opera-house will be ocou. have also been newly tamlstilheir and In Msster Duiw, Charles Chrlsdlo, and tbe Zantretta waa moral aa wen as physlesl. tThlm. aoeentrlelcy, and the Opera.house. Newark. N. J.. Sept. 3, with Ed- nphoIstered.Un nnlson with Opera-tronpOk who sneeeeded In drawing crowded pled Sept. 3, for one week, the ths partj>C this Issue ot Thb cujppzBmay t>e found Troupe. by Jaeklts-Chy drolleiy of all kinds ware embodied by him with the ease win F, Clark OS the star Jobn Thompson rest ot ths botisa. The two front rows ot Ihe houses thronghoat the week. "La Fllle de Mad- Japanese Troupe, under Is dress-clrclo 1h« roll of rare old Elug Death, and many a heart OiuioBE's OABDEi contlnuea to draw a good the management of John and freedom of tiabltude. Ilis plasUo physiognomy billed for Sept. T, 8, with Saturday maUnee. have been furalsbed Vlth an oma- Peters. seemed oaly In the mould of an- when will throb and many an eye will be moistened as average audience with the attraction of the band to become fixed "On Hand," "Hooea" and *'Zlkes" roental hsad-rmt. The regnlor dramatic seoson other maa'i chsracter. quick petcrptloa of the will be pro. the Ilstoit the 4'*d Is glanced at, and the names THE QBISWOLD OPXBA-HOnSB, Tioy, N. T., hos A dooed. win be Inangnraied Sept. 10 and the soloists, among whom are Miss Sallle rldlcnloos, ao oneqoaled talent («>r slD;:lRe comlc-eonirs. with Oenevleve received considerable Improvements in the Bogers, annporrad re- ot iho'MnM'and lost meet the half-averted gaie Beber, C. H. Turner, W. T. Carleton, and M. way and tbe most gratleminly mannets and feellnRs nat TBX OLTMPIO TBBATBX. 8L Lonts. Mo.. tnau- by the new stcek oompany Sept. 1. Tha theatre haa received extenstvs left to of paint In the auditorium and retouching ot MUBio HAU,, bnilt ot tlkae»:Who ace mourn tbe abeenco of Arbuckle. During the month ot tteptember a orally reodaed bim a popular member olprlTate no- guratas the regular season on Sept. S. John T, Portland. He., win be occupied tor pairs atnoa lost season. A new exit bos been scenery. .While workmen were engaged deantng Boiuht all class**. rapidity one week, IrleitdCWbo have cruased "over the river." over epedol series of ooncerta are to be given, the prtv cletT, and eonftad by The Raymond appeaHog aa OoL Mulbeny Sellers. eommenctng Sept. 3, by John Stetson's 7 feet wide, opening on Washington street, aad an one of the big chandeliers over the boxea. a few with which be seixed -upon prominent and eccenttlc Onmtiaoy: the ii iiiT'*'"' nver of Death I .Everything la oeeds to form a fund to In part meet tbe outlay Mra. D. P. Bowers bsglnsasesson lo. Den Thompson In "Jrohna WhJt- entirely new entranoa has been built from the polnta of ehaiaeter.'and the lelicitr with which ha por- Charles atlaalaiadjjttstnowto.au the heart with gloomy days ago, the whole thing fell with a crssh, en- Farsloe la booked onmV' and Oeorge pvmesqne, fTvnt. The toe and t«qulTemenis ot the coniemplaled -European trayed them, were woaderftit- HU field of obserraUoa at the Opera.hoiiae tor Bspt. 3. Nellie lorkelle, stainrv leadlar directly to make us pause and ponder. We lalUBg a damage of tasa The Rollln Howard Ltaxle Kelaey. Hand Bianseombe, back of the tonbodlngB, and tour o( the band. This arrangement begins Sept. was baman notire In sN Its ndleas vsilety, and no man Mrs, U. A. Pennoysr has been In St. loule d tiring Jalla wiisoa. theotiw Is aevenloen feet wide, insld^ Italy, Burleeque ComblnaUon appears tbere SepL BOW learn that the lalr land of with Its sun- 3, and a number ot notable artists have been en- 3, 4, ever ohaerrad It to crcater advoitage. the past month. 8be Is engaged at intle Jackson, and otbeis At Fanny Kanh's the honse has been recarpeted, npholsteisd aiid 6, In olio and the burlesque IheBoatDB ny akiesand ^olBV Blna ^ Ih *ore dlstieas, no gaged. of "Teast Lynne;" PaMlngbvthat lluls ItrlisMlitr of tamper which mnat (Maaa.| Theatre tor the coming season. Theatre tbe company engaged for talr week con- redeeotated, the entlra repairs eestlOK nearly six LIngard'B oompany t. T, aud matinee S, in of na have. that noperaon pierloaaly sists leea than twenty-nine theatres being tenanlless MXB. JANADBCHEK anlvad tnom England Ang. "The Tm ay aalbly assert o A. H. 8BXLD0M begins an engagement at of Miss Fannie Xareh, Miss OraybrJOke. thousand, dollan. No tegular eomnuiy will ba ' Teetal" and "Heart iSramer to him could be Introdaced to aod converse with the tor the eamlval linsffrr What a terrible ahow- and be opened for the bead and Ibr his II private woith. nnblemUhed his drama ot Wealth and (Mme," Inwblch be BaUon.J. L. Voodenen. WlUtam eompany playing here wheolhedraervlcca <>>medy Company, 13. three nights, and John bearr. Colder. lem la not dunculi o( solailon: It la onset the sesson SepL 10. Tbe officers and company wlU and nnlmpeaebable repntatlon. o d talen'a of the blcheat will IM supported by Miss Nellie Sanford. A. K. Adams. J. J. Oolmsn, O. w. Bwsll. an required. The wiaiiM^ m ^ m ^|| ailachea dreadtnl tli» lata railroad strikes lu Brougham 30, three nlghta- to tame andlmmoria]. J. Oilllns nhn^ reetUta e Btr be iscnnled In tbe presented. Paansylvmnia. Diiring cam- Thome Sr., director; John Moore, stage-mana- the name of Bra Opera-house, Oleveloud, O,, was opened Ang. 77 treastirer; Joe Knhn, leader ol orcheatra: Fisd has bwome a landed proprietor In Canada, hav- aonala oTthe •ane aa one give to bor own sym Toronto. The crope are looking good In that love; Inr thy loss, aomw. The Joyoua boon See la freer pliir Eaves, oostnmer; Mrs. Emma Waller, Mis. Car- my deep In good manner, sad drew large andlenoea. BepL and W. Oonter as WlUle St. Paal (Baby) are wants an engagement In or near New Tork. limbs. hoirever. Is neighborhood. It la aold, espeelolly the turnip, spent with Ton are gone, nevvrto be recalls^. de. B'ettlcal The charmlnK Blm, hart, the Misses Jeimle Murdoch, Mabel Jordan, 3, the Mary Gary Ooiablaatton In *'Faor Jo." serving ot eapeelal mention tor ttaelr^pltal JsB. Boblnson'a card. exuberant, let the Weatfaeoby warm or cool. com, and blBck-Oycn)ps. the last being In great Oon. T. Ausnui Bbowt. aet- to_ evvsr Tlrslnla Thome, DoHle Thornton, Jessie Lane. JTae rorfc. HAT FIBK Is ready to negotiate tor dolea to tnlllU iDg, They were ably supported ACXABMNKr AND BABTrOKB PIATKB WlShM this raterenee their ahundanoe. Aii«. SS, I87T. by Tboaus B .... . And to sweet aplrluaad Annie Wakeman, Mary Baker, La Forrest. Mor> A FXBar ou> MAN, Javenlto-man, Javvnl^ star engocementa and play leadlns buslnsos. MaoDonongh. W. H. Bailey. Kiss ReUla travel With a nrBt-dass company. 8eaH.Toaiiri - nnlfonns THE CBiBP StsTZBS* OoxBnrA'noirpertonned In TBylor. ally tutdieat Indnersustosivgestthat daunt. Bertha la Forrest, Messn. D.W. Waller, woman, walklng-lody, and a soabntte are wanted See card. Visa Alios Wyndbara, Mlaa hdto t.wzapiBZ84tre the moet tor Oirrlngton. Ind., Aug. 9T, 38. 99, Man. lUas pill fitting aotiunea EJwln F. Thome, O. B. Tbome Sr., Oeorge Met. tor a traveling oompany by Davis A Oo,, wbo also Call.—Manager N.' D. Boberts noUflcs the Boae Lisle, HIsa Allea WanaOeld,aad -While the spirit iis,-aB our Krr CABSoiCs OBAMAna Oompabt is to perform Fa Ken- yboskil move* klff, W. Hendetaon. Fred Percy, F. L. Budworth. advertise to to thoseanzlotis ladlea and gentlemen engaged for the oomlng nedy, ic waa nlgbily t«oelv«l TABIBTT mULLS. In Halifax. N, 8., Bept. 8, 8. famish angacwnsBlB vim lOtoala ot Qtiaka r readeia wonld aay . we wish to Introdnoe a J. F. Oroesen, H. CoVlatB, Frank Aliemua. Qiarlea «, season wltb tola "Humpty latigbter. A CASD trom Managers wtiai;en k Gala. Meoo- Thb WALI.ACC ooxBntATioii performed the past to adopt the stase. Damply" Dsntoailme veaa at xeadahle poetiy on the subjeot ot Lnby and Wm. (julnn. A new act-drop, patntBd F. OOKPAXT performed Oompany to aais lublu Bept. • at polltBa Theatre, Loulsvtlle, Ky.. and Stage-maiia- LITTLK PEOPLB. week In St. Banl. Miim., and will be in Minne- O. WsoTB'B DBAKAXIO Tina Panor'a J(MKPH HuuPHi and thaeompaap Ihatneently by H. W. C»lyo, reproewnta the Lake of Oomo, eit- In theaea to Theatre. Seacard. ger ObfttBle. pnblUhed In otir bnaUeas-depaH- *ne Xldxata" i«em to IM apolis this week. The (ximpany Is as toUoirs: Unnola. Ind.. An«. 37, 18, 7», Knli^us- supported him ax the- Orand olored In s medallon Inme, and at the base Is a WM. MiBBf.ra DBAXATia Opara.boiias.lnthla meak. talsblr the performanoea ik Twin aaowman's beoelactloai: James Wallack, manager; Joseph P. Beynolds, town and Kokomo. OQifPAn la to show tdty. acted "Keirj Oow" In the roeommeada tablet upon which Is pointed In bss rellet the Webstar la., Leiand Opera^ the '-The 0«r- thevte rciy ntalt, . avenaeand Saraiitaantli In aty. SepL 10. IS. DotdiMeBdelB' and Chaa. H. Klnc And thoo^ buslnsss-manager; Hury Webber, D. H. Fits- OXBiuaiA HALL, Bldga U. U. Eampton '«»«'>'««ayatthepa8twiSl Tte»*rea«talM«aarac Ta Wallack, Eva Webber, Minnie aammlnBS, BeHs' oapadtyot abonteoo. It wUl be styled the Park ^ », *. 8. OiMnbloaWon opens In Albany on that -a-e^ III. must watHi In the boneatrffoit to take In the J. ooKnas and J. Kelly were tha oidy new ar- Theatre, tte xwo xooiia LADias dealrs to CLnTKB that she la abont to Bnglinfl, Miller, w«n«ti i/eeter, Eytlnge and Boaa and will opened abont OcLlwliha loin a dramatlo TBB LDioABraAlfD (DMPABT ODBB M nnm tnoauca, and ta^ltuess, tor the benefit of our readers rivals at Egyptian Hall the past week. The at- Emma at tha Saw and ietliea trom tha stasa. Mayfleld. stock company. oompany. BeeNelUeandLllUHaasls'oard. ParkTheatre,Brooklyn.M.$;;8optIlO. VJuaxeplnlog At Baratoea or swimming at I4>iis tiaeUoiis oontlnue the same. . : ;: : . :' : : . V '

September 8, 1877. THE ^NTE^W 191 LBS. mulosl mrtUM; eon- AT VOLKB* AoiM'lXS apadaltr OABDnr,i.BrqOUjn, K.T., the com- OORDB'B OPXBA.HOCg]^ Ohlcsgo, flL, received Fatal Aucuiebt.—An advertlalog-car belonging aladiaHM* nooenrul two waaks* «Dsa«oiirant at tba pany tor the OOaUAiy^^SM Broadway week wnuneiwlog Bept 3 In- ezeetlant patronage the post week, a good'oUo to the Bonlum Show waa attsnbert next to the en- JK.^^^T^J^ 9 Oomlqae, this clt7, Sept. 1. A. cant tram otudas Anne Hlndle, the Sanyeatis, Mike Oal- having been presented, and J. Z. Little, support, gine of a train which broke ihriHgh a culvert on ' Maamew Hanley, publlsbad In «ur bnslneaa de- tsgber, BlUy West, the MoDermott Bisters, the efl by Orahom AriBRWEBRfl and^'oompany, having acted "Old Four.mlle Creek, three miles west of Alioona, la., TROUPE. per- wiiuams partment, cndwaeetlialr act anvtttactlTo . Slsteta. PASTOR'S LotUe Btowo, Oscar WUIls Sleuth, OF PREPABATION. ahd the . TONT DetsoOva" The dosntes with and seven miles east of Dee Molnee, „_ B. the at half-paat IfONDAT, 'ceifmATV isxjoc tormance. Ttuy open wlib Brrul'* KUuizels at Aooodlng. week are HOdli TTbdiA'sso; SEPT. 3, H>77, to Clndnnatl: Lluls two o'dock on the morning of Aug. 29. The creek . TIaltlngallTlaltlng all tbe principal eltlea prior to opening at I HABRIOAN . •,_ BiTiuit'a Open-iiooaa Sept. 10. BiLLT Babbt company , AND HART ^ and performed In the and Orahad.'V) in» York: MUes and Evans, to was swollen by a rainstorm, which was prevail- In Edward Harrlfan's I»a««oi**•wmuttfrn rrewtCew THeatrp.I'lieat OSS A. tsftv BaroiUtwa.y.^earlg' In Ootobexw TBS TauTBS OaMiQOS. Ijog Branch. N. J., la Pateraon (N. original Iforal Drama, In 3 acta and Tony^ J.) opers-boase Aug, 39 to a poor tbe Olobe;. W.Ahir Ida Gardner, to the Aaademy ing. Tbe pressura of the water weakened the II aeaius, enUtlcd ALL TBB STABS BBTAINElJ.BBTAI: TUB 8a!mB BXTSNSTVE OB01HUA.1.0K. to close • aeaaon ot twelre w«eka Sept. 10. and the house. TBE Sandtord and Wilson were announced, 0. W. Hunter^oiA Nellie Blchards, desUnatlon culvert's supporu, and it gave way, the cars OLD LAVENDER. B£n(BEHOLD ABRAY OP TALBMT: ts to Behenectady. N. T., 14. IS. ut com- aompanr appear In , b tailed to appear. OldLavaoder (orlgbial oeatloiu.... Edward Hairlsan unknown. The new orrlvale Sept. 3 are : Thatcher ing down with a crash. Of these In Bamum's Itwul fee known a* tbe LoDKBtmnehOomblnatlon, Thx Dick the Rat TonrBart I LAsm AND OBtn^Ewai engaged for tbe and Hume, Prof. Barry Parker car, instantly HENGLER and dogs, Wln- the following wen killed : George BDPrORTBD BT A QUS WILLIAMS, DELEHANTY AND aodlsontanlaed as follows: Loots SchmDUln^, : opening of the Orond Central Theatre, Oolveston, neld and Gregory, John Bellly, Julia Woloot. Boekwell, John Purcell, John H. Breese, Charles OABBFULLY-SBLECTBD COBPANT TbsOrsstTentonleComedlss, and OenasnTocaUlt, and TkeMottFamou J. Potter, atata-mianamt: Frank ' Tezao. Snprletor; W ore requested In Manager Sprague's card and Signer Olovanni with bis mnaical glaosee Thompeon, A- Mock and F. B. Baker. The wound- OP OBABATIC ARTISia Master«aater nuaw.Ponstsr. Boa^-uuH-^MBcm ArtUta In AMome^ nns^ Fanneotler and Ooewer. Andy Shields, the to assemble the Erie at depot Sept. 9. and birds. Ben Cotton will put. In a flrst ed wen 0. Browning, A. West, J. Boksr. H. Jsn- INCIDENTAL HUaiC VaTor Brothers—Wash, and Eddie—Annie Oor- Two soso-ANS-DAHCE MXN, olso serlocomle appearance BV DAVE BRAHAB. mon, and Vood. this season, as also "Our Baby." nlngs, S. Dunn and w. Clayton. Oreen Berry, ex- HARRY KERN^ THE AUSTIN BROTHERS, Ante singers and o leader and pianist, NEW SCENBRT BT R. 1.. WEED. a ore wonted by Tho Coliseum throws open Its doors curslon-ogent, and F. Doher, programmer, were pertinBtha A x,Al>T PABTifZB ts wanted to laam the trmi>exs Manager, who advertises. to.nlght. WBDMESDAY AND SATintDAT AND The OieatWastamSHABPSHOOTEBawtao Many and tasty Improvements hove in the second ear of the train, and both wen kill- illiti baslneaai Bee De Moss' owd. MA-nNEEB. 