countrl~ by 1M fully ""'JlO""'r

I · Report upoo tit~ v1riou& (inaJICI,a.i and teot10ml< plarw CONSTITUTION OF FAR EASTERN R&PtTBLJC m alld p10posals of the\1\" dopa r't11Kn\J. and oJao upon Su•SI!CTrOII II. bills and propMCI ordinances submitted to the lq;Wodvo body A-...y of 141 Bm•t·MIIfllols. lor llC'tf Govtmmrnt tlptndJtuns and rrport oa propoetd e:hanca In tho balldal aNI I'COIIDIIIit policy of the RI·Moncols llWI A. Vtto, 'Wbc ~ kl ror tbe ,.._.,talloo o( mlsoloo lor the ncW'"Ilon of 14nd rdations ol the Bon&t, tbe~t. Alor,cols aftd . tbaD be .stabl~ by tbe Govtmmt·Woncol Ttrritory witbiJI tbe of tbe workins popuatoon ohall be aovlttcl to panid patt In the limits of ita competence wn be Al'6 t•rritoriaJ laws and Yiolations of the law by oeiclalt of dl ckpartmenta. which sball not conl!iet with tbe gtnet\\l lawt ol tht Rcpublic:. n1. Tbt!l Field Dopartmc!nl1 of the SUte lloln! of Cootrol n o. AU ra.,..., lnolructlono and ~patlons ol tbe C..ntrol llWI be subordinated ollly to the C..ntr:kl Colltee or the Sta te GovciM>ritialt. siWI be gronted autonomy in ma11eno penunln£ to their Mtlooal u4. The national stll·~dminl$tratlve lloclitry or N~llonal Atlal,. with con"CIIpondirc oi minorities lllall be m.>de tlfectivc by th9dlq, tlcttl:d by ~niw,..l, rquJJ, di- and aeart tM JUdoDLI teJr,admlftisn~llon. bollot, on the basis ol proportion<cpR:atntatlOn. UJ. The ~Ilona! ldf·edminl$1 rauvc bodlCll shill be publlc 300 DOCUMENTS CONSTITUTION Ot' .FAR EASTERN REPU'BLJC 1!0 1 badkt. ltplly a.uthorlud. and tbeir compttroce wall be Umiled tlon. the Far Euuom Rtp.abllc ~mrmt l~t •••u k miiJI be obll· to DI&Utve ptory upcm all d l-ol the Rtopubllc. nunonlk J J3. Tho normal workillc tuM ollaiJ ..,, .....ret ep1 bocus • ~ Tbe ...... of tbc ""' mtlanal cahanl a-pe for cby ...,,k ud tia houft lot ~UP• work witb aa omhutrrvpl, Prlv•tt ownc,...hlp of luwl, fort5ta, w•tcrwa)'J, and 1hrlr wboro bir It may be I. IJS. ln the cuo ol ""I)' N....,ro labour, or labour prejud&clal declo~ 10 be tile proptrt)' of lhe •-ol1c•" aad fo,...lbe NIJon&l to the b.. hb owrotlJIII' ~au be JIOIIoiYcty lo~n lor boO• lund. mt~ and -• undtr rith tm~ Y'l'i" ol ._ Ntcllt WVtt ohiU nS Tho raanDproal law, •» w-.. fllPpd '" -lloboat ~baD be rdru...t •• IJI). Tho apport-ac 1o lhe wvrken ol bad of .,nc.ltural thdrwortrlotoicht-a brtotw (IH!Ii••••ut aDd ...,..., ~ .a..JI be by allot-- ~JE.. • i by lhe l&ad aalllorilla aftu it. : ud Sor aaa wwb bdo,. tnnftMJDI "1 a.M llS: Wf'itb of Ill< local a.Jmiftiotm.m """ld!Qg lo dimatt ....s _. attu h. if~ 