Sienna Plantation Youth League Handbook

Revised January 15th, 2019 Table of Contents

PURPOSE ...... 3 SPYBL CODE OF CONDUCT ...... 4 Physical ...... 5 Abuse ...... 5 Equipment Abuse ...... 5 Practice Abuse ...... 6 Suspension or Termination ...... 6 INITIAL MANAGER TASKS...... 7 TEAM MOM RESPONSIBILITIES ...... 8 Equipment ...... 9 PRE-GAME BATTING CAGE USE...... 10 POST GAME RESPONSIBILITIES (VISITING AND HOME TEAM) ...... 10 SCOREKEEPING AND REPORTING SCORES: ...... 10 GENERAL RULES AND INFORMATION ...... 13 SPECIAL DIVISON RULES ...... 15 T-BALL DIVISION ...... 15 SINGLE A - PITCH DIVISION (6U) ...... 16 DOUBLE A - COACH PITCH DIVISION (7U/8U) ...... 16 KID PITCH DIVISION- MINOR, MAJOR AND JUNIORS ...... 17

Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 2

PURPOSE The mission of the Sienna Plantation Youth Baseball League is to provide an educational environment for children to learn baseball fundamentals and to cultivate a love of baseball. SPYBL is both a “recreational” league and a “select” program. Our organization conducts play under a set of rules designed to enhance the baseball experience for players of all ability levels .

This handbook details rules which are specific to SPYBL, and it contains essential provisions for parents, managers, coaches, , and players. All individuals who attend to participate or attend SPYBL games should thoroughly review the handbook. The handbook is designed to further SPYBL’s goal to emphasize fair play, sportsmanship, cooperation, how to compete with integrity, and respect for authority. The SPYBL players should be mindful of the Youth Baseball Pledge: I trust in God, I love my country and will respect its laws. I will play fair and strive to win, But win or lose I will always do my best.

As parents and managers, we prepare ourselves to serve the kids in our community. We should be mindful of the Youth Baseball Parent Pledge:

I shall set an example of Sportsmanship for my child to follow. I shall remember only a limited number of players may play at one time. I shall remember all Managers, Coaches, Officers and Helpers are Volunteers. I shall not complain about anyone unless I have labored more hours on Little League programs than they have. I shall not criticize the umpire unless I am ready to assume his/her duties. I will always remember my reason for being here is for my child.

SPYBL encourages and desires wholesome community participation. It is absolutely essential that all spectators, managers, umpires, and players practice cooperation, patience, and good sportsmanship.

SPYBL encourages positive adult participation. While most teams have a sole manager, the involvement of cooperative adults is required to produce an enjoyable experience for all. SPYBL looks to adult volunteers to be role models for our players by working cooperatively, by giving positive encouragement and constructive feedback to players, by showing an appreciation for good play by either team, and by maintaining decorum despite disagreements with umpires’ calls.

Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 3 SPYBL CODE OF CONDUCT The Board of Directors of SPYBL has instituted the following Code of Conduct. Each coach and manager must read this Code of Conduct and sign a form acknowledging that he or she understands and agrees to comply with the Code of Conduct.

No Board Member, Manager, Coach, Player or Spectator shall:

• Touch or strike any participant in SPYBL related activities in an offensive or aggressive manner • Verbally abuse any SPYBL umpire, , or board member for decisions made or judgment rendered • Attempt to “show up” an umpire or engage in any demonstration following an official’s decision (e.g. throwing equipment, rude or offensive gestures, or inciting a response from spectators) • Use or instruct a participant to engage in rough tactics against an opponent during play • Use profane, obscene, or vulgar language in any matter at any time • Be present anywhere within the Camp Sienna Complex in an intoxicated, inebriated, or impaired state due to the use of controlled or uncontrolled substances, including, but not limited to alcohol, narcotics, or tobacco • Gamble or otherwise wager on the outcome of any SPYBL game or play within a game with anyone at any time • Smoke or otherwise use tobacco products within the bleachers, field of play, dugouts, common areas, or within 20 feet of the concession stand • Publicly discuss in a derogatory or abusive manner any play, managerial decision, or personal opinion regarding players or coaches during a game • Incite any negative behavior on the part of participants or spectators during a game • Tamper with or otherwise manipulate the composition of any SPYBL team roster, schedule, draft position, player selection, scorebook entry, rankings, league rules, or financial records • Challenge an umpire’s authority, notwithstanding the proper lodging of an appeal or protest. Umpires shall have the authority to penalize SPYBL players, managers, coaches, or spectators by ordering their removal from the game.

