Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 1 of213

Township Public Schools


MARCH 1,2018

The Regular Meeting of the Wayne Township Board of Education and Executive Session was held on Thursday, March 1, 2018 in the Administrative Offices, Large Conference Room, 50 Nellis Drive, Wayne, 07470. The meeting was scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m., pursuant to the terms of the Sunshine Law. The meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Donald Pavlak, Jr., Board President.

I. Reading of Sunshine Law statement

Adequate notice of this Regular and Executive Meeting, setting forth time, date and location, has been provided in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act on January 9, 2018 by:

Prominently posting a copy on the bulletin board in the lobby of the offices of the Board of Education, which is a public place reserved for such announcements, transmitting a copy of this notice to The Record, The Wayne Today, and the Municipal Clerk.

II. Roll Call PRESENT: Eileen Albanese, Mitch Badiner, Michael Bubba, Sean Duffy, Cathy Kazan, Gail Okun, Donald Pavlak, Jr. , and Stacey Scher.

ABSENT: Suzanne Pudup

ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mark Toback, Superintendent, Donna Reichman, Assistant Superintendent, Daisy Ayala, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary and John Geppert, Board General Counsel.

A motion was made to convene into Executive Session Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 2 of 213

III. Approval to Convene into Executive Session


WHEREAS, the Wayne Township Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the , "Board") from time to time must convene into Executive Session to discuss confidential matters including but not limited to personnel issues, legal matters, student issues and labor negotiations.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board shall move into Executive Session to discuss personnel and safety and security; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of the executive session will provide as much information as possible without violating any applicable· privilege or Confidentiality so that the public can understand what was discussed and when available what the Board decision was; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of the executive session will be released to the public in an appropriately redacted form within a reasonable period of time; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the redacted portion of the executive session minutes will not be released until such time as the privilege or confidentiality is no longer applicable.

Motion: To Approve, Moved by MICHAEL BUBBA, Seconded by GAIL OKUN. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, DUFFY, KAZAN, OKUN, PAVLAK, SCHER Absent: PUDUP IV. Reconvene

The Executive Session of the Wayne Board of Education Regular Meeting of March 1, 2018 was convened in the Conference Room of the Wayne Board of Education, 50 Nellis Drive, Wayne, NJ 07470.

The Statement of Compliance setting forth time, date and location was read in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act and the roll call was taken. The meeting was recessed and is now being reconvened.

The Board reconvened at 7 :32 p.m. in the Board of Education Conference Room, 50 Nellis Drive, Wayne, New Jersey 07470. Mr. Donald Pavlak, Jr., Board President, advised that the Board had been meeting in Executive Session at 50 Nellis Drive for the purpose of discussing personnel, student matters, and safety and security matters. Information regarding these matters will be made public, if and when, appropriate. PRESENT: Eileen Albanese, Mitch Badiner, Michael Bubba, Sean Duffy, Cathy Kazan, Gail Okun, Donald Pavlak, Jr., and Stacey Scher. Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 3 of 213

ABSENT: Suzanne Pudup

ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mark Toback, Superintendent, Donna Reichman, Assistant Superintendent, Daisy Ayala, School Business Administrator/ Board Secretary and John Geppert, Board General Counsel, two Administrators, and approximately eight members ofthe public.


MOMENT OF SILENCE v. Administrative Summary Report


Good Evening

Central Registration Central registration, for incoming Kindergarteners and new first graders, will take place on selected days this week and next, at Preakness School. The first day of registration (today) went smoothly. 40 new students were registered. M of today, an additional 277 new students have completed the online portion of the registration and will be coming to Preakness during the next two weeks to complete the documentation and nursing review parts of the process.

VICTORY FOR WAYNE SCHOOLS ROBOTICS TEAM! The Wayne Patriots Robotics Team 9921 was victorious this weekend at Townsend Harris High School in Queens, at the New York State Championships. The Patriots were nominated for multiple awards and won three including the "Think Award" for most outstanding engineering notebook. The team went undefeated against a pool of 32 teams, scoring a contest record of 479 points in the championship. The coed team with members from Wayne Hills and Wayne Valley High Schools, and Schuyler-Colfax and Anthony Wayne Middle Schools has had a remarkable run. They have participated in five events for the season including two meets, two qualifiers, and one championship. At each event, Team 9921 has won key awards and set record scores. Their accomplishments have been so exceptional, the organization that runs the events, FIRST Robotics Competition, has sent personnel from their New Hampshire headquarters to interview our team and study their robot. M a result of their win this weekend, the Patriots are now qualified to participate for the 2017-2018 East Super-Regional Championship Tournament, which will be held on March 16-18, 2018 at the University of Scranton in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

A Momentous Saturday for Wayne Congratulations to the Wayne Hills Boys' and Wayne Valley Girls' Basketball teams for Regular Meeting Minutes" March 1,2018 Page 4 of 213

winning both Passaic County Boys and Girls Basketball Championships this past Saturday. For Wayne Hills, Saturday's final was the first time any Wayne Hills Boys' Basketball Team appeared in the Passaic County Basketball Championship Game. The team made the most of the opportunity in a hard fought 55-21 overtime win over top seed John. F. Kennedy High School. The second game of Saturday's championship double header pitted Wayne Valley against Lakeland. Wayne Valley pulled ahead early in the game, only to see Lakeland fight back. In the end, Wayne Valley upset the top seeded Lancers 35-27, ended their 13 game winning streak, and won the first Passaic County Girls Championship for Wayne Valley in 41 years.

I would like to talk about some of the things the Board has done this evening. Safety & Security is in the minds of every parent, student and teacher in the district. The Board met this evening in executive session and the thing to remember is that we cannot tell you specifically about all the things we discussed because obviously that would be giving away security issues we have in the district. We would like to talk about actions that are taking place now and actions that will be taking place in the future. There was a letter that went out to the community, and in that letter I talked about restricted access. Letters will be going home to' parents to detail exactly what it is the district is doing. Many principals have already taken steps to restrict access. Parents will be receiving a letter to talk a little bit more about what the district is doing to make sure the. district is safer. Although inconvenient for parents, and something that might not be welcome by every person, overall the intent of this is to make sure every child, every teacher, every person in each of our schools is safer and that we make sure we're patrolling the outside of our building. Patrolling our perimeter; making sure we know who's in the building, why they're in the building. That's a very important step to take to promote security in the building. The other thing the district is pursuing is Class III officers in the long term. That's something that would take some time to develop and that's something that will be developed in partnership with the townShip and the police department. That's something we've already moved ahead on; we've had meetings, although it's difficult to take action right now. We are going to take action by hiring our own off duty police officers to provide additional police presence in the schools. So that's something we're going to do to the -extent it's possible. It depends on who's available; when they're available. We can't say we will have every minute of every day of every school covered, but we will do what we can because that's what's available right now. The district is also moving ahead with a private security firm so that we have unamned security officers that will be able to monitor our doors. These are people that will be put in place not only during the school day, but also for after SChool and for big events where people will be let in and out of the buildings. You also heard a resolution that was read which calls upon Governor Murphy. The Board of Ed has recognized a problern that every school district is going to face. After many years of dramatic underfunding; after many years of a 2 percent cap on top of that, and having our funding cut, since 2009, we recognize that ultimately most school districts in this situation, we are trying to make do. The reality is that when you're already cutting programs to keep within the cap and absorb all these different reductions in state and federal aid, it's hard to have a discussion about anything significant in the world of security. It's hard to go ahead with projects because there's no money to do it. So, ultimately the Board is asking Governor Murphy and legislators to move ahead with some flexibility with all local school boards in New Jersey so they are able to make local decisions about safety and security projects or different things they would like to do to support safety and security; particularly with the hiring of Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 5 of213

additional personnel, and that those hirings eat outside of the cap so that districts can take action locally to bring additional security personnel into the district. That's something that would come into play with our budget process. The other thing the Board discussed was a variety of security projects which I'm not going to talk too much about with projects we can do now, in the coming mbnths, and long term projects. The district reviewed a list of priorities. There was a safety and security evaluation that was completed a number of years ago. As many of you know, there was a special question that was asked in 2015 that was voted down. We looked at projects that were in that special question, we evaluated those projects, we looked at the projects that were completed (some were completed due to adefinite need), and we're looking at how to move ahead to other projects in the future. We've identified many ways we could move ahead with those projects for the short term (this summer) and long term (multi-year). . We also discussed educational programs and different things the school district will be doing to try to reinforce behaviors to make the school district a safer place. The bottom line is there are many steps the district can take that cost nothing, but it requires the community to change the culture and understanding of what creates security problems in each school. Most parents know that, most kids know it. There are things we can all do to make the Wayne Township Public Schools safer for the students, teachers, anyone who is working there. The principals have met with their PTO presidents to talk about some of the changes that will be coming to the schools to promote safety and security.





Presented by: Donna Reichman, Assistant Superintendent


Presented by: John Maso, Director of Facilities Management, Greg Somjen and John Carton, Parette Somjen Architects

VI. Revisions to Agenda Items ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS: Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 6 of 21,3

ADD: A·2018·2: RESOLVED, that the Board approve a Resolution. Resolution of the Wayne Township Board of Education, County of Passaic, State of New Jersey, requesting the New Jersey School Board Association to Assist in Providing Funding for School Security.

VII. Open to Public Agenda Items Only

This portion of the meeting is open to citizens for comment on agenda items only. Residents are to state their names, addresses, and subject matter. Comments may be limited to five minutes per person. Members of the public are discouraged from speaking negatively about an employee or a student. The Board bears no responsibility for comments made by the public. Comments regarding employees or students cannot be legally responded to by the Board. Other comments . may be responded to tonight or at subsequent meetings under "old business."

A motion was made to open the meeting to public comment.

Motion: To Approve, Moved by MICHAEL BUBBA Seconded by GAIL OKUN. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA DUFFY, KAZAN, OKUN, PAVLAK, SCHER Absent: PUDUP PUBLIC COMMENTS: - Jennifer Graf, 80 Beechwood Dr. • Discussed school safety • Presented safety information to the Board

Jennifer Scarpo, 170 Oakwood Dr. • Discussed school safety

There being no further comments from the public, a motion was made to close the meeting to public comments.

Motion: To Approve, Moved by MITCH BADINER, Seconded by CATHY KAZAN. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA DUFFY, KAZAN, OKUN, PAVLAK, SCHER Absent: PUDUP VIII. Approval of Minutes Amotion was made to approve M-2018-1 to M-2018-2.

Approval of Executive Session Minutes M-2018-1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve the following Executive Session Minutes: Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 7 of 213

February 1, 2018 Regular Meeting

Approval of Public Meeting Minutes M - 2018 - 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve the following Public Meeting Minutes as per the attached by reference:

February 1, 2018 Regular Meeting Motion: To Approve, Moved by MICHAEL BUBBA, Seconded by MITCH BADINER. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, DUFFY, KAZAN, OKUN, PAVLAK, SCHER Absent: PUDUP IX. Action on Agenda

A motion was made to approve A-2018-1 to A-2018-2.

Approval of HIB Report A-2018-1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board affirm the Superintendent's decision on the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying matters as required by N.J.SA 18A:37-15(b)(6)(e) on the following cases:

Case # 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40/2017 -2018 ~~~~~:~~~~ i~1t~e Board on


WHEREAS, the New Jersey Legislature has enacted legislation capping the local property tax levy at 2%; and WHEREAS, Personnel to provide security services, including school resource officers are available within the State of New Jersey; WHEREAS, school districts across the nation are faced with new and increasing security concerns; and WHEREAS, State school funding in the State of New Jersey has steadily decreased; and WHEREAS, the Wayne Board of Education is seeking additional funding to support the safety and security measures within the District in order to offer the best protections to its students and employees; and Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 8 of213

. WHEREAS, it is the hope of the Board that the Governor of the State of New Jersey will execute an Executive Order exempting the salaries of School Resource Officers, Class III Special Police Officers and other security personnel from the tax levy cap. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Wayne Township Board of Education, County of Passaic, State of New Jersey, as follows: The Wayne Township Board of Education hereby. requests that the Governor of the State of New Jersey will execute an Executive Order exempting the salaries generally of security personnel, including School Resource Officers, Class III Special Police Officers and other security personnel from the tax levy cap, which would ease the financial burden on the District to address the safety and security needs of all school districts within the State.

Motion: To Approve, Moved by STACEY SCHER, Seconded by GAIL OKUN. Passed. 8.-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA DUFFY, KAZAN, OKUN, PAVLAK, SCHER Absent: PUDUP COMMITTEE REPORTS:

FINANCE COMMITTEE, Cathy Kazan • Transfers were discussed • Budget calendar revised • Workers' Compo Insurance, increase in cost

PERSONNEL COMMITTEE, Eileen Albanese • HVAC and Building Automations Systems Manage rjob description • Negotiations • Personnel actions for 2018.-2019

EDUCATION COMMITTEE, Michael Bubba • Policy updates • Lincoln Tech Auto Program • Marketing III curriculum • Bio-Tech class • School calendar


Amotion was made to approve E-2018.-1 to E-2018.-10.

Approval of Out of District Professional Travel for Staff Members E -2018. - 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve Out of District Professional Travel for the 2017- 2018. school year, as follows:

Whereas, District employees listed on the attached chart are attending conferences, conventions, staff training, seminars, workshops, student events or other required travel; and

Whereas, the attendance at stated functions were previously approved by the Chief Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 9 of213

School Administrator and School Business Administrator as work related and within the scope of work responsibilities of the attendees; and

Whereas, the attendance at the functions were approved as promoting delivery of instruction of furthering efficient operation of the District, and fiscally prudent; and

Whereas, the travel and related expenses particular to attendance at these functions are within state travel guidelines established by the Department of Treasury in NJOMB circular letter; now therefore

Be it resolved, that the Board of Education finds the travel and related expense particular to attendance as these previously approved functions; and further,

Be it resolved, that the expenses are justified and therefore reimbursable andlor payable, as per the attached.

Approval of Field Trip Destinations E - 2018 - 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve the Field Trips for the 2017-2018 school year as per the attached, by reference.

Approval of Overnight Field Trips E-2018- 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve WHHS Overnight Field Trip as follows, and as per attached by reference:

School Type of Icost 0Location Trip (FT/SLElCBI) ./lect.# IE] WHHS Robotics FT 3/16/18- No Cost to Students Competition Student /lecount 3/18/18 ~ Scranton, PP Approval of Structured Learning Experiences for 2017-2018 School Year E-2018- 4 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, approve the students participating in a Structured Learning Experience and the corresponding businesses as follows: DIStudent 10 SID#IILocation: I B]15677649155 IIADD: Cedar Crest Village, Riverdale, NJ.I

Approval of Professional Development Agreement E-2018-5 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve the Professional Development ~reement with a vendor for the 2017-2018 school year for the services as indicated at the following rates as per the attached by reference: In! II II II II Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 10 of 213

Contract Cost . ~_oo, ISeMre T"" Account # Not to 1- Exceed Four Sessions Four professional development North Jersey (total 16.5 sessions: 1 Outreach/KDDS hours) .ob-embedded coaching to support at $3,255.00 Too, Inc. kct #:20-231- risk students. Beginning the week of Fairield, NJ 200-300-09- March 5, 2018 042

2017-2018 Out of District Placements and Related Services E-2018- 6 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve out of district placements and related services for the 2017-2018 school year for students pursuant to their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or in accordance with their High School curricula (ie vocational school placement) as follows and further, that transportation be provided as required' - Student Placement Location Related Service Placement type: Tuition (10mo/ESY) Provided by new, cont, change Effective Date( s) Effective date If change, prior kcount# Cost placement/cost kcount 1 #7725223889 Chancellor fo.cademy None New $27,284.00 (76 days @$359.00) 02/20/18-06/30/18 #11-000-1 00-566-17-008

Approval of Home and/or Hospital Instruction E-2018-7 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, thatthe Board approve Home and/or Hospital Instruction Services for students for the 2017-2018 school year as follows:

Student SID Student Type Provided by Effective # ReaSOn Title Date School Hours/sessions per Account # Rate ~ Grade week 6927147923 General Education District Staff 2/6/18 SCMS Administrative 11-150-100-101-17-008 $42.00 08 5hr./wk. per'/hr. 9430270337 Special Education Professional Educ. Svc. 217/18 WHHS Medical 17/18 SY contract board approved $42.00 11 10hrs./wk. 7/20/17 per'/hr. ~ 11-219-1 00-320-17-000 Pll692714792311Generai Education IINew Life Recovery 112115/18 1 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 11 of 213

I~CMS. I Medical 17/18 SY contact board approved $60.00 ~5hrS.lWk. 7/20/17 per.lhr. U 11-150-100-320-17-008 Approval of 2017·2018 Related Service Agreement E-2018-8 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve a Related Service ~reement with a vendor for the 2017-2018 school year for the services as indicated at the following contractual rates as per the attached by reference· ~c::=:=JType of Service Student ID- Total Contract Rate if applicable or not to Account # Effective Date exceed Innovative Speech Therapy #9150853092 $1,540.00 Therapy $70.00 per hour (22 hours @ 01/27/18- Lakewood, NJ $70.00) 06/30/18 ~ #11-000-216-320-17-008 Approval of High School Curriculum E - 2018 - 9 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve the following new high school curricula, as recommended at the March 1, 2018 Education Committee, as per attached by reference. ILevel: IISubject: I IHigh School II Marketing III Capstone (WV)I

Approval of Articulation Agreement E-2018-10 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, approve the High School Articulation ~reement between Lincoln Technical Institute, Mahwah, NJ and the Wayne Board of Education, for the Automotive Technology Program - AUT0106C for the 2018-2019 school year, as reviewed by the Education Committee on March 1, 2018, and as reviewed and approved by the Board Counsel, as per the attached.

Motion: To Approve, Moved by MICHAEL BUBBA, Seconded by EILEEN ALBANESE. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, DUFFY, . KAZAN, OKUN, PAVLAK, SCHER Absent: PUDUP

Human Resource: Amotion was made to approve H-2018-1 to H-2018-7.

Approval of Revised Items H - 2018 - 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approve the following items to be revised for the 2017-2018 school Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 12 of 213

year / Effective Date [l~~:on /Revision Salary [J Location Guide/Step a. Felicia Barra b. Susan Betron Revise hours for Elementary 1. c. Laura Mazza Title I assignments from 12 hrs. 3/2/18 d. Serge Sosnov to 24 hrs. e. Ellen Tosi

Approval of Appointment of District Staff for 2017-2018 school year H-2018-2 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, approves the appointments of the following personnel in the Wayne Township Public School District, for the 2017-2018 school year on the appropriate bargaining unit salary, pending the full satisfaction of requisite New Jersey Department of Education and District employment criteria. .

ALSO BE IT RESOLVED, that the Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approves the submission to the County Superintendent of Schools the application for emergency hiring and each applicant's attestation that he/she has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to the provisions of N.J.SA 18A:6- 7 et. Seq ., or N J ..S A 18A-6-4 13 , et seq for the employees below, if necessary' - Name FTE Effective Date PD Hours Position Position Control# Salary Student ID# for 1: 1 Location Account Number# Guide/Step Paras Staff replacing or new position 1. Jessica FTE 1 3/14/18-6/18/18 Lea Christein Dwyer 01-08-06/dik or until permanent teacher $53,400 LTR 11-120-100-1001- returns Step 3 BAofthe Grade 3 09-000 $36,270 pro-rated WEAsalary guide PL 65% of 1 MA of the WEA salary guide no medical benefits 2. Deborah FTE.5 3/2/18 Carol Dabaghian Giambatista 25-59-43/dpc $15.59 per hour $15.59 per hour Clerical 11-000-262-100- Assistant 01-006 Building Servo

Approval of Appointment of Website Accessibility Coordinator H - 2018 - 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approves for the 2017-2018 school year, Joseph Borchard as Website Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 13 of213

Accessibility Coordinator.

Approval of Additional Compensation H-2018-4 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, approves the following additional compensation for staff members for the 2017-2018 school year· taff IAsSignment I Effective date Stipend Dr=J Account# ' Jill Troisi Home Programming 1/28/18-6/30/18 Student 10#9150853092 $84.63 per hour 1 hr.lweek ~ 11-000-216-110-17-008 .Ryan Bayley Sixth Period Assignment 1/29/18-6/30/18 New Section: Special Ed $10,600 pro-rated U GW 11-130-100-101-14-000 . see attached list SDAchaperones -.WV 4/26,4/27,4/28/18 $86 each per night ~ 95-000-000-600-15-054 . Christina Batiz· Pit Orchestra for Spring 3/15,3/16,3/17/18 Musical - WH $525 total ~ 96-000-000-600-16-002 Approval of Appointment of District Substitutes H-20.18-5 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, approve the following certified substitutes for the 2017-2018 school year at the daily rates approved; and further, that these certified substitutes also be approved as substitute paraprofessionals for the 2017-2018 school year at the rate of $12.00 per hour, to expand the pool of paraprofessional substitutes: [II Name IIDaily Rate BJiVahya Zitouna 11$90.00 ~IKristin Custance 11$90.00 II @JlStephanie Londonoll$90.00 ~IDaniela Colella 11$100.00 [jIGuleser Bozdag 11$90.00 @JlKristina Garofalo 11$90.00 And, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board, upon the reCommendation of the Superintendent, approve the fOllowing non certified substitutes for the 2017-2018 school year for the fOllowing positions and at the following hourly rates:

[IlName IIHourly Ratel [jIGazment Gerbeshi - Custodianll$12.00 1 And, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that substitute costs shall be expended against Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 14 of213

the appropriate salary account for which their service is required.