2«.lt most wondstlbl sbota with a rlfls ever aeeomi sa Frank TBB NKW BIO FODB—emlth, Woldton, Morton. taken place In the auditorium. It haa been ed. F. A. Xeeler, the conductor ot tbe oar, waa A. H. BAXTEB sdTenlaes tor a partner In clog and Master Martin—open In Ban Francisco, CaL, handsomely redeooiated. the prevailing tints be- the only one of the Bomum company who eseai>ed JOHN KERNELL, and ml danctng. Sept. 3. HARRIS AND CARROLL, ing lilac and jtale. blue. An elegant new dxop- Injury. WILL POBItlVBL ofthe Unltad Statao. IjDO^AMn Ajn> WxzoBT. the Irish Smlcrmnts, in AT V OPEN ON Ohm Irish Comedians ArtIatte^B«pt«aentatlvea ot Old Boatbeia SartJM. THK ASMuni, Tolodo, O., the new people curtoin has been' provided. The seating capooliy OBOBOB H. MCBBAT IB BOW prsframmer ot John Tba •lelr Ilorth.oMreland. ipeolnltlM and I.ancaahlr» Aug. 27 were Keating and Bands, tbe Irwin Sis. aa now amnged and the prices are as follow H. Hurray's Clrous. MONPAT BV.-!NINO, SEPT. 10, ]lg and reel dancuv. are tfoc, open for engace- teta. Master Ode, Minnie Qms, and Norton and Proscenium boxes, one on each side, oontaltilng OOOPEB. Bailbt Co.. proprietors of the Great WATSON AND ELUS, FRANK BENNETT, mento. They pabllah la oarbnaliicBB CoBsody, WITH BADABB ROSINA NBirni,LE>B Ottat Oermin Team. department two Toledo young men who have adopt- four ssats, t3 or tl per seat; porqnet, 352 seats, 36 International Allied Snows, have secured the fol- The • list ot iheir Tsrloos acta. ed the stage, and who gave good o clog-donoe. osnts; parquet-circle, 400 seats, 25 cents; ladles' lowing artists tor their Australian tour : Martlnho BAU.XS-DASOEB and ladles with spedaltlea Cloelng OBAND PLAY OP EVA BENNETT, are Bept. 1 : Hurphy ond Mock, Keating and gallery, 400 seats, BO cents Lowande and son. Mile. De Granville, HOEY, wanted at the London ParlUon, The Globe also Fted Lo- FiaOS AND Tbe Host Yanatll Fiotaan ArtlaU In the Pietaalaa. Hatttord, Ot. Ad- Bonds, to Chlcsgo; Oracle May. Detroit; Irwlu inaugurates lis sesson to-night. zelle, Jimmy Beynolds, Caaslm^nd Fritz, l-NDBR TBB WILLOW& The :MBCleal Fbenomenooa,Fbenoinenooi. Comlo ItMiimnDansera and dress Hanr Lester. tr, who adrertlses In new people DE PATR0LLE8 (tbe aoa wbo loved and JEPPE DELANO. ot the Coliseum were Minnie Clifton, scenee and a protty curtain. The seating ca- BOBZBT ADBBET arrived In this dty the past the loverwbo won) B. p. Thome ttlB lesne. Charles OrvtUe and Ftank and Josle Forest. ANTOINB De padty and prices range es follows : Parquet week from South America, when he hod tulfllled TBIBEAUT (who tried to wreck a life. GIRARD, FE9CAI.E Tiuarr Is wanted at Harry HUl's The- Closing bnt waa wrecked) FANNY DELANO. FRANK I: Harry Martin, to Clndnnatl; Perry SM seats, 80 cents; porqnet-drcle, 400 sests, one year's engsgement with B. A. Oounney's Clr. D. W. Waller ThsTaTaatlla Artlab ooe, this olty, eepectaUy eerto-oomlo COVNT DB PAVROUiES (trusting and fUthnil), Society Sketcb Aitlits, • slngtr Broa., Lydla Boea, Delia Walloca, to Indianapolis; 35 cents: gallery, 66!l teats, 25 oenta eus In Lima, Peru. He Informs us that to np J, K. Cr ToxTsr i».*.«'X"oi«» Joe Buckley, Columbus ; and Ada Wallace, to Erie. MB. B. T. DTRINO. Leader of Orcheatra. The Academy baa been thoroughly overhaul- July 38 ths Carlo Brotheia' Olrinis hod done a One DnKE DB 8BNNETILLB (one — AT LBOK'B TABIRBB, Loout Point. Hd.. the of tbs old re«lme, N. D. ROBERTS, Boslneaa Manager. Pro]prletoo. Openings : The La VerdeOblldren (also announced ed and redeoorated. The prices have been flxed business, and that they hod sailed for the various wbo respected, honored and loved bla cblidren). sompony at our latest odvloes Included MoUy for the Adelpbl), Millie Bertha and John Mock. as follows: Proeoenlum boxes, t3; Turkish or- pertain Chill, and expected to arrive In Valpa- „ ^. Oeorge lietklff Lame, Harry Butler, Little Nell. Lee Walton. Lena (his son, yet atsadtaat). IN N. B. Sblmer, OODTRAN merry fir. NEW YOBK who haa been the manager chestra chslis, All Fuller SEASON 50 cents: parquet. 35 cents: bal- raiso about Oct. I. the company were en- TONY PASTOR*S Detorrees I^ny Shelton, Nettle Carlyne, Jennie for eome time post, was married MABACON (be would be a vUbiln, but became a hem), Wltilj BOOKS FILLBD TILL Ot^BBB 8. on the morning cony, 25 centa; gallery, 16 cents. The sesson be- loylog excellent health. Mr. Aubrey positively Wm. COMAIEIirCEl IW OOTOBBIB. Wells. NelUe Leon, Allee Floraace. Johnny Hen- nt Aug. 35, St the Tremont House, to Hiss Flora gins Sept. 3 with Uenderaou Aitiata dealrlng anftagcmenu wUI pleaae addreaa the following company : Charles contradicts the report, which gained circulation FBANCOIB (the poiiled servant at tbs Hotel de Par. nlnss. Viola Howard. Bessie Turner, and Jerome Brlghara of Detroit. Tbe happy couple were tlie York. Bogers and MatUe Tlckeie, Staeehan and Jones, here some time ago, that one ot Carlo Ohildzen bil Hr. W. qalim B.U TOKI PASTOR, 585 and 687 Broadway, New Whitman. serenaded In the evening by the Coliseum bond. Goes and Fox, John Carle, Oummlngs'and Hlnee, —Leotard and Harry—bad died. JBAN (who followed the fortunea of the Duke), t. uiLLa, WK. soreltr aniat, can be addressed Advices ot Aug. 31. the Freeman Sisters, Lew Benedict, Master Bar- Cole's N. Y. anu N. O. Oaix% performed In Ckarlea Luby are at thle office. LATOITRlthe Postilion) Br. BlUer David HoCAUurr, a variety performer, who has ney and Billy CarroU, Elolse Allen, Kitty O'NeU, Tltusvllle, Pa., Aug. 28, Edenburg 39, Parker's Tooallst. BORTB.NSe, COUNTESS DE KAVUOLLES (her life UADD Stablet. and Edward Werner, been In Chicago, IlL, tor seme weeks past, died E^tte Howard, so, Sept. 1, Ida Greenneld, Hugh Fay and PetroUa 31, Mllieisuwn and U bUled .WAH Shadowed, but saiisblno came at last) aomedlan, in their bellringlns duets, etc., can bo quite suddenly Aug. 29. Our oorreepondent eays Charles Gardner. In addition to tho offlceis men- in Kittening 3, Bochester 4, Stoubenvllle, O., S, Emtua Waller KICK ROBERTS' engaged by addressing as per odTertlaement. "On the Saturday previous he had an altercation tioned In my last letter are Leuls Molmska, scenlc- Bellalre, Marietta 7. Portsmouth 8, Jackson 10, ELENB (her daughter, gay la bapplnewu noble In Two zsis-iizM. a banjolst, vloUnlst, Ain> a soog-and- with Oeorge B. Baddlffls, an .actor, who has been artlst; Dan McCarty, properties: and Cyrus ClrclevUle 11. sorrow) MUn Jennie Burdock CELEBRATED WELL-SNOW danoe men and a tent ore wanted MARIE idaoshter or .SrnnevUIr, with by D. O. Oarle, ploying the past tew weeksot tbe AdelphL During Crouse. stoge-carpeuter. Advices ot Sept. I. John Pattebson, clown. Is thus noticed In Tht tho Duke Da who adTerrtwee, blue blood and hoaestheatt)... .Blue Dulile Thornton this altercation be struck BadcUffe in the eye, ED. UILLIEB la the stoge-managsr at Smith's Tarmta Daily Lemler of Aug. 18 BoBiMSOR FAmLT—Llsile, MATINEES EVERY SATURDAY. -i<-lt Tan Nellie and Uas- when Bodclllfp retaliated by hitting McCauIey Grand Opera house. Grand Baplds, Mich., and FXRBONAU—JuuM fATTXRiiox.—This great wit, a new tar Clok—haTing ]aat returned from the South, over the head with his cone. About seven Importation, not ooly a clown, but a Celtic clown, la not DUMPTY o'dock not Msson, HUMPTY Don as our correspondent there re- an now open tor engagements. See card In the evening of the some Boturdoy, at the cently stated. ooeof tbeleaat oftlie attractluns belonelDR to tbe Great No. Tta and 730 Broadway, some (late Heller'a Woudar Thaatre.) Johhsoh Ain> Bbdho, acrobatlo and contortion saloon, McCouley stole Loudon Sbow, now to be iieen at tbe coruar o( Elnx and up behind BoddUfe and THE OBAND CKNTBAL THEATBg, Philadelphia, not only URAND OFENINO comic PAIirTOMIIHE. Portland aticeu. Bla bnmor la relVeabIng, TRICK aong.and.dance artists and linguists, are now at broke a beer bottle over his head, It oattlng was reopened Saturday evening, BepL I, under but aparklea like tho ctfarreaccnee ITom a buttle of newly MO.MDAV, SEPT. 10. ROBE:i<.T'S _ _ . _ _ BCaiiaaer the Bella Uuloo, Ban Frandsoo, Cal., where they badly. On the following Tuesday McOaoley died, the orlgioal, Bvery Evening and batorday Matinee. NTOK Proprietor and management ot John J. Taylor. During the opened cbampagne. HIa uylDRi are ebaate and ORUIALDI Director hare been suooesstnlly pertormlng during the but the vtilRailty, THE WORLtVRENOWNED of AmusementolA. L. BRYAN Matleal UrsrtK phyaldans and these who know ot tbe recess very great Improvements hove been ef- piquant— never dczeneratlng Into alwara ac- ' psot six aterling BRYANT'S MINSTBELS. BOB HONEYWOOD "i^—f mnniha. See okrd. olCalrore not Inclined to believe that hlsdsoth fected In this eetabllsbment, the neat ond pleas- ceptable, and with Uall he anltaa the qaalltlea of an educated man. lie bellove It necemrr to Tbe LeadlogStaraor tba Profwuilon tinder the maanage- FBOK THE BLAOK HILLS WO haTe (he following reeulted from the blow trom,Badcllfre'a cane. In ing aspect ot the auditorium thorottgh does not showing characterlia hia people—the frith -aa a anobblanlr- mealof SIXTH ANNUAL TOUR, - iBtelllgeBce, dated Deadwesd, Aug. at: "Stere tact, all partlas completely exonerate the latter. good taste and liberality. A large audience was dreued, Tulfsr nstlonalltv In order to aecure a laugh. NEIL BRYANT. oouirE.vciNa Oooney and wUe. Oeorge Bedmond. the twin BaddUfe went to Ooleeburg, IlL, Aug. 27 to Join in conalatlng fullowlng well.known artlata: at rroirs* pa.si'or's opcir^.so'osxl new yobic xoiiitjtK, attendanoe, evidently ranch grmtlfled with the Alwaya redncd and K«nile aa a woman, he la aayone*a of tne eiESP'X'. XO( 1S77« YISrriNO AIX TUB PBINCIPAL CITmSIN THB UNITED STATBS. alstets Yaldls. their mother and agent, lelt Aug. the Blanche De Bar Combination." programme presented, which commenced with beau Ideal of a •nnlue. blgbly-gUtcU IrUhman. LTTTLE MAC, CUABLET BANKH. U by mtile-tialn tor Oheyenne. which place they THE NEW ABBIVALS Ot Trimble'a Vortstlss, the skstch "Turning ths Tables," In which DAVB REED, JUSTIN ROBIMUOK, OKpected to reach SEASCON AND eOVBRfl, NEW TRICKS, NEW SCENERY; NtW WARDROBE, NEW MUSIC, PRINTING, ETC In about thirteen daya. The Plttsbtirg, Pa., were the Monls Bros., songs-and- Jacques Kruger, Ackland Von Boyle, Miss Bel- BnscKiiiiAinEors. NEW Oem Theatre here hns reopened, bnalneas dancea, ADAMS AND LRE. AIX COMPLBTB AND FIRST-CLASS IN but U and Dr. S. U. Landls, wbo produced his la Olifton, and Hiss Lou Lawrence appear- SloNOBBoeoo, with O. Fox, agent, Is to perform COOL WHITB, BILLT BRYANT. BVBBT DBPABTMBNT. bad. The Bella Union Is closed, but It is to be gory play of "Dick Bbaw." Business good ed. Then followed M»H..n W. U. Some Ot lbs leading leatarai ol this oigaBliatlan are the lellowing Star Aitlata: Hiss Fisk in op- In Brady's Bend, Pa., Sept. 4, s, e, Foxburg, 7, 8, HAILILTON, A. B. PELBAM, opened for beneflio—Frankle Lee's ai. and OUday Tony Pastor's troupe, at Library HoU. succseded eratic selections. Irwin P. BOWaRO, T. C. UBDOBS. ORIAEaJTjEMl ...... Tbe Best Clown tn Amexloa Thoaias in pedeetal- 10, Embenton 11, 13, 13. and otnlTon's 39. Business of all PROF. €. OF OBCUESTBA, MISS LOUISE B08HBLL COLOMBINB | CHAS. ALMONTB rAXTALOOH kinds la doll m nuing that bouse to Its utmost capacity. Tber doncea, Harry a. Blchmond In new special, J. D. Dkanb. proprietor ot the Arlington House, COBKU LEAOEB WM. - HABLEQUIN I MISS here, and money to very acaroo. Baby and James gave one ot the best varleQ- joa TKioo. K. sbtro, EUNICE ADA BOSUBLL.. ...PAIBT performances that tlee. Miles. Falladlno and EUse and ballev Cairo, III., publishes special rates. In his cord In OEO. XoDonald are here. Idle. Vr. B. PABTON, M. J. 8ALAM0N. ALMONTE Hr. IfcOonald was pre- have ever been eeen In this dty. Advices of Sept. 1, oorpe In Signer Tito Cellini's new ballet "La aenled by his wire on Aug. with another column, for professional guests. T. TAN VELSOR, A. SORLIE, U a ten-poond AT TooHZB's Vabxetixs, Norfolk. Va., Mettle Tarabourka," and the flrst appearance in Ameri- Taylor's Opera-house, B. B. FOSCER, C. 8M1TII, Jausb Hoban, manager All Ladles and Geotleineo CDCBceil for the comloe ssason' srs lapectlbny ivqaeited to ausmblalor boy. AtmTeUDgoompanywlllIeaTeherelnatew Bliss opened Aug. 27. Billed for Sept. 3 : Bobby ca otJuIeene In his musical character-sketches, J. MULLUBRN, J. WILKINSON. eUl. 61 Jefferson, Texss, Is ' iir' this dty, and can tie ad-, at TOKT PASTOB-8 OPBRA-HOCSE,iCSB, TUI7BSDAY,^EPT.TUI7BSDAY, S, U77. dsjB for the Bed-rlTsr oonntiy. It Is orgonlvd and AUeb Dairo/, Lou Edwards and Louisa De the performance conduding with the drama dressed ss per card. Pormlsg the strongest siray of minstrel talent aver of- as follows: Plannle Beane, Carrie fared to • New York aodlence. Lewis. Ftankle Lnlsl. ot "Wide-awake," in which appeared Oeorge J.B. Cbooe has leased the JopUn (Mo.) Opera- Lee, Ftankle Howard, Oeoige A. Beone, POPULAR PRlCBa,». 