All Board Members, Managers, and Coaches agree to thoroughly read and review the Sienna Plantation Youth Baseball League Handbook including, but not limited to the rules pertinent to the division which the member, manager, coach or player participates.

The Board of Directors will strictly enforce this Code of Conduct for the benefit of all league participants. The Board will review all infractions of the SPYBL Code of Conduct. Depending on the seriousness and/or frequency, the Board may assess disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the league. I have read the SPYBL Code of Conduct and promise to adhere to its rules and regulations.

______Print name of Manager, Team name and Division Signature of Manager Date

______Coach #1 Signature Coach #2 Signature

Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 4 Disciplinary Measures All SPYBL parents, managers, coaches, volunteers and players are expected to conduct themselves with the highest character. The disciplinary measures adopted and expressed within the SPYBL constitution, SPYBL By-Laws, and SPYBL League Handbook are intended to provide objective sanctions appropriate for the violation reported. The disciplinary measures which may be taken by SPYBL include, but are not limited, to the measures cited below.

Physical Abuse by any person toward any other manager, coach, player, or spectator will not be tolerated. The offender's penalty shall be to immediately leave or be escorted from the area under SPYBL jurisdiction including both playing fields and practice fields. A subsequent hearing for discipline will be held pursuant to the SPYBL By-Laws.

Use of Profanity Any reported use of profanity, whether heard by or directed to umpires, managers, coaches, participants, or spectators, shall result in the following penalties. No penalty shall be issued until the use is confirmed by the Board of Directors.

First Offense: Written warning by the League Second Offense: One week suspension from all League activities Third Offense: Subsequent hearing for discipline under the League’s bylaws

Umpire Abuse Umpire abuse is defined as (1) repeated or uncontrolled questioning of an Umpire’s rulings, or (2) repeated heckling of the umpire during play. The umpire shall eject the offender from the game and report the incident to the Board of Directors for action. Such misconduct will result in the following penalties for the offender:

Any Offense: League rules dictate that the ejected person must leave the playing field but may remain in the parking lot.

First Offense: Written warning by the League Second Offense: One week suspension from all League activities Third Offense: Subsequent hearing for discipline under the League’s bylaws

Equipment Abuse Umpires are instructed to immediately remove any player, coach, parent or spectator who throws a helmet, glove, baseball, or other potentially dangerous item in an apparent act of frustration or protest. The umpire shall eject the offender from the game and report the incident to the Board of Directors for action. Such misconduct will result in the following penalties for the offender:

Any Offense: League rules dictate that the ejected person must leave the playing field but may remain in the parking lot.

First Offense: Written warning by the League Second Offense: One week suspension from all League activities Third Offense: Subsequent hearing for discipline under the league’s bylaws

Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 5 Practice Abuse SPYBL general rules specify the amount of practice a team may have. Failure to follow these rules will result in the following penalties:

First Offense: Written warning by the League Second Offense: One week suspension from all League activities Third Offense: Subsequent hearing for discipline under the league’s bylaws

Any other complaints of misconduct that are brought to the attention of the Board of Directors will be interpreted for action based on the regulations noted in the current League Bylaws regarding suspension or termination of membership. The following is an excerpt from Article 7, Section 7.4 of the League's Bylaws:

Suspension or Termination A member accused of conduct disruptive or detrimental to SPYBL’s best interests may be suspended and/or terminated upon a vote of a “quorum” of the Board of Directors. A “quorum” shall consist of one- half the total membership of the Board plus one member. The accused member shall be suspended and/or terminated upon an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the quorum.