Approval of Appointment of Extra Curricular Coaches H-2018-6 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, approves for the 2017-2018 school year as extra curricular coaches, pending completion of criminal background check'

DiStaff IIActivity IIStiPend .Locatlon Account # I ~ddeus Kowal IA<:;Sistant Coach ~ Baseball IStep 3 $5,980 ~ .11-402-100-100-15-051 Richard Kocialski A<:;sistant Coach - Girls Spring Track Step 2 $5,710 ~ wv 11-402-100-100-15-051 Anthony Gotto .5 A<:;sistant Coach - Spring Track .5 Step 4 $3,090 ~ WH . 11-402-100-100-16-051 ,Aaron Collins .5 A<:;sistant Coach - Spring Track .5 Step 1 $2,740 ~ WH 11-402-100-100-16-051

Approval of Appointment of Volunteers H - 2018 - 7 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, approves the following volunteers for the 2017-2018 school year for assignments, pending completion of criminal background check: DIName IIActivity IILocationl []ILauren FelinerllVolunteer Coach - Ilwv I ~IKelly Helm IIVolunteer Coach - Softball Ilwv I [JIArslani BesmirllVolunteer Coach - Boys VolleyballllWV I

Motion: To Approve, Moved by STACEY SCHER, Secor)ded by GAIL OKUN. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA DUFFY, KAZAN, OKUN, PAVLAK, SCHER Absent: PUDUP


Amotion was made to approve P-2018-1 to P-2018-4.

Approval of Policy #3437 - Second Reading for Action P - 2018 - 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve Policy #3437, Military Leave, second reading for action, reviewed at the Personnel Committee meeting on February 1, 2018, as per the attached.

Approval of Policy #4437 - Second Reading for Action P-2018- 2 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 15 of 213


RESOLVED, that the Board approve Policy #4437, Military Leave, second reading for action, reviewed at the Personnel Committee meeting on February 1, 2018, as per the attached.

Approval of Policy #8507 - Second Reading for Action P-2018- 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve Policy #8507 Breakfast Offer Versus Serve, second reading for action, reviewed at the Education Committee meeting on February 1, 2018, as per the attached.

Approval of Policy #9242 - Second Reading for Action P-2018-4 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve Policy #9242, Use of Electronic Signatures, second reading for action, reviewed at the Education Committee meeting on February 1,2018, as per the attached.

Motion: To Approve, Moved by MICHAEL BUBBA, Seconded by EILEEN ALBANESE. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, DUFFY, KAZAN, OKUN, PAVLAK, SCHER Absent: PUDUP

School Resources:

A motion was made to approve S-2018-1 to S-2018-12.

Approval ofthe Check Register S - 2018 - 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve the Check Register dated 3/1/18 : Check Range Number Machine checks: #087155 - 087932 $1,493,902.69 Hand checks: #082565 - 082569 $5,100.64 Wire/ACH checks: S23508 - W23517 $8,166,211.00 (Wire Check W23177 voided and replaced with Check S23511) in the amount of $9,665,214.33 as per the attached by reference.

Approval and Certification of Monthly Financial Reports for January 2018 S-2018- 2 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

WHEREAS, the Board of Education is in receipt of the Board Secretary's Report the Report of the Treasurer of School Monies for the period ending January 31, 2018 and that said reports are in agreement; and

WHEREAS, N.JAC.6A:23-2.11(c) requires monthly certifications by Boards of Education that major account/fund balances have not been over-expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the 2017- 2018 fiscal year; and Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 16 of 213

WHEREAS, the Board Secretary has certified that no major account has been over­ expended for the month ending January 31, 2018 and that sufficient funds are available for the remainder of the fiscal year; and

WHEREAS, all Board members have been provided with expenditure summaries;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Township of Wayne that they collectively certify the expenditures of the district for the month ending January 31, 2018 to be within the guidelines established under N.JAC.6A:23-2.11 (a), with General Operating Fund expenditures as follows:

Budgeted Appropriations: $156,712,257.15 Encumbrances (open purchase orders): $ 64,368,762.34 . Expenditures (cash disbursements): $ 84,038,040.14 ; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of these financial reports are attached.

Approval of Transfer of Funds Report - January 2018 S-2018- 3 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve the preliminary Transfer of Funds Report as of January 31, 2018 as perthe attached.

Approval of Transportation Agreements S-2018-4 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve Transportation Services Agreements for pupil transportation for the 2017-2018 school year as follows, as reviewed by the Finance Committee on March 1, 2018 and as per the attached by reference.

Provider Schools Contractor #of Student Estimate Dates and Students 10# Cost Route (plus Admin fee) NRESCI Schuyler- lomar 6440339837 $1,760.00 + 12/13/17- SCHMS Colfax Trans. ILJ $70.40 12/22/17 NRESCI New Destiny 23 1885609645 $5,520.00 + 12/4/17- 1232F Alliance Trans. LJ $220.80 6/2018 NRESCI Children's 7294238498 $33,170.00 1/2/18- 1310F Hospital ITrans Ed 10 + 6/2018 $1,326.80 NRESCI Cornerstone JCarpiolin 7747386690 $22,425.00 1/2118- 1315F Trans. + 6/2018 0 $897.00 NRESCI Holmstead 5380763098 $22,050.00 1/2/18- 1324F School Trans. 6932563634 + 6/2018 t:J[] $882.00 I II II II II II I Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 17 of213

NRESCI Holmstead D&J 6932563634 $6,615.00 + 1/2/18- 1325F School Transport LJ $264.60 6/2018 NRESCI Horizon Madison 1076900813 $37,985.00 1/2118- 1326F School Coach + 6/2018 [J $1,519.40 NRESCI Lakeview Tasneem 4949025173 $42,292.00+ 1/2/18- 1328F School Trans. LJ $1,691.68 6/2018 NRESCI IRY - PM 6734305256 $3,663.00 + 1/2118- 1338F ONLY II~r!n~. ILJ $146.52 6/2018 NRESCI Schuyler- Omar 998118005 i",L ,v;:>O.OO 1/2/18- 1345F Colfax Trans. LJ + $843.60 6/2018 NRESCI Schuyler- Omar 644339837 $22,089.00 1/12/18- 1346F Colfax Trans. + 6/2018 [J $883.56 NRESCI Shepard JCarpiolin 4173682164 $17,820.00 1/2/18- 1347F School Trans. + 6/2018 [J $712.80 NRESCI Windsor American 6130863672 $18,550.00 1/2118- 1351F Prep Star + 6/2018 [J $742.00 NRESCI Wayne lomar 6627257729 $752.00 + 1/2/18- 1353F Hllls/Soar Trans. ILJ $30.08 . 1/9/18 NRESCI Wayne Valley JCarpiolin 1255637296 $15,429.00 1/2118- 1362F HS Trans. + 6/2018 [J $617.16 NRESCI Randall JCarpiolin 6753758180 $15,318.00 1/2/18- 1363F Carter Trans. + 6/2018 [J $612.72 NRESCI Children's Jersey Kids 3821272145 $28,340.00 1/2/18- 1372F Therapy Ctr. + 6/201.8 [J $1,133.60 NRESCI Wayne Jets Trans. 6627257729 $14,384.00 1/29/18- WAYSOfl Hills/SOAR + 4/30/18 [J $431.52 NRESCI Children's Jets Trans. 7294238498 $17,051.00 1/26/18- CHSH2 Hospital + 4/30/18 [J $511.53

Approval of Award of Contract for Coach Buses for School-Related Activities S-2018-5 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve the Award of Contract for Coach Buses for school-related activities to Saddle River Trails, Inc., as the lowest responsible bidder for bids open on February 13 , 2018 as follows , and as per the attached: IDestination Ilper Bus Costllper Hour Costllper Hour Adjustmentl lin State 11$1,115.00 ·11$139.34 ·11$105.00 I IOut-of-Statell$1,215.00 11$151.88 11$105.00 I Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 18 of 213

IIWheelchair 11$1,215.00 11$151.88 11$105.00

Authorization to Solicit Bids S-2018- 6 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board authorize the School Business Administrator to solicit bids for the 2017-2018 school year for the Anthony Wayne Middle School Gymnasium Kalwall Replacement Project, SPN #31-5570-065-18-1000, and for which the Board of Education is not seeking State funding.

Authorization to Solicit Bids S-2018-7 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board authorize the School Business Administrator to solicit bids for the 2017-2018 school year for the Randall Carter Elementary School Roof Replacement Project, SPN #31-5570-050-17-4000, and for which the Board of Education is not seeking State funding.

Authorization to Solicit Bids S-2018- 8 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board authorize the School Business Administrator to solicit bids for the 2017-2018 school year for the Next Generation Science Standard: Phase-2 for three classroom renovations at Wayne Hills High School, SPN #31-5570-055-17-4000, and , SPN #31-5570-050-17-5000, and for which the Board of Education is not seeking State funding.

Approval to Solicit Proposals for Certain Health Insurance Services as an S-2018- 9 Extraordinary Unspecifiable Service Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 1BA:1BA-5(a)(2) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

. WHEREAS, the Wayne Township Board of Education is desirous of obtaining health insurance benefits; and

WHEREAS, N.J.SA 18A:18A:-5(a)(2) exempts from public advertisement for bids and bidding extraordinary unspecifiable services; and

WHEREAS, N.J.SA 18A:18A:-5(a)(10) defines "insurance, including the purchase of insurance coverage and consultant services" as an extraordinary unspecifiable service exempt from public advertisement; and

WHEREAS, the value of the contract for medical and prescription benefits will exceed $10,000,000, the District is required to provide the Office of State Comptroller notice Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 19 of 213

thirty (30) days prior to advertisement, negotiation, or solicitation of said contract.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Wayne Township Board of Education hereby authorizes the Business Administrator to inform the Office of State Comptroller of its intention to solicit proposals for Certain Health Insurance Services as an Extraordinary Unspecifiable Service Pursuant to N.J.SA 18A:18A-5(a)(2); and

NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Wayne Township Board of Education hereby authorizes the Business Administrator to solicit proposals for health insurance benefits thirty (30) days after the Office of State Comptroller has been properly notified of the Board's intent to solicit said bids.

Approval of 2018-2019 E-Rate Funding S-2018-10 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

WHEREAS the district as part of the Federal E-rate program, schools are able to purchase selective technology equipment.

WHEREAS, BTU consultants developed a bid package that included Wireless access points. To ensure compliance, the bid package for equipment was advertised and posted in accordance with the Erate program guidelines which provides both national and local coverage. The Wireless Access Points- Cloud and enterprise wireless access components were bids of various quantities.

WHEREAS, based on the equipment cost, performance, and compatibility the Business Administrator recommends that Computer Design and Integration furnish wireless access equipment per project requirements for a total cost not to exceed $544,799.80.

WHEREAS, the Erate program will reimburse Wayne Township Public Schools at approximately 40% of the total amount shown.

RESOLVED. that the Board approve the FY2018-2019 FCC Form 470 application, as per the attached.

Approval of Professional Services Contract S-2018-11 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board approve the Professional Services contract with Parette Somjen Architects for the Next Generation Science Standards Project, Phase 2 in the amount of $88,250.00, as per the attached.

Authorization to Submit an Amendment to the 2017-2018 ESSA Grant S-2018-12 Application RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved

RESOLVED, that the Board authorize the Business Administrator to submit an Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 20 of 213

arrendrrent to the 2017-2018 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) grant application to bring in approved carryover funds from the 2016-2017 school year as follows: Title I-A $ 90,025 Title IIA $ 37,707 Title III :Ii 6,981 ITitle IIIlmmigrantll$ 22,9591

Motion: To Approve, Moved by MICHAEL BUBBA, Seconded by STACEY SCHER. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, DUFFY, KAZAN, OKUN, PAVLAK, SCHER Absent: PUDUP Mitch Badiner abstained on Item S-2018-1. Stacey Scher abstained on her narre on Item S-2018-1.

X. Open to Public

This portion of the rreeting is open to citizens for comrrent on any topic. Residents are to state their narres, addresses and subject matter. Comrrents may be limited 'to five minutes per person. Members of the public are discouraged from speaking negatively about an employee or a student. The Board bears no responsibility for comrrents made by the public. Comrrents regarding employees or students cannot be legally responded to by the Board. Other Comrrents may be responded to tonight under "new business" or at subsequent rreetings under "old business."

A motion was made to open the rreeting to public comrrents.

Motion: To Approve, Moved by CATHY KAZAN, Seconded by MITCH BADINER. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, DUFFY, KAZAN, OKUN, PAVLAK, SCHER Absent: PUDUP Seeing no one from the public, a motion was made to close the rreeting to public comrrents.

Motion: To Approve, Moved by MICHAEL BUBBA, Seconded by GAIL OKUN. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA, DUFFY, KAZAN, OKUN, PAVLAK, SCHER Absent: PUDUP

XI. Old Business


XII. New Business

GailOkun: • Attended "All That Jazz" at Wayne Valley, great job! • Pennies for Patients at SCMS

Stacey Scher • Congratulations to the Robotics team, WH Boys Basketball, WV Girls Basketball, and WV Girls Ski Team Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 21 of 213

• Proud of high school students demonstrations to voice their compassion. Applaud them for their involvement

Cathy Kazan • Thank you to ladies tonight regarding school safety • Should be a cOlTYllUnity involved program

Mitch Badiner • Ladies tonight; it's a good program • WH heart on the field was on Facebook • COlTYllUnity assembly is a great idea

Don Pavlak • Thanks for all the information on the program • All email about safety and security are read • Sports tearrs are phenomenal: , basketball tearrs amazing!

Dr. Toback: • Thank you Board members for a positive, productive meeting.

XIII. Executive Session

XIV. Reconvene 2

XV. Adjournment

There being no further business of the Board, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m..

Motion: To Approve, Moved by MICHAEL BUBBA Seconded by EILEEN ALBANESE. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BADINER, BUBBA DUFFY, KAZAN, OKUN, PAVLAK, SCHER Absent: PUDUP Respectfully submitted, ~~A School Business Administrator/Board Secretary PROF. DEV. AGENDA.3.1.18 Sheet1


T=Travel L=Lodging NAME M&IE=Meals TOTAL NO. POSITION 8LDG. WORKSHOP LOCATION DATE/S REG. FEE REG. ACCT. CODE ··'nc1dentals T/L/M&I ACCT. CODE COST Plocker, S. Anti-Bullying & School T=$82.75 Youth. Programs Safety 2018 Conference, 5/23/18 & L=$99.00 1 Specialist Preakness Galloway, NJ 5/24/18 $225.00 62·603·100-500·18-111 M&I=$96.00 62-603-100·500-18-111 $502.75 Association for Supervision and Curriculum 3/24/18, T=$175.04 Andriulli, M. Development, ASCO 3/25/18, & L=$534.00 2 Principal APT Emoower 18, Boston, MA. 3/26/18 N/C N/C M&I-$286.50 11·000·240-580·54·003 $995.54 Foreign language Educators Schalago, C. of NJ Annual Conference, 4/13/18 & 20-270·200·500·00-000 3 Spanish Teacher WHHS Iselin, NJ 4/14/18 $225.00 (Title IIA Funding) N/A N/A $225.00

NJPSA Legislative Palczewski, K. Conference & Membership 20-270-200-500-00-000 4 Principal WVHS Meeting, Monroe, NJ 3/23/18 N/C N/C T=$40.87 (Title IIA Funding) $40.87 NJ Vietnam Veterans Memorial: 50th Anniversary Hall, Abigail of the TET Offensive, 20-270·200·500·00·000 5 History Teacher WVHS Holmdel, NJ 3/23/18 $65.00 (Title IIA Funding) N/A N/A $65.00

Fennell, D. Executive Mgr. of. Public Works Conference, 3/28/18 & L=$99.00 6 Transportation Transportation Atlantic City, NJ 3/29/18 $465.00 11-000·270-500·51-007 M&IE=$10.00 11-000·270·800·51·00 $574.00

Lemken, B. Synergis University 2018, 7 Tech. Ed. Teacher WHHS Bethlehem, PA. 5/17/18 $130.00 11·000-223·500·00·000 N/A N/A $130.00 Winnersl Closer look at the Broe, E.· Year's 100 Best Children's 8 Media Specialist Lafayette Books, Whippany, NJ 5/18/18 $209.00 11-000·240-500·54-003 N/A N/A $209.00

. TOTAL: $2,742.16

2/20/2018 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 65 of 213


High School Articulation Agreement Between Lincoln Technical Institute - Mahwah And Wayne Board of Education for the Automotive Technology Program - AUTOI06C

48'10·5129-5837. v I Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 66 of 213

The purpose of this Articulation Agreement is to provide a mechanism that enables the students from Wayne Board of Education, a NATEF certified program, to continue their education at Lincoln Technical Institute, also NA TEF certified, with a coordinated curriculum that assures continuity of instruction and minimizes duplication of training experiences.

No tuition or grades will be awarded to students under terms of this agreement but students satisfactorily meeting the transfer credit standards will be awarded transfer credit for the course(s) and will not be charged for nor required to take said course(s). Students must have met the NATEF standards as stated by their High School program and accepted by Lincoln Technical Institute to receive transfer credits. While enrolled at Lincoln Technical Institute, the student understands that if he/she is unable to make satisfactory progress in an advanced course in the area for which articulated credits is awarded he/she may, at the discretion of the faculty, be required to complete a lower level course.

For advanced standing consideration in the Automotive Teclmology Program (AUTOI 06C) at Lincoln Technical Institute, the student must have graduated and possess a Wayne Board of Education diploma. The student must have maintained a "C" (2.0 OPA) or higher average in the specific automotive area(s) as designated in this agreement, and must have maintained satisfactory attendance.

The school shall provide copies of the students "NATEF Task List" for each course requested for articulation. If the student meets and is granted articulation for two (2) or more technical courses, Lincoln Technical Institute at the discretion of the Director of Education and or Campus President may allow the student to receive advance standing in the IN I 02 "Driving Your Performance" (lntro) course.

All parties agree to ensure that faculty members, counselors, admissions personnel, and others affected by this Agreement are knowledgeable concerning its contents and skilled in interpreting it to students.

This Agreement effective July 20, 2018 will be reviewed on an annual basis by both parties and revised when appropriate. It may be terminated by either party with written notice. 4810-5129-5837, v. I Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 67 of 213

Signature Page

Advanced standing credit may be awarded for the following NATEF approved courses:

High School Courses Lincoln Technical Institute Courses

Automotive Electrical/Electronics and Electrical System, A TID3 Heating and Air Conditioning Air Conditioning and Electrical Accessories, A T208

Automotive Brakes and Steering and Automotive Brake Systems, ATIl 0 Suspension . Automotive Steering and Suspension. AT211

School Officials

Donald Pavlak Robert T. Paganini Wayne Board of Education!'.resident Campus Presiden ./ Lincoln Technical Institute .,:..,­ • ..> -: /' ",.- ~ Thomhs Sciascia .. _____ Dlf~ctor of Admissions Director of Education Lincoln Technical Institute Lincoln Technical Institute

Daisy Ayala Wayne Board of Education Business Administrator/Board Secretary

-1810-5J29-5837. v. J Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 68 of 213

Application for Advanced Standing in Auto'motive Electrical Systems ATI03

Date,______NameofStudent ______

High School Home Address City State Zip Telephone Guidance Counselor ______. High School Automotive Instructor ______"To qualifY/or advancedplacement" The student proficiency rating must be 70% (C) or higher in all Automotive Electrical related courses, The student must have exceptional attendance

For processing advanced standing credit, the instructor must complete the following,

I, What were the student's grades in

Automotive Electrical? I ______~

Electronics and Heating and Air Conditioning? 2 ______2, How many hours did the student receive in Electrical Systems? ______

3, What was the attendance record of the student?

Number of times, Late _____ or Absent _____

4. Has the student completed all NATEF required task? ______Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 69 of 213

Application for Advanced Standing in Automotive Air Conditioning and Electrical Accessories AT208

Date.______Name ofStudent ______High School Home Address' City State Zip Telephone Guidance,Counselor ______------High School Automotive Instructor ______"To qualify/or advanced placement" The student proficiency rating must be 70% (C) or higher in. all Automotive Electrical related courses. The student must have exceptional attendance

For processing advanced standing credit, the instructor must complete the following.

I .. What were the student's grades in Automotive Electdca!? 1 ______

Electronics and Heating and Air Conditioning? 2 ______2. How many hours did the student receive in Air Conditioning & Electrical

Accessories? ______

3. What was the attendance record of the student?

Number of times, Late ___ or Absent ___

4. Has the student completed all NATEF required Hisk? _____

4810-5J29-58~1. \'. I Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 70 of 213

Application for Advanced Standing in Automotive Brake Systems ATII0


NameofSrudent ______~--- High School Home Address City State Zip Telephone Guidance Counselor ______High School Automotive Instructor ______"To qualify for advanced placement" The student proficiency rating must be 70% (C) or higher in all Automotive Brake related courses. The student must have exceptional attendance.

For processing advanced standing credit, the instructor must complete the following.

I. What were the student's grades in Automotive Brakes and Suspension? I ____-,-_

2. How many hours did the student receive in Brake Systems? ______

3. What was the attendance record 0 fthe student?

Number of times, Late ____ or Absent ___

4. Has the student completed all NA TEF required task? _____

4810-5129-5837.' 1 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 71 of 213

Application for Advanced Standing in Automotive Steering & Suspensions AT211


NameofSrodent ______~ ______

High School Home Address City State Zip Telephone Guidance Counselor _____------High School Automotive Instructor ______.. To qualifJ;.for advanced placement" The student proficiency rating must be 70% (C) or higher in all Automotive Steering & Suspension related courses. The student must have exceptional attendance.

For processing advanced standing credit, the instructor must complete the following.

I. What were the student's grades in Automotive Brakes and Suspension? 1 ______

2. How many hours did the student receive in Steering & Suspension?

3, What was the attendance record 0 f the student? .

