Context. Contacts. Access. A Reporter’s Guide 2nd edition 2015 to the *

*German | [email protected] | @cleanenergywire

A note from CLEW

The Energiewende is turning many parts commitment to working towards reducing

of German society upside down. Watched CO2 emissions in order to limit man-made closely from abroad, this generational . project provides a wealth of exciting and important stories. Yet researching an effort The CLEW “Reporter’s Guide to the Energie- Sven Egenter of such scale in a foreign country and wende” gives journalists a starting point for Carel Carlowitz Mohn Editor in Chief language is a difficult job even for the most their work. It highlights the main storylines Dir. Media Programmes seasoned reporter. This is compounded of the energy transition and provides lists by the complexity of the technology and of experts and links to key readings. Our economics behind in general. website offers more in-depth information and contacts, and our A strong fact-based and critical journalism daily news digest keeps readers in the loop Kerstine Appunn is essential to inform the international po- about the debates and events surrounding Eva Freundorfer Correspondent litical debate about how to best decarbo- the Energiewende. We also organise jour- Programme Officer nise the global economy. The Clean Energy nalist workshops to give a first-hand view of Wire CLEW wants to support journalists in the transformation. But most importantly, their work. Fully funded by two non-profit we offer support with any questions you foundations – Stiftung Mercator and the might have - so please don't hesitate to get European Climate Foundation – we enjoy in touch. Sören Amelang full independence from any business or Sandra Suck Correspondent political interests. We share our funders’ Sven Egenter and the Clean Energy Wire team Assistant Calendar 3

#Energiewende - Dates 2015/2016 2015 2016 1 – 2 October Early 2016 Internatonal Conference on Climate Acton ICCA 2015 in HANOVER. Energy ministry expects combined heat and power law to take efect. 7 October 19 – 21 January Webinar "Understanding the Energiewende", Agora Energiewende. Handelsblat Annual Conference 2016 in BERLIN. 15 October 3 February Announcement of next year’s surcharge Vatenfall presents full-year report. paid by consumers with their power bills. 23 – 24 February 27 October BDEW – Smart Renewables 2016 conference in BERLIN. Vatenfall reports quarterly results. March 27 – 29 October Cabinet to decide on reform of renewable energy act, including contentous tendering. IEA – Internatonal Energy Agency’s Conference 2015 in BERLIN. 8 March 28 October RWE presents full-year report. German-French Dialogue about Energy transiton in BERLIN. 9 March November E.ON presents full-year report. The economy ministry plans adopton of the new power market law in cabinet. 13 March Report on efects of new aucton process for solar parks. Electons in the federal states of Baden-Würtemberg, Rhineland Palatnate, 3 November and Saxony-Anhalt. Congress “Decentralised Generaton” in COLOGNE. 21 March 11 -13 November EnBW presents full-year report. E.ON, RWE and ENBW report quarterly results. Spring 2016 16 – 17 November Energy ministry expects legislatve process for new power market law to be completed. German Energy Agency (dena) Energy Efciency Congress in BERLIN. Internatonal “Energy Transiton Dialogue 2016”, in BERLIN. 17 – 18 November 20 April ETG-Congress, Power Engineering Society, Die Energiewende – RWE annual shareholder’s meetng. Blueprint for the new energy age, in BONN. 25 – 29 April 30 November – 11 December “Energy - Solutons for a market in transiton” – Hanover Messe. UN Climate Summit in PARIS. Summer 2016 3-4 December German parliament and federal assembly vote on reform of Renewable Energy Act. Utlity Forum “Decommissioning and Demoliton of Fossil-Fuel Power Plants 7 – 9 June for Utlites 2015”, BERLIN. BDEW Congress 2016 – Conference on energy markets and energy policy in BERLIN. 4 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#Energiewende - Contacts

