One Boy Killed
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GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1976 2_IJ...Nh,_ c..Yeg.¢ 30 Pacjes_Two Sections--Section One ' RECEI HDLIHB Tragedy Strikes,on a Sunny Day One Boy Killed, [Pay BooOverst of the ITwo Others Hurt llOPercent Grosse Polnte News In Hit _ and tt Run , ,Depar, t- m• n t' s History ThursdayApril, I$ Suspect Arrested in Incident Which Occurred Comes fo a KEGOV.N kickWILLIAMed off the pMetiIIti.,LIon- Along Lakeshoreroad; Police Believe 10-Year- C- lose, campaign Wednesday to Old Park Cyclist Died Instantly at Scene place controversial legisl.a- By Susan McDonald lion banning most throwaway A hit-and-run driver killed one boy and in- The longest negotiation beverage containers on the jured two others Monday afternoon, April 19, as l sesslon in the history of November ballot. In a care- they rode their bikes eastbound along Lakeshore the department e n d e d mony in his office, Guy. MillS- road. Riding single file and near the curb, the boys' Monday, April 19, when ken put the first si.gnattzreon were struck from behind at Lakeshore and Moran arbitrator d u 11i a n A. initiative petitions being air- by a late model four-door ear straddling the curb Cook awarded G r us s e culated by the Michigan Un- ited Conservation Clubs and near Lake St. Clair, Pointe City firefighters csoamesid thelamweas, wurille, ifconistebreve- eyAewitfternessstresiking._a_tdhetheboyscar, pro batio_ ianncreeastiseminatetdhei13rconpertrcact.ent energy, create jobs and serve sped away and went over on ,o • , , approximately 400 feet,.. be. Schedules for an increase in base o.,,gal. fore swervingback onto the New Sessl ary from $J.4,0_0 to $15,_)0, INDIAFriday,TOOKAprilA 16FIRST roadover. stPolicethe fIontrcedersectitheon earof O_, had been a hot item during step Thursday toward apos- Lakeshore and Kerby road. sible rapprochement with Dead at the scene was h4eny ,to Participate in bargai$125ningatperSeSsi°nS'daduriyngWeretheSet ii!_ China, saying it will send an Steve Salkowski, '10, of Hat. Tre[mngo_ Volunteers first 20 duty days,.After that r ambassador to Peklni[/or the yard road, Over Five-Week time the men wilt be compen. firsttime sincethetwo coun. pl_tobyTom_ri_,_wood GivesAe,_aat satedwith one extraday oft tries fought a border war in Tragedy struck on a warm, sunny Monday while riding their bikes on Lakeshore road. Steve Injured and taken to Saint Period _eg|nnlng for each o v e r t i m e day _V_Sy 6 h19-a6v2.e AmajorrapproachemeImpact ntethroouldugh- afternoon, April 19, when one boy was killed and Sa!kowski, I0, of Harvard road, was killed in. John Hospital were Billy worked, Th|_ excludes hours out the region, where Peking! two others • were injured by a hit-and-run driver stantly. road,Tromblaey,nd Jamte12, of WasBurke,hingto11n , The GrossePointeVol- cwallorkeded twohenbattfllreefigahterfires arein and Moscow compete/or t_e ofMuir ,road.They were firstunteerP rob ation Pro- progress. oou.,r,. .o.oe er s s use s n e at nstructors liminoster ininjdstauries blconditiandelaterwithre. ongram will begina new OthIncreaseser said the two g0vernments Cent A k Prop d Fi hi g Pi r I leued to their families, training session for eel- Longevity increments were wduorinrkedg touhreet themoarrangnths ofemednist- Citizens •to La k e Frunt P ar k Un der Giyen Slip s largeThe mdriverale,_0a'sMunateersy 8. on Thur s d[_y, yIncearrease, wditfrhoma maxi$20 tomum$25 peorf, o.and..,o..Peki._,_ ng. _o,_, Aid Drive ' W oods Offici a ls Board resi.oMsu._ted arresby flu'ret andpolihacde tooffi-be flI*ee.weewill ktaperike podlace, anoverd wiall "_H, oliorda1y5payyears,willIncrease i • * * ' Study by By , eers. Hit name was with. prepare volunteers for as. from a fiat rate of $386 per Saturday, April 1Z THZ L_DZ._ GOVERN-War Memorial Reports Several Decisions• WlJl Haveto Be Made Before Mass Layo_s Largestin uledheldbyarraignmentpolice untilonhiszched,a man. sig.nmeoffenders.nt yearalso towill$400,receCityive f!refl$200ghteprers MENT announceda new plan CampaignCurrently .Project _ecomes e RealityC;ityEngineer System'sl'-fistory:List slaughtercharge Tuesday, are triedinPointemunicipal man reimbursementforfood, Friday that would attempt kegs Over $5,000 Reports fO Counc;J on Necessary Re- Teaohe_ ,_eoted April 20, (.after press time), e o u r t s and subsequently In past years they received to halt the nation's rampag- Behind Last Year's quirements on Application Front By AcHo¢I '/'he accident occurred at placed on probation, nothing. * ' approxlmatel4:1y 5p.m. and The meetingsarescheduled Insurance coverage,(acci- i binagnnipongpulaeationrly marexprilagoseios n anbyd Returns : _a By Susan McDonald was.... the fh'st traffic fatality to be held from 8.10 p.m. dental death and dismember- _. allowing states to go ahead " Whether a proposed fishing pier at the Lake in The Farms this year. every Thursday in May and ment), was increased from With the" world'._/irst eore- Following an excellent Front Park beeom-es a reality .depends on several In a budget,eht_ing el- _ .An. eyewitness from St. the first Thursday In June. $2000 to $10,0001The city klso "'i! pulsory : sterilization la@s. start,.the War Memoria!!s jdecisigns which will have to be made by Woods fort, ,a/m_'_ -at_enabling Cla/r Slame,, driving behind They WKlbe held In the eoun. w_lJpick up a 22 pe_ent In. .... The, klan's key .provision ThePointe public schools the hit-and,run veldele, said ell ©humbert of The Woods crease in the present Blue ! wduld :"raise" _h_: minimum ig_6:Annual_oFam!!y:Par_ !