Number of times. Late ___ or Absent ___

4. Has the student completed all NA TEF required task? _____ Reg~~9dl.4in~1~NSATION 3/1/18 Page 75 of 213

l. Lauren Reszka 2. Susan Cohen 3. Nicole Couso 4. Patricia Orlando 5. Erika Robles 6. Allyson Minnella 7. Meredith McCambley 8. Karla Gutierrez 9. Sara Outwater 10. Stefanie Bengel 11. Teresa Johnson Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 76 of 213


TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS 34371 Page I of2 Military Leave Dec 17


The Board of Education recognizes· that military service rendered by any district employee in the defense of the country or in maintaining preparedness for conflict, foreign or domestic, is a service benefiting all citizens. A-PttPj permanent or full-time temporary officer and/or employee of the district will be provided military leave and related benefits pursuant to the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), 38 U.S.C. Section 4301 et seq., P.L. 2001 Chapter 351 amending N.J.S.A. 38:23-1, N.J.S.A. 38A:I-I and N.J.S.A. 38A:4-4., and any other applicable Federal and State laws.

A permanent or full-time temporary officer or employee of the school district who is a member of the organized militia of New Jersey (New Jersey National Guard, New Jersey Naval Militia Joint Command) shall be entitled, in addition to pay received, if any, as a member of the organized militia, to a leave of absence from his or her respective duties without loss of payor time on all days during ffi which he or she shall be is engaged in any period of State or Federal active duty~; provided, however, that the leave of absence for Federal active duty or active duty for training shall not exceed ninety work days in the aggregate in any calendar year. Any leave of absence for such duty in excess of ninety .work days shall be without pay, but without loss of time. Such leave shall be in addition to the regular vacation or other accrued leave provided to the officer or employee. A full-time temporary officer or employee who has served under such temporary appointment for less than one year in the district shall receive this leave without pay, but without loss of time.

A permanent or full-time temporary officer or employee of the school district who is a member of the organized reserve of the Army of the United States, United States Naval Reserve, United States Air Force Reserve, or United States Marine Corps Reserve, or other organization affiliated therewith, including the National Guard of other states, shall be entitled, in addition to pay received, if any, as a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States, to a leave of absence from his or her respective duty without loss of payor time on all work days on which he or she shall be engaged in any period of Federal active duty, provided, however, that such leave of absence shall not exceed thirty work days in any calendar year. Such leave shall be in addition to the regular vacation or other accrued leave provided to the officer or employee. Any leave of absence for such duty in excess of thirty work days shall be without pay, but without loss of time. A full-time temporary officer or employee who has served under such Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 77 of 213


TEACHING STAFF MEMBERS 34371 Page 2 of2 Military Leave Dec 17 temporary appointment for less than one year in the district shall receive this leave without pay, but without loss oftime.

Military leave with pay is not authorized for Inactive Duty Training (IDT) as defined in N.J.A.C. 5A:2-2.1.

The district will provide benefits and rights for staff on military leave as required by Federal and State laws.

The military leave requirements in this Policy are the minimum requirements of applicable Federal and State laws. The district, at its option, may provide . additional military leave with pay and related benefits.

Pursuant to NJ.S.A. 52:13H-2.l, in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII, Section II, paragraph 5 of the New Jersey Constitution, upon application by the district to the State Treasury and approval ofthe application by the Director of the Division of Budget and Accounting, reimbursement shall be made by the State of New Jersey for any costs incurred as a result of the provisions of P.L. 2001, Chapter 351.

NJ.S.A. 18A:6-33; 18A:28-11.1; 18A:29-11; 18A:66-8.1 NJ.S.A. 38:23-1 et seq.; 38A:l-l; 38A:4-4; 52:13H-2.1 NJ.A.C.5A:2-2.l Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), 38 U.S.C. Section 4301 et seq.

Adopted: 15 October 2009 Revised: 1 March 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 78 of 213


SUPPORT STAFF MEMBERS 44371 Page 1 of2 Military Leave Dec 17


The Board of Education recogoizes that military service rendered by any district employee in the defense of the country or in maintaining preparedness for conflict, foreigo or domestic, is a service benefiting all citizens. A permanent or full-time temporary officer and/or employee of the district will be provided military leave and related benefits pursuant to the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), 38 U.S.C. Section 4301 et seq., P.L. 2001 Chapter 351 amending NJ.S.A. 38:23-1, NJ.S.A. 38A:l-l and N.J.S.A. 38A:4-4., and any other applicable Federal and State laws.

A permanent or full-time temporary officer or employee of the school district who is a member of the organized militia of New Jersey (New Jersey National Guard, New Jersey Naval Militia Joint Command) shall be entitled, in addition to pay received, if any, as a member of the organized militia, to a leave of absence from his or her respective duties without loss of payor time on all days during which he or she shall be engaged in any ,period of State or Federal active duty; provided, however, that the leave of absence for Federal active duty or active duty for training shall not exceed ninety work days in the aggregate in any calendar year. Any leave of absence for such duty in excess of ninety work days shall be without pay, but without loss of time. Such leave shall be in addition to the regular vacation or other accrued leave provided to the officer or employee, A full-time temporary officer or employee who has served under such temporary appointment for less than one year in the district shall receive this leave without pay, but without loss oftime.

A permanent or full-time temporary officer or employee of the school district who is a member of the organized reserve of the Army of the United States, United States Naval Reserve, United States Air Force Reserve, or United States Marine Corps Reserve, or other organization affiliated therewith, including the National Guard of other States, shall be entitled, in addition to pay received, if any, as a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States, to a leave of absence from his or her respective duty without loss of payor time on all work days on which he or she shall be engaged in any period of Federal active duty, provided, however, that such leave of absence shall not exceed thirty work days in any calendar year. Such leave shall be in addition to the regular vacation or other accrued leave provided to the officer or employee. Any leave of absence for such duty in excess of thirty work days shall be without pay, but without loss of time, A full-time temporary officer or employee who has served under such Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 79 of 213


SUPPORT STAFF MEMBERS 44371 Page 2 of2 Military Leave Dec 17 temporary appointment for less than one year in the district shall receive this leave without pay, but without loss oftime.

Military leave with pay is not authorized for Inactive Duty Training (IDT) as defined in NJ.A.C. 5A:2-2.1.

The district will provide benefits and rights for staff on military leave as required by Federal and State laws.

The military leave requirements in this Policy are the minimum requirements of applicable Federal and State laws. The district, at its option, may provide additional military leave with pay and related benefits.

Pursuant to NJ.S.A. 52: 13H-2. I·, in accordance with the provisions of Article VIII, Section II, paragraph 5 of the New Jersey Constitution, upon application by the district to the State Treasury and approval of the application by the Director of the Division of Budget and Accounting, reimbursement shall be made by the State of New Jersey for any costs incurred as a result of the provisions of P.L. 2001, Chapter 351.

NJ.S.A. 18A:6-33; 18A:29-11 NJ.S.A. 38:23-1 et seq.; 38A:l-l; 38A:4-4; 52:13H-2.1 NJ.A.C.5A:2-2.1 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), 38 U.S.C. Section 4301 et seq.

Adopted: 15 October 2009 Revised 1 March 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 80 of213




The Board of Education, to be in compliance with the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010, adopts this Offer Versus Serve (OVS) Policy. Offer Versus Serve is a Policy for Federally reimbursable meals that allows students to decline a certain number of food components in the meal to reduce plate waste and food cost Board of Education approval to implement a Breakfast OVS Policy is optional at all grade levels. The provisions of the Breakfast OVS Policy shall be in accordance with the requirements of the HHFKA of2010;

A school breakfast eligible for Federal reimbursement shall offer four food items from the three food components in the appropriate amounts per grade grouping:

• . y, cup serving of Fruit or Fruit Juice (including optional vegetable/vegetable juice);

• 1 oz. equivalent serving of Grains that must be Whole Grain Rich (including meat/meat alternative);

• 8 oz. serving of Milk (allowable milk options include - Skim, 1% and Fat Free Chocolate)

Students are allowed to decline one of the four food items offered, but must select at least a half cup of either I-fruit/fruit juice; 2-vegetable/vegetable juice; 3-fruit and vegetable combination.

After taking the half cup fruit or half cup of vegetable or half cup of a fruit/vegetable combination, students must select at least two additional food items in the full amounts (per grade group requirements) to count toward the reimbursable offer versus serve meal.

A student's decision to accept all four food items or to decline one food item shall not affect the price charged for the meal as the breakfast is priced as a unit. If students do not choose enough food items to comprise a reimbursable meal, a la carte prices will be charged. Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 81 of 213



School staff members cannot make exceptions to the Policy, such as requiring every student to take a particular food component. It is the student's choice to select any three or all four food items of the reimbursable meaL

At each school implementing this OVS Policy, school food service staff members will be trained annually on the provisions of the district's Breakfast OVS Policy.

_X_ Breakfast OVS will be implemented in all elementary and middle schools in the district.

Adopted: 28 August 2014 Revised: 1 March 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 82 of 213


COMMUNITY 92421 Page I of 2 Use of Ele'ctronic Signatures Dec 17


The New Jersey Uniform·E1ectronic Transactions Act (UETA) authorizes a Board of Education to use electronic forms, filings, and signatures to conduct official business with the public. The use of electronic forms, filings, and signatures may save school district resources and will provide a· convenient and cost-efficient option for parents to receive, review, and acknowledge receipt of information from the school district. Therefore, the Board of Education authorizes the use of electronic forms, filings, and signatures in communications between the school district and parents pursuant to the UET A.

For the purposes of this Policy, "electronic" means relating to technology having electrical, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic, or similar capabilities.

F or the purposes of this Policy, "electronic record" means a record created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means.

For the purposes of this Policy, "electronic signature" means an electrOliic sound, symbol, or process attached to or logically associated with a record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record.

For the purposes of this Policy, "information processing system" means an electronic system for creating, generating, sending, receiving, storing, displaying, or processing information.

The school district may electronically send documents to parents of students enrolled in the school district. These docilments may include, but are not limited to: informational notices; school or school related events or activities; periodic updates on a student's progress; school district forms; requests for information; and any other communications between the school district and home. Some documents electronically sent to parents may require the parent to: acknowledge receipt of a document; provide parental consent for such matters as student compliance with the district's acceptable use of school district computers and administration of surveys; andlor acknowledge receipt and acceptance of terms of a Board of Education policy, regulation, or practice. Any document sent to parents of students enrolled in the school district must be capable of retention by the recipient. To be capable of retention, the recipient at the time of receipt, must Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 83 of 213


COMMUNITY 92421 Page 2 of2 Use of Electronic Signatures Dec 17

be able to retain and accurately reproduce the document for later reference by all persons who are entitled to retain the record. A record is not capable ofretention by the recipient if the sender of its information processing system inhibits the ability of the recipient to print or store the electronic record.

The Board of Education authorizes documents may be electronically sent to parents of students enrolled in the school district only with the approval of the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent shall establish an information processing system to include a process for parents to electronically send, sign, and return documents to the school district. The school district shall make accommodations for a parent who is unable or unwilling to conduct business electronically. In addition, a parent may refuse to conduct business electronically for any reason and at any time. In this event, the school district shall make available a hard copy of the document(s) to the parent to review, maintain, and any document( s) requiring signatures to be returned to the district. The Superintendent will only implement an information processing system in accordance with the provisions of the UET A.

Documents that are electronically signed and returned to the school district may be maintained by the school district in electronic or non-electronic form. Documents returned to the district that are not electronically signed shall be maintained by the district in non-electronic form. However, nothing shall prevent the school district from converting a non-electronic document to an electronic document and for such document to be stored in electronic form. All electronic or non-electronic documents returned to the school district shall be maintained by the school district in accordance with the New Jersey Department of the Treasury - Records Management Services - Records Retention Schedules and in accordance with N.J.S.A. 12A:12-12.

NJ.S.A. 12A:12-1 et seq.

Adopted: I March 2018 ~b~i§gJ~~Mv~o ttilI!"~o1rreDdt1:ducatlon Page /.fa~g~2dr 44 . Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 16:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND

Assets and Reso·urces Assets: 101 Cash in bank $12,990,760.63 102 -106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 . 116 .Capltal Reserve Account $2,936,847.89 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 . 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $60,414,451.50

Accounts Receivable: .. 132 Interfund $347,202.52 141 Intergovernmental- State $2,518,095.00

142 Intergovernmental ~ Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental - Other S238,663.69 153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $ ___-, S1,668,899.22 $4,772,880.43

Loans Receivable: 131 Interfund SO.OO 151,152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $,___ -' $0.00 SO.OO

Other CUrrent Assets 5145,300.68

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues 5153,514,761.00 302 Less revenues ($151,527,979.171 $1,986,781.83

Total assets and resources S83.247.022.96 ~~rf1!iMI\~ti§~Jl!1~~i#Y\ci ~(Bh~Oo1Jleducation Page lfa'bgfibj 44 Wayne Board of Education 0212611816:06 Starting date 71112017 Ending date 113112018 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND

Liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $2,346,687.79 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 431 Deferred revenues $587,083.61 Other current liabilities $123,800.74

Total liabilities $3,057,572.14

Fund Balance: Appropriated: 753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $64,298,692.20

761 Capital reserve ~ccount ~ July $2,936,647.89 604 Add: Increase In capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs . $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve exceSS costs $0.00 $2,936,847.89

764 Maintenance reserve account ~ July $0.00 606 Add: Increase In maintenance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 766 Reserve for Cur. Exp. Emergencies - July $0.00 607 Add: Increase in cur. expo emer. reserve $0.00 312 Less: Bud. wId from cur. expo emer. reserve $0.00 $0.00 762 Adult education prowams $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriations $156,712,257.15 602" Less: Expendttures ($84,038,040.14) Less: Encumbrances ($64,368,762.34) (5146,406,802.48) $8,305,454.67 Total appropriated $75,540,994.76 Unappropriated: 770 Fund balance, July 1 $4,676,88t .06 771 DeSignated fund balance $2,000,000.00 303 Budgeted fund balance ($2,028,426.00) Total fund balance $80,189,450.82 Total liabilities and fund equity $83,247,022.96 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 125 of 213 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 3 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 16:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budgeted Actual Variance Appropriations SI56,712,257.15 SI48,406,802.48 $8,305,454.67 Revenues (5153,514,761.00) (S151 ,527,979.17) ($1,986,781.83) Subtotal S3,197.496.15 (,3,121.176.69) .6 318 672.84 Change in capital reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve SO.OO ·SO.OO $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $3197.496.15 (S3121 176.69) .6 318,272.84 Change in maintenance reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO

Subtotal $3197492.15 (~3.121176.69) ~6,318,672.84 Change in emergency reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Subtotal S3197496.15 (53121.176.69) $6 318 672.84

Less: Adjustment for prior year ($1,169,071.15) (SI,169.071 .15) SO.OO Budgeted fund balance $2,028.425.00 (1i:! 290 247.84) .6,318,672.84

Prepared and submitted by : Date Re%ularI1fiet~~ MiBute¥ - tf,ar'el1 ~O~I!: • Page 126 of 213 Rep rt 0 t e ere ary 0 e oar 0 dueatlon Page4of44 Wayne Board of Education 02/2611816:06

Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND Revenues: org Budget Transfers Budget Est Actual OverlUnder Unrealized 00370 SUBTOTAL - Revenues from Local Sources 146,796,166 0 146,796,.156 146,951,875 (155,719) 00520 SUBTOTAL - Revenues from State Sources 6,338,388 299,336 6,637,724 4,432,335 Under 2,205,389 00570 SUBTOTAL- Revenues from Federal Sources 80,881 0 30,881 80,881 0 Total 1153,215,42511 299,33~ 1153,514,76111151,465,0911 2,049,679

ExpenditureS: Org Bud!!et Transfers Adl Bud!!et Expended Encumber Available (Total of Accounts W/O a Grldll Assigned) 528,268 (50,710) 477,558 286,901 141,175 49,481 03200 TOTAL REGULAR PROGRAMS -INSTRUCTION 45,939,291 (408,202) 45,531,089 23,821,482 20,339,625 1,369,981 10300 Total Special Education -Instruction 12,551,271 117,947 12,669,218 6,279,929 5,778,779 610,511 11160 Total Basic SklllslRemedlal-lnstruct. 1,922,378 300,308 2,222,686 1,031,568 1,035,746 155,373 12160 Total Bilingual Education -Instruction 800,083 7,973 808,056 409,872 393,693 4,491 17100 Total School-Sponsored Co/Extra Currlcul 794,857 2,350 797,207 382,172 367,560 47,475 17600 Total School-Sponsored Athletics :'Instr 2,437,202 11,648 2,448,850 1,205,757 1,018,845 224,248 19620 Total Before/After School Programs 20,000 0 20,000 5,888 '14,113 0 20620 Total Summer School 274,500 (12,492) 262,008 229,198 0 32,810 ·21620 Total Instructional Alternative Educatlo 153,849 (80) 153,769 64,022 89,747 0 25100 Total Other Instructional Programs - Ins 8,200 2,007 10,207 8,207 940 1,060 27100 Total Community Services programS/Operat 274,490 0 274,490 104,686 58,234 111,570 29180 Total Undistributed Expenditures -Instr 4,987,205 26,950 5,014,155 2,787,495 2,190,263 36,397 29680 Total Undistributed Expend[tures - Atten 0 0 0 1,665 (1,665) 0 30620 Total Undlstnbuted Expenditures - Hea[t 1,715,665 (37,776) 1,677,889 881,380 744,247 52,262 40580 Total Undistributed Expend - Speech, OT, 3,496,190 (249,189) 3,247,001 1,542,792 1,660,285 43,925 41080 Total Undlst. Expend, - Other Supp. Serv 3,019,421 487,233 3,506,654 1,640,077 1,703,499 163,078 41660 Total Undlst. Expend, - GLildimce 3,420,055 23,589 3,443,644 1,828,343 1,603,962 11,340 42200 Tota[ Undlst. Expend. - Child Study Team 3,141,684 88,277 3,229,961 1,766,537 1,446,381 17,043 43200 Total Undlst. Expend. -Improvement of I 560,370 123 560,493 307,673 252,209 610 43620 Tota[ Undlst. Expend. - Edu. Media Servo 1,432,060 2,260 1,434,320 733,136 693,246 7,938 44180 Total Undist. Expend. -Instructional 5t 461,440 14,508 475,948 184,770 199,979 91,200 45300 Support Servo - General Admin 1,352,402 147,232 1,499,634 1,044,688 438,189 16,757 46160 Support Servo - School Admin 5,674,552 (2,687) 5,671,865 3,282,443 2,130,288 259,133 47200 Total Undlsl. Expend. - Central Services 1,444,308 10,854 1,455,160 824,701 530,048 100,410 47620 Total Undist. EXpend. - Adm[n. Info. Tec 1,472,376 103,497 1,575,873 967,359 489,304 119,210 51120 Total Undist. EXpend. - Oper. & Maint. 0 14,375,652 (424,315) 13,951,337 8,347,733 5,206,476 397,127 52480 Total Undisi. Expend. - Student Transpor 6,163,214 (80,592) 6,082,622 3,569,233 2,300,444 212,945 71260 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES -EMPLOYEE: 35,424,785 (34,535) 35,390,250 17,812,625 13,773,484 3,804,141 72020 Total Undistributed Expenditures - Food 20,000 0 20,000 13,749 3,083 3,168 75880 TOTAL EQUIPMENT 90,000 321,700 411,700 1,120,579 (849,377) 140,498 76260 Total Facilities Acquisition and Constru 1,243,755 1,100,532 2,344,287 1,522,726 611,527 209,934 84000 Transfer of Funds to Charter Schools 44,329 0 44,329 28,654 4,335 11,340 Total 1155,243,85~1 1,468,40~ 1156,712,25~1 84,038,~1 64,368,76~1 8,305,45~ ~~ular Meeti[lQ Minutes. - March 1 201Il Page 127 of 213 . Report of the :;ecretary to the BoarCl of-Education PageS of 44 Wayne Board of Education 0212611816:06 Starting date 71112017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND Revenues: Org Budget Transfers Budget Est Actual OverlUnder Unrealized

00100 10-1210 ~ocal Tax ~evy 145,825,281 o 145,825,281 145,825,281 o 00140 10-1310 TUItion Irom Individuals 350,000 o 350,000 310,240 Under 39,760