Members subject to suspension or termination shall be notified of such meeting, at least three (3) days before the date of the meeting by first-class mail to the last recorded address of the member, telephone, fax, and/or email. They will be informed of the general nature of the charges, and they will be given an opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges.

The Board of Directors shall, in case of a Player Member, give notice to the Head Coach of the team of which the player is a member. Said coach shall appear, in the capacity of an adviser, with the player before a duly appointed committee of the Board of Directors, which shall have full power to suspend or revoke such player’s current and future participation.

Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 6 RESPONSIBILITY OF THE MANAGER/COACH Managers and Coaches must possess leadership abilities and the know-how to work with kids. Training players in the rudiments of teamwork, good sportsmanship, and discipline are the goals of the program. It is an important responsibility to lead young people.

RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MANAGER INCLUDE: • Plan and run practices • Prepare lineups and lead the team during games • Know the rules by reading the Nations rule book, the SPYBL Handbook (for SPYBL general rules and division-specific rules) and the SPYBL Safety Handbook • Learn the “best practices” of SPYBL with respect to communication, teaching of baseball mechanics, and on-the-field leadership, as detailed in the SPYBL Coaching Clinics • Hold a pre-season team meeting to communicate necessary information and to establish expectations for players, parents, and coaches • Ensure safety of players at practices and games by mandating safety equipment (e.g., helmets) and by exercising good judgment • Recruit assistant coaches to assist at practices and games • Recruit parent volunteers to assist at games (e.g., umpires, score keeper, base coaches) • Work with a Team Mom to ensure proper coordination for parent communication, photos, concession stand duty, and other team functions • Care for the SPYBL provided playing equipment and then promptly return it to the league upon completion of the season • Maintain communication with the League, including addressing problems/situations with the appropriate Player Agent/Division Coordinator • If you have a team sponsor maintain contact with them during the season. Treat your sponsor as a member of your team – invite them to games and show how much you appreciate them. • Lead the team in the area of sportsmanship. Players and parents will follow your example. Explain to all players and parents the Code of Conduct. • Volunteer to assist the League in a variety of ways

INITIAL MANAGER TASKS Contact team within 24 hours of receipt of roster • Email or call, but ensure email contact with receipt or ask for a reply. Contact Player agent ASAP if contact info is incorrect or you are unable to contact a player’s family. Recruit Team Mom Schedule first practice and team player and parent meeting • Handout and review league rules • Coaches need to ask for birth certificate copies for use during season and during NATIONS state events. • Recruit score keepers and plan training prior to start of season

Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 7 Responsibility of the Team Mom

“Behind every successful team, you will find a supportive Team Mom.” Casey Stengel, after the Yankees won their 5th consecutive World Series in 1953

Team Moms are the liaison between the Manager and the team parents. Team Moms allow the Manager to focus solely on coaching the team. While Team Moms are not expected to handle all details, they should function to make sure all tasks are properly executed. Quite often, a Manager will handle detail-oriented tasks because of his or her keen interest.


• Prepare and distribute a team roster, complete with phone numbers and email addresses • Maintain constant contact with team parents regarding upcoming events or rescheduling; e.g., rainouts, reset games, photograph settings, team parties, snack schedules, etc. • Team Moms should refrain from making unilateral decisions on significant matters without team input. • Confer with the Manager and arrange any uniform or cap customization. For Spring seasons, teams can have player names printed on the back of the jersey, as well as player names embroidered onto the back or side of their caps. • Reproduce schedules for practice and games. Instead of typed schedules, you may wish to copy the schedules on the team’s online team page at • Ensure snacks are made available after each game. This responsibility should rotate among each player’s family. This can be a drink and a small snack. Encourage team parents to purchase “snack tickets” from the SPYBL concession stand. Funds raised from the purchase of snack tickets provide direct support to SPYBL. • In Spring Season, coordinate with the League photographer about team/individual photos. • Plan a team party at the end of the season. This can be held at a local restaurant (e.g., Pepperoni’s ) or at someone’s house. A pool party at the end of the Spring season is a big hit. Try to plan the party after a Saturday game or at a time when most people can attend. Plan and purchase manager/coach appreciation gifts (optional). Present these gifts at the team party. Note that managers/coaches appreciate gifts that remind them of the team (e.g. photos, signed balls, shirts, etc.).

Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 8 Equipment SPYBL provides certain playing equipment to the manager of each team. This is to ensure that each team is properly equipped with the necessary safety equipment.

EACH MANAGER RECEIVES: • An equipment bag • 2 batting helmets • 1 pitcher’s helmet with faceguard for T-ball through 6U divisions. All pitchers in T-ball through 6U must wear the helmet with the faceguard while in the field. Helmets with faceguards may be worn while batting, however this is not required. • 2 cases of balls will be provided to each team prior to the start of the Spring season. Each team must provide one NEW ball for each game (two total per game). • Batting tee (for T-ball only) • Catcher’s protective gear and catcher’s glove. A catcher must always wear a mask with throat guard when warming up a pitcher or when warming up in the infield. It is common for players and coaches to forget the need for a catcher’s helmet during infield warm-up. It is actually one of the most dangerous times for a catcher. Players Need: • All players must wear a cup (not provided) at all times in “A” (6U) Division and up. • Players must provide their own baseball glove. • Cleats are optional but players usually wear them. Baseball or soccer-style cleats are ok. Metal cleats are not allowed. • Players may bring their own equipment (e.g., bat, catcher’s gear, batting helmet) as long as it meets NATIONS and SPYBL guidelines. (Bat Guidelines follow USSSA with stamp) • All personal equipment should be labeled with the player’s name.

At the end of the season, the manager is responsible for promptly returning the playing equipment. You may keep the balls or return them – we will gladly recycle practice balls for other teams. After inspecting and cleaning the equipment, you will turn it in to the SPYBL Equipment Manager. You may not simply drop off your equipment bag at the shed, concession stand, etc. Each Team’s Manager is financially responsible for the playing equipment entrusted to him ($100 deposit). Failure to return cleaned equipment immediately following the conclusion of the season will result in forfeiture of the deposit and may affect that manager's eligibility to manage a team in the future.

Camp Sienna Rules Camp Sienna is owned by the Sienna Plantation Levee Improvement District (“SPLID”) and operated by Sienna Plantation Residential Association, Inc. (“SPRAI”). SPYBL has been granted a Primary User agreement by SPRAI for the use and maintenance of the baseball fields.

In addition to abiding by local and federal laws, we must adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by SPRAI regarding the use of the Camp Sienna facilities. The SPYBL Board also may enact rules specific to the baseball field and their common areas per the Primary User agreement if deemed necessary. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited at practices and games. The use of tobacco in any form is also prohibited on the playing fields, benches, common area or dugouts during all games. No dogs, bicycles, scooters, or skateboards are allowed in the common areas of the baseball fields. Bikes may be parked near the parking lot. Please help keep the park clean and deposit any trash in the trash receptacles, as the park will only stay as clean as you keep it.

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PRE-GAME BATTING CAGE USE • The home team for each game is granted use of the batting cage chute assigned to their field for a twenty (20) minute period beginning 50 minutes before the scheduled game. For a game beginning at 6:00 p.m., the visiting team would have use of a batting cage chute from 5:10 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. • The visiting team for each game is granted the use of the batting cage chute assigned to their field for a twenty (20) minute period beginning 30 minutes before the scheduled game. For a game beginning at 6:00 p.m., the visiting team would have use of a batting cage chute from 5:30 p.m. to 5:50 p.m. • Cage assignment by field

Chute Chute Chute Chute Chute 10 9 8 7 6 Field 4 Field 3 Field 2 Field 1

• No drinks or food, including but not limited to chewing gum, sunflower seeds, or candy are permitted inside the cages.

POST GAME RESPONSIBILITIES (VISITING AND HOME TEAM) The following field maintenance work should be completed immediately after the completion of the game.

• Trash pickup (Both teams): Both teams will be responsible for cleaning up their respective sides of the playing fields of all trash and debris, including the dugouts, fence lines and the spectator stands. • Home Team must report game score through SI Play online website or through the SI App.