… for ofcial statements Fraunhofer ISE Federal Ministry for Economic Afairs and Energy (Bundesministerium research insttute and publisher of electricity producton für Wirtschaf und Energie – BMWi) data. Also see their data and graphs on +49 30 18 615 6121, [email protected] - +49 761 4588-5147, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservaton, Building Renewable Energies Agency (AEE) and Nuclear Safety (Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau +49 30 200 535 52, [email protected] - und Reaktorsicherheit – BMUB) +49 30 18 305 2010, [email protected] - … for industry comment … for latest data and research German Associaton of Energy and Water Industries (Bundesverband AG Energiebilanzen der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaf BDEW) Energy market research group. ’s largest energy industry associaton. +49 251 488 23 15, [email protected] - +49 30 300 199 1160, [email protected] - VKU - German Associaton of Local Utlites Insttute for Applied Ecology (Öko-Insttut) Representng the many local and regional utlites (Stadtwerke) Sustainable development consultancy and research insttute. in Germany. +49 30 58580-226, [email protected] - +49 761 45295 224, [email protected] - BDI – Federaton of German Industries Agora Energiewende +49 30 2028-1565, [email protected] - focusing on dialogue with energy policymakers. BEE – German Renewable Energy Federaton +49 30 284 4901 10, [email protected] - +49 30 275 81 70-16 [email protected] - German Insttute for Economic Research (Deutsches Insttut für … for a list of over 120 experts and insttutons with insights into Wirtschafsforschung – DIW) the Energiewende, see DIW’s energy, transportaton and environment, and climate policy depart- ments study the economics and politcs of climate change and energy. +49 30 89789 249, [email protected] - Contacts & Sources 5

#Energiewende - Reading in English

Federal Ministry for Economic Afairs and Energy - BMWi (2014) Agora Energiewende (2013) 12 Insights on Germany’s The energy of the future: First “energy transiton” progress report - Energiewende summary The government’s monitoring report provides an overview of the current status of reforms. It is published every three years and Agora Energiewende (2015) The Energiewende in the power assesses what measures have already been implemented and what sector: State of afairs 2014 A review of signifcant developments efect they are having. and an outlook for 2015.

Expert commission on the “Energy of the future” monitoring process AGEB (2014) Evaluaton tables on the energy balance 1990 to 2013 (2014) Statement on the frst progress report by the German gover- nment for 2013 - summary. Andreas Löschel et al. analyse the efects Foreign Ofce (2015) Who is Who of the Energiewende in of measures taken so far to achieve the government’s Germany Brochure of contacts in politcs, industry and society. reducton targets. DIW (2015) Deep Decarbonisaton in Germany A Macro-Analysis BMWi (2014) Second monitoring report “Energy of the future" of Economic and Politcal Challenges of the Energiewende. Overview of the progress and challenges of reforms in the felds of energy efciency, renewable energies, power plants, electricity grids, UBA (2015) Natonal Trend Tables for the German Atmospheric and energy . Emission Reportng

BMWi (2014) Overview of legislaton governing Germany's UBA (2014) Submission under the United Natons Framework system Key strategies, acts, directves, and Conventon on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol 2013 regulatons/ordinances. - A website/blog, funded by the Heinrich Böll Federal Ministry for the Environment - BMUB (2014) Climate protec- Stfung, explaining what the energy transiton is, how it works, and ton in fgures Facts, trends and incentves for German climate policy. what challenges lay ahead. 6 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#Energiewende - Targets

The Energiewende is Germany’s transiton to a low-carbon and nuclear-free economy. The government has set specifc targets for the growth of renewables and cutng carbon emissions, some of which reach decades into the future. It has also decided to take all plants ofine by 2022.

Feed-in-tarifs have been key for the rapid growth of renewa- The energy transiton is a gigantc project with countless play- bles in Germany, which made investments in green electricity ers that will leave few aspects of Germany’s economy and producton proftable. This instrument, which has been intro- society untouched. Already, there are winners and losers: Big duced in many other countries around the world, spurred utlites’ traditonal business models have been hit hard while the constructon of large-scale wind and solar parks, but also consumers and some businesses are concerned about higher allowed ordinary citzens to partcipate by putng solar panels electricity costs. The industry frst benefted from the on their roofs, or by forming energy cooperatves. nuclear phase-out, but its future is now uncertain as the go-

vernment steps up its eforts to cut CO2 emissions. At the same The result is a radical reshaping of the energy system. The tra- tme, entrely new industries have sprung up. ditonal model of centralised power generaton that responds to consumer demand is being replaced by diverse sources of Renewables already cover more than a quarter of Germany’s energy that fuctuate with the weather. This presents huge power consumpton and their rise is set to contnue apace. challenges – not least for grid and the power With the world watching, it remains to be seen if and how one market design. While so far mainly focused on electricity, the of the world’s largest industrialised economies can lead the Energiewende will also have to transform other sectors like way to a greener future. transport and constructon if targets are to be met. Planning the energy transiton 7