00150 10-1320 TUItion Irom ~EAs Within State o o o 174,244 (174,244) 00190 10-1300 Total TUItion 100,000 o 100,000 o Under 100,000 00220 10-13[2-4]0 Other TUition 20,000 o 20,000 15,508 Under 4,492 00260 10-1910 Rents and Royalties 283,375 o 283,375 294,550 (11,175) 00300 10-1_ Unrestricted Miscellaneous Revenues 117,500 o 117,500 232,051 (114,551) 00350 10-1_ Other Restricted Miscellaneous Revenues 100,000 o 100,000 100,000 o 00420 10-3121 Categorical Transportation Aid 392,872 . o 392,872 483,125 (90,253) 00430 10-3131 Extraordinary Aid 2,236,669 o 2,236,669 o Under 2,236,669 00440 10-3132 Categorical Special Education Aid 3,256,758 299,336 3,556,094 3,556,094 o 00470 10-3177 Categorical Security Aid 154,816 o 154,816 154,816 o 00495 10-3199 DOE Loan Against State Aid 161,430 o 161,430 161,430 o 00500 10-3_ Other State Aida 135,843 o 135,843 76,870 Under 58,973 00540 10-4200 Medicaid Reimbursement 80,881 0 80,881 80,881 o Total 1153,215,42~ 1r--:2:::99::-,3:::3::Jij '"11:::53::-,5:::':::4,-=76=,'11r 1:-::5:;-1,-::455:::-::,09::::111 2,049,67~ Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Ad) Budget Expended Encumber AvaUable 02000 11-105-100-101 Preschool- Salaries ofTeachers 994,156 (208,684) 785,472 337,859 336,263 111,350 02080 11-110-_-101 Kindergarten - Salaries 01 Teachers 870,703 155 870,558 429,266 362,995 78,597 02100 11-120-_-101 Grades 1-5- Salaries 01 Teachers 12,779,605 685,394 13,464,999 6,437,921 6,688,436 420,643 02120 11-130-_-101 Grades6-8-SalarlesoITeachers 10,152,710 29,672 10,182,382 5,176,372 4,910,114 95,856 02140 11-140-_-101 Grades 9-12 - Salarie. 01 Teacher. 16,302,056 (956.816) 15,345,240 7,933,216 7,412,024 o 02500 11-150-100-101 Salaries ofTeachers 85,000 0 85,000 21,621 63,379 o 02540 11-150-100-320 Purchased Prolesslonal- EdUcational Ser 72,500 0 72,500 3,197 36,095 33,208 03000 11-190-1 __188 Other Salaries for Instruction o 22,500 22,500 11,329 11,171 o 03020 11-190-1_-320 Purchased Professlonal- Educational Ser 200 0 200 0 0 200 03040 11-190-1_-340 Purchased Technical Services 501,386 1,464 602,850 375,162 104,297 23,390 03060 11-190-1_-[4-5] Other Purchased Services (400-500 series 736,133 19,658 755,791 489,567 253,227 12,996 03080 11-190-1_-510 General Supplies 1,964,570 26,018 1,990,588 1,433,060 220,134 337,394 03100 11-190-1_-540 Textbooks 1,462,522 (26.591) 1,435,931 1,170,638 18,491" 246,802 03120 11-190-1_-8_ Other Objects 17,750 (972) 16,778 2,273 5,000 9,505 04500 11-204-100-101 Salaries of Teachers 1,191,280 237,000 1,428,280 617,661 609,683 200,936 04520 11-204-100-106 Other Salarle. for Instruction 886,658 0 886,658 425,171 375,311 86,176 04600 11-204-100-510 General Supplies 139,066 (6,967) 132,099 73,792 8,951 49,356 .06500 11-212-100-101 Salaries 01 Teachers 569,710 5,070 574,780 293,356 281,424 O. 06520 11-212-100-106 Other Salaries lor Instruction 234,113 0 234,113 102,743 84,232 47,138 06600 11-212-100-510 General Supplies 23,000 0 23,000 13,979 298 8,723 07000 11-213-100-101 Salaries ofTeachers 7,827,078 (299,974) 7,527,104 3,941,545 3,585,559 o 07020 11-213-100-106 Other Salaries for Instruction 1,022,298 0 1,022,298 451,228 520,179 50,891 07100 11-213-100-510 General Supplies 22,000 0 22,000 20,968 5 1,027 07500 11-214-100-101 Salaries of Teachers 123,285 (25,909) 97,376 27,652 31,948 37,776 ~~NR8t~flII'¥~o M%rSbardlOfll:ducation Page p&~&ftfJr 44 Wayne Board of Education 0212611816:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 EndIng date 1/31/2018 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Ad] Budget Expended Encumber Available 07520 11·214·100·106 Other Salaries lor Instruction 21,336 o 21,336 10,353 9,970 1,013 07600 11·214·100·610 General Supplies 2,000 o 2,000 495 33 1,472 08100 11·215·100·6_ General Supplies o 69 69 o 32 38 08500 11·216·100·101 Salaries ofTeachers 293,828 15,872 309,700 140,356 169,345 o 08520 11·216·100·106 Other Salaries for Instruction 74,819 186,184 261,003 108,070 60,341 92,592 08600 11·216-100-6_ General Supplies 20,800 6,602 27,402 27,357 o 45 09280 11·219-100-106 Other SalarIes lor Instruction 25,000 o 25,000 18,249 6,751 o 09300 11-219-100-320 purchased Professional-Educational Servl 75,000 o 75,000 6,955 34,717 33,328 11000 11-230-100-101 SalarIes of Teachers 1,905,879 302,802 2,208,681 1,024,893 1,032,387 151,401 11100 11-230-100-610 General Supplies 16,499 (2,494) 14,005 6,675 3,359 3,972 12000 11-240-100-101 Salaries of Teachers 791,633 4,967 796,600 402,907 393,693 o 12020 11-240-100-106 Other Salaries for InstructIon o 3,006 3,006 3,006 o o 12100 11-24D-l00-ljl0 General Supplies 7,925 o 7,925 3,959 o 3,966 12120 11-24O-100-lj40 Textbooks 525 o 525 o o 525 17000 11-401-100-1_ Salaries 725,980 2,350 728,330 363,735 362,245 2,350

17020 11-401·100-[3-5J Purchased Services (300-500 series) 21,850 o 21,850 4,~88 2,500 14,462 17040 11-40HOO-lj_ Supplies and Materials 29,032 o 29,032 10,163 539 18,329 17060 11-401·100-8_ Other Objects 17,995 o 17,995 3,386 2,276 12,333 17500 11-402-100-1_ Salaries 1,587,042 2,816 1,589,858 658,189 931,669 o 17520 11-402-100-[3-5J Purchased Services (300-500 series) 494,245 953 495,198 330,348 29,731 135,119 17540 11-402-100-6_ Supplies and Materials 275,415 11,079 287,494 166,866 55,264 65,364 17560 11-402-100-8_ Other Objects 79,500 (3,200) 76,300 50,354 2,181 23,765 19060 11-421-100-179 Salaries of Reading Specialists 20,000 o 20,000 5,888 14,113 o 20080 11-422-100-3_ Purchased ProfeSSional & Technical Servl 272,000 (9,992) 262,008 229,198 o 32,810 20100 11-422-100-[4-5J Other Purchased Services (400-500 series 2,500 (2,500) o o o o 21000 11-423-100-101 Salaries of Teachers 79,349 o 79,349 46,346 33,003 o 21080 11-423-100-3_ Purchased Professional & Technical Servi 65,000 o 65,000 17,Sn' 47,324 o 21500 11-423-200-1_ Salaries 9,500 (80) 9,420 o 9,420 o 25000 11-4_-100-1_ Salaries o 2,220 2,220 2,220 o o 25040 11-4_-100-lj_ Supplies and Materials 8,200 (212) 7,988 5,988 940 1,060 27000 11-800-330-1_ Salaries 90,000 o 90,000 31,766 58,234 o 27020 11-800-330-[3·5J Purchased Services (300-500 series) 184,490 o 184,490 72,920 o 111,570 29000 11-000-100-561 TUition to Other LEAs within the State- o 14,500 14,500 o 14,500 o 29020 11-000-100-562 Tuition to Other LEAs within the State- 83,048 185,955 269,003 204,591 64,404 9 29040 lHI00·l00-563 TUition to CountyVoc. School Dlstrict·R 696,840 o 696,840 339,129 339,129 18,582 29060 11-000-100-564 TUition to CountyVoc. School Dlstrlct-S 237,224 (159,966) 77,258 38,134 39,124 o 29080 11·000-100-565 Tuition to esSD & Regular Day Schools 368,495 26,463 394,958 63,070 324,082 7,806 29100 11·000·100-566 Tuition to Prlv•. School for the Disabled 3,414,318 (53,433) 3,360,885 2,068,242 1,292,642 o 29120 11-000-100-567 Tuition to Prlv. Sch. Disabled & Other L 141,815 13,431 155,246 74,329 80,917 o 29.140 11-000-100-568 TUition - State FaCilities 35,465 o 35,465 o 35,465 o 29160 11-000-100-569 TUition - Other 10,000 o 10,000 o o 10,000 Re.9..ular Meetinll Minutes - March 1 201a _ Page 129 of 213 F1epon Ilf the :5eCrelary to the Bo'ard Ilf Education Page 7 of 44 Wayne Boar.d of Education 02126/1816:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUNO Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Ad] Budget· Expended Encumber Available 29500 11-00<1-211-1_ Salarle. o 0 0 1,655 (1,665) 0 30500 11-000-213-1_ Salaries 1,592,840 (39,396) 1,553,444 803,569 710,291 39,5B4 30540 11-00<1-213-3_ Purchased ProfessIonal and Technical Ser 75,000 772· 75,772 50,249 25,523 0 30560 11-000-213-[4-5) Other Purchased ServIces (400-500 series 16,200 (1) 16,199 8,103 8,095 0 30580 11-000-213-6_ Supplies and Materials 31,625 849 32,474 19,458 338 12,678 40500 11-00<1-216-1_ Salaries 2,791,645 (24,933)· 2,766,712 1,333,307 1,433,405 o 40520 11-00<1-216-320 Purchased Professlon.l- Educational Ser 601,255 (214,747) 386,508 138,961 220,764 26,763 40540 11-00<1-216-6_ Supplies and M.terlals 103,290 (9,509) 93,781 70,524 6,096 17,161 41000 11-00<1-217-1 Salaries 1,998,023 . o .1,998,023. 1,032,038 963,338_. 2,647. 41040 11-00<1-217-6_ Supplies and M.terlals 1,021,398 487,233 1,508,631 608,039 740,161 160,430 41500 11-000-218-104 Salaries of Other Professional Staff 2,877,075 10,788 2,887,863 1,438,270 1,449,594 0 41520 11-000-218-105 Salaries of Secretarial and Clerical Ass 328,335 1,800 330,135 196,506 133,629 0 41540 11-000-218-110 Other Sal.rles 76,210 7,086 83,296 70,846 12,450 0 41560 11-000-218-320 purchased Protesslonal- Educational Ser 66,400 9,505 75,905 71,653 76 4,176 41600 11-000-218-[4-5) Other Purchased Services (400-500 series o 6,710 6,710 6,710 0 0 41620 11-000-218-6_ Supplies and Materials 66,960 (12,350) 54,611 43,762 5,447 5,402 41640 11-000-218-8_ Other Objects 5,075 50 5,125 597 2,766 1,762

42000 11-000-219-104 Salaries of Other Professional Staff ~,740t200 72,760 2,812,960 1,443,148 1,369,612 0 42040 11-000-219-110 Other Salaries 103,000 16,486 119,486 121,098 (1,612) 0

42080 11,1100-219-390 Other purchased Professional & Technical 235,050 (970) 234,080 156,171 76,657 1,253 42100 11-000-219-[4-5) Other Purchased Services (400-500 series 28,284 o 28,284 27,264 0 1,000 42160 11-000-219-6_ Supplies and Materials 34,050 o 34,050 18,201 1,059 14,791 42180 11-00<1-219-8_ Other Objects 1,100 o 1,100 635 455 0 43000 11-000-221-102 Salaries of Supervisor of Instruction o 123 123 123 0 0 4302011-000-221-104 Salaries of Other Professional Staff 560,370 o 560,370 307,580 252,420 370 43060 11-000-221-110 Other Sal.rles o o 0 (29) (211) 240 43500 11-000-222-1_ Salaries 1,239,821 1,799 1,241,620 580,604 661,016 0 43540 11-000-222-3_ Purchased Professional and Technical Ser 20,000 o 20,000 19,224 0 777 43580 11-000-222-6_ Supplies and Materials 172,239 461 172,700 133,309 32,230 7,161 44020 11-000-223-104 Salaries of Other Professional Staff 96,815 11,794 108,609 70,597 30,435 7,577 44060 11-000-223-110 Other Salaries 197,600 6,360 203,960 58,223 145,508 229 44100 11-000-223-390 Other Purch. Professional & Technical Se 87,425 o 87,425 37,609 3,300 . 46,516 44120 11-000-223-[4-6) Other Purch. Services (400-500 series) 76,600 (3,646) 72,954 17,978 20,735 34,240 44140 11-000-223-6_ Supplies and Materials 3,000 o 3,000 362 0 2,638 45000 11-000-230-1 Salaries 631,363 o 631,363 362,353 269,010 o 45020 11-000-230-108 Salaries of Atlomeys o 7,000 7,000 7,000 o o 45035 11-000-230-199 Unused Vac Pay to Term/Retired Staff o 4,662 4,662 4,662 o o 45040 11-000-230-331 Legal Services 292,000 123,393 415,393 280,490 131,657 3,246 45060 11-000-230-332 Audit Fees 74,128 47 74,175 68,000 6,175 o 45100 11-000-230-339 Other Purchased Professional Services 6,600 o 6,600 6,575 o 25 45140 11-000-230-530 CommunicationslTelephon. 75,850 (1,000) 74,850 45,937 24,862 4,051 Page 130 of 21 3 R~BIII'Hf~HmMitaWfo- M~retoJrJ~l~ducation Page80f 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1816:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Ad! Budget Expended Encumber Available 45160 11-000-230-585 BOE other Purchased Services 3,000 1,901 4,901 4,636 (39) 305 45180 11-000-230-590 Mise PUrch Services (400-500 series, OfT 228,643 10,532 239,175 227,165 4,715 7,295 45200 11-0011-230-510 General Supplies 8,000 (1,254) 6,747 3,136 1,809 1,802 45260 11-0011-2311-890 Miscellaneous Expenditures 5,818 2,254 8,072 8,072 0 o 45280 11'-()00-2311-895 BOE Membership Dues and Fees 27,000 (303) 26,697 26,663 0 34 46000 11-0011-2411-103 Salaries of Principals/Assistant Princip 3,544,681 16,693 3,561,374 2,088,966 1,366,799 105,609 46040 11-000-2411-105 Salaries of Secretarial and Clerical Ass 1,265,195 (4,695) 1,260,500 719,488 500,449 40,563 46060 11-00II-2411-110 Other Salaries 585,051 (26,584) 558,467 322,625 235,842 o 46065 11-000-2411-199 Unused Vac Pay to Term/Retired Staff o 43,958 43,958 43,958 0 o 46100 11-000,24D-{4-5] Other Purchased Services (400-500 series 125,125 (33,555) 91,570 22,367 1,448 57,755 46120 11-000-2411-6_ Supplies and Materials 67,300 1,495 68,795 41,798 8,231 18,767 46140 11-0011-24(1.8_ Other Objects 87,200 o 87,200 43,241 ,17,520 26,439 47000 11-0011-251-1 Salaries 1,117,506 (1,800) 1,115,706 609,497 448,349 57,860 47005 11-0011-251-199 Unused Vac Pay to TermlRelired Staff o 13,327 13,327 13,327 o o 47020 11-0011-251-330 Purchased Professional Services 98,750 (1,270) 97,480 77,085 15,630 4,764 47060 11-0011-251-592 Misc. Purch. Services (400-500 Series, a 185,900 597 186,497 103,416 55,935 27,146 47100 11-000-251-6_ Supplies arid Materials 20,250 o 20,250 13,573 2 6,67S 47180 11-000-251-590 Other Objects 21,900 o 21,900 7,803 10,132 3,956 47500 11-000-252-1 Salaries 1,003,548 o 1,003,548 592,092 411,456 o 47505 '11-000-252-199 Unused Vac Pay to Term/Retired Staff o 2,589 2,589 2,589 0 o 47540 11-000-252-340 Purchased Technical Services 347,355 (18,843) 328,512 189,857 31,566 107,090 47560 11-000-252~[4-51 other Purchased Services (400-500 series 86,273 99,751 186,024 150,273 31,011 4,741 47580 11-000-252'6_ Supplies and Materials 33,200 20,000 53,200 31,854 15,271 6,075 47600 11-000-252-8_ Other Objects 2,000 0 2,000 695 0 1,305 48500 11·000-261-1_ Salaries 828,103 198,464 1,026,567 545,611 381,724 99,232 48520 11-000-261-420 Cleaning, Repair, and Maintenance Servlc 1,584,750 (162,120) 1,422,630 892,582 329,092 200,956 48540 11-0000261-610 General Supplies 564,500 (216,446) 348,054 171,925 137,819 38,311 49000 11-000-262-1_ Salaries 5,155,190 (198,464) 4,956,726 2,873,544 2,083,182 o 49020 11·00II-262-107 Salaries of Non-Instructional Aides 513,547 0 513,547 249,579 263,379 589 49040 11-000-262-3_ Purchased ProfesSional and Technical Ser o 55,495 55,495 40,485 15,010 o 49060 11-000-262-420 Cleaning, Repair, and Maintenance Svc. 1,047,628 (46,338) 1,001,290 514,936 470,299 16,055 49080 11-000-262-441 Rental Of Land & Bldg. Oth. Than Lease P 236,272 (1) 236,271 215,119 21,153 o 49100 11-000-262-444 Lease Purchase Pymls - Energy Savings 1m 765,471 0 765,471 765,470 0 1 49120 11-000-262-490 Other Purchased Property Services 112,170 0 112,170 42,777 69,393 o 49140 11-000-262-520 Insurance 727,579 (34,244) 593,335 675,217 18,118 o 49160 11-000-262-590, Miscellaneous Purchased Services 39,750 (10,950) 28,800 13,588 2,620 12,592 49180 11-000-262-510 General Supplies 337,000 34,008 371,008 280,935 66,215 23,859 49200 11-000-262-521 Energy (Natural Gas) 703,770 0 703,770 129,053 574,717 o 49220 11-0011-262-622 Energy (ElectriCity) 1,174,500 0 1,174,500 653,965 520,535 o 49280 11-000-262-8_ Other Objects 10,000 (6,350) 3,650 2,750 900 o 50000 11-000-263-1_ Salaries 287,422 0 287,422 156,906 130,517 o Regular Meetillq Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 131 of 213 Report of the secretary to the Board of Education Page90f44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1816:06 Starting date 111/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 10 GENERAL FUND Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Adj Budget Expended Encumber Available 50040 11·000-263-420 Cleaning, Repair, and Maintenance Svc. 202,000 (27,500) .174,500 90,722 78,298 5,480 50060 11-000-263-610 General Supplies 86,000 (9,870) 76,130 32,569 43,508 53 52020 11-000-270-160 Sal, For Pupil Trans (Bet Home & Sch)- 1,811,924 ° 1,811,924 962,794 849,070 60 52040 11-000-270-161 Sal. For Pupil Trans (Bet Home & Sch)- 1,833,693 0 1,833,693 1,082,229 748,159 3,304 52080 11-000-270-163 Sal. For Pupil Trans (BeL Hom. & Sch) N 294,500 2,090 296,590 140,159 156,431 o 52180 11-000-270-443 Lease Purchase Payments -School Buses 607,221 (95,518) 511,703 407,679 104,024 o 52200 11-000-270-503 COntract Serv.-Aid In Lieu Pymts-Non-Pub .321,776 884 322,660 152,992 161,535 8,133 52260 11-000-270-511 Contract Services (BeL Home & Sch) oVen 40,000 0 40,000 0 0 40,000 52280 11-:090-270-512 Conlr Serv (Oth. Than Bet Home & Sch).- .18,600 O. 18,600 110 (555) 19,045 52320 11-000-270-514 COntract Servo (Sp Ed Stds) - Vendors 407,000 0 407,000 378,595 (30,553) 58,958 52400 11-000-270-593 Misc. Purchased Services - Transportatlo 237,300 11,953 249,253 155,327 52,244 41,681 52420 11·000-270-610 GeneralSupplies 589,000 0 589,000 288,743 260,088 40,169 52460 11-000-270-8_ Other objects 2,200 0 2,200 607 0 1,593 71020 11-000-291-220 Social Security Contributions 1,870,884 2,402 1,873,286 1,013,422 857,462 2,402 71060 11-000-291-241 Other Retirement ContribUtions - PERS 2,409,677 (2,301) 2.407,376 0 2,363,539 43,837 71120 tl-000-291-249 Other Retirement Contributions - Regular 55,000 24,301 79,301 44,619 34,683 o 71160 11-000-291-260 Workmen's Compensation 892,952 34,423 927,375 695,531 231,844 o 71180 11-000-291-270 Health Benefit. 29,674,137 (28.824) 29,645,313 15,765,228 10,145,956 3,734,129 71200 11-000-291-280 Tuition Reimbursement 135,350 o 135,350 48,782 86,568 o 71220 11-000-291-290 Other Employee Benefits 396,785 (64,536) 322,249 245,044 53,433 23,773 72000 11-000-310-930 Transfers to Cover Deficit (Enterprise F 20,000 o 20,000 13,749 3,083 3,168 73060 12-130-100-73_ Grades 6-8 o 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 o 73080 12-140-100-73_ Grades 9-12 o 7,158 7,158 7,158 ·0 o 75080 12-4_-100-73_ SChOol-Sponsored and Other Instrucllonal o 4,143 4,143 4,143 0 o 75500 12-000-100-73_ Undistributed expenditures -Instruction 90,000 o 90,000 0 0 90,000 75560 12-000-21_-73_ Undlst. Expend. - Supp Servo - Related & o 9,860 9,860 9,581 279 o 75680 12-000-252-73_ Undistributed Expenditures - Admin. Info o o o 512,934 (512,934) o 75700 12-000-261-73_ UndlsL Expend. -Required Malnt. For SCh o 158,295 158,295 . 131,991 0 26,303 75740 12-000-263-73_ Undlst. Expend. - Care and Upkeep of Gro o 23,870 23,870 6,870 0 17,000 75780 12·000-270-732 Undlst. Expend. Student Trans. - Non·lns o 43,096 376,104 . (339,273) 6,265 75860 12-_-_00-73_ Special Schools (All Programs) o 73,278 73,278 69,798 2,550 930 76060 12-000-400-390 Other Purchased Prof. and Tech. Services 131,500 10,508 142,008 60,831 80,427 750 76080 12-000-400-450 Construction Service. 958,200 1,090,023 2,048,223 1,461,894 377,145 209,184 76210 12-000-400·896 Assessment for Debt Service on SDA Fundi 154,055 0 154,055 0 154,065 o 84000 10-000-100-56_ Transfer of FundS to Charier Schools 44,329 0 44,329 28,654 4,335 11,340 99999 528,268 (50,710) 477,558 286,901 141,175 49,481 Total I 155,243,85QI 1 ,468,40~ 1156, 712,25~1 84,038,04~ 1r:-:64C:,3::::68,:-:7=6~"1----::8,-=30=5:-:,4""5~ ~pSl'laoNR6~Winwr~o Mirlib~rd'61fl:ducation> Pagtp~~~ %2Jr 44 Wayne Board of Education 02/26/18 16:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 EndIng date 1/3112018 Fund: 20 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank ($367,910.61) 102-106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments'· $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 . 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable: 132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental - State $222,144.66