30 AND 7»CENT8. M-lt* QUday TaKBsLLE Oabbisllx COJiBiirATloit have ]uat France and his tialned dogs, supported by Frank house, which oompleted. It - has juat bean has a and oinlren, and an orchestra." closed an, engagement at the Theatre Comlque, Foster. T. J. Martin. Miss Marian FIsk and dram- ~^,AAyF>b* otu-A.'VfiMUJ!: tukatrb. seating capodty for 000 peisons. ondstondlnna TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. CiMOTC>ATi TAitixrT cnxLuaEtcz Is tnmlshed Washington, D. C, and Manager Bogers In a card atic company. On Sept. 10 Fanny Oladlng Buck- oorreepondent room tor 100. It la weU supplied with sceneryr OPBNINO NIOUT, AND (-.VERY BVBMMO, HIT! by our dating In another HIT! 3Ist ulL. aa ap- column reoommends them to mon- ingham will appear as Hazeppa. HARD ond Is lighted by gss. TUB DARK CITYt pended : "Wood's Theatre Is being painted Inside ogezB In general as Ont-closa artists. ENOCHS' VABimm, Philadelphia, will be re- VltnoBIA C. WOODHOLL, Tsnnle C. Clollln, Vic- THB DARK CITVI and out, and otherwise reStted, preparatory to Its THE HZTWOOD Bbos.' I oombinatior performed opened Sept. 3 under the management, as here- toria WoodbuU Jr., and Mrs. Olanin arrived In THK DARK CITT THE EYENT OF 1877. CROTTMlfe SUCCESS OF TBB opening Is by Ueeers. Alms BlUIer. Inaugn- In Portland, Me., Sept. TUB DARK CITY I The 1, ond ore billed In Hon- tofore, ot Bbury Enochs, for tbe Fall end Winter London, Eng., during the week ending Aug. 15. A PEOPLE'S PLAY, BT ADGUSTIN D tLY. . XBl company, so for as engsged, will comprise Fat Chester, N. H., 3, Nashua 4, FItchburg, Moss. , S. season. During tlie brief recess this theatre has Jas. W. Cozins, formerly proprietor ot the Co- LADIES' MATINEE ofThe Dark City'' SATURDAY at*. Booney, Wallets and Hnghes. J. W. UcAndrews, MoNB. BXTESI, gymnast, formerly with Zoe been renovated redecoiated, and and a nsw stage, zlne Hotise, Baltlmon, Md., has leaaed the Sher Matinee price. O.^E DOLLAR to all reaerred ««at«.|H.|t| Tommy Turner, Oapt. Oeorge Liable, Mr. and Zeonettl, died of typhoid fever at his residence, in new scenery and a handsome drop.curtaln Intro- wood House. In that dty, and will open It about Mrs. B. A. Brennan, John BoobneU, Edna Hork- Allegheny city. Pa., Aug, 30. EUs funeral took duced. The opening MXHr^O'Cit OAAX>JS«. company includes w. 8. Sept. 1 as a flnt-class hotel for the aocommodailon W. J. PLKMINO Manager ley. Lulu Fronds, Lizzie Uulrey, and Ulnnle place at four o'dock 30. His real HIgglns, name was L. Horace Weston, Smith k Bay, Mile. of professions! guests. He calls the attention 01 mond.\y, sept. 3, Olyde. Uqoors will be sold SMITH, MORTOir, No WlagHeld and H. Magee, and he left o widow and on Inlant Olymplo and Mons. Henri De King, Coonors and tbe profeeslon to tbe comforts ot bis house In o ^;:d btbry eveniko Otegory, bortxontal-bar and barrel performers, child. He had not praetleed his profession tor Ooleman, Fanny Davenport, Johnny Harris, Barry and saturday ma'h.veb, (LATE OF WALTERS AMD MOBTOKJ card published In our business department. the Xr. and Mra. Fred McAToy In a sketch called two yeate previous 10 bis demise. De VanetU, Chas. I,. romantic drama Banks, May Hamilton, A. B. H. DICKSON'S New Opera-house, Kenton, O., can WILD MEXICO, 'Kathleen,' Johnny Morrlssey In his Ethiopian AT WABD's OFEBA-HOoaE. Newark, N. J., the Phelps, Tom Vance, Billy Hart, FLOWER OF John Forbes, Oeo. be secured by addreeslng as per card. The house prodoced witb that cumpletenew of detail lor which this WAI.DROX, MAST. MASTUT, act 'A Troape of One,' and Jerry Cavana Fall and Winter season will be Inaugurated Sept. Billy Conway, Wright, Wally Price, Lou Fmzer, hss sests for 1,000, Is furnished with modem ap- theatre uodi-r the present management haa already be- (OF JIM-JAM FAME.) In a sketch 'The Baby Elephant,' oomprloed 3. Wally Ward Is manager and proprietor: J. B. and MoUle Phelps. pliances, has a stage 37 by 45tt., and alxteen sets come foraoua. X4-lt* The pobllc> nnlveraal verdict; Kew Blip Fonr takea tho cake without valklni; for It. Thanka to bubj tbe new people at Henck'e Opeia-house 28. Hntigertord, treasurer : J. Btaiwlll etage-manager their kind offers, as they sie *l>b Emerson's Mlnntrrls, Fianeitco. , TBE CABON ANB FBEIBX COMBINATION COU- of scenery, BXkOAJ>'WA.V X'XXEA.'X'XtX:, engsged Dsn SepL 3. Business large. Departures Sept. 1 : Ony lOnton M. Hurley, scenlc-ortlst; and Frank BTdweU, prop- jM-lt Lettere may he addressed EMERSuys OPERA-HOPaB, Ran Franelsto,'CbV duded their two weeks' enRsgement at Dougher- A CATALOouz and price-list ot pictorlsl printing Thirtieih atreet and Broadway. and Lucy Adams, Indianapolis; Charles Diamond. erties. During the Bummer tbls theatre has boon ty's Alhambra Palace, PhlladelpblR, on Bept, at low rates, and a list of a large variety ot cuts, Proprietor and Manager MR. JAS. a DUFF Baltimore; WlngBeld and Oregory. Ohlcago: painted, new scenery added, the old 1, and has been re. Hugbey Dougherty and LJitlo Moc making their can be obtained by addressing T. B. Dawley, man- Deddvtl liucce^ii of Lotilae Unrlo. : Opentoc 3 Hilda Thomaao, Iferd painted, the stage rebuilt, and tbe gallery enlarg- reappearance during the second and laatweok. age! ot the Great American Engraving and Print- MR. JOAQULV MILLER'S AMEBICAN PLAY Slaters, UuUigan and Morris, and Tommy h'elL ed, Tbe orcbestra win be under the leadership entitled A new company appears Sspt. 3. locludlog tbe ing Company. See card. NATIONAL COffllQUE. Or. THEATRE The new people at Scblckllng's Music Hall ot Fr^t. o, Moore. The opening company will TBEDAKITES: HEART OF THE RIERRAR. CO'Stal Palace Opera Company, Miss Lou Sand- NEW ASSOCIATION HALL, West Meriden, Ct., Is UA.VITES MATINEE SATURDAY AT 1:30. this week hare been Eat«- Montroso and Vlo Bey- consist of the Peosleys—John and Leo—Alyeo ford, McVlcker and Burke, Curry and Hall, and advertised to rent. It will seat six hundred. Box-oiUce ooen from 3 a. u. uotlll 10 p. u. nolds, pleasing vocalists, and John Fisher, ex- ondYutas, Howard S.-indtord, Stewart, CINCINNATI WILD OVER on and Dick Lawionand McGlono. TUG DEATH Of H. H. Dovenport, one of tbe Seat* may be i*ecured ten daya lo advance. gi-lt aallent comedian. Biz good. Departures 1 James Boonle, Sept. Berfanto Blstets—Maud and Lil- AT MiLLEB'H wiKTEB OABDEN, Philadelphia, a Davenport Brothers, who gave exhibitions of BXIOOJCA.1Y1M Parker SIstere, Chicago, IlL: Billy lie— J. and Uoggle W. Walton and Harry Slndslr, J. 8;anslll capital programme auractad large audlent-es last spiritualism, will be found lecorded In our Aus- TOLKS' OARDE-V. Bay, BransTllle; and Fisher. Adelaide Eaton, John ArrlTals 2: Harry Oreocon, Irene Carlton. week. The new arrivals Aug. 27 worn Foster trallan letter In this Issue. HYDE A BEUUAN l>roprletors JoeKortoD,BlIly and Minnie Jessie aEIT.S, Kayo, Cborlee and Lee, Oeorge May, and Charles Boberts, and Hughes In soogs-and-dances, Oeorge and AT THE CITT HOTEL, NOW Haven, CL, profession- May Loder, De Leon and Showers, and who will comprise the stock ot the theatre. TBE FOLLOWl.S'U COMPANY: SHEEHAN Adrlenne AND JONES, Mario Kelson In the Ethloplon sketch "Dat Oal," als an boarded at special rates. Since the present Annie Ulndle. Sanyralia, Mlaa nallaehrr, Blllv West, Mc- CrS7 John and "Oliver Twist" will be presented during the the (amou Irish sketch utlsta. BlfXist hit ever mmda In the city. Open u tho Amy Tudor In a sword-com- Matt Green In feats of contortion, Nellie aandror4 proprietor, Hsrry Fiynn, took possession In May Dermott Slater*. Wllllanis Slaters, Lottie Brutni, Oscar bat dance which was a feature. B4W- week. Matinees will be given Tuesdays and Pauline in eoDgs.and.dances, Silly "Wyile in Irish songe, loat, the honse baa been refumlehed and other- WUlia, and E. D. Ooodlnjt : Veslcr'a orcba«tn. ACADEMY OF MUfttlC, CHICAGO, ILL., SEPT. 8. nard oconmpUshsd vocalist, Fridays tbe UetropoUton, standing-room as and Zoe ZeonetU At and, laat, Harrison and Mandler, two very dever wise Improved. For timber Information see ad- ARTISTS, ADDRESS AS ABOVE. Xt-lf. The above gentlemen are great cards, and can open at tbe above hogje at any time on'a momeofa aolloe. and Hons. Searles on the trapeze opened only has tioen the order during tho past week. Dutch comedians, who made a decided hit in vertisemsnt. Aug. 27 at the National Theatre Comlque. In addition to the attrecllons before mentioned, "Who's Dot Knocking on Dot Outslde-gatef" Lew OWENS' .^CAOEm OP Music. Charleston. S. C, 2«-It NA.T ETS-jlLBDS. Thirty-rourth street and Third aveooe. The drama ot 'Cartouche,* with Walter Bonn two prlvave boxes have been made on each side Cole, Nellie Leslie, Annie Harrison, Minnie Far- eon be rented through John M. Barron, business- lnthetltIe-roIe,oonaUtuiedUiewlnd-iip. Biz good. ot the gallery, and a second gallery has been con- THBLBADINO UP-TOWN VARIETY TIIEATRB. "WATiTEO— kotice:. rell and Belle Bussell open Sept. 3. manager. Hooaei. crowded to tho tloorn at everv parlormance. HIN^REL AMU VARIETY TALENT AMD HUSIOIAKB. JAMBS HOBAM, MAMAOEB TAYLOR'S OrBBA-B0O8& Departures Sept. 1: Etta stmcted, the seating capacity ' Hay, Chicago; Cordelia making ot the bouse THEATUE, Brooklyn, L. I., tbe Jewelby suitable for street-men and peddlen Salarlts sure. or rent tent for sideshow. and AT THE PABK LARGE. FIR.ST-CLAS.S VARIBTV AN1> RURLIlliQUB Would bay a JErFEBSON,TEXA& TletorelIl.Buaalo: Thatcher and Hume. Chi- atMut 1,600. The programme for the past week company this week will Include Vol Voee, Jonnle visiting the fairs can be putcbased ot the Stalnau COMPANY. SPECIALTY AKTISTS, HEK9ATIONAL D. C. CaBLB, Address No. 17 Lsikyette place. New York,. cago; abeehon and Jones, Chicago: Zoe ZeonetU opened with Oeorge France In "Wide-awake," Morgan, Sadie Lubln, Annie Morgan, Pat Booney, Jewelry Co., whoso advertlcement appean In an- STARS wlthffowd borlOMnca or light comc.1ienaaltable for tt-lt* NUaa. Mich. A AT.r.F.iVQE and Mens. Searles. Columbus; Cbsrlea and Hay and It was followed by Hogan and Orimn In a ne* Floury, Avery, Emmerson and other column. atleri>lec*a. BALLCT LADIES and good UENBRAL PER- Fernando Frank FORMERS WANTED AT ALL TIMES. Addreaa ACCEPTED. Loder, Shiekllng-s Hall, dty; Annie Warlleld, gro sketch; James Messenger, cannon-ball per- Clark, Otto Burbonk, the Blchmond Sisters, Dick Jabxb' Hall, Chattanooga, Tenn., can be se- OBUUEiiTllA for Diamsilc 'V'scieiy or Minstrel Boil- EDITOB at.|t« J. CUAA. DAVIS. Manager. neaa, Open for engaoement with reaponslhle company, Pauline Bernard, and the Tudots. Opening 3: former; tbe Newman Sisters In o musical sketch; B. cured by applying as per card. NBW YOBK CLIPPER. Parker, Harry Cerenl, and Oeorge Edeson travellni;. Late with Parlslaa Hullln and McOee. Oeorge W. Hunter. Nellie Susie Starr, character dancer; John Hogan In OXJLiM.ORIS'S PBrmanent or Yarletlm, In yoar Isaac dated Sept I, to my amazemaat I b The Mozart Oarden Is to be opened with variety THE cibcuit ot Northern Illinois, undsr ths hUadelphla. PLAYS IK BRASS. Blchards. Once Oarland. Agnea Sutherland. "Alabaster Bam:" Eugene F. Oorman, solo on CONCERT OABDEN. ALTO CHALlBNOB attractions Sept. 3. control ot Manager W. H. Lalng, includes the OPBN EVERY NIOUT IN TUB WEEK S. A. waa:!, Unsdby LlESle Bomtt, WlUlom H.Biar.and BndworUt flutlna; John D. QrllDn In Irish specialties: and Hale ahd pesals specultt abtisib are want- opera-houses at Aurora, Ottawa, La Salle, Dixon, WITH M-lt* 6SI Ketth Thirteenth atreet. PhlladelphU. Pa. FRANK OABDNER, and OQhn In 'The MolUe McOutres.' Ida Bob Butler's Pantomime Company In "Humpty ed for Ida Cerito's Troupe, which takes ths road Sterling, and Clinton, la., and Washington Hall, aiLM0RE>8 prolkasloiially dnbhed Dearln, seilo-oomlc, and nankle Sidney, ballad- Dumpty." On Saturday the farce "A Ghost in III. in onothertnlumn relates ORBAT MILITARY BAND. ASSIBTAMT AKD FROORABMEB. Additai D. THE OALE8BURO TDDDCP," Bept. 6. See card. Mendoia, The card SPECIAL PBOOBAMMES AOBKT 1st, were the new appeoranoea at the Eldorado 20. Spite ot Himself" took the place ot "Wide-awake," tbe advantages to be derived by adopting this cir- W. CRAFT, ai Bast Twenty-sevent li at., MewYert. lHt» TO LEAF ANT MAN Of TBE WORU>. EUa Hill and Uzzle Dans doeed. Nellie HoUoway Oeorge France ond dogs end Fronk Foster being SUNDAY EVENTNOS. HBIOBT AMD DISTABOK cuit. W CENTS ADMISSION. for opens a The Blxford Brothers went to Bvans- under engagement In Philadelphia, to open at the IVEORO BEDISTKEliBY. FROFBSaiOMAL BOARUINO-HOUSE, D. W. CBL.