Quantitative targets of the energy transition

-22.6 % -40 % Reduce -55 % greenhouse gas -70 % emissions -80-95 % 60 % 100 % 77.4 % 45 % 30 %

Reduce Increase electricity % share of consumpton 35 50 65 80 renewables 96.8 % 100 % 90 % % % % 75 % % -20 % Reduce -50 % Increase energy % share of consumpton 30 45 60 renewables 96.2 % 100 % 80 % 18 % % % 50 % %

Reduce heat requirement 100 % 100.8 % 80 % Reduce fnal energy consumpton

in transport 100 % 101 % 90 % 60 % 6 mn Increase number of e-cars 1 mn 0.013 mn 1990 2005 2008 2013 2020 2030 2040 2050

Source: BMWi, 2014. 8 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#Energiewende - Key Figures

44.4 mn 18,948 912 mn 20.6 28.8 ct/kWh 92 % 81 % Passenger Electric cars tonnes Average household power of Germans be- of Germans cars registered registered = Greenhouse 2007 and 2015 – thereof 6.17 ct/ lieve embarking approve of in Germany 0.04% (01/2015) gas emissions kWh renewable surcharge in 2015. on the Energie- the nuclear (01/2015) in 2014 wende was the phase-out 56 35 €/MWh right decision in (2015) - 27 % Average wholesale power price principle (2015) (base-load) in 2007 and 2014. Fall in green- 46 % - 67 % house gas ̴ €20 bn Share of Share price emissions Support paid to renewable development 1990-2014 renewables from EEG power capacity of the biggest 371,400 21,089 surcharge on power owned by utlites E.ON Number of Number of bills in 2014 citzens (2012) and RWE over people em- people em- alone past 7 years 11.1 % ployed in the ployed in the renewables brown coal Share of sector (2013) industry (2015) renewables in 3.6 % 26.2 % primary energy consumpton Renewables share in German (2014) 38.6 % 57 % power generaton 1990 and 20144) €39.5 bn - 11 % of all natural of 27.8 % Spending on Decrease in gas imports to imports to energy saving fnal energy 15 minutes Share of Germany came Germany came measures consumpton Average power outage in 2013 renewables in from from Norway in residental for heatng in (Compare – France: 60 min; UK: 55 gross power (2014) (33%) and the buildings private house- min; Poland: 254 min; Denmark: 14 consumpton Netherlands in 2013 holds 2008-2013 min; Canada: 280 min) (2014) (24%) (2014)

Sources: AGEB; BMUB Progress Report; BDEW; UBA; BAFA; EEX; DEBRIV; Trend Research/Leuphana;; E.ON; Insttute of Economic Structures Research (GWS)/(BMWi); PwC survey; KBA. Germany's power producton and emissions 9

Development of gross power production 1990-2014 in TWh Mineral Oil 700 1 %Others 4.3 % 600 Wind onshore Hard coal 8.9 % 17.8 % 500 0.2 % Wind ofshore

400 Hydropower Renewable 3.3 %

TWh Lignite 300 Energies 25.4 % 26.2 % 7 % 200 % share in 2014 % share Natural gas 100 9.5 % Nuclear 15.8 % 5.7 % 0 Photovoltaic 1 % 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2014 Biowaste

Emission trends for Germany since 1990 1,400 1,200 953 Energy Industries 1,000 910 912 Transport 800 Target 2020 Industry 600 Target 2030 Agriculture 400 Households Other equivalent in million tonnes equivalent

2 200 Waste CO 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2014 2020 2030

Sources: AG Energiebilanzen 2015; UBA 2015. 10 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#Climate and CO2 #Fossil fuels Climate targets force Germany to tackle coal

© hansenn/fotolia

Renewable energy sources have expanded rapidly since the CO2 emissions easing in 2014, leading some analysts to predict introducton of the Renewable Energy Act in 2000, but German beter years ahead and others to point out that much of the re- carbon emissions have not always fallen in step. Afer 2009, ducton was due to the warm weather. Environmentalists warn emissions even rose slightly as power generaton from coal- that conventonal power plants, especially those fred with coal, fred power statons soared to levels above 1990. To keep from stll pose threats to Germany’s emissions targets. This year, the missing its own greenhouse gas reducton targets, the gover- Ministry for Economic Afairs and Energy wants to pass legis- nment presented its “Climate Acton Programme” at the end laton that could oblige the oldest brown coal plants to reduce of last year, a package of additonal measures aimed at cutng operatng tmes or even to shut down, as they would have to emissions. Shortly afer, new data showed power usage and pay a “climate levy” if emitng CO2 above a certain limit. Directory #Climate and CO2 #Fossil fuels 11

