Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education

By Benedikta Laksita Prabawati Student Number: 141214057





The greatest enemy is the people mindset itself. The fear and inability come from our own mind. So, change your mind! Because you’re stronger than you think you are!

I dedicate this thesis to Jesus Christ my all in all My parents and all of my family Also, all of my friends





Prabawati, Benedikta Laksita (2018). The Meaning of Belle’s Love to Beast as Seen in The Movie Script of Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos’ Beauty and the Beast. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University. This research analyzes the movie script entitled Beauty and the Beast written by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos. The main characters in this story are Belle and Beast. This movie script tells the love story between the cursed prince who turns into a beast and a very pretty village girl. The aim of this research is to find the meaning of Belle’s love to the Beast as seen in the movie script. There are two research questions presented, they are “How is Belle described in the movie script of Beauty and the Beast?” and “What is the meaning of Belle’s love to Beast?”. This research is a library research which uses two data sources. The primary source is the movie script itself, and the secondary sources are obtained from related books, journals, and articles from the internet. The theories used in this research are theory of character and characterization, theory of love, and theory of motivation. The approach of the research is psychological approach which is used to analyze the Belle’s behavior . There are two findings that can be concluded from this research. The first finding shows that Belle is a brave, smart, and creative woman. The second finding is the meaning of Belle’s love to Beast. It is divided into surface meaning and deeper meaning. The surface meaning of Belle’s love to Beast is a romantic love. Romantic love is a love which only consists of intimacy and passion component. The deeper meaning of Belle’s love to Beast is a spiritual love. Spiritual love is a love which does not pay attention to physical appearance, background, or status. For the suggestions, the researcher suggests the future researchers to find the meaning of love from Beast to Belle. The second suggestion is for teachers. The story in this research can be used by teachers as a teaching resources in teaching English literature.

Keywords: meaning, love, Beauty and the Beast



Prabawati, Benedikta Laksita (2018). The Meaning of Belle’s Love to Beast as Seen in The Movie Script of Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos’ Beauty and the Beast. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Ilmu Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Penelitian ini menganalisis skrip film berjudul Beauty and the Beast yang ditulis oleh Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos. Pemeran utama dalam cerita ini adalah Belle dan si buruk rupa. Skrip film ini menceritakan tentang cerita cinta antara pangeran yang terkutuk menjadi seorang buruk rupa dan seorang gadis desa yang sangat cantik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan arti cinta Bella kepada Beast seperti yang tercantum dalam skrip film dari Beauty and the Beast. Ada dua permasalahan yang terdapat pada penelitian ini. Kedua permasalahan tersebut adalah “Bagaimana Bella digambarkan dalam skrip film Beauty and the Beast?” dan “Apa makna cinta Bella kepada Beast?”. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam studi pustaka yang memiliki dua sumber data. Sumber data primer adalah skrip film itu sendiri, dan sumber data sekunder diambil dari buku yang bersangkutan, jurnal, dan artikel – artikel dari internet. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori karakter dan karakteristik, teori cinta, dan teori motivasi. Pendekatan pada penilitian ini adalah pendekatan psikologi yang digunakan untuk menganalisis tingkah laku Belle. Terdapat dua hasil penelitian yang dapat disimpulkan dari penelitian ini. Hasil yang pertama menunjukan bahwa Bella adalah gadis yang berani, pintar, dan kreatif Penemuan kedua adalah tentang makna cinta Bella ke Beast. Hal ini dibagi menjadi makna harafiah dan makna mendalam. Makna harafiah dari cinta Bella kepada Beast adalah cinta romantis. Cinta romantis adalah cinta yang hanya terdiri dari 2 komponen cinta, yaitu keintiman dan hasrat. Makna mendalam dari cinta Bella ke Beast adalah cinta secara spiritual.Cinta spiritual adalah cinta yang tidak melihat fisik, latar belakang, dan status dari pasangan. Sebagai saran, penulis menyarankan kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk menemukan makna cinta dari Beast ke Bella. Saran kedua diperuntukan untuk para guru. Guru dapat menggunakan cerita dari penelitian ini sebagai sumber materi dalam mengajar literature Bahasa inggris.

Kata kunci: meaning, love, Beauty and the Beast



First of all, I would like to give my greatest gratitude to my Jesus Christ for all his blessing protection and guidance during the process of my study and when doing this research. Through His power, I got some spirit in order to do the research and finally I could finish the research.

Second, I would like to express my gratitude to my best advisor Drs.

Antonius Herujiyanto, M.A., Ph.D. for his guidance, kindness, and patience in supporting me during the process of my thesis. I also thank Mrs. Maria

Vincentia Eka Mulatsih S.S., M.A. for her willingness to give me advice and feedbacks that help me so much until I finish my thesis. Their kindness and patience make me enjoy the process of writing and having consultation.

Third, my deepest gratitude is for my family, especially for my parents who always support and trust me, my father Wisnoe Prastawa, who always prays for me and convinces me that I will finish my study, my beloved mother, Lucia

Purwaningsih who always tries to provide my needs in order to comfort me in working my thesis. She is very patient and does not obliged me to work in hurry which make me work peacefully. Next, I thank my beloved brothers and sister,

Hillarion Wahyu, Felitto, Fransiscus Andata, and Laksita Galuh. Without them, I would spend my time doing thesis at home with boredom.

I would also like to thank my beloved friends, Rebecca Puspa, Agatha

Carniela, Allistya Putri, Yustina Mei, Angelina Lintang, Tamara, Intan

Paramita, Chatarina Iga, and my best cousins Oda Nimas and Christina

Apsari for being my mood booster in the middle of my saturation while finishing


my thesis. There are always there, give me support to finish my thesis. I also thank my best friend, Bagus Anggie, who always gives me suppport, helps me in managing my time, and accompanies me in doing my thesis. Lastly, I thank all of my friends and everyone around me who i cannot mention one by one. Without all of them, I cannot finish my thesis well.

Benedikta Laksita Prabawati




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of Study ...... 1 B. Research Questions ...... 3 C. Significance of the Study ...... 3 D. Definition of Terms ...... 4 1. Love ...... 4 2. Character ...... 4 3. Meaning ...... 5 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ...... 6 A. Review of Related Study ...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 9 1. Theory of Character ...... 9 2. Theory of Characterization ...... 10 3. Theory of Love ...... 12 4. Theory of Motivation ...... 15 5. Psychological Approach ...... 16 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 17 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY ...... 18 A. Object of the Study ...... 18 B. Approach of the Study ...... 19


Page CHAPTER IV ...... 20 A. Belle’s Characters ...... 20 1. Brave ...... 21 2. Smart ...... 23 3. Creative ...... 25 B. The Meaning of Belle’s Love to Beast ...... 27 1. The Surface Meaning ...... 27 2..The Deeper Meaning ...... 32 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS, IMPLICATIONS, AND SUGGESTIONS ...... 39 A. Conclusions ...... 39 B. Implication ...... 40 C. Suggestions ...... 40 REFERENCES ...... 42 APPENDICES ...... 44



Appendix Page

Appendix 1. Summary Of Beauty And The Beast ...... 45 Appendix 2. Biography Of Stephen Chbosky And Evan Spiliotopoulos ...... 48 A. Stephen Chbosky ...... 48 B. Evan Spiliotopoulos ...... 50 Appendix 3. Lesson Plan ...... 52 Appendix 4. Worksheet… ...... 54




A. Background of Study

Love is a little thing which has a big role in this life. Almost all aspects in this world have relation with love. Love is also used as the standard in the level of happiness. The more people get loved, the happier they will be. However, having love especially true love is not easy. Sometimes, people have to struggle and suffer in order to find their love. Some people define that love is blind and love makes people do stupid and dangerous things as well as magnanimous and bold things. Beauty and the Beast is one of the examples of love actions. The power of love makes this story awesome and interesting. The way Belle as the most beautiful girl in the village falls in love with Beast is the mystery which make the audience interested with this love story.