142 Intergovemmental ~ Federal $563.650.71

143 Intergovernmental ~ Other $0.00 153.154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $ ___-' $20,024.73 $805.820,10

Loans Receivable: 131 Interfund $0.00

151.152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $~ __-I $0.00 $0.00

Other CUrrent Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $3,789,347.83 302 Less revenues ($1,705,595.08) $2,083,752.75

Total assets and resources $2.521,662,24 Page 1330f213 ~ga\!'\1IrotfmJi~~MPJrg fof1f1~~Jafdl6~ Education Page 11 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 0212611816:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 20 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS

LI.blllll••• nd FUnd Equity LI.billties: 101 Cash in bank ($367.910.61 )

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.55 421 Accounts payable $402,547.92 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $74,774.68 Other current liabilities $0.00

Tot.llI.bllitie. S477,323.15

Fund Balance: Appropriated: 753.754 Reserve for encumbrances $1.158,437.24 761 Capital reserve account - July so.oo 604 Add: Increase in capItal reserve SO.OO 307 Less: Bud. wid cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance feserve account· July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 766 Reserve for Cur. Exp. Emergencies· July $0.00 607 Add: Increase In cur. expo erner. reserve $0.00 312 Less: Bud. wid from cur. expo erner. reserve SO.OO SO.OO 762 Adult education programs $0.00 . 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriations $3.880.014.03 602 Less: Expenditures (SI.803,376.41 ) Less: Encumbrances ($1.158.437.24) ($2.961.813.65) $918,200.38 Total appropriated $2,076.637.62 Unappropriated: 770 Fund balance, July 1 $0.00 771 Designated fund balance SO.OO 303 Budgeted fund balance ($32.298.53) Total fund balance S2,044,339.09 Totalli.bilitle. and fund equity 52,521,562.24 ~~Nflet~ilWY~6 hW!1!lb~ rdQ;~ ducati o n Pagi>~~i 9~Jr 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 16:0 6

Starting date 711/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 20 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budaeted Actual Variance Appropriations $3,880,014.03 S2,961 ,81 3.65 $918,200.38 Revenues ($3,789,347.63) (S1,705,595.08) (52,083,752.75)

Subtotal $90,666.20 ~ 1 2 ~6 218.57 (§1,165,552.37) Change in capital reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 50.00 Less - Withdrawal from re serve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal 590666.20 §1 256,218.57 (~1, 1 65.552.37) Change in maintenance reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve SO.OO $0.00 SO.OO Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO SO,OO SO.OO Subtotal S90,666.20 §1 256 218.57 (§1,165 552.37) Change in emergency reserve account Plus - Increase in reserve SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Subtotal 590666.20 51 256218.57 (§U65,552.37)

Less: Adjustment for prior year (558,367.67) ($58.367.67) SO.OO

Budgeted fund balance $32298.53 §1 197850.90 1~1, 1 6~ 552.;)7)

Prepared and submitted by : Date /WiJ!lltrch1t11W~~lo~1~~ qfiJr 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126118 16: 06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 20 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Revenues: Org Budget Transfers Budget Est Actual OverlUnder Unrealized 00745 Total Revenues from Local SOurce. 103,571 75,760 179,331 117,719 Under 61,611 00770 Total Revenues from State Sources 563,700 214,987 778,687 755,338 Under 23,350 00830 Total Revenues from Federal Sources 2,231,866 599,464 2,831,330 832,538 Under 1,998,792 Total 2,899,13~1 890,21111 3,789,34~1 1,705,59~ 2,083,75~ Expenditures: or!! Budget Transfers AdlBudget Exeended Encumber Available (Total of Account. W/O a Grld* Assigned) 0 192,398 192,398 (2,000) 4;403 189,995 84100 Local Prolects 103,571 . 111,692 215,262 40,930 40,100 134,232 88000 Nonpubllc Textbooks 66,100 9,440 75,540 70,260 89 5,192 88020 Nonpubllc Auxiliary Services 126,500 68,844 195,344 43,068 134,091 18,166 88040 Nonpubllc Handicapped Services 157,BOO 50,784 208,584 48,248 139,478 20,858 88060 Nonpubllc Nursing Services 118,000 21,971 139,971 76,922· 55,752 7,297 88080 Nonpubllc Technology Initiative 29,800 42,982 72,782 21,327 51,023 432 88090 Nonpubllc Security Aid Program 65,500 75,184 140,684 32,458 0 108,226 88740 Tolal Federal Projects 2,231,866 407,583 2,639,449 1,472,144 733,502 433,803 Total 2,899,13~1 980,87~1 3,880,01 51 1,803,37~1 1,158,43~1 918,200; ~~NIi@t~!f:o hWBbard~ducation Pagtp~~ 9f;JY44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1816:06 Starting date 71112017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 20 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Revenues: Org Budget Transfers Budget Est Actual Over/Under Unrealized 00740 20-1_ Other Revenue from Local Sources 103,571 75,760 179,331 117,719 Under 61,611 00765 20-32,- Other Restricted Enlltlements 563,700 214,987 778,687 755,338 Under 23,350 00775 20-441 [1"6]litle I 671,000 148,989 819,989 735,844 Under 84,145 00805 2D-442[0-9]I.D.E.A. Part B (Handicapped) 1,532,866 440,794 1,973,660 70,152 Under 1,903,508 00810 20-4430 Vocallonal Education 28,000 9,681 37,681 26,542 Under 11,139 Total 2,899,13~1 890,21111 3,789,34~1 1,705,59~ 2,083,75~ Expenditures: OrgBudget Transfers Adj Budget Expended Encumber Available 0 192,398 192,398 (2,000) 4,403 189,995 84,00 20-_"_"_ Local Projects 103,571 111,692 215,262 40,930 40,100 134,232 .88000 20._"_"_ Nonpubllc Textbooks 66,100 9,440 75,540 70,260 89 5,192 88020 20._"_"_ Nonpubllc Auxiliary Services 126,500 68,844 195,344 43,088 134,091 18,166 88040 20-_"_"_ Nonpubllc Handicapped Services 157,800 50,784 208,584 48,248 139,478 20,858 88060 20-_"_'_ Nonpublic Nursing Services 118,000 21,971 139,971 76,922 55,752 7,297 88080 20-_"_"_ Nonpublic TechnOlogy Initiative 29,800 42,982 72,782 21,327 51,023 432 88090 20-511"_"_ Nonpublic Security Aid Program 65,500 75,184 140,684 32,458 0 108,226 88500 20-_"_"_ litl.1 510,000 (112,091) 397,909 105,930 89,150 202,828 88520 20._"_"_ Trtle II 102,000 50,858 152,858 87,835 36,324 28,699 88540 20-_"_"_ TItle III 59,000 17,824 76,824 5,619 (1,921 ) 73,126 88620 20-_"_"_ I.D.E.A. Part B (Handicapped) 1,532,866 440,794 1,973,660 1,264,404 599,037 110,219 88700 20._"_"_ Other 28,000 10,198 38,198 8,355 10,912 18,931 Total 1 2,899,13~1 980,87~1 3,880,01~1 1,803,37~1 1,158,43~1 918,2Gq ~lf'OM~~Yyto~~da~d¥Education Pag,.1~1~f;Jr 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126118 16: 06 Starting date 71112017 Ending date 113112018 Fund: 30 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 cash in bank ($367,566.35) 102'106 Cash Equivalents $152,483.53 111 Investments 50.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable:- 132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental· State $278,023.00 142 Intergovemmental • Federal 5250,000.00 143 Intergovernmental· Other SO.OO 153,154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $ ____ $0.00 5528,023.00

Loans Receivable: 131 Interfund SO.OO 151,152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $ ___-' SO.OO $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues SO.OO 302 Less revenues (SII.01) ($11.01)

Total assets and resources 5312,929.17 ~pl!Yfl5i'ffie~fl\Ity~o MW!!lb~rdQ,H=ducation Pag1>~~~ q~Jr44 Wayne Board of Education 0212611816:06 StartIng date 711/2017 Ending date 1/3112018 Fund: 30 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities: 101 Cash In bank ($367,566.35)

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $83,395.09 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $72,093.47

Total liabilities $155,488.56

Fund Balance: Appropriated: 753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $593,700.60 761 'CapHal reserve account - July' $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wid cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account - July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintel')ance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 ·766 Reserve for Cur. Exp. Emergencies - July $0.00 607 Add: Increase in cur. expo emer. reserve $0.00 312 Less: Bud. wId from our. expo erneT. reserve $0.00 $0.00 762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriations $593.324.92 602 Less: Expenditures ($527,467.49) less: Encumbrances ($375.68) ($527,843.17) $65,481.75 Totaf appropnated $659,182.35 Unappropriated: 770 Fund balance, July 1 $91,583.18 771 DeSignated fund balance $0.00 303 Budgeted fund balance ($593,324.92) Total fund balance $157,440.61 Total liabilities and fund equity S312,929.17 Regu lar Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 139 of 21 3 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 17 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 16:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 30 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance:

Budgeted Actual Variance Appropriations $593,324.92 S527,843.1 7 S65,481.75 Revenues SO.OO (S11.01) 511.01 Subtotal $593,324.92 5527,832. t 6 §65 492.76 Change in capital reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve SO.OO SO.OO $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO Subtotal S593,324.92 §527 832.16 §65,492.76 Change in maintenance reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve SO.OO 50.00 50.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve 50.00 SO.OO SO.OO Subtotal S593,324.92 5527,832.16 §65,492.76 Change in emergency reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve 50.00 50.00 50.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO Subtotal §593324.92 $527832.16 §65,492.76

Less: Adjustment for prior year SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO

Budgeted fund balance 5593,324.92 S527832.16 §65,4~2.76

Prepared and subm itted by : Date Regular Meetillq Minutes - March 1, 2018 • Page 140 of 213 Report of the secretary to the Board of Education Page 18 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126118 16:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 30 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS expenditures: O'g Budget _1i""a",n",st",e",'9: ...::A=d",1B~u::::d",ge~t---=E:::x",pe:::.n:.::d~edo _E:::n.:;:c:.::u",m.=:bo:::., _",A::.:"a""iI",ab",l~a (Total of Accounts WIO a G,ldll Assigned) o 593,325 593,325 527,467 376 65,482 Total Page 141 of213 R:~gjqrotttw~~~\Vtort«~<1ldafcPcWEdUCatiOn Page 19 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1816:06 Starting date 711/2017 Ending dale 1/31/2018 Fund: 30 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Expenditures: OrgBudsot 1l'ansfers Adj Budget Expended Encumber Available 99999 0 593,325 593,325 527,467 376 65,482 Total ~I 593,32~1 593,32511 527,46~1 37~1 65,48~ Page. 142 Qf 213 R~gwaJIfflB~~~lli'rllio M~r~~t6!6Veducation page 20 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1816:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 40 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS

Assets and Resources Asset.: 101 Cash In bank $0.00 102·106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergen~y Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable: 132 Interlund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental· State $0.00

142 Intergovernmental w Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental - Other $0.00 153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncolJectable of $,____ • $0.00 $0.00

Loans Receivable: 131 . Interiund $0.00 151, 152 Other (Net of estimated uncolJectable of $.___ -' $0.00 ·$0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 estimated revenues $3,359,475.00 302 Less revenues ($3,359.475.00) $0.00

Total assets and resources Page 143 of 213 ~I!~WW 6'41n~Jlgj.Q~1ij fj1We:'B6af81:1l Education· page2Tof 44 Wayne Board of Education 02/2611816:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 40 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS

Liabilities and Fund Eaulty Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $0.00 431 Contracls payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $0.00

Totat lIaiiiiitles $0.00

Fund Bal.nce: Appropriated: 753,754 Reserve for encum brances $0.00 761 Capital reserve account· July SO.OO 604 Add: Increase In capital reselVe SO.OO 307 Less: Bud, wid cap, reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reselVe excess costs SO.OO SO.OO 764 Maintenance reselVe account - July SO.OO 606 Add: Increase In maintenance reserve SO.OO 310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve SO.OO $0.00 766 Reserve for Cur. Exp. Emergencies - July $0.00 607 Add: Increase in cur. expo emer. reserve SO.OO 312 Less: Bud. wId from cur. expo erner. reserve $0.00 SO.OO 762 Adult educatIon programs SO.OO 750-752,76. Other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriations S3,359,475.00 602 Less: Expenditures ($3.359,475.00) Less: Encumbrances $0.00 ($3,359,475.00) $0.00 Total approprtated SO.OO Unappropriated: no Fund balance, July 1 SO.OO nl Designated fund balance $0.00 303 Budgeted fund balance $0.00 Total fund balance $0.00 Tolaillabllilies and fund equity SO.oo Paga144 Qf 213 ~P%W'oMR~t~~cWIWr'V10 MWElbArii

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budgeted Actual Varian!ll! Appropriations $3,359,475.00 $3,359,475.00 $0.00 Revenues ($3,359,475.00) ($3,359,475.00) $0.00 Subtotal $0.00 &QQ $0.00 Change in capital reserve account: Plus· Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from -reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $0.00 &ll!I &QQ Change in maintenance reserve account: Plus· Increase In reserve $0.00 - $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal mQQ &QQ SO.OO Change In emergency reserve account Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal mQQ $0.00 $0.00

Less: Adjustment for prior year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Budgeted fund balance $0.00 mQQ $0.00

Prepared and submitted by : Board Secretary Date Page 145 of 213 ~~a~lilr or>fln~~~OOIvg fofifl~\3Jafc\lb~ Education Page 23 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126118 16:06

Starting date ,71112017 Ending dat~ 1/31/2018 Fund: 40 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Revenues: OrgBudget Transfers Budget Est Actual Over/Under Unrealized 00885 Total Revenues from Local Sources 3,359,475 0 3,359,475 3,359,475 0 Total I 3,359,47511 ~I 3,359,47~1 3,359,47~ 9 Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Ad) Budget Expended Encumber Available B9SS0 Total Regular Debt Service 3,359,475 0 3,359,475 3,359,475 0 0 Total 3,359,47~1 ~I 3,359,47~1 3,359,47~1 gl 9 Pag~ 146 Qf 213 ~~gy!a61M~'§l~~ljlfio MfE/l,~~~Cbf?education page 24 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02/26118 16:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 40 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Revenues: Org Budget Transfers Budget Est Actual Over/Under Unrealized 00860 40-1210 Local Tax Levy 3,359,475 0 3,359,475 3,359,475 0 Total I 3,359,47~1 ~I 3,359,47~1 3,359,47~ ~ Expenditures: Org Budlle! Transfers Adl Budge! Expended Encumber Available 89600 40-701-510-834 Interest on Bonds 744,476 0 744,475 744,475 0 0 89620 40-701-510-910 Redemptlon.of Principal 2,615,000 0 2,615,000 2,615,000 . 0 0 Tolal 3,359,47~1 ~I 3,359,47~1 3,359,47~1 ~I 9 Page 147 of 213 ~~agIRro¥fffg~~~~fJrrt(NR~C~Jatt?b~ Education Page 25 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1816:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 60 FOOD SERViCe FUND

Assets and RAs9urcas Assets: 101 Cash in bank $510,414,36 102 -106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account SO.OO 121 Tax levy Receivable $0,00

Accounts Receivable: 132 Interfund $34,776.99 . 141 Intergovemmental - State SO.OO 142 Intergovemmentel - Federal $0.00 143 . Intergovernmental - Other $0.00 153,154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $ ___-1 $23,616.12 S58,393.11

Loans Receivable: 131 Interlund $0.00 151,152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectabte of $, ____ $0.00 SO.OO

Other Current Assets $276,926.63

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues SO.OO 302 Less revenues (SI,219,271.78) ($1,219.271.78)

Total assets and resources (S373.537.68)

,/ Pag,,-148 of 213 R~~iMa61ffi~~&WifW~¥o MWTfoJtcf<6Vsducation Page 26 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 0212611816:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 60 FOOD SERVICE FUND Liabilities and Fund EquHy Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounls payable $510,573.01 431 Contracls payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Oeferred revenues $67,744.38 Other current lIabllltles $242,140.94

Total liabilities $820,458.33

Fund Balance: Appropriated: 753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $1,719,003,99 761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wid cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 . Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 MaIntenance reserve account - July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wId from maIntenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 766 Reserve for Cur. Exp. Emergencies - July $0.00 607 Add: Increase in cur. expo erner. reserve $0.00 312 Less: Bud. wId from cur. expo emer. reserve $0.00 $0.00 762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriations $2,988,000.00 602 Less: Expenditures ($1,193,996.01) Less: Encum brances ($1,719,003.99) ($2,913,000.00) $75,000.00 Total appropriated $1,794,003.99 Unappropriated: 770 Fund balance, July 1 $0.00 771 DeSignated fund balance $0.00 303 Budgeted fund balance ($2,988,000.00) Total fund balance ($1,193,996.01 ) Total liabilities and fund equity (S373,537.581. Regular Meeti ng Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 149 of 213 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 27 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 16:06

Starting date 711/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 60 FOOD SERVICE FUND

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budgeted Actual Variance Appropriations 52,988,000.00 $2,913,000.00 $75,000.00 . Revenues $0.00 ($1,219, 271.78) $1 ,219,271.78

Subtotal $2 988 000.00 ~1 S93728.22 ~1 294271.78 Change in capital reserve account: Plus· Increase in reserve $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Less· Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sublotal S2 988,000.00 ~1 293728.22 l;l,294 271.78 Change in maintenance reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Subtotal S2 988 000.00 l;l,S93 728.22 l;1 294271.78 Change in emergency reserve account:

Plus· Increase in reserve SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO Subtotal l;2,988,OOO.00 l;1 ,S93 728,22 $1,294271,78

Less: Adjustment for prior year SO,OO $0,00 SO,OO

Budgeted fund balance S2 988,000,00 §1 S93 728,22 l;1 2~4,271 ,78

Prepared and submitted by : Date *!i~&1inIlWto~~1!Mlr~JPEducatlon pag1>1~~ ~j6r 44 Wayne Board of Education 0212611816:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 60 FOOD SERVICE FUND Revenues: OrgBudget Transfers Budget Est Actual Over/Under Unrealized (Total of Accounts W/O a Grld# Assigned) o o o 1,219,272 (1,219,272) Total ~I gl 1,219,272\ I· (1,219,272~ Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Adj Budget Expended Encumber Available (Total of Accounts W/O a Grld# Assigned) ,---:2:::,8=2=6,=500::,,_...:'.:61.:.0:,5=00:::; 2,988,000 1,193,996 1,719,004 75,000 Total I 2,826,5oql 161,5Q(j1 2,988,00(j1 1,'93,99~1. 1,719,0041 75,0Q(j Regular MeetinQ Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 151· of 213 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 29 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1816:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 60 FOOD SERVICE FUND. Revenues: Org Budget Transfers Budget Est Actual Over/Under Unrealized 99999 0 0 0 1,219,272 (1,219,272) Total ~I ~I ~I 1,219,27~ I (1 ,219,272~ Expenditures: Or!! Budget Transfers Ad] Bud!!et Expended Encumber Available· 99999. 2,828,500 161,500 2,988,000 1,193,996 1,719,004 7S,OOO Total 2,826,Seql 161,seql 2,988,ooql 1,193,9~1 I, 719,DII4i I 75,O~ ReQular Meetinq Minutes - March 1 2018 Page 152 of 213 Report onlle seeretary to tile 60atcf of E(lucation Page 30 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1816:06 Starting date 711/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 61 . COMMUNiTY PROGRAMS

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash In bank $3.750.53 102-106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable: 132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental - State $0.00 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental - Other $0.00 153.154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $,___ _ $0.00 $0.00

Loans Receivable: 131 Interfund $0.00 151.152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $'___ J $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $0.00 302 Less revenues (sa.B35.00) ($8.635.00)

Total assets and resources (S4,BB4.471 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 . Page 153 of213 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education . Page 31 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 16:06 Starting date 7/112017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 61 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS

LI.blllt res and Fund Equity Liabilities:


411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $0.00 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other cUITimt liabilities $0.00

Total liabilities $0.00

Fund Balance: Appropriated: 753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $650.00 761 CapItal reserve account. July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00 307 Less:" Bud. wId cap. reServe eligible costs SO.OO

309 Less: Bud. wId ~p. reServe excess costs SO.OO $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account· July SO.OO 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve 50.00 310 Less: BUd. wId from maintenance reserve SO.OO $0.00 766 Reserve far CUT. Exp. Emergencies - July $0.00 607 Add: Increase in cur. expo erner. reserve 50.00 312 Less: Bud. wId from cur. expo emeT. reserve 50.00 SO.OO 762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriation. $8,960.00 602 Less: Expenditures ($8,039.306) Less: Encumbrances ($650.000) 1$8,689.36) $270.64 Total appropriated $920.64 Unappropriated: 770 Fund balance, July 1 $3,154.89 771 DeSignated fund balance $0.00 303 Budgeted lund balance (S·S,960.00) Total fund balance (54,884.41) Totaillabllliles and fund equity {S4,8!l!.m R~8f'1'HliWamMi(l!~ro M~re'oJrJ~l~ducation pag'PJ~~ ~~201f344 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1816:06 Starting date 711/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 61 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budgeted Actual Variance Appropriations S8 ,960.00 $8,689.36 $270.64 Revenues $0.00 (S8,63S.oo) S8,63S.00