BETWEEN GAME TRANSITION: Teams scheduled to play a game following a just-completed game shall allow the exiting teams to gather their equipment, complete their post-game requirements, and to exit the field area. The teams scheduled to play can gather their equipment and begin warm-ups in the outfield area. The Home team for the completed game should help the Visiting team for the next game to prep the field.


T-BALL DIVISIONS: No official score is kept for T-ball games.

SCOREKEEPING: The Home team will keep the official score for each game; however, each team will keep their own scorebook. The umpire will submit the final score via the official game card. See REPORTING SCORES.

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REPORTING SCORES: The umpires will request each manager to sign the official game card at the conclusion of the game. The umpire will submit the game card to the league official for review of dispute. The home team is required to update the game score on their team page at:

Incorrect scores should be reported to your DC and to [email protected].

POST-SEASON TOURNAMENTS: NATIONS BASEBALL STATE METRO TOURNAMENT: Every team in SPYBL at the age division of 7U and higher will be eligible to participate in the NATIONS State tournament to be conducted in the Houston area. The tournament will be held over a two to three days in May. This tournament will be governed by NATIONS rules.

SIENNA SEASON END TOURNAMENT A post-season tournament for all age divisions of 6U and higher will be conducted at the end of the Regular Season.

The postseason tournament will occur in the Spring and Fall seasons and will be administered under the same rules as the regular season, with the exception of no ties. Games that reach the divisional time limits at a tie will be played out until a winner is decided. If time or other circumstances do not permit the game to continue then the game will continue from the exact point of suspension on the next possible date and time.

The championship game will be a full 6 innings and not bound by the time limit imposed during the regular season. Should a second championship game be required (double elimination tourney only), it will be played as a double header, also going the full 6 innings with no time limit.

The method for seeding teams and the format of the tournaments will be determined by the board before each season due to varying numbers of teams and available time.

IN CASE OF INJURY OR ACCIDENT Medical Release forms must be on hand in the event of an emergency. Medical personnel will not be able to treat or transport an injured child without a medical release if a parent is not available.

Therefore, a copy of each player's medical release form must be on file with SPYBL and with the manager/coach during all practices or team meetings. Managers/Coaches must have their team forms completed, signed and turned into the Safety Officer before any equipment is issued or practices are begun. Basic knowledge of first aid and CPR training is highly recommended for all managers and coaches.

A First Aid kit is available in the concession stand during games and practices held at the Camp Sienna Baseball Fields. It is also recommended that one be available at practices held away from the Camp Sienna complex.

Injuries and accidents do happen. In the event of an emergency, follow these steps:

1. Provide immediate emergency care.

Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 11 2. Send a parent to alert a SPYBL Board Member on Duty that an injury has occurred. 3. If necessary, call 911 to ask for an ambulance to be dispatched. When calling for help, know the following information: • Where the emergency situation is located. o If at the Camp Sienna complex, the street address is 7725 Camp Sienna Trail. • The phone number you are calling from. • What happened and a description of apparent injuries. • How many people need help. • What is being done for the injured person(s)

Send someone to clear a path for the ambulance and direct it to the scene of the emergency. If an ambulance must enter the field, the Board Member on Duty can open the appropriate gates in the outfield.

For insurance purposes, the SPYBL Safety Officer must be contacted when an injury has occurred. Please have as much information as possible about the accident/injury available when you call. Contact a SPYBL Board Member on Duty to be put in touch with the Safety Officer. SPYBL provides accident insurance for all participants in the league including players, coaches, spectators and league .

Each parent is required to have their own insurance for their child. If a child is injured, his/her family insurance is required to pay for each injury. SPYBL insurance will pay any cost (after a deductible is met) exceeding that, which is not paid by the personal insurance. Any player, league official, or volunteer incurring a baseball related injury at the Camp Sienna baseball fields should promptly notify the Safety Officer or SPYBL Board Member on Duty at the time of the accident.

An accident is officially reported when the Safety Officer has been notified. At that point the appropriate paperwork can be initiated (Accident/Injury Report Forms in concession stand). Please refer to the SPYBL Safety Manual for more detailed information regarding First Aid and Injuries/Accidents.

