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A Jewish Priest from Secularjew Ish War Refugeeto Physicistand Episcopalclergyman Con£ essions of a Jewish Priest From SecularJew ish War Refugeeto Physicistand EpiscopalClergyman ISBN 0-8298-1695-X • Cloth with jacket • $25.00 A spiritual and theological autobiograph y of a scientist 's search for religiou s identit y. Order from your Episcopa l bookseller or 1 THE A91,.PILGRIM rm PRESS® Phone : 800.537.3394 (M-F, 8:30am-4 :30pm, ET) Fax: 216.736.2206 • www. thepilgrimp ress.com Allow $5.00 shipping for first book, 75¢. each additio nal book. When ordering by phone, please mention Promotion Code TLCOS. Jv ING CHURCH independentweekly serving iscopalianssince 1878 era/ Manager 1 Schuessler w_qingEditor .ve Waring ·s Editor ricia C. Nakamura k awl J/usic Editor y Grau phic Artist Parker il/111entManager ee Weber keting!PromotionDirector chael O'Loughlin ctor of AssociatedPubticatians I ARDOF DIRECTORS e Rev. ThomasA. Fraser iverside, Ill. (President) riam K. Stauff auwalosa,Wis . (VicePresid ent) e Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Sleenson buquerque,N.M. (Sec retary) ward M. Tischler buquerque, N.M.( Treasurer) Rt. Rev. Bertram N. Herlong ashville,Tenn . e Rev. GaryW. Kriss ambridge,N.Y. lie! Muth 1ince Frede1ick,Md. mas Riley e1ma,Va. s AugustaD. Roddis arshfield,Wis. itorial and Business offices: 6 E. Juneau Avenue [waukee, WI 53202-2793 iling address: P.O. Box 514036 waukee, WI 53203-3436 ephone: 414-276-5420 x: 41-l-276-7483 mail: [email protected] .livi..ngchurch.org SCRlPTSAND PHOTOGRAPHS: THE Ln - Hrnn1cannot assume responsibilityfor the rn of photosor manuscripts Ll\lN1;CHl'Rc'H 1s published every wee.k, d Sunday, by the LivmgChurch Foundation. , al 816 E. Juneau Ave., ~Wwaukee, \\,1 2 Perindtrals postage paid at aukee, WI SCRIPTION RATES:$42.50 for one year; .50 for 18 months: $80.00 for two years. iadian postage an adclitional $ I 5.08 per year; can rate $!!1.24,aU other foreign, $24.96 year Th!ASTER Send address changesto Tue r. CHrnn,.PO. Box 514036,Milwaukee, WI 03-3436 Ll\1NG CHURCH(ISSN 0024-5240) is pub­ eelhy THE LfVINGC HURCH FOUNDATION. .. a non•profilorganization sen,ng the ch. AUgills lo the Foundation are tax­ luctible. 5 The Living Church Pow1dallon,Inc. Allrights rvecl.No reproductionm wholeor part can be e wiU'tout pe1mis.sionof Tm:u,·1N<l C'11trnc11. Number 14 ForDevotional Reading SermonPreparation SUNDAY'SREADINGS Philip Secor & Lee Gibbs THEWISDOM OF RICHARDHOOKER A Vineyardfor Mauritania 'The kingdom will be given to those who ... ' (Matt. 21:43) The2oth Sunday After Pentecost (Proper 22A}, Oct. 2, 2005 BCP: Isaiah 5:1-7; Psalm 80 or 80:7-14; Phil. 3:14-21; Matt. 21 :33-43 RCL: Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 or Isaiah 5:1-7; Psalm 19 or Psalm 80:7-14; Phil. 3:4b-14; Matt. 21 :33-46 The lessons for today tell how God Church will face judgment. Jesus wants us to order our ways and find his doesn't use that word, but his SELECTIONSFROM blessing. The theme is clear: "Go to description gives definition to the term. HOOKER'SWRITINGS Mauritania and start an effort there "I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a WI11l TOPICAL INDEX which will result in a vibrant church." You know - Mauritania. That huge people who will produce its fruit" Timelessgems .from our major theologian. land mass just south of Western Sahara, (Matt. 21:41). To order: send check for $17 west of Mali and north of Senegal. Does That's why the effort to plant made to Philip Secor to: that help? A land of 2.7 million people churches in Mauritania will bring Secor, 1921 Pine Ct., and almost all (99 percent) Muslim. blessing. But why Mauritania? It has no Hellertown,PA 18055. Seeing a church get started there is the strategic value, no terrorists' camps, no Also still available, Lord's priority for the Church. That will oil, not even an undecided primate, just Secor's acclaimed biography: place his blessing above us and within a huge population which doesn't know Rich11rdHooker Prophet of Anglicanism us. about Christ. $30. Shipping included. That's what the lessons tell us. Here's Mauritania represents neglect. Search how: for Anglican missionaries there, God likens Israel to a vineyard. That Anglican churches, Anglican short-term imagery pervades all the lessons. In the trips, Anglican plans for mission there. Lord's parable the owner expects to see Search - and go fish! Nothing. his vineyard produce fruit, a harvest. Mauritania represents the harvest we That figures. A vineyard is not like a have refused. God will walk away from The Wisdomof mass of morning glories which displays us. Or we can repent and start work great beauty and color. A vineyard is for there (Matt. 21:43). the BenedictineElders grapes, for bottles of juice and wine. The issue about Mauritania increases Thirty of America'sOldest Monks The Church, as the vineyard, receives in importance because it is not our and Nuns ShareTheir Lives' a charge, the expectation of the Lord of issue. We know other issues (mainly GreatestMoments the vineyard - "Produce a harvest!" one), but those are not about the MARKW. MCGINNIS God wants the Church to take what he vineyard and the harvest. The harvest Forewordby Joan Chittister has given - grace and the Holy Spirit of the vineyard is the Lord's first BlueBridge, 0-9742405-3-2 pb $14.95 - and bring in a harvest. That means priority. The others are second, or telling others the good news so they can maybe third, maybe even 12th. But this "This book is a enter his kingdom. is first. Mauritania, and places like it, wise one. May it There is one added piece. If the mark the path to God's blessing upon engender in all of us the wisdom to Church fails to bring a harvest, the our Church. ask what we are missing ... the wisdom of age." LookIt Up - JOAN CH/TT/STER How do the conclusions of the gospels reinforce the priority of the Church and its harvest? "This is a beautiful book to cherish." ThinkAbout It - BENETTVEDTEN Check out the culture, the lifestyles, and the history of Mauritania. What is there that endears its people to the Lord - and could endear them to us? Part graceful memoir, part sacred legacy, this is a vibrant and deeply moving NextSunday portrait of monastic life in America today. The21st Sundayafter Pentecost(Proper 23A}, Oct. 9, 2005 BCP: Isaiah 25:1-9; Psalm 23; Phil. 4:4-13; Matt. 22:1-14 Now available BlueBridge at all bookstores .....---......, RCL: Exodus 32:1-14 or Isaiah 25:1-9; Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23; or Psalm 23; Phil. 4:1-9; Matt. 22:1-14 4 THE LIVING CHURCH · OCTOBER 2. 2005 BOOKS FranciscanPrayer ential will no doubt have broad appeal she attempted to destroy God's fol­ By Ilia Delio, O.S.F. St. Anthony Messenger in the current age, it is well worth not­ lowers both by murdering prophets Press. Pp. 198. $12.95. ISBN 0-86716-614-2 . ing, and the reader is reminded at and by opposing Elijah with her blood­ Sister Ilia Delio of the points in the narrative , that all th irsty violence. Jezebel defrauded Washington Theological three principals were medieval Naboth of his vineyard and arranged Union consults Sts. Fran­ Christians whose devotion was his murder . Later, Revelation 2 refers cis, Clare, and Bonaven­ entire ly to the God who reveals to Jezeb el as the symbol of spiritual ture for particulars on hin1self in scripture and the life fornication . htl1<u0uldoctl'r.olh prayer in the Franciscan of the Church. A book to inspire In order to portray I EZ EBEL tradition , which, alas, has imitation of Fran cis in his imita­ this murd erous Portraits of a Queen not been much noted for tion of Christ. manipulator , Profes­ this aspect of religious Dan Muth sor Dutch er-Walls life. Francis' winsome Princ e Frederick, Md. uses two tools: narra­ exuberance, Clare's insightful devo­ tive criticism and soci­ tion, and Bonaventure's acad emic wis­ ological criticism. The dom balanc e and supplement each Jezebel author emphas izes other handsomely . Portraitsof a Queen clear ly the intricate interfaces The author contrasts the Francis can By Patricia Dutcher-Walls . Edited by Barbara plot from the tin1e of .....GI_ f ... tradition 's cross-centered , affective Green . Liturgical Press. Pp. 158. $14.95. Ahab and Jezebel 's initial meeting turn with the more contemplative, ISBN 0-8146-5150-X . through the moment of Jezebe l's scripture-orient ed approach of the Bible readers have encountered assassination . She succeeds in reveal- Benedictines , whose cloistered Queen Jezebel , a corrupt , shrewish, ing the power of Elijah over Jezebel lifesty le contrasts with the more homi cidal bully married to Israel's and the infinite power of Elijah's true worldly accessibility of the friars King Ahab. Although Ahab believed in God over Jezebel's false god, Baal. minor . While the focus on the experi- Yal1weh, Jezebe l worshiped Baal, and Readers exper ience a scholarly (Continued on next page) Chet Raymo Isabel Anders The Soul of the Night: An Awaiting the Child: An Astronomical Pilgrimage Advent Journal 1-56101-238-6 $15.95 1-56101-238-6 $14.95 Chet Raymo Jeremy Young Honey From Stone: A The Cost of Certainty Naturalist's Search for God 1-56101-235-1 $15.95 1-56101-232-7 $17.95 Bill McKibben Alan Bartlett The Comforting Whirlwind: God, Job, and the Scale of Humane Christianity Creation 1-56101-234-3 $13.95 1-56101-230-0 $18.95 OCTOBER 2.
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