Library Horizons Spring 2005
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The Art ofBooks: UNIVERSITY LIBRARIE.5 LEADS THE WAY IN NEW DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP ON NINETEENTII-CENTURY P ublishirs' ~ indings O nlin!Z DECORATIVE BOOK BINDINGS I 8 I 5 - 1950: th~ ~ rt of S ook$ ublisherl Bindi11g1Online, 1815-1930: the AnofBooks (PBO) is a three-year digital project funded by the Jnsrirutc of Museum and Library Services. This national leadership grant• funded project allows for the development ofa cutting-edge resource relating co the study ofnineteenth- and eady-twencieth-ccntury American book covers and related materials. The lead insritution for this project, University Libraries ar the Univcrsicy ofAlabama. is parmcring with the University ofWisconsin-Madison General Library Syscem co develop this bo untiful digital resource. T he Thtgmphirft11tlfrrd htrr u from 1hr vast majority of che works chosen ht!f>://bindings.lih.lf11.tdlf home }N(Rf· from the University ofAlabama, Th, de.tig11 far th, bi11dilfgs wthsilrj,al11m including rare Confederate de/ailsfro111 book.I lfml i11 th, proj,r/. imprints published by Goer-t.el Thur i11didt!1111I1q11al"tJfo,·n, '1 patrhu,ork in Mobile, are from the William that /m'11g1 lo 111wd II quill motif. The Stanley Hoole Special Collecrions book.J 111(d in tht projrrl npre1t11/ dijftte11f 1lesig111 ,md 1!Jlts~ rolors. tlNJ11tJ, Library. Scholars and srudencs in ml{/j>tlllems. numerous areas ofstudy, the K- 12 community, and the general Left to Righi: Tru1h Dexter public have found this project ro be both and informative. IN 1111, l \\lll (l.J11/1, /Jrou'I/ and Co11,p,,1!), I90I). Funded in September 2003, chis project has brought together via Tbit si111pl, desif.n is 110111p,d In gold, the World Wide Web a collection ofbook bindings in a searchable • Oecorative Book Jellou1 ,111dgne,1 mid btor, /Ix du(~ntri database with several value-added componenrs co facilitate the study Jig,1nllfr,. A Warickshirc L,d: The Bindings ofthese works. Upon completion in September 2006. rhe database Story of the l!oyhood of Willian, Shakespeare (D Applr/011 ,111d Co., will contain up to 5000 tides and ar lease twice as many images. • Harper Lee Visits Hoole /916). TbiJ bf11di,,g, drs[t11ed l?J !ht Rich information about the books as physical objects, along with /J11ornlfi, /)r1ig11er,, "prolijirJim, teaching tools. research cools, and information about the place of of this ,m, is !JPirt1fof !ht hindi11gs nincrecnch- and rwentieth-ceniury books in American hisrory and • Let's Talk About It! frr,111 !hr rorf, 20th .-,11111,y, "11011·11 culmre will be included. • Serving the Black Belt lls ,ht"" of tbt de.rignrr bi,11/i11f. , The project looks ar books that were published in the United 10111tti111u k1101r11 as /he G!mgJ111 Ro1t. Stares from 1815 to I 930, the era ofthe "publishers' binding." Hubert's Wife:,\ S,ory For You [t\ During this period, binding, which had once been provided by Somhern Otrholic Story) (Kr11r4J • Legendary Voice bookbinders o nly on an individual basis, became a standard part of Mel Allen and Sons. ra. 1880}-This i11/ntn/f the initial publishing process. The result is a body ofmaterials thar • Technology Helps Users hi11dhf$/tlll11re1 g,,:(}111tlrir, ftoml. and n-bt11 is ojie11 rolled diagpnnl or ZfJ"' represents many things ro many people. Scl1olars and students in a • Resource for duig,111. II is rrprr.smfillil't ef lfx broad range ofacademic pursuits relating to American history and High School Students tlalJOrole Virlori11J1 1tylr. culture can use these works to gain an understanding ofaspects of • Dinah! nineceench-cenn,ry American li fe. The comprehensive contro lled vocabulary created for chis project has provided a pathway co • BUILT for Sciences undemanding the visual iconography ofAmerican history and life. • McLurc Gift Elements represented include Westward expansion and the Civil • Donors War, the development ofleisurc time and activities, the Victorian era. and some ofthe earliest examples ofAmerican influence on • Development News Europea n design. T he bindings provide countless exan1ples ofdecorative motifs, • New Space in Gorgas reflecting the evolution ofgraphic and commercial design in • New Faculty Welcomed America. During this period, sometimes c.illed "America's firsr ice Bindi11gs, pn_~e 2 HARPER LEE Vrsrrs UNIVERSI1Y LIBRARIES ery few authors have had as great an impact on the literary world or on humankind as a whole as has Harper Lee. With Vone novel she caused a ripple that has been felt around rhe world fo r the past fon:y-five years. To Kill a Mockingbird brought Harper Lee a Prize and an Oscar. Mock ingbird has been translated inro more than forry languages. and Lee's book was deemed by an American Library Association poll to be the greatest novel of rhc twentieth cen tury. On January 28, 2005, Ms. Lee, a Mon roeville, Alabama, native and University Four tditious ef Horprr Lrrl inlrmotional!, of Alabama graduate, visited the William be/01.,d no,./, To Kill , Mockingbird from tht Stanley Hoole Special Collections Library lf-'.S. HOble Sp,rial Coll<ttio111 Ubrn,J'~ Al"bnm11 in conjunction with the To Kill fl Mock Coll,ttio11: A DMi1h-l,1111s11,,g, ,diJio11, Dracb i11gbird state-wide essay contest. The con ikkc en sangfugl (!up,rsr11 og Pio, For!"