CONTACT INFO: Sienna Plantation Youth Baseball League, Inc. 6140 Highway 6 #139 Missouri City, TX 77459

Physical Address: 7725 Camp Sienna Trail Missouri City, Texas 77459

Rainout Hotline 281-778-6862


Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 12 GENERAL RULES AND INFORMATION

GENERAL RULES and INFORMATION apply to all age divisions.

SPECIAL DIVISIONAL RULES have been separated out by age each division.

RULE BOOK: These rules are for SPYBL recreational league and follow the Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Nations Baseball. The rules herein represent either a variation to a Nations rule or are additional rules instituted by SPYBL. These house rules herein supersede Nations rules. The most recent version of Nations Rules: All recreation/metro league coaches should be especially familiar with sections J and K. The orders of precedence of the rules are: Sienna Plantation Youth Baseball / Nations / MLB.

PRACTICES: Practices shall be limited to four per week before the season begins and two per week thereafter. Any meeting of three or more team members for instruction of any kind with the manager or coach constitutes a practice.

PREGAME WARMUPS: There will be no pre-game warm ups in the infield portion of the field. All pre- game warm ups are to be done in the outfield of your dugout side of the field. No on-field batting practice will be permitted prior to games. However, teams may hit whiffle balls to warm up batters, as long as such batting occurs under the supervision of a manager/coach.

SOFT TOSS: Soft Toss is only permitted with whiffle balls.

GAME PROTESTS: If a team protests, they must notify the home plate umpire and the umpire will beckon the Board Member on Duty (BMOD) to the field to address the protest. The protest fee is $100.00 cash. If the protest is upheld, the protest fee will be returned. Stoppage of the game clock is at the discretion of the BMOD.

POSTPONEMENT/CANCELLATION OF GAMES: If a game cannot be played on the scheduled date/time for any reason other than weather (i.e. multiple players ill, school-mandated events or religious observance), the manager may request that the game be postponed. The requesting manager must notify the Player Agent and Division Coordinator at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled game time. The Player Agent and Division Coordinator will determine whether the game can and will be rescheduled. If 48 hours’ notice is not given, the game will be forfeited. A manager’s schedule conflict by itself does not constitute a reason for rescheduling a game.

UMPIRES (No-Shows): If an umpire doesn’t show to officiate the game, the Home team manager is responsible for assigning someone from his coaching staff to be the replacement. Before the start of the game, the Home manager is to get the approval of the Visiting Manager on his replacement selection. This replacement is to be the field umpire. In the event there isn’t a home plate umpire for kid pitch divisions, the umpire will be positioned behind the pitching mound calling the game. Appropriate umpire safety gear can be found in the concession stand.

EQUIPMENT: All players in the Single A division (6U) and above are required to wear an athletic cup for all on-field practices, scrimmages, and baseball games.

Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 13 PITCHING HELMETS: The T-ball division require that the player at the pitcher position wear a NOCSAE- and/or Little League-approved protective helmet complete with full protective face guard (plastic face shield or football style only). Each team in this divisions is issued a pitching helmet.

BAT REGULATIONS: Bats must be made of an approved material, and they must be smooth and round. Bats must be certified by the manufacturer to meet a Bat Performance Factor of 1.15 or less with USSSA stamp. In 14U bats will be restricted to a -5 ratio or heavier. (The weight of the bat in ounces as compared to it’s length in inches, must be no greater than 5). For age divisions 13U and below, there are no bat size restrictions.

THROWING OF BAT: Any batter/runner, in the umpire’s judgment, purposely throwing a bat shall be called out when, in the umpire’s judgment, all play has ceased.

OFFENSIVE TIMEOUTS: Only one offensive timeout will be permitted each inning per team.

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: If teams fall to 6 or less players, they must forfeit the game. Teams can play with 7 or more players. If playing with 7 players, all 6 infield positions must be filled with 1 outfielder. When batting with 7 players, the team must take 2 outs per batting order rotation at the end of the rotation. When batting with 8 players, 1 out per batting order rotation at the end of the line-up.