Subtotal $8960.00 SS4.36 ~8 90S.64 Change in capital reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $8.960.00 $S4.36 §8,90S.64 Change in maintenance reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 SO.oo SO.OO Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Subtotal $8960.00 SS4.36 §MQS.§4 Change in emergency reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO SO.oo SO.OO Subtotal $8960.QO S54.36 §8 90S.64

Less: Adjustment for prior year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Budgeted fund balance §8960.00 ~ §8,90S.64

Prepared and subm itted by : Date ~aJ9H\ltro¥tw~~Miwa'rYtil'ifr~C§da.tPJPEducatlon pag1>l~~ 9J:f6r 44 Wayne Board of Education 02/26/18 16:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 61 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS Revenues: Org Budset Transfers Budllet Est Actual OvoriUnder Unrealized (Total 01 Accounts W/O a Grid' Assignad) 0 0 0 555 (555) Total ~I gl ~I 55~ (555~ Expenditures: Or!! Budllet Transfers Adj Budget Expondad Encumber Available (Total 01 Accounts W/O a Grld# Asslgnad) 8,960 0 8,960 8,039 650 211 Total 8,96~1 ~I 8,96~1 8,03~1 65~1 2711 r Page..156 Qf 213 ~IlBYi~f'6irB'!m~ffillrfo Mi EloJrcf!6V!;ducatlon ..age a4 o'F 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 16:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/3112018 Fund: 61 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS RevenUes: Org Budget Transfers Budget Est Actual OverlUnder Unreall2ed 99999 0 0 0 555 (555) Total gl ~I ~I 55~ (555~ Expenditures: Org Budset Transfers Adl Budset Expended Encumber Available 99999 8,960 0 8,960 8,039 650 271 Total 8,96~1 ~I 8,96~1 8,03~1 65~1 2711 Regular Meetin.q Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 157 of 213 Report of the secretary to the Board of Education Page 35 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1816:06 Starting date 711/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 62' WAYNE EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in banK $784,957.43 102 - 106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments 50.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 l1B Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts .. Receivable: . 132 Interfund $0.00 141 IntergovemmentaJ .. State $0.00 142 IntergovemmentaJ - Federal $0.00 143 Intergovemmental- Other $0.00 153,154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $,___ ...J 5487,799.75 $487,799.75

Loans Receivable: 131 Interfund $0.00 151,152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $, ___...J $0.00 50.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $1,100,000.00 302 Less revenues (51,112.030.00) (512.030.00)

Total assets and resources 51.260.727.18 Page. 158 Qf 213 R~~8~~f~3~&~raW~io M~rioJtJ&1~ducation page 36 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126118 16:06 Starting date 711/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 62 WAYNE EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM LlabllHles and Fund Equity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental aecounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $157.52 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other currenlliabilities $26,649.25

Total liabilities $26,806.77

Fund Balance: Appropriated: 753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $398,158.30 761 Capital reserve account- July $0.00 604 Add: Increase In capitaJ reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account - July $0.00 606 Add: Increase In maintenance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 766 Reserve for Cur. Exp. Emergencies - July . $0.00 607 Add: Increase in cur. expo emer. reserve $0.00 312 Less: Bud. wId from cur. expo emer. reserve $0.00 $0.00 762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriations $1,047,900.00 602 Less: Expenditures ($412,132.82) Less: Encumbrances ($398,158.30) ($810,291.12) $237,608.88 Total appropriated $635,767.18 Unappropriated: 770 Fund balance, July 1 $546,053.23 771 Designated fund balance $0.00 303 Budgeted fund balance $52,100.00 Total fund balance $1,233,920.41 Total liabilities and fund equity !1 ,260,721.] Ii Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 159 of 213 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 37 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 0212611816:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 62 WAYNE EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance:

Budgeted ~ Variance Appropriations $1,047,900.00 $810,291.12 $237,608.88 Revenues ($1.100,000.00) ($1.112,030.00) 512,030.00 Subtotal ($52, I 00.00) ($301.738.88) §249638.88 Change in capital reserve account: Plus· Increase in reserve $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Less· Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal (552,100.00) (S301 ,738.88) §249 238.88 Change in maintenance reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO Subtotal (S52,100.00) (§301 ,738.88) §249,638.88 Change in emergency reserve account

Plus - Increase in reserve SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO $0.00 SO.OO Subtotal (SS2,100.00) ($301.738.88) $249638.88

Less: Adjustment for prior year SO.OO $0.00 SO.OO Budgeted fund balance ($52,100.00) ($301 ,738.88) §249,638.88

Prepared and submitted by : Boa\ d Secretary Date Regular Meetin!J. Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 160 of 213 Report of the secretary to the Boara of Education Page 38 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 16: 06 Starting date 711/2017 Ending date 1/3112018 Fund: 62 WAYNE EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM Revenues: Or!! Budget Transfers Budget Est Actual OverlUndar Unrealized (Total of Accounts WIO a Grld# Assigned) 1,100,000 0 1,100,000 1,112,030 (12,030) Tot.1 I 1,100,~1 gl l,l00,OOIiI l,112,Osg (12,O30~ Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Adj Budget Expended Encumber Available (Total of Accounts WIO a Grid# Assigned) 1,100,000 (52,100) 1,047,900 412,133 398,158 237,609 Tot.1 I 1,100,0001 {52, 100~1 1,047,9001 412,13311 398,15~1 237,60~ ~~\Wtrcl'f1~rse~r~da~~¥Education PagepdW~1f6f 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1816:06 Starting date 7/112017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 62 WAYNE EXTENDED DAY PROGRAM

Revenues: Org Budget Transfer. BUd~at Est Actual Over/Under Unrealized

99999 1,1001000 0 1,100,000 1,112,030 (12,030) Total I l,loo,Ooq! ~! 1,100,000:1 l,112,03~ (12,030M

Expenditures: Or~ Budget Transfer. Adl BUdget ElCP8nded Encumber· Available 99999 1,100,000 (52,100) 1,047,900 412,133 398,158 237,609 Total I 1,100,000:1 (52, 100~1 l,047,goql 412,13~1 398,15~1 237,6091 ReQular Meetioa Minutes - March 1 201lL . PagEi162 of 213 Report of tne l:iErcretary to the Board of education page 40 ot44 Wayne Board of Education 02/26/1816:06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 63· WRAP KINDERGARTEN

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $163,439.91 102·106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable: 132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental' State $0.00 142 Intergovernmental· Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental' Other $0.00 153,154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $__ ,--, $69,966.00 $69,966.00

Loans Receivable: 131 Interfund $0.00 151,152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $ ____ $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $434.000.00 302 Less revenues ($434.000.00) $0.00

Total assets and resources $233.405.91 eegular Meetina Minutes - March 1 2018 . Page 163 of 213 Report anne :secretary t(Hne Boara of Education Page 41 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02/26/18 16: 06 Starting date 7/112017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 63 WRAP KINDERGARTEN

Liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - slate $0.00 421 Accounts payable $2,706.02 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabHitfes $169.22 ..... Total liabilities $2;870.24 .. -

Fund Balance: Appropriated: 753,764 Reserve for encumbrances $216,865.18 761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wid cap. reserve eligible costs SO.OO 309 less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs SO.OO SO.OO 764 Maintenance reserve account - July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve 50.00 310 Less: Bud. wId from maIntenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 766 Reserve for Cur. Exp. Emergencies - July $0.00 607 Add: Increase in cur. expo erner. reserve SO.OO 312 Less: Bud. wId from cur. expo emer. reserve $0.00 $0.00 762 Adult education programs $0.00 750·752,76x Other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriations $591,768.00 602 Less: El

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance:

Budgeted ~ Variance Appropriations $591.768.00 $485.840.91 $105.927.09 Revenues (5434,000.00) ($434.000.00) SO.OO

Subtotal $157768.00 551 840.91 ~105 927.09 Change in capital reserve account: Plus· Increase in reserve 50.00 $0.00 50.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtolal $157,768.00 $51 ,840.91 ~1 05,927.09 Change in maintenance reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal $157768.00 $51 840.91 ~105 927.09 Change in emergency reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $157,768.00 $51 ,840.91 $105,927.09

Less: Adjustment for prior year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Budgeted fund balance $157,768.00 $51 840.91 ~1 05,927.09

Prepared and submitted by : Board tecretary Date . Regular MeetiQ9 Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 165 of213 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 43 of 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126118 16: 06 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 63 WRAP KINDERGARTEN Revenues: Org Budget Transfers Budget Est Actual Over/Under Unrealized (Total of Accounts. W/O a Grld# Assigned) 434,000 0 434,000 324,516 Under 109,484 . Total 434,00<11 ~I 434,00<11 324,51~ I 109,4841 Expenditures: Org BUdget Transfers Ad) BUdget Expended Encumber Avallabla (Total of Accounts W/O a Grld# Assigned) 436,187 105,581 591,768 268,976 216,865 105,927 Total 486,18~1 105,58111 591,76~1 288,97~1 216,86~1 105,92~ ~~Mi1et~~'to lftW'!b1n-d~ducation Pag~~~9{.f6f 44 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1816:06 Starting date 7/112017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 63 WRAP KINDERGARTEN Revenues: Or!! Budget Transfers Bud!!et Est Actual Over/Under Unrealized 99999 434,000 0 434,000 324,516 Under 109,484 Total 434,0001 ~I 434,0001 324,51~ 109,48~ Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Ad! Budget EXEended Encumber Available 99999 486,187 105,581 591,768 268,976 216,865 105,927 Total 486,18~1 105,58111 591,76~1 268,97~1 216,86~1 105,92~ Regular Meetin~q Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 167 of 213 Report of the S-ecretary to the Board of Education Page 1 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02/2611815:43 Starting date 711/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 92 AWMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCOUNT

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $29,817.55 102·106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital ReselVB Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 116 Emerge~cy Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts' Receivable: 132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental- State SO.OO 142 Intergovernmental - Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental· Other $0.00 153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $, ___--' SO.OO so.oo

Loans Receivable: 131 Interfund so.oo 151,152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $,___ --' SO.OO 50.00

Other Current Assets so.oo

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $2,168.67 302 Less revenues (S3.262.67) ($1.094.00)

Total assets and resources 528.723,55 Reaular Meetioa Minutes - March 1 201R_ . Page 168 of 213 Report of tne ::iErcretary to tne Boara ofeducation Page 2 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 0212611815:43 Starting date 71112017 Ending date 113112018 Fund: 92 AWMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCOUNT

Liabilities and Fund Equity LiabilitieS:

411 Interg~overnmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 ACcounts payable $991.78 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 . Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $0.00

Total liabilities $991.78

Fund Balance: Appropriated: 753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $0.00 761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00 604 Add: Increase In capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wid cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wid cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account - July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 766 Reserve for Cur. Exp. Emergencies - July $0.00 607 Add: Increase In cur. expo emer. reserve $0.00 312 Less: Bud. wId from cur. expo erneT. reserve $0.00 $0.00 762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriations $31,313.67 602 Less: Expenditures ($2,836.68) Less: Encumbrances $0.00 ($2,836.68) $28,477.99 Total appropriated $28,477.99 Unappropriated: no Fund balance, July 1 $28,398.78 nl Designated fund balance $0.00 303 Budgeted fund balance ($29,145.00) Total fund balance $27,731.n Total liabilities and fund equity S28,7ga 55 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 16901213 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 3 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 15:43 Starting date 71112017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 92 AWMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCOUNT

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budgeted Actual Variance Appropriations $31 ,313.67 S2,835.68 S28,477.99 Revenues (52,168.67) (53,262.67) $1 ,094.00

Subtotat S29145.00 (5426.99) ~29,571.99 Change in capital reserve account: Plus· Increase in reserve SO.oo SO.OO SO.OO Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO

Subtotal 529145.00 (5426.99) ~29 571.99 Change in maintenance reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal $29145.00 (S426.99) ~29 571.99 Change in emergency reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 SO.OO 50.00 Subtotal 529 145.00 (5426.99) 529571.99

Less: Adjustment for prior year SO.OO $0.00 50.00

Budgeted fund balance S29,145.00 (5426.99) ~29,571.99

Prepared and submitted by : Date Page 170 of 213 1fJ'~JrIlWh~i§%Min~Wto~c§olr~JPEducation . Page 4 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02/26/1815:43 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 92 AWMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCOUNT Revenues: Or\! Budget Transfers Budget Est Actual OverlUnder Unrealized (Total of Accounts W/O a Grld# Assigned) 0 2,169 2,169 3,263 (1,O94) Total ~I 2,16~1 2,16~1 3,2~ (1,O94~ Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Ad) Budget Expended Encumber Available (Total of Accounts W/O.a Grld# Assigned) 28,056 3,258 31,314 2,836 0 28,478 Total 28,05~1 3,25~1 31,31~1 2,83~1 ~I 2B,47~ ~ Meftli§lI5~1ftIy1b1Dr§lBhafa~ Education Page 1pa~ s1ar 30 Wayne Board of Education 02126118 15:43 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 92 AWMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCOUNT

Revenues: Org Budget Transfers Budget Est Actual OveriUnder Unrealf~ed 99999 0 2,169 2,169 3,263 (1,094) Total ~I 2,16~1 2,16~1 3,26~ (1,094~ Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Ad) Budget Exeended Encumber Available 99999 28,056 3,258 31,314 2,836 0 28,478 Total 28,05~1 3,25~1 31,31~1 2,83~1· 91 28,47~ R~81'1~l' MQr~arJ~flEducation Page p~~~k2Jr3o Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 15:43 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 93 SCMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cashin bank $72,343.30 .;, 102 -106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable: 132 Interfund $0.00 . 141 Intergovernmental - State $0.00

142 Intergovernmental ~ Federal $0.00 143 .Intergovernmental - other $0.00 153, 154 other (net of estimated uncoliectable of $, ____ ($475.00) ($475.00)

Loans Receivable: 131· Interfund $0.00 151,152 Other (Net of estimated uncoliectable of $, ___-1 $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $14,073.00 302 Less revenues ($18,780.00) ($4,707.00)

Total assets and resources $67.161.30 Page 173 of213 If~all~r0¥fff~~Mi~tltWfcNR~C~Jafdl6~ Education Page 7 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1815:43 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 93 SeMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Liabilities and FUnd Equity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state SO.OO 421 Accounts payable $3,794.80 431 Contracts payable SO.OO 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues SO.OO Other current liabilities $0.00

Total liabilities $3,794.80

Fund Balance: Appropriated: 753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $2,907.39 761 Capital reserve account' July SO.OO 604 Add: Increase in capItal reserve $0,00 307 Less: Bud. wid cap. reserve eligible costs SO.OO 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs SO.OO SO.OO

764 MaIntenance reserve account ~ July $0,00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve SO.OO 310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve SO.OO SO.OO 766 Reserve for Cur. Exp. Emergencies, July SO.OO 607 Add: Increase In cur. expo emer. reserve SO.OO 312 Less: Bud. wId from cur. expo emer. reserve SO.OO $0.00 762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves SO.OO 601 Appropriations $74.998.00 602 Less: ExpendITures ($9,877.30) Less: Encumbrances ($2.907.39) ($12,784.69) $62,213.31 Total appropriated $65,120.70 Unappropriated: 770 Fund balance, July 1 $54,541.80 771 Designated fund balance $0.00 303 Budgeted fund balance ($56,296.00) ! Total fund balance $63,366.50 Total liabilities and fund equity §67,161.30 ~p\WR5ffl1e~ElWV~6 Mw~ar6Q,1fl:ducation Page Ph~g\tJr3o Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 15:43

Starting date 711/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 93 SCMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budgeted Actual Variance Appropriations $74,998.00 $12,784.69 $62,213.31 Revenues (SI4,073.00) ($18,780.00) $4,707.00

Subtotal S60925.00 (S5995.31\ ~66 920.31 Change in capital reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Sublotal S60,925.00 (55995.31\ ~66 920.31 Change in maintenance reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Less - Withdrawal from reselVe $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO

Subtotal $60,925.00 (S5.995.31 ) ~66 920.31 Change in emergency reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO. 00 $0.00 SO.OO Subtotal $60925.00 ($5995.31\ $66920.31

Less: Adjustment for prior year (S4,629.00) (S4.629.00) SO.OO

Budgeted fund balance $56,296.00 (SID 624.31\ ~66 920.~1

Prepared and subm itted by : BOard\ecretary Date ~ AfW1sEM~ tMtrete~'\lt Education Page 1p~Ql! 91)1 30 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 15:43 Starting date 711/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 93 SCMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT Revenues: Org Budget 'Transfer. Budget Est Actual Over/Under Unrealized (Total 01 Accounts W/O a Grld# Assigned) 0 14,073 14,073 19,280 (5,207) Total ~I 14,07~1 14,0~1 19,28~ (5,207)( Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Ad) BUdgel exeanded Encumber Available (Total 01 Accounts W/O a Grldj Assigned) 52,080 22,918 74,998 9,877 2,907 62,213 Total· 52,08~1 22,91~1 74,99~1 9,877\1 2,90711 62,21~ Page. 176 0h213 . R~8W'KllWB'tmb~.~o MQrmatd'~lll:ducation pagel o~30 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1815:43 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 93 SCMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT Revenues: OrgBudgal Transfers Budget Est Actual Over/Under Unrealized 99999 ° 14,073 14,073 19,280 (5,207) Total ~I 14,07~1 14,07~1 19,28~ (5,207~ Expenditures: arg Budget Transfers Adj Budget ex~.nded Encumber Available 99999 52,080 22,918 74,998 9,877 2,907 62,213 Total 52,08~1 22,91~1 74,99~1 9,877\1 2,90~1 62,21~ /fa~ll~rJ¥1iWB~Mi~flj tcNflli<1lclafdl6¥ Education Pa9i>llJe o{f6¥ao Wayne Board of Education 02/26/1815:43 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 94 GWMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $52.864.13 102-106 cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 capital Raserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 .Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable: 132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovemmental- State $0.00 142 Intergovemmental- Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental- Other $0.00 153. 154 Other (net 01 estimated uncellectable af $ $99.75 $99.75

Loans Receivable: 131 Interfund so.oo 151.152 Other (Net of estimated uncellectable of $ . ) SO.oo so.oo

Other Current Assets 60.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $14.156.75 302 Less revenues (520.661.55) ($6.502,80)

Total assets and resources 646.461.08 Page..178·0f 213 ~aslllaofflf~'!§t&Mlnwr~o MWE!b~td

liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $5.642.77 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Olher current liabilities $0.00

Total liabilities $5.642.77

Fund Balance: Appropriated: 753.754 Reserve for encumbrances $5.352.99 761 capital reserve account - July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wid cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account· July $0.00 606 Add: Increase In maIntenance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 766 Reserve for Cur. Exp. Emergencies - July $0.00 607 Add: Increase in cur. expo emer. reServe $0.00 312 Less: Bud. wId from cur. expo emeT. reserve $0.00 $0.00 762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752.76x Other reserves $0.00 601 Approprtatlons $66.222.90 602 Less: Expenditures ($17.617.74) Less: Encumbrances ($5.352.99) ($22.970.73) $43.252.17

Total appropriated $48.605.16 Unappropriated: 770 Fund balance. July 1 $44.277.30 771 Designated fund balance $0.00 303 Budgeted fund balance ($52.064.15)

Total fund balance $40,818.31

Total liabilities and fund equity ~46.!l6l ,gg ReQular MeetiDQ Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 179 of 213 Rep1)rt 0 the secretary to the Baara of-Education Page 13 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 15:43

Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 94 GWMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budgeted Actual Variance Appropriations $66,222.90 $22,970.73 $43,252.17 Revenues ($1 4,158.75) ($20, 661 .55) $6,502.80

Subtotat $52,064.15 $2309.18 ~49,754.97 Change in capital reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal $52064.15 $2309.18 ~49,754.97 Change in maintenance reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal $52064.15 $2,309.18 ~49 754.97 Change in emergency reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $52,064.15 $2,309.18 $49,754.97

Less: Adjustment for prior year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Budgeted fund balance $52,064.15 $2309.18 §49,754.97

Prepared and subm itted by : Boar~~ecretary Date Regular Meetia.o Minutes - March 1 2018 . Page 180 of 213 Report oflne :.-ecretary to Ine -Boara of Educallon Page 14 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02126118 15:43 Starting dale 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 94 GWMS·STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT Revenues: Org Budset Transfers BudgetE.1 Aclual Over/Under Unrealized (Total Of Accounts W/O a Grld# Assigned) 0 14,159 14,159 20,662 (6,503) Total ~I 14,15~ I 14,15~1 20,66~ (6,503~ Expenditures: Ors Budget Transfers Ad] Budget Expended Encumber Available (Tolal of Accounts W/O a Grld# Assigned) 0 66,223 66,223 17,618 5,353 43,252 Total ~I 66,22~1 66,22~1 17,61~1 5,35~1 43,25~ Page 181 of 213 ~~~~w M'tR~"§e~lQ~J~ io~R~cIllJaf8b~ Education Page 15 0130 Wayne Board 01 Education 0212611815:43 Starling date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 94 GWMS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT Revenues: Ors Budget Trans'ers Budget Est Actual Over/Under Unrealized 99999 0 14,159 14,159 20,662 (6,503) Total ~I '4,'5~1 '4,'5~1 20,66~ (6,503~ Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Adl Budset Expended Encumber Available 99999 0 66,223 66,223 17,618 5,353 43,252 Total ~I 66,22~1 66,22311 17,61~1 5,35~1 43,25~ ~p%W6l4fl~t~ootv~o MW!lb~rdlbfeducation pag1>~~~ ~~Jf30 Wayne Board of Education 0212611815:43 Starting date 711/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 95 WVHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $245,260.85 102-106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergenoy Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable: 132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental- State $0.00 142 Intergovernmental- Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental- Other $0.00 153,154 Other (net of estimated uncollectsble of $, ___-' $1,650.00 $1,650.00