\rT advertises for an engagement as Baiea. aestlog Ibnr, 83. 1 9-xf "FAME OR OAIN." Tllla yesterday Is Orand Central 1. Cloeures Sept. 1 : Oeorge Mld- BPBAOtls Blodoett's Mixbtbels performed In 14-lSt» lis Croaby atreet. Hew York. The OoUaeum announced asslstont-agont and programmer. Ot>£2'f»A-H.OUei£7~ To thoee who know him hia ptesamptloo vfll spnssr 23." Feorla, lU., Aug. 39, Pekln 30, Lincoln 31, Decatur COL open dleion, Lizzie Oale, Hogan and OrlOln, and James TBE Obunewald MD8I0 HALL, New Orleans, COB. WBST TITELPTU 8TREBT AND ORBBMAIUH T'WO TCOVJUfjt J^XDxSSDEMBB rldtenloui, as It will sppear frnltlsu In ths Tuscola 2, Arcolo 3, Porls Tns ATTBACHOif at the Olobe Theatre, St. Louis, Messenger, oil to N. Y. To open 3 : Qullter and Sept. 1, and are billed In Lo., ran be engaged by Bnt4:Iass companlea by AVENUE. to Join a dramatic company. Addivsa MBLLIE and CONTEST LILLA MOBSIS. care of Omca. M-tt Mo., during the week oommenotng Aug. 26, was Ooldrlcb, Nellie Bt. John, Mr. and Mrs. K A. Bren- 1, Terre Haute, Ind,, 3, Oreencastlo 6, applying to N. Y. Dromatlo Agsney, ss per card. NBw YOBK orrr, CUPPEB WE HA'VB DECIDED Frank Jones, who presented his play ot •TThe nan, and Capt. Oeorge Liable At the Coliseum, J. E. OBXBI'S MOGEdO-BIBD MINSTBELS are tO wilt open for the Fall oad Winter season 1877 and Ti BUALL TAKE PLACB DowLiNO HALL, Tern Houte, Ind., alter tMlng lyBEBLIKO, W. TA. Ssot. Black In Baplds, Mich., Sept. 6. Sept. 15. The eompaoy engaged will please aiisemble In BOUSE. KEKTON. O. AT TUDBBDAY. T, Hand." On the nr»"<«e night the audl- the new people Aug. 27 were tbe Slate and open Orand nnovoted. Is now open tor rentoL It will seat at cor evening parformafa. lor $ia^ half MIKIITBELS the greenroom at Id o'clock Wednesday. Sept 5. Stage STit. by latt. Two rowa border-Ugbts, one row foot- ofwhuh IsBPtr dlence was so large that many wore turned away. Hodges Oomblnatloa aad -NelUa- Forrttter, and SimCOMB, BLOOm k SWSATIIAirS on deposit It Is question I,300 persons, and Is advertised as having oom- Wanted—Talent of all kinds at all times; also yoang llghta, alxtean aeu ot scenery, two prlvats boxes, two a bnt what I sdopt sa nnwtts The play oil met with opprobotlon. Thoee closing Ist reoffUked ot-the 'anli-e4ieeS-Op*cs.hottae, Phllo- conxae in deigning to notice was put on the stage in good style, the pieta acenozx..aBd as being la, every way fitted tor ladlea ol good appearance. Addreaa dreaalnn-rooma. Seating capacity ol areaaU per olghc; lightetl villi aaMSi MRS. HARRIET HOLMaN' Mutleal Dlr«ctrt.H:t and the proleaalon generally, Jones remains, and plays In "On the Brink." notice, they vacated tho garden on the 27tb. Their "Oystete." Sandtord and Wilson made their Heath. gma: posltInn at this house The people they had engaged bad to look else- In de Kitchen." by W. J. Metcbear to complete three shows, which Tbe only Opera Company fflvlnz I consider It the beat arrmngad. iiHMt centrally toeatad Bit," which, to Tia. Looney's Varieties oi>ens Eept 1 with the follow. where for employment Tony Pastor and Frank Uumont'a nei^act "Making a be win start for tho fairs Sept. 10. See cord. STANDARD OPERAS ANU OPERA-BOUFFB WiCMrr\feU>-A LADV rARTnKR learo andmottpopularthntre IntheeltyofBloomlngt'm. In pne Oualnns: most l>e llaht-welght. Address, with Ing company: Hunk Mason, Wiley Hamilton, Lo- troupe are billed to appear at the Opera-house wlih Lew Blmmona and Frank Cushmon In new D.VNCEUS csu find an assortmont of clog and AT POPULAR PRICES. regard ta Mr. Thna. W. Davey. ths present lesws. aothlnic burlesque photo.. FltAXKDHMtiM.S,Sataray«oQat..Loi»taTlll». ICy.« I ccHild say would giTe bim grrater pnpalarl^. Ja Mr. mond and Gordon, Daisy Remington, Llmle Bast- Sept. II. Letter dated Bept. 1. spedaUles, aud the now "Bumblebee's 80Dg-aud.dance shoes at A. Le Croix's advertised Neet," concluded an excellent programme. Busi- MI9.- Winter season by Herkimer. CAN BK BKUAUEO AS ROUTER, RAILWAY CON* F. Dlxey, Mau ROUTE: Oawem, Sept. 3. 11, 12; Ogdcntbuig. S, S and ~~ltx^. of -ovh buahuinii-iiuubb." town. Letter ot Aug. 29. swlnger; and Algebrane Arabe, on Arabian tum- who comprise J. L. Camcross, R Waf. J. Meicbe.kb offon a twad-chariot for sale, TRACTOR, to order and ship all printing, and snperln- cr>X'M.Eea Oeo. H. Edwards, 7: Watertown, *, 8. 10: Auburn. 13; Syracuae. u. u. Open "MISS MuLTON," "DAMCHEFF8." "BABY," etc., bler, a hit In his really romarkable Wheeler, A. J. Talbot, Eugene, It, tend all Di^slness In advance of company. Mr Oabbie WOODS In her rapid chonge-oct, Intro- wbo makes and be will, until he disposes ot hire It out to the New Academy of Muxlc. SL Catlierlnea. Canada, 17. sale. AdJima J. Bhelllrid. Quinn, Wealyn and Casey, Qriffln and Bice, Addtew ast» Fonn^ aTeoiie. Moir Vorlc. aO-tt BARRY WIUTH. Ind. ««-lt» dnclng eongB expressly written tor her, cautions performance. The spectacle woe given under the James parties visiting Providence, It. I. It Is especially one week; London, 2t, one week; Ham 11 loo, Oct. 1, one L. anyone ssalost using the same. Bee card. direction of T. Charles Howard. The leaders of J. C. Lacey, 0. Templeton, Oeo. Frotblneham, refeiTed to tor its beapty ot design In extracts 1=C. WINTKK OAKDE.S. Vine C. F. JONES A. CO., ADAH BiaHKOSD'a BcBi.E:jQi;z TBOi;rE played the ballet were MUe. Oaugaln and Mile. Corssl. C. Mauler, Oeo. Cborles, B. Bosteld, B. Oarlel, J. from the press published In another column. For open dates and terms for tbls complete Opera Street, Philadelphia. Flmt cUas variety and operatic per- DRAMATIC. addnns, aa route. all timaa. ,N'o fancy salary, Ont modev- VARIETY. Alfred M. Barras, with legst documents, arrived Beck, W. btreeland, B. Uuckholtz, H. Hodreld, D. large variety Company per formers tranted at In New Haven, Cu. Sept. C. to fair business. They Mr. Metcbear also has on hand a of 2t.|3t LUniEN BARN E.«l. Mannirtr. at« and aurv. Puid erery MoQdMjr momiog—DvTCr talL MINSTREL Introducing himself to Manager Bradford, J. Till and D. Thompson. John T. Don- are to perform there 3, thence to Hartford l, s, here 29, and, circus property to dUjpoee ot. iDcorapeieai will be dlKhariied alter tint EQUESTRIAK nelly, advertlelng-agent for the Alham- S. B.— vtnoas AMD Bprlngneld, Mass., 6, Worcester 7, 8. Hopkins, notified him that, under the ex- formerly THE IKTraNA-noNAi. BxHinrTiON, Fatrmount nlatal*a apiwa»nc«, and no perrorntcr alloired to run a AUISHCr, with SraaAnoHAL stass, vszlety com- isting circumstances, hs hod no right to pro- bra, beoomea connected In the same capacity Park, Phlladolphla, was well attended last week, ABERLE'S TIVOLI THEATRE, har.blllso as to liuore a full week'a i;alary. Eenry Miller. ai-lta 1»SN. Wntfa atreet. Philadelphia, dromatlo and Carncroas ounilu- binations, and burlesque troupes desiring to duce ' The Crook." Aa satlstactory terms could this estabUshment, while J. L, especially on Thursday, Aug. SO, "Governor's Eighth street, between Second and Third avennca. Sole Proprietor. Oeorge Kurr. Staae-manager. 17-lgf ues manager. JACOB ABEKLE Proprietor and Manager aecoie dotes at Wood's Theatre, Cincinnati. 0., not be agreed upon, the programme was chang- OS Day." The Boyat Marionettes were exhibited SAM COLLINS .Stage maiugcr ATLANTIC. IOWA. AND BABITONE PLAYEB ore requested to address Messrs. Alms fc Miller. ed for 30, and a variety bill suoeiltuted. Ths next Habbx Robinson's Minstbtxs show In Anrora, Sept. 1. Master Horry Shannon, "Tbe Boy Ora- wishes an engagement to travel with a fIfSt-dass OOOK ORAND REOPENING WEEK. Saatlne cspselty, bJO. Finest iitaKe and stage aoeneiy In day Manager Hopkins concluded that be held Ind., Sept. Elgin, III., 4, Bockfurd 6, Dubuquo, tbe present week. pany. H. TODNO, No. B Second atreet Now Tort. O. F.'Josxa Co., dramatic and varloty agents, 3, tor," appears during Rentted. altered and eiuhelhKhed at a coar. nrsin,ooa Westam Iowa. Ample dretslng.rootn. Popolstlon. aay according to the agreement that III., T, 8. Paris," I.N' insert their car-1 la another column. the upper hand, la., C. Froeport. Dlxou TBE ZOOLOOXCAL GAUDEN and "Siege ot THE HI^ST ARTIST.-i TUB PROPEnable. A4draa F. B. WUITNBV, IN actor to Cltde At.mobe, who advertises. Is prepared to had been mode with Barraa' agent, and In de- BABLOW, WILBOM, PBIStBOSE b WEHT'S HlB- IniPblladelphla, each bad moro than Its average THE GREATEST SHOW NEW YORK. maldeni,t Baak 01 Atlantic U-Mt* An pUy JD B3ITLBB and share ths lesdincfer TBOUPB. also write nance ot Bams "The Crook" was given the rest strels are to show In Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 3, of vlslton ths weekending Sept. 1. A NEW BALLET season; a CBARAt^R ACTRESS capable of pUyluc burlesques, sketches, songs, eta during CO.MPANY. BiXiayOA-i.. RfiPOfefiT'OR'K. old departures were T. Cborlee E, Buffalo T, Erie, Pa., 8 continued A NEW PANTOMIME woman. Moat have wasdiobe. Salary modseata, bat THE OOHCAHY at the Academy ot Muslo, Cleve- ot the week. The Ilocbester 4, 6, PEPAN-ro In his antipodean feats to AN OLIO OK FIFTY PEBFOttMKRS. A variety of very' elegant Uhtalons, VentrlloqnUl Beads, SURE. JLddicaaatosce Algebtone Arabe, to Boston; the did busi- land, O., the jiast week was not altered from that Howard and KELLT & LEON'S MiNBTBELS a good give satisfaction to large numbers ot spectatots Plnt.dasH aitlsu (onlyj desiring ilates will addreM OBAD." pointed and decorated. The company consisted Ado Whiting, Indianapolis, Ind. Opera-house, Baltimore, Ud., tno post woek. 16ft. by Wtt., with scenery, etc It hoe a eeaUng regular musle-dealer. send to the publisher, F. W. HBlr* Now In the eleventh edition, lOiM eonlea each edition. No. SO West Fourth atreet. of Mile. BuaseUle, vooollst; Morris, setlo- SHEBiAjr AND Joi>ES Open at the Academy of capacity of Ouo. Opposite Prloc* strMt, MICE, tJINCINNATT. a Kate THE CALIFOBNIA MiNSTBBLB, nhder the man- Sung nightly by Geo. W. Barley. Prica Me. For aale by all ON LY9& CENTS. SS «omlo; Mnslo. Clileaso, m., Sept. 3. They publish a ^rd A YOUNO pooseeaes a bnmoroos and ONLY CBNTB. Mile. Henrietta, song-and-danoo; Haxxy agement of Chaa. Sutton, performed In Fort LADY wbo Alili TF.AB TLOTJUD. mnslc-dealcra, or sent to any addrei>e on receipt of price, CBORDS. Leonard, stage-manassr. In sketches: Harry Jet- from Manager Byoms. In which no highly en- Wayne, Ind., Aug. 31, Sept. 1. In the com- satirical lecture advertises for a buslnees-mana- OPEN bv H. a. HULLENBUBO. Publlidier. 2M Main atreet. Let capital ahake hand, witli labor. feiBon, general business; Iks Anderson, song- dorses their performances as sketdi-artlsis. pany are Chaa. Butu>n, Levlno Bros,, Bernardo, ger to tomlsb capital. Memphis. Tenn. 2Mt Let the poor have ths bread that tboy essv^ and-danco: Hyde Boughman and E. B. Hahn In AT -THE LOKDON PAVILION. Harttotd, Ct., ths ar- Wilson, Hiram Spencer, C. F. Smith, TwicLVE ooBYPHEEB, blondes preferred, are l^od. mVZR, For aorely they need every peony Ml"-*'" and ttujEyrctjJE^m. x>xla.bljus, A.crrt», la a laaaon aulto easy to loam. ilfle^hootlng; and OOaa, teats rivals Aug.