TIME LIMITS: SPYBL games times are listed below:

Table 1. Divisional Time Division Age Pitch Type Time Limit Tball 4-5 Tee 1:00hr Single A 6U Coach / Tee 1:15hr Double A 7U Coach 1:30hr Double A 8U Coach 1:30hr Minors 9-10U Kid 1:30hr Majors 11-12U Kid 1:30hr Juniors 13-15 Kid 1:45hr

RAINOUTS: Game rainouts will be re-scheduled on the first open date and time including Saturdays and Sundays if necessary. Generally the league will try to reschedule rainouts the Friday after the rainout. Rainouts are also posted to the front page of the SPYBL web-site and on our Facebook page:

DUGOUT RULES: Each team is allowed no more than THREE (3) coaches in the dugout, (Only umpires can call “time”; managers, coaches, and players may request “time”.) Managers and coaches along with players not participating in the field of play shall remain within the fenced area of the dugout once the game has begun. Any player, manager, or coach not following this rule will be warned. Further violations from any person on the warned team during that game will result in immediate of the person in violation. Parents are not allowed on the field at any time.

Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 14 COMMUNICATION: All league members should follow our official league website and Facebook page. The league will continually post important information on both locations including rain-outs, reschedules, and more. The league may also elect to e-mail and text message members of the league. By being a part of the league, this activity is accepted by the member. Members may elect to opt out of text messages if desired.

League Web-site:

Facebook Page: Sienna Plantation Youth Baseball - Facebook Page



RUN RULE: There is no run rule for T-Ball

MINIMUM NUMBER OF PLAYERS: Teams will be allowed to play with a minimum of 5 players.

PER-INNING RUN RULE: There is no maximum-runs-per-inning rule or run rule. • Base coaches for each half of the inning will act as umpires and calls CANNOT be protested. • Only players, coaches, managers, and team moms are allowed in the dugouts during game. • There is no official score kept for T-Ball games.

OFFENSE: • Every player bats in each inning (round-robin). When every batter has batted the inning is over regardless of outs or runs scored. • The batting order is reversed every inning: bat 1-10 in inning #1, bat 10-1 in inning #2, etc. • Batter is allowed 5 swings or strikes with unlimited fouls on 5th ball. • The batter will be allowed a maximum of two bases on a hit (not on an overthrow). The batter is free to go to second if the ball has not yet reached the first baseman. • If three outs are recorded before a team gets through their batting order, the bases must be cleared then the team will continue to bat until all players in the lineup have an at-bat in the inning. • Base runners can only leave base after the ball is hit. • A batted ball must reach the grass encircling the front of the home plate to be considered a fair ball. If the ball does not reach this grass area, it is a “foul” ball.

DEFENSE: • All players play defense; Five (5) infield positions, and the remaining players in the outfield. There will be no catchers, and one pitcher who must stand even or behind pitcher’s rubber. • Rotate player positions after every inning. • No infield fly rule. • No infielder will be positioned in the base path. • No infielder will be positioned in front of the imaginary line between first base and third base.

Ruling Play Dead:

Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 15 With no official umpire, play will be ruled dead by the coaches once a meaningful attempt to return the ball to the pitcher’s mound has been made.

SINGLE A - COACH PITCH DIVISION (6U) BATTING: Early Season (first four games): Each batter will be allowed 5 pitches and then they will be provided a tee (if desired) for 1 swing. Foul balls will be considered an out on the last swing / pitch. This format will be conducted up to a certain date each season. The DC will provide the official date to the coaches in which the rule will change to the “Late Season” format described below.

Late Season: Each batter will be allowed 5 pitches. If the batter fouls the 5th pitch, they will be given 1 extra pitch. Fouling the 6th pitch will be considered an out. No tees are allowed in this format.

RUN RULE PER INNING: 5 runs per inning.

INFIELD PLAY: All players must play 2 innings (6 outs) in an infield position by the end of the 4th inning.

SITTING OUT INNINGS: For divisions that sit players on defense, no player can sit out consecutive defensive innings, or sit out more than two innings in a 6-inning game unless it is due to sickness or injury.