_fficia-ls'iA reportgn ,the(proposal f.rom CitY: Eng,- to_ !operate,_Z_t¢:_.y_ar _e boys'- were 'rld/alr slnllle. Mt_akipal Building, _ Cross coverage, wRh !1o in- nder Lacrence FLPate_:viewing the necessary steps without a millage in- file wtth the truffle next to Mack avenue, marriage _/ge from 1_ t0 lS t/eipation Cailqpaign is which would have'to,be taken before construction crease _,the Boa_ of Edu- the curb when they were crease in benefits accruing for women and from 18 to 21 lagging behind Ifist year's could begin, was referred to the Committee of the struck from behind. To Give Overview to the men. 'On retirdment, i for men. The new plan also The boys, one on one bike providesincreasedfinanciarleturns despite the need Whole and the CitizensRecreation Commission for cation announced the Program directorJean An. The Citywas directedto pay incentivesfor those being for $I0,000'more in the further study at the regular council meeting Men- dismissalof 162 teachers and two on the other,were datsunsaid,"At theopening $25 a month _owards hos_ sterilizevold untarily,penal- goal figure of. $135,000,day, April 5. at itc Monday, April 12, thrown Intotheairfrom the sessionon May 6 volunteerpltallzatiinonsurance. "The next stepis to have $I00,0007a"nd "Is it worth meeting, forceof the impact. After Terry Cuson, former dlrec- The contractisretroactlvc ipzeersfsormtateanswitce hapoornd Center bfficials, both the CitizenRsecreationit?" regardingthe planned The mass layoffst,helarg._trlkintheg boys,_e witnesstot,willgleean overviewof to June 30,1975. c re a se d representatioinn To date $66,902,50has Commission and the council$'100,000expenditure".Do we gestin the system'shistory,_butaidtshpedecarawayneverfromhesitatethe d,rtolhe ofstatutoprobatiorypun, rtphoesebeannde. Calls It "Costly" Parliament for growing pop- been received ,from 3,358 determine whether or not to build the pier and say this is will reduce the teaching staff ulation centers, donor_ in comparison to $72,- go ahead with the pier, and it? Or do we build it in seg- by more than one.quarter, scene, leaving a hubcap from tits of criminal social work Union president, Lt, Tim • * * 068.85 fa'om 3,618 donors in theCityamountAdmintiostratcrbe spentCheste," saidr costimentsng $wi100th ,000theandfirsatddsttageo it savingThe Boardabout $_has75,00i0.ndicated the rightDryerr.earAtrrceire gbehit_ nd, , 'betwand eethen ethessentiaGrel asedifferencePolnte Chbasamicapilly,ne, satisaidsfiethed mweinthwerethe Sunday/ April i8 1975. E_ Petersen. in the future?" that most of the teachers The eyewRness stopped to Volunteer Program and other package, which he calculated THE PRESIDENT OF THE Will Take Time would be rehired by next aid the boys along the road. probation departments." to be a 13.2 percent increase, 47,000 member United'Rub- Follow-up letters and re- This january, the council ber Workers union said• Sat. mittance envelopes .are in the authorized .Mr. Pate to for- For his own part, he stated, September. if additional mill- wOanse quietboy wasand cshakeryingn.inStevepain MiAtchaelthiFers rensamce,e a mseessimboenr, oHef twheoulnond h.eaveconolmikedic toissuhavees, urday that the u-nion and mail to aU Pomte families themulatepier,engiwhineerch,h_asg prplaonposes ford, "oHr wea _li;.tcoulled megetrei,t foI'dr $1boeo,000in- amgeountof isapassedyet unindiscthelosJuedne whileappearedthe to otherbe dead,younshgsterow- ofWoodsthe Publboaridc, SwiaflletydelOinfficeeater seensuch masorheirimovng emena replt aceinmentsome tire i n d u s t r y negotiators who have not as yet respond- would cost a maximum of dined to go ahead." 14 election, ins no pulse or signs of reg. the area covered by law an. for Lt. Parnell D'ltooghe, were "still far .apart" in ed to the annual appeal. $100,000, and research the While noting the $!00,000 Not Alter Position plration. Police believe he forcement departments of the who retired last June. reaching a contractsettle. _community,proceduresofar- merit. Pete Bommarito made Express Hope project at a cost not to ex- has been tentatively set aside The administration had fled instantly.' the comment after conferring Easter being late this ceed $2,000.