Faraid Head

Balnakiel Whiten Head Church Smoo Cave Rocks from the dawn of time... Sandwood Bay

Granite, syenite, porphyry: Our unique Coarse igneous rocks, rich in feldspar Getting here: and quartz; various ages. A Guide to the The Geopark is just Durness Limestone: The North West Highlands Geopark contains Loch over an hour’s drive Pale and dark grey limestone, commonly with a striking array of different rock types; these are caves, clints and grykes; c. 480 million years old. North West Highlands from , Inverness the building blocks of the Geopark’s landscape Basal and Pipe Rock: Cranstackie along a choice of White to pink quartzite with worm burrows Aberdeen but they are also the building blocks of . UNESCO Global Geopark spectacular routes. ('pipes') in the Pipe Rock; c. 500 million years old. Rhinconich Loch Starting at 3 billion years old, our Lewisian Gneiss Perth Torridonian Sandstone: There are flights, is the oldest rock in . Red-brown, coarse sandstone; trains and buses to c. 1000 million years old. Lewisian Gneiss Torridonian Sandstone Tarbert Inverness and local Glasgow The Geopark also contains the earliest evidence Moine Rocks: Handa buses to , , Metamorphosed sandstones and Island of life to be found anywhere in Europe. These mudstones; c. 980 million years old. Scourie Kinlochbervie and Durness. simple-celled algal life forms (stromatolites) occur Lewisian Gneiss: Ben Stack in Torridonian Sandstone rock strata dated at A stripy, pink to grey-green rock, with For more travel details visit www.nwhgeopark.com distinct Scourie Dykes. At c. 3000 million 1.2 billion years old. Loch a Mhuilinn NNR or contact traveline scotland at years old the oldest rocks of Britain. 0871 200 2233 www.travelinescotland.com Eddrachillis Quarzites and pipe rocks represent an ancient Bay Point of white sandy beach and intertidal zone respectively; Old Man Boat trips Contact us: look out for 500 million year old worm burrows! of Stoer North West Highlands Geopark Ltd Drumbeg The Rock Stop, Unapool, Kylesku, Beinn Leoid Durness limestone produces some of the Pipe Rock Limestone Stoer IV27 4HW most spectacular cave systems in Britain and Eas a' Chual Aluinn - 01971 488765 Beach and Waterfall good agricultural land. Thrust faults Beach [email protected] www.nwhgeopark.com Ardcreck Castle NWH Geopark Boundary Igneous rocks produced by magma occur in Local information: discrete areas across the Geopark and have been Culag Woods Inchnadamph www..com www.kinlochbervie.info key to understanding continental collisions. Magma Rubha Coigeach Falls of Kirkaig www.assynt.info www.durness.org The Bone at Ledmore baked the surrounding limestone, Caves www.scourie.co.uk www.visitsutherland.org Enard bay producing a brilliant white and green marble.

Achnahaird Sands Visit Cul Mor Moine rocks began as sea bed sediments and ‘’ over the past billion years were metamorphosed Rock Puzzzle, Elphin Knockan Crag to find out more, Hydroponicum into schist. A continental collision half a billion see inner map Knockan Geological map by: years ago forced up these sediments into the (boat trips) Visitor for location. Centre Caledonian mountain chain, which stretched Ben More Coigach across what are now North America and Norway! Moine Thrust What is a Geopark?