- 37 were Bealy, Conway and Ella foir. wanted for the Orrin Brothers' Company in l^prleior mad Mftn«KU>— . ity ot the Davey, and the manager, 199 BOWEB.Y. 2U1 In the centre of this thrlvlngclty.andls IbUy sapplltd with Two good aong-and-dance men. two good aetle-eoealc idrw- AX FosTEa'a Couszmf . Detroit, Ulch., the new AT THE MEtBOPeuTAiii 'trsEA-riiE, Louisville, LEW JOBMSON'S TEKHBSSES JDBILZX BlNOEBS lessee, T. W. aiUatlc scenery, elegant drop curtains, and an modem re- rrs.mait bagoaddnsseis and flnt-daia. to salt people 27 were Mons. Dayton features Aug. 37 were Le Vcol«, Sept. 3, 4. Oeo. S. Smith, Is published elsewhere. Pastor's LONDOB KUaiC HALL OP AMEBICA play u. Alpbonae, Tommy Ey., the new are billed In Dulnth, Minn., qulrementa. Rent low to auit the times. No llcenae, and abort burlesque. Alao a good leader and plsuut. and Annie Batelle, Hsrry Osborne and Fannie gymnast, Sheridan Brotheis—William and Frank HAVEBLY's MiNSTBHiS,' With Frank Morsn and Troupe performed in Bchroder'B house when In OPEN THB VBAB BOUND. special Indacsmenu offered. Special hotel rate* provided. MBS. PAUL PALK rnnrletnea Addxeaa, Immediately. Wentworth, Tommy Turner. Commlngs and Har. o sketch : Nellie Clark, dtib-owlnger : the Par- Bobby Newcomb in place ot Billy Bice and Bloomlngton. TTut* Address W. F. OBBHART. Proprietor. —In WM. T. OIESELBEBO _ Manager MABAOBB. xlngton. Lulu Frauds. Departures Sept. 1: Pauline—songs, dancee and WUson, are to open at the New Chicago J. Batin; show.polntsr, esn be oddieesed as per a4-lt« P.O.Box4. Beypert. B. *. kers—Lewis and Oeorge 810. CON8TANTINB 6-a«e-mansii«r~ BCOZAJEfX* WAYiTu Tommy Dayton and Annie Batelle, Hons. Alphonse, plantation hymns: Mile. Leona on the light wire, (llL) Theatie Sept. 3, for sl^ weeks. advertisement, 8TBICTLY PtBSr-CLASS TABIKTY t2iENT HANNIBAL, MO.. BUM. fI-X'ZOBRAI.iU'S PBOFE^ Harry Osborne and Fannie Wentworth, Tommy and every evening, previous to tbs performance, KELLT AND LEON'S MINBTBELS are tO ShOW lU MBS. AS. BoBsrs professional boarding-bouse IN ALL BRANOHEH IS NOW BBIN'O RBFTFrED AND BBPALNTBa alo al'boardlag house. No. 11 Prioce atreet Ooavealaac. Tuner, Onmmlngs and Harrington. The follow- she walked on a halt-inch wire from the street to Fort Wayne, Ind., 11, 12, Cludnnati, O., 17. Is advertised In another column. none otbem aaeepted siter the lint nlgtit. Business moat Will be open lor datea alter Sept l.on aharlnrtennaor to the Bowery and Broadway Theatrae. Addreaa n h . In^ 'disappointed Aug. 27, oserlng no excuse: the top ot the theatre; and Miss Oeorgle Kane, DuBSON BBOTHEBD—Frank B. aud Charles A vabiett ot stage Illusions, etc, on among besaatlnonewesklnadvanee. to rent atreaaonable rates. FRANK SANDERS, tbe oM, Flrstrdawiboaraativaao a lerateaL SH* THE 00N8TANTINB. poflilng Manchester and Jennings and the Lee Family. Ed. Cbrlsele with an accident minstrel compony, which the advertised stock offered tor sole ot W. J. 8IO. OHAB reliable blllpoalar,atteoda to promptly. AJdieaa serlo-oomlc. met E.—are ofgaulzing o 9>.tt Btace-manaoer. 2Ml» w. D.^ALLBR. Hannibal. Mo. Bept. 3 the regular season begins, the prices being last week. 'While playing a part In "The take road In April, 1878. For further In- Judd's magical manufactory. The ladlea snd lentlemsn aBcusd Ihr lbs opsnlsgof tli» win the ^"a.V7 x> ta-v z-JikEiA.-xrEtf:, la InoBsaed to 30 and - 36 cents. The new people Black Hand" his pistol wss accidentally dis-- formation read their advertisement. TBE gband View ofeua-hall, Berrlnger City, CROSSE, WlR.wlltopen the Fan aeaaon Sept 17. Twogood wID plaaae sissmbia at the bis RaUway depoL. ptarBL An- left Pa., has oompleted. and proposals for HADE A DECIDED HIT billed are Angle Schott, VlcureUa aiul Eldon, charged, and two ot the flngets on his ••Habs Tuim CoKK AOAiN NO MOBE" was one Just bsen aa Nrftro Comcdlana, two 8aTlo.coottc Sln^rra, one Soog- North River, on Sunday evening, Bept S, at 7 o'tiocfc • nie BraddoB, Lester and WUllams, Harry Brown, hand were blown nearly off. Letha Weber ot the most popular refrains In minstrelsy in ths the opening srs desired. PanlcuUra In regard LITTLE RTEENTE and.dance Lady waalad for the opening; alao apednlty W-ll* DAN. J. 8PBAODB.. tfie Loverde Blstets. HOoIey and Thompson and doses Bept. 1, but will remain In the city. long, long ago. It touched the keynote ot long to the house appear In AlbertVinton's card. IN RIP VAN WINKLE. atam. Partlpa wanting engagements most state the verr = Addreaa ' OtaoSrW. Tonng. The Hendels .depsrt same, date for SL Louis, suffering, and Its pathos excited a feeling ot ten- Aieb-street Theatre, Plilladelphla, week endlog.Sept. I, lowest aalartea, as pay la sure. TAVDBVILLB CUEttTNUT-STKEBT THBAIBE, ' and lua been eajnged (orchildrvn-a pacta, Jotibins at the VARIBry 00_ La Otoeae, Wla. care Lockbox 1631 HMt I Vaubtt pkofohmebs are wanted attheOolls- The antvals 3 are to be SIg. Cappola, Mile. Oznola, demeaa and eympatby in the public heart which PHILAOBI.rHIA. PA. , .... Walnat-atreet TD&trs. eom, dndanatl, O.. tor the opening ot that house, Oeorge and Lisle Darlons, John Smith. Molly not ini^equently brought tears from tbe eyes ot Tbetadleaaadgentlemenen^gedat the ChaidBiatelieHt Managers dsalrlng to engage this truly ginad chlld-ait- i ... Sspt.'!U. Addres»Frltz Buehmonn, proprietor. and Harry Clinton...:. .Tony Pastor's tbe'meltlng Its revival AMUSEMENTS. Sidney. O Just Snished. One ofthe flnest and most com- Theatre Ibr ths Bommers. thoee "unused to mood." lat mar apply lor open dat««. terma. ate., tu her mother, tlie state. Pfwoaala lOr opening dcalred. FbUodelphlB, before plete 'nails la SEASON OF 1877-78, TBB NEW NATIONAL THKATBS, TiDupo gave two performances crowded would he appiopriato now, for the hard times ot BRS. ANNIE OLEX DALTO.V, CMnaclty. 7UQ. Twelve seta ol fine aeenery, boiOer.ll^t«. wlU pleaae aaaemble In th. Orei-room orowded to repletion on tbe evening ot Sept. Masonic Aug; 38, 39. 34-It^ I jai Vrlllbt atreet. Pulladelpb^a. - was housee at Temple the past were but llgtat In comparison with thoee rOOLB * OUNNELLY ManaiBts tout-llofita, (hMlDR chairs, three dnalat-rooina, heated ON MONDAY. BEPT. M, ' FALL ANDJa^i*^WINTEK8BAS0N. 1, the oecaslon ot Its reopening for the Fall and The SEASON at Shelby's Adelpbl, Buffalo, N. T., ot thepreeenL As an lndlcatlon ot the want and OPBNINU OP REOULAR £sC>£Mcil2:tt 'j^M.t't-ciM. J^xtiy, lead- by steam. Gas, wmiar. Popoiatlon o( town, 4,01X1. Oood at 12 o'clock noon. - F.F.MAOHAYr COBBDLAN, • season. presented a vaeaUon theatre TBB PAVOHITK of tbe MlltAB Kobira Combhiatlea for tae a«aw.n phowtown. Railroad centre.- Ocehcalra. braaa band, and ss-lt •• fttaae^ - Winter The auditorium begins Sept. 3. During the the auSttrlng which now prevail, we preeent the fol- CIIAM-RAO, 1N«> MAN mtnager- improved appearance, the light and elegant almost rebuilt. Including new founda- BR. r. f. Of 1877-n, eommsDClasat Rochester 8apL 3. Letters to blUponer. Fair week. Sept n to S Inelotlve. Bf mndh has been lowing extract from a communication we hove HK. K. a. CUANPKAU, LBtrlB AOICAL. BUk-N IjlJ'AdJ-X'dMt'tf— well-chosen blended ool- window the following ailtlreaa wUI be lorwarded ZMt A BINKLEY. L A variety of elegant aiagw IltaMoaa. decorations and the and tion beams, stringers, pUlaxs, door and received from one ot our meet experienced mln- ^R. F. 8. CUANKRAU, wy .TaaBOoqaiak SPENCBR FRITCII ARD. Actor and Dramatic Anther. And Punch-andVody flgores atwara on handt-alaw mis ota producing a gay and lively effect well suited casings, while the auditorium has been newly strol monageiB, and one who has widespread op- In bis orlstnil drama 01 Weirtem Life. Venion street. Pbllnilrlplila. Pa. 34-11* 915 Moont WHO VISIT OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Wltard'a Cabinet of alx vleka, with maglclan*a opaalng* v> tbls large variety theatre. A lengthy pro- deoonited, and the stage has received o large ponnnlty tor observing the el^ecis ot tho existing KIT. KIT, ~Mia:'*nHiOl>Oie7l'rx» lMrtabla the sketch "A Night of attention. oOcets are : Don Shelby, gramme was opened by shore of The depression In business circles THEATRE. MARKET STREET, NEWARK, N. J. BILLFOSTINO. I now own and control all boanls and street galvanic baitstles, wltn electric Ml - >*r- ' KIT, pd at* the prlndpal parts being sustained by proprietor and manager; Wm. Boott, assist- LUWKLX.. IfM... Aog. n.'>77.' this city. will clve you good, faooritt work. Temr," sole produced with PBED WALDMANN Prontlctar priTlurlTllegea u I mennsaantcooipleiaforssa. Enclose Sc. or laceorUhia* Alt McDowell, John Boblnson, Ella Sheldon and ant-manager; W. A. Tralles, treasurer: Chapln Editob N T. CLirnR.—ay com 01 -Talent. Wanted," AND APPOTN-rMENTS, OPEN TUB TBAB AROUND. ii-Ot ait* T. F. LYOS. Cliy BUIfioeter. Omafca. Nebratka. traled catalogncm. -Addiese W. J. JUDD. 131 • Henrr- p*|i«r, Li ENTIKBLY NEW SCESEBT MdTcrtlaetl In jonr oiliMtloc about Stfrrntj- York. . Lottie Forrest; MUe. .Fontaloebleau appeared Lacy, leader of orchestra; J. C. Alexander, me A.S1> AN strecl. New H-lt* llTr leuets per day (rum all part* yl tbe cooat^. nom In her trapeze act, followed by Olbbeus and master-machinist: Ned Bklllelte, scenlc-ortlst; ESTRAORDINARY UA8T OP CnARACTBBB sono-and-dancb; TIIBATRE, PinSBOBG. PA.. < nn>fejwloiia]ii wanUog enngeniCDts for a wholeaesjioo. NBW <>. auNIPACB«P«clAllyrB«agedrarhlaorlglnal autlior 8PROAL Leweeand Manager FUl per ernt. Bnasell in tbetr Irish sketctaes "The Caseys" Joe Drew, properties. The permanent company appllca- Ua. C. SOo. per copy, by O'Rearthin. or *-My Dieamot Love LAWBBNCB ATTENTION— y nved. Ton eso One a taig* horlog tbe paA fuur ur Dve day* 1 have rcoelved I1S77 cbatacur, HANULL BI>N1>. Is O'er," etc Hend stamp lor catalogue, OPENS FOB TBE SEASON OF AND Hi. awiitment of dogs. Soog-and-daoce shiies specialty. and "The Boys from Sweet Clonmel;" John for the season Is as follows : Charley Worley, Oeo. enoucii to organize iil.lea«(tAlrlv tnlruCr^l _ a tiuiiH auouoolA WtDNB-SDAT ANITSATUBOAT. i39 Bowery, opp. PrliKe atwet. Bepalnt4-d, reStiaO, rcopUoUtercd. entire new scenery, Also wooden shoca nt UA-flNEES ai'lt* llABPINO'S, ' Kovelgh and Cborles J. Toung appeared In W. Bomum, W. Scott, Hattle Hostlugs, May Hen- troupu. 1 never had an Idea ilist there waa lo much ul- Circle). RESEKVBb 8BAT8...(0rclie-tr» ..yiFTY CENTS and a magnldeuot nsw drup-curtaln by ' the eminent A. LECROIX, Mannlhetnrer, Bthloplon stars jeut u:Uis idle. Ttjuaa. dlaaatruus timca am vrldeotJy BdlOR'R.XMOM'S specialties; Mies Llule Conway In nlng and Jessie Boyd. The' Sept. 3 are Little Bill olDce op«n daily IWim 9 A. M. to lu p. m. zi-it BUtS. scenlc-artlst John Joboaon- Brerythlng chaste, choice M-«t» 7^ Emex street. New TorfcCity. aerlo-oomlo sbniis was folioweid by the Clark Todd. Frankle Devere and Frankle- Christie, the inaklnB bad wurk In ourproieiialoD. 1 nlab I could eoi ORAKD OPERA-HOUSE, and refined. all, and make Ibelr baarta leap wltbjny and CANADA. atCJSll'CtUse*, nunesquea i'oi«A.XtK TJiiCA.'X'JttE. TOBORTO, WILL OPBN ON MONDAY. SEPT. Itt un "I'll See Tou lAter;" How1andSIsteT»—Boeeond Mouct-Oussle Leach, positlona to lor the for white tir black, ninmii S|iiis.haa, Psilsili aiid.8eag» Miss Allee Bennett lapplneaa; bnt I cau only idve about twenty BENBV E ABBBt I^aaae and Manager The ladles and geotlemen enmysd The entertalnmrnta will aiobraca tho gem. of iMpnfar to opvtattc and sentimental Millie Lafont, tbe Beedar-WllUam and Jennie— one two, and rlimk 1 will bare bands lull 10 take snd-dancea Dramatlzatloiia and Orlslnsl Diania" wrttta^ ur my Opening the - ballads, the Fontalnebleau 01 amuaementa— NOTELTT. YAUIETr, UI.VSTRELSY. ALMOBB. Belmnsit Slstete Insongs-and- \7. Hayle, Jas. Heame and the Wesley Bros, cnre or rbem duriof; rhe.wbnle sraoiiD, aj tblnta touk nuir. Kegnlsr Fall and winter SessoiL WILL ASSEMBLE IN OPERA A5D PAKTOMIMB,, CLYDE Hotel. SprlnaflfM.Maea. |a» dances, and Petrle and Fluh w~"»rr Theatbe Comique, Washing, My company la naiirly e6mi>l4iied, aod will v«Kv auoa coma THEURBBNROOM ^ as "The AT THE SDioma . A few open dat.-* for Firat class Coroblnallonaon reaaon- Xoons. togetherfiir a veek'a liard retaeatssl before glvuiE our Uni SOTUERN • Oif TUESDAY HORNING, . Tbe .prrformonce conduded with the ton. D. the oUendence fell off during the ez- UB. alilotenna. Specially artists writing tor dates must state Barleianea.Le(iBrea, etc, vrlftento order. C of the Haojwa. 'Voota truly, BEPT. 1 1, at II o'cluek. drama bt *^he Hidden' Uand." with Lin*, The arrivals were Dick Smith, aatectAininent moderate tsnna Saury ante. Apply to WM. B. WATia Haxxy new . plred week. HllAR.I.OrrK MOHRWON.Man»CTr. — _ . . . Cbas. U. Dorazz. will dnuna. In loor acta, by tl-lt . - New",1, den as W09I, laura Linden as Capitols, and jr. J. the Ainsleys In acnttatlo songs-and- appear In an original Oeniy AdJreee LAWRENCE RPROAU W-lt» IB Weat Houston atrret ^ comedian, J. Byrou, entitled hite House. 78 FlRIi aveooe. FUtabutg. Pa. ThombBQn.aa.IUA<:k DonoliL^On Sept. '.JBollan Mlnstrol Troupe, xro'wx^xiMO t±jk.k^Li, n.2t» W 'X'Xt^AJEaflZIl!: BINOM, Bar. Uivib«r Aaa,So>aar~ 3 W. Henry dances, and .the all TBRRB BAUYB, IND. Bice openahefie. with favor. Minnie Forrell dosed Aug. CIRCIISES. BD TRAOEDIAK," 'n. zisiv. . 'rt^Bi X- . of town about tbe new faces Aug. -MOBBis, a memtier ot Enildy's British S«.H w. TILLOTSON. Tr>ai»ucer. FOR Pupulatiun two thuosand; g<>od show to.n. ' week, Fool's Bevenge,*' and on Saturday evening Bloh- waa well auended laat Fbane A LI VINO SACRED CUW, Railroad three mllea: c-nveynnca Lizzie Walker, tiow with AUeitheiiy within eoud ard ill. Tills bouse wtU be closed tor eeveiai 37 being Sallle Stafford, Fannie Cornet Band, Mootgomery Queen'e CIr. SAW OS'Il-AJf CI^CO MINSTRELS. with . from llaliroid Address ALBKRT VINTORS, Treaaurvr, weeks before opening t>'T the regular season Howard and Frank CampbeU. The departurea COS and Menagerie, and Miss Etta M. Sickles ot 8a1< fHA.S'CI.-iCO UINSTRBLS- ' . FOOB LE03 BarrlOB^Cftr'. Venanfro Co. Pa. 74 If house, Broadway and 29ib atrcet. HUJIAI(-.HHAPED ARM, The season at the Hovord Atbenieumopen. Sept. I xrereBella flushing and Ada ClUTord. The SlratbToy. Out.; were married' In Fentonvllle, Opera. AMD A engage for the coming seaa>m either el • I~WlXlk.