#Climate and CO2 #Fossil fuels Contacts Reading

Patrick Graichen, Agora Energiewende Agora Energiewende (2015) Turnaround for the Energiewende Climate targets force Germany to tackle coal Press contact: +49 30 2844901-10, [email protected] Agora Energiewende (2014) The German Energiewende and its climate paradox Claudia Kemfert, DIW Fraunhofer ISE (2015) Energy charts +49 30 89789-663, [email protected] DIW (2014) Coal power endangers climate targets: Fraunhofer ISI Calls for urgent acton +49 721 6809 100, [email protected] AGEB (2015) Energy consumpton in Germany, 2014 – The Potsdam Insttute for Climate Impact Research sharp decline due to mild weather (in German) +49 331 288 25 07, [email protected] Wuppertal Insttute for Climate, Environment and Energy (2007) Greenpeace Germany Comparison among diferent decommissioning funds: +49 40 306 183 46, [email protected] Methodologies for nuclear installatons

R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Insttute CLEW Factsheets - on +49 30 86880-0, [email protected] Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions and climate targets WWF Germany +49 030 311777-422, [email protected] Details of new Climate Acton Programme

Germanwatch The history behind Germany's nuclear phase-out +49 0228 60492-23, [email protected] Coal in Germany Mercator Research Insttute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) +49 30 3385537-201, [email protected] Understanding the ’s Emissions Trading System 12 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#Electricity market Designing the power market for a future dominated by renewables

© mhp/fotolia

he Energiewende has always involved tough choices. Ger- without their readily-available power, fuctuatng supply from Tmany is now facing the next big decision in this ambitous renewables might endanger the reliability of the power supply. project: How to overhaul its power market to accommodate a As with so many of the steps along the road of the energy predominantly renewable energy supply. With renewables con- transiton, the issue is highly complex, the debates heated and tributng to falling wholesale power prices, conventonal power the politcal consequences potentally huge. plants are struggling to turn a proft. But there are fears that Directory #Electricity market 13

Contacts CLEW Artcle / Factsheets on

Felix Christan Mathes, Öko-Insttut New power market design without capacity mechanism +49 30 405085 380, [email protected] in ministry plans

Hans-Joachim Reck, German Associaton of Local Utlites Germany’s power market reform: the optons on the table +49 30 58580 220, [email protected] Capacity markets around the world German Associaton of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) +49 30 300 199 1161, [email protected]

Energy Brainpool Press contact: Yvonne Stock, Notes +49 30 7676 5423, [email protected]


BMWi (2014) An electricity market for Germany’s energy transiton – Discussion paper of the Federal Ministry for Economic Afairs and Energy (Green Paper)

BDEW (2013) Positon paper: Design of a decentralised capacity market

Öko-Insttut/WWF (2012) Focused capacity markets

Agora Energiewende (2014) How does Germany's electricity market work? 14 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#Grid Connecting up the Energiewende

© Gina Sanders/fotolia

ermany has to update its network to cope with decentrali- litle. And not everyone is in favour of building new Gsed, fuctuatng supply as the country shifs to renewables. power lines to carry electricity to the country's industrial Rapidly growing capacity in the north means a south. The current debate raises key challenges, not only bountful supply of low-cost electricity. But too much power of public acceptance but of how central government works can be as big a problem for the stability of the grid as too with regional states to make the Energiewende a success. Directory #Grid 15

Contacts Reading

Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) Bundesnetzagnetur (2014) Grid expansion in Germany. +49 228 14 9921, [email protected] What you need to know

Andreas Jahn, Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) BMWi (2015) Grids and Grid Expansion – +49 30 2844 90121; [email protected] Ministry website in English

Lorenz Jarass, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences DIW (2015) Electricity grids and climate targets: +49 611 54101804, [email protected] New approaches to grid planning