Love is closely related to a relationship. It is related because love is usually presented through a relationship. Having good relation is a goal in the term of communication. It means that if someone wants to have a good relation or relationship, they have to pay attention to the way they act to get attention and feeling from other people. People can indicate the meaning of a language not only from the diction of the language but also the intonations, expressions, and gestures from the speaker itself. The term about the deeper meaning of someone’s feeling and thought in communication to make better relation is related to the study of literary.



Literature is a way to know about human feeling, creativity and imaginative process (Wellek, 1971). Human senses and thoughts have a huge effect in order to build a human feeling. According to Henkle (1997), “Literature is to learn about other people, and the great advantage of literature is that we can enter the lives of people” (p. 6). Human’s life is full of conflicts and some are being so complicated. It would be interesting to learn about personality pattern, self-concept and someone’s reaction in facing his or her problems. Literature has three major generic divisions. The first is Poetry, the second is Prose, and the last one is Play or Drama. Beauty and the Beast is included into play since it is a script of movie play.

This research focuses on the meaning of Belle’s love to Beast as seen in the script of Beauty and the Beast movie. The researcher choses this topic because the part when the Beauty falls in love with Beast is the most interesting and important part in this story. Beast is a cold-hearted human creature who has an ugly face and look like a chimera (a mixture of several animals). He has the head structure and horn of a buffalo, the arm and body of a bear, the eyebrows of a gorilla, the jaws, teeth, and mane of lion, the tusks of a wild boar, and the legs and tail of a wolf. While, Belle as the Beauty is an intelligent and undeniably beautiful young woman whose traits are looked down upon in her small French village.

Therefore, the meaning of love done by Belle to Beast become something that is quite interesting to be analyzed.

Beauty and the Beast is a unique love story. This story is unique because unlike most other love stories which grow because of physical appearance, but in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


the story, physical appearance does not work much. It also reinforced by the main character in this story. Beast has two different significant side that represent human behaviors in real life. He has an evil and cold-hearted side, but he also has a nice and warm-hearted side. Belle also has good character and personality which can inspire people or the reader to follow the way she acts. Hopefully,

Beast and Beauty can be an exponent for the readers in order to reflect how to build a relationship. Thus, there are some moral values and lessons about life and love from this movie script which make this research more meaningful for the readers.

B. Research Questions

There are two research questions that become the main points in this research. They are formulated as follows:

1. How is Belle described in the movie script of Beauty and the Beast?

2. What is the meaning of Belle’s love to the Beast?

C. Significance of the Study

The researcher expects that this research will be useful for the readers and the researcher itself. For the readers, especially for the students in English

Language Education Study Program, they can deepen their understanding and broaden their knowledge about life through a literary work. This research also provides new vocabulary terms about literary works which is useful for their life.

For the researcher, this research is very useful to fulfill the requirements to obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan degree in English Language Education. This research is PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


also meaningful to the researcher itself, because through this research, the researcher can fulfill her curiosity by solving and answering the problem formulation in this research. The researcher also expects that this research is going to be useful for the future researchers who are interested and work in the similar fields as a reference.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to help the readers understand this research and avoid misperceptions, the researcher provides some terms which are used in this research.

1. Love

According to Maslow (1943), love is a healthy affectionate relationship between people that include the mutual trust. Love is also an emotion, but there are more than simple feelings involved. People can experience love when they find their fondness on something or someone else. Jim Al-Khalili as a theoretical physicist and science writer wrote that love is a powerful neurological condition like hunger or thirst, only more permanent (2012). Jim also stated that love is blind or unconditional. That statement is in the sense that people have no control over it, but then, that is not so surprising since love is basically chemistry.

2. Character

In literary, a character has an important role, especially in a novel or movie. To make a story lively, a character in a story must be like actual human beings. Character is a way of thinking and behaving that characterizes each individual to live and work, within both the family, community, nation and state. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


According to Abram (1999), the meaning of character is “The persons represented a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the readers as possessing moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what person say and their distinctive ways of saying it–the dialogue- and from what they do-the action” (p. 46).

3. Meaning

The meaning of something is what it expresses or represents. In other words, meaning is a value or content which presence in something. According to

Frederick (1964), “meaning is divided into two parts which are literal meaning and deeper meaning” (p. 75). The literal meaning can be found clearly in the movie script. The author wrote in the script and could be clearly understood by reading the movie script. While, the deeper meaning is a meaning which has value for every reader. The deeper meaning can be found implicitly by the researcher.

The researcher has to interpret the meaning by herself.




In this chapter, the researcher provides three main parts, namely review of related studies, review of related theories, and theoretical framework. Review of related studies is to review other related studies previously done on the same work or topic. Review of related theories is the part to review the theories employed in this research. Theoretical framework presents the specific theories to help the researcher answers the research questions and find the correlation of related theories.

A. Review of Related Study

In doing this research, the researcher needs to seek and explore related studies previously done on the same topic as the references. There are some studies which used Beauty and the Beast as the primary data. The researcher reviewed two others studies from Stevens (2013) and Cassandra (2012).

The first research is a literature research done by Stevens (2013) from the

University of Southern Mississippi. Stevens analyzes the significant variations from Madame De Beaumont’s La Belle Et La Bête in Disney’s Beauty and the

Beast. The story of Beauty and the Beast and La Belle Et La Bête are being the primary data. This research locates and analyzes the alterations of characters from

Madame De Beaumont’s La Belle Et La Bête in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. In order to conduct this research, Stevens compares and analyzes the five major



characters from the story, there are Father/Maurice, Beast, Beauty/Belle, Gaston, and enchanted objects.

Firstly, Stevens compares only between two versions, Disney’s and

Beaumont’s. Afterwards, he also compared it with the Cocteau’s version as a cinematic adaptation of Beaumont’s tale which does not compromise the strength of development of its heroine and retains a bestial Beast. Based on Stevens analysis, there are some differences between those three versions. Striking differences are seen between Beaumont’s and Disney’s versions. It can be explained by the statement from Stevens that “Cocteau’s film makes alterations to

Beaumont’s tale that Disney then expands on its film. Perhaps Disney borrows many of the elements in Cocteau’s film as a way of paying homage to such a milestone in cinematic achievement” (p. 34). Stevens also finds that Disney’s shows less moral lesson that the two others version. Disney’s movies generally attempt to combine entertainment and teaching of a moral lesson. It is reinforced by the fact that Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is made in musical drama to make the movie more entertaining. The researcher also agrees with the statement from

Stevens which says that this research is the only scholarly examination of the significant alternation that Disney’s has made to Beaumont’s version and

Disney’s film. Nonetheless, not all studies are focused mainly on the character of

Belle, sometimes other characters like Beast, Gaston, or Maurice are interesting to be discuss. The researcher also agrees with the statement from Stevens who states that “Belle’s interest in books is not used to make her a more intelligent woman, but, is instead a plot device manipulated by the scheming objects who want her to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


fall in love with Beast” (p. 19). Furthermore, the researcher believes that it is a

way to make Belle can actualize herself, which leads her to fall in love with Beast.