OVERTHROWS: 6U will restrict 1 base on an overthrow per play. The runner can advance at their peril and can be thrown out. If the defense attempts to throw the advancing runner out and a subsequent overthrow happens, the runner may no longer advance. This is NOT a 1 base per overthrow, it is 1 base maximally after the 1st overthrow.


RUN RULE PER INNING: 5 runs per inning.

INFIELD PLAY: All players must play 2 innings (6 outs) in an infield position by the end of the 4th inning.

OVERTHROWS: 7U will restrict 1 base on an overthrow per play. The runner can advance at their peril and can be thrown out. If the defense attempts to throw the advancing runner out and a subsequent overthrow happens, the runner may no longer advance. This is NOT a 1 base per overthrow, it is 1 base maximally after the 1st overthrow.

8U will not follow an overthrow rule; the defense will be required to stop the lead runner and stop meaningful play following Nations rules.

SITTING OUT INNINGS: For divisions that sit players on defense, no player can sit out consecutive defensive innings, or sit out more than two innings in a 6-inning game unless it is due to sickness or injury.

Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 16

KID PITCH DIVISION- MINOR, MAJOR AND JUNIORS 9-10 Year-old, 11-12 Year-old, and 13-15 year-old

INFIELD PLAY: • All players must play 1 inning (3 outs) in an infield position by the end of the 4th inning for minors and majors division. • Juniors division requires all players must play 2 innings (6 outs) in an infield position by the end of the 4th inning.

RUN RULE PER INNING: 5 runs per inning.

INFIELD PLAY: Any manager not achieving the Infield play requirements for his division in any game for any reason other than injury, sickness or a player leaving the game early or arriving late, will be subject to an automatic forfeiture. There will be no warnings given for a first infraction. A Manager may be excused from this rule if a player’s parents request that their child not play in the infield for safety reasons.

In the Minors (9-10U) and Majors divisions (11-12U), a pitcher is considered to have played a full inning in the infield after he has thrown twenty (20) pitches or faced four (4) batters. After the pitcher has thrown 20 pitches or has faced four batters, he may be removed as the pitcher of record and move to an outfield position or to the bench without violating the infield play requirements.

PITCHING LIMITS: The pitching week is Monday through Sunday. (12:00 AM Monday thru 11:59 PM Sunday).

9-12U: Pitchers can pitch a maximum of 6 outs per game and 18 outs maximum per day. Pitchers must have 48 hours of rest if they pitched 18 outs on the same calendar day before pitching again. A pitcher who has pitched 6 outs in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that game.

13-15U: Pitchers can pitch a maximum of 6 outs per game and 18 outs maximum per day. Pitchers must have 48 hours of rest if they pitched 18 outs on the same calendar day before pitching again. A pitcher who has pitched 6 outs in a game cannot play the position of catcher for the remainder of that game.

15U Players must pitch from 60’ (Back Rubber). The 13-14U players can choose either 54’ (Front Rubber) or 60’ (Back Rubber).

If three outs are not recorded in an inning (when the per inning run limit is reached prior to the third out being recorded), the pitcher of record when the inning ends will be charged with the remaining inning’s outs (maximum of three if no other pitcher recorded an out) towards his pitching limit.

PITCHING RECORDS: Both coaches should verify the information on the umpire game card. Both coaches MUST sign the umpire game card at the conclusion of the game.

Revised January 15th, 2019 Page | 17 If the Opposing coach wishes to see a team’s pitching record he can request information from the Board of Directors. Once the game starts the opposing coach has accepted that all pitchers are legal. If a coach wishes to file a protest, the coach should follow the protest procedure where he notifies the umpire in charge and the BMOD.

Penalty for exceeding the pitching limits either in a single game or for a week is forfeiture of the game being played. (Ex: Pitcher 1 for Team A in 9U pitches 6 outs and remains in the game. If the team records the 7th out prior to the pitcher being removed the game, the game will be played under protest providing the opposing coach brings this to attention of the umpires and follows the “protest” procedures. The opposing coach has until a new pitcher has taken the mound and has thrown 1 pitch to appeal to the umpires. After 1 pitch is thrown by a new pitcher the right to appeal is removed.

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