WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 2019 DAILY EXCELSIOR, daily Excelsior Established 1965 Nations will never succumb under pressure Founder Editor S.D. Rohmetra Harsha Kakar still miles away. Kim Jong-Un has also met Xi Jin- fleet. However, despite all its actions, there is lit- lation together to face US blackmail. ping of China and Putin of Russia in separate meet- tle change on the ground. Iran has threatened to Every nation, irrespective of its military and n recent times, Donald Trump is seeking to ings. Thus, while the US may continue to impose walk out of the deal unless other nations who economic power possesses self-esteem and self- enhance pressures on multiple nations intend- sanctions and seek to bring the state to boil, there signed it are willing to stand by and continue respect. Its leadership cannot be seen to be weak Mansar Lake, largesse ing to bring about a change to benefit US's poli- I are always others who would support the country procuring oil. The EU and Russia are working at a enough to fall for threats from a nation whose lead- cies. These include North Korea, Venezuela, Syr- and counter US actions. Kim Jong-Un remains solution, whether they could push one through ership has insulted and threatened the nation. ia, Russia, China and Iran. The US in most cases defiant as ever and continues to maintain his stance remains to be seen. from nature has imposed economic sanctions or some form of Therefore, it would never break and bend, despite of lifting sanctions with limited surrenders from Syria has seen multiple players supported by actions being taken by the US. While the US would it, which it has considered its right, as the world his side. The reason is evident, he does not trust the different regimes, each seeking to play to their ature has been too generous, to state economy is the Dollar. The US feels that as a world desire the world join hands to follow their diktat, US nor its intentions. advantage. The arrival of Russia and Iran into the there is open disagreement and support to these precisely, in respect of Jammu and leader it can push the rest of the world to toe its In Venezuela sanctions have been imposed on country, changed the dynamics for the US. Sanc- thoughts and follow its diktat. While the same may countries by those who challenge the US. in that, we have bounties and the country to change the current regime headed tions imposed on Syria have had no impact. Rus- The US remains aware that unilateral military N sound ideal, however nations involved would react by Maduro. The US has openly announced support sia would ensure the survival of the regime, despite action would never be a guaranteed success. This boons from times immemorial, bestowed upon us differently. to Juan Guaido, the opposition leader who has all attempts by the US. by it, depicting its extreme omnipotence irre- Recently the US enhanced tariffs on Chinese is more pronounced especially in regions where declared himself as an interim President. There The US had applied pressure on Pak for a long there is a clash of religions or civilizations, Iran or products, post the failure of trade talks. The Chi- have also been rumours of the US seeking to inter- time, including stopping all aid to the country, spective of whether we feel indebted to the invis- Syria. The mere presence of Russian and Chinese nese bounced back with their own enhanced tariffs vene militarily in support of Guaido. Presently, US unless it reigns in terrorist groups which it contin- troops in Venezuela, would prevent the US from ible divine donor or not. Indebtedness only the leading to an open confrontation. It may not ben- has banned nations from purchasing Venezuelan ues to support. Little happened. Taliban attacks making any military attempts. Thus, if it must make way, we treat such legacies and heritages and efit either nation but indicates that China will not oil, which is its main export. However, Maduro continued and so did its support to terrorism in bend. It is anyway challenging the US in every continues to hold forth in defiance.Despite a major . It was only FATF and the Indian strike atBal- any difference, it would need international support, how we preserved, maintained and in which con- sphere. which by its actions, it has ensured would never be dition handed over to the next generations while drop in economy, the nation refuses to break. There akote which forced Pak to change its tune. The US attempted to punish Russia for multi- are also reports of Russian and Chinese troops In desperation, the US Secretary of State, Mike available. Its antagonists, Russia and China, would using and deriving other innumerable benefits ple reasons including interference in US elections, being present in the country. Pompeo, rushed to Sochi to meet the Russian For- challenge US actions anywhere and everywhere from them. One thing which makes most of such Crimea and involvement in Syria. It even imposed Post withdrawing from the Iran Nuclear deal, eign Secretary, Sergey Lavrov to discuss apart from across the globe. CAATSA (Countering American Adversaries It is time the US realizes that insults, threats symbols of heritage and endowments unique is Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in Russian interferencein US elections, also Through Sanctions Act) and threatened all nations May last year, the US imposed sanctions on the Venezuela, Syria and Iran. In every case there was and sanctions can never go hand in hand, unless that not only are they full of tourism potential and which procure military equipment from the