The second related research comes from Cassandra (2012). Cassandra conducts a pragmatic study which uses Beauty and the Beast movie script as the primary data source. The research discusses the politeness uttered by the characters in Beauty and the Beast movie script by using the politeness strategies and pragmatic scales in their utterances. The research aims to prove that politeness principle is applied in the utterances of Beauty and the Beast movie script. In the finding, there are four classifications made based on the politeness strategies used in the utterances of the characters in Beauty and the Beast movie script. There are positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on-record, and off-record. Through

Cassandra’s research, how high and how low the politeness in every utterance can affect the interaction between the addresser and addressee. In analyzing the politeness in the characters of Beauty and the Beast movie script, Cassandra also analyzes the politeness utterance which is done by Beast to Belle. In the result,

Beast’s utterance belongs to positive politeness. It means that their interaction shows that they have good relation. From that statement, the researcher finds out that the politeness which is done by Beast are also being one of the factors which make Belle falls in love with him.

However, those two researches from Stevens and Cassandra are different from the research that is conducted by the researcher. All the three researches have the same primary data, that is the story of Beauty and the Beast, but they have different focuses. The first research from Stevens analyzes the differences PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


between Madame De Beaumont’s La Belle Et La Bête and Disney’s Beauty and the

Beast. Then, the second research focuses on the politeness strategies which is done by the characters in Beauty and the Beast movie script. While, in this research, the researcher analyzes the meaning love from Belle to Beast.

B. Review of Related Theories

This section discusses five major theories that is used as a guideline in this research. The five theories are theory of character and characterization, theory of love, theory of motivation, and psychological approach.

1. Theory of Character

In literary work, characters have an important role, especially in a novel or drama. To present the story lively, character in a drama must be like actual human beings in order to make a good story. According to Rohrberger and Wood

(1971),“Characters are like human beings in real life. They have their own personality and appearance, which make them different from one to another” (p.


In addition, Abrams (1999) states that the definition of characters itself is

“the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it

-the dialogue- and from what they do- the action” (p. 33). The conversations and the actions from each character in a story help the readers to understand and find the hidden meanings of their actions. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


According to Henkle (1977), character is divided into two types, the major character and the secondary character. Henkle states that “the major character is the ones that are observed most often in the story and frequently appear in the novel. The secondary character is the one that have only a limited function and performance in the novel” (p. 92). The action from major character is a determinant in the story line, and the secondary characters give effects to the story.

2. Theory of Characterization

Characterization is a process when an author creates a character in a story.

Characterization has a very important role in literary work, especially in narrative and dramatic work. For a deeper understanding to the ways of characterization,

Murphy (1972) in Understanding Unseen’s divides it into nine ways. They are personal description, character as seen by another, speech, past life, conversational of others, reactions, direct comment, thoughts, and mannerism (pp.

161-173). Here are short explanations of the nine ways of characterization: a. Personal Description

Personal description is close to the physical appearance of characters to introduce the character to the readers, such as the build, skin-color, hair, eyes, and height with various adjectives that make the description more vivid. b. Character as Seen by Another

The description of the person’s character based on the words and phrases from another character’s view. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


c. Speech

The words or sentences which come from the person can determine the person’s personality. d. Past Life

The person’s past life sometime presented in the story to determine the personality of the person. The person’s past life might influence her personality in the present day. e. Conversation of Others

The person’s character can be seen in the conversation of other characters who say about the person. f. Reactions

The person’s character can be seen in the way he/she solves the problem.

Her/his reactions are shown on some situation and events in the story. g. Direct Comments

The author tells the reader directly what the character is like by giving direct comments to the character. h. Thoughts

The person’s thoughts might be different with the action that she/he really does. Usually, the author gives the reader direct information of the person’s thoughts. i. Mannerism PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Habits and behaviors done by the person show his/her real character to the readers.

3. Theory of Love

Love is one of the famous things in the world. Maybe everyone knows about love, but not everyone understands. There are some definitions from the experts about what love is. Love is a feeling interest to others which guide a person to make a decision in a relationship. Based on A Triangular Theory of

Love from Sternberg (1986), “love can be understood in terms of three components that together can be viewed as forming the vertices of a triangle these three components are intimacy, passion, and decision or commitment” (p. 119).

Each component manifests a different aspect of love. Here are the explanations about the three components of love. a. Intimacy

Intimacy refers to the feeling of closeness, connectedness, and blondeness in loving relationships, as well as admiring and wanting to take care of the loved one, and it can bring up warm feelings. b. Passion

It refers to the drives that lead to romance, physical attraction, sexual consummation, and related phenomena in a loving relationship. c. Decision/commitment

It refers, in the short term, to the decision that one loves someone else, and in the long term, the commitment to maintain that love. These two aspects of the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


decision/commitment component do not necessary go together, in that one can decide to love someone without being committed to the love in the long term.

All of the components of love triangle have a relation. These components are important parts of loving relationships. Their importance may differ from one relationship to another. Indeed, different kinds of love can be generated by limiting cases of different combinations of the components. The love triangle consists the three components of love transforms into eight types of love.

Sternberg (1986) divides it into eight parts namely nonlove, liking, infatuated love, empty love, romantic love, companionate love, fatuous love, and consummate love. Here are the explanations: a. Nonlove

Nonlove is a type of love which has no three components of love. It characterizes the large majority of our personal relationships. b. Liking

Liking is a type of love which only has the intimacy component. In this type, there are no passion and commitment for a long period of time. This type of love comes up in friendships. One feels boundedness toward the other, without feeling or commitment. c. Infatuate Love

Infatuate love is type of love which only has the passion component. In this type, love can easily disappear because there are no commitment and intimacy. Infatuated love is also called “love at first sight”. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


d. Empty Love

Empty love is a type of love which only has the commitment component.

In this type, there are no intimacy and passion. The commitment is only a strong reason to maintain relationship. e. Romantic Love

Romantic love is the type of love which has the intimacy and passion components. Romantic lovers are bonded emotionally and physically. It can be found in classic works of literature, such as Romeo and Juliet. f. Companionate Love

Companionate love is the type of love which has the intimacy and commitment components. It can be found in some marriages. They still have the intimacy and commitment but the passion has gone out of the relationship. g. Fatuous Love

Fatuous love is a type of love which has the passion and commitment components. It can be associated with couple who meets on day X and marries the next month. h. Consummate Love

Consummate love is the type of love which has all of the components, intimacy, passion, and commitment. It represents the ideal relationship toward which many people strive but apparently few achieve. The example of consummate love is parent’s love for their children. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


4. Theory of Motivation

There are some theories of motivation, but in this research, the researcher uses the theories of motivation from Maslow (1943). The theory of motivation from Maslow is called Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory which is based on the human needs. Maslow classifies all human needs into a hierarchical manner from the lower to the higher order. People are motivated to achieve certain needs and that some needs take precedence over others. Physical survival is the most basic need for people which motivate people behavior. Maslow identifies five levels in his need hierarchy as shown in the picture below:

Figure 2.1 Maslow’s Need Hierarcy Theory

Maslow divides Need Hierarcy into five levels. From the lower to the higher are physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, estem needs, and the higher level is self-actualization. The level of the need hierarcy is arranged based on the level of difficulty to reach it. Here are the explanations of five levels of need hirarcy. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


a. Physiological – It is the most basic needs for a person to survive. The need of

food, water, shelter, sleep and sex include into this level. b. Safety – Safety or security needs include the desire for feeling safe, freedom

from fear and staying healthy. c. Love/belongingness – This level refers to the social needs, relationship such as

friendships, romantic attachments, and families which lead the person to get

acceptance and involvement in social. d. Esteem – The desires of having reputation and respect from others which lead

the person feeling confident. Maslow indicated that the need for respect or

reputation is the most important for children and adolescents e. Self-actualisation – The desire to achieve everything or become everything one

is capable of becoming.

5. Psychological Approach

According to Kennedy and Gioia (2005), psychological approach is an analysis which focuses on the of character’s motivation or behavior in the work.

Rohrberger and Wood (1971) state that “psychological approach assimilates efforts to situate and demonstrate certain recurrent patterns. This approach is widely recognized that the literary work form is a reference beyond itself, and it is fundamentally symbolic” (p. 13). This approach also accommodates a better and deeper understanding in analyzing the character’s behavior, struggle and personality.