Loans Receivable: 131 Interfund $0.00 151,152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $,___ _ $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $9,422.50 302 Less revenues ($75.804.50) ($66,382.00)

Total assets and resources $180.528.85 Regular Meetin_q Minutes - March 1, 2018 . Page 183 of213 Report of the secretary to the Board of Education Page 17 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 15: 43 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 95 WVHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Liabilities and Fund Equity Liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable· state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $7.920.00 431 Contracts payable SO.OO 451 loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $0.00

Totaillabllliles $7,920.00

Fund Balance: Appropriated: 753.754 Reserve for encumbrances / $37.526.85

761 Cap~al reserve account- July $0.00 604 Add: Increase In capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account - July SO.OO 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve SO.OO $0.00 766 Reserve for Cur. Exp. Emergencies - July SO.OO 607 Add: Increase in cur. expo emer. reserve SO.OO 312 Less: Bud. wId from cur. expo emeT. reserve $0.00 so.oo 762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752.76x Other reserves SO.OO 601 Appropriations $254.205.50 602 Less: Expenditures ($25.617.26) Less: Encumbrances (537.526.85) ($63.144.11) $191.061.39 Total appropriated S228.588.24 Unappropriated: 770 Fund balance. July 1 $188.803.61 771 DeSignated fund balance SO.OO 303 Budgeted fund balance ($244.783.00) Total fund balance $172,608.85 TotalliabUllles and fund equity SI80,528.85

, ' PagaJ 84 of 213 ~asl1a6Nn~t§',MliHMtv~o M%IYfo~~,,

Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 95 WVHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budgeted Actual Variance Appropriations S254,205.50 $63,144.11 S191 ,061.39 Revenues (59,422.50) (S75,804.50) $66,382.00 Subtotal 5244 783.00 1512.660.39) §257443.39 Change in capital reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Subtotal $244.783.00 (S 12 660.391 §257,443.39 Change in maintenance reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve SO.OO SO.OO SO.OO Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Subtotal 5244,783.00 1512.660.39) §257443.39 Change in emergency reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve SO.OO $0.00 SO.OO Less - Withdrawal from reserve SO.OO $0.00 50.00 Subtotal $244.783.00 (512 660.39) 5257443.39

Less: Adjustment for prior year 50.00 $0.00 SO.OO

Budgeted fund balance §244,783.00 IS12 660.39) §257 443.~~

Prepared and subm itted by : Date ~lJilWdf1mEilSlell\il!till¥ ta'l41lf!:1I6aFltl (If Education Pag~!fbf30 Wayne Board of Education 02126118 15:43 Starting date 711/2017 "Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 95 WVHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT Revenues: Org Budget Transfers Budget Est Actual OverlUnder Unrealized (Total of Accounts WIO a Grld# Assigned) 0 9,423 9,423 75,805 (66,382) Total ~I 9,42~1 9,42311 75,80~ (66,382~ I Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Ad) Budget Exeended Encumber Available (Total of Accounts WIO • Grld# Assigned) 193,430 60,776 254,206 25,617 37,627 191,061 Total 193,43~1 60,77~1 254,2~1 25,61~1 37,52~1 191,0611 R~H'Wf~!'l!cM~-Msrs'o~rcfBf%ducation PagrpJ8B ~b~1flJo Wayne Board of Education 02126/1'8 15:43 Starting date. 71112017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 95 WVHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT Revenues: Org Budget Transfers Budset Est Actual OveriUnder Unrealized 99999 0 9,423 9,423 75,805 (66,382) Total ~I 9,42~1 9,42311 75,80~ (66,382~ Expenditures: O,g Budget Transfers Ad! Budget Expended Encumber Available 99999 193,430 50,ns 254,206 25,517 37,527 191,OS1 Total 193,43~1 50,n~1 254,20611 25,51~1 37,52~1 191,061 1 ~ MW1s.M~1try tcYffl"eiB~tlf Education Pagep~ge>21'bl30 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1815:43 Starting date 711/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 96 WHHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $313.121.14 102 -106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 116 Capital Reserve Account SO.OO 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency ReselVe Account 50.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts Receivable~ - 132 Inlerfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental· State $0.00 142 Intergovernmental· Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental· Other $0.00

153.154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $~ ___ $7.490.00 $7,490.00

Loans Receivabre: 131 Interfund $0.00 151.152 Other (Net of estimated uncollectable of $, ____ $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 Estimated revenues $35,965.50 302 Less revenues . ($129.924.60) ($93.959.10)

Total assets and resources 5226.652.04 Reoular Meetino Minutes - March 1 20t~ Page 188 of 213 Report oUne ::;gcrelary 10 tne Boarer of education Page 22 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 15 :43 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 96 WHHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Liabilities and Fund Equity Liabfllties:

411 Intergovernmental accounts payable - state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $4,218.12 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $0.00

Total liabilities $4,218.12

Fund Balance: Appropriated: 753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $15,249.04 761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital reserve $0.00 307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve eligible costs $0.00 309 Less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs $0.00 $0.00 764 Maintenance reserve account - July $0.00 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve $0.00 310 Less: Bud. wId from maIntenance reserve $0.00 $0.00 766 Reserve for Cur. Exp. Emergencies - July $0.00 607 Add: Increase In cur. expo emer. reserve $0.00 312" Less: Bud. wId from cur. expo erner. reserve $0.00 $0.00 762 Adult education programs $0.00 750-752,76x Other reserves $0.00 601 Appropriations $340,563.60 602 Less: ExpendHures ($37,649.79) Less: EncumbrancfaS ($15,249.04) ($52,898.83) $287,664.77 Total appropriated $302,913.81 Unappropriated: 770 Fund balance, July 1 $224,118.21 771 Designated fund balance $0.00 303 Budgeted fund balance ($304,598.10) Total fund balance $222,433,92

TotalliabilHles and fund equity ~226,65g,04 Regular Meeting Min~tes - March 1, 2018 Page 189 of 213 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 23 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 15: 43 Starting date 711/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 96 WHHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budgeted Actual Variance Appropriations $340,563.60 $52,898.83 $287,664.77 Revenues (535,965.50) (SI29,924.60) $93,959.10 Subtotal $304598.10 ($77,025. 771 §381 623.87 Change in capital reserve account:

Plus ~ Increase in reserve SO.OO $0.00 SO.OO Less· Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 Subtotal $304,598.10 ($77 025. 771 $3el 623.87 Change in maintenance reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve 50.00 SO.OO 50.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO Subtotal 5304598.10 ($77,025.7D §38t 623.87 Change in emergency reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve 50.00 50.00 SO.OO Subtotal $304598.10 ($77 025. 77\ 5381 ,623.87

Less: Adjustment for prior year $0.00 SO.OO $0.00 Budgeted fund balance S3045ge·l0 ($77 025.77\ §381 623.87

Prepared and submitted by : Date Regular Meetillq Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 190 of 213 Report of the secretary to the Board of Education Page 24 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 0212611815:43 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 96 WHHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACCT Revenues: OrgBudsot Transfers Budget Est Actual Over/Under Unrealized (Total of Accounts W/O a Grid# Assigned) 0 35,966 35,966 130,009 (94,043) Total g! 35,96~! 35,96~! 130,0091 (94,043~ Expenditures: O!:l! Budget Transfers Ad) Budget Expended Encumber Available (Total of Accounts W/O a Grld# Assigned) 228,433 112,131 340,564 37,650 15,249 287,665 Total 22B,43~! 112, 131!! 340,56~! 37,6Sg! 15,24~! 287,6651 ~ ~thieI!§iaal'llll1l!V-tMlNh8Iqnllf Education Page P.iI!Iaf~ of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02/26/18 15:43 Starting date. 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 96 WHHS STUDENT ACTIVITY ACeT Revenues: Org Budget Transfers Budget Est Actual OveriUnder Unrealized 99999 0 35,966 35,966 130,009 (94,043) Total ~I 35,9~1 35,96i:l1 130,0091 (94,043~ Expenditures: Org Budget Transfers Adl Budget Exeended Encumber Available 99999 228,433 112,131 340,564 37,6S0 15,249 287,665 Total 228,43~1 112,131 11 340,5651 37,65~1 Is,24~1 287,66~

'- ReQular MeetinQ Minutes - March 1 20HL • Page 192 of 213 Report of the secretary to the ElOater of education Page 26 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02126/18 15:43 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 97 ELEMENTARY STUDENT ACT ACCTS

Assets and Resources Assets: 101 Cash in bank $61.524.13 102·106 Cash Equivalents $0.00 111 Investments $0.00 . 116 Capital Reserve Account $0.00 117 Maintenance Reserve Account $0.00 118 Emergency Reserve Account $0.00 121 Tax levy Receivable $0.00

Accounts ReceJvable: 132 Interfund $0.00 141 Intergovernmental· State $0.00

142 Intergovernmental ~ Federal $0.00 143 Intergovernmental' Other $0.00 153, 154 Other (net of estimated uncollectable of $, ___-, $782.80 $782.80

Loans Reoelvable: 131 Interfund $0.00 151.152 Other (Net of estimated uncolleatable of $, ___-, $0.00 $0.00

Other Current Assets $0.00

Resources: 301 estimated revenues $4.343.50 302 Less revenues ($36.941.75) ($32,592.25)

Total assets and resources $29.71468 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 . Page 193 of 213 Report of the Secretary to the Board of Education Page 27 of 30 Wayne Board ·of Education 02/2611815:43 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1131/2018 Fund: 97 ELEMENTARY STUDENT ACT ACCTS

liabilities and Fund Equity liabilities:

411 Intergovernmental" accounts payable R state $0.00 421 Accounts payable $5,410.84 431 Contracts payable $0.00 451 Loans payable $0.00 481 Deferred revenues $0.00 Other current liabilities $0.00

Total liabilities $5,410.84

Fund Balance: Appropriated: 753,754 Reserve for encumbrances $7,286.33 761 Capital reserve account - July $0.00 604 Add: Increase in capital.reselVe SO.OO 307 Less: Bud. wId cap. reS8IVe eligible costs $0.00 309 less: Bud. wId cap. reserve excess costs SO.OO $0.00

764 Maintenance reserve account R July SO.OO 606 Add: Increase in maintenance reserve SO.OO 310 less: Bud. wId from maintenance reserve 50.00 50.00 766 Reserve for Cur. Exp. Emergencies - July SO.OO 607 Add: Increase in cur. expo emet. reserve $0.00 312 Less: Bud. wId from cur. expo emet. reserve so.OO $0.00 762 Adult education programs $0.00 750·752.76x Other reserves 50.00 601 Appropriations $70,802.45 602 Less: Expenditures (S9,789.34) Less: Encumbrances (S7.286.33) (517.075.67) $53,726.78 Total appropriated $81,013.11 Unappropriated: 770 Fund balance, July 1 $29,743.68 771 DeSignated fund balance SO,OO 303 Budgeted fund balance ($66,452.95) Total fund balance $24,303,84

Total liabilities and fund equity S29,71~ §B Page. 194 of 213 R~~8W8JltWa~&~ij1~~o M3rm,JtJ9,l~ducation Page 28 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02126/1815:43 Starting date 7/112017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 97 ELEMENTARY STUDENT ACT ACCTS

Recapitulation of Budgeted Fund Balance: Budgeted Actual Variance Appropriations $70,802.45 $17,075.67 553,726.78 Revenues (S4,349.50) (S36,941.75) S32,592.25

Subtotal $66452.95 (SI9,866.08) ~86,319.03 Change in capital reserve account: Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Less· Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 50.00

Subtotal $66.452.95 (S19866.08) ~86 319.03 Change in maintenance reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 50.00 Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Subtotal S66452.95 (S19.866.08) S86,319.0~ Change in emergency reserve account:

Plus - Increase in reserve $0.00 $0.00 SO.OO Less - Withdrawal from reserve $0.00 SO.OO SO.OO Subtotal $66.452.95 ($19,866.08) S86319.03

Less: Adjustment for prior year SO.OO $0.00 $0.00 Budgeted fund balance $66.452.95 ($19866.08) $86 ;219.03

Prepared and subm itted by : B~ard Secretary Date Reqular MeetiDq Minutes - March 1, 201~ Page 195 of 213 Report of tile l:ill'cretary to tile Board of Education Page 29 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02/26/1815:43 Starting date 7/112017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 97 ELEMENTARY STUDENT ACT ACCTS

Revenues: Org Bud~.t Transfers Budset Est Actual Over/Under Unrealized (Total of Accounts W/O a Grid# Assigned) 0 4,350 4,350 36,659 (32,309) Total ~I 4,35~1 4,35~1 . 36,65~ I (32,309~ Expenditures: Or~ Bud9et Transfers Adl Bud~et Expended Encumber Available (Total of Accounts W/O a Grid# Assigned) 0 70,802 70,802 9,802 7,556 53,444 Total ~I 70,80~1 70,8~1 9,80~1 7,65~1 53,44~ Page 196 of 213 lfijaHWo¥m~~~~g~J~ fo~il[f~Jafcl>b~ Education Page 30 of 30 Wayne Board of Education 02126118 15:43 Starting date 7/1/2017 Ending date 1/31/2018 Fund: 97 ELEMENTARY STUDENT ACT ACCTS Revenues: Org BudSe! Transfers Budget Est Actual OverlUnder Unrealized 99999 0 4,350 4,350 36,659 (32,309) Total ~I 4,35~1 4,3591 36,65~ (32,309S expenditures: Org Bud!!et Transfers Adj Budget Expended Encumber Available 99999 0 70,802 70,802 9,802 7,556 53,444 Total 91 70,80~1 70,80~1 9,80~1 (,55~1 53,44~ Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 1970f213


JANUARY, 2018 (1) (2) (3) (4) Cash Beginning Cash Receipts Disbursements Ending Cash I FUNDS Cash Balance this Month This Month Balance

GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS 1 GENERALFUND-FUND10 $ 11,116,508.80 15,398,970.78 $ 13,624,718.95 $ 12,990,760.63 1A CAPITAL RESERVE-FUND 10 $ 2,936,847.89 $ 2,936,847.89 2 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND - FUND 20 $ (178,999.16 ) $ 47,213.29 236,124.74 $ (367,910.61) 3 92 ANTHONY WAYNE MIDDLE SCHOOL $ .. , 29,419.65 $ 898.00 $ 500.00 $ 29,817.55 93 SCHUYLER COLFAX MIDDLE SCHOOL $ 69,222.76 $ 3,259.00 $ 138.45 $ 72,343.30 94 GEORGE WASHINGTON MIDDLE SCHOOL $ 49,938.43 $ 3,875.70 $ 950.00 $ .. 52,864.13 95 WAYNE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL $ 222,750.49' $ 28,998.00 $ 6.487.114 $ 245,260.85 96 WAYNE HILLS HIGH SCHOOL $ 267,881.52 $ 45,923.10 $ 683.48 $ 313,121.14 97 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS $ 50,061.93 $ 15,066.20 $ 3,604.00 $ 61,624.13 ·4 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - FUND 30 $ (317,900.89) $ 49,665.46 $ (367,566.35) 5 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - FUND 30· ESIP $ 155,943.87 $ 3,460.34- $ 152,483.58 6 DEBT SERVICE FUND - FUND -40 $ 346,087.50 $ 346,087.50 $ - 7 TOTAL GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS (!-ln981-4) $ 14,747,762.68 $ 15,544,204.07 $ 14,172.420.56 $ 18,119,546.19

ENTERPRISE FUNDS·FUNDS 8X 8 INTERNAL SERVICE FUND (CAFE) • FUND 60 $ 259,978.21 $ 251,199.38 $ 763.23 $ 510,414.36 9 ENTERPRISE FUND-:(ADUlT SCHOOL-FUND 61) $ 3,750.53 $ - $ . $ 3,750.53 10 ENTERPRISE FUND-(EXTENDED DAY-FUND 62) $ 847,343.76 $ 4,227.50 $ 66,613.83 $ 784,957.43 11 ENTERPRISE FUND-(KDG WRAp·FUND 63) $ 149,982;43 $ 55,360.00 $ 41,902.52 $ 163,439.91 TOTAL ENTERPIRSE FUNDS (Lines 7-9) $ l,261,054.~3 $ 310,786.88 $ 109,279.58 $ 1,462,562.23

TRUST & AGENCY FUNDS· FUNDS ~X 12 PAYROLL $ - $ 5,217,841.62 $ 5,217,841.62 $ - 13 PAYROLL AGENCY $ 762,760.05 4,456,623.28 5,203,780.21 $ 15,603.12 , 14 SECTION 125 i $ 41,202.n 22,241.20 22,415.91 $ 41,028.00 . 15 UNEMPLOYMENT $ 225,660.27 42,425.73 9,395.56 $ 258,680.44 16 TEACHERS' SUMMER PAY $ 604,652.93 201,501.44 $ 1,006,154.37

TOTAL TRUST & AGENCY FUNDS (1.lnas 9-14) $ 1,834,265.96 $ 9,940,633.27 . $ 10,453,433.30 $ 1,321,465.93


18 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ 17,877,334.45 $ 25,795,624.22 $ 24,735,133.44 $ 18,937,825.23

Hather McNamara-Kreitz, Treasurer of School Monies District: C Wayne Board of Education Monthly Transfer Report NJ Page 1 of2 Month I Year: I Jan 31, 2018 02123118

(coil) (col 2) (col 3) (col 4) (col 5) (col 6) (col 7) (col 8) Original Revenues Original Maximum YlDNat % Changa Remaining Remaining BudgOl Allowed Budget For Transfer p!Tranalen Allowable Allowable NJAC- 10% calc Amount ~= YlD Balance Balance To A:23A-2.3 .. From 11/3112018 I Line Budget Category Account Data Data II Coil +Co1211 Co13' _1 II + or - Data II Col5lCol3 II CoI4+COI5 II Col4-Co15 I 03200 TOTAL REGULAR PROGRAMS -INSTRUCTION ll-lXX-l00-XXX 45,939,291 30,672 45,969,963 4,596,996 (438,874) -0_95% 4,158,122 5,035,871 10300 11160 Total Special Education • Instruction, Total Basic 11-2XX-l00-XXX 21,769,343 451 21,789,794 2,178,979 663,821 3.05% 2,842,800 1,515,159 1216040560 Skills/Remedial-Instruct., Total Bilingual Education - 11-000-216,217 41080 Instruction, Total Undistributed Expend - Speech, OT.. Total Undist. Expend. - Other Supp. Serv 15160 TOTAL VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS 11-3XX-l00-XXX o o 0 o o 0.00% o o 1710017600 Total School-Sponsored Co/Extra Curricul, Total 11-4XX-XOO-XXX 3,688,606 2,410 3,691,018 369,102 1,023 0.03% 370,125 368,079 1962020620 School-Sponsored Athletics -Inslr, Total Before/After School 2162022620 Programs, Total Summer School, Total Instructional Alternative 2362025100 Educatio, Total Other SupplementaVAt-Rlsk Program, Total Other Alternative Education Progra, Total Other Instructional Programs - Ins 27100 Total Community Services Programs/Operat 11-800-33O-XXX 274,490 0 274,490 27,449 0 0.00% 27,449 27,449 29180 Total Undistributed Expenditures - Instr 11-000-100-XXX 4,987,205 0 4,967,205 496,721 28,950 0.54% 525,671 471,771 2968030620 Total Undistributed Expenditures - Alten. Total Undistributed 11-000-211"213, 9,709,484 8,261 9,717,725 971,772 68,089 0.70% 1,039,861 903,654 4166042200 Expenditures - Healt. Total Undlst. Expend. - Guldanca. Total 218,219,222 43620 Undlst. Expend. - Child Study Team. Total Undlst. Expend. - Edu. Media Servo 4320044180 Total Undist. Expend. -Improvement of I, Total Undist. 11-000-221, 223 1,021,810 0 1,021,810 102,181 14,631 1.43% 116,812 87,550 Expend. - Instructional St 45300 Support Servo - General Admin 11-000-23o-XXX 1,352,402 38,251 1,390,653 139,065 108,981 7.84% 246,046 30,065 46160 Support Serv. - School Admin 1I-000-240-XXX 5,674,552 1,146 5,675,698 567,570 (3.633) -0.07% 563,738 571,403 4720047620 Total Undlst. Expend. - Central Services. Total Undlst. 11-000-25X-XXX 2,916,682 6,850 2,923,532 292,353 107,501 3.68% 399,854 184,852 Expend. - Admin. Info. Tee 51120 Total Undist. Expend. - Oper. & Maint. 0 1I-000-26X-XXX 14,375,652 150,904 14,526,558 1,452,656 (575,219) -3.96% 877,436 2,027,875 52460 Total Undist. Expend. - Student Transpor 11-o00-270-XXX 6,163,214 20,426 6,163,640 616,364 (101,016) -1.63% 517,346 719,382 71260 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES -EMPLOYEE ll-XXX-XXX-2XX 35,424,765 2,402 35,427,167 3,642,719 (36.937) -0.10% 3,505,782 3,579,656

72020 Total Undistributed Expenditures - Food l1-OO0-310-XXX 20.000 0 20,000 2.000 0 0.00% 2,000 2.000 7212072122 Transfer of Property Sale Proceeds Res .• Transfer of 1I-000-52Q-934 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 Property Sale Proceeds COL 72160 Increase in SaleJlease-back Reserve 10-605 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 72180 Interest Earned on Maintenance Reserve 10-606 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 72200 Increase in Maintenance Reserve 10-606 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0