Insttute of Energy Economics at the University of Cologne (EWI) DIW (2014) Beyond the "Grid-Lock" in electricity interconnectors: +49 221 277 29 116, [email protected] The case of Germany and Poland

50Hertz Transmission (grid operator) Pentalateral Energy Forum (2015) Generaton adequacy +49 30 5150 3417, [email protected] assessment

TenneT (grid operator) Website: Grid development plans of the four German transmission +49 921 50740 4045, [email protected] grid operators (TSOs)

Amprion (grid operator) Bundesnetzagentur (2014) Monitoring report (in German) +49 231 5849 13785, [email protected] CLEW Factsheets - on TransnetBW (grid operator) +49 711 21858-3567, [email protected] Set-up and challenges of Germany's power grid

Chambers of Commerce and Industry (DIHK) Setng the power price: The merit order efect +49 30 20308 – 1607, [email protected] 16 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#Citizens’ Energy #Society Germany between citizens’ energy & nimbyism

© anweber/fotolia

ermany's energy revoluton is having a far-reaching im- in wind parks. Citzens' engagement was key for maintaining Gpact on everything from the landscape to educaton. high public support for the energy transiton despite rising Many farmers earn more from their "energy harvest" than power prices. The introducton of new regulatons has stoked from traditonal crops and citzens are rethinking lifestyle concerns that more complex rules will put citzens of. At the choices to go green. Since the energy transiton took of in same tme, important Energiewende projects – such as grid 2000, millions of Germans have become energy producers, extension and wind parks – have run into resistance, requi- investng in solar panels on their houses and buying shares ring new ways to keep the public on board. Directory #Citzens' Energy #Society 17

#Citizens’ Energy #Society Contacts Associaton of German Engineers (2014) Locaton-related problems German Cooperatve and Raifeisen Confederaton of acceptance of industrial and technology policy (in German) Germany between citizens’ energy & nimbyism +49 30 726 220-900, [email protected] Jeremy Rifin (2011) The third industrial revoluton: How lateral Associaton of Energy Consumers power is transforming energy, the economy, and the world +49 170 44 88 606, [email protected] An example for an energy-friendly suburb in Freiburg: Ortwin Renn, Chair for Engineering and Environmental Sociology, University of Stutgart +49 711 6858 3970, [email protected] CLEW Factsheets - on

Heinrich Degenhart, Professor of Banking and Finance, Citzens’ partcipaton in the Energiewende Leuphana University Lüneburg +49 4131 677 1930, [email protected] Polls reveal citzens' support for Energiewende

Harald Welzer, FuturZwei Foundaton Facts and fgures on the social impact of the Energiewende +49 30 7809 7829 0, [email protected]

Insttute for Employment Research (IAB) + 49 911 179 59 42, [email protected] Notes Insttute for Advanced Sustainability Studies - IASS +49 331 288 22-340, [email protected]


Leuphana University, Lüneburg (2015) On the state of energy cooperatves in Germany (in German) 18 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#Business&Jobs #Cost&Prices The Energiewende – Boon or bane for the German labour market and economy?

© VDMA/Nordex SE

ermany’s energy transiton is dramatcally transforming drive some manufacturing abroad. They say this could take a Gthe economy. From solar-panel cleaners to housing-in- toll on the car industry and other pillars of the economy. But sulaton specialists and wind-turbine climbers, the move to energy-intensive industry can also beneft from the dramatc a low-carbon economy powered by renewables is creatng fall in wholesale electricity prices caused by green power. many business opportunites, while the conventonal energy The government says it can uphold compettveness without sector is bleeding jobs. Many business leaders warn the costs compromising green energy goals. It also hopes Energiewende of the nuclear phase-out and the move into renewables could technologies will secure future export success. Directory #Business&Jobs #Cost&Prices 19

Contacts GWS - Insttute of Economic Structures Research (2012) Employ- ment efects of renewable energy expansion on a regional level GWS, Insttute of Economic Structures Research +49 541 40933-0 , [email protected] BMWi (2014) Employment from renewable

Hans-Werner Sinn, Ifo Insttute for Economic Research DLR, DIW et al. (2014) Gross employment from renewable energy +49 89 922 412 18, [email protected] sources in Germany in 2013 (in German)

BDI – Federaton of German Industries Fraunhofer ISE / Ecofys (2014) Comparison of industrial Press contact: +49 30 2028 1420, [email protected] electricity prices (Summary in English)