Geoparks are community organisations set up In our UNESCO Global Geopark… by people in areas with unique landscapes that have international geological significance and rich cultural heritage. Earth Science Exhibition Knockan Crag Geotours and

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Come to the Rock Stop to find out more about The jewel in the crown of the North West Highlands Ranger Walks Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) set up a new Geoparks, how the landscape of the North West Geopark – one of our finest ‘geo-sites’. Find out programme in 2015 to recognise the achievements Highlands was forged and what makes the area how mountains are made and why this corner of Throughout the year the North West Highlands of these communities and significance of their so special. Scotland is so special for Geologists all over the Geopark, Council Countryside Rangers and landscapes. There are over 100 Geoparks around world! A family friendly (unmanned) visitor centre Scottish Natural Heritage run guided walks and talks. the world designated as UNESCO Global Geoparks You can get hands on with our Augmented Reality managed by Scottish Natural Heritage as a National Ask at the Rock Stop or check our website for The Rock Stop and the number is growing each year. Sandbox, discover in 3D how water and ice can Nature Reserve. See inner map for location. forthcoming events. Cafe, Craft Shop and shape mountains. Find out how the white sandy The North West Highlands Geopark was set up in beaches of the North West Highlands are formed Earth Science Exhibition 2004 and is run by members of each of the seven and discover the fascinating microscopic world of community councils within its boundaries. Funded beach sand! The Rock Stop is the North West Highlands by small grants from the Scottish Government and Geopark’s visitor centre and central hub. Join us for other sponsors, it exists to promote the region, boost See far right for further details about the some great coffee, locally sourced light meals and the local economy and look after the landscape. Rock Stop and inner map for location. cake and browse our craftshop to see a selection of work from local artisans. Enjoy our free WiFi, and have a look around our Earth Science exhibition

We act as a tourist information centre, collecting local information such as walking route leaflets, events info, local heritage information and outdoor activity providers.

We are hiker, cyclist and motorcyclist friendly!

Directions: The Rock Stop is located in Unapool, on the A894, 1 mile north of the Drumbeg turnoff, and 1 mile south of the Kylesku bridge. Keep an eye out for the purple signs on the building!

Opening hours: To keep up to date with our opening hours visit: www.nwhgeopark.com/plan-your-visit/rockstop /therockstop For a full list of activities, services The Geopark’s communities... and accommodation in each community, see ‘local information’, Durness & Cape Wrath on the back cover R Rock Route An ancient stronghold of the . Sandy of this leaflet. beaches, shops, 24hr fuel, puffins, an old church, Pebble Route craft village, a good walking network (guide book Highlight available in the shops) and mini-bus trips (summer Cape Wrath only) to the furthest North-Westerly tip of the Viewpoint Faraid mainland UK. Visit Smoo Cave, an enormous Head NWH Geopark Boundary limestone cavern where you can take a short boat trip into a cave system, or search for the rare Balnakiel Beach and Church Whiten Head Scottish primrose and sea-birds at . Cape Wrath Mini Bus R Smoo Cave Kinlochbervie Sandwood Bay Stroll around Scotland’s most North-Westerly fishing port or enjoy a walk along Oldshoremore R beach – a haven for wildflowers. A walk to A838 A838 To Driving Routes Sandwood bay is a longer stretch of the legs but Oldshoremore well worth the effort for the sense of wide-open There are many popular driving routes in the seas and seclusion. Kinlochbervie has shops, pony KINLOCHBERVIE North West Highlands Geopark. The ‘Rock Route’ trekking, sea-kayaking and a fuel station (not 24hr). A836 is a Scottish Natural Heritage route with landscape B801 TONGUE Cranstackie To interpretation whilst ‘Pebble Routes’ will take you off the main roads to explore the sights and communities of the region. The ‘’ Scourie Kylesku Loch Laxford also snakes the length of the Geopark. R Pick up a copy of the ‘Paths around Scourie’ leaflet & Glencoul R Foinaven to find some great walking routes or visit Handa TARBERT Rock Route: Island, see some fascinating seabird colonies and Eas an Chual Aluinn, the www.snh.gov.uk/docs/A917769.pdf UK’s highest waterfall, Handa explore the remains of an abandoned township Island Pebble Routes: dating to the 1800s. Seek out some Bronze Age trail and mountain walks Arkle www.nwhgeopark.com/pebbles as well as the Rock Stop SCOURIE remains behind Scourie village. There are shops North Coast 500: Visitor Centre. and 24hr fuel in Scourie village. www.northcoast500.com