72220 Increase in Current Expense Emergency Re 10-607 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 7224072245 Interest Earned on Current Exp. Emergenc, Increase in Bus 10-607 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 7224672247 Adv. Res. for Fuel Costs. Increase In IMPACT Aid Reserve (General). Increase In IMPACT Aid Reserve (Capital) 72260 TOTAL GENERAL CURRENT EXPENSE 153.337,498 261.m 153.599.270 15.359.927 (164.687) -0.11% 15.195.040 15.524.814 District: I Wayne Board of Education Monthly Transfer Report NJ Page20f2 Month I Year: I Jan 31, 2018 02/23118 (coil) (col 2) (col 3) (col 4) (col 5) (col 6) (col 7) (col 8) ---cfrigiiial·· RevenU88 Original Maximum YmNa! "'"Change Remaining Remaining Budget Allowed Budget For Transfer ~n.farslo ~~a!8n Allowable Allowable NJAC· 100C8lc Amount /(from) Ym Balance Balance To A:23A-2.3 From I 113112018 I Line Budget Category Account Oala Data II Coll+Co1211 CoI3·.1 II + or· Dalall Col5lCo13 II CoI4+CoISII Col4-CoiS I 75880 TOTAL EQUIPMENT 12-XXX-XXX-73X 90,000 223,038 313,036 31,304 98,662 31.52% 129,966 (67.358) 76260 Total Facilities Acquisition and Constru 12-000-4XX-XXX 1,243,755 684,261 1.928,016 192,602 416,271 21.59% 609,072 (223,469) 76320 CapRal Reserve - Transfer to Capital Pr 12-000-4XX-931 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 76340 Capital Reserve - Transfer to Debt Servi 12-000-4XX-933 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 76360 tncrease In Capital Reserve 10-604 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 76380 76385 Interest Deposit to Capitel Reserve, IMPACT Aid Reserve 10-604 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 (Cap) Tr 10 Cap Pro) 76400 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,333,755 907,299 . 2,241,054 224,105 514,933 22.98% 739,038 (290,827) 63080 TOTAL SPECIAL SCHOOLS 13-XXX-XXX-XXX 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 8400084005 Transfer of Funds to Charter Schools, Transfer of Funds to 10-000-1 Oo-SSX 44,329 0 44,329 4,433 0 0.00% 4,433 4,433 Renalss Schools 84020 General Fund Contrib. to School-besed Bu 10-000-520-930 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0 84080 GENERAL FUND GRAND TOTAL 154,715,582 1,169,071155,884,653 15,588,465 350,046 0.22% 15,938,512 15,238,419

sYoulNoti School Business Adbiinistrator Signature Date WAYNE TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS


Opening Date: 2/13/2018 Opening Time: 11:00 AM EVALUATION SHEET

Adjustment Basis of the Per Hour Cost Per Hour Cost Provision Cost Destination Adjustment Per Bus Cost 8 Hours 10 Hours (if applicable) Vendor Name: Lenoir In State $1,160.00 $145.00 $116.00 $165.00 Out of State $1,280.00 $160.00 $128.00 $180.00 Wheelchair Accessible N/A N/A N/A N/A

Vendor Name: Saddle River Trails, Inc In State $1,115.00 $139.34 $111.50 $105.00 Out of State $1,215.00 $151.88 $121.50 $105.00 Wheelchair Accessible $1,215.00 $151.88 $121.50 $105.00

Vendor Name: Stouts In State $1,500.00 $187.50 $150.00 $150.00 Out of State $1,500.00 $187.50 $150.00 $150.00 Wheelchair Accessible $1,500.00 $187.50 $150.00 $150.00 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 206 of 213

FCC Form 470 - Funding Year 2018 Form 470 Application Number: 180010371 Wayne 470.18

Billed Entity Contact Information WAYNE BOARD OF EDUCATION Joseph Borchard 50 NELLIS DRIVE [email protected] WAYNE, PASSAIC, NJ 07470-3555 973-633-3033 973-633-3000

Billed Entity Number: 122861 FCC Registration Number: 0016434656

Application Type Number of Eligible Entities: 20 Applicant Type: School District Recipients of Services: Adult Education; Pre-K; Public School; Public School District

Consulting Firms Name Consultant Pbone Email Registration Number Number BTU Consultants 16049611 314-983-0292 [email protected]

Consultants Name Pbone Number Email CAROLUNDERRINER 314-983-0292 [email protected] Lori Thompson 636-294-7117 [email protected]

RFPs Id Name 42553 Wa e TWP 2018 RFP for access oints

C ate!!orv o ne s ervJce R eauest s In,IIUalion MainlnaDtt Minimum Maximum and Initial and Tec.hniul

S~rvite T~ FundiOD Otbu Capacity Capacity Entltiel Qu.ulity Unit Configuration? Support? RFP.

Description of Other Functions I Id I Name


Cat~9rv Two Service ReJluests hut.Uation and Initial SuviuType Function Mlnur.dunr Othrr Entitiel Quutity Unit Configuration? AJ.sodltrd RFPs Internal ConnectiOIlI WAP Aruba or equivalent 620 ""h No 42553 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 207 of 213

Description of Other Manufacturers I Id I Name

Narrative See RFP for details: 620 Access points

Technical Contact

State and Local Procurement Restrictions Proposers: Provide the equipment below or call out changes if substituting alternatives. ALL RFP RESPONSES MUST INCLUDE THIS SHEET FOR PRICING INFORMATION. Per SLD rules the equipment specified is preferred. The district will consider all equivalent proposals but any proposed solutions must seamlessly interoperate with existing infrastructure.

Recipients of Service Billed Enti Number Billed Enti Name 122861 WAYNE BOARD OF EDUCATION

Certifications J certify tbat tbe applicant includes:

J certify that tbe applicant includes schools under the statutory definitions of elementary and secondary scbools found in the No Child Left Behind Act of 200 I , 20 U.S.C. §§ 780 I (18) and (38), that do not operate as for-profit businesses, and do not have endowments exceeding $50 million.

Other Certifications

I certify that this FCC Form 470 and any applicable RFP will be available for review by potential bidders for at least 28 days before considering all bids received and selecting a service provider. J certify that all bids submitted will be carefully considered and tbe bid selected will be for the most cost-effective service or equipment offering, with price being the primary factor, and will be the most cost-effective means of meeting educational needs and technology goals.

J certify that J bave reviewed all applicable FCC, state, and local procurement/competitive bidding requirements and that J bave complied witb tbem. J acknowledge tbat persons willfully making false statements on tbis form may be punisbed by fine or forfeiture, under tbe Communications Act, 47 U.S.c. §§ 502, 503(b), or fine or imprisonment under Title 18 oftbe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. § 1001.

J acknowledge tbat FCC rules provide tbat pe"lons who bave been convicted of criminal violations or beld civilly liable for certain acts arising from their part-icipation in the schools and libraries support mechanism are subject to suspension and debarment from the program.

J certify tbat J will retain required documents for a period of at least 10 years (or whatever retention period is required by the rules in effect at tbe time of this certification) after the later of the last day of the applicable funding year or tbe service delivery deadline for the associated funding request J certify tbat J will retain all documents necessary to demonstrate compliance with the statute and Commission rules regarding the form for, receipt of, and delivery of services receiving scbools and libraries discounts. I acknowledge tbat J may be audited pursuant to participation in the scbools and libraries program. J certify that the services tbe applicant purchases at discounts provided by 47 U.S.C. § 254 will be used primarily for educational purposes, see 47 C.F.R. § 54.500, and will not be sold, resold or transferred in consideration for money or any other thing of value, except as pennitted by the Commission's rules at 47 C.F.R. § 54.513. Additionally, J certify that tbe entity or entities listed on tbis form bave not received anything of value or a promise Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 208 of 213

of anything of value, other than services and equipment sought by means of this form, from the service provider, or any representative or agent thereof or any consultant in connection with this request for services.

I acknowledge that support under this support mechanism is conditional upon the school(s) andlor library(ies) I represent securing access, separately or through this program, to all of the resources, including computers, training, software, internal connections, maintenance, and electrical capacity necessary to use the services purchased effectively. I recognize that some of the aforementioned resources are not eligible for support. I certify that I have considered wbat financial resources should be available to cover these costs. I certify that I am authorized to procure eligible services for the eligible entity(ies). I certify that I am authorized to submit this request on behalf of the eligible entity(ies) listed on this form, tbat I have examined this request, and to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, all statements of fact contained herein are true. "


In accordance with Section 54.503 of the Federal Commuuications Commission's ("Commission") rules, certain schools and libraries ordering services that are eligible for and seeking universal service discounts must file this Description of Services Requested and Certification Form (FCC Form 470) "with theUuiversal Service Administrator. 47 C.F.R. § 54.503. The collection of information stems from the Commission's authority under Section 254 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. 47 U.S.C. § 254. The data in the report will be used to ensure that schools and libraries comply with the competitive bidding requirement contained in 47 C.F.R. § 54.503. Schools and libraries must file this form themselves or as part of a consortium.

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

The FCC is authorized under the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to collect the information requested in this form. We will use the information you provide to determine whether you have complied with the competitive bidding requirements applicable to requests for universal service discounts. Ifwe believe there may be a violation or a potential violation of any applicable statute, regulation, rule or order, the information you provide in this form may be referred to the Federal, state, or local agency responsible for investigating, prosecuting, enforcing, or implementing the statute, rule, regulation or order. In certain cases, the infonnation you provide in this form may be disclosed to the Department of Justice or a court or adjudicative body when (a) the FCC; or (b) any employee of the FCC; or (c) the United States Govemment is a party ofa proceeding before the body or has an interest in the proceeding. In addition, information provided in or submitted with this form, or in response to subsequent inquiries, may also be subject to disclosure consistent with the Communications Act of 1934, FCC regulations, the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, or other applicable law.

If you owe a past due debt to the federal govemment, the information you provide in this form may also be disclosed to the Department of the Treasury Financial Management Service, other Federal agencies andlor your employer to offset your salary, IRS tax refund or other payments to collect that debt. The FCC may also provide the information to these agencies through the matching of computer records when authorized.

If you do not provide the information we request on the form, the FCC or Universal Service Administrator may return your form without action or deny a related request for universal service discounts.

The foregoing Notice is required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Pub. L. No. 104-13,44 U.S.C. § 3501, et seq.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 3.5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, completing, and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of infomiation, including suggestions for reducing the reporting burden to the Federal Communications Commission, Performance Evaluation and Records Management, Washington, DC 20554. We also will accept your comments via the email if you send them to [email protected]. DO NOT SEND COMPLETED WORKSHEETS TO THESE ADDRESSES.

Authorized Person Lori Thompson BTU Consultants 1293 Pinehurst Club Court, BTU Consultants Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 209 of 21 3

O'Fallon, MO 63366 636-294-7117 [email protected]

Certified Timestamp' 12120/201703:02 PM CST Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1,2018 Page 210 of 213

COMPUTER DESIGN & NJ Office: INTEGRATION ce' NY Office: CD SOD Fifth Avenue, Suite 1010, New York, NY 10110 696 Rt. 46 West, Teterboro, NJ 07608

620 MR52-HW Meraki MR52 Cloud Managed AP $ 1,399.00 $ 643.54 $ 398,994.80 620 LlC-ENT-5YR Meraki MR Enterprise License, 5YR $ 450.00 $ 171.00 $ 106,020.00

CDISOW18502 COl Professional Services $ 39,785.00

Total $ 544,799.80

ICDllNfORMAllON Sar ••man : Chris Clark Quol. [0: elSe-Wayne BCE· Marak! MR52-HW· 010318-01 Phon. No: 201-426-9252 Quote o.lcription: Cilco Email Add: Chris.C\ Quote Oat.: 01103(2018 Prepared b.y: Amy Rega Elcp Date: 02103/2018 Fax No:

Indudostho of tho the prices quoted, and any doscripUon 01 oonsuiUng sor,lCe.. to Con,putor DesIgn & Integration ue. This Information sholl not be dIscIooed or modo avoUablo to any party unrelated to this our 8JP'8SS \NI'ftlen consenL You must also axerctse reasonable care to protect this InfonnaUOn from the unauthorized

NASPO Value Point DataCom I New Jersey NVP #AR233 (14-19) PartiCipating Addendum contract is PA# A87720

COl LLC Confidential 1/11/2018 Page 1 Regular Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 211 of 213

computer Design & Integration LLC Sales Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions The following Terms & Conditions apply to all orders and purchases, and any agreements resulting therefrom, of any products, licenses, or services from Computer Design & Integration llC (hereafter 'Seller"):

Confidentiality Provision The information provided to you in this communication is regarded by Computer Design & Integration lie to be Confidential and Proprietary information. This includes the description of the materials/products for sale, the prices quoted, and any description of consulting services to be performed by Computer Design & Integration llC. This information shall not be disclosed or made available to any party unrelated to this agreement without our express written consent. You must also exercise reasonable care to protect this information from the unauthorized disclosure by others.

Payment Terms Tenns of payment are net 30 days from date of Invoice, which date shall not precede the shipment of products or rendering of services unless the parties otherwise agree in writing. The payment tenns set forth herein are subject to Buyer and Seller maintaining a mutlJally acceptable Credit Arrangement Seller may assess Interest on amounts not paid within thirty (30) days of the invoice date at the maximum rate allowed by law or 1.5% per month, whichever is less. Further, any retumed checks win incur a $25.00 fee. Seller may, at its disaetion, engage third parties to assist in the collection of past due accounts. If such event occurs, Buyer agrees to be solely responsible for all costs associated with the third party collection efforts, including reasonable attomeys fees. In the event that you lease the Product through a third party leasing agent, we must be infanned of this prior to shipment Our standard payment tenns must be met by your leasing agent or be subject to the aforementioned Interest penalty to be paid by you.

Taxes Any tax imposed by federal, state or other govemmental authority on the sale of the merchandise andlor services referred to in this quotation shall be paid by the Buyer, in addition to the quoted prices.

Freight Terms, Delivery, Title To and Risk of Loss Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, merchandise shall be shipped FOB shipping point (placement of Product with a common carrier or licensed trucker). In the event Buyer requests the shipment of merchandise not In accordance with our standard freight policy, Buyer shall be responsible for all costs of freight and handling. ntle to any merchandise sold and the risk of loss with respect to such merchandise for any damages shall pass to the Buyer upon COl's placing same in the custody of a common carrier for shipment to the Buyer.

Warranty Limitation and Exclusions

Except for the wananty that the goods are made In a woritmanlike manner and In accordance with the specifications supplied or agreed to by buyer in writing, buyer hereby waives all other conditions, representations and wananties, express or implied by statute, usage, custom of the the trade or otherwise, Including without limitation, the implied wal'T8nties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Notwithstanding any other prior statement, written or oral, seller makes no other walT8nties regarding the quality of its products or the materials and services provided to buyer under this agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, seller expressly discleims any warranties of durability, that the licensed software program will meet all of the buyer's needs or that the operation of the goods will be error free.

Damages and Umitation of liability In no event shall Seller be liable to Buyer for any Indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages for any occurrence related to this Agreement, whether or not such damages were foreseeable or Seller had been advised of the possibility of such damages. This limitation indudes, but is not limited to, the following: loss of profits; loss of buyer goodwill; attorneys fees; damage to business relations; loss of use of equipment; cost of substituted facilities or services; daims by buyer's customers; and damages for any other economic losses or property damage arising from or related to any act or omission by seller. Seller's total liability shall not exceed the lesser of the sum of $10,000 or the amount paid to seller under the agreement during the twelve (12) month period Immediately preceding the occurrence of any damage or loss. Any action by buyer arising out of or In any way related to this agreement must be brought by buyer within two (2) years from the date on which the cause of action accrues.

Force Maleure Neither party shall be liable to the other for the failure to perform their respective ob6gations under this Agreement due to fire, flood, strikes, or any other indusbial or manufacturing disturbances, accidents, war, riot, insurrection, or other causes beyond the reasonable control of the parties.

Limitation of Employment Buyer agrees that during the tenn of this agreement, and for an additional period of one (1) year, buyer shall not directly or indirectly offer employment to, employ, seek the counsel of, or contract with any seller's employees. This provision shall be conslnJed by the parties as a covenant independent of any other tenn or condition contained in this agreement In the event that buyer violates this independent covenant between the parties, buyer shall pay seller for each violation a fee equal to one year of salary for the employee in question.

Governing Law The parties agree that this agreement will be construed and Interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey, including provisions of Chapter 2 of the New Jersey Uniform Commercial Code. The parties also acknowledge that the transaction that Is the subject matter of this agreement bears a reasonable relation to the State of New Jersey, and that any dispute arising hereunder shall be decided In the state or federal courts located in the State of New Jersey. Me,etinlc Minutes - March 1, 2018 Page 212 of 213

26 February 2018

Mr. John Maso Director of Facilities Wayne Township Public Schools 50 Nellis Drive Wayne, NJ 07470

Re: Professional Services for Wayne Township Public Schools Supplement to Architect of Record Agreement & WVHS and WHHS Next Generation Science Room Principals 'Morc R. POlella. AlA. PP Phase 2 Agreement GreQOIY J. SomJen. AlA Explanation of Factors in Fee Differential: Phase 1 to Phase 2.

Partners • John Conon AlA Mr. Maso, Slephen O. Quick AlA

Asso ciates Parette Somjen Architects l.l.c. provided a proposal related to Phase 2 of the District's NGSS Initiative. This 'Wllbom Bo~ler , AlA document provides additional clarification on the listed professional fees, and acts as an attachment to the Meflsso lrtS11"l90 NCIDQ EdwOtd Ne+ghbolJl , AlA professional services proposal for Phase 2 Science (providing 3 rooms) dated February 21, 2018. 'Erin Vosoid AlA 1. PROJECT SCOPE "lEEO AP Wayne Township Public Schools has tentatively identified the designated classrooms (WV: Room 211 including adjacent 209 Storage Room and WHo Rooms 228 and 229) under Phase 2 of the Next Generation Science Room Renovation program. The requested arrangement was to provide professional supportforthe next three identified labs, but include air conditioning this time. Further, not only would the document package call for air conditioning the Phase 2 spaces, but it would go back and retrofit the three Phase 1 labs where the original AC Alternate had not been accepted . Other scope revisions were also incorporated in the fee· calculation, as explained below.

The chart provided here shows the relative fee categories for both Phase 1 and Phase 2, with explanation. 2. COMPENSATION COMPARISON

The professional fees for Phase 1 services are in the left column. The fees proposed for Phase 2 are in the second column. The third column is the phase category description. Where the categories were not exactl y the same, the correct share of fee has been shown.

NGSS Phase 1: NGSS Phase 2: Phase DeSCriptions from Phase 2 Proposal

WV 203 & 205; WH 24' WV 211; WH 228, 229

$ 3,500.00 $ 9,500.00 Paragraph 2.1 Info Gather & Documentation of Exist. Condo

$ 10,500.00 $ 6,500.00 Paragraph 2.2 Schematic Design

-- $ 3,000.00 Paragraph 2.3 Continued Budgeting

$ ',000.00 $ 3,000.00 Paragraph 2-4.1 NJDOE Application

$ 7,000.00 $ '3,500.00 Paragraph 2.5 Design Development

$ 26,000.00 $ 25,750.00 Paragraph 2.6 Construction Documents

$ 3,500.00 $ 4,000.00 Paragraph 2.7.1 Construction Procurement Services

$ 14,500.00 $15,000.00 Paragraph 2.7.2 Contract Administration Services

$ 66,000.00 $ 80,250.00 Total Professional Fee

4,800.00 $ 8,000.00 Reimbursable Cost 439 Routt 46 ~Sl $ Rockaway, NJ 07866 P 9H 5861400 $ 70,800.00 $ 88,250.00 Total Purchase Order Amount f 973 586 l~OI Page 213 of 213 Regular-Meeting, Minutes - March 1,2018 John Maso Explanation of Factors in Fee Differential: Phase 1 to Phase 2 February 26.2018


1. Para. 2.1 Existing Conditions increased to reflect the increased investigation requirement regarding concealed conditions and electrical panel existing conditions; Part of this is attributable to Phase 1 AC scope revision. 2. Para. 2.2 thru 2.4 represent the Schematic phase of services. The schematic total Gline items) went from $11,500.00 to $12,500.00. Part of this is attributable to the increase in MEP consulting that reflects the scope change on air-conditioning work spanning over both Phase 1 to create the alternate bid item for AC that was used for pricing but not accepted, and the AC for Phase 2 that is stated to be part of the second phase for the next 3 labs. 3. Para. 2.5 Design Development is the part of document creation where we sort out the planned scope packages. It appears that there will be continuation of the multi-package approach. That part of fee adjustment came directly from the Phase 1 experience characterized by heavy support for this activity. Scope changes in Room 241 are within this figure. 4. Para. 2.6 Construction Document stayed nominally the same, dropping by $250.00. 5. Para. 2.7.1 Procurement increased slightly by $500.00, also based on experience from Phase 1. 6. Para. 2.7.2 Contract Administration increased slightly by $500.00 similarly based on coordination support experience needed during construction. 7. Reimbursable Cost limit was increased based on instruction to prevent actual costs getting outside ofthe limit.

The effective $3,000.00 difference in Mechanical fees.relating to the phase 2 AC systems is in the Existing Conditions, and Schematic phases, with making up the AC that was already put into Phase 1. The Room 241 scope change partially boosted DD. Beyond those, scope adjustments, the fees are roughly comparable from one phase to another.

All MEP services account for about 25% of total fee volume on laboratory work. The AC scope does not negate all of the other mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and fire protection scope that the documents cover.

Please contact me if this explanatory material does not answer the question adequately.

Sincerely, Parette Somjen Architects, LLC ~~d ' ~ By: Kellen M. Chapin, AlA, LEED AP I Senior Project Architect

CC: John Carton, AlA Partner

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