The aim of psychological approach folds in three natures. Foremost, the objective of understanding behavior, that is by defining factors that combine the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


development and expression of behavior. Secondly, the psychologist striving to develop procedure for the accurate prediction of behavior. Thirdly, psychology aims at developing techniques that will permit the control of behavior. In this research, the psychological approach will be applied to analyze the meaning of

Belle’s love to Beast as seen in the movie script of Beauty and the Beast.

C. Theoretical Framework

Theoretical framework is the guidance to analyze the script used in this research. In this aspect, the researcher explains the used theories to answer the formulated problems of this research. The theories are the theory of character and characterization, the theory of love, theory of motivation, and psychological approach.

First, the researcher uses the theory of character and characterization. The theory of character and characterization is used by the researcher to describe

Belle’s character as the first research problem in this research. Second, the researcher uses the theory of motivation, psychological approach, and the theory of love to answer the second research problem. The researcher uses those theories to find the surface and deeper meaning of Belle’s love to Beast as seen in the script of Beauty and the Beast movie by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos.




This chapter consists of two parts. They are the object of the study and approach of the study. The first part describes the movie and the focus of the study which is related to the primary data of the research. The second part discusses the use of critical approach in analyzing the movie script.

A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is a movie script of Beauty and the Beast written by Stephen Chbosky and Evan Spiliotopoulos. This screenplay has already been adapted to the movie which was released in the United Stated on March 17, 2017.

This movie is a 2017 American musical romantic fantasy film that was directed by

Bill Condon. This movie is based on Disney’s 1991 animated film of the same title, which was an adaptation of Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont’s eighteenth-century fairy tale.

Beauty and the Beast is a musical romantic fantasy movie about the struggle of finding a love. This story has two main characters, there are Beast and

Belle. Beast actually is a kind handsome prince before he turns into a greedy, selfish, and cold-hearted prince. Meanwhile, Belle is a beautiful lady from a village who dreams a better life. Because of the prince’s bad attitudes, he is cursed to be a beast by an enchantress. The curse can only be broken if Beast finds someone who loves him back before the last petal of rose fall. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to find love for Beast with his appearance and his bad attitude.

Beast suffers and struggles for many years until Belle shows up and changes



19 everything. Time by time, by passing through various events, finally Belle can change Beast’s attitudes to be better and she can break the curse.

B. Approach of the Study

Since the topic of this research is the meaning of someone’s love to the other, the approach which is used in this research is psychological approach. The psychological approach is applied because it focuses on the psychological side of human life. It is also used to identify the main character’s personality, thought, and behavior pattern. The researcher uses the theory of character and characterization, theory of motivation, and theory of love in analyzing the meaning of Belle’s love.

By using psychological approach, the researcher tries to analyze the meaning of Belle’s love to Beast as seen in the movie script of Beauty and the

Beast. This approach aims to answer the formulated problems in this research.

There are five theories which are used by the researcher in order to conduct this research. The theories of character and characterization are used to analyze the character of Belle. Meanwhile, the theory of love, motivation, and psychological approach are used to analyze the meaning of Belle’s love to the

Beast as seen in the movie script of Beauty and the Beast.




This chapter aims to answer the problem formulation of this research. This chapter is divided into two parts to generate a clear and deep analysis. The first part is about how Belle is described in the movie script. The second part elaborates Belle’s love to Beast.

A. Belle’s Characters

Every story must have main characters. The characters have the greatest effect on the plot or be the most affected thing by what happens in the story. The main characters in Beauty and the Beast movie script by Stephen Chbosky and

Evan Spiliotopoulos are Belle and Beast. Whereas, the secondary characters that emerge in a certain setting or only become supporting characters in this story are

Maurice (Belle’s father), Gaston (an arrogant village man), Lefou (Gaston’s best friend), Lumiere (the castle servant), Cogsworth (the castle butler), Mrs.Potts (the castle cook), Chip (Mrs.Potts’ son), Plumette (the maid), Garderobe (the castle’s kindhearted lady), Cadenza (the castle organist and composer), and Agathe (the enchantress). In order to have deeper understanding related to the character description and physical description of Belle, the theories of character and characterisation are applied in this research.

Based on the theory from Henkle (1977), Belle and Beast can be categorized as the main or major characters because they are the ones who become the center in the story. This story tells about a love story between Belle



and Beast. Meanwhile, the rest of characters in the story are the secondary because those characters only have limited performance in the story.

In this part, the researcher describes Belle’s character in the Beauty and the

Beast movie script. In order to have a better understanding about Belle’s character, the researcher applies theory of characterization from Murphy (1972).

Based on Murphy (1972) there are nine ways used to analyze the character. Those methods are personal description, character as seen as by another, speech, past life, a conversation between other characters, reaction, direct comment, thought, and mannerism. However, not all of nine ways of characterization are used in this research. There are only five ways used in analyzing Belle’s character, which are personal description, character as seen as by another, conversation between other characters, reaction and speech.

1. Brave

Belle is a brave and fearless woman. This statement is proved by the actions and dialogues spoken by Belle. These evidences below elaborated the examples of Belle’s bravery.

Belle is brave because she wants to do something which is dangerous and risky. She is brave to become herself under circumstances which do not match with her personality. One other action which shows Belle’s bravery is when she bravely races through the enchanted woods and keeps continues running until the path brings her to the castle.

Belle dismounts Philippe. Finding a thick branch, she wields it like a club, then bravely crosses to the castle and enters (p. 23). PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Being alone in the middle of nowhere and entering a strange place which seems creepy is such a brave thing. The castle looks so old and haunted, but she does not think even just once to go back to the village. Without hesitation, she enters the castle and tries to find her father. Furthermore, when she meets Beast for the first time, she does not show that she is afraid. Instead, Belle tries to challenge Beast by “swinging her club to strike” (p. 24).

Another evidence which shows Belle’s brave character is analyzed from the conversation between Belle and Beast. In their first meeting, Belle bravely yells at Beast and argues with Beast. She also dares to ask Beast to come into the light. This is such a brave action to argue and yell at someone who looks unfriendly and cold-hearted.

BELLE :Who’s there? Who are you? THE BEAST : Who are you? BELLE : I’ve come for my father. THE BEAST :Your father is a thief. BELLE : Liar! THE BEAST: He stole a rose. BELLE: I asked for the rose. Punish me, not him! …. BELLE: a life sentence for a rose? … BELLE: come into the light (p. 24).

The bravest thing she does is when she replaces her father’s place. Being trapped in the prison cell alone without clarity of time is such a terrible thing, but she is willing do this. She makes a trick to deceive her father and Beast in order to replace her father. She convinces her father that she is not afraid and promises that she will escape from there. By doing this action, it means that she wants to take a risk with all the bad things which might happen to her. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


BELLE: I’m not afraid. (whispers). And I will escape, I promise. MAURICE: What?! With that, she pivots and swings her father through the door just as the beast slams it shut. Maurice trips to the ground, giving the beast a second to turn to Belle. They lock eyes (p. 26).

From the explanation above, it is clear that Murphy’s (1972) theory is applied. The character can be analyzed by the reaction and the speech. Belle is brave because of her reactions when she enters the castle and swinging her club to strike. Moreover, the way Belle speaks bravely to Beast confirms that she is a brave woman.

2. Smart

Belle is described as a woman who has intelligence. This statement can be proved by the personal description from the narrator, the fact that she can read and teach someone to read, and the moment when she remembers a quote from a book. The first evidence comes from the personal description from the narrator which says that “Belle, a pure beauty blessed with intelligent” (p. 4). This description means that Belle is a beautiful woman and gets the gift of intelligence which leads her to become a smart woman.