Loch a’ Mhuilinn © Ronnie Lansley Woodlands ACHFARY Ben Stack Assynt & Lochinver A894 Eriboll, Tongue Fishing and Boat Trips Lochinver is the main township in Assynt and Eddrachillis Point of Stoer Bay R & Melness The crystal clear waters in our region produce here you will find shops and services including Old Man A838 excellent angling opportunities. Permits are usually fuel (not 24hr). The harbour is busy and on the of Stoer KYLESKU Boat trips Loch Eriboll is over 100m deep in places and available or guided excursions can be arranged To Lairg has been used by the Navy as anchorage for edge of town you can explore the meandering DRUMBEG by local providors (see www.nwhgeopark.com R Rock over a century. Visit the limekilns on a peculiar paths of Culag woods. B869 for more information). Explore the coast and Stop spit of land called Ard Neackie or walk up to an loch systems by boat (summer only) around STOER incredibly well preserved prehistoric wheel house. Visit stunning sandy beaches at Achmelvich and Clachtoll the Summer Isles, Lochinver, Glen Coul, Handa, Beach and Broch Quinag Clachtoll and see ripple marks in the sandstone A894 Eas a’ Chual Aluinn Kinlochbervie and Cape Wrath. and evidence of a meteroite impact at Stoer. R – Waterfall If you’re heading east, Tongue and Melness Achmelvich Beach Little An Iron Age broch stands ruined at Clachtoll Assynt have shops and fuel (not 24hr). The landscape and walks around Glen Leraig lead to 18th Ardvreck is dominated by Castle Bharraich, whose origins A837 Castle and Accessible paths century archaeology. are steeped in mystery. LOCHINVER R There are several wheelchair and buggy friendly Culag The Geopark’s eastern boundary, the Moine South of Lochinver you can walk along to Woods paths in the North West Highlands Geopark. Canisp INCHNADAMPH Thrust butts up against the , one falls or adventure up Assynt’s Inverkirkaig Little Assynt trail includes accessible fishing and R of the most important wetlands in Europe. iconic hill, Suilven. Rubha Coigeach Suilven Loch a’Mhuilinn woods is partially tarmac. Falls of R The path up to the Rock Room at Knockan Enard bay Kirkaig The Bone Caves Crag is also possible for wheel-chair users. Achnahaird A837 The Summer Isles Sands Inchnadamph & Coigach & Elphin Access & Good Stac Pollaidh Cul Mor ELPHIN Experience the tranquility of the Summer Isles R R The limestone around Inchnadamph and Elphin Fieldwork Codes Boat trips ACHILTIBUIE from the Coigach shore or by boat. Tanera Mor, creates a green landscape and some spectacular Hydroponicum We encourage all visitors, including researchers, to the largest of the Summer Isles, has its own post A835 cave systems. The Bone Caves have produced A837 be good stewards of our landscape and geological office and prints its own special stamps. There Summer some of the oldest animal remains in Scotland Isles heritage by following the Scottish Outdoor Access, are crafts, fuel (not 24hr), shops and services in Ben More Coigach and the River Caves in Glen Traligill are popular To Lairg Geological Coring and and Fossil codes: Coigach; Achiltibuie is the biggest settlement. with experienced cavers. www.tinyurl.com/je3br2n R Knockan Crag National Nature Rock climbing is very popular for experienced Reserve Visitor Visit the Peach and Horne monument on the climbers along at Reiff and Stac Pollaidh is popular Centre shores of , a tribute to the Victorian with hill walkers; both are made from Torridonian To Ullapool geologists who mapped the region during the Sandstone which weathers into incredible torrs, 19th century. Ardvreck castle sits upon a spit pinnacles and ledges. Achnahaird has a lovely of land in the Loch and has been constructed white sandy beach and there are Bronze Age using many different rock types – see how hut circles to hunt for on the moors. 8km / 5miles many you can spot!