coun- country. From 01 May this year, no nation would a disagreement. US desired that Russia join in sup- backed by strong military measures, which are a feast to eyes and a feel of immense bliss to the try. However, it has had limited impact. Close US be exempt from sanctions for procuring Iranian oil. porting US stand against these nations, while Rus- presently restricted. Diplomacy can be effective allies, India and Turkey, have refused to bend and souls of the nature lovers and tourists but they It believes the deal is flawed and permits Iran to sia disputed the US approach. onlr if all major powers are in sync. The only dam- continue to procure Russian equipment. Russia in develop Ballistic missiles and support terrorist net- In each of the instances of nations listed above, age which the US has created is that it has impact- carry with them a connect with spiritualist pur- retaliation has enhanced its role in Syria, increased works across West Asia, specifically in Syria and US actions have been preceded by insults from ed global economy and pushed weaker nations fur- suits and faith related allegiance thus rendering its proximity to Iran and begun supporting the Tal- the Hezbollah in Lebanon. It has done so to sup- Trump on social media, either against the country ther downwards, especially with its sanctions on to such places, lakes, rivers, springs, hill tops, iban, all of whom operate against the US. port its two main allies in the region, Israel and or its leader. These insults have been followed by Venezuela and Iran, as the oil market has shrunk, Though there have been two summit meetings Saudi Arabia, the two main antagonists of Iran. threats of the US enhancing pressures to force and prices risen. mountainous abodes, caves, deep woods, snow between Kim Jong-Un of North Korea and Presi- To further enhance pressure, it has deployed its nations to bend. Open threats on social media only The author is Major General (Retd) dent Trump, denuclearization of North Korea is capped mountains etc an immense importance B52 bombers in the region as also moved a naval add to anger within the country and bind its popu- [email protected] from the religious point of view too. We need not elaborate further as just one Dr Raja Muzaffar Bhat village , but again this is a blunder. There are more than half a dozen habitations from Nowhar to example of the international fame bestowing round a decade back United Nations Gen- Branwar where from Doodh Ganga flows. It eral Assembly (UNGA) in a historic res- Save Doodh Ganga upon the people, the spiritual blessedness, should have ideally been set up in a forest area Aolution recognized safe water and sanita- (ahead of Branwar) where there is no human pop- solicitude, motherly altruism and benevolence because he is still a non-swimmer ?Doodh Ganga Kralwari, Sogam, , Hanji Gund, Wathoo- tion as one of the basic human rights. Among 17 ulation. from the top of the picturesque Trikuta Hills in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which is helped me to learn the art of swimming and that ra and enters into Doodh Ganga. In addi- was reason I passed basic swimming test at a very tion, several lavatories also have outlets that enter Conclusion Jammu, that of Shree Mata Vaishno Devi shrine a 15 year agenda (2015-2030) adopted by the UN Authorities at the helm of affairs must plug all in 2015 availability of clean water and better san- tender age in the year 1985. When I tell my son I into it. Ironically, the same water is lifted and treat- and the other example of the Holy cave of Shree passed my basic swimming test in the same class ed at water filtration plant at Kralpora and then the drains and lavatory outlets draining into Doo- itation is an important constituent of it. Having dh Ganga from Branwar to Batmaoo area Amarnath Swami situated at an unimaginable spent my childhood around Doodh Ganga (also at Biscoe school, Ubaid turns frantic I still remem- supplied to more than 8 lakh population in 5 dozen ber we were only three swimmers in class IIIrd localities and colonies around Srinagar uptown (35kms stretch). No solid waste should be allowed altitude of over 12800 feet in and called Chaz Kull in Kashmiri) and being a frequent to be thrown inside this water-body . This will traveler to the glaciers of Pir Panjaal where from and by the time we got promoted to class IV, the especially areas like Hyderpora, PirBagh, Huhma- reaching where, one had to pass through breath number of swimmers rase to 10 out of 40. My son ma, Rawalpora, Chanapora, Bagh-e-Mehtab, ensure that clean drinking water is supplied to a it originates, I feel distressed and disturbed when huge population.I have seen Doodh Ganga in the taking, enchanting and captivating scenery of I pass through the banks of this river near my ances- yells at me and questions me "why can't I pass Kralpora, Jawahar Nagar and Batamaloo etc. As a swimming test , why can't I swim in Doodh Gan- consumer, I tried to ask the Public Health Engi- forests up- Branwar , the water is so clean and snowy mountains, lakes, glaciers etc, would village Wathoora or the nearby town of crystal but as soon as it enters Branwar village , Chadoora. I remember how audacious and daring ga (chazkull) ?" neering department (PHE) whether chlorination prove the point. We have, here in Jammu region I don't know whether he will successfully cross and filtration at Kralpora plant can make Doodh the water starts getting contaminated. it was for us in summer months as kids to swim in From Chadoora onwards the water is com- one such natural bounty in the shape of a lake Doodh