The second evidence comes from her actions of reading a book and teaching other girls to read. Her reading skill can be proved in the moment when she comes to Pere Robert to borrow a book, but she has already read them all.

Pere Robert says “you may reread any of the old ones that you like” (p. 7). This moment clearly shows that Belle can read and like to read because she has already PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


read all books there. Another evidence which shows Belle as a smart woman can be seen in the moment when she teaches another girl to read.

She holds a book open, teaching the girl to read. WASHER GIRL: (struggling) The blue bird flies... BELLE: ...over the dark wood. NASTY HEADMASTER: What on earth are you doing? He is joined by the fishmonger NASTY HEADMASTER: Teaching another girl to read? Isn’t one enough? (p. 14)

At that time, school is only for boys (p. 6). So, as the only girl in the village who can read, it shows that she has above-average ability. Therefore, the villagers who watch Belle reading and teaching another girl to read become angry and give her punishment.

Belle’s ability in remembering a quote from a book also proves that she is a smart woman. When she takes care of Beast, she mumbles a quote from

Shakespeare’ book. At first, Beast presumes that she is reading a book, but when

Beast opens his eyes, he surprises because Belle does not read a book, she remembers a quote which everyone does not know. It proves that Belle can memorize well. So, we can classify her as a smart woman.

BELLE : Love can transpose to form and dignity. Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind. And therefore – He opens his eyes to see that Belle isn’t reading, she’s reciting from memory. He joins in (p. 76).

All of those evidences prove that Belle is a smart woman. Based of theory of characterization from Murphy (1972), there are three ways used by the researcher in order to prove the statement of Belle as a smart woman. Those three ways are personal description from the narrator, Belle’s reaction when she teaches PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


other girl to read, and the last is Belle’s mannerism when she remembers the quotes from a book.

3. Creative

Belle has creative mind. Her creativity can be proved from her reaction when facing a problem. The first evidence is the moment when she designs the washing machine. The second is when she tricks Maurice and Beast to replace

Maurice’s position. Then, the third is when she makes a makeshift rope to escape the castle. Below is the first evidence.

Surrounded by design sketches, Belle’s workbench features a small model of her „washing machine’ prototype. Belle places the miniature barrel in position... fastens a rope to a leather strap... shaves chips off a block of soap... collects the soap chips in a small sack... and rushes out (p. 13).

Belle uses her creativity to think and design the sketch of washing machine. At first, she uses miniature to try her sketch. After testing the prototype, she goes to laundry and manages to make a true washing machine by herself.

The next evidence can be seen in the moment when she tricks Maurice and

Beast to replace Maurice’s position. She feels guilty of what happens to Maurice.

Maurice would not be trapped in the prison if he did not pick a rose for her.

Therefore, she does a trick because Maurice will never agree to trade position with her. She bargains with Beast to allow her to enter the prison cell to kiss her father. Then, after she is already in the prison cell, Belle has some conversations with Maurice before she pivots and swings him through the door in order to safe

Maurice by replacing his place.

BELLE: Alright, Papa. I will leave. (to the beast) I need a minute alone with him. -The beast doesn’t respond- PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


BELLE: Are you so cold-hearted that you won’t allow a daughter to kiss her father goodbye? (off his proud grunt) Forever can spare a minute! ….. THE BEAST: When this door closes, it will not open again. INT. PRISON CELL - CASTLE – CONTINUOUS -Belle rushes in and embraces her father- BELLE: I’m not afraid. (whispers) And I will escape, I promise. MAURICE: What?! -With that, she pivots and swings her father through the door just as the beast slams it shut. Maurice trips to the ground, giving the beast a second to turn to Belle. They lock eyes (p. 23-24).

The third evidence is when Belle tries to escape from the castle. When she is alone in her room, she makes a plan. With her creativity, she makes a makeshift rope of fabric to escape from the castle through the window. It is proved that her creativity works when she uses things around her as a tool of her plan.

INT. BELLE’S CASTLE BEDROOM – CONTINUOUS Actually, Belle has been actively planning her escape. Her makeshift rope of fabric hangs 50 feet out of the window (p. 38).

Belle’s creativity is already proven from those three evidences. She is indicated as a creative woman because of the reaction that she does. She can make creative plans in order to solve her problem. She handles situation and things around her to solve her problems which indicates that she is a creative woman.

Based on the analysis, the researcher finds that Belle is a brave, smart, and creative woman. Those characteristics can be analyzed from Murphy’s ways, namely personal description, character as seen as by another, conversation between other characters, reaction, and speech. Those three characters of Belle leads her falls in love with Beast. Belle would never meet and spend her time with

Beast without her bravery and creativity. Furthermore, her intelligent is also being PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


one of factors that makes Belle enjoy her time with Beast. They both have similar passion and level of thinking.

B. The Meaning of Belle’s Love to Beast

This part is to answer the second problem formulation, which is about the meaning of Belle’s love to Beast. In order to know the meaning of Belle’s love to

Beast, the researcher divides this part into surface meaning and deeper meaning.

In the surface meaning, the researcher uses the theory of love from Sternberg

(1986) to analyze Belle’s act and reaction from the words which are printed in the movie script, while in the deeper meaning, the researcher analyzes the deeper meaning after interpreting some dialogues based on Maslow’s theory of needs.

A. The Surface Meaning

In this part, the researcher wants to analyze the surface meaning of Belle’s love to the Beast using the theory of love from Stenberg (1986). Stenberg classifies love into three basic components, namely intimacy, passion, and commitment. Someone is indicated to be in love if they have at least one of the components of love. Those three components are used as the guide in finding the surface meaning of Belle’s love to Beast. However, the researcher only finds two components of love in Belle’s love to Beast. The two basic components are intimacy and passion.

Belle meets Beast for the first time in the castle when Belle wants to save her father, Maurice. Belle’s love has not seen yet in their first meeting. It can be proved from the part when Belle and Beast are having a conflict and yelling at PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


each other. At that time, Belle thinks that Beast is a cold-hearted person, while

Beast thinks that Belle is a foolish girl. It is also proved when Belle does not accept the dinner invitation from Beast, and plans to escape the castle instead. a. The presence of intimacy

Based on Sternberg (1986), intimacy is a component of love which leads to closeness feeling to someone and warmth in a relationship. This component derives from emotional investment in the relationship. In Beauty and the Beast movie script, the researcher finds some evidences which show the presence of intimacy in the Belle’s love to Beast.

One of the dialogue which shows Belle’s intimacy to Beast is when Belle reads a poem while walking beside Beast in the stone footbridge (p. 62). The intimacy can be seen when Belle and Beast embrace the poem together. Belle reads the poem, while Beast feels the poetry soulfully. “Belle smiles, pleased that for a moment at least he becomes a fan of poetry” (p. 62). At that moment, Belle finds out that they both become a fan of poetry. Having similar of fondness leads

Belle feel connectedness to Beast. It is proven when they stare at each other and find the meaning of poet’s words simultaneously.

Belle meets the beast’s eyes. Both suddenly aware of hidden meanings in the poet's words (p. 63) The presence of intimacy is also shown in the part when Belle and Beast have dinner together. Belle seems having connection to Beast from the dialogue when Beast asks permission to sit near Belle and she allows him. The way Belle allows Beast to sit near her indicates that Belle feels close to Beast. She will not allow Beast to sit near her if she still assumes Beast is a stranger. Furthermore, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Belle gives attentions to Beast by noticing the way he eats his meal and trying to imitate it.