!., I 963). d D11trh-ln11g1111gr rdition, Spaar de Spmvogels, test is spo nsored by the University of Alabama Honors College and (/l1flslrrdi1111 Bork. 196?), 1h, Iippi11ro11fir11 several other units of the University, including University Libraries. editio11 (1960), ,111d t/J, &bk Sodrly ediJio11. High school juniors were invited to contribute essays relating to the message of To Kill fl Mockingbird and what it means to chem. Ms. Lee joined the winners for lunch and a ceremony at the Presidem's Mansion, fo llowed by a reception Bindings, co11ti1111ed.fro111 page 1 and book signing at the Hoole Li brary. Ms. Lee graciously met the century," Europe began to sociation and the American studenrs, signt-d copies ofher book look to the Unired Scates for Association for History and for them, and offered words ofen inspiration, rather than the Computing. It was featured on couragement to budding authors. reverse. The website features the University ofAlabama home This was Harper Lee's thi rd visit to numerous derailed images from page. An image from the proj Hoolc Library for this event. bindings in the project, which ect was also used as University The Hoole Library's Alabama are presenred in a patchwork Libraries' 2004 holiday card. Collection houses several editions quilt motif. Information On March I, 2005, the of To Kill a Mockingbird, including about the design movements first versio n ofthe darabase was several foreign tra.nslations and first and many other aspects of the made available to the public. Abol'r: Jls. U't 1111d Dtn11 L.l)lui editions. A small display, exhibited project will be highlighted With 377 records available so J>it1th111a1111 Jhn11'11g ,, IPl((b, as part of chis event, featured rare in additional teaching and far, the site has much 10 offer. editio ns of To Kill II Mockingbird research cools, wdl as through B,loll': A pimm.fro,,, Jhe CoroUa as Updates to the site will be along with materials from Harp• comprehensive rutorials and ftnt11n'11g Ltt and 111r111btn of lht made continuously, including Rammer J:unmcr 11,iff. As a 1t11dmt er Lee's years as a srudent ar the image galleries that serve noc additional records and value "'1hr u,,;,.,,;!J nj A/a/J(J(1/(I, L« University of Nabama. Included only to entertain, but also to added materials. For further u·rwJor·n1e Crimson White ""d among the University of Alabama educate readers. These medium• information about the project, ll'tll tditorof Rammer J:immcr, ,m memorabilia on display were writ rare books are chose char will contact Jessica Lacher-Feldman, U11it'c'l"ll!}I h11111or 111,w,z.inr. ings and images from publications seem familiar and are found in PBO project manager, at such as Rammerj,1111111er. many homes. E'ew, however, [email protected]. !'lease be the Corolla, and The have been considered for their sure to visit http://bindings.lib. Crimson l'<lhite. important historical and and rake advantage of culrural value. }rtsica Lul1rr-Frld11um this exciting and innovative new p11bli, ,md ommul, srroitrs The project is being publi resource. roordinator. cized in many ways. It has been Jas.i,11 L11ch<r-FtMm11n \W. S. Hool, Sp«ial Collm,om highlighted in presentations libr,111 publie (lttd oturrarh srrr,ius coordimm,r. ar national conferences, such \W. S. Hool, Sp,rinl Collmio,u libmry as the A mcrican Historical As- 2 Tfff l.' ~l\' E.RS I TY OP \l. ABAM!\ 111\R \RII S BRUNO LIBRARY SERVES BLACK BELT COUNTIES he Alabama Entrepreneurial Research Nerwork (A.ERN) is a project designed Tto encourage economic development in the Black Belt counties of Alabanu. The project equips local chambers of commerce wirh resources and training char allow them co offer support ro area residents in forming and developi ng small businesses. Initially funded by a grant from rhe Alabama Legislature, rhe projecr was launched by the Center for Business and Economic Resea rch and the Small Busines.~ Developmcnr Cenrer, boch unirs of the Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Adminisrration ar the Universiry of Alabama. The Angelo Bruno Business Library quickly became che third parmer in che project and now plays a major role in the project's ongoing activitles. LET'S TALK ABOUT IT! The seven cu rrent members of A.ERN arc chambers of commerce rom Tevye the Ddiryman co Americd11 Pastoral, Jewish serving cou nties Ii-om Greene to literature has given us a lor co ralk about.