Uwe Leprich, Insttute for Future Energy Systems VaasaETT Global Energy Think Tank (2013) European residental +49 681 9762 840, [email protected] energy price report 2013 and monthly updates on the website Ralf Wiegert, Economic Impact Analysis, IHS [email protected] IHS (2014) Securing Germany’s global compettveness in a new energy world Sebastan Bolay, Energy Expert, German Chamber of Commerce and Industry Agora Energiewende (2014) Comparing electricity prices for industry +49 30 20308 – 2202, [email protected] FAU University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (2014) Germany without McKinsey & Company, Kirsten Best-Werbunat renewables? (in German) +49 211 136 4688 CLEW Factsheets - on Reading What German households pay for power Frankfurt School-UNEP (2015) Global trends in renewable energy investment 2015 Where the Energiewende creates jobs 20 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#Utilities Fighting for survival: Germany’s big utilities look for a future in the new energy world

© Bengt Lange/Vatenfall

ermany’s ambitous transiton to renewable energy has with a new energy landscape is perhaps toughest for the four Glef the major utlites that have dominated the market biggest German utlites, E.ON, RWE, Vatenfall and EnBW. for decades out in the cold. They have started to adjust their Epitomising the “old” energy world of centralised generaton business models, yet despite some drastc steps, their future and large-scale investment, they have the most to lose from role in Germany’s greener, fast-changing energy markets is far politcal decisions taken over recent years. from clear. All companies in the sector must adapt. But coping Directory #Utlites 21

Contacts Reading

Thorsten Lenck, Energy Brainpool Thomson Reuters Practcal Law (2014) Electricity regulaton Press contact: +49 30 7676 5423 in Germany: Overview [email protected] RWE (2015) Paving the way for growth with contnued focus Helmuth Groscurth, Arrhenius Insttute for on fnancial discipline Energy and Climate Policy +49 40 3708 4420, [email protected] RWE (2014) Transiton of the German utlites: increasing the emphasis on the service component of supply Simon Skillings, Trilemma UK +44 1926 842016, [email protected] E.ON (2015) Empowering customers. Shaping markets. Capital market story German Associaton of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) +49 30 300 199 1161, [email protected] Bundeskartellamt (2014) Energy monitoring report 2014 (in German) RWE AG +49 201 12-20580, CLEW Factsheets - on

E.ON Small, but powerful – Germany’s municipal utlites +49 211 45793570, [email protected] German utlites and the Energiewende Vatenfall +49 30 81822321, [email protected] The history behind Germany's nuclear phase-out

EnBW +49 721 6312143, 22 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#EEG/Law Germany revamps renewables law as it adapts to future with green power

© Giso Bammel/fotolia

ermany’s renewable energy market is coping with the most heart of the 1990 law. Guaranteed prices for renewable energy Gfar-reaching legislatve changes since green power incent- producers (feed-in tarifs) have been partally substtuted by ves were introduced a quarter of a century ago. The controver- tenders for renewables projects, and a stricter target corridor sial revamp of the renewable (EEG) in 2014 aimed for added capacity was introduced. Energy experts stress that to cut costs related to the Energiewende, exert greater control this was necessary to adjust the evolving sector to EU rules and over the expansion of renewables and maintain exemptons subject it to more market forces. But renewables developers, that help large energy users deal with the transiton. Some of partcularly in the solar sector, have expressed reservatons, the measures have a short track record and strike at the very saying the reforms make investments in renewables less secure. Directory #EEG/Law 23

Contacts Arrhenius Insttute (2014) Growth trajectory of renewable power (in German) Lars Holstenkamp, Energion, Leuphana University +49 4131 677-1931, [email protected] BEE (2015) Factsheet: Renewables from Germany

Fraunhofer IWES Deutsche Windguard – Statstcs for wind +49 89 1205 1307, [email protected] CLEW Factsheets - on Rhineland-Westphalia Insttute for Economic Research Press contact: +49 201 8149 213, Defning features of the Renewable Energy Act (EEG)

BUND - Friends of the Earth Germany Comparing old and new: Changes to Germany's Press contact: +49 30 275 864 89, [email protected] Renewable Energy Act