Belle reads at her end of the long dining table. She looks up and sees the beast looking at her. “May I?” She nods, goes back to her book. As he walks the length of the table. ………. The beast sits. He grabs his bowl and slurps down the soup, then catches himself as he sees Belle watching him (p. 63)

Another action which shows intimacy comes when Belle tells the villagers that Beast is not a monster. She says Beast is gentle and kind and would never hurt anyone (p. 80). This action means she has already known what kind of person Beast is, because she has been spending most of her times with Beast. It indicates that Belle enjoys being there with Beast and feels closeness to him. The feeling of closeness is also proved from the Belle’s expression when she is doing activities with Beast, she is smiling, laughing, and never complaining although her status is a prisoner who has no freedom.

b. The presence of passion

One of the components of love is passion. Sternberg (1986) states passion is a component of love which leads to romance and related action in a loving relationship. In analyzing the meaning of Belle’s love to Beast, the researcher finds some evidences which show the presence of passion.

Passion is related to an action in a loving relationship. It means that physical interaction between two persons can also represent a passion between them. In this story, the presence of passion from Belle to Beast can be seen when

Belle teaches Beast to pet the horse. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


… Belle takes his hand and places it on Philippe … … BELLE: There’s something sweet and almost kind, … She looks back -- sees the beast petting Philippe. BELLE: And now he’s dear and so unsure I wonder why I didn’t see it there before (p. 63).

This part can be categorized as a romantic action from how Belle treats

Beast. She lets him to pet the horse and helps him by taking Beast’s hand then put it on Phillippe. She also gives her attention by looking back to Beast to see what he has done. Moreover, all of the compliments which are done by Belle to Beast give a sense of romantic.

As the music rises, Belle bows. The beast bows in return. She offers him her hands -- and nervously, he takes them. They begin to dance, gliding across the ballroom (p. 74).

The action above shows the presence of passion when Belle dances with

Beast. Belle takes Beast’ hand and they dance together. They both enjoy the moment and swept away. In this moment, nothing in the world exists except each other (p. 74). In the other words, it shows a romance when two lovers feel that the world belongs to both of them. The moment is also strengthened by the expression from the household staff who watch Belle and Beast’s togetherness in mounting hope and excitement.

The most powerful action which shows Belle’s passion is in the action when Belle admits her feeling to Beast. At the time, Beast is getting hurt and dying in the Belle’s arms. Belle is panic and sad of being left by Beast which drives her to confess what she feels. The passion can be seen in Belle not only by her action of saying „I love you’ to Beast, but also by her action of kissing Beast’s forehead. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


BELLE: (to the beast) Please, don’t leave me. Come back. TIGHT ON BELLE -- her lips touch the beast’s forehead in a kiss. BELLE : I love you (p. 96).

The presence of passion has indeed been proven in Belle’s love to Beast.

However, the sense of passion increases as Beast turns into a prince charming. In this case, physical appearance works much in growing the passions of Belle’s love. Belle looks amazed by the original form Beast. Her awe makes her close to him and leads them to do their first kiss.

In silent disbelief, Belle runs her fingers through his hair. She looks into the Prince’s blue eyes. It is him. Tears of grief turn to tears of joy as they lean in for their first kiss (p. 97).

Based on the theory of love by Sternberg (1986), Belle’s love growing from nonlove into romantic love. Nonlove is a type of love which has no passion, intimacy, and decision. This type of love can be found in the first meeting of Belle and Beast. Afterward, their togetherness leads Belle to feel closeness to Beast and experience a romantic occasion.

The meaning of Belle’s love to Beast is a romantic love. Romantic love is a type of love which has only two components of love there are intimacy and passion. The component of love which does not exist in the Belle’s love to Beast is a commitment. The researcher does not find any evidences which show that

Belle’s love to Beast has a commitment. The story ends before any speech that shows the commitment to maintain Belle’s love to Beast. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


B. The Deeper Meaning

The deeper meaning of Belle’s love to Beast can be seen implicitly in the movie script. To analyze the deeper meaning of Belle’s love to Beast, the researcher uses psychological approach which focuses on the analysis of the character’s motivation, behavior, struggle, and personality in the work. The researcher also uses the theory of motivation from Maslow (1943) as a guide in doing this research. This movie script tells about unexpectable love which comes from the most beautiful girl in the town to Beast, who is ugly and awful. They both initially hate each other which then turns into love.

Belle lives in the small town with small minded people. She thinks that she wants life more than that, she wants a better life and goes from that town. Belle does not fit in the the provincial life which makes the villagers thinks she is odd.

For example, Belle likes to read a book while the villagers think that spending time reading a book is uncommon thing, notably Belle is a girl while school in there is only for boys. Even when the most handsome man in the town wants to marry her, she refuses it because Gaston as the perfect guy in the town is just the same with the rest of villagers.

Belle watches Gaston leave. She opens the door. BELLE: Can you imagine? Me, the wife of that boorish, brainless... She turns away from the home she thinks she will never escape. BELLE: Madame Gaston, can’t you just see it Madame Gaston, his little wife. No sir, not me, I guarantee it. I want much more than this Provincial life (p. 16).

That moment shows that Belle is not a simple girl. She wants more than what she gets in that town. She refuses Gaston because Gaston is like all the other villagers. Gaston may be different with the guys in the town because he is so PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

33 handsome and respected but he is selfish, arrogant, brainless and his behavior does not reflect that he is a good guy.

Belle’s life changes after she meets Beast and stays in the castle. Belle’s desire to have better life belongs to self-actualization needs. She wants a better life which more than an ordinary life in her village. This desire can be satisfied when she lives in the castle with Beast. She gets all of needs through living in the castle with Beast.

a. Physiological needs

Based on the theory of motivation from Maslow (1943), human’s needs are divided into five levels. The human needs from the lower to the higher are physiological, safety, love or belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization. The researcher analyzed Belle’s need from the lower to the higher. The first basic need is physiological needs. Belle can satisfy her physiological needs by getting some basic things in the castle like food, water, and place to take a rest.

INT. BELLE’S BEDROOM - CASTLE – EVENING the most beautiful, magical room she’s ever seen. The entire ceiling is a painting of white clouds in a blue sky. There is a large dresser and a comfortable bed. Opulence. BELLE: It’s... beautiful. LUMIÈRE: Of course. Master wanted you to have the finest room in the castle (p. 28).

Belle gets luxury room in the castle. Belle looks amazed with her room, it is the most beautiful room she has ever seen. Not only give Belle an amazing and comfortable room, but the household staff also offer her a special dinner by giving her rousing welcome and delicious foods for every meal they give to her.



Based on the theory of human motivation from Maslow (1943), Physical survival is the most basic need for people which can motivate people behavior. It means that the changes of behavior and mindset of someone can be influenced by people’s needs. This statement can be proved from the movie script in the moment when Beast saves Belle’s life from the wolf. At that time Belle once thinks that she wants to leave Beast in the forest, but fortunately, she changes her mind and helps Beast. She wants to save him because Beast has already saved her life before. Beast’s willingness to help Belle and sacrifice himself for Belle, manage to change Belle’s perception of Beast. If Beast tries to save her, it means that her life will be safe with Beast and their togetherness would not threaten her life. Belle’s need to feel safe is play a big part in her mind alteration. She chooses to save Beast because she wants to return the kindness she received from Beast who sacrificed himself in order to save her life. She brings him back to the castle and take care of him because he gets hurt from the fight. That moment also makes Belle believe that spending time with Beast makes her feel safe.