111 ocloror ~ 1.)0. Tbe retxral ud fuad>nwr.Ul buoo of lhe ncJ>• to - lofO. Ci.Jdn,aiiBikr.m ..... ,...._,. of ac< oloall not be rtD!Iio)'f'd. bod • JltlMoall&bour. ~ to t1m nm &ball 11o alJowocd '+'- fo onloor to to the workcn 2 ..,nnal I"'IIC In caoft •ptd.Ur. pn>\'1d ployment ol lba lall4 aball be e1!ec1ed CDIJtetlvdy, by 1roupt, obli.g•tory upon all Ciovtmmeno, pobllc and pri.,..u 4!llltll>ri.._. or by lndlvltluJ-Is. '+"' Workel'l arc puut~ lh"'uch thIID ~ spffially cwnptnbJU Willi pu~&rapb 76 ftlatiRC to loal..U« a.rtlclo of lultury Sua-SJ:cno!l I. indln!ct tuallon ahllll bo allowed u a p<:n!WltDI measure: Cnw:rl p,...,;,iooj. and lndlm:t tut:t th.U bo to )lellrly revWon by lcslr 146. Tbo INUiution of pdvato oWDOII!llp io m!Un~al'dop tloc ,_,_ all&ad, ~ ucl wa\cf­ P be pamtcl _, ttodi41MI'IIOie - •ubtod to tu .. be cktmaiocd "' to lordp p.- or ;am.., p:vvidod luwou t.h&t oilier ..... toftclj..... b p,_ prd•ra- thaU, aU o~r eoaditlont bdRC eqll&l. be pwn to r~6. AU tho State n!-uea al'ld experullture otwl be {nco,.. I too public Of1fanlutlot11o por.ted in the ~tral Stale bulle•' · 1.,S. The Govci11D>VIt •IWI. by appropri&lo l•c!tlaUon, live 1~7· The State bud~l thllll be 1ubtnlt1ed for approval IO tho lllUftt win•- to rutal ec:onomle Ule In oll i~ ,,o,., In the lolatlonal "'*mbty 1101 '"~r than two 1110ntho bofo1<1 the tho Ant pi-ce 10 thotelowest in I be t<10!11Mf11c teale: and t lw 10 fut>ndol ye;~r. t he pi'OiNitlon of all fotmli or public colltclln tcorwmlc hlo, NOTI . Unhl lbe approval of the run boded all State vrpo.o­ witb a view to thrir dtwlopllX'IlL c!icum tball be met by c~tt allotted by tbo eo.tmmcot lo udl opeok- by ""'"'"11'-. pnlC.-. Sa.Su:noK U. •ll- II tho State bt.1dct I be 101 appro•-..! before tho finanaa.l T-. ,..u. tbo eo....-nl auy. paod>nc tbe a:ppronl o1 lbe ~t • """ u:ldf of c..cflt> oqw to !looM llllotud m tbe P'"­ ~ 1\o .--W.ll be eannpt r..,... J»>iroc wa """ to ~ 10 _, • uy G6wr ~~ expu "'""' hot liMy for aoct ~ for bJ' tbo bw. a pc.l\ocl oi aol _.., tlwa o,..tlul'l! cl ~ JDL 159- No upcacliturr or Go"'Cc...... ,t t....S. 6hall CON STII OTlON OF FAR EASTERN REPUBLIC 30.'1 wilho010'1\C or • tpcd..l law. C$ tablisbod by lcP!ath~ P-· lbo, No pnwo DS nor rrwardo oball be p rovided 167. The prrma, bull"lltk of the ddcnce ol the oounlty Stile t"'bury tlCCfl)l u aulhoriud by law, ..~o,.u be tlw ,.,,.... , l'«>plc'o .R.voludonAry Army. The Anny lUI . All apprvpnatior. in tho State b~t shall t "ht..JI be orsanbclll on the b:lsas of wtivtiSII mllil•ry I nulling lot tbr purpoot a """' lb. Go> c...,.... ct. pe.riod or t- and (2) Volunu!tlll Iron the llflt of et,hr«n )'QJ» who.