<" a* Ir'Ott, Beo«5»«d with acreama and ahoula aii>lau«a. wlth'PaiTltlnir, jCanvaa. Drama. ot& WjKTS'X'kSAI JL 'AUtA VA::A^XA««- . ed Aug. 7>; and "Joshua Wblicomb" and "Cinder- tredb orrlvols onnounced for Sept. 3 ore Laura Mich.. Aug. 37. . . trofflbone. tnhajit scennd.vliilln Address, with terms, UASU-BOl'SK. OUR HaHU-UOBSB. Will take a pafittsr wlia-nas hundred dollara.JSnd'dlv- DRAMATIC OOMPAMT-Flm Old Mau. .lonnlle Mao. • Eotle and PKBiOBiiZBa every deecriptton, OUR EO. A. DLVINB. 81 Whalleyavo.. New Haven, nt. U-tl* ella" wereglvenall tbe week. TbeTormer has been Denning, Emma Tonng. Bean Mock F1BST.CIJUS of BIHCa,^ WAMBOLD A HACkUS' vlila Will rent the wholeonapeieentage. or will excbange G Jnvealla Womaa, WalklDK Lady. andaSoubretis that 1*.°: • much chabged since its Isst appearance here, and Orogao. Talent Is advertised for. and all kindaot living curloeltlee and a numlwr * ales yuANcisro minstrels. tor other ptopoiv or ajMisloeaarss the -praaoutowaerla A. VlOX.iXflXfefX' \VA.Iw a three-act play. Den Tbom peon waa enp- Tax. ikiasm-cattahsasi TBOOPK were afeat- ot concert specialties: solicitors, etc., an wanted Pitvt sppeaiaoen o< Mr. THUM AS WUJIOr. tenor ballad- noahowmaa. Afostanaliu'anmealBa.' ^Addreaa aAi;EMENT la or.mr Blew York. Undeistanda Ute^- answered axcapt aalaiy at aied Addiere . Birch, Wambeld, Baekas, - variety bostatas tbcxoDgbly. Bober sod stesdr. ; DAYIS COi, The^trtral Aginita. ported by Julia Wllsou, Ii. J, Heeiayer, N. D. Jones, nre at the New Adelpht Theatre, Philadelphia, by Cooper & Bailey tor a tour thrangb- Australia. lat; Ruarell.FcMicb, Frlllmaa, , jWUUJAJI HAtLUg., ; /v Aditoau * ''' • care dty Hotel. SIS Aieh acnet. JAMBS ROBIB90M, t«-lt MS vine at. P. O. Box t»H«. ffln.tlTnmM.0. • - RaymoDci, Bloaido. ""ll»'Ii-'S''5i™"j.i!lH". •'•".Olb" A. Bobens, W.faul, F. J. Heme .and othets. In last week, cloelng there SepC iThe Dncloa Soecard. -^ • - -. • bcna llnBday.8ept.!l,0(;RHA8B-aon8B. M-lt» - - . Pblladelp>>la. Pa. M-lt» IMBallTOSdavenBe. Jersey nty;H. J. ^ Will Uiebnrleaqne' Maud Branscombe mode her flrst Blonde Combination and HoTUatmo'B Ballet JOHN O'BBIKN'8 SHOW exhlMt In Brampton. - Baat.»ae<-nr»d. Matinee 8«tonlaratt. t4.tt» 1^ IT e* ' . -Ul. A" -WUO rtX-WB^SEB •ppeatanoa lit this otty. maklot a very favorable Xniapa appear BepLS. r,-v y Ont„r8qieB.*'au)b9i4, Dnddoa S^8iBllli*IIIa4; -xnrsjTS — AAxm^ 'XOVMO UA'DX WOULDTUKB^TO.BBABiFBOM A TQUNO MAM TO ANBWAHDHyaTIUOAL LBCTORB ottanewaadpopo. eao DSN wMi IKvinklscgiputaaitlesoa spfU lapresalon. '"lOr next veek. Dotigherty k Mao's . .«DBT PABTQB'B TBovia .coiiimencca ^flgpt. Sj^ 'WeluAiriemaliiliig InCaoadll'fbr.aottB Uina vs J^^^^^^TOLW BV THE WKBK OB MOBTH. DODBlB:4IP WITH BIIC'TO BABOB HI A

i93 September 8, 1877. ^ "RALHSUSm PECK & SNYDER'S BBaOBimoiC.—Ps »n-iiiii in tdniie*. ^ CIRCUS COOD8. •^L (a: thiM montlu, SI. iDClodlng porac* << •37 ga«l» »Mtifga PimM 8t»f . roralgi yotat*. «m». PARKER, WINGFIELD GREGORY'S GREAT COMBINATION. —wMaHmeh. Hodedaaon toeluMor^nBj^^ AND ShMon, Mer £ Crane. — ' ConslBtios of the FoUoirlng: BUdor niForms and UAaruwAcmMms or OBlr. AdnstliamaiiU andw the AMERICAN rKbe^ pv US*; MlioeUaDMiuwd Sport- PROF. HIRRV Ma PIRKER thbathzc^ ooods, AND HIB TROUPE OF EDUCATED DOGS. Six In number. The finest and beat-tralnod canines *«b» aid* for tamOmmrM »"» J^JJ Maiden Lane* New Toric BIO HIT eTcrywhere. Xo. 48 In the world. A THEATRE, -••*Sbiredtlil.M; "joj" '»?i'i?S??Jf^'"to^ iwalAT MnmilMioii. Cat« mnd dUpUr«d t7P« m u* BEST KKSUSH COTTOIS TIOBTS A BHIKTS,.p,r M>,..ga TI Chestnut street, above Tenth, Philadelphia. HWMiiTiiii ehund >t the urns ntctlor apua ooenpiM. BOWniO BBIBTS.. Md^..•a W to 4 to BOWinO TIGHTS,^ fta M 00 apwalda. WINGFELD AND GREGORY woeaTEo T10BT8, '..-..pw pair.,, a aa AI^8AB PEBFOMIBB9. Establislied *20 ITeafs TIOBTS, BBlBTB.LSOTABOSi DOUBLB HORIZONS WOaSTBO .» press and public eTerywheretney CABO TO THE PROFESSION. and BODY DBEBflES J Pronounced by the pvpdtr...lt hare appeared to be the models of esse, gnce and MR. ROBERT FOX -eo-iTthljirVrth mad MTfnth Pi«« on SBST SaK TIOHTS, CATION TOPS. ae Inform the memtMTS of the Variety and Dramatle oBS^U'* WOB8TID TBDNKB pa-aalr... I 71 skill In their line, and haTO no superiors. bcAS to orofessloo that he hA^ commenced the •bnSfRWtl DOC UMrthu noon oo a*Csr- Bn> CLOGS psTpaIr,,.noB •! 10 !• 4 IB ' SZoKM u CLOtTH sinTS. tt<>B aa ae apwrniaiu REBDTLDINO OF HIS THEATBB, all bTon •honJd meh lu early on HODdar Co 2S. aad BTBIPKD BTOCUHOB parpalr,..tl II and apwarts. CHAS. J. OREQORir which will be ooened on or about SPAKGLES, PVlb^. > *C CROSS, the THE FIRST OP OCTOBER, 1S77. ^BTmnSBSCE^TTB BBNT BT TELBOKAFB unit raeb and his DANCIKO BARREL and MAQIO to receive appUcAtloiu irom — SCOir^ OAP9 ...... rrpa Ttc Moh, apwarOa, and la now prepared I>WII«llT finest and only act of the kind In America. A great BDBLESQUE COMBINATIO.SS. •O AVOID LOSS, wku nmlttlUK moneT br null, wa SUPPORTER!) 1 00 VARIETY AND DRAMATIC ARTISTB. to ncltortkelr latun or pro- MAKE-UP BOXES each, • I OS* < uu at Heuck's Op*ra- Mill iiinnii — patnoi Now meeting with gre.it succtm BALLET (Principals and Corvphees). ^iSoiEMt-olBoa oMara. Mako all ordan payaDI* to and FBSPaBEDBin.: 78. FEAMK QUEEX, W B (0 Oslvesion. Teias, lor elulit weeka Aj oor time la . ^ CHABACTEB WIOS. from (4 00 apwmrds atre, Address aa above. Silence to be considered a respcctlnl Editor and Pmpriotor, m rapldl.v. manazere wishing a BIO attrictlon, MUSTACBES from at u> SOe aillD^- up neeatlve. ROBERT FOX. Proprietor and Manager. r. O. Bcslk9D,or CUPPBK SUTLSOSa, should oddreiuiuM at unce as above. Z4-lt Business and Stace Manager. and 90 Ccntn «tr«at, Koir TolC WHISKEBS U'l BEUOB. peraet,..*! SS u t (P 20.tr WOOD BENSON, » BOXING OLOfCS. ..,pcr«i«rtvepslrs, fmi BB opvanls. for fuUe ID LOSDON. ESGLASD, at OO „ CtlPPBR U I ha»«.J;}'ned partner C. OALP BTOCEIKO PADS. pernalr,.. 4 00 TO »f A.PfA.GEltSS— Baseball Catcher's Xaerican EiahanKe, M9 Stnnd. Chaila;< Crn.u, W. ol Mask. CALF ud THICB PAJ>a — .. p^palr... 10 M ship with MES:Hlli<. WI.ST.FIELD .t OnEOORY, two and we Kownaedbyallthe prominent LOKOBUBLESQDESOKOADABCBBHOES. in tlioir line In the bu«loeM, catchen when plarlnEb* . «0 the nnest perlormera » » 11, U.aod Ifloehn P«".-« knowo as PARKER, WINOFIELD A hind the bat. will hrrealter be WIGS! WHTTB CANTAB ELIPPF.B8 perpalr... I ac OREAT COMBINATION. WmS! IVe aemcl Siamplea C. GBEOOKV'S , _.„„„„ O. D. ror 93. WEIT2 CANTAB OAITEB3,. l.po-p^... B tS STREET-MEN 2«-lt Youra respectiull.v, FBOF. HABRY M, PARKER. Inclo5e atanip for JEWELRY FOR TIIE ATHLETE'S SCHMID & FOOTNER, JOCKNAL, niTlns. THE NEW YORK oor latest prlcea or all gooda In tbe aportUie line. IHSlTBICAIs aniTABT k BEfllLU GOOOS THE PRICES AND THE BEST GOODS. 7M BROADWAY, Addresa IN BVBSY TABIBTV, LOWEST Tbeatrlcal Wlgmakera. Character Wig lor t4, Negro Wlet, TIJE GRAND 39-CENT PACKAGE FOR S7.flO PER GROSS LOTS. conUlQlnff ODO gross eacb, Gold-plated aieere- PECK Si SNTDER. BIsnDfactaren, FlBfSt BanMn ; Bowtag flolts ; BMen »l.30 22.tf m Kauaa atieec S. T. CLIPPER ALMANAC Soju ; TbatrUaJ Jeertry Fspler-Mscbe Beads Maoufactorer of Ladles' iDvlslblo ; aod Was Fleam Biioonns' Moustaches, 35 to flOc to Older: C«fflbKB 8«oi4i; LId«o ThrvAd for BpuallBS; Oilc Fronts. Cnria, Braids, Pufls, etc. Oooda aant C. 0. D. riaud and TiDsel FrlDgrs; Lscn, Olmpi, Bimlds, Cords, Stan SEND FOR OUR NEW ILLUSTRATED PRICE-LIST, 338 and 840 BOWERY, NEW TOBK. TumIa, variety FOU 1877 Breadea: CmbrvUcrlw. Ae.— ; CoUAi , - - ~ stylABof Jewelry p&cka^CB and Statlon^rr, and a oomplete BatlB DemlDOca, aad Tire If slka ; Foil Papv» andai Copper F,II; coDUinlni* MiTcntceo F. GROTE & CO., a ublb op pistest bbcoboed tub, POSTERS ^ammn ajnnor,. BeljBels,_ac.;. iodlsa Uo^cuIdm, SsiMali.Jail, . Ike.; Sscin Open PORTRAITS CHBOKOIiOaT FO& UI^ HFOBT- BUppcn sad TbcAtHenl Boou; Gold aod BMver Laatbcr; BeaJ EXTENSIVE THEATRICAL HOUSE Tnrnera and Dealer* lia Ivory and Bt»n- 0CL, THSATBICAli and I.IST OF ALI. TH£ FAIRS IX AMERICA. MOST Bkelrlana InluUan or Fapla^Msebe; Feocloff MatsilalJ: nractnrera of Sporting Gooda. Wetatod aad BUk FrlD|«a, Tat.. OXa OHBONOLOOT FOB ISTl, A BEVIEW OF THB &c.; Utnn^r Silk and Baotiat AND rtcrciOKic-O AMI-* ^ 114- Bactas, Ao.; Patxun of DESIGNER AND EAST 14TH 8TRKET, Bpaan, Ew/ Bat to order ; Bene Plocfc- O., »a«wtT.T. SEASOH OF I87S, AMD OTH£S UaBFUIi STKITV-A^XJ JEWELTtY O Fancy Goods Emporium In the Country. oppoalta Academy of Slnalc. New Tork. gaada Stat O. 0. .send ror Vlrcular Jl ti wo. g AltCAPE. CUNCUXWATI. O. Pnro, Roulette And Centre "TaibleB, C plain and bro- Ron- IBirOlllfATIOIT. A novel, complete and Borgeous lloe or l4*tte amd Pool Wlieela, Iwory »Bd Bone OOHES wATT.vn ON RECEIPT OP caded Silks S:.tmK, Velvets, >l«t-beF, While and Colored Orpindie«. Tarletuns, Swl«.i, Oold and Silver TlMucs, Il- Faro and Poker Cheelca^ Spremda, Boarda luminated Oiiuze, Armor cloth, Ooll and Silver Krlnges, and Cue Keepera, Bozea, Rneka, etc. l-sst* Addrms WOOD ENGMlfER TaiK-ls. L.1CCS, stars, Sponcles, BrllManta, Jcnelry, Parla Slatnatl Pool Blnchine* ror Sale. FRANK QUEEN, PobUlliar, ADAMS AND CrowDS. Chatetslncs. Npcklacej*. BracolctH. etc. WOKLD-FAMOUS ENOLISII slLK-TIOHT. the Ba»S3W. 88 and 90 Cootre atreet, Kev Tork. THE CLIPPER BUILDING XSOSCXZrO GILiOVES FOR SAJLiE CO. only at tlibi llfuise at moHt beautiful tint.'' and colors, sold —The reteran Maxtor of Ceremonlea OLD BILL TOVEE AND WISH TO ENCAOE $111; guaranteed to exceed, both In apiiearance and dura- imu mill nr iriTitTirnTnT»*T.inia A>m mmrrg i.u ARTISTS. ®« will 9end, on receipt or %4, tS, or td for the Tery beat, per SPECIALTY bility, any at SIS In market. CEATTRE STREET. MSIGAL , , „ . eiprera, .. a superior aetol OLOVES to any eochantinz (as Almee called BOUsa State .Tust concluded engagement ot two wc«ks at the Theatre Comlque, New York City. Wo are Inventorn of a movt In the Union. Olovea cleaned and repaired. a VERY SUCCESSFUL Dentelle. the most SCENES N, Y. CHARACTERS It) tlRht. called the Krench Perforated THE ART OF SELF-DBPBN8E UnKfat by HR. TOVEE. FIRST- PERFORMERS ahown on the American Stage. dim READ MANAGER HANIsET'S OPINION. elegant article ever either at hla own or the popU'a naldenee, on reaaonahla OF ETERY DESCRIPTION. THE GREAT FEATURE. ~ terma. WM. TOVKE. O. B.' HAWKUiS, lU E. 13TB STREET, NEW TOBE, • • • • The most flolalied and artistic mualcal act I have erer seen. The singing and instrumental aoloa, IS and dance Shoea, S3.S0: Inch Sonc Myrtle-aTenne Flank-road. Bnahwiok, Brooklyn, L. etc.. cannot Kurpsscd. • • • •. M. W. IIA^LEV. Wigs, L sakar of OTnuiaatlo Apparatos, Leaptog Boarda aod duetc be „. C7; Dutch Clogs, S3; Fright $6; BrooKlyn. " Theatre, TorK. Sept. 10, where all letters may he addressed. Department P. O. addreaa. Box SSd, with MINSTRELS, Olobe New ; False Mous- awk'Hoclsaoaak Bars. stc«l cantre, Xaaie Bkmla, Improrf MAJLE AND F£I»IA]:.i: Open ••BBYAOT'S Our Dressmakiog Burnt Cork, per box. SOc Fnlton take Z4-It* The De Kalb arenna eara, Feny, yon to th DATES IK NOVEMBER AND DECEUBER. r . A FEW OPEN Rosewood r the Oleoeraph Comi>any tlio fuUeet approval of botb. U&Dafterae btArii, Comblnft- Ing Made Easy, BOc End-men Wigs, S3 each. , • Proprietor City Hotel. .. (iooda. ^ of Mllwnuk«. I |24-.^t'l FXtAJKX. T». T>T>w»K>ft. l»Ia.nncor. tlonR, aad inembera of atock compaaiefl should call opoD Bend staznp ror Prices ol Amusement cor. Union and Wooater NTew Harco, PRACTICAL TRAINING %r9^ stmca, at once. Bemlt by r. O. order or registered letter to ESTABLISHJfEXT. BOWERY. ' Clipper BuUdUw, FOR RUNTTiyq, WAIaglKQ, HOWTVQ, BLOOMS' ^MUOTH ED. JAMES, JtmPIKG. BOZTNGe WRBOTLING, NEW TORK. 23-41* 88 and 80 factre atreet. New York HAWKSS- OPEBA-UOUSE. TOUR OF AUSTRALIA. l.ti with Tables ol Proportional OUrttaabalntliacltr. Own all bUltaoaid*. THE itftto Hrl^Dt, Banting's Eagac«menCd, aix monthB, a y«aror Sjm^m W. T. CANADA, loD;rer Wonldalfo Redacing Cerpnlener. Etc „ like am - MeoK^ar, Boxaaa. to hear trom H. A. THOMAS, ETerrthlDit useiol to athletes—Jf. F. S A. 1^1 E-Jk. COMI»l-iETE FOB ' W. DAZIAN, excellent woric—fT. T, Sun. BEIiLS, allTer-platail, fuor octares, chro- SET OF SWISS Complied with care and eooa |uds- Batisaeala. Price SlU. Addreu "SWISS BELLS." can GOOD CURIOSITIES LITHOGRAPHIC STUDIO, mU IMPOBTEB AND UAliCTACTiniEB OF y. T. meot.— CUPPER. It^M^TIO BXJItE^XJ STRACnS£« N. 7. Vaitem Rail war, twaWe miles from Xln^arm Falls, and has }. NICKl.vsox.. . . .Baalneaa-maoaser X4 tJIflOIT StiXJAJRE, NEW "VOUK. THE TUEATRE OF SYRACUSE. OW TOSOiO. An7onecanle&m:paper,S0e.;c]otb,75e. jatalallilll lll 11 IWI The abore Is the only theatre In the W. B. BOWERS.. ..Treasurer codnraeO by Frank .Mayo, Joha E. altr. (jP-Ufl iadteai JAMES MeBDWAKDS. Secretary. Patronized and H' Address GEO. W. CROSLEY, Fforepce. N. J. 2im* (Oronnd'Boor ol Unlon«iuare Hotel). Ofllce hours: 9 until S. BUSINESS TRAN.SACTED Wmi EVERT REPUTA- HOWARD OweD9, Mn*. Chanfran. Tony Pastor, HaTCrley'd Minstreta, Ths OdIj First-class and SnccessfUI mmm, Afeota wanted. Oatflt IN UNITED SIATES. at home. and BLE MANAOEK. STAR, COMBINATION AND STOCK ARTIST THE Harrlcan A Hart. Daly*fl Pilib avpnue Company, etc., A DAT ^CAimsaav ov kittsic. rroprlptor. BOS'TOIV, M^SS.. terms tree. TKUB CO, Aogaata, Maloa. 