Belle’s safety need is already fulfilled here. She gets her safety and security from Beast and also from the household staff. The household staff show their concern to Belle by give her advices of what is good for her. Maslow (1987) states “Both the physiological and the safety needs are fairly well gratified, there will emerge the love and affection and belongingness needs” (p. 43). Belle is getting more convinced that Beast will not hurt her when Beast won’t make her sad and sets Belle free to meet her father. That decision is such a big decision PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


because it will make Beast and all the household staff lose their chance to break the curse.

c. Belongingness and love needs

Their closeness is increasingly visible after Beast invites Belle to do adventure with the magic book from the enchantress. Beast offers Belle to go to wherever she wants with that magic book. Belle chooses to go back at the moment when Maurice left his wife who was infected by the plague because they wanted to save their child from the plague. From that moment, Beast realizes that he was wrong then apologizes to Belle for accusing her father as a thief.

Through this chapter, their intimacy increases into the new level. Belle enjoys living in the castle and finds her lovely friends which indicate that she has already get her belongingness and love needs. Beast treats Belle well. He understands Belle, and he never thinks that Belle is an odd or a funny girl. They are talking, joking, and laughing together which make Belle feels happy and alive.

d. Esteem needs

Another moment that Belle cannot get in her past life is when she is offered by Beast to dance with him. She gets beautiful moment that she cannot get in the common life. She is dressed a beautiful gown with beautiful make up and ornaments. While Beast looks resplendent, they both dance in the absolutely resplendent ballroom which has been cleaned and scrubbed to its former glory.

Everyone in the castle feels the excitements of that moment. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


As the music rises, Belle bows. The beast bows in return. She offers him her hands -- and nervously, he takes them. They begin to dance, gliding across the ballroom – CAMERA sweeps up to see CARVED INSTRUMENTAL FIGURES -- VIOLIN, VIOLAS, HARP -- which have come to life and are playing accompaniment with CADENZA -- sparkling with polish. ANGLE ON BEAUTY AND THE BEAST -- in this moment, nothing in the world exists except each other. Despite his bulk, the beast is careful, gentle, graceful. The lights in the ballroom grow dim as he lifts her, spinning. Belle is swept away. ANGLE ON THE HOUSEHOLD STAFF -- watching in mounting hope and excitement. On top of Cadenza, Lumière puts an arm around Cogsworth, pulling him closer (p. 74).

In the castle, Belle is treated like a princess. She is respected by the household staff in the castle. They give Belle a beautiful welcoming dinner, offer her an amazing room and make a friend with Belle without thinking that Belle is odd. This moment shows that Belle has already reached her esteem need. Esteem need based on Maslow (1943) is a need of human being to get respect from others and feel confident of their reputation. In her past life, she is treated badly by her surroundings. Belle is labeled odd by most of the villagers. They mock Belle and think that Belle is a funny girl. Fortunately, Belle gets her dignity when she lives in the castle. She gets respect from the household staff and also Beast.

e. Self-actualization

In the castle, Belle finds happiness and free for herself. One moment which makes her amazed so much is when Beast shows his library. She likes reading books, which mean, library becomes one of what she fonds the most.

When she was in the village, the town’s library only has a couple dozen books in total, but, in the Beast’s library, she finds “The biggest grandest private library in all of France” (p. 77). The chamber is vast and lined floor to ceiling with book. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


All the more, Beast gives permission to Belle for reading all the books by saying

“well if you like it so much, then it yours” (p. 61). She is also surprised knowing that Beast likes to read and has much better knowledge than her. They both have similar fondness of books that make them spend much of their time together.

Belle’s proximity interaction to Beast starts when she wants to return

Beast’s kindness of saving her life. While taking care of Beast, Belle’s physiological needs are fulfilled here. Time by time, she finds the feeling of safety and comfort. Safety and comfort grow because she knows that Beast is kind and they have done some activities which make her feeling alive and having a friend. Comfort and safety grow to a desire to live together. None of Beast and household staff think she is odd or peculiar, even they treat Belle like a princess. Furthermore, she finds something she has been looking for all along on

Beast, a better life. She finds someone who has similar joy and fondness which make Belle can actualize herself.

The highest level of need hierarchy by Maslow is self-actualization. Self- actualization is the human desire to become what they want to be. Experience the feeling of bliss and satisfaction. Beast is the most influential person in reaching

Belle’s actualization. Spending time with Beast, makes Belle being the fullest form of herself. She can do what she wants to do without any insults, instead

Beast supports and helps her to do what she wants, such as exploring library to get books (p. 83).

Lives with Beast, makes Belle gets happiness. The presence of Beast in her life has already changed Belle’s life until she reaches the fullest form of herself. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


This situation leads Belle falls in love with Beast. She finds awareness, love, and bliss proved by the fact she gets all the five human needs from Maslow.

Through all of those things which experienced by Belle, it is concluded that the meaning of Belle’s love to Beast is a spiritual love. According to Byram

(1999), spiritual lover is the persons who accept others with all his/her limitations.

They do not only focus on the acceptance of human dilemmas, but also the harmonious of relationship. Belle’s love shows that love does not always come from the physical appearance. Belle finds her happiness and fulfils her needs with

Beast regardless of the physical, status, and story aspects of Beast. Her love to

Beast is pure. She does not think about who he is at all, but she likes to be with him. The goal of relation is not to get to know a person but the goal of relationship is to experience awareness, bliss, and love together.




This chapter consists of three sections. Those are conclusions, implication, and suggestions. The first section is concerned with the conclusion of the analysis.

The second is the implication of this research for education and the last section is suggestions for the future research and teacher especially for English teacher.

A. Conclusions

From the analysis that has been done, there are two main points that can be concluded. It is concluded based on the two research problems in this research.

The first problem is how Belle is described in the movie script of Beauty and the

Beast, and the second problem is the meaning of Belle’s love to Beast. From the analysis that has been done by the researcher, it is concluded that Belle is described as a brave, smart, and creative woman. While, there are two findings for the second research question. The first is the surface meaning and the second is the deeper meaning of Belle’s love to Beast. The surface meaning of Belle’s love is a romantic love which can be proved by the presence of intimacy and passion. However, the deeper meaning of Belle’s love to Beast is a spiritual love.

Belle loves Beast by the presence of Beast, she does not pay attention to Beast’s appearance, status, or story. She enjoys their togetherness which leads her to find her happiness and reach all of her needs.



B. Implication

Love story from Beast and Belle is an interesting thing for the researcher.

Through the story of Belle and Beast’s love, the researcher learns several things about love. Love is something that is hard to understand, like what Belle does in this story, she falls in love with Beast, who is ugly and awful. It teaches the researcher that love is not always based on the physical appearance, but the sense of comfort and security which come from partner can also bring up a love.

Literature is important for whoever learn about language, especially for the future teachers who will teach English language as the major field. The movie and movie script from this research can be used as one of the material to teach drama.

The movie script can be used as the script to play drama or as material to improve student’s reading comprehensive and vocabulary.

C. Suggestions

The suggestion consists of two parts. The first part is suggestions for the future researchers. In this research, the researcher only focuses on the meaning of love from Belle to Beast. There are some parts in the movie script which have not been discussed. One of the topics which has not been discussed is the meaning of love from Beast to Belle. Hence, for the future researchers who want to analyze this movie script, the researcher suggests them to analyze about the meaning of love from Beast to Belle.

The second part is suggestion for the readers. This research discusses about a man and a girl who searching their love. They have different status and significant fate. The man was a prince who is cursed being a Beast, while the girl PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


is a commonalty who has a beautiful appearance. At first Belle hates Beast so much, but then after they live together, Belle starts to have a feeling with Beast.

Therefore, The researcher suggest to the readers to find different perspective of love. Love does not only come from the physical appearance, love does not determine by the same fate or status, but love can grow from the actions and habits. Because love is not about having relation which is in line with our expectations, but love is about having relation which gives each other a sense of happiness and comfort.



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This story tells about love story between Belle and Beast. Belle lives in the small village only with her father because her mother died when she was child.

Belle is a special girl in the village. Beside she is the most beautiful girl in there, she also has different mindset which makes most of the villagers think she is odd.