< aum• Su..Sr.cno" IV. bur sh..U be dotcrmlJXd by I.,Watlve p10CO:M. St.u u...,,, t68. The military W>MO<. ol tbo lndigtllOI5 oatlo....Utics of r61. No Sl.l!Ao *"'· ~tic or fo""cn no 6.n.L tl•e Republic 5ball bt clet~rmlncd by • >pedal law. pliono whkb woulcl cmbarruo the Slate ~~ Tbo ...pmne cbrtctlon ol the f'<,oplc'a Rf\'Oiutlonaty -~WI b< coadiOdccl without lb. of Army oJWJ be ,..,.tee! in the Govumnoni ol lb. l'a1 bl ~rmatioa 'IJlOI or;mation of the Pmplc';, lk· eo ....utuuon, but Anclloncd by the National A5ka wolutionary Army if dttennlncd by lcgi!Jam'tl P*""'- bo rt<:C~gnl.ud u v.Wd by tbe Republic: and suara.nt._.... t1r 1n th"' lntl'~ of dVI fl.t f t! ftt'~ (\r t h~ RC!publie 1bn r..0\"Prn. Con.thuuon ...,.. in tllm. ment ahalJ bavc thoo ri6Jit to n"'bdite 11.11 or pul ul tho d!UctiS 1&3- No ...,. cumll<')' t)"'tcm sball be letn>ductd ap~• of canylttc atD~So Such mobllualion wll be cUc:ctod a:acy sball be debosaw been rcndcftd lncap>bk during miliw:y servic:c and of tho ,!QJJ b< dctcnnin<'d by th• law. The control and n f~'lks or thuoo wbo cU«J lo tho dl!!encc ol the Rt'J)ubllc si..Ut ol ewry\hln~: prrulNns t.o collliof;\'. the ~tillar: ol lbc dctuml!l«< by J:aw. rtprdl"l: lint~a&• ...ayinj; &lid aU m&IICI'I a>Dntet 173- £ad> dtlun dlui.nj; millr.ry K"'iu •hall tnjoy bl!. d,iJ 'lll'itb, and the ~Me or pappl< in atm1 arc tbe sole delcndtm ol 1 l'lilblk Bd•ntloo. llt..ny, .u.S lhc:.rdore lor tbc 6. u.. vcno~ l ~~~~"" """ lake P- at th< u tT,S. Tbo "'bool i. ~led lrom the Chur<.h. lkllfllOII> mi6taty OCill"" without (ntU1\Iptinc lbe pat\ldpaUol teacbinp. ;ond rolig\o1Js ""rvicr. JhJID be lorbidd•n In aU (;c\'et• dtl~ns In t<>d&l productiw work. 1Ml1t, pubUe OUImpulsory and fr<.e lor all cluldryn ol school ac•. tho ""'' b

wo!U~ of all tbol4~a ol Kbool O(e ollaiJ Al6o be ptv11 x8). Tbe modl!ic.\tioa, IUPI'IenvaiiJIC or t.IIDWmtlll of ihe by Lbc St~t•. ;oastltution, wholly or In flll1t &hall be cllecltd only by llinuo an. eo...s-tio• oltbc two..- ollaiJ be ef"Nw!. >f a Ltw, p>llld of t LIICIIOY. it tile rillac MD aDd a 6,...pclottd a~lou •tar (to 11 M.uQYUOV II'IMiad). a 'I ow:r a w~c.lotal am u &ftCVp)'lfiC 11 &IIOVIU•Y. quncr au1 1o tbc 5fiJI oball be a

UTIQ.& IX. Tbo .Rntolotl ol mo Ooet Uhlo-. a8a. The revl~on. modlfia\loll, wpplti!WIIllln& or ~~cr of tbla C..nolHutloo wildly or In part, tnay be lnltlllted (1) OnHbir

• ov OoiM " I ... a.,alolllo.- lo ...... ll."'" • ... tf