1-art Theatre in the City. MAZE EDWARDS. Aitent and SecrerarT^ [l7-tli HORACE WALL, ot' $12 A DES SIOraES. lA. I etc., and doit bookkof; the beflt combinatlonn the conn* 3av hall now boUdlng; aeata TOO; fltat-claaB In amy WILL OPEN try lor the season of 1977 and '73. For rent or sharing a week la toot own town. Terma and address ift-oatllt mpeet; good atage. with twelr* changea; will be com- WILL COHHENCE ITS FOURTH ANNUAL SEASON terms In Svracune, Aubam and OHweso, $66 nree. H. HAIaLETT A CO.. Portland. Malna l-gt (leiad Sept. Ul For rent or ahariDs terms., addreaa Monday, August 27, 1S77. r. II. EaEUNEN. Treasurer. W-Ut* WM. FOSTER Proprietor. ]» 13t S. M. aiCKEV. Mansfcer, SyTaca.^e, N. T. MOJVDAY, SEPT. 7, BEN COTTON'S OPERA-HOUSE I S5 TO $20 jyijayA-^.^P^^s! ir^ with the GREAT AMERICAX ACTItE-U!. the BEAUTI- Daportant to any gentleman who Is no unlonanace as co ^UARCK GOODS, BOORS, Etc Hend 3e. atamp lot FUL AND ACCOilFLISUbD (WOOD'S CHICAGO, ILL., hla taca or eyea. The dlacolorment concealed ba- MUSEUM). WILL REOPEN AUGUST M. 3 catalo^B. BOOK ESCIIAJtOE, Brajmrd. Maaa «knute ARTIfrrS OP ARILITT, DRAMATIC STARS AND COMBINATIONS DRSIRINO DATES, addresa as above, Stating mes AND niNiMs SPORTING. ^lud detection In a few minutes at I.V5AMDBS THOMP- PHOTOUKAPHS, 29 centa. New uolqoe LOWEST TERMS. NO PA.VCV SALARIES PAID. All lettera answered promptly. TREATED WITH ON LIBERAL TERMa NOVEL aod aoira ArtStndlo, 28 W. Fonrth street. New York. i IS-lSt* BEN COTTON. Sole Proprietor, ST»OI*TSMEr>f, TAltEJ PfOTICE. anbjecta. Try one. Countryman'aClotheiiplo.2ScentA MISS I CJLDIBS AND OBNTLEVEN TAUGHT THE ART OF FINNY DlVBNPORTs Appl; to JOHN STETSON, Tbe Franklin lloufe, Chlltonvlile, Plymouth Co., Masa. Sporte^ Package. 15 centa. New catalocue. 3 centa. MAKIXa HP FOB THE STAOB by an artist and actor of A preUmloarr mmod on Sf pt. 3, for 3 nUchtM, with tlio 21-tl Manager. Oood (nioolDtr woods, poods and ocean. Dock, plover, 23-tt» C. QOEEy, a Block, «u, Stoneham, Maaa. ll-Ut IaAWRENCE BARRETT COMBLKATIOy, woodcock, partridge. Quail, eic. Fox-hunting. Doga for Sal«">«> PEu%TEi> WATCHES. Cheapen ka ready lor the ose of flr(t«las.« tronpea by Bapt. I, SUCCESS APTER SUCCESS EIElSON'ii 0FERA-ID1ISE. WM^Jail,N'O. lU CALHOUK .mREET, THE GAME OF CROWE. In the known world. Scmpta fFoArA^^Vee Op WBT. Addcesa JAUBS S. XOFEEtBRS, irlna oTerone dol- $3' Addi«a,A.CoiixiiXB &Oo.,CUcaaOb Sr4t flnperintandeot B. I*. A F. Co. SAJV Thin new pereentaite-came hondred THE BLONDE TRIO. FRANCISCO, CAILu FORT WAITNE, IND. lars nightly wlthoQirlsk. Fun eiplanatloo. with sample .cue, IkCACa-IO. WIL EXSRSON Proprietor aad HanagerlC. B. FBEDBRICES Slacs-msnacer JOnS OVERMAN Proprietor board aad cnt«lo|cu« ofnportlnc (oodn, rl&, malletl for Be, oldest and mojt ^^itaKi^ »»,»Kii»VM,«w, ih h,im j^.r.M- The larjieiiC and coilent place nf amnument In the city. A. T. THAYER, U South Fifth avanae. New York. 34-2c* H^RY LESTER. Patronized Open lor the Fall and Winter season. Talent wanted Im. oy. Maalal apuntoi of emr deurlptlon. Our new by the Weoltb, Fashion and EUte of ifan Francisco. 0«an OiaBtzaaVe and deacriptlTe catalogne Joat oat, CBABACTEB TOCAI.IST AKD BOBLBSQDE ACTOR. mediately, ladies especially. SlJt 46) performances a we«le $86 a month. grtee Ue. tn-«t«l HENBTSTOiJB. 337 PesrI at, W. T. STABS AND SPECIALTT ABTlB 8 DESIBINO DATES, PLEASE ADDRESS only, and NO wineroom attached. Salaries mnst be SCOTTISH GAMES. I CrtT OiAM a La«r Woi 11-lt-tf NAT. HOMER, Treasurer aod Buslneaa-manager, moderate. ZJ-lt TwentT'flnt Annoal Games of the Palaiy. SaJwneawasttdtaeenear acA-a-ioAXt AtAjKTTF'A.crx'oxt'r— HARRY LE CLAIR. XEW TORK CALEDONIAK CLUB Suple Ooodi todnJeni KopaddUo» ^ aaleal tns and Mcfcs for stage or parlor; also THS PBIMCB OF FEMALE EMFEBSOXATORa will be beld at grprnaiapald. Pnmaaealimplef'fi knlvea, All of the beat finish. Prices BCD!- .adnu a. A.0BAKTAC0.7 jBSUac-.{SSTk ate 10 —'-— w«iT low. Send Uc, for catalogpe. or Sc lor priee-UaL TO THE PROFESSION. LARGE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, CENTS. », .,«* a Home Bt^' ' a 8 Boulerard. SEPT. 6, $1200 63th street and Eaalem THURSDAY. »goa.W. r08T, North 9U1 st.7rhlladelpbla. Pa. (21-m' NORA WRIGHT, a the cars, stenmem leave Peck slip iDiutUot THB PETITE TOCALIST. DAN3EUSE, The tmderalgned, formerly proprletorofthe 1377. In addition to llog'ST«eH[,cu AND BUR- ; 1. a.3U v. x. ; Harlem Bridge 4. OlL rewn cce la «IBOX)8 liXO'Zl.l'S. LESQUE ACTEESS. a30 and 11 A. M. 3 and OD the unootacst 4 and fi r. v. Wftllihc«*a Brmnn and Rtrlnc Hands and U WHISKm^l^-..^.^ - .bTtheaieof-INCINO," KIDD'8 Msnagera will please addreaa aa ahore ontU farther COZnVE HOXJSS, will rumlah ma«le. Dancinr wUl the pipers of the club a >EW and woodcrnil diicoTery. (tT^ Sample beul. E&r trial PATENT XJOHTS, notice. 2t-it* having leased the TICKETS, 20 CENTS. 23-3t FBICn REDUCED, eontlnueaJter theft^mea. Seat Fr««, 6ntf .tamp tor nanjcnl.n. Adares.. are the JOHNSON INCDIO CO., SM Mala SL. nt-rf—.« ohk. r, BEST. ADD MOST DUBABLB. »Ct SOLEAOENTS, LEONARD AND WEIGHT, NOVELTY EXTRAORDINARY. TATMB * BA THE IRISH EHrORANTS, COLORED PBOTOORAPU SLIDE!,, only 71c each. BOXING GLOVES. TBVTH IB KIGHTTt Sample Slide and Book of Lecturiu. SI. 97 cuffs In their new and original North-oMreland apedalUea Per act of lour, SS, S9, S& 8pnn<^ Wteid,«d obm. and Book or Laotcrn Lecture:*, only 20 cents. aM Mrf te^o Lanraah lra flny. )ly anrt A»nrin^ Bead the llat Of Onr Olovea, ror prafeMlouals, S7. «tak «*. ^« ^ «p> Dew and orljrioal Rpeclalticft: Catalogne ol Second-haod ^salc Lanterns and Slides, Mtfkalr.Md to f«« HOE'S CLUBS,. S., tlb,-. dW .perJr viz-pair. BHBBJtAN. TEXAB. lOcents. TIIF.O. J. DARBAOn. — THE IRISH EMIGRANTS, WHAT IRISHVEN CAN DO. STREETS, Edwards, ChambersBiber- aad' Cobom, POPULATION aoOO. COR. HARRISON AND FAYETTE 20-131 FUbert Street, - BRADT'S BAU.. TAKE OFF VOUK 609 Philadelphia, Pa. larje, SI11 each.• Plar- Pape- and Dog la ol the rawft beaotlAU In tba Soath- SWAl,LOW-TAIL BRUNO, _ , 'Vdaiwhan one COATS, aat._Lltwlthesa. Sceneir complete. Seatlmrcapaclt/ TBB NURTH-OF-IRELA.V'D IRISUMEN, COUN- Crib, SI. Barkeepec'aOnlda,wc'aOnlde iOo. Jer- CILMAN McGOWAN, and seretal oihera. rr Thomas' do., 91. Flstiana, 79c. Qt atage 3Qx23fL For terms and partlenlara ad- WBIOHT, p. S.—Ujuaaera or flnt-elasa theatres or trmrellnc com- BALTIMORE, MD., Hoyle, GOc Spayth'a Dran^hta, Sl.sa RECOMMEITDED by tba FACUIiTT. COOK A panies, addreaa aa above, Btrlppen, Poker Tisssf sand Managaia. la care of CLIPPER oAceT It-It* THE ORIGINAL Readers, tl. Il.eo. TARRANT'S TrlUoMD U on or about SEPTEMBER 1, \Sn,M anmt- OUT OF WOEK. Chips, per 100, S2.U. Ma«lc or Needle COMPOt'.s-S EXTRACT OP :beokbeiro*s opera-bo'dsx:, clau notel for tlic nccommodatlon or proieMlonaIn lo Tobaeeo-box. aOe- Spiked Running Bhoea. S3.oa Club J. erery bra.nch of th<« theatrical bunlni'AS. Moat touching and beantlfnl ballad ever wrliten. Hotae CDBEBS AND COPAIBA. aAt, be kindly hopes fora cooilouancd of the snnie In thts for parts the and Copaiba. Oneieoommenda* FIFTH WEEK. FIFTH WEEK IsINGinSTS, world. tl.S. OTTAWA, ILL. utore. Reapectfully. [MX*] JAMBS W. <:0Z1NE. MAST£R MANAGERS. tlon thia preparation ei^oya orer OPElXtA.-ZZO'CSSt (two pit oenta made with flrst-daaa enteriaJnmcnta of WE ABE ILTTAYS IN FRONT. MADE TIIE THE SET-TO all othera la lu neat, portable fowls). llTe-IIke chrome sratis with the (leaorlstlon. Beating capacity. 1,000. Stage 32x0X1, form, pnt np In pota: the mode J SPBCIALTT LADIES AND BALLET, addreaa UARRV book: or on One paper, 11x18, price SOe. JAMES MARTIN & SON, In which It la aeta oi atage acenery, tiapa, foot and border Ugbta may be taken both Ml LE3TER aa atoOTe. 21-lt* Dr. Cooper's Work on Oame Fowl. naBiplfi*n Finest opera-bonae weat of Chicago. Popula- Mannfaetnrerg of Clreua and Show Cannses, Booflnf, %5. Eleaaant and conrenlent, being SHOWMEN, Steel Spurs, warruted, per pair. $i. HIT Flaoa, ete. atreet. BoKton. GREATEST 114 Commercial eiaa of Ottawa. UHJOa Coonty aaat of LaSalleCoonty. 1 the lorn of a paate. taateleaa, fiend Rtamp foi Showman'a C&talogQO and Price-lint or Sparring Muffs, set. $l.fi5. Pit Fowl, Penalatlon, SLOOQL PRIGB-LIST SENT FREE. 14-Ut» and doea not Impair the dlgea- NEW AMUSEMENT CIRCUIT. Pictorial Printing at half-price. Mon* than one thouMnd EVER KNOWN IN and Game Don. CapoDlxlnj(Tools,9A. 4».Mt» P. A. BHERWOOD. Proprietor. arletlen of Tbeatrlcal, Mlnntrel, Negrn, Bcll- tloEL Prepared only by Mafi:tc, Ed. James^ work on Terrier Doiri. SI. TARRANT A CO., NORTHERN ILLINOIS. rlnj^era. Irish, Dutch and Varietj: Cutii coofttaotlr on Remit by P> O. oraer. and send stamp OPSRA-HOUSII, Dmiclata A Chemlata. zn A 290 Oreenvlch at.. New Tork hand, trom 2cU. a nbeet upward. THE CHEAPEST for price-list. Add: TROT, N. T. WIUr>IAlH li. I^AJTKG MANAOBR NORFOLK, VA. FOR SALE BT ALL DRUQaiSTS. I-tftOW PRIaVTlKQ IN THE WORLD. AddteasT. R. DAWLEV. lib.. JAKES. Clipper BnUdlnr. JT n' COULTEB-a OPERA-HOUSE. Aorora, lUloola, For open datea and terms address JXM Manaeert, Qreat American EnsraTlDK and Printing Com- SAN FRANCISCO, GAL, - 68 and 90 Centre street h. _-i0f 1S7T* SHERWOOD'S OPERA-HOUSE. Ottawa. IUIdoIs. I8.26t« - T pany, No. 62 and 64 (lold street. N'ev York. 24 It J. T. REDMOND. Agent. 'Vhlahonaahaa beenmn (or the last alz yearaaaaBtar BURN OPERA-HOUSE. La Salle, IIUnolA <3haaln. and contains all modem ImproTemenCH for pro- WASHINGTON HALL, Meodota, Illloola. ITHBRE THEY PERFORMED AT MAOUIRB'3 OPERA- 'ttadosflnteUaa pieces. For loll paitieolan addreaa J%-mci*loa*fi Ir'avoi^lto SonfcetircsB. HOUSE FOR TUREB WEIkEd. GIBBONS' DIXON OPBRA-nOUSB. DIzod. lUlnola. HOTEIs, Jl-tf w. p. TAN ARNUM. Qrlswold Opera-honae. They are now at the sxi^I'imor.e:, ivix>. WALLACE OPERA-HOUSE, Sterllnc, llUnola. A Special Oflfer AGENTS MANAOBRS. DAVIS OPERA-HOUSE, Clinton, Iowa. notice to maj«*aoers ..vnd agents. XIOmCTB I'O AND The management talces pteaaare to that J take tblii opportunity ol aonouaclnfc *We wonM respectfally Inform the above that the asnoaoce he to my irlenda and baa formed a clrcQlt oftheabore bODBea, and which will BELL^ TJIVIOIX ihepror«Mlon (^enernJly that tho abuve bouse baa been TO THE READEBS nVAHBOTTA BALL, AT NORTH ATTLEBOBO, UABS., rive troapes an Qooffua] adrantage of f^om 7 to IS Dlgbta thorouifhly overhauled In P.VPBRlN'tJ, PAINTISO, and a .^ma -fte anxaged at oricea to salt the timea. It haa a n the best cities and towDS bi Northern IlllnolA Bonses where tbey bare been playlofc Tor tbe past SIX UONTUS; general renovation of the hoaaa, refbrolRhlnfr. etc Tbe fiRATraaaarACRr of nine hundred people. all drawloc tabid win i:aadlaTerVDopDlar.haTloga are llehled with gaa, and are all flrat.clnas In ererr re- EDWARD WEBIMIDB, be Buppllod wUh tbe Tery bent the market al- lIsOB STAOB ANDSCENEBT, COHFLSTS, spect. wuipiayarst-claaBtnapesonlTiOnpeTceDtage.Tto VERSATILE COMEDIAN, furJif, and the bar stocked with tbe flnoBt RTadea ol wlnea, Professional Bead Ball. OF THIS PAPER. LlDlghta. For farther partlcaUra addreaa aa ahote. M-lt THE llquora and dgarii. Street-cara pau tbe uoor. connecting TfalB la a great -ahow.town. Dnettlsta, Bellrlngera, and Alto Players. Man- CROIFDED HOUSES, SAMPLES BT HAIL, with all parta of ibe city. Tbe hotel In located oue eai^re *L RYAN'S PATENT, tl.SO. gleaaaglTetiaacaU. tUt aaors or flrat-elaM traveling coropaolea, please address AOenulneSwlBS MaBn«tlcTlni«- from Ford's Q rand Opera-booAe, and also the Academy ol TAMBOTTRIXES. 21-lt» METROPOLITAN TBEATBE, Neirart, W. J. AND BEnEIVTNO UNBOUNDED APPLAUSE NIOUTLT RY-AJW SROS. & CO., KaeMrjiaprrfeet Oca forereiTbody dnlrioi proprietor well known to the leading 9^BOIAJ^ AJD'VXWX'XSrN'O AOEN- In their new and orlsloal SKETCHES, SONOS-AND- MuHlc The Is mem- aiellaUe Ttme-Pitn, aod alao a rapnicr Con>: All flrat-claas articles that can obtain a repntatlon are bera of tbe profesKlon and othen as having been conaeoted 2t-tt IM Naaaan atreet. New Tork. tor LeetorwCeadera, Hnslcnl and Dramatic Compa. pjua, iMual watch riae. Aral worka, eiyataj, alwara Imitated \>v DANCES,ETC. .\ddresa (Gb oAea itaaliint biulnaaa with the Leetrua Coaraa of the Inferlot goods. The profeaslon are with some of tbe flrat hotels In tbe country, and hopes by all In a iopetb Orovfe HmaUxfCcSc, wanut<9 cautioned In regard to my tatoDonrlnea rellrer rim, AELINGTON HOUSE, cloM attention to business practical knowledge . DBANE, Proprietor, 2t-lt» SAJH FRAJICISCO. Ca.1. aut 8. M. QIBB0K3. Proprietor. AT REDUCED PRICES. Qirt. PASS THEATBB, late ol St. Charles Ilotel. NEW BBOOELTN: Bates, a day. Special rates by week or month. Bag- Faro Bozea, Lmyouta, Cot otrr Cotrror ICan. it. Sanbasa engaged for the dramatic company for aeaaon t2 J, E. JACKSON, Case Keepera, ma an gage conveyed to and flcom hotel ire«. Bates for Troupes. iiMiaiiiii lug Sept. 17, 1877. win report for rehearaal COLISEU Check Racks, Cue Cards, per day. Card Pressei, II, o'elock Il BROTHERS TDB5DAT, SEPI. U sharp. cnrcimrAxi, o. THE HANLON Faro, Poker, and Roulett* Tablet, COUPON. OEO. B. EDESON. NOW PERFOBMINO AT Ron. On neelpt ot Ihla Conpon and 90 centa lo Stage-manager. WA^TTED—FIBST-OIiASS TABIETT TALENT In all THEiTBIGAL PRINTER, ,Iette, French Pool, pay for boxiag andmallint chaiita, FOR Jenny and Needle we p.