Belle is brave, smart, and creative woman, but none of the villagers appreciate it, instead they mock her.

One day, her father named Maurice wants to go to the town to sell music boxes. He asks Belle for a request he should bring to her from the town. Same with previous years, Belle always wants a rose like a picture in their home.

Maurice promises her will bring the rose and goes away with his horse named

Philip. Everything go well until Maurice and Philip get lost in the forest. They go to the strange place which has snow in June and a cluster of starving wolf.

Maurice and Philip run as fast as they can to keep away from the wolf until they find an amazing castle but looks old and awful. Maurice and Philip enter the castle just to warm their body and take a rest for a while. Firstly, Maurice feels good to be there, but after he is frightened by Chip, he decides to leave the castle.

Unfortunately, on the way he goes to the gate, he sees a rose and remembers that he should bring a rose for his daughter. Maurice takes a rose from that castle which make Beast angry and punish him by putting Maurice to the jail. Beast was a greedy and arrogant prince who is cursed become a Beast by the enchantress.

The enchantress cursed the prince with all people who live in the castle because of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


prince’s bad attitude. The curse will only be broken if Beast finds someone who loves him back.

In the next morning, Philip goes back to the village and meets Belle. Belle is so panic finding Philip backs alone without her father. Without hesitation, she rides Philip and goes to save her father. Bella arrives to the castle and enters into the castle. She calls her father until she hears Maurice’s cough in the prison cell.

Belle feels sad and wants to replace Maurice’s place. In that place, for the first time Belle meets with Beast. With some negotiations and trick, finally she can replace Maurice’s place. Beast sets Maurice free but Belle is stuck in the prison cell. Maurice promises Belle that he will back to save her.

Fortunately, Belle gets kind of exclusive treatment in that castle. At first, she wants escape from the castle, but day by day Belle starts enjoying her time in the castle. All of the palace residents are so kind and funny which make Belle enjoys to be there. One day, Beast gets angry to Belle because she goes to the forbidden place in the castle. It frightenes Belle and makes her leaves the castle.

Belle leaves the castle by riding Philip into the forest which is full of starving wolf. When the wolfs are so near with Belle and Philip, suddenly Beast appears and helps Belle to fight with the wolf. Beast wins but he gets hurt, then Belle helps him to go back to the castle.

After that accident, Belle and Beast become closer and look like a couple.

They have similar hobbies and fondness which make them complete each other.

One day, Beast sets Belle free to meet Maurice which is suffer in the village.

Maurice tries to tell the villagers about Beast but no one believes him. Instead,


47 Gaston provokes the villagers to lock Maurice into the cage. Gaston is a famous, arrogant, and brainless guy in the village. He likes Belle and wants Belle to be his wife, but Maurice does not give his blessing.

Belle comes in the perfect time to save her father. She gives a witness and vision of Beast to make the villager believes. Gaston becomes angry and persuades the villagers to burn the castle and kill Beast. After Gaston and the villagers arrive in the castle, Gaston finds Beast and they have fight. Finally,

Beast wins and Gaston dies, but Beast gets injure due to his fight with Gaston.

Beast dying and laying in Belle’s arms. In that moment, she admits that she loves

Beast and kisses him. Suddenly, Beast turns into a charming prince followed by the transformation of all the palace residence into human again. The curse has been broken and the entire village celebrates it.





A.Stephen Chbosky

Stephen Chbosky was born on January 25, 1970 in Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania, USA. . He is the son of Lea, a tax preparer, and Fred G. Chbosky, a steel company executive and consultant to CFOs. He has a sister, Stacy, who is married to director John Erick Dawdle. He has been married to Liz Chbosky since

2010. Chbosky is an American novelist, screen writer and producer. His best- known movies are The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012), Beauty and the Beast

(2017) and Wonder (2017). Chbosky wrote the screenplay and directed the movie

The Perks of Being a Wallflower, based on his novel. The production took place in mid-2011, and the movie was released in fall 2012. Chbosky was nominated in the Best Adapted Screenplay category for the 2013 Writers Guild Awards, and the movie won the 2013 Independent Spirit Awards for Best First Feature. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Chbosky re-wrote Evan Spiliotopoulos's original script for the 2017 live action reboot of Disney's Beauty and the Beast, directed by and starring Emma Watson as Belle. Chbosky and Watson has already developed a close relationship during the production of The Perks of Being a Wallflower. The adaptation was faithful to the original 1991 animated movie Beauty and the Beast, with all the original musical numbers included. The movie was released on March

17, 2017.

In May 5, 2016, it was announced that Chbosky signed on to direct

Wonder which was co-written by Chbosky, Jack Thorne, and Steve Conrad in which it was based on the 2012 novel of the same name by R. J. Palacio. The film starred Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson, and Jacob Tremblay. The movie was released on November 17, 2017.



B. Evan Spiliotopoulos

Spiliotopoulos was born in Greece and graduated from high school there.

Soon after, he moved to the United States and attended the University of

Delaware to get an undergraduate degree in movie theory; he then attended

American University for a master's degree in Screenwriting. After moving to Los

Angeles in 1995, his first job in the industry was in a television film Trial by Fire as an intern.

Evan Spiliotopoulos is a Greek-American screenwriter who best known for writing Hercules, Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure and Beauty and the Beast.

He also wrote the script for the movie The Huntsman: Winter's War. In 2014,

Spiliotopoulos re-wrote the screenplay for the action-adventure fantasy movie

Hercules, which original written by Ryan J. Condal. The movie was directed by

Brett Ratner which released on July 25, 2014 by .

Spiliotopoulos wrote the screenplay of action-adventure fntasy movie The

Huntsman: Winter's War, along with Craig Mazin, and rewritten by Frank PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


Darabont. Cedric Nicolas-Troyan directed the movie, which was released on April

22, 2016 by .

His last career in the industry was when Spiliotopoulos and Stephen

Chbosky wrote ' live action musical romantic fantasy movie

Beauty and the Beast, which was directed by Bill Condon. The film was released on March 17, 2017.





Educational level : University Study Program : English Language Education Study Program Subject : Drama Semester IV Credit : 2 credits Time Allocation : 2 x 50 minutes

A. Objectives

Reading Skills

o Students are able to identify the characters and setting of the story.

o Students are able to answer the comprehensive questions.

o Students are able to present their analysis work in front of the class.

B. Learning Materials

o The material is taken from Beauty and the Beast movie script.

C. Learning Media

o Media: Power Point Presentation, Movie script.

o Tools: Laptop, LCD, Projector, Whiteboard, Board marker.

D. Learning Method

o Cooperative Language Learning that can be seen from the group discussion

in which the students can work with others in a group and learn from one to



E. Learning Activities

Time Section Activities Allocation

- Greeting and praying. - 3’ - Introducing the new material, - 5’ Beauty and the Beast movie Set Induction script. - Divide students into five groups. - 2’

- Students read Beauty and the - 30’ Beast movie script. - Students analyze the content and - 20’ do the exercise of comprehensive question based on the movie script. Core Activities - Students discuss the answers in - 10’ group. - Each group presents their answer - 20’ to the class and gets feedback from the lecturer.

- Students can conclude what they - 5’ have learn from the material. - Students review their - 5’ understanding about the material Set Closure they have learned, Beauty and the Beast movie script. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI




A. Activity

1. Read carefully the movie script of Beauty and the Beast!

2. Make a group of 4 – 5 students and answer the questions!

3. Present your answer in front of the class!

B. Questions

Answer these questions below to check your understanding!

1. Who are the main characters found in the play? How have they been described/ characterized in the play?

2. Where is the setting for the play? (time and place)



3. Explain how Belle falls in love with the Beast!

4. Is there any moral value you can learn from the play? What is it?