Ganga and to take sun bath on its banks the school swimming test or not this year, but I am Ganga water safe for drinking ? They failed to sure for one thing that Ubaid won't be able to swim respond and I was forced to file a complaint before pletely polluted with solid and liquid waste. known as Mansar which is exactly 62 Kms from where there used to be heaps of fine sand. River Chadoora town which produces lot of solid and DoodhGanga is a tributary of the Jhelum that flows in Doodh Ganga at least ? The reason is that Doo- the State Human Rights Commission (SHRC). I the winter capital city of Jammu carrying an dh Ganga is no more a river of milk , it has been have sought SHRC's intervention and they have liquid waste, must get a scientific waste manage- from upper reaches of called Chazken ment plant plus a modern Sewerage Treatment importance of its peculiar type both from the point Naad, Lidermarg. The river originates from Pir- turned into a drain (Kali Ganga) and dumping site already sent notices to Commissioner / Secretary of solid and liquid waste.Today, as we claim to PHE , Deputy Commissioner, and Prin- Plant (STP) where solid and liquid waste can be of tourism as well as its religious connect. Not Panjal glaciers near Tatakoti mountain peak. treated. Massive awareness campaign ,In-house only this, Mansar has its fame on account of My tryst with Doodh Ganga have become advanced and educated, my head cipal Government Medical College, Srinagar. I bows down in shame when I see all the filth find- am not blaming the Government alone but we all composting of biodegradable waste, door to door Today when my 7 years old son Ubaid ques- collection of waste in a segregated manner must other reasons like being too deep to be precisely ing its way into Doodh Ganga. The worst part of are collectively responsible for this mess. Had our tions me "Baba how you learnt swimming" I feel be made mandatory. Religious leaders and NGOs it is that this polluted water continues to be lifted planners and engineers set up Doodh Ganga plant described, symbols around speaking about its proud of Doodh Ganga. On several occasions I should also be asked to get involved in save the at Doodh Ganga water treatment plant located at in the upper reaches of Chadoora in early 70s, the historical importance, its wild life sanctuary, its have told Ubaid stories related to bathing and Doodh Ganga campaign. If kids like Ubaid can't Kralpora on the outskirts of Srinagar. This water situation would have been different today . Had swimming in Doodh Ganga. I still remember how swim in the Doodh Ganga now, let us take a pledge flora and fauna, being ideal for adventure boating is then supplied to a huge population in Srinagar scientific waste management system been put in I along with my village friends used to enjoy in the to make it so clean that in the coming years the as also for getting a feel of a peculiar culture, and uptown. place solid waste would not have been dumped on clean waters of this river 25 to 30 years back. I kids living around Doodh Ganga can again swim Water supplied from Doodh Ganga banks of Doodh Ganga ? Liver ailments, cancers, traditional hutments where Gujjar and Bakarwal can't forget the long and high jumps that myself and enjoy this river like their forefathers.Rural More than 45 years ago, the Doodh Ganga kidney diseases and other gastro intestinal dis- and other kids used to attempt from the banks of Sanitation Department and Municipal Committee communities live wearing ethnic costumes etc. It water treatment plant was commissioned at Kral- eases are on the rise and I say with authority that shares the legend and the godliness of this river. Ubaid who is a class III student at Tyn- ,Chadoora, District Administration of Srinagar and dale Biscoe School Srinagar becomes excited after pora. Three more units were added to this plant lat- the intake of unhygienic water is one of the impor- Budgamhave an important role to play in this Mansarovar lake. A replica of Sheshnagh is there listening to all the stories of past. When I tell my er. Most of the solid and liquid waste generated in tant contributory factors for the occurrence of direction. one dozen villages and Chadoora town right from these diseases. Another water supply scheme has in a shrine on its banks and majority of devotees son I became a swimmer in my school (Tyndale (The author is Chairman of JK RTI Movement) Branwar to Kralpora via Surasyar, Dadompora, been set up by Government recently at Nowhar visit this lake more for seeking spiritual bliss than Biscoe) in class III, he becomes really upset [email protected] just for undertaking a pleasure excursion. Vivak Manohar Arya, health, provide recommenda- This all is known to most of us but the ques- Ajay Thakur tions. In addition, the EAT- tion, however, is as to how many of us take the Lancet Commission recently he origins of life on earth Celebrating biodiversity published findings on the health pains to know its present position in terms of the some three and a half bil- nutrition-food systems-biodi- lion years ago are vague. leading to increased tempera- "The Earth Summit", in Rio de late December. On this date in Health'.The theme aims to quality of its waters, its shrunk area , effluents T tures, serious droughts in some Janeiro, Brazil. Sustainable 1992, the text of the Convention leverage knowledge and spread versity nexus, that describe Life was probably initiated as a what constitutes a healthy diet and waste material finding its way into it, the product of organic reactions in areas and unexpected floods in development