-*'"t BOABD branehea of the proresslon tor oor opening SATURDAY. WITH Wlictli, Faro pnradn to aend each patron of lol. paper a jiCBbatiad at 182 Behacmerhom street, Brooklyn '.good SEPT. 21. ARTISTS of aekDowledged abUTty eao always WALHALLA THEATRE, and Poker Cards and Qaaoiaa Swiaa Haoamo Tnea-Kuran- tCTomaatairprteea. g-lt aecnra a dat& Wa hare the beat enn«anlaneM for IDA CERITO'S SENSATIONAL TROUPE H. A. THOMAS, Checks. Keno Tools, Monte Ticket*, ^^^i*-, Hacnatle Watch Co.. AERIAI. ARTISTS of anj theatre In the Weat. Write at to take the road SEPT, 3, MALE AND FEMALE SPECIAL- aa BROADWAY. NEW YORK. M.tl -S'.ZI.XI FIForBC-AVIilZlUX] once and aecore a date. Addreea TY ABTISTS. Address HARKT BEBNABD, Buslneu- and short games of every description. ARHLAMD. HABS. UCBUX, awt FBITZ BCCHMANW. Proprietor and Maaa«er. manager, care of T2S Moore atreet, Philadelphia, Pa. at-lt take tbU opportunity of tnformlnff Uanaffora ud Frienda i. • ^,*ht U Toor PA., tbatthelrtonnerr^-"^tbat their tonner PopUa. devlsnatlnR—tbemfelre* "Tbe Han- ONLT OPPORTOJirrT to ob- •TIWSBUBO, PROF. GEORGE WAMBOLO AND SON, tain thb Stantllnl by Dion Boneleanlt, Eaq., win ba eomplatad ana loQ211dgeu"and 'Hanlon-Volta Troupe," have no rigbi to pmnlnm. uoider AT ONCS. Thla olfer wUl hold good tS ID daja. lor oooapancy on or abont Aug, 10 next. The at- uiM tbe* name or Hanlon. tbelr reaJ namcji b«LiiKJohn CHAMPION CONTORTIONIST, DANCINO-BABRSL, "jlYDBERG, GRONHOLM & CO.,' oC Drmaiatlc Combinations, Uoslcal Organisations 6RIINEW1LD MSIC HILL, Charles Ryan. WUllam O'Hara, aitd Patrick Carmody. CRtSTAL PYRAMIDS. andaaaaaof amaaamenta, Indadlng Laetnrea, ate, OEORQB HA^LOK, Manager Uanlon-Lee's Troare. •2 Markat St., OhiMco, m. ~ - to thla HANDSOME PLAC^OF AMUSmlENT. NEW OSXEANS. I.A. ao-ast* BEST iO.l'^a aSAT lioD pBbsons. TROUPE OF DOGS IT WOJL THE MOST MAONIFICENT HUSIO HALL IN TBB la America. Can be engaged for long or short engage- mtmd aoaaaa and exit, located on Fifth aranna. SeaaaiT SOUTH. menta. Addreaa taaaonable. or aharlng terma 26 Barrlaon atreet, SumhooC Bant yaiy Newly refamlshed (or Fall leason. To let (or only flrst- g-3t« J. N. OOTTHOLD. Franklord, Pa. clsas Opera and Concert Tronpea. Lectures, etc. Dia- Opera-boose. Plttabntit. Pa. gram and terms at NEW YOBE OBAMATICI AGENCY. «•>. 8 Union square. N. T. M-lt* LI Xi THE DUTCH MENDEI.S TT E RIG HT -i AND CAMPBEUrOMEOrpOMPANY ACADEMY OF MUSIC SLAVIN'S UNCLE TOM THE SMALLEST CHAS. H. KING, AND MOST PERFECT POCKET FIRE-ARV 15 THE WORLD t OEItMAJSIC TMO. OMPLElEVOHEDyWoMBINATWH ProTldence, R. 1. COMBINATION. THEBBS WHAT MANAOEB3 BAY: „ ^ , lO-tfeow OBIODTAL AND ONLY Watakapleaaarelnreeommendlsg the Dnteh Mandela THOMPSON'S THEATRE, >'0 Bent of the theatre for the season of 1877-8, --and Ohaa. H. King aa first-daaa artiste In their Una. Tbay LSD STILL PAPER ON THE WALL. FIPTT (•90) DOLLABS ^Temadaablgbltat onrestabtlahment. WHALLBN A VAilNI, per evening, Inclndlnc license, olBcer, naheta, sta^banda LB, Managen MetropoUian, Lonlarllle, Ky, DAIXAS, TEXAS. VUDI, VICI. and tleket-seller. Including Ur. OEOBOB EONEEL as Uncle Tom, Ulss RADICALLY 8^ 1 cfacvttallr concur with the above. San Franclaeu Hlnstrela, two evenlnga, took ALFT CHIFFENOALB aa Topsey. Mlaa AJCY SLAVIN Thla highly ancceasfhl place ot amaaementb j4.|ts ^ ED. CHBISStB. Stage-mantgtT. aa Eva. W OPEN THE E.NTIRB TBAE, ELETEN HUNDRED DOLLABS. ' OEOROIA CABIN BINQERS: il u NEW.g"-^"'^^ ATTBACnVE ARTISTS WANTED for opeoln« of the WM. J.MILLS 17-lSt» OEO. H, SLADB. Robt. Farham, basso; J. Brown, second bass and patter ^ FALL AND WINTEB SEASON. Addreaa CITY." AHBBICA'S STAB NOVBLTT ARTIST. boy; J. Washington, tenor; Prof. Oardner, hlsti mala al- ^^OUR O. 3. ROBINSON. Acent, U-ll* Care of CLIPPER Office. THE HIOHEOT Premium to; J. Thompson, shooting tenor; Mlse Ella oamer, so- .>wr..vi-g«— Sl-lSt* P. O. Box ITa UiiKla Ilim m Hrrnfrnnr 3,g|, New York City. awarded at the Centennial prano: HlasF. V. Homphreya, aeeond soprano; Hiss & oa dTc;, by Xia. Marie Walah. CKO. C. OOBHON'B EshlblUon to the HENBT C. wasblnston, slto; Qeo. Da Costa, the greatest living ban- DOBSON PATENT CLOSBD- lolsL W 3 j;S Simplified Method. I > Thealre Nov. 17, 1873. S6 pa«ea; • 'Tlayed al the Bewcfy Instmcta how to 1 BACK BANJOS, allver mount- Opening the season of 1S77 and 'TS at Leiand Opera- I alt, pick, HlUniM BMOn-SDmiL BANJO Albany, house, N.T. Sept. stroke, floger, fret, tune, ed. Prtcea, sai, S3D, and VU. My almple method for the , 6 ; Rocheater, Nov. a (one week) InMagemait apon the ahore title will be dealt with with larg* repertclre fcompass ftom Pto O), aollclta an Ml Anx string and handle the banjo; banjo, enahllnji the pupil to play Inatantly without notes BatTalo, Dec. lOtnne week); Pittsburg, Feb. 11 (one week): Cnt repreaentlng vjtx]«dln» to Uw. Manageia wlshlnjt to ptodace OtlE BANJO engagement with a flnt-class minstrel or specialty combi- Cleveland, Feb. IS (one week); Detroit, Feb. cootalna 22d Regiment March, Blue or teacher, %3: all new tunes since June the IsL Address 2a (one week). exact size 0 ahot FBB.scfi * 80*. Dannhe Waltz, nation. With boDormble panic* I will be willing t« imidy K ^ITT. a&eaa £ chords In aU the positions, bats: also 10O tunes. Explain- aU orders to 4M SIXTH ATENUB, New York. Thla Banjo Ifanagen having open dates, and wishing to negotiate d No. s i;aRTunoz ji3ir~~ myaaaan street. W. T. or work bard. Have bad eight jeara* eiperlence. Address ed wlchoat atndy. Price by mall, tDe. HODEBN METH- la not for aale In any atora In the United Statea. li-tl with thla combination, addresa at once BirOLTIB. 14-lt*| J- &. MACDONAX/D, 73 Hicks St., Brooklyn, V, T. CO OD, 71 pagea, BIG BOOK, tl. New System, 100 pleeaa, big SLAVIN A SMITH, Managem. book, board eoTer,tl.2S. SlmpUded Method for Onlta1^ . Care OTN.Y. CLIPPER. F.. F.. COOPER, Agent.. OWENS' ICiUn OF MUSIC, bound book, aoc Now In piess, Oeorge C. Dobaon'a NEW JMt 2| THB ABOVE CUT SCHOOL FOR BANJO: also George 0. Dobaon'a NEW I Bepreaenta manner of holding and dlaeharglac the CHABLESTOK. S. C. SCHOOL FOR OUITAR. The largest and moat eSeganC SPARKS' VARIETIES .aakoilasBeommnnlcatlonaahanld be addrtaaedto atock of Ban!OS, Qnltarv, Stnnga, Bookn. etc.. In the city. N. W. Oor. Baltimore and Holllday ata., Baltimore. Hd. "LITTtB ALL aiOHT." ' JOHN M. BABBBM, Baalneaa.mana«er, Boston acenc for Uenir G. Dobaon'a N. Y. doaed-back WIL. BPABES Proprietor CENTRAL THEATRE, JOHN T. RAYMOND. n P 000 8. C. CbarlMtoD. Banjo*. ^ deacriptlTe cucnisr and pamphlet sent tiee lor Specialty Artlata and female talent of all kloda wanted at be aent to any addreaa on receipt of price by Draft, Money-onfar or Beilatmd one stamp, OBOROE C. DOBSON, all Umea. Ladlea wlahlna datea will addreaa SEASON 18T7-8. iISS^aHfll^A^^I^^^arrangeinentawlth B-ttf OEO. M. t£e leading Eapri Coipanl4%?ilS p" eSnwS^on all a.tf I.U9 Washington atreet. Boston. Maaa. HILL. Btage manaBer. PHUilDELPHIA. St. Lonla, Cleveland, Plttabnrg. dndnnatL Louisville. iSSSmSS}^^\^^*^ «o w 8!SJloTSrt7.?^tS?if'j;~?PV'^*i'«,.'"'«^i"0»Ul™»Uthn* insnrliig ponaiaJ3rl^)i»aaB««alptrLmwl3iElpniM^—^v*. auawuv mu,r Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, Albany, Boaton, Charleaton, a a more prompt and aafe dellTeiT than wonid be otherwiBe poaalble. HALL. O., Savannah, Montgomery, Mobile, JAMES' eatate a( J. Wleketaham. Office ofBakher Jordan, ISH. Oalveaion, New Or- Law A SEPT. 1, GIBBONS' OPERA-HOUSE. BEOPBNS ' .'""n of atock or handle la entirely diapenaed withwim In thla Intentlon-lo.. No. IS Madlsnn street. company the opening will report for re- Philadelphia Part Theatre. New York. Jan. 7. X$.Ut n,m^^!R^SliSS!!PEy^~'P^* ---.^ - '^ 17-.™ m mu The enjmjted for nenmnoprotrndingpalnu,aaIiammer.trlai«r. ete. Ifla eaally held In the hand, the barrel protruding between TENN., MEMPHIS, TBNN., ABO, S, IS77. hearaal on MONDAY; An«. 27. The cap. or fliier.golde, C. whhen tnmed Into poaltlon for line CHATTANOOGA, T. s.HviS?;9Kp?!;r Manager. JD,n iBcIaapedbySTfJlSi hS'.v'lJ!!?^ naa, aa ahown hydotted dineted .?9:«r4?...L,..ee 17-13t« JKO. J. TAYLOR. thafirat linger and foreedbaek. thna canal AND BEFUBNISHED I am by a deoee of the ChaneetY Court at Mem New scenea, new drop-cnrtaln .painted hy Meaara. oammer, etc, which are -IKBPtTTED phla to offer at private aale FOR SALE. compacUy airanged Inalde the Noion Toomey, acsnlo-artiata, «c«l. *" FOR TBBMS APPLY TO A Olymplo Theatre, St, ^.p.rktory-to^otheTIS'ot.'wh^— another ahot, which can be«« repeate C. g. Agant Loola, Mo, Hotiae thonoghlj IMPORTANT TO T.ADTF»S «Aa5S JAKEa. renovated. Apply - 3MI tor THE EXHIBITION KNOWN IS '5™«l.'ntoturned Into ^otalot In and coTerlng end ot barrel, eecarely niidetinC datae aa ahova. nst^ THB ABT OP BNHANCINO PEBSONAL BBAUTT. for iSxM^t im'^iKi. locking thelTratnerriad THE MEMPHIS THEATRE JUnnftdtnnd Stem tho nNESTBTBEL. AND DMTOtAflSEJ? li)B 'S^r&Snbhip Aim davllibt orjnslbttit, and making up or DISOUISIKO THB ft WNiIh aod an properties: alao the Old Post^fflea BnJldlng and PEATUBES FOR THB BTAOE, UnKbt In one lesson, for HoDONOUGH EAfiNSHAW'S other real enato that beloooed to said AUj HIOHT ynUE-Aim CO., LAwranea, 8. A. deoedaat. Bide COMING SOUTH. five doUais. at LTBANDEB THOMnON'S Stndlo. 2S W. Hataa- V. vUl be TeoelTed by me np to Oct. I next, wb«n ihey wUl be Fourth street. New York. 31-13t IMJO reported to the court, and action will then be takan ROVIL MRIOmfiS. BOSEWOOD BANJOS, thercoD. PRINTING, THEATRICAL & SHOW PRINTING OQAM'S SILTEB-BIM kSO InfoimAtton Retnned (torn 'Anstralla, New Zealand .aayesior to an otheia. Bogaa'a Banio Manual, the onlr I will fbmlBh ao7 aatothe proper^ upon aod California eDahltpg appUcatloB. Toon, etc« done at THB MOBNINO NEWS Steam Frlntlng-honae, attar one of the moat auocesalbl tzlna financially ever 'nathedofthakinderar pohllahed. C. paifeet running COLLEI^ER'S • BARRT. known. In order. Plrat W. claaa B-« B, L. BBLCHBR. BettlfW. Savannah, Oa- Laigeat aaaortment of Wood-typs In the workeia. STANDARD price, DEVELTABLES '«a .plav at at(at. Cootalna tonaa; tl. Tour Or THE OBEAT BZ- U Booth. im*. NOBODY'S FOBTUNB, Ready for an engagament. Will ba aold vary rBeagaad-danje. J\g and OIocDandnr taoiht for tL. Oood, quick wort, low prloea. AdTane»«tden PBESS BOBBEBT, and MEN'S SHOES. Splendid cheap, or filled. DEAD exchanged for other property. O. K. PA.TBHTKD JCIIB 6, 18T1, AJID DECKimBIl Oatde Dandng Without promptly Only dally paper In Savannah. 17-17C Y. lB-i»f GOODWIN, or H 83, ISTB. -.atMa. Botan*a to the waae, or HALL, prIoUng. Addreaa etl Slith avenne, K. T. COTfS. Chestnut atreet. eemprlalne aboTO-named dances, with MUSIC SOMERSET, 0. 7U Philadelphia. Pa. &St AMaatar. aD the - price-llat- Tana. Prtea.BL BendI stampsi for J. F. COBDBAT, Lessee. CI.AUDE HAVEN, BagateDe, Sow J. BOOAN, ^ DE MASONIC TKMPLiE, Balls, Caea, Ootki 100 Kaat Honston street. Wew Yorlc FOR RBNT, or will play on ahaiea by night or week. AOENT OF THB Season ol ISTT-S. Scenerr new and eompleta. Seating Jenny JAnA, and HOW TO FLAT IT IN 10 capacity, TOO. Splendid ahow town. Flraudaaa parliea and ererytlilac OONUTBa. ONLY are icqneaied to aend for open datea to iBoentnlly located, with aeatlsg eanaeltrai ODl Fnr. — * - PtKMB-HoIe M-Ut J. F. COBDBAT. Manager, MBTKOFOnJOBPRnii nlahed —wllMandcnahlonaawot1d.wldaiepntattonaiw STARS COMBINATIONS Uthonaphlng, etc. neaMcal aeenaa and Portnlta a GRAND OPERA-HOUSE, COATB. paR of the tmlloim of a olty tcclaMait whish haa AND speoUltr. Better prtatlng aad lower rates than any raat-ct.tB woBxtfAiamr. UNiTOBiiirT or ooiOTBncnoN. iia> ouBABiiiirT. HABBISBVBG, FA., changed, good aa new, Teiy cheap; anltanle (orbanda and Tretted Wllh on Liberal Terms. other estabUshraaiit la the world. For eatlmatea. dealgna. MR. GEORGE RIONOIsD, indepanoaat mOltatY oTBUbatlona. Sand for dranlar. aad aampica call at a Am stnet, or on OLAuDB~ Dl Academy ol IfiultL Xoatiaal, Anc JO. Atsv oean data! B. A. HXATB. Ajjljrto HAYBII, Branch aveBaa, oomar T^ent7- after H. w. MliTEOD AXD IJU>JU>VU>. TWO 'WIDB BTAIBWATa. HATP- Oaeeb IS FWh Jannaiy, AadieM to Uf tnat. coi«u:aii»uv i rissssrsw:^^ M-lt mobaiab . ^ larMiBi ata,aUiWiH.J. SIBBIh ManHu. .: IS.IB* mmt, Mav Toik, Hanagar, third ; New York Cl^. M4t S-

Scanned from the microfilm collection of Q. David Bowers

Scanning sponsored by Q. David Bowers and Kathiyn Fuller-Seeley

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