Mathias Lang, Bird & Bird/German Energy Blog Positon of key stakeholders on the EEG 2.0 +49 211 2005 6293, [email protected]


BMWi (Unofcial English translaton 2015) Renewable Energy Sour- Notes ces Act - RES Act 2014

BMWi (2015) Development of renewable energy sources in Germa- ny 2014 (in German)

Agora Energiewende (2014) Q+A on the 2014 Reform of the Ger- man Renewable Energy Act 24 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#Efficiency Taming the appetite for energy

© Ingo Bartussek/fotolia

eaching climate targets requires more than just greening government’s Climate Acton Programme, meant to get Ger- Rthe power supply. Germany must also tackle demand many back on track for its 2020 climate goals, suggests that and consume less energy. In the past, energy use only fell increasing energy efciency will reduce emissions more than signifcantly when the economy took a hit. Now the country any other measure – by 25 to 30 million tonnes. But saving wants to prove it’s possible to decouple growth and emis- energy on a large scale – by insulatng buildings, changing sions by dramatcally increasing efciency. The potental is behaviours and the introducton of many new and ofen ex- huge and so far largely untapped, which is why the issue has pensive technologies – requires everyone’s partcipaton and been dubbed the “sleeping giant” of the Energiewende. The has proven a hard sell so far. Directory #Efciency 25

Contacts DENEFF (2014) Sector monitor energy efciency 2014 (English summary) Wolfgang Irrek, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences +49 208 88254-838, [email protected] DIW (2014) Improved energy efciency: Vital for energy transiton and stmulus for economic growth Carsten Petersdorf, Ecofys +49 221 27070 110, [email protected] Agora Energiewende (2014) Energy efciency as a business model (in German) German Industry Initatve for Energy Efciency +49 30 36 40 97 01, [email protected] CLEW Factsheets - on

German Energy Agency Details of new Climate Acton Programme Press contact: +49 30 726 165 657, [email protected] Homes for the Energiewende Federal working group for the renewal of old buildings +49 30 48 49 078-55, [email protected] Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions and climate targets

Insttute for Housing and Environment Combined heat and power - an Energiewende cornerstone? +49 6151 2904 47, [email protected]

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) +49 69 9585-5539, [email protected] Notes Reading

BMWi (2014) Natonal Acton Plan on Energy Efciency (NAPE): All the changes at a glance 26 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#International #Energy Union From isolation to integration: The Energiewende and Germany's neighbours

© Lulla/fotolia

hile many European countries are also investng in a isolaton. Cooperaton within Europe has intensifed in many Wgreener infrastructure, few have initated such radical areas such as grid extensions, trade and research. The EU's reforms. Germany has started the Energiewende on its own plan for an "Energy Union" could deepen the German energy terms. But not everyone welcomes this. Germany's energy market’s tes to its neighbours even more. But a new rif is markets are at the geographic heart of Europe. What happens emerging: While the government is keen to limit subisidies for here signifcantly afects markets in neighbouring countries. fossil-fueled power plants, many EU countries are introducing Renewable energy subsidies have in the past also been an issue so-called capacity markets, which can be supportve of these. with the EU, due to competton rules. Germany is adjustng its The Energiewende stll poses major challenges in Europe, both policies as it learns that energy policy can’t be implemented in for Germany and its neighbours. Directory #Internatonal #Energy Union 27

Contacts ACER (2012) Unintended cross-border electricity fows in central europe Georg Zachmann, Bruegel (Think-Tank in Brussels) Press contact: Áine Quinn, +32 2 227 4288, [email protected] Agora Energiewende (2015) Overview of French and German power markets Anete Fröhlich, Federal Grid Agency +49 228 14 9921, [email protected] Agora Energiewende (2015) Potental interactons between capacity mechanisms in France and Germany Claire Camus, ENTSO-E (European electricity grid operators) +32 2 741 09 67, [email protected] DIW (2012) What are loop fows?