is a way to meet on Biological Diversity was awareness of the dependency of other areas. Biological diversi- the needs of people all over the adopted at a United Nations at a our food systems, nutrition, and from a sustainable food systems aquatic life etc and how could we preserve and the Earth's primeval seas. Once perspective, and which actions life took hold on the planet, it ty is also essential for preserv- world and ensuring that planet conference in Nairobi, Kenya. health on biodiversity and keep it back in its pristine and captivating sheen. ing ecological processes, such earth remains healthy and viable Each year, the International Day healthy ecosystems. The theme can support and speed up food began gradually to diversify. systems transformation, in ben- We must not only protect and preserve such gifts Biological diversity is the term as fixing and recycling of nutri- for future generations. One of for Biodiversity focuses on a also celebrates the diversity pro- from mother nature but peep into its surround- ents, soil formation, circulation the most important agreements particular theme. The theme of vided by our natural systems for efit of biodiversity. given to the variety of life on Building from such work, Earth, including plants, animals and cleansing of air and water, human existence and well- ings , standing old ramparts of buildings and global life support. India as a being on Earth, while contribut- individuals can mobilize and other dilapidated structures and try to find out and micro-organisms, as well as catalyze action around their the ecosystems of which they Mega Diversity Nationwith ing to other Sustainable Devel- varied information and knowledge from historical 2.4% of the world's area, has opment Goals, including cli- concerns on health, nutrition, are part. Biodiversity includes and food systems, together with point of view from them as they "speak" such lan- genetic differences within over 8% of the world's total bio- mate change mitigation and diversity, making it one of the adaptation, ecosystems restora- awareness raising on how to guage clearly to the ones who sincerely seek to species, the diversity of species conserve and sustainably use and the variety of ecosystems. It 12 mega diversity countries in tion, cleaner water and zero know. Students, research scholars and writers the world. This status is based hunger, among others.In the last biodiversity for our well- is the result of the interaction of being.The links between biodi- could find such places of immense importance . species, including humans, with on the species richness and lev- 100 years, more than 90 percent els of endemism recorded in a of crop varieties have disap- versity, ecosystems, and the We have tendencies towards being more one another and with the air, provision of benefits to human water and soil around them. wide range of taxa of both plants peared from farmers' fields. materialistic in this era of fast competitions in and animals. This diversity can Half of the breeds of many health are deeply entrenched in This combination of life forms the Strategic Plan for Biodiver- every field of life but in the process, we forget to ecosystems, species and genet- be attributed to the vast variety domestic animals have been of landforms and climates, lost, and all of the world's 17 sity 2011-2020. They are central have the younger generations acquaint with all ic varieties has made Earth a to our common agenda for sus- uniquely habitable place. Envi- resulting in habitats ranging main fishing grounds are now about such heritage, develop a love and leaning from tropical to temperate and being fished at or above their tainable development. This ronmental services from species focus on the nexus of biodiver- towards such priceless inheritance , to know and ecosystems are vital at glob- from alpine to desert. The sustainable limits. Locally-var- India's special geographical ied food production systems are sity, food systems and health more about them through research and how we al, regional and local levels. provides an opportunity to gen- Production of oxygen, reducing position between three distinc- under threat, including related could save such fading heritage which if we could tive centres of biological evolu- indigenous, traditional and erate discussions on ways to carbon dioxide, protecting soil support the post-2020 process not save now, would be lost for ever. Details, we are important services. The tion and radiation of species is (International Day for Biological Diversity) local knowledge. With this responsible for our rich and var- decline, agro biodiversity is dis- for a global biodiversity frame- hardly need to give but such lakes springs , world now acknowledges that work and to help "bend the the loss of biodiversity con- ied biodiversity. "We should reached during the Earth Sum- 2018 was "Celebrating 25 years appearing, and also essential rivers, mountains etc are not only important from preserve every scrap of biodi- mit was the Convention on Bio- of action on biodiversity".This knowledge of traditional medi- curve of biodiversity loss by tourism view point but for academic pursuits, tributes to global climatic 2030" ICBD 2019. changes. Forests are the main versity as priceless while we logical Diversity. The Conven- year's celebrations of the Inter- cine and local foods. The loss of research, culture, architecture and masonry, learn to use it and come to tion on Biological Diversity national Day for Biological diverse diets is directly linked to "If we pollute the air, water mechanism for the conversion and soil that keep us alive and paintings on walls of the old structures, and how of carbon dioxide into carbon understand what it means to came into force on December Diversity, on 22 May 2019, diseases or health risk factors, humanity". E. O. Wilson. 