Andreas Löschel, Zentrum für Europäische DIW (2014) Beyond the “Grid Lock” in electricity interconnectors – Wirtschafsforschung (ZEW) The case of Germany and Poland +49 621 1235 210, [email protected] Öko-Insttut (2013) Impacts of Germany’s nuclear Reading phase-out on electricity imports and exports

EU-Commission (2015) Energy Union Website CLEW Factsheet - on

European Parliament (2015) General principles Understanding the European Union's Emissions Trading System of the EU's energy policy

Booz&Co et al. (2013) Benefts of an integrated European energy market Notes Böckers et al. (2013) Benefts of an integrated European electricity market: The role of competton 28 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#Transport Driving change in German mobility

© Petair/fotolia

he Energiewende is paving the way for a future energy sys- emissions limits, and they risk falling behind the global com- Ttem in which power, heatng and transport are closely inte- petton on batery technologies. Consumers are slow on the grated. Bateries will draw electricity from the grid in order to uptake of electric vehicles, which are stll expensive and need power vehicles. But the transformaton of the transport sector frequent recharging. The government aims to put 1 million stll lags far behind the power system, and the German afec- electric vehicles on German roads by 2020, but so far there are ton for powerful automobiles isn't just a cliché. Car makers just around 19,000. Transport emissions have not decreased have lobbied hard – and with some success – against stricter and in 2014 they again exceeded 1990 levels. Directory #Transport 29

Contacts Öko-Insttut (2014) Development of an evaluaton framework for Andreas Knie, Innoz the introducton of electromobility +49 30 23 88 84-101, [email protected] Natonal Platorm for Electric Mobility (NPE) (2014) Progress Ulrich Wagner, The German Aerospace Centre report 2014 to the federal government (in German) +49 2203 601-3249 AEE (2014) Energy transiton in the transport sector (in German) Florian Hacker, Öko-Insttut +49 30 405085-373, [email protected]

Ferdinand Dudenhöfer, Centre for Automotve Research, University of Duisburg-Essen Notes +49 203 379 1111, [email protected]


Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) Website on transport and mobility

BMVI (2013) The mobility and fuels strategy of the German government (MFS)

BMVI (2014) Electric mobility

DIW (2015) Power system impacts of electric vehicles in Germany: Charging with coal or renewables? 30 CLEW | A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende

#Security International relations could turn on windmills

© Alex Kotlov/istock

he queston of energy supply is vital to all modern eco- with profound implicatons for foreign and security policy. If Tnomies. This is partcularly true for Germany, which must more countries sign up to cutng greenhouse gas emissions import most of its fossil fuels. The Ukraine crisis has highlighted by reducing the use of fossil fuels to stop climate change, the the risks of Germany’s dependence on Russia, especially for im- consequences will reverberate around the world. Meanwhile, ports of natural gas. But Germany’s transiton to a low-carbon leadership in renewables technologies could become an im- future might shake up these relatonships in the longer term, portant driver of future economic success and infuence. Directory #Security 31

Contacts Reading

Federal Ofce for Economic Afairs and Export Control (BAFA) SWP (2012) Globalising the German energy transiton +49 6196 908 1452 The Economist (2014) European - Kirsten Westphal, German Insttute for Internatonal and Security Conscious uncoupling Afairs (SWP) +49 30 88007-0, [email protected] Munich Security Conference (2014) Energy Security Summit 2014 Friedbert Pfüger, Department of War Studies, King’s College London - U.S. shale revoluton and the crisis in Ukraine: A turning point for Press contact +44 20 7848 3202, [email protected] Europe's energy policy?

Hans-Josef Fell, Green Party/ Fraunhofer IWES (2014) Erdgassubsttuton durch +49 30 609819504, [email protected] eine forcierte Energiewende (in German)

Mathias Ruchser, German Development Insttute Heinrich Böll Stfung (2014) Germany’s energy transiton: +49 228 94927 159, [email protected] A blueprint for European energy security?

Wolfgang Ischinger, Ambassador/Chairman of the Earth Security Group (2015) The earth security index 2015: Munich Security Conference (MSC) Managing global resource risks and resilience in the 21st century +49 89 37979490, [email protected]

A Reporter’s Guide to the Energiewende (2nd editon October 2015) A publicaton of the Clean Energy Wire, Smart Energy for Europe Platorm (SEFEP) gGmbH, Rosenstr. 2, 10178 Berlin | Responsible Sven Egenter (Editor in Chief) | Editng Sören Amelang, Kerstne Appunn | Contributor Ruby Russell | Design Maren Rabe | Pictures Detlef Eden (Team) | Print Motv Ofset Druckerei, Berlin Clean Energy Wire is a joint initiative of Stiftung Mercator and the European Climate Foundation supports your reporting on the Energiewende in many ways

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