29, 1993, and each anniversary focus on biodiversity as the such as diabetes, obesity and well, and destroy the biodiver- could we fight the neglect and apathy towards and oxygen. The loss of forest sity that allows natural systems cover, coupled with the increas- In 1992 state and govern- of this date was designated the foundation for our food and malnutrition, and has a direct preserving symbols of historicity in respect of the ment leaders agreed on a strate- International Day for Biological health and a key catalyst to impact on the availability of tra- to function, no amount of mon- ing release of carbon dioxide ey will save us". David Suzuki Mansar lake. We owe much to such rich heritage and other gases through indus- gy for sustainable development Diversity. From 2001 onwards transforming food systems and ditional medicines.Decisions at the United Nations Confer- the date of this celebration was improving human health.The from the UN Biodiversity Con- (The authors are from SKUAST-J and to save them from getting depreciated and ulti- trialization contributes to the are working in the field of Climate Change 'greenhouse effect'. It is causing ence on Environment and moved to May 22 due to the theme of the 2019 is 'Our Bio- ference (CBD COP 14), along mately extinct. Development, also known as number of holidays that fell in diversity, Our Food, and Our with reports on biodiversity and and NRDMS) major atmospheric changes, [email protected] Save water bodies Sir, Cumbersome M Forms Ugly Elections Refer your letter, "Dying water bodies'' DE May 14, 2019. Day in an day out the Sir, scientists and geologists warn and inform us about the imminent shortage of water even Sir, for drinking purposes due to abnormal weather conditions. Not to talk of future even at Kindly refer to Avtar Bhat's news item : 'Cumbersome process...... Votes', Daily Elections of 2019 where people exercised their franchise for electing their representatives for present time there are so many places and areas in the country where the people face Excelsior dated 20 May 2019, wherein a number of KPleaders have been quoted appeal- forthcoming Lok Sabha demonstrated different stratagem. On the one hand Mahagathbandan of many hardships due to shortage of water and in some places people have to carry water ing, arguing, complaining to the authorities to do away with the rigmarole of M forms opposition left no stone unturned abusing PM at public meetings. Rafeal deal has remained the on heads for miles together. It is really worrisome for not only the present generation for a KP to cast his vote. I'm an old man. I've never voted throughout my life. Up to central issue of the opposition leader. Attributing derogratory tags during campaigning against the but for the generations to come but at the same time we are fortunate enough in respect 1990 when I was in the Valley I was always on election duty. Now I've been living here Highest office of the country shows the mindset of our politicians. of existence of water bodies at so many places. for almost three decades. I tried to include my name in the Jammu voter list but the In this election people have noted how power thirsty politicians tried to lure voters by inciting In olden times, people used water of the same water bodies for drinking and other authorities refused to oblige me. My relatives, counterparts and friends who settled out- divisive forces and sectarian elements. We have also witnessed use of muscle and money power at uses but it used to be maintained in a scientific manner. But today the condition of the side this unfortunate state are prominently in the voter lists of the city they are living several places of the country during the voting hours. In this election communal and caste politics water bodies has deteriorated because of the apathy of the people, more so, by the stake in and they cast their votes there hassle free. Why should I be tied to Kashmir when I cards were played by several politicians without thinking of its repercussions. Personal attacks holders and concerned departments. The Government, in particular, the local self Govt don't live there? Yes, when I return to the Valley with 'honour and dignity' my name while campaigning were witnessed in these elections depicting unique political atmosphere of the should get awakened from the deep slumber and start at once the work of preservation can be included again there. If we are included here it should have no side effect on the country. Even Election Commission of India was attacked not once but on several occasions for and repair of water bodies and shape them in their original position by taking necessary paltry sum of relief that a handful of KPs receive from the GOI. Powers at the helm of EVM and labelled biased by opposite parties. Although Election Commission of India had taken corrective measures. In Muthi and arounding areas such water bodies exist but they need affairs should ponder over my suggestion. notice of major complaints. Being an autonomous body we are supposed to trust this highest insti- to be maintained properly. PL Waguzari, tution of the country. In this election people have shown examplary enthusiasm while standing in Dwarika Nath Raina H No 4 Lane 3/ A, long queues for voting the candidate of their choice. Upper Muthi Roopnagar Enclave, S N Raina Jammu Jammu. Jammu